the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 pp.264-266 264 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the direction of tax policy in 2021 in the context increase tax revenue in the 19th covid recovery agus subagiyo1, diana prihadini2, mainita hidayati3, dwikora hardjo4, pebriana arimbhi5 12345the stiami institute for social sciences and management. submitted : september 25, 2020 revised : october 10, 2020 published : october 31, 2020 abstract the covid-19 pandemic has changed economic and social developments and arrangements throughout the world. this pandemic requires the government together with elements of the community to make efforts to prevent the spread of the virus and economic recovery. in the context of maintaining sustainable development in the midst of dynamic fundamental challenges, the national budget as an instrument of fiscal policy is designed to be more productive, effective, and efficient in order to accelerate economic growth for welfare and improve the government's balance sheet. global economic activity has been disrupted due to lockdown policies in a number of indonesia's major trading partners, which has reduced supply of important components for industries from abroad. the increasing exchange rate of the us dollar makes the price of imported materials more expensive. on the consumption side, many companies experience cash flow difficulties, thereby reducing their ability to pay taxes resulting in significant tax revenues such as corporate income tax. significant reduction in international trade activities also resulted in lower tax revenues from imports and import duties. tax revenues also experienced pressure from falling world oil prices, minerals, and cpo which are important components in calculating oil and gas pph and export duties. tax revenue performance is expected to weaken in 2020 with a tax ratio potentially below 9 percent. the government has made the first policy of relaxing the taxation by reducing the burden of business activities and helping to improve the condition of the company's cash flow, especially during and after the covid-19 epidemic. the company can use a reduction in corporate income tax rates, exemption from import pph and certain sector import duties, as well as various other tax facilities to cover increases in input material prices and decreased sales so that it continues to operate normally. both governments have made efforts to expand the taxation base and improve tax administration. third the addition of new tax objects, one of which the government levies taxes on trade through electronic systems (pmse) and other object sources of excise products such as plastics, sweetened drinks, and fuel oil (bbm). fourth, from the aspect of tax subject by extending the taxpayers (wp), which are sector-based and regional, increase wp voluntary compliance through effective education and service improvement, including the high net worth individual (hnwi) group. the fifth government seeks to improve tax governance and administration starting from business processes, information technology, databases (core tax), organizations, and hr. from government policies in the effort to accelerate economic recovery, there are still various obstacles, especially in terms of regulations or policies prepared as well as technology as a means of infrastructure in supporting these regulations. the regulation or policy must touch on all aspects, namely aspects of tax law, aspects of tax justice, and aspects of the double tax avoidance agreement (p3b) for cross-border transactions. keywords: tax policy, tax revenue, 19th covid recovery the direction of tax policy in 2021 in the context increase tax revenue in the 19th covid recovery subagiyo, prihadini, hidayati, hardjo, & arimbhi 265 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 introduction the covid-19 pandemic has changed economic and social developments and arrangements throughout the world. this pandemic requires the government together with elements of the community to make efforts to prevent the spread of the virus and economic recovery. in order to maintain sustainable development in the midst of dynamic fundamental challenges, the national budget as an instrument of fiscal policy is designed to be more productive, effective, and efficient in order to accelerate economic growth for welfare and improve the government's balance sheet. global economic activity has been disrupted due to lockdown policies in a number of indonesia's major trading partners, which has reduced supply of important components for industries from abroad. the increasing value of the us dollar makes the price of materials more expensive. on the consumption side, many companies increase cash flow difficulties and therefore lose the ability to receive taxes that receive tax revenues such as pph. reduced international trade activities also significantly reduce important revenue taxes and import duties. tax revenues also reduce world oil prices, minerals, and cpo which are important components in the calculation of oil and gas pph and export duties. method the purpose of this research is to find out the direction of tax policy in 2021 in order to increase tax revenue during the covid-19 pandemic in indonesia. in this writing the researcher used a study literature that is in the process of taking the data researchers do not need to go directly into the field but take various reference sources that support this research. this type of research is qualitative research. data collection techniques are listening and recording important information in conducting data analysis by means of data reduction, data display and conclusions so as to get a picture of conclusions about the study of literature to be developed in this study and to validate the data using triangulation of data sources. results and discussion the government has made the first policy of relaxing the taxation by reducing the burden of business activities and helping to improve the condition of the company's cash flow, especially during and after the covid-19 epidemic. both governments have made efforts to expand the taxation base and improve tax administration. third the addition of new tax objects, one of which the government levies taxes on trade through electronic systems (pmse) and other object sources of excise products such as plastics, sweetened drinks, and fuel oil (bbm). fourthly, from the aspect of tax subject by extending the taxpayers (wp) based on sector and territorial basis and improving services, including to the high net worth individual (hnwi) group. the fifth government seeks to improve tax governance and administration ranging from business processes, information technology, databases (core tax), organizations, and hr. conclusion the covid-19 pandemic has changed economic and social developments and arrangements throughout the world . the government has made five policies, the first is to relax taxation especially during and after the covid-19 epidemic. reduction of corporate income tax rates, exemption from import tax and certain sector import duties, the two governments have made efforts to expand the taxation the direction of tax policy in 2021 in the context increase tax revenue in the 19th covid recovery subagiyo, prihadini, hidayati, hardjo, & arimbhi 266 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 base and improve tax administration. third, the addition of new tax objects through the electronic system (pmse). fourth is the extensification of taxpayers (wp) that is sector-based and regional, increasing wp voluntary compliance through effective education and service improvement, including the high net worth individual (hnwi) group. the fifth government seeks to improve tax governance and administration starting from business processes, information technology, databases (core tax), organizations, and hr. reference albu, l. l., preda, c. i., lupu, r., dobrotă, c. e., călin, g. m., & boghicevici, c. m. (2020). estimates of dynamics of the covid19 pandemic and of its impact on the economy. romanian journal of economic forecasting, 23(2), 5. arboleda, d., & zambrano, a. (2020). vulnerability after covid-19 and the response of a developing city: the case of bogota, colombia. documento cede, (36). berardi, c., antonini, m., genie, m. g., cotugno, g., lanteri, a., melia, a., & paolucci, f. (2020). the covid-19 pandemic in italy: policy and technology impact on health and non-health outcomes. health policy and technology. ekanem, s. a., imarenezor, e. p. k., & okolisah, c. p. (2020). an essencist evaluation of socioeconomic impacts of coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic in nigeria. mediterranean journal of social sciences, 11(5), 70-70. ham, a. (2020). social and economic impact of the covid-19 and policy options in honduras. kennelly, b., o'callaghan, m., coughlan, d., cullinan, j., doherty, e., glynn, l., ... & queally, m. (2020). the covid-19 pandemic in ireland: an overview of the health service and economic policy response. health policy and technology. welfens, p. j. (2020). corona world recession and health system crisis: shocks not understood so far (no. disbei273). universitätsbibliothek wuppertal, university library. ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 pp.179-184 179 | ilomata international journal of tax and accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 application in activity based costing (abc) calculation of home development cost (study on housing in sidoarjo) hendra dwi prasetyo1, kusuma adi rahardjo2, iman supriadi3 nindya kartika kusmayati4, moh wahib5 12345mahardhika surabaya high school of economics correspondent: submitted : august 3, 2020 revised : september 25, 2020 published : october 30, 2020 abstract activity based costing (abc) is an improved system of the traditional one. this system is calculating costs that provide accuracy and relevance in allocating overhead costs. this system has an overall cost tracking compared to traditional systems. this research uses a descriptive method of case study approach, which can describe the existence of a variable, symptom or condition. using this method adjusts the ability to answer the problem under study and hopes to be able to provide clear results and answers. the results of the calculation of housing construction cost using the abc system on housing in sidoarjo are able to describe results more accurately and do not cause distortion of costs. keywords : production cost, traditional systems and abc systems introduction every company always calculates profit in production. to achieve company goals in general need to pay attention to company policy. to be able to achieve the company's goals in increasing profits, companies must properly pay attention to the costs incurred for production and determining the selling price. mismatched selling prices can affect the company's finances. marketing is not optimal and the amount of inventory will have an effect on company revenue. the role of production cost is very important in determining the selling price of the product. calculating production cost is all production costs used to process raw materials into finished goods within a certain period. the cost of production is the basis for determining selling prices and profits and as a measurement tool. activity based costing is an improved system of the traditional one, this system is calculating costs that provide accuracy and relevance in allocating overhead costs. this system has an overall cost tracking compared to traditional systems. the growing business as it is today is not only limited to the benefits of abc for information on production costs but also as a concept that is broadly interpreted as information to motivate personal in improvising the process to produce products or services for customers. this system is useful for overcoming the weaknesses of traditional systems made specifically by industrial companies in martusa et al. (2010). research conducted by joseph (2019) had given result, that modern costing such as activity based costing systems can optimize the benefits of techniques that enable them to identify, accumulate and manage the costs of company activities to ensure accuracy in decision making and produce business excellence and customer satisfaction. al-saidi's research (2014) results are the need for multi item success steps because they capture individual perceptions more efficiently, unlike single item sizes that do not measure the complex nature of abc system application in activity based costing (abc) calculation of home development cost (study on housing in sidoarjo) prasetyo, rahardjo, supriadi, kusmayati, & wahib 180 | ilomata international journal of tax and accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 success, multi items use composite scores to measure and analyze success by providing the biggest explanation of the factors determining the application of abc. there is also research by farzaneh (2010) show the results that cost of goods sold is not consistent with the rigidity of the cost model, but in general, administrative and sales costs are inherent in changes in the level of sales. furthermore, haneda and azizah's research (2018) shows the results that the room rent cost determined by management is determined by allocating operating costs to each room type based on the percentage of income. at present, in calculating goods manufactured cost, the company uses a traditional system, where all costs are not directly allocated to the product on an allocation basis. all allocations are costs that are triggered due to the relationship of production volume. based on the explanation above, it can be understood how important it is to use the abc system in calculating the cost of production. according to mulyadi (2012) cost accounting is an information system that produces company operating costs and information that is used as a basis for measuring, analyzing, reporting and making decisions. according to supriyono (2012) accounting cost is a cost information generated by company management as a basis for management decisions in achieving company goals (wiguna, 2017). costs are the basic price or part of which is used or consumed to obtain income (sunarto, 2004 & rahmadani 2016). costs represent the sacrifice of economic resources to obtain goods / services that are useful for the present or the future (siregar, 2013 & siby 2018). the grouping of costs over all existing cost elements into certain groups that are more concise and can provide more concise and important information is called cost classification. commonly used in the classification of costs related to products, production volumes, departments and cost centers, accounting periods, decision making (siby 2018). according to carter (2102) the cost classification is based on (palupi 2016): (1) costs with products that include manufacturing costs and commercial costs; (2) production volumes which include variable costs, fixed costs and semi-variable costs; (3) production department which includes the department of production, services, joint and joint costs; and (4) accounting period and a decision. the method of determining the production cost is how to calculate the cost element into the cost of production (mulyadi, 2012). the production cost includes all direct materials, direct labor and factory overhead incurred to produce goods / services (lasena, 2013). activity based costing system is an approach to determining product costs that impose costs on products / services based on resource consumption caused by activities (blocher, 2011). the basis of this approach is that the company's products / services are carried out by the required activities and activities using resources that cause costs. resources are charged to cost objects based on their usefulness (haneda et al. 2018). methods this study is using a descriptive method of case study approach, which can describe the existence of a variable, symptoms or circumstances. using this method adjusts the ability to answer the problem under study and hopes to be able to provide clear results and answers. this study focuses on the housing construction cost according to management and calculation of the cost of housing construction using the abc system. application in activity based costing (abc) calculation of home development cost (study on housing in sidoarjo) prasetyo, rahardjo, supriadi, kusmayati, & wahib 181 | ilomata international journal of tax and accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 results and discussion calculation of the building cost a house by company determination of development cost carried out by the company that is using a traditional system, this system uses unit-level drivers. the calculations are as follows: table 1. land and construction costs (main costs) number house type land cost construction costs total 1 home office type-58/90 77.647.208 133.400.000 211.047.208 2 type-38/90 77.647.208 95.000.000 172.647.208 3 type-50/91 78.509.955 125.000.000 203.509.955 4 type-70/120 103.529.611 210.000.000 313.529.611 5 type-70/135 116.470.812 210.000.000 326.470.812 source: housing data in sidoarjo table 2. utility costs (overhead costs) number cost type total 1 land planning costs 17.557.029.500 2 infrastructure costs 3 electricity cost (pln) 4 environmental facility fee 2.640.000.000 5 building planning costs 100.000.000 6 licensing fees 983.200.000 7 project office administration costs 3.840.000.000 total cost 37.348.229.500 number of housing units and home office 564 unit total cost per unit 66.220.265 source: housing data in sidoarjo table 3. calculation of cost of building houses number cost type home office type58/90 type38/90 type50/91 type70/120 type70/135 1 land cost 77.647.208 77.647.208 78.509.955 103.529.611 116.470.812 2 construction costs 133.400.000 95.000.000 125.000.000 210.000.000 210.000.000 3 utility costs 66.220.265 66.220.265 66.220.265 66.220.265 66.220.265 total 277.267.473 238.867.473 269.730.220 379.749.876 392.691.077 source: housing data in sidoarjo calculation of the cost of house construction based on the abc system determination of housing construction basic cost with the traditional system as stated above does not provide accurate information because it causes distortion between types of houses. abc system is one method that can produce accurate information because there is a charge for each activity. the calculations are as follows: table 4. utility costs (overhead costs) number cost type total 1 land planning costs 17.557.029.500 2 infrastructure costs 3 electricity cost (pln) 4 environmental facility fee 2.640.000.000 5 building planning costs 100.000.000 application in activity based costing (abc) calculation of home development cost (study on housing in sidoarjo) prasetyo, rahardjo, supriadi, kusmayati, & wahib 182 | ilomata international journal of tax and accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 number cost type total 6 licensing fees 983.200.000 7 project office administration costs 3.840.000.000 total cost 37.348.229.500 source: housing data in sidoarjo table 5. activity identification number cost type activity 1 land planning costs batch level 2 infrastructure costs batch level 3 electricity cost (pln) batch level 4 environmental facility fee batch level 5 building planning costs product level 6 licensing fees product level 7 project office administration costs product level source: processed data table 6. grouping of costs to activities number cost type total 1 unit level activity costs electricity cost (pln) total 2 batch level activity costs land planning costs 17.557.029.500 infrastructure costs environmental facility fee 2.640.000.000 total 3 product level activity costs land planning costs 100.000.000 licensing fees 983.200.000 project office administration costs 3.840.000.000 total 4.923.200.000 source: processed data table 7. determination of drivers for activities number cost type activity 1 land planning costs land area 2 infrastructure costs land area 3 electricity cost (pln) number of units 4 environmental facility fee land area 5 land planning costs building area 6 licensing fees building area 7 project office administration costs building area source: processed data table 8. calculation of activity group rates number cost type cost driver pool rate 1 unit level activity costs electricity cost (pln) 564 unit 2.177.305 2 batch level activity costs application in activity based costing (abc) calculation of home development cost (study on housing in sidoarjo) prasetyo, rahardjo, supriadi, kusmayati, & wahib 183 | ilomata international journal of tax and accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 land planning costs 60.541 m2 effective land area 515.302 infrastructure costs environmental facility fee 3 product level activity costs land planning costs 4.923.200.000 28.040 m2 effective building area 175.578 licensing fees project office administration costs source: processed data table 9. calculation of the cost of building houses with the abc system number total cost home office type-58/90 type-38/90 type-50/91 type70/120 type70/135 1 land cost 77.647.208 77.647.208 78.509.955 103.529.611 116.470.812 2 construction costs 133.400.000 95.000.000 125.000.000 210.000.000 210.000.000 3 utility costs unit level 2.177.305 2.177.305 2.177.305 2.177.305 2.177.305 batch level 46.377.222 46.377.222 46.892.524 61.836.296 69.565.833 product level 10.183.509 6.671.954 8.778.887 12.290.442 12.290.442 total 269.785.244 227.873.689 261.358.671 389.833.654 410.504.392 source: housing data in sidoarjo table 10. comparison of company calculations with abc systems number house type traditional abc system gap percentage 1 home office type-58/90 277.267.473 269.785.244 -7.482.229 -3% 2 type-38/90 238.867.473 227.873.689 -10.993.784 -5% 3 type-50/91 269.730.220 261.358.671 -8.371.549 -3% 4 type-70/120 379.749.876 389.833.654 10.083.778 3% 5 type-70/135 392.691.077 410.504.392 17.813.315 4% source: housing data in sidoarjo conclusion the results of the calculation of housing construction cost using the abc system on housing in sidoarjo are able to describe the results more accurately and do not cause distortion of costs. this system can improve decision making planning so that it can help management in improving its financial planning. references al-saidi, shafeq hamoud., & h. nanje gowda. 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(2017). activity based costing system as an alternative to the determination of inpatient services rates and their implications for revenue of buleleng district hospital, scientific journal of accounting, vol.2, no.2, december, pp.148-172. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 1 january 2021 page no. 37-43 37 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracker team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city rissa ayu cameliawati1, ratih kumala2 12institute of social and management studies stiami, jakarta correspondence: submitted : december 13, 2020 revised : december 26, 2020 published : january 31, 2021 abstract the number of motorized vehicles has increased from year to year, but this has not been matched by the increase in the number of vehicles that have re-registered at the samsat (onestop integrated service) office in bekasi city. with the activities of the investigating team, the investigating team plays an important role especially for tax actors who do not re-register at samsat bekasi city, where they remind taxpayers to pay motor vehicle tax. this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax inspection team as well as the obstacles and efforts made in increasing motor vehicle tax revenue in rawalumbu village, bekasi city. the author uses the theory of david krech, richard s, crutchfield, and egerton l. ballachey danim (2012: 119-120) in a book entitled leadership motivation and effectiveness. this research is expected to be useful academically and practically. the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. the results showed that the performance of the motor vehicle tax inspection team in rawalumbu village, bekasi city was effective when measured by beni pekei's (2016) effectiveness criteria with a score of 100.38%. the obstacles faced in the effectiveness of the investigating team are the distance that is too far, the taxpayer's data is not up to date, and inadequate supervision by p3dw and samsat. meanwhile, efforts have been made, among others, rawalumbu village to cooperate with investigative teams and sub-districts to update taxpayer data periodically and to conduct socialization and education to taxpayers. keywords: vehicle tax, development of ktmdu, effectiveness of tracking team. introduction taxes are mandatory contributions made by individuals or entities to local governments without balanced direct compensation that can be enforced based on the prevailing laws and regulations. the tax is designated to finance governance and regional development. motor vehicle tax is a tax that is included in the direct tax category and is a local (regional) tax. collected from motor vehicle holders. in this implementation, we still pay attention to the rules in improving services, namely the joint instruction of the minister of home affairs, minister of security, and minister of finance regarding the implementation of samsat no. ns / 03 / m / x / 1999, no. 29 of 2009 and no. 06 / mk.014 / 1999 concerning the implementation of samsat in the issuance of stnk, stck, tnkb, pkb and bbnkb, and swdkllj collection. the realization of motor vehicle tax revenues in 2016 reached 876,694,509,350, around 103.24%, of the target set by samsat bekasi city. in 2017, the revenue reached 953,111,404,325, around 104.44% of the target set by samsat bekasi city. whereas in 2018 the the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracker team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city cameliawati, & kumala 38 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 revenue reached 1,054,502,291,475, around 104.87%. from the target set by samsat kota bekasi. every year the number of motorized vehicles increases but is not matched by an increase in the number of vehicles that re-register at the bekasi city samsat office. taxpayer compliance, especially for motor vehicle taxes, has decreased with the increase in the number of non-registered vehicles (ktmdu), indicating that taxpayer compliance is low. so that it becomes the potential for tax revenue from pkb taxes that must be explored. it can be seen that vehicles that do not re-register have decreased and increased in terms of percentage. in 2016 the percentage only reached 30.91%, then in 2017 the percentage increased to 34.97%, then in 2018, it decreased by a percentage of 25.60%. data on the achievement of the tracking team's performance in 2019 has been accepted that there is no target set by the bekasi city samsat while for the achievement of its performance it reaches 957 taxpayers. based on the circular of the governor of west java no. 973/1483-dispenda regarding the intensification of motor vehicle tax levies in west java, a vehicle not re-registration (ktmdu) search was carried out since 2016. the search was a collaboration between the west java samsat advisory team consisting of the west java province revenue service (dispenda), west java police, and pt. naga bendu. in 2019 the regional opinion management center office in the bekasi city region collaborates with the stiami institute number 073/931/mou/p3d-kota bekasi/viii/2019 and number 031/mou/institut-stiami/viii/2019 regarding strengthening regional taxes in cities bekasi to search with 87 students. the student is an active student of the stiami campus in the expansion a with the public administration study program in the concentration of taxation who volunteers and serves as a motor vehicle tax tracking team at the regional regional revenue management center (p3dw) bekasi city. however, addressing the high motor vehicle taxpayers who do not re-register their vehicles. the problem lies in the ktmdu which is indicated by the number of taxpayers who avoid taxes. this is a problem faced by the search team or tax volunteers, namely because in its implementation it takes too long to wait for the data so that the search team has to wait until the data is available and the search team also experiences difficulties when visiting the motorized vehicle taxpayer. one of the intensively carried out efforts to make taxpayers obey is by providing a notification letter of the obligation to pay motor vehicle tax to taxpayers after the payment is due. taxpayers often fail to respond to these letters due to inequality in providing socialization or understanding of tax knowledge by tax officials. with this tracking team activity, the tracking team has an important role, especially for taxpayers who do not re-register at samsat bekasi city, namely by reminding taxpayers to make motor vehicle tax payments. the purpose of the problem to be discussed in this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city, what obstacles are faced in the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracking team, and what efforts are made to the obstacles that occur in the effectiveness of the tracking team. motor vehicle tax in rawalumbu district, bekasi city. methods the research method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative research method. this type of research based on the objectives used by researchers is descriptive research. the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracker team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city cameliawati, & kumala 39 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 descriptive research according to neuman (2011:30) “descriptive research presents a picture of the specific details of a situation, social setting, or relationship. the outcome of a descriptive study is a detailed picture of the subject”. sources of data in this study are primary data, primary data used are interviews with one of the parties in the rawalumbu district of bekasi city and secondary data which are indirectly taken by researchers in the form of target data and realization of motor vehicle taxes, the ktmdu development list at samsat bekasi city. and data on tax revenues made by the tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city. the operationalization of the concept used in this study focuses on the problems in 2019 which consist of the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city, as well as the obstacles and efforts faced by the motor vehicle tax tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city. data collection techniques in this study used several techniques that were needed regarding the object to be studied, namely by interview, documentation, and observation. in this study, the data analysis techniques used were credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. results and discussion analysis of this study is related to the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city. this study uses the theory of david krech, richard s. crutchfield, and egerton l. ballachey in danim (2012:119-120) which has 4 indicators, namely the number of results that can be issued, the level of satisfaction, creative products, and the intensity to be achieved. effectiveness is a measure of the success or failure of an organization to achieve its goals. effectiveness indicators describe the range of consequences and impacts (outcomes) of the program outputs in achieving program objectives. the greater the output contribution generated for the achievement of specified goals or objectives, the more effective the work process of an organizational unit will be. table 1. list vehicle development does not re-register in the 2016-2019 fiscal year year ktmdu potential realization rate effectiveness (%) criteria 2016 1.472.551 1,017,433 30.91 ineffective 2017 1,593,978 1,038,526 34.97 ineffective 2018 1,697,512 1,262,892 25.60 ineffective 2019 1,609,441 1,200,674 25.40 ineffective total 5,833,482 4,519,525 77.48 less effective source: samsat kota bekasi, 2020 based on the table above which was sourced from samsat kota bekasi and processed by the author, it can be seen that the lack of awareness of motor vehicle taxpayers. this table explains that ktmdu has experienced a fairly good increase is in 2016 and 2017 alone. although it increases every year, it is still classified as ineffective. in the table listing the development of ktmdu at the regional regional revenue management center (p3dw), bekasi city is still classified as ineffective, this is evident in 2018 only reaching 25.60% and 25.40% for 2019. and from 2016 to 2017 only experienced an increase of just 4%. meanwhile, the effectiveness calculation formula described in beni pekei's theory (2016) explains that the effectiveness criteria are said to be effective if the percentage of effectiveness reaches 90%. the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracker team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city cameliawati, & kumala 40 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 however, in this case, the regional regional revenue management center (p3dw) is only able to reach less than 60%. as described above, to realize and support the program created by the bekasi city p3dw, namely the motor vehicle tax tracking team, is an organization that makes it easier for taxpayers and reminds us to pay motor vehicle taxes. table 2. target data, realization of taxpayers and tax revenues conducted by the rawalumbu district tracking team in 2019 year for target achievement pkb payment (idr) % 2019 (sept-oct) 3,300 3,322 32,623,400 100.68 2019 (nov-dec ) 4,252 4,259 43,258,000 100.16 total 7,552 7,581 75,881,400 100.38 in table 2 above that the data on tax revenue for the rawalumbu sub-district tracking team was carried out for 4 months, namely in the sept-oct month, the achievement was only 3,322 data and payment of motor vehicle tax of idr 32,623,400. in november, the achievement increased to 4,259 data, and taxpayers who paid motor vehicle tax were idr 43,258,000, then the total tax revenue of the rawalumbu sub-district tracking team for 4 months, the taxpayer made payments amounting to idr 75,881,400. based on the data above, it seems clear that the performance of the tracking team, rawalumbu district, bekasi city has been effective. this has proven to be able to realize the tax revenue target that is above the targeted amount. in 2019 month (sept-oct) the realization of tax achievement was 3,322 data with a tax revenue target of 3,300, so the effectiveness of tax revenue for the tracking team of rawalumbu district, bekasi city. it is known from the following calculations: effectiveness = 3.322 3.300 𝑥 100% = 100,68% based on the classification of the 2016 beni pekei effectiveness criteria, the tax achievement in rawalumbu district, bekasi city is very effective. in 2019 month (nov-dec) the realization of tax achievement was 4,259 data with a tax revenue target of 4,252, so the effectiveness of the tax revenue of the tracking team of thedistrict rawalumbu of bekasi city. this is known from the following calculations: effectiveness = 4.259 4.252 𝑥 100% = 100,16% based on the classification of the 2016 beni pekei effectiveness criteria, the tax achievement in rawalumbu district, bekasi city is very effective. so, based on the description above, the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city has been very effective. if measured by the beni pekei 2016 effectiveness criteria which shows that the effectiveness in 2019 (sept-oct) is the target of 3,300 vehicle data from taxpayers and the realization exceeds the target of 3,322 vehicle data from taxpayers with a percentage of 100.68% and at (nov-dec) the target was 4,252 and the realization exceeded the target of 4,259 vehicle data from taxpayers with a percentage of 100.16%, then with a total percentage of 100.38%. meanwhile, based on the size according to halim in ma et al (2013), it can be seen that the percentage of taxpayer awareness through ktmdu in 2016 is 30.91% in 2017, namely the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracker team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city cameliawati, & kumala 41 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 34.97% in 2018, namely 25.60% and in 2019, namely 25.40. %. in this measure of effectiveness, if the percentage is below 60%, it is categorized as ineffective. the results of this study are supported by previous researchers, namely jifly and syamsah (2018) who revealed that there are still many taxpayers who do not actively report ownership or sales of motorized vehicles, so the realization of motor vehicle tax arrears is still low. while the results of research by puspaningtyas dyah (2015) state that motor vehicle tax revenue has been effective, but in the process, it has not been effective, because there are still several external obstacles such as the mediocre economic level of the community, low public awareness, many cases of motor vehicle theft, there is a low-cost green car program and there is no increase in a motorized vehicle. conclusion the effectiveness of the motor vehicle tax tracking team in rawalumbu district, bekasi city has been running very effectively. if measured by the beni pekei 2016 effectiveness criteria which affect effectiveness in 2019 (sept-oct), the target is 3,300 vehicle data from taxpayers and the realization exceeds the target of 3,322 vehicle data from taxpayers with a percentage of 100.68% and on (nov-dec) the target was 4,252 and the realization exceeded the target, namely 4,259 vehicle data from taxpayers with a percentage of 100.16%, then with a total percentage of 100.38%. meanwhile, based on the size according to halim in ma et al (2013), it can be seen that the percentage of taxpayer awareness through ktmdu in 2016 is 30.91% in 2017, namely 34.97% in 2018, namely 25.60% and in 2019, namely 25.40%. in this measure of effectiveness, if the percentage is below 60% it is considered ineffective. the obstacles faced include the distance that is too far, the lack of data updates, and there is still a lot of data that has not been changed so that when the search team searched the field it was not right on target, lack of awareness of motor vehicle taxpayers, lack of supervision of taxpayer data regarding addresses in spkp2kb, the time constraints of the search team with a student background, form the motorized vehicle taxpayer data that was printed from the bapenda was too long. efforts were made to overcome the program rawalumbu district in collaboration with both the search team and the sub-district so that the distance traveled could be reached easily, updated again taxpayer data so that the tracking team can perform their duties properly and on target, provide socialization and education to taxpayers, provide education to the search team, distribute tasks to the tracking team so that 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pelealu, 2013; suryani & pariani, 2018; wertianti & dwirandra, 2013), revenue sharing fund (rifai, 2017; sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014; susanti & fahlevi, 2016; wandira, 2013), general allocation fund (priambudi, 2017); wandira, 2013; juniawan & suryantini, 2018; mentayani & rusmanto, 2013), and special allocation fund (juniawan & suryantini, 2018; nuarisa, 2013; syukri & hinaya, 2019). driven by these research gaps, this study explores capital expenditure through four important determinants, namely local own-source revenue, revenue-sharing fund, general allocation fund, and special allocation fund. especially, this study is intended to assess the direct effect on capital expenditure. this study conducted by provincial governments in indonesia has a capital expenditure ratio under average as national. this study is written in several sections. in the next section, this study provides relevant literature reviews to further develop the research hypotheses. in the third section, this study discloses the methodology that is appropriate to meet the research objectives herein. results of data analysis are shown in the third section and discussion part. in the last section, a conclusion is provided with managerial implications, limitations, and potential topics for future research studies. according to suryani & pariani (2018), fiscal decentralization grants great authority to the region to explore their potential as the source of local revenue to fund local expenditure in the context of public services. local own-source revenue is a routine revenue obtained by utilizing the potencies of regional financial sources to fund their duty and responsibility to provide flexibility to the local government to fund the implementation of regional autonomy based on the regional potential (wertianti & dwirandra, 2013). the enhancement in the investment of the capital expenditure is expected to be able to improve the public quality and in turn be able to increase the level of public participation in development, which is reflected in an increase of the local own-source revenue so that the development of public sector facilities will be affected on increasing the local own-source revenue (pelealu, 2013; mentayani & rusmanto, 2013). thus, in the context of local own-source revenue towards capital expenditure, the following hypothesis is formulated: h1: local own-source revenue affects capital expenditure. the transferred revenue sharing fund by the state government to local government consists of some types, such as revenue sharing fund of tax, revenue sharing fund of land and building tax, revenue sharing fund of tobacco product excise, revenue sharing fund of oil and gas, revenue sharing fund of natural resources, and revenue sharing fund of income tax (susanti & fahlevi, 2016). revenue sharing fund is the potential sources of local income and one of the basic assets of the local government in obtaining the development fund and fulfilling the local expenditure that does not come from the local own-source revenue, except general allocation fund and special allocation fund (sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014). the determinants factors of capital expenditure ishak, et. al 160 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 the local government will be able to determine the larger capital expenditure if the revenue sharing budget is larger as well, likewise, the smaller capital expenditure will be determined if the revenue sharing budget is getting smaller (wandira, 2013). based on this discussion, the relationship among revenue sharing fund and capital expenditure are hypothesized as follows: h2: revenue sharing fund affects capital expenditure. according to priambudi (2017) that one of the balance fund forms is the general allocation fund which allocation emphasizes the equality aspect and justice that are under the administration of government affairs, and it is expected that with a transfer from the state government, the local government will be able to allocate the local own-source revenue which they get to fund the capital expenditure. general allocation fund is a fund that comes from the allocated state budget with the aim of financial equality between regions to fund the expenditure needs in the context of decentralization implementation (wandira, 2013; juniawan & suryantini, 2018). mentayani & rusmanto (2013) explained that the role of general allocation fund is for horizontal equalization by covering the fiscal gap between financial needs and the local economic potential. accordingly, the following hypothesis is formulated as follow: h3: general allocation fund affects capital expenditure. juniawan & suryantini (2018) stated that a special allocation fund is a fund sourced from the state budget for certain regions to fund the specific needs that comprise the regional needs and under the national program. this funding is prioritized for certain regions that meet the criteria for obtaining additional funds from the state government through the special allocation fund. special allocation fund, which is a part of the balanced fund, is a fund that comes from the allocated state budget for the region to fund regional needs in the context of development implementation (syukri & hinaya, 2019). with the allocation of the special allocation fund, it is expected that it can affect capital expenditure because the special allocation fund tends to increase the fixed assets owned by the government to improve public services (nuarisa, 2013). thus, the following hypothesis special allocation fund and capital expenditure is proposed: h4: special allocation fund affects capital expenditure. the capital expenditure ratio is used to measure the share of capital expenditure spent on total local expenditure in providing the services to the public. capital expenditure is a type of expenditures used for procurement of tangible fixed assets that have the benefit of more than 12 months to be used in government activities, for example, land purchases, building construction, and road improvements. rifai (2017) explains that by transferring funds from the state government, it is expected that the local government can allocate more of the local own-source revenue they get to fund the capital expenditure in their regions. several studies have tried to measure capital expenditure. the past studies (juniawan & suryantini, 2018; mentayani & rusmanto, 2013; sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014; nuarisa, 2013), the local own-source revenue has an effect on the capital expenditure. then, the studies (sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014; susanti & fahlevi, 2016; wandira, 2013) explained that revenue sharing fund affects capital expenditure. the other studies explained that general allocation fund affects capital expenditure (priambudi, 2017; suryani & pariani, 2018; wandira, 2013). lastly, the study on a factor that affected capital expenditure is special allocation fund, and the result is special allocation fund affects capital expenditure (nuarisa, 2013; wandira, 2013). this discussion suggests that the link the determinants factors of capital expenditure ishak, et. al 161 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 between local own-source revenue, revenue-sharing fund, general allocation fund, and special allocation fund to capital expenditure. h5: the relationships between the constructs tested are significantly on capital expenditure. methods the population of this research is the provincial government in indonesia. the sampling technique used in this research is nonprobability sampling by using non-probability sampling and the sample capital expenditure ratio below the national average. in 2017, there was 14 provincial government that had ratios below the average value. meanwhile, in 2018, there was 16 provincial government that had ratios below the average value so sampling this study 23 provincial government. the research period is 9 years by using panel data analysis, thus the amount of observation is 230 by taking the data from the website of the directorate general of fiscal balance ministry of finance of the republic of indonesia. in collecting the data classified the type and technique of data collection. the type of data chosen in this research is secondary data and the data collection technique chosen is documentation technique. as seen from the period of data collecting, it is time-series data, which is the data that had been collected for years starting from 2010 to 2019. data normality has become the main requirement in this research. it is tested with the kolmogorov-smirnov test. if the data generated is not normal, this means that the requirement has not been met, so the next step is adjusting the data by changing it in the z-score (oneill & stern, 2012; tasdan & yeniay, 2014). the multiple regression equation models as follows: capital expenditure = α 1 + β 1 local own-source revenue + β 2 revenue sharing fund + β 3 general allocation fund + β 4 special allocation fund + ε 1 the classic assumption test started with testing the model normality to analyze whether the regression model will be normally distributed or close to normal. then, the existence of heteroscedasticity in the data can be tested with the glejser test (gujarati, 2004; priyatno, 2014). besides, we used the multicollinearity test to identify whether the independent variables have a mutual correlation or not. if the tolerance value more than 0.10 and the vif does not reach 10, so there is no multicollinearity between independent variables. the autocorrelation test is a measure for determining the existence of autocorrelation problem using durbin-watson (dw) if du 0.05 this means the capital expenditure of the provincial government is relevant with local own-source revenue, revenuesharing fund, general allocation fund, and special allocation fund. results and discussion normality testing is useful for examining whether the data is normally distributed or outside of it. the test was performed with a confidence level of 5%. table 1 describes the test result in detail. the test result of the examination in table 1 shows that asymp.sig value is 0.139. the result of the equation model normality test shows that it is higher than the confidence degree α=0.05. thus, the theoretical approach to capital expenditure can be stated as normally distributed. table 1. one sample kolmogorov-smirnov test asymp sig (2 tailed) sig 0.139 0.05 next, the ordinary least square is performed to recognize the equation models by using the best linear unbiased estimator. this result can be reviewed in table 2. in table 2, besides the normality model fulfilled, there is also no heteroscedasticity in the capital expenditure equation. this result is indicated by all the variables coefficients have a significance level of more than 0.05. in the analysis of the multicollinearity test, it is stated that each of the independent variables in the regression equation has a tolerance level of more than 0.10 and vif value < 10, thus it shows that it is independent of multicollinearity in all regression equations. in the model, there is also no autocorrelation, as indicated by du < dw < 4-dl, where the model is 1.671 (between 1.592 and 1.758). table 2. ordinary least square tolerance vif durbin watson constant 1.671 pad 0.417 2.391 dbh 0.807 1.240 dau 0.410 2.441 dak 0.318 3.143 the results of this study confirm the significant importance of local own-source revenue, revenue-sharing fund, general allocation fund, and special allocation fund simultaneously to capital expenditure in provincial government (h5). first, the results point out that local own-source revenue positively affects capital expenditure. this result is coherent with past studies, which underline the impact of local own-source revenue on capital expenditure (juniawan & suryantini, 2018; sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014; nuarisa, 2013; priambudi, 2017; wertianti & dwirandra, 2013). this indicates that the benefits from local own-source revenue provide authority to the provincial government to fund the implementation of regional autonomy under the regional potential as a manifestation of decentralization. thus, there is support for hypothesis h1. second, this study suggests that a revenue-sharing fund makes a significant contribution to capital expenditure. therefore, hypothesis h2 is partially supported. this study corroborates with the determinants factors of capital expenditure ishak, et. al 163 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 past studies on the positive effect of revenue sharing funds on capital expenditure (sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014; susanti & fahlevi, 2016; wandira, 2013). this result indicates that the behaviour of capital expenditures is greatly affected by the source of revenue sharing funds. a revenuesharing fund is a component of a balanced fund that becomes one of the supporting factors for capital expenditures that comes from tax and regional natural resources (sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014). local revenue, which is a revenue-sharing fund from the central government, demands the local government to develop and prosper their people by managing the regional wealth proportionally and professionally, and building sustainable infrastructure, one of them is allocating the budget to the capital expenditure sector (rifai, 2017). third, the next findings show general allocation fund has a positive and significant on capital expenditure. the previous studies also support this research finding that confirms h3 that general allocation fund an effect on capital expenditure (juniawan & suryantini, 2018; nuarisa, 2013; priambudi, 2017; suryani & pariani, 2018). the relation of regional infrastructure development is because the general allocation fund sent from the central government and used by local government is intended to fund local government activities or program through local expenditure, especially on capital expenditures (juniawan & suryantini, 2018). therefore, the general allocation fund encourages the local government to obtain more of this fund so that it will have an impact on capital expenditure activities implemented by the local government. lastly, this study discloses that the consequence of special allocation funds on capital expenditure is insignificant. besides, the last study also confirms the h4, which lend support with past studies (syukri & hinaya, 2019) reporting not impact of special allocation fund on capital expenditure. it means that special allocation fund is not one of the determining factors of the formulation of the expenditure budget on local government. the special allocation fund is large so that it will do not have an impact on the capital expenditure budget management of a local government. special allocation fund not an effect on capital expenditure indicating that special allocation fund is more used to fund the personnel expenditure. in realizing the budget for operational activities, especially personnel expenditure, is still very high and dominating when compared to the amount of realization for capital expenditure. the balancing fund transferred by the central government to local government is mostly used to cover the operational expenditure compared to capital expenditure (sholikhah & wahyudin, 2014). conclusion from a government perspective, this study demonstrates the important impact of local ownsource revenue, revenue-sharing fund, and general allocation fund on capital expenditure. the findings of this study suggest that it is important for the provincial government to focus on increasing local own-source revenue as this is the key success. thus, the decentralization era began in 1999, the provincial government is need by the central government. this study implies that balanced funds such as revenue sharing funds and general allocation funds from the central government affect expenditure allocation for the provincial government. while this study provides some important findings, this study has carried some limitations which can be addressed in future researches. first, this study focuses on the provincial government in indonesia, limiting the generalization of the findings. thus, the sample of this study is not fully typical of local government. this issue can be solved by replicating this study in different provincial the determinants factors of capital expenditure ishak, et. al 164 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 and regency governments. second, this study used a relatively small sample size which not allowing the authors to run a more powerful statistical analysis, such as structural equation modeling (sem). it is encouraged for future researchers to enlarge the sample size for more statistical results. last, besides local own-source revenue, revenue-sharing fund, and general allocation fund that were found to directly impact on capital expenditure, it is also to identify other constructs beyond variables used in this study such as local taxation, local retribution, local own source assets, and other lawful local revenue factors which have a potential effect on capital expenditure. references bellani, l., & scervini, f. 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(cox & eger iii, 2006; david, 2013). several studies conducted in several countries show different vehicle taxation systems, based on several factors. in brazil, the larger the passenger capacity, the higher the tax (benvenutti et al., 2016). meanwhile, in ireland (petrov et al., 2019) and slovakia (gnap & konečný, 2015), the older the vehicle, the higher the vehicle tax. in contrast, in the united arab emirates, new vehicles are taxed more expensively (taleb, 2020). one consideration is that older vehicles cause more air pollution, while newer vehicles such as electric vehicles are subject to lower taxes because they do not cause air pollution.(barros & pádua, 2019; nel & nienaber, 2012) tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 247 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting many sectors have been affected by the covid-19 pandemic in this country, especially in the economic sector. the people's purchasing power has greatly decreased due to the number of employees who have lost their jobs due to layoffs carried out by their workplaces. (daparhita & gorda, 2020; kalalo et al., 2020). the head of the bekasi city manpower office, said that throughout 2020, 1,601 workers and workers were laid off due to several companies affected by the covid-19 pandemic. this figure does not include employees who live in the city of bekasi, work outside the city of bekasi and are affected by termination of employment which cannot be accurately recorded at the bekasi city manpower office (adam dan syamsah, 2018). in an effort to ease the burden on the community as a result of being affected by the covid19 pandemic, the bekasi city government has made several efforts to help its people in dealing with their difficulties, especially meeting their primary and secondary needs. one of the secondary needs of bekasi city residents is the availability of motorized vehicles as a means to carry out activities/mobility of daily life and it is the obligation of motorized vehicle owners to carry out their annual obligations, namely paying taxes and re-registering their motorized vehicles to the bekasi city samsat service office (single administration system under one roof), namely the joint office in serving the payment of motor vehicle tax which is part of the regional tax. thus, the regulation regarding the implementation of the motor vehicle tax is carried out by the level of the governor or the regional house of representatives of the province of west java with its derivative regulations carried out by the chairman of the regional revenue agency of west java province as the implementing regulator of the regional tax of west java province. in an effort to relieve motor vehicle owners in west java province, especially bekasi city, which has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 the west java provincial government has provided a lot of stimulus for motor vehicle taxes, including providing a transfer fee-free program, exemption from pkb fines, and exemption from the progressive rate of arrears. in addition, there are also pkb discounts, 5th year arrears exemption, and regional tax of transfer of motorized vehicle names (bbnkb) i discounts, where the program is free of administrative fees and the discount will last until july 31, 2020. seeing the high enthusiasm of the public to enjoy the tax stimulus, the bapenda of west java province extended the program by launching it under the name triple profit program which ends on december 23, 2020. there are three benefits that taxpayers can get in this latest program, namely the first is free of motor vehicle tax fines. for taxpayers who are late in processing payments but do not apply for exemption from payment for new motorbikes, change forms, auctions/ex-dumps that have not been registered and replace machines. the second advantage is free of principal and fines for bbnkb ii where this program can be used by residents who want to transfer the name of a second motorized vehicle and so on. the third advantage is the freeing of the changed name progressive principal rate which is specifically for west java residents who will apply for the second ownership bbnkb and so on. however, if the taxpayer still has pkb arrears, the pkb rate is only 1.75 percent. the existence of several regional tax stimuli, especially the motor vehicle tax and motor vehicle transfer fees provided by the west java provincial government, in this case the regional revenue agency, of course, must be closely followed by the validity and accuracy of data on motorized vehicle ownership registered at the bekasi city samsat office. the large number of data showing that the high number of motor vehicle taxpayers who do not reregister or pay taxes is not entirely correct, it could be that the taxpayer has made a sale and did not report it to the samsat office so that in its real condition the vehicle has changed ownership. it is also possible tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 248 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting that the owner of the motorized vehicle has changed domicile, so that the address recorded in the samsat administration is not the same as the actual address. this condition requires updating the data to properly map the implementation of the regional tax stimulus, especially the motor vehicle tax in a targeted and effective manner. right on target that this stimulus is beneficial for motor vehicle taxpayers, which is real and effective, is that this stimulus is useful for motor vehicle taxpayers, namely easing the burden of payment of motor vehicle tax obligations and is useful for increasing the income of motor vehicle taxes and motor vehicle transfers for the bekasi city samsat. in the midst of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. to find out the number of motorized vehicle owners in bekasi city who have not verified or reregistered or have not paid their motor vehicle tax, it is necessary to have supporting data for this research. in table 1 below, it will be shown how many motor vehicle owners in the city of bekasi have not verified their data correctly. the indicator of the emergence of this data is the submission of a tax return for payment of motor vehicle taxes (spkp2kb) which has been carried out by the samsat office up to three times and has never been responded to by the motor vehicle taxpayer. tabel 1 motorized vehicle data unverified by the bekasi city samsat office vehicle type 2018 2019 2020 two wheels 387.723 363.570 354.984 four wheels : sedan, jeep, minibus 37.399 37.015 34.724 > four wheels : bus, microbus 887 731 769 > four wheels : truck, pick up 8.610 7.451 .7.139 heavy equipment 1 0 0 total 434.620 408.767 397.616 source : badan pendapatan daerah provinsi jawa barat, 2021 from the table above, it can be seen that from 2018 to 2020 the condition of motorized vehicles that have not been verified to re-register or pay motor vehicle taxes is still high. no significant decline was seen. the potential seen from this phenomenon also looks great. two-wheeled motorized vehicles hold the largest portion each year, in 2018 two-wheeled motorized vehicles that have not been verified were 89.21% of all motorized vehicles that have not been verified. in 2019 it was 88.94% and in 2020 it was 89.28%. the next table, namely table 2, shows the number of searchers who are tasked with verifying data on motor vehicle tax owners/taxpayers in the bekasi city area. tabel 2 data on number of tracers verification of motorized vehicle data for bekasi city samsat office source : badan pendapatan daerah (bapenda) provinsi jawa barat**, 2021 notes : * p3dw = pusat pengelolaan pendapatan daerah wilayah kota bekasi assignment 2018 2019 2020 p3dw kota bekasi *) 9 9 9 villages in bekasi city 112 0 0 tax center of stiami institute of bekasi campus 0 87 48 youth organization in bekasi city 0 0 0 others 0 0 0 total 121 96 57 tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 249 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (regional revenue management center of bekasi city) ** bapenda = west java provincial revenue agency in verifying the accuracy of motor vehicle data that has not re-registered/paid taxes, the west java provincial revenue agency through its work unit, the bekasi city regional revenue management center (p3dw) in collaboration with local government organizations, youth organizations, academics and organizations others since 2018 have deployed the data verification officer, which they call the search team. as shown in table 2, there are 121 searcher officers, all of whom are from p3dw bekasi city 9 people and from several villages in bekasi city area 112 searchers, in 2019 there were 96 searcher officers from bekasi city p3dw as many as 9 searchers and 87 searchers from the tax center of the stiami institute, bekasi campus and 57 searchers from p3dw bekasi city, as many as 9 searchers and 48 searchers from the tax center of the stiami institute, bekasi campus. west java province is the most populous province in indonesia with a population of 48,274,162 consisting of 24,508,885 male and 23,765,277 female population, of course, it has the potential to receive tax funds from its residents in the future. the framework of regional development of west java province. however, due to the covid-19 pandemic that has occurred since november 2019, the receipt of regional taxes, both provincial taxes and regency/city taxes in west java province, almost all types of taxes also experienced a contraction in 2020. of the 5 (five) types of provincial taxes, only cigarette taxes were used. experienced a surplus growth, while the other 4 (four) types of provincial taxes, namely motor vehicle tax, motor vehicle transfer fee tax, motor vehicle fuel tax and surface water tax decreased compared to the previous year's revenue. as described above, the decline in regional tax receipts, especially motor vehicle taxes, was due to a decrease in people's purchasing power due to the covid-19 pandemic and the west java provincial government in this case the west java provincial revenue agency has provided several regional tax stimuli for all vehicle taxpayers. motorized. it is hoped that with this stimulus, the taxpayers will be able to immediately return to carrying out their tax obligations, namely re-registering and paying their motor vehicle tax correctly and on time and of course lighter because of the payment relief provided by the west java provincial government through fiscal stimulus (darwin, 2010; harjo, 2019). the purpose of this study was to determine the level of effectiveness of data verification activities for motorized vehicles that did not re-register in bekasi city in an effort to support the bekasi city regional tax stimulus policy. the author uses the theory of effectiveness proposed by beni pekei in analyzing the data. this theory compares the realization with the target/budget in determining the effectiveness of an activity (asriati & sasmito, 2016). this research continues several relevant previous studies, including research conducted by nurfitriana & saputra (2020) where the results of this study indicate that the performance of the regional government in carrying out the collection of motor vehicle taxes and motor vehicle transfer fees at the regional revenue agency office of central sulawesi province has been very good in terms of the level of growth, effectiveness, and contribution of motor vehicle taxes and transfer of motor vehicle title fee on regional tax receipts. the results of this study indicate that the performance of the regional government in carrying out the collection of motor vehicle taxes and motor vehicle transfer. fees at the regional revenue agency office of central sulawesi province has been very good in terms of the level of growth, effectiveness, and contribution of motor vehicle taxes and motor vehicle transfer fees to local tax receipts. tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 250 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the second previous researcher by pratiwi et al., (2017) with the results showing that the onestop one-stop administration system (samsat) carries out several strategies in increasing motor vehicle tax revenues in talisayan district. , this is indicated by the program that has been run is able to increase motor vehicle tax revenues. samsat has optimally carried out its vision and mission, although in its implementation it faces several obstacles. method the research method used in this scientific work uses qualitative methods where qualitative research is a study that intends to understand what phenomena are experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, and others, holistically and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various natural methods.. the type of research that i will use is descriptive analysis, which is to analyze the content of the object under study based on sources relevant to the research title. this type of research also describes an event whose operations carry out data collection and processing activities as well as interpreting data that is given a rational meaning while still holding to the principles of logic so as to form a holistic conclusion. furthermore, the author will provide a description, an overview of the facts, their relationship with the phenomena studied by explaining clearly and in detail. data collection was carried out through literature studies, namely by reading, reviewing and analyzing various literatures, both in the form of documents, books, journals, publication data from the west java provincial revenue agency, the bekasi city manpower office and from the official website. the implementation of data analysis in the study includes 3 (three) activities, namely carrying out data reduction (data reduction), presenting data (data display), and drawing conclusions/verification (conclusion drawing/verification). in this study the author will analyze the effectiveness of data verification activities for motor vehicle taxpayers who have not re-registered / taxpayers have not paid motor vehicle taxes in an effort to take advantage of the regional tax stimulus provided by the west java provincial government through the regional revenue agency office, where the stimulus is in the form of providing discounts and the abolition of motor vehicle tax fines and motor vehicle transfers as well as motor vehicle tax stimulus which aims to enable the motor vehicle taxpayers to carry out their obligations to pay motor vehicle tax more lightly without being burdened with late fees. this study refers to the effectiveness theory proposed by beni pekei, who argues that the effectiveness ratio is by comparing the realization with the budget, while the criteria for measuring effectiveness are based on the decree of the minister of home affairs number 690,900,327 of 1996 with the following criteria: 1. the comparison result of the achievement rate of more than 100% means it is very effective 2. the comparison results reach 90-100% means it is effective 3. comparison results reach 80-90% meaning quite effective 4. the comparison results reach 60-80% meaning less effective 5. the comparison result is less than 60% which means it is not effective tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 251 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion from the data that has been reduced, it is known that the number of motorized vehicles that have not re-registered in bekasi city from 2018 to 2020 is still high. two-wheeled motorized vehicles are the largest contributor of the number of motorized vehicles that have not reregistered for the past three years. in 2018, two-wheeled motorized vehicles that had not verified re-registration as many as 89.21% of all motorized vehicles that had not been verified. in 2019 it was 88.94% and in 2020 it was 89.28%. in order to make it easier to carry out this research, two types of classification of motorized vehicles were carried out, namely the twowheeled motorized vehicle group hereinafter referred to as (r2) and the other group which has more than two wheels. meanwhile, those with more than two wheels are divided into four categories, namely four-wheeled sedans, jeeps and minibuses (r4-sjm), categories of more than four-wheeled types of buses and small buses (microbus) (r>4-b), category of more than four wheels, types of trucks and pickups (r>4-t) as well as a special category, namely heavy equipment (ab). in 2018, a total of 434,620 motorized vehicles that had not been verified consisted of 387,723 (r2), 37,399 (r4-sjm), 887 (r>4-b), 8,610 (r>4-t) and 1 heavy equipment vehicle. in 2019, a total of 408,767 motorized vehicles that have not verified, consisting of 363,570 (r2), 37,015 (r4sjm), 731 (r>4-b) and 7,451 (r>4-t) and in 2020 as many as 397,616 consisting of 354,984 (r2), 34,724 (r4-sjm), 769 (r>4-b) and 7,139 (r>4-t). while the search officers tasked with verifying data in 2018 were 121 people, in 2019 there were 96 people and in 2020 there were 57 people. the number of searchers has decreased in line with the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic. if it is noticed that in 2018 the ratio of this search activity is 1: 3,592, it means that a searcher has the task of verifying 3,592 motorized vehicles. in 2019 the ratio rose to 1: 4,258 while in 2020 it increased to 1: 6,976. when viewed from this ratio, in 2018 each searcher will be charged an average of 10 verification data per day, in 2019 as many as 12 verification data and in 2020 as many as 19 data that must be verified. these data are only primary data in 2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively, meaning that motor vehicle data were completely unverified in those years without an overflow of unverified data remaining in previous years. table 3 shows data on tracking activities that must be carried out based on targets consisting of data on motorized vehicles that have not been verified in the relevant year plus overflow data from previous years. the abundance of data that has not been verified in previous years greatly affects the level of accuracy of the data received by the management of the west java provincial revenue agency and officials of the bekasi city regional revenue management center in making strategic policies. table 3 tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 252 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting number of targets and realization of vehicle data verification for bekasi city samsat office description 2018 2019 2020 target 1.262.892 1.200.674 1.217.349 realization 1.037.407 1.069.546 937.454 percentage 82,15% 89,08% 77,01% source : badan pendapatan daerah provinsi jawa barat, 2021 in 2018 there were data on all types of motorized vehicles that had not been verified as much as 1,262,892 verification data that had to be searched by a search team of 121 people, meaning that each searcher would get a target to verify data an average of 10,437 data a year or as many as 29 data every day. in that year, 1,037,407 or 82.15% of data were verified, or each searcher managed to verify an average of 8,574 data per year or 24 data per day. in 2019 the target data for verification fell to 1,200,674, with 96 searchers of which 87 people (91%) were students of the stiami institute, bekasi campus. in other words, every searcher in 2019 is given a target to verify an average of 12,507 data or 35 data per day. in the midst of limitations by dividing their time for lectures, the average searcher, most of these students succeeded in carrying out data verification tasks in 2019 as many as 1,069,546 data or 11,141 data or 31 data that were successfully verified every day. in 2020, 1,217,349 data are targeted for verification for 57 searchers (48 searchers are from stiami institute students, bekasi campus). from this data, in 2020 each searcher has a target of verifying 21,357 data or 59 data that must be verified every day. the realization achieved by the searchers in the midst of the outbreak of the covid 19 pandemic was 937,454 data that were successfully verified, or 46 data were successfully verified every day, equivalent to a 77% success rate of the target. based on the theory from beni pekei and the determination of the effectiveness criteria based on the decree of the minister of home affairs number 690,900,327 of 1996 which the author used as a reference in this study, it can be seen that the level of effectiveness of the implementation of this tracking activity in 2018 reached 82.14% which means it is in the quite effective category. , in 2019 this activity reached an effectiveness level of 89.08% which was included in the quite effective category and in 2020 it reached an effectiveness level of 77.01% and was included in the less effective category. the lack of success of this search activity in 2020 was caused by two things, firstly there was a decrease in the number of searchers, which was 57 searchers, compared to 2018 as many as 121 searchers and in 2019 as many as 96 searchers. the second cause is the covid19 pandemic, which limits the activities of searchers in order to maintain the safety of each searcher. conclusion from the above discussion about tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not re-gisterin in bekasi city, west java, it can be concluded that : 1. the west java provincial government through the west java provincial revenue agency to relieve motor vehicle taxpayers affected by the covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has tracking activities for data verification of motorized vehicles not registering in bekasi city, west java, indonesia harjo 253 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting provided a motor vehicle tax stimulus in two stages, the first stage is the transfer of title tax exemption program, the exemption of motor vehicle tax fines. , exemption from progressive rates of principal arrears, granting of discounted motor vehicle taxes, exemption of 5th year arrears, and discounts on bbnkb i and the second stage is the basic exemption and fines of bbnkb ii (tax for transferring motor vehicles), exemption of progressive tariffs for principal arrears. 2. the effectiveness ratio of data verification activities for the bekasi city motor vehicle taxpayer in an effort to utilize the 2020 motor vehicle tax stimulus is at a level of 77.01% and is in the less effective category. a decrease compared to the achievement in 2019 of 89.09% and 2018 of 82.14%. 3. the low achievement level of effectiveness of data verification activities for 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itself is a corporate governance index given by the iicg institution to participating companies in accordance with the results of research on corporate governance mechanisms. this study aims to analyze the effect of the corporate governance perception index, profitability ratios, and company size on firm value in companies that are ranked cgpi and listed on the idx during the 2014-2018 period with a sample of 11 companies using purposive sampling technique. the results of multiple linear regression statistical analysis show that (1) the effect of cgpi on book value of shares (pbv) is positive and significant (2) the effect of roa on book value of shares (pbv) does not have a positive and significant effect (3) effect of roe on firm value (pbv) is positive and significant (4) the influence of company size on company value (pbv) does not have a positive and significant effect (5) cgpi, return on assets, return on equity, and company size simultaneously have an influence on firm value. keyword: corporate governance perception index, roa, roe, company size, pbv introduction the company's goal is to maximize the value of the company. salvatore (1989) [1] states that companies exist because the company's economy produces production and distribution and provides great benefits for employers, workers, and other resource owners. firm value is related to the company's stock performance. this statement is supported by maksum (2005) which states that the value of the company in the eyes of investors increases as a result of their increased trust in the company. firm value can be measured through various aspects, one of which is proxied by price to book value (pbv). one of the things that can affect company value is good corporate governance. in indonesia, currently many organizations are interested in studying corporate governance issues such as academics who have established various forums one among them is the indonesian institute for corporate governance (iicg). iicg in collaboration with the national committee on companies conducts research studies and assessments on the implementation of good corporate governance, both public and private, banking, and state-owned enterprises in indonesia. the results are then published nationally and internationally by the swa magazine and the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 176 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 the iicg website. the resulting product is the corporate governance perception index. one of the interesting things studied is the anomaly between the ranking results and the performance of a company. this anomaly that will be used in this study will raise the question whether the cgpi score is really effective in assessing the performance of the company where this will determine the value of the company. in addition to being an indicator of the company's ability to meet the obligations of the owners of capital, company profit is also an element in the creation of company value that shows the company's prospects in the future. profitability ratio can be proxied by return on asset (roa) and return on equity (roe). on the other hand, company size is also an important aspect in determining company value. the size of the company referred to in this study is to see how much assets a company owns. the assets owned by the company represent the rights and obligations as well as the company's capital. companies that participate in cgpi have been confirmed to have a good and general reputation in the community with a large number of assets generated because the majority of cgpi participants are public, private, banking, state-owned companies and even regional own enterprise. companies with large assets will usually get more attention from the public and investors. this will cause companies to be more careful in their financial reporting. it is hoped that the company will always strive to maintain financial performance stability which will certainly have an impact on company value. agency theory is the basis used to explain corporate governance. this theory contains an explanation of the relationship between agent as manager and principal as owner (wijayanti and mutmainah, 2012). in practice, the owner will give authority to the manager in the hope that the manager will give his best to achieve the owner's goals, namely maximizing company value. however, problems arise from the separation of ownership and management, which is known as agency problems. agency problems arise from a conflict of interest between the owner (shareholder) and the agent (management). to reduce problems or conflicts that occur between owners and management, a supervisory mechanism is needed for company management. the mechanism that can be used is gcg (good corporate governance). gcg is expected to be a system that provides guidelines and principles to harmonize the different interests of managers and shareholders. according to the forum for corporate good corporate governance is a set of regulations governing the relationship between shareholders, company managers, creditors, government, employees as well as other internal and external stakeholders relating to their rights and obligations or with another word is a system that controls the company. strengthening financial performance required good corporate governance (gcg). according to effendi (2016). the definition of good corporate governance is a company internal control system that has the main objective of managing significant risks in order to meet its business objectives. the indonesian institute for corporate governance (iicg) was established on june 2nd, 2000 is an independent agency conducting dissemination and development of in indonesia. the main activity undertaken is conducting research on the implementation of good corporate governance which results in the corporate governance perception index (cgpi). the corporate governance perception index (cgpi) is a research and ranking application of good corporate governance in public companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). the the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 177 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 implementation of the corporate governance perception index (cgpi) is based on the importance of knowing the extent to which public companies have implemented good corporate governance. the corporate governance perception index (cgpi) is held annually, for the first time in 2001. the research methodology used includes four stages of research involving internal and external company stakeholders. the four stages are self-assessment, collecting company documents, drafting papers and achievements as well as observing the company. corporate governance index (cgpi) ranking is designed into three categories based on the level / level of trustworthiness which can be explained according to the application score, namely highly trusted, trustworthy, and fairly trustworthy. return on asset (roa) according to kasmir (2014) is a ratio used to measure a company's ability to generate profits from investment activities. roa can help companies that have implemented good accounting practices to be able to measure the efficiency of the use of capital as a whole, which is sensitive to everything that affects the company's financial condition so that the company's position on the industry can be seen. another profitability ratio is roe or return on equity. roe is part of the profitability ratio. the definition of roe according to brigham and houston (2010). has the view that return on equity is the ratio of net to ordinary equity, which serves to measure the rate of return on investment from common stockholders. according to brigham & houston (2010), company size is the size of a company that is shown or valued by total assets, total sales, total profits, tax expenses and others. meanwhile, according to harahap (2007). the measurement of company size is the size of the company measured by the natural logarithm (ln) of the average total assets (total assets) of the company. according to anthanasius (2012), price to book value is a ratio that shows how high a stock is purchased by an investor compared to the book value of the stock. the smaller the price to book value, the cheaper the price of a stock is. price to book value (pbv) is a value that can be used to compare a stock that is more expensive or cheaper than other stocks. with this pbv ratio, investors can immediately know how many times the market value of a stock has been valued from its book value. the pbv ratio can provide an overview of potential stock price movements so that from this description, indirectly the pbv ratio also has an influence on stock prices. the conclusion is that pbv becomes a benchmark for seeing market recognition of a company. well recognized the share price will increase, but if the market admits it is not good, the share price will decrease. hypothesis that would be used in this research conduct: h1: cgpi has positive effect on the value of cgpi participating companies h2: return on assets affects positively against the value of cgpi participating companies h3: return on equity affects positively against the value of cgpi participating companies h4: the size of the company has a positive influence on the value of cgpi participating companies. method the type of data used in this study is quantitative data which is in the form of numbers or qualitative data that is guessed/scoring (sugiyono, 2011). the data source used in the study is secondary data. secondary data that is data obtained in the finished form has been collected and the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 178 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 processed by other parties (sugiyono 2011). quantitative and secondary data in this study are cgpi report containing corporate governance index of companies from various sectors both public, private, state-owned enterprises, bumd. this data is obtained through the e-mail of the institution that held the cgpi event iicg. and annual financial statements of cgpi participating companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange that do not directly provide data to data collectors, for example through others or through documents. the data comes from the idx website. table 1. sampling result cgpi participant 2014-2018 163 cgpi participant that not listed on idx for 2014-2018 (83) cgpi participant in 2014-2018 whom not consistent (69) cgpi participant whom consistent and also annually published their financial statement on idx for the 20142018 period 11 x 5 = 55 source: private data, 2020 this research using multiple linear regression method to established the result. multiple linear regression analysis is a regression analysis used to determine the relationship between one dependent variable and several independent variables. the result of multiple regression analysis is the coefficient of each independent variable. the result of regression analysis is the coefficient of each independent variable by predicting the value of a dependent variable with an equation. the mathematical form will be explained as below: 𝑃𝐵𝑉 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝐶𝐺𝑃𝐼 + 𝛽2𝑅𝑂𝐴 + 𝛽3𝑅𝑂𝐸 + 𝛽4𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸 + 𝜀 where: β : regression coefficient cgpi : corporate governance perception index roa : return on asset roe : return on equity size : company size ε : error result and discussion descriptive statistical data serves to see an overview of the research. in a descriptive statistic, there is a number of data, the maximum value, the minimum value, and the average value. descriptive statistical results for cgpi, roa, roe, and enterprise size independent variables and company value dependent variables (pbv) can be found in the following table: table 2. descriptive statistic result the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 179 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 n minimum maximum mean std. deviation variance cgpi 55 71,00 93,86 85,909 5,217 27,221 roa 55 -0,05 0,21 0,037 0,046 0,002 roe 55 -0,08 0,33 0,130 0,076 0,006 size 55 28,70 34,80 32,210 1,936 3,750 pbv 55 0,41 4,55 1,024 1,024 1,049 valid n (listwise) 55 source: secondary data, 2020 table 3. kolmogorov-smirnov result test statistic 0,970 asymp.sig.(2-tailed) 0,200 source: secondary data, 2020 table 4. multicollinearity test result variable tolerance vif cgpi 0,597 1,675 roa 0,153 6,552 roe 0,111 9,016 size 0,26 3,849 dependent variable: pbv source: secondary data, 2020 the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 180 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 figure 1. scatterplot graph table 5. autocorrelation test r r square adjusted r square durbin watson 0,649 0,421 0,375 1,963 source: secondary data, 2020 table 6. t-test result variable t test result significant cgpi 2,532 0,015 roa 1,134 0,262 roe 2,17 0,035 ukuran -0,793 0,432 perusahaan dependent variable: pbv source: secondary data, 2020 the t-test is the second model due diligence that tests independent variables in this study (corporate governance perception index, return on assets, return on equity, and size of the the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 181 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 company) to see the result which between the variables individually has an influence on the value of the company (pbv). the study's free degree was 1,67591 where the a specified was 5%. cgpi variables on pbv have a significant positive influence this can be characterized by a sig < of 0,05 in this research the significancy of cgpi below 0,05 which is 0,015 followed by ttable > t-count that is 2,532 > 1,67591. this indicates that h0 was rejected and hypothesis 1 (h1) accepted. this means that cgpi variables have a positive partial and significant effect on the value of the company. roa variables do not have a significant influence on pbv. this can be seen from the significance. the condition of the acceptance of the hypothesis is with the < of 0.05. statistical results show that the variable roa level of significance of 0.262 exceeds the requirement for acceptance of decisions that are below 5%. t-hitung is also priced less than t-table, which is 1,314 < 1,67591 so it can be concluded that roa has no influence whatsoever on the value of the company. this means h0 is accepted and hypothesis 2 (h2) is rejected. this means that roa has no influence on the value of the company (pbv). roe have a positive and significant influence on the value of the company. this can be proven in statistical test results that the significance of < 0,05 is 0,035 with t-hitung > t-table test result of 2,170 > 1,67591. h0 is rejected and hypothesis 3 (h3) is accepted. roe has positive impact due to company value (pbv). as for the size of the company appears to have a negative and insignificant effect on the value of the company with a value of -0,793 < 1,67591t-tabel. however, the level of significance shows above 5% which is 0,431. this indicates that h0 is accepted and hypothesis 4 (h4) is rejected. this means that the size of the company does not have a significant influence on the value of the company (pbv). to measure the ability of independent variables in this study used an adjusted value of r. the reason is that the adjusted value of r already considers the sample data and the number of variables used. the test results of the determination coefficient will be displayed in the following table: table 7. r determination test r r square adjusted r square 0,649 0,421 0,375 source: secondary data, 2020 in the regression model of this study, it is known the coefficient of determination is 0,375 or 37,5%. the ability to explain these independent variables is relatively small because the larger percentage of 62,5% is explained by other variables not included in this study. conclusion cgpi participating companies, are expected to have good guaranteed governance. this can be proven by the index given according to research conducted by the iicg team on all companies that willingly participate in cgpi events. this index turns out to have an influence on the value of the company. this research shows a corresponding result with previous research the influence of corporate governance perception index, profitability ratio, and firm size to company value (cgpi and listed companies on the idx) eva safina rose, siti arbainah, suko raharjo & ardian widiarto 182 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 conducted by marlyanti, hasan basri, and faisal (2015) showing that cgpi is adhered to the value of the company (pbv), the opposite of the research conducted by cahyaningtyas (2015) reveals that the cgpi index has no influence on the value of the company. the result indicates that roa having no positive affect against company value. this happen because may also be the case because there have been several periods in cgpi participating companies, experiencing significant asset increases but not accompanied by an increase in corporate profits. investors in this case concluded that the management of assets in the company is less maximal. this research has inverse results from research conducted by marlyanti, hasan basri, and faisal (2015) and cahyaningtyas (2015) in which roa has a significant influence on the value of the company (pbv). these results are in line with lianti and heliana's research (2015) [13] showing that roa has no influence on changes in the company's value. the result indicates that roe has positive influence against company value. it means that with the total capital there can affect the value of the company. according to afidah (2014) in kusumaningrum (2015) roe shows the rate of return on capital invested by shareholders. if the roe figure is high then the share price is also likely to be high so it will also increase shareholder value. this will further increase the company's attractiveness to investors, as the profit level will increase. according to harmono (2009) in kusumaningrum (2015) roe which is one of the profitability has a causality relationship to the value of the company. this causality relationship shows that roe can describe a company's financial performance as measured using the dimensions of profitability in good condition, will have a positive impact on the investor's decision in the capital market to invest in the form of capital investment. research conducted has corresponding with previous research with kusumaningrum (2015) revealed that return on equity proved to have a positive influence on the value of the company. the result indicates that firm size has no positive corresponding affect against company value. cgpi participating companies are mostly in the category of companies with large businesses according to bapepam 1995 number 9 because the majority of cgpi participating companies include state-owned or private national businesses. in general, large assets will attract investors to invest however, errors in the management of corporate assets can also lower the value of the company in the eyes of investors. according to suryandani (2018), the company obtains a source of funds one of which comes from debt to external parties of the company, so it can be concluded that the larger the size of the company will be the greater the debt. debt withdrawals made by large companies should be able to make the company get a return in the form of large assets as well. the assets that are guaranteed to obtain debt are worth more than the return on assets received by the company. the high risk in the company is considered to increase the potential for bankruptcy which can be a concern for investors. the results of this study had corresponding result with previous research by suryandani (2018) and languju (2018) reveal that the 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the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 4 october 2021 page no. 295-303 295 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city mainita hidayati1, wuwuh andayani2, ratih kumala3, agus subagiyo4, pebriana arimbhi5 12345institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami, jakarta, indonesia correspondent: mainita.h@gmail.com1, wuhanku1112@gmail.com2, rhaty07@gmail.com3, agussbagiyo@gmail.com4, pebriana.arimbhi@gmail.com5 received : august 08, 2021 accepted : august 25, 2021 published : october 31, 2021 citation: hidayati, m., andayani, w., kumala, r., subagiyo, a., arimbhi, p. (2021). modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2(4),295-303. abstract: tax modernization seems to be very necessary in the current digital era. this considers that taxes are one of the largest sources of tax revenue, both in the central and regional regions. this study focused on the scope of the regions, one of the sources of regional tax is parking tax. the phenomenon that occurred in this study was the low acceptance of parking tax on regional taxes. in order to increase regional income and prevent any leakage of funds, the bekasi city regional revenue agency has installed a data management application in several places of business, namely tapping box. tapping box is a machine or transaction recording device that can record all transaction data that occurs and sends it to the bekasi city regional revenue agency server through the global system for mobile network (gsm). the purpose of installing the tapping box is as a means of monitoring and testing taxpayer compliance that displays the financial reports of transaction in a transparent and accountable way. this study used a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach. also, the data was analyzed by using qualitative method. the results of this study indicated that parking tax supervision has not gone well because there were still some taxpayers who have not installed the tapping box. the result of this tapping box installation is that the realization of parking tax receipts has not reached the set target, but the parking tax revenues have increased comparing to those in the previous year. moreover, if the installation of the tapping box is evenly distributed, the parking tax revenue will be maximized. keywords: modernization, tapping box, local tax this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction for a country, taxes are a source of income used for infrastructure development, employee costs, paying foreign debts, and so on. taxpayer compliance determines the achievement of tax revenue targets in a country. (bird & zolt, 2005; tscharaktschiew & reimann, 2021) in the era of regional autonomy, one of the sources of income for the region or local revenue comes from local taxes or modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 296 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting levies. one source of income for the region comes from levies or parking taxes. parking tax is a tax levied by the region or private parties who provide parking spaces in an area. (feitelson & rotem, 2004; gragera et al., 2021). so far, parking tax revenues in the regions have not been effective in increasing local revenue even though the potential for parking tax revenues is quite large. this indicates that there are problems in the effectiveness of parking tax receipts, including not achieving the target or realization of parking tax receipts (ostermeijer et al., 2021; parmar et al., 2021) nowadays, the modernization of tax administration carried out by the government is certainly not only to pursue and reach the optimization of tax collection, but there is another side that is also important to do together in order to lead to a change in the taxation paradigm. (mardiasmo, 2016). tax provisions, procedures, and activities are also continuously directed to improve services, so they become business friendly for the community, especially for business people (pandiangan, 2008). modernization of tax administration affects the quality of tax services because it is one of the important steps taken by the government as a tangible manifestation of concern for the importance of service quality (rahayu, 2010). the modernization of tax administration is a reform process of reformation in the field of tax administration that is carried out comprehensively. this includes aspects of information technology, namely software, hardware, and human resources with the aim of achieving a level of tax compliance and achieving high productivity of tax officials. thus, it is expected this can reduce the practice of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (kkn) (sadhani, 2012). furthermore, the modernization of tax administration can be interpreted in terms of a more sophisticated information technology (it) application (rosdiana & irianto, 2012). the phenomenon occurred in this study is the low revenue of parking taxes on regional taxes. this is due to the lack of supervision of the performance of parking tax collection. this supervision was carried out because many taxpayers did not pay taxes owed as they should, were late in paying taxes, and manipulated the turnover they receive. (ardeshiri et al., 2021). therefore, a data management and reporting application which can display financial transaction reports in total to support the transparency of tax payments was needed. in order to increase regional income from the tax sector and prevent tax leakage, regional revenue agency (bapenda) bekasi city has collaborated with bjb bank to install an online system for regional taxpayer transactions in the form of a tapping box tool. the installation of the tapping box is regulated in bekasi mayor regulation number 132 of 2019 concerning collection and management of regional taxes through online system transactions. tapping box is a machine or transaction recording device that can record or capture all transaction data that occurs, then sends it through the global system for mobile (gsm) network to bapenda’s server. this tool is functioned to record taxpayer transaction data, so it avoids fictitious internal reports as it can find out real income. meanwhile, for local governments, this tool is useful for transparency, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in tax collection. thus, through the tapping box system, it is expected that this is able to increase the income of bekasi regency (atmaja, 2019). the results of research conducted by (fauzi, 2019) from the university of lampung (2019) shows that the use of the tapping box in an effort to overcome the crime of regional tax corruption is an electronic monitoring system for regional tax collection (e-billing) utilizing modern technology, namely the tapping box and the government is using more efforts not to be taxed on taxpayers who commit fraud. local tax corruption. another study conducted by the use of the tapping box can lead to leakage of restaurant taxes, especially if the restaurant pays taxes, namely restaurant entrepreneurs. during the use of this tool in 2019, there was an increase in restaurant modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 297 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax revenues compared to 2018 so that its implementation had a positive impact on increasing restaurant tax results in bandar lampung city. based on the description above, the author is interested in discussing and describing it in a paper entitled "modernizing of administration of parking tax collection with tapping boxes as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city.” last, the authors provided limitations on what will be studied further. as for what is discussed in this study was regarding to the parking tax supervision using tapping boxes in an effort to increase regional taxes of bekasi city, as well as the obstacles and efforts made by the bekasi city regional revenue agency. moreover, the purpose of this study was to find out and analyze parking tax supervision using the tapping box along with the obstacles and efforts in parking tax supervision using the tapping box. method research approach and type the research approach used in this study was a qualitative approach and the type of research was descriptive. this was to facilitate an objective description of parking tax supervision using the tapping box, as well as the obstacles and efforts made by the bekasi city regional revenue agency in parking tax supervision by using the tapping box. as a result, it was expected to increase the parking tax revenue at the bekasi city regional revenue agency. data collection technique data collection techniques are the most strategic steps in research as the main purpose of research is to obtain data (sugiyono, 2017:224). the data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation and documentation. the data collection techniques based on the way to obtain in this research were primary data and secondary data. the primary data is the data collected directly by research from the first source at the research site, while the secondary data is data collected by organizations that have been legalized or published. data analysis technique the data analysis technique used in this research was descriptive qualitative. the data analysis in qualitative research is a stage consisting of systematic activities to build links of data research in an effort to form meaning that will be used to answer research questions. the data analysis technique used by the author in this study had four criteria, namely: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. research sites this research was conducted at the bekasi city regional revenue agency office which was located at jl. ir. h. juanda no. 100, east bekasi, margahayu, bekasi city, west java 17530. result and discussion the results obtained were based on the results of interviews, observations and documentation. the interviews were conducted with the parties involved in this research such as regulators, academics, and taxpayers. next, it was also by analyzing the data obtained to determine parking tax supervision using the tapping box, along with the obstacles and efforts made by the bekasi city regional revenue agency. modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 298 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting discussion is the most important thing in a study. from the results obtained from the research, the authors describe the discussion as follows. 1. the supervision of parking tax by using tapping box in the effort of improving local tax in bekasi city supervision is the process of determining performance measures and taking actions that can support the achievement of the expected results in accordance with the predetermined performance. tax supervision by using this tapping box is regulated in bekasi city mayor regulation number 132 of 2019 concerning collection and management of regional taxes through online system transactions. in this theory, there are three indicators that must be analyzed, namely indicators of increasing discipline, indicators of achieving targets for carrying out tasks, and indicators of reducing leakage. a) improvement of discipline tax supervision is important to improve taxpayers’ discipline in reporting and paying taxes. by installing this tapping box, it is expected to increase the discipline of parking taxpayers in reporting turnover and paying taxes. after the installation of this tapping box, every 1x24 hours or every 12.00 a.m., the taxpayers are required to send and report transaction data originating from the tapping box to the regional revenue agency using the global system for mobile (gsm) network. then, from the data sent by the taxpayer, it will be represented in the form of a dashboard interface and the bapenda tax office can monitor whether the tax paid by the taxpayer is correct or not. the following is the data on the number of parking tax payers who reported and paid both ‘on time’ and ‘not on time’ in 2019. table 1. number of parking taxpayers who reported and payed ‘on time’ and ‘not on time’ in 2019 information number of taxpayers on time 2913 not on time 147 source: bekasi city regional revenue agency based on the table above, it can be seen that there are 2,913 taxpayers who report and paid taxes on time, while those who were not on time in reporting and paying taxes were 147 taxpayers. from these data, it can be concluded that the level of discipline of taxpayers was quite good and only 4.8% left who have not been disciplined in reporting and paying their taxes. b) less leakage in reporting and paying parking taxes, there were still some taxpayers who did not pay taxes owed as they should, were late in paying taxes, and manipulated the turnover received, causing tax leakage. this is due to the lack of supervision of the performance of tax collection. the purpose of installing an online system in the form of a tapping box is to prevent fraud, so that local tax revenues are maximized. this tool is functioned to record all taxpayer transactions. thus, it was expected to avoid fictitious internal reports, because from this tapping box, the real income can be known. modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 299 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting bapenda's tapping box taxpayers of parking bapenda self assesment system regional treasury figure 1. flow of parking tax collection by using tapping box source : the results of the researcher's interview with the supervision section of the bekasi city regional revenue agency the regional revenue agency cooperates with bjb bank in the installation of the tapping box system at the parking tax payer's place of business. previously, parking taxpayers had received a circular letter from bapenda for the installation of the tapping box. after the installation of the tool, all transactions for parking taxpayers will be recorded by the tapping box machine and every 1x24 hours the taxpayer must send or report the data recorded by the tapping box to the regional revenue agency using the gsm network. every month, the taxpayer pays parking tax in accordance with the existing rates in the bekasi regional regulation number 03 of 2010 by means of a self-assessment system. here, the tapping box is not a tax determination tool, but a tool to monitor how far transactions are made by parking taxpayers. from here, the bekasi city regional revenue agency can check whether the amount of tax paid by the taxpayer is appropriate or not. if the taxpayers intentionally misuse the tapping box, they will receive an appeal and sanctions. based on the tapping box flow above, it is certain that there will be no tax leakage until the money enters the regional treasury. thus, through the tapping box system, it is expected to be able to increase the income of the city of bekasi. regarding the income after the installation of the tapping box, based on table 2 regarding the target and realization of parking tax revenue, it can be seen that the realization of parking tax receipts after the installation of the tapping box has increased to rp 10.740.424.485. if the installation of this tapping box is further maximized, the increase in parking tax revenue will be maximum. c) achievement of duties’ goal the bekasi city regional revenue agency is less optimal in carrying out its duties to install the tapping box. based on data on the realization of the installation of the tapping box, the number of parking taxpayers was 261 taxpayers, but only 51 tools had been installed. this was because there were still several obstacles, including many taxpayers who have not used cash register payments or digital-based cash registers, taxpayers did not provide access to the installation of tapping boxes and the impact of the covid-19 outbreak. however, bapenda has attempted to conduct socialization or approach to taxpayers directly or through printed media or radio. for parking taxpayers who have not installed the tapping box, they are still on a waiting list, which will definitely be installed in the future. 2. obstacles that occurred in parking tax supervision by using tapping boxes in an effort to increase bekasi city taxes in the implementation of parking tax supervision activities by using the tapping box, several obstacles are often found. by doing more in-depth interviews on the parties concerned and that plays a role in the implementation of the supervision tax, researchers found some obstacles faced by revenue agency of city of bekasi in the supervision of the parking tax by using tapping box. the obstacles occurred which making tax control activities using the tapping box difficult were as follows. modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 300 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a) power out the power failure caused the tapping box machine unconnected, so every transaction would not be detected or recorded. b) the tapping box could be turned off by the taxpayer himself. there are several taxpayers who deliberately turn off the tapping box tool, so the transactions that occurred were not detected. therefore, it could minimize the taxes paid. c) there were still some taxpayers who have not used the cash register or digital-based-cash register tapping box can only be installed on taxpayers who have used the cash register. d) the installation of tools has not been evenly distributed due to being constrained by covid19. the government's policies regarding social distancing and large-scale social restrictions (psbb) have made it difficult for officers to meet taxpayers. in addition, several places of business were forced to close due to the government's policy regarding the handling of covid-19. 3. efforts made in overcoming obstacles that occurred in parking tax supervision by using tapping boxes in an effort to increase bekasi city taxes in the implementation of tax supervision activities by using the tapping box, surely, there are several efforts made to overcome the obstacles that arose in the tax supervision activities. based on the results of the study, the efforts made by the bekasi city regional revenue agency were as follows. a) a sim card and battery should be provided. when the power is out, there is still battery power and a sim card to store transactions that occur during a power outage. b) the taxpayers who turned off the tapping box tool will be detected through the dashboard in bapenda. bapenda will directly contact the taxpayers who intentionally turned off the tapping box tool and urges them to turn the tapping box back on. if the taxpayer makes the same mistake, they will receive administrative sanctions listed in the bekasi mayor regulation number 132 of 2019. c) bapenda will prepare tools outside the tapping box this tool will be installed specifically for taxpayers who have not used the cash register so that in the future tax supervision will be maximized. d) the taxpayers were still on the waiting list. there are still some taxpayers who are still on the waiting list, which will all be installed in the future. modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 301 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the results of the research, discussion, and interpretation that have been described previously, and with reference to the supervisory theory according to arifin abdul rachman (2001: 23) and the results of previous studies, the conclusions can be drawn as follows. 1) tax supervision by using the tapping box carried out by the bekasi city regional revenue agency as a whole has not been running well. here, based on the results of the study indicated that the implementation of tax control using the tapping box has not reached the predetermined target. the realization of parking tax receipts after the installation of the tapping box did increase by 10 m, but this has not yet reached the predetermined target. this was because the installation of the tapping box tool has not been evenly distributed and there were still many taxpayers who have not used a cash register for payment or a digital-based cash register. thus, the tapping box could not be installed. if the installation of the tapping box was carried out evenly, regional income from parking taxes will increase more. 2) the obstacles in the implementation of parking tax supervision by using the tapping box, namely power outages, the reluctance of taxpayers in implementing the tapping box installation, there were still many taxpayers who have not used cash register payments or digital-based-cash registers and the impact of covid-19 which made it difficult for officers to meet the taxpayers. 3) the efforts made by the bekasi city regional revenue agency in overcoming tax control obstacles by using the tapping box, namely the regional revenue agency should prepare a sim card and battery that can accommodate transactions that occur during a power outage. then, the regional revenue agency should approach and socialize to taxpayers to provide understanding to them about the purpose and benefits of the tapping box. moreover, the agency should ensure that entrepreneurs will not be harmed, so the taxpayers want to install the tapping box tool. regarding to the parking taxpayers who have not used the cash register, the bekasi city regional revenue agency will prepare a special tool outside the tapping box for taxpayers, so in the future tax supervision will be maximized. next the bekasi city regional revenue agency also urges each regional technical implementation unit (uptd) to carry out regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the tool functions properly. moreover, they should take an inventory of existing problems/obstacles and report the results of the monitoring and evaluation to the head of the regional revenue agency every friday for every week. based on the discussion of the conclusions that have been submitted, the authors provide the following suggestions: 1) related to the limited human resources in the installation of the tapping box tool, the bekasi city regional revenue agency should increase the number of tapping box installation officers. it is because the tapping box installation officer is not proportional to the number of parking taxpayers registered in the city of bekasi. such lack of human resources also causes the implementation of socialization regarding the benefits and importance of using the tapping box has not been maximized. 2) for taxpayers who do not want their business to be installed with a tapping box and those who have been installed but they misuse the tapping box, the bekasi city regional revenue agency should provide strict sanctions in the form of closing the business for entrepreneurs who do modernization of administration of parking tax collection with tapping box as a supervision and compliance function of regional taxpayers in bekasi city hidayati, andayani, kumala, subagiyo, arimbhi 302 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting not obey, giving fines, or sanctions in the form of confinement by renewing existing regulation of mayor (perwal). 3) for taxpayers who have not used cash register payments or digital-based-cash registers, the bekasi city regional revenue agency should immediately launch a special tool that has the same function as 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adverse impact on micro small and medium business activities so that the impact goods can be using, consider the performance targets in addition to the declining profit for the company because it does not obtain sales transactions in the end the flow of funds from customers more inhibited. covid-19 epidemics effect reduced. the company's financial statements and business practices and profitabity according to. information exposition of covid-19 caused the customer to take the decision to well at home. there are no activities beyond the end of business practices and other transactions for the company. media public like web, private social networks, wiki and blog become tools for companies that are important for communication, collaboration, and sharing information about sales through the system even directly evaluations how sales take place. the data analysis techniques used in this study are structural equation modeling (sem) techniques, in micro small and medium enterprises in indonesia related and accumulated 112 samples conducted micro small and medium enterprises spread across indonesia. the results showed that the information technology covid-19 plague information technology had considerable effect on the company's financial statements and business practices. companies should consider the losses caused by the inventory and the company's revenues will decline. the research was conducted on micro smallmedium enterprises in indonesia which impact the corona pandemic. keyword: information technology covid-19 plague, company's financial performance, business practices. introduction information is needed by the organization in order to make effective decisions to support the needs of the organization (susanto, 2017: albertini 2014: hertati, 2020). then g:\ilomata\hiperlink\romney.docx ainin, g:\ilomata\hiperlink\romney.docx (2016) said that to make an effective decision, the organization must decide what decisions are made, what information is needed and how to collect and process data to generate information. g:\ilomata\hiperlink\meleod.i.docxarnfalk (2016), said that information technology can provide competitive advantage (compatitive advantage) for the company. however impact technologically information covid-19 adversely bad affects. financial reporting and business ventures itself because corona outbreak caused the purchasing power of the community to file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/romney.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/romney.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/romney.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/romney.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/meleod.i.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/meleod.i.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/meleod.i.docx the influence of information technology covid-19 plague against financial statements and business practices lesi & safkaur 123 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 decrease where office activities and sales activities were discontinued due to corona epidemic so that data processing results could give meaning and benefits causing financial reporting of business activities to be bad, while data is a fact or anything that can be used as input in generating information (susanto, 2017) in line with the above understanding, g:\ilomata\hiperlink\mcleod.docxasadi (2017), information technology covid-19 adversely impacts the preparation of merchandise into using and employees in the government's appeal to dwell on this matter is a fact and a number that is usually meaningless and still not processed, while information is the result of data processing that has meaning, usually tell a thing that is not known by the user. then according to g:\ilomata\hiperlink\hall.docxargyres, (1999) information is business resource. such as other business sources: raw materials, capital, and labor, information is essential and indispensable to the survival of today's business organizations (barua, 1995)." in fact, the phenomenon states that the information produced by the company is not qualified, as was discovered by the finance minister mulyani (2009). he doubted the quality of information provided by bank indonesia on bank inspection in indonesia. then boediono (2010) as vice president reminded that the bank should make a quality report. he asserted that quality information is very important, the banking financial statements must be accurate and do not do window dressings (polish financial statements) to look good. the impact of the covid-19 information can affect business sales so that a covid-19 outbreak affects the sales business and financial statements of sales as well as employee performance by can (bai, 2017). berkhout (2001) says the information technology is a system consisting of a collection of integrated computer-based components and manual components that are made to collect, store and manage data and provide information output to users. information technology is a specialized subsystem of information systems aimed at collecting, processing and reporting on information relating to financial aspects of business activities (borghans, et, all, 2009). the phenomenon of low transparency and accountability of the state's financial statements, resulted in the opinion given by the cpc against the state's financial statements is not giving the opinion (disclaimer). basic reason bpk gave the opinion disclaimer one of which is still weak accounting information system and state reporting. nasution (2009) also stated that bpk rediscovered nine points relating to the opinion of the disclaimer of central government financial statements. one of these is the absence of an alignment between the general accounting information system held by the department of finance and accounting information system of the agency held by the department/institution, so there is still difference between the two. next, the chairman of the bank century investigative audit team from the financial inspectors (bpk) hasan bisri (2010) said that there is a bank game and accounting engineering in the case of the century bank. the banker's game, the bank was made of loss, was disengaged from the inside and the account was engineered as if the assets were good '. accounting engineering is done that the true asset is not worth it but it is considered high value. further hasan bisri (2010) said the century bank case occurred due to an unyielding in the application of bank indonesia provisions. other phenomena say that there are seven issuers who belong to the bakrie group have deposits/time deposits at pt. bank capital indonesia amounting to 6.7 trillion, but bank capital's financial statements in the same period record the deposits of customers in the bank of only 2.69 trillion. according to harry nadir (2010) as the finance director of unsp, the fund has been withdrawn to finance the acquisition, but due to the administrative problems of the funds are still recorded in the one quarter financial report. therefore, ito warsito (2010) as the main file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/mcleod.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/mcleod.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/mcleod.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/hall.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/hall.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/hall.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/sri%20mulyani,%20mentri.docx file:///g:/ilomata/hiperlink/budiono.docx the influence of information technology covid-19 plague against financial statements and business practices lesi & safkaur 124 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 director of the indonesia stock exchange (idx) said: ' the bakrie group issuer incorrectly implements the accounting standards, if the bakrie group's issuer has withheld the supposed funds on the date of the withdrawal noted in the financial statement '. management within an organization works to process all accounting information that is a key part of a set of information (bose 2011). accounting information used appropriately is a tool in making good business decisions (busch et al, 2001). good business decisions are made by using quality information (bergeron, bergeron,2008). quality information is one of the competitive advantages of an organization (chen,, 2011). the competitive advantage of an organization is a unique characteristic of a company in producing superior products and superior in decision making than its competitors (chuang,, 2016). the decision making of quality is strongly influenced by quality information (casolaro,, 2007). information systems obtained from information technology and in designing information technology in strategic ways that are needed to be integrated with high capability in all service groups appropriately for data management for precise decision making. this concept was expanded by croson, (2009, i.e. becoming the supporting capacity of mobile wireless ad hoc networks devices and methods. the next research, chen, (2007), uses the concept of infrastructure support as a unified support for the ease of electronic-based business transactions and ease of management. strictly ciborra (1997) says that facilities are very important in the service of information technology has become a common expression around the world ". in a broader perspective, hertati (2015) confirms information technology is a feature of information technology era and technology communication related to internet network. its funding and the launch of new pastility, especially broadband communications network with national reach became a strategic issue in small micro-medium business services. generally in developing countries the guarantee of the maintenance of the supply has not been in accordance with expectations including for small micro enterprises. in a nutshell, both new and maintenancebuilding processes involve: environmental change, funding, ownership and post-management of large economies of scale; changed access methods; and the governance of the supply and supply of pastility has not been in accordance with expectations including for small micro enterprises (ciliberto,2006: crichton,1995). method the location of this research is micro small medium enterprises in indonesia population, namely sales, finance and it. the total population in this study amounted to 45 samples taken using the slovin formula with a 5% error rate with a sample amount of 200 respondents. from a questionnaire that was spread out as much as 200, the return was as much as 105 and that can be processed as many as 102 questionnaires, as many as 3 respondents filling incomplete. this research uses quantitative methods with multiple regression analysis tools. the tool used is spss version 2.4. scales used to use the five-point likert scale (hair,, 1998) result and discussion the independent variables in this study were information technology outbreak of covid19 (x1), and against financial statements and business practices (y) as a variable of its dependencies. these variable relationships can be described systematically as follows: yo f (x1) the influence of information technology covid-19 plague against financial statements and business practices lesi & safkaur 125 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 table 1. variable dimensions and indicator no. conceptual definitions dimensions indicator 1. information technology outbreak covid-19 : execution of interaction restrictions when the number of sufferers covid-19 in indonesia continues to surge identification 1. provide events 2. impression 3. the there is an object 4. the impression 5. the can be seen involvement 6. important 7. relevant 8. strengths 9. knowledgeable 10. the into products financial statements and business practices : the report system is set up for users after transactions are recorded and summarized within one accounting period. profitability 11. gross profit. 2. market share 12. product price, 13. selling products 14. expanding the market area 15. production costs cost reduction 16. number of products source: result and discussion of variable dimensions and induces, 2020 research questioner is tested using spss ghozali and fuad. 2005, and the research results show that all questionnaires are said to be valid and reliable. reliability is to measure a questionnaire that is an indicator of a variable or a construct. questions are said to be reliable or powerful when a person's answer to the question is consistent. in determining significant or insignificant with mrmcompare the value of r count with the value of r table degree of freedom = n-k, and the area side testing with alpha 0.05. if r counts each question item is positive and is greater than the r table (see corrected item-total correlation) then the question item is said to be valid. from the output analysis on the above reusability test, see the corrected item-total correlation is the value of r count for each question item of each variable. the value of r count each item is both positive and negative and the value is greater than r table, hence the summed of the variable statement item in say is valid. result value is valid because the rcalculated > r table. the validity test results can be seen in table 2. table 2. the results of this study show that all questionnaires are valid and reliable variable indicator r value significance description information technology outbreak covid-19 x1 . 624** .000 valid x2 .806** .000 valid x3 .754** .000 valid x4 .833** .000 valid x5 . 731** .000 valid x6 .787** .000 valid x7 .815** .000 valid x8 .765** .000 valid x9 . 880** .000 valid x10 .804** .000 valid x11 .788** .000 valid financial statements and business practices x12 .860** .000 valid x13 .865** .000 valid x14 .853** .000 valid x15 . 749** .000 valid the influence of information technology covid-19 plague against financial statements and business practices lesi & safkaur 126 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 x16 .855** .000 valid for the reliability test, if the value of alpha > 0.90 it is said to be perfect reliability, if alpha between 0,70-0,90 then called by high reliability. if the alpha is 0.50-0,70 then it is called moderate, and when the alpha value is < 0.50 then the reliability is low. the test results show that the alpha value of the entire questionnaire > 0.90, it shows that it is in the category of perfect reliability. table 3. reliability test results no variable let cronbach’s alpha description 1 2 information technology outbreak covid-19 company's financial performance & business practices .943 .847 reliable reliable source: data spss, 2020 the influence of inter-variable independent (organizational commitment) to variable dependent (financial statements and business practices) micro small business in indonesia can be seen from the results of t hitug between variable and r square value. coefficient of determination is zero and one. a small r2 value means variable deterioration – independent variables in explaining the variation of dependent variables is very limited. a value close to one means the variable – independent variables provide almost all the information needed to predict the variation of the dependent variable. the results of the t-test count and nili r square this research can be seen in table 4. table 4. test result t count and significance value coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 11.575 4.744 2.440 .000 information technology outbreak covid-19 1.239 4.162 .182 4.010 .000 company's financial performance & business practices 1.186 .230 .635 4.154 .000 nilai r square: 0,636 source: spss data, 2020 based on the data obtained it is known that it counts the variables of the calculated t variable the organization 's commitment > t value table, which is 4,010 > 1.985, this result shows that the organizational commitment is influential in the financial statements and business practices of small micro-medium enterprises in indonesia. the r square value is obtained at 0.636 or 63.6% which implies a percentage of contributions influence the independent variable against the dependent variable by 63.6%. the f test on a study served to figure out the influence of a shared independent variable-against dependent variables. table 5. test value f anovab model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 16358.509 2 8179.255 83.133 .000a residual 9346.838 95 98.388 total 25705.347 97 a. predictors: (constant), information technology of covid-19 outbreak b. dependent variables: company's financial performance & business practices the influence of information technology covid-19 plague against financial statements and business practices lesi & safkaur 127 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 based on the results of the f-test data, it can be concluded that the test value of f means that there is a variable influence on the organization's commitment to financial statements and business practices . from the results explained that hypotheses in this study were received. in addition to the f test, in order to know the relationship between dimensions of each variable, the correlation between dimensions is calculated. the correlation between dimensions can be seen in table 6. table 6. dimension intercorrelation dimensions y1.1 y1.2 y1.3 x1.1 identification .784** .681** .711** x1.2 involvement .737** .657** .579** y1.1 profitability 1 .692** .740** y1.2 market share .752** 1 .886** y1.3 cost reduction .760** .886** 1 source: data spss, 2020 based on the results of the data, it can be seen that each variable between dimensions has a strong enough relationship. table 4 shows that the correlation between the engagement dimension has the strongest relationship with the main factor dimensions in the work, as well as the dimension of loyalty has the strongest relationship with the same dimensions, the main factor in working. and the system usage dimension has a strong relationship with the system quality dimension of the information usage factor. teixeira research, et, all, 2008: hertati, (2015) the sales ingredient does not necessarily provide a comparable increase in profits, at some point . the increase in results will be reduced even though the sales factor continues to be added. infrastructure availability makes it easy for companies to make decisions when markets are saturated or over capacity products that ultimately affect the financial structure and profitability. customers have a number of accurate information that can be accessed online to purchase purchases. stewart's research, (2007), law (2005), koontz,(2005, hertati,, (2019). the enterprise gets faster transactions and ultimately flows the funds from customers faster. improve the company's financial structure and profitability. infrastructure availability makes it easy for customers to take accurate and timely decisions and ultimately close transactions that benefit the company. in addition to the use of public media by companies on the web, private social networks , wikis and blogs are becoming an important enterprise tool for communication, collaboration, and sharing information about efforts to increase sales through the system even evaluating directly how sales take place. conclusion based on the results of research technology influence of covid-19 epidemics against financial statements and business practices with the data obtained researchers then concluded that the long term measures require it availability so that strategic decision making can be implemented with the right information as well as a safe and transparent process. companies can move quickly including anticipating changes with the right strategy. availability and it support is to reengineer business strategies to make business processes more flexible and adaptive to change. through it support the company operates in a wider area with more customer reach and 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(abedifar et al., 2020; jaballah et al., 2018). due to the uniqueness and nature of their commercial activities, the policy system of firms whose shares are categorized as sharia differs from conventional shares, making research on dividend policy on share prices crucially interesting for good management. (shehata, 2021). the empirical literature study (syofyan et al., 2020), confirmed that dividend policy decisions affect share prices. the findings of follow-up research (lasisi et al., 2020), show that dividends are essential for businesses, implying that signal theory is essential and that investors trust the information sent in dividend policy decisions. the paper goes on to say that corporations should make sure that good dividend policies and earnings per share rules are in place, as these have been shown to improve share price inflationary pressures empirically. other studies disagree with the findings, such as (adam et al., 2020; barros et al., 2020), which found that dividend policy, along with asset growth, indicates a statistically irrelevant association to the company's stock market price, implying that dividend payments and share prices have a weak relationship. the researchers discovered a dearth of studies related to this problem in numerous asian nations after studying and evaluating the relevant literature. thus, utilize data from the indonesian stock exchange, this research aims to give empirical evidence of the impact of dividend policy decisions on sharia share prices. the report's implications can assist the management of companies with sharia-compliant shares in developing and analyzing more efficient dividend policies and financial management. this study is more essential from a larger perspective since the financial success of companies whose shares are categorized as sharia influences the economic growth of a country. departing from the main issue and objectives of this study, the following set of hypotheses have been established: h1: there is a significant impact of dividend policy decisions on sharia share prices. secondary data were processed using spss 23 statistical package, which was applied to perform standardized regression analysis. method this research is an explanatory study using a quantitative approach to analyze the impact of dividend policy decisions on sharia share prices. the investigation was carried out in indonesia's sharia stock market, which is represented by the jakarta islamic index. the policies of companies whose shares are classified as sharia are different from conventional shares due to the uniqueness and nature of their business activities, which makes research on dividend policy with share prices very essential for effective management. the research population is 30 islamic stock companies listed on the jakarta islamic index. the sample is 26 companies using sampling criteria, namely, only companies reporting complete financial statements for the 2014-2018 period. the secondary data were analyzed by 130 data and then processed using spss 23 packages, which is then applied using standard regression analysis. empirical evidence from the indonesian stock exchange: the impact of dividend policy decisions on sharia share prices ms, burhannudin, khuzaini, bustani 264| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion the study's findings show that dividend policy decisions have a significant impact on sharia share prices. the dividend policy explains 56.9% of the variance (r2 = 0.569) of the share prices. beta is 0.754 and p-value is 0.000 (p < 0.05). this study found that dividend policy decisions have a significant impact on sharia share prices. thus the hypothesis proposed h1 is accepted. dividend policy decisions have a significant impact on sharia share prices and contribute a 56.9% impact on sharia share prices. this study shows that companies whose shares are classified as sharia greatly affect the role of dividend policy in increasing share prices. in addition, in the stock sector which is categorized as sharia in the context of indonesia, it is essential to listen attentively to dividend policy decisions, because it has its own characteristics. the findings of the study are consistent with those of prior investigations (syofyan et al., 2020), revealing that dividend policy has an effect on share prices. according to a study by (imamah et al., 2019), sharia companies have larger dividend payouts, which is mostly due to large insider and external ownership. furthermore, the firm size of sharia stocks has a significant impact on corporate governance because it is negatively associated with dividend payments when firm growth is high, but beneficial when firm size is low. likewise (lasisi et al., 2020), revealed that dividends are relevant for investors, meaning that signal theory is relevant, and investors believe in the information transferred in dividend policy decisions. companies must ensure that good dividend policy decisions are enforced and the earnings per share policy are maintained because it has been empirically proven to increase share prices movements. as a result, the present value of share prices on dividend changes increases over time (esteve et al., 2019), however, shareholders prefer early quick dividends, arguably a risk management tool used to reduce payback periods (barros et al., 2021). the implications of this study add to the realm of academic theory and practice. this research contributes to theory and practice in a variety of ways. as a result, current research fills the knowledge gap about dividend policy with islamic share prices in indonesia. at the identical time, the research stock is currently on the rise. furthermore, this research contributes to the current empirical regard to the impact of dividend policy decisions on sharia share prices. this investigation has a wide range of implications for business management because it shows the business success of companies whose shares are classified as sharia greatly affects the economic growth of a country, this study has greater importance from a broader perspective. table 1 regression model model model summary regression dividend policysharia share price independent variable dividend policy r .754a dependent variable sharia share price r square .569 constant 2428.367 adjusted r square .566 b 27.761 std. error 2.134 beta .754 p-value .000 conclusion h1: accepted source: secondary data processed, 2021 empirical evidence from the indonesian stock exchange: the impact of dividend policy decisions on sharia share prices ms, burhannudin, khuzaini, bustani 265| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion the study's findings show that in the context of the indonesian stock market, dividend policy decisions have a significant impact on sharia share prices. the findings also show that dividend policy intervention is needed to increase share prices in the context of companies classified as sharia. in future research, it will be useful to explore dividend policy with share prices by comparing stock exchanges across countries. reference abedifar, p., bouslah, k., qamhieh hashem, s., & song, l. 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companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange period 20152018. this type of research is explanatory research. this study took a population of 16 companies with a sample of 10 companies selected through purposive sampling, so the number of sample observations over 4 years to 40 companies. the data used are secondary data, namely financial statement data in the form of roa, npm, dpr and dy ratios from 2015-2018. secondary data was collected through documentation of research objects obtained by the idx. furthermore, the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression which had previously been fulfilled the classic assumption test as a prerequisite for conducting a regression test. the results of this study roa and npm significantly influence stock prices. dpr and dy have no effect on stock prices. the coefficient of determination (r2)worth of 0.29%, which means that the roa, npm, parliament and dy explain the effect on stock prices by 29%, while the value of 71% is influenced by other variables not included in this study. keywords: roa, npm, dpr and dy, stock price, indonesia stock exchange (idx) introduction today's global competition, every company is demanded to constantly improve company performance so that it can survive and thrive in the management of the company. nowadays,the impact of globalization is increasing rapidly, especially companies in processing economic resources (firdaus, 2020). similarly, the more rapid development of insurance companies in indonesia, the more stringent competition that occurs. the only way to survive and compete and maintain its existence in the business world is to continue to grow and develop(egam et al., 2017). herefore the ability of adaptation to the times must always be done so that the company still exists. one supporting factor for the company to survive and develop is the availability of funding sources. meeting the needs for funds can be obtained by making loans in the form of debt or issuing shares in the capital market (alipudin & oktaviani, 2016). stock investment activities in the capital market are expected to generate profits for the actors (utami & darmawan, 2018). the capital market is one source of economic progress because it can be a source of capital and an alternative for companies besides banks(astuti, 2018). ne aspect assessed by investors is financial performance (efendi & ngatno, 2018; lindriani, 2018). for this reason, when an investor invests in shares, investors need information for consideration and assessment of the company's performance and the possible effects on stock prices. there are many things that investors must do, one of which is to use fundamental analysis, which focuses on analysisanalysis of published the effect of return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices in the subsectors insurance company listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018 bustani 171 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 financial statements. share price is a very important factor to consider and indicators are used to measure shareholder welfare (wulandari & badjra, 2019). thus the investor's decision is very dependent on the results of the analysis of the financial statements. in this analysis investors usually use financial ratios to predict share prices, such as return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy). signaling theory emphasizes the importance of information released by companies on investment decisions outside parties (bulutoding et al., 2018). information is an important part for investors in making a decision, because with the information presented in the form of notes, information and a description of information past, present and predictions in the future can help investors make investment decisions. in making a decision, investors certainly have a variety of perspectives in interpreting information. therefore the need for information is needed as a basis for making an investment decision. information that illustrates good financial performance will certainly be the choice of investors, on the contrary if the company's financial performance is not good, certainly it is not possible for investors to make investment choices in companies that have poor performance. if the company performs well, of course, it is possible to get the maximum profit, if the company has a profit, of course, it allows investors to get the expected profit. conversely, if the company does not perform well it is unlikely to get maximum profits, and investors' expectations to get profits far from expectations. some studies suggest different results related to return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices. first, return on assets (roa) significantly influence stock prices (ambarwati et al., 2019; astuti, 2018; bulutoding et al., 2018; sihombing, 2019; silalahi & manik, 2019; wulandari & badjra, 2019). but it is different from (alipudin & oktaviani, 2016; efendi & ngatno, 2018; egam et al., 2017; hutapea et al., 2017; lindriani, 2018; ramdhani, 2013; sausan et al., 2020; utami & darmawan, 2018), return on assets has no significant effect on stock prices. second, net profit margin (npm) has a significant effect on stock prices (indahsafitri et al., 2015; lindriani, 2018; wulandari & badjra, 2019). but it is different from (ambarwati et al., 2019; astuti, 2018; dini & indarti, 2012; hutapea et al., 2017), net profit margin (npm) has no significant effect on stock prices. third, dividend payout ratio (dpr) has a significant effect on stock prices (bulutoding et al., 2018; devi et al., 2016; ermiati et al., 2019; ningrum, 2017; nugraha & sudaryanto, 2016; sihombing, 2019; silalahi & manik, 2019). but it is different from (bailia et al., 2016; girsang et al., 2019), dividend payout ratio (dpr) does not have a significant effect on stock prices. fourth, dividend yield (dy) has a significant effect on stock prices fourth, dividend yield (dy) has a significant effect on stock prices (anastassia & firnanti, 2014; devi et al., 2016; ermiati et al., 2019; margaretha, 2008; ningsih et al., 2016; novius, 2017; prakoso, 2016; wagiri, 2013). but it is different from (puspitasari & purnamasari, 2013; rachman, 2015), dividend yield (dy) has no significant effect on stock prices. based on some of the results of previous studies related (roa, npm, dpr and dy) on the share prices described above turned out to have different research results, so it is important for researchers to re-examine the effect of roa, npm, dpr and dy on stock prices in the insurance sub-sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) for the 2015-2018 period. the effect of return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices in the subsectors insurance company listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018 bustani 172 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 method type of research is explanatory research that uses a quantitative approach with the aim of testing the effect of independent variables, namely roa, npm, dpr and dy of the dependent variable, namely the share price (y) in the insurance sub-sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in the 2015-2018 period. the data used in this study are secondary data obtained on the idx by documenting the financial statements, roa, npm, dpr and dy data and share price data taken from the summary of company performance reports listed on the idx through the website, and indonesia capital market directory (icmd) through the site furthermore, the data is analyzed through multiple linear regression which was previously conducted a prerequisite test, namely the classic assumption test (bustani & firdaus, 2020). this study took a population of 16 (sixteen) companies with a total sample of 10 (ten) companies selected through purposive sampling, so that the total sample of observations over 4 (four) years became 40 (forty) companies. the research model is formulated as follows (figure 1): figure 1. research model data analysis in this research uses statistical product and service solutions (spss) version 18 processing tools. the multiple linear regression equation in this study is formulated as follows: y = a + b1 (x1) + b2 (x2) + b3 (x3) + b4 (x4) + e description: y : stock prices a : constants x1 : roa (return on assets) x2 : npm (net profit margin) x3 : dpr (dividend payout ratio) x4 : dy (dividend yield) b1, b2, b3, b4: regression coefficient xn e : error-terms result and discussion in this study have met the classical assumption test criteria, namely the normal distribution model, homoscedasticity has occurred, and there is no autocorrelation so the research model can proceed to regression analysis. based on the calculation of multiple linear regression using the spss application version 18, the regression results of this study are shown in table 1 below: return on assets (x1) net profit margin (x2) dividend payout ratio (x3) stock prices (y) dividend yield (x4) the effect of return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices in the subsectors insurance company listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018 bustani 173 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 table 1. results of multiple linear regression coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 1786,361 549,703 3,250 ,003 return on assets (roa) 517,541 141,709 ,760 3,652 ,001 net profit margin (npm) -64,790 26,482 -,506 -2,447 ,020 dividend payout ratio (dpr) ,271 ,722 ,057 ,376 ,709 dividend yield (dy) -224,946 128,745 -,270 -1,747 ,089 a. dependent variable: stock prices source: secondary data processed, 2020 from the results of multiple linear regression (table 1), the regression equation for this study is as follows: y = 1786,361 + 517,541 (x1) -64,790 (x2) +0,271 (x3) -224,946 (x4) explanation of the regression equation is: a. constants (a) are worth 1786,361. this means that if the variable roa, npm, dpr and dy does not exist or is considered to have a value of 0 (zero), then the stock price (y) variable reaches a value of 1786,361. b. the coefficient value of the variable roa (x1) is 517,541 which is positive. this shows that for every increase of 1 (one) unit on roa with the assumption that the other independent variables are fixed, the change will raise the share price by 517,541 c. the coefficient value of the variable npm (x2) is -64.790 which is negative. this shows that every 1 (one) unit increase in npm with the assumption that the other independent variables are fixed, then the change will reduce the share price by -64,790. d. the coefficient value of the dpr variable (x3) is 0.271 which is positive. this shows that for every increase of 1 (one) unit in the house with the assumption that the other independent variables are fixed, the change will raise the share price by 0.271. e. the coefficient value of the variable dy (x4) is -224,946 which is negative. this shows that every 1 (one) unit increase in dy with the assumption that the other independent variables are fixed, then the change will reduce the share price by -224,946. partial test (t-test) is used to see the effect of the independent variable (xn) partially on the dependent variable (y). the independent variable influences the dependent variable if tcount is greater than ttable with a significance level of 5% or 0.05. while the degree of free testing is n k = 40 5 = 35, so that a ttable of 1.68957 is obtained. based on the results of the t-test (table 1), the partial test results of this study are as follows: a. variable return on assets(x-1)obtained tcount of 3.652 is greater than ttable 1.68957 and the significance value 0.001 <0.05, so this result proves that the hypothesis of unity (h1) is accepted. these results indicate that the return on assets (xvariable1)has a significant effect on stock prices (y). b. variable net profit margin (x2)obtained tcount of -2.447 which is greater than the value of ttable -1.68957 and a significance value of 0.020 <0.05, so this result proves that the second the effect of return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices in the subsectors insurance company listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018 bustani 174 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 hypothesis (h2) is accepted. these results indicate that the variable net profit margin (x2) has a significant effect on stock prices (y). c. variable dividend payout ratio (x3) obtained t-value of 0.376 which is smaller than t-value of table 1.68957 and significance of 0.709> 0.05, so these results prove that the third hypothesis (h3) is rejected. these results indicate that the dividend payout ratio (xvariable3)does not significantly influence the stock price (y). d. variable dividend yield (x4)obtained tcount of -1.747 which is greater than t-count and significance -1.68957 0.089> 0.05, so these results prove that the fourth hypothesis (h4) was rejected. these results indicate that the variables dividend yield (x4)partially no significant effect on stock price (y). simultaneous test (f-test) is used to prove the effect of the independent variable (xn) simultaneously on the dependent variable (y). f test can be obtained by determining the fvalue and f-table and see the significance level of 5% or 0.05. degree of freedom (df) 1 = 4, and (df) 2 = 35 to obtain a f-tabel of 2.64. then fcount is compared with ftable which is f-count 3,570 greater than ftable 2.64. thus roa, npm, dpr and dy simultaneously influence the price of shares in the insurance sub-sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). the f-test results are shown in table 2 below. table 2. simultaneous test results (f-test) anovab model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 6,821e7 4 1,705e7 3,570 ,015a residual 1,672e8 35 4776997,609 total 2,354e8 39 source: secondary data processed (2020). the coefficient of determination obtained from the analysis of this study (table 3) has a value of r-square of 0.290 which means that the variation in roa, npm, parliament and dy is able to explain the variations that occur in the variable shares price (y ) by 29%, while 71% of other variations are explained by other variables not included in this research model. table 3. determination coefficient model r r-square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 ,538a ,290 ,209 2185,63437 sumber: data sekunder yang diolah, 2020 return on assets (x1) obtained tcount of 3.652 is greater than ttable 1.68957 and the significance value 0.001 <0.05, so this result prove that the first hypothesis (h1) is accepted. these results indicate that the return on assets (xvariable1)partially has a significant effect on the stock price (y) of the insurance sub-sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018. these results can also be interpreted when return on assets increase, the share price will also increase. vice versa, if return on assets decreases, the stock price will decrease as well. thus if the return on assets (roa) is high, it will be a good signal for investors. because with high roa shows that the company's financial performance is good, investors will be interested in investing their funds in the form of securities or shares. these findings are in line with empirical the effect of return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices in the subsectors insurance company listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018 bustani 175 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 research (ambarwati et al., 2019; astuti, 2018; bulutoding et al., 2018; sihombing, 2019; silalahi & manik, 2019; wulandari & badjra, 2019) which states that return on assets has an effect on stock price. net profit margin (x2) obtained tcount of -2.447 which is greater than the value of ttable 1.68957 and a significance value of 0.020 <0.05, so this result prove that the second hypothesis (h2) is accepted. these results indicate that the variable net profit margin (x2) partially has a significant effect on the stock price (y) of insurance sub sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018. these results can be interpreted when the net profit margin increases, the share price will increase. vice versa, if the net profit margin decreases, then the share price will decrease as well. thus, if the net profit margin (npm) has a significant effect on stock prices, it will be a good signal for investors. because with a high npm, the company's financial performance is good, investors will be interested in investing their funds in the form of securities or shares. these findings are in line with empirical research (indahsafitri et al., 2015; lindriani, 2018; wulandari & badjra, 2019) which states that net profit margin has a significant effect on stock prices. dividend payout ratio (x3)obtained tcount of 0.376 which is smaller than t-count and significance 1.68957 0.709> 0.05, so these results prove that hypothesis third (h3) is rejected. these results indicate that the dividend payout ratio (xvariable3)partially has no significant effect on the share price (y) of insurance sub sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018. these results can be interpreted when the dividend payout ratio increases, then the stock price will have no effect or remain. vice versa, if the dividend payout ratio decreases, then the share price will also have no effect. therefore, if the dividend payout ratio (dpr) does not have a significant effect on stock prices, it will be a signal to investors that the eps variable cannot be used as a reference in determining investors' investment strategies in investing their shares in the capital market during this research period. these findings are in line with research with (bailia et al., 2016; girsang et al., 2019) which states that dividend payout ratio has no significant effect on stock prices. dividend yield (x4)obtained tcount of -1.747 which is greater than t-count and significance -1.68957 0.089> 0.05, so these results prove that hypothesis fourth (h4) received. these results indicate that the variables dividend yield (x4)partially no significant effect on stock price (y) on sub-sector insurance companies listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018. this result can be interpreted when the dividend yield increases, the share price will not increase. vice versa, if the dividend yield decreases, the share price will not decline. thus if the dividend yield (dy) does not affect the stock price then it becomes a signal for investors that the dy variable cannot be used as a reference in determining an investor's investment strategy in investing his shares in the capital market. these findings are in line with research with (puspitasari & purnamasari, 2013; rachman, 2015) which states that the dividend yield has no significant effect on stock prices. conclusion based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the return on assets (roa) and net profit margin (npm) variables partially have a significant effect on stock prices. while dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) partially do not have a significant effect on stock prices. furthermore, the results of the analysis also prove that roa, npm, dpr and dy simultaneously influence stock prices. in the other test, the coefficient of determination (r2)worth the effect of return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and dividend yield (dy) on stock prices in the subsectors insurance company listed in indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2018 bustani 176 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 of 0.29%, which means that the return on assets (roa), net profit margin (npm), dividend payout ratio (dpr), dividend yield (dy) describe the effect on the share price of 29%, while the other 71% is influenced by other variables not examined. this study is still limited to four independent variables, namely roa, npm, dpr and dy which are used in this research model. the use of four independent variables is felt to still not reflect the effect on the overall stock price considering there are still other factors that influence it such as return on equity, debt to equity ratio, earning per share, company size. this finding has practical relevance for researchers, practitioners, and investors as important 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total asset turnover, current assets, debt to equity ratio, and return on assets to stock returns. other variables that are seen as new indicators such as economic value added, human economic value added, and value added intellectual capital are also examined for their effects on stock returns. companies engaged in the energy sector in indonesia and malaysia were made as objects in this study. ols regression is used to analyze the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. the results of an analysis of energy company data in indonesia show that debt to equity ratio and human economic value added have a negative and significant effect on stock returns, while economic value added and value added intellectual capital have a positive and significant effect on stock returns. as for the object of research on energy companies in malaysia, the results showed that total asset turnover, economic value added and value added intellectual capital had a positive and significant effect on stock returns. keyword: stock return, economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient introduction energy is one industry sector that has a significant effect on increasing the company's production specifically and the economic output of a country in general. economic growth will highly depend on the availability of adequate energy considering the production process of goods or services will always need support for energy supply. economic improvement is always associated with energy use, while the developing global economy will result in increased demand for energy (rashid, et al., 2016). the world economic forum notes that developed and developing countries are the biggest energy providers and contributors of carbon dioxide emissions in the world in 2016 (wef, 2019:18). for southeast asia region, indonesia ranks highest from the perspective of energy use when compared to other countries in the same region. the central intelligence agency on its official website noted that indonesia consumed as much energy as 213 billion kwh in 2016, followed by thailand with 187 billion kwh, vietnam 143 billion kwh, and malaysia 136 billion kwh. the amount of energy consumption for indonesia, vietnam, and thailand is considered reasonable given the three have the largest population in southeast asia. however, it is different with malaysia. with a population of only around 12% of the total population of indonesia, malaysia is able to absorb 64% of indonesia's total energy consumption the comparison of indonesian and malaysian data is interesting to study considering that conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 223 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 the two countries are in the same region and even have neighbors, with almost the same historical background, and have relatively similar geographical conditions, but in fact have very different levels of energy consumption and economic performance. on the other hand, based on data i obtained from, the return of energy company shares on the indonesia stock exchange and the malaysian stock exchange has seen significant differences in the last three years. the average stock return per year of energy companies in indonesia has the same trend as the cspi, which increased 36% per year in 2015-2016, an increase of 18% in 2016-2017, but decreased by 12% in 2017-2018. on the other hand, the average annual stock return of energy companies in malaysia increased 75% in 2015-2016, decreased 39% in 20162017, and increased again by 71% in 2017-2018. changes in prices and stock returns are strongly influenced by internal and external factors of the company (utami et al, 2015). where when viewed from the perspective of company internal factors, a picture of company performance can be analyzed from financial data contained in the company's financial statements (khadaffi and heikal, 2014: 219). some financial ratios that have long been known as tools for analyzing corporate financial performance include activity ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and profitability ratios. in the context of performance analysis, several recent studies also discuss economic value added (eva) or economic added value as an alternative that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the company's financial performance. another contemporary measurement tool related to company performance is human economic value added (heva). heva is a development of the eva concept that was popularized by the sten steward & co. organization and is useful for measuring the wealth of companies created per employee. pulic in 1998 made a new concept to measure the intellectual capital (ic) of a company and in 2004 pulic introduced the concept of value added intellectual coefficient (vaic) consisting of several main components namely capital employee efficiency (cee), human capital efficiency (hce ), and structural capital efficiency (sce) (sirapanji and hatane, 2015: 46). furthermore, an analysis of company performance is also important not only as an evaluation material in the context of the country's macroeconomic context, but also as an input for stakeholders in making all decisions related to company operations. for example, the decision of creditors in giving or not giving credit to a company, the company's managers in making decisions related to the company's future going forward, and investors in making investment decisions, one of them by buying a company's shares. in general, good company performance will increasingly attract the interest of creditors to provide loans that can be used as one of the inputs in order to expand the company. on the other hand, a good company performance will also increasingly attract new investors to invest their funds in the company, which is in accordance with the company's goal which is to increase the wealth of shareholders. in determining investment decisions, there are two methods that can be used by investors in evaluating company performance, namely technical analysis and fundamental analysis (abdulmannan and faturohman, 2015: 580). this research refers more to fundamental analysis by focusing on some conventional financial ratios such as the ratio of activities represented by total asset turnover (tato), liquidity ratios represented by current ratio (cr), solvency ratios represented by debt to equity ratio (der) , profitability ratios represented by return on assets (roa). in addition, several other analytical tools such as economic value added, human economic value added, and value added intellectual capital conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 224 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 which are all represent the tools of performance analysis of contemporary companies are also the focus of discussion in this study. all these performance analysis tools will be evaluated for their effect on stock returns (sr) of companies engaged in the energy sector in indonesia and malaysia. referring to the results of previous studies discussing the variables used in this study, it can be concluded that there is no uniformity of results regarding the effects of conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, and value added intellectual capital on stock returns. the variety of research results is possible because of differences in the database used, the method used, and the period of research conducted. in addition, researchers see that there is still a research gap where there is no research comparing the effect of conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, and value added intellectual capital on company stock returns in the energy sector between indonesia and malaysia. in investing, every investor must expect a maximum return on his investment activities (oktavia and norita, 2016: 56). the return on investment can also be referred to as return or return on investment which is usually calculated over a certain period of time and measured by a percentage of the value of the investment made. stock returns generally have two components, namely dividend yield and capital gain / loss (tandelilin, 2010: 10). dividend yield is any profit received by investors over share ownership which is usually called a dividend. while the capital gain/loss is the difference between changes in stock prices when bought with stock prices when sold. oktavia and norita (2016: 58) define the activity ratio as the efficiency level of a company in using its assets or resources to support the company's activities and achieve the expected goals. total asset turnover as an indicator used in this study to represent the ratio of company activity is a ratio that illustrates the level of efficiency of the company in using its assets in order to increase sales and profits of the company (aziz, pahlavi, and toaha, 2018: 33). furthermore, liquidity ratios are used to measure a company's ability to meet short-term financial obligations that must be resolved (robinson, 2009; medyawati and yunanto, 2017: 5) and meet unexpected needs for cash (weygrandt, kimmel, and kieso, 2013: 695 ). one of the liquidity ratios used in this study is the current ratio, which is a ratio that describes how much the company's current liabilities can be covered by assets that are predicted to be converted into cash in a short time (asmirantho & somantri, 2017: 95). the solvency ratio is used to measure the company's ability to meet its long-term obligations (robinson, 2009: 277). in other words, this ratio can be used to measure the company's ability to survive in the long run (weygrandt et al., 2013: 703). based on putra, nurlaela, and samrotun (2018: 134), debt to equity ratio is a measure of a company's ability to pay short-term and long-term debt. profitability ratios measure the income or operating success of a company within a certain period of time, where company income will affect the company's ability to obtain debt and equity financing (weygrandt et al., 2013: 699). return on assets that indicate a company's ability to generate profits from assets owned (atidhira & yustina, 2017: 130) are used in this study to represent profitability ratios the concept of economic value added or economic value added began in the early 1990s when stern stewart & co. created a trademark on economic value added. economic value conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 225 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 added includes a relatively new company performance analysis tool compared to conventional financial ratios such as activity ratios, liquidity ratios, ratios, solvency, and profitability ratios. this added economic value will ensure that management operates the company consistently with the concept of increasing shareholder value (brigham & ehrhardt, 2011: 69). economic value added is then developed into human economic value added by considering the perspective of human capital (kumar and basu, 2013: 64). human economic value added is useful for measuring the added value created by companies per employee. pulic in 1998 created a new concept to measure a company's intellectual capital and in 2004 pulic introduced the concept of value added intellectual coefficient (vaic) which consisted of several main components namely capital employee efficiency (cee), human capital efficiency (hce), and structural capital efficiency (sce) (sirapanji and hatane, 2015: 46). the concept of intellectual capital put forward by pulic is motivated by the assumptions of the majority of economic and financial models that view employees as costs and not as resources. intellectual capital itself is useful in measuring the company's non-physical resources such as human capital (skills, experience, training, etc.), relational capital (relationships with customers and stakeholders, brands, company agreements, etc.), and structural capital (culture organization, work environment, and system) (stahle, stahle, and aho, 2011: 532). method the object of this research is the data of 32 companies engaged in the energy sector which are listed on the indonesia stock exchange and data on 22 companies engaged in the energy sector which are listed on the malaysia stock exchange between 2014 and 2018. the research method used is quantitative research methods. by describing the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable examined through the process of collecting, processing, and interpreting the data obtained using statistical analysis. the data analysis method used in this study is multiple regression of panel data using the ordinary least squares (ols) method with the help of eviews software version 9.0. several tests were carried out to support the regression analysis, including chow test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heterocedasticity test, autocorrelation test, and t test for regression results. next in order to analyze the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable, multiple regression equations are made as follows: y = α + β1tato + β2cr + β3der + β4roa + β5eva + β6heva + β7vaic + e variables stock return is the difference in the current investment value with the initial investment value for a certain period. stock returns can be calculated using the following formula: stock return = capital gain/loss + dividend yield conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 226 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 total asset turnover is a financial ratio that is used to measure a company's ability to generate sales by utilizing its assets. the formula for calculating total asset turnover is as follows: total asset turnover = sasec totas æccet in order to calculate the current ratio, the data of current assets and current liabilities are obtained from each company's financial statements with the following formula: current ratio = current æccet current liabisitiec debt to equity ratio is a measure of a company's ability to pay short-term debt and long term debt. the formula for calculating the debt to equity ratio is as follows: debt to equity ratio = totas debt totas equity return on assets is calculated by dividing the company's net income by the average total assets (weygrandt et al., 2013: 699; robinson, 2009: 292). from this description, it can be seen the formula for calculating return on assets is as follows: return on asset = net incone totas æccet æverage economic value added is calculated by reducing nopat to the value of cost of capital, so the formula for calculating economic value added is as follows: eva = nopat – ( invested capital x wacc ) in which: wacc = wd kd (1-t) + we ke notes: wacc = weighted average cost of capital ebit = earning before interest and taxes nopat = ebit (1-t) invested capital = total equity – (total debt-current debt) wd = debt proportion kd (1-t) = debt costs after taxes we = equity proportion ke = equity costs the amount of the cost of equity used can be calculated using the formula capital asset pricing model (capm) with the following formula: conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 227 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 capm = krf + β ( km krf ) notes: krf = risk free rate km = market return β = company beta (non diversifiable risk) jones, utama, frensidy, ekaputra, and budiman (2009: 239) define a company beta as a relative measurement of a company's risk to the market portfolio for all shares. to calculate company beta, jones et al. (2009: 239) explain that the equation of the single index model as follows can be used: ri = αi + βi rm + e notes: ri : the return on security i rm : the return on market index αi : intercept βi : slope e : error term to calculate human economic value added, full time equivalent data is obtained from each company's financial statements. the formula for calculating human economic value added is as follows: human economic value added = econonic vasue ædded fuss tine equivasent value added intellectual coefficient is the sum of the value of intellectual capital efficiency (ice) and capital employed efficiency (cee), where ice itself is the sum of the human capital efficiency (hce), and structural capital efficiency (sce). these explanations can be summarized in the formula: vaic = hce + sce + cee or vaic = hce + sce + cee referring to the explanation of pulic (2004: 64), the detailed formula used to calculate the value added intellectual coefficient is as follows: hce = væ kc in which va = out – in conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 228 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 or va = op + ec + d + a in which sc = va – hc hce = væ kc sce = sc væ cee = væ ce notes: va = value added hc = human capital ce = book value of the net assets (total assets – total liabilities) out = total sales in = cost of bought-in materials, components, and services op = operating ec = employee costs d = depreciation a = amortization result and discussion regression model approach test table 1 chow test results of energy company data in indonesia effects test statistic d.f. prob. cross-section f 2.907014 (15,8) 0.0657 cross-section chi-square 57.789611 15 0,0000 table 2 chow test results of energy company data in malaysia effects test statistic d.f. prob. cross-section f 2.427026 (9,2) 0.3258 cross-section chi-square 47.088711 9 0.0000 from the results of the chow test as presented in tables 1 and 2 above, it can be seen that the probability value of the two chow tests is more than 0.05. these results indicate that in this test the best model that can be used in regression analysis is the common effect.uji normalitas, multikolinearitas, heterokedastisitas, dan autokorelasi conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 229 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 for energy company data in indonesia, the probability value of the jarque-bera test results using residual data is 0.3611, while for the energy company data in malaysia is 0.728417, where both values are greater than the test probability set which is equal to 0.05. from this information it can be seen that the residual data has been normally distributed or in other words it can be concluded that there is no normality problem in the existing data. multicollinearity test is performed to detect the linear relationship between independent variables. the close relationship between independent variables causes one of the assumptions to not be fulfilled in an effort to obtain estimators that are not biased, linear, and have minimum variants. from the multicollinearity test results on energy company data in indonesia and malaysia, there is no correlation between independent variables above 0.85, so it can be concluded that from the data there are no multicollinearity problems in the analysis. table 3 heterokedasticity test results for energy companies in indonesia dependent variable: resabs table 4 heterokedasticity test results for energy companies in malaysia dependent variable: resabs from tables 3 and 4 above, it can be seen that the probability value of each independent variable coefficient of the glacial test results is insignificant or more than 5%, so it can be said that there is no heterocedasticity problem in the data used in the analysis in this study. to test whether there is an autocorrelation problem, the durbin-watson test can be used by referring to the durbin-watson table. the value of d was obtained from the regression results in the amount of 2,066, with the amount of data processed in the regression of 160 for energy company data in indonesia and the d value of 2,022, with the amount of data processed in the regression of 105 for the energy company data in malaysia. referring to the existing data, the durbin-watson table sets the d value limit where there is no autocorrelation problem at variable coefficient prob tato -0.142200 0.6692 cr -0.014397 0.7699 der 0.207363 0.3052 roa 0.268867 0.8753 eva -5.818794 0.7523 heva -1.534235 0.8358 vaic -0.005795 0.3659 variable coefficient prob tato -0.047525 0.8467 cr 0.072356 0.8199 der 0.088064 0.8535 roa 0.705433 0.3359 eva 0.051327 0.8534 heva -0.180772 0.5267 vaic -0.006784 0.9223 conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 230 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 approximately 2. furthermore, given that the d value obtained from the regression results is 2,066 and 2,022, it can be concluded that the analyzed data there is no autocorrelation problem. regression result based on panel data regression analysis using the ols method with the common effect model as the chosen model, a regression result is obtained that illustrates the effect of total asset turnover, current assets, debt to equity ratio, return on assets, economic value added, human economic value added, and value added intellectual capital to stock returns as shown in table 5 as follows: table 5 regression results of energy company data in indonesia and malaysia dependent variable sr (indonesia) sr (malaysia) independent variable c 0.472936 10.16090 tato 1.303983 1.333708 *** cr 0.133041 0.873381 der 0.893373 ** 0.303474 roa 1.731458 1.827673 eva 0.524723 *** 1.022512 ** heva 0.628547 ** 0.779515 vaic 0.032690 *** 0.296690 *** note: ** and *** show significant level of 5% dan 10% respectively the results of data analysis of energy companies in indonesia show that total asset turnover has no significant effect on stock returns, while in malaysia it shows a positive and significant effect. this positive and significant influence in malaysia further confirms the results of previous studies which have been conducted by several researchers such as zamzami and afif (2015), yuliantari and sujana (2014), and medyawati and yunanto (2017). the insignificant effect of the current ratio variable on stock returns is equally shown by data in both the two countries of indonesia and malaysia. the limited number of population of companies engaged in the energy sector is indicated as one of the causes of this significant result, where there are no more than 40 companies in indonesia and no more than 30 companies in malaysia engaged in the energy sector, and not the entire population meets the criteria of purposive sampling to be analyzed as a sample. for the debt to quity ratio variable, the negative sign on the coefficient is shown by all the data in indonesia and malaysia, only for the regression results in indonesia the effect of the debt to quity ratio on stock returns is proven significant, while data in malaysia shows the conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 231 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 opposite. the insignificant effect of the variable return on assets on stock returns is equally shown by data in both the two countries of indonesia and malaysia. as with the current ratio, the limited number of samples is indicated to be a cause of insignificant results. another factor that may be the cause of the insignificant influence of return on assets on stock returns is the existence of other variables in the data processing. as is known, the existence of a control variable will also determine the value and significance of the variable being studied. in this case, researchers have tried to do a regression by eliminating other variables that are indicated to be affiliated with the variable return on assets, including economic value added variables, human economic value added, and value added intellectual coefficient. from the results of trials conducted by researchers, proven return on assets has a positive and significant effect on stock returns. the results of the analysis of the data of companies engaged in the energy sector both in indonesia and malaysia produce the same conclusions related to the influence of economic value added, namely there is a positive and significant influence of economic value added variables on stock returns. some previous studies that have the same conclusions, among others, conducted by awan et al. (2014), worthington & west (2004), akbar, khan, and ali (2010), amyulianthi and ritonga (2016), babatunde & evuebie (2017), and nugroho (2018). the results of an analysis of data from companies engaged in the energy sector in indonesia have concluded that there is a negative and significant influence from the human economic value added variable on stock returns. the negative coefficient is similar to the data in malaysia, only the difference in the data in malaysia shows insignificant results. from the author's analysis, the difference in the coefficient symbol between economic value added and human economic value added is caused by an increase or decrease in the number of employees of the company within the five years of the study. the majority of companies show a declining trend in the number of employees in the 2014-2015 period. in the case that the number of employees has not changed, then economic value added and human economic value added should have the same effect on stock returns. the results of research on energy companies both in indonesia and malaysia show the same conclusions related to the effect of the value added intellectual coefficient, namely the value added intellectual coefficient has a positive effect on stock returns at a significance level of 5%. these results reinforce the conclusions of a number of previous studies that have been carried out by ahmed, khurshid and yousaf (2019) and firmansari, migdad and kustono (2019). this positive coefficient illustrates that the more efficient a company is in utilizing its resources, the greater the potential of the company to generate profits, where it should further encourage increased profits, dividends, as well as the attractiveness of investors to invest in the company. conclusion the results of an analysis of energy company data in indonesia show that debt to equity ratio and human economic value added have a negative and significant effect on stock returns, while economic value added and value added intellectual capital have a positive and significant effect on stock returns. as for the object of research on energy companies in malaysia, the results showed that total asset turnover, economic value added and value added intellectual capital had a positive and significant effect on stock returns. further research can add other factors both internal and external sources of the company that have the potential to influence stock returns in order to obtain better research results. conventional financial performance, economic value added, human economic value added, value added intellectual coefficient and its impact on stock return of companies operating in energy sector in indonesia and malaysia anton wijaya 232 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 31, july 2021 reference abdulmannan, a.a. & faturohman, t. 2015. the relationship between fundamental factors and stock return: a case based approach on banking companies listed in indonesia stock 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government's way of improving tax revenue. therefore, revenue officers are required to be active, as well as the taxpayers' awareness and willingness. the deficiency of willingness to pay taxes is inseparable from the lack of knowledge, understanding, service, and financial condition of taxpayers and is one of the factors that hinder taxpayer awareness in carrying out their tax obligations. this study aims to analyze the effect of tax awareness, knowledge and understanding of taxation rules, service quality, and financial conditions on the taxpayer readiness of individual income taxpayers. the population used in this study are the taxpayers of bolu online business community smes. the sample used was 100 respondents. the result of this study indicates that the awareness of paying taxes and the quality of service do not significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes. in contrast, knowledge and understanding of tax regulations and financial conditions have a positive influence on taxpayers' willingness to pay. keywords: tax awareness, knowledge and understanding of taxation rules, service quality, financial conditions, msmes, and gr no.23 of 2018 introduction tax is the central source of internal revenue. without taxation, the country is unable to develop well and smoothly. most of the state revenue sources contained in the state budget (apbn) come from taxes. this is evident in the realization of tax revenue in 2018, according to the revised state budget of 2018, the total tax revenue reached rp.1, 315.9 trillion or grew by 14.3%. this tax growth is the highest revenue since 2012. the tax ratio also reached 11.5% of gross domestic revenue (gdp), which increased by 0.8% from 2017. with the improved tax revenue, the tax 18 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala ratio experienced a significant improvement in just a year ( to overcome these problems, the government through the directorate general of taxes since july 2013 issued government regulation (gr) no 46 of 2013 concerning tax regime from on business income of individual with a certain gross turnover was amended to government regulation (gr) no. 23 of 2018 which has been in effect since july 2018. indirectly, the intended target of this government regulation is msmes, both individuals, and entities, except for permanent business entities that have gross circulation not more than rp.4.8 billion. therefore, the writer wants to analyse the factors that influence the taxpayer's willingness to pay taxes after the enactment of government regulation no.23 of 2018 in the bolu online business community. the bolu community (belajar online yuk!) is a community and place for online learning to maximize and develop its members' business. the bolu community was established in 2014 and today has more than 3,000 members and alumni who have successfully developed their online business. based on act 1 number 16 of 2009, tax is a mandatory contribution to a state owed by a personal or corporate taxpayer whose nature is coercive under the law by not getting a direct reward and is used for the country's needs for people's prosperity. whereas according to law article 1 number 16 of 2009, the taxpayer is an individual or entity, including taxpayers, tax-cutters, and tax collectors, who have taxation rights and obligations per tax legislation's provisions. in law number 20, 2008, article 1 in chapter i, it is stated that microenterprise (mie) is a productive business independently owned by a person or a business entity fulfilling the criteria of mie. small enterprise (se) is a stand-alone productive economic enterprise undertaken by a person or a business entity that is not a subsidiary or not a branch of a medium enterprise (me) or a large enterprise (le) that meets the se criteria. while medium enterprise is a stand-alone productive economic enterprise undertaken by a person or a business entity that is not a subsidiary or not a branch of a se or a le with the number of net assets or annual sales as stipulated in the act. last, large enterprise (le) is a business owned by a business entity with a net worth or annual sales greater than a medium business. tax willingness is a value that is willing to be conditioned by someone (stipulated by the regulations) that is used to finance general state expenditures by not obtaining direct service (contra-performance) directly (widayati and nurlis, 2010). 19 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala tax awareness can be interpreted as a form of moral attitude by providing a contribution to the state to support the country's development and seeks to comply with all regulations that have been set by the state that can be forced on taxpayers. the important indicators in raising awareness among taxpayers are by creating taxpayers' positive perceptions about their tax obligations, studying the characteristics of taxpayers, increasing taxpayers' knowledge of taxation, and apprising taxation to taxpayers (suryadi, 2006). tax knowledge is the process of changing an individual or group of taxpayers' attitudes and behavior in hopes of maturing humans through teaching and training efforts. public's knowledge of tax regulations through formal and non-formal education will have a positive impact on taxpayer awareness to pay taxes, such as counseling or tax socialization. meanwhile, taxpayers' understanding of taxation regulations is a way for taxpayers to understand existing taxation regulations. taxpayers who are unable to understand tax regulations tend to be disobedient. the more taxpayers understand the tax regulations, the more aware they are of the sanctions they would receive if they neglect their tax obligations. if the taxpayers truly understand, they would know about tax returns and taxpayer identification number's administrative and criminal sanctions. excellent service is one of the factors in creating customer satisfaction. a service is said to be good if the business is running as expected. service quality is a service that can provide satisfaction to customers but remains within the limits of service standards that can be accounted for and must be carried out continuously (hardiningsih, 2011). when the taxpayers are satisfied with the services provided, then they will tend to pay taxes obligation according to the regulations applied. if the tax provisions are simple and easily understood by the taxpayers, the taxation services on their rights and obligations can be effective and efficient. thus, the taxation information system and reliable human resources quality will result in better taxation services. a person's financial condition may positively or negatively affect their willingness to meet their tax provisions regardless of the taxpayer's perception of tax services’ quality and compliance behaviour. someone who is experiencing financial difficulties would feel depressed when they are required to pay their obligations including taxes (torgler, 2003). blomquist (2003) identified that financial pressure as a source of pressure for taxpayers and believes that individual taxpayers who have limited income might avoid paying taxes if their financial condition is severe because the family's expenditure is greater than income. this shows that regardless of the relationship between tax services’ quality perception and compliance behaviour, tax obligations compliance depends among other things, such as the individual's financial condition. 20 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala method this research used primary data in the form of a questionnaire filled out by the respondents. primary data sources in this study were given directly to the respondents. the population in the research is the msmes of bolu online business community and 100 taxpayer respondents’ samples are taken. from the total population obtained, this study will take a sample using the simple random sampling technique, because of the ease in obtaining the data needed. for the data collection techniques in this research, the authors collected data through the distribution of questionnaires to msmes taxpayers with the measurement method used to measure respondents' opinions is the 5-point likert scale. the conceptual framework illustrated to explain the thought process in the research is: picture 1. conceptual framework based on the picture above, the problem that will be addressed in this research is the taxpayer's high understanding of tax regulations that come from taxpayers compliance, then the taxpayers' compliance will be high and the state income from taxes will increase, so the hypothesis in this study is: h1: tax awareness affects willingness to pay taxes. h2: knowledge of tax regulations influences willingness to pay taxes. h3: understanding of tax regulations affect willingness to pay taxes. 21 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 h4 tax awareness (x1) knowledge of taxation regulations (x2) understanding of taxation regulations (x3) service quality (x4) willingness to pay taxes (y) h2 h3 financial condition (x5) h1 h5 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala h4: service quality affects willingness to pay taxes. h5: financial conditions influence willingness to pay taxes. result and discussion table 1. regression coefficient results coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardi zed coefficien ts t sig. collinearity statistics b std. error beta toleranc e vif 1 (constant) ,727 ,413 1,76 0 ,08 2 tax awareness -,103 ,101 -,089 1,01 9 ,31 1 ,603 1,65 8 knowledge of tax regulations ,218 ,106 ,186 2,05 8 ,04 2 ,555 1,80 2 understanding of tax regulations ,484 ,076 ,563 6,38 9 ,00 0 ,587 1,70 4 service quality ,023 ,075 ,024 ,304 ,76 2 ,754 1,32 7 financial conditions ,195 ,072 ,211 2,71 8 ,00 8 ,758 1,32 0 a. dependent variable: willingness to pay taxes the table above is the coefficient result of the regression equation, thus to obtain the regression equation from the results of this research are as follows: y = 0,727 – 0,103 x1 + 0,218 x2 + 0,484 x3 + 0,023 x4 + 0,195 x5 based on the results of the regression equation, the multiple linear regression equation has a meaning, scilicet: the constant value is 0.727 and has a positive sign indicating that if the five independent variables (awareness of paying taxes, knowledge of tax regulations, understanding of tax regulations, quality of tax services, and financial conditions) value is zero, then the value of paying tax remains fixed at 0.727%. the regression coefficient value of tax awareness 0.103 and is negative, indicating that tax awareness is not aligned with the willingness to pay msmes taxes. this implies that for every 1% decrease in tax awareness, the willingness to pay taxes will decrease by 0.103% if the other independent variables of the regression model remain. the regression coefficient value of tax knowledge understanding 0.218 and positive, indicating that the knowledge of tax regulations has a 22 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala direct relationship with the willingness to pay msmes taxes. this implies that every 1% increase in knowledge of tax regulations, the willingness to pay taxes will increase by 0.218% if the other independent variables of the regression model remain. the regression coefficient value of understanding of tax regulations is 0.484 and has a positive sign, which indicates that understanding tax regulations has a direct relationship with the willingness to pay msmes taxes. this implies that every 1% increase in understanding of tax regulations, the willingness to pay taxes will increase by 0.484% if the other independent variables of the regression model remain. the regression coefficient value of tax service quality is 0.023 and positive, indicating that the quality of tax services has a direct relationship with the willingness to pay msmes taxes. this implies that for every 1% of the quality of tax services, the willingness to pay taxes will increase by 0.023% if the other independent variables of the regression model remain. the regression coefficient value of the taxpayer's financial condition is 0.195 and positive, indicating that the taxpayer's financial condition has a direct relationship to the willingness to pay msmes taxes. this implies that for every 1% of the taxpayer's financial condition, the willingness to pay taxes will increase by 0.195% if the other independent variables of the regression model remain. significant simultaneous test result (f-test) if the f value > f statistic, then ho is rejected and ha is accepted, and if the significant value is <0.05, then the independent variables together have a significant effect on the dependent variables (ghozali, 2016). table 2. f-test result anovaa model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regressio n 13,736 5 2,747 25,142 ,000b residual 10,271 94 ,109 total 24,007 99 a. dependent variable: willingness to pay taxes b. predictors: (constant), financial conditions, service quality, tax awareness, understanding of tax regulations, knowledge of tax regulations source: data processed by spss 25, 2019 based on the f-test result table above, it can be acquired that the value of the fvalue> f statistic is 25.142 > 2.31 and significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. thus from this value, it can be concluded that tax awareness, knowledge of tax regulations, understanding of tax regulations, service quality, and financial conditions have a significant effect on the willingness 23 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala to pay msme taxes. partial test result (t-test) if the significance level on the table is 1 > 0,05, the t calculated value < t statistic then ha would be accepted and ho would be rejected, then there is no no influence between the independent variables and the dependent variables (ghozali, 2016). from the table can be concluded as follow: tax awareness has a negative effect on msme's willingness to pay taxes. this is indicated by the level of significance value of 0.311 > 0.05, and the tvalue of -1.109 < 1.660. meaning, tax awareness has a negative effect or does not have a significant effect on the willingness to pay msme taxes. knowledge of tax regulations has a positive effect on msmes' willingness to pay taxes. this is indicated by the level of significance value 0.042 <0.05, and tvalue is greater than the t statistic of 2.058> 1.660. that is, knowledge of tax regulations has a significant effect on the willingness to pay msme taxes. understanding tax regulations have a negative effect on msmes' willingness to pay taxes, indicated by the level of significance value of 0,000 <0.05, and the tvalue of 6.389> 1.660. that is, understanding tax regulations has a significant effect on msmes' willingness to pay taxes. service quality has a negative effect on msmes' willingness to pay taxes. this is shown by the level of significance value 0.762> 0.05, and the tvalue is greater than the value of tstatistic by 0.304 <1.660, which means the quality of tax services does not significantly influence the willingness to pay msme taxes. the financial condition of the taxpayer has a positive effect on the willingness to pay tax on msmes. this is indicated by the level of significance value 0.008 <0.05, and the tvalue is greater than the tstatistic of 2.718> 1.660, which means the taxpayer's financial condition has a significant effect on the willingness to pay msme taxes. coefficient of determination test (r2) the coefficient of determination (r2) measures how far does the model able to explain the dependent variables (ghozali, 2016). table 3. coefficient of determination test result (r2) model summary mode l r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 ,756a ,572 ,549 ,33056 a. predictors: (constant), financial conditions, service quality, tax awareness, understanding of tax regulations, knowledge of tax regulations source: data processed by spss 25, 2019 24 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala from the table above, the coefficient of determination (r2) measures how far does the model able to explain the dependent variables (ghozali, 2016). the coefficient of determination r2 is obtained by 0.572 or (57.2%). this shows that the independent variables (tax awareness, knowledge of tax regulations, understanding of tax regulations, service quality, and financial conditions) can explain the effect of the dependent variables (willingness to pay msmes taxes) by 57.2% and the remaining 42.8% is influenced by other variables not included in this study. tax awareness towards the willingness to pay msme taxes the results of this study indicate that tax awareness does not significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes for msmes. meaning that taxpayers do not understand their tax rights and obligations. however, this research is contrary to permana's study (2015) which stated that taxpayer awareness has a significant effect on the willingness to pay taxes and the results of sari's research (2017) that stated the same thing. knowledge of taxation regulations towards the willingness to pay msme taxes the results of this study show that the knowledge of tax regulations has a significant effect on the willingness to pay msme taxes. this means that if taxation knowledge is increasingly known among taxpayers, the willingness to pay taxes would also increase. the results of this study are in accordance with sari (2017) knowledge of tax regulations has a significant effect on the willingness to pay taxes. but this study is in contrast with permana’s finding (2015) that knowledge of taxation regulations does not significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes. understanding of taxation regulations towards the willingness to pay msme taxes the results of this study reveal that understanding taxation regulations has a significant effect on the willingness to pay msme taxes. meaning that if the understanding of tax regulations is increasingly understood by taxpayers, the willingness to pay taxes would also increase. the results of this study are compatible with sari (2017) knowledge of tax regulations has a significant effect on the willingness to pay taxes. in contrast, permana (2015) stated that knowledge of taxation regulations does not significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes. service quality towards the willingness to pay msme taxes the results of this study indicate that the service quality does not significantly influence the willingness to pay msme taxes. this proves that taxpayers have not experienced adequate services yet so there is no 25 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 factors that influence msme taxpayers' willingness to pay tax after the implementation of the government rules number 23 of 2018 kumala willingness to pay taxes. the results of this study are in harmony with sari's research (2017) which stated that the quality of tax services does not significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes. whereas both pancawati (2011) and permana's (2015) research stated that the quality of services significantly positively affects the willingness to pay taxes. financial conditions towards the willingness to pay msme taxes the outcome of this study reveals that financial conditions significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes. this confirms that the taxpayer's financial condition influences their willingness to fulfill their tax obligations. likewise, the study of sulastri et al (2016) and fitri's research (2017) also stated that financial conditions significantly influence the willingness to pay taxes. conclusion tax awareness does not significantly affects the willingness to pay msme taxes. this shows that taxpayers do not understand their tax rights and obligations yet. the knowledge of tax regulations has a significant effect on the willingness to pay 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toto sugiharto faculty of economics, gunadarma university, jakarta correspondent: submitted : june 22, 2021 revised : july 15, 2021 published : july 31, 2021 abstract this paper is aimed at analyzing the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the performance of general insurance subsector in indonesia. secondary data obtained from the indonesia financial service authority which include annual growth rate (year on year) of total asset, technical reserve, investment, equity, and net premium income for the periods between april 2019, 2020 and 2021 to march 2019, 2020 and 2021 were used in this study. using the dependent sample t-test, it is revealed that the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on the performance of general insurance subsector were varied. the growth rates of the total asset, total investment, and net premium income of general insurance subsector significantly decreased during the covid-19 pandemic. the decline of these variables was influenced by the covid-19 pandemic. in the meantime, the growth rate of technical reserve and equity were not significantly influenced by the covid-19 pandemic. the growth rate of these variables decreased, however, the degree of decreases was not statistically significant. findings of the study indicate that further study is required to examine in more detail the factors that affect the performance of the general insurance subsector in relation to the covid19 pandemic. keywords: general insurance, growth rate, performance indicator, covid-19 pandemic. introduction financial institutions play an important role in the economic system, namely as a source of economic life in the form of providing facilities for the flow of funds in and out of funds or capital circulation. insurance is one of the oldest fields of the economy. insurance sector in indonesia—as one of the sectors in the financial industry which include banking, capital markets, pension funds, financial institutions, and other financial service institutions—plays an important role in strengthening monetary and investment activities by means of providing the long-term funds needed for the development of physical and social infrastructure while at the same time increasing the ability of business actors to take risks. the insurance sector plays an important role in maintaining financial system stability for a number of reasons, three of which are (i) insurance companies are large investors in the financial market, (ii) the increasing relationship between insurance companies and banks, and (ii) by insuring the risks they face, insurance companies protect the financial stability of households and firms. insurance, according to ghimire (2014), is a means of financial protection from events that result in loss of property (wealth or assets), loss of the head of the family as the breadwinner of the family, and loss of income due to accidents, prolonged illness, and permanent disability. the insurance sector plays a major role in increasing gdp. premiums collected by insurance companies have been recognized to have positive impact on economic development. in addition, insurance has a substantial contribution towards the balance of payments, positive financial general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 185 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 stability as well as increases employment in the economy. these factors, in various ways and magnitudes, accelerate economic growth. on the other hand, the development and performance of insurance sectors is influenced by a number of factors. this includes, as summarized by outreville (2011), economic factors, demographic factors, social and cultural factors, and institutional and market structure factors. the world health organization (who), on march 11, 2020, declared covid-19 a pandemic. this statement is supported by data showing that more than 3 million cases have been found and more than 200 thousand deaths in 213 countries (world health organization, 2020). it realized that the infection has not only become a public health crisis but has also affected the global economy. significant economic impact has already been experienced by a number of countries across the globe due to reduced productivity, loss of life, business closures, trade disruption, and decimation of the tourism industry. like other countries, indonesia is still experiencing the social, economic and even political impacts of the pandemic. since insurance sector is, to some degree, influenced by economic factors such as, amongst others, economic growth, income per capita and unemployment rate, it is assumed that the sector—in this case general insurance sector—will be affected by the covid-19 pandemic. accordingly, the present study primary objective is to investigate the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the development of general insurance sector in indonesia. the development indicators of general insurance sector investigated in this study include the growth rate total asset, technical reserve, investment, equity, and gross premium income. method insurance sector and the economy it has been widely recognized that insurance sector provides substantial contribution towards economic development. a number of studies such as, amongst other, arena (2006), han, li & tian (2010), sorensen & gutiérrez (2006), sawadogo, guerineau & ouedraogo (2018), concha & taborda (2014), alhassan & biekpe (2016), and din, abu-bakar & regupathi (2017), have generally proved that there are strong causal relationships between insurance sector and economic growth a nation. arena (2006) discovered that the insurance activity across 55 countries affect the economic growth. han et al. (2010) recognized that insurance sector—both life and general—through its indicator such as insurance density has positive influence on economic growth. in malaysia, it was reported by kok et al. (2010) that there was a strong co-integration and long-run relationship between national economic growth and insurance sector growth. concha & taborda (2014) discovered in 11 latin america countries that all measures of insurance sector growth i.e., insurance density, total insurance, life insurance and non-life insurance are positive and significantly affect economic growth. alhassan & biekpe (2016) found that general insurance in some african countries positively influenced the nations’ economic growth. these include algeria, gabon, kenya, madagascar, morocco, and nigeria. recently, din et al. (2017) conducted a comprehensive study on the relationship between insurance sector activity and economic development in 20 countries. they used net written premiums, penetration and density to measure insurance activity. their findings are relatively similar with the findings of the previous mentioned studies where insurance sector, either life or general/non-life, provides positive contribution towards the nations’ economic growth. the relationships between insurance sector activity and economic development investigated by all studies generally use the same patterns which is depicted in the figure which general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 186 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 follows. the insurance industry promotes economic growth through the channels as follows:(1) offering protection to firms and relieving pressure to covering large damages; (2) facilitating commercial transactions and the provision of credit by mitigating losses; (3) promoting entrepreneurial attitude, encouraging innovations, investment, the vitality of the market and of the competition; (4) increasing financial intermediation through life insurance products; and (5) enabling risk averse individuals and entrepreneurs to undertake higher return activities (brainard (2008); cristea, marcu & carstina (2014); peleckienė, peleckis, dudzevciute & peleckis 2019). figure 1. the relationship pattern between insurance sector and economic growth (adapted from brainard (2008); cristea et al. (2014); and peleckienė et al. (2019) insurance market determining factors it has been theoretically and empirically understood that growing insurance market provides positive impact on economic growth (brainard, 2008; cristea et al., 2014; peleckienė et al., 2019). on the other hand, it is necessary to, in turn, comprehend the determining factors that contribute to the development of a healthy insurance markets. brainard (2008) identified there are three most important driving factors of insurance market coverage namely rising incomes, reasonable inflation, and financial system development. the study of feyen, lester & rocha (2013) to some degree supports this statement. they revealed that in both developed and developing nations insurance—life and non-life/general insurance—development is strongly associated with per capita income, population size and density, demographic structures, income distribution, the size of the public pension system, state ownership of insurance companies, the availability of private credit, and religion. podoaba (2015) and peleckienė et al. (2019) agreed that insurance sector development which is measured by insurance density and insurance penetration has a strong association with higher per capita incomes, the development of financial system, better banking sector development, and moderate rate of inflation. this indicates that there is a strong interrelationship between economic growth and insurance sector development. it is clearly in accordance with brainard's (2008) explanations that the substantial contribution of rising incomes to greater insurance coverage and development is believed to be attributable to demand factors and supply factors or a combination between the two factors. the development of the insurance market can be measured by both qualitative and quantitative approaches. insurance penetration is a synthetic indicator that indicates the level of the insurance sector's contribution to gdp (gross domestic product) formation. this indicator is estimated by dividing the total direct premium by gross domestic product. insurance penetration, then, is the ratio between gross direct premiums and gdp. insurance density is the ratio between total gross direct premiums collected and the total population (population) of a country. the general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 187 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 ratio—insurance density—represents the average population expenditure on insurance in per year (podoaba, 2015). the covid-19 pandemic impact on the economy the covid-19 pandemic has been plaguing indonesia for more than a year since the government confirmed the first corona infection in indonesia on march 2, 2020. this pandemic not only caused a public health crisis, but also disrupted national economic activity. the strategic step taken by the government to anticipate the broader and deeper impact of the pandemic is to implement a large-scale social restriction (lssr) policy. the government's decision to implement the large-scale social restrictions (lssr) since april 2020 has had a wide impact on the process of production, distribution and other operational activities, which ultimately disrupt economic performance. the impact of the covid-19 pandemic is clearly illustrated in the rate of economic growth as seen in the following figure. figure 1. gdp growth rate year 2019-2021 (%) (source: statistics indonesia, 2021) in accordance with the data in the figure, per capita income throughout 2020 fell to idr 56.9 million (us $ 3,911) per year. in 2019, indonesia's gdp per capita reached idr 59.1 million (us $ 4,174) and 2018 idr 56 million (us $ 3,927). in the first quarter of 2021, per capita income will increase slightly (statistics indonesia, 2021). research hypothesis since the development of the insurance sector market is closely related to national economic growth (i.e., gross domestic product—gdp), it is assumed that the covid-19 pandemic which causes a substantial decline in the national economy will indirectly have a negative impact on the development of the insurance sector, including the general insurance subsector. accordingly, the hypothesis to be tested in this preliminary research can be formulated as follows. h1: the covid-19 pandemic has an effect of reducing the growth rate of total assets of general insurance subsector. general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 188 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 h2: the covid-19 pandemic has an effect on reducing the growth rate of the total technical reserves of general insurance subsector. h3: the covid-19 pandemic has an effect of reducing the total growth rate of total investment of general insurance subsector. h4: the covid-19 pandemic has an effect on reducing the growth rate of total equity in the general insurance sector. h5: the covid-19 pandemic has an effect on reducing the growth rate of general insurance net premium income. research methods secondary data which consists of total asset, technical reserve, equity, investment, and net premium income of general insurance sector for the periods between 2019 and 2021 were obtained from the indonesia financial service authority (otoritas jasa keuangan—ojk). based on these data, annual (year-over-year) growth rate of all variables studied for the whole 2019/2020 (i.e., april 2019 to march 2020) and 2020/2021 (i.e., april 2020 to march 2021) were estimated using the following formula. growth = (1) where growth = year-over-year growth; vet1 = the value of the estimated variable in the same month this year; vet0 = the value of the estimated variable in the same month last year. the proposed hypotheses were tested using the dependent sample t-test. result and discussion descriptive statistical data analysis the y-o-y growth of the studied variables such as total asset, technical reserve, total investment, total equity, and net premium income of general insurance subsector for the periods of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 are presented in table 1. referring to the average value of growth, all variables experience a decline. total asset growth decreased by more than 20 per cent (-20.26%), technical reserve decreased by almost 17 per cent (-16.99%), total investment decreased by more than 50% (-52.70%), total equity decreased by 13.55 per cent, and a very substantial decrease was experienced by net premium income. it decreased by more than 100 per cent (-114.81%). the decline in the rate of growth experienced by total assets, technical reserves, total investment, and equity was a continuation of the decline in premium income, both gross premium income and net premium income. for insurance companies, premium income is the main source of revenue (insurance information institute, 2021). the decrease in net premium income earned by the general insurance subsector was due to, among other, the decrease in the sales volume of motorized vehicles, both motorbikes and cars. the car sales volume until march 2021 decreased by 41.83%, while the motorcycle sales volume decreased by 49% (statistics indonesia, 2021). these declines were followed by the decline in demand for motor vehicle credit insurance and motor vehicle insurance itself. table 1. growth (y-o-y) of total asset (ta), technical reserve (tr), total investment (ti), equity (eq.), and net premium income (np) of general insurance subsector in the general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 189 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 periods of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 changes in the growth rate (y-o-y) of the studied variables between 2019/2020 (pre covid-19 pandemic) and 2020/2021 (covid-19 pandemic) are presented in table 2. table 2. changes in the growth rate (y-o-y) of total asset (ta), technical reserve (tr), total investment (ti), equity (eq.), and net premium income (np) of general insurance subsector from the periods of 2019/2020 to 2020/2021 month ta (%) tr (%) ti (%) eq. (%) npi (%) april 1.13 3.76 -4.82 1.28 -29.16 may 1.05 3.09 -2.35 3.07 -22.54 june -0.59 2.48 -4.81 0.65 -20.29 july -3.78 -1.17 -6.71 0.26 -16.59 august -2.04 -2.27 -6.88 0.38 -14.71 september -1.90 -1.66 -5.80 -1.93 -21.86 october -0.30 -0.53 -5.68 -2.25 -26.05 november -5.64 -5.12 -4.78 -8.10 -26.39 december -3.06 -0.95 -5.39 -7.67 -17.35 january -4.82 -4.33 -4.21 -6.57 -11.92 february -1.81 -4.37 -2.11 1.74 -5.06 march -5.74 -13.20 -4.87 1.82 -9.48 mean -2.29 -2.02 -4.87 -1.44 -18.45 std. dev. 2.28 4.37 1.35 3.76 7.00 source: estimated from the indonesia financial service authority (insurance statistics 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021) the decline in the growth rate of total assets in the annual period of the covid-19 pandemic (april 2020-march 2021) an average of -2.29%. the first decline occurred in june 2020, two months after the covid-19 pandemic was declared, which was -0.59%. the largest decline in growth occurred at the end of the month from the first year of the covid-19 pandemic, i.e., 5.74%. the average decline in the growth rate of technical reserve was -2.02%. the decline in growth began to occur in july 2020, namely -1.17%. the largest decline in growth occurred at the end of the month from the first year of the covid-19 epidemic, i.e., -13.20%. total investment growth rate has begun to decline in the first month of the covid-19 pandemic (april 2020) i.e., 4.82%. the highest decline occurred in august 2020, i.e., -6.88% and the lowest was in february 2021, i.e., -2.11%. the decline in the growth rate of equity had an average of -1.44%. the decline started happening in september 2020 i.e., -1.93%, in the following two months it continued to decline until it reached the highest figure (-8.10%) in august 2020. after that the rate of decline continued month ta (%) tr (%) ti (%) eq. (%) npi (%) 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/21 april 10.10 11.24 11.84 15.60 9.15 4.33 8.68 9.96 26.20 -2.96 may 8.54 9.59 10.68 13.77 7.17 4.81 7.25 10.32 22.35 -0.19 june 8.24 7.65 8.66 11.14 7.93 3.12 8.79 9.44 20.49 0.20 july 10.31 6.53 10.99 9.82 8.81 2.10 9.03 9.29 19.03 2.45 august 9.33 7.29 11.66 9.40 8.25 1.37 9.45 9.83 17.37 2.66 september 9.45 7.55 11.41 9.75 8.17 2.37 10.62 8.69 18.32 -3.54 october 8.84 8.54 10.88 10.36 8.62 2.94 11.37 9.12 20.96 -5.09 november 10.67 5.03 11.61 6.49 8.52 3.74 14.26 6.16 19.55 -6.84 december 8.66 5.60 9.59 8.65 9.03 3.64 13.03 5.36 17.33 -0.02 january 10.39 5.57 12.33 8.00 7.96 3.75 13.20 6.63 8.23 -3.69 february 10.85 9.05 13.77 9.40 8.02 5.91 11.28 13.02 2.37 -2.69 march 12.99 7.25 19.25 6.05 4.00 7.19 10.59 12.41 0.62 -8.87 mean 9.87 7.57 11.89 9.87 7.97 3.77 10.63 9.19 16.07 -2.38 std. dev. 1.27 1.74 2.54 2.60 1.26 1.50 2.02 2.20 7.65 3.40 source: estimated from the indonesia financial service authority (insurance statistics 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021) general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 190 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 to decline until finally in february 2021 there was an increase in growth of 1.74%. the decline in the growth rate of net premium income began to occur in april 2020, the first month the covid19 pandemic was declared, i.e., -29.16%. this is the degree of decline in the growth rate of the largest net premium income. the decline continued until february 2021. the rate of decline fluctuated until it finally reached -9.48% in march 2021, the last month of the first year of the covid-19 pandemic. inferential statistical data analysis the results of hypothesis testing using the dependent sample t-test—the hypothesis testing method used to analyze the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the performance or growth of the general insurance subsector—are presented in table 3. table 3. results of the dependent t-test for the differences in the growth (y-o-y) of total asset, technical reserve, total investment, equity, and net premium income of general insurance subsector variables mean differences (%) rate of changes probability research hypothesis total asset -2.29 decreased by 2.29% 0.0067 accepted technical reserve -2.02 decreased by 2.29% 0.1535 rejected total investment -4.20 decreased by 4.20% 0.0000 accepted equity -1.44 decreased by 1.44% 0.2289 rejected net premium income -18.45 decreased by 18.45% 0.0000 accepted mean -5.68 source: ms excel output as shown in the table, all the variables studied experienced a decrease in their growth rate. the degree of decline varied between -1.44% (equity) and -18.45% (net premium income) with an average of -5.68%. it is interesting, however, that not all variables under study have a mean difference—i.e., mean before and the mean during the covid-19 pandemic—which was statistically significant. in other words, not all research hypotheses were accepted which means that not all variables were significantly affected by the covid-19 pandemic. variables which were significantly affected by the covid-19 pandemic include total asset, total investment, and net premium income. these variables were accepted at the level of significance (alpha) of one per cent (p < 0.01). the remaining variables, i.e., technical reserve and equity were discovered to not significantly be affected by the covid-19 pandemic (p > 0.05). the growth rate of total assets before the covid-19 pandemic was in the range of 8.24% (june 2019) and 12.99% (march 2020) with an average growth rate of 9.87%. during the covid19 pandemic, the growth rate of total assets ranged from 5.03% (november 2020) and 11.24% (april 2020) with an average of 7.57%. the difference in the growth rate of total assets before the covid-19 pandemic and during the covid-19 pandemic ranged from -0.30% (october) and -5.74% (march) with an average of -2.29% and a standard deviation of 2.28. the decline in the growth rate of total assets of the general insurance subsector was proven to be influenced or caused by the covid-19 pandemic. the same phenomenon is experienced by the growth rate of total investment in the general insurance subsector. the decline in the growth rate of total investment was influenced or caused by the covid-19 pandemic. the difference in the growth rate of total investment before the covid19 pandemic and during the covid-19 pandemic ranged from -2.11% (february 2021) and -4.87% (march 2021) with an average of -4.87%. similar to the rate of growth in total assets, the decline was due to the covid-19 pandemic. the growth rate of total assets before the covid-19 pandemic was in the range of 8.24% (june 2019) and 12.99% (march 2020) with an average growth rate of 9.87%. during the covid19 pandemic, the growth rate of total assets ranged from 5.03% (november 2020) and 11.24% general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 191 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 (april 2020) with an average of 7.57%. the difference in the growth rate of total assets before the covid-19 pandemic and during the covid-19 pandemic ranged from -0.30% (october 2020) and -5.74% (march 2021) with an average of -2.29% and a standard deviation of 2.28. the decline in the growth rate of total assets in the general insurance subsector was proven to be influenced or caused by the covid-19 pandemic. the same phenomenon is experienced by the growth rate of total investment in the general insurance subsector. the decline in the growth rate of total investment was influenced or caused by the covid-19 pandemic. the difference in the growth rate of total investment before the covid19 pandemic and during the covid-19 pandemic ranged from -2.11% (february 2021) and -4.87% (march 2021) with an average of -4.87%. similar to the rate of growth in total assets, the decline was due to the covid-19 pandemic. not different from total assets and total investment, the growth rate of net premium income in the general insurance subsector experienced a significant decline. the difference in the growth rate of net premium income before the covid-19 pandemic and during the covid-19 pandemic ranged from -0.02% (december 2020) and -8.87% (march 2021) with an average of 2.38%. the decline in the growth rate of net premium income was even influenced by the covid19 pandemic. the occurrence of these three phenomena can be assumed to be an indirect impact of the covid-19 pandemic. the pandemic caused a drastic decline in national economic growth (see figure 1). the subsequent impact is the decrease in per capita income, which means the decrease in people's purchasing power. the decrease in per capita income and purchasing power of the people leads to a decline in demand for insurance products. an indicator of the decline in demand for insurance products is a decrease in premium income, both net premium income and gross premium income. a decrease in premium income, no matter how small the amount of reduction is, will have an impact on the decrease in the amount of funds allocated to increase the company's assets and the amount of funds allocated for investment activities. the decline in the rate of growth in technical reserves and equity was proven not to have been caused by the covid-19 pandemic. in fact, data (see figure 1) shows that the covid-19 pandemic caused a massive decline in national economic growth indicated by a decrease in gross domestic product (gdp). this in turn decreases per capita income, which leads to a decrease in people's purchasing power. the decline in demand for insurance products is the final terminal of the decline in national economic growth. however, this phenomenon did not significantly decrease the growth rate of the two variables—technical reserve and equity. the decline in the rate of national economic growth which has resulted in a decrease in per capita income and a decrease in the purchasing power of the people has resulted in a decline in demand for insurance products. the decline in demand led to a very significant reduction in the growth rate of net premium income. it has been well known that theoretically and empirically, net premium income is categorized as the primary source of revenue for insurance companies. assets owned and funds invested by insurance companies come from premium income. slightly different rules apply to technical reserves and equity. technical reserves, which consist of premium reserves, unearned premium reserves, claims reserves, and reserves for catastrophic risk, have a complex method of determining the amount regulated by the ojk (circular letter number 27/seojk.05/2017). technical reserves represent the readiness of an insurance company in anticipating risks that will occur in the future, namely to fulfill all obligations that can be predicted to occur in the future. thus, the value of this variable must be maintained so that it does not decline sharply under any circumstances. likewise with equity where the largest components are paid-in capital and retained earnings. the value of these two variables can be controlled and, therefore, can be maintained at general insurance subsector performance in 2020/2021, does the covid-19 pandemic matter? toto sugiharto 192 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 a certain level by the manager so that it remains at the amount considered safe. the dependence of the value of the two variables on external factors macroeconomic indicators is relatively smaller than the other studied variables, especially net premium income. thus, the decline in the growth rate of these two variables—technical reserves and equity—during the covid-19 pandemic is insignificant or, in other words, these two variables are not affected by the covid-19 pandemic. conclusion covid-19 was officially declared by the world health organization a global pandemic on march 11, 2020. the virus has had unexpected economic and human consequences in many countries and, to date, has resulted in significant economic damage. the economic damage caused by the covid-19 pandemic is largely due to falling demand, meaning that fewer consumers are willing to buy goods and services available in the global economy. the decline in demand was mainly due to the decline in people's purchasing power as a consequence of the slumping rate of economic growth at the local, regional and global levels. the insurance sector, both life insurance and general insurance, in indonesia is inseparable from the economic storms triggered by the covid-19 pandemic. the drastic decline in the rate of economic growth directly results in a decrease in per capita income and, in the end, leads to people's purchasing power which is expressed in terms of decreased demand including demand for insurance products. the decline in demand for insurance products in this case general insurance is believed to have a negative impact on the performance of the general insurance subsector. however, the results of this preliminary study indicate that the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the general insurance subsector growth rate indicator varies. total assets, total investment, and net premium income were found to be affected by the covid-19 pandemic where the growth rate of these three variables decreased significantly during the pandemic period. meanwhile, the two other variables studied were technical reserves and equity which proved not to be affected by the covid-19 pandemic. the growth rate of these two variables decreased during the covid-19 pandemic, but the rate of decline was insignificant. the practical implication of the results of this preliminary research is the need for a number of other studies that are focused on the same subject matter with a wider scope i.e. more variable and not just limited to the general insurance subsector. reference alhassan, a. l., & biekpe, n. 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(2020). who_the covid-19 pandemic.pdf. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 4 october 2021 page no. 236-245 236 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax bertilia lina kusrina1, putri desti fatwah fatimah2 12faculty of economic, gunadarma university, jakarta, indonesia 1correspondent: received : august 08, 2021 accepted : august 25, 2021 published : october 31, 2021 citation: kusrina, b.l., fatimah, p.f. (2021). liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2(4),236-245. abstract: tax revenue is the largest source of income for the indonesian state. one of the contributors to state revenue from the tax sector is corporate income tax. financial performance is one measure of the success of a business entity which is expected to increase revenue from corporate income tax. this study aims to determine the effect of financial performance using variable liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and operating costs on corporate income tax. the data used is secondary data, namely annual financial report data from large trading sub-sector companies (wholesale) listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) for the 2014-2018 period. the analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. the results showed that partially profitability and operating costs have an effect on corporate income tax, while liquidity has no effect on corporate income tax. simultaneously, liquidity, profitability and operating costs affect corporate income tax. based on the results obtained that the ratio that affects corporate income tax is profitability and operating costs, so as an implication the internal party/management must be careful with the information presented in the financial statements which will have a negative impact on the users of financial statements, especially on operating costs. keywords: liquidity, profitability, operational costs, corporate income tax this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction company taxes, also called corporate taxes, are direct taxes levied by the government or tax authorities on corporate income. corporate taxes are imposed nationally, but corporate taxes can also be levied at the regional level. in general, taxes are imposed on the company's income or capital. corporate tax usually applies to local companies incorporated in a country, foreign companies that do business in a country and earn income from their business, a foreign company that has a business license in a country, and the company is owned by a resident of a country. (ježek, 2014) taxable corporate income is often determined based on the taxable income of individual taxpayers. the tax imposed is based on the company's net profit. in some jurisdictions, the rules for tax companies may differ significantly from the rules for individual taxes. certain corporate actions, liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 237 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting such as reorganization, may not be taxed. certain types of entities may be exempt from taxes. (farah et al., 2021) the state can tax the company on its net income and can also tax the shareholders when the company pays dividends. where dividends are taxed, companies may be required to withhold taxes before the dividends are distributed. (zhang & huang, 2014) companies in indonesia must pay corporate income tax no later than the end of the fourth month of each year by submitting a corporate income tax return. tax payments are made through the nearest bank or tax service office. a copy of the proof of tax payment is attached to the annual spt. the extension can be valid for a maximum of two months if you submit written notification to the directorate general of taxes before the spt deadline. (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2013) up to date, taxes are the biggest source of income in indonesia. from the data on the state budget of revenues and expenditures in 2018, of the state revenue at rp 1.894.73 trillion rupiah, the 1.618,1 trillion came from taxation or it is 85 percent of the state revenue . likewise, in 2019, 1.786,4 trillion rupiah came from taxes, which was 82.5 percent of the total state revenue which amounted to 2.165,1 trillion rupiah. although the percentage of the proportion of tax revenue from the total receipts in the state budget decreased from 2018 to 2019 but the acceptance of taxation from 2018 to 2019 increased at 168.3 trillion. from this proportion, it can be seen that tax revenues are still expected to be the backbone of national income. tax revenue cannot be separated from taxpayer compliance in fulfilling their tax obligations. taxpayers are individuals or entities, including taxpayers, tax withholder, and tax collectors, who have taxation rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of taxation . this means that tax revenues depend on the compliance of individuals or entities that fulfill their obligations in paying taxes. the more people or corporations that pay taxes, the more income from the tax sector. (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2013) table 1. state revenues in 2018 and 2019 (in trillion rupiah) description 2018 2019 state income 1.894,73 2.165,10 domestic income 1.893,53 2.164,70 1. taxation receipt 1.618,1 1.786,40 2. non-tax revenue 275,43 378,30 grant receipt 1,2 0,40 source: ministry of finance (kemenkeu) seen from the apbn realization report (table 2.) , income tax is the highest contributor to tax revenue compared to value added tax revenue and others. of the total tax revenue, each accounted for 60 percent and 57 percent in 2018 and 2019 of the total tax revenue. this proves that income tax must be considered in its receipt. table 2. realization of tax revenue for 2018-2019 liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 238 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (in trillion rupiah) source: ministry of finance (kemenkeu) according to the tax law no. 36 of 2008 concerning income tax, the subject of tax is an individual, an undivided inheritance as a unit to replace those entitled, corporations, and permanent establishment. the subject of the corporate tax referred to here is a group of people and/or capital which is a unit, either doing business or not doing business . these tax subjects are responsible for fulfilling their tax obligations. meanwhile, the size of the tax to be paid to the state treasury is calculated based on the tax object. the object of income tax is income that is subject to tax, namely any additional economic capacity received or obtained by the taxpayer, both from indonesia and from outside indonesia, which can be used for consumption or to increase the wealth of the taxpayer concerned, in any name and form. (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2013) operating profit in a business entity can be used as a basis for measuring company performance. companies that have good performance should have high operating profits, and on the other way around if operating profits are low, it can be said that the company has poor performance. operating profit in taxation is also used as a tax object. the higher the company's income, the higher the tax to be paid. for this reason, it can be concluded that companies that have good financial performance will have a higher contribution to national tax revenues than companies that are not good. (li et al., 2021) based on previous research, the company's financial performance can affect the amount of corporate income tax payments. good corporate financial performance is expected to have a good effect on tax payments. the liquidity ratio can view the company's ability dala m sup hi short-term liabilities. good liquidity condition means the company is financially sound and is expected to increase its sales which will increase its operating profit and corporate income tax. with this liquid condition, it is also expected that the company will not have obstacles in fulfilling its tax obligations, namely paying corporate income tax. (menichini, 2020) the profitability ratio is a ratio that is closely related to corporate income tax. with a high profitability ratio, it means that the company can perform cost efficiency which has an impact on increasing operating profit so that the corporate income tax paid to the state will also be high. in addition to financial performance, corporate income tax is also affected by operating costs, where these costs directly reduce the company's sales or income which has an impact on the company's profit which is used as a tax base. the imposition of large costs will suppress the profits obtained and conversely the imposition of low costs will increase the company's profits . the purpose of this study is to test the effect of liquidity, profitability and operating costs partially or simultaneously on corporate income tax . (andrejovská et al., 2017) effect of liquidity on corporate income tax 2018 2019 income tax 855,13 894,44 non-oil 817,00 828,29 oil and gas 38,13 66,15 vat & luxury goods tax 541,80 655,39 land and building taxes & other taxes 27,06 27,71 tax revenue 1.423,99 1.577,54 liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 239 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on article 1 of law no. 36 of 2008 states that income tax is imposed on individuals and entities with respect to income received or earned during the tax year. income tax is any additional tax on economic capability received or obtained by the taxpayer, both from indonesia and from outside indonesia, which can be used for consumption or to increase the wealth of the taxpayer concerned. so corporate income tax is a tax imposed on tax subjects, namely companies or entities on the object of income tax, namely company profits (mardiasmo, 2016) stated that, income tax rate uses progresif tax rate namely the percentage of rate used is getting higher when the number of those subject to tax is getting higher. corporate income tax arises because of the income or profit from the company's operations or sales. the higher the profit generated by the company, the greater the tax that must be paid to the state treasury. to calculate corporate income tax, the company's net profit is multiplied by corporate income tax rate in rupiah, article 17 (atina et al., 2017). according to (kasmir, 2017) liquidity ratio is a ratio showing the company's ability to pay shortterm debts that are due or the ratio to determine a company's ability to finance and fulfill the obligation at the time billed. in this study, the liquidity ratio using current ratio (cr) is the ratio that measures a company's ability to repay current liabilities using current assets owned. the larger this ratio means the more liquid the company is. however, this ratio has a weakness, because not all components of current assets have the same level of liquidity. in practice it is often used that the current ratio with a standard of 200% (2:1) is sometimes considered a fairly good or satisfactory measure for a company. according to puspitasari and nik amah (2019) liquidity has an effect on corporate income tax, while according to anam & zuardi (2018) liquidity has no effect on income tax. effect of profitability on corporate income tax the profitability ratio is a ratio to assess the company's ability to seek profit (kasmir, 2017). this ratio also provides a measure of the effectiveness of a company's management. net profit margin (npm) is a measure of profit by comparing the profit after interest and taxes compared with sales. this ratio shows the company's net income on sales. the general standard of the industry average for npm is 20%, if it is above the industry average then the profit margin of a company is good, and vice versa . theoretically, the profitability ratio affects the size of the corporate income tax. this is supported by the results of research by puspitasari and nik amah (2019) that shows the effect of profitability of the corporate income tax, whereas the study with the results of no effect of profitability by atina et al. (2017) it is estimated that the company does not minimize the costs that even though the company generates very high sales, the burden becomes large and has an impact on the decline in net sales. effect of operating expenses on corporate income tax cost is the cost of goods or services that have provided benefits which is used to earn income. costs will be deducted from income to determine profit or loss for a period so that costs will be included in the income statement (siregar et al., 2013). according to murhadi (2013) operating costs are costs incurred relating to the operations of the company covering the sales and administrative costs, depreciation costs, advertising costs, as well as repair and maintenance costs. costs that are allowed to be deducted in calculating domestic taxpayers are costs related to liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 240 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting business activities (law no. 36 of 2008) . theoretically operating costs affect corporate income tax. the results showed that there was an effect of operational costs on corporate income tax, among others, found by anam and zuardi (2018), anggraini and kusufiyah (2020) while puspitasari and nik amah (2019) found no effect. the theoretical framework of the research can be illustrated in the research model as follows: figure 1. research model hypothesis: h1. liquidity has partial effect on corporate income tax h2. profitability has partial effect on corporate income tax h3. operational costs have a partial effect on corporate income tax h4. liquidity, profitability and operating costs have a simultaneous effect on corporate income tax. method the object of this study is company of trade, services and investment in major trade subsector (wholesale) listed on the indonesia stock exchange (bei) for the data period of 2014 2018. determination of the sample in this study using the purposive sampling method. of the 40 companies listed on big trade subsector (wholesale), there are eight companies that can be used as samples with the following criteria :1. no commercial or fiscal losses, 2. the profit/loss report uses the rupiah currency unit. 3. company data and components in complete financial statements the analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis which that was processed with the software statistical product and service solution (spss) software version 26. the data sources in the form of financial statements were obtained from and result and discussion based on table 3, the results of the kolmogorov-smirnov test show that the values of liquidity, profitability and operating costs in this study are normally distributed. in this case, it is shown by h3 h2 h1 liquidity (x1) profitability (x2) operational cost (x3) income tax h4 liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 241 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the obtained value of asymp. sig . (2-tailed) 0,121 . it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed because the significance value is 0,121 > 0,05, so the regression model meets the assumption of normality. thus the regression model is feasible to be used in research. table 3. normality one -sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardized residual n 40 normal parametersa,b mean 0.0000000 std. deviation 0.23615215 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) ,121c source: data processed multicollinearity testing results shown in table 4, shows the value tolarance liquidity of 0,807 , the profitability at 0.880 , and operating expenses amounted to 0,872 . while the value of vif for liquidity is 1,239, profitability is 1,136 , and operational costs are 1,147 . it can be concluded that the value of liquidity ratios tolerance, profitability and operational costs ≥ 0.10 and vif liquidity ratios, profitability and operational costs ≤ 10. it can be concluded the research data is not the case of multicolinearity and is stated that multicolinearity test is fulfilled. table 4 . multicollinearity test coefficients a model collinearity statistics tolerance vif 1 liquidity 0.807 1.239 profitability 0.880 1.136 operating costs 0.872 1.147 source: data processed the results of the autocorrelation test in table 5 below show the dw value is 1,869, this indicates that the dw value is less than 2, which means there is no autocorrelation . table 5. autocorrelation test model summaryb model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate durbinwatson 1 0,979a 0.959 0.956 0.24579 1.869 source: data processed the results of the heteroscedasticity test with a scatterplot diagram (figure 2) show that there is no heteroscedasticity because there is no clear pattern and the points spread above and below the number 0 on the y axis , it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity symptom, so it can be stated the heteroscedasticity test is fulfilled. liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 242 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 2 heteroscedasticity test results source: data processed based on table 6, the results of the multiple linear regression test obtained the regression equation for variables, inflation rates, interest rates, and exchange rates, as follows: corporate income tax = -0,079 + 0,202x1 + 0,633x2 + 1,026x3 + e note: x1: liquidity x2: profitability x3: operating cost table 6 . multiple linear regression test source: data processed the results of the partial test (t test) obtained the following results: a. liquidity based on the test results that the significance value is at 0,577 . the significance value is > 0.05 , then 𝐻0 is accepted or 𝐻1 is rejected. from these results it can be concluded that the liquidity variable partially has no effect on corporate income tax. b. profitability based on the test results that the significance value is at 0 , 000 . the significance value is < 0.05, then 𝐻0 is rejected or 𝐻2 accepted. from these results it can be concluded that the profitability variable partially affects corporate income tax. c. operational costs based on the test results that the significance value is 0,000. the significance value is < 0 , 05 so 𝐻0 is rejected or 𝐻3 is accepted. from these results it can be concluded that the operational cost variable partially affects corporate income tax. table 7 . coefficient of determination model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) -0.079 0.237 -0.334 0.740 liquidity 0.202 0.359 0.021 0.563 0.577 profitability 0.633 0.104 0.219 6.104 0.000 operating costs 1.026 0.038 0.968 26,789 0.000 liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 243 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting model summaryb model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 0,979a 0.959 0.956 0.24579 source: data processed based on table 7 coefficient of determination is seen that the column of adjusted r square at 0,956 shows the magnitude of the role or contribution of independent variables such as liquidity, profitability and operating costs contribute to the corporate income tax amounted to 95.6%. while the rest of 4,4% is explained by other variables that do not exist in this study. table 8 . f uji test anova a model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 50.934 3 16.978 281.021 ,000 b residual 2.175 36 0.060 total 53.109 39 source: data processed in table 8. simultaneous test results (f) obtained sig. f 0,000. value of sig. f is smaller than 0,05. it can be concluded that the variables of liquidity, profitability and operating costs are simultaneously affect the corporate income tax. effect of liquidity ratio on corporate income tax the first hypothesis (h1) proposed in this study is that it is suspected that liquidity has an effect on corporate income tax . the results of the partial t test are known to have a coefficient of 0,202 with a significance level of 0.577. these results indicate that the liquidity ratio has no effect on corporate income tax . this means that the level of the company's liquidity ratio will not affect the amount of corporate income tax payable. the liquidity ratio, which is a reflection of available current assets, will not directly affect income tax, because current assets are not necessarily all used for company operations which will ultimately increase sales and profits. these results are in accordance with the research by anam & zuardi (2018) and widanto and pramudianti (2021) . the effect of profitability ratios on corporate income tax the second hypothesis (h2 ) is suspected that profitability has an effect on corporate income tax. the regression coefficient for the change in profitability is 0,633 implying that the increase in one-unit change in the profitability of the corporate income tax will have an increase at 0,633. based on calculations of significance level at 0,000, since the significance value is less than 0,05 then in partial, there is influence between profitability with corporate income tax. these results support the results of research by puspitasari and nik amah (2019) which found that there was an effect of profitability on corporate income tax. effect of operating costs on corporate income tax liquidity, profitability and operational costs on corporate income tax kusrina & fatimah 244 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the third hypothesis (h3) is suspected that operational costs have an effect on corporate income tax. the regression coefficient for the change in exchange rate is 1,026 implying that there is an increase of one -unit change operating costs so the corporate income tax will increase by 1,026. based on the results of the calculation of the significance level of 0,000, because the significance value is less than 0.05, so there is a partial effect between operational costs and corporate income tax . this research is in line with the research by anam & zuardi (2018) and vindasari (2019) which states that operational costs have an effect on corporate income tax. this is because operational costs are a determining element of operating profit. so the size of the cost will affect the corporate income tax. effect of liquidity, profitability and operating costs on corporate income tax the fourth hypothesis (h4) simultaneously has an effect on the ratio of liquidity, profitability and operating costs to corporate income tax. simultaneous test results (f) obtained sig. f 0,000 means that the variable liquidity, profitability and operating expenses simultaneously affect the corporate income tax. supported by the results of the coefficient of determination showing a figure of 95.6 %, it means that the independent variables of liquidity, profitability, and operating costs can explain the dependent variable, namely corporate income tax payable of 95,6 %, the remaining 4,4 % is caused by other factors that are not used in this study . conclusion partially liquidity does not effect corporate income tax. the ratio of profitability and operational cost give effects on corporate income tax. simultaneously, liquidity, profitability and operational cost give effects to corporate income tax. based on the results obtained that the ratio that affects corporate income tax is profitability and operating costs, so as an implication the internal party/management must be careful with the information presented in the financial statements which will have a negative impact on the users of financial statements, especially on operating costs. the results of this study are limited to large trading sub-sector companies for the period 20142018 using 3 variables, namely liquidity, profitability and operating costs. suggestions for further researchers can explore other financial variables that have the potential to affect corporate income tax and expand the sample to be compared with the results of previous studies. reference anam, c., & zuardi, l. r. 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(2014). cost-based pricing model with value-added tax and corporate income tax for a supply chain network. applied mathematical modelling, 38(1), 168–180. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume , issue page no. 166-174 166 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city citra novlyani institute of social and management studies stiami, jakarta correspondence: submitted : april 5, 2021 revised : april 20, 2021 published : april 30, 2021 abstract the phenomenon in the research is that there are still many congestion points due to the lack of road construction, lack of infrastructure related to road maintenance, and inadequate transportation modes. this study aims to analyze the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on vehicle tax collection in bekasi city along with the constraints and efforts in implementation. the theory used in this study is the implementation theory of ripley and franklin with 3 indicators of implementation, the level of compliance, smooth routines and functions, and the realization of desired performance and impact. the research method used a qualitative approach with descriptive specificity. the result of the research is the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on the collection of motor vehicle tax in bekasi city for the compliance of the implementer in the matter of levying already under the regulation, but the allocation has not been maximal yet. functional routine implementers are not yet maximal because there are still few technical issues and separation of funding post/account in the allocation, and no further regulations regarding the technical and standard operating procedure (sop) for earmarking tax funds cannot be seen and controlled. the realization of the performance and the desired impact is also not optimal because there are still many congestion points and road structures that are still not good and adequate public transportation for the entire reach of the city of bekasi. keyword: earmarking tax policy, motor vehicle tax, standard operating procedure introduction the role of taxes is increasingly felt by the state when the state develops regions to achieve high growth. regional development is a task that must be carried out by each regional government. regional autonomy and decentralization are the authority of local governments to regulate and manage their households under constitutional regulations. the implementation of regional autonomy is an important main point to improve people's welfare. the development of a region can be adjusted by local governments with the potential and uniqueness of each region. in this case, the independence to manage the government, for the sake of the realization of people's welfare and optimizing regional revenue. regional revenue is an important financing component in the implementation of local government activities. regional revenue can describe the fiscal capacity of a region. one of the major sources of revenue for regional revenue is local taxes. one of the types of local taxes that is often become the spotlight is motor vehicle taxes. motor vehicle tax is a kind of provincial tax with the largest source of income and can help increase local revenue sources. with this, motor vehicle taxes provide a large contribution to local revenue each year. in supporting the increase in motor vehicle taxes, there is a large potential for motor vehicles in bekasi city as follows: implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city novlyani 167 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 table 1. the potential of motor vehicles in west java province, especially bekasi city 2016-2017 year the number of motor vehicles potential amount % province bekasi city 2016 16,085,121 1,593,978 10 2017 14,864,898 1,459,933 10 source: samsat bekasi city, the data is processed by the researcher based on the data above, motorized vehicles in west java province from 34 cities and districts, there is a potential amount of motorized vehicles from bekasi city of 10%. the large potential for vehicles in the city of bekasi can increase regional revenue, especially motor vehicle tax, the amount of motor vehicle tax revenue continues to increase in bekasi city. in this case, motor vehicle tax revenue can be seen as follows: table 2. receipt of regional revenue in bekasi city 2016-2017 (in billions) year pad pkb effectiveness (%) contribution % target (rp) realization (rp) target (rp) realization (rp) pad pkb 2016 1,876,76 1,982,58 849,18 876,69 105,63 103,24 44,21 2017 1,917,42 2,056,83 881,33 935,11 107,27 106,10 45,46 source: pppd for bekasi city, data was processed by researchers based on the data above, it shows that every year the realization of motor vehicle tax from 2016-2017 continues to increase and always exceeds the target. motor vehicle tax revenue provides a very large contribution to regional revenue. as a source of revenue that contributes the largest portion of regional revenue, revenue originating from local taxes, especially motor vehicle taxes must be managed well. this management is of course considering the increasingly high demands of society for public services. as a manifestation of the government's responsibility to the society, it issued law number 28 of 2009 regarding regional taxes and regional retribution. the law states that certain tax revenues are allocated or earmarked to finance activities that are related to the tax. table 3. earmarked tax that was mandated in law number 28 of 2009 tax type earmarked tax in uu no 28 year 2009 article allocation amount allocation objectives vehicle tax 8 clause 5 minimal 10% *construction and road maintenance *increase mode and means of transportation cigarette tax 31 minimal 50% *funding for public health services *law enforcement by authorized official street lighting tax 56 clause3 partially *providing of street lighting source: law number 28 of 2009, processed by researchers one of the allocated tax revenues is the motor vehicle tax which is allocated to finance the construction and/or maintenance of roads as well as an increase in modes and public transportation facilities, a cigarette tax which is allocated to finance public health services and law enforcement, and a street lighting tax that is allocated to finance street lighting. motorized vehicle implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city novlyani 168 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 tax is a type of regional tax at the provincial level. so there is a sharing of tax revenue between the provincial government and district/city governments to increase road construction and maintenance in financing service functions to the community, provincial tax distributes proceeds to districts/cities with different proportions for each type of provincial tax. the composition of the profit-sharing between the province and the regency / city according to the regional regulation of west java province number 57 of 2017. concerning regional taxes in paragraph 1 of article 5 states that results of acceptance of motor vehicle taxes and bbnkb are distributed to the regency / city government by 30% (thirty percent), from the increase of motor vehicle taxes revenue, road users can feel the benefit from paying the tax. by paying motor vehicle tax, the society hopes that there will be concrete forms of paying the tax, one of them is the road infrastructure. based on data from the bekasi city police regarding portraits of conditions, security, safety, orderliness, smooth traffic, there are several points of traffic congestion such as on jl. sultan agung, jl. ahmad yani, jl. ir. h. juanda, jl. kh. noer ali and jl. joyo martono was caused by many large vehicles were parked on the side of the road, the lack of bus stops, and public transportation that stopped for too long. this paper tries to see what the earmarking tax application looks like or the allocation fee obtained from the motor vehicle tax in bekasi city, the obstacles faced in implementing earmarking tax, and the efforts to resolve these obstacles. methods the research approach that is used by researchers is a qualitative approach with a specificity of qualitative descriptive, it is an approach that seeks to collect, present, and analyze data so that it can provide a sufficient overview that is researched. qualitative descriptive research has objectives to describe the existing phenomena qualitatively to obtain data sources through literature research and field research, such as direct observation to samsat office of bekasi city and bapenda, documentation related to research, and interviews with administrative officers of the bekasi city samsat office and bapenda officers of bekasi city. the focus of the research is a detailed description of the researcher on the concept to be studied which contains the measurements or parameters that will become the basis of the interview guidelines, observations, and the documents used. in this case, the research focuses on 2016-2017 regarding the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle tax collection in bekasi city, the obstacles faced by the bekasi city government in implementing policies, as well as the efforts made by the bekasi city government in overcoming those obstacles. data collection techniques used in this study consisted of interviews, observation, and documentation. meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. results and discussion as a form of application of the principle of benefits in taxes, it is hoped that the concept of earmarking tax can provide benefits for taxpayers and society. this study applies the theory of repley and franklin (in alfatih 2010: 51-52). the success of the implementation can be seen from 3 indicators, namely the level of compliance, the smoothness of routines and functions as well as the realization of the desired performance impact. the acceptance of motor vehicle tax revenue can be seen from the regional revenue service (dispenda) of bekasi city province branch, as shown in the following table: implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city novlyani 169 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 table 4. acceptance of motor vehicle tax of bekasi city 2016-2017 year pkb pkb effectiveness % target (rp) realization (rp) 2016 849,189,000,000 876,649,509,350 103,24 2017 881,334,000,000 935,111,404,325 106,10 source: regional revenue service provincial branch of bekasi city from table 4 shows that the targets that were set by the bekasi city government in 2016 and 2017 always increased, the increase in the targets that were set by the local government is in line with the revenue received by the local government from the motor vehicle tax sector, the realization of the acceptance of the revenue from the motor vehicle tax sector always exceeds the target set by the regional government of bekasi city. thus in the implementation of the west java provincial regulation number 57 of 2017 can be said that it was running well, with the realization of tax revenue acceptance that exceeds the target set by the regional government of bekasi city. with the achievement of the motor vehicle tax target, it shows that the performance of the provincial branch revenue service in bekasi city is quite good. the acquisition of motor vehicle taxes, besides the amount, is big and continuously increased, the percentage of regional original income is also quite big. this shows that motor vehicle tax is a regional tax sector that greatly influences regional income because of the enormous potential for motor vehicles. the percentage of motor vehicle tax to regional income is shown in the following table: table 5. pkb contribution to pad of bekasi city 2016-2017 (billion rupiah) year target (rp) realization(rp) contribution % 2016 1,982,58 876,69 44,21 2017 2,056,83 935,11 45,46 source: regional revenue service provincial branch of bekasi city the data is processed by researcher from the table above, it can be seen that the motor vehicle tax increases every year. with a very large contribution, which means that motor vehicle tax revenue is almost half of the contribution to regional revenue. based on law no. 28 of 2009 and west java provincial regulation no. 57 of 2017 which states that the yield of motor vehicle tax revenue of at least 10% (ten percent), including those shared to districts/cities, are allocated for road construction and/or maintenance and improvement modes and means of public transportation. the department responsible for these related matters is the department of transportation which carries out technical matters such as checking, repairing, and developing transportation. data from the transportation department shows the realization of the budget for road construction, road maintenance and transportation modes as follows: implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city novlyani 170 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 table 6. realization of transportation agency's budget of bekasi city 2016-2017 year realization of pkb revenue sharing from province fund realization realization of fund allocation from pkb% road maintenance road construction means of transportation total cost 2016 29,62% 2,512,998,000 269,999,392,000 2,744,619,000 275,257,009,000 31,40 259,686,295,680 2017 29,62% 1,967,601,440 352,310,661,889 10,376,807,500 364,655,070,389 39 276,968,107,440 source: transportation agency of bekasi, data was processed by researchers from table 3 it can be seen that the sharing funds of pkb revenue from the province has not been able to finance the allocation for road maintenance, road construction, and means of transportation. it can be seen that the percentage of revenue sharing from the province has not been suitable yet with the law, become the maximum action for the realization of the allocation of funds from pkb. so the first indicator has been fulfilled, namely the compliance of the implementer as the implementer of the policy and the compliance of the tax subject in terms of fulfilling tax payment obligations. the second indicator is the smooth implementation of routine functions and the minimum number of problems that arise. the word routine means a regular procedure. the procedure itself is certain stages in a program that must be carried out to achieve a goal, with the smooth of routine, and implementation of the activity program, it can make good implementation as well so that the successful policy implementation can be marked by the smooth routine of functions and there were no problems encountered. before knowing the collection and budgeting processes in the field technically, we can see an overview of the motor vehicle tax revenue process to its allocation as follows: picture 1 pkb acceptance process until its allocation source: primary data, processed by researchers pkb revenue sharing to province 70% apbd pad of bekasi city (bpkad) profit sharing of 30% pkb to bapenda bekasi city pkb of bekasi city, west java province (samsat) budgeting to transportation agency of bekasi city for: 1) road construction 2) road maintenance 3) means of transportation mode implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city novlyani 171 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 from the picture above, it explains that the motor vehicle tax that has been received by bapenda of bekasi city is in the form of profit-sharing from west java province of 30% which is then managed by the regional financial and asset management agency through the apbd process. . through the apbd, it can be budgeted for dishub as the agency that responsible for road construction, road maintenance and means of transportation, so motor vehicle tax receipts will be returned to the public. so the second indicator has been fulfilled because it has been running based on the established procedure. as there was no problem occurred in the field, it can show the level of success of a policy implementation where all those concerned understand their duties and carry out them well. the transportation agency must improve more about the services and facilities that many bekasi city residents complain about congestion, many roads with holes and lack of discipline for public transportation, for example by adding traffic officers, making a shelter or places for public transportation to stop, making call centers so that if there are reports about damaged roads, it can be immediately followed up, and it is hoped that all related parties, such as bependa, bpkad, and non-governmental parties, namely the bekasi city regional government budget team, will coordinate more with each other and prioritize public facilities in bekasi city. the third indicator is the realization of the performance and impact that is wanted which is the form of successful policy implementation. the success of the policy or work program is also reviewed from the perspective of the implementation process and the perspective of the results. if it is observed from the perspective of the existing process in the field, namely the less optimal service process carried out by the transportation agency, in the form of good public facilities services whereas the funding source exceeds the allocated budget, but has not been able to touch areas that are far from the center of bekasi city. if it is viewed from the perspective of the results, we can see that the intended results are public facilities in the area of bekasi city. the lack of public facilities in bekasi city indicates that the services provided by the transportation agency are not optimal. the lack of optimal performance of the transportation agency is due to the limited work support facilities the budgeted funds are quite large, but the clarity of the source of the fund cannot be seen namely that the form of the allocation of funds for its allocation and the need for activities besides construction, road maintenance and several means of transportation modes, it becomes the funds that should have been able to be realized then it is delayed based on the interview with mr. tejo as the executor in the field of development "concerning the budgeting costs, for example, if we allocate 1 billion, and it is given only 600 million, we end up doing efficiency". the obstacles faced in the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle tax collection in bekasi city are first, the bekasi city regional government does not seem to have any preparations related to the implementation of the earmarking policy for motor vehicle taxes. the source of funds that will be allocated for the construction, maintenance of roads and means of transportation modes have not specifically come from pkb. both for the construction, maintenance of roads and means of transportation modes as the technical implementer is the transportation agency, all of these expenses are financed by the bekasi city apbd. second, there is still a lack of preparation of the parties related to the implementation of the earmarking policy. skpd that related to the implementation of the earmarking policy on motor vehicle taxes includes the bapenda, the transportation agency, and the bekasi city bpkad. third, unclear implementing regulations for the implementation of earmarking policies on motor vehicle taxes. based on the obstacles that have been explained, the efforts made by the government so that the implementation of the earmarking policy runs well and under applicable regulations, the implementation of earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle taxes in bekasi city novlyani 172 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 first thing that must be done by bpkad as budget management is to make funding posts from the tax sector to be allocated as mandated by laws and regional regulations, for example, for road maintenance, a source of funding from the pkb revenue sharing, so that it is clear and measurable where the funding come from. the second skpd related to the implementation of earmarking policies, such as the bapenda, dishub, and bpkad in bekasi city, are more updating information on applicable regulations for the realization of good government and the creation of good services for the community. third, governments are trying to review the regulations regarding profit sharing so that the percentage given is not only 30% for districts/cities but increases to 40% so that the funds can be used optimally for allocations from pkb, then make specific regulations for the tax sector to be allocated and percentage the allocation can also be mentioned so that it can be seen clearly and measurably. if the regulations exist, the public will know that there is an allocation of taxes that have been paid for the sake of creating a clean government. conclusion the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on motor vehicle tax collection in bekasi city which is done by the west java provincial government has been suitable with applicable regulations. regarding the allocation of the results of the motor vehicle tax in bekasi city, it has not been maximized, which is only 29.62%, while what is mandated by the regional tax and retribution law is 30%. the smoothness of the routines and functions in terms of collecting motor vehicle taxes is suitable with the applicable sop. meanwhile, the allocation of funds from the yield of motor vehicle tax at the bekasi city 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accepted : august 25, 2021 published : october 31, 2021 citation: prasetiyani, e., sumidartini, a.n, barlian, a. (2021). financial literacy and inclusion analysis of the community of pulau seribu (a case study on the limitations of banking financial services in the pulau seribu). ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2(4),255-261. abstract: the progress of a region can be measured by the level of financial literacy of its population and financial inclusion. dki jakarta is in the top financial ranking for literacy and inclusion, but it is inversely proportional to the pulau seribu region. this research is a qualitative research with the technique of obtaining data through in-depth interviews with residents in the pulau seribu. the results are processed with a strength weakness opportunity threat (swot) analysis to produce a map of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that exist in the pulau seribu region. with the swot condition in the region, it is hoped that the policy makers, namely the otoritas jasa keuangan (ojk), the dki jakarta regional government and the community themselves are able to synergize in formulating strategies to accelerate the backwardness of the pulau seribu with dki jakarta. keywords: financial literacy, financial inclusion, strength weakness opportunity threat (swot) and the otoritas jasa keuangan(ojk) this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction financial literacy in the industrial era has become a hot issue for a country's economic progress. some countries experienced a significant increase while others experienced stagnation and even did not experience significant changes. countries with the highest acceleration of financial literacy are china and india which occupy a financial literacy level of 87% while indonesia is only at 34%, russia and africa are at the level of 82% (shandy, 2021). in a study about financial literacy in south africa showed those gender, age, language, race and income levels do have an impact on the level of financial literacy (de clercq & venter, 2009). in other study for muslim community in usa, even religion have an impact on the level of financial literacy (zinser, 2019). the newest study in portugal, shows that the financial literacy scale presents a tri-factor structure with adequate validity and reliability levels. the three obtained factors are designated 1-2-year financial planning and goals, long-term saving and taste for numeric calculations (santos et al., 2021). lack of literacy and lack of information can affect the ability to save and secure a comfortable retirement. few individuals rely on the help of financial advisors, financial literacy and inclusion analysis of the community of pulau seribu (a case study on the limitations of banking financial services in the pulau seribu) prasetiyani, sumidartini, barlian 256 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and ignorance about basic financial concepts can be linked to a lack of retirement planning and lack of wealth (sarpong-kumankoma, 2021). a study in indonesia show that financial literacy has a positive effect on access to finance and growth of msmes, and access to finance also has a positive effect on growth of msmes (susan, 2020). the purpose of financial literacy is to create better economic decisions through citizens who have adequate information and knowledge and also to improve household welfare both individually and in groups (nugraha, 2018). financial literacy is able to move economic actors to carry out financial planning. financial planning according to the otoritas jasa keuangan(ojk) is how to live a simple current life in accordance with financial conditions and prepare for a better and more advanced future (suryani & ramadhan, 2017). the demographics of financial literacy in indonesia in 2019 based on the ojk survey figure 1. indonesia's 2019 financial literacy demographics source: otoritas jasa keuangan survey report 2019 the ojk survey shows that the highest position of financial literacy is occupied by the province of dki jakarta at 59.16% and the lowest position in the province of nusa tenggara timur (ntt) at 27.62% (jasa keuangan, 2019) the existence of a gap between the pulau seribu and the mainland dki jakarta shows that the development is not evenly distributed economically or commonly referred to as the development economy in which a country aims to improve the welfare of its people. development economics is the part of economics that deals with the economic aspects of the development process in lowincome countries. economic development does not only develop its economic development, economic growth and structural changes but also in increasing the potential of the mass population, such as through health, education and the work environment, both through the public sector and the private sector (private sector). the definition of economic development according to indonesian economist sadono sukirno "development economy is the process of increasing income or per capita income of a country by processing economic potential into real form" (sukirno, 2006). in order to harmonize the development economy and a sustainable financial system to form a quality society in terms of human resources and economic aspects, ojk has issued a roadmap for sustainable finance (sustainable finance) which is defined as comprehensive support from the financial services industry for sustainable growth resulting from harmony. between economic, social and environmental interests as stated in the medium term development plan (rpjmn) dated 5 december 2014 and published the 2015-2019 sustainable finance roadmap (roadmap for suistainable finance in indonesia, 2015). financial literacy and inclusion analysis of the community of pulau seribu (a case study on the limitations of banking financial services in the pulau seribu) prasetiyani, sumidartini, barlian 257 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the problems dki jakarta is as the top rank in financial literacy is an indicator of the high level of welfare of its population, in addition to high financial literacy, dki jakarta's financial inclusion also ranks first at 94.76% while ntt province lasts at 60.63%, however, the dki jakarta area, which is divided into two regions, namely mainland dki jakarta and the pulau seribu, has resulted in uneven distribution of financial inclusion and experienced very different gaps. in terms of financial literacy, the people of the pulau seribu are sufficient, but in terms of financial inclusion, their access is not wide open to get it. the researchers used analysis strength weakness opportunity and threat or swot is a strategy that can be optimized by combining strengths and opportunities, but at the same time there are also weaknesses and threats that must be minimized (abadi et al., 2020), to measure the strengths and weaknesses of pulau seribu in utilizing financial literacy and empowering financial inclusion as a strategy for the potency welfare of the community's economy,. each of these factors can be described as follows: 1. strength, namely the advantages possessed by the resources owned by the organization, which can be used by factors that can handle threats. 2. weaknesses, namely deficiencies in resources that are difficult to use to deal with opportunities and threats. 3. opportunity, namely the external condition of resources that have the potential to be profitable. 4. threat is an external condition that has the potential to cause problems and difficulties. table 2. swot matrix the table above is a summary of the swot analysis and the combination strategy between the pros and cons of various conditions (prasetiyani, 2006) method the research was conducted using qualitative methods with data collection techniques through indepth interviews. interviews with the main informants are those who are directly involved in the social interactions studied and additional informants are those who can provide information even though they are not directly involved in social interactions (rony, 2017). informants major is they have access and always associated with bank in financial interaction as public servants and msmes while additional informants were informants scanty associated with banks and used in comparison course . the type of interview conducted is a semi-structured interview which is a free interview where the researcher still makes special guidelines. strength – s (strength) list of strengths weaknesses–w (weaknesses) list of weaknesses opportunity – o (opportunity) list of opportunities so strategy use strength to take advantage of opportunities wo strategy overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities threats – t (threats) threat list st strategy use power to avoid threats wt strategy minimize weaknesses and avoid threats. financial literacy and inclusion analysis of the community of pulau seribu (a case study on the limitations of banking financial services in the pulau seribu) prasetiyani, sumidartini, barlian 258 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the interview is in the form of a closed questionnaire where the researcher gives answer choices about financial literacy, financial inclusion and the business and financial conditions of the respondent or informant. the following are the things question by the researchers: table 3. question aspect no. question aspect context 1. knowledge of financial and banking products to obtain information on community representatives consisting of crossprofessionals 2. access to banking and credit to obtain data on banking facilities in the pulau seribu and access to credit from banks or non-bank financial institutions that have been received so far 3. business and financial conditions to obtain data on how business and financial conditions are with access to banking and credit that has been received result and discussion there were 3 (three) residents of the pulau seribu from different backgrounds who underwent indepth interviews with a team of lecturers whose questions included financial literacy, financial inclusion and business and finance where the informants consisted of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes), civil servants(civil servants), fishermen. the main questions are divided into 3 parts, namely (1). financial literacy (2). access to banking and credit (3). business and finance. following are the results of written interviews with 3 (three) residents of the pulau seribu with various professions. no. financial literacy access banking & credit business and financial condition informant 1, woman civil servant teacher knowledge of banking functions and benefits is quite good. utilize brilink for daily financial transactions. feeling unsatisfied with access to banking in their area because they are only served by mobile banks whose arrivals are uncertain. informant 1 does not have credit at a bank and has never borrowed money from a bank. informant 1 does not have a business and financial condition is quite good, income comes from salary as a teacher informant 2, man fisherman knowledge of banking functions and benefits is good. utilize bri-link for daily financial transactions. feeling unsatisfied with the condition of the mobile bank model. according to him, there should be a bank at the district level. informant 2 has no credit and has never used credit from a bank for his fishing business. have never received a people's business credit and really need the credit. for now, the income is only as a fisherman. financial management has separated money for family needs and business interests as fishermen. don't have books yet because you don't know how to get started. turnover idr 1 millionidr 6 million informant 3, male fisherman and collector of used goods knowledge of banking functions and benefits is good. utilize bri-link for daily financial transactions. feeling enough with the mobile bank model. as a fisherman and collector of used goods, he uses savings as business capital. has no credit and urgently needs people's business credit. income comes from fishermen and collectors. the monthly income is more than idr 6 million per month. financial literacy and inclusion analysis of the community of pulau seribu (a case study on the limitations of banking financial services in the pulau seribu) prasetiyani, sumidartini, barlian 259 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting swot analysis of financial literacy and inclusion in the thousand islands strength – s (strength) pulau seribu is a tourist destination for residents of jakarta and its surroundings area close to the capital city of dki jakarta, the most developed city in indonesia\ the population is multi-ethnic the community 56.79% are fishermen the home industry for breadfruit chips has become an icon for pulau seribu souvenirs. financial literacy is quite good weaknesses – w (weaknesses) pulau seribu has many islands, each of which is inhabited breadfruit chips home industry is still managed conventionally the average education is only up to high school limited access to banking and access to credit/ no financial inclusion development gap with mainland jakarta opportunity – o (opportunity) community empowerment is widely open to be more advanced skillfully and economically the marine tourism sector can be developed more optimally wide open banking opportunities for expansion in order to create an equitable development economy on this island so strategy as a part of jakarta, the pulau seribu should have broad opportunities to be equal economically, socially and educationally so that the people there can develop optimally which in turn can create jobs and increase the income of local residents with all the strengths and opportunities that exist. wo strategy the existence of a home industry that is still managed conventionally and has not been touched by technology will open up opportunities for the transfer of food technology which will create a variety of other pulau seribu culinary delights such as culinary from marine biota or souvenir products. for banking, there must be new innovations to manage this area because there are residents who live in small islands while currently banking is still served by mobile banks. the opening of bank branch offices, both stateowned and private banks, needs to be studied by mobilizing funds to transport using special transportation threats – t (threats) economic access in terms of banking and credit which is very limited will result in slow progress both in terms of human resources and local revenue-sustainable tourism will be very difficult to realize because it faces quite heavy competition where development on land is currently faster, making it easier to reach the destination faster and affordable, for example, the jakarta-surabaya toll road is only taken 9 hours if this is not handled quickly, there will be an opportunity for an increase in the number of poor people in dki jakarta province st strategy if the economic development strategy is not quickly updated, the economy in this region will gradually experience a slowdown and have the potential to create a poor community. to anticipate this, a movement of the banking literacy community is needed so that they become a bankable society. the financial literacy of the people in this area is quite good but the same opportunities as dki jakarta are not widely given by policy makers. wt strategy with the demoraphics of education up to university level which is still low and the absence of access to banking, it shows that the level of welfare of the population in this area is still low. the role of ojk as an authority that has a financial road map for all the nation's children is to play a more active role in mobilizing and creating a younger generation who are more technology literate and more familiar with the financial industry so that weaknesses and threats can be minimized or even eliminated. financial literacy and inclusion analysis of the community of pulau seribu (a case study on the limitations of banking financial services in the pulau seribu) prasetiyani, sumidartini, barlian 260 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion financial literacy and financial inclusion are not always directly proportional. for example, in the pulau seribu, citizens are literate enough to understand financial knowledge but lack the opportunity to get access to finance (inclusion). this island group is part of the dki jakarta area but is very contrary to economic development so that the facilities, pleasures and conveniences that are available in dki jakarta are not fully enjoyed by residents of this area. it takes a breakthrough, good faith and a very innovative strategy to lift this area into little jakarta. the synergy between the dki jakarta regional government, ojk and the local community will determine the realization of a sustainable finance roadmap which was initiated and became the ojk program. reference abadi, m. d., lailiyah, 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(2019). retail islamic banking and financial services: determinants of use by muslims in the usa. journal of islamic marketing, 10(1), 168–190. the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 pp.152-160 152 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure (empirical study of automotive and component sub sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018) hamdan1, deni sunaryo2 12faculty of economics and business, serang raya university correspondent: submitted : june 24, 2020 revised : july 10, 2020 published : july 30, 2020 abstract this study aims to determine the effect of growth opportunity and return on equity the capital structure of the automotive sub-sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) in 2014-2018. the sample used in this study is the automotive sub-sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) in 2014-2018. the sampling technique used was purposive sampling method and obtained 8 companies. the data collected is secondary data with the method of documentation through in the form of a company annual report. the analytical tool used for hypothesis testing is spps 20. the results of this study are (1) growth opportunity does not have a significant effect on the company's capital structure. (2) return on equity has a significant effect on the company's capital structure. keywords: company capital structure, growth opportunity and return on equity introduction the development of financial management is now so dynamic. this happens along with the high level of business activities and human life in the current era of globalization. this condition causes a variety of discussions about the science of financial management to be so interesting for managers, bureaucrats, and academics and researchers in general are no exception. the national automotive industry is one of the drivers of the indonesian economy. the automotive industry has a business chain starting from component manufacturing, vehicle manufacturing itself, distribution network and after-sales service, both formal and public workshops, including parts sales networks throughout indonesia. in making innovations, funds that are not insignificant are needed, so that to meet these sources of funds, the automotive industry can raise funds from internal and external sources. this is because automotive companies have favorable prospects where transportation is one of the most important needs of the community. one of the factors that makes a company competitive in the long run is because of the strength of its capital structure. so the decision on the sources of funds used to strengthen the capital structure of a company cannot be seen as a simple decision but has strong implications for what will happen in the future. factors that influence fluctuations in capital structure can come from internal and external. the internal factors include depreciation reserves, profits not shared, or retained earnings, etc. the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 153 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 meanwhile, external factors. this external funding source is obtained by issuing bonds and various other long-term debt. companies with high growth opportunities tend to keep their debt ratios at a low level, this is done to maintain their credit capacity in difficult times. this means that the higher the growth of the company, the lower the debt used. . thus companies with low growth opportunities will use more long-term debt. growth opportunity for every company is different, this causes different spending decisions taken by financial managers. companies with high growth opportunity tend to spend investment expenditure with their own capital to avoid the problem of underinvestment, namely not implementing all investment projects that are positive by the company manager (chen, 2004). measuring the net profit gained from using assets. in other words, the higher this ratio, the better the productivity of assets in obtaining net profits. the company will not be separated from debt in meeting operational financing. companies that have a large enough debt always expect a large profit as well, because in theory increasing debt will certainly also stimulate an increase in profits from the company. the greater the level of ability of a company in the greater the rate of return on the net profit of automotive companies and components, it will cause the position of the company's capital owner to be stronger according to irham fahmi (2015: 82) this ratio examines the extent to which a company uses its resources to be able to provide a return on equity. (irham fahmi, 2015: 82) from the above definition, it can be concluded that roe is one of the factors that influence the fluctuation of a company's capital structure. roe also serves to determine the company's profit from the rate of return through long-term debt. according to hasni yusrianti (2013) explains that return on equity has a significant effect on capital structure. according to arma pertiwi (2014) explains that return on equity has a significant effect on capital structure. according to mochamad yahdi khairin (2014) explains that growth opportunity has a significant effect on the positive direction of the capital structure. based on the description of previous research evidence and problems in the background above, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title: "the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity on the capital structure of the company in the automotive sub sector and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 20142018 ". formulation of the problem 1. does return on equity (roe) have a significant effect on the capital structure of automotive sub-sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange? 2. does return on equity (roe) have a significant effect on the capital structure of automotive sub-sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange? 3. does growth opportunity and return on equity simultaneously have a significant effect on the capital structure of the automotive sub-sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018? research purposes according to the problem formulation above, the objectives of this study are as follows: the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 154 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 1. to determine the effect of growth opportunity on the capital structure of automotive subsector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange in the 2014-2018 period. 2. to determine the effect of return on equity (roe) on the capital structure of automotive sub sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange in the 20142018 period. 3. to find out the simultaneous influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) on the capital structure of automotive sub-sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange in the 2014-2018 period. theoretical basis another definition of growth opportunity or growth opportunity is the change in the total assets of the company (kartini and arianto, 2008). growth = total year assets (t) total year assets (t-1) total year assets (t-1) (rita puji astuti, faculty of economics, pandanaran university semarang, 2015) according to irham fahmi (2015: 82) return on equity (roe) this ratio examines the extent to which a company uses its resources to be able to provide a return on equity. (irham fahmi, 2015: 82) roe = net profit equity (irham fahmi, 2016) according to irham fahmi (2014: 53) capital structure is a comparison of long-term funding sources that are loans with own capital. debt equity ratio (der) = long-term debt owner's equity (hasni yusrianti, fund research report, faculty of economics unsri 2013) figure 1 framework the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 155 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 hypothesis h1: there is a significant influence between growth opportunity (x1) to the capital structure (y) of the automotive and components sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018. h2: there is a significant influence between return on equity (x2) to the capital structure (y) of the automotive and components sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018. h3: there is a significant influence between growth opportunity (x1), return on equity (x2) to the capital structure (y) of the automotive and components sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018. method the population used in this study is the automotive and component sub sector companies that have been listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018. this study uses a purposive sampling method in determining samples. the criteria applied by researchers in the selection of samples are as follows: 1. automotive companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange during the period 2014-2018. 2. the automotive company publishes financial statements for the fifth year in a row namely 2014-2018. 3. automotive companies that have complete data during the study for factors examined are growth opportunity, return on equity and capital structure, namely 2014-2018. based on these criteria, researchers have determined that there are 8 automotive sub-sector and component companies that meet these criteria. the 8 companies will be used as a research sample with 40 observations. result and discussion table 1. descriptive statistics testing results source: results of data processing in spss 20 table 1 presents statistics from the study sample that illustrates the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation of each variable. n value indicates the amount of data used in this study, namely the length of the year period according to the data included in the criteria. the normality test results show the point spreads around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the diagonal line, then the regression model meets the normality assumption. the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 156 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 figure 2. normality test results source: results of data processing in spss 20 table 2. normality test source: results of data processing in spss 20 the results of the normality test show table 2 can be seen in the column of significance kolmogorov-smirnov asymp.sig (2-tailed) values show above 0.05. that means that the regression model is said to be normal. table 3. multicollinearity test results source: results of data processing in spss 20 the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 157 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 based on the table above, it can be seen that all independent variables, namely growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) have a tolerance value greater than 0.10 and a vif value smaller than 10. this means that there is no multicollinearity, so good data is used in the regression model. figure 3 heteroscedasticity test results source: results of data processing in spss 20 based on the picture above, it can be seen that the residual data in both regression models spreads above and below the 0 point and does not form a specific pattern. so it can be concluded that in this study there were no symptoms of heteroscedasticity. table 4. autocorrelation test results source: results of data processing in spss 20 based on table 4. above shows that the value of durbin-watson is 1.944. this means that in this study the number is located between -2 and +2 which means there is no autocorrelation in the regression model used. table 5. multiple linear regression test results source: results of data processing in spss 20 the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 158 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 based on the above table, the regression equation can be arranged: y = a + b1x1+ b2x2+ e .......... capital structure = 29,712 growth (2,007) roe (0,033) constant coefficient (y) of 29,712; meaning that if there is no growth opportunity and roe then the beta value of 29.712. that is if the amount of growth opportunity and roe is equal to zero, then the capital structure is 29.712. regression coefficient (x1) of 2.007, each increase in the value of growth opportunity increases by one unit, then it will be followed by a capital structure value of 2.007. regression coefficient (x2) of 0.033 means that every roe addition of one unit will be followed by a capital structure value of 0.033. table 6. results of the determination coefficient analysis source: results of data processing in spss 20 based on table 6 above produces an adjusted r square value of 0.365 (36.5%). this r square value indicates the contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable is 36.5%, while the remaining 63.5% is influenced by other variables not included with the studied variables such as liquidity, firm size, business risk and others. table 7. t-test source: results of data processing in spss 20 based on the results of the above calculation, it is known that in the first equation, the value of t (t-count) obtained in regression shows the effect of partially independent variables on the dependent variable. regression results are known that the magnitude of the value of the growth opportunity variable is 0.821 while the value of the table is 2.0261 because tcount 0.05 then h1 is rejected, which means growth opportunity has no significant effect on the company's capital structure. from the regression results it is known that the value of the t-count variable return on equity (roe) is 3.973 while the value of t-table is 2.0261 because tcount> t-table or a significance level of 0,000 <0.05 then h2 is accepted, which means return on equity (roe) has a significant effect on the company's capital structure of the company. the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 159 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 table 8. f test source: results of data processing in spss 20 from the calculation results obtained, the value of fcount in the amount of 12,225. next, compare fcount with ftable. where if fcount> ftable, simultaneously the independent variables significantly influence the dependent variable. using α = 0.05, a f value of 3.25 was obtained. so the value of fcount is 12.225 and ftable 3.25 means that fcount> ftable (12.225> 3.25) or a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. thus all the independent variables in this study in the form of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) together (simultaneously) have a significant effect on the company's capital structure. conclusion this study aims to determine the effect of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) on the capital structure of automotive sub-sector companies and components listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) during 2014-2018. based on the analysis of the data that has been done, the researcher will give some conclusions as follows: (1) based on the t test results growth opportunity variable with a significant level of 0.417> 0.05, so partially the growth opportunity variable does not significantly influence the company's capital structure; and (2) based on the results of the t-test variable return on equity (roe) with a significant level of 0,000 <0.05, so partially the return on equity variable (roe has a significant effect on the company's capital structure. bound to the limitations of the research previously mentioned, here are some suggestions for further research: (1) it is expected that researchers who will conduct similar research can add or replace other variables such as liquidity, firm risk, and others. future studies can also replace different research objects; (2) the next researcher can use company size in terms of sales growth.; and (3) for companies, the current economic condition turns out to be very dependent on funding issues, especially in the case of companies that are growing constantly dealing with the issue of capital increase which aims to develop production scale and expand markets to achieve more efficient operational levels. the company must determine how much debt to capital to the company in order to achieve better financial ratios to finance the company's operational activities. reference ana, safitri (2017). pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, pertumbuhan asset, profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan penjualan terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan cosmetics and household yang terdafar di bursa efek indonesia tahun 2011-2014. jurnal akuntansi dan pajak fakultas ekonomi universitas islam batik surakarta , vol.18, no.01 the influence of growth opportunity and return on equity (roe) toward company capital structure hamdan & sunaryo 160 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 astuti, rita puji (2015). pengaruh profitabilitas, size, growth opportunity, liquiditas dan struktur aktiva terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan perbankan di bursa efek indonesia periode 2009-2013. fakultas ekonomi universitas pandanaran, semarang. fahmi, irham. 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"digitalization, computing power, and data analytics have given birth to surprising breakthroughs in various fields. industrial revolution 4.0 is capable of disrupting human life and even disrupting civilization on this dear earth. disruption of the industrial revolution 4.0 forced people to bring innovations. separation of the industrial revolution 4.0 has changed the human culture on this earth. blockchain is known as the technology underlying cryptocurrency like bitcoin, and blockchain has actually been actually thought about among one of the absolute most considerable turbulent innovations after the web (swan 2015; yermack 2017). this has actually wide ramifications for information handling, gear box, storing as well as safety and safety (brandon 2016; gross, hemker, hoelscher, as well as reed 2017), as well as has actually the prospective towards produce a brand-new community for dealing with bookkeeping info (dai as well as vasarhelyi 2017; kokina, mancha, as well as pachamanova 2017). technology disruption attacks the discipline of accounting, known as blockchain technology. blockchain technology emerged in the 1990s by presenting a digitizing system. blockchain is a promising technology for real-time accounting records and continuous monitoring (supriadi et al., 2020). blockchain technology is a giant set that registers all assets and accounting systems to transact on a global scale. blockchain technology encourages the emergence of ifrs (international financial reporting standards) because globalization is inevitable. the use of blockchain can increase the accounting profession's potential by reducing maintenance costs and reconciling ledgers. however, the blockchain can be a threat to accounting because the blockchain will take over the work of accountants. the reality shows that the blockchain empowers the accounting profession to validate economic existence. the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 162 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 blockchain is a crucial technology that supports efficiency and transparency. so blockchain, which is a disruption, should not be avoided by running. but the blockchain must be welcomed because the blockchain provides benefits that enhance the professional potential, one of which is the accountant. accountants, as a profession in accounting, can be educators, management accountants, and accountants (auditors) to carry out their duties and be brave to make changes. by making changes makes the accounting profession a necessity for an organization. it was thus making accounting a relevant discipline in helping human life. this research is a development from previous researchers namely the holy scriptures, william raphael, jon riviello, matthew taylor, peter valiente, iliana oris (2017) that analyzed blockchain innovation as well as its own prospective effect on the investigate as well as guarantee occupation, liu, manlu wu, kean xu , jennifer jie (2019) that analyzes exactly just how will certainly blockchain innovation effect bookkeeping as well as bookkeeping: permissionless versus permissioned blockchain. this research study is actually likewise the advancement of a comparable subject, specifically examine carried out through firmanto, yuki (2017), as well as nuraliati, ayke azwari, peny cahaya (2019). this research study attempts to discuss the innovation as well as its own feasible effect on company, particularly on the bookkeeping occupation, in addition to exactly just how innovation can easily create a distinction that's various coming from typical as well as demonstrate how these functions steer prospective requests coming from the blockchain. although there's no question some technical as well as lawful difficulties that should relapse prior to the blockchain could be completely integrated right in to the globe monetary audio body. the distinct mix of technological understanding as well as company bookkeeping, creates accounting professionals extremely well fit to assist style atmospheres as well as services that could be depended on due to the blockchain. in the blockchain brand-brand new deals are actually acquired with each other right in to obstructs as well as contributed to the chain of all of previous acquisitions, along with a cryptographic procedure that's complex to perform, however that makes it simple towards verify that the background of all of deals is actually genuine. blockchain is actually a community journal, where teams of purchases or even occasions are actually tape-taped as well as kept in information frameworks like chains (simoyama, grigg, bueno, as well as oliveira 2017). this deal team is actually referred to as a obstruct as well as purchased a chain based upon the deal opportunity. the following obstruct is actually included throughout of the string while preserving the hash of the previous obstruct (crosby, pattanayak, verma, as well as kalyanaraman 2016). in the blockchain there's the phrase hash, which is actually a type of electronic trademark, electronic impact, or even recap of the obstruct utilized for the verification procedure as well as its own location in the chain. blockchain jobs with an agreement procedure. all of nodes will certainly have the ability to determine the lengthiest as well as very most current journals as well as settle on exactly just what they are actually. blockchain can easily enhance the effectiveness of bookkeeping procedures, particularly in the deals as well as possessions area, which runs as a global entrance bookkeeping body. this will certainly produce assurance over legal civil liberties as well as responsibilities as well as funds, which will certainly equip the bookkeeping occupation towards broaden its own range towards document much a lot extra kinds of tasks compared to prior to. besides, accounting professionals can easily likewise check out much a lot extra carefully the financial truths that underpin deal documents. the blockchain's outline consist of brand-brand new deals coming from coming from one individual however infect an similar journal system, without a main operator, all of deals as the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 163 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 well as documents are actually long-term, cannot be actually tampered along with or even erased, as well as numerous programmable blockchains, enable the automation of brand-brand new deals as well as manages with the wise agreement. blockchain is actually a mix of company designs such as financial rewards that sustain advanced innovation. dealing with blockchain experts, accounting professionals can easily assist collection requirements that will certainly press blockchain advanced. a simple simulation of blockchain as shown below: a b public figure 1. triple entry accounting source : blockchain isn't uncommon for interesting innovation patterns. within this particular situation, it is actually a back-office service for moving possession of possessions as well as audio information on the internet. it could be stated that blockchain is actually a system for bookkeeping as well as company to perform. within this particular research study, our team have actually summed up exactly just what our company believe to become the essential elements of blockchain innovation, right in to 3 primary phrases that discuss exactly just what creates blockchain various coming from journals. the huge reserve that's much a lot better understood today in the bookkeeping procedure is actually a data source had as well as operate through one celebration. blockchain is actually various. the outline of blockchain are actually as observes: 1. proliferation: certainly there certainly are actually numerous duplicates of the blockchain journal, as well as there's no 'master' duplicate. all of individuals have actually accessibility towards the ledger's complete text message, plus all duplicates are actually comparable and similar. no celebration has actually command of the bookkeeping. brand-brand new deals could be published rapidly as well as will certainly infect printings of all of individuals. 2. long-term: along with each individual possessing their journal duplicate, the reality is actually identified through agreement. previous deals cannot be actually modified without bulk authorization, which implies that blockchain documents are actually long-term. all of journals are actually maintained through each individual as well as could be confirmed and inspected. 3. configured: some blockchains enable course code to become kept in it, in addition to journal entrances create automated diary entrances that are actually performed immediately when set off. this is actually exactly just what is actually referred to as 'smart contract'. in out in out in out the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 164 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 whether blockchain could be been applicable in a specific company or even industry will certainly depend upon whether this high top premium is actually a preferable option towards current techniques. an outstanding blockchain request fixated expense as well as opportunity benefits gets rid of the main celebrations of the body, as well as enhanced safety and safety as well as assurance coming from possessing an agreement body. blockchain isn't a solitary innovation, however instead a procedure a method of performing points towards document deals. unlike the web, where information is actually discussed, blockchain possession could be moved coming from one celebration towards one more. blockchain is actually an innovation design that's commonly talked about for a number of factors. for instance, in a market or even company procedure along with numerous celebrations carrying out deals, it can easily get rid of the have to combine/reconcile various journals. this journal is actually dispersed amongst all of individuals to ensure that it can easily decrease the expense of certainly not needing to pay out the main authorization towards preserve the precision of the bookkeeping. each individual in the journal can easily monitor all of previous deals, therefore enabling enhanced openness as well as blockchain towards carry out self-audits. the very initial 2 of the 3 outline proliferation as well as long-term are actually intrinsic towards the blockchain as well as are actually certainly not optional. this implies that every prospective request should desire (or even a minimum of be actually neutral along with) these important high top premiums. for instance, long-term documents create some tasks certainly not appropriate for blockchain services, like those including keeping unencrypted individual information. along with each individual possessing accessibility fully journal, various other requests might be actually constricted if there's an issue of opening up readily delicate information. while information on the blockchain could be secured, a duplicate of the secured information will certainly still be actually offered towards all of individuals. a few other challenges of the blockchain could be decreased or even conquer through concentrated advancement, however these high top premiums are actually an essential component of exactly just how the blockchain is actually developed. the basic journal body that's dispersed outdoors the blockchain might disregard or even decrease these high top premiums, however it should be actually traded for safety and safety or even various other high top premiums. method this research is qualitative research with library research. literature research is more than just serving the functions mentioned to obtain research data. strictly library research limits library collection materials activities without the need for field research (zed, 2008). qualitative research library research is used to examine the effect of the blockchain on accounting and auditing. the data source used in this study is secondary data. in this study, secondary data is derived from literature, articles, journals, and websites on the internet regarding the research conducted. secondary data taken is the literature on the workings of the blockchain that will affect the field of accounting and auditing. in this study, the data collection technique used was a documentary technique. this research is a qualitative study with a literature study to produce a blockchain concept that can be applied in the field of accounting and auditing through various literature concerned with these problems. in this study, data analysis techniques began with data reduction, then carried out the content analysis, and then conducted verification and confirmation of conclusions. the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 165 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 result and discussion the potential of blockchain technology for accounting and auditing blockchain is actually an accounting-based innovation. this associates with the move of possession of possessions as well as ways to preserve a journal of monetary info to become constantly precise. the bookkeeping occupation is actually extensively connected with the dimension as well as interaction of monetary info, in addition to the evaluation of that info. very most professions associate with guaranteeing or even determining legal civil liberties as well as responsibilities over residential or commercial home or even preparation the very best method towards assign funds. for accounting professionals, utilizing a blockchain can easily assist offer clearness on possession as well as the presence of obligations, as well as can easily significantly enhance effectiveness. blockchain has actually the prospective towards enhance the bookkeeping occupation through decreasing the expense of reconciling journals and preserving. furthermore, the blockchain likewise offers outright assurance over the possession as well as background of possessions. blockchain can easily assist accounting professionals obtain clearness around offered sources as well as their business responsibilities. it can easily likewise maximize sources towards focus on preparation as well as evaluation, instead of simply audio. together with various other automation patterns like artificial intelligence, blockchain will certainly likewise trigger much a lot extra bookkeeping deals to become performed, certainly not through accounting professionals. rather, effective accounting professionals function towards evaluate genuine financial interpretations of the blockchain document, integrating documents along with financial appraisal and truth. for instance, a blockchain may create private debtors exist, however their recoverable worth as well as financial worth are actually debatable. possession could be confirmed along with blockchain documents, however the real problem, place, as well as worth still have to be actually verified. through getting rid of reconciliation as well as offering assurance over deal background, the blockchain can easily likewise enhance bookkeeping protection. within this particular situation, it can easily carry much a lot extra factor to consider towards points that are actually presently thought about as well challenging or otherwise dependable towards determine, like the worth of information had due to the business. blockchain is actually a replacement for reconciliation function and bookkeeping. this, obviously, can easily endanger the function of accounting professionals in these areas. however, blockchain can easily likewise include stamina towards those that concentrate on offering worth somewhere else, for instance, in as a result of diligence in acquisitions and mergers. dispersed agreement on essential numbers enables much a lot extra opportunity to become invested in the area of evaluation as well as guidance, therefore the procedure is actually quicker general. blockchain implications for auditors blockchain has actually a request in an outside investigate. confirming the company's monetary condition will certainly be actually much less required if some or even every one of the deals underlie that condition show up in blockchains. this proposition will certainly offer a considerable alter in the method auditors function. blockchain services, when integrated along with suitable information analytics, can easily assist refix transactional issues that include the investigate procedure faster. auditor abilities could be utilized for much a lot extra serious issues. for instance, the investigate certainly not just examinations the information of that the deal is actually as well as just the amount of is actually the financial quantity however likewise exactly just the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 166 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 how the deal is actually categorized and tape-taped. if a deal credit rating money, is actually this cost triggered by purchases or even sets you back, or even performs it pay out creditors, or even produce possessions. this evaluation aspect frequently needs a circumstance that isn't offered towards the public however needs company understanding. along with the assist of the blockchain, auditors will certainly have actually much a lot extra opportunity towards concentrate on these concerns. how the accountant and audit profession increases its capacity with the blockchain transferring to a monetary body along with a blockchain aspect considerably provides numerous chances for the bookkeeping occupation. accounting professionals are actually viewed as professionals in audio, using complicated regulations, company establishing requirements, and reasoning. they have actually the chance towards direct as well as affect exactly just how the blockchain is actually dental implanted as well as utilized later on. besides, accounting professionals are actually likewise anticipated towards have the ability to establish services as well as solutions that are actually directed due to the blockchain. to become an essential component of the monetary body, blockchain should be actually industrialized, enhanced, and standard. this procedure will certainly most probably get years. it is been actually 9 years because bitcoin began running, as well as there's still a lot function to become performed. certainly there certainly are actually numerous blockchain as well as startup requests within this particular area, however certainly there certainly are actually few past the evidence of idea or even fly examine phase. accounting professionals have actually taken part in the research study, however certainly there certainly are actually much a lot extra occupations to perform. establishing regulations as well as requirements towards deal with the blockchain is actually no little difficulty. prominent companies as well as bookkeeping body systems ought to have the ability to carry their proficiency towards this function. accounting professionals can easily likewise function as business advisors that think about the advantages of signing up with the blockchains on their own. it likewise offers guidance on evaluating the sets you back as well as advantages of the brand-brand new body. the mix of company as well as monetary accounting professionals will certainly setting all of them as crucial advisors for business coming close to this brand-brand new innovation towards search for chances. skills for the future of accounting & auditing the blockchain as well as wise agreement method will certainly change the bookkeeping areas associating with transactional assurances as well as moving residential or commercial home legal civil liberties. decreasing task in require for reconciliation as well as administration of conflicts, integrated along with enhanced assurance around legal civil liberties as well as responsibilities, will certainly enable higher concentrate on ways to profile think about deals and for. it likewise offers growth in exactly just what locations could be accounted for. numerous present bookkeeping division procedures could be enhanced with blockchain as well as various other contemporary innovations, like information evaluation or even artificial intelligence. this will certainly enhance the effectiveness as well as worth of the bookkeeping work. due to the over, the range of abilities stood for in bookkeeping will certainly alter. some tasks, like reconciliation as well as assurances of beginning, will certainly be actually decreased or even gotten rid of, while various other areas like innovation, advisory, as well as extra value-added tasks will certainly establish. towards investigate the business effectively along with considerable chain-based deals, the auditor's emphasis will certainly change. the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 167 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 there's little bit of have to verify the precision or even the presence of blockchain deals along with outside resources. nevertheless, there's still a great deal of focus on spend for exactly just how these deals are actually tape-taped as well as acknowledged in the monetary declarations. it is actually likewise exactly just how the evaluation aspect is actually choosing. over time, much a lot extra documents can easily change towards the blockchain. if this has actually been actually accomplished, auditors as well as regulatory authorities accessing the files will certainly have the ability to analyze the deal in real-time as well as understand the beginning of the procedure much a lot extra precisely. accounting professionals don't have to be actually designers along with outlined understanding of exactly just how blockchain jobs. however they have to understand ways to recommend on the fostering of the blockchain as well as think about the effect of the blockchain on their customers and company. they should likewise have the ability to serve as a connect, after possessing discussions along with company stakeholders and technologists. accountant abilities have to be actually broadened towards consist of an comprehending of the blockchain's primary features and functions. for instance, the blockchain has actually shown up on the syllabus for aca icaew certifications. conclusion conceptually, the blockchain is actually a relocation coming from the factor where the count on coming from the journal originates from the main operator that preserves it, throughout where it originates from self-peace of mind in the body that motivates document maintaining. besides, the prospective for executing wise agreements creates it feasible to earn programmable journals. it can easily essentially alter the method all of plans run. presuming that technical challenges can easily relapse, blockchain has actually fantastic prospective. if our team just think about blockchain abilities without the wise agreement work, complete application can easily result in very most monetary systems' disintermediation. individual obstructs in between teams that frequently handle each other can easily change main authorizations like financial institutions, attorneys, and clearinghouses. along with the capacity towards communicate straight, as well as along with just one journal that never ever needs reconciliation, companies can easily conserve cash in paying out the journal proprietors as well as the initiative invested in reconciling along with their companions. eliminating unpredictability will certainly profit the economic climate through streamlining it, facilitating higher self-peace of mind in choice creating. what's much a lot extra, if required, tax obligation authorizations, regulatory authorities, or even comparable regulative body systems could be provided just sight accessibility towards the blockchain. they'll have the ability to observe as well as screen deals in real-time. such understandings can easily result in decreased sets you back as well as enhanced effectiveness of conformity tasks and regulative. long-term documents coming from the blockchain reduce the possibility of monetary criminal offense, therefore creating documents much a lot extra credible. blockchain can easily enhance the bookkeeping occupation through decreasing the expense of preserving as well as reconciling journals as well as offering outright assurance over historic possessions and possession. they were actually proactively taking part in the advancement of the blockchain along with a focus on danger command. the auditor ought to think about progressing towards affect as well as top the application of the blockchain. investigate business should change their emphasis towards evaluating danger management's efficiency as well as providing guidance on services as the effect of applying blockchain to the accounting and auditing supriadi, prasetyo, & suprihandari 168 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 well as assurances for interior command. quickly establishing innovation carries an outstanding chance for auditors. towards advertise top quality solutions, auditors should think about the longlasting possibility of transferring to constant bookkeeping. the blockchain request enables continuous audits because of real-time accessibility towards deal documents (johnson 2017). the following factor to consider is actually expanding the advisory work. along with sources launched coming from 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(2008). library research methods. jakarta: indonesian obor foundation the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 1 january 2022 page no. 57-67 57 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach aramia fahriyah1, wuwuh andayani2, rochland yoseph3, s. penta nurwibowo4, wendy irawan5 12345 institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami correspondent: aramia.stiamli@gmail.com1 received : august 26, 2021 accepted : january 15, 2022 published : january 31, 2022 citation: fahriyah, a., andayani, w., yoseph r., nurwibowo, s, p., irawan, w. (2022). strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting.3(1), 57-67. abstract: the new normal life of covid-19 pandemic has brought a new life pattern which is more strict health protocols in the interaction among each other. in the normal time, although the level of tax revenue shows a rising trend, the tax ratio hasn’t shown any significant increase. also, it is still left behind other developing countries. related to the pandemic effect, the world economy is decreasing and resulting to the decline of the indonesian tax revenue. the concerns of this study are on how to optimize the compliance level of tax payment from small-medium sized enterprises (smes) and the efforts of optimization needed to be done including in helping smes for being able to survive and or to be improved in terms of its business performance. thus, they can contribute to maintaining their tax compliance at the same time from getting worse. this study employed a descriptive research method using a qualitative approach. the data sources were primary and secondary data. in this study, an operational management tool which is the approach of supply chain management (scm) integration will be implemented as the solution. it is found that the gradual application of the concept of scm integration will give several significant impacts on the smes’ performance including their compliance with the existed tax regulations. also, this will encourage the optimal taxation authority in managing the tax participation of the smes sector. keywords: tax compliance, smes, new normal, supply chain management (scm) integration this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in the current pandemic era, people were directed to live the new normal life. this is a new life pattern completed with more strict health protocols in the interaction among each other. related to the business situation, the effect of pandemic needs to be anticipated and dealt with as it can prevent the decline of a business or it can even strive for improvement. one of the business areas is small-medium sized enterprises (smes) (bai et al., 2021). smes are businesses that maintain revenues, assets, or some employees below a certain threshold (perdana et al., 2021). although it is small in size, smes play an important role in a country’s economy, particularly in developing countries. then, smes also consider the majority of businesses worldwide and are crucial strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 58 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting contributors to job vacancies and global economic development (r. dai et al., 2021). they represent about 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. formal smes contribute national income (gdp) in emerging economies up to 40%. these numbers are significantly higher when informal smes are included (shafi et al., 2020). about 57 million msmes (micro-small-medium sized enterprises) were operating in indonesia in 2017 (tambunan, 2019). about 97 percent of the total workforce is currently employed in msmes, while 99.9 percent of all businesses in indonesia are msmes. msmes account for approximately 60 percent of the overall gdp of indonesia. for the details, overall gdp of indonesia (in %): micro 30%, small 13%, medium 15%, and cooperative 23%. here, it can be concluded that small-medium sized enterprises provide about 28% of the total indonesian gdp (susanti & widajatun, 2021). as one of the fundamental country’s incomes, smes contribute to the country’s economy in terms of its tax. based on the data from the tax office; for smes, the pph final is 0.5%. it is written in uu no 36 of the year 2008. it is addressed for smes which get profits fewer than 4.8 billion. therefore, normally, the smes only need to pay 0.5% of their income. many smes did not pay regularly for their tax, so it seems that the tax revenue from smes had not reached the target (malahayati et al., 2021; shafi et al., 2020). nowadays, since the pandemic of covid-19 has happened, indonesian tax revenue, especially from smes was more and more not optimal. it is found that there were some challenges appeared. first, most smes lacked education and understanding of tax policies. psychologically, they were afraid of going to the tax office for any business or even joining any tax meeting held by the tax authority. it showed that there was a problem of misunderstanding by smes towards tax authority. they mostly thought that all business related to the tax authority will be related to the payment they must pay. second, smes’ income is currently decreasing. as the new normal life made citizens take a distance from each other, they rarely go outside and buy something directly. as the result, it made the cash flow of smes also decreases. last, there are still many opportunities for improvements in our indonesian tax authority, like having more education and socialization agenda for smes in more different and interesting ways (trinh et al., 2020). based on the previous research, tax compliance was influenced by taxpayer’s knowledge, transparency of state spending, and tax justice. while supply chain management builds upon the flow of products and information through an operation and seeks to achieve linkage and co-ordination between the processes of other entities in the pipeline. the focus of supply chain management is on co-operation and trust and the recognition that, properly managed, the ‘whole can be greater than the sum of its parts. thus, the supply chain management approach will improve any related factors above which improve tax compliance (allen et al., 2021; beske et al., 2014). to deal with the matters explained before, this study tried to solve it by using an operational management tool which is the approach of supply chain management (scm) integration. the scm integration will connect all parties involved with the fulfillment of the goal into a single system. the parties involved may include smes, tax authorities (government), citizens, educational institutions, etc. it is hoped that all of them will work together effectively to pursue the same goal. therefore, when the gradual application of scm integration is used, it will give several significant impacts on the smes’ performance including their compliance with the existed tax regulations. moreover, this will encourage the optimal taxation authority in managing the tax participation of the smes sector (centobelli et al., 2021; zhang et al., 2021). strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 59 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method a descriptive approach was applied in this study. it was implemented by drawing a conclusion from some collected research and using a method of qualitative normative analysis. normative means using secondary data as the resources, including theories and opinions from scholars and well-known experts. next, qualitative means that it is a process of data analysis without using any formulas and numbers coming from the information of literature studies (data collected either from the related institutions or from research observation which was done) (sugiyono, 2019). the research methodology could cover the following points: (1) a concise explanation of the research methodology is prevalent; (2) reasons to choose particular methods are well described; (3) research design is accurate; (4) the sample design is appropriate; (5) data collection processes are proper; and (6) data analysis methods are relevant and state-of-the-art. (hashimov, 2015) result and discussion a. the business situation of smes during the covid19 outbreak and its implications the increase in countries affected by the covid-19 virus around the world has made the world economic situation worse. some institutions even predicted the weakening of the world economy, including the international monetary fund (imf) which projects a global economy to grow minus at 3%. minister of finance (minister of finance of the republic of indonesia) explained that state revenue in march 2020 grew positively although then the government was wary of the impact of the pandemic in the coming months (stephens et al., 2021). along with the policy of work from home (wfh) for both the government and the private sector, a slowdown in business activity began at the end of march 2020 which has the potential to reduce domestic delivery reducing the receipt of domestic value added tax (ppn dn) in april 2020. this condition is likely to continue and become increasingly contracted in may. then, in april some regions have implemented large scale social restrictions (psbb) in several affected areas. in line with the implementation of the wfh and psbb, the government provides tax facilities in the form of relaxation of article 29 pph op payments and reporting of the pph pp spt, which results in the non-optimal realization of the article 29 pph op revenue (abubakar, 2021). the central statistics agency reported that the economic growth in the first quarter of 2020 reached 2.97% as the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. this number was decreased compared to the first quarter of 2019 which was 5.07% year on year. the decline in economic growth has also impacted the micro, small and medium business (msme) business in indonesia. here, according to the ministry of cooperatives and smes, the msme opened 99.7% of employment in indonesia in 2019 (hanoatubun, 2020). if it was calculated, the total number of smes in indonesia currently reaches 59.2 million businesses. with the 40 percent figure, the umkm that will stop operating reaches 23.68 million businesses. strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 60 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting "in april 2020, the survey resulted that 43 percent of msmes would stop operating. then, there was a survey from the faculty of economics and business at padjadjaran university stating that the data was almost the same as 47 percent of msmes in west java had stopped. if it is averaged with another survey, 40 percent of msmes will stop (syaidah, 2020; yusmar et al., 2021). b. tax compliance progress the economic downturn affected households, msmes, corporations, and the financial sector. thus, the smes were also being impacted with difficulties to run their business, then it has the probability of being disturbed to pay their credit obligation. non-performed loan of banking credit can be increased significantly, so it will also worsen the economic condition (susan, 2020). according to the ministry of finance of the indonesian government, they have been acting some actions to manage this pandemic crisis such us: a. design a program of budget refocusing and reallocation, by president law no 9/2020 (source of funding) and president instruction no 4/2020 (implementation mechanism) b. release monetary stimulus c. release some state financial policies tax revenue is a major contributor to the state budget. since 2009, the contribution of tax revenue is above 70% with an increasing trend. however, the tax ratio tends to be stagnant (between 1112%). it is relatively low compared to asean, oecd, and latin-caribbean countries. the realization of state revenues is derived from taxation revenue and non-tax state revenues (pnbp) which has nominal amounted to rp279.89 trillion and rp95.99 trillion. meanwhile, the realization of the grant in the same period only reached idr0.08 trillion. the tax revenue and pnbp grew by 0.43% and 37% respectively. meanwhile, the overall growth of the tax revenue component up to the end of march 2020 is still sourced from taxes on household consumption, although tax revenue is also still overshadowed by pressure due to the weakening trend in the manufacturing industry and international trade activities, as well as the weakening of economic activity due to the spread of covid-19. there was a slowdown in business activity at the end of march 2020 which has the potential to reduce domestic value added tax revenues. the government provides taxation facilities in the form of relaxation of pph no op 29 payments and op pph spt reporting, which impact the non-optimal realization of income tax. scm integration looking at what the directorate general of taxation (dgt) has done so far and the dynamics and performance of taxation in indonesia from the data shared by dgt, here are some information stated: dgt steps & strategies are good enough optimization aspects of the strategies that have been implemented can be further refined, i.e. with the principle approach of supply chain management integration. the sme sector is also experiencing problems, while there are increasingly pressured, on the other hand, is the level of compliance with tax payments that are still low. this aspect also strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 61 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting needs to be deepened to get improvement on all of the related parties or in terms of the indonesian taxation scm environment. as has been proven starting from the history of warfare, and companies that can get through a crisis well, use the principles of the supply chain management approach in maximizing strategy and implementation. from the implementation and dynamics of the tax so far as well as the data that has been submitted by dgt & ministry of ri, several scm principles need to be implemented. also, the implementation details can be adjusted in each of the points & concerns as follows: indonesian tax share holders must be in line with the greatest business environment challenge today, which is the integration (to achieve linkage & co-ordination collaboratively) of supply chains between the processes of other entities in the pipeline and the organization itself to satisfy ultimate customers and obtain value for those companies (group chain) the supply chain and competitive performance indonesia tax authority (dgt) stated that all indonesian tax share holder is integrated as the supply chain is the network, through upstream and downstream linkages. it is in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate consumer. value is one of the important keys to perform the best performance of the indonesia tax system. here, it is an urgency to avoid traditional-style-organization who viewed itself as entities that exists independently from others. indeed, they need to compete with other country’s organization to survive. the real competition is not one entity against one other entity but rather supply chain against supply chain. thus, internal integration itself is not sufficient (hu et al., 2019; turker & altuntas, 2014). supply chain management is a comprehensive system that can be approached by taking advantage of some leverage tools (madhani, 2019). the dgt can take some of the leverage tools to optimize implementation of scm such as: collaboration with scm experts to ensure the proper scm managements benchmarking into business environment who has an excellent performance by scm improvement & integration make sure to do proper scm standardization at all related aspects 1. the changing competitive environment as the competitive context of business continues to change, bringing with its new complexities and concerns for management generally. it also has to be recognized that the impact on the indonesian taxation system of these changes must be considerable. the challenges are perhaps the most pressing currently are: the new rules of competition globalization of industry downward pressure on price or economic consideration customers taking control strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 62 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in terms of the indonesian tax system, there were many changes and challenges such as: new economic era and globalization, while indonesia on the warm economical competition with other country automatically bring out many challenges that tax authority must have update style to push this as a benefit for the country. in terms of sme people, dgt has some new and interesting policies to attract them. while dgt can’t act as a single player, it must be collaborative work of socialization, especially to set some interesting value for citizen tax obligation and to make sure that the value is properly delivered. give the citizen greater access to be involved in various ways of collaboration and work. 2. the delivering customer value in this hard situation, the dgt must determine the level of customer value that is delivered in its chosen segment. the indonesian tax system is almost unique in its ability to impact both the numerator and the denominator of the customer value ratio. the ratio is as follows: customer value = quality x service ---------------------- cost × time each of the four constituent elements can briefly be defined as follows: quality: the functionality, performance, and technical performance of tax authority service: the availability, support, and commitment provided to the customer. cost: the customer’s transaction costs or effort to comply with tax regulation time: the time is taken to respond to customer requirements, e.g. delivery lead times. many indonesian citizens didn’t have a standard value perception of their tax obligation and compliance. many of them have serious questions: “why do we pay the tax? what for?”. this is interesting homework and must be solved by an integrated and better approach to the taxpayer. 3. creating the responsive supply chain as being explained in some dgt release, there are some rooms for improvement. these positive findings need to be responded to ever increase the levels of volatility in demand. to meet this challenge, the dgt needs to focus on its efforts upon achieving much greater agility. it can be responded to in shorter time-frames in terms of both volume change and variety change. agility has many dimensions and the concept applies as much to networks as it does to individual companies. indeed, a key to agile response is the presence of agile partners upstream and downstream of the focal firm such as academic entities. 4. the era of network competition the indonesian tax stakeholders can optimize the performance by implementing principles of logistics and supply chain management, to significantly in developing responsive logistics strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 63 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting capability. the success in the operations is due to many things there that can be no doubting the role that logistics and supply chain management have played in achieving that success. based on an analysis of the leading companies in the survey, they have identified six consistent characteristics exhibited by those companies as follows: a. outside-in focus dgt must consider from the customer backward and are demand-driven. b. embedded innovation this implies a close integration between tax environment supply chain begins on the drawing board. c. extended supply chain a recognition that today the close management of relationships from end-to-end is essential. d. balanced metrics to achieve high levels of agility and responsiveness, there has to be a realization that there will be trade-offs across the business. to achieve the best overall outcomes requires a set of key performance indicators (kpis) that reflect the need for balance. e. attitude a culture that extends across the organization based on the recognition that internal silos must be removed and that external relationships need to be managed in a spirit of partnership f. supply chain talent as supply chains are as much about people as anything, the tax authority needs to ensure to develop the skills and capabilities that will enable success on the previous five elements. while there is a short key to perform this human resource challenge, through optimizing the benefit of certification to ensure the skill update. 5. integration as the integration of scm is now the greatest challenge, the indonesian tax system must ensure the effectiveness of chains devolves from how they are set up, incorporating the following ideas: a. pulling the chain together. b. chain performance measures (using the balanced scorecard and the scor model). c. trade-offs. as there are complex interactions, in the process also should be designed and operated with suitable tradeoffs between processes, movements, and stocks along the chain. 6. overcoming the barriers to supply chain integration on the operation management aspects, the conventional organization poses an immediate problem. tax entities should avoid a functional basis. 7. creating a sustainable supply chain the definition of sustainability is most widely used originally from the united nations brundtland commission, which reported in 1987. sustainability, the commission suggested, was about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (kouhizadeh et al., 2021; vural et al., 2021). strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 64 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the triple bottom lines. the triple bottom line concept emphasizes the importance of examining the impact of business decisions on three key areas: a. environment (e.g. pollution; climate change; the depletion of scarce resources, etc.) b. economy (e.g. effect on people’s livelihoods and financial security; profitability of the business, etc.) c. society (e.g. poverty reduction; improvement of working and living conditions, etc.). these three elements – the 3ps of people, profit, and planet – are inevitably intertwined and they serve to remind us that for a business to be truly sustainable, and these basic principles also need to be implemented on the background of the indonesia tax system. in the context of scm, based on the united nations brundtland commission, a triple bottom line philosophy can be built to encompass the broader idea that sustainability is concerned with ensuring the long-term viability and viability of the business as well as contributing to the future well-being of society (j. dai et al., 2021; jabbour et al., 2020). indeed, it can be argued that these two objectives are mutually reinforcing, i.e. supply chain strategies that benefit the wider environment are likely to also involve businesses at lower costs in the long run as a result of better use of resources (christopher & peck, 2012; soltanmohammadi et al., 2021). as supply chains underpin the efficiency and effectiveness of businesses, they can provide a useful framework for exploring opportunities to improve sustainability. we need to understand the sustainability impact of everything we do start from product design to end-of-life disposal. here, related to the tax compliance, as the emphasis of scm is on co-operation and trust, automatically it will influence the taxpayers’ awareness on the punctuality and regularity on paying the tax (rahayu, 2019). strategies for maintaining tax compliance of smes during covid-19 pandemic by using supply chain management integration approach fahriyah, andayani, yoseph, nurwibowo, irawan 65 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion the conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. nowadays, the indonesia tax system faces a difficult situation, as well as in the business environment they also experience several times facing the hard situation. the logistic or supply chain management integration principle has been proven many times as a problem solver in those challenges. 2. supply chain management doesn’t provide the fixed recipe, yet it provides wide and flexible tools to manage any circumstances and also better performance through their competitive advantage. 3. the indonesian taxation system in scm views still has a lot of room for improvement, so the dgt and government have an opportunity to get scm advantage who has a complete and flexible approach to performing operational excellent within the chain: a. to maintain the degree of indonesian citizen tax compliance, especially by the better tax matters understanding & proper tax environment. b. to build sme endurance to fight the pandemic c. dgt has flexibility & operational excellent to perform the best indonesia tax system environment 4. the impact of the environment that properly and continuously perform scm integration is the ability to provide excellent result and good endurance to fight difficult situation. then, it is recommended that; first; tax agencies should assign specialized bodies for the comprehensive implementation of scm approach and follow-up the taxpayers who paid lately. second, some simple systems of payment and facilitators should be provided to facilitate the taxpayers who are lack of 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social and environmental problems. this measure of non-financial performance is a driving indicator to measure progress in financial performance because this measure can be used in the current economic conditions in indonesia. one of the non-financial elements expressed is social responsibility or corporate social responsibility (csr) (ioannou & serafeim, 2010). the increasing level of competition faced by companies in the present era raises various awards given to companies to appreciate the achievement of company performance. several awards are given certainly have international standards or commonly referred to as the international organization for standardization (iso) or other certificates relating to csr practices. the international organization for standardization (iso) has a variety of forms, one of which will be a measure in this study including iso 9001, iso 14001, iso26000, besides that there is another certificate, ohsas18001, employee stock option program (esop). in iso 9001, it addresses international standards on the issue of quality standards of a company. iso 14001 is an international standard in which there are environmental issues. at present, corporate social responsibility (csr) is characterized by international standard initiatives, namely iso26000. iso26000 states that corporate social responsibility (csr) is a form of corporate social care that is currently an important aspect to improve company performance in addition to quality and environmental issues (rachman et al., 2011: 37). corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 257 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 according to (kurnia, tandiontong, & maranatha, 2015), ohsas18001 is the standard of corporate social responsibility (csr) which contains safety and health standards, while the employee stock option program (esop) is to support the alignment of objectives between the company and its employees so that companies can create stock incentive programs for the employee. measurement of company performance is also measured using financial ratios. the ratio is designed to show the relationship between financial statement estimates. according to (zhang, 2016), financial statement analysis aims to determine the ability of companies to generate profits, prospects and the level of risk of investment in shares of a company. with this financial ratio analysis, companies can find out how much the percentage (%) the company is experiencing growth. besides, companies can find out how much they're strength in providing or generating funds with financial ratio analysis. market value added (mva) is a measurement of the performance of other companies. market value added is a performance measurement concept that is still related to economic value added (eva) which is more focused on the total value of a company at a certain point such as the value-added balance sheet (gs & rahmansyah, 2017). market value added (mva) is the size of the company to determine future performance where the main component in this measure is the price of the stock market, and the economic value added (eva) is the size of the company that measures past performance (song & peng, 2015). in measuring using mva this is an important factor to get the value of the company. giving awards to the company is expected to be a push for the company to be more advanced because the company's financial condition is considered not to have problems. market value added (mva) can be described as the performance of a company. good company performance will create a good corporate image. the relationship between corporate social responsibility (csr) and market value added (mva) according to (hsu-chien, 2010) has a close relationship, that is, when the company establishes social and environmental responsibility properly the company's image improves. financial ratios and company performance also have a close relationship. for investors, the use of ratios can be adjusted to the analysis that will be carried out because the ratio has its uses(putri, 2014). the ratio becomes the basis for analyzing the condition of a company. the healthy condition of the company will certainly add a good corporate image to the community. previous research conducted by (novita, 2013) in manufacturing and mining companies in the period 2007-2011 explained that social responsibility showed a positive relationship with market value added (mva). (kurnia et al., 2015) explained that esop, iso 9001, iso 14001, ohsas 18001, current ratio (cr), debt-to-equity ratio (der), total asset turnover (tat), return on sales (ros), price earnings ratio (per) have a significant effect on market value added (mva) while based on (abdurachman & gustyana, 2019) der did not have a significant impact on the market value added. starting from previous research, researchers were interested in adding ownership certificates to iso 26000 certificates that could be a guide to the implementation of organizational social responsibility for companies. iso26000 is represented by seven main issues including corporate governance, human rights, labour activities, the environment, fair operating activities, consumer issues and contributions to the community and society (rachman et al., 2011: 4). corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 258 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the object of the research used in this study is the company that is the winner or who gets an award in the 2016 csr and top csr 2017 appreciation. one focus of the assessment is related to csr alignment with the company's strategy and competitiveness. it is this competitiveness that encourages companies to be responsible for the environment and society so that a good corporate image is formed in the community. figure 1. research framework methods this research is a quantitative descriptive and limits the problems that exist in the formulation of the problem. this study will only focus on companies that get csr 2016 and top csr 2017 appreciation awards. the 2016 csr appreciation is a mark for the company's acceptance of its social activities, and this award was followed by 22 companies. the 2017 top csr award was chosen as the object of research because one of the focuses of top csr 2017 assessment is the fulfilment of iso 26000 provisions related to csr alignment with the company's strategy and competitiveness. the event was attended by 117 companies from various industrial sectors. the method used in selecting the sample object of this research is purposive sampling, namely the method of selecting samples with various specific criteria. the criteria used in this study are as follows: (1) companies included in the list of 2017 csr appreciation and top csr 2017 award winners that are listed on the idx; (2) companies that have complete financial report data in 2015 and 2016. corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 259 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 based on the criteria above the total sample used in the study were 33 companies. data is obtained by downloading data that will be used by accessing from the official website of the award-winning company and the official website of the indonesia stock exchange ( results and discussion table 1. t-test dependent variable: mva the results of testing the hypothesis note that corporate social responsibility (csr) through is0 9001 does not affect market value adapt (mva). the negative t value indicates that iso9001 has an opposite relationship to market value added (mva). the increase or decrease in iso9001 will not affect market value added (mva). companies that get an iso 9001 certificate are companies which have guidelines for the quality of their companies. iso 9001 is the most comprehensive standard and is used to guarantee the quality so that if the company does not comply with these guidelines it will hurt the company's image. corporate social responsibility (csr) through is0 14001 does not affect market value adapt (mva). besides, a positive t value indicates that iso14001 has a relationship with market value added (mva), although it is not significant. the increase or decrease in iso9001 will not affect market value added (mva). the results of this study indicate that companies with iso 14001 certificates have guidelines for their environment that must be followed according to the rules. these rules must be following environmental quality standards because environmental quality can describe the company's performance. in its development, the company has aspects that must be adhered to in carrying out company activities. if the rules for this environment are not appropriate, it will harm the company, because the company is considered not to run the rules effectively. this causes if it is not following the guidelines, the measure of non-financial performance will be judged to be poor so it will decline the company's image. model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) iso9001 iso14001 iso26000 ohsas18001 esop cr der per tat ros 6,299 1,423 4,428 ,000 -1,072 1,349 -,148 -,794 ,436 1,437 2,715 ,211 ,529 ,602 -2,069 2,031 -,249 -1,019 ,319 2,450 2,569 ,359 ,954 ,351 2,967 1,264 ,401 2,348 ,028 -,008 ,005 -,315 -1,478 ,154 -,001 ,006 -,033 -,165 ,871 ,002 ,010 ,031 ,168 ,869 -,071 ,059 -,261 -1,204 ,242 ,098 ,094 ,226 1,038 ,310 corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 260 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 corporate social responsibility (csr) through is0 26000 does not affect market value adapt (mva). a negative t value indicates that iso26000 has an opposite relationship to market value added (mva). this shows that companies that implement iso 26000 have not worked effectively so that they have no influence. the iso guide to social responsibility emphasizes the importance of public reporting for the performance of social responsibility to stakeholders (gri-iso, 2010). corporate social responsibility (csr) through ohsas 18001 has no significant effect on market value adequacy (mva) in the direction of positive influence. this case happens because not all companies have implemented ohsas 18001 in their work environment. ohsas 18001 is intended to assist organizations in controlling occupational safety and health risks within the company. the implementation of this occupational safety & health management system cannot replicate or be imitated, because each company has its own needs. this shows that companies that implement ohsas 18001 well and efficiently have not been able to make high changes to the company performance of the winners of appreciation and top csr which impact the company's image. the results of hypothesis testing indicate that corporate social responsibility (csr) through esop has a significant effect on market value adapt (mva). this shows that the application of esop in the company gives positive things to employee performance. employees will be motivated so that it will have a good impact on the company. the purpose of this esop is to give rewards to all employees for their contribution to the improvement of the company performance (bapepam, 2002). increasing company performance from this measure of nonfinancial performance makes the company's image better. the application of esop is expected to be one way to attract the attention of employees, where all employees get the opportunity and have the right to own shares in the company where they work(hartono & wibowo, 2017). so that the expected results of employees will be motivated to advance the company. employees can maximize their performance, in other words, the application of esop can improve the company's financial performance which has an impact on the company's image well. the results of testing the hypothesis note that current ratio (cr) does not affect the market value adapt (mva), with a negative t value indicating that cr has an opposite relationship to market value added (mva). there is a negative relationship because of the company high current liabilities that affect the company's cr being too low. this means that the company's ability to meet its short-term obligations is less efficient because the current ratio which is the ratio that describes a company in paying its obligations has a time limit. besides, the trend analysis of this ratio needs to be done carefully because this ratio can change rapidly and can be easily influenced by management. debt to equity ratio (der) does not affect market value adapt (mva). based on the ttest there is a negative and no significant relationship to the dependent variable. thus the increase or decrease in der will not affect market value added (mva). besides, the negative t value indicates that der has an opposite relationship to market value added (mva). the negative relationship causes the der value to be relatively low, this case indicates that the company is lacking to guarantee funds from the back pay, so the company can be said that it is not solvable. besides, in this study, there are various types of companies engaged in various fields such as industry, minings, and services. these service companies include banks, insurances and investment companies which have a high der value because the funds managed are third-party funds risking the company performance. corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 261 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 price earnings ratio (per) does not affect market value adapt (mva). this result shows that per gives risk to the investors even though the risk is a small number in this study. this ratio also does not affect the profit growth expected by the investors. for investors, the higher the price earnings ratio, more expected profit growth will also increase (fahmi, 2014: 83). vice versa, the lower the price earnings ratio, the profit growth will decrease or has a low growth. per information indicates the amount of rupiah that investors must pay to get one rupiah in company earnings. this ratio can provide understanding for the company management to predict the company's ability to generate profits in the future. but in this study, the priceearnings ratio has not shown its influence on the size of the company's performance in the future which will have an impact on the company's reputation/image. the results of testing the hypothesis note that total asset turnover (tat) does not affect the market value adapt (mva). based on the t-test there is a negative and no significant relationship to the dependent variable. the increase or decrease in tat will not affect market value added (mva). besides, the negative t value indicates that tat has an opposite relationship to market value added (mva). the results of the study show that the overall assets of the company do not occur effectively so that the results of the business decline. this ratio is part of the activity ratio that describes the extent to which a company uses resources to support company activities (fahmi, 2014:77). however, this ineffective turnover shows that the low level of utilization of company resources is also a factor that affects the decrease in the ratio of total asset turnover. the lower the asset turnover value, the company is considered less efficient in allocating its assets. so that a low total asset turnover does not affect the performance of a company in improving the company's reputation. return on sales (ros) does not affect market value adapt (mva). thus the increase or decrease in ros will not affect market value added (mva). besides, a positive t value indicates that ros has a direct relationship to market value added (mva) but is not significant. the results show that the company's operating efficiency is low. a high return on sales shows that the company has a good financial performance. conversely, a low return on sales indicates that the company has less performance, this is because the sales contribution to the company's profits is low. if this ratio does not have a large influence on the size of the company's performance, this means that with the low corporate performance it does not improve the company's image to stakeholders. besides, sales contribution that reflects profit does not improve company performance. table 2. f-test predictors: (constant), ros, tat, per, iso9001, esop, cr, ohsas18001, der, iso26000, iso14001 dependent variable: mva model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression residual total 179,444 10 17,944 1,949 ,092 a 202,529 22 9,206 381,973 32 corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 262 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 based on the f test obtained a significant value of 0.092 > 0.05 and an f value of 1.949. the results of testing the hypothesis note that corporate social responsibility (csr) and all financial ratios together do not affect market value adapt (mva). the influence of whether or not a financial ratio can be described by the financial condition of a company at that time. besides, the company's poor performance will certainly have an impact on the company's responsibility. corporate responsibility is a measure of non-financial performance that is considered to have a large impact on the company's image in the social environment. as a result from companies that are less aware of the benefits of non-financial performance, causes managers to manipulate performance measures that enable managers to achieve their goals, especially to get bonuses (krismiaji&aryani, 2011: 359). financial ratios and company performance have a close relationship. for investors, they will see the ratio with the use that best fits the analysis that will be carried out (fahmi, 2014: 50). these results indicate that the company whose won the csr and top csr appreciation has a change in csr value and financial ratios both increase and decrease that does not affect market value added (mva). conclusion based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that corporate social responsibility (csr) through iso 9001, iso 14001, iso 26000, ohsas 18001 has no significant effect on market value added (mva), while through esop, it has a significant effect. current ratio (cr), debt-to-equity ratio (der), price earnings ratio (per), total asset turnover (tat), and return on sales (ros) do not have a significant effect on market value added (mva) in companies that win csr appreciation and top csr. corporate social responsibility (csr) and all financial ratios together have no significant effect on market value added (mva). the focus of this study is only on companies that won csr and top csr appreciation awards for 2016 and 2017, where various fields that meet the research standards are selected. the population in this study is limited to the award winners so that the sample which is less than optimal chosen by the company's market value added (mva) disclosure. further research is recommended: (1) can add companies that win other csr awards and the latest winning years or researchers can focus on one of the objects of an industrial, service or mining company. (2) the researcher can add another measure of corporate social responsibility (csr) that supports the company in improving its corporate image. measuring instruments can be proof of ownership of certificates such as food safety management systems (iso 22000), and information security management systems (iso 27001). researchers can also add other financial ratios to measure company performance, such as return on equity (roe), dividend payout ratio. references abdurachman, a., & gustyana, t. t. (2019). analisis pengaruh corporate social responsibility (csr) terhadap economic value added (eva) dan market value added (mva). jim upb (jurnal ilmiah manajemen universitas putera batam), 7(1), 107. brigham, & houston. (2010). dasar-dasar manajemen keuangan (edisi 11). jakarta: salemba empat gs, a. d., & rahmansyah, m. r. (2017). implementation of economic value added and market value added analysis as valuation tools to invest feasibility. sinergi : jurnal ilmiah ilmu manajemen, 7(2), 6–15. corporate social responsibility and financial ratio on market value added hariyani, salatnaya, mardani 263 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 hartono, a., & wibowo, a. j. (2017). pengaruh employee stock ownership program terhadap kinerja perusahaan publik di bursa efek indonesia. modus, 26(1), 85. hsu-chien, h. c. and l. (2010). research on the connections between corporate social responsibility and corporation image in the risk society: take the mobile telecommunication industry as an example. ijebm, 8(3), 183–194. retrieved from ioannou, i., & serafeim, g. (2010). the impact of corporate social responsibility. ssrn electronic journal, 18(3), 1–45. krismiaji. & aryani, a. (2011). akuntansi manajemen. yogyakarta: upp stim ykpn kurnia, t., tandiontong, m., & maranatha, u. k. (2015). pada perusahaan manufaktur yang tercatat di bursa efek indonesia di indonesia magister akuntansi fakultas ekonomi universitas kristen maranatha bandung 1. prociding simposium nasional akuntansi xviii, 1–18. retrieved from corporate social. novita, r. s. n. s. (2013). pengaruh corporate social responsibility (csr) pada market value added (mva) perusahaan manufaktur dan pertambangan. jurnal manajemen teori dan terapan, 6(2). putri, t. (2014). analisis pengaruh economic value added dan faktor fundamental perusahaan lainnya terhadap return saham dengan corporate social resposibility sebagai variabel pemoderasi (studi empiris pada perusahaan yang terdaftar dalam indeks kompas-100 di bei tahun 201. iv(2), 227–248. rachman, nurdizal m., efendi, asep, & wicaksana, emir. (2011). panduan lengkap perencanaan corporate social responsibility. jakarta; penebar swadaya. salbiah. & asmara, andika jaka. (2012). pengaruh economic value added (eva) terhadap market value added (mva) pada perusahaan yang melakukan initial public offering (ipo) di bursa efek indonesia. jurnal ekonom, 15 (3), 135-147. song, t., & peng, h. (2015). study of the relationship between the sustainable growing social responsibility and eva performance evaluation system of chinese central enterprises. american journal of industrial and business management, 05(04), 219–225. zhang, j. (2016). does corporate social responsibility affect the financial performance of listed manufacturing firms in germany? faculty of behavioural, management and social sciences, 01-70. ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 1 october 2019 page:12-17 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles jonrisman sinaga1, machfud sidik2 12master of administration science, institute of social science and management stiami, jakarta correspondence: submitted: 6 august 2019. revised: 26 august, 16 sept 2019. published: 30 october 2019. abstract this research discussed an increase of non-taxable income that expected to be able to step-up the purchasing power, especially in consumption. increase on non-taxable income which applies has not reflected the equality principle in taxation like what people feel, where non-taxable income has not touched the sense of equality. it becomes a dilemma to the government for expanding the taxation base by increasing nontaxation income. increase in non-taxable income can reduce the taxation base. practice in simplicity or easy of tax administration concept make the application on equality principle in taxation is not maximal, because non-taxation income equalizes all taxpayers’ —rich nor poor, sick nor health, and citizens who are on education. implementation of this concept is inseparable from taxpayer database condition which based on identity number that has not beneficial. increase of non-taxable income also decreases the tax revenue article 21 where the revenue decreased by 4.65% in 2016. increase in non-taxable income is expected to boost the purchasing power of citizen, hence demand on goods and service will increase. with the increase of demand, production to absorb the employment that becomes the object of non-taxable income article 21. keywords : non-taxable income, implementation on justice principles, principles in expanding taxation base introduction non-taxable income that has been set has a value that could not be changed or the value is considered fixed. increase in non-taxable income only could be done by the government. from early 1983 to the adjustment of non-taxable income in 2016, the limitation to non-taxable income has adjusted with development on the economic world (saez, slemrod, & giertz, 2012). table 1. increase on non-taxable income (in rupiah) 12 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik legal basis taxpaye r addition for married taxpayer addition for depende nts addition if wife income accumulat ed law no.8 year 1983 960.000 480.000 480.000 960.000 law no. 10 year 1994 1.728.00 0 864.000 864.000 1.728.000 law no.17 year 2000 2.880.00 0 1.440.000 1.440.000 2.880.000 564/mofd.03/2004 12.000.0 00 1.200.000 1.200.000 12.000.000 137/mofr.05/2005 13.200.0 00 1.200.000 1.200.000 13.200.000 law no.36 year 2008 5.840.00 0 5.840.000 5.840.000 5.840.000 162/ mofr.011/2012 24.300.0 00 2.025.000 2.025.000 24.300.000 mofr.010/122/ 2015 36.000.0 00 3.600.000 3.600.000 36.000.000 no.101/ mofr.010.2016 54.000.0 00 4.500.000 4.500.000 54.000.000 source: related to government discourse on adjusting the amount of nontaxable income (nti), many parties commented that increase on nti could make the target of government’s tax revenue increment from income tax (it) 21 or employee this year will not be reached. (pudyatmoko, 2017) the government changed the limit of non-taxable income with some considerations, i.e: first, to keep citizen’s purchasing power. as known in a few years, there are some movements on basic necessities goods. second, the increase in non-taxable income is one of the tax stimuli that could boost consumption and economic growth. increase on non-taxable income is expected to have a good impact on tax revenue rate. although there is a decrease in non-taxable income, this new implementation could increase the tax revenue that in micro will be decreased, and an increase in citizen’s purchasing power. non-taxable income and layered-tax rate that could be implemented in the taxpayer’s taxable income (nafia & sunandar, 2016), (lewa, kalangi, & pontoh, 2018). the problem that faces in implementation of non-taxable income, first, non-taxable income equalized the condition of taxpayer except marital status and numbers of dependents. thus, taxpayers and individuals will face the inequality of non-taxable income which that person gets is the same with non-taxable income that healthy person get. 13 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik second, non-taxable income assumes as if all people do not need education expenses. taxpayers who professionally work such as programmer, lecturer, accountant, or doctor, that needs further education for upgrading the skill, third increase in numbers of nontaxable income can be done by minister of finance regulation. means that the amount of non-taxable income always has to be suitable for the condition. fourth, non-taxable income could not differentiate taxpayers bases on the domicile. the difference in living cost between taxpayers which lives in jakarta will bear the bigger business cost and make the net income smaller than same taxpayer’s business cost in papua. according to the performance report of director-general of tax in 2016, the realization of it revenue article 21 in 2016 is rp109.153,00 billion (84,39%). income tax revenue article 21 in 2016 decreased by 4,65% compared to 2015, which caused by a decrease in instalment deposit it article 21. this related to government policy about adjustment of non-taxable income amount year 2016 which have an impact in decreasing number of individual employee taxpayers that decreased with it 21. policy on increasing the non-taxable income year 2016 is regulated in minister of finance regulation number 101/pmk 010/ 2016 issued in june 22nd 2016 about the adjustment for amount of nontaxable income that has been set. based on this regulation, the taxpayer’s income tax for individual increased from rp 36 million to rp 54 million per year. in counting the amount of non-taxable income, individual taxpayers must reduce the net income with non-taxable income. basically, to count the amount of tax that must be paid, gross income individual taxpayer could be reduced by the expenses that the person paid to get, charge, and keep the income until the taxpayer gets net income. after that, individual taxpayer can reduce non-taxable income to get taxable income (weol, nangoi, & wangkar, 2018). the cause on increase in nti is increase on province minimum wage. if the increase of pmw is not followed by increase on nti, the tax which bore by taxpayer will be higher, because the income is higher but there is not any increment in nti [ citation jen19 \l 1057 ]. the evidence shown that elasticity of taxable income related to marginal tax-rate which at least one or even higher (feldstein, 1995). low-level of exclusive income tax buoyancy conclude that enormous taxation reduce added by increasing the limit of taxable income in cross-destination (bilquees, 2004). in increasing the tax revenue, taxpayers is one of important aspects and the backbone of tax revenue, all taxpayer’s activity in running their taxation responsibility has been regulated in general provision and taxation procedures (susanti & andi, 2019). 14 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik method this research used a qualitative approach, means that gaining as much information from taxation literature (primary data) and informant (secondary data) also field observation for analyzing increase on nontaxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of principles of justice and principles of taxation base expansion. informants were not decided by statistical mathematics but depend on the saturation of data that was obtained like stated by guba and lincoln (1985:202) “informatinal redundance, not a statistical confidence level” level of answer saturation in this analysis was reached on the sixth informant. questions in the in-depth interview were submitted to the informant who believed to understand and master the research topic. guba and lincoln (1985:199) stated that in a qualitative approach, sampling must be decided before for a certain purpose; sampling purpose, to get the necessary information from the right individual. the informants that have been chosen based on purposive sampling: (1) 3 (three) person from taxation academician or taxation lecturer; (2) 2 (two) person from taxation practitioner or tax consultant; and (3) 1 (one) person, director of potential, obedience and tax revenue directorate general of tax. result and discussion non taxable income in implementation of principles in tax equality equality in taxation can be divided into 3 categories. those are horizontal equality, vertical, and special. horizontal equality is people who have the same income, will pay an equal amount of tax. meanwhile, vertical equality is people who have a bigger income should pay a bigger amount of tax. meanwhile special or zonation equality is one of equality in taxation which applied based on zonation or taxpayer domicile. in the implementation of the equality principle of taxation must be followed by principles of paying ability. although there are things about tax collection is arranged by law or have a legal foundation. this has been reflected from the french revolution when one of the causes of the french revolution is discrimination on tax collection. the principle on the ability to pay tax is one of a sensible way to pay public good and service supply such as national defence, health, people’s education, and quality of the environment. in the implementation of the taxation system, indonesia uses simplicity principle or easy of tax administration, where in implementation of these principles, taxation regulation tends to be 15 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik discriminative. the government made all of the tax regulations easy to implement although it becomes unequal. increase in non-taxable income by numbers or non-taxable income by regulations or policy has not reflected equality principles. this can be seen by non-taxable income is one for all, meaning that nontaxable income for a healthy or sick person is the same. people who undergo education or self-development education has not given an extra allowance, meanwhile, rich people who do not need non-income taxation are given the non-taxation income. simplicity concept in implementation of non-taxable income has made the equality principle become not maximal in indonesian taxation. non-taxation income (nti) in relation with principles of taxation base expanding increase of non-taxation income certainly decreases tax revenue article 21. like in table 2 which shows that income tax revenue from 2013 to 2015 had increased, and in 2015 had decreased. on 2014 increased by 17.15%, in 2015 increased by 8.52%, and in 2016 decreased by 4.78%. this decrease caused by increase on non-taxable income from rp36,000,000 to rp54,000,000. so does in it article 25/29 undergo the same thing, in 2016 decreased by 36.12%. table 2. ratio of realization in domestic tax revenue non-oil and gas and vat 2013-2016 (in billion rupiah) n o tax revenue 2016 (+/-) 2015 (+/-) 2014 (+/-) 2013 1 it article 21 109.1 53 4,77% 114.6 25 8,52% 105.6 25 17,15 % 90.16 3 2 it article 25/29 op 5.275 36,12 % 8.258 75,55 % 4.704 7,32% 4.383 3 domestic it 273.4 67 2,34% 280.0 09 16,29 % 240.7 86 6,18% 226.7 64 source: researcher’s result, 2018 from descriptions in this discussion, thus this result can be pictured like this: 16 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 nontaxable income (ptkp) inflationtax developme nt simplicity concept taxation base tax revenue tax equality purchasin g power analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik picture 1. result model from the result of the model picture, described that there is a new entity that researchers have to put inside because this new entity strongly influenced the final result from answering these research question. this new entity is implementation on simplicity concept in indonesia taxation practice. this concept becomes a little contradictory with tax equality concept, where simplicity concept emphasized on giving the same non-taxable income facility to all taxpayers, besides status and dependents. meanwhile, according to tjahjono hussen, the same tax collection is a discriminative action towards taxpayers. conclusion increase on non-taxable income has not reflected the implementation of tax equality. indonesia uses simplicity concept of ease of tax administration. the simplicity concept, based on the first and sixth informant, is not fair. equality and simplicity concept is toilsome to do simultaneously, because, in this case, dgt has not had a good and competent taxpayer database to back up the implementation of equality principle in increasing the non-taxation income. considering the awful taxpayer’s database comes from dgt side, then ease of tax administration concept or simplicity concept is the most rational concept in implementation of equality principle because a tax regulation cannot be or hard to fulfil the public satisfactory element. in the future, if taxpayer database has become better—status, dependent, education, and health, can be detected from the database, the equality concept of equality in taxation especially in the implementation of the increase in non-taxation income can be implemented. meaning that implementation of the value of types of reducing items in non-taxable income can be customized with the necessities and condition of taxpayers. increase of non-taxation income is expected to boost people’s purchasing power to consume taxable goods with the hope that other taxation base like value-added tax (vat) could help in taxation income. implementation on non-income tax or tax allowance supposed to be more precise to people who need. meanwhile, people that do not need non-taxable income should not get the tax allowance, thus people who do not need non-taxable income can contribute more in development where this thing could be energy boost for dgt in extended taxation base concept (isnawati, hilendri, isnaini, & jumaidi, 2018). 17 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik as a part from researchers’ responsibility in conducting scientific research in this thesis, suggestions and recommendation that concluded are: government, in this case, directorate general of tax, is suggested to fix the regulations, especially in personal allowance or non-taxable income from simplicity concept to complexity concept to fulfil the element of equality principle. for institution of directorate general of tax should always upgrade the taxpayer database system and taxation database itself. the government is also suggested to dig other taxation bases through taxation socialization to areas that have been touched in terms of implementation of income tax, or government, in this case, to agency or government department to keep an eye of taxation base probability in case of non-tax state collection. references bilquees, f. (2004). elasticity and buoyancy of the tax system in pakistan. the pakistan development review, 43(1), 73–93. feldstein, m. (1995). the effect of marginal tax rates on taxable income: a panel study of the 1986 tax reform act. journal of political economy, 103(3), 551–572. isnawati, i., hilendri, b. a., isnaini, z., & jumaidi, l. t. (2018). analisis kehilangan penerimaan negara di sektor pajak sebagai konsekuensi dari pengukuhan besaran kenaikan ptkp (studi kasus pada dirjen pajak nusa tenggara). jurnal aplikasi akuntansi, 2(2), 076–101. jeniliasari, d., susyanti, j., & wahono, b. (2019). analisis perbandingan penerimaan pajak penghasilan (pph) wajib pajak orang pribadi sebelum dan sesudah kenaikan penghasilan tidak kena pajak pada kantor pelayanan pajak (kpp) pratama malang selatan. e-jurnal riset manajemen, 8(8), 40-53. retrieved from lewa, m., kalangi, l., & pontoh, w. (2018). analisis perubahan tarif penghasilan tidak kena pajak (ptkp) tahun 2015 dan tahun 2016 terhadap penerimaan pajak penghasilan (pph) pasal 21 di kantor pelayanan pajak pratama bitung. going concern : jurnal riset akuntansi, 13(04), 244–253. nafia, d., & sunandar. (2016). analisis perbedaan penerimaan pajak penghasilan sebelum dan sesudah kenaikan penghasilantidak kena pajak (ptkp) pada kantor pelayanan pajak pratama tegal. senit 2016 (pp. 170-174). tegal: politeknik harapan bersama. retrieved from 18 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of increase in non-taxable income (nti) in relation with implementation of equality principles and taxation base principles sinaga, sidik 375/359 pudyatmoko, y. s. (2017). pengaturan batas penghasilan tidak kena pajak bagi anak antara keadilan distributif dan pelindungan anak (studi terhadap pandangan mahasiswa fakultas hukum uajy). justitia et pax, 31(2), 57–85. saez, e., slemrod, j., & giertz, s. h. (2012). the elasticity of taxable income with respect to marginal tax rates: a critical review. journal of economic literature, 50(1), 3–50. susanti, n., & andi. (2019). pengaruh kenaikan penghasilan tidak kena pajak (ptkp) dan jumlah wajib pajak efektif terhadap penerimaan pph pasal 21. jrb-jurnal riset bisnis, 2(1), 32–49. weol, s. c., nangoi, g. b., & wangkar, a. (2018). analisis efektivitas dampak peningkatan jumlah besaran penghasilan tidak kena pajak terhadap penerimaan pajak penghasilan orang pribadi pada kpp pratama manado. going concern : jurnal riset akuntansi, 13(04), 365–372. 19 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 2 april 2021 page no. 113-121 113 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia edy anan department of accounting, universitas amikom yogyakarta, indonesia correspondent: submitted : january 28, 2021 revised : february 20, 2021 published : april 30, 2021 abstract the infrastructure sector is the top priority of the indonesian government's development from 2014 to 2019. indonesia corruption watch (icw) data shows that the number of corruption cases in infrastructure projects has increased during 2015-2018. the value of losses in corruption cases in infrastructure projects is estimated at 1.1 trillion rupiah. the results of various studies on the factors affecting fraudulent financial statements show inconsistent results. this research aims to determine the impact of the stimulus, ability, opportunity, rationalization, and self on companies' fraudulent financial statements in the infrastructure industry listed on the indonesian stock exchange (idx). this study uses quantitative research methods. sampling techniques use purposeful sampling, that is, hypothesis testing using logistic regression analysis models. the results showed that the stimulus measures had a positive and significant impact on fraudulent financial statements. competence, opportunity, and rationalization have a positive and insignificant impact on fraudulent financial statements. the impact of self on fraudulent financial statements is negligible. the research supports the agency theory that management can commit fraudulent financial statements and achieve the company's financial goals. keywords: fraudulent financial statement, s.c.o.r.e model, infrastructure sector. introduction companies have business complexity and significant business risks, potential targets for fraud. no company or organization is immune to fraud (purba, 2015: 3). this kind of fraud can occur in all types of companies, including small companies and companies publicly listed on the world stock exchange, including in indonesia. the infrastructure sector is a top priority for the indonesian government's development for the 2014-2019 period. indonesia corruption watch (icw) data shows that the number of corruption cases in infrastructure projects has increased during 2015-2018. in 2015, there were 106 cases of corruption in this sector. the number increased to 133 in 2016 and 2017 to 158 cases. in 2018 there were 167 cases with an estimated loss value of idr 1.1 trillion (jayani, 2019). fraud factors can be explained in several fraud theories. they are starting from the fraud triangle introduced by cressey in 1953. wolfe and hermanson with the fraud diamond in 2004. crowe (2011) refines the theory that cressey has put forward with the crowe's fraud pentagon. vousinas (2019) introduced the s.c.o.r.e model theory as a fraud pentagon. the elements of fraud in the s.c.o.r.e model are almost the same as those in the crowe's fraud pentagon. the results of research by acfe (2016:4) showcases asset misappropriation fraud by 83%, with an average loss of usd 125,000. furthermore, there were 35.4% fraud cases due to determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 114 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 corruption with an average loss of usd 200,000. then cases of fraud due to fraudulent financial statements amounted to 9.6%, with an enormous average loss, amounting to usd 975,000. although cases of fraud due to fraudulent financial statements are small, they cause enormous financial losses. research on fraudulent financial statements such as bawekes et al. (2018), quraini and rimawati (2018), puspithaa and yasab (2018), nindito (2018), setiawati and baningrum (2018, tessa and harto (2016), agustina and pratomo (2019, and pratiwi and nurbaiti (2018). researchers used the pentagon's "the crowe's fraud" theory to test financial statements for fraud. these researchers showed inconsistent results. this study is a replication of several previous studies. the determinant of fraudulent financial statements used by vousinas (2019) is the s.c.o.r.e model. another difference is that the study population used infrastructure industry companies listed on the indonesian stock exchange for five years (2013-2017). a company is a contract (loosely defined) between shareholders or shareholders and company managers. the agency theory was proposed by jensen and meckling (1976). the agency theory explains that one or more individuals (as principals) hire one or more other individuals (agents) to operate the company as an agency relationship. principals or owners of capital have access to information relating to the company to make decisions. in contrast, management as agents who have access and information regarding the company's operations is responsible for providing information to the principal. meisser et al. (2006:7) explained that this agency relationship causes two problems: asymmetric information (information asymmetry) and the occurrence of a conflict of interest due to different objectives. in practice, agency theory states that it will be difficult to believe that management (agents) will always act based on shareholders' interests (principal). agency theory explains where a conflict of interest will arise, where management will act for personal interests and not maximize shareholder interests. fraud is an action against the law with an element of intent, which aims to cover up the mistakes that have occurred (tuanakotta, 2013). tunggal (2012) explains that fraud is defined as "deliberate fraud in finance, which is intended to take assets or rights of other people or parties." the institute of internal auditors (2013) of the iia (tuanakotta) explained that fraud refers to any illegal behavior characterized by deception, concealment, or breach of trust. these actions do not rely on the use of violence or threats of force. individuals and organizations fraudulently property, obtain money, services, service loss, avoid payment, and ensure personal or business advantages. from the various meanings above, it can be concluded that fraud is an act committed by an individual or organization intentionally to cheat, hide, or gain an advantage in a condition where such action can harm other parties. according to acfe (2014), fraud consists of 3 categories: asset misappropriations, corruption, and financial statement fraud. fraudulent financial statements can be interpreted as making the information displayed in the financial statements not show its original state so that the information makes the users of the financial statements make wrong decisions and suffer heavy losses. arens et al. (2008) explained that fraudulent financial statements are deliberately deceptive statements, understatement of amounts, or disclosures to deceive users. most cases of fraudulent financial statements involve deliberate misstatements of undisclosed amounts. omitting amounts is rare, but companies can exaggerate revenue by omitting accounts payable and other liabilities. although not so frequent, there are several notable cases of fraudulent financial statements involving adequate disclosure. determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 115 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 sarwoko et al. (2001) explained that fraudulent financial statements are a misstatement or deliberate omission of the amount of disclosure in financial statements. act/law no. 20 of 2001 of republic indonesia states that fraudulent acts and actions that harm state finances are corruption types. effendi (2006) mentioned three reasons for fraud in financial statements, namely: (1) manipulation, forgery, alteration of financial report notes and supporting documents of financial statements provided; (2) false material misinformation in financial statements statement, (3) misuse of accounting standards on the amount, classification, presentation, and disclosure. s.c.o.r.e are models that explain the factors of fraud. s.c.o.r.e are stand from the stimulus, capability, opportunity, rationalization, and ego (vousinas, 2019). the following describes the elements of the s.c.o.r.e model: 1. stimulus (incentive). fraud is caused by high pressure, which is financial. there are different forms of stress. for example; due to the pressure to achieve goals (especially in times of crisis), the frustration of the work environment, professional ambitions, and the desire to achieve these goals as soon as possible, the company has high financial needs or requires the company to report higher performance as much as possible. due to economic recession and pressure in the crisis years, the possibility of fraud has dramatically increased. 2. capability. ability refers to a person's traits and personality. without proper personnel to implement the fraud's details, many scams will not occur, especially the multi-billion dollar financial statement fraud. 3. opportunity. opportunity is the ability to deceive. criminals think they can commit and commit fraud without being discovered. it should be noted that participants believe that opportunities are real, which means they are not hidden. fraud research emphasizes that the position and authority of individuals in the company also provide opportunities. 4. rationalization. rationalization is an essential factor in the occurrence of fraud. in this kind of fraud, the perpetrator seeks justification for his behavior. for example, his behavior makes his family and relatives happy, and the company has made considerable profits. account for a small part of these profits. 