EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM International Journal of Human Capital Management E-ISSN 2580-9164 Vol. 1, No.2 , December 2017, p 74-85 Available online at http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/ijhcm 74 Copyright © 2017, PPs UNJ Publisher THE EVALUATION OF EDUCATION PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION ON HEAD OF INDONESIAN REPUBLIC BANK UNIT Afrizal Y*, Bedjo Sujanto**, Ma’ruf Akbar*** Indonesian Republic Bank State University of jakarta State University of Jakarta afrizal_y@yahoo.com bedjosujanto@unj.ac.id makrufakbar@unj.ac.id Abstract This study aims to evaluate education programs head of Indonesia Republic Bank (BRI) Unit head in Pekanbari Regional Office at BRI Corporate University Padang. The study conducted for six months (October 2015 up to March 2016) using Contex,Input, Process,Product (CIPP) evaluation model. The results showed that educational programs of head of BRI Unitis already well underway in accordance with the educational programs that have been compiled. Nevertheless, it is necessary to evaluate on the improvement of the competence of the Head of BRI in the workplace after attending the educational process and the impact of education programs to the banking business. Recommendations are given for the improvement of the education programs is to revise the Instructional Systems Design so that the effectiveness of the educational program after participants return to their bases can be evaluated. Keywords: Evaluation, CIPP Model, Educational Program, Indonesia Republic Bank Competitive banking business competition in Indonesia causes all players in this sector must continuously improve service to its customers. Bank BRI as one of the state-owned banks that have the widest network seeks to improve the competence of its human resources for excellent service to customers, especially at the level of BRI Unit as the front line of BRI bank customer service network.Increased competence of BRI Unit Head has been done by BRI bank regularly and continuously in educational institutions owned. Educational programs are developed and applied in order to improve the factual competence of BRI Unit Head with the expected competence in performing their duties and responsibilities that will affect BRI's bank business. According to Bramley, an educational program is said to be effective if the outcome supports the achievement of organizational goals, improving the capability of human resources, satisfying consumers or improving internal processes (Detty, 2009). While Wang and Drewry stated that the effectiveness of education depends on educational materials, participants, widyaiswara, and learning process (Rashid and Jusoff, 2010). One of the weak points of the implementation of educational programs is at the evaluation stage which is less comprehensive and does not cover all dimensions of educational elements involved. In fact, the effectiveness of the education program needs to be evaluated in order to: (a) determine the level of progress of the training implementation, (b) find the promoting and inhibiting factors of training implementation, (c) find deviations or misleading the training, and (d) obtain materials for the preparation of improvement suggestions, change, cessation, or extension of training (Fauzi, 2011). Evaluation is the activity of giving value to a phenomenon with certain considerations. Evaluation is a comparison between observation value and standard criteria (Mustopadidjaya, 2005, Phillips, 1991, Arikunto and Jabar, 2004; Gopal, 2008; Stufflebeam, 1971). Evaluation is defined as mailto:afrizal_y@yahoo.com mailto:bedjosujanto@unj.ac.id International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 75 the determination of the extent to which a program reaches its intended purpose (Boulmetis and Dutwin, 2000).In general, people assume mistakenly that the evaluation of educational programs is only done at the end of program implementation only. Though evaluation is a link in the education system since the planning process (need assessment), implementation (monitoring), the end of the program, and post the program. The core of evaluation is the provision of information as a material improvement of the next program (Stufflebeam and Shinkfield, 1985; Stark and Thomas, 1994; Widoyoko, 2012). An educational program is said to succeed if students are able to follow the education well and can apply new competencies so that there is an increase in performance, both individuals and organizations (Alwi, 2001). Rae (2005), emphasizes more on measuring the impact and impact of educational programs on individual practice on their work and duties. According to him, evaluation of educational programs is useful for management, among others, to: (1) justify the investment of educational programs, (2) ensure that education makes changes to individuals and organizations. The opinion of experts above implies that the evaluation process will lead to recommendations for decision making (decision maker). According to Arikunto and Jabar (2009), there are four possible policies that can be made based on the evaluation of program implementation, namely: (1) discontinue the program because the program is not useful or can not be done properly, (2) revise the program on (3) continuing the program because the program is running as expected and delivering useful results, and (4) spreading the program by implementing programs that have succeeded elsewhere or repeating the program on another time. Sentra Pendidikan (Sendik) BRI Padang is one of BRI Bank's education places that regularly