INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING PRACTICES 52 IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) Vol 3 no 1 Juni 2019 : 52-57 Selvya Hesti Andriyani1, Fitri Ariana Setyorini1, Enita Dewi1, Arum Pratiwi1 1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Korespondensi: Selvya Hesti Andriyani Email: Nurse’ Knowledge and Their Performance on Cardiopulmonary Resucitation (CPR) in Critical and Emergency Care Unit Info Artikel Online ISSN DOI : : 2548 4249 (Print) : 2548 592X (Online) : 10.18196/ijnp.3193 Abstract Background: Knowing the important relation between knowledge and skill is important because it reflexes the action that nurses do to save people life. Objective: This research aimed to determine the relationship between the nurse's knowledge level and their performan ce on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in critical and emergency care unit. Method: The study was quantitative descriptive with the cross- sectional design used sequential sampling with 30 nurses in critical and emergency care unit. The data were analyzed using the Fisher Exact Test. Data was taken from questioner and observational assessment using a standard operating procedure which was developed by a hospital. Results: The results of this study found that there were 63.3% respondents which all of them had poor knowledge also poor performance on doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Conclusion: There is a relation between nurse’s knowledge level and the nurse’s performance on undertaking cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The more knowledge they have the better performance they have on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Routine training and evaluation may be useful to increase nurses’ knowledge and skills. Keywords: Nurse, Knowledge, Skills, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Emergency INTRODUCTION There is some common problem that was facing health care services in Indonesia. One of them is giving high-quality health services with reachable cost. The availability and quality of health care services depend on the values and response from the client itself. It is because of the quality of services and satisfaction of client are used as a measurement about how is the quality of health care services itself in the hospital they visited (Wardani, 2013). Therefore, all health care providers are involved to determine how good health services that they give in a hospital. Health care providers that involve are including doctors, nurses, nutritionist, pharmacist, and other professional health care provider. However, the quantity of nurses is the hi ghest than in other professions. Nurses are the one who works with the patient for 24 hours divided into 3 working shifts are morning, afternoon, and night shift (Indonesian Health Minister, 2017). From this condition, can be assumed that nurses contribution hold hope in raising the quality of health services in a hospital. It can be said that nurses services are one of the main concern of a hospital based on their skill and knowledge that appropriate with the development of science and technology. VOL. 3 NO. 1 JUNI 2019 53 Between skill and knowledge, knowledge is holding more dominant role rather than skill. However, even though knowledge is more dominant than skill, but still both of them are related to each other. It is because, someone performance is a reflection of the knowl edge they have through education, training or experience during their working time. One of the basic knowledge and skil l that must be mastered by nurses is performing emergency nursing care, for example, is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Hanafi, 2007). It is important because the emergency case can happen to anyone anywhere regardless of whoever and wherever they are. So that the quality of nurs e s i n emergency care is one of the factors that determine either someone can still alive or not (Hazinki, 2015). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that helps to support and maintain breathing and circulation in a client with has cardiac arrest (sudden heart stop) (Mayo Clinic). In a hospital, especially in Emergency and Critical Care Unit, cardiopulmonary resuscitation i s very important because, in both rooms, the number of morbidity and mortality are high. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) (2010), too few victims of cardiac arrest receiving standard CPR. As known, CPR quality must b e h i gh and that victims require excellent post-cardiac arrest care by organized teams with members wh o function well together. Education and frequent refresher training are likely the keys to improving resuscitation performance. The AHA has established that initiation of CPR during cardiac arrest will increase the short and long term outcomes for patient survival (AHA, 2005c). Unfortunately, the quality of CPR performed by the public and health care providers alike is deficient resulting in a low (10%) survival rate after CPR (Alspach, 2005). A person with cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training can sustain an ailing person's heart and brain for a short time (Farah, 2007). Therefore, th e nurses who work on it have to be really mastering CPR because time is the main point who hold someone living. Fast and right CPR method is the point on saving someone in the emergency case especially in cardiac arrest condition. METHODS This research design used Quantitative descrip tiv e with a cross-sectional design approach. The research took place in the Emergency and Critical Care Unit in Moewardi Hospital of Surakarta. The sample was taken by the sequential sampling method. The criteria of the samples are nurses who work in Emergency and Critical Unit. The next was nurses who performed CPR, and nurses with minimum graduated from the diploma of nursing. The last was nurses who were not an internshi p o r orientation nurses. As a result, the total samples that involved were 30 nurses who work in Emergency and Critical Room of the hospital. The instruments that were used were questioner form, which contains 24 multiple choice ques tio n s which used to assess nurses knowledge and nurse s skill is assessed by using a checklist that contains 13 items of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure that provided by Moewardi Hospital). This checklist was observed by the researcher through systematic observation. To determinate the score, the researcher used score 1 for the right answer, and score 0 for a false answer. The 24 multiple choice questions have contain ed a definition, purposes, indication, contraindication, CPR procedure, and termination of the proced u re. For the checklist that being used is contain 13 items. This research was done on May-July 2011 and it took 4 rooms, those are critical room (ICU and ICVCU) and emergency care unit (Triage and ICU). Later on, the data was processed through 4 steps, those were editing, coding, e ntry data, and tabulating. The next was that the data analyz e d b y Univariate and Bivariate. RESULTS The research that has been done, the result that obtained is below : A. Characteristics of respondents In this research, total respondents are 30 nurses who work in Emergency and Critical Unit Care, an d the table 1 described characteristics of respondents based on their gender, ages, education level and working period. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING PRACTICES 54 Table 1 Characteristics of respondents Characteri s ti c Frequency Percentage (%) Gender: -Man -Woman 16 14 53.3 46.7 Ages : 24-35 >35 25 5 83.3 16.7 Educati on Level : Di pl oma DIV Bachel or 27 1 2 90 3.3 6.7 Worki ng Experi ence: 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 17 7 6 56.7 23.3 20 In table 1 showed that the frequency of man is more than women (53.3%). The total of man respondents is more probably because man strength is needed more according to their physical is stronger than women. Based on ages, it can be seen on the table that ages of respondents mo s tly are in the ages of 24-25 years old, it means that in this hospital, nurses that work in Emergency and Critical Unit Care are in productive ages, where physically is really needed to give fast and right nursing care. According to the education level, th e nurses are mostly graduated from Diploma in nursing. It can be defined that, most of the Diploma graduation do not continue their study into Bachelor degree and prefer to work directly. Professional nurses are defined as a nurse that develop his knowledge through high educatio n b y completing minimum education in diploma of nursing. The next is the working period, most of the respondents are having a working period around 1- 5 years. It is because the hospital recruits new employ. The presence of senior nurses, which have a working period of more than 10 years can give working experience to the new nurses which still lack experience related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The length of working experi en ce i s showing someone performance, and influencing their readiness in doing given tasks. The expectation is the longer someone working experience the better performance they may h av e (Kuhnigh, 2004). B. Univariate analysis methods 1).Respondents distribution based on their knowledge on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Division of knowledge category is divided into tw o that are good and poor level. They are good if the result > mean or respondents which has value 19- 34. On the other side, there is less category if the result mean or respondents get value 10-13. The second is categorize poor if they have value