5. ego. ego is a theory from psychology based on a person's criminal behavior view. the ego is a personality, which can help solve problems by mediating between the needs of the company, the self, and the company environment. self prevents us from taking action on every impulse of ourselves. stotland (1977) in vousinas (2019) asserted that one of the main motivations for cheating is power and a high degree of superiority. methods this research is quantitative. such data uses annual financial reports and auxiliary data in the form of annual reports. sampling techniques use purposeful sampling methods, and hypothesis testing uses logistic regression analysis techniques. the research sample is infrastructure companies listed on the indonesian stock exchange (bei) from 2013 to 2017. the following is a variable measurement table: determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 116 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 the logistic regression model is as follows: ffsi = ß0 + ß1roai + ß2dchangei + ß3bdouti + ß4audi + ß5ceopici + description ffs = fraudulent financial statements β0 = constants β1,2,3,4…. = variable coefficients roa = return on asset dchange = changing of directors bdout = ratio of independent commissioner’s board aud = changing of independent auditor ceopic = the number of ceo' picture in the annual report ε = error results and discussion there are 60 infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) in 2013-2017. however, according to the criteria of the purposive sampling method, there were 30 sample companies. the following is a research sample selection table: the hosmer and lemeshow goodness-of-fit tests in table 2 above show that the chisquare value is 11.816 and df is 8. this chi-square value does not show a significant value, which is 0.160 or (p> 0.05) in probability α 0.05. therefore, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. the model can predict the observed value or because the model fits the observed data. it can be said that the model is feasible in identifying fraudulent financial statements of companies. determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 117 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 table 4 shows the overall model assessment test (block number 0: beginning block). the result of the test for -2 log-likelihood on block number 0: beginning block is 167.593. the value of -2logl is significant with the sig value. equal to -1,116 (p <0.05). this result means that the model rejects the null hypothesis, which means that only constants do not fit the data. the value -2logl (block number = 1) is shown in the table 5 below: table 5 shows that the value of -2 log-likelihood (-2logl) in the block number = 1 after entering the independent variables, namely roa, bdout, aud, dchange, and ceopic becomes 161.227. the following is the value of -2 log-likelihood (-2logl), which can be seen clearly in table 6. as shown in table 6 the initial -2logl value (block number = 0) is 167.593 and the next 2logl (block number = 1) is 161.227. this result means that there is a decrease in the value of 2 logl of 6.366. the occurrence of a decrease from this value of -2 logl indicates a better regression model or, in other words, hypothesized. cox and snell r2 and nagelkerke r2 above show that each of these tests has a value of 0.042 and 0.062. therefore, these results indicate that the dependent variable's variability is 6.2%, which can be explained by the independent variable's variability. this result means that 93.8% of the dependent variable's variability can be explained by other independent variables outside the research model. determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 118 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 the regression model formed based on table 8 is as follows: ffs = -1,402 + 4.777 roa + 0,159 dchange + 0,071bdout + 0,009 aud – 0,025 ceopic + ε from the regression equation above, it can be explained as follows: 1. a constant value of -1.402 indicates that if all the free variables are zero, the company will experience fraudulent financial statements amounting to -1.402. 2. the roa variable's regression coefficient value is 4,777, meaning that each increase of one unit of the roa variable will increase the fraudulent financial statements of 4,777, assuming the other independent variables remain. 3. the regression coefficient value of the dchange variable is 0.159, which means that each increase of one unit of the dchange variable will reduce the fraudulent financial statements of .159, assuming the other independent variables remain. 4. the regression coefficient value of the aud variable is 0.071, meaning that every increase of one unit of the aud variable will reduce the fraudulent financial statements by 0.071, assuming the other independent variables are fixed. 5. the regression coefficient value of the ceopic variable is -0.025, meaning that each increase of one unit of the ceopic variable will increase the fraud in financial statements by -0.025 with the assumption that the other independent variables are fixed. the logistic regression results test the significance of the stimulus measures on the detection of fraudulent financial statements. it shows a positive direction with significant value, with roa alternative stimulus measures with financial goals. these results can be seen from the significance probability value of roa, which is equal to 0.033 or (p<0.05) in probability α 0.05. it can be concluded that the stimulus can affect fraudulent financial statements or accept hypothesis 1 or h1 as acceptable. these results are by the results of research by setiawati and baningrum (2018), pratiwi and nurbaiti (2018), and puspitha and yasa (2018). however, these results are not supported by research by bawekes et., al (2016); quraini and rimawati (2018); nindito (2018); agustina and pratomo (2019), and tessa and harto (2016), where stimulus with financial targets has no significant effect on fraudulent financial statements. return on asset (roa) is a measure of the company's operating performance used to identify how efficient the use of assets is (skousen et al., 2009). setiawati and baningrum (2018) say that managers will be more ambitious so that whatever means will be taken to get the target they should. if the lower the roa value indicates, the lower the profit generated so that the company's performance looks terrible, the possibility of financial statement fraud is relatively high. the logistic regression results to test the significance of the effect of capability on report fraud show that capacity has a positive direction with a little value. capability is proxied by a change of directors or dchange. these results can be seen from the dchange significance probability value of 0.797 or (p> 0.05) in probability α 0.05. it can be concluded that capability cannot affect fraudulent financial statements or reject hypothesis 2 or h2. the board of directors is fully responsible for carrying out its duties in the company's interests in achieving its aims and objectives. the board of directors is also obliged to ensure that all the company's assets have been used according to their intended use in the company's determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 119 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 interests and the company's shareholders the change of directors is not a factor in detecting fraudulent financial statements. these results support the research of bawekes et al. (2018), quraini and rimawati (2018); nindito (2018); and agustina and pratomo (2019). however, these results do not support the research conducted by puspithaa and yasa (2018), where directors' change has a significant effect on fraudulent financial statements. the logistic regression results to test the significance of opportunity on report fraud show a positive direction with little value. opportunity is proxied by effective monitoring, namely the proportion of independent commissioners in a board structure in a company or bdout. these results can be seen from the significant value of 0.892 or (p> 0.05) in the probability α 0.05. it can be concluded that the opportunity cannot affect fraudulent financial statements or reject hypothesis 3 or h3. these results support the research of tessa and harto (2016), nindito (2018); setiawati and baningrum (2018); quraini and rimawati (2018); and pratiwi and nurbaiti (2018). however, this study's results do not support puspithaa and yasa (2018); agustina and pratomo (2019), where ineffective monitoring with the proportion of the commissioners' board has a significant effect on fraudulent financial statements. adequate supervision can minimize fraud. an independent board of commissioners in a company is one factor in increasing the company's operational supervision. the independent board of commissioners will supervise objectively, independently, away from certain parties' intervention to not trigger managers to commit fraud in financial reports (setiawati and baningrum, 2018). the logistic regression results for the significance test of rationalization on report fraud show a positive direction with little value. rationalization is proxied by an audit opinion or aud. these results can be seen from the significant value of 0.999 or (p> 0.05) in the probability α 0.05. it can be concluded that rationalization cannot affect fraudulent financial statements or reject hypothesis 4 or h4. these results support research conducted by setiawati, baningrum (2018); agustina and pratomo (2019); nindito (2018); quraini and rimawati (2018); bawekes et al. (2018) and pratiwi and nurbaiti (2018). this study's results do not support puspithaa and yasa (2018) research, which states that rationalization has a significant effect on fraudulent financial statements. rationalization is a variable that is difficult to measure from the fraud model (skousen et., al., 2009). the auditor's inability to detect irregularities that occur in the financial statements affects the audit opinion results. the accrual basis of accounting allowed by the financial accounting standards allows management to modify the financial statements to freely produce the desired profit. the logistic regression results for the significance test of the effect of ego on report fraud show a negative direction with little value. ego is represented by the number of ceo's pictures or ceopic. these results can be seen from the significant value of 0.911 or (p>0.05) in the probability α 0.05. it can be concluded that rationalization cannot affect fraudulent financial statements or reject hypothesis 5 or h5. these results support the research of setiawati and baningrum (2018), agustina and pratomo (2019); nindito (2018); quraini and rimawati (2018); and pratiwi and nurbaiti (2018). determinants fraudulent financial statements using the s.c.o.r.e model on infrastructure sector companies in indonesia anan 120 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 however, in contrast to the research of bawekes et al. (2018), puspithaa and yasa (2018), and tessa and harto (2016), who state that ceopic affects financial statement fraud. the ceo's photo emblazoned in the company's annual report is the transparency of who is in charge of and is responsible for the leadership of the activities carried out by the company. the more ceos of the company, the more ideas for running the company. if the idea is mutually beneficial to each other and the company, it is hoped that fraud will not arise in the preparation of the company's financial statements. conclusion the stimulus has a significant positive effect on fraudulent financial statements. capability, opportunity, and rationalization have a positive and insignificant effect on fraudulent financial statements. capability, opportunity, and rationalization cannot affect fraudulent financial statements. ego has a not positive or negative insignificant effect on fraudulent financial statements. further research can add proxy variables such as external auditors' quality, institutional share ownership, and audit opinions covered by the fraud s.c.o.r.e. model. elements of fraud, such as rationalization and capability, are challenging to measure using quantitative methods alone. for that, future research can use various methods, like mixed method or qualitative method. further research can also be developed into the public funding sector, such as the government or social sector. references agustina, ratna d. dan dudi pratomo. 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"advancing theory of fraud: the s.c.o.r.e. model", journal of financial crime, vol. 26 issue: 1, pp.372-381 ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 1 january 2021 page no. 61-70 61 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction satria mulia chaerudin1, afriapoll syafarudin2 12mercu buana university jakarta-indonesia correspondent: submitted : january 4, 2021 revised : january 18, 2021 published : january 31, 2021 abstract this study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the influence of product quality, service quality, and price on the decision to purchase medical device products and their implications for consumer satisfaction. this study uses the pls (partial least square) analysis method. this study uses primary data in the form of a questionnaire and is distributed to 141 (one hundred and fortyone) respondents who are users of medical device products, namely apheresis machines. based on the overall exposure of statistical calculations on structural model analysis and testing that partially, product quality is proven to have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for medical device products, service quality is proven to have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for medical device products, prices are proven to have a positive and significant effect. significant towards the decision-making of medical device product purchasing, product quality proved to have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction of owned medical device products, service quality proved to have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction of medical device products, price proved to have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction of medical device products health. the purchase decision is proven to have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction with medical device products. keywords: product quality, service quality, price, purchase decision, customer satisfaction introduction the industrial revolution 4.0 also brought changes in the health sector. technology is increasingly playing an important role for doctors and health practitioners, for the realization of better health quality for patients, which is a multinational company engaged in medical device products. the medical device products offered are apheresis products, which are automatic blood processing products used by pmi (indonesian red cross) and hospitals. apheresis products are medical device products that are used to process blood components, especially for platelet components. this medical device product was introduced in indonesia in 2014. this product comes from the united states. currently, 3 companies sell different brands for this apheresis machine. companies with other brands are from the united states and germany. this apheresis product is a durable machine product, where for its routine use, it will use sustainable consumables that are a closed or closed system. apheresis medical device products have several advantages that have added value to the product, including the high quality of the product because it has a fast time to process the blood. optimal service quality by preparing qualified application staff and technicians in the operational process of the apheresis machine. it is hoped that the added value possessed by this apheresis medical device product, namely product quality, service quality, and price can influence the selection of apheresis health products in the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 62 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 indonesia and also increase consumer satisfaction. table 1. apheresis product sales data for 2015-2019 year number of consumables/year (pcs) apheresis single disposable product (rp) 2015 1,211 2,088,907,363 2016 1,423 2,148,730,000 2017 1,572 2,373,720,000 2018 2,022 3,053,220,000 2019 1,728 2,609,280,000 source: data processed by researchers in 2020 from the sales data above, it can be seen that there is a decrease in sales in 2019. after analyzing consumers of this apheresis medical device product used in the 2015-2019 timeframe, some consumers are satisfied with the quality of the product and the quality of service provided, but some are not satisfied. the dissatisfaction that was conveyed regarding the quality of the product was that there were too many alarms that appeared when this apheresis product was used which led to the failure of the process. meanwhile, the dissatisfaction that was conveyed related to the quality of service was the limited number of technicians and application personnel in indonesia, so that the service process at pmi and the hospital were hampered when the apheresis product had problems. as for the price, consumers expressed their objection because the price offered for this apheresis health product is slightly more expensive than other apheresis medical device products. and based on the results of a presurvey conducted via telephone to 35 respondents, there were problems encountered in some consumers (hertati, 2o15: syafarudin & heratati, 2020: safkaur. & hertati, 2020: lestari & heratati, 2020): (1) the product quality, too many alarms arise when this apheresis product is used which leads to failure of the process; (2) quality of service, limited technicians, and application personnel in indonesia, so that the service process at pmi and hospitals is hampered when the apheresis product occurs problems; and (3) price, consumers express their objection because the price offered for this apheresis medical product is slightly more expensive than other apheresis medical device products. based on the data that has been collected by researchers, the purpose of this study is to see how strong the influence of product quality, service quality, and price can influence consumers in making medical device product purchasing decisions and the implications for consumer satisfaction. kotler (2012) product quality is one of the main positioning tools for marketers. quality is closely related to customer value and satisfaction. according to kotler and armstrong (2012), product quality is a characteristic of a product related to its ability to meet stated customer needs or implied meanings. kotler (2012) has revealed that there are eight dimensions of product quality as follows (syafarudin & mulya 2019: hertati 2018): (1) performance or product performance is the main characteristic or function of a product. this is the main benefit or benefit of the products we buy; (2) reliability or product reliability, which is the chance that a product will correct itself from failure while performing its functions; (3) product features or features feature is a characteristic or additional features that complement the basic benefits of a product; (4) durability or durability shows the age of the product, which is the number of uses of a product before it is replaced or damaged. the longer the durability, the more durable it will be. durable products will be perceived as having higher quality than products that run out quickly or the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 63 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 quickly replace them; (5) dimensions of conformance or suitability conformance is the conformity of product performance with the stated standards of a product. this is the kind of promise that a product must fulfill. a product that has the quality of this dimension means that it conforms to the product's standard; (6) serviceability or repairability under the meaning, here the quality of the product is determined based on repairability: easy, fast, and competent. products that can be repaired are of a higher quality than products that are not or difficult to repair; and (7) aesthetic or the beauty of the product appearance aesthetic or beauty concerns the appearance of a product that makes consumers like it. this is often done in the form of product design or packaging. some brands update their faces to make them more beautiful in the eyes of consumers. 8. perceived quality perceived quality. this concerns consumer assessment of the image, brand, or advertisement. products with well-known brands are usually perceived to be of higher quality than unheard brands. that is why products always try to build their brands so that they have high brand equity. kotler and keller (2012) state that service quality is the totality of the features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. so it can be concluded that service quality is the level of the company's ability to provide services under consumer expectations. to measure the quality of service, five key elements deserve attention, based on tjiptono (2015) the five key elements are as follows (hertati., safkaur, simanjuntak, 2019: syaparudin & hertati. 2020): 1. reliability. reliability is the ability to perform the promised services reliably and accurately. examples, in this case, include the ability of employees to provide the best service, the ability of employees to handle customer needs quickly and correctly, the company's ability to provide good service under consumer expectations. 2. assurance. namely the knowledge and politeness of employees and their ability to show trust and confidence. in the form of employees' ability to generate confidence and trust in promises that have been made to consumers. examples, in this case, include the knowledge and skills of employees in carrying out their duties, employees can be relied on, employees can give confidence to consumers, employees have good technical expertise. 3. tangible (form). the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personal, and communication materials. 4. empathy. the condition of paying attention and giving personal attention to customers. for example, employees should try to position themselves as customers. if a customer complaints, an immediate solution must be sought, to maintain a harmonious relationship, by showing a genuine sense of care. 5. responsiveness. willingness to help customers and provide services on time. the willingness of employees and employers to help customers and provide services quickly as well as hear and resolve consumer complaints. kotler and keller (2012) state that price is the amount of money exchanged for a product or service. furthermore, price is the amount of value that a customer can exchange for several benefits by owning or using a good or service. kotler and armstrong (2012) explain that four measures look at the price, namely price affordability, price compatibility with product quality, price compatibility with benefits, and priced according to price capability or competitiveness. the four price measures are as follows (syafarudin saluy, masyhudzulhak. 2020: hertati & safkaur, 2020: safkaur. & hertati, 2020: hertati & safkaur, 2019). 1. affordability of customer prices can reach prices set by the company. products usually the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 64 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 have several types in one brand, the price is also different from the cheapest to the most expensive. with the price set, many customers buy the product. 2. match price with product quality. price is often used as an indicator of quality for customers, people often choose a higher price between two goods because they see a difference in quality. when the price is higher, people tend to think that the quality is better. 3. the suitability of price with customer benefits decides to buy a product if the benefits felt are greater or equal to what has been spent to get it. if the customer feels the benefits of the product are less than the money spent, the customer will think that the product is expensive and the customer will think twice about making repeat purchases. 4. prices according to the ability or price competitiveness of customers often compare the price of a product with other products, in this case, the cost of a product is considered by the customer when buying the product. buying decision kotler and armstrong (2012), "consumer buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption", this definition can be interpreted that the buying decision behavior refers to the buying behavior. kotler and keller (2012) that the dimensions of purchasing decisions are product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase time, and payment method. and the dimensions of the purchase decision used in this study are only from 3 aspects, namely (hertati. fery, safkaur, .2020. hertati, et, al, 2020: hertati. & sumantri 2016): (1) brand decisions; (2) time decisions; and (3) payment method decision. kotler (2012) customer satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment for someone who appears after comparing their perceptions or impressions of service being below expectations, customers are not satisfied. but if the service exceeds expectations, the customer is very satisfied and happy and buys back. this satisfaction will certainly be felt after the customer has consumed the product. irawan (2012) states that customers are satisfied if their expectations are met or under what the customer wants are exceeded. there are 5 main dimensions of customer satisfaction, among others (hertati & safkaur, 2020: hertati, syafarudin, safkaur.o. fery.i. 2020: syafarudin, 2016:). 1. price for sensitive customers, usually low prices are an important source of satisfaction because they will get high value for money. this price component is relatively insignificant for those who are not priced sensitive. 2. service quality depends on three things, namely systems, technology, and people. customer satisfaction with service quality is usually difficult to imitate because the formation of attitude and behavior that is in line with the company's wishes is not an easy job. improvement must be carried out starting from the recruitment process, training, and work culture. 3. product quality customers feel satisfied after buying and using the product if the product quality is good. 4. emotional factor (emotional factor) emotional factors are shown by consumers on the satisfaction they get in using a product/service that creates a sense of pride and selfconfidence. the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 65 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 5. efficiency (ease) ease of obtaining these products or services and ease of payment can make customers more satisfied if it is relatively easy, comfortable, and efficient to get a product or service. methods this type of research is a type of quantitative descriptive research. this study used a questionnaire with a numerical scale and an ordinal scale with a likert scale 1-5. the sample consisted of several members selected from the population as many as 220 (two hundred and twenty) people, wherein in this study, 141 (one hundred and forty-one) users using the apheresis machine were sampled. this research uses the slovin formula so that the sample range that can be taken from the slovin technique is between 5% of the study population. the data obtained from this study were then processed using data analysis techniques, namely by using partial least square (pls). still, according to ghozali (2014), pls is an alternative approach that shifts from a covariance-based sem approach to a variance-based approach. the pls design is intended to overcome the limitations of the sem method, namely when the data has problems such as measuring data on a certain scale, a small number of samples, missing values, abnormal data, and the presence of multicollinearity. besides, pls can be used on any type of data scale (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) as well as more flexible assumption requirements. image research framework, 2020 there are three path analysis models in pls, namely the inner model which specifies the relationship between latent variables, the outer model which specifies the relationship between the latent variable and the manifest variable, the weight relation which estimates the value of the latent variable. the inner model is a model that describes the relationship between latent variables based on the substantive theory. the inner model is commonly referred to as the inner relation of a structural model. meanwhile, the outer model is a model that describes the relationship between latent variables and their indicators. the outer model is commonly referred to as the outer relation or measurement model. in the outer model, there are two models, namely the reflexive indicator model and the formative indicator model. the reflexive model is often referred to as the principal factor model, which means that the manifest variable is influenced by latent variables. the formative model is the opposite of the reflexive model where the formative model assumes that the manifest variable affects the latent variable. in its use, pls has several evaluations of existing structural models and measurement models. in evaluating the measurement model, tests for convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, and average variance extracted were carried out. meanwhile, in the structural model evaluation, the r-squared (r2) test and the path coefficient estimation test are performed. results and discussion an indicator is said to have good validity if it has a loading factor value greater than 0.70. product service quality price, purchase decision customer satisfaction the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 66 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 while the loading factor of 0.50 to 0.60 can still be maintained for models that are still in the development stage (ghozali, 2014). table 2 value of loading factor variable indicator outer loading product quality (xi) kp1 0.822 kp2 0.841 kp3 0.775 kp4 0.753 kp5 0.729 quality of service (x2) kl1 0.704 kl2 0.827 kl3 0.835 kl4 0.787 kl5 0.841 price (x3) hg1 0.863 hg2 0.852 hg3 0.803 hg4 0.883 purchase decision (z) km1 0.851 km2 0.752 km3 0.866 km4 0.763 km5 0.784 customer satisfaction (y) kk1 0.788 kk2 0.840 kk3 0.834 kk4 0.858 kk5 0.843 source: loading factor test results, 2020 based on the calculation results, it appears that there is no variable indicator whose outer loading value is below 0.5 so that all indicators are declared eligible or valid for research use and can be used for further analysis. table 3. value of cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and average variance extracted (ave) source: test results, 2020 based on the table above, it can be seen that all constructs have cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values that are greater than 0.70. the same thing is seen in the ave value, all constructs have ave values that are greater than 0.50. thus it can be concluded that all exogenous and endogenous measurement constructs are reliable. variable cronbach alpha composite reliability cronbach alpha ave product quality (x1) 0.845 0.889 0.845 0.617 quality of service (x2) 0.860 0.899 0.860 0.641 price (x3) 0.872 0.913 0.872 0.724 purchase decision (z) 0.863 0.901 0.863 0.647 customer satisfaction (y) 0.890 0.919 0.890 0.694 the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 67 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 table 4. results of the path coefficient value and the r square value hypoth esis parame ter original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t statistics (|o/ste rr|) p values result r square h1 x1 -> z 0,237 0,242 0,096 2,469 0,014 be accepted 0,735 h2 x2 -> z 0,359 0,356 0,085 4,216 0,000 be accepted h3 x3 -> z 0,357 0,354 0,073 4,866 0,000 be accepted h4 x1 -> y 0,242 0,242 0,091 2,646 0,008 be accepted 0,827 h5 x2 -> y 0,156 0,154 0,078 2,007 0,045 be accepted h6 x3 -> y 0,209 0,210 0,070 2,999 0,003 be accepted h7 z -> y 0,397 0,399 0,097 4,086 0,000 be accepted source: test results, 2020 based on the data presented in table 3 above, it can be seen that of the five hypotheses proposed in this study, all of them are acceptable because each of the effects shown has a pvalues value <0.05 and t-statistical value that is greater than the critical value. (1.96). based on the table above, it can also be seen that in substructure 1, the variable product quality (x1), service quality (x2), and price (x3) simultaneously contributed to influencing the purchasing decision variable (z) by 0.735 or 73.5%. and from the table, above it can be seen that the variable product quality (x1), service quality (x2) price (x3), and purchase decision (z) have a simultaneous effect on the consumer satisfaction variable (y) of 0.827 or 82.7%, while the rest 17.3% is influenced by other variables not observed in this study. conclusion based on the overall statistical calculations on structural model analysis and hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that: variable product quality (x1), service quality (x2), and price (x3) have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (z) owned medical devices; variables of product quality (x1), service quality (x2), price (x3), and purchase decisions (z) have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction (y) medical devices. service quality and price have a greater influence on consumers to do purchasing decisions product quality, service quality, and price have a greater influence on customer satisfaction if through the intervening variable purchasing decisions. suggestions to all related parties working in medical device companies, among others, are that medical device companies can: improve product quality by continuously monitoring the quality of products currently used continuously where the results of this monitoring will be informed to the factory for continuous improvement. improve the quality of service by increasing the number of technicians available to speed up the process of repairing tools and increasing the response speed and accuracy of machine repair work if the machine is damaged. evaluating the prices that will be applied in the following year so that the new prices that apply will be more competitive. it is hoped that researchers who will research further in further research are expected to be able to add or develop other variables as a reference for research at the next research stage. the effect of product quality, service quality, price on product purchasing decisions on consumer satisfaction chaerudin, & syafarudin 68 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 references agus, a. 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(2022). effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(1), 68-77. abstract: the number of small and micro business taxpayers at the cibitung pratama tax office from year to year after the increase, but the high increase in the number of taxpayers is not directly proportional to the increase in taxpayer compliance in paying and notifying the tax. the purpose of this research is to recognize the influence of understanding, the description and knowledge of taxpayers on the compliance of small and medium-sized micro business taxpayers at kpp pratama cibitung. the population in this research is a small intermediate micro business taxpayer registered at kpp pratama cibitung. the procedure for taking illustrations in this research uses accidental sampling, on the contrary, the collection of information through the questionnaire method. the illustrations used in this research are 100 respondents. in this research, hypotheses are tested using multiple linear regression analysis. the results of this research display that understanding, descriptions, and knowledge of taxpayers regarding partial taxation influence the compliance of small and medium-sized micro business taxpayers in the cibitung pratama tax office. keywords: taxpayer awareness, understanding and knowledge on tax, taxpayer compliance this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction currently, small and medium enterprises (msmes) are increasingly showing their existence and able to generate relatively high profits. last but not least also able to compete in the era of globalization as it is today, but not yet in line with the level of compliance in carrying out its tax obligations (machmudah, 2020; syuhada & gambetta, 2013; tambunan, 2019). the level of compliance of small and medium-sized micro enterprises (msmes) taxpayers is still fairly low, the target of tax receipts has not been achieved (rahmadhani et al., 2020; shafi et al., 2020; sinuhaji, 2019). low compliance of taxpayers of small and medium enterprises (msmes) is certainly a problem every year (rahayu, 2019; susanti & widajatun, 2021). in 2013 first applied effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung subagiyo, nubaity, islah, hermawan, junaidi 69 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the 1% rate, tax service office pratama cibitung recorded the lowest tax receipts in bekasi regency. until 2017, the problem of low tax compliance in bekasi regency is still experienced today (rahayu, 2019; widiastuti, 2017). the number of small and medium micro enterprises taxpayers recorded in tax service office pratama cibitung as of december 2017 reached 22,567 small and medium-sized micro enterprises taxpayers (ernita & sudjiman, 2021). the increase in the number of small and medium micro enterprises is not in line with taxpayer awareness in fulfilling its obligation to pay taxes (andreas & savitri, 2015). based on table 1, it appears that the realization of taxpayer tax receipts of private persons in the msme sector has never reached the overall target (barigozzi et al., 2019; cozmei & rusu, 2015; savitri & musfialdy, 2016). low level of taxpayer compliance (tax compliance) in paying taxes is one of the causes of not optimal tax receipts in indonesia (iyer & kaszak, 2021; melando & waluyo, 2013). low obedience levels can be caused by a number of elements of the lack of views and knowledge regarding tax rules by tax repellation, low taxpayer knowledge phase, type of fiskus service, tax sanction, and the use of online tax payment systems or called e-bill taxes that do not known size and understood by taxpayers (hajawiyah et al., 2021; saad, 2014; von brasch et al., 2021). the inhibiting factor that controls the compliance of the compliance with small and medium micro-enterprises (msmes) includes: (1) the level of taxation view (2) quality of fiscus services, (3) understanding of the general provisions and community taxation procedures are still low (batrancea et al., 2019; chaudhry, 2021; damayanti et al., 2015). . h1 h3 11 h2 11 effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung subagiyo, nubaity, islah, hermawan, junaidi 70 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting hypothesis 1. the effects of taxpayer's consciousness regarding the compliance of taxpayer msmes, taxpayers, the higher the knowledge of the knowledge of the taxpayers in performing taxes, the higher the compliance of taxpayers in compliance with taxes . this was also supported by previous examinations that the knowledge of tax repayment had a positive and meaningful effect on the compliance of taxpayers . from review at the beginning of the researchers could be concluded the following similarities: h1: allegedly that the knowledge of taxpayers has a positive impact on the compliance of umkm taxpayers 2. the influence of tax knowledge views regarding the compliance of taxpayers. taxpayers knowledge of understanding regarding tax regulations affected compliance with tax msmes in bekasi regency (pratama, 2019). from the reviews at the beginning of the researchers received the following allegations: h2: allegedly that knowledge of understanding of taxation has a positive impact on compliance with small and medium micro-medium micro companies (msmes) 3. influence of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of msme taxpayers the results of this study are in line with the theory of planned behavior revealed by ajzen (rahmadhani et al., 2020), where this theory is influenced by attitude factors towards behavior and behavior control (prawagis et al., 2016). from the description above the researchers concluded the hypothesis as follows: h3: alleged taxpayer awareness, understanding and knowledge of taxation positively affect the compliance of msmes taxpayers. method the type of analysis used in this study is quantitative. the quantitative analysis method can be interpreted such as the procedure for the analysis of the idea of positivism, used to examine certain populations or examples, the collection of information using objects to test the established suspicion (sugiyono, 2019). this type of analysis includes causal analysis. causal research is a study that examines the variable engaging into a target that is studied more diverse causal, so that the part in this analysis has an independent and dependent variable (bauer et al., 2021; djaali, 2020). the researchers tested the impact of taxpayer's awareness, knowledge of understanding about taxation, regarding the compliance of micro, small, and small businesses recorded at the pratama cibitung office tax office. this research uses accidental sampling procedures using 100 respondents. result and discussion a. validity test. validity test is used to measuring validity or not a list of questions (sari & wardani, 2016). the questionnaire is declared valid if the question or expression on the list of questions can express something that will be measured using a list of questions (ghozali, 2016). measurement of validity can be done using the relationship between the value of the item about effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung subagiyo, nubaity, islah, hermawan, junaidi 71 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting using the value of the construct or variable value (yani et al., 2020). from the impact of the research, it can be seen that the value of the part of the table in the design of r tables is found 0.1654 and the r value is calculated to all items the part of the part in the list of questions is worth more than r table, and the significance value to all questions is less than 0.1 meaningful it can be concluded that linear regression analysis is valid or appropriate. b. reliability test. reliability testing aims to measure questionnaires that are indicators of variables (ghozali, 2016; yani et al., 2020). this reliability test uses the spss.23 program with cronbach's alpha method (perdana & dwirandra, 2020). croanbach's alpha is when obtained croanbach's alpha value of less than 0.600 means bad, about 0.700 is accepted and more or equal to 0.800 is good. 1) if r alpha is positive and r alpha is >0,600, then the reliabel question is 2) if r alpha negative and r alpha <0.600, then the question is not reliable 3) r alpha can be seen on reliability coefficient. based on the results of reliability tests known cronbach's alpha value of 0.837, 0.852, 0.871 this value is greater than the provision of 0.60 then it can be concluded that all question items totaling 24 items have a reliable or consistent nature. c. normality test, normality research intends to understand whether each cause is usually distributed or not (ghozali, 2016; sari & wardani, 2016). the normality test is needed because of the testing of other variables using estimates that the residual value follows the normal distribution. to test evidence that is usually distributed or not, can be found using a normal graph plot. data : processed in spss v.23 kolmogorov-smirmov test results, have a significant asymp value of 0.200 where the result shows a significant level greater than 0.1. this means that the data is normally distributed. d. multikolinies test, multicolinies the test is to investigate whether there is a high relationship between the free variables in the multiple linear regression model (ghozali, 2016). multicolerity tests can be done by paying attention to the inflation component variance (vif) or tolerance value. tolerance value limit ≥ 0.10 and vif ≤ 10. the estimated results of the variance inflation factor (vif) also show the same matter, with the vif value for each taxpayer awareness variable of 1,975, the understanding and knowledge of taxation 1,975. so no independent variable has a vif value of more than 10. so this study did not occur multi-collocity between free variables. e. heteroscedasticity tests, scatterplot charts from this analysis can be seen, under heteroscedasticity testing are carried out to examine whether there are variance inequalities effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung subagiyo, nubaity, islah, hermawan, junaidi 72 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting originating in former monitoring to another (ghozali, 2016). the existence or absence of heteroscedasticity in this analysis can be seen from the plot chart.: scatterplot heteroscedasticity test results show that the facts spread above and below the score 0 (zero) on the y axis and there is no clear example near the spread of the fact. this means that there is no heterosaryity in the regression model. so it can be concluded that the inspection regression model is suitable to use to suspect the compliance of taxpayers belonging to the variables that affect it, namely taxpayer awareness and tax understanding and knowledge. f. autocorrelation test, autocoeration deviation in this study was tested with durbin-watson test (dw-test), the results of autokoleration can be seen in the following table: the above autocomeration test results show that the durbin-watson value of 1,823 corresponds to the durbin-watson table that in the lower limit range (dl) of 1.6337 and the upper limit (du) of 1.7152 and k=2, because the dw velue 1,823 is greater than the upper limit value (du) of 1.7152 and less than 4 – 1.6337 = 2.3662, it can be concluded that there is no autocoleration in the regression model of taxpayer awareness, understanding and knowledge of taxation to taxpayer compliance. g. t test, partial test or (t test) is used to test whether each independent variable namely taxpayer awareness (x1) and tax understanding and knowledge (x2) has a positive influence and significance to dependent variables namely partial taxpayer compliance (y). the rule of decision-making in the t test by formulating spss with a significant rate set at 10% is if the significant value is >0.1, then ho is accepted and ha is rejected, or the free variable cannot explain the bound variable or there is no influence between the variables tested and if the significance value <0.1, then ho is rejected and ha is accepted, or the free variable can explain the bound variable or there is an influence between the variables tested. effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung subagiyo, nubaity, islah, hermawan, junaidi 73 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting source : spss data processing v.23 1) the significance value for taxpayer awareness variables is 0.000 or less than 0.1. t table of 1,660 and thitung 4,602. so thitung > ttabel, then ho rejected or h1 accepted. taxpayer-imposed variables significantly affect taxpayer compliance. 2) the significance value for variable understanding and knowledge of taxation is 0.014 or less than 0.1. 1,660 and thitung 2,495. so thitung > ttabel. then ho was rejected or h2 accepted. variable understanding and knowledge of taxation significantly affects taxpayer compliance. h. test f statistical test f aims to determine the influence of joint or simultaneous independent variables on dependent or bound variables. the criteria used are if a significant level of f > 0.1 or fcalculate < ftabel, then ho is accepted and if a significant level of f < 0.1 or fcalculate > ftabel, then ho is rejected. source : spss data processing v.23 it is known that a significant value of 0.000<0.1 fhitung value of 42,991 > ftabel 3.09 then the regression analysis model is significant therefore the regression model can be used to predict taxpayer awareness and understanding and knowledge of taxation. in this case it means that independent variables i.e. it can be concluded that there is no autocoleration in the regression model of taxpayer awareness. i. the determination coefficient test (r2), of the determination coefficient basically measures how far the model can go in applying variations of related variables. the r2 value is between 0 and 1. the small r2 value is meaningful to the ability of free variables to explain the related cause is very limited. the value close to 1 part in the free variable submits all the data needed to estimate the cause of related (ghozali, 2016). from the results of the table obtained r2 value of 0.470 means the percentage of contribution of variable influence x1 and x2 to y by 47%. while the remaining 53% is affected or explained by other countless variables in this model of analysis. j. multiple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis is the analysis of the internship between two or more independent variables with the dependent variable. this analysis is used to assign the intercourse between the independent variables and dependent variables. effect of taxpayer awareness, understanding’s knowledge of taxation on compliance of small and medium micro business taxpayers at pratama tax service office cibitung subagiyo, nubaity, islah, hermawan, junaidi 74 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the coefficient table above, it can be seen the value of unstandardized coefficients and can be concluded as follows: 1) constant of 7,603 means that if taxpayer awareness (x1), understanding and knowledge of taxation (x2) is 0, taxpayer compliance (y) is worth 7,603 2) the coefficient of taxpayer awareness variable regression (x1) is 0.444, meaning that if taxpayer awareness increases by 1 then taxpayer compliance (y) increases by 44.4% assuming other independent variables of fixed value. the positive value coefficient is meaningful that there is a positive poutage between taxpayer's awareness and taxpayer compliance, the higher the taxpayer's awareness, the more and more taxpayer compliance increases. 3) the coefficient of variable regression of understanding and knowledge of taxation (x2) amounted to 0.279, meaning that if the understanding and knowledge of taxation increased by 1 then taxpayer compliance (y) increased by 27.9% assuming other independent variables of fixed value. the coefficient of positive value is meaningful that there are positive internships between understanding and knowledge regarding taxation and taxpayers. conclusion based on the results of the study and discussion obtained conclusions: 1) in line with the hypothesis conducted by taxpayer awareness researchers have a positive and significant effect on the compliance of taxpayers of msmes personal persons in the tax service office pratama cibitung. the amount of taxpayer awareness of msmes' personal persons on taxpayer compliance at the pratama cibitung tax service office was 31.55%. 2) in line with the allegations carried out by tax researchers and tax knowledge have a positive and significant impact on the compliance of msme taxpayers at the cibitung pratama tax office. the number of impacts of understanding of taxes and knowledge of the compliance of umkm taxpayers in the tax service office pratama cibitung by 15.41%. 3) in line with the hypothesis conducted by taxpayer awareness researchers and tax understanding and knowledge has a significant impact on the compliance of msme taxpayers at the cibitung pratama tax office. the number of impacts of taxpayers and understanding and knowledge of taxpayers for compliance with msme taxpayers at the pratama cibitung tax 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descriptive quantitative method using secondary data. data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression model data analysis techniques. based on the results of the study, it is known that the degree of fiscal independence of bengkulu province in the period 2013-2017 is for the proportion of pad to tpd obtained an average of 31.79% based on the interval scale is stated to be sufficient, bhpbp against tpd obtained an average result of 4, 37% based on the interval scale was stated to be very poor, while the dau and dak against the tpd obtained an average result of 54.30% with the interval scale declared very good. the policy of the bengkulu province local government in supporting fiscal independence has made policies to create a conducive climate for investors, policies to encourage regional economic growth and regional spending are strived to support the achievement of development goals effectively and efficiently. keywords: government policy, fiscal independence, income per capita, investment, government expenditure, pad introduction one form of the implementation of regional autonomy is autonomy in the aspect of regional financial management called fiscal autonomy or fiscal decentralization. local governments are given financial resources to carry out government affairs which fall under the authority of the regional government. fiscal decentralization gives authority to regions to manage their regional finances. regions are given the authority to explore revenue sources according to their potential. law number 25 of 1999 concerning financial balance between the central and regional governments which was later replaced by law no. 33 of 2004 concerning central and regional financial balance regulates the financial relationship between the central government and regional governments. this policy regulates regional authority in extracting local revenue and transfer funds from the central government. the principle of fiscal decentralization is money flow functions, where regional governments have the authority to carry out service and development functions in their regions. the central government provides support by submitting revenue sources to the regions to be managed optimally so that they are able to finance their regions in carrying out their duties and functions. in addition, the central government also provides transfer funds that can be managed by regions in financing regional government administration. the aim is to address fiscal imbalances with the central government and among other regional governments. to minimize the dependence of the regional government on the central government through the transfer fund, policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 244 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 regions are required to optimize their ability to explore potential revenue. the sources of local revenue are in the form of: local taxes, local levies, regional business profits and other legal income. regions are also required to be able to increase the per capita income of their people so that people have the ability to pay taxes to the regions, besides that, the creation of a good investment climate is also needed so that more investors invest their capital in an area so that the economy in that area can rapidly advance and develop, then regulation of expenditure local government also really needs to be considered and considered properly so that there is no waste of regional finances, making it more difficult for the region to be independent. law no. 33 of 2004 concerning financial balance between the central government and the regions, mandates that regions may increase their own regional revenues in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. then with the enactment of law number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and charges, the implementation of fiscal decentralization has improved with the addition of regional revenue sources in the form of regional taxes and levies. this policy basically expands the region to explore the sources of local opinion from the components of local taxes and levies. looking at the regional financial conditions throughout indonesia in the era of regional autonomy, it is very different from the regional financial conditions before the implementation of regional autonomy. the form of balancing funds, especially transfer funds from the center, which are allocated to finance regional autonomy activities, have flowed and increased from year to year in relatively large numbers. data obtained from the ministry of finance of the republic of indonesia (2000) states that the transfer funds from the center to the regions prior to fiscal decentralization, namely in 1999/2000 amounted to 25.9 trillion rupiah. likewise what happened in bengkulu province, in the speech of the governor of bengkulu ridwan mukti in a fiscal policy seminar stated that the 2016 state budget allocation for transfers to bengkulu increased by rp. 10,325 billion from the previous 2015 which only amounted to rp. 8,853 billion. data on the proportion of balancing funds to the bengkulu province apbd from 2012 to 2016 consisting of profit sharing funds (tax and non-tax), general allocation funds (dau) and special allocation funds (dak) originating from the central government shows a very large value. and increasing from year to year. the total balance funds received by the regions, namely bengkulu province, always increased from year to year, in 2013 the total balance funds received by bengkulu province was rp. 977,347,954, then increased steadily until in 2017 the total balance funds reached rp. 1,997,884,640, and the amount of allocated funds general (dau) the amount has also increased from year to year, in 2013 the amount of dau was rp. 854,647,828, continues to increase until 2017 is rp. 1,301,538,847, -. this indicates that the large amount of balancing funds distributed to the regional government of bengkulu province shows how strong the role of the central government is in budget allocation and the high dependence on the central government. the proportion of original regional revenue to total regional revenue in bengkulu province during the last 5 years was 28.08%. and this proves that most of bengkulu province's total regional revenue still comes from the central government. regional financial independence and fiscal independence can actually be realized by making policies that emphasize increasing the growth of regional original income (pad) because pad is the backbone of regional financing. the ability of a region to explore pad will affect the development and development of the area. the greater the contribution of pad to the apbd, the less dependence on central government assistance will be. to increase pad, there are several factors that need to be empowered, including investment and gdp per capita. in addition, there is a need for policies to reduce regional expenditures that are not necessary for regional progress. policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 245 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 investment plays an important role in driving the economic life of the nation, because the formation of capital increases production capacity, increases national income and creates new jobs, in this case it will further expand job opportunities. per capita income is one measure of prosperity for a region. the higher a person's income, the higher the real per capita income of an area and the greater the ability of the local community to finance government expenditures and government expenditure (government expenditure) is part of fiscal policy (sukirno, 2004), namely a government action to regulate the running of the economy. by determining the amount of government revenue and expenditure each year which is reflected in the apbn document for the national and apbd for regions / regions. from the description that has been described above, it is appropriate for the bengkulu provincial government to strive to make appropriate policies to develop regional potential to meet every blood needs of bengkulu province which is increasing every year, because from existing data the value of pad, investment and income per capita, which is the development potential of bengkulu province, has also increased every year. therefore, the authors conducted a study entitled "analysis of regional government policies of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the era of autonomy. fiscal policy is a policy of adjustment in the field of government spending and revenue to improve economic conditions. or it can also be said that fiscal policy is an economic policy in order to direct economic conditions to be better by changing government revenues and expenditures. according to zaini ibrahim (2013) "fiscal policy is a government policy related to regulating economic performance through the government revenue and expenditure mechanism". the objectives of fiscal policy according to john f. due (1967) are: (1) to increase national production (gdp) and economic growth or improve economic conditions; and (2) to expand employment and reduce unemployment or seek employment opportunities (reduce unemployment), and maintain stability of prices in general. fiscal decentralization is defined as the delegation of authority in the field of budget or financial revenue which was previously centralized, both administratively and in its utilization, which is regulated or carried out by the central government with the delegation of a portion of authority over revenue sources in the regions, it is hoped that regions can carry out routine tasks, public services and increase productive investment (capital investment) in the region. according to kartasasmita in triastuti (2005: 70), that independence is the essence of independence, namely the essence of every nation to determine its own destiny and determine what is best for itself. one of the objectives of implementing autonomy is to provide opportunities for regional autonomy to manage their own finances through the delegation of authority in the form of fiscal decentralization. fiscal independence is very important for the regions, especially in relation to the fiscal contribution to the regional economic growth itself. according to udjianto (2005), to measure the growth rate of regional original revenue (pad) and regional revenue and expenditure budget (apbd) to obtain regional financial conditions are as follows: padt 1 tp padt = x 100 % padt 1 and to measure how much the degree of fiscal autonomy, it can be seen from the formula below: padt dof = x 100 % tpdt policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 246 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the higher the independence of a region, it shows that the region is more able to finance its own expenses without assistance from the central government. when combined with the degree of fiscal decentralization used to see the contribution of local revenue to regional revenue as a whole, it will show the overall regional financial performance. (figure 1. post-research sources, 2018) methods this type of research is a quantitative descriptive research that aims to provide an overview of the degree of fiscal independence in bengkulu province. in addition, it also provides an overview of the bengkulu provincial government policy in supporting fiscal independence in bengkulu province in the autonomy era. from the description of fiscal independence and existing government policies, it will be analyzed, whether everything has gone as expected or not. the focus and research aspects are as follows: table 1. the focus and research aspects focus aspects benchmarks government policies in support of fiscal independence enhancement pad a. local tax b. regional retribution c. bumd profits d. other legal pad per capita income increase a. total population b. grdp nvestment value a. gross fixed capital formation b. change in stock government expenditure arrangement a. direct shopping b. indirect shopping this research uses secondary data (time series) during the period 2012 to 2016. the use of secondary data with a relatively short study period of 5 (five) years is a problem of inaccurate data collection and limited data from various institutions. the data source used in this study is annual data which is converted into quarterly data, so that linear interpolation is carried out with the following formula: qk1 = ¼ [(qt 4,5 / 12 (qt qt-1)] qk2 = ¼ [(qt 1,5 / 12 (qt qt-1)] qk3 = ¼ [(qt + 1,5 / 12 (qt qt-1)] qk4 = ¼ [(qt + 4,5 / 12 (qt qt-1)] enhanc ement pad ncome per capita investation degree of fiscal independence government expenditure government policies in support of fiscal independence policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 247 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 where : qk1 = first quarter qk2 = second quarter qk3 = third quarter qk4 = fourth quarter qkt = quarter in year t qkt-1 = quarter in the previous year the quarterly result data will then be shifted, the calculation result for the first quarter will become the fourth quarter of the previous year, and the second quarterly result will be the first quarter of the year thereafter. for example in 2012/2013, the first quarterly result will be the fourth quarter of 2012 and the second quarter result will be the first quarter of 2013. analysis of the data used to determine whether or not there is an effect of the variable per capita income (x1), investment (x2) and government expenditure (x3) on the increase in regional original income (y) bengkulu province used multiple linear regression with the following formulation (sudjana, 1996). : 70): y = α + b1 x1 + b2 x2 + b3 x3 + e where : y: pad α: constant b1, b2, b3: regression coefficient x1: income per capita x2: investment x3: government expenditure e: standard error then after knowing the effect of these three variables on pad in supporting fiscal independence, the degree of fiscal independence is measured by the formula below: padt x 100 % tpdt bhpbpt x 100 % tpdt dau/dakt x 100 % tpdt where : padt = total pad year t bhpbpt = total non-tax income sharing for year t dau / dakt = general allocation fund / special allocation fund, year t tpdt = total regional revenues year t as for finding out how much the level of fiscal dependence is used the criteria for the degree of regional decentralization made by the research and development agency of the ministry of home affairs and the faculty of social and political sciences ugm (1991) as follows: policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 248 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 table 2. interval scale of degree of fiscal independence percentage degree of fiscal independence 0,00-10,00 % very less 10,01-20,00 % less 20,01-30,00 % moderate 30,01-40,00 % enough 40,01-50,99 % well >50,00 % very good source: research and development team of the ugm department of home affairs-fisipol. the higher the independence of a region, it shows that the region is more able to finance its own expenses without assistance from the central government. when combined with the degree of fiscal decentralization used to see the contribution of local revenue to regional revenue as a whole, it will show the overall regional financial performance. results and discussion development of regional original income (pad) bengkulu province 2013-2017 if observed thoroughly during the period 2013-2017, revenue of pad is as shown in table below: table 3. realized pad growth regional government of bengkulu province 2013-2017 (thousand rupiah) year total (rp) growth (%) 2013 525.207.935 8,56 2014 672.064.469 27,96 2015 701.300.384 4,35 2016 731.556.734 4,31 2017 804.575.838 9,98 source: bps bengkulu province in figures of 2018 the target of original regional revenue in the regional revenue budget during the 2013 fiscal year to 2017 as a whole has experienced a significant increase. this growth is in line with the determination of the target of the region's own revenue and taking into account the various economic indicators that exist and the efforts that have been made to support the maximum achievement of targets for regional revenue, especially local revenue. overall, local revenue can be seen from table as a whole that has increased significantly from year to year. growth of per capita income in bengkulu province for the period 2013-2017 the income per capita of bengkulu province from year to year has increased in value in rupiah, but the percentage is still small, namely in 2013 the real income per capita was rp. 22,358,053, or 10.14% and continues to increase in 2017 amounting to rp. 30,904,945, or 6.25%. table 4. development of pdrb perapita bengkulu province in 2013-2017 based on the 2010 effective price (thousand rupiah) year score real per capita pdrb growth (%) 2013 22.358.053 10,14 policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 249 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 year score real per capita pdrb growth (%) 2014 24.605.949 10,05 2015 26.849.718 9,12 2016 29.085.841 8,34 2017 30.904.945 6,25 source: bps bengkulu province in figures of 2018 investment growth in bengkulu province 2013-2017 the development of investment in bengkulu province from year to year has increased from 2013-2017, in 2013 pdrb usage of bengkulu province was rp. 2,444,983, or 111.10% and decreased in 2017 amounting to rp. 7,116,156, or (11.04%) for details can be seen in the following table. table 5. bengkulu province investment in 2013-2017 based on the 2010 effective price (thousand rupiah) source: bps bengkulu province. in figures from various editions, data processed year 2018 growth in bengkulu province government expenditure for the period 2013-2017 during the period of fiscal year 2013-2017, in 2013 realized rp. 1,696,369,921, or a growth of 8.56%, while in 2017 the realization was rp. 2,867,213,326, or a growth of 41.25%, is presented in the table. table 6. growth of regional expenditure realization in bengkulu province 2013-2017 fiscal year (thousand rupiah) year realization regional shopping growth (%) 2013 1.696.369.921 8,56 2014 1.986.238.994 17,09 2015 2.180.678.757 9,79 2016 2.029.690.295 0 2017 2.867.213.326 41,26 source: bps bengkulu province. in figures from various editions, data processed year 2018 table 7. multiple linear regression analysis independent variable regression coefficient std.error prob. t-count constant 7.938e8 4.717e8 0.341 1.683 income per capita -25.489 27.715 0.527 -0.920 investation 59.482 30.489 0.302 1.951 year investation growth (%) 2013 2.444.983.00 111,10 2014 5.344.896.74 118,60 2015 5.770.444.05 7,96 2016 7.999.699.00 38,62 2017 (11,04) policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 250 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 independent variable regression coefficient std.error prob. t-count government expenditure 0.103 0.079 0.415 1.309 f hitung : 19,859 r2 : 0, 983 n : 15 from the estimation results, if the r-squared (r2) value is getting closer to one, it means that the model is getting better at explaining the variations that occur in the dependent variable. in other words, variations on the independent variable are able to explain variations on the dependent variable. the r2 criterion which is able to explain the variation of the dependent variable based on the variation of the independent variable is if it is> 0.50 (50 percent). the value of r2 is between zero to one, where the closer to one, the model is better at explaining the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. from the results of the research that has been done, the calculation results obtained with a value of r2 of 0, 983, which means that the variable per capita income, investment and government expenditure on local revenue (pad) can be explained by 98.3 percent and the remaining 1.7 percent is explained by other variables not included in this study. this means that overall per capita income, investment and government spending have a strong relationship to the increase in pad in bengkulu province. the estimation results in table can also show partially the effect of each of the existing variables by first doing the t-test with a confidence level of α = 10%. so that the estimation results for the variable per capita income obtained tcount -0.920 ttable 1.796 means that the independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable. the estimation results show that the investment variable has a significant effect on the increase in pad in bengkulu province with tcount> ttable. meanwhile, for the government expenditure variable partially on the dependent variable, it was found that tcount 1.309 ttable 1.796 means that the independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable. the estimation results show that the investment variable has a significant effect on the increase in pad in bengkulu province with tcount> ttable. policy analysis of the regional government of bengkulu province in supporting fiscal independence in the autonomy era (case study on revenue department of bengkulu province) susanto, suminar, & suharto 252 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the effect of government expenditure on the increase in pad and fiscal independence of bengkulu province from the results of regression calculations, the coefficient value of the influence variable on government spending is 0.103. this indicates that any change in government spending by 1 percent will increase pad by 0.103 percent, assuming that the other factors are considered constant. based on the results of research estimates in table, it is known that government expenditure is significant in the increase in pad in bengkulu province. to see the effect of government expenditure variables partially on the dependent variable, the t-test was carried out with a confidence level of α = 10%. obtained tcount 1.309 y 0,244 0,243 0,075 2,746 0,006 0,844 y -> z -0,031 -0,023 0,069 0,303 0,782 source: data processed results, 2020 the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction implications on customer loyalty in the era covid-19 syafarudin 78 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 based on the picture above, it appears that all loading factors have a value above 0.50. thus it can be concluded that the construct has good convergent validity. the value of crossloadings presented in the table above also shows good discriminant validity, where the correlation value of the indicator with its construct is higher than the correlation value of the indicator with other constructs. the next stage assesses cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and average variance extracted (ave) criteria. each construct is said to be reliable if it has cronbach's alpha and composite reliability that is greater than 0.70, while the ave value is expected to be greater than 0.50 all constructs have cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values greater than 0.70. the same thing is seen in the ave value, all constructs have ave values that are greater than 0.50. thus it can be concluded that all exogenous and endogenous measurement constructs are reliable. inner model evaluation is an analysis of the results of the relationship between constructs. the relationship between constructs can be said to be significant if it has a t-statistics value greater than 1.96. it can be seen that the service quality variable contributes simultaneously to influencing the customer satisfaction variable by 0.408 or 40.8%. service quality variable has a simultaneous effect on customer loyalty variable of 0.408 or 40.8%, while the remaining 59.2% is influenced by other variables not observed in this study with the following details: hypothesis 1: the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction has a path coefficient of 0.277 with a statistical value of t that is greater than the critical value (2.091> 1.96). thus h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that service quality affects customer satisfaction. hypothesis 2: the effect of customer satisfaction has a path coefficient of 0.396 with a statistical value of t that is greater than the critical value (3.021> 1.96). thus h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty. banks can build relationships with customers who have used products or services for a long time with promotions so that customers are encouraged to use the services or products they have so that customer loyalty is created. the bank must be able to provide good service so that the customer concerned can establish a personal relationship with the bank and can anticipate changes in the expectations or needs of the majority of customers. banks can encourage staff to meet customer expectations and build relationships to make it easier to know consumer needs in depth. in addition to knowing the needs of consumers to be more personal, the bank will be provided with information about competitors and competitors who have the same type of product or service as the company that owns the business. (sefiani &, fauzi, 2015: syarifin, 2014: safkaur. & hertati. 2020: yana & yanti, 2015: hertati & safkaur, 2020: hertati, zarkasy., adam, umar, suharman, 2020). by knowing the competitors' strategies, the bank can create a more mature strategy to outperform competitors on its products. another method is to increase the number of employees in customer care to make it easier for customers to submit complaints and suggestions. making it easier for consumers to submit suggestions and complaints will bring staff and business owners closer to consumers. some types of operational risk such as fraud and processing errors may occur more frequently. this incident may have had little effect. but for the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction implications on customer loyalty in the era covid-19 syafarudin 79 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 that, banks usually manage this operational risk with routine daily procedures and policies. (yasin, 2012: syafarudin saluy, masyhudzulhak, 2020: syafarudin, masyhdzulhak, badawi, 2020: syafarudin. mulyana, 2019: hertati, fery, safkaur , 2020). the year 2020 proves how important learning about the presence of covid-19 is that many factors can trigger the high risk of bank operations in 2020. in addition to the dangers of covid19, which has successfully changed many things, namely the existence of automation and increasing dependence on technology is one of the risk triggers. bank operations this year. with that implementation error, dependence on technology accuracy is predicted to also have the risk of affecting increasing bank losses. many cases of operational risk will befall banks in 2020 and considering the influence of covid-19 19 at this time we can see that the banking business is very vulnerable. we hope that the occurrence of covid-19 will not trigger the risk of operational failure in the banking industry in indonesia. hopefully. (syaparudin & hertati. 2020: oskooii, ebrahim albonaiemi, 2017: oskooll, 2017: khan, et, al, 2016: hertati, syafarudin, safkaur, fery, 2020: hussein, 2017: hertati & safkaur 2019: syaparudin & hertati, 2020 ).). conclusion customer loyalty will have an impact on customer decisions much easier than before knowing about the importance of customer satisfaction. banks that place human resources who are friendly, polite, and energetic, and professional will observe and listen to customer needs to maintain the survival of the bank. over time, the needs of customers often change information technology which was popular and needed at that time. the bank also pays attention to trends and needs that are being discussed by its customers. customer satisfaction is an important element in business life and business development. as a business actor, the thing that is often overlooked is the bookkeeping process, even though bookkeeping is one way to monitor the overall financial health of a business and to find out the advantages or disadvantages experienced in the business. if you think that doing bookkeeping is difficult and time-consuming, accurate online as a business accounting software, the bookkeeping process becomes easier and can be done anytime and anywhere references ali, h & baruna h (2015). one-stop services: quality of service and accessibility to the investor loyalty: the investment coordinating board. international journal of bisnis and commerce arikunto, suharsimi, (2008). prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktek. jakarta: rineka cipta. azwar, syaifuddin, (2007). validitas dan reliabilitas, yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar. bhatt, a.k, (2016). measuring customer satisfaction using servqual model -an empirical study. international journal of trend in research and development, volume 3(1), issn: 2394-9333. bhatt, a.k., divya sahil bhanawat (2016). measuring customer satisfaction using servqual model – an empirical study chamidah, s. 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(2013). service marketing: integrating customer focus across the firm (3rd ed.). new york: mcgraw-hill the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 pp.185-192 185 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates herlin rosalina febriyanti1, elva nuraina2, nur wahyuning sulistyowati3 123pgri madiun university correspondent: submitted : september 20, 2020 revised : october 10, 2020 published : october 31, 2020 abstract this study aims to examine the effect of competitive strategies on company performance with supply chains as moderating. this type of research is quantitative research. the sampling technique was purposive sampling. data analysis techniques used simple linear regression and subgroups using moderated regression analysis. the results of the study show that competitive strategies have an effect on company performance. supply chain as a moderating variable strengthens the relationship of competitive strategies to company performance. low cost strategies and differentiation are used in measuring competitive strategies. where differentiation strategies are more applied than low cost strategies due to the object of research in the fields of property, real estate, building construction that produces limited and unique products at high costs. keywords: competitive strategy; supply chain; company performance introduction success in the economic sector is one of the indicators he says of an independent and prosperous society. along with the development of the globalization era and the development of industry in the 21st century, it demands an increasingly fierce business competition. the success of a competition is seen from the company's performance. the ideal company performance generates a growing profit. the indonesia stock exchange noted that up to november 1, 2018 there were 87% of companies with a total of 519 companies that had reported their third quarter 2018 financial statements. total assets increased by rp. 510 trillion, namely an increase of 6% from the previous year. the end of 2017 amounted to rp 9,177 trillion to rp 9,687 trillion in the third quarter of 2018. the highest increase in assets was by the mining, miscellaneous industry, and property, real estate and building construction sectors. net profit increased by 12% or rp. 26 trillion. the third quarter of 2017 amounted to rp 218 trillion to rp 244 in the third quarter of 2018. increase in the percentage of net profit by the basic industry and chemical, miscellaneous industry, and property, real estate and building construction sectors (bursa efek indonesia, 2018). the indonesia stock exchange recorded increased performance in the property, real estate and building construction sectors. shares in this sector have grown to 7.37% year to date. several issuers who have penetrated the target market include pt pp properti tbk, which is targeting marketing sales of around 3.8 trillion in 2019. as for the realization of the sales target sudah didapatkan oleh pt pp properti tbk pada tahun 2018 sebesar rp 3,4 triliun (anonim, 2019). head of primary division of the fiscal policy agency (bkf) asep nurwanda said that the construction sector and the real estate sector are expected to continue to grow steadily in line with the progress of building investment and the sustainability of infrastructure provision and public housing competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates febriyanti, nuraina, & sulistyowati 186 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 programs. revenues from the property sector increased by 6.9% from 2017 to 2018. taxes received by the state originating from this sector can be realized up to idr 83.51 trillion per period 31 december 2018. in 2019 the government will continue to be committed to supporting the housing program through the state budget of idr 10.39 trillion (rama, 2019). philosophical assumptions underlie the stewardship theory which explains that humans can basically be trusted, their behavior is full of responsibility, have integrity, and are always honest with other parties (kholid & bachtiar, 2014). managers are motivated to have their attitudes and behaviors reflected collectively for the benefit of the organization so that the main characteristic in this theory is cooperation between all components in the organization. this theory design is useful for testing the situation, executives in the company as stewards which are usually done by managers to be motivated to take actions according to the wishes of the principal in order to achieve organizational goals donaldson & davis (in suhartati & rosietta, 2012). an increase in company assets and profits will reflect an increase in company performance. performance can be assessed both financially and non-financially. performance is a description of how much the achievement of a policy or activity plan is achieved in the process of realizing the targets, aspirations, vision and mission of the organization in the form of a structured plan directed by an organization. performance indicators from a financial perspective are the level of sales growth, profit level, return on capital employed, and level of investment use (moeheriono, 2012). company performance can be calculated using tobin's q ratio. tobin's q value comes from the total value of the stock market and compares the market value of debt with the total value of capital related to production activities tobin (in sudiyatno & puspitasari, 2010). the success of achieving a performance cannot be separated from the implementation of a company's strategy. strategy is a tool that is useful in the process of achieving the ideals of an entity where these ideals are related to the formulation of long-term goals, planned follow-up programs, and priority placement of each resource, the resources in question include non-human components as well as humans (fitriadi, soekarto, & sunarti, 2013). the size of the suitability of a strategy determines the success or failure of a strategy that has been made (slamet, nainggolan, ramdani, hendriyanto, & ilma, 2016). there are two generic competitive strategies, namely cost advantage and differentiation. cost advantage can be achieved by implementing cost reduction, while differentiation in achieving profit is the means of providing increased service levels porter (in ritonga, 2018). the success of a competitive strategy cannot be separated from the interference of the business network or what is often known as supply chain management. supply chain management is the coordination of all supply chain activities, starting from the procurement of raw materials until the product is received by the customer and the customer is satisfied. the implementation of supply chain management uses a set of methods to streamline the functions of suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distributors, wholesalers or retailers, as well as logistics activities so that the resulting products can be distributed in an accurate total, the right location according to target achievement, on time without delay so that minimizing the value of the load and customer service satisfaction is fulfilled simchi-levi (in rahmasari, 2008; heizer and render (in ilmiyati & munawaroh, 2016). there are ways to measure activities in supply chain management that can apply a combination of scor and roa performance measurement models, including company wealth, cost, time, reliability, capacity, responsiveness, productivity, flexibility sidarto (in hanugrani, setyanto, & efranto, 2013). competitive strategy with indicators of low cost strategies affects company performance and competitive strategies with indicators of differentiation strategies have an effect on company competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates febriyanti, nuraina, & sulistyowati 187 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 performance (fadlilah, 2013). competitive strategy has a significant positive effect on company performance with indicators of low cost strategies and differentiation strategies, in line with ulfa (2015) arguing that the role of supply chain management is able to strengthen the relationship of competitive strategy with company performance. previous research examined manufacturing companies listed on the idx, while the novelty in this study was aimed at property, real estate, and building construction companies which aimed to examine the effect of competitive strategy on company performance, test whether the supply chain was able to strengthen the relationship between the two. this study also aims to determine whether the results will be the same as previous studies even though the types of products produced are different due to different research objectives. the theoretical uses of research include: 1) providing scientific contributions that are useful in understanding company management starting from competitive strategies, supply chain, and company performance, 2) can describe the effect of competitive strategy on company performance that is influenced by supply chain. 3) as a reference for comparing and developing future research in the field of financial management. while the practical uses of research include: 1) the author can implement the knowledge gained during the lecture period, 2) companies can source additional information about competitive strategies and supply chain in making decisions, improve or plan for better company performance, 3) results this research can be used as a reference for investors in making investment decisions, namely the competitive strategy used by the company can have an impact on improving company performance, 4) adding a university reference collection for academics regarding the effect of competitive strategies on financial performance with the supply chain as a moderating variable. methods this research is a quantitative research with secondary data sources in the form of annual financial reports audited by the company and published by the official website of the indonesia stock exchange and the official website of property, real estate, and building construction companies. the population in this study was 58 with a total sample of 32 property, real estate, and building construction companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (bei) in the 2015-2017 period. this study uses nonrandom sampling because not all elements of the population have the same criteria. while the sample was taken based on the purposive sampling method because in determining the sample the researcher considered and based on the criteria set by the researcher. the data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis, simple linear regression analysis and the moderate regression analysis (mra) test to determine the results of moderation. the calculation of a competitive low cost proxy strategy analysis uses asset utilization efficiency, namely the ratio of total sales revenues to total assets. the analysis of competitive differentiation proxy strategy calculation using price premium capability, namely the ratio of gross margin compared to total sales revenues (gani & jermias, 2006). asset utilization efficiency = total sales revenues total asset price premium capability = gross margin total sales revenues the calculation of supply chain is based on a combination of the two financial ratios, namely the measure of cash generation and asset efficiency. first, calculating the cash generation ratio by comparing cash inflows from the entity's operating activities with sales. second, the calculation of competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates febriyanti, nuraina, & sulistyowati 188 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the asset efficiency ratio by comparing sales to total assets minus debt christopher (in suhartati & rosietta, 2012). supply chain = cash flow from operation total asset – current liabilities meanwhile, the calculation of company performance uses tobin's q ratio, which is the ratio of the market value of the entity's shares compared to the book value or the acquisition value of the entity's equity tobin, jose et al. (in ulfa, 2015). kp = (closing price x total outstanding common shares) + (total payable + stock – current assets) total company assets results and discussion table 1. simple linear regression test coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) ,010 ,004 2,523 ,013 sk_aue ,757 ,055 ,818 13,783 ,000 a. dependent variable: kp source: results of data processing of spss version 24 (2019) table 2. simple linear regression test coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) ,000 ,000 1,525 ,131 sk_ppc ,993 ,004 ,999 223,194 ,000 a. dependent variable: kp source: results of data processing of spss version 24 (2019) based on table 1. the results of hypothesis testing indicate that competitive strategy has a positive effect on company performance. the test results are in accordance with the results of the proposed research hypothesis. competitive strategy t-test with low cost proxy (sk_aue) shows t count> t table (13,783> 1,661) and a sig value of 0,000 (0,000 <0.05). this means that competitive strategies with low cost proxies have an effect on company performance. meanwhile, based on table 2. the results of the t test for competitive strategy with differentiation proxies (sk_ppc) show t count> t table (223,194> 1,661) and a sig value of 0,000 (0,000 <0.05). this means that competitive strategies with differentiation proxies have an effect on company performance. the competitive strategy of a company can be measured using a low cost indicator that is calculated or formulated using asset utilization efficiency. when implementing a competitive strategy with a low cost strategy indicator, it will directly have an impact on improving company performance. this identifies its importance in the efficiency of the company's operational activities. the less expenses incurred to fulfill operational activities; the less utilization of company assets is used. the impact of the minimal use of company assets is an increase in company performance (ulfa, 2015). low cost applications are usually carried out by large-scale businesses that promote standard products or services with relatively small differentiation and are acceptable to most buyers. in addition, companies usually provide discounts to customers in order to maximize sales and competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates febriyanti, nuraina, & sulistyowati 189 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 increase market share (sarwono, 2011). a low cost competitive strategy (cost leadership) seeks to improve efficiency and cost control throughout the organization's supply chain. low costs can be minimized through the economies of scale approach to production, studying the effect of curves, tight cost control, and minimizing costs in areas, for example research and development, services, sales or advertising porter (in aji, 2015). competitive strategy with differentiation indicators using price premium capability measurement. the use of differentiation shows that the company can impose a price premium on its customers. the charging of prices is carried out through techniques of using strategies that innovate their products and provide attractive services (ulfa, 2015). organizations have been successful in differentiating their products through improved quality functions, both more reliable after-sales service and delivery and through improved functionality porter (in aji, 2015). when customers feel satisfaction with the quality provided by the company, the customer will pay loyal with a special price (price premium). in addition, with the existence of a differentiation strategy, customers or consumers will indirectly provide a good image assessor to the entity, the impact on the brand's popularity followed by increased sales, this will improve company performance. the characteristics of organizations that operate using a competitive strategy with differentiation indicate that the organization has an above average profit margin due to being unique in the market and will continually update its products or services to meet customer needs (aji, 2015). the findings in this study are the application of low cost strategies or competition for cost control carried out by several companies, including the company duta pertiwi tbk using a marketing strategy through a price lock program by giving discounts to customers when making down payment purchases. in addition, there is a price amnesty program, namely the availability of discounts to customers. products from duta pertiwi tbk include landed houses, shop houses and offices, industrial estates, commercial lands, and apartments. some companies that use a low cost strategy by optimizing operational costs but combined with a differentiation strategy, namely the company pt nusa raya cipta tbk, pp (persero) tbk, wijaya karya tbk. meanwhile, the research findings of several companies that use differentiation strategies are more than those of low cost strategies. property, real estate, and building construction companies usually use a differentiation strategy in terms of improving customer service and innovating the uniqueness of the resulting product. some companies that use a differentiation strategy include companies: alam sutera realty tbk, bekasi fajar industrial estate tbk, bhuwanatala indah permai tbk, bumi serpong damai tbk, cowell development tbk, ciputra development tbk, duta anggada realty tbk, nusa kontruksi enjiniring tbk, intiland development tbk, nirvana development tbk, indonesia prima property tbk, plaza indonesia realty tbk, pp (persero) tbk, danayasa arthatama tbk, total bangun persada tbk, wijaya karya tbk. competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates febriyanti, nuraina, & sulistyowati 190 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 table 3. moderate regression analysis test coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) ,008 ,007 1,121 ,267 sk_aue 1,087 ,188 1,185 5,782 ,000 sc ,038 ,127 ,028 ,299 ,766 interaction1 ,103 ,051 ,418 2,030 ,047 a. dependent variable: kp source: results of data processing of spss version 24 (2019) tabel 4. uji analisis regresi moderat coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) -,001 ,002 -,432 ,667 sk_ppc ,889 ,042 ,904 20,998 ,000 sc ,048 ,027 ,035 1,788 ,079 interaction2 -,028 ,013 -,090 -2,157 ,035 a. dependent variable: kp source: results of data processing of spss version 24 (2019) based on the results of hypothesis testing with the mra model in table 3. and table 4. it shows that the supply chain can strengthen the effect of competitive strategy on company performance is indicated by a significance value <0.05. that is, the moderating variable can strengthen the relationship between x and y variables. the results of the interaction relationship in table 3 are shown from the significant value of the interaction between the competitive strategy variable with low cost proxies and the supply chain at a sig value of 0.047 (0.047 <0.05). whereas in table 4. the significance value of the interaction relationship between the competitive strategy variable and the proxies for differentiation and supply chain is a sig value of 0.035 (0.035 <0.05). this means that in this case it can be concluded that the supply chain strengthens the influence of competitive strategies on company performance. the implementation of the correct supply chain management according to the supply chain management concept will contribute to the impact of increasing competitive advantage in terms of its products and in the supply chain system implemented by the entity. the entity must prove that the implementation of the supply chain is able to drive the entity's competitive strategy heyzer and render (in ulfa, 2015). supply chain illustrates that an approach whose use aims to achieve efficient integration of several parties, for example suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, logistics, and customers. the existence of a supply chain has an impact on cost control and a rapid increase in service quality. supply chain management can be used as a set of tools for the creation of a competitive strategy in implementing better company performance growth than before. qi, zhao, & sheu (2011) suggest that supply chain strategies can be used to support the implementation of competitive strategies. the implication of supply chain management has three objectives, namely costs can decrease according to the limits set by the entity, decrease the use of capital, renew and improve services to buyers. achieving cost reductions by minimizing logistics costs, for example in the selection of transportation and warehousing tools and models with the lowest prices. minimizing the level of investment in logistics will have an effect on reducing capital. service improvement activities are competitive performance is affected by a competitive strategy with supply chain moderates febriyanti, nuraina, & sulistyowati 191 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 jointly carried out actively in order to have an influence on the company's profitability and revenue anatan and ellitan (in suhartati & rosietta, 2012). the test results between the interaction of supply chain variables and competitive strategies with low cost proxies and differentiation are proven to have an effect on strengthening the relationship to company performance. so it can be concluded that the sample companies that implement supply chain management in an effort to focus in terms of fulfilling buyer demand on the lowest price. the total costs incurred are minimized using supply chain relationships with other parties and good product and service innovation strategies. this implementation will have an impact on the creation of a good competitive strategy and the realization of an increase in company performance. research findings in the implementation of supply chain management, almost all property, real estate, and building construction companies implement it, namely through cooperative relationships with other parties, for example with bumn, bumd, foreign parties, raw material providers, advertising media marketing parties, event organizers, banking parties, and companies in other sectors. conclusion the results of research and discussion indicate that competitive strategy has a positive effect on company performance. a competitive strategy with two proxies of low cost and differentiation has an effect on financial performance. supply chain strengthens the influence of competitive strategy on company performance. this means that the supply chain variable is a moderating variable. the findings in this study are that some companies use more differentiation strategies because the products of companies engaged in this sector produce products with a selling value of tens of millions so that the costs incurred in the product manufacturing process are very large. in addition, the products produced have characteristics and uniqueness that cannot be separated from the imposition of premium prices on buyers. the implementation of supply chain management involves many parties, both internal and external, starting from the processing of the supply of raw materials until the product is ready to be purchased. the limitation in this study is that not all of the companies' financial statements in the researched sector describe the account closing price and the number of ordinary shares outstanding. in addition, there were several companies in the 2015 2017 period that did not publish their financial reports either on the idx website or on the company's official website. so this will affect 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(2015). pengaruh strategi bersaing dengan supply chain management sebagai variabel moderating pada perusahaan manufaktur di bursa efek indonesi. perbanas institutional repository, 1–18. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, number 3 july 2021 page no. 209-221 209 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo1* ,novianita rulandari2, aprilia alfani3, raveedhan syachlin4 1234administrasi publik, institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami correspondent : submitted : june 22, 2021 revised : july 15, 2021 published : july 31, 2021 abstract the phenomenon in this study is related to the self-assessment system for taxpayers in the context of the government regulation number 23 of 2018 implementation, where many micro, small, and medium enterprises (msmes) do not understand tax administration and consider taxation obligations to be complicated. the purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the selfassessment system for final tax income on msmes at the pratama tax office of west bekasi in 2018-2020 along with the obstacles and efforts made by the tax office regarding the self-assessment system. this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. data analysis was carried out using qualitative methods. the results of this study indicate that the implementation of government regulation number 23 of 2018 regarding the self-assessment system has not fully run as expected. in terms of registration and reporting, taxpayers have complied with these regulations, but in calculating and paying their taxes they have not fully complied with the rules. the obstacles include msmes who are still unfamiliar with taxes and do not understand it, regulators who are still having trouble supervising the taxation activities of taxpayers, and the lack of tax dissemination and counseling. as a result, the msme tax contribution has decreased during 3 years due to the decline in the msme tax rate. the average contribution of msme tax revenue at the primary tax office of west bekasi is 8.77% of final income tax receipts. keywords: final income tax, msme, self-assessment system introduction economic development becomes the most important thing in a country, one of them comes from taxes. in 2020 of apbn (state budget), state revenues amounted to 2,233.2 trillion, the biggest contribution of revenue from the taxation sector, which contributed 91.33% of the total 2020 apbn target based on presidential regulation number 72 of 2020 and the rest from pnbp (administration of non-tax state revenue) and grants. its contribution to state revenue becomes the main pillar because taxes are a source of state income to finance all state expenditures, including development expenditure, personnel expenditure, and other financings. tax revenue realization is the amount of net tax revenue on the tax revenue target. nowadays, umkm (micro small and medium enterprise/msme) can contribute to the indonesian economy in terms of contributing to gross domestic product. in 2018, the contribution digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 210 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 of umkm (micro small and medium enterprise/msme) to the national gross domestic product (gdp) reached around 60.34%. in total, small businesses in indonesia contributed more to gdp, reaching 93.4 percent, then medium business at 5.1 percent and large businesses were only at 1 percent. for comparison, in singapore, their tax revenues in the msme sector are at 72%. the difference in digital services provided gives different contributions in terms of msme taxes, in indonesia, digital tax services have only begun to be intensively implemented in 2018, while singapore has digitized taxation long before tax digitization in indonesia. in addition, the 0.5% tariff on umkm/msme in indonesia is still considered burdensome, compared to singapore, which has imposed a 0% tariff on its community of msme actors. (ministry of cooperatives and small and medium enterprises, 2019) to encourage the fulfillment of voluntary tax obligations and the contribution of state revenue from final income tax for umkm/msme actors (final income tax of umkm/msme), in 2013 the government issued a regulation, namely government regulation number 46 of 2013 which was updated with the issuance of government regulation number 23 of 2018 dated 1 july 2018 concerning final income tax on income from businesses received or obtained by taxpayers with certain gross turnover limits, namely those with gross turnover of less than rp. 4.8 billion a year where the implementation of compliance with this regulation is through the self-assessment system mechanism. besides that, the transformation of tax services to digital-based services has been intensively launched by the dgt (directorate general of taxes) since 2015 to improve the quality of services and the effectiveness of supervision of taxpayer compliance through the internet in real-time. this was realized through dgt online portals such as e-registration, e-commerce, e-billing, and efiling by implementing a single-sign-on system for taxpayers in fulfilling taxpayer obligations, including for micro, small, and medium enterprises. the phenomenon found in this study is that there are still many umkms/msmes who do not understand related to tax administration and the perception of msme doers about the complexity of carrying out tax obligations, so they are reluctant to calculate, pay and also report taxes. actually, the purpose of the issuance of government regulation number 23 of 2018 is to provide convenience for micro, small and medium business actors in fulfilling their tax obligations. besides that, the lack of taxation knowledge, the minimum information received by msme doers, and the lack of understanding of technology make msme doers are not aware of the administrative facilities that have been given to fulfill their tax obligations through the self-assessment system mechanism. therefore, this phenomenon will be investigated to see if this phenomenon always appears in the tax service office and what causes it, and how to overcome it. in order not to widen the discussion, the research only discussed the implementation of the selfassessment system for the final income tax (pph) of msme doers in pratama tax service office of west bekasi from 2018 to 2020 as well as the obstacles faced and solutions to those obstacles. several theories related to this research include tax administration, and according to rahman (2010: 183) tax administration is divided into two, namely tax administration in a broad sense can be seen as a function, system, institution, and public management. while tax administration in a narrow sense is the administration and service of the obligations and rights of taxpayers, both at the tax office and at the taxpayer's office. digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 211 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 included in clerical work are recording, classifying, and filling. meanwhile, the definition of tax according to rochmat soemitro in mardiasmo (2016: 3) is the people's contribution to the state treasury based on the law (which can be forced) without receiving reciprocal services (counter achievement) that can be directly shown and which are used to pay general expenses. the definition of a self-assessment system, according to mardiasmo (2016:7) it is a collection system that authorizes taxpayers to determine the amount of tax payable by themselves, with the following characteristics: the authority to determine the amount of tax payable to taxpayers, taxpayers are active starting from calculating, depositing, and self-reporting the tax payable, the tax authorities do not interfere and only supervise. meanwhile, final income tax, according to billy ivan tansuria (harjo 2019:198) is a type of income tax with its implementation where the tax imposition has been deemed completed when it is deducted from income or paid by the relevant taxpayer to the state treasury. darussalam (2020:476) argues that final income tax in indonesia is an income tax imposed when a taxpayer receives a certain object or source of income. then due to its final nature, the tax that has been imposed will not be recalculated in the annual income tax return of the relevant taxpayer. according to siti kurnia rahayu (2017:111) self-assessment system is a tax system that gives confidence to taxpayers to fulfill and carry out their tax obligations and rights, in this case, known as: 1. register with the tax office 2. calculate taxes by taxpayers 3. paying taxes done by the taxpayer himself a) paying tax b) implementation of tax payment c) tax deduction and collection d) type of deduction and collection 4. reporting is carried out by the taxpayer the subjects in the fulfillment of final taxation according to government regulation number 23 of 2018 are (harjo, 2019:228): 1) individual taxpayer 2) corporate taxpayers, namely: a) limited liability company b) cv c) firm d) cooperative based on law number 20 of 2008 concerning micro, small and medium enterprises, the criteria for each business actor are divided into (harjo, 2019:227): no description aset criteria (rp) turnover kriteria (rp.) 1 micro business maximal 50 million maximal 300 juta 2 small business >50 million – 500 million >300 million – 2,55 billion digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 212 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 3 medium business >500 million – 10 billion >2,5 billion – 50 billion it can be seen that law number 20 of 2008 specifically explains the criteria for micro, small, and medium enterprises. meanwhile, government regulation number 23 of 2018 only states that the criteria for business people who are included in micro, small, and medium enterprises are those whose gross turnover does not exceed rp. 4.8 billion a year. in government regulation number 23 of 2018, micro-business doers have been involved in raising tax revenues, while in previous government regulations, the role of micro-business doers was not taken into account. micro business itself is a stand-alone productive business unit carried out by individuals or business entities in all economic sectors (tambunan, 2012: 2). one way to support the achievement of optimal state services is the implementation of a selfassessment system supported by a digitalization program in fulfilling tax obligations for taxpayers in the hope that this system and program can accelerate and provide good service quality and support economic growth through tax revenues, especially from final income tax (pph) receipts for msmes. there are several e-system programs currently provided by the directorate general of taxes, including e-registration, e-billing, and e-filing/e-form (rahayu, 2017) where the digitization programs are important to support taxpayers' compliance in fulfilling their tax obligations, both in terms of registering themselves as taxpayers, calculating their tax obligations, making tax deposits and reporting taxes as a form of self-assessment system. in this study, several dimensions are related to one another in achieving the goals and objectives in the self-assessment system for final income tax on micro, small and medium enterprises to increase tax revenue (rahayu, 2017), these dimensions are activities that must be carried out by taxpayers, both individual taxpayers and corporate taxpayers, those activities are: a. self-register to the nearest tax office b. calculating taxes by the taxpayer himself, c. self-paying taxes done by tax payer d. reporting is carried out by the taxpayer the purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the final income text (pph) self-assessment system for msmes at kpp pratama of west bekasi in 2018-2020 along with the obstacles and efforts made by the kpp (tax office) regarding the self-assessment system. the relevance of the theoretical dimensions in the discussion of this research can be described in the conceptual model chart below: digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 213 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 picture 1 conceptual model source: processed by the author, 2021 methode in carrying out this research, a qualitative approach is used where qualitative research is a study that intends to understand what phenomena are experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions, etc., holistically and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various natural methods (sugiyono, 2015). while the type of research used is descriptive analysis, which is to analyze the content of the object under study based on sources relevant to the title of the study. this type of research also describes an event whose operations carry out data collection and processing activities as well as interpreting data that is given a rational meaning while still holding to the principles of logic so as to form a holistic conclusion (neuma, 2011). calculating taxes by the taxpayer self-register to the nearest tax office paying taxes is done by the taxpayer himself obstacles effort tax revenue self assessment system for final income tax on micro small and medium enterprises in pratama tax office west bekasi (theory: siti kurnia 2013:103) reporting is done by the taxpayer digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 214 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 in the next step, the writer put forward the description and the facts description, the relationship between the dimensions, and the phenomenon under study through a clear and detailed explanation. the data collection carried out in this study is triangulation, which combines data collection techniques by direct observation at the research locus, namely at tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi, m. gold tower, ug floor, 9 and 10, jalan k.h. noer alie bekasi 17148, conducted interviews with several informants related to the theme of this research and collected documentation both in the field and through literature studies, namely by reading, analyzing and analyzing various literature, both in the form of documents, books, journals, publication data from various sources. official. at the implementation stage of data analysis, this study uses 3 (three) data analysis activities, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. in this study, it will be analyzed objectively about the number of msmes who do not understand tax administration and the perception of msme doers about the complexity of carrying out tax obligations, so that they are reluctant to calculate, pay, and also report their taxes by referring to the theories that have been stated above. to be juxtaposed with the implementation of this policy and then a conclusion is drawn, preceded by explanations, arguments, both in writing and in the form of table or chart displays. this activity is in line with the data analysis theory proposed by miles & huberman (sugiyono, 2017) result and discussion the data obtained show that the number of msme taxpayers at the tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi increased in 2019 and decreased again in 2020. the increase that occurred was also not too significant, which was only 3.83% while the decline in 2020 was 40.04%. in a normal atmosphere, there is an increase in the number of registered msme taxpayers, but the number is still far from what is expected. meanwhile, during the covid-19 pandemic, it had a huge impact on msme actors, namely the very high decline in taxpayers caused by the increase in applications for non-effective taxpayers because these msme taxpayers experienced a decrease in sales turnover and many went out of business. complete data on the number of msme taxpayers registered at the west bekasi pratama tax service office from 2018 to 2020 can be seen in the table below: table. 1 number of msme taxpayers registered at tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi in 2018-2020 year number of individual taxpayers number of registered msme taxpayers number of msme taxpayers who make payments number of msme taxpayers who report 2018 14.965 2.973 2.399 1.033 2019 19.748 3.087 2.419 1.109 2020 30.785 1.851 1.312 960 digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 215 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 source: tax office (kpp) pratama west bekasi, 2021 from the table, it appears that the success of the extensification section of the west bekasi pratama tax service office in carrying out its duties was proven by the increasing number of individual employee taxpayers from year to year. however, this increase was not suitable for an increase in non-employee individual taxpayers for micro, small, and medium enterprises. this is exacerbated by the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020 which caused a decrease in msme taxpayers, both registered, paying/depositing, and reporting their taxes. the existence of the government's policy to provide tax incentives for msme doers was not able to raise the level of reporting of msme taxpayers in 2020. based on the information from the west bekasi pratama tax service office, it was found that in 2020 there were 960 msme tax reporting consisting of: the annual tax return (spt) reports and incentive realization reports can be seen that there has been a very drastic decline in the implementation of the tax obligations of msme doers in the west bekasi pratama tax office area. income tax revenue from the micro, small, and medium enterprises sector from 2018 to 2020 has also decreased from year to year. this decline, especially in 2020, was due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, in which many msme players experienced a sharp decline in sales turnover that many could not even survive in maintaining their business continuity. this decline in revenue is also due to the tax incentives provided by the government for msme doers so that msme doers do not have to pay taxes owed to the state. the table below shows the income tax receipts received by the west bekasi pratama tax service office from the micro, small, and medium enterprises sectors from 2018 to 2020. table. 2 income tax revenue from the msme sector at kpp pratama west bekasi in 2018-2020 source: tax office (kpp) pratama west bekasi, 2021 as it has been explained that one of the data collection techniques in this study is to conduct interviews with several informants who are considered competent and knowledgeable about the year final income tax (pph) realization msme tax realization 2018 203.529.776.007 22.805.388.941 2019 236.202.884.587 19.455.838.706 2020 173.528.501.055 11.917.319.901 digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 216 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 theme of this research. there were 7 (seven) informants who were successfully asked and these informants came from many different characteristics to maintain the objectivity of this research. an informant comes from the regulator with the characteristics of the informant as account representative for supervision and consultation i at tax office (kpp) pratama west bekasi, 5 (five) informants from taxpayers with the characteristics of informants as msme doers from different types of businesses and an informant who is considered an expert in the taxation as the guardian of the objectivity of this research who came from academics with the characteristics of an informant as a tax lecturer at the stiami institute. the following describes the analysis of the results of interviews with informants juxtaposed with the dimensions contained in the self assessment system theory expressed by siti kurnia rahayu (2017) which includes the dimensions of registering with the tax office, calculating taxes by taxpayers, paying taxes by yourself. by the taxpayer and reporting is carried out by the taxpayer and an analysis of the obstacles both faced by the tax authorities of the west bekasi pratama tax office and by the taxpayer of micro, small and medium enterprises which is closed with an analysis of the solutions implemented to deal with the obstacles that occur. 1) self-register to the tax office based on the results of research through interviews with informants, especially informants with characteristics as tax authorities at the pratama tax service office of west bekasi, taxpayer registration number (npwp) registration activities and registration as participants for msme taxpayers based on the government regulation number 23 of 2018 for all people who have met the formal requirements and materials, both individuals and business entities, currently, besides being able to be done manually by coming in person to the nearest tax service office, it can also be done more easily, namely registering through e-registration. 2) calculating tax by taxpayer interviews were conducted with informants with the category of all characteristics of the informants. based on the results of research through interviews, it is known that msme taxpayers who have been registered as msme taxpayers participating in government regulation number 23 of 2018 are required to calculate their tax payable by the government regulation no. 23 of 2018 at a rate of 0.5%, except for taxpayers who do msmes that take advantage of the minister of finance regulation number 9 of 2021, the taxpayer does not need to pay the tax due but is still obliged to report their business activities every month on the website of the directorate general of taxes. 3) paying taxes done by taxpayer himself the results of the study based on interviews related to the parties regarding tax payments made by taxpayers themselves, a common thread are drawn that tax payments made by taxpayers can be done very easily by making e-billing to get a tax payment number and can pay the tax payable to the appointed perception bank or payment can be made from anywhere digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 217 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 via e-banking or e-mobil provided by the perception banks appointed by the directorate general of taxes. 4) reporting is done by the taxpayer the results of the study based on interviews related to informants regarding the tax obligation procedures about the obligation to report taxes show that the self-assessment system method of final income tax (pph) on micro, small, and medium enterprises can be done easily by doing it through electronic reporting on the directorate general's website taxes through efilling applications or e-forms that can be done from anywhere without having taxpayers to come and queue at the local tax service office. 5) obstacles faced by taxpayer and tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi tax authorities in the self-assessment system for final income tax (pph) on micro, small, and medium enterprises at the west bekasi pratama tax service office in 2018 -2020 the results of research based on interviews with informants can be seen that some of the obstacles faced by taxpayers and tax authorities are as follows: a. in the dimension of tax registration to obtain taxpayer identification number (npwp) and registration as msme doers, there are still many taxpayers who have not registered themselves. b. in the dimension regarding the calculation of the amount of tax payable, from the tax authorities side, it is difficult to supervise the taxpayer in carrying out the calculations correctly, while from the mandatory side there is no orderly recording of each transaction activity. c. in the dimension of tax payments, there are obstacles, namely in carrying out the flow of tax payments there are still taxpayers who do not know the process of making e-billing. this is because there are still many taxpayers, especially msme taxpayers who are still unfamiliar with taxes. d. in the dimension of tax reporting, the obstacle experienced is in carrying out this tax obligation procedure, there are still business doers who do not understand tax reporting using e-form. this is due to the lack of knowledge from msme business doers about the ease of technology that makes it easy to carry out their tax obligations, especially tax reporting is an important means for taxpayers to account for all their tax activities. 6) efforts made by the tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi to overcome obstacles that occur in the self-assessment system for final income tax (pph) on micro, small, and medium enterprises in the pratama tax service office in 2018-2020. the results of the study based on the results of interviews with informants showed that some of the efforts made to overcome the obstacles mentioned above were as follows: digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 218 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 a. in the dimension of tax registration to obtain taxpayer identification number (npwp) and registration, the directorate general of taxes has carried out more massive and focused activities in conducting socialization to taxpayers, especially msme taxpayers who have not been registered. b. in the dimension of calculating the amount of tax payable, the efforts made are to provide an understanding of the calculation of the amount of tax payable from the tax authorities side can be done by monitoring taxpayers through social media and also being able to monitor benchmarks with similar activities. c. in the dimension of tax payment, the efforts made are that the tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi has provided education to taxpayers in terms of billing code generation and the existence of an account representative at tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi as a consultant for taxpayers without paying. d. in the dimension of tax reporting, the efforts made are to simplify or facilitate taxpayers in carrying out their tax reporting obligation procedures and provide regular training to taxpayers on procedures for filling out tax forms and online tax reporting techniques. conclusions and managerial implications based on the results of the research that have been described with reference based on the theory used, the researcher can conclude the self-assessment system for final income tax on micro, small, and medium enterprises at the west bekasi pratama tax service office as follows: a. the self-assessment system for final income tax on micro, small, and medium enterprises at the west bekasi pratama tax service office, if it is measured with the selfassessment system indicator is still not appropriate, this is proved by the fact that there are not many msme doers who have not registered themselves and have not correctly calculated their taxes, not all of them have made payments based on the applicable regulations and there are still many msme doers who have not reported their taxation. b. the obstacles experienced by the tax office of kpp pratama west bekasi in the selfassessment system for final income tax (pph) on micro, small and medium enterprises at the pratama tax service office west bekasi, namely for msme entrepreneurs who are still unfamiliar with taxes and do not understand it, the tax authorities find it difficult to supervise to taxpayers for their transactions/activities, as well as the lack of regular socialization and counseling to taxpayers. c. efforts 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nomor 20 tahun 2008 tentang usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah,+newman/$n;jsessionid=47721efd00374d2d3df45af585086a26.i-06e6c18467f760a83,+a/$n;jsessionid=47721efd00374d2d3df45af585086a26.i-06e6c18467f760a83,+c/$n;jsessionid=47721efd00374d2d3df45af585086a26.i-06e6c18467f760a83,+v+o/$n;jsessionid=47721efd00374d2d3df45af585086a26.i-06e6c18467f760a83 digital transformation of self assessment system on final income tax in small micro business and medium at pratama tax office of west bekasi dwikora harjo ,novianita rulandari, aprilia alfani, raveedhan syachlin 221 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 peraturan pemerintah nomor 23 tahun 2018 tentang pajak penghasilan atas penghasilan dari usaha yang diterima atau diperoleh wajib pajak yang memiliki peredaran bruto tertentu. peraturan presiden nomor 72 tahun 2020 tentang perubahan atas peraturan presiden nomor 54 tahun 2020 tentang perubahan postur dan rincian anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara tahun anggaran 2020. ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 pp.225-242 225 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province uli wildan nuryanto1, masyhudzulhak djamil mz2, achmad hidayat sutawidjaya3, ahmad badawi saluy4 1234mercu buana university correspondent: submitted : september 20, 2020 revised : october 10, 2020 published : october 31, 2020 abstract in current dynamic business environment, the competition is getting stiffer and performance organizational becomes issue, the caracteristics that occurred in the industrial revolution 4.0. this condition requires organizations to increase the performance to be sustain. competence and knowledge management as internal resources that reffer to rbv are strengths hat are very important as predictors in improving performance. for this reason, the study has explored the indicators of each of the predictors and also test the relationships between latent variable that have been hypothesized. this research focus to the industrial chemical manufactur at banten province indonesia which is become the province with the third largest number of chemical firms in indonesia. regarding to the central bureau statistics of indonesia, the values of productivity and human resources capability from downstream chemical manufactur sector below the target. this research using sem-pls method to measure 97 respondents from the level supervisor and manajerial. the final results provide a positive and significant relationship between competence and knowledge management through competitive advantage and organizatioan performance. competitive advantage also increasse the relationship between competence and knowledge management through the organizational performance. this result has implication for managerial levels to increase human resources performance so it can improve the firm competitive advantage. keywords: organizational performance, competitive advantage, financial sector manufacturing industry introduction an increasingly competitive market and consumer awareness of the quality of products purchased at competitive costs, as well as product trends that change according to customer demands have changed the industrial business to be more dynamic (ko, 2015). this competition started in 1990 when the market was intensified to get the right products and services to their place in a fast and low cost manner (li et al., 2006). this raises impacts and problems, especially for companies that are accustomed to formulating their business strategies by relying on the ability to predict trends in the next five to ten years to change their habits by making changes and rapid innovation (munir, 2011). to be able to maintain their existence, many companies have made various ways to make changes according to the demands of customers, such as expanding market share (hertati., 2015), making innovations related to products and services provided to customers (hertati, 2015), improving production system, make improvements to organizational systems and make cost savings (hertati, 2016). organizations that are not able to keep up with environmental changes will find it very difficult to be able to compete in this competition so that inevitably the organization must be the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 226 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 able to create a competitive advantage so that its business can survive (kusuma and devie, 2013). hertati research results, (2016) state that competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors that can be obtained by offering greater consumer value, at lower prices or providing greater benefits to customers and providing services that are able to provide more value to customers. customers (porter, 1985). competitive advantage is also defined as the ability of an organization to maintain a defensive position against its competitors (li et al, 2006) with indicators of each being price, quality, delivery, dependability, product innovation, and time to market. this is in line with the formulation of competitive advantage proposed by porter (1985) for companies, namely low cost or product differentiation. in the last 4 years, there has been a very significant decline in growth in the chemical manufacturing sector in indonesia where the economic growth value of this sector is still below the national economic growth. this decline occurred in the chemical industry and chemical goods sub-sector, which is the downstream chemical manufacturing industry. the value of productivity and human resource capability in the downstream sector is still below the average value of the non-oil and gas sector where the average value of the productivity and capability of the human resources in the non-oil and gas sector in the last 5 years has been at 398.5 million / person, while the average value of productivity and human resource capabilities the downstream chemical manufacturing industry sector amounted to 336.8 million / person in 2017. this is different from the upstream chemical manufacturing industry sub-sector which has a productivity value and human resource capacity of 1,211.9 million / person in 2017. hertati research (2019) reveals that an increase in existing competitive advantage will be obtained if it is supported by the potential for superior and high-quality human resources to support companies in achieving predetermined quality goals. but unfortunately in fulfilling the needs of human resources itself, there are quite a number of obstacles for the industry today. based on the results of the focus group discussion (fgd) between key persons of manufacturing industry entrepreneurs, there were problems related to skill gaps, especially in middle-level human resources as well as shortages of supply and skill mismatch at the level of skilled human resources. hertati, et, all (2020) stated that this is what makes the position of the domestic industry difficult to innovate and develop so that based on the results of the 2017 global innovation index report, the domestic position ranks 87 out of 137 countries in terms of innovation. this illustrates the vulnerability of the industry's ability to be able to develop technology in order to produce high competitiveness. for this reason, a competency-based hr improvement is needed to be able to increase competitive advantage so that it can support an increase in company performance. hertati research (2019) states that in addition to free competition, a potential threat but can also be an opportunity in the chemical manufacturing sector is the development of science and technology that has shifted the third industrial revolution into an industrial revolution 4.0 which has a very fast disruptive technology pattern. and threatens incumbent companies. on the other hand, technological developments can actually be used as an opportunity for the industrial manufacturing sector by using automation technology to replace manual systems. research by hertati (2016) states that the faster flow of information due to technological advances will help companies to get the flow of information quickly and at low cost. but back to the extent to which the level of human resources in mastering existing competencies and knowledge management to adapt so that they can master renewable technology and even be able to innovate for the company. for this reason, this study seeks to explore existing information related to the influence of competence and how knowledge management plays a role in increasing the competitive advantage of companies in order to improve organizational performance. the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 227 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the manufacturing sector is still the largest contributor to the national gross domestic product (gdp) with an achievement of 20.16% in 2017. while the next largest contributor to gdp is the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector at 13.14%, the trade sector at 13.01%, the construction sector was 10.38% and the mining sector 7.57%. the industrial classification used in the processing industry survey is a classification based on the 4th revision of the standard industrial classification of all economic activities (isic) which has been adapted to conditions in indonesia under the name indonesian standard industrial classification (kbli) in 2009. furthermore, the main groups kbli is divided into 24 industrial subsectors where the chemical industry is included in the 11th classification called the chemical industry and goods made of chemicals. in the last 5 years, the chemical manufacturing industry sector has been able to generate an average export per year of us $ 10.83 billion and has been able to absorb 284,887 productive workforce with 1,376 companies spread across 22 provinces in indonesia. of the 22 provinces, there are 3 provinces that have the highest number of chemical companies, including west java with 388 companies, east java with 333 companies and banten province with 292 companies. emillia (2015) and hertati, et, all (2020) state that the manufacturing sector, including the chemical industry, is the foundation for the development of the national economy and is an important sector for sustainable and productive economic growth. the development of the chemical industry in indonesia is also inseparable from the competitiveness of the industry itself, based on data from the international institute for management development (imd), the competitiveness of the indonesian manufacturing industry in the last 11 years is not very good, namely in the 40th rank out of 193 countries registered with the un. this is an attraction for researchers to conduct more in-depth research related to competitive advantage and organizational performance in the chemical manufacturing industry sector. the definition of performance is used in various disciplines and depends on the field of the organization itself (jenatabadi, 2015: hertati, et, all, 2019). performance can be defined as an achievement of results that can be seen from the extent to which the organization can achieve goals based on predetermined goals. performance is the result of collaborative activities among members or organizational components in order to achieve organizational goals. within the organizational framework, there is a relationship between individual performance and organizational performance. organizations in achieving predetermined goals must go through activities driven by a person or group of people who actively play a role as actors, in other words the achievement of organizational goals is only possible because of the efforts made by people in the organization. friedlander and pickle (1968) and safkaur, (2020) consider performance as a variable that can measure the success of the company and also measure the extent to which the company's ability to achieve its targets measured through efficiency, effectiveness and others depending on the organizational context. hertati, et, all (2020) stated that effectiveness refers to the extent to which the production function can meet the demands and requirements of stakeholders such as customers, top management and shareholders. while efficiency is how the organization's resources are economically utilized through the achievement of functions. this study uses the dimensions of competitive advantage from the perspective of rbv into four dimensions, namely valuable resources, scarce resources, unmatched resources and irreplaceable resources. with the number of indicators as many as seven indicators that refer to the conditions of the research place and also the results of research such as li and liu (2018), ding et al (2018), gautam and ghimiee (2016), stefanikova and masarova (2014) and awaad (2014). the indicators are commitment and ability to provide satisfaction to customers (ca1), ability to innovate (ca2), ability to withstand risks (ca3), use of technology (ca4), commitment to achieving goals at any cost (ca5). related to rbv, competence is a capital that comes from internal organizations and has value for the organization to be able to produce competitive advantage. in a company, core competence is an absolute force that underlies the company in operating, while in relation to competitive advantage, researchers also use differentiating competencies as a dimension of the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 228 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 competence. as for professional competence, researchers also use it as a dimension and predictor of competitive advantage and organizational performance, so that it is expected to represent the diversity of meanings related to competence. otoo and mishra (2018) and hertati & syafarudin (2018) define competence as a group of knowledge, skills, personal qualities and experiences, while hellrigel and slocum (2011) define competence into the dimensions of employee ethical competence, self-competence, diversity competence, cross-cultural competence, communication competence, team competence and changing competencies as the seven main competencies that affect individual competence, team and organizational effectiveness (hertati, et, all, 2020). companies make various kinds of efforts to have a competitive advantage as a powerful weapon in improving organizational performance, one of which is by calculating and using core competencies as an internal strength that can produce added value, strong differentiation (hamel and prahalad, 1994). there have been many studies from academics which have concluded that core competencies are a very vital force for organizations as a means of gaining competitive advantage (hafeez and abdelmeguid, 2003). srivastava (2005) states that core competencies are the basis of all internal resources which can be used as competitive advantages. banerjee (2003), core competence as anything that is information and knowledge about the success or failure of using knowledge sources. chen and wu (2007), core competence as the ability to operate efficiently in a business environment in order to respond to existing challenges. leonard and barton (2000), core competencies as competencies that differentiate a company from its environment. meanwhile, according to sanchez and heene (1997) what is meant by core competence is the result of a collective learning process which is manifested in business activities and processes. professional competence according to mccelland (1973) is defined as the ability needed in the workplace which is related to a person's personal capacity related to one's performance in doing their job. professional competence refers to the accuracy, skills and exemplary behavior, so that employees must strengthen the professional aspects of competence in order to be competent in carrying out their duties (mansfield, 1978). lysaght and altschuld (2001) stated that the core of professional competence is knowledge, skills, standards, competences and identification. distinguishing competencies are abilities, activities and capacities that are unique compared to competitors (stoner, 1987). producing higher quality products, innovating, having knowledge and skills in the workplace, or the ability to respond quickly to customer requests compared to customers. tsou et al (2014); garcia and velasco (2008), competencies that differentiate the ability to be able to innovate that produce new methods or materials using technology and leave previous methods. this study uses core competencies as a dimension with three main indicators that refer to the results of research from hertati, lestari (2020), otoo & mishra (2018) and agha et al (2012), the three indicators are competence in communication (com1), competence in ethics (com2) and competence to work together (com3). meanwhile, professional competence uses two indicators, namely cognition or understanding of materials (com4), and the ability to operate existing facilities (com5) which refers to ko's research (2015). whereas for differentiating competence, researchers use one indicator, namely competence to innovate (com6) which refers to the research of tsou et al (2014). knowledge management is the formalization of and access to experience, knowledge, and expertise that creates new capabilities that enable superior performance, drive innovation and increase customer value (khan, 2012). knowledge management is a process that helps the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 229 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 organizations to find, select, organize, disseminate and transfer important information and expertise needed for organizational activities (zaied et al, 2012). companies that are efficient in acquiring knowledge will be able to create and maintain a competitive advantage in a knowledgebased economy. meanwhile, other companies that are unable to acquire and create knowledge will have difficulty in maintaining their competitive position (deed and hill, 1996 in khan 2012). knowledge is an important source of competitive advantage available to an organization in the twenty-first century (mcfadyen and canella, 2004). the twenty-first century is an era of knowledge economy, where most organizations have knowledge that enables them to improve their organizational performance (zaied et al, 2012). in today's world of aggressive competition, knowledge management is the main vehicle for organizations to achieve their goals and to compete well. knowledge management is recognized as an important weapon to maintain competitive advantage and improve performance (zaied et al, 2012). through knowledge management, organizations identify their knowledge and use it to improve performance and produce various innovations (munir, 2011). organizations must recognize the importance of effective knowledge management, because the costs of ignoring it are enormous (ling et al, 2008). so that the evaluation of knowledge management becomes important because it provides a reference to direct the organization in increasing competitive advantage so that it can create good organizational performance. the dimensions of knowledge management in this study are identified into five stages of knowledge selection that have been adjusted to the place of research and refer to the research of mahdi et al (2018), turulja and bajgoric (2018), cahyaningsih et al (2017), mahdavi and pirzad (2017). al-refaie and al-tahar (2016), hazen (2015) into the process of knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge use. with the number of research indicators as many as six indicators, namely data collection on potential knowledge (km1), converting and formalizing knowledge into reference standards (km2), protection of knowledge (km3), transfer of knowledge (km4), sharing of knowledge (km5) and use of knowledge into activities operational routine (km6). this study integrates the resources based view (rbv) theory and knowledge based theory (kbv), so that the researcher calls the concept of renewal in this study as the gain competitive advantage for a reliable industry, this study also develops several hypotheses to extend the existing model into a new model. from the description above it can be formulated a research hypothesis that competitive advantage, organizational performance affects the manufacturing industry sector methods this research is designed to answer problems that have been formulated through hypotheses. kerlinger's (2000) design is an investigation structure structured in such a way as to help researchers get definite answers. using a deductive approach consisting of exploratory research to find some relatively new relationships and detailed explanations. by applying a deductive approach, the researcher tries to see the data empirically and systematically which is then compared with existing theories. causal studies attempt to explain the relationship between the influence of competence, knowledge management, and competitive advantage on organizational performance in the chemical manufacturing sector. the conceptual framework proposed by the researcher is as follows: the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 230 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 figure 1. research framework, 2020 this research was conducted on chemical companies in the province of banten which are scattered in serang regency, cilegon city and tangerang regency involving 97 respondents. the sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique and the unit of analysis measures the managerial level employees as policy makers in their respective companies with a minimum working period of one year. the variables in this study are grouped into three groups, the first exogenous variables are competence and knowledge management. , the second is the intervening variable, namely competitive advantage and the last is the endogenous variable, namely organizational performance. this study uses a questionnaire with a likert scale with a value of 15 where scale 1 states strongly disagree, scale 2 disagrees, scale 3 is neutral, scale 4 agrees and scale 5 strongly agrees. results and discussion this study aims to obtain the best model in explaining the influence of competence, knowledge management and competitive advantage on organizational performance in the chemical manufacturing sector. while the indicators used are those that refer to previous research and are related to the place of this research. the data analysis technique uses sem pls, according to ferdinand (2002) sem is very suitable for confirming various kinds of constructs that exist for latent variables. test model compatibility or accuracy based on observed empirical data. test the causal relationship between the factors observed in the model. based on the results of an in-depth literature review of each relationship between variables, the following relationships and influences were obtained. the results of previous research show that competence and quality have a significant effect on competitive advantage in small and medium companies (ismail et al, 2014). meanwhile, the research results of adiputra and mandala (2017) show that competence and capability have a positive effect on company performance, but competence does not have a significant effect, while capability has a significant effect. agha et al (2012), jamhour and agha (2010) and hastjarjo, et al (2016) show that competence has a significant effect on competitive ability and competitive advantage and can improve organizational performance. based on the research that has been done above in relation to the relationship between competence and competitive advantage, the researchers took the following provisional conclusions: competence knowledge management competitive advantage organizational performance the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 231 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 hi: competence has a significant effect on competitive advantage in the industrial sector chemical manufacturing the results of research related to the relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage found that there is a significant relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage (mahdi et al, 2018). meanwhile, kusuma and devie's (2013) research results show that knowledge management has a positive and significant impact on competitive advantage and organizational performance. nazarpour and shirin (2017) the human resource process has a positive and significant influence on knowledge management and competitive advantage, as well as knowledge management which has a significant effect on competitive advantage where the measurement of competitive advantage is through the vrio approach. almasi and pirzad (2017) conclude that intellectual capital has a significant effect on knowledge management and competitive advantage, but knowledge management has no significant effect on competitive advantage, while lee et al (2016) conclude that knowledge management has a significant effect on technological innovation and competitive advantage. and technological innovation has a significant effect on competitive advantage. based on the research that has been done above in relation to the relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage, the researchers took the following provisional conclusions: h2: knowledge management has a significant effect on competitive advantage in chemical manufacturing industry sector. previous research that discussed the relationship between competitive advantage and organizational performance such as cantele and zardini (2018) concluded that there was a significant influence on the sustainability dimension of the long-term company on competitive advantage and a significant effect on competitive advantage and company performance. lorenzo et al (2017) concluded that competitive advantage has a significant effect on the performance of beverage companies in spain, this is in line with the research of othman et al (2015), kusuman and devie (2013) and gyampah and acquaah (2008) where their research also emphasizes that the source the company's existing power originating from the internal company will determine the company's competitive advantage. based on the research that has been done above in relation to the relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage, the researchers took the following provisional conclusions: h3: competitive advantage has a significant effect on organizational performance in the sector chemical manufacturing industry previous studies that examined the relationship between competence and organizational performance include otoo and mishra (2018) which concluded that good human resources will increase employee competence and the impact will have a significant effect on organizational performance, while nimsith et al (2016), agha et al. (2012), jamhour and agha (2010) and hastjarjo et al (2016) concluded that the dynamic ability of organizations to existing environmental risks and competence has a significant effect on organizational performance. so that it can be concluded that competence is a very valuable internal resource for the company to be able to improve its organizational performance. based on the research that has been done above in relation to the relationship between competence and organizational performance, the researchers took the following temporary conclusions: h4: competence has a significant effect on organizational performance in the sector chemical manufacturing industry the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 232 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 the influence between knowledge management on organizational performance, it is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship, this is in line with the results of almudallal's research (2015), but in his research he has a very high amount of influence, which is 70%. knowledge management supported by information technology applications will also have a significant effect on company performance (lopez and alegree, 2011). meanwhile, nowacki and bachnick (2015) concluded that there is a significant influence between knowledge management on company effectiveness in terms of innovation ability, company revenue, competitiveness. meanwhile, muthuveloo et al (2017) stated that there was a significant influence on the dimensions of knowledge management, namely socialization and internalization on company performance. based on the research that has been done above in relation to the relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance, the researchers draw the following temporary conclusions: h5: knowledge management has a significant effect on organizational performance on chemical manufacturing industry sector. based on the results of the descriptive test of respondents, the majority of the results were as follows: the majority of respondents were male (69.1%), the majority of respondents were 3040 years old (46.4%), the majority of the working years were 11-15 years (36.1%). the majority of education is undergraduate (76.3%), the majority position is supervisor (29.9%). tabel 1. demographic respondents profile frequency % 1. gender male 67 69,1 female 30 30,9 2. age < 30 years 11 11,3 30-40 years 45 46,4 41-50 years 32 33 >50 years 9 9,3 3. service years 0-5 years 11 11,3 6-10 years 18 18,6 11-15 years 35 36,1 16-20 years 22 22,7 21-25 years 8 8,2 >25 years 3 3,1 4. education diploma 13 13,4 bachelor degree 74 76,3 master degree 10 10,3 5. position supervisor 29 29,9 sect. head 18 18,6 ass. manager 24 24,7 manager 22 22,7 gm 4 4,1 source: data processing results, 2020 the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 233 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 outer model analysis result. the results of the convergent validity indicators of each variable are as follows; competency variables with indicators com1, com2, com3, com4, com5 and com 6 respectively 0.734, 0.823, 0.657, 0.717, 0.688 and 0.793. knowledge management variable with indicators km1, km2, km3, km4, km5 and km6 respectively 0.777, 0.795, 0.799, 0.820, 0.817 and 0.801. the variable of competitive advantage with indicators ca1, ca2, ca3, ca4 and ca5 respectively 0.809, 0.697, 0.911, 0.774 and 0.842. organizational performance variables with indicators op1, op2, op3, op4 and op5 respectively 0.745, 0.822, 0.756, 0.812, and 0.869. the result of the loading indicator test is recommended to be above 0.70, but as long as the model is still in the development stage, the loading indicator value of 0.60 is still tolerable. from the test results above, it shows that each indicator of each competency variable, knowledge management, competitive advantage and organizational performance shows a result above 0.60. composite reliability table 2. value of composite reliability construct composite reliability competence 0,877 competitive advantage 0,904 knowledge management 0,915 organizational performance 0,900 source: data processing results, 2020 the expected composite reliability value from the test results is ditas 0.70 which illustrates that each indicator has high consistency for measuring latent variables. the results showed that each construct had a composite reliability value above 0.70, which indicates the consistency of the construct to measure high latent variables. average variance extracted (ave) table 3. average variance extract construct ave competence 0,544 competitive advantage 0,656 knowledge management 0,642 organizational performance 0,643 source: data processing results, 2020 the ave value shows the variance value for each indicator in the construct that is captured by these variables more than the variance caused by measurement errors. the recommended ave value is> 0.5. from the analysis, it was found that the ave value for each construct was greater than 0.50.cronbach's alpha. table 4. cronbach’s alpha construct cronbach’s alpha competence 0,9738 competitive advantage 0,9419 knowledge management 0,9863 organizational performance 0,9482 source: data processing results, 2020. goodness of fit test. the goodness of fit test results obtained r2 value for the construct of competitive advantage of 0.651 which can be interpreted that competence and knowledge the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 234 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 management have an impact on competitive advantage by 65.1% while the remaining 34.9% is influenced by other variables. whereas for the value of r2 construct organizational performance has r2 of 0.678 which means, organizational performance is influenced by latent variables of competitive advantage, competence and knowledge management by 67.8%, while the remaining 32.2% is influenced by other variables. table 5. value of r-square construct r-square organizational performance 0,678 competitive advantage 0,651 source: data processing results, 2019 hypothesis test. to answer the hypothesis that has been, it is seen the significance of the influence between independent constructs on the dependent at the 5% significance level. the results of the t-statistics value are as follows: tabel 6. coefficients value (original sample), standard error and t-statistics significance test original sample (o) standard error (sterr) t statistics (|o/sterr|) p values result competence -> competitive advantage 0,206 0,094 2,196 0,029 significant competence -> organizational performance 0,212 0,126 1,979 0,046 significant competitive advantage -> organizational performance 0,532 0,018 4,494 0,000 significant knowledge management -> competitive advantage 0,653 0,080 8,173 0,000 significant knowledge management -> organizational performance 0,571 0,112 5,103 0,000 significant source: data processing results, 2019 hypothesis 1. bootstrapping test results obtained the coefficient value of the latent variable competence on competitive advantage of 0.206 indicating that competence has a positive influence on competitive advantage. as for the t-statistic value, the value is 2.196 where this value is greater than 1.96 and the p value of 0.0296 is smaller than 0.05, which indicates that competence has a significant effect on competitive advantage, so that h1 in this study can be accepted. this significance is in line with the results of research by ismail et al. (2014) which showed a significant relationship between competence and competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises (smes), as well as the results of research by hastjarjo et al (2016) which showed the same results in the real industry. estate. meanwhile, agha et al (2012) and jamhour and agha (2010) show the same results in the painting industry. hypothesis 2.the bootstrapping test results show that the coefficient of knowledge management latent variable on competitive advantage is 0.653 indicating that competence has a positive influence on competitive advantage. as for the t-statistic value, the value of 8.173 is obtained where this value is greater than 1.96 and the p value of 0.000 is less than 0.05, which indicates that knowledge management has a significant effect on competitive advantage, so that h2 in this study can be accepted. this significance is in line with the results of research conducted by mahdi et al (2018) whose research was conducted at universities in relation to the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 235 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 industry as users. meanwhile, kusuma and devie (2013) show the same relationship results where their research was conducted on 100 managerial private companies in surabaya. meanwhile, the research results of nazarpour and shirin (2017) show the same results, but in the port industry in iran. almasi and pirzad (2017), show the results of the same relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage in the banking industry and lee et al (2016) in small and medium enterprises (smes) in malaysia. hypothesis 3. bootstrapping test results show that the coefficient of the latent variable of competitive advantage on organizational performance is 0.532, indicating that competitive advantage has a positive influence on organizational performance. whereas for the t-statistic value, the value is 4.494 where this value is greater than 1.96 and the p value is 0.000 less than 0.05, which indicates that competitive advantage has a significant effect on organizational performance, so that h3 in this study can be accepted. this significance is in line with the results of research conducted by cantele and zardini (2018) which show significant results for small and medium industries in italy, while lorenzo et al (2017) in the spanish wine industry, othman et al (2015) on cooperatives registered in malaysia, kusuma and devie (2013) for private companies in surabaya, and gyampah and acquaah (2008) for companies in ghana. hypothesis 4. bootstrapping test results obtained the coefficient value of the latent variable competence on organizational performance of 0.212, indicating that competence has a positive influence on organizational performance. as for the t-statistic value, the value is 1.979 where this value is greater than 1.96 and the p value of 0.046 is smaller than 0.05, which indicates that competence has a significant effect on organizational performance, so that h4 in this study can be accepted. this significance is in line with the results of research conducted by otoo and mishra (2018) which show significant results for the hotel industry in india, while hastjarjo et al (2016) on the real estate industry in indonesia, nimsith et al (2016) on the banking industry in sri lanka. , agha et al (2012) and jamhour and agha (2010) on the painting industry in the uae. these results indicate that competence is a predictor of organizational performance that can increase employee commitment to the company, economic performance, social performance and environmental performance. hypothesis 5. the results of bootstrapping test showed that the coefficient value of the latent variable competence on organizational performance was 0.571 which shows that competence has a positive influence on organizational performance. whereas for the t-statistic value, the value of 5.103 is obtained where this value is greater than 1.96 and the p value of 0.000 is less than 0.05, which indicates that knowledge management has a significant influence on organizational performance, so that h5 in this study can be accepted. this significance is in line with the results of research conducted by meiranto et al (2012) showing significant results for the banking industry in indonesia, while almudallal et al (2015) in the public sector in palestine, nowacki and bachnik (2015) on private companies in poland and muthuveloo et al (2017) in local and foreign manufacturing industries registered with the federation of malaysian manufacturers. these results indicate that knowledge management is a predictor of organizational performance. competitive advantage as a mediator variable a. the indirect coefficient of competence on organizational performance through competitive advantage is 0.206 x 0.532 = 0.1096. calculation of the z value using the sobel test is obtained as follows: 𝑧 = 𝑎𝑏 √(𝑏2𝑆𝐸𝑎 2) + (𝑎2𝑆𝐸𝑏 2 ) the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 236 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 𝑧 = 0.206 𝑥 0.532 √(0.2062𝑥0.0942) + (0.5322 𝑥 0.0182) 𝑧 = 0.1096 √0.00045 𝑧 = 5.48 where : a = coefficient of influence of competence on competitive advantage b = coefficient of influence of competitive advantage on organizational performance sea = standard error of competence on competitive advantage seb = standard error of competitive advantage on organizational performance with a z score of 5.48 greater than z 1.98, it can be concluded that competitive advantage is able to mediate the relationship between competence and organizational performance. a. the indirect coefficient of knowledge management on organizational performance through competitive advantage is 0.206 x 0.532 = 0.1096. calculation of the z value using the sobel test is obtained as follows: 𝑧 = 𝑎𝑏 √(𝑏2𝑆𝐸𝑎 2) + (𝑎2𝑆𝐸𝑏 2 ) 𝑧 = 0.653 𝑥 0.532 √(0.5322𝑥0.0802) + (0.6532 𝑥 0.0182) 𝑧 = 0.3474 √0.0019 𝑧 = 7.89 where : a = coefficient of influence of competence on competitive advantage b = coefficient of influence of competitive advantage on organizational performance sea = standard error of competence on competitive advantage seb = standard error of competitive advantage on organizational performance with a z score of 7.89 greater than z 1.98, it can be concluded that competitive advantage is able to mediate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance. conclusion the role of competitive advantage on organizational performance is very important, this can be proven where competitive advantage is able to increase the influence of competence and knowledge management on organizational performance. competence has a positive and significant effect both on competitive advantage and on organizational performance, as well as knowledge management which has a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage and organizational performance. this study has implications for managers and control holders in the company to be able to improve the competence of existing human resources by using the existing dimensions of professional competence, core competence and unique differentiating competences. by improving these three competencies, it will be able to improve company performance in terms of commitment, economic performance, social performance and environmental performance. another implication is related to knowledge management which can be used as a predictor for company managers which in this study is described into the dimensions of knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge use. the existence of good management of knowledge is an important asset for companies in facing the industrial revolution 4.0 which leads to a knowledge-based the effect of organizational performance, competitive advantage on the financial sector of chemical manufacturing industry in banten province nuryanto, djamil mz, sutawidjaya, & saluy 237 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 economy. this research is not without drawbacks, given the limited number of respondents and the variables used. it is hoped that further research can be continued by using more comprehensive variables based on the rbv theory and also with a larger number of samples from this study. references adiputra, i.p.p., & mandala, k., (2017). pengaruh kompetensi dan kapabilitas terhadap keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja perusahaan. e-jurnal manajemen unud. 6(11): 60906119. agha, s., alrubaiee, l., & jamhour, m., (2012). effect of core competence on competitive advantage and organizational performance. international journal of 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(agus, 2019). along with the development of technology, there are currently applications that introduce motorcycle taxi ordering services using technology and using service standards. previously, ojek used an area-based base system at the bends and mouths of the alleyways. ojek riders from other areas cannot “hang around” in an area without permission from ojek riders in that area. even to use the ojek service, service users have to pay cash and often bargain. currently, there are many online motorcycle taxi service providers known as go-jek, grab, and uber. all provide almost the same services, starting from delivering people at different costs, but with the same ordering system, namely ordering via mobile phone applications. (azwar, 2007: chao, et, al 2015). one of the transportation service companies that is developing in indonesia is gojek. pt. the karya anak bangsa application was founded on october 13, 2009 by nadiem makarim and michaelangelo moran. this company is engaged in transportation services as an intermediary that connects motorcycle taxi drivers with customers. in 2010, the company launched a locationbased search-based gojek mobile application for android and ios (apple) based mobile phones. the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 135 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 through this application, ojek riders can see incoming orders and where to respond to them, and customers can monitor the position of ojek riders who respond to orders. gojek has operated in the areas of medan, jabodetabek, surabaya, bali, yogyakarta, makassar and balikpapan. gojek services and services develop not only as transportation for people (transport), but can also be used as delivery of goods, documents, or packages (instant courier), as partners for online and offline companies that require delivery on the same day, even the newest ones can be used as an introduction to ordered food (gofood). (dharmmesta, 2009: diyanthini, 2014). go-jek has become the pioneer of motorbike taxi services based on mobile applications through its go-ride service. with this, go-jek application users can simply order an ojek via an online mobile application, and later they will be picked up by an ojek driver who responds to user orders or potential passengers. payment transactions are made when the user reaches the destination of the motorcycle taxi driver. the rates charged vary based on the distance traveled or based on the flat rate applied. some of the companies that are competitors to go-jek are grab and uber, but now uber is no longer there because of the acquisition by grab. these two companies have services that are similar to go-ride services from go-jek. (guttier, & silveira, 2017) the increasing number of online motorcycle taxis has an impact on the tighter competition. the factors that cause this is the existence of price competition and the many choices for online motorcycle taxi services. this makes consumers more selective. consumers will choose one of the alternative options according to what they want. anticipating this situation, online motorcycle taxi companies, especially gojek, must be able to create customer satisfaction (hartono, 2019). customer satisfaction is a very important factor for the existence, continuity, and development of a company. today many companies are increasingly understanding the importance of customer satisfaction and implementing strategies to provide satisfaction to their customers. herawati, (2017). customer satisfaction is a post-purchase evaluation where at least it gives the same or exceeds customer expectations. meanwhile, dissatisfaction arises when the results obtained do not meet customer expectations. kotler (2010) in general, satisfaction (satisfaction) is the feeling of happy or disappointed someone that arises because of comparing the product's perceived performance (or results) against their expectations. the theory that explains how consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is formed is the expectancy disconfirmation model, which suggests that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are the effects of the comparison between consumer expectations before purchase and what consumers get from the product purchased. when consumers buy a product, consumers have expectations about how the product functions. if the product functions better than expected, the consumer will be satisfied. kaplan, & dennis (1993) customer satisfaction has a big impact on the company. keeping and satisfying current customers is much easier than constantly trying to attract or prospect new customers, the cost of retaining customers is less than the cost of finding new customers. satisfied customers can make the relationship between the company and customers harmonious, provide a good basis for repeat purchases and customer loyalty, become an advocator for the company especially when the company's reputation or product is being harassed by others, and form positive words of very strong mouth recommendations. profitable for the company. (indratama, et, al, 2014). one of the kotlers. (2012). defining service quality is a dynamic condition related to service products, people, processes, and the environment that can meet and or exceed consumer expectations. kotler, & kevin (2009) stated that service quality includes several aspects which the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 136 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 include: the ability to provide immediate and satisfying services (reliability); the desire of employees to help customers and provide responsiveness services (responsiveness); ability, politeness, and trustworthiness of employees (assurance); ease of doing good communication relationships and sincere attention to customers (empathy); and evaluation of physical facilities (tangibles). kotler, & keller, (2016) also argued that service quality affects customer satisfaction, where good service has a greater impact on customer satisfaction. even though service/service is an intangible item, service can be assessed based on someone's experience and reasoning. service quality can affect customer satisfaction because of the interaction between consumers and the company. under the concept of customer satisfaction, that customer satisfaction can be achieved if the performance or results felt are under consumer expectations. so, whether or not the services provided by the company greatly affect customer satisfaction. service quality research was conducted by kotler, & armstrong, (2012). the results showed that service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction. however, research conducted by kotler, et, al. (2009). concerning "the effect of service and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty of kentucky fried chicken in south tangerang" shows that service quality does not affect customer satisfaction. the second factor that affects customer satisfaction is the price perspective. price is the amount of money (possibly several items weighed) needed to obtain several combinations of a product and service that accompany it (kotler and keller, 2010). price is something that can be controlled and determines whether or not a product is accepted by consumers. the price depends solely on company policy but of course taking various things into account. the cheap or high price of a product is very relative. the company must always monitor the price set by competitors so that the price determined by the company is not too high or vice versa. the selling price is essentially an offer to consumers. if the consumer accepts the price at the time of making a purchase, the product will sell, on the contrary, if the consumer refuses it at the time of making a purchase, it is necessary to review the selling price. there is a possibility that consumers have a discrepancy after purchasing because maybe the price is considered too expensive or because it is not under the previous wishes and descriptions (syafarudin, 2020). thus a correct pricing strategy is needed. the results of research conducted by hertati., asmawati, widiyanti. (2021). reinforces the theory put forward above. inman, & zeelenberg (2002) conducted a study on "the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction for service users of anugerah glagah indah hotel temon kulon progo yogyakarta". the results showed that service quality and price had a positive and significant effect partially and simultaneously on customer satisfaction at anugerah glagah indah hotel. be careful. & safkaur. (2020). also proved that price has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction at dyriana bakery & café pandanaran semarang. however, there are different research results from syafarudin. & mulyana.b. (2019). researched "the influence of service quality, price and customer value on customer satisfaction of service users service workshop ahas 0002 semarang honda center". the results showed that price did not affect member satisfaction. the phenomenon above is relevant to the results of a pre-survey conducted by researchers on october 1, 2020, of 30 gojek online motorcycle taxi customers. the pre-survey results illustrate the dissatisfaction of several gojek online motorcycle taxi customers. based on the results of a pre-survey to 30 gojek online motorcycle taxi customers by asking open questions about "what is your assessment of the quality of gojek online motorcycle taxi services?". the pre-survey results showed that most respondents (18 people / 60%) had a bad the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 137 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 perception of the quality of gojek online motorcycle taxi services, while as many (12 people / 40%) had a good perception of the quality of gojek online motorcycle taxi services. kotler's (2016) purchasing decisions are the final decisions of individuals and households who purchase goods and services for personal consumption. syafarudin. (2016) purchasing decisions consist of internal policies and external policies. internal policies include consumer knowledge of products and awards in the form of consumer assessments of products. external policies include differentiation and relevance. differentiation is a product property that differentiates it from other products. relevance is a product characteristic that has the same function as other products that have similar functions and uses. syafarudin & mulya. (2019). adding that the purchasing decisions made by consumers or buyers are also influenced by habits. purchasing habits include when a purchase is made, in what quantity the purchase is made, and where the purchase is made. then (mungu, (2013) states that purchasing decisions are a part of consumer behavior. consumer behavior is an action that is directly involved in obtaining, determining products and services, including the decision-making process that precedes and follows these actions. munisih, & soliha, (2015). repurchase behavior is closely related to the concept of brand loyalty, which is pursued by most companies because it contributes to great stability in the market. repurchases usually indicate that the product meets consumer approval and is willing to use it again and in an appropriate amount. very large. service quality hertati, feri, puspitawati, gantino, ilyas., 2021) stated that the quality received by consumers is "an entity's overall excellence or superiority". it is said that the quality of service that is assessed by consumers is in the form of something that is the best overall. added by kotler and keller (2012) that: a service will be formed because of the process of providing certain services from the service provider to the parties being served. whether done based on the volunteerism of each party (non-commercial), commercial purposes between personal or because people have work attachments in organizations with commercial or non-commercial purposes. kotler and keller (2012) state that service is any action or performance offered by one party to another which is in principle intangible and does not cause any transfer of ownership. the production may or may not be bound to a physical product. be careful. mustopa, widiyanti.m. safkaur. (2020). believes that services are all economic activities whose results are no products in the form of physical or construction, which are usually consumed at the same time as they are produced and provide added value (such as comfort, entertainment, pleasure, irawan. (2012) argues that service quality is the level of excellence expected and control over the level of excellence is to meet customer expectations. based on these two opinions, it can be concluded that service quality is a level of excellence obtained by consumers in using a service through how far the difference is between reality and expectations felt by consumers after using it. kotler, philip (011) in general, services have several special characteristics with goods. services have a major influence on their marketing, namely, they are intangible, cannot be separated between the production process and consumption, have high variability, no ak can be saved, and do not result in possession. syaparudin. & hertati (2020). there are 5 (five) main characteristics of services that distinguish them from goods, namely: 1. intangibility. services are different from goods. if the item is an object, tool, or thing, then the service is an act, performance, or effort. 2. inseparability. goods are usually produced, then sold, then consumed, while services are sold first, then produced and consumed simultaneously. the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 138 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 3. variability. services are variable because they are non-standardized outputs, meaning that there are many variations in shape, quality, and type, depending on who, when, and where the service is produced. 4. perishability. perishability means that services are not durable and cannot be stored. 5. lack of ownership. is the basic difference between services and goods. in purchasing goods, consumers have full rights to the use and benefits of the products they buy. in purchasing services, customers have personal access to a service for a limited period (for example hotel rooms, cinemas, aviation services, and education). 6. perceived physical facilities (tangibles), namely physical evidence of services, can be in the form of physical facilities, equipment used, physical representations of services. 7. credibility, namely honesty and trustworthiness. credibility includes company name, reputation, company, personal characteristics, personnel contacts, and customer interactions. in everyday terms, customers are people whose activities are to buy and use a product, both goods, and services, on an ongoing basis. customers or users of a product are people who are directly or indirectly related to business enterprises. umar, husein. (2002) argue that customers are people who buy and use products. in a company engaged in the service sector, customers are people who use services. griffin stated that the customer (customer) provides an in-depth view which is important to understand why a company must create and maintain customers and not just attract buyers. the definition comes from custom which is defined as "making something into a habit or usual" and "practicing a habit. customers are different from consumers (consumers), that is, a person can be said to be a customer if that person begins to get used to buying products or services offered by a company. this habit can be built through repeated purchases within a certain period, if within a certain period there is no re-purchase, then that person cannot be said to be a customer but as a buyer or consumer (wulandari, hertati, antasari, nazarudin. (2021). a customer is someone who buys, uses, and gets used to making purchases periodically within a certain period. pakpahan, (2019.) a purchase decision is defined as a choice of two more choices. kotler, philip; keller, kevin. (2007). the purchasing decision is a process in which consumers recognize the problem, seek information about a particular product or brand, and evaluate properly each of these alternatives can solve the problem, which then leads to a purchase decision. kotler, philip; keller, kevin (2007). the factors that influence customer purchasing decisions are the emotional bonds that exist between customers and producers after customers use products and services from the company and find that these products or services provide added value. the value dimensions consist of 4, namely: 1. emotional value, a utility that comes from feelings or affective or positive emotions arising from consuming a product. if consumers experience positive feelings when buying or using a brand, then the brand provides emotional value. in essence, emotional value is related to feelings, namely what positive feelings consumers will experience when buying a product. 2. social value, the utility obtained from the product's ability to improve the consumer's social self-concept. social value is the value held by a consumer, regarding what is considered good and what is considered bad by consumers. 3. value of quality, the utility obtained from the product due to the reduction of short-term costs and long-term costs. 4. functional value is the value obtained from product attributes that provide functional utility to consumers. this value is directly related to the functions provided by the product or service to consumers. the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 139 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 5. broad problem solving if consumers do not have established criteria for judging a particular product category or brand within that category or do not limit the number of brands they will consider to a small, manageable range, their decision-making efforts can be classified as solving a broad problem. . at this level, consumers need a variety of information to establish a set of criteria for judging certain brands and a lot of appropriate information about each that will be considered. 6. limited problem-solving. at this level of problem-solving, consumers have established basic criteria for judging a product category and the various brands within that category. however, they have not fully chosen from a particular brand group. their search for additional information was more of a "tweak" they had to gather additional brand information to see the differences between the various brands. 7. behavior as a routine response at this level, consumers already have some experience with the product category and a well-defined set of criteria for judging the various brands they are considering. in some situations, they may be looking for additional information; in other situations, they simply review what they already know. the results showed that the product, price, distribution, and promotion affected purchasing decisions. ((wulandari, hertati, antasari, nazarudin. (2021) then the results of research by gantino, hertati, ilyas (2021) show that the indirect effect of service quality on customer satisfaction through purchasing decisions has a positive and significant effect. the direct effect of location on customer satisfaction is positive. , but not significant the indirect effect of location on customer satisfaction through purchasing decisions is negative and insignificant the direct effect of price on customer satisfaction is positive, but not significant the indirect effect of price on customer satisfaction through purchasing decisions is positive and significant direct effect of purchasing decisions on customer satisfaction. positive and significant. the results of this study indicate that with the path analysis test the discount variable has the most significant effect on purchasing decisions, the discount variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and research decisions (wulandari, hertati, antasari, nazarudin. (2021). purchasing research (herawati, 2017). prove empirically that product quality and service quality affect consumer satisfaction and repurchase interest. it is empirically proven that product quality and service quality affect customer satisfaction. it is empirically proven that product quality and service quality affect repurchase interest. it is empirically proven that consumer satisfaction affects repurchase interest. herawati research, (2017). the partial promotion has a positive effect on purchasing decisions with the value of t count compared to the value of ttable so that the promotion variable (x1) is 3,800> 1,985. product innovation has a partially positive effect on purchasing decisions on azzahra batik with the t value compared to the table value so that the product innovation variable (x1) is 2.016> 1.984. it can be concluded that f count (10.302)> f table (1.984) and the significance level is 0.000 <0.05, which indicates that promotion and product innovation together affect purchasing decisions. the results of this study indicate that the variable price, promotion, and product quality simultaneously influence purchase intention. price, promotion, and product quality variables also have a partial influence on purchasing decisions. the contribution of the independent variables (price, promotion, and product quality) to the dependent variable (buying interest) is 68.9%. the independent variable which has the most dominant influence on the dependent variable is the product quality factor. hypothesis h1: service quality affects customer the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 140 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 satisfaction of online gojek service users. the stages of service quality to customer satisfaction can be described in a model below: a. methods this research was conducted to analyze the quality of e-service, pricing strategies on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction using the go-jek online motorcycle taxi service. this research and examine the significance of the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables both partially and collectively. the population in this study were users of the go-jek online motorcycle taxi service. sugiyono (2012) population of a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics. the values of these different characteristics are then determined to be studied and then conclusions drawn. the sample is a portion of the population that can represent the characteristics of the population. in conducting research, it will use more sample data than the population. the samples taken can then be used as a tool for verifying the truth of the population so that the probability level of truth is needed. because there is no 100% level of truth, it requires a level of error that can be tolerated or so-called α. in practice, α is determined arbitrarily (the arbitrator) to a maximum of 10% (hair, et, al, 2014). in this study, researchers set a confidence level of 95% and a precision value of 10%. quantitatively, the value of precision is called the standard error, where the larger the sample, the smaller the standard error, because the estimated value is close to the parameter value ((hair, et, al, 2014). in this study, sampling using simple random sampling as many as 100 go-jek online motorcycle taxi service users. primary data comes from the collection of answers to questions that are distributed to each tenant of the go-jek online motorcycle taxi service, service quality, consumer interest, and purchase decisions which are then tabulated and then analyzed. to obtain secondary data, it is done by collecting documentation that supports the research. this technique is done by collecting data by studying written data sources regarding the organizational structure and other general descriptions of go-jek online motorcycle taxis. the instrument in this study was a questionnaire designed to measure the research variables by providing a scale score for the answers to the statements. the scale used is a likert scale. each statement has 5 (five) alternative answers. each statement is measured using a likert scale. calculating the value of the respondents' achievement level (tcr) for each category from the variable descriptive data. the formula used is (ghozali, imam. 2014) tcr = rs / n x 100% information : tcr = level of achievement respondent rs = average score of respondents' answers n = value of the answer score introduction to problems informati on search service rama consumer loyalty customer satisfaction source: images of stages in the customer satisfaction decision process, 2021 the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 141 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 validity is a measure that shows the validity of an instrument. an instrument is declared valid if it can measure what is desired. the validity test is a test conducted to determine whether or not an item in the questionnaire is made. testing the validity of the question items with an ordinal measuring scale was carried out through item analysis, namely correlating the score of each item with the total score which is the number of each item score using the pearson product moment method. ( )  ( )       −− − = 2222 ))(( yynxxn yxxyn r yx information : ryx = pearson product moment correlation coefficient x = item score y = total item score n = number of respondents if the correlation coefficient is positive and significant, then the item in question is valid, otherwise, if it is not significant or negative, then the item is invalid and must be removed from the questionnaire (sugiyono, 2014). furthermore, according to sugiyono, a question item is said to be valid or can measure the research variable in question if the value of the validity coefficient is more than or equal to the r table value obtained from the critical value r table for pearson product moment correlation. reliability is a term used to indicate the extent to which a measurement result is relatively consistent when measuring instruments are used repeatedly. (umar, 2002). reliability includes three important aspects, namely: the measuring instrument used must be stable, reliable (dependability), and predictable (predictability) so that the measuring instrument has high reliability or can be trusted (natzir, 2013). results and discussion a set of questions to measure a variable is said to be reliable and it succeeds in measuring the variables we measure if the reliability coefficient is more than equal to 0.70 (ghozali, 2014). kaplan stated: "it has been suggested that reliability estimates in the range of 0.70 to 0.80 are good enough for most purposes in basic research." before the questionnaire was used for data collection, it was first tested through validity and reliability using the correlation method. pearson product moment and cronbach's alpha. the following shows the results of the validity and reliability tests for all statements. table 1 recapitulation of instrument validity and reliability test results variable item validity reliability r critical points information α critical points information quality of customer service (x1) x1 0,871 0,361 validity 0,907 0,70 reliability x2 0,872 0,361 validity x3 0,834 0,361 validity x4 0,866 0,361 validity x5 0,832 0,361 validity x6 0,866 0,361 validity x7 0,866 0,361 validity customer y1 0,869 0,361 validity 0,880 0,70 reliability the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 142 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 satisfaction (z) y1 0,819 0,361 validity y2 0,802 0,361 validity y3 0,858 0,361 validity y4 0,827 0,361 validity y5 0,802 0,361 validity y6 0,802 0,361 validity y7 0,802 0,361 validity source: processed data, 2021 based on the results of the recapitulation presented in the table above, it can be seen that all statement items show valid results, where the coefficient value of the validity of each statement item is greater than the critical point of 0.361. likewise, the reliability test results show reliable results across all factors tested, where all the reliability coefficient values obtained are greater than the critical point of 0.70. thus the research instrument has good validity and reliability and can be used for further analysis. ghozali (2014) "descriptive statistics are performed to provide an overview or description of data seen from the mean, standard deviation, variance, maximum, minimum, sum, range, kurtosis and skewness (distribution slope)". sugiyono (2012) "descriptive statistics are statistics that are used to analyze data that has been collected as is without the intention of making generalized conclusions or generalizations. questionnaire results data for the price strategy variable are measured through 5 statement items. based on the calculation results, an overview of the price strategy variable can be seen in the following table. from the responses of 100 respondents and 5 statement items, the percentage of total score achievement towards the ideal score was 78.88%, where the percentage is between the range of 68% to 83.99%. thus it can be concluded that based on respondents' responses. customer satisfaction is included in the "good" category. model specifications. this stage relates to the formation of the initial model of the initial structural equation model before the estimation is carried out. this initial model is formulated based on a theory or previous research. through the conceptual diagram image above, it can be seen that the path model consists of 2 (two) sub-structures. the first stage assesses the criteria for convergent validity. an indicator is said to have good validity if it has a loading factor value greater than 0.70. while the loading factor of 0.50 to 0.60 can still be maintained for models that are still in the development stage (ghozali, 2014). table 2 value of cross loadings evaluation of outer model dimension quality of customer service (x1) customer satisfaction (z) x1 0,855 0,625 x2 0,896 0,731 x3 0,808 0,569 x4 0,817 0,621 x5 0,845 0,662 x6 0,721 0,653 x7 0,725 0,745 y1 0,809 0,688 y2 0,832 0,708 y3 0,691 0,652 y4 0,432 0,769 y5 0,521 0,653 y6 0,558 0,745 y7 0,645 0,816 source: processed outer model evaluation cross loadings data, 2021 the effect of service quality on gojek online customer satisfaction rizqi, & syafarudin 143 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 based on the picture above, it appears that all loading factors are above 0.50. thus it can be concluded that the construct has good convergent validity. the value of cross-loadings presented in the table above also shows good discriminant validity, where the correlation value of the indicator with its construct is higher than the correlation value of the indicator with other constructs (ghozali, 2014). this is indicated by the green color in the coefficient values presented in the output table of the smartpls application above. the next stage assesses cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and average variance extracted (ave) criteria. each construct is said to be reliable if it has cronbach's alpha and composite reliability that is greater than 0.70, while the ave value is expected to be greater than 0.50 (ghozali, 2014: arikunto, 2008). table 3 value of cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and average variance extracted (ave) variable average variance extracted (ave) quality of customer service (x1) 0,877 customer’s satisfaction 0,85 source: processing data of 3 cronbach's alpha scores based on the table above, it can be seen that all constructs have cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values that are greater than 0.70. the same thing is seen in the ave value, all constructs have ave values that are greater than 0.50. thus it can be concluded that all exogenous and endogenous measurement constructs are reliable. by using the help of the smartpls 3.0 application program, the estimated results of the mean difference and probability value are as follows: table 4 value of path coefficients and value of r square parameter original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t statistics (|o/sterr|) p values r square x1 -> y 0,603 0,600 0,092 6,563 0,000 0,724 source: data processed path coefficients and r square value based on the table above, it can be seen that in substructure 1, the variable service quality (x1) contributes simultaneously in influencing the customer satisfaction variable (z) of 0.702 or 70.2% with the details that the hypothesis: the influence of customer service quality (x1) on satisfaction customer (z) has a path coefficient of 0.526 with a statistical value of t that is greater than the critical value (6.459> 1.96). thus h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that eservice quality (x2) has a significant effect on customer satisfaction (z). conclusion after the author discussed "analysis of e-service quality, against customer satisfaction through 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(2021). the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2(4),304-312. abstract: indonesia has recorded a total of 1,626,812 positive cases of covid 19, 44,172 people died, recovered 1,481,449 people (last update: april 22, 2021; data source the outbreak of the coronavirus or covid-19 that hit the whole world, indonesia was also affected by changes in the economy becoming unstable, causing the wheels of business to be hampered or even some have stopped their activities for the next few days. the impact experienced by all taxpayers throughout the country is affected, at least it is enough to make activities in this country not conducive. the decline in the level of the indonesian economy experienced a very significant decline. the government's policy in fighting this epidemic must be supported from all aspects and levels of society, in line with the government's policy of the directorate general of taxes (dgt) of the ministry of finance providing relaxation in the form of simplifying the submission of documents for completing annual notification letters or spt, in conditions of the covid-19 pandemic this relaxation is provided for corporate taxpayers and individual taxpayers. the low tax revenue due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic is a consequence that the government must accept. this study is to find out whether there is an influence on understanding tax regulations, the method used in this study uses a quantitative method based on tax rates and the principle of justice on mandatory compliance, the impact of the covid 19 pandemic disaster on the level of compliance with the annual spt reporting of individual and corporate taxpayers. the utilization of information technology significantly affects taxpayer compliance. keywords: covid 19 pandemic ; impact ; spt reporting this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the covid-19 pandemic has affected tax revenues for all countries in the world, this is a challenge for countries that have targeted an increase in tax revenues in the 2021fiscal year. (brodeur et al., 2021; thomson et al., 2021). the government was forced indirectly to correct tax revenue targets in line with the economic crisis that occurred due to the covid-19 pandemic. (azad et al., 2021; tibulca, 2021) even the government must issue a budget for economic recovery mailto:ambaryusuf26@gmail.com1 the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 305 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to maintain people's purchasing power and prevent an increase in poverty. (guo & shi, 2021; susanti & widajatun, 2021). the government has considered various fiscal policy strategies that support the post-pandemic economic recovery (lin & zhang, 2020) . tax policy must be designed comprehensively so that the fiscal system can provide a balance of both growth, equity and sustainability, with several main considerations that must be considered by policy makers to formulate optimal tax policies during the covid-19 pandemic. (deriu et al., 2021; lahiri & yang, 2021) tax is one of the main sources of government revenue in carrying out state development. as the largest source of funds in the implementation of the government and development, the role of tax revenues from year to year will increase in supporting national development, this is reflected in the increase in tax revenue plans. the existence of taxes is expected to improve the welfare of all people's lives. the system adopted in collecting taxes in indonesia is the self assessment system, which is a full trust given to taxpayers to calculate, deposit, and report all their tax obligations. this system is used by taxpayers because they are required to fill out an annual spt tax return, which means that taxpayers are required to calculate and report their income tax payable without going through a third party or tax authorities. fiskus plays a role in researching the completeness and correctness of reporting as well as conducting inspections to find out the truth of the material in the taxpayer's report, or this case the tax return. in practice, this system can increase acceptance because it is carried out by the system that has been implemented. (cahyadini et al., 2021) the strategy carried out by the direktoral jenderal pajak (djp) amid the covid-19 pandemic is to optimize state revenues from the tax sector through the expansion of the tax base and continue to play a role through improving the national economy, by encouraging investment convenience that can improve the national economy. this was taken by the direktoral jenderal pajak by making a breakthrough in perppu 1/2020 regarding state financial policies and financial system stability for handling the 2019 coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic and/or in dealing with threats that endanger the national economy and/or system stability. finance, providing tax facilities in the form of incentives, and facilitating business processes to become it and user friendly. the submission of the annual spt completeness documents in the form of complete financial reports and various required completeness documents by the direktoral jenderal pajak regulation number: 02/pj/2019, no later than 30 june 2020 by using the corrected spt form (djp, articles, your taxes help erase covid-19). (susanti & widajatun, 2021) it was recorded that until april 19, 2020, it reached 52.97% or 9,712,537 taxpayers out of a total of around 18 million taxpayers. meanwhile, when compared to last year in the same period, the number of taxpayers who reported reached 11,682,289 taxpayers (media indonesia, april 22, 2020). indonesia's economic recovery trend in 2021 is projected to continue with an accelerated vaccination program with an on-track supply of vaccines. tax revenue until february 2021 reached idr 181.8 trillion. this achievement represents 12.6% of this year's tax revenue target. several tax components grew positively when compared to february last year or the period before the covid-19 pandemic was enacted. (realization of apbn 2021, ministry of finance). the ministry of finance's direktoral jenderal pajak noted that individual income tax (pph) receipts until the end of february 2021 experienced a contraction or minus 12.51%. compared to the same period last year, revenue still grew by 19.76%.pph receipts will continue to move until the reporting period for the annual individual tax return (spt) ends on march 31, 2021. the government also provides an extension of the government-borne income tax article 21 incentive (djp) until june 2021. (cahyadini et al., 2021) the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 306 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the reporting system carried out by individuals, which often occurs in the field is the misunderstanding of individual taxpayers reporting their spt returns, mistakes occur such as taxpayers being less careful in calculating the amount of income tax that must be paid. or underpaid pph especially using online services using e-spt which not all taxpayers can understand. with the tax relaxation carried out by the direktoral jenderal pajak it is hoped that taxpayers can carry out their tax obligations properly and do not delay depositing taxes owed, the taxes paid are very much needed by the state in handling the covid-19 pandemic. the problems that will be studied in this research are, how is the level of compliance of individual taxpayers in submitting annual spt reports during the covid-19 pandemic, as well as what efforts and strategies are carried out by the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city in increasing tax revenues due to impact of the covid 19 pandemic. this study aims to examine the effect that occurs on individual taxpayer compliance with the impact of the covid 19 pandemic and the efforts that will be made to achieve an increase in individual taxpayer compliance in reporting spt returns during the covid 19 pandemic. the investigation of the coronavirus that causes covid-19 is still ongoing. initial information that this virus originated from the huanan seafood market in wuhan, china is still conjecture and has not become a certainty. allegedly since september 2019 launching scmp (17/4/2020), the research team from the university of cambridge, england investigating the origin of the virus has analyzed a large number of strains from around the world and calculated that the start of the outbreak occurred between september 13 and december 7, 2019. the results of the research were published in a scientific journal published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences (pnas). the team analyzed the strains using phylogenetic networks, mathematical algorithms that can map the global movement of organisms through mutations in their genes. while the coronavirus strains found in europe are largely descended from east asian variants, the journal only examined the first 160 strains collected after late december 2019. several institutions predict a weakening of the world economy, including the international monetary fund (imf) which projects the global economy to grow at minus 3%. the government is wary of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, considering that this outbreak only began to spread in indonesia in the second week of march 2020. along with the regulations related to work from home (wfh) for both the government and private sectors, a slowdown in business activities began at the end of march 2020 which has the potential to reduce domestic deliveries which will then reduce the receipt of pajak pertambahan nilai dalam negeri (ppn dn) in april 2020. this condition is likely to continue and contract further in may, considering that in april some regions had implemented pembatasan sosial berskala besar (psbb) in several affected areas. in line with the implementation of work from home (wfh) and pembatasan sosial berskala besar (psbb). the government provides tax facilities in the form of relaxation of article 29 individual income spt pph returns, which has an impact on the not yet optimal realization of article 29 pph receipts. there are a total of 2,004,445 people to date in indonesia who have been confirmed positive for the coronavirus that causes covid-19. so, accumulatively in indonesia, 1,801,761 patients have recovered and are negative for covid-19 so far. the data from several studies carried out above affect the economic conditions throughout the world, as well as the indonesian economy which is not immune from the impacts caused by the covid 19 pandemic. the government's commitment to maintaining the sustainability of state finances to realize the safety and welfare of the community is shown by the government's efforts the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 307 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to manage the fiscal as well as possible through optimally increasing state revenues, prudent debt management and continuously making efforts to improve the performance of budget absorption. the impact of the pandemic on the business world at the layer of turnover below idr 5 billion was most significantly affected by the percentage of taxpayers who recorded a decline in sales on the spt period of ppn dn by 88%, which resulted in a decrease in the source of state revenue. the slowdown in economic activity and the contraction of gdp can also be seen from the decline to minus 2% of state revenue sources in 2020. the 2020 national economic recovery budget allocation reached idr 695.2 trillion with a realization of up to 83% the budget allocation for umkm with a ceiling of idr116.31 trillion with a realization of idr 112.44 trillion (96.6%) with the aim of the program to support umkm capital and cash flow during the covid 19 pandemic in the form of capital assistance either through banks or directly. in 2021 the national recovery budget will increase to idr 699.43 trillion, the budget allocation for umkm and corporations is idr 193.74 trillion with the realization of idr 41.73 trillion (21.5%). taxation support for the economy and handling the pandemic to help maintain people's purchasing power. the government provides pph article 21 facilities borne by the government for workers in sectors affected by the pandemic and have an income of no more than idr 200 million a year. utilization of fiscal incentives the 2020 tax has helped maintain business resilience of 464,316 taxpayers in pph article 21 incentives to increase people's purchasing power 131,889 employers, 1.97 million employees amounting to idr 1.71 trillion, incentives to help umkm pph final (pp 23 umkm) ) for 248,275 umkm amounting to idr 0.67 trillion. continued until may 17, 2021, incentives to increase people's purchasing power on pph 21 for 89,608 employers amounting to idr 1.01 trillion and umkm pph final (pp 23 umkm) for 124,736 umkm amounting to idr 0.26 trillion. method this research was conducted using quantitative methods, a process of finding knowledge that uses data in the form of numbers as a tool to analyze information about what you want to know (kasiram (2008: 149). this study aims to test whether there is an effect on taxpayer compliance. individuals for the impact of the covid 19 pandemic and the efforts that will be made to achieve an increase in individual taxpayer compliance in reporting spt during the covid 19 pandemic. this study also uses secondary data in the form of the 2020 and 2021 rapbn budget realization reports obtained in psbb volume 2 pen (tax for accelerating national economic recovery, ministry of finance). data collection technique the data analyzed in the study used secondary data with dependent and independent variables. the dependent variable is the independence of kpp pratama pondok aren, south tangerang city in tax revenue with the achievement of the number of taxpayers, and the independent variable is the service and performance of kpp pratama pondok aren, south tangerang city to taxpayers, about; 1) government regulation 23 of 2018 is a government regulation that discusses income tax on income from businesses received by taxpayers who have a certain gross turnover, the government provides a pph final rate for umkm of 0.5%. the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 308 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2) government regulation (perpu) instead of law number 1 of 2020. state financial policies and financial system stability for handling the 2019 coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic and/or in dealing with threats that endanger the national economy and/or stability financial system. 3) ministry of finance regulation (pmk) no. 28/pmk.03/2020, which regulates the facilities for income tax articles 21, 22, 23, and pph 22 for imports from april to september 2020. to provide tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the coronavirus, the relaxation provided is pph 21 borne by the government for 6 months for workers with a gross income of not more than 200 million. the absence of pph 21 deductions that are not deducted is expected to maintain people's purchasing power. ( pemerintah berikan insentif pajak untuk dukung dunia usaha dan masyarakat selama pandemi covid-19 20/04/2020) result and discussion the data analysis strategy used with a quantitative approach between one strategy and another is mutually reinforcing. the strategy is taken to improve and maintain taxpayer compliance with the impact of the covid 19 pandemic. descriptive statistics explain the research variables seen from the amount of data obtained from the kpp pratama pondok aren, south tangerang city, the results obtained are as follows; table 1. income tax article 21 year 2016 to 2020 year number of individual taxpayers amount of tax revenue 2016 244.338 545.255.707.959 2017 261.503 635.410.462.181 2018 280.567 772.084.813.373 2019 299.735 881.907.237.581 2020 312.943 858.269.334.510 table 2. total taxpayer op pph 21 2016 to 2020 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 244,338 261,503 280,567 299,735 312,943 t o ta l w p year total taxpayer op pph 21 2016 to 2020 the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 309 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting data obtained from the pondok aren pratama tax service office, which is presented in the form of a graph, shows that the awareness of individuals to become taxpayers shows an increase from year to year, as well as the level of compliance made by individual taxpayers in reporting annual spt. improving the quality and quantity of services is expected to increase satisfaction to taxpayers as customers to increase compliance in the taxation sector. tax officials make improvements to service quality by increasing taxpayer satisfaction and compliance as well as innovations made to increase awareness to become taxpayers. the tax-friendly umkm program, which is run by kpp pratama pondok aren, has been running since august 2016 and has received outputs, the results of which can be seen directly that the establishment of the tax-friendly umkm community, whose management structure is not from tax officials, but umkm figures who become administrator and member of this community. so that the members of this community feel more comfortable sharing their understanding about business and tax. the tax-friendly umkm program can increase the level of participation of umkm in carrying out their rights and obligations in the field of taxation, monitoring and evaluating activities, and the main obstacles faced and how to overcome them. it can be seen that the rate of increase in the number of taxpayers is an average of 4.09 percent a year. table 3. increase in the number of individual taxpayers from 2016 to 2020 year number of individual taxpayers increase in number of wp op % 2016 244.338 0 0 2017 261.503 17.165 4,00 2018 280.567 19.064 3,60 2019 299.735 19.168 3,58 2020 312.943 13.208 5,19 amount 1.399.086 68.605 16,37 the average increase per year(%) 4,09 with an average achievement of 4.09 percent per year, it can be seen that the performance of kpp pratama pondok aren in providing awareness to private individuals, including umkm to become taxpayers who report annual tax returns. during the covid 19 pandemic between 2019 and 2020, there was an increase in the number of taxpayers 1.61 percent so that it can be interpreted that taxpayer awareness of the importance of fulfilling tax obligations and tax benefits during the pandemic, one of which is to finance the health settlement program in indonesia. after the entry of positive cases of covid-19 in indonesia was first detected on march 2, 2020. covid-19 caused an economic contraction in indonesia. restriction policies and restrictions on people's mobility have hampered global and domestic economic activities. as a result, gdp contraction hit many countries, including indonesia, which affected the indonesian economy, especially the micro economy, which greatly affected umkm, and people's purchasing power decreased. descriptive statistics explain the data obtained from the kpp pratama pondok aren, south tangerang city, in the receipt of pph 21 from 2016 to 2020 the results obtained are as follows; the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 310 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4. income pph 21 years 2016 to 2020 year total income pph 21 2016 545.255.707.959 2017 635.410.462.181 2018 772.084.813.373 2019 881.907.237.581 2020 858.269.334.510 table 5. income pph 21 years 2016 to 2020 from the data obtained in tax revenue which is illustrated with a graph, there is an increase every year from 2016 to 2018 the efforts made are seen to increase tax revenue by running an innovation program with umkm, independence by kpp pratama pondok aren to increase tax revenue with the program program done. government regulation 23 of 2018 is a government regulation that discusses income tax on income from businesses received by taxpayers who have a certain gross turnover, the government provides a pph final rate for umkm of 0.5% which can be an element that affects the increase in income from pph 21. table 6. increase and decrease in income pph 21 from 2016 to 2020 year amount increase and decrease in revenue pph21 % 2016 545.255.707.959 2017 635.410.462.181 90.154.754.222 3,73 2018 772.084.813.373 136.674.351.192 2,46 2019 881.907.237.581 109.822.424.208 3,07 2020 858.269.334.510 23.637.903.071 0,97 total 3.692.927.555.604 313.013.626.551 from the statistical data above, it can be seen that there was an increase in tax revenues from 2016 to 2019 with a total percentage of 9.26 and an average for 3 years of 3.09%. in the period before the covid 19 pandemic, there was an increase in tax revenue by reaching the amount of idr 2,834,658,221,094,with an increased rate of idr 336,651,529,622,it can be interpreted that the level of compliance of individual taxpayers in paying and reporting the annual spt can still run 200,000,000,000 400,000,000,000 600,000,000,000 800,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 545,255,707,959 635,410,462,181 772,084,813,373 881,907,237,581 858,269,334,510 a m o u n t r e ce iv e d year income pph 21 years 2016 to 2020 the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 311 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting well. in 2019 to 2020 the decline in income from pph 21 was idr 23,637,903,071,percentage value 0.97%. government regulation instead of law (perpu) number 1 of 2020. state financial policies and financial system stability for handling the 2019 coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic and/or in the face of threats that endanger the national economy and/or financial system stability, and ministry of finance regulation (pmk) no. 28/pmk.03/2020, which among others regulates the article 21 income tax facility and the provision of tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the coronavirus, the relaxation provided is pph 21 borne by the government for 6 months for workers with a gross income of not more than 200 million. the absence of pph 21 deductions that are not deducted is expected to maintain people's purchasing power. ( pemerintah berikan insentif pajak untuk dukung dunia usaha dan masyarakat selama pandemi covid-19 20/04/2020). so that the efforts made by the government in the program to support umkm capital and cash flow during the pandemic are in the form of capital assistance either through banks or directly. the decline in pph21 revenue in 2020 by 0.97% that occurred at the pondok aren kpp pratama was the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, with the tax relaxation, taxpayers were still reporting and paying annual spt. relaxation is well implemented. even though there was a decrease in income from pph 21, with the addition of the number of taxpayers with a decrease in taxpayer income due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. conclusion based on the results of research and discussion on the effect of the impact of the covid 19 pandemic on the compliance level of individual taxpayer annual tax returns at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city, it can be concluded that understanding of regulations and tax benefits has a positive effect on individual taxpayer compliance. . with the policy from the government in tax relaxation during the covid-19 pandemic and the benefits obtained from this policy, taxpayers continue to comply with annual spt reporting even though there is a decline in pph 21 revenue that occurred in 2020 due to a decrease in people's income and purchasing power. based on the results of the research that has been submitted, the authors suggest the following; first, to further improve innovation more consistently to involve the public in general in the pioneering of systematic annual spt by approaching online counseling or seminars on how to make good use of the policies provided by the government during the covid 19 pandemic. second, to provide support to umkm in increasing turnover by preparing cash flow and financial reports which are very important for reporting the annual spt. third, tax policies and treatment are continuously implemented by involving all levels of society. the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the compliance level of annual spt reporting for individual taxpayers at the pondok aren tax service office, south tangerang city ambarwati, sobari, kristanto 312 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reference azad, n. f., serletis, a., & xu, l. 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(solleder, 2020; zhang et al., 2021) export taxes are generally levied by countries producing raw materials. differential exchange rates are often used to increase tax revenues from the export sector of raw materials, such as crude oil, palm oil, rubber, and various mining products. export taxes are also influenced by international cartels which have determined several categories of export taxes. (rehm et al., 2021; tran & wende, 2021) export taxes are an effective protection measure for domestic industries. the governments of norway and sweden impose taxes on the export of forest products in order to protect the domestic milling, woodworking and paper-making industries. meanwhile an export tax is imposed by the government of india on untanned leather to encourage the tannery industry in india. however, in some countries, the export tax imposed is designed to protect the industry of the importing country and not the exporting country. (federici et al., 2020) analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 314 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in indonesia, where the export activities can be in the form of exporting taxable goods or bkp and taxable services or jkp. in general, the export tax is often imposed on export activities related to taxable services. even so, there are still some categories of taxable goods that can also be subject to export tax. an entrepreneur who becomes a taxpayer, of course, has tax obligations including export taxes. (rokhmawati, 2021) the tax collection system that inspirits the indonesian taxation law is a self-assessment system, where taxpayers are trusted to have an active role in fulfilling their tax obligations, namely calculating, depositing, and reporting taxes owed. concerning the self-assessment system, the taxation law gives several rights to the taxable entrepreneur (pkp) in carrying out and fulfilling their tax obligations which can be broadly grouped into four main rights, namely: first, the right to receive npwp (taxpayer registration number); second, the right to make compensation or restitution; third, the right to object and appeal; and fourth, the right to correct and extend the deadline for submitting a tax return (spt). (amir et al., 2013) taxpayers (wp) who are taxable entrepreneurs (pkp) who have insufficient payment of valueadded tax (vat) are required to pay off the unpaid tax, while taxable entrepreneurs (pkp) who have tax overpayments can compensate for the overpayment to the next tax period or apply for the excess of taxes or restitution payment. (rahwani et al., 2019) the proposal for restitution of value added tax can be made during each tax period, but only the taxable entrepreneur can export the tangible taxable goods, submit the taxable goods or taxable services to the vat (value added tax) collector, submit taxable goods or taxable services that are not collected vat (value added tax), exports of intangible taxable goods, exports of taxable services or are still in the non-production stage, other than taxable entrepreneurs can only make restitution at the end of the financial year. (hajawiyah et al., 2021) pt rama global is one of the companies that always apply for vat restitution because their business activities are exports. pt rama global is a company that has a high level of competitiveness because it has an extensive business network in both local and international areas. pt rama global's high competitiveness can be seen from its export activities which have covered the international region. pt rama global's export activities are subject to vat on output tax, thus causing vat overpayments. (harjo, 2019; mardiasmo, 2016) the excess payment of value-added tax that was experienced by pt rama global is submitted for a return request or called restitution. restitution carried out by pt rama global aims to smooth business activities related to the cash flow of taxpayers. (rahayu, 2010) from the description above, the phenomenon that occurs is the number of tax restitution carried out in indonesia, one of them is pt rama global, and therefor the author needs to conduct a research entitled analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global year 2019. in this research, the author limits the scope of the problem to only vat refunds on export activities in the context of tax planning at pt rama global in 2019. (asriati & sasmito, 2016) based on the subject matter above, the purpose of this research is to analyze the restitution of value-added tax on exports; analyze what obstacles are faced in carrying out value-added tax restitution on exports, and analyze the efforts to deal with the constraints of vat restitution on exports carried out by pt rama global in 2019. based on previous research entitled anticipating value-added tax restitution for export and import activities at pt ykk zipco indonesia, shows that pt. ykk zipco indonesia calculates vat on export and import activities starting from data input, reporting until submission for restitution is correct and in accordance with the vat law no. 42 of 2009 (rahmadani & munawaroh, 2017) . the strategy in anticipating the occurrence of vat restitution that was carried analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 315 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting out starting in 2013 with several policy changes, so the strategic decisions done by the company in 2016 were to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of company. the tax planning that was carried out by pt. ykk zipco indonesia is very influential in anticipating vat restitution, this can be seen in the company's compliance as taxpayers with government regulations, by completing every document required in the tax audit conducted by the directorate general of taxes (dgt). to anticipate the occurrence of vat restitution, tax planning carried out by the company is to use a bonded zone facility, based on the regulation of the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia number 147/pmk.04/2011. furthermore, a research entitled time value of money analysis of value-added tax restitution settlement process (case study of pt xy corporate taxpayer). the results of the study concluded that pt xy's vat refund occurred because of its main business activities were in the export sector with completion through a complicated and time-consuming inspection process step. the refund requested by pt xy for the long term makes the refund received related to the time value of money. comparison of pt xy's restitution if the money is received more quickly, then it is a time deposit with an interest rate without risk. bank indonesia, has a higher value than the return on money that has been received in the long term. the refund process required is practical, easy and accurate, requiring good preparation and assessment by pt xy with a new policy on vat refunds. (ariawan et al., 2016) meanwhile, research entitled restitution of vat on export activities in the context of tax planning (case study of pt. y.i), concludes that vat refunds carried out (p.t yi) in nominal and time terms have implications for cash flow. if the vat refund application is successful with a small correction rate, the cash flow can run normally and vice versa. in the beginning, the tax planning efforts made to minimize the company's cash flow burden has not been optimal, therefore efforts were made to improve tax planning both internally and externally. (samudra, 2008) research entitled analysis of the value-added tax restitution (vat) restitution process in indonesia concluded that the vat restitution process in indonesia as regulated in the law and has not been carried out online causes complicated procedures related to vat restitution, both internal or external dgt, the amount of workload borne by the tax authorities, and the length of the vat restitution to the taxpayer. the vat restitution process in indonesia is regulated by law is necessary to deregulate the regulation therefore that the vat restitution process will be faster. in addition, vat restitution should be made online to reduce the period and the procedure itself. (octavia et al., 2015) following research entitled the effect of value-added tax restitution on value added tax revenue at the palembang ilir barat pratama tax office, it had a conclusion that value-added tax restitution did not affect value-added tax revenue at the pratama tax service office, palembang ilir barat. this is because when submitting an application for restitution, not all applications for restitution are approved by the pratama tax service office, palembang ilir barat. if there is a refund of the nominal amount of the overpaid tax, it does not affect the amount of existing value-added tax revenue. this is because the percentage of taxpayers who submit applications for restitution that are not approved is smaller than the percentage of taxpayers who submit applications for restitution that are approved. (jusmani & qurniawan, 2016) the latest research on tax refunds, through a research entitled input value-added tax refund policy for taxable enterprise experiencing production failures or policy of value-added tax refund for taxable entrepreneurs experiencing production failures, concluded that there is a difference between the law, general concept and legal nature of vat. on the other hand, the regulation was revised to prevent misuse of the vat refund mechanism. problems that may arise analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 316 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting from this new regulation are problems related to regulatory consistency in the basic concept of vat, and economic disincentives that can be experienced by taxable entrepreneurs from certain industries. therefore, at a macro level, this policy can hamper investment growth in indonesia. (oktaria, 2011) restitution is an overpayment of value-added tax that occurs because the amount of input tax paid is greater than the amount of output tax collected in a tax period. government regulation no. 3 of 2002 article 1 point 5 restitution is compensation given to the victim or the family by the doer or a third party, it can be in the form of returning property, payment of compensation for loss or suffering or reimbursement of costs for certain actions. law on general provisions of taxation article 17b tax restitut ion is the right of the taxpayer (the agency) if the value of the input tax is greater than the output tax. it is very unfair when generalizing all taxpayers (the agency) that they commit tax evasion. what if the person applying for restitution is a taxpayer (agency) who has good intention? with this stigma and image, there are doubts among taxpayers (agencies) (especially export companies) when they will apply for their rights (tax refunds). (djuanda & lubis, 2011) related to that matter, several companies have complained about the difficulty of applying for vat restitution at the directorate general of taxes. whereas in article 17b of the law on general provisions of taxation (uu kup), it is regulated that the directorate general of taxes must issue an overpaid tax assessment letter (spklb) no later than 12 months since restitution application received in full. if the directorate general of taxes does not decide within that period, the application is considered granted, and the skplb is issued no later than 1 (one) month after the end of the period. then, in paragraph (3), it is also regulated that if the directorate general of taxes is late in issuing skplb, the taxpayer will be given an interest rate of 2% per month, calculated from the end of the period. so, the kup law has provided legal certainty for taxpayers (corporates) (business actors) to apply for restitution. however, in practice, there are many factors hamper the process of paying restitution, such as bureaucracy, the interpretation of several articles in the taxation law, which can be vary, especially those concerning requests for completeness of documents or company data, and so on. vat restitution has a legal basis for law no. 28 of 2007 and strengthened by minister of finance regulation (pmk) 192/pmk.03/2007 and later changed to pmk number 74/pmk.03/2012 and then it was changed again to pmk number 198/pmk.03/2013, and the latest pmk number 39/pmk.03/2018. the provision in the form of law is the government effort to inform the requirements of taxpayers/pkp in applying for vat restitution. meanwhile, the pmk which has been revised up to three times is a procedure for the implementation of the preliminary implementation of tax overpayments or acceleration of tax refunds/vat restitution. preliminary restitution or in this case the acceleration of vat refunds is needed so that the pkp gets legal certainty that the excess vat that has been deposited into the state can be submitted for restitution more quickly. (sukardji, 2019) based on previous research, the author tries to explain how the process of the occurrence of tax overpayment restitution. restitution is an overpayment of value-added tax that occurs because the amount of input tax paid is greater than the amount of output tax collected in a tax period. productivity restitution of decisions that stipulate the existence of tax overpayments, decisions in tax payments are tax assessments overpaid (skplb) which after being issued after going through an inspection process, examination of mass notification letters is required to be carried out to provide legal certainty on the status of tax payments from taxable employers. the directorate general of taxes will issue a decision letter on preliminary return of excess tax, namely a decision letter that determines the amount of the preliminary return on excess tax for certain analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 317 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taxpayers. based on article 7 paragraph (1) of the regulation of the minister of finance number 72/pmk.03/2010, the process of refunding the excess tax must be completed within 1 month after the complete application is received. method this study uses a qualitative approach, which requires relevant and accurate data and information to support the research results. the kind of research used is descriptive qualitative, where the type of descriptive qualitative research is carried out by determining the data that will be used, collecting the data that has been determined, then grouping it, interpreting, and analyzing the data, and comparing it with theories, then a conclusion is taken and then gives a conclusion and it will be continued by suggestion. the descriptive method is a method in examining the status of a group of people, an object, condition, system of thought, or events in the present time. this type of research tried to explain certain social phenomena. research can be divided into several types, based on differentiating criteria, including the final function and approach. this research aims to determine how the value-added tax restitution of pt. rama global, and how tax planning is used by pt. rama global in implementing tax restitution, by determining the data that will be used, and then collecting the data that has been determined, then grouping it, interpreting, and analyzing the data and comparing it with theories, then drawing a conclusion, and then providing suggestions. based on the place of implementation, this research is field research, namely visiting the institution that is the object of research by asking for data and an explanation of what is being studied. the definition of operational is a definition given to a variable by giving meaning or specifying an activity or justifying an operation needed to measure the variable. in this research, what is operationalized is the restitution of overpayment of taxes on exports by pt. rama global; obstacles in doing restitution of tax overpayments on exports at pt. rama global; and efforts to overcome obstacles in refunding tax overpayments on exports to pt rama global in 2019. data collection techniques used in this research are interview, observation, documentation study and triangulation. the author conducted unstructured interviews with people (employees) from the company. this interview was conducted by open interview. observations that was made by the author aim to support the distribution of questionnaires. in this research, the informants interviewed were finance managers at pt. rama global, tax staff of pt. rama global, tax service office staff, and academics. through observation techniques, the author will observe vat restitution and tax planning adjusts by selecting relevant informants. the author also collects data from various printed media that discusses the tax restitution of pt. rama global. this study uses three kinds of triangulations, firstly, triangulation of data sources in the form of information from places, events, and documents as well as archives containing notes related to the data in question. second, triangulation techniques or data collection methods are derived from interviews, observations, and documents. third, triangulation of data collection time is when triangulation or data collection methods are carried out. the validity of the data in the study was tested using triangulation techniques, namely triangulation of sources, data collection, and time. the data analysis technique used in this study follows the data analysis technique. data analysis consists of three stages, namely data reduction and data presentation, and conclusion. data analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 318 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting obtained from the results of research data collection in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation in the field objectively, then reduced by summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on important things, looking for themes and patterns. data reduction refers to the selection process, focusing on simplification, abstracting, and “rough” data information that occurs in written field notes. data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, classifies, directs, discards unnecessary data, and organizes data in such a way that conclusions can be drawn and verified. furthermore, the reduced data is presented in the form of sentences, pictures/schemas, networks, and tables as narratives. finally, conclusions are drawn and verification is carried out. what is meant by data verification is an attempt to find, test, re-check or understand the meaning, regularities, patterns, explanations, plots, cause, and effect, or prepositions. while conclusions can be in the form of a description or description of an object that was previously dim or dark so that after being examined it becomes clear, it can be a causal or interactive relationship, hypothesis, or theory. result and discussion as an objective tax, vat is charged on the delivery of goods and services. as indirect taxes, these two types of taxes ultimately become the burden of the final consumer who consumes goods and services. theoretically, the imposition of indirect taxes can be delegated the tax burden to other parties, in this case, consumers or buyers. meanwhile, the entrepreneur is a person or entity appointed by law to carry out tax obligations. therefore, in the vat provisions, those who become taxable entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs (sellers) as vat subjects. pt. rama global in the vat law is included in the subject of vat in the sense of pkp. before running its business, pt. rama global has established itself as a pkp. this was clarified by the tax staff of pt. rama global who stated that pt. rama global confirmed itself as a pkp in 2018. this was done to follow the tax rules and obligations that is applied in indonesia. in addition, to avoid sanctions and ask for the rights from the director-general of taxes on obligations that will be or have been carried out by pt. rama global that is in s field of export company that exports all kinds of products. in the vat law, the value-added rate is 0%, so that pt rama global often experiences tax overpayments when reporting spt. this is because the input tax is greater than the output tax. in this case pt. rama global chose to refund its tax overpayment. restitution can be done by checking and can also be done by researching based on the tax laws and regulations. pt rama global carries out its restitution by choosing preliminary restitution. the procedure for submitting a preliminary tax restitution is by submitting restitution in the preliminary restitution column on the vat spt. reporting the spt to the dgt web or kpp registered and can be done online, then the kpp will research/check the reporting of tax invoices on each transaction opponent, and then issue a letter tax overpayment decision (skplb). the tax overpayment that is refunded will be processed by the director-general of taxes for a minimum of 1 month for preliminary restitution and a maximum of 1 year for audits until the issuance of a tax assessment letter. obstacles faced in conducting preliminary restitution with certain conditions at pt. rama global includes the differences in input tax corrections on the acquisition of domestic taxable goods or services, late reports from vendors in collaboration with pt. rama global so that there is a difference between the nominal stated on the sppkp and the spt which causes the restitution analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 319 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting cannot be liquidated and there is a fictitious tax invoice. from the statement above, it can be seen that pt rama global which performs preliminary restitution often cannot disburse tax refunds due to differences in data between the tax authorities and taxpayers. efforts made by pt rama global to overcome the obstacles that occur are by reconfirming the vat tax reporting included, whether it has been reported or not, then asking the bpe and appendix a2 to be evidence and resubmitting it. from the above statement, we can know that pt. rama global deal with the problems that exist in the company is by confirming to the vendor or transaction partner, and aski for electronic receipt evidence(bpe) along with attachment a2 and then visit the kpp to check the correctness of attachment a2 provided by the counterparty. from the research results obtained, it is known that pt. rama global is a taxable entrepreneur who must fulfill his obligations, namely, he is obliged to report his business to be confirmed as a pkp; obliged to collect vat and sales tax on luxury goods or ppnbm payable; must deposit the vat accrued in case the output tax is greater than the input tax can be credited. besides that, pkp is also required to deposit ppnbm payable; obliged to report taxes in the spt (tax return) period of vat, and must issue a tax invoice for each submission of bkp/jkp. the rights of taxable entrepreneurs such as crediting taxes, making tax compensation or tax restitution, objections and appeals. as a pkp, pt. rama global often experiences tax overpayments, this happens because pt rama global is a company engaged in the export sector where according to the vat law the tax rate for exports is 0%, so that it becomes the main cause that input tax is greater than output tax. this tax overpayment is always experienced every time, but the tax overpayment does not reach 1 (one) billion, so pt. rama global chooses to restitute taxes with certain requirements restitution criteria by the provisions of article 17d of the kup law. based on pmk 39/pmk.03/2018 concerning procedures for preliminary refund of excess tax payments, it is stated that the tax restitution is subject to certain conditions. pt. rama global is a taxable entrepreneur who submits a periodic value-added tax return with an overpayment of less than 1 billion so that pt. rama global performs vat restitution with certain conditions. to obtain a preliminary return. in making restitution, it takes 1 (one) to 3 (three) months for the issuance of the decision letter for payment of excess tax (skpkp). after the issuance of the skpkp, the director-general of taxes will send an account request letter and pt. rama global sends an account notification letter to the registered kpp and waits for 1 (one) month for payment of restitution. the following is a tax refund mechanism. figure 1. tax refund mechanism with certain requirements procedure procedures pre-refund application taxpayers apply fill in the preliminary return column on the spt kpp conducts research on kpp does not issue skpkpp and kpp issues skpkpp • the correctness of writing and calculating taxes • evidence of credited withholding or collection of income tax • credited/self-paid input taxreturn column on the spt analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 320 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in making restitution, pt. rama global also needs to obey the applicable laws and regulations, starting from depositing taxes and reporting taxes that must be based on the provisions so that the restitution that we apply for can be fully refunded. from the results of the research obtained by the researcher, it was found that the obstacles that occurred in carrying out preliminary restitution with certain conditions: there is a large number of data differences between the tax authorities and pt rama global. the difference of the data occurred due to several multiple counterparties of pt. rama global who do not report their tax invoices or reports taxes in different months, resulting in delays in the restitution process. from the interview research studied, the researcher also found that there was a risk pt. rama global. this risk arises due to the frequent occurrence of tax restitution at pt rama global so that there is a greater opportunity for the director-general of taxes (dgt) to make fiscal corrections from the tax audit process. the monitoring mechanism for value-added tax (ppn) is the reporting of periodic tax return (spt) from certain taxpayers (wp) reflecting transactions with counterparties. this allows the dgt to trace transactions between parties, to ensure that all taxes owed have been deposited into the state treasury. in solving the problems faced by the company for restitution that can't be disbursed, pt. rama global confirms the transaction counterparty by sending attachments of related documents and notifying confirmation to the counterparty via e-mail by requesting electronic receipt proof (bpe) along with attachment a2; make an application letter to confirm the non-conformity; confirm by telephone about data discrepancies; visit the counterparty company to ask for further confirmation. in handling fictitious tax invoices, we can scan barcodes on tax invoices by using the barcode scan e-invoice application or use the available tax invoice scan tools. efforts made during a tax audit are that pt rama global must be ready to face this audit by preparing complete documents such as tax invoices relating to vat overpayments for which a refund restitution is requested, including supporting documents, namely evidence of receipt/payment of money for the purchase/sale of goods, evidence of delivery/receipt of goods. furthermore, for bkp export attachments, it is necessary for peb which has been given export approval by the authorized djbc official, ocean b/l or master b/l or airway bill, photocopy of export draft, or other evidence of receipt of money from the bank that has been legalized by the bank concerned, certification from certain agencies such as the ministry of industry and or the ministry of trade. conclusion restitution of export value-added tax (vat) at pt. rama global occurs because the input tax is greater than the output tax, this is because the vat rate for exports is 0%. so that pt. rama global is experiencing tax overpayment. excess tax payments that occur at pt. rama global is restituted by pt. rama global with restitution method with certain requirements under 1 billion. the obstacle that occurs during restitution is the difference in data between the tax authorities and the taxpayer, causing a tax correction on value added tax (vat) refunds, which is because the transaction partner has not reported the tax or has reported it in a different month. efforts made by pt. rama global is confirming the value-added tax reporting data listed on the tax invoice to the relevant transaction partner. researchers suggest to do storing supporting documents as evidence for every transaction, especially those closely related to the request for restitution properly in a special room for analysis of value-added tax restitution on exports at pt. rama global in 2019 natision, anggraini, rulandari, agoestyowati 321 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting approximately 5 (five) years or as long as it has not been checked by the fiskus; provide opportunities for tax staff to attend both formal and informal education in order to improve the competence and professionalism of human resources in the tax sector; selection and placement of competent human resources (hr) in the field of taxation; there is special attention and direct support from top management and other related departments so that the process of applying for restitution does not experience delays or corrections in the examination; make good use of the tax facilities provided by the directorate general of taxes that can help stabilize the company's cash flow, such 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towards the account receivable accounting system implemented on stiami is quite efficient, indicated by the independence of the audit committee or the internal supervisory unit (isu) in which are right under the head of stiami auspices. in addition, stiami's management has applied basic concepts and principles of internal control. in stiami internal control activities, it is better to enforce the functions and centralization of the online system so that the operations and financial statement presentation can run effectively and efficiently. keywords: internal control and accounts receivable system. introduction accounting has endured development throughout the everchanging era continuously. the increasingly complex business world has caused accounting concepts and techniques developed in which it can present information about financial positions, performance, and flow of funds of an economic unit to decision-makers. the increasing competitiveness in business competition is an indicator of the exploding and rapid growth of the business world's impact. fronting this circumstance, companies and their leaders are required to be able to create or upgrade the companies' value as well as managing the existing production factors in order to achieve the companies' goals. companies are also required to be able to determine a good performance in such manner that the company would be able to warrant their sustainability. 1 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti one of the competitive advantages which can be proposed by trading companies, as well as companies who offer service provision, is the flexibility of credit payment. credit payment systems incur account receivable for trading companies or service companies and incur debts for customers or service users. receivables that occur from sales or service-provision are the main activities of companies identified as trade receivables that are classified as current assets in the balance sheet. the number of receivables depends on the company management policies, such as credit and billing policies. remarking from liquidity aspect, receivable is a liquid tool after cash and banks. consequently, to avoid contrary risks that can ensue due to the receivables, companies must have an adequate accounting system as the company's internal control tools to examine business activities. accounts receivable accounting system aims to record the company's receivables mutations and receivables mutations caused by credit sales transactions and cash receipts from debtors (ge & mcvay, 2005). therefore, adequate internal control is needed to coordinate and supervise the company’s activity, especially on receivables. this action meant to avoid any occurences that may cause harm to the company, for instance, misappropriation, fraud, dissipation, and theft from both inside and outside parties (bentley-goode, newton, & thompson, 2017). the internal control system has elements that need to be structured, scilicet authority system and responsibilities segregration, especially on operation and storage functions with accounting functions, as well as a restriction on giving full responsibility to perform all stages of a transaction to provide ample protection towards wealth, debt, revenue, and costs. internal control structure represented three things, videlicet control environment, accounting system, and ample control procedure in an organization would be able to help managements in securing both physical non-physical assets from abuse and fraud (sofyan, 2016). in each organization, each transaction only consists of authorization from officials who have the authority to approve of the deal. hence, organizations must establish a system that regulates the authority’s arragement for sanction each transaction done. from the built system, the implementation would not run successfully if there is an unhealthy practice from the authorities simultaneously with incompetent and dishonest employees (hoitash, hoitash, & bedard, 2009). in a reliable accounting system, there are supervision ways that could run by itself through a particular system plus procedure, the outcome of a part would be controlled by other parts through several various reports which reach the management. a good accounting system has to be able to summarize internal control principles and techniques, in 2 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti which one of the attributes is to provide trustworthy information. moreover, in managing financial management, notably accounts receivable, it needs to be planned and analyzed carefully, so that the policies of accounts receivable management can run effectively and efficiently, especially in the implementation of internal control over the existing accounts receivable accounting system (beasley, carcello, hermanson, & lapides, 2000). stiami institue is a private-owned business engaged in education services, notably for undergraduate programs, which provide services for students in the learning process, constantly aligning the quality of their education with the needs of the working world in forming professional human resources. in conducting accounts receivable collection to students, besides going through cashier who is in charge of receiving payment from students in counter, the collecting process can be done by class treasurers or financial staff in charge chosen by the chief financial officer. class treasurers' are in charge of monitoring students' installment from the first installment until the full tuition fees for the current semester. in addition, because stiami’s activity is an educational service unit, especially for undergraduate education, and stiami has more than a thousand active students, thus resulting in high accounts receivable. besides that these accounts must be obtained effortlessly and managed properly, the billing process also must be done according to the specified time, so the company would be able to achieve their goals. therefore, the implementation of internal control shall correspond with the existing and sufficed functions as a means to make the recording, billing, and presentation of the financial statements more efficient. subsequently, it would be able to suppress the risk of errors, dissipation, and fraud attempts. the lack of internal control audits can heighten the risk of misstatements in financial statements, hence the proper procedures are needed to identify the defiances (mascha, lamboy-ruiz, & janvrin, 2018). the proceeding is to group the organization’s difficulties in accruals estimation, determining material weaknesses exist, and self-selection bias correction (doyle, ge, & mcvay, 2007). previous studies have shown that when the internal control of local government organizations is increasingly high, the practice of accounting fraud will be more profound. conversely, when the internal control system is low, accounting fraud will be elevated. meanwhile, the interaction between internal control and loyalty does not affect individuals committing accounting fraud in local governments (tehupuring & lingga, 2017). implementation of the internal control system for cash expenditures at pt. lestari berkat sejahtera in samarinda was not fully following the elements of a great internal 3 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti control system, as seen from the absence of sudden checks (surprise audit) conducted by the owner towards each division, and there was no selection for prospective employees that met the requirements. nevertheless, the cash expenditures process had function properly, videlicet a distinct separation between functions and responsibilities in the organizational structure for cash expenditures procedure, including cash, finance, cashier, and accounting functions (firma yandi, 2014). overall, kjks bmt mandiri sejahtera karangcangkring cash receipts had been functioning well, aided by the administrative, cashier, accounting, billing and internal audit functions (fathoni, 2018). method the approach used in this thesis is descriptive-analytical, scilicet in analyzing and discussing problems, an explanation and description will be described systematically, objectively, and relevantly based on data collected as a basis in shaping judgments. the descriptive-analytical approach was taken to provide an adequate picture of the implementation of internal control and accounts receivable accounting in may 2013-may 2014. comparing existing facts with internal control norms is the qualitative approach used in this study. the internal control components are: 1. control environment division of functions, authorities, and responsibilities towards existing functions in the company, whether or not there is a possibility of double duty or function, and other happenings that may cause internal control deficiencies the company encountered will be addressed. 2. risk interpretation this element encloses the risks that the company would encounter if internal control's weaknesses are still obtained and the necessary actions to overcome the risks. 3. control activities 4 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 internal control: control environment risk interpretation control activites information and communication supervision and monitoring account receivable accounting system: related organizations authorization system recording procedures documents used healthy practice reability of the finance report compliance towards provision and laws applied operation effectiveness and efficiency diagram 1. framework analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti this element will investigate the authorization procedure in the implementation of the account receivable accounting system which includes authorization, responsibilities and authorization, segregation of duties, documentation, reconciliation, competent and honest employees, and internal audit inspections. 4. information and communication this element will observe data and additional information contained in the full report with the intent to show that communication exists within the company. 5. supervision or monitoring in this element, there will be a review of whether the executed internal control quality is viable already or any correction is still required. result and discussion stiami’s internal control 1. control environment stiami management highly values integrity and competence. in the company, between one division and the other is affiliated as one entity. every employee is required to be competence. recruiting qualified prospective employees is the first milestone in creating competency. the contract system set by the company for new employees is one of the management's attempts to encourage in creating a great human resource to enhance the company's performance. the company has an sop (standard operating procedure) that must be carried out by every individuals. the sops for each division are different because of the various job descriptions of each division. routine meetings occur at least twice a month, while the leadership meetings occur at least once every month and or on certain important moments. division meetings are held separately between each division. for instance, for the marketing division, the meeting is chaired by the deputy chairperson iii, who also coordinated with the head of the marketing division to give directions about market conditions and strategies to the marketing staff. division meeting is a meeting headed by each deputy chairperson and must be attended by each individual. on that occasion, heads of division provide information about their respective division's achievement so their division's performance will be known. furthermore, every individual has the right to give responses, suggestions or input for improvement, while each deputy chairperson has to coordinate and provide guidance for the heads of division, subdivision, and staff to enhance their performance. for example, there 5 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti are plenty of students in debt, then it is specifically deputy chairperson ii's job to instruct the billing process to be further improved. structurally, the internal supervisory unit (isu) is under the auspices of the head of stiami. the operational audit went well, and audit activities were carried out in all divisions quarterly. this audit aims to assess whether each individual in each section has carried out work procedures under company standards, as well as measuring whether the work procedures can improve internal control. if the standard procedure failed to generate internal control, then the internal auditor would render recommendations to stiami's chairperson to advance internal control to accomplish the company's goals and the objectives of the internal control system as a whole. a. risk interpretation every organization or company is bound to face some risks both from internal and external that can hinder them from achieving their objectives at some point. these risks are associated with establishing goals to be accomplished by the organization, scilicet operations efficiency and effectiveness, reliability of financial statements and compliance. therefore, each organization or company is obligated to interpret the risks they may face appropriately. stiami had interpreted the risks of misstatement possibilities, which arose from internal and external events such as: 1) placement of new employees in receivables receipts and billings. 2) changes in the accounts receivable accounting information system. 3) socialization of the new technology's usage in receivables receipts activity. 4) changes in accounts receivable accounting utilization principles. b. control activities control activities on accounts receivable at stiami can be classified into numerous activities e.g.: 1) new students' admission activities are done by the marketing division, while the head of marketing authorized new students' admissions approval. moreover, deputy chairperson ii and iii determined the tuition fees list, student admission requirements, and fees deduction. 2) responsibility and authorization activities over the transfer of receivables are done by class' personnel and treasurers, like the class cashier and treasurers responsibility in doing receipt transactions, recording receipts as an evidence of receivables deduction, and tuition fees' return, as well as the authority and 6 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti authorization of the head of the financial division and subdivision in leading their subordinates to improve their operating performance to acquire profitability. 3) segregation of duties by each section or functions associated with receivables such as: a) the admission section and the recording section for the number of students’ recapitulation are separated from each other. student admissions are arranged by the marketing staff, while the number of students’ recapitulation is done by the head of the marketing sub-division, and the head of the marketing division does the authorization. b) the receptions (cashier and class treasurers) are separated from the recording section (accounting staff). cashier and class treasures do the payment and account receivable receipts, while the accounting staff does the receivables recording. c) accounts receivable collections are different from the recording section (accounting staff). billing, especially in cooperative classes, is done by each class treasurer while accounts receivable mutation recording is done by the accounting staff. this aims to reduce deviations in the form of errors, fraud, or embezzlement of money or the company’s cash. d) accounts receivable documentation activities in the shape of: (1) cash or bank receipts are printed according to the serial number and maintained based on the print month, year, and number and signed by the head of finance plus stamped with the stiami logo. (2) students’ payment receipts issued by the cashier indicate the reduction of students’ accounts receivable who pay in the register and the cashier will file the document according to the month, year, and serial number. (3) students’ payment receipts issued by the class treasurers will be printed following the serial number, receipt’s date and signed by the class treasurers and stamped with the stiami logo. the receipts show the reduction in cooperation student’s receivables who make payments in the cooperation class. the document will be filed by each class treasurer in the order of month, year and serial number. (4) regular student debtors accounts or installments are 7 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti printed according to the major and class year. (5) cooperative or non-regular student debtors accounts or installments are printed according to the class and class year. (6) the class’ accounts receivable recap is made by the accounting and accounts receivable section staff which then are reported to the head of finance and archived by the head of finance, accounting staff, and the accounts receivable section itself. (7) daily cash statements prepared by the reception cashier from the regular or cooperative or non-regular classes are supporting documents for cash receipts from accounts receivable. e) reconciliation and internal audit, reconciliation and internal audit activities related to accounts receivable are: (1) accounts receivable section will send a debtor statement to every student periodically to evaluate the accuracy of the accounts receivable recordings made by each class treasurer, especially for cooperative students. (2) the accounting division has to coordinate bank statements with the accounts receivable collection record. this activity is done by the head of the finance sub-division. (3) the head of finance sub-division will coordinate the class treasurers’ accounts receivable collection recapitulation with the cashier’s accounts receivable collection record from the cooperation classes. (4) doing cross-check between cash receipts and disbursements (cash opname) from cashier and class treasurers with the existing cash balance record from the cashier and the class treasurers itself. this activity is also done by the head of the finance sub-division daily. f) competent employees, employees who perform accounts receivable control in stiami are competent, as seen from the management policies, such as: (1) the selective recruitment of prospective employees procedure is done through selection stages according to their respective fields, in which the applicants have a diploma in accounting economics with a gpa standard of 3,00 the least, and came from an accredited college for cashier staff and class treasurers, and a minimum of bachelor degree and is experienced within the field for the head of finance or accounting sub-division. 8 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti (2) the application of an employment contract system for new employees with three alternative considerations, such as the first alternative is if the employee’s performance is above the average, when the contract has expired, they would be appointed as a permanent employee. the second alternative is if the employee’s performance is slightly below average, then the contract would be extended until a specified time. the last alternative is if the employee’s performance is bad, then their contract would be terminated. the new employee’s performance is measured by the division’s head every three months through evaluations. 1)information and communication stiami’s accounts receivable information are from each division who is in charge of the accounts receivable, such as: a) information from the marketing division and class treasurers about the prospective and current students’ condition. this information is used to determine whether the students have met stiami’s regulations or not for prospective students, and whether the current students’ status as a stiami student deserves to be extended or not. b) information from marketing about prospective students’ current interests. this aims to determine the market share and how much interest do the prospective students have to choose stiami as one of the campuses to continue their studies. c) data from each class treasurers about the students’ payment history, especially for current cooperation students. this intends to anticipate overdue arrears because of students’ negligence in paying tuition. the information then processed and used as a decisionmaking tool by each division’s head or deputy chairman which later then is communicated to every individual both formally and informally. 2. supervision or monitoring stiami’s management has ruled definite responsibilities to each individual. the smooth running of accounts receivable is the responsibility of each individual who is in charge of accounts receivable, because between one division and other divisions are related to each other. for instance, the head of finance sub-division is also responsible for students’ arrears, either from regular or non9 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti regular or cooperation students, so they are also obligated in collecting and to monitor the student’s payment. likewise, the cashier and class treasurers are also obligated in collecting and constantly remind the students to pay their debts actively according to their installment made by the cashier and class treasurers. the appointed class treasurers and cashier are required to work optimally to minimize uncollectible accounts receivable. monitoring accounts receivable’s steadiness is the head of the finance division’s responsibility. every individual’s performance is always monitored based on accounts receivable recapitulation information from treasurers and cashier of the previous period. hence, from the receivables collection’s achievement, there would be an evaluation and the head of finance would follow up to assess each individual’s rank. this is related to giving out promotions and rewards or incentives. obstacles faced in internal control at stiami there are a few obstacles found in internal control at stiami, a few of them are: 1. control function a. in the accounting and finance division, there was a double-duty found. in the head of accounting and tax position, two officials are supposed to be in this position. but in reality, this position is only occupied by one official, so there was a pile-up of duties, authority, and delegation of responsibilities that may cause the operational implementation, especially in the financial statements presentations, to be hampered and ineffective. b. the accounting division was indeed done the recording and is separated from the revenue function, however in the implementation, this function sometimes also does the receive accounts receivable payment activity when one of the class treasurers or cashier needs someone to complete the task. because of that, the accounting division could not do accounts receivable recording and the financial statement would be hampered and did not finish on time. c. there is a pile-up of duties in the revenue function, especially the cashier. the cashier is only supposed to serve cash receipts and disbursements services, making daily cash recaps and making deposits to the bank. yet, they had to do recording plans and the realization of regular student payments activity too, when the activity should have been done by the class treasurers who are in charge and responsible for regular students’ payment history and students loans recording. 10 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti 2. information system used despite of the implementation of computer-based accounts receivable accounting system at stiami, there were a few weakness found which had become obstacles in the implementation of internal control, such as: a. cooperation class’ accounts receivable system recording was still made manually by inputting accounts receivable realization plans to excel and not programmed in the finance information system in stiami’s financial division. in other words, the program was only automatically recapitulating the addition and reduction of regular classes’ accounts receivable. so finding out non-regular or cooperation classes’ receivable balance is not as easy as the regular classes. b. academic information system that is available in the students’ course selection sheet is only for students from regular classes. so when non-regular or cooperation students did some changes in the semester course credit, the accounts receivable bill did not change automatically according to the amount of the student’s course credit. c. the weakness of stiami’s system in receiving accounts receivable payment activities have caused cash or bank receipts having the same numbers but with different students’ name, and resulting in one of the student’s payment data lost or was replaced automatically. d. the course selection form for non-regular or cooperation classes was still being noted and printed manually so students can easily change their course credit without any confirmation to the academic division. this may cause a data mismatch between the finance division and the student itself. e. non-regular or cooperation classes’ student debtors accounts were also made and printed manually, so when students made their payment, the bill would not change automatically according to the nominal the student has paid. the efforts that have been made to minimalize the obstacles of the internal control system towards accounts receivable accounting system at stiami the efforts that have been made by stiami’s management in minimalizing the obstacles are as follow: 1. control function a. there was a selection for competent employees, especially in tax or accounting division, so they can be recommended as the head of the accounting or tax sub-division. with this position 11 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti and human resources addition separation, hopefully, the workload, authorities, and responsibilities will run effectively. b. when the class treasurers or cashier could not come, then the delegation of receivables, especially the cooperation class receivables, authority is carried out by the head of finance subdivision, so that the accounting department can continue to carry out its activities as usual. c. to reduce the cashier's burdening tasks of recording the realization plan for the regular students’ accounts receivable receipts, the management held a selection for prospective employees or adding competent human resources, especially in the financial section who would later be assigned as a regular class treasurers’ who is going to record the realization of regular students’ payment plans and recapitulate regular class receivables. 2. information system due to the differences in using the financial information systems and academic information systems between the regular and nonregular or cooperation classes, the management has made an effort to centralize the existing system and apply it to all classes: regular and non-regular or cooperation classes. conclusion 1. the internal control applied in stiami. overall, the internal control procedures towards the accounts receivable accounting system at stiami is quite effective, where the company’s management has applied the basic concepts and principles of internal control. in addition, the control environment has also run well, indicated by the independence of the audit committee or the internal supervisory unit (isu) in which are right under the head of stiami auspices, as well as the implemented control concept applied by the deputy chairman line and the head of division are going well too. however, there are some procedures that do not reflect the internal control concept yet, such as the ineffective duties segregation, in which the function that collects receivables is the same as the revenue function. according to the control concept, the accounts receivable collector should not occupy the revenue section as well. 2. there are a few obstacles found in the implementation of internal control at stiami, scilicet in the control function, there were doubleduty found, namely in the head of accounting and tax position, so there was a pile-up of duties, authority, and delegation of responsibilities that may cause the operational implementation, 12 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis of the accounts receivable internal control system at stiami institute andrayanti especially in the financial statements presentations, to be hampered and ineffective. besides, in the information system used, the accounts receivable recording system for cooperation classes was made manually and not programmed in the finance information system in stiami’s finance division, resulting in data mismatch between the student in non-regular classes with the existing accounts receivable data in the finance division sometimes. moreover, the time needed to find out the non-regular or cooperation classes’ accounts receivable balance was not as easy and fast as the regular classes. 3. the efforts that stiami has made in minimalizing the obstacles in the implementation of internal control are as follow: in the control function, there was a selection for competent employees, especially in tax or accounting division, so they can be recommended as the head of the accounting or tax sub-division. with this position and human resources addition separation, hopefully, the workload, authorities, and responsibilities will run effectively. meanwhile in the information system, due to the differences in using the financial information systems and academic information systems between the regular and non-regular or cooperation classes, the management has made an effort to centralize the existing system and apply it to all classes: regular and non-regular or cooperation classes. based on the conclusion above, then the suggestions the writer can offer are: 1. internal control system at stiami. in addition to being carried out by the internal supervisory unit owned by stiami management, the monitoring and supervision should be carried out by the external audit as well, in order to achieve the company's internal control objectives, scilicet the reliability of financial statements, compliance towards the laws and regulations applied, and operation’s effectiveness and efficiency. 2. the management 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(2021). corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting.2(4),323-331. abstract: this research aims to explore the instability of the dividend distribution policy of listed companies on the indonesian stock exchange. researchers use several main variables as indicators to measure their impact on dividend policy. the samples used are 75 manufacturing companies. data analysis technology uses descriptive statistical analysis and e-views 6.0 as data processing tools. the results of this study show that the audit committee has a negative and insignificant influence on dividend policy. at the same time, independent committees, public interest, company size and profitability have a positive and significant impact on dividend policy. keywords: corporate governance, dividend policy, evidence from indonesia this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction corporate governance is the art of directing and controlling an organization by balancing the various needs of stakeholders. this often involves conflicts of interest between various stakeholders and ensures that the organization is well managed, which means that processes, procedures and policies are implemented in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability (gyimah et al., 2021). whenever talking about corporate governance, it must be remembered that organizations have duties and responsibilities towards their shareholders and stakeholders and therefore must be regulated in accordance with the law and with due regard for the interests of stakeholders and shareholders. (lehn, 2021) the next aspect of corporate governance is that the notion of economic efficiency must be followed when directing, managing and controlling an organization. for example, the fact that a company exists to make a profit and hence profitability and revenue should be a goal that a company should strive for (ahmad et al., 2021). of course, this does not mean that companies can cut corners in the pursuit of profit and power and hence like the principles in the previous paragraph, corporate governance means that companies should strive to generate revenues and profits in a transparent and accountable manner. this means that the way the corporation is managed and directed must be carried out in accordance with the norms and standard procedures that apply to ethical and normative behavior (van hoang et al., 2021). corporate governance has been in the news over the past decade following a spate of scandals engulfing companies that led to their collapse due to mismanagement. this prompts regulators corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 324 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting around the world to implement various measures and rules to control irresponsible companies that will damage the prospects of companies and harm their shareholders and stakeholders. broadly speaking, corporate governance includes various fair treatment and treatment of shareholders and the interest to follow ethical business conduct and integrity practices (ali et al., 2021). alot of companies mostly use sources of finances from liability or capital while working their business. both sources of financing can be conducted within the capital market. the company’s capital market will be used for growth while at the same time creating profits for the company that is operating (tang, 2021). the capital market develops every time, and the company's goal is to increase their capital in bussiness (puspitaningtyas et al., 2019). company leaders can manage these funds by re-investing in the form of operating assets, repaying liability, or dispersing them to shareholders in the form of dividends. yet, when the company formulates a dividend policy, problems arise. whether dividends are distributed in cash, stock profits, or else other forms. while investors make investments, they have to initially choose a company with good performance so that they can make accepted profits. however, since only organization or insiders see the company's performance, investors are constrained by the trouble of incomplete data. so, investors have to see financial statements to give an indication of the company's performance in order to provide a foundation for taking investment choices. (afriani et al., 2013) topic related to profit policy and payment will have an impact for investors. investors certainly assume the dividend sharing to stabilize and increase year by year. milton clarified that this would be a problem for investors in a country where the capital gains mechanism is particularly low (asiri et al., 2018). questions about profit policy are also connected to the agency issues. according to the agency theory by jansen and meckling, there is a clash of interest between the principal and the manager because they work for individual profit. then again, this is not the case in underdeveloped countries, where the idea is quiet not extensively worn in businesses. (agustia & suryani, 2018) the agency conflict inside the capital market occurs among large and small shareholders. most large shareholders have a tendency to take over. then, a mechanism to ensure minor and medium shareholders is needed (sriayu & mimba, 2013). one such mechanism is good corporate governance. if the corporate governance mechanism does not effort within the company or does not function normally, it forced to lower the trust of shareholders and the price of the company. concurring to setiawan and phua (puspitaningtyas et al., 2019), there are two hypotheses related to the agency theory of profit policy and corporate governance, is the income theory and the substitution theory. income theory holds that companies along with excellent capital gains give more safety for investors' privileges because companies with improved governance will give more profits than instruments with little capital gains (dewata et al., 2017). the company's profitability in addition has a positive affect at the dividend policy, and companies that recieved more profits will give extra dividends to their investors. it is means, companies with minor profit will give investors lesser dividends. the company size variable is characterized as the range by which the company size can be classified in numerous other ways, expressed in the form of whole assets, stock market price, etc. the results present that the size of the enterprise can have a advanced level of growth opportunities and can give extra dividends. this is for the reason that the advanced the company’s growth rate, the larger the company’s scale and the need for more capital for reinvestment. in addition, the company must monitor the behavior of managers consequently so they are not narrow minded, and the company owner have to be prepared to give agency fees. solitary way to cut this situation is to boost the management ownership of the company. because managerial ownership aligns the interests of management and shareholders, it can decrease agency conflicts. the table below shows the performance of one manufacturing corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 325 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting business recorded in the indonesia stock exchange (idx) since 2018 to 2020. (natasa & trisnawati, 2021) table 1. dividend policy (in billion) no name in 2018 in 2019 1 unilever indonesia tbk 6,981,450 11,401.150 2 indo kordsa tbk 5,968,610 9,346,491 3 shoes bata tbk 18,538,000 9,194,150 source : the issue wonders that the shoes bata tbk company practised profit flimsiness in its company which caused a diminish within profits, which can be seen from the table 1 over in 2018 and 2019 with a huge ostensible contrast, not as it were so as to the unilever indonesia tbk, it really expanded within the past 2018 with 6,981,450 whereas in 2019 it got to be 11,401,150 with an inconsequential rise in profits, conjointly happened to indo kordsa tbk in 2018 with 5,968,610 and in 2019 with 9,346,491. profit flimsiness happens in fabricating companies recorded on the indonesia stock trade for the 2018-2019 cycle, watching the unsteady profit approach stage each year in benefit contribution. not as it were to the company's capacity to create benefits is communicated by the level of benefit, where the benefits gotten by the company will decide how much profits will be paid afterwards to shareholders and the rest will move into held profit. hence, the title of this research is "corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy: evidence from indonesia". from the up-stories, the questions above, this research will analyze the characteristics of corporate governance and dividend policy of manufacturing firms that listed on the indonesian stock exchange. judging by the results of the investigation, it would be manifest as the questions: 1. does the audit committee affect the dividend policy? 2. does the independent committee affect the dividend policy? 3. will public ownership affect dividend policy? 4. does the size of the company affect the dividend policy? 5. will the dividend policy affect profitability? 6. do the audit committee, independent members, public ownership, company size, and profitability affect dividend policy? the limitations in this research are: 1. in terms of governance, the researchers just limited the three audit committee indicators, independent members and public ownership, because these three indicators have a big effect in the improved of stocks and are responsible for shares to investors. 2. on the characteristics of the firm, the we limited the size and profitability of the company as two indicators, because many investors buy shares to see the size and profitability of the company. 3. the data used for the time since 2018-2020 then, the purpose for this research is: 1. to test whether the audit committee affects the determination of the company's dividend policy 2. to test whether the independent committee affects the determination of the company's dividend policy 3. testing the influence of public ownership in determining the company's dividend policy 4. inspect the company size affects the determination of the company's dividend policy corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 326 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 5. test company profitability to determine dividend policy 6. test audit committee, independent members, public ownership, company size, and profitability affect the company to determine dividend policy framework the framework may be an abstract framework of however theory is connected with indicators outlined as vital issues. therefore during this analysis is seen the shape of the framework as follows: picture 1. framework source: concept developed for research 2021 hypothesis the hypothesis is within the variety of a brief answer to the analysis downside suggestion that has been expressed in the form of an issue and answer sentence whereas stated relies on the relevant theory, and isn't supported empirical proof obtained from knowledge collection. the hypotheses planned by this study are: h1: the size of the audit committee has an effect on dividend policy h2 : independent commissioners have an effect on dividend policy h3: public ownership have an affects dividend policy h4: firm size has an effect on dividend policy h5: profitability has an effect on dividend policy h6 : corporate governance and characteristics affect dividend policy method the population is a collection of all objects in the study. the population is an area of generalization made up of objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by the researcher under study and then draw conclusions (sugiono, 2013). manufacturing companies listed on the indonesian stock exchange for the period 2018-2020, consisting of 135 manufacturing companies. the sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population, what is learned from the sample, the conclusions are applied to the population so that the sample drawn is considered representative of the entire population studied (sugiono, 2013). the sampling method used in this study is based on the deliberate sampling technique targeted sampling is a sampling audit committee independent commissioners public ownership firm size profitability dividend policy corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 327 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting technique with specific considerations or criteria (sujarweni, 2016). the sampling criteria selected in this research include the following: 1. the manufacturing companies that listed in the indonesian stock exchange (idx) in the period 2018-2020 2. the manufacturing companies that publish annual statements in the rupiah currency 3. the manufacturing companies that publish complete and consistent annual and financial reports in the indonesian stock exchange ( idx) for the period up to december 31, 20182020 table 2. sampling procedure no criteria amount 1 the manufacturing companies that listed in the indonesian stock exchange (idx) in the period 2018-2020 135 2 the manufacturing companies that publish annual statements in the rupiah currency (33) 3 the manufacturing companies that publish complete and consistent annual and financial reports in the indonesian stock exchange ( idx) for the period up to december 31, 2018-2020 (27) sum selected companies sum sample taken (75x3 period) number of samples 75 225 225 therefore, the sample used in this study includes 75 manufacturing companies that are listed on the indonesian stock exchange (idx) for the period 2018-2020. variable operational definition this section explains the definition of each variable used, along with their operations and measurements. according to the title of the study, namely, "corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy: evidence from indonesia", the operational variables are the following: table 3 operational variables no. variable definition scale 1. audit committee (x1) it is a group of people chosen from a larger select group to perform specific tasks, to perform specific tasks. in ratio 2. independent commissioner (x2) independent commissioners are members of the board of directors who are close to the management, other members of the board of directors and majority shareholders who are free from business or other relationships. in ratio 3. public ownership (x3) public ownership is shares owned by the public in ratio corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 328 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 4. company size (x4) company size is a form of company size measured in terms of assets, the sales value of stocks. in ratio 5. profitability (x5) this index measures the company's ability to generate profits (profitability). in ratio 6. dividend policy (y) dividend policy is a policy that determines whether the profits generated by the company will be used to pay dividends. in ratio source: by the author 2021 . result and discussion hypothesis test both the simultaneous effect test (ftest) and the local effect test (ttest) are based on the cem model, as shown in table 4, again as follows: table 4 common effect model (cem) test results variable coefficient std. error tstatistic prob. c 6.167006 33.02077 0.186761 0.8520 x1 -0.062269 0.048811 -1.275723 0.2034 x2 0.478843 0.160465 2.984097 0.0032 x3 5.274384 3.593955 1.467571 0.1437 x4 0.010012 0.011233 0.891271 0.3738 x5 0.222517 0.108723 2.046637 0.0419 root mse 25.96883 r-squared 0.082818 mean dependent var 41.29333 adjusted r-squared 0.061878 s.d. dependent var 27.17639 s.e. of regression 26.32216 akaike info criterion 9.405004 sum squared resid 151735.5 schwarz criterion 9.496100 log likelihood -1052.063 hannan-quinn criter. 9.441771 f-statistic 3.954977 durbin-watson stat 0.969936 prob(f-statistic) 0.001873 source: researcher process 2021 multiple linear regression analysis the purpose of multiple regression analysis is to analyze the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. if the value of the dependent variable increases or decreases, it also determines whether the direction of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is positive or negative. . this study uses multiple regression analysis to test the independent variables, that is, the impact of the audit committee, independent members, public ownership, company size, and profitability on the company's dependent variable dividend policy. according to the data in table 12, the panel data regression equation of the value of manufacturing companies listed on the indonesian stock exchange from 2018 to 2020 can be obtained as follows: y = 6.16 – 0.06x1 + 0.47x2 + 5.27x3 + 0.01x4 + 0.22x5 + e the following is an explanation of the regression equation for the above panel data: corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 329 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. the constant value (a) 6.61 can be interpreted as if the value of the variables such as audit committee, independent members, public ownership, company size and profitability were zero, the value of the dividend policy is 6 , 61 2. value of the multiple regression coefficient of the audit committee variable it is negative, which is 0.06. it can be explained that the audit committee reduces by one unit, assuming that other variables have fixed values, the dividend policy will be reduced by 0.06 units. a negative coefficient means that the smaller the audit committee, the lower the dividend policy by 6%. 3. the value of the multiple regression coefficient of the independent committee variables is 0.47 positive, that is,. therefore, it can be explained that for each additional unit of the independent commissioner, under the assumption that other variables have fixed values, the dividend policy will increase by 0.47 units. a positive coefficient means that an increase in the number of independent committee members will increase the dividend policy by 47%. 4. the value of the multiple regression coefficient of the publicly owned variables is positive 5.27, that is,. therefore, it can be explained that, assuming that other variables are fixed values, for each additional unit of public property, the dividend policy will increase by 5.27 units. the positive coefficient means that the increase in public ownership will increase the dividend policy by 527%. 5. the value of the multiple regression coefficient for the company size variable is 0.01, which is positive. therefore, it can be explained that for each unit of increase in the size of the company, under the assumption that other variables have fixed values, the dividend policy will increase by 0.01 unit. the positive coefficient indicates that expanding the company's scale will increase the 1% dividend policy. 6. the value of the multiple regression coefficient of the profit variable is 0.22, which is positive. therefore, it can be explained that for each unit of increase in profitability, the dividend policy will increase by 0.22 units under the assumption that other variables have fixed values. the positive coefficient means that the increase in profitability will increase the dividend policy by 22%. partial effect significance test (t-test) the following is an explanation of the regression equation for the previous panel data: 1. the count of the audit committee variable is 1.275723, so tcount 0.05 (0.2034> 0.05). from these results it can be seen that the role of the audit committee is negative and insignificant. 2. the tcount of the independent commissioner's variable is 2.984097, so tcount 1.970806) and a probability value. 0.0032, therefore, tcount <0> ttable (1.467571 <1> 0.05 (0.1437> 0.05). from these results, they show that public ownership has a positive effect, which can be ignored 3. public ownership variable is 1.467571, so count> ttable (1.467571 <1> 0.05 (0.1437> 0.05). these results indicate that public property has a positive and negligible effect. 4. the tcount of the company size variable is 0.891271. therefore, tcount 0.05 (0.3738> 0.05) from these results, it can be seen that the company size has a positive effect and is not significant. 5. the tcount of the profitability variable is 2.046637, so tcount 1.970806) and the probability value. 0.0419, so tcount <0.05 (0.0419 <0.05). these results show that the size of the company has a positive and significant impact. corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 330 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting simultaneous effect significance test (f-test) the f test is designed to examine the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable, at the same time or at the same time. in this test, using a significance level of 0.05, the first degree of freedom (df) = k1 (where k is the number of independent variables) and the second degree of freedom (df2) = n k (where n is the number of independent variables)) research sample, k is the number of independent variables). so from this formula, calculate (df) 51 = 4, (df2) 225-5 = 220, so ftable is 2.416800. it has the following test standards: a. ho is accepted if fcount > ftable and ha is rejected if fcount < ftable the simultaneous effect test (ftest) is shown in table 12. according to table 12, it can be seen that fcount is 3.954777>f table value is 2.416800. therefore, it can be concluded that the audit committee, independent committee members, public ownership, company size, and overall profitability affect the dividend policy. determination test (r2) the coefficient of determination (r2) is used to determine the percentage of contribution of the independent variables to the dependent variable. in this study, the value of r-squared is used to see the magnitude of the coefficient of determination. this is because if the regression uses two independent variables, the r-squared value is usually used to measure the contribution of the impact. the coefficient of determination in this study is used to determine the percentage of contribution that the audit committee, independent committee members, public ownership, company size, and overall profitability (at the same time) contribute to the dividend policy. according to the test of the coefficient of determination in table 12, it can be seen that the adjusted r-squared value is 0.061878. this means that the audit committee, independent committee members, public ownership, company size, and profitability as a whole (at the same time) only affect 6.1%, with the remaining 93.9% affected by other factors. not examined in this study. conclusion according to the discussion in the previous chapter, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. the negative influence of the audit committee on the dividend policy is negligible 2. the independent committee has a positive and significant influence on the dividend policy. 3. public ownership on dividends the policy has a positive impact and can be ignored. 4. the size of the company has a positive but negligible impact on the dividend policy. 5. profitability has a positive and significant impact on dividend policy. suggestion although the suggestions that this research can make include: 1. companies and investors should pay attention to the experience of audit committees, independent committees, public ownership, company size and profitability, as it is has been empirically demonstrated in results management based on this. investigate. 2. in future research on similar topics, other variables that affect earnings management can be added, such as the earnings ratio corporate governance, characteristics on dividend policy : evidence from indonesia satria, alamsyahbana, chartady, fauzi, saputra 331 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reference 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benefit. tax auditing is a tool to ensure that the party who received the income in treaty partner countries is the beneficial owner (bo) thus there will be no misused of p3b/treaty abuse. exchange of information (eoi) is a tool for gaining information, evidence, and/or explanation to gain a conviction of who are truly received the benefit. considering the importance of quality of investigation to appeal in tax court, it is interesting to review about the usage of exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of tax investigation of bo dispute, in this case, directorate of objection and appeal. in arranging this research, researchers used a qualitative approach considering the focus of research is the usage of eoi on the investigation which has many factors and not monocausal means there is no one single cause from social reality. this research intends to know the use of eoi in increasing quality of tax auditing if it is reviewed from tax court verdict, supporting entities and the efforts which support the use of eoi in increasing the investigation of beneficial owner dispute. the result of this research explains that eoi usage to increase the quality of tax auditing of beneficial owner dispute has not been maximal or still low if it is assessed from the tax court verdict which dgt's percentage of losing verdict is higher than winning verdict. factors that contributes the usage of eoi in increasing the quality of examination is human resource, which have good quality and quantity of examiner, competent database system and good obedience of taxpayers, good technique of examining, clear and not 26| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik misinterpreted rules of bo and eoi, good cooperation between partner country, good coordination and support in internal unit of djp. meanwhile, entities that could obstruct usage of eoi in increasing investigation quality of beneficial owner dispute is the human resource, which means that investigation quality that has to be increased and quantity of the investigators that are not sufficient. directorate general of taxes not yet has competent database, low obedience of taxpayers, absence of rules about investigation technique about beneficial owner dispute, limited period of investigation, different interpretations from judges, inchoate and unclear information in eoi, answers of eoi request that has not fulfilled by cooperating countries and unclear and weak rules about beneficial owner keyword: exchange of information, eoi, beneficial owner, bo introduction in examining the obedience of taxpayers about the implementation of taxation law and regulation, the directorate general of taxation has the right to do an investigation. this is done to know the truth about transactional recording and the accuracy of financial statements that had arranged from accounting. therefore, an investigation is necessary. if the taxpayer investigation stated that the amount of loss, tax, and collection or discount is not supposed to be, then the taxpayer could submit the objection only to directorate general of taxation, and if the objection is not satisfying the taxpayer can appeal through tax court. table 1. number of dispute in tax court on 2011-2016 n o appellee / defendant numbers of document received 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1 directorate general of tax 5.114 5.188 7.289 7.454 7.080 2 directorate general of customs and excise 1.754 2.749 3.016 4.068 3.023 3 regional government 485 462 561 964 50 total 7.353 8.399 10.866 12.486 10.153 source: considering the importance of exchange of information (eoi) to determine the strength of a beneficial owner dispute which going to be put 27 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik on trial in tax court, analysis of eoi usage is an interesting thing to do to increase the investigation quality on beneficial owner dispute (bacchetta & espinosa, 1995). the term beneficial owner has been introduced in the law of income tax, as the party who received the actual benefit from the income that has been received from a sourcing country (bacchetta & espinosa, 2000). taxpayer behavior in reality, with forming a scheme which done to get a facility, for example, a decrease of tax discount that has been provided by a tax treaty, by a tax subject which has no right to get the facility (giuliodori & beetsma, 2008). this is caused by using articles in the tax treaty that are not suitable for the purpose and objectives of the tax treaty (gallemore & labro, 2015). to prove the true receiver of the benefit, it is not sufficient to prove just based on internal data of directorate general of tax or any data from the taxpayer, because it involves the information of receiver entities in treaty cooperating country. therefore, the eoi procedure has an important role to find the necessary information to prove the benefit receiver of the income that has received. this research on eoi usage in increasing the quality of investigation about beneficial owner dispute is using the verdict of tax court in directorate of objection and appeal, main office directorate general of taxes. the verdict is the verdict of tax court of the beneficial owner that has been resolved in 2013 to 2015. table 2. numbers of dispute settlement of beneficial owner in tax court 2013 to 2015 no types of verdict 2013 2014 2015 grand total 1 partially granted 0 1 1 2 2 fully granted 19 38 24 81 3 declined application 0 6 0 6 jumlah 19 45 25 89 source: directorate of objection and appeal as seen from the table above, the verdict of the tax court about beneficial owner disputes from 2013 until 2015, there is more granted appeal than to hold the correction. this indicates the low quality of tax examination on beneficial owner disputes. more likely, a country will have a loss if a beneficial owner does not take into consideration. because for payment of interest, dividend and royalty to another country, should be decreased from 20% into 10% or 0%. 28 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik as seen from the table above, the verdict of the tax court about beneficial owner disputes from 2013 until 2015, there is more granted appeal than to hold the correction. this indicates the low quality of tax examination on beneficial owner disputes. more likely, a country will have a loss if a beneficial owner does not take into consideration. because for payment of interest, dividend and royalty to another country, should be decreased from 20% into 10% or 0%. method neuman differentiates the research approach into qualitative and quantitative approaches (neuman, 2011). in arranging this research, the researchers used a qualitative approach considering the focus of this research is the quality of examination which has many factors and monocausal, meaning that there is no one single cause of social reality. the other reason why the researchers used qualitative approach is that the research cannot be done experimentally as stated by marshall and rossman (1999:46) "….. research cannot be done experimentally for practical or ethical reasons"(marshall & rossman, 1999). quality of investigation is the tipping point of law enforcement in the general directorate of tax. consequently, qualitative approach is considered could determine the obedience level of taxpayers because the researchers themselves interviewed without any third parties. result and discussion community development effort through the self-assessment system needs to be followed by monitoring to actualize the goal of tax wisdom. consequently, the tax auditors in doing their monitoring duty, need to be supported by supporting factors, one of them is to imply strategical action to increase the amount of taxpayers' obedience. because the main goal of tax auditing is to increase tax compliance through law enforcement efforts to increase the tax revenue. related to the investigation of beneficial owner dispute basically to ensure that foreign taxpayers deserve rate discount from 20% to 10% or 0% on interest, dividend and royalty income. one of the monitoring forms on discount/collection reporting done by taxpayers about beneficial owner dispute is director general of tax regulation number 61/pj/2009 and director general of tax regulation number 62/pj/2009. those regulations 29 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik are domestic antitreaty abuse rules that can be implied and not contrary to other regulations in the tax treaty (p3b). quality of tax investigation on beneficial owner dispute, reviewed from the verdict of tax court which percentage of loss is bigger than winning is still low. usage on exchange of information in the investigation is expected to increase the quality of investigation on the beneficial owner dispute. with enhancement on the quality of investigation, it is expected to decrease the amount of tax dispute in objection level, and in the end increased the taxpayer obedience in fulfilling taxation duty (bucovetsky, marchand, & pestieau, 1998; eggert & kolmar, 2004). that in exchange of information implementation, there are principles that have to be watched out for as stated on other tax regulation, inter alia, minister of finance regulation no. 39/pmk.03/2017 about information exchanged, obligation to keep it confidential, possible condition to conduce eoi, conditions that have to be fulfilled before doing eoi. among other principles that have to be watched out, eoi implementation is strongly related to the human role, in this case, tax auditor. in monitoring beneficial owner case, is very important for tax auditors to understand the case that they are working on and regulations about thus the monitoring implementation can determine a precise investigating technique such as types of data that is used to plan eoi, choosing information of which going to be asked, understanding regulations, domestic, cross-country, international, etc (markis, 2003). according to interview results with informants from internal, practitioner, consultant, or academician, entities that supports the usage of exchange of information in increasing the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute is human resource, i.e, quantity, and quality of investigators, competent database, auditing technique, periods of auditing, regulations on beneficial owner, good obedience of taxpayer, cooperation between treaty partner countries, and coordination between djp units. meanwhile, the obstacles that can be found in utilizing exchange of information in order to increase the quality of tax auditing on beneficial owner disputes are human resources, i.e, quality and quantity of auditor that still considered less competent, directorate general of taxation has not had competent database, there are not yet any regulations about auditing technique about beneficial owner disputes, limited period, low obedience of taxpayers, different interpretations between judges about beneficial owner 30 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik provisions, incomplete information of eoi and answer that has not yet fulfilled by partner countries. according to interview results with informants from internal, practitioner, consultant, and taxpayers, efforts that could be done to increase the investigation quality on beneficial owner dispute are to increase the quality of investigator human resource, forming a competent database system, increase the knowledge awareness of taxpayers, arranging regulation about direction of investigation technique on beneficial owner dispute, increase the length of investigation period, arranging a clear law about beneficial owner in determining which has more authority in indonesia's law and regulation—minister of finance regulation, increasing the cooperation with tax treaty partner countries to harmonize the rules about beneficial owner and maintain the coordination among internal unit of directorate general of tax. conclusion according to result about analysis of the exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to the verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal, main office of directorate general of tax can be concluded along these lines: 1. eoi usage in tax auditing about bo has a significant role in increasing the quality of investigation. information in eoi can be used as evidence in conducting fiscal correction. usage of eoi procedure in the investigation has to consider the principles that have been set in tax regulation, i.a, information that could be exchanged, obligation to keep it confidential, possible condition to conduct eoi, conditions that should be fulfilled before conducting eoi. implementation of eoi has a strong relationship with the human role, in this case, the tax auditor. it is important for tax auditor in investigating beneficial owner dispute, to understand the case and related regulation so that in investigating there is precise investigation technique such as types of necessary, planning the eoi, choosing information that probably will be requested, understanding the regulation—domestic, cross country, international, etc. therefore, in investigating, understanding and experience are necessary for investigators about the importance of eoi and regulation of bo itself. coordination among internal units in directorate general of tax who are in charge of eoi and support from 31 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik institution in form of, i.a, courses, training, or supervision, are important for supporting eoi implementation. tax audit quality in beneficial owner dispute is still low, reviewed from the verdict of tax court where the losing percentage of directorate general of tax is higher than winning percentage. 2. according to the result, known the quality level of tax auditing can be reviewed from many angles, such as weakness of data, low competence of auditor, the period of investigation, and unbinding regulation. supporting entities that can back up the usage of eoi in increasing the quality of tax auditing on bo dispute is human resource, those are good quality and quantity of adequate investigator, competent database, obedience of taxpayer, appropriate investigation technique, and clear and unambiguous regulation of bo and eoi, good cooperation between partner countries, solid coordination and support around dgt internal unit. entities that obstruct eoi usage in increasing the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute are human resource, those are quality of investigator that needs to be improved, inadequate quantity of investigator, incompetent database of dgp, limited period of investigation, judge's misinterpretation, insufficient and unclear information in eoi, answer of eoi request that has not immediately fulfilled by government, and ambiguous and undependable bo regulation.. after an in-depth interview to the informants from judges of tax court, revenue officer, practitioner, and academician, the results of this research are: 1. eoi can increase the quality of the investigation. following taxation general provisions law article 29 section (2), the opinion and conclusion of the investigator shall be based on strong and coherent evidence also based on provisions of the taxation law and regulation. 2. quality of tax auditing on beneficial owner dispute is still low of assessed from tax court verdict where the percentage of dgt losing is bigger than winning. 3. an effective method in conducting eoi procedure is eoi by request or eoi which conducted through request. 4. the main elements of eoi are the demand of information alongside the evidence about bo's transaction and adjusted with applicable tax provisions. 32 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik 5. related to tax provision that arranged beneficiary owner criteria, especially director general of tax regulation number per-61/pj/2009 stdd per24/pj/2010 and per-62/pj/2009 stdd per-25/pj/2010 have clearly stated, but there are still some conditions about bo that make possible to different interpretation that could provoke the dispute with the taxpayer. 6. in conducting eoi, dgt does not need to ask the competent authority for determining the party that receives the benefit (bo) from the income received from indonesia. considering now every citizen has the right to issue the provision about the definition and determination of foreign taxpayer (ft) as a beneficial owner. under oecd model, un model and treaty indonesia and contracting state highlighted that interpretation on terminology that used in the double tax treaty (international meaning) should be interpreted based on the definition in which regulated on domestic law (domestic meaning) from the country that holds the treaty. 7. director general of tax regulation number per-61/pj./2009 about the administrative procedure as the clue for discounters to get treaty benefits. if the discounter can make use of the treaty, then discounter can get as much as a treaty (relief of source) if taxpayer complaint can be done a refund effort (relief at refund). director general of tax regulation number per-62/pj./2009 for the prevention of treaty misuse, a treaty for expediting the service and good flow is not only for treaty benefit. 8. form dgt-1 and dgt-2 in per-61/pj/2009 and beneficial owner criteria in per-62/pj/2009 have not sufficiently proved that the party who received foreign income is the beneficial owner. beneficial owner examining can be used with the approach of misuse of tax treaty (treaty abuse). to examine this treaty abuse, it is done by conducting an exchange of information. based on result data of that exchange of information, the beneficial owner is analyzed, a company is not a beneficial owner if fulfill the conditions: a. the company was established in tax treaty cooperating state or the structure setting / transaction scheme was not only aimed for tax treaty utilization; b. business activity is managed by own management which has sufficient authority to do transactions c. the company has employees ; d. have business activity or active business; 33 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik e. income from indonesia is in tax debt in received country; and f. not using 50% (fifty percent) of the total income to fulfill the liability to any other party in form of: interest, royalty, and any other honorarium. 9. director general of tax regulation number 61/pj./2009 and director general of tax regulation number 62/pj./2009 about the anticipation of treaty abuse that has been changed into per-25/pj/2010, in this case, it is a form of domestic anti-treaty abuse rules that could be applied with provisions from tax treaty. the weakness of director general of tax regulation number per-61/pj./2009 and per-61/pj./2009 is the legal force because director general of tax regulation is not included in the hierarchy of law and regulations and not mandated by law. 10. the related case of beneficial owner in the world that can be used as references such as indofood (uk), prevost 2006 (canada) and v. sa sweden (2001) 11. entities that supports the eoi usage in increasing the quality of tax auditing on beneficial owner dispute are good quality and quantity of investigator, competent database, obedience of taxpayer, appropriate investigation technique, and clear and unambiguous regulation of bo and eoi, good cooperation between cooperating countries, solid coordination and support around dgt internal unit. 12. entities that obstruct eoi usage to increase the quality of investigation of beneficial owner dispute are human resource, those are inadequate quality and quantity of investigator, incompetent database of dgp, limited period of investigation, weak regulations about beneficial owner, judge's misinterpretation, insufficient and unclear information in eoi, answer of eoi request that has not immediately fulfilled by cooperating government. 13. efforts that could be done to support eoi usage in increasing the quality of tax auditing and beneficial owner dispute are to increase the quality of investigator human resource, forming a competent database system, increase the knowledge awareness of taxpayers, arranging regulation about direction of investigation technique on beneficial owner dispute, adding length of investigation period, arranging a clear law about beneficial owner in determining which has more authority in indonesia's law and regulation—minister of finance regulation, increasing the cooperation with tax treaty cooperating countries or oecd and harmonizing the coordination among internal dgt units (michalos, 2019) 34 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik suggestions that the researchers could give related to the result of research are among these lines: 1. investigator human resource policies a. increasing in human resource capacity through programs: socialization, sharing knowledge, seminars, crash courses, in-house training about the theory and eoi implementation or international taxation theory especially about beneficial owner dispute from international directorate of tax. increasing in the capacity of human resource is done thoroughly, considering there are not any specialization in investigators that only handling beneficial owner investigation. b. forming the international taxation team but still refers to international taxation provision that applicable and other country provisions that applied technical guidance or assistance to the functional including truth investigator and appeal officers about eoi usage and beneficial owner disputes. c. improvement in mutation pattern with looking at specialization note owned by each investigator 2. forming competent database with: a. maximizing the exchange of information with tax treaty cooperating countries' taxation authority. hence, complete data from exchange of information can be obtained in a short time i.a, financial report, deed of incorporation, cooperation income tax return, list of directors and commissioners, and photos of cooperation in cooperating countries. the database is also necessary for spontaneous or automatic eoi with the database which indonesia have can do spontaneous and automatic eoi so that cooperating countries are delightfully expected to do the same treatment and give the answers on every requested information in eoi; b. synergy and cooperation with the related institution on database forming; c. forming an integrated database in tax authority in indonesia about the cross-border transaction which occurs to the indonesian taxpayer. 3. investigation policies: 35 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1oct2019 analysis on exchange of information (eoi) to increase the quality of investigation on beneficial owner dispute (bo) according to verdict of tax court from 2013 to 2015 in directorate of objection and appeal hartasetiadi, sidik a. making provisions about investigation technique guidance on beneficial owner disputes. thus, the technique can be used as investigating reverence in order to investigating beneficial owner dispute related especially how to take advantage or investigation period with eoi usage about getting eoi answer from competent authority (ca) of cooperating states or possibility about evidence information development or explanation that requires eoi with previous cooperating country ca, or even other countries ca. b. extended period of investigation. investigation period in special criteria is 4 months, with that time, investigators found it hard to do investigations because the eoi data has not yet received. for comparison, in india only for bo investigation that requires eoi, the period is set for 2 years. 4. policies about bo with arranging new clear and unambiguous regulations about beneficial owner for taxpayer and investigator in determining beneficial owner which has more authority in indonesia's law and regulation, in this case, minister of finance. 5. dgt organization policies a. increasing the cooperation between tax treaty countries and oecd especially in harmonizing law about the beneficial owner. b. maintain strong coordination among internal units of dgt. 6. increasing the obedience and knowledge on taxpayer on beneficial owner dispute through: a. socialization to taxpayer to increase the obedience about the investigation in beneficial owner dispute, for example, deliverance and filing of certificate of domicile, data deliverance or document, and definition. b. routine socialization on regulations about the beneficial owner to the taxpayer that conducts a transaction with foreign countries. reference 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(2021). challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2(4),286-294. abstract: the discussion in this article is about changes in government accounting, a significant change from government accounting in indonesia is from cash-based accounting to cash-based accounting towards accruals (cash toward accruals), to full accruals. the writing method used is a literature study with a qualitative approach . the research method used is a literature study with a qualitative approach. sources of data were obtained through searching articles related to accounting policies carried out by the government. the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the challenges in reforming government accounting policies in indonesia. the finding of the study that state that the government needs to prepare financial statements in accordance with law no. 17 of 2003 which refers to government accounting standards (sap/standar akuntansi pemerintahan). as a derivative of this regulation, the government has issued government regulation number 24 of 2005 which was updated with government regulation number 71 of 2010 concerning government accounting standards (sap). practical implications there are , the basis of government accounting records changed from a cash basis to a cash basis to an accrual basis and to a full accrual basis. keywords: government accounting, changing global dynamics this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction government accounting is the process of recording and reporting all financial transactions carried out by the government. both in terms of income and expenditure. each country uses a different government accounting system. negara-negara di afrika cenderung menggunakan sistem akuntansi eropa seperti inggris atau perancis tergantung koloninya. (jayasinghe et al., 2021; lassou et al., 2019) accounting reform is a change in accounting rules widely carried out by a government or country. reforms are needed when current accounting standards and practices are deemed no longer adequate in recording and reporting state financial activities, and are considered to cause failure in mailto:gadisrasela@gmail.com1 mailto:redjeki.agoestyowati@gmail.com2 mailto:imamsusanto07@gmail.com3 mailto:supriyono.stiami@gmail.com4 challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 287 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting maintaining the stability of the government's financial condition. (fuentes & borreguero, 2018; shinkle et al., 2021) problems that always arise in the process of government accounting reform usually involve the concept of reporting transactions, such as the cost of asset acquisition and the measurement of value currently in effect. accounting reform has two approaches, namely traditional, which is quite reliable, but less relevant in dealing with state financial problems. while the modern approach emphasizes the relevance factor to current conditions but is less reliable because it tends to be subjective. the international accounting standards board seeks to formulate the implementation of government accounting reforms so as to strike a balance between relevance and reliability. (padovani & iacuzzi, 2021; shinkle et al., 2021) indonesia's monetary emergency in 1997, trailed by the transformation period in 1998, the execution of provincial independence in 1999 was refered to as the trigger for the public authority's monetary and oversee ment's bookkeeping changes. government bookkeeping change in indonesia is brought about by outside and inner impacts. outer components are brought about by the solid impact of globalization. government bookkeeping change in the worldwide world happens in numerous nations. at first the public authority bookkeeping books clung to the money bookkeeping premise with single section records. government bookkeeping change to current bookkeeping changes from cash premise become gathering premise by recording twofold passage. here are a few nations that utilization gathering bookkeeping. (blöndal et al., 2009). acrrual accounting for individual agencies & departements consolidated whole of governmental accrual accounting accrual budgeting australia since 1995 since 1997 from fiscal year 1999-2000 canada fr fiscal year 2001-2002 fr fiscal year 2001-2002 no finland since 1998 since 1998 no germany permitted since 1998 no no iceland since 1992 since 1992 since 1998 ireland pilot launched in 1995 no no netherlands pilot launched in 1994 no no new zealand since fiscal year 1991-1992 since fiscal year 1991-1992 since fiscal year 1994-1995 sweden since 1994 since 1994 no united kingdom launched in 1993;all by fiscal year 1999 2000 planned fr fiscal year 2001-2002 united states since fiscal year 1997-1998 since fiscal year 1997-1998 no source: (moretti, 2021) gaining from the new zealand government, the accomplishment of the public authority's bookkeeping change brought about an improvement in the nation's economy, in this manner expanding the government assistance and personal satisfaction of its kin. the idea of the changes in a portion of these nations expresses that the objective of government bookkeeping change is the acknowledgment of responsibility. interest, straightforwardness and responsibility will improve whenever upheld by a bookkeeping framework that produces ideal and non-misdirecting data. then again, an obsolete, uninformative, off base and deluding bookkeeping framework will obliterate the establishments of public support, straightforwardness and responsibility. (barrett, 2004; cairns et al., 2011) at present the state of public area organization in indonesia actually should be improved, this is reflected in the bad quality of public administrations and widespread acts of defilement, agreement and nepotism identified with public administrations. the marvel that has turned into the principle focal point of public area associations in indonesia today is the fortifying of requests for responsibility and straightforwardness on open foundations both at the middle and in the districts. challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 288 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting with regards to government associations, public responsibility can be said as a type of giving data on government monetary exercises and execution to parties with an interest in the data. (lewis et al., 2020) with respect to requests for responsibility and straightforwardness of the public area, article 30 of law no. 17/2003 demonstrates that the public authority, particularly neighborhood governments, is needed to submit monetary reports as a type of responsibility for the execution of the provincial income and consumption spending plan (apbd) to the territorial individuals' delegate committee (dprd). as per the guideline of home undertaking pastor (permendagri) no.13/2006, the fiscal summaries alluded to essentially incorporate spending acknowledgment reports, monetary records, income proclamations and notes to fiscal reports. (darise, 2008) the indonesian government bookkeeping change has opened up promising circumstances for the production of good government administration which has the test of decreasing the degree of debasement, it very well may be framed by making a more adjusted government framework between the chief, legal executive, and assembly. in the public authority bookkeeping framework there are three parts, specifically transparency, cooperation and responsibility. receptiveness or straightforwardness is based on the opportunity to acquire data, interest or cooperation is worked from the local area partaking in dynamic either through the place of agents of the republic of indonesia (dpr ri), and responsibility is responsibility to the local area for any exercises completed by the public authority. in light of the above foundation, a huge issue in the test of government bookkeeping strategy change is the way the utilization of government bookkeeping frameworks and strategies can make great administration. method the composing technique utilized is a writing study with a subjective methodology. the writing concentrate on strategy with a subjective methodology is an approach to take care of issues by following the wellsprings of works that have been recently composed. as such, the term writing study is additionally intimately acquainted with the term writing study. the investigated sources that are normal and appropriate for use are books by scholastic writers, authorize logical diaries, and understudy research brings about different structures like papers, theories, papers, practicum reports, etc. the meaning of subjective exploration can be found in numerous sorts of writing. subjective strategies put more accentuation on noticing wonders and inspecting the substance of the importance of these marvels. the wellspring of the information was gotten through looking through articles identified with bookkeeping approaches did by the indonesian government. the justification for picking the writing audit strategy is to get a hypothetical premise that can uphold taking care of the issue being composed. the hypothesis acquired is the initial step so the writer can more readily comprehend the issue that is being composed accurately as per the logical structure of reasoning. gasb (legislative bookkeeping standard board) articulation 20, as corrected by proclamation 34, permits an administration the alternative of applying fasb (monetary bookkeeping standard board) explanations and understandings. the information investigation procedure was done by locating from different writing sources. triangulation is a work to check the reality of information or data acquired by specialists according to different alternate points of view by diminishing however much as could be expected the predisposition that happens during information assortment and examination. triangulation is basically a multi-strategy approach that the creator utilizes when gathering and breaking down information. the fundamental thought is that the wonder under study can be surely known so an challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 289 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting undeniable degree of truth can be acquired when drawn nearer according to different perspectives. capturing a solitary wonder according to various perspectives will permit a solid level of truth to be gotten.(mardiasmo, 2018) result and discussion different legitimate items have arisen as a type of government bookkeeping change, one of which is pp 24 of 2005 concerning government bookkeeping norms. the accomplishment of government bookkeeping changes to create responsible government monetary revealing will give many advantages, particularly according to acknowledging public administrations and destroying defilement. the year 2006 is a force for the indonesian individuals on the grounds that the public authority's fiscal reports will be distributed dependent on government bookkeeping norms. pp 24 expresses that the monetary reports of the focal and territorial governments should be arranged dependent on government bookkeeping norms. (herlina, 2013) government accounting rules (sap) are accounting norms applied in arranging and presenting government spending outlines. thusly, sap is an essential that has legal force with a ultimate objective to chip away at the idea of government money related reports in indonesia, with chipping away at the idea of government financial reports will additionally foster extraordinary organization so it influences achieving viable improvement goals. extraordinary organization is described as a sort of good organization via completing trustworthy headway the board and as per capable fame based principles, avoiding misallocation of adventure saves, thwarting corruption, and executing spending discipline. the three essential norms stowed away the execution of good organization are participation, straightforwardness, and obligation. to run well, extraordinary organization is maintained by three essential segments, explicitly the public power, the private region, and the neighborhood. these three sections have an astoundingly strong relationship with one another. the public power region has an influence as a regulator that oversees so current resources can be apportioned decently in a perfect world. the private region expects a section in exploring and offering added advantage to resources so they can be consumed/had a great time by the neighborhood. of course, society as the essential client of public items expects that current resources can be gained successfully and at moderate expenses. accounting is immovably related to the three crucial norms of good organization. accounting is essentially the course of productively recording money related trades that lead to offering an explanation to be utilized by accomplice's customers for various necessities. venture, straightforwardness, and obligation will work on the off chance that it is maintained by an accounting system that produces information that is great and not misdirecting. of course, the accounting system obsolete, uninformative, wrong, and beguiling, will wreck the foundations of neighborhood, straightforwardness, and obligation government accounting standards (sap) are a completely essential that ought to be used as an associate so the idea of financial reports in indonesia can be improved. also, in the arranging of monetary rundowns, an adequate accounting system is moreover required. a palatable accounting system will result in coordinated, precise, and mindful financial activities with the objective that the ensuing quality money related reports will be influenced. a quality government financial report is an organization money related report that can meet the best quality, to be explicit appropriate, reliable, essentially indistinguishable, and legitimate. challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 290 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the objectives of the public position's public money related organization changes are to (i) administer and manage utilizations through a medium articulation use design (mtef); (ii) invigorate analysis instruments for spending definition through redesigned monetary arrangement and execution noticing; (iii) further foster the display the chiefs environment by smoothing out arranging rules; (iv) present stimuli for better execution the board; and (v) increase the leaders versatility to ensure execution results. the progressions rely upon a benchmarking examination of the philippine utilize the board system inverse its connecting countries (australia, korea, malaysia, new zealand, singapore, and thailand) to the extent the three huge use results: staying aware of financial discipline, working with essential prioritization at the oversight level, and further developing the execution usefulness of line offices. the change program contains a couple of activities as follows: • sectoral spending rooftops. six-year sectoral spending rooftops were introduced for the monetary 2000 spending plan. these sectoral monetary plans were made with the multi-region orchestrating warning gatherings of the public financial and improvement authority (neda). these sheets of trustees join delegates from congress, neighborhood government, the academic local area, the private region and nongovernment affiliations. the cycle included diverse government executing associations in a participative and proactive manner. three-year spending baselines. the 6-year sectoral rooftops filled in as the justification for allotting resources for doing associations using a spending design approach. • building up evaluation instruments. in any case, secretly upheld exercises will be presented to a comparable underwriting measure that applies to those financed from new sources. second, the show assessment will be mainstreamed. a lot of execution pointers ought to go with each new procedure or adventures that are submitted to neda (public monetary and advancement authority, or dbm. (branch of financial plan and the executives). an authoritative objective is to develop an evaluation culture. • further creating government accounting and inside control. taking on private region accounting and declaring practices, for instance, full assembling accounting will overhaul the support of accounting information. it will similarly engage legitimate respects be absolutely cost. • disengaging accounting and assessing limits. coa ( graph of record), the philippines' superior audit association, accepts accounting, inside control and inspecting limits in government. these groupings are confused. government accounting standards (sap) are accounting principles applied in preparing and presenting government spending outlines. thusly, sap is a need that has legal force with a ultimate objective to chip away at the idea of government financial reports in indonesia, with chipping away at the idea of government money related reports will additionally foster extraordinary organization so it influences achieving affordable improvement targets. extraordinary organization is described as a kind of good organization via doing trustworthy progression the board and as per capable fame based guidelines, avoiding misallocation of hypothesis saves, hindering pollution, and executing spending discipline the three basic norms fundamental the execution of good organization are collaboration, straightforwardness, and obligation. to run well, extraordinary organization is maintained by three standard sections, specifically the public position, the private region, and the neighborhood. these three sections have an amazingly great correspondence with one another. the public power region has an impact as a regulator that oversees so current resources can be allotted decently preferably. the private region accepts a section in examining and offering added advantage to resources so they can be eaten up/had a great time by the neighborhood. on the other hand, society as the rule challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 291 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting client of public items expects that current resources can be procured adequately and at sensible expenses. accounting is immovably related to the three principal guidelines of good organization. accounting is essentially the course of productively recording financial trades that lead to offering an explanation to be utilized by accomplice's customers for various necessities. interest, straightforwardness, and obligation will work on in the event that it is maintained by an accounting structure that produces information that is helpful and not misleading. of course, the accounting structure old, uninformative, wrong, and misdirecting, will demolish the foundations of neighborhood, straightforwardness, and obligation government accounting standards (sap) are an out and out essential that ought to be used as an assistant so the idea of financial reports in indonesia can be improved. likewise, in the arranging of spending rundowns, an adequate accounting structure is also required. an adequate accounting system will result in coordinated, accurate, and capable financial activities with the objective that the ensuing quality money related reports will be influenced. a quality government money related report is an organization financial report that can meet the best quality, explicitly significant, strong, comparable, and reasonable. the public position accounting system limits as a progressive subsystem that works with control by giving a record of government execution. the degree of the public power accounting structure fuses accounting system draws near, accounting frameworks, hr, and information development. a critical change in the state finance region generally speaking and in the public power accounting system region, explicitly, is that three heaps of order have been organized, specifically law no. 17 of 2004 concerning state cash, law no. 1 of 2004 concerning the state vault, and law no. 15 of 2004 concerning survey of obligation and the leaders of state records. regardless the three laws, there is furthermore law no. 22 of 1999 concerning common government which was revised into law no. 32 of 2004, and law no. 25 concerning the money related balance of the central and neighborhood governments, which was changed into law no. 33 of 2004. close by changes in the field of state reserves, changes have been made in the field of government accounting structures. informal law number 24 of 2005 coordinates government accounting rules reliant upon a cash premise and considering a cash to social affair premise. informal law number 71 of 2010 coordinates government accounting standards on a gathering premise. meanwhile, the rule of home endeavor minister (permendagri) number 64 of 2013 concerning the use of social event based sap to local governments. the ideal change in the better approach to manage state finance, particularly government accounting as a part of reiterating the public power and new open organization, is a shift from cash-based accounting to social event based accounting to get supportive money related information. amassing based accounting basically adds to chipping away at the idea of dynamic for the capability and feasibility of public spending through precise and clear financial information, similarly as growing the assignment of resources by exhorting the degree in regards to the costs achieved from a game plan of a program. a couple of huge components that are driving the speedy advancement of government accounting improvement in indonesia include: (1), the approval of three heaps of laws supervising state reserves. article 32 (1) of law no. 17 of 2003 concerning state cash orders that the obligation report for the execution of the state spending plan (apbn)/regional government spending plan (apbd) is as financial reports that are prepared and presented according to government accounting standards. (2) the request for a law on common government and a law on the challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 292 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting amicability among central and regional government accounts. article 184 entry (1) of law no. 32 of 2004 concerning regional government communicates that spending reports are prepared and presented according to government accounting standards determined by informal laws government is a fundamental compiler and customer at the same time roused by the presence of a trustworthy government accounting. with the presentation of three state financial packages and related laws with adjacent governments to invigorate government associations, both central and regions to genuinely prepare resources for the development and arranging of government financial reports. the social class through ngos and people's representatives in the spot of specialists (dpr/dewan perwakilan rakyat), regional representative board (dpd/dewan perwakilan daerah), and common spot of specialists (dprd/dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah) additionally center around the demonstration of good organization in government in indonesia. the foundation of laws concerning three money related groups state and neighborhood government is an impression of the powerful responsibility of people's agents in the dpr. additionally, obligation regarding execution the state monetary arrangement (apbn)/commonplace government monetary arrangement (apbd) requires underwriting from the spot of specialists (dpr), and neighborhood spot of representatives (dprd) dpr/dprd. thought from the private region may not be astoundingly enormous in light of the fact that the accounting government doesn't directly influence the activities of region private. nevertheless, the usage of information advancement and systems improvement accounting based information will enable some business performers in the private region to take advantage of the benefits. law no. 17 of 2003 and law no. 15 of 2004 states that the obligation regarding the execution of the state monetary arrangement (apbn/anggaran pendapatan belanja nasional)/regional government spending plan (apbd) is investigated by the (transcendent survey office) bpk.. to give an appraisal, (transcendent survey association) bpk requires an accounting standard overall recognized organization. government internal regulatory mechanical get together (apip) which fuses typical inside audit office bawasda, inspector general, and proof of motorized vehicle ownership (bpkp/badan pengawasan keuangan dan pembangunan) is the public power's inside evaluator whose work is to help pioneers in understanding a good inward control system to help execution improvement of government associations while thwarting contamination and corruption practices. accounting government is immovably related and influences within control structure so inside auditors certainly should have the limit in the field of government accounting so they can expect a section in engaging the execution of government accounting that is being made. to help the compelling utilization of government accounting, it is a significant approach (1), staying aware of the power of progress with the declaration of three heaps of laws in the field of state finance and in the field of the neighborhood government, (2), working with the usage of government accounting, (3), engaging the commitment of schools and guidance and planning establishments ought to be encouraged to set up an instructive arrangement and outline according to enhancements in the field of government accounting, (4), cultivate full assembling based accounting as shown by the request for law no. 17 of 2003. challenges of policy reform on government accounting in indonesia : response to changing global dynamics aidi, a., agoestyowati, r., susanto., i, supriyono., rahman, d.a. 293 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the results of the discussion above, the conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. the government has prepared financial statements in accordance with law number 17 of 2003 which refers to government accounting standards (sap). a significant change from government accounting in indonesia is from cash-based accounting to cash-based accounting towards accruals (cash toward accruals). 2. public sector accounting reform, which in this case is meant is government accounting reform in indonesia caused by external and internal influences. external factors are caused by the strong influence of globalization. 3. public sector accounting reforms in indonesia are changing single entry to double entry bookkeeping and changing the basis of cash-based accounting to accrual-based. 4. these changes do not contribute significantly to the transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness of the organization. 5. 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(2012) accounting information is the result of an accounting process that includes the process of recording, grouping, and summarizing certain entity's financial data presented in the form of financial statements. quality accounting information is accounting information that is under user needs (kieso et al., 2012), top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 2 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 besides that quality information is needed in running the organization's business (o'brien & marakas, 2011), quality information is also useful for decision making ( gelinas et al., 2012) and used as a basis for overcoming problems and minimizing uncertainty (hall, 2011). accounting information for external parties is used to evaluate past performance, predict future performance, and obtain other input regarding the organization concerned (bodnar & hopwood, 2014). quality accounting information will influence capital providers and other stakeholders in making investment decisions, as well as credit (beest et al., 2009). kieso et al. (2012) added that quality information can create an efficient market. if the accounting information is not of high quality, the accounting information will be useless (kieso et al., 2012). kieso et al. (2012) say that the information function is measured by relevance, faithful representation, and enhancing qualities. then the results of hertati's (2015) research found that information technology can process management accounting information systems well if users feel it is helped. this is said by mcleod & schell (2007) and susanto (2013) which states that quality information must have characteristics relevancy, accuracy, timeliness, and completeness. then hall (2011) and hertati (2015) added that formalization can be well integrated if the measures of management accounting information that function consists of relevance, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and summarizing. not much different, according to mcmanus & harper (2003) and hertati (2026), which states that the basic key in determining functional information is seen from determining the characteristics of the information function, namely relevant, reliable, complete, timely, understandable, verifiable and accessible. in line with schermerhorn (2011) and hertati (2016), the criteria for quality information consist of timely, high quality, complete, relevant, and understandable. laudon & laudon (2014) and hertati, et, al (2019) emphasize that accounting information systems are important for managers because most organizations need a management accounting system to survive and succeed. accounting information systems can help organizations expand their reach to remote locations, acquire new forms and workflows, and possibly change the way of doing business. hertati (2020) states that the management accounting information system is a collection (integration) of sub-systems/components, both physical and non-physical, which are interconnected and harmoniously work with each other to process transaction data related to financial issues into financial information. (susanto, 2013). a quality information system can mean a successful (successful) or effective information system (delone & mclean, 2003: hertati, et al, 2020). stair & reynolds (2010) and hertati & safkaur (2020) state that information systems can function in terms of being flexible, efficient, easily accessible, and timely. the same thing was conveyed by horan & abhichandani (2006) and hertati, et, al (2020) that the characteristics of information system quality consist of utility, reliability, efficiency, customization, and flexibility. then emphasized by heidmann (2008: 87-90) that the measure of the quality of information systems is integration, flexibility, accessibility, formalization, and media richness. delone & mclean (1992) compile a model to describe the success of information systems, including system quality, information quality, use, user satisfaction, individual impact, and organizational accounting information system is built with the main objective to manage accounting data coming from various sources into accounting information needed by various parties to reduce risk during the decision-making process (azhar susanto, 2013). top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 3 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 accounting systems within the company can be classified into 2 (two) subsystems, namely financial accounting information system and management accounting system (bockholdt, 1999). the financial accounting system is intended for external corporate users (kieso,, 20118: hertati, sumantri, 20016) while the management accounting system is for internal corporate users, such as managers, executives, and employees in decision making (hansen & mowen, 2007). hoq (2005) states that a management accounting system provides relevant high-quality information to managers to make effective decisions to achieve organizational goals or objectives. a quality management accounting system has characteristics, integrated, flexible, accessibility, normalization, richness media (heidmann, 2008). a quality management accounting system produces quality management accounting information processing (heidmann, 2008: syafarudin & herati, 2018). quality management accounting information has 4 (four) characteristics, relevance, timeliness, accuracy, completeness, summarization (hall 2011). the phenomenon states that many management accounting systems are not integrated. as stated by satria (2020), there are still many teaching staff who are categorized as weak economies because they are paid cheaply and are below the minimum necessities of life and social welfare security. this gap will be felt between lecturers who are civil servants and serve on state campuses compared to lecturers on private campuses, especially in the current large-scale social restrictions (psbb). the salary of a permanent lecturer at the indonesian institute of health, a private university in jakarta, is modest and receives a salary below the minimum wage standard. the nominal wages that have been set by the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2020 are below the provincial minimum wage (ump) of idr 4,276,349.906 per month. in addition to receiving low salaries, payments are always late, sometimes past a month. entering 2020, the campus, in this case, the nusa bhakti husada foundation, has never paid all employees. then zakiyudin (2020) stated that the fate of pts lecturers, which was already difficult before the covid-19 incident, became increasingly difficult because of the impact of this pandemic. that is especially true in the payroll area. currently, according to zaki, many lecturers at private universities are only paid rp. 300 thousand per month, and some are only rp. 250 thousand. during a covid-19 situation like this, the condition is getting worse because many private universities are unable to pay their salaries. for this reason, the lecturer hopes that the government will have more role, especially the ministry of education and culture (kemendikbud) to pay more attention to the fate of the lecturers at pts. the government, especially the ministry of education and culture must participate to find the right solution so that the lecturers' income is not lost. the role of the ministry of education and culture in pts is still very minimal, especially its attention to the welfare of its lecturers. this can be seen from the absence of standardization of lecturers' salaries at pts. lecturer payroll system in state universities (ptn). the management accounting system in state-owned enterprises is not qualified because the management accounting system is not integrated, inflexible, inaccessible, unreliable so that it is feared that it is wrong in decision making and has an impact on the quality of management accounting information produced. the phenomenon of accounting information in indonesia has not fulfilled the characteristics of accounting information that function properly as suggested by the modification of production, financial control, and quality management accounting systems top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 4 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 carried out in brazil. modification of production control, financial, and quality management accounting systems. jarvenpaa & ives (1991) and hertati & syafarudin (2019) in their research revealed that top management support can be in the form of participation and involvement of top management in the development of accounting information systems. with the participation and involvement of superiors in terms of project progress and providing the necessary resources, it will be able to determine the successful implementation of the functions of a system. if an organization implementing the system, the absence of top management support, this goal will not be achieved. agree with masrek et al. (2009) in their research that top management support can be in the form of providing the resources needed in developing information systems in the form of time, location, infrastructure, and human resources. it can be seen that top management supports the use of information systems as a means of alignment. the development of information systems in many literature studies is inseparable from top management support in the form of providing direction, authority, and provision of resources. in his research, it is concluded that the more optimal top management support is given, the higher the success of the information system will be (ifinedo, 2008). furthermore, daoud & triki (2013) and (hertati, et al, 2020) concluded that top management involvement and expertise affect the accounting information system (the result indicates that top management involvement and external expertise have an impact on the mais). hertati et al. (2019) in their research concluded that clarity of business vision and top management support has a significant effect on the quality of business intelligence systems (clarity of business vision and top management support have significant effects on the quality of business intelligence systems). the greater the support provided by top management, the higher the performance of the information system, the higher top management support has been identified as an important factor for the success of the main organizational activities. this paper establishes a framework for understanding the impact of top management support on the performance of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions. the higher the level of top management support, the higher the level of management accounting information system performance. griffin & moorhead (2014) stated that top management support is very important for the successful implementation of a work team. among other things, top managers need to emphasize that there are sound business reasons for team use and be prepared for some setbacks during the transition to the team. these executives meet with their immediate reports to explain the process through which their company will move towards a team-based structure. top management support is essential for the successful implementation of teamwork. among other things, top managers need to encourage sound business activities for the use of teamwork and anticipate the setbacks that will occur during the transition. this executive receives the report in person to explain the process that the organization will undertake through a teamwork-based arrangement. young (2006) defines top management support as success in encouraging an activity (can be in the form of a budget) which is expected by all stakeholders (top management support is that only project management success (on-time on-budget) is emphasized by all stakeholders and top management support has been neglected). an opinion that does not differ much, was also conveyed by land et al. (2008) that top management support is needed for organizational change management. the top management has the responsibility of providing direction, resources, and supervision to manage organizational change. top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 5 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 top management according to robbins & coulter (2016) is the party responsible for making decisions in an organization, setting goals and plans for organizational continuity. agree with williams (2006) that top management is an executive who is responsible for organizational activities. still according to williams (2006), parties including top management such as executives, vice presidents, presidents, directors, operational directors, or chief executive officers. furthermore, wheelen, et al. (2015) revealed that the top management function is in the form of coordination between the ceo (chief executive officer) and the coo (chief operating officer). mahring further (2002) states that top management support is needed in the use of information technology and continues to be supported so that the survival of the organization can be maintained. likewise, basu et al. (2002) and syafarudin & hertati (2020) argue that top management is the party responsible for providing general guidelines for information system activities. the level of support provided by top management for organizational information systems can be a very important factor in determining the success of all activities related to information systems. from some of the explanations above, it can be concluded that top management support is the highest management involvement and participation in organizational development through a process of evaluation, direction, and monitoring of the accounting information system used which can make individuals feel cared for and valued (mahring, 2002; jarvenpaa & ives, 1991; basu et al., 2002). top management support according to guinea et al. (2005) wheelen, et al. (2015) hertati (2015) can be measured through the following: 1. evaluate. top management can examine proposed proposals, decisions, and actions, agree or disagree with subordinates, provide advice. top management can describe the mission of the company and select strategic activities for management. 2. direct. top management must assign responsibility, and direct directly the plans and policies to be taken. as well as encouraging a culture of good governance of information technology by requiring managers to provide information on time in realizing the expected conditions. top management must also integrate the tasks that must be performed by each division. all sections require direction if they want to successfully achieve the ultimate goals of an organization. 3. monitor. top management must monitor, through the information technology work system and ensure that the resulting performance is under the plan and is not in line with external factors (regulations, legislation, laws) and internal factors (employee performance). continuous observation to ensure and control the alignment of program implementation with predetermined planning. 4. participation, choice of hardware & software, implementation of system, system maintenance, and problem-solving; 5. commitment: planning of further developments. the characteristics of high-quality information include accuracy, completeness, consistency, uniqueness, and timeliness. furthermore, stair & reynolds (2012) involves measuring the quality of information as seen from being accessible, accurate, complete, economic, flexible, relevant, reliable, secure, simple, timely, and verifiable so that it becomes more comprehensive and detailed. heidmann (2008) states that management accounting information systems (mais) are formal systems that provide information from the internal and external environment to top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 6 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 managers. drury, colin (2012) stated that the management accounting system is to provide relevant financial information to managers to help them make better decisions. hoque, (2005) and hertati (2016) state that management accounting information system provides high-quality managers and relevant information to make effective decisions to achieve their organization's goals or objectives. the management accounting system is a formal system designed to provide information to managers bouwens & abernethy (2000). furthermore, hansen & mowen (2014) states that managerial accounting identifies, collects, measures, classifies and reports financial and non-financial information that is useful to internal users in planning, controlling, and decision making. hogue (2004) states that an effective management accounting system must be able to assess the progress of the company against strategic priorities. furthermore, horngren, et, al (1996) states that the management accounting system is a formal mechanism for collecting, organizing, and communicating information about organizational activities. the opinion of collier paul (2003) states that the management accounting system must provide timely and accurate information to facilitate efforts to control costs, measure and improve productivity, and to devise improved production processes. a statement expressed by anders rom (2005) states that a management accounting system is an enterprise system including an information system the terms' integrated information system. several meanings that are in line with the above meanings have been put forward by other experts who say that what is meant by a management accounting system is a formal system designed to provide information to managers and employees in the organization to provide relevant information, both financial and non-financial. financial, such as collecting, measuring, storing, analyzing, reporting, and managing timely, accurate information about activities to make effective decisions in achieving goals or objectives in the organization in an integrated manner to make decisions. based on the dimensions put forward by experts (heidmann, 2008, avison & fitzgerald, 2006), the dimensions of management accounting information systems in this study are integrated. (1) integrated: the system can cooperate; (2) follows: the system can adapt to environmental changes; (3) flexibility: the system is easily accessible when needed; (4) reliable: the system can minimize errors and function properly; (5) formalization: formalization measures the extent to which a system contains rules or procedures; and (6) media richness: measure the extent to which the system uses various alternative media to simplify and speed up communication. the effect of top management support on the quality of accounting information systems: mahring (2002) explains the importance of top management support in the success of information systems. mcleod & schell (2007) stated that top management support is one of the factors that have an impact on information systems. agree with schwalbe (2006) which states that top management support is the main support in the information system used. furthermore, laudon & laudon (2014) stated that information systems can be implemented if there is user involvement and are supported by top management because they have more opportunities to shape information systems according to business priorities and needs, and more opportunities to control the results. the same opinion was also conveyed by olson (2004) who revealed that top management support is one of the keys to the success of implementing information systems. research by sharma & yetton (2003) concluded that management support is considered an important factor in the success of a management accounting system. the form of top top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 7 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 management support is in the form of establishing a new structure, a supervisory system, a coordinating mechanism, and motivating performance improvement. this is supported by the research of nathan et al. (2004) who stated that top management support has been identified as an important factor for the success of an organization. the results of this study indicate that a framework in understanding the impact of top management support on the performance of information systems in an organization. research conducted by dong et al. (2009) concluded that the position of top management support is very important in the implementation of a management accounting system, which understands the concept of work in an organization. research by dong et al. (2009) supported by hwang et al. (2012) stated that in addition to training, top management support can also affect the implementation of information systems. likewise, hussein et al. (2007) argued in the results of their study that top management support has a significant effect on the success of information systems. top management support is significantly and positively related to the dimensions of information system success: these findings further strengthen the argument that top management support has a considerable influence on the success of management accounting information systems (hertati, et al, 2020). top management support is significantly and positively related to the dimensions of si success. stare (2011) in his research suggests that the support provided by top management can be in the form of planning, monitoring, and evaluating the results achieved, overcoming problems, facilitating resources, and providing rewards to achievers. furthermore, top management plays a role in implementing information systems, in the form of observation and participation in implementing information systems (arnoldina, 2010). based on the description above, the quality of accounting information systems is indicated by the more optimal top management support is given, the higher the success of information systems is achieved, the performance of information systems and the success of information systems with the participation and involvement of top management, so it can be said that top management support affects quality. accounting information systems and offers advice and alternatives. figure 1: research framework h1: the top management support function affects the management accounting information system methods research methodology: the method used in this research is descriptive and explanatory. the population in this study were related sub-units at higher education institutions in south lecturer work management information system input teaching community service, research, guiding students information systems process management accounting salary and awards dosen ad art college top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 8 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 sumatra, as many as 120 samples in 15 universities. the sample was obtained through a simple random sampling technique using the slovin formula (cooper & schindler, 2006), as follows: 𝐍 𝟏 + 𝐍(𝐞)𝟐) so that it is obtained a sample as follows 𝟒𝟗 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝟑𝟕 = 𝟏𝟏𝟗 𝟏 + 𝟏𝟏𝟗(𝟎. 𝟏)𝟐) of which: n: sample size n: population size e: inaccuracy leeway percent due to sampling which can still be tolerated or desirable for example 5%, 10%, and more. the observation unit in this study is the people who work in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions. this study uses primary data, while the data collection method used is a questionnaire assisted by google form. the validity test was conducted which was used to determine the feasibility of the items in the questionnaire to determine the variables and the reliability test to measure the reliability of the object being measured. data analysis was carried out by descriptive analysis and verification. descriptive analysis was carried out with a balanced categorization using inter-quartile ranges (cooper & schindler, 2006). the verification analysis used to test the hypothesis in this study is to use the structural equation modeling (sem) component or variance based on what is known as the partial least square (pls). results and discussion top management support: measured through three dimensions, namely evaluate, direct, and monitor. each of the variables and dimensions of top management support is measured through five indicators. the overall indicators are operationalized into ten statement items. the following is a descriptive analysis for each dimension and its interpretation. table 1. descriptive statistics of top management support variables variable dimension statistical measure relative frequency min max average sd 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 top manageme nt support functions evaluate 1,5 5,0 3,5 0,8 0,0 20,3 35,2 34,1 44,2 3,2 direct 1,5 5,0 3,5 0,8 0,0 20,3 35,2 34,1 44,2 3,2 monitor 1,3 5,0 3,8 0,7 0,0 11,7 31,1 32,3 32,5 5,1 participation 1,7 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,0 6,9 35,7 33,8 43,6 8,2 commitment 1,9 5,0 3,9 0,5 0,0 8,1 38,6 45,8 37,1 8,2 source: data processed statistical 2020 from table 1, the people who work in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions are shown top management support through the operation of the management accounting information system sampled in this study has an average value of 3.6 seen of the evaluate dimension which falls into the high category. it can be interpreted that the accounting information system used in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions has been assessed and evaluated by top management in helping smooth company activities periodically. top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 9 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the direct dimension has an average of 5.0, which is in the high category which indicates that the use of management accounting information systems makes users motivated to complete tasks and responsibilities optimally through direction and communication built from management. the dimensions of the monitor have an average of 3.8 in the high category. this means that the use of management accounting information systems in colleges that are the research samples has been monitored both in terms of work completion and provision of resource allocation to support the smooth operation of the accounting information system used. if you pay attention to each dimension, the lowest dimension is the evaluate dimension with an average value of 3.6, while the highest in the monitor dimension, which means that top management support carried out in bumn is mostly applied through monitoring. the results of the calculation of the relative frequency (table 1) can explain as much as 5.2% of the unit of analysis which states that the evaluation is still low in the involvement of top management. 1.7% of the analysis unit stated that direct has not been entirely carried out to realize top management support. 6.9% of the analysis unit stated that the supervision of the management accounting information system implementation has not been fully achieved. the explanation of each dimension is as follows: management accounting information system functions: management accounting system quality variables are operationalized using 6 (six dimensions), namely integration, following, flexibility and reliability, formalization, media richness. each dimension of the management accounting system function is measured through twelve indicators. the overall indicators were operationalized into twelve statement items. table 2. descriptive statistics variable functions of management accounting information systems variable dimensi statistical measure relative frequency min max average sd 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 management accounting information system functions integrated 1,6 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,0 6,9 35,7 33,8 43,6 8,2 follow 1,7 5,0 3,5 0,8 0,0 20,3 35,2 34,1 44,2 3,2 flexibility 1,3 5,0 3,8 0,8 0,0 12,7 31,1 32,3 31,5 5,1 reliable 1,6 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,0 6,9 35,7 33,8 43,6 8,2 formalization 1,8 5,0 3,9 0,2 0,0 6,1 38,6 45,8 35,1 8,2 media richness 1,7 5,0 3,8 0,7 0,0 12,7 31,1 42,3 32,5 5,1 source: data processed statistical 2020 the integration dimension has an average score of .0 in the high category, meaning that in general, the analysis unit considers the management accounting information system used to have connected the components and the transaction processing system. the flexibility dimension has an average score of 1.3 in the low category (not qualified). this means that so far the management accounting information system used in the unit of analysis can adapt to user needs and can adapt to environmental changes. the reliable dimension has an average score of 1.6 in the low category. this means that the management accounting information system to produce financial reports used in the unit of analysis has been reliable and has many errors. among the six dimensions, integration and reliability have the greatest value which indicates that the management accounting information systems in the majority of tertiary institutions are not connected and are not reliable. however, there are still some units of analysis that do not feel that the management accounting information system used has unqualified attributes. based on the results of the calculation of the frequency of analysis (table 2), it shows that the management accounting information system application used is not integrating between top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 10 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 components and the transaction processing system, namely 1.7%, less flexible by 3.4%, and less reliable at 3.4%. furthermore, to find out the quality of the management accounting information system in the high school, it will be explained from the distribution of respondents' responses in each statement item, namely integration, following, flexibility, formalization, and mediation. based on the phenomena, problem formulations, hypotheses, and research results, the following conclusions are obtained: top management support affects the quality of the management accounting system. not yet qualified because the management accounting system is due to the support provided by top management has not been fully provided. top management support affects the functions of the management accounting system so that to improve the function of the management accounting information system, several things need to be considered in top management support, namely: 1. review of the implementation of the accounting information system is carried out continuously, not only when there is a data mismatch, both at the central and regional levels. 2. motivating employees through regular meetings to solve problems that occur so that subordinates feel cared for in continuing to carry out their daily work activities. 3. increase support for the provision of resources, both infrastructure and human resources. this is of course done to increase adequate reward criteria and increase the capacity of human resources through training related to the design and implementation of accounting information systems. the results of this study also meet the characteristics of scientific research, namely replicability, and generalizability, so it is recommended for other researchers to conduct research again based on the results of this study with the same research method, on different units of analysis and samples to show the same results so that it will increase confidence in the research that has been done and the usefulness of the research can be widely accepted because the scope of validity of the research results is accepted by many organizations. based on the research results, it can be seen that the cause of the management accounting system is not qualified because several factors such as the management accounting system available in the company are not yet integrated, not flexible, difficult to access, not normalized properly, and often have errors/disturbances. based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that the organizational culture of state-owned enterprises in palembang is not optimal because there are still state-owned enterprises that place employees who are irrelevant to their expertise, employ employees with various types of work, there are several sections/departments that do not have a function. what is clear, some employees are not placed on the right side, some employees accept assignments that are not from their direct supervisors, there is still a lack of clarity of instructions from superiors, people who work in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in colleges that do not have adrt standard operating procedures and for colleges that already have sops, there are employees who do not carry out work under their adrt. based on the results of the study, the influence of the top management function on the function of the management accounting information system was 5.56%, meaning that the increase in the function of higher education institutions would also improve the function of the management accounting information system. from the above results, it can be said that the results of hypothesis testing indicate that top management support affects the function of the management accounting system and is acceptable for lecturers' salaries and responsibilities. top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, et. al 11 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 conclusion based on the results of research, top management support affects the function of the accounting system for higher education in south sumatra, does not meet the requirements because the accounting system is not integrated, inflexible, has not been reliable due to inaccurate, unreliable, and non-formal data. top management support at tertiary institutions in south sumatra is not optimal because there is still a division of tasks (a division of labor), departmentalization, and assignment of instructions (authority of command) which are so heavy that they are not balanced with a decent salary, as well as formalization. a job that is not good. the results of this study have discussed issues that have been raised previously in the background of the study, but several things need to be suggested in connection with the results of the study that show little effect such as hiring lecturers and the high educational status of lecturers is not balanced with the salary they receive is so low. with the quality of teaching that is heavily proxied, this is what causes lecturers to change jobs because of the heavy mental pressure they face. this research was conducted to provide input to the managers of higher education institutions in indonesia to pay more attention to the workload of lecturers in educating the nation's children. hopefully, this research can be investigated by subsequent research with different test tools and different variables to strengthen the findings that have been made. references anders rom. 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(2020). nasib dosen swasta di tengah covid-19: gaji minim dan terancam tak dibayar. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 1 january 2021 page no. 97-112 97 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting lesi hertati1, ,otniel safkaur2, dwi yanti3, irlan fery4, peny cahya azwardi5. 1.4lecturer of accounting, stie rahmaniyah sekayu-indonesia 2lecturer faculty of economics of accounting taman siswa university-indonesia 2lecturer faculty of economics of accounting cendrawasih university-indonesia 5lecturer faculty of economics and business uin raden fatah palembang-indonesia correspondent: submitted : january 13, 2021 revised : january 20, 2021 published : january 31, 2021 abstract the manifestation of regional financial autonomy can be seen in the regional financial accounting information system as a good government system characterized by increasingly low problems so that the information generated by the central government and regional governments in indonesia is a form of quality financial reporting and effective application of accounting systems by various government agencies in indonesia. indonesia. this study aims to find out how the successful application of accounting information systems on financial reporting performance was produced. this study uses causality and population verification methods in this study are the district and city governments in the provinces of papua and west papua. the sampling technique uses a census so that all members of the population become research samples. the results of this study show empirical evidence that the successful application of accounting information systems and financial reporting performance is transparent and accountable. keywords: accounting information systems, financial reporting performance introduction an information system is part of an accounting information system that defects, stores and gives honest information to management about finance for useful decision making (hertati et, al, 2019). recording financial accounting information system is a collection of organizational record components that manage, analyze, collect, allocate and distribute reports that honestly all financial information to management for decision making (hertati, et, al, 2020). but the accounting information system still has problems, namely the late submission of financial statements that occur in dpkad to the government on time that is not under statutory regulations due to the low willingness and responsibility of the accounting sections and the lack of internal control of the regional head. good financial statements under applicable reporting standards are produced by a good accounting information system process under existing data without being modified with fraudulent language. romney and steinbart (2009) state that accounting information systems are systems that collect, record, process data factually to produce information for decision making (hertati, et, al, 2020). then gelinas (1993) states that accounting information systems are a set of sub-systems of information systems that collect, process, and report information relating to existing financial transactions. according to susanto (2016) and hertati, et, al, 2019). an the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 98 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 accounting information system is a collection of subsystems that are interconnected with one another and work together harmoniously to process financial data into financial information that is needed by management in the decision-making process in the financial sector. furthermore, susanto (2008) said, the accounting information system is the most important part of the management information system, and is the integration of various transaction processing systems that work in various operational functions of the organization. as a system composed of many components such as people, activities, data, hardware, software, and networks, accounting information systems in their application are vulnerable to problems and failures. according to choe (1996), the successful application of accounting information systems in companies is not easy to achieve and often causes problems because it is influenced by many factors, including: (1) user involvement; (2) management support; (3) user training and education; (4) workgroup factors in the organization; and (5) other organizational factors such as the size of the organization, the characteristics of the task, and others (hertati, et, al, 2020). according to burton, (1992), in addition to organizational factors such as task complexity, organizational size, leadership factors, etc., individual factors such as motivation, satisfaction, and usefulness for the user determine the success of applying accounting information systems. according to kaye (2001), the successful application of an accounting information system is a crucial issue in the company, because it is determined by factors of the situation and conditions in which the accounting information system is applied, inter alia closely related to (1) factors of the company's environment; (2) the contents of the accounting information system used, such as tasks, structure, technology, and people; and (3) the process of applying accounting information systems (hertati, et, al, 2019). theoretically, the application of accounting information systems is influenced by the success of individual factors and systems (hardware, software, networks, procedures, tasks, etc.). individual factors are related to humans who use accounting information systems which contained human aspects that have desires, wishes, motivations, likes and dislikes, satisfied and dissatisfied, which in practice affect behavior in the use of accounting information systems. according to igrabia (1984) and thompson (1990), that the problems that arise in the use of computer-based accounting information systems are related to economic problems, technology, system concepts, and aspects of individual behavior. from these factors, problems related to aspects of individual behavior using accounting information systems are the dominant problems that occur, this is because accounting information systems in practice require accuracy, perseverance, even patience in carrying out the clerical process from the beginning of the transaction until the report is produced. finance. the complexity of the process and characteristics of the accounting information system that must obey the procedures for carrying out accounting information systems requires that individuals implementing accounting information systems have a strong working power within themselves so that they can sustainably run the accounting information system process (hertati, & safkaour, 2020). this strong working power is reflected in one of an employee's organizational commitment to the company. according to hertati (2015), human resources in an organization are the psychological ties of an employee to the company that encourages the employee to work hard to achieve the company's goals. mowday, (1982) gives a more original meaning to organizational commitment, that organizational commitment has three main components: (1) the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 99 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 acceptance of the company's values and goals; (2) putting the company's interests first; and (3) the desire to remain an employee of a company(hertati, & safkaour, 2019). then hertati (2015) explains that human resources are conceptually a pattern of behavior, intensity, motivation, in designing accounting information systems. then sounders and jones (1992), said that the successful application of accounting information systems in addition to other factors such as integration of accounting information systems with corporate planning, the quality of accounting information system outputs, the efficiency of accounting information system operations, user/management attitudes, the competence of sia implementing staff, and others. then hertati (2015) also explained that a good information system is the main determining factor for the successful implementation of an accounting information system in addition to other factors, such as the personal capabilities of the accounting information system in engineering, user involvement, user training, and education, steering committee, department location accounting information systems, formalizing the development of accounting information systems, and organizational size(hertati, et, al, 2020). according to doll (1995), stating that skilled and experienced human resources can influence the successful implementation of accounting information systems through three ways: (1) management support that can ensure the availability of adequate funding to run an accounting information system; (2) through setting company goals and policies that support the running of the accounting information system; and (3) giving priority scale for developing accounting information systems. according to cerullo (1997), organizational commitment influences the successful application of accounting information systems, among others through (1) establishing objectives and objective assessments of companies in the application of accounting information systems; (2) objective evaluation of accounting information system project proposals; (3) defining the information and processes needed; and (4) review of programs and plans for the development of accounting information systems. then lee and kim (1992) said that organizational commitment influences the successful application of accounting information systems through efforts to formalize the development of accounting information systems in companies. with the formalization of the development of accounting information systems weaknesses in user experience and personal learning can be overcome. hertati (2016) states that the complex accounting information system, the broad scope of accounting transactions that cover all parts of the company, and the existence of many procedures in the accounting information system process from the occurrence of transactions until the production of financial statements, requires a financial manager has sufficient capacity to conduct evaluations on the troubled system and then take sufficient action to overcome the problem so that it does not affect the overall accounting information system cycle. minor mistakes in the process of accounting information systems such as incorrect journaling of transactions will have an impact on the inaccuracies of financial statements. according to shaberwal (2006), the complexity of the accounting information system process requires the experience of a financial manager in both of which determine the successful application of accounting information systems. according to choe (1996), training and education of developers, managers, and users of accounting information systems (training and education developers, owners, and users) are critical determinants of successful application of accounting information systems in companies, due to the complexity of sia and the variety of financial the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 100 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 transactions that occur in all parts of the company require careful and continuous management, to produce valid financial reports. whereas saunders and jones (1992), use the terms' manager accounting staff and staff competency (ais manager and staff competence) as a determining factor for the successful application of accounting information systems susanto (2016). the successful application of an accounting information system is indirectly thought to have an impact on financial reporting performance. according to susanto (2016), effectiveness the phenomenon of the low quality of local government financial reports also occurred in papua and west papua provinces, because based on the results of the bpk-ri examination from 2012-2016 that the average opinion was given on the financial statements of the regency and city governments in papua and western provinces is reasonable with exceptions (wdp), unnatural (tw) and not giving opinions (tmp). the following are developments in the results of the bpk-ri audit of the lkpd in the provinces and districts/cities in the province of papua and western provinces in 2012-2016 which can be seen in figure 1.1 below: source: data process by author figure 1.1 lkpd opinion for 2012-2016 in papua and west papua provinces (in%). value is important and is explicitly part of how companies do business. the manager's function is to articulate a shared sense of the values they make, and what unites stakeholders. it also encourages managers to be clearer about how they want to do business, specifically the type of relationship they want and needs with stakeholders to fulfill their goals. one of the first challenges for companies is to identify who their stakeholders are. there is general agreement among companies that the stakeholders are shareholders and investors, employees, customers, and suppliers. outside these categories, it remains a challenge because there are no clear criteria for defining stakeholders. stakeholders are individuals, companies, groups, and also the government and its subsystems that can cause and respond to external issues, opportunities, and threats. stakeholders are those who have an interest in the company's activities related to something risky. stakeholders are parties who consider the global impact of the industry such as climate change or cultural change due to marketing and advertising. according to seddon and kiew (1994), states that the successful application of accounting information systems is the use of systems, namely the use of accounting information systems to help with the completion of daily work. then according to etezadi and farhoomand (1996), the successful implementation of an accounting information system is user satisfaction, which is the level of usefulness obtained by a user of the accounting information system. then according to the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 101 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 gelderman (1998), the successful application of accounting information systems is the intensity of the use of accounting information systems in daily work and user satisfaction with the use of accounting information systems. then hertati (2019) defines the successful implementation of accounting information systems as intended use and user satisfaction. in this study, the definition of the successful application of accounting information systems refers to straub, (1995) where the successful application of accounting information systems is the intended use of accounting information systems in various managerial tasks and user satisfaction for information generated by accounting information systems. in theory, two comprehensive models can be referred to the dimensions of the successful application of accounting information systems, namely: (1) the information success model of delone and mclean (1992) provides five dimensions to measure the successful implementation of accounting information systems, these dimensions are: (1) high usage rates are the accuracy of the way in doing things, and the ability to carry out tasks properly and appropriately without wasting money, time, and energy; (2) system user satisfaction is the quality of information produced by an information system that will provide high satisfaction for users of the information system; (3) a positive attitude is good behavior under the values and norms of life prevailing in the society. (4) the achievement of information system goals is the system is carried out in providing information when they want to make decisions for management and to carry out operations and organized procedures to maintain the achievement of messages or information from a person or group to other parties; and (5) financial returns are having the main skills needed to manage finances in a good report cannot be left to people who are not experts about the current financial situation. research by susanto (2016) found that information quality and system quality were significant predictors of user satisfaction, while user satisfaction was also a significant predictor of intended use and individual impact. livari's research (2005) shows that system quality and information quality are significant predictors of user satisfaction, but are not significant to the intended use, while user satisfaction is also a significant predictor of individual impact. it is expected to produce accurate and complete information about a transaction, while the external outcome information system can improve the company's image and service to customers. in the context of this study used aspects of the behavior of users of accounting information systems (intensity of use and user satisfaction) to measure the dimensions of the success of the application of accounting information systems, this is because the emphasis of this study is to see the effect of behavioral aspects in the use of accounting information systems. (safkaur & hertati, 2020: hertati, et,al, 2020). in general, the meaning of the word performance is defined as a record of the results or achievements that have been achieved, as explained by bernardin and russell (1993): "performance is the record of outcomes produced on a specified period". performance is a record of the outcomes generated in a period. then stolovitch and keeps (1992) explained that performance is a set of results that usually refers to the achievement of the work done. then gomes (2003) explains that performance is the level of achievement or success achieved by an organization in a certain period. in this study, the notion of corporate financial performance refers to gomes (2003), where the company's financial performance is the level of financial achievement or success achieved by a company in a certain period. the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 102 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the level of achievement or financial success is usually associated with the level of profits obtained by the company. according to neely (1995), performance measurement is a process of quantification of various actions taken. the main purpose of performance measurement is to help companies identify performance problems and focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of the company (yuksel, 2004). therefore, performance measurement can be used to assess the success of the company and also plays an important role in the control system and organizational planning (kennerley and neely, 2003. according to the literature, there are two ways of performance measurement, namely traditional performance measurement and non-traditional performance measurement. on financial measures derived from financial statements, such as: 1. growth is impact on physical aspects (quantity), while development is related to the maturation of functions which is the result of the interaction of maturity which is influenced by the development of the system of speech, emotions, and socialization (quality). all of these functions play an important role in life as a whole. 2. profit is the size of the company is large or small, but actually, the figures mentioned do not yet reflect the net benefits that can be obtained. 3. return on investment is the return on investment is calculated based on the results of the division of income generated by the amount of capital invested. this means that roi plays an important role in providing information about the size of business profitability clearly so that all operational activities can be evaluated for their return on investment. that is why you need to know how to calculate roi appropriately. 4. economic value added is the size of a company's economic profit, which is the profit earned by the company minus the cost of financing the company's capital. accounting profit is also known as net income and is the company's income minus all of its explicit costs. 