conducts education process. Educational evaluation held at Sendik BRI Padang has not been optimally implemented to find the weak points of education program implementation. Various shortcomings are still complained by the alumni, students, teachers, and staff, for example: (1) education programs are generally off the job training, so that learners often difficult to divide the time between follow education and finish work according to target set by the leadership; (2) the quality of teachers who are not yet optimal because they are not yet specialized; (3) the students' graduation rate is quite high, but there is no evaluation on the application of educational outcomes in their work environment. In relation to the above background, "Evaluation of Education Program Implementation of BRI Head of BRI Unit Unit at Pekanbaru at BRI Padang Education Center (Sendik) BRI Padang" become interesting to investigate. The formulation of problem in this research is aimed to assess the effectiveness of education program for BRI Head Unit Pekanbaru Kanwil with the focus of research as follows: (1) What background behind the holding of education programs for the Head of BRI Unit ?; (2) How is the readiness of the input of Education Program of BRI Head of Unit to be implemented ?; (3) How is the suitability of the process of implementing the education program of BRI Head Unit in accordance with the program that has been prepared ?; (4) How are the results achieved during and after the BRI Unit head education program implemented? The four formulation of the above research problems were analyzed using CIPP Evaluation Model (Context, Input, Process, Product). According to Stufflebeam (1971), there are three important points in the evaluation: (1) evaluation is understood as a continuous systematic process, (2) the evaluation process includes the formulation of educational issues, obtaining relevant information, and providing recommendations to decision-makers. The CIPP model assists the management of education to assess or evaluate the context (background), input (program plan prepared and relevant resource support), the process (the stage of action taken), and the product (benefits gained) of a learning process. All these things must be interconnected (Figure 1). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 76 Figure 1. Key components of CIPP and its relationship with the evaluation of educational programs (Stufflebeam and Shinkfield, 2007) Figure 1 shows that the core values of the CIPP evaluation model vary according to the evaluation stage. In context evaluation, the purpose of the institution is a key consideration to be assessed. Input evaluation assesses how an educational program is organized or planned. Execution of the program is assessed at the stage of the process, whether it has been in accordance with the plan that has been prepared. Finally what benefits are derived from an educational program, assessed at the product stage. Arikunto and Jabar (2008) describe every aspect of evaluation in CIPP as follows: (1) Evaluation of context, ie evaluators reveal the problems underlying the existence of the program; (2) Input evaluation, which is an assessment of the strategy, work plan, budget, and approach chosen for the implementation of a program; (3) Evaluate the process prioritizing the recording and monitoring activities of a program's journey; (4) Product evaluation, is a step to identify short, medium and long term results. CIPP is a model that is often used today by education evaluators because the model is somewhat objective and effective in terms of view of a program. For example, Kuo et al. (2010) examines the nanotechnology engineering curriculum using the CIPP evaluation model. In his research developed the evaluation matrix of CIPP assessment especially to emphasize the importance of the teaching process. This research begins by evaluating the nano-tech curriculum in technical education using the CIPP matrix. After interviewing the technical education teacher, the CIPP assessment matrix of the nano-technology curriculum was revised and submitted for review by a panel of experts. By combining expert panel advice and user curriculum feedback, the researchers recommend a matrix that is the reference for the design of the engineering curriculum. Azizi (2001) examines the use of the CIPP evaluation model to assess the learning program. The CIPP evaluation model turns out to make it easier to decide whether the program should be continued, improvised, improved, or even discontinued.Parmadi et al. (2013) evaluates the students' self-development program of Junior High School by using Kwadran Glickman as a categorization reference. The result of the research concludes that the implementation of self-development program of junior high school students in terms of context, input, process, and product is effective.King (2008) in his dissertation that the theme of evaluation of character education program for elementary school students recommend that schools should be more involved in the election, development, and program planning in the future. International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 77 METHOD This research uses CIPP evaluation model which is carried out for six months from October 2015 until March 2016. The purpose of research in general is to evaluate education program of BRI Head Unit of BRI Pekanbaru Regional Office on BRI Padang Sendik. Specifically, the purpose of this study is as follows: (1) knowing the background of the education program, (2) knowing the input of education program, (3) knowing the process of implementation