5. cash flow is movements of money coming in and going out, money earned and issued within a certain period. because the financial performance of the data is sourced from financial statements, traditional performance measurements are often criticized for presenting past data and not oriented towards the future so that they are considered less relevant to the current situation. based on this thinking, the concept of non-traditional performance measurement was born, one of which was developed by kaplan and norton (1996), which is known as performance measurement using the balanced scorecard approach. in measuring performance with the balanced scorecard approach, in addition to using financial measures as in the traditional performance measurement system, balanced scorecard performance measurement also uses nonfinancial perspectives, such as customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. this study uses financial reporting performance measures to measure company financial performance. the measure of financial performance used is profitability, which is defined as the company's ability to generate profits. the reasons for using profitability performance measures are: (1) profitability is an important financial performance measure and is often used in research to measure corporate financial performance (barker and cagwin, 2000) profitability can measure overall company performance and can measure the level of efficiency in asset management, liabilities and company equity (fraser and ormiston, 1998); and (3) shareholders are more likely the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 103 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 to use profitability because the stability of stock prices is highly dependent on the level of profits and dividends received in the future (agus sartono, 2001). profitability can be measured using several ratios, including return on assets (roa), return on equity (roe), and profit margin (gibson, 1992). roa is often referred to as return on investment (roi), which is a measure of the effectiveness of overall company management in generating profits with the use of available assets (gitman, 2003). roa is calculated by comparing net income with total assets. this measure is generally accepted as a measure of financial performance in empirical studies (barker and cagwin, 2000). in this study, roa was chosen as a measure of a company's financial performance because it has been used extensively in various empirical studies to measure profitability (cohen,, 1997). roe is a measure of a company's ability to generate profits based on a certain amount of share capital. this ratio is a measure of profitability from the perspective of shareholders (hertati, 2016). whereas profit margin is defined as the extent of the company's ability to generate net income at a certain sales level. high-profit margins indicate the ability of companies to generate high profits at a certain level of sales. conversely, a low-profit margin indicates that sales are too low for a certain level of costs, or costs are too high for a certain level of sales. roe and profit margin as well as roa have also been widely recognized as a measure of financial performance in empirical research (salama, 2003). the impact of successful application accounting information systems on financial reporting performance. susanto (2007), states that when the factors that influence the successful implementation of accounting information systems can be overcome properly, organizational dynamics will be created and will have an impact on the company, which is to be more efficient, effective, and controlled, or also called to have good performance. as revealed by susanto (2007), the successful application of accounting information systems can not only increase the speed and quality of information produced for quality decision making but will also improve the quality of relationships between individuals within the organization. the quality of relationships between individuals will encourage a company to be more dynamic to produce high performance. according to romney and steinbart (2009), the application of accounting information systems in companies can provide added value (value-added) for users in the form of providing various financial information for planning, controlling, and decision-making activities of the company, which in turn has an impact on improving overall company performance (financial and non-financial performance). then gelinas, et. al. (1993), states that the successful application of accounting information systems can drive improvements in day-today business operations and can improve the quality of corporate decision making, both of which are major components in the creation of a corporate financial performance. (hertati,et,al, 2020). in addition to the opinions of experts above, the successful application of accounting information systems in several studies has also been proven to have an impact on corporate financial performance, including research conducted by chang and king (2005). from the results of a survey of 346 users of information systems in 149 organizations, chang and king (2005) found that the function of a scorecard information system (system performance, information effectiveness, and service performance) has a positive effect on the effectiveness of business processes and organizational financial performance. zhang (2007a) conducted a study on the the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 104 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 effect of moderating connectivity information systems on the relationship between is support and company performance. from the results of a survey of 153 senior information systems executives of large companies in the united states, it was concluded: (1) the interaction between is support for information sharing and is connectivity has a positive effect on company performance; and (2) interaction between is support for information interpretation and is connectivity influences company performance. then zhang (2007b) researched the effect of information systems from the perspective of competitive advantage on company performance. from the results of a survey of 148 senior information system executives in large companies in the united states, it was concluded: (1) is complemented by the uniqueness of organizational culture significantly influence company performance; (2) is complemented by unique vertical integration and related diversification has a positive effect on company performance; and (3) is complemented by the unique knowledge and information have a positive effect on company performance (hertati, et, al, 2020). ais influences the successful application of accounting information systems proven to have an impact on corporate financial performance, as found by clercq and dimov (2008), researching the influence of internal knowledge and access to external knowledge on the investment performance of finance companies in the united states. from the results of a survey of 200 finance companies listed on thompson financial venture xp database, clercq and dimov (2008) concluded that the development of internal knowledge and access to external knowledge affect the investment performance of finance companies. then west and noel (2009) researched the effect of the company's knowledge resources on company performance (new venture performance). from the results of a survey of 83 new venture ceos in the us, west and noel (2009) found: (1) there are three procedural knowledge that must be possessed by a manager of a new venture company, namely knowledge of the industry to be entered, knowledge of the business, and creating, building, and harvesting new ventures; and (2) the level of knowledge of a new venture manager is very useful in developing a new venture business. based on the description above, the framework of this research can be illustrated as figure 2 below: figure 1 framework for thinking application of accounting information systems is user satisfaction with the accounting information system and the intensity of the intended use of the accounting information system in various managerial tasks (hertati, et, al, 2020). the successful application of an accounting information system consists of two dimensions, namely: (1) user satisfaction with the accounting information system and (2) intensity of the intended use of the accounting information system. the financial reporting performance of the company is the level of financial achievement or success achieved by a company in a certain period. the company's financial reporting application of accounting information systems process data financial and non-financial financial reporting performance • roa • roe • profit margin the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 105 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 performance consists of three dimensions, namely: (1) return on assets (roa)); (2) return on equity (roe) and (3) profit margin. methods exploration of research data was carried out using smartpls version 3.2.8 (dul, et, al (2011)) and statistics. package for social sciences (v-23). the sizeable sample used in this examination was 293 by removing univariate and multivariate anomalies. the procedure for recognizing univariate and multivariate anomalies is the z-test score and mahalanobis clear (d2) using spsss (v-23) and resting the completed data investigation by utilizing smartpls. shown in table 1 is the organization and structure of the valid answers the data collected was used in this study. likewise, table 2 lights up the mean and pearson correlations of the factors used in the current examination. moreover, to identify the multicollinearity problem, this study used hair et al. (2010) initiated that so far most of the features in pearson's correlation check should be below 0.90. in this way, emphasize the absence of multicollinearity between the factors (rambut et al., 2013; sharif and raza, 2017; afshan et al., 2018). results and discussion besides, the validity of the content is confirmed if the items make use of the data analysis load with a greater value in each of them. factors then other items show in the frame, while internal consistency is practiced if the cronbach alpha value and the composite reliability exceeds 0.7 (arif et al., 2016; sharif and raza, 2017; frooghi et al., 2015; hair et al., 2013; afshan et al., 2018). factor loading and composite reliability are shown in table 3 which shows that most of the item factor loading> 0.7 also, this loading is displayed in their respective columns adjusting the threshold or internal consistency stated previously. besides, convergent validity advises on the degree to which an item of certain factors is consolidated and loaded to a factor close to where they are assumed to be loaded (dillman, (1978). at the time of examination, convergent validity was declared using an extracted average variance. (ave) for each variable (dul, et, al (2011). they provide a limit greater than and compare to 0.5 to certify convergent validity. therefore, the ave in table 3 confirms the basic steps. table 1 test results validity of application of accounting information systems item r r-table conclusion 1 0.807 0.3 valid 2 0.667 0.3 valid 3 0.658 0.3 valid 4 0.468 0.3 valid 5 0.686 0.3 valid 6 0.682 0.3 valid 7 0.652 0.3 valid 8 0.638 0.3 valid 9 0.618 0.3 valid 10 0.703 0.3 valid 11 0.772 0.3 valid 12 0.688 0.3 valid 13 0.767 0.3 valid 14 0.750 0.3 valid source: research results, 2019 the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 106 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the results obtained indicate that the statement items in the instrument of the successful application of accounting information systems have a correlation value greater than 0.3 as the boundary value of a research questionnaire item said to be used (acceptable) based on the criteria expressed in barker, et. al. (2002). so it can be said that the questionnaire items in the variables are all valid and can be used to measure the success variables of the application of accounting information systems. reliability test results after obtaining the results of the questionnaire items used in this study are valid, then proceed with the reliability test. the results of the calculation of the split-half reliability coefficient for each variable successful application of accounting information systems can be seen in table 2 below: table 2. results of reliability calculations variable reliability coefficient (r) limit value conclusion accounting information systems e financial reporting performance 0,932 0,7 reliable source: research results, 2019 the reliability value obtained for table 2 is 0.932. the reliability value obtained for the three variables is more than 0.7 as the boundary value of a research instrument said to be used (the reliability value is included in the acceptable/good enough category) based on the criteria expressed in barker (2002). with the reliability value obtained, it can be concluded that the research instrument used has a good level of consistency so that it can be used in measuring the variables studied. successful application of accounting information systems the success variable of applying an accounting information system is measured by two dimensions, namely user satisfaction and intensity of use. the weight for this variable is 1801 (appendix 4), while the ideal weight = (14 x 5 x 38) = 2660, so the achievement of the score for the variable success in applying the accounting information system = 1801/2660 = 67.71%. this score is included in the 61% to 81% interval. based on table 4, the score is included in the high category. the achievement of this score is obtained from the distribution of the frequency of respondent responses for each dimension. the following outlines the results of achievement scores for each dimension of the success variables of the application of accounting information systems, starting with the dimensions of user satisfaction. table 4 presents the frequency distribution of respondents' responses and achievement scores for the dimensions of user satisfaction as follows. table 3. frequency distribution of respondent responses application of accounting information systems no. item questions frequency of response total score x frequency 5 4 3 2 1 1 the accounting information system has provided the right information under the needs of users at work. 0 56 72 0 0 128 2 accounting information systems have provided content that is appropriate to the needs of users at work. 0 52 75 0 0 127 3 the accounting information system has provided reports that fit the needs of 20 36 72 2 0 130 the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 107 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 no. item questions frequency of response total score x frequency users at work. 4 accounting information systems have provided sufficient information under the needs of users at work. 5 64 54 6 0 129 5 the accounting information system has provided accurate information. 0 52 69 4 0 125 6 satisfied with the accuracy of the information generated by the accounting information system. 15 52 60 4 0 131 7 the accounting information output system is presented in a useful format. 5 44 72 4 0 125 8 accounting information systems produce very clear information. 10 44 69 4 0 127 9 the accounting information system has been presented in a familiar (userfriendly) manner. 15 52 57 6 0 130 10 the accounting information system is easy to use (easy to use). 10 56 60 4 0 130 11 accounting information systems can be obtained whenever needed. 15 64 48 6 0 133 12 accounting information systems provide up-to-date information. 15 36 72 4 0 127 weight 1542 ideal weight (12 x 5 x 38) 2280 user satisfaction score 67,63% source: research results, 2019 financial reporting performance variables the financial reporting performance of the regional governments of papua and west papua is measured by profitability, namely return on assets (roa), return on equity (roe), and profit margin (pm). financial reporting performance can be grouped into three parts, namely: high, medium, and low as seen from the interval class of each financial performance dimension. table 4 presents the frequency distribution of financial reporting performance variables. table 4. frequency distribution of financial reporting performance interval class frequency % catagory return on asset ≤ 0.031 0.032 – 0.192 ≥ 0.193 total 22 14 2 38 57.89% 36.84% 5.27% 100% low is high return on equity ≤ 0.161 0.162 – 0.752 ≥ 0.753 total 27 11 0 38 71.05% 28.95% 0.00% 100% low is high profit margin ≤ 0.126 0.127 – 0.497 ≥ 0.498 total 27 11 0 38 71.05% 28.95% 0.00% 100% low is high source: research results, 2019 the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 108 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 from the financial performance in table 4, it can be seen that there are 44 provincial / municipal / regency dpkads in the papua and west papua region or 57.89% who have low roa, as many as 14 dpkad or 6.84% who have moderate roa, and as many as 2 dpkad or 5.27% have high roa. in financial performance using roe, it is seen that as many as 27 soes or 71.05% have low roe, and the remaining 11 dpkad or 28.95% have moderate roe. likewise, with the profit margin performance measurement, it is seen that as many as 27 dpkad or 71.05% have low-profit margins, and the remaining 11 dpkad or 28.95% have moderate profit margins. the effect of application of accounting information systems on corporate financial performance (roa) partially. to see the significance of the effect of the partial success of the application of accounting information systems on variables due to the performance of corporate financial reporting / roa, a partial hypothesis test was performed with the t-test. the statistical hypothesis tested is. • ho: xy≤ 0 (there is no positive and significant effect of partial implementation of accounting information systems on financial reporting performance / roa). • h1: xy> 0 (there is a positive and significant effect of partial implementation of accounting information systems on financial reporting performance / roa). t-test statistic for y (t-value of application of accounting information systems) from calculations using amos software version 16 in the equation calculation of the path coefficient before showing a result of 2.168. furthermore, the value is compared with the value of the ttable. based on the t-student distribution table for α = 5% and free degrees (38-3-1), the value (t0.05 / 3, 34) = 2.032 is obtained. comparison of t-value results obtained with table values is tvalue greater than t-table (2.168> 2.032). the test results based on sample data carried out expressed rejection of h0 or in other words accept h1. so it can be concluded that statistically there is a positive and significant influence on the success of the application of accounting information systems on corporate financial performance / roa. conclusion the successful implementation of accounting information systems simultaneously has a positive and significant impact on financial reporting performance (dimensions of roa, roe, and profit margin). while partially, the success of the application of accounting information systems only has a positive and significant impact on the performance of financial reporting for the roa and profit dimensions, while for the roe dimensions the success of the application of the accounting information system does not have a positive and significant impact on the company's financial performance. simultaneously the results of this study indicate that the company's financial reporting performance (roa, roe, and profit margin) can be achieved through optimizing the increase in successful application of accounting information systems. the insignificance of the partial test results between the successful application of accounting information systems and financial performance with the roe dimension is presumed to be due to: (1) very complex factors that affect the company's financial reporting performance (roe); and (2) the accounting information system as a tool to produce financial information affects the performance of financial reporting through other factors such as process efficiency and effectiveness, and others. because of the many factors that become intervening between the variables of the success of ais implementation and the roe corporate financial performance the role of accounting information system afflication in reliability financial reporting hertati, et. al 109 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 variable, directly the success of 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(2018) argued that this understanding is intended to provide maximum satisfaction to customers. customer satisfaction is a level where customer needs, wants and expectations can be fulfilled which will result in repeated purchases or continued loyalty (regan et al. 2019). the role of the bank in serving various needs of the covid-19 era community in financial needs from investing. to increase competitiveness, the bank must develop and improve its services to become superior or excellent service (service excellence). in the banking world, the customer in question is the customer. customer satisfaction is someone's expression in providing value or optimizing the value that someone feels and expects on a product or service (hadiati, 2014). in this theory, there is something to do with trust. the phenomenon states that banks are experiencing problems due to the covid-19 outbreak so that service to bank customers is not optimal and has implications for customer satisfaction as disclosed by who (2020) states that the spread of the corona covid-19 virus outbreak is increasingly worrying after the covid19 virus pandemic was announced so that its spread is getting faster until it enters countries around the world. it was recorded that the number of positive patients with the corona virus in indonesia increased to 369 people, 32 of whom died and 17 people were declared cured. several governments of other countries have closed in and out access for people who live in their territory. in indonesia itself, especially in big cities, preventive activities such as starting work or studying from home have been implemented. activities that invite the masses are also advised to postpone their holding. personally, people have also started to implement prevention for themselves and their families, such as imposing social distancing, to self-quarantine (selfquarantine) or self-isolation, which has become an initiative in almost every home. of course, this immediately drastically changes all aspects of life's activities. when shopping for goods, food, and necessities it can still be helped by the presence of an online shop and a 24-hour food delivery application. in banking activities in these conditions, the internet as the driving force for the rapid development of information technology is indeed present as a savior for community activities in various conditions. no exception for banking matters. when meetings must be limited, a bank customer need not be discouraged. there are already many bank applications that are ready to be accessed from a smartphone, and they can do it from home during work. bank syariah mandiri, for example. with the mandiri syariah mobile (msm) application, bank syariah mandiri customers can still access banking services while working from home and looking after their children. the bank's commitment to maintaining customer comfort during this pandemic can be seen at mandiri syariah mobile. where customers can carry out all important transaction needs without having to go outside the house, (reza, 2020). this trust is very important to build because the bank does not have enough cash to pay obligations to all its customers. to ensure long-term business continuity and retain customers, good service is needed in facing the increasingly competitive banking industry. high-quality banking services can determine customer satisfaction. rangkuti (2012) states that service quality the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 86 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 is one of the factors that can determine customer satisfaction. if the quality of service received or felt is as expected, then consumers will feel satisfied. conversely, if the quality of service received is lower than expected, the consumer will be dissatisfied. therefore, good service quality has an important role in shaping customer satisfaction. in the survey, the bank is in the fifth position in the best bank service excellence. the following in table 1 shows the results of the mri survey regarding the ranking of banks from the service side of other commercial banks. the best bank service excellence source: info bank magazine (2019) seeing this condition, of course, banks need to improve to get serious attention. because if you don't clean up quickly, you may be far behind the competitors. the results of a survey from marketing research indonesia (mri) for conventional bank service products, the recent low rating of the bank has not been maximal in service to customers due to the covid-19 outbreak. the survey, states that the bank is in the fifth position in the best bank service excellence. the following in table 2 shows the results of the mri survey regarding bank ratings from the service side. service quality lovelock & wright (2015) and hertati., safkaur., simanjuntak, (2019) suggest that service quality is the level of excellence expected and control over that level of excellence is to fulfill customer desires. zeithaml and bitner (2013) define service quality as service delivery. which is good or very good when compared to customer expectations. kotler and keller (2012) state that service quality is the totality of the features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. measurement of service quality consists of 5 characteristics, namely: 1. tangibles, physical evidence, namely the ability of a company to address its existence to customers. the appearance and ability of the company's physical facilities and infrastructure and the condition of the surrounding environment are clear evidence of the services provided by service providers to their customers. 2. reliability, reliability, namely the ability of a company to provide services as promised accurately and reliably. 3. responsiveness, namely the company's ability to help and provide fast and precise service to customers, by delivering clear information. 4. assurance, assurance, and certainty, namely knowledge, the ability of company employees to foster customer trust in the company. 5. empathy, namely giving sincere and individual attention to customers by trying to understand the wishes of the customers; a marketing mix or marketing mix is a combination of four variables, namely product, price structure, promotional activities, and distribution system (dharmesta and handoko, 2017). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 bank mandiri bii bank ocbc nisp permata bank bank negara indonesia (bni) bank cimb niaga bank rakyat indonesia (bri) bank central asia (bca) bank danamon bank bukopin the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 87 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the four elements of the marketing mix are interrelated and influence one another, so efforts must be made to produce a marketing policy that leads to effective service and customer satisfaction. so in the marketing mix, there are variables that support one another, which the company then combines to obtain the desired responses in the target market. (hertati & sumantri 2016: syafarudin, 2016). kotler (2017) defines the marketing mix as follows: "a set of marketing tools that companies use to continuously achieve their marketing goals in target markets." tjiptono (2018) defines a marketing mix as a set of tools that marketers use to shape the characteristics of the services offered to customers. these tools can be used for long-term strategy as well as for designing short-term tactical programs. the concept of the marketing mix was first popularized several decades ago by jerome mc charty who formulated it into 4ps (product, price, promotion, and place). (tjiptono, 2018). most services are served by people, so that person needs to be selected, trained, motivated so that they can provide satisfaction to customers. every employee must complete doing good to consumers with attitude, attention, responsiveness, initiative, creativity, clever problem solving, patience, and sincerity. can influence buyers' perceptions. this marketing mix is increasingly developing, especially in the service sector, not only covering 4ps, but also reviewing from the point of view of a place, people, process, and physical evidence which is hereinafter known in the term service marketing mix as 7p. this concept will later be adjusted to the conditions of the service company that will implement it, but in general, the 7p concept is used to make decisions in making marketing communication strategies. 1. product, a combination of goods and services that the company offers to the target market includes variety, quality, design. features, brand names, and packaging. 2. price, is an amount of money that must be paid by the customer to obtain a product, including price list, discounted price, payment period, and credit terms 3. place, the company's activities that make products available to target customers include: location, distribution channels, supplies, transportation, and logistics. 4. promotion, means activities that convey the benefits of the product and persuade customers to buy it, including advertising and sales promotions. 5. people, means people who serve or plan services to consumers. 6. process, a process that occurs outside the consumer's perspective. consumers do not know how the process occurs; the important thing is that the service he receives must be satisfactory. the process occurs thanks to the support of employees and the management team who organize all processes to run smoothly. the service delivery process is very significant in supporting the success of service marketing and also providing satisfaction to consumers. 7. physical evidence is a physical means, the environment for the delivery of services, between producers and consumers interacting, and any other components that facilitate the appearance of the services offered. in an educational and training institution, of course, which is physical evidence. customer satisfaction understanding customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction) literally, satisfaction is a way to make customers not disappointed and can buy back the products we market. in this case, the company must be able to recognize, fulfill, and provide quality service and satisfy customer needs properly, which is a company strategy to increase sales. tjiptono, (2015) defines that customer satisfaction is a central concept in business and the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 88 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 management discourse. the consequences of customer satisfaction are very crucial for business, government, and consumers, of course. for business people, satisfaction is seen as a dimension of market performance. increased customer satisfaction has the potential to lead to long-term and short-term sales growth, as well as market share as a result of repeat purchases (hertati, 2015: syafarudin, 2016) kotler and keller (2013), state that customers are satisfied if their expectations are met or under what the customer wants are exceeded. there are 5 main dimensions of customer satisfaction, including: 1. price for sensitive customers, usually low prices are an important source of satisfaction because they will get high value for money. this price component is relatively insignificant for those who are not priced sensitive. 2. service quality depends on three things, namely systems, technology, and people. customer satisfaction with service quality is usually difficult to imitate because the formation of attitude and behavior that is in line with the company's wishes is not an easy job. improvement must be carried out starting from the recruitment process, training, and work culture. 3. product quality customers feel satisfied after buying and using the product if the product quality is good. 4. emotional factor (emotional factor) emotional factor is shown by consumers for the satisfaction they get in using a product/service that creates a sense of pride and selfconfidence. 5. efficiency (ease) ease of obtaining these products or services and ease of payment can make customers more satisfied if it is relatively easy, comfortable, and efficient to get a product or service. methods this type of research is a type of quantitative descriptive research. this study used a questionnaire with a numerical scale and an ordinal scale with a likert scale 1-5. the sample consists of many members selected from the population, namely 1000 (one thousand) people, wherein this research, 100 (one hundred) bank customers will be sampled as samples. this research uses the slovin formula so that the sample range that can be taken from the solvin technique is between 10% of the study population. the purpose of this research is to examine data to convey and limit findings to become organized, structured, and meaningful data. the data carried out is a quantitative analysis expressed by numbers and the calculation uses descriptive methods and partial least square (pls) which is assisted by using the smart-pls version 3.0 application program. image: research framework, 2020 ghozali (2013) "descriptive statistics are performed to provide an overview or description of data seen from the mean, standard deviation, variance, maximum, minimum, sum, range, service quality marketing mix, customer satisfaction the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 89 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 kurtosis and skewness value (distribution slope)". according to sugiyono (2012) "descriptive statistics are statistics that are used to analyze data that has been collected as is without intending to make general conclusions or generalizations. partial least square (pls) as a prediction model does not assume a certain distribution to estimate parameters and predict the causality relationship. therefore, parametric techniques for testing the significance of parameters are not required and the evaluation model for prediction is non-parametric. pls model evaluation is done by evaluating the outer model and inner model. the outer model is a measurement model to assess the validity and reliability of the model. through the algorithm iteration process, the measurement model parameters (convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, and cronbach's alpha) were obtained, including the r2 value as a parameter of the prediction model accuracy. meanwhile, the inner model is a structural model to predict the causality relationship between latent variables. through the bootstrapping process, the t-statistical test parameters were obtained to predict the quality relationship. results and discussion an indicator is said to have good validity if it has a loading factor value greater than 0.70. while the loading factor of 0.50 to 0.60 can still be maintained for models that are still in the development stage. table 1. the outer model evaluation loading factor values diagram indicator quality of service (x1) marketing mix (x2) customer satisfaction (y) x1 0,803 0,807 0,827 x2 0,803 0,807 0,827 x3 0,803 0,807 0,827 x4 0,803 0,807 0,827 x5 0,803 0,807 0,827 x6 0,803 0,807 0,827 x7 0,803 0,807 0,827 x8 0,803 0,807 0,827 x9 0,803 0,807 0,827 x10 0,803 0,807 0,827 x11 0,807 x12 0,807 source: data processed results based on the picture above, it appears that all loading factors are above 0.50. thus it can be concluded that the construct has good convergent validity. the value of cross-loadings presented in the table above also shows good discriminant validity, where the correlation value of the indicator with its construct is higher than the correlation value of the indicator with other constructs. the next stage assesses cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and average variance extracted (ave) criteria. each construct is said to be reliable if it has cronbach's alpha and composite reliability that is greater than 0.70, while the ave value is expected to be greater than 0.50 the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 90 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 table 2. value cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, dan average variance extracted (ave) variable cronbach’s alpha square root of (ave) composite reliability average voidance extracted (ave) quality of service (x1) 0,816 0,826 0,826 0,846 marketing mix (x2) 0,812 0,856 0,846 0,866 customer satisfaction (y) 0,817 0,876 0,876 0,876 source: results of data processing, 2020 based on the table above, it can be seen that all constructs have cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values that are greater than 0.70. the same thing is seen in the ave value, all constructs have ave values that are greater than 0.50. thus it can be concluded that all exogenous and endogenous measurement constructs are reliable. inner model evaluation is an analysis of the results of the relationship between constructs. the relationship between constructs can be said to be significant if it has a t-statistics value greater than 1.96. table 3. value path coefficients dan nilai r square parameter original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t statistics (|o/sterr|) p values r square x1 -> y 0,234 0,223 0,085 2,746 0,006 0,804 x2 -> y -0,021 -0,013 0,069 0,303 0,762 source: results of data processing, 2020 based on the table above, it can be seen that in substructure 1, the variable service quality (x1) and marketing mix (x2) simultaneously contributed to influencing the emerald customer satisfaction variable (y) of 0.408 or 40.8% with the following details: hypothesis 1: the effect of service quality (x1) on customer satisfaction (y) has a path coefficient of 0.287 with a statistical value of t greater than the critical value (2.091> 1.96). thus h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that service quality (x1) has a significant effect on customer satisfaction (y). hypothesis 2: the effect of marketing mix (x2) on customer satisfaction (y) has a path coefficient of 0.396 with a statistical value of t greater than the critical value (3.021> 1.96). thus h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that the marketing mix (x2) has a significant effect on customer satisfaction (y). through this description, it can be seen that the variable service quality (x1) and marketing mix (x2) simultaneously affect the customer satisfaction variable (y) of 0.408 or 40.8%, while the remaining 59.2% is influenced by other variables that are not observed. in this study. as for the bank's strategy in business processes that can be carried out during a pandemic, banks must manage risk mitigation appropriately. banks must have new navigational maps to deal with the existing crisis. the debtor mapping process for the restructuring process must run immediately and clearly so that the bank's cash flow is visible after treatment. that way, the bank knows the position of strengths-weakness-opportunities-threats (swot) to be able to revise the bank's business plan (rbb) by taking into account the conditions due to corona (lestari & the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 91 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 hertati, 2020: syaparudin. & hertati, 2020). banks should focus on the industries that are prospects for financing. banks must be selective in the business sectors that exist and develop amid the outbreak of the coronavirus. meanwhile, according to research by dcode efc (2020), the business sector (potential winner) is a sector; agribusiness, telecommunications, e-commerce retail, pharmaceuticals, cleaning products & medical devices. and, for sectors that are at a loss or for sectors that have collapsed so that they have no prospect at all to rise, it is better not to become the choice of banks for their credit financing first. the hope is that banks will no longer work carrying the burden of bad credit for their new credit expansion. (hertati, 2015: syafarudin., 2016). digital banking. products and services must be converted into digital banking. the process must be gradual and the initiation carried out continuously. however, not all products and services must use digital banking, there are core businesses that still require functions by the human element. several functions involve the human element so that their existence cannot be replaced by digital banking. one of these roles is business advisory and consulting activities. for example, when a bank customer has a business disruption due to covid-19, he will receive business assistance and consultation from bank marketers. the bank has relationship managers (rm) spread across indonesia. the role of this rm will be to assist as well as consultants if customers experience problems in their business operations (syafarudin. & mulyana, 2019: hertati safkaour, 2020). bank innovation and creativity. korona demands that banks be more innovative. for example, banks today do not only demand installments and loan interest payments by their debtors. however, banks must also think about helping customers, by selling their products. as is known, the government's appeal to the public to carry out physical and social distancing affects the sales of micro, small, and medium enterprises (msmes). to get around this, banks can help their msme players to connect with the ecosystem so they can sell online. an example is to create msme go online. msme go online is a digital platform that aims to facilitate bank-assisted msmes in expanding the sales reach of its products. msme players who are interested in entering msme go online simply go through a simple step-by-step process. customers are required to complete data and register their business first by accessing the msme go online microsite on the bank's website via the bank portal link. furthermore, the seller will be asked to prepare product documentation, send samples of goods, to process the delivery of goods to inventory warehouses managed by the bank. these items will then be assisted by the bank to be sold through the umkm go online platform. superior products from bank-fostered msme partners can be purchased directly at e-commerce partners such as qoo10 singapore, tokopedia, shopee, bukalapak,, and (hertati., syafarudin., safkaur. fery. 2020: hertati & safkaur, 2020). use the zoom tool for on the spot (ots). when the government requires social distancing or physical distancing, the hope is that the bank's response is to enforce verification of credit guarantees in the field or ots via video calls or zooms. business assistance and consulting. msme customers whose business is disrupted due to covid-19 receive business assistance and consultations by bank staff, namely relationship managers (rm) spread across indonesia. the role of this rm is to provide assistance as well as a consultant if the customer's loan is restructured until the restructuring process runs smoothly (syafarudin, saluy, masyhudzulhak. 2020: hertati & safkaur, 2019). corporate social responsibility (csr) program through online education and training for msme players. banks can organize an online education and training program 'bank virtual the influence of service quality, marketing mix, on bank customer satisfaction in the era covid-19 rumiyati, syafarudin 92 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 training and education' which is carried out through the umkm go online application. this is the bank's effort to continue to encourage msme players to increase their capacity and business amidst government calls for physical restrictions that are useful to suppress the spread of covid19. banks must immediately adapt to the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic by implementing new strategies and get back on the track of good performance. the hope is that the bank's intermediary function will run smoothly and be able to leverage indonesia's national economic growth in the new normal era (hertati & syafarudin, 2018: syafarudin, 2016). conclusion several business sectors were affected by the coronavirus pandemic (covid-19), including the banking sector. therefore, for the banking sector to continue to exist during the coronavirus pandemic, banks must carefully mitigate risks and use creative strategies to deal with the current uncertain conditions. the covid-19 pandemic outbreak forces individuals/groups/institutions/countries to change their lifestyle and behavior so far. if individuals/groups/institutions/countries do not make changes, then those changes will automatically crush them, without exception in the banking business sector. based on the overall presentation of statistical calculation analysis on structural model analysis and hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that partially: service quality is proven to have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. the marketing mix is proven to have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. syaran. banks to improve service quality with training 2 to be faster in serving customers by evaluating savings interest rates in the coming year to make it more competitive. the marketing unit further improves promotion through social media, advertisements, so that it is known to the public. increase cooperation with private companies and government agencies. for researchers who will research further in further research, it is hoped that they can add or develop other variables as a reference for research at the next research stage. references ali, hapzi & baruna hadibrata (2015). one-stop services: quality of service and accessibility to the investor loyalty: the investment coordinating board. international journal of bisnis and commerce arikunto, suharsimi, 2008. prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktek. jakarta: rineka cipta. azwar, syaifuddin, 2007. validitas dan reliabilitas, yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar. bhatt, a.k, (2016). measuring customer 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(2013). service marketing: integrating customer focus across the firm (3rd ed.). new york: mcgraw-hill the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 4 october 2021 page no. 268-285 268 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia kenny ardillah1, thenia2 1institut teknologi dan bisnis kalbis, 2universitas matana correspondent:, received : august 08, 2021 accepted : august 25, 2021 published : october 31, 2021 citation: ardillah, k., thenia. (2021). corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2(4),268-285. abstract: this study aims to prove the influence of corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership on value of the company. theories used in this research are agency theory and signal theory. this research was done on all manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the period of 2016-2018. the sampling method used is purposive sampling technique and the data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. the results of this study show that corporate social responsibility and managerial ownership have no influence on value of the company, while investment decisions have a positive influence on value of the company. few suggestions for the further research are adjust research periods, use other criteria of sample, use other indicators such as funding decisions, company size, other corporate governance indicators, or use other methods to measure value of the company. keywords: corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, managerial ownership, value of the company this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction corporate social responsibility is a form of private company contribution that is philanthropic or charitable with the aim of making social contributions ethically. although initially csr was an internal company policy, now various national and international laws have developed csr activities as an obligation for businesses and industries around the world. the company's csr activities at least have a positive social and economic impact on the people living around the company's operational areas, local communities in sub-districts, districts and provinces. multinational companies have csr programs that provide social impacts regionally, nationally, and even internationally. (pavez et al., 2020; rahdari et al., 2020) corporate social responsibility is an effort to improve the company's positive image. in addition to providing benefits to the community, csr is also important for companies. csr activities have many benefits for companies such as strengthening the relationship between employees and the company, increasing employee morale, and making the company more connected to the people who live around the company's offices. (elgebeily et al., 2021; jarjir et al., 2020) corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 269 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting before companies implement csr, companies must have responsibilities to employees and shareholders. therefore, companies that implement csr programs usually have completed their responsibilities to employees and shareholders so that they can provide benefits to the community. in other words, csr strategy is a program implemented by large companies with work areas covering regional, national or international areas. the more successful a company is, the more responsibility it has to set standards of ethical behavior for its colleagues, competitors, and industry. (abdelfattah & aboud, 2020; tarczynski et al., 2020) the company will always strive to achieve its goals, both short-term and long-term goals. the short-term goal is that the company can get the maximum profit possible by utilizing the resources owned by the company, while related to the long-term goal, the company will always try to maximize the value of the company (meidiawati & mildawati, 2016). currently, business competition continues to increase. in its development, the company always strives to maintain its business excellence to increase the value of the company. with this guarantee, shareholders will not hesitate to invest their capital (puspaningrum, 2017) value of the company is the worth that forthcoming purchasers will pay if the company is sold (l. dewi & wirasedana, 2018). the value of the company is likewise reflected in the stock price which is steady and has expanded in the long haul. the higher the stock value, the higher the value of the company. high value of the company is the craving of company proprietors, on the grounds that a high value will demonstrate high investor flourishing. value of the company is an investor's view of the company's degree of achievement which is firmly identified with its offer value (rinnaya et al., 2016). in investing, investors and potential investors need to collect information as one of the basic considerations in making investment decisions in the capital market. the capital market is a means of channeling funds from investors to parties who need funds, namely companies through the sale of shares and bonds. with the capital market, investors can invest their funds by buying company shares in the hope of obtaining a return in the form of dividends or capital gains. meanwhile, issuers can use these funds for the benefit of the company without having to wait for the availability of funds from the company's operations (meidiawati & mildawati, 2016) the movement of the stock price index (cspi) on the indonesia stock exchange throughout 2018 was affected by various sentiments, both from within and globally. jci actually recorded a decline of 3.02 percent year to date (ytd). there was a decline in all sectors of the manufacturing industry. in the basic and chemical industry sectors, there was no significant decline between 2016 and 2017 of 3.90 percent, while the decline from 2017 to 2018 was 4.05 percent. in the various industrial sector, there was a very significant decline from 2016 to 2017 which was 28.87 percent and there was a slight increase between 2017 and 2018 of 0.19 percent. an increase also occurred in the consumer goods industry sector between 2016 and 2017 which was 10.55 percent, but there was a very significant decrease from 2017 to 2018 of -33.32 percent. to achieve the goals of a company, synergy and reciprocal relationships are needed between the company and the community, investors and employees of course. one way that can be done is by interacting between the company and the environment, because the environment contributes to the sustainability of the company and also social welfare. in the period of individuals who are beginning to think often about the climate, corporate social responsibility is something that should be done and not simply an intentional decision for companys. the company's commitment to corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 270 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting execute corporate social responsibility has been directed in law no. 40 of 2007 article 74 of the limited liability company law. numerous advantages acquired by the company in the execution of corporate social responsibility, among others, items are progressively preferred by buyers and companys are drawn in by investors. corporate social responsibility can be utilized as another showcasing device for companys on the off chance that it is carried out economically. by executing corporate social responsibility, the company's picture will be better so shopper faithfulness is higher. subsequently, corporate social responsibility assumes a significant part in expanding the worth of the company because of expanding company deals via completing different social exercises in the general climate (wulandari et al., 2016). but in reality, when an industry develops, many companies only focus on being an company that only seeks economic benefits and does not care about the impacts, resulting in social inequality and environmental damage. for example, the case of environmental problems due to the company's production process in indonesia that occurred in the bandung regency area, a number of textile industries around majalaya that dispose of waste into the citarum river which often disturbs the health of the surrounding community and pollution that occurs in the ciujung river, waste from the pt indah kiat pulp paper mill. & paper which is located in serang regency, air pollution by cigarette factories in kediri, the emergence of active radio due to metal processing waste in tegal regency and other pollution. every company should not only think about obtaining material benefits, at least the company is able to provide useful and beneficial things for external parties of the company, such as the community, social and environment in which the company operates (astuti & nugrahanti, 2015). the investment decision is a vital factor in the company's financial function, where the higher the investment decision has been decided by the company, the higher the company's chance to get an enormous pace of return. companys that have high investment decision will actually want to influence investors' comprehension of the company, so it can build the interest for the company's shares. along these lines, the higher the investor's interest in putting resources into the company, the speculation choice affects expanding the value of the company (pertiwi et al., 2016) the reason for settling on investment decisions is to get a huge benefit with least risk in order to enhance the value of the company. the right investment decision can affect the value of the company by focusing on various investments that get an excess. the excess acquired by the company will add to trade out for cash inflow, which is then aggregated as company benefit. the other way around, if the investment decision doesn't influence the value of the company, it very well may be deciphered that the company as of now has a shortage on various of investments which causes a a lessening in value, accordingly diminishing the value of the company (suryandani, 2018) managerial ownership is the participation of the management who actively participates in making company decisions (managers, directors or commissioners) and is also given the opportunity to participate in owning company shares (shareholders). managerial ownership is often associated as an effort to increase the value of the company because managers apart from being management, as well as company owners will feel directly the consequences of the decisions they make so that managers will not take actions that only benefit managers (suastini et al., 2016). in increasing the value of the company, agency conflicts often occur, namely conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers. corporate managers tend to pursue their own personal goals, corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 271 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting for example to get the highest possible bonus. managers will only focus on projects and investments that will provide large returns in the short term rather than maximizing shareholder wealth by investing in projects that are profitable in the long term. however, for shareholders, it will increase costs for the company which can cause a decrease in profits and affect the stock price so that it can reduce the value of the company. the proportion of managerial ownership can reduce the agency problem and indicate a common interest between management and shareholders. in addition, increasing share ownership by management will align its position with shareholders so that management will be motivated to take decisions that increase value of the company (puspaningrum, 2017). this research is a replication of (murnita & putra, 2018), (wiguna & yusuf, 2019) and (somantri & sukardi, 2019) research. the differences between this study and previous research include 1) the sample companies used in this study are manufacturing industry sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2016-2018. the reason for choosing the manufacturing industry sector is because among the nine company sectors listed on the indonesia stock exchange, the manufacturing industry sector has tighter and stronger competitive competence, has a large number of registered companies and has a fairly close relationship with consumers because most of their products are almost always used by consumers. 2) the period used in this study is between 2016-2018. the reason for the research period is 3 (three) years in order to provide valid and coherent data so as to obtain relevant research results. the purpose of this study is to prove the influence of corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company. agency theory agency theory describes the relationship between management (agent) and shareholders (principal). where the manager as an agent must be able to run a company with the best decisions to increase the wealth of the principal, namely the shareholders. however, sometimes the shareholders cannot oversee all the decisions and activities carried out by managers, so it will be a threat if what is done by the managers is not for their own welfare. quality financial statement information can assist in making decisions for investors and potential investors (rahayu & sari, 2018). agency issues for the most part happen when company’s manager have a share ownership extent of under 100% with the goal that directors tend to act to seek after their own advantages in settling on organization monetary choices and not based on expanding value of the company (l. dewi & wirasedana, 2018). with managerial ownership, manager will attempt to work as per the desires of the shareholders so managers will likewise be roused to further improve performance which will affect expanding investor certainty and value of the company (wiguna & yusuf, 2019) signalling theory signaling theory clarifies that organizations are urged to have the option to give data on their financial reports to external parties (investors and creditors) to prevent information asymmetry that may occur, because companies know more data about the organization's possibilities than outside parties, both creditors and investors. the data given by the organization to external parties is relied upon to lessen the occurrence of information asymmetry between internal parties and outside parties just as to expand the value of the company. information distributed as a declaration will give a signal to investors. on the off chance that the declaration contains a positive value, the corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 272 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting market will react well to the information so that there will be changes in sales volume and changes in stock prices where this can influence the value of the company which is reflected in the increment in the organization's stock value (widiastari & yasa, 2018). signal theory shows how good quality companies can intentionally give signals to investors, so investors are able to distinguish good quality companies and poor quality companies. in addition, the information that companies must disclose is information about corporate social responsibility or what is often referred to as corporate social responsibility. information on corporate social responsibility is contained in the company's annual report or a separate report on corporate social responsibility. every company that carries out social responsibility activities is expected to improve the company's image and also the value of the company. the consideration of using this theory is because this theory is able to provide encouragement for companies to provide information to external parties that influence decision making which will later affect the value of the company and also affect changes in the company's stock price (murnita & putra, 2018). corporate social responsibility according to the international company of employers, corporate social responsibility is defined as voluntary activities that are positive for companies in various fields, both economic, social and environmental. it can be considered as an aspect of business strategy with the aim of making a profit and is a form of interaction between the company and the social environment. corporate social contributions can be implemented in several ways, including 1) financial donations, such as support for cultural performances. 2) donations for people with disabilities or religious groups and donations to universities. 3) social voluntary activities, such as building a house. 4) employ foreigners, disabled people, and women to ensure social justice. 5) protect the environment and so on (chung et al., 2018). if a company discloses social responsibility in a sustainable and consistent manner, investors will appreciate and give a positive appreciation which is displayed by the expansion in the organization's stock price and furthermore the expanding value of the company as an indication of the endurance of an organization later on (murnita & putra, 2018). corporate social responsibility is is unveiled in a report called sustainability report. corporate social responsibility can be practical if the program made by an organization is actually a joint responsibility from all components inside the actual organization (wulandari et al., 2016). corporate social responsibility reporting is usually used as a mechanism by which companies share information with shareholders about the company's approach to issues related to the environment, society, employees and consumers (singh et al., 2017). investment decision investment is the connecting of assets in the long haul to produce profits later on. investment decisions are vital in light of the fact that they are the center of all financial analysis which will eventually influence the accomplishment of organization objectives. the current investment opportunities influence the value of the company organization which is essentially shaped through the financial stock market value. furthermore, investment decision making is also very important for the survival of the organization concerned in light of the fact that it includes the assets utilized for investment, the sort of investment to be made and the different risk that can be created (l. dewi & wirasedana, 2018). investment can come from inside or outside the company. investments originating from within the company include cash, marketable securities, trade corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 273 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting receivables, inventories and others. meanwhile, investments originating from outside the company include equipment, land, buildings, machinery, vehicles and so on (tanto et al., 2019). investment decisions are decisions taken as an alternative for the company to issue funds outside of operational activities which can then provide benefits to the company in the future. investment decisions have a long term, so the decisions taken must be considered properly because they have long-term risks. if the organization can settle on the right investment choices, the organization will acquire benefits and the organization's resources will create ideal execution to give a positive sign to investors which will expand stock price and increment value of the company (suryandani, 2018). the investment made by the company certainly aims to prosper shareholders, both now and in the future (somantri & sukardi, 2019). investment decisions are also considered as a decision made by the company in spending its funds in the form of certain assets in the hope of getting profits in the future (suroto, 2015). managerial ownership managerial ownership is the level of share’s possession claimed by directors, managers and commissioners which can be found in the financial statements. managers act all the more cautiously with this share ownership in light of the fact that they likewise bear the outcomes of the choices that have been taken. companies with managerial ownership will positively adjust their inclinations as managers and also as shareholders. managerial ownership will help the unification of interests between managers and shareholders, straightforwardly feel the advantages of the choices taken and bear the losses as a result of settling on wrong choices. (widianingsih, 2018) in the company's financial statements, managerial ownership is demonstrated by the enormous level of organization share’s proprietorship by managers. information on share ownership by the manager unveiled in the notes to the financial statements by giving management the opportunity to be involved in the ownership of the company's shares, it is expected that management will act carefully because whatever decisions are made, they will also bear the consequences. management is also expected to be motivated to improve their professionalism which will have an impact on increasing company performance and value (hidayah, 2017). value of the company value of the company can be characterized as a specific condition that has been accomplished by an organization as an outline of public confidence in the organization subsequent to going through a cycle of activities for quite a while, since the organization was established as of recently. expanding the value of the company is an accomplishment, in light of the fact that expanding the value of the company is the thing that the proprietors need and with the increment in the value of the company. the welfare of the proprietors will likewise increment because a high share price will make the value of the company additionally high. the higher the value of the company, the higher the prosperity of shareholders (rinnaya et al., 2016). however, stock prices in the capital market are formed based on investor supply and demand, so the stock price is a fair price that can be used as value of the company (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021). value of the company is is a marker for the market in evaluating the organization as a whole. the thing that makes the value of the organization a significant idea for investors. the value of companies that have opened up to the public in the capital market is reflected in the stock price, if the share price increases, the value of the company additionally increments, while the value of corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 274 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting companies that have not opened up to the public is reflected in the value of company resources, business hazard level, organization possibilities, the executives, business climate and different variables. the stock price can can be supposed to be a marker of the organization's prosperity, where market strength in the stock trade is shown by the deal and acquisition of shares in the capital market (khoirunnisa, 2018). hypothesis development the influence of corporate social responsibility on value of the company corporate social responsibility is a type of duty to do the activities for environment and give impacts around the organization. organizations that do social responsibility are viewed as ready to disclose a decent commitment to the public and can be liable for their activities and impacts on the surrounding environment. the execution of corporate social responsibility will likewise persuade and give a signal to investors that the organization will actually want to guarantee its endurance later on while expanding the value of the company (murnita & putra, 2018). this statement is supported by research conducted by dewi & sanica (2017) and andreas & adiputra (2019) which found that corporate social responsibility has a positive influence on value of the company. ha1: corporate social responsibility has a positive influence on value of the company the influence of investment decisions on value of the company investment decisions are significant choices in the management function in finance because they involve how to distribute organization reserves, both from inside and outside the organization in regards to different types of venture choices with similar objective of acquiring more noteworthy benefits later on (suryandani, 2018). high investment is a sign of organization pay development which is viewed as uplifting news by investors in impacting impression of organization execution which will eventually influence value of the company (suroto, 2015). this statement is supported by research conducted by (suroto, 2015) and (tanto et al., 2019) which found that investment decisions have a positive influence on value of the company. the influence of managerial ownership on value of the company managerial ownership is one of the share proprietorship structures that can influence the motivating forces for the board to practice the wellbeing of investors. be that as it may, managers tend to utilize high obligation not based on amplifying the value of the company, however for their own advantages. conflict between management and company owners is called agency conflict. the managerial ownership mechanism can minimize conflicts of interest that arise from the agency relationship between shareholders and management. managerial ownership is able to control and reduce earnings manipulation behavior by managers, so that the quality of reported earnings can increase and also have an impact on increasing value of the company (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021). this statement is supported by research conducted by (gayatri et al., 2016) and (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021) which found that managerial ownership has a positive influence on value of the company ha3: managerial ownership has a positive influence on value of the company method corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 275 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the population used in this study were all manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2016-2018 period, totaling 166 companies. the sample of this research is manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2016-2018 that meet the criteria for sampling. sampling in this study was conducted using non-probability sampling technique. one of the sampling techniques included in the nonprobability sampling technique is the purposive sampling method (sugiyono, 2016: 84-85). the criteria applied in the sampling of this research are as follows. 1. manufacturing organizations that have been recorded on the indonesia stock exchange and distributed a yearly report sequentially during the 2016-2018 period. 2. manufacturing organizations that distribute their yearly reports in rupiah. 3. manufacturing organizations that have total information identified with the factors utilized in the investigation such as corporate social responsibility and managerial ownership. 4. companies that have net income during the 2016-2018 period. the purposive testing strategy utilized in this investigation brought about 29 organizations that met the measures in this examination. the aftereffects of the example choice are introduced in table 2 underneath. table 2 sample selection process results number sample selection criteria amount 1 manufacturing companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the period 2016-2018. 166 2 manufacturing companies that that don't distribute yearly reports in rupiah currency (26) 3 manufacturing companies that don't have total information required in research : a. not disclosing corporate social responsibility activities (3) b. there is no managerial ownership (70) c. have no net profit (17) d. not publishing sustainability reports in a row during the 2016-2018 period (21) final data count 29 research year 3 number of samples during the study period 87 source: idx and edited by the author (2020) data collection technique data collection techniques are ways to get the data needed by researchers in conducting research (sugiyono, 2016: 137). information assortment method in this examination is documentation procedure. documentation strategies are completed by gathering, examining and breaking down auxiliary information that contains data required in research (sugiyono, 2016: 240). the information utilized in this investigation is optional information as yearly reports of manufacturing corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 276 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting organizations recorded on the indonesia stock exchange which are sourced from the indonesia stock exchange (idx) site and different information sources from diaries and other writing books. value of the company value of the company is an investor's view of an organization identified with share prices. an organization is said to have great worth on the off chance that it has great execution of performance, since investor will in general be keen on putting their offers in organizations that have great execution in expanding organization esteem. along these lines, the higher the stock value, the higher the value of the organization (dewi, 2017). in this examination, the value of the organization is estimated utilizing the proportion of price to book value (pbv) or the book value of the organization that can cause the market to have faith in the organization's possibilities. the price to book value (pbv) proportion broke down is a correlation between share price in a period with the book worth of value acquired from the organization's balance sheet in a specific period (khoirunnisa, 2018). this ratio explains that the market price of a stock in its book value can give an indication of the investor's view of a company. the reason for using the price to book value (pbv) ratio is because the book value has a relatively stable measure that can be compared with market price. another reason to use this ratio is because book value is able to provide consistent accounting standards for all companies. in addition, a high price to book value (pbv) will also make the market believe in the company's prospects in the future. price to book value (pbv) can be calculated using the following formula (sudana, 2013:23). price to book value = market value per share / book value per share book value per share can be obtained by the following formula (sudana, 2013:23). book value per share = total equity / total outstanding share corporate social responsibility corporate social responsibility is a type of corporate duty in fixing social imbalance and ecological harm that happens around the organization because of the organization's functional exercises. the more types of duty the organization embraces to the climate, the organization's picture will increment and furthermore affect expanding value of the company (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021). corporate social responsibility can be estimated utilizing the corporate social responsibility disclosure index (csrdi) intermediary dependent on the global reporting initiative (gri). corporate social responsibility disclosure indicators consisting of 91 items using 6 (six) performance indicators, namely (hadyarti, 2019): 1. economy (aec) which consists of 9 items 2. environment (aen) consisting of 34 items 3. manpower (ala) which consists of 16 items 4. human rights (ahr) which consists of 12 items 5. community social which consists of 11 items 6. product responsibility which consists of 9 items corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 277 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting corporate social responsibility is estimated utilizing a rundown of social duty revelations, to be specific by giving a score of 0 (zero) for every thing that isn't unveiled in the organization's yearly report and giving a score of 1 (one) for everything revealed in the organization's yearly report (murnita & putra, 2018). the corporate social responsibility disclosure index (csrdi) is formulated with the following calculation (wulandari et al., 2016). information : xij = number of corporate social responsibility items uncovered by the organization nj = maximum number of items for corporate social responsibility exposure investment decision the investment decision is one of the decisions that must be taken by financial managers to allocate existing funds in order to bring profits in the future (tanto et al., 2019). organizations that have high speculation choices will actually want to impact investors' understanding of the company, so comprehension of the organization, in order to build the interest for the organization's offers. in this way, the higher the investor's interest in putting resources into an organization, the investment decision will affect expanding the value of the company (pertiwi et al., 2016). investment decisions in this study are proxied by price earning ratio (per). price earning ratio (per) is determined by contrasting the price per share and the income procured from each share. investors will see the organization's capacity to produce income from each one of the assets contributed by the company. if the price earning ratio (per) is high, then investors will assume that the company is able to allocate its funds properly and in the end it will increase the value of the company. price earning ratio (per) is formulated with the following calculation (somantri & sukardi, 2019). price earning ratio (per) = share price / earnings per share managerial ownership managerial ownership is the is the level of divide for share proprietorship between executives, officials, and all straightforwardly engaged with settling on organization choices (dewi, 2017). through managerial ownership, managers will be motivated to provide more optimal performance in operating the company, because managers have rights and obligations attached to both the shares they own and the company. when a manager is able to provide more optimal performance, then this will directly affect the increase in company performance and also increase the value of the company (gayatri et al., 2016). in this study, managerial ownership is measured by calculating the percentage (%) of shares owned by commissioners, boards of directors and managers to the number of outstanding shares. the formula for calculating managerial ownership is as follows (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021). mo = total share owned by manager, directors, and commissioners / total outstanding share data analysis method data analysis is a process of systematically searching and compiling from data that has been obtained through various data collection techniques, so that it is easy to understand and inform corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 278 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting other parties (sugiyono, 2016: 244). the data analysis method used in this research is quantitative analysis using statistical methods. the analysis in the study was carried out using spss version 25 software. the data analysis method used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis to determine whether there was an influence of several independent variables on the dependent variable (ghozali, 2018). result and discussion based on the results of descriptive statistical tests on corporate social responsibility, the lowest value was 0.1098901 and the highest value was 0.2857143, while the average value obtained was 0.171908547 with a standard deviation of 0.0435057871. the company that has the highest percentage of corporate social responsibility is fajar surya wisesa with a percentage amount of 29%. meanwhile, the companies that have the lowest percentage of corporate social responsibility are sekar laut tbk and siantar top tbk at 11%. from the results of the analysis, the average value is 0.171908547, this means that the company has disclosed its corporate social responsibility activities, which is 17%, meaning that the company has taken part in improving social inequality and environmental damage that occurred around the company due to the company's operational activities. this indicates that the mean value can be used as a representation of the entire data. the standard deviation is a reflection of the average deviation of the data from the mean. the investment decision obtained a minimum value of 3.0078076 and a maximum value of 42.8659747, while the mean value obtained was 16.836777767 with a standard deviation of 8.7760052162. the company that has the highest investment decision is lion metal works tbk with a percentage of 4287%. meanwhile, the company that has the lowest percentage of investment decisions is kedawung setia industrial tbk at 301%. from the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the mean value is 16.836777767, this means that the company has implemented an investment decision of 17%, meaning that the financial manager has made the decision to allocate existing funds to bring profits in the future. the average value is greater than the standard deviation value, this indicates that the mean value can be used as a representation of the entire data. the standard deviation is a reflection of the average deviation of the data from the mean. the results of descriptive statistical tests on managerial ownership obtained the lowest value of 0.0000933 and the highest value of 0.3451344, while the average value obtained was 0.080101115 with a standard deviation of 0.1032648575. the company that has the highest managerial ownership is indo acidatama tbk with a managerial ownership percentage of 35%. meanwhile, the company that has the lowest percentage of managerial ownership is kalbe farma tbk at 0.00933%. the average value is 0.080101115, this means that the company's shares have been owned by managers, boards of directors and commissioners by 8%. it can be concluded that managers, boards of directors and commissioners have taken part in supervising company performance to increase the value of the company although there are still many companies that have a low percentage of managerial ownership. the definition of the standard deviation is a reflection of the average deviation of the data from the mean which also describes the magnitude of the data variation. the average value of managerial ownership is smaller than the standard deviation value, this larger standard deviation value indicates that managerial ownership has a larger variation in the data, so the mean value is a poor representation of the overall data. corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 279 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the value of the company obtained a minimum value of 0.2281336 and a maximum value of 5.7016536, while the mean value obtained was 1.682218316 with a standard deviation of 1.3811070957. the company that has the highest value of the company is kalbe farma tbk with a value of the company percentage of 570%. meanwhile, the company that has the lowest percentage of value of the company is intanwijaya international tbk at 23%. from the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the mean value is 1.682218316 or 168%, this means that most companies have good corporate values. this indicates that the mean value can be used as a representation of the entire data. the standard deviation is a reflection of the average deviation of the data from the mean. classical assumption tests the results of the normality test show the asymp value. sig. (2-tailed) of 0.197 > alpha 0.05. it can be interpreted that the residual data on the proportion of corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership are declared normally distributed. the results of the multicollinearity test show that corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership do not have multicollinearity problems so that data on corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership are well used in the regression model. heteroscedasticity test results show that the significant value of corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership is greater than 5%, so it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model. the results of the autocorrelation test show that the durbin-watson value of 0.556 lies between -2 to 2 which can be concluded that this regression model does not have autocorrelation. coefficient of determination test the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) show the adjusted r2 value of 0.298. thus, it can be concluded that corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership can explain 29.8% of the variation in value of the company, while the remaining 70.2% is explained by the variable others that are not included in the regression equation model. hypothesis test the results of the hypothesis test in this study which aims to prove the influence of corporate social responsibility, investment decisions and managerial ownership on value of the company are presented in table 3 below. table 3 hypothesis test results corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 280 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting model unstandardized coefficients sig. value b 1 (constant) -1.577 corporate social responsibility 0.204 0.493 investment decision 0.742 0.000 managerial ownership -0.037 0.253 based on the results of multiple regression analysis in table 3, the regression equation used in this study is as follows. value = -1.577 + 0.204csr + 0.742io 0.037mo + e based on the results of the partial test (t test) in table 3, the results of the analysis of the influence of the independent variable partially on the dependent variable are explained as follows. 1. corporate social responsibility has a significance value of 0.493 which means a significance value of more than 0.05 which causes ha1 in this study to be rejected, namely corporate social responsibility has no influence on value of the company. 2. the investment decision has a significance value of 0.000 which means the significance value is less than 0.05 and the beta value is positive, namely 0.742 which causes ha2 in this study to be accepted and has a positive relationship, namely investment decisions have a positive influence on value of the company. 3. managerial ownership has a significance value of 0.253, which means a significance value of more than 0.05 which causes ha3 in this study to be rejected, namely managerial ownership has no influence on value of the company. the influence of corporate social responsibility on value of the company the results of the corporate social responsibility test prove that corporate social responsibility has no influence on value of the company. this is not in line with research conducted by dewi & sanica (2017) and andreas & adiputra (2019) which state that corporate social responsibility has a positive influence on value of the company, but the results of this study are in line with research conducted by puspaningrum (2017) and (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021) which states that corporate social responsibility has no influence on value of the company. the rejection of the hypothesis in this study occurs because the disclosure of corporate social responsibility by the company is relatively low, because this activity is still voluntary in indonesia so that companies do not consider corporate social responsibility as an aspect of business strategy to gain profits and increase value of the company. in addition, not all companies fully disclose corporate social responsibility in their annual reports or issue separate corporate social responsibility reports. another chance is that investors don't completely trust in the divulgence of corporate social responsibility did by the organization in light of the fact that up to this point there are as yet numerous cases identified with ecological, social and monetary issues, so investors consider that the exposure of corporate social responsibility is just a custom and can't guarantee that the organization has great corporate value. corporate social responsibility isn't identified with signalling theory in light of the fact that the aftereffects of this investigation show that executing social responsibility does not influence the value of the company. information on corporate social responsibility is a is likewise not generally corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 281 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting remembered for the organization's yearly report or a different report on corporate social responsibility. corporate social responsibility is is less ready to give consolation to organizations to give data to outside parties identified with dynamic that can influence the value of the company and changes in the organization's stock price. it it very well may be presumed that the divulgence of corporate social duty has no impact in expanding the value of the company. the influence of investment decisions on value of the company the results of testing investment decisions prove that investment decisions have a positive influence on value of the company. the results of this study are not in line with the research conducted by dewi & wirasedana (2018) and (suryandani, 2018), but are consistent and strengthen the research conducted by (suroto, 2015) and (tanto et al., 2019) which states that investment decisions have a positive influence on value of the company. the acceptance of the hypothesis in this study is due to high investment decisions indicating that the company's investment and company growth prospects are in good condition so as to increase the demand for shares in the company. the investment decisions taken by the company are also an alternative for companies to spend their funds outside of operational activities in order to gain profits for the company in the future. the higher the venture choice set by the organization, the higher the chance for the company to get opportunity for benefit. subsequently, directors should keep up with the improvement of ventures so they can accomplish organization objectives through the welfare of shareholders and can build value of the company. in light of the fact that the consequences of this examination, it can be shown that investment decisions influence value of the company. if that the organization can settle on the right investment decisions, the company will will acquire benefits and the organization's resources will create ideal execution in order to give a positive signal to investors, which will expand stock price and value of the company. so it tends to be presumed that investment decisions have have an impact in expanding value of the company. the influence of managerial ownership on value of the company the test results of managerial ownership prove that managerial ownership has no influence on value of the company. the results of this study are different from the research conducted by (gayatri et al., 2016) and (sudarma & darmayanti, 2021) which state that managerial ownership has a positive influence on value of the company. however, the results of this study are in line with and support previous research conducted by (suastini et al., 2016) and (rely & purwanti, 2018) which stated that managerial ownership had no influence on value of the company. the rejection of the hypothesis in this study occurs because the share ownership owned by managers, boards of directors and commissioners is relatively small or does not have many shares in the company. the low share ownership by managers, boards of directors and commissioners means that the performance of managers as a minority has not been able to actively participate in making decisions in the company, so it does not affect the value of the company. low share ownership by managers, boards of directors and commissioners causes managers to prioritize their goals as managers rather than as shareholders and makes managers' performances tend to have no influence on value of the company. corporate social responsibility, investment decisions, and managerial ownership on value of the company : evidence from indonesia ardillah & thenia 282 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the discussion that has been stated, managerial ownership is not always related to agency theory because the results of this study indicate that the presence of stock ownership by managers, boards of directors and commissioners does not affect value of the company. share ownership by managers who act as agents as well as principals cannot in fact reduce agency conflicts that can occur, because relatively high managerial ownership is not a benchmark that managers will not be concerned with their own interests. so it can be concluded that the existence of managerial ownership in a company is not fully influential in increasing the value of the company. conclusion corporate social responsibility has no effect on value of the company. it tends to be reasoned that the revelation of corporate social responsibility by the organization can't ensure that the organization will keep away from cases identified with ecological, social and monetary issues and are less ready to give support to give data to external parties related to decision making that can influence the value of the company. investment decisions have a positive effect on value of the company. it tends to be reasoned that a high speculation choice demonstrates that the organization's investment and company growth possibilities are in acceptable condition to expand the demand for shares in the organization and furthermore affect expanding the value of the company. managerial ownership has no effect on value of the company. it can be concluded that managerial ownership cannot affect the value of the company because the shares owned by managers, boards of directors and commissioners are still relatively small, so it cannot guarantee that managers are more concerned with their goals as a manager than as shareholders and make managers' performance tend to have no effect on the value of the company. for management, this research is expected to be a reference in decision making by management, especially regarding the impact of every decision taken related to company value, increasing disclosure of corporate social responsibility, optimizing investment decision making and considering managerial share ownership so that managers, boards of directors and commissioners can participate fully active in making decisions in a company. for investors, the results of this study are expected to be used as consideration for making investment decisions by assessing what things or indicators can have an effect on increasing the value of the company. investors should also conduct a more in-depth analysis before investing their funds in a company such as studying the history of the company and the factors that affect the value of the company. for further researchers, it is expected to add other indicators such as funding decisions, company size, other corporate governance indicators, using companies with other sectors besides manufacturing such as the mining sector, property sector, financial sector or real estate sector, using other sample criteria for comparison results to make the sample data more visible and more varied, increasing the number of research periods so that they are longer for example 5 years or 6 years, using different measurement methods or adding measurement methods for company value, namely tobin's q or price earnings ratio (per) and can collect more references in order to provide better research results. reference abdelfattah, t., & aboud, a. 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leadership is a leader's way of influencing subordinates with certain characteristics so that they can achieve the desired goals. one of the factors for the success of a leader depends on the leadership techniques used in creating situations that cause the people they lead to arise awareness to carry out what they want. in other words, whether a leader is effective or not depends on how his ability to manage and apply his leadership pattern under the situation and conditions of the organization. feelings related to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction tend to reflect the worker's assessment of current and past work experiences rather than expectations for the future. so it can be concluded that there are two important elements of job satisfaction, namely job values and basic needs. work values are the goals to be achieved in doing work tasks. what is wanted to be achieved are work values that are considered important by individuals. it goes on to say that work values must match or help fulfill basic needs. thus it can be concluded that job satisfaction is the result of labor which is related to work motivation with the degree of importance of job aspects for individuals. an individual will feel satisfied or dissatisfied with his work, which depends on how he perceives a match or contradiction between his desires and the results he gets. this research method is the method of exploration and verification, the analysis tool is structural equation modeling (sem, pls). the results showed that the influence of the covid-19 crisis leadership style on job satisfaction has implications for company performance. keyword: post-covid-19 transformative leadership style, job satisfaction, company performance introduction humans are the driving force of the resources that exist in an organization to carry out the functions of each of these organizations (avolio & bass, (2004). the driving wheel of leadership is a human being who can make breakthroughs, changes, transformations for problems that are very visible in the future. a form and style of leadership that has a high sense of urgency, as opposed to routine, monotonous, business as usual leadership, does not want to take risks and wants to be safe and always takes refuge in complicated bureaucratic procedures, takes time, and is also expensive (cartwright, & robertson, 2007) when facing a pandemic and economic recession, the indonesian nation needs a leadership style that is out of the box, outside of the usual routine, rich in breakthroughs, innovative in achieving measurable goals (correia & scholten, 2013). goal-directed leadership behavior and risk lover (datta & pandey 2010). the concrete manifestation of this form of transformative leadership is the level of policy and implementation, the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 18 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 which can be in the form of cutting out all bureaucratic procedures so that all programs can be implemented and budget realization can be on schedule. dare to take legal risks for bureaucratic breakthroughs carried out to accelerate the program, but free from corrupt behavior. as has been done by a leader to cut the wordy bureaucracy, hinder performance, and sacrifice public services (goulet & singh, 2002). herold & caldwell (2007) stated that in an organization, of course, there is a leader who brings his subordinates to achieve the desired organizational goals and can bring all members of the organization to a common goal and aspiration. furthermore, hertati (2015) states that in addition to a leader being able to convince all its members to achieve common goals, a leader is also able to encourage them to learn and progress in work in the organization. the encouragement can provide satisfaction in carrying out any existing work, which later on this satisfaction will be able to improve performance (hertati, 2016). the phenomenon states that the weakness of the supervisory system from the leadership can result in employees, acting not under established rules, decreasing employee performance, job satisfaction levels and the performance of each employee is still not optimal, there are disappointment and dissatisfaction from employees and satisfaction in the work environment. a transforming leadership style prioritizes according to the demands of its urgency, with measurable targets, pandemic response, and/or economic recovery. jokowi (2020) as president of the republic of indonesia stated that the coronavirus pandemic has placed enormous demands on leaders in the business sector and other sectors. the death toll from this virus caused fear among workers and various stakeholders. large-scale outbreaks and the uncertainty they face can make it difficult for leaders to cope. this outbreak is characterized by a “landscapescale” or large-scale crisis that can be interpreted as an unexpected or large event that occurs at an extraordinary speed, causing a high level of uncertainty that causes disorientation, feelings of loss of control, and strong emotional disturbances. kaplan & aksa (2012) stated that the most strategic factors in tackling a pandemic are tests, coverage, and speed of reporting, so budget provision is focused on this program. overall resources are focused here, if needed lgs take out loans for this purpose (as long as laws and regulations allow), and accountability is transparent. pressing the economic downturn is the low purchasing power of the people, the social safety net program is an important issue, so all bureaucratic breakthroughs to fix data and its follow-up must be the top priority. and there are many more determining strategic factors, which require a fast formulation and an action program that is no less rapid. kiessling & harvey (2006) stated that transformative leadership, leadership that brings change requires a leadership pattern that is reliable and then effective and reliable management skills. strong management skills, lobbying, team building, solidarity building, and smart and breakthrough social communication. transformative leadership requires good understanding and the realization is in the form of work ethic in the life of the community. value systems and even beliefs about life attitudes in living and interpreting life. give birth to ethical leadership guidance which has the basic characteristics: dedication, self-honesty, and then honesty to the public as the holder of the public mandate, an exemplary figure (. the leadership qualification is a very meaningful role model, in the life of a community that is being plagued by the covid-19 pandemic, the economy has declined sharply during a dry season, all sectors in indonesia have experienced a decline. of the many employees, of course, there is a leader who is appointed to bring employees to achieve the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 19 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 common goals. leadership is one of the abilities of someone very interesting to talk about, who often displays opinions and talks that discuss leadership. the role of leadership which is very strategic and important for the achievement of the vision, mission, and goals of an organization is one of the motives that encourages people to always investigate the ins and outs of leadership, apart from nurturing leadership, which is given either from the leader or from fellow members. can lead employees to human behavior to work actively and enthusiastically to achieve optimal results. a performance boost will certainly make members in the organization feel called to immediately complete their duties and responsibilities quickly and precisely. this is what is sometimes often overlooked in an organization. this becomes interesting to examine in more depth the problem of leadership associated with employee job satisfaction and performance. one of the factors that influence to achieve good work results from employees is the ability of leaders who are supportive and manifest sympathy for their subordinates so that they can achieve good performance so that organizational goals can be achieved. however, it is unfortunate that employee performance has not been optimal (rafferty & griffin, 2004: schweizer, & patzelt, 2012: smithikrai, & suwannadet, 2018). this sub-optimal performance is not only a problem of the employees themselves but also the role of a leader in it. how as a leader, be able to move his subordinates to work optimally. a leader should be able to encourage his subordinates to be able to carry out their duties properly, correctly, and quickly. the leader must also provide an example of how to carry out the job. the problem of decreased employee performance is not solely influenced by weak leadership or the attitude of leaders who are indifferent to their subordinates, but can also be seen from the motivation of employees in carrying out their work (kyei-poku, & miller, 2013: madsen, & john, 2005: maheshwari & vohra, 2015: meyer, et, al, 2007: muchiri & ayoko, 2013: neves & caetano, 2009: hertati, et, ell, 2019). performance can be said to encourage someone in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. kotter (1996) states that motivation is a condition that encourages a person to achieve maximum achievement. therefore, a leader needs to direct motivation so that employees feel motivated to work harder so that the performance achieved is also high. motivation must be well directed according to priorities and be well received by employees, to improve performance. employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties under the responsibilities assigned to him (lambert, & barton, 2001). performance in an organization is one element that cannot be separated in an organizational institution, either it is a government institution or a private institution. performance is the results of the work function or activity of a person or group in an organization which is influenced by various factors to achieve organizational goals within a certain time. besides, a lot of one's performance is associated with whether someone is satisfied with a job or not. if someone is satisfied with carrying out his job, then that person will be able to do his job well. creating employee job satisfaction is not easy because job satisfaction can be created if the variables that influence it, including leadership and work motivation, can be accommodated properly and accepted by all employees in an organization. job satisfaction is an individual thing, each individual has a different level of job satisfaction according to handoko's value system (2010: lee, & kim, 2020: hertati, et, al, 2020). performance management in the ministry of finance is a result of a job function or the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 20 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 activity during a certain period to achieve the goals of the organization. yukl, (1989). suggests that performance is a result of work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on skills, experience, and seriousness, and time. in other words, performance is the work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him under established criteria. yousef (2000) states that performance is a condition or behavior of a person that must be achieved with certain conditions. performance is the result of an employee's work in a certain period compared to various possibilities, for example, target/objective standards or predetermined criteria. in line with that wood, (2000). says "performance can be considered as a trait or characteristic of an individual in carrying out a task or job that cannot be observed or measured directly". it can only be observed in other circumstances or situations so that it can underlie the performance. yoon & thye (2002) performance is the work of a person based on perfecting these activities under the responsibilities and expected results. the word pimpin contains the meaning of directing, building or managing, guiding, and also showing or influencing. leaders have a responsibility both physically and spiritually for the success of the work activities of the people they lead so that being a leader is not easy and not everyone will have the same in carrying out their leadership. yousef, (2017) that leadership is translated into traits, personal behavior, influence on others, patterns, interactions, cooperative relationships between roles, the position of one administrative position, and persuasion, and perceptions of others about the legitimacy of influence. teece & leih (2016) leadership is an activity to influence the behavior of others, or the art of influencing human behavior, both individually and in groups. leadership is one of the most important factors in an organization because of most of the successes and williams, et, al (2017) state that leadership is a group process carried out by someone in managing and inspiring many jobs to achieve organizational goals through the application of techniques. management. yağar & dökme (2019) say that leadership is an activity to influence people to achieve organizational goals. leadership includes the influencing process in determining organizational goals, motivating follower behavior to achieve goals, influencing to improve the group and culture. schweizer (2005) states that leadership style is a social influence process in which managers seek voluntary participation from subordinates in achieving organizational goals. leadership by a leader also describes the direction and goals to be achieved from an organization. so it can be said that leadership is very influential for the big names of the organization. shield, & nelson, (2002). leadership is any action taken by an individual or group to coordinate and give direction to individuals or groups who are members of a particular container to achieve predetermined goals. shum & auh (2008) leadership is an influencing process carried out by a person in managing his group members to achieve organizational goals. leadership is a form of strategy or leadership theory that is certainly carried out by people who we usually refer to as leaders. a leader is someone with the authority to direct his subordinates to do part of his job in achieving goals. leaders are those who use formal authority to organize, direct, control subordinates who are responsible so that all parts of the work are coordinated to achieve company goals. the leader must first of all be someone who can grow and develop all the best in his subordinates. simply put, a good leader is someone who helps develop others, so that in the end they no longer need that leader. segars & grover (1993) argues that leadership is specific, distinctive, necessary for special situations. because in a group that carries out certain activities, and has the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 21 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 specific objectives and equipment, the group leader with its characteristic characteristics is a function of the special situation. the main characteristics of a leader and his leadership must be appropriate and acceptable to the group, as well as relevant, and fit the situation and era. in essence, leadership has a rather broad understanding compared to management. management is a special type of thinking of leadership to achieve organizational goals. whereas leadership can be because it tries to achieve organizational or group goals, and it can be the same or aligned or not in line with the organizational goals. top, & tarcan (2015) state that management is a process of achieving an organization through the efforts of other people. in management, there are certain rules and manners, so that management leadership will be regulated according to applicable regulations. someone who regulates management is usually called a manager. managers occupy structural positions through selection and term of office as regulated in the organization. tabachnick & fidell (2007) leadership is any action taken by an individual or group to coordinate and give direction to individuals or groups who are members of a particular container to achieve predetermined goals. leadership is not limited by the rules and manners in an organization. leadership can occur anywhere, provided that person can demonstrate his ability to influence other people or certain groups to achieve certain goals. someone who can influence other people to achieve certain goals can be called a leader. porter & lawler (1968) classifies situational leadership styles into four, where each leadership style looks at the readiness and willingness of subordinates, namely, telling, selling, participating, and delegating. 1. telling. this leadership style is appropriate when the level of readiness of an individual or group is low. this style is high attention to task, but low attention to relationships. this leadership style in telling aims to direct, guide, or control. 2. selling. this leadership style is used on followers with a moderate level of readiness. this style has high attention to both tasks and relationships. this selling leadership style aims to provide motivation, as well as ensure. 3. participating. this leadership style is used on followers with a high level of readiness. this style has high attention to relationships and low attention to tasks. participating leadership styles encourage followers as well as two-way communication, and facilitate followers in decision making. 4. delegating. this leadership style is best used for followers with a very high level of readiness, followers have very high abilities and willingness. this leadership style has low attention to relationships and tasks. delegating leadership style observes, and monitors followers closely, the leader sees progress and results, gives authority and responsibility to followers, and ensures followers achieve the desired results. everyone who works expects to get satisfaction from his place of work. job satisfaction is an individual thing because each individual will have a different level of satisfaction according to the values that apply to each individual. the more aspects of work that are under the wishes of the individual, the higher the level of perceived satisfaction. ulrich & brockbank 2008). job satisfaction is "an effectiveness or emotional response to various aspects of work". job satisfaction is an expression of a person's feelings or attitudes towards their work, on promotional opportunities, relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and feelings of satisfaction with the work itself (raukko, 2009). rao-nicholson & merchant (2016) job satisfaction is “a the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 22 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 general attitude toward one's job that shows the difference between the number of rewards employees receive and the amount they believe they should receive (pfeffer 1983). employees who do not get job satisfaction will never reach psychological maturity and in turn, will become frustrated. nunnally & bernstein. (1994) suggested that performance satisfaction is part of the motivation process. the satisfaction of work members can be linked to their performance and performance and the rewards and punishments they receive. therefore the level of job satisfaction can be shown by results such as the attitude of members of the work, change of work of members of work, change of work of members of work. absence or absence. delays and complaints. meyer & herscovitch (2001) suggest that a manager will care about the job satisfaction aspect. because it has a moral responsibility whether it can provide a satisfying environment for its employees and believe that the behavior of satisfied workers will make a positive contribution to performance. job satisfaction is an affective or emotional response to various aspects or aspects of a person's job so that job satisfaction is not a single concept. a person can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of a job and dissatisfied with one or more other aspects. job satisfaction is a worker's (positive) attitude towards his job, which arises based on an assessment of the work situation. the assessment can be carried out on one of the jobs, the assessment is carried out as a sense of appreciation in achieving one of the important values in the work. satisfied employees prefer their work situation rather than dislike them. overall job satisfaction for an individual is the number of job satisfaction (from each aspect of the job) multiplied. so it can be concluded that the notion of job satisfaction is a positive attitude of the workforce which includes feelings and behavior towards their work through the assessment of one job as a sense of appreciation in achieving. one important work values. job satisfaction is an expression of people being more satisfied with a job than some other people. satisfaction and dissatisfaction are part of a different group of variables, namely motivators and hygiene factors. dissatisfaction is related to conditions around work (such as working conditions, wages, security, quality of supervision, and relationships with other people) and not with the job itself. because the factors preventing negative reactions are known as hygiene or maintenance factors. conversely, satisfaction is drawn from factors related to the job itself or a direct result thereof such as the nature of the job, job performance, promotion opportunities, and opportunities for self-development and recognition. because these factors are associated with high job satisfaction levels, they are called motivators. job satisfaction occurs at the level where the work results are received by individuals as expected. the more people receive the results, the more satisfied and vice versa. the key to satisfaction in this theory is the difference between aspects of the job one has and what someone wants. the greater the difference, the lower the person's satisfaction. there are five factors that can affect job satisfaction (nielsen & munir 2009), which are as follows: 1. meeting needs. satisfaction is determined by the level of job characteristics providing opportunities for individuals to meet their needs. 2. meeting needs. satisfaction is determined by the level of job characteristics providing opportunities for individuals to meet their needs. 3. differences. satisfaction is a result of meeting expectations. fulfillment of expectations reflects the difference between what is expected and what individuals get from their work. if expectations are greater than what is received, people will be dissatisfied. conversely, the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 23 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 individuals will be satisfied if they receive benefits above expectations. 4. achievement of values. satisfaction is the result of the perception that the job provides an important fulfillment of individual work values. 5. justice. satisfaction is a function of how fairly individuals are treated in the workplace. 6. the work itself. every job requires certain skills in their respective fields. whether a job is difficult or not and a person's feeling that their skills are needed in doing the job, will increase or decrease satisfaction. 7. relationships with superiors. leadership that is consistent concerning job satisfaction is a consideration. functional relationships reflect the extent to which the employer helps the workforce to satisfy work values that are important to the workforce. the overall relationship is based on interpersonal attraction which reflects similar basic attitudes and values, for example, both have the same outlook on life. 8. workmates. co-workers are a factor related to the relationship between employees and their superiors and with other employees, both of the same or different types of work. 9. salary or wages. is a factor to fulfill the needs of employees who are deemed appropriate or not. the relationship between job satisfaction and other variables can be positive or negative. power -relationships have a range from weak to strong. cunningham (2006) and junzhi, et, al (2020) state that performance is the work result of leadership which results in employee performance as desired by the company. the employee's work environment is considered very good, as well as between subordinates and leadership who are in the employee's work environment and a harmonious work environment will create peaceful calm. research bruck, & spector, (2002). stated that performance is determined by work motivation and leadership style and a flexible and accurate work environment. highyielding jobs must be achieved by employees. nadler & tushman (1990). states that the measures that need to be considered in the performance appraisal include: 1. quality of work, that is. neatness, accuracy, and linkage of work results without neglecting the volume of work. with the existence of good quality work, it can avoid the error rate in completing a job and the resulting work productivity can be beneficial for the progress of the company. 2. work quantity, ie. the volume of work generated under normal conditions. work quantity shows the number of types of work done at one time so that efficiency and effectiveness can be carried out under company objectives. 3. responsibility, that is. shows how much employees can be accountable for their work, the facilities and infrastructure used, and their work behavior. 4. initiatives, namely. shows how much the employee's ability to analyze, assess, create, and make decisions on solving the problems it faces. 5. cooperation, that is. is the employee's willingness to participate and cooperate with other employees vertically or horizontally inside or outside the work so that the work results are getting better. 6. obedience, that is is the employee's willingness to comply with the regulations that carry out their work under the instructions given to employees. 7. mental skills. the level of ability and speed in receiving work instructions and adjusting to the way of working and the existing work situation. the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 24 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 lau, & woodman, (1995) that increasing job satisfaction can be done by changing the work structure, for example by doing job rotation, which is a system of changing jobs from one type of task to another (which is adjusted to the job. description). the second way to do this is by expanding (job enlargement) or expanding one job in addition to a variety of job tasks. practices for workers who accept additional and varied assignments to make them feel that they are more than just members of the organization. changes in the payment structure, changes in the payment system are carried out based on their expertise (skill-based pay), namely a payment in which workers are paid based on their knowledge and skills rather than their position in the company. the second payment is made based on merit pay, a payment system in which workers are paid based on their performance, the financial achievement of workers is based on the results achieved by the individual himself. the gainsharing leadership style is a playstyle based on the success of the group (profits are shared among all group members such as providing flexible work schedules, by giving workers control over their daily work, which is very important for those who work in congested areas, where workers can not work on time or for those who have responsibilities for children compressed work week, where the number of jobs per day is reduced while the number of hours of work per day is increased workers can compress the work that is only done from monday to friday, so they can have some free time for a vacation. the second way is with a scheduling system where a worker runs a specific number of hours per week (flextime) but still has flexibility when to start and end work. people argue that productivity can be increased by increasing job satisfaction. job satisfaction may be a result of productivity or vice versa. high productivity causes an increase in job satisfaction only if the workforce perceives that what the company has achieved is under what they have received (salary/wages), which is fair and reasonable and is associated with superior work performance. the transparent leadership style shows the level of job satisfaction of a worker because the company can find out the job aspects of the expected success rate. a transformative leadership style is a leadership style in which the level of absence is more spontaneous and does not reflect job dissatisfaction. there is no relationship between job satisfaction and absence (battilana, et, al, 2010). because there are two factors in present behavior, namely the urge to be present and the ability to be present. maccallum & sugawara (1996) stated that satisfaction and absence/absenteeism shows a negative correlation. for example, companies provide free sick leave or work leave without sanctions or fines, including very satisfied workers. the transparent leadership style of work has a large economic impact, so it is most likely related to job dissatisfaction. lord, & hansbrough, (2020). work dissatisfaction with workers can be expressed in various ways, for example apart from leaving work, complaining, disobeying, stealing company/organization property, avoiding some of their job responsibilities, and others. h1: how is the influence of post-covid-19 transformative leadership style on job satisfaction. the effect of satisfaction on company performance every agency or human organization is one of the determining factors for the achievement of organizational goals, one measure of the success of an agency or organization seen from the level of human productivity. bellou (2006) states that employee productivity is largely dependent on the willingness of employees to produce something, for this reason, leaders must strive for employees to have high motivation to the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 25 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 carry out their duties, and this is where the role of motivation is important to increase employee job satisfaction. employee job satisfaction is important for employees. if employees feel satisfied, both about their work and their rewards, it can be ensured that the resulting productivity is maximized and the results provided are also in line with the expectations of the agency or even more. but if employees have not felt the desired job satisfaction, their productivity will also decrease. carnall, (1986) states that job satisfaction is fulfilled is expected to spur morale and high work discipline. the role of a leader is also needed to create an environment that supports this. the relationship between employees and leaders affects the emotional state of employees. burns, (1978) states that the support that is fully obtained from superiors allows employees to work responsibly. employees will feel a harmonious relationship with the leader if the leader provides the influence or leadership style according to their expectations (cartwright, & cooper, 1993). in this case, the leader must be able to determine the leadership style under the conditions desired by the subordinates. there are also various types of leadership styles such as autocratic leadership styles. autocratic leadership is also called authoritarian leadership. herscovitch & meyer, 2002) and farahnak, et, al, (2020) define autocratic leadership as a style based on the power of position and the use of authority. so autocratic leadership is leadership carried out by a leader with a winning attitude, closed to suggestions from others, and has high idealism. there are also types of democratic leadership. sudarwan & roodt, (2008) and long, et, al (2014) democratic leadership stems from the assumption that only with group strength can quality goals be achieved. hertati, et, al (2020) and herold, et, al (008) said that the democratic leadership style is associated with personal strength and the participation of followers in problem-solving and decision-making processes. permissive leadership style according to lumley, et, al (2011) and lepine, et, al (2008) states that permissive leaders are leaders who do not have a strong stance, their attitude is permissive. leaders give freedom to their subordinates so that subordinates do not have a strong grip on a problem. permissive leaders tend to be inconsistent with what they do (parish, et, al, 2008: nemanich, et, al, 2007). from the leadership style and encouragement and job satisfaction can affect performance. from this, it can be seen that high performance is needed so that services can be provided as much as possible. hertati & safkaour, 2020: kabanoff, & cohen, 1995: hosseini & trang, 2017).). argued that several factors affect job satisfaction and the most important are commitment, salary, promotion, co-workers, superiors (leadership style), and the job itself. the application of the right leadership style will be able to affect employee job satisfaction. likewise, if there is an increase in an employee's work commitment, it will be able to increase employee job satisfaction (savović, 2017: rafferty & restubog, 2010: pate & mcgoldrick, 2003: meyer & allen, 1991). one of the supporters of the success and progress of an organization or company is the human resource factor. tepayakul & rinthaisong (2018) state that the level of success of human resources can be measured through an employee performance appraisal with predetermined and different rules, models, and systems. the level of the results of the work appraisal is proportional to the level of quality of the employee's performance itself which can be influenced by several factors. leadership is important in an organization and a company in achieving the desired goals of an organization or company, good leadership can produce good results for the company and bring comfort to employees while working (van & jacobs, 2012: taylor, et, al, 1993). the more the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 26 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 aspects of work that match the interests and expectations of the individual, the higher the level of satisfaction he feels, and vice versa. gunlu & perçin, (2010) stated that the satisfaction measure is very much based on the realities faced and received by individuals as business compensation and those given to the company. if a person is satisfied in carrying out his job, then that person can do his job well, but this needs to be proven empirically, whether this is one of the factors that cause a decrease in the performance of an employee (wang, & le, 2017: soukas, 2020: vasilaki, et, al, 2016). h2: how is the effect of job satisfaction on company performance. from various opinions and explanations, it can be seen that the framework of this research is as follows: source: research model image, 2020. methods the population of this study is related to units in supermarkets in indonesia. several steps must be done in research with data processing techniques using the sem method based on partial least square (pls), namely the evaluation of the measurement model is carried out to assess the validity and reliability of the model which is carried out by using convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability. outer loading is a table that contains loading factors to show the magnitude of the correlation between indicators and latent variables (hair, et, al, 2010). the weakest loading factor whose validity can be accepted is 0.5. outputouter loadings can be obtained from the pls algorithm report smartpls. to make it easier to see the outer loadings of the indicator blocks measuring constructs. in the loading factor, there are several indicators, some are valid and some are invalid. indicators are valid because they have a loading factor> 0.5 and invalid indicators <0.5, so these indicators must be removed from the model. the elimination of indicators will be followed by re-estimating or re-estimating. while the reliability test is seen from the composite reliability, if the value is more than 0.7 then it shows a satisfactory value, and it is further strengthened by looking at cronbach's alpha, it is recommended to have a value above 0.6. to determine the minimum sample required if the population is known, can use the slovin formula with the assumption that the tolerated sampling error rate is 5%. (chin & todd, 1995). to calculate this relationship, the following formula is used: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2222 . .     −− − = yynxxn yxxyn r information: r = correlation x = covid's crisp transformative leadership style 19 y = job satisfaction performance company job satisfaction transpormative leadership style post covid-19 the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 27 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 z = company performance n = number of respondents to determine the effect of covid19's transformative crisp leadership style, job satisfaction, company performance, the coefficient of determination (r²) is used. the results of instrument testing from research variables have a loading factor value of all instruments that is greater than 0.5. because the validity test with outer loadings has been fulfilled, the measurement model has the potential to be tested further. thus it can be concluded that all question instruments from the research variables used are valid. the next test of convergent validity is reliability. reliability is defined as the ability of the instrument indicators to produce the same value repeatedly (consistency) in each research activity. results and discussion perform validity data testing to determine whether the test equipment used is correct with verification and exploratory analysis. verification analysis was carried out to show the accuracy of the theory and test equipment (fox, 2016). to determine the feasibility test of indicators in the questionnaire to determine the variables tested and their suitability in measurement. the method of analysis i use is path analysis, the method used is the linear regression analysis and sobel test, while other studies use regression and correlation analysis. the similarity of this study with previous research is that it lies in the independent variables which both use the term leadership style and the dependent variable which also uses the term performance of bentler & chou, (1987). usefulness for descriptive analysis covid-19 transformative crisp leadership style, job satisfaction, company performance, statements submitted on the questionnaire. the purpose of the verification analysis is used so that an illustration such as the percentage of the answer scores of related sub-units to the leadership of supermarkets in indonesia is obtained. the reliability level is measured by the composite value and cronbach alpha which can be seen in the following table: table 1 output uji. output square roots of ave no dimension square roots of ave 1. 2. 3. 4. telling selling participating delegating 0.829 0.749 0.612 0.752 source: uji. output square roots of ave, 2020 table 2. output square roots of ave no. dimension composite reliability cronbach alpha 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 fulfillment difference value achievement justice the work itself relationship with superiors work colleague salary or wages 0.846 0.820 0.860 0.821 0.711 0.821 0.821 0.711 0.852 0.836 0.841 0.852 0.732 0.841 0.841 0.732 source: uji. output composite reliability, 2020 the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 28 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 tabel 3 output uji composite reliability no. dimension composite reliability cronbach alpha 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 work quality work quantity responsible initiative cooperation obedience mental skills 0.846 0.820 0.860 0.821 0.711 0.821 0.821 0.852 0.836 0.841 0.852 0.732 0.841 0.841 source: uji. output composite reliability, 2020 table 4 output goodness of fit (gof) on the final model no criteria value boundary output conclusion 1 2-chi square, significance probability p-value ≥ 0,050 atau = 0,000 0,000 fit 2 gfi > 0,70 0,734 fit 3 agfi > 0,80 0,647 fit 4 cfi > 0,72 0,953 fit 5 tli atau nfi > 0,71 0,771 fit 6 rmr ≤ 0,50 0,081 fit 7 rmsea ≤ 0,06 0,056 fit source: on the final model, 2020 table 5. output composite reliability dan cronbach alpha variable cronbach alpha composite reliability post-covid-19 transformative leadership style 0,965 0,970 job satisfaction 0.966 0.971 company performance 0,968 0,973 source: on the final model, 2020 table 6. output r-square variabel dependent variable r-square job satisfaction 0.989 company performance 0.977 source: on the final model, 2020 tabel 7. direct effects and indirect effects source: on the final model, 2020 direct/indirect effect original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t –values (|o/stdev|) p values leadership style job satisfaction 0.665 0.635 0.152 4.367 0.000 job satisfaction-company performance 0.664 0.557 0.221 3.009 0.003 the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 29 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 table 8. hypothesis testing results hypothesis description decision test result path coefficient conclusion h1 leadership style job satisfaction be accepted total t-statistik 4.367 >1,96 take effect h2 job satisfactioncompany performance be accepted total t-statistik 3.009 > 1,96 take effect source: on the final model, 2020 the table above shows that the composite reliability value of all variables is above 0.7 and the cronbach's alpha value of all variables is above 0.5 so that all research variables have shown a fit measure, this means that all question items will be used to measure the variable. is reliable. the measurement of the structure / inner model is used to see the relationship between variables, through the bootstrapping process, the t-statistical test parameter is obtained to predict the relationship between variables, then the structural model is evaluated by looking at the percentage of variance described by the dependent variable r-square. dependent variable. table 4.10 above shows that the job satisfaction variable has an r-square value of 0.977, meaning that the job satisfaction variable can be explained by the leadership and motivation constructs of 97.70%, the performance variable has an r-square value of 0.989, meaning that the performance variable can be explained by the leadership construct and motivation is 98.90%, the higher the r-square value, the greater the ability of the independent variable to explain. research bass, & avolio (1997) and hertati & syafarudin. (2018). states that job satisfaction leadership and its impact on clinical employee performance. this research uses descriptive analysis method and verification using path analysis. the results of this study state that a good leadership style will spur company growth quickly and increase profits. research bass & avolio (1993) and hertati, & simanjuntak (2019) state that leadership and work culture on employee job satisfaction and its impact on company performance. this study draws a sample using the method of simple random sampling technique. the results stated that the good and bad of the organization will be reflected in the performance of superiors who can organize their subordinates. research muhammad chung, & choi (2014). states that the leadership style against job satisfaction. this research uses the linear regression analysis method and path analysis and sobel test with the help of spss 15.0. the results of the study conclude that an authoritarian leadership style is not well applied to women that will create tension, but if it is done in an equal manner, the subordinates will feel at ease judge, & welbourne (1999). results conducted by creswell, (2010) found that the influence of transactional leadership and job satisfaction shows that transactional leadership is statistically proven to affect employee job satisfaction where a leadership style is created that affects performance. next deschamps & privé, (2016). which states that performance affects the quality of work the better / higher the employee's performance, the higher the employee's performance. then eisenbach, & pillai (1999). namely the influence of leadership and employee job satisfaction on performance, it is proven that the higher the job satisfaction, the higher the level of performance achieved by the company and the achieved financial performance will increase employee performance. the influence of the covid-19 crisis transformative leadership style on job satisfaction implications on company performance wulandari, et. al 30 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 conclusion based on the results of data analysis and testing, leaders must pay attention to their employees, especially in completing their work. a manager can behave as a leader, as long as he can influence others to achieve certain goals. but a leader does not necessarily have to be a manager if he wants to influence others. a leader is not necessarily a manager, but a manager can behave as a leader. because of only a good leader and not taking sides in one of the employees in guiding, directing, influencing the mind of the employee so that it is the same as the perception of the leader in influencing the behavior of employees who will succeed in their leadership. leaders should pay attention to their actions and attitudes towards the employees they lead. leaders should not arbitrarily order and force employees to complete their assigned work. to increase employee job satisfaction with jobs and duties, it is necessary to pay attention to the division of labor under the employees' abilities based on the level of education the employee has. besides, it can also be done by providing opportunities for employees to take part in special education and skills. an attitude that does not impose the will must be instilled in every leader so that high job satisfaction can occur. if employees are satisfied, their performance will also be good. acknowledgments thank you to the respondents who have given time for the author to interview the data related to this paper, although they are less pleased because they are busy but have taken the time to fill out this questionnaire to complete this research. references avolio, b. j., & bass, b. m. 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(1989). leadership in organizations (2nd ed.). englewood cliffs, nj: prentice-hall. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, number 3 july 2021 page no. 194-208 194 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3 july 2021 the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar1, maraini2 1,2department of management, persada bunda college of economics, pekanbaru, indonesia correspondent: submitted : june 22, 2021 revised : july 15, 2021 published : july 31, 2021 abstract this study aims to analyze the effect of good governance on regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures and their impact on economic growth in districts and cities in riau province. the research was conducted quantitatively with a causal and descriptive research design. the population in this study were 12 districts and cities in riau province. data samples were obtained from the revenue service and the regional financial and asset management office of riau province. the research was carried out by census on budget realization reports from 2016 to 2020 so that 60 data were obtained. the data analysis technique used was partial least square (pls) analysis. the results of this study indicate that good governance has a significant effect on regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures. regional financial performance has a significant effect on the allocation of capital expenditures and does not have a significant effect on economic growth. direct capital expenditure allocation has no significant effect on economic growth. indirectly, good governance has a significant effect on economic growth through regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures. keywords: good governance, growth, regional finacial performance introduction good governance has become important for every entity both the private sector and the public sector and government. stakeholders use good governance as a measure or benchmark in making decisions, especially investment decisions. an assessment of the implementation of good governance in private and government entities has begun to be carried out both at the national and international levels. in indonesia, governance has been implemented since the reform era wherein that era there has been an overhaul of the government system for a clean democratic process so that governance/good governance is one of the reform tools that absolutely must be applied in the new government both at the centre and regions (adisetiawawan, 2013). however, from the development of reforms that have been going on so far, the implementation of governance in indonesia cannot be said to be fully successful. there are still many frauds and leaks in budget management. the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 195 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 regional financial management is an important part of government activities, including regional government activities. the main mission of regional management is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of regional financial resources to improve welfare and services to the community. according to (mardiasmo, 2018), regional financial management is divided into two parts, namely regional revenue management and regional expenditure management. the evaluation of regional financial management and regional development financing has very broad implications. these two components will determine the position of a regional government in implementing regional autonomy. local government as an entity that runs the wheels of government at the regional level cannot be separated from the conditions of globalization. awareness of the importance of good governance has increased after the crisis which became known as the reform era. the economic crisis is not only due to macroeconomic factors but also due to bad governance in these countries, such as a lack of legal and accounting standards, financial audits have not been implemented, the absence of supervisory commissioners and ignoring the rights of minority stakeholders. this means that the implementation of good governance will have an impact on national economic growth (fajerin, 2018). regional financial management has a huge influence on the fate of a region because a region can become a strong and powerful region and can develop its greatness or become powerless depending on how to manage its regional finances. in connection with this background, the problem is the management of regional finances in riau province, which in this study will be specifically limited to financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures which can have an impact on economic growth. riau province is one of the autonomous regions in indonesia that organize government and carries out development. to carry out the government and realize this development, a substantial amount of funds is needed and besides that, it must be with its regional strength in addition to assistance from the provincial and central governments. in government administration, the budget becomes a guide in carrying out government activities. ironically, budget management in various regions is still ineffective. this is shown, among others, by the ever-increasing allocation of personnel expenditures, on the other hand, the portion of capital expenditures for regional development has decreased (prihastuti, taufik, & agusti, 2015). three factors in the economic growth of each country, namely capital allocation, population growth and technological progress (todaro & smith, 2020). capital accumulation here is closely related to investment. one of the progress of a region can be shown by good economic growth, where one of the factors that influence economic growth is the investment issued by the local government. to increase investment, the regional financial capacity must also be adequate. the indicator for the size of regional investment is the high ratio of capital expenditures in the budget. the more capital spending, the higher the productivity of the economy because capital expenditure in the form of infrastructure has an impact on economic growth and job creation. the allocation of capital expenditures to local governments is also influenced by whether the regional financial performance is good or not. thus there is a link between regional economic growth and the allocation of capital expenditures and financial performance. regional financial management is an important part of government activities, including regional government activities. the main mission of regional management is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of regional financial resources to improve welfare and services to the community. this research implies that local governments must constantly manage their the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 196 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 financial performance because it has an impact on increasing capital expenditures, so they must get adequate priority. capital expenditures made by local governments are also used, among others, for the development and improvement of infrastructure in the education, health, and transportation sectors so that the community can also enjoy the benefits of regional development. the availability of good infrastructure is expected to create efficiency and effectiveness in these various sectors. the productivity of the community is getting higher and in the end, there is an increase in economic growth in the area (akbar & mar'aini, 2020). the increase in the share of personnel expenditures in the regional revenue and expenditure budget is closely related to the addition and appointment of new regional civil servants every year, which in many cases do not match their competence and needs. unfortunately, part of the capital expenditure was also used for the construction of official houses, procurement of official cars, and other improper expenditures. supposedly, capital expenditures are used for infrastructure development, such as roads and bridges, which need to be increased (director general of regional finance, ministry of home affairs, 2013). according to government regulation no. 71/2010, capital expenditure is expenditure by local governments whose benefits are more than one fiscal year and will increase regional assets or assets and result in routine expenditures. capital expenditures are classified into two groups, the first group is public expenditure, namely expenditures whose benefits can be directly enjoyed by the community, such as building bridges, buying an ambulance for the public, and others. meanwhile, the second group is personnel expenditure, which is expenditure whose benefits are not directly enjoyed by the community but can be felt directly by the apparatus, for example, building council buildings, purchasing official cars, and others (halim, 2013). the central government (on the website of the ministry of home affairs continues to urge local governments to increase the percentage of capital expenditures by 30 percent of the total regional revenue and expenditure budget, moreover from the total capital expenditure that has been allocated, most of it is spent on the interests of regional institutions or work units. meanwhile, the percentage of capital expenditure towards total realized expenditure in regencies/cities in riau province was still much below this percentage. the problem faced by local governments in public sector organizations is regarding budget allocation. budget allocation is the number of funds allocated for each activity program. with limited resources, the government must be able to allocate the revenues obtained for productive regional expenditures (capital expenditures). the program to increase capital expenditures will inevitably touch directly on increasing the development of various infrastructures, such as agricultural facilities, transportation, and other infrastructure that directly support people's productivity and welfare. this means that in the future, all spending will be oriented to the regions because building the nation is regional development and forming capital or capital that is getting bigger in the regions. there is no doubt that infrastructure plays an important role as one of the driving forces for economic growth and the development of this sector becomes the foundation for further economic development. the existence of adequate infrastructure is needed to sustain a higher, the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 197 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 more equitable, and more prosperous economic growth for the community. the limitations of infrastructure development have slowed the rate of investment in the country in recent years. on the other hand, it must be admitted that infrastructure in indonesia is still unable to increase the competitiveness of the real sector. because the budget for infrastructure, agriculture, health, and transportation will be doubled, operational costs, official travel, or unproductive capital expenditures must be reduced. the demand for changing the spending structure is strong, especially in regions experiencing low fiscal capacity. this development budget allocation strategy is in turn capable of encouraging and accelerating national economic development, as well as being a tool to reduce regional disparities. furthermore, the planned and more pro-public budget allocation for development is expected to mediate and bridge the realization of public welfare and optimal economic growth with the availability of funds in the form of regional income as a source of financing. realizing economic growth requires fixed assets such as infrastructure and infrastructure that can support economic activity. in regional government, additional fixed assets are carried out through the allocation of capital expenditures. with the increased allocation of capital expenditures, it is hoped that economic growth will also increase. the allocation of capital expenditures is of course inseparable from the financial management carried out by local governments. based on research conducted by (horota, riani, & marbun, 2017) stated that the income of each region is only able to cover routine expenditures, and to cover other expenses each region still expects transfers from a higher-level government. in other words, each region is still dependent on the central government. when viewed from the revenue realization of the riau provincial government compared to the regional routine expenditure from operating expenditures for the last five years, it has experienced a fairly large difference each year. this means that local revenues are not able to cover routine expenses. like development spending, regional governments undertake capital expenditures to procure regional assets as investment, to finance the implementation of regional autonomy which ultimately aims to increase regional economic productivity. the more capital expenditure, the higher the economic productivity because capital expenditure in the form of infrastructure has an impact on economic growth and job creation. the allocation of capital expenditures to local governments is also influenced by whether the regional financial performance is good or not. thus there is a link between regional economic growth and the allocation of capital expenditures and financial performance. the financial performance simultaneously has a significant effect on the allocation of capital expenditures. although partially the ratio of financial dependence, independence, and the degree of contribution of local companies have a negative effect on the allocation of capital expenditures. the local government financial performance in the form of dependency ratios, degree of fiscal decentralization, fiscal space ratios have a significant effect on the allocation of capital expenditures. the influence of local revenue and capital expenditure on economic growth (yuliana, 2014). research by positioning the allocation of capital expenditures as a mediating variable, among others, was carried out by (sularso & restianto, 2012) on the effect of financial performance on the allocation of capital expenditures and economic growth in districts/cities in central java. the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 198 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 from these studies, it is found that the allocation of capital expenditures is influenced by financial performance. the allocation of capital expenditures affects economic growth and economic growth is indirectly influenced by regional financial performance. the implication of this research is that local governments must constantly improve their financial performance because it has an impact on increasing capital expenditures, so they must get adequate priority. in this study, the effect of financial performance on economic growth is not measured directly. a different finding is expressed by prihastuti, taufik and agusti (2015) who found that the allocation of capital expenditures does not mediate the relationship between financial performance and economic growth. the effect of decentralization, the effectiveness of local revenue, and the degree of contribution of regionally owned enterprises to economic growth with the interaction of capital expenditure allocations have no significant effect. this shows that the allocation of capital expenditures does not affect the economy, however, financial performance can directly affect economic growth. the allocation of capital expenditures moderates the relationship between financial performance through self-reliance and regional financial effectiveness with economic growth. the relationship between regional financial management performance and economic growth is moderated by the allocation of capital expenditures (putro, 2017). the various research results above indicate that the mediating nature of capital spending in the relationship between regional income and economic growth shows positive and negative results. aside from the inconclusive findings of research findings on the mediating nature of capital expenditure allocations, research related to public sector finances has so far only focused on technical discussions of financial accounting and budget allocations without any further discussion regarding the impact/outcome of budget allocations. the scope of the budget becomes relevant and important in the local government environment because it is related to the impact of the budget on government performance, in relation to the government's function in providing services to the community (muis, 2012). one way to measure performance is through the achievement figures for economic growth as a very important indicator for identifying and evaluating development outcomes. the existence of economic growth data will show the extent to which the government has performed in generating added value or public income in a certain period. positive growth indicates an increase in performance and vice versa if negative means a decrease in performance (suwandi & tahar, 2015). the consequence of the implementation of autonomy lies in the readiness and ability of the regions to accept the burdens and responsibilities they have in managing and managing their own households. this means that the regional government of riau province must be able to improve its performance through its various potentials. if this is not done, in addition to increasing the burden on the central government budget, the autonomy which is expected to create independence will be difficult to implement. based on the above problems, the formulation of problems that can be identified is how the effect of good governance directly on regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures, as well as how good governance affects regional economic growth indirectly through regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures in cities. and districts in riau province. the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 199 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 the implementation of good government governance (ggg) in local government is simply by applying the principles of ggg into the system and management of local government properly. the implementation of good government governance has a big role and benefits that can bring positive changes to both local governments, the central government and the general public. the optimal implementation of the implementation of principles of good governance will be able to improve the performance of the existing government and will provide added value for all parties involved. as well as the goal of good government governance is the application of a good governance system which is expected to increase added value for all parties in the long term and can protect the welfare of society. good governance good governance is an approach concept oriented towards public sector development towards good governance (mardiasmo, 2018). as a system that regulates the relationship between the role of the board of commissioners, the role of the board of directors, shareholders and other stakeholders. good governance is also referred to as a transparent process for determining governance goals, their achievements, and assessing their performance (agoes & ardana, 2011). the concept of managing public sector organizations is fundamental to three main elements, namely economy, efficiency and effectiveness (mardiasmo, 2018). referring to research (masnun, 2018) which concluded in his study that the better the quality of government management, the better regional financial accountability and the principles of good governance have been implemented. likewise with (kaufman, 2005) states that there is a strong positive relationship and influence between good governance and budget allocation. this is measured through government effectiveness which is defined as the government's capacity in formulating and implementing policies, both socially and economically. a well-ordered government becomes the capital of a country in serving the needs of its people. the allocation and realization of budget absorption become more efficient and free of corruption towards a clearer human development because the government is implemented in a people-oriented manner and to achieve this, a country must apply the principles of good governance. h1. good governance has a direct effect on regional financial performance. h2. good governance has a direct effect on the allocation of capital expenditures. regional financial performance regional government financial performance is the achievement of a work result in regional finance which includes the budget and capital expenditures using financial indicators that are determined through a policy or statutory provisions from one budget period. the form of performance measurement is in the form of financial ratios which are formed from the elements of the regional head's accountability report in the form of budgeting calculations. in government organizations to measure financial performance, there are several performance measures, namely regional financial independence, regional original revenue effectiveness, activities (ratio of conformity), degree of decentralization, financial dependence. the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 200 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 measurement of financial performance for the public interest can be used as an evaluation and restoring performance against a comparison of work schemes and their implementation. besides, it can also be used as a benchmark for improving performance, especially local government finances in the next period. the existence of regional autonomy has resulted in the decentralization of the government system in the riau provincial government. therefore, the district and city governments in riau province as the party in charge of running the wheels of government, development and community services are required to submit a regional financial accountability report to assess whether the riau provincial government has succeeded in carrying out its duties properly or not. the regional capacity in managing finances is stated in the budgeting, which directly or indirectly reflects the ability of the regional government to finance the implementation of governmental tasks, development and community social services. evaluation of regional financial management and regional financial financing will greatly determine the position of a regional government in implementing regional autonomy. research conducted by sularso and restianto (2011) on the effect of financial performance on the allocation of capital expenditures in districts/cities in central java. from these studies, it is found that the allocation of capital expenditure is influenced by financial performance. the allocation of capital expenditures affects economic growth and economic growth is indirectly influenced by regional financial performance. this research implies that local governments must constantly improve their financial performance because it has an impact on increasing capital expenditures, so they must get adequate priority. the financial performance is also closely related to economic growth. the results of research by mone et al (2016) prove that regional financial performance has a positive and significant effect on economic growth. meanwhile, the results of research by tobi & idayati (2016) on the east flores regional government show that the level of independence is at a very low level of ability to meet the need for funds for carrying out government tasks, development and community social services so that it affects economic growth. h3. regional financial performance has a direct effect on the allocation of capital expenditures. h4. regional financial performance has a direct effect on economic growth. capital expenditure allocation local governments allocate funds in the form of a capital expenditure budget in budget to increase fixed assets. this capital expenditure allocation is based on regional needs for facilities and infrastructure, both for the smooth implementation of government tasks and the quality of public services. the amount of capital expenditures allocated by local governments in the budgeting is of course strongly influenced by the financial position of the region. the higher the income of a region, the higher the capital expenditure allocation will be. capital expenditure allocation is a budget for obtaining fixed assets and other assets (halim, 2013). according to government regulation no. 71/2010, capital expenditure is regional government expenditure whose benefits exceed 1 fiscal year and will increase regional assets or assets and further add routine expenditures such as maintenance costs in the general administrative expenditure group. capital expenditures are used to obtain local government fixed assets such as the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 201 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 equipment, infrastructure and other fixed assets. how to get capital expenditure by buying through an auction or tender process. some factors mediate regional financial performance that plays a role in economic growth, namely the need to allocate capital expenditures. the capital expenditure budget is based on regional needs for facilities and infrastructure, both for the smooth implementation of government duties and public facilities. therefore, to improve the quality of public services, local governments should change the composition of their spending. so far, regional spending has been mostly used for routine expenditures which are relatively unproductive. the use of spending should be allocated for productive things, for example, development activities (saragih, 2013). the allocation of capital expenditure affects regional economic growth. the policy of implementing regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization is based on the consideration that it is the regions that know more about the needs and service standards for the people in their regions so that the provision of regional autonomy is expected to trigger an increase in the welfare of the people in the regions through increased economic growth (prihastuti, taufik, & agusti, 2015). likewise, yuliana (2014) has proven that capital expenditure has a positive effect on economic growth in districts and cities on the island of sumatra. however, the amount of this capital expenditure allocation is still small, namely 0.319. this needs attention from the government to further increase government spending, especially in capital expenditures. h5. the allocation of capital expenditures has a direct effect on economic growth. economic growth economic growth can be interpreted as an increase in the production capacity of an economy which is manifested in the form of an increase in national income so that economic growth can be used as an indicator of the success of economic development. economic growth is a change in the level of economic activity that applies from year to year. so to find out, a comparison of national income must be made from year to year, which is known as the rate of economic growth. economic growth is measured using the gross regional domestic product (grdp) (sukirno, 2015). good governance should be realized by managing the budget in an economical, effective and efficient manner to increase the rate of economic growth. based on the results of previous research by fajerin, fahmi and dalimunthe (2018) which states that government management can have a positive and significant effect both directly and mediate by capital spending. one of the government's efforts to increase development is by allocating a budget for expenditure. however, the slowdown in economic growth is not in line with the increase in the allocation of capital expenditures, gdp per capita and the government's commitment to continue realizing good governance. the local governments must continually improve their financial performance because they have an impact on increasing capital expenditures, so they must get adequate priority. in this study, the effect of financial performance on economic growth is measured indirectly. the results of research (sularso & restianto, 2012) in districts and cities in central java, show that financial the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 202 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 performance indirectly has a significant effect on economic growth through the allocation of capital expenditures. the allocation of capital expenditure is influenced by financial performance, the allocation of capital expenditure affects economic growth and economic growth is indirectly influenced by regional financial performance. this means that local governments must continually improve their financial performance because they have an impact on increasing capital expenditures so that they must receive adequate priority. on the other hand, research with the same variables as in the results of research (prihastuti, taufik, & agusti, 2015) shows that there is a mediating role in the allocation of capital expenditures in influencing financial performance and economic growth in riau regency / city. the financial performance of districts and cities in the province has an influence on the allocation of capital expenditures with a contribution of 59.29%. while direct financial performance has a significant effect on economic growth with a contribution of 30.25%, however, the allocation of capital expenditures does not have a direct effect on economic growth, so that indirect financial performance (through the allocation of capital expenditures) has no significant effect on economic growth in the district and city in riau province. in this study, the authors try to add the local revenue variable as an influencer of capital expenditure allocations and regional economic growth. h6. good governance has an indirect effect on economic growth through the allocation of capital expenditures regional financial performance. h7. good governance has an indirect effect on economic growth through the allocation of capital expenditures. method the population in this study is the financial statements of 12 regencies and cities in riau province, with sample data from the revenue service and the regional financial and asset management office of riau province. the research was carried out by census on reports on the realization of the apbd from 2014 to 2018 so that the data was obtained totalling 60. the design of the analysis in this research is quantitative using secondary data, which functions from the report on the realization of the regional income and expenditure budget (akbar y. r., 2020). to obtain the data and information needed in this study, use secondary data from the revenue, financial and asset management office in the form of annual budget realizations published through regional regulations concerning budget accountability where there are financial reports that are used as basic data for analysis. meanwhile, to find out the regional cash flow per month, it is collected by processing data on the realization of the budget for a certain period (e.g. per month or per quarter) obtained from the processing of the regional financial information system (sikd) which has been synchronized with the regional general treasury and the use of a single treasury account. the data collection method used in this research is by collecting secondary data obtained from the media through the website which are the official website of the regional government that publishes apbd data and the riau province central bureau of statistics (bps) for 2016-2020. as revealed in the object of research, the main problem under study is governance (x) which consists of economics, effectiveness and efficiency as exogenous variables. regional financial performance (y1) consists of (regional financial independence, original regional income effectiveness, activity, degree of decentralization, financial the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 203 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 dependence as intervening variables. meanwhile, endogenous variables are capital expenditure allocation (y2) and economic growth (z). in analyzing the data to test hypotheses h1 – h7, the analysis tool used is partial least square (pls). result and discussion the pls analysis process is carried out in three stages, namely evaluation of measurement models, evaluation of structural models and testing of hypotheses. evaluation of the measurement model (outer model) the measurement model (outer model) describes the relationship between indicators and their latent variables. evaluation of the measurement model includes constructing validity and reliability as depicted in figure 1. figure 1. outer model convergent validity testing based on outer loading will be declared valid if the loading factor value is above 0.70 (hair, black, babin, & anderson, 2014). outer loading test, several indicators are invalid because the value is below 0.70. the invalid indicators are x1.2 and x1.3 on the governance variable, and indicators x3.1, x3.2, x3.4, x3.5 on the financial performance variable. meanwhile, composite reliability and cronbach alpha have met the requirements above 0.60. likewise, the ave value is above 0.50. so, it can be concluded that the constructs in this study are reliable. so that overall, the results of the construction measurement model (outer model) have met the requirements for further analysis by issuing invalid indicators. evaluation of the structural model (inner model) the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 204 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 the structural model in pls is evaluated using the coefficient of determination (r-square). the higher the r2 value, the better the prediction of the proposed research model. the test results (in table 1) show that the good governance variable can explain the variance that occurs in regional financial performance by 0.173 (17.3%). the variables of good governance and regional financial performance can explain the variance that occurs in the allocation of capital expenditures of 0.652 (65.2%). meanwhile, good governance, regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures can explain the variance that occurs in regional economic growth of 0.161 (16.1%), the rest is explained by other factors not included in this research model. table 1. coeficient of determination variable r-square regional financial performance 0.173 capital expenditure allocation 0.652 economic growth 0.161 source: pls output hypothesis test hypothesis testing is seen from the t-statistic and p-value. the hypothesis is accepted if the tstatistic> 1.96 and the p-value <0.05, whereas if the opposite is true the hypothesis is rejected. the test results are in table 2: table 2. hypothesis test path t-stat p-value result good governance -> regional financial performance 1.962 0.05 accepted good governance -> capital expenditure allocation 4.357 0.00 accepted regional financial performance -> capital expenditure allocation 40.994 0.00 accepted regional financial performance -> economic growth 1.086 0.27 rejected capital expenditure allocation -> economic growth 0.542 0.58 rejected good governance -> regional financial performance -> economic growth 2.047 0.04 accepted good governance -> capital expenditure allocation -> economic growth 3.219 0.00 accepted source: pls output the conditions that exist in the riau province government with the number of data (n) tested were 60 obtained from the total number of districts and cities in riau province with each within a period of 5 years, from 2016 to 2020. consolidated, governance in riau province which is proxied from the economy shows an average value of 86.31% which means that it is in an economic condition with a minimum of 67.37% and a maximum of 97.38%. in terms of effectiveness in budget management, there are still ineffective conditions with a minimum value of 74.75%. although there are still some districts and cities that have very high effectiveness (121.37%), on average, the effectiveness is at an effective level of 92.98%. there is also inefficient government management with an efficiency level of 101.32% with an average of 75.17%. the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 205 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 regional financial performance in terms of financial independence or autonomy is still low with an average of 12.7%. likewise, the activities (harmony) of local governments prioritizing their allocation of funds for routine expenditure and development expenditures are still low with an average of 21.28%. meanwhile, the ability of local governments to realize local own revenue is quite high, with an average of 92%. however, the degree of decentralization, which reflects the contribution of own-source revenue to total regional revenue, is still low with an average of 10.55% and high financial dependence an average of 87%. the allocation for capital expenditure is still at an average rate of 21% with a 5-year economic growth rate of 2.82%. a well-ordered government becomes the capital of a country in serving the needs of its people. the allocation and realization of budget absorption have become more efficient and free of corruption and the direction of human development has become clearer because the government is implemented in a people-oriented manner. the results of this test support the results of previous studies, including kaufmann et. al (2019). the results of these studies indicate that there is a strong positive relationship and influence between good governance, which can also be measured through the effectiveness of government, and the level of development. the effect of financial performance on the allocation of capital expenditures is accepted in this study. these findings indicate that the size of the allocation of capital expenditures determined by regional governments is influenced by regional financial performance, particularly the effectiveness of locally-generated revenue. with a low financial dependency ratio, the less regional dependence on the central/provincial government, which means that the financial capacity of the regional government is better so that it can allocate more capital expenditure. the results of this study support the research conducted previously by sularso and restianto (2011), which states that since regional autonomy there has been an increase in general financial capacity, but mostly due to significant changes in locally-generated revenue growth. meanwhile, the share of the budget to expenditure did not increase. in public sector financial management, analysis of financial performance on investment allocations or capital expenditures has not been done much, but in the private sector, this is very common. good financial performance should increase the allocation of fixed asset investment. the results of this study also tested hypotheses about how financial performance affects economic growth either directly or indirectly through the allocation of capital expenditures. based on the results of the analysis and testing that has been done, it can be concluded that the indirect effect of financial performance on economic growth is rejected in this study. the results showed that there was no mediating role for the capital expenditure allocation variable which was able to encourage the strength of the influence of financial performance on economic growth. the contribution of the capital expenditure allocation variable is considered relatively small in increasing economic growth. the results of this study support research conducted previously by (prihastuti, taufik, & agusti, 2015), which concluded that indirect financial performance (through the allocation of capital expenditures) has no significant effect on economic growth. then the next discussion is to find out how the influence of the allocation of capital expenditures on economic growth. based on the analysis and testing that has been carried out, the results show that the allocation of capital expenditures does not have a significant effect on the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 206 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 economic growth. the increase in the allocation of capital expenditures in the form of fixed assets such as infrastructure, equipment and infrastructure will further increase capital spending and it is hoped that the productivity of the economy will also increase. however, in this study, capital expenditure does not affect the economic growth of the people of an area. this condition is due to the small proportion of capital expenditure, which only ranges from 15% to 20% of the 2014 2018 apbd. the capital expenditure budget fluctuates from year to year. the amount of capital expenditure should be followed by the effectiveness of capital expenditure for the public interest which will directly impact development activities in the region. however, in reality, a large capital expenditure budget is used to add assets such as roads, buildings, land, and others. economic growth by managing existing resources and forming a partnership pattern with the community should create new jobs that will affect the development of economic activity in the area. this economic development is marked by increased productivity and increased per capita income of the population, resulting in improved welfare. these results indicate that in the framework of implementing fiscal decentralization, the riau province government has not been wise in allocating its budget for investment in various sectors, both in the construction of facilities and infrastructure that support development. government investment as referred to in this case is expenditure made by the government which is made by the government in the apbd for capital expenditure or development. as explained in the previous chapter, government spending on capital expenditures in riau province on development is considered to be expansive, which means that if government spending increases, it will encourage higher economic growth. government investment can take the form of infrastructure development and improvement. increased government investment will be able to improve the quality of public services which in turn can increase the level of public participation (contribution) to development. however, government investment that is issued should still prioritize efficiency, effectiveness and savings by the expected development priorities. the fundamental condition for economic development is a level of provision of development capital that is balanced with population growth. it is hoped that additional infrastructure and improvements by local governments will spur regional economic growth. in theory, consumption-sustained economic growth will not be sustainable growth. sustainable economic growth is growth that is supported by investment. investment-supported growth is thought to be able to increase productivity and thus help increase economic growth. the results of this study do not support previous research conducted by sularso and restianto (2011), which in their research shows that government spending, which includes capital expenditure and personnel expenditure, has a very strong influence on economic growth. but on the other hand, the results of the research are similar to the research by fajerin (2018) that capital expenditure does not have a positive and insignificant effect on economic growth. conclusion based on the results of the analysis and testing that has been carried out, it can be concluded that good governance has a significant effect on regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures. regional financial performance has a significant effect on the allocation of the role of good governance in economic growth: mediated by regional financial performance and capital expenditure allocation y rahmat akbar, maraini 207 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 number 3, july 2021 capital expenditures and does not have a significant effect on economic growth. direct capital expenditure allocation has no significant effect on economic growth. indirectly, good governance has a significant effect on economic growth through regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures. good governance has a partially significant effect on regional financial performance and the allocation of capital expenditures. meanwhile, regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures have not been able to have a significant effect on economic growth. therefore, good governance can have a significant effect on economic growth through the mediation of regional financial performance and allocation of capital expenditures. this study obtained some evidence of data analysis based on research findings. the results of the research findings can recommend several policy implications according to priorities that can be given as input to the government. the government must continue to strive to improve government governance through bureaucratic reform. in addition, the government must support anti-corruption programs, increase government effectiveness, have clear rules, political stability, and the quality of rules in society, especially those related to economic activities. district/city governments must continuously improve financial performance because it can have an impact on increasing the allocation of capital expenditures used for public services. carry out the budget allocation function effectively and efficiently. the budget must be right on target to maximize the welfare of the community. the government and the dprd must increase the synergy value in managing the state budget. the government effectively and efficiently runs the apbd for the welfare of the people. meanwhile, the dprd acts as a partner in monitoring the government in implementing the apbd for the realization of an effective and efficient budget allocation. capital expenditures allocated by district/city governments are a stimulus for the regional economy, so they must receive adequate priority. because development is an ongoing process, it is suggested that the investment of the riau provincial government in the absorption of capital expenditures that are considered to be sufficiently good should be further increased in the proportion of expenditures that always prioritize the public interest, such as in infrastructure development and improvement as well as improving the quality of public services. this is aimed at maintaining the existence of government administration. in addition, in its use, capital expenditures must continue to prioritize efficiency, effectiveness, and savings in accordance with priorities, which are expected to provide support for the strategic programs of the riau provincial government. reference adisetiawawan, r. 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(2014). pengaruh pendapatan asli daerah dan belanja modal terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi (studi pada kabupaten/kota di pulau sumatera). jurnal akuntansi & keuangan vol 5 no.1, 33-48. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (ijtc) p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 2, issue 2 april 2021 page no. 122-133 122 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions indri suryani1, afriapollo syafarudin2 1feb student management study program, mercu buana university, jakarta 2 feb lecturer management study program, mercu buana university, jakarta correspondent: submitted : march 3, 2021 revised : march 30, 2021 published : april 30, 2021 abstract to trigger consumer transactions to buy a certain product and encourage aggressive purchasing decisions. one trick is that promotion can stimulate demand for a product. with the promotion, it is expected that consumers will want to try these products and encourage existing consumers to buy products more often so that re-purchases will occur and the sales volume of a company's products will increase. promotion is an important factor in realizing the sales goals of a company. for consumers to be willing to subscribe, they must first be able to try or research the goods produced by the company, so that buyers can be sure of these goods. targeted promotion is expected to have a positive effect on increasing sales. promotion is an important aspect of marketing management and is often said to be a continuous process. with the promotion, people who are not interested in buying a product will be interested and try the product so that consumers make a purchase. the type of promotional mix is the combination of the best strategies from the variables of advertising, personal selling, and other promotional tools, all of which are planned to achieve the goals of the sales program. this study aims to examine the effect of promotion on glove purchasing decisions. respondents of this study used 150 research samples at various hospitals, namely doctors and health workers, the tools used in this study used the pls (partial least square) analysis method. the results of this research are the effect of promotion on purchasing decisions accepted. keywords: sales promotion, purchase decision, effect introduction promotion is a tool used in running marketing programs. promotion is an activity of introducing product benefits, goodness, additional benefits, low prices, and so on to consumers and prospective consumers. the purpose of the promotion is to provide information that strengthens awareness and knowledge about the products or services marketed, to encourage the increase in demand for a product from consumers, increase profits for the company because the product is favored by consumers so that sales volume increases, the company can defer product because profits increase, can stabilize sales volume. besides, the promotion also serves to influence the attitude and preferences of consumers in choosing a company's products, as well as to motivate consumers to take positive action that is to make purchasing decisions on the products offered. a trading company that sells various types of gloves under the comet brand. (hertati, mustopa, widiyanti, safkaur,2020). comet brand is one of the brands of gloves that consumers are interested in. especially those who are engaged in manufacturing industries, such as the automotive industry, food, and others. brands are important because brands become product identities to be different from competitors. competition to compete for potential customers and retain existing customers is an increasingly big challenge and must be faced by companies in marketing their products. the company must effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 123 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 increase its sales significantly for the company to exist, even in the future the company must be more advanced. (hertati, ferry, puspitawati, gantino,ilyas, 2021). to increase sales volume the company must implement relevant policies and strategies in the framework of increasingly tight business competition. one strategy that can be implemented by the company is to increase promotion and create a positive brand image in the eyes of consumers so that consumers can decide to buy the product. purchasing decisions are several stages made by consumers before deciding on the purchase of a product (kotler, 2010). in the current era of globalization, market interest is indispensable for companies in meeting customer satisfaction and marketsatisfaction. a lot of the business world makes a lot of competition. (hertati, asmawati, widiyanti, 2021). products that can obtain higher satisfaction consumers will survive in the competition in the market. every business must have advantages and disadvantages both in terms of product quality, promotion, and brand image to produce the opinion of the buyer's decision to get the goods that will create customer satisfaction. from time to time the development of the business world is very rapid, one of them in the world of marketing is very important for the progress of a company. if the company has produced an item then how the company market the product that has been produced to make a profit. therefore, companies must have creative ideas to achieve high consumer buying interest. in marketing, the product is necessary because to achieve the success of the company. the company must be able to know what consumers want and need before producing an item so that the goods that have been produced by the company can be useful to consumers (napik, 2018). the life that is lived today is very influential to the mindset of consumers towards product purchasing decisions. in these circumstances, the decision to choose an item or brand is strongly influenced by the development of human resources, product quality, promotion, and brand image that will make consumer purchasing decisions. the era of globalization promises a new business opportunity and challenge for companies in indonesia. on the one hand, the era of globalization expands the product market of companies in indonesia, and on the other hand, the situation gives rise to increasingly intense competition both between domestic and foreign companies. in competition the company must have a marketing strategy that can support in marketing comet gloves is to create a brand image and increase promotion. (syafarudin, 2016). with this promotional strategy, the company can introduce the products offered by pt. alifindo partners together with the community both through advertisements and brochures. besides, the company must also create a positive brand image so that the company can influence consumer purchasing decisions. by implementing this strategy, it is expected that the company can control the market share (syafarudin. & mulyana, 2019). so that the company can increase sales of products and increase the profit of companies. pt. alifindo is a joint partner. palm fit type gloves comet brand is one of the products. pt. alifindo mitra bersama is the most in-demand by consumers. here are the sales data from 2015 2019: table 1. sales data pt. alifindo mitra bersama period 2015 – 2019 years comet glove products (rp) 2015 16,047,119,467,90 2016 19,136,502,540,19 2017 22,570,526,917,47 2018 32,501,785,662,00 2019 27,209,153,919,00 effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 124 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 source : internal data pt. alifindo mitra bersama (2020) from the table can be known that the revenue of pt. alifindo mitra bersama has often experienced fluctuations in the last five years. although the revenue of pt. alifindo mitra bersama in 2018 increased significantly, but this was followed by a very drastic decrease in 2019. various strategies and improvements are carried out by pt. alifindo mitra bersama to increase sales of its products. including increasing the purchase of comet pt glove products. alifindo mitra bersama. kotler and amstrong (2013), marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong relationships with those customers to capture the value of customers in return. meanwhile, tjiptono (2010) defines that marketing as the function that has the most contact with the external environment, but the company has only limited control over the external environment. the company's activities in this marketing determine the direction of the company to be able to compete in the world of increasingly tight competition. marketing is an important element in the company to determine the success of a business. therefore, the company must apply marketing understanding correctly to stay afloat. according to kotler and keller (2011) suggests that: marketing is a social process in which individuals and groups get what they need and want by creating, offering, and freely exchanging valuable products with other products. marketing has two things. first, marketing is a philosophy, attitude, perspective, or management orientation that emphasizes customer satisfaction. second, marketing is a set of activities used to implement that philosophy. in fact marketing for a company is a very important factor in its role in its business operations. the ability of the company to make a profit is determined by the ability to organize all its business activities, mainly marketing. to enter the competitive market and can attract consumers, the company seeks to create buyer interest. this is clearly outlined in the scope of marketing, among others, the improvement of the quality of service in marketing. kotler and keller (2009:36) propose the concept of marketing is satisfying the needs and desires of consumers. the goal of the business is to deliver customer value to make a profit. the creation and delivery of values can include the phase of selecting a value, the phase of providing value, the phase communicating the value. choosing the right targeting strategy will determine the success of a product's marketing efforts, especially in the current very strict business climate. hurriyati (2010:49), stated that to reach the target market that has been set, then every company needs to manage its marketing activities well. companies must be able to compile and use controllable marketing variables, in anticipation of changes from uncontrollable marketing variables, as well as to influence the company's product demand. therefore, the company must be able to combine these elements in the right proportions so that its marketing mix is under the corporate environment, can satisfy the target market, and remain in line with the company's objectives in the field of overall marketing. kotler and keller (2009:172) suggest that: promotion is a marketing communication in which, the company seeks to inform, persuade, and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the products and brands sold. efforts to introduce products to the market are carried out a promotional strategy. the concept used to introduce products is promotion mix, activities that combine product excellence and persuade consumers to buy (private, 2010:349). promotional activities not only serve as a means of communication between the company and consumers but also as a tool to influence consumers in purchasing or using products according to their needs and desires (sunyoto, 2012:154). the tools that can be used to promote a product effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 125 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 can be selected in several ways, namely advertising, sales promotion, publicity, personal selling, and direct marketing called a promotional mix. according to tjiptono (2010:219), promotion is one of the determinants of the success of a marketing program. no matter the quality of a product, if the consumer has never heard of it and is not sure that the product will be useful to them, then they will not buy it. the promotional mix includes advertising, personal selling, public relations and publicity, sales promotion, and direct marketing. the promotional mix is part of marketing stimuli which are variables that can be controlled by the company (kotler, 2012). kotler and keller (2012) promotional mix cover five dimensions namely advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, personal sales. 1. advertising. advertising is any form of mass media communication (tv, radio, magazines, newspapers) that can send a message to a large group of individuals at the same time, about a product, service, or idea. advertising becomes one of the important promotional instruments especially for companies that produce goods or services aimed at the public. 2. direct marketing. direct marketing is the company's effort to communicate directly either by e-mail, telephone, fax, or the internet with potential customers to elicit direct responses or sales transactions. 3. public relations. public relations is something that summarizes the entire planned communication, both inward and outward between a company. public relations relates to the creation of understanding through knowledge, and through activities that are expected to have a positive impact on maintaining or protecting the company or product image. 4. personal selling. personal sales are a form of direct communication between a seller and his prospective buyer. in this case, the seller attempts to assist or persuade potential buyers to purchase the products offered. 5. set goals. promotional objectives are derived from broader promotional objectives, derived from more fundamental marketing objectives developed for those products. 6. choose business promotion and sales promotion tools. companies use business promotion and sales promotion tools, they're used to gather business leads, impress customers and reward them, and motivate salespeople. 7. developing programs. planning a promotional program, marketers increasingly incorporate multiple media into a total campaign concept. first, determine the number of such incentives. second, create conditions for people to participate. third, decide the length of the promotion. fourth, the marketer chooses the means of distribution. mangkunegara (2008:3) consumer behavior is actions taken by individuals, groups, or organizations related to the decision-making process in obtaining, using goods or services economically that can be affected by the environment. studying consumer behavior not only includes consumer activities at the time of purchase but includes all activities of choosing, assessing, obtaining, and using the product. every consumer makes a variety of decisions in the search, purchase, use of a variety of products, and brands in any given period. the purchase decision is strongly influenced by the motives of the purchase where it can be because the buyer carries out the purchase only emotional considerations, such as pride, suggestion, and so on. but also buyers buy rationally as the price (daryanto, 2011:94). kotler (2013) defines the purchase decision as the process made by a customer before it comes to the purchase and subsequent post-purchase. the attitude of others reduces the alternative effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 126 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 that one likes will depend on two things, namely the intensity of negative attitudes of others towards alternatives favored by the customer and the motivation of the customer to according to the wishes of others. kotler and armstrong (2013) also stated that the purchase decision is a purchase process related to the brand to be purchased. purchasing decisions are individual activities that are directly involved in the decision-making process to make purchases of products offered by the seller. where decision making is an individual activity that is directly involved in obtaining and using the goods offered. in the decision-making process, consumers will consider various aspects before deciding to buy. ( hertati & safkaur: 2020: syafarudin, 2020). kotler and keller's (2015) purchase decision is a purchasing decision-making process that includes determining what to buy or not to make a purchase and that decision is obtained from previous activities. the purchasing decision process has stages to achieve purchasing decisions made by customers through several stages that include recognizing needs, seeking information, evaluating alternatives, purchasing decisions, and behavior after purchase. ( syaparudin & hertati. 2020). 1. need recognition. the introduction of needs is the first stage of the purchasing decision process where the customer recognizes the problem or need. the buyer feels a difference between the actual circumstances and the desired circumstances. that need can be triggered by stimulants when one's normal needs are hungry, thirsty, rising to a level high enough to be a driver. besides, the need is also triggered by external stimuli. 2. finding information. information search is a stage of the buyer decision-making process where the customer is moved to look for additional information, the customer may simply remind attention or may also seek information actively. 3. alternative evaluation. alternative evaluation is a stage of the buyer decision process where customers use the information to evaluate various alternative brands in a series of options. the way the customer starts the business evaluates the buyer's alternative depends on the individual customer and the specific purchasing situation.\ 4. purchase decision. customers make three types of purchases, namely trial purchases, repurchases, and long-term commitment purchases. 5. behavior after purchase. when customers use a product, they assess the performance of the product according to their various expectations. three assessments may arise, namely the actual performance under the expectations of causing neutral feelings, performance exceeding expectations that cause satisfaction, and performance below expectations that cause dissatisfaction. 6. cultural factors. culture is a factor that determines the basis of one's desires and behaviors. while the subculture includes nationality, racial groups, religions, and geographical areas. almost all human beings exhibit social stratification, most often in the form of social class, a relatively homogeneous and durable part of society. 7. social factors. social factors such as a group of references, family, and social status influence a person's purchasing behavior. reference groups are groups that have a direct or indirect influence on one's attitudes or behaviors. while the family is the most influential primary reference group. consists family of parents and siblings. from parents, one gets an orientation towards religion, politics, and economics, a sense of personal ambition, self-esteem, and love. effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 127 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 8. factor personal. personal characteristics that influence buyer decisions include age and stage in the life cycle, occupation, and economic circumstances, personality and self-concept, as well as value and lifestyle. buyer characteristics and decision-making processes lead to certain purchasing decisions. the task of marketers is to understand what is happening in the buyer's awareness ranging from the presence of external stimuli to the emergence of buyer purchase decisions (lembang, 2010:14). consumer behavior will determine the decision-making process in their purchase, the process is a problem adjustment approach consisting of five stages conducted by consumers, the five stages are problem recognition, information search, alternative assessment, decision making, and behavior after purchase. promotional activities not only serve as a means of communication between the company and consumers but also as a tool to influence consumers in purchasing or using products according to their needs and desires (sunyoto, 2012:154). the main purpose of the promotion is the modification of consumer behavior, informing, influencing and persuading, and reminding the target consumer about the company and the products or services it sells. every company that does something activity certainly has a purpose. promotion is one of the variables in the marketing mix that is very important implemented by the company in marketing products. tjiptono (2008:229) states that sales promotion is a form of direct persuasion through the use of a variety that can be arranged to stimulate the purchase of products immediately and increase the number of goods purchased by customers. according to zaini's research (2013), showing that promotions have a positive relationship to purchasing decisions, this result is in line with research conducted by purwosembodo (2014), which means that companies that promote in some media used can attract interest from prospective consumers, so it can be concluded that the more often companies conduct promotional activities will be a concern of consumers and prospective consumers. promotion that gives the most influence is information by word of mouth, while the lowest influence is on direct marketing. based on the results of the research conducted by the author of the influence of sales promotions that good on purchasing decisions. h1: effect of sales promotion on a purchase decision. picture: conceptualresearch, 2021 promotion of sales suitability of product needs different prices reason for purchase purchase decision effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 128 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 methods data processing techniques in this study using the sem with partial least square (pls) method in which data processing uses the smartpls 3.0 program. the purpose of pls is to find optimal predictive relationships that exist in the data. analysis with pls-sem uses two important stages, namely measurement models and structural models. the data in the measurement model is evaluated to determine its validity and reliability level. measurement model testing (outer model) is used to determine the specific relationship between latent variables and manifest variables, these tests include convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability. respondents in this study were all doctors and hospital health workers in indonesia. the number of respondents used as a sample in this study as many as 150 respondents using google form. hasil dissemination of questionnaires against 150 respondents, 80 respondents who returned questionnaires and 20 respondents no answers respondents located in bekasi, west java, 15 respondents from the online community instagram (cometsaftyofficial) and 5 respondents from the online community facebook (comet fan pages). results and discussion convergent validity aims to determine the validity of each relationship between an indicator and its latent construct or variable. to test convergent validity is used outer loading value or loading factor. an indicator is declared to meet the convergent validity which is said to be high or in either category if the outer loading value is 0.70. however, according to chin quoted by ghozali (2015)stated the outer loading value between 0.5 to 0.6 is considered sufficient to qualify convergent validity. table 2 convergent validity test results variable leave indicator code outer loading ≥0,50 description p1 0.863 valid p2 0,896 valid sales promotion p3 0,808 valid (x1) p4 0,817 valid p5 0,822 valid p6 0,721 valid purchase decision kb2 0,816 valid (z) kb3 0,824 valid kb4 0,774 valid based on table 2 above, shows that all loading factor values have given the aboverecommended value of 0.50. so the indicators used in this study are valid or have met the convergent validity requirements. discriminant validity testing, reflective indicators can be seen in the cross-loading between the indicator and its construct. ghozali (2015:39) states that one indicator declared valid or declared to meet the discriminant validity of the cross-loading value of the indicator on its variable is compared to other variables, such as table 3, follows: table 3 discriminant validity test results (cross loadings indicator sales promotion purchase decision x1 0,863 0,625 x2 0,896 0,731 x3 0,808 0,569 x4 0,817 0,621 effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 129 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 indicator sales promotion purchase decision x5 0,822 0,662 x6 0,721 0,653 x7 0,658 0,745 x8 0,809 0,688 x9 0,764 0,708 x10 0,691 0,652 x11 0,632 0,569 x12 0,721 0,653 x13 0,658 0,745 x14 0,645 0,816 z15 0,619 0,824 z16 0,546 0,774 z17 0,488 0,608 z18 0,524 0,471 z19 0,587 0,503 ofthe 20 0,595 0,524 ofthe 21 0,587 0,587 z22 0,619 0,652 z23 0,546 0,652 z24 0,488 0,652 z25 0,524 0,652 z26 0,587 0,652 z27 0,595 0,652 z28 0,619 0,652 z29 0,546 0,652 ofthe 30 0,488 0,652 source: smartpls output of processed data (2021) based on table 3 above shows that the correlation value of the construct with its indicator is greater than the correlation value with other constructs. thus it can be concluded that all constructs or latent variables already have a good discriminant validity in arranging their respective variables, where the indicators on the construct indicator block are better than the indicators in the other blocks. discriminant validity tests can also be performed by looking at the ave root for each construct which should be greater than the correlation with other constructs, which will be viewed from the criterion fornell-lacker table. table 4. discriminant validity (fornell-lacker criterion) test results variable sales promotion purchase decision promotion 0,823 0,785 purchase decision 0,791 source: smartpls output of processed data (2021) based on table 4 ave root results of each intended construct is greater than the correlation with other constructs which means indicator indicators used in this study meet the criteria discriminate validity criteria. table 5 ave test results variable average variance extracted (ave) sales promotion 0,677 purchase decision 0,625 source: smartpls output of processed data (2021) effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 130 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 based on the feed-in table 5 above, it is known that the ave value for each variable has a value of > 0.5. the ave output results indicate that the ave value is good for each construct because it has qualified convergent validity. and therefore there is no convergent validity issue on the model being tested. so that testing can be done at a later stage. composite reliability testing and cronbach's alpha aim to test the reliability of an instrument in a research model or measure internal consistency and its value should ≥ 0.60. if all latent variable values have both composite reliability and cronbach's alpha values ≥ of 0.70. it is barati, construct has good reliability or questionnaires used as a tool in this study, has been reliable and consistent ghozali (2015:41) table 6 composite reliability and cronbach's alpha test results variable composite reliability cronbach's alpha description promotion 0,926 0,904 reliabel purchase decision 0,869 0,800 reliabel source: smartpls output of processed data (2021) based on table 6 above, it is known that all variables have qualified composite reliability and cronbach's alpha because it has a value of ≥ 0.70. so it can be concluded that the overall construct has good reliability or questionnaires used as tools in this study have been reliable or consistent and can be done further analysis. inner model testing is the development of concept-based models and theories to analyze the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables, which has been described in a conceptual framework. the inner model analysis is carried out to ensure that the structure model built is robust and accurate. testing of the structural model was conducted by looking at the value of r-square which is a test of a goodness-fit model. stages of testing against structural models (inner model). the goodness of fit model (gof) described an overall model conformity rate that calculates the residual squares of the predicted model compared to the actual data introduced bytenenhaus (2004) in ghozali (2015:83). this gof index is a single measure used to validate the combined performance between the measurement model (outer model)and the structural model (inner model). the gof index value is derived from the average communalities index multiplied by the r2 value of the model. from the calculation of gof above, it can be known that the result is 0.633 of the result can be concluded that the performance between the measurement model and the structural model can be said to be fit because it has met the standard above 0.38. the coefficient of r-square determines (r2) to assess how much influence independent latent variables have on dependent latent variables. the r-square value is 0 to 1, a value of 0.67 indicates that the model is well categorized (chin, 1998). when r-square is closer to 1, independent variables provide all the information needed to predict dependent variable variations. on the contrary, the smaller the r-square, the more limited the ability of independent variables to describe dependent variable variations. the r-square value has the disadvantage that the rsquare value will increase every time there is the addition of one independent variable even though the independent variable has no significant effect on dependent variables. based on the data processing that has been done, obtained the value of r-square as follows: table. 7 r-square test results endogenous variables r-square purchasing desperation (z) 0,695 source: smartpls output of processed data (2021) effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions suryani, & syafarudin 131 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 based on the data shown in table 7 indicates that the model on the purchase decision variable can be said to be strong because r square has a value of 0.7 which is 0.695. while the structural model also indicates that the variable model of the independent latent variable influence model (sales promotion) on the purchase decision gives the r-square value of 0.695 which can be interpreted that variable construct purchase decision that can be explained by the variable sales promotion of 69.5% while 30.5%is explained by other variables beyond the researched. table 8 hypothesis test results direct influence results variable original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t statistics (| o/stdev|) sales promotion →thedecisionofthe purchaser 0,276 0,262 0,154 1,636 source: output processing with smartpls 3 2021 hypothesis (h1) was rejected because the t-statistic value of 1,636 is smaller than 1.96 with an original sample estimate of 0.276 meaning that the promotion has a positive but insignificant influence directly on the purchase decision. these results are in contrast to the results of research conducted by abshor et al. 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(2003) specified that people establish assumptions around their excellence in specific circumstances which will certainly depend upon their habits or even be managed through celebrations outdoors on their own. some scientists have discovered that locus of command has a favorable impact on auditor efficiency (donnelly et., al. 2003). another factor that influences the performance of auditors is auditor expertise. expertise is superior performance in a specific task using ability as an operational measure in auditing (bonner and lewis 1990). ashton (1990) defines expertise as the ability that is required to perform a certain task as well as possible. researchers have found that the expertise or competence of auditors has a positive effect on auditor performance (buchanan 2006; usman et al. 2014). business dedication is one more element that impacts auditor efficiency. parker as well as kohlmeyer (2005) specify business dedication as the family member's stamina of an individual's recognition of a company as well as their participation in a specific company. 3 elements are associated with the company, specifically a certain idea as well as approval of the worths as well as objectives of the company, the wish to perform whatever in your energy for the company as well as lastly a solid wish towards staying a participant of the company. several research study outcomes discovered that business dedication has a favorable impact on auditor efficiency, specifically ali, bo (2018), anugerah, r., anita, r., nelly sari, r., & zenita, r. (2016), srimindarti, c., sunarto, & widati, lw (2015), sunyoto, y., lely, n., & agus, a. (2019) as well as winarja, w., sodikin, a., & widodo, d. (2018). referring to previous research, research on the effect of individual characteristics on auditor performance in community bookkeeping companies is still performed in a restricted range. research on auditor performance is often conducted on internal auditors. this examination tries to carry out a research study on auditors that operate in the general public bookkeeping solid in surabaya. this examination intends to analyze as well as evaluate the impact of locus of command, auditor proficiency, as well as business dedication on auditor efficiency, towards analyzing as well as evaluate whether auditor proficiency mediates the impact of locus of command as well as business dedication on auditor efficiency. this research is expected to be useful for the development of behavioral accounting theory, particularly in the area of bookkeeping. the results of this study are also expected to be a reference for partners in public accounting firms in encouraging auditors to always maintain performance. another benefit is that this research is expected to serve as a reference for further research interested in examining the performance of auditors. based on the inconsistency of research results that have been conducted by previous researchers, as described in the previous paragraph, it is wished that this research study will certainly add to partners of public accounting firms to consider the locus of control when accepting new auditors so that they can show performance under company expectations. the attribution concept was initially industrialized through heider (1958). this concept argues that a person's habits are identified through a mix of interior requirements, specifically, elements coming from outward an individual, as well as outside requires, specifically elements coming from outdoors. luthans (1987) additional industrialized as well as specified that these concept conditions are exactly just how an individual discusses the reasons for various other people's habits or even themself. the trigger for an individual to select a habit can easily mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 148 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 originate from the interior (dispositional associates) as well as outside (situational associates). interior triggers tend to describe elements of private habits, one thing that currently exists in an individual, like individual characteristics, self-perception, inspiration, and capacities. on the other hand, outside triggers are much a lot extra administered in the atmosphere that impacts a person's habits, like social problems, social worths, as well as people's sights. based upon this concept, whether the efficiency of an auditor readies or otherwise could be affected through interior elements as well as outside (ecological) elements of the auditor. this theory is closely related to locus of control, organizational commitment, and auditor expertise because all of these variables are internal factors that are owned by each auditor and can affect auditor behavior in the workplace. blumberg and pringle (1982) recommend that private efficiency is a work of 3 measurements, specifically wish, opportunity, and capability. wish is an incentive that motivates workers to carry out a business job. capability is the capacity, ability, as well as power had through a private towards performing the function designated towards him. on the other hand, it is most probably a job atmosphere element that promotes efficiency. within the range of auditors that operate in the general public bookkeeping solid, research study has been performed that analyzes the efficiency of auditors along with their habits in the work environment. the outcomes of the research study through donnelly et., al. (2003) discovered that auditor efficiency is affected through the locus of business dedication and command. auditors along with locus of command tend to become deceitful to accomplish their objectives. auditors can easily control the investigation procedure to obtain a great efficient evaluation. the business dedication adjustable has a favorable impact on auditor efficiency. an auditor that is dedicated to the company will certainly attempt to perform his responsibilities inning accordance with his obligations to ensure that it will certainly lead to enhanced efficiency. srimindarti (2015) evaluated the locus of command as well as auditor proficiency on efficiency. the outcomes of this particular examination discovered that locus of command has a considerable impact on efficiency, in addition to the adjustability of auditor's proficiency has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency. rotter (1966) states that individuals have beliefs and perspectives on an event whether they can control events that can affect their success or are managed through celebrations outdoors on their own. people that tend to characteristic lead to their very personal initiatives or even people that think that occasions are actually under their command go through the interior locus of command. on the other hand, people along with outside locus of command think that they cannot command the occasions or even the outcomes they accomplish. since they think that exactly just what they perform will certainly identify the outcomes they have a collection, based upon the summary over, it could be discussed that people along with interior locus of command tend to perform much a lot extra function. this idea will certainly produce higher inspiration outward all of them to ensure that they are certainly not quickly affected through an unsupportive atmosphere. people along with outside locus of command have extremely genuine distinctions along with people that have an interior locus of command. people along with outside locus of command have the idea that the outcomes they acquire are identified much a lot extra through elements past their command like destiny, good fortune, as well as changes over which they have no command (rotter 1966). this belief will influence their behavior so that they tend to be easily influenced by the environment, have less fighting power, and are easy to give up. mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 149 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 research that examines the effect of auditors' locus of control on their work behavior in public accounting firms has been conducted, including frucot and shearon (1991) that discovered that locus of command possessed no impact on efficiency. hyatt as well as prawitt (2001), donnelly et., al. (2003), anugerah, r., anita, r., nelly sari, r., & zenita, r. (2016), as well as damico, js, & sphere, mj (2019) discovered that locus of command possessed a considerable impact on efficiency. auditors. on the other hand, malone as well as roberts (1996) evaluated the impact of locus of command on the habits of decreasing investigate high top premium. the outcomes of these research researches suggest that locus of command has no considerable impact on the habits of decreasing audit quality. business dedication has been determined as a crucial consider comprehending as well as discussing the connection between function habits of workers in the company. parker as well as kohlmeyer (2005) specify business dedication as the family member's stamina of an individual's recognition of a company as well as their participation in a specific company. 3 elements are associated with the company, specifically a specific idea as well as approval of the worths as well as objectives of the company, the wish to perform whatever in your energy for the company as well as a solid wish towards staying a participant of the company. there have been several researchers who tested auditors' organizational commitment to their behavior at work in public accounting firms, such as donnelly et al. (2003), who investigated the impact of business dedication on auditor efficiency. the outcomes discovered that the adjustable business dedication has a favorable impact on auditor efficiency. anugerah, r., anita, r., nelly sari, r., & zenita, r. (2016) discovered that business dedication is likewise revealed to have a considerable impact on the individual efficiency of auditors. when it comes to mathieu, j. e. as well as decoration. m. zajac. (1990) likewise discovered that auditors' business dedication has a considerable impact on the action of approving inefficient bookkeeping habits of auditors. expertise is superior performance in a specific task using ability as an operational measure in auditing (bonner and lewis 1990). meanwhile, ashton (1990) defines expertise as the ability that is required to do a certain task as well as possible. research in the field of auditing has implicitly or explicitly adopted conclusions from the psychology literature as a fundamental assumption in an attempt to examine the effect of expertise in the field of auditing. the psychology literature provides two general conclusions about expertise. first, a deep understanding of specialized knowledge is an essential factor influencing expertise. second, qualified skills increase through years of work experience. according to cognitive psychology theory, a skilled professional can do a job better. an expert also can better organize information in memory (koonce and mercer 2005). auditors who have a variety of expertise and skills to perform audit work will experience relatively little conflict with their work (donnelly et al. 2003). an auditor's expertise is reflected in the certification of his various skills to perform audit work in various fields. this is because, to audit certain areas of audit, appropriate expertise is required. therefore, an auditor is required to perform tasks with a sufficient level of expertise in every case at hand (otley and pierce 1995). auditors are also required to always follow education continuously to keep up with the times. locus of control or even command facility describes the degree towards which the private thinks that he can easily command the elements that impact him. people that have a higher interior command facility think that their habits as well as activities, although certainly not mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 150 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 completely, impact different occasions in their lifestyle. people along with a higher outside command facility think that possibility, destiny, or even other individuals are the primary identifying elements for points that occur towards all of them. the efficiency is a determinant utilized towards evaluating the outcomes of the application of jobs as well as obligations provided due to the company (gibson et., al. 2012). scientists have determined that locus of command is carefully associated with private efficiency. people along with interior locus of command tend to be placed in such a lot of extra initiative when they think that their initiatives have a particular function (plares 1968). additionally, people along with interior locus of command have actual problem-solving skills and can use information better so that they tend to have better performance. the opposite condition will be obtained if the auditors have an internal locus of control, they lack fighting power, lack problem-solving skills, and are less able to use information properly so that it will result in less than optimal performance. srimindarti, c., sunarto, & widati, l. w. (2015) and damico, j. s., & ball, m. j. (2019) discovered that locus of command has a considerable impact on efficiency. based upon the description over, the complying with hypothesis is developed: business dedication is specified as private stamina as well as private participation in a specific company. business dedication is stated to become a condition or even level towards which a worker edges along with a specific company as well as its objectives, as well as means towards preserve subscription because of company. worker dedication towards the company is among the mindsets that show the sensations of such as or even do not like of a worker in the direction of the company they help (robbins as well as court 2013). the excellence, as well as efficiency of an individual in an area of function, is mostly identified due to the individual's dedication towards the company. the auditor's dedication towards the company could be utilized as a motivation towards function much a lot better or even the other way around, triggering somebody towards leave behind their task because of a need for various other dedications. the straight dedication will certainly offer higher inspiration as well as have a favorable impact on the effectiveness of an auditor. the outcomes of the research study carried out through anugerah, r., anita, r., nelly sari, r., & zenita, r. (2016) suggest that business dedication has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency. based upon the description over, the complying with hypothesis is developed: expertise is the main asset for a professional to carry out work. expertise is seen based on how broad and how well an individual is in performing the tasks that are the responsibility of the individual. an individual will not be able to do work under the goals of the organization they work for without having the ability to achieve these goals. when individuals are burdened with certain tasks, the individual will try to do the task according to their skills. the skill variable is the variable most likely to affect performance. under research in cognitive psychology, a person with expertise will be better at organizing information in memory, better-explaining data archetypes, and better at adjusting stimuli to relevant categories (koonce and mercer 2005). because of their abilities, experts can perform tasks better so that they can perform better and more efficiently. setiawan et al., (2020) found that expertise has a considerable impact on efficiency. these results are supported by effect et al., (2019). based upon this description, the complying with hypothesis is developed: locus of control is one of the factors related to individual expertise. people along with the interior locus of command cannot learn something (spector 1988). this condition is very mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 151 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 encouraging when individuals are required to improve their skills. therefore, locus of control has a relationship with auditor expertise. auditors with an interior locus of command think that the factors within themselves determine what they achieve. this will not prevent auditors from increasing their expertise because auditors have inner motivation to improve their skills to support the work they do. auditors have a desire to improve their expertise without any demands from external parties. business dedication is a problem through which a worker edges along with a specific company as well as its objectives as well as wishes towards preserving its subscription in the company. auditor performance is a quality work result accomplished through an auditor in performing his responsibilities according to the responsibilities designated towards him. so it can be concluded that the greater the desire of an auditor to achieve maximum audit objectives, the better the performance that will be given by an auditor, especially the responsibility and the auditor's loyalty to the organization. the higher the desire of an auditor to achieve maximum audit objectives, the better the performance an auditor will provide, especially the responsibility and the auditor's loyalty to the organization. likewise with the competence of auditors, the better the competence of the auditor, the better the performance provided by an auditor, especially on the results of the audit. based upon the description over, the complying with hypothesis is developed: mehods this kind of research study is a quantitative examination along with an original method. the populace of this particular examination is auditors that operate in community bookkeeping companies throughout indonesia. info concerning the variety of community bookkeeping companies in indonesia is acquired coming from the variety of community bookkeeping companies signed up in the directory site of the indonesian accounting professionals solid, the community accounting professionals area. the example of this particular research study is the auditors that operate at the general public bookkeeping solid in surabaya. sampling was determined using the purposive sampling method, with the criteria used based on judgment, namely the auditors who work in the office. the kind of information utilized within this particular research study is the main information. main information is information acquired straight coming from information resources that are particularly acquired as well as straight associated with the issues examined (hair et., al., 1998). the information within this particular examination was acquired through providing questionnaires to participants. the data sources in this study were auditors who were selected as respondents according to predetermined criteria. data collection was carried out through dispersing questionnaires straight towards auditors that operate at the tax obligation bookkeeping solid in surabaya. auditor performance variables are determined utilizing concerns industrialized through mahoney et., al. (1965). the tool of the auditor's efficiency adjustable is determined by using 5 questionnaires. each respondent is asked to evaluate the performance which is divided into five performance dimensions, namely planning, investigation, coordination, supervision, and representation. the locus of control variable was measured using questions from kreitner and kinichi (2014). where this instrument is measured by five questions. each respondent is asked to identify indicators which include motivation, achievement, rewards at work, ability to carry mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 152 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 out work, and job satisfaction. organizational commitment variable is determined utilizing concerns industrialized through mowday et., al. (1979). this tool includes 5 concerns. the dimension method utilizes a likert factor 1-5 range. greater ratings stand for higher business dedication, whereas reduced ratings stand for reduced business dedication. the adjustability of auditor proficiency is determined utilizing concerns industrialized coming from chao et., al. (1994). this tool includes 5 concerns. the dimension method utilizes a likert factor 1-5 range. greater ratings stand for higher abilities, while reduced ratings explain reduced abilities. in architectural formula modeling, screening the credibility of the research study tool such as a questionnaire is carried out using the confirmatory factor analysis approach, which measures the validity of the manifest variable against the latent variable, while the reliability test of the research instrument is carried out using cronbach alpha. the pattern of influence between variables to be studied is the causal impact of several private variables on several reliant variables. the form of causal effect in this study uses a model that is not simple, namely the existence of a variable that has multiple roles, as an independent variable in one case but becomes the dependent variable in another case. this form of influence requires an analytical tool capable of simultaneously explaining these effects, namely structural equation modeling (sem). sem processing uses the analysis of moment structure version 22.0 program. result and discussion the variety of examples within this particular examination were 105 participants. based on descriptive statistics, the average organizational commitment variable is 3.46. this shows that the respondents' answers tend to agree. the auditors agree that the public accounting firm is the right organization so that the auditors are ready to accept any given assignment. besides, auditors also feel proud and comfortable to join the public accounting firm as the best place to work because it can inspire them to work well. likewise for other variables, the average performance variable is 3.48, locus of control is 3.60 and auditor expertise is 3.44, which shows that the respondents' answers tend to agree. measurement model is a measurement that shows how the manifest variable (indicator) represents the latent variable to be measured by testing the validity and reliability of latent variables through confirmatory factor analysis. this study will test the validity of the construct by looking at convergent validity. tabel 1. measurement of construct reliability and ave construct cr ave ave square conclusion loc 0.946 0.777 0.882 valid and reliable oc 0.961 0.833 0.912 valid and reliable ae 0.950 0.793 0.891 valid and reliable ap 0.937 0.749 0.866 valid and reliable source: amos 22.0 output the results of the calculations shown in table 1 show that all latent variables have a construct reliability value higher than the removed worth, specifically 0.7, it could be wrapped up that adjustable signs have great interior uniformity. the variance drawn-out worth will certainly be smaller sized compared to the build dependability worth. since the 4 variables acquire a worth drawn-out variance value> 0.50, the variance drawn out coming from the signs is higher for the mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 153 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 development of latent variables. a discriminant validity test is conducted to test two or more constructs whether they are different and each is an independent construct. based upon dining table 2, it could be viewed that each adjustable has a greater ave square value when compared to the correlation between constructs, this shows that each is an independent construct. tabel 2. discriminant validity loc oc ae ap loc 0.882 0.406 0.579 0.216 oc 0.406 0.912 0.221 0.374 ae 0.579 0.221 0.891 0.290 ap 0.216 0.374 0.290 0.866 source: amos 22.0 output noted : loc: locus of control oc: organizational commitment ae: auditor expertise ap: auditor performance the next stage is the model suitability test where this test is carried out using the parameters presented in table 3. if all of these tests meet the required criteria, it means that the model can be accepted through structural model testing. table 3 shows that more than half of the criteria used have a good value even though there are still two sub-standard model test requirements, but the value is the value that is closest to the predetermined standard. tabel 3. goodness of fit test goodness of fit index cut-off value estimation conclusion chi-square (χ2) expected small 172,882 good significance probability ≥ 0,05 0,230 good rmsea ≤ 0,08 0,028 good gfi ≥ 0,90 0,866 marjinal agfi ≥ 0,90 0,824 marjinal cmin/df ≤ 3,00 1,081 good tli ≥ 0,95 0,994 good cfi ≥ 0,95 0,995 good source: amos 22.0 output after testing the measurement model and structural suitability of the model, the next step is testing the hypothesis proposed in the examination. the outcomes of hypothesis screening are displayed in table 4. 0.316 0.354 0.192 0.204 0.500 locus of control organiz. auditor expertise auditor perform mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 154 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 figure 1. research model framework based upon dining table 4, it is understood that locus of command has a considerable favorable impact on auditor proficiency. these outcomes are constant along with the forecast that locus of command has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency. people along with interior locus of command have the tendency to get techniques as well as don't quit quickly as well as are inspired towards enhancing abilities. the outcomes of this particular examination sustain the research study carried out through srimindarti, c., sunarto, & widati, l. w. (2015). the results of hypothesis testing indicate that auditor expertise has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency. this schedules to several possibilities, such as based on the respondent's description, it can be seen that most respondents tend to agree with the auditor's expertise question, meaning that the respondent has sufficient expertise so that it influences performance; as well as auditors, both expert and less skilled, always work under audit standards so that their performance is maintained. the outcomes of this particular examination are actually according to the research study of setiawan et al., (2020) and effect et al., (2019) based upon dining table 4, it could be viewed that locus of command has a favorable impact on auditor efficiency. the outcomes of this particular examination indicate that auditors who believe that the outcomes acquired are much a lot extra identified through internal and external factors will do their best and will not give up easily, resulting in high efficiency. the outcomes of this particular examination support the research of srimindarti, c., sunarto, & widati, l. w. (2015) and damico, j. s., & ball, m. j. (2019). table 4 shows that business dedication is shown towards having a considerable favorable impact on efficiency. auditors that have a higher dedication towards the company will certainly be inspired towards function efficiently to preserve subscription in the company leading to enhanced efficiency. the outcomes of this particular examination sustain the research study of anugerah, r., anita, r., nelly sari, r., & zenita, r. (2016) that discovered that business dedication has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency. table 4. significance test of the effect between constructs construct estimate s.e. c.r. p-value conclusion auditor expertise <--locus of control 0.500 0.090 5.574 0.000 significant auditor expertise <--org. commitment 0.192 0.081 2.357 0.018 significant auditor perform <--org. commitment 0.354 0.090 3.928 0.000 significant auditor perform <--locus of control 0.204 0.102 1.995 0.046 significant auditor perform <--auditor expertise 0.316 0.120 2.625 0.009 significant source: amos 22.0 output mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 155 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 based on the results of the direct and indirect relationships in table 5, it can be concluded that the variable of auditor expertise can moderate the impact of locus of command as well as business dedication on auditor efficiency. this outcome is since the relationship between expertise and performance has a significant effect so that the direct relationship is eliminated. the results of the calculation of the guide, as well as indirect impacts, are displayed in the complying with dining table. table 5. direct and indirect effects construct direct effect indirect effect total effect decision ap<---loc 0.204 0.158 0.362 mediate ap<---oc 0.354 0.061 0.415 mediate source: amos 22.0 output conclusion and recommendation this examination analyzes the impact of locus of command, business dedication, as well as auditor proficiency on auditor efficiency. the outcomes revealed that the locus of command possessed a considerable impact on auditor proficiency. that's if the auditors have a locus of command, the auditors tend to have the maximum expertise. this is because auditors with a locus of control have problem-solving skills and can use information well so that they will not experience much difficulty to improve their skills. locus of command has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency. these findings indicate that if auditors have a locus of control, then auditors are less likely to be influenced by the environment, resulting in maximum performance. meanwhile, business dedication has a considerable impact on auditor efficiency, which implies that when auditors have greater business dedication, the auditors will try to do work under company demands to maintain membership in the company. this auditor's motivation will result in higher performance. the searchings for this particular examination offer empirical sustain for attribution concept which conditions that the trigger of an auditor's behavior can come from within the auditor or come from outside the auditor. auditors that have a locus of command think that the outside atmosphere plays a greater role in supporting the achievements they get so that their performance will be more determined by the surrounding environment. the next results show that if the auditors have a higher dedication towards the company, it will result in increased performance. these findings also prove that the behavior of an auditor can be influenced by internal factors of the auditor. apart from theoretical implications, this research also has implications for policy, where the management of the public accounting firm should provide training to auditors with an interior as well as an outside locus of command. the form of training that is more suitable for individuals with an internal locus of control is training that places more emphasis on implementing highquality audit programs. repeated training that focuses on audit quality is expected to improve auditor performance. this study proves the impact of business dedication on auditor efficiency. this finding has implications for the inclusion of organizational and professional values in auditors. implanting organizational values in the auditor can convince the auditor to accept the organization's goals. increasing the auditor's confidence in the objectives as well as the worths of the company will increase auditor performance. mediating effects of auditor expertise on the effect of locus of control and organizational commitment on auditor performance supriadi, harjanti, & maghfiroh 156 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 2, april 2021 reference ali, b. o. 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(2018). the effect of organizational commitment and job pressure to job performance through the job satisfaction in employees directorate transformation technology communication and information indonesia. international journal of business and applied social science, 4(2), 51-70. the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 1 january 2022 page no. 1-12 1 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati1 , hendra darmawan2 , muhammad sofyan3 , tatiana serebryakova4 1,2,3institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami, indonesia 4moscow city university, russia correspondent: received : august 26, 2021 accepted : january 15, 2022 published : january 31, 2022 citation: irawati, darmawan, h., sofyan, m., serebryakova, t (2022). the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance on vat revenue in kpp pratama pasar rebo indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(1),1-12. abstract: compliance of taxable person (pkp) is a complicated problem related to the implementation of an einvoice application, especially the knowledge and perceptions of those who consider that making electronic-based tax invoices is difficult to do. this study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the e-invoice 3.0 application and taxable person compliance on the increase in vat revenues. to obtain the research sample, the author used a non-probability sampling technique with the convenience sampling method. the results showed that e-invoice 3.0 implementation and taxable person compliance simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on vat revenues with a value of 113,819. the author provides suggestions for the primary tax office of pasar rebo, jakarta to continue improving its services in providing information and campaign related to the use of einvoice 3.0 to taxable person to improve their compliance and also to increase the amount of tax revenue which can affect vat revenues. keywords: e-invoice 3.0, taxable person compliance, vat revenue this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the development of a country can be seen from the independence of the country to achieve its development (arvin et al., 2021; gnangnon, 2021). to carry out its development, the state needs revenue / revenue allocation (apbn). the revenues of the state provide for various receipts both into the property and at the disposal of the state (amendolagine et al., 2021; lahiri & yang, 2021). state revenues create a financial basis for the performance of external and internal functions of the state, including socio-economic policy, ensuring the defense and security of the country, as well as the functioning of state bodies (ndoricimpa, 2021; suárez serrato & zidar, 2018). one of them comes from the tax industry. most countries in the world impose taxes on their citizens, but some taxes are used as the main source of income for the country except for countries rich in natural resources that do not collect taxes (holm-hadulla, 2020; yang & zhou, 2021). tax provisions in each country vary but generally follow the same tax principles or rules. the tax state structure is one of the main links of the market economy (hasan et al., 2021; kammas & the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 2 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sarantides, 2020). it represents the main instrument of the state's influence on the formation of economic relations, determines the priorities of the economy and social relations. it is necessary that the tax system should be adapted to all social relations, and also not contradict world practice (mardones & flores, 2018; tarufelli et al., 2021). in indonesia, taxes are used as one of the state revenues (hajawiyah et al., 2021). after all, the tax sector is considered the most efficient option because the tax amount is relatively stable and the public can actively participate in realizing development in paying taxes (kraal, 2019). the instability of taxation, constant changes in tax legislation, carry a negative trend, hinder investment in the domestic economy (saad, 2014). in addition, taxes have the vision to raise public awareness of taxpayers as well as their responsibility and honesty towards their obligations because basically, taxes are a form of self-devotion to the state in helping the development of the country (sinuhaji, 2019). control by the state is one of the most important functions performed by it in the framework of fiscal activities. the inconsistency of the emphasis on fiscal activity in the tax sphere shows that by making excessive demands on taxpayers, increasing the number of tax payments, first of all, the tax base decreases and cash receipts to the state budget decrease, lead to illegal violations of tax legislation (rahwani et al., 2019). summarizing the above, it should be concluded that it is important to carry out activities to consolidate the basic principles and foundations, legislative regulation and control over the collection of taxes and their transfer to the state budget. table 1. realization of state revenue year realization 2014 rp1.071.081.522.710 2015 rp1.301.925.637.162 2016 rp1.502.453.591.310 2017 rp1.476.007.768.990 2018 rp1.493.470.325.826 2019 rp1.770.168.479.281 2020 rp1.479.937.061.153 source: kpp pratama pasar rebo (2020) effective tax collection is assessed from how procedures are implemented that do not interfere with the economic functions of activities, production, trade and services. therefore, the tax collection process should be designed to simplify the tax collection system. way, it will be easier to implement and taxpayers will not experience difficulties when paying taxes or reporting taxes, both in terms of calculation and time. at present, developments related to taxation have undergone digitalization, considering that taxation activities are still considered ineffective so improvements are still needed in terms of facilitating, improving, and maximizing services to taxpayers. these problems make e-invoices a connecting road made by the directorate general of taxes to achieve these things. the implementation of the e-invoice itself has been stipulated in directorate general of taxation regulation no. per-16/pj/2014 concerning procedures for making and reporting electronic tax the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 3 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting invoices, and per-41/pj/2015 which regulates the security of electronic transactions for online tax services (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2014, 2015). to overcome the occurrence of practices that can be detrimental to state income from taxes, the directorate general of taxes has again developed an e-invoice application. until the development of the latest e-invoice, namely e-invoice 3.0 for the change in e-invoice 2.2. this change is based on per-11/pj.09/2020 concerning the national implementation of e-invoice application version 3.0 (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2020). table 2. taxable person perceptions of research variables variable percentage information benefits of e-invoicing 3.0 72,29% pkp benefit from e-invoice 3.0 taxable person compliance standard 72,82% corporate taxpayers consciously register themselves as taxable person (pkp) tax revenue factor 71,31% tax revenue is influenced by the public economy source: survey research data, processed 2021 based on the taxpayer's perception that the level of achievement recorded is in a good category, it's just that this achievement has not fully provided maximum results. this gives the perception that the government's participation in providing information and understanding related to taxation has not been fully realized. based on the description above regarding the background of the research problem, the following research objectives can be obtained: 1) to find out and analyze the effect of implementing e-invoice 3.0 in increasing vat revenue. 2) to find out and analyze the effect of taxable entrepreneur compliance in increasing vat revenue. 3) to know and analyze simultaneously the application of e-invoice 3.0 and the compliance of taxable person in increasing vat revenue. the implementation of e-invoicing and taxable entrepreneur compliance and emphasizes the level of reporting of vat tax returns and the magnitude of the effect on vat receipts and axable entrepreneur compliance (lintang et al., 2017). previous researches determine the effect resulting from the modernization of the tax system on the level of compliance of taxable person and the effect on vat receipts from the application of e-invoicing. 3.0 and analyze the effect of taxable entrepreneur compliance on vat receipts (fasmi & misra, 2014). the other researches are discussing e-faktur and tax receipts using a moderating variable or a connecting variable to test between the independent variable and the dependent variable, while the variables used by the researcher are only the independent variable and the dependent variable, the effect of the application of e-invoicing on taxable entrepreneur compliance and determine the effect of the application of e-invoicing on vat receipts (angraini et al., 2017; astuti & panjaitan, 2017; awaloedin et al., 2021). previous researches discussed e-faktur and tax receipts using moderating variables or connecting variables to test between the independent variable and the the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 4 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting dependent variable, while the variables used by the researcher are only the independent variable and the dependent variable and the effect of vat revenue on tax revenues (anggia, 2019; nurtin et al., 2021; sulistyowati et al., 2020). based on the several studies above, it can be concluded that in the implementation of e-invoicing, the taxable person (pkp) has been able to implement the implementation of the e-invoice system launched by the fiscus. when operating it. regarding the e-invoicing system, which still has to be refined, the taxation policy must also keep pace with the changes that occur. that way, increasing state income is no longer difficult to do. e-invoice 3.0 e-invoice is a tax invoice created through an application or electronic system provided by the djp and tax system service providers.e-invoice is a tax invoice as proof of vat collection which is carried out electronically and made by a taxable entrepreneur whose procedures are regulated in tax regulations (sakti & hidayat, 2015). the e-invoice form is an electronic document that can be printed on paper or in pdf file format. furthermore the benefits obtained by the djp from this e-tax invoice application in addition to providing the function of collecting bkp/jkp data through the pkp mechanism, it also increases the effectiveness of tax invoices there are several factors that influence behavior obedient to taxes or often known as tax compliance (ciptaningsih, 2013). these factors are deterrence, norms, both personal and social, fairness and trust in the tax administration, opportunity and complexity,and the role of government and the broader economic environment (walsh, 2012). the delone & mclean (d&m) is used to measure the dimensions of information system success (tam & oliveira, 2016), while the dimensions of success are as follows: 1) system quality, related to the characteristics of information systems. for example ease of use, the flexibility of use, system reliability, and ease of learning; 2) quality of information, related to the characteristics of the system output. for example reliability of the information, ease of understanding, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness; 3) service quality, namely the level of support received by system users; 4) use of the system, namely the capacity of the use of the system such as the amount of system use and the purpose of use; 5) satisfaction of use, namely the comfort and interest felt by users of the information system; 6) net profit, relates to the extent to which an information system can contribute to system users. for example, instant decision making, increased sales, reduced costs, revenue improvisation, market efficiency, consumer perception, and others (roky & meriouh, 2015). at the same time, it should be noted that it is possible to achieve high success rates only with objective, equal positions of all taxpayers, including the presence of uniform technical conditions, financial literacy, transparency of the tax system (aldholay et al., 2018). taxable person compliance tax compliance can be defined as a condition for taxpayers to comply with all their tax obligations and exercise their tax rights (rahayu, 2017). taxpayer compliance is a taxpayer's tax obligation to promote development, and currently it is hoped that this obligation can be fulfilled voluntarily. considering that the indonesian tax system adheres to a self-assessment system, taxpayer compliance is an important aspect in this process taxpayers have absolute confidence in calculating, paying and reporting their obligations to obtain the best tax revenue (widodo et al., 2013). the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 5 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taxpayer compliance includes taxpayer registration compliance, tax notification compliance, calculation and payment of tax payable, and tax arrears payment compliance (rahayu, 2017). from the explanation above, it can be concluded that the taxable entrepreneur compliance indicators are divided into 3, namely: 1) register to become a taxable person 2) deposit period spt. 3) calculate and pay taxes owed. tax receipts from vat vat (ppn) and ppnbm are one of the types of taxes that exist in indonesia. this indirect tax is imposed on consumption at every level of production or distribution. although the imposition of ppn and ppnbm is carried out on the added value that occurs at every level of production and/or distribution of goods or services, the burden of this tax is indirectly borne by the final consumer (sukardji, 2017). according to the central statistics agency explaining that state income or national income is an economic measure to assess the economic performance of a country. this national income can be defined as the net value (net) of all economic goods produced by a country where the value of the product is specifically linked to labour, capital, and entrepreneurial ability. one of the main indicators used to obtain a measure of national income is the gross domestic product (badan pusat statistik, 2021). furthermore, tax revenues are influenced by economic level, poverty level and taxation policy. this means that an improving economy, lower poverty rate, and tax policies will lead to higher tax revenues in indonesia. on the other hand, the economic recession, increasing poverty, and taxation policies will lead to a decrease in indonesia's tax revenues (handoko et al., 2014). based on the description of the research variable theories above, it can be arranged and presented in the form of a research paradigm or theoretical framework as follows: chart 1. research paradigm the hypotheses in this study are as follows: h1 = application of efaktur 3.0 the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 6 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (x1) has an effect on vat revenue (y) h2 = taxable person compliance ( x2) affects vat revenue (y) h3 = implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and compliance with taxable persons affects value added tax (vat) revenue for research to be carried out, it is necessary to determine the variables based on the research hypothesis. the variables of a study are everything that the researcher decides to form and informs to conclude (sugiyono, 2019). method the research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a correlational approach. the data used in this study is primary data, in the form of questionnaire data filled out by a predetermined sample (ghozali, 2016; sugiyono, 2019). the population in this study are taxable person (pkp) who are registered at the pratama jakarta pasar rebo tax service office, amounting to 4,482 taxable person. the sampling technique used is convenience sampling, where the determination of the sample is based on certain considerations. the samples used in this study were 97 samples. determination of this sample is using the following formula:𝑛 = 𝑁𝑍2.𝑝(1−𝑝) 𝑁𝐷2+𝑍2.𝑝(1−𝑝) n = sample size n = total population z = normal variable value (1.96) for 0.95 confidence level p = the largest possible proportion (0.50) d = degree of deviation (10% or 0.10) the data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis, partial test, and simultaneous test, in which the test was used to determine the relationship between the variables studied (creswell, 2017; lynch, 2017). the regression equation used is as follows: information : y = vat revenue α = coefficient constant β = regression coefficient x1 = application of e-faktur 3.0 x2 = taxable person compliance result and discussion 2211 xxay  ++= the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 7 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 3 multiple linear regression equations vat revenue = 1.114 + 1.987(e-invoice 3.0) – 1.297 (taxable person compliance) based on these equations, it can be described as follows: 1. α value of 1,114 is a constant or condition when the vat revenue variable (y) has not been influenced by other variables, namely the variable application of e-invoice 3.0 (x1) and taxable person compliance (x2). if the independent variable does not exist, then the vat revenue variable does not change. 2. b1 value (x1 regression coefficient) is 1.987, indicating that the variable application of einvoice 3.0 has a positive influence on the vat revenue variable. this means that the variable application of e-invoice 3.0 affects the vat revenue variable, assuming that other variables are not examined in this study. 3. b2 value (x2 regression coefficient) is -1.297, indicating that the taxable entrepreneur compliance variable harms the vat revenue variable. the results of this study found that pkp compliance affects vat receipts. when viewed from the direction of the relationship, it has a negative effect, which means that if pkp compliance decreases, vat revenue also decreases. table 4. simultaneous test of the implementation of e-faktur 3.0 and compliance of taxable persons against vat revenue anova model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 32,751 2 16,375 113,819 ,000b residual 13,524 94 ,144 total 46,275 96 a. dependent variable: vat revenue b. predictors: (constant taxable person compliance, application of e-invoice 3.0 source: data processed 2021 coefficients dependent variable: vat revenue model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 1,114 ,192 5,793 ,000 application of einvoice 3.0 1,987 ,173 2,127 11,459 ,000 taxable person compliance -1,297 ,163 -1,482 -7,982 ,000 source: data processed 2021 the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 8 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting f value obtained is 3.09. based on the table above, it can be concluded that the significance value is 0.000 < 0.05 and 113.819 > 3.09, this indicates that the variable application of e-invoicing 3.0 and the compliance variable of taxable person have a simultaneous (together) effect on the vat revenue variable, which means that the hypothesis is accepted. table 5 coefficient of determination test results model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 ,841a ,708 ,702 ,37931 a. predictors: (constant), taxable person compliance and application of e-invoice 3.0 source: data processed 2021 the adjusted r square value is 0.072, it can be illustrated that the magnitude of the influence of pkp compliance and the application of e-invoices is 0.702 or 70.2% and the remaining 29.8 is influenced by other variables not used in the study. table 6. summary of multiple regression analysis results effect between variables regression coefficient value t-value coefficient of determination value application of einvoice 3.0→ vat revenue 1,987 11,459 0,702 taxable person compliance → vat revenue -1,297 -7,982 source: research data 2021, processed application of e-faktur 3.0 to vat revenue based on the results of the regression test, there is evidence that the application of e-invoice 3.0 affects vat receipts. this is evidenced by the value of the regression coefficient which is positively distributed that is equal to 1.987. as for the t value which is worth 11.459 more than the table value of 1.98552 indicating that there is a significant influence from the application of e-invoice 3.0 on vat receipts. compliance with taxable persons against vat revenue based on the results of the regression test, it was found evidence that taxable entrepreneur compliance affects vat receipts. this is evidenced by the value of the regression coefficient which is negatively distributed that is equal to -1.297. the calculated value which is -7.982 is more than the table value, which is 1.66071, indicating that there is a significant effect of taxable entrepreneur compliance on vat receipts. the results of this study found that pkp compliance affected vat receipts. when viewed from the direction of the relationship, it has a negative effect, which means that if pkp compliance decreases, vat revenue also decreases. implementation of e-faktur 3.0 and compliance with taxable persons on vat revenue the effect of the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable person compliance to value added tax revenue at kpp pratama pasar rebo irawati, darmawan, sofyan, serebryakova 9 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the results of the simultaneous test (f test), it was found that the implementation of einvoicing 3.0 and taxable entrepreneur compliance affected vat receipts. this is evidenced by the simultaneous test (f test) which shows the results in the form of a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05 and an f-count value of 113.819 which is greater than the f-table value of 3.94. this shows that the variable application of e-invoice 3.0 and the variable of taxpayer compliance have a simultaneous (together) effect on the vat revenue variable. conclusion 1. the application of e-invoice 3.0 has a positive and significant effect on vat receipts. the magnitude of the increase in effectiveness from the application of e-invoice 3.0 to vat receipts is 1.987. the significance level of the application of e-invoice 3.0 to vat receipts is 11.459. this shows that the increasing effectiveness of the application of e-invoice 3.0 will also increase vat receipts. this increase is influenced by the instruments in the study. 2. taxable person compliance has a negative and significant impact on vat receipts. the magnitude of the increase in taxable entrepreneur compliance with vat receipts is -1.297. the significance level of the taxable entrepreneur's compliance with vat receipts is -7,982. this shows that the compliance of taxable persons (pkp) has an effect on vat receipts, but shows a negative effect. this means that if the compliance of taxable persons decreases, it will result in a decrease in revenue from value added tax. 3. the application of e-invoice 3.0 and the compliance of taxable persons together (simultaneously) have a positive and significant effect on vat revenues of 113,819. the results of the study illustrate that the application of e-invoicing 3.0 and the compliance of the taxable entrepreneur (pkp) have a simultaneous effect on the acceptance of value added tax (vat). recommendation 1. for kpp pratama jakarta pasar rebo, to continue to improve its services in providing information and socialization related to the use of e-invoice 3.0 to taxable person (pkp) to increase compliance and also to increase the amount of tax revenue that will affect vat revenue. 2. for taxable persons (pkp), to be able to better understand and learn about the use of e-invoice 3.0 to facilitate taxable persons (pkp). so that the goal to provide convenience and benefit from the directorate general of taxes can be achieved. 3. for further researchers, to be able to examine more deeply to find out whether there are differences in results related to the implementation of e-invoice 3.0 and taxable entrepreneur compliance concerning increasing vat receipts and other variables that affect vat receipts that are not examined in this paper. reference aldholay, a. h., isaac, o., abdullah, z., & ramayah, t. 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(2012) accounting information is the result of an accounting process which includes the process of recording, grouping and summarizing certain entity's financial data presented in the form of financial statements. quality accounting information is accounting information that is in accordance with user needs (kieso et al., 2012), besides that quality information is needed in running the organization's business (o'brien & marakas, 2011), quality information is also useful for decision top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 211 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 making (gelinas et al., 2012) and used as a basis for overcoming problems and minimizing uncertainty (hall, 2011). accounting information for external parties is used to evaluate past performance, predict future performance, and obtain other input regarding the organization concerned (bodnar & hopwood, 2014). quality accounting information will influence capital providers and other stakeholders in making investment decisions, as well as credit (beest et al., 2009). kieso et al. (2012) added that quality information can create an efficient market. if the accounting information is not of high quality, the accounting information will be useless (kieso et al., 2012). kieso et al. (2012) say that the information function is measured by relevance, faithful representation and enhancing qualities. then the results of hertati's (2015) research found that information technology can process management accounting information systems well if users feel it is helped. this is said by mcleod & schell (2007) and susanto (2013) which states that quality information must have characteristics relevancy, accuracy, timeliness and completeness. then hall (2011) and hertati (2015) added that formalization can be well integrated if the measures of management accounting information that function consist of relevance, accuracy, timeliness, completeness and summarizing. not much different, according to mcmanus & harper (2003) and hertati (2026), which states that the basic key in determining functional information is seen from determining the characteristics of the information function, namely relevant, reliable, complete, timely, understandable, verifiable and accessible. in line with schermerhorn (2011) and hertati (2016), the criteria for quality information consist of timely, high quality, complete, relevant and understandable. laudon & laudon (2014) and hertati, et, all (2019) emphasize that accounting information systems are important for managers because most organizations need a management accounting system in order to survive and succeed. accounting information systems can help organizations expand their reach to remote locations, acquire new forms and workflows, and possibly change the way of doing business. hertati (2020) states that the management accounting information system is a collection (integration) of sub-systems / components, both physical and non-physical, which are interconnected and harmoniously work with each other to process transaction data related to financial issues into financial information. (susanto, 2013). a quality information system can mean a successful (successful) or effective information system (delone & mclean, 2003: hertati, et all, 2020). stair & reynolds (2010) and hertati & safkaur (2020) state that information systems can function in terms of being flexible, efficient, easily accessible and timely. the same thing was conveyed by horan & abhichandani (2006) and hertati, et, all (2020) that the characteristics of information system quality consist of utility, reliability, efficiency, customization and flexibility. then emphasized by heidmann (2008: 87-90) that the measure of the quality of information systems is integration, flexibility, accessibility, formalization and media richness. delone & mclean (1992) compile a model to describe the success of information systems, including system quality, information quality, use, user satisfaction, individual impact and organizational accounting information system is built with the main objective to manage accounting data coming from various sources into accounting information needed by various parties to reduce risk during decision making process (azhar susanto, 2013). accounting systems within the company can be classified in 2 (two) subsystems, namely financial accounting information system and management accounting system (bockholdt, 1999). the financial accounting system is intended for external corporate users (kieso,, 20118: top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 212 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 hertati, sumantri, 20016) while the management accounting system is for internal corporate users, such as managers, executives and employees in decision making (hansen & mowen , 2007). hoq (2005) states that a management accounting system provides relevant high-quality information managers to make effective decisions to achieve organizational goals or objectives. a quality management accounting system has characteristics, integrated, flexible, accessibility, pormalization, richness media (heidmann, 2008). a quality management accounting system produces quality management accounting information processing (heidmann, 2008: syafarudin & herati, 2018). quality management accounting information has 4 (four) characteristics, relevance, timeliness, accuracy, completeness, summarization (hall 2011). the phenomenon states that in fact many management accounting systems are not integrated. as stated by satria (2020), there are still many teaching staff who are categorized as weak economies because they are paid cheaply and are below the minimum necessities of life and social welfare security. this gap will be felt between lecturers who are civil servants and serve on state campuses compared to lecturers on private campuses, especially in the midst of the current large-scale social restrictions (psbb). the salary of a permanent lecturer at the indonesian institute of health, a private university in jakarta, is modest and receives a salary below the minimum wage standard. the nominal wages that have been set by the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2020 are below the provincial minimum wage (ump) of idr 4,276,349.906 per month. in addition to receiving low salaries, payments are always late, sometimes past a month. entering 2020, the campus, in this case the nusa bhakti husada foundation, has never paid all employees. then zakiyudin (2020) stated that the fate of pts lecturers, which was already difficult before the covid-19 incident, became increasingly difficult because of the impact of this pandemic. that is especially true in the payroll area. currently, according to zaki, many lecturers at private universities are only paid rp. 300 thousand per month, and some are only rp. 250 thousand. in the midst of a covid-19 situation like this, the condition is getting worse because many private universities are unable to pay their salaries. for this reason, the lecturer hopes that the government will have more role, especially the ministry of education and culture (kemendikbud) to pay more attention to the fate of the lecturers at pts. the government, especially the ministry of education and culture must participate to find the right solution so that the lecturers' income is not lost. the role of the ministry of education and culture in pts is still very minimal, especially its attention to the welfare of its lecturers. this can be seen from the absence of standardization of lecturers' salaries at pts. lecturer payroll system in state universities (ptn). the management accounting system in state-owned enterprises is not qualified because the management accounting system is not integrated, inflexible, inaccessible, unreliable, so that it is feared that it is wrong in decision making and has an impact on the quality of management accounting information produced. the phenomenon of accounting information in indonesia has not fulfilled the characteristics of accounting information that function properly as suggested by the modification of production, financial control and quality management accounting systems carried out in brazil. modification of production control, financial and quality management accounting systems. jarvenpaa & ives (1991) and hertati & syafarudin (2019) in their research revealed that top management support can be in the form of participation and involvement of top management in the development of accounting information systems. with the participation and top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 213 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 involvement of superiors in terms of project progress and providing the necessary resources, it will be able to determine the successful implementation of the functions of a system. if an organization in implementing the system, the absence of top management support, this goal will not be achieved. agree with masrek et al. (2009) in their research that top management support can be in the form of providing the resources needed in developing information systems in the form of time, location, infrastructure and human resources. it can be seen that top management supports the use of information systems as a means of alignment. the development of information systems in many literature studies is inseparable from top management support in the form of providing direction, authority and provision of resources. in his research, it is concluded that the more optimal top management support is given, the higher the success of the information system will be (ifinedo, 2008). furthermore, daoud & triki (2013) and (hertati, ett all, 2020) concluded that top management involvement and expertise have an effect on the accounting information system (the result indicates that top management involvement and external expertise have an impact on the mais). hertati et al. (2019) in their research concluded that clarity of business vision and top management support has a significant effect on the quality of business intelligence systems (clarity of business vision and top management support have significant effects on the quality of business intelligence systems). the greater the support provided by top management, the higher the performance of the information system, the higher top management support has been identified as an important factor for the success of the main organizational activities. this paper establishes a framework for understanding the impact of top management support on the performance of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions. the higher the level of top management support, the higher the level of management accounting information system performance. griffin & moorhead (2014) stated that top management support is very important for the successful implementation of a work team. among other things, top managers need to emphasize that there are sound business reasons for team use and be prepared for some setbacks during the transition to the team. these executives meet with their immediate reports to explain the process through which their company will move towards a team-based structure. top management support is essential for the successful implementation of teamwork. among other things, top managers need to encourage sound business activities for the use of teamwork and anticipate the setbacks that will occur during the transition. this executive receives the report in person to explain the process that the organization will undertake through a teamwork based arrangement. young (2006) defines top management support as success in encouraging an activity (can be in the form of a budget) which is expected by all stakeholders (top management support is that only project management success (on-time on-budget) is emphasized by all stakeholders and top management support has been neglected). an opinion that does not differ much, was also conveyed by land et al. (2008) that top management support is needed for organizational change management. top management has the responsibility of providing direction, resources and supervision to manage organizational change. top management according to robbins & coulter (2016) is the party responsible for making decisions in an organization, setting goals and plans for organizational continuity. agree with williams (2006) that top management is an executive who is responsible for organizational activities. still according to williams (2006), parties including top management such as executives, vice presidents, presidents, directors, operational directors, or chief executive officers. furthermore wheelen, et al. (2015) revealed that the top management function is in the form of top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 214 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 coordination between the ceo (chief executive officer) and the coo (chief operating officer). mahring further (2002) states that top management support is needed in the use of information technology and continues to be supported so that the survival of the organization can be maintained. likewise basu et al. (2002) and syafarudin & hertati (2020) argue that top management is the party responsible for providing general guidelines for information system activities. the level of support provided by top management for organizational information systems can be a very important factor in determining the success of all activities related to information systems. from some of the explanations above, it can be concluded that top management support is the highest management involvement and participation in organizational development through a process of evaluation, direction and monitoring of the accounting information system used which can make individuals feel cared for and valued (mahring, 2002; jarvenpaa & ives , 1991; basu et al., 2002). top management support according to guinea et al. (2005) wheelen, et al. (2015) hertati (2015) can be measured through the following: 1. evaluate. top management can examine proposed proposals, decisions and actions, agree or disagree with subordinates, provide advice. top management can describe the mission of the company and select strategic activities for management; 2. direct. top management must assign responsibility, and direct directly the plans and policies to be taken. as well as encouraging a culture of good governance of information technology by requiring managers to provide information in a timely manner in realizing the expected conditions. top management must also integrate the tasks that must be performed by each division. all sections require direction if they want to successfully achieve the ultimate goals of an organization; 3. monitor. top management must monitor, through the information technology work system and ensure that the resulting performance is in accordance with the plan and is not in line with external factors (regulations, legislation, laws) and internal factors (employee performance). continuous observation to ensure and control the alignment of program implementation with predetermined planning; 4. participation, choice of hardware & software, implementation of system, system maintenance and problem solving; 5. commitment: planning of further developments. the characteristics of high quality information include accuracy, completeness, consistency, uniqueness and timeliness. furthermore, stair & reynolds (2012) involves measuring the quality of information as seen from being accessible, accurate, complete, economic, flexible, relevant, reliable, secure, simple, timely and verifiable so that it becomes more comprehensive and detailed. heidmann (2008) states that management accounting information systems (mais) are formal systems that provide information from the internal and external environment to managers. drury, colin (2012) stated that the management accounting system is to provide relevant financial information to managers to help them make better decisions. hoque, (2005) and hertati (2016) state that management accounting information system provides high quality managers and relevant information to make effective decisions to achieve their organization's goals or objectives. management accounting system is a formal system designed to provide information to managers bouwens & abernethy (2000). furthermore, hansen & mowen (2014) states that managerial accounting identifies, collects, measures, classifies, and reports financial top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 215 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 and non-financial information that is useful to internal users in planning, controlling, and decision making. hogue (2004) states that an effective management accounting system must be able to assess the progress of the company against strategic priorities. furthermore, horngren, et, al (1996) states that the management accounting system is a formal mechanism for collecting, organizing and communicating information about organizational activities. the opinion of collier paul (2003) states that management accounting system must provide timely and accurate information to facilitate efforts to control costs, measure and improve productivity, and to devise improved production processes. a statement expressed by anders rom (2005) states that management accounting system is an enterprise system including information system the terms' integrated information system. several meanings that are in line with the above meanings have been put forward by other experts who basically say that what is meant by a management accounting system is a formal system designed to provide information to managers and employees in the organization to provide relevant information, both financial and non-financial. financial, such as collecting, measuring, storing, analyzing, reporting and managing timely, accurate information about activities in order to make effective decisions in achieving goals or objectives in the organization in an integrated manner to make decisions. based on the dimensions put forward by experts (heidmann, 2008, avison & fitzgerald, 2006), the dimensions of management accounting information systems in this study are integrated: (1) integrated. the system is able to cooperate with one another; (2) follows. the system is able to adapt to environmental changes; (3) flexibility: the system is easily accessible when needed; (4) reliable. the system can minimize errors and function properly; (5) formalization. formalization measures the extent to which a system contains rules or procedures; dan (6) media richness. measure the extent to which the system uses various alternative media to simplify and speed up communication. the effect of top management support on the quality of accounting information systems. mahring (2002) explains the importance of top management support in the success of information systems. mcleod & schell (2007) stated that top management support is one of the factors that have an impact on information systems. agree with schwalbe (2006) which states that top management support is the main support in the information system used. furthermore, laudon & laudon (2014) stated that information systems can be implemented if there is user involvement and are supported by top management because they have more opportunities to shape information systems according to business priorities and needs, and more opportunities to control the results. the same opinion was also conveyed by olson (2004) who revealed that top management support is one of the keys to the success of implementing information systems. research by sharma & yetton (2003) concluded that management support is considered an important factor in the success of a management accounting system. the form of top management support is in the form of establishing a new structure, a supervisory system, a coordinating mechanism and motivating performance improvement. this is supported by the research of nathan et al. (2004) who stated that top management support has been identified as an important factor for the success of an organization. the results of this study indicate that a framework in understanding the impact of top management support on the performance of information systems in an organization. research conducted by dong et al. (2009) concluded that the position of top management support is very important in the implementation of a management accounting system, which understands the concept of work in an organization. top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 216 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 research by dong et al. (2009) supported by hwang et al. (2012) who stated that in addition to training, top management support can also affect the implementation of information systems. likewise hussein et al. (2007) argued in the results of their study that top management support has a significant effect on the success of information systems. top management support is significantly and positively related to the dimensions of information system success: these findings further strengthen the argument that top management support has a considerable influence on the success of management accounting information systems (hertati, et al, 2020). top management support is significantly and positively related with the dimensions of si success. stare (2011) in his research suggests that the support provided by top management can be in the form of planning, monitoring and evaluating the results achieved, overcoming problems, facilitating resources and providing rewards to achievers. furthermore, top management plays a role in implementing information systems, in the form of observation and participation in implementing information systems (arnoldina, 2010). based on the description above, the quality of accounting information systems is indicated by the more optimal top management support is given, the higher the success of information systems is achieved, the performance of information systems and the success of information systems with the participation and involvement of top management, so it can be said that top management support has an effect on quality. accounting information systems and offers advice and alternatives. figure 1: research framework h1: the top management support function affects the management accounting information system methods research methodology: the method used in this research is descriptive and explanatory. the population in this study were related sub-units at higher education institutions in south sumatra, as many as 120 samples in 15 universities. the sample was obtained through simple random sampling technique using the slovin formula (cooper & schindler, 2006), as follows: n 1 + n(e)2) so that it is obtained a sample as follows 𝟒9 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 37 = 119 1 + 119(0.1)2) of which: lecturer work management information system input teaching community service, research, guiding students information systems process management accounting salary and awards dosen ad art college top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 217 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 n: sample size n: population size e: inaccuracy leeway percent due to sampling which can still be tolerated or desirable for example 5%, 10% and more. the observation unit in this study is the people who work in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions. this study uses primary data, while the data collection method used is a questionnaire assisted by google form. the validity test was conducted which was used to determine the feasibility of the items in the questionnaire to determine the variables and the reliability test to measure the reliability of the object being measured. data analysis was carried out by descriptive analysis and verification. descriptive analysis was carried out with a balanced categorization using inter-quartile ranges (cooper & schindler, 2006). the verification analysis used to test the hypothesis in this study is to use the structural equation modeling (sem) component or variance based on what is known as the partial least square (pls). results and discussion top management support: measured through three dimensions, namely evaluate, direct and monitor. each of the variables and dimensions of top management support is measured through five indicators. the overall indicators are operationalized into ten statement items. the following is a descriptive analysis for each dimension and its interpretation. table 1. descriptive statistics of top management support variables variable dimention statistical measure relative frequency min max average sd 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 top management support functions evaluate 1,5 5,0 3,5 0,8 0,0 20,3 35,2 34,1 44,2 3,2 direct 1,5 5,0 3,5 0,8 0,0 20,3 35,2 34,1 44,2 3,2 monitor 1,3 5,0 3,8 0,7 0,0 11,7 31,1 32,3 32,5 5,1 participation 1,7 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,0 6,9 35,7 33,8 43,6 8,2 commitment 1,9 5,0 3,9 0,5 0,0 8,1 38,6 45,8 37,1 8,2 source: data processed statistical 2020 from table 1, the people who work in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions are shown top management support through the operation of the management accounting information system sampled in this study has an average value of 3.6 seen of the evaluate dimension which falls into the high category. it can be interpreted that the accounting information system used in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in tertiary institutions has been assessed and evaluated by top management in helping smooth company activities periodically. the direct dimension has an average of 5.0, which is in the high category which indicates that the use of management accounting information systems makes users motivated / motivated to complete tasks and responsibilities optimally through direction and communication built from management. the dimensions of the monitor have an average of 3.8 in the high category. this means that the use of management accounting information systems in colleges that are the research samples has been monitored both in terms of work completion and provision of resource allocation to support the smooth operation of the accounting information system used. if you pay attention to each dimension, the lowest dimension is the evaluate dimension with an top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 218 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 average value of 3.6, while the highest is the monitor dimension, which means that top management support carried out in bumn is mostly applied through monitoring. the results of the calculation of the relative frequency (table 1) can explain as much as 5.2% of the unit of analysis which states that the evaluate is still low in the involvement of top management. 1.7% of the analysis unit stated that direct has not been entirely carried out to realize top management support. 6.9% of the analysis unit stated that the supervision of the management accounting information system implementation has not been fully achieved. the explanation of each dimension is as follows: management accounting information system functions: management accounting system quality variables are operationalized using 6 (six dimensions), namely integration, following, flexibility and reliability, formalization, media richness. each dimension of the management accounting system function is measured by means of twelve indicators. the overall indicators were operationalized into twelve statement items. table 2. descriptive statistics variable functions of management accounting information systems variabel dimensi statistical measure relative frequency min max average sd 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 management accounting information system functions integrated 1,6 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,0 6,9 35,7 33,8 43,6 8,2 follow 1,7 5,0 3,5 0,8 0,0 20,3 35,2 34,1 44,2 3,2 flexibility 1,3 5,0 3,8 0,8 0,0 12,7 31,1 32,3 31,5 5,1 reliable 1,6 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,0 6,9 35,7 33,8 43,6 8,2 formalization 1,8 5,0 3,9 0,2 0,0 6,1 38,6 45,8 35,1 8,2 media richness 1,7 5,0 3,8 0,7 0,0 12,7 31,1 42,3 32,5 5,1 source: data processed statistical 2020 the integration dimension has an average score of .0 in the high category, meaning that in general the analysis unit considers the management accounting information system used to have connected the components and the transaction processing system. flexibility dimension has an average score of 1.3 in the low category (not qualified). this means that so far the management accounting information system used in the unit of analysis is able to adapt to user needs and is able to adapt to environmental changes. the reliable dimension has an average score of 1.6 in the low category. this means that the management accounting information system to produce financial reports used in the unit of analysis has been reliable and has many errors. among the six dimensions, integration and reliability have the greatest value which indicates that the management accounting information systems in the majority of tertiary institutions are not connected to one another and are not reliable. however, there are still some units of analysis that do not feel that the management accounting information system used has unqualified attributes. based on the results of the calculation of the frequency of analysis (table 2), it shows that the management accounting information system application used is not integrating between components and the transaction processing system, namely 1.7%, less flexible by 3.4% and less reliable at 3.4%. furthermore, to find out the quality of the management accounting information system in the high school, it will be explained from the distribution of respondents' responses in each statement item, namely integration, following, flexibility, formalization and mediation. based on the phenomena, problem formulations, hypotheses and research results, the following conclusions are obtained: top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 219 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 1. top management support affects the quality of the management accounting system. not yet qualified because the management accounting system is due to the support provided by top management has not been fully provided. top management support affects the functions of the management accounting system so that to improve the function of the management accounting information system, several things need to be considered in top management support, namely: 2. review of the implementation of the accounting information system is carried out continuously, not only when there is a data mismatch, both at the central and regional levels. 3. motivating employees through regular meetings to solve problems that occur so that subordinates feel cared for in continuing to carry out their daily work activities. 4. increase support for the provision of resources, both infrastructure and human resources. this is of course done in an effort to increase adequate reward criteria and increase the capacity of human resources through training related to the design and implementation of accounting information systems. the results of this study also meet the characteristics of scientific research, namely replicability and generalizability, so it is recommended for other researchers to conduct research again based on the results of this study with the same research method, on different units of analysis and samples to show the same results so that it will increase confidence in the research that has been done and the usefulness of the research can be widely accepted because the scope of validity of the research results is accepted by many organizations. based on the research results, it can be seen that the cause of the management accounting system is not qualified because several factors such as the management accounting system available in the company are not yet integrated, not flexible, difficult to access, not normalized properly, and often have errors / disturbances. based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that the organizational culture of state-owned enterprises in palembang is not optimal because there are still state-owned enterprises that place employees who are irrelevant to their expertise, employ employees with various types of work, there are several sections / departments that do not have a function. what is clear, there are employees who are not placed on the right side, there are employees who accept assignments that are not from their direct supervisors, there is still a lack of clarity of instructions from superiors, people who work in related units as administrators of management accounting information systems in colleges that do not have adrt standard operating procedures and for colleges that already have sops, there are employees who do not carry out work in accordance with their adrt. based on the results of the study, the influence of the top management function on the function of the management accounting information system was 5.56%, meaning that the increase in the function of higher education institutions would also improve the function of the management accounting information system. from the above results it can be said that the results of hypothesis testing indicate that top management support affects the function of the management accounting system and is acceptable for lecturers' salaries and responsibilities. conclusion based on the results of research, top management support affects the function of the accounting system for higher education in south sumatra, does not meet the requirements top management support functions in higher education management accounting information systems hertati, nazarudin, & fery 220 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 because the accounting system is not integrated, inflexible, has not been reliable due to inaccurate, unreliable, and non-formal data. top management support at tertiary institutions in south sumatra is not optimal because there is still a division of tasks (division of labor), departmentalization, and assignment of instructions (authority of command) which are so heavy that they are not balanced with a decent salary, as well as formalization. job that is not good. the results of this study have discussed issues that have been raised previously in the background 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(2020). nasib dosen swasta di tengah covid-19: gaji minim dan terancam tak dibayar. the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 1 october 2019 page:35-40 the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani1, pandoyo2 12stie bussiness development and management, jakarta correspondence: submitted: 6 august 2019. revised: 23 august, 20 sept 2019. published: 30 october 2019. abstract this research aims to understand the influence of account receivable’s variable simultantly or partially and inventory of income before tax from multi sarana persada inc. in research period 2012-2015. the test was using multiple regression analysis. the result shows that account receivable’s variable simultantly and inventory have an effect on income before tax. account receivable’s variable has a significant effect on income before tax. however, the inventory’s variable does not affect income before tax. keywords: multi sarana persada, account receivable, inventory, income before tax. introduction economic development which is faster in this era pushes business company in coal contractor company, to increase their performance to keep surviving and growing. a good or bad condition of worker’s performance can be detected from the achievement of management in increasing their performance, in that case, it is required an internal audit or internal control. internal control in business company is handed by internal audit. internal auditor helps the company reaching a good performance, by introducing a systematic approach to evaluate and increase the effectivity of internal control and also give a note for the lack which is found when the evaluation was going around. to make an internal audit which can reach a big goal from their program and operational company activity is required a competent and indpendent auditor. the preview auditor part is just becoming a supervisor in the company who find their fault. however, on progress, nowadays internal audit can suggest internal audit data correction to improve the company’s performance (margaretha & hapsari, 2018). the implementation of periodical internal audit in a company is the right decision because one of the functions of internal audit is 35 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani, pandoyo improvement systematically and internal control evaluation in the company, test and assess the sufficiency effectivity of internal control system continuously. the internal audit aimed to set systematically and evaluate internal control in the company. however, in practical it still does not run perfectly from the concept, because there is still defections and lack of responsiveness in the company. those defections usually occur in leadership pattern and employee’s performance, because inconsistency between leadership pattern and employee’s performance with the operative procedure or multiple tasks make internal control become not efficient. internal control, leadership pattern and employee’s performance are important because those are the cores in the company to reach the company’s goal which is already arranged from the beginning. internal audit activity tests and assesses the effectivity and sufficiency of the internal control system in the company, without the function of internal audit, director or the leader of the company has no sources for free internal information about employee’s performance and company’s performance too (bintari, 2017). good performance is optimum performance, it is a performance which is appropriate with organization standard and giving support to reach the goal or vision of the organization. good organization is an organization which gives the effort to improve human resource’s quality because that is the key factor to improve employee’s performance. improving employee’s performance will bring advance for the company to survive in business competition circles which is not really stable at all. therefore, the effort to improve employee’s performance is the most serious challenge of management because success to reach the goal and life of the company depends on the employee’s performance inside. the company always hopes for the high quality of employee’s performance. more employees have good performance, the production of the company will increase, thus the company can survive in global competition. employees are demanded to able finishing tasks and their responsibility effectively and efficiently. the success of employee can be measured by satisfaction from the consumer, lack of complaint and reaching the company’s target optimally. lanna harita inc employee’s performance can be measured by completion of their order effectively and efficiently and also doing their part and their function well and all of those are connected each other and having positive relation for the success of a company. there are negative factors which can decrease employee’s performance, they are decreasing employee’s pretension to reach work achievement, lack of discipline of time in finishing their work, getting influence from their circle, friend worker who has a low spirit in work and there is no figure 36 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani, pandoyo who is precedent in reaching achievement of work. all of those are caused by decreasing employee’s performance in work. factors which can be applied to increase employee’s performance are leadership style and motivation. most of lanna harita inc employee feel that their salary which they got every month is not appropriate with the exist stipulation, they work on their portion even more but their salary which they receive is lack and not appropriate with their work, there are employee who already there since a long time ago got the salary less than new employee’s salary. they do not even get paid for their overtime work, work outside of normal working hours make the employee always feel perforce to survive in this company. one of the employees who feel unpleasant and still holds out in this company decided to stay because that is very difficult to find another job. the employee also complains about their activity every day, when the bored is coming it will disturb their performance and the result from their work become not optimum. therefore, this company strive for a refreshing activity for their employee once a year outside the office to make the office situation better. method multiple linear regression equality is like this :(ghozali, 2016): y = α + β1x1 + β2x2 + ε this research aims to understand how big the influence of internal audit and leadership simultantly and partially for employee’s performance. table 1. the definition of operational variable n o name of variable concept indicator measurin g scale 1 account receivable (x1) (reeve, warren, & duchac, 2014) account receivable is claimed for selling by a credit to the other party account receivable = ln (total of account receivable) ratio 2 inventory (x2) (stice, stice, & skousen, 2009) inventory is used for available things to sell in a normal business, inventory = ln (total of inventory) ratio 37 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 account receivable (x1) inventory (x2) income before tax (y) e picture 1. research paradigm the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani, pandoyo and in manufacture company’s case, this word is used for the process production or placed in production activity. 3 income before tax (y) (subramanyam, 2017) income before tax is income from operational on going before sparing for earning tax income before tax = ln (total income before tax) ratio result and discussion the influence of account receivable and inventory income before tax account receivable management in a company relates to receivable’s rotation management and account receivable’s submission period. account receivable’s rotation is a several time account receivable belongs to the company which turn over every year. account receivable’s rotation has a close relationship with account receivable’s submission period. (sundvik, 2016). the faster account receivable rotate, the efficiency of financial capital which is buried in account receivable will higher, and the higher of account receivable’s rotation, the time that needed for account receivable’s submission will shorter. (fathoni, 2018). it means that if the rotation of account receivable run faster, the time that needed to make account receivable become cash is also faster. hence, that cash can be used again for the company operation. company for the policy which affect the number of account receivable finally affect to the company profitability too. (wild, subramanyam, & halsey, 2005). this shows that the company with all of their policy about account receivable will increase the earned and income because the risk of bad debt can be handed, thus the company profitability will increase too. table 2. f-test output anovaa model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regress ion 0,750 2 0,375 17,13 9 0,006 b residua l 0,109 5 0,022 total 0,859 7 a. dependent variable: income before task b. predictors: (constant), inventory, account receivable table 3. determination coefficient test output model summaryb 38 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani, pandoyo mode l r r squar e adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 0,934 a 0,873 0,822 0,14789 a. predictors: (constant), inventory, account receivable b. dependent variable: income before task the first hypothesis declares that there is side-effect collectively between account receivable and inventory on income before tax. the result of research give a significant number of them, it is 0,006 that means with conviction level 95 percentage model is real, this explains that the first hypothesis is proven. the second effect is the free variable on income before tax, it is 82,2 percentage. the remaining 17,8 percentage is affected by the other variable outside research objects such as working capital and interest bank. table 4. test-t output coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardi zed coefficien ts t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) -60,379 42,328 1,426 0,21 3 piutang dagang 3,687 0,851 0,943 4,331 0,00 7 persediaan -,122 2,105 -,013 -,058 0,95 6 a. dependent variable: income before task the influence of account receivable on income before task one of the step to keep the customer which is already staying and draw new costumers is doing sell on the account. selling on account will make account receivable. account receivable generally is a claim which occurs because of selling thing or service on the account. account receivable is maturity value which comes from selling thing or service or giving money loans (wild et al., 2005). an account receivable term includes all claim in money form to the other party, included individual, company, or the other organization (reeve et al., 2014). therefore, generally, account receivable occurs as a consequence of giving money loans to the other individual, company, organization or the other transaction which creates a relation between the party who give loans 39 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani, pandoyo and a party who is payable. account receivable is on record in the balance sheet by debiting account receivable and classifying as circulating assets. the second hypothesis declares that there is influence between account receivable with income before tax. the task result shows a significant number, 0,007 that means with conviction level 95 percentage model is real, this means that the second hypothesis is proven. rate of influence from account receivable’s variable on income before tax is 3,687 unit. if the company determines the tight term of payment, it means that the company give first place to safety credits instead of profitability consideration (riyanto, 2008). the examples of tight term of payment are they give a shorter time to payment deadline and a heavy interests in the late payment of receivables”. the significant circle on receivables does not affect the dependent variable (roi)(suarnami, suwendra, & cipta, 2014). the circle of receivable has no significant effect on increasing profitability in pt pos indonesia (bramasto, 2007). the influence of inventory to income before tax inventory is one of the assets that is the most active in the operational activity of a merchandise company. inventory also is the biggest and the most current asset from the manufacturing company or even merchandise company. the influence of inventory to income before tax is detected when business activity is fluctuating. inventory is one of the most important assets. it has a big part to the company, for example, make the operation of the company run currently which is finished consecutive start from the material, fabricating material goods and finished goods that in the next, they will be distributed to the consumers. for the companies, especially a concern in the retail and wholesale business, inventory is the biggest asset that belongs to the company compared with the other assets. inventory is classified in a current asset because generally inventory can be changed to the case or the other assets in the operating cycle of the company. the third hypotheses declared that there is influence from inventory to income before tax. the result of the test gives a significant score that is 0,956, it means the third hypothesis is proven (sig. 0,956 > 0,05). there is no significant effect from inventory to the profitability of the company (surya, ruliana, & soetama, 2017). conclusion simultantly, receivable’s variable and inventory have an influence on income before tax that is 82,2 percentage. the other, 17,8 percentage is influenced by another variable outside the object of the research such as working capital and bank interests. 40 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 the influence of account receivable for inventory of income before tax meilani, pandoyo partially, receivable’s variable has a significant influence on the income before tax which is showed by a coefficient score of the regression that is 3,687. it means if account receivable’s variable up one unit, income before tax will increase 3,687 units with the provision of inventory’s variable is constant (ceteris paribus). besides, inventory’s variable has no influence to income before tax because the significant score is 0.956 (sig. 0,956 > 0,05). based on the conclusion, the suggestion from this research is expected to the company that can increase account receivable, by high trade receivable will show the higher cash sales compared with the existing total. account receivable also shows the skill of the company in operating receivable to the cash. the higher means the existence receivable become cash faster. by increasing cash in, it will increase the income of the company directly so that company income will increase too. the coefficient determination’s result test shows that is still the other variable which must be considered in this research. further research, it should add another variable that can affect income before tax. reference bintari, w. c. 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covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting.3(1), 13-21. abstract: until now, indonesia still faces covid-19 and is still in the process of economic recovery. however, the directorate general of taxes (dgt) was able to achieve the target of 100% tax revenue according to the target mandated in the 2021 state budget even before the close of the year. at the end of 2021 tax incentives that have been utilized in the framework of the national economic recovery program have reached idr 63.16 trillion (100.5%) from the ceiling of idr 62.83 trillion. this achievement is thanks to the contributions of all taxpayers who continue to be committed to paying taxes. on this achievement, the government continues to show improvement efforts that must be maintained momentum, in order to continue to the 2022 state budget. the purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery. this research uses descriptive qualitative methods through literature studies. in the evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic, it was explained that this tax revenue is one of the many state revenues that participate in supporting the nation and the country. keywords: covid-19, tax incemtive, recovery. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction currently almost all countries in the world are experiencing the covid-19 pandemic. this pandemic has a very bad impact on the countries that experience it, because it not only harms health but also affects the economic side of countries around the world, not least indonesia (resmi & barmawi, 2022). like other developing countries, indonesia is particularly vulnerable to the covid-19 pandemic (barbier & burgess, 2020). indonesia was less responsive in the early days of covid-19 (fadhal, 2020). while many countries in asia and western europe have tightened the flow of people in and out to prevent covid-19, indonesia had not yet implemented significant policies by continuing to enforce normal human inflows from abroad (sparrow et al., 2020). to prevent the spread of the covid-19 outbreak, policies are needed by implementing health protocols in the form of physical distancing and social restrictions because there is a link between covid-19 control efforts and economic impacts (baldwin & tomiura, 2020). this policy choice mailto:r evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery kumala and bakar 14 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting carries significant consequences of reducing community and business activity. output then came under pressure, prompting the economy to continue slowing into recession (malahayati et al., 2021). to prevent a deeper recession, the government needs to issue stimulus policies (wiryawan, 2020). policy priority is given to mitigate the negative impact on vulnerable community groups and the business world so as not to lead to bankruptcy. stimulus policies are also carried out so that the decline in welfare felt by the community does not have a negative impact outside the economy, such as social and political turmoil (muhyiddin & nugroho, 2020). for that, president joko widodo asked some parties for the enactment of the lockdown of course has an impact on the government economic sector (anderson et al., 2020). these pandemics have become a significant threat to human physical, mental health and dramatically affected daily life with psychosocial implications on a global scale (kurniawan, 2021). the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on public health is completely beyond everyone's imagination (kurniawan, 2021). pandemics have hit more than 210 countries, and most of these countries are still under a variety of infection control measures, including lockdown, quarantine, mandatory use of mask, and public distance (wang et al., 2021). the highest state revenue comes from tax revenues. the government is still trying to achieve tax revenue targets by revising tax incentives by 2020. the government needs state revenue through taxes to help in handling the covid-19 outbreak and on the other hand the government also wants to relieve people who are experiencing economic difficulty due to this outbreak (sariwati, 2021; wantasen et al., 2021). to mitigate these negative impacts, governments can implement economic policy packages such as fiscal, monetary, and financial (gourinchas, 2020). one of the government's efforts in the field of taxation in the national economic recovery is the existence of tax incentive policies. this tax incentive policy aims to help move the wheels of the country's economy which is experiencing rapid decline due to the covid-19 pandemic (andrew & sari, 2021). the tax incentive policy contained in the regulation of the minister of finance (pmk) number 86/pmk.03/2020 on tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the covid-19 pandemic provides several tax incentives, including income tax 21 borne by the government for workers earning a gross income of no more than idr 200 million per year, the final income tax of msmes, exemption of income tax 22 import, reduction of installment of income tax 25 by 30 percent and restitution of value added tax (vat) accelerated (kumala & junaidi, 2020). any tax subject who meets the criteria as a taxpayer under the provisions of taxation is inseparable from the obligation to pay taxes, report as well as administrating taxation. because of the importance of tax contributions in state revenues, taxpayers have a large role and responsibility in implementing the provisions of the tax law and its implementation regulations (hannan et al., 2022). tax reform that began in 1983 implemented a system of tax administration with a selfassessment system where the system can increase people's participation in the fulfillment of tax obligations that are a vital source of state revenue. self-assessment system gives taxpayers the authority to calculate, pay, and report their own tax obligations. in the implementation of selfassessment system, fiscus has a role in providing services, construction and supervision of the fulfillment of tax obligations by taxpayers (hasanah & indriani, 2013). taxes are one of the main sources of state revenue that can be used in financing indonesia's national development, namely educating the life of the nation to create the general welfare, protect evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery kumala and bakar 15 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting all indonesian blood, and help carry out world order and lasting peace (kumala & junaidi, 2019). referring to law number 17 of 2003 concerning state finance, state revenue is all revenues derived not only from taxation, but including state income that is not in the tax category and in the form of grants as state revenues sourced from within and from abroad (aditya, 2021). the characteristics of taxes include taxes levied based on the strength of the law and the rules of implementation (pendit et al., 2021). the government enacted law number 6 of 1983 about general tax (ketentuan umum perpajakan/kup) and continued to be updated until last with law number 28 of 2007 (resmi & barmawi, 2022). the object of the tax is income, so to regulate specifically regarding income tax the government sets out law number 36 of 2008 (undangundang pajak penghasilan) which since it was issued has first undergone the fourth change as an income tax law (saniananda, 2020). since the end of 2019 state revenues decreased when the covid-19 pandemic hit the world and affected health, social and economic problems including in indonesia, in the second quarter of 2020 indonesia experienced growth of minus 5.32% compared to the previous year, and is expected to enter into an economic recession in the third quarter of 2020 (muhyiddin & nugroho, 2021). the government decided to extend the tax incentive policy in the national economic recovery program 2021 (sarjono, 2021). this policy is contained in pmk number 9/pmk.03/2021 and is valid until june 30, 2021. this tax incentive policy consists of: (a) government-borne income tax 21 waivers; (b) the final income tax of msmes; (c) the final income tax of construction services; (d) exemption from the collection of income tax 22 imports; (e) reduction of the installment of income tax 25; and (f) value added tax (vat) incentives. this tax incentive provided by the government aims to encourage people's purchasing power, meet imports of raw materials production for sectors still affected by the covid-19 pandemic, and to help the company's cash flow to return to business activities. but on the other hand, the extension of these incentives will have implications for the eroding of state revenues (aulawi, 2020). but in the first half of 2021 tax revenues grew 7.60% or by idr 647.70 trillion or 52.68% against the 2021 state budget target when compared to the same period in 2020. the increase in the realization of this revenue is thanks to the active contribution of taxpayers throughout indonesia (padyanoor, 2020). in the state budget scheme, this receipt is then channeled in various forms of financing including assistance in the framework of the covid-19 pandemic (saniananda, 2020). one form of distribution of the national economic recovery program which becomes an instrument for handling health and economic recovery. realization of national economic recovery program in 2021 to july 16, 2021 reached idr 277.36 trillion from a ceiling of idr 744.75 trillion (indahsari & fitriandi, 2021). therefore, in mid-2021 the government decided to extend the tax incentive policy again in the national economic recovery program. this policy is contained in pmk number 82/pmk.03/2021 and valid until december 31, 2021. this tax incentive policy consists of: (a) government-borne income tax 21 waivers; (b) the final income tax of msmes; (c) the final income tax of construction services in the program to accelerate the improvement of irrigation water use (p3-tgai); (d) exemption from the collection of income tax 22 imports; (e) reduction of the installment of income tax 25; and (f) adjustment of preliminary return incentives of a maximum of idr 5 billion for vat. evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery kumala and bakar 16 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting until now, indonesia still faces covid-19 and is still in the process of economic recovery. however, the directorate general of taxes (dgt) was able to achieve the target of 100% tax revenue according to the target mandated in the 2021 state budget even before the close of the year. as of december 26, 2021, dgt has recorded a net amount of tax revenue of idr 1,231.87 trillion. thus, tax revenues have met the mandated target in the 2021 state budget of idr 1,229.6 trillion and there will even still be an increase until the close on december 31. this achievement is thanks to the contributions of all taxpayers who continue to be committed to supporting the nation and state by paying taxes. director general of taxes suryo utomo reported that a total of 138 tax service offices (kpp) throughout indonesia managed to achieve the target of tax revenues of more than 100% of the target set in each office. a total of seven regional offices also managed to contribute more than 100% achievements, namely regional offices dgt south jakarta i, regional offices dgt big taxpayer, regional offices dgt special of jakarta, regional offices dgt north sulawesi, central, gorontalo, and north maluku, regional offices dgt west kalimantan, regional offices dgt south and central kalimantan, and regional offices dgt north jakarta. that is, the achievement of tax revenues that continue to show improvement efforts must be maintained momentum, in order to continue to the 2022 state budget. one of the focus of the country is adrift of tax policy. some countries issue various tax relaxation policies to predict the use of tax incentive policies in the wake of the covid-19 outbreak. including indonesia which implements various tax relaxations. from the description, the purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery. method this research procedure uses qualitative procedures (creswell, 2017). qualitative research is a procedure for collecting and analyzing non-quantitative information with the aim of studying social bonds and reality stories felt by informants (nunfam, 2021). qualitative research is research that means to understand events about what is felt by the research theme such as attitudes, assumptions, encouragement, actions, and others in a holistic way, and with the method of stories in the form of words and language, in a special condition that is natural and by using various natural ordinances (sugiyono, 2019). in this research, researchers sorted using a type of descriptive research, is to make a tower of events whose operationalization revolves around the collection of information, information work and understanding of information that is given meaning in a logical way by always grasping the principles of common sense as a result of creating holistic conclusions. information can be through literary research, by reading and observing and analyzing various references, both in the form of archives, newsletters, publishing information from the ministry of finance or from legal websites. evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery kumala and bakar 17 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion evaluation of tax incentive performance 2020 the ministry of finance noted that tax revenues in 2020 contracted quite deeply by 19.7% (yoy). this is as a result of the covid-19 pandemic as well as the provision of tax incentives that provide significant pressure, where these incentives contributed 22.1% to the decrease in tax revenues. but tax facilities that aim for business recovery are actually underutilized widely by business actors. the realization of tax incentives until december 2020 was recorded at idr 55.03 trillion or only 56.7% of the total budgeted. figure 1. realization of tax incentives in the economic recovery program 2020 (idr trillion) source: ministry of finance, 2022 from figure 1 explains that the lowest incentive realization is the tax incentive income tax 21 borne by the government, which is recorded only utilized at 6.3% of the total budget. likewise, the final income tax of msmes which was only realized in 2020 amounted to 28% or idr 0.67 trillion. some of the things that are noted for the low realization of tax incentives in 2020 include, first there is the issue of trust in tax authorities that by utilizing tax incentives can pose risks. as stated by tax observer centre for indonesia taxation analysis (cita) that the employee tax incentive scheme only benefits employees, while for companies this scheme is less attractive because it is considered to pose risks. seeing the tax system is already in the form of reporting, then there is a possibility that taxpayers can be checked for the future. second, socialization is less effective than the government to the community. third, the sluggish economic conditions make the utilization of tax incentives does not run optimally because tax incentives are not what businesses need. businesses are more in need of consumer demand. evaluation of tax incentive performance in 2021 in the midst of an economy that is still beset by uncertainty due to the pandemic in 2021, of course, it will still erode tax revenues. reflecting from 2020, the amount of tax incentive contribution to the decrease in tax revenue is expected to continue in 2021. in addition, according to the oecd (2020) the provision of tax incentives when pandemics are vulnerable to abuse and not on target. evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery kumala and bakar 18 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this is because policy making is generally done in a short time and the limitations of tax authorities in conducting surveillance in times of pandemic. the oecd pointed out that providing employee tax incentives provides a loophole for some companies to create fictitious data related to the number of employees and the amount of wages given. the mode could potentially escape checks carried out by tax authorities due to lack of supervision due to remote working patterns carried out by tax authorities. in addition to the risk of misuse of incentive facilities, there are risks to data security systems caused by remote working patterns. the policies of a number of countries that enforce work from home make data transmission done remotely using information technology, which allows access by unauthorized parties (resti pratiwi & liana, 2021) taxes are the backbone of the state budget in the handling of pandemics and economic recovery. however, in the midst of economic uncertainty, taxes that should be a source of revenue, are dedicated as incentives to help taxpayers. therefore, the government helps with incentives, later when the normal economy of the community pays taxes again so that we can use it for development. in supports national economic recovery programs, fiscal policies such as tax incentives are very helpful to maintain cash flow through government-borne income taxes. the money used to pay taxes is used to become working capital, for everyday and the hope is that it can survive even as things improve later when the economy recovers can pay taxes even more strongly. on july 1, 2021, the government has established the minister of finance regulation number 82/pmk.03/2021 on changes to the minister of finance regulation number 9/pmk.03/2021 on tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the corona virus disease pandemic 2019. with pmk-82, taxpayers can take advantage of incentives until december 2021. tax incentives that have been utilized in the framework of the national economic recovery program have reached idr 63.16 trillion (100.5%) from the ceiling of idr 62.83 trillion. the allocation of the utilization of tax incentives is as follows: 1. income tax 21 borne by the government for 87,086 employers. 2. exemption of import income tax 22 for 9,601 taxpayers. 3. preliminary return (restitution) of vat for 2,778 taxpayers. 4. vat borne by the government property for 942 sellers. 5. luxury tax cars for 6 sellers. 6. income tax final msmes borne by the government for 134,922 msme taxpayers. 7. reduction in installment income tax 25 for 58,057 taxpayers. 8. decreased agency income tax rate for all taxpayers. 9. domestic vat rental outlet for 885 taxpayers. 10. bm by the government for import value amounted to rp4.51 trillion. this achievement is thanks to the contributions of all taxpayers who continue to be committed to supporting the nation and country by paying taxes. the achievement is tax revenue that continues to show improvement efforts must be maintained momentum, in order to continue to the 2022 state budget. the challenge to next year is the voluntary disclosure program on january 1. there is a harmonization of taxation regulation act (undang-undang harmonisasi peraturan evaluation of the utilization of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery kumala and bakar 19 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting perpajakan) with all including april 1 value added tax (vat) being 11%, and there is economic recovery through continuously strengthened monitoring. it is expected that the economic recovery will secure the 2022 state budget which is the final limit of the deficit above 3% as law number 2 of 2020. conclusion the implementation of tax incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic in the framework of national economic recovery is very effective because it has reached 100.5% or idr 63.16 trillion from the ceiling of idr 62.83 trillion. the allocation of tax incentive utilization is obtained from (1) income tax 21 borne by the government for 87,086 employers. (2) exemption of import income tax 22 for 9,601 taxpayers. (3) preliminary return (restitution) of vat for 2,778 taxpayers. (4) vat borne by the government property for 942 sellers. (5) luxury tax cars for 6 sellers. (6) income tax final msmes borne by the government for 134,922 msmes taxpayers. (7) reduction of installment income tax 25 for 58,057 taxpayers. (8) decrease in the agency income tax rate for all taxpayers. (9) domestic vat rental outlet for 885 taxpayers. (10) bm by the government for import value of idr 4.51 trillion. this achievement is thanks to the contributions of all taxpayers who continue to be committed to supporting the nation and the country by paying taxes that continue to show improvement efforts must be maintained momentum, in order to continue to the 2022 state budget. reference aditya, g. n. i. a. 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(2015) states that the government sector can influence directly or indirectly on economic growth which is still chaotic in lanta corona. while luke, & emmanouil, (2019) stated that government policies can affect long-term growth through three fiscal instruments, namely: tax free, clean water in tackling government spending and budget balance from the economic crisis caused by corona decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 194 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 (mackinnon, 2002) . these three components affect the level of efficient use of resources, accumulation of production factors and technological development (martin, 2010). the success of development in indonesia during the 1980s could not be separated from the substantial development funding support that originated from state revenue due to high oil prices and capital inflow flows that flowed in from outside (mills, 2010). but in the next period the government faced various difficulties in mobilizing funds to finance food and public health affected by corona (parker, 2020). the decline in government savings and reduced capital inflow have an effect on the government's ability to finance corona, including a decrease in central government assistance to local governments to finance basic food and free medical treatment at regional levels. the government has an important and very strategic role (plummer, et, all, 2018). the tendency of openness of the global economy that leads to economic integration will have an impact on the national economy which will ultimately also affect the economy at the regional level. factors of production stop moving between countries and regions which cannot follow market mechanisms and the stagnation of economic sectors does not grow. this model will open up opportunities for areas with sufficient resources to grow leaving areas that have limited resources. therefore, in the context of regional development, the government must pay attention to the inter-sector linkages and the inter-regional linkages based on the principle of interrelation and dependence (hertati, et, all, 2020: argent, 2013: boschma, 2015: fielke, 2017: gunton , 2003). government policies relating to lockdown focus of basic food needs to replace spending on households who cannot work because of financial limitations and government involvement in providing good services (hertati & syafarudin, 2018: mackinnon, et, all, 2009). free social financial and basic food assistance to reduce the burden on the community with government support. in connection with this in an effort to spur the stopping of economic growth the government is a private sector partner in growing basic food aid activities. government policies in the context of encouraging the provision of groceries due to the weakness of the regional economy are expected to create efficiency and increase regional economic activity. each region requires free food services that support the burden of people who cannot work due to covid-19. regional free basic food funding from central and regional government funds (government investment) is intended to stimulate other sources of funds to ease the burden on society, but in reality most regions are still very dependent on funds from the central government. this can be seen from the large share of central government funds reaching around 70% 80% in the regional income and expenditure budget (hertati & syafarudin, 2018: m., marshall, et, all, 2007). one government policy that is closely related to efforts to mobilize factors of production is through fiscal policy. in modern economic management fiscal policy contains three main objectives namely; the first is to influence the allocation of economic resources (resource allocation). the purpose of fiscal policy in this context is to find the right balance both in real and nominal terms between the allocation of economic resources to the public sector and the opportunity cost of transferring economic resources from private entrepreneurs. second, is to carry out the process of redistribution of wealth and income among economic groups in society. in this case fiscal policy aims to obtain an interpersonal balance in net income or welfare. third, is to determine the direction of growth and stability of the national economy. therefore fiscal policy must be able to engineer actions that will facilitate the optimal use of resources such as decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 195 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 natural resources, human resources and financial resources (hertati, et, all, 2020: mackinnon, et, all, 2009). with regard to financing development in the regions, basically development in the regions can be financed by the regional government itself from the results of the mobilization of tax and retribution funds and other levies reflected in the amount of local revenue. development funding in the regions is also funded by the central government through the state budget income in the form of providing assistance to regions outside the autonomous region subsidy (before the enactment of the regional autonomy law). sources of funds for social assistance in the region both from the regional government itself and from the central government are government investment (government sector). it is expected that from this government investment it can reduce the economy in the regions and cities that increase the capacity to provide large-scale social assistance services to the community which in turn can help the people's economy and do not have income due to corona income between individuals and between sectors in the region. another factor affecting regional economic growth is the influence of sectoral and regional policies in the distribution of priority social assistance funds to regions through channeling aid funds between levels of government. socio-economic assistance in a region is very dependent and influenced by internal factors, namely the economic carrying capacity of the region and external factors, namely the carrying capacity of external support, in this case the assistance of the central government. development of central government expenditure based on dik / dip allocation by province. central government expenditures in the form of donors of basic food assistance and free health services during the corona period are realized by the regional and provincial heads of the regions which are the central government funds used in the corona period assistance whose financing is borne by the state budget (apbn). the allocation of central government funds to the regions is provided through assistance, namely the autonomous regional subsidy (sdo) and free basic food and health assistance from the corona through inpres funds. autonomous regional subsidies (sdo) are given to the regions in order to finance the administration of the government in the regions while the inpres funds are intended to assist the regions in financing the activities stipulated in the free basic food assistance budget. the consequence of the high co-19 development is the limited economic capacity to create jobs. economic growth has fallen sharply which tends to be driven by an increase in consumption not proportional to the growth of the labor force will have implications for increasing the number of unemployed. efforts to reduce the number of open unemployment through increasing basic food assistance and free health so that the economy continues to recover are pursued, among others, through government budget policies at both the central and regional levels. government policies to increase the state budget even with the consequence of increasing the fiscal deficit and focusing its spending on sectors where free food and health assistance are expected to reduce the burden on the population in a country so that the rate of unemployment can be overcome (martin, 2012: measham ,, et, all, 2019: mee, et, all, 2004: nelson & inter, 2002). economic growth greatly affects job creation, especially in economic sectors that have a high employment elasticity. increased economic growth will increase employment when there is an increase in investment. economic growth in recent years has tended to be driven by increased consumption so that despite economic growth it has been very slow in job creation. national economic growth experienced a sharp decline in 2020. the decline in national economic growth decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 196 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 in 2020 was caused by world oil prices which dropped dramatically, the epidemic covid-19 which also affected regional economic growth. the decline in world oil prices was followed by the worldwide co-19 pademic outbreak and the reduced flow of capital inflows into the country. this condition affects the diminishing state finances and has an impact on the ability of the government to finance food consumption due to lockdowns by the central government to stay at home not doing work outside the home. the economic growth model is expressed as a form of production function that describes the relationship of input and output in which the input variable consists of capital, labor and technology. the variable of labor becomes important because labor plays a dual role, in addition to being a subject that will be a source of other resources, it is also an object of development. sector due to corona outbreaks struck. the decline in labor in various economic sectors is closely related to the economy. the economic decline in the long run, following the decline in national income growth, will bring a fundamental change in the structure of the economy, from the traditional economy (agriculture as the main sector) to the modern economy (manufacturing) (poruschi, et, all, 2020). decline is defined as a series of changes that are interrelated to one another in the composition of aggregate demand, foreign trade (exports and imports), aggregate supply (production and use of factors of production such as the decline in labor and capital (ryser, et, all, 2019 : scearce, et, all, 2019) environmental uncertainties in the economic sector into two sectors, namely: (1) the traditional sector (agriculture), is a subsistence and overpopulated rural sector, which is characterized by a marginal productivity decline in labor, almost equal to zero, (2) the modern sector (industry) with high productivity is a decrease in labor from all sectors, production in the modern sector will decrease and the benefits derived will decrease as well.the process of decreasing growth and decreasing employment opportunities in the modern sector continues until all decline labor in all traditional sectors which are not absorbed by the sector industry. this process will stop when marginal productivity in all sectors has a corona impact with wage levels falling above the average even zero income line (scearce, & fulton, 2004). the characteristics of the decline in labor occur due to factors such as the following: that is: 1. open unemployment. it is unemployment based on the characteristics of the first is open unemployment the situation of someone who does not work at all and is trying to find work. open unemployment is caused by employment that is not available or is not suitable between job openings and educational background. 2. seasonal unemployment is when the corona season, rainy season rubber tappers and fishermen all affected cannot work appeal the government has to lockdown because the covid-19 outbreak cannot do their work and is forced to be unemployed. in addition, in the dry season the farmers cannot do the work of the government period, the rubber civil servants, rubber tappers, fishermen and farmers and so on do not do other work so they are forced to be unemployed. unemployment like this is classified as seasonal unemployment. government spending reflects government steps to influence the economy through fiscal policy. in a broad sense, fiscal policy is not only related to the allocation and regulation of the composition of expenditure, but also relates to how the government finances the expenditure. financing of government expenditure can come from: (i). tax, (ii). loans or bond sales, (iii). printing money (seignorage), and (iv). sale of government assets (privatization). tonts (2013, decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 197 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 stated that tax is the main source of funding for government spending to improve the welfare of society. the imposition of certain types of tax will have a different effect on economic growth. if the government imposes a lump-sum tax on the community, the effect on investment and growth is positive but if the tax what is imposed is income tax that can reduce investment and economic growth (rda limestone coast, 2019: scearce, & fulton, 2004). financing government expenditure through loans or the sale of government bonds will add to the wealth and income of the community in the future but the community has a future responsibility in the form of a bond tax. funding through debt is in principle the same as financing expenses through tax collection because debt is equivalent to tax in the future. while financing government spending through printing money (seignorage) will drive inflation rates (tonts, et, all, 2012). government expenditure consists of two, namely routine expenditure (current expenditure) and capital expenditure / expenditure (capital expenditure). routine expenditure is intended to finance the operational activities of government in providing services to the public. routine government spending is to meet the internal needs of government activities so that it has a negative effect on growth (barro; 1990). whereas capital expenditure is to finance the construction of physical infrastructure and facilities. government spending on social and economic overhead will open up employment opportunities, increase national income and in turn increase economic capacity (van staden, 2019). tonts, (2014) measured the role of government through the approach to the volume of government spending in the form of: i) purchases of goods and services, ii) transfers of income to residents, companies and governments, iii) interest payments. this approach illustrates that the role of government spending is very important to the economy, especially for the supply of public goods. van staden (2019) and van't klooster, et, all, (2006) provide arguments about the importance of government spending on helping the people's economy when environmental insecurity is affected by corona outbreaks in the allocation of economic resources for social assistance such as free food supplies. this approach explains that the efficiency of government spending can be achieved if the marginal benefit is the same as the marginal cost. the characteristics of the government budget affected by the corona outbreak are: as follows: 1. rearranging expenditure priorities. the government must determine the priority scale by sorting the budget according to the level of urgency. the government can refocus on the budget, especially in the health and social sectors. refocusing on this expenditure budget is also needed because of declining income budget assumptions. 2. reallocation of shopping. the first priority is now heading towards dealing with covid-19 and its various domino effects. this activity can be done by reducing / temporarily halting infrastructure development activities, as well as other investment activities allocated for the handling of covid-19 countermeasures. the government can also cut down certain expenses such as expenses for official travel, meeting expenses, technical guidance, counseling, and the like to be diverted to the handling of covid-19. 3. utilization of the excess budget balance (sal), endowment funds, funds controlled by the government with certain criteria, and funds managed by blu / blud. central and local government agencies can utilize the funding sources in accordance with their intended use to handle the impact of covid-19 and prepare for the recovery period. decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 198 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 4. establishing a policy of relaxation of central and regional taxation. providing stimulus to the business sector and the community, it is necessary to reduce expenses, reduce tax rates, and extend the time for exercising rights and fulfilling tax obligations. 5. aligning the implementation of the legal umbrella and intensive communication with various parties. intensive communication must also be built properly, especially between the executive as the implementer of the policy with the legislative body, the examining / supervisory agency, law enforcement, including the community. 6. encourage the involvement of the examining, supervisory and law enforcement agencies, namely bpk, bpkp, inspectorate, and kpk in overseeing covid-19 handling funds, especially in the procurement of goods and services (pbj), so that they always adhere to the pbj principles in emergency situations. 7. accelerating the transfer of the central government to regional governments. the smooth transfer of funds from the center to the regions is one of the keys to solving the funding problem to overcome covid-19 in the regions, because the regional government will be very dependent on the smoothness of the transfer of funds from the center. 8. adjustment to the use of state capital participation in soes. plans for allocating pmn to certain soes can be altered according to the needs of handling covid-19. 9. massive fundraising from businesses and the public can be a source of income that is used effectively and accounted for in accordance with the provisions. hertati, et, all (2019) stated about the relationship of decreasing labor and income through free social assistance to ease the burden on the people affected by corona. then hertati (2020) states that high unemployment because people cannot work can be attributed to lack of capital relative to meeting the necessities of life. when economic growth plummets and is sustainable so as to decrease production capacity, there will be a reduction in employment opportunities with a high level (watkins, 1963). increased unemployment and underemployment in economic activities that have low levels of productivity are therefore seen to reduce the level of labor affected by corona (markey, et, all, 2019). fiscal policy instruments include government budget and revenue, government expenditure consisting of routine expenditure and social assistance expenditure. routine expenditures are intended to finance social assistance activities at the national and regional level. government expenditure is a form of government investment (government investment) which is allocated for free food staples, is an investment in human resources in the health sector and investment in research and development (r&d). government investment expenditure will increase the quantity of production inputs and can reduce the quality of private sector production inputs which in turn will reduce productivity and long-term economic growth due to corona outbreaks sweeping around the world (manalo, et, all, 2015: mackinnon, et, all, 2009). fleming (2015) states that government intervention in the economy is likely to increase, measured based on the comparison of government spending on national products. the relationship between government spending states that in the initial stages of economic growth the ratio of government investment is greater than the ratio of total investment or in other words the ratio of government expenditure to national income is relatively large. this is because in the initial stages the government must provide various infrastructure. in the next stage, government investment is still needed to spur growth followed by an increase in private investment. decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 199 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 empirical studies that examine the relationship of government spending to economic growth conclude that an increase in government spending will encourage economic growth. increasing government spending is a necessity but the problem is how the government finances the expenditure. in a theoretical arrangement, financing government spending can be done through several sources, namely: (i). tax revenue, (ii). printing money (seignorage), (iii) loans and (iv) asset sales (privatization). the government can optimize tax revenues or through loans to finance its expenditure. financing of local government expenditure in the financial relationship between the central and regional governments can be done through decentralization, deconcentration and co-administration mechanisms. financing of government expenditure through the decentralization mechanism comes from the region's original revenue and the balance funds that are charged in the apbd of each region. while financing through the mechanism of deconcentration and assistance tasks is the responsibility of the central government and is charged to the state budget. decentralized and deconcentrated systems have an impact on government spending patterns which in turn results in resource transfers, incidence and output effects. government expenditures that are directly related to a reduction in capital for decreasing production are classified as government spending which is government investment in society due to the corona outbreak. the source of basic food needs in the region can come from the local revenue collected by the regional government through taxation and regional levies. in addition, funding for the distribution of basic food and regional health facilities can also come from transfers and assistance from the central government to the regions. all of this is local government revenue and subsequently allocated to funding semabako in the region based on strategic plans that have been prepared by each local government. the allocation of central government funds through sectoral projects and social assistance will increase the corona outbreak of the region's capacity to provide services to the community through increased provision of economic infrastructure will strengthen regional competitiveness to distribute free spells. a region that is relatively advanced and has better infrastructure will potentially become a private investment destination. the results of research conducted by the center for international private enterprise (cipe) mention the factors that influence the flow of bansosoi sorted according to the importance of their respective roles including: characteristics of the akibar corona community so that access to markets, labor, exchange risk, capital repatriation, protection copyright, trade policy, government policy, tax rates and intensive, political stability, macroeconomic policy and total stop (rq, shi, x., cronshaw; 2018). hayter, (2008) examined a study of the effects of government spending on free food assistance and at the same time improving the distribution of income. the development of the study was triggered by the hypothesis that there was a divergence between the distribution of free food staples and improvements in the standard of living of the people caused by the allocation of government spending. hyndman, et, all (2008) stated that some previous studies used national aggregate data in measuring research variables so that the estimation process was carried out using time series data. in this study variable levels of government spending are broken down according to the level of government (level of government). this is expected to provide more information and scope of analysis on the effects of government spending on free social assistance on the growth of people's lives that are required to be in the house. the study of the effect of government spending based on the level of government (level of government) was conducted by halseth, et, all (2014). the study only looked at the effect of decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 200 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 government spending at three levels of government (federal, state and local) on co-19 government spending on decreasing labor rates (hyndman, et, all, 2008). the researcher not only analyzed the effect of government spending at various levels of government on social assistance but also analyzed its effects on the decline in labor, humanitarian impact of the corona outbreak affecting populations worldwide. research hypothesis: h1: the effect of a decrease in labor figures on co-19 government spending. figure 1: research conceptual framework methods the target population of this study is small and medium enterprises in indonesia. keep in mind the conceptual model shown in figure 1, the review instrument established by utilizing previous studies. the characteristics of the variable hypothesis were designed using sem-lisrel five answers from 1 to 5. the measurement items of the current study consisted of two variables which included emergency scientific discoveries during the co-19 period government expenditure, a decrease in labor rates. the data of this study were collected using a questionnaire through the google box directly and sent a letter and then collected from 600 small and medium businesses in indonesia that are related to which collected 215 samples. after sending the google box to small and medium-sized businesses in indonesia that are directly related by distributing questionnaires to them for their responses. the selection process and related small and medium businesses in indonesia are very important for data collection for researchers, when investigating creativity, emphasizing sales centralization both online and at the counters giving meaningful responses (sugiyono, 2013). therefore, a total of 600 questionnaires were sent and distributed to all small and medium enterprises in indonesia 215 samples responded. overall, the data collection process was taken for 1 month and this research was not funded by any association. investigation has also followed the rules of gujarati, (2003) in considering moral and ethical actions. ghosh, et, all (2013) to measure reliability in sem variance) can use composite reliability (internal consistency reliability) and variance exctract measure (variant extract size) as follows:  ghcklay .= where : y: gross domestic product a: technological level l: labor k: private capital mass unemployment decreasing labor rate open unemployment covid-19 epidemic prevention process future government expenditure s covid19 preparation of priority scale belanja reallocation of shopping utilization of the budget balance participation of state capital accelerate government transfers involvement of the examining aligning legal umbrella establish a relaxation policy fundraising for donations decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 201 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 hc: human capital g: government expenditure β, δ, γ, φ, are the parameters to be tested results and discussion validity test is done which is used to determine the eligibility of items in the questionnaire to determine the variables and reliability test to measure the reliability of the object being measured. data analysis was performed by descriptive analysis and verification. descriptive analysis is carried out with balanced categorization using quartile range (sugiyono, 2013). verification analysis used to test the hypotheses in this study is to use a structural component of the modeling equation (sem, lisrel) or variance-based known as sem lisrel. the decrease in labor figures towards the government budget for the co-19 period will be revealed through the crafter's response to the statements submitted on the questionnaire. based on the calculation of the percentage of score crafters answer obtained results as shown in the following table: table 1 recapitulation of research variable response results no variable average percent category 1 decreasing labor rate 7,49 69,84 high 2 the government budget period covid19 9,01 95,1 high source: recapitulation of research variable response results based on table 1 above, it is known that the variable decrease in labor rates obtained a score presentation of 69.84% which was categorized high, and became the highest score compared to the scores of the other variables studied. this score is obtained by comparing the actual with the ideal score. based on the results of these calculations where the reduction in labor numbers is very high, which means it is in accordance with the initial phenomenon that the authors found in the field, where the results of the decreasing labor rate on the government budget period co-19 have been said to be good but not optimal. the results of data processing describe a decrease in the number of workers in general are in the high category. these results explain the level of good government capability in interpreting each of the handicraft business activities he carries out which is affected by the corona he believes in giving rise to a wise and open attitude, and the government budget during the co-19 period rises high due to a corona outbreak in business. the variable decrease in labor rates on a practical level, decreases sharply shows a decrease in labor numbers due to corona engulfing the population of the entire world in analyzing problems, being able to be flexible when dealing with various problem situations, and having a clear vision in facing and solving every business problem. small scale business owners are often deemed not to have a good ability to understand a problem holistically, because in general it has a low level of education. the small business scale also causes them to be often seen as having no business vision that goes beyond profit making and survival. the results of the study show the opposite, where based on responses to each item the statement shows that the artisans generally have a high co-19 government expenditure. this condition is caused by crafters who are business owners who are almost always faced with the risk of uncertainty in the business environment such as changes in government policies decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 202 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 for lockdowns, limited supply of raw materials, economic situation due to unstable corona, or changes in market trends that demand they can minimize any potential business risks quickly and accurately. the business environment causes them to become unemployed to face difficult business situations. experience in overcoming each of these business problems encourages a broad and holistic mindset in understanding each problem and forming wiser personality traits. this causes the craftsmen to have the ability to understand each problem and relate it to social and spiritual values that have a broader range. table 2. recapitulation of results of dimensions and indicators of the co-19 government budget dimensions and indicators loading factor the loading factor squared error information patk 1 0.714 0.510 0.890 valid cr = 0.891 ave = 0.577 ca = 0.856 reliabel patk 2 0.714 0.510 0.790 valid patk 3 0.714 0.510 0.660 valid patk 4 0.714 0.510 0.790 valid patk 5 0.714 0.510 0.890 valid patk 6 0.714 0.510 0.730 valid patk 7 0.714 0.510 0.890 valid patk 8 0.714 0.510 0.670 valid patk 9 0.714 0.510 0.890 valid patk 1.1 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid cr = 0.824 ave = 0.611 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 1.2 0.844 0.933 0.287 valid patk 2.1 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid cr = 0.824 ave = 0.611 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 2.2 0.844 0.813 0.287 valid patk 3.1 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid cr = 0.814 ave = 0.711 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 3.2 0.844 0.913 0.287 valid patk 4.1 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid cr = 0.924 ave = 0.711 ca = 0.978 reliabel patk 4.2 0.844 0.813 0.287 valid patk 5.1 0.844 0.913 0.287 valid cr = 0.924 ave = 0.611 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 5.2 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid patk 6.1 0.844 0.773 0.287 valid cr = 0.724 ave = 0.711 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 6.2 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid patk 7.1 0.844 0.753 0.287 valid cr = 0.824 ave = 0.811 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 7.2 0.844 0.913 0.287 valid patk 8.1 0.844 0.713 0.287 valid cr = 0.824 ave = 0.811 patk 8.2 0.844 0.813 0.287 valid decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 203 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 9.1 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid cr = 0.824 ave = 0.911 ca = 0.878 reliabel patk 9.2 0.844 0.813 0.287 valid source: data processed in 2020 based on table 2 the government budget model co-19 period with 9 dimensions can be declared already valid, because it has a loading factor value (λ) of more than 0.5. judging from the composite reliability value greater than 0.7 (cr = 0.891), the average variance extract value is more than 0.5 (ave = 0.577), and the cronbach alpha value is greater than 0.7 (ca = 0.856). this means that the dimensions and indicators formulated in the government budget variable measurement model in the co-19 period are valid and reliable. following is the goodness of fit (gof) results table in the final model: table 3. goodness of fit (gof) results in the final model no criteria limit value results conclusion 1 2-chi square, significance probability p-value ≥ 0,050 atau = 0,000 0,000 fit 2 gfi > 0,90 0,934 fit 3 agfi > 0,90 0,947 fit 4 cfi > 0,95 0,983 fit 5 tli atau nfi > 0,95 0,971 fit 6 rmr ≤ 0,10 0,081 fit 7 rmsea ≤ 0,08 0,066 fit source: data processed in 2020 table 3 describes that the final cfa model of spiritual intelligence formed has fulfilled several goodness of fit (gof) statistical criteria such as 2, gfi, agfi, cfi, tli or nfi, rmr, and rmsea, so that the measurement model of government expenditure covid-19 meets the criteria of a good measurement model (fit) and can be used as a manifestation for the formation of a full model. goodness of fit test results in the final model of the 19th government budget period obtained as shown in table. next table 1 recapitulation of dimension results and indicators for reduction in labor figures dimensions and indicators. table 4. recapitulation of dimension results and indicators for decreasing labor figures dimensions and indicators dimensions and indicators loading factor the loading factor squared error information patk 1 0.714 0.510 0.890 valid cr = 0.824 ave = 0.611 ca = 0.678 reliabel cr = 0.824 ave = 0.611 ca = 0.678 reliabel patk 2 0.714 0.510 0.890 valid patk 1.1 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid patk 1.2 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid patk 1.3 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid patk 2.1 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid patk 2.2 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid patk 2.3 0.844 0.743 0.287 valid source: data processed in 2020 decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 204 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 table 4 describes that the final cfa model for the reduction in the number of workers formed has fulfilled several goodness of fit (gof) statistical criteria such as 2, gfi, agfi, cfi, tli or nfi, rmr, and rmsea, so that the measurement model for declining labor rates meets the criteria of a good measurement model (fit) and can be used as a manifestation for the formation of a full model. in sem analysis an indicator is said to have good validity if it has a factor loading value greater than 0.70. while loading factors 0.50 to 0.60 can still be maintained for models that are still in the development stage (ghosh, et, all 2013). evaluation of the value of construct reliability is measured by composite reliability. each construct is said to be reliable if it has a composite reliability greater than 0.70 and ave greater than 0.50 (gujarati, 2003). table 5. goodness of fit (gof) results in the final model no criteria limit value results conclusion 1 2-chi square, significance probability p-value ≥ 0,050 atau = 0,000 0,000 fit 2 gfi > 0,90 0,934 fit 3 agfi > 0,90 0,947 fit 4 cfi > 0,95 0,983 fit 5 tli atau nfi > 0,95 0,971 fit 6 rmr ≤ 0,10 0,081 fit 7 rmsea ≤ 0,08 0,066 fit source: data processed in 2020 table 5 describes that the final cfa model for the reduction in the number of workers formed has fulfilled several goodness of fit (gof) statistical criteria such as 2, gfi, agfi, cfi, tli or nfi, rmr, and rmsea, so that the measurement model for the reduction in labor numbers meets the criteria of a good measurement model (fit) and can be used as a manifestation for the formation of a full model. goodness of fit test results on the final model of the reduction in labor figures obtained results as shown in table. next table 1 recapitulation of dimension results and indicators for reduction in labor figures dimensions and indicators. declining output growth rates and employment opportunities are focused on policies to increase national output through capital accumulation (hertati & safkaur.2020). this model connects the rate of decline in employment with the growth rate of gnp, then the model suggests that with a decrease in gnp growth to maximize the decline in labor. the decline in economic growth rates occurred as a result of a combination of the reduction in the level of savings and the accumulation of physical capital which became its first impact on one side and the capital-output ratio on the other. based on a certain capital-output ratio, the rate of decline in output growth and a decrease in employment can be maximized through the maximization of the level of savings and investment. the basic principle of this model is that producers are assumed to face two relative prices of the bansoso factor, which is the distribution of basic necessities due to the minus capital and labor. producers must use a combination of capital because the level of labor is not available properly to minimize production costs to achieve maximum profit. the people are all unemployed and only staying at home are not able to produce output with a variety of production processes both capital intensive and labor intensive. if the capital price is higher, there is no community income, the producers will choose to have a house at home to avoid the corona outbreak so that it does not spread widely. decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 205 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 a two-sector model of labor reduction was developed by boschma, (2006). describing the economy consists of two sectors, namely: 1) the traditional sector; rural economic sector which is subsistence with labor which decreases due to the orona impact, resulting in mass disbursement. 2) urban industrial sector; is a modern sector with a high level of labor productivity and has become unemployed in both rural and urban subsistence banks & sharpe (2006). the decline in labor due to growth rates and decreased employment opportunities in the modern sector is due to an increase in corona outbreaks as a result of increased government social assistance and capital accumulation in the modern sector. accumulation of government expenditure occurs because of environmental uncertainty that occurs throughout the world corona. retrieved from (2011) explains that the decline in labor is related to the allocation of factors of production and factor flows between regions affected by orona. current flows of unemployment between regions occur because people are encouraged to stay at home due to corona outbreaks resulting in mass unemployment between regions. increasing demand for output in the regions will change consumer tastes or increase demand for food. watkins (1977) developed a geographical economic approach to explain the decline in labor through a coronaweakening process. the allocation of economic expenditure in a region will form a geographical concentration of locations and give birth to an economic agglomeration of government social assistance (poruschi, 2020). with the formation of geographic concentration and economic agglomeration will have an impact on the efficiency of alleviating the burden of suffering people. to support the manufacturing sector or better known as the core-periphery model. the agricultural sector has a constant return due to global unemployment that does not produce homogeneous products in perfect competition conditions while the manufacturing sector with increasing returns does not produce diverse outputs in a corona-striking condition (tonts, 2013). conclusion government budget due to covid-19 outbreaks both the central government in the region financed from state budget revenue due to declining economic growth has a negative effect on people's income locked up in a country means that government spending due to the covid-19 outbreak both central and regional rose sharply and the decline in economic growth has a role in raising the level of numbers poverty in a country. whereas government expenditure due to regional covid-19 outbreaks financed from state cost income, investment and quality of human capital have a positive effect on regional community income, meaning that the aggravation of covid-19 outbreaks between regions will result in higher unemployment rates. traditional free market model; neither producers nor consumers have the influence or power to influence the prices of inputs or outputs of production. the level of decline in labor rates (level of employment) and the level of wages (wages) is determined simultaneously by all prices of output and factors of production in an economy through the balance of the forces of demand and supply. producers will reduce the labor rate as long as the marginal product value that will be produced by reducing one unit of labor exceeds the wage level. on the supply side, every individual will try to survive but work is not available, this is where government savings are spent to fund the community-affected groceries. workers cannot work in time to work and free time based on marginal utility. regional resources have only geographical advantages with low manufacturing potential and high agricultural conditions. the occurrence of the geographic concentration of the covid-19 outbreak by forming monopolistic competition so as to create a price index effect and home market effect, the nominal wage of labor declined and as a result a decrease in labor levels in the covid-19 government budget hertati, zarkasy, adam, umar, & suharman 206 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 4 october 2020 decline in the number of workers became unemployed in the city or region. the relationship of the decline in labor rates and the decline in mass unemployment spread through the approach of the level of decline in labor productivity. acknowledgments this research was conducted in the context of co-19 which attacks the entire population. we thank our colleagues and micro small and medium 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it can jeopardize indonesia's sustainable development. this article investigates a carbon tax as a climate policy option in indonesia and the directorate general of taxes readiness in imposing the new carbon tax bill in april 2022. this research analyzes the early stage of carbon tax implementation in indonesia. the author conducted a qualitative questionnaire to a small and unrepresentative sample of 32 tax officers in the dgt's head office, regional office, and small tax office in jakarta. the data collecting process took place in january 2022. the results suggest that most dgt's employees in this study are already familiar with the term "climate change", its causes, and its effects as a worldwide global catastrophe. furthermore, most respondents understand what a carbon tax is but in terms of preparedness to implement the new carbon tax, only 21 of 32 employees (65.6 percent) believe indonesia is prepared to impose the new tax. at the same time, 11 employees doubt the implementation due to lack of human resources, derived rules, and regulation dissemination. keywords: carbon tax, tax, climate change, indonesia. . this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction indonesia’s geographic positioning makes it highly vulnerable to climate change. as the largest archipelagic country consists of 17,508 islands straddling the equator, its archipelago is at a crossroads between two oceans, the pacific and the indian ocean, and bridges two continents, australia and asia. from 1981-2018, indonesia experienced a trend of rising temperature around 0.03 °c per year (selvi et al., 2020). while from 2010-2018, greenhouse gas emissions (ghg) nationally experienced an upward trend of about 4.3 percent per year lead to an increased sea level of 0.8-1.2 cm/year, while about 65 percent of the population lives in coastal areas (ministry of finance republic indonesia, 2021). rising sea surface temperatures are causing the extinction of coral reefs, seaweed, mangroves, some biodiversity and marine ecosystems (ratnawati, 2016). it also raises the levels of severe floods and droughts that will exacerbate the scarcity of clean water. according to the ndc (2016), climate change can increase disaster risk hydrometeorology, which reaches 80 percent of the total disaster in indonesia (ministry of environment and forestry of climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 36 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting indonesia, 2016). overall, potential economic loss indonesia can achieve 0.66 percent to 3.45 percent of gdp by 2030 (ministry of environment and forestry of indonesia, 2020). thus, indonesia needs to prioritize climate issues and introduce its carbon tax policy to restrain energy sector emission growth, including shifting to develop lower-carbon energy markets and improving energy efficiency policy. therefore, through the directorate general of taxes (dgt), the government has been enacting policies to decrease the growth of greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector, including transitioning to lower-carbon energy markets (septiani et al., 2017). on october 7th, 2021, indonesia passed a carbon tax of idr30 (usd0.002) per kilogram of co2 equivalent (co2e) or usd2.13 per ton of co2 emission above the stipulated cap under the law no. 7 the year 2021 on the harmonization of tax regulations (uu hpp) (simatupang et al., 2021). the carbon tax itself is based on a cap and tax system, which puts a fee on carbon emissions that exceed a predetermined cap . beginning in april 2022, the directorate general of taxes intends to trial the coal-fired power generation industry tax. while in 2025, indonesia wants to develop a carbon trading market and broaden the carbon tax to industries other than coal-fired power generating to reduce more co2 emissions. however, most indonesians, including dgt’s employees themselves, may be unaware of climate change and its carbon tax implications. climate change is not a significant concern in this developing economy (dinesh et al., 2021; nugroho, 2020). the majority of public debates in indonesia are centered on economic development and poverty eradication. according to a study conducted by bohensky (2013), 81.9 percent of interviewed families in indonesia are concerned about climate change. nonetheless, reactive activities are taken in 38.9 percent of those individuals, while proactive steps are taken in 28.2 percent (bohensky et al., 2013). these findings imply that the indonesians has not correctly understood the idea of climate change. thus, promoting adequate climate change information may be one way to enhance awareness about climate change in indonesia (selvi et al., 2020). as the apparatus responsible for enacting the new carbon tax law, dgt's employee's growing environmental consciousness would affect public awareness. therefore, it is critical to improving conversations and discourses regarding climate change and its effects on dgt's employees. as a consequence, it would strengthen the government's ability to enact policies aimed at reducing ghg emissions. this led us to our primary questions: how far is indonesia's new carbon tax implementation? how do dgt employees perceive climate change? how is indonesia's readiness, in this case, the dgt, in implementing the carbon tax? the paper applies two qualitative analyses. first, we identify the early stage implementation in indonesia's carbon tax policy (ratnawati, 2016). the article also discusses carbon policy reforms applied in japan. this is because japan is the first country in asia to run the carbon tax law and make carbon emissions reduction a state’s priority (fairbrother et al., 2019; mclaughlin et al., 2019). in the second part, the author discovers dgt employee’s perspectives of climate change and their preparedness to implement the new law in april 2022. climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 37 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the author administers a qualitative questionnaire to a small and unrepresentative sample of 32 tax officers in the dgt's head office, regional office, and small tax office in jakarta. the data collecting process took place on january 5th, 2022. the paper concludes that indonesia needs to accelerate climate change and carbon tax awareness in the dgt's employee to promote the new policy. indonesia passed a carbon tax on october 7th, 2021, at a rate of idr30 (usd0.002) per kilogram of co2 equivalent (co2e) similar to usd2.13 per ton of co2e emission above the threshold cap. law no. 7 of the year 2021 on tax harmonization (uu hpp) revised numerous existing tax statutes and established the new carbon tax. for the first time, indonesia has put a price on carbon emissions, following the lead of 26 other nations. this plan is part of indonesia's larger strategy to fulfill its 2030 aim of reducing carbon dioxide (co2) emissions by 29 percent on its own or 41 percent with international support (saputra, 2021; simatupang et al., 2021). the goal of the new carbon tax is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from production processes and individual consumption systematically and sustainably. the policy may also cause changes in behavior toward fossil fuels and encourage the use of renewable energy and also rise government revenue. individuals and entities who purchase carbon-containing goods and engage in carbonemitting activities will face a tax. the carbon tax rate is set to be higher than or equal to the market price, with a minimum rate of idr 30 (usd0.002) per kilogram of co2 equivalent (co2e). this rate is equivalent to usd2.13 per ton of co2e emission (cap and tax). co2e is a symbol for greenhouse gas emissions, including co2, methane (ch4), and nitrous oxide (n2o) (simatupang et al., 2021). figure 1 indonesia carbon policy road map source: simatupang, (2021) the revenue generated by the carbon tax can be used to fund climate change campaign. furthermore, individuals and corporates who participate in carbon emission trading governed by environmental law may be eligible for a carbon tax deduction on their carbon tax liability. the government will climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 38 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting implement the carbon tax under the roadmap for carbon tax, which the house of representatives approved (ministry of energy and mineral resources of indonesia, 2021). however, according to simatupang (2021), the new carbon tax could affect electricity affordability, jeopardizing indonesia's goal of ensuring universal energy access by 2030. the potential uptrend in electricity prices would be detrimental to low-income households, many of which are considered energy poor. because electricity costs account for up to 80 percent of production costs in some industries, rising electricity costs due to the carbon tax would raise consumer prices and make products less competitive. figure 2 indonesia carbon policy road map source: simatupang, (2021) the imf and world bank recommend a carbon tax rate of usd30 up to usd100 per ton co2e for developing countries, resulting in a revenue of 1.5 percent of gdp. in this respect, the indonesian taxation analysis (cita) estimated that the power plant sector alone could generate idr 6.5 trillion (us$ 462 million). currently, indonesia's carbon tax rate of idr30 per kg co2e (usd2.13 per ton co2e) is one of the lowest in the world. bahana sekuritas (an indonesian security firm) predicted potential income of idr 29 trillion – 57 trillion (us$ 2.0 billion – 4.05 billion), equivalent to 0.2-0.3 percent of gdp, if tax rates are set at us$ 5-10 per ton co2e and applied to 60 percent of emissions (simatupang et al., 2021). japan is a vital partner for indonesia. despite various global challenges, such as the covid-19 pandemic, relations between indonesia and japan remain strong, and there is still room for strengthening ties that can be explored. in 2020, the bilateral trade value between indonesia and japan will be usd 24.3 billion. japan consistently ranks third as indonesia's leading export destination from 2018 to 2020, with export values reaching usd 13.6 billion in 2020. this trend is expected to continue, with the value of indonesian exports to japan reaching usd7.9 billion in semester 1 – 2021. in terms of investment, japan's foreign investment (pma) in indonesia reached 12.9 billion usd from 2018 to semester i 2021. during that time, japan surpassed the united states as the thirdlargest foreign investor in indonesia. meanwhile, the total number of pma projects from japan during that period exceeded 19 thousand. fdi from japan into indonesia has reached usd 1.04 billion until the first half of 2021. the indonesian government hopes that foreign direct investment from japan entering in 2021 will exceed the 2.6 billion usd realized in 2020 2021 (ministry of communication and information technology, 2021). this fact demonstrates that indonesia remains appealing to foreign investors, including japan. climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 39 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting japan is a country with limited energy resources. the government is highly reliant on imported energy to cover its energy needs based on agency for natural resources and energy. japan is the world's fifth-largest oil consumer and fourth-largest crude oil importer (us energy information (u.s. energy information administration, 2020). it is also the world's largest importer of liquefied natural gas and the third-largest coal importer. japan's low carbon policy mix includes a carbon tax (integrated through an energy tax), two regional emission trading systems, the tokyo emission trading system and the saitama emission trading system (kojima & asakawa, 2021), and a voluntary emissions trading scheme based on subsidies, namely the “advanced technologies promotion subsidy scheme with emission reduction targets” (asset).” currently, there are two environmental taxes in japan: the vehicle tax and the energy tax: japan's carbon tax, called the 'tax on climate change mitigation” falls within the category of energy taxes (gokhale, 2021). moreover, japan has a three-tiered energy tax (1) customs duties on imported and extracted fossil fuels; (2) transportation fuel taxes (oil delivery tax, gasoline tax, diesel and aviation fuel tax); (3) electric power generation taxes (ministry of the environment of japan, 2017). the carbon tax in japan applies to fossil fuels such as petroleum, petroleum products, natural gas, and coal. japan became the first asian country to introduce a carbon tax of jpy 2,89/t-co2 (ysd2.65) in october 2012 (ministry of the environment of japan, 2017). by 2050, the tax intends to eliminate 80 percent of japan's greenhouse gas emissions. carbon taxes on covered items vary according to their carbon emissions content and are in addition to the existing petroleum and coal taxes. the tax rate is a fixed per-unit amount so that the total carbon tax on each product equals jpy 2,89/t-co2 (usd2.65) (gokhale, 2021). japan has made significant progress in decreasing its carbon emissions since the carbon tax was implemented in 2012. however, japan's existing carbon tax policy impedes solving the urgent climate problem. a study from (kawakatsu et al., 2017) found that a small or positive financial benefit is possible with appropriate tax revenue treatment. kawakatsu et al. analyzed east asia's low carbon policies. they concluded that japan's current carbon tax rate of jpy2,89/t-co2 ($2.65) has resulted in modest emissions reductions and had a negligible influence on its economic growth. when evaluating a more significant carbon tax, the authors believe that a higher tax combined with suitable revenue recycling methods results in a positive double dividend for the japanese economy (lee et al., 2012). japan's experience can be applied in indonesia as a best practice in implementing carbon tax in 2022, especially in the government readiness. method the author utilizes a constructivism approach to qualitative data analysis in this study. the essence of constructivism is an understanding formed from several perspectives that solve a problem (bungin, 2017). the answers to all situations being studied are sourced from various social perspectives or points of view. in this understanding, the researcher is tasked with narrowing down different comprehensive perspectives and interpreting the findings according to their experience and expertise (creswell, 2017). climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 40 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the author examined three dgt positions: account representative, tax auditor, and staff analyst. the questionnaires were completed by 32 participants in january 2022. each question is composed of five open-ended questions and five closed-ended question.the sample size is determined by the research design. typically, the sample size for qualitative methods is between twenty and thirty people. position number respondents percentage account representative 5 15.6% tax auditor 17 53.1% staff analyst 10 31.3% in addition, cohen et al. (2017) argued that when using purposive sampling, it is more important to obtain information from those with extensive knowledge of a particular subject and to achieve data saturation than it is to maximize the number of participants (cohen et al., 2017). participants are chosen on the basis of their knowledge, expertise, and experience within their respective organizations and fields (jamali, 2018). the respondents come from a variety of job descriptions and involved in the carbon tax's implementation process. the open questions are intended to give employees the freedom to express their opinions and responses to the questions. meanwhile, closed questions are used to confirm previous questions, allowing for the verification of the questionnaire response’s consistency. the questionnaires contain five pairs of questions. employees are asked to respond "yes" or "no" to closed questions, whereas open questions require employees to respond with some explanations, reasons, and opinions. consistency in responding to each pair of questions is measured in this study to ensure that employees provide accurate responses. employees provide consistent responses when they respond "yes" to close questions, followed by a correct response to open questions. the correct responses are highlighted in this section if they contain certain keywords, such as global warming, deforestation, and changes in season pattern. result and discussion climate change: a general overview when asked if the dgt employee’s had ever heard of climate change and could explain what it is, 31 of 32 employees (97 per cent) responded that they had. additionally, 27 of 31 employees provide consistent responses. the respondents who responded consistently used terms such as global warming, deforestation, greenhouse gases, and long-term climate variability. this means that the majority of dgt’s employees in this study are already familiar with the term "climate change." meanwhile, only one employee stated in this study that he or she was unfamiliar with the term "climate change." on the other hand, an employee who provides an inconsistent response to the first question primarily explains that climate change is a “transition from one state to another”, “weather changes”, or “temperature changes”. they may have heard about climate change, but they were unable to provide accurate responses to the questions. climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 41 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting climate change's primary causes when asked about their knowledge of the primary causes of climate change and their ability to explain the primary causes of climate change, 28 of 32 (87.5 per cent) dgt employees stated that they were aware of the primary causes of climate change. however, only 21 employees (67 percent of the 87.5 percent) were able to consistently provide responses. this demonstrates that not all dgt employees are capable of accurately explaining the primary causes of climate change. employees who provide inconsistent responses to the fourth question primarily provide reversal responses by referring to climate change impacts as primary causes of climate change, such as “weather changes”. other reasons why employee give inconsistent responses to the second question in this study are incorrect responses, such as a “sea tidal wave”, “a change in the earth's orbit”, “a change in the atmosphere”, and “a change in the amount of rain falling”, “warmer earth”, and “human and natural habits”. as a result, there is misinformation about the causes and effects of climate change among the employees in this study. additionally, 2 of 32 employees stated that they were unaware of the primary causes of climate change when responding to the third question. climate change as a worldwide global catastrophe employee responses to the fifth and sixth questions about whether climate change is a global threat and why climate change is a global threat indicate that as many as 31 of 32 (97 percent) employees believe climate change is a global catastrophe, with a percentage of consistent responses of 64 percent. this shows that the majority of employees in this study believe climate change is a serious issue. in this regard, employees who consistently respond positively to the fifth question believe that climate change can cause diseases, and also disasters, such as “sea-level rise”, “flooding”, “storms”, “heat waves”, “drought”, “animal extinction”, “food scarcity”, “forest fires”, “poor harvests”, “rising temperatures”, or “the melting of the north pole”. on the other hand, inconsistent responses to the fifth question provided at the sixth question are primarily the result of incorrect responses to the subsequent question of why climate change is considered as a global catastrophe. "air pollution," "global warming," "temperature change," and "illegal logging" are among the responses. according to one respondent, "earth is our only home." the other is unclear when the phrase "ecosystem shifting on earth" is used. the carbon tax following that, the employee responses to the seventh question about whether the employee understands what a carbon tax is and the eighth question about whether the employee understands what a carbon tax is and if they are able to explain how the carbon tax works, 29 of 32 employees (90.6 percent) understand what it is. however, there are only 25 employees (86 percent) who consistently respond. employees who consistently responded positively to the seventh question mentioned the carbon tax definition as “a tax imposed on carbon emissions that have a negative impact on the environment”. inconsistent responses to the eighth question, on the other hand, are generally the result of incorrect responses, such as "cap and tax mechanism," and a lengthy response that contradicts the sentence "carbon tax is one strategy to limit climate change." and a response stated “entrepreneur’s behavior is projected to change as a result of the carbon price, causing them to shift to low-carbon, green economic activity." climate change, carbon tax, and the indonesian directorate general of taxes preparedness in implementing the new carbon tax nugraha and bologun 42 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the dgt's preparedness to implement the new carbon tax finally, employee responses to the 9th question, "do you believe indonesia is prepared to impose a carbon tax in april 2022?" and the 10th question, "can you describe how indonesia is preparing to impose a new carbon tax in april 2022?" indicate that only 21 of 32 employees (65.6 percent) believe indonesia is prepared to impose the tax, while 11 employees (34.4 percent) do not. employees who consistently answer correctly to the ninth question are 20 officers. the majority of them cited a newly enacted “carbon tax law” as evidence of the dgt's readiness. on the other hand, 11 employees who believe dgt is not prepared to implement the policy cited various reasons, including "the need for derived rules," "it is too early to prepare the human resource in dgt", "opposition and difficulties from vertical units that implement it", and "a lack of regulation dissemination." one respondent who responses dgt's preparedness stated, "there are too many elements that affect the poorest members of society, who are indirectly impacted by price increases linked with the carbon tax, so there will definitely be additional benefits and drawbacks to consider. furthermore, indonesia has only recently recovered from the pandemic". conclusion as a global environmental issue, climate change must be communicated to citizens. on the other hand, climate change may not be a significant issue for society in several countries worldwide, including indonesia (levi, 2021; onyimadu & uche, 2021). when it comes to fighting climate change using carbon tax policy, the dgt's employees are responsible for enhancing public awareness (costello, 2019). the author provides a qualitative analysis to understand awareness about climate change, carbon tax, and tax authority's readiness in enacting the new carbon tax law in april 2022. the paper also provides a best practice lesson in implementing a carbon tax in japan. the author found a slight lack of awareness about climate change among dgt employees, which may occur in other positions within the dgt on a national level. nonetheless, the dgt has made some efforts to combat climate change, including establishing a carbon tax road map and preparing the derived rule . based on these conclusions, the researcher advises policymakers, namely dgt, to increase employee’s awareness of climate change. first, we advise an increase of learning process through attendance at climate change courses that improve understanding of climate change. these environment courses are currently available through massive open online courses (moocs). additionally, the dgt could enhance its digital learning program, studia, by including climate change curricula. second, the dgt can promote media literacy. media literacy can help increase public awareness and acceptance of climate change (jürkenbeck et al., 2021; phan et al., 2021). the dgt may organize an art festival, essay competition, and poster competition to raise awareness about climate change and the carbon tax. a study by jacobson et al. 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(2020). country analysis executive summary: japan. in world country energy analysis. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 1 january 2022 page no. 46-56 46 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta eka rofiyanti1, ika muji lestari2, istamkhuja olimovich davronov3, alian natision4, krishantoro5 1245 institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami, indonesia 3bukhara state university, uzbekistan correspondent: rofiyanti.ekasumarno@gmail.com1 received : august 26, 2021 accepted : january 15, 2022 published : january 31, 2022 citation: rofiyanti, e., lestari, i, m., davronov, i, o., natision, a., krishantoro (2022). strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta. ilomata international journal of tax & accounting.3(1), 46-56. abstract: the phenomenon of this research is that in the digital era, many people switch to promoting their products to social media, which is one of the causes of the decrease in billboard taxes. this study aims to find out the right strategy in the billboard tax collection in the digital era by the regional revenue agency of dki jakarta. the research method used is the descriptive qualitative method. data sources include primary data, namely data from interviews, and secondary data, namely target data and billboard tax realization from 2016-2020. the results of this study indicate that (1) the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era in the future will lead to billboard data collection, optimization of billboard objects and tax applications such as e-tax (2) the power of billboard taxes in the digital era lies in the development of digital technology and cooperation between the government, the private sector and the community; and (3) obstacles and challenges from billboard taxes in the digitalization era are the number of taxpayers who have not mastered technology and are not obedient in paying their tax obligations. the suggestion in this study is that the regional revenue agency of dki jakarta forms a fieldwork team to conduct more thorough data collection, take advantage of technological developments, lead the comprehensive campaign to taxpayers, and provide strict sanctions to taxpayers who do not obey and install illegal billboards and (3) obstacles and challenges from billboard taxes in the digitalization era are the number of taxpayers who have not mastered technology and are not obedient in paying their tax obligations. the suggestion in this study is that the regional revenue agency of dki jakarta forms a fieldwork team to conduct more thorough data collection, take advantage of technological developments, lead the comprehensive campaign to taxpayers, and provide strict sanctions to taxpayers who do not obey and install illegal billboards and (3) obstacles and challenges from billboard taxes in the digitalization era are the number of taxpayers who have not mastered technology and are not obedient in paying their tax obligations. the suggestion in this study is that the regional revenue agency of dki jakarta form a fieldwork team to conduct more thorough data collection, take advantage of technological developments, work a comprehensive campaign to taxpayers, and provide strict sanctions to taxpayers who do not obey and install illegal billboards. keywords: tax collection, billboard tax, digital era. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 47 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting introduction dki jakarta is the capital city of indonesia which is the center of development. therefore, it creates many business opportunities and causes for many investors or entrepreneurs to open a business in jakarta (hadi, 2021). then indirectly increases tax revenues, especially advertisement taxes, because the more people who own companies or industries, the more consumers use billboard services (dewanti, 2021). the number of companies influences the advertisement tax revenue to develop to promote their products, both small, medium and large businesses in jakarta (safitri, 2021). advertising tax itself is a tool used as a bridge between producers and consumers to introduce products produced by companies or other functions with the same purpose (konfino et al., 2015). because the billboard tax is located at strategic points and is widely accessible by the public, billboards are one of the most appropriate media to promote products to the public (koumpias & martinez-vazquez, 2019). besides billboards, they can be in the form of boards, advertising advertisements, such as newspapers, magazines, etc., and electronic media such as television, radio, and social media (cyan et al., 2017). digitization is an era transformation from analog mechanical and electronic technology to digital technology that has occurred since 1980 and continues to this day (flach et al., 2021). along with the times, digital technology continues to change for the better (bellofatto & besfamille, 2021). many people have used digital technology in various fields of life, including in the field of taxation. in the current era of digitalization, the installation of billboards has been widely used and utilized by social media (seip, 2019). for example, on instagram, facebook, youtube, and other social media. this is one of the reasons why it is rare to find billboards installed on giant billboards. so often saw large billboards that are empty or not filled with advertisements (alsukait et al., 2020; song et al., 2020). to anticipate this, the dki jakarta regional revenue agency (bapenda) continues to look for solutions and strategies to increase advertisement tax revenues in the digitalization era (lidyawati, 2021). one of them is by supporting the installation of advertisements in the form of electronics or leds to attract more consumers (octaviany et al., 2021). however, this solution and strategy from the dki jakarta bapenda have not yet impacted the billboard tax revenue at the dki jakarta bapenda. we can see this from the advertising tax target data in 2020 derived from 2019 (dewanti, 2021). therefore, based on this phenomenon, the researchers are interested in further researching the advertisement tax, which the author puts into the thesis entitled "analysis of advertising tax collection strategies in the era digitization at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency 2021." method this study used the descriptive qualitative method (moleong, 2018). through this approach, researchers can introduce subjects and feel what they experience in their daily lives (bungin, 2017). and can perform an analysis of events, phenomena or social circumstances (creswell, 2017). the concept in this study is to analyze the advertising tax collection strategy in the digital era carried out by the dki jakarta regional tax revenue agency. data collection techniques were carried out through observation and continued with collecting relevant data (sugiyono, 2019). furthermore, the researcher conducted interviews with the dki jakarta regional tax revenue agency and academics to strengthen the information and data obtained (mardiasmo, 2016). strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 48 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion 1. advertising tax collection strategy in the digitalization era at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency. one of the local revenue sources (pad) is the advertisement tax (muhaimin et al., 2019). the advertisement tax itself is a tool that connects producers and consumers to introduce products produced by companies (hasibuan, 2020). because of the strategic location of the billboard and it can be seen by many people, the billboard becomes one of the right tools to introduce and promote a product to the public (bahmid & wahyudi, 2018). besides being in the form of billboards, it can also be in the form of boards, advertising advertisements such as newspapers, magazines and others, and electronic media such as television, radio, and social media (neni et al., 2021). based on sources from the regional revenue agency or bapenda dki jakarta with various types of billboards that can be used to introduce goods and services in the administration of billboards, there are multiple forms of irregularities in the administration of billboards (lidyawati, 2021). the number of advertisements installed is a great opportunity for local tax revenues (rolamdo & widiastuti, 2021). before entering the digital era at the dki jakarta bapenda, the income or realization of the advertisement tax did not reach the target because there were illegal advertisements such as unlicensed advertisements and did not extend the period of the advertisement administration (karo et al., 2019). but after entering the digital age, many companies prefer to promote their products using digital or social media because they are considered more effective and efficient (hanis & saputra, 2019). the digital footprint will never be lost or erased even though the times have changed. and this has become a phenomenon at this time (anggreni et al., 2020). currently, bapenda dki jakarta must have a good strategy so that the advertisement tax can continue to reach its target. because in the current digitalization era, people or entrepreneurs prefer to post their advertisements through social media because they can be seen by everyone anywhere and anytime and will not be erased even though the times have changed (mulatsih et al., 2021). bapenda dki jakarta continues to look for strategies to increase advertisement tax revenues by collecting advertisement data, both licensed advertisements and have extended the implementation of ads and advertisements that are not approved and have not developed the implementation of advertisements (ratnaningsih & waluyo, 2019). also, the dki jakarta bapenda is revising the old governor's regulation, namely the governor's regulation of the special capital region of jakarta number 148 of 2017 concerning instructions for implementing advertisements which replaces advertisement rent value (nsr) into contract value because it is considered more rational in setting the price of billboards. in addition to collecting data, the dki jakarta regional revenue agency is also optimizing the implementation of led billboards because they are considered an opportunity to increase billboard tax revenues in the digitalization era (wulandari et al., 2017). this optimization is carried out by expanding the installation of led billboards such as in boxcars in remote areas, at public transportation waiting for regions such as the mrt and in crowded areas such as the thamrin area central jakarta . then in terms of upppd, it is also improving the quality of service by utilizing the current progress and development of information and communication technology to provide the best service to billboard taxpayers (muspirawati et al., 2021). strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 49 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the following is a discussion regarding the six elements in formulating strategy according to the theory of stephen p. robbins & mary coulter, namely: a. external environmental analysis external environmental analysis is a step taken to identify things of interest to the community and affect life in the present and the future. to analyze the external environment can be done in several ways, including: 1) they optimize led billboards and other types of billboards and develop potential objects for advertising taxes such as led billboards, which still have considerable potential in increasing advertising tax revenue in the digitalization era. this is because led technological developments will assist in future billboards. 2) continue to race against the law on regional taxes and regional levies, namely law number 28 of 2009 wherein the law explains the definition of regional taxes and levies, types of regional taxes in which there is an advertisement tax and explains the object and subject of the advertisement tax itself, what which is not included in the advertisement tax, the basis for the imposition of the advertisement tax, the advertisement tax rate and the principal amount of the advertisement tax. 3) keeping up with technological advances to provide the best service to advertisement taxpayers 4) involvement of advertisement taxpayer participation. the participation of the billboard taxpayer can increase the awareness of taxpayers in paying their taxes through the participation of billboard taxpayers it is hoped that it will increase the awareness and compliance of taxpayers in paying their tax obligations. 5) socialization and counseling to billboard taxpayers to increase public awareness and collect data for non-taxpayers or unlicensed billboards and analyze taxpayers' perceptions of the billboard tax. 6) reviewing the strategies used to achieve an increase in revenue from advertising tax b. internal environmental analysis internal environmental analysis is a step that can be taken in formulating strategies by identifying the resources owned by both human and financial resources to support the strategy made. an internal environmental analysis can be done through: 1) conducting data collection starts from collecting data on empty and filled points to optimize billboard acceptance. and also attracts many graduates in the field of statistics to collect data. as well as conducting data collection to measure the potential for advertising taxes. 2) provide convenience in service to taxpayers. 3) strengthening internal consolidation, such as enhancing human resources, whether they can carry out the strategic system used or whether financial resources are sufficient to support the implemented strategy system. and also have to improve the existing bureaucracy. 4) building a good and accurate data system, providing rewards and punishments for obedient and disobedient taxpayers as a form of law enforcement. 5) must review the strategies used to achieve increased revenue from advertising tax. c. strategy formulation strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 50 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting strategy formulation is a way to formulate a strategy that will be made by making an effective and efficient long-term plan. the formulation of formulating strategy tends to collect data and extensification advertisements. because if you look at the 2016-2020 billboard tax target and realization table, where the target and realization data are fluctuating, the trend of the percentage of tax revenue is positive. however, if we look at the target size, it can be seen that there is a reduction in the target so that the realization has increased. table 3.1 target and realization of dki jakarta advertisement tax 2016-2020 year target realization percentage 2016 1,150,000,000,000,000 894,271,331,591 78% 2017 850,000,000,000 955,578,757,485 112% 2018 1,150,000,000,000,000 1.020,000,000,000 89% 2019 1,050,000,000,000 1,079,492,802,701 103% 2020 775,000,000,000 827,484,401,205 106.77% source: dki jakarta regional revenue agency based on this, the dki jakarta bapenda must always carry out data collection, both data collection on billboard points so that it can collect data on advertisements that are licensed and not. to give strict sanctions to billboard taxpayers who do not have a permit and do not extend the implementation of billboards. formulating a strategy can also be done by forming an organization. so the organization is created and divided for those whose technical implementation is carried out by the upppd. at upppd they collect data, every time there is a new object, regional monitoring and supervision is carried out at upppd. the strategy is made in stages to not overlap with authority. the order in formulating the strategy itself is at the lowest technical level, supervision, and policy. formulating the strategy is carried out based on policy instruments in the form of governor's regulations, governor's instructions, decisions of the head of the agency & instructions of the head of the agency. the special strategy is carried out by each head of the regional tax collection service unit (upppd) at the regional and sub-district levels according to the characteristics of their respective regions. building a work team or organization can also formulate strategies and is useful for recording and monitoring billboard points following policy instruments. the work team here starts from technical, then supervision and then policy. each unit has its own obligations and does the work according to what is set with this work team. d. setting strategy setting a strategy is a step to choose a strategy that will be implemented to the public or the community adjusted to the goals set, both long-term and short-term goals. to determine the strategy can be done by preparing a budget, adequate facilities and infrastructure or accommodating to support the strategy to be selected so as not to hinder the strategy's performance from being implemented. with this budget, facilities and infrastructure, of course, it must be able to provide the best service to billboard taxpayers. strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 51 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting e. implementing strategy implementing the strategy is the next step after setting the strategy. after a strategy has been established, the strategy must be implemented so that the public can judge the good and the bad of the strategy. tax potential analysis can be done by optimizing led billboards because led billboards in the digitalization era have considerable potential in increasing the advertisement tax so that they must be increased again. in contrast, the weakness of led billboards is the difficulty of finding transaction price information because the bureau tends to cover it up. implementing the led advertising strategy in the future will be an effective means to promote its products because people use digital more, but led advertisements also have a weakness: the implementation of advertisements requires a large and crowded place. implementing a strategy using led billboards has the opportunity because it can display several advertising products, attract the attention of potential consumers and be more communicative within a certain period. implementing the dki jakarta bapenda strategy has challenges in the form of the ability of taxpayers to master information and communication technology (ict) and how to socialize it. and there are still many tax officers who have to do more training. however, bapenda dki jakarta also has a great opportunity to increase advertisement tax revenue in the digitalization era with the development of this technology. in implementing the dki jakarta bapenda strategy, it is necessary to socialize and give strict warnings or punishments to stubborn taxpayers. meanwhile, dki jakarta bapenda's opportunity to implement the strategy is to collaborate between the government, the private sector, and the community to increase billboard taxes in the digitalization era. implementing the bapenda strategy has challenges in the form of the ability of taxpayers to use technology, then the opportunity from bapenda dki jakarta in implementing the strategy is by utilizing technological developments to create strategies that can make it easier for taxpayers to pay their taxes. f. strategy evaluation strategy evaluation is after the strategy is implemented, the strategy must be evaluated to see the feasibility of the implemented strategy. and if there is a shortage, a solution can be found. evaluating the strategy, namely by expanding or intensifying the advertisement tax (such as led billboards using boxcars in the regions), revising the old governor's regulations by changing the advertisement rental value (nsr) into a contract value, because using the nsr is too large according to their transaction price and conducting a census namely to record existing points, which are empty or those that have not registered but also those that are obedient, meaning there are and pay. evaluating the strategy by collecting data in the field to control or see the potential that may still be withdrawn from the advertisement tax itself and collecting data on new objects and objects that have not been extended. then send a letter to remind billboard taxpayers who do not comply. evaluating the strategy can be done by improving the quality of service to advertisement taxpayers so that they get easier, cheaper, faster and more accurate services by utilizing information technology. evaluating the strategy can be done by following the development of information and communication technology (ict). because with the development of information and communication technology, it can be used to create an effective and efficient strategy in collecting advertisement taxes in the era of digitalization. and with the convenience of strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 52 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting technology, it can help billboard taxpayers pay their taxes because there is no need to come directly to the tax office and pay billboard taxes anywhere and anytime. evaluating the strategy can be done by making laws or regulations that stipulate non-taxpayers or unlicensed taxpayers so that they do not lose the potential of the advertisement tax and need to collaborate with the central government and make flexible strategies so that it can make it easier for taxpayers to report their taxes. 2. strengths and opportunities of the advertising tax collection strategy in the digitalization era at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency. a. the strengths and opportunities that the dki jakarta bapenda has in setting a strategy for collecting billboard taxes in the digitalization era are the existence of technological developments or ict developments that can help create software, for example, the reality of e-tax. then according to mr. wahyu as a taxpayer and build collaboration that provides mutual benefits between the government, the private sector and the community b. the strengths and opportunities of led billboards to increase advertisement tax revenues are that led advertisements have a great chance to increase advertisement tax revenues in the digitalization era, so they must be optimized. this is because led billboards can be the right means to promote a product in the future. after all, people use digital more and also led billboards are dynamic and can display several advertising products, thus attracting more public attention. c. strengths and opportunities in implementing advertising tax collection strategies in the era of digitalization. there is a great opportunity in the development and advancement of information and communication technology because it can be used as a means of making effective and efficient strategies in collecting billboard taxes, the strategy in question is like the existing tax application, namely e-spt with this tax application, of course, it can make it easier for mandatory advertisement tax in carrying out its tax obligations. strengths and opportunities in implementing the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era can also be done through collaboration between the government, the private sector and the community to increase billboard taxes in the digitalization era and provide convenience for billboard taxpayers. d. strengths and opportunities in evaluating advertising tax collection strategies in the digitalization era, namely the development of information and communication technology that continues to experience renewal must be utilized to improve the billboard tax collection system or strategy. this technological advancement can be used to create a system or application that makes it easier for the public to pay billboard taxes. and an application can also be made that provides information to taxpayers such as information about which places can be used to place billboards. there is currently an e-tax application that can make it easier for taxpayers to pay or report their tax obligations. 3. weaknesses and challenges of the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency. a. weaknesses and challenges in setting advertising tax collection strategies in the digitalization era are the lack of openness, awareness and compliance of billboard taxpayers in reporting their tax obligations. weaknesses and challenges in setting a strategy for collecting billboard taxes in the digitalization era at bapenda dki jakarta, strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 53 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting namely the lack of socialization regarding the importance of paying billboard taxes and firm action against billboard taxpayers who disobey and there is no easy access to any platform or e-com. many people who have a lot of followers on social media can easily advertise their products on their social media. weaknesses and challenges in determining the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era at bapenda dki jakarta, namely many people or even entrepreneurs who advertise their products on social media because they are considered cost-saving and will not be erased. b. the weakness and challenge of led billboards in increasing advertising tax revenue in the digitalization era is the difficulty of finding information related to transaction prices because many bureaus tend to cover transaction prices. so it is difficult for dki jakarta bapenda to get the actual transaction price. the weakness and challenge of led billboards in increasing billboard tax revenue in the era of digitalization are that the installation of billboards requires a large area and a crowded area and cannot be haphazardly placed because it requires electricity. to increase billboard tax revenue in the digitalization era, namely the lack of supervision and procedures in the development and extension of billboards so that illegal billboards are still rampant or without official permission from the dki jakarta bapenda. c. weaknesses and challenges in implementing the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era, the lack of ability of billboard taxpayers in using information and communication technology and the lack of socialization from tax officials to billboard taxpayers. so that no matter how sophisticated the application that has been used in the field of taxation, there are still many taxpayers who have not been able to use technology, it will not work well. so it is necessary to carry out thorough socialization so that the system used can run well. then the weakness in implementing the strategy also lies in the weakness of rules or warnings for billboard taxpayers who do not obey reporting or paying their tax obligations. d. weaknesses and challenges in evaluating advertising tax collection strategies in the digitalization era are stubborn billboard taxpayers, meaning that many billboard taxpayers organize unlicensed billboards. however, the dki jakarta regional revenue agency has taken firm action against billboard taxpayers who do not comply with this kind of tax, namely, for billboard taxpayers who have registered, have paid and are licensed, they are given a letter later for taxpayers who the dki jakarta regional revenue agency does not authorize. collaborate with satpol pp to reduce the billboards. e. weaknesses and challenges in evaluating the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era at the dki jakarta bapenda, namely with the existence of covid-19 that has existed in indonesia since 2020, the central government has issued restrictions on outside activities, therefore currently field officers are limited, this causes services to taxpayers are also slightly reduced. the weakness and challenge in evaluating the billboard tax collection strategy in the digitalization era at bapenda dki jakarta are that taxpayers often forget to pay their advertising tax obligations or divert the funds already available to pay taxes to be used to finance other needs that they think are more priority. a notification letter regarding the billing tax will be issued to overcome this. strategy of advertising tax collection in the digitalization era on badan pendapatan daerah of dki jakarta rofiyanti, lestari, davronov, natision, krishantoro 54 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion the strategy for collecting billboard taxes in the digitalization era in the future will focus more on collecting data on licensed and unlicensed billboards and collecting data on advertisements that have been extended or not. the dki jakarta bapenda also continues to expand the advertisement tax and revise the old pergub by 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(2022). analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors at the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 162-170. abstract: the government issued government regulation number 9 of 2021 to improve the investment climate and accelerate economic recovery in indonesia. one of the policies passed was a dividend tax. this study aims to analyze the policy strategy carried out by the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta to increase the number of investors by utilizing the dividend tax that has been made by the government. data collection in this study was conducted through literature study, interviews, observation, and documentation. the results of the analysis show that the dividend tax policy strategy carried out by the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta to increase the number of investors was to develop a culture that supports the strategy, create an effective organizational structure, direct marketing efforts policies, plan budgets, develop and empower information systems, and connect the employee and organizational performance. although several strategies had been implemented, the implementation had not been optimal because due to the large number of taxpayers the tax office did not conduct a special campaign regarding dividend tax. the campaigns were carried out only through representative accounts without a special budget. keywords: tax strategy, dividend tax. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction countries around the world have been battling a pandemic for more than a year due to a virus called corona which causes the covid-19 disease. the pandemic caused a decline and slowdown in the global economy as each country's government had to implement special policies to break the chain of the virus spread, and indonesia was no exception (anugerah et al., 2021; dai et al., 2021; górska et al., 2021; gupta et al., 2022; malahayati et al., 2021; stephens et al., 2021; yao & ngai, 2021). in 2020 indonesian economy experienced a contraction of 2.07% compared to 2019 (amalia & saputra, 2021). this economic decline and slowdown was caused by the implementation of large-scale social restrictions or lockdowns by all countries in the world, causing trade flows such as exports and imports as well as the productivity of company employees to decrease (abdelrahman & ismail, 2022; de la rosa et al., 2022; giannopoulou et al., 2022; martín-rodríguez et al., 2022; matysiak et al., 2022; scivicco et al., 2022). these restrictions hampered companies' analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors at the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta agustina, angky, and zaini 163 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting operations and decreased their incomes, leading to cuts in employee salaries and termination of employment (jedwab et al., 2021; kusumastuti, 2020; sekiraqa et al., 2021; shafi et al., 2020). this was done so that the companies can survive. the economic downturn and slowdown in indonesia required the government to make various efforts so that the economy could gradually recover, one of which was by issuing various stimuli or incentives in the form of fiscal policies such as the job creation act or law number 11 of 2020 (nurhayati, 2021; suntoro, 2021). the purpose of the act is to improve the investment climate, create jobs and provide convenience for large businesses and msmes (hukunala, 2022; sudarmanto et al., 2021; tan, 2022). one of the regulations passed by the government as a followup to the job creation act was government regulation number 9 of 2021 concerning the application of taxation to support the ease of doing business. this regulation contains several changes to general provisions and tax procedures, one of which is regarding the exception of dividend tax as a tax object. the regulation was later revealed to be minister of finance regulation no. 18/pmk.03/2021 which discusses in detail the terms and conditions for the changes that occurred (wijaya & melati, 2021). the terms and conditions so that dividends are not subject to tax are contained in the regulation of the minister of finance number 18 of 2021, article 17 paragraph (2) and article 35 which state that dividends obtained must be reinvested in predetermined financial products. indonesia's trade balance began to recover. this can be seen in the trade balance in the first quarter of 2021 which recorded a surplus of 17.11% year on year compared to the surplus in the first quarter of 2020 which was around us$ 2.59 billion. the surplus occurred because export performance increased by 17.11% and imports grew by 10.76% (wafikhoh, 2022). this recovery continued until the 3rd quarter of 2021, where the indonesian economy grew by 3.51% compared to 2020; this growth was supported by export performance (asshidiqi & irawan, 2021). the increase in exports and imports indicates that indonesia's economic recovery has begun massively, in line with the programs that have been implemented by the government to encourage the wheels of the economy (wardana, 2021). in 2021, the indonesian government ratified government regulation number 9 of 2021 concerning tax treatment to support ease of doing business as a follow-up to law number 11 of 2020 concerning job creation. government regulation number 9 of 2021 contains several changes to general provisions and tax procedures, one of which is regarding dividends contained in chapter iii article 2a. dividends were originally subject to income tax of 10% of the gross income received by shareholders as stated in the final income tax article 4 paragraph (2), but in government regulation number 9 of 2021 paragraph (2a) income on dividends is excluded from the tax object. the government regulation was later revealed by the minister of finance to become regulation of the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia number 18 of 2021, in which there are terms and conditions for exemption from income tax received from dividends. indonesia is a developing country with the fourth largest population in the world, i.e. 270,200,000 people in 2020 which was dominated by productive age (70.72%) totaling 191,085,440 (tambunan, 2020). however, the number of local investors until february 2021 was only 4,513,103 people (herninta & rahayu, 2021). the data shows that investors in indonesia were only 2.3% of the total population. therefore, the government provided a stimulus in the form of dividend tax exemptions listed in government regulation number 9 of 2021 and its derivative, namely minister analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors at the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta agustina, angky, and zaini 164 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of finance regulation number 18 of 2021 to increase the number of investors . the government's efforts to increase the number of investors in indonesia were not easy. the government needed the right strategy so that these goals could be achieved. strategy is a process of determining the plan of top leaders that focuses on the long-term goals of the organization, accompanied by the preparation of a method or effort so that these goals can be achieved (ledro et al., 2022; thaher & jaaron, 2022). a good strategy is prepared based on the company's internal capabilities and weaknesses (laguir et al., 2022; velasco-muñoz et al., 2021). opportunities will be meaningless if the company is not able to utilize the resources it has (pashutan et al., 2022; samson & bhanugopan, 2022). indicators in strategy implementation are: a. develop a culture that supports strategy b. create an effective organizational structure c. direct marketing efforts d. plan a budget e. develop and empower information systems f. connect employee performance and organizational performance (de mendonça et al., 2022) based on the background that has been described previously, in order this research to obtain maximum results, the authors limit the scope of this research as follows: 1. the study only discusses the implementation of the dividend tax strategy by the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta. 2. the study only discusses the constraints of the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta in implementing the dividend tax strategy. 3. the research only discusses the efforts of the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta in overcoming obstacles in the implementation of the dividend tax strategy. 4. the research period is 2021 because the government regulation regarding dividend tax was passed in that year. research purposes based on the main issues raised, the writing of this thesis aims to: 1. to analyze the implementation of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase the number of investors in the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta using swot analysis. 2. to analyze the obstacles that arise in the implementation of policies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase the number of investors in the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta. 3. to analyze the efforts or solutions made in dealing with the obstacles to the implementation of the policies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase the number of investors in the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta. method the following is an explanation of the approach and types of research used by the researchers: scientific method is a method used to obtain data scientifically with certain goals and uses (sugiyono, 2019). qualitative research is research that can produce new findings, which cannot be analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors at the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta agustina, angky, and zaini 165 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting produced using methods of quantification (measurement) and other statistical procedures (creswell, 2017). in qualitative research, researchers must have a "perspective emic" nature, meaning that the data is obtained not "as it should be", nor based on what the researcher thinks, but based on the reality that has been thought, experienced, happened, felt. in the field by data sources (moleong, 2018). the theoretical basis put forward by researchers is not fixed, but is temporary. researchers are also required to conduct grounded research, which is to find new theories based on data obtained in the field or in certain social situations (bungin, 2017). result and discussion 1. how is the implementation of the tax policy strategy related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors in indonesia? covid-19, which hit the global economy in 2020, required every country to make various efforts to recover the economy quickly, including indonesia. the indonesian government issued various stimulus in fiscal policy, one of which was reforms in the taxation sector as stated in government regulation no. 9 of 2021 as a follow-up to law no. 11 of 2020 (law on job creation). government regulation number 9 of 2021 contains changes to general provisions and tax procedures, one of which is the policy for exemption from dividend tax as a tax object. this regulation was later revealed by the ministry of finance to become a policy product, namely minister of finance regulation no. 18/pmk.03/2021 which discusses in detail the terms and conditions for the amendment. the data that the authors got from the indonesian central securities depository (ksei) showed that the number of capital market investors from 2018 to february 2021 was only 4,515,103 ( meanwhile, the productive age population is 15-64 years old, which was 191,085,440 people ( the data shows that investors in indonesia were only 2.3% of the total productive age population. in comparison, the number of investors in malaysia reached 9% and singapore reached 26% (fong, 2020). so it can be concluded that investors in indonesia were still classified as very low. 2. what are the obstacles experienced in implementing tax policies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors in indonesia? the obstacles experienced by the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta in implementing the dividend tax policy according to mr. muhammad were time, number of human resources, and the fact that the public preferred to conduct one-on-one consultations for privacy reasons, and according to ms. megah the obstacle was restrictions that occurred during the pandemic and that some people did not understand how to use zoom meetings as a means of campaigns. constraints were also experienced by the ten investors who said that the campaign regarding the dividend tax was still not appropriate, giving rise to some misunderstanding of the policy and campaigns during the pandemic because some people did not understand how to use technology. teh tax office could take advantage of the dividend tax policy to attract investors such as students or millennials in accordance with the purpose of the job creation act, namely improving the investment climate. 3. what are the efforts or solutions to overcome the obstacles experienced in implementing tax policies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors in indonesia? analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors at the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta agustina, angky, and zaini 166 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting according to mr. muhammad and ms. megah, the efforts made to overcome these obstacles were adding a picket schedule to conduct consultations so that more people were met, and using social media as a tool to promote policies because even though people do not understand technology, they still use social media every day. investors also provide input or solutions so that the tax office can handle future or existing obstacles; the campaign carried out by the tax office to the community needs to be improved so that there are no misunderstandings in interpreting the policy. the tax office can also conduct campaigns on videos uploaded to social media and create discussion forums in the work area. the tax office can also make online chat-based consultations such as whatsapp and telegram as an alternative for people who do not understand using zoom meetings. the tax office can conduct outreach to campuses within the tax office's scope of work so that students can be educated. it is hoped that with this campaign, curiosity about investments that can use the tax-free dividend facility will arise. conclusion based on the discussions described in chapter iv, the authors draw conclusions from this study regarding the analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in efforts to increase investors in the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta as follows: 1. the dividend tax policy strategy carried out by the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta to increase the number of investors was to develop a culture that supports the strategy, create an effective organizational structure, direct marketing efforts policies, plan budgets, develop and empower information systems, and connect the employee and organizational performance. although several strategies had been implemented, the implementation had not been optimal because due to the large number of taxpayers the tax office did not conduct a special campaign regarding dividend tax. the campaigns were carried out only through account representative without a special budget. 2. the obstacles experienced by the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta in implementing the dividend tax policy were the campaign during the pandemic was not easy to do because some people did not understand how to use zoom meetings. investors also said that the campaign was still not appropriate, giving rise to some misunderstanding of the policy. 3. efforts that can be made to overcome obstacles when implementing tax policies are to disseminate policies using social media such as youtube and instagram through short videos about these policies and provide online chat-based consultations such as whatsapp or telegram as an alternative for people who do not understand how to use zoom meetings. based on the results of the research that has been done and the conclusions described above, the authors provide several suggestions that are expected to be useful for taxation, especially in increasing the number of investors in the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta: 1. considering the objective of government regulation number 9 of 2021, which is to improve the investment climate in indonesia, the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta should maximize the dividend tax policy to increase the number of investors by conducting a special campaign regarding dividend tax with a special budget so that resources can be used optimally so that there is no misunderstanding of the dividend tax policy. analysis of tax policy strategies related to dividend tax in an effort to increase investors at the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta agustina, angky, and zaini 167 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta needs to disseminate the dividend tax policy to campuses to foster student curiosity about dividend tax and investment instruments that can use the facility. 3. the primary tax office of menteng dua, jakarta needs to maximize social media-based information systems and online chat-based services such as whatsapp and telegram to carry out campaigns considering that during the pandemic it is very difficult to meet face-to-face, as well as promote the website that has been created, namely https://www. so that more people can feel the ease of carrying out their rights and obligations in 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(2007) said that the more the company develops, the complexity increases so that it will be more difficult for management to supervise tasks and all stages of operations because there are more transactions and more complex problems. in dealing with this kind of situation, managers need special tools in the form of internal control and a good accounting system to keep the activities of the regional financial management apparatus running smoothly and achieving goals effectively at a fairly efficient cost. an internal control system in the financial management apparatus in the region is very important concerning the operation of the regional financial management apparatus, this is evident that the success of a company is often related to whether the internal control system is implemented in the regional financial management apparatus is good or not. with good internal control, the company can increase the security of company assets and encourage increased efficiency and work discipline. the regional financial management apparatus which is engaged in the sale of regional assets is an activity that must receive special attention because sales are one of the important activities in the regional financial management apparatus because the size of the sales volume will affect cash receipts, then it will affect the size of the profits will be accepted, and in the end, will affect the state of the company. because the problem of sales and cash receipts is a very dominant and important factor, it is very necessary to monitor and secure things that are not desirable (choi, & wong, 2007: doyle & ge, 2007b: fasb, 2010: fasb, 2010). the phenomenon states that the internal control system must be implemented as well as possible so that all objectives of the regional financial management apparatus can be achieved as desired and expected. with good internal control, existing problems can be overcome and the possibilities that can harm the local government can be avoided from fraud or misappropriation that occurs in the assets of the regional government. mansyur (2019) as the regional secretary of semarang province stated that poor asset management in the regions is usually influenced by several things. among them are unclear legal status or disputes, the use of assets by other parties that are not following procedures, the exchange of state assets, and human resources who do not understand the administration of state asset management. whereas well-managed regional assets will have a strategic role in supporting regional budget revenues, problems in the management of state property. this condition means that the existence of assets cannot be used for regional interests. lots of asset problems are found in the regions. this problem must be addressed immediately. with so many cases found in various regions, it is a breakthrough or innovation in the management of bmd (regional property) through an asset management program that is a managed system so that it can always be monitored. well-managed regional assets will have a strategic role in supporting regional budget revenues. the important role of the internal control system is to prevent and detect fraud and protect organizational resources, both tangible (such as machinery and land) and intangible (such as reputation or intellectual property rights such as trademarks). the existence of adequate cash receipts accounting will make the accountants of the regional financial management apparatus able to provide financial information for every level of management, owners, creditors, and other the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 46 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 users of financial reports (stakeholders) which are used as the basis for decision making. the internal control system can be used by management to plan and control the operations of the regional financial management apparatus (hertati., 2015: kim, 2012: hammersley & myers, 2008: (feng & li, 2009: gintschel, a., markov, 2014: hayn, 1995): guedhami, & pittman, 2009: griffin, & lont, 2011: eleswarapu, & thomson, 2004). the system is a network of procedures that are united with each other to work harmoniously according to an integrated pattern to carry out the company's main activities to achieve its goals. a procedure is a sequence of clerical activities, usually involving several people in one or more departments, designed to ensure uniform handling of recurring corporate transactions. the accounting system is an organization of forms, notebooks, and reports that are coordinated in such a way as to provide the financial information needed by management and facilitate company management. accounting systems are methods and procedures for collecting, classifying, summarizing, and reporting on a company's operating and financial information. the accounting system is an information system within a company, which has a role as a supporting tool for management in controlling a company and as an administrative tool that can provide supervision so that parts of one another will be able to supervise each other (kwon, et, al, 2012) joh (2003) states that the internal control system has a narrow and broad meaning. the internal control system in a narrow sense is the same as an internal check, which is a system and procedure that can automatically check each other's accounting records carried out by a division or other function within a company organization. internal control system the internal control system includes structure, organization, and all methods and tools that are coordinated and used within the company to safeguard the organization's wealth, checking the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, encouraging efficiency, and encouraging compliance with established management policies. more thirsty (coso, 1992). accounting oversight consists of the structure of the regional financial management apparatus and all methods and procedures relating primarily to, and directly related to, the safeguarding of assets and the reliability of financial records. accounting controls usually include controls such as systems of approval and approval, separation of duties between those who record and make reports with parties who implement or store assets, physical control of assets, or internal auditing. this control is made to prevent inefficiency. (printed, et, al, 2012: pcaob, 2004: washington, et, al, 2003: hogan, & wilkins, 2008: hertati, 2015).) administrative control (administrative control or feedback control). this supervision is made to improve efficiency in operations, help to ensure that nothing deviates from predetermined management policies. administrative oversight consists of the organizational structure and all methods and procedures which are primarily concerned with operating efficiency and adherence to management policies and usually have only an indirect relationship to financial records. these administrative controls usually include controls such as statistical analysis, time and motion studies, performance reports, employee training programs, and quality control. this supervision is made to obtain information about the results of operations, whether the implementation of work deviates from the plan, there are inefficiencies or not (jung, & kwon, 2002) the accounting system and the internal control system are closely related, reflected in the objectives of preparing the accounting system itself, meaning that this objective will be realized if the application of the elements of internal control can be implemented. here, the accounting the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 47 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 system is an implementing tool in the form of procedures that must be implemented, while the internal control system is a measure or implementation guideline that is achieved in the accounting system being run. sarikhani, & ebrahimi (2011) that the internal control system includes organizational structure, coordinated methods and measures to safeguard organizational wealth, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, encourages efficiency and encourages compliance with management policies. the internal control system is an effort or action taken by the management of the company to regulate and direct the activities of the company and to control all implementation of the plans that have been set so that goals can be achieved properly. the main elements of the internal control system as stated by lee & choi (2010) and jang, & cheon, (2003) are: 1. the structure of the regional financial. management apparatus that separates functional responsibilities. the organizational structure of the regional financial management apparatus must be formulated firmly and independently. the operational functions are the functions that have the authority to carry out an activity. the function of saving is a function that has the authority to store company assets. the accounting function is a function that has the authority to record financial events of the regional financial management apparatus. these functions must not be given full responsibility for carrying out all stages of the transaction one person). 2. authority system and procedures. records that provide adequate protection against wealth, debt, income, and expenses. with the system of authority and recording procedures, transaction business activities are under the supervision and must be based on the authority of the authorized official for the transaction. healthy practice in carrying out the duties and functions of the regional financial management apparatus. the form of supervision that is carried out is through the division of tasks between the regional financial management apparatus or between people who must carry out a work activity properly. 3. creating healthy practices. the use of printed serial numbered forms must be accounted for by the authorities. unannounced checks will encourage employees to carry out their duties according to predetermined rules. every transaction may not be carried out from start to finish by one person, one organization, without interference from one person or another organizational unit. job rotations that are held regularly will be able to maintain the independence of officials in carrying out their duties so that collusion between them can be avoided. the requirement of taking leave for eligible employees. periodically, physical assets are matched against the records. establishment of an organizational unit whose task is to check the effectiveness of other elements of the internal control system. employees whose quality is under their responsibilities. to obtain adequate employees under the needs of regional financial management employees, steps must be taken. selection of candidates for regional financial management employees based on the requirements demanded by the work. development of education for regional financial managers as long as they are employees of regional financial management, under the demands of their job development. sales activity is the main activity of a trading company, without sales activities, the company cannot grow and develop because sales are the income earned by the company and will have the effect of increasing the company's capital. therefore, income from the sale of goods or the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 48 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 services is often referred to as sales. there are times when companies use a more appropriate term, namely sales of merchandise. sales transactions that occur can be carried out in two cars, namely cash sales, and credit sales. altman (1968) states that sales or income are gross inflows of economic benefits arising from the normal activities of the company during a period when those inflows result in an increase in equity, which does not come from the contribution of investors. broadly speaking, the implementation of cash sales transactions is regulated into several procedures. a series of procedures in the cash sales system according to ashbaugh-skaife (2007: hertati., et, all, 2019) as follows: 1. sales order procedure. sales are initiated by a sales function that serves buyers. if the buyer has chosen and agreed with the goods to be purchased, the sales function will write a note on the cash sales invoice cash receipt procedure if the first sheet has been submitted to the buyer, the buyer will make a payment transaction in the cash function. the cash function accepts the cash sales invoice for the first sheet and cash from the buyer. after the money received is following the amount stated in the sales invoice, the cash function shall affix a "paid" stamp on the invoice and the invoice is also affixed to the cash register and then handed back to the buyer to collect the goods in the wrapping function. 2. goods delivery procedure the buyer will submit the first sheet to the packaging function to retrieve the goods, the wrapping function will compare the first cash sales invoice which has been affixed with a budding stamp and attached with registration tape with the second sheet (this invoice has been attached to the goods received from the sales function together with the goods received. selected by the buyer), this process must be done carefully so that there is no mistake in the delivery of the goods. when the first and second sheets match or match based on the invoice serial number, the packaging function affixes a stamp that has been taken on the cash sales invoice for the first and second sheets, then the goods are wrapped together with the second sheet and submitted to the buyer, while the first sheet is stored and submitted to the function accounting as valid evidence to record cash sales transactions for the accounting function. 3. sales recording procedure this procedure is carried out by the accounting function by recording the first cash sales invoice received from the wrapping function into the sales journal book. 4. procedure for recording cash receipts from cash sales this procedure is carried out by the accounting function by recording proof of payment received by the cash function in the cash receipts journal. 5. bank reconciliation. procedures this procedure is carried out by the internal inspection department by reading the cash register tape produced by the cash register machine every day and comparing it with the proof of deposit. periodically the internal audit department receives a bank statement from the bank and makes a bank reconciliation by matching the information in the bank statement with the cash records maintained by the accounting function. ashbaugh-skaife, et, al (2009) cash is an asset that is easily misused and used inappropriately by employees because it is the most valuable asset compared to other assets and because cash is easily transferred ”. meanwhile, cash receipts according to "niswonger et al. (2000) are all transactions that can increase the amount of cash. the source of cash receipts at the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 49 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 trading companies most often comes from cash sales and credit sales invoices from customers. cash is the most frequently manipulated activity because cash management and control must be maintained so that it can run properly, the more effective and efficient cash management is, the greater the profit that will be gained from the realization of all the company's transactions. the cash function accepts payment from the buyer and wraps it according to the purchased item accompanied by a payment receipt (cash register ribbon that comes out of the cash register) and has been stamped in full. meanwhile, the first cash sales invoice is also stamped paid and the cash function is stored as a source document for the accounting function (ashbaugh-skaife, et, al, 2008). in this company, when the situation is crowded, the accounting function is often served as a function of cash. this is due to the small number of cash functions provided. after a payment transaction occurs at the kassa section, at the end of the coming hour the cashier will count the cash from the cashier's drawer and the amount is recorded in a form (memorandum). the accounting function will take the first cash sales invoice that has been stamped in full and the cash register tape, count the money and, compare the physical amount of money, the note form made by the cashier, and the amount of money listed on the cash register ribbon. if there is a difference (cash excess or deficiency) it will be noted. bailey, et, all (2003) network procedures that form a cash receipt system from cash sales (over the counter sales) are as follows: 1. sales order procedure. the sales function takes orders from the buyer and creates a cash sales invoice to allow the buyer to pay the price of the goods to the cash function and allows the warehouse and shipping functions to prepare goods to be delivered to the buyer. 2. cash receipt procedure. the cash function accepts payment for goods from the buyer and provides a payment receipt (in the form of cash register tape and affixing a full stamp on the cash sales invoice) to the buyer to take goods purchased from the delivery function. 3. goods delivery. procedure in this procedure the delivery function hands over the goods to the buyer. 4. cash sales recording procedure. the accounting function records cash sales transactions in the volume of sales and cash receipts and records the reduced inventory of goods sold on the inventory card. 5. procedure for depositing cash to the bank. the internal control system for cash requires immediate deposits to the bank of all cash received. in this procedure, the cash function is to deposit cash received from cash sales to the bank in full. 6. procedure for recording cash receipts. the accounting function records cash receipts into the number of cash receipts based on proof of bank deposits received from the bank through the cash function. 7. procedure for recording cost of goods sold. the accounting function recapitulates the cost of goods sold based on the data recorded on the inventory card. based on this recapitulation of the cost of goods sold, the accounting function creates memorial evidence as a source document for recording the cost of goods sold into general journals. the internal control system for cash sales and cash receipts can be seen from the main elements of the control system in it. the elements of the internal control system that should exist in the cash sales and cash receipts system beneish, et, all (2008) are as designing a financial management apparatus area related to the cash receipt system from cash sales, the main element the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 50 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 of internal control can be described as the sales function must be separate from the cash function. the sales function is in the hands of the sales order department and the cash function is in the hands of the gauze division. cash receipts made by the kassa section will be checked for accuracy by the sales order department. the cash function must be separate from the accounting function. to safeguard local government property and ensure the accuracy and reliability of accounting data and prevent the use of cash from total sales by the gauze division for personal gain (callen & levant, et, al, 2006). cash sales transactions must be carried out by the sales function, cash function, delivery function, and accounting function. no cash sales transaction is carried out completely by that one function, by carrying out each cash sale transaction by these various functions will create an internal check of the work of each of these functions by other functions. receipt of orders from buyers is authorized by the sales function using the cash sales invoice form. the cash sales transaction starts with the issuance of a cash sales invoice by the sales function. the cash sales invoice must be authorized by the sales function to become a valid document, which can be used as the basis for the cash receipt function to receive cash from the buyer and an order for the delivery function to deliver goods to the buyer, as well as a source document for recording in accounting records. cash receipts are authorized by the cash receipts function by affixing a "paid" stamp on the cash sales invoice and affixing a cash register tape to the invoice. recording into accounting must be carried out by authorized regional financial management officers (choen, & rho, 2004). each recording into the accounting records must be made by the regional financial management officer who is authorized to change the accounting records, after the regional financial management apparatus has updated the accounting records based on the source document, the employee must put the signature and date on the source document as evidence of the change. the data that the accounting records on that date. to supervise all financial transactions that occur in the regional financial management apparatus, it can be done by supervising the use of the form used as a medium for authorizing the transaction. calculation of cash balances that are in the hands of the cash function periodically and suddenly by the internal examiner function. periodic and sudden cash calculations will reduce the risk of embezzlement of cash received by cashiers. in this physical cash calculation, a match is made between the calculated cash amount with the amount of cash that should be available according to the cash sales invoice and other cash receipts (for example, cash in). however well the structure of the regional financial management apparatus, the system of authorization and recording procedures, and the various means created to promote healthy practices all depend very much on the people who carry them out. among the four main elements of control, the quality element of the regional financial management apparatus is the most important element of the internal control system. honest employees and experts in the areas of their responsibility will be able to carry out their work effectively and efficiently, although only a few elements of the internal control system support it. other elements of the internal control system are quite strong, but if they are implemented by incompetent and dishonest regional financial management officers, the objectives of the internal control system will not be achieved. because humans have human weaknesses (boredom, dissatisfaction, and other characteristics), competent and trustworthy employees are not sufficient to guarantee the achievement of the objectives of the internal control system. the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 51 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 the accounting system, as a series of procedures used by the management of the regional financial management apparatus, is valid for a certain period, namely the period during which the benefits of the accounting system are still felt. besides, it should also be noted that even a good and up-to-date accounting system will not guarantee with certainty that the applied accounting system will prevent fraud or fraud in local governments. a form of internal control is needed that can help achieve local government goals. kim (2009.) stated that internal control over cash receipts is very important because the better internal control is used, the less fraud that may occur in the cash. to avoid business misappropriation by the relevant division, a good accounting system is needed through a series of procedures that involve many parts, which means that cash receipts are not focused on one part only and can create healthy practices towards cash receipts so that they can fulfill the main elements of control. internal. the accounting system for cash receipts that are implemented in the regional financial manager, it is known that although in the structure of the regional financial management apparatus there is already a separation of functions, the division of tasks has not been strictly implemented, resulting in concurrent tasks performed by the accounting function which also serves as a cash function (printed in korean. kim, 2009). the accounting function also functions as a cash recipient when it is crowded and makes money deposits to the bank every working day. if this concurrency of duties is allowed to continue, it will open up opportunities for employees to commit acts of fraud. the internal control system used is the organizational structure, system of authority and recording procedures, and healthy practices. this is following the opinion of bastian and soepriyanto (2002: 204) regarding the main elements of an internal control system which consists of accounting records and accurate data. internal control at the regional financial management agency in the regional government that organizes the collection of regional revenue and synchronizes with other organizations in the design, implementation, and implementation of the collection of local revenue regional financial management bodies as government organizations that optimize local revenue efficiently and effectively in managing local revenue with active support from the community. with the increasingly complex problems experienced by the regional financial management board and the increasing scale of operations, development growth, and the development of regional government activities, both the activities and the number of employees, can lead to inadequate regional financial management. cash is one of the many assets of local government, which is the most active and easy to divert. the internal control system at the regional financial management agency is implemented to prevent leakages in the cash receipts of regional revenues and also to find out whether the management system implemented is effective or not. cash receipts in the regional financial management agency must be carried out as accurately as possible, because the limited amount of local revenue must be used following the stated objectives, namely developing regions and financing public facilities. cash receipts at the regional financial management agency derived from local revenue (chang, & hong, 2000: fan, & wong, 2002) good control does not ensure that mistakes and abuse will not occur in the organization. but at least it will minimize the occurrence of fraud and errors in appropriate ways, so that if errors occur and fraud can be quickly identified and resolved. hypothesis: the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 52 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 h1: the effect of the internal control system on regional asset management cash receipts h2: effect of cash sales on regional asset management cash receipts source: image research paradigm, 2020. methods a validity test was conducted which was used to determine the feasibility of the items in the questionnaire to determine the variables being tested. descriptive analysis was carried out with the categorization which was studied using questions 1 to 5 (firth, fung, rui, 2007). the variance known as sem pls to test the hypothesis is done to directly test exogenous variables against endogenous variables by comparing t-table and t-count. each t calculation result is then compared with the t-table obtained using an error level of 0.05. the following is the partial t-test formula as follows: where: t: distribution t r: correlation coefficient n: amount of data hypothesis: ho = 0: the internal control system affects cash receipts for regional asset management ha ≠ 0: cash sales affect cash receipts for regional asset management. results and discussion the target population of this study is small and medium enterprises in indonesia. the measurement items of the current study consist of two variables which include the scientific findings of ics, cr, ram the research data was collected by direct questionnaire and via e.mail. it was collected from 44 samples. the population in this study were 44 skpds in the skouw mabo, skouw, yambe, skouw sae, and mosso areas, muara tami district, jayapura city. these four areas are the border areas of the republic of indonesia and papua new guinea. sample. after visiting the sample at the related skpd directly by distributing questionnaires to them for respondent responses. the process of selecting and sampling in the related skpd is very important for data collection for researchers, it can provide a targeted response (kothari, 2001). overall, the data collection process has been taken for 4 months and this research was not funded by any organization. the results of data processing can be seen in the following table: vehicle building land assets cash receipts plan cast sale regional assets procedure data the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 53 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 table 1. test results loading factor no. loading factor of each indicator internal control system cash sale regional asset management cash receipts 1. indicator 1 0.731 0.802 0.804 2. indicator 2 0.894 0.810 0.889 3. indicator 3 0.796 0.792 0.862 4. indicator 4 0.827 0.761 0.770 5. indicator 5 0.452 0.773 0.889 6. indicator 6 0.371 0.684 0.879 7. indikator 7 0.666 0.889 8. indicator 8 0.662 0.849 9. indicator 9 0.382 0.889 10 indicator 10 0.382 0.839 11 indicator 11 0.382 0.889 12 indicator 12 0.382 0.899 13 indicator 13 0.889 14 indicator 14 0.829 15 indicator 15 0.889 16 indicator 16 0.819 17 indicator 17 0.889 18 indicator 18 0.889 19 indicator 19 0.869 20 indicator 20 0.889 21 indicator 21 0.889 22 indicator 22 0.889 23 indicator 23 0.889 24 indicator 24 0.889 25 indicator 25 0.889 26 indicator 26 0.889 27 indicator 27 0.869 28 indicator 28 0.829 29 indicator 29 0.889 30 indicator 30 0.849 31 indicator 31 0.859 31 indicator 32 0.889 source: spss data processing, 2020 table 2. test results. results of square roots of ave no variable square roots of ave 1. internal control system 0.829 2. cash sale 0.749 3. regional asset management cash receipts 0.832 source: spss data processing, 2020 table 3. test results composite reliability no. variable composite reliability cronbach’s alpha 1. internal control system 0.916 0.882 2. cash sale 0.910 0.886 3. regional asset management cash receipts 0.900 0.851 source: spss data processing, 2020 the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 54 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 tabel 4. test results goodness of fit pada inner model measured using r square no. model r square 1. regional asset management cash receipts 0.179 source: spss data processing, 2020 table 5. test results q-square no. model q square 1. regional asset management cash receipts 0.349 source: spss data processing, 2020 table 6. direct effect testing results no. direct influence coefficient significance information 1 internal control systemregional asset management cash receipts -0.508 0.056 be accepted 2 cash sale regional asset management cash receipts 0.570 0.006 not accepted source: spss data processing, 2020 testing carried out in the inner model in assessing the model with pls starts by looking at r2 for each dependent latent variable. changes in the value of r2 can be used to assess the effect of certain independent latent variables on the dependent latent variable whether it has a substantive effect. besides looking at the r2 value, the pls model is also evaluated by looking at the predictive relevance of q2 for the constructed model. q2 measures how well the observed value is generated by the model and also the parameter estimates. the value of q2> 0 (zero) indicates that the model has a predictive relevance value, whereas if the value of q2 <0 (zero) indicates that the model lacks predictive relevance value. ave results indicate that the indicators owned by each variable can measure the variable in question. discriminate validity is to compare the square root of the average variance extracted (ave) value of each construct with the correlation between constructs and other constructs in the model. where the ave value must be> 0.50. the results of composite reliability show that each indicator can measure the variable reliably. composite reliability indicator block that measures a construct can be evaluated with two kinds of measures, namely the internal consistency developed by werta, linn, and joreskog, and cronbach's alpha. where is the value of good composite reliability if the value is> 0.70? based on the results of the calculation of the influence of variables in the first hypothesis, it appears that the higher the internal control affects the better the cash receipts for regional asset management. this can be seen from the significance value of 0.026. therefore the hypothesis for a direct effect in this variable is accepted. the level of significance (p-value <0.05) at a level below 0.05 indicates that cash sales affect cash receipts for asset management. the second hypothesis shows a positive sign. this shows that the second hypothesis cannot be accepted because the hypothesis is negative. the reliability test was carried out by using the cronbach alpha test using spss. a construct is said to be reliable if it gives a cronbach alpha value> 0.60. structural equation model (sem) with partial least square (pls) method using warp pls 5.0 software. this method was first coined by wold as a general method for estimating the path model using a latent construct with multiple indicators. pls is an the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 55 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 indeterminacy factor in a powerful analysis method because it does not assume that the data must be measured with a certain scale and a small sample size (ghozali, 2014). respondents felt this matter was very important to achieve regional asset management cash receipts in increasing internal control. however, there are weaknesses felt by respondents, namely before the decision was taken, the regional head was sure to collect information accurately and completely before deciding to improve internal control so that regional asset management cash receipts could increase. cash is a company asset that is small in size but has a relatively large value compared to other assets owned by the organization. therefore, cash is an organizational asset that is very easily distorted. to minimize the occurrence of fraud in cash processing, it is necessary to have a control called preventive control. the policy made to detect theft or misuse of cash is called detective control. in a certain sense, detective control is also preventive (prevent) because employees will endeavor to prevent theft or misuse if they become aware that such matters are likely to be exposed (printed in korean, et, al, 2007: pawlewicz, 2011: printed in korean. kim, et, al, 2006). research krishnan, (2005) found that to prevent errors or fraud, an internal control principle is needed. the system includes differentiating duties between physical money management and bookkeeping. this system teaches employees to be able to perfect each other. cash receipts internal control system. the structure of the regional financial management apparatus, which has methods of safeguarding assets, controlling financial reports, and creating good performance. as for internal control, namely administrative control, namely control in the non-financial section which refers more to regulatory compliance and accuracy and accounting controls we are familiar with the financial reporting process, especially the cash disbursement process, which is the current discussion. (kim, & hwang, 2007) printed in korean. ogneva, et, al (2007) cash is included in the current asset which has many of the most needed functions so that it must be guarded so that it is properly aligned so that the desired objectives are achieved in payment activities in any agency. existing cash must be arranged as needed so that there is no idle cash that can lead to improper use or fraud. safkaur & herati (2020) cash is a current asset that has a very good impact on the economy in every apparatus of local government and has a very bad impact if it is misused or manipulated. cash in the form of money which has a certain amount that can be used to finance the needs of activities in government agencies. penenrimaan cash. sohn & lee, (2005) cash disbursements must use checks, but if cash disbursements are small, do not need to use checks. the benefit of using checks is that they ensure security in cash disbursements because every transaction made will be recorded reliably. cash expenditure accounting system. song (1989) states that cash is a very important element in the scope of government. cash cannot be separated from every activity in the scope of government, the amount of cash must be based on the planning of the use of the budget, cash management must be monitored properly from the planning, receiving, and disbursing processes of cash. so that no cash funds will cause fraud that can hinder activities within the scope of local government (securities and exchange, 2002: securities and exchange, 2007: printed in korean. solidarity for economic reform, 2010: printed in korean. la porta, et. all, 1999) conclusion monitoring of the internal control system will find deficiencies and increase control effectiveness. internal control can be monitored properly through special assessments or in line with management efforts. the last monitoring effort can be done by observing employee behavior or warning signs provided by the influence of internal control system, cash sales on regional asset management receipts safkaur 56 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting volume 2 issue 1, january 2021 cash receipt accounting. specific assessments are usually carried out periodically as there are major changes in senior management strategy, corporate structure, or business activities. in large companies, the internal auditor is the party responsible for monitoring the internal control system. independent auditors also frequently assess internal control as part of an audit of financial statements. the main elements of the internal control system, namely when viewed from the organizational structure, in this company there is no strict separation of functional responsibilities because there is no function resulting in concurrent tasks performed by the cash function or the sales function. besides, if it is viewed from other elements of internal control, namely the system of authority, recording procedures, and sound practices, the implementation of the internal control system for cash sales has weaknesses due to the absence of a sales function so that the cash sales invoice used consists of only two copies. the implementation of the internal control system for cash receipts has not been going well because it has not fulfilled the main elements of the internal control system, especially in terms of its organizational structure which has not separated functions and duties so that there are still concurrent duties in the accounting function apart from being in charge of bookkeeping to allow the occurrence of misappropriation of company property. to maximize the implementation of the internal control system for cash sales at the dpp kad, each function should be held so that there are no more concurrent duties by the cash function or the sales function. besides, based on the system of authority and good recording procedures and to implement more sound practices, the cash sales accounting system should use cash sales invoices to avoid misappropriation of company assets. these functions include a sales function, a warehouse function cash function, and an accounting function. acknowledgment this research was conducted independently and the population in this study was 44 skpds in the skouw mabo, skouw, yambe, skouw sae, and mosso areas, muara tami district, jayapura city. these four areas are the border areas of the republic of indonesia and papua new guinea. we would like to thank our colleagues in the skouw mabo, skouw, yambe, skouw sae, and mosso areas, muara tami district, jayapura city, border areas of the republic of indonesia and papua new guinea who were very helpful in filling out this research questionnaire, the conclusion of this paper finally, the author would like to thank profusely. references ahmed, a., schneible jr., r., (2007). the impact of regulation fair disclosure on investors’ prior information quality – evidence from analysis of changes in trading volume and stock price reactions to 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(2022). market risk disclosure: a study on systemic banks in indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 290-296. abstract: this study was conducted to determine the extent to which the disclosure of market risk, especially the risk of the market carried out by banks in indonesia. observation of the disclosure in this study using method by scannella and polizzi (2018) which carried out quantitative and qualitative assessment. this study focuses on four banks in indonesia that have a systemic impact and have islamic subsidiaries. the year of observation is for three years from 2018 to 2020. the results showed that that in general using checklist provided by scannella and polizzi, (2018) the results show insufficient image of market risk disclosure among indonesian large banks. for instance, graphical information about value at risk (var), back testing, and also stress testing. furthermore, information about expected shortfall need to be more expanded. keywords: market risk disclosure, banking this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction awareness on corporate risk disclosure began to grow when the institute of charted accountants in england and wales (icaew) through its paper in 1998 recommends that companies deliver information about corporate risk management through annual reports (chatzitheodorou et al., 2021; corbet et al., 2022; ellili & nobanee, 2017; kaifala et al., 2021; si & li, 2022; g.-j. wang et al., 2022; k. t. wang et al., 2021). the topic of risk disclosure then became a topic of scrutiny among researchers. they conducted their studies on companies both in developed and developing countries, for example in the uk and canada (linsley et al., 2006; linsley & shrives, 2005) saudi arabia (ahmad et al., 2017; al-maghzom et al., 2016; moumen et al., 2015) indonesia (aryani, 2017; mukhibad et al., 2020) pakistan (ashfaq et al., 2016), malaysia and bangladesh (kabir et al., 2019). with regards to disclosure in banking industry, the financial crisis that hit the world recently made people aware of the strategic role of correct and effective market risk information (boyle et al., 2022; jing et al., 2022; pierri & timmer, 2022). this is important for the achievement of an efficient and stable financial market (crimmel & elyasiani, 2021; godspower-akpomiemie & ojah, 2021). disclosure of banking risk needs serious attention because it plays an important role in building trust among stakeholders (fang et al., 2020; ouyang & wang, 2022). in addition, it also plays a role in strengthening market discipline (scannella and polizzi, 2018). market risk disclosure: a study on systemic banks in indonesia setyawan and suprianto 291 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the complex banking business reduces the ability of stakeholders outside the bank to assess the business practices they carry out. the large information asymmetry makes it difficult for outsiders to evaluate the level of risk taken by banking management (healy & palepu, 2001; jorion, 2009). today's investors are more concerned with the complexity and lack of transparency related to banking risk profiles. thus, investors want more access to information about the risk profile of the banking industry (rajab & schachler, 2009). transparency of the banking risk profile will reduce uncertainty in the assessment thereby increasing trust in banks (acharya et al., 2009). given the importance of information on market risk exposure by banks, this matter should be a concern. however, research on market risk disclosure by banks is still very limited, especially in indonesia. in addition, the fact that indonesia has sharia banking industry makes this research interesting to do with banking settings in indonesia. this study focuses on 4 banks in indonesia that have a systemic impact and have sharia subsidiaries. this research use the quantitative assessments as proposed by scannella and polizzi, (2018). based on the knowledge gap above, there is a problem which relates to limited knowledge that explains the extent of market risk disclosure of banking with a systemic impact in indonesian context quantitatively. based on the research problem above, the research questions in this study were proposed as follows “to what extent does the level of market risk disclosure of banking that have systemic impact in indonesia quantitatively”? banks as financial intermediaries play an important role in the economy. in carrying out its business, banks face various risks ranging from legal risk, operational risk, financing risk, market risk, etc. for this reason, banks need to have an effective risk management. banking is one of the most regulated industries. one of the regulations related to risk management internationally is contained in the basel agreement starting from basel i, ii, iii. islamic banking as part of the banking industry also experiences risk exposure. however, there are some differences in risk exposure due to the uniqueness that underlies the islamic banking business model (setyawan, 2018). market risk is one of the most important risks in banking. by the basel committee on banking supervision (bcbs) market risk is defined as the risk of loss both “on balance sheet/in the balance sheet” and “off balance sheet/off balance sheet” due to movements in market prices. the meaning of this definition is that there are fluctuations in market prices of financial instruments or portfolios of financial instruments that pose a risk of loss. the main drivers of market risk include fluctuating commodity prices, equity prices, interest rates, credit spreads, foreign exchange rates (basel committee, 2019). market risk has become increasingly important with various developments such as securitization of financial assets, financial market volatility, internationalization of banking activities, market uncertainty etc. these things should be reflected in the disclosure of market risk. disclosure of market risk means publication by banks of timely and reliable information that enables users to accurately assess financial conditions, performance, business activities, risk profiles, and banking risk management practices. this situation will in turn make the financial markets carry out their market discipline functions effectively (scannella and polizzi, 2018). reliable and timely disclosure of market risk exposures experienced by banks will trigger the creation of conditions for the market to carry out its disciplinary function effectively. based on this perspective, there are two trades off problems that occur. the first trade off issue is between transparency and bank secrecy. there are always certain aspects of confidentiality that must be maintained by banks to guard against speculation and predatory behaviour by market market risk disclosure: a study on systemic banks in indonesia setyawan and suprianto 292 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting participants/stakeholders. the second trade off problem is between the information needs of shareholders and the tendency of banks to hide information. in other words, the trade-off between the rights of shareholders to know whether the bank's market risk is still tolerable or not; with the interest of the bank to avoid disclosing detailed information regarding market risk exposure in order to maintain its competitive advantage. ifrs 7 financial instruments: disclosures was first published in 2005 and has been amended several times since. the standard replaces ias 30 and part of ias 32 by placing the entire regulation regarding disclosure of financial instruments into the new standard. in indonesia, most of the contents of ifrs 7 were adopted into psak 60 financial instruments: disclosures. ifrs 7 disclosures classify into two categories of information about the significance of financial instruments and information on the nature and extent of risks on the financial instrument. quantitative disclosure reveals the extent to which the entity is exposed to risk based on internal information for key management. they include a summary of quantitative data on the exposure of each risk at the reporting date; disclosure of credit, liquidity, market risks and how to manage these risks. market risk / market risk in ifrs 7 is defined as the risk that the fair value or cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuated due to changes in market prices. market risk reflects interest rate risk, currency risk and other price risk ( ). method the research object selected in this study is a systemic impact bank in indonesia. four of them are selected from the list of systemic impact banks. the four banks also have islamic subsidiaries. the assessment is carried out on both the publication of the parent company and the islamic subsidiary. the research was conducted for 3 reporting periods, namely from 2017 to 2019. the data needed in this study is secondary data. secondary data is data obtained not from respondents directly but related to the object of research. in this study, data on banking annual reports and other relevant banking publications are used. the sources of data in this study are the ojk website, bi website, the website of each bank that is the sample of this study. the population in this study is the overall banking which is predicted to have systemic effects in indonesia (according to its size i.e total assets). the sample in this study are four banks with the largest asset size among systemic impact banks in indonesia. data were obtained from the websites of bank indonesia (indonesian central bank), indonesia financial services authorithy and each of the banks that were sampled for this research. this study uses an appropriate quantitative and qualitative assessment measure (scannella & polizzi, 2018). quantitatively, market risk disclosure is assessed using the following checklist: 1. market risk definitions 2. value at risk (var) definitions 3. expected shortfall (es) definitions 4. back testing definition 5. average var 6. average es 7. var at the end of the year market risk disclosure: a study on systemic banks in indonesia setyawan and suprianto 293 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 8. limitations of var 9. limitations of es 10. explanation of the var model used 11. explanation of back testing models used 12. presence of graph about annual var fluctuations 13. stress testing explanations 14. stress testing results 15. market risk level of aggregation reported result and discussion based on the size of commercial banks in indonesia, four banks have the potential to have a systemic impact (bank 1, 2, 3, and 4). in addition to having a potential systematic impact, the four banks also have islamic subsidiaries. in this part the disclosure will be analysed quantitatively. bank 1 bank 2 bank 3 bank 4 18 19 20 18 19 20 18 19 20 18 19 20 quantitative market risk definition 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 value at risk (var) definition 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 expected shortfall (es) definition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 back testing definition 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 average var 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 average es 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 var at the end of the year 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 limitations of var 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 limitations of es 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explanation of the var model used 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 explanation of back testing models used 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 presence of annual var fluctuations graph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 stress testing explanations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 stress testing results 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 market risk level of aggregation reported 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 total 6 6 6 9 9 9 6 6 6 8 8 8 table 1. disclosure items and score quantitatively, the first bank is quite lacking in making disclosures. with regard to value at risk, the bank provide explanation on the limitation of var as well as the calculation result of average var. however, there are weaknesses in the absence of value at risk definition and no adequate explanation on var model being utilised. it also doesn’t provide back testing definition. similarly, the third bank shows relatively weak disclosure. the positive things are that it gives back testing definition and explanation on the var model used. the negative side are that it lacks definition of var and numbers of average var as well as end of year var. both banks have got score 6 out of 15. on the other hand, the bank number 2 provides quite a lot with regard to var. those include var definition, calculation results of average var and end of year var. it also presents clarification on the method being used in the var calculation. in addition, it also makes back market risk disclosure: a study on systemic banks in indonesia setyawan and suprianto 294 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting testing definition available. the bank has got score 9 out of 15. likewise, the bank number 4 also gives better impression. if compared to bank 2, it only fails to supply back testing definition. the bank’s score is 8 out of 15. graph 1. disclosure score for each bank from 2018 to 2020 overall, in respect of expected shortfall (es) all banks are deficient in coming up with its definitions, average number, and limitation. as for var, none of the banks’ disclosures examined is equipped with graph about annual var fluctuations. in addition, there is no presence of stress testing results for all the banks being studied. conclusion it can be concluded that in general using checklist provided by scannella and polizzi, (2018) the results show poor picture of market risk disclosure among indonesian large banks. there is a development in the disclosure of var. however more things need to be done to make a betterment to the situation. for instance, pictorial information about var, back testing, as well as stress testing. furthermore, information about expected shortfall need to be 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of employees at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) kabupaten semarang. samples that met the criteria in this study were 65. the analysis used is multiple regression analysis preceded by a classic assumption test consisting of the normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. while hypothesis testing is done using the f test and t-test. the results of data analysis or regression results indicate that partially the accounting information system, leadership style, motivation, and work environment influence employee performance. simultaneously the accounting information system, leadership style, motivation, and work environment contributed 84.6% of the effect on the level of the dependent variable, namely employee performance. keywords: accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, working environment, employee’s performance. introduction employee’s performance is one of the important factors for the success of an organization. employees are one of the very valuable organizational assets that must be managed properly by the organization to provide an optimal contribution. employees are always involved in every process and operational management within the organization. each organization will always strive to improve the performance of employees in the hope of what the company goals can be achieved. the survival of an organization is influenced by human resources quality and quantity to achieve organizational goals quickly and be able to compete globally(rulandari et al., 2018; sofyan, 2016). accounting information systems (ais) is good for the organization because it can help the process of operation and information more effectively and efficiently. not only to save costs and time, but accounting information systems (ais) also has an impact on the company's activities after the decision-making in an organization and used by an external party organization in business activities. the successful development of qualified human resources comes from the influence of a leader. leaders as a source of human resource managers are required to have a style of leadership in working together to reduce the possibility of conflicts that can occur in the the effect of accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment on the employee’s performance at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) semarang regency azizah, hasanudin, and hartono 60 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 working group to achieve an organizational goal or company. the success or failure of an organization is usually perceived as a success or a failure of leadership. employee’s performance can also be influenced by motivation. motivation can be interpreted simply as a condition or action that encourages a person to be able to do a job as much as possible to produce a good performance. the influence of motivation is also very important to cultivate the discipline and responsibility of employees in the work. another factor to be considered by the company is working environment. working environment better if it could have a positive influence on employee’s performance. the working environment can also foster employee morale and affect the results of the employees. based on the analysis of swot method carried out by badan keuangan daerah (bkud) kabupaten semarang to determine the condition of the strategic environmental organizations, there are some weaknesses and threats, as follows: weaknesses: 1. as a newly formed regional organization. 2. the number of financial technical rules that are interpretative. 3. comunications on line system in the financial administration system with satuan kerja perangkat daerah (skpd) has not been created yet in the area of semarang distric goverment. 4. lack of accounting. 5. the socialization to taxpayers has not been optimal yet. threats: 1. lack of understanding of the budget users on performancebased budget. 2. administration of finances in skpd has not been orderly yet. 3. accounting implementation in skpd has not been optimal yet. 4. users time allocation are less effective source: profile of badan keuangan daerah (bkud) kabupaten semarang (2018). based on the formulation of the problem, this study has the following objectives: 1. to determine and analyze the significance affect of accounting information system (ais) partially on the employee’s performance. 2. to determine and analyze the significance affect of the leadership style partially on the employee’s performance. 3. to determine and analyze the significance affect of motivation partially on employee’s performance. 4. to determine and analyze the significance affect of working environment partially on employee’s performance. to determine and analyze the significance affect of accounting information system (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment simultaneously on employee’s performance. accounting information systems (ais) krismiaji (2010) states accounting information systems is a system that processes data and transactions in order to generate information useful for planning, controlling, and operating a business. according to susanto (2013:22) in melasari (2017:3), there are three functions of accounting information system. the third function of accounting information systems can be explained as the effect of accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment on the employee’s performance at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) semarang regency azizah, hasanudin, and hartono 61 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 follows: 1. supporting company daily activities 2. supporting the decisions making process 3. the company helps business fulfilling its responsibilities to external parties there are five (5) the role of accounting information systems (ais) according to susanto (2013) in melasari (2017), namely: 1. collecting and entering data into accounting information systems 2. the transaction data processing 3. storing data for the purpose of future 4. giving users or decision makers (management) information they need 5. controls all the processes that occur leadership styles hasibuan (2016) states that leadership style is a way a leader influences the behavior of subordinates, in order to work productively to achieve organizational goals. the leadership style according to hasibuan opinion (2016) leadership style is divided into three parts, namely: 1. authoritarian leadership authoritarian leadership is if the power or authority, the absolute majority remain in the leadership or the leadership if it adopts a centralized authority. decision-making and policies defined only by the leaders, subordinates are not included to provide advice, ideas, and other considerations in the decisions making process. orientation leadership is focused only to increase employee productivity with little regard for the feelings and welfare of subordinates. 2. participative leadership participative leadership is one where the leadership is done by persuasion, creating a harmonious cooperation, foster loyalty and participation followers. leaders motivate subordinates to feel co-owns the company. subordinates should participate to give advice, ideas, and other considerations in the decision-making process. leaders with a participative style will encourage their subordinates make decisions. thus, the leadership will always nurture subordinates to accept greater responsibility. 3. delegative leadership delegative leadership when a leader delegate authority to subordinates rather incomplete. thus, subordinates may take decisions and wisdom with free or free to do the job. leaders do not care how subordinates make decisions and do his job is left entirely to subordinates. motivation according to hasibuan (2016) motivation is the cause, distributes, and supports human behavior so that they work hard and enthusiastically to achieve optimal results. sutrisno (2017) motivation as a psychological process in a person will be affected by several factors. factors these factors are: 1. internal factors a. the desire to live b. the desire to be able to have c. the desire to gain an appreciation d. the desire for recognition e. the desire for power the effect of accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment on the employee’s performance at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) semarang regency azizah, hasanudin, and hartono 62 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 2. external factors a. working conditions b. adequate compensation c. good supervision d. employment security e. status and responsibility f. flexible regulation working environment sedarmayanti (2011) dalam furthermore, according to sedarmayati (2011) in qomariah (2016) the work environment is the entire machine tools and materials at hand, the surrounding environment in which a person is working, working methods, as well as the arrangement works both as individuals and as a group. according sedarmayanti (2011) in inbar et al (2018) outlines, the type of work environment is divided into two, namely: 1. physical work environment physical work environment are all located around the workplace that may affect the employees either directly or indirectly. physical work environment can be divided into two categories, namely: a. environment is directly related to the employees as the work center, chairs, tables, and so on. b. environmental intermediary or the general environment can also be called a work environment that affect the human condition, such as temperature, humidity, air circulation, lighting, noise, mechanical vibration, odor, color, etc. 2. non physical work environment non-physical work environment are all circumstances that occur relating to the employment relationship, either with superiors or with fellow colleagues or relations with subordinates. employee performance according to moeheriono (2014) employee performance is an overview of the level of achievement of the implementation of a program of activities or policies in realizing the goals, objectives, vision and mission of the organization that poured through the strategic planning of an organization. dimensions and performance indicators employees (mathis, 2006): 1. hard skill a. quantity b. quality 2. soft skill a. punctuality b. presence c. interoperability method population is a generalization region consisting of the objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics defined by the researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions (sugiyono, 2016). the population in this study were all employees who worked at the badan keuangan daerah (bkud) kabupaten semarang by the total number of 78 people. the effect of accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment on the employee’s performance at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) semarang regency azizah, hasanudin, and hartono 63 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 according sugiyono (2016), research variable is an attribute or trait or value of a person, object or activity which may have certain variations defined by the researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions. the independent variable is the variable that affects or is the cause of the change or the emergence of the dependent variable. (sugiyono, 2016). in this case the independent variables that will be relevant to the issues to be studied are accounting information systems (ais) (x1), leadership style (x2), motivation (x3), and working environment (x4). the dependent variable is the variable that is affected or which become due, because of the variable free (sugiyono, 2016). in this study, the dependent variable is employee’s performance (y). in this study, the measurement scale used is likert scale. likert scale is a tool used to measure attitudes, opinions, and the perception of a person or group of social phenomena (sugiyono, 2016). result and discussion the effect of accounting information systems on performance the results showed that the hypothesis said there was a positive influence between accounting information system performance against was proven. this is evidenced by the significant value of less than 0.05 (0.016 < 0.05). accounting information system is an information system in an organization that is responsible for presenting the accounting information for the interested parties both within the organization and outside the organization obtained through the process of data collection and processing of transactions. accounting information systems used by the wearer is important decision-making process in an organization. according to parjanti (2014) accounting information systems affect the performance of employees and it is significant. the better the information systems in an organization also increases the performance of employees in the organization. the effect of leadership style on performance the results showed that the hypothesis that said there was a positive influence between leadership style against performance was proven. this is evidenced by the significant value of less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). the leadership style is one of the ways used by a leader in influencing, directing, and controlling employee behavior to achieve the purpose of the organization or group. parjanti (2014) states leadership has significant influence on employee performance. the better the leadership style applied by a manager in leading his team the better the performance of employees in the organization. the effect of motivation on performance the results showed that the hypothesis that said there was a positive influence between motivation on performance was proven. this is evidenced by the significant value of less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). motivation can be interpreted simply as a condition or action that encourages a person to be able to do a job as much as possible to produce a good performance. the influence of motivation is also very important to cultivate the discipline and responsibility of employees in the work. by having employees who have a high motivation to work, the employee can perform their duties optimally. according to lestari (2017) motivation has positive and significant effect on the performance of employees, this means that an increase in motivation will improve the performance of employees in the company. the effect of accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment on the employee’s performance at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) semarang regency azizah, hasanudin, and hartono 64 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 the effect of working environment on performance the results showed that the hypothesis that said there was a positive influence between work environment with performance has been proven. this is evidenced by the significant value of less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). the working environment is the social, psychological, and physical within the company that affect the workers in their duties. human life can not be separated from the various circumstances surrounding environment, between man and the environment there is a very close relationship. in this case, people will always try to adapt to different circumstances surrounding environment. similarly, when doing the job, the employee as a human being can not be separated from the various circumstances surrounding their place of work, the work environment. according fachreza, musnadi, and majid (2018) working environment has significant and positive effect on employee’s performance. effect of accounting information systems, leadership style, motivation and working environment on employee’s performance the results showed that the hypothesis that said the accounting information systems, leadership style, motivation and work environment simultaneously affected the performance is acceptable with a significance value of 0.000. accounting information systems relevant to the field of work will support employee performance. similarly, the leadership style. model or the right leadership style will be able to maximize performance results. motivational factors and work environment can also support the performance of employees to be able to support any workload that was the obligation of the employee. accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment have a role in improving employee performance which is an important part of the organization's activities. by using four variables, it makes it possible to measure how the performance of the organization's employees. conclusion results of research and discussion that has been presented based on the data research, as follows: 1. accounting information system affect the performance of employees. these results indicate that the better the information systems in an organization, it also increased the performance of employees in the organization. 2. leadership style influence on employee performance. these results indicate that the better the leadership style applied to a leader of the working group the better the performance of employees in the organization. 3. motivation affect the performance of employees. this means that an increase in motivation will improve the performance of employees in the company. 4. working environment influence on employee’s performance. this means that an increase in the working environment will improve the performance of employees in the company. 5. accountinginformation systems, leadership style, motivation and working environment simultaneously affect the performance of employees. referring to the limitations of the study above, the agenda of future studies, should examine the factors that affect performance such as organizational culture, work discipline and compensation. the effect of accounting information systems (ais), leadership style, motivation, and working environment on the employee’s performance at badan keuangan daerah (bkud) semarang regency azizah, hasanudin, and hartono 65 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 1 oct 2019 besides it is necessary to increase the number of research samples in order to obtain results that are more varied. reference ghozali, i. 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(2011). manajemen sumber daya manusia. jakarta: kencana. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 2 april 2022 page no. 171-182 171| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) mainita hidayati1, cintya safira putri2, wuwuh andayani 3, vandyarman mulya priyanda4 1234institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami, indonesia correspondent: mainita.h@gmail.com1 received : february 25, 2022 accepted : april 15, 2022 published : april 30, 2022 citation: hidayati, m., putri, c.s., andayani, w., priyanda, v. m. (2022). an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020). ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 171-182. abstract: the background of this study was pandemic covid-19 which created some effects on the economic or taxation sectors. also, it gave an impact on the decline of companies’ income which led to cutting the salaries of many employees and termination of the working relationship. thus, it required the government to allocate the incentives pph 21 dtp to relieve the burden on taxpayers and can help restore people's purchasing power. the purpose of this study was to analyze the policy of allocation of pph 21 dtp incentives in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 at west bekasi kpp pratama based on an analysis of effectiveness, obstacles faced and efforts made to overcome obstacles. this research was descriptive qualitative. the data collection was using observation, documentation, and interviews. the results of this study were that allocating pph 21 dtp on west bekasi kpp pratama was still not effective because many taxpayers did not take advantage of this incentive because of the lack of information and socialization given. this was based on the achievement of objectives, integration, and adaptation. the obstacles encountered were the socialization was less rigorous as many taxpayers were ill-informed, many taxpayers who did not take advantage of the policy well, and the lack of awareness of mandatory taxes by not reporting the realization of the utilization of pph 21 dtp. last, the efforts made by kpp pratama, west bekasi were to conduct socialization thoroughly and maintain the synergy/cooperation between the kpp and the taxpayers. keywords: effectiveness, tax, incentives tax. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction pandemic corona virus disease (covid-19) is an incident spread of a disease that is caused by a coronavirus, which has spread in almost any country (abdelrahman & ismail, 2022; habib et al., 2021; han et al., 2020; padovani & iacuzzi, 2021; stebbins, 2020; sulistiani & wijaya, 2021; tsui et al., 2021). in indonesia itself, covid-19 has started to enter in early march until now. here, so far, there are no signs of a scheme to reduce the spread of the virus (anggarini, 2021; djalante et al., 2020; nugraha, 2020; utami & kafabih, 2021; wiryawan, 2020). based on the record on july an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 172 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 7, 2021, the number of patients that confirmed the virus covid-19 reached 2,379,397 people with accretion case 34,379 confirmed people and 62,908 victims died from the covid-19 virus. the increasing number of victims has resulted in several countries, including indonesia (unicef, 2021). here, it was experiencing lockdowns and closing access to foreign nationals (de la rosa et al., 2022; martín-rodríguez et al., 2022; orfali et al., 2021; scivicco et al., 2022). thus, it reduced income in the economic sector. table 1 target and realization of tax revenue in west bekasi kpp pratama in 2018-2020 year target realization goal 2018 1,331,140,230,000 239,895,723,343 93.15% 2019 1,270,884,947,000 233,407,823,413 97.05% 2020 1,164,123,018,000 985,521,248,476 84.66% source: data and processing section, west bekasi kpp pratama based on the data obtained from the west bekasi kpp pratama, the achievement receipts tax years 2018-2019 experienced an increase but in the year 2020 the achievement of tax revenue has decreased by comparing the covid-19 pandemic is only 86%. during the covid-19 pandemic, the tax revenue in almost all countries in the world has experienced a decline. in addition, the impact was also on the employment and income of companies that declined drastically, so that the company must perform the reduction of employees (layoffs) or cutting salaries of employees (aulawi, 2020; kumala & junaidi, 2020; masdi, 2021; padyanoor, 2020; rahmawati & apriliasari, 2021; wijaya & melati, 2021). this happened because many companies do not want to close their business and were unable to pay for operational activities and employee salaries. thus, so many employees have been sent home. based on the data of workers’ status per december 2020, it was reported by the company to the department of labor bekasi city, as many as 411 workers were laid off (discharged), as many as 923 workers were excluded, as well as 1601 workers, were exposed termination of relationship work or fle (ayuningtyas et al., 2021; damayanti, 2021; kusumastuti, 2020; nabilah et al., 2021; resmi & barmawi, 2022). in such a pandemic condition, how shall taxpayers be able to pay taxes when the economy was not as stable as it is today. on the condition of the economy that was not healthy and many employees were affected by the termination of the relationship work, reduced fieldwork, as well as a decrease in receipts taxes; it made the government formulate a policy of taxation which was appropriate to assist the public in the middle of this pandemic. the government made policies to ease the burden on society. one of them was the allocation of incentives income 21 covered by government (dtp). incentive income 21 dtp is a tax that is covered by the government, or the taxes owed are paid by the government to limit the budget that has been set out in the budget revenue and expenditure state that where a policy is contained in the pmk 110/ pmk.03/ 2020. in such conditions, the government was faced with a difficult challenge. on another hand, the government should collect tax revenue following the targets of the state budget. however, on the other hand, the government should provide incentives to help the taxpayers and companies that did not shut down their business and could survive and back to recover. as the economy in this country was not stable and declined, it was very impossible if the government still had to add the burden of society to continue to pay taxes. an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 173 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in this study, the researcher used several references taken from previous studies that had similar themes to the problems that the authors took. there are researches which examines to the role of government-borne tax incentives (dtp) in the era of the covid-19 pandemic (marlina & syahribulan, 2021), and regarding policy studies on tax incentives in overcoming the impact of the virus (selvi & ramdhan, 2020). there are studies regarding the analysis of tax incentive policies in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak in indonesia and indonesia's tax policy in response to the covid-19 crisis (kumala & junaidi, 2020; kumar & aribowo, 2021; padyanoor, 2020; sarjono, 2021; song et al., 2020). there are some international journal about efficiency of tax incentives during covid-19 pandemic (andrew et al., 2022; cui et al., 2022; dai & chapman, 2021; garnov et al., 2020; tarkom, 2021). therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the effectiveness, obstacles, and efforts in the income tax incentives article 21 dtp in the handling of corona virus disease in 2019 at the west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020. it was by using the theory of effectivity consisting by three sizes of effectivity: achieving purpose, integration, and adaptation. those three sizes would be elaborated, so it would reveal the obstacles of the implementation of the policy and later could be analyzed (duncan, 1985; prasetyo et al., 2020; sun & sankar, 2022; wittfoth et al., 2022; zhang et al., 2020). figure 1. conceptual model source: author, 2021 method this study employed a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, i.e. the data are collected in the form of words, pictures instead of numbers and try to describe a symptom, events, events that adaptation goal’s achieving integration obstacles efforts effectiveness of allocation on article 21 income tax incentive covered by the government (pph 21 dtp) teory: duncan (1985) (in zulkarnain,2012) an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 174 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting happened when present. in the study, the researchers used the theory of effectiveness (duncan, 1985), which there are 3 indicators, namely: 1. achievement of objectives. the whole effort to achieve the goal is considered a process. the achievement of objectives consists of several entities, namely the work plan and the length of time in the implementation program. 2. integration. the level of organizational capability (west bekasi kpp pratama) is conducted by dissemination of consensus development (regarding collective agreements) and communication with taxpayers. integration consists of several entities, namely procedures and socialization. 3. adaptation. the ability of the organization (west bekasi kpp pratama) is to adapt to its environment. adaptation consists of several entities that reject measure the process of procurement and replenishment labor/ hr. the data collection techniques in this study were through structured interviews, where researchers used interview guidelines and recording tools, thorough observation where researchers observed and collected data from west bekasi kpp pratama, and through documentation where researchers obtained documents or written data from west bekasi kpp pratama. the data analysis was carried out using three stages of data analysis techniques (rahmadhani et al., 2020; sugiyono, 2019), namely data reduction, data display, and data verification (withdrawal of conclusions). result and discussion based on the data and the results of interviews obtained researchers elaborated the effectiveness of policy of allocation on income tax incentives article 21 covered by the government (dtp) in the context handling corona virus disease in 2019 by using the theory of effectiveness (duncan, 1985), as follows: • achievement of objectives based on the pmk 110/ pmk.03/ 2020 which is now refurbished into fmd 9/ pmk.03/ 2021 on incentive taxes to mandatory tax affected by epidemic virus covid-19 where the policy of income tax incentives article 21 by the government (dtp). it was the help of stimulus that has not been long in applied by the government to the taxpayer at the time of the pandemic covid-19 which has been in force from april to december 2020, then the policy is extended back to june 2021. the policy was aimed at helping to ease the burden of tax on compulsory taxes, especially employees to survive from economic hardship due to the pandemic covid-19 and can restore the purchasing power of people in the middle of the outbreak covid-19. table 2 number of taxpayers received tax incentives of pph 21 dtp description total number of applicants of pph 21 dtp’s incentives 525 number of applicants approved 452 number of applicants rejected 73 source: data processing section, west bekasi kpp pratama table 3 an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 175 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting number of klu registered in west bekasi kpp pratama number of klu received the incentives 1,119 source: data processing section, west bekasi kpp pratama table 4 target and realization of tax incentives of pph 21 dtp in west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020 income tax incentives article 21 covered by the government (dtp) realization of tax incentives of pph 21 dtp 8,438,430,556 target of tax incentives of pph 21 dtp no source: data processing section, west bekasi kpp pratama if viewed from the perspective of overall taxpayers in this policy, based on the data from west bekasi kpp pratama and through interviews with informants 1,2,3,4,5; it can be seen that only 452 applicants were approved for income tax incentives of article 21 of this dtp and there are 1,119 klus that have received pph 21 dtp incentive facilities registered at west bekasi kpp pratama. then, if the data can be compared with the approved applicant data and calculated using the effectiveness ratio formula ((452: 1.119) x 100%) then only 40% of applicants take advantage of these incentives. thus, it can be concluded that by using the effectiveness table that the allocation of this pph 21 dtp incentive has not been said to be effective because the number of taxpayers who have not utilized this policy is more than the taxpayers who have utilized this incentive policy of pph 21 dtp. this is because there were still many taxpayers who did not aware of any policy of allocation of tax income article 21 dtp incentives. thus, this allocation of incentives was not optimally used by the taxpayers because of strategy and administration of the socialization of the policy was not complete and has not been effective yet. however, related to the taxpayers who take advantage of tax incentives 21 dtp, it can be seen that despite the absence of the target in the granting of these incentives, its realization has been exploited by the taxpayers which amounted to rp. 8,438,430,556 which was well-implemented. moreover, the taxpayers, especially the employees who received tax incentives 21 dtp, felt that this policy has been effective. it was because they have taken the advantage of the incentive, felt very helped, and received full income. • integration in terms of procedures, based on the results of research through interviews with the tax authorities of west bekasi kpp pratama, academics, and taxpayers; the procedures must be carried out, so the taxpayers can receive incentives for pph 21 dtp. also, the companies where taxpayers/employees worked and that have met the criteria, must apply to receive the pph 21 dtp incentive to the west bekasi kpp pratama or through the dgt official website. the entire taxpayers affected by the pandemic covid-19 were eligible for income tax incentives under articles 21 dtp. if the klu company that filed the petition incentive was registered in the pmk 110/ pmk.03/ 2020 and met other requirements such as income employees will get tax relief 21 dtp did not exceed rp.200,000,000/year or equivalent to rp. 16.600.000/month and fulfilled other requirements following the regulation of the minister of finance. also, later the account an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 176 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting representative (ar) would examine if the company experienced refusal in applying pph 21 dtp incentives related to the applicable requirements and criteria. based on total data of incentive income 21 dtp in west bekasi kpp pratama, it can be known that as many as 525 companies that apply for tax relief 21 dtp and only 452 applicants were approved amounting to 84% the percentage of approved applicants and as many as 73 applicants, or 14% of applicants who suffered rejection. it was when the company and its employees were also qualified according to the criteria, then the company is entitled to request incentives related to approved tax income article 21 of dtp. however, conversely, if companies did request that was not following the requirements and criteria applied or any incomplete document, the application will experience rejection by the west bekasi kpp pratama. in terms of socialization, based on the results of research through interviews that the socialization of the pph 21 covered by the government (dtp) has been carried out by the west bekasi kpp pratama either through social media or online. it was done because when the pandemic covid-19, west bekasi kpp pratama has imposed restrictions on face-to-face access. thus, the socialization was carried out online by the kpp. however, the socialization delivered by the tax authorities was not comprehensive and was not conveyed properly to the public. based on the results of interviews with taxpayers, there was no socialization carried out by the kpp regarding the existence of the incentive’s policy of pph 21 dtp. this means that the socialization conducted by the lto regarding the incentive’s policy of pph 21 dtp was not maximized and not exhaustive. therefore, this resulted in many taxpayers who were not aware of their policy of incentives. • adaptation based on the results of the research through interviews with informants 1,2,3,4,5; it states that the measurement of incentive’s policy of pph 21 dtp is said to be effective if the policy is used and implemented properly and on target. it means that the taxpayers who received this incentive were following the applicable criteria and requirements. besides that, the policy is said to be effective if the taxpayers who took advantage of the pph 21 dtp incentive were satisfied and very helpful with this policy. in terms of human resources (hr), the quality of human resources at west bekasi kpp pratama was quite good and alert and always conducted some training and education to improve the performance quality of west bekasi kpp pratama’s employees. if there is a tax policy or new regulations, then the employees conduct some training. thus, the new regulations and policies can be implemented and socialized properly. however, the extension of the system of socialization in giving information on taxation was needed, especially on new policies such as the pph 21 dtp incentive. it was because of the quality of the performance or the human resources at kpp pratama well, it also will affect the increase of the tax revenues in the future. during the covid-19 pandemic, the west bekasi kpp pratama must be able to adapt or adjust its organizational capabilities, which previously carried out direct or face-to-face socialization through visits to various places. however, during a pandemic like this, the socialization must be adjusted according to the existing conditions, namely by online socialization. this can reduce effectiveness when providing important information regarding taxation because not all taxpayers want to join in online socialization and seminars conducted by the kpp. this made many taxpayers did not know the latest and most important information. this became an important challenge for the kpp in adjusting its policies and activities during the current pandemic. an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 177 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the obstacles in implementing this policy are in terms of adjusting education and socialization activities during the covid-19 pandemic. because of the presence of a pandemic, as now, the cause of education and socialization are less well received by the community which resulted in the socialization is not complete because of the limitations of face-to-face in direct and routed entirely through the media online, things that result in not all people can understand well informed presented by the lto and still many mandatory taxes, especially employees who do not know information about their policies tax incentives 21 dtp and do not take advantage of the policy. another obstacle is reporting on the realization of the use of pph 21 incentives borne by the government (dtp), in which the company's employees/employees have approved the application for pph 21 incentives, but the company forgot or did not report the realization of the use of pph 21 incentives. this has resulted in the kpp experiencing obstacles in processing data regarding the utilization of the incentives provided. the effort that must be made is that the kpp must continue to provide information through comprehensive education and socialization activities, so it can be well-received by all taxpayers, especially regarding new policies during this pandemic. one of them was the allocation of incentives for pph 21 dtp and reporting on the implementation of pph 21 dtp incentives. thus, the taxpayers can understand the information and did not forget to report the realization of the incentive policy. in addition, the efforts were made by maintaining the synergy between the kpp with the taxpayers and also by having cooperation with various companies to conduct seminars or webinars as well as dissemination through electronic media, radio, social media, and television in the form of information through advertising and broadcast news about information taxation and new taxation policies. next, another effort was by simplifying the scheme/procedure in terms of submitting applications for pph 21 dtp incentives to make it easier for companies to apply for incentives for their employees, so these incentives would be maximally absorbed. moreover, the kpp should continue to check related to the reporting of the incentive of income tax 21 dtp, so the incentives given by the government can be measured and targeted. based on the result and discussion, there were several researches which examines to the role of government-borne tax incentives (dtp) in the era of the covid-19 pandemic (marlina & syahribulan, 2021), and regarding policy studies on tax incentives in overcoming the impact of the virus (selvi & ramdhan, 2020). there are studies regarding the analysis of tax incentive policies in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak in indonesia and indonesia's tax policy in response to the covid-19 crisis (kumala & junaidi, 2020; kumar & aribowo, 2021; padyanoor, 2020; sarjono, 2021; song et al., 2020). there are some international journal about efficiency of tax incentives during covid-19 pandemic (andrew et al., 2022; cui et al., 2022; dai & chapman, 2021; garnov et al., 2020; tarkom, 2021) the similarity was all of them discussed the policy of incentives covered by the government in the covid-19 pandemic and the tax revenue. however, there was also the difference between this research towards the others which was the research object, research sector, and the different regulation involved. conclusion based on the results of research, discussion, and interpretation that have been carried out in previous chapters, as well as by referring to the theory and results of previous research, the an analysis of the effectiveness of the policy of allocation on income tax incentive covered by the government in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 (a case study of west bekasi kpp pratama in 2020) hidayati, putri, andayani, and priyanda 178 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting researcher can conclude that the effectiveness of the allocation of article 21 income tax incentives covered by the government (dtp) in the context of handling corona virus disease 2019 at west bekasi kpp pratama can be said to be ineffective because the number of applicants who take advantage of the income tax incentive article 21 dtp was lower compared to the registered klu, which is only 40%. this was because the socialization and strategy in implementing the pph 21 dtp incentive have not been comprehensive and not optimal. thus, there were still many taxpayers who did not know about this policy. however, based on the side of taxpayers who took advantage of the income tax incentives article 21 dtp, it is stated that this policy has been said to be effective because it has greatly helped and eased the tax burden and the economy during the covid-19 pandemic. the obstacles that occur in implementing the provision of income tax incentives article 21 covered by the government (dtp), namely from education and socialization that were not comprehensive due to the limited direct face-to-face access due to the covid-19 pandemic. thus, socialization was completely diverted through online media. this made many taxpayers did not know information about the existence of pph 21 dtp incentive policies and the latest tax information. in addition to the obstacles, the procedures and requirements were quite complex, and still, the taxpayers who did not do reporting the implementation of the utilization of pph 21 dtp incentive dtp may result in the kpp that will have problems in processing the data regarding the use of incentives. the efforts made by the west bekasi kpp pratama, namely by carrying out comprehensive socialization and education activities. thus, it can be well-received by all taxpayers, especially related to new policies during this pandemic. one of them is the allocation of incentives for pph 21 dtp and reporting on the implementation of allocation of pph 21 dtp incentive, as well as maintaining the synergy/cooperation between the lto with the taxpayers to conduct seminars or webinars at several companies as well as the dissemination through electronic media, radio, media social and television both in the form of information through advertising and broadcast news regarding taxation information and a new 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(2022). auditor skill, work experience and professional skepticism on performance of auditors. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 183-190. abstract: auditor is an accounting profession that is expected to be able to produce audit report products that can be accepted by both internal and external companies. the audit report must be existence and accuracy, completeness, rights and obligations, valuation or allocation, presentation and disclosure. to achieve this, several measuring tools are needed on how to determine the level of good auditor performance. the performance of professional auditors and having performance and broad insight will produce report products that can be accounted for and have reliable financial report functions and information. the research method used in this research is to use literature review, a systematic, explicit and reproducible method to identify, evaluate and synthesize research works and ideas that have been produced by researchers and practitioners. the results of this study can be concluded that good governance, audit structure, role conflict, role ambiguity, understanding of good governance, task complexity, have no effect on auditor performance. while organizational commitment, leadership style, professional training, competence, locus of control, and auditor integrity affect the performance of the auditor. for professional skepticism and audit knowledge, it turns out to have a positive and significant influence on the indications of regional loss findings. keywords: skill, work experience, professional skepticism, auditor performance. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction accountants are one of the professional fields that require special skills. the accounting profession has been around since the 15th century, although experts are still debating when this profession actually started (gammie & whiting, 2013; walker, 2017, 2021). in 15th century england, nonowners and non-managers who are now called auditors were asked to check whether there was fraud in the books or in the financial statements submitted by the owner's wealth manager (annisette, 2017; o’regan & killian, 2021; van der steen, 2022). the accounting profession is all fields of work that use expertise in the field of accounting, including the field of work of public accountants, internal accountants working in industrial, financial or trade companies, accountants auditor skill, work experience and professional skepticism on performance of auditors sunarmin and junaidi 184 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting working in the government, and accountants as educators (antonelli et al., 2022; karlsson & noela, 2022; xue & zan, 2022). one of the keys to building the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) is facilitating conditions (ronaghi & forouharfar, 2020; venkatesh et al., 2012). these factors influence behavioral intentions to use technology and/or use technology. the application of information technology, which is represented by three independent variables, skills and knowledge, system use and perceived usefulness, has a positive and significant effect on auditor performance (al aufa et al., 2020; dwivedi et al., 2020). the findings of this study recommend increasing the use of information technology so that the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process can be increased (ayaz & yanartaş, 2020; rengganis & isgiyarta, 2015). accountants who have a career and work in offices or in private companies are responsible for processing transactions professionally based on the current statement of financial accounting standards (huang & yan, 2020). accountants who work in the government or in the government inspectorate will have the task of controlling and maintaining state assets (chychyla et al., 2019). accountants who work in external audits such as public accountants have the task of being a means of control over the company's financial transactions, the results of which can provide independent information on the company's performance for a certain financial year according to their assignment (pucci & skærbæk, 2020). accountants who work in public accounting firms must be independent in accordance with the auditing standards set by iapi (khumawala et al., 2020). the product of the internal accountant is a financial report that will be used as a measurement of the company's performance and used as a management benchmark for the achievements and success of the management in managing the company (flesher et al., 2018). the requirements that must be met by a public accountant as contained in article 6 of law no. 5 of 2011 concerning public accountants are: have a certificate of passing a valid public accounting professional exam, have a certificate of passing a legal public accounting professional exam, have experience in providing services as intended in article 3, domiciled in the territory of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia, has a taxpayer identification number, has never been subject to administrative sanctions in the form of revocation of a public accountant license, has never been sentenced to a permanent legal force for committing a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment 5 ( five) years or more, become a member of the association of professional public accountants as determined by the minister; and not in custody. an independent auditor is an auditor who is responsible for meeting auditing standards set by the indonesian institute of certified public accountants (agoes, 2017). there are differences in behavior and motivation between male auditors and female auditors, while the professional commitment dimension shows no difference (anggrainy et al., 2018). however, overall, the results of data processing show that there is a difference in performance between male auditors and female auditors. these differences prove that a person's performance will still be different, especially when compared to men and women, which are basically different in many ways because they are influenced by gender factors. in assessing performance in the field, some companies look at the ability side more than looking at gender differences. one of the considerations for employers is the experience and insight of a person in carrying out the work and the job auditor skill, work experience and professional skepticism on performance of auditors sunarmin and junaidi 185 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting responsibilities that will later become the responsibility for the job. research related to the influence of competence and compensation on employee performance by adopting a contingency approach (brownell, 1982; jalaluddin, 2010; sutrisno, 2010). experienced auditors are auditors who have a better understanding, they are also better able to provide reasonable explanations for errors in financial statements and can classify errors based on audit objectives and the structure of the underlying accounting system (agoes, 2017; asif et al., 2022; yu et al., 2022). in carrying out audit assignments in the field, an auditor does not only follow audit procedures that are summarized in the audit program that has been created and becomes a guideline by the implementers in the field by the personnel of the public accounting firm. but it must also be accompanied by an attitude of professional skepticism (rodgers et al., 2017). professional skepticism in the professional standards of public accountants defines professional skepticism as an auditor's attitude that includes a questioning mind and critical evaluation of audit evidence (kang et al., 2015). auditors are said to be skeptical if in their attitude they will not take for granted explanations and oral information from clients. but with a critical nature will ask questions to obtain reasons, evidence and confirmation of the object in question (zarefar et al., 2016). without applying professional skepticism, an auditor will only find misstatements caused by errors and it is difficult to find misstatements caused by fraud, because fraud is usually hidden by the perpetrators. professional skepticism is an employee attitude that includes a mind that always questions and evaluates critically what its performance is (cohen et al., 2017). as previously explained, professional skepticism carefully and thoroughly requires performance to carry out professional skepticism for the better (noviyanti, 2008). evaluators do not affect the outcome effect in evaluating auditor performance. the outcome effect is the result of the professional auditor on the audited report product produced (sari et al., 2018). this product will be used as a handle for accurate information on the company that is the subject of his work. auditor performance is a public accountant who carries out objective examination assignments on the financial statements of a company or other organization with the aim of determining whether the financial statements present fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, in all material respects, the financial position and company results. internal auditor performance measurement uses the balanced scorecard which suggests aspects of internal audit performance measurement into perspective: innovation and learning to answer the question of whether internal audit is able to continuously improve and create value, internal audit process to answer questions in which areas of internal audit has expertise, management/ auditee adaptation of customer perspective is to answer the question of how the customer views internal audit, the board/audit committee adapts from a financial perspective to answer the question of how internal audit views stakeholders. method in this study, the authors use a literature review as a framework designed to classify sources of general data and information studied in the study. literature review is a systematic, explicit and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating and synthesizing research works and ideas that have been produced by researchers and practitioners. some sources of information used in this research as literature study materials include the following: research journal, in this journal several selected research results are published so that they can be used as a reference for the development of new science; books, books are a very important source of information because some fields of auditor skill, work experience and professional skepticism on performance of auditors sunarmin and junaidi 186 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting science that are closely related to research are manifested in the form of books written by an author who is competent in his field of science. newspapers and magazines, this print media is a good source of literature and is easily available everywhere; internet, technological advances have a very significant impact in the field of information, researchers can directly access the internet and get the desired information from various countries very quickly. in order to collect valid and accurate data and information, to collect the main data (to obtain primary data) the researcher will conduct a literature review and supporting literature such as media information, internet and other supporting information which are studied in depth. a good literature review is one that evaluates the quality and new findings of a scientific paper. it should be understood that the so-called scientific literature can be in the form of: papers from scientific journals, papers from conferences (proceedings), thesis and dissertations, reports from trusted organizations, and textbooks. this source literature is useful as a cross-check material, if it turns out that there is data that is considered less valid. literature study is a data collection technique by using books or references as research support, and by completing or searching for data needed by researchers from journals, magazines, papers, print media and so on, which are relevant to the problems studied to get clarity of concepts in the preparation effort. theoretical basis that is useful in the discussion. internet searching is research conducted by collecting various additional references sourced from the internet in order to complete the author's references regarding the problem under study. result and discussion auditors are one of the accounting professions that focus on and work as examiners, both in external accounting firms and as internal audits. the performance of this auditor has an important and significant role in the auditie (client). parties with an interest in financial statements include investors, creditors, and stakeholders. the users of this audit report also expect that the financial statements that have been audited by the auditors produce an opinion that is free from material misstatement, so that they can be trusted to be used as a basis for decision making and are in accordance with accounting principles applicable in indonesia. therefore, an independent and objective public accounting firm is needed to assess the fairness of the financial statements presented by management. prajitno's research (2012) shows that understanding good governance, audit structure, role conflict, role ambiguity, understanding good governance, and task complexity have no significant effect on auditor performance and only organizational culture has a significant effect on auditor performance. problems in the field and the number of material transactions that require an auditor's professional opinion, so that an auditor must be ready for professional skills, insight and skepticism. the results of amandani and wirakusuma's research (2017) show that organizational commitment has a positive effect on auditor performance, which indicates that the higher the attitude of an auditor's commitment to a public accounting firm, the more it will affect its performance. leadership style has a positive effect on auditor performance which shows that the better the way to lead a leader in a public accounting firm, the more it will affect the performance of the auditor. professional training has a positive effect on auditor performance, which indicates that the more often training is given to auditors in a public accounting firm, the auditor's performance will tend to increase. competence has a positive and significant effect on auditor performance, compensation has a positive and significant effect on auditor performance. while the moderating effect of professional skepticism strengthens the effect of competence on auditor performance, the moderating effect of professional skepticism strengthens the effect of compensation on auditor performance (putra and sintaasih, 2018). the results of nurhayati's research (2018) that partially locus of control has a significant positive effect on auditor auditor skill, work experience and professional skepticism on performance of auditors sunarmin and junaidi 187 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting performance, auditor integrity has a significant positive effect on auditor performance, leadership style has a significant positive effect on auditor performance. and locus of control, auditor integrity, leadership style can have a significant positive effect on auditor performance simultaneously. rahmat's research (2017) that professional skepticism and audit knowledge have a positive and significant effect on indications of regional loss findings. conclusion auditor performance is a benchmark for the results issued in the form of audit reports that will be used by various audiences. internal companies starting from the board of directors, managers and employees really need valid data and reports in order to determine future strategic policies and internal management rights if the company has good performance in the form of business profits. external parties such as shareholders, creditors and the government have an interest in valid, reliable and trustworthy audited report products. from the literature related to research that has an influence on auditor performance, among others, prajitno (2012) that good governance, audit structure, role conflict, role ambiguity, understanding of good governance, and task complexity have no effect on auditor performance. it is different from research by amandani and wirakusuma (2017) that organizational commitment, leadership style, professional training, competence have a positive and significant effect on auditor performance. putra and sintaasih (2018) research, highlighting the moderating effect of professional skepticism strengthens the effect of compensation on auditor performance. while nurhayati (2018) partially locus of control, auditor integrity, leadership style has a significant positive effect on auditor performance. rahmat (2017) in his research, that professional 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in tax administration services in indonesia in the digitalization era, it is hoped that it can increase taxpayer compliance and is expected to continuously have a positive effect on state revenues. the purpose of this study is to analyze what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the implementation of tax administration innovations in indonesia in the digitalization era. the research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. the results of the study show that the strengths and opportunities that can be utilized are the reliability of human resources that have been fulfilled, as evidenced by the satisfaction index of dgt service users reaching a scale of 4.1. technology that can still be developed is also a strength. the high participation of taxpayers in following the innovation policy of tax administration is a very big opportunity with the number of manual spt users recorded which has decreased by 88.8% in the last five years. weaknesses and threats encountered are the lack of maintenance on the server where server downs often occur during the deadline for reporting spt. taxpayers also admitted that they had not fully received directions on how to operate the new tax administration system. taxpayers need to adapt to the digitalization that is being carried out. so it is the government's duty to pay extra attention to the understanding of taxpayers in the application of the digital tax administration system. keywords: swot analysis, tax administration innovation, digitalization era. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the rapid development of technology makes all aspects must follow the flow and innovate so as not to be left behind. technological developments have also changed global trends, ranging from an all-digital administration system to public services that are usually provided directly and can be enjoyed online through a mobile phone screen (kudrle, 2021). in some developed countries and even developing countries, public sector organizations are still lagging behind and have not been able to make maximum use of technology to gain profits, especially in providing services to the public (mergel et al., 2019). the tax authority is one part that plays an important role in the public sector and is in the spotlight in carrying out its institutional functions (schauffel et al., 2021). high mailto:notika.rahmi@gmail.com1 swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 23 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting expectations of public services in the taxation sector are expected by the community so that taxation also utilizes technology in providing services (cheba et al., 2021). the technological developments referred to include digital payments, data-based currencies and technology infrastructure in effective and efficient services. tax administration is the backbone in fulfilling taxation rights and obligations in order to run a legal business in each country. the role of the public sector in the field of tax administration must be able to adapt to technological innovations that have developed in the midst of thesector private (bai et al., 2021) in the research conducted by (barnay et al., 2018) related to tax authorities, from several countries in the world (21 countries) there are four important things that need to be paid attention to by the public sector in the field of tax administration to be able to encourage technological innovation to be able to run the function of public services well, namely firstly on interaction with taxpayers using digital technology (wulandari, 2021). in this study, it was explained that the tax authority could create a channel digitalin responding to taxpayers' requests for tax services. there is easy access to public services in the field of taxation. the function of digitizing on a large scale can also be carried out by integrating taxpayer monitoring in the form of an integrated accounting management system architecture . with this technology function, data becomes centralized, workflows can be reviewed digitally in each department, starting from the audit process, tax collection, restitution process and others (syafitri, 2018). the technology function can also help in terms of service customer, analyze tax non-compliance to be able to resolve tax collection issues. the second thing is data analysis, several tax authorities have carried out further data analysis functions in terms of mapping the importance of taxpayer compliance levels so that tax audit priorities can be formed. several countries have also innovated by changing the way of conducting audits, collecting taxes and creating a monitoring system for taxpayer compliance . several developed countries in europe have implemented the tax innovation function by mapping the level of taxpayer liquidity, so that they were able to increase tax revenues by us$ 800 million and reduce operating costs by around us$ 8 million (barnay et al., 2018). the third thing that needs to be paid attention to by the public sector in the field of tax administration is to be able to encourage technological innovation to be able to carry out the function of public services properly, namely procession automation. this includes the use of efiling, data checking automation, reminders, and other automation (abdelfattah & aboud, 2020). currently the public sector is in the stage of reorganization in the digitalization process. they carry out the process of recruiting and training employees to be able to adapt to the use of digital technology in their business processes (batrancea et al., 2019). but what happened was a shift in the function of the workforce by digitizing the entire business process without any help from humans. several asian countries are currently implementing innovation by doing automation. one example is the launch of an online machine to help speed up the digital justice process. this is to speed up the dispute process which usually takes a long time and is very inefficient (adi, 2020; rusli, 2019). next, the fourth is talent management or human resource management. most current tax authorities are still inadequate in terms of technology to understand the factors that influence hr excellence so that it has an impact on organizational health in assessing organizational governance. according to research (barnay et al., 2018) as many as 60% of public organizations fail to carry out the transformation process due to the absence of clear directions and goals (mckinsey and company, 2017). swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 24 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in general, net tax revenues in 2020 reached rp. 1,072.11 trillion or 89.43 percent of the 2020 state budget target of rp. 1,198.82 trillion. the realization of the tax revenue grew negative 19.55 percent compared to the realization in 2019, slower than the growth in 2019 which was still able to grow slightly at 1.47 percent. the government has made two adjustments to the tax revenue target in the 2020 state budget in response to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. the last adjustment was made through presidential decree no. 72 of 2020, the tax revenue target was adjusted to rp1,198.82 trillion. however, until the end of 2020 the realization of revenue was only able to reach 89.43 percent of the target. table 1 performance of 2016-2020 tax revenue realization source: financial report of dgt 2016-2020 the government has also focused on developing by utilizing technology, one of which is by accelerating digital transformation in government administration. the strategic activities carried out are providing base transceiver stations (bts) in 3t villages, providing internet access, building national data centers, digital literacy, digital transformation of strategic sectors, digital technopreneurs, controlling the implementation of electronic systems, and supporting digitalization of education such as procurement of ict tools. and learning media (kementerian keuangan, 2021). the directorate general of taxes is currently implementing tax reforms to provide optimal state revenue. one of the efforts made is by using a digital system in tax transactions (anggraini et al., 2021; sulistyowati et al., 2020). tax administration innovations that are currently being implemented are the provision of services in npwp registration (e registration), tax payment services (e-billing), and services in tax reporting (e-filing, e-form, einvoice), all of which have been can be done electronically (hasanah & indriani, 2013; lintang et al., 2017). with the innovation in tax administration services, taxpayers are given convenience, get cost efficiency and get real time in terms of carrying out tax obligations which include registration, payment and tax reporting (faúndez-ugalde et al., 2020; olivares, 2018). this ease of access to tax administration is expected to increase taxpayer compliance and is of course expected to have a positive effect on state revenues (bahmid & wahyudi, 2018). in this study, the author will find out what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the implementation of tax administration innovations in indonesia in the digitalization era. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 with oil and gas income tax 1,105.97 1,151.03 1,313.32 1,332.66 1,072.12 without oil and gas income tax 1,069.87 1,100.71 1,248.61 1,273.49 1,039.08 0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,400.00 t ri ll io n r u p ia h swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 25 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method this study uses a qualitative method, which according to strauss and cobin, qualitative is a type of research that obtains findings whose results cannot be obtained by statistical means (ghozali, 2016; sugiyono, 2019). the type of research is descriptive research, namely research that has the aim of describing, describing facts, properties and combining the phenomena to be studied including activities, attitudes, views and ongoing plots and the influence of a phenomenon or to determine the frequency distribution of a symptom that is mutually related (silaen & widiyono, 2013). the concept in this study is to analyze the strengths of tax administration innovation activities in indonesia, analyze the weaknesses and opportunities and challenges in implementing tax administration innovations in indonesia. data collection techniques were carried out starting from making observations at the directorate general of taxes of the republic of indonesia, followed by collecting data relating to state revenues and legal products produced during the tax administration innovation process and then conducting interviews with resource persons from various groups, starting from representatives tax officers, taxpayers to academics to strengthen the information obtained. result and discussion era of digitalization has been one of the triggers for volume iii tax reform in indonesia, which began in 2016. in addition to constantly updating tax policies, the tax administration system also participates in reforms along with the times and changing administrative dynamics. the government has planned an agenda for the reform of the tax administration core system (psiap), but in 2020 the covid-19 pandemic hit the entire country, including indonesia. various impacts ranging from health to the economy must be faced. the very fast transmission of the virus makes tax services, which are still through face-to-face visits, now impossible. this has the effect of decreasing tax returns (spt). although tax reporting facilities have been provided through efilling and e-forms, there are still many taxpayers who are still accustomed to reporting taxes by getting direct face-to-face guidance from tax officials. the use of digital technology is not only focused on services, but also on supervision of taxpayers. this is done to make the tax administration information system easy, reliable, accurate, integrated and optimize services and supervision. digitization carried out by the directorate general of taxes starts from taxpayer registration services to online payments and reporting with the following details: 1. e-registration. is a taxpayer registration service that is done online. regarding the registration procedure, the taxpayer identification number and/or inauguration of taxable entrepreneurs and changes to the data of taxpayers and/or taxable entrepreneurs with the system eregistration regulated in the regulation of the director general of taxes number 24/pj/2009 as last amended by regulation director general of taxes number per-02/pj/2018 concerning the second amendment to the regulation of the director general of taxes number per20/pj/2013 concerning procedures for registration and granting of taxpayer identification numbers, business reporting and inauguration of taxable entrepreneurs, deletion of taxpayer identification numbers , and revocation of the inauguration of taxable entrepreneurs as well as changes to data and transfer of taxpayers. 2. e-billing. it is an electronic tax payment service system where before the existence of e-billing, taxpayers are required to come to the designated bank to make payments and obtain proof of payment. regarding the procedure for implementing the trial implementation of the electronic swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 26 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax payment system (billing system) in the state revenue module system, it is regulated in the regulation of the director general of taxes number per-47/pj/2011 as last amended by the regulation of the director general of taxes number per-05/pj /2017 concerning electronic tax payments. 3. e-filling. it is an electronic tax reporting service system. previously, tax reporting was carried out by directly visiting the domicile tax service office following office hours by bringing the filled spt form. but now tax reporting can be done anywhere and anytime. regarding the procedure for submitting annual notification letters for individual taxpayers who use forms 1770s or 1770ss by e-filling through the website of the directorate general of taxation ( it is regulated in the regulation of the director general of taxes number per-39/pj/2011 as the latest amended by the director general of tax regulation number per1/pj/2014 regarding the procedure for submitting annual notification letters for individual taxpayers who use forms 1770s or 1770ss by e-filling through the website of the directorate general of taxes ( furthermore, the director general of taxes issued an eform in 2017 which is included in the e-filling service. the e-form service has almost the same function as e-filling. in this service, taxpayers download the annual spt formula first and can fill it out offline and then upload it when it is finished via the previous page. 4. e-faktur, is an electronic system application provided by the dgt to make it easier for taxable entrepreneurs to make tax invoices in a uniform format and e-invoices provide services for making tax invoices electronically. this e-invoice is expected to save processing time. before the existence of e-invoices, the creation of tax invoices manually and had a big chance of not being uniform in the format of tax invoices. the new e-faktur application was launched in 2014 where the procedure for making and reporting tax invoices in electronic form is regulated in the director general of tax regulation number per-16/pj/2014 as last amended by per-31/pj/2017. in july 2021, the directorate general of taxes has also introduced four new analytical data-based applications to support supervision, namely compliance risk management (crm)function transfer pricing (tp), ability to pay (atp), smartweb, and dashboard office taxpayer (wp). madya tax service (kpp) (redaksi ddtcnews, 2021). the use of these technologies has been in line with trends in several countries. about 75% of the authorities have plans to continue working to move field inspections to digital. nearly 60% of the authorities are expanding the application of innovative technology in calculating compliance levels and identifying when there is fraud or fraud in taxation (organization for economic cooperation and development, 2021). swot analysis on tax administration innovations in indonesia swot analysis is a tool used to analyze companies from internal and external perspectives to produce strategies for the company (cheng et al., 2021). swot consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (zhou et al., 2019). in this study, the company in question is the government agency of the director general of taxes as a policy maker (jannah et al., 2017). every organization has strengths and weaknesses in the functional areas of the business that can be used as the basis for the goals and strategy setting of an organization (erawati & wance, 2021). the author has conducted interviews with various parties, namely the head of the section on counseling guidance and document management at the directorate general of taxes, central jakarta, interviews were also conducted with taxpayers who utilize tax administration innovation facilities as well as academics, tax lecturers at the stiami institute of social sciences and swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 27 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting management. the following is a swot analysis on the implementation of tax administration innovations in indonesia in the digitalization era. a. strength consists of internal factors that support the company in achieving a goal. these supporting factors can be in the form of resources, expertise or other advantages that may be obtained from financial sources, market advantages, image or good relations between policy makers and those who use the policy. an efficient tax administration system can change the basic process of taxpayer compliance. however, of course, human resources are still needed to be relied on in managing the tax administration system. with the increasing number of taxpayers, the use of technology in the tax administration system is a solution to simplify administrative complexities. so that later the tax authorities can reduce the need for human resources in managing the implemented system (surya, 2020). every year the number of taxpayers has increased, although not significantly, but is increasing. if the tax administration process is still done manually, of course this must be balanced with increased human resources to assist registered taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations. however, because the current tax administration process has been adapted to the digital era, it is not something to worry about if the number of taxpayers continues to increase. on the contrary, it will be a great opportunity for state revenue from the tax sector. the following is data on the growth of taxpayers from 2016 to 2021: table 2 number of registered taxpayers 2016-2021 source: ministry of finance of the republic of indonesia, 2021 in the performance report of the directorate general of taxes for 2020, it was recorded that in indonesia there were 46,305 dgt employees spread over 595 dgt offices. with details as many as 8,182 employees in the sumatran region, 29,382 employees on the island of java, 2,958 employees in kalimantan, 2,850 employees in sulawesi and north maluku, 1,997 employees in bali and nusa tenggara and 852 employees in the papua and maluku regions. it was explained that the dgt service user satisfaction index had exceeded the target of 4.1 from the target of 4 points (maximum scale of 5). if the percentage is achieved, the satisfaction index is 102.50%. the directorate general of taxes has also claimed that the achievement of the quality index for managing information and communication technology (ict) systems is 118.83% (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2020). 33.22 36.51 39.15 42.51 46.38 49.82 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 number of registered taxpayers (in millions) swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 28 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the international monetary fund, together with the organization for economic co-operation and development (oecd), the intra-eurpean organization of tax administrations (iota) and the asian development bank (adb) have conducted a joint survey called the international survey on revenue administration (isora). the types of technology that are currently developing and are used as aspects of a survey of innovative technology developments in the application of digital tax administration. 1. blockchain. a digital data storage system consisting of transaction record data or data spread over ainternet network multiserver. this data structure can be disseminated and managed globally at the same time of course with guaranteed information security. this technology has been widely used by banking, logistics, e-commerce companies, and including in the world of taxation. this will make it easier for taxpayers to pay taxes and can support the transparency of tax transactions in indonesia. 2. robotic process automation (rpa). technology that offers new ways of doing data analysis, risk management and can help improve performance efficiency. many companies have utilized this technology in their work processes. work processes that are done manually and repeatedly are no longer effective and take up a lot of time. 3. artificial intelligence. the application of artificial intelligence technology can help examine large amounts of data and make it possible to carry out surveillance in the identification of suspicious transactions more practically. 4. chatbots. technology in the form of conversation products using technology artificial intelligence (ai). this technology can connect between parties with the resulting discussion easy to learn and understand by users. 5. identification biometric. technology to achieve transparency and accountability in financial transactions. information can include fingerprint recording, iris scanning, and voice and face recognition. this technology has been applied in india in the field of taxation. the strength of the internal factors in this innovation is the presence of adequate human resources in terms of quantity and quality in carrying out administrative digitization. good service has also been provided by the tax authorities as a tax officer where this is evidenced by the taxpayer's statement saying that the innovations made are good and the services provided are good enough and the policies made are right on target. taxpayers have also benefited from the innovation of tax administration, namely paying taxes is easier, there is no need to queue and the process is not difficult. innovation in the field of taxation can still be developed with a wider scope. as information obtained by bintang perdana putra as one of the delegates from ddtc at the international tax conference in mumbai. the proposed new idea related to the application of tax administration and regulation systems in the digital era was presented by the director of global tax policy center at the institute for austrian and international tax law, wu (vienna university of economics and business). mr. jeffrey ownes stated that the traditional compliance model requires the completion time is quite long because various administrative processes must be passed. the process starts from recording accounting data, analyzing tax costs, filling out tax reporting forms, submitting tax reporting forms to waiting for the audit process by the tax authorities. basically the process can be shortened by digital compliance model (redaksi ddtcnews, 2019). swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 29 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting b. weakness includes internal factors that can hinder the company in achieving its goals. inhibiting factors can be in the form of inadequate facilities, lack of funding sources, lack of ability to manage, inadequate marketing skills and poor company image. in the results of interviews that have been conducted, representatives from the tax authorities stated that they did not find any weaknesses in conducting tax administration innovations. this means that from facilities, sources of funds to the ability to manage and expertise in introducing innovations to the tax administration system, they are adequate. however, the author found different things in interviews with academics, he said that the weakness encountered was in the management of technology. in its use, several times the server was down so that it interfered with tax administration activities. this usually happens with the use of e-filling at crucial times, such as the deadline for reporting the annual spt. we also found weaknesses in socialization, which means in terms of introducing innovations made to taxpayers. the rapid development of technology must be accompanied by the rapid acceptance of all new information, especially related to digitalization. but unfortunately there are still many taxpayers who actually have difficulty in accessing these digital-based services. they are used to and comfortable with manual service so it is quite difficult to adapt to new things. of course, this is the task of the tax authorities to be able to convey properly the procedures for applying programs related to digital innovation in tax administration. the difficulty of taxpayers adapting to this alldigital change is also supported by data on the level of taxpayer compliance which is unstable every year. the following is data on taxpayer compliance from 2016 to 2020: table 3 taxpayer compliance ratio income tax source: ministry of finance, 2020 from the data above, it can be seen that from 2016 to 2020, the level of taxpayer compliance has never reached the target set. although quantitatively the realization of taxpayer compliance in the last three years has increased although not too much, namely in 2018 the realization was 71% then increased by 2% from the previous year to 73% in 2019. furthermore, in 2020 there was an increase of 5% from last year to 78%. with the various innovations in the tax administration system in indonesia, it is certainly expected to be able to encourage taxpayer compliance. this is because digitalization can provide convenience to taxpayers. but in reality, taxpayers also need to make adjustments and adaptations to the digitalization that is being carried out. so it is the government's duty to pay extra attention to the understanding of taxpayers in the application of the digital tax administration system. 72.5 75 80 85 80 61 73 71 73 78 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 target realization swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 30 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting c. opportunity as external factors that support the company in achieving its goals. it can be in the form of changes in policy, technology, competition and the development of relations between policy makers and policy users. by utilizing digital technology in the tax administration system, it can help reduce or even eliminate human errors, operations backend in services to taxpayers, even with this digitalization it is no longer necessary to have a meeting between taxpayers and tax officers directly, considering the current covid virus. -19 is still ongoing. if it is necessary to have a meeting between the taxpayer and the tax officer, this can be done online. to be able to achieve this, the tax authorities must continue to make changes and organizational transformation in a sustainable manner by utilizing technology. in research conducted by (syafitri, 2018) shows that with the implementation of tax administration digitization services, the increase in taxpayer compliance with digitalization service users is proportional to the increase in taxpayer compliance. and the increase in taxpayer compliance ratio is proportional to tax revenue. the same thing is proven in research conducted (wulandari, 2021) showing a positive influence from the implementation of efilling and e-invoicing on taxpayer compliance. this proves that there are more opportunities for tax revenue if the taxpayer has been able to adapt well to the digitalization of tax administration. taxpayers who have understood and can take advantage of tax administration innovations tend to be more obedient to tax provisions. this is also the hope of tax officials, with the convenience of tax services, tax compliance and revenue are also expected to increase. especially during the current pandemic, digitizing the tax administration system can help reduce the occurrence of virus transmission due to face-to-face meetings that were previously held when they wanted to report spt. volunteering in paying taxes because of the convenience was also conveyed by the taxpayers we interviewed. he said that the easy process of tax administration gives pleasure so that taxpayers are not burdened in the administrative process. the following is a summary of tax administration activities before and after the innovation in the tax administration system in indonesia: table 4 tax services before and after tax administration innovation types of services before innovation after innovation product & legal basis making npwp come directly to the tax office can be accessed online e-registration per-02/pj/2018 tax payments come directly to the perception bank can be accessed online e-billing per-05/pj/2017 tax reporting come directly to the tax office can be accessed online e-filling per-1/pj/2014 tax invoice making manual. potential for misuse of tax invoice automatic. cannot be misused e-faktur per-31/pj/2017 source: processed by author, 2022 it can be concluded that with the digitalization of the tax administration system, the tax service process becomes easier and more effective and efficient both in terms of time, effort and cost. besides being able to improve service performance, digitizing tax administration can also solve tax problems at the local government level because currently there are still many fraudulent practices swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 31 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and tax leakages and the weak mapping of tax potential. with digitalization, local governments can oversee various tax activities, as well as provide fast service. currently, the benefits of innovation in the tax administration system have been felt. gradually, taxpayers have taken advantage of the facilities provided as follows: table 5 development of submission of e-filling, e-form, e-spt and manual year spt received e-filling e-form e-spt spt manual 2016 8.817.614 8.389.730 17.919.891 2017 10.875.117 103.650 8.738.750 15.179.738 2018 17.095.207 344.346 4.309.794 3.953.281 2019 22.083.186 913.040 1.552.185 1.859.495 2020 22.003.662 995.243 1.346.463 1.591.422 source: directorate of tax data and information, 2020 from the data above, it can be seen that the use of manual tax returns from 2016 to 2020 has decreased, while the use of e-filing and e-forms has always increased every year. this is indeed the main goal of the directorate general of taxes in innovating tax administration in indonesia. d. threat external factors that hinder the company in achieving its objectives can be a new competitor, the market growth is slowing, technological changes, policy changes and increased bargaining power than the policy makers and policy. from all the conveniences and benefits that come from digitizing the tax administration system, there are also threats that must be faced, such as the opportunity for digital crimes (cybercrimes). lack of understanding and competence in the field of digital technology and challenges during the transition period due to changes in the tax administration system (redaksi ddtcnews, 2019). the tax authorities also fear for the damage to the server if it is not in the maintanance of good programs that have been run. the same thing was conveyed by representatives of academics who were interviewed by the author that it was necessary to gradually improve the system to reduce the chance of damage and even damage to the system by irresponsible people. as previously explained, taxpayers also experience difficulties in accessing digitization programs. with frequent changes to the system, taxpayers must adapt again to existing algorithms. the latest features that are presented to tax officers are certainly an achievement, but for taxpayers it is a threat, especially for taxpayers who are not familiar with everything technology-based. technological developments must also be balanced with knowledge about technology itself. in this case, information is not only needed by human resources who are in the environment of policy makers, but information is also needed by taxpayers as policy users. because the policies that have been made in practice will be used by taxpayers. it is a task that cannot be ignored by the government to continue to pay attention to the knowledge of taxpayers regarding the use of administrative system services in the digital era. the more taxpayers who understand the use of digital administration systems, the greater the potential to be able to improve taxpayer compliance. increased taxpayer compliance will also provide an increase in tax revenue. swot analysis of indonesian tax administration innovation in the digitalization era rahmi and gangodawilage 32 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion innovating the tax administration system in the digital era is a must. the acceleration of technological change must also be balanced with the ability to adapt, both by policy makers and policy users. tax administration innovations carried out in indonesia have been running well. strengths and opportunities that can be exploited are in the form of adequate human resources to accompany the increasing number of registered taxpayers. the reliability of hr has also been met as evidenced by the satisfaction index of dgt service users of 4.1 from the target of 4 points (maximum scale of 5). technology that can still be developed is also a force for tax administration innovation. the high participation of taxpayers 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(2019). a selection model based on swot analysis for determining a suitable strategy of prefabrication implementation in rural areas. sustainable cities and society, 50, 101715. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 1 january 2022 page no. 91-102 91 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia dwikora harjo1, fauzilah salleh 2 1institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami, indonesia 2universiti sultan zainal abidin, malaysia correspondent: received : august 26, 2021 accepted : january 15, 2022 published : january 31, 2022 citation: harjo, d., salleh, f. (2022). analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(1), 91-102. abstract: individual taxpayers awareness and compliance are predicted to be below expectations in numerous indonesian regions, as evidenced by the yearly tax reporting (spt), which is still below the expected aim. the number of taxpayers who submit the spt is one indicator of compliance; the higher the number of taxpayers who report the spt, the higher the level of compliance. the goal of this study is to look into how the cileungsi pratama tax service office in west java, indonesia, implements annual tax reporting for personal taxpayers. the authors apply van meter van horn's policy implementation theory to six test variables: standards and policy objectives, resources, interorganizational linkages, implementing agent characteristics, social, economic, and political situations, and implementer disposition. the qualitative descriptive approach was adopted in this study. observation, documentation, and interviews were utilised to collect data, which was then analysed through data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. the study's findings demonstrate that, from 2018 to 2020, individual taxpayers' yearly tax reporting at the cileungsi tax office complied with applicable rules and regulations, but that it fell short of the aim. keywords: annual tax report, implementation, individual taxpayer this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in the structure of the indonesian state revenue and expenditure budget, from year to year taxes provide the largest its role in raising funds from the public to the state where the funds collected from the community are used to meet the needs of the state in the welfare of the people (setiowati et al., 2020). in collecting public funds through this tax, of course, it is necessary to have public awareness, concern and compliance in carrying out their tax obligations (kumala & junaidi, 2019). one form of public compliance in fulfilling their tax obligations is to register as a taxpayer, pay taxes correctly and on time and report a annual tax return (surat pemberitahuan) in accordance with the applicable tax provisions (perdana & dwirandra, 2020). analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 92 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting according to data from the ministry of finance's government performance report, the taxing sector made the highest revenue contribution to the 2019 apbn, accounting for 86.5 percent of total income (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2013). the remaining money came from non-tax state revenue and grants. its contribution to state revenue is becoming increasingly important due to the fact that taxes are the foundation of state finance. the amount of net tax revenue realised in comparison to the tax revenue target is referred to as realised tax revenue (direktorat jenderal pajak, 2020). the directorate general of taxes undertakes a variety of initiatives to ensure that the tax revenue target is met each year. these initiatives include tax regulatory reform. not only does tax reform seek to boost public revenue in the form of taxes, but it also seeks to improve taxpayer understanding and compliance with the law (ciptaningsih, 2013). the online tax reporting by taxpayers represents the most significant effort on the part of the directorate general of taxes in the implementation of tax reform (melando & waluyo, 2013). the online service system (tax digitalization administration) aims to improve services to taxpayers so that it is expected to increase taxpayer awareness and compliance in carrying out their tax obligations. the current tax digitalization administrations are e-registration, e-invoicing, e-filing, e-form, and e-billing (latofah & harjo, 2020). it is suspected that in several regions of indonesia, taxpayers' level of awareness and compliance with tax obligations is still below the level expected by the government (rusli, 2019; sinuhaji, 2019). one indicator of this is the fact that there are still taxpayers who do not fulfil their obligations, such as filing the annual tax return (spt), which is a report on the annual tax obligations of taxpayers (ernita & sudjiman, 2021). this spt reporting serves as an indicator of the level of taxpayer compliance; the more the number of spts submitted by a taxpayer, the higher the level of taxpayer compliance is considered to be (adi, 2020; rahmadani & munawaroh, 2017). one of the areas in indonesia that experiences ups and downs in receiving spt reporting is the cileungsi pratama tax service office, bogor regency, west java province, indonesia. this area was chosen to be used as a research location in the writing of this scientific paper on the grounds that the reporting fluctuations are quite high and the data obtained is as expected. to find out an overview of this, the following table shows the target and realization of spt receipts from taxpayers in the working area of the cileungsi pratama tax service office from 2018 -2020: table 1 target and realization of taxpayer annual tax reporting at the cileungsi pratama tax service office, bogor regency analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 93 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting description 2018 2019 2020 target 15,58 juta 18 juta 19 juta realization of wp reporting 11,19 juta 12,19 juta 10,9 juta corporate tax payer 854.000 961.666 657.000 employee personal tp 993.754 2.29 juta 1.2 juta non employee personal tp 9.35 juta 10.11 juta 9.1 juta source: pdi kpp pratama cileungsi section, 2021 from the table above, it is found a phenomenon that occurs that there are still many taxpayers who have not reported through the spt every year, especially in the area of the cileungsi pratama tax service office, bogor regency where in 2019-2020 spt reporting was disrupted, one of the causes was the impact of the pandemic. covid-19 where the reporting is no longer through face-to-face but through e-filling and e-spt. therefore, this makes a lot of taxpayers still do not know and understand the mechanism for reporting the spt, so that the reporting has decreased from the previous year. the research objectives to be achieved by the author in writing this scientific work are as follows: 1. to analyze how the implementation of the annual tax return reporting policy for individual taxpayers at the cileungsi pratama tax service office. 2. to analyze what obstacles are faced in the implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at the cileungsi pratama tax service office. 3. to analyze what efforts are being made in overcoming the obstacles of the implementation of the reporting policy for annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at the cileungsi pratama tax service office. annual tax reporting by both individual taxpayers and corporate taxpayers is a manifestation of the implementation of public policies issued by the government with the aim of knowing that the implementation of tax collection has been carried out well in an area (norzhela et al., 2019; widiastuti, 2017). public policy itself according to william dunn is an activity that is interrelated and created by government stakeholders from all aspects as a whole (pasolong, 2019). the definition of tax is a people's contribution to the state treasury based on the law (which can be enforced) by not receiving reciprocal services (counter performance), which can be directly shown and which is used to pay general expenses (hidayat & afiyanti, 2019). there are five important elements in taxation, namely, first, there is a contribution from the community to the state, secondly, tax collection must be based on tax laws and regulations, thirdly, in its implementation, the tax regulator can impose tax collection on the community, the fourth, community does not get a direct counter achievement, and fifth, the results of tax revenues will be used to finance state expenditures with the aim of improving people's welfare (harjo, 2019). analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 94 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the definition of a tax return is a letter used by a taxpayer to report tax calculations and/or payments, tax objects and/or non-tax objects, and/or assets and liabilities in accordance with the provisions of tax laws and regulations (diana & setiawati, 2017). annual tax report spt) is a basic obligation for both individual taxpayers and corporate taxpayers where this report will summarize all activities related to taxpayer's taxation during the current tax year. this annual report has the following functions (rahman et al., 2015): 1) income tax tax payer the function of the annual tax report (spt) for income taxpayers is as a suggestion to report and account for the calculation of the actual amount of tax owed and to report on: a. payment of tax obligations in the current tax year or part thereof. b. income which is a tax object or is not a tax object. c. assets & liabilities. d. deposits from withholding/collectors for withholding or collecting taxes in the current year 2) taxable entrepreneur for taxable entrepreneurs, the function of the spt is a reporting forum for calculating vat and luxury goods sales tax payable, including : a. crediting input tax and output tax; b. periodically pay or settle taxes by taxpayer 3) for tax withholder or collector spt functions as a means to report and account for taxes withheld or collected and deposited. electronic filling (e-filing) is one way of submitting annual spt which is carried out online in real time providing application service provider (asp) services (rusli, 2019). companies providing application services provide facilities and infrastructure for taxpayers who wish to submit their tax returns electronically (batrancea et al., 2019). apart from being the party that provides the means for submitting electronic tax returns, asp also functions as a mediating institution or intermediary that connects taxpayers with tax officials (wulandari, 2021). in addition, asp can also provide tax information needed by taxpayers through the website that has been provided (supriatiningsih & jamil, 2021). meanwhile, the definition of electronic tax return (e-spt) according to chairil anwar pohan is "taxpayer spt data in electronic form made by taxpayers using the e-spt application that has been provided by the directorate general of taxes" (pohan, 2017) policy implementation is an activity to carry out policies, fulfill promises as stated in policy documents (to fulfill), to produce outputs as stated in policy objectives, and to complete the mission that must be realized as contained in the policy objectives (handoyo, 2012). policy implementation according to van metter and van horn is an action taken by the government and the private sector either individually or in groups intended to achieve the goals of public policy through activities involving various stakeholders . policy implementation is a very complex process because it not only involves various actors or organizations, but also analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 95 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting because the implementation process is influenced by various variables, both individual variables and organizational variables that interact with each other. van meter and van horn explain that there are 6 (six) variables that affect implementation performance (subarsono, 2019), namely: 1. policy standards and objectives standards and policy objectives must be clear and measurable, so as not to cause implementation which can lead to conflicts between implementation agents. 2. resource policies need to be supported by resources, both human and non-human resources. 3. relationships between organizations the existence of cooperation with related institutions in carrying out a policy will influence and determine the success of the policy or program being implemented. 4. characteristics of implementing agents it includes the bureaucratic structure, norms and patterns of relationships that occur in the bureaucracy, all of which will affect the implementation of a program. 5. social, political and economic conditions this variable consists of several aspects originating from conditions in the surrounding environment that have the potential to succeed in implementing the policies implemented. 6. implementor's disposition the disposition of this implementor includes three important things, namely: a. the willingness and speed of the implementer in responding to the current policy will affect the success of the policy itself; b. understanding of the policy also determines the success of the policies implemented c. fast intervals about the disposition of the implementor, affecting the accuracy and success of a policy six variables are significant factors and influence each other and must run accumulatively well so that the performance of this implementation can be fulfilled properly. richard elmore, michael lipsky and benny hjern, david porter also produced an implementation model based on the type of public policy that encourages people to do their own policy implementation or still involves government officials but only at a low level. several previous studies that are similar to this research include anda puspitarini whose research entitled implementation of the e-filing system of the annual pph individual personal tax return at the kpp pratama surabaya pabena cantikan revealed that the implementation of efiling at the kpp pratama surabaya pabean cantikan was not effective enough, the implementation of e-filing was not effective enough. -filing has also not gone well and the expected intensity has not been maximized due to technical and non-technical constraints. another factor is that many taxpayers do not know and know the e-filing procedure. the application of e-filing for the annual personal income tax return will be maximized if the kpp pratama surabaya pabean cantikan provides repairs and improvements to services and facilities to taxpayers (puspitarini, 2016). janika and friends also conducted research on the implementation of electronic spt reporting in the bintan area in 2019 with the title analysis of tax policy implementation regarding annual analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 96 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting electronic notification letters (e-spt) at the bintan pratama tax service office with research results in the process of implementing tax policies regarding the annual electronic notification letter (e-spt) at the bintan pratama tax service office, it has been running as expected, but researchers find that there are still taxpayers who do not understand the procedure for filling out this electronic notification letter (janika et al., 2019). khalishaheti and aldilla gadis in 2017 also researched electronic spt reporting in klaten regency with the title electronic annual tax return (spt) reporting implementation (study on e-filing programs at the klaten pratama tax service office) where the results of their research show that implementation e-filing at the klaten pratama tax service office has been running well, as evidenced by the increase in individual taxpayers using e-filing and the preparation steps taken before implementation (khalishaheti, 2017). herawati, tabroni and lusiana conducted research on the effectiveness of tax regulations, dissemination of taxpayer understanding and compliance strategies in implementing their tax obligations in 2018, from the results of their research they suggested that in order to increase state revenue from taxes, the government should be active in making people aware of their obedience in paying tax. they also argue that the importance of socialization of taxation by kpp to taxpayers through various media. socialization is carried out not only face-to-face, but also through mass media according to current conditions. the output of this research is the formalization of appropriate socialization standards for kpp in order to increase awareness of taxpayers so that tax revenues automatically increase (herawati et al., 2018). from some of the previous studies above, it can be concluded that the implementation of reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers has a role, and plays an important role in terms of state revenue receipts. the similarity between several previous studies and this research is that they both examine the implementation of reporting individual taxpayers' annual tax returns in an effort to increase taxpayer compliance. what distinguishes this research is the location of the research carried out at the cileungsi pratama tax service office and the year of research. method a descriptive qualitative research approach is used to analyze the problems in this study because the authors want to explore in detail and intensively the policies of the modern tax administration system in an effort to improve taxpayer compliance. in addition, another reason the author chooses a qualitative approach is the study of the literature in this study and the pattern of inductive research thinking. this research is not to test the truth of a theory, but to draw conclusions about what happened. the type of research used in this research is descriptive research which describes and explains in detail the phenomena or problems that exist in the status of human groups, objects, conditions and systems of thought or events in the present. this type of research seeks to explain certain social phenomena. analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 97 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the data collection techniques used were conducting observations, conducting interviews with several informants and documenting some data that were considered important and relevant to this research. this technique is in accordance with what was stated by sugiyono that "data collection methods are the methods used by researchers to collect data." data analysis technique is an activity that begins with collecting data, then choosing the validity of the data that has been collected, choosing a particular coding with the aim of being effective in conducting research and drawing a decision to do research (moleong, 2018). in carrying out data analysis techniques, the authors use the techniques proposed by miles & huberman, namely through the stages of data reduction, displaying data and drawing conclusions (sugiyono, 2019). the data reduction stage is sorting and selecting the collected data with the aim that the author will choose valid and relevant data to the research to be carried out, so not all the collected data will be used as research data. the next stage is to display the data in this case the author uses verbatim coding to facilitate data analysis and the last stage is to draw conclusions based on the analysis carried out. in conducting interviews, the writer chose several informants with the criteria that the informants knew and understood about the problems to be analyzed, also the informants were needed to explore the information that became the basis and the theoretical design that was built. in determining informants in qualitative research, it is possible to use three methods, namely the purposive procedure (deliberate), the quota procedure and the snowball procedure. purposive sampling is the author's choice in selecting informants. the selected informants represent 1 person from the policy maker, 5 taxpayers and 1 person from academics. this research was conducted by focusing on the implementation of the reporting policy of the annual tax return of individual taxpayers at the cileungsi pratama tax service office, west java province. the author uses the theory of van meter and van horn policy implementation with the reason that the variables described in the theory are in accordance with the research theme that the author examines. in researching a policy, the author needs to examine what are the standards and targets in the policies that have been implemented, whether human resources (hr) are sufficient in implementing the policy, whether there is inter-organizational communication in the implementation of the policy. what is the attitude of the implementing agents in their performance of implementing the policy, then whether the social, economic & political conditions can support the successful implementation of the policy and how is the implementor's disposition in committing to implement the policies that have been made. from the conceptual framework that has been explained, the author puts it in the research model chart, where this chart is a simple flow that describes the pattern of the relationship between the variables contained in the main theory of the research used. this simple flow is in the form of an image or flow chart which the author describes as follows: analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 98 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 1 conceptual model result and discussion in conducting the analysis the author refers to the theory of policy implementation donald s. van meter and carl e. van horn which has 5 variables, namely standards and targets of policy implementation, inter-organizational communication, characteristics of implementing agents, social, political and economic conditions and implementator disposition with the results discussion as follows: 1. standards and targets for policies implemented in the implementation of the annual tax reporting policy for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi. a. from the analysis carried out by verbatim, which was based on interviews with informants, it appears that the standards and targets for implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers are in line with the regulation of the minister of finance. it is the reference number 9/pmk.03/2018 that taxpayers should use when submitting their annual tax letters in order to prevent having them returned. the result concluded that kpp pratama cileungsi has a sufficient analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 99 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting number of human resources to help taxpayers in completing and filing their annual income tax forms. b. the outcome of the inter-organizational communication variable in the implementation of individual taxpayer annual tax reporting policies at kpp pratama cileungsi demonstrates that communication between organisations is a reference for the successful implementation of annual spt reporting policies, particularly communication between dgt and kpp, kpp and companies, because communication can direct taxpayers to report their annual tax returns in accordance with the provisions. for example, the dgt instructs taxpayers to report electronically so that they do not have to visit the tax office. c. the findings on the variable characteristics of implementing agents in the implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi revealed that implementing agents' attitudes in implementing the annual spt reporting policy are in accordance with sops and applicable laws and regulations, namely through online efilling with the procedure mechanism contained in the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia no.9/pmk.03/2018 d. the result of social, political, and economic conditions in the implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi revealed that social, economic, and political conditions have a significant impact on the success of annual taxpayer spt reporting individuals, particularly issues circulating in the community, which can influence taxpayers to report or not report their spt. however, many taxpayers are still confused about how to file spt via electronic filing. e. the disposition of the implementator of the reporting policy of the annual tax return of the individual taxpayer at kpp pratama cileungsi demonstrated that the disposition of the implementer was carried out according to the direction and commitment with the support of competent policy implementers and has the capacity to perform services without discriminating against taxpayers. 2. obstacles faced by kpp pratama cileungsi in the implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi. the findings revealed that the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi included server errors, problems with the djp online system, a high volume of spt reporting that causes the server to overload, difficulties in filling out spt, a lack of completeness of attachments, a poor internet network, and a lack of understanding by taxpayers about whether they should submit spt every year or not. 3. efforts made by kpp pratama cileungsi if there are obstacles in the implementation of the reporting policy on annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi. in order to deal with the obstacles to the implementation of the policy for reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers, kpp pratama cileungsi made improvements analysis of the implementation of annual tax reporting policy among personal tax payer in indonesia harjo and salleh 100 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to the oc (operator console) to find out what problems were being encountered, can also do socialisation and pick up the ball and appeal to taxpayers to submit their spt, and finally by increasing the number of existing human resource. conclusion based on the research and analysis that has been done by the author regarding the analysis of the implementation of reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi, the authors draw conclusions including: 1. implementation of reporting annual tax returns for individual taxpayers at kpp pratama cileungsi from 2018 to 2020 has been good and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations but has not reached the set target 2. obstacles 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(2022). trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 202-214. abstract: the shopping center at bata sunter mall in jakarta experienced a decline in sales due to the covid-19 pandemic, entering the new normal experienced a change in shopping. the aim of this approach is to fulfill consumer trust and make positive use of digital technology. the research method of this research is casual associative quantitative and the data obtained through a questionnaire. the results of this study indicate that entering the new normal is a step for consumers to shop during the pandemic. since its implementation, physical distancing has been in the rules of the indonesian government and its policies. keywords: trust x1; service quality x2; interest in buying batay shoes; easy payment z. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction cases in indonesia experienced the covid-19 pandemic starting friday, march 2, 2020, the spread of this virus had a major impact on the economy (atmojo et al., 2020; el-chidtian et al., 2021; karyono et al., 2020; yusmar et al., 2021). especially in the economic sector that sells in stores, some of the shop entrepreneurs are closed so that people find it difficult to meet their daily needs (arianto, 2020; dai et al., 2021; damayanti, 2021; kusumastuti, 2020; schwab et al., 2019; wardana, 2021). to overcome this situation, people turn to social media, such as shopping, traveling and everyday life preferring online. the phenomenon in the field shows that the covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in people's lifestyles, which are increasingly shopping online compared to previous years (liu et al., 2020; shang et al., 2020; themba et al., 2021; wei & dong, 2022; wulandari et al., 2021). trust is a foundation in a business process, a transaction between two or more parties will occur if both parties trust each other. trust in the business world will not appear instantly, but must be built from the start of a business. consumer trust according to consumer ratings is a seller's reliability in experience and the fulfillment of consumer expectations and satisfaction (firdayanti, 2012; hsin chang & wang, 2011). the number of digital transactions among indonesians during the covid-19 pandemic has increased significantly. shopee is an e-commerce platform, which recorded an increase in transactions in q2-2020 up to 130% compared to the same period last year (bahrah & fachira, 2021; liu et al., 2020; pranata, 2022; supartono, 2022). trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 203 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting consumers can adapt fluidly or flexibly to conditions and situations by immediately switching to the use of digital wallets and service applications and buying and selling. through the internet, making it easier for consumers to find out about the goods they want to buy from the brand or color. of course, digital wallets make it easier in the current era as an alternative to payment transactions so you can keep your distance (aulia, 2020; beeler et al., 2022; ferrari, 2022; tupikovskaja-omovie & tyler, 2021; vrain et al., 2022). 1. does consumer safety trust have a positive effect on buying interest in brick shoes? 2. does service quality have a positive effect on buying interest in brick shoes? 3. does the ease of payment have a positive effect on buying interest in brick shoes? 4. does the ease of payment have the ability to strengthen or weaken the significant positive effect of security trust on buying interest in brick shoes? 5. does the ease of payment have the ability to strengthen or weaken the positive significant effect of service quality on buying interest in brick shoes?  consumer trust 1. definition of trust trust is a basic thing in doing a business. trust arises if it can be proven, so that customer satisfaction can occur (huang et al., 2022; prakoso, 2017; yuwen et al., 2022). trust indicator according to wiedenfels, the indicators of trust include: integrity, honesty and ability to keep promises from trusted parties (seller) kindness. attention and motivation to act in the interests of consumers by providers of goods (cheng et al., 2022; farohi, 2017; li et al., 2021). 2. service quality the definition of quality is all the characteristics and characteristics of a product or service that have the ability to affect the satisfaction of a need that can be implied (kotler & keller, 2016). quality is a characteristic of a product and service to meet existing needs. services are activities provided by one party to another without any transfer of rights/ownership and are intangible. we can think of this service as a service. business will continue to exist and be successful with competitors if it can create a good, quality and affordable product for the community. to meet these conditions, companies must understand consumer behavior, what consumers want and that can provide satisfaction to the consumers concerned. the development of science, technology and the ease of all reach of access make consumers demand the provision of good quality and service from all. 1) tangible, namely the quality that can be directly felt by the community both in terms of appearance and treatment felt in service 2) reliability, namely the service felt by consumers in accordance with the promises previously delivered, which is a minimal service 3) responsiveness (responsiveness), namely responsive behavior in serving. 4) assurance, which is a guarantee of quality and safety. 5) empathy, namely an attitude that really pays attention to customers, cares about the interests of customers which is carried out individually. trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 204 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. interest in buying bata shoes interest is one of the psychological aspects that has a considerable influence on attitudes and behavior (schiffman & kanuk, 2007). buying interest is the tendency of a consumer to buy a brand, or take an action related to a purchase (aries et al., 2018). there are several indicators to measure buying interest, namely: 1) interested in finding information about the product. 2) want to know the product. 3) interested to try. 4) consider buying. 5) want to own the product (hadithya & hidayah, 2021). 4. ease of payment digital payments have more advantages than disadvantages analyzing the effect of non-cash payment instruments on the stability of the indonesian financial system, the results of which are based on an analysis of transactions using debit cards and e-money which have a positive impact on the flow of money. although the e-money variable has no direct effect on inflation, it still has an impact on increasing the money supply, the existence of electronic money as a modern financial transaction tool with the results, the development of start-up businesses has an increasing effect on electronic money such as go-jek and grab transportation transactions (hardiky et al., 2021). the use of a qr code payment system is a popular system today. well-known brands have started using qr codes. even msmes are now a target for mobile payment service providers. this is evidenced by the proliferation of msmes that provide online payment services, especially qr code-based. not only that, even vegetable traders at bintaro market and cloth sellers at mayestik market, south jakarta have used the qr code as a payment medium (musyaffi & kayati, 2020). the phenomenon in the field shows that the covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in people's lifestyles, which are increasingly doing online shopping compared to previous years and indicators of ease of payment. ease of payment technology, ease of shopping, ease of application payments (wulandari et al., 2021). method in his study of quantitative research, the research was conducted using causal associative quantitative research methods, with survey techniques using questionnaires. in this study, the researcher looked for a cause-and-effect relationship (permana, 2020). the population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions (sugiyono, 2019). the population is all consumers of bata shoe shop making purchases in north jakarta. the reason the researchers chose the sunter mall area is known to have high investment opportunities and is close to residents who are also frequently visited from young children to adults. the sample is the number and characteristics of the population. for example, if the population is larger, it is impossible for researchers to study the entire population due to limitations, energy trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 205 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and time, as researchers can use samples taken from the population (sugiyono, 2019). this sample is based on calculations using formula as follows: n = z2p ( 1-p ) d 2 n = 1,96 2 0,5(1-0,5) = 3,8416 x 0,25 = 0,9604 = 96,04 0,1 2 0,01 0,01 information: n: number of samples required z: normal distribution value at 95% significance level (.96) p: maximum estimate 50% = 0.5 d: sampling error 10% or alpha (0,10) (lemeshow et al., 1994) the quantity z represents the number of standard errors that are far from the average. the quantity d is called precision and can be made as small as desired simply by increasing the sample size. in particular, if z is chosen to be 1.960, then 95% of all sample proportions will fall within the standard error of 1.960 of the population proportion p, where the standard error is equal to p(1-p)/n. unfortunately, this standard error is a function of the unknown population parameter p. however, it should be noted that p(1-p) takes the following values for the different p options. p p(1-p) 0,5 0,25 0,4 0,24 0,3 0,21 0,2 0,16 0,2 0,09 figure 1. lemeshow rumus formula source: (lemeshow et al., 1990, p. 11) based on this formula research, the minimum known researcher is 96 respondents, which will be rounded off by the researcher to 101 respondents. the reason the researcher uses the formula is because it is highly recommended, especially for researchers who do not know the true population value (lemeshow et al., 1994).  data collection technique this study uses a likert scale, its function is to measure how strongly the subject agrees or disagrees with statements related to concepts or variables. likert scale is used to measure physical distancing, security trust in buying interest with ease of payment or about an event or social phenomenon (singarimbun, 2007). in filling out the questionnaire, respondents are asked to provide opinions or answers to statements that are positive in the form of: trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 206 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 1. collecting data using a likert scale a. strongly agree weight 5 b. agree weight 4 c. enough weight 3 d. do not agree weight 2 e. strongly disagree weight 1 (source: (yunita et al., 2019, p. 96) this study uses the pls-sem method using smartpls 3.0 software. pls can analyze and test the relationship between variables (mustofa et al., 2022). pls is a powerful analytical method because it is not based on many assumptions, the data does not have to be normally distributed, and the sample does not have to be large (barrett et al., 2021; sarstedt et al., 2022). testing of instruments and hypotheses was carried out through the smart pls 3.0 program. before testing the validity and reliability, it will be tested through confirmatory factor analysis or cfa (de oliveira bussiman et al., 2022; sun et al., 2022). testing through the cfa is done on the grounds that one of the variables in this study, namely the service quality variable (x) has sub-variables (leeb, 2021). testing through cfa is called second order technique testing (al zarooni et al., 2022). if the cfa test has been carried out, it will be tested for validity and reliability. and if the validity and reliability test has met the requirements of ave > 0.7, then this test can be continued with hypothesis testing. table 2. respondent data information amount percentage gender man woman 33 68 32.3% 67.3% age < 28 years 28 – 40 years > 40 years 50 46 5 49.5% 45.5% 5% job status student / student entrepreneur private jobs 29 52 21 28.7% 51.1% 20.8% i once bought bata shoes yes not 99 2 98% 2% i once bought bata shoes cash card 31 41 30.7% 40.6% trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 207 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting atom 32 31.7% number of respondents 101 source: edited by the author, 2021 judging from the occupations of the respondents, there are 52 (51.1%), students (28.7%) and private/bumn employees 21 (20.8%). respondents who had bought bata products from 101 respondents more than > 4 were 99 (98%) of 101 respondents and the remaining 2 (2%) who did not buy bata products. it is known that buying bata shoes with cash payment method is 31 (30.7%), the greater the respondent's data is atm card 41 (40.6%) while atome is 32 (31.7%). based on the results of this study, the largest percentage is when people feel more secure and easy to make payments, when the conditions for the spread of the corona virus are ordered to keep their distance and not to make physical contact when making purchases with atm card transactions on bata shoes offline. figure 2. figure of discriminant validity (outer loading) value that several loading factor values for each indicator of each latent variable still have a factor loading value that is not the largest or there is an outer loading value <0.5) compared to other loading values. so that must be done by correcting the question and redistributing it to respondents. but there is no guarantee if it repeats again to get valid data. this means that each latent variable does not yet have good discriminant validity where some latent variables still have gauges that are highly correlated with other constructs. trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 208 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 3. figures of all constructs that meet the reliable criteria. composite reliability values above 0.70 and ave above 0.50 are declared valid, but otherwise the results are invalid. table 3.inner test of r-square model source: edited by the author, 2022 coefficient determination (r square) to measure how much the dependent variable is influenced by other variables. this test is done by looking at the r square value of the pls output. based on table 3, the r square value is 0.914 (from the path diagram) or 0.914299 (from the text output). according to sarwono and narimawati (2015) the value of r square > 0.7 is categorized as strong(son, 2021, p. 91). here are the test results using smartpls.  hypothesis test hypothesis testing was carried out using the bootstrapping resampling method developed by geisser & stone (ghozali, 2014). the size of the significance of the hypothesis support can be used to compare the values of the t-table and t-statistics. if the t-statistic is higher than the ttable value, it means that the hypothesis is supported or accepted. in this study, for the 95 percent confidence level (alpha 95 percent), the t-table value for the one-tailed hypothesis is >1.68023.(son, 2021, p. 88). it can be considered significant if the t-statistic is more than 1.96 and another way is to look at the p-value less than 0.05. the following are pictures and tables of research results that have been tested using pls so that significant data and non-significant data can be seen. r-square minat beli sepatu bata 0,818 trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 209 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 4. gambar path coefficient penelitian result and discussion  discussion of the first hypothesis based on the description of the picture above, it can be seen that the path coefficients after bootstrapping can be said that the x1 trust has a positive effect, which is indicated by the original sample value of 0.339. the t statistical value is 4.053 > 1.96 t. the table is proven to be significant at the p value 0.000 < 0.05, thus that ho rejected: security trust has no significant effect on buying interest while, h1 is accepted: security trust has a significant positive effect on buying interest. the results of this hypothesis are in accordance with the journal which states that research conducted by nurlina (2017) says that trust has a positive effect on consumer buying interest at the tokopedia online store. also described by wenny et al,(sarjita, 2020, p.75). based on research conducted by rafidah (2017) says that security has a positive effect on consumer buying interest at lazada's online store. anwar and afifah (2018) also explained that security has a positive effect on consumer buying interest on the lazada online site.(sarjita, 2020, p.75).  discussion of the second hypothesis based on the information above, it can be seen that the path coefficients after boostraping can be said that x2 of service quality has a positive effect as indicated by the original sample value of 0.552. statistical value 5.465 > 1.96 t. the table is proven to be significant at p value 0.000 <0.05, thus ho is rejected. : there is no relationship of influence between service quality and interest while h2 is accepted: there is a positive influence relationship. sothe results of this hypothesis test stated in mugiono's research (2010) regarding the analysis of the influence of service quality on consumer satisfaction (buyers) in malang city market. the purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of service quality variables on consumer satisfaction in malang city market. from the results of the study it can be concluded that the service quality variables simultaneously affect customer satisfaction in malang city market. partially, service quality variables affect customer satisfaction in malang city market.(runtunuwu et al., 2014, p. 1805).  discussion of the third hypothesis based on the information above, the part coefficients state that the variable z ease of payment of the y variable (buying interest) after boostraping is shown to have an original value of 0.063, the ho test is accepted: ease of payment (z) does not have the ability to partially strengthen physical distancing significantly against the y variable ( buying interest) and h3 is rejected: ease trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 210 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of payment does not have the ability to strengthen a significant effect on buying interest, as shown by the tstatisk value of 0.890 <1.96 t.table and p.value 0.374> 0.05 significant. the results of this hypothesis are in line with febriyani's research (2019), which states that ease of use partially has a positive and significant effect on buying interest. the ease of use indicator used when shopping online has a great value,(taan, 2021, p. 93).  discussion of the fourth hypothesis based on the description of the part coefficients, it states that the variable ease of payment of the variable y (buying interest) after boostraping is shown to have an original value of -0.230 then, the ho test is accepted: ease of payment does not have the ability to strengthen the influence of security trust on buying interest and h4 is rejected: ease of payment has the ability strengthen the influence of trust on buying interest shown tstatisk value 1.518 <1.96 t.table and p.value 0.130> 0.05 significant. the results of this hypothesis are not in accordance with dewa et al (2015) that someone will find it easier to use the system by making benefits and using it continuously in a sustainable way. increased user trust and productivity can be done through the digital wallet venkatesh et al., this hypothesis is in accordance with the journal from priyambodo and triyanto (2021:8) which was processed based on multiple linear regression with tstatistics of 1.005 < 1.96 t.table and p value 0.317 > 0.05 significance. it is stated in the journal that trust in the security of the payment system is crucial in buying and selling transactions, if the payment system is facilitated and obtained in convenience, it will increase shopping akbardi (2017) and oney et all (2017). ease of payment if it is not accompanied by trust in security in payments, consumers feel that shopping comfort will be disturbed (priyambodo, 2021, p.13 ).  discussion of the fifth hypothesis based on the description of the part coefficients, it states that the variable ease of payment of the variable y (buying interest) after boostraping is shown to be an original value of 0.183, then ho test is accepted: ease of payment does not have the ability to strengthen the influence of service quality on buying interest and h5 is rejected: ease of payment has the ability to strengthen the effect of service quality on buying interest is shown by the tstatisk value of 0.995 <1.96 t.table and p.value 0.320> 0.05 significant. conclusion  first hypothesis resultshypothesis testing based on the table above shows that the relationship between trust (x1) and purchase interest (y) is significant with t-statistic > 1.96 which is 4.053 which means that based on this hypothesis 2 in this study is accepted. this states that trust in the business world is very important, especially in the midst of the implementation of social distancing and life in carrying out activities due to the covid-19 pandemic.  second hypothesis the results of hypothesis testing based on the table above show that the relationship between service quality (x2) and purchase interest (y) is significant with t-statistic > 1.96, which is 5.465, which means that based on this hypothesis 3 in this study is accepted. in terms of service quality, providing satisfaction to consumers, especially during the pandemic, people see the services and equipment to check for those who are affected or have symptoms of covid-19. trust analysis, service quality on purchase interest, atome payment moderation hidajat and islam 211 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting such as the supply of masks, convenient communication even though it is limited by distance and vaccine information certificates to prevent the spread of the virus.  third hypothesis the results of testing this hypothesis based on the table above show that the relationship between ease of payment (z) and purchase interest (y) is not significant with t-statistic > 1.96 which is 0.890 which means that based on this hypothesis 4 in this study is not accepted.  fourth hypothesis resultshypothesis testing based on the table above shows that the relationship between trust as a moderating variable of ease of payment is not significant to purchase interest with t-statistic <1.96 ie 1.518 which means based on this hypothesis 6 in the study is not accepted. that reducing the risk of trust weakens the relationship moderated by ease of payment in shopping.  fifth hypothesis resultshypothesis testing based on the table above shows that the relationship between service quality as a moderating variable of ease of payment is not significant to purchase interest with t-statistic <1.96 which is 0.995, which means that based on this the hypothesis in the study is not accepted. explaining that the quality of service during the pandemic is so 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(2022). the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(1), 103-116. abstract: this research was conducted at the indonesian financial and development supervisory agency (bpkp) at jalan pemuda no 33 jakarta. the time of the study starts in january 2018 until september 2018. this study aims to determine the influence of the competence and independence of the auditor internal on the quality of internal audit and its impact on the effectiveness of internal control. the study sample consisted of 63 people from auditors at the indonesian bpkp. primary data is obtained through observation, interviews, and questionnaires whose validity and reliability have been tested first. the object in this study is the influence of competence and independence of internal auditors, as well as the quality of internal audit, while those who are the subject of this research are bpkp ri auditors. the conclusions obtained are there is a significant influence of the competence and independence of internal auditors on the quality of internal audit together. keywords: competencies, independence, and quality of internal audit. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the quality of internal audits carried out by government agencies including bpk ri auditors is still low and from the five levels in the iacm (internal audit capability model) approach, 93.96 percent of supervisors are at level one and only 5.74 percent at level ii while only one apip at level iii. based on the results of the assessment of the level of capability of ri bpkp auditors in 474 apip ministries, institutions, and regional governments as of december 31, 2014, a total of 404 apips or 85.23% were at level-1, 69 apip or 14.56% level-2, and new 1 apip or 0.21% which is at level-3. the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 104 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting no level of apip capability percentage 1 supervisor is at level one (404 apip) 85,23% 2 supervisors are at level two (69 apip) 14.56% 3 supervisors are at level three (1 apip) 0.21% 4 supervisors are at level four (none) 0% 5 supervisors are at level five (none) 0% (bpkp ri, 2016). the institute of internal auditors (iia) has developed a model capability model (ia-cm) internal audit capability, namely a framework that identifies fundamental aspects needed for effective internal supervision in the public sector (christ et al., 2015). in the ia-cm model, apip is divided into five levels of capability, namely level 1 (initial), level 2 (infrastructure), level 3 (integrated), level 4 (managed), and level 5 (optimizing). the bpkp's oversight role is not yet optimal due to constraints such as the lack of optimal development of auditor competency and independence, inadequate composition and distribution of human resources, unplanned planning with a central monitoring program, lack of coordination among local / central unit deputies, and lack of socialization of guidelines clear supervision. external constraints are the lack of optimal coordination with apip ( government internal supervisory apparatus), ministry / institution / regional government (setyawati & bernawati, 2020). in addition to these constraints, the number of assignments at the request of the institution / other apip affects the resources that can be used to carry out the bpkp's mandate and obscures the focus of supervision. internal audit quality. the absence of these competencies can make the internal auditors as a whole unable to carry out their role in carrying out supervision effectively so that their contributions are not optimal in ensuring that comprehensive and fundamental internal audit quality practices cannot be realized (yurniwati & rizaldi, 2015). to be able to function properly and be able to maintain its independence, the internal auditor must focus its activities on strategic activities and avoid execution of daily activities. internal auditor independence is manifested in the form of not having personal interests or interrelationships which can cause conflicts of interest with the institution, not people in the public accountant office, legal consultant offices, or other parties that provide audit services, non-audit services or other consulting services, not people who have the authority and responsibility to plan, lead or control institutions and most importantly have independent behavior and thinking. inspection activities must include planning checks, testing and evaluating information, notifying results and following up (munteanu & zaharia, 2014). internal audit planning must be documented and include matters such as setting the purpose of inspection and scope of work, obtaining basic information about the activities to be examined, determining the various forces needed to carry out the inspection, notifying the parties deemed necessary, carrying out the survey appropriately, writing an inspection program and determining how, when and to whom the results of the examination will be submitted and obtaining approval for the inspection work plan (dalkin et al., 2021). the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 105 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting proxy of quality and effective internal audit quality, according to the provisions of the decision of the secretary of the bumn minister sk-16 / s.mbu / 2012 number has at least three parameters, namely the first company has an internal oversight charter set by the board of directors, both internal audits are equipped with supporting factors for success in carrying out their duties. and the third internal audit carries out internal supervision to provide added value and improve company operations (sudharmono & tunjungsari, 2021). it is expected that the internal auditors in carrying out their functions and duties have competence so that they will produce good and reliable audit quality. the synthesis of competencies is an ability that must be possessed regarding an adequate understanding of accounting, auditing and systems that apply in the company. competence indicates the achievement and maintenance of a level of understanding and knowledge that allows an audit committee member to carry out the task properly (seckler et al., 2017). the synthesis of the dimensions or characteristics of competencies includes knowledge, skills, behaviors and personal characteristics that comprise traits and motives. personal characteristics are difficult to develop and more cost effective for choosing people who have the desired personality traits. knowledge and skills are easy to develop so training is cost effective. it is expected that the internal auditors in carrying out their functions and duties in addition to having competencies must also have independence so that they will produce good and reliable audit quality (salterio et al., 2021). the synthesis of the independence of internal auditors is a freedom from conditions that threaten objectivity both individually and the ability of internal audit activities in carrying out their responsibilities in unusual ways, as well as in formulating and expressing opinions. the synthesis of the dimensions or characteristics of the independence of internal auditors includes independence in the audit program, independence in verification / investigation, independence in reporting (rapley et al., 2021). based on the description above, it appears that the scope of the internal audit work is very broad and comprehensive in order to guarantee the achievement of organizational goals. if the internal audit institution in indonesia which is incorporated in the apip container is given clear and broad authority, roles and functions as mentioned above, the results of apip's work will be very beneficial not only for the government, but also beneficial for the legislature, external auditor, and other interested parties (iswara, 2014). however, to ensure the quality of the results of the apip work involving a large number of human resources with various types of educational and experience backgrounds, a professional and sustainable education and training program is needed. in addition, to improve coordination in planning, implementing and evaluating activities among the apip ranks, the development of synergy for apip supervision is needed (setyawati & bernawati, 2020). the definition of competency is the knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish tasks that define an individual's job. competence is the knowledge and skills needed to complete tasks that define individual work (arens & loebbecke, 2015). the other definition states competence means the ability and ability to carry out a job or profession. competent people means people who can carry out their work with good quality results. on the other words, competence means employees have the knowledge and expertise to carry out their duties (susanto, 2017). the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 106 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a competency represents the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform a desirable behavior, which can be said that human resource competencies are related to the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to recruit, hire, train and compensate employees (sanjuan & froese, 2013). competence is a characteristic of people who have the skill, knowledge and ability to perform tasks which can be said that competence is a characteristic that includes skills, knowledge and ability to perform tasks (dinapoli, 2017). competency is an underlying skill, potential characteristics, or demonstrating various observable behaviors that contribute to outstanding performance in a job. competence is an underlying skill, potential characteristic, or motive showing a variety of observable behaviors that contribute to outstanding performance in the work (grau, 2013). there are two terms that emerge from two different schools of thought about the concept of conformity in work, the term is competency, namely a description of behavior and competence (skill) which is a job description or work result (ingason, 2015). competence is a person or group of people who perform the function functions as follows: (1) having integrity, means having an honest, objective spirit; (2) understanding the ins and outs of business and company finance; (3) able to read financial statements; (4) having sensitivity to environmental development that can affect the company's business; and (5) commitment means having a consistent nature with applicable regulations (gibson et al., 2014). integrity, meaning having the spirit of honesty, and objective, internal auditors must have words, and actions in their work can be trusted both for themselves and others and the internal auditor must have an unbiased attitude, and avoid conflicts of interest with full confidence. with individual objectivity it is intended that internal auditors carry out assignments with honest beliefs and do not make compromises in terms of significant quality. internal auditors should not be placed in situations that can interfere with their ability to make judgments in an objective professional manner (bellamkonda et al., 2020). the objectivity of internal auditors is not negatively affected when the auditor recommends control standards for a particular system or reviews certain procedures before they are implemented. the auditor's objectivity is considered to be disturbed if the auditor designs, implements, draws procedures, or operates the system. occasional assignments outside the audit by internal auditors, if full disclosures are made in reporting the tasks, do not necessarily interfere with objectivity. however, this requires careful consideration, both by management and internal auditors to avoid negative impacts on the objectivity of internal auditors (felício et al., 2021). based on the description above, it can be concluded that competency is a capability that must be possessed regarding an adequate understanding of accounting, auditing and systems that apply in the company. competence indicates the achievement and maintenance of a level of understanding and knowledge that allows an audit committee member to carry out the task properly. internal auditor must be able and understand and analyze financial statements (tugiman, 2016). based on understanding competencies of internal auditors is a competency is the capability of an individual which is related to superior performance in a role or job. it may be knowledge, skill, intellectual, strategy or a cluster of all that may or may not work units. competence is the the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 107 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting ability of an individual to be associated with superior performance in a role or job (ruizbarbadillo & martínez-ferrero, 2020). based on how many meanings have been explained above, it can be concluded that competence is a person's ability that can be observed including the knowledge, skills, and abilities in completing a job or task in accordance with established performance standards characteristics of internal auditor competencies models characteristics of level 1 (initial) include (1) ad hoc or unstructured; (2) only conduct audits, or review documents and transactions for accuracy and compliance; (3) results depend on the skills of certain people; (4) there is no professional practice carried out; (5) approval of the budget by management as needed; (6) absence of infrastructure; (7) the existence of an internal audit unit is not taken into account; and (8) institutional capabilities are not developed . characteristics of level 2 (infrastructure) include: (1) the basic question or challenge is how to build and maintain processes repeatedly; (2) there are written rules regarding reporting of internal audit activities, infrastructure management and administration and professional practices and processes that are being built; (3) audit planning is determined based on management priorities; (4) still depends on the skills and competencies of certain people; (5) compliance with the implementation of internal audit standards is still partial. characteristics of level 3 (integrated) include: (1) internal audit policies, processes and procedures have been established documented and integrated with each other and are organizational infrastructure; (2) management and professional practice of the internal audit unit has been established and uniformly applied in all internal audit activities; (3) the internal audit unit begins to align with the governance and risks faced by the organization; (4) the internal audit unit evolved from only conducting activities traditionally to integrating itself as a unitary organization and providing advice on performance and risk management; (5) focus on building teams and internal audit capacity, independence and objectivity; and (6) implementation of activities in general is in accordance with audit standards. level 4 (managed) characteristics include: (1) the alignment of expectations of the internal audit unit with the main stakeholders; (2) there is a performance matrix to measure and monitor internal audit processes and results; (3) the internal audit unit is recognized as making a significant contribution to the organization; (4) the internal audit function is part of the integration of governance and organizational risk management; (5) the internal audit unit is a well-managed unit; (6) risk is measured and managed quantitatively; and (7) there are skills and competency requirements with the capacity to update and share knowledge in the internal audit unit and throughout the organization. level 5 characteristics (optimizing) include: (1) internal audit unit is a learning organization with a continuous process of improvement and innovation; (2) internal audit units use information from inside and outside the organization to contribute to achieving organizational goals; (3) world-class performance recommended, best practice; (4) the internal audit unit is an important part of the organizational governance structure; (5) top level that is professional and has specialized skills; (6) measures of individual, unit and organizational performance are fully integrated to encourage improved performance. the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 108 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting competencies exist at different levels of personality. the various levels are: (1) knowledge: information that an individual has in a particular area; (2) skills: an individual's ability to do something well; (3) behavior: an action in a given situation; (4) personal characteristics, consist of: (a) traits: a typical way of behaving such as taking initiatives; (b) motives: a fundamental and often unconscious driver of thoughts and behavior for example concern for excellence. personal characteristics are hard to develop and it is more cost effective to select people having the desired personality traits. knowledge and skills are easy to develop so training is cost effective (iswara, 2014). competency characteristics consist of: knowledge, skills, behaviors and personal characteristics that comprise traits and motives. personal characteristics are difficult to develop and more cost effective for choosing people who have the desired personality traits. knowledge and skills are easy to develop so training is cost effective (weisner & sutton, 2015). the dimensions of competency are: knowledge, skill, capability, work management, character and commitment . whereas according to mcleod (2007), the dimensions of competence can be seen from education criteria, education criteria are knowledge and skills needed for career in information service. knowledge criteria consist of: computer literacy, information literacy, business fundamentals, system theory, system development, system modeling and skill requirements consist of: communication, analytical ability, creativity, and leadership (paananen et al., 2021). competence can also be seen from individual effectiveness, individual effectiveness emphasizes the task of performance of specific employees or members of the organization. manager routinely assesses individual effectiveness through performance evaluation processes. individual effectiveness causes six factors are: ability, skill, knowledge, attitude, motivations and stress (gibson et al., 2014). from several competency characteristics mentioned above, it can be concluded that the competency characteristics consist of knowledge and skills. both of these characteristics are easy to recognize. these two competencies are also relatively easier to form and develop through learning and training processes (singh et al., 2021). the definition of internal auditor independence is independence is the freedom from conditions that threaten the ability of the internal audit activity to carry out internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner. threats to independence must be managed at the individual auditor, engagement, functional and organizational levels (elsayed & elshandidy, 2021) . the definition of internal auditor independence as independence is the freedom from conditions that threaten the ability of the internal audit activity or the chief audit executive to carry out internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner (mironeasa & codină, 2013). furthermore, according to hiro tugiman (2006: 13), the definition of internal auditor independence is "independence of internal auditors is a condition free from situations that threaten their objectivity both individually and in carrying out their duties. internal auditors must the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 109 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting have an impartial mental attitude, and believe honestly without compromise in quality and to maintain their objectivity, it is forbidden to delegate their decisions to others ". in the government sector, in government auditing standards (gao), paragraph 3.02, defining independence is independence is all matters related to the audit work, the audit organization and the individual auditor, whether government or public, must be independent (dalkin et al., 2021). internal auditors must carry out tasks freely and objectively. internal auditors must be personally independent in attitude toward reality and appearance, then according to spai, 2004 internal auditors are not justified in carrying out checks or evaluations of activities where internal auditors play a role as executors of these activities (dinapoli, 2017). the independence of internal auditors in carrying out their activities includes: (1) independence programming, here the auditor is free to define the selected areas that will be applied; (2) reporting independence, the right to report the full fact is seen as important aspect of independence; and (3) examining independence, external auditors should have freedom to examine all the areas that affect the financial accounts (dalkin et al., 2021). furthermore, the independence of internal auditors includes: (1) organizational independence, the chief audit executive must report to a level within the organization that allows the internal audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities. the executive chief audit must confirm at least annually, the organizational independence of the internal audit activity; and (2) individual objectivity, internal auditors must be impartial, unbiased attitude and avoid any conflict of interest. the dimensions and indicators of internal auditor independence, including: (1) independence in the audit program, consisting of indicators: (a) free of managerial intervention over the audit program; (b) free from any intervention on audit procedures; (c) free of all requirements for audit assignments other than those required for an audit process; (2) independence in verification / investigation, consisting of indicators: (a) free in accessing all records, checking assets, and employees that are relevant to the audit conducted; (b) can cooperate actively with employees / client management during audit verification; (c)) free of all managerial efforts that attempt to limit the activities that are examined or limit in obtaining audit evidence; (d) free from personal interests which hinder audit verification; (3) independence in reporting, consisting of indicators: (a) free from personal desires or the influence of other parties to modify evidence material during audit activities; (b) free from the pressure of any party in reporting material findings; (c) avoid using misleading words both intentionally and unintentionally in reporting facts, opinions and recommendations in the auditor's interpretation; (d) free in using judgment regarding facts in audit reports (tong et al., 2021). in the international standards for the professional practice of internal auditing, internal auditor independence consists of: 1) organizational independence (1.1) the chief audit executive must be at a level within the organization that allows the internal audit activity to fulfill its responsibilities. the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 110 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (1.2) the chief audit executive must confirm the annual audit, the organizational independence of the internal audit activity. (1.3) the internal audit activity must be free from interference in determining the scope of internal auditing, performing work, and communicating results. (1.4) the chief audit executive must communicate and interact directly with the board. 2) individual objectivity (2.1) internal auditors must be impartial, unbiased attitude and avoid any conflict of interest. (2.2) shall not participate in any activity or relationship that is not the impact of their unbiased assessment. this activity includes activities that can conflict with the interests of the organization. (2.3) do not accept anything that may be impaired to their professional judgment. (2.4) shall discloses all material facts known to them, if not disclosed, they will be the reporting of activities under review. that the independence of internal auditors can provide impartial and unbiased judgments, this can be obtained through: 1) organizational status the status of the internal audit unit organization must provide flexibility to fulfill or complete the responsibilities of the audits given (1.1) internal audit must obtain support from senior management and the board, so that they will get cooperation from the parties examined and can complete the work independently of various other parties' interference. (1.2) the head of the internal audit must provide an annual report on various activities to senior management and the board. reports on these various activities must present important findings in examinations and recommendations, and must also provide information on a variety of significant deviations or deviations from the schedule of audits, staffing, and approved financial budgets and reasons. (1.3) the head of the internal audit must communicate and have a direct relationship with the board. (1.4) the purpose, authority and responsibility of the internal audit section must be defined in written documents, preferably in the articles of association approved by senior management and the board (tugiman, 2016). 2) objectives of internal auditors (2.) internal auditors show the highest level of professional objectivity in collecting, evaluating and communicating information about activities or processes being examined. (2.2) internal auditors carry out a balanced assessment of all relevant conditions and are not too influenced by their own interests or by others in forming judgments. (2.3) will not participate in activities or relationships that can interfere with or be considered disturbing to contain their judgment. this participation includes activities or relationships that might conflict with the interests of the organization. (2.4) will not accept anything that can interfere with or be considered to interfere with their professional judgment. (2.5) must disclose all material facts that they know that, if not disclosed, can distort the reporting of activities under review. the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 111 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the apip audit standard states that the assessment of the independence and objectivity of government internal auditors (yurniwati & rizaldi, 2015), includes the following two components: 1) apip independence (1.1) the leadership of the apip is responsible to the highest leadership of the organization so that the responsibility for conducting the audit can be fulfilled. (1.2) the apip position is placed appropriately so that it is free from intervention and obtains adequate support from the highest leadership of the organization so that it can cooperate with the auditor and carry out work freely. (1.3) apip must establish good working relationships with the auditee. 2) auditor objectivity (2.1) the auditor must be objective in carrying out the audit. the principle of objectivity requires that auditors carry out audits honestly and do not compromise quality. (2.2) auditors must have a neutral and unbiased attitude and avoid conflicts of interest in planning, implementing and reporting on the work they do. (2.3) the leadership of apip is not permitted to place the auditor in situations that make the auditor unable to make decisions based on his professional judgment. according to the government auditing standards (dalkin et al., 2021). independence consists of: 1) independence of mind the state of mind that permits the performance of audits without allowing them to act with integrity and exercise objectivity and professional skepticism. 2) independence in appearance having knowledge of the relevant information, to be reasonably conclude that the integrity, objectivity, or professional skepticism of an audit organization or member of the audit team has been compromised. while independence is an impartial viewpoint in the implementation of testing, evaluation of the results of examination and preparation of audit reports (arens & loebbecke, 2015). the independence of auditors must be at least 1 member from 3 members, whereas according to the indonesian audit committee association (ikai), the number of audit committee members is limited to 5 members, 2 of whom are parties independent (khairunnisa et al., 2016). the 2001 public accountants professional standards book section 220 psa no.44 paragraph two, explained that independence means that it is not easily influenced, because it carries out its work for the public interest (distinguished in terms of practicing as an internal auditor). thus, he is not justified in favoring anyone's interests, because if it is not the case, however perfect the technical expertise he has, he will lose his impartiality which is most important to maintain his freedom of opinion. independence is a condition free from influence which not controlled by other parties and not dependent to other people (deviarti et al., 2014). in spap the auditor is required to be independent, meaning that it is not easily influenced, because he carries out his work in the public interest (distinguished in the case he practices as an the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 112 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting internal auditor). furthermore, according to the spkn in the second general standard statement, it is stated that in all matters relating to audit work, the examining and examining organization must be free from mental attitude and appearance from personal, external, and organizational disturbances that can affect its independence (daryani & amini, 2016). there are three aspects of the independence of an auditor, namely as follows, (1) independence in fact. this means that auditors must have high honesty, a close relationship with objectivity; (2) independence in appearance (independence in appearance). this means that the views of other parties towards the auditor are related to the conduct of the audit; and (3) independence in competence (independence from the point of expertise). independence from the expertise point of view is closely related to professional auditor skills (weisner & sutton, 2015). the independence of internal auditors describe as to balance two considerations in deciding on any proposed move away from accountancy: (1) the need for secure functions that are commensurate with the increasingly high profile of the internal audit function; and (2) the need for secure full commitment from the director of finance to support the continuing presence of internal auditing functions. from some definitions of independence above it can be concluded that the independence of internal auditors is freedom from conditions that threaten objectivity both individually and the ability of internal audit activities in carrying out their responsibilities in unusual ways, as well as in formulating and expressing opinions. the internal auditor is someone who works as an employee in a company, they generally provide direct reports to the interests of top management in order to remain able to maintain independence of operational units (arens & loebbecke, 2015). internal auditors are auditors who work in companies whose main task is to determine whether the policies and procedures set by top management have been obeyed, determine whether or not safeguards against organizational wealth, determine the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational activities procedures and determine the reliability of information produced by various parts of the organization (eik-andresen et al., 2016). indicators of internal auditor independence are stated by mautz and sharaf in sawyer (2003: 39), these indicators are intended for public accountants, but the same concept can be applied to internal auditors who want to be objective, these indicators are (1) independence programming, consist of freedom from management of any portion of the audit program, freedom from interference with or uncooperative attitude respecting the application of selected procedures, and freedom from any requirement for the review of audit works other than that which normally accompanies an audit process; (2) examining independence, consist of direct and free are all relevant to the audit, active cooperation from management's personnel during the audit examination, freedom from managerial attempts to specify activities to be examined or establish the acceptability of evidential matter, and freedom from personal interest on auditing; (3) reporting independence, consist of freedom from any feeling of obligation to modify to impact or significance of reported facts, freedom from press to exclude significant matters from internal the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 113 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting audit reports, avoidance of intentional or unintentional uses of ambiguous language in the statements of facts, opinions, and recommendations in their interpretation, and freedom from any attempt to overrule the auditor's judgment either to facts or opinions in the internal audit report (ingason, 2015). the concept of internal audit quality is basically not much different from external audit . internal audit, designed to accommodate the development of professional roles and responsibilities of internal auditors and how they serve at all levels of management. internal auditing is an independent appraisal of an established within an organization to examine and evaluate its activities as a service to the organization (eik-andresen et al., 2016). robert moeller (2009) explains that internal audits must be able to cover audits of almost all business operations, so they must have a thorough knowledge and understanding. to be able to implement this, the internal auditor's qualifications must have the ability, consist of interview skills, analytical skills, testing and analysis skills, documentation skills, recommending results and corrective actions, communication skills, negotiating skills, and commitments to learning . method this study uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is descriptive research (creswell, 2017). researchers want to know how much influence the competencies and independence of the quality of internal audit: theoretical review approach result and discussion the competencies is a person's ability that can be observed including the knowledge, skills, and abilities in completing a job or task in accordance with established performance standards the independence of internal auditors is freedom from conditions that threaten objectivity both individually and the ability of internal audit activities in carrying out their responsibilities in unusual ways, as well as in formulating and expressing opinions. the internal auditor's qualifications must have the ability (a) interview skills; (b) analytical skills; (c) testing and analysis skills; (d) documentation skills; (e) recommending results and corrective actions; (f) communication skills; (g) negotiating skills; and (h) commitments to learning. as a complex concept, internal audit quality is difficult to measure accurately, and several approaches can be used to measure it or indicators. one such approach can be found in the past, which states the determinants of audit quality: "company culture, skills and personal qualities of mission partners and employees audit, the effectiveness of audit processes, reliability and usefulness of audit reports, and other factors located outside auditors , affect the audit quality ". conclusion based on the description above, it appears that the audit room of internal audit work is very broad and can be accessed by the credibility of the organization. every internal audit institution in indonesia incorporated in the apip container is given clear and broad authority, roles and the effect of competencies and independence internal auditors on internal audit quality: the theoretical review approach aidi, sayuthi, susanto, junaidi, abdurohim 114 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting functions as mentioned above, the results of apip's work will be very beneficial not only for the government, but also beneficial for the legislature, external auditor, and other interested parties. however, to ensure the quality of the results of the apip work that involves human resources with various types of educational and experience backgrounds, a professional and managed education and training program is needed. in addition, to improve coordination in planning, implementing and evaluating activities among the apip ranks, participation in the development of synergy for apip supervision is needed. reference arens, a. a., & loebbecke, j. k. 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versatility of people in general in monetary exercises wants to make monetary exchanges simpler, more compelling and effective yet at the same time protected in exchanges. the mechanical advancement that is the subject of the most recent review in indonesia is financial technology (fintech). the adjustment of the type of cash, both paper cash and coins started to be supplanted with electronic cash or ordinarily alluded to as e-cash. e-cash right now circling in indonesia as ovo cash, shopee pay, gopay, brizzi, paytren, isaku, dana, linkaja, flazz and others, is a type of money innovation to complete monetary exchange exercises, with the presence of e-cash. this cash is relied upon to help people in general in getting to monetary items and work with monetary exchanges and duty installment exchanges. progresses in monetary innovation can make it more straightforward for citizens to make charge installments. the exploration technique utilized is unmistakable subjective strategy with writing survey. the motivation behind this exploration is to help the local area in making charge installments simpler and it is trusted that this electronic installment can expand charge income. keywords: tax revenue, financial technology, electronic money (e-money) this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in the current time of digitalization, the utilization of innovation has infiltrated into our regular routines, and has even turned into a way of life among individuals, particularly youngsters. the fast advancement of science and innovation has affected the example of human conduct in getting to different data and different highlights of electronic administrations. one of the innovative advancements that has turned into the subject of ongoing examinations in indonesia is monetary exchanges utilizing electronic money or e-money (ben lahouel et al., 2022; kahloul et al., 2022; maqbool & zameer, 2018; siueia et al., 2019; wardhani et al., 2020). there are such countless choices for going through with monetary exchanges. besides, the present mechanical advances are so fast, making monetary exchanges more straightforward. igeneration or generally known as generation z is an age that can be supposed to be the most 'educated' of the simplicity of this exchange. how not, this age is the age with the biggest level of clients of non finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 140 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting cash monetary administrations in this ten years (adeyemo et al., 2020; balakrishnan & shuib, 2021; gorshkov, 2022; ng et al., 2021). e-cash or electronic money isn't something unfamiliar today. as expressed in bank indonesia regulation number: 11/12/pbi/2009 concerning electronic money (electronic money), which has now been refreshed to pbi number: 18/17/pbi/2016, electronic money is the worth of cash put away in card chips or servers (virtual). the cash, among others, is utilized to pay for food, public transportation or expressways. e-money is given based on the worth of cash which is kept ahead of time by the holder to the guarantor and the worth of the cash is put away electronically in a medium like a server or chip (sasongko et al., 2022). e-money isn't just a substitute for actual money as coins and paper cash with identical electronic money, yet in addition as a framework that permits an individual to pay for labor and products by sending a number starting with one pc then onto the next. the rise of e-cash amidst society expects to diminish the development pace of the utilization of money. committed to installments of a miniature and retail nature (omodero, 2021). then, at that point, what is the contrast between the installment interaction with e-cash contrasted with installment utilizing a visa or check card? the principle distinction is that e-cash clients don't have to give their credit or charge card data while executing. this will lessen the danger of individual information burglary and furthermore decrease the danger of misrepresentation (x. chen et al., 2022; deng et al., 2019; merello et al., 2022; pizzi et al., 2021; zhang et al., 2021). moreover, the variables that support the development of electronic exchanges in indonesia include: first, the change in individuals' conduct in going through with monetary exchanges movements to computerized exchanges. second, there is a coordinated effort between payment service providers (pjp) and venture stages. for instance, the coordinated effort among ovo and bareksa and the cooperation among linkaja and bibit to offer shared asset items for clients. third, the development of the biological system through corporate activities (sasongko et al., 2022; siueia et al., 2019). the development of this biological system isn't just through acquisitions or consolidations yet in addition useful joint efforts between industry players, for example, banks, fintech and internet business. fourth, banking digitalization will be more inescapable. different ways are done by banks, beginning from reinforcing inward limit, both from business methodology, business cycles, innovation and center banking. for instance, procuring little banks and afterward growing the biological system with the goal that few banks can accomplish positive execution. e-money is perhaps the most likely choice to help monetary incorporation (ali et al., 2021; chuc et al., 2022; liu et al., 2021). media transmission and banking organizations are additionally contending to give e-cash administrations and items (ding et al., 2022; luo et al., 2022; schindler, 2017; senyo & osabutey, 2020; yang & wang, 2022). practically all significant banks in indonesia presently have e-cash administrations, for example, mandiri e-cash, bri brizzi, bni tapcash, bca flazz, and furthermore t-cash which is a result of the media communications organization, telkomsel. indeed, their means were likewise trailed by new company players, definitively in the fintech field which has a more limited size however exceptionally light-footed developments, for example, tokocash claimed by tokopedia, there is bukadompet possessed by bukalapak and gopay has a place with gojek (y. chen et al., 2022; daud et al., 2021; he et al., 2017; ioannou & wójcik, 2022; muthukannan et al., 2021). finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 141 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on data from bank indonesia, the value of electronic money transactions reached 35.10 trillion as of december 2021. the value of electronic money transactions in that month increased by 58.60% compared to the same period the previous year in december 2020. electronic money reached 22.13 trillion. not only that, this percentage also increased by 12.17 percent compared to november 2021 which reached 31.29 trillion. the volume of transactions with electronic money in indonesia was recorded at 602.29 million in december 2021. this number increased by 13.63% compared to november 2021 which reached 530.02 million transactions. the transaction volume figure increased by 37.49% compared to december 2020. at that time, the volume of transactions with electronic money was recorded at 438.04 million: graph 1 graph of the development of electronic transactions in indonesia 2021 data source: indonesia bank, 2022 from the diagram above, obviously the advancement of financial technology (fintech) can impact the way of life of individuals in indonesia, besides, fintech is currently present as a day by day need. the presence of this fintech obviously has its own motivation, in particular so that individuals can undoubtedly get to monetary items in each exchange. the advancement of the fintech business in indonesia begins with the quantity of business people who take an interest in the online business time, from smes to the center section. nonetheless, in its execution there are still issues with installment issues. one of the deterrents that happen is the indonesian individuals who actually utilize the money society framework (tualeka et al., 2021). the minister of finance clarified that the job of fintech to help little and medium ventures is additionally critical. little business visionaries get more effective and simpler subsidizing, so they become an elective wellspring of financing on the grounds that the system is viewed as exceptionally short, basic, and simple (herdinata & pranatasari, 2020). seeing this condition, in the time of the covid-19 pandemic, the presence of fintech is additionally vital in government exercises, for example, exercises in giving non-cash social help to individuals impacted by the finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 142 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting covid-19 pandemic through the pre-employment card program which is given to 5.3 million unique occupants. new beneficiary the help is given as cash sent through a computerized record or e-wallet to every beneficiary (fu & mishra, 2022; sugandi, 2021). furthermore, the government additionally utilizes e-money in installment exchanges, like the utilization of transportation and different exchanges. in the monetary area, for this situation, the directorate general of taxes (dgt) additionally does burden organization changes so that charge incomes will get to the next level. one type of assessment change is the modernization of expense administration organization using data and correspondence innovation through the djponline page. this should be done as such that citizens feel simple in following their expense commitments. one of the reasons for the absence of citizen consistence is the managerial interaction that is troublesome, insufficient, and wasteful, bringing about enormous consistence costs (toon et al., 2018). charge income is a wellspring of income that can be acquired consistently and can be grown ideally as indicated by the requirements of the public authority and the states of the local area. the assets got by the state depository will be utilized for government consumptions for the government assistance of the local area. as indicated by the minister of finance sri mulyani, one of the frameworks worked by the ministry of finance to oversee state incomes all the more, with perfect timing, and to offer better types of assistance to the whole local area in completing their assessment commitments is teaming up with a few beginning up finance organizations. the modernization of the state income framework and the administration of the state financial plan is completed to build the collectibility of state incomes, work with stores to meet expense commitments, and adjust to changes in data innovation. furthermore, it will facilitate with different foundations so computerized innovation based monetary administrations (financial technology) can be created to the greatest. the coordination predominantly concerns guidelines and assessment assortments. the indonesian fintech association (aftech) expressed that this computerized based monetary assistance can possibly expand state charge income, however the job of fintech in aiding charge income isn't joined by charge guidelines for the fintech new business (aliyudin, 2020). parts of tax collection connected to monetary administrations, in view of dgt's review the assessment approach is changed in accordance with the order of the monetary business. there are five sorts of fintech enactment: first, fintech installment administrations, for example, swarm establishing, in light of assessment arrangements, the benefits got by these business entertainers are liable to article 23 income tax of 2% of complete income and 10% vat on help conveyance. second, monetary programming exchanging fintech, the expense for this sort of actuation is 10% vat on the conveyance of theoretical products. third, fintech credit appraisal research benefits, this fintech is simply dependent upon 10% vat on the conveyance of credit esteem administrations. fourth, fintech in the venture the executives area is likely to article 23 income tax of 2% of absolute income and 10% vat on help conveyance. fifth, fintech is occupied with monetary administrations, protection, investment funds, credits, and capital, for the most part likely to article 23 income tax of 15% on pay got from advance revenue, profits, or different benefits (putri et al., 2021). one of the public authority's centers is the job of e-cash in expanding charge income. the job of e-cash is relied upon to further develop monetary organization consistence and increment charge income in indonesia with the goal that advancement in indonesia can be acknowledged appropriately. subsequently, scientists are keen on investigating finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 143 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting “finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue”. furthermore it is trusted that this exploration can be a wellspring of reference and data for controllers and further specialists. method the exploration is a writing audit. the strategy utilized in this examination is graphic subjective, in which the exploration methods delivered are as composed words and from a few references to logical works, diaries, articles, web and books, so they can be a depiction of the exploration results. the information assortment procedure utilized a writing concentrate on approach, which was gotten from books, broad communications articles, web locales, public diaries and worldwide diaries connected with this examination (creswell, 2017). result and discussion • financial technology financial technology is the aftereffect of a blend of monetary administrations with innovation that at last changes the plan of action from traditional to direct, which at first pays up close and personal and brings cash, presently distant installment exchanges should be possible rapidly and effectively (haptari & aribowo, 2019). alongside changes in individuals' ways of life which are presently overwhelmed by quick moving clients of data innovation. with the presence of monetary innovation, it can answer trading issues and installments, for example, having opportunity and energy to search for products to a retail outlet to a bank or atm to move cash (pathak, 2017). fintech helps make trading exchanges and installment framework exchanges more straightforward, more compelling and proficient. fintech is an update of business processes, plans of action, and monetary instruments that offer new added benefit in the monetary administrations area by including the computerized environment. there are 4 classifications of online-based monetary administrations, as per the financial services authorization: 1. fintech as installment administrations (installment), (clearing), (settlement). 2. fintech which gathers some data on monetary assistance choices as examinations from highlight costs to the advantages of monetary items and afterward offers them to possible purchasers. 3. fintech which centers around hazard the board and speculation by creating monetary arranging framework programming through planning of monetary circumstances and conditions in light of essential data from clients. 4. fintech is an assortment of assets or financing through applications that work with communication between people who go about as debt holders and banks. this kind of fintech is regularly known as group establishing and distributed (p2p) loaning. the installment framework in indonesia depends on 3 lawful bases, in particular: 1. bank indonesia regulation no. 18/40/pbi/2016 concerning the handling of installment monetary exchanges. 2. bank indonesia circular letter no. 18/22/dksp with respect to the execution of advanced monetary administrations. 3. bank indonesia regulation no. 18/17/pbi/2016 concerning electronic cash. finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 144 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the guidelines referenced above were given with thought of the advancement of innovation and data frameworks that produce developments, particularly those connected with monetary innovation. this guideline expects to address the issues of the local area in the field of installments, both as far as instruments, suppliers, systems, and framework for the handling of between installment exchanges (herdinata & pranatasari, 2020). • tax revenue charge income is a wellspring of income that can be acquired ceaselessly and can be grown ideally as per the requirements of the public authority and the states of the local area. charge income will be pay gotten by the public authority which is obtained from charge installments paid by individuals. it doesn't simply come to the definition over that the assets got by the state depository will be utilized by government uses for the government assistance of individuals, as the state's evenhanded in the law is to succeed individuals, to make flourishing in view of civil rights for every single indonesian individual. as far as expanding charge income, dgt has arranged strides to seek after charge income targets: 1. automatic exchange of information policy. pmk 39/pmk.03/2017 in regards to methods for trading data in view of peaceful accords expresses that skillful experts in indonesia might demand data from equipped experts in accomplice nations in regards to annual expense keeping information, account information, country-by-country reports in light of shared arrangement among indonesia and the state. accomplices with regards to oversight and review. 2. supportable compliance. through charge administration developments, dgt keeps on making progress toward restoration by building and keeping up with maintainable assessment mindfulness through different duty administration advancements, for example, e-administration, portable expense unit, miniature kpp and outbound calls. 3. mix of tax assessment information and data frameworks. dgt should put forth attempts to refresh information and incorporate frameworks, among others, through e-filling, echarging, e-structures, and e-solicitations. moreover, dgt likewise approves information as duty back payments through the provenido program to information approval of notification letters (spt). dgt additionally moves data sets in dgt's data framework. 4. charge impetuses and audit of exception charge approaches. the public authority keeps on giving duty motivators as expense occasions and assessment recompenses. charge occasions have been allowed to citizens who make new ventures and are spearheading enterprises with specific circumstances. 5. improvement of human resources (hr) and the association of hr improvement is centered around working on the administrations of representatives and citizens as well as expanding hierarchical viability through further developing data frameworks and functional strategies. • effect of non-cash payments on the national economy by accepting indonesia as a shut economy country, the expansion in the utilization of non-cash installment instruments or e-money can affect diminishing interest for cash locally. hypothetically, a reduction in the interest for cash will cause a diminishing in loan costs in the currency market finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 145 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting since individuals will decide to utilize non-cash installment instruments along with setting aside cash in the bank concerned. this makes acquiring costs more cutthroat, consequently expanding firm venture and expanding public genuine result. so one might say that the utilization of e-money will prompt monetary development (matei et al., 2021). with similar insightful apparatuses, in the event that individuals use e-money, e-money clients will feel a diminishing in exchange expenses and holding up costs in making cash installment exchanges. this is on the grounds that with the presence of non-cash installment instruments, installment exchanges will be done all the more rapidly. what's more, there is the potential for extra pay as impetuses as a sugar presented from every e-money specialist organization, like limits and free vouchers for specific exchanges. this condition will build public utilization. • indonesia toword an era cashless society the compulsory implementation of utilizing e-money or it very well may be with e-cash on october 31, 2017 then gives many advantages. aside from not holding up in long queues and stressing over changing cash since you need to zero in on driving, exchanges utilizing e-tolls likewise save time, particularly since there are cost sticks, which are instruments, for example, cost sticks with a tip that has a spot to embed an e-money card, making it simpler for clients to tap. in or tap out at the cost entryway. considerably more refined, there is an e-toll pass, which is an on board unit (obu) transmitter that is mounted on the windshield (focus, left or right) making it more straightforward for drivers to cross the automatic toll gate (gto) set apart with an etollpass at a speed of 10 km/ hour without expecting to pause and open the vehicle window. not just on expressways, presently transjakarta clients are likewise expected to utilize e-money. this is as per the impression of public administrations that follow innovative turns of events. this required execution likewise affirms the national non-cash movement (gnnt), which was sent off on august 14, 2014 to carry indonesia into the time of a credit only economy. the term thick wallet that feels awkward will be supplanted by one card, specifically, e-money. notwithstanding the reasonableness got, the utilization of e-cash can likewise limit the wrongdoing of circling fake cash. a bank indonesia study with respect to the burden of a charge for top-up e-cash of around rp. 1.500 to rp. 2.000 for a solitary charge, was at long last dropped and gotten a positive reaction from general society, particularly e-cash clients. looking at certain instances of the utilization of e-cash in different nations like suica in japan, oyster card in england, and octopus card in hong kong, there is no energize for top. since e-cash can't be obstructed, it is something similar with cash, if this e-money is lost, the ostensible measure of our equilibrium in it is additionally lost. so it would be better not to fill in an excessive amount of equilibrium in e-money. another disadvantage that may in any case should be improved is the accommodation of top-up, which should be possible by means of cellphone, so you don't need to go searching for the closest atm or minimarket, particularly when you're on an expressway. as the "current" age, we should move this electronic installment framework together by changing to e-money with the goal that the acknowledgment of a cashless society in indonesia will be quicker for common advancement. computerized money, future money (pathak, 2017). dgt likewise surveys the possible income from the financial technology industry, yet there are still hindrances to getting charges, in particular: first, government mediation to decide charges, for this situation it is remembered for money, yet the guidelines have not been figured out. second, the public authority should likewise guarantee that fintech registers locally, in light of the fact finance technology innovation in the finance sector: the role of e-money on increasing tax revenue kusyeni, pandoyo, kumala, and sofyan. 146 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting that there are no organizations that start fintech monetary administrations from abroad. in the financial services authorization (ojk) number 77 of 2016 that unfamiliar organizations can enlist their organizations with the ojk, article 3 expresses that unfamiliar administrators or lawful elements have a limit of 85% of organization shares (shabbir & wisdom, 2020). nonetheless, there are as yet numerous deterrents looked by fintech organizations in their assessment assortment guidelines, there are a few obstructions like muddled guidelines that make fintechs not make good on their expenses, for example, guidelines on gathering business results for these fintech organizations, for the time being, fintech-based organizations are as yet utilizing the arrangements of article 23 income tax with a pace of 2% in light of the fact that there is no extraordinary guideline to direct it. another impediment is that there are still errors in finishing up the citizen's data (putri et al., 2021). conclusion monetary innovation has moved the worldview of monetary exchanges and requests quicker and more versatile administrative changes. fintech is the aftereffect of a blend of monetary administrations and innovation that eventually changes the plan of action from ordinary to direct, which at first pays up close and personal and conveys a specific measure of money, can now do significant distance exchanges by creating installments that can be made in short order, fintech in this exceptionally evolved period, it very well may be seen from the conversation over that there is an increment in fintech clients, one of which is p2p loaning. the development and greatness of the example of p2p loaning monetary exchanges affects charge incomes, the sythesis of the tax collection area, and the development of the duty area. the public authority as a controller needs to direct extraordinary tax assessment guidelines covering tax assessment perspectives, specifically subjects, objects, charge rates, assortment instruments and different angles that are attributes of the p2p loaning business. also there is no duty guideline that explicitly controls the p2p loaning industry which incorporates subjects, objects, charge rates, and assortment instruments (khuong et al., 2021). notwithstanding, there are as yet numerous snags experienced by fintech organizations in their expense assortment guidelines, there are a few challenges like hazy guidelines that make fintechs not settle their duties, for example, guidelines on gathering business results for these fintech organizations, for the present fintech-based organizations actually utilizing the arrangements of article 23 pph with a pace of 2% on the grounds that there is no unique guideline to manage it. another deterrent is that there are still errors in finishing up the sort of business in the oss 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(2022). covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 236-249 abstract: this study aims to know the factors that influence regional government budget re-focusing in indonesia because of covid-19. this study uses regression analysis with the samples of 119 regional governments in java. java is one of the islands in indonesia with the most significant population. it shows that the rate of patient recovery and economic impact influence the re-focusing regional government in indonesia. the implications of covid-19 push the indonesia government to re-focus rebudgeting. this study contributes to re-budgeting literature or regional government re-focusing in handling the covid-19 impact in indonesia. keywords: treatment rate, recovery rate, death rate, health expenditure, social expenditure, economic impact, refocusing, regional government. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction a budget is a statement of work estimation that will be achieved in a certain period, and it is stated in financial measurement (mardiasmo, 2018). the budget has a central role in a public sectoral organization. a country's most income will be managed and allocated in a general budget (moretti, 2021). specifically, the budget has become a process of deciding on expenditure, restricting expenditure, and preventing a government's exceeding cost. in a broader sense, the budget is a managerial responsibility that has function and accountability externally (annesi et al., 2015). there are many factors cause the government cannot predict the budget. the examples are annual perspective, problems in forecasting, and uncertain environment (caiden & wildavsky, 2014). an individual can predict a budget precisely to predict a plan accurately (duncan, 1972). in 2020, a dangerous virus appeared. it effectively contributes to the massive loss and socialeconomic panic. the negative effect occurs in health and socio-economic as it stopped the services business, retail, and industries. then, it impacts the unemployment increase significantly. (ceylan et al., 2020; dzigbede & pathak, 2020; andrew et al., 2020; maher et al., 2020). the crisis occurs in india because covid-19 motivates the government to allocate macroeconomic stimulus by issuing a policy that leads to regional financial stability such as monetized government assets. it is an effort for more effective restructuring (goyal, 2020). all the world countries have issued many policies related to handling covid-19, such as public health management and economic covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 237 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting risk prevention. temporary policies become quick steps to face the impacts of covid-19. a budget burden to finance health contributes significantly to africa's worst recession (ozili, 2020). uncertain situations because of covid-19 triggers many countries have policies to reconstruct the budget and stimulate monetary policies and implement fiscal policies (ozili, 2020); andrew et al. (2020); maher et al. (2020); vakulenko et al. (2020). the pandemic of covid-19 enhances the indonesian government to issue a policy on rebudgeting by re-focusing the regional government budget in indonesia. the re-focusing starts after presidential instruction rate 4, the year 2000 regarding re-focusing of activities, reallocation of funding, and procurement of goods and services to accelerate the handling of coronavirus disease (covid-19). paddock et al. (1980) argued that re-focusing enables the manager to supervise and make a better decision when a company faces a difficult or critical situation. it occurs in a government too. the government can implement the re-focusing concept to guarantee the stability of state finance in a recession situation. the re-focusing is expected to be an alternative to minimize the economic recession to achieve national financial stability (junaidi et al., 2020). global economic shocks because of a crisis that impacts broad socio-economic such as covid-19 trigger the re-focusing budget. based on the ministry of home affairs data, the budget re-focusing to handle covid-19 in indonesia per july 2020 is allocated for three main targets, health, social safety net, and economic impact. generally, the following graph illustrates the budget allocation. picture 1. budget allocation to handle covid-19 in 2020 in indonesia graph 1: the budget allocation to handle covid-19 in 2020 in indonesia re-focusing, the regional government, encourages the regional government to carry out do and regional expenditure budget, fy 2020 to handle covid-19. it is in line with the new provision decided in the joint decree of the minister of home affairs and minister of finance rate 119/2813 / sj and 117 / kmk.07 / 2020 and minister of finance regulation rate 35/pmk.07/2020. health social economy province 11.355.502.700.184,70 15.728.998.613.715,70 9.463.985.519.176,01 regency 14.560.053.274.121,80 9.510.049.096.199,10 5.916.482.440.923,77 city,41,27 1.301.965.965.877,76,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 a ll o ca ti o n ( r p ) graph of the 2020 covid-19 handling budget allocation province regency city covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 238 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the adjustment of the regional expenditure budget is stated in the adjustment report of the regional expenditure budget. a problem in the re-focusing budget implementation is that many regional governments have not reported budget re-focusing. they are provinces of jambi, bangka belitung, south kalimantan, north kalimantan, south sulawesi, bali, west nusa tenggara. then, 133 districts or cities have not allocated their budget to handle economic impacts because of covid-19. the regional governments that have not reported the budget refocusing to handle covid-19 based on pmk rate. 35/pmk.07/2020, will get a penalty, a postpone of dau, and, or their dbh. the study on budgeting was conducted by dougherty et al., (2003). they investigated a rebudgeting process in 15 cities located in west virginia. they argue that significant differences between original budgets and revised budgets. study of re-budgeting in 91 cities in the usa, proposed that the re-budgeting occurred because of the organizational needs and environmental pressure (raudla & douglas, 2022). that phenomena are somewhat different from the rebudgeting because of politics during the pre-general election. the differences are budget balance, total expenditure, investment expenditure, and administrative expenditure including donations, social assistance, and financial aid spending that significantly, affect budgeting (rakhman, 2019; setiawan & rizkiah, 2017; sjahrir et al., 2013). the re-budgeting study by using policies on re-focusing the regional government in indonesia contributes to budget literature and primarily to research on budget re-focusing because of covid-19 impacts. the investigations on the budget re-focusing are scarcely revealed. then, the economic effects because of a pandemic also come up in a country. this study discusses the uniqueness of indonesia's regional government policies in handling covid-19 by implementing budget re-focusing. review of literature and hypotheses development 1.1 re-budgeting a budget is dynamic. it should give an ability to manage unpredictable things, but it will not neglect or sacrifice control and accountability in the budget during pra execution . budgeting is a relationship between recurring expenditure and plans to achieve goals. the process involves three functions in the budgeting system; planning, activity management, and expenditure controlling. an example of budget implementation is that the stakeholders can develop budgets flexibly to effectively and efficiently achieve their goals (dougherty et al., (2003) the budget is the government's tool to carry out their duties, concrete and integrative plans, and commitment, issue, and implement their policies (forrester & mullins, 1992). in the process of developing the budget, re-budgeting is expected because of some essential factors. (forrester & mullins, 1992). dougherty et al., (2003) reveals that statistically significant differences appear in the process of re-budgeting for 15 cities in west virginia. anessi-pessina et al., (2016)spointed out that re-budgeting is a way to cope with social and economic problems. they also informed that politician also implements re-budgeting to increase their electabilities. however, based on a survey on 91 cities in the usa, organizational needs and environmental pressures encourage rebudgeting. cornia et al. (2004) wrote that stakeholders can have the flexibility to develop re-budgeting and re-allocating income when facing an unexpected situation. re-budgeting aims to reach the budget's goals, such as continuity, control, accountability, flexibility, and prediction (besides, rebudgeting is a budgeting process influenced by certain factors from the original budget (rubin, 1990). politics is not the basis of a re-budgeting process in the usa; it is because of management needs and environmental impacts. in other words, the environment can affect a budget in a country as well as covid-19. the fiscal coordination requirements between budget authority in a country, province, and regional area during the covid-19 pandemics become crucial in covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 239 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting developing countries' fiscal management (zhu et al., 2020). it is as well as the covid-19 pandemic that occurs in indonesia; financial accountability is a crucial problem in budget reformation, especially for people exposes to the covid outbreak 19 (lassa, 2020). 1.2 covid-19 impacts and budget refocusing researchers have conducted many research types on covid-19 (ceylan et al. (2020); dzigbede & pathak (2020); andrew et al., 2020; ozili, 2020). the covid-19 pushes the world's countries to have economic shocks, crisis, and fear as they will have recession financial collapse. the countries need a tough and firm leader. planning for the medium and long run should be a balanced strategy to handle the crisis because of covid-19. developing social and economic sectors should prioritize entrepreneurial sectors and create sustainable businesses (nicola et al., 2020). all world governments have various efforts as emergency measures, social restriction, and economic and social assistance to minimize the adverse economic impact (ashraf, 2020). the transmission prevention of covid-19 to cope with health problems significantly impacts the social and financial sectors. it leads to economic recession due to cutting the food chain caused by large-scale social restrictions (aldaco et al., 2020). indonesia's government accelerates the handling of covid-19 by issuing presidential instruction rate 4, the year 2000 regarding re-focusing activities, budget reallocation, and procurement of goods and services for accelerating the handling of covid-19. some points that need to be considered in presidential instruction rate 4, the year 2020 are: 1) prioritizing the use of budget allocation to accelerate the handling of covid-19 (re-focusing activities and budget reallocation concerning the handling of covid-19 at the ministries/ institutions/ government and the operational plan for the acceleration of handling covid-19 determined by the task force for the acceleration of handling covid-19; 2) accelerating the implementation of activities re-focusing and budget reallocation through the budget revision mechanism and immediately proposing a budget revision to the minister of finance; 3) accelerating the goods and services procurement by providing facilities and broad access in line with the law to support the acceleration of handling of covid-19 1.3 hypothesis development. budget is the government's tool to carry out their duties, concrete and integrative plans, and commitment, issue and implement their policies (dobell & ulrich, 2002). in the process of developing the budget, re-budgeting is common. it becomes the most critical factor in government (forrester & mullins, 1992). fiscal coordination between budgetary authorities at the central, provincial, and local governments during the covid-19 pandemic is necessary for financial management systems in many developing countries (maher et al., 2020). based on the presidential instruction rate. 4, the year 2020, re-focusing will prioritize budget allocations to accelerate the handling of covid-19. budgeting always has the impact of significant changes, revisions during the fiscal year due to unexpected changes (cornia et al., 2004). a budget policy should act as a counter-cyclical or against the direction of the cycle (hyman, 2010; mankiw et al., 2010; thurmaier & willoughby, 2014). counter-cyclical is very important to analyze then the effectiveness of changes in the expenditure structure of the government budget (lassa, 2020). shantz (2010) stated that health care due to sars in 2020 uses the budget from the provincial government and the federal government provides most of the funds. shantz, (2010) illustrated that financing for covid care patients is a full concern in the bosnian government, and the budget for handling covid and health gets the largest portion of the budget in the bosnian government. covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 240 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting battineni et al., (2020) stated that the data of covid-19 epidemics in the usa, brazil, india, and russia show the management of the health care aspect for covid-19 becomes the full concern of the local government so that patient care can be managed well following the allocated funds. toms et al. (2020) wrote that the health department in the uk publishes service guidelines by the handling of covid-19 patients care. many studies confirm that patient care becomes the main focus in dealing with the impact of a pandemic worldwide. the task force's public communication team to accelerate the handling of covid-19 in indonesia states that the treatment of covid-19 patients is more relatively expensive than prevention efforts (hakim, 2020). the high cost of caring for covid-19 patients, the government can certainly allocate with the high cost of caring for covid-19 patients, the government should allocate certainly budget re-focusing for covid-19 on the aspect of caring for covid-19 patients. the public budget should be able to control virus transmission levels and ensure overall health care so that the financial authorities can develop this aspect (lassa, 2020). the government expects that a refocusing effort can achieve targets correctly and flexibly. then, it will also meet the budget goals (cornia et al., 2004). h1: treatment rate influence regional government re-focusing positively budgeting and re-budgeting are inter-connected (anessi-pessina et al., 2020). addition and shortcomings in budgeting and budget revision are critical actions to a budget (robbins & baumol, 2014).according to lassa (2020), the positive cases of covid-19 was getting increased and increased. on august 9th, 2020, it reached 125,396 cases, 5,723 patients died, and 80,592 patients could be recovered. meanwhile, the reproductive index of transmission at a certain time (rt), especially in dki jakarta, was around 1.15 on august 5th, 2020. lassa (2020) revealed that even though the covid-19 cases increase, but many people are eager to open immediately the economic activity because the financial crisis reaches an alarming stage. knowing the relatively high impact of recovery, the government issues an economic policy with the term new normal. during the covid-19 pandemic, many people are exposed to covid-19, but the recovery rate has increased significantly (covid-19 handling group and economic recovery, 2020). the more the rate of recovered, the lower the re-focusing rate, this is because the budget nature is flexible. the essential characteristic of the budget is flexible so that the government can revise it based on the priority scale of changes (dougherty et al., 2003; forrester & mullins, 1992). the unexpected situation usually requires changes. h2: recovery rate influence regional government re-focusing negatively anessi-pessina et al. (2020) viewed that the variables of politics, organizational nature, financial condition, and socio-economic environment influence the re-budgeting. covid-19 is a virus that is detrimental to health and triggers widespread socio-economic panic (ceylan et al. (2020); dzigbede & pathak (2020); andrew et al., 2020; maher et al., 2020; ozili, 2020). gurumurthy & mukherjee (2020) argued that the bass calibration model can predict the death rate due to covid-19. this model can predict the death rate effectively and accurately due to covid-19 in the usa and west virginia. gurumurthy & mukherjee (2020) contributed to the death prediction. they suggest the government estimate the cost of financing the health sector and reduce the severe impacts on social and economic aspects alderman & harjoto (2020) argued that demographic characteristics such as the percentage of homeless people, family members, the individual percentage with insufficient health insurance, income inequality, unemployment rate, and gender significantly affect deaths due to covid-19. alderman & harjoto (2020) research has implications for the government regarding policies and efforts to decide effective handling of covid-19. covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 241 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting finally, the indonesian government issues a policy after witnessing virus transmission spread with a significant death rate lassa (2020). government regulations in lieu of laws number 1/2020 is a state financial policy and financial system stability to handle the covid-19 pandemics. this policy is the beginning of a series of procedures in various sectors related to the handling of covid-19 in indonesia. the death rate rises significantly in indonesia as on june 19th, 2020, dki jakarta reached 578 people who died due to covid-19 ( hence, the government carries out budget re-focusing as soon as possible. handling or overcoming the covid impact is regulated in statutory regulations, law rate 2, the year 2020, and presidential decree rate 7, the year 2020. those laws are to process the acceleration of re-focusing so that the death rate is decreasing and the allocation of handling the covid can meet the target. h3: death rate influences regional government re-focusing positively. all world's countries have implemented policies on health management. the nigerian government implements health management that has a climatic impact (ozili, 2020). the russian government's effort is to provide medical and health staff (vakulenko et al., 2020). wu & lin (2020) pointed out china government has re-budgeting to subsidy the drug procurement for covid-19 and allocate additional resources in the medical sector during the covid-19 pandemic. wu & lin (2020) stated that the chinese government spending is mostly on the health sector. the government provides free covid-19 treatment, investments in emergency hospitals, and preparations for an individual during a quarantine. according to moving data from the ministry of home affairs (2020) data as of july 7th, the government has allocated health expenditure of 39.26%. the allocation basis is on the joint decree of the minister of home affairs rate 1119/2813/sj and the ministry of finance rate kmk 177/kmk.07/2020. the regulation states that regional budget re-focusing results are to finance the spending in health sectors prevent the covid transmission and handle covid-19 pandemics. the examples are personal protective equipment (ppe) procurement for medical personnel, facilities, and service equipment for the community and covid-19 patients' handling. h4: health expenditure influence regional government re-focusing positively the lockdown phenomenon will trigger a panic buying in society, leading to the disruption of goods and services distribution, due to overconsumption or excessive shopping to store foodstuffs and daily necessities. this phenomenon is not in line with the restriction of buying and selling activities. lockdown has the potential to generate social conflicts related to the supply society's needs such as food, medicine, and so on. the disruption of society's income and hampered goods supply leads to chaos and panic (beirne et al., 2020). wu & lin (2020) wrote that the chinese government has executed re-budgeting to effectively and efficiently handle the covid-19 pandemic impacts that effectively and efficiently cover social stability and economic recovery. they also added that the chinese government strives to maintain socio-economic stability by providing welfare to the poor and individuals affected by covid-19. budget re-focusing in indonesia focuses on three main targets, spending on health, providing social safety nets, and handling economic impacts (ministry of home affairs, 2020). the government expects that the allocation of re-focusing can overcome the social problems that come up due to covid-19. h5: social expenditure influences regional government re-focusing positively. the negative effect of covid-19 is a high-speed transmission of the virus and the socioeconomy problems such as the stagnation in service businesses, retail, and industries, and the rise of the unemployment rate (ceylan et al., 2020). the crisis because of covid-19 stimulates the macroeconomics sectors. the government should issue policies that lead to financial stability, covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 242 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting such as government asses that are monetized to have effective and efficient restructure (goyal, 2020). the coronavirus impacts the stock market collapse and worsens africa's economic situation (ozili, 2020). wu & lin (2020) found that the chinese government has re-budgeting to handle the covid-19 pandemic impact, maintain social stability, and push an economic recovery on time. wu & lin (2020) viewed that the chinese government tries to sustain socio-economic stability by providing welfare for people with low income, education, pension funds, and housing. wu & lin (2020) stated re-budgeting in china aims to recover the economic impact because of covid-19 by providing assistance for small and medium enterprises and reducing tax costs for all companies in china. the indonesian government's role in handling the covid-19 pandemics supports the health sector and overcoming the economic impacts. based on the ministry of home affairs (2020), data as of july 7th illustrates that the government allocated 22.44% of the fund to handle the economic impact. regional budget re-focusing is an effort to cope with the financial problems for motivating the business world. the government empowers small and medium enterprises and encourages cooperatives to stimulate economic activities (ministry of home affairs, 2020). h6: economic impact influences regional government re-focusing positively. method 1.1 research model this study examines the factors that influence regional government re-focusing due to covid19, such as treatment rate, recovery rate, death rate, health expenditure, social expenditure, and economic impact. the dependent variable is recofusing local government budgets using the refocusing percentage that has been available in the 2020 regional government refocusing budget recapitulation. this calculation is under the research of beirne et al. (2020). the measurement of independent variables is by viewing the daily cases from the beginning of march to june 19th, 2020. the case rate then is compared to the total population or population. the independent variable measurement is in line with the research (beirne et al., 2020). the covid19 patients, treatment rate, recovery rate, the death rate can be accessed in regional government refocusing budget recapitulation, the year 2020 gives information on the health and social expenditure and handling of economic impact. the calculation is based on beirne et al. (2020). the following is the model: y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 +b5x5+b6x6+ a = is the regression constant. y is the regional government measured by the re-focusing percentage measured from the 2020 regional government's available data re-focusing budget recapitulation. x1 is the rate of covid19 patient treatments calculated from march 1st to june 19th, 2020. x2 is the rate of covid-19 patient recoveries, calculated from march 1st to june 19th, 2020. x3 is the rate of people who died due to covid-19, counted from march 1st to june 19th, 2020. the x1, x2, and x3 rates can be accessed through the website. x4 is the social expenditure that can be measured through 2020 regional government re-focusing budget recapitulation data. x5 is the social expenditure that can be measured through 2020 local government re-focusing budget recapitulation data. x6 is an economic impact that can be measured through regional government budget re-focusing recapitulation data in 2020. covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 243 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1.2 sample and data the samples were 119 regional governments of districts, cities, and provinces in java island. they involved central java, yogyakarta, banten, dki jakarta, east java, and west java. the java island was chosen as it has the densest population in indonesia. based on the central bureau of statistics (2019), java island had the densest population in 2018. it reached 149 million. the people spread out dominantly in six provinces. then, in 2020 the population was estimated to reach 152 million. java island has 128,297 square kilometers. its population density reaches 1,184 people per square km. then, it can be inferred that java island is the most densely populated island in indonesia in 2020 (mulya, 2020). in this case, people who live in java have a great potential to exposed covid-19 so that java has the most fund allocation and re-budgeting is demanded. this study uses the regional government re-focusing budget recapitulation data obtained from the financial audit board in 2020 and data regarding treatment rate, exposed people rate, death rate, and recovery rate that can be accessed in as of july 19th, 2020. the simultaneous execution of re-focusing the regional government budget in indonesia was on june 20 th , 2020 result and discussion 1.1 descriptive analysis the study variables were treatment rate, recovery rate, death rate health expenditure, social expenditure, and economic impact. table 4.1 illustrates the descriptive statistics table 1. descriptive statistics variables mean deviation standard n treatment 0.0041 0.01018 119 recovery 0.0055 0.00749 119 death 0.0006 0.00147 119 health expenditure 69.3288 94.11937 119 social expenditure 67.9069 117.72294 119 economic impact 36.7520 92.63361 119 source: processsed secondary data, 2021 table 1. illustrated the results of data analysis obtained on 119 variables that affect regional government re-focusing. the table shows that treatment has a mean value of 0.0041 and a standard deviation of 0.01018. the recovery variable has a mean value of 0.0055 and a deviation standard of 0.00749. the death variable has a mean value of 0.0006 and a standard deviation of 0.00147. the health expenditure variable has a mean value of 69.3288 with a standard deviation of 94.11937. the social expenditure has a mean value of 67.9069 with a standard deviation of covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 244 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 117.72294. the economic impact has a mean value of 36.7520 with a standard deviation of 92.63361. 1.2 normality test data the normality test involves the variables of treatment rate, recovery rate, death rate, health expenditure, social expenditure, and economic impact. the following table explains the result of the normality test with one sample kolmogorov smirnov test table 2. normality test data unstandardized residual asymp. sig. (2-tailed) 0.052 source: processsed secondary data, 2021 the result of the normality test on a sample of 119 using the one-sample kolmogorov smirnov test, with a confidence level of 95% and an alpha of 5%, with a significance result of 0.052% is that the data used are normally distributed. 1.3 regresion result table 3 illustrates the results of r square test, simultaneous f test and the t-test (partial) on a sample of 119 consisting of variables of treatment rate, recovery rate, deaths rate, health expenditure, social expenditure, and economic impact. tabel 3. regresion result source: processsed secondary data, 2021 the results of the r square test on a sample of 119 consisting of variables of the number of treatments, number of cures, number of deaths, health spending, social spending and economic impact. these results can be seen in the table 3. the results of the r square test are 0.229; this means that the effect of all x variables simultaneously on y is 22.9%. table 3 shows the simultaneous f test results on a sample of 119 consisting of variables of treatment rate, recovery rate, death rate, health expenditure, social expenditure, and economic model coefficients t sig. (constant) .094 11.192 .000 x1 -.921 -.728 .468 x2 3.159 2.496 .014* x3 7,640 .870 .386 x4 6.760e-5 .845 .400 x5 .000 -1.530 .129 x6 .094 2.693 .008* r square 0.229 prob f 5.544 regression* 0.000 covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 245 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting impact. the significance value test on the f test shows a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that simultaneously all the variables x affect y (regional government re-focusing local). the significance value test on the f test shows a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that simultaneously all the variables x affect y (regional government re-focusing local). the results of the t-test (partial) on a sample of 119 consisting of variables of treatment rate, recovery rate, death rate, health expenditure, social expenditure, and economic impact. the t-test (partial) with a significance level <0.05 shows that the rate of treatments has a significance level of 0.468> 0.05. the treatment rate does not significantly affect regional government re-focusing. the t-test (partial) with a significance level of <0.05, indicates that the recovery rate has a significant level of 0.014 <0.05 so that recoverys rate has a significant effect on regional government re-focusing. the t-test (partial) with a significance level <0.05 shows that the death rate has a significant level of 0.386> 0.05. the death rate does not significantly affect regional government re-focusing. the t-test (partial) with a significance level of <0.05 shows that health expenditure has a significant level of 0.400> 0.05. health expenditure does not significantly affect regional government re-focusing. the t-test (partial) with a significance level of <0.05, shows that social expenditure has a significant level of 0.129> 0.05. social expenditure does not have a significant effect on regional government re-focusing. the t-test (partial) with a significance level of <0.05, indicates that the economic impact has a significance level of 0.008> 0.05 so that the economic impact has a significant effect on regional government. 1.4 discussion the regional government implements regional budget re-focusing as soon as after the publication of presidential instruction rate 4, year 200 regarding re-focusing of activities, budget reallocation, goods, and services to accelerate the handling of covid-19. the measurement of dependent variables is the refocusing regional government budget using the re-focusing percentage that has been available in the 2020 regional government refocusing budget recapitulation. this calculation is in line with the research findings proposed by beirne et al. (2020), while the independent variable measurement is by viewing daily cases from early march to june 19th, 2020. the daily case rate is calculated into a percentage by comparing it with the total population. beirne et al. (2020) proposed this calculation. people can access for data of covid patient rate, treatment rate, recovery rate, and death rate. next, for regional government refocusing budget recapitulation informs health and social expenditure and economic impact. the calculation is in line with the research propose by beirne et al. (2020). the results show that h1, the treatment rate does not influence significantly regional government re-focusing. h2, the recovery rate has a significant effect on regional government re-focusing. h3, death rate does not influence considerably to the regional government refocusing. h4, health expenditure does not affect the regional government re-focusing significantly. h5, social expenditure does not influence regional government re-focusing significantly. h6, economic impact influence regional government re-focusing significantly. health expenditure, care, and mortality rate influence budget re-focusing significantly. this is because the budget items for handling health, care, and mortality are not only from budget refocusing but also from the ministry of health. an example is when one is sick, bpjs as an insurance agency also covers hospital care costs (dewata, 2020). health expenditure allocation focuses more on health sector activities, medical devices procurement, an incentive for medical staff, and vitamin supplement supply (audited financial report, 2020). the budget re-focusing does not focus on treatment rate, death rate, and health expenditure. social expenditure does not have a significant effect on regional government re-focusing. this is due to overlapping aspects between social expenditure and economic impact, and the government executes state expenditure budget re-focusing and relocation. the government can covid-19 budget refocusing: evidence from indonesia rachmadani, suhardjanto, setiawan, and rosadi 246 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting obtain rp 405.1 trillion to handle the effects of the covid-19 outbreak. 27% of the fund or rp 110 trillion is for providing social assistance (seiwald & polzer, 2020). the overlapping fund allocation enhances confusion. the budget between social expenditure and economic impact should be separated. the recovery rate has a significant effect on regional government re-focusing. this finding supports (lassa, 2020). the rate of positive cases in indonesia rises, and as of august 9 th , 2020, it has reached 125,396 cases, 5,723 patients died, and 80,952 people are recovered. meanwhile, the reproductive index of transmission at a certain time (rt), especially in dki jakarta, was around 1.15 on august 5th, 2020. even though the covid-19 cases increase, many people are eager to immediately open economic activity because the financial crisis reaches an alarming stage (lassa, 2020). knowing the relatively high impact of recovery, the government issues an economic policy called new normal. during the covid-19 pandemic, many people were exposed to covid-19, but the recovery rate has increased significantly (covid-19 handle group, 2020). the more recovery rate rises, the lower the re-focusing rate, this is because the budget nature is flexible. the basic characteristic of the budget is flexible so that the government can revise it based on a priority scale of changes. the unexpected situation usually requires changes (dougherty et al., 2003; forrester & mullins, 1992). the economic impact also has a significant effect on regional government re-focusing in indonesia. this finding supports the research conducted by wu & lin (2020). they found that the china government has re-budgeting to handle the covid-19 pandemics, maintain socioeconomic stability and economic recovery by providing welfare for the individuals with low income, education, health, pension funds, and housing. they also informed that china implements re-budgeting for economic recovery. then, special supporting for small and medium enterprises and decreasing tax for all companies in china are facilities provided by the china government to handle the covid-19 impacts. conclusion the covid-19 pandemic encourages the indonesian government to have a re-budgeting policy through regional budget re-focusing. the regional government should develop re-focusing after having presidential instruction rate 4, the year 2000 regarding re-focusing activities, budget reallocation, and goods and services procurement to accelerate the covid-19. the study on regional budget re-focusing benefits the government to issue a valid policy on regional budget allocation re-focusing. the finding shows that the recovery rate and economic impact affect the regional budget re-focusing. in contrast, the treatment rate, death rate, health expenditure, and social expenditure do not influence the regional budget re-focusing. this study has limitations in sampling, which is only taken on java island. the suggestion for future research is that researchers should take samples throughout indonesia to generalize the findings accurately. reference aldaco, r., hoehn, d., laso, j., margallo, m., ruiz-salmón, j., cristobal, j., kahhat, r., villanueva-rey, p., bala, a., batlle-bayer, l., fullana-i-palmer, p., irabien, a., & vazquezrowe, i. 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(2022). analysis of community participation in paying motor vehicles tax through e-samsat service during covid pandemic at the samsat office in jakarta utara. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 226-235. abstract: taxes are the largest source of state revenue to meet routine state expenditures or finance national development. in the increasingly rapid development of information technology, various innovations have been created to facilitate human life. one of them is in the service sector. to improve the quality of tax services, the government created an online tax payment service system called electronic samsat or e-samsat. e-samsat is considered a solution for tax payment services, especially motor vehicle taxes, during the covid-19 pandemic because it is faster and there is no need to queue, such as direct tax payment services at the samsat office. however, unfortunately, many taxpayers have not taken advantage of these services. this is due to the administrative system, which is considered complicated, and people's digital literacy is still low. the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to describe this research in-depth. the results of this study are public participation in the payment of motor vehicle taxes through e-samsat services during the covid pandemic at the north jakarta samsat office, judging from the six participation criteria presented by mangkunegara, that has gone quite well. the community as taxpayers has participated in implementing the esamsat service system. however, unfortunately, not all people can access these services. the service procedure is quite long, and the people's digital literacy level is still low, causing the community not to be able to take full advantage of the service system. keywords: participation, tax payment, service, esamsat. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction indonesia is a country that has developed various technologies and information. however, the government requires a relatively large source of revenue or income to finance state expenditures, both routine expenditures for the state and routine expenditures for development at the center or in the regions (beny & loviana dewi, 2021; menichini, 2020; octaviany et al., 2021; pohan, 2017, 2019, 2021). following article 23 a of the 1945 constitution of the republic of indonesia, analysis of community participation in paying motor vehicles tax through e-samsat service during covid pandemic at the samsat office in jakarta utara priyono, wulandari, rofiyanti, and agustina 227 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting it is stated that taxes and other levies that are coercive for the needs of the state are regulated by law (kumala & junaidi, 2020; selvi & ramdhan, 2020; supriatiningsih & jamil, 2021; wulandari, 2021). tax collection is carried out throughout the territory of indonesia, which consists of two institutions, namely the central tax and regional taxes, which the central government and regional governments carry out (darwin, 2010; karo et al., 2019; muhaimin et al., 2019). taxes are the largest source of state revenue to meet routine state expenditures or finance national development (egbunike et al., 2018; li et al., 2021; majoral et al., 2021; nguyen & darsono, 2022; sekiraqa et al., 2021; tibulca, 2021). based on data from the dki jakarta regional revenue agency, from 2016-to 2020, the number of realized motor vehicle tax receipts in dki jakarta fluctuated every year; in the previous four years, the realization of revenue had reached the target. in the last year, during the covid-19 pandemic, the number of realizations has been reached. very far from the target of rp. 7,879,223,484,468 with the percentage only reaching 82.94%. from this, it can be seen that during the covid-19 pandemic, more and more people are less concerned about paying their motorized vehicle tax. the development of information and communication technology (ict) has brought a significant transformation in how business organizations deliver their products or services and build relationships with their customers (cascio & montealegre, 2016; faraj et al., 2021; kulathunga et al., 2020; means & neisler, 2020; mergel et al., 2019; șerban et al., 2020). not wanting the highest from the private sector, the government began to use ict as a public sector organization to strengthen relations with citizens, the business world, and fellow government agencies using ict by the government, which became known as electronic government or egovernment. this change in management changes the government's behavior; this managerial reform is needed as the first step toward behavioral reform. one of them is implementing electronic government. one of the local governments has implemented the national online samsat and has successfully implemented it in the jakarta city government, namely the one roof manunggal administration system (samsat). the north jakarta samsat office does not only use the national online samsat to serve the community as for others such as esamsat, samsat drive-thru, and mobile samsat. advances in information technology provide the most significant benefit to society's problems. of course, in a globalized world, egovernment helps the government provide information to citizens with the help of information technology so that the government does not have to bother with providing information to its citizens. for example, the government's samsat is in the manufacture and management of letters in the form of extending stnk, making bpkb. people paying taxes usually have long queues and complain about the services, facilities, and infrastructure at the north jakarta samsat office. many taxpayers make samsat services take a long time and are not optimal, especially during the covid-19 pandemic, which can cause the spread of the covid virus. so we need innovation to improve services from samsat to the taxpayer community. the development of information technology has provided a bright spot for solving these problems. management information system (sim) based on online web services (e-samsat) or the national online samsat is one solution. so far, face-to-face public services are only 8 hours a day from monday to friday. with e-government, public service offices are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week without waiting for government offices to open and can reduce the spread of the coronavirus that is endemic in the world. now there is no analysis of community participation in paying motor vehicles tax through e-samsat service during covid pandemic at the samsat office in jakarta utara priyono, wulandari, rofiyanti, and agustina 228 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting longer any excuse for not paying taxes (hartanti et al., 2020; herawati & hidayat, 2022; megayani & noviari, 2021; susanti & ery setiawan, 2019; utina & gobel, 2020). however, it has been facilitated by implementing e-government in public services; there are times when people are still reluctant to make payments. the success of government policies is strongly influenced by the participation of various sectors and the active participation of taxpayers. based on data from the dki jakarta regional revenue agency, the presence of the e-samsat system, starting from 2017 until now, annually for motor vehicle tax payments has increased with a total number of 86,812 motorized vehicle units, accumulating the amount of motor vehicle tax payments of rp. 142,795,444,400 until 2020. however, with the number of active motorized vehicles already paying taxes of 15,309,938 units, only 0.56% using the esamsat system is very far from expected. if the number of motorized vehicles that are passive and have not fulfilled their obligations by paying using the e-samsat system, as many as 21,381,597 units can reach 58.27% of the number of existing vehicles. so that the total payment of 8 can reach the specified target and cover the current shortfall in realization. at the same time, taxpayers can make payments through the e-samsat system, making it easier to pay motor vehicle taxes and no longer wait in line for hours. method this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, further elaborated with secondary data from the play store, social media, or other news media. data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation, in line with the expression of (silalahi, 2017), which states that data collection techniques can be carried out through searching secondary data obtained from books, articles, news, comments, government publications (websites), and journals (bungin, 2017; creswell, 2017; hamilton & finley, 2019, 2020; moleong, 2018; silalahi, 2017; sugiyono, 2019). result and discussion to analyze the level of public participation in motor vehicle tax payments through e-samsat services during the covid pandemic at the north jakarta samsat office, the author uses the theory (mangkunegara, 2017), where public participation includes several elements, including: a. coverage. coverage includes all groups of people who are in one area. the development of information technology impacts various fields, one of which is public services (benkraiem et al., 2022; kasper et al., 2015; kuroki, 2022; yang et al., 2022). improving public services in various regions spurs the spirit of innovation to make it easier for the community. this effort is carried out by cutting procedures and service flows to integrate services into online systems. the samsat electronic service is an online motor vehicle tax payment service issued by the indonesian national police. the purpose of the creation of e-samsat is to provide convenience and ease for all taxpayers in carrying out the fulfillment of motor vehicle tax obligations in their jurisdiction. convenience are demands on every service delivery, including the services provided in the payment of motor vehicle taxes (garcía-fernández et al., 2018; roy et al., 2018; van de pol et al., 2021). usually, taxpayers pay motor vehicle taxes directly at the samsat office. the disadvantage of paying taxes directly at the samsat office is that you have to queue for a long time, while the e-samsat service can be done quickly, and there is no need to queue. the eanalysis of community participation in paying motor vehicles tax through e-samsat service during covid pandemic at the samsat office in jakarta utara priyono, wulandari, rofiyanti, and agustina 229 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting samsat service system, namely an electronic-based payment channel menu, can provide more effective convenience for taxpayers in paying the annual motor vehicle tax without having to queue for too long and live far from home, only paying via atm. closest to the bank that has collaborated at the samsat office. so that it saves transportation costs to come to the samsat location and time, the main goal of e-samsat is to reduce crowds or the number of taxpayers at the north jakarta samsat office with a faster process. for the implementation of e-samsat in 2020, around ± 74,696 e-samsat users. every year, e-samsat increases and makes it easier for users to get tax information on taxes to be paid because on the official website, the terms, how to use it, services, benefits, and laws can be seen in detail and clarity on the website. however, some people state that the presence and implementation of esamsat is not adequate because there are still many people who pay motor vehicle taxes directly to the samsat office, and are not a means of providing tax information to the public because there are still some people who do not understand how to pay via atm. or do not know about the e samsat b. cooperation. cooperation requires the cooperation of various parties from all members of the community. participation is not only one of the goals of social development but is an integral part of the process of social development (fujiwara et al., 2019; marra et al., 2018; vlasova, 2021). the demands for community participation are increasingly running along with awareness of the rights and obligations of citizens. the importance of participation at its core lies in its function. the first function is to educate the public about various public issues. in this function, public participation will not threaten political stability and should run at all levels of government. the function of participation is to display the balance of power between the community and the government so that the interests and knowledge of the community can be absorbed in the government agenda. participation in the payment of motor vehicle taxes through the e-samsat service system can be seen in the involvement of various parties. the e-samsat service system can bridge communication between the government and the community, such as the two-door interaction between the community and the samsat office staff. allows the public to submit complaints, information, and or responses online because the meeting of taxpayers and e-samsat officers is only at the time of taking tbpkp/stnk by showing proof of payment via atm. implementing the e-samsat service system must also be socialized, considering that the service system is a new thing for taxpayers. in the implementation of socialization, e-samsat service providers use various media. socialization has been adequate, especially in this pandemic season; social media are perfect for providing socialization to the public. for example, the media used are social media, banners, press conferences, newspapers, and flayers carried out by public relations. cooperation will be established when each actor in implementing the e-samsat service system knows and understands their respective roles. c. empowerment the involvement of various parties cannot be separated from all the strengths and weaknesses of each party (lefstein & perath, 2014; markantoni et al., 2018; shnabel et al., 2016). through active involvement in each activity process, there is a process of mutual learning and mutual empowerment of each other. the concept of empowerment is interpreted as an effort to build power by encouraging, motivating, and raising awareness of the potential of the community and efforts to develop it. the e-samsat service system is a service provided by the government by utilizing the development of information technology. the e-samsat service system allows for reciprocal relationships that provide more benefits for both parties, providing more citizencentric services and responsive government, increasing public trust. the contribution made to analysis of community participation in paying motor vehicles tax through e-samsat service during covid pandemic at the samsat office in jakarta utara priyono, wulandari, rofiyanti, and agustina 230 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the e-samsat system has been outstanding because the enthusiasm of taxpayers increases every year, especially during this pandemic. e-samsat is participating in the framework of breaking the chain of the covid-19 virus outbreak. e-samsat is one of the taxpayer's processes to extend the vehicle to 134 shorter, only by paying through about five banks that have collaborated with the samsat office. when you have paid via atm, the tbpkp/stnk can be taken to the samsat office without queueing longer and longer. so that e-samsat is one solution to avoid crowds and the accumulation of the number of taxpayers at the samsat office. from some people, e-samsat has not been fully effective and has not seen a massive contribution from this system, so public enthusiasm is not high and still not optimal. several factors affect this system; first, there is still a lack of knowledge about e-samsat. second, many taxpayers are still afraid to leave the house during this pandemic. at the same time, the public still has to come to the samsat office to verify and collect tbpkp/stnk by showing proof of payment transfer via atm after the samsat office has visitor restrictions. furthermore, if there are complaints or problems accessing the esamsat service system, the handling of problems is still minimal. taxpayers during the pandemic can only communicate through the related samsat call center or email. if the e-samsat system is made a much easier application that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, then after the payment is completed, there is no need to come to the samsat office; tbpkp/stnk can be sent directly to the taxpayer's domicile address will be much more effective and efficient. finally, many use the e-samsat system, and the website's appearance does not confuse taxpayers in seeing the procedures for the e-samsat system. obstacles to implementing the e-samsat service system can only be accessed by taxpayers who have a high level of knowledge of the development of information technology, given the administrative procedures that tend to be lengthy. d. equality and partnership. everyone has the skills, abilities, and initiatives and has the right to use these initiatives to be involved in every process to build dialogue without considering each party's level and structure. implementing the e-samsat service system involves various parties, including the republic of indonesia police, regional revenue agency, regional banks, and taxpayers. samsat is a service for managing vehicle documents such as cars and motorcycles. samsat is also a form of collaboration between the indonesian national police, pt jasa raharja, and the provincial revenue service to provide community services in the extension and manufacture of stnk and motorized vehicle signs. the national police has the authority to issue stnk, pt jasa raharja manages swdkllj (compulsory donations to road traffic accident funds), and the provincial revenue service determines the amount of pkb and bbnkb. the main samsat is a service for taxpayers in carrying out new vehicle registration payments, re-registration/ratification of vehicles, five-year re-examination, registration of mutation vehicles, vehicles for which insurance will be transferred (leasing), duplicate stnk/bpkb so far, the implementation of the tax payment service system has been carried out manually. the government has created an online service system to accommodate motor vehicle tax payments through the e-samsat application to simplify the service process further. with e-samsat, tax payments are made through the website and bank channels (atm, mobile banking, and internet banking). , maybank atms, and bukopin atms. the indonesian national police has opened esamsat services in various cities, including west java, east java, central java, and dki jakarta. e-samsat services in each province are not the same, depending on the program of each samsat office area. some open online services through the official website specifically analysis of community participation in paying motor vehicles tax through e-samsat service during covid pandemic at the samsat office in jakarta utara priyono, wulandari, rofiyanti, and agustina 231 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting for samsat online; some use android-based applications. however, the online means or media used do not affect the terms and scope of the samsat online service. e. equality of responsibility various parties have clear responsibilities in each process because of the equality of authority (sharing power) and their involvement in the decision-making process and subsequent steps. in the implementation of the e-samsat service system, the following parties are involved: 1. the police are authorized to register and identify in-vehicle data, including ratification of stnk. 2. bapenda is authorized to collect regional taxes, particularly pkb and bbn-kb. 3. bank dki, which is authorized in terms of payment. 4. taxpayer. as the party being served, the taxpayer must play an active role in providing feedback on the service products provided to improve the service system in the future. these parties have their respective roles in implementing the e-samsat service system. for the flow of complaints or problems that occur in the process of fulfilling tax obligations, especially motor vehicle taxes, all of them already have their respective sections that respond to every complaint or problem that comes giving directions and explanations that are easy to understand by taxpayers and can minimize difficulties and can contact at number 1500177 or send a message via email according to the area of each samsat office. however, if a payment does not arrive at the samsat office, the taxpayer will be advised to check his account or to the relevant bank to find out whether the payment that has not arrived has been refunded or not. f. transparency. the application of the e-samsat service system can increase transparency (management and services) and support the prevention of corrupt practices because without going through an intermediary, one of them is a human officer or broker and avoids interaction between human parties to other human parties, especially motor vehicle taxes, because if esamsat all payments are made online (cashless) through banks that have collaborated with samsat as well as payments directly from each taxpayer into the regional treasury or directly to the dki jakarta provincial government account managed by the bpkd (regional financial management agency). reconciliation of receipts will be carried out. however, it is also challenging to connect e-samsat with transparency which depends on taxpayers. there are still people who make payments directly to the samsat office, 133 because if you pay via atm, it is more confusing step by step to make a vehicle tax payment. motorized, there is an stnk number whose letters are filled with numbers on the atm, and there are also people who do not want to be complicated in matters of payment submitted through the service bureau. regarding minimizing corruption, it is possible that this still exists. precisely this system will reduce meetings between officers and taxpayers so that actions outside the regulations can be avoided and transparency is only in the service process conclusion public participation in payment of motor vehicle taxes through e-samsat services during the covid pandemic at the north jakarta samsat office, seen from the six participation criteria presented by mangkunegara; 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(2022). the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(1), 78-90. abstract: the archives management system (simpan) application is a breakthrough application innovation developed by the bekasi madya tax office to improve the performance of its employees in the context of monitoring and deepening tax revenue by improving the management and administration of taxpayer files and supervision of paying spt (spt) effectively and efficiently. the purpose of this study was to analyze the level of effectiveness of using the simpan application. this study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. the theory of effectiveness according to campbell is used as a reference in this study. the results of the study indicate that the application of the simpan application has been effectively carried out at the bekasi madya tax office. keywords: effectiveness, simpan application, service, supervision this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction currently, taxation is the largest contributor to indonesia's state revenue. in 2019, the figure generated from tax revenues was 1,332.66 trillion rupiahs, although the tax ratio this year is still at 10.7%. meanwhile, in 2020, the figure generated from tax revenue is 1,072.1 trillion rupiahs. from the data on the realization of the 2020 apbn, the realization of tax revenues was recorded at rp. 1,072.1 trillion or a 19.6% contraction compared to the realization in 2019. this realization was 89.4% of the apbn target from perpres 72 or there was a shortfall of around rp. 126.7 trillion (kementerian keuangan, 2021; masdi, 2021). since 2020 the whole world has been faced with the challenge of adversity, especially in the economic sector due to the covid-19 pandemic where this has an impact on the economy both macro and micro (unicef, 2021). indonesia is one of the countries affected by the covid-19 pandemic with the largest number of people infected with covid-19 in the world (haryanto, 2020; shalihah, 2020) the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 79 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the movement restriction policies issued by the central government and regional governments to reduce the spread of this epidemic will certainly have a direct impact on the national economy (muhyiddin & nugroho, 2020). many entrepreneurs stop their business operations because they are unable to pay for employees and office operations. national economic growth grew minus 1.1 percent, the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia at the time said that the indonesian economy had entered the recession stage (rahmah, 2020). even though the government issued a policy of limiting this activity, the economy in indonesia, both at the center and at the regional level, must continue (górska et al., 2021; wiryawan, 2020) . and to finance economic activities, the government needs funds whose largest contribution is still based on tax revenues which nationally account for about 75% of total state revenues (anggraini et al., 2021). meanwhile, the tax is a mandatory contribution from the community to the state based on the law where the community does not get a direct contra-performance and this levy is used to finance state development to achieve public welfare (aditya, 2021; harjo, 2019). in addition to public awareness of the fulfillment of their tax obligations, among others, the lack of willingness to pay taxes, which is partly because people do not know the concrete form of rewards from the money spent to pay taxes (latofah & harjo, 2020). one form of supporting the achievement of tax revenue targets is by utilizing information technology in the form of computerized applications where information systems are built, developed and used to carry out service processes to the community through an integrated system.targets (hajawiyah et al., 2021; pendit et al., 2021). the utilization of information technology carried out by the tax office is no longer a luxury but has become a necessity (bai et al., 2021; syafitri, 2018). the efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity of an public and private organizations company work either at the individual, group level, or at the organization or company level as a whole can be improved by the use of these application technologies (wulandari, 2021). in improving services for its taxpayers, the bekasi madya tax service office, west java, indonesia created an internal computerized application that connects between divisions and sections in the office which is named the archives management system application (simpan). through the simpan application, it is expected to be able to increase speed and accuracy in providing services to the public, especially taxpayers, and internally it is also hoped that this application can improve employee performance to support dgt to used to carry out service processes to the community through an integrated system targets and ultimately foster public confidence, in the end it fosters public trust, especially better management of taxpayer administration. management some phenomena that occur in connection with this simpan application are: 1. the dgt's internal public service applications are still separate from each other applications are still separate from one another. 2. in terms of administration of taxpayer documents, there is no standardization of filing, the old process of copying borrowing taxpayer documents, requires good resources in terms of filing, the unavailability of a taxpayer document filing system, and taxpayer document borrowing that is not by procedures. the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 80 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. in the completion of the overpaid spt (sptlb), a partial application, there is a risk of delay in the completion of the sptlb examination, causing the risk of interest compensation and sanctions to tax officials. 4. there is inefficiency in the use of paper that should have been done digitally. because sophisticated information technology is the key to the successful implementation of tax policy and is expected to be able to improve employee performance in the agency's efforts to achieve the goal of achieving tax revenue targets, in line with this the authors designed the objectives of this study as follows: 1. to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of the bekasi madya tax office employees. 2. to analyze the obstacles to the application of the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of the bekasi madya tax office employees. 3. to analyze efforts to overcome obstacles to the application of the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of the bekasi madya tax office employees. several theories related to this research include the notion of effectiveness. according to mardiasmo, "effectiveness is a measure of the success or failure of achieving goals an organization achieves its goals. when an organization achieves its goal then the organization has been running effectively. effectiveness indicators describe reaching consequences and impacts (outcomes) of the program's outputs in achieving program objectives. the bigger the contribution the resulting output towards the achievement of the specified goals or objectives, the more effective the work process an organizational unit” (mardiasmo, 2016) according to campbell, there are four dimensions those affect the level of effectiveness of an activity, namely 1. the success of the program has two entities, namely the program in the simpan application and improving employee performance. 2. the success of the target, focusing on the output to be achieved, has two entities, namely so that the simpan application can be used by all employees and the function of making this simpan application for employees of kpp madya bekasi. 3. satisfaction with the program, which has two entities, namely employee satisfaction at kpp madya bekasi as users of the simpan application and the effectiveness of the simpan application in improving employee performance at kpp madya bekasi, and the fourth dimension, namely the achievement of overall goals by looking at the extent of the target from in terms of quality, quantity and time achieved by the institution, namely the achievement of predetermined targets and future expectations with the simpan application. the four dimensions of campbell's theory will be operationalized in this study (shabrina, 2014). the filing management system (simpan) application is a breakthrough application innovation developed by kpp madya bekasi to improve the performance of bekasi madya tax office employees in the context of monitoring and extracting tax revenues by improving the management and administration of taxpayer files, monitoring spt overpaid, reporting the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 81 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting compliance taxpayers in submitting spt effectively and efficiently. applications are also built as a means of storing, searching, monitoring, and supervising digital legal documents/products, taxpayer applications as well as other data and documents to support a reliable, easy, and efficient office administration system trusted (irkham et al., 2021). related to the administration and supervision of taxpayer compliance with the following principles: a. to support the modernization of information technology of the directorate general of taxes, the system that is built must improve the performance of all sections with the application standards of the head office of the directorate general of taxes; to support the modernization of information technology directorate general of taxes, the system built must be able to support each other with standard head office applications directorate general of taxation; b. this internal access security system is integrated with the information system of the directorate general of taxes which is used externally, in the sense that it can be accessed by taxpayers the security system for access to the system is integrated with the information system of the directorate general of taxes; c. the system that is built does not duplicate the existing system head office of the directorate general of taxes and is an invention new, original. the simpan application which is an internal application at the bekasi madya tax office consists of menus related to administration and supervision, namely: the simpan application consists of related menus administration and supervision, namely: 1) administration 1. the e-office application for correspondence is for recording incoming and outgoing mail faster and saving incoming mail documents and documents digital out-of-office letters; 2. taxpayer library application in the form of document digitization taxpayers (digital archiving), make it easier to search for taxpayer documents, make it easier search for legal products that have been published, support employee performance related to the use of data/documents both internal data in the dgt and data borrowed from taxpayer for tax audit purposes; 3. application of e-reporting in the form of mentoring inspection. to make a mentoring report easier and faster, monitoring implementation tax auditor functional field inspection; 4. postal delivery/delivery applications, namely for creating a mail delivery register by post more easy and fast, and monitoring of delivery decisions and other letters using the post in the section service; 2) supervision 1. overpaid spt dashboard application, as innovation supervision of the maturity of annual report of overpaid taxes (spt lb) with integrated data from directorate information system general tax (sidjp) and report application tax audit (alpp); the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 82 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. spt reporting compliance dashboard application for monitoring the submission of the taxpayer's annual spt and make it easier for employees, especially account representative to do supervision of taxpayer compliance level; 3. tax invoice confirmation application to answer confirmation of tax invoices/proof of deduction on time, and follow-up tracking of invoice confirmation answers withholding tax/proof; 4. application for free certificate application, application for objection, application for extension submission of spt, application for overbooking, and warrant for paying excess tax (spmkp) namely to monitor the application of the taxpayer and tracking and viewing application documents until with legal products published easily because already digitized; 5. the service satisfaction dashboard application is the monitoring of taxpayer satisfaction with services provided by the integrated service center officer (tpt) and as material for evaluating the performance of tpt officers; 6. monitoring application for issuance of tax assessment letters to monitor the issuance of tax assessment letters and other legal products so that they are not past due. by using the theoretical approach mentioned above, in completing the work, especially the maturity of tax refunds, taxpayer compliance in submitting the annual tax report (spt report) can be achieved, so that the performance of the bekasi madya tax office employees can increase. in addition, the management and administration of taxpayer files are digital, so the performance of bekasi madya tax office employees in completing work is expected to increase. the factors that influence effectiveness according to campbell are associated with the implementation of this simpan application are 1. the success of the program has two entities, namely the program in the simpan application and improving employee performance. 2. the success of the target, focusing on the output to be achieved, has two entities, namely so that the simpan application can be used by all employees and the function of making this simpan application for employees of kpp madya bekasi. 3. satisfaction with the program, which has two entities, namely employee satisfaction at kpp madya bekasi as users of the simpan application and the effectiveness of the simpan application in improving employee performance at kpp madya bekasi, and the fourth dimension, namely the achievement of overall goals by looking at the extent of the target from in terms of quality, quantity and time achieved by the institution, namely the achievement of predetermined targets and future expectations with the simpan application. campbell theory will be appointed as a reference in this study, by presenting the research conceptual model as follows: the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 83 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 1 conceptual model source : campbell (shabrina, 2014) several previous studies that were also used as references in the preparation of this scientific paper include : 1. hertiwi, who researched about application system information management for productivity boost work on service communication and informatics (diskominfo) district north lombok 2020 (journal of science administration public, vol.9 no.1, 2020). hertiwi's research results show that the implementation of the management information system at the communication and information office of north lombok regency has been effective. judging from the use of the website in disseminating information to the public, it can be faster, more economical, and cheaper, so that it can reduce the department's budget expenditure. there are two supporting factors for the implementation of sim, namely internal factors and external factors, while the inhibiting factors in implementing this sim are lack of budget, lack of aspirations from the community, and lack of expert resources. then efforts to increase employee work productivity at the communication and information office of north lombok regency, are still less effective, several obstacles were found, namely the lack of employee motivation, employees lack expertise, salaries that are not appropriate/low and office facilities are not adequate (hertiwi, 2020) 2. research conducted by putri dwi february (2019), entitled effectiveness of regional management information system application application (simda) finance at the tanah datar regency dprd secretariat office. this study focuses on how effective the simda application is in finance at the tanah datar regency dprd secretariat to help the financial management process produce financial reports accurately, in a quality, and goals success program success overall goal achievement satisfaction with program effort obstacle employee performance effectiveness of application of the save application the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 84 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting timely. measurement indicator effectiveness used in this study, among others, the success of the program, target success, satisfaction with the program, and overall goal achievement. the results of this study show that the financial simda application has been successfully implemented at the secretariat since 2009. this application is very effective because makes the financial management process easier and reports can be generated quickly and accurately. but the effectiveness of its implementation in the secretariat of the tanah datar regency dprd is still not maximum because there are still several inhibiting factors such as there are still many employees who cannot operate simda so some goals have not been achieved to the maximum, yet holding special training on the use of simda for employees, still lack of hardware availability as well as network disruption that often hinder the process of using simda finance (febria et al., 2018). 3. previous study shows the effectiveness of the implementation of the personnel management information system at the regional staffing and education and training agency which is looking at the four criteria, namely adaptation, integration, and undeveloped production effectiveness. this is evidenced by observations and interviews that have been done, the adaptation and motivation criteria have not been effective because at the agency the number of operators who are able to operate applications with available technology is still very limited, and provision of training for non-routine data processing staff and has not been effective in providing technological facilities and infrastructure information, in this case, is still lacking a computer for processing data (diani, 2017). 4. the next previous research shows that integrating information technology into business processes, for example, enterprise resource planning system (enterprise resource planning), supply chain management system (supply chain management), and inventory management, ignoring modernization human management systems such as performance management, can be a misguided investment (chen et al., 2019). this is a form of implementation of information technology in many public institutions. regardless of how good the technology was and how big is the investment, if the people working on the system information technology is inefficient, a business cannot be productively (tray et al., 2020). therefore, the efficiency of information technology systems can only deliver results if there is a high level of efficiency from people who use the system. institutions that have implemented and automated its performance system has benefited from the system in terms of cost savings, speed service delivery, productivity, and quality of service offered. to ensure the impact of the performance management system supported by information technology within the organization; researchers investigate the use of performance management systems in zambian public institutions and how the system impacts efficiency and productivity (mapoma, 2017). the similarity in several previous studies with this research is that they both examine management information systems, while the difference is in the theory used as a reference, place, and year of research. the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 85 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method a descriptive qualitative research approach will be used to analyze the problems in this study because the authors want to explore in detail and intensively the policies of the modern tax administration system to improve taxpayer compliance. in addition, another reason the author chooses a qualitative approach is the study of the literature in this study and the pattern of inductive research thinking. this research is not to test the truth of a theory, but to conclude what happened (sugiyono, 2019). the type of research used in this research is descriptive research which describes and explains in detail the phenomena or problems that exist in the status of human groups, objects, conditions, and systems of thought or events in the present. this type of research seeks to explain certain social phenomena (creswell, 2017) . the data collection techniques used were conducting observations, conducting interviews with several informants, and documenting some data that were considered important and relevant to this research. the data collection technique used is to make observations, conduct interviews with several informants who come from elements of the simpan application users, namely employees of the bekasi madya tax office, taxpayers as recipients of services from tax officials and academics, and documenting some data that is considered important and relevant to this research. this technique is by what was stated by sugiyono that "data collection methods are the methods used by researchers to collect data." the data analysis technique is an activity that begins with collecting data, then choosing the validity of the data that has been collected, choosing a particular coding to be effective in conducting research, and drawing a decision to do research. in carrying out data analysis techniques, the authors use the techniques proposed by miles & huberman, namely through the stages of data reduction, displaying data (with verbatim encoding), and concluding. the data reduction stage is sorting and selecting the collected data, both data from interviews and data from documentation with the aim that the author will choose valid and relevant data to the research to be carried out, so not all the collected data will be used as research data. the next stage is to display the data in this case the author uses verbatim coding to facilitate data analysis and the last stage is to draw conclusions based on the analysis carried out. in conducting interviews, the writer chose several informants with the criteria that the informants knew and understood about the problems to be analyzed, also the informants were needed to explore the information that became the basis and the theoretical design that was built. in determining informants in qualitative research, it is possible to use three methods, namely the purposive procedure (deliberate), the quota procedure, and the snowball procedure (bungin, 2017). purposive sampling is the author's choice in selecting informants. the selected informants represent 10 people from bekasi madya tax office, 2 taxpayers, and 1 person from academics. the informants from the tax office consist of the implementing level to the section head, the informants from the taxpayers consist of taxpayers who are directly related to the services and supervision carried out by the bekasi madya tax service office, while the academic the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 86 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting element functions as a theoretical counterweight to statements resulting from interviews with informants who come from elements of the tax office and taxpayers. in analyzing the data that was collected from interviews with informants, the authors used verbatim coding solely to facilitate the data analysis process. this study focuses on the effectiveness of using an internal application at the bekasi madya tax service office, west java province, indonesia, which is named the simpan application. the author uses campbell's theory of effectiveness because the variables described in the theory are by the research theme that the author is examining. in researching a policy, the author needs to examine how the overall achievement is, how the target is successful, how the program is successful, and how satisfied the program has been implemented. result and discussion in conducting the analysis the author refers to the effectiveness theory campbell which has 4 variables, namely success of the program, the success of the target, satisfaction with the program, and the achievement of overall goals by looking at the extent of the target from in terms of quality, quantity and time achieved by the institution with the discussion of the results as follows: 1. how is the effectiveness of the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of bekasi madya tax office employees. a. from the analysis that has been carried out using verbatim coding about the success of the archives management system application (simpan) program in improving employee performance the bekasi madya tax service office concluded that the simpan application had been used by employees more than 80% of bekasi madya kpp employees who served in the field of service to taxpayers and the success of the simpan application program was monitoring the annual report of overpaid taxes regarding restitution, digitizing work, better document archiving, making it easier to find documents and monitoring progress. work faster, and a good tax application should be able to save time, effort, and space and reduce usage paper. b. the conclusion that can be drawn from the verbatim analysis about the success of the archives management system application (simpan) application in improving the performance of the bekasi madya tax office employees is that this application has achieved the desired target because with this simpan application the work of the implementers and supervisors become more effective and efficient, both in terms of time effectiveness at work as well as in spending on work implementation as well as better archive management, in terms of utilization of taxpayer document archives. implementers and supervisors becomes more effective and efficient, management archives are better, in terms of the utilization of the taxpayer's document archives has been successful. the success of the simpan application target is that there is systematic monitoring of the annual tax report overpayment regarding restitution which reduces the occurrence of manual supervision errors, including miscalculations and errors in the timeliness of submitting information to taxpayers. the annual tax report overpayment regarding restitution is not past due, makes it easier to supervise and monitor the date a work must be completed, archives that neatly makes it easy to search for data to the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west java, indonesia rulandari, haryati, kommer, agustina, prihandini 87 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting complete work; so it is can support expected that the performance of employees, especially the state civil apparatus (asn) at the bekasi madya tax office is more professional, independent and reliable. c. from verbatim's analysis of satisfaction with the archives management system application (simpan) program in improving the performance of bekasi madya tax office employees it was concluded that the simpan application helped employees a lot in carrying out their work, the use of the simpan application was appropriate and facilitated the work and was even able to improve the performance of kpp madya bekasi employees. the simpan application is easy to access, the operation is easy, the display on the simpan application is also very easy to understand so that employees can easily use the simpan application. applications that can help smooth service tasks if the application is easy to use, reducing manual work and human errors. d. analysis of research on the overall goal achievement of the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of the bekasi madya tax service office employees concluded that the use of the simpan application was effective in improving employee performance because employees did not need to do the work manually. in terms of accuracy, the simpan application is guaranteed to be accurate because the data presented is taken directly from the dgt information system and other official applications from dgt. in terms of timeliness and relevance, it is good. 2. verbatim's analysis of the obstacles to the application of the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of the bekasi madya tax office employees shows that the obstacle in implementing the simpan application is the transfer application maker to another office so that if there is a problem with the simpan application it cannot be resolved immediately, the data has not been uploaded so that sometimes the latest archive is not found. the use of an application will not be separated from internal and external obstacles. 3. from interviews with internal informants from the bekasi madya tax office as primary data that is displayed in coding verbatim analysis of efforts to overcome the barriers to the archives management system application (simpan) in improving the performance of the bekasi intermediate tax office employees shows that the bekasi intermediate tax office has appointed an employee who understands the ins and outs of the simpan application as a pic regarding the use of this application and appoints an employee with a level above the employee as a supervisor as well as the person in charge to ensure that scanning documents/files are always uploaded so that data is always updated. for the application to be useful in completing the work, the employee must master the application, and the application must continue to be developed and patented so that it is not recognized by irresponsible parties. conclusion based on the description of the research results from the discussion, it can be concluded as follows: the effectiveness of using the application of coverage management system (simpan) at the madya tax office bekasi, west 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(2022). pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 351-358. abstract: the government has made various efforts to improve taxpayer compliance but the efforts that have been made have not been effective enough. collaboration between stakeholders is needed in harmonizing and synergizing all components of taxpayers. this study was conducted with the aim of analyzing pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance at cimanggis tax office. the study used descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and literature study. the results of the study show that collaboration has been carried out by the government well by involving various parties who take an active role, namely the private sector, academia, the media and the community. each party has its own role in helping improve taxpayer compliance. in its implementation there are several obstacles, but coordination continues to be carried out together to carry out the commitments that have been made. keywords: pentahelix collaboration; taxpayer compliance this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction tax ratio is still very low at 9.12% in 2021 (kurniati, 2022). tax ratio can be regarded as a reflection of the level of compliance of taxpayers in indonesia (lhoka & sukartha, 2020; rahmadhani et al., 2020; rahman, 2017). no wonder indonesia is ranked seventh in the southeast asian region (jeven, 2021). in fact, if this tax compliance continues to be explored, then tax revenue will automatically increase, which is currently the main source of state revenue (angraini et al., 2017; purwanto & safira, 2020; setiowati et al., 2020). tax compliance is a condition where taxpayers fulfill and carry out their tax obligations in accordance with regulations and laws (fang et al., 2022; menichini, 2020; rahayu, 2013; saad, 2014). there are several factors that cause taxpayer non-compliance. among them are the lack of understanding of tax regulations, the lack of maximum tax services provided to the low level of supervision due to the lack of taxation databases and the lack of knowledge and awareness of taxpayers (batrancea et al., 2019; damayanti et al., 2015; saad, 2014). public ignorance of the distribution of tax funds and some circulating information related to the practice of misuse of funds by the government are also widely circulated, thereby reducing public trust in the government (kasper & alm, 2022; klaser & mittone, 2022; natalia, 2020). pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance rahmi, selvi, and purwaningtyas 352 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting various efforts have been made by the government to improve taxpayer compliance, some of which are by improving the quality of fiscus services, audits to tax sanctions (masrullah et al., 2021; prabowo & indarto, 2018; wantasen et al., 2021). however, these efforts are not efficient enough to improve taxpayer compliance (cahyonowati & darsono, 2018). this increase in taxpayer compliance cannot only depend on the government, considering that many parties are involved and have an interest so that collaboration between relevant stakeholders is needed (latofah & harjo, 2020; rizkiyah et al., 2019; susanto, 2022). in short, governments should pursue a variety of approaches in their efforts to promote compliance. where good governance is needed that is able to harmonize and synergize all components of taxpayers, government, academics, entrepreneurs and the media with the aim of increasing taxpayer compliance or what is called the pentahelix model (nurmalia, 2018). the pentahelix collaboration is a model of economic development to pursue innovation through collaboration using five elements, namely academia, business, government, society or community and the media (subagyo, 2021; sudiana et al., 2020; wahida et al., 2020). the key to the success of this innovation is the synergy and strong commitment between stakeholders, besides the penta helix collaboration is considered very appropriate to manage the complexity of various actors (novianti, 2020; slamet et al., 2016). furthermore, according to (soemaryani, 2016) penta helix is defined as a reference in developing synergies between relevant agencies in supporting the achievement of a common goal and that penta helix plays a role in advancing regional socioeconomic development (hasid et al., 2022; purba & setiawan, 2022). the above statement is also supported by the understanding put forward by jann jidajat tjakraatmadja that penta helix is an integrated design between five sectors that are coordinated with each other (amrial et al., 2017). depok city is known as a buffer city for the state capital. included as one of the big cities located on the border of west java, depok city consists of 11 sub-districts namely, tapos, sukmajaya, beji, bojongsari, cimanggis, cilodong, cinere, pancoran mas, cipayung, limo and sawangan. in this study, researchers chose the sub-district under the cimanggis tax office as the research location. table i.1 level of taxpayer compliance cimanggis tax office year 2016-2021 years of registered taxpayers spt taxpayers reports spt compliance spt entities private total 2018 12.701 331.325 344.026 157.427 87.236 55,41% 2019 13.825 355.055 368.880 149.030 92.644 62.16% 2020 14.896 395.579 410.474 123.315 95.991 77,84% 2021 16.652 419.103 435.755 121.920 94.855 77,8% source: general sub division cimanggis tax office table i.2 income tax arrears collection section cimanggis tax office year 2019-2021 year outstanding taxdes receivable (rp.) accounts receivable % 2019 47.408.322.809 23.608.031.842 50% 2020 54.840.839.865 18.591.308.292 34% pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance rahmi, selvi, and purwaningtyas 353 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2021 116.689.228.923 9.213.424.289 8% source: general sub division cimanggis tax office based on the above data, it can be seen that the percentage of tax compliance level in the cimanggis tax office area has not been fully realized. in addition, based on data on tax arrears receipts in 2019-2021, receipts from uncollected receivables have not yet been fully achieved, there has even been a decrease in the percentage of receivables collectible from 50% to 34% in 2020 and further decreased to 8% in 2021. in other words, there are still many taxpayers who have not complied with their tax obligations. in order to overcome this, cimanggis tax office has collaborated with several parties. some of them are with the involvement of academics, through programs that have been initiated by the directorate general of taxes, namely the cross-agency program or what is called the tax volunteer program. collaboration with the tax center and the depok city government in conducting education in the form of socialization to msme actors to the establishment of the msme corner. even collaboration with the kelurahan is also carried out to encourage the reporting of the annual spt and the establishment of the tax corner. although synergies through collaboration with various parties have been carried out, it turns out that this has not been able to support the compliance of taxpayers in depok city. therefore, the researcher wants to analyze the pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance at cimanggis tax office. this study refers to research conducted by (sari & rosdianae, 2021) with the title evaluation of the implementation of collaborative governance in the optimization of dki jakarta regional tax revenues. the research relates collaborative governance to optimizing tax revenue and shows that as a leading institution in collaborative governance, bprd dki jakarta is considered less proactive and less confident in implementing policies and there are obstacles in the form of lack of trust in the cooperation that is built. however, this research is different from previous research which focuses on tax revenue, while the researcher focuses on tax compliance. method this research is a descriptive qualitative research (creswell, 2017; creswell & creswell, 2018), where this research is based on the philosophy of postpositivism which is commonly used to examine the condition of natural objects (sugiyono, 2019, 2022). research discusses regarding the pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance at cimanggis tax office. the researchers used data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and literature study. informants in this study consisted of the head of supervision section vi of cimanggis tax office, decima msme community management, director of broadcasting radar depok and several private companies registered as taxpayers of cimanggis tax office. the research period starts from february to june 2022. in analyzing the results of the study, the researchers carried out data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions (miles & huberman, 1994). result and discussion role of the government in carrying out its role properly, there are several indicators that need to be considered, namely the availability of regulations or policies governing tax compliance and the availability of financial support through the proposed apbn/apbd to improve taxpayer compliance. in addition, the pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance rahmi, selvi, and purwaningtyas 354 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting government's role is also important in law enforcement on positive legal norms that have been issued and the availability of cooperation in order to improve tax compliance. based on the results of interviews conducted by the author, the role of the government in this case is cimanggis tax office as a regulator which has been regulated in the law on general provisions and tax procedures article 17 c paragraph 2 and regulation of the minister of finance no. 192/pmk.03/2007 where compliance this is assessed from the timeliness in submitting the annual spt and the amount of tax arrears. the role of the government with collaboration in conducting education, socialization and other collaborative programs with both the private sector, academics, media and the community affects the level of tax compliance at cimanggis tax office. role of the private the role of the private sector here is as a provider of employment. as a provider of employment opportunities, the private sector carries out its obligations in terms of withholding employee income tax, aka pph article 21. indirectly, the private sector forces its employees to fulfill their tax obligations by withholding income tax directly on the income earned. in addition, the private sector also provides education to its employees by sending their employees to participate in the socialization organized by cimanggis tax office. community role in carrying out its role properly, there are several indicators that need to be considered, namely the availability of active community participation in the agenda of increasing tax compliance. in addition, the creation of good collaboration between the community and other institutions, both the government and other parties in order to improve taxpayer compliance. the community has a role as an accelerator consisting of a collection of people with the same interests, as well as being an intermediary or liaison between stakeholders. based on interviews that have been conducted, the community has actively participated in collaborating with the government with the cimanggis tax office, the depok city cooperatives and msme service, to universities and the tax center through outreach activities to the msme corner. role of media in carrying out its role properly, there are several indicators that need to be considered, namely the availability of media in voicing the importance of tax compliance. in addition, it can also be seen from the active involvement of the press in order to voice the involvement of other parties who are also seeking tax compliance. media acts as an expander or supporter of publications in promoting and creating a brand image. depok media has participated through collaboration to voice taxpayer compliance, however the intensity of participation is still low. role of academics academics have a role as conceptors, namely sources of knowledge with relevant new concepts and theories. based on interviews that have been conducted, academics have participated in collaborations to improve tax compliance, through educational provision for students participating in internship programs and community service, including collaboration with the government to be involved in the educational process through socialization and other programs pentahelix collaboration in improving taxpayer compliance rahmi, selvi, and purwaningtyas 355 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting such as tax volunteers such as which has been regulated in the regulation of the director general of taxes no. per-12/pj/2021 article 1 point 9, which states that a tax volunteer is someone who voluntarily balances his time, energy, thoughts and expertise to play an active role in tax education activities. obstacles obstacles in implementing collaboration commitments to improve taxpayer compliance, some of which are meeting timings considering the ongoing pandemic. in addition, with the pandemic, several parties are also required to be open to technology, because some programs that were originally carried out offline shifted their implementation to online. the obstacle in building communication between parties lies in the communication media, where communication that was previously carried out directly by face to face has turned into communication through social media such as instagram and whatsapp. communication is considered less effective than direct communication. barriers to continuing to coordinate in carrying out commitments, including the absence of written agreements between parties such as between the private sector and the government. this will affect the equal distribution of the role of the private sector to participate in coordination. conclusion the pentahelix collaboration carried out by the government in order to improve taxpayer compliance has been carried out well, starting from the availability of regulations to financial support. collaboration has also been carried out with various parties, namely the private sector, academia, the media and the community. the private sector has played an active role by cutting income taxes for employees and involving employees in the socialization held by the kpp. the respective communities and academics also participate as accelerators and conceptors in order to realize improvements in taxpayer compliance. although the intensity of participation is still relatively low, the media also plays a role in collaboration in 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make development throughout accounting scientific research and designs from accounting knowing or education and learning in the future. to ensure that the adjustment needs from accounting professionals and trainees that are taking accounting research studies are required to have the ability to instantly adapt to the instructions from modifications in market 4.0 that are currently operating. it‘s anticipated that accounting will modification to "huge information" based upon accounting innovation, consisting of automation from journaling and monetary coverage. besides, using synthetic knowledge will be huge in analysis of monetary declarations and examining the behavior from companies or businesses. consequently, this impacts the knowing patterns from representing trainees that will place much more focus on grasping info systems regarding the real truth from the business globe. keywords: industry 4.0, internet of things, the accounting profession, artificial intelligence, accounting learning patterns. introduction the fast advance from wise innovation has resulted in the development of market 4. 0. this development includes the 'internet from points which is anticipated to offer huge info accessibility with limitless interconnectivity (kagermann, 2015). this offers a method where people, info, and interaction innovation expand with each other (pisaniello j & burritt rl, tingey-holyoak j, 2014). this evolution was followed by the emergence of cloud-based computing, large-scale data or known as big data, genetic experiments, changes in neurotechnology that are possible for humans to further maximize the role of the brain (world economic community, 2016) while deloitte (deloitte, 2017) portrays industry 4.0 so that the integration of digital information from several sources and places that start on manual activities in doing business is easier and more effective(aisyah et al., 2019; amelia et al., 2019; hartasetiadi & sidik, 2019). market 4.0 initially began in germany and after that complied with by various other nations such as the us, japan, and china. nevertheless, it‘s expected that market 4. 0 will result in considerable reductions in labor-intensive people, which consequently can result in high unemployment prices, particularly amongst grads around the world (grey j & hughes m, 2016). this is because the market 4. 0 atmosphere will tend to get rid of a regular job and many more jobs (deloitte, 2015). as a consequence, industry 4.0 will revolutionize the industry (davies r, expectations and standards for accounting professions and implications in the learning pattern in industrial 4.0 supriadi, rahardjo, suprihandari 67 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 2015) so that current jobs no longer exist in the next 50 years. the country echoes the use of high computerized technology in manufacturing or manufacturing work. the word "industry 4.0" appeared around 2011 at the hannover fair, and in 2013 at the same place, a working group was led by siegfried dais (robert bosch gmbh) and henning kagermann a german academy of sciences and engineering. the design principles used are divided into four things, namely interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance, and decentralized decisions(andrayanti, 2019; kumala, 2019; meilani & pandoyo, 2019; sinaga & sidik, 2019). the world economic forum foresees that industry 4.0 is probably going to bring about a total deficit of more than 5 million employments in 15 created and creating nations, and malaysia is no special case right now. the result is where the malaysian government may need to confront rising joblessness and salary disparity, combined with a contracting shopper based business. the most influenced in the industry 4.0 condition are the middle of the road abilities employments (cormier d and magnan m, 2015). the information that most undergrad bookkeeping understudies will be utilized in the middle of the road abilities occupations raises concerns whether these alumni will have the option to verify work after graduation. along these lines, to guarantee the employability of graduates, educating, and learning exercises of bookkeeping, understudies should be acclimated to the desires for businesses of bookkeeping graduates in industry 4.0 (cooper b, 2015). as a result, given the likely employment domain, accounting students must be prepared to meet industry 4.0 demand. during the industrial revolution, 4.0 is projected to have relevant and admirable effects on several factors, especially on products, supply chains, customers, and workers. elements of workers who are either trapped directly or indirectly will be reviewed in this paper. the accountant is a career that is trapped in a direct way in it, which of course, has a disruptive impact on how an accountant carries out the job he carries, not only has to adjust to increasing his ability to face the 4.0 industrial revolution that has been initiated. from data in 2016, developments in the order of the company were witnessed by market capitalization throughout the last decade (2006 and 2016). around the year 2016, large companies were dominated by technology-based companies and produced information technology products. it can be analyzed if the capitalization of the first number company in 2016, namely apple, is 38% greater than exxon mobil in 2006, which means that the development of technology companies is 2x that of companies operating in the sector not only in information technology. according to gerd leonhard in 2015, which predicts that globally, the era of the digital industry will get rid of 1 to 1.5 million jobs from the period of 2015 to 2025 due to the fact the human element can be replaced by engine power. also, data obtained from the us department of labor predicts 65% of school students in the world will face jobs or careers that never exist now, which means there will be new obstacles and new experiences in work and types of work in the world of work. cutler and lewis (2016) said that in the uk alone, technology has the role of removing 800,000 jobs. however, in addition to the positive side, the digitalization period has the potential to increase the new workforce of around 2.1 million to 2025, which means there are career choices and varied occupations. also, mechanization and digitalization can reduce the strength of carbon emissions by 26 billion metric tons (world economic community, 2016). from the description of the character and concentration of industry 4.0, it is clear that the career sequence of accountants needs to follow the fast rhythm and rhythm of the revolution. moving moving eroded or can survive on that development. until the accountant will face the sequence that is the admit to noise signal where the accountant has understood the expectations and standards for accounting professions and implications in the learning pattern in industrial 4.0 supriadi, rahardjo, suprihandari 68 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 existence of intimidation and will be prepared to take advantage of the moment of intimidation so that it can be taken part of, changes take hold which is where the accountant has felt there is a development in his activities but feels no need to take a stand because it has not disrupted the "status quo", the inevitable transformation, that is, accountants have changed because the capacity "status quo" has been disturbed by the existence of this revolution and accountants must carry out the rapid transformation of development and the best way is only for several factors seen as needing and adapting to the new normal namely the transformation of accountants 'careers in detail by the demands of the new mode of industry 4.0 or accountants' careers will be lost if they cannot adjust to that development. industry 4.0 is characterized as another period that constructs and extends the effect of digitalization in new and sudden manners; which can likewise be portrayed as the rise of "physical-digital frameworks" that include altogether new capacities and network for people and machines (davies, 2015; liu and xu, 2017). it is trusted that this period will influence work helplessness (seele p, 2016), particularly among graduates. work recently done by people will to a great extent be supplanted by computerization (christ kl, burritt rl, 2015). their exploration found that somewhat less than half of the employments in the us are presented to the danger of being inefficient because industry 4.0 because robots can perform routine assignments as well as refined obligations outside daily practice. their discoveries suggest that while industry 4.0 gives a chance to the individuals who are prepared to acknowledge it, this period likewise presents extraordinary difficulties for the conventional calling, including the bookkeeping calling is no special case. in the bookkeeping calling, bookkeepers can get ready for another time by bringing issues to light, building information through expert improvement and proceeding with training, empowering the advancement of abilities in new contestants, and working together with different experts (cooper, 2015). representing framework mix in industry 4.0 is probably going to be at an elevated level, and association with neighborhood bookkeeping issues in the business condition will be at a significant level of availability (kagermann, 2014). industry 4.0 is relied upon to impact bookkeeping rehearses because bookkeepers can acquire information that beforehand couldn't be gotten progressively, improve information quality through more noteworthy exactness and practicality in improving information proficiency and information confirmation, just as other dynamic objectives. moreover, this period is relied upon to expand the believability and pertinence of revealing (burritt and christ, 2016). to put it plainly, bookkeepers will have the chance to be less engaged with robotized activities and spotlight more on enormous picture systems, for example, asset productivity. in any case, bookkeepers need involvement with innovation to stay in solid interest. for newcomers to the bookkeeping calling, proficient bodies can help scholastics and colleges in giving pertinent educational plans to graduates who may need to battle with the industrial 4.0 time since it includes new computerized network. regularly, researchers and colleges react by changing existing course content or presenting new courses and instructing strategies to defeat new conditions. the activity is planned to expand the employability of their alumni. this is conceivable through putting resources into innovation for functional experience and furnishing involvement in pretending in the industry 4.0 situation. accordingly, working with proficient bodies and bookkeepers can help scholastics and colleges in conveying courses appropriate for bookkeeping graduates to be significant in the industrial 4.0 time. in this expectations and standards for accounting professions and implications in the learning pattern in industrial 4.0 supriadi, rahardjo, suprihandari 69 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 manner, bookkeeping graduates must be prepared at colleges to become qualified workers who can conquer the groundwork for confronting industry 4.0 (wübbeke j and conrad b, 2015). portfolios in instructive innovation have gotten more differing than any other time in recent memory in light of the fact that different kinds of programming are presently accessible to help scholastics in making educating and learning encounters all the more convincing. the digitalization of training has given more options in contrast to scholastics in their educating and learning strategies (burrit and roger. 2016). apparently, this gives a chance to scholastics to devise methodologies to scatter their insight to understudies, in a way that is significant and pragmatic, with the goal that graduates will have the option to adjust and stay popular in reality (cormier d and magnan m, 2015). be that as it may, the instructing and learning procedure must be successful when scholastics and colleges know the desires for business visionaries bookkeeping graduates in the coming time. method in the examination procedure methodology, a lot of general and explicit logical strategies that are psychological are utilized. this sort of research is qualitative, where in contemplating the hypothetical position and the ebb and flow condition of bookkeeping tasks, the utilization of hypothetical speculation techniques, gathering, correlation investigation and combination, perception, and verifiable methodologies are actualized. improved meaning of the association and practice of bookkeeping tasks utilizing the strategies for acceptance and finding, gathering, hypothetical speculations. unmistakable technique is utilized to give an outline to speak to the aftereffects of the investigation. result and discussion from the accountant's position description, there are obstacles and impacts on accountants' careers, including where technology changes change business as relevant as many assets that are in the form of "technology" and not in physical form, requiring less hrt counted, including accounting staff, where the company has no idea "place" or "premises" because it is controlled through the "virtual office" and most recently about the market steps and steps to sell through the "market place" or "online store" all of which will just be towards the point of equilibrium or new equilibrium which will later create own standards. in the next five years, where 5g technology in telecommunications devices has been fully adopted, high-speed internet connections per second and human hardware have also been connected both with iot or iop, which will change the role of accountants replaced by ai (artificial intelligence) technology. as well as robotics in doing the fundamental accountant's job, namely recording transactions, processing transactions, separating operations, mechanizing the work of the balance sheet as well as analyzing the financial balance independently without any human involvement. the following self-managed fundamentals role of accountant scheme, which, of course, increases the efficiency and effectiveness of work, and the results are immediately found at that time (real-time). many companies have improved this because it has been supported by the existence of standardization of financial control processes and standardization of the ideal information scheme architecture and in accordance with the demands of the fourth generation industry until important competencies are needed for accountants after that the potential for data analysis, follow changes in information technology and update style leadership. expectations and standards for accounting professions and implications in the learning pattern in industrial 4.0 supriadi, rahardjo, suprihandari 70 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 furthermore, the effect is that accountants and accounting firms will be "forced" to improve mobile applications so they can connect data directly from handheld devices, tablets, and virtual reality. the balance sheet audit is carried out on a real-time basis where regulators and auditors automatically pull the required data directly from the scheme and sensors attached to operational work so that the transparency and accuracy of the data made can be justified. if the accountant does not have the ideal skills in information technology, another career can replace the role of the accountant, so that it can be mentioned that info technology is a core requirement that needs to be studied and understood by the accountant. taken from the december 2016 edition of the international edition of accounting and business magazine, roger leonard burrit and katherine christ said four steps that accountants need to take in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0 namely : a. awareness. if the industrial revolution gave birth to new opportunities or opportunities. this opportunity is growing new businesses that never existed initially. hence, the example of germany as the initiating country has 80% of companies ready to implement industrial revolution 4.0 or china that understands if development is needed on the knowledge factor and targets 60% investment in this field. not only these two countries but many countries are already in the initial step of disseminating information, which after that, will grow deeper to run with the whole revolution 4.0. b. education. regulators or the government and education activists are required to be able to make a curriculum related to changes in digital connectivity, such as coding training, information management between several programs, and unequal basis or implementation of real-time accounting intended for all departments and company organizations as holders stock. c. career development. increase the career capacity of accountants and programs that support their development by doing online presentation exercises or face to face discussions (face to face discussion) and assessing their effects on the career capabilities of accountants in the future. d. application of high standards. so the accountant is required to have optimal control over the data created, where data or physical information is generally obtained under the responsibility of several engineers (engineer) so that the fabric of work between the accountant and engineer must go hand in hand so that the data and accounting information are well maintained. the four steps in the development of the role of accountants during the 4.0 industry revolution described above should have been initiated at the beginning of the evaluation process on campus or college where the curriculum and method of evaluation must also be in accordance with the actual business world now and in the future. until the campus or college needs to look for and use evaluation methods that improve the most important factor, namely human literacy where the important concentration is to improve students' cognitive abilities, so they can think seriously and systemically because human literacy can play a good role when referring to "humanity"; communication and design. until the evaluation focused on factors namely skills in terms of leadership and working together in teamwork, agility and cultural maturity (cultural agility) so that students with some background can work in environments that are not the same either domestically or outside the environment state and entrepreneurship counted in it "social entrepreneurship" which means entrepreneurship that can contribute to expectations and standards for accounting professions and implications in the learning pattern in industrial 4.0 supriadi, rahardjo, suprihandari 71 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 social development with sustainability and on target. each student must possess the following point of fundament. aoun (2017) said that to arrive at an efficient evaluation factor. by the desired direction, it is needed a thematic study that unites between the university environment and the real work world (base learning project). this thematic study can give a factual description to students about the latest state of the world of work and all the obstacles encountered. northeastern (2014) indicates the implementation of practical work or apprenticeship activities in the company, so one of them is an inefficient reference evaluation. referring to the formulation of the kkni team (indonesian national qualification framework) evaluation directorate (2015), college or university graduates must be prepared (not only human literacy) to have data literacy potential, namely reading, analyzing and using info in big data format (big data) and technological literacy. technology literacy means understanding the work steps of a machine, application of technology, artificial intelligence, and engineering principles. until the combined human literacy, data and technology can answer the obstacles of the industrial revolution 4.0. so it's evident that the obstacles of the industrial revolution of the past could change the overall role and standard of current accountants. the development of the accountant's role includes providing views or opinions about the data. accountants are required to be able to identify questions on data, statistical analysis, tracking data quality and interpretation of data processing results, acting as an adviser, either as a business advisor, specialist, or acting as a business partner. can work together in the struggle for technology that includes data fraud, work with robots or the like and become a trainer in the section of artificial intelligence and accountant careers grow not only in financial factors but will extend to non-financial reporting factors and data security in cyberspace (cyber security). accountants from the industrial revolution are not becoming "bookkeepers" but are expanding into something new that cannot be genuinely touched by financial factors. exploration of new things naturally led to the specialization that did not yet exist at this time. the specialty here, if you look at the information above, increases to a new part of work that demands different abilities and abilities as well because it is needed to be able to see the strength of development in a short or long period. intermediate between the real world of work and the academic world should be bridged for further analysis and research in which research results can be used to provide a solution that is informative and can be applied later in the teaching and learning process in the campus, college, and career. conclusion and recommendation industry 4.0 gave birth to several new things that would affect the careers of accountants and students who were studying accounting. industrial digitalization and real-time transactions can monitor quickly and quickly the performance of organizations or companies both in manufacturing, supply chains, and customers. accountant careers are expected to be able to adjust to this, and more importantly, campuses and universities must change and revolutionize the evaluation process to be able to follow the fast rhythm of changes in information technology. further studies and analysis are needed to summarize the ways and evaluations of accountants' careers and accounting students so that the accounting stigma becomes "bookkeeper" more full and has more valuable value by the characteristics and concentration of industry 4.0 where the role and benefits become more varied. it is desirable to have the results of analysis and research expectations and standards for accounting professions and implications in the learning 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(2022). strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 191-201 abstract: this study was conducted to analyze the strategy of increasing taxpayer compliance through theprovision of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpppratama north bekasi in 2020. the results of this study indicate that the implementation has not beengoing well because there are still many tax payers who have not do neso.reporting on the use of incentives. in this study, the author uses richard's theory of strategy which according to him in general,the core of the strategy there are three entities, namely problem identification, guiding policy and coherent action.the approach use din this research is qualitative with descriptive collection in this study is by observation, documentation and interviews. the results of this study indicatethat the implementation has not gone well because there are still many taxpayers who have not reportedthe use of incentives. there are obstacles faced by kpp pratama bekasi utara, including the lack of awareness of tax payers that need tobe improved,and difficulties in reporting due to the lack of information related to reporting on the use of tax incentives. then, when tax payers are going to reportonline, the dgt server often has problems or experiences errors when they want to report. as a result,there was a delay in submitting the report.this has resulted in the low realization of tax payer compliance. keywords: compliance,strategy,tax incentives. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in march 2020, indonesia experienced the impact of the covid-19 virus pandemic which forced the government to implement a lockdown policy which had a very large impact on the economy in indonesia. many companies and business owners are racking their brains to keep their business running, one of which is by laying off workers or cutting employee salaries (anugerah et al., 2021; dai et al., 2021; górska et al., 2021; gupta et al., 2022; malahayati et al., 2021; stephens et al., 2021; yao & ngai, 2021). according to data from the ministry of manpower strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 192 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reported by that as of july 31, 2020, the number of workers who have been laid off or laid off has reached more than 3.5 million. the government, which is also having trouble with this epidemic, does not want to lose state revenue through taxes . the government is trying to achieve the tax revenue target. the taxes paid by the public will lead to the apbn which will then be spent to meet the needs of the state, which will later be allocated according to its functions, namely public services, defense, order and security, economy, environmental protection, housing and public facilities, health, tourism, religion, education, and social protection. by finally revising the tax incentives for 2020. on the one hand, the government needs state revenue through taxes in order to help deal with the covid-19 outbreak, but on the other hand, the government also doesn't want to burden its people who are hit by economic turmoil (ashraf, 2020; brodeur et al., 2021; nezafat maldonado et al., 2020; sekiraqa et al., 2021; thomson et al., 2021; tibulca, 2021; vardavas et al., 2021). the government itself has made changes in policies regarding tax incentives in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak through minister of finance regulation number 23 of 2020, replaced by minister of finance regulation number 44 of 2020, then changed to minister of finance regulation number 86 of 2020. and the regulation changed became minister of finance regulation number 110 of 2020 which later changed to minister of finance regulation number 239 of 2020. and now it has changed to minister of finance regulation number 9 of 2020 concerning tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the corona virus disease 2019 or covid-19 pandemic (anggara et al., 2020; aulawi, 2020; bai et al., 2021; han et al., 2020; shafi et al., 2020). according to the minister of finance regulation no. 110/pmk.03/2020, the tax incentives consist of: article 21 income tax incentives borne by the government (dtp), msme final pph incentives based on government regulation no. 23/2018, article 22 import pph incentives, final pph incentives for construction services, article 25 income tax installment incentives, and vat incentives. however, researchers want to focus more on research on how to improve taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic (hu et al., 2022; kumala & junaidi, 2020; ozer & okan sakar, 2022). the provision of tax incentives during this pandemic can be used as an entry point to educate the real benefits of taxes that are felt directly. with the existence of education which is a crucial element to increase tax awareness which ultimately increases taxpayer compliance. the participation of taxpayers will determine the achievement of the tax revenue plan under any circumstances. in practice, it is often found that taxpayers lack or do not have awareness in carrying out tax obligations properly and even make tax avoidance efforts, so that this affects the level of taxpayer compliance and reduces state revenue (latofah & harjo, 2020). the phenomenon found that the low absorption of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government is allegedly because there are still many taxpayers who use the facilities who have not reported in an orderly and obedient manner, even many taxpayers do not take advantage of this strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 193 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting government policy. another cause is the complexity of the requirements and stages of tax incentives which will lead to the reluctance of taxpayers to take advantage of them. the low level of socialization and tax literacy of the public is also the cause of the small absorption of this article 21 income tax incentive (priyatin & rahmi, 2022; sarjono, 2021; selvi & ramdhan, 2020). on the taxpayer side, compliance in reporting the realization of incentives still needs to be improved. this is important in terms of the number of incentives and taxpayers who use them (batrancea et al., 2019; damayanti et al., 2015; saad, 2014). therefore, a strategy that can be said to be effective is needed because of the actions of the tax authorities in an effort to increase taxpayer compliance. one of them is by building tax moral values and tax law enforcement. there are several goals that are expected to be achieved from the results of this study, including: 1. to analyze the strategy in improving taxpayer compliance through the provision of tax incentives pph21 during the covid-19 pandemic at the north bekasi kpp. 2. to analyze the obstacles faced by the north bekasi kpp in an effort to improve taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives during the covid-19 pandemic. 3. to analyze the efforts made by the north bekasi kpp in improving taxpayer compliance through the provision of tax incentives for pph21 during the covid-19 pandemic. this literature review discusses the theories related to the subject matter in this research, including the following: a. administration tax administration can be defined as all activities carried out by all government officials from a country in an effort to achieve state goals (siagian, 2012; wirman, 2012). b. analysis analysis is an activity to look for patterns besides analysis is a way of thinking related to systematic testing of something to determine parts, relationships between parts and their relationship to the whole (hamilton & finley, 2019, 2020; sandiford, 2015; spradley, 1979; sugiyono, 2019). c. strategy the definition of strategy is a coherent action supported by reason, an effective mix of thought and action with a basic structure called the kernel or in simple language the application of force in the most promising opportunities where strategy has three cores, namely (rumelt, 2012): a) problem identification, namely a diagnosis that explains and simplifies the complexity of reality by identifying the most important parts among various aspects of the underlying problem situation. b) the guiding policy is to face challenges and is the overall approach chosen in overcoming obstacles to identify problems. c) coherent action is a series of actions designed to carry out the guiding policy. these are steps that build on each other to work towards a guiding policy. d. tax rochmat soemitro said that taxes are people's contributions to the state treasury based on the law (which can be enforced) without receiving reciprocal services (counter achievements) that can be directly shown and which are used to pay general expenses (harjo, 2019). strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 194 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting e. tax compliance tax compliance is a condition in which the taxpayer fulfills all tax obligations and carries out his taxation rights in accordance with the applicable laws and tax regulations (harjo, 2019). f. pph 21 incentives borne by the government according to the regulation of the minister of finance number 110/pmk.03/2020 income tax incentives article 21 dtp is about taxing the income of individual taxpayers borne by the government during the april 2020 tax period until the december 2020 tax period. criteria for individuals who can obtain tax incentives this is an employee who earns income from an employer who has a business field classification code (klu) or an export destination import facility (kite). the employee must also have a tin and income for the period in question and earn a gross income of not more than rp.200,000,000 in a year.  conceptual framework tax is a mandatory contribution of society to the state. however, with the corona virus that hit indonesia in 2020, the government made efforts to achieve the tax revenue target by finally revising the tax incentives for 2020. however, currently the absorption of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government is still low and this is because there are still many taxpayers who use the facilities who have not reported in an orderly and obedient manner. therefore, taxpayer compliance is required which is driven by regulatory enforcement (the power of tax authorities) and compliance with incentives from within the taxpayer (tax morale) caused by trust in tax authorities/government (trust to tax authorities). in the strategy, it is necessary to identify the fundamental problems and a comprehensive approach as a guiding policy to overcome these problems, as well as the existence of interrelated and beneficial actions between taxpayers and tax authorities. to describe this strategy, this study uses theory of strategy with an approach of three core elements of the strategy, namely the first diagnosis/problem identification (diagnosis), the second is a guiding policy, namely tax enforcement and tax morale. taxpayer morals) and the three coherent actions (set of coherent actions). diagnosis/identification of problems in this case is tax non-compliance and guiding policies as a comprehensive approach to resolving the results of problem identification. this approach is the enforcement of tax law and taxpayer morale (rumelt, 2012). from these problems and guiding policies, interrelated actions can be taken (coherent actions). coherent actions in tax enforcement are: a. tax audit (tax audit) b. tax investigation (tax investigation) c. tax collection, active tax collection, including giving a warning letter to taxpayers. meanwhile, coherent actions in building the moral values of taxpayers are: a. develop an attitude of empathy or feel for taxpayers and society in general. b. build taxpayer morale and help taxpayers to distinguish between right and wrong from a tax compliance perspective. c. developing justice, namely by developing an open attitude and behaving in a balanced manner, without discriminating against anything. strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 195 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting  conceptual model figure 1. conceptual model source: (rumelt, 2012) . method a. approach and type of research judging from the type of data, the research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. qualitative is used to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject holistically, and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various natural methods. b. data collection techniques data collection methods are the methods used by researchers to collect data. without knowing the data collection techniques, the researcher will not get data that meets the data standards set. data collection techniques carried out by researchers include: observation, documentation, and interview (spradley, 1979; sugiyono, 2019; wirman, 2012). c. data analysis techniques data analysis was carried out so that the existing research data could more easily arrive at the decision-making process. data analysis is the analysis of research data was carried out before entering the field, during the field and after the field (bungin, 2017; dai, 2017; moleong, 2018; sugiyono, 2019). the process of data analysis in this study is as follows: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. d. research location and schedule this research was conducted at the pratama tax office, north bekasi, graha persada 2 building, jl. k.h. noer ali jl. kalimalang bridge 2 no. 89a kec. north bekasi, bekasi city. strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 196 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion the results of the study contain an explanation of the data and information that have been obtained in the study through interviews with parties involved in this research, such as fiskus, academics, and taxpayers. in conducting this research, the researcher conducted interviews with several parties below: table.1 list of informants who interview researchers no informant name characteristics of informants 1 ibu elvi edita siahaan kepala seksi pengawasan dan konsultasi 2 bapakradenmaosul se.,mm dosenperpajakaninstitutstiami bekasi 3 ibulusimilenia wp penerima insentifpph21 4 bapakajiali wp penerima insentifpph21 5 bapak sandy wp penerima insentifpph21 6 bapaksammy wp penerima insentifpph21 7 bapakagus dharmawan wp penerima insentifpph21 table.2 realization of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government at kpp pratama north bekasi in 2020 year pph21 incentive realization 2020 8.877.334.397 table.2 realization of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government at kpp pratama north bekasi in 2020 director of counseling, services and public relations of djp hestu yoga saksama said that the factors that caused the absorption of tax incentives to remain low were the weak economic condition and the low level of compliance of the beneficiary taxpayers. table.3 targets and realization of taxpayer compliance at kpp pratama north bekasi in 2020 year must report reporting realization 2020 576 378 source: pdi kpp pratama section, north bekasi table. 2 shows that the taxpayer compliance ratio in 2020 still needs to be improved. the director of counseling, services and public relations of the dgt, hestu yoga saksama said that the guidance or guidance and supervision of the tax service office will always be carried out, especially for taxpayers who have not submitted a report on the realization of incentives until the deadline in september 2020. strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 197 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting after conducting research and presenting the results of research regarding strategy analysis of taxpayer compliance improvement through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives during the covid-19 pandemic, the author will interpret it based on qualitative data analysis techniques. so it can be drawn for discussion as follows: 1. strategy to increase taxpayer compliance through the provision of tax incentives for pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara in 2020. based on what has been described [in previous chapters, the author conducted a study to analyze the strategy for increasing taxpayer compliance during the covid 19 pandemic using strategy theory and has 3 cores consisting of problem identification, guiding policies, and coherent actions (rumelt, 2012). a) identification of problems in this problem identification, there is non-compliance with tax payers in reporting the use of incentives and the low realization of providing incentives for pph 21 dtp. based on the analysis of problem identification, namely that a strategy is needed to improve taxpayer compliance and also the realization of the pph 21 dtp incentive, namely by issuing a warning letter and conduct socialization on how to report procedures and reinforce tax sanctions against non-compliant taxpayers. then, carry out more effective and fair supervision, as well as expand information regarding the existence of the pph 21 tax incentive. b) guiding policy comprehensive approach as a guiding policy to resolve problem identification results. this approach is the enforcement of tax law and the moral values of taxpayers. based on the analysis of the guiding policy, it is clear that the law enforcement process must continue with the imposition of stricter employment sanctions so that reporting on the use of tax incentives can be realized properly. of course, it is also necessary to encourage tax moral values from taxpayers who can help tax authorities to increase the realization of taxpayer compliance. and besides that, the level of trust from the tax authorities to taxpayers must continue to be increased because this can affect tax morale. c) coherent action from these problems and guiding policies, interrelated actions can be taken. coherent actions in enforcement of tax laws are tax sanctions and . coherent actions in the moral values of taxpayers are education, motivation, social values and also tax sanctions. based on the analysis of coherent actions that by conducting counseling and also expanding information on social media about taxes can increase the knowledge of taxpayers. and also the existence of tax sanctions that have been running with the provisions of sanctions, namely by providing deterrent action by not being entitled to get incentives back, of course, it will make taxpayers not take the reporting compliance lightly. 2. obstacles faced by kpp pratama bekasi utara in improving taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic. regarding the obstacles faced by kpp pratama bekasi utara in improving taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 incentives during the covid-19 pandemic, namely: strategy for improving taxpayer compliance through the giving of tax incentives pph 21 borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kpp pratama bekasi utara vitisia, ratna, harjo, and oktavia 198 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a. there is still a lack of awareness of taxpayers that needs to be improved. and there are difficulties in reporting because of the lack of information related to reporting on the use of tax incentives. b. when taxpayers will report online, the dgt server often has problems or experiences errors when they want to report. as a result, there was a delay in submitting the report. 3. efforts have been made by the north bekasi kpp to improve taxpayer compliance during the covid-19 pandemic. in the analysis of the strategy for increasing taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives during the covid-19 pandemic, there are efforts made by the north bekasi kpp in increasing taxpayer compliance during the covid-19 pandemic. a. issuing warning letters and re-informing via e-mail, as well as conducting tax class counseling by providing tax knowledge education and implementing tax laws that provide a deterrent effect to taxpayers. b. perform regular dgt server strengthening and maintenance so that the server does not experience frequent problems conclusion based on the results of the research, discussion, and interpretation described in the previous chapters, and referring to the theory and results of previous studies, the researcher can draw the following conclusions: 1. the strategy to increase taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic at kkp pratama north bekasi in 2020 has not been implemented well, because there are still many taxpayers who have not reported the use of incentives. 2. obstacles in increasing taxpayer compliance through the provision of pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic, namely: a. there is still a lack of awareness of taxpayers that needs to be improved. and there are difficulties in reporting because of the lack of information related to reporting on the use of tax incentives. b. when taxpayers will report online, the dgt server often has problems or experiences errors when they want to report. as a result, there was a delay in submitting the report. 3. efforts made by the kpp north bekasi in increasing taxpayer compliance with reporting the pph 21 tax incentives borne by the government during the covid-19 pandemic, namely: a. issuing warning letters and re-informing via e-mail, as well as conducting tax class counseling by providing tax knowledge education and implementing tax laws that provide a deterrent effect to taxpayers. b. perform regular 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(2022). evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 215-225. abstract: the covid 19 pandemic in almost all countries, including indonesia, has negatively impacted the economic sector, especially the msme business. the government has made various efforts to restore the indonesian economy. through the directorate general of taxes, under the authority of the ministry of finance, the government decided to provide tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the covid 19 pandemic. this final income tax incentive is based on the regulation of the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia no. 44 pmk/03/2020. this regulation focuses on small and medium enterprises. taxes are usually 0.5% of gross income that is self-paid or deducted or collected by withholders or collectors. however, with pmk44/pmk.03/2020, the tax is borne by the government, which means that the income is not subjected to tax from april 2020 to december 2020. this study used a descriptive method. the data was collected through a literature study where the author evaluated the implementation of government regulatory policies regarding applying tax incentives for msmes affected by covid-19. the purpose of providing tax incentives to msmes is to reduce their difficulty in meeting operational costs or expenses so that msmes can survive during the pandemic, as well as save the national economy and maintain financial system stability. the study results show that tax incentives and relaxation and the provision of tax incentives to the beneficiary sector msme are productive and able to support the recovery of the national economy. these programs and tactical steps ensure that economic growth is maintained even though these programs are separate and unrelated to the spread of covid-19, which can be controlled quickly. keywords: evaluation, incentives, taxes, smes. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction taxes are the primary source of state revenue that contributes to state development (amendolagine et al., 2021; egbunike et al., 2018; febyani & widodo, 2020;nguyen & darsono, 2022; sekiraqa et al., 2021; tibulca, 2021). state revenue in 2019 reached 86.50% from the tax evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta wulandari, teron, agustina, and rofiyanti 216 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sector (beny & loviana dewi, 2021; wantasen et al., 2021). the significant contribution of taxation to the state revenue sector encourages the government to increase taxpayer compliance. the covid-19 pandemic that has occurred in indonesia since 2020 has impacted various sectors, including the business sector, especially those carried out by micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) (arianto, 2020; damayanti, 2021; kusumastuti, 2020; nabilah et al., 2021; rahmah, 2020). many msmes ' turnover has fallen drastically with the large-scale social restrictions (psbb) policy (anugerah et al., 2021; kurniawan, 2021; muhyiddin & nugroho, 2021; rofiyanti et al., 2021). other problems are the lack of tax literacy, difficulty accessing or reaching services, especially during the large-scale social restrictions (psbb), the lack of attractiveness of the incentives themselves, the reluctance of msme business actors to deal with taxes, and concerns about additional obligations for msmes (andrew & sari, 2021;marlina & syahribulan, 2021; rahmawati & apriliasari, 2021; resmi & barmawi, 2022; wardana, 2021). the tax incentive policy is one of the efforts made by the government to help the economy of msme actors during the pandemic. the policy for providing tax incentives is regulated through the minister of finance regulation number 44/pmk.03/2020 concerning tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the corona virus pandemic on 27 april 2020. this pmk 44/2020 revokes the regulation of the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia number 23/pmk.03 /2020 promulgated 37 days in advance. one of the most fundamental differences is that pmk 23/2020 only provides tax incentives for the industrial sector. no type of service business sector is given incentives except for repairs and installations (kementerian keuangan, 2020; masdi, 2021). the government hopes that msmes can survive in this pandemic situation. in this case, the support of the business world, msmes, was ratified in chapter iii of pmk no. 86/pmk.03/2020 concerning tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the covid-19 pandemic. the chapter describes the final income tax incentives based on government regulation no. 23 of 2018. the msme final income tax, whose tax rate has been 0.5% of gross turnover, is officially borne by the ministry of finance. msme taxpayers receive a final income tax facility of 0.5% (government regulation no. 23 of 2018), which the government bears. based on data from suku dinas koperasi, usaha mikro, kecil, menengah, dan perdagangan (kumkmp) koja jakarta utara, 8,023 msme actors have registered themselves through the integrated entrepreneurship development program in 2019. a total of 2,241 msme actors have received micro small business permits. a total of 2,307 msme actors have participated in the marketing stage, and 127 other msme actors have made financial reports and obtained access to capital. compared to 2018, of the 8,395 msme actors who registered, only 1,930 received the micro small business permit. meanwhile, three msme actors have access to capital. these data show that msme actors in koja, north jakarta, have developed quite significantly. on the other hand, the covid-19 pandemic can significantly impact the development and economy of msme actors . as quoted by the head of finance and banking of the central executive board, hipmi ajib hamdani, there are five problems faced regarding financial incentives faced by the community and business actors, including the lack of tax literacy. second is the difficulty of accessing or reaching services, especially during the large-scale social restrictions. third, concerns over the actions of post-pandemic tax authorities. fourth is information asymmetry regarding tax incentive policies at agencies outside the directorate general of taxes, such as local government and local government agencies. fifth, the issuance of a letter of request for explanation of data and information (sp2dk) and a request for correction is still being carried out by the directorate general of taxes. evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta wulandari, teron, agustina, and rofiyanti 217 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, further elaborated with secondary data from the play store, social media, or other news media. data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. in line with the expression of silalahi, which states that data collection techniques can be carried out through searching secondary data obtained from books, articles or news, comments, government publications (websites), and journals (creswell, 2017; silalahi, 2017; sugiyono, 2019). result and discussion evaluation of a government policy or program means assessing the goals, criteria, and targets to be achieved by a policy with the existing reality or achievements. the evaluation also means making information about how far a policy outcome contributes to achieving goals and objectives. therefore, in evaluating the provision of tax policies for the textile industry in indonesia, researchers will discuss the implementation of the provision income tax incentives, their objectives, and evaluation of the implementation (subarsono, 2019). 1. evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policies for micro, small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at kpp koja, north jakarta there are six criteria for conducting policy evaluations, here are some evaluation criteria in viewing the tax incentive application policy (dunn, 2018), namely as follows: a. effectiveness effectiveness is the relationship between output and goals. the more significant the contribution of output to achieving goals, the more effective a policy or program, will be. a policy or program is considered adequate if the output produced can meet the expected goals (benvenutti et al., 2016; roman & plopeanu, 2021; santhosh & baral, 2015; voronov et al., 2015). suppose it is related to the income tax incentives received by msmes in the koja area. in that case, it can be said to be effective if the output produced can meet the incentive objectives, namely increasing national welfare and encouraging government programs to create and absorb employment and prevent layoffs massively (ciesielska et al., 2022; holzer et al., 2021; tripon, 2015) . in connection with the turmoil in the financial market and the rupiah exchange rate during the covid-19 pandemic, the provision of income tax incentives to msmes in terms of effectiveness must involve equity and be right on target. if viewed from the aspect of awareness of msmes, it is already high in utilizing the pph incentive policy. providing income tax incentives to msmes has not been effective because there are still few msmes that apply for pph incentives (kumala & junaidi, 2020; malik et al., 2020; priyatin & rahmi, 2022; sarjono, 2021). an income tax incentive program can be effective if it produces one unit of output (output) and achieves the goal because the low application for income tax reduction incentives can be said to be ineffective. b. efficiency efficiency relates to the amount of effort required to produce a certain level of effectiveness (dunn, 2018). in implementing the tax incentive policy for msmes in koja during the pandemic, efficiency was seen, where the government's efforts to conduct socialization prior to implementation were estimated to be quite efficient (yang et al., 2022; zhang et al., 2022). with the existence of tax incentives, previously budgeted funds for paying taxes can be used for other purposes. the msmes at the pratama koja tax service office optimize income to survive during the pandemic. the use of tax incentive policies can at least provide relief on the evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta wulandari, teron, agustina, and rofiyanti 218 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting expenditure burden of msme actors during the covid-19 pandemic (chen et al., 2022). the provision of tax incentive policies for msme taxpayers, on the one hand, can ease the burden of spending but, on the other hand, reduce state revenues (wan et al., 2022). nevertheless, it is hoped that the provision of tax incentive policies is expected to be obedient in fulfilling tax obligations even though the community's economy is weakening due to the covid-19 pandemic c. adequacy sufficiency in public policy seen in achieving the goals that have been achieved has been felt to be sufficient in various ways (figueroa et al., 2021; simshauser, 2019; sukhwani et al., 2021; zapata et al., 2022). adequacy is concerned with how far a level of effectiveness satisfies a need, value, or opportunity (dunn, 2018). from the above understanding, it can be concluded that adequacy is still related to effectiveness by measuring or predicting how far the existing alternatives can satisfy the needs of the koja msmes during the pandemic period and the value or opportunity in solving problems that occur. the aspect of adequacy in applying the tax incentive policy is the satisfaction and adequacy of the koja msmes in surviving during the covid-19 pandemic. taxes are people's contributions to the state treasury based on the law (which can be forced) by not receiving reciprocal services (contra-achievements) that can be shown directly and which are used to pay general expenses (mardiasmo, 2006, 2016). indirectly, tax is a burden that taxpayers must pay. with the covid pandemic, where the community's economy, especially msmes, is very disturbed, the tax burden is felt to be burdensome for msme actors. with the tax incentive policy, it is felt that it can provide relief and solutions to the tax burden obligations by msme taxpayers. thus, msme actors feel that the policies issued by the government are beneficial in meeting their needs even though income is reduced as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. d. even distribution alignment in public policy means that justice is given and public policy targets are obtained. william n. dunn stated that the criterion of equity is closely related to legal and social rationality and refers to the distribution of results and efforts between different groups in society. an equalization-oriented policy is a policy that results or effort is equitably distributed. a particular program may be effective, efficient, and sufficient if evenly distributed cost benefits. the key to alignment is justice or fairness. the implementation of the incentive policy must be fair. all sectors and society's perspectives must enjoy the results of the policy because public services are services from the bureaucracy for the community in fulfilling community activities, either directly or indirectly. public services themselves produce public services. during the pandemic, many sectors are affected. the policy of providing tax incentives is one of the government's solutions to reduce the impact felt by the community, especially msme actors. the government has sought equality in implementing the policy of providing tax incentives. unfortunately, tax literacy and knowledge that is still low are obstacles and causes of taxpayers' ignorance in accessing these policies. the covid-19 pandemic has caused a decrease in the income of msme taxpayers, so many taxpayers complain that paying taxes of 0.5% of the total gross turnover every month is very burdensome. however, even so, after the government made it easy for msme taxpayers through pmk no 44 pmk/03/2020, many kpp pratama koja taxpayers still choose to pay pph final pp 23 compared to taking advantage of these incentives. the purpose of providing this tax incentive was stated in consideration of the pmk policy no. 44/pmk.03/2020 that in order to overcome the impact of covid-19, which affects the economic stability and productivity of business actors, the government needs to regulate provisions related to the provision of tax incentives due to the impact of the pandemic which has spread to the industrial sector. smes. to achieve the goals related to overcoming the impact of covid-19, the provision of tax incentives for msme taxpayers who carry out their tax obligations under pp 23/2018 is evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta wulandari, teron, agustina, and rofiyanti 219 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting emphasized in article 5 paragraph 6 pmk number 44/pmk.03/2020, stating that the final pph is based on pp 23/2018 borne by the government. this provision eliminates the obligation of pp 23/2018 taxpayers to bear a tax burden of 0.5% on their business income, including income originating from transactions with tax withholders or collectors. e. responsiveness the aspect of policy evaluation for responsiveness concerns policy outcomes in satisfying preference or value needs. the policy results can be seen in terms of the response of recipients or those who use the benefits of the policy. the income tax incentive policy can be seen from the level of taxpayer response, in this case, the koja msmes who want to take advantage of the income tax facility. the need for preference for income tax facilities has been fulfilled, or the results are following the common objectives of issuing a regulation of the minister of finance. the income tax incentive policy is considered to positively impact msme actors in koja. policy socialization is an effort that the government must make to provide information to the public, especially taxpayers, regarding policies and programs issued by the government. in this case, the tax incentive policy will impact msme actors if many access the policy. the more taxpayers who access the incentive policy, the more the benefits of this policy will be felt by taxpayers. as a form of government policy in economic recovery during the covid-19 pandemic, pmk no. 44 pmk/03/2020 was stipulated and enforced since april 27, 2020. the purpose of this policy was to facilitate the use of more comprehensive incentives. one of the sectors that can take advantage of incentives based on pmk no 44 pmk/03/2020 is the msme sector, usually referred to as final income tax incentives. as an effort to socialize so that the final pph incentive can be known, understood, and utilized by msme taxpayers, the tax officer at the koja pratama tax service office conducted socialization for msme taxpayers registered at the koja pratama tax service office. socialization activities that have been carried out at the koja pratama tax service office in order to provide education about final income tax incentives for msmes are in the form of submissions by each of the finance department of the koja pratama tax service office to msme taxpayers through communication media such as telephone and whatsapp, information dissemination through the social media of the koja pratama tax service office. this remote socialization is carried out to avoid the further spread of covid-19. socialization activities and several educations that have been carried out to introduce pmk no. 44 pmk/03/2020 to msme taxpayers are considered sufficient to provide understanding. however, there are still many taxpayers who have not taken advantage of these incentives. based on the data collection results from kpp pratama koja, msme taxpayers who take advantage of these incentives are 393 out of a total of 1,231 msme taxpayers. so taxpayers who take advantage of these incentives are only about 32% of the total msme taxpayers at the koja pratama tax service office. taxpayers who wish to take advantage of these incentives must submit an online realization report. suppose the msme taxpayer does not take advantage of the incentive. it is obliged to carry out its obligations following pp 23/2018, namely, on income from business received or obtained by the msme taxpayer; it is subject to final income tax within a certain period. the income tax rate imposed on the final income tax is 0.5% multiplied by the tax base. the tax base is the total monthly turnover before the sales discount (bandiyono & utami, 2021). the government's goal in providing tax incentives for msmes is to maintain the business continuity of msme taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic. f. accuracy a successful and appropriate tax incentive is the goal of the income tax incentive policy program, suitable for a community or group currently impacted by covid-19. policies will be effective if policymakers understand what is needed by policy implementers. policymakers must evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta wulandari, teron, agustina, and rofiyanti 220 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting know and research problems in the textile industry to formulate a policy that is useful for msmes. based on the analysis of data obtained from msmes in koja, the number of msmes in koja that applied for the provision of tax incentives for pph 23 was correct. nearly 90% of msmes received government assistance funds for incentive policies during the covid-19 pandemic. administration to get this incentive is not suddenly a taxpayer who is included in the criteria of government regulation number 23 of 2018 will get it. however, there are special terms and conditions that the taxpayer must comply with. msme actors must fulfill the administrative process according to pmk number 23 of 2020. the covid-19 pandemic has affected economic stability in affected countries such as indonesia. the most affected business segment is the msme sector. msmes are the most vulnerable sector to the covid-19 pandemic. during the covid-19 pandemic, many msmes experienced business sluggishness and even went out of business (hendayana et al., 2020). msmes have a significant influence on economic stability in indonesia. based on the report on analysis of the competitiveness of msmes in indonesia (2018) by bappenas, it is stated that msmes have several reasonably significant roles, among others, expanding employment, absorbing labor, forming gross domestic product, and providing a net. therefore, the government needs to maintain the continuity of msmes, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. the government's step is to provide incentives for pp 23/2018. during the validity period of pmk number 44/pmk.03/2020, the number of submissions of realization reports continued to increase. this condition shows that the enthusiasm of pp 23/2018 taxpayers in utilizing incentives has increased during the enactment of pmk number 44/pmk.03/2020. details of the report on the realization of the final pph pp 23 dtp incentives in 2020 at the pratama jakarta koja tax service office with an initial budget of 1,346,472,000,000, but the realization increased to 1,372,748,468,227. based on the evaluation of the overall use of pph 23 dtp final pph incentives as regulated in pmk number 44/pmk.03/2020 by msmes during 2020 in the kpp pratama jakarta koja area, 393 taxpayers managed to take advantage of the incentives.. 2. barriers to the implementation of tax incentives for msme business actors at kpp koja, north jakarta policymakers and incentive policy implementation, in this case, is the pratama jakarta koja tax service office, whose task is to carry out policy implementation assisted by the directorate general of taxes, must face various obstacles and obstacles in implementing policies in the field. the tax incentive program is a policy that has emerged in order to respond to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. implementers or staff interviewed at the koja pratama tax service office explained that taxpayers need to update tax information to determine if there are obstacles in its implementation and how to use them. however, many pp 23/2018 taxpayers are less proactive in finding out about the latest government policies. some pp 23/2018 taxpayers believe that taxation is only about the obligation to pay taxes without seeing any beneficial facilities that can be utilized. according to the results of darussalam's research (2020), the low absorption of incentives is caused by the community's lack of understanding and tax literacy. however, there are still taxpayers who only know about the existence of tax incentives but do not know in detail about them. this is also based on the low level of literacy of the ordinary indonesian people, so a direct approach is needed to achieve high publication effectiveness. many msmes still do not understand how to report their income via online applications. most of them during the pandemic period, msme actors do not follow our online socialization or information via social evaluation of the implementation of tax incentive policy for small and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the tax service office pratama koja utara jakarta wulandari, teron, agustina, and rofiyanti 221 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting media. and the most severe problem. most msme taxpayers do not have a computer or laptop as a means of reporting the calculation of the allocation of tax incentives is based on tax revenues in the previous year, when the economic situation was still in good or at least "normal" condition. this calculation will certainly never be in line with the actual year conditions, namely in a recession, where the taxpayer's income decreases, and so does the tax. full utilization of tax incentives, especially in the first year of a recession, will never be achieved due to the nature of the tax incentives themselves. the tax incentive policy does not mean that the government has actual cash to offset losses. on the contrary, it is an allocation for possible losses due to reduced tax revenue in the sector that is given the incentive. yon asral, an expert staff of the ministry of finance, also conveyed the same reason when asked by the media about the slow use of incentives in the 2020 national recovery program (kontan, 2020). the implementation of socialization remotely provides challenges for both tax officers and taxpayers. an example is a disruption in the network that is often disrupted and causes the delivery of information and feedback from taxpayers to be not optimal. nevertheless, this activity is expected to help taxpayers understand these regulations to carry out their tax obligations still. conclusion based on the results of the above presentation, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. evaluation of the implementation of tax incentives for micro, small, and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the pratama koja tax service office, north jakarta, based on the policy proposed by william dunn with six criteria for evaluation, namely effectiveness, accuracy, efficiency, responsiveness, equity, and sufficiency. from the research guidelines, significant positive results were obtained that msme actors responded well to policy programs made by the government. it can be seen from the results of msme taxpayers who take advantage of incentives and reports on the realization of pph final pph 23 dtp incentives in 2020 at kpp pratama jakarta koja with an initial budget of 1,346,472,000,000 increasing to 1,372,748,468,227. in addition, msme actors have benefited from the tax-intensive policy during the covid-19 pandemic, namely, additional income for workers in the form of real money received every month to sustain life and fulfill household needs. 2. evaluation of the implementation of tax incentives for micro, small, and medium enterprises affected by the covid-19 pandemic at the pratama koja tax service office, north jakarta 2020, there are obstacles to implementing the implementation of tax intensive policies during the covid-19 pandemic due to the difficulty of 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(2022). can green credit policy improve the overseas investment efficiency of enterprises in china? journal of cleaner production, 340, 130785. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 2 april 2022 page no. 150-161 150 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) panji harapan agung 1, endro andayani 2, ratih kumala3 direktorat jendral pajak kpp badora1, institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami23 correspondent: harapanagung99@gmail.com1, endroandayani@gmail.com2; rhaty07@gmail.com3 received : february 25, 2022 accepted : april 15, 2022 published : april 30, 2022 citation: agung, p.h., andayani, e., kuma;a, r. (2022). effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora). ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(2), 150-161. abstract: this study aims to analyze the application of value added tax collection policies on trading transactions through electronic systems at the corporate and foreign tax service office. this research is a qualitative descriptive study with data collection techniques through interviews, observations and using written documents. the results showed that the implementation of the vat collection policy on pmse, vat receipts decreased in 2019 due to covid, the number of additional pmse vat taxpayers tended to decrease every semester, psme vat receipts tended to increase every semester, in terms of the level of effectiveness in 2020, respectively. less effective but in the 2021 period, very effective per semester, the application of the regulations has several weaknesses, namely related to the affirmation of sanctions against collectors who are negligent in carrying out their tax obligations and activities to explore potential business actors who are ready to be appointed as pmse vat collectors. in addition, public awareness about taxation is still very low, there are still many users who use the service for free and also the prevalence of piracy, this has more or less affected the number of transactions that can be subject to value added tax. keywords: effectiveness, kpp badora, pmse, vat this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction today, the covid-19 pandemic has hit almost all countries in parts of the world hit. the covid19 virus that was first detected in the city of wuhan, china on december 1, 2019 until now seems to have not been indicated to subside, facing this condition developed countries supported by the availability of resources and technology working hand in hand to make antivirus to save the world from the pandemic situation. in indonesia alone, a positive case of covid-19 was first detected on march 2, 2020, when two people were confirmed to have contracted it from a japanese citizen. departing from this, the indonesian government began to aggressively make a special preparednessbased policy to deal with the covid-19 virus, one of the preventive measures taken was with very strict supervision on access to indonesia from other countries including airports, ports, and land routes (anugerah et al., 2021; dai et al., 2021; górska et al., 2021; gupta et al., 2022; malahayati et al., 2021; stephens et al., 2021; yao & ngai, 2021). mailto:endroandayani@gmail.com2 mailto:rhaty07@gmail.com3 effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 151 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting until now the covid-19 virus has hit the world for more than a year, especially indonesia, the government is still working hard to form a defense and protect the health of citizens from the threat of exposure to the covid-19 virus, including with the policy of implementing restrictions on community activities and covid-19 vaccination for all communities (unicef, 2021; worldometers, 2022). not only in indonesia, in fact, all countries in the world are hit by this pandemic condition, why the covid-19 pandemic affects all vital joints of statehood ranging from socio-culture, security and of course in terms of economy. the indonesian government must act immediately in seeking the stability of the country's economy before it becomes more fragile, on the other hand, all countries are also competing to adapt to the current conditions, where forced life activities must coexist with the existence of the covid-19 virus until the new normal appears (ashraf, 2020; brodeur et al., 2021; nezafat maldonado et al., 2020; sekiraqa et al., 2021; thomson et al., 2021; tibulca, 2021; vardavas et al., 2021). the government of indonesia needs to immediately determine policies and measures to save the national economy and the stability of the financial system related to the implementation of the state budget. the policies taken focus more on health spending, national security, and economic recovery efforts, as well as opening opportunities for authority for institutions in the financial sector by providing adequate legal foundation facilities, one of which is by issuing government regulations of law. the implication is that the constitution of state life in indonesia has undergone new developments with the birth of perpu number 1 of 2020 dated march 31, 2020, which contains a new paradigm on the imposition of taxes in trading activities through electronic systems (anggara et al., 2020; aulawi, 2020; bai et al., 2021; han et al., 2020; shafi et al., 2020). to implement the provisions of article 6 paragraph (13) a perpu number 1 of 2020, it is necessary to implement the regulation of the minister of finance on procedures for the appointment of collectors, voting, and depositing and reporting of vat on the utilization of bkp tb / jkp from outside the customs area through trade through electronic systems, then on may 5, 2020 the minister of finance of the republic of indonesia stipulates pmk no. 48 / pmk.03 / 2020. furthermore, in the implementation of the regulation, it is mentioned in article 4 paragraph (4) that the minister of finance delegates the authority to appoint business actors as pmse vat collectors to the directorate general of taxes (masdi, 2021). in order to facilitate administration and increase supervision in the implementation of tax obligations and/or fulfillment of tax obligations on the activities of business actors who carry out business activities through electronic system trading (pmse), it is necessary to regulate the registered places of foreign traders, foreign service providers, and/or organizers of trade through electronic systems (ppmse) abroad and domestically in tax administration (cunningham & tynan, 1993; ding & hiltrop, 2010; käppi & siivonen, 2000; liao et al., 2008).. the director general of taxes confirmed in the regulation number per-07 /pj/2020 that the kpp agency and foreigners (badora) are given the mandate and responsibility to manage all business actors who are organizers of trade through electronic systems or pmse (hu et al., 2022; kumala & junaidi, 2020; ozer & okan sakar, 2022) please note that the period before the enactment of pmk-48, then vat on digital transactions is managed and administrated by each tax service office where taxpayers are registered. provided that full deposits and reporting are self-assessment and of course supervision is very minimal, now with the issuance of pmk-48 it is expected that dgt as the institution of absolute authority holders in the implementation of tax potential supervision in indonesia has instruments and legal umbrellas adequate in securing tax potential from the digital transaction sector (widianto & puspita, 2020). especially when viewed during the pandemic, user traffic in digital networks has effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 152 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting increased rapidly. here is a table of recapitulation of business actors that have been designated as psme vat collectors: table 1 number of business actors who have been designated as pmse vat collectors year month number of business actors 2020 july 6 august 10 september 12 october 8 november 9 december 6 total 51 2021 january 2 february 0 march 4 april 8 may 8 june 2 total 24 july 6 august 2 september 4 october 0 november 4 december 3 total 19 source: from the table above, it can be known for 2020 from july to december, dgt has succeeded in confirming a total of 51 business actors as pmse vat collectors, while throughout 2021, the january-june period of 24 and the july-december period of 19, so that the dgt has succeeded in confirming a total of 43 business actors as pmse vat collectors, it is hoped that in the future the government through dgt can continue to expand the collector of digital taxes abroad. this study was conducted to analyze the application of psme vat on vat receipts before the implementation of vat with covid, the number of additional pmse vat taxpayers during the period 2020 to 2021, psme vat receipts in the period, and the effectiveness rate in 2020 to 2021, as well as weaknesses in the regulation related to death sanctions. and measure the growth rate and contribution of value added tax on trading through electronic systems against other central tax revenues. researchers also want to know the efforts made by fiscus to increase the receipt of value added tax on trading through electronic systems. based on the background that has been explained, researchers are interested in raising the topic in a scientific journal entitled “effectiveness of pmse vat receipts in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora)”. effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 153 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting • literature review regulation of the minister of finance number 48/pmk.03/2020 the arrangement structure consists of: article 1 :d general definition article 2: provisions for the imposition of pmse vat article 3: provisions for the use of intangible bkp article 4: criteria for pmse business actors appointed as collectors article 5: criteria for buyers of goods and/or recipients of services article 6: basic provisions for the imposition of vat and tariffs article 7: provisions of proof of vat levy article 8: provisions for depositing vat article 9: vat reporting provisions article 10: provisions of vat transaction details report article 11: the time of entry into force of pmk source: ministry of finance (2020) this pmk regulates the vat imposed on the use of intangible bkp and/or jkp from outside the customs area within the customs area through pmse. this pmk regulates the vat imposed on the use of intangible bkp and/or jkp from outside the customs area within the customs area through pmse. vat on the use of bkp / jkp is collected, deposited, and reported by pmse business actors appointed by the directorate general of taxation. the amount of the tariff is 10% of the value paid. these business actors are foreign traders, foreign service providers, foreign pmse organizers, ppmse in the country. ppmse is a business actor providing electronic communication facilities used for trade transactions. meanwhile, the ministry of finance of the republic of indonesia (2020) states that foreign service providers are private persons or entities that reside or occupy positions outside the customs area who conduct transactions with buyers of goods within the customs area through the electronic system. figure 1 transaction scheme and parties collecting pmse vat effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 154 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting • previous research research on cross-border taxation is widely done. in european union countries charge vat for purchases originating from other countries through import duties (goolsbee, 2001). for developing countries will face trade-offs from generating revenue from by ignoring economic efficiency and building policies for digital vat or enterprises in cyberspace (bunn et al., 2020). method the type of research conducted is descriptive-qualitative research. descriptive research is research intended to investigate the circumstances, conditions or other things that have been mentioned, the results of which are presented in the form of research reports (arikunto, 2013; neuman, 2011; sugiyono, 2019). data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations and using written documentation. the informant of this research is the head of the supervision section and system administrator in the data quality assurance section at the kpp badora. the data used is secondary data with periodic types of data that have been processed by the data quality assurance section in kpp badora. result and discussion in the current pandemic situation, many sectors of state revenue are weakened including the taxation sector, therefore the government must immediately find other sources of state revenue to cover the lost nominal, one of which is by the enactment of pmk-48 which targets the vat sector for digital transactions, kpp badora as a dgt agency appointed to manage and administrate state revenue from the digital tax sector sticking to pmk-48 as an instrument. legal umbrella and the basis of policy implementation. the target of pmk-48 policy, namely pmse vat, is not a new sector, it's just that in pmk-48 it is more detailed and simplified in the voting so that the badora kpp is appointed as the managing party. with the presence of pmk-48 is expected to increase tax revenues in the long run. the implementation of vat rates for foreign products is a form of leveling for domestic and international businesses. kpp badora is supported by the dgt head office has adequate resources in the implementation of pmk-48, fiscus has been equipped with technical knowledge of the administration of the imposition of pmse vat so as to minimize technical problems. this policy has been supported by special infrastructure in the form of the pmse vat platform on the page where all services related to pmse vat have been integrated on the portal. in its implementation, kpp badora in coordination with the dgt head office of course still faces obstacles, business actors who are targeted are mostly foreign business actors but their products or services that can be utilized by the people of indonesia so that these business actors can open markets and receive income from indonesia. the difference in distance and time is more or less very influential, for example, during the one on one meeting process with prospective collectors, it must be adjusted the schedule and time of implementation as both parties can be effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 155 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting present online, but more crucially related to the time of interconnection of banking data, not infrequently the process of transferring funds experiences obstacles due to differences in transfer systems and supporting facilities. another obstacle is that there has not been the establishment of sanctions for the pmse vat collector if it does not deposit the vat value it collects appropriately, because on the other hand it is not easy for the fiscus to open and get data related to the company's financial flow statements considering that it is still a taxation system that adheres to self-assessment. from the observations of researchers, global vat receipts at the kpp badora itself can be concluded quite positively from year to year, here is a recapitulation table: table 2 recapitulation of vat receipts source: secondary data, the data quality assurance section figure 2 vat receipt rate (rp) source: secondary data, the data quality assurance section meanwhile, if we pull back, the determination of business actors as pmse vat collectors is first on july 01, 2020, then for each business actor set on july 1, 2020, it is necessary to collect pmse year amount (idr) 2016 596.483.064.541 2017 1.070.446.678.151 2018 1.258.321.744.867 2019 1.065.669.330.600 2020 1.265.616.275.708 2021 4.241.918.280.761 596.483.064.541 1.070.446.678.151 1.258.321.744.867 1.065.669.330.600 1.265.616.275.708 4.241.918.280.761 0 500.000.000.000 1.500.000.000.000 2.500.000.000.000 3.500.000.000.000 4.500.000.000.000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 jumlah effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 156 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vat on august 1, 2020 and no later than deposit vat that was successfully collected on september 30, 2020. based on the results of observations on the kpp badora, the following data was found: table 3 pmse vat receipts 2020-2021 year vat revenue target realization of pmse vat 2020 (period july-december) idr 729.421.803.000 idr 731.418.896.996 2021 (period january-june) idr 1.444.976.953.000 idr 1.646.966.171.686 2021 (period july-december) idr 1.744.491.954.000 idr 2.256.323.359.505 total 2021 idr 3.918.890.710.000 idr 4.634.708.428.187 source: secondary data, the data quality assurance section it is known that the realization of pmse vat receipts in the first semester of 2021 reached idr1,646,966,171,686 and semester 2 amounted to idr2,256,323,359,505. receipts from collection and deposit by the pmse vat collector in 2021 semester 1 compared to 2020 (july to december 2020) increased by 225% or idr915,547,274,690. and for 2nd meter of 2021 compared to the first semester of 2021 increased by 137% or idr609,357,187,819. to measure the achievement of the kpp badora on the receipt of pmse vat on all revenue targets, it is necessary to know the level of effectiveness and targets and realizations. effectiveness is a level of achievement that indicates whether the amount of realization of tax revenue is in accordance with the target of tax revenue (mardiasmo, 2016). the formula calculates it: the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of pmse vat collection is that the higher the effectiveness ratio, it describes the better regional capabilities shown in the table below: table 3 effectiveness assessment criteria source: kepmendagri no.690.900.327 year 1994 persentase criteria > 100% highly effective 90 – 100 % effective 80 – 90 % effective enough 60 – 80 % less effective < 60 % ineffective 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑘𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑠 = realisasi penerimaan target penerimaan 𝑥 100% effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 157 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 3 effectiveness of pmse vat receipts by kpp badora in 2020 and 2021 source: secondary data, the data quality assurance section table 4 realization of pmse vat on kpp badora in 2020 and 2021 source: secondary data, the data quality assurance section calculation of the effectiveness of pmse vat collection as follows: effectiveness in 2020: effectiveness in 2020 = idr 731.418.896.995,72 idr 729.421.803.000,00 𝑥 100% = 100,27% effectiveness in 2021: effectiveness in 2021 = idr 3.903.289.531.190,41 idr 3.189.468.907.000,00 𝑥 100% = 122,38% based on the above percentage obtained using the formula so that the effectiveness rate of pmse vat on kpp badora in tax revenue in 2020 the effectiveness rate is at 57.79% with ineffective criteria. the increase is due to the determination of the appointment or inauguration of the pmse vat collector in 2021 has increased. obstacles jul-des 2020 jan-jun 2021 jul-des 2021 target pajak 729.421.803.000 1.444.976.953.00 1.744.491.954.0 realisasi ppn pmse 731.418.896.996, 1.646.966.171.68 2.256.323.359.5 rp rp500.000.000.000 rp1. rp1.500.000.000.000 rp2. rp2.500.000.000.000 year tax revenue target realization of pmse vat % criteria 2020 idr 729.421.803.000 idr 731.418.896.996 100,27 highly effective 2021-(jan-jun) idr 1.444.976.953.000 idr 1.646.966.171.686 113,97 highly effective 2021-(jul-dec) idr 1.744.491.954.000 idr 2.256.323.359.505 129,34 highly effective total 2021 idr 3.189.468.907.000 idr 3.903.289.531.191 122,38% highly effective effectiveness of pmse vat in the new normal era in kpp badan dan orang asing (kpp badora) agung, andayani, and kumala 158 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the implementation of the pmse vat collection policy at kpp badora is based on regulation of the minister of finance number 48 /pmk.03/2020 dated may 5, 2020. in the implementation of the policy, kpp badora experienced several obstacles such as the interconnection of banking data and the open access to financial flow statements of business actors both established and not yet established, it is very important to measure whether the entity is included in the criteria to be designated as a pmse vat collector. in addition, binding sanctions for business actors that have been confirmed are considered not fully optimal. conclusion the results showed that vat receipts decreased in 2019 from the previous year of rp 1,258,321,744,867 to rp 1,065,669,330,600 due to covid that hit indonesia. the government is trying to find other sources of tax, namely with the issuance of 48 / pmk.03 / 2020 then there is an additional number of psme taxpayers in the 2020 period increased by 51, then there is an increase in pmse vat taxpayers every semester, although the increase decreases. however, psme vat receipts tend to increase every semester. if viewed from the level of effectiveness in 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(2022). the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 297-307. abstract: this study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of the application of computer-assisted audit technique systems and professional ethics on auditor performance. the data used in this study are the results of processing questionnaire data given to auditors who work in public accounting firms in the jakarta area. the method used in this research is a purposive sampling method with a total of 92 respondents. testing the analysis using spss 25 by testing the validity, reliability, multiple linear regression, classical assumption test, and hypothesis testing. the results of this study indicate that the application of a computerassisted audit technique system has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05 and professional ethics has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. the results also show that the application of a computer-assisted audit technique system and professional ethics have a joint or simultaneous effect on auditor performance with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. keywords: computer assisted audit technique (caat), professional ethics, auditor performance this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction along with the rapid development of the technological era, it encourages companies including public accountants to be required to be able to compete in preparing good and appropriate information systems and professional human resources (deng et al., 2018; godowski et al., 2020; salleh & aziz, 2014). within the scope of audit work, tools that help auditors to achieve audit objectives are referred to as computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts). more specifically caatts refers to data and program checking procedures (belfo & trigo, 2013; krieger et al., 2021; siew et al., 2020). in testing the caatts data used are grouped in software such as file interrogation software and system control audit review files (scarf) while in testing the caatts program the ones used include program review, code comparison, and parallel simulation (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016; shihab et al., 2017). in addition to technical competence, the use of a code of ethics is also required in the realization of good performance. the professional ethics are the values and moral norms that become the guideline for a person or group of people in regulating their behavior (ardillah & chandra, 2022; the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 298 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting halim, 2008; nurfauziah et al., 2022). according to (muchtar, 2016), professional ethics are rules of behavior that have binding power for every profession holder. efforts are being made to support the professionalism of an accountant in implementing and increasing public trust, namely by compiling and ratifying the code of ethics of the indonesian institute of certified public accountants (iapi), public interest, integrity, objectivity, competence and due care, confidentiality, professional conduct and technical standards (kuntari et al., 2017; latercia et al., 2020; mulyani, 2020). auditor performance is a form of work carried out in achieving better work results and achieving organizational goals (arianti, 2015; meidawati & assidiqi, 2019). but in fact there are many cases of public accountants, such as clients bribing auditors or auditors auditing their relatives' companies, and so on (alissa et al., 2014; causholli et al., 2021; ricci, 2022). the case involving the public accountant of the multi-business company bakrie & brothers lost rp. 15.86 trillion in 2008, the multi-business company published an error in the bookkeeping of a very large net loss in 2009 of rp. 15.86 trillion in financial statements that have been audited by public accounting firm (paf) of doli, bambang, sudarmaji and dadang. previously, the published financial statements recorded a net loss of rp. 16.6 trillion, but a few days later the financial statements were corrected and the net loss was changed to rp. 15.86 trillion (detik finance, 2009). this phenomenon shows that the quality of the auditor's performance is still not good, so that good auditor performance is needed in terms of quality and quantity as well as responsibility for professional ethics in order to produce good performance and apply the principles of professional ethics in carrying out his profession. previous research related to the application of computer assisted audit techniques and professional ethics on auditor performance was conducted by (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016) and (kristian, 2020) stating that the computer assisted audit technique variable and professional ethics variable had a significant influence on the auditor's performance. meanwhile, based on (triyatno, 2017) research, it states that the use of information technology does not significantly affect the performance of auditors. furthermore, (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016) examined the relationship between ethics and audit performance. in their research, (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016) concluded that the more the auditor upholds the code of ethics, the higher the auditor's performance. however, (darwanis & putri, 2020) failed to prove that the ethics of the auditor did not have a significant effect on the auditor's performance. the phenomenon of poor audit quality as previously mentioned and the inconsistency of previous research results related to factors that can affect audit performance make researchers interested in reviewing similar studies in order to obtain more comprehensive results and show the latest phenomena related to audit performance. therefore, the researchers conducted a review of the application of information systems computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance at public accounting firms in the dki jakarta region. auditor performance according to (mulyadi, 2002) auditor performance is the success of public accountants in carrying out objective examination assignments on the financial statements of a company with the aim of determining whether the financial statements have been presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. auditor performance can be measured through certain measurements of quality, quantity and timeliness, where quality is related to the quality of the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 299 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the work produced, while quantity is the amount of work produced within a certain time, and timeliness is the conformity of the planned time. in measuring performance, there are four dimensions of personality, namely; ability, professional commitment, motivation, and job satisfaction. an auditor who has expertise in the audit process will be thorough and careful in completing his work. auditors who are committed to their profession will be loyal to their profession as perceived by the auditor (trisnaningsih, 2007). computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) according to (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016) caatts is any use of computers in audit activities. the results of using caatts make the resulting information better because the calculations are carried out using audit software so that the decisions taken by the auditor become more precise and accurate. (surya & widhiyani, 2016) stated that using caatts will be able to provide benefits for auditors. caatts is the use of computers in audit activities to collect and evaluate data in electronic form to become audit evidence, to be able to do this an auditor must have a good understanding of techniques for accessing and analyzing electronic data called caatts. professional ethics professional ethics is social ethics in which special ethics have duties and responsibilities towards their knowledge and profession (prakoso, 2015). professional ethics include standards of behavior for a professional that are made with practical and idealistic goals and motivate ideal behavior, so they must be realistic and enforceable (kartika, 2015). the ethical principles of the auditor's profession in the code of ethics (iai) include; professional responsibility, public interest, integrity, objectivity, competence and professional prudence, confidentiality, professional behavior, and technical standards (mulyadi, 2002). effect of computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) information system on auditor performance an accounting information system is a system that aims to collect and store data about business processes carried out by the company, making the data into quality information that is useful for management in the planning stages of decision making and providing security for company assets (kabuhung, 2014). the use of technology plays a role in business processes in creating new processes to solve problems, carrying out adequate tasks in managing information to support business operational activities of a company. without the application of technologybased information systems that can monitor business process activities, companies will find it difficult to analyze employee performance, problems being faced by the company and difficulties in supervising the resources owned by the company (kabuhung, 2014). moreover, the use of caatts is very much needed by an auditor in every process of audit activities. the results of previous research conducted by (surya & widhiyani, 2016), (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016), (kristian, 2020), (wicaksono et al., 2018), states that computer assisted auditing tools and techniques have positive inffuence on auditor performance. based on the above thoughts, the following hypothesis is formulated: h1: computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) information system has an effect on auditor performance. effect of professional ethics on auditor performance the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 300 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting professional ethics (professional ethics) is an attitude of life in the form of justice to be able to provide a professional service to the community with full order and expertise, namely as a service in carrying out tasks that are obligations to the community. with the principles of professional ethics, members can fulfill their professional responsibilities and demand the commitment of an auditor who fulfills the principles of professional ethics. a sense of responsibility can make an auditor strive to complete his work properly and with quality. an auditor is required to always maintain standards of ethical behavior in order to improve auditor performance. unfair and deviant competition between auditors can be avoided if an auditor can adhere to the principles of professional ethics. professional ethics are guidelines or basic ethical principles that have been formulated by the indonesian institute of certified public accountants (institut akuntan publik indonesia, 2016). auditor performance can be said to be good if the auditor can comply with professional ethics because if the level of auditor compliance with professional ethics is higher, the performance results of the auditor will be better and can reflect his attitude to become an individual with integrity, objective and responsibility, so that the auditor carries out his professional duties. gain trust. previous research conducted by (zaleha & novita, 2020) stated that professional ethics had an effect on auditor performance. another study conducted by (praktiyasa & widhiyani, 2016) stated that professional ethics had an effect on auditor performance. this shows that the higher the level of compliance of an auditor with professional ethics, the better the performance of the auditor. based on the thoughts above, the following hypothesis is formulated: h2: professional ethics affect the auditor performance method research design the type of research that will be used in this study is quantitative research, according to (sugiyono, 2014), namely research that seeks to uncover, describe and describe a social phenomenon by taking samples, processing data using instruments, statistical data analysis to determine the relationship between two variables. namely the implementation of computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance. population and sampling techniques according to (sugiyono, 2014) states that the area of generalization consists of objects or subjects that have certain qualities or characteristics set by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. the population in this study are auditors who work in a public accounting firm located in dki jakarta. the sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population (sugiyono, 2014). the sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling, because it was in accordance with the characteristics of the sample in this study. the samples used in this study were junior auditors and senior auditors who worked in public accounting firms located in the dki jakarta region. data types and sources the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 301 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the source of data used in this research is primary data. primary data is data that can be obtained directly from the field or research place (moleong, 2018), to obtain direct information about the influence of computer assisted auditing tools and techniques and professional ethics on auditor performance, the data collection in this study was carried out using division online questionnaire in the form of google form to auditors working at paf located in dki jakarta. the questionnaire contains a number of statements related to computer assisted auditing tools and techniques, professional ethics and auditor performance. measurement of variables using instruments in the form of statements and measured using a likert scale. result and discussion data respondents in this study are auditors who work at the public accounting firm (paf). the process of distributing questionnaires is carried out by sending a permit letter and a questionnaire link in the form of a google form via email to the paf due to constraints during the covid-19 pandemic. the questionnaires in this study were also distributed through intermediaries. questionnaires were distributed to several pafs located in the dki jakarta area. following are the results of the response of paf who agreed to fill out the questionnaire and have filled out the questionnaire. table 1 distribution of questionnaires based on public accounting firm no . name of public accounting firm (paf) respondent 1. paf. drs. teguh pribadi & rekan 4 2. paf. kksp & rekan jakarta 9 3. paf. rsm indonesia 4 4. paf. husni, wibawa & rekan 4 5. paf. s.mannan ardiansyah & rekan 6 6. paf. johannes juara & rekan 3 7. paf. crowe indonesia 4 8. paf. bharata, arifin, mumajad & sayuti 58 total 92 auditor source: processed by researchers validity test based on the results of the validity test for the observed variable items, it was found that all items had met the validity test requirements where the results showed that all instruments, both caatts, professional ethics and audit performance, had rcount values greater than rtable. so it can be concluded that all instrument items from the observed variables contained in the questionnaire are valid. reliability test reliability testing in this study used the cronbach alpha method, namely by determining the reliable value (consistent) or not each item of the instrument in this study. the results of data processing indicate that the variables studied in this study meet the requirements of the reliability test where the value of cronbach's alpha variables x1, x2 and y where the results are higher than the significance level of 0.6 (arikunto, 2013). the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 302 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting classic assumption test this study conducted several tests before testing the hypothesis from the observed data. normality testing was carried out using the one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test which resulted in the conclusion that the research data were normally distributed as indicated by a significance value of 0.200 > 0.05. the next test is the multicollinearity test using an assessment between collinearity tolerance and vif statistics with the result that the collinearity tolerance value is greater than 0.10 and the vif statistical value for all variables is less than 10 which indicates that the observed model is free from multicollinearity errors. the last test is the heteroscedasticity test using the scatterplot test with the results that the scattered points do not form a certain clear pattern. so it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity problem in this study. hypothesis test hypothesis testing is done by using multiple linear regression testing and to assess whether the independent variable has a significant effect on the dependent variable, it is done by comparing the values of tcount and ttable and comparing the significance value with a predetermined degree. the results of hypothesis testing are shown in the following table: table 2 multiple linear regression test results model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 18.405 4.342 4.239 .000 caatts .534 .112 .527 4.776 .000 professional ethics .070 .062 .124 1.128 .263 a. dependent variable: auditor performance source: results of data processing with spss based on the multiple linear regression test in the table above, the following regression equation can be obtained: the regression coefficient for the computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (x1) variable is 0.534, indicating that the computer assisted auditing tools and techniques variable has a positive influence on auditor performance. this means that for every 1 time increase in the computer assisted auditing tools and techniques variable, the auditor's performance will increase by 0.534 with the assumption that other variables are not examined in this study. the results of the t-test test on the independent variable computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (x1) showed a t-count of 6.444, while for t-table with a significance level (α) = 5%, namely 0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk) = 92-2 ≈ 90 then the ttable value is 1.986675 1.987. the results of the t-test calculation can be concluded that the acceptance of ha, because the results of the calculation of t-count 6,444 > 1,987 t-tabels, it can be said that the independent variable computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (x1) has a significant influence on auditor performance (y). a significant influence on the dependent variable means the acceptance of ha by testing the results of a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 indicating a strong auditor performance = 18.405 + 0.534 caatts + 0.070 proffessional ethics the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 303 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting significant effect. thus, this hypothesis test answers the formulation of the problem in this study, namely whether computer assisted auditing tools and techniques have an effect on auditor performance, and the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test can be stated that the application of computer assisted auditing tools and techniques has a positive and significant effect on auditor performance. the regression coefficient of the professional ethics variable (x2) of 0.070 indicates that the professional ethics variable has a positive influence on auditor performance. this means that for every 1 time increase in the professional ethics variable, the auditor's performance will increase by 0.070 with the assumption that other variables are not examined in this study. the results of the t-test test on the independent variable professional ethics (x2) showed the results of t-count of 5.031, while for t-table with a significance level (α) = 5%, namely 0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk) = 92-2 ≈ 90 then the obtained value ttable is 1.986675 ≈ 1.987. the results of the t-test calculation can be concluded that the acceptance of ha, because the results of the calculation of t count 5.031 > 1.987 treble, it can be said that the independent variable professional ethics (x2) has a significant effect on auditor performance (y). a significant influence on the dependent variable means the acceptance of ha by testing the results of a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 indicating a strong significant effect. thus, this hypothesis test answers the formulation of the problem in this study, namely whether professional ethics have an effect on auditor performance, and the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test can be stated that professional ethics has a positive and significant effect on auditor performance. multiple r coefficient of determination test table 3 multiple r coefficient of determination test results model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 ,615a ,379 ,365 4,070 a. predictors: (constant), professional ethics, computer assisted auditing tools and techniques source: results of data processing with spss based on the calculation results in table 4.9, it can be seen that the adjusted r square for the dependent variable (auditor performance) is 0.365. this means that the auditor's performance can be explained by the variable computer assisted auditing tools and techniques and professional ethics by 36.5%, while the remaining 63.5% is explained by other factors not included in this study. f test table 4 f test results (simultaneous) anovaa model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 898,836 2 449,418 27,125 ,000b the influence computer assisted auditing tools and techniques (caatts) and professional ethics on auditor performance silalahi, simorangkir, and akbar 304 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting residual 1474,599 89 16,569 total 2373,435 91 a. dependent variable: auditor performance b. predictors: (constant), professional ethics, computer assisted auditing tools and techniques source: results of data processing with spss the results of the f test calculation can be seen that the value of f test is 27.125 with a significance level of = 5% and the f table value is in accordance with the statistical f table n (922 = 90) which is 3.10. this means that in the structural equation, the two independent variables have a simultaneous effect on the dependent variable, seen from testing the value of sig 0.00 < 0.05 and testing the f value, which shows f count 27.125 > 3.10. independent computer assisted auditing tools and techniques and professional ethics have a significant effect on auditor performance which is the dependent variable. conclusion this study was conducted to examine the effect of the application of the computer assisted auditing tools and techniques system and professional ethics on auditor performance. based on the results of processing and analyzing the data collected, it can be concluded that computer assisted auditing tools and techniques have a significant influence on auditor performance. this proves that the computer assisted auditing tools and techniques system facilitates the work of the auditor and improves the performance of the auditor. thus, it can be stated that the application of the computer assisted auditing tools and techniques system has a significant effect on the auditor's performance. furthermore, the professional ethics variable has a significant influence on auditor performance. this proves that the more the auditor upholds professional ethics, the more the auditor's performance will improve. in this study also resulted in the conclusion that the variables of computer assisted auditing tools and techniques and professional ethics together 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(2022). empirical evidence from the indonesia stock exchange: the influence of debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on sharia stock prices. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 250-257. abstract: this paper aims to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of the debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on islamic stock prices, either partially or simultaneously. an exploratory investigation of 26 companies classified as sharia with the criteria of the jakarta islamic index on the indonesia stock exchange. the collection of complete financial data for the years 2014– 2018 is done through secondary data analysis. 130 secondary data checks were successful, followed by processing with spss 26 and regression analysis. the research's conclusions furnish empirical proof that the debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) have a positive and significant influence on islamic stock prices, either partially or simultaneously. this paper contributes theoretically to the scant knowledge exploring the debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) with islamic stock prices on the stock exchange in indonesia. in practice, this research gives a good insight that may be utilized to evaluate a company's performance health and determine its capacity to return shareholder investments for enterprises that are sharia-compliant. keywords: debt to equity ratio (der), return on equity (roe), islamic stock price. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the equity market is a seen as crucial as a driver of the economic sustainability of any country, including indonesia (bathia et al., 2020; han & tang, 2020; lusiana, 2020a; usman et al., 2021). stock prices are a crucial reference before investing in the capital market (atems & yimga, 2021; huang & liu, 2021; tao et al., 2022). investors anticipate that the stock price will remain constant and will sometimes move upwards (chin & paphakin, 2021; hogenboom et al., 2021; ji et al., 2021; tang & yao, 2018). however, because the stock price is according to the principle of supply and demand, the more investors who buy the stock, the more expensive the stock will be, and vice versa (harper et al., 2020; robinson et al., 2018; xu et al., 2020). this means that stock prices will continue to fluctuate (up and down), which can be caused by internal or external factors. therefore, investors must have the right knowledge to make the right assessment (aznedra & putra, 2022; hao & wang, 2021). with the help of the capital market, shareholders empirical evidence from the indonesia stock exchange: the influence of debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on sharia stock prices bulkia, burhannudin, kurniaty, rahmah, and abdan 251 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting can buy and sell shares, and business people can expand their network and make money (esteve et al., 2019). the uncertain character of stock values must be taken into account by (adikerta & abundanti, 2020; l. sari et al., 2022). companies must conduct financial analysis to obtain information because financial records will help investors (jia, 2018; tang & yao, 2018). before choosing an investment, consider the company's financial status and its strengths and limitations. a bad stock price indicates a low company value, while a high stock price indicates a high company value. according to supply and demand, stock prices continue to change every day, monthly, and yearly (adikerta & abundanti, 2020; cheng et al., 2020; yeung & lento, 2018). based on several previous studies, the element that influences the investment is debt to equity ratio (der) (bathia et al., 2020; rahmawati & hadian, 2022). the leverage ratio, often known as the extent to which debt is used as a source of corporate financing, is measured by the debt to equity ratio (davis, 2015). the lower the debt to equity ratio (der), which measures a firm's ability to pay long-term obligations, will affect rising stock prices and the company will be better at paying long-term liabilities. the market will interpret information about the rising debt to equity ratio (der) as an unfavorable signal, which will harm investors' decisions to purchase shares. as nothing more than a result, stock prices and demand decline. (utami & darmawan, 2019). this is supported by past academics' investigations such (adikerta & abundanti, 2020; meida dzulqodah, 2016; munira et al., 2018; nining, 2020; pandansari, 2012) which conclude that (der) effects on stock value. if the debt to equity ratio (der) increases, the stock price will also increase. however, the findings of this study conflict with those of earlier scholars, such as (amaliah & manda, 2021; hasanah & sulistiyo, 2021; hutomo et al., 2020; lusiana, 2020b; nurhayati & yudiantoro, 2022; rahmawati & hadian, 2022; rusdiyanto et al., 2020; d. i. sari & maryoso, 2021; l. sari et al., 2022; sudarman & diana, 2022; utami & darmawan, 2019) whose research results conclude that (der) does not effect on stock prices . if the debt to equity ratio (der) increases, the stock price will not increase as well. in addition to the debt to equity ratio (der) factor that has an empirical effect on stock prices, the return on equity (roe) factor also provides the same empirical evidence. market participants will see news of rising roe as a positive signal, which will help investors make informed judgments about whether to purchase shares. contrary to this, there is a greater demand for shares, which drives up their price (utami & darmawan, 2019). such as several research results (hapsari & chaniago, 2022; hasanah & sulistiyo, 2021; lusiana, 2020a; nurhayati & yudiantoro, 2022; rahmawati & hadian, 2022; l. sari et al., 2022) they state that an increase in return on equity (roe) has negative implications, then the stock price will also increase. however, the study's findings run counter to those of earlier researchers, including (hutomo et al., 2020; lusiana, 2020b; sepindo et al., 2020; sudarman & diana, 2022) concludes that (roe does not affect on stock prices. if return (roe) increases, then stock prices do not increase. the scalpel analysis uses signaling theory. according to conelly et al. (2011) in (utami & darmawan, 2019), according to the signaling theory, the information receiver can decide how to interpret the information they receive while the information provider can decide what and how the information will be conveyed. businesses can set themselves apart from subpar competitors by communicating their quality to the capital market in a trustworthy manner (spence, 1973) (utami & darmawan, 2019), signaling theory refers to information indications that investors must take into account when deciding whether to purchase shares of the target company. based on the gap research phenomenon mentioned above, there is a gap for researchers to re-proven the results of the study in a different context, namely, combining the (der) and (roe) variables, the effect is both partially and simultaneously on the share price of sharia shares with the criteria for the jakarta islamic index on the stock exchange of indonesia. the implications of the research report are expected empirical evidence from the indonesia stock exchange: the influence of debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on sharia stock prices bulkia, burhannudin, kurniaty, rahmah, and abdan 252 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to provide a theoretical contribution to the limited research that explores the (der) and (roe) on islamic stock prices. likewise in practice, this research provides significant insights that can be used to measure the health of the company and assess the company's ability to generate returns from the investment of shareholders of companies classified as sharia. from a broader standpoint, this study is more significant because a nation's economic development is influenced by the financial performance of companies whose shares are classified as sharia. the following hypotheses were established concerning the primary issues and study goals: h1: there is a strong influence of the debt to equity ratio (der) on indexed islamic stock prices (jakarta islamic index) on the indonesia stock exchange; h2: there is a strong influence of return on equity (roe) on the indexed islamic stock price (jakarta islamic index) on the indonesia stock exchange. h3: there is a strong influence of the debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) simultaneously on the indexed islamic stock price (jakarta islamic index) on the indonesia stock exchange. method this research is explanatory research, namely research that explains the effect of debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on islamic stock prices, either partially or simultaneously. an exploratory investigation of 26 companies classified as sharia with the criteria of the jakarta islamic index on the indonesia stock exchange. the collection of complete financial data for the years 2014–2018 is done through secondary data analysis. 130 secondary data were successfully analyzed using regression after being processed using spss 26. result and discussion based on table 1, demonstrates the specifics of the partial influence of the (der) variable on the islamic stock price variable. a procedure is employed to reach this conclusion, and it looks at the value of sig (significance with criteria 0.05). in table 1, the value of sig. listed is 0.008. to achieve this, adhere to the sig level. the cutoff point for the significance value is 0.05. this indicates that (der) has an influence on the stock if the (probability) significance is less than 0.05. furthermore, the regression coefficient value is 24,466 which describes the direction of a positive relationship, meaning that for every one percent increase in the (der) level, the stock price will also increase by 24,466 points. based on these statistical data, it can be concluded that (der) partially has a significant effect on the indexed islamic stock price (jakarta islamic index) on the indonesia stock exchange. thus, the first hypothesis (h1) can be proven (accepted). according to existing theory, if a company can maintain profits while taking on increasing debt, this shows that the benefits of using debt outweigh the costs, allowing investors to see the use of debt profitably (husnan, 2005: 331). his opinion is strengthened (adikerta & abundanti, 2020), companies with high der can create earning before interest and taxes (ebit), which is greater than the interest expense that must be paid by the company. this is possible with strong corporate management. high debt interest also has an impact on reducing the absorbed tax burden, which is another reason why businesses seek large debt. this may be advantageous for the business when using the loan. corporate earnings can benefit from a sound debt management strategy. investors choose to buy company shares because of this belief. stock prices rise as a result of increased demand for stocks. this research supports his claim that the (der) is a reliable indicator of whether a company's stock is worthwhile to purchase or not (hapsari & chaniago, 2022). the larger the debt or obligation that the firm is required to pay the (der) ratio should be. but on the other hand, as creditors or investors would feel comfortable in their assets even if the company is liquidated, the lower the trend in the debt-to-equity ratio, empirical evidence from the indonesia stock exchange: the influence of debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on sharia stock prices bulkia, burhannudin, kurniaty, rahmah, and abdan 253 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the better. investors may feel more secure with a low der ratio, making it easier for businesses to draw in capital. the stock price of a company may be impacted when several investors want to purchase shares of that company. the results of the study strengthen or support the results of previous research conducted by (adikerta & abundanti, 2020; meida dzulqodah, 2016; munira et al., 2018; nining, 2020; pandansari, 2012) which stated debt to equity ratio (der) affects stock prices. based on table 2, shows information about the effect of the (roe) variable on the islamic stock price variable partially. to make this decision, a method is used, looking at the value of sig (significance with criteria <0.05). in table 1, the value of sig. listed as 0.000. this is by following the sig level. 0.05 as the cut-off value from the significance value. this means that if the probability value (significance) is below 0.05, the (roe) affects stock prices. furthermore, the regression coefficient value is 209,065 which describes the direction of a positive relationship, meaning that every one percent increase in the (roe) level, the stock price will also increase by 209,065 points. based on these statistical data, it can be concluded that (roe) partially has a significant effect on the indexed islamic stock price (jakarta islamic index) on the indonesia stock exchange. thus, the second hypothesis (h2) can be proven (accepted). this study supports his assertion. according to (hapsari & chaniago, 2022), return on equity (roe) is a measure that can demonstrate a company's capacity to generate a profit from its equity. as the return on equity (roe) increases, a company's investor appeal rises (bunea et al., 2019). this research strengthens his opinion (hasanah & sulistiyo, 2021), it will benefit the company if it can turn a profit with its resources because strong profits will boost interest in the company's shares and drive up the price of its stock. high profitability demonstrates that the company has a sizable internal fund, while high return on equity shows that the company earns high profits with its capital and does not require money from outside sources like creditors. the results of the study strengthen or support the results of previous research conducted by (hapsari & chaniago, 2022; hasanah & sulistiyo, 2021; lusiana, 2020a; nurhayati & yudiantoro, 2022; rahmawati & hadian, 2022; l. sari et al., 2022), which stated that return on equity (roe) affects stock value. based on table 3, displays information on the interaction between the islamic stock price variable and the (roe) and (der) variables. to make this decision, a method is used, looking at the value of sig (significance with criteria <0.05). in table 3, the value of sig. listed as 0.000. this is by following the sig level. 0.05 as the cut-off value from the significance value. this means that if the probability value (significance) is below 0.05, then debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) affect stock prices. based on these statistical data, it can be concluded that debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) simultaneously have a significant effect on the indexed islamic stock price on the stock exchange of indonesia. thus, the third hypothesis (h3) can be proven (accepted). the value of r 2 in this regression model is obtained at 0,580. this means that 58% of the stock price variables can be influenced by the debt to equity ratio and return on equity variables, while the remaining 42% can be influenced by other variables not included in this research model. table 1 partial regression model coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. criteria conclusion b std. error beta 1 (constant) 4668.908 969.962 4.813 .000 debt to equity ratio 24.466 9.015 .233 2.714 .008 <0.05 h1: accepted a. dependent variable: sharia stock prices source: secondary data processed, 2022 empirical evidence from the indonesia stock exchange: the influence of debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) on sharia stock prices bulkia, burhannudin, kurniaty, rahmah, and abdan 254 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 2 partial regression model coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. criteria conclusion b std. error beta 1 (constant) 2249.874 826.101 2.723 .007 return on equity 209.065 26.256 .576 7.962 .000 <0.05 h2: accepted a. dependent variable: sharia stock prices source: secondary data processed, 2022 table 3 simultan regression model anovaa model sum of squares df mean square f sig. criteria conclusion 1 regression 3630206935.857 2 1815103467.928 32.219 .000b <0.05 h3: accepted residual 7154686123.632 127 56336111.210 total 10784893059.488 129 a. dependent variable: sharia stock prices b. predictors: (constant), return on equity, debt to equity ratio c. r2=0,580 source: secondary data processed, 2022 conclusion the research findings provide the following conclusions: debt to equity ratio (der) and return on equity (roe) positively and significantly affect islamic stock prices, either partially or simultaneously. in this case the three hypotheses proposed can be proven. if the (der) and (roe) increase, the stock price will also increase. this study provides a theoretical contribution to limited research exploring (der) and (roe) with stock prices in the context of the indonesian stock market, especially indexed companies (jakarta islamic index). in practice, this research offers important insights that can be applied to gauge the company's health and determine its capacity to maximize returns on shareholders' investments for businesses that are classed as adhering to sharia law. in future research, it will be useful to explore the (der) and (roe) with stock prices by comparing stock exchanges of various countries. reference adikerta, i. m. a., & abundanti, n. 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accountability to stakeholder through media sustainability reports. this study aimed to provide an overview of the development of sustainability reporting research for 14 years in indonesia. charting the field and analyzing community approach were used in this research. a research sample consisting of 50 articles obtained from 21 journals accredited sinta 2 from 2009 to january 2022. the results indicated that the most widely used research method is the analytical method and the articles that received the most citations were published in 2015. in addition, this study also found that there are still research variables that are inconsistent with sustainability reporting, namely antecedent variables in the form of audit committees and consequence variables in the form of financial performance. therefore, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study to determine the cause of the inconsistency of these variables. keywords: literature review, sustainability reporting, analytical method this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license introduction intense competition leads to competition in various sectors of the company, hence companies must be able to have good performance in order to survive and generate large profits. to earn a profit, the company carries out high natural exploration in the production process without considering the sustainability of the nature and community environment being explored. this is proven by some cases of environmental pollution such as the case of pt karya cipa nusantara kcn) which polluted the air in the form of flying ash bottom ash (pencemaran abu batu bara yang buat warga marunda jakut menderita, 2022)(janji pt kcn jalankan sanksi atas pencemaran akibat abu batu bara di marunda halaman all, 2022) and pipe leak by pt lapindo brantas which causing contamination of resident's water (15 tahun lumpur lapindo: darat, air dan udara sekitar tercemar :, 2022). the company's environmental pollution becomes the reason for the conflict of interest between the company fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 56| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and its stakeholders. a conflict of interest occurs when a company has different interests from its stakeholders. the company has an interest in maximizing profit but ignores the social and environmental aspects. this is different from the interests of stakeholders who continue to prioritize environmental and social aspects according to the triple bottom line concept (aksan & gantyowati, 2020). the triple bottom line concept introduced by (elkington, 1998) urges companies to pay more attention to the balance of environmental, economic and social aspects with the result that companies can sustain and compete with other companies competitively. companies that have implemented the triple bottom line concept can account for their activities to stakeholders through sustainability reporting. the stakeholders can encourage companies to make quality sustainability reports. when the pressure is inside companies regarding high quality report, companies will produce high quality reports (rudyanto & siregar, 2018) . sustainability reporting is used by stakeholders to evaluate all forms of corporate responsibility activitites to the society as well as presented separately from the annual report (juwita & honggowati, 2021). the practice of sustainability reporting in indonesia has been started since the government passed law no. 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies and government regulation no. 47 of 2012. the implementation of laws and government regulations is an obligation for indonesian or foreign companies operating in indonesia to carry out social and environmental responsibility activities. if the corporation breaks the laws and government regulations, it will be subject to sanctions following the applicable laws and regulations. in 2017, the financial services authority (ojk) also issued ojk regulation no. 51/pojk.03/2017. the regulation requires financial services institutions, issuers and public companies to submit the sustainability report separately from the annual report. the issuance of laws and government regulations in indonesia is quite effective in urging companies to present sustainability reports consequently the trend of sustainability reporting increased from 2006 to 2019 (gunawan et al., 2022) . the increasing trend of sustainability reporting has become an attraction for researchers to conduct research on this topic both in indonesia and abroad. some research in indonesia conducted by (ardiana, 2022), (juwita & honggowati, 2021), (masum et al., 2020), (khafid & mulyaningsih, 2017) while abroad, such as (önder & baimurzin, 2020), (onyali & okafor, 2019), (khan et al., 2021), (rahman et al., 2020) . the variety of research results shows the uniqueness in terms of antecedent factors and consequence factors. the number of accounting and financial journals that evaluate and document various research results has attracted researchers to carry out further research related to the development of sustainability reporting practices in indonesia in the form of a bibliography. this study examines fifty articles on sustainability reporting published by accredited journals of the ministry of education, culture, research and technology in the classification of sinta 2. the journal selection in the category of sinta 2 was based on two things, namely, first, the article has been carefully selected in consequence they have good quality and is free from plagiarism. second, based on the regulation of the ministry of research and technology of the republic of indonesia number 9 of 2018 concerning accreditation of scientific journals, the category of fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 57| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sinta 2 has an accreditation rating with a value of (n), 70 n < 85. this rating indicates that the journal with the category of sinta 2 has a higher score compared to sinta 3 with a value of 60 n < 70, sinta 4 with a value of 50 n < 60 and sinta 5 with a value of 30 n < 40. the researcher did not include articles from journals in the sinta 1 category because of the limited sustainability reporting research articles published by journals with the category of sinta 1. this study adopted the method of charting the field and analyzing the community created by (hesford et al., 2006) to map and analyze the results of research on sustainability reporting in indonesia. the contribution of this study consists of three items, namely, first, classifying articles based on research topics, research methods, and discussing the comparison of articles in terms of topics and research methods. second, this article provides information related to citation analysis and centrality networks in sustainability reporting research in indonesia. third, this article provides information to future researchers that there are interesting variables and research methods for further investigation in the form of empirical research. method bibliographic research is the research developed by (hesford et al., 2006) in the field of management accounting by analyzing 916 articles using two approaches consists of charting the field and analyzing community. bibliographic research has also been applied in indonesia, for example on the topic of disclosure development, ifrs implementation and financial distress (aksan & gantyowati, 2020; amri & aryani, 2021; a. c. dewi et al., 2018). the approach taken by hesford et al (2006) was used in this study, namely charting the field and analyzing community. the charting the field approach is carried out by selecting articles and classifying articles based on research topics and methods. analyzing community approach is done by citation analysis and centrality network. citation analysis is carried out by analyzing citations taken from google scholar while the centrality network is carried out by analyzing the relationship between individual influences in several studies. google scholar was chosen because it provides information about the number of citations in published articles (herawati & bandi, 2017) . this study uses fifty articles on sustainability reporting obtained from accredited journals in the sinta 2 category. the criteria used in selecting journals are: 1. journals that have been accredited by the ministry of education, culture, research and technology in the sinta 2 category using the keyword "akuntansi" or "accounting" or "keuangan" in 2022, 2. journals can be accessed online, 3. the journal publishes articles related to sustainability reporting in indonesia. after going through the journal selection process, researchers find journals which match the criteria that have been set. the journals that published the most articles on sustainability reporting are the indonesian journal of sustainability management and accounting (ijsma) and the accounting analysis journal (aaj). the focus of the ijsma journal specifically covers the environment and sustainability, while the focus of aaj covers research that discusses the fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 58| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting relationship between sustainability reporting and financial aspects such as leverage, liquidity and profitability. we can see the list of selected journals in table 1. tabel 1. list of journals journals journals nickname the number of articles indonesian jurnal of sustainability management and accounting ijsma 10 jurnal dinamika akuntansi jda 3 jurnal keuangan dan perbankan jkp 3 indonesian journal of accounting research ijar 3 jurnal akuntansi paradigma jap 2 jurnal dinamika akuntansi bisnis jdab 2 jurnal ilmiah akuntansi bisnis jiab 2 riset akuntansi dan keuangan rak 2 indonesian accounting review iar 2 ekuitas jurnal ekonomi dan keuangan ekuitas 1 international business and accounting research journal ibarj 1 journal of accounting & investment jai 1 journal of islamic economics & banking jieb 1 journal akuntansi ja 1 jurnal akuntansi akrual jaa 1 jurnal akuntansi & bisnis jab 1 jurnal akuntansi & keuangan jak 1 jurnal of accounting & strategic finance jasf 1 jurnal riset akuntansi kontemporer jrak 1 kajian ekonomi dan keuangan kek 1 accounting analysis journal aaj 10 this study uses a research period that has lasted for fourteen years, namely from 2009 to january 2022 as shown in figure 1. the selection of 2009 as the initial observation was due to research articles on sustainability reporting in indonesia published by journals with the keyword "akuntansi" or "accounting" or "keuangan". the journal that published articles in 2009 is the journal of financial economics which is managed by the fiscal policy agency of the ministry of finance. as for the end of the observation, 2022 was chosen because the latest article on sustainability reporting published by the journal with the keywords "akuntansi" "accounting" or "keuangan" was published in january 2022. the journal that published articles in january 2022 is scientific journal accounting and business. based on figure 1, the development trend of sustainability reporting research shows fluctuations every year. figure 1 shows a significant increase in sustainability reporting research from 2018 to 2020. this is in accordance with the issuance from ojk regulation no. 51/pojk.03/2017. the rules of the regulation demand companies in indonesia to publish sustainability reporting hence more complete sustainability reporting data is available, especially disclosure of the economic, fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 59| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting social and financial aspects of companies within a period of one year after the issuance of the regulation. the existence of complete data related to sustainability reporting affects the interest of researchers in indonesia which is increasing the interest to conduct research on the topic of sustainability reporting. however, on the other hand, there is a decrease in the graph in 2022 in figure 1 due to articles on sustainability reporting published in 2022 which are included in the new research sample until january. therefore, articles on sustainability reporting published from february to december are likely to increase the trend of sustainability reporting research during 2022. figure 1. sustainability reporting research trends furthermore, the classification of the research period was adopted from (a. c. dewi et al., 2018). to classify the data, the research period is split into two periods to determine whether there has been an increase or reduction in the number of articles on sustainability reporting over time. the first period is the period between 2009 and 2015 and the second period is the period between 2016 and 2022 in january. based on this classification, we are aware of a rise in the quantitiy articles, which initially only published 14 articles (period 1), increasing to 36 articles (period 2). we can see the division of the research period on sustainability reporting in table 2. table 2. the division of the research period on sustainability reporting name of journals 2009-2022 2009-2015 2016-2022 sum % sum % sum % ekuitas 1 2% 1 7% 0% jab 1 2% 0% 1 3% jak 1 2% 1 7% 0% jai 1 2% 0% 1 3% jieb 1 2% 0% 1 3% ja 1 2% 0% 1 3% jdab 2 4% 0% 2 6% jaa 1 2% 0% 1 3% jasf 1 2% 0% 1 3% jrak 1 2% 0% 1 3% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2009 2011 2012 2014 2013 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 sustainability reporting research trends fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 60| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting rak 2 4% 0% 2 6% ijsma 10 20% 0% 10 28% ibajr 1 2% 0% 1 3% jap 2 4% 1 7% 1 3% jda 3 6% 2 14% 1 3% jiab 2 4% 1 7% 1 3% jkp 3 6% 1 7% 2 6% kek 1 2% 1 7% 0% iar 2 4% 1 7% 1 3% ijar 3 6% 0% 3 8% aaj 10 20% 5 36% 5 14% total 50 14 36 results and discussion 1. classification of article a. classification of articles based on research topics we discuss the classification of articles by research topics in this part. the research topics are divided into four, namely antecedents, consequences, combinations of antecedents with consequences and the last other topics. an antecedent topic is a topic that discusses the factors that motivate companies to disclose sustainability reporting. the topic of consequences is a topic that discusses the influence of sustainability reporting on other research variables. the combination of antecedents and consequences is a topic that discusses antecedents and consequences in the same article. another topic is a topic that discusses the criteria for variables that are not included in the antecedent group and consequences, such as the topic of comparison between voluntary reporting and sustainability reporting. to be able to see more the research topic, we can see in table 3 as follows : table 3. classification of articles based on research topic topics 2009 2022 2009 2015 2016 2022 sum % sum % sum % antecedents 16 32% 4 29% 12 33% consequences 10 20% 5 36% 5 14% antecedents and consequences 1 2% 0% 1 3% others 23 46% 5 36% 18 50% in table 3, it can be seen that there are 16 articles discussing the topic of antecedents from 2009 to 2022 in january, after that there are 10 articles discussing the topic of consequences from 2009 to 2022 in january, the next article discussing the combination of antecedents and consequences only amount to 1 article and the last there are 23 articles that discuss other topics from 2009 to 2022. therefore, it is proven that articles which examine other topics, such as moderation, comparison, testing and implementation of sustainability reporting are the most researched topics from 2009 to fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 61| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2022 in january. furthermore, based on antecedent research topics, we can see the classification of variables more detail in table 4. table 4. the classification of antecedent variables antecedent variables sum % effects + no effect board member nationality 1 1% 1 multiple director 5 7% 3 2 foreign director 1 1% 1 independent manager 1 1% 1 social responsibility manager 4 6% 1 1 2 the community influential member 1 1% 1 board size 7 10% 2 2 3 board of independence 5 7% 1 4 role duality 1 1% 1 publishing sustainability report 1 1% 1 gender 4 6% 3 1 education 2 3% 1 1 board of directors meeting 3 4% 3 audit committee 10 14% 5 5 slack resources 1 1% 1 profitability 7 10% 2 1 4 leverage 6 8% 1 4 1 liquidity 5 7% 1 2 2 capability dimension 1 1% 1 company size 5 7% 2 2 1 based on table 4, the most dominant factor influencing sustainability reporting is the auditee committee factor which gets 14%. the establishment of an audit committee serves to help management publish sustainability reports requested by stakeholders and the public (wulandari et al., 2021) . through strict supervision from the audit committee, the company is getting better able to obey with the principles of good corporate governance (gcg) such as the transparency principle. the transparency principle explains that companies must be open in providing information on their company's activities so that supervision can run well. in table 5, the researcher discusses the classification of variables based on the topic of consequence. table 5. the classification of consequence variables consequence variables sum % effects + no effect financial performance 9 56% 4 2 3 company risk 1 7% 1 tax aggresiviness 1 7% 1 fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 62| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting market performance 1 7% 1 investment decisions 1 7% 1 company performance 3 20% 1 2 in table 5, we can see that sustainability report still has a positive, negative, and no effect on financial performance by 56%. the positive effect on financial performance occurs because if the company can disclose sustainability reporting then stakeholder confidence will increase and the financial performance, especially profitability and company value will advance too. the support from stakeholders will increase the company's working capital hence, it can facilitate the company's operations. mapping cause and effect relationship we present a causal relationship chart based on the factors that affect sustainability reporting in indonesia, based on 50 articles. (luft & shields, 2006) classify causal relationships into six models that apply an additive model consisting of additive, intervention, independent variable interaction, cyclical recursive, moderator variable interaction, and nonrecursive reciprocal. based on the grouping using the research model from (luft & shields, 2006), the researchers found 26 articles that used the additive model. next, we created a mapping of sustainability reporting research which can be seen in figure 2. figure 2. mapping cause and effect relationship fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 63| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting description bmn : board member nationality ed : education md : multiple director bdm : board of directors meeting fd : foreign director ac : audit committee cz : company size sr : slack resources im : independent manager pr : profitability srm : sosial responsibility manager le : leverage cim : the community influental member lq : liquidity bs : board size cd : capability dimension boi : board of independence fp : financial performance rd : role duality cr : company risk psr : publishing sustainability report ta : tax aggresiviness ge : gender mp : market performance id : investment decision cp : company performance classification of articles based on research methods this section discusses the classification of articles on sustainability reporting by research methods. the research methods commonly used are analytical, literature reviews and surveys. the analytical method is the method used by researchers in indonesia by applying various data analysis techniques in the form of simple regression, multiple regression, panel data regression and content analysis with the help of tools such as spss version 13, spss version 23, stata 16.0 and eviews version 10. the literature review method is the method used by researchers to conduct a systematic literature review that leads to the conceptualization of sustainability reporting. the survey method is a method used by distributing questionnaires to foreign students who take environmental and social accounting courses to determine the extent of student's knowledge of the implementation of sustainability reporting. based on table 6, the most dominant research method is the analytical method by 92% or 46 articles, followed by the literature review method 4% or 2 articles and the remaining survey methods around 4% or 2 articles. when viewed in period 1 (2009 to 2015), it still dominated by analytical methods by around 86% 12 articles) and the remaining survey methods by around 14% (2 articles). meanwhile, in period 2 (2016 to 2022), the analytical method was still dominated by 94% (34 articles), and the remaining literature review method was around 6% (2 articles). therefore, it proves that the analytical method is the fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 64| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting most dominant method used from 2009 to 2022 because it can test more accurate and objective data than other research methods. table 6. articles classification based on research methods research methods 2009 2022 2009 2015 2016 2022 sum % sum % sum % analytical 46 92% 12 86% 34 94% review 2 4% 0% 2 6% survey 2 4% 2 14% 0% total 50 100% 14 100% 36 100% comparison of research articles based on research topics and methods table 7 shows the characteristics of articles based on cross-tabulations between topics and research methods as follows. table 7. classification of articles based on comparison of topics and research methods research methods topik penelitian anteceden t consequenc e antecedents and consequences other s analytical 16 10 1 19 review 2 survey 2 based on table 7, we can see that the analytical research method is used widely to examine four research topics. first, the topic of antecedent research, which discuss the factors that motivate the publication of sustainability reporting as many as 16 articles. second, the topic of consequential research that discusses the effect of sustainability reporting on other variables gets 10 articles. third, the topic about the combination of antecedents and consequences gets 1 article. fourth, other topics that discuss matters other than antecedents and consequence as many as 19 articles. table 7 also reveals that the review research method is used only to examine other research topics like a comparison topics which get two articles. one example of a comparative topic is a research topic that compare voluntary reporting with sustainability reporting. furthermore, the survey research method is used only to examine other research topics as many as two articles such as the topic of application. the application topic means a topic that discusses how to implement sustainability reporting at pt pembangkit jawa bali. therefore, the characteristics of cross-tabulation indicate there are no studies use literature review and survey methods to examine the antecedent topics and consequences related to sustainability reporting. fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 65| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. community analysis a. citation analysis citation analysis used to determine the frequency of articles cited by other studies. the higher the frequency of the cited article, the greater the benefits of the article because it used to enrich other research reference sources (herawati & bandi, 2017) . the article by (tarigan & semuel, 2015) has the most citations which have been cited by 149 other articles. the factors that influence the citations number in the article include a long publishing period and the use of an interesting variable to study, namely the financial performance variable. on the other hand, there are still articles that do not have citations, such as by (ardiana, 2022; breliastiti, 2020; elafify, 2021; juwita & honggowati, 2021; nilasakti & falikhatun, 2020; supriyati & anggraini, 2021). . articles that do not have citations caused by several factors. for such, the average period of publishing the article is not long enough, variable that are rarely studied such as environmental performance and the entities studied are also non-public such as islamic banks. b. centrality network centrality can be defined as how much an individual has a dominant influence in a particular network. centrality can be measured by using the number of direct links a researcher has with other researchers in the network. in this study, the article that has the most citations has the greatest influence among the others. as shown in figure 3, the article that has the most citations is the sustainability reporting article studied by (tarigan & semuel, 2015) . the article has been cited by 4 recent articles researched by (ariantika & geraldina, 2019; k. e. c. dewi & sudana, 2015; ihsani et al., 2021; marwa et al., 2017). information : 1. (tarigan & semuel, 2015) 2. (ihsani et al., 2021) 3. (ariantika & geraldina, 2019) 4. (marwa et al., 2017) 5. (k. e. c. dewi & sudana, 2015) fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 66| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion this study analyzes 50 articles from the journal of the ministry of education, culture, research and technology in the classification of sinta 2. the journals that publish the most articles about sustainability reporting are the indonesian journal of sustainability management and accounting ijsma) and the accounting analysis journal aaj). this research method uses charting the field approach and analyzing community. based on the charting the field approach, this study finds that there are still antecedent variables that are inconsistent with sustainability reporting, namely the audit committee variable and the consequence variable that shows inconsistency, specifically financial performance. consequently, it needs to be studied further. furthermore, based on analyzing the community, the researcher found that the article by (tarigan & semuel, 2015) is the most cited article and had been cited by four other articles on the topic of sustainability reporting. this research has several implications. first, it provides an overview of fourteen years of sustainability reporting research. second, it shows the possibility of increasing sustainability reporting research from february to december 2022. third, it shows that review and survey research methods are research methods that are still rarely applied by sustainability reporting research in indonesia. on the other line, this study has several limitations. first, it does not fully describe the 2022 research because the data available in the 2022 research period only lasts until january. second, this study only analyzes articles based on the article classification and citation analysis. third, this study only examines the articles from accredited journals of the ministry of education, culture, research and technology in the sinta 2 classification. in addition, this study has several suggestions for further research. first, for future research, it is expected to use research data for the whole period of one year so as not to show a graph decline. second, future research can analyze sustainability reporting research based on the theory that underlies sustainability reporting. it is because the theory used can causes the inconsistency of the research results that have been researched. third, future research can explore articles in accredited journals of the ministry of education, culture, research and technology in the sinta 1 or scopus classification. reference 15 tahun lumpur lapindo: darat, air dan udara sekitar tercemar : (n.d.). retrieved october 25, 2022, from aksan, i., & gantyowati, e. 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(2015). pengungkapan sustainability report dan kinerja keuangan. jurnal akuntansi dan keuangan, 16(2), 88–101. fourteen years of sustainability reporting research in accounting: bibliographic studies sururi, aryani and gantyowati 69| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting wulandari, r., fauziyah, s., & mubarok, a. (2021). “(studi empiris pada perusahaan yang mengikuti asia sustainability reporting rating periode 2015-2020).” accounthink : journal of accounting and finance, 6(02), 181–193. the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 pp: 41-58 41 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) jajang suherman submitted: dec 6 th 2019. revised: january 13 th 2020. published: march 30 th 2020 abstract this article aims to determine the awareness and compliance of the taxpayer identification number (npwp). this article also discusses obstacles in obtaining npwp ownership. the research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods. to obtain the data, researchers observe document studies and interviews with the informant, the officers, and staff of stimlog. based on the results of the research, npwp ownership has not been done effectively. some obstacles encountered, that is for the employees do not remain to think that not always work in stimlog, so that ownership of npwp is less concerned. the recommendations given to solve such problems need to involve the tax office, foundation, stimlog and need to be socialized both to the permanent officer and the permanent employees to have an npwp. keywords: awareness, compliance, ownership, taxpayer-identification number. introduction indonesia's high school of management and logistics (stimlog) is a college founded by yayasan pendidikan bhakti pos indonesia. sim log has the role of designing, developing, implementing and simultaneously evaluating the activities of tri dharma colleges, namely education and teaching, research, and community service. in the implementation, these three important tasks are fully responsible lecturers and students (civitas akademika), together with administrative officers. the management of academic and educational personnel in stimlog still needs improvement to follow the principles of human resources management conducted by best practices. the current rules of the foundation are largely said to be complete, but in its implementation, it is necessary to set the mechanisms in the stimlog. some of the foundation's rules provide opportunities to stimlog institutions to determine their details, making it a good opportunity for development. the officer at stimlog is entirely stipulated by the foundation based on the decree, consisting of academic personnel (lecturers) and education personnel. for academic personnel consisting of permanent academic personnel, namely academic who has been appointed and entitled to a salary, other allowances, and teaching honor, which is paid monthly, while the academic force is not fixed that is tenga academic in charge of teaching only, so that the salary gained only from the teaching results, without any other perks. however, for the educational workforce, the employees are still. payroll systems are conducted in stimlog, calculated based on each group, principal salary and other allowances by the provisions. every month tax payments for employees are fully awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 42 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 accounted for, which are subsequently deposited to the post office and bank, then reported to the tax office online. the withholding tax in stimlog refers to the self-assessment system, which is a taxwithholding system that authorizes, trusts, responsibilities to taxpayers (wp) to calculate, account, pay for, and report on its tax amounts be paid. with the self-assessment system is expected to implement taxation administration will be more effective and efficient. in support of the self assessment system, tax service is expected to make it easier for wp to get the information needed. good service will increase the trust of the community itself. according to ningsih and rahayu (2016:1) in the self assessment system, it is hoped that there is a taxpayer at the level of understanding the taxpayer in the tax regulation. one of the taxpayer's obligations is to register to obtain an npwp (taxpayer identification number), the npwp is the number given to the taxpayer as a means in the tax administration which is useful as a self-identification or the tax payer's identity to exercise the rights and obligations of taxation. the scope of the directorate taxpayer compliance in stimlog there are several employees, both academic and educational personnel in carrying out their tax obligations, there are some employees who do not have an npwp, which is permanent academic personnel and academic personnel not, while the education personnel in large part does not have a npwp. a permanent and impermanent employee of education and educational personnel who have had a npwp and who do not have a taxpayer year 2017 up to the year 2019, as follows: table 1 permanent officer and inpermanent officer who owns and does not have an npwp number years permanent employees unfixed employees amount has a npwp no npwp has a npwp no npwp has a npwp no npwp 1 2016 20 4 4 25 24 29 2 2017 22 5 7 26 29 31 3 2018 24 5 14 25 38 30 source: high school logistics management indonesia for more details are illustrated with the following diagram: source: high school logistics management indonesia figure 1. permanent officers and unfixed officers who have and do not have a npwp year 2016-2018 permanent employees has a npwp permanent employees no npwp unfixed employees has a npwp unfixed employees no npwp amount has a npwp awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 43 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 from the table above, it shows that from 2016 to 2018, which did not have the most npmw, the employees were not fixed. this shows that in the taxpayer compliance stimlog, especially the employee is not still required to questionable reason does not have a npwp, while its income every month there, although the magnitude is not necessarily. taxpayers are individuals or entities including taxpayers, tax cutters, and tax collectors, who have tax rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of taxation laws and regulations. government regulation no. 46 year 2013 explains the income tax on income from the accepted or acquired taxpayers that have a certain gross circulation. one of the factors that affects taxpayer compliance in fulfilling its taxation obligations is the npwp's benefit. the benefit of npwp is the purpose obtained by the taxpayer on the ownership of the npwp. the benefits of npwp include taxpayers can pay and report taxes in order. the more benefits that taxpayers receive for npwp ownership, the taxpayer compliance will also increase. tax understanding is also one of the factors affecting taxpayer compliance. the lack of taxpayers ' understanding of taxation regulations tends to be disobedient to its tax obligations, but if the taxpayer understands the taxation regulations it will encourage to comply with the obligations of taxpayers who do not understand taxation regulations are obviously likely to become unobedient taxpayers(windiarti & sofyan, 2018). it is clear that the understanding of taxpayers to taxation regulations, the more understanding of the taxpayer to the sanction that will be accepted when neglect of taxation obligations. where taxpayers are fully aware, they will know the administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions in connection with the spt and npwp. the factors influencing taxpayer compliance are awareness. awareness to improve taxation compliance is necessary because it is a means to realize the sense of nationalism, love to the nation and the country where the result of the tax is used for the development and welfare of the whole community, julianti (2014:24). the higher the level of taxpayer awareness, the understanding and implementation of taxation obligations is better so that it can improve compliance (muliari and ery, 2009 in susilawati and budiartha, 2013:5). according to ritonga, 2011 in tri wahyuningsih 2013:51), consciousness is the behavior or attitude towards an object involving the assumption and feelings and the tendency to act according to the object. thus, the taxpayer's awareness of paying taxes is a taxpayer's behavior in the form of views or feelings involving knowledge, beliefs and reasoning accompanied by a tendency to act in accordance with the rules provided by the system and the tax provisions. although the self assessment system is already running. but in practice it is difficult to walk as expected or even abused. this can be seen from the number of taxpayers who are deliberately disobedient, the taxpayer awareness is still low or the combination of the two, so as to make taxpayers are reluctant to implement the obligation to pay taxes. this lack of compliance and taxpayer awareness can be seen from the very small number of those who have a taxpayer identification number (npwp) and those who report their annual notification letter (spt), (tarjo and indra kusumawati, 2005 in hardiningsih and yulianawati 2011:5). the phenomenon of problems for employees who do not have a npwp is as follows: 1. less socialization of stimlog to permanent employees and not permanent employees who do not have a npwp 2. low taxpayer compliance level awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 44 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 3. the assumption of the management and ownership of the npwp is considered sufficient and incriminated for employees 4. no awareness as taxpayers 1. tax definition tax is a familiar term for us, in the development of a country is also very large. therefore in indonesia many laws and regulations that explain the tax. from the period to the tax regulation period is always changed, likewise in indonesia. so the new terms of taxation should be known by the crowd. according to the law no. 16 of 2009, tax is the mandatory contribution to the state owed by a personal person or a forced body under the law, by not obtaining direct remuneration and use for the purposes of country for the maximum prosperity of people. according to law no. 36 of 2008, income tax (pph) as mentioned in article 2 shall be the tax imposed on the subject of tax on the income received or earned in the tax year with the subject of income tax are as follows: a. personal tax subject that is a private person residing in indonesia, a person who is in indonesia more than 183 (one hundred eighty three) days within the period of 12 (twelve) months, or a private person who in a tax year is in indonesia and has the intention to reside in indonesia. b. the subject of the property's inheritance tax has not been divided, i.e. the inheritance of someone who has died and has not been divided but generate income, the income is taxed. c. the subject of tax body established or located in indonesia, except for certain units of government agencies that meet the criteria: its establishment under the provisions of the legislation. the financing is sourced from the state budget of revenue and expenditure or regional budget (apbn). its acceptance is included in the budget of the central government or local government, and its disposal is examined by the functional supervisory apparatus of the state. d. permanent establishment that is a form of business used by a person who does not reside in indonesia or is in indonesia no more than 183 days in a period of twelve months, or a body that is not established and domiciled in indonesia, who do activities in indonesia 2. type of tax according to siti (2009:7), there are various types of taxes, grouped into three namely: 1) by group based on the tax group are grouped into two namely: direct tax and indirect tax. a direct tax is a tax that must be borne by the taxpayer and shall not be delegated or charged to any other person or party. tax shall be the taxpayer's burden in question. while indirect taxes are taxes that may eventually be charged or delegated to any other person or third party. indirect taxes may occur if there is an activity, event or deed that causes the tax recurrence, such as the submission of goods or services. 2) according to the nature based on the tax is grouped into two, namely: subjective tax and objective tax. a subjective tax is a tax that is concerned about the personal circumstances of taxpayers or the imposition of taxes observing the subject. while the objective tax is the tax on which the object will be paid in either objects, conditions, actions, or events resulting in the awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 45 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 obligation to pay taxes, regardless of the personal circumstances of the subject tax (taxpayer) or residence. 3) according to the winding board based on the collector institution, the tax is grouped into two, namely: state tax (central tax) and local tax. the state tax is a tax imposed by the central government and used to fund the country's households in general. while the local tax is a tax imposed by the local government of either the level i (provincial tax) and the level ii area (district tax/city) and is used to finance the household area respectively. 3. tax function tax is a source of acceptance of the state that has two functions (mardiasmo 2011:1), namely: a. budgetair function as a source of funds for the government, to finance its expenses b. function regulerend as regulator or implement government in socio-economic field 4. taxpayer compliance a. definition of taxpayer compliance obedience is the motivation of a group or organization to do or not to do according to the established rules (saraswati, 2012 in wahyuningsih, 2016:42). obedience is a form of the will of individuals, groups, and organizations in a ward. taxpayers are individuals or entities, including tax payments, withholding taxes, and tax levies, which have the right and obligations of taxation in accordance with the provisions of taxation legislation. taxpayers of certain personal entrepreneurs are taxpayers who conduct business activities in the field of trade in wholesale or retail consumer goods through a place of business/outlets scattered in several locations, excluding the trading of motor vehicles and restaurant (mardiasmo, 2011:135). simon & clinton (2010:29) defines the following taxpayer compliance: "the definition of tax compliance in its most simple from is usually cast in terms of the degree to which taxpayers comply with the tax low". this means that the definition of tax compliance in the simplest form usually refers to the level in which the taxpayer complies with its tax obligations in accordance with the applicable law. according to article 1 of the law no. 28 of 2007 on the general provisions and procedures of taxation, taxpayers are individuals or entities, including taxpayers, tax cutters, and tax collectors, who have the tax rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the taxation laws and regulations. as mentioned in this sense that wp consists of two types of personal taxpayers, taxpayer body(rulandari & sudrajat, 2017): 1) the taxpayer of the private person, is any individual person who has a income on a taxable income. in indonesia, each person must register and have a taxpayer identification number (npwp), unless otherwise specified in the law. 2) taxpayer agency, is any company established in indonesia and already has a taxpayer identification number (npwp) and has the rights and obligations stipulated in the provisions of the tax laws applicable in indonesia. understanding the body is a group of people and/or capital that is a good entity that does business and who do not do business that includes a limited liability company, a company, other company, stateawareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 46 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 owned enterprises or regions with name and in any form, firm, joint, cooperative, pension fund, fellowship, association, foundation, mass organization, socio-political organization, or any other organization, institution and other body form including collective investment contracts and the form of a permanent establishment. taxpayer compliance is the fulfillment of taxation obligations that conduct tax payments in order to provide a contribution to the development of today that is important aspect considering the taxation system of self asessment system where in the process to provide an absolute trust to the taxpayer to calculate, pay and report its obligations, (ningsih and rahayu, 2016:3). b. taxpayer compliance criteria the taxpayer criteria complies with financial regulations no. 74/pmk. 03/2012 are as follows: 1) timely in delivering the letter of notification 2) has no tax arrears for all types of taxes, except for tax arrears that have been granted permission to nod or delay the tax payment 3) the financial statements are audited by a public accountant or a government financial supervisory agency with a reasonable opinion without exception for 3 (three) consecutive years. 4) has never been sentenced for criminal acts in taxation based on a court ruling that has had a fixed legal force within the last 5 (five) years. c. factors influencing taxpayers ' compliance according to dessy (2017:18-33) factors that affect the taxpayer compliance, namely: 1) taxpayer understanding the understanding of the meaning is to understand and understand the general provisions and procedures of taxation on how to pay taxes, report the spt (notification letter), know where to pay taxes, know when the payment deadline reporting and to find out what sanctions will be earned if they do not pay taxes. 2) knowledge base taxation the knowledge of the taxation of communities through formal and non-formal education will positively impact the taxpayer awareness to pay taxes. taxation knowledge in the new taxation system, taxpayers are entrusted to calculate, pay and report their own tax. 3) taxpayer awareness awareness is the state of knowing or understanding, while taxation is the subject of tax. so that taxation awareness is a condition of knowing or understanding tax matters. the government's positive assessment of the taxpayer's implementation of the state's function will move the community to comply with its obligations to pay taxes. 4) level of education the higher level of education will cause the public to understand the provisions and regulations in the field of taxation prevailing. the low level of education will be a chance to take lazy taxes to carry out tax obligations because of their lack of understanding of the taxation system that has been implemented. the higher the level of education of a person will make the person easier to understand and understand all things, in terms of taxation one will be able to understand the ordinances of the awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 47 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 taxation and law provisions applicable. while the low level of education one will most likely complicate the person to understand something and allow the taxpayer not to carry out its obligations as taxpayers due to lack of understanding of the taxation system and lack of understanding how to pay taxes. 5) service quality quality service is a service that can provide satisfaction to the taxpayer and remain within the limit meet the standard of service that can be accountable and must be done continuously. if the service is done by the tax authorities both and give a good impression on taxpayers there is a possibility that taxpayers will be diligent in reporting the spt and pay taxes, and vice versa, thus the quality of tax service is predicted to be one of the factors that affect taxpayer compliance. 6) taxation administration tax administration can be seen as a function, system, or institution. as a function, tax administration includes planning, organizing, mobilization, and supervision functions. tax administration as a system is a set of interconnected elements that work together to accomplish a goal or complete a particular task. as a tax administration agency is one of the directorate of the treasury. 7) reform, administration, taxation, modernization, system of taxation administration. taxation administration reform aims to achieve effective and efficient taxation administration. renewal of taxation requires a thorough improvement of taxation administration, both concerning procedures and adequate work and equipment. the taxation administration should function efficiently and effectively, promptly responsiveness to developments in society. government policy on taxation is often changed, but the change in taxation policy by the government will not run properly if the administrative administration system is also not good. 8) modernization of taxation administration system taxation modernization is part of taxation reform. there is a distinctive nuance that makes it more technical, focused, and dynamic in line with the taxation reform itself. 9) application of e-filing e-filing is the delivery of annual spt through the internet, having previously taxpayers get an e-fin number. the e-fin number itself can be obtained by submitting an application to the nearest tax service office or directly through the website. the reason behind the holding of e-filing is because there are still low levels of taxpayer compliance compared to the number of taxpayers registered 10) supervising account representative (ar) with the account representative (ar) carrying out supervision duties on the implementation of obligations by taxpayers and serving the completion of the taxpayer, also for consultation if taxpayer requires information or other related implementation of the rights and obligations of its tax. so that account representative serves as a bridge or mediator between taxpayers and tax services office 11) compliance costs tax planning targets not only minimizing tax burden, but also suppressing taxation costs in general. therefore, we need to understand the meaning of taxation costs. the awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 48 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 amount of costs to be incurred by the taxpayer in fulfilling the tax obligations in various literature is called the compliance cost. 12) socialization of taxes taxation socialization is an effort undertaken by the directorate general of taxation to provide information, understanding, and coaching to the community in particular taxpayers on taxation and taxation laws. counseling is a form of socialization conducted through various media both electronic and print. sometimes it is done directly to areas, areas that are of great tax potential and need a lot of information about taxation. 13) income level poor people will find it difficult to pay taxes. most of them will meet the needs of life first before paying taxes. thus, the income level of a person can affect how the person has awareness and compliance with the legal and obligation provisions. according to ningsih and rahayu (2016:3-4) factors that influence taxpayer compliance, among others: a) the taxpayer's benefit npwp is the number given to the taxpayer as a means in the tax administration which is used as a personal identification or identity taxpayer in exercising the rights and obligations of taxation. benefits of having a npwp: ease of administration management, filing bank credit, bank account creation in banks, submission of siup/tdp, payment of final tax (pph final, vat and bphtb, etc.), passport making, the auction in the intansi government, bumn and bumd, ease of service tax, tax collection, tax payment deduction, deposit and tax reporting b) taxpayer understanding in taxation understanding taxpayer is very important, every taxpayer should have an understanding of taxation in order to know how to calculate the tax that should be paid or tax owed, understand what is npwp, how to report it, how to deposit it or pay tax that must be paid and replenishment of the notification letter. because the tax system in indonesia is a self assessment system, taxpayers must have a good understanding of the prevailing taxation regulations in order to fulfill the tax obligations. c) quality of service quality of service is a form of judgment. taxpayer satisfaction in the service field is an important and decisive element in the taxpayer compliance to pay the taxes that must be paid. one of the purposes of service is to increase the taxpayer compliance to perform its responsibilities in taxation, the tax authorities must always provide good and qualified service to the taxpayer in order to increase the satisfaction and compliance in conducting the tax obligations so that the quality of service can increase the taxpayer's compliance in fulfilling its obligations. d) taxation sanctions sanctions are a real guardrail for the implementation of a regulation that materts rights and obligations. sanctions constitute a breach of the right of a party or unfulfilled obligations that have been made under the laws and regulations of the derivatives. d. taxpayer compliance indicator awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 49 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 the indicators used to measure compliance of taxpayers according to chaizi nasucha (2004:9) include: 1) registration of taxpayer identification number (npwp) means that smes are registered as taxpayers and have a taxpayer identification number (npwp) so as to facilitate taxpayers in the taxation administration used as identification or identity taxpayer in exercising the rights and obligations of the tax. 2) the calculation of the tax owed which includes the recording of turnover as the basis of tax imposition, the calculation of tax payable, as well as the calculation of less paying taxes. 3) payment of tax that is the settlement of tax owed both period and yearly in accordance with the obligation. 4) reporting of the spt is a correct and timely submission of the notification letter in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. 5. benefits of npwp a. understanding npwp's benefits according to law no. 28 of 2007 on the third amendment of law no. 6 of 1983 concerning the general provisions and procedures of taxation in article 1 stated that: "taxpayer identification number is the number given to the taxpayer as a means in the taxation administration used as a personal identification or identity of taxpayer in carrying out the rights and obligations of the tax." article 2 states that: "any taxpayer who has fulfilled the subjective and objective requirements in accordance with the provisions of the taxation legislation shall enroll in the office of the directorate general of taxation whose working area includes the residence or the taxpayer's position and to him is given a taxpayer identification number. " the benefit of npwp is as a self-identifying or taxpayers identity and to maintain order in tax payment and supervision of taxation administration (mardiasmo, 2011:26). if the taxpayer has an npwp, then all taxation activities conducted by the taxpayer will be recorded and monitored by the directorate general of taxation by npwp as a means of taxation administration, (ningsih and rahayu, 2016:4). princess (2012) in the masruroh (2013:20) says that taxpayers will be obedient to enroll when benefiting the npwp's ownership. the research conducted by putri (2012) in masruroh (2013:39) shows that the perceived benefit of taxpayers affects the compliance of smes owners in having npwp. however, the ownership of the npwp is not a guarantee that the taxpayer will carry out the obligation to pay and report the tax. many taxpayers do not perform such obligations even if they have a npwp. the taxpayer's ownership must be able to provide benefits in accordance with the taxpayer's interest so that taxpayers will be motivated to pay and report tax after having a npwp. various benefits that can be obtained over the npwp ownership are expected to increase taxpayer compliance. therefore, the benefit of npwp is alleged to be one of the factors that may affect taxpayer compliance in paying and reporting taxes. the more benefits that taxpayers receive for npwp ownership, the taxpayer compliance will also increase. b. npwp registration awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 50 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 according to mardiasmo (2011:26), the obligation to register for a taxpayer is limited to the term, as it relates to when the tax is owed and the obligation to impose a tax owed. npwp registration period is: 1) for taxpayers who run a business or free worker and taxpayer body, must register at least 1 month after the start of the business. 2) taxpayers of private persons who do not carry out an attempt or do not do any free work when the amount of income up to 1 month is annualized has exceeded the tax intaxable, the taxpayer registers the latest later next month. 3) to the taxpayer who does not register for the npwp will be penalized. c. npwp benefit indicator according to heny (2017:5) used to measure the benefits of npwp, among others: 1) as a self-identification or a taxpayer identification, it means that the taxpayer already has a npwp, it can be used as a taxpayer identification card. 2) facilitate administrative management, it means that taxpayers who have a npwp will get easy administrative management in the scope of taxation, and the tax authorities can supervise the fulfillment of taxation obligations of each taxpayer through npwp as a means of taxation administration. 3) facilitate the tax service, which means that the taxpayer making the deposit, tax reporting or other related tax will be recorded and monitored by the tax authorities in the presence of npwp ownership then the taxpayer shall be in order. 6. taxpayer understanding a. understanding taxpayers ' understanding knowledge and understanding of taxation regulations is the process by which taxpayers know about taxation and apply that knowledge to pay taxes (official, 2013 in nurhakim and pratomo 2015:2). understanding is something we understand and we understand it correctly. understanding is how one retains, distinguishes, suspects, explains, expands, concludes, generalizing, giving examples, rewriting, and warning (arikunto, 2009:118). the taxpayer's understanding can also be interpreted as a taxpayer's view on the knowledge of taxation. while the taxpayer is a personal person or entity, includes tax payments, tax cutter, and tax collection, which has the rights and obligations of taxation in accordance with the provisions of taxation legislation. taxpayers of certain personal entrepreneurs are taxpayers who conduct business activities in the field of trading wholesale or retail consumer goods through the business/outlets scattered in several locations, excluding the trading of motor vehicles and restaurant (mardiasmo, 2011:135). benjamin s. bloom in heer (2007) describes the following understanding: comprehension is defined as the ability to grasp the meaning of material. this may be shown by translating material from one form to another (words or numbers), by interpreting material (explaining or summarizing), and by estimating future trends (predicting consequences or effects). these learning outcomes go one step beyond simple remembering of material, and represent the lowest level of understanding. that is, understanding is defined as the ability to capture a sense of (understanding) a thing. it can be seen from the ability to interpret a thing from one form to another (word or number), by interpreting something (explaining or summarizing), and by estimating or awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 51 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 predicting the incident. the outcome of this sense refers to understanding one level above the lowest level of understanding. cook & geuraud in reed (2011:277) argues that understanding is the way an individual utilizes knowledge to understand a new idea. that is, understanding refers to how an individual understands a topic or how one examines an event. according to mardiasmo (2011:50) the understanding of taxpayer understanding is as follows: "the taxpayer's understanding is the taxpayer's understanding of the tax system in indonesia and all applicable taxation regulations". according to carolina (2009:7) the taxpayer's understanding is as follows: "taxpayer understanding is tax information that can be used taxpayers as a basis for acting, making decisions, and to pursue certain directions or strategies in relation to the implementation of its rights and obligations in the field of taxation". according to waluyo (2011:20) taxpayer understanding is as follows: "taxpayer understanding is the process by which taxpayers know and understand about taxation and apply it to pay taxes". from this sense, it can be concluded that a taxpayer's understanding is a taxpayer knowledge of its tax obligations as in the case of acting, making decisions, and knowledge of taxation regulations. government regulation of the republic of indonesia no. 46 year 2013 on income tax on income from accepted or acquired taxes that have a certain gross circulation or commonly called pp no. 46 year 2013 is a policy of taxation that is relatively new. this regulation shall be effective since published on 1 july 2013 and must be carried out maximum per 1 january 2014. the purpose of the issuance of this regulation is to provide convenience to the taxpayers of individuals and bodies that have a certain gross circulation in carrying out their tax obligations. therefore, the government has given a separate treatment regarding the provisions on counting, depositing, and reporting of income tax owed. article 2 pp 46 year 2013 mentions criteria that become the object of this tax regulation as follows: 1) for income from an accepted or acquired taxpayer who has a certain gross circulation, is subject to a final income tax. 2) the taxpayer having a certain gross circulation as intended in paragraph (1) is the taxpayer who meets the following criteria: a) the taxpayer's personal or taxpayer body does not include a permanent establishment; dan b) accepting income from the business, excluding income from the service in connection with the free work, with gross circulation not exceeding rp 4.800.000.000, 00 (four billion eight hundred million rupiah) in 1 (one) tax year. 3) excluding the individual taxpayers as intended in paragraph (2) is the taxpayer of the individual who conducts the business of trading and/or services in his business: a) use facilities or infrastructures that can be disassembled, whether settled or unsettled; dan b) use part or all of the place for the public interest that is not intended for a place of business or selling. 4) excluding the taxpayer as intended in paragraph (2) is: a) the taxpayer body is not yet commercially operating; or awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 52 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 b) the taxpayer body within 1 (one) year after commercial operation obtained gross circulation exceeding rp 4.800.000.000, 00 (four billion eight hundred million rupiah). taxpayer's understanding of pp no. 46 year 2013 is the level of knowledge and ability of taxpayer in the validity of pp no. 46 year 2013, both content and administration. taxpayer knowledge related to pp no. 46 year 2013 will provide a rational picture for taxpayers in order to carry out its tax obligations. as for the compulsory ability to interpret the contents of pp no. 46 year 2013 tax is expected to encourage the taxpayer to technically fulfill its tax obligations in conducting its administration, calculation, payment, or reporting. b. taxpayer understanding indicator: based on the concept of knowledge and understanding of tax according to rahayu (2010:141) some taxpayer indicators know and understand taxation regulations, namely: 1) knowledge related to the general provisions of pp no. 46 year 2013 which includes the enforcement of regulations and the content of regulations (objects and subjects that are subject to regulation). 2) knowledge of taxation system in indonesia taxation system applied in indonesia is a self asessmnt system that is a tax-collection that gives the trust, the responsibility to the taxpayer to calculate, take into account, deposit, and report the amount of the tax to be paid. 3) knowledge of taxation function there are two functions of taxation as follows: a) budgetair function tax as a source of funds for the government to finance its expenditures, both routine expenditure and development. b) function set tax as a tool to govern or enforce government policies in the social and economic sphere. 7. taxpayer awareness a. definition of taxpayer awareness taxpayer awareness is a taxpayer's conduct in the form of a view or perception involving confidence, knowledge and reasoning as well as a tendency to act in accordance with the stimulus given by the system and the provisions of the taxation applicable, ritonga (2011:15). it can therefore be concluded that the taxpayer awareness is a condition where the taxpayer knows and understands the tax matters. the taxpayer awareness is necessary, if the taxpayer has been aware to pay the tax, the tax compliance will be fulfilled, so that the tax payment will continue to increase and no more taxpayers who refuse to pay taxes. according to the english great dictionary (2011) the definition of taxpayer awareness is as follows: "taxpayer awareness in paying taxes is a taxpayer's behavior in the form of views or feelings involving knowledge, beliefs and reasoning is accompanied by a tendency to act according to the stimulus given by the system and the tax provisions ". awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 53 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 according to mardiasmo (2013:50) the definition of taxpayer awareness is as follows: "taxpayer awareness is a condition where one knows, understands and understands how to calculate, pay and report taxes and adhere to the rights and obligations as taxpayers ". meanwhile, according to waluyo (2011:12) the definition of taxpayer awareness is as follows: "taxpayer awareness is to know, acknowledge, respect, and adhere to the prevailing taxation provisions and to have the seriousness and desire to fulfilling its tax obligations. " out of these three understandings, it can be said that a taxpayer's awareness is the willingness and view of the taxpayer to perform its tax obligations in accordance with the prevailing taxation regulations. according to muliari and setiawan (2011:9-10) in anggraeni (2017:7) taxpayers are said to have awareness in accordance with the following things: 1) aware of the laws and regulations of taxation. 2) know the tax function for state financing. 3) understand the tax function for state financing. 4) counting, paying, reporting taxes willingly. 5) calculating, paying, reporting taxes correctly. b. taxpayer awareness indicator the indicators used to measure taxpayer awareness according to (suandy, 2002:95) in agustiningsih (2016:61) are: 1) taxpayer discipline (tax dicipline) taxpayer discipline means taxpayer in carrying out its exposure obligations on time in accordance with the prevailing provisions and regulations. 2) the willingness to pay taxes from taxpayers (tax mindedness) tax mindedness means taxpayer in him has a high desire and desire to pay his taxes to perform the obligations of taxation the tax legislation governing the general provisions and procedures of taxation is law no. 6 of 1983, as amended by law no. 9 of 1994, by law no. 16 of year 2000, last with lawundanmg number 28 year 2007. the law on general provisions and taxation procedures is based on the philosophy of pancasila and the constitution 1945. the law no. 28 of 2007 essentially regulates the rights and obligations of taxpayers, authorities and obligations of tax collector officers, and taxation sanctions. the tax system adopted in indonesia is self assesment, i.e. taxpayers are given the confidence to register, calculate the taxes owed, rectify them, and report the calculations and deposits of the taxes, while the function the directorate general of taxation is to supervise the self assessment system so that the taxpayer in accordance with the provisions of the taxation law. the calculation of tax payable is governed by the taxation act as such in the pph act and the vat act. meanwhile, the registration, deposit, and tax reporting, and the authority of the directorate general of taxation are governed by the formal tax law method the research methods used in this study are qualitative descriptive methods. the type of approach used is a case study research approach with the hope that the case study was implemented to understand the implementation of npwp in indonesia logistics management awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 54 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 high school in bandung. data acquisition is done by choosing the informant that is directly involved in taxation activities, which is derived from two sides. 1. internal aspects the organization consists of working on its own taxation from the head of general and financial administration, financial staff. the reason is that concerned are considered the most knowing and directly involved in the implementation of taxation the information that will be obtained from the concerned is to determine the implementation and barriers of withholding tax carried out at the indonesian logistics management high school 2. external aspect tax office is a tax office and lecturer. the reason is that concerned as people directly involved in the implementation of the teaching. so concerned is considered the most knowing and directly involved and feel the benefit of the officers given by the indonesian logistics management school. 3. the data collection techniques conducted by researchers are observations, interviews, and document studies. the data processing techniques carried out are models developed by miles and huberman (sugiyono 2012:247) consisting of data collection stages or data collection, reduction of data or data reduction, presentation data or display data, and final withdrawal of conclusions or conclusion drawing/verifying. result and discussion 1. conducting socialization tax socialization in stimlog should be done regularly because the regulation and socialization of taxation held must be able to convey all information into the taxpayer. tax socialization should be clearly communicated so that taxpayers can understand the information provided. clarity in providing socialization can be influenced by the way or socialization media that may be easy to understand by taxpayers. through intensive tax socialization can increase the knowledge and understanding of prospective taxpayers regarding all matters relating to taxation. without effective socialization to the taxpayer, especially to the employees are not fixed. convey information that the better to give the extension of taxation regulations that apply will increase compliance to have a npwp. 2. low taxpayer compliance level awareness of paying taxes comes from oneself, then instilling understanding and understanding of taxes can be initiated from the nearest family environment, widened to neighbors, then in certain forums and certain ormas through socialization. with the high intensity of information received by the community, it can gradually change the community's mindset on taxation in a positive direction. various forms of socialization can be grouped based on: methods of delivery, segmentation or media. the delivery can be through formal or informal events. formal events usually use the format of events that are arranged in a formal manner. for example: socialization is done by stimlog finance section, seminars and so on. informal events usually use more casual and unofficial event formats. for example: casual chatting with journalists, with employees and so on. awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 55 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 socialization can be done through electronic media and printed media. for example: done with a talk show on campus, creating opinions, reviews and questions and answers rubric. other forms of propaganda include: banners, banners, billboard/billboards, etc. taxpayer understanding of government regulation no. 46 year 2013 is the level of knowledge and ability of taxpayers on the effect of government regulation no. 46 year 2013 both on content and administration. taxpayer knowledge related to pp no. 46 year 2013 will provide a rational picture for taxpayers in order to carry out its tax obligations. as for the compulsory ability to interpret the contents of government regulation no. 46 year 2013 tax is expected to encourage the taxpayer to technically fulfill its tax obligations in conducting its administration, calculation, payment, or reporting. taxpayer awareness is a taxpayer's conduct of views or feelings involving knowledge, beliefs, and reasoning accompanied by a tendency to act in accordance with the rules provided by the system and the tax provisions. the higher the taxpayer's awareness gained, the higher the level of compliance. this is because they have a positive thought that the taxpayer awareness is the taxpayer's behavior in the form of views or feelings involving knowledge, beliefs, and reasoning accompanied by a tendency to act in accordance with the rules provided by the system and the tax provisions 3. the assumption of the management and ownership of the npwp is considered sufficient and incriminated for employees provide convenience in all matters fulfillment of tax obligations and improve the quality of service to taxpayers. if the service is incorrect or less satisfactory then it will cause a taxpayer reluctance to step into the tax service office. the service must be a friend of hospitality, elegance and comfort. quality service is a service that can create a dynamic condition that relates to products, human services, processes, and environments that meet or exceed taxpayer expectations. quality service is a service that can provide satisfaction to the taxpayer and remain within the limit meet the standard of accountable services and must be done consistently and continuously. improve administration efficiency by implementing reliable system and administration and utilization of appropriate technology. the computerized-based service is one of the efforts to use the right information technology to facilitate the service of taxpayers. improve the image of good governance that can cause mutual trust between the tax office, officers and taxpayer institutions, so that the tax payment activity will be a necessity and a willingness, not an obligation. thus the pattern of relationship between state and employee stimlog in fulfilling the rights and obligations based on mutual trust. through education is expected to encourage the individual toward the positive and able to produce a positive mindset that will then be able to give positive influence as a driver to carry out the obligation to pay taxes. perhaps an idea to establish a special school in the field of taxation can be realized to print experts and skilled in the field of taxation. 4. no awareness as taxpayers taxpayer awareness is very difficult to realize if in tax definition there is no phrase that can be enforced and that is pushy. the starting point of this phrase suggests paying taxes is not merely voluntary deeds or because of an awareness. this phrase gives understanding and understanding that the community is required to carry out a state obligation by paying awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 56 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 voluntary and conscious tax as an actualization of the spirit of and team or national solidarity to build national economy. until now the awareness of employees did not remain in stimlog in paying taxes still did not reach the level as expected. generally still cynical and lack of confidence in the tax existence because it still feels equal to the tribute, incriminating, the payout often has difficulty, what is the inconsistency and how tax and ribet count and report it. but there are still efforts that can be done so be fully aware to pay taxes and this is not something that is impossible to happen. when having awareness then paying taxes will be made voluntarily instead of compulsion. awareness of paying this tax not only brings up a obedient, obedient and disciplined attitude but is followed by a critical stance as well. the more advanced the community and its government, the higher the awareness of paying tax but not only to stop there, they are increasingly critical in addressing taxation problems, especially against the policy material in the field of taxation, such as the implementation of the rate, the mechanism of taxation, its regulation, the impact of practice in the field and the expansion of subjects and objects. according to rochmat soemitro (oyok abuyamin, 2014:14) tax is the contribution of the people to the state treasury by law (which can be imposed) with no reciprocal services (counter accomplishment), which can directly be demonstrated and that used to pay for general expenditure. this means that taxes are only available in the community, if there is no tax. the income of the country is derived from the public through a tax collection, or from the natural wealth that exists within the country. so the income is to finance the public interest which eventually also includes the personal interests of individuals such as people's health, education, welfare, and so on. so where there is public interest, there is a tax collection arise, so that the tax is a compound with the public interest. negative factors that impede the level of tax awareness and concern include: a. negative prejudice to the taxation apparatus should be replaced with positive prejudice. this negative prejudice will cause taxpayers to be defensive and closed. they will tend to hold information and not co-operative. they will try to minimize the value of the taxes imposed on them by providing as little information as possible. it needs to be hard work from tax agencies and mass media to help eliminate these negative prejudice. b. barriers or lack of intensity of cooperation with other agencies (third parties) to obtain data on the potential of new taxpayers, especially with local agencies or non-vertical agencies. c. for prospective taxpayers, the self assessment system is considered profitable, so that most of them are reluctant to register themselves even avoiding the obligation of npwp. the data about him is always sought to be covered so that it is not touched by dgt. d. still at least information that should be disseminated and acceptable to the public regarding the role of tax as a source of acceptance of the country and other positive terms. e. there is a presumption that the reciprocal (counter accomplishment) tax can not be enjoyed directly, even the form of infrastructure development is not yet evenly, widespread, let alone touch the corners of the homeland. specifically, the factors that influence it is awareness of paying taxes, knowledge and understanding of taxation regulations, and good perception of the effectiveness of the taxation awareness and compliance analysis taxpayer identification number (study at high school logistics management indonesia) suherman 57 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 system. if the taxpayer has an awareness of paying taxes, the obligation to pay the tax will not be further strengthened and voluntarily shall pay the tax. alternative measures build awareness and taxpayer care. there needs to be support from all stakeholders. raising taxpayers is a major challenge. before determining the alternative steps to build a taxpayer's awareness and concern, the need to rationate our thinking that the awareness of paying taxes must come from themselves. conclusion taxpayer identification number (npwp) must be essentially owned by any individual person or entity that belongs to the taxpayer. this obligation is emphasized in line with tax socialization through various media. not only that, the government through the directorate general of taxation also increasingly demonstrates its seriousness about taxation. this is evident by the improvements in the tax system several years. one such improvement was the amendment of the amended income tax law for the fourth time and in the year 2008. this change is a major change because there is perbedaantarif tax between the taxpayer/person who does not have a taxpayer registration with the tax id. based on income tax law no. 36 year 2008, which entered into force in 2009 adheres to tariff discrimination, where a mandatory personal or agency that does not have a npwp will be charged higher tax when compared with the taxpayer who has npwp. such discrimination, for example, the rate of tax tariff of pph 20% higher, compared with the taxpayer who has the npwp. some of the recommendations that can be given from the study results, among other things is to raise the taxpayer awareness as a tax authority that has the duty of tax collector agencies from taxpayers should continue to raise taxpayer awareness through socialization and counseling to employees in stimlog, so that they know and understand the importance of paying taxes. this will greatly help increase taxpayer awareness, because if taxpayers have been aware to pay taxes the taxpayer will continue to improve. taxpayers should be able to further increase their compliance in fulfilling their tax obligations by increasing the taxpayer awareness to their tax obligations through socialization and counseling conducted by stimlog, so that the taxpayer is willingly without compulsion to fulfill the tax obligations. reference abuyamin, oyok. 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(2018). analisis efektivitas penerimaan pajak bumi dan bangunan kota depok. jurnal ilmiah ekbank, 1(2). the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 4 october 2022 page no. 397-407 397| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah 1 , djoko suhardjanto 2 , rahmawati 3 , jaka winarna 4 , dea oktaviana 5 15 university of bandar lampung, indonesia 234 sebelas maret university surakarta, central java indonesia correspondent: 1 received : july 30, 2022 accepted : october 10, 2022 published : october 31, 2022 citation: aminah., suhardjanto, d., rahmawati, winarna, j., oktaviana, d.(2022). biological asset disclosure in indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 397-407 abstract: the development of companies in the agricultural sector is supported by the availability of information, which is also a consideration for decisionmaking by company owners or company management. as a result, the company's annual report must include as much information as possible. agricultural companies are required to disclose their biological assets under psak 69. however, many agricultural companies have not fully disclosed their biological assets. the focus of the research is to observe how biological assets, company growth, auditor type, and public ownership influence biological assets disclosure. plantation & crops companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) are the population for this study, with a total of 25 entities. 13 out of 25 companies became the research sample taken using a purposive sampling method. the research technique uses panel data regression in eviews 10. the findings of this study are biological assets intensity and auditor type have a significant positive impact on biological assets disclosure. company growth has an insignificant positive effect on the disclosure of biological assets, public ownership has an insignificant negative effect on the disclosure of biological assets. keywords: biological assets; auditor type; growth; public ownership; psak 69. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the agricultural sector is one of the foundations of national economic growth. it is increasingly important and strategic, marked by an increasing contribution to gdp (khairiyakh et al., 2016; nasrun et al., 2020; widada et al., 2020). based on data from agricultural indicators 2020, the agricultural sector contributed 13.70% to the total gross domestic product (gdp), an increase of 0.99% from the previous year. agricultural companies (plantation) are a combination of labor, land, and animals, which play a role in increasing agricultural productivity as a source of income, comply food and industry demand, encouraging exports, and providing wide employment opportunities (arham et al., 2020; bashir et al., 2019; bohušová & svoboda, 2016). the availability of information must be fully contained in the company's annual report to support the company's growth in the agricultural sector (arvidsson, 2011; d. kurniawati & yuliando, 2015; velasco-muñoz et al., 2021). financial reports that provide relevant and extensive information biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 398 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting about financial status, investment prospects, company value, and risks can help companies become more transparent (mansoor, 2021; martini, 2012; prekazi, 2022). psak 69 was approved by dsak iai on 16 december 2015 and adopted from international accounting standard (ias) 41 for agriculture, which was implemented on 1 january 2018. psak 69 requires companies to disclose their biological assets. biological assets consist of a group of biological assets, agricultural activities, as well as gains and losses from biological assets during the period (bozzolan et al., 2016; herbohn & herbohn, 2006; h. kurniawati, 2013). the entity also discloses the difference between the fair value and cost of selling agricultural products in the current period, the location and amount of recorded biological assets, also biological asset adjustments. the transformation accounting treatment of biological assets using the fair value method has become a controversy where according to psak 69, the historical cost method does not reveal the true value in the financial statements because biological assets are recorded at the costs incurred. fair value transformation will result in various valuation methods, and reduce the quality of comparability of financial statements (elad & herbohn, 2011; gonçalves & lopes, 2014; octisari, 2020). several countries that have implemented ias 41 agriculture have difficulty in measuring the fair value of some biological assets, so it isn’t worth the benefits received (dewi et al., 2018). after examining the annual reports of several agricultural companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2018-2020, many agricultural companies haven’t fully disclosed their biological assets . companies only disclose 38.68% of their biological assets (hayati & serly, 2020). in other study the disclosure index of biological assets in bangladesh is still very low with an average of 29.30% (mirović et al., 2019) literature review agency theory is an arrangement of one or more people (principals) to involve other people (agents) in doing some work on their behalf and empowering agents to make some decisions (jensen & meckling, 1976). business owners need the information to evaluate their business as a fundamental for decision making, while company management provides good information to principals that can add value to the company later (buchanan et al., 2018). this problem creates a condition of information imbalance or often called information asymmetry, thus requiring control over the company. one of them is agents must disclose information so that business owners can analyze and evaluate management's performance in managing the investments allocated to them as effectively as possible (healy & palepu, 2001). agency theory claims that disclosure can be considered as a procedure to control the performance of managers, meaning that disclosure is the right method to monitor the performance of agents and the credibility of the company can be increased in the eyes of shareholders (mirović et al., 2019). the intensity of biological assets is defined as the proportion of investment which can show the amount of money the entity invests in its biological assets (alfiani & rahmawati, 2019; carolina et al., 2020) total assets that have changed, either increasing or decreasing also reflect the company's growth (brigham & houston, 2014; cindy & madya, 2018). auditing can bridge the presentation of the company's financial statements where conflicts of concern often occur. to avoid information asymmetry and biased financial statements, the report must be checked by an independent auditor so the financial statements can be used by shareholders (lubis & dewi, biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 399 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2020). the percentage of total share ownership of the general public which is not a large institution and has no special relationship with the company is called public ownership. method the object of this research is plantation & crops companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange from 2018 to 2020 with a population of 25 companies. the purposive sampling method was used in the selection of samples and obtained a sample of 13 companies. the type of data in this study is quantitative data with the panel data type. documentation techniques are used for data collection by collecting annual reports of plantation & crops sub-industry companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2018 to 2020 which are accessed through or the company's official website. the total data to be observed in this study is 13x3=39 observation data. to facilitate the variable comprehension used in the research, descriptive statistical tests were conducted to define the data by knowing the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of the observed data for each variable (ghozali, 2013). the research uses panel data regression analysis techniques with 3 approaches, namely the estimates of the common effect model (ols), the fixed effect model (lsdv), and the random effect model (gls). the panel data regression model was selected using three tests, namely the chow test (f-test), the housman test, and the lagrange multiplier (lm) test. then, the hypothesis test consists of the coefficient of determination test (r-squared), the f statistic test, and the t statistic test (partial). below are the variables used in the research provided in table 1. table 1. operational definition and measurement variables research variable operational definition object measurement biological asset disclosure (y) measured using a dummy variable. if the entity discloses each item in the financial statements, it is assigned 1, while if it does not disclose items, it is assigned 0. biological asset intensity (x1) determined by comparing the company's biological assets with the company's total assets (carolina et al., 2020). company growth (x2) dividing the total assets of the current period minus the total assets of the previous period by the number of assets of the previous period (alfiani & rahmawati, 2019) ( ) ( ) ( ) auditor type (x3) measurement of the auditor the following is the big-four kap biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 400 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting type uses a dummy variable. if the entity is examined by kap big-four, it is given a score of 1. then, if the entity is examined by kap not big-four, it is given a score of 0. proposed by the directorate of iapi in 2010: 1. ernst & young, in alliance with kap purwantono, suherman & surja; 2. delloite touche tohmatsu, in alliance with kap satrio bing eny & partners; 3. kpmg (klynveld peat marwick goerdeler), in alliance with kap siddharta widjaja & partners; and 4. pwc (pricewaterhousecoopers), in alliance with kap tanudiredja, wibisana, rintis & partners. public ownership (x4) public ownership is the sum of all public shareholdings divided by the number of company shares (azzahra et al., 2020). result and discussion descriptive statistic analysis table 2. descriptive statistic analysis result bad bai cg at po mean 0.541234 0.013777 0.034423 0.564103 0.244526 median 0.540541 0.013679 0.023844 1.000000 0.237312 maximum 0.702703 0.030819 0.735217 1.000000 0.457119 minimum 0.378378 0.001828 -0.371432 0.000000 0.016072 std. dev. 0.081669 0.007295 0.181611 0.502356 0.128091 source: eviews 10 processed data, 2022 table 2 reveals the mean value of disclosure of biological assets (bad) of 0.54. the standard deviation of the biological asset disclosure (bad) is 0.081. the minimum value of bad is 0.38 while the maximum value of bad is 0.70. the mean value of biological asset intensity (bai) is 0.014. the standard deviation score of the biological asset intensity (bai) is 0.007. the minimum value of bai is 0.002 and the maximum value of bai is 0.031. the mean value of company growth (cg) is 0.034. the standard deviation value of company growth (cg) is 0.182. the minimum value for company growth (cg) is -0.371 and the maximum value for company growth (cg) is 0.735. the mean value of auditor type (at) is 0.564. the value of the auditor type standard deviation (at) is 0.502. the minimum value for auditor type (at) is 0.000 and the maximum value for auditor type (at) is 1,000. panel data regression model selection for the selection of this research model, the authors conducted the chow test and housman test. the chow test was run to find out which of the common effect model (cem) and fixed biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 401 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting effect model (fem) models were more optimally used. while the housman test is used to ensure a suitable model between the fixed effect model (fem) and the random effect model (rem). table 3. recapitulation of model selection test results uji chow nilai probabilitas f 0,0020 uji hausman nilai probabilitas chi squares 0.5704 source: processed data, 2022 from the results of the above recapitulation, in the chow test, it is known that if the prob-f value of 0.0020 is declared less than the significant level (0,002 < 0,05) then the more appropriate model between the two is the fixed effect model (fem). furthermore, based on the results of the hausman test above, it shows that the probability value chi-squaresres is greater than the significant level (0,5704 > 0,05). it can be concluded that the random effect (rem) model is more suitable than the fixed effect (fem) model. the lagrange multiplier test was not carried out in this study because this test was used to compare cem and rem, while in the chow test, fem was more precise than cem, and rem was better used than fem. therefore, the random effect (rem) model was chosen to analyze the variables in this research. the following is the equation of the random effect (rem) model. badit = 0 + 1 + 1bai1it + 2cg2it + 3at3it + 4po4it + eit bad : biological asset disclosure 0 : unknown parameter indicating the average of the population intercept bai : biological asset intensity cg : company growth at : auditor type po : public ownership µ : it is random which explains the differences in the behavior of individual companies classic assumption test gujarati & porter (2009) stated that the equation using the generalized least squares (gls) approach has passed the classical assumption. the panel data regression model which is the gls is a random effect (rem) model, while the common effects (cem) and fixed effect (fem) models use ordinary least squares (ols), so they must pass the classical assumption test and reach blue (best linear unbiased estimator). because the regression equation in this study uses a random effect model where the generalized least squares (gls) estimation method is said to be able to overcome heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation, it is not necessary to test the classical assumptions. in this study, the authors only tested the normality of the distributed data, namely the normality test and found out whether there was a correlation between the independent variables, namely the multicorniality test. normality test the jarque-berra method was used in testing the normality of this study. the results obtained are as follows. biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 402 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting picture 1. normality test diagram it can be seen that the jarque-berra probability value is 0.866061 greater than the significance level (0.87 > 0.05), so the research data in this research model has a normal distribution. multicollinearity test paired-correlation method was used to test the multicollinearity of the independent variables in this study. the results of the multicollinearity test are as follows. table 4. multicollinearity test results bai cg at po bai 1.000000 -0.216952 0.221788 0.075464 cg -0.216952 1.000000 0.184942 0.049618 at 0.221788 0.184942 1.000000 0.584951 po 0.075464 0.049618 0.584951 1.000000 source: processed data, 2022 because the table above shows that the correlation value for all independent variables is less than 0.85, it can be concluded that there are no signs of multicollinearity in each of the independent variables of this study. coefficient of determination test (r-squared) the coefficient of determination test (r-squared) is used to find out how well the model can explain the dependent variable. it is known that the adjusted r-squared value of 0,200402 which shows the percentage of the variable intensity of biological assets, company growth, type of auditor, and public ownership in explaining the disclosure of biological assets is 20.04%, with the remaining 79.96% being the proportion of other factors that influence the dependent variable. f-statistic test the f statistical test was carried out to determine whether the model used in the research was feasible by seeing whether the dependent variable was usually explained by all the independent variables together. table 4. recapitulation of f-statistic test results description value f-statistic 3.380977 prob(f-stat) 0.019673 source: processed data, 2022 biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 403 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 5 shows the f-statistic value of 3.380977 where the f-calculate is greater than the f-table (3.38 > 2.65) and the prob f-statistic value of 0.019673 is smaller than the significance level (0.01< 0.05) which means that the variables of biological asset intensity, company growth, auditor type, and public ownership together can explain the variable of biological asset disclosure, so it can be concluded that the random effect model is feasible for this research. t-statistic test (partial) table 5. t-test results following are the conclusions from the table above. 1. hypothesis testing 1 the t-statistic test obtained a coefficient value of bai 3.414 and the prob-value was lower than the significant level (0.03 <0.05), so it was concluded that the intensity of biological assets had a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. 2. hypothesis testing 2 the coefficient value of the cg variable is 0.006382 and the probability score is higher than the significant level (0.82 > 0.05), which means that the company's growth has a positive and insignificant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. 3. hypothesis testing 3 the at coefficient value is 0.083176 and the prob-value lower than the significant level (0.02 < 0.05), so it can be stated that the type of auditor has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. 4. hypothesis testing 4 the coefficient value of the po is -0.162294 and the probability value is higher than the significant level (0.26 <0.05), which means that public ownership has a negative and insignificant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. effect of biological asset intensity on biological asset disclosure the results showed that biological asset intensity had a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. this result is in line with agency theory. agricultural companies place biological assets as the main assets so the size of biological assets in financial statements has an impact on company owners in making decisions according to agency theory (carolina et al., 2020). with the increasing value of biological assets, there is a tendency for companies to disclose more information about biological assets to convey more transparent information, so company owners know the condition of their biological assets, so that owners can evaluate the company's potential and determine business strategies that must be improved in the future. it concurs with the research of hayati & serly (2020), gonçalves & lopes (2014), azzahra et al. (2020), carolina et al. (2020), zulaecha et al. (2021) which concludes that the intensity of variabel koefisien t-statistik prob. c 0.486751 12.05483 0.0000 bai 3.413585 1.928609 0.0322 cg 0.006382 0.138026 0.8910 at 0.083176 2.445722 0.0198 po -0.162294 -1.140625 0.2620 source: processed data, 2022 biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 404 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting biological assets has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. however, this study contradicts the research of (alfiani & rahmawati, 2019; mirović et al., 2019) which state that the intensity of biological assets has a negative effect on the disclosure of biological assets. the effect of company growth on disclosure of biological assets the company growth shown by the research results has a positive effect on the disclosure of biological assets but does not significantly increase the disclosure of biological assets. the value of the company's growth coefficient is 0.006 which can be concluded that the company's growth increases by 1, which affects the increase in the disclosure of biological assets by 0.006. this effect is very small, and also has a significant level of 0.8910 > 0.05 which means that the increase in the growth of the company cannot affect the amount of disclosure of the company's biological assets in the financial report. therefore, the growth of the company will increase the disclosure of biological assets if it is supported by other factors such as the number of biological assets and the accounting records policies that apply to the company. company growth does not significantly affect the disclosure of biological assets, in line with the research of (hayati & serly, 2020) which has a positive influence on the disclosure of biological assets, but it is contrary to the research of (carolina et al., 2020). effect of auditor type on biological asset disclosure based on the results of the study, the type of auditor has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. based on agency theory, company owners trust data audited by auditors of public accounting firms who are known and have a high degree of independence. it can be seen in the research sample that the majority of plantation & crops companies have used the services of big-four kap in examining financial statements, which means that the level of auditing of financial statements is higher, including disclosure of biological assets. the financial information examined by the big four auditors also resulted in a reduced information gap between the owner of the company and the management of the company. in addition, the complete disclosure of information can increase the credibility of the annual report owned. these results agree with research conducted by (alfiani & rahmawati, 2019) which concludes that the type of auditor has a significant influence on the disclosure of biological assets. however, in contrast to the research of (carolina et al., 2020; gonçalves & lopes, 2014) that the type of auditor does not influence the disclosure of biological assets. effect of public ownership on disclosure of biological assets the research shows that the results of public ownership have a negative and insignificant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. the coefficient value for public ownership is -0.162 which can be concluded that if every increase in the number of public ownership is one, there is a decrease in the disclosure of biological assets in the financial statements by 0.162. however, the public ownership variable has a prob-value greater than the level of significance (0,891 > 0,050). this indicates that public ownership has no significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. the public who invest in companies are generally investors who tend to be small, for example, the community. public owners cannot change or provide input to the management of the company as a whole so that there is no significant difference in the amount of demands for disclosure of financial information including disclosure of biological assets. based on agency biological asset disclosure in indonesia aminah, suhardjanto, rahmawati, winarna, and oktaviana 405 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting theory, company owners who have a larger percentage get greater authority to regulate management to disclose financial information for their benefit. conclusion the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the intensity of biological assets, company growth, type of auditor, and public ownership on the disclosure of biological assets. the following are the results of this study. 1. the intensity of biological assets has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. 2. the growth of the company has a positive and insignificant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. 3. the type of auditor has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. 4. public ownership has a negative and insignificant effect on the disclosure of biological assets. for further research, it is hoped that more samples can be taken, thus strengthening the research. then researchers can also add to the determinants of companies related to the disclosure of biological assets, such as company size, and concentration of ownership. then, companies are expected to increase the completeness of disclosure of their company's biological assets by psak 69 by disclosing more detailed information related to agricultural activities, so that they can provide clearer information and become an added value for those in need. reference alfiani, l. k., & rahmawati, e. 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(2022). analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 20182020. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 386-396 abstract: the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax is a policy of allocating funds from lighting tax revenues for the provision of public street lighting (pju). the phenomenon in this study is the lack of number of pju lamps in dki jakarta province and delays in payment of electricity bills for pju lamps due to budget refocusing to deal with the covid-19 outbreak in indonesia. the purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 20182020, as well as obstacles and efforts related to the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax. this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. the results of this study indicate the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020, based on riant nugroho's theory of effectiveness, namely the right policy, right implementation, right target, right environment, and right process has been running well and effectively. however, for society, the right target for installing pju lamps is considered not effective enough where there are still unequal distribution of pju lamps in dki jakarta province. then, based on the effectiveness of the allocation of street lighting tax funds for the provision of street lighting in 2018-2019, it is said to be effective where the allocation of these funds has exceeded 90%. however, in 2020 it is said to be ineffective because the allocation of these funds only reached 36%. keywords: the effectiveness, the earmarking tax policy. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the state of indonesia is a country that adheres to a regional autonomy system with the implementation of decentralization, in which the rights, authority, and the obligation of autonomous regions to regulate and controlling the administration of government and the interests of society without interference from other parties (dewanti, 2021; mardiasmo, 2018; setiawan & alamsyah, 2015; widiani, 2021). in implementing regional autonomy and decentralization, regional government must be able to explore the tax potential in the region so analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 387 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting that it can be developed for the welfare of society (anugrahi et al., 2018; darwin, 2010; dewanti, 2021; kadir et al., 2019). in constitution of number 28 in 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional retribution mandated a policy of allocating a number of budget funds originating from a certain regional tax revenue used to finance development or public services in the tax sector concerned (bawazier, 2011; karo et al., 2019; lovianna & rahmi, 2022; pohan, 2021). tax allocation is the right policy to increase public trust as taxpayers to the government as the manager of tax revenue (nugraha & surochman, 2015; santya, 2015). this policy is called the earmarking tax policy (allyesa, 2018; mangirang et al., 2017; tumangke, 2015). the earmarking tax policy creates certainty in the budget allocation for the provision of public goods (deran, 1965; mccleary, 1991; pamuji, 2018). street lighting tax is one of three types of taxes that are devoted to allocating tax funds (kairupan et al., 2021; tambunan & rosdiana, 2020). in chapter 56 verses (3) constitution of number 28 in 2009 as well as in chapter 11 dki jakarta provincial regulations of number 15 in 2010 about street lighting tax it is explained that the proceeds of the street lighting tax revenue are partly allocated to provision street lighting. ( the allocation of budget funds from street lighting tax revenues will ensure the availability of budget funds to meet various activities in the provision of street lighting. table 1 target and realization of street lighting tax dki jakarta province year 2018 2020 year target realization achievement (%) 2018 825.000.000.000 787.107.000.016 95,41% 2019 810.000.000.000 814.112.934.989 100,51% 2020 775.000.000.000 778.749.530.103 100,48% source: bappeda dki jakarta province based on table 1 above, it can be seen that the realization of street lighting tax revenues in 2018 did not reach the set target. however, for 2019-2020, the realization of street lighting tax revenue has succeeded in exceeding the set target with the amount of achievement of 100.51% and 100.48%. with this, it should the regional government of dki jakarta province is able to provide sufficient lighting for public roads in its area. the existence of street lighting in dki jakarta province is not only part of the beauty of the city, but also as part of city life. the existence of public street lighting for society is important thing in daily activities, especially at night. therefore, the regional government of dki jakarta province need to pay attention as well as maintaining the condition and existence of existing public street lighting in dki jakarta province. the phenomenon of problems that occur in dki jakarta province is the occurrence of delays in payment of electricity bills for public street lighting (pju). that must be paid by the regional government to state electricity company pt (ptpln) for the month of november 2020. this delay occurred because the budget funds available for payment of electricity bills for pju lamps analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 388 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting had to be refocused or budgeted for relocation in order to deal with the covid-19 outbreak that occurred in indonesia. this proves that there is no certainty from the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax related to guaranteeing the availability of budget funds for meet various activities in providing street lighting. another problem is the lack of pju lamps in residential areas in dki jakarta province. there should be a policy of earmarking tax can guarantee activities in the effort to provide street lighting. because the earmarking tax policy is actually an activity to use budget funds carried out by the government, both of which have been specifically regulated from sources of funding and expenditures to meet public needs. the purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020, as well as obstacles and efforts in the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax. method the approach used in this study is a qualitative approach (creswell, 2017; creswell & creswell, 2018). qualitative research is a type of research whose findings are not obtained from statistical procedures or other forms of calculation, and aims to reveal symptoms in a holistic-contextual way through collecting data from natural settings using the researcher himself as a key instrument (sugiyono, 2019a). qualitative methods are research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written words from people or observable behavior (bogdan & taylor, 2015; bungin, 2017; moleong, 2018). the type of research used in this research is descriptive research. descriptive research is a form of research aimed at describing or describing existing phenomena, both natural and man-made phenomena (creswell, 2017; sugiyono, 2019b). the phenomena can be in the form of forms, activities, characteristics, changes, relationships, similarities, and differences between one phenomenon and another (kuswarno, 2009; sobur, 2013). in this study, the researcher uses the theory of effectiveness where there are "five right" that must be met in policy effectiveness (yuningsih, 2018). 1. right policy, reviewed based on whether the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax has been able to solve problems related to efforts to provide street lighting in the dki jakarta province, as well as the institution authorized to formulate the earmarking tax policy. 2. right implementation, reviewed based on the division of tasks and authorities in the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax, as well as the implementation of the cooperation process between actors implementing the policy. 3. right on target, reviewed by looking at the targets that must be met from the earmarking tax policy on street lighting taxes, as well as ensuring that there are no conflicts between related regulations. 4. right environment, reviewed based on the interaction between the formulation agency and the implementing agency for the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax, as well as public understanding. 5. right process, reviewed based on policy acceptance, policy adoption, and strategic readliness, both from actors implementing policies and from the community. analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 389 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the data collection techniques used in this study were through observation, interviews, and written documentation. data analysis was carried out using three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation,and conclusions (miles & huberman, 1994). based on the objectives, this study will provide an overview or description of the phenomena studied related to the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020. result and discussion in analyzing the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020, this study uses the effectiveness theory where there are "five right" that must be met. in policy effectiveness. the five points are the right policy, the right implementation, the right target, the right environment, and the right process. the "five right" is expected to be able to answer the obstacles and efforts in the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax in the provision of street lighting (yuningsih, 2018). based on the results of interviews that researchers have conducted with the tax authorities, policy implementing actors, academics, and the public regarding the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020 based on the theory of effectiveness from riant nugroho, the results are as follows: following: a. right policy based on the research results, it is known that the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax is made as the basis for collecting the lighting tax. then the revenue will be used specifically to fund the construction of public facilities in the form of public street lighting (pju) on existing roads in the region of dki jakarta province. this is in accordance with constitution number 28 in 2009 article 56 verses (3) and regional regulation of dki jakarta province number 15 in 2010 concerning street lighting tax, and in accordance with the earmarking tax theory that earmarked tax is a tax whose expenditure is for special purposes (rosdiana & irianto, 2012). structurally, the earmarking tax policy in dki jakarta province is formulated by an authorized institution, namely bappeda (regional development planning agency), where bappeda dki jakarta province is an institution that has authority in policy formulation which includes planning for the development of facilities and infrastructure in dki jakarta province. therefore,the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is considered to have been appropriate and has been effectively implemented where the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax has been made by an institution that authorized in the formulation of policies, and has been made to fund the need for providing public street lighting in dki jakarta province, so that it has been able to solve problems related to efforts to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province. b. right implementation analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 390 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the accuracy of implementation can be said to be effective if the process of cooperation is carried out between actors implementing policies, namely cooperation between governments, government and society, as well as with the private sector has been going well, and the division of tasks and authority given is appropriate. based on the results of interviews that researchers have conducted, it can be seen that the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province involves cooperation with various parties, namely cooperation between governments such as cooperation between bapenda, bpkd, bappeda, and dinas bina marga, as well as cooperation with private parties, that is, cooperation between bapenda and pt pln has been going well. the implementers of this policy also understand and know the respective roles, duties, functions, and authorities that have been given in the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax. therefore, the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is considered appropriate and has been effectively implemented because it is in accordance with the main tasks and authorities of each agency that plays a role in the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province. c. right on target constitution number 28 in 2009 article 56 verses (3) and regional regulation of dki jakarta province number 15 in 2010 article 11, is the legal basis of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax in the dki jakarta province where the laws and regional regulations both explain that the proceeds from the street lighting tax revenue are partly allocated for the provision of street lighting. based on the results of interviews that researchers have conducted, it can be seen that the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is in accordance with the expected target, which is that it has been used to fund various activities in the provision of public street lighting, such as for the procurement of street lighting, activities maintenance, as well as bill payment activities for public street lighting, and there is no conflict between interrelated regulations. the target of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is considered to be quite good, where the level of existing public street lighting is deemed to be bright enough, and there has been an increase in the quality of public street lighting using smart system led lamps. however, for the public, the target of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is considered not to be effective enough. the community considers that good public street lighting is only found in urban areas, main roads, and tourist areas only. meanwhile, for densely populated/slum areas, public cemetery areas, as well as on small streets, the existing public street lighting is still considered inadequate, and there are even areas where public street lighting is not installed. therefore, the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is considered appropriate and has been effectively implemented because it is in accordance with the target of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax, namely to fund the provision of street lighting in dki jakarta province, and there are no conflicts between related regulations. that is constitution number 28 in 2009 article 56 verses (3) and regional regulation of dki jakarta province number 15 in 2010 article 11. analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 391 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting d. right environment in policy implementation, there are two most decisive environments, namely the internal policy environment and the external policy environment. a policy is said to be effective if the interaction in the coordination process is carried out between the policy's internal environment and the policy's external environment has been going well. based on the results of interviews that researchers have conducted, it is found that the interaction in the coordination process carried out by the internal policy environment is the interaction that is carried out between the policy-making institution, namely bappeda and the policy implementing agency, namely bapenda, bpkd, and the bina marga office in carrying out the earmarking tax policy on the road lighting tax in dki jakarta province has been running very well and effectively. then, when viewed from the external policy environment, the community also has a good influence in the implementation of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax in dki jakarta province. role of people who are obedient in paying electricity bills which include paying street lighting taxes are a good factor in increasing street lighting tax revenues which are useful for providing street lighting in dki jakarta province. the majority of people who do not understand and do not know about the levy of the street lighting tax and the earmarking tax policy do not become an obstacle to the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax. the implementation of the earmarking tax policy continues to run very well because it has been carried out well by the agencies in the internal policy environment. e. right process policy effectiveness is also measured by the accuracy of the process in policy implementation, that is: 1. policy acceptance, which is indicated by the actors implementing the policy, namely bapenda, bpkd, and the bina marga office who understand the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as a task that must be carried out. 2. policy adoption, which is indicated by the policy implementing actors, namely bapenda, bpkd, and the bina marga office which have accepted the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as a task that must be carried out 3. strategic readlines, which is shown by all actors implementing the policy, namely bapenda, bpkd, and the highways office, who have understood, accepted, and are ready to implement the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as a task that must be carried out in order to fulfill the provision of street lighting in dki jakarta province. earmarking tax on street lighting tax is closely related to the level of increase in street lighting tax revenue and the need for local governments to fund expenditures related to the provision of street lighting. with the earmarking tax policy, it is hoped that the activity of providing street lighting in dki jakarta province can be carried out properly so that it is able to meet various needs in the activity of providing street lighting. analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 392 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 2 allocation of street lighting tax funds for the provision of public street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020 year tax revenue street lighting shopping for street lighting allocation percentage (rp) (rp) ppj(%) 2018 787.107.000.016 943.486.861.696 119% 2019 814.112.934.989 737.660.727.569 90% 2020 778.749.530.103 283/165.847.202 36% source: bpkd dki jakarta province table 3 effectiveness value classification criteria percentage criteria ebove 100% very effective 90%-100% effective 80%–89% effective enough 60%-79% less effective below 60% ineffective source: (ramadhani et al., 2020) based on table 3 above, it can be seen that the effectiveness of the allocation of street lighting tax funds for the provision of public street lighting in dki jakarta province from 2018 to 2019 has been said to be effective, where the amount of the allocation of these funds has exceeded 90%, with an achievement of 119%. with a very effective category for 2018, and 90% with an effective category for 2019. however, for 2020 it is said to be ineffective because the amount of the allocation of street lighting tax funds for the provision of street lighting in dki jakarta province is only 36%. the obstacle in this research is that contextually the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province does not run optimally, where the source of funding in the allocation of budget funds for the provision of public street lighting is not yet specific. then another obstacle analysis of the effectiveness of earmarking tax policies for street lighting taxes as an effort to provide street lighting in the province of the special capital region of jakarta in 2018-2020 hidayati, irvawan, setiawan, and rizqi 393 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting is the lack of firmness of the earmarking tax policy related to guaranteeing the availability of budget funds. efforts must be made to overcome obstacles in the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020, that is by improving the financial administration process and forming a supervisory team in the implementation of budgetary fund allocation activities for the provision of street lighting in dki jakarta. conclusion based on the results of the research, discussion and interpretation that have been carried out, and with reference to the theory used, the researcher can draw the conclusion that the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in dki jakarta province in 2018-2020 is based on the theory of effectiveness of riant nugroho in the form of the right policy, the right implementation, the right target, the right environment, and the right process has been running well and effectively. however, for society the right target of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is not yet effective enough because there is still a lack of street lighting due to the uneven installation of public street lighting in the dki jakarta province. then, the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in the dki jakarta province in 2018-2020 when viewed based on the criteria for the effectiveness of the allocation of street lighting tax funds for the provision of public street lighting in the dki jakarta province in 2018 to 2019 has been determined. said to be effective where the amount of the allocation of funds has exceeded 90%, namely with an achievement of 119% in the very effective category for 2018 and 90% with an effective category for 2019. as for society, the right target of the earmarking tax policy on street lighting tax in dki jakarta province is not yet effective enough because there is still a lack of street lighting due to the uneven installation of public street lighting in the dki jakarta province. then, the effectiveness of the earmarking tax policy on the street lighting tax as an effort to provide street lighting in the dki jakarta province in 2018-2020 when viewed based on the criteria for the effectiveness of the allocation of street lighting tax funds for the provision of public street lighting in the dki jakarta province in 2018 to 2019 has been determined. said to be effective where the amount of the allocation of funds has exceeded 90%, namely with an achievement of 119% in the very effective category for 2018 and 90% with an effective category for 2019. however, for 2020 it is said to be ineffective due to the amount of the allocation of funds from the street lighting tax for the provision of public street lighting is only 36%. the obstacles that occur in the effectiveness 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(2018). etika administrasi publik (1st ed.). program pascasarjana universitas diponegoro semarang. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 4 october 2022 page no. 371-385 371| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid-19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city wuwuh andayani 1 , septa prayoga 2 , mainita hidayati 3 , 123 institut ilmu sosial dan manajemen stiami correspondent: 1 received : july 30, 2022 accepted : october 12, 2022 published : october 31, 2022 citation: andyani, w., prayoga, s., hidayati, m. (2022). an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid-19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 371-385 abstract: taxes, both central and local taxes, are the main source of income for the state. one of the regional taxes is the motorized vehicle tax (pkb) which is one source of income expected to help local governments in increasing locally-generated revenue (pad). this has prompted local governments to innovate tax payment services for motorized vehicles by utilizing increasingly advanced information technology which serves as an effort to break the chain of the spread of covid-19. this study was conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the j’bret (west java ngabret) samsat service system to improve taxpayer compliance in paying the motorized vehicle tax during the covid-19 pandemic in bekasi city, the obstacles that emerged, and the efforts made by the samsat and taxpayers in realizing the effectiveness of the service system. the research method was a qualitative approach by employing a descriptive approach. the results of this study indicated that the j’bret samsat service system has been effective and fully following the theory of effectiveness aspects according to muasaroh (2013). last, what needs to be improved was more campaigns held for taxpayers about the existence of a motorized vehicle tax payment service system through the samsat j’bret. keywords: local tax; motorized vehicle tax; the effectiveness of j’bret samsat services. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the source of state revenue in indonesia comes from several sectors. one of them is an income generated from the tax sector. taxes are a major issue, both for the government and indonesian taxpayers (beny & loviana dewi, 2021; fitriana & sudrajat, 2017; supriyadi, 2019; wantasen et al., 2021). revenues from the tax sector are expected to help the government in increasing the need for development to reach the goal of indonesia that which has been mandated by the opening of the law of association of 1945, which are listed in paragraph 4 stated that to protect the people and the country of indonesia and to promote the general welfare (dewanti, 2021; lhoka & sukartha, 2020; lim & indrawati, 2016; purwanto & safira, 2020). tax payments are a manifestation of the obligation of the state and the participation of the community in an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 372 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting collecting funds to finance the state and national development. the tax aims to improve the wellbeing of all people through improved and additional public services. this is allocated not only to the people paying the tax, but it is also for the benefit of people who are not obliged to pay taxes (paramitha & supadmi, 2021; rahayu, 2019; ratnaningsih & waluyo, 2019; supriyadi, 2019). the tax itself is divided into two types, namely central taxes and local taxes. the division of tax differentiation of both types can be seen from the agency or government where they handle. if the agency or central government is authorized to handle it, then it is a central tax; while the agency or regional government that is authorized to handle it, then the tax is included in the type of regional tax (bahmid & wahyudi, 2018; dewanti, 2021; lesmana & rumaiza, 2019; octaviany et al., 2021; pohan, 2021; wulandari et al., 2017). this paper will discuss the tax for motorized vehicles in the last three years. there has been occurred an increase in the number of vehicles on the 1,609,441 in 2018 to 1,614,965 in 2019, but in 2020 there was a decrease in the number of vehicles this was due to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic that hit indonesia (defrian et al., 2021; megayani & noviari, 2021; ramadani & syafari, 2020; utina & gobel, 2020). in this situation, the local government was asked to think about how the taxpayers can fulfill their obligation as usual. by having samsat j'bret which is one of the innovations created by the west java samsat team. it consists of the government of west java represented by the board of region revenue of west java province, police of west java, and pt. jasa raharja (persero) branch of west java. this was held under an agreement cooperation between the west java samsat team and the pt. bank pembangunan daerah of west java and banten tbk. on november 29 th , 2018, with a tagline samsat j’bret (west java samsat ngabret). it was expected to be a way to break the chain of coronavirus spread as it could avoid the crowds of people. in line with this, the obligation of taxpayers could be also fulfilled. thus, the regional original income (pad) in bekasi city could be maintained (atmaja, 2019; kumala & junaidi, 2019; latofah & harjo, 2020). in this study, there were several previous studies used as reference materials. some problems regarding the lack of taxpayers who know about the j’bret samsat service system (nurfadiyah, 2020). the effect of this system on motorized vehicle taxpayers’ compliance. here, the similarity between her research and what the author just did was to analyze the j’bret samsat service system which is an innovation in paying motorized vehicle tax. then, the difference between them was her research discussed the implementation of the j’bret samsat service system, while this research discussed how the effectiveness of the j’bret samsat service system, especially during the covid-19 pandemic (nurfadiyah, 2020). in motorized vehicle tax payment service through mini samsat services (samin) at the samsat joint office; there were some shortcomings and obstacles occurred (mustofa, 2017). in the innovation attribute, it can be seen that the service and socialization trials carried out by the samsat joint office were less optimal. this can be shown by the small number of taxpayer reports in the samsat mini (samin) service. this paper has similarities to the research conducted by the author, which lay in an easy service system to keep the motorized vehicle an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 373 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taxpayers obedient in carrying out their obligations as taxpayers. in addition, there was also a difference between their paper and this study. the difference was the payment method. in the samin (samsat mini), the payment was held only when there were important events such as cfd, bazaars, or carnival, while the j’bret samsat payment could be done every time through minimarkets or online shopping applications (mustofa, 2017). next, another previous research obtained that the program has been running through it was not satisfying yet. it was because some people still did not know about e-samsat (setyawan et al., 2019). based on the relative advantages of e-samsat compared to previous innovations, it can be seen in terms of the flexibility of time and can be done at any atm. the similarities of this research can be seen in terms of payments that can be made at atms. there is no need to come to the samsat office, make manual payments, queue, and avoid the brokers. in addition to the similarities, the differences of both pieces of research can be seen from the main discussion of this research which is still in the form of service innovation and the unavailability of payment of the motorized vehicle tax through atms, minimarkets, or online shopping applications (setyawan et al., 2019). finally, based on the above elaboration, it is important to conduct this study as it was to determine the extent of the tax compliance of taxpayers in fulfilling their obligation to pay the motorized vehicle tax. moreover, this was also to find out the effectiveness of the use of the samsat j’bret (west java samsat ngabret) system. concerning the previous background, there were some limitations in this study to make the study to be more effective and be in line with the purpose of the study, as follows: 1. the researchers only discussed the effectiveness of innovation in the form of samsat j'bret in efforts to improve the taxpayers’ compliance with motorized vehicles on the covid19 pandemic in bekasi city. 2. the researchers only discussed the obstacles that appeared caused by the innovation samsat j'bret in efforts to improve the taxpayers’ compliance with motorized vehicles on the covid19 pandemic in bekasi city. 3. the researchers only discussed the efforts that could be done by the samsat office of bekasi city to fix the obstacles of the implementation of samsat j'bret in efforts to improve the taxpayers’ compliance with motorized vehicles on the covid-19 pandemic in bekasi city. in this literature review, it is explained about matters related to the research discussion, the general understanding of taxes and the theory needed in this research. administration can be defined as the whole process of cooperation between two or more people based on certain rationality to achieve the goals that have been set earlier (siagian, 2012). the definition of administration in the narrow sense is usually only associated with the administrative activities that include correspondence, secretarial, report preparation and archives (keen & slemrod, 2017; paramitha & supadmi, 2021; saptono & khozen, 2021; siagian, 2012; surjono, 2016). public administration is the art and science (art and science) which is intended to regulate public affairs and carry out the various tasks are specified. public administration as a discipline an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 374 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting aims to solve the problem of the public through improvements mainly in the field of organization, resources, human, and financial (antonakas et al., 2014; pasolong, 2019; scupola & mergel, 2022; weimer & vining, 2017). tax administration in a narrow sense is services and administrative activities including notetaking and light bookkeeping (recording), correspondence, secretariat, preparation of reports, and filing of the obligations of the rights of taxpayers (barnay et al., 2018; pohan, 2021; saptono & khozen, 2021). public policy is one of the key dimensions in the science and practice of administration public. public policy has analogous function which is similar to the function of the brain to the human body. as by using this instrument, all activities of the state life and society began to be carried out by the bureaucracy, plus the government system (anggara et al., 2020; mulyadi et al., 2016; suharno, 2013). policy taxation is a fiscal policy. fiscal policy in the broadest sense is a policy to influence public production, employment opportunities and inflation, using the instruments of tax collection and state expenditures. meanwhile, the notion of fiscal policy in a narrow sense is a policy related to determining what will be used as a tax base, who is taxed, who is excluded, what will be the object of taxation, anything that is subject to taxation excluded, and what is the procedure for implementing the tax obligations owed (fendrich et al., 2022; janoušková & sobotovičová, 2019; sudrajat, 2020). taxes are people's contributions to the state treasury based on the law (which can be enforced) without receiving reciprocal services (contra performance) which can be directly shown and which are used to pay general expenses (harjo, 2019). local tax is an obligatory contribution to the area that is owed by the private or entities who are forced by law, with no gain in return, is directly and used for the purposes of the area for the greatest prosperity of the people (samudra, 2016). the motorized vehicle tax is one type of provincial regional tax. in other words, the motorized vehicle tax is a tax that is objective, depending on the object that is subject to tax and is in possession and/ or control of compulsory taxes (mardiasmo, 2016). corona viruses are a large family of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals. in humans, it usually causes respiratory tract infections, ranging from the common cold to serious diseases such as middle east respiratory syndrome (mers) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars). a new type of coronavirus found in humans since an extraordinary event appeared in wuhan, china, in december 2019, was later named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov2), and caused coronavirus disease-2019 (covid19) (andrew et al., 2022; kumar & aribowo, 2021; nguyen & darsono, 2022; rohman & larasati, 2020) . samsat j'bret is one of the innovations created by west java samsat team. it consists of the government of west java represented by board of region revenue of west java province, police of west java, and pt. jasa raharja (persero) branch of west java. this was an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 375 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting held under an agreement cooperation between the west java samsat team and the pt. bank pembangunan daerah of west java and banten tbk. on november 29 th , 2018, completed with a tagline samsat j'bret (west java samsat ngabret). as the form of the program is a payment of motorized vehicle tax in modern outlets (minimarket) such as alfamart, alfamidi, and indomaret as has been widely used by the public/ taxpayers and the payment is through online shopping applications i.e. bukalapak, tokopedia, and kaspro as well as through bjb bank and ppob (payment point online bank) tellers. an activity to look for a pattern in addition to the analysis of a way of thinking that is associated with a systematic examination of something to decide, the relationship between the part and its relationship to the whole (sugiyono, 2019). effectiveness is a key element to achieve the goal or goals that have been set in each organization, activity or program. it is called effective if it achieves the objectives or goals that have been determined (kasper & alm, 2022; patton, 1990). in this study, the researchers use the service theory in which to assess whether service is already effectively running, there are four aspects of effectiveness (muasaroh, 2013), as follows: 1. aspects of plan or program here is a programmed learning plan. in other words, if all plans can be implemented then the plan or program is said to be effective. 2. aspects of tasks or functions, namely an institution is said to be effective if it carries out its duties or functions, as well as a learning program, will be effective if its duties and functions can be carried out properly and the students learn well. 3. aspects of provisions and regulations. the effectiveness of a program can also be seen from the functioning or not of the rules that have been made to maintain the ongoing process of its activities. this aspect includes both the rules relating to teachers and related to the learners. if these rules are implemented well, it means that the rules have been run effectively. 4. aspects of objectives and ideal conditions of an activity program are said to be effective from the point of view of the results. it is when the objectives or ideal conditions of the program can be achieved. an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 376 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conceptual model source: (muasaroh, 2013) method the method of this research was a qualitative approach. this is where researchers interact against the fact that is researched (constructivist) and the type of research used in this research is descriptive research (creswell, 2017; creswell & creswell, 2018). data collection technique is a scientific way to obtain data with a specific purpose. the scientific method means that the research activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and systematic (sugiyono, 2019). in this study, the researcher used three data collection techniques. the data collection techniques used were a. observation; b. interview; c. documentation (miles & huberman, 1994). informants are people who are chosen to provide information about the situation and condition of the research background (moleong, 2018). on this occasion, the informants were the representatives of the samsat officers, lecturers of institute of social science and management stiami, and taxpayers who use samsat j’bret service. the technique of the data analysis used in this study was a qualitative descriptive method. data analysis in qualitative research is carried out during data collection and after completing data collection within a certain period (miles & huberman, 1994). efforts obstacles pkb revenue plan or program terms and regulation task or function effectiveness of samsat j’bret purpose and ideal condition an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 377 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the location of the research was at the bekasi city samsat joint office (p3dw bekasi) located in jln. ir. h. juanda no. 302 (bulak kapal), bekasi 17113. result and discussion this research employed descriptive qualitative method held by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. table 1. number of potential motorized vehicles based on its type registered at the regional revenue management head office for the bekasi city region in 2018-2020 source: regional revenue management head office bekasi of bekasi city from table 1, it can be seen that the potential of motorized vehicles from year to year is dynamic. it increased in 2018 and 2019, but it decreased in 2020. in 2020, the decline was 1,523,880 vehicles. it was because of the effect of covid-19 pandemic. table 2. number of manual taxpayers of motorized vehicles and taxpayers who used samsat j’bret service in 2018-2020 year tax payers manual taxpayers of motorized vehicles (%) taxpayers of manual motorized vehicles taxpayers via samsat j’bret (%) taxpayers via samsat jbret 1 2 3 4 = 3:2 5 6 = 5:2 2018 1.558.190 1.558.178 100% 12 0,00% 2019 1.562.329 1.549.562 99,18% 12.767 0,82% 2020 1.482.136 1.451.634 97,94% 30.502 2,06% source: regional revenue management head office bekasi of bekasi city types of vehicle year 2018 2019 2020 cars (car, jeep, minibus) 307.235 310.635 295.283 bus, microbus 2.870 2.765 2.611 truck 48.377 49.867 39.129 heavy equipment vehicle 4 4 4 motorbikes (2 and 3 wheels) 1.250.95 5 1.251.69 4 1.186.85 3 total 1.609.44 1 1.614.96 5 1.523.88 0 an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 378 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the above table, it is clear that the number of taxpayers of motorized vehicle who used samsat j’bret experienced a rising every year compared to those who paid manually. table 3. formula of effectiveness value based on mahmudi (2010: 143-166) based on the table 3. it can be seen that the supporting theory stated by mahmudi (2010) shows a formula to measure an effectivity value with the notes: >100% is very effective, 100% is effectice, 90% 99% is quite effective, 75% 89% is less effective, and <75% is not effective. table 4. result of the calculation of motorized vehicle tax via manual samsat and samsat j’bret service in 2018-2020 no year manual samsat samsat j’bret 1 2018 x 100% = 104,9% x 100% = 0% 2 2019 x 100% = 103,7% x 100% = 1,35% 3 2020 x 100% = 78,1% x 100% = 2,49% from table 4 and referred to the formula on the value of effectiveness written on table 3, the calculation of the realization of motorized vehicle tax through samsat j’bret service system was getting increased. in 2020, it was 2.49%. this number has increased comparing to those in 2019 which was only 1.35% and in 2018 when firstly applied it was 0%. table 5. target and realization of motorized vehicle tax via manual samsat and samsat j’bret service in 2018-2020 year target realiz ation realizati on of pkb % manual samsat % samsat j’bret % 1 2 3 4 = 3:2 5 6 = 5:2 7 8 = 7: 2 2018 1,005,563, 000,000 1,054,523,65 4,375 105 % 1,054,502,291, 475 104 .9% 21,362,900 0 % 2019 1,088,917, 000,000 1,144,007,24 3,500 105 % 1,129,312,381, 500 103 .7% 14,694,862, 000 1. 35 effectiveness = realization of revenue x 100% target of revenue an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 379 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting % 2020 1,340,842 ,274,750 1,080,049,87 8,850 81 % 1,046,676,391 ,950 78.1 % 33,373,486, 900 2. 49 % source: regional revenue management head office bekasi of bekasi city based on the table 5, in general, the realization of the motorized vehicle tax in 2018-2020 using samsat j’bret system has been declining. however, the realization of the motorized vehicle tax through samsat j’bret system has experienced an increase, especially happened on 2020. in contrast, the manual payment of samsat was declining in 2020. this research employed a theory stated by muasaroh (2010: 13) in which to measure whether a service has been effectively running were by using four aspects of effectiveness, as follows: plan or program the results of the indicators of the plan/program was already effective, as the plan created was an innovation of motorized vehicle tax payment which can be applied through android-based smartphone. it was sambara application which made of cooperation among bapenda of west java province, police office and jasa raharja which have a goal to ease the society in paying their vehicle tax. task or function the results of the indicators of a task or function has been effective because the task of the samsat team which was doing the education and socialization of the application sambara to the taxpayers has gone well. it was proved by the taxpayers’ data (pkb) which were using sambara application to pay the annual motorized vehicle tax was getting higher from year to year. rules and regulation the results of the indicators of rules and regulations have been effective because there are some rules and regulations when making payment of motorized vehicle tax using samsat j’bret system. moreover, they did not immediately approve their vehicle registration at the samsat office or outlet with a period of maximum 30 days then the vehicle will be automatically blocked by the samsat. objectives or ideal condition the results from the indicators of the ideal goals or conditions were said to be effective because samsat has felt positive things from the purpose of modernizing motor vehicle tax payment services using an online-based payment system. in addition, the conditions in the field were not too many taxpayers who came to the samsat office to make tax payments of motorized vehicles. based on the results of the vertbatim analysis, the author has interviewed the informant, collected the data documentation, and did observation. as a result, based on the data of samsat team and academics, the obstacles encountered in using the samsat j’bret service were an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 380 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the changing patterns of thinking or mindset and inviting the public to follow the technology which was increasingly sophisticated. in addition, from the taxpayers’ point of view, first, the obstacle for the taxpayers was the lack of socialization and counselling from the government and the samsat team in several areas related to online-based service innovations and also how to use the j’bret samsat service to pay their motor vehicle taxes. second, as the covid-19 pandemic occurred, there was less information provided related to the j’bret samsat service. thus, there were so many taxpayers who were not aware of the j’bret samsat service and did not understand how to pay the tax by using this application. based on the results of the vertbatim analysis, the author has interviewed the informant, collected the data documentation, and did observation. here, the efforts that needed to be done to solve those obstacles were as follows: first, the academics suggested that there should be socialization and routine education to help the taxpayers change their mindset and understand better the j’bret samsat service. second, such governmental program was developed to ease the payment system and now we are also in an era where everything is in a modern way. third, the government and samsat were to improve the j’bret samsat service into fully online system, so the taxpayers do not need to go to samsat office only for validating their stnk (vehicle registration certificate). conclusion based on the results and discussion and referred to the theories on the previous research, some conclusions were drawn as follows: the effectiveness of j'bret (west java) samsat services during the covid -19 pandemic in an effort to improve the taxpayers’ compliance of the motorized vehicle at the bekasi city samsat joint office has been effective and completely matched with the aspects of effectiveness in accordance with muasaroh's theory (2010: 13). the obstacles encountered by bekasi city samsat were changing patterns of thinking or mindset of the taxpayers to employ the technology which was increasingly sophisticated. then, there was also a lack of socialization directly to the taxpayers related to the j’bret samsat service. next, the obstacle for the taxpayers was the lack of socialization and counselling from the government and the samsat team in several areas related to online-based service innovations and also how to use the j’bret samsat service to pay their motorized vehicle taxes. some efforts done by samsat to solve the obstacles were by holding socialization and invites the society to change their mindset that now we are also in an era where everything is in a modern technology. next, they also can add more media of publication i.e. banners, pamflets, tutorial videos about how to pay their motorized vehicle taxes by using the j’bret samsat service. in addition, an effort could be done by the taxpayers to solve the obstacle was not too lazy to find out some information provided by the government and samsat related to the j’bret samsat service. an analysis of the effectiveness of samsat j'bret service (west java ngabret) during the covid19 pandemic to improve the tax compliance of motorized vehicles at the office of samsat bekasi city andayani, prayoga, and hidayati 381 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting after doing the research, for further development, the researchers provide some suggestions on the j’bret samsat service in this covid-19 pandemic as follows: increasing the program of the government of the java west province and samsat in onlinebased service of vehicle tax payments which is the j’bret samsat service. it is aimed at improving more taxpayers of motorized vehicles in bekasi who choose online tax payment services. thus, the value of the effectiveness of the payment of motorized vehicle tax through the j’bret samsat service system can increase and run effectively. responding the obstacles that exists. the joint office of bekasi city should be more routine in conducting the socialization and education about the j’bret samsat service through social media and other media, thus the knowledge of taxpayers related to the payment system of motorized vehicle tax will gain better. attempting to overcome the obstacles, the taxpayers as good 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there are still many taxpayers who are not obedient in fulfilling their taxes, such as paying taxes not on time and not by the amount of tax owed. this study aims to find out and analyze the restaurant tax audit analysis in the framework of testing taxpayer compliance at the south jakarta city administration regional revenue tribe in 2021. the research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. the criteria for the sources that the author uses as informants (parties/interviewees) in this study are those who control and understand the conditions of the research object, who are involved or occupy positions related to the topic under study, and have sufficient time to be interviewed. restaurant tax audit in the context of testing taxpayer compliance at the regional revenue subdistrict of the city of south jakarta administration has been carried out well, especially from the audit procedures and audit results, but the ability of the tax authorities still needs to be improved. keywords: restaurant tax audit. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction badan pendapatan daerah (bapenda) of dki jakarta province collects restaurant taxes and uses a self-assessment system where restaurant taxpayers are given the authority or trust to collaborate with local governments to register collect calculate, calculate and self-report tax payable payments (dantes & lasminiasih, 2021; lovianna & rahmi, 2022; patriandari & amalia, 2022). however, many taxpayers still do not yet know how important it is to fulfill tax obligations both for the government and for themselves as good citizens (eulaiwi et al., 2021; klaser & mittone, 2022; popa, 2014). under these conditions, the existence of a self-assessment system allows taxpayers to commit tax fraud, such as the occurrence of tax evasion, based on several reasons, such as the lack of government socialization to the reluctance of taxpayers who feel that they do not receive any compensation from the government (kasper et al., 2015; masrullah et al., 2021; zaimah, 2016). giving great trust to taxpayers is naturally balanced with a supervisory instrument. for this purpose, the regional revenue sub-department (suban) of the south jakarta city administration is authorized to carry out law enforcement through local tax restaurant tax audit analysis in the order to test taxpayer compliance at suku badan pendapatan daerah kota administrasi jakarta selatan in 2021 ramdan and sinaga 321 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting audits, one of which is the restaurant tax (farhah et al., 2021; noviyanti, 2021; wulandari et al., 2014). suppose the results of the examination show that there is a difference or discrepancy between the tax paid and the amount collected (gnap & konečný, 2015; hasanah & indriani, 2013; reck et al., 2022). here it is clear that in the self-assessment system, the taxpayer is seen as a subject, not a tax object. in that case, the tax authorities are authorized to issue an underpaid regional tax assessment (skpd-kb) which functions as a collection letter. due to this change, badan pendapatan daerah (bapenda) must carry out, service, supervise, foster, and implement tax sanctions (anugrahi et al., 2018; rusli, 2019; walasik, 2015). without any research and tax audits as well as the absence of firmness from the tax agency, the taxpayer's non-compliance can develop so that it can reach a level where the tax system will be paralyzed (herawati et al., 2018; kadir et al., 2019). it is anticipated to keep taxpayers within the corridor of taxation regulations by examining taxpayers who meet the criteria for examination. as regulated in peraturan gubernur (pergub) no.115 of 2019, article 2 and article 3. the regional revenue agency (bapenda) is authorized to conduct audits to test taxpayer compliance and for other purposes to implement the provisions of the tax law by referring to the annual audit work plan (rkpt) and non-annual audit work plan (non-rkpt). there is a delegation of collection authority to the regional revenue sub-dept. of the south jakarta city administration to carry out some of the tasks in the field of services and collection of regional taxes as referred to in the decree of the head of the regional revenue service no. 129 of 2002 will make the regional revenue service more flexible to carry out extensification and intensification to fulfill the function of the budgeter. thus, the number of taxpayers at the subdepartmental level can increase, which in turn can increase local tax revenues, especially from restaurant tax. based on data from the 2020 assessment and examination sub-sector, the 2020 annual examination work plan (rkpt) was due to the covid 19 pandemic in early march 2020. however, from the 2020 rkpt, the south jakarta regional government was able to contribute rp. 7,306,600,055,of 38 tax objects. meanwhile, the 2020 non-rkpt examination has not been achieved due to the covid 19 pandemic since early march 2020. however, from the 2020 rkpt, the south jakarta regional government was able to contribute rp. 910,072.179,of 12 tax objects. tax audits can affect taxpayer compliance in paying taxes because this factor is one of the factors that can reduce tax evasion and increase taxpayer compliance. arifin (2019:42) the tax audit consists of tax audit procedures, the tax authorities' ability, and the audit results. based on an audit standard to test compliance with the fulfillment of tax obligations and implement the provisions of tax laws and regulations for other purposes. method this type of research regarding analyzing restaurant tax audits to test taxpayer compliance with the regional revenue agency for the south jakarta city administration is observational/interview research, using a qualitative approach (creswell, 2017; moleong, 2018; sugiyono, 2019). meanwhile, the data used in this study is primary data. primary data is research data obtained directly from the source not through intermediaries (arikunto, 2013; yin, 2012). this study, to get preliminary data, can be done by conducting interviews in the restaurant tax audit analysis to test taxpayers' compliance with the regional income agency of the city of south jakarta administration. data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. informants in this study consisted of the head of sub-division of assessment and examination of the regional revenue agency for the city of south jakarta administration, the assessment and examination of the regional revenue agency of the city of south jakarta administration, restaurant tax audit analysis in the order to test taxpayer compliance at suku badan pendapatan daerah kota administrasi jakarta selatan in 2021 ramdan and sinaga 322 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting who knew and had various basic information needed in research, expert staff for the assessment and examination of the regional revenue agency. south jakarta administrative city region knows and has the basic information required in research, academics, and taxpayers. technical data analysis is carried out by data reduction, presentation of data, and concluding. result and discussion to analyze the tax audit, the author uses arifin's theory: the tax audit consists of tax audit procedures, the tax authorities' ability, and the examination results. a. tax audit procedures analysis of audit procedures can be seen from several descriptions of sub-themes, including the realization of tax revenue procedures. to know the tax audit procedures to assess taxpayer compliance, it is necessary to know in advance who the policy makers and interested parties are in the tax audit process (goldman et al., 2022; kasper & alm, 2022). policymakers in the audit process are carried out by high-ranking officials within their respective institutions, both in the government and the private sector. all essential parties participate in the process because they will also decide the tax revenue procedures in their activities (benkraiem et al., 2021; garcía-meca et al., 2021; ma et al., 2021). completion of field inspections or office inspections to test compliance with tax obligations fulfillment can be completed by making the examination results regarding the termination of the audit without a proposal for the issuance of a tax assessment letter. a report containing the implementation and results of the audit compiled by the tax auditor concisely and clearly, and following the scope and objectives of the audit. the restaurant tax audit to test taxpayer compliance has been effective. this is done when making restaurant tax audit procedures, and discussions are made on taxes payable and underpaid, which involve each section to accommodate all the aspirations and needs so that they can be stated in the minutes of the inspection. tax payable is a tax that must be paid within the tax period, tax year, or part of the tax year following the provisions of the applicable tax laws. the tax period equals one calendar month, and the tax year is similar to one calendar year. the tax year can last from january to december. however, it can be excluded through permission so that it can be used for another period. in paying the tax payable, the taxpayer has not fully implemented the counting function, so the tax collection system that gives responsibility to the taxpayer has not been able to be implemented properly, so the purpose of the self-assessment system has not been appropriately achieved because many taxpayers do not calculate the tax payable themselves. to be able to see the tax owed, the tax audit team conducts an evaluation which includes assessing the correctness of the sptpd concerning general information in the sptd, assessing the completeness of the sptpd concerning the attachment of the sptpd, and assessing the internal control system. tax officials should intensify training and counseling on taxation, for example, training on filling out the sptpd so that taxpayers can calculate their tax payables and counseling on the importance of paying taxes so that taxpayers are more concerned about their rights as taxpayers. for underpaid status, there is a shortage of tax that should be owed and must be paid by the taxpayer concerned. this occurs when the tax payable for a tax year is greater than the tax credit. so the taxpayer must pay the tax shortfall so that the status can be nil. the taxpayer must pay off the underpayment before the notification letter is delivered. in the tax audit procedure, there are still obstacles in the process, including rules that are not followed the time. still, no changes are made immediately; many obedient taxpayers feel disadvantaged compared to non-compliant taxpayers, restaurant tax audit analysis in the order to test taxpayer compliance at suku badan pendapatan daerah kota administrasi jakarta selatan in 2021 ramdan and sinaga 323 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting overlapping rules that confuse taxpayers, and many once a taxpayer who does not understand or tends not to know the tax rules. they are handling obstacles that occur in tax audit procedures with policy implementing parties by coordinating with each other, making good decisions, and socializing or counseling the public about local tax regulations. officers go to the field to collect data. control with a letter of reprimand. field supervision by the agency and satpol pp b. central apparatus capabilities the implementation of tax audits has a significant effect on the ability of the tax authorities. aspects of the performance of this tax audit cover two things: the mechanism and the structure itself (campa et al., 2022; chen et al., 2022). the collection system at the restaurant uses a self-assessment system, namely tax collection, that authorizes taxpayers to calculate, calculate, pay themselves, and report taxes owed based on tax laws and regulations. however, in terms of compliance with tax obligations, periodic supervision and inspection must still be carried out, so taxpayers comply with their tax obligations since they are registered as taxpayers (huang et al., 2022; kolias & koumanakos, 2022). registration and data collection activities for restaurant taxpayers are the first steps that must be carried out by officers optimally and objectively in the field and at the office so that all potential taxpayers can be explored so that they can increase the amount of tax that will be collected, of course, through setting the restaurant tax target. in the activity of collecting data on the results of the examination, it must always be on time and according to established procedures (lewis et al., 2020). there is an increase in human resources for officials in the tribal environment to oversee the regional regulations that have been set. this effort has consistently made it possible to increase revenues in the restaurant tax sector. barriers in the provision of resources that are often encountered in the capacity of the tax authorities require updating of qualifications for human resources to increase material resources. solutions that can be used to overcome existing obstacles include making the implementation of audits clear and measurable (schneider et al., 2021). c. check up result in the examination results, there must be a good standard of inspection results reports with a system for achieving goals and reasonable procedures. to accomplish an activity's objectives, the organization must have a strategy for achieving that goal and collecting and receiving restaurant taxes from the regional revenue agency of the south jakarta city administration. audit activities to test compliance with the fulfillment of tax obligations must be reported as an audit result report prepared following reporting standards. audit result report is a report containing the implementation and audit results compiled by the tax auditor concisely, clearly, and in accordance with the scope and purpose of the audit. the audit result report is prepared concisely and contains the content or items that are audited following the purpose of the audit, contains the tax auditor's conclusions supported by robust findings regarding the presence or absence of deviations from tax laws and regulations, and also includes information disclosure. others are related to the examination. determination of the purpose of the assessment, determination of the basis of value, identification of the object of the assessment, date of assessment, assumptions and limiting conditions must be included in the report on the results of the examination (lhp). in the results of the examination, an evaluation of the results of the examination is also carried out. evaluation can be explained as identifying problems, restaurant tax audit analysis in the order to test taxpayer compliance at suku badan pendapatan daerah kota administrasi jakarta selatan in 2021 ramdan and sinaga 324 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting collecting data and analyzing data, concluding the results that have been achieved, interpreting the results into policy formulations, and presenting information for decision making based on the aspects of truth in the evaluation. the first step in evaluating the results of the examination in accordance with the applicable provisions is to identify problems in the form of determining the purpose of the examination, determining the basis of value, identifying the object of the examination, the date of assessment, assumptions and limiting conditions. based on the data contained in the valuation report, the identification of the problem has been carried out by the tax assessor function. conclusion based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that: the results of the examination of restaurant taxes cannot be measured by the nominal amount of the underpayment of the object being examined but must be seen 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journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 328-338. abstract: this study analyzed the implementation of entertainment tax collection policies to increase local tax revenue at the regional revenue agency of dki jakarta. this study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the object of research based on primary data (interviews) and secondary data (field research). this study uses the concept of edward iii's theory, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. the results of this study indicate that the entertainment tax policy is not optimal because there are still constraints in the communication aspect, namely the lack of direct socialization with entertainment taxpayers, which causes a lack of understanding of taxpayers about local taxes from the information aspect there are still problems with entertainment providers who have not been registered and registered businesses. entertainment as a tax object, as well as the lack of human resources in implementing policies, can affect entertainment tax revenues. keywords analysis, policy implementation, entertainment tax, tax revenue of dki jakarta. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction as one of the efforts, taxes are used by the government to realize a nation's or state's independence as a development financing that is useful for the interests of the community and common interests (egbunike et al., 2018; herawati et al., 2018; lahiri & yang, 2021; suárez serrato & zidar, 2018). indonesia has income from various sources, which comes from tax collection. indonesia is also a developing country. tax collection is the largest source of state and local taxes (handoko et al., 2014; latofah & harjo, 2020; priyatin & rahmi, 2022). not infrequently, the problem of the lack of knowledge of taxpayers on tax collection and the lack of awareness of taxpayers is an obstacle even though tax collection is the largest source of state treasury income (adi, 2020; asshidiqi & irawan, 2021; rahmadhani et al., 2020). although tax collection is the largest source of state treasury income, it makes taxpayers unwise by not paying taxes to the state (kasper et al., 2015; perdana & dwirandra, 2020; reck et al., 2022). analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 329 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the source of tax collection income from various sources comes from local taxes (darwin, 2010; holm-hadulla, 2020; zhai et al., 2021). regional tax is a mandatory contribution to the region that is owned by a person or entity that is coercive based on the applicable laws and regulations and is used to finance the administration of regional government and regional development for the prosperity of the people (mardiasmo, 2006, 2016, 2018). based on law number 28 of 2009, local governments set local taxes and regional retributions. for this, the government manages the types of local taxes, such as provincial and district/city taxes. the government acts decisively to classify the authority to collect taxes, namely regional taxes. for the regions, taxes play an active role in financing the running of government and regional development as tangible evidence. to increase sources of income, people must also be able to understand the collection needed by the region, namely to improve welfare in the city of dki jakarta (dewanti, 2021; lovianna & rahmi, 2022; prawitra & lutfi, 2021). one of the taxes managed by local governments is the entertainment tax; the entertainment tax is a potential source of income in our country. one of which is the entertainment tax. the entertainment tax contributes to local revenue (pad) because the income from the entertainment tax is one source of local government funding to support the development of the city of dki jakarta (mulatsih et al., 2021; noviyanti, 2021; safitri, 2021). with entertainment, it will affect the increase in entertainment tax revenues, one of which is the entertainment tax, which later will be used to support the welfare of the community with better development and finance regional administration (capistrano, 2020; matti et al., 2022; octaviany et al., 2021). in the regional revenue agency, various entertainment taxes are levied, such as movie shows, beauty contests, karaoke, exhibitions, bodybuilding, circus, acrobatics, billiards, fitness centers, sports competitions, and reflection. night market, fishing spot/pond, spa, and others. the number of entertainment venues is increasing along with the number of residents left in dki jakarta (dantes & lasminiasih, 2021; farhah et al., 2021; patriandari & amalia, 2022). entertainment as a necessity is essential for life in society. various types of entertainment are found in the jakarta area; entertainment also plays a critical role in the daily life of residents in dki jakarta. and in its development, the entertainment tax plays a significant role in a business. every city government every year certainly has a target for entertainment tax revenue as a source of regional income. still, sometimes these targets and realizations do not run perfectly every year. of all the types of local taxes levied by the dki jakarta provincial government, one interesting observation is the entertainment tax collection. this is because jakarta, the state's capital city and the government's business center, should be able to rely on revenue from the entertainment tax sector to contribute to local income. the realization of entertainment tax revenue in 2016-2019 has increased, and some has decreased. in the last four years, the achievement of the revenue target occurred in 2016-2019, where achieving the target occurred in 2016, which exceeded the target above 109.93 %, while those who did not reach the target happened in 2017, 2018 which was only realized around 94,42% in 2017 and 96.33% in 2018. meanwhile, in 2019, entertainment tax revenue achieved 101.07% or exceeded the set target. however, compared to the target and realization of entertainment tax revenue in 2018, the ratio of the target and realization of revenue in 2019 decreased. this indicates that the entertainment tax collection has not been running optimally in dki jakarta province. analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 330 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting entertainment objects in dki jakarta have increased yearly; in 2016 there were 732 objects up to 847 in 2017. in 2018 it also increased to 992 objects and became 1191 objects in 2020. this proves that the potential for tax revenue from the entertainment sector in dki jakarta is enormous in achieving the entertainment tax revenue target in dki jakarta. the spread of entertainment to buffer areas is one of the factors causing the 2018 entertainment tax target not to be achieved in the dki jakarta provincial government. in addition, the level of compliance and fairness of payments from taxpayers that are not yet optimal also has a negative impact. the head of the dki jakarta provincial tax and levy agency, faisal syafruddin, said that the existence of closed entertainment venues also impacted entertainment tax revenues. where the closure was carried out due to violations in drug trafficking and adult entertainment, the authors found that objects in the entertainment sector do not report their taxes correctly, and many entertainments appear at night but are not recorded. some have not been recorded and have not been registered as taxpayers. there is also such a low level of compliance and obligations of taxpayers. in several places, cases of law violations were found, such as being used as a place for drug trafficking and adult entertainment so that it could negatively impact tax revenues from the entertainment sector. entertainment tax is one source of local tax revenue that significantly contributes to local income, considering the number of entertainment venues in dki jakarta. the potential of the entertainment tax is enormous, but because the management of the tax is still far from what is expected, the entertainment tax revenue has not been maximized. for this reason, efforts are needed to be made by local governments, namely tax officials to maximize entertainment tax revenues, such as increasing supervision on entertainment management or entertainment taxpayers who have not fulfilled their obligations in paying taxes and reaffirming policies on entertainment taxes. there are still many taxpayers who do not have the awareness and compliance to pay their taxes and entertainment taxes that have not been collected because they have not become taxpayers or are not registered as taxpayers and deposit their taxes, and also entertainment venues that are closed due to cases of law violations. so that the revenue from entertainment tax in dki jakarta province has not been maximized and has not provided a significant increase in revenue for the regional government. to measure a successful policy, the author takes the theory from george c edward iii; george c edward iii says that four entities determine success in implementing a policy. these entities cooperate simultaneously and influence each other to achieve a goal. therefore it is essential because these four entities are the key to the success of a policy. the definition of implementation, according to mazmanian and sabatier (wahab, 2008: 68) that: "implementation is what happens after a program is implemented or formulated, namely events and activities that occur after the process of ratification/legislation of public policies, whether to administer it as well as efforts to have a certain impact on society or events." meanwhile, according to edwards in winarno (2012: 177), policy implementation is one of the public policies, between policy formation and policy consequences for the people it affects. the problem is the target of the policy then may fail even if the policy is implemented very well. meanwhile, a policy that has been planned very well may fail if policy implementers do not implement the procedure correctly. in reviewing policy implementation, edwards begins by analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 331 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting asking two questions: what pre-conditions are needed so a policy implementation can be successful? and what are the main obstacles that cause a policy implementation to fail? edwards tries to answer these two essential questions by discussing four crucial factors or variables in implementing public policy. these factors or variables are communication, sources, tendencies or behaviors, and bureaucratic structure. edward proposes four factors that play an essential role in achieving successful implementation. the factors that influence the success or failure of policy implementation are communication factors, resources, disposition (disposition), and bureaucratic structure (bureaucratic structure) (edward in widodo 2011, 96-110). method the research approach is a method or method for conducting research. in this study, the author uses a qualitative approach; the definition of qualitative research methods according to sugiyono (2012: 9): qualitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects where the researcher is the key instrument. data collection is done by triangulation (combined) data analysis is inductive qualitative and research results emphasize more on meaning than generalization. qualitative research is an investigation process to understand social or human problems, based on creating a holistic picture formed with words, reporting informants' views in detail, and arranged based on a scientific background (natural setting). through qualitative research, researchers can identify subjects and feel what they experience in everyday life. the selection of this qualitative method aims to describe in detail the extent to which the effort to implement the entertainment tax collection policy increases local tax revenues at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency. the researcher will analyze the implementation of the entertainment tax collection policy in dki jakarta province and whether it has reached the operational standard or not in the performance of entertainment tax collection policy as an object of research by describing the extent of the implementation of this policy in the field and the impact of implementing this policy in dki jakarta province. data analysis techniques are used in data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusions. informants in this study consisted of tax officials from the regional revenue agency, tax officers from the regional revenue and revenue unit, taxpayers, and academics. data collection techniques were used using interviews, observation, and documentation procedures. result and discussion implementation of the entertainment tax collection policy to increase local tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency to increase dki jakarta's entertainment tax revenue, there is nothing wrong with implementing policies made by the dki jakarta provincial government. this can be seen from entertainment tax revenues in 2016 which exceeded the target of 109.93% or 769,540,265.13, then in 2017 entertainment tax revenues only reached 94.42% or 755,3799,514,979, in 2018 the achievement of entertainment tax revenues was only 96.33% or 867,004,115,175, and in 2019, entertainment tax revenues reached 101.09% or 859,061,073,573. and for the contribution of entertainment tax to increase revenue to local taxes from 2016-2019, namely for the realization of local taxes that analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 332 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting has increased every year, 2016 the percentage of entertainment tax contributions to local taxes was 2.43%, but in 2017, the percentage of entertainment tax contributions the regional tax decreased by 2.07% because the realization of the regional tax increased compared to 2016 and the entertainment tax realization decreased in 2017. in 2018 the percentage increased by 2.32% due to the realization of local and entertainment taxes. the increase from the previous year. for 2019 the percentage decreased by 2.13% because the realization of local taxes had increased significantly while the realization of entertainment taxes had decreased from the previous year. from these results, it can be concluded that the entertainment tax revenue is inconsistent with the year in the realization of entertainment tax revenue. it happened because of several factors. therefore, the implementation of policies was used to increase entertainment tax revenues. so the researcher uses the george c edward iii concept, namely policy implementation, which suggests that four factors influence the success of policy implementation, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure, which will be explained as follows: a. communication excellent and effective policy implementation requires communication, namely the relationship between taxpayers and policy implementers. regional revenue agencies have attempted to carry out the process of delivering information to policy implementers to understand what are the objectives, content, directions, and target groups of policies, so that policy implementers prepare any matters relating to policy implementers in the context of implementing various entertainment tax collection policies that have been carried out. method. based on the results of interviews conducted at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency, the implementation of approaches made to increase tax revenue, several things are done, namely by communicating which is applied using socialization and also providing such as infographics and videographics so that taxpayers are more obedient in paying their taxes and conducting socialization. directly or online to taxpayers. the existence of socialization is directly or indirectly supported by the presence of socialization media such as infographics and videographics so that it can be understood by taxpayers so that taxpayers better understand tax collection procedures and tax supervision. in communication, information transmission, clarity of information, and data consistency are also aspects. in the transmission aspect, the implementation of the entertainment tax policy requires that a policy be conveyed to the implementers and the target group, namely the entertainment tax taxpayers, directly or indirectly. submission of information is good enough, although there are still obstacles in implementing information media tax officials use for taxpayers, namely through socialization or infographics and video graphics. according to guidelines, tax officers were given socialization to understand tax collection procedures and entertainment tax supervision. hence, taxpayers are more obedient in paying taxes. that of the six informants said that the information submitted by the implementers of the policy must be clear and not confusing to avoid misunderstanding of communication or miscommunication between the implementers and the taxpayers. in the aspect of clarity, this aspect requires that all parties, both implementers and target groups and parties with direct interest in the existence of the policy, can understand the intent of the analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 333 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting content and objectives of the policy as well as the substance of the policy. if the policies are to be implemented as desired, the implementing instructions do not have to be accepted but must also be clear. b. resource resources in an organization to carry out policy implementation will not be effective if the implementers lack the necessary resources to implement the policy. a lack of resources will result in ineffective policy implementation. these resources include adequate people in terms of numbers, abilities, precise information, infrastructure and facilities, and authority. implementing resources-related policies is still insufficient, so it requires recruiting resources (staff). regional revenue agencies are still inadequate in human resources. especially in the supervision of the entertainment tax because the entertainment tax sector operates operating hours at night, making it difficult for officers to supervise. there must be recruitment of human resources so that performance in the implementation of the entertainment tax policy can be improved. the quality of human resources is seen from the side of the regional revenue agency. the rate is very maximal because they are also quite reasonable in their competence in their respective fields. officers are given training on cases that have occurred by taxpayers so that officers understand the taxpayers' problems, one of which is the entertainment tax. the budget and facilities for implementing policies in regional revenue agencies, service activities, and regional collections are supported by a budget that allows the implementation of policies, so that budget funds have been made as needed for system facilities for payment delivery. reporting is adequate and has been made accessible by reporting and paying. online according to george c edward's theory, human resources include budgetary resources, facilities, information, and authority; human resources have an essential role in supporting successful policy implementation. c. disposition disposition is the character, characteristics, or traits that policy implementers must possess; in this case, they must have honesty and a high commitment to carrying out their duties, functions, and responsibilities. judging from the disposition of the character/nature of the executor must have a good character so that if the officer has a good character, then the taxpayer will be good/welcome. and the implementers must explore the potential for local tax revenues and provide continuous innovation following the provisions of the applicable legislation. in the aspect of disposition, researchers conducted research with six informants about the commitment of the implementers in providing entertainment tax services, then drawn from the six conclusions, namely that the coordination provided by the regional revenue agency was adequate, the implementers carried out according to procedures to offer convenience and exemplary service to mandatory taxes who do not understand and do not understand about the implementation of the entertainment tax policy continuously so that it is improved so that it is even better. following george c edward iii's theory, the disposition of behavioural tendencies or characteristics of policy implementers plays an essential role in realizing policy implementation with goals or objectives. the critical factors that must be analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 334 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting possessed are honesty and commitment. this attitude greatly influences the implementation of policies. d. bureaucratic structure the bureaucratic structure includes aspects of fragmentation and standard operating procedures. according to the six informants, the bureaucratic system is following the provisions of the governor's regulation number 250 of 2019 concerning the organization and work procedures of the regional secretariat or is following the requirements of the legislation, according to sops. the second indicator that influences policy implementation is fragmentation. fragmentation, namely the distribution of responsibility for a policy to several different agencies that require coordination, can be seen from the structure of the implementing bureaucracy that must have good coordination with officers and main functions in the implementation of entertainment tax policies and must maintain as much as possible maximally in utilizing public service units. and can make it easier. the second nature of the bureaucratic structure follows edward's theory that it has two indicators, namely standard operating procedures and fragmentation, which is the responsibility of a policy to several different agencies, so it requires coordination. inhibiting entities based on swot theory that is encountered in the implementation of dki jakarta's entertainment tax collection policy every regulation or policy must have an obstacle/disadvantage, as with rules related to the implementation of the entertainment tax policy, which has several obstacles, while the challenges are in the weaknesses and treat. 1. weaknesses based on secondary data from researchers, the first weakness is the lack of human resources to carry out supervision, and there are still taxpayers who do not comply with their obligations. the second weakness is in the implementation of the entertainment tax collection policy. namely, there are still many entertainments that are not detected or known to exist, and sometimes in the entertainment, there are cases of law violations. the third weakness is the existence of taxpayers who have never received socialization and the lack of officers' information, so taxpayers do not know how to pay, report and register as taxpayers. in carrying out the implementation of the policy, of course, there are obstacles faced. the problems that occur are first because of the lack of human resources to carry out supervision, and there are still taxpayers who do not comply with their obligations, which becomes an obstacle in collecting entertainment taxes. for example, there are still many entertainments that are not detected or whose existence is known, and sometimes in entertainment, there are cases of law violations. then the taxpayers themselves are taxpayers who have never received socialization and lack information from officers, so they do not know how to pay, report and register as taxpayers. 2. treat (threats related to the implementation of the entertainment tax collection policy. if the taxpayer may not pay his obligations within 3 or 4 months, upppd will send proposals to the agency, such as sticking stickers and installing signage to tax arrears. the second threat is that there will be letters of appeal, warning letters, installation of tax analysis of implementation of entertainment tax collection policy in the order to increase regional tax revenue at the dki jakarta regional revenue agency singgih, anisah and permatasari 335 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting arrears stickers, collection by forced letters, and confiscation of assets. the third threat is a fine that is quite large, and there will be a warning that the officer will give to taxpayers who have not paid off their tax obligations. the driving entity based on swot theory in the implementation of the entertainment tax collection policy in creating the entertainment tax collection policy, the regional revenue agency has a driving entity that becomes the benchmark to implement the policy well in the field. among them is a benchmark that must be the goal of the regional revenue agency to increase entertainment tax revenue. it is related to entertainment tax revenue as a material to be an encouraging or supporting factor by regional revenue agencies in planning for the benefit of an agency. a. strength (strength ) the first strength in collecting the implementation of the entertainment tax policy is that when implementing the policy, it must be based on a legal basis for the entertainment tax for the underlying regional regulation, namely number 3 of 2015, which is one of the legal umbrellas. the second strength is legal resources, budget, facilities, infrastructure, and sop support. b. opportunity jakarta to be one of the entertainment opportunities is relatively high; the opportunity collecting entertainment tax that can be obtained in the collection of entertainment tax is the number of entertainment venues that exist so that the chance of entertainment tax revenue can be more significant. the next opportunity is to provide installments in paying entertainment taxes. the existence of many existing entertainment venues can make entertainment tax revenue larger by providing installments in paying entertainment tax conclusion based on the exposure of the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the implementation of the entertainment tax collection policy at the regional revenue agency is good but not optimal because from the aspect of communication, namely from the information aspect, there are still many entertainment sector objects that do not report their taxes correctly, a lot of entertainment that appears at night but not recorded and some have not been recorded. socialization can be optimized to increase the knowledge and awareness of taxpayers in implementing the entertainment tax policy. inhibiting entities in collecting policy implementation based on entertainment tax collection, namely the lack of human resources to carry out supervision so that the supervision system is not maximized, and 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(2022). importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 272-289. abstract: this study aims to determine the effect of managerial ownership, institutional ownership and investment decisions on dividend policy with liquidity as an intervening variable in lq45 companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) for the period 2018-2021. this study uses the causal associative method. this population is 45 companies using purposive sampling method . this research was conducted in lq45 companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) for the period 2018-2021. the type of data used in this study is secondary data and analyzed using spss 25. the analysis technique in this study uses regression analysis and path analysis.the results of the analysis show that managerial ownership, institutional ownership and investment decisions partially affect dividend policy. indirectly, liquidity can intervene in managerial ownership and also institutional ownership on dividend policy, while liquidity cannot intervene in investment decisions on dividend policy. keywords: managerial ownership, institutional ownership, investment decisions, liquidity and dividend policy. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction dividend policy is essentially a decision in determining the proportion of profits to be distributed to shareholders and which will be retained as part of retained earnings (stereńczak & kubiak, 2022). dividend policies in companies are very much considered by investors (hussain & akbar, 2022). consideration for investors is the rate of return on the funds they invest in the form of shares in the form of dividends or in the form of capital gains (l. liu & shu, 2022). the authority to control dividend policy is one of the powers delegated by shareholders to the board of directors (akindayomi & amin, 2022; lee, 2022) companies that decide to distribute their profits in the form of dividends will make available company funds limited, but on the other hand the distribution of dividends can give a positive signal for companies in the capital market because the company is considered capable of providing returns to shareholders in the form of dividends (cao et al., 2022; kasahara & orihara, 2022). shareholders or investors certainly want the company's profit and profit per share to be stable or even increase every year (barros et al., 2021, 2022; grassetti et al., 2022). importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 273 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting dividend policy is also related to the relationship between managers and shareholders (nguyen & tran, 2022). agency problems occur when management does not own a majority stake in the company. shareholders want managers to work with the aim of maximizing shareholder wealth (ali & hegazy, 2022; fernández-portillo et al., 2022). the agency conflict can be minimized by providing an opportunity for management to be involved in the ownership of a company's shares so that the management and the shareholders have the same interests, namely in order to benefit from the funds invested (h. liu, 2021; xu & huang, 2021; yu et al., 2021). company liquidity is one of the main considerations for managers in determining the amount of dividend policy because a company's liquidity will indicate a company's ability to provide company operational funds and to pay off its short-term obligations (berrospide & herrerias, 2015; lin et al., 2019; ly & shimizu, 2018). liquidity problems are related to the ability of a company to meet its financial obligations which must be fulfilled immediately in the short term, therefore the high and low liquidity of a company can affect the company's dividend policy, to assess the company's liquidity position can use the current ratio (norvaišienė & stankevičienė, 2014; vijayakumaran, 2021; yeo, 2016). the ownership structure can minimize the occurrence of agency conflicts, one of which is the existence of managerial ownership in a company (aksoy et al., 2020). managerial ownership will align the interests of management and shareholders, so that managers will directly feel the benefits of decisions taken correctly and will feel the losses as a consequence of making wrong decisions (karminsky & rybalka, 2019). the greater the managerial ownership in the company, the management will tend to try to improve its performance for the benefit of shareholders and their own interests (cui et al., 2019). the better the company's performance, the higher the value of the company and the welfare of shareholders will be realized (alhazaimeh et al., 2014; jiang & li, 2015). in addition to managerial ownership, institutional ownership can also minimize agency conflicts (rhou et al., 2019). institutional ownership in a company will encourage increased supervision of management performance, because share ownership represents a source of power that can be used to support management performance (shan et al., 2021). supervision carried out by institutional investors is highly dependent on the size of the investment made (park et al., 2022). investment decisions have a term a long time, so the decisions taken must be considered well, because it has long-term risks as well. a decision investment is strongly influenced by the availability of company funds originating from internal funding sources and external funding sources (fabisik et al., 2021). company management has a goal to increase the value of the company through the implementation of financial decisions consisting of investment decisions, funding and dividend policy, therefore in its implementation must be carried out carefully and precisely, bearing in mind every decision financial decisions taken will affect other financial decisions and will impact on the achievement of company goals (paula monteiro et al., 2022). based on the description above, this research focuses on the discussion title "importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy”. agency theory agency theory is a theory that regulates the relationship between shareholders as principal with the manager as agent (solomon et al., 2021). the principal authorizes the agent to run the company's business in the interests of the principal (zapparoli et al., 2022). if managers act to prioritize their individual interests rather than the interests of shareholders, the company will be importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 274 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting harmed. this situation gives rise to agency conflicts between managers and company owners. each party has a purpose and has different risks associated with its behavior. if managers fail to carry out their functions, they risk not being appointed again as company managers, while shareholders will risk losing their capital if they choose the wrong manager (fan et al., 2021). conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders can be minimized by a monitoring mechanism that can align these related interests (cruz & haugan, 2019). however, with the emergence of this supervisory mechanism, there is a cost called agency cost (marks-bielska, 2021) . this agency cost will increase the use of debt, if debt increases, the company's risk will be higher and the dividend distribution expected by shareholders will be reduced, because the company must pay debts and previous debt burdens (meilita & rokhmawati, 2018). to minimize agency costs , it can be done by increasing ownership structures such as managerial ownership and institutional ownership (yusuf et al., 2018). dividend policy dividend policy is a company's decision about how much profit earned will be distributed to shareholders as dividends or even prefer to hold these profits as retained earnings of the company. dividends are the rate of return or the level of profit expected by shareholders who invest their funds in a company (hussain & akbar, 2022; stereńczak & kubiak, 2022). the size of the dividends paid will affect the achievement of the goal of maximizing shareholder welfare. the company's dividend policy is reflected in its dividend payout ratio , namely the percentage of profits distributed in the form of cash dividends, meaning the size of the dividend payout ratio will affect the investment decisions of shareholders and on the other hand affect the company's financial condition. in general, shareholders expect a relatively stable dividend distribution because this will reduce uncertainty over the desired results from the investments that have been made and can also increase shareholder confidence in the company so that the share value can also increase. for companies, the choice to distribute profits in the form of dividends will reduce their internal sources of funds, on the contrary if the company holds its profits in the form of retained earnings, the ability to form internal funds will be greater which can be used to finance company activities, thereby reducing the company's dependence on external funds (akindayomi & amin, 2022; ali & hegazy, 2022; l. liu & shu, 2022). if the company chooses to distribute profits as dividends, the growth rate will decrease so that it has a negative impact on the company's shares. on the other hand, if the company does not distribute dividends, the market will give a negative signal to the company's prospects so that an increase in dividends signals a favorable change in manager expectations and a decrease in dividends shows a pessimistic view of the company's prospects in the future (cao et al., 2022). managerial ownership managerial ownership is a share ownership consisting of management parties who take part in making company decisions such as managers, directors and commissioners. managerial ownership in a company can make management have a common interest with outside investors, namely to obtain a return (refund) on the funds invested in the form of dividends from the profits earned by the company (gilje et al., 2020; guthrie & hobbs, 2021). managerial ownership will make managers act carefully in managing the company and in making company decisions, because every decision making the manager will feel directly from the decision making (iwasaki et al., 2020). the greater the insider ownership (managerial ownership), then the difference in interests between shareholders (owners) and company managers importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 275 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (management) will be smaller because they will act more carefully because managers also bear the consequences of the decisions they have taken (chen et al., 2022). if the insider ownership is small, it means that only a small number of shareholders are involved in managing the company, so the higher the possibility of agency problems (simanjuntak, 2019). institutional ownership institutional ownership is share ownership by other institutions originating from external parties (outside) the company. in addition to managerial ownership, institutional ownership can also minimize agency conflicts. because institutional investors will appoint managers to manage the funds they invest and manage the company in order to expect a return from the investment funds. this is because institutional investors have greater resources than other shareholders so they are considered capable of implementing a good supervisory mechanism (mishra, 2022). the greater the ownership of the institution, the greater the voting power and encouragement of the institution to oversee management. as a result, it will provide a greater impetus to optimize the value of the company so that the company's performance will increase. this increased performance will be beneficial for shareholders because in other words shareholders will get a lot of benefits in the form of dividends (wang & sun, 2022). investation decision investment is an activity in investing funds in a particular field. investments can be made in various ways , one of which is investing in shares (haque et al., 2022). the right and maximum investment decision will give a positive signal to investors so that investors will no longer hesitate to invest their funds in the company (siganos, 2022). however, investors must also pay attention to other things that can support or hinder the return of the funds invested. liquidity liquidity is an indicator of the company's ability to pay all short-term financial obligations at maturity using available current assets. liquidity is not only related to the overall state of the company's finances, but also relates to its ability to convert current assets into cash (afriani et al., 2013; vijayakumaran, 2021). companies that have a high level of liquidity tend to have good financial conditions because they can immediately disburse available assets to pay off debts when they fall due. the better the liquidity of a company, it will be able to pay more dividends (ly & shimizu, 2018). the company's liquidity position is an important factor that must be considered before making a decision to determine the amount of dividends to be paid to shareholders. because dividends are cash outflows, the stronger the company's liquidity position , the greater the company's ability to pay dividends (yeo, 2016). importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 276 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting framework research hypothesis 1. managerial ownership has an effect on dividend policy. 2. institutional ownership has an effect on dividend policy. 3. investment decisions affect dividend policy. 4. liquidity can intervene between managerial ownership of dividend policy. 5. liquidity can intervene between institutional ownership and dividend policy. 6. liquidity cannot intervene between investment decisions and dividend policy. 7. liquidity has an effect on dividend policy. method quantitative research method is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism and research data in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics (ghozali, 2016; sugiyono, 2019). the research design used in this study is a causal associative design, namely research that aims to determine the causal relationship between two or more variables in the presence of intervening variables (basuki & prawoto, 2019; santoso, 2014). population and sample in this study, the authors took the population of lq45 companies listed on the idx as many as 45 companies . the sampling technique in this study was using the purposive sampling method, which means that the sample was taken based on predetermined criteria with the following criteria: importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 277 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sample criteria results no criteria amount 1 lq45 companies listed on the idx for the period 2018-2021 45 2 companies that do not publish consecutive financial statements during the study period (0) 3 companies that do not use rupiah currency (12) 4 companies that do not earn net profit (2) 5 companies that do not distribute dividends (dps) consecutively during the research period (3) 6 companies that do not have managerial and institutional shares respectively during the study period (16) number of companies sampled 12 total sample 12 x 4 years 48 research variable the dividend policy variable uses a ratio scale with its measurement using the formula by distributing dividends per share (dps) with earnings per share so that the dividend payout ratio percentage of each company can be known. the managerial ownership variable uses a ratio scale with the measurement using a formula that divides the number of managerial shares with the number of shares outstanding so that the percentage of managerial ownership can be known. the institutional ownership variable uses a ratio scale with the measurement using a formula that divides the number of institutional shares with the number of outstanding shares so that the percentage of institutional ownership can be known. the investment decision variable uses a ratio scale with the measurement using a formula by dividing the price per share with the outstanding earnings per share so that the percentage of the price earning ratio can be known . the liquidity variable uses a ratio scale with its measurement using the current ratio formula by dividing total current assets with total current liabilities so that the percentage of liquidity level can be known. result and discussion the process of data analysis in this study is to process data using the spss 25 application with data analysis techniques using multiple regression and path analysis. the multiple regression model in this study is as follows: information : y = dividend policy a = constant x1 = managerial ownership x2 = institutional ownership x3 = investment decision , 3 = regression coefficient y = α + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 + e importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 278 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting e = error and the regression model for path analysis in this study is as follows: y = pyx1 + pyx2 + pyx3 + .................................... 1 substructural 1 z = pzx1 + p zx2 + pzx3 + pzy ......................... 2 substructural 2 the hypothesis was tested with a significance level of 5% with the decision-making criteria, namely if the value of sig < 5% or 0.05, the research hypothesis rejected ho and accepted ha, which means that there is an influence between the independent variables on the dependent variable. in addition, if the value of direct influence < value of indirect influence, it can be said that the intervening variable (intermediary) can intervene between the independent variable and the dependent variable. descriptive statistics descriptive statistical tests are used to describe the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of each variable, while the results of the descriptive statistical tests are as follows: descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation mown 48 ,000 ,920 ,16041 ,271895 cr 48 ,482 2,463 1.35627 ,424495 invs 48 ,962 34,143 16.63621 7.037462 dpr 48 8,616 77.057 35.71440 18.102482 inst 48 48,915 325,087 69.60211 39.684860 valid n (listwise) 48 source: spss 25 output, 2019. classic assumption test normality test one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardized residual n 48 normal parameters a,b mean ,0000000 std. deviation 15.07276910 most extreme differences absolute ,103 positive ,103 negative -,064 test statistics ,103 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) ,200 c,d a. test distribution is normal. b. calculated from data. c . lilliefors significance correction. d. this is a lower bound of the true significance. importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 279 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the table above shows the results of asymp. sig. (2-tailed) is greater than 0.05 (0.200 > 0.05) which means that the data in this study are normally distributed so that the regression model can be said to be good and can be continued. multicollinearity test coefficients a model collinearity statistics tolerance vif 1 (constant) lag_x1 ,835 1,198 lag_x2 ,849 1,177 lag_x3 ,788 1,269 lag_z ,860 1,162 a. dependent variable: lag_y based on the table above, it can be seen that the tolerance value of each variable is for managerial ownership variables 0.835, institutional ownership 0.849, investment decisions 0.788 and liquidity 0.860 which is greater than 0.10 so that the calculation results of the tolerance value indicate that there is no correlation between independent variables. . meanwhile, the vif value of each variable shows results that are less than 10 so it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity between the independent variables in the regression model. autocorrelation test runs test unstandardized residual test value a -3.23951 cases < test value 23 cases >= test value 24 total cases 47 number of runs 24 z ,000 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) 1,000 a. median based on the autocorrelation table, the results obtained from the asymp value. sig. (2-tailed) which is greater than 0.05 (1,000 > 0.05) which means that in the regression model there is no autocorrelation so that there is no correlation between the confounding variable in a certain period and the previous variable. importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 280 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting multiple regression analysis coefficients a model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 11.533 10,018 1.151 ,256 lag_x1 1,524 10.088 ,022 ,151 ,881 lag_x2 ,143 ,061 ,334 2,367 ,022 lag_x3 ,973 ,368 ,400 2,646 ,011 a. dependent variable: lag_y the table above can be formulated a regression equation to determine the effect of managerial ownership, institutional ownership and investment decisions on dividend policy with the following mathematical equation: dpr = 11.533 + 1.524 mown + 0.143 inst + 0.973 invs + e hypothesis test ( testt) coefficients a model t sig. 1 (constant) 1.151 ,256 lag_x1 ,151 ,881 lag_x2 2,367 ,022 lag_x3 2,646 ,011 a. dependent variable: lag_y to answer the hypothesis regarding the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable partially, it can be seen through the sig value in the table and then compared with the alpha level value of 0.05 and also looking at the value of the t-count and then compared with the t-table. 1st hypothesis test based on the test results using spss 25 for the managerial ownership variable, it obtained a significance value of 0.881, which means it is greater than 0.05 and t count is smaller than t table (0.151 < 1.677), it can be concluded that the first hypothesis accepts ho and rejects ha, which means that managerial ownership has no effect on dividend policy. 2nd hypothesis test based on the test results using spss 25 for the institutional ownership variable, it obtained a significance value of 0.022 which means it is smaller than 0.05 and t count is greater than t table (2.367 > 1.677) so it can be concluded that the second hypothesis accepts ha and rejects ho, which means that institutional ownership effect on dividend policy. 3rd hypothesis test based on the test results using spss 25 for the investment decision variable, it obtained a significance value of 0.011 which means it is smaller than 0.05 and t count is greater than t table importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 281 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (2.646 > 1.677) so it can be concluded that the third hypothesis accepts ha and rejects ho, which means that investment decisions effect on dividend policy. pathway analysis pathway analysis 1st (one) path coefficients a model standardized coefficients t sig. beta 1 (constant) 1.151 ,256 lag_x1 ,022 ,151 ,881 lag_x2 ,334 2,367 ,022 lag_x3 ,400 2,646 ,011 a. dependent variable: lag_y pathway analysis of path 2 (two) coefficients a model standardized coefficients t sig. beta 1 (constant) 6,292 ,000 lag_x1 ,171 1,186 ,242 lag_x2 ,173 1,170 ,249 lag_x3 -,306 -1.901 ,064 lag_y ,367 2,441 0.019 a. dependent variable: lag_z to answer the hypothesis regarding the effect of the independent variable through the intervening variable on the dependent variable, it can be seen through the beta value in the analysis of path one for the value of direct influence and the value of indirect influence can be calculated by the value in the table in lane two. fourth hypothesis based on the path table 1, the direct value of the managerial ownership variable is 0.022 and the indirect effect value is obtained by multiplying the beta value of the x1 variable against y with the beta value of z against y (0.171 x 0.367 = 0.062). the result of the multiplication is also added up with the direct influence value, namely 0.022 + 0.062 = 0.084, then the indirect effect value is greater than the direct effect value (0.084 > 0.022). this result indicates that x1 through z indirectly has an influence on y. thus that managerial ownership through liquidity has an effect on dividend policy. fifth hypothesis based on the path table 1, the direct value of the institutional ownership variable is 0.334 and the indirect effect value is obtained by multiplying the beta value of the x1 variable to y with the importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 282 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting beta value of z to y (0.173 x 0.367 = 0.063). the result of the multiplication is also added with the direct influence value, namely 0.334 + 0.063 = 0.397, then the indirect effect value is greater than the direct effect value (0.397 > 0.334). this result indicates that x1 through z indirectly has an influence on y. thus that institutional ownership through liquidity has an effect on dividend policy. sixth hypothesis based on the path table 1, the direct value of the investment decision variable is 0.400 and the indirect effect value is obtained by multiplying the beta value of the x1 variable against y with the beta value of z against y, namely (-0.306 x 0.367 = -0.112). the result of the multiplication is also added up with the direct influence value, namely 0.400 + (-0.112) = 0.288, then the indirect effect value is smaller than the direct effect value (0.288 < 0.400) this result indicates that x1 through z indirectly has no effect on y thus, investment decisions through liquidity have no effect on dividend policy. seventh hypothesis based on the test results using spss 25 for the institutional ownership variable, it obtained a significance value of 0.019, which means it is smaller than 0.05 and t count is greater than t table (2,442 > 1,677), it can be concluded that the seventh hypothesis accepts ha and rejects ho, which means that liquidity has an effect to dividend policy. discussion effect of managerial ownership on dividend policy the results of the tests carried out using a partial hypothesis test that mown has no effect on dividend policy. this is based on that the statistical significance value in spss is greater than 0.05 (0.881 > 0.05) and the t count is smaller than the t table (0.151 < 1.677). this means that the higher the managerial ownership in a company, the dividend policy will decrease. this is not in line with agency theory where high managerial ownership will encourage the relationship between managers and shareholders to get better, so that the debt used to monitor managers will decrease, managers who have shares in the company certainly do not like debt, because with high debt will increase the risk of bankruptcy. managers who own shares in the company certainly try to increase the prosperity of shareholders. the more shares owned by the manager, the lower the agency cost and the managerial will act more carefully considering that the managerial party will also bear the risk of making the dividend policy. the effect of institutional ownership on dividend policy the results of the tests carried out using a partial hypothesis test that inst has an influence on dividend policy. this is based on that the statistical significance value in spss is less than 0.05 (0.022 < 0.05) and the t count is greater than the t table (2.367 > 1.677). the bigger the institutional share ownership, the bigger the dividend policy will be . the existence of institutional owners is expected to be able to carry out an effective monitoring function on company management. the monitoring function aims to make management act with the aim of prioritizing the prosperity of the shareholders, not prioritizing their interests and acting opportunistically. however, this research is contrary to previous research which states that institutional ownership has no effect on dividend policy which states that the existence of institutional ownership in a company has no impact or effect on the company's dividend policy, which means this is contrary to the assumption which states that the presence of high importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 283 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting institutional ownership will make institutional investors carry out intensive supervision of the manager's performance so that managers will strive to provide high returns on share ownership. the effect of investment decisions on dividend policy the results of the tests carried out using a partial hypothesis test that invs has an influence on dividend policy. this is based on the statistical significance value in spss which is less than 0.011 (0.011 < 0.05 ) and t count is greater than t table (2.646 > 1.677). the right investment decisions taken by the company are expected to provide good profits for the company by generating maximum profit from the investment. the existence of a maximum profit allows managers to allocate these profits to the expected dividend distribution for both managerial and institutional investors by taking into account other factors that can influence the dividend policy taken. this is not in line with research conducted by damaris simanjuntak which states that investment (in) has a negative and significant effect on dividend policy (dpr). this shows that the opening of investment opportunities has encouraged companies to pay dividends in small amounts, so that companies have internal equity to fund investments. on the other hand, companies that do not have good prospects will be reflected in the limited opportunities available for making investment decisions. limited opportunities for investment will encourage companies to make large dividend payments. liquidity can intervening between managerial ownership and dividend policy the results of hypothesis testing using spss 25 regarding managerial ownership on dividend policy through intervening obtained the results of a direct influence between managerial ownership on dividend policy of 0.022 and an indirect effect of 0.084, which means that the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect (0.084 > 0.022), with this shows that managerial ownership indirectly affects dividend policy with liquidity as the intervening variable. the existence of high managerial ownership and the existence of a high level of liquidity provide a signal to managerial investors to invest their funds in the company. because with a high managerial level, it will be able to minimize conflicts and agency costs because the manager will have the same interests as the principal who wants a high dividend distribution. the high level of liquidity also gives a signal to investors that the company is able to meet its short-term obligations with liquid assets. the existence of the ability to fulfill its short-term obligations gives an illustration that the company also has the ability to distribute dividends in accordance with the expectations of managerial investors. therefore, liquidity is able to intervene between managerial ownership and dividend policy. liquidity can intervene between institutional ownership and dividend policy the results of hypothesis testing using spss 25 regarding institutional ownership on dividend policy through intervening obtained a direct effect between institutional ownership on dividend policy of 0.334 and an indirect effect of 0.397, which means that the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect (0.397 > 0.334), with this shows that institutional ownership indirectly affects dividend policy with liquidity as the intervening variable. high institutional ownership will provide intensive supervision of the performance of managers or companies, maximum company performance is expected to produce maximum company profits as well. the existence of high profits obtained by the company, it is possible that the company will distribute dividends in high amounts as well. the company's liquidity position is an important factor that must be considered before making a decision to determine the amount of dividends to be paid to shareholders. because dividends are cash outflows, the stronger the company's liquidity position importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 284 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting , the higher the company's ability to pay dividends. therefore, liquidity is able to intervene between institutional ownership and dividend policy. liquidity can intervene between investment decisions and dividend policy the results of hypothesis testing using spss 25 regarding institutional ownership on dividend policy through intervening obtained a direct effect between institutional ownership on dividend policy of 0.400 and an indirect effect of -0.112, which means that the indirect effect is smaller than the direct effect (-0.112 < 0.400), hereby indicates that the investment decision indirectly does not affect the dividend policy with liquidity as the intervening variable. the investment decision is a decision that must be considered maximally by the company, because the investment decision taken will have an impact on the value of the company. investment decisions are related to company funding, if the company uses more of its funds to invest in various types of investments, it will reduce the amount of dividend distribution for investors. the high level of liquidity for the company has no impact on the level of investment decisions taken by the company. the effect of institutional ownership on dividend policy the results of the tests carried out using a partial hypothesis test that cr has an influence on dividend policy. this is based on that the statistical significance value in spss is less than 0.05 (0.019<0.05) and t-count is greater than t-table (2.441>1.677). liquidity has a positive and significant effect on the amount of dividends distributed to shareholders of manufacturing companies listed on the idx. liquidity is one of the main considerations in dividend policy because dividends are cash outflows, the greater the amount of cash available along with the company's liquidity, the greater the company's ability to pay dividends. companies that are able to distribute dividends according to investors' expectations will give a positive signal to the company in the capital market. conclusion the first hypothesis (h1) is rejected, which means that there is no influence between managerial ownership variables on dividend policy with a significance value greater than 0.05, namely 0.881 > 0.05 with a t count < t table (0.151 < 1.677) so that high managerial ownership does not guarantee that the company will pay high dividends as well. the second hypothesis (h2) is accepted which means that there is an influence between institutional ownership variables on dividend policy with a significance value smaller than 0.05, namely 0.022 and the value of t arithmetic > t table (2.364 > 1.677) so that high institutional ownership allows intensive supervision of company performance so that managers will follow the interests of institutional shareholders which in this case are in the form of dividend distribution in the hope that institutional shareholders will continue to invest their shares in the company. the third hypothesis (h3) is accepted, which means that there is an influence between the investment decision variables on dividend policy with a significance value smaller than 0.05 and a t count > t table (2.646 > 1.677) so that the decisions taken by the company in the form of investment have an influence on the distribution of dividends to shareholders. shareholders by considering other factors that influence the distribution of the dividend. the fourth hypothesis (h4) is accepted, which means that liquidity can intervene (become an intermediary) between managerial ownership of dividend policy with the value of indirect influence > direct influence (0.084 > 0.022) so that the level of liquidity of a company which, if associated with the level of managerial ownership, can indirectly influence the distribution of dividends. the fifth hypothesis (h5) is accepted, which means that liquidity can intervene (become an intermediary) between importance of liquidity indicators in intervening the dividend policy sunaryo 285 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting institutional ownership of dividend policy with the value of indirect influence > direct influence (0.397 > 0.334) so that the level of liquidity of a company which, if associated with the level of institutional ownership, can indirectly provide influence in the distribution of dividends. the sixth hypothesis (h6) is rejected, which means that liquidity cannot intervene (become an intermediary) between investment decisions on dividend policy with the value of indirect influence < direct influence (0.288 < 0.400) so that the level of liquidity of a company which, if associated with the level of managerial ownership indirectly cannot influence the distribution of dividends. the seventh hypothesis (h7) is accepted, which means that there is an influence between the liquidity variable on dividend policy with a significance value smaller than 0.05, i.e. 0.019 and the value of t count > t table (2,441 > 1,677) so that the company's liquidity level is one of the factors that must be considered in distribution of dividends to shareholders. limitations based on adjusted r2 obtained a value of 0.151 which means 15.1% obtained through path 1, changes in dividend policy variables as proxied by the dividend payout ratio can be explained by changes in managerial ownership, institutional ownership, and investment decisions as well as changes in dividend policy together. same. while the remaining 84,9 % is influenced by other factors outside this research model such as debt policy variables, profitability, leverage, company size and others. while adjusted r2 obtained a value of 0.175 which means 17.5% changes in dividend policy variables as proxied by the dividend payout ratio can be explained by changes in managerial ownership, institutional ownership, investment decisions and liquidity as well as changes in dividend policy together. while the remaining 82.5 % is influenced by other factors outside this research model such as debt policy variables, profitability, leverage, company size and others. acknowledgements thanks to the university of serang raya for facilitating and providing financial funds for this research, and colleagues who have provided motivation so that this research can run until the appointed time. reference afriani, f., savitri, e., & aprilia, r. 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affects the relationship of profitability, as measured by gross profit margin (gpm), operating profit margin (opm), and net profit margin (npm), on share prices of manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sector from 2016 to 2019. based on the purposive sample technique, 40 observations from 10 companies were chosen. amos 24 software was used to do the investigation using the structural equation modeling (sem) method. in the initial model, it is clear from this analysis that opm and company size significantly affected stock prices. at the same time, there is no significant effect of gpm and npm on share prices. the second model demonstrates that firm size can moderate the relationship between gpm and opm on share prices. however, this study cannot prove that firm size can moderate the effect of npm on share prices. keywords: profitability, moderating relationship, share price, food and beverage. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the development of the business world in recent years has experienced very rapid development. these developments cover various fields of types and forms of business. the capital market is no exception. the capital market is currently experiencing very rapid development and has an essential role in mobilizing funds from people who want to invest in the capital market. the presence of the capital market adds alternative investment instruments for investors to invest their excess funds. according to (hadi, 2015), the capital market serves as a venue for bringing buyers and sellers together. the capital market can be defined as a market that is prepared to trade stocks, bonds, and other sorts of securities (sunariyah, 2011). the capital market serves another purpose, notably that of a middleman. this function demonstrates the vital role of the capital market in sustaining the economy by allowing individuals who lack the capital to interact with those who do. in the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 2 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting addition, the ability of people with extra cash (investors) to select the investment options that will yield the best return is another way that the capital market can promote the formation of an efficient allocation of resources. the most fruitful market segments are regarded as those that offer investments with reasonably high returns. food and beverage company is one of the indispensable business sectors for the people of indonesia. in 2020, household consumption to gdp accounted for 57% or more than half. the food and beverage industry contributes up to 23.8% of the gdp. stocks in the food and beverage sector still have future potential, considering that indonesia's current population has reached 270 million people. 70% of the people are at a productive age with a high consumption level (intan, 2021). therefore, the shares of food and beverage companies are still attractive to investors. according to (sartono, 2016), share prices are established through capital market transactions based on the supply and demand for the relevant shares, which are influenced by a number of factors. investors' expectations of the corporation issuing the shares impact share demand. the company's financial performance will influence an investor's high and low expectations. investor expectations rise as a company's financial performance improves. as a result, there will be a demand for the shares, raising the stock price. on the other hand, let us say a company's financial performance is poor. investors will then have low expectations, preventing them from purchasing company shares and causing a decline in the stock price. as indicated by profitability, the company's performance is one of the crucial aspects that might inspire important expectations in investors. there are numerous ways to gauge profitability, one of which is gross profit margin (gpm), a ratio of the gross profit (sales less cost of goods sold) to sales. the operating circumstances of the company are better the higher the gross profit margin since it indicates that the cost of goods sold is comparatively lower than sales. the "pure profit" earned for each rupiah of sales is described by the following metric, operating profit margin (opm). operating profit is referred to as "pure" profit because it is calculated from the company's operating results without taking into account debts like interest payments and tax commitments to the government. the operating profit margin ratio measures a company's performance, similar to the gross profit margin. net profit margin (npm), which refers to the ratio of net profit to sales after all costs, including taxes, have been subtracted, is another metric for profitability. the efficiency of the company's operations increases with the net profit margin. previous studies have been conducted on the relationship between gpm, npm, and opm on share prices. (peranginangin, 2019) found that gpm significantly affects share prices. in contrast, (mahruzal & khaddafi, 2020) get different results, where gpm does not significantly affect share prices. differences were also found related to the findings of the effect of opm on share prices. (mardianti et al., 2019) concluded that opm significantly influences share prices. not so with (peranginangin, 2019) and (dwiyanthi et al., 2021) found that opm results did not significantly affect share prices. in addition, (peranginangin, 2019) and (dwiyanthi et al., 2021) also found that npm did not significantly affect share prices. however, this study contradicts the results of (sudirman et al., 2020) which state that npm significantly influences share prices. the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 3 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the existence of a moderating variable that diminishes or increases the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable can be the source of the inconsistent results of prior research. because business size is believed to affect the association between profitability and share prices, it is included in this study as a variable. (ariesa et al., 2020) discovered under the assumption that large organizations are more trustworthy than small companies. furthermore, many researchers have concluded that company size has a significant effect on stock prices (sitorus et al., 2021; warkula et al., 2022; yuliza, 2018). then, large companies with enormous profitability are preferred over small companies with enormous profitability. as a result, this study aims to ascertain how firm size influences the relationship between profitability and share prices in the food and beverage industry. signaling theory according to signaling theory, businesses would attempt to attract investors by providing them with positive information through financial statement transparency (miller & whiting, 2005). (brigham & houson, 2010) signals conveyed by management in financial reports can affect the market resulting in stock price volatility. accounting-related announcements signal whether a company's prospects are excellent or bad. according to the signal theory, a company's or entity's solid financial performance will affect share prices and stock returns because the corporation can communicate signals or information to outside parties or investors. this signal will assist third parties in gaining insight into a firm's financial health or performance, which will be taken into account when investing in the company's stock. effect of gross profit margin on share prices (hery, 2018), gross profit margin is a ratio used to measure gross profit percentage on net sales. the higher the gross profit margin, the higher the gross profit generated from net sales. this could be due to the high selling price and low cost of goods sold. conversely, the lower the gross profit margin, the lower the gross profit generated from net sales. this could be due to the low selling price and the high cost of goods sold. this ratio will be an assessment for investors to invest their shares in the company. in other words, the better the gross profit margin, the higher the gross profit, and the higher the company's stock price. (peranginangin, 2019) and (mukhtasyam et al., 2020) found that the increase in gpm significantly impacts changes in share prices. therefore, make a hypothesis as follows: h1: gross profit margin has a significant influence on the stock price of food and beverage companies effect of operating profit margin on stock price (gitman, 2009) states that without profit, the company will not attract investors, so the opm ratio is essential for investors to expect stock price performance in the future. a company with a good opm ratio can operate with high efficiency and reduce its cost structure to compete in its products' selling price. this means that the company has a good performance to be used as an investment area. investors that purchase firm shares may be impacted by the improvement in the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 4 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting operational performance, which is reflected in the rise in opm, increasing the business's share price (mardianti et al., 2019). this argument leads to the formulation of the following theory: h2: operating profit margin has a significant influence on the stock price of food and beverage companies effect of net profit margin on share prices the net profit to sales ratio is known as net profit margin (npm). the more profitable the business is performing, the more confident investors are in investing their money in the business. sales reflect the company's pricing strategy and capacity to manage operating costs, making this ratio crucial for operational management. by comparing net income with the number of sales, investors can analyze the percentage of income used to pay operational and non-operational costs and the percentage of dividend payments to shareholders or reinvest in the company (amalya, 2018). this is in line with (hadiyanti & saputra, 2020) statement, which found that an increase in npm significantly impacts increasing share prices. therefore, the hypothesis is formulated as follows: h3: net profit margin has a significant effect on the stock price of food and beverage companies the effect of company size on share prices a company's earnings depend on size (akram et al., 2021). if the business is large-scale, it can produce big profits and give stockholders significant returns (selfiani & yunita, 2021). furthermore, compared to businesses with mostly small-scale assets, large businesses have more excellent prospects for a reasonably long time, are more stable, and are better able to turn a profit. this viewpoint may attract investors and provide the impression that small businesses face greater investment return risk than large ones. the company's share price will rise as more investors choose equities from huge companies (sobana, 2021). this description is used to create the following theory: h4: company size has a significant effect on the stock price of food and beverage companies moderating effect of firm size on the effect of profitability on share prices as explained earlier, the company's size affects investors' perspectives on investing. this can be seen from the risk assessment, the fulfillment of resources to generate profits, and the sustainability of the company. therefore, the company's large size will obscure investors' assessment of the company's profitability performance, where large companies will be able to survive and have more substantial stability than small companies in the future. several previous studies stated that the larger the size of the company, the higher the stock price of (sitorus et al., 2021). this justification leads to the following theory being put forth: h5: company size can moderate the relationship between gpm and share prices of food and beverage companies the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 5 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting h6: company size can moderate the relationship between opm and share prices of food and beverage companies h7: company size can moderate the relationship between npm and share prices of food and beverage companies method research design associative research will be the method used in this investigation. according to (sugiyono, 2017), associative research tries to ascertain the influence or relationship between two or more factors. this study will be able to develop a hypothesis that aids in symptom explanation, prediction, and management. three types of relationships exist in associative research: symmetrical, causal, and interactive/reciprocal. profitability's impact on share prices is examined in this study using an associative causal link with business size acting as a moderating factor. the results of descriptive statistics will be coupled with those of inferential statistics for analysis. the latter will be utilized to gain a general understanding of the data under study. researchers used amos 24 software to prove the associative relationship between variables. this study analyzes the manifest variable to determine the relationship between variables. the steps taken in analyzing manifest variables using amos software begin with creating a research model using path analysis, conducting feasibility testing by looking at the degree of freedom value, and assessing normality and mahalanobis distance (ghozali, 2014). the rule of thumb for the degree of freedom must be more than 1. if the value of the degree of freedom is not more than one, then the probability value cannot be calculated. assessment of normality is done by looking at the critical skewness value with criteria below 2.58 for each variable and the multivariate kurtosis value below 2.58 for all variables. furthermore, the mahalanobis distance is done by looking at the value of the centroid distance with the requirement that the values of p1 and p2 must be greater than 0.000. the path analysis is then carried out in two stages. the first is done without a moderating variable, and then it is done using a moderating variable. population and sampling techniques all manufacturing businesses in the food and beverage industry listed on the indonesia stock exchange from 2016 to 2019 made up the study's population. purposive sampling was the method of sample selection employed in this investigation. the company's lack of delisting and loss over the observation period from 2016 to 2019 was the grounds for choosing the sample using purposive sampling. ten businesses were chosen as being observed over the 2016–2019 period based on the findings of the purposive sampling. forty observations make up the whole observed data. the total population of food and beverage companies on the indonesian stock exchange is 26 companies. however, only 10 companies were selected as samples in this study. the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 6 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting data types and sources this research's data were gathered from a second source or sources of secondary data that researchers needed, making them secondary data (bungin, 2017). the financial and annual reports of all manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sub-sector listed on the idx for the 2016–2019 period served as the primary source for the secondary data used in this study, which can be found at variable operations the link between independent, moderating, and dependent variables was measured in this study. the variables for each of these variables are operationalized as follows: table 1. variable and measurement item variabels measurement sources gross profit margin (gpm) 𝐺𝑃𝑀 = 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑥 100% (sunaryo, 2022) operating profit margin (opm) 𝑂𝑃𝑀 = 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑥 100% (peranginangin, 2019) net profit margin (npm) 𝑁𝑃𝑀 = 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑥 100% (sudirman et al., 2020) company size total assets (warkula et al., 2022) share prices closing price (dwiyanthi et al., 2021) source: data processed by researchers result and discussion descriptive analysis statistics employed in data analysis by describing or characterizing the acquired data is known as descriptive statistical analysis. according to (ghozali, 2018), the objective of this analysis is to give a general summary or description of the data in the variables as represented by the average (mean), minimum, maximum, and standard deviation values. the following are the outcomes of the descriptive statistical analysis: table 2. descriptive statistical analysis results gpm opm npm size share_price mean 37,65 18,70 13,65 15.835.983 4.847 standard error 2,98 2,33 1,81 4.301.591 688 median 31,50 13,00 8,00 2.908.295 2.905 standard deviation 18,85 14,74 11,44 27.205.648 4.354 kurtosis -0,72 0,30 0,20 4 0,33 the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 7 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting skewness 0,53 1,31 1,28 2 1,13 range 67,00 49,00 37,00 95.969.557 15.692 minimum 7,00 4,00 2,00 568.239 308 maximum 74,00 53,00 39,00 96.537.796 16.000 sum 1506,00 748,00 546,00 633.439.316 193.895 count 40 40 40 40 40 source: data processed by researchers path analysis path analysis was made based on the previously formulated hypothetical equation. as mentioned earlier, the equation model with path analysis is done by making two equations: without moderating and with moderating variables. the following is a path analysis model using moderating variables: figure 1. path analysis source: data processed by researchers degree of freedom analysis the analysis of the two models produces a degree of freedom value of 1 for both the path diagram equation one and the path diagram equation 2. this has met the criteria for the number of degrees of freedom so that it can be concluded that the p-value can be analyzed. assessment of normality it generates a critical skewness value for each variable below 2.58 and a multivariate kurtosis value below 2.58 based on the analysis of the two models. the multivariate kurtosis for the first model is 0.25, and the multivariate kurtosis for the first model is -0.197. mahalanobis distance test the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 8 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the value of the mahalanobis distance generated from the two models has met the required criteria. the lowest value of the centroid distance with the requirements in the first model is 0.039 for p1 and 0.044 for p2. at the same time, the lowest centroid distance in the second model gets the lowest value of 0.019 for p1 and 0.37 for p2. hypothesis test after the model has the necessary degree of freedom, has been evaluated for normality, and has values for the mahalanobis distance, the hypothesis is tested. regression analysis was performed by analyzing the coefficients of each variable and the level of significance of the independent variables on the dependent variable. the p-value is derived from the regression weights' results, whereas the coefficient value is derived from the weights' normalized results. the link between the independent variable and the dependent variable in model one yielded the following coefficient and p-value results: table 3. coefficient value and p-value of the first model estimate p share_price <- gpm -,023 ,830 share_price <- op m 1,561 ,037 share_price <- npm -1,017 ,176 share_price <- size ,398 ,001 source: data processed by researchers operating profit margin and firm size variables are known to be the factors that influence share prices based on the findings presented in table 3. in contrast, neither the gross profit margin nor the net profit margin significantly influences share prices. additionally, operating profit margin and firm size significantly impact the stock price. this result implies that a business's stock price will increase proportionally based on the increasing operating profit and company size. the following are the outcomes of testing the second model: table 4. coefficient value and p-value of the second model estimate p share_price <- gpm -1,223 ,008 share_price <- opm -5,808 ,023 share_price <- npm -1,391 ,585 the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 9 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting estimate p share_price <- gpm_size 1,211 ,009 share_price <- opm_size 9,767 *** share_price <- npm_size -2,047 ,466 source: data processed by researchers it is clear from the second model that gpm has a significant impact on share prices. this is contrast in the first model that shows that gpm has no appreciable impact on share prices. furthermore, the interaction variables of gpm and firm size also significantly influence share prices. this result proves that firm size can moderate the relationship between gpm and share prices. the same result can be seen in opm. there is a change in the value of the p-value, wherein in the first model, the p-value between gpm and share prices is 0.37. meanwhile, in the second model, the p-value increased to 0.023. likewise, the interaction effect of gpm and company size on share prices is significant, namely 0.00. this result proves that firm size can moderate the relationship between the opm variable and share prices. in contrast to gpm and opm, in the first and second models, npm was not proven to affect share prices significantly. likewise, there is insignificant impact on share prices from the interaction variable of business size and npm. conclusion of the moderating effect of firm size on the effect of gpm on share prices this study was unable to show that gpm significantly affects share prices. this finding demonstrates why shareholder emphasis is not concentrated on gpm. according to (hanafi & halim, 2018), gpm measures a company's potential to generate a profit in relation to its own size by deducting cost of goods sold from net sales. however, other operating incomes and expenses are part of operational activities that can increase or decrease the profit margin value that should be considered to generate profits. as shown in table 1, the average value of gpm is greater than that of opm and npm, namely 37.65%, 18.75%, and 13.65%. in proportion, its value is far above the others. this result shows that there is a need to consider other costs other than the cost of goods sold that must be considered in assessing share prices. table 4 shows that firm size can moderate the effect of gpm on share prices. this result shows that companies with more considerable assets have higher investor confidence. so gpm, which initially has no effect on share prices, will influence share prices when interacting with company size. conclusion of the moderating effect of firm size on the effect of opm on share prices this study succeeded in proving that opm has a significant influence on share prices. as explained by (sherman, 2015), the higher the company's operating profit margin, the more reliable the company is in controlling operating costs or maintaining a solid gross profit margin. therefore, investors place opm as a variable that affects the share price of (mardianti et al., 2019). this the role of firm size in moderating the relationship between profitability and share prices of food and beverage companies akbar 10 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting viewpoint demonstrates that operating income, in addition to the company's relative profit, should be taken into account when evaluating operating performance. this study was successful in demonstrating the importance of business size in moderating the relationship between opm and share prices. as shown in table 3 and table 4, there is an increase in p-value from before the moderating effect is given to after the moderating effect is given. conclusion of the moderating effect of firm size on the effect of npm on share prices this study was unable to demonstrate that npm had a large impact on share prices. this research proves that investors are not concentrated from net income, which has been deducted by other expenses such as interest expense, impairment of receivables, foreign exchange differences, tax expense, and other expenses outside the company's operations which tend to be beyond the company's control. therefore, the value of npm becomes smaller depending on other factors that can affect it, such as the level of solvency (batubara & damayanti, 2021). in line with the results of descriptive statistics in table 1, the proportion of npm is the most minor compared to gpm and opm, namely 13.65%, 37.65%, and 18.75%. this study fails to prove that firm size significantly moderates the effect of npm on share prices. since npm is not the main focus of investors, size also cannot moderate the effect of npm on share prices. that way, the company's size cannot change the investor's focus on npm influencing share prices. conclusion this study established that investors choose share prices for manufacturing firms in the food and beverage sector based on opm. this study cannot establish that gpm and npm have a substantial direct impact on share prices, however an increase in opm may have a considerable impact on an increase in share prices. it is because opm demonstrates the company's capacity to control operating costs and to maintain a healthy gross profit margin. gpm, on the other hand, merely demonstrates that it reflects the business's capacity to get a return on sales relative to cost of goods sold. leverage, which causes the company's interest expenditure, is one of the npm expenses whose triggers are external to operations. the influence of gpm on 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ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 339-350. abstract: public services are seen as evidence of a direct relationship between the government and the community in providing the best service following service standards and being able to satisfy the parties served. kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office in carrying out its duties and functions to realize its vision and mission is required to realize good governance and continue to maintain and improve service quality to be able to provide excellent service by referring to the provisions of the applicable customs and excise law. the purpose of this study is to analyze the quality of public services for imported goods sent for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office in 2018. the analytical method used in this study is the descriptive analysis by conducting interviews with various informants such as users services, academics, or tax authorities. the results of the study indicate that there is still a lack of service quality and service performance achievements in realizing excellent service, namely: average service performance achievements, have not achieved very good performance; the quality of physical evidence services is still lacking, among others: there are no facilities for service users with special needs; there is no television monitor in the service room related to the mechanism or methods of managing consignments; less stable internet network facilities; the facilities for implementing pib pde (online) are not yet ready; and service rooms that are less clean, tidy and comfortable; the quality of service reliability is still lacking, among others: lack of discipline of officers for absenteeism in the system and being at the place of duty during working hours; have not implemented pib service by pde (online); unclear information service telephone number; the quality of responsiveness is still lacking, among others: slow response to questions via email and lack of socialization and education to the public. keywords service, import of shipments. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 340 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting introduction the directorate general of customs and excise (djbc), as a government institution under the ministry of finance of the republic of indonesia, as stated in its vision and mission has the vision to become the world's leading customs and excise institution and a mission to facilitate trade and industry (rashid khan et al., 2018; sinnasamy et al., 2015; zhamaladen et al., 2019), guard borders and protect indonesian people from smuggling and illegal trade, and optimizing state revenues in the customs and excise sector (al anshori, 2016; w. hidayat & arfin, 2017). in addition, by the regulation of the minister of finance (pmk) of the republic of indonesia number 217/pmk.01/2018 concerning the organization and work procedure of the ministry of finance, djbc in carrying out its duties, in addition to achieving optimization of state revenues in the fields of customs and excise, supervision, and law enforcement also provide services by the provisions of the legislation (sitanggang et al., 2018; syahputra et al., 2020). meanwhile, in carrying out its functions, djbc carries out the function of implementing policies in the fields of supervision, law enforcement, services, and optimizing state revenues in the customs and excise sector (irani & chalak, 2015; sugiyanto & kurniawan, 2019). in its duties and functions, service is one part of the duties and functions of the djbc (albram, 2016; dharmawan et al., 2019). to carry out its duties and functions, dgce delegates its authority to the lowest level, including the customs and excise supervision and service office of intermediate customs type (kppbc tmp) c pasar baru post office. in increasing community productivity and competitiveness in international markets as well as realizing economic independence by mobilizing strategic sectors of the domestic economy, djbc is required to be able to play a role by providing optimal services and providing facilities to domestic industries to have high competitiveness (ahmad et al., 2020; alsukait et al., 2020). various strategic and innovative steps have been implemented by dgce to become a credible institution. djbc's reform journey has never stopped from time to time. one of them is the launching of the customs and excise reform strengthening team at the end of 2016. the spirit of this reform is aimed at eradicating illegal trade, creating service practices that are free of illegal fees and corruption, and increasing service user satisfaction. the results of dgce's strategic achievements in 2017, can be seen from the realization of the achievement of customs and excise revenues that exceed the target, and if it includes other taxes in the context of imports (pdri), tax revenues collected by dgce in 2017, have recorded customs and excise revenues rp 192.2 trillion or 101.6 % of the apbn-p target, which was rp. 189.1 trillion, while the number of other pdris that dgce had collected throughout 2017 was rp. 195.9 trillion, or grew by 18.7%. compared to last year's rp. 165.05 trillion, so the total revenue of djbc in 2017 was rp. 388.08 trillion or contributed 29% in tax revenue. the achievement of this revenue performance is a result of the consistent performance of djbc through the programs and innovations that have been rolled out, including the controlling high-risk importer (pibt) program which was declared on july 12, 2017, and continued with the high-risk excise control program (pcbt). pibt and pcbt are program innovations resulting from a series of customs and excise reform strengthening programs (prkc) that have been run by dgce since december 2016 and have succeeded in becoming the runway for improving the quality of dgce's performance in 2017 and the following years. in addition, dgce's successful performance in supporting the trade sector is indicated by the increase in indonesia's ranking in the ease of doing business (eodb) survey conducted by the world bank in 2017 to 72nd, or an increase of 19 places from the previous year which was 91st. the program can be achieved as a concrete step to realizing analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 341 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting dgce as a credible institution in the eyes of the community, both in providing services and in supervisory duties. one of the strategic policies of the directorate general of customs and excise is service acceleration, one of which is realized by accelerating the process of completing the import, export, and excise documents submitted by service users, while still considering the aspect of supervision. the smooth flow of goods is a condition of fast logistics traffic or imported and exported goods and is one of the parameters to creating an increasingly conducive business climate. index data was obtained through a survey conducted by the secretariat general of the ministry of finance of service users in each echelon i unit within the ministry of finance using the services of consultants from external parties. the 2017 service user satisfaction survey was conducted by the research team from gajah mada university (ugm) in 6 major cities, namely batam, medan, jakarta, surabaya, makassar, and balikpapan. the period of service time for which the survey is conducted is within the last year. based on the results of the 2017 service user satisfaction survey conducted by the ugm team, djbc obtained an index of 4.38 with the target set, namely an index of 4.06 (scale 5), by the target set in the 2017 dgce strategic plan and the target of the work plan. djbc 2017 is 4.00. the targets and achievements in 2017 have increased compared to 2016, namely the achievement of an index of 4.04 with an index target of 4 (scale 5). the kpi achievement index in 2017 was 108%. customs and excise supervision and service office type c customs post office pasar baru as the customs and excise supervision and service office under the directorate general of customs and excise which specifically handles services and supervision of foreign postal goods are also required to realize dgce's commitment to continuously make improvements to provide excellent service to service users by the principles of good governance. moreover, the growing online sales business has a direct impact on the increasing volume of postal shipments from abroad. in terms of service, kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office in carrying out its duties and functions as well as to realize its vision and mission is required to realize good governance with excellent service, while for the interest of the state and protection of the community, it is required to collect import duties and taxes in import framework and play an important role in enforcing regulations and legislation to prevent the entry of prohibited and restricted goods that can damage the indonesian people through international postal shipments. based on the data obtained, in collecting import duties and taxes in the context of importing kppbc tmp c, pasar baru post office in 2018 was able to realize revenues of 4.858 billion or 121.39% of the target of receiving import duties of 4.002 billion with import documents for shipments served by 100,825 documents and the achievement of service user satisfaction reached a satisfaction index of 4.35 out of a scale of 5. as for the number of complaints that came in through the internal compliance department as many as 13 complaints and for complaints related to application problems for imported shipments of goods as many as 87 complaints. in addition, 287 violations were found in 2018. from the large number of documents served at 100,825 documents which tends to continue to increase in line with the rapid e-commerce trade with service user satisfaction achievement reaching a satisfaction index of 4.35 out of a scale of 5, this shows that kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office has managed to provide excellent service to service users. however, on the contrary, there are still several violations and complaints from service users regarding the analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 342 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting supervision and services provided, so there is a need for continuous efforts to maintain and continue to improve in providing understanding to service users to reduce the level of violations and complaints that occur as well as in line with demands. of increasing service users. method this research is qualitative descriptive research (arikunto, 2013; creswell, 2017; sugiyono, 2019), which seeks to explain and analyze the quality of public services for the import of goods sent for use regarding the model, service process, service facilities, human resources that provide services and handling problems and complaints, providing information and efforts. improvements and efforts to maintain service quality in realizing excellent service at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office in 2018. data collection techniques are carried out in the form of primary data collection through interviews, observations, and documentation with internal sources, namely: employees or 75 work partners at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office, from service users or the public who utilize services at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office and from widyaiswara/teacher at bppk (financial education and training agency); secondary data collection from documentation data, reports, websites, and others at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office. result and discussion 1. service quality the following is an analysis of the quality of public services for imported goods sent for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office using the theory (parasuraman et al., 1991; tjiptono, 2014), as follows: a. tangible quality of service regarding physical evidence, namely physical facilities which are service facilities, including buildings, rooms, parking lots, computer equipment, and infrastructure facilities to support services (esien, 2020; mandiri et al., 2021; ziemke et al., 2021). based on primary data physical evidence is quite complete. however, there are still some things that need to be improved, including the lack of 2 implementing officers, the network is not stable, there are no facilities available for those with special needs, there are no slides through the television monitor in the service room related to the mechanism or ways of managing consignments, not yet available. ready pib pde internet facilities. meanwhile, in terms of secondary data for office facilities and infrastructure, the results of the service user satisfaction survey reached a satisfaction index of 4.35 with a good performance score, namely: for the completeness and comfort of the main facilities and infrastructure, the index was 4.42, while for the completeness of supporting facilities and infrastructure index achievement of 4.35 and the comfort of supporting facilities and infrastructure with an index of 4.25. meanwhile, from the advice of service users, it is necessary to improve the cleanliness, tidiness, and comfort of service rooms and office areas. from secondary data, physical evidence is in the form of office facilities and infrastructure. analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 343 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on primary and secondary data, the quality of physical evidence needs to improve deficiencies, namely: lack of human resources for 2 implementing officers, less stable network, not yet available facilities for those with special needs, and slides through television monitors related to the mechanism or methods of managing consignments and not yet available. ready pib pde facilities. in addition, it is also necessary to improve the cleanliness, tidiness, and comfort of service rooms and office areas as well as improve the performance of physical evidence to achieve excellent performance. b. reliability quality of service reliability/reliability based on primary data (napirah et al., 2016; nasihah, 2020; pereira & gunaratna, 2020), among others: service promises and even included as head office kpi with achievements exceeding the target (114%), system improvement from manual to pde automation system with ceisa system for shipment so that service is smoother, faster, precise and accurate as well as paperless, and quick alertness of officers. from the primary data, many improvements have been made, but there are still shortcomings, namely regarding the discipline of officers in conducting system attendance, being at work during working hours and pib services are not yet pde (online). based on primary and secondary data, it shows: that the speed of service time index is 4.29, employee discipline reaches an index of 4.48, the clarity of service costs reaches an index of 4.27, and the speed of service officers is 4.29 with good performance scores and for employee integrity, the index achievement is 4, 54 with a very good performance value. the achievement of the quality of service reliability/reliability, the average performance achievement is good, namely 4.39. other secondary data are the existence of announcements and service promises so that the accuracy and speed of service can be measured, and the existence of an anti-corruption commitment so that employees maintain integrity in services. based on the primary and secondary data mentioned above, it shows that the quality of service reliability/reliability still needs to be improved so that all achieve excellent performance and some deficiencies need to be corrected, including attendance by officers in a system that is on schedule, pib service system by pde so that it is more efficient. facilitate, fast and accurate and reduce the element of human error. c. responsiveness the quality of responsiveness in services according to primary data, which shows a pro-active and fast attitude from employees in helping service users' difficulties (afifah & kurniawati, 2021; low et al., 2020; octaviany et al., 2021), including helping to resolve complaints such as billing problems and giving good and clear explanations, conveying information through socialization with various means ( coffee morning, goes to campus and through other social media) and immediately resolves all incoming complaints so that they get many thanks from service users. from the primary data, the service does not show any shortages. based on secondary data from service user satisfaction survey data, the assessment of the information service survey includes the following: ease of obtaining information with an index of 4.23, clarity of information services with an index of 4.33, and ease of submitting complaints with an index of 4.25 which all three show the achievement of good analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 344 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting performance scores. from the survey data, information services need to be improved to achieve excellent performance. in addition to the data from the satisfaction survey, secondary data regarding responsiveness in services can be seen from the presence of employees at the information service with complete facilities who are ready to help the public/service users answer or explain if they experience difficulties or do not know the procedures for managing imported goods, services at the front desk that serves as well as answers directly regarding the service process as many as 4 tables and the settlement of complaints immediately and does not exceed the time limit given. the quality of responsiveness in services needs to be improved in terms of performance to achieve excellent performance and correct deficiencies, namely: speeding up responding to complaints via email, increasing the number of face-toface socialization and targets to schools and the community as well as expanding socialization through collaboration with radio broadcast media and with other media. local government and others. d. assurance quality assurance in service is related to the skills of employees in understanding the applicable provisions regarding the import of consignments as well as their friendly attitude and politeness in providing services and good explanations to service users from primary data (afifah & kurniawati, 2021; arens & loebbecke, 2015; marginingsih, 2020), including ability and a good understanding of employees towards regulations which applies especially to consignments, efforts to organize an employee skills development program (ppkp) for employees to improve employee understanding and ability towards applicable regulations and supported by service level agreement (sla) and customs english club training to improve understanding of service quality. in addition, in providing services, is also based on the operating procedure system (sop) according to applicable regulations, supervision of services provided by the leadership is carried out by spot checks, disciplinary week activities, and surveillance through cctv, and services are provided with a queuing system that does not discriminate in the treatment of people. service users. while the primary data from the assessment of service users is that the officers are friendly in service and have good knowledge. secondary data regarding the quality of assurance according to the data from the service user satisfaction survey, there are 2 criteria whose performance is very good, namely: friendliness and courtesy of employees with a satisfaction index of 4.60 and fairness of service officers with an achievement index of 4.52. the performance is good, namely: clarity of administrative requirements, the satisfaction index achievement is 4.23, the clarity of service procedures with a satisfaction index of 4.35, the ease of service procedures with a satisfaction index of 4.35, and the skills and knowledge of employees with a satisfaction index of 4.44. the achievement of service quality assurance has an average of good performance, namely: 4.41. other secondary data are the implementation of ppkp and socialization to employees regarding applicable regulations and performance management and the availability of 173 sops for services to service users and internal employee services. based on the primary and secondary data mentioned above, for the quality of service assurance, there are very good achievements that need to be maintained, namely: friendliness analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 345 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and courtesy of employees with a satisfaction index of 4.60 and fairness of service personnel with a satisfaction index of 4.52. but on average it needs to be improved so that the performance achievement is very good. meanwhile, ppkp activities or dissemination of regulations and sops, sla training, and customs english club activities to employees have been carried out and need to be increased in frequency according to the available time. e. empathy quality of service on the empathy dimension based on primary data is carried out in the form of (al hujran et al., 2013; sakawati et al., 2017; yim & park, 2021), among others: providing a suggestion/input box as well as via telephone and email complaints, adding 2 employees to the pli subsection to handle incoming emails and quick response of officers in helping to resolve complaints, difficulties, and complaints. meanwhile, secondary data shows, among others: the results of the survey of service users show that the achievement of the ease of submitting complaints index is 4.25 with good performance achievements. with the placement and division of employee duties as needed in providing the best service, receiving and resolving complaints properly as many as 13 complaints, objections from service users received as much as 92.2%, and providing compliant services for service users. based on the primary and secondary data mentioned above, the dimensions of empathy for service quality with good performance achievement need to be improved to achieve excellent performance. in addition, it is necessary to improve existing deficiencies, namely: responding to complaints, difficulties, and complaints via incoming telephone and email quickly and reducing the occurrence of complaints, and even anticipating so that complaints do not occur. 2. inhibiting entity and encouraging entity inhibiting entities in providing services will always appear with the rapid development of trading systems and technology as well as increasing demands from the service user community (fadilah et al., 2021; r. hidayat et al., 2019; rusydi et al., 2020). moreover, to provide the best service or excellent service, it is necessary to anticipate the existence of these inhibiting entities so that they do not occur or if they do occur, it is necessary to find a quick and appropriate solution/solution. from the data obtained by the author, both primary and secondary data, there are several inhibiting entities in service. from the primary data, the obstacles include: hr/officers in service are still lacking, complaints about service operations that come in as many as 13 complaints, problems with the ceisa application system for shipments, slow network system disturbances, lack of timeliness of officers to perform attendance on the application system, lack of discipline of officers at work and online pib pde has not been implemented. meanwhile, from secondary data, data on obstacles include public understanding that is still lacking in the applicable laws and regulations from the many violations, and the existence of damaged pc facilities as many as 4 pcs and 87 application system disturbances. times in one year. of the several inhibiting entities in providing services that are still lacking and need to be improved, among others: application system disturbances, slow network systems, employee discipline in carrying out absenteeism in a system and presence at work during working hours, and the pib service process that has not been pde. online) so that services can be faster and more flexible. analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 346 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting entities that encourage quality services from primary and secondary data, among others: vision, mission, and motto of kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office, programs to increase knowledge and understanding of employees both on applicable regulations with ppkp and on excellent service quality with sla and customs english club, leadership role with surveillance through cctv, spot checks and discipline week, service process innovation from a manual process to automation, ministry of finance's work culture values, information and service promises and support and appreciation from service users as well as kppbc tmp post office performance contracts new market with key performance index determined by referring to and based on the djbc performance contract. 3. swot analysis from the discussion above, reviewed based on the swot analysis (erawati & wance, 2021; prasetiyani, 2006; sutandi, 2018), can be grouped as follows: a. strengths which is a condition that becomes a strength in the organization. strengths in kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office that need to be maintained and improved from primary and secondary data, among others: physical evidence of sufficient, adequate services and good performance achievements; service reliability with service promises as a measure of performance on the main performance index with an achievement of 114%, automation of delivery services and the average achievement of good performance even for the integrity of the achievement is very good; responsiveness of services with sufficient staff and a pro-active and prompt attitude in helping service users' difficulties, conveying information through various socializations, resolving all complaints and achieving good performance; service guarantees with good employee ability and understanding of applicable regulations, services in accordance with sops, intensive leadership supervision and performance achievements with good average achievements even for friendliness, employee courtesy and fairness of employees whose performance achievements are very good; and for empathy, among others: adequate complaint management with various options, namely: suggestion box, telephone and email complaints, resolution of 13 complaints that do not exceed the time limit for service promises and good performance achievements for ease of submitting complaints. b. weaknesses are conditions or everything that is a weakness or deficiency contained in the body of the organization. weaknesses in kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office that need to be improved, among others: regarding the quality of physical evidence, namely: the network is not stable, there are no facilities available for those with special needs, slides through television monitors related to the mechanism or methods of managing consignments and the pib pde facilities are not yet ready and it is necessary to improve the cleanliness, tidiness, and comfort of the service room and office area; for the quality of service reliability/reliability, among others: attendance system by officers is not according to schedule and the pib service system is not yet pde; while the quality of responsiveness includes: slow response to questions via email and lack of socialization and education to the public; c. opportunities are environmental conditions outside the organization that are beneficial and can even be a weapon to advance an organization. opportunities at kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office from primary and secondary data, among analysis of the quality of public services on imported consigned goods for use in realizing excellent service at kppbc type c intermediate customs post office pasar baru in 2018 tjahjono and arimbhi 347 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting others: increasing performance achievements to achieve excellent performance, implementing pib services on a pde basis with the support of service users, increasing the number of socialization of public understanding regarding the process of delivering goods by post and postal services. to the prevailing laws and regulations and to expand the scope of socialization through collaboration with radio broadcast media as well as with local governments as well as correcting deficiencies that still occur. d. threats are external conditions that can disrupt the smooth running of an organization. threats to kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office that need to be anticipated from primary and secondary data, include increasing volume of imported goods through postal deliveries, increasing demands and public awareness of excellent service, and limited human resources and available budget. conclusion there is still a lack of service quality and service performance achievements in realizing excellent service, namely: a) average service performance achievements are not very good; b) the quality of physical evidence services is still lacking, among others: there are no facilities for service users with special needs; there is no television monitor in the service room related to the mechanism or methods of managing consignments; less stable internet network facilities; the facilities for implementing pib pde (online) are not yet ready; and service rooms that are less clean, tidy and comfortable; c) the quality of service reliability is still lacking, among others: lack of discipline of officers for absenteeism in the system and presence at work during working hours; have not implemented pib service by pde (online); unclear information service telephone number; d) the quality of responsiveness is still lacking, among others: slow response to questions via email and lack of socialization and education to the public; the existing inhibiting entities include: system and network disturbances; public understanding of the applicable laws and regulations is still lacking; and the process of pib services that have not been pde; the driving entities are, among others: the vision, mission and motto of kppbc tmp c pasar baru post office; ppkp programs, sla training and customs english club activities for employees; leadership supervision through cctv, spot check and discipline week; system innovation from manual service process to automation; the value of the work culture of the ministry of finance; notices and service promises; support and appreciation from service users; and kppbc tmp performance contract for pasar baru post office. reference afifah, a., & kurniawati, n. a. 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(2022). influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes). ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 408-420. abstract: micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) grow and compete in a constantly changing business environment such as the current digital era, this change makes micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) need follow-up for more advanced business development. many found that micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) that have been established have finally had to stop operating due to improper management. of course, this is a joint concern considering that micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) are the heart of economic development. micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) are businesses with high gdp contributors and also new job seekers. the study was conducted by conducting preliminary observations by looking at the data on the number of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in lubuklinggau city totaling 5,303 registered in lubuklinggau city. with data analysis technique use linear regression . as a result, there are significant influence between the variable. keywords: intellectual capital; financial literacy; financial inclusion; msme. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) are the drivers of the country's socio-economic development as productive businesses that are just developing and the forerunners of future large businesses owned by individuals and business entities (anjaningrum, 2020; chatterjee et al., 2022; haron et al., 2013; putra, 2018). the economic crisis of the 1990s showed that micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) continued to grow and became supporters in increasing gross domestic product (gdp) and employment. the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) is consistently a top priority for the government because it is considered capable of providing benefits to the welfare of the community (anas et al., 2017; shafi et al., 2020; srijani, 2020; trinh et al., 2020) the advantage of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in indonesia is that they provide a large contribution to gdp for the country and can absorb labor (janita & chong, 2013; kumala & junaidi, 2020; rahayu & day, 2015; sisilia et al., 2015). however, the fact is that influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 409 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in indonesia are still lacking in building financial stability such as access to capital, competent human resources (hr) to use advanced technology, and not many have evaluated management performance in facing challenges (muhammad et al., 2009) the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) can be measured from a qualitative perspective through the company's subjective attributes such as increasing the quality of output and depicting a positive product image. quantitative perspective is also considered in measurable indicators such as increase in number of employees, sales revenue and profitability (nkwabi & mboya, 2019) . qualitative and quantitative perspectives on micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) can be optimized so that the business runs smoothly and maintains sustainability. micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) are optimistic about their growing business, thus achieving competitive advantage. this achievement cannot be directly achieved without actors who have an understanding of financial literacy and utilize technology along with the times and utilize intellectual capital (leitner, 2011) . the 2019 national financial literacy and inclusion survey (snlik) showed a financial literacy index of 38.03% and a financial inclusion index of 76.19%. this shows that the indonesian people in general do not understand well the characteristics of various financial products and services offered by formal financial services institutions, even though financial literacy is an important skill in the context of community empowerment, individual welfare, consumer protection, and increasing financial inclusion (otoritas jasa keuangan, 2020) minimal financial literacy has resulted in low financial inclusion and vice versa (martini et al., 2021) . the need for a good understanding of literacy certainly reduces the risk of using fintech and increases public financial inclusion (sulistiyarini, 2012) . financial technology and financial inclusion are external factors in viewing the understanding of financial literacy. understanding of financial technology on financial literacy and financial inclusion has a positive effect as evidenced by financial technology-based financial services that are needed by the public to broaden their horizons regarding financial literacy and financial inclusion (mulasiwi & julialevi, 2020) . this research has been carried out previously which states a significant positive relationship between these variables (martini et al., 2021) ; (marginingsih, 2021) ; (marini et al., 2020) ; (dewi, 2020) ; (sulistiyarini, 2012) . there are other factors that are thought to have an effect on intellectual capital in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes), namely financial inclusion. intellectual capital is a company resource that is categorized as intangible assets that can be developed from human resources (leitner, 2011) . intellectual capital is one of the main sources of financial inclusion in islamic banking in pakistan (nawaz, 2017) . previous research related to intellectual capital in relation to financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) has not been carried out. the research focuses only on the financial performance of each micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes), has not discussed further about intellectual capital on financial inclusion. this study analyzes the influence of intellectual capital, financial technology and financial literacy on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (umkm) lubuklinggau city. influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 410 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting financial inclusion inclusion is providing financial services such as savings, credit, insurance, and payments at prices that all economic actors can afford, especially low-income economic actors (anwar et al., 2017) . financial inclusion is the proportion of individuals and companies that use financial products and services (pulungan & ndruru, 2019) financial inclusion is the process of promoting affordable, timely and adequate access to a wide range of regulated financial products and services and expanding their use by all segments of society through the adoption of existing and innovative tailored approaches including financial awareness and education with a view to promoting financial well-being and inclusion. economic and social (holle, 2019) financial inclusion is a banking instrument that plays an important role in the stability of financial services and access to finance (rusdianasari, 2018) . the following indicators for financial inclusion are: 1. availability/access 2. use 3. quality 4. well-being financial technology financial technology is an innovation that provides convenience and comfort for the public in the financial sector, because people can make transactions only with smartphones and the internet (ansori, 2019). financial technology is an innovation in financial services by utilizing the development of information technology (bfi finance, 2022). financial technology (fintech) is a 'revolution' of combining financial services with information technology that has improved the quality of financial services, and created financial stability (international trade administration, 2016) financial technology refers to the use of technology to provide financial solutions (arner et al., 2015) . specifically, financial technology defined as the application of digital technology to financial intermediation problems (aaron et al., 2017) . financial technology is the use of financial system technology that produces new products, services, technology, and/or business models and can have an impact on monetary stability, financial system stability, efficiency, fluency, security, and reliability of the payment system (bank indonesia, 2017) . financial technology is divided into several indicators based on their use (martini et al., 2021) , namely: 1. perception of ease of use of financial technology 2. effective use of financial technology 3. risk of using financial technology 4. interest in using financial technology financial literacy financial literacy is the level of knowledge, skills, beliefs that influence attitudes and behavior to improve the quality of decision making and financial management in order to achieve prosperity (ojk, 2013) . in addition, financial financial literacy is knowledge to manage finances ( financial literacy is money management knowledge ), indicators in financial literacy are (ulfatun et al., 2016): influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 411 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. basic knowledge of financial management . this basic knowledge is usually related to making decisions in investing or financing that can affect a person's behavior in managing the money they have 2. credit management . is a facility to borrow money and repay it within a certain period of time with interest. 3. savings management . is the amount of money saved for future needs. 4. investment management . is a form of investment activity of funds or assets with the aim of obtaining profits in the future. intellectual capital intellectual capital refers to knowledge resources that can provide a competitive advantage for companies (stewart & ruckdeschel, 1998). intellectual capital is defined as a new, intangible source of wealth; as information, knowledge that is applied to work to create value (nawaz, 2017) . intellectual capital refers to the possession of knowledge and experience, professional knowledge and skills, good relations, and technological capacity, which when applied will provide a competitive advantage for the organization (starovic & marr, 2005) . intellectual capital is divided into human intellectual capital and structural, where the former refers to human intellectual capital, which generates new ideas. second, structural refers to supporting mechanisms, which help human capital to turn these ideas into real products. previous research has shown that intellectual capital is the main driver of value creation in the banking industry (nawaz, 2017) . indicators in intellectual capital are measured by developing the competence of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in honing competent employees, innovating, and maintaining good relations which will result in a successful business in the future and sustainability and can excel in business competition between entrepreneurs in similar fields. (absah et al., 2018) . framework of thinking figure 1 thinking frame hypothesis based on the framework of thinking, the following hypotheses can be presented: h1 : financial technology effect on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) h2 : financial literacy affects financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 412 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting h3 : intellectual capital affects financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) method this study uses a population of all micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in lubuklinggau city as many as 5,303 businesses registered with the office of cooperatives and small and medium enterprises (umkm) lubuklinggau city. this population cannot be used as a sample because only 2,150 micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in lubuklinggau city have business permits . the sample of this study was 337 micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) which were determined by the slovin formula. the slovin formula is used to reduce the number of populations that are too large but still represent the total population of 100% (sujarweni, 2015). the following slovin formula is used with an error rate of 5% . the data collection technique used was the distribution of questionnaires to the people of lubuklinggau city as many as 337 micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in lubuklinggau city. collecting data by distributing online questionnaires with smartphones for 3 months. in addition, other methods are also carried out by visiting the owner directly to be invited to actively participate in providing information related to the problem under study. table 1. definition of operational variables source: primary data processed (2020) the analysis technique uses quantitative analysis. the quantitative analysis technique uses a likert scale with 4 scales to measure each element of the indicator. data analysis using ibm spss 25 . includes descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing (ghozali, 2016). influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 413 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 175 162 337 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 perempuan laki laki jumlah gender 845 838 707 773 486 675 497 482 5303 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 lubuklinggau barat i lubuklinggau barat ii lubuklinggau selatan i lubuklinggau selatan ii lubuklinggau timur i lubuklinggau timur ii lubuklinggau utara i lubuklinggau utara ii total jumlah umkm (unit) result and discussion data distribution the research data was taken from msmes registered in lubuklinggau city, as many as 5,303 msmes registered at the cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises office where the msmes are spread across eight sub-districts, as shown in the following table: source: primary data processing, 2022 figure 2 . research population table 2 . msme research samples in lubuklinggau city complete with business license 2.150 research sample (slovin formula) 337 source: sujarweni, 2015 the sample of this study was 337 micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) which were determined by the slovin formula. the slovin formula is used to reduce the number of populations that are too large but still represent the total population of 100% (sujarweni, 2015). source: primary data processing, 2022 influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 414 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1 38 298 337 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 magister sarjana sma jumlah educational stage figure 3 . respondent's gender respondents consisted of 175 women and 162 men, with an average age of 20 to 59 years. source: primary data processing, 2022 figure 4 . respondent's education level there are 298 respondents in sma and equivalent education, 38 respondents for bachelors and 1 respondent for masters. linear regression analysis financial technology data analysis x1 on financial inclusion y for simple linear regression shows the regression equation, namely y = 24,868 + 0,347 x1. then, the table of results of financial technology data analysis on financial inclusion for the t-test of the financial technology (x1) variable on financial inclusion (y) obtained the value of tcount = 9,670 which is greater than the value of ttable (337-1=336) = 1,652 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. this means that the financial technology (x1) variable has a partially significant effect on financial inclusion (y). the results of x2 financial literacy data analysis on financial inclusion y for simple linear regression shows the regression equation, namely y = 28.095 + 0.263 x2. then, the table of results of data analysis of financial literacy on financial inclusion for the t-test of the financial literacy variable (x2) on financial inclusion (y) obtained the value of tcount = 7,123 greater than the value of ttable (337-1=336) = 1,652 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. this means that the financial literacy variable (x2) has a partially significant effect on financial inclusion (y). results of data analysis of intellectual capital x3 on financial inclusion y for simple linear regression shows the regression equation, namely y = 25.399 + 0.332 x3. then, the table of results of data analysis of intellectual capital on financial inclusion for the t-test of the intellectual capital (x3) variable on financial inclusion (y) obtained the value of tcount = 9.487 which is greater than the value of ttable (337-1=336) = 1.652 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 415 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting that is, the variable intellectual capital (x3) has a partially significant effect on financial inclusion (y). results of data analysis of intellectual capital x3 on financial inclusion y in for simple linear regression shows the regression equation, namely y = 25.399 + 0.332 x3. then, the table of results of data analysis of intellectual capital on financial inclusion for the t-test of the intellectual capital (x3) variable on financial inclusion (y) obtained the value of tcount = 9.487 which is greater than the value of ttable (337-1=336) = 1.652 with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. that is, the variable intellectual capital (x3) has a partially significant effect on financial inclusion (y). effect of financial technology (x1) on financial inclusion (y) based on the results of the regression test, it is known that the financial technology (x1) variable has a coefficient value of 0.347, a positive coefficient value indicates that the higher the financial technology , the higher the level of financial inclusion. the significance value for the financial technology variable is 0.00 less than 0.05, while the t-count value is positive at 9,670. based on the results of the regression test, it shows that h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, which means that the financial technology variable has an effect on the financial inclusion variable. so it can be concluded that financial technology has a positive and significant effect on financial inclusion. the results of this study are supported by previous research, namely "the role of fintech on financial inclusion in south tangerang msmes". the results of the analysis show that the t count of the fintech variable is 6.925 > t table with a value of 1.965, then ha₁ is accepted. thus, fintech has a significant and positive control effect on the financial inclusion variable. this research describes that if there are more msme actors who use technology-based financial assistance, this will further encourage the achievement of the implementation of financial inclusion that is echoed by the government and the increase in the financial inclusion index will also increase with the growing use of fintech assistance. support for financial technology companies should also be increased. the use of technology-based financial services is expected to provide support for increasing levels of financial inclusion. the precise way and ease of access in the use of aid and financial products can ease the efforts of msme actors in obtaining capital and managing their business finances. the effect of financial literacy (x2) on financial inclusion (y) based on the results of the regression test in this study, it is known that the financial literacy variable (x2) has a coefficient value of 0.263, a positive coefficient value means that the higher the level of financial literacy, the higher the level of financial inclusion. the significance value for the financial literacy variable is 0.00, smaller than 0.05, while the t-count value is positive at 7.123. the results of the regression test indicate that h0 is rejected and h2 is accepted, which means that there is an effect of the financial literacy variable on the financial inclusion variable. so it can be concluded that financial literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial inclusion. influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 416 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this research is supported by a previous study entitled the effect of financial literacy on financial inclusion through financial technology on msmes in bandar lampung, the result of which is that financial literacy has a significant effect on financial inclusion. this shows that the higher the financial knowledge, the better the financial behavior and financial attitude of a person will increase the use, utilization and understanding of financial products and services. this is reinforced by the answers of respondents who have the highest scores related to financial literacy where msmes in bandar lampung city already believe and also understand about investment in the form of returns and investment risks, so that msme business actors by investing as early as possible are expected to provide benefits. for them in the future (kusuma, 2020). the influence of intellectual capital (x3) on financial inclusion (y) based on the results of the regression test in this study, it is known that the intellectual capital (x3) variable has a coefficient value of 0.332, a positive coefficient value means that the higher the level of intellectual capital, the higher the level of financial inclusion. the significance value for the financial literacy variable is 0.00 less than 0.05, while the t-count value is positive at 9.487. the results of the regression test indicate that h0 is rejected and h3 is accepted, which means that the intellectual capital variable has an effect on the financial inclusion variable. so it can be concluded that intellectual capital has a positive and significant effect on financial inclusion. this research is supported by a previous study entitled the impact of intellectual capital and public financial services education on financial inclusion succession in indonesia with the test results showing that the intellectual capital variable has a t-value value of 2.21 or > 0.196. these results indicate that the intellectual capital variable has a significant positive impact on the succession of financial inclusion in indonesia. this conclusion means that h1 is accepted. this proves that intellectual capital can help for the succession of financial inclusion, so that the development of the concept of intellectual capital is not always only to detect the financial performance of a company, however, we are oriented more broadly that intellectual capital also supports the economy, one of which is the succession of financial inclusion. based on the results of the coefficient of determination test also found that the magnitude of the influence of the variable intellectual capital on the succession of financial inclusion is 0.299 or 29.9%. these results prove that the role of intellectual capital towards the succession of financial inclusion in indonesia is quite large. these results should be able to provide advice to the government and policy makers (regulators) to start intensifying cooperation with any educational institution to help provide good and correct knowledge (finance) to the unbanked community so that they immediately have access to financial institutions and independently manage their finances. conclusion 1. based on the results of the regression test, it shows that h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, which means that the financial technology variable has an effect on the financial inclusion variable. so it can be concluded that financial technology has a positive and significant effect on financial inclusion. influence financial technology, financial literacy, and intellectual capital on financial inclusion in micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) martini, triharyati, and rimbano 417 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. based on the results of the regression test in this study, it is known that the financial literacy variable (x2) has a coefficient value of 0.263, a positive coefficient value means that the higher the level of financial literacy, the higher the level of financial inclusion. the significance value for the financial literacy variable is 0.00, smaller than 0.05, while the t-count value is positive at 7.123. 