of the education program, and (4) knowing the results achieved during and after education programs. The study used an evaluative approach with a phenomenological research design based on the subjectivist point of view of tineliti or informant in a natural setting without any intervention from the researcher (Herdiansyah, 2011). The subjects of this study were the Head of Education Division of BRI (1 person), BRI Padang (1 person), widyaiswara (3 persons), education participants (5 persons), and alumni (3 persons). Data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Research instruments in the form of observation guides and interview guides were prepared to facilitate field data collection. Information comes from the archive of documents, letters, and relevant reports from Sendik BRI Padang. Test validity (validity) data in this study include test credibility, reliability, and objectivity. Testing credibility or trust in data is done with extension of observation, increased perseverance in research, and discussion with peers. Reliability testing is done by repeating / replicating the research process that has been done. Meanwhile, objectivity testing or confirmability is performed by indicating whether the data obtained has been agreed upon by many people. The data and information obtained are systematically analyzed. Technical analysis of data in this study using interactive analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman (1992). Data analysis process using an interactive model is done by presenting and reducing data simultaneously after completion of data collection process. Conclusion is a process of interpretation with a logical interpretation. If the conclusion is deemed inadequate, then re-analysis of data has been collected, reduced, and presented beforehand, or even collected back the required data. Thus, the data collection and analysis activity is a cycle until the research is completed (Figure 2). Figure 2. Interactive Model Data Analysis Procedure (Miles and Huberman, 1992). RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Background and Strategy of Education Program of BRI Head Unit The main foundation of the education and training program of BRI Head Unit is the vision and mission of Bank BRI. The vision of Bank BRI is "to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction". To translate the vision, BRI Bank has three missions, including the second mission is "to provide excellent service to customers through a wide network Data collection Data reduction Conclusion Presentation of data International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 78 and supported by professional human resources and reliable information technology by implementing risk management and Good Corporate Governance GCG) is very good ". The vision and mission of BRI Bank will only be achieved if the human resources of Bank BRI are professional and have adequate competence. The human resource competencies are human resources with knowledge, skill, and attitude. Important position BRI Unit as the front line of BRI bank customer service operation network can not be denied. Therefore, providing the Head of BRI Unit with up-to-date business issues is a necessity that must be fulfilled so that BRI banks can continue to do business and avoid the risk of losses as early as possible. As the Director of Education and Training Division of BRI Bank. "... the business world is moving so fast that competition is getting tougher ... The BRI head unit must not only possess sufficient competence and knowledge but also must have good attitude and behavior. This is so that the banking business can grow well and good corporate governance can be enforced ". In order for the HR development process to fit the company's needs and business development, BRI Bank prepares the Public Policy of Education (KUPDIK) of BRI. The general policy will serve as a guideline for all BRI work units in order to achieve a planned, effective, efficient, targeted and sustainable education. In the KUPDIK BRI mentioned that philosophically education organized by BRI Bank aims to develop the competence of HR Bank BRI optimally in accordance with the ability of the company in order to support the achievement of corporate objectives in accordance with business development. The development of BRI's human resource competencies is carried out in order to: (1) meet competency gaps in line with business needs and company capabilities; (2) preparing the cadre of a competent company leader, possessing wide insight and mastering the field of duty which is his responsibility. This is where the role of quality development of BRI Unit Heads through education and training programs is important. The educational program is based on Instructional System Design (DSI), a systematic process in developing educational programs based on learning theories and principles. DSI is prepared for each type of educational program held by BRI, namely: (1) educational programs, (2) application education programs, and (3) development education programs. Special debriefing education is intended for prospective or new BRI Unit Heads serving as task orientation as unit head. Application education aims to increase the competence of head unit that must always be up to date about the development of legal and business aspects encountered. Meanwhile, development education is addressed to the Unit Head who will be promoted at a higher level of office. Simply the contextual position of the BRI Unit Head education program is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Head of BRI Training Unit as a derivative of BRI's vision and mission. 