3. the results of the 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international journal of tax & accounting, 3(3), 258-271. abstract: the level of formal taxpayer compliance is still not satisfactory if it is associated with the selfassessment system because there are still quite high gaps. for this reason, it is necessary to carry out a tax audit as a supervisory measure. through the audit, it is hoped that it will increase the awareness of taxpayers to fulfil their tax obligations and increase tax revenues. this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the type of case study. the author uses a target approach, a source approach and a process approach to analyse the effectiveness of tax audits as an act of supervising the self-assessment system and supporting tax revenue. the results of the study indicate that the tax audit is quite effective as an act of monitoring the self-assessment system. this is evidenced by a change in the behaviour of the taxpayers who have been audited. however, it is not effective enough to support tax revenue. the inhibiting factors include the amount of data that must be processed and analysed, facilities and infrastructure with limited capabilities. efforts have been made to provide infrastructure, especially computers, which can process and analyse large amounts of data quickly, optimize data from internal parties and anticipate field inspections using zoom and being more selective. keywords: tax audit, self assessment system supervision, tax revenue support. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the formal compliance of taxpayers in indonesia is still not satisfactory because if it is associated with the self-assessment system, all taxpayers should report their tax returns (damayanti & martono, 2018; purwanto & safira, 2020; saptono & khozen, 2021; syafriel, 2018). table 1 taxpayer formal compliance 2016-2020 year taxpayer mandatory taxpayer report achievement 2016 20.16 million 12.29 million 61,0% 2017 16.60 million 12.11 million 73,0% the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 259 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2018 17.65 million 12.55 million 71,1% 2019 18.33 million 13.37 million 72,9% 2020 18.72 million 14.60 million 78,0% source : directorat general of tax, 2020 in the table above, it is seen that the level of formal compliance of indonesian taxpayers in 2020 is still below the target which set by the directorate general of taxes of 80% of the total 19 million taxpayers registered as corporate taxpayers and private taxpayers, including employee taxpayers, although increased when compared to 2019 (erdiansyah & khoirunurrofik, 2021). the increase in formal compliance of taxpayers in 2020 only occurred in employee personal person taxpayers by 85.42%, or as many as 12.1 million taxpayers out of a total of 14.17 million employee personal taxpayers who are obliged to report tax returns. the percentage is higher when compared to 2019 which only reached 73.2%. meanwhile, the formal compliance of corporate taxpayers and taxpayers of non-employee personal persons actually decreased, reaching only 60.17% and 52.45%, lower when compared to 2019 of 65.28% and 75.31%. the above phenomenon shows that between the expectations to be achieved from the implementation of the self-assessment system and the level of compliance of taxpayers there is still a fairly high gap (puspitasari, 2019). the logical consequence of choosing a self-assessment system requires the tax authorities to focus on the tasks of fostering and supervising the implementation of taxpayers' tax obligations based on tax laws and regulations through tax audits. audit of taxpayers is an inseparable part of tax collection through a self-assessment system (klaser & mittone, 2022; reck et al., 2022; siglé et al., 2022). tax audits are expected to provide education so that they can increase awareness in carrying out their tax obligations. in addition, tax audits are expected to provide a deterrent effect on taxpayers who commit violations. in this way, tax audits are expected to further improve taxpayer compliance, which in turn can increase tax revenues (barrios et al., 2020; carrillo et al., 2021; kasper & alm, 2022; privitera et al., 2021). however, in practice the tax audit has not been able to provide an optimal contribution to tax revenue in the last 5 years which tends to decline as shown in the following table: table 2 indonesian tax revenues 2016-2020 (in trillions rupiah) year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* target 1,355. 20 1,283.6 0 1,424.0 0 1,577.6 0 1,198.8 2 realization 1,105. 97 1,151.0 3 1,313.3 3 1,332.6 0 1,070.6 2 achievement 82% 90% 92% 84% 89.3% source : ddtc, 2020 also reflected in indonesia's tax ratio for five years is still around at the same rate and no increase except in 2018 as presented in the following table: table 3 indonesia’s tax ratio 2016-2020 year tax ratio the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 260 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting source: processed by researcher, 2020 this shows that the tax audit as one of the tools to improve taxpayer compliance through the implementation of the self-assessment system has not met the expectations and objectives which already set. this also happened with the acceptance of the lto 4 which tended to decrease in the last 3 years as presented in the following table: table 4 target and realization of tax revenues lto 4 2018 – 2020 year target realization achievement 2018 98,466,170,46 1,000 98,920,116,7 49,283 100.4% 2019 118,563,370,0 76,000 96,951,587,4 43,514 81.77% 2020 85,632,182,95 3,000 74,079,715,9 34,627 86.51% sumber : kpp wp besar empat, 2020 the table above shows that tax revenues lto 4 declined significantly in 2019 and 2020, without ruling out the impact of the pandemic covid-19 in 2020. the number of tax returns reported by the taxpayer lto 4 only ranges figure 70%. this proves that although the audit being conducted by the lto 4, but from the data above shows that his role as a means of monitoring the implementation of self-assessment system and an increase in tax revenue has not been effective. based on the problems above, this study will evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of tax audits as a self-assessment system supervision and support for tax revenues at the lto 4, the obstacles faced and the efforts made to overcome these obstacles. tax administration tax administration in a narrow sense is the administration and service of the rights and obligations of tax payments, both administration and services carried out at the tax office and at the taxpayer's place, while tax administration in a broad sense includes functions, systems and organizations or institutions (faúndez-ugalde et al., 2020; paramitha & supadmi, 2021; widilestariningtyas, 2017). as a function, tax administration includes planning, organizing, mobilizing and controlling taxation (surjono, 2016). as a system, tax administration is a set of elements, namely statutory regulations, facilities and infrastructure, and interrelated taxpayers who jointly carry out their functions and duties to achieve certain goals (huang et al., 2022). meanwhile, as an institution, tax administration that manages the system, the taxation process and services. the quality and quantity of human resources is also one of the benchmarks for tax administration performance (keen & slemrod, 2017; martínez et al., 2022; nguyen et al., 2020). 2016 10.3% 2017 10.9% 2018 10.2% 2019 9.7% 2020 7.9% the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 261 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax audit tax audit is an instrument to determine compliance, both formal and material, whose main purpose is to test the level of compliance in fulfilling tax obligations that have been carried out on the basis of a self-assessment system (eulaiwi et al., 2021; kasper & alm, 2022; ma et al., 2021). the definition of tax audit is a series of activities to seek, collect, data and other information process, to test compliance with tax obligations and for other purposes, in the context of implementing the provisions of tax laws and regulations (mardiasmo, 2016). meanwhile, to increase tax compliance, through law enforcement efforts, so as to increase tax revenue . in general, the main purpose of tax audits is testing compliance with tax obligations, including tax collectors and withholders (bag & wang, 2021; gupta & jalles, 2022). the types of tax audits are routine inspections, selection criteria audits, special audits, preliminary evidence audits, location tax audits, current year audits, integrated audits and audits for tax collection (febrian, 2019; irawan & budiono, 2019). meanwhile, the scope of the tax audit consists of field and office audit (benkraiem et al., 2021; brushwood et al., 2018). the stages of implementing the tax audit must be carried out accordance the tax laws and regulations in order to obtain maximum results and also so that it does not go out of line with the regulations that have been previously set and to be disciplined in its implementation, starting from preparation, implementation to making work reports and audit results (garcíameca et al., 2021; mendoza et al., 2017). the reasons behind the general policy of tax audits are the consequences of tax compliance, to minimize tax avoidance and tax evasion, reduce the level of income tax leakage, and the imposition of sanctions from the results of the audit (kurauone et al., 2021). tax audit standards include general standards, implementation standards and audit results reporting standards (lesmana & setyadi, 2020). the audit standard is the minimum achievement that must be achieved in carrying out the audit (chan et al., 2015). the implementation of tax audits may be better or above the audit standards that have been set (kuchumova, 2017). if the result is below the standard, there is actually no sanction for the tax audit but it will be a measure of guidance for the implementation of the audit by the directorate of audit (nugrahanto & andri nasution, 2019). self assessment system self-assessment system is a tax collection that gives authority, trust and responsibility to taxpayers to calculate, pay and self-report the amount of tax to be paid (sakinah, 2018; satyawati & cahjono, 2017). the self-assessment system is a tax collection system that authorizes taxpayers to determine the amount of tax payable each year in accordance with the applicable tax laws (masrullah et al., 2021). the self-assessment system causes taxpayers to receive a heavy burden because all activities to fulfill tax obligations are carried out by themselves (subing et al., 2011). taxpayers must report all relevant information in the spt, calculate the tax base, calculate the amount of tax owed, deposit the amount of tax owed (zaimah, 2016). because it demands voluntary compliance from taxpayers, this system will also create great opportunities for taxpayers to the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 262 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting commit fraudulent actions, manipulate the calculation of the amount of taxes, and embezzle the amount of taxes that should be paid (lim & indrawati, 2016). the procedure for collecting taxes with a self-assessment system will work well if the public has tax knowledge highly and discipline, where the characteristics of the self-assessment system are simple legal certainty, calculation, easy implementation, more fair and equitable, and tax calculations are carried out by taxpayer (batrancea et al., 2019; gechert & heimberger, 2022). tax control supervision is a process to ensure that all activities carried out are in accordance with what has been previously planned (gangl et al., 2014). supervision is the process of observing the implementation of all organizational activities to ensure that all work being carried out goes according to the established plan. meanwhile, in terms of public administration, supervision is defined as an activity process that compares what is carried out, carried out, or carried out with what is desired, planned, or ordered (savić et al., 2022). supervision of taxpayers is a series of data research activities to follow-up supervision in the context of extracting tax potential, supervision of compliance with taxpayers' tax obligations, and increasing tax revenues in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of taxation. tax supervision is carried out to determine whether the taxpayer is correct, it is reasonable to pay taxes. from there, it is necessary to have data support that shows the seriousness of taxpayers in paying taxes. the reference for the supervision of taxpayers is an overview of the overall results of data pairing which indicates the existence of noncompliance by taxpayers, both formally and materially (yuan et al., 2022). the supervisory function as one of the main tasks of the directorate general of taxes basically includes research and audit activities in the field of taxation, one of which is the completeness of tax reporting (christian & aribowo, 2021). when viewed in terms of implementation, these activities are a process that is related to each other, especially in relation to efforts to enforce tax laws and regulations that aim to improve taxpayer compliance with their tax obligations, one of which is the issuance of tax warning letters for those who have not reported (yap & mulyani, 2022). tax revenue tax revenue is a source of revenue that can be obtained continuously and can be developed optimally according to government needs and community conditions (mardiasmo, 2016). if the tax contribution from the people to the state is smooth, then development will be smooth and run in a sustainable manner. sources of tax revenue include income tax (pph), value added tax (ppn), sales tax on luxury goods (ppnbm) and stamp duty (ratnaningsih & waluyo, 2019). one of the steps taken in increasing tax revenue is the enactment of taxpayer identification number (tin) ownership as an obligations for taxpayers. all taxpayers who have met the subjective and objective requirements in accordance with the provisions of the tax laws and regulations based on the self-assessment system, are required to register at the office of the directorate general of taxes to be recorded as taxpayers and at the same time to obtain a tin (anggraini & kusufiyah, 2020). the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 263 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting several factors that play an important role in ensuring the optimization of tax revenue are clarity, certainty and simplicity of tax laws and regulations, government policies in implementing tax laws, administrative systems, quality services, awareness and understanding citizens and the quality of tax officers which include intellectual, skill, integrity and high morals (irawan & budiono, 2019). effectivity effectiveness is a measure of success, the extent to which the program or activity achieves its goals and objectives (dimos et al., 2022). effectiveness is the relationship between output and goals, or it can also be said to be a measure of how far the level of output, policies and procedures of the organization (afif et al., 2022). effectiveness is also related to the degree of success of an operation in the public sector so that an activity is said to be effective if the activity has a major influence on the ability to provide public services which is a predetermined target (dixit et al., 2022). effectiveness is a measurement of predetermined goals or objectives. in detail. in assessing the effectiveness of programs/activities. several approaches that can be used are the goal approach, the system resource approach, and the internal process approach. these approaches are used by the authors to evaluate the effectiveness of tax audits as a form of monitoring the implementation of the self-assessment system and supporting tax revenues at the lto 4 (hajawiyah et al., 2021). method this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, which problem solving is done using empirical data (sugiyono, 2019). qualitative research seeks and obtain in-depth information rather than breadth and abundance of information (creswell, 2017). the reason for using this approach is because this study wants to have a deeper understanding of the implementation of tax audits as an act of monitoring the implementation of the self-assessment system by taxpayers and supporting tax revenues at the lto 4. the focus of this research is on 1) the implementation of tax audits at the lto 4 while still paying attention to the procedures and procedures for implementing tax audits, internal organizational conditions (coordination and communication) and sources owned (number of human resources, data/information needed in audit activities), 2) the effectiveness of the audit as an act of supervising the self-assessment system and supporting tax revenue, 3) the obstacles faced in the implementation of the tax audit and 4) the efforts made to overcome these obstacles. the informants consist of people who are selected on the basis of certain criteria made by researchers based on the research objectives. questions in in-depth interviews were asked to informants, namely individuals who were believed to have knowledge and understanding of the research topic. data collection techniques in the study consisted of interviews, observation and documentation. the analysis process is carried out starting from data reduction, selecting, focusing attention so that the data can be simplified, abstracted and transformed into the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 264 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting research. then the author analyzes the feasibility so that the data that is really needed can be selected. the next step is to present the data. the author limits the data by collecting information that has been adjusted and clarified in order to facilitate data mastery. the last stage is drawing conclusions in the form of meanings that will be tested for authenticity, rationality and applicability, so that conclusions are obtained with important research results and values. the author uses triangulation as a tool to test the validity of the data. result and discussion after conducting interviews with informants, documentation studies and observations, the results showed that the tax audit activities carried out by the lto 4, apart from referring to the regulations governing tax audits, also referred to material tax provisions and regulations. a. tax audit effectiveness as self-assessment system supervision and tax revenue support it is known that the tax audit is considered quite effective as an act of monitoring the implementation of the self-assessment system by taxpayers. this is indicated by the implementation of the right strategy, the tax audit has also been carried out in accordance with the stages, procedures and standards that have been set. tax audit activities are carried out using the examination desktop application to record all activities and ensure that every procedure and stage is carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. the examination desktop application helps the administration of inspection activities starting from the preparation, implementation and reporting of examinations. examination preparation activities are also supported by the examination desktop application, as an audit plan. meanwhile, the issuance of audit order (sp2) and field audit notification letters (sppl) or summons for office audits (sppk) have been supported by the sidjp inspection module. internal data testing which obtained from taxpayers and third parties are supported by audit tools such as excel, power query, acl, apiseta, e-audit utilities and others. in addition, as an effort to improve the quality of audits, the director general of taxes has implemented a peer review policy on tax audits that have been carried out. the purpose of peer review is to improve audit quality by assessing the ability of tax auditors, both in terms of understanding the business world of the taxpayer being audited, understanding accounting and fiscal juridical aspects, as well as technical mastery of audits. peer review also includes an assessment of the discipline and compliance of the tax examiner in carrying out the audit as well as the orderly administration of the audit. tax audit are also carried out by functional auditors who are professional, have high integrity, independent, carry out an audit carefully while still paying attention to applicable professional and moral norms and experience in making audit working papers (kkp). kkp has a very important role in documenting the implementation and results of the audit and also useful for subsequent audit. thus, the implementation of the audit carried out by the functional auditor of the lto 4 has fulfilled the basic concepts in the audit (duan et al., 2021; goldman et al., 2022). the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 265 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting support from the leader and co-workers is also provided and goes well starting from the preparation, implementation to reporting stages, so that the results of the audit can be accounted for and are of high quality. this shows that the existing organizational structure strongly supports the implementation of an effective tax audit. the implementation of tax audits is still carried out optimally even though the number of auditors is limited at certain times, especially when the audit orders (sp2) are issued simultaneously. the required data can be obtained easily because it is supported by very cooperative taxpayers. thus, the effectiveness of the tax audit carried out by the auditors of the lto 4 has been achieved with the fulfillment of the approaches used (cunningham, 2010). the implementation of the audit is also required to have an effect as a supporter of tax revenue. the results of the tax audit are expected to provide a significant contribution to tax revenue increase with a positive correction of the tax return reported by the taxpayer. for the tax service office, tax receipts of whatever type, it be income tax, value added tax, and other types of taxes. from the interviews with informants, the authors obtained information that the tax audit indirectly affects the tax revenue of the lto 4, although it is not too significant. taxpayer deposits increase after the audit is carried out. this is evidenced that the results of tax audits always reach the target in 2020. the following table shows the value of receipts obtained from the results of the examination of the lto 4 : tabel 5 total revenue from tax audit year total revenue 2018 idr 3,396,151,466,589 2019 idr 2,426,721,300,729 2020 idr 2,304,201,829,295 source : lto 4, 2020 from the description above, it can be seen that the implementation of the tax audit is considered quite effective as an act of monitoring the self-assessment system but is not effective enough if it is associated with supporting tax revenues. tax revenues at the tax service office will increase along with the growth of taxpayer compliance as a result of the implementation of tax audits as an effort to monitor the self-assessment system (salip and wato, 2016). b. obstacle factor from the results of interviews with informants, that the inhibiting factor faced in conducting tax audits was the slow processing of taxpayer data due to the large amount of data that had to be analysed with limited facilities and infrastructure, especially the limited ability of computers to process and analyse large amounts of big data. considering that the corporate taxpayers registered at lto 4 are large companies with a fairly broad business scale and have branches or subsidiaries spread throughout indonesia, this results in field inspections not being able to reach all locations where the branch or subsidiary is located. . the limited supporting data possessed is also a factor that hinders the implementation of the tax audit because it requires careful analysis in order to obtain strong of tax audit results. meanwhile, the obstacles felt by tax auditor are more than uncomfortable feelings the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 266 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting caused by mutations that require to change places of duty. this mutations can affect the psychology of an auditor so that it is feared that he will not focus on carrying out his duties so that he cannot show good work performance. meanwhile, the obstacles faced by taxpayers are related to the search for data needed by auditors in tax audits because the data is old and difficult to find quickly, especially regarding company data in a province, employees who used to handle the data have resigned from the company. another obstacle is the difference in interpretation of the provisions and regulations of tax laws between taxpayers and the auditors, resulting in a dispute which leads to the submission of objections even to the level of appeal by the taxpayer. inadequate number of functional auditors is also one of the inhibiting factors, considering that examinations for overpaid tend to increase and are quite time-consuming and require special attention and treatment to obtain greater results. c. efforts made various efforts have been made by the leader and the head of the audit section and their staff to overcome these inhibiting factors, among others by proposing the provision of computers capable of processing large amounts of data, although so far this has not been fulfilled due to budgetary constraints. especially in 2020 with the social distancing policy, the efforts made are to anticipate field audit through zoom and be selective. data needs are sought to be obtained from internal parties, especially account representative officers who already know the condition of the taxpayer to be audited. however, what needs to be a concern is the importance of increasing audit raw materials that have gone through rigorous and mature analysis stages so that the potential tax that can be extracted from the taxpayer to be audited can be identified. the head of lto 4 can also follow up on the results of the training followed by the auditor so that it can be seen the increase in abilities and skills after attending the training. so that the implementation of tax audits becomes more accurate and the expected results can be obtained satisfactorily and can minimize the emergence of lawsuits or appeals filed by taxpayers due to disputes due to differences in the interpretation of tax laws and regulations. the directorate general of taxes also needs to think about giving rewards to taxpayers who show their compliance, either voluntarily or after an audit, as a form of appreciation for their obedient and obedient attitude in fulfilling their tax obligations in accordance with the laws and regulations. in addition, it is also necessary to think about the career path for each auditor to reach the highest level so that the spirit and work motivation of the auditor remain high and can produce quality audit. the function of dgt is to facilitate the self-assessment system to run properly. if this function can be carried out optimally, the voluntary compliance of taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations will increase, this will have an impact on the tax coverage ratio as well as tax revenue. the effectiveness of tax audit as a self assessment system supervision measures and tax revenue support (study at the large tax office 4). wahyudin, tyas, atmojo, andrayanti, and juliana 267 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion from the research findings, it can be concluded that the tax audit is considered quite effective as an act of monitoring the self-assessment system. this is evidenced by a change in the behavior of the taxpayers who have been audited. however, it is not effective enough to support tax revenue, especially in the lto 4. the audit target can indeed be achieved but its contribution to tax revenue is not significant. the inhibiting factors for the implementation of tax audits faced by the lto 4 include the large amount of data that must be processed and analyzed with limited facilities and infrastructure that cannot be fulfilled due to budget constraints. the social distancing policy as a form of compliance with health protocols has resulted in limited and more selective field inspections. meanwhile, the inhibiting factors experienced by taxpayers are the difficulty of finding long data in a fast time and the differences in interpretation of the tax laws and 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ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 435-447. abstract: the capital market in indonesia is currently experiencing very rapid development from year to year, as evidenced by the increasing number of public companies every year. banking is one of the sub-sectors included in the lq45 index with its average share having the highest market capitalization among other sub-sectors. the development of the capital market in indonesia, including the banking subsector is inseparable from the supporting factors are internal factors as seen from the company's financial ratios. this study aims to determine the influence of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the period 2015-2020. the data collection method used in this study is the documentation method. the data used is secondary data, the determination of the sample in this study was carried out by purposive sampling method. the data in this study was processed using spss application.. the analysis tools used are, descriptive statistical analysis, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression, t test, f test, and determination coefficient. the results of this study show that the price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio affect stock returns simultaneously. partially, the price earning ratio, return on equity, and debt to equity ratio affect stock returns, meanwhile firm size and dividend payout ratio have no effect on stock returns. keywords: debt to equity ratio, dividend payout ratio, firm size, lq45, banking, price earning ratio, return on equity, stock returns. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the capital market is a place for various parties, especially companies, to add funds to strengthen the company's capital by selling stocks and bonds (dima et al., 2018; engler & wulff, 2014; fahmi, 2015). the capital market is a place for buying and selling various long-term financial instruments in the form of debt or equity, whether issued by the government, public authorities, or private companies (bathia et al., 2020; hao & wang, 2021; tarczynski et al., 2020). currently, the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 436 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the capital market is developing very rapidly and has become one of the supporting factors that have an important role in increasing the economic growth of a country (han & tang, 2020; jia, 2018; paddock et al., 1980). the development of the capital market in indonesia, namely the indonesia stock exchange, is growing rapidly from year to year as evidenced by the number of public companies that is increasing every year (mukti & rokhyadi, 2016; pandansari, 2012; putri & shabri, 2022; rahmawati & hadian, 2022). source: bps, processed 2021 graph 1. number of public companies listed on the idx (2008 – 2020) graph 1 shows an increase in the number of companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from year to year. based on data from the central bureau of statistics, the number of companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange increased from 396 companies in 2008 to 713 companies in 2020. quoted from cnbc indonesia, according to the president director of the indonesia stock exchange, inarno djajadi, there were 51 new issuers listed. listed its shares on the indonesian stock exchange in 2020 during the corona virus pandemic. currently, indonesia is still the stock exchange with the highest number of initial public offerings (ipo) in asean. there are various kinds of indices on the indonesia stock exchange, one of which is the lq45 index. the lq45 index is one of the indexes on the indonesia stock exchange which consists of 45 stocks that have high liquidity and large market capitalization as well as good company fundamentals. banking is one of the sub-sectors that are included in the lq45 index with the average share having the highest market capitalization among other sub-sectors. the banking sub-sector companies also dominate the list of top constituents in the lq45 index (mauko et al., 2018; rahayu & sari, 2018; sambelay et al., 2017; sudarman & diana, 2022). investment itself is one way that can be done to get a number of advantages by investing or buying valuable assets offered in the capital market (sari & hermuningsih, 2020). one type of investment in the capital market that has developed is stocks. shares are defined as proof of ownership of funds in a company which includes the nominal, company name, and rights and obligations for its users (fahmi, 2015). investors have the main objective in investing in stocks, namely to obtain returns in the form of dividend income (profits distributed by the company to shareholders) and capital gains (income from the positive difference between the selling price of the stock and its purchase price) (draženović & kusanović, 2016). stock returns are the result of expectations expected by investors (hartono, 2017). to get the maximum stock return, investors need to pay attention to various factors such as the company's financial performance as reflected in financial ratios. price earning ratio is one of the financial ratios that affect stock returns. defines the price earning ratio as a ratio that shows the results of the comparison between the price per share and earnings per share (hery, 2018). the price earning ratio (per) has a positive effect on stock returns (pandaya et al., 2020). another financial ratio that investors need to pay attention to in estimating stock returns is return on equity. return on equity is a ratio used to measure net profit after tax and own capital (kasmir, 2017). roe can describe the extent to which the company is the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 437 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting able to manage and optimize existing equity or capital to obtain profits or profits. the results of previous researches show that return on equity has a positive and significant effect on stock returns (dewi et al., 2020; sinaga et al., 2020). the debt to equity ratio is another financial ratio that can affect stock returns, this is based on the results of their research which shows that the debt to equity ratio (der) has a positive influence on stock returns (silalahi & silalahi, 2020). der is a ratio that shows the extent to which own capital guarantees all debt (hantono, 2017). companies that have a low debt to equity ratio in their capital structure policies generally have the opportunity to grow bigger (fatahillah et al., 2022). however, if the company's high der is balanced with productive use of debt, it will affect the company's performance and be able to increase profits so that it will have an impact on increasing stock returns (widiani et al., 2022). another factor that affects stock returns is the size of a company (firm size). large companies (size) have more stable sales and established assets so that the ability to earn greater profits (gaffar et al., 2022). firm size is the size of the company that can be measured by total assets / company assets by using the calculation of the logarithmic value of total assets (hartono, 2017). previous research shows that firm size has a positive and significant effect on stock returns (sustrianah, 2020). the company's dividend policy is a factor that is generally considered by investors in addition to financial performance through the company's financial ratios and company size (tiwari & pal, 2020). the company's dividend policy is reflected in the dividend payout ratio, namely the percentage of profits distributed in the form of cash dividends, meaning that the size of the dividend payout ratio will affect the investment decisions of shareholders (fitri & purnamasari, 2018; yan & zhu, 2020). the dividend payout ratio has a significant positive effect on stock returns (sinaga et al., 2020). according to previous research, there are still differences in research results regarding the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, dividend payout ratio, and firm size on stock returns. method this study uses an associative research method with a quantitative approach to identify the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio on stock returns. the variables to be measured in this study are price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, dividend payout ratio, and stock returns. price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio as independent variables that will affect stock returns as the dependent variable. besides that, the object of this research is a banking company listed on the lq45 index on the indonesia stock exchange. the data used in this study is data for the period from 2015 to 2020. the types of data used in this study are secondary data and data collection methods. in this study, it was conducted by means of a documentation study, which was obtained from internet media by downloading it through the website and related company websites to obtain company financial statement data and download via site to obtain stock price data for the 2015-2020 period. the population used in this study were all companies listed on the lq45 index on the indonesia stock exchange, totaling 45 shares. determination of the sample in this study was done by purposive sampling method. the sample taken by the researcher is the banking sub-sector companies that are included in the lq45 index on the indonesia stock exchange for the 20152020 period with predetermined criteria. the criteria used in this study are: the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 438 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. the research was conducted on companies that consistently entered the lq45 index list on the indonesia stock exchange during the 2015 2020 period. 2. banking sub-sector companies listed on the lq45 index. 3. companies that have positive earning after tax (eat) in the 2015-2020 period. 4. companies that consistently distribute dividends in the 2015-2020 period. based on the above criteria, of the 45 companies included in the lq45 index listed on the indonesia stock exchange that can be used as research samples are as many as 4 banking subsector companies. this study uses multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using f test and t test. all of these data analysis methods are processed using the spss application. this research was conducted with a series of testing stages, namely descriptive analysis, classical assumption test (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test), multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing (f test and t test), and coefficient of determination (r2) . result and discussion descriptive statistical test descriptive statistical testing in this study was used to describe the variables used. descriptive analysis describes a data that is seen from the value of the average (mean), minimum, maximum, and standard deviation (standard deviation) with n being the number of respondents or data in the study. the amount of data observed was 24 data from 4 research samples and 6 years of observation, namely from 2015 to 2020. the description of each research variable is shown in table 1 below. table 1. descriptive statistics test descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation stock returns 24 -27.13 44.19 4.8792 19.10985 per 24 3.64 35.10 13.5421 8.16263 roe 24 2.91 22.45 14.3842 4.25682 der 24 4.25 6.76 5.5208 .65863 firm size 24 33.86 34.95 34.4754 .29760 dpr 24 21.89 65.00 39.4396 13.35967 valid n (listwise) 24 source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 439 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting classical assumption test results 1. data normality source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) graph 2. result of normality classical assumption test – probability plot graph 2 shows the points spread around the diagonal line on the normality probability plot graph. this means that the data meets the assumption of normality and deserves to be accepted. 2. multicollinearity test table 2. multicollinearity test results coefficientsa model collinearity statistics tolerance vif 1 (constant) per .168 5.960 roe .403 2,482 der .367 2,722 firm size .195 5.133 dpr .215 4.646 a. dependent variable: stock return source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) table 2 above shows the results of the calculation of the tolerance value on the regression modal. the results show that all independent variables, namely price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio have a tolerance value > 0.1 and the vif value obtained for each variable < 10. these results conclude that the model regression in this study is free from multicollinearity. the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 440 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. heteroscedasticity test source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) graph 3. heteroscedasticity test results–scatterplot graph 3 above shows the points scattered randomly, both below and above the number 0 on the y axis, so it can be concluded that the data used in this study is free from symptoms of heteroscedasticity. 4. autocorrelation test table 3. autocorrelation test results – run test runs test unstandardized residual test value -4.77612 cases < test value 12 cases >= test value 12 total cases 24 number of runs 14 z .209 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .835 a. median source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) table 3 above shows the results of data processing using run tests. the results show the value of asymp. sig (2-tailed) of 0.835 > 0.55 which means that the residual is random or there is no autocorrelation problem in this study. multiple linear regression analysis multiple linear regression analysis was carried out after the classical assumption test to determine the relationship between the independent variables (x) which included price earning ratio (x1), return on equity (x2), debt to equity ratio (x3), firm size (x4), and dividends. payout ratio (x5) to the dependent variable (y), namely stock returns. the results of the regression test of the research variables using spss obtained the following results as presented in table 4 below. the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 441 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4. multiple linear regression test results coefficients a model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 1212.813 848,032 1,430 .170 per 2.169 .995 .927 2.180 .043 roe 3.506 1,231 .781 2.847 .011 der -22.484 8.335 -.775 -2,698 .015 firm size -34.284 25,333 -.534 -1.353 .193 dpr .465 .537 .325 .866 .398 a. dependent variable: stock return source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) based on table 4 above, the regression equation for this study can be made as follows: y = 1212.813 + 2.169 x1 + 3.506 x2 22.4848 x3 34.284 x4 + 0.465 x5 +e information: y = stock returns x1 = price earning ratio x2 = return on equity x3 = debt to equity ratio x4 = firm size x5 = dividend payout ratio a = constant b = regression coefficient e = error term hypothesis test hypothesis testing was conducted to determine the effect of the independent variables, namely price earning ratio (x1), return on equity (x2), debt to equity ratio (x3), firm size (x4), and dividend payout ratio (x4) on the dependent variable, namely stock returns. testing this hypothesis using the simultaneous significance test (f test) and partial significance test (t test). 1. effect of price earning ratio (x1), return on equity (x2), debt to equity ratio (x3), firm size (x4), and dividend payout ratio (x5) on stock return simultaneously the following are the results of the f test (simultaneous test) which are presented in table 5. the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 442 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 5. f test results (simultaneous test) anova a model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 3815.309 5 763.062 2.996 .039b residual 4583.981 18 254.666 total 8399.291 23 a. dependent variable: stock return b. predictors: (constant), dpr, der, roe, firm size, per source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) based on table 5 above, the result of fcount is 2.996, while ftable is 2.77. the results of ftable 2.77 can be seen in the distribution ftable, in column 5 (total all 6 variables minus the number of dependent variables 1) in row 18 (total data 24 minus the number of variables 6). because the value of fcount > ftable (2.996 > 2.77) and a significant value of 0.039 < 0.05 then h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, this shows that the variables price earning ratio (x1), return on equity (x2), debt to equity ratio (x3), firm size (x4), and dividend payout ratio (x5) simultaneously (together) have a significant effect on stock returns in banking sub-sector companies listed on the lq45 index for the 2015-2020 period. 2. effect of price earning ratio (x1), return on equity (x2), debt to equity ratio (x3), firm size (x4), and dividend payout ratio (x5) on stock returns partially the following are the results of the t-test (partial test) which are presented in table 6. table 6. t-test results (partial test) coefficients a model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 1212.813 848.032 1,430 .170 per 2.169 .995 .927 2.180 .043 roe 3.506 1,231 .781 2.847 .011 der -22.484 8.335 -.775 -2.698 .015 firm size -34.284 25.333 -.534 -1.353 .193 dpr .465 .537 .325 .866 .398 a. dependent variable: stock return source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) in the price earning ratio (x1) variable, the t-count value is 2.180 and the sig value is 0.043, by describing the t-table, the value is 2.093, then t-count > t-table (2.180 > 2.093) and significant value (0.043 <0.05) thenh0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that the price earning ratio (x1) has an effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index in 20152020. this shows that the greater the price earning ratio (per), the greater the stock returns. a high per indicates that the company has the opportunity for a higher growth rate. this growth opportunity is a positive signal for investors so that there will be many investors who will buy the stock and cause the stock price to continue to increase. this indicates that per has an influence on stock returns. this is in line with the results of research by silalahi the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 443 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and evelin (2020) which show the results of the price earning ratio (per) have a significant effect on stock returns in banking in the capital market. in the return on equity (x2) variable the value oft count of 2.847 and a sig value of 0.011, by describing t-table obtained a value of 2.093 then t-count>t-table(2.847 > 2.093) and significant value (0.011 < 0.05) then h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that return on equity (x2) has an effect on stock returns in banks listed on the 2015-2020 lq45 index. this shows that it is getting bigger return on equity a company, the greater the stock returns that will be obtained by shareholders (investors). the higher the roe means that the company's profit growth is higher and causes investors to be interested in the stock, this has an impact on increasing the selling price of the stock. high stock prices will also affect the increase in stock returns. the stock returns that will be received by investors will be even greater. this indicates that roe has an effect on stock returns, which can be considered by investors in making investment decisions. this is in line with the research results of sinaga, et al (2020) which show that there is a significant positive effect of roe on stock returns on trade, service & investment listed on the idx. the results of this study are also in line with the research of dewi, et al (2020) with the results of return on equity having a positive effect and significant to stock returns in banking companies on the indonesia stock exchange. in the variable debt to equity ratio (x3) the value oft count of -2.698 and sig value of 0.015. the negative t-count value is ignored on its nature and only uses the number, namely 2.698 which is applied to the one-tailed test (one-tailed), by outlining t-table obtained a value of 2.093 then t-count>t-table (2.698 > 2.093) and significant value (0.015 < 0.05) then h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that the debt to equity ratio (x3) has an effect on stock returns in banks listed on the 2015-2020 lq45 index. this shows that the greater the der of a company, the greater the debt and the smaller the stock returns or returns that investors will get. der has an effect on stock returns because this ratio describes the level of company risk so that it is an important thing that investors need to pay attention to. the higher the risk, the less interested investors are in the stock. this will cause stock prices to fall and result in a low level of return that will be received by investors. this is in line with previous researches result that the debt to equity ratio (der) has an effect on stock returns (anam et al., 2021; estiasih et al., 2020; reztrianti & suparningsih, 2021). in the firm size (x4) variable the value of t-count of -1.353 and sig value of 0.193. the negative t-count value is ignored on its nature and only uses the number, namely 1.353 which is applied to the one-tailed test (one-tailed), by outlining t-table obtained a value of 2.093 then t-count 0.05) then h0 is accepted and h1 is rejected, meaning firm size (x4) has no effect on stock returns. this shows that the size of a company seen from its total assets will not have an impact on the amount of stock returns that will be received by shareholders or investors. firm size has no effect on stock returns because the size of the company's total assets does not indicate that the company is better at generating profits which will have an impact on investor decisions. this is in line with previous research result that size has no significant effect on stock returns (mayuni & suarjaya, 2018). on variable dividend payout ratio (x5) scoret count of 0.866 and a sig value of 0.398, by describing t-table obtained a value of 2.093 then t-count 0.05) then h0 is accepted and h1 is rejected, it means dividend payout ratio (x5) no affect on stock returns. this shows that the size of the dividends distributed by the company to shareholders (investors) will not affect the increase or decrease in stock returns in the form of capital gains that will be obtained by these investors. the amount of dividends distributed by investors has no effect on stock returns because the the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 444 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting company's decision in terms of dividend distribution is not only caused by the size of the company's profits, but also because of the company's management policies. this is in line with the previous research results, the dividend policy calculated by dividend payout ratio has no effect on stock returns (dewi et al., 2020). coefficient of determination (r2) the coefficient of determination is intended to measure how far the model's ability to explain bound variation is (ghozali, 2016). the following are the results of the coefficient of determination test which can be seen in table 7. table 7. coefficient of determination test results model summaryb model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .674a .454 .303 15.95825 a. predictors: (constant), dpr, der, roe, firm size, per b. dependent variable: stock return source: data processed by researchers with spss (2021) table 7 shows the relationship that occurs between the independent variables (price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio) and the dependent variable (stock returns) is a fairly low or limited relationship. this is indicated by the adjusted r square value of 0.303 or around 30.3%, which means that the independent variable can only explain 30.3% of the dependent variable (stock returns). the remaining 60.7% is the influence of independent variables or other independent variables not examined in this study, namely current ratio, earnings per share, price to book value, return on assets, and other financial ratios. conclusion based on the results of the tests and discussions described in the previous chapter, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio simultaneously have an effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the 2015-2020 period. 2. price earning ratio effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the 20152020 period. 3. return on equity effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the 20152020 period. 4. debt to equity ratio effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the 20152020 period. 5. firm size has no effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the 2015-2020 period. 6. dividend payout ratio has no effect on stock returns in banks listed on the lq45 index for the 2015-2020 period. the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 445 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the results of the research in the final project in the form of this 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(2022). analysis of the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city in 2018-2021. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 448-460. abstract: hotel tax on boarding houses is one of the original regional incomes (pad), which is categorized into hotel tax. there are several boarding house owners who do not report and pay for their boarding house business tax, which in this matter does not conform to the regulation related to boarding house tax which is laws number 28 of 2009 regarding regional rax and retribution and regional regulation of depok city number 07 of 2010. the purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the implementation of the hotel tax collection on boarding house in depok city within 2018-2020. the method used in this study is the qualitative method with descriptive research. the result indicates that the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city within 2018-2020 has not yet been implemented well due to the awareness of the taxpayers is still low, the counseling, education, and socialization that has not yet maximum, and the lack of human resource amount who can handle the hotel tax collection on the boarding house. keywords: implementation, local taxes, hotel tax, boarding house tax. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction boarding houses are currently a big business opportunity in the city of depok. this is due to the large number of universities that have been established. every year the influx of students from outside the region increases to study. so that it has an impact on the need for residential facilities which continues to increase, especially the need for boarding houses. this correlates with the boarding house business in depok city which continues to increase due to the high demand for boarding houses. therefore, the depok city government established a policy regarding the collection of boarding house taxes in depok city as regional original income (pad). unfortunately, not all boarding house owners want to carry out their taxation properly and correctly. there are many cases of reluctance of boarding house owners to carry out their tax obligations. this is due to the absence of a counter-achievement that can be directly accepted by the owner of the boarding house, the lack of awareness that only with tax contributions can the the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 449 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting state build and do not understand the existing regulations (prabhaswara, 2015; sugiyanto et al., 2008). based on the law of the republic of indonesia number 28 of 2009 concerning taxes regional and regional levies in article 1 paragraph 21, hotels are facilities that provide lodging/rest services including other related services for a fee, which includes motels, inns, tourism huts, tourism guesthouses, guesthouses, lodging houses and the like, as well as boarding houses with the number of rooms is more than 10 (ten). based on the statement in the act, one of the categories of hotel tax is the boarding house tax (lee, 2014; utami & supadmi, 2020). therefore, the boarding house tax is included in one type of tax from the hotel tax. thus, the services and supporting facilities provided by the boarding house entrepreneur are the object of the hotel tax. as an object of hotel tax, the imposition of taxes on boarding houses is included in the indirect tax category. this means that the owner of the boarding house is a taxpayer who only acts as a tax collector (hapid & hadrah, 2016; mills et al., 2019). the boarding house tax has relatively promising potential which is part of the hotel tax category so that it can increase depok city's original revenue. based on the regional regulation of the city of depok number 07 of 2010 concerning regional taxes. this boarding house tax only applies to boarding houses that have more than 10 (ten) rooms, at a rate of 10% of the total payments made for one month. based on data obtained from the regional finance agency of depok city, the realization of hotel tax receipts for boarding houses in 2018-2021 every year always exceeds the target, this shows that the increase is very significant. in 2020, it decreased from rp. 3,054,927,423 to rp. 1,479,100,048, one of which was due to the covid-19 outbreak which caused some migrants affected by the pandemic to choose not to rent a boarding house anymore and return to their hometown (andrew & sari, 2021; indahsari & fitriandi, 2021; ozdemir et al., 2021; syahnaz, 2021). based on data on the growth of boarding house taxpayers from the regional finance agency of depok city, the number of boarding house taxpayers has increased from year to year. this shows the potential to increase the number of boarding house taxpayers in depok city along with the increasing number of boarding house businesses. problems that occur in the collection of hotel taxes on boarding houses of more than 10 rooms in depok city, including: first, the lack of understanding of the owner of the boarding house will be tax aware, this is proven by the many objects of boarding houses tax of more than ten rooms that have not been reported by the taxpayer. second, the socialization carried out by the relevant agency has not been effective to the owner of the boarding house. and boarding house owners are reluctant to fulfill their obligations to report and pay taxes. sometimes the owners of boarding houses cover up the truth, for example by saying that the number of rooms used is less than ten rooms. meanwhile, the regional finance agency, which handles hotel taxes on boarding houses, is having difficulty registering the owners. this is because the owner is difficult to find. with the problems encountered, researchers are interested in conducting research on "implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city in 2018-2021", with the aim of knowing the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 450 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting depok city, knowing the obstacles that affect the implementation the policy as well as the efforts made in the obstacles that occur. basic tax theory taxes are public contributions to the state (which can be imposed) which are owed by those who are obliged to pay them according to general regulations (laws) with no return of achievement that can be directly appointed and whose purpose is to finance general expenses in connection with the duties of the state. to run the government (harjo, 2019; mardiasmo, 2016). tax elements 1. contributions from the people to the state. only the state has the right to collect taxes. the contribution is in the form of money (not goods). 2. based on the law. taxes are collected based on or with the force of the law and its implementing rules. 3. without reciprocal services or counter-achievements from countries that can be directly appointed. in the payment of taxes can not be shown the existence of individual contraachievement by the government. 4. used to finance state households, namely expenditures that are beneficial to the wider community local tax regional tax is a tax that the regional government determines and collects taxes based on regional regulations (perda) to be ratified in the regional revenue and expenditure budget and used to finance regional families (harjo, 2019; mardiasmo, 2018; pohan, 2021). types of regional taxes based on law number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies (pohan, 2021; samudra, 2016), regional taxes are divided into 2 types, namely 1. provincial taxes, consisting of: a. vehicle tax; b. duty on transfer of motor vehicle names; c. motor vehicle fuel tax; d. surface water tax; and e. cigarette tax 2. regency/city taxes consist of: a. hotel tax; b. restaurant tax; the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 451 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting c. entertainment tax; d. advertisement tax; e. street lighting tax; f. tax on non-metal and rock minerals; g. parking tax; h. groundwater tax; i. swallow's nest tax; j. rural and urban land and building tax; k. fee for the acquisition of rights on land and buildings. hotel tax on boarding houses the boarding house is part of the hotel tax object. as written in law number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies, that the object of hotel tax is lodging facilities or short-term stay facilities. in terms of lodging houses, it includes boarding houses with ten or more rooms that provide facilities such as lodging houses (bahmid & wahyudi, 2018; hadi, 2021; noviyanti, 2021). accommodation facilities/short-term stay facilities include: tourism huts (cottages), motels, tourism guesthouses, hostels, inns, and lodging houses. based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the boarding house is part of the hotel tax object which in its journey must be taxed (octaviany et al., 2021; safitri, 2021). tariffs and calculation of taxes on boarding houses according to the regional tax service agency, the cost of tax rates varies and is adjusted to the policies of each region. the hotel tax rate for the boarding house category is regulated in law number 28 of 2009 and based on the depok city regional regulation number 07 of 2010 concerning regional taxes. this boarding house tax only applies to boarding houses that have more than 10 (ten) rooms, at a rate of 10% of the total payments made for one month. implementation there are six variables that affect implementation performance (dye, 2017; edwards, 1980; subarsono, 2019; van meter & van horn, 1975), namely: a. policy standards and objectives the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 452 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting policy performance is an assessment of the achievement of policy standards and targets that have been set at the beginning. b. human resources refers to how much human resources support to implement a program or policy c. communication between organizations procedural mechanisms designed to achieve program goals and objectives. d. characteristics of executing agent indicates how much the carrying capacity of the organizational structure, developing values, relationships and communication occur in the internal bureaucracy. e. implementing disposition indicates that the attitude of the implementer becomes an important variable in policy implementation. how democratic, enthusiastic and responsive to the target group and the environment are some that can be appointed as part of the attitude of this implementer f. social, political, and economic conditions indicates that the environment in the direction of policy implementation itself. an environment that can support the successful implementation of policies. conceptual framework in this study, the author uses the theory proposed by donald s. van meter and carl e. van horne (subarsono, 2019) that there are six variables that affect implementation performance, namely; (1) standards and policy objectives, (2) resources, (3) relationships between organizations, (4) characteristics of implementing agents, (5) social, economic and political conditions, and (6) disposition of implementors. so based on the literature review and conceptual framework, the problem of this research can be presented through a model or an image that describes the entities that form each other simultaneously and the social phenomena under study, which are as follows: the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 453 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting source : donald s. van meter and carl e. van horn (subarsono, 2019) method this study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research (creswell, 2017; guba & lincoln, 1994). the main purpose of using a qualitative approach is to uncover facts and phenomena (creswell & creswell, 2018; sugiyono, 2019), on the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city in 2018-2021. the data collection techniques used in this study were in the form of observation, documentation and interviews with several informants, including the chief tax officer of the sub-division of data collection and registration of the regional finance agency of depok city, academic lecturer of the stiami institute and three taxpayers who own boarding houses. the analysis process carried out by the researcher is doing data reduction, presenting data and drawing conclusions (bungin, 2017; miles & huberman, 1994; moleong, 2018). the location of the study to determine the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city was carried out at the bekasi city regional finance agency, which is located at jl. margonda raya no.54, depok, kec. pancoran mas, depok city, west java 16431. result and discussion in the research that has been done, the researchers used research instruments in the form of interviews, observations and documentation. the following are data relating to the main problems in the research obtained from the regional finance agency of depok city standard and target policy source power connection between organization obstacle reception tax effort disposition implementor characteristics agent executor social conditions, economics, and political implementation tax collection top hotels home cost in depok the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 454 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 1 target and realization of hotel tax on boarding houses depok city 2018-2021 year target realization ratio 2018 rp. 2.782.889.958 rp. 2.944.777.810 106% 2019 rp. 2.996.491.008 rp. 3.054.927.423 102% 2020 rp. rp. 1.479.100.048 125% 2021 rp 1.450.180.431 rp 1.860.568.741 128% source: depok city finance agency from table 1 above, it can be seen that the realization of hotel tax revenue on boarding houses in 2018 and 2019 has increased from the target and realization. in 2018 the target shows that rp. 2,782,889,958 can be realized at rp. 2,911,777,810. in 2019 there was an increase in the target of rp. 2,996,491,008 and an increase in realization of rp. 3,054,927,423. it can be said that in 2018 and 2019 there is a potential for boarding house tax revenues so that the target and realization can be achieved to the maximum. in 2020 and 2021 there will be a decrease in the target and realization of boarding house tax receipts. in 2020 the target shows rp. 1,185,000,000, a significant decrease, only realized by rp. 1,479,100,048. this is due to the covid-19 pandemic which has had an impact on the declining economy. and in 2021 there will be a slight increase in the target of rp. 1,450,180,431. and can be realized amounting to rp 1,860,568,741. boarding house tax receipts can be influenced by continuing to explore the potential for boarding house tax collection by local governments through established regional policies and regulations. the author also obtained data from the regional finance agency of depok city regarding the growth in the number of taxpayers who own boarding houses in depok city as follows: table 2 table of growth of hotel taxpayers on boarding houses depok city 2018-2021 years tax payers 2018 269 the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 455 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2019 307 2020 298 2021 304 source: depok city regional finance agency based on table 2 it can be concluded that the number of taxpayers and tax objects each year does not always increase but also decrease. in 2019, the number of taxpayers increased to 307 and 321 tax objects. meanwhile, in 2020 it decreased to 298 taxpayers and 271 tax objects. based on the above research related to data sources, the authors can conclude that the policy of collecting boarding house taxes in depok city has great potential and the government must routinely carry out punyuhan or direct socialization to the community and provide direct sanctions to the community in order to achieve maximum. analysis of the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city in 2018-2021 in theory, this research is based on implementation theory according to donald s. van meter and carl e. van horn (subarsono, 2019), namely: 1. policy standards and objectives the main standards and targets are to provide services to boarding house taxpayers, carry out data collection, reporting, registration and payment processes to entrepreneurs who own a 10-door boarding house, provide an understanding of taxpayer awareness, information about boarding house tax collection policies as regulated in regional regulation no. . 07 of 2010. the hotel tax on houses is a local tax that has the potential to increase local tax revenue. however, there are still many people in depok city who do not understand the purpose of the hotel tax collection policy on houses. 2. resources resources are one of the important factors in determining the implementation and success of policy implementation. the process of implementing policy implementation requires the availability of adequate and quality resources in accordance with those required by the policy. in addition to human resources, the authors also discuss resources regarding the level of compliance and facilities. a. compliance rate the level of compliance greatly affects the success of a policy, with the obedience of the taxpayer in carrying out his tax obligations, it means that the taxpayer has understood the intent and purpose of establishing the policy. compliance is a benchmark in assessing the level of taxpayer compliance, it can be seen from the determination of taxpayers to pay their taxes, on time and without any delays. based on table iv.2 on the growth of mandatory/object hotel tax on boarding houses, there are still many who have not reported and understood the existence of boarding house tax the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 456 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting collection. in reality, it can be said that it is good. based on table iv.1 the achievement of the realization target in 2018 was idr 2,944,77,810 to idr 3,054,927,423 in 2019 and experienced a decrease in 2020 idr 1,479,100,048. the author can conclude that the depok city regional finance office has decreased paying taxpayers. b. facility facilities are one of the factors supporting the implementation of policies. the policy for collecting boarding house taxes is considered quite good with the assumption that the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure adjusts to what is needed. based on the results of the interview with mr. dani as the head of the sub-division of data collection and registration, the facilities used as a tool in achieving the goals and objectives. based on the results of the author's observations, in terms of facilities, the regional finance agency has provided quite good facilities and infrastructure. so it can be concluded that human resources already have competence in their field and provide adequate services but in terms of quantity of human resources are not maximized. 3. inter-organizational relations based on the results of research through interviews with related parties that the relationship between organizations in implementing the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses has been socialized to the maximum directly. one form of communication is socialization. the regional financial agency of depok city carried out socialization activities through electronic media, installed banners, distributed brochures and directly went into the field to visit the location of boarding house entrepreneurs providing information and data collection. informants 2 and 3, there have been key communications in increasing awareness and compliance of boarding house entrepreneurs taxpayers and transparency. informants 4 and 5 have received socialization. so it is concluded that the communication relationship between organizations has been directed and quite good, as evidenced by communication between implementers, when performing services there is a good direct communication relationship, with transparency in the socialization of taxpayers for boarding house entrepreneurs to get information and services. 4. characteristics of implementing agent based on the results of research through interviews with related parties that the characteristics of the implementing agent in implementing the hotel tax collection on boarding houses: informants 1 and 2, that the implementing agent has implemented it well with the standard operational procedure (sop) and mastered the implementation of house tax collection costs and monitoring. informants 3 and 4: implementing agents have worked according to their duties and sops and provided applicable information. informant 5: already understands according to applicable regulations and there is socialization. so it can be concluded that each implementing agent implements hotel tax collection on boarding houses properly, openly, in accordance with the stipulated provisions, and in accordance with the specified standard operating procedures (sop). there is training and socialization to implement the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses. 5. social, economic, and political conditions the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 457 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the results of the study show that social, economic, and political conditions also influence the achievement of the hotel tax revenue target for boarding houses. it can be seen from table iv.1 regarding the target and realization of hotel tax on boarding houses in 2019, the realization increased even though in 2020 it experienced a significant decline. this happened because of the covid-19 outbreak so that the potential for income automatically decreased. from a social perspective, due to the implementation of large-scale social restrictions, the environment in carrying out the process of collecting boarding house taxes is very limited. so that the owner of the boarding house understands and can implement it. with successful social, economic and political conditions, the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses will be better. give tens or socialization so that the owner of the boarding house understands and can implement it. 6. implementor's disposition the results showed that the depok city finance agency supported the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses. the implementor's response to the implementation of boarding house tax collection needs to improve the program, provide fairly good service, online services are available to make it easier for taxpayers, there is an information board that can be read by taxpayers and there is supervision related to taxpayer compliance. barriers to the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city based on the results of the author's research either through observation, taking data or documents and interviews with informants, it shows that the obstacles to implementing hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city include: a. the level of awareness and understanding of the public and taxpayers is still low which causes boarding business owners not to register and pay taxes as taxpayers. b. the lack of quantity of human resources in conducting supervision, and socialization in terms of reporting and paying taxes is still not evenly distributed. c. having difficulty meeting the owners of the boarding house business directly because they are not domiciled in the city of depok. d. fraudulent reporting of the number of rooms by the owner of the boarding house does not match the number of rooms being rented out. efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of hotel tax collection on houses in depok city in collecting hotel taxes on boarding houses in depok city, there are several efforts to overcome the obstacles that occur. by conducting more in-depth interviews with related parties, the following efforts were made in the implementation of hotel tax on boarding houses in depok city, namely: a. increase awareness of taxpayers in paying taxes by providing socialization, education and information regarding the procedures for reporting tax payments and the function of collecting boarding house taxes. b. carry out direct supervision and routine inspections and cooperate with local sub-districts to recruit taxpayers. c. reviewing or reviewing mandatory/tax objects to avoid deviations. d. provide additional quantity of human resources, especially those directly related to field services. the effect of price earning ratio, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, firm size, and dividend payout ratio to the stock returns on banks listed in lq45 index 2015-2020 kartika, handrijaningsih, t.r, and anisah 458 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the results of research and discussion regarding the implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city, the authors can draw the following conclusions: 1. implementation of hotel tax collection on boarding houses in depok city in 2018 – 2021 even though it has met the target but has not fully gone well, because taxpayer awareness is still low, counseling, education, and socialization are still not optimal, and the lack of quantity of resources human resources who handle the collection of hotel taxes on boarding houses. 2. obstacles experienced in the implementation of hotel tax collection on houses are the lack of awareness of taxpayers in reporting and paying taxes, the low understanding of taxpayers not knowing the function of collecting boarding house taxes, there is fraud in reporting the number of rooms that are rented out and the difficulty of finding boarding house owners, and the lack of quantity of human resources in the regional finance agency of depok city. 3. efforts to overcome the obstacles experienced by the government and the community, namely conducting direct supervision and routine inspections by collecting data again or reviewing mandatory / tax objects, increasing the quantity of human resources and conducting socialization counseling to increase taxpayer awareness. reference andrew, r., & sari, d. p. 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(1975). the policy implementation process. administration & society, 6(4), 445–488. the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 pp : 74-88 74 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 review on fraud research: a study of vote-counting yeni priatna sari 1 , ari kuncoro widagdo 2 , evy gantyowati 3 1 politeknik harapan bersama tegal central java, indonesia 23 sebelas maret universitysurakarta, central java indonesia submitted : jan 11th 2020 revised : feb 8th 2020 published : march 2020 abstract this study was aimed to conduct a literature study on research related to fraud. the research method used is to use the literature study method by using the vote-counting model. this research would identify papers relating to fraud that has been obtained from various existing databases. next, the researcher classified the paper by classifying the focus of research at the paper stage in fraud prevention, detection, investigation or remediation. the results of this study were recommendations for researchers, in terms of what is still open as material in research related to fraud. keyword: fraud, vote-counting, review introduction the occurrence of fraud in private companies or the public sector is currently symptomatic in various ways. there are millions of businesses and government organizations operating throughout the world that have been vulnerable to fraud committed by employees or managers who manage these entities (dorris, 2018). fraud and fraud are now considered as one of the main problems and become a serious challenge for all types of organizations, both business and public entities (law, 2011; perri and brody, 2012). to survive, every organization must be able to detect the problem of fraud and deal with it wisely (button et al., 2011). the total losses due to fraud in various sectors that occur in western europe are around $ 200,000, in south asia around $ 100,000, in eastern europe and central asia around 4150,000, in latin america $ 193,000 in the middle east and north africa around $ 200,000 and in canada around $ 200,000 according to the report from report to the nations in 2018 published by the acfe. (dorris, 2018). the fraud in the form of corruption in the current government is also an important problem that cannot be underestimated in indonesia. some of the news included the arrest of 18 regional heads in indonesia who were only 17 months as regional heads (gabrillin, 2018), of course, raising concerns about the conditions of fraud that occurred in the public sector. what is even more concerning is that the statement delivered by the minister of home affairs also stated that during 2014 until 2017 there were 313 regional heads affected by corruption cases (kuswandi, 2017). to overcome this fraudulent practice, various researchers have conducted a series of studies relating to fraud. fraud studies have been carried out by researchers both inside and review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 75 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 outside the country. various researches on the theme of fraud generally explain the factors that influence fraud, fraud prevention and fraud detection methods. some of the studies related to fraud include the factors that influence the level of corruption such as research (heriningsih, 2013), (wulandari, 2015) (yuliyana&setyaningrum, 2016) which examines the influence of audit opinion and regional financial level at the level corruption in local government. while research on determinants of fraud is also carried out by researchers from abroad such as (kelvin & arnold, 2015); (anuar et al., 2014); (bonner, palmrose, & young, 1998). likewise, research relating to fraud prevention was also carried out by several researchers in indonesia such as (widaningsih, 2015) who examined the effect of internal auditor professionalism on fraud prevention and detection. likewise, research on fraud detection methods using the beneath m score method examined by (efitasari, 2013) and from abroad (perols, 2011); (yue, wu, & shen, 2009) and (kaminski, sterling wetzel, & guan, 2004). trend and development in fraud research are still developing to find the best format to be able to detect, prevent, cope with and follow up on the impact of fraud (dorminey, fleming, kranacher, & riley, 2012). at present, the latest development in research synthesis is by integrating, quantifying the knowledge gained from empirical studies that have been carried out on certain themes using meta-analysis. research using the method vote-counting is a study that simply calculates and finds all studies on the same topic and then calculates all studies that significantly influence or not on a topic. one study that uses the vote-counting method to look at various methods of fraud detection is research from (abbasi et al., 2018) research conducted by previous researchers including research (hastuti&gozali, 2015) which revealed difficulties in detecting fraud in financial reporting. research (hastuti&gozali, 2015) explains that the level of corporate liability, liquidity, roa, independence of the board of directors and internal control systems does not affect the intention to manipulate financial statements. also, research from (kanapickiene&grundiene, 2015) which tries to identify financial ratios that can detect fraudulent financial reporting. while research (rivest, 2017) examines the reporting mechanism that can reduce the occurrence of fraud. in this paper, rivest concludes that an effective reporting mechanism must be followed by the existence of an effective whistleblowing system to ensure the absence of fraud(sinaga & sidik, 2019). because a lot of research on fraud has been done, therefore in this study, researchers conducted a literature review using the vote-counting method as a method in this study. to see and analyze the results of existing empirical research on fraud committed in the public or private sector. which later can be used as reference material for further researchers about the next steps that can be investigated and carried out to reduce fraud. method the research method was carried out by reviewing existing publications related to fraud / fraud. the literature review method in this study was the count review method. the count review method, also known as a counting review, is a literature review method that evaluates the strengths of the study results compared to the overall results of the study under study (cwikel& hare, 2000). the researcher reviews several publications related to fraud both in the public sector and the private sector. the purpose of this review process is to be able to understand, analyze and reveal how the development of research related to fraud has existed so far; regulate, classify and categorize publications according to topics and themes that focus on review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 76 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 fraud; and provide input on new research agendas based on research gaps that have been identified from existing literature. this study reviewed papers obtained from popular databases such as emerald, ebscohost, sciencedirect, elsevier, wiley, google scholar by using keywords (or a combination of keywords) such as fraud, fraud, and fraudulent financial reporting. the process of reviewing the manuscript is done in the following manner: keyword articles published make a choice of the relevant paper choose the paper that is suitable for the purpose of the study this study would review the paper and classify the paper with the theme of fraud or fraud into several classifications including: how many articles per year published, the classification of the independent variables used, the classification of the dependent variables studied, the classification of frauds is that research including the detection, prevention, investigation or remediation of fraud (dorminey et al., 2012), and the classification of papers in this study including the use of the galliers taxonomy, namely the classification of forms of research whether positive or interpretive (choudrie&dwivedi, 2005). review methods in this research can be described in a diagram as follows (gangwar, date, & raoot, 2014): paper selection based on keywords looking for articles on the database making choices on existing papers identifying types of research developing understanding of the research stages about fraud building and developing research trends on fraud in the public sector or in the private sector writing research results and conclusions. the following are the stages in this study: in this study, researchers would identify research based on the taxonomy found by galliers. the classification found by galliers 1992 is widely used for research in the field of information security which describes laboratory experiments, field studies, surveys, case studies, proof of theory, forecasting, action research, subjective / argumentative, dialectic investigations, grounded research and ethnography. galliers divides the method into two major parts, namely positivistic and interpretivistic. the following is a table of taxonomy in (choudrie&dwivedi, 2005). looking for a paper with the keyword "cheating, fraud, sorting out papers sourced from non scientific papers and conducting classificatio ns based on year, stage of fraud category, perform quantitative calculations of selected papers review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 77 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 galliers taxonomy tables result and discussion researchers have conducted this research for several months in 2018. research conducted by searching all papers from google scholar, page science direct, procedia economics and finance, business ethics journal, emerald, springer, issues in accounting education, the accounting review, accounting and finance review, journal of forensic and investigative accounting, journal of advanced management science, sage publication, american accounting association, and from journals in indonesia from the scientific and business journal, diponegoro journal of accounting, multiparadigm accounting journal, rinjani scientific journal, journal of civilization accounting, i finance, trikonomika journal, accounting and tax journal, business and economic journal, accounting journal and business, accountant and financial journal, and national symposium of accounting. the researcher has conducted a survey of 127 articles from 2000 to 2018 consisting of articles sourced from journals and proceedings both inside and outside the country. from the whole article the researcher selects articles from journals or comes from student theses. the result is that there are 100 journals from trusted national and international journals and proceedings. the following are the details of the journal sources studied: the entire downloaded paper 127 papers reduced bythesis / non-scientific journals 27 papers -paper studied 100 papers review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 78 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 graph 1. source of paper studied source: secondary data processed (2019) national articles sources included from multi-paradigm accounting journals, accounting and tax journals, accounting and finance journals, accounting and business journals, sriwijaya management and business journals, accounting research journal going concern, journal of accounting and finance research, bulletin of monetary economics and banking, regional development management journal , journal of accounting research, and journal of accounting and islamic finance and a few more. whereas for international articles such as those originating from journal of network and computer application, decision support systems, journal of advanced management, journal of forensic and investigative accounting, issues in accounting education, journal of business ethics, international journal of education and research, journal west university of timisoara, and journal of business and management. whereas for national proceedings articles came from the national xix accounting symposium in lampung, and the national innovative research seminar. whereas for proceedings originating from abroad originating from procedia computer science, proceeding of management, procedia economics and finance, procedia social and behavioral sciences from elsevier, workshops on legal ontologies and web base legal information management, and the pacific asia conference on information system proceedings. the number of publications per year that have been searched by researchers is shown in the following graph: figure 1 number of publications by year 50 31 5 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 nasional internasional jurnal prosiding review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 79 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 source: secondary data processed (2019) from the graph above, it can be seen that the development of research related to fraud was increasing. the number of researches is mostly carried out by researchers in 2016. and the number of studies that are above 10 studies per year begins in 2014 until 2018. in 2000 to 2004 the number of studies published and monitored by researchers amounted to 1 study per year. likewise, for 2010 there were only 1 paper related to fraud that had been carried out. analysis: from these data, it can be analyzed that research on fraud has been carried out by many researchers and began to develop in 2008 and began to develop even greater in 2014. this can be seen as a development because more and more cases of fraud have occurred. this was also expressed by modugu in his research that in recent years, professionals have believed that the development of accounting fraud will increase in the next few years (modugu, 2012). from the whole study, the following is a distribution of themes published by each researcher. the following is the distribution of the theme of the article about cheating that has been traced by researchers. graph 2 research themes source: secondary data processed (2019) from the graph above it can be seen that the research theme that was least carried out by researchers was the theme of fraud remediation. fraud remediation investigated by (farber, 2004) conveys the impact of institutional ownership on fraud in companies that focuses on corporate governance to get out of fraud problems. while the most sought-after theme by researchers was the theme of fraud detection which occupies 44 paper titles during 2000 to 2008. the themes of fraud determinants were 33 paper titles and fraud investigation totaling 21 paper 1 1 1 1 3 6 4 1 5 5 3 12 15 17 14 11 0 5 10 15 20 thn… thn… thn… thn… thn… thn… thn… thn… number of publications by year 1 4 21 30 44 research theme fraud remidiation (1) fraud prevention (4) fraud investigation (21) fraud determinan (30) fraud detection (44) review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 80 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 titles and fraud prevention in 4 paper titles. research that examines fraud prevention or about prevention of fraudalso conducted by several researchers in indonesia such as (miminwidaningsih, 2015) who examined the effect of internal auditor professionalism on fraud prevention and detection. this research includes fraud research in the public sector because of conducting research or surveys on state-owned enterprises headquartered in the city of bandung. from the results of the above research it can be seen that the researchers were more interested in conducting research on fraud in the detection section. where what is meant by fraud detection is the implementation of several indicators that show the organization to detect the initial signs of fraud (sow, basiruddin, mohammad, zaleha, &rasid, 2017). fraud detection can be done with various methods. several studies have examined what tools can be used to detect fraud. some studies show these things. among them are research from (abdallah, maarof, &zainal, 2016) and (west & bhattacharya, 2015). abdallah presents data on the use of fraud detection devices in the areas of banking, insurance, telecommunications and internet marketing fraud. the most commonly used fraud detection techniques are artificial neural networks (ann), support vector machines (svm), rule induction, decision trees, logistic regression and meta heuristic techniques. unlike abdallah, west investigated fraud detection in several different areas, namely fraud areas in banking, companies and insurance. where each has a cheating area that is typical of each company. the figure below shows the cheating area that is most often done in private sectors according to (west & bhattacharya, 2015) figure 2 corporate fraud area source: taken from research (west & bhattacharya, 2015) in his research, west concluded that each fraud detection technique such as (logistic regression, support vector machine, neural network, and decision tree) have a high enough ability to learn and adapt to be highly effective to the evolving tactics of fraudsters. after a table of annual fraudulent studies, the following will be shown about the distribution of research themes per year. figure 3 distribution of themes per year review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 81 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 source: processed secondary data (2019) from the graph above it can be seen that the theme of fraud detection is dominant in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2016, and in 2017. the highest theme of fraud detection occurred in 2014 and 2015 while the theme which was only conducted once by researchers occurred in 2005, namely the theme of cheating remediation. the theme of fraudulent determinants and fraud investigations is in second and third place in 2014 to 2018. the theme of fraudulent determinants is second only to fraud detection. the determinants of fraud that have been studied have many aspects. among the determinants of fraud is about factors that influence the level of corruption such as research (heriningsih, 2013) which examines the influence of audit opinion and the level of regional finance on the level of corruption in local governments. furthermore, cheating research was also conducted by (wulandari, 2015), namely on the influence of accountability of local government financial reports and regional financial performance on the level of regional government fraud, where the accountability of financial statements was seen in audit opinions, spi weaknesses and compliance with the act, while the regional financial performance studied is the independence ratio, activity ratio and growth ratio of the local government. another study was conducted by (yuliyana&setyaningrum, 2016) on the effect of e-government implementation and accountability on corruption perceptions in ministries / institutions. this research takes the object of research in ministries / institutions not in the local government. research on determinants of fraud carried out from abroad, including those conducted by (xu, zhang, & chen, 2018) who examined the age of the board of directors affecting the existence of fraud in the company. in addition, research on the determinants of fraud is also carried out by (yang, jiao, & buckland, 2017) who examined the influence of corporate governance on fraud in the company. the theme of fraud detection is in the highest position possible due to the increasing number of frauds occurring both from the private sector and the public sector. among the frauds that occurred in 2000 to 2014 were fraud that occurred with enron and worldcom. this triggered the researchers to detect fraud as an effort to prevent and overcome fraud that resulted in losses. several studies examining fraud detection were conducted by efitasari who conducted research on fraud detection methods using the beneish m-score method examined by (efitasari, 2013). other research examining fraud detection methods is also done by (beneish, 2015). almost all fraud detection research using methods of private company objects. as is the case with research by (wiralestari, 2017) which examines fraud detection using investigative forensic accounting and accounting that can detect fraud in private companies or public sector organizations. another study was conducted by (alamsyah&rahardjo, 2013) who examined fraud detection using social network analysis. overseas research on fraud detection methods is also more diverse such as research by (adrian, 2015) which detects fraud using data analysis, 0 2 4 6 8 10 in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si r e m id ia si d e t e r m in a n in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si d e t e k si d e t e r m in a n in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si d e t e r m in a n in v e st ig a s i p r e v e n t io n d e t e r m in a n d e t e k si d e t e k si p r e v e n t io n in v e st ig a s i d e t e r m in a n d e t e k si d e t e r m in a n in v e st ig a s i d e t e k si d e t e r m in a n p r e v e n t io n in v e st ig a s i d e t e r m in a n d e t e k si in v e st ig a s i d e t e r m in a n d e t e k si in v e st ig a s i 20002001200320042005200520052008200820092009201020112011201120122012201220122013201320142014201420142015201520152016201620162016201720172017201820182018 theme distribution per year review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 82 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 research by (dalnial, kamaluddin, sanusi, &khairuddin, 2014) that detects fraud by using financial statement analysis and research by (meenatkshi&sivaranjani, 2016) who examined fraud detection using data mining methods. there are still many studies on fraud detection with various methods such as (yue et al., 2009) detection using logistic regression, and (zainudin&hashim, 2016) which examine the use of ratios to detect fraud. the researcher divides the type of research with the classification of the taxonomy of gralliers (choudrie&dwivedi, 2005) which divides the research into two major groups namely positivistic and interpretative. the following are the results of calculations based on the type of research: figure 4 types of research source: processed secondary data (2019) from the results of these calculations it can be seen that the type of positiveistic research is quite dominant among the researchers. this can be seen from 100 papers, 72 papers have been carried out using positiveistic methods. this type of positiveistic research is a type of research that sees that there is truth out there and to be able to understand the world we need to predict and control it all. according to positivists, the world is operated by the law of cause and effect which we can learn by using a scientific approach (sekaran & bougie, 2016) and the type of interpretative research that is contrary to positivity. the researcher looks more deeply at each type of research, the following is a breakdown of the types of positive and interpretive research: figure 5 types of positive research 72% 28% types of research positifistik (72%) interpretatif (28%) review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 83 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 source: processed secondary data (2019) of the overall positivist research, the most widely used theorem proof research methods, followed by field experiments, simulations, surveys, laboratory experiments and case studies. the proof theorem is widely used for research with themes of fraudulent determinants to prove the theory of fraud triangle, or diamond fraud and the latest is the pentagon fraud. while field experiments are widely used by research with the theme of fraud detection. while other research methods are used for various research themes. from the results of research on the type of research it appears that the method most often used by researchers is proof theorem and field experiments because it is the method that is most preferred by researchers. the theorem proof method can be done using spss, sem or eviews analysis with technical analysis is logit regression and simple or multiple linear regression. while field experiments are used to test several detection methods for cheating beneish and altman methods, bayesian methods, non-financial measurement methods, data mining and so on. current methods are simulation and survey. this method is widely used for researchers who want to know the opinion of a group of people about fraud. with student respondents who have taken certain criteria such as having taken auditing or financial courses to see their reaction to the questions provided by the researcher. figure 6 object of fraud research source: processed secondary data (2019) from the results of the research in the form of object data for cheating research, it can be seen that the most object of research in fraud research is public companies. public companies mean companies that have published their financial statements to the public. where it is considered as a company disclosure to the public that can be trusted. the researcher analyzes that empirical testing of fraud is easiest to do with proof of financial reporting. this can be seen from the results of the above research, that the object of research in the form of public companies is most widely used by researchers with the theme of fraud. furthermore, other research objects, such as government employees, students, auditors 34 23 6 5 3 1 positive theorema proof (34) field experiments (23) simulation (6) surveys (5) laboratory experiments (3) case studies (1) 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% 4% 5% 6% 25% 53% akuntan eksternal (1%) eksekutif perusahaan (1%) pemerintah pusat (1%) transaksi perusahaan (1%) pegawai pemerintah daerah (3%) review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 84 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 and external accountants are used in research to find out their characteristics (including ability, education level) to detect fraud or to ask for opinions about fraud. of all public companies, the most studied are public companies in general, financial companies, manufacturing and non-financial companies. figure 7 types of public companies source: secondary data processed (2019) researchers analyze that in addition to public companies, companies that have a large opportunity to commit fraud are financial and manufacturing companies. so that many researchers take in the area. the researcher also looked at the composition of the study whether in the private or public sector, the following is a description: figure 8 types of entities source: secondary data obtained (2019) from the results of the above research it can be seen that cheating research in the public sector is still low 19 papers from the entire paper about cheating. this happens because data in the public sector is more difficult to prove and data is taken because it relates to trust funds managed in the public sector. conclusion in this study the researchers concluded that the theme or topic often raised by researchers about fraud is about fraud detection. detection of fraud investigated included a variety of fraud areas that were subjectively expressed by each researcher. fraud detection is among others in the area offraudelectronic commerce system (credit cards) (abdallah et al., 2016), bank fraud, insurance fraud, securities and commodities fraud, and other financial fraud investigated by (ngai, hu, wong, chen, & sun, 2011). in addition to the area of fraud in detecting this research, it was also concluded that the techniques for detecting fraud could be done in a variety of ways. some techniques for fraud detection can be data analytics methods (adrian, 2015), anonymous reporting channels (johansson & carey, 2016), co evolutionary anomaly algorithms (wu, john, & banzhaf, 2008), financial ratios (kaminski et al., 2004) and (kanapickiene&grundiene, 2015b), bayesian fraud risk formula (srivastava, mock, & turner, 39% 4% 4% 6% perusahaan publik berbagai bidang (39%) perusahaan manufaktur (4%) 19 81 publik privat review on fraud research:a study of vote counting sari, widagdo, gantyowati 85 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 2009), integrated language model (liao & chen, 2014), benefit model (sergius, 2015) and (hantono, 2018) , forensic accounting and investigative audits (wiralestari, 2017), non financial measures (brazel, jones, &zimbelman, 2009), financial statement analysis (dalnial et al., 2014), and data mining (ngai et al., 2011). this study also concluded that the object of research that is often done is for go public companies, and the observed area of the entity was private company rather than public entity such as government. from many public companies studied by financial and manufacturing companies that are often used as the object of research. it can be concluded that in the future research on the theme of fraud in the public sector such as government and non-government organizations will be an interesting topic. in the other side, the theme related to fraud predicted by the author will be a trend in the future is the development of fraud detection using a variety of techniques and methods that are increasingly developing. this is because many studies state that in each detection method still has vulnerabilities and each model cannot be used for various fraud areas. while the area of the research entity relating to fraud in the future is still a private area and is followed by a more developed public sector. researcher provide suggestions for further research to further explore research on fraud detection in the government sector or in non-government organizations. although the foundation of the government and ngo sectors is for the benefit of the community, these entities cannot be separated from the potential for fraud. in addition, the researcher also provides suggestions to explore more about the possibility of conducting research related to various methods of fraud detection and the level of accuracy. the fraud detection model that currently has several uses technology in detecting fraud. and this can be further improved, such as the use of data mining in fraud detection. this is important because it will help companies and public entities in detecting and early detection of fraud that occurs in each entity. beside of the deepening of fraud detection methods, further research can also explore the follow-up of fraud. such classification has been done by (dorminey et al., 2012) in the form of fraud prevention, detection, investigation and remediation. research related to fraud remediation is still very limited. it is hoped that the existence of research on cheating remediation can enrich the repertoire of literature study research on fraud. this study has limitations with a short research time, researchers hope if more time will be able to obtain more paper to study. in addition, the classification of research phases of fraud only uses the classification obtained from (dorminey et al., 2012), which is related to fraud prevention, investigation, and remediation reference abbasi, a., albrecht, c., vance, a., hansen, j., albrecht, c., vance, a., & hansen, j. 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(otoritas jasa keuangan, 2017). for a bright future, students must have a better understanding of personal finance as well as reallife skills such as budgeting, saving, paying interest, and even taking out insurance (kumar et al., 2022; sohn et al., 2012; zhou et al., 2022). on the other hand, the current phenomenon does not reflect a high level of financial literacy among students. this can be seen from the fact that there has not been any attempt made to establish a priority scale for different types of economic activities (budiarti & setyaningsih, 2021). even though the majority of them do not have income because they are still financially dependent on their parents, they are becoming increasingly wasteful in the sense that they make purchases without giving any thought to the future. additionally, their monthly reserves are restricted (amagir et al., 2020; gilenko & chernova, 2021; margaretha & pambudhi, 2015; moreno-herrero et al., 2018). in furthermore, delays in remittances from family members or premature exhaustion of monthly payments are both problems in terms of the management of their finances. sometimes the condition of a friendly atmosphere is also endorsed by many lucrative entertainment and culinary facilities, which have an impact on the financial structures and consumption patterns of students in general. these facilities can be found on campus. if the student does not acquire knowledge and experience in the field of finance, then the likelihood of making mistakes in the financial resource management will be even higher, and it will be more difficult to achieve prosperity. consequently, students need to be instructed in the proper management of finances in order for them to maximize the value of the money that is available to them (douissa, 2020; jang et al., 2014; maulida, 2018; popovich et al., 2020). literacy in financial matters is an absolute necessity for a person to have in order to keep themselves from getting into financial trouble. the emergence of financial issues is not only the result of a low level of income; rather, it can also be the result of a person's lack of knowledge in the management of their own personal finances. individuals who demonstrate financial literacy are able to make effective use of the assets at their disposal to achieve and improve their standard of living (cameron et al., 2014; cavdar & aydin, 2015). financial literacy is financial knowledge and the ability to apply it in everyday life with the aim of achieving prosperity. the definition of financial literacy, according to (dhandayuthapani, 2020) is the ability to make informed judgments and to take effective decisions regarding the use and management of money” which means financial literacy is the ability to make informed judgments and make effective decisions about the use and management of money. financial knowledge is an inseparable dimension of financial literacy, but it has not been able to describe financial literacy (huston, 2010). a person is considered to have a high level of financial literacy if they possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities that allow them to make effective use of the financial resources at their disposal to accomplish their objectives. wrong financial planning as a result of low financial knowledge will cause the expected welfare not to be achieved. attitude is an essential element in financial literacy (byrne, 2007). a person's psychosocial factors in relation to their own personal financial issues are what are referred to as their "financial attitude." factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 423 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting attitudes regarding money include things like being open to new information, recognizing how important it is to properly manage one's finances, avoiding being impulsive with one's spending, looking to the future, and taking responsibility. according to the program for international student assessment (badan standar kurikulum dan asesmen pendidikan, 2018) in the research and development of the ministry of education and culture, the aspects contained in financial literacy are: 1. financial and exchanges 2. organization and management of financial resources 3. risks and advantages 4. financial landscape. the ability of the four aspects of financial literacy is certainly influenced by many things (lusardi et al., 2009) that there are "three things that have an influence on financial literacy ability, namely: 1. socio-demography; men and women have different levels of understanding. men are thought to be more financially literate than women. the same is true of cognitive abilities. 2. family background; in particular, mothers who have completed college have a significant impact on financial literacy due to their education. they perform 19% better academically than those who have completed high school. 3. friendship circles; a person's circle or community will impact their financial literacy by influencing their spending habits and how they handle their money. the socio-economic status of parents is a person's class position or a combination of economic positions which includes education level, type of parent's occupation, income level, and student pocket money (laily, 2016). through a well-planned combination of teaching, media, and educational resources in conformity with professionalism, is anticipated to be able to equip students with financial literacy so that they are prepared and capable of navigating an increasingly complex world both now and in the future (widyawati, 2012). the indicators are: 1. understanding of material in finance courses 2. methods and media used 3. learning process and assessment. financial education in the family is an ability a person or family in budgeting, saving money, managing expenses, making investments, and saving for future family needs. there are 5 aspects in financial literacy (nababan & sadalia, 2013), including: 1. general knowledge of finance 2. savings and loans 3. insurance 4. investment 5. risk management. the financial habits of college students tend to continue in their adult lives. according to grable and joo in (jorgensen, 2007) the better financial literacy when you are a student, the less likely you are to experience financial difficulties in your life. research conducted by (gade & sarma, 2018) states that someone who has high financial literacy tends to have an influence on one's factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 424 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting financial behavior. this study shows that the level of literacy will affect how a student behaves towards the decisions that someone makes. various studies have been conducted to identify the factors that influence the level of financial literacy among students, including: education level, type of work, education level, student monthly allowance (nidar & bestari, 2012). understanding of material in finance courses, methods and media used, learning processes and assessments. in contrast to (luksander et al., 2014) who stated that the factors that affect student literacy are budgeting, saving money, managing expenses, making investments, and saving. furthermore, (nababan & sadalia, 2013) in his research stated that the factors that influence student literacy are general knowledge of finance, savings and loans, insurance, investment, risk management. through family education, in simple ways children are brought to a desired value system or life attitude and accompanied by parental examples which have indirectly led children to certain views and habits (gutter, 2008). students who reported they learned either some or a lot about managing their money from parents had higher financial knowledge, attitude, and behavior scores than students who reported learning none or not much about managing their money from their parents (jorgensen, 2007). students live in a diverse and complex economic environment, so an increased need for financial education is necessary. several countries have recognized the need for financial literacy to be taught in the classroom (international network on financial education, 2011). financial education has a significant positive effect on financial knowledge, attitudes and behavior. it is strengthened by research by (siregar, 2018) which states that financial management education has a significant effect on financial literacy. method this study uses a non-probability sampling method. non-probability sampling is a type of sampling that is not done randomly. this technique was used because the researcher did not know the research population in detail. this sampling method uses convenience sampling technique. the use of convenience sampling is to select several populations from the factors that influence the level of financial literacy of private university students in serang city with the availability of respondents to be used as samples by providing the information needed in the study (sugiarto, 2017). the sample number used is 150 respondents. the sampling technique in this study was by distributing questionnaires and interviews to 150 students at private universities in serang city. the determination of the number of respondents is divided based on the division of universities by looking at the number of students of each university in table 2. table 2 number of samples by university university jumlah mahasiswa bina bangsa university 8864 serang raya university 8856 banten jaya university 3224 primagraha university 4292 faletehan university 2971 total 28207 source: data processed (2022). factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 425 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the calculation of the number of samples that will be used as respondents for each university is as follows. for example, for bina bangsa university: bina bangsa university = x 100% = 31,42% x 150 = 47 orang the calculation of the number of respondents for the next university is carried out in the same way as above. respondents from each university were then taken according to predetermined criteria to meet the number of respondents. this is so that students from each university can be represented by a number of respondents. the data collection method used is by going directly to the respondents who are the samples in the study. data collection techniques using questionnaires. the questionnaire itself is a list of questions given to other people who are willing to respond according to user requests. the goal is to find complete information about a problem from the respondent without feeling worried if the respondent gives an answer that is not in accordance with the reality in filling out the list of questions. the unit of analysis is the individual because each respondent's answer represents his or her own opinion. measurement of data using the rating scale, namely the raw data obtained in the form of numbers and then interpreted in a qualitative sense. the questionnaire in this study was in a closed form, namely a questionnaire whose answers had been provided so that respondents only had to choose. the number of questions in the questionnaire is 34 questions. respondents can choose the available alternative answers, namely: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree. the scoring in the item instrument answer category uses a likert scale as follows: description score strongly agree 5 agree 4 neutral 3 disagree 2 strongly disagree 1 before starting the preparation and writing of this research, we prepared a number of designs or procedures for compiling this research. the design is divided into several stages, namely: a. problem identification stage at this stage we look for the core of the problem to be discussed, namely the determination of the variables used in the study. the variables used in this study include the variables used to determine the factors that affect student financial literacy. there are 17 variables, namely: 1. level of education 2. type of work 3. income level 4. student monthly pocket money 5. budgeting 6. saving money 7. manage expenses 8. make investment 9. save 10. understanding of material in finance courses factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 426 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 11. learning process and assessment 12. methods and media used 13. general knowledge of finance 14. savings and loans 15. insurance 16. investment 17. risk management b. information gathering stage at this stage we collect materials and sources of information from websites, newspapers, journals and books. c. compiling questionnaire at this stage, we compiled a questionnaire to determine the factors that influence financial literacy according to the procedure and distributed it to the respondents. d. looking for alternative troubleshooting at this stage, we analyze the data obtained and then test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire used and then discuss the factors that affect student financial literacy. the data analysis method that will be used is factor analysis with ms.excel and spss 22.0 program analysis which is a software program for statistics. result and discussion test the assumption of factor analysis to assess the eligible variables. factor analysis has assumptions that must be met beforehand, including the kmo statistical value for the adequacy of the sample or data and the significance of the barlett test to test that there is a correlation between variables. table 4.1 output kmo dan bartlett’s test 2. identification of data sufficiency adequacy of data or samples can be identified through the value of measure of sampling adequacy (msa) and kaiser-meyer-olkin (kmo). the testing procedure is as follows: a. hypothesis formulation h0: the sample (variable) is sufficient for further analysis. h1: the sample (variable) is not sufficient for further analysis. b. quantity required significant level referring to the theoretical basis that a group of data is said to meet the assumption of data adequacy if the msa and kmo values are > 0.5. c. test statistics: factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 427 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting d. testing criteria: accept h0 if the kmo value is greater than 0.5. the criteria for suitability in the use of factor analysis include: 1) 0.9 < kmo  1.00 ≤ unit of observation is very good for factor analysis. 2) 0.8 < kmo  0.9 ≤ unit of observation is good for factor analysis. 3) 0.7 < kmo  0.8 ≤ unit of observation is rather good for factor analysis. 4) 0.6 < kmo  0.7 ≤ unit of observation is more than adequate for factor analysis. 5) 0.5 < kmo  0.6 ≤ unit of observation is sufficient for factor analysis. 6) kmo  0.5 ≤ unit of observation is not feasible for factor analysis. e. conclusion: based on table 4.1 above, it can be seen that the assumption of data adequacy has been met, namely by looking at the kmo value of spss output (0.740> 0.5). where it implies that the data is satisfactory for factor analysis so that the data or sample adequacy test has been met. 3. identification of correlation between variables between variables must meet the assumption of correlation. to help identify correlations between variables, spss software is used. the testing procedure is as follows: a. hypothesis formulation h0: the correlation matrix is an identity matrix. h1: the correlation matrix is not an identity matrix. b. test statistics = [( ) ( ) ]ln | | c. acceptance criteria reject h0 if > ( ) d. conclusion: information that can be obtained from table 4.1 is known that between variables have met the assumption of mutual correlation, namely by looking at the barlett test value of 457 at 136 degrees of freedom, far below 0.05, which means h0 is rejected. thus, both assumptions for factor analysis have been met. in addition, the feasibility of the variables to be analyzed is also seen from the anti-image matrix which is used to find out which variables must be excluded because they cannot be predicted and factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 428 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting cannot be analyzed further. the msa (measure of sampling adequacy) number ranges from 0 to 1, with the following criteria: a. msa = 1, the variable can be predicted without error by the other variables. b. msa > 0.5, the variable is still predictable and can be c. further analyzed. d. msa < 0.5, the variable is unpredictable and cannot be analyzed further or excluded from other variables. e. the msa value for each variable can be seen in the following table: table 4.2 msa values on anti-image matrices variable msa variable msa level of education 0.593 understanding of material in finance courses 0.688 type of work 0.762 methods and media used 0.532 income level 0.661 learning process and assessment 0.743 student monthly pocket money 0.548 general knowledge of finance 0.829 budgeting 0.696 savings and loans 0.624 saving money 0.806 insurance 0.701 manage expenses 0.808 investment 0.699 make investment 0.754 risk management 0.772 save 0.909 from the output of the anti-image matrix, it turns out that the msa value of all variables is above 0.5, meaning that the unit of observation is sufficient for further analysis on each variable. 4. extracting factor next, the core process of factor analysis is carried out, namely extracting a set of existing variables, so that one or more factors are formed. there are many methods for carrying out the extraction process, but the method used is principal component analysis. table 4.3 communalities communalities initial extraction level of education 1.000 0.597 type of work 1.000 0.629 income level 1.000 0.550 student monthly pocket money 1.000 0.754 budgeting 1.000 0.587 saving money 1.000 0.750 manage expenses 1.000 0.753 make investment 1.000 0.669 save 1.000 0.676 understanding of material in finance courses 1.000 0.587 methods and media used 1.000 0.545 learning process and assessment 1.000 0.675 factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 429 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting general knowledge of finance 1.000 0.678 savings and loans 1.000 0.795 insurance 1.000 0.513 investment 1.000 0.516 risk management 1.000 0.519 extraction method: pricipal component analysis communalities are basically the amount of variance (can be in percentage) of an initial variable that can be explained by existing factors. the greater the communalities of a variable, the closer the relationship with the factors formed. the largest origin variable that can be explained by factors is the savings and loans variable with a communality value of 0.795. this means that 79.5% of the variance of these variables can be explained by the formed factors. while the smallest communality value is 0.513 for the method and media variables used, which means that only about 51.3% of the variance of this variable can be explained by the formed factors. there are 17 variables (components) that are included in the factor analysis, with each variable having a variance of 1, so the total variance is 17 x 1 = 17. the number of eigenvalues for the seventeen variables is the same as the total variance of the seventeen variables (5.112+1,587+1,482+1264+0.156+0.997+0.913+0.798+0.678+0.620+0.488+0.470+0.389+0.35 7+0.333+0.187+0.169 = 17.) table 4.4 total variance explained total variance explained initial eigenvalues extraction sums of squared loadings rotation sums of squared loadings component total % of variance cumulate % total % of variance cumulate % total % of variance cumulate % 1 5.112 30.068 30.068 5.112 30.068 30.068 4.059 23.876 23.876 2 1.587 9.338 39.406 1.587 9.338 39.406 2.096 12.328 36.204 3 1.482 8.717 48.123 1.482 8.717 48.123 1.832 10.782 46.986 4 1.264 7.437 55.56 1.264 7.437 55.56 1.322 7.773 54.759 5 1.156 6.801 62.361 1.156 6.801 62.361 1.292 7.602 62.361 6 .997 5.867 68.228 7 .913 5.370 73.598 8 .798 4.695 78.293 9 .678 3.961 82.254 10 .620 3.564 85.818 11 .488 2.874 88.692 12 .470 2.776 91.468 13 .389 2.265 93.733 14 .357 2.211 95.944 15 .333 1.959 97.903 16 .187 1.101 99.004 17 .169 .996 100.000 extraction method: pricipal component analysis the arrangement of eigenvalues is always sorted from the largest to the smallest, with the criteria that the eigenvalues below one are not used in calculating the number of factors formed. from the table above, it can be seen that only five factors are formed. because with one factor, the eigenvalues are above 1 (5.112), with two factors the eigenvalues are still above 1 (1.587), with factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 430 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting three factors the eigenvalues are still above 1 (1.482). with four factors, the eigenvalues are still above 1 (1,264) . with five factors, the eigenvalues are still above 1 (1,156). however, for six factors, the eigenvalues are already below 1 (0.997), so the factoring process should stop at only 5 factors. if the total variance table explains the basic number of factors obtained by calculating numbers, then the scree plot shows this with a graph. it can be seen that from one to two factors (the line from the component number axis = 1 to 2), the direction of the line decreases quite sharply. then from number 2 to number 3, the line is still decreasing. figure 4.1 screen plot likewise with number 3 to number 4, but now with a smaller slope. also notice the factor 6 is already below the number 1 on the y axis (eigenvalues). this shows that five factors are the best for summarizing the seventeen variables. furthermore, the grouping of variables based on the loading factor. see the table below: table 4.5 output loading factor values (rotation factor matrix) rotated component matrix* component 1 2 3 4 5 manage expenses .837 0.16 .175 -.055 .140 saving money .836 .079 -.012 .154 -.145 save .784 .051 .179 .128 .104 make investment .697 .259 -.050 -.321 .098 general knowledge of finance .691 .166 .350 .180 .217 type of work .580 .437 .320 -.010 .000 risk management .472 .276 -.194 .041 -.282 income level .179 .697 .180 -.005 -.013 insurance .170 .664 -.115 -.016 -.167 investment -.069 .583 .322 .118 .230 student monthly pocket money .115 .179 .828 .118 -.084 budgeting .303 -.063 .592 -.298 -.227 level of education .145 .390 .039 .645 .067 understanding of material in finance courses .271 .292 .161 .626 .105 methods and media used .148 .392 -.244 .466 -.069 savings and loans .111 -.079 -.248 -.004 .845 factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 431 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting learning process and assessment .472 .142 .448 -.038 .478 extraction method: principal component analysis. rotation method: varimax with kaiser normalization after knowing that the five factors are the most optimal number, the component matrix table shows the distribution of the sixteen variables in the five formed factors. while the numbers in the table are factor loadings, which show the magnitude of the correlation between a variable and factor 1, factor 2, factor 3, factor 4, or factor 5. the process of determining which variable will enter which factor is carried out by perform a large comparison of correlations on each row. the results of grouping the variables into each factor after being rotated using the varimax method, so that it can clearly be seen that the members of the variables in factor 1, factor 2, to factor 5. in detail, the factors formed are described as follows: table 4.6 factors formed factor 1 factor 2 factor 3 factor 4 factor 5 manage expenses income level student monthly pocket money level of education savings and loans saving money insurance budgeting understanding of material in finance courses learning process and assessment save investment methods and media used make investment general knowledge of finance type of work risk management the next step is factor interpretation. from the above analysis, it can be concluded: 1. factor one: consists of variables managing expenses, saving money, saving, investing, general knowledge of finance, type of work, and risk management. based on these variables, the first factor is called the management factor. 2. factor two: consists of variables of income level, insurance, and investment. based on these variables, the second factor is called the income factor. 3. the third factor consists of the variables of student monthly pocket money and budgeting. based on these variables, the third factor is called the budgeting factor. 4. the fourth factor consists of variables of education level, understanding of materials in finance courses, and methods and media used. based on these variables, the fourth factor is called the education factor. 5. the fifth factor consists of the variables of savings and loans, learning process and assessment. based on these variables, the fifth factor is called the planning factor. conclusion based on the results of the analysis and discussion of the factors that affect the financial literacy of university students, it can be concluded that of the seventeen variables studied by the factoring process, it can be reduced to five factors that affect student financial literacy, namely factors affecting student financial literacy triana and ibrohim 432 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting first, the management factor which consists of managing finances, saving, investing, general knowledge of finance, types of work, risk management. second, income factor which consists of income, insurance. third, the budgeting factor which consists of the student's monthly pocket money and budgeting. fourth, the education factor which consists of the level of education, understanding of the material in finance 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design of an accounting system in a restaurant or franchise business can provide benefits in realizing the creation of accounting reporting that has a positive impact on management. in this study, the application of accounting system design using accounting information system applications was taken from the results of research conducted by previous researchers on restaurants and franchise businesses. the study was conducted based on the literature review of the ten previous studies by making a summary of the results and conclusions. some of the criteria used in selecting articles to be material in this study are as follows: the method used, trends and topics in related research, factors that influence financial reporting and the next best method used in writing financial reports.the design of an accounting information system using a php program and a mysql database can help companies make financial accounting reports which include the calculation of profit and loss from restaurant companies. php applications and mysql databases used by restaurant companies must comply with applicable accounting standards. technical competence of employees needs to be given support from the top management of the company to receive special training in the use of financial accounting programs, so that the performance of accounting information systems can be measured for success. the involvement of users of the financial accounting information system program in the company has a positive impact on the performance of the financial accounting system. keywords: accounting information systems, php and mysql programs, application user resources, and top management support. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the background for writing this article relates to the application of accounting in restaurant service companies, which is based on the rapid growth of the restaurant business in almost all restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 27 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting regions of indonesia, starting from mid-sized and even five-star restaurants in major shopping centers in the jakarta area. based on the acquisition of statistical data from bps from 2018 to 2020, the number of restaurants has continued to increase from 3,021, 3,182, 3,923 units, and revenue (millions of idr) 23,394,463; 26,954,566; 19,692,626. there has been a tendency to increase the number of restaurants over the past three years, but revenue has decreased in 2020 compared to the previous year (campos et al., 2020) (chiou et al., 2020) (filimonau, todorova, et al., 2020)(siering, 2021). this is an interesting anomaly to study whether accounting reporting at each restaurant is done honestly or not. generally, many people think that the most important thing in managing a restaurant is how to manage a menu of dishes that are appropriate and most liked by customers and how to provide good service, thus ignoring the factor of good financial management by applying correct accounting, because accounting is considered by for most people as a waste of time (hakim et al., 2022) (hennchen, 2019) (filimonau, matute, et al., 2020). the application of good and correct accounting in a restaurant is a process of how to estimate and analyze income, cash flow, inventory and financial reports so that restaurant owners can know with certainty and clearly the financial performance of the restaurant (laguecir et al., 2020) (jung et al., 2019)(de freitas & stedefeldt, 2020). the restaurant industry is different from industries in other fields because it is an important sector that contributes to national income. this is confirmed by data from the ministry of industry, that the restaurant industry has contributed around 34.95% in 2017 and will increase until 2021 post-pandemic to the gdp of the non-oil and gas industry. this industry has also become fertile ground for investors as a promising business in the culinary field, among the things that support this statement is the emergence of various foreign restaurants with innovative presentations and become attractive land for local people. in addition to this, the mobility of urban communities has also become a driving factor for the development of the massive restaurant industry in every major city. modern society tends to choose ready-to-eat food which is more practical than having to bother making it yourself. this has become a land of innovation for both culinary connoisseurs and investors in the restaurant industry. even more than that, the restaurant industry is no longer a food necessity for the community, now it has transformed into a new lifestyle as a standard of social status, for example for existence on social media. even this business owner gets a surge in turnover and has a good and stable cash flow. the application of good and correct accounting is an application that can use a trusted accounting information system and the system is able to manage information effectively and efficiently so that it can help the company's operations (kocsis, 2019) (jayanti et al., 2020). therefore, restaurants also need to use an accounting information system as a reliable system in company management. it was found that a phenomenon occurred in several restaurants, for example in making income reports there were still deficiencies in the system because there was an error in using the technique when the restaurant was busy and busy so there was no system that could regulate it (robson & ezzamel, 2022)(park & jang, 2021)(xu et al., 2020). restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 28 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the information process still uses a manual system and is continued with data entry. of course, restaurants, which are business entities in the culinary industry, need a reliable accounting information system (carter et al., 2020). it is necessary to have records that can assist management in making financial reports that are reliable, accurate and trustworthy as a goal in making the right decisions. restaurants with quality information, will have satisfaction in using existing information. in addition, the accounting information system that runs on the software makes it easier for restaurants to control revenue and quickly see how much profit or loss is generated and can also predict the survival of restaurants in the future (carmona-cabello et al., 2020). this study uses php and mysql applications which are collaborations between popular programming languages and database services which reach 78.9% of sites. php can also be understood as a server-side programming script that has been designed for web development which is used as the programming language for large websites. meanwhile, mysql is a multithreaded and multi-user sql database management system (dbms) software. the application of good accounting in a restaurant can provide interpretation and be able to analyze the restaurant's performance in the long term. the purpose of this writing is to implement and design a good ais so that companies can produce superior, reliable financial reports and can be used as a decision-making tool that has an impact on financial performance. literature review system the system is a collection of a network that contains several components that are related to each other, so that it will produce a good system and can be used (reisch et al., 2021). the company can be said to be a working system consisting of several departments in it and having various procedures related to each other (dillard & vinnari, 2019). definition of information information is data that has been owned and has been organized so that it can produce good and correct information and is useful for a company (suryawarman & widhiyani, 2012). information is a result of processing data and facts that are interrelated and can assist in decision making (damayanti et al., 2021). definition of accounting information systems sia is a performance that consists of some information that has been summarized or analyzed so that it becomes relevant information and can be used in decision making. (suryawarman & widhiyani, 2012). sia is a collection of recorded information whose contents cover all activities, functions and objectives that will have an impact on economic resources both external and internal within an organization, profit and loss financial statements an income statement report that has been prepared based on the psak standard which contains the results of operations for one period, will show the costs that have been incurred as a burden restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 29 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting on the company (tazkia, 2019). in showing data on the income statement, you must choose the period that will be needed so that data will appear in accordance with the period (setiawan et al., 2022). accounting information users according to (kocaman, 2021), the use of a reliable sia is needed by companies, because it can help the process of storing data and its distribution (suryawarman & widhiyani, 2012). sia can be used as a meeting medium for processing daily transaction needs which is supported by operations that are managerial in nature and steps used by outsiders (sari et al., 2021). according to (kocsis, 2019) a restaurant is a place or building that is professionally organized to provide food and beverage serving services to all consumers (suryawarman & widhiyani, 2012). aside from being a place to provide processed food and beverage services, restaurants are also places of stop and rest for tourists visiting an area (setiawan et al., 2022)(liu et al., 2022). definition of franchise franchising is an alternative in business development, which entrusts the ability of prospective business partners to be able to operate the activities to be carried out (atmoko, 2019). franchising is a special right that has been owned by various business entities and individuals. franchising has specific criteria that can promote goods or services that have benefits and results that are used by the general public (suryawarman & widhiyani, 2012). method the research method used is the slr method (systematic literature review). according kitchenham dan charters (2007) said that this slr is a method that uses research from several literature reviews which is used as a method capable of interpreting problems, identifying problems and assessing every problem that exists in the research studied by tracing each problem to get answers to every question in the research. the stages of the systematic literature review include: figure 1. the stages of the method systematic literature review planning 1. formulate statements on research 2. setting the rules slr (systematic literature review). implementation the plans made will be carried out in accordance with the methods and steps that exist in the slr reporting the results of the research under study will be reported in the systematic literature review in the form of a journal and will be published. restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 30 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in the picture above, it starts from the planning stage then the next stage is implementation and then at the end of the stage, namely reporting as the final stage of the slr into a report. the first step in compiling an slr is the planning stage, namely creating a research question (rq), which usually uses the pico (person-intervention-control-outcome) method. the next step is to search literature by utilizing various paid and free scientific portals. in this study, google scholar was used as the basis for research between the last 5-10 years to keep slr information up-to-date. next do the criticism and determine the logical structure. slr is prepared using the same structure as the publication text using the method written according to the prisma diagram. the implementation stage can be understood as the stage of implementing the slr itself, which begins with the determination of search keywords for literature (search strings), the selection and understanding of synonyms and alternative word substitutes will determine the accuracy of the literature search, besides that software tools are also needed to facilitate the management of our literature evidence, and also carry out the selected studies stage which will affect the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria, and the last step in this stage is data extraction then carry out a synthesis of selected literature which has the aim of analyzing and evaluating various research results from various literatures. the last stage is reporting, this stage is writing the slr results in written form to be published in the form of scientific journal articles. the writing structure of slr usually consists of 3 major parts, namely: introduction, main body and conclusion. the introductory section will contain the background and basis for why slr on a topic is important and must be carried out. while the main section will contain the slr protocol, results of the analysis and synthesis of findings, and ends with a discussion discussing the implications of the slr results. the conclusion section will contain a summary of the findings that we got, in accordance with the rq that we set in advance. research question in this stage are questions that are appropriate to the problems and research topics. therefore the research question or used in the study are as follows: rq1 : is the research method used related to the restaurant accounting information system? rq2 : what things affect the accounting information system in restaurants in this study? rq3 : what are the latest topics used by researchers related to sia in restaurants in this study? rq4 : what is a highly qualified method that can be used to determine the quality of accounting information systems in restaurants in this study? research process in obtaining the cause of the problem with respect to the researcher, the search process can be used. so to be able to answer questions and references related to data and data sources, it can be processed using the website which is secondary data that can be used. restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 31 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting study selection in selecting studies, secondary data or primary data can be used, so the data that has been found is in line with what has been determined, and it is seen whether the data is suitable for use as a source of research data or not. the equivalent data parameters used are as follows: 1) the data used has a time range of 2021 and 2022, 2) data taken from the site:, 3) data were obtained from previous research journals that had links with accounting information systems for restaurants in indonesia. data extraction the data that has contributed will be summarized to respond to research questions according to the topic and then the data will be extracted and arranged according to the extraction form. this aims to assist data collection in the main research according to the topic of the research problem so that it becomes the main data in answering research questions. data extraction can be arranged and carried out as in the table below: table 1. data extraction compiled for research questions. regarding research question (rq) accounting information systems for restaurant rq2 accounting information systems method rq4 research problem rq3 publication and problem identification rq1 assessment quality the results of the data obtained will be analyzed and assessed based on the questions below: qa1 : does the published journal have a timeframe from 2021-2022? qa2 : does the journal discuss accounting information systems of restaurant? qa3 : the journal interprets the restaurant's accounting information system? paper will be given a value based on the quality of the assessment above and will certainly be reanalyzed according to the existing value criteria. usage values are as follows: yes : journals that meet the criteria for quality assessment questions. no : if the journal found is not in accordance with the quality assessment. collection data the data set used is secondary data. secondary data in this study was found in several stages by using: 1. literature study using the systematic literature review (slr) method with data obtained from the web: as well as 2. data in the form of documentation and has been stored in mendeley. data type this study uses qualitative data types by interpreting data so as to manage the data sources obtained and can be used as answers in answering research questions. restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 32 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting data analysis research data that has been found and put together will be analyzed and formulated at this stage. therefore, the results of the research analysis will answer each predetermined research question. result and discussion the process of searching for journals and including journals and excluding articles in the search results for articles on accounting information systems in restaurants, 31,300 results were found. however, only 10 were taken because they met the criteria, which were published in 2021-2022 and only discussed the accounting information system used. table 2. classification according to the type of article no journal year total 1 scientific journal of accounting and finance 2021 1 2 indonesian accounting literacy journal 2021 1 3 journal of accounting and finance 2021 1 4 journal of accounting 2021 1 5 journal of entrepreneurship, accounting and management tri bisnis 2021 1 total 5 1 indonesia journal of network & security 2022 1 2 budapest internasional research and critics institute journal 2022 1 3 e-journal computer, technology and information system 2022 1 4 senmea 2022 1 5 soedirman accounting and public sector journal 2022 1 total 5 results of rq1: the method used from the results of rq1 (research question 1) get results based on journal categories with techniques in data collection. this can be interpreted in table 3 which proves that the research used a questionnaire as a data collection technique. this is because researchers want to see the effect of information systems on restaurants in indonesia and the number of respondents can be seen in the table below: table 3. data collection no method of collecting data total 1 observation 5 2 quesionnaire 3 3 quantitative 2 restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 33 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results of rq2: factors influencing sia against restaurants in indonesia results on research question 2 (rq2) regarding factors that influence sia for restaurants in indonesia. based on the categories of things that influence are accounting internal control systems, information systems, knowledge of information systems, utilization of information technology, and human resources. table 4 below describes the sia factors influencing restaurants in indonesia as follows: table 4. factors influencing sia against restaurants in indonesia no factors research total 1 system planning (rahmadani h, 2022), (saputra, 2021), (yustiana, 2022), (katiandagho, 2021), (nurhani & samsudin, 2022), (pradana, 2022), (jordy, 2021) 7 2 internal control (yustiana, 2022), (katiandagho, 2021), (darmasari & setiawan, 2021), (hidayat & darmawan, 2021), (jordy, 2021) 5 3 system understanding (saputra, 2021), (yustiana, 2022), (katiandagho, 2021), (nurhani & samsudin, 2022) 4 4 human resources (yustiana, 2022), (rahmadani h, 2022) 2 results of rq3: research trends and topics results of rq3 (research question 3) regarding trending topics in significant research on restaurant accounting information systems in indonesia. in this research analysis, primary data is used and selected to answer related research on accounting information systems in indonesian restaurants with the following topic details: 1) presenting and analyzing sia problems in restaurants in indonesia ; 2) state the causes and effects of problems in the ais of restaurants in indonesia, 3) presenting and choosing solutions to address problems that occur in sia in indonesian restaurants; 4) able to make conclusions to be a good solution from research on accounting information systems for restaurants in indonesia. the first thing that becomes the main topic is recognizing problems related to accounting information systems in restaurants. (saputra & puspaningrum, 2021) examine internal control in restaurants. whereas (rahamdani, 2022) examine the design of accounting information systems in restaurants in indonesia. on the second topic (katiandagho & trisyanto, 2021) explaining the internal control system and accounting information system design for restaurants in indonesia, (saputra & puspaningrum, 2021) discusses the design of accounting information systems and this is a very important factor to assist management in the internal control process for restaurants in indonesia. the third topic explains related to the understanding of accounting information systems in restaurants, the cause of problems often occurs because companies do not understand accounting systems and human resources are still not trained in understanding accounting systems. according (wu et al., 2021) and (de freitas & stedefeldt, 2020), explains that there are still restaurants in indonesia that do not understand the accounting system and this needs to be implemented so that the financial restaurant accounting system studies in indonesia 2021-2022: a systematic literature review mussa, yuliana, ismiyar, tjahjadi, and munandar, 34 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reports that are made can be organized and can be used for the common good and decision making. furthermore, after presenting causes and effects, the fourth topic is choosing a good way out or solution of a research problem related to accounting information systems for restaurants in indonesia. according (saputra & puspaningrum, 2021) and (ciftci et al., 2021) choosing the right solution is to make a design for an accounting system as an appropriate means of information for restaurants in indonesia. the last topic is the fifth topic as a topic in answering solutions from all research related to accounting information systems in restaurants in indonesia. an appropriate internal control system is needed so that it can control company operations, especially restaurants in indonesia, an accounting information system is also needed so that it can assist in company operations. results of rq4 : the method is good in performance research question in this case rq4 has a fairly good performance method and can be used for accounting information systems in restaurants. from the results of the studies, almost every study has used the observation method which has gone directly to identify problems that occur in the field, by conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires to obtain valid data and can be used as a source of data so that the literature study method is also able to get the right solutions in dealing with problems in research. from the results of research on several journals it is still found that sia has no and significant effect on restaurants, but in other studies in 2022 there has been a significant influence due to good internal control and has already designed an accounting information system (atmoko, 2019)(niederle & schubert, 2020). conclusion based on the research results, it can be concluded that the design of an accounting system in a restaurant must be carried out with an appropriate internal control system so that it can control company operations, especially restaurants in indonesia, it is also necessary to have an accounting information system so that it can assist in company operations, besides that it must developing an understanding of the system in restaurant organizations to find out the goals and objectives of the accounting system as well as developing the capabilities of human resources so that the application of the accounting information system can run correctly and in accordance with plans that have been prepared previously based on applicable accounting standards. reference atmoko, d. 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(2023). the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(1), 92-103. abstract: this study examines the effect of audit firm size, audit period, and audit rotation on audit quality. the data come from annual reports of infrastructure, utilities and transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2016 to 2020. the sampling method used is purposive sampling. a sample of 267 companies was obtained based on the purposive sampling method. the analysis technique used is logistic regression analysis with spss software. this study's results confirm agency theory's role in explaining the relationship between parties with different interests. the research findings reveal that the role of audit professional services performed by audit firms can minimize agency problems that arise. empirically, study findings show that the size of an audit firm and its audit period positively affect audit quality. conversely, audit rotation does not affect audit quality. the study results provide a practical contribution so that non-big-4 audit firms can improve audit quality as big-4. audit firms should also pay attention to sufficient audit tenure, short enough or too long, to produce good audit quality. keywords: audit firm size, audit tenure, audit rotation, audit quality this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction audit quality using the specialization abilities of an auditor in detecting and reporting fraud in the client's financial system. audit quality is an auditor's opportunity, ability, and willingness to detect, find, report, and reveal an error or fraud that occurs in an accounting system (tandionting, 2016a, p. 80). according to(nuri, 2021), auditor specialization assesses audit quality because auditor specialization in particular industries will give auditors better knowledge, insight, and abilities when compared to auditors who do not have specialization. the auditor's specialization ability to detect errors and irregularities that occur in client financial statements more quickly and effectively because specialist auditors have more knowledge of specific industries (rinanda & nurbaiti, 2018a). however, auditor industry specialization does not significantly affect audit report lag (abdillah et al., 2019). the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 93 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting significant cases cause user confidence in the quality of audits conducted by independent auditors to decrease. one of them was a case that occurred in early 2017 and involved partners from public accountant ernst and young (ey) in indonesia, namely public accountant purwanto, suherman and surja. this case occurred because public accountants purwanto, suherman, and surja failed to audit the financial statements of a telecommunication company (indosat). after all, they had provided an opinion based on insufficient evidence. this finding originated when the ernst and young (ey) partner accounting firm in the united states reviewed audit results from accounting firms in indonesia. as a result of this incident, public accountant partners, namely public accountant purwanto, suherman and surja, had to pay a fine of idr 13.3 billion to us regulators. this case is considered the latest incident that has befallen an audit firm, giving rise to speculation about whether an audit firm can carry out its duties in developing countries under the code of ethics (malik, 2017). the last case regarding audit quality occurred in 2018 involving a public accountant. one of them happened in indonesia was deloitte's partners, namely public accountants marlinna, kap merliyana samsul, and public accountants satrio, bing, eny & rekan. this case occurred because the financial statements of sunprima nusantara financing (snp) finance, audited by public accountants satrio, showed an unqualified opinion. it is different from the results of an examination from the financial services authority, which showed that snp finance failed to pay interest on medium-term notes which were not included in public accountants satrio's audit report (handoko & soepriyanto, 2018). some of these cases have caused a loss of public trust in an audit firm and poorly assessed the quality of the audit produced by the audit firm due to the lack of competence possessed by the auditor (palalangan et al., 2019a). (kalanjati et al., 2019) further found that the cumulative number of audit partner rotations is positively related to audit quality. conversely, the cumulative number of audit firm rotations is negatively associated with audit quality. on the other hand, an audit firm is an institution where a public accountant can provide professional services to client companies following applicable standards (syahputri, 2021a). research results regarding the effect of audit firm size on audit quality still need to be revised. (deangelo, 1981), (triani & yanthi, 2020), and (paputungan & kaluge, 2018) found the effect of the size of an audit firm on audit quality. (deangelo, 1981) initiated a study that examined the effect of audit firm size on audit quality. (deangelo, 1981) found that audit quality is independent of audit firm size, even when the auditors initially have identical technological capabilities. this collateral aspect improves the quality of audits by larger audit firms. (pham et al., 2017) also found that the size of an audit firm affects audit quality because, economically, the big 4 does not have a dependency on clients. the big 4 have demonstrated the ability to act professionally and independently towards clients compared to non-big 4's. in addition, the big 4 has pressured clients to refrain from producing substandard reporting. different results by (purwanto, 2021) and (palalangan et al., 2019a) stated that the size of an audit firm does not affect audit quality. tenure audit is the duration of the relationship between the audit firm and the client regarding the agreed audit services ((rinanda & nurbaiti, 2018). a long relationship between the auditor and the client is an essential factor in limiting fraudulent acts by the client resulting in better audit quality. although a long audit tenure will make an auditor better understand the business characteristics of his client, the audit tenure should be, at most, the period set by the public the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 94 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting accounting profession association. conversely, a short engagement period will make an auditor need to understand his client's characteristics, which impacts low audit quality. this concept is confirmed by (jadiyappa et al., 2021), (agustini & siregar, 2020), and (paputungan & kaluge, 2018), who have found the effect of audit tenure on audit quality. however, (badewin & hujaimah, 2020) and (soares et al., 2021) obtained different results and found no effect of audit tenure on audit quality. (abedalqader al‐thuneibat et al., 2011) dan (gonzález-díaz et al., 2015) found different results from subsequent studies where audit tenure harmed audit quality. (jadiyappa et al., 2021), in their study in india, found that longer tenure audits generally improve audit quality among indian companies before mandatory rotation. however, for companies that pay very high compensation to auditors, (jadiyappa et al., 2021) found that longer tenure reduces audit quality, primarily if the company is affiliated with a business group or a company where the ceo also serves as chairman of the board. thus, the potential benefits of shorter-term mandates appear limited to high-cost companies with business group affiliations and ceos with multiple roles. the opposite results show that audit quality deteriorates when the audit office tenure is extended due to growth in discretionary accruals (abedalqader al‐thuneibat et al., 2011). in contrast to other studies, (gonzález-díaz et al., 2015) used non-profit organizations in spain. (gonzález-díaz et al., 2015) found that, although the quality of foundation audits declines with increasing tenure, this decline in quality is apparent in the sixth year of the foundation-auditor relationship, after the first five years of quality improvement. audit rotation replaces public accountants to provide services to clients to produce good audit quality and maintain independence (sitta, 2018a). (purwanto, 2021) empirically proves that audit rotation affects audit quality because rotation in a company will make the auditor more objective in auditing financial statements and produce a higher-quality audit process. audit rotation can affect audit quality because the longer the relationship that exists between the auditor and his client will have the opportunity to reduce audit quality which will interfere with the independence of an auditor and will have a tendency to side with the client (sitta, 2018b). furthermore, (firth et al., 2012) found that firms with mandatory audit partner rotation have a much higher likelihood of a modified audit opinion than firms without rotation. however, this effect is limited to companies located in less developed areas. in addition, it is also proven that voluntary audit rotation affects audit quality even though the significance level is much weaker than mandatory partner rotation. different results by (syahputri, 2021) and (paputungan & kaluge, 2018) revealed that audit rotation did not affect audit quality because the market needed to pay more attention to whether the auditor who expressed an opinion in the financial statements had rotated or not. (cassell et al., 2020) obtained interesting findings that tested the effect of audit rotation on audit quality. (cassell et al., 2020) found that audit quality was not lower for companies that hired a new auditor before the end of the third fiscal quarter than for companies that did not change auditors. however, companies that hired new auditors during or after the fourth fiscal quarter were more likely to misstate their audited financial statements than companies that hired new auditors earlier in the year and that did not change auditors. in additional testing, the reduction in audit quality associated with a late change of auditors is more pronounced for firms with complex operations (i.e., more operating segments). these results suggest that the degree to the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 95 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting which audit quality suffers in the first year of an audit engagement is influenced by the amount of time required to understand the client's business, assess risk, and perform the audit, as well as the amount of time available for the auditor to complete the task. agency theory by (jensen & meckling, 1976) explains the contractual model between two parties where one party is an agent, and the other is the principal. the principal (shareholder) gives authority to the agent (management) to carry out a particular task under the work contract agreed upon by both parties (tandionting, 2016). if both parties (principal and agent) try to maximize their utility, a conflict will likely arise where the agent will only sometimes act under the principal's wishes (n. andriani & nursiam, 2018). in agency theory, conflicts can arise due to differences in interests between principals and agents. the principal will tend to choose a large audit firm to audit its financial statements to improve audit quality. services from third parties who have sufficient ability and expertise to perform audit services can reduce agency conflict. the third party is a audit firm that provides audit services to clients by applying applicable accounting and auditing standards. method the population used in this study were infrastructure companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2016 to 2020. the sampling used a purposive sampling technique and 267 research samples. the criteria used in this study are 1. companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the period 2016 to 2020; 2. infrastructure, utilities, and transportation sector service companies that publish financial reports for the period 2016 to 2020; and 3. infrastructure, utilities, and transportation companies attach a complete audit firm profile. audit quality in this study is measured using a dummy variable with a proxy for auditor industry specialization with a value of 1 if the auditor controls ≥ 10% market share and 0 if the auditor controls <10% market share. 𝐴𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∑ 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑦 ∑ 𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑦 × 100% the size of an audit firm in this study is the size of an audit firm categorized as a big-4 kap or not. firm size is measured using a dummy variable with a value of 1 if a big-4 kap and 0 audits the financial statements if a non-big-4 kap audits the financial statements. audit tenure in this study is the period or the length of the audit engagement with its client in providing audit services under a pre-agreed agreement. the tenure audit refers to (n. andriani & nursiam, 2018) using an interval scale to calculate the number of years of engagement. the same the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 96 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting audit firm conducts audit engagements on its clients. for companies that do not experience successive rotations, the tenure will increase every year, where the first year of the engagement starts with number 1 (one) and is added to number 1 (one) again for subsequent years. if there is an auditor rotation in year t, the tenure audit will return to number 1 (one). 𝐴𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 𝑡1 + 𝑡2 + 𝑡3 + 𝑡4 + 𝑡 … audit rotation in this study is a change in an audit firm or an auditor assigned to audit a client's financial statements for a maximum period of 6 (six) consecutive financial years. the measurement of the audit rotation variable refers to (priyanti & uswati dewi, 2019), where the audit rotation variable is measured using a dummy variable with a value of 1 if there is an audit rotation and a value of 0 if there is no audit rotation. ln 𝐴𝑄 1 − 𝐴𝑄 = 𝛼 + 𝛽1𝐴𝐹𝑆 + 𝛽2𝑇𝐸𝑁 + 𝛽3𝑅𝑂𝑇 + 𝜀 aq : audit quality α : constant β1afs : audit firm size β2ten : audit tenure β3rot : audit rotation ε : error result and discussion descriptive analysis the characteristics of the sample during the study period were that more companies used the services of independent auditors who did not have industry specialization skills compared to auditors who had industry specialization expertise. another characteristic is that more companies use non-big-4 compared to companies that use big-4. other characteristics related to auditor turnover indicate that the research sample applies more not rotating independent auditors compared to those who do auditor rotation (table 1). table 1: 2x2 classification test frequency percent valid percent audit quality non-industry specialization 146 55 55 industry specialization 121 45 45 audit firm size non-big-4 195 73 73 the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 97 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting big-4 72 27 27 audit rotation no audit rotation 227 85 85 audit rotation 40 15 15 hosmer and lemeshow's test and nagelkerke r square based on the hosmer test results, hosmer and lemeshow's goodness of fit test is 1.645 with a significant probability of 0.977, where the significant value is greater than 0.05. it shows that h0 is accepted, meaning that the model formed can fit with the data and predict the observed value. the nagelkerke r square value is 0.220, which indicates the ability of the independent variables to explain the dependent variable is 22%, and the rest (78%) are other factors outside the model that can explain the dependent variable. the power of the regression model to predict companies that use non-industry specialist auditors is 76.7%, which means that with the regression model used, there are 112 samples of infrastructure, utility and transportation companies that use non-industry specialist auditors. the power of the regression model to predict companies that use industry specialization auditors is 61.2%, which means that with the regression model used, 74 samples of infrastructure, utility, and transportation companies use industry specialization auditors (table 3). table 3: 2x2 classification test observed predicted audit quality percentage correct auditor non industry specialization industry specialized auditor audit quality auditor non spesialisasi industri 112 34 76.7 auditor spesialisasi industri 47 74 61.2 overall percentage 69.7 wald test based on the results of the wald test, audit firm size and audit tenor affect audit quality, while audit rotation does not. the significance value of audit firm size and audit tenor is 0.000 (< 0.05), and the significance value of audit rotation is 0.956 (> 0.05) (table 4). the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 98 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4: wald test variables b wald sig. audit firm size 1.478 22.376 0.000 audit tenure 0.222 12.580 0.000 audit rotation -0.025 0.003 0.956 constant -1.538 20.013 0.000 the effect of audit firm size on audit quality the study results show that the size of an audit firm affects audit quality. big-4 public accountants have an excellent reputation for producing good audit quality. the big 4 has specialist auditors who have better integrity and ability. industry specialist auditors are capable of detecting and reporting fraud in client entities. so in, supervising its clients' management is also considered better and able to limit earnings management behavior. agency theory can explain the relationship between the size of an audit firm and audit quality. there is a conflict of interest between the principal and agent, so a third party is needed, namely a reliable and professional independent auditor. one of the considerations in choosing a public accountant is the size of the audit firm. the larger the size of an audit firm, the more reliable and professional it is in producing good-quality audits in order to minimize conflicts of interest between principals and agents. the results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by (deangelo, 1981), (syahputri, 2021), (triani & yanthi, 2020), (f. andriani et al., 2020), (paputungan & kaluge, 2018), and (pham et al., 2017), who have found the effect of audit firm size on audit quality. however, this study's findings differ from (purwanto, 2021) and (palalangan et al., 2019b), who found no effect of audit firm size on audit quality. the effect of audit tenors on audit quality based on the data processing results using logistic regression analysis, audit tenure variables positively influence audit quality. it indicates that the second hypothesis can be accepted. the reason for supporting the second hypothesis is that when the audit tenure or the audit engagement period between the kap and the client is long, the better the audit report produced will be. an audit tenure or a long engagement period can increase the specialization possessed by an auditor, especially in terms of knowledge, experience, and also the ability to understand better, supervise, and detect client management. it can minimize the occurrence of earnings management to improve audit quality. in accordance with the measurement of audit quality, namely industry specialization, auditors believe that if the auditor has a specialization, he will have a reliable ability to detect and report fraud that occurs. the auditor obtains this ability because of experience, understanding, and knowledge. agency theory can link tenure audits with audit quality because, in agency theory, there is a conflict of interest between the company owner and management, so a third party is needed, namely an independent auditor who is reliable and experienced in mediating the conflict. an the effects of audit firm size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality salman & setyaningrum 99 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting audit tenure or a long engagement period to minimize conflicts between agents and principals. a long audit tenure can improve the auditor's ability, knowledge, and experience in understanding the client company's conditions and problems or conflicts. the results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by (jadiyappa et al., 2021), (purwanto, 2021), (palalangan et al., 2019a), and (f. andriani et al., 2020), where the results of his research state that tenure audits affect audit quality. however, this is different from research conducted by (abedalqader al‐thuneibat et al., 2011), (gonzález-díaz et al., 2015), (cassell et al., 2020), (syahputri, 2021), (badewin & hujaimah, 2020) and (paputungan & kaluge, 2018), which state that audit tenure does not affect audit quality. the effect of audit rotation on audit quality based on the data processing results using logistic regression analysis, audit rotation variables affect audit quality. these findings indicate that audit rotation does not guarantee good audit quality. it is due to the lack of awareness of market players regarding the replacement of kap and auditors. the auditor must have an attitude of professionalism and independence. whether there is audit rotation or not, an auditor still upholds a high attitude of independence, which can affect the quality of the audit he produces. agency theory can explain the relationship between audit rotation and audit quality. conflict of interest in agency theory occurs between company owners as principals and management as agents. therefore, it is necessary to have a third party, an independent auditor who is reliable and experienced in mediating the conflict. the results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by (syahputri, 2021), (agustini & siregar, 2020)(palalangan et al., 2019a), and also (paputungan & kaluge, 2018). however, this is not in line with research conducted by (firth et al., 2012), (purwanto, 2021), (hai et al., 2019), (kalanjati et al., 2019), and (garcia-blandon & argiles-bosch, 2017), who have found the effect of audit rotation on audit quality. conclusion this research was conducted to analyze the effect of kap size, audit tenure, and audit rotation on audit quality in infrastructure, utilities and transportation service companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange from 2016 to 2020. the study succeeded in confirming the effect of company size on quality audits. the larger company size strongly indicates that the audit firm has more competent auditors, so the resulting audit quality is also improving. another finding is that tenure audits influence audit quality. the longer the audit tenure or the audit engagement period between the kap and the client, the more the auditor understands the condition of the client's company, so the quality of the resulting audit will also be better. conversely, audit rotation does not affect audit quality. the limitations of this study are related to the nagelkerke r square value of only 0.220 or 22%, which indicates that there are still 78% of other factors outside the model that can explain the dependent variable. suggestions for further research can add other independent variables such as audit committees, client importance, and audit fees. future research can use other proxies to measure audit quality, such as discretionary accruals. the effects of audit firm size, audit 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(2022). effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 20192021. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(3), 307-319. abstract: local taxes are taxes collected and managed by local governments to fund all government functions and local development. the local revenue board is a local apparatus that functions to manage all types of revenue and local wealth income, one of which is land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2). the high amount of pbb p2 receivables in bekasi city is due to problems in the implementation of tax collection. this research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the pbb-p2 receivable collection in bekasi city and the obstacles and efforts done in the collection of pbb-p2. the researcher used research methods descriptive qualitative. data collection from this research is by interview, observation, and documentation. the result of this research shows that the effectiveness of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector collection of receivables in increasing the realization of revenue is less effective when viewed from the non-achievement of the revenue target in 2021 with a percentage of 77.46% and the high number of pbb-p2 receivables which continues to increase every year. less effective collection of pbb-p2 receivables in the city bekasi is caused by several obstacles that occur such as lack of awareness of taxpayers, uneven socialization, lack of quality and quantity of human resources, and limited facilities and infrastructure. the efforts made by the local revenue board of bekasi city are to socialize along with banks to make it easier for taxpayers to make payments and cooperate with the executive unit for integrated service of sub-districts, villages, and neighborhood/hamlets. keywords: land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2), pbb-p2 receivable, pbb-p2 collection this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction tax is a mandatory contribution to the state that is owed by an individual or entity (marlina & syahribulan, 2021; oktaviani et al., 2020; padyanoor, 2020) that is forced by law without obtaining an imbalance and is used for the purposes of the state for the greatest prosperity of the people according to law number 16 of 2009 (budiarso & karina, 2016; mardiasmo, mailto:citranovlyani@gmail.com1 mailto:%20dindadarmawan01@gmail.com2 effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 309 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2018; pohan, 2021; widiastuti, 2017). tax is a very potential alternative (selvi & ramdhan, 2020; sitohang & sinabutar, 2020; tambunan, 2020). as one of the potential sources of state tax revenue, the sector is a very appropriate choice, besides that it is relatively a reflection of the active participation of the community in financing development (egbunike et al., 2018; lahiri & yang, 2021; matti et al., 2022). the number of sources of tax that can be collected will improve infrastructure and public facilities (aulawi, 2020; capistrano, 2020; ndoricimpa, 2021). likewise, local taxes are used to carry out all government activities and regional development. with local revenue, it will minimize the area to central assistance (benvenutti et al., 2016; huang et al., 2022; koethenbuerger, 2011). the rural and urban land and building tax (pbb-p2) is one type of regional tax with great potential for tax collection (fendrich et al., 2022; janoušková & sobotovičová, 2019; miyazaki & sato, 2022). rural and urban land and building tax is a tax on land and or buildings owned, controlled and or utilized by individuals or entities, except for areas used for forestry plantation and mining business activities (anwari & bandiyono, 2021; hapsari et al., 2018; prawitra & lutfi, 2021). the rural and urban land and building tax was originally a central tax which was converted into a regional tax . this transfer means that the overall management of the rural and urban land and building tax is handed over to regency/city governments throughout indonesia, including in the city of bekasi. based on data from the bekasi city regional revenue agency, the realization of pbb-p2 revenues in bekasi city from 2019 to 2021 is still fluctuating. in 2019, the pbb-p2 target was set at rp. 599,712,917,219 with the realization of pbb-p2 amounting to rp. 481,729,062,142, this indicates the achievement of the target and the highest realization, but the increase in realization is not balanced with the achievement of the targets that have been set. while in 2020 there was a significant decrease in the target and in 2021 there was an increase in realization from the previous year but the target was not achieved with a percentage of only 77.46%. land and building tax receipts p2 experienced a decrease in targets and realization, one factor due to the large number of pbb-p2 receivables in bekasi city. the number of pbb-p2 receivables in bekasi city continues to increase every year. the total uncollected pbb-p2 receivables until 2021 reached rp. 885,025,118,886 (bapenda bekasi city 2022). the high receivables were due to various problems in the implementation of tax collection. based on the results of the initial interview with mr. arul prestige of the operation section (opsir) of arenjaya village, there are still many obstacles in carrying out the process of collecting tax arrears or pbb-p2 receivables, including taxpayers who have tax arrears, but the taxpayer is reluctant to pay the tax arrears, the implementation of billing to taxpayers are not implemented optimally so that collections cannot be done and taxpayers whose whereabouts are not known. based on the explanation above, a common thread can be drawn that the implementation of billing is still not running optimally because of the lack of firm collection, tax identification that is not carried out properly and it can also be suspected that taxpayer compliance tends to be weak. therefore, the authors raised the theme of effectiveness with the following objectives: 1. to analyze the effectiveness of collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city. 2. to analyze the obstacles faced in collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city. 3. to analyze what efforts are being made to overcome obstacles in collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city. effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 310 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting • literature review 1. basic tax theory : according to p.j.a. andriani in (rahayu, 2017) formulates: “taxes are contributions to the state (which can be enforced) owed by those who are obliged to pay them according to regulations without getting performance back, which can be directly appointed, and whose purpose is to finance general expenses related to the state's duty to run the government.” tax elements: (1) contributions from the people to the state. only the state has the right to collect taxes. the contribution is in the form of money (not goods). (2) based on the law. taxes are collected based on or with the force of the law and its implementing rules. (3) no reciprocal services or counter-achievements from countries that can be directly appointed. in the payment of taxes, it cannot be shown that there is an individual contra-achievement by the government. (4) used to finance state households, namely expenditures that are beneficial to the wider community. 2. local tax : according to dwikora harjo (2019, 16) define: “regional tax is a tax that the regional government stipulates and collects based on regional regulations (perda) to be ratified in the regional revenue and expenditure budget and used to finance regional families.” types of regional taxes based on law number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies (in samudra 2015, 68) regional taxes are divided into 2 types, namely: (1) provincial taxes, consisting of: (a) vehicle tax; (b) duty on transfer of motor vehicle names; (c) motor vehicle fuel tax; (d) surface water tax; and (e) cigarette tax. (2) regency/city taxes consist of: (a) hotel tax; (b) restaurant tax; (c) entertainment tax; (d) advertisement tax; (e) street lighting tax; (f) non-metal and rock mineral tax; (g) parking tax; (h) groundwater tax; (i) swallow's nest tax; (j) rural and urban land and building tax; (k) fee for the acquisition of rights on land and buildings. 3. land and building tax in the rural and urban sector : according to the bekasi city regulation number 10 of 2019 concerning regional taxes, rural urban land and building tax is a tax on land and/or buildings owned, controlled, and/or utilized by an individual or entity, except for the area used for plantation, forestry, and mining business activities. earth is the surface of the earth which includes land and inland waters and territorial seas district/city. while what is meant by building is engineering construction that is planted or permanently located on land and/or inland waters and/or sea. according to darwin (2013, 8) rural and urban land and building tax subjects are individuals or entities that actually have a right to the land, and/or obtain benefits over the land, and/or own, control and/or obtain and/or benefit from the building. while the object of the land and building tax is the earth and/or building, the meaning of the earth is the surface of the earth and the body beneath it. the earth's surface includes land and inland waters as well as the seas of the indonesian territory. the basis for imposition of pbb-p2 uses the selling value of the tax object. in general, njop is obtained from buying and selling transactions that occur normally, but when there is no sale and purchase transaction, the njop will be determined by comparing the prices of tax objects. land and building tax rates that apply until 2021 refer to the law of the republic of indonesia number 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies, then the land and building tax rates are determined by regional regulations, where the highest rate is 0.3% (zero). point three percent). the calculation for pbb-p2 is based on the selling value for the building effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 311 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting before the tax rate is applied, first reduced by the non-taxable selling value of rp. 10,000,000 (ten million rupiah). 4. land and building tax collection: definition of tax collection according to mardiasmo (2018, 141) namely: “a series of actions so that the tax insurer pays off the tax payable and the cost of tax collection by reprimanding or warning, carrying out instantaneous collection at once, notifying the forced letter, proposing prevention, carrying out confiscation, carrying out hostage taking, selling confiscated goods.” the right to collect taxes expires after exceeding 5 (five) years from the time the tax is due. taxes payable based on sppt, skpd, skpdkb, skpdkbt, stpd, correctional decision letter, objection decision letter, and appeal decision that are not or underpaid by the taxpayer on time can be collected by force letter. based on law no. 28 of 2009 concerning regional taxes and regional levies, the basis for collecting taxes must be paid within a maximum period of 1 (one) month from the date of issue. the amount of tax underpayment in the skpdkb will be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of interest of 2% (two percent) a month calculated from underpaid or late taxes for a maximum period of 24 (twenty four) months from the time the tax becomes due. 5. effectiveness: according to h. emerson as quoted by handayaningrat in his book entitled introduction to administration and management (1999, 16), namely: “effectiveness is a measuring in term of attaining prescribed goals or objectives” it is clear that if the goals and objectives have been achieved as previously planned, it is effective. so, if the goal or goal is not completed in accordance with the allotted time, the work cannot be said to be effective. factors that affect the organization must receive serious attention if you want to realize an effectiveness. according to h. emerson (handayaningrat 1999) said about the effectiveness measure, as follows: (1) achieving goals. objectives are the implementation of an organization's mission statement. the meaning of achieving goals, namely something that has been implemented and gets the desired results. (2) standard time. standard time is the time required to complete a cycle of work carried out according to work methods and normal speed with consideration of adjustment factors plus time allowances for personal and other unexpected needs that cannot be said to be effective. meanwhile, according to halim (2012) the formula used to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of tax audits is as follows: an organization can be said to be effective if it can achieve what has been expected. below is a table regarding the percentage of interpretation of effectiveness criteria: table i interpretation of effectiveness value percentage criteria >100% very effective effectiveness ratio = acceptance realization x 100% acceptance target effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 312 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting source: mahmudi (2016) method this study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. the main purpose of using a qualitative approach is to uncover facts and phenomena on the effectiveness of collecting p2 land and building tax receivables in order to increase the realization of revenue at the bekasi city bapenda in 2019-2021. the data collection techniques used in this study were in the form of observation, documentation and interviews with several informants, including the head of the tax office in the sub-field of billing for the bekasi city regional revenue agency, academic lecturers from the stiami institute and three pbb-p2 taxpayers. in the process of data analysis carried out by the author in this study using the theory of miles and huberman (sugiyono, 2014, 2019) namely the activity of analyzing qualitative data is interactive and continuous until it is completed. the analysis process is carried out by researchers, namely doing data reduction, presenting data and drawing conclusions. the location of the study to determine the effectiveness of the collection of pbb-p2 receivables in the city of bekasi was carried out at the bekasi city regional revenue agency, which is located at jl. ir. h. juanda no. 100, margahayu, east bekasi, bekasi city. conceptual framework understanding the framework of thinking according to sapto haryoko (sugiyono, 2019), namely: “the framework of thinking is a synthesis of the relationship between variables compiled from various theories that have been described. based on the theories that have been described. furthermore, it is analyzed critically and systematically, so as to produce a synthesis of the relationship between the variables studied. the synthesis of the relationship between these variables is then used to formulate hypotheses.” the conceptual framework created by the author describes the effectiveness of collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in bekasi city. the purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city. this research was conducted at the office of the regional revenue agency of bekasi city. the results of this study can show the effectiveness of the implementation of rural and urban land and building tax collections in increasing the realization of revenue at the bekasi city regional revenue agency as well as the obstacles and efforts. in this study, the author uses the theory put forward by h. emerson (handayaningrat 1999) in general, the criteria for effectiveness can be classified into 2 items, namely the achievement of goals and time standards. the following is a conceptual model created by the author: 90-100% effective 80-90% effective enough 60-80% less effective <60% ineffective effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 313 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure i conceptual model result and discussion in the research that has been done, the researcher uses research instruments in the form of interviews, observations and documentation. the following are data relating to the main problems in the research obtained from the bekasi city regional revenue agency. table ii target and realization of pbb-p2 revenue for bekasi city in 2019-2021 year target realization percentage 2019 599.712.917.219 481.729.062.142 80,32% 2020 420.000.000.000 434.325.888.805 103,41% 2021 579.533.417.588 448.920.284.130 77,46% source: bapenda bekasi city 2022 based on table ii above, it can be seen that the realization of pbb-p2 revenue in 2017 to 2021 has fluctuated. in 2019, the pbb-p2 target was set at idr 599,712,917,219 with the realization of pbb-p2 amounting to idr 481,729,062,142, this indicates the achievement of the target and the highest realization, but the increase in realization is not balanced with the achievement of the targets that have been set. while in 2020 there was a significant decrease in the target but the realization had exceeded the target with a percentage of 103.4% and in 2021 there was an increase in realization from the previous year but the target was not achieved with a percentage of only 77.46%. one of the factors for the low realization and not achieving the target was due to the unresolved pbb-p2 receivables due to the implementation of receivable collection that was not optimal. the author also collects data from the bekasi city bapenda regarding the amount of receivables of sppt pbb-p2 in bekasi city as follows: effectiveness of land and building tax collection in rural urban at the bekasi city regional revenue agency theori: harrington emerson goal achieved standard time obstacles efforts to increase the realization of rural urban land and building tax in bekasi city effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 314 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table iii final balance of sppt pbb-p2 accounts receivable in bekasi city for 2019-2021 tahun sppt jumlah (rp) 2019 3.971.843 664.220.691.917 2020 4.000.263 763.760.123.474 2021 4.117.623 885.025.118.886 source: bapenda bekasi city 2022 from the table described above, it can be seen that the pbb-p2 receivables in bekasi city continue to increase every year. the total uncollected pbb-p2 receivables until 2021 reached rp 885,025,118,886. the high pbb-p2 receivable caused the low realization of pbb-p2 revenue which is one of the sources of funding for regional development financing in bekasi city. this indicates that the bekasi city bapenda must try to be more assertive in collecting the pbb-p2 receivables. the pbb-p2 arrears in bekasi city have been going on for years so that they accumulate and are increasingly difficult to collect. so, if the data on the realization of pbb-p2 revenues for 2019-2021 is juxtaposed with data on the amount of pbb-p2 receivables. thus it can be concluded based on the effectiveness value table, pbb-p2 collection activities in bekasi city are less effective because an organization can be said to be effective if it can achieve what has been expected while pbb-p2 receipts in bekasi city in 2019 and 2021 do not reach the target with the percentage in 2021 is 77.46%. one of the causes of the ineffectiveness of collection is due to the high amount of pbb-p2 receivables which has continued to increase in the last three years. as stated above that in analyzing the problem in this study refers to the theory of effectiveness from h. emerson quoted by handayaningrat in his book entitled introduction to administration and management science (1999), according to h. emerson there are 2 dimensions in measuring effectiveness, namely the achievement of goals. and standard time. in addition, it will also analyze the obstacles faced by the pbb-p2 billing officer in carrying out their duties and what efforts must be made to deal with these obstacles. the analysis was carried out based on the results of observations in the field, conducted interviews with informants consisting of regulators, academics and taxpayers as well as activities to document the data needed to carry out this analysis. the following discussion is carried out by the author in accordance with the approach and reference to the theory as follows: 1. effectiveness of collection of land and building tax receivables p2 in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021. bekasi city regional regulation number 10 of 2019 concerning regional taxes which is the legal basis applied in the city of bekasi. this regulation is applied to the imposition of local taxes and services provided by the government, including collection. billing is a series of actions so that taxpayers pay off their tax debts by giving warnings, warnings, carrying out instant and simultaneous collections and notifying forced letters. effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 315 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting pbb-p2 receivables occur when the right of the state/region to collect arises. the amount of pbb-p2 receivables consists of principal and/or administrative sanctions contained in the sppt/skp/stp. pbb-p2 receivables will continue to be recorded in the financial statements if in the following years the taxpayer has not paid/paid more than the due date. the expiry period of these receivables is up to 5 years, resulting in a high number of receivables and a fairly heavy burden for the bekasi city bapenda.. a. goal achieved the purpose of this collection is to make taxpayers pay their land and building tax debts, the target is taxpayers who have pbb-p2 arrears or do not pay off their tax debts until maturity in the last 5 years. so the strategies that can be carried out include carrying out side operations (opsir) and socialization as well as providing rewards and punishments for officers and taxpayers. has a tracking system to help officers trace pbb-p2 and increase payment points. facilities facilities and infrastructure are still limited in number and billing procedures have been carried out quite well and systematically, starting from recapitulating data, making letters of warning/reprimand, visiting taxpayers and submitting sppt/stpd and helping deposit pbb-p2. b. standard time in resolving pbb-p2 receivables through this billing system, socialization to taxpayers regarding pbb-p2 is needed because the level of awareness/compliance of taxpayers can be influenced by the socialization provided by the officer. there has been socialization to taxpayers from officers but it is felt that taxpayers are still not running optimally and unevenly because the information provided is limited. sanctions are also given to taxpayers in the form of a fine of 2% for 24 months and social sanctions in the form of placing a sign for taxpayers with debts above 100 million rupiah. the evaluation of the collection of pbb-p2 receivables is also routinely carried out by the collection team of the bekasi city bapenda to see how far the revenue target has been achieved. as for the number of human resources in the field of billing at the bekasi city bapenda, there are only 16 people, so it can be said that their performance is less effective considering the vast area of the city of bekasi. 2. obstacles in collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city from the results of interviews with regulators, taxpayers and academics, it was found that several obstacles faced in the process of collecting receivables caused the implementation of collection of pbb-p2 receivables in bekasi city to be less than optimal, including: 1) the location of the taxpayer who is not known because he no longer occupies or inhabits the tax object he owns 2) the economic capacity of taxpayers is low due to the covid-19 pandemic 3) lack of socialization due to limited human resources 4) limited facilities and infrastructure provided and payment systems that are often offline. 3. efforts to overcome obstacles in collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city based on the information processed by the author, it is necessary for the government's efforts to increase the realization of pbb-p2 revenue, namely to improve the things that are the obstacles to the non-optimal collection of receivables, in this case the obstacles or effectiveness of collection of land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) receivables in increasing the realization of revenue in the revenue agency of bekasi city area in 2019-2021 novlyani and darmawan 316 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting obstacles in the implementation of the pbb-p2 collection in bekasi city must be found a solution so that implementation can run smoothly as planned, so that pbb-p2 revenue is obtained which is more maximal than the previous year. here are some of the efforts: 1) cooperate with uptd, sub-district and village apparatus as well as neighborhood/hamlets in carrying out the billing. 2) providing incentives in the form of reductions, reliefs, and exemptions in certain cases on the principal tax and/or sanctions. 3) thorough socialization to taxpayers with related banks to facilitate payments. conclusion based on research findings, discussions, and interpretations as well as theories and findings, the researchers can reach the following conclusions: 1. the effectiveness land and building tax in the rural and urban sector (pbb-p2) in the context of increasing revenue realization at the bekasi city regional revenue agency in 2019-2021 can be said to be less effective because the realization of pbbp2 revenue is still low and does not reach the target with a percentage of only 77.46%. this is due to the high amount of pbb-p2 receivables which is increasing from year to year. according to the results of the theory analysis of the effectiveness of the factors that cause the ineffective implementation of pbb-p2 receivables collection, the standard time indicators related to socialization to taxpayers are still not optimal and the quality and quantity of human resources are still very lacking. 2. obstacles in collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city, namely from the lack of comprehensive socialization and education provided by the apparatus due to the limited number of personnel/hr, resulting in low taxpayer compliance in paying pbb-p2 arrears. the limited facilities and infrastructure provided by officers such as payment services by mobile bank cars and systems that are often offline have caused people to be reluctant to process and as a result they do not fulfill their obligations. the low economic capacity due to the covid-19 pandemic has also made taxpayers unable to meet pbb-p2 arrears. 3. efforts are being made to overcome obstacles in collecting rural and urban land and building tax receivables in bekasi city, namely intensively conducting socialization with banks to facilitate taxpayers in making their pbb-p2 payments, reminding taxpayers to make payments through prestige and payment points such as mobile bank cars, bjb banks, btn banks, indomaret, post offices, public service malls and digital services such as tokopedia or gopay, provide incentives and always synergize and collaborate with uptd, sub-districts and neighborhood/hamlets sub-district apparatus in carrying out the 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(2023). determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(1), 117-127. abstract: taxes is the largest contribution for every country financial forecast. the government maximizes their effort to be able increasing taxes, in order to accomplish the needs of their people. companies are one of the biggest expenses of country need to be able to be financed. as a result, the government's efforts can create conflicts and it is not in line with the company's goals it self. the company will try to do a tax avoidance scheme in order to reduce the amount of the tax burden, however it will trigger various problems. agency theory that can solve those problems that arise, from company as an agent. there are factors impact on tax avoidance, it consists of institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility. audit quality is taken as a moderating variable, in analyzing the effect between the two independent variables, either strengthens or weakness. this type of research is quantitative research that uses the company's annual report as sources data. the sample in this study amounted to 43 mining companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2017-2019 and were selected based on purposive sampling technique. the results of data testing show that institutional ownership has no significant positive effect on tax avoidance, while corporate social responsibility has a significant positive effect on tax avoidance. audit quality is showed to be able to weaken the influence of institutional ownership on tax avoidance and strengthen the influence of corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance. keywords: corporate governance, csr disclosure, audit quality, tax avoidance this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction one of the effective sources of revenue to improve the country's economy is from taxes. it is known that taxes are the main component and the largest contributor in the apbn. state revenue has contributed to reach more than 79% every year. the online article on the website explains that in 2019, the tax contribution was able to reach almost above 85%, which is around rp. 1,577.6 trillion of the apbn. thus, the role of such a large amount of state revenue comes from the tax sector, the government seeks to maximize tax potential by establishing various kinds of regulations that are able to regulate the tax system in indonesia. however, the government's expectation to increase tax revenue is contrary to the goal of companies that want determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 118 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to have large profits, because companies interpret taxes as a burden that can reduce earnings before tax. explicitly, the implementation of the self-assessment system in indonesia has opened up considerable access for taxpayers to fight taxes. companies that act as corporate taxpayers have a motive so that the taxes paid are as low as possible (rahmi et al., 2022). if the company generates a tax burden that is too high, the tendency to fight taxes will increase. tax resistance often arises as an obstacle to tax increases. tax avoidance according to (abdelfattaha & aboud, 2020; apriliyana & suryarini, 2018; dewanti & sujana, 2019) is considered an active tax fight that is legal and always takes advantage of the deficiencies found in the applicable tax regulations. according to (apriliyana & suryarini, 2018; jamei, 2017; mulyani et al., 2018), tax avoidance reflects a form of tax planning that is able to reduce the amount of tax paid by the company, but still observe and comply with existing regulations. although tax avoidance does not violate the rules, this action is considered unethical for the government and morally unjustified. the reason is, this practice can become a serious problem and have an impact on state losses. it has been proven that the existence of tax avoidance causes a decrease in state cash receipts (mangoting et al., 2019; solihah et al., 2020; sunarto et al., 2021; widuri et al., 2019). the occurrence of tax avoidance practices cannot be separated from the existence of several supporting factors. one of the reasons is from the emergence of agency theory. agency theory is a contract between the manager who acts as an agent and the owner as the principal which occurs because of the separation of functions and supervision of the company. this of course can trigger problems because each party certainly has different interests and goals. the party that gives full resources to the agent to manage the company is called the principal. it is expected that the agent can manage the company's activities in accordance with the interests of the principal. there are several factors, that impact tax avoidance, the first factor is corporate governance (fionasari et al., 2020). in general, corporate governance shows the relationship between parties bound by the company in influencing decisions that are useful for determining the direction of company performance, including decisions on the implementation of tax avoidance. in addition to playing a role in decision-making procedures, corporate governance also has a function to monitor performance and be a supervisor for tax avoidance (mulyani et al., 2018). an effective supervisory mechanism on good corporate governance, one of which is the existence of institutions in the company. the role of the institutional owner is to help ensure that management acts in the best interests of the company. therefore, institutional ownership becomes the main focus in research on the implementation of corporate governance. based on (sandy & lukviarman, 2015) explaining the advantages of the existence of institutional ownership, namely institutional ownership can have a strict supervisory function on the activities carried out by the company. in addition, institutional owners are also able to intervene in management performance which is assumed to be able to behave opportunistically at any time to fulfill personal interests (krisna, 2019). this can help companies to minimize tax avoidance practices. research that has been done on institutional ownership, namely research conducted (charisma & dwimulyani, 2019) shows that institutional ownership has a negative effect on tax avoidance. this is in contrast to research (apriliyana & suryarini, 2018) and (rombebunga & pesudo, determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 119 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2019) which prove that institutional ownership does not have a significant effect on tax avoidance. another factor that can affect the existence of tax avoidance is corporate social responsibility (csr). (fitri et al., 2019; hossain et al., 2107; jitmaneeroj, 2018; mashuri & ermaya, 2019; said et al., 2017) defines csr as a sustainable corporate commitment with a view to improving the quality of life for the community and the surrounding environment. on the other hand, csr is also interpreted as a form of corporate responsibility that incurs a number of costs for the implementation of its activities. since the issuance of regulations concerning the obligation for each entity to carry out csr activities, companies not only have an obligation to pay taxes and work for the benefit of shareholders, but also have a responsibility to implement the program. when csr disclosure is high increasingly, it means that the company has implemented more social programs for the community and the environment with higher expenditures. the costs of these activities are then used as a deduction for pre-tax profit. thus, the tax payable that will be obtained by the company will be less. empirical evidence regarding the effect of corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance shows mixed results. the results of the study (wiguna & jati, 2017) explain that there is a significant positive influence between corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance. however, (salsabila et al., 2021) and (yulistiani et al., 2019) state that corporate social responsibility has no effect on tax avoidance. the existence of research on audit quality with a view to supporting supervision of managers' behavior and increasing the principle of transparency in company reports presented by management. a quality audit occurs when the auditor carries out audit duties on the entity's financial statements, detects significant and material misstatements, then expresses them in the form of an opinion on the audited financial statements (diantari & ulupui, 2016; gaaya et al., 2017). high audit quality is created when the auditing process is carried out by a professional and reliable independent auditor, namely the big 4 kap auditor. thus, audit quality is able to become a strong controller to prevent fraud in company reports. the objectives to be achieved in this study are to prove empirically and determine the significant influence between institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance and identify the role of audit quality in moderating the effect of institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance. in contrast to the previous one, this study develops the concept of previous research by adding audit quality variables as moderating variables, measuring tax avoidance variables using abtd, and the sector used is the mining sector which indirectly has an impact on the economic, social, and environmental fields. researchers try to find out this sector for further analysis related to tax avoidance practices. the mining sector is known to have a very high income because the industry in this sector does not sell goods or services but rather natural resources. supposedly, the mining sector is able to contribute more in state revenues. conceptual framework the research model that can be formulated by researchers where corporate governance is expressed by institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility as independent variables. determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 120 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting meanwhile, audit quality is a moderating variable to test whether audit quality can moderate the relationship between the two variables on tax avoidance. the practice of tax avoidance in various sectors in indonesia is the main concern of various parties. it is undeniable, tax avoidance can occur because of differences in interests between management and the government, giving rise to agency theory that can solve agency problems that arise. for this reason, a system is needed that can regulate relations with interested parties in policy making, especially related to taxation. the system is corporate governance. the function of corporate governance is to monitor the decisions chosen by the company so as not to damage the image (fitri et al., 2019). there are several components included in corporate governance, one of which is institutional ownership which is considered to be able to influence company policy with effective supervision of management performance and optimal monitoring. in addition to agency theory, stakeholder theory is also needed so that companies are able to consider the needs of stakeholders and the environment affected by the company's activities. one way that must be done by the company is to carry out social responsibility (csr) activities. several studies say that companies that implement csr activities tend not to do tax avoidance. however, due to the unclear guidelines for implementing csr activities, it is likely that a lot of information is hidden by the company (apriliyana & suryarini, 2018). this will affect decision making for stakeholders. to ensure that there are no assumptions from management behavior that lead to tax avoidance practices, it is necessary to support audit quality. a qualified auditor is able to reduce information asymmetry that occurs within the company and is able to convey any irregularities or irregularities found in the audited financial statements so that tax avoidance actions can be minimized by the company (krisna, 2019). in addition, with good audit quality, it is hoped that the company will be able to disclose csr activities transparently so that stakeholders can obtain real information from the company. thus, researchers suspect that audit quality is considered capable of providing direct interaction with institutional ownership and csr disclosure on tax avoidance practices. based on the explanation above, the research model that can be formulated by researchers is where corporate governance is expressed by institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility as independent variables. meanwhile, audit quality is a moderating variable to test whether audit quality can moderate the relationship between institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance. method the types of data used are quantitative data and secondary data(sugiyono, 2020, 2017). research sources come from annual reports, independent audit reports, and company sustainability reports by browsing the indonesia stock exchange website and the company's official websites. researchers determine companies engaged in the mining industry and listed on the indonesia stock exchange from 2017 to 2019 as the population in this study. the sampling technique was carried out by selecting based on the criteria (purposive sampling method) and resulted in 41 mining companies for 3 periods. the dependent variable in accordance with the research issue is determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 121 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax avoidance and makes audit quality a moderating variable. meanwhile, institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility are the selected independent variables. data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis with moderated regression analysis (mra) supported by excel 2013 and stata version 16.0. hypothesis h1: institutional ownership has a negative effect on tax avoidance. h2: corporate social responsibility has a positive effect on tax avoidance. h3: audit quality strengthens the effect of institutional ownership on tax avoidance. h4: audit quality weakens the influence of corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance result and discussion descriptive statistical analysis the representation of a data in the form of a table that displays the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation values is called descriptive statistics. the following is the result of processing descriptive statistical data: tabel 2. descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. dev. abtd (y) 123 -0.1487358 0.1524333 0.0079838 0.0486565 inst (x1) 123 0 0.7816 0.2081256 0.2550169 csr (x2) 123 0.043956 0.5934066 0.2565042 0.1151015 aq (z) 123 0 1 0.4188034 0.4954851 inst_aq 123 0 0.7816 0.0678256 0.2018988 csr_aq 121 0 0.5934066 0.1251057 0.165716 source: process data with stata v.16.0. (2021). based on the results of the descriptive statistical data presented in table 2, the residual value generated from the btd regression has the lowest value of -0.1487 and the highest value of 0.1524. furthermore, the mean obtained by tax avoidance is 0.0079, it means that the tax profit reported in the financial statements of mining companies is on average smaller than the accounting profit. the closer the abtd is to 0, the less likely the company is to do tax avoidance. the results that refer to institutional ownership present a minimum value of 0 in companies that, it shows, there are 3 companies in this sample do not have a share ownership proportion of financial services institutions and it reach a maximum value of 0.7816 within a mean value shows 20.81% most mining companies in indonesia have institutional share ownership solely. meanwhile, the average for corporate social responsibility is 25,65% of mining companies in this sample have average csr disclosure items the lowest value generated from this variable is 4,395% meanwhile, the highest value of csr disclosure is around 59,34% from total item achievements. audit quality resulted in a mean value of 41,88%, it means that big 4 kap audited determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 122 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the financial statements of the sample and the rest by kaps not categories of the big 4. the mean for institutional ownership and csr disclosure moderated by audit quality were 0.0678256 and 0.1251057, respectively. most of the mining companies that use the services of non-big 4 kaps have institutional share ownership of 6.78% with csr disclosures carried out as much as 12.51%. classic assumption test before testing the classical assumptions, it is necessary to test the selection of the regression model first with the aim of knowing the best regression estimation model to be used. it is known that model 1 has a value of 0.1335 > 0.05. a probability value greater than 0.05 means that h0 is accepted and the best model is the common effect model (cem). meanwhile, the value for model 2 is 0.0000 < 0.05, it means that h1 is accepted, where the probability value is below 0.05. therefore, the appropriate regression model for model 2 is the fixed effect model (fem). furthermore, the classical assumption test can be run to ensure that the regression model equation has precise and consistent accuracy. a number of basic assumptions contained in the study must be met. the results of testing the data that have been processed are summed up in the following table: tabel 3. classic assumption classic assumption test testing tools model 1 model 2 normalitas skewness kurtosis fulfill fulfill multikolinearitas vif tolerance fulfill unfulfilled heteroskedastisitas breusch pagan unfulfilled fulfill autokorelasi wooldrigde test autocorelation fulfill fulfill the normality test for model 1 and model 2 according to table 3 has met the criteria where the skewness value is below 3 and the kurtosis value is less than 10, meaning that the variables of institutional ownership, corporate social responsibility, audit quality, and tax avoidance do not experience normality disturbances. in this case, the data for each variable has been normally distributed. in addition, there is no strong relationship between the independent variables in model 1, because the tolerance and vif values of the two variables are above 0.10 and less than 10, namely 0.679130 and 1.47. however, in model 2, there is a multicollinearity problem. to overcome the existence of multicollinearity, centering is recommended to help reduce interactions that are too strong between variables and are considered to often produce more precise coefficient estimates with lower standard errors. this treatment is carried out on problematic variables to meet the criteria. it is known that model 2 has a probability value of 0.0594 which is greater than 0.05, meaning that the model equation does not experience heteroscedasticity disorders. however, in model 1, determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 123 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting there has been a heteroscedasticity problem because the probability value is less than 0.05, which is 0.0272. one way to overcome the presence of heteroscedasticity disorders is the robust method approach. when viewed in the column of autocorrelation test results, model 1 and model 2 have met the test requirements where both models have probability values above 0.05, namely 0.7780 and 0.4550. for this reason, there is no autocorrelation problem in the regression model equation. uji hipotesis tabel 4. uji t (parsial) model 1 model 2 coef. t p > |t| coef. t p > |t| (constant) -0.0121985 -1.09 0.276 0.0847222 3.18 0.002 inst -0.0067405 -0.33 0.867 -0.1110556 -1.26 0.211 csr 0.0841511 2.79 0.017** -0.1151083 -1.25 0.214 aq -0.0517023 -1.13 0.262 inst_aq -0.355311 -4.63 0.000* csr_aq 0.287621 2.42 0.018** notes: *significance 1%; ** significance 5% source: data processed by stata v.16.0. (2021) table 4 presents the institutional ownership variable (inst) which has a significant value of 0.867 > 0.05 and a tcount of 0.30 < 1.98099. thus, institutional ownership has no significant effect on tax avoidance, so h1 is rejected. the existence of institutional ownership does not affect the high or low tax avoidance practices in a company. basically, institutional ownership has a supervisory function on management performance. however, they cannot influence and control the policies made by management, one of which is related to tax avoidance. this is because institutional ownership as an external party to the company cannot be directly involved at any time in the process of company activities. (diantari & ulupui, 2016) emphasizes that institutional shareholders are not necessarily fully capable of controlling management's opportunistic activities in tax avoidance. they will rely more on the audit committee and the board of commissioners which are internal parties of the company to oversee management actions. in other words, the existence of institutional ownership does not significantly influence management decisions, thus allowing tax avoidance to still occur. research that is in line with these results are (apriliyana & suryarini, 2018; maharani & baroroh, 2020; rombebunga & pesudo, 2019), which state that institutional ownership has no effect on tax avoidance. the corporate social responsibility (csr) variable has a significant value of 0.017 < 0.05 and tcount of 2.79 > 1.98099. that is, h2 is accepted where there is a significant positive effect on csr disclosure on tax avoidance. in addition to csr disclosure as an obligation for companies and part of community development, some companies still think that items in csr can be used for tax avoidance practices. (hege et al., 2021; hidayati & fidiana, 2017; rahmawati et al., 2016) explained that csr is a form of expenditure that can be a deductible expense, so that it has an impact on decreasing taxable income. in this regard, it can be interpreted that many companies determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 124 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting do csr disclosures, but in fact they are still involved with tax avoidance problems. similar results are shown in research (fitri et al., 2019; rahmawati et al., 2016; wiguna & jati, 2017) which states that there is a positive and significant influence between corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance. . audit quality moderated institutional ownership (inst_aq) has a significant value of 0.000 < 0.01 and tcount of 4.63 > 1.65857. this shows that audit quality is able to weaken the influence of institutional ownership on tax avoidance, so h3 is rejected. although the two variables do not have a significant linear relationship, with audit quality, institutional stock ownership is able to negatively affect tax avoidance. the supervisory function of institutional ownership can run effectively, if it is supported by an external auditor who is able to properly detect all forms of fraud. the role of the auditor will help improve oversight of institutional ownership. this is useful to prevent opportunistic behavior of management in carrying out tax avoidance practices. in accordance with research (charisma & dwimulyani, 2019; krisna, 2019) which say that high institutional ownership supported by quality external auditors is believed to be able to find errors in financial statements better and encourage management to always pay attention to decisions made, so that the level of fraud within the company becomes lower. csr disclosure moderated by audit quality (csr_aq) has a significant value of 0.018 < 0.05 and tcount of 2.42 > 1.98137. that is, audit quality is able to strengthen the influence of corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance, so h4 is rejected. when csr disclosure is made higher, it will trigger companies to do tax avoidance. kap is not able to detect tax avoidance in the company's financial statements, especially related to the use of csr costs which are used as tax deduction burdens. meanwhile, according to research data, there are 68 samples who choose non-big 4 kaps for audit services from a total of 117 samples. the existence of non-big 4 kaps that dominate mining companies has the potential to increase tax avoidance practices through high csr disclosures. they are not necessarily able to provide the best audit quality. it is very likely that these non-big 4 kaps do not have sufficient understanding to detect tax avoidance actions. thus, companies can easily take advantage of opportunities from the costs incurred for carrying out activities n csr in order to carry out tax avoidance actions. conclusion the results of data analysis and discussion that have been described can be concluded that institutional ownership does not have a significant effect and corporate social responsibility has a positive effect on tax avoidance. the role of audit quality according to the test is able to weaken the influence of institutional ownership on tax avoidance. on the other hand, the influence of corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance can be strengthened by the existence of audit quality as a moderator. there is limitation in this study with high subjectivity to the value of csr disclosure. the possibility of a perception bias or perception that is not in accordance with the actual conditions because the assessment is based on the assumptions of the researcher by analyzing the csr disclosure items in the annual report. the implication is that mining companies are able to consider the long-term risks arising from tax avoidance practices and the government and the directorate general of taxes can give more attention to companies in the mining sector to prevent tax avoidance. in the future, further researchers can expand and deepen determinants of tax avoidance and audit quality as a moderating variable mashuri 125 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting research on the determination of tax avoidance by adding other independent variables, such as transfer pricing, corporate governance in different alternatives, compensation for fiscal losses, and as well as adding a range of observation periods or all company sectors listed to obtain more comprehensive research results. reference abdelfattaha, t., & aboud, a. 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(2022). analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 461-473. abstract: this study aims to determine the company's financial condition based on the altman (z-score) method and the effect of the ratio of working capital to total assets, retained earning to total assets, earning before interest and tax to total assets and market value of equity to book value of debt on the company's financial soundness (altman z-score). the population in this study is the transportation sector listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the period 2019-2021. sampling in this study was to use the purposive sampling method so as to obtain a sample of 36 from 12 companies. the data used in this study is the company's annual financial statements obtained from the indonesia stock exchange. the data is then grouped and entered into the altman z-score formula and analyzed using the multiple linear regression method using the spss version 23 program. the results from the altman z-score show that in 2019 there were 5 companies in good health, 4 companies in an emergency (grey area) and 3 companies in a potentially bankrupt condition. in 2020 there are 6 companies in good health, 4 companies in an emergency (grey area) and 2 companies in a potentially bankrupt condition. in 2021 there are 6 companies in good health, 3 companies in an emergency (grey area) and 3 companies in a potentially bankrupt condition. meanwhile, the results of the analysis test show that the variables working capital to total assets, retained earning to total assets, earning before interest and tax to total assets and market value of equity to book value of debt, individually and jointly significant effect the level of financial health of the company (altman z-score). keywords: wcta, reta, ebita, mvbv, altman zscore. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 462 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting introduction in an effort to support the development of the unitary state of the republic of indonesia (nkri), the transportation sector in indonesia has an important role in achieving three goals, namely: supporting economic movement, national stability, and reducing development gaps between regions by expanding the distribution of goods and services to all corners of the archipelago. . transportation in indonesia is divided into 3 types, namely land transportation, water transportation and air transportation (bilal et al., 2021; kadarisman et al., 2015; nafi’ah, 2021; widiyatmoko, 2018). land transportation is a mode of transportation that operates on land lines. types of land transportation, namely motorbikes, cars, buses, trucks, trains and so on (listantari et al., 2022; mu’allimah & mashpufah, 2022). water transportation is a mode of transportation that operates on rivers and seas. examples of water transportation are passenger ships, motor ships, and others (samuel & pardosi, 2022; sugeng, 2010). while air transportation is a mode of transportation that operates in the air. examples are planes and helicopters (darwis, 2014; ikhsan et al., 2019). percentage of decrease in the number of public transportation passengers in may 2020 source: badan pusat statistik (2020) from the picture above, it is explained that there was a decrease in the number of transportation passengers in may 2020. the decline occurred as a result of the implementation of restrictions on community activities or ppkm (masitha, 2022). the decline in the number of passengers occurred quite significantly where domestic air transportation passengers’ fell drastically by up to 90% and international passengers fell by 55% compared to last month. the decrease in passengers also occurred in sea transportation which decreased by up to 50% compared to the previous month. meanwhile, rail transportation decreased by about 10% (badan pusat statistik, 2021). as a result of the decrease in the number of passengers above, it can indicate the analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 463 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting occurrence of financial distress in the transportation company (pitalokananta, 2022; sembe et al., 2021). the most popular research on financial distress and bankruptcy prediction is done by edward altman (qiu et al., 2020; wu et al., 2022). there are five financial ratios that are considered the most contributing to the bankruptcy prediction model using one equation model (altman, 1968; altman et al., 2019; altman & hotchkiss, 2005; gilson & altman, 2010). the z-score model is a model that can be used to predict financial difficulties. the z-score value is used to classify whether a company is bankrupt or not (almamy et al., 2016; elliott et al., 2014; pratama, 2022; rim & roy, 2014). from the background and limitations of the problem above, this research can be formulated as follows: (1) what is the financial health condition of transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange based on the altman (z-score) model for the 2019-2021 period? (2) is there a significant effect of the ratio of working capital to total assets on the altman value? (3) is there a significant effect of the retained earning to total assets ratio on the altman value? (4) is there a significant effect of the ratio of earning before interest and tax to total assets on the altman value? (5) is there a significant effect of the ratio of market value of equity to book value of total debt on the altman value? (6) is there a significant effect of the ratio of working capital to total assets, retained earning to total assets, earning before interest and tax to total assets and market value of equity to book value of total debt on altman value? method the method and type of research used, namely the research conducted by the author, cannot be separated from the knowledge of the experts, and an in-depth and systematic preparation has been carried out. this study uses a quantitative approach method (creswell, 2017). this study will use a cross-sectional study. cross-sectional is research conducted at a certain time and with several different objects (sugiyono, 2019). in this study, the independent variables used were (1). liquidity ratio (wcta) (x1), which measures liabilities by comparing net liquid assets with total assets. net liquid assets or working capital are defined as current assets minus total current liabilities (current assets – current liabilities). usually companies experience financial difficulties, working capital will decrease faster than total assets, causing this ratio to fall (rudianto, 2013). wcta = (2).profitability ratio (reta) (x2) this ratio is a profitability ratio that detects the company’s ability to generate profits. this ratio measures the size of a company’s ability to earn profits, in terms of the company’s ability to earn a profit compared to the operating assets turnover speed as a measure of business efficiency or in other words, this ratio measures the accumulated profits during the company's operations (rudianto, 2013). analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 464 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reta = (3).profitability ratio (ebita) (x3) this ratio measures profitability, which is the rate of return on assets calculated by dividing the company’s annual earnings before interest tax by the total assets of the balance sheet at the end of the year (rudianto, 2013). ebita = (4).solvency ratio (mvbv) (x4) this ratio is a ratio that measures the company’s activities. this ratio measures the company’s ability to provide guarantees for each of its debts through its own capital (leki, 2021). mvbv= (5). dependent variable the dependent variable is the variable caused or influenced by the independent variable. the existence of this variable as a variable described in the focus/topic of research . in this study the dependent variable is the z-score. z-score is a ratio model that uses multiple discriminate analysis (mda). the mda method requires more than one financial ratio related to corporate bankruptcy to form a comprehensive model. by using discriminant analysis, the final discriminant function is used to predict the bankruptcy of the company based on the financial ratios used as the variables (rudianto, 2013). z=6,56(x1)+3,26(x2)+6,72(x3)+1,05(x4) in this research, the data sources used are data from various books, financial reports and previous research journals that can support this research. the source of data that will be processed in the analysis of this research is from the official website of the indonesia stock exchange (bursa efek indonesia, 2022). in this study, the object of research raised in this paper is a transportation company listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the population in this research are transportation companies that go public and have been listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021, namely: no company’s code company’s name 1 apol arpeni pratama ocean line tbk 2 assa adi sarana armada tbk 3 bbrm pelayaran nasional bina buana raya tbk 4 bird blue bird tbk 5 blta berlian laju tanker tbk 6 bptr batavia prosperindo trans tbk. 7 bull buana listya tama tbk analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 465 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 8 cani capitol nusantara indonesia tbk 9 cass cardig aero services tbk 10 cmpp airasia indonesia tbk 11 deal dewata freightinternational tbk. 12 giaa garuda indonesia (persero) tbk 13 heli jaya trishindo tbk 14 hits humpuss intermoda transportasi tbk 15 iata indonesia air transport & infrastruktur tbk 16 indx tanah laut tbk 17 ipcm jasa armada indonesia tbk 18 jaya armada berjaya trans tbk. 19 karw ictsi jasa prima tbk 20 kjen krida jaringan nusantara tbk. 21 lead logindo samuderamakmur tbk 22 lrna ekasari lorena transport tbk 23 mbss mitra bantera segara sejati tbk 24 mira mitra international resources tbk 25 nely pelayaran nelly dwi putri tbk 26 pura pt putra rajawali kencana tbk 27 port nusantara pelabuhan handal tbk 28 ptis indo straits bk 29 rigs rig tenders indonesia tbk 30 safe steady safe tbk 31 sapx satria antaran prima tbk. 32 sdmu sidomulyo selaras tbk 33 ship sillo maritime perdana tbk 34 smdr samudera indonesia tbk 35 soci soechi lines tbk 36 tamu pelayaran tamarin samudra tbk 37 taxi express transindo utama tbk 38 tcpi transcoal pacific tbk. 39 tmas pelayaran tempuran emas tbk 40 tnca trimuda nuansa citra tbk. 41 tpma trans power marine tbk 42 tram trada maritime tbk 43 truk guna timur raya tbk. 44 weha weha transportasi indonesia tbk 45 wins wintermar offshore marine tbk 46 zbra zebra nusantara tbk source: (data is processed by the author) the sampling method in this research is a purposive sample. purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations. the criteria used are a) perusahaan transportation sector companies listed on the idx in this study, the transportation sector is a company that provides goods and services transportation services. analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 466 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting b) have an ipo (initial public offering) and publish its financial statements for 3 consecutive years. this study uses a time span of 3 years on the grounds that in that time span before the onset of the covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, it greatly affected the results of the financial statements. c) the company did not suffer any losses during the 2019-2021 period as for the sampling above, a sample of 12 companies from the transportation sector was obtained, namely: no company’s code company’s name 1 assa adi sarana armada tbk 2 bptr batavia prosperindo trans tbk. 3 heli jaya trishindo tbk 4 ipcm jasa armada indonesia tbk 5 jaya armada berjaya trans tbk 6 nely pelayaran nelly dwi putri tbk 7 ptis indo straits tbk 8 sapx satria antaran prima tbk. 9 ship sillo maritime perdana tbk 10 soci soechi lines tbk 11 tcpi transcoal pacific tbk. 12 tpma trans power marine tbk based on the sample criteria above, so that the number of samples obtained is 12 companies. all of the selected companies have met the sampling criteria conducted by the author. result and discussion to answer the formulation of the first problem and the first hypothesis regarding the company’s financial health condition, a z-score analysis was carried out as follows: ratio calculation results of wcta(x1) no company’s code 2019 2020 2021 1 assa -0,121201108 -0,156499829 -0,020050566 2 bptr -0,234028013 -0,219685468 -0,133055891 3 heli 0,177624078 0,040686418 0,009207947 4 ipcm 0,439505693 0,376571923 0,410595403 5 jaya -0,039802418 0,102503578 0,392385816 6 nely 0,210123495 0,21929619 0,133494909 7 ptis -0,005572709 0,118915244 0,160984693 8 sapx 0,58111727 0,516551412 0,509436248 9 ship -0,019022008 -0,008380691 -0,011555853 10 soci 0,105429495 0,099798867 0,099102365 11 tcpi -0,00110738 -0,059725799 -0,067505451 12 tpma 0,797830989 0,838434105 0,847460073 analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 467 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting value calculation results of mvbv(x4) no company’s code 2019 2020 2021 1 assa 0,381123626 0,385713766 0,413813041 2 bptr 0,687860067 0,7198165 0,427810833 3 heli 1,851915366 0,648811371 0,880514666 4 ipcm 5,399967637 3,447564866 4,259942584 ratio calculation results of reta(x2) no company’s code 2019 2020 2021 1 assa 0,096942645 0,108466257 0,118550733 2 bptr 0,051679118 0,065221186 0,061480748 3 heli 0,214640341 0,143220503 0,171009872 4 ipcm 0,157854071 0,137302089 0,169560475 5 jaya 0,010134354 0,043668981 0,069964332 6 nely 0,391619305 0,428163103 0,427491161 7 ptis -0,04859182 -0,04908494 -0,04231438 8 sapx -0,18300732 0,009393744 0,089403528 9 ship 0,209128478 0,217169231 0,222081793 10 soci 0,230786125 0,279022497 0,302509206 11 tcpi 0,162316919 0,190199807 0,212004653 12 tpma 0,409109278 0,419898043 0,439648524 ratio calculation results of ebita(x3) no company’s code 2019 2020 2021 1 assa 0,024205351 0,01324626 0,036990974 2 bptr 0,023241096 0,011649039 0,021001712 3 heli 0,147115537 0,025482114 0,016519858 4 ipcm 0,10335826 0,079308055 0,119734243 5 jaya 0,030147426 0,052024355 0,051321385 6 nely 0,107002547 0,083731319 0,099908205 7 ptis 0,007489257 0,000473668 0,00114655 8 sapx 0,253958087 0,193956582 0,211765122 9 ship 0,091791639 0,088555464 0,07402547 10 soci 0,018943509 0,047293652 0,012280944 11 tcpi 0,087716305 0,021032544 0,038735699 12 tpma 0,078930901 0,02469353 0,045010356 analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 468 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 5 jaya 2,255877421 4,318128106 9,395265409 6 nely 7,060762939 7,19709758 8,083029799 7 ptis 0,852394518 0,889672423 0,839614516 8 sapx 2,121694592 1,904838293 2,026482376 9 ship 0,910928329 0,84504663 0,863970667 10 soci 0,951221771 1,208577755 1,403744382 11 tcpi 0,878127252 1,083977396 1,178458987 12 tpma 2,426833407 2,877836306 3,472849431 the results of the research show that the transportation companies that have been studied from 2019-2021 are many companies that are in good health. pt ipcm, nely, sapx, and tpma are companies that do not experience financial difficulties and are in good health based on the altman z-score value. pt ship is one of the companies that are in a potentially bankrupt condition (gray area) for 3 consecutive years. at pt heli, in 2019 it was in good health but in 2020-2021 it was in a potentially bankrupt condition (grey area). in 2019 pt jaya, soci, and tcpi experienced a potentially bankrupt condition (gray area) but in 2020-2021 the company could recover and be in good health. at pt ptis in 2019 the results of the altman z-score value showed that the company went bankrupt then in 2020-2021 it could improve even though it was still in a potentially bankrupt condition (grey area). and finally, pt assa and bptr from the results of the altman z-score value show that the two companies went bankrupt from 20192021. effect of working capital to total assets (wcta) on altman z-score based on the results of the study, it showed that wcta had a significant effect on the altman z-score value. the effect is shown by the value of t-count of 201,051 with a significance of 0.000 while the t-table of 1.694 with a significance of 0.05. then the value of t-count is greater than ttable, in this case it indicates that the ratio of working capital to total assets has a significant effect on the altman z-score (y) value variable in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the results of testing the second hypothesis show that working capital to total assets has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. value calculation result of z-score no company’s code year 2019 2020 2021 1 assa 0,1 -0,2 0,9 2 bptr -0,5 -0,4 -0,1 3 heli 4,8 1,6 1,7 4 ipcm 9,8 7,1 8,5 5 jaya 2,3 5,7 13,0 6 nely 10,8 11,0 11,4 7 ptis 0,8 1,6 1,8 8 sapx 7,1 6,7 7,2 9 ship 2,1 2,1 2,1 10 soci 2,6 3,2 3,2 11 tcpi 2,0 1,5 1,7 12 tpma 9,6 10,1 10,9 analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 469 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this is in line with research conducted by (putri & diyani, 2016), which shows that the ratio of working capital to total assets affects the level of financial health of the company which is marked by the larger current assets owned by the company than current liabilities, the company's short-term debt can be guaranteed by current assets owned by the company. effect of retained earning to total assets (reta) on altman z-score based on the results of the research, it shows that reta has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. the effect is shown by the value of t-count of 114.683 with a significant 0.000 while the t table is 1.694 with a significant 0.05. then the value of t-count is greater than t-table, in this case it indicates that the ratio of retained earning to total assets (x2) has a positive and significant effect on the altman z-score (y) value variable on transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the results of testing the third hypothesis show that retained earning to total assets has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. this is in line with research conducted by (asia & irwan, 2015), which shows that the results of the t-count are 5.052 with a significance of 0.000 while the t-table is 1.694 with a significant 0.05 of 1.681. the calculation results show that t-count is greater than t-table (5.052 > 1.681). the significance value of 0.000 is smaller than the 0.05 significance level. thus indicating that at a significance level of 5%, reta has a significant effect on bankruptcy prediction. effect of earning before interest and tax to total assets (ebita) on altman z-score based on the results of the research, it shows that ebita has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. the effect is shown by the value of t-count of 71.477 with a significance of 0.000 while the t-table of 1.694 with a significance of 0.05. then the value of t-count is greater than ttable, in this case it indicates that the ratio of earnings before interest and tax to total assets (x3) has a positive and significant effect on the altman z-score (y) value variable on transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that earnings before interest and tax to total assets have a significant effect on the altman z-score value. this is in line with research conducted by it is in line with research conducted by (asia & irwan, 2015), which shows that the results of the t-count are 3.737 with a significance of 0.001 while the t-table is 1.681 with a significance of 0.05. the calculation results show that t-count is greater than t-table (3.737 > 1.681). the significance value of 0.001 is smaller than the 0.05 significance level. thus, it shows that at the 5% significance level, ebita has a significant effect on bankruptcy prediction. effect of market value of equity to book value of total debt (mvbv) on altman z-score based on the results of the research, it showed that mvbv had a significant effect on the altman z-score value. the effect is shown by the value of t-count of 457.064 with a significance of 0.000 while the t-table of 1.694 with a significance of 0.05. then the value of t-count is greater than t-table, in this case it indicates that the ratio of market value of equity to book value of total debt (x4) has a positive and significant effect on the altman value variable z-score (y) in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the market value of equity to book value of total debt has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. this is in line with research conducted by (karlingsih, 2021), which shows that the results of the t-count are 120.543 with a significant 0.000 while the t-table is 1.669 with a significant 0.05. the calculation results show that t-count is greater than t-table (120.543 > 1.669) and a positive tanalysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 470 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting count indicates that the market value of equity to book value of total debt has an effect on financial distress in islamic commercial banks for the 2015-2019 period. effect of working capital to total asset (wcta), retained earning to total asset (reta), earning before interest and tax to total asset (ebita) and market value of equity to book value of total debt (mvbv) on altman z-score based on the results of the research, it showed that wcta, reta, ebita and mvbv had a significant effect on the altman z-score value. the effect is shown by the value of fcount of 227994.790 with a significance of 0.000 while f-table is 2.668 with a significance of 0.05. then the value of fcount is greater than f-table, in this case it indicates that the ratio of working capital to total assets (wcta), retained earning to total assets (reta), earning before interest and tax to total assets (ebita) and market value of equity to book value of total debt (mvbv) has a significant effect on the altman z-score (y) value variable in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the results of testing the sixth hypothesis show that working capital to total assets, retained earning to total assets, earning before interest and tax to total assets and market value of equity to book value of total debt together have a significant effect on the altman z-score value. conclusion based on the results of the discussion above, the conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. based on research results from transportation companies in 2019-2021, itcan be categorized into 3 assessments, namely healthy, potentially bankrupt (grey area) and bankrupt with the following details: a) in 2019 there were 5 companies in healthy condition, namely pt heli, ipcm, nely, sapx and tpma. furthermore, there are 4 companies in a potentially bankrupt condition (grey area), namely pt jaya, ship, soci and tcpi and 3 companies in a state of bankruptcy, namely pt assa, bptr and ptis. b) in 2020 there are 6 companies in healthy condition, namely pt ipcm, jaya, nely, sapx, soci and tpma. furthermore, there are 4 companies in a potentially bankrupt condition (grey area) namely pt heli, ptis, ship and tcpi and 2 companies in a state of bankruptcy namely pt assa and bptr. c) in 2021 there are 6 companies in healthy condition, namely pt ipcm, jaya, nely, sapx, soci and tpma. furthermore, there are 3 companies in a potentially bankrupt condition (grey area), namely pt ptis, ship and tcpi and 3 companies in a state of bankruptcy, namely pt assa, bptr and heli. 2. based on the results of the research above, it is proven that working capital to total assets (wcta) has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. 3. based on the results of the research above, it is proven that retained earning to total assets (reta) has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. 4. based on the results of the research above, it is proven that earning before interest and tax to total assets (ebita) have a significant effect on the altman z-score value. 5. based on the results of the research above, it is evident that the market value of equity to book value of total debt (mvbv) has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. 6. based on the results of the research above, it is proven that working capital to total assets (wcta), retained earning to total assets (reta), earning before interest and tax to total assets (ebita) and market value of equity to book value of total debt (mvbv) has a significant effect on the altman z-score value. analysis of financial health level using the z-score (altman) method in transportation companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2019-2021 period aidi, setiawan, junaidi, budiwaluyo, and agoestyowati 471 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reference almamy, j., aston, j., & ngwa, l. n. 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gokhale, 2021; lahiri & yang, 2021; majoral et al., 2021; ndoricimpa, 2021). this tax revenue plays an important role in the interests of indonesia's development. automatic exchange of information (aeoi) is an opportunity for indonesia to prevent and reduce tax avoidance and evasion practices because aeoi is big data in the taxation mailto:anwar.phn@gmail.com1 automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 118 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sector which offers detailed and legal financial information from several contracting countries (febyani & widodo, 2020; selvi, 2018; yang et al., 2017). another important role of the aeoi is expected to be able to increase taxpayer compliance from more transparent tax reporting (ispriyarso, 2020; supriyadi, 2019). however, the priority is if the aeoi is able to increase the potential for state revenue from the tax sector, which has often been overlooked, especially if the income or assets are outside the jurisdiction of indonesia (adegboye et al., 2022; jacobsson et al., 2020; knobel & meinzer, 2014; nan et al., 2022). the implementation of aeoi by the indonesian government cannot be separated from efforts to obtain information and withdraw (repatriate) funds belonging to indonesian citizens abroad considering that most of the assets of indonesian citizens abroad are located in singapore, which reached 60% of the approximately usd 75 billion. even (chang & sargsyan, 2022; matti et al., 2022; zucman, 2015), in the book the hidden wealth of nation: the scourge of tax havens, said that about 8% of global wealth is placed in tax haven countries, and unfortunately, 80% of these funds are not known by tax authorities. this amount is quite significant, so it is natural for indonesia to seek to have aeoi agreements with many countries, including singapore (amendolagine et al., 2021). the following is a table 1 of the development of aeoi cooperation: source: oecd, global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes (as of june 2020) based on the table 1 above, there is a significant increasing trend in terms of the number of countries, bilateral exchanges, financial accounts, and assets traced through aeoi cooperation in the 2017-2019 period. the existence of aeoi between countries facilitates transparency of taxpayer financial information. the ministry of finance said there are assets of indonesian citizens (wni) with a value of more than rp. 1,300 trillion abroad that have not been reported through the spt and tax amnesty (pablo, 2019). several companies in indonesia are involved in cases of tax evasion or transfer pricing as shown in table-2 below: tabel 2. cases of transfer pricing practices in indonesia n o company number of tax disputes (in rp) link/source of court decision 1 . toyota motor manufacturing indonesia 1,2 tril lion tempo prahara pajak raja otomotif (tempo, 2014) vestigasi/145213/ prahara-pajak-raja-otomotif 2 . pt. asian agri group 2,5 tril lion putusan mahkamah agung no. 2239k/pid.sus/ 2012. (sarwoko, 2012) file:///c:/users/hp/downloads /putusan_put file:///c:/users/hp/downloads/putusan_put-67452ppm.va15201520220413.pdf file:///c:/users/hp/downloads/putusan_put-67452ppm.va15201520220413.pdf automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 119 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 67452ppm.va15201520220413.pdf 3 . multinational company practices (mostly transfer pricing according to yustinius prastowo, the executive director of the center for indonesian taxation) 150 tril lion (neraca, 2015) ad/2015/09/16/20/1215476/pra ktik-transfer-pricing-sebabkanindonesia-rugi-rp100-t tanggal 16 september 2015 the phenomenon that the authors raise from the research above and from the table 2 above is that quite a number of taxpayers in indonesia and abroad are practicing tax evasion/evasion which has an impact on reducing tax revenues. to minimize such practices, indonesia as a member of the g20 implements aeoi. precisely during the covid-19 pandemic, this should be a good momentum for indonesia to stimulate investment optimism and suppress tax avoidance/evasion practices, in order to increase tax revenue (aditya, 2021; indahsari & fitriandi, 2021; padyanoor, 2020; tibulca, 2021; wantasen et al., 2021; zarghami, 2021). the research objective, firstly, is to review the implementation of aeoi from the perspective of its effectiveness in minimizing tax evasion at the directorate general of taxes. second, to analyze what factors are still hindering the smooth running of the aeoi policy to be input in solutions or formulating a plan of action by the government to overcome bottlenecks in its implementation. • literature review 1. effectiveness parameter: the parameter "effective interpretation value" can be used to measure effectiveness, according to minister of home affairs decree no. 690.900-327 of 1996 are as follows: very effective criteria if the interpretation value is: e>100%; effective criteria if the interpretation value: 90% < e <100%; criteria sufficiently effective if the interpretation value: 80% < e < 90%; less effective criteria if the interpretation value: 60% < e_> 80%; ineffective criteria if the interpretation value: e_< 60%. (pohan, 2021). meanwhile, according to devas (pohan, 2021) effectiveness is a measure of the success of an organization in achieving organizational goals that have been set. if an organization succeeds in achieving its goals, the organization is said to have been running effectively. effectiveness measures how much success in achieving the revenue target that should be achieved in a certain period. by using this theory, it is expected to measure the effectiveness of aeoi in minimizing tax evasion at dgt 2. effectiveness indicators: according to berger sikora (pohan, 2021) the effectiveness indicators are as follows: i. commitment, ii. competence and iii. coordination. 3. automatic exchange of information: according to (pohan, 2019) "exchange of information is the exchange of information related to taxation based on an international agreement or exchange of information (aeoi) as the implementation of an international agreement" the objectives of aeoi, according to (pohan, 2019) are: i. preventing tax avoidance ii. preventing tax abuse iii. preventing the misuse of tax treaty by unauthorized parties; and/or iv. obtain information related to the fulfillment of taxpayer's tax obligations. file:///c:/users/hp/downloads/putusan_put-67452ppm.va15201520220413.pdf automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 120 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting as to information exchange procedure, according to (pohan, 2019), the exchange of information can be reciprocal. the exchange of information can be reciprocal and carried out in the form of information exchange between the authorized official in indonesia and the authorized official in the partner country or partner jurisdiction, which includes: i. exchange of information on request, ii. spontaneous exchange of information and iii. automatic exchange of information (aeoi). in this study, the authors only focus on the discussion of aeoi. (1). aeoi is carried out at a certain time, periodically, systematically, and continuously on information regarding matters relating to taxation from the authorized official in indonesia to the authorized official in the partner country or partner jurisdiction or vice versa. (2). information exchange is automatically carried out on a) information regarding withholding tax on income paid to indonesian tax subjects or withholding tax on income paid to tax subjects in partner country or partner jurisdiction. b) financial information of foreign customers c) report information per country, and/or d) other tax information based on mutual agreement between indonesia and partner countries or partner jurisdictions. e) information submitted by the authorized official in indonesia to the authorized official in the partner country and partner jurisdiction is as contained in the attachment f) the implementation of aeoi is carried out in accordance with the international agreement. according to (pohan, 2019) in the context of implementing the exchange of information, the authorized official may: i. competent authority meetings ii. tax examinations abroad; and/or iii. simultaneous tax examinations. information exchanged between authorized officials is used as a tax database for the directorate general of taxes. 4. tax avoidance & evasion one definition of tax avoidance is "arrangement of a transaction in order to obtain a tax advantage, benefit, or reduction in a manner unintended by the tax law" (brown, 2012). to clarify, tax evasion can generally be distinguished from tax evasion, where tax evasion is related to the use of unlawful means to reduce or eliminate the tax burden whereas tax evasion is carried out “legally” by exploiting loopholes that contained in existing tax regulations to avoid paying taxes, or conducting transactions that have no purpose other than to avoid taxes (ibnu wijaya, 2014). not different from the above definition, according to the blacks law dictionary (pohan, 2019). tax avoidance is an effort to minimize the tax burden by taking advantage of tax avoidance opportunities (loopholes) by not violating tax law, even though this effort may not violate the law (the letter of the law), it actually contradicts the purpose of making tax laws (the spirit of the law) (butarbutar, 2017). according to (pohan, 2019), resistance to taxes (tax resistance) carried out by taxpayers are obstacles in collecting taxes, both caused by the condition of the state and its people and caused by the efforts of taxpayers who are aware of it or not that complicate income tax as a source of state revenue. tax resistance by minimizing the tax payable includes all businesses and actions or not that complicates tax revenue as a source of state revenue. tax resistance by minimizing the tax payable includes all efforts and actions that directly aim to avoid taxes, both legally (tax avoidance) or illegally (tax evasion) in making tax savings occur a lot in crossborder transactions. according to (pohan, 2019), tax evasion is an effort by taxpayers to avoid illegal taxes owed by hiding the actual situation, but this method is not safe for taxpayers, where the methods automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 121 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and techniques used are actually not in the corridor of laws and regulations. taxation itself is a high risk method and has the potential to be subject to sanctions for violating the law or fiscal or criminal offenses (white collar crime) therefore as a good tax planner this method of tax evasion is not recommended to be applied. the same thing is also stated by rohatgi (pohan, 2019) that tax evasion is an intention to avoid paying taxes owed taxes by intentionally hiding data and facts from the tax authorities, and is an illegal act. thus, according to (pohan, 2019), tax evasion has an indication of the actions of taxpayers doing illegal tax evasion and the imposition of tax criminal sanctions. some examples of tax evasion (pohan, 2019): i. doing double disclosure, manipulating disclosure documents such as inflating costs with fictitious expenses, and manipulating sales prices far below the prevailing market price are illegal ways; ii. taxpayers do not report part or all of their income in the annual tax return (spt) or charge fees that should not be deducted from income to minimize the tax burden. this illegal act causes state losses. iii. conducting pejorative/negative transfer pricing (hemling et al., 2022; kumar et al., 2021; steens et al., 2022; stefano et al., 2022). example: tax evasion carried out by “aag”, which ended with supreme court decision no. 2239k/pid.sus/2012 dated december 18, 2012, by punishing “aag” who has to pay taxes and a tax penalty of rp. 2.5 trillion. method in this study the author uses a qualitative research approach which according to creswell (sugiyono, 2019) is a process of exploring or understanding individual and group behavior, describing social problems or humanitarian problems. the research process starts from making research questions and procedures, collecting data from participants, analyzing data inductively, constructing data and providing interpretations of the meaning of data. according to denzin and lincoln (moleong, 2018) qualitative methods explain phenomena that occur and are carried out by involving various existing methods. while the type of research used is descriptive research according to (neuman, 2011). descriptive research according to neuman: "descriptive research present a picture of the specific details of the situation, social setting, or relationship. the outcome of a descriptive study is a detailed picture of the subject.” while the data collection techniques were carried out by triangulation of sources, in-depth interviews, observations, literature studies and documentation (moleong, 2018; sugiyono, 2019). in-depth interviews to strengthen the results of the analysis were carried out with mr. aldo as officer/head of section at the directorate of international taxes dgt (informant 1), mr. fajry akbar center for indonesia taxation analysis or cita (informant 2), mr. bawono kristiaji (partner of ddtc fiscal research – as informant 3), mr. alif ramadhan as tax practitioner and lecturer of the stiami institute (informant 4), mr. swarum as lecturer of taxation as academic, consultant and tax lawyer (informant 5). mr. otto as tax director of price waterhouse cooper indonesia (informant 6). result and discussion 1. implementation of the automatic exchange of tax information from the perspective of its effectiveness in minimizing tax evasion at the directorate general of taxes to prevent tax avoidance, the leaders of the g20 countries agreed to end the era of bank secrecy for the sake of taxation. this consensus is realized through the global forum on transparency automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 122 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and exchange of information for tax purposes (global forum), which currently has 161 countries/jurisdictions, including indonesia. in 2013, the g20 leaders summit in st. petersburg, russia, gave a mandate to the organization (oecd) to set global standards for the automatic exchange of financial account information (aeoi). this standard became known as the common reporting standard (crs). furthermore, in 2014 at the g20 meeting in brisbane, australia, it was agreed to implement aeoi reciprocally based on the crs. finally, the global consensus states that jurisdictions can exchange financial information automatically and periodically ( the more multinational companies that develop in indonesia, of course, it is followed by the increasing number of intra-group transactions of multinational companies (affiliate transactions). this has resulted in a risk for tax administration in each country through tax avoidance efforts in cross-border transactions, or better known as base erosion and profit shifting (beps). indonesia's readiness in implementing the has been realized by the issuance of minister of finance regulation number 60/pmk.03/2014 which has been amended by regulation of the minister of finance number 125/pmk.010/2015 as an internal procedural provision in implementing aeoi as approved by the government of indonesia in iga model 1b and mcaa (wibowo, 2017). then it was followed up with the regulation of the minister of finance number 39/pmk.03/2017 concerning procedures for exchanging information based on international agreements. to strengthen the implementation of the aeoi, the government of indonesia has finally issued government regulation in lieu of law (perpu) number 9 of 2017 concerning access to financial information for tax purposes. this information is very important for dgt to uncover the modes of tax avoidance/tax evasion. together with 159 other countries/jurisdictions, indonesia has signed the multilateral competent authority agreement (mcaa) which is an international agreement instrument in order to carry out aeoi. indonesia is one of the first few countries to successfully implement the aeoi along with malaysia and singapore. after that, there are other countries in southeast asia that have committed to the aeoi, namely thailand, vietnam, the philippines and cambodia. however, thailand stated that in 2023 they will be ready to carry out aeoi. meanwhile, vietnam, the philippines and cambodia have not specifically stated when the aeoi will be implemented in their respective countries (suwiknyo, 2020a). • information exchange scheme (exchange of information) in implementing the aeoi, indonesia is part of one of the countries that participate in implementing the aeoi program. in essence, there are three schemes of information exchange, namely the exchange of request information, spontaneous, and automatic. in exchanging tax information, the goal is still to open access to data and information on transactions that are only intended for tax matters. in the spontaneous exchange of information (spontaneous), up to now, dgt has received more information spontaneously from the competent authority of the partner country (inbound) than sending out information (outbound). this spontaneous exchange of information can be done without any prior request. automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 123 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 3 the amount and type of information exchange that has been carried out by dgt during 2016-2018 source : directorate general of taxation(dgt) inbound: information from partner country to indonesia outbound: information from indonesia to partner country from table 3 above, it can be seen that the implementation of information exchange in the last 3 years that has been carried out by the dgt mostly originates from the exchange of information on request (on request). overall, dgt also makes more requests for information exchange with partner countries (outbound) than receiving requests for information exchange (inbound). indonesia's preparations to participate in the aeoi program have been ongoing since 2018. there is an assessment process held by the aeoi organizing committee. the difficulty lies in the readiness of each country which is different and the capacity of each country is different and can affect the quality of the information and data exchanged and the dgt tries hard to solve problems when they encounter difficulties. during 2020, indonesia has received financial information from 78 partner countries/jurisdictions for indonesian/required financial account holders indonesian tax. indonesia has also sent financial information to 71 countries/partner jurisdictions for foreign financial account holders/foreign tax subjects. there were 3 aeoi categories in implementation during the past year. first, aeoi on withholding tax data. information containing income transactions originating from indonesia in one tax year related to/received by the taxpayer (tax resident) who declares as a resident/entity of the partner country/jurisdiction or vice versa. in 2020, indonesia has received aeoi information on withholding tax data from 5 partner countries/jurisdictions. indonesia. second, the aeoi on country-by-country report (cbcr) data or the exchange of reports per country. this exchange is one of the minimum requirements for countries committed to implementing recommendations to address base erosion and profit shifting (beps) risks. in 2020, indonesia has received country-bycountry information from 48 partner countries/jurisdictions. indonesia has also sent country-bycountry information to 26 partner countries/jurisdictions. third, aeoi on financial information data (aeoi common reporting standard/crs). financial information reported by financial service institutions, other financial service institutions, and other entities to the dgt, will be sent to the competent authority of the partner country/jurisdiction through the common transmission system (cts) application. financial information data based on the standard, namely crs, received by dgt from partner countries/partner jurisdictions will be followed up. dgt will follow up by automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 124 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting doing a comparison (data matching) with internal data. the results of the matching data are then used by units in the dgt to explore potential state revenues from the taxation sector. (ddtcnews, 2021) dgt carried out the financial information data exchange (aeoi) agenda in november 2020. director of international taxation, mr. john hutagaol, said that indonesia carried out a data exchange agenda as a form of contribution in carrying out financial data transparency efforts to achieve the 2020 edition of taxation goals globally. the aeoi data validation and consolidation process can only be carried out by the dgt in early november 2020. the covid-19 pandemic has caused the authority to relax the reporting schedule to be postponed until october 2020. john hutagaol said that dgt only has less than a month to carry out the relaxation process before sending it. to partner countries with the global forum via a common transmission system (cts). aldo as the head of section at the directorate of international taxation-dgt explained that for the exchange of request information (by request) is information that we can get if we make a request to the country concerned, of course according to the criteria that have been set. the second scheme is the spontaneous exchange of information, according to aldo, its use is received and sent spontaneously, and is not set on a regular basis, it can be anytime as long as there is potential tax in it. we can send and we can receive it at any time as long as there is potential tax in it. from partner countries send data to us. likewise, we send data spontaneously to them as long as there is information. and in terms of receiving the information we received, we will directly forward it to the registered tax office. prior to the existence of the aeoi, the first thing that was carried out was the exchange of information on demand and spontaneously and is still being implemented today. the third scheme is aeoi, namely information exchange that is carried out at a certain time, periodically, systematically, and continuously on financial information obtained from financial institutions. for aeoi via electronic transmission, namely the common transmission system (cts) aldo said that we do not need to ask for data from partner countries, the maximum data reception limit is until september 30, 2020 and for reports that were previously entered by the system automatically. as long as there are indications of tax evasion during the inspection, on this basis the tax office can directly submit a request to our party, dgt international, one door system, and we will process it to be forwarded to the partner country. in the case of preliminary evidence examination and investigation, according to swarum, due to the different objectives and substance, eoi by request sometimes requires an immediate response to a specific taxpayer. aldo continued that indonesia's readiness in implementing the exchange of information that the regulatory tools already existed was regulated by pmk – 39/pmk.03/2017 then the implementing regulations related to the use of the data had already been implemented if there were also internal dgt parties who ensured the quality of the data, the distribution of the data had been done set out in these rules. in this readiness, the dgt has 3 directorates assigned to this aeoi, namely the directorate of international taxation as the bridge that connects indonesia with partner countries, then the directorate of data and information that processes the data, and then systemically there is the directorate of information and communication technology to prepare the system. the three directorates play a role in this information exchange. furthermore, aldo stated that after automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 125 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting obtaining the data from the common transmission system (cts), the data was downloaded and entered into the dgt's internal database, after that it was processed to be paired with the npwp and then sorted and then submitted to the tax office according to the registered npwp of the account holder. the data required by the dgt from the partner country are: 1. the name of the account holder 2. the balance of the account at the end of the year 3. the country where the taxpayer is registered 4. the name of the financial institution. receipt of revenue revenue generated from the account. however, according to mr. otto (price waterhouse cooper) when information from foreign tax authorities is used as a basis for carrying out a bank inspection and has even been raised to the level of sentencing in court: “there is one thing that needs to be observed from the experience of the trial in the tax court (it happened before 2019), there are at least two exchange of information (eoi) results used by the dgt as the basis for their defense before the tax court judges. however, to my knowledge, the results of the eoi were not considered by the judge in making a decision on the related dispute. either because the appellant/taxpayer objected that the information contained in the eoi results was biased and could not be used as a basis for correction by the dgt, or whether because the judge was of the opinion that the information from the eoi was not strong or relevant to the subject matter of the dispute. why did i draw that conclusion? because the taxpayer's appeal was granted by the judge at the tax court (hakim pp) and in the pp judge's decision there was absolutely no discussion of the issue of information contained in the eoi". in view of the author, the above incident indicates that the exchange of information (including aeoi) can be hampered in the tax court due to differences in perceptions between the tax authorities and the tax court in handling cases related to the case of multinational companies in indonesia which are also taxpayers in partner countries. in commenting how effective is the implementation of the aeoi? the author sees from the three indicators of effectiveness according to (berger & sikora, 1994), as follows: a. commitment in this exchange of information, g20 and oecd countries agreed to formulate this regulation with the common reporting standard (crs) with the cts system to provide information that the countries that are members of the jurisdiction have committed and are cooperative to start exchanging this information. aldo explained that the dgt exchanged information through the common transmission system (cts) and so far, the exchange of information with all the member countries has been cooperative. for example, greenland, a country that does not provide data, not because they do not comply but because there is no data on indonesian accounts in that country. so there is always an assessment from the global forum, they test or audit whether every country has complied and has implemented the rules that have been set according to the standards, and there is supervision from the global forum. aldo added that if there is a problem most related to technical reporting because there is a standard that must be followed, namely the common reporting standard (crs), the solution is that the dgt disseminates information to large financial service institutions as well as to microfinance institutions such as cooperatives. for exchange of information on request or by request if difficulties are found, for example the letter sent to the dgt is incomplete, the letter will be returned with clarification, and we can ask for the letter to be repeated to the partner country. “it is the same with us if you want to send a letter when automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 126 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting requesting data to a partner country, so there must be a screening check here at the dgt to ensure that the requirements for the letter sent are complete so that letters sent from indonesia are not returned. so what should be screened? the problem with aeoi is that the completeness of data related to the pairing of npwp is not the same as that sent from partner countries to us. we try to look in our system in terms of date of birth, home address, name and so on until we find”. desite the covid-19 pandemic, the government finally returned to exchanging financial information through the aeoi scheme. as is known, the delay in data exchange was caused by the relaxation of the submission deadline from the financial services authority (ojk) in line with the corona virus pandemic which is still not over. "indonesia will receive aeoi data from 103 jurisdictions and vice versa will send aeoi data to 85 jurisdictions," said director of international taxation at the directorate general of taxes at the ministry of finance john hutagaol. under normal conditions, ojk will submit aeoi data to the directorate general of taxes no later than the end of august 2020. however, in this year, the relevant authorities have given a relaxation of two months, which is a maximum of the end of last month. furthermore, the tax authorities will send the aeoi data to partner jurisdictions no later than the end of november 2020. the financial information exchange scheme appears in line with the prevalence and variety of tax avoidance practices through cross-jurisdictional transactions. the tax authority has been running aeoi since 2018, this year, the number of participating jurisdictions (inbound) is 103 countries. meanwhile, the directorate general of taxes will also send financial data to 85 other participating jurisdictions. meanwhile, since 2018 the government has received more than 1.6 million financial information worth more than 246.6 billion euros (suwiknyo, 2020b). b. competence/ability in implementing this aeoi, dgt is required to master this aeoi knowledge in order to make the aeoi run smoothly in accordance with the common reporting standard that has been set by the global forum. common reporting standard (crs) which must be followed by all jurisdictions that carry out information automatically, for employees involved in this field must master it, socialization will be carried out to financial service institutions, in addition to tax knowledge related to aeoi and of course must master the aeoi standards stipulated establish a mutually agreed global forum. regarding the importance of continuous training in order to increase the competence or ability and knowledge of tax officers in implementing the eoi & aeoi, it must be followed all jurisdictions that carry out information automatically, which is determined by the global forum through the common reporting standard (crs), aldo stated that there is continuous training related to international standards, trainers also come from outside parties from the organization de coopération et de dévelopment (oecd) who are based in france, we regularly communicate with them before the covid-19 outbreak. this training can be done in indonesia or in france or in other countries to update our friends' knowledge regarding this aeoi. but with the existence of covid for the last 3 to 4 months, communication is done online, there is team training, language training, technology training." meanwhile, mr. alif ramadhan as a practitioner/academic explained that skills must be possessed, firstly, officers must master the language and skills in processing data, understanding taxes up to the level of transactions between countries. c. coordination or directing and socialization activities according to aldo, in conducting socialization, dgt usually cooperates with the financial services authority (ojk) because ojk is the one who carries out the supervision of automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 127 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting financial services. dgt usually cooperates when dgt conducts outreach briefing, dgt will invite ojk and vice versa if ojk conducts socialization related to aeoi it will invite dgt because after all, dgt is the tax authority in indonesia. the socialization can be in the form of answering their questions because we provide a special email address for their electronic mail, they can ask questions related to aeoi, this can be a medium for financial service institutions to ask questions. aldo added that there had been socialization to external taxpayers to provide an explanation regarding this perpu no.1/2017, where the socialization was not only aimed at explaining how the aeoi system actually works. moreover, the dgt would like to provide information regarding the importance of this system being implemented by the government in fostering taxpayer compliance, and being able to direct taxpayers to be honest in reporting their tax obligations both in indonesia and abroad. this was acknowledged by alif ramadhan (practitioner/academic) who explained that there was indeed socialization to taxpayers when this regulation was just issued. socialization is carried out to taxpayers both for foreign taxpayers and wpdn. the parties involved in the socialization activities are dgt with partner countries, ojk, and banking. dgt and the tax office must be open to each other and have carried out everything effectively so that the mandate stated in the aeoi can be carried out properly. aldo stated that the coordination implementation has been effective, although there are issues related to data quality but because of the global forum is always monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure whether this aeoi can run effectively because it is global, hundreds of countries are doing this. if the quality of the data is very bad, there is no point in it even though it has worked optimally, it is anticipated by always conducting an assessment and reviewing it, and the results are quite good and we can use the data. coordination includes i. coordination with global forums related to general issues, to partner countries regarding data information ii. coordination with ojk and banking related to data information, and iii. coordination with the tax office related to the provision of data information. then what is the form of coordination with foreign tax authorities? in the implementation of the eoi & aeoi, aldo explained that: i. when it comes to general issues, the global coordination is with the global forum because they are the foreman. ii. between two related countries, for example indonesia and singapore, regarding formats that cannot be opened and cannot be read, we can directly coordinate it by email. 2. achieving goals/objectives: aeoi effectiveness perspective tax observers from the center for indonesia taxation analysis (cita) fajry akbar said that aeoi has a fairly important role in dealing with the performance of tax revenues that have fallen due to the pandemic. the tax authorities need to try harder in collecting tax revenue in the hope of achieving the target because tax revenue is still far from the target set. although the data held by aeoi is proven to be able to improve the quality of the data held by dgt, the government needs to pay attention to the data reported by aeoi. however, based on lessons learned from the panama papers, many data are actually invalid. the achievement of organizational goals/objectives is a must that must be achieved by a group of people who are members of a group. where with the agreement and understanding of all supporters of the organization it will achieve an organizational goal. based on the regulation of the minister of finance number 39/pmk.03/2017, the main purpose of the issuance of this automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 128 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting regulation is to encourage taxpayers to exercise their rights and fulfill their tax obligations from exchanging information based on international agreements, whether these objectives have been achieved/realized at the dgt. aldo stated that the dgt carried out this information exchange well. this means that we do well to exchange according to the time standards set by the global forum. the impact of aeoi is not only on state revenues, but also on the behavior of taxpayers who are increasingly complied. this is the power of information, without law enforcement action, taxpayers can be made more compliant with valid information. this aeoi can achieve the objectives of the dgt organization well because this aeoi has clear regulations so that it can reduce tax avoidance actions that will have an impact on state revenues. one of alternative in fighting tax avoidance practices is through information disclosure or exchange of information (eoi). meanwhile, the aims of eoi itself are: i. preventing tax avoidance practices ii. preventing tax evasion iii. preventing the misuse of p3b by unauthorized parties and/or iv. obtain information related to the fulfillment of taxpayers' tax obligations, v. collecting information to resolve cases of treaty shopping (beneficial owner), transfer pricing, or fiscal crime, vi. to test the "self-assessment" obligation carried out by the wpdn, related to income originating from abroad, vii. provide information to test the implementation of the worldwide income concept. according to aldo, when discussing the purpose of the aeoi itself, it is actually in the law, namely the goal is to prevent tax evasion and detect taxpayers who commit tax evasion and of course this all has an impact on optimizing state revenues from the tax sector. meanwhile, ddtc fiscal research partner b. bawono kristiaji stated that the use of data is a way that the government can use to increase tax revenue. the data and information obtained are used to test taxpayer compliance. to test taxpayer compliance, the government needs to optimize the data that has been received and explore the potential for existing revenues. based on tax revenue statistics for the period 2018-2020, it can be seen as follows: figure 1.1 tax revenue from figure i.1 above, it can be seen that for the 2017-2018 period, tax revenues experienced an average growth of 9.89%(2017) 10.24%(2018), which was influenced by, among other things, 2017 2018 2019 2020 pertumbuhan % 4,6 13 1,8 16,9 rp triliun 1343,5 1518,8 1546,1 1285,1 % thd pdb 9,89 10,24 9,76 8,33 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 a x is t it le automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 129 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting increased economic performance and prices of key commodities. from 2019 to 2020 tax revenues contracted to 9.76%(2019) 8.33%(2020), as a result of the economic slowdown and the provision of incentives. the scheme for exchanging financial information emerged along with the prevalence and variety of tax avoidance practices through transactions across jurisdictional borders. the tax authorities have been running the aeoi since 2018. the performance of tax revenues in 2020 was lagging due to the effects of the covid 19 pandemic, so that although the government is aggressively carrying out activities in this series of policies related to aeoi, from the point of view of tax revenues there is no visible result (in the form of an increase in tax revenues that significantly since the implementation of aeoi in 2018). swarum added to the statement of the director of international taxation of djp john hutagaol who said that 2020 will be the third year for indonesia to participate in the aeoi. aeoi continues to be implemented despite being hampered by the covid -19 pandemic. indonesia will receive aeoi data from 103 jurisdictions and will instead send aeoi data to 85 jurisdictions. john said the exchange of information was delayed from previous years due to the covid-19 pandemic, because it normally starts in august. john hutagaol said that t he exchange of financial information through the aeoi scheme was delayed because the financial services authority (ojk) relaxed the data collection time for 2 months. this policy is in response to the current spread of the covid-19 pandemic. furthermore, the dgt of the ministry of finance will send the aeoi data to partner jurisdictions no later than the end of november 2020 (atpetsi, 2020). executive director of pratama-kreston tax research institute (tri) prianto budi saptono revealed the lack of dgt in uti lizing aeoi data. according to him, the aeoi data obtained by dgt also only includes financial data and does not include property data and crypto currency investments. in addition, the tax authorities still find it difficult to match the aeoi data due to s everal factors. first, the data does not have a taxpayer identification number (npwp) or a population identification number (nik). second, the data does not inform the address of the account holder abroad. "in the end, the tax authorities have not been able to optimize the aeoi data for 2018 and 2019 so they cannot pursue offshore tax evasion actors," (siswanto, 2022). 3. tax advoidance & tax evasion the practice of tax avoidance is divided into two parts, namely tax avoidance and tax evasion, and whatever the practice of tax avoidance is never morally justified, there is an old adage "no one likes to pay taxes" but all agree that taxes are very important and beneficial for the public interest. what is called voluntary in taxation means volunteerism that arises because of coercion. and one of the main causes of tax avoidance is the existence of asymmetric information, which is a condition where one party does not have information from the other party. the confidentiality of the information data system was initially very well maintained so that the dgt could not access taxpayer data at financial institutions, but with the existence of government regulation in lieu of law (perpu) no. 1 of 2017 concerning access to financial information for tax purposes which is clearly related the exchange of this information, the dgt can access taxpayer information data from banks or partner countries. this condition can be minimized to prevent tax evasion/evasion. because it is clear that there are rules, there are sanctions and fines if there are taxpayers who do tax avoidance/evasion. automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 130 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting aldo explained that one of the main causes of tax avoidance is the existence of asymmetric information, which is a condition where one party does not have information from the other party. in this case the tax authorities do not know the information stored by the taxpayer. with the aeoi, this condition can be minimized because there are clear rules, there are sanctions and fines if there are taxpayers who do tax avoidance/evasion. dgt regulates this information exchange system by socializing and collaborating with financial institutions and partner countries with the cts system for the use of aeoi information so that tax evaders know that dgt is acting on any behavior that violates the rules. so far, according to aldo, the aeoi system has been implemented in indonesia, and its implementation is quite effective and according to international standards because this information is very difficult for us to obtain before but now it is easier, and information for aeoi we get directly through the cts system every year. this is direct information from partner countries, not information from institutions that are not clear. but even if we make it even better, it is related to the completeness of the data because if we can improve it, we can add a tax review, but that is beyond the control of the dgt because the completeness of the data is determined by the sending party, that is a bit difficult to be resolved through multilateral discussions. but if it could be done it would increase very drastically.” currently, indonesia is undergoing peer review of assessment documents for assessment of beps minimum standards from the oecd. and if there is something you want to improve, it is in terms of completeness of data from partner countries. in terms of the imposition of tax sanctions on the taxpayer's actions to carry out tax evasion, basically tax evasion is characterized by tax avoidance that is carried out illegally in the sense that it is contrary to the applicable tax provisions. there have been many examples of actors carrying out this tax evasion practice which have been reported in mass media/social media print media, and this includes the case of the asian agri group (aag) as an example of tax evasion which is subject to prison terms for the perpetrators and payment of embezzled taxes to the state along with imposition a 100% fine. 4. automated information exchange inhibiting entities a. weaknesses: the implementation of aeoi in indonesia has a great opportunity to improve taxpayer compliance along with tax revenues. however, the aeoi also has many obstacles and challenges, especially since indonesia is a developing country that continues to strive to meet global standards for exchanging tax information between countries, as explained below: 1) the readiness of the internal system in each country is different and the capacity of each country is different and can affect the quality of data information. aldo said that the weakness of automatic exchange is the incomplete or unequal data completeness of the npwp system from partner countries, so that dgt has difficulty because there is no control feature on the system in pairing the npwp. we can't call it a problem spontaneously because we didn't ask for it, so if it's spontaneous, it's only voluntary from each partner country that has the data. and even that is only a one-sided assessment and we cannot request data from partner countries again if it is spontaneous because it is voluntary. maybe it's like this, indonesia has x data owned by singaporeans, this seems useful for singapore and we send it spontaneously, although not necessarily the data is useful for partner countries, maybe the problem can be like that. according to the sender, it had an impact but it didn't. weaknesses automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 131 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting by request or by request from partner countries there is a sample letter sent by the singapore tax office asking us and sending the letter and this request does not meet the requirements we cannot process, for example the letter is incomplete or there is no indication of tax evasion so we return the letter to singapore as well with a letter that we send to our country if it is not complete it will be returned to us. and maybe the problem with the delivery period for the exchange of information on request is the 90day period for receiving back from partner countries which sometimes becomes an obstacle. because there are still partner countries that provide information beyond the 90 days requested by the dgt for examination or trial purposes, despite the rules the law has stipulated the time period for answering. 2) this was confirmed by swarum who explained “first, there are eoi document formats between countries that are still not standardized. second, the utilization of data exchange is still not optimal. third, data storage and maintenance requires high costs, thereby increasing the administrative cost structure. meanwhile, swarum agrees with the news from the editor who published an article entitled "highlighting the great challenges of automatic tax information exchange" ( highlighting-tantangan-besarpertukaran-information-pajak-auto/ on 2 jan 2022), there are four obstacles and challenges in the aeoi, namely: first, the reciprocity of information exchange (reciprocity). second, banking tends to be resistant to data access. third, the lack of technology that supports aeoi. fourth, the complexity of conversion of tax revenue data. in more details is described below: first, the demand for reciprocal information exchange (reciprocity): in the implementation of aeoi, one of the requirements set is that there is a reciprocal exchange of adequate information according to global standards. this shows that if a country receives information automatically, then that country needs to return the favor to the other country who sent the information. consequently, in this case, a country is not required to provide information to its partner country if the partner is unable to obtain and provide similar information in return according to its law and administration. indeed, basically, the principle of equal reciprocity is a fair agreement, but on the other hand, it can burden some developing countries, including indonesia, to participate in the aeoi system. indonesia is required to undergo a major re-priority and rapid effort to implement the necessary systems that allow it to automatically provide its treaty partners with information to meet standard reciprocal conditions. second, banking tends to be resistant to access to data: financial data is very sensitive information, so that in order to disclose it, it is necessary to guarantee that the tax authorities will not leak or use the information other than for tax purposes. the indonesian government has corrected regulations and prepared technical regulations through law number 9 of 2017 concerning stipulation of government regulations in lieu of law number 1 of 2017 concerning access to financial information for tax purposes which regulates breaches of bank secrecy. but unfortunately, there are still banks that tend to be resistant to accessing customer data for tax purposes. the banking side is of the opinion that customer data is something that is highly confidential in nature and emphasizes that their resistance in disclosing customer data for tax purposes is well-founded and is based on the banking law. automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 132 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting third, lack of technology that supports aeoi: as a member of the g20 countries, indonesia has committed to adapting the standard automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters system which was implemented in 2018. the main focus in the implementation of the automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters is the output of a database that is systematic and has global coverage. in line with the program, the government must have an adequate database system so that it can be exchanged with other countries. information technology owned by a country must meet confidentiality and safeguard standards. in its design, the aeoi was compiled by oecd member countries, a collection of developed countries that already have advanced administrative systems and infrastructure. as a result, there is an assumption that the standards drawn up are not in favor of developing countries, especially in terms of technological readiness required for the implementation of aeoi (panayi, 2016). this is not an easy thing for developing countries, especially indonesia because of limited infrastructure. therefore, indonesia as a developing country requires time, large costs, and quality resources to be able to compete with the capabilities of developed countries in the aeoi. fourth, the complexity of converting tax revenue data: recently, the directorate general of taxes (dgt), which was initially quite confident, is confused about following up on taxation data or information obtained from hundreds of partner jurisdictions. the director general of taxes, suryo utomo, in his presentation some time ago expressed his complaints regarding the many challenges to follow up on aeoi data. "unfortunately, most of the data obtained from partner jurisdictions are not accompanied by npwp, complete address or home abroad, and the name of the account holder is not found, it only includes financial data," said suryo. in addition, according to him, the data obtained by the dgt also does not include property and investment data in the form of cryptocurrencies. the minister of finance claims to have pocketed a lot of financial data since 2018 through aeoi, but unfortunately, these financial data cannot be directly converted into tax revenues. the tax authorities need to go through several verification processes which are quite complicated and lengthy. from data obtained through the directorate general of taxes, the funds that have been raised through aeoi in indonesia since 2018, amounted to idr 2,742 trillion from participating jurisdictions (inbound) and idr 3,574 trillion domestically. in addition, there are still approximately 5 trillion rupiah from the pairing of financial balances with cash equivalent assets which are still in the category of a complicated verification process. therefore, the government needs to continue to improve the global standard system of automatic tax information exchange, so that the opportunity for tax revenue is not just a breath of fresh air. b. threats (threats) there are still acts of tax avoidance/evasion by storing assets in foreign banks in every country, and detecting fraud is a challenge for dgt. aldo explained that in 2017 and below, the practice of tax avoidance was still rampant by evading taxpayers because there were still loopholes in the information regulations that were used before there was an automatic exchange of information or it was still on request. because this eoi by request can only be done while there is an inspection. there are still modes or potentials for tax avoidance and embezzlement by taxpayers, especially foreign taxpayers/multinational companies, which pose a threat to aeoi's success in boosting tax revenue. 5. automated information exchange encouraging entities automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 133 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting strength: this aeoi has a fairly strong legal force and in its implementation is also supported by the existence of a binding regulation. in terms of the implementation of aeoi carried out by the directorate general of taxes, it is one of the measures used as a basic force to avoid tax evasion. aldo revealed that the regulation of law no. 1 of 2017 which has been changed to the law no. 9 of 2017 is a legal force for indonesia to carry out this automatic exchange of information, and there is also the regulation of the ministry of finance 039/pmk.03/2017 as implementing regulation. this is reinforced by swarum as a consultant/academic that the automatic implementation of aeoi in indonesia effectively since 2018 has been legally implemented, supported by legal instruments in the form of law number 9 of 2017 dated august 23, 2017, concerning stipulation of government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2017 concerning access to financial information for tax purposes to become law. a. this also marks the end of the era of banking secrecy, especially for tax purposes in indonesia readiness of the “common transmission system (cts)” information exchange system: the system that supports this aeoi mechanism is the “common transmission system (cts)” where every year, taxpayer accounts between countries at certain times are periodically sent through this cts system. this system is systematic. , and continuously from the country of income source or place of storing wealth to the resident country of the taxpayer. with this system, taxpayers who have opened accounts in other countries will be able to be tracked directly by the tax authorities of their country of origin. in the aeoi standard there is a common consensus to open and provide access to financial information in the country to the tax authorities of other countries and otherwise obtain access to financial information abroad automatically. b. opportunities (opportunities): to minimize tax avoidance/evasion, the director general of taxes can also supervise and explore potential taxation through banking transactions conducted by taxpayers abroad. so far, the request of the director general of taxes to request banking data has always been met with regulations regarding banking secrecy. aldo said that “this aeoi is an opportunity, especially because previously we didn't get any information and now we can get it routinely for the effectiveness of tax avoidance. for example, there are indonesian citizens who have accounts in australia and are not reported. with the aeoi, we can get information automatically from other countries as well. and this is an opportunity for dgt. it could also be a tool to explore the potential to increase state revenue if the taxpayer really hides his wealth.” this is reinforced by swarum who explained that “in general, first, the opportunity for additional sources of new tax revenue as a result of exploring the potential of eoi. second, the momentum for dgt to fix the issue of the rush of third-party data, including its management, to support the achievement of the state revenue target. third, the ability to see the economic structure outside of basketball so as to increase the effectiveness of policies that can be applied to attract the shadow economy sector into the official economy” (maydiana, 2022). conclusion 1. the implementation of the automatic information exchange (aeoi) in minimizing tax avoidance and tax evasion so far has been quite effective according to international standards, although there are still many complete data sets that have not been fulfilled by partner countries such as singapore, resulting in the data provided by the partner country cannot used automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 134 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting by the indonesian tax authorities. however, aeoi's performance has not yet provided optimal results in increasing tax revenue, especially in 2020, which is hampered by its progress due to the covid 19 pandemic. meanwhile, it is anticipated that the exchange of information (including aeoi) cases solution might be hampered in the tax court due to differences in perceptions between the tax authorities and the tax court in handling cases related to the case of multinational companies in indonesia which are also taxpayers in partner countries. 2. the aeoi inhibiting entity is the readiness of the internal system in each different country and the capacity of each country is different regarding the completeness of data from partner countries and can affect the quality of data information even though the data provided is well verified. above that, there are four obstacles and challenges in aeoi, namely: first, reciprocity demands for information exchange (reciprocity). second, banking tends to be resistant to data access. third, the lack of technology that supports aeoi. fourth, the complexity of conversion of tax revenue data. 3. the entity that drives this information exchange in minimizing tax evasion is the existence of an information exchange system called the “common transmission system (cts)”, where every year the accounts of taxpayers between countries at a certain time are periodically sent through this cts system. in addition to having a fairly strong legal force, the implementation is supported by the existence of a binding regulation. recommendation 1. one of the solutions suggested by the tax justice network regarding reciprocity is staged reciprocity. this is done by setting aside the reciprocal requirement for developing countries at an early stage i.e., the standard will initially focus on the transfer of information, not the exchange of information with developing countries. developing countries will be given a certain grace period to build their capacity to finally meet the reciprocal requirements. 2. to anticipate differences in perceptions between tax court judges and the tax authorities, first, it is necessary to have ongoing audits of auditors and monitor the results of such education; second, a comparative analysis is carried out to improve the rules for future examinations; third, for the examiner to complete the findings of the examination with valid and relevant supporting evidence; fourth, for the dgt to revise the audit rules so that they are in line with the kup law and the tax court law; fifth, for the dgt to strengthen the legal basis for the examination and the legal basis for settlement at the level of objection (aritonang, 2020). 3. the readiness of the internal system in partner countries regarding the completeness of data from partner countries must be further improved, must be resolved multilaterally if there is no completeness of data from this partner country. there are indications/allegations that partner countries are not transparent in providing information to the indonesian tax authorities. 4. in addition to the need to provide guarantees for the confidentiality of banking data and detailed information regarding the mechanism for imposing sanctions for non-compliant financial service institutions, indonesia also needs to develop capacity to deal with aeoi. therefore, material and technical support from the oecd such as training, it infrastructure and assistance with legal and regulatory changes is urgently needed to help developing countries, such as indonesia to benefit from automated exchange systems. automatic exchange of information review from the perspective of its effectives in minimizing tax evasion pohan, rahmi, arimbhi, and junaidi 135 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 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(2015). the hidden wealth of nations: the scourge of tax havens (1st ed.). the university of chicago press. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 3, issue 4 october 2022 page no. 359-370 359| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania beny mwenda 1 , magwana ibrahim 2 12 college of business education, tanzania correspondent: 1 received : july 28, 2022 accepted : october 10, 2022 published : october 31, 2022 citation: mwenda, b., ibrahim, m.(2022). effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 3(4), 359-370 abstract: this study investigated the effect of corporate governance information (cgi) disclosure on profitability of firms listed in the dar es salaam stock exchange (dse). 21 listed companies were studied for a period ranging from 2006 to 2021 using a mixed research method with an explanatory sequential design. return on equity (roe) and return on assets (roa) were employed as dependent variables in the panel data analysis. cgi disclosure was an independent variable. geographical diversification, firm age, firm size, and sales growth were the control variables. secondary data was obtained from dse. qualitative data was gathered via semi-structured interviews. thematic analysis and a random effect model with two estimates (1 and 2) were utilized to analyze qualitative and quantitative data respectively. the findings suggested that there was a positive and significant effect of cgi disclosure on firm profitability. the findings adds to the body of knowledge by signifying stakeholder’s theory. the study concluded that disclosure of cgi may undeniably result in increased profitability. we recommended that firm managers should pay a closer look at cgi disclosure, enhance their disclosure practices, and invest in disclosure strategies that will benefit stakeholders. keywords: corporate governance information disclosure, firm profitability, roa, roe, listed firms. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the accumulation of invaluable lessons from a string of business failures that occurred in different parts of the world gave rise to the continued relevance of corporate governance in a variety of countries and regions around the globe (unctad, 2006). due to the continued worldwide importance of corporate governance, listed companies have been subjected to a great amount of pressure in recent decades to disclose corporate governance information(cgi) (nobanee & ellili, 2022). cgi disclosure provide additional information to stakeholders and eliminate information gap between insiders and investors which is caused by managers' dominance for information access and control (nurfitriana & yadiati, 2018). the annual report is regarded as one of the main channel of information sharing through which management may disclose cgi (esther & henry, 2018). effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 360 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting even though annual financial reports might present a brighter financial future for the firm, there exist non-financial issues which causes big firms to fail (ooghe & de prijcker, 2008). such failures spurred governments all around the world to seriously probe alternative methods to improve their particular countries' corporate governance frameworks (haniffa & hudaib, 2006). different countries have distinct national traits as well as social and economic priorities (joshi, 2021). what is acceptable in one nation may not be desirable in another (ibiam & nwogo, 2017). similarly, each firm has its own history, culture, and commercial objectives (vieira, 2015). as a result, corporate governance cannot be static; there is a chance for it to vary unpredictably among countries and enterprises as it is driven by internal as well as external environmental dynamism (zuva & zuva, 2018). ultimately any effect on corporate governance might end up affecting firm profitability. profitability is the ability of a firm to generate more money than it spends. the majority of a firm's earnings comes from its operational activities. there will be no profit if the company is not operating efficiently and efficiently (oluwaseyi et al., 2021). profit and profitability are distinct concepts. profit is an absolute monetary unit, but profitability is a relative measure of how efficiently and effectively a company uses its resources to generate such profit as a whole. roa and roe are two of the most often used metrics of profitability, they assess profit relative to the resources used to achieve that profit (francis, 2020). since profitability largely depend on a firm’s operational efficiency and effectiveness then it is more likely for it to be influenced by corporate governance (hakimah et al., 2019). this mainly stems from the fact that individuals who are charged with governance have the right and duty to control and direct entire firm’s operations (iqbal & kakakhel, 2016). bestowing of rights and duty to control firm’s resources gave rise to the need for cgi disclosure. the disclosure of cgi is guided by the global reporting initiative standard no 102 – governance disclosure. gri standards offer firms with a flexible and future-proof reporting framework as processes and themes of cgi are always up to date and relevant when a firm employs the gri standards (global sustainability standard board, 2020). however, the presence of standards doesn’t negate the fact they might be interpreted and implemented differently based on cultural, economic and business variations across nations (muizzuddin et al., 2017). due to variations in interpretations and implementation of standards we argue that it is possible for the effect of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of businesses to vary across the globe. researchers across the globe have probed into establishing the effect of corporate governance on firm profitability. (harisa et al., 2019) concluded that the quality of cgi disclosure does not affect the profitability of indonesian and malaysian islamic banks, they further narrated that companies found it difficult to grasp the benefits of cgi disclosure and felt that it is an activity that simply strain the firm’s finances and believed that cgi transparency is not lucrative for the firm. buallay (2017) revealed that there was no direct effect of corporate governance on firm profitability in saudi arabia as firms with low implementation of corporate governance had higher operational performance measures (roa and roe). panchasara & bharadia (2013) results showed that the profitability of indian banks proxied by roa was greatly impacted by the financial and non-financial disclosures of corporate governance. kaur & vij (2017) established that the return on assets and return on equity of nairobi securities exchange (nse) companies were positively affected by cgi disclosure. in african context lishenga & mbaka (2008) concluded that better corporate governance disclosure does not significantly affect profitability of kenyan firms, as there was an inability to establish a significant relationship between compliance with cgi disclosure and roa and roe. study done by (adefemi et al., 2018) also failed to establish any significant effect of cgi disclosure on profitability of nigerian firms. herbert & agwor (2021) determined that the effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 361 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting corporate governance disclosure of board of directors by nigerian banks had a considerable positive effect on roa, but it had no meaningful effect on roe. various studies in tanzania have looked at the relationship between corporate governance and firm profitability. masasi (2020) found that corporate governance had a positive effects on banks’ roa and roe. assenga, aly, & hussainey (2018) determined that roa and roe of tanzanian listed firms were negatively affected with ceo dualism, but are positively affected by board size, and board gender diversity. matemu, (2020) found that corporate governance had a positive impact roa and roe of financial institutions registered in dse. the results indicate there is a contradiction on the different aspects of corporate governance effects on firms’ profitability. apart from the contradiction the researchers considered only certain aspects of corporate governance and not in its all entirety as is required to be disclosed by the standards. masasi (2020) focused on controls and board independence and composition, assenga et al, (2018) focused on board’s characteristics and matemu, (2020) focused on board size, composition and characteristics. a glimpse view offered by other researchers in tanzania necessitates the need for studying further the effect of corporate governance disclosure on firm profitability by considering all the aspects of cgi disclosure. harbaugh & to (2020) argue that disclosure of information might sometimes backfire on the issuer. thus nondisclosure might bring an equilibrium if information standards are low or if previous expectations were positive. they further argued that full disclosure of information is a viable option if standards of information are high enough or expectations are low enough. sticking to the same vantage point we argue that cgi disclosure might affect firms profitability either positively or negatively and some firms might be reluctant to fully disclose cgi due to the information being of low standards and hence detrimental. in that light we sought to establish the effect of cgi disclosure on profitability of listed firms in tanzania. variations in interpretations and implementation of gri standards caused by cultural, economic and business environment differences. presence of conclusion dilemma among researchers and focus of tanzanian researchers on board compositions and characteristics when assessing the effect of corporate governance on firm’s profitability creates a gap in literature. thus the primary objective of this particular research is to fill in that gap by investigating as to whether cgi disclosure has an effect on the profitability of tanzania’s publicly listed firms. within the scope of our study, we looked at firms that were traded on the dar es salaam stock exchange between the years 2006 and 2021. hypothesis formulation consequently the hypothesis on which this study is based states; h1; corporate governance disclosure has a positive effect on firms’ profitability theoretical base stakeholder theory stakeholders’ theory states that the firm's effectiveness is measured by its ability to satisfy its stakeholders (freeman, 2010). firms’ stakeholders are all the parties impacted by its operations and the firms existence in the long run is based on their satisfaction (diamastuti et al., 2021). stakeholders are such as customers, workers, suppliers, political action organizations, environmental groups, local communities, the media, financial institutions, governmental bodies, and more (rintamäki, 2018). this concept portrays the firm’s environment as a biosphere of connected groups that must be satisfied to maintain the firm’s health and profitability (simon, 2016). this demonstrates that stakeholders have a vested interest in ensuring that the resources effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 362 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting are exploited to the fullest extent of their potential, which should ultimately be to the advantage of society as a whole (crifo et al., 2019). effective corporate governance is one of the key ingredients in satisfying the vested interests of the stakeholders as it is the management that overlooks the optimal exploitation of firms’ resources for the benefits of all the concerned parties. from that vantage point this study will put the stakeholders’ theory to the test by determining if the disclosure of cgi has any effect on firm profitability. method mixed explanatory sequential research design was used in the study to give a larger and more comprehensive view of the paper and to explain initial quantitative findings (almeida, 2018). with this approach it is easy to draw powerful and meaningful conclusions due to collaboration of the design's strong numeric emphasis and relevant qualitative explanations (almeida, 2018). sample and data 21 firms listed in the dar es salaam stock exchange (dse) made up the sampling population. the study used the census approach as all the firms in the dse were studied financial years 2006 to 2021 were included in the study's time frame. panel data on the dependent variable firm profitability (roa, roe), independent variables cgid, and control variables (firm size, firm age, geographical diversification and sales growth) were obtained from audited annual reports of firms listed on the dse. the research used panel data for the time period extending from 2006 to 2021. the choice to use panel data was based on its capability to offer reduced collinearity while also providing for greater information (roels, 2017). 2006 is also the year from which data began to be available in electrical format from the dse. the tanzania company ordinance 2002 also went into effect in 2006, and most of the listed companies began complying with the ordinance's criteria and ifrss in compiling their financial reports in the same year after it was institutionalized in 2004. as a result, this research opted to begin its investigation in 2006. interviews with a semi-structured format were carried out so the results of quantitative research could be supported. twelve key informants were interviewed for the study. one broker, four regulators from cmsa and dse and seven senior executives from various firms were chosen as key informants. respondents were chosen due to their knowledge of internal dealings and governance of dse firms and the tenure they have served in their organizations. use of interview with other research methods provides a significant source of greater insights from the viewpoints of many persons who have a grasp of the internal affairs, procedures, and interactions of the organizations analyzed in this study (almqvist, 2022). analytical model regression model was employed to establish the effect of cgi disclosure on firms’ profitability. other researchers such as (kaur & vij, 2017; panchasara & bharadia, 2013) have also used the similar model to determine the effect of cgi disclosure on firms’ profitability. appropriateness of the regression model stemmed from the continuous nature of the dependent variable. equation (i) and (ii) presents the models roait =β0+β1cgidit+β2 fsit+β3 fait + β4 geog diverit + β5 salgrowthit + fdi + tdt +eit ………..….. (1) roeit =β0+β1cgidit + β2 fsit + β3 fait + β4 georg diverit + β5 salgrowthit fdi + tdt +eit …………. (2) effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 363 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting where: roa and roe are dependent variables, β0 is constant, β1 to β5 were the estimates which included independent variables corporate governance information disclosure (cgid), firms size (fs), firm age (fa), geographical diversification (geog diver) and sales growth (sal growth) while vectors fd (firm dummy) represented firms time invariant specific effect and td (time dummy) represented time variant specific effect, e is the error term and i and t are firm and time elements respectively (mwenda et al., 2021). roa was chosen because of its ability as a tool to relate profits against operational efficiency. it measures a firm's long-term financial viability by considering its use of existing assets to generate profits (strouhal et al., 2018) . under corporate governance roa is a good measure of the agents’ utilization of available assets to generate profits for the principal. the value of roa was determined using the formula presented in equation (3) roe was used due to its ability to measure profit by focusing on profitability for shareholders (albuja et al., 2011) in this study shareholders are a group of interest since they are amongst the stakeholder as presented by the stakeholders theory. roe was determined using the formula presented in equations (4) lishenga & mbaka (2008) and buallay (2017) among others are examples of researchers who employed roa and roe as a performance measurement tool when assessing the effects of cgid on firms’ profitability. before beginning the data analysis process, the researcher made sure that the data satisfied all of the requirements for regression assumptions and then moved on to the next step. after conducting a hausman specification it was determined that random effects were likely to be more consistent and efficient. computation of corporate governance information disclosure (cgid) index in order to construct the corporate governance disclosure index, we used information extracted from the annual reports of the firms whose corporate governance disclosures were under scrutiny. the index was constructed based on a dichotomous scale in which an item that was disclosed was marked as 1 and the item of that was undisclosed was marked as 0. as the regulations requires a disclosure of 40 items related to corporate governance then the disclosure index was calculated as the cgid value varied from 0 to 100, with 0 being the worst disclosure and 100 representing the greatest possible disclosure by a firm. similar approach of measuring cgi information disclosure was adopted by (kaur & vij, 2018; willim et al., 2020). variables measurement are presented in table 1 effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 364 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 1: variables measurement variables measurement expected sign dependent variable return on asset net profit before tax divided by total assets. +/ return on equity net profit after tax divided by shareholders’ equity +/ independent variable cgi disclosure it is dichotomous i.e. 1 for disclosure and 0 if otherwise + control variables firm size natural logarithm of the total assets +/ geographical diversification dichotomous i.e. 1 for diversification and 0 for otherwise + firm age number of years since incorporated till the period of study +/ sales growth current year’s sales minus previous year’s sales over the results of previous year’s sales +/ note that: + = positive and – = negative source; author result and discussion descriptive statistics linking cgi disclosure and firm profitability effects of cgi disclosure on firm profitability was examined in this research. descriptive statistics are presented in table 2 to give an overview of the mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviations of roa, roe, firm size, firm age, sales growth and geographical diversification. table 2 : descriptive results for dependent and independent variables variable obs mean std. dev. min max skewness kurtosis roa 265 12.377 25.214 -163.772 69.260 -0.739 2.603 roe 265 14.237 24.304 -143.832 62.460 -0.238 1.401 cgi 265 0.680 0.107 0.475 0.875 0.497 2.406 fa geog diver 265 265 23.568 0.619 17.160 0.385 0 0 69 1 0.990 -0.660 2.224 2.657 fs 265 7.696 1.105 4.674 10.138 -0.219 2.284 sal growth 265 0.826 8.848 -0.899 97.525 0.439 2.310 source; author analysis table 2 shows that the average roa was 12.38%, with a minimum loss of 163.7% and a maximum profit of 69.26%. roa's standard deviation was 25.21 indicating volatility in returns. on average roe was 14.2% with a minimum loss of 143.80% and a maximum return of 62.460%, roe standard deviation was 24.3 indicating volatility in returns. disclosure of cgi averaged at 68%, ranging from 47.5% to 87.5%. dse-listed enterprises satisfied 68% of cgi disclosure requirements on average. such findings imply that stakeholders didn't obtain the whole package of cgi information they wanted, according to cmsa (2002). inadequate cgi effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 365 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting disclosure may exacerbate agency problems and affect stakeholders' assessments of governance quality and capacity to drive the firm towards profitability (kemei, 2017) average company age since incorporation was 23 years, and average business size was 7.6 out of 10. data also showed that 61.9% of firms were geographically diverse. average sales growth of 82.6% shows that firms were stretching their selling and distribution over time. all variables have skewness values between 0 and 0.9 and kurtosis values between 1.4 and 2.6, suggesting normally distributed data with light tails (jaume et al, 2020). regression analysis for cgi disclosure and firm profitability. in order to assess the nature of the connection that exists between the dependent and independent variables, a random effect model was used. the regression was performed using two different estimates in order to assess whether or not the findings were consisten. the outcomes of the regression analysis are shown in tables 3 and 4, respectively. table 3: corporate governance disclosure and firm profitability (roa) variables (1) (2) roa roa corporate governance disclosure 161.8623*** 179.7050*** (58.611) (58.844) firm size 3.3019** (1.383) firm age 1.4024*** (0.393) geographical diversification 13.7440** (6.344) sales growth 1.0549*** 1.0554*** (0.125) (0.124) firm dummy time dummy yes yes yes yes constant -130.9321*** -119.2496*** (40.938) (41.144) observations 265 265 standard errors in parentheses key: * significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1% source; author analysis cgi disclosure had a positive and statistically significant effect on roa in all two estimations as seen in table 3. these findings are similar to those of (panchasara & bharadia, 2013) and (herbert & agwor, 2021) who also concluded that corporate governance disclosure positively affected roa of firms they studied. the results contradicts those of (harisa et al., 2019) and (lishenga & mbaka, 2008) who failed to establish any significant effect of cgi disclosure on roa. cgi disclosure proved to have significant positive effect on roa in all two models, even when specific control variables were removed, indicating that the results are robust. these results supports the stakeholders’ theory which proposes that firm’s effective existence is linked to its ability to satisfy the interest of stakeholders, by doing an activity that enhances firm’s roa that notion is reinforced as profitability is the main interest of investors and lenders (lado-sestayo & vivel-búa, 2019). interviews with some key informants (kis) were conducted in order to gain a more in-depth and crystal clear image of the connection between cgi disclosure and roa. the perceptions that were gathered from their point of view suggested that cgi disclosure makes stakeholders more effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 366 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting likely to have faith in the corporation's governance practices which enhances roa. through the disclosure of cgi, all parties concerned have the impression that those in charge of governance are acting appropriately and making sound judgments with regard to the appropriate use of available resources. during the course of the interviews, one of the managers of the company mentioned that; “cgi disclosure inspires confidence among stakeholders as it portrays a glimpse of atmosphere of the system of rules and standards that govern our company's operations and align the interests of our stakeholders. the disclosure also gives an indication of good corporate governance procedures and ethical business practices which contribute to financial viability. i remember receiving a phone call from a non-investor who was impressed by the fact that our top 10 disclosed shareholders were 75 percent tanzanians, and he clearly stated that he would continue to buy our products in order to support his fellow countrymen. you can only imagine the number of people who feel the same way. in the end, i am certain that cgi disclosure will have a positive impact on firm's roa” (firm manager) table: corporate governance disclosure and firm profitability (roe) (1) (2) variables roe roe corporate governance disclosure 50.3829** 47.1304** (21.801) (21.765) firm size 6.1361*** (1.564) firm age 1.8139*** (0.456) geographical diversification 14.1474*** (5.492) sales growth 1.1506*** 1.1460*** (0.213) (0.213) constant -45.5764** -42.0979** (18.705) (18.728) observations 265 265 standard errors in parentheses key: * significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1% source; author analysis cgi disclosure had a positive and statistically significant effect on roe in all two estimations as seen in table 3. these findings are similar to those of (kaur & vij, 2017; assenga et al, 2018) who also concluded that corporate governance disclosure positively affected roe of firms they studied. the results contradicts those of who failed to establish any significant effect of cgi disclosure on roe (buallay et al., 2017; khanifah et al., 2020). cgi disclosure proved to have significant positive effect on roe in all two models, even when specific control variables were removed, indicating that the results are robust. these results supports the stakeholders’ theory which proposes that firm’s effective existence is linked to its ability to satisfy the interest of stakeholders, when cgi disclosure is linked to positive roe enhancement it indicates that the firm has made effective use of the monies that has been invested by shareholders and is able to offer investors with considerable profits at the present time. by engaging in activities that improve the roe of the company, investors’ primary interest in profitability is reinforced. (lado-sestayo & vivel-búa, 2019). interviews with key informants (kis) were also carried out to obtain their perspective of the effects of cgi disclosure on roe. according to the opinions that were obtained from their perspective, cgi disclosure makes shareholders more to believe in the governance procedures of effects of corporate governance disclosure on profitability of public listed firms in tanzania mwenda and ibrahim 367 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the firm and consider their investments to be in safe hands. by disclosing cgi, all parties concerned have the assumption that the management is behaving appropriately and making sound judgments with regard to the appropriate use of the invested equity. this gives the impression that those in charge of governance are appropriately using available resources which ultimately enhances firm's roe. in the process of conducting the interviews, one of the employee from capital market regulatory authority stated that “our primary goal as a regulatory body is to safeguard the interests of the firm's shareholders. every firm that wants to go public on the stock market must comply with the disclosure requirements, which is an absolute must. shareholders may have a better understanding of a company's operational structure when the cgi is disclosed in the financial reports. shareholder satisfaction increases when they know which individuals have power to operate the organization on their behalf and which individuals are responsible for how an organization's personnel act and perform. in essence strong cgi framework provides for effective and efficient operations which contributes towards firm's roe, thus a disclosure is paramount” (cmsa representative) conclusion according to the findings of this research, a significant portion of companies who are listed on the dse make public disclosures of cgi information. disclosures of this kind are probably made with the intention of ensuring compliance with regulatory obligations and of boosting the trust of the firm's many different stakeholders. results also revealed that cgi disclosures had a positive and significant effect on the profitability of public listed firms. since the disclosures affect profitability then there is a need to develop necessary measures which will mandate that good corporate governance procedures and disclosures should be implemented in accordance with the gri standards and local legal requirements. we recommend that firm managers investigate the positive effects of cgi disclosure, improve their disclosure procedures, and make an investment into disclosure strategies that will bring even more value to stakeholders. the tanzanian government need to devise an efficient and effective method for rewarding those who disclose cgi and penalizing those who don't disclose cgi. better systems for cgi disclosure are to be created and strengthened, regulatory authorities like cmsa should work toward this goal. we propose that the area of potential future study may be narrowed by focusing on the disclosure practices of cgi across different sectors in tanzania. in addition, the importance of each of the disclosure elements was treated the same throughout this investigation. despite the fact that this helps to reduce biases, stakeholders may assign higher relevance on certain aspects of governance and less relevance on the other. there is a possibility that one facet of governance may be seen as a fundamental component and as such ought to be given greater weightage. future studies might consider developing a weighted cgi disclosure index. in similar view we also considered lack of weighted index as a limitation to this study. perharps the result would have been different if the items in the constructed cgi index were assigned weights in accordance to their relevance amongst stakeholders. reference adefemi, f., hassan, a., & fletcher, m. 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(2023). analysis of financial performance of banking companies on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(1), 104-116. abstract: this study aims to determine the financial performance on 44 bank company listed by idx (indonesian stock exchange) before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period using operating expenses and operating income (bopo), return on asset (roa), non performing loan (npl), also capital adequacy ratio (car) variables and comparative quantitative methods, with difference test analysis tools paired simple t-test and sign-wixolcon. the ratio of car and npl was categorized as safe before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period, and its contrast to the ratio of roa and bopo. on the other hand, during the period of covid-19 pandemic, roa, car and npl experienced an increase in performance while bopo experienced a decrease in performance. the results are the ratio of car, roa and npl showed a sig difference, while the bopo ratio did not show any sig differences in 44 banking company that listed on the idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic’s period. according to this, it is recommended that bank management in indonesia can better control the company's operations more efficiently in future and subsequent research adds a wider sample and increases the duration of the study. keywords: car; npl; roa; bopo; the covid-19 pandemic this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the covid-19 pandemic is a global phenomenon and no country is immune to the disease (könig & winkler, 2020) . it was first identified in china in november 2019 and world health organization (who) classified it as a pandemic tin the first months of 2020 (sukardi, 2020). nearuniversal lockdowns in response to the pandemic have brought exceptional disruption to the economy (ashraf, 2020). the indonesian government introduce pembatasan social berskala besar (psbb) as a first step in to overcome the pandemic (paramitalaksmi et al., 2022). the presence of the pandemic can disrupt bank sector in such a way that it has an effect on reducing banking results (wu & olson, 2020). a bank is an institution that sells trust to its customers, so maintaining its efficiency is an obligation (hansen & meyer, 2022). the bank performance is a consequential financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 105 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting aspect in the assessment of the management which is the benchmark for the it’s performance (junghanns & körnert, 2022). if the bank goes well, the prospect will be more interested and give the money to the bank and get a loan or financing from the bank (du, 2020). banks are institutions that sell trust to their customers, so they have an obligation to maintain their efficiency. bank performance is a consequential aspect in evaluating the management of a bank company, which is the benchmark for bank performance (yu & xiao, 2022). if a bank performs well, stakeholders will be more interested, give money to the bank, and receive loans or loans from the bank (hanna et al., 2019). banks are financial institutions that have the authority solicit donations from citizens and return it to the public in the form of working capital loans in order to enhance people's residing standards (hilliard & hilliard, 2018). the term "bank" comes from the italian word "banca" which means money changer (rumini et al., 2019). the result of a bank company’s operation are the financial performance of it , which relates to income, expenses, capital structure, and asset position over a certain period (demirgüç-kunt et al., 2020). excellent banking financial performance can increase public confidence, but deteriorating banking financial performance can also weaken public confidence (nguyen & wald, 2022). the indicator used to valuate a bank's financial performance according to kasmir (2018) is to use the analysis of capital, assets, management, earnings and liquidity (camel). camel analysis are an analysis used to assess financial performance using several aspects such as capital, assets, management, earnings and liquidity. based on this explanation,the indicators used in this study to measure bank performance are presented as follows: a. capital adequacy ratio (car) indicates the bank's ability to cover possible losses from loans and securities transactions with its current capital (thian, 2021). h1: there is a sig difference in the solvency ratio proxied by car at banking company that listed on the idx before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period. b. return on asset (roa) are a ratio to measurize the ability of bility of bankers to achieve overall profit. the higher the roa of a bank, the higher it's profit and the better it's position in the use of assets (thian, 2022). h2: there is a sig difference in the asset quality ratio proxied by roa at banking company that listed on the idx before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period. c. non performing loan (npl) is a measurement of the importance of credit given. the higher the npl, the worse and the lower the bank performance the better, the best npl is of course 0% which means there are no non-performing loans. for banks, this npl is a critical concern because it has side effects in the form of decreased revenues and increased npl costs, which means lower profits and effects roa, roe, bopo and car (ristanto, 2021). h3: there is a sig difference in the asset quality ratio proxied by npl at banking company that listed on the idx before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period. financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 106 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting d. operating expenses and operating income (bopo) is an indication of the bank's ability to manage wealth and manage risk (putera, 2020). the covid-19 pandemic causing many parties think that the bopo ratio will increase. on the other hand, a research by sutrisno et al. (2020) found that islamic banks can generally control their efficiency, where bopo is a measure of bank efficiency, the higher the bopo, the lower the income. h4: there is a sig difference in the asset quality ratio proxied by bopo at banking company that listed on the idx before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period. past research • result of the research by (hartadinata & farihah, 2021), there was no sig difference in roa value between before the covid-19 pandemic as well as during the pandemic. • the research by putera (2020) presents evidence of a relationship between executive compensation and bank performance in indonesia. through the application of factor analysis, it was shown that board remuneration and board size are positively related to accounting aspects, especially income, costs and profits. finally, decisions should be monitored beyond the reward system as a bonus to mitigate risk from internal and external factors. • the results of study by diana et al. (2021) demonstrates fluctuating performance levels during the covid-19 pandemic. profitability indicators of performance of the bank, shows some shariah banks are rated as efficient and some are underperforming. in terms of liquidity ratios, liquidity ratios have fallen among average banks, the lowest was bri syariah, down 50.9%, bank solvency ratios are generally good. • the results of the data processor of the article by thamrin (2021), it hows the overall impact of covid-19 on the financial performance of islamic banks in indonesia, as can be seen by the results of the paired sample t-test table, the ratio of car, roa, npf and fdr is not sig, demonstrate a difference in financial performance of it. • the main conclusions of the paper by zihui et al. (2020), shows that the covid-19 caused a sig negative effect onvarious departments in china also united states, brazil, and canada, financial risks in european markets have also impacted most markets, and although there has been widespread convergence within asia-pacific markets, they have become a source of risk in global markets. besides the intensity of integration and cooperation in european financial markets has increased significantly. • the study by he et al. (2020) found that transportation, mining, electricity & heating, and environment industries have been adversely effected by the pandemic. however, manufacturing, information technology, education and health-care industries have been resilient to the pandemic. financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 107 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the conceptual framework used in this study: source: data processed by researchers (2022) the variance test above is to see the difference in bank performance before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period (shahabi et al., 2021). if there's a difference, it's the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the indonesian stock exchange (idx) listed bank performance in 20192021. the purpose of this study was to test banks company on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) using car, roa, npl, serta bopo variables to find out whether there are differences in performance between before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic in the periode 2019 – 2021 or not. method this study uses a comparative quantification method. comparative quantitation methods are studies that compare and contrast two or more different objects to see if there are variable differences between the objects under study (allen & gu, 2021). comparative quantitative methods can be used to determine the cause, effect, or effect that exists between two different groups (nuryadi et al., 2017). the choice of comparative quantitative methods for this study is made because the study aims to determine the impact of the covid-19 pandemic phenomenon (caferra et al., 2022). this study will use data from before the existence of covid-19 (2019) and during the existence of covid-19 (2021). additionally, the study examines the impact of the pandemic on the financial performance of indonesian banks. the population under study is banking sector company in the listed on the idx before as well as after the covid-19 pandemic’s period. the samples are selected in this study were based on a pro-positive sampling method that selects samples based on certain criteria. suggestive sampling criteria were: 1. banking company listed on the idx in 2019 – 2021. 2. banking company that publish annual reports during 2019-2021. financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 108 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. banking company that have complete data during 2019 – 2021 are related to the variables used in this study. 4. financial statements of banking company listed on the idx in 2019 – 2021 that use rupiah currency. the type of data used in this study is secondary data. secondary data are data that are not directly available from the research subject. research receives prepackaged data collected by other parties in a variety of commercial and non-commercial ways or methods (nuryadi et al., 2017). the data of this study were obtained from: 1) indonesian stock exchange (idx) through 2) journals, books and research related to the research topic. this study collects process data using documentation research techniques. a documentation study is a method of collecting data from documents produced by the subject himself or another party (maghfiroh, 2021). the documents used in this study are financial reports issued by the indonesian stock exchange (idx) and the internet of each company, issued between 2019 and 2021 annual report that meet the criteria for each variable of the study. the study compares four variables of financial performance of banks listed on the indonesian stock exchange (idx). the variables used in this study are capital adequacy ratio (car), return on assets (roa), non-performing loans (npl) and biaya operasional dan pendapatan operasional (bopo). the stages carried out to analyze the data in this study are as follows: a. descriptive statistics in this study, descriptive analysis will use the average level of financial performance indicators of indonesian banks to determine the average financial performance of banks before and during the covid-19 pandemic. b. basic assumption test 1) normality test this study used a statistical test used, namely kolmogrov-smirnov, and the following decisionmaking basis : a. if the data of the object under study the signification value > 0.05, then the data is normally distributed. b. if the data of the object under study the signification value < 0.05, then the data is abnormally distributed. if the normality test results show normal distribution data, a different test will be carried out with a paired sample t-test, while if the data is distributed abnormally, it will use signwilxocon which is more suitable for use. file:///d:/umby/penelitian/pak%20budi/ financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 109 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2) differential test the analytical tools used are paired simple t-test and sign-wixolcon to test the differences in the performance of banking company before and during the covid-19 pandemic in 2019 – 2021. the basis for decision making in this test is as follows: a) if the signification value > 0.05 then there is no difference in the average between the bank's financial performance in indonesia. b) if the signification value < 0.05, there is a difference in the bank's financial performance in indonesia. result and discussion the data used in this study are the financial reports published by the indonesian stock exchange (idx) on the period 2019 – 2021. there are 44 banking company in indonesia that meet the criteria for each variable from the survey as shown in table 1 below: table 1 research data 1 agro 10 bbmd 19 bina 28 bnli 37 maya 2 agrs 11 bbni 20 bjbr 29 bris 38 mcor 3 amar 12 bbri 21 bjtm 30 bsim 39 mega 4 arto 13 bbtn 22 bksw 31 bswd 40 nisp 5 babp 14 bbyb 23 bmas 32 btpn 41 nobu 6 baca 15 bcic 24 bmri 33 btps 42 pnbn 7 bbca 16 bdmn 25 bnba 34 bvic 43 pnbs 8 bbhi 17 beks 26 bnga 35 dnar 44 sdra 9 bbkp 18 bgtg 27 bnii 36 inpc source: processed data from a. descriptive statistics table 2 descriptive statistics indicators year mean car 2019 27,80 2021 37,02 roa 2019 0.81 file:///d:/umby/penelitian/pak%20budi/ financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 110 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2021 -0,01 npl 2019 1,96 2021 1,31 bopo 2019 94,54 2021 103,33 source: data processed with spss (2022) according to the data in table 2, it is showed that: 1. the car of banks in indonesia is averaged 27.80% pre-covid-19 pandemic (2019) and averaged 37.02% during the pandemic (2021). based on surat edaran bank indonesia no. 6/23/dpnp 2004, car above 12% is considered very healthy and below 12% is considered unhealthy. 6%. on this basis, the 2021 car ratio is assessed as very healthy. car ratios during the pandemic have improved compared to pre-covid-19. 2. the roa of banks in indonesia showed an average value of 0.81% pre-covid-19 (2019), but an average value of -0.01% during the pandemic (2021). according to surat edaran bank indonesia no. 13/24/dpnp 2011, roa determination is considered very sound when > 1.5% and unsound when < 1.5%. 0% on this basis, indonesian banks' roa ratios were in an unsanitary state before and during covid-19. however, during covid-19, roa of the bank in indonesia fell. this means that it has been able to generate good profitability from its operations compared to pre-covid-19. 3. the bank’s npl in indonesia before covid-19 (2019) show us an average value of 1.96%, while during the pandemic (2021) it demonstrate an average value of 1.31%. according to surat edaran bank indonesia no.6/23/dpnp 2004, npls are considered very healthy if < 2% and are said to be unhealthy if > 12%. based on this, the bank's npl ratio in indonesia before as well as during the pandemic was in good health. even during covid-19, the bank's npl in indonesia has decreased, which means that there is an increase in performance at banks in indonesia when compared to before covid-19. 4. the bopo of banks in indonesia averaged 94.54% before the covid-19 pandemic, but averaged 103.33% during the pandemic. according to surat edaran bank indonesia no. 6/23/dpnp 2004, bopo is safe if it has 97% share. based on this, the bopo ratio of indonesian banks was in an unsanitary state before and during covid-19. even during covid-19, indonesian bank bopo increased. this means that indonesian banks have performed poorly compared to pre-covid-19. financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 111 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting b. the classical assumptions test 1) normality test table 3 normality test results indicators year ks test asymp sig. (2-tailed) descriptio n distribution car 2019 1,93 0,001 p < 0,05 abnormal 2021 1,45 0,030 p < 0,05 abnormal roa 2019 2,14 0,000 p < 0,05 abnormal 2021 1.83 0,003 p < 0,05 abnormal npl 2019 0,84 0,487 p > 0,05 normal 2021 1.30 0,067 p > 0,05 normal bopo 2019 1,72 0,005 p < 0,05 abnormal 2021 1,99 0,001 p < 0,05 abnormal source: data processed with spss (2022) according to the results of the normality test (table 3), it can be known, that: 1. car ratio pre-covid-19 (2019) got a sig. value of 0.001 which means that the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be concluded that the ratio of car pre-covid-19 is abnormally distributed. meanwhile, the car ratio during covid-19, namely in 2021, received a sig value. of 0.030 which means the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be concluded that the car ratio during the pandemic is abnormally distributed. 2. roa ratio pre-covid-19 (2019) got a sig. value of 0.000 which means the value of sig. < 0.05 then it can be concluded that the roa ratio pre-covid-19 is abnormally distributed. meanwhile, the roa ratio during covid-19, namely in 2021, received a sig value. of 0.003 which means the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be concluded that the roa ratio during the pandemic is abnormally distributed. 3. npl ratio pre-covid-19 (2019), earned a sig value. of 0.487 which means the value of sig. > 0.05, it can be concluded that the npl ratio pre-covid-19 was normally distributed. meanwhile, the npl ratio during covid-19, namely in 2021, received a sig value. of 0.067 which means the value of sig. > 0.05, it can be concluded that the npl ratio during the pandemic is normally distributed. 4. bopo ratio pre-covid-19 (2019) received a sig value. of 0.005 which means the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be concluded that the bopo ratio pre-covid-19 is abnormal. meanwhile, the bopo ratio during covid-19, namely in 2021, received a sig value. of 0.001 which means the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be concluded that the bopo ratio during the pandemic is abnormally distributed. financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 112 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2) differential test table 4 paired sample t-test results year t sig (2tailed) description decision npl 2019 – 2021 2,487 0,017 p < 0,05 there are differences source: data processed with spss (2022) the spss 27 output in table 4 shows the test results different from the paired sample ttest. the npl ratio shows the value of sig. of 0.017 then the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the npl ratio before and during covid-19. table 5 sign-wilcoxon test results year z sig (2-tailed) description decision car 2019 – 2021 -4,68 0,000 p < 0,05 there are differences roa 2019 – 2021 -2,33 0,020 p < 0,05 there are differences bopo 2019 – 2021 -0,64 0,521 p > 0,05 no difference source: data processed with spss (2022) the spss output in table 5 shows various sign-wilcoxon test results. the car ratio is 0.000 sig. 0.05 suggests a sig difference in car ratios before and during covid-19. since the sig. value of the roa ratio is 0.020, the sig. value <0.020. at 0.05, we can conclude that there is a sig difference in roa ratios before and during covid-19. whilw the bopo ratio shows signs with a value of 0.521, we can conclude that values of sig. > 0.05 are not sigly different in the proportion of bopo before and during covid-19. financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 113 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the results of the paired simple t-test and sign-wilcoxon performed in spss, it become clear that: a. the car variable had a differences before and during covid-19, so h1 was accepted. before covid-19, in 2019, the car ratio received a sig value. means a sig value of 0.001 < 0.05. we can conclude that pre-covid-19 car ratios are abnormally distributed. on the other hand, the car ratio received a sig value during covid-19, in 2021, means a sig value of 0.030. < 0.05. we can conclude that the car ratio is abnormally distributed after covid-19. car ratio was classified as very healthy during covid-19, performing better compared to pre-covid-19. b. the roa variable shows a difference before and during covid-19, so h2 is accepted. the roa of banking company in indonesia averaged 0.81% before covid-19 and averaged 0.01% during covid-19 (2021). according to surat edaran bank indonesia no. 13/24/dpnp 2011, roa determination is considered very sound when it more than 1.5% and unsound when it less than 0%. on this basis, indonesian banks' roa ratios were in an unsanitary state before and during covid-19. however, during covid-19 (2021), banks' roa in indonesia decreased. this means that we were able to generate good profitability from our operations compared to before covid-19. c. the npl variable had a differences before and during covid-19, so h3 was accepted. the bank's npl in indonesia before covid-19 (2019) showed an average value of 1.96%, while during covid-19 (2021) it showed an average value of 1.31%. according to surat edaran bank indonesia nomor 6/23/dpnp tahun 2004, npls are considered very healthy if more than 2% and are said to be unhealthy if less than 12%. based on this, the bank's npl ratio in indonesia before covid-19 and during covid-19 was in good health. even during covid-19 (2021), bank npl in indonesia has decreased, which means that there is an increase in performance at banks in indonesia when compared to before covid-19. d. the bopo variable did not have a difference before and during covid-19, so h5 was rejected. the bopo of banks in indonesia is averaged 94.54% before the covid-19 pandemic, but averaged 103.33% during the covid-19 pandemic. according to surat edaran bank indonesia nomor 6/23/dpnp tahun 2004, bopo is safe provided it has more than of 94.54% and does not less than 97% share. based on this, the bopo ratio of indonesian banks was in an unsanitary state before and during covid-19. even during covid-19, indonesian bank bopo has increased, which means that indonesian banks are performing worse than before covid19. based on the results of this study, the suggestions that can be conveyed are: financial performance of banking companies listed on idx before as well as during the covid-19 pandemic budiantara, paramitalaksmi, and rihadani 114 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a. for banks in indonesia although the bopo ratio is in an unhealthy state, the performance of banks in indonesia before and during the 2019-2021 covid-19 pandemic can generally be considered healthy. based on this, it is suggested that the indonesian bank's management can manage the company's operations more efficiently in the future. b. for further research in order to provide outbound results on the effect of the 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international journal of tax and accounting, 4(1),14-25. abstract: adaptation to changes based on information and communication technology (ict) causes obstacles and community preparedness for the 5.0 age, also known as society 5.0. this necessitates the digital revolution of all disciplines, including taxation. government efforts to promote taxpayer compliance include creating a contemporary tax administration system encompassing organizational structure, business processes, information and communication technology, human resource management, and applying good governance. in addition to the tax administration system, taxpayer knowledge also influences the level of taxpayer compliance. this study's objective is to investigate the use of ict in a modern tax administration system to enhance taxpayer compliance. the main theory in this research is positive accounting theory which was developed by watt & zimmerman in 1986. this study employs a qualitative approach and descriptive methodologies. this study demonstrates that the incorporation of ict is a component of the modernization of the tax administration system. application of the e-tax system, which comprises e-registration, e-spt, e-filing, e-payment, blockchain, artificial intelligence (ai), chatbots, and biometric identification, can constitute the use of ict in the tax administration system. ease of service, particularly in filling out spt electronically, or e-spt, is the method for boosting taxpayer compliance with the modernization of the tax administration system utilizing ict. keywords: information and communication technology (ict), tax administration system, taxpayers, e-spt. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in understanding the accounting administration system in the modern era, the most relevant theory is the positive accounting theory developed by two people, namely watt and zimmerman who first coined this theory in 1986. this theory seeks to explain and be the answer to the utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 15 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reasons why practice in accounting is carried out and provide a prediction of messages from accounting and information in making economic decisions from an individual, company, or other party (nemade et al., 2019). this theory also has the advantage of being able to find out the motivation of a company in revaluing its assets. furthermore, this theory also puts forward at least three basic hypotheses related to management's opportunistic behavior, namely: 1) bonus plan hypothesis, which states that a manager will choose an accounting model that aims to increase the competence that will be obtained by the company; 2) debt covenant hypothesis, which is the selection of an accounting model that aims to reduce the possibility of violating the terms of the debt or bond agreement; and 3) political cost hypothesis, this hypothesis shows that companies with a large size will prefer an accounting model that can reduce company profits in a financial report (mithas & rust, 2016). modernization will continue to develop in various companies in the world and will never stop. one of the results of modernization is marked by the emergence of sophisticated technology which is one of the supporting tools for achieving the company's vision and mission. even in the last 20 years, this is predicted to go even further, as the results of a study conducted by the economist are as follows: figure 1. the economist's research predictions about computerization in various professions source: the economist in general, many parties justify the publication because part of the accountant's role has been replaced by the role of (information) technology. for some others, it doesn't necessarily justify the publication. for example, barclays mentions jobs are changing, not disappearing (drnevich utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 16 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting & croson, 2013). this statement can have a double meaning. the first is the change that has taken place in the profession from a lot of clerical work to jobs that are more discretionary in nature and are more strategic/discretion-based within the accounting profession itself. the second is the changes that occur and result in a decrease in the role and need for accountants in the world of work and so they have to move to other fields of work or industries. the rate of technological advancement in the current global period is extremely quick. several aspects of organizational operations aided by technology demonstrate this (gadenne, 2017). technology is a tool designed to assist individual humans in accomplishing their responsibilities. information and communication technology represent improvements in technology that are equally crucial to the operations of a business (pea, 2018). information and communication technology is crucial in the business world due to the significance of information technology as a competitive advantage for private businesses (drnevich & croson, 2013). the contribution of information and communication technology (ict) in creating added value for companies is a controversial issue in the economy of information technology. technology investments made by companies have strategic goals to advance company performance (mithas & rust, 2016). research that reveals a relationship between it and organizational performance states various results, ranging from a negative relationship between ict investment and various organizational performance criteria (sarunan, 2016). the potential profit from ict investment is more difficult than seeing the potential profit from tangible assets; this is because the benefits of it cannot be felt directly. financial performance is most often used as a benefit assessment compared to ict because of its ease of viewing performance (coltman et al., 2015). ict is not only used by profit-based companies or organizations. government organizations also use ict; as written by (pang et al., 2014), several governments and public sector organizations invest in information technology to make government management more effective. in recent years, the indonesian government has launched a program to use information technology, one of which is the directorate general of taxes (dgt), which has launched a tax modernization program (saragih et al., 2022). taxes are a source of government revenue used to fund government expenditures and development (gadenne, 2017). taxes are the state's primary source of revenue. article 1 of tax law no. 28 of 2007 defines taxes as an obligatory contribution to the state payable by persons or entities that are coercive under the law by not receiving direct remuneration and used for the state's purposes for the maximum prosperity of the people (ismawati, 2022). tax administration is necessary for the imposition and collection of taxes. according to (daba & mishra, 2014), the assessment of tax revenue performance must consider the achievement of tax administration goals, such as enhancing taxpayer compliance and implementing tax legislation uniformly to acquire maximum revenue at optimal costs. following this objective, the directorate general of taxes has implemented administrative reform since 2001 to achieve: (1) a high level of voluntary compliance, (2) a high level of trust in tax administration, and (3) a high level of productivity among tax officers. utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 17 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (alm, 2019) defines taxpayer compliance as the circumstance in which taxpayers perform all tax duties and exercise all tax entitlements in line with the tax legislation. compliance by taxpayers has always been a concern with taxation. the percentage of taxpayers who comply with their tax duties has mostly stayed the same yearly (hajawiyah et al., 2021). this conclusion compares the number of taxpayers in indonesia who meet compliance standards and the total number of taxpayers registered. most existing taxpayers need to comprehend their rights and responsibilities (magribi & yulianti, 2022). presidential instruction no. 3 of 2003 regarding national policies and strategies for egovernment development, so dgt also developed e-government. the manifestation of egovernment development in dgt can be seen in the reforms carried out by dgt (nautami & wahid, 2019). technological changes at dgt began to align with the reforms carried out by dgt. dgt's strategic map illustrates that information technology is one of dgt's strategies for increasing tax compliance (sarunan, 2016). the administrative system in modern tax offices is supported by information technology to increase efficiency in tax services (bhuasiri et al., 2016). the directorate general of taxes has prepared an sop (standard operating procedure) for each job with the hope that in this modernization system, the accumulation of work and power can be avoided (madewing, 2013). one of the objectives of the mid-term reforms carried out by dgt is to increase tax compliance by taxpayers. previous research has demonstrated that tax knowledge and the implementation of the tax administration system influence compliance (astana & merkusiwati, 2017) (sari & jati, 2019). a high level of compliance is anticipated to improve tax revenues, making taxpayer compliance an important factor. the use of technology can facilitate human labor. it is anticipated that tax technology will make it easier for taxpayers to conduct tax transactions to be more tax compliant in compliance with current tax legislation (rakhmawati & rusydi, 2020). compliance with the dgt's information technology can be measured against a business's income or receipts. the dgt developed tax information technology to aid corporate taxpayers in executing tax transactions. dgt's convenience and usage will raise taxpayers' knowledge of tax reporting and payment. it is anticipated that the benefits afforded by using information technology will also diminish tax fraud committed by irresponsible parties (dowling, 2014). based on the described phenomena and challenges in the research background, the problem of this study is how the use of ict in the tax administration system might promote compliance with the mandatory pack. following the existing description of the problem, this study aims to determine the contribution of ict to the tax administration system in enhancing taxpayer compliance. method the qualitative technique was applied in this investigation. a qualitative approach can be produced or constructed as a research method that stresses words over numbers in data utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 18 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting collecting and analysis, as well as an inductive approach in the relationship between theory and research that can produce a theory. according to (moleong, 2014), one of the features of a qualitative approach is focusing on the processes that occur or the consequences. qualitative researchers are curious about how something came to be. according to this viewpoint, the qualitative technique utilized by researchers will focus on the reality that is occurring by watching the research subject, determining the elements that cause it to occur, and then seeking solutions to the problems. apart from reporting social events or realities, this study adopted a qualitative approach to seek and discover the forms and behaviors of applying information and communication technology (ict) in the tax administration system to promote taxpayer compliance. result and discussion 1. modernization of the tax administration system the department of government and taxation (dgt) is modernizing its tax administration system to serve the public better and promote accountable leadership. implementing a trustworthy and cutting-edge it infrastructure to manage taxes openly and responsibly is a key component of good governance. the approach is to give the taxpayers high-quality service and strict oversight. furthermore, it seeks to maximize tax compliance, public confidence in the tax system, and the efficiency of tax authorities. many advancements have been made toward modernizing tax administration. because of this, optimizing tax income should be done right, efficiently, and effectively (gao & ma, 2015). of course, the goal of the government's modern tax administration is not limited to the maximization of tax revenue. provisions, procedures, and tax activities also enhance services to make them business-friendly for the community, especially for business people. this additional aspect must be carried out jointly to lead to a shift in the paradigm of taxes (fjeldstad, 2013). according to (sentanu & budiartha, 2019), "modernization of tax administration" is "a process of renewal reform in the field of tax administration that is carried out comprehensively, covering aspects of information technology, namely software, hardware, and human resources, with the aim of achieving a level of tax compliance and achieving high-performance productivity of the tax apparatus, so that it is expected to reshape the tax system and make it more efficient and effective." according to (pandiangan, 2013), the purpose of tax modernization is to answer the background of tax modernization, namely: a) achieving a high level of tax compliance. b) achieving a high level of trust in tax administration. c) achieving a high level of productivity for tax officials. enhancing the current system through the modernization of tax administration to boost taxpayer compliance, build taxpayer trust, and increase tax officials' efficiency. the directorate general of taxes appoints personnel as account representatives (ar) who have received special education utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 19 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and training to give full and excellent service to taxpayers concerning the fulfillment of taxpayer rights and obligations (maria, 2015). following the minister of finance decree no. 98/kmk.01/2006 on account representatives at tax service offices that have implemented modern organizations, an account representative has been designated to carry out the responsibility of enhancing taxation by way of advising/appealing, consulting, analyzing, and supervising taxpayers. every tax service office using the new modern organization structure has a designated account representative who works in the supervision and consultation branch. they are required to refer to the decree of the minister of administrative reform no. 63/kep/m.pan/7/2003 concerning general rules for the administration of public services while they are carrying out the implementation of the supply of services to account representative taxpayers. in the decision made by the minister for administrative reform, it is regulated that service consists of all activities related to service that public service providers carry out to fulfill the needs of service recipients and the implementation of statutory provisions. this definition of service can be found in the decision. the principles of service, including simplicity, clarity, legal certainty, accuracy, security, responsibility, completeness of facilities and infrastructure, ease of access, discipline, politeness, friendliness, and comfort, must be adhered to by public services. the simplification of complicated bureaucracy is an improvement to corporate processes. these processes consist of work methods, systems, and procedures. the department of general services (dgt) modernization program aims to implement full automation through information and communication technology, particularly for administrative and clerical work. one important pillar of the modernization program is the improvement of business processes. implementing full automation is anticipated to result in the creation of a business process that is both efficient and effective. this is because the administrative process will become paperless, quicker, simpler, and more accurate. this will improve the level of service provided to taxpayers, both in terms of time and quality. business processes are designed in such a way as to reduce direct contact between dgt employees and taxpayers to minimize the possibility of kkn. in addition, the internal oversight function will be more effective with a built-in control system because anyone can oversee the running of administrative processes through the existing system. several tax service facilities available at each kpp and ready to be used by the public or taxpayers in tune with modernization are as follows: integrated service center (tpt); account representatives; helpdesk; complaint center; call centers; tax information media; website; an e-taxation system which includes: e registration; e-spt; e-filling and e-payment. 2. taxpayer compliance compliance is one of the primary goals of the directorate general of taxes' reform initiatives. tax compliance is the readiness of taxpayers to meet responsibilities following existing legislation utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 20 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting without the need for inspections, investigations, warnings, or threats, as well as the application of legal and administrative punishments (james et al., 2019). therefore, assuming all taxpayers obey and comply with the applicable tax rules, there will be no difference between potential and actual tax revenue. consequently, a rise in the degree of tax compliance will reduce the tax gap, which is the difference between prospective tax income and actual tax revenue (wahab & holland, 2015). taxpayer compliance relates to the taxpayer's perspective while assessing the tax itself. a person's internal and external factors significantly impact his or her perspective of making judgments about other individuals. learning and motivation are internal variables that shape a taxpayer's viewpoint, influencing the taxpayer's compliance with tax duties. (helhel & ahmed, 2014) found that internal factors had a greater impact on tax compliance. regardless of how hard the dgt tries, its efforts will never be successful if the problem lies within the taxpayer. the environment and circumstances influence perceptions through external causes. from an external perspective or outside the taxpayer, the directorate general of taxes (dgt) has undertaken numerous measures to boost taxpayers' motivation, including updating the tax administration system and modifying the tax system (self-assessment system). in addition to dgt's efforts, the public is troubled by corruption instances that continue to be unearthed. the surfacing of corruption cases involving tax officers and government officials produces unfavorable opinions and alters the taxpayer's perspective on the benefits of paying taxes (nurkhin et al., 2018). tax compliance consists of 2 forms, namely formal and non-formal. formal compliance is a situation where the taxpayer formally fulfills his tax obligations following the tax law's provisions. for example: submitting it to the kpp before the set deadline. at the same time, material compliance is a situation where the taxpayer substantively/essentially fulfills all material provisions on taxation according to the tax law's content and soul. for example, taxpayers who fill out the spt honestly, properly, and correctly follow the provisions of the law. then according to (gobena & van dijke, 2017), tax compliance is indicated by: (a) the level of understanding of the taxpayer and efforts to understand all provisions of tax laws and regulations; (b) the taxpayer fills out the tax form completely and, (c) the taxpayer calculates the amount of tax payable correctly, and (d) pays the tax payable on time. 3. use of information technology in the tax administration system the implementation of information technology in the government is accomplished through electronic government, often known as e-government. the implementation of e-government in numerous nations, including indonesia, is already widespread. numerous public requests for the establishment of good governance by the government apparatus have prompted the development of a technical solution that may integrate the governance system via an online information network that strives to deliver excellent service to the community (guha & chakrabarti, 2014). the utilization of information technology consists of two interdependent activities: a) data processing, information processing, management systems, and work processes electronically. utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 21 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting b) the utilization of information technology advances so that people in all regions can access public services easily and cheaply. the directorate general of taxes, as a government organization related to all sectors of people's lives, is fully aware that with improvisation in the field of information technology, business dynamics will be able to be anticipated. the directorate general of taxes develops information technology-based tax services as a demand for convenience in the tax administration process through services. information technology is one of the visible improvements in the modernization of the tax administration system. dgt develops reliable information technology to make dgt a more effective and efficient organization. 1. complaint center, the purpose of establishing a complaint center is to accommodate complaints from taxpayers. 2. call center, the function of the call center is to make it easier for wp to interact directly without being anywhere and anytime. 3. tax information media taxpayers can access everything related to taxes free of charge. 4. the information website, which is growing rapidly, requires dgt to join the flow of this development. one of the things that dgt has done is create a website. the community can use this website to see what information has been issued by the dgt 5. tax e-system the e-system was created by dgt to facilitate services for internet-based taxpayers. taxpayers can utilize the e-system in carrying out tax transactions through the various facilities offered by the e-system. some of the things that exist in the e-system, namely: a. e-regristation. e-regristation is an online taxpayer registration system with an application system as part of the use of information technology systems at dgt, which is linked to hardware and software-based data communication devices. b. e-filling. e-feling is a way of submitting spt or notification of spt extension, which is done online in real time through an application service or application service provider c. e-spt e-spt is the taxpayer's spt data in a form made by the taxpayer using the e-spt application provided by the taxpayer. d. online payment online payment is an online payment that can be paid through national banks and several places that the dgt. has designated as part of the use of information technology systems at dgt that are linked to hardware and softwarebased data communication devices. an efficient tax administration system can change the fundamentals of the taxpayer compliance process. however, there are still obstacles in optimizing the system if we rely heavily on human resources. with the development of the increasing number of taxpayers adopting the use of sustainable innovative technology that can help simplify administrative complexity, the tax authority can reduce the need for human resources needed to manage the implemented system. the types of technology currently developing and used as survey aspects of innovative technological developments in the application of digital tax administration. utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 22 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting blockchain is a digital data storage system consisting of transaction records or data spread across the internet using multiple servers (multiserver). the data structure of the blockchain is not managed or controlled by one party but can be shared publicly and managed globally even at the same time. using a cryptographic system that forms a network and guarantees the security of the information regarding users who send or receive information so that the security aspects of making transactions can be maintained with each other. the use of blockchain technology is widely used by companies in the financial sector (banking), logistics, e-commerce, and including in the world of taxation (nemade et al., 2019). in facilitating taxpayers to pay taxes and supporting the transparency of tax transactions in indonesia. artificial intelligence, the application of artificial intelligence technology, can examine large amounts of data to create a database that allows regulators to carry out supervision in identifying suspicious transactions more practically. chatbots, this technology is a conversation products using artificial intelligence (ai) technology. the existence of this technology can connect one party to another, even though a robot assists it; the resulting discussion is designed in an informal style that is easy for users to learn and understand. biometric identification this technique can realize transparency and accountability in the financial transaction process with biometric information such as fingerprint recording, iris scanning, and voice and facial recognition. in the field of taxation, in the future, by implementing this technology, the government, through the tax authority, can make the basis a requirement for accessing benefits provided by the government and filing income taxes. currently, the state of india has implemented this technology in the field of taxation; this technique is important in the process of the investigation mechanism. 4. utilization of ict in the tax administration system in improving taxpayer compliance the author intended the information technology created by dgt to assist taxpayers in conducting tax transactions, especially in making espt. the purpose of using e-spt by wp is because it is required by kpp to use this technology. companies feel enormous benefits in using information technology, so using this technology is not a loss, but on the contrary, it is a good thing. users of this technology feel the work that feels easier. users experience enormous benefits with the existence of this information technology. when viewed from the point of view of taxpayer compliance, it is increasingly self-compliant with the existence of this information technology. as stated in the theoretical basis, dgt has 3 strategies in order to increase tax compliance, namely: 1. increasing voluntary compliance. 2. maintaining (maintaining) compliance of compliant taxpayers, 3. counteract non-compliance of obedient taxpayers. applications in the form of e-spt are often the main figures in the use of information technology. not all technologies made by dgt are used optimally by wp; only technologies utilization of information and communication technology in the tax administration system to increase taxpayer compliance djafri, damawati, suharto, satwika, and rahmatullah 23 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting considered important, such as e-spt, are because other information technologies are not directly related to reporting or tax transactions. e-spt is a free application provided by the dgt to help taxpayers make annual reports or tax returns. following what has been stated in the dgt strategy map, technology is one of dgt's strategies to increase compliance. this research also shows the same results, which can be seen in the relationship between information technology and compliance. the use of information technology by taxpayers can improve performance in tax reporting. information technology makes it easy to make tax reports or tax returns. users feel that this information technology can make the user's jobs easier. the tendency to use information technology in e-spt is quite high because e-spt is one of the technologies directly related to tax transactions, and e-spt spoils its users. e-spt users feel the benefits of using the e-spt. reporting taxpayers with varying amounts of tax charged by the dgt does not affect their utilization, so both taxpayers with high tax values and taxpayers with low tax values feel the same workload. even though one form still has to be typed manually using a tape typewriter, this is fine with the satisfaction of a technology user who has started to develop among taxpayers. tax information technology plays a role in increasing taxpayer compliance with taxes. various benefits and conveniences in information technology enable companies to complete their tasks more quickly and precisely. tax calculations that are likely to be correct are certainly presented in the report. this is because this application already has the percentage of tax deductions imposed by the state on companies. this application does not provide loopholes for users to commit fraud. information technology created by dgt can be said to force its users to comply. that coercion makes them have to follow the existing rules, whether they want to or not. information technology is one of dgt's strategies in order to increase taxation. conclusion of course, the purpose of the government's modern tax administration, which the government carries out, is not merely to seek and achieve the optimization of tax collection alone. another aspect is important to be carried out together towards a change in the taxation paradigm; regulations, procedures, and tax activities are also continuously directed at improving services so that they become business-friendly for the 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for a period of twelve years. data were collected through a well-structured questionnaire, personal interviews and review of government documents. questionnaires were administered to the 31 top management staff at the board of internal revenue services in kano state. at the bureau of land management in kano state, questionnaires were also administered to 25 senior cadre officers. personal interviews were also conducted. using the pearson correlation coefficient, the result of the study showed that there was a positive relationship between land taxes and total igr in kano states and the strength of association was strong i.e., (0.989) in kano state. by implication, land tax forms a major source of revenue in the two study areas. in view of this, the study concluded that for government to continue to provide the necessary infrastructure and also maintain them through revenue from land tax, government needs to take into consideration a good property statistics and information together with the property owners, tax laws need to be reviewe\d to tackle tax evasion and at the same time, government should be ready to give proper account of revenue realised through land taxation and this should be published accordingly. keywords: land tax, total internal revenue, property tax, kano state this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license introduction taxes are generally being referred to as charges and levies paid by all taxable adult in a community. this is to be able to provide amenities, such as town halls, markets, roads and electricity (muhammad & ishiyaku, 2013). taxes described as a compulsory on all corporate services, individuals, partnership and goods (samuel & inyada, 2010). direct and indirect taxes are system by which government mobilise revenues (chaudhry & munir, 2010). examples of direct tax are commercial tax, personal income tax, capital gains tax, excise duty , vat and critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 129| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting service tax. the most populous country in africa is nigeria and is in west africa (world bank, 2022). this high population no doubt causes the social amenities and infrastructure to be overstretched. this infrastructure would require regular repairs and upgrade not to mention high costs of expansion and replacements (reed & mberu, 2014). if this is the case, taxation (direct or indirect) is an important element that cannot be underestimated in the mobilisation of revenue. property taxation is another form of taxation for mobilisation of revenue for the government. it is a fundamental instrument for effective land administration and a tool for generating government revenue (adefolake & omodero, 2022; egbunike et al., 2018) land tax is a recurrent tax on the ownership of undeveloped or developed land, excluding any development made on land. land taxes can be classified into two: property tax and land charges (franzsen & mccluskey, 2017). examples of land charges are ground rent, land use charges and fees such as: survey, registration and search, valuation, application, application, re-grant, change of purpose and occupancy permit. property tax is a charge levied compulsorily on interest in ownership and use of landed properties. this includes: tenement rate, probate tax, capital gains tax, capital transfer tax, stamp duties, withholding tax, severance tax, betterment/development tax and site-value tax. it is a major avenue for realising income for local and state authority. this revenue can be for government to bear the cost of providing and maintaining social services. the arms of government in charge of tax management are the federal board of internal revenue (fbir), state board of internal revenue (sbir) and the joint tax board (jtb). they have the authority to manage and see to the affairs of tax system in the country (olayode & omodero, 2021). tax operation majorly include getting of optimum return or collection of information, appraisal, appeals, collection and recovery of taxes. if these factors are under a proper tax administration system and effective legal framework, then property tax could be a successful domestic resource mobilisation (eneh, 2010; nwamuo, 2019). since the 70’s the nigerian government has depended on revenue generated from oil. with time, it became increasingly evident that the expenditure from the local, state and federal levels could no longer be met with the revenue generated from crude oil alone. the country’s reliance on petroleum as a main foreign exchange earners allows the economy to be vulnerable to external manipulations (ugoan, 2019). it has therefore been advised that government should generate revenue from other sources. there is need to underscore the enthusiasm in all the tiers of governments and even the federal government’s new sources of revenue and also improve the zeal in collecting revenue from existing sources especially taxation (kiabel & nwokah, 2009). the pressing need of infrastructure by people in the face of limited resources available in nigeria have made it necessary that government should promulgate laws on taxation as a means of mobilising internally generated revenue through from land tax (ogunleye, 2014). functional, performance and structural review of the kano board of internal revenue was undertaken in august 2013. the mandate guiding the laws of operation of kano state board of internal revenue (kbir) was extracted from personal income tax act 2004(as amended), personal income tax 2001 (as amended), edict no. 9 of 1982 and kano state revenue administration law 2010. this mandate enables kbir to generate income from tax for the state critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 130| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting by the imposition of levies and charges on total income of taxable persons, collection of taxes and accounting of tax revenue among others (ajala & adegbie, 2020; stephen, 2018). kano state the board of internal revenue services, disclosed that land tax is a vital means of resources (revenue) for transitional countries and also stated that kano state government has realised =n=186billion as internal generated revenue from january 2016 (cummings et al., 2015). in summary, this study is tailored to assess all forms of land taxes in kano states in order to assess the relationship that exist between land taxes and revenue generation and also the proportion these taxes constitute in the total revenue generated to the government. the capability of land taxes as a veritable means of revenue in the study area shall be brought to the public and government domain. 1.1 role of taxation land taxation has a role to play in municipal or state effort in revenue generation. it forms an integral part of financing local government and a form of tool for decentralization. decentralisation has become an important theme in costa rica and throughout latin america. this inferred that municipals and local government has more powers to finance infrastructure with more fiscal responsibilities. in early 2005; nearly 76% of locally generated revenue in cities and towns in massachusetts came from property taxes. public works of a country that are traditionally and fundamental to the sustenance of a community include, {a.) transportation, such as highway and road system, railway, airline system and ports (b.) communication system such as telephone network and postal services (c.) governance systems, such as court system and d.) basic public services and facilities such as schools, sewages and water system (frischmann, 2007). government has been playing a continuous role in the provision of infrastructures. these infrastructures need continuous maintenance and proper management for durability, taxation has continually played a key role in this. we pay tolls to access highways, pay neighbourhood/betterment fees for maintenance of access roads, income tax, company profit tax and other corporate taxes to facilitate the growth and maintenance of these basic infrastructures. state for a period of years have put in place series of means to generate income in other to meet the needs of their people and these are majorly in three areas; taxation revenue, sales of goods and services and grants and subsides. evidence has shown that in africa, deficiency in infrastructure and basic amenities and this inhibits their progress in the continent. this has resorted to increase in poverty rate and poor health facilities (okorie & lin, 2022). most developing countries are still behind the developed countries (castro et al., 2022). in addition, 884 million people do not have access to good drinking water and 2.6 billion people lack access to the main sensations. in view of this, revenue mobilisation in developing country is expected to be a necessity for the actualisation of sufficient finance (ogwumike & ozughalu, 2018). critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 131| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in nigeria for example, the government has depended on agriculture until the discovery of oil. nigeria was primarily an agricultural economy whose main source of revenue is in agriculture but as a result of fluctuation in oil prices, globalisation and factors of demand and supply of oil, the nigerian government has been compelled to find other means of revenue and one of these sources is taxation (anyaduba & aronmwan, 2015). on the contrary, despite the income realised by government through tax revenue, development in nigeria seems impossible due to continuous high rate of poverty, unemployment, low standard of living and poor infrastructure facilities still exists at a high rate in nigeria (nwite, 2015). similarly, the world bank reports nigeria’s infrastructure rank’s appears to be low in terms of the standard when compared with the other parts of the world (world bank, 2022). the inadequate infrastructure in nigeria as listed are the pipe borne or portable drinking water, the road system, waste management and the delivery of electricity. the federal revenue board, washington dc also revealed that; the kemp commission opined that its general overview on the principle of tax reform would almost double u.s economic growth rates over the next five to ten years (kemp commission, 1996). to buttress all of these, an efficient and effective tax reforms in any country will go a long way. if tax laws and policies are reformed, it will provide a basis for effective state action that will lift society from underdevelopment, standard of living will be raised and necessary facilities for the achievement of developmental goals. tax has effect upon the growth rate of output. the impact of tax on the output rate of growth is considered based on two separate components (gale & samwick, 2016). the rate assumption is gy, and be defined by; gy = gy [ai (ti), a2(t2)] – (1) where a1 and a2 are two actions (e.g r&d expenditure and education) and the ti, i = 1,2 are the two taxes or the levels of some other policy instrument). then the effect of the tax is; dgy = gy dai (2) dti ai dti with the tax having a significant impact on the action, so that da1/dti is large, it may not necessary have a significant impact on growth if gy/ai is small. conversely, even if the effect on the action is small, the growth effect can still be large if gy/ai is large. conclusively, it is not necessary for countries to respond in the same way to taxation. for the fact that the economic gents reacts the way (i.e, all bring down their human capital investment in the same direction as the income tax is raised) the effect of growth may not be the same. perhaps the cause of the structural difference of countries are independence on human capital accumulation for growth and the amount of focus on r&d (research and development)then the same tax policy may have very different growth consequences. 1.2 models for tax structure and revenue gary robbins and tax foundation have developed tax and growth model (tag). they felt that tax policy needs economic model that can foretell how variation in the tax codes will critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 132| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting influence economic behaviour and tax revenue (robbins et al., 2014). in making policy in taxation, they believed that it has to be measured efficiently to determine its impact in the growth of an economy and revenue generation. several other models are currently used to score tax proposal. tax foundation fiscal fact mentioned that the joint committee on taxation (jct) uses two models and these are: macroeconomic equilibrium growth (meg) and overlapping generations lifecycle (olg) models. the meg model supposes that the federal reserved continuously responds to a change in process brought about by a modification in tax policy while olg model assumes that representative agent within a population are able to utilise perfect prediction in making economic decision to improve their welfare according to specialised utility function. the hitch about these models is that complexity injected into it may meddle with the capability to stimulate rational of real world tax changes. moreover, neither of these models has been discharged to the public and the actual mechanics of the models are not known to most of the profession. based on this the tax and growth model was developed (robbins et al., 2014). michael schuyler made it known that the tax and growth model (tag) has to main interactive components; the first part is known as a production function or a neoclassic economic model, the economic output and a tax –return stimulator. the function of production relates to the inputs of labour and capital to the output of the economy. the amount of quantities of labour and capital that people are willing to supply in a country depend on the motivations that are tax related (schuyler, 2014). for labour; cobb-douglas formula was applied in this, the yield of the production function is distributed to either labour or capital based on a steady share parameter calculated by each sector. the sum of the labour shares of production per labour hour from every sector gets the gross wage for all sectors in the economy. the net wage is gross wage less the effective averaged tax rate on labour, which is generated by the tax –return simulator. ᵂi = (1-tl) ∑ as ys, i ٭shr l li 1 the desired labour supply for the whole economy is decided by an elasticity of labour. the labour supply is distributed into each sector based on the original distribution between the sectors. li + 1= 0 wi ∑ ls , i + 1 =as li + 1 capital the sector have two process for service, and these are; an observed service price (osp) and a minimum required (mrsp). the osp is the gross return to capital observed in the economy, is gotten by dividing the capital’s share of output by the stock of capital in the economy. ss, i = ys, i ٭ shrk critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 133| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting ks, i 1 this model (tag) provides the size of the economy, number of jobs, wages can be affected by a tax change which can be shown by the tag model. if a tax change would expand investment, create new jobs and bolster the nation’s output, policy makers and voters should be informed of that. however, if there is a change in tax that affects the economy negatively, the public should be aware of that. another importance of the tag model is that its estimated revenue is more realistic than conventional revenue estimates when growth effects are large. conventional revenue estimates usually assume that while tax changes may cause shifts within the economy, they do not alter the economy’s total size and productivity. tag model produces dynamics revenue estimates free of that bias. 1.3 evaluation and methods of assessment of land taxation in assessing the methods used in evaluating land taxes for revenue mobilisation, tax base needs to be determined first. the determination of tax base is done at different levels of government in various countries. in czech republic and south africa, the decision of tax base is usually made at the central government level while countries like nigeria and united states in federal countries make their decision at the state and provincial level (franzsen & mccluskey, 2017). furthermore, most other countries stipulate different tax bases based on the types and categories of properties. bases on their own classifications, it known that there are three broad ways in which tax base can be determined and these are: as per unit tax, an area-based tax, and a valuebased tax. for fairness and equity amongst tax payers in any jurisdiction, property tax base should be assessed uniformly amongst property owners (franzsen & mccluskey, 2017). a) area-based system: this approach is mostly undertaken by countries where necessary information on property is to not available. the value of tax in this situation is mostly based on location and age of the structure. it is applicable to both land and other improvements on it. the tax base is charge per square meter of the area or worth rate per square meter multiply with the size of the building. the unit assessment is adjusted to reflect the location, age of the structure and use of the property. it can be delineated that area based assessment is a reflection of average values for group of properties within zones (bird & slack, 2013). country like dar es salaam made adjustment on the assessment on tax base to be hinged on size of properties and the location. in kinshasa, democratic republic of congo, taxes are classified by neighbourhood. b) capital value system: this system of assessment is practiced mainly in a developed country where experts are available. this system appraise the value that market put on properties. there are also elucidate various methods that can be employed to estimate market value (bird & slack, 2013) and these are: i.) by assessment of comparison sales approach with similar properties in the neighbourhood, ii.) the cost method approach. this is applicable mostly for properties that seldomly change hand, critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 134| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting iii.) the income approach in which the assessors appraise the potential of gross rental income the property can produce after all other outgoings have been deducted. namibia, the philippines and swaziland value and tax land and building separately. land assessment value is based on market transaction while other advancements are based on depreciated replacement cost (franzsen & mccluskey, 2017). capital value approach is common in a country where property market is formal and countries with informal property market and limited number of valuers do not work effectively. 1.4 practice of a good property tax the way and manner in which land tax is being practiced and implemented differ from one country to another. also, there are different factors that affect the functionality and productivity of property tax despite its popularity, most especially in the developing countries. taxation administration of any country is attached to the political philosophy of that state. this means that political will has a major effect on the smooth running and the administration of property tax in any country. it can also be observed that most tax policy do not continue its operation in most developing countries because they appear not to be relevant in tax system. nevertheless, there are various reasons to endorse property tax in any country. because property value most of the time appreciate in the market, the income is elastic. if this is the case property tax would be difficult to sponge as part of revenue source for any nation (bahl & vazquez, 2008). property tax is a principal choice for local government as a main source of revenue because a tax on immovable land and building distorts resource choices less than any other choice. one can further add that property tax is a form of progressive tax, so it is charged on those that are in the high income bracket (oates & schwab, 2009). it can be deduced from this that, one should expect property tax to be a veritable source of revenue to the state. the acceptance approval of property tax as government revenue source remains valid and the reforms of tax administration and management should continue. 1.5 nigeria’s key economic indicators and oil prices and taxtake since oil has been a major source of government revenue in nigeria, it appears that effort of government to divesify into another sector of the economy to mobilise revenue has been not been fruitful. a major challenge that is facing nigeria economy has been the lower price of crude oil in the international market and coupled with this is the recession experienced by the economy in 2016. from the central bank report, 2019. it revealed that the average price of crude oil fell from around $113 a barrel in 2012 to just over $54 in 2017. the report also made it known that nigeria being the largest oil producer in africa between the year 2012 to 2014 has 57% share of the total income realised. it dropped to 41% between 2016 to 2018. according to the un-report 2018, it showed that the value-added tax (vat) and company income tax have been rising since 2015and nigeria estimated vat gap (shortfall) berween potential and actual vat collections was one of the largest in africa. this is further revealed in figure 19 below. this has put nigeria tax to gdp ratio in 2016 lower at just 3,4%, in 2017, the ratio improved to 4,8% , whereas, typical advanced countries has a tax to gdp ratio of around 40% as revealed in figure 20. critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 135| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting fig. 1 : vat gap in african countries. fig. 2: tax take in some selected african countries 2018. source: firs report, 2018. 1.6 land registration and taxation property rights and tenure system play a fundamental role in the pattern of land taxation system. it has a great influence on land property tax as regard revenue mobilisation. the style of land ownership in african countries affects the ability of property tax to generate revenue . in a developing country like nigeria, it is important that registration of land rights are made comprehensive, efficient and transparent, without these, the imposition of land tax will be difficult. this the more reason why land administration system in most african countries be made efficient and workable. the word bank policy paper, (2015) states that the problems of land administration in africa include (a.) the multiplicity of land tenure system, (b) a land administration system for the transfer of property held under formal tenure alongside an critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 136| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting informal land administration system managed by traditional authorities, (3) a deed registration system that runs parallel to a title registration system and (4) outdated and poorly maintained manual record system. multiplicity of land tenure system will definitely lead to problems for property taxation. different issues will arise on who the taxable person is, how the land will be valued and how local government structure and traditional leadership will co-exist. land valuation is difficult in rural land because the land is used for basic subsistence farming or low –value residents and the income of the taxpayers is very difficult. in this case, value of tax on this land will be difficult to appraise. communal rural land is typically exempted in kenya and nigeria, therefore large rural land are not part of tax base (franzsen & mccluskey, 2017). 1.7 study area: kano municipal kano municipal is a local government area within the kano urban area in kano state, also known as capital of kano state, nigeria. its headquarters is at kofa kudu (western entrance of emir’s place) in the south city of kano. it was created in may, 27th, 1967 with a total land area of 17km2 and 13 wards. it has a population density of 29,329/km2. it borders katsina state to the north-west, jigawa state to the north-east, bauchi state to the south-east and kaduna state to the south-west. kano state of the federal republic of nigeria lies between latitude 130 n in the north and 110n west in the south and longitude 80w in the 100e in the east. kano city has been the capital of kano state since the earliest recorded time. it is located on latitude 12.00 0n and longitude 8.300 e with the same arid sudan savannah zone of west africa about 840 kilometres from the edge of the sahara desert. kano has a mean height of about 472.45m above sea level. kano most enduring legacy, gidan rumfa (emir’s palace) the seat of kano’s prestigious serrate institution (kingship) built over five hundred years ago is located in the municipal local government house is located in tarauni local government area. the 2015 population projection for kano municipal estimates to be 1,412,255 in 1991. it has a per capita income of $1.288, with a gdp of $12.393b. over the years kano city has expanded to become the third largest conurbation in nigeria. they are predominately hausa. subsistence and commercial agriculture is mostly practiced in the outlying districts of the state. some of the food crops cultivated are millet, cowpeas, sorghum, maize and rice for local consumption while groundnut and cotton are produced for export and industrial purposes. during the colonial period and several years after country’s independence, the groundnuts produced in the state constituted one of the major sources of revenue of the country. kano state is a major producer of hides and skins, sesame, soybean, cotton, garlic, gum arabic and chill pepper. the city of kano (kano municipal) gives a good opportunity for human settlement, and also provides a good chance for grazing, accessibility and mobility of people and materials. dala hill is the most significant feature around the ancient city which is a nucleus of temporal and spatial patterns of settlements are formed growing into notable modern areas as shown in fig.3. critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 137| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting fig. 3: kano metropolis source: gis lab, bayero university kano olofin (1987), made it known that the earlier settlers engaged in iron smelting culture, which was on at about 320-380ad. this implies that people have been in this area for more than a millennium with a major skill in iron smelting. development of settlement is said to be across centuries originating as isolated groups of hunters around the hills of dala, goron dutse, magwan, bompai and panisau. these hills forms the present day of kano metropolis. kano city had survived as far back as the 11th and 12th century during the period of sarki jusa, when the first phase of city wall construction project finished (kano year book, 2010). according to liman and adamu (2003), made it known that the time lord luggard took over the affairs of northern nigeria, he estimated forty walled towns within 30miles radius of kano city and a total of 170 walled towns in the whole province. as time went past, kano cosmopolitan nature improved remarkably due to the economic and political opportunity coming it ways. more ethnic and nationalities such as the fulani, yorubas, arabs (lebanese, egyptians, saudis, yemen and syrian), nupes, ghanaians, and senegalese etc increased. they preferred to reside at the government reserved areas. reserved areas, where they are entitled to the basic facilities. the yorubas and igbos settled in sabo gari area of the metropolis. in 2007-2011, during yaadua/jonathan administration, the development and maintenance of infrastructure across the country was one of the seven-point agenda. infrastructural development forms a vital part of government agenda for the up-liftment of the economy. infrastructural development is prominent to the total growth in the society and its inability to function well reveals it as a major obstacle to the authority since activities in various sectors is centered on some major infrastructure. critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 138| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method personal interview was conducted amongst government officials and likewise questionnaires were administered to them as well. at the kano state board of internal revenue services, 5 units are found relevant to this study; these are, (i) assessment (ii) other taxes (iii) research and statistics (iv)withholding taxes (v) collection. questionnaires were administered to all the senior cadres of the organisation. with kano state ministry of land and physical planning, 3 departments are relevant and these are (i) land (ii) survey and (iii) deeds departments. the table below provides details of questionnaire distribution to the various departments/units at the state board of internal revenue service and bureau/ministry of land and survey in kano state. table 1: questionnaire distribution and retrieval rate at the kano state board of internal revenue services. units/ departments number of staff response rate % response rates assessment other taxes research & statistics withholding taxes collection 5 13 4 3 6 5 13 4 3 6 100 100 100 100 100 total 31 31 100% source: author’s field survey, 2022. table 2: questionnaire distribution and retrieval rate at the kano state bureau of land management. units/departme nts number of staff respon se level % of response rate land deeds survey 9 7 9 9 7 9 100 100 100 total 25 25 100% source: author’s field survey, 2022. kano state critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 139| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tigrkan landtkan tigrkan 1.000000 0.989782 landtkan 0.989782 1.000000 r=0.989782 or 99% (there is positive relationship and a very strong strength of association between total igr and land taxes in kano state. table 3: relationship between revenue generated from land taxes and total igr in kano states. kano state variable dependent var.= ltigrkan coefficient t-statistic prob. c 2.799175 0.772916 0.456 landtkan 2.415822 21.95142 0.000 pearson corr.(r) 0.989782 r-square 0.979669 covariance 1079.016 f-statistic 481.8649 prob.(f-stat 0.000000 the results of regression and various test statistics on the nature of relationship between the revenue generated from land taxes and the total igr in the study areas; ogun and kano states was reported above. proportion of revenue generation from land taxes to total igr in kano state (2007-2018) fig 4. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018 p e r c e n t a g e s years % of landtax in tigr (ogun state) (kano state) critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 140| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4: kano state budgets 2007-2018 (figures are in billion naira) years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 kano state 60.0 0 71.48 108.70 110.30 157.6 9 221.7 0 235.3 0 219.2 0 210.7 6 275.0 0 209.8 0 233.0 0 source: states ministry of budget and planning’s document. 2019 the budget kano state has proposed for the period under review is shown above. it is a financial plan for the defined period with an estimation of the expenditure and expected income. it is pertinent to examine the proposed revenue and the revenue generated internally for the state. this will enable this work to make reasonable inferences from the analysis. the table below will detailed out the expected revenue and the total revenue generated by the state. results and discussion from table 3 above, the pearson correlation coefficient r=0.989782 implies that there is a positive relationship between the revenue generated from land taxes and the total igr in kano state. that is, if the revenue generated from land taxes increases, the total igr in kano state will also increase. on the other hand, if the revenue generated from land taxes decreases, the total igr in kano state will also decreases. considering the strength of association between the revenue generated from land taxes and the total igr in kano state, the result revealed that the strength of association is very strong. this means that to improve the total igr in the state, a very brilliant approach is to improve the revenue generated from land taxes in the state. in kano state, the value of the coefficient of determination (r-square=0.979669) implies that only 97.96 percent of variation in total igr is explained by revenue generated from land taxes, while the remaining 0.24 percent variation in the total igr is due to other factors not identified in this study. further implication from this result is that, revenue generated from land taxes in the main source of igr in kano state. this implies that the result of the model is; tigrkant = 2.799175 + 2.415822landkant; where t is 2007-2018 (kano state) furthermore, the result from the analysis on kano state (β=2.799175) shows that there is a positive effect of revenue generated from land taxes on total internally generated revenue (igr) over the study period in this work. also, the effect is statistically significant at 5 percent level of significance (t= 21.951, p=0.000). the study further revealed that a 1 percent increase in the revenue generated from land taxes will improve the igr by 2.4158 percent. in addition, the report from the f-statistic (f-stat= 481.8649, p=0.0000) reveals that the estimated example is highly statistically significant at 5 percent. also in fig. 4, in kano state, the proportion of revenue from land tax has been substantial and this has been on since 2007 to 2011. the proportion of land tax within this period is from 43% to 50%. there is a drop of yield from the year 2012 to 2016. a remarkable proportion is revealed in 2017. this is up to 58%. critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 141| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting for further understanding of the relationship between land taxes and revenue generation of the states, the study needs to scrutinize the fiscal policy of the study areas. this is necessary so that the effect of land taxation in solving the finances of government can be detailed out properly. the fiscal policy of government which implies using the revenue collected to solve some of the expenditure stipulated that that fiscal year will have effect on the nation’s economy. changes in taxation system and government expenditure will affect the total demand and government activity. in view of this, the budget, total internal revenue generated in the study areas and the budget frame for the period under review is detailed out in table 4 and figure 4 conclusion the study has attempted to examine the relationship between land taxation and revenue generation in kano states, nigeria. in this study, the major stakeholders are the states board of internal revenue services who are the authority to assess, administer and collect taxes from property owners. the bureau of lands and survey and bureau of land management are in charge of land registration and charging of ground rents. the analysis of the study shows that r = 0.989782, for kano state r = 0.989782; which reflect that there is a positive relationship between land taxes and revenue generation and the strength of association is very strong in kano state. it can also be shown that land taxes are reliable in terms of revenue mobilisation and is highly dependable in terms of financing the state. in kano state, the contribution of land tax to revenue generated in 2007 is 50%, in 2008, there was slight drop to 45% and 2009 to 42%. despite this the contribution of land tax to revenue generation in kano state has also been considerable. it has substantially contributed to revenue within this periods. this revealed that it is a potential of a veritable revenue source. nevertheless, from 2010 to 2016, the contribution of land taxes to the purse of government revenue dropped but still above 40% and in 2017, 58% of the land tax forms part of the total internal revenue generated and 16% forms 2018. from this study, it can also be deciphered that property tax is charged only on the income accruing from the property and not the property itself. in the case of withholding tax it is an advanced payment of income tax and it varies in tax rate depending on the type of transaction. so also, stamp-duty tax is only charged on the registration of conveyances of landed property, property itself do not attract this. in kano state, n60bn was budgeted for in 2007, n71.8bn was for 2008 and n108.7bn for 2009. the budget was continuously increasing over the periods under review. in 2007, the expenditure was placed on n53.84bn and the revenue generated for that year was n12.2bn. the expenditure increased to n71.53bn and the revenue realised was n11.66bn. over the years under review, the cost of expenditure outweighs the revenue realised to finance the state. it is also basic from this study that other charges on land matters have contributed to the revenue generation of government. these levies and fees are used in the strengthening of the overall property tax practice and mobilisation in the study area. the study revealed the trend of critical examination of the relationship between land taxation and total internal revenue generated in kano state, nigeria orekan 142| ilomata international journal of tax & accounting revenue generation in the two study areas and it has shown the level of its contribution to the financing of the states. from the data analysed, it is obvious that it forms a reasonable proportion of revenue from generation to the state government. example 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(2023). corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid19 pandemic. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(1), 70-91. abstract: the analysis carried out to see how far a company has carried out by using the rules of financial implementation correctly and adequately is called financial performance. there are 5 (five) ratios used in assessing a company's financial performance, including liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, activity ratios, profitability ratios, and market value ratios. this study aims to determine policy strategies based on the results of comparative tests of the financial performance of companies in the technology and infrastructure sector before and during the 2018-2021 covid-19 pandemic. this study uses secondary data. the sampling technique used was the purposive sampling method. this study used the normality test and paired difference test. the results of this study indicate that the financial performance of technology companies during the covid-19 pandemic obtained significant results for all variables. in contrast, for the variables in the infrastructure sector companies, only one variable was significant. based on the comparative test results, a policy strategy is needed to overcome problems related to financial performance experienced by infrastructure and technology companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange. through the eight determined policy strategies, it is expected to be able to make the company survive and choose the proper steps in developing its business. keywords: corporate policy strategy, financial performance, covid-19, financial ratios this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in 2019 the world was shocked by the occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic, which caused many countries to be affected. the covid-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on the business sector. the company's activities which began to decline, made many companies lay off their employees. this causes an increase in the unemployment rate, which may increase in the future. several potentials and economies have an impact as a threat to decrease production or income, but it is also assumed that businesses are growing during the pandemic (2022). corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 71 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting on the indonesia stock exchange, twelve sectors and industries have been listed, two of which are the technology sector (idx techno) and the infrastructure sector (idx infra). the technology sector listed on the indonesia stock exchange comprises six sub-sectors: online applications & services, it services & consulting, software, networking equipment, computer hardware and electronic equipment, and instruments & components. the infrastructure sector listed on the indonesia stock exchange consists of seven sub-sectors, namely, transport infrastructure operators, heavy constructions & civil engineering, telecommunication services, wireless telecommunication services, electric utilities, gas utilities, and water utilities. the infrastructure sector is closely related to the construction sector, such as the construction of roads, bridges, irrigation, ports, airports, factories, to housing. massive infrastructure development must be accompanied by the fulfillment of reliability, health, and safety aspects, starting from the planning stage to the completion stage of development (zarei & honarmandi, 2022). in companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange, the infrastructure sector consists of several sub-sectors that are also related to technology, such as telecommunication services and wireless telecommunication services, about utilities such as electric utilities, gas utilities, and water utilities, related to infrastructure such as infrastructure operators, heavy constructions & civil engineering, and related to transportation. during the pandemic, the infrastructure sector experienced a significant impact because many projects had to be stopped due to the covid-19 pandemic, which caused enormous losses for companies in the infrastructure sector (2022). this is inversely proportional to the telecommunications sub-sector. during the pandemic, the use of services provided by telecommunication companies is increasing because most activities are carried out online. this is supported by the research conducted by fajriyanti & wiyarni (2022), who found that covid-19 hurt traditional industries in china but created opportunities for emerging technology industries, including the telecommunications industry. the covid-19 pandemic demands that most of the community's activities be carried out online, which has led to an increase in the use of the internet and other services provided by telecommunication companies. based on the above phenomenon, the main objective of this research is to formulate a policy strategy based on a comparative analysis of the financial performance of technology and infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange before and during the covid-19 pandemic. this study uses financial ratio variables, including the current ratio, debtto-equity ratio, debt-to-asset ratio, receivable turnover, and net profit margin. this research is necessary because, during the covid-19 pandemic, many companies experienced a decline in financial performance. some experienced an increase in economic performance but could not formulate appropriate policies so they could survive during the covid-19 pandemic. this research takes the range of 2018-2021 because, in 2018, there were no cases of covid-19 in indonesia, then in 2020, when the covid-19 pandemic began, and the economy weakened. in 2021, when the situation gradually improved. signaling theory signal theory explains what must be done in the event of failure or success of management or agents and conveyed to the principal. apart from that, this theory also explains that signaling by corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 72 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting management can reduce asymmetric information. financial reports can be used as a signal that describes the excellent performance of a company during the current year. of course, the existence of a sound signal will positively impact a good market response because the information conveyed by the company will significantly influence the market response. information is a crucial benchmark for an investor and its users because, through this information, the information needed will be obtained in the form of notes and descriptions related to conditions that occurred in the past and the future. investors need quality and complete information in the capital market to determine their decisions (ross, 1977) the signal theory will provide an overview regarding why a company must have the motivation to publish information about financial reports to external parties. the information provided will significantly affect the company's value that external parties will provide because good details will have a positive impact so that it can also give an excellent image to stakeholders. moreover, companies' profits will be huge if the information they provide gives the market a positive value. that is why a company needs to avoid information asymmetry, which can cause a decrease in company value because external parties are not interested in the company (ross, 1977). this signal theory has a very close relationship with the information provided. the financial statements will be the basis for stakeholders to analyze future investing decisions. covid-19 the covid-19 pandemic is a condition caused by the spread of the coronavirus. coronavirus is a positive single-celled rna virus (gupta et al., 2022). this virus was originally only in the city of wuhan, but because it has easily contagious characteristics, the whole world is affected by the dangers of the covid-19 virus. the first positive case of covid-19 in indonesia was detected on march 2, 2020, when two residents were infected by a japanese citizen (shimizu & negita, 2020). financial performance financial performance describes the company's operational activities, which will later be presented as numbers printed on the financial statements. the company's operating activities will later be compared with the previous period's financial performance, the company's balance sheet and profit and loss budget, and various other financial performance averages (de lima et al., 2022). the financial performance is part of the analysis that the company must carry out to see how far the company has achieved to achieve the predetermined targets (hamzah et al., 2022). the financial performance itself is generally measured in the form of ratios as follows: (1) profitability ratios, (2) activity ratios, (3) liquidity ratios, (4) solvency ratios, and (5) market value ratios. financial performance measurement according to kapalu & kodongo (2022), measuring financial performance means comparing the standards set with the company's economic performance. measurement of the company's financial performance can be measured using financial ratios. financial performance can be measured using financial ratio analysis. financial ratio analysis can reveal relationships and become the basis for comparisons that indicate conditions or trends that cannot be detected when only looking at the components of the ratio itself. corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 73 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting liquidity ratio the liquidity ratio is a ratio that is the basis for determining how far a company can meet its short-term debt obligations. the liquidity ratio itself consists of (1) the current ratio, which serves to see how far the company can pay its short-term debt as a whole at maturity, (2) the quick ratio, which is the basis for determining the comparison between current assets and current liabilities and see if the comparison can cover its current liabilities, (3) cash ratio, is a calculation that functions to see the company's ability to pay off short-term debt with the accumulated results of a comparison of the amount of cash with current debt, (4) working capital to total assets ratio to see the value company liquidity (kasmir, 2008). 1. current ratio 2. quick ratio 3. cash ratio 4. working capital to total assets ratio solvency ratio the solvency ratio is a ratio that shows a company's ability to fulfill all of its short-term and long-term debt obligations. leverage is said to be high if the company uses much debt to finance its operational activities. the solvency ratio consists of (1) the total debt to equity ratio serves to calculate how capable the equity owned by the company is to bear the liabilities owned by the company, (2) the debt to asset ratio is used to see how capable the assets owned by the company are in bearing the debt owned by the company itself; generally, this ratio uses accumulated comparisons, (3) the long term debt to equity ratio serves to see the comparison between long term debt (non-current liabilities/long term debt) and total equity, (4) fixed charge coverage is a ratio that is almost similar to the time's interest earned ratio but is calculated if the company has a lease contract in its operational activities. (5) times interest earned ratio measures the number of times an operation/business can pay interest expense obligations (amelia et al., 2019). corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 74 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. total debt to equity ratio (der) 2. debt to asset ratio (dar) 3. long-term debt to equity ratio 4. fixed charge coverage 5. times interest earned ratio activity ratio the activity ratio is a ratio that shows the effectiveness of using assets financed with debt. the ratio includes (1) total assets turnover to calculate the turnover of funds invested in assets in one period, (2) receivable turnover serves to see the turnover of funds embedded in receivables, (3) account payable turnover is used to see the frequency of payment of company debts to creditors, (4) inventory turnover looks at the effectiveness of the turnover of funds invested in inventory, (5) working capital turnover is a picture of the ability of a company's net working capital to rotate in an accounting period (herispon, 2016). 1. total assets turnover 2. receivable turnover corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 75 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. inventory turnover 4. working capital turnover 5. accounts payable turnover profitability ratio the profitability ratio is a ratio that is generally used to see a comparison of the level of return earned by a company with the sales or assets it owns. this ratio is divided into several parts, namely: (1) gross profit margin functions to see the percentage of profit earned from product sales activities carried out by the company, (2) net profit margin is used to see the level of net profit obtained from the business being carried out, (3) return on total assets is a ratio that assesses the percentage of net profit generated for each rupiah of total assets, (4) return on equity ratio is a ratio that aims to measure the percentage of net profit generated for each rupiah of equity capital, (5) earnings per share is used to see the percentage of the company's success in achieving the targets expected by shareholders (herispon, 2016). 1. gross profit margin 2. net profit margin 3. return on total asset 4. return on equity ratio corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 76 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 5. earning per share research framework this research framework uses eight independent variables, which are proxies for the current ratio (x1), total debt to equity ratio (x2), debt to asset ratio (x3), receivable turnover (x4), net profit margin (x5), for the dependent variable or variable (y) in this study is the financial performance of technology and infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2018-2021 later based on this comparative analysis a policy strategy will be formulated for technology and infrastructure companies. based on previous research and the relationship between variables, the research framework can be arranged as follows: picture 1 research framework method research design the research design will briefly describe the research methods used, such as an overview of the relationships between variables, the population and sample size, the selected sample technique, how to collect data, and the analytical tools used. this type of research is comparative with a quantitative approach. later, based on the results of a comparison of financial performance, a suitable policy strategy will be determined for companies in the infrastructure and technology sectors. according to juliandi et al (2014), comparative research is conducted not to explain corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 77 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting causal relationships directly but to make various comparisons between several situations. on that basis, an assumption is made about what causes the differences in situations. meanwhile, sekaran (2017) explains that the quantitative approach focuses more on proving the hypothesis. population and sample a) population the population in this study are all technology and infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2018-2021. in general, researchers limit the population with the aim that the research population is homogeneous so that the level of difficulty in research can be minimized. b) sample the criteria used as samples in this study are: 1. technology and infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2018-2021 2. provide complete annual financial reports for the 2018-2021 period 3. entire data regarding the variables studied are available. table 1 sample selection procedure no. criteria total 1. technology and infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 20182021 86 2. does not provide annual financial reports for the 2018-2021 period (15) 3. complete data regarding the variables studied are not available. (0) number of selected research samples 71 research year 4 the total number of examples in the study 284 variable operations a variable is the object of research observation, commonly referred to as a factor that has a role in research or the phenomenon to be studied. data sources and data collection techniques a) sample the data used in this study is secondary data that can be directly used and obtained from an agency or outside the agency concerned. in this study, the secondary data used is the annual financial report data of technology and infrastructure sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2018-2021 and obtained through the website the reason for choosing the data period to be used is because the results of this study will corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 78 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting compare the company's financial performance before and during the covid-19 pandemic in 2018-2021, thus requiring four years of financial statements as the basis for conducting comparative analysis to determine the company's policy strategy. b) data collection techniques research also uses library research by reading and studying literature and publications related to research. the data used in this study was carried out using: 1) documentation 2) literature review 3) evaluation of data collection data analysis methods 1) quantitative descriptive analysis 2) normality test 3) hypothesis test. result and discussion descriptive statistical analysis descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is without intending to make conclusions that apply to the public or generalizations (hardani et al., 2020). descriptive analysis can provide an overview and description of the frequency distribution of the variables in this study. descriptive analysis data includes the number of samples, minimum value, maximum value, average value, and standard deviation of each variable. this study uses research variables in the form of company financial performance, which are analyzed through 8 (eight) financial ratios, namely the liquidity ratio proxied by the current ratio (cr), the solvency ratio proxied by the total debt to equity ratio (der) and the debt to asset ratio (dar), activity ratio proxied by receivable turnover (rto), and profitability ratio proxied by net profit margin (npm). to carry out descriptive analysis in this study assisted by spss software version 25. the following is the result of a descriptive analysis of each financial ratio which forms the basis for comparative tests in determining company policy strategies: table 2 technology sector companies descriptive statistical analysis results variable period n min max mean std. devices cr before 22 1.08 7.02 3.1286 1.84127 during 22 0.87 4.75 2.7523 1.21330 der before 22 0.17 0.59 0.3414 0.10787 during 22 0.10 0.69 0.3659 0.16582 corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 79 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting dar before 22 0.02 0.76 0.3574 0.18597 during 22 0.10 0.74 0.3201 0.16260 rto before 22 2.53 7.73 5.4123 1.62270 during 22 1.23 8.01 5.0427 1.88508 npm before 22 0.27 5.10 2.4082 1.43762 during 22 -8.54 8.71 1.6268 3.83335 source: processed data, 2022 based on the results of the descriptive analysis in the table above, it can be explained as follows: 1. current ratio (cr) the current ratio is included in one of the liquidity ratios. where based on the data in the table above, it can be seen that before the covid-19 pandemic had a standard deviation value of 1.84127, while the mean value was 3.1286 with a maximum value of 7.02 in nfc indonesia companies (nfcx) and a minimum of 1.08 at the sat nusapersada (ptsn) company. the average cr value of 3.1286 indicates that the company can pay off its short-term debt by utilizing its current assets at an average of 313%. based on the data in the table above, it can be seen that during the covid-19 pandemic, the standard deviation value was 1.21330, while the mean value was 2.7523 with a maximum value of 4.75 at the kioson komersial indonesia (kios) company and a minimum value of 0.87 at the anabatic company. technologies (atic). the average value of 2.7523 shows the company can pay off its short-term debt with an average of 275% through the use of current assets owned by the company. 2. debt to equity ratio (der) as measured by the debt-to-equity ratio (der) before the covid-19 pandemic, the solvency ratio had a standard deviation of 0.10787. at the same time, the mean value was 0.3414, with a maximum value of 0.59 at anabatic technologies (atic) and a minimum value of 0.17. at the distribusi voucher nusantara (diva). the average der value of 0.3414 indicates that the average level of the company's debt is below number one, where it is said that the company can pay its long-term debt well with an average of 34% of its equity. the solvency ratio measured by the debt to equity ratio (der) during the covid-19 pandemic has a standard deviation of 0.16582. at the same time, the mean value is 0.3659, with a maximum value of 0.69 for anabatic technologies (atic) and a minimum value of 0.10 for companies. distribusi voucher nusantara (diva). the average der value of 0.3659 indicates that the average level of the company's debt is above number one, where the company has more significant debt than equity, where the company can be said to be not good at paying its longterm debt with an average of 37%. corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 80 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. debt to asset ratio (dar) the debt to asset ratio is a solvency ratio. based on the table above, it can be seen that before the covid-19 pandemic, the company had a standard deviation of 0.18597. at the same time, the mean value was 0.3574, with a maximum value of 0.76 at anabatic technologies (atic) and a minimum value of 0.02 in the company kresna graha investama (kren). the average dar value of 0.3574 indicates that the average level of the company's debt is below one, which means that the assets owned by the company are still able to bear the long-term debt owned by the company with an average of 36% of the company's assets. based on the test results, it can be seen that during the covid-19 pandemic, the company had a standard deviation of 0.16260, while the mean value was 0.3201 with a maximum value of 0.74 at the anabatic technologies (atic) company and a minimum value of 0.10 at the distribusi voucher nusantara ( diva). the average dar value of 0.3201 indicates that the average level of the company's debt is below one, which means that the assets owned by the company are still able to bear the long-term debt owned by the company with an average of 32% of the company's assets. 4. receivable turnover (rto) accounts receivable turnover or receivable turnover includes the activity ratio, where based on test data, it can be seen that before the covid-19 pandemic, the company had a standard deviation value of 1.62270, while the mean value was 5.4123 with a maximum value of 7.73 in m-cash integrasi (mcas) company and a minimum value of 2.53 at the sentra mitra informatika (luck) company. the average rto value is 5.4123, indicating that the funds owned by the company are embedded in all receivables with a reasonable rotation period of 5.41 times. based on the test results at the time of the covid-19 pandemic, the company had a standard deviation value of 1.88508, while the mean value was 5.0427 with a maximum value of 8.01 for the company m-cash integrasi tbk (mcas) and a minimum value of 1.23 for the company sentral mitra informatika (luck). the average rto value is 5.0427, indicating that the funds owned by the company are embedded in all receivables with an average rotating period of 5.04 times. 5. net profit margin (npm) net profit margin is one of the profitability ratios. based on the test results in the table, it can be seen that before the covid-19 technology company had a standard deviation value of 1.43762, the mean value was 2.4082, where the maximum value of the sample was 5.10 at the kresna graha investama (kren) and a minimum value of 0.27 at the company elang mahkota teknologi (emtk). the average value of the npm itself is 2.4082, indicating that the company's profit level is classified as a period average of 24%. based on the test results in the table, it can be seen that when covid-19 occurred, technology companies had a standard deviation value of 3.83335, the mean value was 1.6268, where the maximum value of the sample was 8.71 at the elang mahkota teknologi (emtk) company. the minimum value is -8.54 at the company anabatic technologies (atic). the average value of the corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 81 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting npm itself is 1.6268, indicating that the company's profit level is classified as a period average of 162%. table 3 results of descriptive statistical analysis of the infrastructure sector variable period n min. max. mean std. devices cr before 62 0.06 6.68 1.5934 1.32421 during 62 0.08 9.28 1.4484 1.52447 der before 62 -1.75 35.47 2.0984 4.54455 during 62 -3.43 8.43 1.7469 1.99630 dar before 62 0.16 2.62 0.6385 0.38037 during 62 0.19 2.91 0.6832 0.46450 rto before 62 0.01 93.08 11.1073 16.64526 during 62 1.17 84.07 11.0894 17.57093 npm before 62 -0.65 0.28 0.0232 0.16574 during 62 -1.30 0.30 -0.0565 0.28928 source: processed data, 2022 the following is an explanation regarding the results of the descriptive statistical analysis in table 3 above: 1. current ratio (cr) the liquidity ratio, as measured by the current ratio (cr) before the covid-19 pandemic, had a standard deviation of 1.32421, with a mean value of 1.5934, a maximum value of 6.68 at the cikarang listrindo company (powr) and a minimum value of 0.06 at the ictsi jasa prima (karw) company. the average cr value of 1.5934 shows that the company has an excellent ability to pay off its short-term debt by utilizing the company's current assets. the liquidity ratio, as measured by the current ratio (cr) during the covid-19 pandemic, has a standard deviation of 1.52447, with a mean value of 1.4484, a maximum value of 9.28 at the cikarang listrindo company (powr) and a minimum value of 0.08 at the ictsi jasa prima (karw). the average cr value of 1.4484 shows that the company has an excellent ability to pay off its short-term debt by utilizing the company's current assets. the average cr value, which decreased during the covid-19 pandemic compared to the average cr before the covid-19 pandemic, shows that infrastructure sector companies have reduced their ability to meet their short-term obligations (han & an, 2022). 2. debt to equity ratio (der) the solvency ratio as measured by the debt to equity ratio (der) before the covid-19 pandemic had a standard deviation of 4,54455, with a mean value of 2,0984, a maximum value of 35.47 at asset indonusa (acst) and a minimum score of -1.75 at ictsi jasa prima (karw). the corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 82 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting average der value of 2.0984 indicates that the average level of the company's debt is above number one, which indicates that the company has more significant debt than its equity. the company can be said to need to improve at paying its debts. the solvency ratio, as measured by the debt to equity ratio (der) during the covid-19 pandemic, has a standard deviation of 1.99630, with a mean value of 1.7469, a maximum value of 8.43 at asset indonusa (acst) and a minimum value of -3.43 at the garuda maintenance facility ae (gmfi). the average der value of 1.7469 indicates that the average level of the company's debt is above one, which suggests that the company has debt more significant than its equity. the company can be said to need to improve at paying its debts. the average der value decreased during the covid-19 pandemic compared to the average der before the covid-19 pandemic, showing that infrastructure sector companies have increased their ability to pay their obligations. 3. debt to asset ratio (dar) the solvency ratio, as measured by the debt to asset ratio (dar) before the covid-19 pandemic, had a standard deviation of 0.38037, with a mean value of 0.6385, a maximum value of 2.62 at the ictsi jasa prima (karw) and a minimum value of 0.16 at a jasa armada indonusa (ipcm). the average value of dar is 0.6385, below number 1, indicating that the company's financial condition towards its debts is still good and the smaller the capital that comes from loans used by the company. the solvency ratio, as measured by the debt to asset ratio (dar) during the covid-19 pandemic, has a standard deviation of 0.46450, with a mean value of 0.6832, a maximum value of 2.91 for ictsi jasa prima (karw) and a minimum value of 0.19 for companies jasa armada indonusa (ipcm). the average value of dar is 0.6832, below number 1, indicating that the company's financial condition towards its debts is still considered good and the smaller the capital that comes from the loans used by the company. the average dar value, which has increased during the covid-19 pandemic when compared to the average dar before the covid19 pandemic, shows that the company experienced an increase in capital obtained from loans, but because the average dar value before and during the covid pandemic -19 is still below the number one, indicating that the company's financial condition is still considered good (2022). 4. receivable turnover (rto) the activity ratio as measured by receivable turnover (rto) before the covid-19 pandemic had a standard deviation of 16.64526, with a mean value of 11.1073, a maximum value of 93.08 for smartfren telecom (fren) companies and a minimum value of 0.01 for cardig aero services (cass). the average rto value of 11.1073 indicates that companies can collect their receivables on average 11.1073 times a year. the activity ratio as measured by receivable turnover (rto) during the covid-19 pandemic has a standard deviation of 17.57093, with a mean value of 11.0894, a maximum value of 84.07 for the xl axiata (excl) and a minimum value of 1.17 for the company paramita bangun sarana (pbsa). the average rto value of 11.0894 indicates that companies can collect their receivables on average 11.0894 times a year. the average rto value, which experienced a decrease during the covid-19 pandemic compared to the average rto before the covid-19 pandemic, shows corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 83 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting that the company experienced a decrease in its ability to collect its average receivables (rahmah & novianty, 2021). 5. net profit margin (npm) the profitability ratio as measured by the net profit margin (npm) before the covid-19 pandemic had a standard deviation of 0.16574, with a mean value of 0.0232, a maximum value of 0.28 for the nusantara infrastructure (meta) company and a minimum value of -0.65 for the smartfren telecom (fren). the average npm value of 0.0232 indicates that the company generates an annual net profit of 2.32%. the profitability ratio as measured by net profit margin (npm) during the covid-19 pandemic has a standard deviation of 0.28928, with a mean value of -0.0565, a maximum value of 0.30 for the company paramita bangun sarana (pbsa) and a minimum value of -1.30 at the garuda maintenance facility ae (gmfi) company. the average npm value is -0.0565, indicating that the average company generates a yearly net profit of -5.65%. the average npm value, which decreased during the covid-19 pandemic compared to the average rto before the covid-19 pandemic, shows that the company's ability to generate net profit has decreased (reyhan et al., 2022). classical assumption test using normality test (kolmogorov-smirnov) before testing the hypothesis, the data normality test was conducted on the company under study. the normality test was carried out to determine whether the data obtained had a normal distribution. this study uses the normality test with the kolmogorov-smirnov test. the level of significance used in this study is 5% or 0.05. data can be declared generally distributed if the significance level is more significant than 0.05 or 5%. decision-making in the normality test using the kolmogorov-smirnov test, which was tested with the spss 25 program using the following guidelines: a) if the p-value > 0.05, then the data is usually distributed b) if the p-value < 0.05, then the data is not normally distributed table 4 kolmogorov-smirnov normality test of technology sector companies variable period n asymp. sig. (2-tailed) significance level conclusion cr before 22 0.083 0.05 normal during 22 0.137 0.05 normal der before 22 0.095 0.05 normal during 22 0.200 0.05 normal dar before 22 0.122 0.05 normal during 22 0.102 0.05 normal rto before 22 0.051 0.05 normal during 22 0.200 0.05 normal corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 84 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting npm before 22 0.200 0.05 normal during 22 0.200 0.05 normal sources: processed data, 2022 based on the normality test results in the table above, all research variables were usually distributed before and during the covid-19 pandemic. overall the data distribution is normal. then the hypothesis test is performed using the paired t-test. table 5 kolmogorov-smirnov normality test of technology sector companies variable period n asymp. sig. (2-tailed) significance level conclusion cr before 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal during 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal der before 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal during 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal dar before 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal during 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal rto before 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal during 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal npm before 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal during 62 0.000 0.05 abnormal source: processed data, 2022 based on the normality test results in table 5 above, the research variables used for infrastructure sector companies do not have a normal distribution. overall, the data distribution was not expected, so the next hypothesis test was carried out using the wilcoxon signed rank test. hypothesis test data normality test using the kolmogorov smirnov test based on financial report data from 11 samples of technology companies and 31 samples of infrastructure companies with residual criteria is expected if the significant value is above 0.05 or 5%. the results of the data normality test with the kolmogorov-smirnov test show that the value of a technology company meets the normality criteria. namely, the details show that the significant value of the current ratio is 0.203 > 0.05 (5%), the total debt to equity ratio shows an important value of 0.594 > 0.05 ( 5%), the debt to asset ratio shows a value of 0.287 > 0.05 (5%), receivable turnover shows a significant deal of 0.433 > 0.05 (5%), net profit margin shows an effective value of 0.295 > 0.05 (5%), this normality test data from technology sector companies is inversely proportional to infrastructure sector companies. based on the kolmogorov smirnov test results show that the value of infrastructure companies does not meet the normality criteria because 30 samples from the infrastructure sector have a value of <0.05 (5%). based on the test results for different infrastructure sector tests, the wilcoxon signed rank test would be used. table 6 paired sample t-test for technology corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 85 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting variable sig. (2-tailed) conclusion current ratio 0.006 significant total debt to equity ratio 0.012 significant debt to asset ratio 0.003 significant receivable turnover 0.009 significant net profit margin 0.032 significant source: processed data, 2022 the comparison test using the sample-paired t-test aims to describe the number of differences between the two samples to be tested with the data before and after. the characteristics in making decisions on the paired t-test are <0.05 (5%). from the table above, the results obtained are a current ratio of 0.006 <0.05 (5%). the total debt-to-equity ratio is 0.012 < 0.05 (5%). debt to asset ratio of 0.003 < 0.05 (5%). receivable turnover of 0.032 <0.05 (5%). a net profit margin of 0.032 < 0.05 (5%). based on the paired t-test that has been carried out, it can be seen which financial ratios need to be formulated as a policy strategy based on the results of a comparative analysis of financial performance in technology sector companies: 1. liquidity ratio the results of the paired t-test can explain that the value of the liquidity ratio as measured by the current ratio is significant, namely 0.006, which means that the current ratio is greatly affected by covid-19. this is because the average technology company during the pandemic focused on developing infrastructure in the form of big data that could increase its users' performance productivity (2022). of course, infrastructure development will lead to an increase in corporate debt, so a strategic policy is needed to improve the impact of the increase in debt. the right policy strategy to overcome this problem is to increase sales of products and services provided through online marketing strategies, especially during the covid-19 pandemic (outra & fernandes, 2023). for example, what was done by pt telkom indonesia tbk, where the company accelerated digital business channels by selling sim cards online so that they could increase sales effectively. the higher the level of sales of products and services the company provides, the more potential payments the company can make to pay off its debts (park et al., 2022). 2. solvency ratio the results of the paired t-test can explain that the total debt measures the value of the solvency ratio to equity ratio and debt to asset ratio. the significance value is 0.012 for the total debt-toequity ratio and 0.003 for the debt-to-asset ratio, which shows the impact of covid-19 on the company's receivables. this is due to the inability of debtors to pay their obligations to creditors (technology sector companies), which causes low revenues (2022). of course, the low acceptance of receivables obtained by the company will result in delays in the company's operations due to a lack of funds. the right policy strategy to overcome this problem is to provide debt restructuring to debtors and a reduction in loan interest rates so that debtors can still pay their obligations (desai, 2021). corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 86 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 3. activity ratio the results of the paired t-test can explain that the value of the activity ratio proxied by receivable turnover has a significant value of 0.009, which indicates that covid-19 causes an impact on company receivables. this is due to the customer's inability to pay the company's receivables. of course, the low payment of receivables made by the customer will result in many receivables that the company needs to realize (chinnapong et al., 2021). the right policy strategy to overcome this problem is to follow up with customers who have passed the payment deadline. second aggressive billing is carried out if the first strategy needs to be revised. third, imposing fines for late payments is a form of company firmness for actions taken by the customer to increase customer compliance in making debt payments (tudose et al., 2022). 4. profitability ratio the results of the paired t-test can explain that the value of the profitability ratio proxied by the net profit margin has a significant value of 0.032, which indicates that covid-19 affects company profits and causes an impact. this is due to a decline in sales during the large-scale social restrictions (psbb). of course, low sales will cause a decrease in the value of profits owned by the company. the right policy strategy to overcome this problem is to strengthen the digital business sector by selling online both in terms of ordering and payment. online services will provide customers convenience in transactions and can positively impact company sales (narkunienė & ulbinaitė, 2018). table 7 wilcoxon signed ranks test variable sig. (2-tailed) conclusion current ratio 0.015 significant total debt to equity ratio 0.075 not significant debt to asset ratio 0.092 not significant receivable turnover 0.073 not significant net profit margin 0.064 not significant source: processed data, 2022 the wilcoxon signed ranks test was used to measure the significance of the difference between 2 groups of data that were not normally distributed. the wilcoxon signed rank test is an alternative test to the pairing t-test if it does not meet the normality assumption with the decision-making criteria of <0.05 (5%). based on the wilcoxon signed ranks test, a significant value of the current ratio was 0.015 < 0.05 (5%). the total debt-to-equity ratio is 0.075 > 0.05 (5%). the debt-to-asset ratio is 0.092 > 0.05 (5%). receivable turnover is 0.073 > 0.05 (5%). net profit margin is 0.064 > 0.05 (5%). based on the wilcoxon signed ranks test that has been carried out, it can be seen which financial ratios are affected by the covid-19 pandemic; only the infrastructure sector companies are companies whose policies are strongly influenced by the government and are bound. moreover, infrastructure companies that are classified as state-owned enterprises (bumn) are very dependent on policies issued by the government. for this reason, the formulation of policy strategies for infrastructure companies based on the results of comparative corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 87 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting analysis can only be formulated in general terms related to policies. the following is a policy strategy resulting from a comparative analysis of the financial performance of infrastructure companies: liquidity ratio the comparative test results show that the value of the liquidity ratio proxied by the current ratio is greatly affected by the covid-19 pandemic, namely with a value of 0.015, which means a policy strategy is needed for the company from the results of the comparative analysis. the right policy strategy is to make a stand-by facility loan. the loan serves as a catalyst for infrastructure sector companies in carrying out ongoing infrastructure developments. with the funds from the loan, the company can continue to carry out its operational activities because it is better for construction to continue than to let a planned project stall (2022). of course, the development carried out using loan funds will cause the company's debt to increase, but this is an effort that must be made and can be used as a long-term investment by the company. because later, through the development that has been carried out, funds will be obtained from the users of the development that has been carried out so that they can benefit even if it takes a long time (cavusgil et al., 2021). quoted from an article published by, it was stated that pt indonesia infrastructure investment (iif) is ready to provide loans to infrastructure companies affected by the covid-19 pandemic through the extraordinary event relief facility product. so the policy proposed above is in line with the opinion put forward by iff, which states that it is better for the company to continue to strive for infrastructure development than to let it become a stalled project (garcia et al., 2021). conclusion the study results show significant differences between the financial performance of technology and infrastructure sector companies before and during the pandemic. these significant differences include the current ratio, total debt-to-equity ratio, debt-to-asset ratio, receivable turnover, and net profit margin. this significant difference in financial performance requires the formulation of a policy strategy that can be implemented to address issues related to performance in the future. the following policy strategies can be applied to overcome problems related to the company's economic performance: 1. increase sales of products and services provided through online marketing strategies, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. 2. provide debt restructuring to debtors. 3. provide a reduction in loan interest rates so that debtors can still pay their obligations. 4. follow up with customers who have passed the payment deadline. corporate policy strategy based on comparison of financial performance due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic andriani, ananto, fitri, and aprila 88 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 5. perform aggressive billing, which is carried out if the first strategy fails to produce results. 6. giving fines for late payments, this action is taken as a form of firmness by the company for the actions taken by the customer so that it can improve customer compliance in making debt payments. 7. strengthen the digital business sector by selling online in terms of ordering and payment. 8. make a stand-by facility loan. the loan serves as a catalyst for infrastructure sector companies in carrying out ongoing infrastructure developments. limitation the limitation of this research is that the formulation of new policies is carried out for technology and infrastructure companies, even though on the indonesia stock exchange itself, many corporate sectors are also significantly affected by the covid-19 pandemic, so policies are needed to overcome this. suggestion for this reason, the researcher hopes that through this research, several objectives will be achieved, namely: 1) for the company it can be used as a reference in determining policies to address problems that arise in technology sector companies during the covid-19 pandemic. 2) for the next researcher hopefully, this research can develop by providing policy recommendations for companies in other sectors that are also heavily affected and need studies related to the policies they must implement in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic situation. acknowledgment the authors 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(molina -garcía et al., 2022) states that interest in implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 196 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting entrepreneurship is currently growing rapidly and unevenly. this further confirms that the importance of msme performance is to strengthen the economy and welfare of the indonesian people (aritonang et al., 2022). innovation, creativity and trust in the team greatly affect the performance of msmes (afriyie et al., 2019; avermaete et al., 2003; chen et al., 2020; indarti, 2012). according to rohmad hadiwijoyo quoted from kompas economy (2021) there are three factors that make msmes able to survive amidst economic crisis conditions. first, in general, msmes produce consumer goods and services that are close to the needs of the community. second, msme actors generally utilize local resources such as human resources, capital, raw materials and equipment. the third factor, in general, msme businesses are not supported from bank loans but from their own funds. capital is the main problem for a business to develop(sisharini et al., 2019). to maintain and develop a business in a better direction, a financial strategy is needed which is an important factor (susanti et al., 2021). msmes that specifically receive guidance from certain agencies are proven to be able to prepare financial position reports, profit and loss reports, and notes on financial statements (ardila et al., 2019). the increase in the number of msmes in karo regency from various sectors is also supported because it is one of the highly developed tourist areas because it is surrounded by the beauty of lake toba. one of them is the management of the homestay business should also make adequate business records (accounting) even if in a simple form, so that the business development and finances of the homestay business can be orderly and accountable so that information about income and costs earned during the current year can be properly recorded, in order to compile business financial reports (ngatemin, 2019). management training related to financial records is one way to improve the quality and quantity of products produced, improve management, and expand marketing networks (prayitno et al., n.d.). in order to help msmes compile their financial reporting needs, the indonesian accounting association ( iai) in 2018 issued micro, small and medium entity financial accounting standards (sak emkm) to increase the transparency and accountability of entity financial reporting while at the same time encouraging the growth of developing msmes in indonesia. thus, msmes can obtain information that is important for the continuity of their business, including information on changes in business owner's capital, information on cash receipts and disbursements, and information on the financial position of the business (anisere-hameed, 2021). in managing finances in smes, good accounting skills are needed by small and medium business entrepreneurs (diana, n.d.). preparation of financial reports based on financial accounting standards can improve the quality of financial reports, which will boost the credibility of the relevant financial reports (mukoffi & sulistiyowati, 2019) however, the thing that has become an obstacle for emkm is that not many emkm are able to carry out records, bookkeeping and even financial reporting. even though the organization of records, bookkeeping and financial reporting is an important thing that needs to be done by every entity, so that the entity can evaluate the entity's performance every year. in addition, entities can also add to their business working capital from bank loans by attaching the entity's financial implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 197 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting statements (nina et al., 2018). there are only a small number of msmes that have managed to achieve extraordinary performance and sustainable growth (sidik, 2012). not having human resources who understand the preparation of financial reports in accordance with financial accounting standards is an obstacle experienced by many business actors (cenamor et al., n.d.; sholikin & setiawan, 2018). to support the implementation of sak emkm, training and assistance is needed for human resources so that they can prepare msme financial reports that must meet sak emkm standards so that it makes it easier to apply for business capital (wahyuni & sutomo, 2021). perceptions of the usefulness of sak emkm vary depending on the needs of business actors which are strongly influenced by the level of education (purwanti et al., n.d.). the low interest of msme actors in compiling financial reports and because of the small scope of the company so that msme actors consider it unnecessary to prepare financial reports are another factor that causes msme actors not to prepare financial reports in accordance with sak emkm entrepreneurs with an accounting background are believed to have a better perception of (barker & noonan, 1996; gumelar et al., 2022; rizky, 2019). sak emkm compared to entrepreneurs with non-accounting educational background. (arda, 2021). the level of information about sak emkm, educational background and educational level of msme entrepreneurs greatly influences the understanding of business owners on sak emkm (adhikara, 2018). on the other hand, msmes are not ready to implement sak emkm and do not understand the importance of issuing sak emkm (zulfikar et al., 2022). most msme business actors only record cash inflows, record sales, record expenses, record salaries, record debts, record purchases, record inventories, and record rents (puspita et al., n.d.). the objective of financial reports is to provide information on the financial position and financial performance of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions by anyone who is not in a position to request specific financial reports to meet that information need. information on the entity's financial position consists of information about the entity's assets, liabilities and equity at a particular date, and is presented in the statement of financial position (ikatan akuntan indonesia, 2018). msme business actors who consistently implement sak emkm contribute to state revenues by complying with their tax obligations (kristiana et al., n.d.). from the explanation above, the problem of this research is how to apply accounting carried out by msmes in berastagi district and what are the obstacles that hinder the application of accounting to msmes in berastagi district. the purpose of this study was to determine the application of accounting for msmes in berastagi district in accordance with good and correct accounting principles and to find out the obstacles that hinder msmes in berastagi district and to provide solutions for msme actors in applying accounting according to good and correct accounting principles. method implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 198 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this study used descriptive qualitative method. research subjects are people who are asked to provide information about a fact. the research subjects used by researchers were micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) in berastagi district. the research was conducted using structured direct interviews using an interview guide according to the questions contained in the questionnaire. informants who provide answers to questions are owners or managers of msmes in berastagi district. result and discussion the results of the research on 41 respondents are in accordance with the respondents' personal data on the questionnaire that msme actors have businesses engaged in various types of businesses such as food and beverages, handicrafts, and textiles. the ages of msme actors range from <20 years old to >41 years old and their final education level ranges from elementary school graduates to bachelor degrees. table 1. distribution of respondents' answers no statements criteria frequency percentage(%) 1 knowing accounting and accounting records yes 7 17.1 no 34 82.9 2 creating and collecting proof of transactions yes 8 19.5 no 33 80.5 3 recording sales and purchase transactions yes 7 17.1 no 34 82.9 4 making accounting records in journal form yes 8 19.5 no 33 80.5 5 making ledgers yes 6 14.6 no 35 85.4 6 separating business interests from personal interests yes 8 19.5 no 33 80.5 7 components of financial statements: 1. statement of financial position yes 8 19.5 no 33 80.5 2. income statement yes 9 21.9 no 32 78.1 3. calk yes 8 19.5 no 33 80.5 8 preparation of financial statements using accounting software yes 5 12.2 no 36 87.8 9 purpose of making financial reports: o internal needs o external needs o internal and external requirements 10 5 26 24.4 12.2 63.4 10 knowledge of sak emkm yes 7 17.1 implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 199 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting no 34 82.9 11 media for obtaining information about sak emkm: o internet o newsletter/magazine o electronic media o no information from anywhere 11 0 3 27 26.8 0 7.3 65.9 12 obtaining socialization or training regarding sak emkm yes 3 7.3 no 38 92.7 13 understanding the contents of sak emkm yes 6 14.6 no 35 85.4 14 application of accounting in accordance with sak emkm yes 2 4.9 no 39 95.1 15 experiencing difficulties in preparing financial statements yes 35 85.4 no 6 14.6 source: primary data processed, 2023 the following is a discussion of the results of processing the questionnaire data which have been answered by research respondents through the following sub-chapters: knowledge of msme actors regarding accounting and accounting records the results of research on accounting knowledge by respondents showed that the majority of msme actors, namely 82.9% of respondents, did not know the basis of accounting and its recording. through interviews with one of the respondents stated that: "i don't understand accounting because i rarely take accounting training. so just record expenses and income sober." statements from these respondents indicate that the lack of socialization and training in accounting is the main reason why business actors do not have knowledge of accounting and its records. however, there are still a number of msme actors, a total of 17.1% of respondents, who have basic knowledge of accounting and recording. the results of interviews with one of the respondents who understand accounting suggest that: “ ….knowing accounting can help me in keeping daily records of sales and purchases of goods every day..:” this statement shows that basic knowledge of accounting and regular accounting records can assist business actors in managing their finances. they are assisted by employees who understand financial management. the employee's task is to assist business actors in carrying out accounting records for each transaction on a regular basis. knowledge of accounting and accounting records is needed by business actors because it can become the basis for understanding in recording all transactions. this can help business actors in making bookkeeping in a simple way. lack of understanding of accounting and recording by msme actors can cause problems. one of them is that it is difficult to know the current financial condition of the business being managed because there is no definite record of the income and implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 200 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting expenditure of funds for transactions related to the running of the business. when a business actor does not regularly record accounting, it will result in a great deal of financial information being disclosed incorrectly and improperly. bookkeeping activities carried out by smes according to the results of interviews, 80.5% of business actors acknowledged that business actors do not make or collect proof of transactions in their business. business actors who do not make and collect proof of transactions have various reasons such as the lack of time they have to make evidence for all transactions that occur. another reason is that business actors are not careful in storing transaction evidence so that many are lost, and business money is used as personal money to cover daily living expenses. it can be said that the process of bookkeeping activities carried out by msme actors does not apply much, starting from the activities of making and collecting all evidence of buying and selling transactions, up to the stage of making journals and ledgers. only 19.5% who make and collect proof of transactions reveal that it can help them monitor every transaction that occurs every day. making and collecting evidence of transactions that occur can assist business actors in making books. by collecting evidence for every transaction that occurs, business actors can monitor every transaction in their business activities. this can minimize employee and business manager fraud in managing business funds. referring to the activity of recording buying and selling transactions, it can be concluded that the majority of actors, namely 82.9% of respondents, did not make notes on their business by recording all buying and selling transactions. the results of an interview with one of the business actors argued that there was no recording of buying and selling transactions because the person selling was changing msmes who do not keep journals or ledgers think that making journals and ledgers is very complicated. lack of time and accounting knowledge from business actors to do this is also a strong reason. the collection and recording of evidence for all transactions on a regular basis is deemed sufficient to represent financial information on its business. this shows that there are still business actors who do not carry out the accounting cycle properly and correctly. in the opinion of msme actors who have regularly made journals and ledgers, through brief interviews stated that making journals and ledgers facilitates the process of preparing financial reports. even though business actors admit that they still make it not in accordance with existing accounting standards. msme actors who do not keep journals or ledgers think that making journals and ledgers is very complicated. lack of time and accounting knowledge from business actors to do this is also a strong reason. the collection and recording of evidence for all transactions on a regular basis is deemed sufficient to represent financial information on its business. this shows that there are still business actors who do not carry out the accounting cycle properly and correctly. business actors who do not separate their funds assume that the money obtained from business units is part of their funds. business actors assume that there is no difference between personal money and money for business results. this can lead to errors in the classification of funds which are the result of business with personal money, so that it will be difficult to know the amount of profit or loss experienced by the business. implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 201 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting some of the respondents who carried out the separation stated that in order to avoid financial recording errors, especially for managed businesses, business actors can clearly know the profits, income and expenses of the business. ownership of the financial statements presented by msme actors financial reports are the basis for decision-making and contain important financial information. based on table 6 it can be said that business actors have not presented their financial reports in full as required in sak emkm. according to the results of the interviews, the profit and loss report can make it easier for business actors to find out the income and expenses in their business regularly so that they can evaluate the merits of the business. business actors who have not fully implemented accounting have reasons, namely the lack of accounting knowledge by business actors and employees. they only make journals and ledgers in accounting records because they think these two things are enough to represent the financial condition of their business. for business actors who have made complete financial reports from the results of interviews, they say that it is very helpful to know the profits received each month. this shows that the majority of msme actors present income statements as a component of the main business financial statements because they only want to know the profit or turnover for each period of the business they manage. according to the results of processing the questionnaire data, the presentation of financial position reports and calk is still small among business actors. accounting information must be produced precisely, accurately, and relevantly as required by sak emkm so that msme actors must be able to present financial reports with the latest financial information. one of them is processing data using the software. based on table 7 regarding the use of accounting software, the majority of business actors still make accounting records and present financial reports manually. the results of interviews from msme actors who do not use software or present financial reports manually assume that the costs incurred to buy accounting software are very expensive and are not balanced with the benefits provided directly so that manual recording is sufficient and fulfills the purpose of making financial reports for their business. for business actors who have carried out computerized accounting activities following the results of interviews, said that in presenting financial reports, they think that the use of accounting software is very helpful in preparing financial reports easily and quickly. computerized recording can reduce the risk of calculation errors and can produce timely and relevant information. the use of software in business units is assisted through microsoft excel applications and accounting programs that have been specially made for these business units. this shows that msmes that have used accounting software can be said to have fulfilled the information quality characteristics of sak emkm. from the discussion of the use of accounting software in msmes, it shows that there is still low technological development used by business actors as a support for financial recording activities and chooses to keep financial records manually. the use of accounting software should have been implemented by msmes because it can make it easier for business actors to see the financial condition of the business at any time. through data that is always updated every time a transaction occurs, business managers can also be accountable for resources that have been used appropriately and can speed up the decision-making process for business continuity. the willingness and awareness of msme actors in making financial reports with various objectives can be seen in table 9 explaining that one business actor stated that the business actor only wanted to see how far the managed business had developed and financial reports to be used as a decision implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 202 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting making tool. respondents have chosen the purpose of making financial reports for internal and external purposes based on the results of interviews. it can be concluded that financial reports are used as a form of responsibility at the head office located outside the city of berastagi and as an evaluation in the business development stage. according to the interview results, one of the respondents gave reasons for external interests, namely to make it easier for investors and banks to read financial reports so that it is easy for business actors to get additional capital for business development and for tax reporting every year. knowledge of msme actors about sak emkm iai issues sak emkm to facilitate msme players in compiling financial reports to gain access to funding from various financial institutions. the results of processing the questionnaire data in table 10 are that the majority of msme actors, namely 82.9%, do not know sak emkm. following the results of the interviews, there was a lack of socialization and accounting seminars that discussed these standards, so business actors only applied simple accounting. 17.1% of respondents were aware of the sak emkm as an accounting standard for msmes. the media used by a handful of msme actors in obtaining information about sak emkm according to table 11 is from the internet and electronic media. the results of interviews with msme actors who already know said that business actors try to always keep abreast of developments in accounting standards. financial management socialization or training can assist business actors in realizing the correct presentation of financial reports. however, in table 12 of 92.7% of respondents, it can be seen that there is still low socialization or training regarding sak emkm. lack of socialization and training regarding sak emkm makes understanding of these standards among business actors very low, this is shown in table 12. in this table, the majority of respondents 85.4 % still do not understand the contents of sak emkm. according to the results of interviews with msme actors, they said that business actors were only given basic training in carrying out accounting books such as preparing and archiving evidence of transactions, recording finances following the accounting cycle, and basic knowledge regarding the preparation of financial reports. submission of socialization is only in the form of theory alone and lacks in terms of practice. this makes business actors still confused in realizing the presentation of financial reports for managed businesses. the low understanding of the contents of sak emkm also has an impact on the application of accounting in businesses according to the standards. table 13 shows that 95.1% of respondents still haven't implemented it. taken from the results of an interview with one of the business actors, in preparing their financial reports they are still limited to simple accounting knowledge without following the applicable standards. msme business actors are also still guided by sak etap as the accounting standard for making financial reports. judging from the results of the questionnaire regarding the understanding of sak emkm among msme actors it is still low. they hope that the training or outreach organized by the relevant government agencies, academics, and fostered institutions can provide theory and direct practice regarding accounting records and presentation of financial reports, not just basic accounting information but also following applicable accounting standards, namely sak emkm. difficulties or obstacles experienced by msme actors in the preparation of financial statements referring to table 15, 73.2% of respondents still experience difficulties in preparing financial reports. in addition to the lack of knowledge from business actors as well as training or outreach. according to the results of the interview, it can be seen that there is no further desire in managing finances based on micro, small, and medium entity accounting standards (sak emkm). implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 203 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting business actors believe that financial reports are not important in their business and there is no desire to know and improve the accounting recording system following sak emkm because it is considered difficult and a waste of time, so it can be seen that the level of awareness to improve financial reports according to standards is still low. presentation of financial reports following sak emkm, business actors can evaluate performance in each period for business development. another benefit in recording accounting correctly and presenting financial reports following sak emkm can help business actors to provide confidence to external parties in the process of investing and increasing business capital so that they can be monitored and accounted for all activities related to business management. from the results of this study, it can be seen that the application of accounting carried out by msmes in the berastagi district is still simple and low. the majority of msme actors still do not know and understand accounting presentations following sak emkm. less than optimal socialization and accounting training and lack of awareness by business actors on the importance of applying to account following sak emkm are the reasons. business actors hope that msme coaching institutions and the government can embrace their business to get intensive socialization and accounting training following sak emkm. this can make msme actors apply financial reports following standards so that they can help them to increase business capital from various financial institutions for business development and the products produced are of a higher quality. application of msme accounting the application of accounting to msmes in the berastagi district is very diverse because the accounting knowledge possessed by business actors is not evenly distributed and the willingness of business actors to present financial reports by standards. some businesses that already have many branches apply the accounting cycle starting from transactions making and collecting transaction evidence, making journals and ledgers, and making financial reports namely statements of financial position, income statements, and calk (use of software). however, most business actors only record cash receipts and disbursements. implementation of sak is very difficult because it requires additional costs such as training costs, salaries, and time. micro and small-scale businesses tend not to keep books by financial accounting standards because the profits from these businesses are directly used to cover their daily needs, in other words, there is no separation of personal money from business income. conclusion this study aims to determine the application of accounting carried out by smes in berastagi and to determine the obstacles faced by smes in applying to accounts. small, micro, and medium enterprises (msmes) in berastagi district, most msme actors do not know and apply to account, even though they do not have financial records or bookkeeping. the form of financial reports presented by msmes is still not by sak emkm because the financial reports presented are only dominated by profit and loss reports and the lack of knowledge of business actors regarding micro, small, and medium entity financial accounting standards (sak emkm). according to sak emkm, there are 3 (three) minimum financial reports that must be presented by msmes including a statement of financial position, profit, and loss statement, and notes to financial statements (calk). the use of accounting software for msmes is relatively low, business actors still use manual methods to manage their finances and present implementation of financial accounting standards for small and medium entities in berastagi smes, karo district pakpahan and naibaho, 204 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting financial reports for the businesses they manage. this is not to the requirements of sak emkm in presenting financial reports that must be produced precisely, accurately, and relevantly. the obstacles 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(der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017. the sample of this research is consists of 21 property and real estate companies with 6 years period so a total of sample is 126 samples. sources data is secondary data. the data analysis method in this research is used multiple linear regression. the result shows that debt to equity ratio (der), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate of rupiah/us dollar partially has got a significant effect on stock return while return on asset (roa) and earning per share (eps) partially has got an insignificant effect on stock return, its mean return on asset (roa) and earning per share (eps) can’t be determinant of stock return to investors who want to invest in the capital market. keywords: return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato), exchange rate and stock return. introduction the capital market can be interpreted as a vehicle that brings together those who need funds with those who provide funds, in accordance with the rules established by institutions and professions related to securities. law no. 8 of 1995 concerning the capital market has outlined that the capital market has a strategic position in national economic development. from the economic point of view the capital market has a function as a long-term fund mobility for the government, because through the capital market the government can allocate funds to the public through potential and profitable sectors. investment activities are activities that place funds in one or more assets during a certain period in the hope of earning income / profits or an increase in the value of the initial investment (capital) that aims to maximize returns (future). in investing in the capital market analysts and investors can take an investment approach that can be broadly divided into two namely technical analysis and fundamental analysis (tandelilin, 2010 in amor marundha, 2014). according to suad husnan (2005: 358) that technical analysis is an attempt to estimate stock prices and market conditions by observing changes in the stock price (market conditions) in the past. meanwhile, according to ang (1997) that technical analysis is a study conducted to the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 104 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 study various influential forces on the stock market and the implications that this has on stock prices. according jogiyanto (2014: 189) fundamental analysis is an analysis to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock using corporate financial data. fundamental analysis looks at the development of financial ratios in terms of solvency, liquidity, profitability and corporate financial policy in investing and financing. in addition, the development of performance and dividend policy complements fundamental analysis(rulandari et al., 2018; sofyan, 2016). the good financial performance of a company is a major consideration for investors. the better the level of financial performance of a company is expected to increase stock prices and will provide profits (return) for investors, because stock returns are the difference between current stock prices and previous stock prices. high stock return is one of the attractions for investors to invest their funds in the capital market. thus, if the company's ability to generate profits increases, the share price will also increase. the higher the return or profit obtained, the better the position of the owner of the company (suad husnan, 2001 in defrizal 2015). the presence of the capital market in indonesia is marked by the number of investors who have begun to invest in the property and real estate industry. the property and real estate business, both residential and commercial, have shown quite rapid development in indonesia, as evidenced by the increasingly widespread development housing, business center and supermall in the last years. the rapid development of the property sector is followed by the higher demand for boards, so property companies need funds from external sources. many people invest their capital in the property industry because land prices tend to rise. the reason is that the land supply is fixed while demand will always be large as population grows. head of the central statistics agency suhariyanto said that the highest improvement in business conditions is expected to occur in the real estate business field with an itb value of 111.20 (, 2017). the stock price has increased and decreased which is influenced by various factors. these factors are macroeconomic factors and fundamental factors. macroeconomic factors stem from broad economic problems, for example economic policy, inflation, interest rates, currency exchange rates, public income and others. fundamental factors are factors originating from within the company that issued the shares themselves (the issuer). if a company that issues shares is in good condition, its stock price will tend to increase and if the stock price increases, the return it receives will also increase. this is because investor confidence in the issuer is getting better, investors have the expectation of getting a large share of profits or dividends. this fundamental factor can be seen from financial statements. the issuer's financial statements can be seen the level of financial performance both in terms of ability to generate profits (profitability), ability to pay debts (solvency), as well as the level of efficiency and effectiveness in managing their wealth (activities). problems in this study arise because of the research gap that shows the results of different studies regarding the related variables in this study. previous research that became a reference in this study is a study conducted by agung tri atidhira and andi ina yustina (2017) by adding 2 other variables, namely total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rates to the us dollar. this study uses property and real estate companies as research objects starting from 2012-2017. the reason researchers chose this company is because the property and real estate companies have bright prospects in the future by seeing the potential population continues to grow and the increasing number of developments in the housing sector, apartments, shopping the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 105 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 centers, and office buildings that attract investors to invest their funds so that the prospect of stock trading is expected to continue to increase. method the type of data used in this study is secondary data that is data obtained from other parties in the form of data that is ready to be processed or published. secondary data refers to information collected by a person, and not to a researcher who is carrying out a sophisticated study. the data can be internal or external to the organization and accessed through the internet, document searches, or publication of information (now, 2006: 65). these data include quantitative data because in their calculations use numbers (nominal) and are a type of panel data (pooled data), that is data that uses multiple objects (cross section) in several research periods (time series) based on a summary of january's performance 2012 december 2017 in property and real estate companies. in this study, the data used are secondary data including return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps) and total asset turnover (tato) derived from the financial statements of sample companies obtained from the stock exchange indonesian securities through its official website, namely and us dollar exchange rate data obtained from bank indonesia (bi) through its official website, namely specifically stock return data is obtained by processing stock closing price data from the indonesian capital market directory (icmd) or the site the population in this study were 57 (fifty seven) property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) and published their data in the indonesian capital market directory (icmd). based on the purposive sampling technique, 21 (twenty one) companies were obtained in the property and real estate sector that met the requirements and were suitable for use as research samples. there are two variables used in this study, namely the independent variable (x) and the dependent variable (y). the independent variable (x) consists of return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah / us dollar exchange rate, while the dependent variable (y) is return stock. data analysis method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis used to test the effect of two or more independent variables on one dependent variable (imam, 2013: 13). other than that classic assumption tests are also used to test whether the regression model really shows a significant and representative relationship consisting of: autocorrelation test, normality test, multicollinearity test, and heterokedasticity test; and determination testing and hypothesis testing consisting of the f test and t test. the f test is used to determine the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable simultaneously. t test is used to determine the effect of the independent variable partially on the dependent variable. result and discussion the results of the multiple regression test in this study are as follows: multiple linear regression test results the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 106 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 source: secondary data processed. based on the test results with multiple linear regression methods, then an equation can be arranged as follows: stock return = 86,290 0,173 (roa) 16,697 (der) + 0,013 (eps) + 111,972 (tato) 0,007 (kurs) the regression equation can be described as follows: a. α = 86.290 means that if the value of other variables equal zero, then the value of stock returns is 86.290. b. x1 = 0.173 means that for every 1% increase in roa, stock returns will decrease by 0.173 assuming the other variables are constant. c. x2 = 16,697 means that every 1 time increase in der, the stock return will decrease by 16,697 assuming the other variables are constant. d. x3 = 0.013 means that for every increase of rp 1 eps, the stock return will increase by 0.013 assuming the other variables are constant. e. x4 = 111,972 means that every 1 times increase in tato, then stock returns will increase by 111,972 assuming the other variables are constant. f. x5 = 0.007 means that for every increase of idr 1 kurs, the stock return will decrease by 0.007 assuming the other variables are constant. determination coefficient test results (r2) source: secondary data processed. based on the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) test, it is known that the value of r square in the sample companies is 0.165 while the adjusted r square value is 0.130 or 13%. thus it can be concluded that the magnitude of the effect of return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 107 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 exchange rate on stock returns is 13% while the remaining 87% is influenced by other variables outside the study. anova f (simultaneous) test results source: secondary data processed. based on the results of the f test above it can be seen that the fcount value was 4.726 and the significance value was 0.001. it can be seen that the value of fcount 4.726 is greater than f table. ftable is determined by reading table f, with the number of independent variables of 5 (five) variables (k = 5) and the number of samples of 126, with a degree of freedom (df) of df = (nk) that is equal to 121, so it can be determined ftable of 2.29. the significance value of 0.001 is less than the significance level of 0.05 (α = 0.05) and fcount is greater than ftable, then ho is rejected and ha is accepted. this shows that the independent variables namely return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rates simultaneously or jointly able to explain changes in variables the dependent is stock returns, so it can be concluded that return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rates simultaneously affect stock returns. the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 108 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 t test results (partial test) source: secondary data processed. based on the results of the t test above, it can be seen that debt to equity ratio (der), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rate partially have a significant effect on stock returns because they have a significance value of more than 0.05 or 5% significance level, whereas return on asset (roa) and earning per share (eps) partially have no significant effect on stock return because the significance value is less than the significant level of 0.05 or 5%. effect of return on assets (roa) on stock return. return on assets (roa) as one of the independent variables that do not have a significant effect on stock returns as the dependent variable. based on the results of the multiple linear regression model equation, it is known that the roa value of -0.173 means that if roa increases by 1% then stock returns will decrease by 0.173. return on assets (roa) shows the result of t count of -0.217, where t arithmetic is greater than t table that is equal to -1.97976. besides being seen from t arithmetic can also be seen from the significance of return on assets (roa) of 0.829. this value above the significance level of 0.05 indicates that return on assets (roa) has no significant effect on stock returns on property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). this research shows that a high roa does not really attract investors in the capital market. this shows that the good profitability performance of the company can really be seen when investors also consider other profitability ratios such as gross profit margin (gpm), net profit margin (npm), return on equity (roe), and operating ratio. so, roa itself is difficult to attract investors to buy company shares if other profitability ratios have different conditions. with the increase in roa from the previous period, that does not mean that economic conditions are good. poor economic conditions can also cause a decrease in stock returns despite increased roa. the research period for 6 (six) years from 2012 to 2017 property and real estate companies experienced fluctuations. this shows that companies with fluctuating return on assets (roa) do not have the potential to attract investors to invest their shares. this condition makes the company's stock price increase so that return on assets (roa) that experience fluctuations will not affect the company's stock return. in this research, return on assets (roa) cannot be used as a basis for determining stock returns. the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 109 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 the results of this test are supported by previous research conducted by agung tri (2017) and farda eka (2016), which in his research concluded that return on assets (roa) had no significant effect on stock returns. effect of debt to equity ratio (der) on stock returns. debt to equity ratio (der) as one of the independent variables that has a significant effect on stock returns as the dependent variable. based on the results of the multiple linear regression model equation, it is known that the der value is -16,697 which means that if the der increases once, the stock return will decrease by 16,697. debt to equity ratio (der) shows the result of t count of -2.197, where t count is smaller than t table of -1.97976. in addition to the t count, it can also be seen from the significance of the debt to equity ratio (der) of 0.030. this value is below the significance level of 0.05, indicating that debt to equity ratio (der) has a significant effect on stock returns on property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). in this study it can be interpreted that debt to equity ratio (der) can be used as a basis for determining stock returns. debt to equity ratio (der) measures how far property and real estate companies are financed by debt. this debt arises because not all company needs can be met by the company's own capital. debt to equity ratio (der) ratio calculation of property and real estate companies has a fairly high der value. the higher the der reflects the relatively high risk of the company, consequently reducing the interest of investors to invest in companies that have a high debt to equity ratio (der). if there are no investors who are interested to invest, it will have an impact on the decline in the company's stock price and will affect the stock return. the results of this test are supported by previous research conducted by ni kadek raningsih (2015) and ihsan s. basalama et al. (2017), in which his research concluded that debt to equity ratio (der) had a significant effect on stock returns. effect of earning per share (eps) on stock return. earning per share (eps) as one of the independent variables that does not have a significant effect on stock returns as the dependent variable. based on the results of the equation of the multiple linear regression model, it is known that the eps value of 0.013, which means that if eps increases by rp 1, stock returns will increase by 0.013. earning per share (eps) shows the result of tcount of 0.821, where t arithmetic is smaller than t table of 1.97976. besides seen from t arithmetic can also be seen from the significance of earning per share (eps) of 0.413. this value above the significance level of 0.05 indicates that earning per share (eps) has no significant effect on stock returns on property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). this is due to fluctuations in earnings per share (eps). property and real estate companies have fluctuating eps which causes the company in generating net profit after tax to experience instability. this indicates that a declining eps indicates that investors no longer want to invest their shares in the company. as a result, company profits will decline, so that eps does not affect stock prices. the absence of influence on the stock price will also affect the company's stock return. this insignificant result, it can be concluded that the eps variable cannot be used as a reference in determining the investment strategies of investors in investing their shares in the capital market in the study period. the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 110 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 the results of this test are supported by previous research conducted by ferdinan eka (2016) and verawaty et al. (2015), in which his research concluded that earning per share (eps) had no significant effect on stock returns. effect of total asset turnover (tato) on stock returns. total asset turnover (tato) as one of the independent variables that has a significant effect on stock returns as the dependent variable. based on the results of the equation of the multiple linear regression model, it is known that the tato value is 111.972 which means that if tato increases 1 time the stock return will increase 111.972. total asset turnover (tato) shows the result of tcount of 2.125, where t arithmetic is greater than t table of 1.97976. in addition to the t count can also be seen from the significance of the total asset turnover (tato) of 0.036. this value is below the significance level of 0.05 indicating that the total asset turnover (tato) has a significant effect on stock returns on property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). in this study it can be interpreted that the total asset turnover (tato) can be used as a basis for determining stock returns. the level of total asset turnover (tato) owned by property and real estate companies in supporting sales activities can explain the stock returns received by investors. the company's ability to optimize all its assets effectively and efficiently can bring in revenue for the company, so that it can attract investors to buy the company's shares. if many investors invest their shares, the company's stock price will increase, so the company's stock returns received by investors will also increase. the results of this test are supported by previous research conducted by tantri bararoh (2015) which concluded that total assets turnover (tato) has a significant effect on stock returns. effect of rupiah exchange rates on stock returns. rupiah exchange rate as one of the independent variables that has a significant influence on stock returns as the dependent variable. rupiah exchange rate shows the t-value of -3.094, where the t-count is smaller than t-table of 1.97976. aside from looking at t arithmetic can also be seen from the significance of the rupiah exchange rate of 0.002. this value is below the significance level of 0.05 indicating that the rupiah exchange rate has a significant effect on stock returns on property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). in this study it can be interpreted that the rupiah exchange rate can be used as a basis for determining stock returns. based on the results of the multiple regression equation model, it is known that the exchange rate of the rupiah (exchange rate) of -0.007, which means that if the exchange rate increases rp 1, the company's stock return will decrease by 0.007 and investors will not reinvest their shares in the company which will cause the stock price to also decrease , if the share price decreases, stock returns that will be received by investors will also decrease. besides the weakening of the rupiah against the us dollar can affect stock returns to be received by investors. the results of this test are supported by previous research conducted by ariyani indriastuti (2017) and ni kadek suriyani (2018), which in his research concluded that the rupiah exchange rate (exchange rate) has a significant effect on stock returns. effects of return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rates on stock returns the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 111 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rate have an influence on stock returns. these results can be seen fcount value of 4.726 and a significance value of 0.001. it can be seen that the calculated f value of 4.726 is greater than the f table of 2.29 and the significance value is below the significance level of 0.05. this states that return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rates simultaneously affect stock returns. the coefficient of determination (r2) is known that the value of r square in the sample companies is 0.165 while the adjusted r square value is 0.130 or 13%. thus it can be concluded that the magnitude of the effect of return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rate on stock returns is 13% while the remaining 87% is influenced by other variables outside the study. other variables outside this study that might have a major influence on stock returns are net profit margin (npm), current ratio (cr), price to book value (pbv), inflation and interest rates. this is supported by the results of research conducted by anistia nurhakim (2016) and ferdinan eka (2016) stating that net profit margin (npm) affects stock returns. research conducted by farda eka (2016) states that current ratio (cr) has a significant effect on stock returns. research conducted by lardin korawijayanti (2014) states that price to book value (pbv) has a significant effect on stock returns. research conducted by sri suyati (2015) states that inflation and interest rates have a significant effect on stock returns. conclusion a. return on assets (roa) partially does not significantly influence the return of shares of property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2012 to 2017. conditions of return on assets (roa) of property and real estate companies that experience fluctuations do not have the potential for power attract investors to invest their shares. this can make the company's stock price increase so that fluctuating return on assets (roa) will not affect the company's stock return b. debt to equity ratio (der) partially has a significant effect on the stock returns of property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2012 to 2017. property and real estate companies have a high der value, so the risk borne by the company is also relatively high. this can reduce the company's stock returns and reduce investor interest in investing in the company. c. earning per share (eps) partially has no significant effect on stock returns of property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2012 to 2017. the results of this study indicate that earning per share (eps) cannot be used as a basis for determining stock returns . property and real estate companies have fluctuating eps which causes the company in generating net profit after tax to experience instability. this shows that investor's disinterest in seeing eps in investing can increase the company's stock price so that fluctuating eps does not have an impact on stock returns to be received by investors. d. total asset turnover (tato) partially has a significant effect on the stock returns of property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2012 to 2017. the ability of the company to optimize all its assets effectively and efficiently can the effect of return on asset (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and exchange rate on stock return of property and real estate companies at indonesia stock exchange period 2012-2017 sausan, korawijayanti, ciptaningtias 112 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 bring revenue to the company, so that it can attract interest investors to buy the company's shares. if many investors invest their shares, the company's stock price will increase, so the company's stock returns received by investors will also increase. e. the rupiah exchange rate partially has a significant effect on the stock returns of property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2012 to 2017. the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate against the us dollar can affect the stock returns that will be received by investors. this will make investors prefer investing in dollars rather than investing in shares. if investors no longer invest their shares in these companies, it will cause the stock price to decline so that the stock returns that investors will receive will also decline. f. return on assets (roa), debt to equity ratio (der), earning per share (eps), total asset turnover (tato) and rupiah exchange rates simultaneously affect the stock returns of property and real estate companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange year 2012 to 2017. companies that have high roa will also generate high profits. this will increase the company's 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rio ahmad junaedi1, elva nuraina2 dan nur wahyunig sulistyowati3 1fkip, universitas pgri madiun, indonesia 2pendidikan akuntansi, universitas pgri madiun indonesia submitted : jan 13 th 2020 revised : feb 13 th 2020 published : march 30 th 2020 abstract this study aims to examine the effect of intellectual capital on firm value through financial performance as an intervening variable in the property and real estate sub-sector companies which is quantitative research by applying hypothesis testing and conducting path analysis using linear regression. to test the influence of mediation in this study applying the sobel test with the results of financial performance cannot mediate the relationship of intellectual capital and firm value because financial performance is not the only factor that influences the movement of company values, and intellectual capital itself is a factor that cannot be measured directly different from financial performance. keywords: intellectual capital, company value, financial performance. introduction at present the growing variety of investments is investing in land or property which has an impact on the high level of development of the property and real estate industry plus more and more companies are participating in taking advantage of this opportunity (hamidy, wiksuana, & artini, 2015). in the business world, a company must be faced with conditions where an increase or decrease in the value of the company. the stock price index experienced a decline in early 2018, one of which was the property sub-sector companies cited through rti buisness namely pt bumi serpong damai decreased by 75 points to 4.09% or rp 1,760. pt alam sutera realty decreased 18 points to 4.55% or rp. 378. pt ciputra development has decreased by 40 points to 3.01% or rp. 1,290. pt agung podomoro land has decreased by 12 points to 5.31% or rp. 214. pt lippo karawaci, which decreased by 30 points to 5.61% or rp. 505. pt summarecon agung also decreased by 45 points to 3.81% or rp. 1,135. idx director tito sulistio stressed that the weakening was caused by perceptions originating from the state of the world economy, namely the united states, if the company's output in 2017 was good the economy would be good. all perceptions are only temporary due to good economic and corporate fundamentals (ningrum, 2018). with this phenomenon, it encourages researchers to find out about the weakening of company performance and value in the property and real estate sub-sector companies, is it because the company is not maximally utilizing the existing wealth (tangible and intangible assets), namely intellectual capital, because some theories state that intellectual capital is the most important part in increasing a company's wealth. mailto:ahmadrio120696@gmail.com1 does the value of the company affected intellectual capital with financial performance as interesting variables? junaedi, nuraina, sulistyowati 116 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 intellectual capital is no different from the insights and expertise inherent in the organization of the intellectual community, intellectual capital can also be said to be a high-value resource and has the ability to take action based on knowledge as conveyed by ulum (2009) and if intellectual capital is used to its full potential , has an impact on the quality of the company's financial performance where the financial performance itself is the same as the analysis carried out to find out how far the company operates its business based on effective and efficient financial implementation standards in the opinion of fahmi (2018) which as a whole influences the movement of company value, its relation with this topic is a reflection of the price to be paid by potential buyers if the related company is to be sold, because in essence the value of the company is the perception of all investors in the position of success value that is often linked with stock value and profitability as stated by (brigham & houston, 2010). judging from the discussion above, several previous researchers have conducted intellectual capital, company value, and financial performance studies such as sudibya & restuti (2014) which empirically proved that intellectual capital has a positive influence on financial performance, in contrast to andriana's (2014) research which states that intellectual capital and human capital have insignificant negative effect on financial performance, even though employed capital and structural capital show positive coefficients. the different results of research conducted by several researchers such as sudibya & restuti (2014) states that intellectual capital has a positive influence on financial performance, in contrast to andriana (2014) which provides a statement that intellectual capital and human capital insignificantly have a negative effect on financial performance . this encourages researchers to carry out the next research that is the application of roa as a measure of financial performance which is used as a connecting variable of the two other variables as well as researched data focusing on property and real estate sub-sector companies that are incorporated in the bei period 2015 to 2017 because the related sectors have the lowest movement in the stock price index while the price of the property is getting higher and this becomes more interesting to study because the development of the property and real estate sector is part of the indicator of economic growth in indonesia in particular. some of the explanations above, then this study aims to examine the influence of intellectual capital on firm value and financial performance and to test the ability of financial performance to mediate the relationship of intellectual capital with firm value which theoretically has a contribution to increase knowledge in the accounting world, specifically discussing related to value added information which is the output of intellectual capital and its influence on the optimization of financial performance and corporate value. in addition, this research is practically aimed at stakeholders to examine the importance of intellectual capital that encourages the business processes of an entity or company to be able to produce added value that gives more points to the company, while for subsequent researchers as a reference source in developing research in the field of intellectual capital. method this study includes quantitative research using secondary data sources, in several property and real estate sub-sector companies included in the indonesia stock exchange period 2015-2017 with a research period of approximately 4 months, from march to june 2019. the sample of companies in this study amounted to 31 companies with a purposive sampling technique, because there are several companies whose financial statements are incomplete so that does the value of the company affected intellectual capital with financial performance as interesting variables? junaedi, nuraina, sulistyowati 117 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 it becomes a consideration in determining the sample of companies to be studied. this study uses intervening variables with path analysis because path analysis is an extended regression analysis to estimate the causality relationship between variables that have been selected before, in accordance with existing theories and path analysis is included as part of a broad multiple regression analysis (ghozali, 2013). this analysis directly occurs if 1 (one) variable influences other variables without using a connecting variable whereas indirectly it can occur if there are other variables mediating the two variables with an equation like the following: ( ) ( ) information: a. roa (return on assets) as a proxy for financial performance. b. vaictm (value added intellectual coefficient) as a proxy for intellectual capital. c. pbv (price to book value) as a proxy for company value. d. e. f. g. h. mediation test through multiple test, to test the indirect effect of the independent variable with the dependent variable passing through the connecting variable which is calculated as follows: √ information: a. sab : standard error coefficient ab b. a : coefficient a c. b : coefficient b d. e. result and discussion a. results of analysis of intellectual capital regression (x1) on financial performance (x2) after conducting a partial significance test (t test), the results obtained are a constant value and vaictm of 0,000 which can be observed from table 1. table 1. results (t test) model t significant constant -15,505 0,000 vaictm 5,475 0,000 source: spss version 22 table 1 shows that the significance value is 0,000 below 0.05, so it can be concluded that intellectual capital has a significant influence on financial performance. this is based on resources bassed theory which states that a company can be said to excel in a stock market competition and produces good quality financial performance on condition of owning, controlling and being able to use all important assets (tangible or intangible assets), reinforced by ozkan research , cakan, & kayacan (2016) which states that the intellectual capital has a positive influence on roa, the greater the intellectual capital, the profits created directly increase and the value of roa also increases. does the value of the company affected intellectual capital with financial performance as interesting variables? junaedi, nuraina, sulistyowati 118 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 b. results of analysis of intellectual capital regression (x1) on firm value (y) the partial significance test (t test) produces a constant value and vaictm of 0,000, which is found in table 2 as follows: table 2. results (t test) model t significant constant -4,418 0,000 vaictm 4,298 0,000 source: spss version 22 table 2 shows that the significance value obtained from the test was 0,000 below 0.05. thus it can be concluded that intellectual capital has a significant effect on firm value. based on satakeholder theory which states that intellectual capital is believed to have an important influence in increasing the value of a company, in line with the opinion of hamidah & sari (2014) which proves that intellectual capital is included in the source of knowledge, can significantly have an impact on increasing the wealth of a company, agree also with nuryaman (2015) which states that intellectual capital has a positive influence on company value, and supported by sudibya & restuti (2014) which proves that intellectual capital has a good influence on firm value. this is because the maximum utilization of intellectual capital can affect the attractiveness of investors, thereby directly increasing their perception of the value of a company. c. financial performance mediates the relationship between intellectual capital and company value testing the presence or absence of the influence of financial performance in mediating the relationship of intellectual capital to the value of the company, researchers look for the influence of financial performance first for the value of the company, then the next step is to do a mediation test and a sobel test. 1. results of analysis of intellectual capital regression (x1) and financial performance (x2) against corporate value/pbv (y) after a regression analysis the results obtained are constant values of 0.010, vaictm of 0.000, and roa of 0.705 which can be observed from table 3. table 3. intellectual capital_ic regression model and financial performance of pbv model coefficient t significant constant -1,690 -2,627 0,010 vaic tm 0,716 3,899 0,000 roa -0,043 -0,379 0,705 source: spss version 22 table 3 shows the multiple linear regression equation as follows: y= -1,690+0,716vaic tm -0,043roa the above equation is a model obtained from data that has been transformed to a log because at the beginning of testing the classical assumptions, the assumption of normality is not met. the equation with the anti-log value to return to the original data is as follows: y= 0,185+2,046vaic tm +1,044roa based on table 3 and the above model can be explained if the variable intellectual capital and financial performance both have a value of 0, so the variable y or the value of the company (pbv) is worth 0.185. if intellectual capital (vaictm) experiences an increase of 1 (one) unit, it does the value of the company affected intellectual capital with financial performance as interesting variables? junaedi, nuraina, sulistyowati 119 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 can cause the value of the company (pbv) to increase to 2,046 units provided the other variables are constant or zero. then if the financial performance (roa) has increased by 1 (one) unit, the company value (pbv) will experience a decrease of 1,044 units provided the other variables are constant or zero. furthermore, after a partial significance test (t test) was obtained, the results obtained a constant value of 0.010, vaictm of 0.000, and roa of 0.705 as can be seen from table 4. table 4. results (t test) model t significant constant -2,627 0,010 vaic tm 3,899 0,000 roa -0,379 0,705 source: spss version 22 table 4 shows the results of the t test for the analysis of intellectual capital regression and financial performance to firm value (pbv). variable intellectual capital_vaictm t value is 3,899 and significance is 0,000. significant value of 0,000 is far below 0.05 so it can be concluded that the intellectual capital variable (vaictm) partially has an influence on firm value (pbv) and the financial performance variable (roa) has a t value of -0.379 with a significance of 0.705. the significance value of 0.705 exceeds the value of 0.05 so it can be concluded that financial performance (roa) partially has no effect on the value of the company (pbv). 2. mediation test to detect influence of financial performance (roa) in mediating intellectual capital_vaictm relationship to firm value (pbv). mediation test is done by calculating the coefficient obtained from the results of intellectual capital regression to financial performance and the results obtained from the regression test of intellectual capital variables and financial performance to the company value whose results can be observed from table 5. table 5. intellectual capital regression tests on financial performance model coefficient standard error constant -4,854 0,313 vaic tm 0,810 0,148 sumber: spss versi 22 table 5 shows a value of 0.810 and sa of 0.148 and other coefficient values needed for the test sobel are in the regression equation with the results shown in table 6. table 6. intellectual capital_ic regression tests and financial performance of company values koefisien standar eror constant -1,690 0,643 vaic tm 0,716 0,183 roa -0,043 0,113 source: spss version 22 table 6 shows the coefficient b is -0.043 and the coefficient sb is 0.113. then continue the sobel test as follows: √ √( ) does the value of the company affected intellectual capital with financial performance as interesting variables? junaedi, nuraina, sulistyowati 120 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 the calculation using the formula above shows the value of the sobel test 0.09326. then proceed with the calculation of the value of t which is done to test whether financial performance is able to mediate the relationship between intellectual capital and firm value. ( )( ) the above calculation results in the calculated t value of | -0.37346 | or 0.37346. then compare with the value of t table (significant 0.05 and degree freedom 157) of 1.986 so that it can be determined that the value of t arithmetic (0.37346) is below the t table (1.986). thus, it can be concluded that there is no effect on the roa_ financial performance in mediating the relationship of intellectual capital to the firm_pbv value. agree with lestari (2017); lestari & sapitri (2016) who did not succeed in proving the influence of ic on the value of the company, contrary to the results of research by hadiwijaya & rohman (2013); jayanti & binastuti (2017) which states that intellectual capital (ic) has a good influence on financial performance and corporate value. conclusion intellectual capital has a significantly positive effect on financial performance and firm value, while intellectual capital does not have a significant influence on firm value through financial performance as an intervening variable because financial performance continues to increase and is stable does not mean that it can increase the value of a company and the value of a company is the perception of a number of investors regarding the success rate of a company that is often linked based on the level of stock prices, and that perception does not always occur only in the company's financial performance, but it can be from the quality of company management, resources, asset utilization or from other factors that attract investors in increasing their perception of a company. the limitation of this study is that the researcher has difficulty in analyzing financial statements due to differences in terms of the accounts in the financial statements such as net income accounts written as net sales accounts at several companies. the next researcher is expected to learn more about the terms in writing accounts in the financial statements so that the differences in terms do not become obstacles in the process of analyzing the financial statements of each company. reference andriana, d. 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(2009). intellectual capital. yogyakarta: graha ilmu. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 2, april 2023 page no. 208-220 208 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting market concentration in construction tenders in west papua bagas johantri1, rachma aprilia2, sopian3 123politeknik keuangan negara stan, indonesia correspondent: received : january 21, 2023 accepted : april 6, 2023 published : april 30, 2023 citation: johantri, b., aprilia, r. sopian. (2023). market concentration in construction tenders in west papua. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2),194-207. abstract: this study aims to determine the level of market concentration in construction work tenders in west papua and to investigate the correlation between the market concentration index and the average participation in tenders, the number of work packages, and average tender savings. west papua has privileges in procurement and has special autonomy funds for development. the study uses tender data from 2018-2022 and employs the herfindahl-hirschman index (hhi) and concentration ratio 4 (cr4) to calculate market concentration. the results indicate that, based on hhi, the market concentration in the building construction and civil engineering subsectors is generally low, except for civil engineering in 2022. however, based on cr4, the market concentration in the building construction subsector is moderate, and in the civil engineering subsector, it is low, except for 2018. moreover, there is a negative correlation between the number of packages and average participants, as well as between the number of packages and cr4 values. the findings of this study can be useful for construction providers to understand the competition in tenders and assist the government in developing competitive procurement strategies. future research can investigate the economic benefits of local west papua businesses when market concentration is low. keywords: concentration ratio, government procurement, herfindahl-hirschman index, tender. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction government procurement of goods and services (pbj) is a potential market for businesses in indonesia. according to the (lkpp, 2022), at least 1,052 t rupiahs of the national budget is spent on pbj. given this sizeable proportion, pbj is regulated by presidential regulations and other derivative regulations, which are continuously adjusted to meet the government's needs and circumstances. however, for a market, rigid regulations can be a barrier to entry. the presidential regulation on pbj is mandatory for government agencies, including local governments such as the west papua province. the indonesian government provides special autonomy funds (dana otonomi khusus) to west papua and other provinces with similar special market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 209 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting autonomy status. the government allocated idr 12.8 trillion as the special autonomy fund for papua and west papua provinces (ardimansyah, 2022), which can be utilized to accelerate the economic development and welfare of the people in the autonomous region. one of the ways this is achieved is through pbj. regarding pbj, the indonesian government has introduced presidential regulation 17 of 2019 as a measure to expedite economic growth in papua and west papua. this regulation is aimed at regulating the procurement of goods and services in the two provinces. among the provisions of the regulation is a concession granted to local papuan entrepreneurs, allowing them to participate in the pbj without compromising the quality of their work. this move is expected to promote the involvement of papuan businesses in government procurement activities, and consequently stimulate the economic development of the region (mansawan, 2021). the purpose of the special autonomy fund and the specialization of pbj regulations in west papua may face obstacles. the results of the integrity assessment in a survey conducted by the corruption eradication commission show that the integrity index in west papua is below the national average (wibowo et al., 2021). moreover, in developing nations, (williams-elegbe, 2018) discovered that deviation in government procurement is primarily driven by weak regulations and law enforcement, insufficient accountability to the public, and limited public participation in reporting fraudulent activities to internal control mechanisms or law enforcement agencies. referring to the presidential regulation, the purpose of pbj is to increase the role of business actors and ensure value for money for the goods and services obtained (presiden republik indonesia, 2021). many barriers to doing business can weaken the competition (diaby & sylwester, 2015). to improve the role of businesses, the government's policy is to make it easier for them to participate in pbj as procurement service providers, which is also expected to create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth. with more businesses providing services, these objectives become more achievable. value for money in pbj can be assessed from the cost perspective. pbj is expected to provide the best goods and services at the lowest possible cost without sacrificing quality or timeliness. in terms of cost, procurement service providers are expected to provide competitive bids, which ultimately result in savings for the national budget. thus, competition is essential to create the fair price (mcafee & mcmillan, 1987). in another study, competition reduced collusion (ryvkin & serra, 2020). one of the procurement methods that allows open competition is tender. tender in government procurement is the selection of providers through an open announcement with the determination of the winner based on the bids submitted by participants (lkpp, 2021). auction is an economic game that contains format and information (watson, 2013). in this case, the format determines the rules on how to announce, submit bids, and determine the winner. each participant will conduct an assessment of the qualifications they have, the value of the work, potential competitors, and the risks involved in the work before submitting a bid (ballesteros-pérez et al., 2016; hanák et al., 2021; kocher et al., 2015; mcafee & mcmillan, 1987). when evaluating bids, the participant with the lowest price and the technical qualifications is selected as the winner so the bid price becomes important. market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 210 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in a cost accounting perspective, prices can be determined by adding the costs and the desired rate of return (carter, 2006). each participant has information that influences their assessment of the auction object. the value of the object surely differs among participants. according to (vickrey, 1961) the optimal bid a provider can offer is the value they expect to receive from the project in the tender. (podwol & schneider, 2016) shows that there is nonstandard bidder behavior in auctions. in tender markets, providers who have a competitive advantage, whether it be in technical qualification or pricing, may come to dominate the market by consistently winning project bids. this is not a problem for the government as long as the advantage is gained through legitimate means such as efficiency and capacity. however, if the advantage is due to collusion with procurement actors, then it becomes a major issue that needs to be addressed to prevent unfair competition. procurement of goods and services in indonesia has been previously studied. from a governance perspective, the use of information technology through e-procurement is believed to have reduced the potential for collusion in pbj implementation ((huda et al., 2017)(salman & survanto, 2019); (nani & ali, 2020); (wicaksono et al., 2017)). the use of it can reduce face-to-face meetings between tender organizers and bidders, thereby reducing the risk of collusion between bidders and organizers. in addition to governance aspects,(johantri et al., 2022) examines the relationship between contract prices in public procurement tenders and several other variables. (johantri et al., 2022), which uses tender data from the ministry of finance, is corroborated by the findings of (raharjo & gultom, 2022), who uses data from all local governments. both studies show that the more tender participants, the greater the government's cost savings. the number of participants can indicate that competition will affect prices. in an economy, companies that have the ability to establish prices above marginal cost hold an advantage over those that cannot. the presence of market power and its evaluation through market concentration as a measure of market power is a significant issue (pavic et al., 2016). previous research has been conducted on market concentration in public procurement. (svoboda, 2016) examined market concentration in public procurement using the herindahl-hirschman index (hhi) and concentration ratio of the top four companies (cr4). (peleckis, 2022) studied the construction market, while (berkovich et al., 2021) focused on the internet market, both using hhi to measure market concentration. the studies on market concentration of construction industry have been carriedout ((kawai & nakabayashi, 2022); (škuflić et al., 2018); (dinarjito, 2022); (wang & li, 2021)). however, market concentration in government procurement for construction tenders is still difficult to find. the aim of this study is to determine the level of market concentration in government procurement tenders in the construction sector in west papua, and to investigate the correlation between market concentration and the average number of tender participants, number of tender packages, and average percentage of tender savings. the study found that there were differences in market structures in the construction subsector when using different measures. the findings of this study could be valuable for practitioners and policy-makers seeking to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of tendering practices, particularly in the context of west papua. market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 211 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method this study employs construction tender data from the period of 2018 to september 2022, obtained from the government tender announcement website of west papua province, available at the sample data were purposively selected based on data completeness, resulting in a sample size of 796 construction job packages. the tender population, and research samples are as shown in table 1 below: table 1. population and sampel discriptions package registered tenders 1.679 the tender failed, and the data is incomplete 164 non-construction tenders 719 sample 796 once the data has been obtained, the next steps in the research process involve descriptive analysis, determination of market concentration, and correlation analysis. this study employs the herfindahl-hirschman index (hhi) and concentration ratio 4 (cr4) to measure market concentration. hhi is considered more precise as it includes all business players in the calculation of market concentration, while cr4 only describes the strength of the top 4 providers (pavic et al., 2016). however, the study uses cr4 to determine the level of concentration in the four dominant providers. hhi is calculated based on formula (pavic et al., 2016): 𝐻𝐻𝐼 = ∑(𝑀𝑆𝑖 ) 2 𝑁 𝑖=1 the msi represents the total contract value of packages won by a provider, with n being the number of providers. a hhi value below 100 indicates high competition, a value below 1,500 indicates an unconcentrated market, a value between 1,500 and 2,500 indicates moderate concentration, and a value above 2,500 indicates high concentration. the cr4 calculation is performed using the formula (pavic et al., 2016): 𝐶𝑅4 = 𝐶1 + 𝐶2 + 𝐶3 + 𝐶4 cr4 represents the sum of the market share of the top four largest companies. low concentration occurs when the cr4 value is up to 40%. values between 40%-70% indicate moderate concentration, while values between 70%-100% indicate the presence of oligopoly to monopoly in the procurement of goods and services. market concentration calculations are carried out for each fiscal year with reference to ramadhani & setiawan (2019), who stated that fiscal year has an influence on government budget absorption. calculation was also conducted based on the construction subsector given that each subsector has market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 212 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting different job characteristics and requires different provider requirements (lkpp, 2021). this study categorizes construction into building construction subsector (building), civil engineering subsector (civil), and other subsectors (other). the next step is to calculate the correlation between market concentration and the average number of participants, the number of packages, and the percentage of savings. this study employed spearman's rho analysis as the data was not normally distributed. in addition, due to data limitations, correlation analysis was not conducted for the other subsectors. result and discussion during 2018-2022, the majority of tenders for construction in west papua are civil engineerings. there is a significant difference in the quantity of the number of tender packages between the subsectors. there are 631 tenders were civil, 154 tenders were building, and 11 were other. table 2 describes construction tenders by fiscal year. table 2. tender per years sub-sector 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 total building number of package 51 40 25 24 14 154 number of participant 1.396 1.130 725 945 579 4775 max participant 67 85 65 65 113 113 min of participant 7 6 7 14 12 6 average participant per package 27,37 28,25 29 39,38 41,36 31,00 civil number of package 125 108 149 146 103 631 number of participant 3.148 1.928 3.202 3.791 1.645 13.714 max participant 79 85 81 86 48 86 min of participant 4 3 5 6 3 3 average participant per package 25,18 17,85 21,49 25,97 15,97 21,73 other number of package 8 3 11 number of participant 150 27 177 max participant 24 18 24 min of participant 11 4 4 average participant per package 18,75 9 16,09 overall total packages 184 151 174 170 117 796 total participant 4.694 3.085 3.927 4.736 2.224 18.666 max partisipan 79 85 81 86 113 113 min partisipan 4 3 5 6 3 3 average participant per package 25,51 20,43 22,57 27,86 19,01 23,45 market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 213 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on table 2, the number of participants in civil engineering tenders is greater than the number of participants in building tenders. however, the average number of participants per civil tender is smaller than the average number of participants per building tender. the competition to win a building construction contract is tighter compared to civil engineering contracts, and this condition occurs throughout the observation period (2018-2022). on average, each building construction project is followed by 31 participants, while each civil engineering package is followed by 22 participants. the competition to win tenders is looser for other subsector as the average number of participants is only 16 per project. this data needs to be carefully considered by providers who want to participate in procurement in west papua. referring to the study by (raharjo & gultom, 2022), the average number of participants in tenders in west papua is higher than the average number of bidders in tenders in java and bali for 2020-2021. however, according to (johantri et al., 2022), the average number of bidders in west papua is lower than the average number of bidders in the ministry of finance for 2019-2021. from the perspective of the value for money objective, table 3 shows the average percentage of budget savings from the tender process. tender savings are calculated as the difference between the self-estimate price (harga perkiraan sendiri or hps) and the contract value. the savings percentage represents the percentage of this difference from the hps value. tabel 3. average percentage of tender saving subsector 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 min max average building 6,99% 3,80% 5,36% 6,49% 3,95% 3,80% 6,99% 5,54% other 2,98% 1,39% 1,39% 2,98% 2,55% civil 4,51% 3,37% 3,50% 3,70% 3,79% 3,37% 4,51% 3,77% average 5,13% 3,45% 3,77% 4,10% 3,81% 4,10% the average value from table 3 over the course of 5 years was only 4.1%, with the highest average in 2018 and the lowest in 2019. when observed by sub-sector, the highest savings were achieved in 2018 for building, while the lowest savings were achieved in 2019 for other. the percentage of savings from construction tendering can be considered relatively low compared to the ministry of finance, which shows that the difference between contract values and tender ceiling prices ranges between 8% to 10% (johantri & aprilia, 2021). the data indicates that construction job tenders in west papua utilize budget more optimally. optimizing budget utilization is directly related to the goal of economic equality in government expenditure. however, the value for money of the work outcomes still needs to be further investigated. this study uses the lkpp regulations to divide the construction subsector. although (rajala et al., 2022) concludes that there is a difference between profits from renovation works and those from new building construction, research data does not allow for an accurate division. the concentration index of each sub-sector is as table 4. market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 214 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4 shows the results of hhi and cr4 based on sub-sector. tabel 4. hhi and cr4 per sub-sector hhi cr4 building civil other building civil other 2018 633,86 289,51 1.426,18 39,01 23,79 66,95 2019 1.381,17 229,21 7.527,63 51,20 18,76 100,00 2020 1.462,36 215,55 54,74 17,30 2021 815,31 202,98 46,39 18,13 2022 1.673,11 276,51 70,39 24,33 referring to (pavic et al., 2016), based on the calculations in table 4, the hhi of the sub-sector for building construction indicates low market concentration, except for 2022 where it shows moderate concentration. the result is in line with (dinarjito, 2022). however, if market concentration is measured using cr4, there is moderate concentration in 2019-2022. this may be due to the presence of one or two large companies that have a significant market share, thus affecting the overall market concentration. in this case, although the hhi indicates low market concentration, the cr4 indicates moderate concentration because the market share of the top four companies is still quite significant. therefore, the results of the hhi and cr4 measurements can provide different information about market concentration in an industry. the high market concentration can be interpreted as a situation where a few providers are capable of winning many contracts. to win tenders, providers usually need to offer lower prices in addition to meeting all technical requirements. in this context, competitive advantages can differentiate one provider from another. since 2020, the ministry of public works has issued regulations on what can be required in tenders. essentially, these regulations align with the spirit of the presidential regulation on procurement of goods and services, in which technical requirements are simplified to facilitate providers in participating in tenders. these regulations reduce entry barriers for providers who previously found it difficult to enter the pbj tender market. however, given the high concentration that occurred in 2022, further research could delve deeper into how concentration can be moderated despite the decreasing barriers to entry for providers. in table 2, the number of contracts awarded for each sub-sector of work varies by year. when the market share being contested is low, concentration may occur because winning a few contracts is enough to dominate the market. on the other hand, a larger number of participants will result in greater competition, and concentration may decrease when the number of participants increases. a larger number of participants, budget savings will be greater (johantri et al., 2022; raharjo & gultom, 2022). to show the correlation between these factors, the correlation matrix is as follows: market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 215 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 5. correlation of hhi in building construction subsector hhi building cr4 building participan t building package building saving buildin g spearma n's rho hhi building correlation coefficient 1,000 1,000** ,700 -,700 -,700 sig. (2-tailed) . . ,188 ,188 ,188 n 5 5 5 5 5 cr4 building correlation coefficient 1,000** 1,000 ,700 -,700 -,700 sig. (2-tailed) . . ,188 ,188 ,188 n 5 5 5 5 5 participa nt building correlation coefficient ,700 ,700 1,000 -1,000** -,300 sig. (2-tailed) ,188 ,188 . . ,624 n 5 5 5 5 5 package building correlation coefficient -,700 -,700 -1,000** 1,000 ,300 sig. (2-tailed) ,188 ,188 . . ,624 n 5 5 5 5 5 saving building correlation coefficient -,700 -,700 -,300 ,300 1,000 sig. (2-tailed) ,188 ,188 ,624 ,624 . n 5 5 5 5 5 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). based on spearman's rho correlation calculation in the building construction subsector, the hhi is not significantly correlated with the number of tender packages, average tender participants, or average savings percentage. thus, even though the studies by (raharjo & gultom, 2022) as well as (johantri et al., 2022) show that the number of bidders has a negative effect on contract prices, the decrease in value is not significantly correlated with market concentration. there are several possible reasons why the decrease in value due to the presence of more bidders may not be significantly correlated with market concentration. while market concentration is an important factor in determining pricing power, it is not the only factor that affects the competitiveness of the bidding process. other factors such as the level of competition, the quality of the bids, and the level of demand for the project may also have a greater impact on the final contract price. secondly, even if there are a few dominant firms in the market, if they do not have a significant market share, they may not be able to exert enough pricing power to affect the contract price. in such cases, the number of bidders may have a more significant impact on pricing than market concentration. the other possibility is the data used in this study is relatively limited, therefore future research is recommended to use more data to better explain the correlations. market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 216 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on table 5, there is a significant correlation between the number of tender packages and the average number of participants, with a negative correlation coefficient of 0.9. the finding indicates that as the number of tender packages increases, the average number of participants decreases, and this relationship is statistically significant. the negative correlation coefficient of 0.9 suggests a strong negative relationship between these two variables. this means that there is a tendency for fewer bidders to participate in tenders when the number of tender packages is high. this finding could be used by policymakers and practitioners to develop strategies to increase the number of participants in tender processes, which may lead to increased competition and better value for money in public procurement. table 6. correlation of hhi in civil engineering subsector hhi civil cr4 civil participan t civil packag e civil saving civil spearma n's rho hhi civil correlation coefficient 1,000 ,800 -,400 -,600 ,600 sig. (2-tailed) . ,104 ,505 ,285 ,285 n 5 5 5 5 5 cr4 civil correlation coefficient ,800 1,000 -,500 -,900* ,600 sig. (2-tailed) ,104 . ,391 ,037 ,285 n 5 5 5 5 5 participa nt civil correlation coefficient -,400 -,500 1,000 ,700 ,200 sig. (2-tailed) ,505 ,391 . ,188 ,747 n 5 5 5 5 5 package civil correlation coefficient -,600 -,900* ,700 1,000 -,200 sig. (2-tailed) ,285 ,037 ,188 . ,747 n 5 5 5 5 5 saving civil correlation coefficient ,600 ,600 ,200 -,200 1,000 sig. (2-tailed) ,285 ,285 ,747 ,747 . n 5 5 5 5 5 *. correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). based on the correlation matrix in table 6 for the civil engineering subsector, the results differ from those of the building construction subsector. although both cr4 and hhi describe market concentration, cr4 is significantly correlated with the average number of participants, with a negative correlation coefficient of 0.9. a negative correlation coefficient indicates an inverse relationship between the two variables being studied. in this case, the significant negative correlation between cr4 and the average number of participants in the civil engineering subsector suggests that as the concentration of the market increases (as indicated by the cr4), the number market concentration in construction tenders in west papua johantri, aprilia, and sopian. 217 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of participants in tender packages decreases. this finding may suggest that a more concentrated market in the civil engineering subsector is associated with fewer participants in tender packages. this result is in line with (svoboda, 2016). the reason why cr4 is significantly correlated with the average number of participants in the civil engineering subsector may be due to the characteristics of the industry. additionally, a more concentrated market may result in barriers to entry for smaller companies, which can limit competition and decrease the number of participants in tender packages. further research is needed to explore the underlying factors that contribute to this relationship between market concentration and the number of tender package participants in the civil engineering subsector. conclusion market concentration refers to the extent to which market share is concentrated. in the context of the objectives of government procurement, the division of a larger market share among many business actors brings the objectives of economic equality and increasing the role of business actors closer to achievement. although procurement in west papua still has risks, based on hhi, market concentration for the building construction and civil engineering sub-sectors is relatively low except for the building construction sub-sector in 2022. based on the cr4 value, the market concentration for the building construction subsector is moderate while the market concentration for the civil engineering subsector is low. in the subsector of building construction, there is a significant and strong negative correlation between the number of tender packages and the average number of participants. meanwhile, in the civil engineering subsector, there is a significant and strong correlation between the cr4 value and the number of tender packages, with a negative correlation direction. this suggests that the market concentration of the four dominant players decreases as the number of tender packages in the civil engineering subsector increases. the current study employs the names of business entities in calculating market concentration. future research can utilize the names of business owners to gain a deeper understanding of market concentration in west papua. other approaches may also be used in future studies to determine whether indigenous west papua business players benefit economically in government procurement when market concentration is low. reference ardimansyah. 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(purwantini, 2017). in commercial accounting, the preparation of commercial financial statements is based on assumptions (talha et al., 2022). commercial accounting regarding the basic concept of an entity so that it is clear which unit of activity is the objective of reporting. the tax regulations contain criteria for measuring and recognizing the components of financial statements. these measurements are not always consistent with commercial accounting principles, for reasons financial statements support the case for minimizing tax dilution and creating incentives to switch to other forms of investment. as per article 28 of law no. 28 of 2007 regarding general provisions and tax procedures, companies are required to maintain bookkeeping utilizing either the accrual or cash system. in contrast, the financial accounting standards guidelines (psak) no. 1 paragraph 24 (revised 2013) mandates that companies prepare their financial statements using the accrual basis, except for cash flow statements. the use of these different bases for preparing financial statements results in varying calculations of the profit or loss of an entity. when it comes to temporary and permanent differences, financial statements need to be adjusted before taxable income can be computed (dudley et al., 2022; gleißner et al., 2022; mazur et al., 2021; xie et al., 2021). this correction is known as a fiscal correction, which comprises positive and negative corrections. a positive correction increases taxable income, which results in a higher amount of income tax payable. conversely, a negative correction decreases taxable income, which in turn leads to a lower amount of income tax payable. the amount of income tax paid by a company affects the net profit earned by the company.(waluyo, 2019). book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 183 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 1 proportion of profit growth in property and real estate firms in 2018-2021 company code year profit growth duties 2018 55.2% 2019 7.9% 2020 -44.7% 2021 7.2% skrn 2018 5.9% 2019 27.2% 2020 -69.2% 2021 -49.6% pwon 2018 39.6% 2019 14.6% 2020 -65.4% 2021 38.5% source: table 1 displays proportion of profit growth in property and real estate firms during the period of 2018-2021. based on the table, it is evident that duti showed a difference of 55.2% from the preceding year in 2018. however, it declined to 7.9% in 2019, and further decreased to -44.7% in 2020, but then improved to 7.2% in 2021. the profit growth of duti has fluctuated from year to year, indicating an unstable capital structure in this company. for skrn companies it was 5.9% in 2018, rising to 27.2% in 2019, then in 2020 there was a decrease of -69.2%, then in 2021 it was -49.6%. this indicates that profit growth on skrn has fluctuated quite a lot, so it is necessary to further examine what factors influence it. then the pwon company in 2018 experienced an increase of 39.6%, in 2019 there was a decrease of 14.6%, then in 2020 it decreased to -65.4%, and in the final year 2021 it experienced an increase of 38.5%. the fluctuation of a company's profit is directly linked to its tax burden. companies strive for minimal tax payments to maximize their net profit. however, there are various factors that can influence the fluctuation of profit, including differences between accounting and tax profits, which can be either permanent or temporary in nature. prior studies suggest that a company's profit book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 184 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting growth is positively correlated with the extent of its permanent and temporary differences (wahab & holland, 2014). in a study conducted by (windarti & sulistiani, 2015), they examined the relationship between book tax differences and cash flow on profit growth. they discovered that permanent differences resulting from book tax differences have a positive impact on a company's profit growth. this means that if the permanent difference increases, the company's growth also increases. in addition, temporary differences resulting from book tax differences also have a positive effect on the company's profit growth. this means that if the temporary difference increases, the company's growth also increases. it is not uncommon for different research studies to produce conflicting results or findings on a particular topic. the study conducted by (sari & purwaningsih, 2016) found that permanent differences had no effect on profit growth, while temporary differences had a positive effect. this is different from the results of (windarti & sulistiani, 2015) , which found that both permanent and temporary differences had a positive effect on profit growth. it should be emphasized that variations in research outcomes can be influenced by various factors, such as the size of the sample, research approach, and data analysis methods. therefore, more studies are required to reconcile these contradictory outcomes and to gain a deeper insight into the correlation between book tax differences and profit growth. it is important to note that legal tax minimization and tax evasion are two different things by (anesa, gillespie, spee, & sadiq, 2018). legal tax minimization involves taking advantage of tax regulations and incentives provided by the government to reduce the amount of taxes paid, while tax evasion involves illegal actions to avoid paying taxes. legal tax minimization practices should be ensured by companies as tax evasion can lead to serious legal consequences and damage the company's reputation. furthermore, it is also important to consider other factors that may affect profit growth in property and real estate firms, such as market conditions, competition, management strategies, and financial performance. by analyzing these factors, researchers can gain a better understanding of the overall performance of the firms and identify areas for improvement. property and real estate firms are a type of high-risk company that often seeks to maximize profits by legally minimizing their tax burden. high profit growth rates signal positive performance and can lead to increased input and output for companies. therefore, it is important to investigate the factors that influence profit growth in these companies, including permanent differences and temporary differences in book-tax differences. by understanding these factors, researchers can determine the level of success of the companies and identify areas for improvement in achieving their operational goals. it is important to note that while legal tax minimization is a legitimate strategy for companies to increase profits, tax evasion, which involves intentionally not paying taxes owed, is illegal and can have serious consequences for companies. additionally, it is important for companies to prioritize ethical and responsible practices in all aspects of their operations, including tax practices. given the information provided, the researcher conducted a study to investigate the impact of book tax differences on profit growth and titled it "book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia”. book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 185 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting research framework permanent differences (x1) profit growth (y) temporary differences (x2) the research framework puts forward three hypotheses for this study: h1: permanent differences are expected to impact the growth of company profits. h2: temporary differences are expected to impact the growth of company profits. h3: book-tax differences are expected to impact the growth of company profits. method the approach used in this research is quantitative and used secondary data, which refers to information that has already been collected from existing sources. as mentioned by (sugiyono, 2017), secondary data sources do not provide data directly to data collectors. the financial data utilized in this study was sourced from audited financial reports of property and real estate subsector firms listed on the indonesia stock exchange. the data pertains to the years 2018 to 2021 and was obtained from the data was processed using electronic facilities, specifically spss, to simplify data processing and facilitate the analysis of the variables studied. this study's population consists of 54 companies within the property and real estate sub-sector, which are publicly listed on the indonesia stock exchange between 2018 and 2021. based to (sugiyono, 2018), a population refers to a broad group of individuals or objects that share common attributes or characteristics, and researchers utilize this group to make inferences and draw conclusions. to make the study more manageable, the researcher used purposive sampling to select a sample from the population. according to (sugiyono, 2018), a sample refers to a smaller group of individuals or objects selected from a larger population for research purposes. the research used a deliberate sampling technique, which involves specific criteria or considerations. the criteria chosen for this study included: book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 186 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. selecting companies that had consistently published audited financial reports from 2018 to 2021, 2. choosing property and real estate sector companies that had generated profits during the same period, 3. selecting companies that were not delisted from the indonesia stock exchange between 2018 and 2021, and 4. choosing companies that reported their financial statements in indonesian rupiah currency. based on the characteristics of purposive sampling method described above, 12 firms were selected as samples out of 54 firms that met the sampling criteria. result and discussion research data analysis 1. descriptive statistical analysis table 2 variable descriptive statistics test descriptive statistics source: author processed data, 2022 2. classic assumption test a) normality test table 3 kolmogorov-smirnov test results (ks) source: author processed data, 2022 the normality test results using the kolmogorov-smirnov (ks) test in table 3 indicate a value of 0.103 with a significance level of 0.200. to determine whether the residual data is normally distributed or not, the kolmogorov-smirnov test is used, where a significance level > 0.05 indicates normality, and a significance level < 0.05 indicates abnormality. in this case, the significance level obtained is > 0.05, indicating that the residual data is normally distributed. the book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 187 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting normality test results are further reinforced by the distribution chart, which depicts a normal distribution. figure 1 histogram graph source: results of spss 2.5 data processing based on the histogram of figure 1, it can be seen that the increase and decrease in the observed data is close to a curved line and does not deviate to the left or right which describes a normal distribution. b) multicollinearity test table 4 multicollinearity test results source: author processed data, 2022 based on the results of the multicollinearity test shown in table 4, it is observed that the variance inflation factor (vif) value of both the permanent difference variable (x1) and the temporary difference variable (x2) is 1.003 which is less than the threshold value of 10, and the tolerance value is 0.997 which is greater than the minimum acceptable value of 0.1. therefore, it can be concluded that the data does not have multicollinearity, and the regression model is free from multicollinearity between variables. c) autocorrelation test table 5 autocorrelation test results book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 188 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting source: author processed data, 2022 based on the results of the autocorrelation test in table 5, the durbin-watson (dw) value is 1.992. the dw value is then compared to the table value with a significance level of 5%, the number of samples is 48, and the number of independent variables is 2 (k = 2). the dw value of 1.992 is greater than the upper limit (du) of 1.6231 and less than (4-du) 2.3769, which means that 1.6231 < 1.992 < 2.3769. therefore, it can be concluded that there is no autocorrelation present in the data, according to the decision list. d) heteroscedasticity test figure 2 heteroscedasticity test results source: author processed data, 2022 it is important to note that a visual inspection of the scatterplot is not enough to conclude the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity. it is recommended to use statistical tests, such as the breusch-pagan test or the white test, to confirm the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity. 3. multiple linear regression analysis table 6 linear regression test results source: author processed data, 2022 based on table 4.7 above, the regression equation model can be obtained as follows: 𝑌 = 𝑎 + 𝑏1x1 + b2x2 𝑌 = −23,495 + 3,687 x1 + 4,131 x2 book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 189 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 4. hypothesis a) t test table 7 test results t source: author processed data, 2022 it is important to note that while a scatterplot can provide some indication of the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity, it is not sufficient to draw a conclusive determination. to confirm the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity, it is recommended to use statistical tests such as the breusch-pagan test or the white test. as for the results of the t-test on table 7, it shows that the p-value for the effect of temporary differences (x2) on profit growth (y) is 0.001, which is less than the significance level of 0.05. additionally, the calculated t-value of 3.546 is greater than the value of t-table which is 2.01410. this suggests that there is a significant effect of temporary differences (x2) on profit growth (y). b) f test table 8 simultaneous test results (ftest) source: author processed data, 2022 the analysis of table 8 indicates that the regression model is significant as shown by the low significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. this suggests that the independent variables, permanent differences (x1) and temporary differences (x2), have a significant effect on the dependent variable, profit growth. additionally, the f-count of 10.657 is greater than the f-table value of 3.20, further supporting the conclusion of a significant effect. therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of permanent differences (x1) and temporary differences (x2) on profit growth. c) determination coefficient test (r2) table 9 determination coefficient test results book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 190 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sourcedata : processed by the author, 2022 the r2 coefficient of 0.321 or 32.1% indicates that permanent differences and temporary differences have a significant influence on profit growth. however, the remaining 67.9% of the variation in profit growth is attributed to other factors, such as financial ratios, financial performance, liquidity, and solvency, which were not included in this study. discussion 1. the effect of permanent differences on profit growth the available information suggests that the statistical analysis carried out on the variable of permanent differences and its impact on profit growth has yielded a significant outcome. the pvalue of 0.008 is less than the commonly used significance level of 0.05, indicating that it is unlikely that the effect of permanent differences on profit growth occurred by chance. furthermore, the calculated t-value of 2.768 is also greater than the critical t-value of 2.01410 at a significance level of 0.05 and with the appropriate degrees of freedom, suggesting that the observed effect of x1 on y is larger than what would be expected by chance and is statistically significant. therefore, based on the information provided, we can conclude that there is a statistically significant effect of permanent differences (x1) on profit growth (y). based on the analysis and statistical processing conducted on property and real estate sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange, it was found that permanent differences have a significant relationship with company profit growth. this indicates that the company's efforts to legally reduce tax burdens can have a positive impact on profit growth. therefore, companies can consider continuing to optimize tax management legally to improve the company's financial performance. this suggests that companies with larger permanent differences are likely to have higher profit growth compared to those with smaller permanent differences. for examples, a property and real estate firm has a subsidiary located in a country with a lower corporate tax rate than its home country. the subsidiary's income is subject to the tax laws of the country it operates in, which differs from the tax laws in the parent company's home country. this creates a permanent difference in the income recognized by the subsidiary and the income recognized by the parent company. by taking advantage of this permanent difference, the parent company can reduce its overall tax burden and increase its profit growth. 2. effect of temporary differences on profit growth based on the available information, it appears that the analysis results support the hypothesis on the influence of temporary differences on profit growth. the t-value of 3.546 exceeds the critical t-value of 2.01410 at a significance level of 0.05, and the p-value of 0.001 is less than 0.05, book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 191 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting suggesting that the effect of temporary differences on profit growth is statistically significant. furthermore, the study suggests that temporary differences can have a negative fiscal correction on profit, resulting in a decrease in taxable income and potentially leading to a larger net profit. this indicates that temporary differences may have a complex and potentially important role in shaping a company's financial performance. based on the analysis and statistical processing conducted on property and real estate sector companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange, it was found that temporary differences have a significant relationship with company profit growth. this suggests that companies can utilize temporary tax burden management to improve their financial performance. however, companies need to pay attention to the risks associated with temporary tax management to avoid negative impacts on future company performance. therefore, companies need to carefully and professionally manage taxes to ensure a positive impact on profit growth. for example, a property and real estate firm may have significant amounts of depreciation and amortization expenses, which are deductible for tax purposes but may not be recognized for accounting purposes. this creates a temporary difference between the amount of income recognized for accounting purposes and the amount of income recognized for tax purposes. by recognizing these temporary differences and timing the recognition of income and expenses, the firm can reduce its current tax liability and increase its profit growth in the short term. however, it is important to note that these temporary differences will eventually reverse in the future and result in higher tax liabilities and lower profit growth in the long term. it is important to note, however, that the results of this study are based on a specific sample and may not be generalizable to other populations or contexts. further research may be needed to confirm the findings and explore the underlying mechanisms driving the relationship between temporary differences and profit growth. 3. effect of book-tax difference on profit growth meanwhile, temporary differences can have a negative fiscal correction on profit, resulting in a decrease in taxable income and potentially leading to a larger net profit, as mentioned earlier. the combination of these effects may explain the positive relationship between book-tax differences and profit growth observed in the study. it is important to note that while the results suggest a significant effect of book-tax differences on profit growth, further research may be needed to confirm the findings and explore the underlying mechanisms driving this relationship. additionally, it is important to consider that book-tax differences can be influenced by a variety of factors beyond just permanent and temporary differences, and thus it may be valuable to examine the effects of other factors on this relationship as well. conclusion drawing from the findings and discussions of the study conducted on property and real estate firms listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx), the following conclusions can be made: book-tax differences and profit growth: evidence from indonesia qolbiyah, alamsyahbana, chartady, armansyah, and welly 192 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. permanent differences are positively and significantly related to the growth of profits in property and real estate firms listed on the idx. 2. temporary differences also have a positive and significant effect on profit growth in property and real estate firms listed on the idx. 3. permanent and temporary differences, when considered together, have a significant impact on profit growth in property and real estate firms listed on the idx. suggestion suggestions that can be recommended for further research based on the limitations and reasons for the many hypotheses that were rejected and not significant in this study are as follows: 1. further research should focus on the importance of examining the variables of temporary and permanent differences in determining the quality and sustainability of a company's life through profit growth, and how this information can aid investors in making more informed investment decisions 2. future studies should consider expanding the sample to include companies other than banks, such as insurance and leasing companies listed on the idx, or even 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(2021). research on financial support mechanism of creative enterprises. journal of global information management, 30(3). the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 2 april 2023 page no. 283-295 283 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress eddy suranta1, muhammad alif bimo satrio2, pratana puspa midiastuty3 123bengkulu university, indonesia correspondent : received : january 25, 2023 accepted :april 13, 2023 published : april 30, 2023 citation: suranta, e. , satrio, m. a. b., & midiastuty, p. p., (2023). effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2),283-295. abstract: the purpose of this examination is to empirically evidence the impact of investments, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress. the dependent variable is financial distress. independent variables are investments, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage, leverage, and liquidity. i tested this examination using logistic regression. the sample used in this research was manufacturing companies listed on the indonesian stock exchange from 2016 to 2020. samples for this research were selected using purposive sampling with a total of 392 observations. the results of this research show that free cash flow, interest coverage, and liquidity have a significant influence on financial distress. investments, earnings management, and leverage have no significant effect on financial distress. the implication of this study is to confirm the signaling theory and the agency theory. a limitation of this research is that there are still type i and type ii errors in classifying companies in financial distress and those in nonfinancial distress. keywords: financial distress, investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage, liquidity, leverage this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction a firm can be in financial distress when it is having financial difficulties. there are numerous circumstances in which the business could be in financial distress. financial distress, according to (ghazali et al., 2015), occurs when an agreement or contract between a business and a creditor does not go as planned or is in a challenging state. a situation where a business is unable to pay off its short-term debt with the money it makes. according to (piatt & piatt, 2002), financial distress is a period of poor financial condition before a company enters bankruptcy or liquidation. finally, as described by (almilia & kristijadi, 2003; hofer, 1980; whitaker, 1999), financial distress refers to a situation in which a firm has negative net income. financial difficulties result from a series of poor choices and connected flaws that can affect management directly or indirectly, as well as from a lack of efforts to monitor the company's financial situation so that its use is not as required. as such, many researchers have created alternate effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 284 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting models of financial distress. z-scores, zetas, o-scores, zmijewski, and camel ratios are just a few of the models that can be used to determine financial distress. according to (gamayuni, 2011), the z-score is the greatest indicator of bankruptcy, particularly for businesses engaged in manufacturing. because it is known that indonesia's stock market has delisted manufacturers with z-scores below 1.81. the altman z-score is also very effective at predicting financial difficulties, according to tanjung (2020), so it is still very pertinent to use as a proxy for determining financial difficulties. several research findings have explored the relationship between financial distress and various factors such as leverage, liquidity, interest coverage ratio, free cash flow, earnings management, and investment decisions (desai & dharmapala, 2009; suk et al., 2021; xue et al., 2021). however, the results have been inconsistent. this study seeks to replicate the findings of two previous investigations conducted by (a. dewanti et al., 2018; setiany, 2021) combined. (a. dewanti et al., 2018) conducted a study on the influence of liquidity and leverage on financial distress, whereas (setiany, 2021) investigated the impact of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, and interest coverage ratio on financial distress. setiany's findings suggest that only free cash flow and interest coverage ratio have a significant effect on financial distress for healthy companies, while dewanti et al.'s research reveals that leverage has a positive effect on financial distress, whereas liquidity has a negative effect. the difference between this study and (setiany, 2021) is that adding liquidity and leverage variables based on previous research suggestions requires finding new additional variables to detect financial distress and according to (a. dewanti et al., 2018) liquidity and leverage can explain the condition of companies in financial distress. the next difference is using the altman z-score as a measure of the financial hardship of the manufacturing company. in fact, according to wild (2005), altman's z-score is a powerful tool for determining whether firms are in financial distress and is well suited for this study and comparison of firms. as in setiany's 2021 survey, not only are healthy businesses dependent on his z-score results, but so are those in financial distress (dudley et al., 2022; febriml dwijayanti universitas katolik widya mandala surabaya, 2010; a. kartika et al., 2020; lópez-gutiérrez et al., 2015). signalling theory signaling theory describes how companies work to provide investors with guidance on how management views the company's prospects. signal theory helps companies (agents) and owners (principals) and outsiders reduce information asymmetries by producing high-quality or consolidated financial reporting information. healthy companies are more likely to disclose than financially distressed companies. financial difficulties refer to situations in which a company's business performance deteriorated due to poor management and faced a financial crisis. ross (1977) states that when a firm is in financial trouble, it has bad news, a negative signal to investors that affects disclosure. companies that have good news, which means that the company is financially healthy, influence management by providing company information, but management does not want information that can enhance the company's success. this information is not required. signal theory in financial distress research explains that if the financial condition and prospects of an entity are good, managers will give a signal by carrying out liberal accounting. conversely, if the entity is in a state of financial distress and has poor prospects, the manager will give a signal by doing conservative accounting. signal theory can therefore be used to provide managers with signals about good and bad news for the company. this allows the authority to take action or take immediate action to resolve the issue. effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 285 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting signals about the condition of companies that are experiencing financial distress can be obtained by agents and principals through financial reports which are illustrated through financial ratios. the financial ratios used are the ratio of liquidity and leverage. liquidity can indicate a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. leverage, on the other hand, shows how much of a company's money comes from debt and company stock. when a company obtains more debt financing, when the debt exceeds the equity, the dangerous problem of future payment difficulties arises. the interest coverage ratio can also be used as a signal of whether a company is in financial distress. if a company has a negative interest coverage ratio, it means that the company cannot cover its interest costs, which is a bad sign (i. g. dewanti & sujana, 2019; maharani & baroroh, 2020; yarba & güner, 2020). in addition, investment decisions can also be a signal that can be used in assessing the condition of a company. the investment decision described by the investment opportunity set can use a total asset growth (tag) proxy where the growth in the total asset value of a company indicates that the company is in a condition to add asset value through investment decisions made by the company. investment financing is also closely related to available free cash flow. if a company's free cash flow is positive, that's a promising sign, indicating that it's operating well. on the flip side, a negative free cash flow reflects the same thing: negative operating cash flow. without proper vigilance, the company may end up facing financial problems (abu et al., 2022; ramli & yekini, 2022; vatamanyuk-zelinska & melnychenko, 2020). the effect of investment decisions on financial distress the decision to invest is linked to the proxy of investment opportunity set, which employs a total assets growth approach in its calculation. as per (eliu, 2014), the growth of total assets can lead to increased company size and activity in the long term. a higher growth rate in a company's total assets indicates better management of fixed assets and greater potential for future growth. consequently, the chances of the company facing financial difficulties are reduced. (epato, 2020) shows that financial difficulties have a negative impact on investment decisions. (almilia & kristijadi, 2003), on the other hand, found that wealth growth has a significant negative impact on financial hardship. because healthy companies tend to invest effectively in real and financial assets to streamline their business operations. based on this evidence, the proposed hypothesis: h1: financial distress is negatively impacted by investment choices effect of free cash flow on financial distress free cash flow is the free cash flow that a company has. a company in secure financial standing indicates that its free cash flow can support the investor's cost of capital. of course, this is a positive signal for the company. if the company has good free cash flow, the company is not in financial problems and the company can run smoothly. according to (diana & hutasoit, 2017), a high level of free cash signifies that a company has significant internal cash reserves, which improves its capacity to meet both short-term and longterm obligations. this indicates strong performance, particularly during times of financial difficulty. a favorable free cash flow indicates a positive operating cash flow and negative investing cash flow. however, if a company's operating cash flow is negative and its investing cash flow is also negative, it suggests that the company is making additional investments that are funded by debt. this could result in financial difficulties for the company in the future. effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 286 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (setiany, 2021) proves that free cash flow has significant positive influence facing healthy companies. conversely, firms that have free cash flow in firms experiencing financial distress will focus more on solving financial problems such as paying debts that are due and not using this free cash flow to pay dividends or make investments. even if the operating cash flow is negative, this allows the company to borrow additional capital from outside. if this situation continues, the debt will continue to grow, interest payments will increase, and the company will continue to face financial difficulties in the future. based on this explanation, the proposed hypothesis: h2: financial distress is negatively impacted by free cash flow effect of earnings management on financial distress earnings management is management's pursuit to manipulate earnings by making financial reports attractive to investors and other users of financial reports. cause this case, of course, this is a sign or signal that the company is in financial trouble, so management should ensure that the earnings reported in the financial statements are consistent with the wishes of stakeholders. is required. take steps to control another thing is agency competition due to information asymmetry. in this case, the manager has more information than the principal, and the company confuses earnings management. the motive for revenue management when the company is in financial problems is the motive for the debt agreement. (nikolaiev et al., 2021) explains that debt agreements greatly affect the state of a company. losing companies do revenue management in their financial statements so as not to violate contractual financial metrics. the motivation comes from companies struggling financially to not cancel debt agreements with creditors. therefore, financially challenged companies tend to manage earnings through an accrual basis in the accounting policies used to avoid covenant violations. (bisogno & luca, 2015) found that boards must enhance financial statements as agents, so companies in severe financial distress must take out loans to finance the company operations. indicates what it means. this allows creditors to confidently extend credit to the company and revenue management positively impacts financial emergencies. based on this explanation, the proposed hypothesis: h3: financial distress is positively impacted by earnings management effect of interest coverage ratio on financial distress the interest coverage ratio (icr) is a metric that assesses a company's capacity to pay short-term and long-term interest-bearing debt through the pre-tax income it generates. (setiany, 2021) has demonstrated that the icr has a noteworthy and favorable influence on financial distress, which implies that a low icr ratio is an indication of negative impact. a higher icr ratio suggests that the company can more effectively pay off the interest on its debt. in contrast, a low or negative icr ratio implies that the company is experiencing financial distress. based on this explanation, the proposed hypothesis: h4: financial distress is negatively impacted by interest coverage ratio effect of liquidity on financial distress liquidity is a measure of a firm's ability to source its operations and pay its current liabilities. this signals when the company can cash out and raise funds from working capital, the company is in a healthy financial position, and conversely, when the company is unable to fund its operations and effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 287 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting has short-term obligations. if unable to meet, the company will show signs of financial difficulty. therefore, this ratio minimizes information asymmetry between agents and principals. because the liquidity ratio can assess the manager's performance according to the goals desired by the shareholders to generate profits. (a. dewanti et al., 2018) research proves that liquidity has a negative impact on firms' financial distress and that a firm's likelihood of experiencing financial distress decreases as current interest rises. as a result, a business with a high cash ratio is one that can use capital and short-term debt to finance its operations. in light of this justification, the suggested theory is: h5: financial distress is negatively impacted by liquidity effect of leverage on financial distress the leverage ratio can be used to determine a business's debt ratio and to evaluate the financial risk that the company has assumed. this leverage ratio may indicate the health of the company. this is because the higher the leverage ratio, the more difficult it is for a company to manage its capital structure, leading to financial difficulties. leverage in agency theory is used as the shareholder's control over the manager. this is because managers tend to be more cautious when making decisions when a company's level of debt is high. a larger debt-to-equity ratio indicates that a company is more dependent on debt financing, which is risky for the company. every liability has a maturity date, with the exception of interest expense. (a. dewanti et al., 2018; r. kartika & hasanudin, 2019) show that leverage has a large positive impact on financial hardship. this shows that the effect of a high leverage ratio can be used as a negative signal to outside parties that the company is in financial trouble. based on this description, the proposed hypotheses are: h6: financial distress is positively impacted by leverage method sample selection method purposive sampling is the type of non-random sampling that is used in this study. it is a strategy that relies on judgemental sampling, where information is gathered using specific considerations. (sekaran, 2006). this study utilized a population of manufacturing companies that were listed on the idx (indonesia stock exchange) during the period of 2016-2020, with 2015 serving as the base year. data collection methods secondary data from manufacturing companies listed on the idx are used in this study. the financial report data for manufacturing companies from 2016 to 2020 was received from the idx through the websites (, 2019 and, 2019) and used in this study. operational definition and variable measurement effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 288 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 1. variable and measurement item variabels measurement sources dependent variable “financial distress” “z-score = 1,2x1+1,4x2+3,3x3+0,06x4+ 1,0x5” (altman, 1968) independent variable “investation decision” “ag= (total asett-total asett-1)/(total asett-1)” (epato, 2020) “free cash flow” fcf=(ako-pm)/total aset (diana & hutasoit, 2017) earning management tacit = niit – cfoit. (1) tac/(tat-1) = α11/(tat-1)+α2 δsales/(tat1)+α3ppe/(tat-1).. (2) ndac = ά11/(tat-1)+ά2((δsales δrec)/(tat-1)+ά3ppe/(tat-1) .. (3) dac = tac/(tat-1) – ndac .. (4) dechow et al, (1995) interest coverage ratio icr = ebit / biaya bunga (dewanti et al., 2018) liquidity cr=(current asets)/(current liabilities) (dewanti et al., 2018) leverage der =(total debt)/(total equity) (dewanti et al., 2018) result and discussion overall fit model model testing was performed using the chi-square test shown in table 2 below. a test was performed on the data for the entire model by comparing the initial log-likelihood value of -2 (result from block number 0) with the log-likelihood value of -2 (result from block number 1). if there is a reduction, the model shows a good regression. table 2 overall fit model regression models model -2 log likelihood “chi-square (omnibus test coefficient & variables)” “df” “sig” logistics “intercept only” “503.521” “final” “264.404” “239.117” “6” “0.000” based on table 2, the logistic regression results show only a -2ll (-2 log-likelihood) intercept of 503.521 with a final -2ll (log-2 likelihood) of 264,404, indicating a significance level. the decrease in the value is α < 5%, so it can be concluded that the logistic regression model used is the adjusted model. test for determination coefficient effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 289 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the findings of calculating the nagelkerke r square to test the coefficient of determination are shown in table 3 below: “table 3 test of the coefficient of determination” “equation models” “nagelkerke r square” prob zsc=α+β1tag+β2fcf+β3dac+β4icr+β5cr+β6lev+ ϵ 0.631 the nagelkerke r-squared value is 0.631. this means the independent variables explained 63.1% of his financial difficulties and the other variables explained 37.9% not included in this study variable. table 4 classification table prediction models non financial distress financial distress percentage “altman zscore” “non financial distress” “94” “40” “70.1”% financial distress “12” “246” “95.3”% “overall” “86.7”% table 4 shows a classification of bankruptcy prediction models using the altman z-score model showing a value of 86.7%. the classification table for companies that are not in trouble shows a value of 70.1%. table 4 shows that of the 134 observations classified as not in financial distress, only 94 observations are financially distressed and all 40 observations are not financially distressed. this indicates that there is still a type i error in altman's model for predicting financial distress. similarly, financial distress firms rankings show a value of 95.3%. the table shows that while 258 observations are identified as being in financial distress, 12 firms are also found to not be in financial distress, demonstrating that the prediction model used in this research still includes type ii errors. hypothesis test the results of logistic regression analysis are shown in table 5 below: prob zsc=α+β1tag+β2fcf+β3dac+β4icr+β5cr+β6lev+ ϵ variable coefficient wald sig constant “2.748” “87.143” “0.000” total aset growth (tag) “0.034” “0.055” “0.814” free cash flow (fcf) “-9.960” “23.122” “0.000” earnings management (dac) 0.286” “0.063” “0.802” interest coverage ratio (icr) -0.061” “17.727” “0.000” liquidity (cr) “-0.383” “15.021” “0.000” leverage (der) “0.008” “0.109” “0.741” first hypothesis testing and discussion effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 290 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the coefficient value of the total assets growth (tag) variable is 2,748 with a significance level of 0.841 (α > 5%), which means hypothesis 1, which posits that investment decisions have a negative impact on financial distress, is rejected, indicating that the total asset growth (tag) variable has no significant effect on financial distress. signal theory states that an increase in asset value reflects the firm's growth phase, indicating that the company has sufficient funds and significant profits, which sends a positive signal to investors. nonetheless, total asset growth does not have a significant impact on financial distress, indicating that asset value growth is not a reliable indicator of a company's financial difficulties. according to agency theory, managers have greater information and control over the company than investors, leading investors to hope that managers will act as stewards and make profitable investment decisions with a positive net present value. the investment opportunity set is a representation of the most profitable investment that a company will choose using total asset growth as a proxy. however, issues arise if firms continually fund investments with debt. as a result, companies that are in financial distress often experience an increase in assets since they finance their investment decisions using debt. (almilia & kristijadi, 2003; epato, 2020) found different results where financial distress has a negative effect on investment decisions. meanwhile (almilia & kristijadi, 2003) stated that asset growth has a negative and significant effect on financial distress. because a healthy firm tends to invest in real and financial assets effectively to expedite the firm's operating activities. however, these results are consistent with the research by (audina, 2018; fadhilah, 2020) which state that total assets growth does not affect the financial distress of a company because adding asset value is a longterm investment for the company which is expected to increase company activity in the future. come so that companies experiencing financial distress also try to increase their firm's activities to get out of this financial distress condition second hypothesis testing and discussion the coefficient value for the free cash flow variable is -9,960 with a significance level of α < 5%. hence, hypothesis 2 which posits that free cash flow has a negative effect on financial distress is accepted. the logistic regression findings reveal that the fcf variable has a significant adverse effect on financial distress, meaning that a higher free cash flow leads to lower levels of financial distress for the company. signal theory suggests that having a high free cash flow is a positive indicator for investors as it indicates that the company has excess cash that can be utilized for external business expansion or paying dividends to investors. the agency theory relates to free cash flow in the sense that managers, attempting to increase their personal wealth, may prioritize free cash flow. as a result, companies with high free cash flow are less likely to experience financial distress. however, under the free cash flow hypothesis, the firm may encounter an agency problem when investors anticipate dividends from the free cash flow available, but the company tends to choose business expansion instead. this research supports the findings of (setiany, 2021) which suggest that free cash flow is an indicator of a company's financial situation. a company with good financial health will typically have a high free cash flow, while a company with poor financial health will have a low free cash flow. this further affirms that free cash flow can serve as a signal to assess the financial condition of a company, determining whether or not the company is experiencing financial distress. effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 291 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results of testing the third hypothesis and discussion the earnings management variable has a coefficient value of 0.286 with the significance level α > 5%, so hypothesis 3 is rejected, that is, the earnings management variable has no significant impact on financial distress. earnings management if it is connected with agency theory, of course there is motivation that is owned by the manager (agent) so that he does earnings management. one of the motivations is to enter into a debt agreement. by carrying out earnings management, firm managers try to increase firm earnings so that the debt terms agreed upon by creditors are not violated. however, the practice of earnings manipulation does not affect the condition of a company that is in a state of financial difficulty or not so that earnings management does not significantly affect financial distress. in relation to the signaling theory, this earnings management practice is a signal that the company is experiencing financial difficulties, so that the firm tries to make reported earnings consistent with previous years, which is an inaccurate theory. because this earnings management practice is not only carried out in companies experiencing financial distress. these results are inconsistent with the results of (bisogno & luca, 2015) which in their research shows that earnings management has a significant effect on financial distress. these results are consistent with research conducted by (sayidah et al., 2020; setiany, 2021) that earnings management is not one of the motivations for companies to manipulate financial reports for firms that are experiencing financial distress. fourth hypothesis testing and discussion the icr variable has a coefficient value of -0.061 and a significance level of 0.000 (α < 5%), which confirms hypothesis 4. the logistic regression analysis reveals that the icr variable has a significant negative impact on financial distress. a higher icr indicates a lower financial distress condition for the company. signal theory posits that a company will provide a signal to investors through its financial statements about its condition. the interest coverage ratio is one of the ratios that can be used to evaluate a company's health or financial difficulties. if a company is unable to pay interest charges on its debt, it is in a state of financial distress, which can be seen from its icr ratio being below 1. agency theory suggests that managers' interests play a role in determining a company's funding policies, and one way to finance firm activities is through debt. however, if managers do not handle the company's debt wisely, it can lead to financial burdens and obligations that may cause financial difficulties in the future. investors hope that managers will make sensible decisions in this regard. these results are consistent with (setiany, 2021), which explains that the interest coverage ratio has a significant effect on financial distress, because companies that have difficulty meeting debt obligations will be affected by debt interest. if the company's management can manage debt obligations well, then the debt interest that must be paid also does not have a major impact on the company's cash flow so that the company avoids financial problems. fifth hypothesis testing results and discussion the coefficient value for the liquidity variable (cr) is -0.383, with a significance level of 0.000 (α < 5%). therefore, hypothesis 5 is accepted, and the logistic regression results indicate that the cr variable has a significant negative impact on financial distress. the higher the liquidity, the lower the likelihood of a company experiencing financial distress. financial statements serve as a means for external parties to evaluate a company's financial condition. one way to evaluate this condition is through the use of financial ratios. the current ratio is a financial ratio that measures a company's effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 292 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting ability to meet its short-term obligations using its current assets. investors can use this ratio as a signal to assess a company's liquidity. a high current ratio indicates that a company has good liquidity, and is therefore less likely to experience financial difficulties. this study is in consistency with (a. dewanti et al., 2018) explains that a company with a high liquidity ratio means that it is more liquid, that is, it is able to pay short-term obligations and is able to finance futures. company activities. with enough costs to finance the operation of the business, the enterprise will be able to produce goods and carry out its business activities, while at the same time, the business will face financial difficulties (financial distress). main) will be lower. sixth hypothesis testing results and discussion the coefficient value for the leverage variables is 0.008, with a significance level of 0.741 (α > 5%), so hypothesis 6 is rejected, which means that the leverage variable (does not affect financial distress). the debt-to-equity ratio is a measure of how well a company is financed with debt. a high level of debt in signal theory gives a negative signal to investors. a high level of debt will cause problems in the future, namely paying off debts that have matured and facing financial burdens. however, the research results show that leverage does not have an impact on financial distress because companies experiencing financial difficulties will be faced with settling short-term obligations first to avoid financial distress so that if short-term liabilities have problems, it will cause long-term problems in the form of bankruptcy faced by the company in the future. the agency theory also explains that the company's activities will certainly be influenced by the capital owned by the company itself. if the company receives more capital or equity from investors, of course, this will become a separate burden for management where there is an obligation to manage company resources and the obligation to pay dividends. therefore, companies will tend to borrow debt to avoid this responsibility. however, the agency theory in this study does not explain the relationship between leverage and financial distress. the results of this study are consistent with those of (budiarso, 2014), who found that leverage has no effect on the occurrence of financial distress in firms, since large firms tend to rely heavily on bank loans or creditors. consequently, it can be said that big businesses usually have a high leverage ratio. however, although large companies have high debt levels, it can also be said that large companies are better able to avoid financial difficulties by diversifying their operations. however, the results of this study contradict the results of (a. dewanti et al., 2018). the risk of financial distress can be assessed using leverage. since the number of shares owned does not guarantee the debt the business owns, a company with a large amount of debt may breach its debt agreements with creditors. the high-interest rates will apply to businesses that have a significant amount of debt. meanwhile, the company's book value for its shares is negative because its total debt is higher than its total equity. conclusion leverage, earnings management, and investment decisions have no effect on financial distress. liquidity, free cash flow, and the interest coverage ratio all have a negative effect on financial distress. interest coverage ratio and free cash flow are used in relation to the theory of signaling variables of liquidity to determine whether the company is in financial distress or not. the free cash flow hypothesis is supported by this study and is related to agency theory, although agency theory is not supported by earnings management or investing. according to the free cash flow effect of investment, free cash flow, earnings management, interest coverage ratio, liquidity, and leverage on financial distress suranta, satrio, and midiastuty 293 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting hypothesis, managers will generally 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(2023). the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting (energy sector companies listed on the idx 20192021). ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 438-450 abstract: as we have entered the digital age, a shift has occurred in which the internet has considerably become a significant aspect in all sectors. not only individuals but also organizations use internet for a number of purposes. internet financial reporting (ifr) is a company web-based information provided to stakeholders with the aim of disclosing information and minimizing information gaps. the data in this study are taken from the energy company listed in the indonesian stock exchange (idx). the objective of this study was to analyze the effects of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on ifr using purposive sampling technique, generated from the total of 144 samples comprising 48 companies with a period of 3 years. the regression method in this study uses panel data regression. the results indicate that ownership concentration, company size, and profitability simultaneously affect ifr. partially, independent variable company size positively and significantly affect internet financial reporting, while ownership concentration and profitability do not affect ifr as the dependent variable. keywords: internet financial reporting (ifr), ownership concentration, company size, profitability this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the internet appeared as a communication platform for the companies all over the world and was used for the dissemination of information around 1990s (dolinšek & lutar-skerbinjek, 2018). the internet makes technological developments in this era very rapid, therefore, not only the public but also the companies need to get used to using the internet for information disclosure (abdelsalam, 2007) in (meinawati et al., 2020a). otoritas jasa keuangan (ojk) regulation no. 8 of 2015 states that companies are required to keep pace with technological developments by having a website and submitting company information to investors on the website. with these demands, companies must be able to convey all forms of information via the internet (rizqiah & lubis, 2017). the research of accounting regarding this issue increased due to the rapid use of internet financial reporting (ifr) (mokhtar, 2017). ifr is a corporate responsibility to stakeholders so that companies should be transparent (khotimah & hapsari, 2022). disclosure of financial information on company the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 439 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting websites provided to stakeholders is internet financial reporting (rizqiah & lubis, 2017). ifr is a recent phenomenon that is growing fast (sukmadilaga et al., 2019). internet financial reporting became the prime channel for disclosing company information due to the high profile accounting scandals in the global scale, this made the regulatory of accounting tried to enhance information transparency so that companies can disseminate information directly to the internet (sandhu & singh, 2019). ifr is one method from which a company uses internet website to disclose company financial information (abdillah, 2019). the financial disclosure of the company is the key point to assure trust from various stakeholders (hussein & nounou, 2022). the dissemination of company financial information determines whether or not investors will invest by looking closely into the official website of the company, a medium any investors use to see and learn the progress of the company performance from year to year (sirait & lestari, 2022). according to (nassir zadeh et al., 2018) the relevance of the information and the few content disclosed is due to the delay in the publication of financial statement. in addition, it is likely another consideration so as to how investors convince themselves in making a decision for an investment. the distribution of the performance of the company financial information using the website of the company is to reach a larger scale of users for decision making on time (dolinšek & lutar-skerbinjek, 2019). according to (abdelsalam et al., 2007) a medium that is unique and can provide information instantly to global audience is the internet. presentation and disclosure of the internet financial reporting through the website make it easy and simple for investors to access the information of the company, hence, it serves as one of the factors considered in making fast and accurate investment decisions (amalia & azib, 2016). indonesia energy exploitation tbk (cnko) and elnusa tbk (elsa) experienced a decrease in ifr points in 2020. from the maximum ifr score of 12, cnko’s ifr points were lower, from 6 to 5 in 2020 cnko’s main page of the website failed to issue current news. similarly, the points ifr elsa dropped from 7 to 6 in 2020. the results of the study regarding the correlation between the ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on ifr still need to be updated since there are so many differences of opinion. the present conditions serve as the background of the research. based on the explanation before, the writer proposed a hypothesis: h1: internet financial reporting is impacted by ownership concentration, company size, and profitability ownership concentration is an investor or shareholder who owns the majority of all outstanding shares in a company and highly influences company decisions (lestari & naimah, 2020). managers who are more disciplined is a reflection of ownership concentration, and this can be used to monitor managers' performance (permatasari et al., 2021). however, according to (dâmaso & lourenço, 2011) if the concentration of ownership is high, there will be fewer shareholders in a company, an effect from a reduced disclosure information shared in ifr . the more concentrated shareholders structure in the company the less incentive the company has to disclose information voluntarily (khlifi, 2022). this research conducted by (oktaviani et al., 2020), (khlifi, 2022) and (dâmaso & lourenço, 2011) indicated similar results. however, (nazar & syafrizal, 2019) and (dewi, 2019) obtained different results and found no correlation between ownership concentration and ifr. from the description stated, the writer proposed a hypothesis: the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 440 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting h2: internet financial reporting is negatively impacted by ownership concentration (sharma & bhardwaj, 2022), and (meinawati et al., 2020a), in their study found that the larger the company, the higher its ifr points. company size is a scale of how big the company is measured by the market capitalization, total of sales, or total assets (suzan & aini, 2022). (nurbaiti et al., 2021) states that company size is a benchmark for how big the company is in conducting economic activities. the bigger the company, the more responsibility it has to share more complete information (rahmawati, 2020). (fortanier et al., 2011) stated , the company great impact that made the company more visible and generate more pressure from the stakeholder is due the company size. large companies generally provide more complete information because investors will pay more attention to and seek information about the company activities, therefore large companies are presumably more stable and have higher ifr points, the conditions that would attract investors (sabrina et al., 2019). nevertheless, different research results by (fitrian & navilah, 2022) and (rahmawati, 2020) show no connection between company size and ifr. from the aforementioned explanation, the writer proposed a hypothesis: h3: internet financial reporting is positively impacted by company size. profitability is a company ability to make profits within certain of period of time and to perform beyond the targeted level of sales, shared capital, and the company assets (agustina & yanto, 2022). one of the major concerns of every firm is the profitability of the company (lim & rokhim, 2020). (marwa et al., 2017) stated that profitability is the result of various company policies and decisions. profitability can also measure the company capability to generate profits by calculating the assets of the company and the costs adjusted from the total of the assets (kurniawati, 2018). undoubtedly that the company profits can attract investors (dwiastuti & dillak, 2019). company profitability reflects on how the company management manages the company assets properly , and how performance-related information is adequately-conveyed through the internet financial reporting since these two factors serve as indicators towards the company success (adugna & kumar, 2021). (alarussi & alhaderi, 2018) also stated that the ability to identify the chance of profit reflects the quality and efficiency of the managers of the company. companies with most profit will provide better quality in disclosing information for the market (bini et al., 2011) in (musleh al-sartawi & reyad, 2018). furthermore, (sharma & bhardwaj, 2022) explained that companies showing an increase in profit will get more benefits by spreading the good information about their company. additionally, the research conducted by (meinawati et al., 2020b) and (kurniawati, 2018) demonstrated similar results. however, (agustina & yanto, 2022), (ariani & putri, 2021), and (adugna & kumar, 2021) obtained different results and they found no connection between profitability and ifr. hence, the writer proposed a hypothesis: h4: internet financial reporting is positively impacted by profitability. method this study uses a quantitative analysis method to identify the correlation between ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on ifr. the observation companies is selected as the method of data collection. the energy sector companies listed in the idx from 2019 to 2021 the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 441 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting are the population of this research. this study uses purposive sampling as a method to determine the samples. the criteria used are: 1. energy sector companies listed in the idx from 2019 to 2021. 2. energy sector companies with websites or the websites can be accessed from the 2019 to 2021 period. 3. energy sector companies that have annual reports from 2019 to 2021. based on the criteria above, the samples of 144 companies comprising 48 energy sector companies from 2019 to 2021. the study uses f test and t test for the hypothesis testing. the regression method is the panel data regression. all the data were processed using the eviews 12 application. table 1. variable and measurement item variables measurement sources dependent variable internet financial reporting ifr-ftse = ifr-1p + ifr-ir + ifr-ar + ifr-oi (dâmaso & lourenço, 2011) independen t variable ownership concentration oc = percentage of majority shareholding of the company (dâmaso & lourenço, 2011) company size cs = ln (total asset) (kurniawati, 2018) profitability prof = return on assets (roa) (agustina & yanto, 2022) results and discussions descriptive statistic test descriptive statistic analysis is a method to analyze and describe data collected without drawing generalized conclusions. the descriptive analysis describes data from the value of mean or the average value, maximum or higher, minimum or lower value on the data, and the standard deviation of the data. the amount of the data observed was 144 gained within 3 years of observation, from 2019-2021. the description of each variable is shown in figure 1. source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 1. descriptive analysis y x1 x2 x3 mean 5.576389 0.567151 12721.21 0.008278 median 5.000000 0.563650 2750.350 0.020250 maximum 10.00000 0.966200 108258.0 0.498300 minimum 3.000000 0.199800 27.60000 -1.573600 std. dev. 1.683236 0.148031 24400.10 0.206275 skewness 0.472091 0.047963 2.723604 -4.115958 kurtosis 2.805163 2.732918 9.646355 31.47190 jarque-bera 5.576652 0.483208 443.0766 5270.481 probability 0.061524 0.785367 0.000000 0.000000 sum 803.0000 81.66970 1831854. 1.192100 sum sq. dev. 405.1597 3.133595 8.51e+10 6.084545 observations 144 144 144 144 the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 442 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting classcial assumption test results 1. multicollinearity test source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 2. multicollinearity test figure 2 shows that the values such as the independent variables, namely ownership concentration (x1), firm size (x2), and profitability (x3) are smaller than 0.9, so it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity, which means between each independent variable, there is no correlation found. 2. heteroscedasticity test source: data processed by researchers using eviews 12 (2023) figure 3. heteroscedasticity test figure 3 shows that ownership concentration (x1), firm size (x2), and profitability (x3) have a probability value > 0.05, meaning that there is no heteroscedasticity found. panel data regression analysis 1. chow test source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 4. chow test x1 x2 x3 x1 1.000000 -0.165757 -0.047364 x2 -0.165757 1.000000 0.099479 x3 -0.047364 0.099479 1.000000 the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 443 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 4 indicates that that the probability of the cross section f on the test is 0.0000, which is <0.05. based on the test results, h0 is rejected but h1 is accepted, so it can be decided that the correct model is fixed effect model (fem). afterwards, the step after the chow test is re-tested to investigate if the fem is still the correct model or it’s the random effect model (rem) by using hausman test. 2. hausman test source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 5. hausman test figure 5 of the hausman test shows that the value of the probability on the random cross section is 0.1089, which is > 0.05. based on the results of the test, h0 is accepted but h1 is rejected, meaning that rem is the right model to use. once hausman test is completed, the next testing must be conducted, to see whether rem or cem by the lagrange multiplier test serves as the correct model of the test. 3. lagrange multiplier test source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 6. lagrange multiplier test the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 444 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on figure 6, the probability value for breusch-pagan is 0.0000, meaning that it is lower, compared to the significance level (0.0000 <0.05), which accepts h0. therefore, this lagrange multiplier test shows that rem is the correct model to use. thus, it can be concluded that the most suitable model for the panel data regression is rem. panel data regression analysis panel data regression is used to analyze this study because this method is appropriate for not only they can be separately time-series data or cross-section data, but also a combination of both. from the results of the three models testings, rem is a selected model for this study. the eviews 12 software is used to analyze the results. source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 7. random effect model based on figure 7, it is concluded that the right equation for this study or the panel data regression is: 𝐼𝐹𝑅 = 5,026752 − 0,592144𝑂𝐶 + 0,000017𝐶𝑆 − −0,0260795𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓 + ɛ information: ifr : internet financial reporting (y) the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 445 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting oc : ownership concentration (x1) cs : company size (x2) prof : profitability (x3) ɛ : error term hypothesis test hypothesis testing is conducted to determine the correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable, namely ownership concentration (x1), company size (x2), and profitability (x3) on internet financial reporting (y). to test this hypothesis, the coefficient of determination (r2) is selected as the first step, then the f-test for simultaneous hypothesis, and finally the t-test for partial. coefficient determination source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 8. coefficient of determination according to figure 8, adjusted r-squared in this research model is 0.043200 or 4.32%. the conclusion is that ownership concentration, company size, and profitability are able to explain the internet financial reporting of 0.043200 or 4.32%. in comparison, other variables outside this study indicate the remaining 0.956800 or 95.68%. f -test source: the data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 9. f test as can be seen in figure 9, the probability (f-statistic) value is 0.026951 where the value is <0.05. based on the results, h0 is rejected, and it is interpreted that the company size, ownership weighted statistics r-squared 0.063273 mean dependent var 0.613158 adjusted r-squared 0.043200 s.d. dependent var 0.306804 s.e. of regression 0.300104 sum squared resid 12.60872 f-statistic 3.152170 durbin-watson stat 1.649921 prob(f-statistic) 0.026951 weighted statistics r-squared 0.063273 mean dependent var 0.613158 adjusted r-squared 0.043200 s.d. dependent var 0.306804 s.e. of regression 0.300104 sum squared resid 12.60872 f-statistic 3.152170 durbin-watson stat 1.649921 prob(f-statistic) 0.026951 the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 446 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting concentration, and profitability simultaneously affect the ifr of the energy sector companies listed on the 2019-2021 idx . t test source: data processed by researchers with eviews 12 (2023) figure 10. t test 1. the effect of ownership concentration on internet financial reporting the probability value (p-value) of ownership concentration shown in figure 10 is 0.2032, where this value indicates that 0.2032 > 0.05 (5% significance level) with a coefficient of 0.592144. therefore, it can be interpreted that it has a positive connection on the ifr. the conclusion is that h0 in this test is accepted, which means concentration of ownership partially does not affect the independent variable, hence, the internet financial reporting. furthermore, it can be stated that any changes occur in the ownership concentration will not result in the ifr changes of the energy sector companies listed on the 2019-2021 idx. the dominance of share ownership does not affect the amount of information disclosure provided through ifr, this is because those who need the information are not only investors, but also creditors and other stakeholders. as a consequence, the companies are suggested to disseminate complete information despite the small number of shareholders. in addition, since the hypothesis of this study is rejected, the ownership concentration has a negative influence on ifr. this is a similar research result by (nazar & syafrizal, 2019) and (dewi, 2019) where evidence for correlation of the ownership concentration on the ifr was not found. 2. the effect of company size on internet financial reporting the p-value of firm size is 0.0211, this indicates that 0.0211 <0.05 (5% significance level) with 0.000017 as the coefficient, where evidence for correlation of the ownership concentration on the ifr was not found. thus, the correlation between company size and ifr is considered positive. to conclude, it can be stated that h0 is rejected, which means the company size partially affects ifr positively and significantly. furthermore, there is an evidence that any increase occurs in the company size will also affect in the increase of internet financial reporting. conversely, any decrease in the company size will also result in a decrease in ifr for energy sector companies listed on the idx from 2019-2021. the company size plays a crucial role in ifr, and as a result, thorough information must be conveyed. the underlying reason is that large companies usually pay more attention on the information of disclosure level. therefore, large companies must provide access to punctual, easy to access, and accurate data, to create a good image. the website (ifr) is the right way to convey this information. thus, the bigger the company, the higher the level of ifr weighted statistics r-squared 0.063273 mean dependent var 0.613158 adjusted r-squared 0.043200 s.d. dependent var 0.306804 s.e. of regression 0.300104 sum squared resid 12.60872 f-statistic 3.152170 durbin-watson stat 1.649921 prob(f-statistic) 0.026951 the effect of ownership concentration, company size, and profitability on internet financial reporting lestari and fauzi 447 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting disclosure is. this hypothesis of this study was accepted and the previous studies by (sharma & bhardwaj, 2022) and (meinawati et al., 2020a) were conducted, from which similar results could be identified. 3. the effect of profitability on internet financial reporting profitability has p-value of 0.1279, indicating the 0.1279 > 0.05 with -0.260795 as the coefficient, which means it has a negative correlation with the ifr. this could be concluded that h0 is accepted, thus, the profitability partially does affect ifr. this means, any changes in profitability will not result in the changes in ifr of energy sector companies listed on the 2019-2021 idx. in addition, ifr is the obligation of every company to disclose company information and company financial information, whether it is in a state of profit or loss. in financial reporting, if the company experiences a loss, the accuracy of the financial statements is not affected. the company is suggested to report not only the good news of the company conditions, but also the bad news. to sum up, it can be stated that the author's hypothesis is rejected, as profitability should have a significant positive effect on ifr. similar studies were conducted by (agustina & yanto, 2022), (ariani & putri, 2021), and (adugna & kumar, 2021) with the same research results. conclusions from the results of the tests, the study concludes as follows: 1. ownership concentration, company size, and profitability simultaneously and significantly affect the ifr of the energy sector companies listed on the 2019-2021 idx. 2. ownership concentration does not affect the ifr of the energy sector companies listed on the 2019-2021 idx. 3. company size affects the ifr of the energy sector companies listed on the 2019-2021 idx. 4. profitability does not affect the ifr of the energy sector companies listed on the idx for 20192021. to sum up, the results of the research could be used as information for management of the companies to increase the disclosure of the information on the company website. this is crucial because there are still many companies whose internet financial reporting disclosure level is still below the average. large companies should disclose information comprehensively because the bigger the company, the higher the investors' expectations for the company are. furthermore, investors can use it for disseminating information, especially to those who plan to invest in energy 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(2023). effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(1), 38-54. abstract: external audit opinions (eao) and audit committees (ac) have been studied in different contexts, yet the link between them and the management of financial resources, especially in government entities in tanzania, has empirically not been captured. this paper examined the influence of eao and ac on managing financial resources taking tanzania government entities as a reference. it uses resources dependency theory to explain the main topic. data were collected on 230 government entities from controller and auditor general (cag) reports and audited financial statements for 2014/15 to 2019/20. descriptive statistics and the fixed effect technique were used to analyze data. the results show that unqualified audit opinion occurred most among public entities. specifically, the qualified audit opinion occurred most in lgas. also, a significant frequency of ac weaknesses appeared in lgas and public bica. moreover, the estimation results show that audit report positively and significantly influences financial resource management (frm), whereas ac weakness has a negative relationship with frm. therefore, the president‟s office and the parliament should emphasize the management of resources strategies in public entities, especially lgas. this paper will add knowledge on eao and ac as tools for financial resources management in government entities. keywords: external audit opinions, audit committee, financial resource management. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction this study explores the influence of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in government entities in tanzania. this topic is vital because, like other countries, tanzania adopted the sarbanes‐ oxley act that advocates good governance and financial controls issues of which external audit and audit committees are one of the controls (wilbanks et al., 2017; baker et al., 2006). financial resource management (frm) entails the procedures and regulations for managing public monies through budget formulation, execution and reporting of the results (dorotinsky, 2007). the management of financial resources is effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 39 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting achieved through observing these procedures and regulations in terms of spending well the public monies, transparent and accountability. it is acknowledged by brignall & modell (2000) that frm is an essential area in which organizations especially public sector entities (pse), should take into consideration in performing their day-to-day activities. brignall & modell (2000) speculate that public finances must be managed well for the government entities to offer services to the public and achieve its policy objectives. frm is explained in many ways; for example, güleç & bektaş (2019), and giacomino & mielke (1993) elaborate on frm in terms of how an organization minimizes its expenses by using financial resources efficiently. it is evidenced from the literature that frm has become the proper area to consider in organizations. enron scandal occurred due to mismanagement of financial resources and the absence of corporate governance requirements (petra & spieler, 2020). in the public sector, frm has been a more challenging issue because of improper use of financial resources among government entities and officials; hence intensive management of these resources is unavoidable (hillman et al., 2009). factors influencing effective frm have been studied in several areas. attributes like technology (scarpellini et al., 2018; przychodzen, 2015), environment management (scarpellini et al., 2018), and financial condition (hasthoro et al., 2021) have been related to explain the importance of frm in an organization. scarpellini et al. (2018) exposed the positive influence of technology with frm in italian companies. also, hasthoro et al. (2021) tried to show the impact of financial conditions proxied by financial flexibility on financial resource performance in indonesia. the results reveal the positive effect of financial condition on resource management. however, there has been little coverage about the association of frm with audit opinions (ao) as well as audit committees (ac). researchers who considered ao and ac relate them with other variables such as friendship ties (bruynseels & cardinaels, 2014) and corruption levels (budiman, 2021). ao and ac have been theoretically proven to be crucial, especially concerning public money management in government entities. in tanzania, these two aspects have been insisted on and practiced in each financial year by government organs such as the national audit office, the parliament and the ministry of finance but the empirical evidence to prove the influence of ao issued to pse and ac on effective managing of public financial resources is lacking. the impact of an effective audit committee on strengthening financial resource management in public entities forms the question of study for several reasons. first, it has taken a long time for some public entities, such as local government authorities (lgas), to establish audit committees. moreover, even the established audit committees are not effectively playing a pivotal role in assisting the entities in fulfilling their responsibilities (urt, 2020). furthermore, the trend analysis on cag audit reports in public entities has not been sufficiently studied. also, many studies in tanzania have not highlighted the weakness of audit committees, especially in government corporations and higher learning institutions. therefore, this study will contribute to filling the empirical gap by assessing the audit opinions‟ trend. secondly, examine the influence of external audit opinions on financial resource management and determine the extent to which audit committees relate to financial resource management in government entities by assessing the weakness of audit committees. additionally, the results will improve people‟s knowledge on the importance of active audit committees in public entities that will achieve a sound resource management system and restore public confidence. effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 40 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this paper‟s remaining parts include the theoretical review and study hypotheses. then is followed by the methodology part; the last sections are results analysis and discussion and the conclusion. literature review and hypothesis development resource dependency theory the theory that underpins this study is resource dependency theory (rdt) which conceptualizes that organizations depend on each other or on their environment to survive. they usually demand resources for persistence (pugh & hickson, 1997; daft, 2001). the resources needed by entities include financial resources, physical resources, human resources, and information. the range of how they depend differs from one entity to another. for instance, public entities like rs, lgas and higher learning institutions (hlis) may depend more on the outside environment for money, personnel and reliable information, which will enable in making the right decisions (masud et al., 2018). in contrast, other firms like manufacturing will depend more on materials and the quality of personnel (nandi et al, 2020; uygun, 2017). many studies have used rdt to assess the audit committees (ac) and board sizes, composition and independence as an index of ac ability to effectively provide a resource to the entity (hillman et al., 2009). for example, pfeffer & salancik (1978) revealed that ac and advisory/ governing board size are related to the entity‟s environmental needs. those with more interdependence need more directors from outside. the study further highlighted that ac composition and size are not independent aspects but rather balanced entity replies to the situations of the outside environment (pfeffer & salancik, 1978). moreover, sanders & carpenter (1998) support these logical ideas by explaining that the board size within it has ac has to be related to the entity‟s level of internationalization. on top of that, several studies (dalton et al., 2007; daily & dalton, 1998; fiegener et al., 2000) relate the ac size, composition, effectiveness and independence with the entity‟s performance as a measure of successful resource dependence strategy. therefore, from these explanations, this study is using rdt to emphasize the importance of human resources (ac committees‟ members in our case) and reliable information from the cag report that will enable the public entities to manage the financial resources efficiently. audit opinions and financial resource management the audit report is an expression of opinion on the final accounts. the requirements on how to draw audit opinion is shown in cag reports in line with audit standards that are internationally recognized. the audit standards that explain audit opinions are isa 700: forming an opinion and reporting on financial statements, isa 705: modification of opinion in the independent auditor‟s report and isa 706: emphasis of matter and other matter paragraphs in the independent auditor‟s report. as per isas, audit opinions are classified into unqualified/unmodified/ clean opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion and disclaimer opinion. as shown in chapter two of the cag report 2019-2020 financial year, a clean opinion is drawn when the financial statements presented are free of material misstatement and are in conformity with applicable accounting framework, including compliance with laws and regulations (urt, 2020). it is the best audit opinion an audited entity may receive from an effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 41 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting external auditor. a qualified opinion is drawn when material misstatements (disagreements due to inadequate disclosure, inappropriate accounting treatment, or limitation of audit scope) exist in the audited financial statements. an adverse opinion is drawn when there are misstatements in the financial statements, and those misstatements are material but not pervasive, and a disclaimer opinion is expressed by the auditor when he is unable to find sufficient and appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion, and the auditor concludes that the undetected misstatements, if any, could be both material and pervasive (urt, 2020). it has been clarified that ao issued by auditor has relationship with financial resource management in a particular organization (ntim et al., 2017). when the entity receives a clean audit report, it comes to people‟s mind that such entity manages well the resource in that particular financial year (goddard & malangila, 2015; morin, 2008). from this argument, the vice versa is true that when the entity receives a qualified, adverse or disclaimer opinion, it indicates that it has not managed the financial resource well. it is further elaborated by mzenzi & gaspar (2015) that when a public entity in tanzania gets a disclaimer or adverse opinion, the people‟s representatives (members of parliament) react negatively. this is because they believe that the public financial resource in that particular entity might have been poorly used and that there is fraud. from this argument, the first hypothesis is developed that: h1: external audit opinion positively influence financial resource management audit committees and financial resource management regulation 30 of the public finance regulations, 2004 in tanzania requires each public entity to establish an ac (urt,2004; urt, 2019). regulation 31(1) of the public finance regulations (2004) requires an ac to consist of senior members of the entity who are to be selected by the entity's executive officers, and one or more members should be an officer from outside the entity. the nominated ac must be between three to five members, and at least one of the members should possess accounting and auditing knowledge. moreover, the committee‟s primary function is to oversee public resources, good governance, risks and internal controls issues. it is believed that the effectiveness and efficiency of these audit committees in public entities will reduce money fraud and maintain accountability in the financial resource management in public entities (hamid et al., 2015). another study by macgregor (2012) highlighted that the effective audit committee minimizes deficiencies and efficiently manages public resources in government entities. so, the study hypothesized that: h2: there is a significant relationship between audit committees and financial resource management method data source this study utilizes panel data extracted from the tanzania controller and auditor-general audit reports for six years spanning from the financial year 2014/15 to 2019/20 obtained from the national audit office. these reports were considered relevant because it contains data on trends effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 42 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of audit opinions issued to public entities, internal controls, corporate governance issues such as internal audit, audit committees, governing and advisory boards, budget issues and weaknesses of audit committees (cag, 2018). these reports have been used to assess whether public financial resources have been well utilized and managed (alcaide muñoz et al., 2017). to minimize the endogeneity problem, some data that were not available on the website and were found by researchers to be more valuable were provided by specific officers from the national audit and those from the respective public entities. however, the public entity that found it difficult to obtain some information on study variables was dropped from the study. study design and sampling descriptive design is used since the core intention of this study is grounded in describing the situation of resource management based on auditor‟s reports (affandi et al., 2020). the selection of public entities involved in this study followed a multi-stage sampling technique. at first, purposeful sampling was used (miloane, 2021) to select all audited public entities for 2014/15 to 2019/20 involving government corporations, government higher learning institutions and local government authorities. secondly, stratified sampling was used to determine the representative sample from each stratum (etikan & bala, 2017) in the three groups of government entities. thirdly, systematic random sampling was then applied to select individual public entities from the three identified strata for further analysis. sample size a total of 230 public entities were taken as a sample size for this study. these public entities include 106 public boards, institutions, corporations and agencies (public bica), 30 higher learning institutions (hlis) and 94 regional secretariat and local government authorities (rs and lgas). the sample size was determined following yamane (1967) formula given by equation1. where n is a sample size, n is the population size, e is the significance level. the population of public entities identified was 536 of which 247 were public bica, 70 were hlis and 219 were rs and lgas. using a 5% significance level, a sample size of 230 public entities was chosen. a sampling fraction was developed to get a representative sample from each stratum as indicated in table 1. table 1: sample size determination public entities population sample percent a public corporations, board, institutions and agencies 247 106 46.1 higher learning institutions 70 30 13.0 regional secretariats and local government authorities 219 94 40.9 total 536 230 100 source: author computation (2022) effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 43 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting data analysis pearson test was used to test multicollinearity between independent and unobservable variables to see whether there is autocorrelation. if there is multicollinearity, it means the results are biased (disatnik & sivan, 2016). also, the hausman test was done to decide the method of analysis between the fixed effect model (fem) and random effect model (rem). the null hypothesis was rem is appropriate, and the alternative hypothesis was that fem is appropriate (amini et al., 2012). after running the hausman test, the null hypothesis was rejected, and fem was found suitable for this study. the study‟s independent variables are external audit opinions (eao) and audit committees (ac). all these variables were used to test two developed hypotheses using fem. the following model was used to explore the influence of eao and ac on financial resource management in government entities in tanzania. where; frm is financial resource management proxied by operating expenses ratio, eao is external audit opinions measured by the kind of ao drawn in six financial years. ac audit committees measured by frequency of weaknesses reported in public entities appeared in six financial years, is a constant term, and are coefficients and ɛ is an error term. table 2 below summarizes the study variables, measurements and references adopted. table 2: variables and measurements variable measurement description references frm financial resource management oer-operating expenses ratio operating costs minus depreciation divided by gross revenue * 100 güleç and bektaş (2019); panno (2020), iskandar (2020); lee et al (2015); swarnapali (2014); giacomino and mielke (1993) eao external audit opinion type of audit opinion issued hui et al (2020); hasthoro et al (2021); nwanyanwu (2017); lin et al (2011); mzenzi and gaspar (2015) ac-audit committee frequency of weaknesses reported zhou et al. (2018); gramling et al. (2009); haonga (2020), and kyaruzi (2015) note: * is a multiplication sign. result and discussion the assessment of audit opinions on the use of public resources the first objective intended to evaluate the trend of audit opinions on the use of public resources in public entities. descriptive results covering the independent variable concerning the audit opinions and the use of public resources are presented in figure 1. according to the effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 44 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results, it shows that about 85.8% of audit opinions, unqualified opinions appeared most (1169 times) among total observations of 1362, followed by qualified opinions, which was 13.5% (appeared 184 times), and 0.5% (7 times) adverse opinion and lastly 0.1% (only two times) for disclaimer opinion. figure 1: trend on audit opinions source: author analysis (2022) external audit opinions on financial resource management among public entities the study also wanted to examine the correlation between eao and resource management performance among public entities. the results of this objective are shown in table 3. the findings show that public bica got 599 unqualified opinions, which is 51.2% of the total unqualified opinions in all public entities observed. the high number of unqualified opinions was followed by rs and lgas, who got 395 unqualified opinions, equal to 33.8% of the total unqualified opinions. lastly, higher learning institutions (hlis) got 175 unqualified opinions which is 15%. regarding qualified audit opinions, rs and lgas read by obtaining 153 qualified opinions, which are 83.2% of the total qualified opinions (184), followed by 26 (14.1%) opinions for public bica, and lastly, higher learning institutions obtain only 5 (2.7%) qualified opinions. on the side of adverse opinions, rs and lgas got four opinions out of a total of 7 adverse opinions obtained in all public entities. public bica got 3 (42.9%), and lastly, higher learning institutions got nil. disclaimer opinion was a bit better as only two disclaimer opinions were observed in public bica and nil for other categories of public entities. table 3: audit opinions and resource management among groups of public entities public entities type of audit opinion total unqualified qualified adverse disclaimer public bica 599 (51.2%) 26 (14.1%) 3 (42.9%) 2 (100%) 630 hlis 175 (15%) 5 (2.7%) 0 (0%) 0 (%) 180 rs and lgas 395 (33.8%) 153 (83.2%) 4 (57.1%) 0 (0%) 552 total 1169 (100%) 184 (100%) 7 (100%) 2 (100%) 1362 note: public b.i.c.a. = public boards, institutions, corporations and agencies, r.s. =regional secretariat, l.g.a.s = local government authorities, hlis= higher learning institutions source: author computation (2022) 1169 184 7 2 85,8 13,5 0,5 0,1 0 500 1000 1500 unqualified opinion qualified opinion adverse opinion disclaimer opinion frequency percent effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 45 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting audit committees on financial resource management in the respective entities finally, the study wanted to assess the extent of the weakness of the audit committees among public entities in the years under review. then, from this assessment to conclude whether audit committees in the public entities influence the management of public financial resources. to capture the main objective, the study firstly analyses the weakness of audit committees in general by combining all public entities to see which weakness (es) is really a problem; these results are shown in table 4. then from there to discover which weaknesses appeared mostly in each category of public entities; these results are indicated in table 5. as shown in table 4, the descriptive results exposed that, on average, the most five weaknesses of public entities‟ audit committees are that audit committees do not review financial statements; this appeared 342 (25.1%) times among observations. the second weakness is that the committees do not meet as required by law 232 (17%). another weakness is that audit committees do not have annual reports 150 (11%), which means they don‟t prepare annual reports as required by laws to assess their performance in that particular year. moreover, according to descriptive results, the independence of audit committees in executing their duties was questionable. lack of independence appeared 109 times (08%). similarly, management and governing boards do not evaluate the performance of audit committees. this had the same frequencies of occurring as that of independence; they occurred 109 (08%) among observations. table 4: the most weaknesses of ac in public entities weaknesses of audit committees frequency percent audit committees do not review financial statements 342 25.1 no required meetings as per acts 232 17 no annual audit committee reports 150 11 lack of independence in executing their duties 109 8 lack of evaluation of audit committee performances 109 8 source: author computation (2022) the descriptive results from table 5 below showed the weakness of audit committees among public entities categorically. it was revealed from the descriptive results that most of the weaknesses rely on public bica compared to hlis and lgas. the results indicate that audit committees from public bica do not discuss crucial aspects such as internal audit reports, internal control system and management information system compared to hlis and lgas audit committees. likewise, the other deficiencies that were found to appear most in public bica are the unavailability of audit committees (98%), the improper composition of the audit committee (90%), and lack of technical advice to accounting officers (75%). on the contrary, these results have a low percentage in hlis with 2%, 10%, 0% and lgas with 0%, 0%, 25% on the unavailability of ac, the improper structure of the audit committee and lack of technical advice to accounting officers respectively. besides, the descriptive results showed that audit committees from rs and lgas had a problem of not reviewing the annual audit plans by 85%, they didn‟t prepare annual audit committee reports (72.7%), they didn‟t meet as required by law (59.9%), they don‟t review financial effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 46 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting statement (58.8%) and cag reports (51%), and they don‟t have training (49%). these results had a higher percentage compared to hlis and public bica. table 5: weaknesses observed by the public entities in percentages weakness public entities total (%) public bica. hlis rs and lgas no required meetings as per acts 31.9 8.2 59.9 100 audit committees do not review financial statements 31.9 9.4 58.8 100 no annual audit committee reports 20.0 7.3 72.7 100 audit committees do not review the annual audit plan 13.4 1.5 85.1 100 no discussion of the internal auditors reports 94.9 0.0 5.1 100 no review and discussion of the cag report 49.0 0.0 51.0 100 no trainings for audit committee 31.4 19.6 49.0 100 no discussion on the area of internal control system 91.2 4.4 4.4 100 no discussion on management information system 96.0 2.0 2.0 100 lack of independence in executing their duties 53.2 45.0 1.8 100 lack of evaluation of audit committee performances 68.8 30.3 0.9 100 no mechanism to hold the audit committees responsible 54.1 45.9 0.0 100 no audit committee established 98.0 2.0 0.0 100 committees do not advice the accounting officer 75.0 0.0 25.0 100 improper composition of the audit committee 90.0 10.0 0.0 100 total 46.3 13.2 40.5 100 note: public b.i.c.a. = public boards, institutions, corporations and agencies, r.s. =regional secretariat, l.g.a.s = local government authorities, hlis= higher learning institutions source: author computation (2022) correlation result it is indicated in table 6 that the coefficient between the two variables is -0.170. tabachnick & fidell (1996) and bordens & abbott (2011) guided that a correlation coefficient below 0.9 indicates no multicollinearity between variables. therefore, it is concluded that the independent variables are lower correlated. this allows testing the hypotheses to examine the influence of each variable on frm. table 6: correlation matrix variables description 1 2 type of audit opinion (1) pearson correlation 1 -.170** sig. .000 weakness of audit committees (2) pearson correlation -.170** 1 sig. .000 source: author computation (2022) effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 47 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting hausman test result from the guidance of hausman (1978), the fixed-effect model was a suitable model to use since prob>chi 2 is 0.0000 lower than 5 per cent, as specified in table 7. table 7: hausman test summary variables coefficients (b) (b) (b-b) sqrt. (diag(v_b-v_b)) fixed random difference s.e type of audit opinion -.1223 -.0661 -.0562 .0000 ac weaknesses -.0031 -.0150 .0120 .0010 prob>chi2 = 0.0000 source: author computation (2022) therefore, from this result, the null hypothesis was rejected, meaning random effect was not an appropriate model to use. in addition, errors connected with each entity are unique, unsystematic and random, and show no correlation with frm (mwenda et al., 2021). hypotheses testing results this study had two hypotheses derived from ear and ac. the ear and ac are regressed to show the relationship between them with frm. a fixed-effect technique is used in the analysis, and the outcomes are well presented in table 8. the model results show that it is significant at 5%, and the r 2 is 0.21. table 8: eao and ac on frm variables estimates on frm se p-values eao 0.1223 0.0402 0.0020 ac weaknesses -0.0031 0.0043 0.479 constant 2.3407 0.0540 0.0000 fixed effect regression: number of observations 1362 observations per group: number of groups group variable: public entities r-sq 230 min avg max 5.0 6.0 6.0 within 0.0085 prob>f 0.0080 between 0.0538 overall 0.2100 source: author computation (2022) the first hypothesis (h1) posited that there is a positive influence of eao on frm. the result of this hypothesis specifies that the coefficient is 0.1223 and the p-value is 0.0020, implying that the h1 is accepted and, therefore, the eao issued in public entities is positively influencing frm and statistically significant. the results indicate that the better the eao, the better resource management. in another way, when a clean audit opinion is issued, the public entity manages well financial resources. it means that the entity efficiently minimizes expenses over-collected revenues, has no problem paying its debts and uses assets to generate revenue. effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 48 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting on the other hand, hypothesis two (h2) posited a significant relationship between audit committees and financial resource management. the results displayed that ac weakness is statistically insignificant and negatively related to frm, meaning that the more the reported deficiencies, the less the management of financial resources. this is evidenced by the negative regression coefficient -0.0031 with p-value=0.479 at 5% significance level. discussion the trend of audit opinions as elaborated in the literature review of this study, an unqualified report is a clean report, which means that the public resources are utilized and managed well, unlike other remaining audit opinions. from this point of view, results on the trend of audit opinions imply that, on average, most of the public entities used well the public resource in the six financial years reviewed. moreover, public resources were not managed well in some public entities. at the end of the period, cag reports showed qualified, adverse and disclaimer opinions to show some problems in the management of resources. these results concurred with that of (mzenzi & gaspar, 2015), who discovered that unqualified opinions in public entities in tanzania are increasing. similarly, the number of qualified, adverse and disclaimer opinions is decreasing year by year. thus, using the nature of audit opinions as a sign of efficient use of public resources, the results generally suggested that there is an improvement. however, the reports reviewed indicated that some public entities in our sample had a repetitive emphasis on matters to take action on to improve the management of resources. these matters emphasized by cag were not related to the fairness and truthness of respective public entities‟ final accounts, thus why the audit report ended up being clean. in fact, this appeared in other countries; for instance, baldacchino et al. (2014) in malta and (ngoepe & ngulube, 2013) revealed that the decreasing percentage of qualified opinions in south african government departments is attributed to an increase of unqualified opinions with the emphasis of matter. the influence of eao on frm. the second objective examined the influence of eao on the performance of resource management among public entities. the study generally observed that public bica is leading in obtaining unqualified opinions. this implies that public bica in tanzania are better at managing financial resources than rs, lgas and hlis. moreover, the results show a problem with using and managing public resources, specifically in rs and lgas. this is because rs and lgas got a huge number of qualified opinions of 153 (83.2%) out of 184 (100%) of the qualified opinions from the audit reports reviewed in this study. the reason for these results is posited by istrate (2018) to be a large number of functions that these rs and lgas are given by law. this study by istrate (2018) pointed out that qualified opinion is the most issued opinion in romania municipalities. the main bases for such opinion are non-observance of accounting principles and improper management of assets (maldonado et al., 2019). this needs a large number of qualified human resources, financial and physical resources which in most of the causes for such opinions the rs and lgas in 2014/15 to 2019/20 was a problem. furthermore, these results align with effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 49 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the rdt used in this study, which posits that public entities, like any other entities, need financial resources, physical resources, and human resources for their survival, resulting in effective and efficient managing of resources (daft, 2001). conversely, the first hypothesis (h1) results revealed that eao positively influences and is statistically significant to frm. the results from handoko et al. (2020) showed the same results that there is a positive effect of the audit report on resource management in public entities. another study by zhiwei et al (2011) assessed the relationship between modified audit opinions and economic consequences. this study‟s results align with mine in that it suggests that the modified opinions indicate the economic constraints in the organization. the relationship between ac and frm. in assessing the extent of the weakness of the audit committees among public entities, the descriptive results above show that most of the weaknesses are from the audit committees of pubic bica and rs/lgas. this interprets that, on average, the audit committees in these entities are weak; therefore, they do not contribute to the effective managing of public resources as expected and indicated by laws compared to hlis, which showed a very small percentage of weaknesses. this is to say, in general, that hlis manage their financial resources well due to effective audit committees. these results contrast with the study of braunstein & welch (2002) who show that public bica are in the front line in managing their resources well compared to any other entities in the public services. this appeared to be true even in the current work of thomas & purcell (2019), which revealed that audit committees in lgas are effective. this is because a huge number of resources are inverted into them. however, the idea of these results that hlis have effective ac is in line with that of soobaroyen (2014), who used the same descriptive analysis method to show the effectiveness of ac in higher learning institutions. his study finds well-composed functioned acs and, therefore, a positive relationship between audit committees with effective management of resources. moreover, the study by abdallah (2013) shows the same results that audit committees in lgas have many weaknesses, such as few meetings in a financial year, no review of the annual audit plan and no audit reports. soobaroyen (2014) notes that there is effective and efficient resource management in hlis because, in most cases, members of audit committees are well educated, know their duties indicated in the laws and have everything necessary to be members of the committees. that is why even the results of this study indicate that audit committees in hlis effectively discuss internal audit reports and cag reports. most importantly, they advise accounting officers on technical issues that will make the institution manage the resource well as perform well financially. regarding resource dependency theory, the results suggest a strong relationship with the theory. it is conceptualized from the results that ac, which contains human resources, are not independent. therefore, they need other resources like a financial and physical resources like computers to execute their duties (uygun, 2017). further, they depend on the external environment, which in our case is external audits and cag reports (masud et al., 2018). so, if all these resources are available in ac, the public money in public entities will be effectively and efficiently managed. effect of external audit opinions and audit committees on financial resource management in public sector entities mwombeki 50 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting by combining descriptive results with the results from hypothesis two (h2) of this study which stated that there is a substantial association between ac weakness and frm, the result shows that ac weakness is statistically insignificant and negatively related to frm. this was also found in the earlier study by thomas & purcell (2019), who revealed that the ac with few weaknesses influences the effective management of financial resources in local government authorities. moreover, the results of soobaroyen (2014) were on effective ac in higher learning institutions; therefore, there is a positive influence on efficient resource management. conclusion this study intended to examine the trend of the audit opinions, examine the influence of external audit opinions on financial resource management and determine the extent to which audit committees influence financial resource management in government entities by assessing the weakness of audit committees in the public entities. this study generally found that unqualified audit reports occurred most among public entities. also, most ac weaknesses appeared in lgas. moreover, the hypotheses results indicate the significant positive influence of audit opinion on frm. on the other side, ac weakness has a negative relationship with frm. the findings imply that the government entities with modified opinions have lousy use of financial resources. also, if ac committees are weak (not effective) then it will lead to poor management of the public fund. this study improves knowledge of the relationship between audit reports, audit committees and resources management in public sector entities. furthermore, they may also be useful to some public organs in tanzania, such as the parliament, national audit office and public entities. on top of that, the study recommends that the government, especially the president‟s office, consider recruiting more employees to these lgas to increase efficiency in managing public resources. this is because lgas are charged with crucial roles in education, infrastructures, health etc. furthermore, the parliament of the united republic of tanzania should push the local government executive officers to make sure the management of financial resources in these entities is effective and efficient. reference abdallah m. m (2013). contribution of audit committees towards the local government authority’s performance in resources management: a case of bariadi district council. 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(2018). board of directors, audit committee, and firm performance: evidence from greece. journal of international accounting, auditing and taxation, 31, 20-36. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 2, april 2023 page no. 145-163 145 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable riski ayu fitriani1, menik indrati2 12universitas esa unggul, indonesia correspondent: received : december 30, 2023 accepted : april 1, 2023 published : april 30, 2023 citation: fitriani, r, a., indrati, m.(2023). the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2),145-163. abstract: this study's objective was to analyze the impact of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness, with debt level serving as a moderator. this study includes three independent factors, namely capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability; one dependent variable, namely tax aggressiveness; and one moderating variable, namely debt level or leverage. in this study, 17 firms out of a total observation of 45 companies with research objects on the lq45 company index listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2017 to 2021 met the inclusion requirements. according to the findings of this study, capital intensity has a beneficial effect on tax aggression. the variable inventory intensity has no positive impact on tax aggression. the unpredictable profitability has a favorable impact on tax aggressiveness. the association between capital intensity and tax aggression cannot be moderated by the variable of leverage. the association between inventory intensity and tax aggression cannot be moderated by the variable of leverage. the variable of leverage moderates in a positive way the association between profitability and tax aggression. this research can also be used to encourage investors and shareholders to receive financial statement information offered by companies with greater care when making investment decisions. for companies to be able to determine positive policies that can maintain business continuity and can meet the expectations of shareholders will carry out tax aggressiveness. keywords: capital intensity; inventory intensity; profitability; tax aggressiveness; debt level. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction one of the sources of state finance is taxes, where taxes are one of the most important supports for state financing. tax contribution to state revenue reaches 80%. even though tax revenue has increased every year, there are always deficiencies so that the tax target is not achieved like the current covid-19 pandemic. according to data (, 2022) state tax revenue has the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 146 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting decreased. in 2019-2021 the covid-19 pandemic occurred which caused many companies to go bankrupt, so that the amount of company income will affect the payment of income tax to the company. in order to reduce the income tax paid to the government, companies usually carry out tax aggressiveness by reducing the profits earned by the company. that way people's economic activities are also very limited during the covid-19 pandemic. meanwhile, tax performance and economic recovery have started to increase from the impact of the co-19 pandemic since 2021. a firm will make an investment in the form of fixed assets, and the company will do depreciation to calculate the amount of tax that must be paid and how the funds will be utilized to generate a profit (ratnawati & utomo, 2022). a high inventory intensity of a company can help reduce the amount of tax payments. (oktaviani et al., 2021) states that when inventory intensity results in an increase in profit due to additional costs, as a result it will cause an increase in tax payments so that companies will carry out tax aggressiveness. (suhendar et al., 2022) said the effectiveness of a company's work processes in identifying a company's ability to seek profit can use profitability. company profits will be used to pay shareholders. the company will carry out tax aggressiveness if the level of profit earned by the company increases (kasmir, 2017). leverage is used to increase a company's ability to achieve its goals, both small and large. companies that are in debt do not carry out tax aggressiveness because companies have interests with creditors, so companies must maintain their profits (santini & indrayani, 2020). (iswari et al., 2019) emphasized that tax aggressiveness refers to tax payment schemes implemented by management, both legally and criminally, with the intent of manipulating corporate income as the basis for tax collection. according to research (ahdiyah & triyanto, 2021) and (nugrahadi & rinaldi, 2021), capital intensity has a beneficial effect on tax aggression. in addition, inventory intensity has a good impact on tax aggressiveness (sumiati & ainniyya, 2021) (sormin, 2021). and the positive effect of profitability on tax aggressiveness (hidayat & dewi, 2022) (gunawan & resitarini, 2019). several studies have found a positive relationship between leverage moderating several independent variables on research tax aggressiveness (isa et al., 2019)(marlina et al., 2022). there are several things that distinguish this research from previous research by changing the independent commissioners' moderation variable to leverage moderation on the lq45 company index for 2017-2021. the reason the authors chose the leverage variable in this study is because companies with high debt ratios have a high level of tax aggressiveness. this occurs because corporate debt increases interest expense, which in turn reduces company profits. this study's objective was to investigate the impact of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness, with debt level serving as a moderating variable, for the lq45 firm index from 2017 to 2021. this research has benefits for companies for contributing thoughts and references for company owners, managers, regulators, and investors in decision-making actions regarding tax aggressiveness. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 147 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting positive accounting theory the purpose of positive accounting theory is to provide an overview of the accounting process running from the beginning to the present and accounting information to be presented so that it can be communicated to related parties. this theory is based on the fact that stakeholders, shareholders and tax authorities try to be persistent in maximizing their activities, which from time to time can also affect the compensation and welfare received. according to watts & zimmerman, (1986) there are 3 hypotheses that can be a reference for explaining and predicting events in accounting. of the three existing hypotheses, this study uses the positive cost hypothesis. if the conditions don't change, then the profit is relatively large, so it's the same as the company returning current profits to the future. regarding tax aggressiveness, companies with higher profits in the current period will pay higher tax payments. the bigger the company, the more resources it will require and the company will carry out tax planning with the aim of saving tax payments. to reduce the number of current profit periods, company management has made preparations to move the current profit period to the next period (amalia, 2021). tax aggressiveness (balakrishnan et al., 2019) stated that various forms of tax planning are used by the business world to monitor their own tax obligations, so companies take tax aggressive actions which of course must be sanctioned because their actions are very detrimental to society. the effective tax rate (etr) is the calculation used in this study. (iswari et al., 2019) states that tax evasion is an act in which illegal tax planning is carried out. usually companies that carry out tax aggressiveness have the goal of reducing the burden of paying taxes. this action is carried out to minimize or reduce tax costs (sunarto et al., 2021). the company will carry out a plan or scheme to avoid paying taxes. companies that have a savings plan in paying taxes will tend to be tax aggressive, this needs to be considered in fulfilling taxes by looking at the regulations set by the government (putri malinda et al., 2022). capital intensity capital intensity is a form of company fixed assets invested from the company's principal amount. according to (afiana & mukti, 2020), capital intensity is a type of investment activity carried out by business actors in the form of fixed assets such as buildings, machinery, land, etc. (christina & wahyudi, 2022) state that capital intensity is debt and equity which companies usually use for company capital policies to ensure that the company's debt and equity are maximized. capital intensity relates to business investment in assets that increases as the cost of assets decreases. because this will have an impact on the company's profit growth, the need for tax obligations will decrease. when capital intensity increases, corporate tax aggressiveness will also increase (ratnawati & utomo, 2022). total net fixed assets to total assets is the most widely used indicator to measure capital intensity. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 148 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting inventory intensity if the intensity of invested capital in the form of fixed assets is different from the intensity of inventories that invest in the company's inventory. (oktaviani et al., 2021) states that companies that invest a lot in inventory are referred to as inventory intensity. (meylina & manalu, 2022) states that inventory is a company's current current assets that are used to produce goods to be sold or used in the future. any business that invests in inventory will incur costs for growing and managing inventory. this can lead to reduced company profits and increase company costs. companies with high inventory intensity will tend to do tax aggressiveness. companies can increase company profits by making cost savings when inventory intensity increases. that way the company can allocate current year's profit to the next period when inventory is high. therefore, the company will reduce profits so that it will also cause a smaller tax burden to be paid (ahdiyah & triyanto, 2021). profitability (jumono et al., 2019) stated that profitability is a tool used to evaluate a company's internal operations. with this profitability will help the company to achieve its final goal. according to (mauren & purwaningsih, 2022) profitability is the main key to the long-term success and survival of the company, which is reflected in the return on company assets. increased company profits can show an increase in profitability ratios as well. the greater the profitability value, the greater the company's performance in terms of profit generation. an increase in profitability will result in a rise in tax value; hence, corporations tend to engage in tax aggression. a corporation use a profitability ratio to measure its capacity to make profits. profitability ratios can indicate the efficiency of a company's management (sari et al., 2021). additionally, revenue is utilized to evaluate the location of the company's earnings in the prior year and in the current year. leverage according to (nilmawati et al., 2021), leverage is the ratio that compares corporate assets to company debt and measures the company's usage of debt in relation to the cost of company assets. the ratio is used to measure leverage, which is a liability possessed by the company. leverage can improve a company's ability to achieve both modest and broad objectives (gunawan & resitarini, 2019). it indicates the company's ability to meet its commitments with its assets, or how much of its assets must be liquidated in order to settle all of its liabilities. it illustrates the company's total debt burden (tahir et al., 2020). (vijayakumaran & vijayakumaran, 2019) state that with leverage, companies can finance assets with borrowed funds and describe the company's financial risks. companies that finance their assets using debt borrowed from third parties or creditors will usually incur interest costs that must be paid. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 149 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the relationship between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness fixed assets show the wealth shown by the companies because the more companies invest their fixed assets, the more companies bear depreciation costs. this utilization will have an impact on decreasing company profits. companies that invest their capital in the form of fixed assets can take advantage of depreciation costs which are a deduction from the tax burden. this provides a choice of accounting theory when companies invest in assets, allowing them to choose the depreciation method they deem appropriate to increase company profits, and positive accounting theory exists to increase profits according to (santini & indrayani, 2020). so when the company's capital intensity ratio increases, tax aggressiveness will increase. thus, to manage the company, it will use unused funds to invest in fixed assets and get profits from depreciation which will later be used for corporate tax deductions (marlina et al., 2022). so along with the increasing intensity of activity in a company, the tax aggressiveness practices carried out by the company will also increase as well. thus, the hypothesis is as follows: h1 : capital intensity is positively related to tax aggressiveness. the relationship between supply intensity and tax aggressiveness according to (ahdiyah & triyanto, 2021), inventory intensity represents how much a company invests in its own inventory. companies with a high level of inventory intensity are typically tax aggressive. companies with large inventories will also have large inventory costs. maintenance and inventory costs will also help break down profits and tax payments that companies will make to the state. managers will try to minimize the tax burden by having a large inventory so that profits will decrease. therefore, companies apply positive accounting theory in choosing profitable jobs, with the assumption that companies will succeed in making high investments in the future and enjoy lower tax payments. consequently, if a company's inventory intensity is high, its tax aggressiveness will increase. this is consistent with the findings of (sumiati & ainniyya, 2021) that inventory intensity positively affects tax aggression. thus, the following is the hypothesis: h2 : inventory intensity is positively related to tax aggressiveness. the relationship between profitability and tax aggressiveness researchers use roa to measure company profitability, according to (aksoy hazır, 2019) profitability has a relationship between company profits and income tax burden for companies. high profits can trigger tax aggressiveness for companies with high profitability values that can be described as company efficiency, high tax costs due to the high profits that the company has. it is viewed as an attempt to engage in tax aggression. profitability can be accomplished by supplying information about the company's profits, and tax aggressiveness can be attained if the company's profits are increasing. there are substantial political consequences, including high taxation. the larger the attained profitability, the bigger the company's profitability. the results are consistent with research (dianawati & agustina, 2020) and (hidayat & dewi, 2022) indicating that the roa ratio influences the amount of tax aggression. therefore, the hypothesis is the following: h3 : profitability is positively related to tax aggressiveness. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 150 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting leverage moderation on the relationship between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness leverage compares the company's assets to its debt and gauges the company's utilization of its debt in relation to the cost of its assets. in assessing the company's ability to meet its long-term obligations, the leverage ratio might be utilized (suyono, 2018). companies with significant levels of debt will incur substantial interest costs. in addition, these expenses can affect the firm's profitability. decreasing company profits causes the effectiveness of companies in managing the company's tax burden to decrease and shows an increase in tax aggressiveness. so when the company's leverage ratio increases, the tax aggressiveness will increase. if the amount of leverage used to invest in the form of fixed assets so that it can take advantage of high depreciation costs to reduce the tax burden on the company. positive accounting theory explains the decline in corporate earnings reports. conflicts between managers and government may arise due to political costs when viewed as sharing responsibility for the social good of society. tax obligations are the guidelines for the state regarding this matter. management will report low profits in order to avoid paying high taxes, that is because the company's income is high, the taxes paid will also be high. so the results are in line with research (afiana & mukti, 2020) which states that if capital intensity increases, tax aggressiveness will also increase, this will be strengthened by leverage, but not supported by (ratnawati & utomo, 2022). thus, the hypothesis is as follows: h4: leverage positively moderates the relationship between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness. leverage moderation on the relationship between inventory intensity and tax aggressiveness the level of debt or leverage is typically represented by the company's obligation to repay debt. inventory intensity is a measure of how much a firm invests in inventory; if a company has a large inventory, it will incur a greater burden in managing that inventory. the positive theory of accounting shows that conflicts generally occur in companies due to fund allocation problems. (gita et al., 2021) explains that the leverage exercised by the entity will be able to provide additional funds to purchase inventory for the entity concerned, even though it must bear the interest expense on this obligation. this is in line with the idea (marlina et al., 2022) that there is a close influence between leverage, inventory intensity, and tax aggressiveness. thus, the hypothesis is as follows: h5 : leverage positively moderates the relationship between inventory intensity and tax aggressiveness. leverage moderation on the relationship between profitability and tax aggressiveness (kasmir, 2017) states that a company's profitability indicates the period in which it will create money. taxes paid by the company will be directly proportional to its income, so a rise in profits will result in a greater tax burden for the company. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 151 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in order for businesses to profit from these tax benefits, they must increase their overall debt, resulting in a high total debt to asset ratio. according to (alexander & minnema, 2018), for this indicator to be theoretically more beneficial for the organization, it must have a high level of total debt, implying a positive association between total debt and profitability. according to the research of (hidayat & dewi, 2022), there is a close relationship between leverage, profitability, and tax aggression. thus, the following is the hypothesis: h6 : leverage positively moderates the relationship between profitability and tax aggressiveness from the hypothesis above, the following is the research model framework: figure 1. research framework source: data proceed method this research was conducted using etr. etr is determined by dividing total income tax expense by total pre-tax profit. the tax aggressiveness measurement utilizing etr can address the existence of issues and constraints. this quantitative research employs secondary data acquired from a variety of sources. this research requires information from the annual financial report (annual report) of the lq45 company index for 2017-2021, which includes 45 companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange. the technique of purposive sampling utilized in this study yielded the following results: 45 lq45 companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) in 2017-2021, 28 companies that present incomplete annual financial report data, 28 companies that do not generate profits, and 17 companies multiplied by 5 years. therefore, the collected sample data is 85. using the econometric views software, this study employed the panel data regression analysis technique (eviews 12). this study's data analysis includes descriptive statistical tests (mean, the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 152 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting median, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation), analysis and selection of panel data regression using the chow and hausman tests, and descriptive statistics (mean, median, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation). in statistical testing, gujarati and porter (2009) state that the hausman test follows the chi-square statistical distribution. then, execute the classical assumption testing, which includes the multicollinearity test and the heteroscedasticity test, followed by the hypothesis testing, which includes the simultaneous significance test (f test), the partial significance test (t test), and the coefficient of determination (adjusted r-squared) at a significance level of 0.05 (5%). result and discussion descriptive statistics test using the minimum value, maximum value, average (mean), and standard deviation for each independent variable and the dependent variable, descriptive statistical analysis is utilized to provide an overview of the distribution and behavior of the research sample data. the descriptive test results are shown in the table below: table 1. statistical analysis test results variable n min max mean median std. deviation capint 85 0.044000 2.351000 0.393365 0.339000 0.342227 ip 85 0.008000 3.184000 0.216388 0.111000 0.474544 roa 85 0.004000 0.723000 0.125424 0.098000 0.16531 der 85 0.041000 3.413000 0.873565 0.643000 0.763282 etr 85 0.146000 0.718000 0.255176 0.243000 0.086196 valid n 85 source: data proceed this study has 85 reliable data obtained from the financial reports of the lq-45 companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange bei from 2017 to 2021. it can be seen that erajaya swasembada ltd (erra) had the lowest capital intensity value of 0.044000 in 2018 and sumber alfaria trijaya ltd (amrt) had the highest capital intensity value of 2.351000 in 2021. the median value is 0.339000 and the standard deviation (level of data distribution) is 0.342227. it is anticipated that the average capital intensity of the lq45 companies from 2017 to 2021 will be 0.393%, or 39.9%. inventory intensity variable or proxied by ip has the lowest value of 0.008000 indicated by the company mitra keluarga karyasehat ltd (mika) and the highest value of 3.184000 indicated by the company sumber alfaria trijaya ltd (amrt) in 2021, the median value is 0 .111000 and the standard deviation (data distribution level) is 0.474544. it can be assumed that the average value of inventory intensity on the lq45 company index from 2017 to 2021 is a value of 0.216 or 21.6%. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 153 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the profitability variable or proxied by roa has the lowest value of 0.004000 which is owned by aneka tambang ltd (antm) and the highest value of 0.723000 indicated by the company sumber alfaria trijaya ltd (amrt) in 2021, the median value is 0.098000 and the standard deviation (level of data distribution) is 0.116531. it can be assumed that the average value of profitability on the lq45 company index from 2017 to 2021 is 0.125 or 12.5%. the leverage variable or proxied by der has the lowest value of 0.041000 indicated by the company charoen pokphand indonesia ltd (cpin) in 2021 and the highest value of 3.4113000 indicated by the company unilever indonesia ltd (unvr) in 2021, the middle value 0.643000 and the standard deviation (level of data distribution) is 0.763282. it can be assumed that the average leverage value on the lq45 company index from 2017 to 2021 is 0.873 or 87.3%. the tax aggressiveness variable or proxied by etr has the lowest value of 0.146000 which is owned by astra international ltd (asii) in 2020 and the highest value of 0.718000 indicated by the company aneka tambang ltd (antm) in 2019, the middle value 0.243000 and the standard deviation (level of data distribution) is 0.086196. it can be assumed that the average value of tax aggressiveness on the lq45 company index from 2017 to 2021 is 0.255 or 25.5% panel data regression model selection chow test in the chow test of the two models that have been carried out, both have a prob value. crosssection f and ci-square which is smaller than 0.05, with these results means that the hypothesis is rejected. so it was concluded that the fixed effect model was the best and data testing continued to hausman. hausman test based on the hausman test of the two models that have been tested, the value in model 1 is p = 0.2259 > 0.05 and the value in model 2 is p = 0.7131 > 0.05, meaning that the random effect model is the best model. the lagrange multiplier (lm) test must be continued because the random effect model (rem) was selected by the chow test and the hausman test. lagrange multiplier test after the chow test and hausman test were carried out with the best model results, namely rem, then proceed to the lm test. based on the two models that have been tested, the probability values of the cross-section are 0.0000 <0.05 and 0.0001 <0.05, meaning that the best method is the random effect model.. best panel data regression model the following table summarizes the results of the panel data regression model selection test performed on each model. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 154 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 2. the best panel data regression model test model 1 model 2 result chow test cem vs fem cem vs fem fixed effect model hausman test rem vs fem rem vs fem random effect model lagrage multiplier test cem vs rem cem vs rem random effect model source: data proceed from the results of testing the best model for all equations except the first model is the random effect model. classic assumption test multicollinearity test based on the sample data that has been tested, the results of all variables are below 0.80. it can be concluded that the independent and dependent variables in this study are free from multicollinearity. heteroscedasticity test based on the tested sample data, the probability value is more than 0.05. it may be stated that heteroscedasticity does not exist between the independent and dependent variables in this study. panel data regression analysis based on the findings of the panel data regression analysis test, the equation model between variables can be formed as follows: etr = -1.518 + 0.111capint + 0.062ip + 0.182roa – 0.066der – 0.093 der×capint – 0.024der×ip + 0.372der×roa + ꜫ the constant value in this study is -1.518, meaning that the independent variable has a value of 0. then the tax aggressiveness of the lq45 company index for the period 2017 to 2021 is predicted to be -1.518. based on the research sample data, the results of capital intensity are related to tax aggressiveness with a value of 0.111, meaning that the capital intensity variable has an increase in value of 0.111 to tax aggressiveness, which indicates that the coefficient is positive. inventory intensity variable has an impact on tax aggressiveness with a value of 0.062, meaning that the inventory intensity variable has an increase in value of 0.062 on tax aggressiveness, indicating that the coefficient is positive. the profitability variable is related to tax aggressiveness with a value of 0.182, meaning that the profitability variable has an increased value of 0.182 to tax aggressiveness, which indicates that the coefficient is positive. leverage and tax aggressiveness variables with a value of -0.066, meaning that the leverage and tax aggressiveness variables have decreased in value -0.066. leverage variable can moderate the relationship between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness with a value of -0.093, meaning that the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 155 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting leverage moderation has decreased the value of -0.093 on capital intensity and tax aggressiveness, which indicates that the coefficient is negative. the leverage variable moderates the relationship between inventory intensity and tax aggressiveness with a value of -0.024, meaning that leverage moderation has decreased by -0.024 on inventory intensity and tax aggressiveness, indicating that the coefficient is negative. the leverage variable moderates the relationship between profitability and tax aggressiveness with a value of 0.372, meaning that leverage moderation has increased by 0.372 on profitability and tax aggressiveness, which indicates that the coefficient is positive. panel data hypothesis test t-test (partial) the t (partial) statistical test has measurement provisions, namely the prob value. on eviews research <0.05 then the variable is accepted or significant, conversely if the value is > 0.05 then the variable is rejected or not significant to y or etr. based on the results of the t test with a significance level of 0.05, this table displays the t-statistic value and the prob value for the capital intensity variable. etr yields a value of 0.0330 0.05 with t count (2.170185) > t table (1.19900), so h1 is acceptable, i.e. capital intensity has a positive effect on tax aggression. in the inventory intensity t-statistic and probability values. etr yields a value of 0.1277 > 0.05 with t count (1.539236) t table (1.9900), hence h2 is rejected, i.e. inventory intensity has no significant effect on tax aggressiveness. then, based on the value of the t-statistic variable, profitability and probability are determined. etr produces a result of 0.000 0.05 with t count (4.991810) > t table (1.9900), so h3 is acceptable, i.e. profitability has a favorable influence on tax aggression. table 3. research model hypothesis test results hypothesis statement results positive/negative decision h1 capital intensity has a positive effect on tax aggressiveness t compute > t table 2.170185 > 1.9900 prob value < 0.05 0.0330 < 0.05 positive hypothesis accepted h2 inventory intensity has a positive effect on tax aggressiveness t count < t table 1.539236 < 1.9900 prob value > 0.05 0.1277 > 0.05 negative hypothesis rejected the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 156 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting hypothesis statement results positive/negative decision h3 profitability has a positive effect on tax aggressiveness t compute > t table 4.991810 > 1.9900 prob value < 0.05 0.000 < 0.05 positive hypothesis accepted h4 leverage positively moderates the relationship between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness t compute > t table -1.863317 < 1.9900 prob value > 0.05 0.0660 > 0.05 negative hypothesis rejected h5 leverage positively moderates the relationship between inventory intensity and tax aggressiveness t compute > t table -0.761014 < 1.9900 prob value > 0.05 0.4489 > 0.05 negative hypothesis rejected h6 leverage positively moderates the relationship between profitability and tax aggressiveness t compute > t table 2.492821 > 1.9900 prob value < 0.05 0.0147 < 0.05 positive hypothesis accepted source: data proceed test eviews for moderation moderation can be examined by searching for significant interactions between the moderating variable (z) and the independent variable (iv) (x). notably, it is essential to mean-center both your moderator and your dependent variable in order to reduce multicolinearity and facilitate interpretation. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 157 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4. moderation test source: data proceed the results from the eview table above show that the prob of the calculation between capital intensity and leverage or proxied in der1 has a value of 0.0660 > 0.05, so according to the calculation results it is concluded that the leverage relationship (z) cannot moderate capital intensity (x1) on tax aggressiveness (y). thus the h4 hypothesis is rejected and the data does not support the model. table 5. moderation test source: data proceed the results from the eview table above show that the prob of the calculation between inventory intensity and leverage or proxied in der2 has a value of 0.4489 > 0.05, so according to the calculation results it is concluded that the leverage relationship (z) cannot moderate inventory intensity (x2) on tax aggressiveness (y). thus the h5 hypothesis is rejected and the data does not support the model. table 6. moderation test source: data proceed the results from the eview table above show that the prob of the calculation between profitability and leverage or is proxied in der3 which has a value of 0.0147 <0.05, then according to the variable coefficient std. error t-statistic prob. c -1.194476 0.114916 -10.39434 0.0000 capint 0.116600 0.069411 1.679846 0.0968 der 0.073294 0.044547 1.645329 0.1038 der1 -0.093096 0.049962 -1.863317 0.0660 variable coefficient std. error t-statistic prob. c -1.375613 0.114425 -12.02191 0.0000 ip 0.001836 0.046450 0.039532 0.9686 der 0.033813 0.042786 0.790269 0.4317 der2 -0.024104 0.031673 -0.761014 0.4489 variable coefficient std. error t-statistic prob. c -1.963638 0.142355 -13.79394 0.0000 roa -0.201696 0.045278 -4.454613 0.0000 der -0.048730 0.045083 -1.080913 0.2829 der3 0.372003 0.149230 2.492821 0.0147 cross-section random 0.157870 0.4622 idiosyncratic random 0.170278 0.5378 the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 158 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting calculation results it is concluded that the relationship leverage (z) can moderate profitability (x3) on tax aggressiveness (y). thus the h5 hypothesis is accepted and the data supports the model. simultaneous significance test f simultaneous results of research sample data show the results of the prob value (f-statistic) of 0.000282 less than 0.05 so that it can be interpreted that capital intensity, inventory intensity, profitability are simultaneously related to tax aggressiveness. coefficient of determination based on the sample data that has been tested, it shows that the adjusted r-squared value is 0.192428 (19.2%) which means that the overall etr ratio has an impact on the capint, ip and roa ratios. while the remaining 80.8% is explained by other variables outside the research model. discussion effect of capital intensity relationship and tax aggressiveness capital intensity is positively associated to tax aggression on the lq45 company index on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2017 to 2021, according to the study's findings, so h1 is acceptable. these results are consistent with research (ahdiyah & triyanto, 2021) and (afiana & mukti, 2020) which states that capital intensity is positively related to corporate tax aggressiveness. so when the company's capital intensity ratio increases, tax aggressiveness will increase. thus, to manage the company, it will use unused funds to invest in fixed assets and get profits from depreciation which will later be used for corporate tax deductions (marlina et al., 2022). so the higher the tendency of the intensity of the company's fixed assets, the higher the tax aggressiveness practices will be carried out. the influence of supply intensity and tax aggressiveness relationship inventory intensity has a positive correlation with tax aggressiveness for the lq45 company index on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) for the period 2017 to 2021, hence h2 can be disregarded. research (sormin, 2021) and (sumiati & ainniyya, 2021) indicates that inventory intensity has a beneficial influence on tax aggression. this is consistent with the research of (sugeng et al., 2020), which argues that inventory as an investment is not the best strategy for minimizing the tax burden because companies with higher levels of inventory are viewed as being at a disadvantage due to inventory that has been stored for an extended period of time expiring or having been damaged. (oktaviani et al., 2021) states that low additional inventory costs will increase company profits with lower additional inventory costs and company profits will increase, which indicates that the company will not be able to take advantage of additional inventory costs to reduce tax payments. the influence of profitability relationship and tax aggressiveness according to the findings of the study, profitability is positively correlated with tax aggressiveness for the lq45 company index on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2017 to 2021, therefore h3 is acceptable. these findings are consistent with research (dianawati & agustina, 2020) indicating that profitability influences the amount of tax aggression. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 159 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting as a result of being able to engage in tax planning, companies with a high profit margin will be able to minimize their overall tax burden. when a corporation's profits are greater, its income tax liability and tax aggressiveness also grow. as a result, the company will be more aggressive in avoiding its tax obligations. when the company receives high profits in the current period, the amount of tax paid will be higher. this condition can increase the tendency of companies to carry out taxes (suhendar et al., 2022). the effect of leverage moderation on the relationship between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness therefore, h4 can be refused. according to research (afiana & mukti, 2020) and (marlina et al., 2022), if capital intensity increases, tax aggression will also increase and will be increased by leverage. in accordance with the research of ratnawati and utomo, companies do not use leverage to provide fixed assets and reduce the tax burden in manufacturing companies. instead, leverage is used to finance company operations, so that the depreciation profit that should be used as a large corporate tax deduction for corporate tax payments cannot be reduced or the company cannot be tax aggressive. the effect of leverage moderation on the relationship of inventory intensity to tax aggressiveness the study's findings indicate that leverage positively moderates the association between inventory intensity and tax aggression for the lq45 company index on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2017 to 2021, hence h5 can be rejected. this contradicts scientific findings (marlina et al., 2022) which states that there is a strong influence between leverage, inventory intensity, and tax aggressiveness. this is in line with research og (suyono, 2018). the company does not use leverage to own inventory and additional costs to reduce its tax burden, so the company chooses not to carry out tax aggressiveness or pay the tax burden according to the company's situation. most companies prefer to use leverage to maximize profits for shareholders. the company will increase profits and reduce the tax burden if the intensity of the company is higher (pasaribu & mulyani, 2019). the effect of leverage moderation on the profitability relationship against tax aggressiveness therefore, h6 is okay. this is consistent with the findings of hidayat and dewi's research from 2022, which indicates a close relationship between leverage, profitability, and tax aggression. taxes paid by the company will be directly proportional to its income, so a rise in profits will result in a greater tax burden for the company. in order for businesses to profit from these tax benefits, they must increase their overall debt, resulting in a high total debt to asset ratio. according to (alexander & minnema, 2018), for this indicator to be theoretically more beneficial for the organization, it must have a high level of total debt, implying a positive association between total debt and profitability. the influence of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness with debt levels as a moderating variable fitriani and indrati 160 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the results of the author's research, it can be stated that the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability on tax aggressiveness, with leverage as a moderating variable, for the lq45 companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2017 to 2021. capital intensity, inventory intensity, and profitability are simultaneously associated to tax aggressiveness, and all independent variables modulated by leverage are simultaneously connected to tax aggressiveness. the link between capital intensity and tax aggressiveness is positive, suggesting that as capital intensity rises, corporations tend to be more tax aggressive. there is no substantial association between inventory intensity and tax aggressiveness, therefore a company's 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(2023). profit or planet? : impact of production and environmental costs on sales. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2), 164-180. abstract: lately, environmental problems such as pollution, poorly managed waste, and even depleting green land, have become issues that require companies to take action. but on the other hand, companies need well-allocated production costs, which of course have the aim of increasing company profits. that’s why, the purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of production costs and environmental costs on sales for primary and chemical industry firms with iso 14001 certification that are traded on the indonesia stock exchange. specifically, spss version 27 is utilized for conducting multiple regression analyses as part of a quantitatively descriptive methodology. annual and sustainability reports for 5 years from 2017 to 2021 out of 8 companies that have gone through a purposive sampling process are used as research samples. based on the multiple regression analysis that has been carried out, the results show that partially, production costs have a significant effect on sales, and environmental costs have no significant effect on sales. meanwhile, simultaneously both production costs and environmental costs have a significant effect on sales. meaning that production costs and environmental costs are interconnected with each other, so when sales continue to increase, production costs and environmental costs will also increase. keywords: environmental cost, production cost, sales this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction to achieve the expected goals, companies today are facing new focus. initially, a company was only focused on a single bottom line or the value of a company from its financial condition, nowadays the focus became a triple bottom line or according to elkington, 1944 in (nababan, l., & hasyir, 2019) the 3p concept which includes financial (profit), environmental (planet), and social (people) dimensions. the profit dimension is how the company aims to make a profit from activities such as sales carried out by the company. then the planet dimension shows that the company should be responsible for managing the environment and its resources. also, the well-being of the company's employees and other stakeholders is a key aspect of the human dimension. this demonstrates that the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 165 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting corporations' objectives in conducting operations should include not only financial gain but also care for the local environment and the well-being of the surrounding community. in the manufacturing industry, there are various activities carried out by the company, one of which is production activities. this activity certainly requires an allocation of costs called production costs. according to (myrelid & olhager, 2019) it is important for manufacturing firms to allocate costs correctly as a decision to the products that they made. (harnanto, 2017) defines production costs as costs that are considered related to products which include direct and indirect costs for processing raw materials into finished products. mulyadi's definition of manufacturing costs, on the other hand, are those that arise while taking raw materials and turning them into finished goods, (mulyadi., 2015). this production cost can be broken down into the following categories: raw materials, labor, direct costs, and overhead. (xi chen & bertrand m. koebel, 2017) found that in production cost there are fixed costs and variable costs, and fixed costs represent 20% of the total cost which highlights its importance. according to (raiborn & kinney, 2013) there are 3 components in production costs, which are as follows: 1. direct material which is any part of the product that is available and easy to identify. 2. direct labor is the effort of individuals who produce products and provide services. 3. overhead is a cost that is indirectly included in the production of a product or service provided. with the existence of production costs, it is hoped that companies can calculate the cost of making finished products and selling them to consumers to make a profit. however, over time, companies need to think about how the products that have been produced could have sustainable properties. (soytas et al., 2019) define sustainability as processes that are created and modified to improve a company's social and environmental impact. according to (hong et al., 2019) sustainability is not just for long-term survival of a company, but also preserve social ecosystems at large. (loorbach et al., 2016) found out that ecological degradation is one of the factors that a company needs to be concerned about. in other words, companies need to think about the impact of their production activities and the effects on the environment and community welfare so that both natural and human resources can be used sustainably and passed on to the next generations. reported from (surjaya, 2022) in september 2022, pt. saranagriya lestari keramik, which produces floor ceramics and roof tiles, was proven to have polluted the environment so the bekasi regency government together with the west java environment agency sanctioned the company. it is known that pt. saranagriya lestari keramik has been proven to have committed 13 violations in waste management, especially liquid and air waste. the company was found not fulfilling waste treatment procedures because there were hazardous and toxic materials (b3) in the disposal of waste. the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 166 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the neighborhood first noticed this issue three months ago, and after an investigation by the bekasi district environmental agency, they confirmed that pollution had occurred, classifying it as moderate to severe. article 100 of law 32 of 2009, concerning environmental protection and management, was therefore broken. the increasing of various environmental problems such as pollution and environmental damage made companies have to find solutions to prevent this problem. (bai et al., 2019) found out that if companies invest in green technologies and made carbon regulation, it will able to reduce carbon emission. in other words, one of many solutions that can be done is to allocate environmental costs. businesses invest environmental costs into projects with the goal of bettering their environmental impact. environmental costs according to (ikhsan, 2009) are cost that include internal costs and external costs that relate to all costs associated with environmental damage and protection. (hansen d.r. & mowen m.m., 2018) classify environmental costs into 4 categories: internal costs associated with preventing environmental damage, external costs associated with repairing environmental damage, and internal costs associated with detecting environmental damage. investment in preventive and detection operations, or the costs of preventing and detecting environmental damage, is one way for businesses to achieve effective environmental cost allocation. such as the costs of waste treatment, reclamation, measuring waste levels, and others. according to (waltho et al., 2019) research, it’s found that to make substantial reductions in emissions companies have to increase their cost. conversely, if the company is unable to allocate its environmental costs properly, it can lead to additional costs that will affect the company’s financial performance. therefore, it is expected that the allocation of environmental costs will make people put more of their trust to create a good and sustainable relationship with the company. not only that, if the company can allocate production costs and environmental costs properly, it is expected that the company’s sales volume and profits will also increase. (kwon & lee, 2019) research backs this up, finding that a company can boost its returns by improving both its sustainability practices and the quality of its operations. over time, companies are competing to fulfill the 3p concept as evidenced by the existence of csr (corporate social responsibility), which according to (sultoni, 2020) represent a pledge on the part of businesses to act in an ethical manner and contribute to long-term economic growth. research by (jo et al., 2015) indicated that environmental cost was a factor in corporate social responsibility (csr). companies have implemented a wide range of programs aimed at achieving environmental management and community welfare. in order to gauge how well a company is doing in terms of environmental management, iso 14001 certification is often employed. iso 14001 is an ems standard created by the international organization for standardization, as stated by (deepak et al., the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 167 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2015). according to studies conducted by (feng & wang, 2014), a corporation can increase customer happiness and loyalty by creating an ems. (iso central secretariat, 2015) describes iso 14001 as an internationally recognized standard that indicates the criteria in the environmental management system. to obtain an edge in the market and the confidence of their stockholders, businesses can use this certification to improve their environmental performance by conserving resources and cutting down on waste. (de jong et al., 2014) in their research found that if companies have iso 14001certification, it can help them to develop their capabilities and give impact to the profitability. beyond the corporate legitimacy gains, (treacy et al., 2019) discovered that the iso 14001 standard has benefited the organization in other ways as well. to obtain this certification, (sadiq, n., & khan, 2019) in their book write that companies must pay attention to clause 6.12 of iso 14001 where companies and organizations are required to define and implement a procedure that describes how the company identifies and applies matters such as identifying all environmental laws; permits; and licenses that apply to products, processes, waste management whether solid, liquid, or gas; and periodic evaluation of environmental policies, along with the company’s compliance with environmental laws and other requirements. based on the problems described, this research was conducted to examine the effect of production costs and environmental costs on sales. sales are affected by production costs manufacturing expenses may have an effect on a company's sales. (albdullah, 2017) in his book defines sales as complementary activities to purchases made so that a transaction occurs. so it can be said that sales are a transaction made by consumers when they buy a product. while according to (panjaitan, 2018) sales is a concept that focuses on existing products, using promotion as an attraction with the ultimate goal of making a profit. the factors that influence sales according to (hidalyah , al., & sulakson, 2021) include the price set, the company’s strategy for promotion, and the quality of the products produced. (mcguian et al., 2016) argue if production costs increase, then companies must increase selling prices to maintain margin standards. this can affect market demand and reduce sales. however, on the other hand, if the company can reduce production costs, its market demand, and sales will increase. however, studies conducted by (rupaida & bernardin, 2016) reveal a positive and statistically significant relationship between production costs and revenue. this shows that when production cost increase, sales will also increase. the first hypothesis may be derived from the above description, and it is as follows: h1 = production costs have a positive effect on sales partially. sales affected by environmental costs the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 168 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in some cases, environmental costs can have a significant impact on a company’s sales volume. according to (callan, s. j., & thomas, 2013), every resource used for economic activities ends up as a residue that has the potential to cause environmental damage. although this process can be delayed through environmental restoration, it cannot be stopped. therefore, companies need to make policies regarding environmental management. taking active steps to meet environmental regulations and demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability, can have a positive effect on sales volume. in a study conducted by (suki, 2016), it was found that consumer attitudes towards environmentally friendly products. so it can be concluded that if consumers have a strong preference for environmentally friendly products, then the allocation of higher environmental costs can positively affect sales volume. naturally deriving from the first, the second hypothesis is as follows: h2 = environmental costs have a positive effect on sales volume partially based on the two hypotheses above, the researcher also formulates a third hypothesis, namely: h3 = production costs and environmental costs have a positive influence on sales simultaneously. according to the theoretical basis and previous research that has been discussed, the renewal in this study is how the existence of production costs and environmental costs put together can influence sales. whether the company pays attention to the allocation of production costs and environmental costs can make the company's product sales increase or vice versa. this study also hopes to answer whether companies are better off relying on profits or taking responsibility by managing environmental policies. figure 1. framework theory method thei obje icts that will bei eixamineid arei production costs, einvironme intal costs, and saleis. the i reiseiarch useis numeirical me ithods to analyzei information culle id from primary source is (idx-listeid firms' annual reiports and sustainability re iports) and che imical industry seictors that havei iso 14001 ceirtification. population and sample companieis from thei primary and cheimical industrieis listeid on thei indoneisia stock eixchangei and holding iso 14001 ce irtification that providei sustainability reiports and annual reiports for 20172021 constitutei thei study's population. for samplei deiteirmination, this study will usei thei purposivei sampling meithod. this me ithod was chosein be icause i of thei reiseiarch limitations that reiquirei thei environmental cost sales production cost h2 h3 h1 the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 169 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting seileicteid samplei to be i following thei eixisting objeictive is. thei following factors weirei consideireid whein se ileicting thei samplei for this study: table 1. purposive i sampling no. criteria total 1. primary and cheimical industry seictor companieis that arei iso 14001 ceirtifieid 73 2. companieis that did not publish sustainability reiport and annual reiport in 2017-2021 (65) numbeir of sample i companieis: 8 thei amount of data use id during 2017-2021 40 tablei 1 shows that 73 firms in the i basic and che imical industry arei accreiditeid to iso 14001 standards. approximateily 65 busineisseis do not qualify. this proce iss of e ilimination yieilds 8 busineisseis and 40 sampleis worth of data that may be i analyzeid in furthe ir deipth. thei 8 busineisseis that meieit thei criteiria arei as follows: indoceimeint tunggal prakasa tbk.; waskita beiton preicast tbk, surya toto indone isia tbk.; krakatau steieil (pe irse iro) tbk.; impack pratama industri tbk.; japfa comfe ieid indoneisia tbk.; and toba pulp le istari tbk. variable measurement independent variable (x1,2) variableis outsidei of the i deipeindeint variablei can be i consideireid indeipeindeint. production and eicological eixpeinseis are i thei study's indeipeinde int variableis. dependent variable (y) an indeipeindeint variablei acts as a driving forcei on a de ipeindeint variablei. this re iseiarch is ceinteireid on saleis as thei deipeinde int variablei. table 2. summary of re iseiarch variableis variables dimensions disclosure indicator measurement production cost (x1) total production cost of thei company production cost = direict raw mate irial cost + direict labor cost + variablei factory ove irheiad cost + fixeid factory ove irheiad cost nominal e invironmeintal costs (x2) total einvironmeintal cost of thei company total einvironmeintal costs in the i company's sustainability re iport for thei peiriod 2017-2021 nominal the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 170 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting saleis (y) total reiveinuei geineirateid from saleis total reiveinuei geineirateid from saleis in the i company's annual re iport for thei peiriod 2017-2021. nominal research model thei following meithods weirei eimployeid to analyzei thei data for this study: (1) quantitative i deiscriptions; (2) thei teist of classical assumptions; (3) corre ilation teist; (4) hypothe isis teist; (5) coeifficie int of de iteirmination using multiple i reigreission te ichnique is. data analysis and proce issing will bei carrie id out with the i ibm spss statistics 27 application. result and discussion descriptive statistics table 3. deiscriptive i statistics n minimum maximum meian std. deiviation production costs 40 163512400 6153867715706 802373990044.42 1556507837236.47 6 e invironmeintal costs 40 744000000 391000000000 18671215416.98 60777650183.773 saleis 40 183195700 0 8000149423527 1276575993475.75 2000485709143.09 3 valid n (listwisei) 40 source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data baseid on tablei 3 abovei, it is found that production costs as one i of the i indeipeindeint variableis in this study havei a minimum valuei of idr 163,512,400. from the i calculation of production costs, thei maximum valuei obtaine id idr 6,153,867,715,706. whilei thei aveirage i value i obtaineid is idr 802,373,990,044.42 and a standard deiviation of idr 1,556,507,837,236.476. anotheir indeipeindeint variablei that useis deiscriptivei statistical calculations is e invironmeintal costs which havei a minimum re isult of idr 744,000,000. through thei reisults of the i calculation of einvironmeintal costs, the i maximum valuei obtaine id is idr 391,000,000,000. whilei thei ave iragei obtaineid is idr 18,671,215,416.98 and a standard de iviation of idr 60,777,650,183.773. if wei usei reiveinuei as thei deipeindant variablei, thein we i geit a minimum valuei of idr 1,831,957,000. as a reisult, thei higheist possiblei amount re iache id through total saleis is idr 8,000,149,423,527. with an aveirage i of 1,276,575,993,475.75 and a standard de iviation of 2,000,485,709,143.093 indoneisian rupiah (idr). classical assumption test seiveiral assumptions must be i meit be iforei a re iseiarcheir can draw valid re isults from a multiple i reigreission analysis, theireiforei theiy should be i che ickeid off be iforei conducting any hypothe isis teisting. the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 171 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting thei normality teist, the i heiteirosce idasticity teist, thei autocorre ilation teist, and the i multicollineiarity teist arei among thosei peirformeid. normality test table 4. classical assumption te isting re isults one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardizeid re isidual n 39 normal parame iteirsa,b meian -.0000814 std. deiviation 606559599776.14980000 most eixtreimei diffe ireince is absolutei .307 positivei .307 neigativei -.235 teist statistic .307 asymp. sig. (2-taileid)c .000 montei carlo sig. (2taileid)d sig. .000 99% confideince i inteirval lowe ir bound .000 uppe ir bound .000 a. teist distribution is normal. b. calculateid from data. c. lillieifors significancei correiction. d. lillieifors' me ithod baseid on 10000 monte i carlo sampleis with starting seieid 2000000. source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data thei proceisseid data has a normal distribution if the i significancei valuei of thei reisultant teist statistic is largeir than 0.05, as reiquireid by thei kolmogorov-smirnov teist (seie i tablei 4 above i). heteroscedasticity test figure 2. heiteirosceidasticity scatteirplot graph source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 172 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting baseid on figure i 2 above i, it is known that thei points arei scatteireid irre igularly or randomly, so it is concludeid that thei data doe is not occur heiteirosceidastic probleims. autocorrelation test thei reiseiarcheir doeis an autocorre ilation teist on the i timei seirieis data to seiei if theirei is any association beitweiein thei diffeireint me iasureimeints. thei durbin-watson (dw) valuei is useid in this analysis. table 5. autocorreilation assumption te ist re isults model summaryb modeil r r squarei adjusteid r squarei std. e irror of thei e istimate i durbin-watson 1 .977a .954 .951 339594003084.29640 1.707 a. pre idictors: (constant), e invironmeintal costs, production costs b. deipeindeint variablei: sale is source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data baseid on tablei 5 abovei, thei durbin-watson valuei that has beiein obtaineid is beitweiein thei valueis of du and 4du (1.600<1.707<2.400). theireiforei, it may be i infeirreid that the i conditions for thei proposeid reigreission modeil havei beiein satisfieid thei reigre ission be itweiein thei inde ipeindeint variableis production costs (x1) and einvironme intal costs (x2), against saleis (y) has beiein fre iei from autocorre ilation probleims. multicollinearity test table 6. multicolline iarity teisting reisults coefficientsa modeil collineiarity statistics toleirancei vif 1 (constant) production cost 1.000 1.000 einvironmeintal costs 1.000 1.000 a. deipeindeint variablei: saleis sourcei: spss veirsion 27 proceisseid data as may bei seiein in tablei 6, thei final toleirancei valuei is 1.000. as this value i is largeir than 0.10 and thei vif valuei discoveireid was 1,000, which is le iss than 10, wei can safeily infeir that theirei is no multicollineiarity issuei. results multiple linear regression analysis in this study, thei reiseiarche ir will form a re igre ission eiquation as follows: se = α + β1 prc + β2 enc the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 173 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting wheirei: sei (y) = saleis α = constant βi = coeifficie int of reigreission prc (x1) = production costs e inc (x2) = einvironme intal costs thei reisults of the i calculation of multiple i line iar reigreission analysis using the i spss ve irsion 27 program will bei preiseinteid in thei following tablei: table 7. multiplei lineiar reigreission re isults coefficientsa modeil unstandardizeid coe ifficieints standardizeid coeifficie ints t sig. b std. e irror beita 1 (constant) 296901749098.924 116237650328.533 2.554 .015 production costs 1.224 .064 .954 19.060 .000 e invironmeintal costs -.479 1.642 -.015 -.292 .772 a. deipeindeint variablei: sale is source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data thei reigreission eiquation useid to e ixplain thei eiffeict of production costs and einvironmeintal costs on saleis is as follows: sales = 296,901,749,098.924 + 1.224 prc 0.479 enc baseid on thei reigre ission eiquation abovei, it is known that production costs have i a positive i reigreission coeifficieint, indicating that thei higheir thei production costs, thei morei saleis will increiasei. conveirse ily, einvironme intal costs arei known to havei a neigativei reigre ission coeifficie int, indicating that thei higheir thei e invironmeintal costs, thei saleis will deicreiasei. t test thei reiseiarcheir conducte id partial hypothe isis teisting as a teichniquei for ide intifying the i factors that influeincei a targeit variablei. thei t valuei in this te ist with α = 5% is as follows: ttable = t (α/2; n-c-1) = t (0.025; 37) = 2.021 first, thei reiseiarcheir will te ist h1 the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 174 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 8. t teist reisults of thei eiffeict of production costs partially against sale is coefficientsa modeil unstandardizeid coe ifficieints standardizeid coeifficie ints t sig. b std. e irror beita 1 (constant) 287710529387.269 110489515424.607 2.604 .013 production cost 1.224 .063 .954 19.304 .000 a. deipeindeint variablei: sale is source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data calculateid t-valuei is, as shown in tablei 8: 19.304, which is largeir than thei minimum valuei of ttablei 2.021. thus, wei can acceipt h1 with a 95% leiveil of confideincei, which stateis that production costs significantly affeict saleis. neixt, thei reiseiarcheir will te ist h2 table 9. t teist reisults of thei eiffeict of einvironme intal costs partially against sale is coefficientsa modeil unstandardizeid coe ifficieints standardizeid coeifficie ints t sig. b std. e irror beita 1 (constant) 1292182465611.010 335481523362.868 3.852 .000 e invironmeintal costs -.836 5.338 -.025 -.157 .876 a. deipeindeint variablei: sale is source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data tablei 9 shows that thei calculateid t valuei is -0.157, which is leiss than thei threishold valuei of 2.021 in table i 8. sincei h2 cannot be i acceipteid with a 95% de igreiei of confide incei, it follows that einvironmeintal eixpe inditure is havei no appreiciablei impact on reiveinue i. f test heirei, thei reiseiarcheir also put the i third hypothe isis to thei teist, and thei outcomeis weirei as follows: f table = f (c ; n-c) = f (2 ; 40) = 3.23 the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 175 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 10. f teist re isults of thei eiffeict of production costs and e invironmeintal costs to saleis simultaneiously anovaa modeil sum of squareis df meian squarei f sig. 1 reigreission 141167843470823650000 000000.000 2 7058392173541183000000 0000.000 181.751 .000b reisiduals 139807528270628440000 00000.000 36 3883542451961901300000 00.000 total 155148596297886500000 000000.000 38 a. deipeindeint variablei: sale is b. preidictors: (constant), e invironmeintal costs, production costs source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data baseid on table i 10, it is known that the i valuei obtaine id from thei comparison of f and ftablei is e iqual to (181.75>3.23). so it is concludeid that h3 can be i acceipteid, which me ians that production costs and einvironmeintal costs havei a significant eiffeict on saleis simultaneiously. coefficient of determination thei coe ifficie int of de iteirmination was eixamineid by scieintists to deimonstratei thei eixteint to which thei inde ipeindeint variablei influeinceid thei reisult of the i study's deipeindeint variable i. thei tablei be ilow deitails thei outcomeis of our e ixpe irimeints: table 11. coeifficieint of deiteirmination model summary modeil r r squarei adjusteid r squarei std. e irror of the i e istimate i 1 .954a .910 .905 623180748415.891 a. pre idictors: (constant), (x2 ) einvironmeintal costs, (x1 ) production costs source i: spss veirsion 27 proce isseid data in table i 11 abovei, it can be i seiein that thei r squarei valuei obtaineid is 0.910. baseid on theisei re isults, it is found that production costs, and e invironmeintal costs contributei 91% of thei influeince i on saleis, whilei thei reimaining 9% is a largei contribution of influe ince i deiriveid from othe ir factors not eixamineid. thei reiseiarche ir also teisteid thei coeifficie int of de iteirmination partially by using the i eiffeictive i contribution valuei which can bei found through multiplying thei standardize id coeifficieints beita by thei correilation coeifficie int. the i reisults of thei calculation will bei preiseinte id in thei following tablei: table 12. partial deiteirmination coeifficieint mode il standardizeid coeifficie ints corre ilations partial coeifficie int of deiteirmination beita the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 176 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting production costs (x )1 0.954 0.954 0.910116 e invironmeintal costs (x )2 -0.015 -0.025 0.000375 total eiffeict 0.910491 source i: spss veirsion 27 proceisseid data tablei 12 provide is information about the i amount of influe ince i contribution give in by e iach variablei partially. sincei production costs is known to have i an e iffe ict of 0.910116 on saleis and e invironmeintal costs is known to have i an impact of 0.000375 on sale is, it is eivideint that production costs is thei variablei that de iliveirs thei most ove irall contribution of influe ince i. the i reisults of thei curreint t te ist corroboratei thosei of the i prior onei, proving the i validity of thei theiory. discussion effect of production costs on sales deipeinding on the i findings of thei teists of hypotheiseis, thei conclusion that can bei drawn is that production costs havei a significant eiffeict on saleis. wheirei thei highe ir thei production cost, the i impact on increiasing saleis. this stateimeint can bei prove in by thei partial t te ist reisults wheire i thei t valuei obtaine id is 19.304 which is greiateir than ttablei 2.021. this hypotheisis is of coursei also supporteid by thei reisults of thei coe ifficieint of de iteirmination te ist, wheirei production costs contribute i 91.05% of thei influeince i on sale is. all e iight companieis listeid on thei indoneisia stock e ixchangei have i high production costs duei to high production volumeis as a contributing factor. with a high production volume i, this meians that consumeir de imand is high. in othe ir words, the i company's saleis will bei high as weill. theisei findings corroborate i thosei of (dzakiyyah et al., 2022), who found that raising manufacturing costs had a favorablei and significant impact on saleis. the effect of environmental costs on sales using a partial t teist, wei find that e invironmeintal e ixpeinseis do not significantly affe ict reive inuei, sincei thei t valuei of -0.157 is leiss than thei ttablei valuei of 2.021 at a significance i threishold of 0.876> 0.050. this reimark shows how an increiasei in thei company's einvironme intal e ixpeinditureis may not automatically translatei into higheir saleis for the i busine iss. thei reiason for this to happe in is that thei eiight companieis listeid on the i indoneisia stock eixchangei allocatei morei of theiir e invironmeintal costs to csr programs, which are i aimeid more i at incre iasing company valuei and peirformancei. that is why this study has not be iein ablei to provei a significant influeincei beitweiein einvironme intal costs and saleis partially. the effect of production costs and environmental costs on sales simultaneously hypothe isis teisting was peirformeid using thei f teist and thei coeifficie int of de iteirmination, thei eiffeict of production costs and einvironmeintal costs on saleis from ftablei is (181.75> 3.23). thei significancei leiveil of 0.000 < 0.050 and the i coeifficieint of de iteirmination of 0.9105 show that production costs and einvironmeintal costs consideirably affeict saleis. thei reimaining 8.9% is attributable i to a factor not inveistigateid in this study. the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 177 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this happeins beicausei production costs and einvironmeintal costs arei inteirconneicteid with onei anotheir, so that saleis will increiasei, and if saleis continuei to incre iasei, production costs and einvironmeintal costs will also increiasei. anotheir factor that causeis this to happein is that thei eiight companieis listeid on thei indoneisia stock e ixchangei combine i thei allocation of production costs and e invironme intal costs to beineifit from theiir saleis. it can be i seiein in how the i companieis produce i theiir products. if production costs increiasei, thei production volume i increiaseis which can cause i thei numbeir of sale is to incre iasei. howe iveir, whe in production volumei increiaseis, companieis arei reisponsiblei for carrying out einvironmeintal manageimeint in ordeir to avoid einvironmeintal probleims. this can bei achie iveid by allocating einvironmeintal costs. conclusion this reiseiarch shows that companie is should pay atte intion to thei allocation of the iir production costs and einvironme intal costs. although in this study theirei was no significant re ilationship found beitweiein e invironmeintal costs and sale is partially, the i simultaneious eiffeict of production costs and einvironmeintal costs shows that production costs and e invironmeintal costs arei two matteirs that arei important in thei company's saleis. production costs do havei a direict reilationship with saleis beicausei whein production costs increiasei, thei volumei of production will increiasei along with incre iaseid consumeir deimand. but einvironmeintal costs arei no le iss important to pay atteintion to. if companieis do not consideir the i propeir allocation of einvironmeintal costs, einvironmeintal probleims reisulting from thei lack of company manage imeint of e invironmeintal policieis may occur, and this not only hampe irs the i company's products but also reiduceis public trust. suggestions : a. for thei company companieis can increiasei eifforts to preiveint e invironmeintal probleims by seitting policieis and allocating einvironme intal costs. although this adds to production costs, if it is allocate id in a planneid and eifficieint manne ir, thei sustainability of thei company will bei guaranteieid and thei valuei of thei company with consumeir confide incei will increiasei. b. for inve istors inve istors can consideir inve isting in companieis that pay atte intion to e invironmeintal issueis by allocating einvironme intal costs and having ce irtifications that arei einvironmeintally frieindly. thus, inveistors can avoid the i risk of busine iss continuity disruption. in othe ir words, inve istors can bei freiei from companie is that are i eixposeid to le igal proble ims duei to thei impact of einvironmeintal probleims, pe ioplei who do not trust the i company and proteist, or othe ir things that can harm thei company as weill as inveistors. the effects of production cost and environmental cost on sales darmaputri, and siagian 178 | 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(2023). analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2), 296-310. abstract: e-objection is one of the services of the directorate of taxes that can be used by taxpayers in submitting tax objection letters. e-objection is an adoption policy that is an alternative to the previous program, namely the manual submission of objection letters. e-objection can be accessed via e-filling. this research is motivated by the lack of exploration of the introduction of e-objection to taxpayers that there are still many who submit objection letters manually. based on the data submitted by the directorate general of taxes (direktorat jenderal pajak/djp) and previous research in 2021 based on 2020 data, data on submitting objection letters online (eobjectionareis still very minimal so that are problems in analyzing the effectiveness of e-objection. therefore, this study was conductedtoo to analyze the effectiveness of e-objection from 2020 to 2021 at kpp pratama cibitung, but because the data of taxpayers who submitted objection letters by e-objection was confidential, it was hindered from interviewing informants who had accessed e-objection besides that because e-objection data could not be accessed from kpp pratama, so in this study using two research objects, namely kpp pratama cibitung and kanwil djp ii. so that the purpose of this study can determine the effectiveness of e-objection as an alternative to the previous system. based on e-objection data in the west java djp regional office ii in 2020 there were 109 data and in 2021 there were 115 data so it could be known that there was an increase, but based on the percentage of effectiveness criteria, the percentage of e-objection effectiveness in the djp of the west java regional office ii in 2020 was 8.93% and in 2021 it was 9.75% so that it can be concluded that the analysis of the effectiveness of eobjection in kpp pratama cibitung during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) was ineffective. keywords: effectiveness, e-filling, e-objection, taxpayers, covid-19 this is an open access article under the ccby 4.0 license. analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 297 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting introduction e-objection is one of the channels for submitting a letter of objection, based on article 9 of pmk 9/2013 which states that the objection letter can be submitted elsewhere, namely electronically (efiling). the e-objection feature service also makes monitoring data collection by the cibitung primary tax service office easier (kumala et al., 2021; revida & dkk, 2020). in 2020 covid-19 began to spread in indonesia, requiring each individual to maintain distance and limit activities (safitri et al., 2021; taylor & knipe, 2022). however, to maintain the indonesian economy, work continues to run but using (work from home) and automatic tax payments continue. however, due to this pandemic situation, the government has made new policies such as large-scale social restrictions (psbb) and the implementation of community activity restrictions (ppkm) (hadi, 2017; ispriyarso, 2019). for stem to can continue to run in a balanced manner, the obligations and rights of each taxpayer can still be fulfilled by an alternative system from the previous policy or manually. one of the policies adopted as an alternative to the previous policy is e-objection (satria et al., 2021; segal & gerstel, 2018.; wright et al., 2022; zhang et al., 2022). based on data obtained from the west java djp regional office ii, the number of taxpayers registered at the west java regional office ii in 2020-2021 is as follows: table 1 number of taxpayers registered with west java regional office ii for 2020-2021 no. kpp number of taxpayers 2020 number of taxpayers 2021 1. pratama karawang 764.630 819.353 2. pratama cikarang selatan 314.620 338.989 3. pratama cikarang utara 269.975 290.700 4. pratama cirebon satu 135.867 142.253 5. madya bekasi 2.054 2.059 6. pratama cibitung 508.073 545 224 7. pratama indramayu 397.832 431.327 8. pratama kuningan 533.186 564.133 9. pratama subang 411.503 446.548 10 pratama cirebon dua 480.276 513.784 11. pratama madya karawang 2.070 total 480.019 4.096.440 source: west java regional office ii, 2022. based on table 1 above, there are several numbers of taxpayers in 2020 and 2021 from each kpp from the west java regional office ii. one of them is the object of this study, namely kpp pratama cibitung. in 2020 there were 508,073 taxpayers and became the second highest position in the west java regional office ii. in 2020 there were 545,224 taxpayers and became the second highest position in the west java regional office ii. analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 298 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on data sourced from kpp pratama cibitung, the number of taxpayers registered with kpp pratama cibitung in 2020-2021 is as follows: table 2 number of taxpayers registered by the cibitung primary tax service office for 2020-2021 no. types of taxpayers tax year 2020 2021 1. corporate 19.954 22.711 2. non-employee private persons 85.517 92.161 3. employee personal persons 402.602 430.352 total 508.073 545.224 source: cibitung primary tax service office, 2022 based on table 2 above, according to what can be obtained from kpp pratama cibitung, there are several numbers of taxpayers in 2020 and 2021. in 2020, the number of taxpayers was 508,073 consisting of 3 types, namely corporate taxpayers as many as 22,711, non-employee individual taxpayers as many as 85,517 and individual employees taxpayers as many as 402,602. in 2021, the number of taxpayers is 545,073 consisting of 3 types, namely corporate taxpayers as many as 19,954, non-employee individual taxpayers as many as 92,161 and individual employee taxpayers as many as 430,352. the directorate general of taxes (djp) said that the intensity of using electronic objection submission applications or e-objection is still relatively low (liu et al., 2011). djp director of objections and appeals wansepta nirwanda said the use of the e-objection application is still relatively low since its release on august 1, 2020 (nasution, 2020; petrila et al., 2022; rey, 2021; valenzuela et al., 2023). according to him, taxpayers still rely on conventional channels in raising objections. "e-objection which began to be implemented on august 1, 2020, but has not been optimally utilized by taxpayers. it takes time to change people's mindset to want to take advantage of his new channel," he said, quoted on tuesday (23/11/2021) based on data obtained from the regional office of djp west java ii, the following is the number of objection letter submissions by e-objection and manual 2020-2021: table 3 number of e-objection and manual submissions for 2020-2021 at the west java regional office ii no. type 2020 2021 grand total djp online tpt kpp total djp online tpt kpp total 1. objection 109 1.111 1.220 115 962 1.077 2.297 2. article 36(1) a 3.359 3.359 3.300 3.300 6.659 3. article 36(1) b 113 113 102 102 215 4. article 36(1) c 478 478 386 386 864 5. article 36(1) d 19 19 19 analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 299 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 6. grand total 109 5.080 5.189 115 4.750 4.865 10.054 source: west java regional office ii, 2022. in table 3, it can be seen data on the number of e-objection submissions in 2020 with the types of objections in djp online as many as 109 and tpt kpp as many as 1,111 with a total of 1,220 and a difference of 1,002. in 2021, the types of objections to djp online were as many as 115 and tpt kpp as many as 962 with a total of 1,077 and a difference of 847. the submission of objection letters by djp online in 2020 and 2021 has increased, namely by 6 and the submission of objection letters by kpp tpt in 2020 and 2021 has decreased by 149. previously, research was conducted by ratih kumala, agus subagyo, dwikora harjo, pebriana arimbhi, and mainita hidayati (2021) (kumala et al., 2021) regarding the effectiveness of eobjection at the south bekasi pratama tax service office. however, from the results of the study, there is an obstacle, namely that socialization has not been carried out for all taxpayers of the south bekasi primary tax service office (drucker et al., 2020; ravenda et al., 2020). therefore, the author will conduct a study with the research title "analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung pratama tax service office" with a systemization, namely analyzing the effectiveness of eobjection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers at the cibitung pratama tax service office. by the parameters of effectiveness measurement (putra, 1983; qadri & fatmawati, 2021; sa’adah, 2018). literature review a. effectiveness according to mahmudi (2010: 143): "effectiveness is the relationship between output and the goal or objectives to be achieved. it is said to be effective if the process of activities achieves the goals and objectives of the end of the policy". b. measurement of effectiveness after knowing the aspect of the dimension of effectiveness, then measuring the effectiveness of the policy requires measurement. (hamad, 2022; saragih, 2018) explained that the measurement of the effectiveness of a policy can be seen by, among others: • the success of the program is a measurement of effectiveness in the sense of achieving predetermined goals. • the success of goals/targets is a measurement of effectiveness in terms of achieving goals, where the success of an organization must consider not only organizational goals but also mechanisms for maintaining goals. in other words, the assessment of effectiveness must be related to the problem of goals and objectives. • satisfaction with the program is a measurement of effectiveness in terms of the satisfaction of its objects the program. • achievement of overall goals, the existence of goals achieved as a whole including programs and targets. analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 300 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting c. effectiveness criteria the e-objection effectiveness measurement formula is obtained by using the formula: 𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝐸 − 𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑥 100% table 4 percentage of effectiveness criteria d. tax according to mardiasmo in (kashefi pour & lasfer, 2019; lazăr & istrate, 2018; mardiasmo, 2013; revesz, 2020): "taxes are dues paid by the people to the state that are included in the state treasury that implements the law and its implementation can be forced without repayment". e. taxpayer the definition of taxpayer according to diana sari (2016: 178) (gonzález canché, 2022; rahmi et al., 2022)is as follows: "taxpayers are parties based on the provisions of tax laws and regulations to carry out tax obligations." taxpayers are divided into 2 types, namely: 1. individual taxpayers individual taxpayers are tax subjects who have income from their own business or have non-free jobs such as employees or employees who only earn passive income whose income is above nontaxable income (ptkp), which is idr 54,000,000.00 and each taxpayer registers and has a taxpayer identification number (npwp). 2. corporate taxpayers according to the kup law of the republic of indonesia no.16 of 2009 article 1 paragraph 3 states that: "corporate taxpayers are a group of people and/or capital that is a unit both doing business and not doing business which includes limited liability companies, private companies, other companies, state-owned enterprises or regional-owned enterprises under any name and in any form, firms, congregations, cooperatives, pension funds, alliances, associations, mass organization foundations, socio-political or other organizations, institutions and other forms of entities including collective investment contracts and permanent establishments". no. range percentage information 1. > 100% highly effective 2. 90% 100% effective 3. 80% 90% enough effective 4. 60% 80% less effective 5. < 60% ineffective analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 301 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting f. tax objections tax objection is the way taken by a taxpayer if he is not / dissatisfied with a tax provision imposed on him or for withholding/collection by a third party. the legal basis for tax objections is article 25 and article 26 and many more legal bases for tax objections are listed in other laws. g. e-objection e-objection is an electronic submission of a letter of objection available on the website. conceptual framework in this concept, the author processes a framework in the form of policy effectiveness has 4 (four) to measure policy effectiveness according to campbell in saragih (2017)(rex & campbell, 2022) as follows: 1. the success of the program, which is researched in this case from the effectiveness of the program that can be run with operational capabilities in implementing the program how the program is successful, with the effectiveness of the e-objection feature to improve employee performance at the cibitung primary tax service office and make it easier for taxpayers to submit objection letters online. 2. the success of the target/ target, which is studied in this case is the realization of an action, especially within the directorate general of taxation with one of them conducting an application, one of the implementations is the e-objection service feature which came into effect on august 1, 2020. 3. program satisfaction, which is studied in this case is towards the e-objection service feature program the results of the author's interview with several informants can be drawn conclusions the service product from the e-objection service feature is intended to provide services electronically to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of delivering objection letters online, this service feature produces a good service product and there are no obstacles related to the satisfaction of the e-objection service program only features e-objection services are still limited, only for filing tax decree objections and not many have used them. 4. the achievement of the overall goal, which is studied in this case is the achievement of the overall goal of this feature of the e-objection service, judging from the results of the author's interviews with several informants (officers and taxpayers). method this research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques (moleong & j., 2014)using in-depth observations and interviews with informants including staff of the kpp pratama cibitung secretariat, staff of the west java djp regional secretariat ii, academics and taxpayers of kpp pratama cibitung (suci, 2013). analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 302 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting until now, there has been no research that discusses the analysis of the effectiveness of eobjection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office. so it is hoped that the results of the author's research will be constructive input and can make it easier for taxpayers who want to submit a tax objection letter through e-objection. according to miles and huberman in(sugiyono, 2020) stated that "activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out continuously until complete so that the data is saturated". result and discussion table 5 informant data based on primary data (interviews) that the author has conducted to obtain and collect more accurate data and secondary data in the form of documentation related to the analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office. according to mahmudi (2010: 143): "effectiveness is the relationship between output and the goal or objectives to be achieved. it is said to be effective if the process of activities achieves the goals and objectives of the end of the policy". therefore, the e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office is said to be effectively measured by the relationship between outputs and goals and objectives of the eobjection program. the following is data analysis of data that has been found as a result of research using data analysis according to campbell j.p in saragih (2017) that there are 4 elements of measuring effectiveness in analyzing the effectiveness of e-objection effectiveness analysis in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office as stated in the conceptual model that has been set: 1. analysis of taxpayers' understanding at the cibitung primary tax service office on eobjection. a. program success the thing behind the e-objection policy as a fulfilment of the rights of the tax system is that the djp wants to provide the best service for taxpayers so that taxpayers can submit their objection letters easily and more effectively. therefore, the directorate general of taxes issued e-objection as an alternative policy to the previous policy. the legal basis or regulation regarding e-objection is written in the regulation of the director general of taxes per-14 / pj / 2020 concerning no. name position information 1. rizkah student taxpayer 2. gabriella employee taxpayer 3. mrs ratih kumala academic parties taxpayer 4. mr alfin west java djp regional office secretariat ii tax officer of the regional office of djp west java ii analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 303 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting procedures for submitting objection letters electronically (e-filing) and article 9 of the minister of finance regulation number 9 / pmk.03 / 2013 concerning procedures for submitting and resolving objections as amended by minister of finance regulation number 202 / pmk.03 / 2015. the party involved in the formulation of the e-objection program is the directorate general of taxes based on the aim of aspiring taxpayers. the benefit of the e-objection system for taxpayers is that it makes it easier for taxpayers to submit tax objection letters, which saves more time and facilitates interaction distances so that they can still submit objection letters during the pandemic and in the future. regarding the e-objection program as an effort to fulfil tax rights for taxpayers, the government wants to provide an alternative electronically so that, taxpayers can submit objection letters anywhere without queuing and as an effort to tax officers is to make it easier for tax officers to respond to each objection letter. by electronic means, it can review the letter of objection filed. and according to informants, an effective way to introduce e-objection to the public, especially taxpayers, is during the current pandemic, efforts are being made in introducing e-objection by using electronic media in the form of online education that explaining e-objection and tutorials on submitting objection letters electronically. the institution that plays a role in the formulation of the e-objection program is the government (directorate general of taxes). the part responsible for introducing e-objection is the tax apparatus of the directorate general of taxes which procounsellingseling on tax knowledge and assigned tax officers. the efforts of tax officers at the cibitung primary tax service office as part of the institution that plays a role in the eobjection program to introduce e-objection to taxpayers are tax officers introducing e-objection through electronic media or social media. introducing an e-objection to the public, of course, has an sop, the thing that must be considered in introducing e-objection is of course paying attention to the current conditions but still making efforts to introduce e-objection. so that the party who can provide socialization is the tax officer in the service department who certainly understands. given that this policy is only in the release. the result of efforts to introduce e-objection to the public is that the public is already familiar with e-objection because the efforts of tax officers in introducing e-objection have been many, not only at kpp pratama cibitung but at other kpp pratama and djp as well. b. target/target success the objectives and targets to be achieved from the establishment of the e-objection program are to make it easier for taxpayers to process the submission of objection letters, anytime and anywhere; improve services to the community and also streamline the operations and administration of the directorate general of taxes (djp); providing the latest facilities for taxpayers to be able to submit objection letters online by utilizing internet technology; make it easier for tax officers to serve and process data collection of objection letter submissions. what makes the target in introducing e-objection is for specific targets there is no, but the target of this e-objection is to make the process of submitting and reviewing the submitted objection letters more effective and can be done anywhere and anytime. of course, after taxpayers already know this e-objection program, of course, it will be more effective, because the submission of analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 304 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting objection letters electronically, is not limited to the kpp work operation time and can also be submitted at any time. based on e-objection data obtained from the west java djp regional office ii, since the e-objection was released in unin021, quite a lot of taxpayers have used eobjection to submit objection letters. things that must be prepared by the public (taxpayers) who want to register an e-objection account are active efin, register an account on the djp online page and have a valid electronic certificate. while the steps to register yourself using e-objection are: a) login to djp online is like submitting an annual tax return (spt) report. b) go to the profile menu. c) check the permissions for e-objection. d) select the e-objection tab. e) fill in the tax determination letter number to which the objection will be raised. c. satisfaction with the program e-objection is more effective than manual ones because it is basically. e-objection is an alternative to the previous policy (manual submission of objection letters) so e-objection succeeds as an alternative way to submit objection letters. e-objection is more effective in accommodating objection letters, so it can assist the performance of the authorities in responding to the option letters. d. achievement of overall goals e-objection can be accepted by the public as an alternative to submitting a letter of objection so since per-14/pj/2020 came into force some taxpayers have taken advantage of the e-objection service. in introducing this e-objection to the public, there are no obstacles so far, because the eobjection recognition efforts only utilize social media so that it can be accessed anytime and anywhere. based on the explanation of other dimensions, it has been known that e-objection is an alternative to the previous program, namely manually, so it can be interpreted that e-objection is a policy adopted from a previously existing program. during the period of introduction of the program, this adoption does not have a specific time calculation, because the tax officer will always update the development of the introduction of e-objection during the community. the strategy used to monitor the success of the e-objection program, the officer who is engaged always monitors the development of the number of comparisons of e-objection use manually. analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 305 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. constraints on the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office. the obstacle encountered by the author in analyzing the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 306 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting primary tax service office is to interview taxpayers who have submitted a tax objection letter through e-objection cannot be implemented because taxpayers who have submitted a tax objection letter through e-objection are confidential. in addition, to obtain data on the number of e-objections, it turned out to be inaccessible at the tax service office, so the author was directed to look for data at the regional office of kpp pratama cibitung, namely the west java regional office ii. based on the e-objection data that the author got from the west java regional office ii, the amount of data for submitting tax objection letters manually is more than submitting a letter of objection by e-objection. this is due to the limited scope for introducing e-objection directly. so other alternatives are used such as using a digital system as a solution. 3. analyzing the effectiveness of e-objection during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office based on e-objection data since the release of e-objection on august 1, 2020, until the end of 2021, the number of e-objection submissions that the author received from the west java regional office ii has increased. in 2020 it was recorded at 109 and in 2021 it was recorded at 115. however, the data for submitting objection letters manually is also still more than for e objection. in 2020 the number of data on manual submission of objection letters was recorded at 1,111 so a difference of 1,002 data was obtained. likewise, in 2021 the data for submitting objection letters manually was recorded at 962 so a difference of 847 data was obtained. however, based on this data, it can be seen that the effective percentage of e-objection in 2020 reached 8.93% and in 2021 it reached 9.75% so it can be said that so far the submission of objection letters by e-objection is not effective. conclusion based on the results of research, discussion, and achievements described in the previous chapters, as well as regarding theories and research results. so the author can conclude the analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office. as follows: 1. of the 4 indicators of effectiveness measurement that the authors have seen, overall eobjection has succeeded in becoming an alternative program adopted from the previous system, namely manually. which, the thing behind the creation of e-objection as an alternative to increasing rights for taxpayers is the limited location and time of the tax office, previously by manual means taxpayers could file a letter of objection to having to come to the tax office at the time of work operation. so that with the release of the e-objection, taxpayers get convenience in submitting a letter of objection analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic at the cibitung primary tax service office irawati, sitinjak, harjo, and fahriah 307 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. the obstacle experienced related to the analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office is to interview taxpayers who have submitted a tax objection letter through e-objection cannot be implemented because taxpayers who have submitted a tax objection letter through e-objection are confidential. in addition, to obtain data on the number of e-objections, it turned out to be inaccessible at the tax service office, so the author was directed to look for data at the regional office of kpp pratama cibitung, namely the west java regional office ii. based on the e-objection data that the author got from the west java regional office ii, the amount of data for submitting tax objection letters manually is more than submitting a letter of objection by e-objection. this is due to the limited scope for introducing e-objection directly. 3. based on e-objection data since the release of e-objection on august 1, 2020, until the end of 2021, the number of e-objection submissions that the author received from the west java regional office ii has increased. in 2020 it was recorded at 109 and in 2021 it was recorded at 115. however, the data for submitting objection letters manually is also still more than for e-objection. in 2020 the number of data on manual submission of objection letters was recorded at 1,111 so a difference of 1,002 data was obtained. likewise, in 2021 the data for submitting objection letters manually was recorded at 962 so a difference of 847 data was obtained. however, based on this data, it can be seen that the effective percentage of eobjection in 2020 reached 8.93% and in 2021 it reached 9.75% so it can be said that so far the submission of objection letters by e-objection is not effective. recommendations for further development, the author provides constructive suggestions and inputs to improve the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office as follows: 1. increasing the effectiveness of e-objection as an alternative to submitting a letter of objection, the system of introducing e-objection to the public (taxpayers) is further improved, although for now it only utilizes digital media, the author suggests that on social media such as (instagram, youtube and others) can be posted about e-objection so that more 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(2022). covid-19’s impacts on the scope, effectiveness, and interaction characteristics of online learning: a social network analysis. plos one, 17(8 august). introduction result and discussion table 5 informant data a) login to djp online is like submitting an annual tax return (spt) report. b) go to the profile menu. c) check the permissions for e-objection. d) select the e-objection tab. e) fill in the tax determination letter number to which the objection will be raised. c. satisfaction with the program e-objection is more effective than manual ones because it is basically. e-objection is an alternative to the previous policy (manual submission of objection letters) so e-objection succeeds as an alternative way to submit objection letters. e-objectio... d. achievement of overall goals e-objection can be accepted by the public as an alternative to submitting a letter of objection so since per-14/pj/2020 came into force some taxpayers have taken advantage of the e-objection service. in introducing this e-objection to the public, there are no obstacles so far, because the e-objection recognition efforts only utilize social media so that it can be accessed anytime and anywhere. based on the explanation of other dimensions, it has been known that e-objection is an alternative to the previous program, namely manually, so it can be interpreted that e-objection is a policy adopted from a previously existing program. during the p... 2. constraints on the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office. primary tax service office is to interview taxpayers who have submitted a tax objection letter through e-objection cannot be implemented because taxpayers who have submitted a tax objection letter through e-objection are confidential. in addition, to ... based on the e-objection data that the author got from the west java regional office ii, the amount of data for submitting tax objection letters manually is more than submitting a letter of objection by e-objection. this is due to the limited scope fo... 3. analyzing the effectiveness of e-objection during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office based on e-objection data since the release of e-objection on august 1, 2020, until the end of 2021, the number of e-objection submissions that the author received from the west java regional office ii has increased. in 2020 it was recorded at 109 and... conclusion based on the results of research, discussion, and achievements described in the previous chapters, as well as regarding theories and research results. so the author can conclude the analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for ... 1. of the 4 indicators of effectiveness measurement that the authors have seen, overall e-objection has succeeded in becoming an alternative program adopted from the previous system, namely manually. which, the thing behind the creation of e-objection... so that with the release of the e-objection, taxpayers get convenience in submitting a letter of objection 2. the obstacle experienced related to the analysis of the effectiveness of e-objection in making it easier for officers and taxpayers during the covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021) at the cibitung primary tax service office is to interview taxpayers who ha... based on the e-objection data that the author got from the west java regional office ii, the amount of data for submitting tax objection letters manually is more than submitting a letter of objection by e-objection. this is due to the limited scope fo... 3. based on e-objection data since the release of e-objection on august 1, 2020, until the end of 2021, the number of e-objection submissions that the author received from the west java regional office ii has increased. in 2020 it was recorded at 109 ... reference the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 2 april 2023 page no. 311-323 311 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) jufri yandes1, sapto setyo nugroho2 12universitas terbuka, indonesia correspondent: received : february 3, 2023 accepted : april 16, 2023 published : april 30, 2023 citation: yandes, j. & nugroho, s. s. (2023). reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022). ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2), 311-323. abstract: this research study was held to examine internal variables that can determine the effect of stock underpricing levels when conducting an ipo (initial public offering) on the idx (indonesia stock exchange) 20212022. internal factors include roe and roa. research is quantitative and uses secondary data, explanatory research study type, using methods by purposive sampling when determining samples. the novelty of the study can be seen from the overall data and the latest samples used by 64 issuers and the periods used, namely 2022 and 2021. the study used hypothesis testing methods, including multiple linear regression analysis through the help of eviews (econometric views). the source of data used in this study is prospectus data issued by companies or issuers that go public with underwriters. the calculation results obtained partially produce roe and roa variables have a significant influence on the level of underpricing in ipo shares, and simultaneous results show that roe and roa variables together have a significant effect on the level of underpricing of ipo shares. the result of a positive value coefficient is obtained at the ipo stock underpricing level, then the roe variable has a negative coefficient and the roa coefficient is positive, this is interpreted by the increase in the roe value, the stock underpricing level will decrease and apply to vice versa, and for the roa variable that has a positive coefficient means that the more the roa value increases, the stock underpricing level will also increase and vice versa. keywords: initial public offering, roa, roe, stock, underpricing this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction capital utilization is very important in the survival of a company. the company will carry out various activities to meet capital requirements, including one of the quantities of share ownership. increasing share control of a company can be done through offering to existing shareholders of stock securities, as well as through stock offering activities to the public. the process of offering several amounts of the company's shares to the public or the public through idx intermediaries is known as going public. a company that conducts a share offering is known as an issuer, while stock bookers are known as investors. reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 312 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the process of this activity is known as a public offering in the initial or initial share sale which we commonly refer to as an ipo, and the forum to accommodate ipo activities is called the capital market. the capital market is divided into two activities in it, the first activity is carried out in the primary market, and then the second activity is that shares can be bought and sold through idx intermediaries or in the second or secondary market (secondary market). the price value formed in shares when in the primary market is based on the time of a joint agreement with the underwriter (underwriter) and the issuer itself, the underwriter itself is chosen at the discretion of the issuer, while the formation of share prices in the secondary market is determined when the market mechanism process occurs (based on demand & supply). in its realization during price formation, there is a state of price comparison in stocks, when in the first or primary market or in the second or secondary market. if the price of shares during the ipo process is below and then compared with the price value of shares when in the secondary market until the closing of exchange trading on the first day, so that it can be ascertained that underpricing conditions have been created, and when conditions occur otherwise it is called overpricing. it can be observed from the table below that in 2022 and 2021 it is known that there are 112 companies that carry out ipos, of which a total of only 45 companies are underpricing in 2021 and 47 companies in 2022 so that a total of 92 companies are underpricing. if ratio, the underpricing company amounted to 82.14% of the total companies that carried out ipos from 2021 to 2022. table 1. number of ipo companies for the 2021-2022 period source: (bursa efek indonesia, 2023) there are a number of variables that can affect the underpricing value of stocks, which have previously been studied from several previous researchers from the company's own internal including roe and roa. (sembiring et al., 2018) in their study found that roe has a significant negative effect on underpricing. in the study, (nurazizah & majidah, 2019) found that roa results have a positive effect on underpricing. furthermore, the study of (rahmawati et al., 2022) said that the roa factor negatively affects underpricing. a study in (thoriq et al., 2018) resulted in the observation that roa has a significant influence on underpricing. a study conducted by (permatasari & kusumah, 2017) found that the results of the roa study partially had no influence on the level of underpricing. the study conducted by (gunawan et al., 2019) found that roe results did not have a significant effect on underpricing. it was also found that a study conducted by (lestari, 2018) found that roe and roa variables did not have a significant influence on underpricing. and finally, the (mayasari & yulianto, 2018) study found that the roe variable has reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 313 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting an influence on underpricing. (kusminto, 2018) in his study produced roa has no effect on the percentage of underpricing. the (novitasari & cahyati, 2018) study is the same as kusminto, profitability seen from roa has no influence on underpricing. furthermore, (ayuwardani & isroah, 2018) explained that roe affects underpricing. the results of the (aulia & tandika, 2019) study stated that roa and roe have an influence on underpricing. (haska & rokhmawati, 2017) said the roe variable has an influence on underpricing. unlike thoriq's research, research conducted by (devi & istikhoroh, 2019) resulted that roa has no influence on underpricing. furthermore, study conducted by (kuncoro & suryaputri, 2019) stated that roe affects underpricing. (jayanarendra & wiagustini, 2019), in their research resulted that roe has an influence on underpricing. (dewi et al., 2018) found that roe has an influence on underpricing. furthermore, research conducted by (abbas et al., 2022) resulted that roa has no influence on underpricing. similar to abbas, (vivianti, 2021) research results in roa has no influence on underprcing. (kasmad et al., 2021) also have results in their research that roa has no effect on underprcing. furthermore, (mahardika & ismiyanti, 2021) found in their research that roa affects undepricing. (mulyani & maulidya, 2021) found that roe in their research had no influence on underpricing. finally, research conducted by (hayati et al., 2021) resulted in roe and roa has no influence on underpricing. looking at the description and results of studies conducted from several previous researchers which there are differences and similarities in research results, it makes researchers want to conduct a review in order to obtain empirical evidence with the novelty of research in the form of data and the year of sampling with the theme "reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022)”. and researchers try to identify problems or problems as follows: a) does the company's roe have a significant influence on the level of underpricing? b) does the company's roa have a significant influence on the level of underpricing? c) does the company's roe and roa together have a significant influence on the level of underpricing? literature review stock (samsul, 2006) argues that shares are proof of owning a company where the owners of these shares are known as shareholders or stockholders. so, it can be said that if an investor has bought shares of a company both in the primary market and the secondary market, it can be interpreted that the investor has rights to the company's assets, where the amount of the right is assessed based on how many shares are owned or purchased. reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 314 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting ipo (initial public offering) (tandelilin, 2010) states that ipo is the first sale of securities by the company. judging from this understanding, ipo is an alternative choice for a company to increase the company's funding by selling securities or in this case shares with the public. underpricing (elan, 2022) said, if the stock price at the time of ipo is lower than the closing stock price on the first day of trading, it is called underpricing. judging from this understanding, it can be said that underpricing will occur if the price of shares that have gone public closes higher in the secondary market than in the primary market on the first day. roe (return on equity) according to (mokhamad anwar, 2015) roe shows the company's ability to generate net profit on its own capital. it can be interpreted that the more the roe value increases, the company increases the profit ratio or profitable, and the opposite is the decreasing roe number, the company decreases in profitability. roe is one of the profitability ratios used by investors in looking at the fundamental state of companies that conduct ipos. roa (return on asset) (sartika et al., 2022) argues that roa is the ability of a company to generate net profit based on a certain level of assets. the roa ratio is one of the preferred ratios to see information on the fundamental state of a company conducting an ipo, both for investors and issuers themselves. based on this study, a theoretical framework was made in the following scheme model: figure 1. frame of mind source: research results, 2023 from the frame of mind that we can see above, the researcher drew three hypotheses in this observation, including: ha1: the company's roe has a significant influence on the level of underpricing. reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 315 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting ho1: the company's roe has no significant effect on the level of underpricing. ha2: the company's roa has a significant influence on the level of underpricing. ho2: the company's roa has no significant effect on the level of underpricing. ha3: the company's roe and roa together have a significant influence on the level of underpricing. ho3: the company's roe and roa together have no significant influence on the level of underpricing. method research using quantitative data, using the type of explanatory research which has the purpose of a study that explains the relationship between existing variables (usman &; akbar, n.d.). the variables in this study include underpricing variables as dependent variables and internal information variables, including roe and roa as independent variables through hypothesis testing and assisted by the use of eviews (econometric views). the data used in this research is secondary data that can be accessed through the idx. the population in this research is the company when conducting ipo activities and has followed all the requirements on the idx for the period from 2021 to 2022, which is 112 companies. the sample was drawn using purposive sampling techniques with certain criteria, where of the 92 companies that underpriced, only 64 companies or issuers had criteria to be used as samples for this research. in this study it is known that the dependent variable is underpricing, in this research the underpricing or dependent variable is synonymized with the alphabet y. furthermore, the independent variable is synonymized with the alphabet x. where for the first independent variable is roe (x1.) and the second is roa (x2). table 2. variable measurement source: research results, 2023 reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 316 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting before obtaining the results of hypothesis testing, it is preceded by the use of data analysis techniques, where the data analysis techniques used in this research include, descriptive statistical analysis which is intended to provide a description of the data obtained. the data obtained are sourced from the results of descriptive analysis whose results show the mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation values of each variable studied, both x, and variable y. then the classical assumption test is used before heading to multiple regression analysis, where this classical assumption test consists of normality, autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity and multicolonicity tests. furthermore, multiple linear regression analysis is intended as a direction to provide information about the influence of two or more of variable x on variable y. finally, hypothesis testing aims to obtain information about the influence of variable x (internal factors, namely roe and roa) on variable y (i.e., underpricing) which is seen partially or simultaneously by looking at information on the value of the coefficient of determination (r2), t-test, and f-test. this analysis was carried out using eviews (econometric views) with the following basic model: result and discussion table 3. descriptive statistical analysis (common sample) source: research results, 2023 digest the information above using 64 samples based on the determination of the issuer sample. it is known that the sample underpricing that occurred in 2021-2022 at the time of the ipo had a mean value of 24.41563%, with std. dev showing that there was a variation between underpricing in issuer stocks, namely with a value of 10.04916%. has a maximum underpricing level with a value of 35% and a minimum of 0.67%. first, the roe variable has a mean of 13.68438%, and std. dev which shows that there is a variation between roe in issuer stocks, which is 28.65943%, and has a maximum roe level with a value of 130.73% and a minimum of -114%. both roa variables have a mean of 6.22%, and std. dev which shows there is a variation between roa in issuer stocks, which is 14.78031%, and has a maximum roa level with a value of 57.39% and a minimum of -73%. reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 317 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4. normality test source: research results, 2023 normality test is carried out with the aim of assessing the distribution of data in a group of data or variables, whether the distribution of data is normally distributed or not (hidayat, 2022). if the significance value (in this case the jarque-bera probability value) > 0.05, the residual value is normally distributed, and it turns out that from the results of the research test the jarque-bera probability table value is 0.050513 > 0.05, meaning that the data in this research is normally distributed. so that the data used can be continued in the next test. table 5. multicollinearities test source: research results, 2023 if the value of the correlation matrix between two independent variables (x) is smaller than (<) 0.90, then there is no multicollinearity, and vice versa (ghozali & ratmono, 2017). based on the correlation value above that there is no symptom of multicollinearity because the roe correlation value to roa and vice versa is 0.878139, this indicates a correlation value of 0.878139 < 0.90. so, it is certain that there is no indication of multicollinearity between these two x variables. table 6. autocorrelation test source: research results, 2023 reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 318 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting autocorrelation tests are used to test whether in a linear regression model there is a correlation between confounding errors (residuals) in period t with errors in period t-1 (previously) (ghozali &; ratmono, 2017). the results of the lm value test that we can see above, show the value of prob. chi-square (from obs*r-squared value) is 0.2239, this indicates 0.2239 > 0.05 which means there are no autocorrelation symptoms. table 7. heteroscedasticity test (glejser) source: research results, 2023 the heteroscedasticity test is used to see if in the regression model there an inequality of variance from residual observations to one observation to another is (ghozali &; ratmono, 2017). if the value produced by the probability of the independent variable is greater than (>) 0.05, heteroscedasticity does not occur. so, the interpretation based on the table above, the value of prob. chi-square (from obs*r-squared value) is 0.5752 > 0.05, and it means that from these results there is no heteroscedasticity problem. table 8. multiple linear regression analysis source: research results, 2023 reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 319 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taking into account the results of the multiple linear regression output values above seconded by the eviews program, it can be narrated that the value of the constant (c) shows 24.82519, roe has a variable coefficient value of -0.271953, and roa shows a variable coefficient value of 0.532466. from the results and narrative of the multiple linear regression analysis value figures, the following research model was formed: underpricing = 24,82519 + (-0,271953 roe) + 0,532466 roa + e…… the constant value obtained is 24.82519, meaning that if the independent variables (roe and roa variables) are considered constant (0 values), it can be interpreted that the dependent variable (underpricing) will be valued at 24.82519. furthermore, the roe repression coefficient has a value of -0.271953. it can be interpreted that if roe experiences an increase of 1%, the dependent variable (underpricing) experiences a decrease in value of 0.271953, even vice versa, assuming the regression coefficient of other variables is zero (0). finally, the roa regression coefficient has a regression coefficient of 0.532466. it is interpreted that if roa experiences an increase of 1%, the dependent variable (underpricing) experiences an increase of 0.532466, even vice versa, assuming the regression coefficient of other variables is zero (0). the table above also contains the coefficient of determination showing an adjusted r-square value of 0.120164, the results of this calculation mean that 12.0164% of underpricing variations can be explained by roe and roa, while the remaining 87.836% can be explained by variables outside the model. then the table also shows the results of the t test (partial), where according to (imam, 2011), if the value of sig. < 0.05 then it means that variable x partially affects variable y, in this case the value of sig is equal to the value of prob., and vice versa. looking at the results of the table above, we get the value of prob. roe (0.0026) and prob value. roa (0.0024), this means that roe and roa factors partially affect underpricing. and the last thing that can be seen from the table is test f (simultaneous), according to (imam, 2011) if the value of sig. < 0.05 then it means that variable x simultaneously affects variable y, in this case the value of sig is equal to the value of prob. the results of the table above show that the f test (simultaneous) gets an f value with a number of 5.302124 and a number of prob. test of 0.007532. this indicates that roe and roa factors simultaneously or together have an influence on the level of underpricing. at the beginning it was written that the submission of hypothesis testing in this research was divided into three hypotheses. where based on the results of the above tests, namely the t test (partial) and f test (simultaneous) so that the results of hypothesis testing are obtained among them, ha1 is accepted, namely the company's roe has a significant influence on the level of underpricing. this condition is similar to the results of studies by (sembiring et al., 2018) and (mayasari & yulianto, 2018) which stated that roe has an influence on the level of underpricing, this indicates that investors still have confidence that the roe value of an issuer can affect the level of investor confidence to want or not invest in companies that carry out ipos so that it can affect the level of underpricing of selected shares. furthermore, the second hypothesis, namely ha2, is accepted, namely that the company's roa has a significant influence on the level of underpricing, where this second hypothesis is similar to reviewing internal variables on the level of underpricing of ipo shares (observation of the company go public on idx 2021-2022) yandes and nugroho 320 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the research studied by (nurazizah & majidah, 2019) and (rahmawati et al., 2022) said roa has an influence on the level of underpricing, it could be possible for investors to have confidence in the value of roa can determine the good or bad prospects of an issuer that carries out an ipo which has an impact on the level of stock underpricing selected. finally, the ha3 hypothesis is accepted, namely the company's roe and roa together have a significant influence on the level of underpricing, where the results of this hypothesis indicate that investors can trust the value of roe and roa issued by issuers representing the good financial condition of companies that carry out ipo activities, this condition may be the basis for investors in choosing to invest or not in issuers that conduct ipos so that they have an impact at the level of underpricing of the issuer's shares. conclusion based on the results of the overall analysis, it can be concluded that: the results show that the company's roe partially has an influence on the underpricing level of ipo shares for the 20212022 period, then the research results also show that the company's roa partially has an influence on the underpricing level of ipo shares for the 2021-2022 period, and the research results show that the company's roe and roa have a joint influence on the underpricing level of ipo shares for the period 2021-2022. in other words, we can digest that from the results of the discussion, both partially and simultaneously, it turns out that the variables roe and roa have an influence on the level of underpricing of stocks that carry out ipo activities in the period 2021 to 2022, and are supported by several previous studies that have been conducted by researchers before, although there are several studies that contradict this study. it is hoped that this study can show an illustration that roe and roa variables have an influence on the level of underpricing in the period 2021 to 2022. looking at these conclusions, researchers have several suggestions that can be presented in this research, including, for companies planning an ipo, efforts are made to show the quality of roe information and the company's roa that is truly accurate and credible, then for researchers then they can add a period of observation years or the latest year so that the sample data studied is more adequate; for those who will conduct further research, they can use an 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bankruptcy retail company in the future this research is analyzing about retail companies affected by the deterioration in performance that has been registered in indonesia stock exchange. model and data processing used to calculate potential harm is a model altman z score and models springate. discussion result there is a retail companies go public has the potential to be the calculated use bankruptcy model altman z score as well as a model springate namely pt modern international. information, proceedings in potential for bankruptcy at annual report is not disclosure , was recommended to the stakeholders to oblige any new issuers give this information in the annual financial report made that release every year. to be accurate information and credible over the companies condition the truth. keyword: altman z-score, springate, tato, roe, roa, npm, market to book value introduction by the end of the third quarter of 2008, the intensity of the crisis grew with the collapse of the largest us investment bank lehman brothers, which was followed by increasingly severe financial difficulties in a number of large-scale financial institutions in the united states, europe and japan. the global financial crisis has affected the indonesian economy as reflected by the turmoil in the capital market and money market (bi, 2009). for measuring the financial health of a business firm with altman’s z-score to predict possibilities of bankruptcy. altman (1968) defines five predicted factors that can be used to test the validity of multivariate model. using financial ratios to predict bankruptcy can be accurate up to 90% (chen & shimerda, 1981). any several other models have been introduced to predict bankruptcy such as springate (1978); ohlson (1980); zmijewski (1983); and grover and lavin (2001). in predicting the bankcruptcy, these models have different levels of accuracy based on their measurements used (purnajaya and merkusiwati, 2014). retail trading companies are currently struggling in a defensive position in the industrial era 4.0 or innovative disruptive. with the condition of public go performance, retail company is increasingly declining. the writer detects bankruptcy potential is a condition which the company is unable to operate the company properly because of the very severe in financial difficulties experienced (dwiprihantini, 2014). bankruptcy analysis using altman z-score model and springate model in retail trading company listed in indonesia stock exchange prasetiyani & sofyan 140 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 table 1. the financial performance of retail trading company listed in indonesia stock exchange 2013-2018 company name tato roe roa npm market to book value pt matahari dept. store, tbk 2,1229 0,3920 0,2029 0,0953 90,7268 pt hero supermarket tbk 1,7411 0,0457 0,0203 0,0121 41,5167 pt ramayana lestari sentosa tbk 0,6386 0,0594 0,0430 0,0336 10,1833 pt mitra adiperkasa tbk 1,3294 0,0849 0,0293 0,0226 10,6733 pt modern international tbk 0,5362 0,2801 (0,2477) (0,8952) 4,2050 pt matahari putra prima, tbk 2,0142 (0,0939) 0,0009 0,0033 33,0033 (data source : approximately 6 years) if we see the conditions based on the data above, how big the bankruptcy potential of the public retail company going is, along with the decline in financial performance and in the stock market value of the go public retail company over the period from 2013 to 2018 by using the altman z-score theory and the springate's model. this study aims to provide information about the go public retail companies bankruptcy potential to the stakeholders. furthermore, effendi, et al (2016) used the bankruptcy prediction model of the springate to estimate the stock prices of the telecommunication companies, while andriawan and salean (2016) used the almant model and analyzed its impact to the pharmacy company’s stock prices. adrian and khoiruddin (2014) applied the almant model and analyzed its impact to the manufacturing company’s stock prices. method the data is in the form of go public retail company financial reports obtained through the website from or the indonesia stock exchange and has been audited by the public accountant. the range of financial statement data is over the period of december 31, 2013 to december 31, 2018. types of data are internal data with quantitative data classification released by go public trade retail companies. data processing techniques the calculation of potential bankruptcy using the altman z score and springate's model. the altman z score data process model: x1 (working capital) = current assets current liabilities) / total assets x2 (return earning on assets) = retained earnings / total assets x3 (return on assets) = profit before interest and tax / total assets x4 (market value of shares on net book value of liabilities) = market value of ordinary and preferred shares / total book value of liabilities x5 (total assets turn over) = sales / total assets springate's data process model: a (working capital) = working capital / total assets b (return on assets) = net profit before interest and tax / total assets c (ebt on current liabilities) = net profit before tax / current liabilities d (total assets turn over) = sales / total assets bankruptcy analysis using altman z-score model and springate model in retail trading company listed in indonesia stock exchange prasetiyani & sofyan 141 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 result and discussion table 2. the prediction result of altman z-score and springate’s no company altman zscore prediction springate's prediction 1 pt. matahari putra prima 2,648 grey area 0,818 potentially bankrupt 2 pt. modern international -1,370 potentially bankrupt -0,993 potentially bankrupt 3 pt. mitra adi perkasa 2,535 grey area 1,062 no potential 4 pt. hero 2,431 grey area 0,613 potentially bankrupt 5 pt. ramayana lestari 3,345 no potential 1,520 no potential 6 pt. matahari dept. store 7,622 no potential 3,003 no potential source: data research in 2019 the calculation results using the altman z-score method clarification of a healthy and bankrupt company is based on the altman z-score value, namely: 1. z value < 1.81, including a bankrupt company 2. value 1.81 < z < 2.99, including the gray area (cannot be determined whether the company is healthy or bankrupt) 3. z value > 2.99, including non-bankrupt companies the bankruptcy prediction calculation: the calculations results of pt matahari putra prima over the past 6 years found an average value of 2.648. this value is between 1.81 < 2.648 < 2.99, including the gray area (cannot be determined whether the company is healthy or bankrupt). pt modern international over the past 6 years found an average value of -1,370. this value is < 1.81, including the bankrupt company. pt mitra adi perkasa over the past 6 years found an average value of 2.535. this value is between 1.81 < 2.535 < 2.99, including the gray area (cannot be determined whether the company is healthy or bankrupt). pt hero for the last 6 years found an average value of 2,431. this value is between 1.81 < 2,431 < 2.99, including the gray area (cannot be determined whether the company is healthy or bankrupt). pt ramayana lestari over the past 6 years found an average value of 3.345. this value > 2.99, including the non-bankrupt companies. and pt matahari dept. store for the last 6 years found an average value of 3,345. this value > 2.99, including the non-bankrupt companies. the calculation results with springate's method the clarification of a healthy and bankrupt company is based on the s-score of the springate method, namely: 1. s score > 0.862 is a company that does not have the potential to go bankrupt. 2. s score < 0.862 is classified as an unhealthy and potentially bankrupt company. the bankruptcy prediction calculation: the calculations results of pt matahari putra prima over the past 6 years found an average value of 0.818. this value < 0.862 is classified as an unhealthy and potentially bankrupt company. pt modern international over the past 6 years found an average value of -0.993. this value < 0.862 is classified as an unhealthy and potentially bankrupt company. pt mitra adi perkasa over the past 6 years found an average value of 1.062. this value > 0.862 is classified as a company that bankruptcy analysis using altman z-score model and springate model in retail trading company listed in indonesia stock exchange prasetiyani & sofyan 142 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 has no potential to go bankrupt. pt hero for the last 6 years found an average value of 0.613. this value < 0.862 is classified as an unhealthy and potentially bankrupt company. pt ramayana lestari over the past 6 years found an average value of 1.520. this value > 0.862 is classified as a company that has no potential to go bankrupt. and pt matahari dept. store for the last 6 years found an average value of 3.003. this value > 0.862 is classified as a company that has no potential to go bankrupt. the calculation of pt. matahari putra prima (mppa) produced different predictions. altman calculation results are in an area that cannot be determined whether the company is bankrupt or not in the future (gray area). meanwhile, according to springate's calculations, it predicted bankruptcy. because in the third quarter of 2018, mppa posted a loss of rp 335 billion, below from the company's loss in the same period of the previous year which was rp 385 billion (putri, 2018). whereas in the third quarter of 2019, mppa's net sales still fell by 19.8% year on year (yoy) to rp 6.64 trillion (intan, 2019). pt. modern international, tbk, both methods predict bankruptcy. this company was unable to meet its obligations when it was billed because it had experienced a negative number (handayani & andrianingsih, 2019). pt. mitra adi perkasa produced different predictions. altman calculation results are in the gray area or the financial condition requires special attention (anissa, 2016). meanwhile, according to the results of springate, it is predicted not to go bankrupt. pt. hero produced different predictions. altman calculation results are in the gray area. meanwhile, according to springate's, it is predicted bankruptcy. the cause of bankruptcy is because the company's financial performance has been weak since the third quarter of 2018 which caused termination of employment about 532 employees until the third quarter of 2018. not only that, 26 giant retail outlets also stopped operating (tristiawati, 2019). and pt. ramayana lestari and pt. matahari dept. store, both methods predict bankruptcy. it shows that the financial condition of the two companies is in good health and it is unlikely that the company will experience bankruptcy (rahmatullah, sunarya, & jhoansyah, 2019). conclusion based on this discussion, it is known that the altman z-score calculation results show that there is 1 company that will go bankrupt, namely pt modern international, while springate's predicts that 3 companies will go bankrupt, namely pt matahari putra prima, pt modern international, and pt hero, as shown in table 4.14 below: table 4. 