2. Input of Education Program Head of BRI Unit Vision And Mission BRI KUPDIK and DSI Head Education Programs BRI Unit International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 79 Organization and management education Education and training Head of BRI Unit of Kanwil Pekanbaru is one kind of education program held in Padang Education Center. The role of Padang Education Center can not be separated from the organization and management of BRI education as a whole. BRI Bank institutionally conducts educational programs involving all stakeholders from BRI Directors, Directors of Division, BRI Education and Training Division, BRI's Education Center (Sendik), and all other work units of Bank BRI's scope which have responsibility and authority respectively . Figure 4. Hierarchy and mechanism for proposing education programs Head of BRI Unit at BRI Padang Education Center. The education program for BRI Head of Unit of the Regional Office of BRI Pekanbaru at BRI Padang Education Center has been well implemented. This is not independent of the resources owned by BRI Padang Education Center. Currently, Sendik Padang is headed by a Head of Education Center assisted by 14 staff members, and 1 Academic and Education Division (AKP) supervisor or Learning Administration Operation (LAO) with 3 staff. The organizational structure of Padang Education Center as follows Figure 5. Organizational Structure of BRI Padang Education Center. To improve institutional capacity, in 2016, BRI Padang Education Center was renamed BRI Corporate University (BRI Corpu) of Padang in accordance with BRI Director's Decree NOKEP S.30-DIR / CDS / 03/2016 dated March 18, 2016. Changes in institutional status the cause in Sendik BRI Padang, which is as follows: 1. Less paperless learning. Module delivery to participants and the evaluation conducted online by using SIMDIK device is BRISmart, not manually anymore. Learning materials are defined from BRI Pusat. P ro p o se d T o I m p le m e n t A n d R e p o rt O n T h e I m p le m e n ta ti o n O f T h e P ro g ra m I n A c c o rd a n c e W it h K U P D IK a n d D S I e v a lu a te a n d a g re e to e sta b lish e d u c a tio n a l p ro g ra m s Directors of BRI Director in charge of BRI's training division Division of Training of BRI Sendi BRI Padang Headmaster instructor General Affair Academic and Educational Section(AKP) International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 80 2. Lesson material in application education program is more case study for problem solving for BRI Unit Head. Therefore learning system is landing learning (combiningin-class and problem solving). 3. All problem solving materials are discussed with competent resource persons, for example with the Head of BRI UnIt who excel. Input educational programs Education programs BRI Head Unit is prepared based on Instructional System Design (DSI) through ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Stages of Analysis, Design, and Development related to program program input, Implementation stage related to the implementation of the program, while the Evaluation stage is related to the evaluation of program outcome. a. Stages of Analysis (Analysis) The analysis was conducted to identify the gap between the competency targets and the actual competencies of the BRI Unit Head that influenced the performance. Educational programs are prepared taking into account the results of educational needs analysis, characteristic analysis of educational participants, as well as analysis of resources and working environment conditions. The framework of educational program analysis is presented in Figure 6. Figure 6. BRI's education program analysis framework.Source: DSI BRI Education for the Head of BRI Unit of Pekanbaru Regional Office is encouraged due to the needs of the organization and the existence of the gap between the expected competency targets and the competencies they have. Therefore, the purpose of education of BRI Unit Head is to improve the competence (skill, knowledge, attitude) to achieve the target of the determined competency (Table 1). Target Business List Of Job Descriptions performance Targets job competency profile Target Competence Gap Of Competence Educational Needs Proposed Educational Program Characteristics Of Education Participants Resources And Working Environment Conditions Actual Competence 1. observation 2. survey 3. work sempling 4. interview 5. FGD 6. Audit Findings 7. Development Results 8. Assessment International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 81 Table 1. Education needs analysis Head of BRI Unit. No. Needs Analysis Type of Education Debriefing Application Development 1. Educational needs Candidate Head of BRI Unit is expected to have the competence to work as the Head of BRI Unit Head of BRI Unit able to minimize the gap of competence of his position with the actual competence he has The head of the BRI Unit has competencies equivalent to the national bankers for career development 2. The purpose of education Candidate Head of BRI Unit able to work as Head of BRI Unit Head of BRI Unit able to improve the competence in performing their duties The head of the BRI Unit is in charge of specific tasks for the future development of his career b. Design Step Design is the process of designing educational programs that include learning objectives, activities to be undertaken, plans and methods of evaluation and other matters relating to the implementation of learning. The results of the design stage of education in the form of competence maps, learning program outline (GBPP) and learning event units (SAP). Competency map is the elaboration of the need for certain competencies (Special Instructional Goals / ICTs) and the order of fulfillment to achieve the learning objectives (General Instructional Objectives). Compilation of competence map is done by following the steps: (1) collecting all required competencies based on the proposed educational program in the analysis phase; (2) arranging the order of fulfillment of the competency requirement that has been determined in accordance with the ABCD (Aidience, Behavior, Condition, Degree) rules and Bloom Taxonomy (Cognitive, Affective, Phsycomotoric). GBPP is the design of the subject matter of learning that is prepared to meet the fulfillment of learning objectives according to the needs of education. GBPP is based on the competency map taking into account the target characteristics of education participants, availability of resources, and working environment conditions. SAP is a learning activity plan based on sub subjects on GBPP. SAP provides guidance on the scope of the material, learning activities, media and other resources involved. SAP is an arrangement of activities based on the time sequence of the delivery to be performed in the lesson. c. Stages of Development (Development) Development is the process of preparing teaching materials and evaluation materials used in the implementation of learning. The teaching materials consist of the main teaching materials (modules, handouts, slides) and supporting materials (practice questions, case studies, role play scenarios, game activity guides, sample forms, movie trailers and so on). The module is a teaching material that includes complete and systematic learning materials based on GBPP. The module contains information: (1) title of educational materials, (2) TIU and ICT, (3) educational materials, (4) reference list, and (5) ) exercise. Handouts are instructional materials in the form of a summary of learning materials provided to the participants to help participants understand the material. Presentation materials (slides) are teaching materials in the form of visual impressions conveyed by teachers to help participants understand the material. Education budget The education budget is the cost allocated for the implementation of the entire series of educational activities of BRI Head Unit. The budget consists of lodging, catering, laundry, International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 82 transportation, ATK, allowance, honoraria, rent and so forth related to the education process. The realization of education budget in Padang Education Center 2014-2016 is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. Plan and realization of budget of Training of Sendik Padang (2014-2016).Source: Sendik Padang Supporting Education Facilities a. Education Management Information System (SIMDIK) SIMDIK is a system used to manage and monitor all data and educational activities Head of BRI Unit. SIMDIK (BRI Smart) is developed by using the application system so easy to use (user friendly) that produces data and information complete, accurate and tekini (up to date) tailored to the needs and technological developments. Educational participants can undertake various activities through BRI Smart online such as registering before education, downloading material, pretest and posttest, evaluating the process, suggesting educational needs, and so forth. b. Other supporting facilities Other supporting facilities owned by Sendik BRI Padang such as classrooms, dormitories, sports facilities, and facilities of worship are adequate and in good condition. 3. Education Process Head of BRI Unit The education process of the BRI Unit Head includes three things: (1) preparation of the implementation of learning activities, (2) implementation of learning activities, and (3) post implementation of learning activities. Stages of educational implementation in general has been well implemented by BRI Padang Education Center in education programs for BRI Head Unit described as follows. a. Condition of learners Learners are generally active in following the lesson. But if education is done at the beginning and end of the month, usually the number of learners do not meet the plan due to the various activities of BRI Units respectively. Not surprisingly, there are personnel who have not difficult to follow the education on the grounds of business bustle. Educational participants as BRI head unit that must remain responsible for the smoothness of business in its working area, can not focus one hundred percent on the learning process during the education process. Nevertheless the realization of education participants of BRI Unit Heads in 2016 at Sendik Padang always exceeded the plan (Table 2). 2014 2015 2016 RKA 0.020 0,.020 24.631 Realisasi 0,.015 0,.018 0,.015 % realisasi 0.75 0.91 0.61 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 B u d g e t re a li za ti o n ( % ) B u d g e t re a li za ti o n ( B il li o n R p ) RKA Realisasi % realisasi International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 83 Table 2. Plans and Realization of Education Head of BRI Unit year 2014-2016 Description Education briefing Education application 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 RKA 50 50 50 250 250 250 Realization 35 32 53 134 270 280 % realization 70 60 106 54 108 112 Source: Sendik Padang. The motivation of learners to follow education generally is to carry out the task. But individually each participant has various reasons, some to learn, refreshing, the opportunity to go home, and can share with his fellow unit heads on business matters. b. Performance of instructor / instructor The quality of the teachers is good enough. Instructors prepare well all the main teaching materials, supporting materials, and the necessary teaching aids. The way the instruction is done by the instructor varies depending on each instructor, such as tutorial, discussion, and role play. Teachers generally master some material, but have material specialization. c. Learning Environment Adequate learning time allocation supported by learning aids (in focus, microphone, flip chart, white board, evaluation form and so on). Condition of facilities and infrastructure Sendik BRI Padang complete and well maintained, equipped with full WiFi mess, means of worship and facilities Sports. The amount and variety of the food menu is good. Although in general the education process of BRI Unit Head has been running well, but there are some obstacles faced, namely: (1) the realization of education participants BRI Head Unit that has not met the target; (2) teachers who specialize in micro or retail and operational IT are still inadequate, whereas it is needed by participants in the settlement of cases in the field; (3) much- needed case study times are often inadequate. 4. Effectiveness of Education Program Evaluation developed in the education program of BRI Head Unit is embodied in Instructional System Design (DSI) which guides the program. There are four levels of evaluation that have different goals according to the level of evaluation. EVA-1 is done to know the reaction and satisfaction (reaction and satisfaction) learners to the implementation of learning. EVA-2 is conducted to measure the level of mastery of the material from learning outcomes (learning). EVA-3 is conducted to measure the effectiveness of application of educational outcomes in the workplace (application / behavior). EVA-4 is conducted to measure the impact of educational outcomes in improving business or organization performance (business impact). The new evaluation conducted by Sendik BRI Padang is EVA-1 and EVA-2. While EVA-3 and EVA-4 are still not implemented because of constrained data from the work unit participants. Evaluation at this time has been done with BRI Smart. EVA-1 is filled by learners to assess the implementation of learning processes related to instructors / instructors, teaching materials, facilitators, supporting facilities, lodging, and catering (Table 3). International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 84 Table 3. Results of EVA-1 education application program Head of BRI Unit se-Kanwil Pekanbaru Year 2016 at Education Center BRI Padang. Aspects and components Value Description A. Teachers 81,72 Good B. Teaching materials 81,60 Good C. Facilitator 82,00 Good D. Supporting Facilities 90,69 Very Good E. Lodging 82,35 Good F. Catering 75,63 Very Good Value of satisfaction 82,33 Good Source: Sendik Padang. EVA-2 is followed to assess students' learner enhancement by pretest and postes techniques. Each learning material is first tested to the participants before being explained in the class. It aims to determine the level of knowledge of learners. At the end of the education program, postes are conducted. The purpose of postes is to measure the increase in learners' knowledge by comparing it with pretest results. Pretes and postes are done online with BRI Smart (Figure 8). Figure 8. Dynamics of knowledge level of application program participants of the application of BRI Head Unit Unit 14 year 2016. Source: Sendik Padang Increase in posttest value always occurs in the training of Head of BRI Unit. This indicates that there is an increase in the knowledge of learners or in other words an effective educational program to achieve the goal of increasing the competence of BRI Head Unit. As an example of the results of EVA-2 education application program Head of BRI Unit class of 14 years 2016 followed by 21 participants. CONCLUSIONS Education program Head of BRI Units Regional Office of BRI Pekanbaru in Padang Education Center has been running well, although it needs improvement on the effectiveness of educational programs. A more detailed evaluation is described as follows: Background and Strategy of Education Program BRI's head is in line with the vision of BRI's mission and needs. Input of Education Program Head of BRI Unit has been sufficient.The education process of BRI Unit Head has been going well. BRI Unit Head Education program's effectiveness is still not optimal. Evaluation of effectiveness of newly implemented educational programs on EVA-1 evaluation and 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 T e s t v a lu e Respondents Postes Pretes International Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol. 1 (2), December 2017 85 satisfaction evaluation (EVA-2) and knowledge enhancement (EVA-2), while evaluation on workplace behavior (EVA-3) and its impact on banking business (EVA-4 ) not done. REFERENCES Alwi, Syafaruddin. (2001). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Strategi Keunggulan. Kompetitif. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2008). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Penertbit Bumi aksara. Arikunto, Suharsimi dan Abdul Jabar, Cepi Safrudin. (2004). Evaluasi Program Pendidikan, Pedoman Teoritis Praktis bagi Praktisi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Arikunto, Suharsimi dan Abdul Jabar, Cepi Safrudin. (2009). Evaluasi Program Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Azizi, Yahaya. (2001). The Using of Model Context. 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