1. number of prediction comparison results method result number of companies go bankrupt grey area no potential altman z-score 1 3 2 6 springate’s 3 0 3 6 the annual financial statements of go public companies do not present the potential bankruptcy. it can have a negative impact on investors and stakeholders because there is no disclosure of information. in the industry era 4.0 or disruptive era which the life cycle of an industry does not take place normally, it is recommended that industries affected are required to make a potential bankruptcy analysis with special parameters determined by the decision makers, in this case we can say the financial services authority (ojk). bankruptcy analysis using altman z-score model and 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(1983). predicting corporate bankruptcy: an empirical comparison of the extant financial distress models. document de travail. state university of new york at buffalo. ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 pp : 89-102 89 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making 1 lesi hertati, 2. otniel safkaur, 3 aoron m. simanjuntak. 1 departement of accounting, stie rahmaniyah – indonesia 2.3 departement of accounting, faculty of economics and business universitas cendrawasih, sorong papua indonesia. submitted : jan 3th 2020 revised : feb 18 th 2020 published : march 30 th 2020 abstrak this study investigates the effect of management commitment on the successful application of management accounting information systems and their implications for manager decision making. the unit of analysis in this study is the functional unit in small and medium enterprises in indonesia. this research also implies that the responsiveness of organizations to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems is very important not only for internal and external but for the organization itself in building a sustainable corporate image, and successes that enhance organizational reputation and manager's understanding of financial and non-financial information. finance is in line with the increasing commitment of the management in the company. furthermore, this study states that management commitment influences the success of management accounting information systems and their implications for manager decision making. the lisrel sem modeling results confirm that management's commitment to the success of management accounting information systems and their implications for managerial decision making have a significant effect. keywords: management commitment, management accounting information systems, manager decision making introduction die industry era 4.0 the government launched the e-smart program of small and medium industry programs to expand the market share of small and medium industries through online promotional information. furthermore, hertati (2019) states that e-smart small and medium industries are small and medium industry database systems that provide information on industry profiles, central products that are integrated with various existing marketplaces. furthermore susanto (2016) states that information is the glue of the organization, the better the quality of information, the better the communication within the organization and the better the integrity of the organization. the value of an information depends on the quality of the information presented (susanto, 2016). quality information according to mc leod and schell (2007: 65) must have characteristics relevant, accurate, timely and complete. hertati (2016) states that information can be said to be relevant if the information contained therein can influence users' decisions by helping them evaluate past or present events, and predict the future, and confirm or correct the results of their evaluations in the past. the importance of quality information in decision making as stated by laudon and laudon (2008: 13) that quality information can be used for decision making where the results are the right decision, better allocation of resources and response times to provide benefits and reduce costs. how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 90 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 seeing the role of information that is so high for the organization, the organization becomes very dependent on the information system (susanto, 2008: 11). then hall (2011: 7) states that the information system is part of the information system that is a set of formal procedures where data is collected, processed into information and distributed to users. furthermore, mcleod & schell (2007: 19) states that the role of information systems prioritizes data into information and emphasizes administrative work into problem-solving activities, then information systems are developed specifically to assist managers in the decision making process. furthermore, gelinas and dull (2008: 11) state that to process business activities and provide information for management in making decisions, the information systems used by companies must be designed, implemented and operated effectively). regarding the importance of an adequate information system intermezzo (2019) states that small and medium business entrepreneurs have difficulty in increasing their business levels. the business they run does not develop and the turnover obtained does not increase. at present, the number of small and medium business products that can penetrate the international market is still very small. one reason for the difficulty of small and medium business products to compete in foreign markets is the low competitiveness of products. moreover, if related to the price offered, indonesian sme products are still far from the quality offered by foreign products(meilani & pandoyo, 2019). according to laudon and laudon (2008: 9) that companies that invest more in their information systems specifically to achieve six strategic business objectives: operational excellence; new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier relations; better decision making; competitive advantage; and business continuity. management accounting information systems provide information, both financial and non-financial information to managers and employees of the organization because the information needed by decision-makers includes financial information and non-financial information such as product quality, customer satisfaction and service response levels (atkinson et al. , 2009: 3). the same thing was conveyed by taicu (2009) which stated that management accounting information systems are the main providers of information needed by management to make decisions in the company. the importance of an adequate management accounting information system is in line with the opinion of mitchell et al., (2000) which states that a management accounting information system is needed that provides information to management regarding pricing, costs, and cash flow and to assist the decision making process, operational considerations and programs long-term strategy in a dynamic and competitive environment. the phenomenon that occurs is related to the accounting information system difficulties in product innovation, by applying a new formula or production method. do not open up and join the training held by the ministry of cooperatives and small and medium businesses and companies that give special attention to small and medium businesses. small and medium businesses are not active in analyzing competitors' products. sajady (2008: 10) that the function of management accounting information systems provides important information to help managers control their activities, and reduce environmental uncertainty, so that it is expected to help the company towards achieving its goals successfully. the phenomenon of the importance of an adequate management accounting information system related to the unavailability of accounting information as stated by, intermezzo (2019) states that many are not aware that manual bookkeeping is a small and medium problem. manual bookkeeping is prone to loss, damage and even recap errors. thus, entrepreneurs cannot analyze the sales results appropriately. for example: if the sales report on a certain day suddenly disappears, then the overall sales report will be in shambles. a good accounting is the key to an adequate business evaluation. with good bookkeeping, you can how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 91 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 analyze your business sales more precisely as a consideration for making further decisions. in addition, good bookkeeping is also a mandatory requirement for all entrepreneurs who want to borrow business capital from banks. so, the problem of bad business bookkeeping, then certainly difficulties in getting business capital loans from banks. according to susanto (2008: 17) management accounting information systems are information systems used by companies which include financial and non-financial information. in order to obtain adequate information both financial and non-financial information, a management accounting information system is needed as stated by hansen and mowen (2007: 8) that a management accounting information system is a process that explains activities such as collecting, measuring, storing, analyzing, reporting, and managing information (the management accounting information system is processes, there are described by activities such as collecting, measuring, storing, analizing, reporting and managing information). hansen and mowen (2007: 5) states that management accounting information systems have three general objectives, namely to: 1) provide information for the cost of services, products, and other objects desired by management. 2) provide information for planning, controlling, evaluating, and continuously improving. 3) provide information for decision making. according to horngren, et al. (2017) that decision making is choosing from among an alternative set of programs of actions designed to achieve several objectives that require accounting information. furthermore according to harris (2009: 4) states that decision making is a process of identifying as many alternatives as possible and choosing one alternative that has a probability of success or effectiveness in accordance with the goals, desires, lifestyle, and desired values. decision making is a fundamental aspect of the management function and management decision making is a major role of management (teale,, 2003: 10). the same thing was conveyed by j. salusu (1996: 46) who stated that decision making plays a role in every organization, including the principles of the organization that will guarantee the right decision is taken, as well as must include the principles that will ensure effective action. according to laudon & laudon (2008: 12) that not a few company managers run business activities without a clear source of information and almost never have the right information at the right time for decision making, so more trust in predictions, guesses and luck. yet according to robbins and a judge (2008: 189) every manager should behave to maximize or optimize certain results through the decision making process. another phenomenon that has caused losses to the state due to failure in decision making occurs in the case of banking service companies, namely the century bank case. chairman of the house commission xi, ahmad zawawi (2009) asked bpk to evaluate and audit century bank regarding the failure of the decision-making process that was detrimental to the state. failure to make such a decision is not only because it was taken without making a detailed assessment of all information, but also because of abuse of authority by bank indonesia. a similar statement was made by abraham samad as the chairperson of the corruption eradication commission (2013) which stated that the corruption eradication commission had indicated a criminal act of corruption in the century bank case because there had been an incorrect decision-making, due to inaccurate data giving. laudon and laudon (2008: 13) state that problem solving will not be effective without accurate information. decision making has an important meaning for the back and forth of an organization, especially because the future of an organization is largely determined by decision making the important role of management commitment was conveyed by englund and buchero (2006) that the relationship between management commitment and information system development is the participation of top management and middle management in the formulation of objectives and how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 92 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 clarifying the development of information systems, work commitments in documenting work plans for accountability in directing business, approving, measure, supporting activities from the beginning to the end of the development project as a form of active role of top management and middle management. understanding commitment as a relationship between the actor (actor) with the entity (entity) stated by abrahamsson and iivari (2002). a similar opinion was conveyed by meyer and herscovitch (2001: 31) which states that commitment is a force that binds an individual to an action that is relevant to one or more targets. according to cooper (2006) that management commitment as a form of involvement in behavior and maintaining behavior to achieve a goal. furthermore, management commitment must be directed into a strong desire to improve the quality of the entire business of the company as stated by yousaf (2006) that: in line with the orientation of values and organizational goals, malthis and jackson (2008: 21) states that organizational culture is a form of values and confidence in an organization. luthan (2006: 45) states that organizational culture is the norms and values that guide the behavior of organizational members. each member will behave according to a culture apply, in order to be accepted by the environment. kreitner and kinichi (2001: 68) state that organizational culture is a shared group, implicitly that groups hold and determine how they perceive, think, and react to various conditions. furthermore according to robbins and a judge (2008: 258) organizational culture is related to how employees understand the cultural characteristics of an organization where organizational culture seeks to measure how employees perceive their organization so that it is expected that individuals who have different backgrounds or are at different levels in organizations will understand organizational culture with a similar understanding. based on the above phenomenon, it can be concluded that the picture is related to the following phenomenon: 1) it is not uncommon for the information generated to require further processing so that information can be used as needed up to date. 2) difficulties in tracking prospective customer information and providing maximum service support to customers. 3) lack of information technology used requires interface facilities so that information can be integrated. 4) there are difficulties in determining certain financial items accurately and up to date 5) sometimes have difficulty in determining, including because it is not supported by an adequate database so it is difficult to determine an effective sales and marketing system. 6) it is not uncommon mistakes in decision making at the level of line managers, because decisions are not supported by adequate information and analysis, such as the occurrence of decision outcomes that harm the company, 7) there is a missed communication in the decision making process that results in suboptimal decisions made because lack of good coordination between line managers, such as failure to communicate the number and type of facilities that must be prepared in a particular event or activity. 8) there are times when the decision making process does not go through the process of selecting the best alternative, such as selecting a vendor providing a product or service. 9) lack of good cooperation as teamwork often causes losses for companies 10) lack of top management participation in overseeing and directing line managers in disseminating corporate goals and programs that are currently and will be carried out. chalk (2008: 3) that management commitment is a leadership style in which managers and subordinates participate together in achieving work goals, determine the level of authority, and clarify performance commitments. (management by commitment is a style of leadership where both the manager and subordinate participate jointly in the establishment of work objectives, define authority level, and clarify performance commitment) furthermore wood (1996: 35) states that the management commitment model as a management model that aims to bring up commitment, so that individual behavior is more independent not because it is controlled by external sanctions or pressures, and how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 93 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 relationships within the organization are based on a high level of trust. the failure in achieving the company's goals related to management commitment as stated by abrahamsson (2000) explains that one of the causes of failure in company activities including the software development process is management commitment which usually includes aspects of depth, focus and terms where these three aspects are psychological aspects that are can be divided into three different forms of commitment, namely: affective, normative and continuance commitment based on the above study, it can be said that management commitment can be measured using: (abrahamson and jokela (2000), wood (1996), cooper (2006), meyer (1997), meyer et al. (2002)) 1) affective commitment (i want to is a feeling of love for an organization that raises the willingness to stay and foster social relations and appreciate the value of relationships with the organization because it has become a member of the organization. 2) continuance commitment (i need to) is the level to which employees believe and accept organizational goals, as well as the desire to stay together or leave the company is ultimately reflected in employee absence and turnover rates. 3) normative commitment (i ought to) is a feeling that requires to survive in the organization due to obligations and responsibilities to the organization based on consideration of norms, values and beliefs of employees. ashfaq (2007: 12) states that management commitment in addition to providing adequate resources must also be actively involved in the development process. another statement that supports the importance of management commitment in the successful implementation of management accounting information systems is chen's statement (2001) which states that management commitment is not only limited on granting the blessing of the application of the information system but must continue until completion. management's commitment implies that they are willing to spend a significant amount of time leading and supervising the team implementing the system. according to abrahamsson (2000) without management commitment, most initiatives in developing information systems will fail and the results will not reach far. hertati (2016) states that many studies show the importance of management support for the successful implementation of information systems, including the successful application of management accounting information systems. the importance of a manager having a commitment to the implementation of the program including the application of management accounting information systems as stated by brah and rao, (2002) that the greater a person's commitment to his company, the greater the consistency of the person's behavior and attitudes towards organizational goals. these signals need to be spread throughout the organization, so that all members of the organization feel a commitment to the implementation of the program. furthermore larsen (2003) states that the level of commitment possessed by managers and employees can encourage the successful application of information systems in the company, because the attachment and loyalty of an employee to the company will encourage them to always work in various situations in the company. other research results that support the influence of management commitment to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems are the results of research conducted by bhanu et al. (2004), which states that: top management support is an important factor for the success of key organizational activities. these results form a framework for understanding the impact of top management support on the management accounting information system function. furthermore esteves et al (2002) stated that the component of management commitment in implementing the enterprice resources planning system is affective commitment related to the involvement of top management in entering into the price of how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 94 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 resource planning project activities, because they show their identification with the project through participation in various project events that shown that they share the value of the project. then hertati (2016) states that normative commitment is related to the obligation to remain in company activities until completion. ongoing commitments are related to costs associated with leaving or leaving projects and organizations in some cases. the results of this study are in line with the results of research by kırmızı and orkun (2009) which states that the influence of affective commitment is higher among it professionals than continuance commitment and normative commitment. normative commitment is at the lowest level. it professionals work in organizations because they want to, rather than they need or are forced by moral obligations. the importance of management support as a very important factor in the implementation of information systems is also supported by the results of research by sharma and yetton (2003) which states that management support is considered an important factor in the successful implementation of information system innovation. thus the discussion with research conducted by pabedinskaite (2010) which states that: support top management. this is one of the most significant determinants of the successful implementation of enterprise system resource planning in an organization. based on the theories as concepts in this study mentioned above and some of the results of research that support these theories, based on this premise, it can be said that management commitment influence the successful application of management accounting information systems. hypothesis1: management's commitment influences the successful on of management accounting information systems. this success model is a simple model but is considered quite valid by researchers. the delone and mclean (1992) model is a model based on theoretical and empirical studies of information systems created by researchers in the 1970s and 1980s. the understanding of management accounting information systems according to hansen and mowen (2007: 8) is a process that describes activities such as collecting, measuring, storing, analyzing, reporting, and managing information (the management accounting information system is processes, there are described by activities such as collecting, measuring, storing, analizing, reporting and managing information). management accounting information systems according to horngren, sundem and stratton (2011) are stated as follows management accounting information system is the process of identifying, measuring, accumulating, analyzing, preparing, interpreting and communicating information that can help managers meet organizational goals. similar delivered by mitchell and smith (2000) states understanding management accounting information systems is a management accounting information system is the process of identifying, measuring, accumulating, analyzing, preparing, interpreting and communicating financial information used by management to plan, evaluate and control an organization and to ensure and account for the use of resources). according to susanto (2008: 17) management accounting information systems are information systems used by companies which include financial and nonfinancial information. chenhall (1986) states that there are four characteristic dimensions of management accounting information systems, namely: 1) scope of information system is the scope of accounting information encompasses its range, quantitative measurement and time period. thus, the expressions of various external factors, mostly non-economic, should dominate in information management. moreover, in the context of information management, the possibilities of future events and their prediction should be estimated. 2) timelines of management accounting information is accounting timeliness is defined by the time required to present the information (since it has been ordered) and the frequency of the presentation how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 95 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 (periodical reports). timeliness of information increases the management accounting possibilities to inform about the latest events and forwards managerialdecisions. 3) aggregation management accounting may provide aggregated information in various ways: consummately raw primary data, aggregated with regard to time or goal. that might be aggregated data with regard to functional subdivisions, responsibility centers, year, quarter, month, and week information. in the same way the information is aggregated to provide for particular decision making. 4) integrative information is integrative information is one of the most important aspects of the organization is the coordination of activities of its various subdivisions. to help managers, management accounting should provide them with information on how purposive activities' indicators are influenced by the interrelations of various departments. in the management accounting system there should be information on how decisions in one area might affect the results of the performance of the whole department. santrock (2008: 12) states that decision making is a thought in which individuals evaluate various choices and decide on the choices of the many choices. this statement is supported by jackson, sawyers and jenkin (2009) stating that decision making is the process of identifying different actions and choosing one decision that is right for a particular situation). the same thing was conveyed by hansen and mowen (2006) who stated that "decision making is the process of choosing among. competing alternatives (decision making is the process of choosing among competitive alternatives). harrison in teale et al. (2003: 6) states the definition of decision making is decision making is when, in an ongoing process for evaluating alternatives to meet objectives, where expectations about certain actions by decision makers to choose that actions that are most likely to be expected to achieve goals). according to terry and franklin (2000: 97) decision making is the selection of certain behavioral alternatives from two or more existing alternatives. another opinion is from hertati (2016) which states that decision making is a process used to choose an action as a way of solving problems. this is in line with the opinion of hertati (2015) which says that decision making is a process of identifying as many alternatives as possible and choosing one alternative that has a probability of success or effectiveness and which is in accordance with the objectives, desires, lifestyle, values, chill. based on the above studies it can be said that managerial decision making specifically related to the outcome (outcome) of decision making in conditions of uncertainty and doubt can be measured using: (schwalbe (2010), teale et al. (2003), suryadi (2007), j salusu (1996), simon (1986) 1) event (problem or event) occurs is an event that is real, actually happens but is not bound by time. in other words, a factual event could have happened in the past or present 2) act (measures) that include measures are seen as behavior that is formed by the perpetrators in lieu of the response of human actions to produce different characters as a result of the form of the process of interaction in itself. to act an individual must know in advance what he wants. an individual must try to determine his goals, describe the direction of his behavior, estimate the actions of others, check himself and describe what is done by other factors. 3) outcome / pay off, is covering a business, profit is king. profit is defined as the amount of income minus the amount of expenditure, i.e. the amount of money "earned" by a business during a certain calculation period. then (break even point is a point where costs or expenses and income are balanced so there are no losses or profits. how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 96 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 kaplan (1998) states that management accounting information improves decision making, guides strategy development and evaluates existing strategies, and focuses related efforts to improve organizational performance and to evaluate the contribution and performance of organizational units and members. furthermore hansen and mowen (2007) which states that the main role of management accounting information systems is to provide information that facilitates decision making (a major role of management accounting information systems is to supply information that facilitates decision making). according to taicu (2009) management accounting information systems are the main providers of information needed by management to make decisions in companies. information plays a role in solving management problems, problem solving is the main activity that is often used as a reference for the success and failure of manager's career. this statement is reinforced by the statement of laudon and laudon (2008) that problem solving will not be effective without the presence of relevant information. the importance of relevant information in decision making is stated by rose in teale et al. (2003) that decision making is an act of choosing between alternative programs designed to obtain certain results, and a review of relevant information is made guided by explicit criteria. furthermore according to chenhall (1986) that the design of management accounting systems, is influenced by information features that are useful for management decision making. from some of the statements above, strengthen the conclusion that the successful application of information systems affects the decision making process as stated by gul (1994) which states that the management accounting information system is an organizational control mechanism and is an effective tool in providing useful information for noraizah (2001 ) that there is a relationship between the four categories of information dimensions namely scope, timeliness, aggregation and integration in the availability of information to managers and how they use that information is very important for the decision making process especially for those at managerial and financial levels. other results that are in line are the results of research by sajady et al. (2008) stated that the application of accounting information systems in companies led to an improvement in the manager's decision making process, internal control, the quality of financial statements in facilitating the company's transaction process. the accounting information system is considered an organizational mechanism which is very important for the effectiveness of decision making and control in the organization. the results of research by feredon and mahmoodi (2012) states that there is a significant influence on management accounting information systems based on decision support and business intelligence on profitability. based on the theories as concepts in this study that have been mentioned above and some research results that support the theory, the success of the application of management accounting information systems affects manager's decision making. hypothesis 2: management accounting information systems in manager decision making on decision making method the target population of this study is the managers of related units in small and medium enterprises in indonesia. keep in mind the conceptual model shown in figure 1, the review instrument established by utilizing previous studies. the characteristics of the variable hypothesis were designed using sem-lisrel five answers from 1 to 5. the measurement items from the current study consisted of three variables which included emergency scientific findings mc, mais and mdc. the research data was collected by sending a questionnaire through the company's e-mail address and then collected from how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 97 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 a total of one hundred and twenty four small and medium enterprises in indonesia. small and medium enterprises in indonesia located throughout indonesia. after sending questionnaires to managers for their responses. the process of selecting and knowledge managers is very important for data collection for researchers, when investigating creativity, emphasizes the centralization of employee knowledge that is relevant to the concept of management accounting information systems and thus can provide meaningful responses (dul et al., 2011). therefore, a total of six hundred and twenty questionnaires were sent to the relevant sub-units, from which 357 managers responded. overall, the data collection process has been taken for three months. this research was not funded by any association. investigation has also followed the rules of dillman (1978) in considering moral and ethical actions. figure 1: research model source: picture of a research framework results and discussions data analysis of this study was completed using sem lisrel statistical software. the final valid sample of this study was 357 after testing it was obtained that the data processed were, respectively. shown in table 1 is the structure and composition of the data responses used in this study. thus to test the problem of multicollinearity, the flow of research follows hair et al. (2014) found that all values in the pearson correlation matrix were <0.90. therefore, confirmation of the absence of multicollinearity among predictors (hair et al., 2014). this study uses a type of principal component that is highly favored for factoring which brings together a total of 28 questionnaire item-scaled ratios into three final variables. to check for adequacy samples, the kaiser-meyer-olkin value (0.895) indicates that the data is appropriate for making factors because the kmo value is greater than the cut-off value of 0.7 as suggested by (barkus et al., 2006). moreover, the results of the bartlet test from the ball were also found to be significant (p <0.05), so rejecting the null hypothesis represented the absence of an identity matrix correlation (afshan et al., 2018). the last seven factors succeeded in defining 78.6% of the total variance described. the explanation of the rotated component matrix highlights a total of twenty-eight items which show a factor of more than 0.70 and above the 0.55 benchmark as suggested by tabachnick and fidell (2007). the results of factor loading for each variable item are shown in table 1. furthermore, the samples collected were further examined for convergent validity, reliability and relevance. table 1 evaluation results of dimension relevance measurement latent dimension weight defaul t error value z value p sig relevant managemen t commitmen affective commitment 0,19 0,011 17,12 0,000 sig relevant continuance commitment 0,44 0,006 78,65 0,000 sig relevant normative commitment 0,76 0,007 101,30 0,000 sig relevant manager decision making good human resource planning successful application of management accounting information systems employee loyalty long-term goals how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 98 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 t mais scope of information system 0,44 0,013 33,94 0,000 sig relevant timelines of management accounting information 0,46 0,014 33,86 0,000 sig relevant aggregationis management accounting may provide information aggregated 0,45 0,013 34,25 0,000 sig relevant integrative information is integrative information 0,43 0,013 33,44 0,000 sig relevant decisionmaking event 0,40 0,017 22,67 0,000 sig relevant act 0,45 0,017 26,32 0,000 sig relevant out come/pay off 0,46 0,011 39,99 0,000 sig relevant source: results of calculation of score components with the r program based on information obtained from table 1, showing a p-value smaller than 0.5 then all dimensions are relevant as a measurement tool for each variable. tabel 2 parameter model struktural conse quenc e mediato r cause standard estimate estimate d default error valuez value-p information mais mc 0,60 0,360 0,20 1,81 0,965 significant mdc 0,58 0,061 0,07 1,86 0,196 significant source: results of calculation of score components with the r program theoretically, the better the management commitment, the better the application of management accounting information systems, this study proves influential. the phenomenon of decision-making quality is not yet high because the application of management accounting information systems has not been able to design management commitments flexibly and integrated accurately and timely in the face of effective commitments, ongoing commitments and normative commitments. the better the application of management accounting information systems the better decision making, this study states influence. the phenomenon of decision-making quality is not yet high because the application of management accounting information systems places human resources that are not in accordance with the expertise that exists in a company, namely the relevance of identity, shared value, personal involvement. the better the application of management accounting information systems, the better the decisions taken by managers. the phenomenon of decision-making quality is not yet high because the application of management accounting information systems is still too late in the completion of problematic work on recording, summarizing and reporting that is not accurate, timely so that it cannot be used as a basis for decision making. conclusion the findings of this study highlight the most important role of management commitment in influencing the application of management accounting information systems. this implies that organizations must consider this management commitment as a measure of threat to the successful how to align management commitments to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems in manager decision making hertati, safkaur, simanjuntak 90 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 2 march 2020 implementation of management accounting information systems and has the potential to inhibit the successful implementation of management accounting information systems. in this case, the present study proposes managers and human resource experts to assess carefully the possibility of external risks with a diversified approach to organizational dependence on limited options. furthermore, the importance of successful implementation of management accounting information systems is also highlighted as an important driver of successful implementation of useful management accounting information systems. this shows that an error in understanding or measuring human resources causes a decrease in the true purpose of management commitment. therefore, managers are recommended to observe the measurement process in determining the environmental costs and related components to ensure the reliability of data accumulation. an orderly assimilation of organizational data and accurate data is the basis for achieving efficiency and successful application of management accounting information systems. the focal point for the successful implementation of management accounting information systems is on physical natural data, it must also consider how this data can be coordinated with company measurements and thus empower more important scope in providing benefits to organizations, and government. finally, this research also calls for the need to maintain quality if the commitment of management by placing people who are experts in their fields so that they work according to their expertise, good human resources have the skills, abilities will encourage healthy companies to lead in the future. acknowledgement we would like to thank our colleagues and related units from indonesian msmes who were willing to be interviewed and filled out the questionnaire well and provided insights and expertise that greatly assisted this research, even though they might not agree with all interpretations / conclusions from this paper . references abrahamsson, pekka & iivari, netta. 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(2023). uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2), 221-235. abstract: indonesia's low tax ratio compared to other asia-pacific nations may indicate the presence of tax avoidance. the tax justice network has revealed that corporations are the primary culprits of tax avoidance in indonesia, with mining companies being among the examples of such practices that have been exposed. related to this phenomenon, this study seeks to acquire factual evidence on how financial distress, thin capitalization and the disclosure of corporate social responsibility affect the tax avoidance among mining firms publicly listed on the idx during the period of 2019 to 2021. by utilizing purposive sampling technique, this study successfully selected 18 companies, generating a total of 54 observational data that were used for analysis. to obtain the required data, this study relied on secondary sources such as audited financial statements, annual reports and/or sustainable reports. the main approach employed for analyzing the data and testing hypotheses in this study was multiple linear regression analysis. the findings of the study demonstrate that financial distress has a significant negative impact on tax avoidance. however, the study did not find statistically significant evidence to support the impact of thin capitalization and corporate social responsibility disclosure on tax avoidance. keywords: corporate social responsibility, financial distress, tax avoidance, thin capitalization this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction indonesia heavily relies on taxes as the primary source of income for the state budget. therefore, the government has implemented various strategies to optimize tax revenues. in indonesia, the tax collection system operates on a self-assessment basis, where individuals who have met the subjective and objective requirements are entrusted with the responsibility of voluntarily registering, calculating, paying and reporting their tax obligations. encouraging taxpayer education and improving their understanding of tax obligations can result in higher levels of taxpayer compliance, ultimately leading to the attainment of tax revenue targets (handayani & damayanti, 2018). the indication of taxpayer compliance can be reflected through the tax ratio. the tax ratio uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 222 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in indonesia in 2019 was only 11.6% and decreased by 1.5% in 2020 to 10.1%, which is far below the average tax ratio of asia-pacific countries that reached 19.1% in 2020, even lower that african countries that reached 16.6% in 2019 (oecd, 2022). according to sri mulyani, the low tax ratio can be caused by the existence of gaps in tax regulations, which makes tax avoidance relatively easy to implement (kurniati, 2020). indonesia experienced an annual tax loss of us$4.86 billion, of which 98.4% was caused by corporate tax abuse (tax justice network, 2020). conflicting interests between taxpayers and the government can lead to aggressive tax planning by taxpayers. as taxpayers, companies aim to maximize their profits, but larger profits will result in a higher amount of taxes to be paid. therefore, companies will attempt to reduce their tax burden. the efforts of companies to reduce their tax obligations can be categorized as tax evasion or tax avoidance. tax evasion is an illegal manipulation done intentionally to reduce the taxes that should be paid according to the law (alm et al., 2019). meanwhile, tax avoidance is a legal action used to reduce tax liabilities by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in tax regulations (sritharan et al., 2022). tax avoidance presents a typical and complex problem because it is not always illegal, but it is still an undesirable practice by the government (rahma et al., 2022). mining companies often face challenges in maintaining their operational sustainability and generating stable profits. fluctuating commodity prices, strict tax regulations, and global economic crises are some of the factors that can affect the financial performance of mining companies. therefore, mining companies tend to try to reduce their tax liabilities. pricewaterhouse coopers reported that most mining companies in indonesia do not provide transparency in their taxes, with only 30% of 40 large mining companies adopting tax transparency reporting in 2020 (suwiknyo, 2021). additionally, the corruption eradication commission expressed concerns that corrupt practices, including tax avoidance, tend to occur in the mining sector, where there is a shortfall of mining tax payments of idr15.9 trillion per year in forest areas (redaksi ddtcnews, 2019). one example of tax avoidance exposed involves adaro energy, a mining company suspected of reducing its tax payments by us$125 million compared to what it should have paid in indonesia through transfer pricing schemes (global witness, 2019). mining companies often face issues such as price fluctuations that can impact their financial performance. when companies experience financial distress, which is when the company's financial performance declines, they often struggle to obtain external funding and their credit ratings may decline. this can make managers more likely to take risks and engage in tax avoidance (alhady et al., 2021). (dang & tran, 2021) study showed that companies with higher capital adequacy ratios tend to engage in lower tax avoidance, supporting the finding that financial distress can drive companies to engage in tax avoidance. however, (jaffar et al., 2021) research showed that companies experiencing financial distress actually reported higher tax burdens. on the other hand, (fauzan et al., 2021) stated that financial difficulties do not necessarily impact a company's tendency to avoid taxes, as companies experiencing financial difficulties may incur losses and receive compensation without considering tax burdens. tax avoidance strategies by companies in the mining industry can be done through thin capitalization, where they set a capital structure that relies more on debt than equity (istiqfarosita & abdani, 2022). according to (utami & irawan, 2022), thin capitalization is the main driver behind company efforts to avoid taxes by taking advantage of tax protection created by interest uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 223 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting on debt, which generates lower taxable income. on the other hand, (natalia & widyadhana, 2021) argue that companies with higher levels of thin capitalization usually have lower levels of tax avoidance. this may be due to the incentives provided by performance-based contracts resulting from the use of debt to improve company performance and increase revenue. in the context of mining companies, csr becomes crucial because their operations often have significant impacts on the environment and surrounding communities. therefore, mining companies often promote their csr programs as part of their efforts to improve their image in the eyes of society and fulfill their social obligations. however, a study by (rahayu & suryarini, 2021) shows that mining companies can also use their csr disclosures to divert attention from their tax avoidance practices. in addition, some csr programs such as scholarship programs or environmental conservation programs can be used to reduce the tax burden of the company (rohyati & suripto, 2021). nevertheless, research by (hajawiyah et al., 2022) shows that companies with a strong commitment to disclosing their csr activities tend to be involved in less tax avoidance, as they seek to maintain their reputation in the eyes of society. based on the context mentioned above, this research focuses on tax avoidance practices and does not examine tax evasion practices. tax evasion practices often involve illegal activities that are not recorded in the company's financial statements. therefore, it is difficult to assess tax evasion practices by simply looking at a company's financial statements. the main objective of this study is to analyze how financial distress, thin capitalization, and corporate social responsibility disclosures affect tax avoidance among mining companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange during the period of 2019-2021. theoretical framework and hypothesis development agency theory the theory of agency aims to provide a conceptual framework to understand the economic conduct of two key players in an organization, the agent and the principal. the principal refers to an individual or a group that hires an agent to perform a particular task on their behalf. the agent, on the other hand, is responsible for carrying out the assigned task. the agency theory operates under the assumption that the principal and the agent may have diverse interest, which could lead to potential conflicts (pratama & murtin, 2020). these conflicts may arise due to differences in the information available to the agent or variations in their motivations compared to the principal, ultimately influencing their decision-making process. legitimacy theory legitimacy theory focuses on the role of legitimacy in influencing organizational behavior and stakeholders. legitimacy theory explains how organizations seek and maintain support and recognition from stakeholders through their efforts to meet the norms and expectations prevailing in society (lestari & solikhah, 2019). trade-off theory according to the trade-off theory, the decision on a company’s capital structure involves balancing the advantages of tax benefits from using debt and the costs of financial distress (ross et al., 2018). (minh ha et al., 2022) stated that the company aims to determine the ideal amount of debt and uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 224 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting equity for their capital structure by utilizing the balance principle in order to maximize their overall business value. the company will strive to raise its debt until the point where the added benefit of tax advantages resulting from debt are equal to the supplementary expenses associated with financial distress (brealey et al., 2020). financial distress and tax avoidance financial distress refers to a situation where a company experiences a decrease in its financial performance, which could indicate a potential bankruptcy or liquidation (ningsih & noviari, 2022). the condition of financial distress will trigger agents to seek quick sources of funding to meet the company’s obligations to maintain legitimacy in the eyes of stakeholders and to maintain good agent performance (swandewi & noviari, 2020). in the condition of financial distress, access to external funding sources is limited. therefore, to maintain its continuity, the company is required to make cost savings (sadjiarto et al., 2020), which will prompt agents to reduce expenses such as tax burden (alhady et al., 2021). research conducted by (dang & tran, 2021) found that companies with lower capital adequacy ratios tend to engage in more tax avoidance. h1: financial distress positively influences tax avoidance thin capitalization and tax avoidance thin capitalization is a technique utilized to decrease tax obligations by creating a capital structure primarily based on debt (istiqfarosita & abdani, 2022). in taxation, interest expense resulting from the use of debt is deductible, while dividens resulting from equity participation are non-deductible, so using debt will reduce taxtable income (natalia & widyadhana, 2021). therefore, companies are inclined to use interest-bearing debt to reduce their tax liabilities. in accordance with the findings of (utami & irawan, 2022) study, a high degree of thin capitalization indicates a more dominant use of debt by companies, suggesting a higher probability of engaging in tax avoidance. h2: thin capitalization negatively influences tax avoidance corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance one way for companies to legitimize their existence in the eyes of stakeholders is by disclosing their corporate social responsibility, as noted by (firmansyah & estutik, 2020). a company’s image is improved with greater exposure to corporate social responsibility, as indicated by (iwanty & surjandari, 2022). according to (lestari & solikhah, 2019), the government's management of the payment of taxes in an indirect manner can be considered as a type of corporate social responsibility that serves the public's best interest. companies that do not fulfill their tax obligations will be considered dishonest because taxes are used for public purposes that also benefit the company (firmansyah & estutik, 2020). therefore, companies with a high commitment to disclosing corporate social responsibility have a lower propensity to engage in tax avoidance (hajawiyah et al., 2022), which is intended to maintain the company’s already established image (herianti & ritnawati, 2021). h3: corporate social responsibility disclosure negatively influences tax avoidance uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 225 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method this research employed a quantitative approach and relied on secondary data retrieved from and official websites of companies, which included annual reports, sustainability reports and audited financial statements. the study focused on mining companies that were registered on the idx during the time frame 2019 to 2021, and in order to obtain the sample, a purposive sampling method was utilized. the criteria for selecting the sample were based on several specific factors, including whether the companies were listed and did not experience delisting during 2019-2021, issued annual reports, sustainability reports, and audited financial statements, did not occur losses and had complete data related to the variables being studied. the final sample size consists of 18 companies that meet the inclusion criteria as shown in table 1, and the research was conducted over a period of 3 years, resulting in a total of 54 observations. the data that were gathered were subjected to analysis utilizing the tool for data analysis ibm spss 26, employing a method of multiple linear regression analysis. table 1. sample of the research no. code name of the company 1. adro pt. adaro energy indonesia tbk 2. antm pt. aneka tambang tbk 3. bipi pt. astrindo nusantara infrastruktur tbk 4. bssr pt. baramulti suksessarana tbk 5. byan pt. bayan resources tbk 6. cita pt. cita mineral investindo tbk 7. elsa pt. elnusa tbk 8. gems pt. golden energy mines tbk 9. hrum pt. harum energy tbk 10. inco pt. vale indonesia tbk 11. itmg pt. indo tambangraya megah tbk 12. mbap pt. mitrabara adiperdana tbk 13. mdka pt. merdeka copper gold tbk 14. myoh pt. samindo resources tbk 15. ptba pt. bukit asam tbk 16. ptro pt. petrosea tbk 17. toba pt. tbs energi utama tbk 18. zinc pt. kapuas prima coal tbk source: data processed (2022) operational definition and variable measurement this study focuses on tax avoidance as the dependent variable. tax avoidance pertains to the lawful approach of diminishing a corporation’s tax liability by taking advantage of loopholes or ambiguities present in tax regulations. the effective tax rate, measured using a ratio scale is utilized as an indicator to quantify the level of tax avoidance. etr = current tax expense earning before tax uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 226 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting financial distress refers to a state in which a company encounters challenges or is incapable of fulfilling its obligations to creditors (arnold & lewis, 2019). the measurement of financial distress in this research involves the application of the modified altman model, which was previously utilized by (ahdiyah & triyanto, 2021) and is represented as shown below. z-score = 6.56x1 + 3.26x2 + 6.72x3 + 1.05x4 x1 represents the working capital to total assets ratio, x2 is the ratio of retained earnings to total assets, x3 denotes the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes to total assets, and x4 indicates the ratio of book values of equity to total liabilities. the z-score value of a company can indicate the likelihood of bankruptcy. if a company’s z-score is less than 1.10, it is classified as being in a state of financial distress, whereas those with z-score raging between 1.10 and 2.60 fall into the grey area and may have the potential to experience financial distress. meanwhile, companies that have a z-score higher than 2.60 are deemed to be in good financial health. thin capitalization refers to a capital structure that favors the use of debt instead of equity, which is commonly referred to as being highly leveraged. the maximum allowable debt ratio, previously utilized by (fasita et al., 2022) was adopted in this study as the gauge for thin capitalization. mad ratio = average interest bearing debt shda shda = (average total assets – average non-ibl) * 80% in this study, the evaluation of corporate social responsibility disclosure was conducted by performing a content analysis of the social responsibility disclosures contained in the annual reports and/or sustainability reports of companies using the corporate social responsibility index featuring gri g4 indicators. this methodology is consistent with the approach taken in a previous study by (artini & setiawan, 2021). csrii = σxy i ni csri is and index used to measure company’s level of corporate social responsibility. σxy indicates the total number of items disclosed by the company, while n refers to the expected number of items which comprises 91 indicators. result and discussion descriptive statistical analysis to analyze the data and provide a summary of the observed values, descriptive statistical analysis is used. this entails computing statistics such as the average, highest, lowest and standard deviation of the data set. table 2. result of descriptive statistical analysis n minimum maximum mean std. deviation etr 54 .0305 .7315 .275061 .1194287 z–score 54 -.3117 15.9986 6.213548 4.0734271 uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 227 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tc 54 .0000 .8483 .294841 .2461753 csri 54 .0549 .6923 .322543 .1819309 valid n (listwise) 54 source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) the information from table 2 reveals that the minimum etr value is 0.0305 (pt. harum energy tbk 2020), while the maximum value is 0.7315 (pt. adaro energy indonesia tbk 2020). on average, the etr value of 0.275061 (27.5%) is higher than the statutory tax rate of corporate income tax, which was 25% in 2019 and 22% in 2020-2021. this indicates that, in general, mining companies do not engage in tax avoidance practices. the z-score value ranges from –0.3117 (pt. astrindo nusantara infrastuktur tbk 2020) to 15.9986 (pt. harum energy tbk 2019), with mean value of 6.213548. this mean value exceeds 2.6, which suggests that, on average, the financial condition of the companies is healthy. the tc varies from a minimum of 0.0000 (pt. harum energy tbk 2019) to a maximum of 0.8483 (pt. astrindo infrastruktur tbk 2020). the csri ranges from 0.0549 (pt. cita mineral investindo tbk 2019, 2020) to 0.6293 (pt. bukit asam tbk 2020), with a mean value of 0.322543. this suggests that mining companies’ disclosure of their social responsibility remains relatively low. notably, the standard deviation values of etr, z-score, tc and csri are all smaller than their respective mean values. this could indicate that the data is homogeneous or that the variability is low. classical assumption test 1. normality test table 3. result of normality test using 1-sample k-s test unstandardized residual n 54 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .064c source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) the results in table 3 indicate that the normality assumption of the regression model is satisfied as the asymptotic significance (two-tailed) value of 0.064 > 0.050, suggesting that the residuals have a normal distribution. 2. multicollinearity test table 4. result of multicollinearity test model tolerance vif 1 (constant) z–score .303 3.304 tc .284 3.526 csri .875 1.143 a. dependent variable: etr source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) the data presented in table 4, which represents the multicollinearity test results, indicates that the regression model does not suffer from multicollinearity. this is supported by the fact that none of uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 228 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the independent variables exhibit a tolerance value of ≤ 0.1 or a vif value of ≥ 10, which suggests that there is no notable correlation among the independent variables. 3. heteroscedasticity test table 5. result of heteroscedasticity test using park test model t sig. 1 (constant) -3.917 .000 z–score -1.152 .255 tc -.308 .760 csri 1.397 .169 a. dependent variable: lnu2i source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) the park test, which involved regressing the logarithm of squared residuals agains the independent variable, found that none of the independent variables had a significant impact on the dependent variable, as shown by their significance values being > 0.050. hence, it can be inferred that heteroscedasticity is absent in the regression model since the residuals have a uniform variance across all observations. 4. autocorrelation test table 6. result of autocorrelation test using runs test unstandardized residual asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .169 source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) based on the outcomes demonstrated in table 6, it can be inferred that there is no autocorrelation and the residuals are distributed randomly. this conclusion is drawn based on the fact that the asymptotic significance (two-tailed) value of 0.169 is higher than the significance level of 0.050. multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing table 7. result of multiple linear regression analysis and individual significance testing unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients model b std. error beta t sig. 1 (constant) .418 .087 4.826 .000 z–score -.019 .007 -.651 -2.843 .006 tc -.226 .115 -.465 -1.968 .055 csri .130 .088 .198 1.470 .148 a. dependent variable: etr source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) according to table 6, the regression equation can be expressed as: uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 229 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting etr = 0.418 – 0.019 z-score – 0.226 tc + 0.130 csri the equation of regression and the outcomes of the significance test for individual parameters may be explicated in the following manner. 1. the constant of 0.418 can be interpreted as the baseline level of tax avoidance (etr) if financial distress, thin capitalization, and corporate social responsibility disclosure do not have any impact. 2. the z-score’s t-statistic value of 2.843 is greater than the t-table value of 2.00856, and its significance value of 0.006 is less than 0.050, signifying that financial distress has a significant impact on tax avoidance. the negative coefficient of –0.019 for the z-score suggests that as the z-score value declines, the etr value increases, and vice versa. a lower z-score value implies a higher likelihood of the company is in avoiding taxes. the regression analysis reveals that when the z-score decreases (indicating higher financial distress), the etr increases (indicating less tax avoidance by the company). therefore, it can be concluded that financial distress has a negative and significant effect on tax avoidance. 3. thin capitalization has a limited impact on tax avoidance, as indicated by a t-statistic value of 1.968, which is lower than the critical t-value of 2.00856, and significance level of 0.055, which is slightly above the customary threshold of 0.050. the negative coefficient of –0.226 suggests that the etr decreases as the mad ratio, a measure of a company’s reliance on debt financing increases, and vice versa. consequently, companies with higher mad ratios tend to exhibit more aggressive tax avoidance behavior, reflected in lower etr values. in other words, higher debt burdens create greater incentives to reduce the tax burden. thus, it can be inferred that thin capitalization has an insignificant positive impact on tax avoidance. 4. corporate social responsibility disclosure does not have a significant impact on tax avoidance, as evidenced by the t-statistic value of 1.470, which is lower than the critical t-value of 2.00856, and a significance level of 0.148, which exceeds the customary threshold of 0.050. the positive coefficient of. 0.130 implies that increasing csri leads to higher etr, indicating less tax avoidance. higher csri values correspond to greater disclosure of social responsibility, while higher etr values suggest lower likelihood of tax avoidance. as such, it can be deduced that corporate social responsibility has a negative influence on tax avoidance; however, this effect fails to attain statistical significance. coefficient of determination test (r2) table 8. result of coefficient of determination test (r2) model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .456a .207 .160 .1094618 a. predictors: (constant), csri, z–score, tc b. dependent variable: etr source: the secondary data processed using spss 26 (2022) table 8 shows that the adjusted r –square value reveals financial distress, thin capitalization, and corporate social responsibility disclosure have a joint effect of explaining roughly 16% of the variation observed in tax avoidance data. the remaining 84% of the variation in tax avoidance data uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 230 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting could be due to other factors beyond the scope of this research model. this implies that the current regression model is inadequate in fully capturing the variation in tax avoidance data, and there may be other underlying factors influencing it. the influence of financial distress on tax avoidance this study failed to prove the positive influence of financial distress on tax avoidance, as empirical research results showed a significant negative impact. based on descriptive statistical analysis, the average z-score of mining companies was far above 2.6, indicating a healthy financial performance of the companies. in this condition, companies may tend to be more aggressive in tax avoidance because they have more resources and ability to carry out more complex tax planning strategies. on the contrary, the more severe financial distress that companies face, the less likely they are to try to reduce their tax liabilities. in agency theory, agents are entrusted with the responsibility to make assessments and decisions within a company, but ultimately they are accountable to the principal. therefore, agents should be careful about the consequences that may arise from every decision they make. engaging in tax avoidance when the company is experiencing financial distress can be very risky. such actions can damage the company's reputation and become a negative signal to stakeholders (hasanah & widiastuti, 2022). a damaged reputation can worsen the company's financial situation because it will be more difficult to obtain funding (monika & noviari, 2021). another study (mahardhika & surjandari, 2022) found that companies experiencing financial distress tend to report higher taxes, indicating that in such situations, companies will try to avoid tax avoidance activities. this finding is consistent with a study (jaffar et al., 2021) that shows a significant negative correlation between financial distress and tax avoidance. the influence of thin capitalization on tax avoidance this study suggests that thin capitalization has a less significant impact on tax avoidance. the mad ratio for mining companies, as revealed by descriptive statistical analysis, is below 1, which means that the companies do not use interest-bearing debt to reduce their tax liabilities through deducting interest expenses from taxable income. this can be explained by the trade-off theory, in which companies consider the potential risk of bankruptcy due to the use of debt in their capital structure. companies that use too much debt in their capital structure may face financial distress and bankruptcy, which negatively affect their performance. this is supported by the finding in this study that the low mad ratio has a correlation with the high z-score value. this means that the lower the financing using interest-bearing debt, the lower the risk of financial distress. therefore, companies may tend to avoid thin capitalization or the use of too much debt to reduce the risk of bankruptcy and maintain financial health. this finding is consistent with previous research conducted by (simamora & sari, 2021), which indicates that thin capitalization does not have a significant impact on tax payments, as it must be balanced with the appropriate amount of company capital. meanwhile, (nainggolan & sari, 2020) argued that the use of debt in indonesia does not lead to thin capitalization practices aimed at reducing tax burdens. this study's findings are consistent with those of (sianipar et al., 2020), which stated that thin capitalization has no significant impact on tax avoidance. the influence of corporate social responsibility disclosure on tax avoidance an empirical study has shown that corporate social responsibility disclosure has no significant effect on tax avoidance. the insignificant effect of csr disclosure may be due to the low level of uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 231 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting social responsibility disclosure by companies. the average value of csr disclosure by mining companies is 32%, which is less than half of the disclosure required by gri g4. mining companies are required to fulfill their social and environmental responsibilities as stipulated in regulations when conducting activities related to natural resources. therefore, the purpose of csr disclosure by companies is to fulfill their obligations in accordance with applicable regulations and does not substantially affect their decisions to avoid taxes (wijaya & mulya, 2020). (dewi & putri, 2021) argue that csr disclosure cannot guarantee that companies are not involved in tax avoidance because the disclosed information may not reflect the actual conditions. this research is in line with a previous study (pranata et al., 2021) which showed that csr disclosure has a negative but insignificant impact on tax avoidance. conclusion the main objective of this research is to present factual evidence on how financial distress, thin capitalization, and disclosure of corporate social responsibility affect tax avoidance among mining companies listed on the idx from 2019 to 2021. based on the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that financial distress has a significant negative impact on tax avoidance, while thin capitalization and csr disclosure have no significant effect on tax avoidance. the mining companies sampled in this study tend to choose not to use too much interest-bearing debt in their capital structure to avoid bankruptcy risk and maintain financial health. this is evident from the low value of the mad ratio and the high value of the z-score. companies that use too much debt are at risk of facing financial distress and bankruptcy, which negatively impacts their performance. therefore, companies do not consider thin capitalization as a strategy to avoid taxes. however, when the company's financial performance is healthy, they may tend to be more aggressive in tax avoidance by implementing more complex tax planning strategies. meanwhile, csr disclosure has not had a significant influence on tax avoidance due to the low level of disclosure by companies. the government needs to develop strict tax policies to address tax avoidance practices, especially by financially sound companies. investors and the public also need to consider tax avoidance practices and the implementation of csr disclosure by companies and the long-term implications that may affect their performance and reputation. the public can choose not to use products or services from companies suspected of engaging in tax avoidance or not meeting their csr responsibilities. meanwhile, companies need to consider financial factors that affect their tax policies and transparency in csr disclosure to maintain long-term financial health and build a good reputation. this study has limitations with a high level of subjectivity in assessing the value of csr disclosure. there may be a possibility of perception or impression bias that does not correspond to the actual reality since the assessment is based on assumptions from researchers analyzing csr disclosure items in annual/sustainability reports. furthermore, to enhance understanding of tax avoidance, future research may consider alternative indicators and additional variables outside those studied in this research, given the adjusted r-square value of only 16%. additionally, this study could expand its scope to different objects during a longer research period. uncovering tax avoidance drivers in idx mining firms 2019-2021: financial distress, thin capitalization, and csr disclosure effects tandayu, kalangi and tangkuman 232 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reference ahdiyah, a., & triyanto, d. n. 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(2023). the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 599-612. abstract: auditing is an essential process in maintaining accountability and transparency within an organization. however, some dysfunctional audit behaviors can threaten audit integrity and cause significant losses to the company. this study aims to prove whether or not the intention to quit can mediate the indirect effect between locus of control on auditor acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior, especially in all public accounting firms in east java region. this is a quantitative causality research, and the data source in this study are generated from the primary data. the data are obtained from the respondents' answers to questionnaires given to all auditors who work at public accounting firms in east java region. the 11 itemsquestionnaire was distributed via google form. the results indicated that locus of control has a positive effect on auditors’ acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior, intention to quit has a positive effect on auditors’ acceptance of dysfunctional audit behaviors, and locus of control has a positive effect on the intention to quit. finally, the intention to quit is able to mediate the indirect effect of locus of control on auditors’ acceptance of dysfunctional audit behaviors. keywords: intention to quit, locus of control, dysfunctional audit behavior thisisan open accessarticleunderthe cc-by 4.0 license. introduction financial records are an extremely important aspect in a business. these serve as a summary of information concerning the monetary problems of a business, which can be utilized as a manner for choice creating. audit, in relation to financial records is an important process in maintaining accountability and transparency within an organization. however, some dysfunctional audit behaviors can threaten audit integrity and cause significant losses to the company. one factor known to have an effect on dysfunctional audit behavior is employee locus of control. according to (nehme, 2022; sulistiyo, 2018), locus of control can be treated as a manner for choice creating, from which the info included in the monetary declarations exist in 2 qualities, the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 600 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting specifically appropriate as well as dependable, and each type of qualities are extremely challenging in determining the choices . to evaluate the significance as well as the dependability of a monetary record, a 3rd party referred to as an outside auditor, has to carry out an evaluation of the monetary declarations. community relying on the investigation outcomes provided by community accounting professionals needs auditors to take note on the high top premium of the resulting audits (anugerah, anita, sari, et al., 2016; fiolleau, 2018; yustina & sutarsa, 2020). nevertheless, the limited competitors as well as the enhanced need for monetary declaration audits, become the issues in the community in regards to the failure of auditors to satisfy the high top premium with the audit results. inefficient investigation habits is actually the habits of auditors throughout the investigation procedure since there's a mismatch between the established and the executed investigation courses. simply put, inefficient investigation habits refers to an activity that deviates from developed requirements (anita et al., 2018). inefficient investigation habits is actually performed by auditors throughout the application of the investigation course. the investigation course itself is a compilation of investigation treatments that should be actually performed throughout the prevailing procedures. in accordance with (abdillah, 2018; balasingam, 2019; johari, 2022) it is stated that inefficient investigation habits that occur can easily decrease an investigation of high top premium directly or indirectly. furthermore, these will risk towards fair investigation of high top premium since the investigation is proven to be inept as well as inadequate, a result from auditors’ inappropriate manners on the problem viewpoint (christine, 2019). there is a possibility that the auditor will issue a wrong investigation pattern, in other words, the auditor performs dysfunctional audit behavior in implementing the audit activity. clearly, one of the causes of audit failures is that the auditor does not apply or carry out all audit procedures carefully and thoroughly or unable to evaluate audit evidence in accordance with the audit standards (aida, 2021; moradi et al., 2019). existing matters about dysfunctional audit behavior shown by auditors have attracted great attention from researchers in accounting such as (anita et al., 2018; janie, 2019; mardi et al., 2022). locus of command is actually a representation of an individual's propensity towards thinking management, the condition that reflects a lifestyle (interior) or presumably one that originates from various other points, for instance the energy of others, which is actually an outside element (nadi, 2020). in his study (galvin et al., 2018) discovered that the external locus of control has a tendency to be associated with the decreasing habits in investigating high top premium compared to the internal locus of command. this implies that in fact, people own an external locus of control if they wish to fulfil their desires, through either scamming or controlling. in relation to the external circumstances, the inability to cope with the external locus of control can be minimized through the reinforcement of internal locus of control (masriah & yoni, 2020). controlling or scamming refers to efficient and inefficient habits accordingly. this habits is actually performed by auditors towards controling the investigation procedure so as to accomplish the efficiency of private audit (masriah & yoni, 2020). when efficiency is hard to accomplish, auditors can choose not to perform their task. in the case of not being able to conduct efficient investigation, an auditor may choose not to continue the auditing work. (putri et al., 2020) emphasized that in certain conditions when the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 601 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting auditors consider that preventing inefficient investigation from occurring help minimize the feeling of being worried. once the feeling is spotted, the auditor will certainly choose to leave the business behind. from what occurs, it can be argued that an auditor who prefers to stop the investigation most probably because the work of investigating is inefficient (putu, 2020). studies on auditors’ inefficient work habits have been conducted by a number of researchers, among others are (anita et al., 2018; anugerah et al., 2019; habibi et al., 2022; nadi, 2020; nugraha et al., 2021; paino, 2019; prabangkara, 2021; syam, 2020; wetmiller, 2022; yulianti, 2022). they claimed that the inefficiency in the auditors’ work habits when performing investigation activities are impacted from locus of control and the intention to quit work. nevertheless, the majority of the researches associated with locus of command, the intention to quit and the inefficient investigation habits are still carried out separately, therefore it still faces a challenge so as to find out a wider perspectives regarding the issues. in comparison to the previous studies, this research is intended to investigate whether or not the locus of control influences the intention to quit and the inefficiency in the auditors’ investigating habits. in addition, this study further explains the possibility of minimizing the indirect effects of locus of control towards the inefficiency of investigation work habits, particularly in the eastern part of java, indonesia. since similar studies are still limited, thus, it is expected that the research results can enrich the literature for people residing in east java, specifically concerning the discussion about the locus of control, the intention to quit, as well as the dysfunctional audit behaviors. locus of control and dysfunctional audit behavior a number of studies have investigated that individuals with an external locus of control have a strong correlation to use fraud or manipulation to achieve personal goals (anugerah, anita, nelly sari, et al., 2016). this indicates that auditors who have an external locus of control tend to engage in deviant acts, known as dysfunctional audit behavior and will allow such conducts, whereas those with an internal locus of control will not tolerate these typical dysfunctional behaviors (emmanuel chijioke et al., 2021). furthermore, (galvin et al., 2018) stated that auditors having an internal locus of control take into consideration whether or not certain behaviors are right or wrong. they also tend to accept the consequences of whatever occurs. on the other hands, auditors with an external locus of control believe that a failure or a success is not the impact of improper behavior, thus there is a little possibility that they will realize it. dysfunctional behaviors are in fact violate the ethics valued by noble professionals. hence, auditors with an internal locus of control is prone to maintain their integrity. furthermore, studies by (anugerah, anita, nelly sari, et al., 2016; nadi, 2020; sunyoto, 2019) revealed that dysfunctional audit behaviors and an external locus of control are inter-related. auditors with external locus of control tend to show improper behavior and perform their work inefficiently. based on the description, the first hypothesis of this study is "locus of control has a positive effect on the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior". the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 602 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting intention to quit and dysfunctional audit behavior auditors turnover or those leaving or quitting from the organization is a phenomenon that occurs particularly in public accounting firms. there are times when auditors turnover has a positive impact, however, the change will have an adverse effect on public accounting firms in terms of costs, time lost, and the opportunity to take advantage. according to (nugraha et al., 2021) "intention to quit is marked by various things related to auditors’ behaviors: from an increased absenteeism, laziness at work, work rules violations, rebellious acts to superiors, and reluctance to complete the given tasks." these indications can be used as a reference to predict employee’s intention to quit in a company. the auditor behavior as mentioned by (nugraha et al., 2021) will have an impact on the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior, which is considered as deviant. auditors with the intention to quit might or might not realize the effects incurred from their habits. (nugraha et al., 2021) argued further that auditors with dysfunctional behaviors no longer feel worried if such conducts are spotted. a number of studies have revealed that the intention to quit has a positive effect on the auditors’ acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior (nehme, 2022; nugraha et al., 2021). the results of this study indicate that the stronger the desire an auditor has to leave his job, the higher the tendency is to accept dysfunctional audit behavior. on the other hands, the stronger the desire of an auditor to keep the job, the higher the tendency to not accept dysfunctional audit behavior. based on what has been described, the second hypothesis of this study is as follows: "the intention to quit has a positive effect on the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior". locus of control and the intention to quit researches conducted by (anugerah, anita, sari, et al., 2016) show a considerable effect between the internal locus of command and the intention to quit. people with an internal locus of control are less likely to quit their job, if compared to people with a dominant external locus of control. locus of control can be defined as a psychological concept that refers to how strongly people believe they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives. (habibi et al., 2022) emphasized that at work, people with external locus of control fail to show specialized skills necessary to complete the tasks, quit easily and blame others when situations are not favorable. on the contrary, those with internal locus of control own the following characteristics: the ability to take control in times of hardship and difficulties, the willingness to resolve any dispute proportionally, and the perseverance to remain consistent on the given tasks. as mentioned earlier, auditors who have an internal locus of control tend to have the capability to resolve conflicts with superiors at work. in addition, they will be more self-introspective since they believe that the conflict can be resolved properly without having to blame others. simply put, to ensure whether or not people have an internal locus of control is when they are in the midst of dispute and how they can handle the disputes. reversely, people with an external locus the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 603 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of control will have the tendency to criticize others or even their superiors. other researches about locus of control and the intention to quit were also conducted by (anugerah, anita, nelly sari, et al., 2016; habibi et al., 2022) who discovered that there's a considerable effect between the two variables. the outcomes of the study by anugerah, anita, sari, et al is actually (2016) discovered that external locus of control has an impact on the intention to quit. this suggests that auditors with an external locus of control tend to show a stronger desire to quit, while auditors who have an internal locus of control help lower the intention to quit. more specifically, the external locus of control detected in an auditor demonstrates a higher level in showing the desire to quit (intention to quit) or look for other job alternatives. based on the explanation of locus of control both internal and external, the hypothesis can be formulated as "locus of control has a positive effect on the intention to quit". the mediating role of intention to quit and locus of control with the dysfunctional audit behavior in fact, the external locus of control has a favorable impact on turnover or even on the intention to quit (masriah & yoni, 2020). this suggests that auditors showing an external locus of control incline to have a stronger desire to quit, whereas auditors with an internal locus of control have the tendency to help reduce turnover. more specifically, the ones with the external locus of control will show a stronger desire to quit work (intention to quit) or to look for alternative employment. research study that links locus of control along with the approval of the inefficient investigation habits as well as the intention to quit as a mediating variable is conducted by (anita et al., 2018). the study discovered that there's a considerable effects between the locus of control on the approval regarding the inefficient investigation habits and the intention to quit as an adjusted mediating variable. this suggests that people with an external locus of control show a bigger wish to leave their work, so the tendency to accept dysfunctional audit behavior is higher. conversely, individuals who have an internal locus of control shows no desire to leave work, so the tendency to accept dysfunctional audit behavior is lower. based on the analyses, the fourth hypothesis of this study is "locus of control affects the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior throughthe intention to quit". method this study implements a causality quantitative method. the information resource within this particular testing originates from the major information generated from respondents' responses to questionnaires distributed to all of auditors that operate at community bookkeeping companies in the eastern java area. the questionnaire utilizes along with an overall of 11 concern products. the locus of control is actually determined through 2 signs the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 604 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting industrialized by (spector, 1988). the options for each question use a likert scale with 5 points. high scores indicate individuals with external locus of control, conversely low scores show individuals with internal locus of control. on favorable question items, a score of 5 is given for strongly agree option and a score of 1 for strongly disagree option, whereas the opposite scores are for unfavorable question items. the intention to quit within this particular testing is measured by 3 signs. it is determined by utilizing a multi-time duration method tool sustained from the previous literary works, specifically by (aranya & ferris, 1984). the tool utilizes a likert scale with a 5-point range, where 1 (highly concur) and 5 (highly differ). auditor acceptance of dysfunctional investigation habits within this particular testing is determined through 3 signs of inefficient habits that can easily decrease the investigation of high top premium specifically: early sign-off, a change in investigation treatment and under reporting of investigation opportunity (kelley & margheim, 1990). additionally, inefficient investigation habits are determined by utilizing a survey tool encompassing 3 concerns. option solution to the listing of concerns also utilize a likert range utilizing 5 factors, where 5 (highly concur) as well as 1 (highly differ). a higher accumulation suggests a higher degree of approval of inefficient habits. on the other hand, a reduced accumulation demonstrates a reduced degree of approval of inefficient habits. the data analysis in this study use structural equation modeling with a partial least square (sempls) approach through smartpls version 3.8 software. sem-pls is a variant-based structural equation analysis (sem) that can simultaneously evaluate the measurement model as well as the structural model. the reason for using sem-pls analysis is because the variables in this study are unobserved variables so that these variables are measured using some indicators. pls analysis consists of two steps (hair et al., 2014) where the first step is to evaluate the measurement model (outer model) and the second step is to evaluate the structural model (inner model). results and discussions evaluation of the measurement model the first analysis carried out in evaluating the sem-pls results is to point out the measurement model (outer model) by testing the validity and reliability for each research variable. the evaluation of the outer model in this study aims to see whether the instruments used for the locus of control, dysfunctional audit behavior and intention to quit variables have a good level of precision, accuracy and consistency. evaluation of the outer model in pls is done through convergent validity, discriminant validity, and reliability tests. table 1. outer loading factor constructs original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t statistics (|o/stdev|) p values dysf_1 2.0, so it can be concluded that the instrument is valid instrument. the second measure of convergent validity is to see the value of cronbach's alpha and its composite reliability. the results are as follows: table 2. construct reliability and validity constructs cronbach's alpha rho_a composite reliability ave r2 r square adjusted dysfunctional audit behavior 0.752 0.752 0.859 0.670 0.279 0.271 intention to quit 0.814 0.817 0.890 0.729 0.305 0.301 locus of control 0.867 0.876 0.903 0.652 cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values are above 0.70 which indicate a high reliability of the measuring instrument. the third check of convergent validity is to look at the ave value. an ave value above 0.50 is highly recommended. from the table shown, the ave value of all constructs is above 0.50. after the convergent validity evaluation is fulfilled, the next is an examination of discriminant validity which includes cross loading and comparing the ave root with the correlation between constructs. the following are the results of cross loading. table 3. cross loading discriminant validity indicator dysfunctional audit behavior intention to quit locus of control dysf_1 0.835 0.363 0.386 the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 606 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting dysf_2 0.843 0.364 0.404 dysf_3 0.775 0.353 0.403 int_1 0.344 0.824 0.455 int_2 0.348 0.875 0.480 int_3 0.430 0.861 0.478 locus_1 0.456 0.547 0.778 locus_2 0.397 0.436 0.844 locus_3 0.410 0.457 0.853 locus_4 0.352 0.385 0.768 locus_5 0.314 0.358 0.789 all indicators are more closely correlated with their respective constructs than with constructs from other blocks. another check of discriminant validity is to compare the ave root with the correlation between constructs. the results are as follows: table 4. comparison of ave and ave root constructs ave root ave dysfunctional audit behavior 0.670 0.819 intention to quit 0.729 0.854 locus of control 0.652 0.807 the table above is the correlation between constructs with the ave root. the ave root for the dysfunctional audit behavior construct is 0.819, the results show that the ave root of the dysfunctional audit behavior construct is higher than the ave value of 0.670. likewise, the intention to quit and locus of control constructs have an ave root higher than the correlation between their constructs and other constructs. this meets the requirements of good discriminant validity. evaluation of structural model evaluation of the structural model in this study aims to predict the causal relationship between variables that have been hypothesized. the results of the structural model evaluation in this study indicate that the first hypothesis (h1) is statistically supported a p-value, which is smaller than 0.01 and a path coefficient of 0.350. this proves that locus of control has a positive effect on the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior. the results of this study are consistent with the previous researches by (anugerah, anita, nelly sari, et al., 2016; emmanuel chijioke et al., 2021; galvin et al., 2018; nadi, 2020; sunyoto, 2019). the second hypothesis (h2) is statistically supported with a p-value smaller than 0.01 and a path coefficient of 0.247. this proves that intention to quit has a positive effect on the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior. the results of this study are consistent with the former studies conducted by (nehme, 2022; nugraha et al., 2021). this explains that the stronger the desire of the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 607 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting an auditor to leave his job, the higher the tendency to accept dysfunctional audit behavior. on the contrary, the stronger the desire of an auditor to maintain his job, the higher the tendency to not accept dysfunctional audit behavior. the third hypothesis (h3) is statistically supported with a p-value smaller than 0.01 and a path coefficient of 0.552. this proves that locus of control has a positive effect on the intention to quit. the results of this study are consistent with the studies by (anugerah, anita, nelly sari, et al., 2016; habibi et al., 2022) who argue that auditors with an external locus of control are prone to have a high intention to quit, whereas auditors who have an internal locus of control tend to show a low intention to quit. figure 1. the relationship among research constructs table 5. path coefficient correlation between constructs original sample (o) sample mean (m) standard deviation (stdev) t statistics (|o/stdev|) p values intention to quit -> dysfunctional audit 0.247 0.250 0.063 3.952 0.000 locus of control -> dysfunctional audit 0.350 0.351 0.067 5.221 0.000 locus of control -> intention to quit 0.552 0.553 0.046 12.061 0.000 the fourth hypothesis testing was carried out by utilizing the sobel test (baron & kenny, 1986). from the calculation of the sobel test, it was found that the t-value was 3.711. hence, the fourth hypothesis in this study is statistically supported by a significant value at the alpha level of 1 percent or p-value <0.01 (above 2.58). this proves that locus of control affects the acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior through the intention to quit. individuals who have an external locus of control have a high desire to leave work, so the tendency to accept dysfunctional audit the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 608 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting behavior is higher. conversely, individuals who have an internal locus of control have a low desire to leave work, so the tendency to accept dysfunctional audit behavior is lower (anugerah, anita, sari, et al., 2016). the path coefficient of the guide impact of locus of control on auditors’ approval of inefficient investigation habits without the intention to quit is mediated and the result is 0.236, considerable at the 1 per-cent alpha degree (p-value <0.01). nevertheless, when the impact is mediated through an intention to quit, the course coefficient enhances in size up to 0.279, a considerable result at the 1 per-cent alpha degree (p-value <0.01). this concludes that the intention to quit partly mediates the indirect impact of locus of control on the auditors’ approval of inefficient investigation habits. the outcomes of this particular testing are in accordance with a research result by (baron & kenny, 1986) which demonstrates that partial arbitration occurs when a guide impact stays considerably valid to the adjustable mediation. this form of partial mediation indicates that the intention to quit is not the only mediating variable in the indirect effect of locus of control on auditor’s acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior, where cases of partial mediation in behavioral research are very likely to occur as in predicting human behaviors, several alternatives are to be put into account (baron & kenny, 1986). to measure how big is the influence of the intention to quit variable used as a mediating variable from which the effect size (f2) value can be calculated is with the implementation of the formula proposed by (chin, 1998) who conveyed: the intention to quit, while the r2 is without mediator figure is obtained from the r2 of dysfunctional audit behavior variables, excluding the intention to quit variable as a mediating variable. the results of the calculation of r2 with the intention to quit as a mediating variable and without the intention to quit as a mediating variable are as follows: constructs r2 (intention to quit as a mediating variable) r2 (without intention to quit as a mediating variable) dysfunctional audit behavior 0.279 0.236 𝑓 2 = (𝑅2𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 − 𝑅2𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟) (1 − 𝑅2 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟) 𝑓 2 = (0.279 − 0.236) (1 − 0.279) = 0.043 0.721 = 0.060 the r2 along with mediator number is acquired as a result of the r2 of the inefficient investigation habits (adjusted endogenous) through the intention to quit, while the r2 without the mediating effect of intention to quit on the impact of locus of control on dysfunctional audit behavior supriadi 609 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting mediator number is actually acquired from the r2 of the inefficient investigation habits adjusted without the intention to quit as a mediating adjustable. the computation outcomes discovered an impact dimension worth of 0.060. this concludes that the intention to quit as a mediating variable has little or even weaker impact (chin, 1998). conclusions the outcomes of hypothesis screened as well as conversation formerly explained, the writers end very initial, that locus of command has actually a favorable impact on auditor approval of inefficient investigate habits. 2nd, objective towards stop has actually a favorable impact on auditor approval of inefficient investigate habits. 3rd, locus of command has actually a favorable impact on objective towards stop. lastly, locus of command impacts auditor approval of inefficient investigate habits with objective towards stop. from the outcomes of the hypothesis screened as well as the final thoughts formerly explained, the writers offer the very initial recommendation that this study is actually an anticipation towards empirical proof on the evaluation of auditor’s approval of inefficient investigation habits by taking a closer look at the individual qualities of auditors comprising both the locus of control and the intention to quit. moreover, another suggestion is that the result of the study is expected to serve as an input for each public accounting firm concerning the importance of understanding the personal characteristics of an auditor from which an auditor's personal characteristics can be distinguished from the other auditors through accepting or rejecting dysfunctional audit behavior. in addition, a thorough recruitment process for prospective auditors who will be employed in a public accounting firm is strictly required, since the process will help determine which auditorto-be has an internal locus of control and which having an external locus of control. both internal locus of control and external locus of control identifies whether or not an auditor is prone to have a high or low intention to quit. as a matter of fact, the results of this study cannot be generalized widely to every company in indonesia because it employs only respondents from east java region. further studies are expected to expand the scope of research so that the level of generalization becomes more accurate. furthermore, it is 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(lev, 1989) states that an increase in an entity's profit is a good signal that the company's performance is increasing. conversely, a decrease in profit indicates that the company's performance is declining. it causes management to be motivated to engage in deviant behavior. managers carry out earnings management so that financial reports are good. companies facing financial crises tend to manipulate reported earnings in response to a negative market environment (ait novatiani et al., 2022; choi et al., 2011). earnings management attempts to manipulate profit managers to meet the expected profit level to obtain personal gain (pipatnarapong et al., 2020; schipper, 1989). internal parties, such as managers, have more information than external parties. to take advantage of this information asymmetry, managers may resort to opportunistic behavior, such as taking personal advantage under the guise of compensation. managers, acting in the capacity of agents assigned to oversee company operations, are frequently faced with conflicts of interest. according to jensen and meckling (jensen & meckling, 1976), (gunny, 2010) and (kim et al., 2018) stated that earnings management is divided into accrual and real earnings management. the practice of accrual earnings management is legal because it is under the umbrella of generally accepted accounting principles (pabu). accrual earnings management can be done by modifying the accumulation of income or expenses in financial accounts (badertscher, 2011). accrual earnings management arose because management could adopt an accounting system to help them achieve their financial goals. in contrast, actual earnings management is the practice of managing earnings badly. managers generate actual profits in a variety of ways, including through unconventional methods such as the use of time and operating structures, investments, on the other hand, the covid-19 pandemic has prompted the government to carry out various initiatives to maintain economic stability, such as providing tax subsidies to taxpayers, especially business taxpayers, so that the economy does not fluctuate (keuangan, 2020). incentive package that includes reduced corporate tax rates and import taxes. minister of finance regulation number 23 of 2020, later replaced by pmk number 110 of 2020, regulates the provision of tax incentives during a pandemic. company managers can use tax avoidance techniques to respond to tax incentives during a pandemic. (kovermann & velte, 2021; shackelford & shevlin, 2001) state that managers are faced with a trade-off when determining the amount of profit in financial statements with tax reporting. managers who want to reduce corporate taxes will issue or delay revenue recognition and speed up expense recognition to lower profits and taxes. (abdelfattaha & aboud, 2020; kovermann & velte, 2021; pipatnarapong et al., 2020; ravenda et al., 2020) stated that increasing tax rates could reduce company profits. taxes payable include items that maximize business value as long as the earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 238 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting benefits outweigh the costs. (desai & dharmapala, 2009; suk et al., 2021). shareholders will also encourage management to manage the tax burden to be competitive (h. chen et al., 2021). in addition, managers can use tax incentives to carry out tax avoidance operations. (frank et al., 2009) define tax aggressiveness as an act of reducing the tax burden legally or illegally by a company. companies can exploit tax laws to their advantage because there are usually loopholes or loopholes that can be exploited. tax aggressiveness is part of aggressive tax avoidance(rusli, 2021) states that tax evasion is more common during a pandemic. the work-from-home policy implemented during the pandemic can also decrease control over tax service activities. during the pandemic, (rusli, 2021) also stated that the government provided many incentives to implement incentives at a fast pace. accrual-based earnings management has increased while actual-based earnings management has experienced a significant decline in companies infected with covid-19, according to research conducted by (xiao & xi, 2021) with a company background from china. aspects of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility (csr) are also studied as moderating variables in the study of (xiao & xi, 2021). in the era of covid-19, (h. chen et al., 2021; s. chen et al., 2010) stated that opportunistic management behavior increased after the covid-19 crisis because managers were more willing to take advantage of the situation to maximize their profits. the opposite result, (azizah, 2021) found that earnings management in indonesia was different between the first quarter of 2019 (before the pandemic) and the first quarter of 2020 (during the pandemic). during a pandemic, earnings management practices have decreased because managers are more careful in managing their earnings. (firmansyah, 2020) came to a different conclusion stating that there is no difference between accrual and actual earnings management in the pandemic era. then a study on tax aggressiveness during the covid-19 pandemic was conducted by (rusli, 2021), who compared indonesia and malaysia using financial performance as a moderating variable. according to the conclusions of this study, capital intensity, inventory intensity, and sales growth in indonesia and malaysia all contribute to tax aggressiveness. according to (firmansyah, 2020), the level of tax evasion before and after the pandemic was similar. (simamora & rahayu, 2020) shows that actual earnings management does not affect tax evasion. in comparison, (machdar, 2019) found that both types of earnings management, accrual and actual, affect tax evasion. there needs to be more consistency in the results of previous studies. this study tries to reduce the gap in research results and uses earnings management and tax aggressiveness variables before and during the pandemic. this study relies on the indonesian stock market for its data, namely the indonesia stock exchange (idx). covid-19 has had the most significant impact on the manufacturing industry, so we chose this sector. manufacturing companies consist of different types of industries, namely consumer goods, basic and chemical industries, and other industrial sectors. (nurhaliza, 2021) stated that manufacturing companies experienced a decline in revenue of around 90% due to covid-19. previous studies in indonesia only used companies in the consumer goods industry sector. this study tries to expand the research object, namely the manufacturing sector. earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 239 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method this study used a purposive sampling method in sampling. the criteria set are manufacturing companies with complete data listed on the idx in 2019 and 2020. this study has two main variables to calculate tax aggressiveness: earnings management and tax aggressiveness. earnings management is divided into two, namely accrual earnings management and actual earnings management (gunny, 2010). (gunny, 2010) explains that accrual earnings management is a legal earnings management practice because this practice is still within the scope of generally accepted accounting principles. unlike the case with actual earnings management, which includes illegal practices, managers carry it out to achieve the desired profit level through deviant actions. tax aggressiveness is reducing taxable income designed through tax planning, whether using methods classified as legal (tax avoidance) or: tax evasion). there are two proxies: the effective tax rate and the cash effective tax rate. the formula for calculating the effective tax rate used in (hidayati & fidiana, 2017) is as follows. 𝐸𝑇𝑅 = 𝐵𝑒𝑏𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑎𝑗𝑎𝑘 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑚 𝑝𝑎𝑗𝑎𝑘 meanwhile, the second proxy for tax aggressiveness is the cash effective tax rate (cash etr), which describes the ratio of taxes paid by companies per rupiah of income received (cheng et al., 2012). low cash etr values can indicate tax evasion practices. 𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝐸𝑇𝑅 = 𝑃𝑎𝑗𝑎𝑘 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑚 𝑝𝑎𝑗𝑎𝑘 then, accrual earnings management in this study uses discretionary accruals using the model in kothari et all (2005) or performance-matched discretionary accruals. this proxy is also used by (firmansyah, 2020). the equation used to calculate the value of discretionary accruals is as follows. 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑇𝐴 𝑡 − 1 = 𝛽0 ( 1 𝑇𝐴 𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽1 ( δ𝑅𝐸𝑉 − δ𝑅𝐸𝐶 𝑇𝐴 𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽2 ( ppe 𝑇𝐴 𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽3 𝑅𝑂𝐴 + 𝜀 information accruals : income after taxcash from operations ta t-1 : total assets of the company in the previous year δ𝑅𝐸𝑉 : change in income from the previous period δ𝑅𝐸𝐶 : change in accounts receivable from the previous period ppe : plant, property, and equipment earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 240 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting roa : return on assets is obtained from net income divided by total assets meanwhile, actual earnings management in this study follows zang (2011) by adding up abnormal overproduction and discretionary expenses. this study uses estimates for normal production costs according to research by roychuwdury (2016). the formula used to obtain the abnormal overproduction value is as follows. 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑 𝐴𝑡 − 1 = 𝛼0 + ( 1 𝐴𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽1 ( 𝑆𝑡 𝐴𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽2 ( δ𝑆𝑡 𝐴𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽2 ( δ𝑆𝑡 − 1 𝐴𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝜀 information: prod/at-1 : production costs in year t scaled by total assets in year t-1 where prodt = cogst+δinvt 1/at-1 : intercept that is scaled by total assets in year t-1 with the aim that operating cash flows do not have a value of 0 when sales and running lag are 0 st/at-1 : sales in year t scaled by total assets in year t-1 δst/at-1 : sales in year t minus sales in year t-1 scaled by total assets in year t-1 δst-1/at-1 : change in sales in year t-1 scaled by total assets in year t-1 𝛼0 : constant 𝜀 : error in year t if the residual result is positive, the company takes real earnings management actions by manipulating production costs. based on roychuwdury (2006), earnings manipulation by reducing discretionary expenses is calculated using the following formula. 𝐷𝐼𝑆𝐸𝑋𝑃𝑖 𝐴𝑡 − 1 = 𝛼0 + 𝛼1 ( 1 𝐴𝑡 − 1 ) + 𝛽 ( 𝑆𝑡 𝐴𝑡 − 1 ) 𝑖 + 𝜀 information: disexp/ at-1: discretionary expenses are defined as the sum of advertising expenses, research and development expenses, selling expenses, and administrative and general expenses t scaled by total assets in year t-1 1/at-1: intercept scaled with total assets in year t-1 with the aim that operating cash flow does not have a value of 0 when sales and sales lag are 0 st/at-1: sales in year t scaled by total assets in year t-1 𝛼0 : constant earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 241 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 𝜀 : residual in year t if the residual value is negative, it indicates that the company is taking real earnings management actions through discretionary expense manipulation, then the value is multiplied by -1. this study uses control variables: profitability, firm size, and leverage. profitability is measured using return on equity (roe), which compares profit after tax with the company's total equity. 𝑅𝑂𝐸 = 𝐿𝑎𝑏𝑎 𝐵𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖ℎ 𝐸𝑘𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑠 while the company's size uses the natural asset logarithm, the third control variable is leverage, measured by the debt-to-equity ratio (der) with the following formula. 𝐷𝐸𝑅 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑠 𝐸𝑘𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑠 the statistical analysis method used in this study consists of classic assumption tests and hypothesis testing. hypothesis testing on hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 in this study was made using a different test. meanwhile, testing for hypotheses 4 and 5 was carried out using multiple linear analyses. the research model is as follows. model 1 etrit =𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝐴𝐸𝑀𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝑅𝐸𝑀𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3𝑅𝑂𝐸𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽4𝐷𝐸𝑅𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽5𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸𝑖𝑡 model 2 cash etrit =𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝐴𝐸𝑀𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝑅𝐸𝑀𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3𝑅𝑂𝐸𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽4𝐷𝐸𝑅𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽5𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸𝑖𝑡 information: etr : tax avoidance using effective tax rate company i in year t cash etr : tax avoidance using cash effective tax rate company i in year t aem : company i accrual earnings management in year t aem : actual earnings management of company i in year t roe : profitability of company i in year t der : leverage of company i in year t size : the size of the company i in year t result and discussion table 1 shows descriptive statistics for each variable in the pre-pandemic period. table 1. variable descriptive statistics before the pandemic earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 242 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting n means median mode std. deviation minimum maximum valid etr 2019 200 ,2565330 ,0200800 ,00000a ,71950793 -3.37055 6.93455 ctr 2019 200 ,1817500 ,1994550 ,00000 1.06269304 -5.52588 7.62781 aem 2019 200 ,0000003 -,0005900 ,02962a ,11006349 -,47995 ,65368 rem 2019 200 ,0000009 ,0680200 -,00353 ,28558980 -1.38484 ,66504 prods 2019 200 ,0000003 ,1412500 ,00240a ,60268114 -3.10594 1.05823 disexp 2019 200 -,0000001 -,0261650 ,00946a ,21742316 -,52730 1.33310 roe 2019 200 ,0484097 ,0643150 ,09864a ,38122668 -2.89562 2.02779 der 2019 200 1.1129604 ,8787800 ,08117a 1.18027923 -2.54227 8.23216 2019 sizes 200 28.1345614 28,1949250 26.50683a 2.21565671 16.06332 32.40329 source: processed data table 2 shows descriptive statistics for each variable in the period during the pandemic table 2. descriptive statistics during the pandemic n means median mode std. deviation minimum maximum valid etr 2020 200 ,2229400 -,0307600 -,15451a 1.23040438 -9.68534 8.03168 cetr 2020 200 ,2322691 .0541850 ,00000 1.56154568 -9.61590 8.44500 aem 2020 200 ,0000002 1.1247200 -70.32097a 10.04207386 -70.32097 32.80996 rem 2020 200 ,0000007 1.4656050 -87,67827a 21.99990091 -87.67827 166.87846 prods 2020 200 -,0000002 2.4466400 -130.3542a 44.58513750 -130.3542 330,65192 disexp 2020 200 ,0000002 -,3531650 -21.30531a 8.55472511 -21.30531 52.02845 2020 roes 200 -,0966620 .0326750 -,14445a 1.05765451 -9.22724 2.03554 der 2020 200 1.2176699 ,8514900 ,08978a 1.88620117 -6.30052 10.41667 2020 sizes 200 28,1108370 28.1442750 26.54570a 2.29091571 16.09223 32.72561 source: processed data earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 243 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 3 shows descriptive statistics before and during the pandemic table 3. descriptive statistics before and during the pandemic n means median mode std. deviation minimum maximum valid etr 400 ,1394140 -,0010500 ,00000 1.00667024 -9.68534 8.03168 cetr 400 ,2070095 ,1292400 ,00000 1.33418120 -9.61590 8.44500 aem 400 ,0000003 .0662750 ,02962a 7.09234063 -70.32097 32.80996 brake 400 ,0000008 ,1387100 -,00353 15.53808186 -87.67827 166.87846 prod 400 ,0000000 ,2201650 ,00240a 31.48979802 -130.3542 330,65192 disexp 400 ,0000000 -,0573350 ,00946a 6.04347000 -21.30531 52.02845 roe 400 -,0241262 .0475050 -,14445a ,79729175 -9.22724 2.03554 der 400 1.1653151 ,8662250 ,08117a 1.57224388 -6.30052 10.41667 size 400 28.1226992 28,1730400 26.50683a 2.25080590 16.06332 32.72561 a. multiple modes exist. the smallest value is shown table 4 summary of “ranks” comparative test var negative ranks positive rating ties q means sum q means sum q etr 106 103,39 10959 92 95.02 8742 2 cetr 109 95.63 10424 87 102.09 8882 4 aem 37 108.97 4032 163 98.58 4032 0 brake 64 124.95 7997 136 88.99 12103 0 prod 73 124.66 9100 127 88.61 11000 0 disexp 132 112.81 14891 68 76,6 5209 0 table 5 comparative test summary variable wilcoxon asymp.sig. (2-tailed) etr 0.170 cetr 0.332 aem 0.000 brake 0.012 prod 0.246 earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 244 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting disexp 0.000 source: processed data table 6 shows no difference in tax aggressiveness before and during the pandemic using the effective tax rate (etr) and the cash effective tax rate (cetr) because both values were above the significance value of 0.05. meanwhile, in terms of earnings management, both accrual earnings management (aem) and actual earnings management (rem), there are differences between the period before and during the covid-19 pandemic. there was no difference in actual profit management proxied by production expenses before and during the pandemic. in contrast, actual profit management proxied by discretionary expenses showed a level of difference between before and during the pandemic. table 6 summary of hypothesis testing 4 and 5 var model 1 (etr) model 2 (cetr) coeff t-stat prob coeff. t-stat prob c 1.575 2,509 0.012 0.446 0.551 0.582 aem 0.001 0.184 0.427 0.024 2,644 0.005 ** brake -0.001 -0.269 0.394 0.010 2,435 0.008 ** roe 0.157 2,437 0.008 ** 0.119 1,436 0.078 * der 0.044 1.316 0.095 * 0.147 3,411 0.001 ** size -0.057 -2,565 0.006 ** -0.014 -0.504 0.307 r2 0.141 0.243 adj. r2 0.132 0.227 f-stat 2,514 7,378 probs (fstats) 0.029 0.000 source: processed data based on table 6, both models show a prob f stat value of less than 0.005, meaning both models are feasible to use. model 1 shows the significant value of aem and rem above the significance value of 0.05, which indicates that earnings management cannot increase tax aggressiveness (etr). in model 2, the significance value of aem and rem is less than 0.05, indicating that earnings management can increase tax aggressiveness (cetr). differences in accrual earnings management (aem) levels before and during the pandemic the results of hypothesis testing show differences in the accrual earnings management (aem) level before and during the pandemic. these results differ from the research by firmansyah and ardiansyah (2020), which tested 37 companies in the consumer goods sector, while in this study, 200 companies were used in the manufacturing sector. the results of this study support azizah's research (2021) which shows differences in the level of accrual earnings management before and during the pandemic, although in azizah's study, the periods used were different, namely q1 2019 and q2 2020. earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 245 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting descriptive statistical results show differences in the accrual management level before and during the pandemic. the average before and during the pandemic is above 0, meaning that the company is still managing earnings, so its performance is still considered good even though it is a pandemic. however, on average, it shows a downward trend between the period before and during the pandemic. there are several reasons for the decline in earnings management during a pandemic. namely, management is more focused on business continuity than earnings management. management is still considering the level of earnings management appropriate to pandemic conditions so that it is not too conspicuous. differences in real earnings management (rem) levels before and during the pandemic the results of hypothesis testing show differences in the accrual earnings management (aem) level before and during the pandemic. the level of accrual earnings management has decreased. it can be because almost all companies have experienced a decline in profits. if a company does too much earnings management, the company may even look strange and can be suspected of manipulating profits during a pandemic. in this study, the rem value is the sum of overproduction and manipulated discretionary expenses. companies can carry out overproduction activities to reduce the cost of production so that company profits can increase. furthermore, in terms of the manipulation of discretionary expenses, the results of statistical tests show that discretionary expenses have increased, which indicates that the level of manipulation of discretionary expenses has also increased. the reason is that amidst the uncertain conditions of a pandemic, companies are also pressing discretionary expenses, for example, by suppressing or postponing employee training, official travel, and transportation expenses. these costs can be reduced because of instructions from the government regarding restrictions on mobilizing community activities or what is called large-scale social restrictions (psbb). the uncertain pandemic conditions have led to uncertain economic conditions, so high profits are considered strange and suspicious. thus, aggressive earnings management can threaten the management's position (azizah, 2021). differences in the level of tax aggressiveness before and after the pandemic the results of the hypothesis test showed that there was no level of tax evasion before and during the pandemic. even though there were opportunities for managers to take advantage of tax avoidance more aggressively during a pandemic, such as tax incentives, this condition did not result in managers being more aggressive in tax evasion. the results of this test are following firmansyah and ardiyansah (2020). even during work-from-home for tax officials, the level of control and supervision of the provision of tax incentives still needs to be improved. in addition, during a pandemic, tax incentives in the form of reducing pph rates can make management focus on goals other than tax avoidance. the results of the descriptive analysis show that before the pandemic period, the average tax burden ratio was25.65% then decreased to 22.29% during the pandemic even though the government has provided tax incentives and reduced tariff adjustments for go-public companies that meet the requirements of perppu no. 1 of 2020 article 5 paragraph 3. effect of accrual profit management (aem) on tax aggressiveness earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 246 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the statistical test results show that accrual earnings management does not affect tax aggressiveness (etr) during the pandemic. this result is different from the research of pajriansyah and firmansyah (2017) and suyanto and supramono (2012). in the pandemic era, profit management is no longer the goal of aggressively avoiding taxes (tax aggressiveness) because, in the pandemic era, there are tax incentives and reduced rates provided by the government to taxpayers. thus, managers usually carry out earnings management to pursue incentives in the form of bonuses. however, earnings management is carried out at a reasonable stage to not arouse suspicion from the auditor or shareholders (azizah, 2021). effect of real earnings management (rem) on tax aggressiveness statistical test results show that during the pandemic period, actual earnings management positively affects tax aggressiveness (cetr). these results show that tax aggressiveness decreased when managers in companies used profit manipulation through real activities—the pandemic period resulted in high uncertainty about economic conditions resulting in the management of real earnings by managers allegedly not intended for tax avoidance activities. managers carry out real earnings management to increase company profits in order to achieve predetermined profit targets. even though the pandemic tends not to disrupt companies in the consumer goods industry sector as much as companies in other sectors, companies need to increase profits to convince company owners about the company's sustainability in the future. managers' efforts to achieve this targeted profit can be based on gaining shareholder trust in the hope that they will still be allowed to occupy the current position. therefore, managers make all efforts to meet the targeted profits, one of which is practicing real earnings management. however, incentives from the government in the form of reduced tax rates make the relative cost of using real earnings management practices lower so that managers are more flexible in practicing real earnings management. on the other hand, the advantages of real earnings management in the form of being more difficult to detect by tax authority employees make companies refrain from using their discretion in carrying out earnings management for tax avoidance motives vulnerable to future tax audits and risk-endangering their position. conclusion the conclusion is that there were differences in the level of earnings management before and during the pandemic. however, it was found that there was no difference in tax aggressiveness before and during the pandemic. then accrual and actual earnings management partially have a positive effect on tax aggressiveness proxied by the effective cash rate, but when proxied by etr, it has no effect. this research is expected to provide both theoretical and practical contributions. theoretically, this research will add references related to earnings management and tax aggressiveness. whereas practically, it can add input to the government, especially the directorate general of taxes, so that tax aggressiveness by companies can be minimized. the limitation of this study is that it only used one period before and one period during the pandemic. future research can use a longer period to make the effects more visible. future research can also add other variables that have a greater influence on tax aggressiveness, not only earnings management. earnings management and tax aggressivity before and during the covid-19 pandemic (an evidence from indonesia) oktyawati, siregar, and rumiyati 247 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reference abdelfattaha, t., & aboud, a. 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hansen, 2014). analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 375 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting growth assets have a powerful effect on companies, especially small and medium ones, because with an investment company or activity financing done, the rate of return can be predicted by investors. because that is growth asset in matter count mark company one tool measure can use indicator tobins q, market to book value, and profitability (return on assets) (sudiyatno & puspitasari, 2010). use indicators as tools for measuring something for which variables are indispensable. this is related to giving convenience in understanding meaning (d. astuti, 2009; r. a. astuti, 2014). no, of course, for determining something as an indicator as a gauge variable, because an indicator must be capable of representing a variable to be measured in a manner right, so in a manner scientifically accepted and accounted for the truth as the right indicator to measure a variable (gitman & j., 2015). an indicator used as a gauge variable must be tested, especially formerly. for the precision. tobin's q as one indicator to gauge variable growth assets in a mark company from the perspective of investment has been tested on a wide range of management situations. tobin's q is a ratio that provides an explanation mark from something in which market the company is in a market value company should change its active. if the value of tobin's q is firmer than one, the mean company market value is more than the assets listed company. because the market will evaluate a good company that owns mark tobin's high q. otherwise, if mark tobin's q is not enough from one, indicate that cost change assets are bigger than company market value, so the market will evaluate the company as not enough (keown, 2010; subramanyam & wild, 2010). another measuring tool for growth assets is the market-to-book value of equity and profitability (return on assets). the market-to-book ratio is a capable ratio that estimates the influence between mark-tobook and stock returns and also determines whether investors will get capital gain (profit) or capital loss (loss) on investment shares that they have chosen. counting stock returns in a cross-sectional way also uses the market-to-book ratio. whereas return on assets (roa) is a ratio used to measure profitability of assets as a whole. because of that, the more positive (high) value return on assets (roa), the better the ability of the company to exploit the assets it owns to produce profit, so that growth asset will be higher. conversely, a negative return on assets (roa) small) shows that of the total assets used, the company is not capable of making a profit, so that growth asset will be more than too small (riyanto, 2012). based on the background behind the problem before, the researcher formulates the problem in the study. this, namely: 1. formulation problem regression panels: does tobin's q, market to book value of equity, and profitability (roa) have an effect in a positive and significant manner on asset growth in the company's property on the indonesia stock exchange (idx)? 2. formulation problem simultaneous: does tobin's q, market to book value of equity, and profitability (roa) have an effect in a manner simultaneous to growth assets in the company's property on the indonesia stock exchange (idx)? analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 376 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the formula problem above, the goals from study are: 1. panel regression research objectives: to identify and analyze positively and significantly the effect of tobin's q, market to book value of equity, and profitability (roa) on the company's property on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). 2. simultaneous research objectives: to identify and analyze simultaneously the influence of tobin's q, market to book value of equity, and profitability (roa) on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). benefit from studying this is as follows: 1. for investors, research this expected growth can serve as a foundation for investors and potential investors when making investment decisions. 2. for academics, research this can become a material reference. for study next related to tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa) to growth asset 3. for researchers, research this will add insight and knowledge by connecting existing theory with phenomena and empirical experiences, all at once applying acquired knowledge in the study program of accounting inside practice and theory. 4. for researchers, next, research this is beneficial as information and comparison for the researcher next. literature review growth asset assets are sources of expected economic benefit to the company in the future (ezebilo, 2014; horngren, 2019; shuai, 2015). assets are all owned by a wealth company and deliver economic benefits in the future (reeves et al., 2014). increase and decrease asset effects on company capital enhancement causes assets because results performance companies can form profit from business companies, from matter this means that own capital will increase, and the capital ratio between capital and debt will change. the company wishes to increase its level of production by adding fixed assets; currently, the company's assets are insufficient. for continuity in production, the steps taken are to get additional funds from outside, form debt against the bank, or publish bonds. acquisition of funds from outside: this will make a comparison between capital and debt changes (prasetyo et al., 2016). variable assets every period give a unique view. for explored. clear presentation of data with the assumption that the company publishes real data makes observation of assets more focused. asset figures from period to period are capricious in accordance with performance. the company also makes management decisions. growth trends in assets will have an effect on decisions made by management in determining the development of a company (sudana, 2011). analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 377 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1-t assettotal 1t assettotalt assettotal growth −− = tobin’s q tobin's q, also known as the q ratio or q theory, was introduced for the first time by james tobin in 1969. james tobin is a successful american economist who reached the nobel prize in the field of economics with the hypothesis that a market-value company should be the same as a costreplacement asset company, so that creates circumstances of equilibrium. the definition of tobin's q is: "tobin’s q is the ratio of the market value of a firm's assets (as measured by the market value of its outstanding stock and debt) to the replacement cost of the firm’s assets". tobin's q offers an explanation from something company. tobin's q model defines a mark company as a mark combination of tangible and intangible assets. the value of tobin's q low firm (between 0 and 1) indicates that cost change assets of the company are larger than the company's market value. this indicates that the market does not rate enough companies. whereas if the value of tobin's q of a company is high (more than 1), then mark company is bigger than mark assets listed company. this indicates that there are a number of assets in companies that aren't measurable or recorded. tobin's q formula : tobin's q = me + ps + debt / ta where: me = the number of common shares of the company outstanding multiplied by the closing price of the stock ps = liquidation value of the company's preferred shares outstanding. debt = (total payables + inventories current assets) ta = book value of total company assets the tobin's q formula with the financial transaction conditions of companies in indonesia is as follows: tobin’s q = me + debt / ta market to book ratio market to book ratio is size relatively from how much big growth for mark company compared to with asset his physique . with so , increasingly big expected growth and value on the ratio the , analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 378 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting increasingly the market to book ratio is also high . (mabelane et al., 2023; penman, 2013; ritonga & suyanto, 2022) explains about market to book ratio , is as follows : “ price, in the numerator of the p/b ratio, is based on the expected future earnings that investors buy. so, the higher the expected earnings relative to book value, the higher the p/b ratio ." from the explanation above , it is explained that mark seen of the p/b ratio , based on future earnings come what is expected by investors who invest capital in shares the . so, more and more tall profit relatively expected to mark books, increasingly tall also the p/ b ratio. formula for count market to book ratio : stock common of shareper valuebook stock common of shareper pricemarket ratio bookmarket = in market to book ratio is also calculated book value per share ( value books per share ). book value per share measure mark book per sheet that becomes right holder share when all riches company sold and whole obligation paid . this value can counted with share the amount of own capital that becomes right holder share including retained earnings ( common stockholder's equity ) with amount sheet issued shares . profitability ratio profitability is a ratio showing the magnitude of profit earned. a company in a specific time period, how efficient is the management company in producing profit, focusing on costs, and utilizing funds to maximize profit (deborah, 2015; naur & nafi, 2017). according to (horne et al., 2012; mishchenko et al., 2021), profitability (profitability ratio) consists of two types: ratios showing profitability in relation to sales and ratios showing profitability in relation to investment. in this study, the researcher chose a tool measuring return on assets. where for measuring the ability of a company to obtain profit from assets, use the formula: assetstotal incomenet asset on return = method study this is a quantitativstudy aiminge aim for know the connection between two variables or moreor more. with study, this will build a working theory for explaining, predicting, and controlling symptoms (russiadi, 2014). technique used for collecting data, i.e., with method documentation, researchers look for information and learn about various source documentation like books, journals, articles, magazines, the internet, and libraries. data analysis technique analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 379 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 1. analysis statistics descriptive statistics descriptive is a method of research that tries to describe and interpret objects that exist. the goal is to describe facts, objects, or subjects that exist with an objective in a systematic manner. by and large, the object being described will be depicted through tables, graphs, diagrams, and pictodiagrams, accompanied by simple analysis statistics like frequency, size tendency central (mean, median, mode), size distribution (range, variance, standard deviation, interquartile range), and others from observed variables in object research (buckley, 2018; hurtado-parrado et al., 2022). 2. analysis panel data regression study this uses regression double double. analysis and regression aim for measuring the strength of the connection between two variables or more as well as showing the direction of the connection between variable independents and variable dependencies used in a research, estimation of multiple linear regression models: a study this uses a tool for analysis, namely eviews 10 software. research this uses panel data. panel data is combined between coherent time series and cross-sectional data. (widarjono, 2010) identifies a number of profits earned by using panel data. first, panel data is a combination of time series data and cross-sectional data capable of providing more data, so that will produce more degrees of freedom. second, combining information from time series data and cross-section can overcome problems that arise when there is a problem disappearance variable (ommited variable). in testing hypothesis, research this uses panel data regression. panel data used is intermediary data, time, and data between companies. panel regression was used to get the results of the estimation of each characteristic individual separately. testing panel regression with a formula: gw it-p =α+β 1 tobins'q it +β 2 mbv it +β 3 roa it + € description: gw : growth assets (%) tobin's q : tobin's q (%) mbv : market to book value (%) roa : profitability (roa) (%) € : term error ? : coefficient regression ? : constant p : optimum lag length analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 380 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting i : amount observation (12 companies) t : many time (5 years ) result and discussion influence tobins' q to growth asset tobin's q as one indicator to gauge variable growth assets in a mark company from a perspective of investment has been tested on a wide range of situations, including management peak. research results this shows that tobin's q is influential in a manner significant to growth assets. this was showed with a t-count value of -0.652807 1.66298 (t-table) and a sig of 0.5175 > 0.05. research results this is consistent with the results of studies by (r. a. astuti, 2014; hansen, 2014; naur & nafi, 2017; nurohman et al., 2016), which reveal that tobins' q no is influential on growth assets. tobins' q no can be used to measure growth assets in the company's properties because the market price of property companies varies every time depending on market, economic, and political conditions. growth the company is highly expected by internal and external parties because good growth is a sign of a developing company. of corner from an investor's point of view, growth in a company is a sign of the company's own favorable aspects, and investors will too expect a level return (rate of return) on investment made to show good development. but on the company properties, predicting profit is difficult because it is influenced by the external sector from within the company. research results can say that movement direction tobin's q against growth assets is compared to upside-down or not linear. until we can conclude that when tobin's q goes up, growth assets go down, and vice versa, when tobin's q goes down, growth profits go up, company data property mark tobin's q-nya below 1, value this inclusion in the low category (between 0 and 1) indicates that cost change assets in a company are more important than company market value. this means that the market does not rate enough companies. influence market of book value (mbv) to growth asset the market to book ratio reflects the appreciation or investors' assessment of a company's market value via price share with a balance sheet picture. research results this shows that the market for book value (mbv) is not influential in a manner significant to growth assets. this showed a tcount value of 0.984346 1.66298 (t-table) and a sig of 0.3307 > 0.05. research results this is consistent with the results of studies by (r. a. astuti, 2014; hansen, 2014; naur & nafi, 2017; nurohman et al., 2016), which reveal that mbv is not influential on growth assets. mbv can't be used to measure growth assets in property companies because mbv is a relative size of asset growth, analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 381 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting while in property companies, prices and asset growth are just fast increases, so it can't be measurable in a relatively meaningful manner. use more debt lots of equity at source funding will have a negative impact on growth assets (fadhilah, 2020; gerdsri & manotungvorapun, 2021; oliinyk et al., 2021). from the trade-off theory explained, using debt after a certain point will lower growth assets. addition of debt will increase the risk for the current income company. where income company influenced factors external besides that, more and more tall debt means that flower debt will increase more tall than savings tax, so that policy debt is influentially negative to growth assets. from the results of the study, it can be said that movement mbv direction to growth asset is compared to straight or linear. so we can conclude that if mbv goes up, growth assets go up, and vice versa, when mbv goes down, growth profit goes down. value for market to book value equity for company property in category yag medium, approaching value 1. this indicates that investors will get capital gains (profits) on their investment in selected stocks. effect of return on assets (roa) on growth assets profitability is a series of decisions taken by managers in a company to produce profit or profit on the management asset company at the time of walk operational company. research results this shows that return on assets (roa) is not influential in a manner significant to growth assets. this was showed with a t-count value of 0.627701 1.66298 (t-table) and a sig of 0.5337 > 0.05. research results this is consistent with the results of studies by (r. a. astuti, 2014; hansen, 2014; naur & nafi, 2017; nurohman et al., 2016), which reveal that roa is not influential on growth assets. profitability proxy with roa, no effect of roa is suspected as investors tend to ignore existing roa information in a manner maximum so that management too is not motivated to align profit through variable profitability. companies with high-growth assets will have higher roa in the future. growth is a great asset that shows potency and benefits the economy at the time front, so a company with a great asset trend has a large roa also in the future front. other factors that have an impact and have implications for profit, i.e., factors external like influence policy, monetary and fiscal, developments in the sector, industry, and others, factors in the economy, for example, inflation (an increase in prices), deflation (a decrease in prices), the rupiah exchange rate, and factors in the world economy the value for return on assets (roa) is reasonable, around 6.87%, p this indicates that the company has the ability to exploit the assets it owns for profit. analysis of tobin's q, market to book value of equity and profitability (roa), on asset growth in property companies on the indonesia stock exchange (idx). tambunan 382 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the research findings and the previous discussion, the following conclusion was reached. hypothesis test results in a manner simultaneous from the results of the regression analysis in the table above, a f count of 1.05 is more small than the f table, which is equal to 2.71, with a level of significance of 0.43, which is a remote more big 0.05, then it can be concluded that the ha hypothesis is accepted, which means variable independent (tobin's q (tq), mbv, and roa) are not influential in a manner simultaneously or together with variable dependent (growth assets). tobin's q, mbv, and roa hypothesis test results: partial, tobin's q, mbv, and roa, respectively. partial no factor is influential in a manner significant to growth assets, and hypotheses that state tobin's q, mbv, and roa matter in a manner significant to growth assets can be rejected. from the results of the study, it can be said that the movement direction of tobin's q, mbv, and roa against growth assets compared backwards or was not linear. so we can conclude that if tobin's q, mbv, and roa increase, then growth asset goes down, and vice versa, if tobin's q, mbv, and roa decrease, growth profit goes up. in accordance with the conclusions obtained, any advice to be delivered is as follows: suggestions for companies, improving function management company in growth assets to get apply asset management so management can maximize company for increase profit with various ratios performance finance and minimize possible factors lower profit company. suggestions for researchers next, it is recommended for study to add variable macro like inflation, interest rates, or even different variables with variable in study so that more results can be obtained. reference astuti, d. 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dependent variable is the stock price. meanwhile the independent variables are return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps). the determination of the sample uses positive sampling, the sampling technique uses two special criteria from researchers. the first criterion, only food and beverage companies that publish financial statements in full during the period 2015 to 2018, and the second criterion, food and beverage companies that have financial statement data in accordance with the studied variables, namely return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps). samples that meet the criteria are 11 registered food and beverage companies on the indonesia stock exchange for the period 2015 to 2018. data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression with the help of the spss program. the findings show that return on equity (roe) has a positive and significant impact on stock prices, while earning per share (eps) has an impact negative and significant to stock prices. this finding confirms that strength the profitability of a company through return on equity (roe) affects the stock prices of food and beverage companies in indonesia. therefore, it is important to maintain the company's profitability through return on equity (roe) from the investor's perspective, not from the company's view. meanwhile, interesting findings from a company's profitability through earning per share (eps) do not affect the stock prices of food and beverage companies in indonesia. because earnings per share or earning per share (eps) is obtained from the perspective of the company's financial statements where there are differences in the size and size of the company's expenses other than earning per share (eps) can turn out to be high if the number of shares outstanding is reduced. keywords: profitability, return on equity (roe), earnings per share (eps), stock prices, indonesia stock exchange (idx) introduction the current global conditions make it relatively difficult for investors to make investment choices in the types of companies that provide many benefits to their shareholders. companies that maximize profits show that the company has a correlation with corporate financial indicators such as return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps). therefore, company management can design and review the determination of strategies in order to improve the company's financial performance to show better financial indicators (firdaus, 2020). good financial indicators will be of interest to investors, especially investing in the indonesian capital market, because they produce maximum profits (kai et al., 2018). therefore, it becomes an important factor in the company's the effect of return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps) on stock prices in indonesia stock exchange 2015-2018 lusiana 133 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 financial fundamentals. the issuer's financial statements can be seen the level of ability of the company's performance to generate profits and the ability of the company to pay debt and how effective and efficient the level of managing company wealth (fakhri et al., 2020). for measuring the financial health of a business firm, there are lots of techniques available. but the altman’s z-score has been proven to be a reliable tool across the globe. this model devotes to predict possibilities of bankruptcy of manufacturing concerns. there is evidence that it has 76.9% accuracy in predicting the bankruptcy of the underlying sample (begley et al. 1996). altman (1968) defines five predicted factors that can be used to test the validity of multivariate model. the model is based on financial ratios. using financial ratios to predict bankruptcy can be accurate up to 90% (chen & shemerda, 1981). hence, this research aims to bankruptcy prediction using altman z-score model in retail trading company in indonesian. return on equity (roe) is a ratio used to measure net income after tax with their capital (kasmir, 2015). return on equity (roe) can also show the power to the extent of generating investment returns based on the book value of shareholders. the higher the return on equity (roe), the better, because the position of the owner of the company is getting stronger, so investors can measure the extent of the return on investment they have done (asraf & desda, 2020). the results of empirical studies strengthen return on equity (roe) has an effect on stock prices, such as empirical studies (lumingkewas, 2013); (sanjaya, 2015); (riani, 2016); (sumaryanti, 2017); and (nurlia & juwari, 2019). the interesting thing is that there are differences in findings that return on equity (roe) has no effect on stock prices, such as empirical studies conducted (aning tyas & septa saputra, 2016); (susanto, 2016); (zaky, 2016); (sumaryanti, 2017); (latifah & laila, 2017); (utara, 2017); (andry, 2017); (amalya, 2018); (winda tristanti & sari marliani, 2019); and (prima & ismawati, 2019). furthermore, earning per share (eps) is a form of giving benefits to shareholders from each sheet owned (fahmi, 2018). the existence of high profit giving to shareholders, then the demand for shares of the company will be high. the company's stock price, thereby encouraging investor interest to invest (indriawati & nurfadillah, 2020). the results of empirical studies prove that earning per share (eps) has an influence on stock prices, such as empirical studies (marcellyna & hartini, 2011); (choirani, 2013); (muksal, 2015); (yumia & khairunnisa, 2015); (wicaksono, 2015); (saryanti, 2015); (mujiono, 2017); (fajrian & sumawidjaja, 2018); (lilianti, 2018); (azmy, ahmad; lestari, 2019); (alifiawan et al., 2019); and (indriawati & nurfadillah, 2020). however, there are also contradictory findings that earning per share (eps) does not have an effect on stock prices, such as empirical studies (aning tyas & septa saputra, 2016); (sumaryanti, 2017); and (andry, 2017). the research was conducted on 11 food and beverage companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) in 2015-2018. fluctuating capital market conditions today are important because they have an impact on investment interest, even though the number of companies that register increases. the formulation of the problem is proposed based on the business phenomenon and the research gap phenomenon mentioned above, 1) does return on equity (roe) affect stock prices; and 2) do earning per share (eps) affect stock prices. while the research objective is to analyze the source of a company's profitability by choosing two main factors, namely, return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps) as the strength and resilience of companies engaged in food and beverage listed on the indonesia stock exchange. the effect of return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps) on stock prices in indonesia stock exchange 2015-2018 lusiana 134 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 method table 1. research samples no company code company name 1. alto tri banyan tirta tbk 2. dlta delta djakarta tbk 3. icbp indofood cbp sukses makmur tbk 4. indf indofood sukses makmur tbk 5. mlbi multi bintang indonesia tbk 6. myor mayora indah tbk 7. psdn prasidha aneka niaga tbk 8. roti nippon indosari corpindo tbk 9. sklt sekar laut tbk 10. sttp siantar top tbk 11. ultj ultra jaya milk industry tbk source: secondary data processed, 2020 ( this research uses a descriptive method through a quantitative approach, with the reason that the research variable return on equity (roe), earning per share (eps) and share price focuses on the problem of novelty and the phenomena that occur at this time. furthermore, the results of the study are explained in the form of numbers that have meaning. return on equity (roe) with the symbol (x1) and earning per share (eps) with the symbol (x2) are used as research independent variables. while the stock price with the symbol (y) is used as the dependent variable of research. the data used in the form of secondary data, namely, the 2015-2018 financial statements that have been published by the indonesia stock exchange. the study population numbered 25 food and beverage companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2015-2018. determination of the sample using purposive sampling, the sampling technique uses two criteria from researchers. the first criterion, only food and beverage companies that issue financial reports in full 2015-2018, and the second criterion, food and beverage companies that have financial report data in accordance with the studied variables, namely return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps). so the samples that meet the criteria are 11 food and beverage companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange 2015-2018. data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression with the help of the spss program. the regression equation used is as follows: y= α + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + e y = stock prices α = constant x1 = return on equity (roe) x2 = earnings per share (eps) 1, 2, = regression coefficient e = error the research consists of two hypotheses to be verified. h1= return on equity (roe) has a significant positive effect on stock prices h2= earnings per share (eps) has a significant negative effect on stock prices the framework for this research is as follows: return on equity (roe) (x1) earnings per share (eps) (x2) stock price (y) h1 h2 the effect of return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps) on stock prices in indonesia stock exchange 2015-2018 lusiana 135 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 figure 1. conceptual framework result and discussion table 1. results of regression analysis using spss version 23 variable regression coefficient beta t-value sights information constant (b0) 818,425 return on equity (x1) 363,780 ,805 6,504 ,000 significant earnings per share (x2) -27,232 -,397 -3,209 ,003 significant adjusted r square = 48,4% r square = 50,8% r = 71,3 f value = 21,171 sig. f = 0,000 asp. sig. (2-tailed)=0,200 vif =1,278 abs_res x1=(sig.) 0,061 abs_res x2=(sig.) 0,095 source: data processed, 2020 based on table 1 above, that the multiple regression coefficients for the variables return on equity (roe) (x1) of 363.780 and a variable earning per share (eps) (x2) amounted to 27.232. so the regression equation is as follows: y= 818,425 + 363,780 x1 27,232 x2 the coefficient value (β1) amounts to 363,780, if return on equity (roe) (x1) increases 1 percent, then it can be predicted that the stock price will increase by 363.780 percent with the assumption of other variables such as earning per share (eps) fixed. coefficient return on equity (roe) p-value, the return on equity (roe) has a positive effect on stock prices. value coefficient(β2) amounted to -27.232, if earning per share (eps) (x2) increased 1 percent, then the stock price can be predicted to be down at 363.780 percent, assuming other variables such as return on equity (roe) remained. the coefficient of earning per share (eps) is negative, so the earning per share (eps) has a negative influence on stock prices. based on the t test results in table 1. above, it can be seen that return on equity (roe) (x1) has a positive and significant effect on stock prices, because it has a significance value greater than 0.05 (sig.0,000>0.05 ). furthermore earning per share (eps) (x2) has a negative and significant effect on stock prices, because it has a significance value greater than 0.05 (sig.0.003>0.05). effect of return on equity (roe) on stock prices the results of t-test return on equity (roe) (x1) have a positive and significant effect on stock prices that move on food and beverage companies on the indonesia stock exchange can be proven or accepted. the findings show that return on equity (roe) has a positive and significant impact on stock prices. if return on equity (roe) (x1) has increased, then it can be predicted that stock prices will increase. return on equity (roe) is a ratio used to measure net income after tax with their capital (kasmir, 2015). the higher the return on equity (roe), the better, because the effect of return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps) on stock prices in indonesia stock exchange 2015-2018 lusiana 136 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 the position of the owner of the company is getting stronger, so investors can measure the extent of the return on investment they have done (asraf & desda, 2020)(asraf & desda, 2020). this finding confirms that the strength of a company's profitability through return on equity (roe) can affect the stock prices of food and beverage companies in indonesia. therefore, it is important to maintain the company's profitability through return on equity (roe) whose substance is the investor's view, not the company's view. the findings of this study, strengthen the results of empirical studies conducted by (lumingkewas, 2013); (sanjaya, 2015); (riani, 2016); (sumaryanti, 2017); dan (nurlia & juwari, 2019). effect of earning per share (eps) on stock prices test results earning per share (eps) (x2) a significant negative effect on stock prices moving in the food and beverage company in indonesia stock exchange can be proven or acceptable. findings show that earning per share (eps) has a negative and significant impact on stock prices. an interesting finding is that the profitability of a company through earning per share (eps) does not affect the stock prices of food and beverage companies in indonesia. because earnings per share or earning per share (eps) is obtained from the perspective of the company's financial statements where there are differences in the size and size of the company's expenses other than earning per share (eps) can turn out to be high if the number of shares outstanding is reduced. earnings per share (eps) is a form of giving benefits to shareholders from each sheet owned (fahmi, 2018). given the high profits to shareholders, the demand for the company's shares will be high. the high demand for shares has an impact on increasing the company's stock price, thus encouraging investor interest to invest (indriawati & nurfadillah, 2020). the findings of this study, strengthen the results of empirical studies conducted by (aning tyas & septa saputra, 2016); (khairani, 2016); (sumaryanti, 2017); dan (andry, 2017). conclusion return on equity (roe) has a positive and significant impact on stock prices. if return on equity (roe) (x1) has increased, then it can be predicted that stock prices will increase. the strength of a company's profitability through return on equity (roe) can affect the stock prices of food and beverage companies in indonesia. therefore, it is important to maintain the company's profitability through return on equity (roe) whose substance is the investor's view, not the company's view. furthermore earning per share (eps) does not affect the stock prices of food and beverage companies in indonesia. because earnings per share or earning per share (eps) is obtained from the perspective of the company's financial statements where there are differences in the size and size of the company's expenses other than earning per share (eps) can turn out to be high if the number of shares outstanding is reduced. this study is limited to the effect of return on equity (roe) and earning per share (eps) on stock prices engaged in food and beverage companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange. this study also has limited sampling in only 11 companies. it is hoped that further studies will take more samples so that research results can be generalized. reference alifiawan, m. m., ramadhan, a. m., & radianto, d. o. 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(2016). pengaruh analisis fundamental terhadap harga saham (studi empiris pada saham perusahaan sement yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia periode 2011 – 2014). jurnal ekonomak. the illomata international journal of management ijtc ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 pp.145-151 145 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 the effect of capital adequacy ratio on return on assets with problem credit ratio moderation case study in the sub-sector of the national private foreign exchange national bank listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2014-2018 deni sunaryo faculty of economics and business university of serang raya correspondent: submitted : june 24, 2020 revised : july 14, 2020 published : july 30, 2020 abstract the study aims to determine the effect of capital adequacy ratio on return on asset with the moderatiom of non-performing loan sub sector of national foreign exchange private banks listed on the indonesian stock exchange (idx) in 2014-2018 with a population of 22 banks. the analysis technique used are simple linear regression and moderated regression analysis (mra). the result showed that the capital adequacy ratio has a positive and significant effect on return on asset. while the capital adequacy ratio of non-performing loan is not able to moderate the capital adequacy ratio with return on asset. keywords : return on asset, capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loan. introduction the existence of financial intermediaries institution namely banks, is very important in a modern economic system. as an intermediary institution, banks must have good financial performance, because with good financial performance, banks will more easily get the trust of their customers. one of the main objectives of bank operations is achieving maximum profitability. profitability is the most important indicator to measure the performance of a bank. the ratio commonly used to measure profitability performance is the return on asset (roa). roa is important for banks because roa is used to measure the effectiveness of the company in generating profits by utilizing its assets. the greater the return on assets (roa) of a bank, the greater the level of profit achieved by the bank and the better the bank's position in terms of the use of its assets. the effort to increase the growth of a bank can be seen from the bank's financial performance that can affect the return on assets (roa) in terms of financial ratios, such as capital adequacy ratio (car), and non-performing loans (npl). according to kuncoro and suhardjono (2011: 519) capital adequacy ratio is the capital adequacy ratio that shows the ability of banks to identify, measure, monitor, and control risks that arise that can affect the amount of bank capital. the issue of capital adequacy is an important thing in the banking business. banks that have a good level of capital adequacy, show indicators as a healthy bank. based on bank indonesia regulations, the minimum capital adequacy requirement for each bank is 8% (pbi no.15 / 12 / pbi / 2013 concerning the minimum capital requirement for commercial banks). the effect of capital adequacy ratio on return on assets with problem credit ratio moderation sunaryo 146 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 in achieving optimal roa, banks are faced with various risks including credit risk. credit risk can be seen from the amount of non-performing loans (npl). the amount of npl will affect roa and car, because the greater the credit risk faced by banks will increase the formation of allowance for earning asset losses (ppap) from owned equity, so that the reduced share of equity which is a component of capital adequacy. some previous studies show inconsistent results. this encourages this research. judging from the background of these problems, then a study entitled "the influence of the capital adequacy ratio (car) on return on assets with the moderation of problematic credit ratios". based on the background described above, it can be concluded the formulation of the problem from this study: (1) how the effect of the capital adequacy ratio (car) on return on assets (roa) on private commercial banks listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the period 20142018? (2) how does non-performing loans (npl) moderate the effect of capital adequacy ratio (car) with return on assets (roa) on private commercial banks listed on the indonesia stock exchange for the 2014-2018 period? findings from previous studies regarding factors that affect the profitability of the banking sector show inconsistent results. research conducted by sri septiarini and i wayan ramantha (2014) shows that car has a positive and not significant effect on profitability proxied by roa. this study is in line with the results of research of riski agustiningrum (2014) shows that car has no significant effect on roa. however, this is different from the results of putu agus atmaja and ketut sujana (2014) research that shows that car has a positive and significant effect on profitability proxied by roa. the results of gusti ayu dwi a and nyoman abundanti (2018) showed that car had a positive and significant effect on roa. this study is in line with the research results of samsurizal and astohar (2016) and shows that car has a positive and significant effect on profitability (roa). research conducted by sri septriani and iw ramantha (2014) shows that npl has a positive effect and significant effect on the relationship between car and roa. research conducted by wayan suardita and m. asri dwija putri shows that credit risk has a significant effect on car's relationship with profitability. this study is not in line with the results of putu agus and ketut sujana's (2014) research showing that npl results have a negative effect on the relationship between car and profitability. based on these results, the research hypothesis is: hypothesis-1: it is suspected that the capital adequacy ratio has a positive and significant effect on return on assets. hypothesis-2: t is suspected that the non-performing loans can moderate the influence of capital adequacy ratio with return on assets. method the population in this study is the national private foreign exchange bank in 2014-2018 using data collection methods used are secondary data, namely financial statements from 20142018 by accessing the determination of the sample is done by purposive sampling with the following sample criteria: 1) public private national bank foreign exchange public listed on the idx; 2) having the most complete and published financial statements from 2014-2018; 3) present the audited annual financial statements for the 2014-2018 period; 4) present information in the financial statements relating to the research variables; 5) presenting in full the ratio data needed in this study during the 2014-2018 periods. based on these criteria, the sample used in this study were 10 banks the effect of capital adequacy ratio on return on assets with problem credit ratio moderation sunaryo 147 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 from 22 banks with five years of observation. the variables used: 1) the independent variable is the capital adequacy ratio; 2) the independent variable is the troubled credit ratio; 3) the moderating variable is return on assets. hypothesis testing in this study was conducted using simple linear regression and moderated regression analysis (mra). mra is a special application of linear multiple regression where the regression equation contains an interaction element (ghozali, 2011: 223). according to (sugiyono, 2010: 270) the equation of a simple linear regression model is: y = a + bx .....................................................................................................(1) information : y = subject in the predicted dependent variable (roa) x = independent variable that has a certain value to be predicted (car) a = price of y if x = 0 (constant price) b = direction number or regression coefficient, which shows the number of increase or decrease in the dependent variable based on the independent variable. if b (+) then rises, and if (-) there is a decrease. while the moderated regression analysis model equation. y= a + 𝑏1𝑋1 + 𝑏2𝑀1 + 𝑏3𝑋1𝑀1 + e .................................................................(2) information : y = dependent variable return on assets (roa) a = constant b = regression coefficient x_1 = independent variable capital adequacy ratio (car) m_1 = variable problem ratio (npl) moderation e = confounding variable linear regression test is done after the data is free from the classic assumption test, that is, a normality test is performed to test whether in the regression model the independent variable and the dependent variable have a normal distribution or not (ghozali, 2012: 160), the heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is an inequality of variance from the residuals of one observation to another. according to (ghozali, 2012: 110) the autocorrelation test aims to test whether in a linear regression model there is a correlation between the interruption error in the t period and the confounding error in the t-1 period (before). result and discussion table 1 source: spss data processing results 23 descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation roa 50 .24 3.86 1.6336 .84859 car 50 15.17 35.12 21.2324 4.93967 npl 50 .34 6.11 2.6440 1.10158 interaction 50 5.59 126.08 55.9674 24.92706 valid n (listwise) 50 the effect of capital adequacy ratio on return on assets with problem credit ratio moderation sunaryo 148 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 in table 1, the minimum roa value is 0.24 obtained by cimb niaga bank, the maximum value is 3.86 obtained by mestika dharma bank, and the mean (average) roa value is 1.6336 and the standard deviation is 0, 84859. standard deviation values that are smaller than the average value indicate that roa data are normal. the smaller the standard deviation the better, because the small standard deviation indicates a small deviation. the capital adequacy ratio shows that the minimum value of 15.17 obtained by bank maybank indonesia, the maximum value of 35.12 obtained by bank mestika dharma, and the mean (average) car value of 21.2324 and the standard deviation of 4, 93967, standard deviation values smaller than the mean indicate that the data from the car are normal. the non-performing loan ratio shows the result that the minimum value of 0.34 obtained by capital indonesia bank, the maximum value of 6.11 obtained by bank artha graha international, the mean value (average) of npl of 2.6440 and the standard deviation of 1, 10158. standard deviation values that are smaller than the average value indicate that the data from the npl is normal. the interaction between the capital adequacy ratio and the non-performing loan shows that the minimum value is 5.59, the maximum value is 126.08, the average value is 55.9674 and the standard deviation value is 24.92706. the standard deviation of interactions between the capital adequacy ratio and the non-performing loan is smaller than the average, indicating that the car and npl data are normal. tabel 2 normality test results source: spss data processing results 23 based on the results of the classic assumption test value kolmogrov smirnov test, it can be seen that the asymp value. sig (2-tailed) of 0,200. asymp value sig that exceeds the level of significant (0.05), shows that there is no centralization or grouping of data at one point, so that it can be said that the residual data in this study are normally distributed. figure 1 heteroscedasticity test results source: spss data processing results 23 one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardized residual n 50 normal parametersa,b mean ,0000000 std. deviation ,64833365 most extreme differences absolute ,072 positive ,072 negative -,046 test statistic ,072 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) ,200c,d the effect of capital adequacy ratio on return on assets with problem credit ratio moderation sunaryo 149 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting vol. 1 no. 3 july 2020 based on the picture above it can be seen that the residual data in the two regression models spreads both above and below the 0 point and does not form a specific pattern. thus the regression model proposed in this study does not occur symptoms of heteroscedasticity. table 3 autocorrelation test results model summaryb model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate durbin-watson 1 ,522a ,273 ,241 ,58475 1,844 a. predictors: (constant), lag_interaksi, lag_x1 b. dependent variable: lag_y source: spss data processing results 23 based on the d-w table, obtained du = 1.5849 and dl = 1.5035. value of du 1.5849 t table. so it can be concluded that in terms of capital adequacy ratio has a significant effect on return on assets. so the first hypothesis can be accepted. the second hypothesis states that non-performing loans are able to moderate the effect of capital adequacy ratio with return on assets. persistently obtained t count of -1.062 and a significance of 0.294. these results indicate that the non-performing loan has a negative effect on the relationship between the capital adequacy ratio and the return on asset or the credit ratio is not able to moderate the relationship between the capital adequacy ratio to the return on asset. conclusion based on the results of testing and discussion that has been done, it can be concluded that: 1) capital adequacy ratio has a significant effect on return on assets. so the first hypothesis can be accepted; 2) non-performing loans negatively affect the relationship between capital adequacy ratio and return on assets or credit ratio is not able to moderate the relationship between capital adequacy ratio to return on assets. based on that conclusions, suggestions for further authors to add or replace other variables such as those that affect return on assets such as bopo, ldr, roi and are expected to be able to examine with other variables outside this variable in order to obtain more varied results that can describe things anything that can affect roa and can extend the observation period last 7 years. reference agustiningrum, riski. 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(2). 426-440. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 2 april 2023 page no. 358-373 358 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria atinuke adebimpe orekan bells university of technology, nigeria correspondent: received : january 27, 2023 accepted : april 22, 2023 published : april 30, 2023 citation: orekan, a, a. (2023). a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(2), 358-373. abstract: the study developed a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state nigeria. the choice of ogun state was hinged on the fact that it is both an economically and an industrial state. it exhibits the dynamism of land activities traceable to land taxation. financing a budget for a particular fiscal year, requires government to source for revenue to meet up with the demand. land taxes is still an untapped resources which government has not fully utilised and coupled with the fact that there are no adequate literatures on the development of framework to mobilise revenue from land taxes, necessitated this study. in view of this, data were collected through a wellstructured questionnaire, personal interviews and review of government documents were also conducted. questionnaires were administered to the 23 top management staff at the board of internal revenue services in ogun state. personal interviews were also conducted. using the frequency table and spss to analyse, the result revealed that government does not have enough information on property, property owners and property transactions. these which affected the revenue from land taxed to fall-short. in conclusion, land titling should be made compulsory and at the same time be flexible, so that government can have access to property information which will in turn improve revenue mobilisation for the state government. keywords: framework, taxation, land taxes, revenue, ogun state this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in nigeria, some major issues have been identified by some researchers as a set-back to a good tax system which has affected the revenue generation and these are; absence of a comprehensive land registration policy. (cui, 2015; dixon & elston, 2019; ellahi, 2020; nuhu, 2008; trojanek et al., 2021; wang et al., 2022) recommends that at various levels, land titling should be promoted, encouraged and facilitated. absence of a comprehensive land registration policy has left most of the properties that could have provided taxes outside the purview of tax register. tax administration involves tax policies, tax reforms and law, tax method of collection and tax mobilisation for revenue generation. mobilisation of land tax for revenue in the study area (ogun state) is an area that is yet to be exploited by researchers. in view of this, the study will reveal and a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 359 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting examine major obstacles that have effect on revenue realisation through land tax in the study area (cho & choi, 2014). the act of harnessing some forms of revenue generation after oil in nigeria seems to be weak. poor governance, corruption and lack of strict legal framework to support taxation administration are likely cause of it. without a proper and quick implementation of policies in the mobilisation of revenue in nigeria apart from oil, it is possible that nigeria will still be characterised with high rate of unemployment, poor provision and maintenance of infrastructure for years to come. (kim & park, 2020; okwori & sule, 2016) supported this by revealing that extending less in investment, upward rise in the level of corruption, lack of institutional strength, less development in infrastructure, low per capita income, substandard economic activity, increase in debt accumulation, is still common in the nation. (mogues & olofinbiyi, 2020) revealed that the budgetary operation in nigeria over the years has amounted to varying proportion of deficit financing and this has shown tremendous effect on the economy. cbn (2010) shows that deficit financing remain high at n117.2 billion, n47.4 billion and n810.0 billion in 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively. all these are expected to spur nigerian government in seeking alternative ways of revenue mobilisation (agboga, 2021; houeland, 2022). it is imperative to have the knowledge of revenue generated from land taxes over years to have a clear picture of how dependable and feasible land taxes are. lagos state for example had successfully introduced a composite land use charge which is known to have been beneficial to the state. (grover et al., 2019; olowu, 2002; zdrazil & pernica, 2021), compared property rates in cities like port-harcourt, (a large oil city) to be 0.3% to ikeja, lagos to be 44% in 1989, this which has contributed to 58.3% of the city’s revenue in 1994. this was due to the fact that ikeja is a city in lagos state with strong property tax policy which has been used to boost the overall municipal finances. it is obvious that there is a growth in trend in property taxes in lagos city. this study will uncover the strategy that can be put in place to boost revenue mobilisation in the study area and this can be adopted in other parts of the country. the reasons for the pattern of performance between land tax and total revenue generated shall be investigated and having gone through different literatures, a generally practicable framework for revenue mobilisation through land taxes is not available, so it is perceived that a frame work would be necessary in this study on how revenue can be boosted through the effectiveness of land taxation. in view of this, government would be able to set in all machineries to sustain the growth of property tax. the study will reveal why land taxes should be given a good attention in the governing of any developing countries, mostly nigeria and develop a framework that can be developed to promote the optimal generation of revenue from land taxes in the study area (ocheni et al., 2013). literature review (kete, 2018) discussed that taxation in any nation serves as the most substantial part of any political and economic system of a country. for any tax system to work well, it has to be administered appropriately. the administration of tax entails quality service delivery, implementation of tax laws and policy, fairness and equity and tax compliance. if any of these characteristics is not in place, then tax is not well administered or managed. a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 360 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a good quality tax service delivery system ensures that tax payers are exposed to purpose of taxation and the need to accept it and comply with its laws. widayet and nurlis (2013) opined that the encouragement of taxpayers is necessary so as to make them easily accept tax as a participation of all taxable adults to support government in the financing the nation. the delay in the payment of tax should be seen as a detriment to the quick response of government in supplying infrastructure to the state. asian development bank report (2016), revealed that the administration of tax system in any nation determine the extent of yield, its incidence and efficiency. a good tax administration system is expected to tax and collect revenue from wage collectors, business enterprise and professionals. asian development bank further revealed that tax system usually are not planned properly with the business community, most business owners complain about the tax assessment method which often is based on subjective method and resulted to them paying more tax unlike the public servants. when taxpayers are given proper knowledge about taxation, which will make them to understand the basic concept of taxation, it is likely that people will embrace it and pay tax. (jones & rhoadescatanach, 2010; overton & nukpezah, 2020), buttressed this by stating that the tax payers are only willing to pay tax only if the intricacies of taxation is well understood and accepted by them. he referred to japan as having a high level of tax compliance and the reason for this is the efforts being made by their government. to further buttress this, ogbonna and appah (2012) opined that tax is a major source of government revenue all over the world. in this case, nigeria is not exempted from this fact despite the fact that nigerian government has placed higher priority on oil as major revenue. apart from taxation as a source of revenue mobilisation, it has also played significant role in a nation’s economic growth and development by serving as an instrument for fiscal policy. the capitalisation theory of taxation is based on the assumption that whenever a tax is imposed on land as an asset, the capital value of the land is diminished by an amount equivalent to the capitalised value of the tax at the prevailing rate of interest. in essence it is assumed that subsequent landowners/buyers would first capitalise the annual tax then deduct from the sales price. hence the subsequent landowner/buyer would pay a diminished price for the value of the land (mcclusky, 2012; patrick & mothorpe, 2017). this theory is not applicable in all cases most especially in nigeria where most of the lands acquired are not registered and making it difficult to tax since there are no records of them, in essence, most of the land owners hardly pay any amount as tax. theory of taxation one of the means by which government mobilise income (revenue) to support the growth of a country is through taxation. government’s ability to finance the nation or produce public goods and services can be influenced by tax policy. one of the earliest australian judicial pronouncements on the notion of taxation is found in r v barger (1908) 6 clr 41, where griffith cj, barton and o’connor jj 2014 (2014) stated that “taxation primarily means raising money for government by means of contributions from individual persons. different authors had explained tax in various ways. tax can be defined as a sum of money paid by citizen of a country, state or community to the government for public purposes (borge & rattsø, 2014; drucker et al., 2020; oyegbile, 1996). it can also be defined as the system of charging a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 361 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting individuals, income, goods, services and properties of individuals, partnership, trustees, executorships and companies compulsorily by the government (alm et al., 2014; mccluskey & trinh, 2013; samuel & simon, 2011; yunusa, 2003). ale (1999), defines tax as that which the state, in its absolute power, takes away from the income, resources or wealth of a target person. he goes further to assert that the only reason for the exposure is the fact that the target person is involved in an activity that the state, by law, prescribes as forming the basis of taxation. the activity may be the act of living in a place, the earning of an income, the consumption of goods and services, possession and use of property, entry into contracts, birth and death of persons or the transfer of resources. (umezuruke, 1998) is of the view that tax is levied on corporations, estates and trusts by the authority for the execution of all government expenditure. he believes that government are supposed to raise much of the funds they require for public purposes through taxation process. this, according to him, is because government is not a trading or business concern which is supposed to make profit for its routine expenditures. commenting further on the issue of tax, he opined that the citizens of a country ought to contribute, by way of payment of taxes according to their ability in terms of income, benefit, security of life and property accrued to them. lots of tax experts have formulated theories on taxation as a way of bringing about more resources to the various units of government. structure of taxation has also been delved into and frequent questions that arose from studies are if taxes should be levied on citizens equally. this prompted the theories in taxation which are benefit theory, ability to pay theory and cost of service theory. benefit theory it can be inferred from this theory that individuals should be charged by the authority based on the benefit accrued to them. (abbasian & myles, 2006), opined that the benefit theory of taxation is a system in which individuals are taxed according to the benefit they received from the state expenditure. benefit principle can be likened to prices paid for to render services in private transaction. they made some likely possible logical explanations of benefit principle. first is that taxes can be apportioned to individuals based on the limited or gradual benefit they received from the provision of infrastructure by the state. individual could then be allowed to pay for each unit of the service accrued to them which is equal to the limited benefit received. secondly, individual can be taxed following the approach of moulin in 1987, who proposes the egalitarian –equivalent solution as an alternative method of allocating tax burden in a way that avoids the problems of endogenous prices. in the egalitarian equivalent scheme, every consumer is treated as if he received an endowment of public goods which is less than that provided by the government. the implementation of this theory in tanzania brought about the fact that the various taxes and levies charged and collected in the local jurisdiction were used to improve and maintain different infrastructure that resulted to have positive impact all and sundry. (copper, 1994) this theory has been criticized as follows; (a) if the tax authority conserve some affinity in the positive reward derived, it will go against the basic canon of tax. this is because a tax is known as an obligatory benefaction made to government to assist in the expenditure and provision of common infrastructure. there is no direct way in the case of a tax. a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 362 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (b) expenditure of the state is for the benefits of all citizens. it is likely going to be impossible to estimate the benefit enjoyed by every citizen of a state every year. (c) the benefit theory of taxation if applied in a state will negatively affect the poor because the poor benefits from the social amenities made available by the government. this will result to the poor paying more than the rich and is against the canon of taxation. ability to pay theory this theory came into existence due to the lapses in the benefit of theories of taxation. it is the most commonly accepted theory because it supports the canon of fairness in taxation. it further implies that citizen of a nation ought to pay taxes to the authority based on their respective capability in terms of finances. (grassi, 2015) opined that tax payer’s budget, (income and expenditure) should reveal its capability to support state spending. mostly, it is the individual income that is normally used to test such capacity. it is possible that if the taxes are based on the ability to pay principle, then justice can be achieved. examples of this principle is that taxes that resorted to charging a higher tax rate (%) on higher income and wealthy people progressively and low rate (%) on lower income or wealth. despite the points raised above, jan (2016) raised some arguments in favour of the principle which are: 1. the resources available to the rich are far more than their major necessities and since a normal consumer acts rationally, wealthier people derive less and less additional satisfaction (marginal utility) from an additional dollar spent. in other words, the value of a dollar for a wealthy person reduces as they spend more. the marginal utility per dollar for a poor person also falls however; it is still much higher than that of a wealthier person. this means that if equal nominal taxes are charged, it will cause unfairly high utility sacrifice for a poor person than for a wealthier person. to equalize to the utility sacrifice caused by taxes, poor people should pay less and wealthier should pay more. 2. progressive taxes, which follow ability-to-pay principle, can quickly fulfil the revenue needs of a government and also result in more revenue for government, provided there is no tax evasion. arguments against the ability-to-pay are: a.) it is difficult if not impossible to determine the ability of a person to pay taxes. the term “ability –to-pay” is ambiguous. it leads to questions such as: should the taxes be charged at a uniform percentage for all taxpayers or is it based on a higher percentage on high income and low percentage on low income? b.) taxes enable government to provide social amenities and service to the citizen and the availability and use of these by citizen offer public goods and services and the users of those goods and services should pay taxes according to extent to which they use public goods and services and not on the basis of how much they have earned. j.s mill and some other classical economist have proposed that the principle of proportionate in taxation should be reckoned in other to meet the idea of the administration of land. whereas, the contemporary economist have a different view. they stated that as income increases, the marginal utility of income decreases. the state of sacrifice can only be achieved if one with more income is taxed with a high tax rate than those with a low income. a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 363 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting cost of service theory some economists came up with the opinion that if public are charged based on the services available to them, then the principle of equity in taxation would be satisfied. this principle is also applicable to those services rendered out of price like postal, transportation services and electricity. although, a greater proportion of expenditure incurred by the government cannot be allocated to each individual due to the fact it is easily determined. the grand unified theory of revenue generation (gut-rg) according to ramdas (2012), he scrutinised this theory and likened it to the general principle of physics, which offers an interesting analogue to revenue mobilisation value chain that starts with good process or technique of promoting a product which will end up being sold. he discussed that the word of hypothetical physics gives an attractive analogue to the revenue mobilisation of the market price chain that starts in the projecting of products finishes in sales. he further explained that the ordinary word of selling products and making money has similarities. businesses perform with a neo-classical approach that is against the two major forces in revenue realisation in the universe and these are; marketing and sales. with more than a dozen years in the 21st century, the methods, ways and discussions in marketing products and making sales has not changed much. ramdas (2012), likened it to the historical disputes between particles physicist and astrophysicist. in other words, he suggested that the grand unified theory of revenue generation (gut-rg) would be needed to boost revenue generation in business. this theory (gut-rg) replaces the incapable conventional principles and encourages a better method of finding customers and making sales. in the grand unified theory of revenue generation, the question that what’s our “string theory” that underpins the gut-rg and serves as a revenue rallying point was argued. it explained that “sales funnel” might not allude to ownership, it’s the product of a single unified suspect –to –customer process that improves revenue and marketing automation is the technology enabler that makes sales funnel a powerful tool. marketing automation, is the main essential factor in “sales funnel” manager for any business venture. it extends to reach into areas that will improve sales and increase revenue generation. marketing exercise is the primary control in the funnel theory. this platform also provide a specific factor for all involving in the funnel process. marketing and sales are more focused on and used as a revenue generation, whereas, business counterparts to particle physicists and astrophysicists are finding more common ground to agree that cooperation and common ownership may yield a superior result. in a nutshell, this theory proves that marketing and sales are more process oriented than in the past. the theory measures and optimizes continually without regard for organisational boundaries. a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 364 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 1. the grand unified theory of revenue generation source:, 2019. the figure above further revealed the sales funnel theory in which the manger needs to grow the sales team, organising new marketing campaigns and increasing top of funnel activity will improve and increase revenue generation. also increasing revenue and blowing up sales is aligning to criteria like; scrutiny, strategy and structure. study areaogun state geographical location ogun state (in the south-western part of nigeria), was created in 1976. it lies between latitude 70 00’ n and longitude 30 35e. it borders lagos state in the south, oyo and osun states to the north, ondo to the east and republic of benin to the west. these are shown in figures 1.0 and 2.0 below. it covers a total land area of 16,980.55km2 (6,556.238sqm) with a density of 220/km2 (570/sqm). the largest city and the state capital is abeokuta; it is fondly referred to as the “gateway state” because of its strategic location as an entry point to the country from west africa. it is noted for its large number of industrial estates and major manufacturing hubs in nigeria, some of which are; dangote cement factory, ibese; nestle and lafarge cement factory. other urban infrastructural services such as road facilities, parks and public utilities are duly provided. a total population of 3,751,140 reside in ogun state according to the 2006 census record. it has a per capita income of $2,744 and the gdp is $10.470b. having a number of twenty local government areas, the state is dominated by the yorubas, who are the main ethnic group in south western nigeria. the state composition is made up of six ethnic groups which are the egba, the ijebu, the remo, the egbado, the awori and the egun. the state comprises several dialects such as egbas in abeokuta north, abeokuta south, ifo, ewekoro, obafemi –owode, odeda and ado-odo/ota a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 365 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting lgas, the egbados in egba-north, egbado-south, imeko-afon and ipokia lgas. the ijebus in ijebueast, ijebu-north, ijebu-ode, odogbolu and ogun watersides lga; the remos in sagamu, remo-north and ikenne lgas. other dialectical groups in the state include oyo (owu), awori, ikale and ilaje. figure 2. map of ogun state showing different geopolitical zones. source: method personal interview was conducted amongst government officials and likewise questionnaires were administered to them as well. at the ogun state board of internal revenue services, 5 departments are relevant to this study and these are, (i) assessment (ii) other taxes (iii) research and statistics (iv)withholding taxes (v) collection. the table below provides details of questionnaire distribution to the various departments/units at the state board of internal revenue service in ogun state. this study will adopt the grand unified theory of revenue generation (gut-rg). this is because the theory is hinged on a better model of marketing and sales. this theory, replaces the inefficient traditional structure of making sales and promote a better model of finding customers and selling stuff. bases on this, information on ways of proving the marketing of taxes to taxpayers to improve the revenue mobilisation was made available through the use of a structured questionnaire and interview conducted. variables from marketing and sales from land taxes as suggested from the respondent were used to analyse and develop a framework for optimal generation of revenue from land tax. a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 366 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion development of a framework for optimal generation of revenue from land taxes table 1: questionnaire distribution and retrieval rate in ogun state board of internal revenue service. units/ departments number of staff response level % of response strategy and planning 5 5 100 finance and account 4 4 100 withholding tax 5 5 100 road and other taxes 9 9 100 total 23 23 100% source: author’s field survey, 2022 the table above provides details of questionnaire distribution to the various departments/units at the state board of internal revenue service and bureau/ministry of land and survey in the study areas. table 2: factors to be adopted for optimal generation of revenue from land taxes in ogun state board of internal revenue service. source: field survey, 2022 26.09% agreed that improving marketing plans and availability of adequate information on property statistics are major ways by which government and achieve optimal generation of revenue through tax. it further revealed that enforcement of tax laws and policy (17.39%) and creation of no options responses percentage 1. improved marketing plan (revenue outline 06 26.09 2. adequate information on property statistics 06 26.09 3. awareness creation 04 17.40 4. availability of trained personnel 01 4.34 5. re-branding/quality control system 02 8.69 6. enforcement of tax laws and policy 04 17.39 total 23 100 a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 367 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting awareness amongst taxpayers (17.40%) are other ways in revenue mobilisation can be improved. in view of the information revealed from table 2 and as discussed in chapter two, it can be traced to the theory of grand unified theory of revenue generation. improvement in marketing strategies will definitely affect sales of a product positively. they are more process-oriented in business organisation so as to achieve a positive result. factors like awareness, consideration of product, choice of product are determined by effort put into marketing. a framework for generating revenue, identifies which revenue source to pursue and how revenue can be generated from a known available source. every business is expected to have a key business outline on who to improve the income. without a well-defined revenue outline and a clear plan on how to improve one’s income generation, every businesses or company might likely struggle to meet up with the cost and other expenses in the business. the need to formulate a framework emanated from the necessity to improve/increase revenue generated from land taxes as it is a prominent component in the internally generated revenue (igr). thus, the framework is to improve/increase revenue generated form land taxes and consequently improve the total igr. in the framework, various action based factors are raised with a view to improving the volume of revenue generated from land taxes. poor statistic and data of properties and property owners is a major set-back on revenue yield from land taxes. proper data need to be put in place by the state government, this will enable the government to have a clue on who to tax, which properties should be exempted, how many people are paying the tax? and how much revenue has been generated. with this, a proper accountability will be reinforced. government does not have enough information on property, property owners and property transactions. this has affected the revenue from land taxed to be shortfall. government needs to really upgrade the tools in getting information on property a matter of urgency. the system should generate and record accurate information on properties. the process of land titling should be made flexible and less costly, with this more people will be encouraged to register their properties and government can has access to information of properties through that. multi tenurial system, most especially in the south-west has reduced the effect of land tax on revenue generation. for a clear business outline, business is expected to have marketing plans, focus and target on the appropriate group so as to raise capital and be able to sustain the business. the framework of this study is hinged on three ‘revenue pillars’ and these are scrutiny, strategy and execution as shown in figure 3 below: a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 368 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 3 conclusion framework for generating revenue, identifies which revenue source to pursue and how revenue can be generated from a known available source. every business is expected to have a key business outline on who to improve the income. without a well-defined revenue outline and a clear plan on how to improve one’s income generation, every businesses or company might likely struggle to meet up with the cost and other expenses in the business. the need to formulate a framework emanated from the necessity to improve/increase revenue generated from land taxes as it is a prominent component in the internally generated revenue (igr). thus, the framework is to improve/increase revenue generated form land taxes and consequently improve the total igr. examine the adequacy of property information and statistics examine the methods used in assessing examine the availability of trained personnel scrutiny strategy improved marketing plan (revenue outline) awareness creation re-branding /quality control system execution tackle the obstacles in the revenue mobilisation enforcement tax laws & policy accountability/ provision of infrastructure result optimal revenue generation a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 369 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in the framework, various action based factors are raised with a view to improving the volume of revenue generated from land taxes. poor statistic and data of properties and property owners is a major set-back on revenue yield from land taxes. proper data need to be put in place by the state government, this will enable the government to have a clue on who to tax, which properties should be exempted, how many people are paying the tax? and how much revenue has been generated. with this, a proper accountability will be reinforced. government does not have enough information on property, property owners and property transactions. this has affected the revenue from land taxed to be shortfall. government needs to really upgrade the tools in getting information on property a matter of urgency. the system should generate and record accurate information on properties. the process of land titling should be made flexible and less costly, with this more people will be encouraged to register their properties and government can has access to information of properties through that. multi tenurial system, most especially in the south-west has reduced the effect of land tax on revenue generation. for a clear business outline, business is expected to have marketing plans, focus and target on the appropriate group so as to raise capital and be able to sustain the business. the framework of this study is hinged on three ‘revenue pillars’ and these are scrutiny, strategy and execution from fig. 3 above. the first pillar : scrutiny this is expected to be the starting point of any business. it is recommended that one should scrutinize the revenue generation system that is existing in the business very well. in the course of that, several questions such as; what is wrong with the system?, what are the loopholes in the system affecting the performance in terms of optimal revenue generation? and what can be done to improve the performance. all these are questions that accurate answers would be required for. secondly, it is necessary to understand the existing laws supporting the business. with this improvement, can be done on compliance and review so that revenue which is the ultimate goal of any business can be achieved. thirdly, there are data or information as regards the business. in the case of property taxation, it is expected that data on income generating properties, information about the owners and the area of properties should be available and captured for critical examination. in as much as these information are available, then they should be interpreted very well. the inability to interpret these data would lead to lack of appropriate scrutiny. the ability to interpret the data will enable the marketers to have a broad knowledge of the market to penetrate and how to diffuse into the market. with all of these, planning to perform better will be easily made available. second pillar : strategy there should be a clear-goal strategy in any business organisation. it is extremely difficult to improve revenue without a strategy. having no strategic plans can be very devastating on the business. strategy can be likened to building a strong structure for a business. a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 370 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taxation for example has been the government business all along in nigeria. there could be a shift of government involvement in taxation business to private-sector. privatisation of service delivery is a profit oriented game rather than provision of service to everyone. with private sector involvement in taxation, they will be able to produce a workable data on all properties and as well on their owners too. with the introduction of cadastral system of coverage, which is linked to land registration, it will assist in property taxation purpose, there will be an organised data base of property. this can be referred to as fiscal cadastral, with this lot of properties would not be left untaxed. in addition, making more people to be aware of one’s service and the benefit accrued to it is another marketing strategy to use to improve revenue in any business. with the involvement of private-sector in taxation business, they will bring more taxable adult into it with a strong awareness strategies. if tax payers are made to be aware of benefits amassed in it, more people will be attracted to paying of tax. for example property tax can serve as a poll tax in the sense that it can be used as a criterial for voting. with the certificate of tax, signifying payment of tax, that should serve as a voters card and more taxable adult will be made to participate. another strategy could also be employed in tax payment is making people to register their land at a subsidized rate when they produce the tax certificate of tax. once people are aware of these benefits, more people will participate in the civil responsibility. with all of these, quality control measure is another an important tactic in business. it is a system of maintaining standards and to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved upon. quality control ensures that business creates an environment where the management and the employees strive for perfection. it can be depicted from this that despite good business strategies, there is need for frequent check, coordinating and moving human resources and equipment to a final destination of acceptance. third pillar : execution with proper scrutiny of data or information and strategy plans, they will not yield any positive results if there is no well-oiled execution machine in place. with the execution of the strategies most especially in taxation, the followings need to be in place for a proper execution; with the implementation of proper execution frameworks and process, together with proper tools and support structure in place, execution becomes efficient. execution is supported by data, strategy and educated team to be able to accomplish the goal of the business. in taxation the main goal is revenue derivation and with that following needs to support goal to yield a positive result and these are; 1. law enforcement the legal underpinning and the technical capacity to implement property tax should be made strong. the laws are on ground but the implementation of the laws are weak. tax defaulting can be resolved through the following; (a) introduction of a fixed percentage or interest on arrears; (b) tax certificates or clearance must be made available before any transfer of property interest is granted; (c) forfeiture of the defaulting property through seizure or auctioning can be introduced and; a framework for boosting revenue generation from land taxes in ogun state, nigeria orekan 371 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (d) publishing of names of tax defaulters in the national newspapers, radio and television stations. 2. accountability parts of the execution plans should be proper accountability of funds collected and disbursed. this should be made open to all and sundry. once the tax payers are aware of the outlay of revenue collected, they will be encouraged to do more. 3. involvement of experts as part of the execution process, there need to be the involvement of experts in driving the revenue. starting from the appraisers that will determine the value of property for taxation, the marketers for 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that is, the recognition of losses at the time evidence of impairment is identified. the measurement of expected losses when evaluating the loan portfolio is now analyzed for the calculation of a reasonable provision. therefore, the provisions of accounts receivable or impairment of the portfolio are necessary due to the risk involved in addition to a correct valuation, because if they are overvalued or undervalued it would affect the financial situation of the company for future investments or loans. post-pandemic, many non-financial companies in the service sector have faced significant challenges in maintaining stable liquidity conditions. however, there are certain criteria that can indicate that a company is in a strong position in terms of liquidity. first, the company's ability to generate stable and predictable cash flows is key. a company that can maintain a stable cash flow through good management of its cash cycle, including control of its accounts receivable and payable, and efficient management of its inventory, will be better positioned to survive any negative impact on its revenues. second, diversification of revenue sources and the company's ability to adapt are also important factors. a company that has a broad and diversified customer and product base will be better equipped to deal with fluctuations in demand and disruptions in the supply chain. in addition, a company that can adapt quickly to changes in market and economic conditions, through good planning and strategy, will be better able to maintain a strong position in terms of post-pandemic liquidity. for (moreno et al., 2014) this situation "allows users of financial statements to obtain more useful information about the expected credit losses of an entity, about its financial assets to facilitate the evaluation of future amounts and cash flows". (casal, 2016) argues that "entities will have to document their business models and ensure that the financial investments they make are framed in them." (parrales choez & castillo llanos, 2018), ifrs 9 financial instruments seeks a new principlebased classification and valuation approach, depending on the business model and nature of cash flows. likewise, this standard analyzes the deterioration model with an approach to expected losses, and complements a hedge accounting more aligned with the reality of the company's risk management. application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 326 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (gonzales cervan et al., 2015) when comparing these accounting standards highlight four main differences "the first is the implementation of the expected losses model in ifrs 9, which replaces the incurred loss model applied according to ias 39. the second is that ifrs 9 applies a new business model that helps determine the classification of financial assets as either amortized cost or fair value. the third creates a difference with ias 39, since the latter did not allow the decomposition of a non-financial asset to cover risks; however, hedge accounting can be applied under ifrs 9. the last is that it will have an impact on ifrs 7 by making the effectiveness of coverage accounting dependent on the organization's strategies, which will require broader disclosure of their implementation." (azúa álvarez et al., 2021), consider that the measurement of impairment in accounts receivable implies for companies that they must perform the estimated calculation of default for each client, through an expected credit loss (ecl) model under the international standard (ifrs 9), which is based on three components: probability of default (pd), loss given default (lgd), and portfolio exposure (ead). (neisen & schulte-mattler, 2021) warn that this pandemic will cause a deterioration in the solvency of customers in financial institutions and a possible massive increase in loan defaults. as a result, various regulatory bodies, including the basel committee on banking supervision (bcbs) and european union (eu) institutions such as the european banking authority (eba) and the european central bank (ecb), have taken measures to prevent a potential banking crisis. (porretta et al., 2020) describe the statement suggests that the new regulations and technical standards introduced in europe may not always align with the methodological criteria and operational implications of the iasb. the statement further indicates that a case study has shown that the rules established for stage 1 of ifrs 9 do not reduce excess coverage produced in a portfolio, which may be problematic for companies. the statement goes on to mention that for impaired loans that fall under stage 2 of ifrs 9, the expected credit loss (ecl) calculation may impose an excess of provisions because it does not consider the effect of expected premium coverage. additionally, for portfolios of loans with short repayment terms, the excess provisions of ifrs 9 may compensate for the lack of coverage of the capital requirement. for this reason, the new requirements of the international standard in relation to risk measurement emphasize the preparation of information. this has resulted in the development of statistical models that measure risk capacity, thus obtaining a concept extended to that traditionally proposed by risk rating agencies. (peter, 2006) in his banking experience highlights that the measurement and management of credit risk depends to a large extent on three key risk parameters: probability of default (pd), exposure at default (ead) and loss given default (lgd). for this author, probability of default describes the probability that the lender will face default on some obligor or transaction. the exposure at default provides an estimate of the exposure outstanding at the time of default, also indicating the maximum loss on the corresponding credit line. finally, loss given default measures the percentage application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 327 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of a defaulted exposure that the lending bank expects not to recover. this means that the lending bank expects to recover (1 lgd) percent of the defaulted exposure. (bushman & williams, 2012) investigated discretionary lending practices in banks in 27 countries, concluding that forward-looking provisions designed to smooth profits reduce risk-taking discipline, consistent with decreased transparency that inhibits external control. conversely, forward-looking provisions reflecting timely recognition of expected future credit losses (ecls) are associated with greater discipline on risk-taking. (novotny-farkas, 2016), concludes that the expected credit loss (ecl) model incorporates a significantly larger set of relevant information to identify future credit losses and leads to earlier recognition of these. consequently, it will require higher loan loss provisions, which will reduce the accumulation of excess losses and the overestimation of regulatory capital in boom periods. (chawla, 2016) mentioned that unlike basel ii rules, which require the use of through-the-cycle probabilities of default (pd) and loss given default (lgd) rates and recession default exposures (ead), ifrs 9 and the proposed current expected credit loss accounting standards require institutions to use point-in-time projections of pd, lgd and ead. by taking into account the current state of the credit cycle, these projections closely track changes in default and loss rates over time. (vaněk & hampel, 2017), proposed for the case of the czech republic, the calculation of the probability of default (pd) using the markov model, and the official macroeconomic data taken from the national bank, thus adjusting to the requirements of ifrs 9 to determine the calculation of expected credit losses (ecl) over the life of the financial instrument. (cohen. bedwards, 2017) in their post-financial crisis study (2007-2009) mentioned that accounting standards bodies have required banks and other companies to provision against loans based on expected credit losses (ecls) and determined that in the short term these provisions may increase, but the impact on regulatory capital is expected to be limited. (habachi & el haddad, 2018), outlined that the probability of default (pd) depends on the model used for the design of the internal rating system. for this purpose, they investigated the impact of model choice on expected credit loss (ecl) by calculating the probability of default (pd) for various types of models based on logistic regression and principal component analysis in morocco. (delgado-vaquero & morales-díaz, 2018) proposed the financial ratio scoring model and the merton kmv structural model, to estimate credit quality and obtain the corresponding probability of default (pd), where information was published on the client (basically information from financial statements and other market inputs) and comparable companies. (galárraga & lafferty, 2018) using a statistical-mathematical model determined the probability of default and a reasonable allocation for a company dedicated to the operation of shopping centers, which motivated management to change accounting policies and its credit and collection processes. application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 328 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (costa et al., 2020) applied a logistic regression model to predict the credit risk of default in the consumer portfolio of a bank in portugal. according to the authors, the risk of default increases with the loan margin, the term of the loan and the age of the client, but decreases if the client has more credit cards. (santos, 2018) proposes a real approach to model the probability of default in the calculation of expected credit loss under ifrs 9. according to the author, financial institutions had to adjust their models to comply with this standard. based on this, model performance and calibration were analyzed using pearson's correlation, coefficient of determination and binomial test. the results suggest that this approach estimates the risk parameter well, as the coefficients are above the 0.7 threshold and the percentage of accepted periods is also above 70%. however, one of the curves needs to be adjusted, as it has a coefficient of determination of 0.45. (zizi et al., 2021) concluded that logistic regression models obtained by step selection outperform the other models with an overall accuracy of 93% two years before financial distress and 95% one year before the current context. the results also show that the models rank distressed small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) better than healthy smes with type i errors lower than type ii errors. (schutte, 2020) develop a methodology to calculate the expected credit loss on the portfolio of a guaranteed financial institution in an emerging country. first, the marginal probability of default is determined. second, they proceed to calculate the marginal recovery rates and the loss given the resulting default, and finally the portfolio exposure. these three components are combined to calculate the expected credit loss empirically. according to the authors, in markets where more sophisticated models are developed, the proposed methodology can be used in two scenarios: either as a benchmark to compare models under recently developed ifrs 9 or in markets where there are limited resources. (martinelli et al., 2020) show in their research that data mining techniques can significantly improve the risk assessment approaches of financial institutions by providing more accurate information on the assessment of credit quality deterioration before the actual loss occurs, without incurring disproportionate costs and efforts. according to these authors, the proposed model is useful especially for measuring the 12-month probability of default, and for assessing the potential shift of a credit from stage 1 to stage 2 over the entire term of the financial instrument. (oberson, 2021) in his study conducted on a sample of 69 banks from 24 countries, within a normal reference scenario, describes that the novelty in the expected credit loss (ecl) model is the prospective incorporation for the recognition of accounting provisions on bad loans, which provides a wide margin for managerial discretion. regarding (engelmann, 2021) assertion that the most widely applied formula in the literature to calculate ecl is inconsistent with the measurement of expected loss based on expected discounted cash flows, it would be necessary to review the specific formula and context to provide a more definitive response. however, it's worth noting that financial reporting standards such as ifrs 9 application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 329 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting provide guidance on how to calculate ecl using a range of methodologies, including discounted cash flow approaches. the logistic distribution is a commonly used probability distribution in credit risk modeling, and the markov chain monte carlo (mcmc) method is a powerful statistical tool for estimating model parameters. by using these techniques, (zhao & cao, 2021) were able to develop a credit risk model that accurately classifies customers into different risk levels based on their credit history and compliance status. overall, the study highlights the importance of credit history and compliance status in assessing the credit risk of bank customers. these factors should be carefully considered by banks and other financial institutions when making lending decisions and managing credit risk. (habachi & el haddad, 2018), in their study on the impact of covid-19 in morocco on a portfolio of a financial institution, use accounting supports and qualitative variables related to the client as a source of information, and as part of the empirical evidence logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis. the authors have used expert opinion to adjust the ratings and probability of default assigned to each counterparty by the initial models. this approach can help to incorporate subjective factors that may not be captured by quantitative models alone. however, it is important to note that expert opinion may be subject to biases and may not always be reliable. therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider the qualifications and expertise of the experts involved and to take a cautious approach when relying on their opinions. (hung et al., 2021) conducted a study that compared the robustness of a probability of default (pd) estimation model with a deterministic gross domestic product (gdp) to a credit default model. the goal of the study was to assess whether the deterministic gdp model was more robust than the credit default model in predicting the likelihood of default of corporate borrowers. the study used data from publicly traded companies in the united states from 2001 to 2017. the credit default model was based on the merton model, which calculates the probability of default based on a firm's asset value, debt level, volatility, and the value of the debt. the deterministic gdp model, on the other hand, used the historical average gdp growth rate as a proxy for future economic growth. (achim et al., 2021) consider that ifrs 9 increases accounting value judgments as it incorporates forward-looking information in the estimation of credit losses which, theoretically should ensure timely recognition of provisions. however, as noted since its implementation in 2018, the standard is still at an early stage and more time needs to elapse before companies can build robust validation frameworks around the estimates made. in addition, the stochastic nature of ifrs 9 in shaping these assumptions raises questions about the effect of potential discretion and flexibility of decision makers in companies. (gubareva, 2021) demonstrates how to estimate credit impairment provisions in accordance with the ifrs 9 framework. in her study she concludes that for both investment grade and high yield exposures, the weight of the default component in credit spreads is always less than 33%. the application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 330 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting research results contrast with several previous findings that the risk premium accounts for at least 40% of spreads in default hedges. (bank & eder, 2021) argue that for ifrs 9 a calibration of the probability of default at the account level is more appropriate than a calibration at the portfolio level, as highlighted in the basel accords. according to the authors to date no study has yet investigated empirically how the choice of model affects the assignment of stages (stage 1, for 12 months; stage 2, for the entire term of the financial instrument; stage 3, impairment). (chen et al., 2022) develop a model of the impairment of financial assets through the credit card data of a financial institution. according to these authors, the results obtained show that, compared with the previous accounting standard ias 39, under the implementation of the current ifrs 9 standard, both the scale of credit card business assets that need to be impaired and the provision for asset impairment improve significantly, but the impairment reserve ratio decreases. (pastiranová & witzany, 2022) expect ifrs 9 to change the flow of loan loss provisions, which is expected to be unstable, more volatile and more unpredictable than under the previous standard ias 39, empirically tested in a sample of the eight largest banks in the czech republic. the hypothesis that the implementation of ifrs 9 leads to higher volatility of loan loss provisions is confirmed in the case of five banks and within the entire sample of banks at a probability level of 5%. (lamaj, 2023) describes the key requirements of ifrs 9 on accounting for loan loss provisions. first, he interprets the main rationale for loan loss provisions. secondly, he goes on to give a brief history of the standard development and, finally, summarizes the main implications of the loss model for financial institutions. method composition of the portfolio the primary information of the case presented is composed of all the accounts receivable found in the accounting records of a non-financial company specialized in the services sector in ecuador, detailing the information on outstanding balances, days due, date on which the debt was contracted and maturity date. in addition, the portfolio was limited to companies that have outstanding accounts receivable (47 customers). the research approach was mixed (qualitative and quantitative) and data was collected using company data and ratings given to each client. the company's portfolio is classified into 5 groups according to the number of days past due for each client, as follows: category a: less than 30 days; category b: between 31 and 60 days; category c: between 61 and 90 days; category d: between 91 and 180 days; category e: more than 180 days. application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 331 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting according to the company's policy, it is determined that the risk of inconvenience increases after 60 days of delinquency, which in this portfolio represents 33% of the total number of customers. note that 55% of the portfolio migrated from higher to lower ratings, or remained at low ratings, while the other 45% remained at high ratings or migrated from low to high ratings. definition of variables the dependent variable of this research that will be explained by the binary logistic regression model is the probability of default of the clients of the non-financial company; therefore, for the construction of the dependent variable, its accounting policies have been considered, where it has been defined that the maximum time for its clients to pay the outstanding amounts to be collected is 60 days. this means that all unpaid invoices above the established limit represent a greater risk for the company of uncollectability of accounts receivable, therefore, customers who have exceeded 60 days past due will be assigned a value of (1) and those under 60 days will be assigned a value of (0). the independent variables focus on the information obtained from the public financial statements presented by these companies, obtaining financial ratios such as: current liquidity, equity indebtedness, leverage, portfolio turnover, gross margin, size of the client company, participation according to client activities, as well as qualitative information on the state of tax compliance, the state of compliance with social security, the state of corporate compliance, the existence of audits and the current state of the company. the model the statistical model was performed using binary logistic regression, which is a mathematical technique that aims to model the relationship between a variable or dependent variable, depending on the independent variables (i),𝑌𝑋 therefore, it seeks to predict the probability of occurrence of knowing the values of (𝑌𝑋i), the starting equation of logistic regression is: 𝑃(𝑌 = 1|𝑋) = 𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑏0+∑ 𝑏1𝑥𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 ) 1 + 𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑏0+∑ 𝑏1𝑥𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 ) • 𝑃(𝑌 = 1|𝑋): is the probability that takes the value 1 (presence of the studied characteristic 𝑌). • 𝑋 is a set of n covariates x1.... xn that are part of the model • 𝑏0 is the constant model or independent term • 𝑏i represent the coefficients of the covariates we divide the expression by its complementarity, obtaining a much easier expression to handle mathematically: 𝑃(𝑌 = 1|𝑋) 1 − 𝑃(𝑌 = 1|𝑋) = 𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑏0+∑ 𝑏1𝑥𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 ) application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 332 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting however, it is more difficult to interpret, so finally a transformation is made with the natural logarithm to obtain an equation of linear type. ln ( 𝑃(𝑌 = 1|𝑋) 1 − 𝑃(𝑌 = 1|𝑋) ) = 𝑏0 + ∑ 𝑏1𝑥𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 the estimate of the expected loss for a portfolio can be calculated using the following formula: 𝐸𝐶𝐿 = 𝑃𝐷 ∗ 𝐿𝐺𝐷 ∗ 𝐸𝐴𝐷 𝐸𝐶𝐿 : expected credit loss 𝑃𝐷: probability of default 𝐿𝐺𝐷: loss given default 𝐸𝐴𝐷: portfolio exposure the probability of default (pd) is the likelihood that a borrower or counterparty will default within a given time period. this is typically estimated using statistical models that take into account a range of factors such as the borrower's credit history, financial ratios, industry sector, macroeconomic conditions, etc. the loss given default (lgd) is the proportion of the outstanding balance that is lost in the event of a default. this can be estimated using historical data or through the use of models that take into account factors such as collateral, seniority, and recovery rates. the exposure at default (ead) is the amount of exposure to the borrower or counterparty at the time of default. this can be estimated based on the outstanding balance, or through the use of models that take into account factors such as future drawdowns, collateral, and other forms of credit enhancement. by multiplying these three factors together, we can estimate the expected loss for a portfolio. this is an important measure for banks and other financial institutions, as it helps to inform their capital planning and risk management activities. result and discussion the "enter" method was chosen for the binary logistic regression model where we decide which variables are entered or extracted from the model, through the spss statistical software. results in limiting financial expenses in each of the cases raised are shown below: table no. 1 omnibus testing of model coefficients chi-cuadrado gl herself. application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 333 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting step 1 step 125,913 11 ,000 block 125,913 11 ,000 model 125,913 11 ,000 source: research data for step 1 of the model, the statistical efficiency score of the rao indicates that there is a significant improvement in predicting the probability of occurrence of the categories of the dependent variable (chi-squared: 125.913; gl: 11; p<0.001). table no. 2 model summary step logarithm of probability -2 cox and snell r-squared nagelkerke rsquared 1 63.973 ,598 ,801 source: research data there are two r-squares in logistic regression, and both are valid. it is customary to say that the part of the dependent variable explained by the model ranges from the r-squared cox and snell to the r-squared nagelkerke. the higher the r-squared, the more explanatory the model, consequently, the independent variables explain the dependent variable. the nagelkerke rsquared value indicates that the proposed model explains 80.1% of the variance of the dependent variable. table no. 3 model classification observed foresight default correct percentage ,00 1,00 defaul t ,00 76 0 100,0 1,00 12 50 80,6 overall percentage 91,3 source: research data although goodness-of-fit coefficients are not entirely reliable, the leaderboard is usually the criterion we must follow to indicate the goodness of fit of the model. based on the regression equation and the observed data, a prediction of the value of the dependent variable is made. this prediction is compared with the observed value. if correct, the case is correctly classified. the more cases you classify correctly, that is, the more the predicted value matches the observed value, the better the model, the more explanatory it will be; therefore, independent variables are good predictors of the event or dependent variable. application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 334 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting for the logistic regression analysis, step 1 indicates that there is a 91.3% probability of being correct in the result of the dependent variable, when i know the financial information of the companies. overall, this is an acceptable model. table no. 4 hosmer and lemeshow test step chi-square gl herself. 1 9,021 8 ,340 source: research data the hosmer and lemeshow test is a distribution constant. the null hypothesis is that there is no difference between observed and predicted values (probabilities); the alternative hypothesis is that there is. therefore, rejection of this test indicates that the model is not well fitted. in our particular case, the significance of the model is 9.021 (chi-square) and we have a p-value greater than 0.05, so the model is relevant. table no. 5 variables in the model equation b standard error forest herself. exp(b) step 1 ep -12,54 5,26 5,68 ,017 ,000 ap 12,54 5,26 5,68 ,017 279458,31 rc -,014 ,007 4,65 ,031 ,986 mb -1,91 ,959 3,99 ,046 ,147 lc -3,87 1,35 8,14 ,004 ,021 status ,048 1,82 ,001 ,979 1,049 particip -10,29 8,15 1,59 ,207 ,000 age -,032 ,049 ,430 ,512 ,968 tipo_c -,505 1,31 ,147 ,701 ,604 super -4,80 1,44 10,99 ,001 ,008 audit -1,11 ,871 1,64 ,199 ,327 constant -2,07 4,70 ,195 ,659 ,125 source: research data in this table we can see the variables that intervene in the model, and that are significant for the model, those variables that have a sig. value < 0.05. the b sign of each of the significant variables indicates the relationship it has with the dependent variable. we can also consider the following: • if exp(b) < 1, if the value of the independent variable increases, the value of the dependent variable decreases. • if exp(b) > 1, if the value of the independent variable increases, the value of the dependent variable increases. application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 335 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the wald score is a statistical test that measures the significance of the coefficients of the independent variables in a regression model. a significant wald score indicates that the independent variable is a good predictor of the dependent variable. however, the significance of the wald score alone is not sufficient to determine whether the results can be generalized to the population. table no. 6 explanatory variables of the model variable meaning sign b explanation ep debt to equity the higher the indebtedness of the assets, the greater the risk that the client will default. ap leverage + the higher the level of leverage, the greater the risk of the client defaulting. rc portfolio rotation the higher the portfolio turnover, the lower the risk of the client defaulting. mb margen gross the higher the gross margin, the lower the client's risk of default. lc current liquidity the higher the client's current liquidity, the lower the risk of default. super corporate compliance status since it is classified as compliant or noncompliant, this indicates that companies that meet their corporate obligations have a lower risk of default. source: research data from the coefficients obtained in the binary logistic regression model, the regression line is calculated with the following expressions: pd = 12,541 ∗ ap − 12.542 ∗ ep − 0,014 ∗ rc − 1.917 ∗ mb − 3,873 ∗ lc − 5.806 ∗ super where: ps: probability of non-compliance ep: debt to own funds ap: leverage rc: portfolio turnover lc: current liquidity mb: gross margins super: corporate compliance status application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 336 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to calculate the pd for each client in a portfolio, a mathematical model is used. the specific model used can vary depending on the institution and the type of portfolio being analyzed. however, in general, the model will take into account various variables that are indicative of the likelihood of default, such as credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and loan-to-value ratio. once the model is developed, it can be used to calculate the pd for each client in the portfolio using the general mathematical formula of the model. the exact formula will depend on the specific model being used, but it will typically involve some combination of the input variables and model coefficients. it's important to note that the pd is just one component of credit risk assessment and management. other factors, such as recovery rate and exposure at default, also need to be considered to fully assess the risk of a loan portfolio. to obtain the loss given default (lgd) it is necessary to know the recovery rate (rr), which represents the probability of recovery of the portfolio. in this case, the recovery rate is the probability that a customer who has a loan portfolio will pay the outstanding amounts. therefore, lgd is equal to: (1rr). since ifrs 9 does not specify a detailed method for estimating this parameter, it was obtained from the portfolio analysis by category: table no. 7 loss given default (lgd) category recovery rate (rr) loss given default (lgd) category a 90,7% 9,3% category b 79,7% 20,3% category c 64,8% 35,2% category d 44,9% 55,1% category e 19,9% 80,1% source: research data below, we present the scheme for calculating the expected credit loss (ecl) for each of the clients that make up the portfolio of the non-financial company. table no. 8 calculation of expected credit loss (ecl) customer days late initial qualification final qualification ead lgd pd ecl 1 22 a a 87,76 9,3% 4,3% 0,35 2 23 a a 497,12 9,3% 3,0% 1,39 3 58 a b 4.184,00 20,3% 5,4% 45,46 application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 337 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 4 875 e e 1.775,00 80,1% 99,5% 1.414,41 5 22 a a 3.814,33 9,3% 1,9% 6,89 6 1282 e e 20.737,52 80,1% 99,0% 16.431,95 7 22 a a 1.327,45 9,3% 2,9% 3,62 8 22 a a 445,28 9,3% 4,0% 1,64 n .. .. .. .. .. .. .. source: research data according to the results obtained, the study presents the situation of a non-financial company in the services sector that before the pandemic showed stable liquidity, since it was able to meet its short-term obligations, but depended on more than 50% of the financing of its creditors, so it would reach a point where it could not meet its obligations even though it has liquidity. this is not in great proportion, and in this way, he would manage to survive the payment of his debts. however, in the current economic context it would present a greater risk of default. through the binary logistic regression model used, it was determined that the variables that are capable of determining the probability of default for the company are: equity indebtedness, leverage, portfolio turnover, current liquidity, gross margin, corporate compliance status. the model obtained can predict the fulfillment of payments in a general way by 91.3%, that is, the model has an optimal predictive character. on the other hand, the application of ifrs 9 resulted in the recording of a provision representing 23% of the company's portfolio, compared to 9% recorded in the company's books before the pandemic. given these facts, it is necessary to improve credit granting policies because their portfolio is complex and requires observing different variables to meet their needs, such as the financial analysis of customers, the existence of guarantees, credit history, if they are recurring customers and if they have been in default for days on previous loans. conclusion the company in the service sector has used a binary logistic regression model to calculate the probability of default (pd) for its portfolio. this model is commonly used in credit risk. furthermore, the company has also used the international financial reporting standard 9 (ifrs 9) approach to estimate the expected credit loss (ecl) for its portfolio. this approach requires the calculation of two key parameters, namely the loss given default (lgd) and portfolio exposure at default (ead), for each client category in the portfolio. based on the information provided, it appears that the company has estimated a 23% deterioration in the portfolio in pandemic situations compared to a baseline scenario of 9% before the pandemic occurred. this suggests that the pandemic has had a significant impact on the credit quality of the portfolio, resulting in a higher expected credit loss. it is worth noting that the estimation of credit risk parameters and the calculation of expected credit losses are complex and involve various assumptions and inputs. therefore, it is important for the company to ensure that its modeling methodologies and data inputs are appropriate and application of ifrs 9 financial instruments and the exposure to credit risk (case study in ecuador) orellana and rabanal 338 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting up-to-date, and that the results are regularly monitored and validated. this can help to improve the accuracy and reliability of the credit risk estimates and support sound credit risk management practices. ifrs 9 recommends using the provisions matrix as an alternative method, where the age of the portfolio is identified, each client is qualified, and the provisions to be made are estimated, under the hypothesis that the longer the delinquency time, the greater the portfolio deterioration, a situation that is accentuated in this situation after the pandemic. reference achim, l.-g., mitoi, e., & turlea, i.-c. 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tax. this paper aims to describes and analyses two perspectives, the global dan schedular system, of taxing repo based on indonesian income tax law. from legal perspective, a repo is taxed under schedular income tax system where it views a repo as two transactions. meanwhile, from economic perspective, a repo is viewed as a single transaction that is based on comprehensive income tax system. although, prevailing law principle favors the first perspective, the latter is logically more sensible and far more equitable than the first. regulatory measures based on a comprehensive income tax system are needed to resolve the dispute. keywords: repurchase agreement, legal perspective, economic perspective, comprehensive income tax system, schedular income tax system this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction when indonesia experienced shortage in its money market back in 2014, there were high demands for repurchase agreements (repo) (kurniawan, 2014). since then, repo becomes important instrument in indonesia money market, and even, on 19 august 2016, the 7-day repo rate has become a reference rate which is used by the central bank of indonesia (bank indonesia, n.d.). however, the increasing of repo transactions has not been followed by adequate income tax law and regulations. as a result, there is ambiguity and dualism in terms of tax treatment of such transactions. repo is basically an agreement in which a seller of securities sell the securities to a buyer and at the same time the seller agrees and commits to repurchase the securities at a certain price at a future date (international capital market association, n.d.). therefore, a repo consists of two-legged transaction, which are the securities sale and reacquisition. consequently, the repurchase price includes agreed interest as stated in the agreement (acharya & öncü, 2011; schultz & bockian, 2017). for that reason, repo can be viewed as secured or collateralised loan in which the seller repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 251 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting acting as short-term debtor while the buyer as short-term creditor. in this paper, i use the terms “seller” or “debtor” and “buyer” or “creditor” interchangeably. an interesting aspect of repo analysis is that it has two points of view (al-rushou & al saeed, 2008). first, tax legal perspective that views a repo consists of two transactions which are sale and buy-back or repurchase of securities, where the buyer is only temporary owner of the securities(reiff, 2022). second, based on economic or accounting perspective that views a repo as a loan agreement (reiff, 2022). furthermore, those views affect tax treatment that should be applied, considering that indonesian tax law regime implements schedular income tax for certain types of income, including some income derived from securities such as bond interest and dividend. there are two main categories of income derived from a repo transaction, which are repo interest as stated in the agreement and manufactured income (international capital market association, n.d.), that is income derived from the securities, i.e. dividend. one of the differences between repo interest and manufactured income is that the repo interest can be calculated in advance, while sometimes the manufactured income cannot be calculated in advance, depending on the type of the securities. there is a possibility of other income derived by an agent or third party related to some type of repo that is the agent’s fee. however, there is no ambiguity on such income according to indonesian income tax law (ordower, 2014). this paper aims to explain and analyse the dualism of perspectives relating to the nature of repo transaction and the income derived from these transactions according to indonesian income tax law. however, this paper does not discuss cross-border repo transactions because it focuses on problems and debates in domestic tax law. method this paper is designed using qualitative research method in order to describe, explain, and analyse indonesian income tax law regarding repo transaction (hurtado-parrado et al., 2022). the method is chosen because the approach on the discussion on this paper is based on implementation of positive tax law and its gap with the ideal provision relating to repo transaction. linos and carlson (2017) stated that qualitative methods are particularly well suited for law reviews. however, to circumscribe the analysis and discussion, i only explain and discuss repo transaction of bonds and stocks. furthermore, the principle analysis of those two types of security is sufficient to explain other types of repo’s collaterals. result and discussion 1. mechanism and income from repo transaction repo consists of two legs of transactions. the first leg is completed when the seller (the debtor) sells securities to the buyer (the creditor) (gottardi et al., 2019; ruchin, 2011; sissoko, 2019). in this leg, the securities will be legally delivered or transferred to the buyer or in a case of tri-party repo, to third-party agent as security custodian. consequently, the buyer should transfer the money repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 252 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting or cash to buy the securities. the second leg is done when the seller repurchases the securities from the buyer at specified date and at agreed upon price, which is definitely higher than the initial purchase. commonly, this arrangement is covered in a written agreement, therefore it is called repurchase agreement (reiff, 2022). the duration between the first leg and the second leg or the “holding period” according to the agreement can be overnight up to one year (choudhry, 2010) . generally, the longer holding period of the buyer the higher risk will be faced by the buyer and as a result, the yield or the repo interest will be higher. in substance, the buyer is acting as a creditor who gives a loan to the seller and the collateral is the securities being sold. therefore, the legal owner of the collateral (or the securities) is the creditor, provided that there is actual sale transaction between the debtor and the creditor. although, from economic or accounting perspective, repo transaction and collateralised loan are substantially very similar transactions, but those two transactions have a substantial difference from legal perspective (makwae, 2021). the effect of the legal owner of the collateral in repo is that if there is default event by the debtor, the creditor or the buyer has the right to sell the collateral immediately without consent of the seller or the creditor (choudhry, 2010). the types of income generated in repo transaction can be categorised into three types, which are repo interest (international capital market association, n.d.), margin (reiff, 2022), and manufactured income or payment (fernando, 2022). repo interest is the main income, because this type of income is the driver of repo, whether the transaction is agreed and exercised by the parties. it is basically the expected or required return of the buyer which is stated in the agreement. it is calculated by multiplying the repo rate and the initial price or deducting buyback price with initial price (armakolla et al., 2019; baklanova et al., 2019). margin is another type of income from repo, but it is derived only in specific cases and mainly expected as protection. there are two types of margin which are initial margin and variation margin or haircut (choudhry, 2010). initial margin is derived when the cash proceed from sale of securities, in the first leg of repo transaction, is lower than the amount of delivered or transferred securities by the seller (choudhry, 2010). meanwhile, variation margin is basically applied in a case of increasing or decreasing of market value of the securities (choudhry, 2010). if the market value of the securities increases by certain amount (as stated in the agreement), then the seller will usually demand additional cash equivalent. in contrast, when the market value drops, then the buyer will demand additional collaterals or securities. manufactured income, the third category of income, is income related to the securities and it is paid by the issuer of the securities that does not involve in repo transaction. the type of income varies depending on the securities being sold, such as bond interest, dividend, or certificate of deposit’s interest. the manufactured income in terms of legal is the buyer’s right, however repo agreement usually provides that the manufactured income should be transferred back to the seller, the substantial owner of the securities. to describe all of the incomes might be involved in a repo transaction, there is a simple illustration as follows: repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 253 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting x corp is the buyer and y corp is the seller in a repo transaction. on 1 january 2020, y corp agreed to sell its 1,000 bonds to x corp at us$1,290,000.00 and to repurchase it at us$1,300,000.00 on 28 february 2020. the bonds at the sale date have total market value at us$1,297,000.00 while the face value (actual value) of the bond is us$1,295,000.00. however, since the bonds market value dropped to us$1,290,000.00, on 31 january 2020, x corp demanded other bonds to be delivered worth at us$5,000 as additional collateral to maintain the agreed value of collateral. on 1 february 2020, y corp fulfilled its obligation to deliver us$5,000 extra bonds. at the same time, z corp (the bonds issuer) paid us$2,500 as the bonds interest to x corp. on 2 february 2019, x corp transferred back us$2,500 bonds interest to y corp. finally, the repo transaction completed when y corp bought back the bonds at us$1,300,000.00 on 28 february 2020. from the illustration, it is clear that the repo interest is us$10,000 which is the difference between sale price and repurchase price. the initial margin is the difference between the face value and the purchase price which is us$7,000, but this type of gain would not be realised until the seller fails to repurchase the bonds (default). the variation margin which was derived by x corp is us$5,000. the variation margin is also another type of unrealised gain. in addition, us$2,500 transferred by z corp to x corp is the manufactured income (bonds interest). 2. income tax system in indonesia in general, there are two income tax system in indonesia, which are global or comprehensive income tax (cnossen, 2018; fischer, 2015)and schedular income tax system (bucheli & olivieri, 2019; creedy & sanz-sanz, 2011). broadly speaking, global income tax is based on comprehensive concept of income which was developed by georg von schanz in 1896, robert m. haig in 1921, and lastly by henry simons in 1938 and it has been termed as schanz-haig-simons model (holmes, 2001). meanwhile, some scholars believe that schedular income tax system is rooted from the united kingdom income taxation in 1803 (holmes, 2001). the basic idea of schedular income tax system was to separate income based on its type, such as business profit or gain from sale of land, in order to reduce taxpayer’s burden of tax. when the schedular income tax system was introduced in the united kingdom, it was initially imposed on individual taxpayer (holmes, 2001). comprehensive income definition in indonesian tax law is provided in article 4 section (1) law no.7 year 1983 concerning income tax as amended several times and last by law no. 7 year 2021 concerning harmonization of tax regulations (indonesian income tax law). according to the article, income is any increase in economics capacity received by or accrued by a taxpayer, both originating from indonesia as well as from outside indonesia, which may be utilised for consumption or increasing the taxpayer’s wealth, by any name and any form (law of the republic of indonesia, 1983 ) (law of the republic of indonesia, 2021). the definition is similar with schanz-haig-simons comprehensive income which can be simply defined as net increase or accretion of wealth or economic power during a period of time. based on indonesian income tax law, comprehensive income should be taxed by applying progressive tax rate for individual taxpayer or single rate for corporation taxpayer as provided in article 17 of the law (law of the republic of indonesia, 1983) (law of the republic of indonesia, 2021). most repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 254 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting of types of income will be imposed with the same rate as stated in article 17 and hence, this provision is so-called “general provision” of income tax law. unlike comprehensive income, there is no definition of schedular income in indonesian tax law. however, schedular income tax in indonesian income tax law is mostly called “final income tax” despite another slightly different type of tax which is known as income tax based on special norm of calculation. there are some articles in indonesian tax law that contain imposition of final income tax. notwithstanding, there is one particular article that is commonly known as main source of imposition based on schedular income tax system. the article is article 4 section (2) of indonesian income tax law. the article provides that several types of income, mostly passive income, such as bond interest, saving interest, deposit interest, sale of stocks which are traded in indonesia stock exchange, and income from construction business, may be imposed with final income tax (law of the republic of indonesia, 1983) (law of the republic of indonesia, 2021). furthermore, the imposition of final income tax on several types of income will be prescribed more detail by government regulations. even though, there is no clear definition of what is final income tax and its characteristics, based on government regulation no. 94 of 2010, we can conclude some distinctive characteristics of final income tax compared to comprehensive income tax. those differences are as follows: 1. specific incomes that are imposed with final income tax should be separated from comprehensive income and therefore there is no need to accumulate those income with comprehensive income for calculating taxable income in the end of the taxable year. each type of income liable to a final income tax will be taxed individually and mostly paid off by withholding mechanism if the income provider is a withholding agent. as a result, there are several income tax rates in indonesia income tax law, especially because of the application of final income tax. 2. costs or expenses exist due to a specific income liable to a final income tax cannot be deducted from the income (gross income). if there is an expense that is not directly related to the income, or the expense incurred for generating the income and comprehensive income, the expense should be separated and calculated proportionally according to both incomes. thus, the expense portion of specific income cannot be deducted from the income. such method is called joint cost allocation. therefore, based on this characteristic, final income tax can be imposed on any circumstance of the taxpayer regardless if there is profit or loss from the specific income. succinctly, the taxable income of the specific income liable to a final income tax is the gross amount of such income. 3. the isolation of specific income liable to a final income tax is much more emphasized with the prohibition of loss resulted from comprehensive income to be compensated with the specific income. therefore, not only disallowance of loss on the same specific income or other specific incomes under final income tax regime, but also loss from comprehensive income cannot be compensated with such income. repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 255 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting most of the final income tax imposed by withholding mechanism, but withholding income tax in indonesian income tax law is not always referred to final income tax. furthermore, article 19 of government regulation no. 94 of 2010 provides that final income tax regime is a special law (lex specialis) and comprehensive income tax regime is a general law, thus final income tax law overrides comprehensive income tax law based on “lex specialis derogat legi generali” doctrine (government regulation of the republic of indonesia, 2010). however, this doctrine adds more complexities on a tax matter of repurchase agreement. the application of hybrid income tax system in indonesia is the central issue in this article, resulting on dualism of tax perspectives of a repo transaction, although as lex specialis, the final income tax regime should be prioritised. 3. repo transaction from tax legal perspective this perspective is based on the implementation and interpretation of schedular income tax system in which prevailing law applied to some specific incomes. according to this perspective, repo is regarded merely from indonesian tax legal point-of-view which suggests that the sale and the buyback or repurchase treated as if they are two independent transactions. this perspective suggests that the repurchase event treated as if there is no relation with the sale event of the securities. thus, the two transactions are considered as an outright sale and buyback of the securities. there is no different of tax treatment between sell-buyback repo and classic repo. 3.1. bond case based on indonesian income tax law, the initial and variation margin of a repo transaction with collateral in form of bonds is called discount. discount in a sale of bonds is classified as specific income liable to final income tax, therefore it is taxed under schedular income tax system and should be calculated individually. government regulation no. 91 year 2021 concerning income tax on income in form of bond interest which is received or accrued by resident taxpayer and permanent establishment provides that any discount from sale price or face value/ par value of bonds is subject to final income tax. the definition of bond interest in that regulation is extended including premium and discount of bond. the final income tax rate of such income is 10% from the gross amount. however, if there is loss from sale of coupon bonds, the loss can be deducted from the gross amount of bond interest in the current year (government regulation of the republic of indonesia, 2021). there are two types of resident taxpayer and permanent establishment, pension fund and bank, that are excluded from the imposition of final income tax. for those two taxpayers, income in form of bond interest is liable under general law. meanwhile, foreign/non-resident taxpayer is taxed at 20% of the taxable income or according to the tax treaty between indonesia and the resident country. the confounding of tax treatment under schedular income tax system is the existence or realisation of the income being taxed. in general, according to the definition of income as provided in article 4 section (1) of indonesian income tax law, any income is realised when it exists to be utilised repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 256 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting for acquiring assets or consumption. in the case of bonds’ repo, the discount is not going to be realised until two events have already occurred, either there will be termination of repo contract (repurchase event) or any default by the seller or debtor. in the repurchase event, substantially, the discount transformed into repo interest, because the discount is included in the repurchase price of the bond. meanwhile, in the default event, when the seller fails to buyback the bonds, the discount can be realised if the buyer sells the bonds to other party above the initial purchase. however, based on the government regulation concerning bond interest, both the realised gain which is the repo interest and the unrealised gain which is the margin or the discount are liable to final income tax. for illustration, if there are zero-coupon bonds with face value of us$500,000.00 bought for us$499,000.00 in a repo contract, the buyer derived discount worth us$1,000.00. even though this discount is not realised until the termination of repo contract or default event, this unrealised gain is still subject of final income tax. if the seller buyback the bonds for us$500.000, in the termination date of repo contract or buyback date, the buyer derived us$1,000.00 that is called repo interest. therefore, the unrealised discount will be replaced by repo interest. this interest is also a taxable income of final income tax. on the other hand, when the seller cannot fulfil the contract (in the event of default) and the buyer decides to sell the bonds to other party for us$500,000.00, the buyer derives the same us$1,000.00 gain from the sale of the bonds. the imposition of final income tax based on the illustration are as follows: 1) if the termination of repo contract completed without default, the unrealised discount of the buyer from the purchase price us$1,000.00 as well as the repo interest with that same amount will be taxed equally; 2) if there is default event, the unrealised discount which turn into realised discount will also be taxed. from the above discussion, we can conclude that there are at least two main problems in the implementation of final income tax on repo transaction of bond. the first problem is economic double taxation exists in the transaction as it is described in the illustration. second, since repo transaction is regarded as two independent transactions or in other words, that the indonesian income tax law disregarded the repo contract, the imposition of schedular tax system for specific income in a repo transaction potentially violates the definition of income as provided in article 4 section (1) of the indonesian income tax law. the violation lies on the taxing mechanism of unrealised gain, the discount, under final income tax. another possible type of income in repo of bond is manufactured income. again, the schedular income tax system operates on this type of income. the law and regulations applied to the bond interest is exactly the same as the discount. the issue and complication of taxing the interest is also similar with the discount. it is known that legal owner of the bond after the first leg of repo is the buyer, despite the fact that based on repo’s contract, the economic or beneficial owner is the seller, or it can be said that the buyer is a temporary owner of the bond. if there is bond interest during repo’s term, from tax legal perspective the interest is derived by the buyer. however, based on the repo contract, especially classic repo, the interest should be transferred immediately to the seller as economic owner of the bond with the same amount and hence, the manufactured income exists and the seller is actually the ultimate recipient of the interest (choudhry, 2010). according to government regulation no. 91 year 2021, the buyer as a legal owner of the bond should be taxed through withholding agent with the same rate as the discount. repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 257 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting therefore, economic double taxation exists, because substantially, the interest already transformed into manufactured income and the tax subject should be the seller as a beneficial owner of the bond. as in the case of the discount, the interest income that is normally taxed once will be taxed twice, only because the tax subject is different person. to add another perplexity, the same interest that is received by the seller should be taxed under global income tax and it should be calculated altogether with other income derived by the seller. thus, the same income is treated differently only because it is received by two different persons. the taxing mechanism of bond interest under final income tax will be justified only if there would be no manufactured income derived by the seller. however, in the repo contract the condition happens if the seller fails to repurchase the bonds or the bond interest is not paid during repo contract. ultimate income that is expected as return for the creditor by entering repo arrangement is repo interest. repo interest in case of repo of bond will be treated the same as the discount. as shortly, the interest only earned by the buyer if the seller fulfils its obligation in the repo contract to repurchase the bond, otherwise if the seller breaches the contract, the repo interest will not be realised, but it will be transformed into discount. from the substantive perspective, only tax imposition on repo interest is the most valid income tax in repo transaction. however, because of the operation of indonesian’s final income tax with its unique characteristics, repo interest can be problematic. as discussed earlier, the discount already taxed albeit it is unrealised, thus if repo interest should be taxed, the buyer has to pay income tax twice. this condition of course against equity principle of taxation. another perplexing fact of the implementation of final income tax on repo of bonds is that the discount, the bond interest, and the repo interest will be taxed with the same rate and treated as bond interest provided that all of them are defined as bond interest according to the government regulation concerning bond interest. 3.2. stock case indonesian income tax law differentiates tax treatment of sale of stocks into two main categories, which are sale of stocks on indonesia stock exchange (ise) and sale of stocks off indonesia stock exchange (over the counter or private sale of stocks). income tax for income from sale of stocks is provided in government regulation no. 41 of 1994 concerning income tax on income from sale of stock on stock exchange amended by government regulation no. 14 of 1997. on the other hand, income from sale of stocks other than sale of stocks on ise provided directly within indonesian income tax law. the tax treatments of sale of stocks in indonesia are quite complex. according to the government regulation, there are three tax treatments according to the type of the stocks and the sale mechanism. first, the sale of non-founder’s stocks on ise which is imposed with final income tax at 0,1% of the sale proceed (the gross amount) regardless there is capital gain or loss. second, the sale of founder’s stocks on ise and third, the sale of any kind of stocks off or outside ise. in a case of sale of founder’s stocks on ise, taxpayer will have two options of paying the additional income tax of founder’s stock sale. first option, before sale the founder’s stock, the founder’s repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 258 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting stocks holders can pay additional final income tax in advance at 0,5% of stocks price at the date of initial public offering in a period of no later than one month after the founder’s stocks have been traded on ise. if the taxpayers choose to exercise the option, they will pay final income tax twice, they should pay the additional final income tax at 0,5% within the time period and 0,1% of final income tax (the normal tax) when they have already sold the founder’s stock. therefore, if the founder’s stocks holders opt to pay additional income tax in advance, when there is sale of the founder’s stocks, the seller or the founder’s stocks holders should only pay 0,1% of final income tax on the sale event (government regulation of the republic of indonesia, 1994) (government regulation of the republic of indonesia, 1997) second, if the taxpayers (the founder’s stocks holders) refuse to pay additional final income tax within the period, the income will be imposed with two income tax regimes, which are the final income tax for the sale event regardless there is gain or loss and when there is capital gain, it will be taxed under comprehensive income tax. if there is no capital gain, the taxpayers should not pay additional income tax. the tax rate of the second option depends on the type of the taxpayer, whether individual or corporate taxpayer, and especially for individual taxpayer, the rate also depends on the income tax bracket because the capital gain will be calculated altogether with other comprehensive income. furthermore, when the founder’s stocks are sold to other party, the stocks are no longer considered as founder’s stocks. the sale of stocks off or outside ise means that the stocks are sold without trading mechanism on ise. in this case, the seller pays income tax under comprehensive income tax and only liable to the income tax if there is a capital gain from the transaction. in a repo transaction of stocks, complexities and double even triple income tax does exist. in the case of stocks which are sold on ise, for non-founder’s stocks and founder’s stocks that the holder opts to pay additional income tax in advance, the initial margin is taxed 0,1% from the gross amount of sale and special for the founder’s stocks will be taxed with additional final income tax at 0,5%. the holder is only considered opting to pay in advance if 0,5% additional final income tax is paid within one month after the founder’s stocks have been traded on ise. meanwhile, the founder’s stocks which are sold on ise but the holder of the stocks does not choose the payment of additional income tax in advance, the additional income tax at 0,5% of initial margin will not be imposed with income tax because it has not been realised. hence, whether the buyer of the stocks derived initial or variation margin or not, as long as the stocks are traded on ise, the seller of the stocks should pay final income tax. the result of final income tax applied on repo transactions of stocks will be similar with the application of repo transactions of bonds, unless for stocks which are traded outside ise. the stocks which are traded outside ise will only be liable to comprehensive income tax. this mean that there is no income tax for initial margin and variation margin since the margin has not been realised. meanwhile, the repo interest derived by the buyer at the end of repo contract if the interest paid separately from the stocks’ price, it will be taxed under comprehensive income tax. however, if the interest included in the stocks’ repurchase price, the income tax which should be imposed is only 0,1% of final income tax based on the gross amount of repurchase price. repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 259 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting notwithstanding, if dividend distributed to the stockholder during repo period, then there is manufactured income for the seller in repo transaction since the buyer (the stockholder during repo) is a temporary owner and should transfer the dividend to the seller. again, there is complexity and economic double tax for the manufactured income. based on indonesian income tax law, income tax for dividend which is derived by individual taxpayer and corporate taxpayer are different. dividend derived by individual is liable to 10% of final income tax from the gross amount of the dividend, whereas dividend derived by corporate is liable to comprehensive income tax. in the case of repo, when the dividend is received by the buyer and the buyer is an individual, the dividend has already been taxed through withholding mechanism by the payor. while, if the buyer is a corporation, there is no liable income tax since the dividend should be transferred immediately to the buyer. double tax and complexity do exist if the buyer is an individual taxpayer, because despite the fact that the dividend has been taxed, the seller (the ultimate income recipient) should also bear the income tax burden as part of its comprehensive income in the end of the fiscal year. in contrast, when the buyer is a corporation, double tax and such complexity do not exist. however, based on the revised articles of income tax law in law no 11 of 2020 concerning job creation (the omnibus law), dividend which is derived by individual taxpayer may not be liable to income tax if it is invested in indonesia under certain terms and condition. the result of tax treatment of repo transaction with stocks collateral are varied depending on the circumstances. the result of the application of final income tax is somewhat similar with bonds despite that the tax rates are different. moreover, the implementation of comprehensive income tax in repo of stocks reveal the perplexity and discrimination on the tax treatment for exactly the same transactions. from the discussion, we can conclude that if a repo transaction using stocks as collateral, the imposition of the income tax can be double or even triple, especially for stocks which are traded on ise. 4. repo transaction viewed from accounting perspective as aforementioned, indonesian prevailing tax law does not provide specific law with respect to repo transaction. therefore, repo transaction is not regarded as one set of transaction but as separated transactions, predominantly provided under schedular income tax system depending on repo’s collateral. however, a general principle in relation with accounting has been provided in article 28 of law no. 6 of 1983 concerning general provisions and tax procedures as amended several times and lastly by law no. 7 of 2021 concerning harmonization of tax regulations. article 28 section (1) provides that corporate taxpayer and individual taxpayer who is conducting business activities or performing independent personal services shall be obliged to maintain bookkeeping (1983a) (2021). furthermore, article 28 section (5) provides that the bookkeeping shall be maintained consistently in either accrual or cash basis. notwithstanding, elucidation of article 28 section (5) states that a consistency principle provides the same accounting principles shall be used from year to year, to prevent any shifting of profit or loss. the principle, for example, applies to as among other things income recognition. the consistent application of the accounting principles has also stated in several divisions in the elucidation of indonesian income tax law, including the general elucidation of the law. repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 260 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the general principle in terms of consistency in applying accounting principles can be used as a basis to interpret the imposition of income tax on repo transaction. as of 1 january 2014, indonesia as a member g-20 countries has substantially adopted international financial reporting standards (ifrs) (ifrs foundation, 2017). ifrs provides guidance in treating repo based on the risk and return concept or economic substance as opposed to legal form of such transaction. in economic substance viewpoint, the seller in a repo transaction is still the beneficial owner and risk bearer of securities in the transaction, even though the securities have been sold as part of the agreement. the recognition principle of financial assets, including bond and stock in ifrs 9 financial instruments (current standard) remains the same as its predecessor, ias 39 financial instruments: recognition and measurement. based on ifrs 9 paragraph 3.2.6 (a)-(b), the derecognition of financial assets in a case of transfer, such as in repo transaction, is basically applied if all the risks and rewards of a financial asset substantially have been transferred to other entity. furthermore, ifrs 9 paragraph 3.2.6 (c) prescribes that if there is a doubt whether there is substantial transfer of all risks and rewards of a financial asset, then the entity should assess control of the asset. if the entity has control over a financial asset, the entity should remain recognise the asset (ias plus, 2012). from the brief discussion of accounting treatment on repo transaction, we can conclude that the accounting (beneficial) owner of a financial instrument in a repo is remain the seller. there is strong argument that support the conclusion, which is the risks, rewards, and control of the asset are still on the seller given the fact that there is a contract in which the buyer cannot sell or pledge the asset to other party and the manufactured income is still earned by the seller. if a repo transaction is treated based on the accounting perspective, repo will be liable under comprehensive income tax. therefore, the tax treatment of repo does not depend on the type of the collateral (securities being sold) because the tax proceed will be the same. all types of income that are derived from repo transaction will be calculated altogether as a comprehensive income and consequently there is no double income tax. furthermore, there is no flaw on taxing unrealised gain, which is happened in a case of taxing repo transaction under final income tax. in accounting or economic perspective, the manufactured income is only liable to the seller as an ultimate income recipient, not the buyer, even though the manufactured income is received firstly by the buyer as the legal owner of the securities. on the other hand, the repo interest is liable to the buyer only if the seller has already repurchased the securities (the collateral). if the seller fails to repurchase the securities, there is no income tax for the repo interest. in this perspective, the tax treatment of repo is not problematic and much simpler, unlike tax treatment based on the legal perspective. therefore, it provides certainty and fairness to the taxpayer. conclusion in indonesia income tax law, repo transaction is perceived as unique and novel. taxing repo under indonesian income tax law is quite complex, problematic, and lack of fairness. the root repurchase agreement: dual perspectives in indonesian income tax law indradi 261 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting cause of the complexity is implementation of hybrid income tax system in indonesian income tax law, comprehensive and schedular income tax system. even though, there is no specific income tax regulation on repo transaction, the strongest argument is that repo is taxed under schedular income tax system based on lex specialis derogat legi generali doctrine. there is another argument that is much more logical, which support taxing repo under comprehensive income tax system. the schedular income tax system views repo from legal aspect of a repo transaction which is the same as outright sale of securities. the problem and complexity of the tax treatment based on this treatment is there are various and segmented tax treatment and tariff (final income tax) depending on the type of the securities that are involved in repo transaction. under final income tax (the schedular income tax system), repo transaction will be taxed with various scenarios and it will end up on double taxation of income. the double income tax will exist because the schedular income tax system fails to identify and view repo as one-set of transactions. it is only focus on legal aspect of each leg of transaction and hence the system does not treat repo transaction comprehensively. therefore, the system imposes tax not only to beneficial owner or the ultimate recipient of the income but also the legal owner of the income which actually is only surrogate entity or agent for the beneficial owner, such as in a case of repo of bond. as a result, exactly same transaction (the repo transaction) is taxed with different tax treatment and tariff. the implementation of final income tax is certainly harsh and very burdensome for the taxpayer. even, the party, that does not economically earn the income, should also bears income tax burden. on the other hand, although based on prevailing indonesian income tax law, the comprehensive income tax system has weaker argument to be implemented on repo transaction, it is much more reasonable and logical. there is no various tax treatment for the same transaction (the repo transaction), because it views repo as one-set of transaction. the system will view repo based on accounting or economic perspective, the loan arrangement. therefore, it avoids double taxation on repo transaction. the implementation of comprehensive income tax regime on repo transaction also promotes fairness and simplicity. treating repo merely based on its legal aspect will cause a failure in examining and overlooking the transaction as a whole scheme and thus creating complexity and inequality in the tax treatment. the justification of taxing repo based on economic perspective will be more solid, if the repo transaction does not use written agreement of repurchasing the securities, such as in a case of sell/buyback repo. the problem of taxing repo will persist, unless indonesian government issues new tax law or regulation that will overrule the implementation of schedular income tax law regime and therefore taxing repo will be based on comprehensive income tax regime. alternatively, indonesian government may issue specific regulation concerning repo based on comprehensive income tax regime. this alternative is not easy since there are some special regulations (lex specialis) that are applied and interconnected with repo transaction. another solution is not tax solution but modification of the provision in the repo agreement, so that repo transaction does not require sale of the securities. this solution will ignore 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(yu, 2007) concluded that economics and psychology is related and that financial decisions are influenced by preconceptions (yu, 2007). similarly, a study by (kahneman & tversky, 1974) concluded that an individual’s existing knowledge about a topic has an influence on their behaviour regarding said topic or matter. subsequently, (bosman, 2020) concluded that an individual’s response to their regulatory environment is impacted by their perception or understanding of the ruling policies that govern this regulatory environment. consequently, if an individual perceives government policies as fair and equitable, the economic needs of a country and that of the individual would be in alignment (o.e.c.d., 2013). government utilises the taxes raised for the benefit of the citizens; a responsibility that falls on governing structures (bird-pollan, 2016). the tax system should be transparent and aimed at the advancement of the country through the advancement of its residents. (kamiru, 2005) found that redistribution is intrinsic to a taxation system and because of its nature, taxpayers are just in their expectation that this reallocation of tax monies is performed in an equitable manner. there are three components to taxes: tax on wealth, tax on purchases and income tax. the tax on these components is triggered at different times, and this sets them apart (arendse & stack, 2018). based on the cambridge dictionary, wealth tax is “a tax levied on personal property and financial assets above a certain level”. this tax type is triggered when ownership of an asset changes. wealth tax is imposed to raise additional revenue for government spending and to redress wealth disparity (arendse & stack, 2018). (basson, 2015) determined that wealth taxes include tax on capital gains (cgt), tax on donations, securities transfer tax (stt), transfer duty and tax on late estates which is also referred to as estate duty. motivation to the study utilising one’s productive assets, is one way to grow the economy and participate actively. deciding on whether to participate, is influenced by the policies that regulate this economy and in particular, tax policy is identified as a key policy (o.e.c.d., 2013; ramson, 2014). this study aims to identify wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 343 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and analyse the south african taxes that are levied when capital assets are transferred and compare them to similar taxes in other selected countries. the countries that will be compared are australia, india and namibia. australia, as a developed country, has a tax system comparable to south africa and levy cgt and stamp duty (halog & anieke, 2021). in addition, the south african cgt tax principles were informed by the equivalent australian policies and hence comparing these countries could potentially provide meaningful results (ramson, 2014). india forms part of the global emerging economy brics (brazil, russia, india, china & south africa) countries (arendse & stack, 2018) and is selected to directly compare developing countries’ tax systems. lastly, namibia, a country that does not levy the general taxes on created or existing wealth that are levied in south africa, to draw comparison and analyse how this country taxes their capital assets upon transfer or sale (k.m.p.g., 2022; pricewaterhousecoopers, 2019). limitations the study is limited to the wealth tax implications of selected capital assets and selected wealth taxes to ensure a succinct study. the assets are limited to assets that are at risk of attracting the highest wealth taxes and include shares, both listed and private and fixed property. the taxes considered are limited to donations tax, transfer duty, stt, cgt and estate duty. other forms of taxation will not be considered in the study. method this qualitative study takes the form of a literature study and an interpretivism philosophy is followed. interpretivism holds that reality has numerous perspectives and the interpretation of data is subjective and formed by the researcher. this paradigm ensures that deep knowledge of a subject matter is gained in its own context rather than a general view (pham, 2018). this study will analyse legislation and rules of specific taxes (wealth) related to specific assets. other sources of information that drives the study will be academic research references and other relevant general information. the study will identify, outline and draw a comparison of the applicable taxes, specifically wealth taxes, when assets change ownership. the study will firstly provide an overview of wealth taxes followed by an analyses of wealth taxes in each of the selected countries when assets are donated, transferred to a trust, sold, or retained until death. thereafter, the wealth taxes of the selected countries will be compared to draw conclusions regarding the comparability of south africa to these countries and make possible recommendations for future studies and improvements. a case study is incorporated to illustrate the impact of the tax policy analysed. wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 344 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting result and discussion background to wealth tax (muller, 2010) concluded that the 1864 south african “recipient-based succession duty” was the earliest form of wealth tax in this country (basson, 2015). thereafter, the death duty act (29 of 1922) was legislated. in 1955, the estate duty act took its place. the debate surrounding wealth taxes is a recurring one and cannot exclude discussions and analyses of the wealth disparity and inequality considering, especially, south africa’s history (muller, 2010; roeleveld, 2015). in 2013, pravin gordhan, minister of finance, commissioned the davis tax committee (dtc) to perform a feasibility study on the imposition of a net wealth tax in this country that was benchmarked against countries including india and france. according to (roeleveld, 2015) the south african equivalent of wealth taxes are stt, donations tax, estate duty and transfer duty. the inclusion of cgt as a wealth tax attracts different viewpoints some researchers believe that cgt is taxation on deferred revenue or value appreciation and not on wealth (muller, 2010). according to (roeleveld, 2015) the international perspective indicates that the wealthiest individuals contribute the most to cgt tax revenue and the fact that upon death and emigration individuals are exposed to cgt, solidifies the argument that cgt is a form of wealth tax. this study takes on the view that cgt is indeed a form of wealth tax and therefore includes it in the study. the table below lists all the wealth taxes and their related information necessary to clarify the case study that follows. table 1. summary of selected wealth taxes in south africa tax levied which assets does it apply to events that are considered a disposal yearly exclusion or abatement percentage cgt most assets (exclusions apply) • donated asset • sale of asset • dispose asset that is held in a trust (living disposal) r40 000 40% of the taxable gain is included • individual passes away r300 000 securities transfer tax • listed shares • shares in private companies • selling the shares • donating the shares not applicable 0.25% (share value) wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 345 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting deceased estate duty assets belonging to deceased individual passes away r3 500 000 20% -amount below r30 million 25%amount above r30 million donations tax all donations (exemptions apply) individual gives asset away for no compensation r100 000 20% transfer duty immovable asset • sale r1 000 000 13% source: bosman,2020 case study assume this information to illustrate the taxes: mr. tax, a south african resident, owns fixed property and shares held as investments (private and listed on the johannesburg stock exchange (jse)). the fixed property consists of property 1 that was inheritance from a deceased aunt in 2012 and property 2 that was purchased in 2014. his share portfolio consists of 50 shares in private company a (a donation by a third party in 2015) and 700 shares in jse listed company b, bought in 2015. he has financial liabilities of r1 000 000 and estimated administrative costs of r400 000 will apply if he is to die today. assume that his net asset value is below r30 million, his income is within the maximum income tax bracket of 45% and he has a r680 000 assessed capital loss from the prior year. mr. tax founded an inter vivos1 trust, for estate planning, and donated property 3 (purchased in 2002 from a third party and earns rental income) to the trust in 2018. mr tax, mrs tax and their accountant are the trustees and the beneficiaries are his daughters, aged 15 and 22 and a nephew who resides in the united kingdom (uk). the beneficiaries have equal rights to the assets and income of the trust. property 1 will be bequeathed to his wife in his will. the table below summarises these facts including a cost price and market value when they are disposed of. the study assumes that proceeds are equal to market value when the disposal event occurs. table 2. case study data asset cost r’000 market value/proceeds r’000 acquisition date owner acquired from how was it acquired property 1 r1 500 r2 900 2012 mr. tax aunt inherited property 2 r5 000 r6 200 2014 mr. tax third party purchased wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 346 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting property 3 r500 r2 000 2002 mr. tax third party purchased property 3 r2 000 r2 400 2018 trust mr. tax donation private shares r125 r150 2015 mr. tax third party donation listed shares r800 r600 2015 jse purchased analyses of wealth taxes when capital assets change ownership in south africa: capital gains tax – assets disposed if a capital asset is sold for more than it was purchased, a capital gain is realized and the inverse will cause a capital loss. therefore, capital gains and losses are influenced by the sales price and the cost (base cost) of the disposed asset. to calculate the possible cgt, base cost and proceeds must be determined. this section assumed that mr. tax disposed of property 1,2, company a shares and company b shares. the purchase price for the second property (property 2) and the 700 jse listed shares is used as “base cost” to determine any capital gain or loss (par 20, eighth schedule). as property 1 was inherited, the market value upon date of receipt is deemed as its base cost. this will be the same for the private company shares as these shares were a gift (sec 9ha, ita; par 38, eighth schedule). the cash sales price or cash consideration from the sale of these assets is the proceeds that is needed to determine the potential cgt impact (par 35, eighth schedule). for the purposes of this study, all sales are made to non-connected persons. to compute a net capital gain, the aggregate capital gains/losses for the tax year is reduced by the prior year’s assessed capital loss of r680 000 (stein, 2019). subsequently, the annual r40 000 exclusion is applied to this net capital gain. the calculation is represented in the table below. table 3. cgt calculation for disposal of assets r’000 capital loss/gain property 1 (2 900-1 500) 1 400 property 2 (6 200-5 000) 1 200 private shares (150-125) 25 listed shares (600-800) (200) aggregate capital gain 2 425 less prior year capital loss carried forward (680) net capital gain 1 745 par 5 exclusion (40) taxable capital gain 1 705 source: compiled by author based on case study data wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 347 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the taxable capital gain, computed in table 3 above will be added to mr. tax’s taxable income for the year of assessment. it will be included at 40%, which is r682 000, and taxed at 45% (maximum marginal tax rate). ultimately, r306 900 (r682 000*45%) will be capital gains tax (stein, 2019). capital gains tax – effect upon death this section examines the cgt impact upon the death of individuals. when an individual dies, for taxation purposes, all owned assets are transferred to the deceased estate that now becomes a tax payer. section 9h of the ita informs us that upon death, mr. tax is deemed to dispose his assets to a deceased estate at market value. consequently, this deemed disposal attracts cgt ((mescht, 2012; muller, 2010). the assets’ base cost will be the same as in the previous cgt discussion and the annual cgt exclusion increases to r300 000 upon death (loubser, 2016). the calculation is represented in the table below. table 4. cgt calculation upon death r’000 capital loss/gain property 1 (2 900-1 500) 1 400 property 2 (6 200-5 000) 1 200 private shares (150-125) 25 listed shares (600-800) (200) aggregate capital gain 2 425 less prior year capital loss carried forward (680) net capital gain 1 745 less par 5 exclusion in year of death (300) taxable capital gain 1 445 source: compiled by author based on case study data the taxable capital gain of r1 445 000 will be added to mr. tax’s taxable income and included at 40%, which is r578 000 and subsequently taxed at the appropriate tax scale. ultimately, r260 100 (r578 000*45%) will be included as capital gains tax. securities transfer tax (stt) mr. tax is liable for stt on the private company shares donated to him and the listed shares that the purchased (sec 7, stt act). the study assumes the value of the shares equal its cost, the stt liability is computed at 0.25% of the value of the securities (sars, 2022b; sec 2; stt act). respectively, the stt would be r312.50 (r125 000* 0.25%) and r2 000 (r800 000* 0.25%) for the private and listed shares. transfer duty upon purchasing property 2 and 3, transfer duty was payable (le grange, 2013). property 1 would be exempt from transfer duty, because it was inherited. transfer duty is determined based on the progressive table below, thus the duty payable for property 2 is calculated as r366 000 ((r5 000 000-r2 475 000)*11%)+ r88 250) and property 3’s purchase price is below the threshold of r1 000 000 and therefore there was no transfer duty payable. table 4 below contains the south african transfer duty rates. wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 348 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 5. transfer duty rates value of the property (r) rate 1 – 1 000 000 0% 1 000 001 – 1 375 000 3% of the value above r1 000 000 1 375 001 – 1 925 000 r11 250 + 6% of the value above r 1 375 000 1 925 001 – 2 475 000 r44 250 + 8% of the value above r 1 925 000 2 475 001 – 11 000 000 r88 250 +11% of the value above r2 475 000 10 000 001 and above r1 026 000 + 13% of the value exceeding r11 000 000 source: sars – online 2022 estate duty all owned assets minus liabilities and administrative expenses are included in a deceased estate when individuals die. section 4(q) of the estate duty act excludes bequeaths made to a spouse from estate duty. additionally, in terms of section 4a, r3 500 000 may be deducted from the net estate value. this abatement reduces the dutiable amount of estates. assuming, based on the case study information, that mr. tax is deceased, and his will is executed as per the case study, the potential estate duty of mr. tax is as follows: table 6. calculation of estate duty r’000 market value – property 2 900 market value – property 2 6 200 market value – private shares 150 market value – listed shares 600 total 9 850 less sec 4(q) spousal bequeath (2 900) less liabilities (1 000) less administrative costs (400) dutiable amount 5 550 less sec 4a abatement (3 500) net dutiable amount 2 050 source: compiled by author based on case study data the estate duty payable will be r410 000, which is 20% of the net dutiable amount. donations tax if assets are donated, then donations tax must be considered (basson, 2015). donations tax is governed by section 54 – 64 of the ita. section 56 lists certain donations that are exempt from wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 349 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting donations tax. to illustrate the effect of donations tax, this section assumes that mr. tax donates all his assets and none of them are within the ambit of the exemption list as mentioned earlier. when the assets are donated, their value is determined based on the market value at that date and in terms of legislation the first r100 000 is excluded from donations tax (mescht, 2012). refer to the table below for a snapshot of the potential taxable donations. table 7. calculation of taxable donations r’000 property 1 2 900 property 2 6 200 private company shares 150 listed shares 600 market value property 3 2 000 value of donation 11 850 sec 56(2) exclusion (100) taxable donations 11 750 source: compiled by author based on case study data mr. tax’s donations tax liability will be r2 350 000 (r11 750 000*20%) if he makes the donations as stipulated above. identification of wealth taxes when capital assets are transferred in namibia, india and australia: tax policy in namibia according to pwc (2022), namibia adopted many of their tax policies from historic south african tax policies, but their tax policy relating to wealth taxes is significantly different from this country. in contrast to south africa, namibian tax administrators do not levy cgt, donations tax nor estate duty when assets change ownership (kostiainen, 2018). legislation that governs how trusts and deceased estates are taxed is found in the “namibian income tax act 24 of 1981” (ita namibia). the wealth taxes identified in namibia are stamp duty and transfer duty and these are comparable to the south african stt and transfer duty (k.p.m.g., 2019; pricewaterhousecoopers, 2019). the “namibian transfer duty act 14 of 1993” governs the taxes that are to be levied on property transfers within its borders and the stamp duty act 15 of 1993 governs taxes when deeds and specific instruments are transferred (k.m.p.g., 2022; pricewaterhousecoopers, 2019). (kostiainen, 2018) concluded that the taxation approach in namibia and south africa is different, because of the contrasting wealth disparity statistics. the author also found that namibia addressed their wealth disparity through budget allocations whereas south africa attempts to address this by using tax income. according to (smicht, 2009), the poverty levels in namibia should significant improvement from 1993 to 2004. a study performed by the world bank concluded, based on statistical 2gini-coefficient measures, that the inequality in namibia is slightly wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 350 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting better compared to south africa. namibia’s gini-coefficient rating improved from an estimated 0.59 in 2015 to 0.49 in 2017; this improvement was attributed to the namibian fiscal policy of utilizing social expenditure to alleviate poverty and inequality (kostiainen, 2018). stamp dutynamibia schedule 1 of the countries’ stamp duty act indicates that this tax is raised on legal documents and applies to the transfer of shares, contracts, agreements or deeds and marketable securities (franzsen & mcclusky, 2017). the nature of each transaction drives the rate at which this tax will be levied as can be seen from the table below. table 8. namibian stamp duty rates transaction stamp duty agreements or contracts (other than those where duty is specifically provided for in the act) act) n$5 lease agreement or lease the stamp duty will be based on lease payments, together with additional considerations specified in the lease agreement transfer or issue of marketable securities and other share transactions n$2 for every n$1 000 or part thereof of the value/consideration, depending on the specific transaction transfer deed relating to immovable property purchased n$10 for every n$1 000 or part thereof is payable for values over n$600 000 source: pwc, 2022 estates – namibia the administration of deceased estates falls under the authority of the “administration of estates act 66 of 1965” (cronje & co, 2019) and does not prescribe any estate duty. section 26 states that income that would have accrued if the deceased was alive will accrue to the legal heirs on condition that it is proven to be to the current of future benefit of the heir. if this benefit cannot be proven, the income accrues to the deceased estate (section 26, ita namibia). section 1 excluded accruals that are capital in nature and thus income accruals from capital assets disposed will not be taxed when it accrues to the deceased estate. tax policy in india in 1956 the kaldor committee was established to investigate and address tax evasion and financial and equitable aspects of resident tax liabilities. these investigations concluded by introducing a gift tax, wealth tax and capital gains tax and the resultant “gift tax act of 1958” and “wealth tax act of 1957” and was legislated. subsequently, based on recommendations from the 1992 tax reform committee, wealth tax was limited to unproductive assets that included jewellery and luxury vehicles and in line with these recommendations in 1993 the wealth tax act was amended. this amendment was brief as the wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 351 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting administration and classification of unproductive assets was challenging and not applied uniformly and subsequently the “wealth tax act of 1957” was terminated in 2015 (batra, 2015). similarly, to the aforementioned, in 1998 india proceeded to abolish the “gift tax act of 1958”. indian tax authorities subsequently introduced a 2% surcharge for high-income persons to substitute the revenue erosion caused by the cessation of these two acts. indian tax authorities introduced cgt in 1981. cgt regulations are included in the “indian income tax act 43 of 1961” (ita india). section 47 of the ita india states that capital asset transfers in terms of a will are not regarded as transfers and thus there is no cgt consequences for a deceased estate. in 1953, india introduced the estate duty act in an attempt to address wealth disparities. due to the immense criticism this act received, it was terminated in 1985 (dutta & malhotra, 2018). based on the aforementioned, india does not charge estate duty, tax on donations and cgt on deceased estates, therefore, the south african equivalent wealth taxes that this study will analyse are limited to stamp duty, cgt and stt. stamp duty – india this duty is legislated in the “indian stamp act of 1899” and contains stamp duty rates applicable when property changes ownership, is transferred or new property acquired (included in the cost). it is similar to transfer duty in south africa. this act extends to the whole of india but excluded certain states. the rate that this tax is levied at varies from 5% to 8% of the property value (paisabazaar, 2021). cgt – india a capital gain is defined as a “profit arising from the transfer of a capital asset” and net gains are included in the taxable income of individuals. section 55 of the ita india states that the cost of the asset (comparable to base cost in south africa) is the acquisition costs, cost of improvements before april 1981 and transfer costs. if the asset being sold is equity shares or securities, stt is excluded form the cost of these assets. in terms of the act, capital gains or losses are calculated by deducting the determined cost of capital assets from the sales consideration that is received. the capital gain tax rate is variable and influenced by the nature of the asset that was disposed of. when capital gains are realised on so called “longer term” assets, it is taxed at 20%. capital gains on shorter term assets such as equity shares held for a short term, are taxed at 10%. the act also indicates that capital gains and – losses may be offset, provided that the balance of any losses are utilised within 8 years. stt india india legislated the securities transaction tax rules of 2004 which governs the levy of stt. it is charged when indian stock exchange securities (listed) are disposed of. the stt rate is variable and subject to the nature of the security. the rate ranges from 0.001% to 0.2% and either buyer or seller could be liable for this tax depending on the circumstances of each transaction. wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 352 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax policy in australia like some of the other selected countries, australia legislated stamp duty in their australian territory stamp duty of 1969. based on this act, taxes are levied on the transfer of certain assets. australia repealed its wealth, death and donation taxes respectively in the 1970s and 1980s. these acts were repealed as the administration was cumbersome, compliance costly on taxpayers and it facilitated tax evasion through the implementation of trusts consequently, cgt was legislated in the “australian income tax assessment act 38 of 1997” to substitute this loss of tax revenue (arendse & stack, 2018; ramson, 2014). stamp duty – australia when there is a change in ownership in moveable and immoveable assets, stamp duty is charged in australia. the affected assets include property, insurance policies, business or personal assets, motor vehicles and shares. the sliding stamp duty rate depends on the jurisdiction of the asset sold disposed of ranges up to 5.75%. the acquiring person is liable for the levied stamp duty. cgt – australia capital gains tax legislation can be found in the third chapter of the ita australia and contain regulations that pertain to the key considerations of cgt: disposals, proceeds, base cost and asset (ramson, 2014). according to the ita australia, there are no cgt consequences when the owner of an asset dies. any cgt consequences are only triggered when the legatee sells the inherited asset (ramson, 2014). if, however, the assets in a deceased estate are bequeathed to compliant superannuation entity, a foreign resident or a taxadvantaged entity then cgt will be triggered and taxed in the deceased estate (ramson, 2014). cgt is calculated when it has been concluded that there has been a capital gain from a disposal and then any applicable exemptions from cgt are considered. fifty percent of capital gains are included in taxable income if the asset has been owned for more than twelve months and the full capital gain is taxed if the asset has been owned for a lesser period. like south africa, capital losses and gains are netted off in a tax year and carried forward if there are no or insufficient gains. disposing assets via donation, has no cgt effect because both proceeds and base cost are deemed at market value. consequently, individuals may dispose of assets by donating them and there will be no cgt liability or consequences. findings south africa – cgt capital gains tax was effectively implemented from 1 october 2001 and is legislated in the “eighth schedule to the south african income tax act no. 58 of 1962”. any capital assets that are disposed after this date will have cgt consequences. disposals that trigger cgt include selling or donating assets and deemed disposals upon death (basson, 2015). all taxable capital gains, after the annual r40 000 exclusion or r300 000 in the year of death, are included in taxable income at 40% (loubser, 2016). capital losses during a year of assessment are only to be utilized against future capital gains. wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 353 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting australiacgt capital gains tax provisions was effectively implemented from 20 september 1985 and is legislated as part of the “australian income tax assessment act 1997”. disposals that trigger cgt include capital asset sales. all taxable capital gains are included in taxable income at a rate of 50%, if owned for more than twelve months and fully taxable if owned for less than twelve months. capital losses are utilized against any gains and any remainder is carried forward for offsetting against any future capital gains. capital assets that are disposed by donation, attracts no cgt as market value is used as both base cost and proceeds. upon death, there is no deemed disposal event, and any capital gain is deferred to future sales by the legatee, unless the legatee is tax advantaged entity. namibia – cgt there is no capital gains tax in this countryneither on disposals during a lifetime nor upon death. india cgt capital gains tax provisions was effectively implemented from september 1981 and is legislated as part of the income tax act, 1961. the capital gain inclusion rate is dependent on the classification of the capital asset as either long or short-term. the capital gains inclusion rate on equity shares vary from 10% to 100% depending on the classification. capital losses during a year of assessment are utilized against any capital gains and the remainder is carried forward for offsetting against future capital gains, but limited to a roll over timeframe of eight years. south africa – donations tax donations tax was legislated in the ita through a tax amendment bill (basson, 2015). a donation is made when a capital asset is gifted at no cost or for less than market value (sec 58(1), ita). donations tax is charged at 25% on donated values exceeding r30 million and 20% if the value is less than r30 million. deceased estates are exempt from donations tax if capital asset donations are made in terms of a valid will (sec 56(1)(c) & (d); ita). australia – donations tax none. namibia – donations tax none. india – donations tax none. south africa – estate duty this tax was legislated in 1955. estate duty of 20% is charged on the dutiable amount of an estate up to the value of r30 million and 25% on the value above r30 million (sars, 2022c). australia – estate duty this country does not tax individual’s estates when they are deceased. namibiaestate duty this country does not tax individual’s estates when they are deceased. wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 354 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting india – estate duty this country abolished estate duty law. south africa – transfer duty this is a form of indirect tax that is charged when immovable property is purchased. it forms part of the property acquisition cost and the purchaser has to pay it. australia – stamp duty stamp duty can be levied up to 5.75% of the property value and has to be paid by the acquirer. namibia – transfer duty transfer duty rates vary based on a sliding scale, has to be paid by the acquirer and is included in the cost of the immovable asset. india – stamp duty stamp duty ranges from 5% to 8% of the property value and has to be paid by the acquirer. south africa – securities transfer tax stt of 0.25% is raised on the value of share purchases. this tax is included in the cost of the securities and the acquirer is liable for payment. australia – securities transfer tax this country levies stamp duty on security transfers. stamp duty is discussed above. namibia – securities transfer tax this country levies stamp duty on security transfers. stamp duty is discussed above. india – securities transfer tax this tax is governed by the stt rules in india and vary from 0.001% to 0.2%. the charge is also based on the market value of the sold shares and a contract determines whether the buyer or seller is responsible for payment. table 9. findings summarised by country wealth tax investigated developed nation developing nation australia namibia india south africa estate duty none none none √ transfer duty none √ none √ securities tt none none √ √ cgt √ none √ √ donations tax none none none √ stamp duty √ √ √ none source: compiled by author wealth taxes on individuals : an international comparative study abrahams and bosman 355 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion the study found similarities for cgt between south africa, australia and india. these three countries charge cgt when capital assets are sold at varying inclusive rates. the treatment of assets upon the death of an individual is different as south africa appears to be the only country of the three, that taxes the deceased estate of an individual, due to the legislation of a deemed disposal upon death. regarding transfer duty and securities transfer tax, the study found that all four countries have a form of this tax, some in the form of stamp duty. the rate to determine these taxes varies but is based on the property or share value and mostly paid by the purchaser. the study found that south africa is the only country, out of the selected countries, that charges taxes when an individual is deceased (estate duty) and when individuals give gifts or make donations (donations tax). india and australia abolished their version of these taxes, due to the administrative burden and high compliance cost associated with it. the study notes that the introduction of cgt in both india and australia coincides with the timeframe that they abolished donations and estate taxes. the namibian tax system addresses income redistribution by making budget allowances and not from taxation revenue. this is evident from the findings indicating the absence of cgt, donations tax and death taxes and is also attributable to the fact that the namibian wealth disparity is less severe than in south africa. analyses of the namibian tax system indicates that market value increases or growth in asset capital values are not taxed in namibia. this could potentially influence and motivate residents to invest more in capital assets. the study found that in comparison to the selected countries, south african tax legislation has more avenues that tax the market value increases of capital assets disposed of by their residents. these taxes can potentially have a significant impact on the wealth of individuals and may influence their investment decisions in this country. further studies on the impact of double taxation are recommended. reference arendse, j., & stack, l. 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(2007). behavioural economic analysis of decision making: a case of marketing (pp. 10, 43–55). the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 3 july 2023 page no. 451-469 451 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the moderation role of tax rate reduction and firm size on the effects of tax aggressiveness on company value faisal ardhi1, arief wibisono lubis2 12university of indonesia, indonesia correspondent : received : june 1, 2023 accepted : july 15, 2023 published : july 31, 2023 citation: ardhi, f., lubis, a, w. (2023). the moderation role of tax rate reduction and firm size in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value. ilomata international journal tax and accounting, 4(3), 451-469. abstract: this study aims to examine the impacts of reducing tax rates and firm size on tax aggressiveness in regards to the company value in indonesia. this study used 302 samples of companies with 1,118 observation points within the period of 2017 2021. the proxy measurement of tax aggressiveness is with effective tax rate and the company value using tobins'q. the research analysis was carried out using multiple regression models of panel data employing fixed effects as the best research model. the results showed that there was no significant effect of aggressive tax on firm value. this study also found that a decrease in tax rates did not affect the relationship between tax aggressiveness and firm value, but firm size did impact on both tax aggressiveness and firm value. keywords: tax aggressiveness, firm value, tax rate reduction, firm size this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the efficiency of cash outflow for tax payments can be utilized by companies as a capital to increase the productivity and the performance of companies as well as the provision for the shareholders. if this policy can be implemented, a company value will increase considerably. managerial actions are designed in such a way and indirectly focus on minimizing tax liabilities from the company (marfiana et al., 2021). basically, an increase in company value is achieved if there is an alignment of goals between shareholders and company management (ramajo et al., 2020; wang et al., 2018). the interests of shareholders are on the value of the company and the distribution of profit after tax, whereas the interests of managers as the representatives of the company are compensation such as salaries and other financial and non-financial benefits (hantina, 2014). tax aggressiveness is a measure aimed at reducing tax exposure through legitimate means by not violating the rules through tax planning or by manipulating taxes or tax evasion. (frank et al., 2009; mashuri & ermaya, 2019). these policies are made to minimize the amount of tax, known as tax aggressiveness (drucker et al., 2020; jia et al., 2020; richardson & taylor, 2015). the previous researches on tax aggressiveness and corporate value indicated inconsistent output. the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 452 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (abdelfattaha & aboud, 2020; chen et al., 2014; mangoting et al., 2019) found that tax planning adopted by companies has a negative impact on company value. (sandy & lukviarman, 2015) suggest that tax aggressiveness has no influence on company value. moreover, (mulyani et al., 2018), added that long-term tax avoidance has a positive effect on company value. those who put forward the political cost hypothesis argue that larger scale companies with their assets and property are the victims of government regulations in which the provision of wealth is controlled. taxes, however, are one of several components of burdensome political costs. the concept of political costs emphasizes that the bigger effective tax rates contributed by large companies, the more aggressive the government will be in accessing the company resources, compared to small scale businesses (hantina, 2014). there are a number of tax aggressiveness practices in indonesia carried out by national and/or multinational companies that have been followed up by dgt. some of these companies include; pt. indosat that was indicated to have manipulated the notification letters in 2002 – 2003; pt. adaro energy in the period 2009 to 2017 which allegedly practiced tax aggressiveness through a transfer pricing scheme to affiliates located in singapore (detikfinance, 2019); as well as several other companies such as bumi resources, asian agriculture, and the list is exhaustive. clearly, it has been proven that there is a relationship between tax aggressiveness and companies with considerable assets (firm size). nevertheless, the facts are not in line with the concept proposed by both watts & zimmerman (1986) and (kurniawan 2015) in their former researches on company size and tax aggressiveness. the results of the study indicated that there is a negative effect between the size of the company and the tax aggressiveness. the covid-19 pandemic that hit indonesia in early 2020 had a severe impact on domestic economic conditions. the ministry of finance through the fiscal policy agency and dgt responded by lowering the corporate income tax rate to 22% from 25%. several studies related to reducing tax rates were conducted by guenther (1994) who found that the corporate profit management was carried out in response to the 1986 tax reform in the united states. in addition, guenther, yin & cheng (2004) conducted studies related to profit management and tariff reductions in the united states, the results of the study suggested that entities with profits are more interested in managing profits than entities that experience a loss. similarly, a study in indonesia conducted by wijaya & martani (2011) revealed that there is a tendency for aggressive profit management in companies that yield profits compared to companies with a considerable loss by delaying the recognition of income to the periods when tax rates were lower. the effect of decreasing tax rates and company size on the relationship between tax aggressiveness and corporate value is an interesting phenomenon to study. due to the decreasing tax rates, observations can be conducted by employing the listed public entities from 2017 to 2021 to determine the impact of this phenomenon. this research is a development of a study by desai &; dharmapala (2009) which examined the relationship between tax aggressiveness and corporate value in america, notifying that tax aggressiveness did not have any influence on company value. the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 453 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting previous domestic research relevant to the relationship between tax aggressiveness and changes in tax rates in indonesia was conducted by (frista, 2018) in indonesia-based public companies for the period 2007 -2010 stating that progressive changes in tax rates to fixed rates had an influence on decreasing tax aggressiveness. furthermore, (kurniawan, 2015) added that there was a negative influence on company size and tax aggressiveness. unlike the two previous studies, there are different moderation variables, namely the reduction in tax rates and the size of the companies to be included. tax aggressiveness according to (lietz, 2014) the measurement of tax avoidance generally divided into 3: tax sheltering; tax evasion; and tax aggressiveness. according to frank (2009), tax planning using methods that are classified legally through tax avoidance or illegally through tax evasion is a form of tax aggressiveness aimed at engineering corporate taxable income. the benefits of tax aggressiveness by making tax cost efficiency will have an impact on increasing the profit results obtained by shareholders which can be used to finance investments from companies with an impact on increasing company profits in the future (dewi & rahmianingsih, 2020). negative compensation from tax aggressiveness is the potential for sanctions through fines or interest from the viscus. this step can also affect in the decrease of the company credibility which indirectly impacts the value of the company through a decrease in the company's stock price as a consequence of decreasing trust from shareholders and potential investors after spotting the actions taken by the company. tax management actions must be measured because they have benefits and consequences. the consequences are sanctions/fines imposed if the tax management carried out by the company violates the limitations of applicable laws or regulations. in fact, the value of sanctions/fines imposed may be greater than the savings previously made. hanlon & heitzman (2010) argue that tax avoidance can not generally be defined which is then mutually agreed upon by researchers, so the definition of tax avoidance is still adjusted to the scope of research conducted by each researcher. hence, there are several proxies used to measure tax avoidance in hanlon & heitzman (2010). gaap etr proxies for tax aggressiveness measurement, in accordance to the majority of previous studies conducted by taylor & richardson (2012); huseynov & klamm (2012); dyreng et al. (2008); graham & tucker (2006); rego (2003); gupta & newberry (1996). agency theory the definition of agency relationship presented by jensen & meckling (1976) is a contract between owners and managers in managing the company resources and in determining the best operating strategies and decisions for the company when carrying out its activities. managers get full and controlled access to all information in the company, which triggers the emergence of information asymmetry between managers and company owners who are not directly involved in the company's operational activities. the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 454 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting according to desai & dharmapala (2009), the existence of information asymmetry can lead to agency problems related to corporate tax aggressiveness as it might facilitate managers to ignore shareholder interests and then act on personal interests. according to (hantina, 2014), the interests of company owners are on the value of the company and the distribution of profit after tax, while the interests of managers as agents are on the compensation, be it the salaries or other financial and non-financial benefits. this can incur agency costs due to the differences in interests that is ultimately burdensome for the company owners (chen et al., 2014). firm value according to weston & thomas (1996), the fair value of a company can be described through investor perception of the issuer concerned and can be defined as the value of the company. weston & copeland (2010) argue that the valuation ratio or market ratio can be used as a measurement of company value, which is the most comprehensive measure of performance for a company. there are several factors that can affect the value of a company, one of which is leverage; sari (2005) found that the leverage ratio is a factor that affects the value of the company. in the taxation context, the decision to use leverage can increase the value of the company since the concept of tax is a component in reducing taxable income. however, darsono (2006) stated that there is an increased risk of companies not being able to pay their obligations from a greater leverage, which will affect the decline in company value. the second factor is the firm size. sujoko & soebiantoro (2007) argue, a company value is positively influenced by a company size. there are benefits to the ease of obtaining internal or external funding, as a result of the increasing size of a company. companies with large scale benefit from being able to obtain economies of small scale (mule et al., 2015; osazuwa & cheahmad, 2016). profitability is the next factor affecting the value of the company. home & wachowicz (2005) stated that the bigger the impact on the company's profitability ratio is, the higher the company's value will be, and this stimulates investors’ interest in the company fundings. (agustia et al., 2019; murakami & otsuka, 2020; suwardika & mustanda, 2017). the firm size brigham &; houston (2010) stated that a firm size can be grouped based on various measurements, these include: total assets, total revenue, and total equity to determine the scale of the company. an increase in company size is achieved through an increase in company performance that is directly proportional to sales or revenues contributing to the company profit and adding equity through retained earnings (barly, 2018; dirman, 2020; seclen-luna et al., 2021; suryana & rahayu, 2018). (watts & zimmerman, 1986) stated that one of the major drives in managing corporate financial profits through positive accounting theory is the size of the company in a relation to political cost & political power. in particular, under political cost theory, larger, more affluent firms are the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 455 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting victims of greater regulatory action by governments through wealth transfer because they have higher visibility (watts & zimmerman, 1986). an alternative view through political power theory is that they can do tax planning, and can determine activities with the objective of achieving optimal cost savings through taxes because they have substantial resources to manipulate the political process (siegfried, 1972). tax aggressiveness and firm value the transfer of wealth by companies to the state through the payment of income tax is actually a cost for the company (sari, 2010), so that the company will optimize the tax paid in order to maximize the company's profit, and this has an impact on optimal returns to shareholders. the tendency of company management to carry out tax aggressiveness for efficiency will be favored by company owners (chen et al., 2014), but (kamila, 2017) stated that tax aggressiveness carried out by management can damage the company's reputation as perceived by both investors and creditors. additionally, previous observations found that corporate value is negatively affected by tax aggressiveness. desai & dharmapala (2009) state that the value of the company is not influenced by tax aggressiveness. meanwhile, (chasbiandani, 2012), emphasized that the company value is positively affected by long-term tax avoidance. based on these inconsistent results, the hypothesis the researchers believe is that corporate tax aggressiveness, measured through the etr level as a proxy in testing, will affect the value of the company. the hypotheses is seen as follows: h1: tax aggressiveness affects the company value of public companies in indonesia. tax aggressiveness, tax rate reduction and firm value guenther (1994) revealed that corporate profit management actions are in response to the 1986 tax reform in the united states. yin & cheng (2004) also conducted studies related to profit management and tariff reductions in the united states, and the results of the observations indicate that profitable companies are more interested in implementing profit management than companies with a considerable loss. another research related to tariff changes in indonesia conducted by wijaya & martani (2011) concluded that there is a growing trend in which profit management in companies generate more profit than companies with a considerable money lost by delaying recognition of company earnings to suit a lower tariff period. furthermore, a research by (frista: 2018) showed a shift in the flat tax rate from a progressive to a flat tax rate in 2009 affected the decline in corporate tax aggressiveness. therefore, it can be concluded that aggressiveness in financial reporting or profit management will be greater when there has been a change in tax rates. in contrast to the phenomenon of profit management, with the changes in the tax rates, tax aggressiveness proves to be smaller, because management has benefited from the changes in the tax obligations and should consider the impact of tax aggressiveness that may arise in the next periods. with the description given, the next hypotheses is: h2: the reduction in tax rates affects the relationship between tax aggressiveness the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 456 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and company value of public companies in indonesia. tax aggressiveness, firm size and firm value studies in america revealed the contradictory results on the relationship between etr and the company size. a positive relationship between etr and firm size was found by zimmerman (1983), while porcano (1986) highlighted a negative relationship between the two variables. ultimately, empirical evidence suggests that such inconsistent findings gave an effect on the firm size being a very specific sample and may not always emerge over time in the long history of the company (gupta & newberry, 1997). the conclusion drawn from the results is that there is a relationship between the size of the company and the effective rate of corporate tax. furthermore, according to sujoko & soebiantoro (2007), the value of the company is influenced by the size of the company. companies will find it easy to obtain funding sources both from internal and external in line with its size. large-scale companies also benefit from scaled economy. hence, the following hypotheses is: h3: firm size affects the relationship between tax aggressiveness and company value of public companies in indonesia. from the hypothesis made, this is the model of the research framework: figure 1. research framework source : data proceed methods in this study, tobin's q ratio is a proxy used to measure company value, as implemented by desai & dharmapala (2009). tobin's q is one of the measurements tested in various top management situations that is a variable measure of company performance from an investment perspective (liang & ye, 2021; sun et al., 2014). because the impact of tax aggressiveness on the value of new companies can be seen in the next period, this study follows the provisions of a study conducted by (chen et al., 2014) where the period used is t = t + 1. for the measurement of tax aggressiveness, researchers use measurement through etr. which become the majority of tax agresiveness firm value leverage size profitability (roa) tax rate reduction firm size the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 457 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting previous researches conducted by gupta & newberry (1997); rego (2003); graham & tucker (2006); dyreng et al. (2008); huseynov & klamm (2012); and richardson & taylor (2012) by dividing the total tax burden by accounting pretax income (ghozali, 2018). this quantitative research employs secondary data acquired from a variety of sources. (sugiyono, 2017) mentioned the use of purposive sampling techniques in his research sample through the selection of public companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange (idx) from 2017 to 2021. it is such conducted to see the differences due to tariff reductions in 2020. the final size of the research sample was 302 companies with 1,118 observation points due to the application of several relevant criteria from a total of 848 companies and 4240 years of observation. this final sample size represents 26.4% of the total public company data on the indonesia stock exchange as shown in table below. table 1. final sample selection source : data processing this study used panel data regression analysis techniques with eviews 12 econometric software. the data analysis of this study includes descriptive statistical tests (mean, median, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation), analysis and selection of regression panel data using chow and hausman tests. the next step is to carry out classical assumption tests, which include multicollinearity tests and heteroscedasticity tests, followed by hypothesis testing comprising simultaneous significance tests (f test), partial significance tests (t tests), and coefficients of determination (adjusted r-squared) at the level significance 0.01 (1%), 0.05 (5%) and 0.1 (10%). number of companies year of observation number of companies year of observation number of companies year of observation total year of observation initial sample 364 1820 453 2265 31 155 848 4240 100% excluded industries finance and insurance -55 -275 -51 -255 0 0 -106 -530 -12,5% energy and mining -45 -225 -49 -245 0 0 -94 -470 -11,1% property, construction and real estate -49 -245 -61 -305 -3 -15 -113 -565 -13,3% cruise and aviation -3 -15 -3 -15 0 0 -6 -30 -0,7% companies not listed since the initial period of the study -55 -275 -71 -355 -28 -140 -154 -770 -18,2% companies that lost money during the study period -11 -55 -23 -115 0 0 -34 -170 -4,0% missing value -2 -115 -37 -472 0 0 -39 -587 -13,8% final sample size 144 615 158 503 0 0 302 1118 26,4% description main board development board acceleration board total % the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 458 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results and discussions descriptive statistics using the minimum value, maximum value, average (mean), and standard deviation for each independent variable and the dependent variable, descriptive statistical analysis is utilized to provide an overview of the distribution and behavior of the research sample data. the descriptive test results are shown in the table below: table 1. statistical analysis test results source : data proceed the observation period after the tax rate reduction for 2020 and 2021 was 37.3% (417 companies), whereas the observation period before the tax rate reduction for 2017 to 2019 was 62.7% (701 companies). from the table, it can be seen that companies listed on the stock exchange during 2017 to 2021 have carried out company management properly, thus, a higher company market value is above their book value. the maximum value in the research period of 4.8732 is issuers engaged in the information technology sector, and the minimum value of 0.1834 is issuers involved in the automotive sector. both are companies listed on the development board. companies tend to make positive corrections, both temporary and permanent, from commercial pre-tax profits in accounting for taxable profits, resulting in a value increase of corporate tax seen at an average value of 29.85%. the maximum value in the research period is 0.8183 for fiscal year of 2020 which is the main board issuer engaged in the hospital administration business, and the minimum value of 0.010 is the development board issuer engaged in health service providers. the average use of debt in the sample of asset financing was 0.2148. the main board issuers in the food and beverage industry are issuers with the maximum value obtained in the research period of 0.9454. this shows that the use of debt for asset financing is considerably high in indonesia-based public companies . the average profitability value based on the observation of listed companies is 0.0580. the maximum value in the research period of 0.1967 is issuers engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, while the minimum value of 0.0001 is issuers engaged in telecommunications infrastructure. both issuers are development board issuers. variable n minimum maximum mean median std. deviation qi,t+1 1118 0,1834 4,8732 1,6213 1,1620 1,1500 etri,t 1118 0,0010 0,8183 0,2985 0,2535 0,1726 levi,t 1118 0,0000 0,9454 0,2148 0,2006 0,1846 roai,t 1118 0,0001 0,1967 0,0580 0,0435 0,0534 sizei,t 1118 3,0373 3,1820 13,6313 14,1615 19,7217 the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 459 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting there is a movement in the mean value of the main variables of the study every year starting from 2017 to 2021, as shown in table 2: table 2. mean movement of main variables source : data processing cumulatively, there was an average increase in the q variable even though it had fallen in the 2018-2019 period and then rose again up to the final period of the study in 2021. for the etr variable, there was a significant increase in the 2019 period of 0.0245 even though the time of the issuance of the regulation on reducing corporate income tax rates was in 2020, there was no significant change in the average value of the research sample. the following year after the rate reduction in 2021, there was a significant decrease in the average value of the etr and cumulatively in the study period there has been a decrease in the etr rate. based on the movement of the mean value of etr, it can be indicated that there was an increase in aggressiveness by the company during the observation period of the study. panel data regression model selection chow test in the chow test of the three models that have been carried out, both have a prob value. crosssection f and ci-square which is smaller than 0.05, from these results, the hypothesis is rejected. so it was concluded that the fixed effect model was the best and the data testing continued by implementing hausman test. hausman test based on the hausman test of the three models tested, the p value of the model is below 0.05, meaning that the fixed effect model is the best model so the lagrange multiplier (lm) test is not implemented. best panel data regression model the following table summarizes the results of the panel data regression model on selection test performed from all three models. table 3. panel data approach testing source : data processing 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 total qi,t+1 1,609252 1,586791 1,569662 1,678343 1,675246 1,621300 etri,t 0,292148 0,296939 0,321531 0,326944 0,259696 0,298500 variable years description test probability f/chi 2 result pls vs fe chow 0,0000 fe fe vs re hausman 0,0000 fe the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 460 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the results generated in the study emphasized that the best model for all equations is the fixed effect model. classic assumption test multicolinearity test as pearson correlation testing that has been done, there is no multicollinearity problem where the correlation coefficient of each independent variable does not exceed a value of 0.8. heteroscedasticity test based on the regression of residual absolute values with independent variables or the glejser test, there is a heteroscedasticity problem in the data for the size variable before the data transformation is performed. after the transformation, it can be seen that the heteroscedasticity problem has been resolved as evidenced by a p-value of > 5%. panel data regression analysis tax aggressiveness and firm value the findings of the panel data regression analysis test selected the equation model between variables, and they are formulated as follows: q = 8,2543 + 0,0635etr + 0,3062lev 2,6421size + 1,4095roa + ε the measurement of the increase or decrease in etr is inversely proportional to tax aggressiveness, the higher the tax aggressiveness, the lower the etr, and vice versa, the lower the tax aggressiveness, the higher the etr rate. based on the regression results, it is known that the coefficient between etr and q is positive, so tax aggressiveness negatively affects the value of the company. the f-stat test result shows a value of 18.03 and a probability of 0.0000%. based on these results, the regression model can describe the simultaneous influence of the independent variable and control on the dependent variable. the results also suggest the t-stat value be used to test research hypotheses. the adjusted r2 value of the regression model is 82.31%. from the adjusted value of r2 it can be said that about 82.32% of the variation of the variable q can be explained by the etr variable and the control variable (lev, roa, size) in the model simultaneously. 17.69% were not explained by research variables but other variables are not included in the model, as shown in table below: the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 461 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 3. regression output source : data processing the t-stat test showed a positive but not significant etr regression coefficient (0.3165). the findings indicate that tax aggressiveness has a negative effect on company value but is not considered significant. therefore hypothesis 1 is not accepted. this result is consistent with the study by desai & dharmapala (2009) which stated that tax aggressiveness does not affect the value of the company. all control variables also affect the dependent variable of company value. the lev variable exerts a positive influence on the variable value of the company. the findings indicate that public companies are able to manage their liabilities properly in which they use it to buy assets or to finance a productive investment which is expected to have a positive influence on increasing profitability , thus it ultimately affects the increase in company value. the relationship of the control variables of roa and the company value is both positive and significant. roa is the most important ratio among other profitability ratios and is a technique commonly used to measure the effectiveness of a company's overall operations. roa can measure management efficiency in using the assets, where a company has to earn income and profit. size has a negative influence on company value, thus, the findings do not match the initial prediction of the study stating that the size of the company will be directly proportional to the value of the company. this result indicates a negative response from investors or potential investors to issuers with a significant size as seen from the total amount of assets. (jensen &; meckling, 1976) implied that investors do not have the need to supervise operational activities and strategies by management if the companies are too big, as more serious conflicts triggered by the differences in interests between the managers and the company owners may occur. in addition, if the company has a relatively significant amount of total assets, there will be a the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 462 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting flexibility in the management’s utilizing the assets when the situation permits, consequently such conduct will ultimately reduce the value of the company. tax aggressiveness, tax rate reduction and firm value based on the findings of the panel data regression analysis test, the equation model between variables can be formed as follows: model 2 : q = 8,5103 + 0,0674etr + 0,0182trc_d + 0,0020(etr*trc_d) + 0,3116lev – 2,745size + 1,4339roa + ε by including the dummy variables of tax rate reduction (trc) and its interaction (etr*trc), the f-stat test results show a value of 17.88 and a probability of 0.0000%. based on these results, the regression model can describe the simultaneous influence of the independent variable and control on the dependent variable. the results also suggest the t-stat value to test a research hypotheses. the adjusted r2 value of the regression model was 82.27%. from the adjusted value of r2 it can be concluded that about 82.27% of the variation of the variable q can be explained by the etr variable and the control variable (lev, roa, size) in the model simultaneously. the remaining 17.73% was not explained by the research variables but other variables that did not fit the model as shown in table below: table 4. regression output source : data processing a number of previous studies outside indonesia did not specifically measure the relationship between the changes and the decrease in tax rates and tax aggressiveness, but guenther (1994) found that there were companies having carried out profit management in response to the 1986 tax reform in the united states. after 10 years, yin & cheng (2004) also conducted tests in the the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 463 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting united states related to profit management and tariff reduction. the results of the study found that entities with profits are more interested in carrying out profit management than entities with a considerable loss. the results of the regression model through the probability results of t-stat found that the decrease in tax rates had a significant effect (0.3072) on the relationship between tax aggressiveness and company value, therefore the second hypothesis was rejected. the research findings are not in line with the previous studies that examined the effect of tax rate changes on the relationship between tax aggressiveness and financial statement aggressiveness conducted by frista (2018), stating that a changing in the tax rate to a fixed rate from the previous progressive rate in 2009 affected the decrease in corporate tax aggressiveness. in moderation, the testing of tax rate reduction does not alter the consistency of the contribution of control variables that affect company value, namely lev, profitability level through roa and size. both roa and size variables remain a significant positive influence and size contributes through a significant negative influence on the value of the company. tax aggressiveness, firm size and firm value based on the findings of the panel data regression analysis test, the equation model between variables can be formed as follows: model 3 : q = α + 0,7668etr 0,1366size_d 0,2027(etr*size_d) + 0,1474lev + 0,0171size + 9,8823roa + ε in testing this typical hypothesis, all company samples are grouped into two categories based on size variables; if the average value of the company during the observation period is above the median value, the company is categorized as a large company. if a company has an average value over the observation period that is lower than the median value, it is categorized as a smaller company. by including dummy variable interactions (etr*size_d). the f-stat test results show a value of 42.66 and a probability of 0.0000%. based on these results, the regression model can describe the simultaneous influence of the independent variable and control on the dependent variable. the results also show that the t-stat value can be used to test the research hypothesis, and the adjusted r2 value of the regression model is 18.29%. from the adjusted value of r2 it can be concluded that about 18.29% of the variation of the variable q can be explained by the etr variable and the control variable (lev, roa, size) in the model simultaneously. 81.71% was not explained by research variables but other variables that did not fit the model as shown in table below: the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 464 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 5. regression output source : data proceed the results of the regression model through probability t-stat state that the size of the company has a significant positive influence with the level of significance α = 10% (after divided into two; two tailed test) on the variables etr and q. it can be concluded that there is an influence of tax aggressiveness on the value of the company due to moderation of the size of the company, therefore the third hypothesis is accepted. the interaction of firm size and etr exerts a different influence on the contribution of the lev and size control variables, which weakens the relationship with the dependent variable, while the roa variable remains to have a positive influence on the firm value. there is no evidence of a study that specifically examined the effect of tax aggressiveness and company value moderated by company size found, however, in 2022, a research conducted by (labunets.e. & i.a, 2022), stated that there was a significant negative influence on the relationship between company size and tax aggressiveness in companies engaged in forestry in russia. the findings are considered inconsistent with the output by lanis and richardson (2007), who stated that there is a negative influence between etr and company size. in other words, it can be said that there is a positive relationship between company size and tax aggressiveness in public companies at the time of tax reform in australia. in indonesia, a study conducted by kurniawan (2015) examined the relationship between the company size and the tax aggressiveness in 71 entities within the period of 3 years of observation (2012-2014). the results of the study revealed that there is a negative influence of company size on tax aggressiveness. in line with the results of previous studies related to company size and tax aggressiveness, a moderation of company size can affect the relationship between tax aggressiveness and company value. the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 465 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting additional testing of tax aggressiveness, firm size and firm value to get more convincing results for researchers in making decisions, this study conducted additional testing through regression based on the results of modifications to moderation variables size_d by selecting fifty (50) largest companies to be grouped into large companies, and the rest categorized into smaller companies. this grouping of the 50 largest companies is based on previous research conducted by zimmerman (1983) which has examined the relationship between taxes and company size in america. from a total of 1118 years of observation, 197 years of large companies (17.62%) and 921 years of other companies (82.38%) were obtained. the output of the regression is shown in the table below: table 5. regression output source : data processing based on the results of regression through t-stat probability, there are similarities with the results of the previous study that utilize the median value as a grouping of company size, where moderation of the 50 largest companies still has a significant positive influence between etr and q value with a higher level of significance with α = 5% (after divided into two; two tailed test). because etr proxies are the opposite of tax aggressiveness, it can be concluded that there is a negative influence between tax aggressiveness and company value. the two outputs of the company size moderation test prove that the sensitivity of the company size gives a difference in the effect of tax aggressiveness on company value. in conducting a test with 50 largest companies, the tax reduction practices carried out by company management have a more negative influence on company value , compared to other companies. the moderation role of tax rate reduction and state ownership status in the effect of tax aggresiveness on company value ardhi and lubis 466 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting consistent with previous tests, the contribution of roa as the main control variable always exerts a significant influence on the value of the company. the interaction of company size in the model that acts as a moderation variable affects the contribution of lev and size control variables that become weaker, to the value of the company. referring to the third and additional tests, the results obtained can state that the first hypothesis in this study is accepted, and tax aggressiveness has a negative effect on company value, thus it is consistent with the previous study by chen et al. (2014), wahab & holland. (2012), and hanlon & slemrod (2009) from which tax aggressiveness is considered to have a negative effect on company value. conclusion there is a negative but not significant effect of tax aggressiveness proxied through etr with company value in public companies in indonesia within the 2017-2021 period. this is due to the potential endogeneity of etr proxies, where companies can determine the amount of etr presented in the financial statements for certain reasons. the reduction in corporate income tax rates in 2020 as the government's response in handling economic stability due to the covid-19 pandemic did not make a difference in the effect of tax aggressiveness on company value. it is possible that there are other phenomena in the research period such as covid-19 as exogenous variables outside the study that will better explain changes in company value each year. grouping company size exerts a significant influence with the rate of α = 10% and α = 5% in the 50 largest companies, regarding the relationship between tax aggressiveness and company value. this negative influence is indirectly in line with the concept of political cost where the size of the company is in line with the amount of political costs (including taxes) incurred by the company. references abdelfattaha, t., & aboud, a. 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(2023). the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 546-560. abstract: investors use the company value as one of the benchmarks in investing the capital since the value is generated from the share price with the basis of the company performance and the public assessment on that performance. the company value can be measured by price earning ratio (per), price book value (pbv), and tobin's q. price book value is selected in this research as its measurement. the research subjects were technology-based companies listed in the indonesian stock exchange. from the data obtained, it was indicated that there were fluctuations in the value of technology-based companies. this is a dilemma for both the companies and the investors on the grounds that not only the management but also the investors expect the company value to consistently increase. the research sample were 28 companies that met the criteria, within the periods of 20192022. the method used was quantitative research with multiple regression analysis as its analytical tool. the results indicated that the operating cash flow, the investment cash flow, and the financing cash flow have no effects on the firm value. keywords: operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow, company value, technology sector. this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction in this competitive era, with the growing number of new businesses, investors must be selective when making an investment. every time money is put into a business, the added values, be it in the form of increasing dividends or in the form of continuously growing company value are highly expected. these two aspects trigger profit generation to come about. according to (harmono, 2009a) , the value of stock price in the market is used to measure the value of the company, as the share price is a reflection of the public assessment on the company performance. investors consider the value of the company as one of the benchmarks in investing their capital because the value of the company comes from the share price which is formed from the company's performance and the public's assessment. a good performance will have an impact on the company profits, thus, it is understood that profit is the main target of a company in its the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 547 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting operation. the profit generated help enhance the prosperity of the investors and prove that the business is well-managed. in addition, profit signals that a company will continue to operate for a certain period of time, particularly if the past performance showed significant progress. weston and copeland, as cited by (wasana, 1995) emphasized that price earning ratio (per) and price book value (pbv) are tools used to estimate the value of a particular company. in this study, price book value is utilized as its measurement. heri (2016) emphasized that the result of the comparison between the book value per share and the market price per share is termed as price to book value. the indicator of market price to book value are market price per share and book value per share. the formula uses the market price of company shares that are constantly changing or fluctuating. the inconsistency is influenced by either investors' perceptions to the company or a result from political conditions and policies in a country. furthermore, price to book uses the book value of a company's shares, which comes from the comparison of total equity and the number of outstanding shares. from the comparison, we got an interpretation that the higher the equity owned by the company, the higher the ratio value from the calculation (book value). the market price of the shares is then compared with the book value or the results of the calculation of the ratio that has been carried out. the interpretation value of the company can be obtained by using the price to book formula from which the higher or the lower of the calculation results are determined by the market price of the company shares concerned. in other words, it can be concluded that the higher the market price of the company stock, the higher the value of the company will be. the subjects of the research were technology sector companies listed in the indonesian stock exchange. from the data obtained, they indicated that the company value at technology sector was fluctuating, therefore it was a dilemma for the company or the investors, whether or not the business will survive. it is considered a common issue that both the company management and the investors expect an increasing company value as shown in the graph. the following are the values of technology-based companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange, with 7 samples company from 2019 to 2022 figure 1. price to book value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2019 2020 2021 2022 price to book value (pbv) series 1 column1 column2 the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 548 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the companies shown in figure 1 experienced a decrease in value from 2019 to 2020, this is due to the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic. a normal situation occurs when the "new normal" is enforced, in which the company value increased significantly. nevertheless, from 2021 to 2022, the company value decreased, despite the implementation of the “new normal”. a number of studies on firm value and the effects of cash flow on firm value have been conducted (amalnik, 2019). (amini sharifi & mahbubeh jafari, 2016)examined the relationship between cash flow and leverage , whereas (azmi & bertuah, 2020) investigated the connection between cash flow and dividend policy . furthermore, (al sawalqa, 2021) worked on the association between cash flow and the stock market , followed by (banifatemi kashi et al., 2015) who put interest in researching additional information obtained from cash flow, (le et al., 2020) on cash flow at construction companies, and its impact on company share price (faghani makrani & abdi, 2014). in addition, free cash flow is analyzed by (ghodrati & hashemi, 2014), who investigated its relationship with several variables including company performance (khodaei valahzaghard & borzabadi farahani, 2014) and over-investment (taghavi et al., 2014). high free cash flow is examined for its impact on political costs and profits by (pasandidehfar et al., 2016), a study on cash flow ratios (das, 2018), ratios and financial performance (das, 2019), and the investigation of future cash flow estimates by (sadeghi moghaddam & zabihi, 2014). the other studies related to cash flow such as the relationship between operating cash flow and shareholder returns was conducted by previous researchers such as (ghodrati & abyak, 2014), then operating cash flow to shareholder equity by (karimi torghabeh et al., 2014), and the predictions of future cash flows by using accounting-records based accruals (nguyen & nguyen, 2020). according to (ni luh gede erni sulindawati, 2019), cash flow from a business operation is obtained by the entity's main activity. the company has the most essential main activities to generate profits in the form of cash in nature, in other words, by operating cash flow. a study by fajri and juanda indicated that operating cash flow has a positive and insignificant effect on company value (fajri & juanda, 2021), while a research by (paraditya et al., 2021)explained that cash inflows from operational activities compared to sales (operating/sales) have no effect on company value . (hery, 2015) stated that investment activities encompass buying or selling land, buildings, and equipment. in indonesia, a research on the analysis of cash holdings on the sensitivity of investment cash flows was carried out by (nugroho, 2020)whereas fajri and juanda have conducted research with the results of investment cash flows having a negative and significant effect on company value (fajri & juanda, 2021). meanwhile, research conducted by viery pradipta, cash flow out of investing activities compared to total assets except current assets, has no effect on company value (paraditya et al., 2021). cash flow funding as emphasized by (syakur, 2009) is an activity determined by the amount and composition of the company's capital and loans. a number of researchers have conducted studies on the relationship between or the influence on funding cash flows and company value, one of the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 549 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting which is by (fajri & juanda, 2021). the results indicated that cash flow obtained from funding has a negative and insignificant effect on the company value based on the phenomena and problems described above, the researcher is interested in conducting a study titled the influence of operating cash flows, investments, and funding on the company value in technology sector. the problem formulation is whether operating cash flow, investment cash flow, and financing cash flow affect the value of technology sector companies. the purpose is to determine the effect of operating cash flow, investment cash flow, and the funding cash flow on the value of these companies. financial accounting (hanggara, 2019) stated that accounting is a process of identifying, recording and reporting the economic data or information that is useful as an assessment and decision making. accounting starts from various processes that occur within a company and the most frequent processes become the core activities of a company. if a company is engaged in services, for instance, the main activities are the sale and purchase of services, meanwhile if it is a trading company or a manufacturing company, then the main activity is the sale and purchase of goods. all of these main activities are called transactions, which are identified to meet the criteria presented in the financial statements, recorded on the classified accounts into a journal and posted in the company ledger. after going through all records and procedures established by accounting standards, all of these transactions are grouped into various financial reports presented by the management to the stakeholder for the decision making. finally, a well-structured financial reports yields in proper decision making. (hanggara, 2019)described further that the main objective of financial accounting is to present the data from all financial transactions within a certain period of time and to make a financial report (financial statement). financial data must be completed and presented based on the standard from the indonesian accounting association, particularly financial reports. micro, medium and small enterprises have different standard in the making of the financial statements. the entities are labeled micro, small and medium enterprises (emkm). moreover, if the company has criteria above emkm but is not listed in the indonesia stock exchange, it is termed the entity without public accountability standard (sak etap). in addition, it is mandatory to name financial accounting standards (sak) for the company above emkm and listed in the indonesia stock exchange. the financial reports of different scales are presented annually and is an inseparable part of business activities in any firms. company value (harmono, 2009) emphasized that the share price or the share value is the measurement for the company value reflected by the manifestation of the company performance and the public assessment. management strives for the company to improve in each period. the measurement of the company value is seen from the market book value or price earning ratio. the results of the measures can be used by the management to determine the company performance and by the the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 550 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting investors to assess management performance concerning the invested capital. company value projected by price to book value provides an overview of the assessment of the book value of a company that comes from market response, in other words, confidence regarding the company prospects is from the high value of the price to book value. one of several measuring tool used to inquiry the company value is price to book value (pbv). the calculation of price to book value uses a comparison between the book value and the company's stock price. the book value is obtained from the comparison of the number of shares with the amount equity owned by the company. cash flow according to (syafrida hani, 2015), cash flow statements come from financial operations, investing and financing activities. the financial activities in the company comprise cash inflows and outflows . the measurement of the cash flow is obtained not only from the cash flow through the operational activities (operating cash flow), but also the cash flow obtained from investment activities such as utilizing the company assets (generally in the form of cash) in sectors that are considered to have the potential to generate profits, the possibility of a return on funds, or a return on investment previously made. in addition, the calculation of cash flows involves financing activities, such as loan payments or repayment of company debts to creditors. matters concerning cash flow have been investigated by (khodaei valahzaghard & goodarzi lemraski, 2014) and (sadeghi moghaddam & talebbeydokhti, 2014). according to (ni luh gede erni sulindawati, 2019), cash flow from operational activities is termed as the entity's main revenue activity. the main activities of the company are in line with typical businesses the enterprises labeled to. if the main activity of a company is on buying and selling electronic goods, the cash disbursements from purchasing inventories are in a form of sales of devices such as televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and so forth. in other words, cash or settlement of receivables paid by customer obtained is included in the calculation of operating cash flow. it can be emphasized that the value of the cash flow is crucial for not only management but also investors to assess the ability of the company to generate cash. (hery, 2015) stated that investment is the buying or selling of land, buildings, and equipment. to achieve the company goals that have been set up, the policy for increasing productivity is through the selling of its assets, particularly if the assets are no longer support the company operations as they are no longer considered productive. another reason for the company to sell its fixed assets is it requires cash for certain activities. besides, investment activities take place when a company decides to buy shares of other companies, or to sell shares to other enterprises. such information from investment of cash flows is beneficial for both management and investors to assess a company ability to make investments or the ability to obtain cash through investment activities. cash flow funding as explained by (syakur, 2009) refers to activities resulting in the changing amount and composition of the capital and loans of the company. loans are proposed by companies to finance their operations such as producing goods or providing services. loans obtained by companies yield the obligations in the future, both when returning the principal loans the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 551 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting obtained and when paying interest periodically as mentioned in the mutual agreement between the debtors and the creditors. in addition to loans that signifies the increasing cash inflows from financing activities, cash outflows are also detected when a loan is repaid or when the company grants a loan to other parties. this information is important because it serves as a benchmark for a company ability to generate or to use cash from financing activities. the relationship between operating cash flow and company value according to (ni luh gede erni sulindawati, 2019), cash flow from business operation is cash flow obtained from the entity's main revenue activity. the company has a number of main activities essential for a business to generate profits. the profits generated from these main activities are cash in nature or termed as operating cash flow. this is an important piece of information as it shows the company ability to generate cash from its main activities. the main activities are the crucial pillars or prioritized activities of the company. if business activities are incapable to generate cash, other activities are hampered. a research conducted by (paraditya et al., 2021)indcated that cash inflows from operating activities if compared to sales (operating/sales) have no effect on the company value . the study compared cash inflows with sales and then investigating the effects on company value. this provides information that cash inflows generated by the company have no impact on the firm value. in other words, all cash inflows generated are not supporting in increasing the value of the company. thus, the research hypothesis is: h1: operating cash flow gives no impact to the firm value (hery, 2015) explained that investment activities include the buying or selling of land, buildings, and equipment. this illustrates that investment cash flows are obtained by companies from buying or selling fixed assets, or companies investing in shares, if dividends are obtained, so, it is included in the investment cash flow category, in addition to the buying and selling shares made by companies. a research conducted by (paraditya et al., 2021)indicated that cash outflow from investing activities compared to total assets except assets current, has no effect on the firm value, so that the amount of cash outflow from investing activities, neither increase nor decrease the value of the company . thus, the hypothesis is as follows: h2: investment cash flow is not impacted to value company funding cash flows according to (syakur, 2009) are activities that result in the changes of the amount and composition between the business capital and loans. funding activities resulted in cash inflows and outflows are due to transactions such as issuing bonds or issuing shares and buying shares treasury or repayment of bonds. one of studies on the relationship or influence of funding cash flows on company value is conducted by (fajri & juanda, 2021). the results revealed that funding cash flows have a negative and insignificant effect on company value. this means that if the company cash flow from financing activities has increased, the value of the company will decrease. on the other hands, if the cash flow derived from financing activities has decreased, then the value of the company will increase, however, the effect is not significant. the proposed hypothesis is stated below: the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 552 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting h3: funding cash flow have negative impacted to value company method the type of research the data used in this study are ratio data from which the influence of independent on dependent variables is investigated. this is an associative research type as (sugiyono, 2019)referred to as a research where the problem formulation characterizes the relationship between two or more variables. population and samples population is an area of generalization such as objects or subjects with certain characteristics and quantities from the authority of the researcher so that they can be studied and conclusions can be drawn (sugiyono, 2017). a sample is a representation of the population, in other words the sample is part of the total population. however, even with a smaller number, the sample is considered representative. hence, 28 companies from 2019 to 2022 registered on the indonesian capital market serve as the sample of the study . data sources and types data sources are categorized as primary and secondary data. the data obtained from the indonesia stock exchange and the company websites are primary data whereas the data obtained by collecting documents or information from other people referred to secondary data. the type of data used is taken from the companies’ financial statements which have been published and audited, thus the data presented include ratio data. data collection technique all the data collected from financial reports published in the indonesia stock exchange and those on the companies’ official websites, therefore, the data is the result of documentation. documentation study is a technique or activity of analyzing electronic documents, drawings, or written documents starting with the collection of the necessary data (syaodih sukmadinata, 2007). data analysis technique descriptive analysis descriptive analysis is part of statistics that describes the data collected through analysis, with no intention to apply, generalize or make conclusions (sugiyono, 2017). the researcher describes or interprets the research results in accordance with the data obtained from valid sources and then the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 553 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting analyzes them with proper tools. the results are presented as they should be, without generalizing from all subjects. multiple linear analysis multiple linear analysis are all statistical methods used to determine the relationship between variable free and related (algifari, 2018). the software used in this study is spss 23 version 23. the multiple linear analysis demonstrates the following equation: y = α + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + βn xn + e where: y= dependent variable or response variable. x = independent variable or predictor variable. α = constanta. β = slope or estimated coefficient or multiple regression coefficient e = standard error correlation coefficient test (r) the correlation coefficient test is used to measure how big or how linear the relationship is between free and bound variables (kuncoro mudrajad, 2018). the correlation coefficient (r) has a value of -1.00 to 1.00. the closer the r is to 1.00 or -1.00, the stronger the bound, and it is limited to either positive or negative numbers. this provides the information whether the variables correlated positively or negative. the coefficient of determination (r2) test the coefficient of determination is a number between 0 and 1 used to measure how well a statistical model predicts an outcome. in a broader sense, it is a statistical measurement that examines how differences in one variable can be explained by the difference in a second variable when predicting the outcome of the given event. the coefficient is commonly known as an r-squared or r2. a small r2. value or close to zero refers to the ability of independent variables in explaining very limited dependencies variables (ghozali, 2018). results and discussions normality test the normality test is aimed at assessing the variables or the distribution of data in a group, and at investigating whether or not the data are normally distributed. the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 554 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 2. normal p-p plot of regression standardized residual source: data proceed according to (ghozali, 2011), if the plotted data follow a diagonal line, then the regression model or data is normally distributed. the results of testing the data can be considered to be normally distributed since the data follows a diagonal line. multicollinearity test (ghozali, 2011) emphasized that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity if the tolerance value is > 0.100 and the vif value is < 10.00. a good model if there are no symptoms of multicollinearity table 1. coefficients table source: data proceed model unstandardized coefficients standardize d coefficients t sig. collinearity statistics b std. error beta tolerance vif 1 (cons tant) 3.848 .946 4.066 .000 x1 -8.811 7.546 -.248 -1.168 .254 .857 1.167 x2 4.120 7.307 .171 .564 .578 .422 2.368 x3 .090 3.980 .007 .023 .982 .387 2.586 the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 555 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the table above, all tolerance values of independent variables are at a number greater than 0.100 and an vif value is less than a value of 10.00. this emphasizes that there are no multicollinearity indications to the variables. heteroscedasticity test according to (ghozali, 2011), if there is no clear pattern on the scatter-plot, then there is no heteroscedasticity. in the y axis, the dots are distributed below or above zero. figure 3. scatterplots source: data proceed from the scatterplots, the data is spread above and below the number 0 on the y axis. it does not form a specific pattern, so it can be concluded that this study has no variance of heteroscedasticity. autocorrelation test autocorrelation is not detected if the durbin watson value lies between du to (4-du). the value du is obtained from the value table of durbin watson. based on the quantity variable three, and a sample of 28, the value of du is 1.6503 model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate durbin-watson 1 .264a .070 -.047 4.66299 1.686 table 2. models summary source: data proceed from table 2, it can be explained that durbin watson's calculated value of 1.686 is between the value of 1.6503 and 4-du or 1.6503 < 1.686 < 2.3497. thus, the autocorrelation in these research data is not detected. the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 556 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting multiple linear regression test to find out whether there is an influence between independent and dependent variables, the researcher used the calculation results of the spss application, as described in the following coefficients: table 3. coefficients source: data proceed from table 3, it can be inferred that the significance value of operating cash flow is 0.254 > 0.05 and the comparison between the calculated value and the table t is -1.168 <2.0639. therefore, it can be concluded that there is no effect and no significance between variable x1 (operating cash flow) against variable y (firm value). the effects of the investment cash flow on firm value can also be seen in the table. it is emphasized that the value of significance on investment cash flow 0.254 > 0.05 and the value of t count < value of t table (2.0639 > 0.578). the conclusion is that there is no influence between variable x2 (investment cash flow) and variable y (firm value). similarly, variable x3 (funding cash flow) bears no effect and there is no such significant variable y or company value, this is because the sig value is 0.982 > 0.05 and t count is < t table (0.023 < 2.0639). as for the f test (simultaneous), the results are shown in anova table below: model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 39.013 3 13.004 .598 .622b residual 521.844 24 21.744 total 560.857 27 table 4. anova source: data proceed model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 3.848 .946 4.066 .000 x1 -8.811 7.546 -.248 -1.168 .254 x2 4.120 7.307 .171 .564 .578 x3 .090 3.980 .007 .023 .982 the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 557 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the table above shows that the significance value is 0.622 > 0.05, so it can be concluded that all independent variables have no influence and are not significant to the dependent variable. model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate durbin-watson 1 .264a .070 -.047 4.66299 1.686 table 5. model summary source: data proceed the r-square value of the table above states that the information of x variable is only able to explain as much as 26% of variable y, the rest is explained by the other variable. from the research results, it can be summarized that the operational cash flow in technology companies has no effect on firm value. cash flow generated from the main activities of technology companies, although fluctuating, has no impact since the increase in cash value generation is considered small and insignificant to increase both the equity and the market value of the company. it is a challenge for companies in technology sector to increase cash flow from operating activities during the covid conditions and post-covid recovery. the obstacles such as the closures of businesses, the decrease in public purchasing power, as well as the stagnancy of product distribution flows undoubtedly contributed to the existing matters. further consequences, investment activities have no effect on the firm value of technology-based businesses due to the negative cash flow investment. from the samples used in this study, only one company indicated a positive cash flow of investment value in 2019, in which assets in the form of cash for investment activities such as buying fixed assets, purchase of shares, or purchase of other company debt securities are signified. similarly, the cash flow of funding is impactless where cash obtained from financing activities has no effect on the value of the company. the results of this study are not in line with the results of a research conducted by (fajri & juanda, 2021), but in accordance with the study by (paraditya et al., 2021) which stated that there is no effect of operating cash flow and investment cash flow on the company value. conclusions the study illustrates that cash flows, be it for operational, investment or financing, have no effect on the firm value of companies in technology sector listed on the indonesia stock exchange. it is obvious that cash flow is fluctuating, and even experiencing a decline, prior and after the pandemic. however, there has been an increase before and several years after the covid outbreak. as the samples are taken only from companies in technology sector with three indicators, future researchers are expected to add more independent variables to the dependent variable (firm value) in order to gain more significant results. the influence of operating cash flows, investments cash flow, and funding cash flow on the company value in technology sector herman and chaidir 558 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting references algifari. 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(1995). manajemen keuangan (9th ed., vol. 1). binarupa aksara. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 3 july 2023 page no. 613-627 613 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and caribbean (lac) regions 2002-2019 hendiva tri nugraha1, suparna wijaya2 1politeknik keuangan negara stan, indonesia 2universitas pembangunan nasional veteran jakarta, indonesia correspondent: hendivatri23@kemenkeu.go.id1 received : may 19, 2023 accepted : july 27, 2023 published : july 31, 2023 citation: nugraha, h, t., wijaya, s. (2023). determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 20022019. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3),613-627. abstract: tax revenue is one of the backbones of economy in almost every country in the world. there are several determinants that influence the amount of tax revenue in one country, one of which is international transaction activities. such activities can partly be presented by three variables; foreign direct investment (fdi), trade openness (to), and external debt. this study aims to acknowledge the effects of international transaction experienced by a country regarding its tax revenue. external debt is used as a moderating variable to the effects of fdi and to on tax revenue. the data source was taken from the world bank within the period of 2002-2019 in 19 countries around lac regions. the study implements an associative quantitative method with pcse regression. the result showed that fdi affects tax revenue negatively, whereas trade openness and external debt affect tax revenue positively. external debt as a moderating variable strengthens the effect of fdi and weakens the effects of trade openness to tax revenue. further research is expected to include all the lac countries, add more variables relevant to the international transactions, and renew the research period. keywords: tax revenue, foreign direct investment, trade openness, external debt, latin america and caribbean this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction almost all countries in the world rely on taxes to support the government’s economy. taxation is the most practical system of raising government revenue to finance the spending on the goods and services demanded by the society” (tanzi & zee, 2001). the economic growth of one country depends on sustainable funding for programs such as social, health, education, and infrastructure to support the country in achieving its goals. therefore, the aspect of taxation should be a major highlight in state affairs. a measurement to valuate the taxation performance is the proportion of tax revenue to a country's gross domestic product (gdp). there are a number of factors affecting tax revenue, one of which is international transactions between countries. latin america and caribbean (lac) regions refers to a composition of countries characterized by diverse international transaction activities. one of the largest countries in the region, mexico, is determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 614 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting considered a nation with the most open economy in the world, establishing 50 free trade agreements (ftas) with other countries(, 2022), whereas the other two major countries in the region with the closest economies are brazil and argentina. both countries have a proportion of international trade below 30% of gdp (o’neil, 2022). however, lac is considered regions with the most exports, with an average trade to gdp of 67% in 2019 if compared to the percentage of 56% for the average country. the diversity across lac countries is an interesting research topic, from which an investigation regarding how the region’s tax revenue is related to international transaction activities was conducted. as can be seen from table 1, the tax revenue of countries in the lac region varies with an average above the world’s revenue of 16.5%, whereas the average tax revenue in the world is 13.8%. there are three international transactions affecting a country's tax revenue, among others are foreign direct investment (fdi), trade openness (to), and external debt (ext or foreign debt). fdi or foreign direct investment is an international capital flow in which companies from other countries or multinational companies invest their capital either in the form of establishing or expanding their business in other countries (obsfield, 1991). fdi is not only limited to the establishment of new corporate units, but also in the form of acquisitions of fdi recipient of companies in one country, to companies in others. as defined by the world bank, to or trade openness is the ratio between the amount of exports and the amount of imports either in a form of goods or services with other countries, calculated as a proportion of gdp. the ext, in this case the government external debt is a debt owned by the central government, comprising bilateral and multilateral debts, export credit facilities, commercial debts, leasing, and some other kinds. table 1 tax revenue (%gdp) of lac countries in 2019 negara tahun tax revenue (%gdp) argentina 2019 10.64932467 belize 2019 26.25967344 bolivia 2019 24.61570104 brazil 2019 13.73616364 colombia 2019 15.07137014 costa rica 2019 13.47177923 dominica 2019 24.14728928 dominican republic 2019 13.3027786 ecuador 2019 14.35727421 el salvador 2019 18.071017 grenada 2019 21.558417 guatemala 2019 10.45602392 haiti 2019 12.83992672 honduras 2019 18.70742178 jamaica 2019 27.45394175 mexico 2019 13.14822085 nicaragua 2019 17.5430986 determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 615 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting paraguay 2019 10.00060649 peru 2019 14.5160313 source : worldbank there are several researches that examine how fdi affects tax revenue. pratomo (2020) stated that fdi inflows have a positive effect on tax revenue in the developing countries. in addition, camara (2023) argued that fdi inflows serve as a stimulus to increase tax revenue. however there is no connection with countries exporting the natural resources since tax revenues are not sensitive to fdi inflows. nevertheless, gaspareniene et al. (2022) stated the opposite. in european union countries, fdi inflows have dampening implications for tax revenues. their argument was fdi generates a reduction in tax revenue through tax incentives offered by the state in order to attract investors, for instance free trade zones where goods are exempt from duties and taxes. similarly, other studies examining the relationship between trade openness and tax revenue have been conducted. a research by kwaku et al. (2018) explained that trade openness has a positive effect on tax revenue, particularly the international trade tax. on the contrary, shubita & warrad (2018) emphasized that there is a negative relationship between trade openness and government revenue. it occurred as taxation is "forced" to compete, which ultimately reduces state revenue, a condition signaling economic openness (liberalization), another research by wijaya & dewi (2022) pointed out that trade openness has no effect on tax revenue in indonesia. (khalid, 2016) stated further that aside from being related to tax revenue, trade openness has a direct effect on economic growth through international competitiveness, productivity, and other economic activities .these economic activities need funding, and if the government cannot rely on the revenue generation, it will be in debt. eddine salhi & el aboudi (2021) conducted a study on the relationship between external debt and tax revenue. the results indicated that foreign debt affects the tax revenue and it was signified by currency devaluation. furthermore, saibum m.o. & olatunbosun (2013) revealed that foreign debt in nigeria erodes tax revenue. it directly affects not only the tax revenue, but also the relationship between the two other variables. external debt can influence government response to fdi inflows. the economic growth in countries with high levels of external debt differs from those with low external debt (tanna et al., 2018). pyeman et al. (2016) stated further that these two variables have a negative relationship, where the amount of foreign debt of a country will affect investors' decisions regarding the location of investment and the type of investment. with to, foreign debt has a positive relationship, since the higher the foreign debt, the more increased the export activities will be (zakaria, 2012). other studies however, revealed a negative relationship between these two variables. mugasha (2007) argued that the debt problem in a developing country with stagnant economic conditions will be considered unfavorable for trade partners, which has implications for the decline in to. the emergence of various opinions related to the influence of international transactions on tax revenue and the importance of taxes for a country's economy creates an urgency for further research on this matter. furthermore, the diversity of international transactions in the lac region signifies an interesting point of research. therefore, this study aims to determine how fdi, to, and foreign debt impact the tax revenue and how the role of foreign debt as a moderating variable on the effect of fdi and to is on tax revenue in the lac regions within the periods of 20022019. determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 616 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting methods the research method implemented is quantitative associative research, aiming to determine the influences between the independent variable and the dependent variable. the data of over an 18year period from 2002 to 2019 in 19 latin american and caribbean (lac) countries were used. the countries listed are argentina, belize, bolivia, brazil, colombia, costa rica, dominica, dominican republic, ecuador, el salvador, grenada, guatemala, haiti, honduras, jamaica, mexico, nicaragua, paraguay, and peru. whereas for the secondary data, the sources from the world bank were added. the dependent, independent, moderating, and control variables used in this study are described in table 2. table 2 research variables dependent variables unit data scale data transformation tax revenue (%gdp) percent ratio independent variables unit data scale data transformation foreign direct investment (fdi) usd ratio natural logarithm trade openness (%gdp) (to) percent ratio moderating variables unit data scale data transformation external debt (ext) usd ratio natural logarithm control variables unit data scale data transformation corr index ratio eff index ratio law index ratio operationalization variable tax revenue (%gdp) tax revenue refers to mandatory transfers to the central government for public purposes. the mandatory transfers include fines, penalties, with the exclusion of most social security contributions. refunds and corrections of erroneously collected tax revenues are treated as negative revenues. trade openness (%gdp) trade openness is the total value of exports (+) and imports (-) of goods and services measured as a proportion of gdp. external debt determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 617 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting external debt is a debt to a country that is repayable in currency, goods, and services. the analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis with panel data type. the data processing application implemented is stata 17 as described in the following regression equation: 𝒀 = 𝜶 + 𝜷𝟏𝑭𝑫𝑰 + 𝜷𝟐𝑻𝑶 + 𝜷𝟑𝑬𝑿𝑻 + 𝜷𝟒𝑬𝑿𝑻. 𝑭𝑫𝑰 + 𝜷𝟓𝑬𝑿𝑻. 𝑻𝑹𝑫 + 𝜷𝟔𝑪𝑶𝑹𝑹 + 𝜷𝟕𝑬𝑭𝑭 + 𝜷𝟖𝑳𝑨𝑾 + 𝜺 where 𝑌 = 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒 𝛼 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝛽1−8 = 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐹𝐷𝐼 = 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑇𝑂 = 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐸𝑋𝑇 = 𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡 corr = corruption control level eff = government effectiveness law = quality of law enforcement 𝜀 = 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎l the classical assumption test is carried out before the hypothesis testing, in order to ascertain whether or not the model fulfills the econometrics model (purba et al., 2021). the classical assumption tests are normality, heteroscedasticity , multicollinearity , and autocorrelation tests with details in table 3. table 3 classical assumption test test h0 h1 skewness and kurtosis tests data is normally distributed data is not normally distributed breusch–pagan/cook– weisberg test homoskedastic data variance heteroscedastic data variance breusch–godfrey lm test model is not autocorrelated model is autocorrelated <10 ≥10 variance inflation factor (vif) data is not multicollienar data with multicollienar problem after ensuring that the model meets the classical assumption test, the goodness-of-fit (gof) test was proceeded. the gof of a model describes how well the model fits a set of observations(alberto & forero, 2010). the gof test was conducted with an alpha level = 5% as in table 4 below. table 4 goodness of fit test gof test h0 h1 determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 618 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting t test independent variables partially have no effect independent variables partially affect f test all independent variables simultaneously have no effect all independent variables simultaneously affect strong moderate weak adjusted r-squared >0.67 0.67 chi2 interpretation skewness and kurtosis tests 0.0001 not normally distributed breusch–pagan/cook–weisberg test 0.0013 heteroskedastic autocorrelation woolridge test 0.0187 autocorrelated vif interpretation variance inflation factor (vif) 186.39 multicollinear problem next is the pcse regression results described in table 7. from the results obtained, the f test value (prob> f) is below the alpha value of 0.000, which means that all variables simultaneously and significantly affect the tax revenue in 18 countries. the r-squared value obtained is 0.2973 or 30% which means that the dependent variable is influenced by 30% of the independent variables used in the study, thus the remaining 70% is the impact of other variables not being tested. according to (chin & marcoulides, 1998) the r-squared value below 33% indicates a weak category, which means that the ability of the independent variables to explain the dependent variable is considered insufficient (ghozali, 2016). moreover, the partial tests show that fdi and trade openness have a significant effect on tax revenue, even after being moderated by the external debt variable. table 7 pcse regression results variables coefficient prob cons -42.3263 0.000 foreign direct investment (fdi) -3.1239 0.057 trade openness (to) 1.4895 0.000 external debt(ext) 2.3872 0.000 fdi.ext 0.1301 0.064 to.ext -0.0627 0.000 corr 3.197 0.001 eff 3.776 0.000 law -5.304 0.000 r-squared 0.2973 prob > f 0.0000 determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 621 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the effects of fdi on tax revenue the results of partial tests conducted on fdi indicate that fdi has a negative effect on tax revenue. it contradicts the research by pratomo (2020) which states that the increase in fdi has a positive relationship with the total tax revenue, alongside with the corporate, the personal, and the value added taxes in the developing countries. the study states further that the type of fdi shows its effects on the tax revenue. fdi inflow is divided into two types, greenfield and brownfield. greenfield fdi is fdi in the form of construction of new production units by multinational companies in the recipient country, whereas brownfield fdi is fdi in the form of acquisitions or mergers of domestic companies in the recipient country, carried out by multinational companies (takayama, 2023). it is apparent that greenfield fdi has a positive effect on tax revenue while brownfield fdi tends to dampen the revenue. referring to pratomo's research, latin american and caribbean countries are prone to accept brownfield fdi (on the ground that fdi has a negative impact on tax revenue). one of the recent investment issues of latin america and the caribbean with other countries is its cooperation with china, channeled through the china and the community of latin america and caribbean states (celac) meeting. since 2015, chinese investment in latin america and the caribbean has become more massive, with the proportion of brownfield fdi or mergers and acquisitions (m&a) amounting to 35% from the total investment (abdenur, 2017). figure 2 the accumulated chinese fdi outflows to the lac region in billion usd 2000-2001, source : european parliament over the years, the trend of chinese brownfield fdi into lac has been increasing, with the average share of chinese fdi deals from 2015-2021, thus the m&a (merger and acquisitions) was 47%. even in 2019 (12 out of 19 deals were m&a) and 2020 (13 out of 20 deals were m&a), m&a transactions exceeded greenfield fdi. in terms of numbers, m&a transactions were recorded at 66.45 billion usd while greenfield reached only 22.68 billion usd. this trend can be attributed to the opposition and social conflicts associated with greenfield investments in lac determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 622 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (raza & grohs, 2022). however, m&a is only limited to change of ownership of existing companies/projects. the effects of trade openness on tax revenue partial tests conducted on trade openness indicate that trade openness has a positive effect on tax revenue. the result is in line with a study by gnangnon & brun (2019) which stated that through tax reform, developing countries which become more open to international trade receive more positive impacts on tax revenue than countries with closed economies. similarly, another research by kwaku et al (2018) examined the effect of trade openness on trade tax revenue in ghana. the results obtained are that trade openness has a positive effect on tax revenue in the international trade sector (import / export taxes, import / export duties) both in the short and long terms. in lac, a country with the highest level of trade openness is honduras and its biggest exported product is coffee reaching a value of 1.35 billion usd (this marks honduras the seventh largest coffee exporting country in the world) with the united states as its largest export market (oecd, 2023). the driving factor is the fiscal policies that intersect with the coffee production sector in honduras. an annual report on the honduran coffee sector published by the united stated department of agriculture foreign agricultural service (usda) reported that in 2022, the honduran government passed a regulation that excludes the imposition of a 12% sales tax on the country’s coffee production. the policy is estimated to generate usd 183 million in fiscal relief which will reduce the cost of coffee production and increase the competitiveness of the honduran coffee sector, including the export policy (fiallos, 2022). with a reference to the research results described, it can be concluded that the implementation of tax relief policies in leading export sectors will increase exports of these products, trade openness rates, and tax revenues. the effects of foreign debt on tax revenue as a moderating variable partial tests conducted on foreign debt revealed that a foreign debt borne by the government has a positive effect on tax revenue. a research by eddine salhi and el aboudi (2021) indicated a similar result: a foreign debt has a positive effect on the tax revenue. the study measures foreign debt associated with currency devaluation (it relates to foreign debt payments and the exchange rates) against tax revenue. basically, devaluation is a factor that makes the government fails to pay foreign debt. therefore, the government is encouraged to continue seeking for more state revenue, one of which is by increasing tax revenue. however, foreign debt management must be implemented with the right strategy. accumulating economic growth through debt proposals is not the right strategy to implement, since reducing high debt levels will benefit the country's economic performance (chien et al., 2022). the foreign debt variable as moderation of fdi (foreign direct investment) strengthens the effect of fdi on tax revenue, from the initial coefficient value of -3.1239 to 0.1301 after moderation. the relationship between foreign debt and fdi in a country can be stated in an analogy : a country with high foreign debt will try to find more revenue to pay its debts, one of which is from fdi entering the country. similarly, a research by tanna et al. (2018) emphasized that fdi-based economic growth depends on the level of foreign debt owned by a country. when a country has a high level of foreign debt (high indebtedness), the economic growth from fdi can no longer be determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 623 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting generated since the country will focus more on paying off its foreign debt. one of the steps taken by the state in response to this case is to improve its international tax competitiveness strategy to help increase foreign investment. if a country's domestic tax base tends to be higher than other countries, investors will move their operations to countries with a smaller tax base, and this will result in fdi outflows (gropp & kostial, 2001). foreign debt variable as moderation of trade openness weakens its effect on tax revenue, from the initial coefficient value of 1.4898 to -0.0627 after moderation. a number of studies indicate a positive relationship between foreign debt and trade openness. a research by zakaria (2012) that trade openness has a significant positive effect on pakistan's foreign debt. it is proven that the country's economic openness is one of the stimuli for the growth of its foreign debt. a similar relationship is shown in a study by casares (2015) which indicated an increase in the proportion of foreign debt to gdp and a decrease in the currency exchange rate, thus it results in a relative price decrease of non-tradable good. non-tradable goods are goods which are not offered to international market, such as electricity, water, or goods with high accommodation costs or specialized commodities, including the public service sectors like hotels, construction, real estate, and some others (jenkins et al., 2011). figure 3 service sector contribution to gdp in lac in 2019, source : worldbank from the previous explanation given, it can be emphasized that countries in lac tend to have a high contribution to gdp from the services sectors as shown in figure 3. the implication is that the decline in the relative price of the services sector in lac countries affects a decrease in tax revenue. as for the tax calculations, when the nominal transaction on which the tax base decreases, the tax imposed by the state will proportionally become lower. therefore, it can be stated that a foreign debt will affect the trade openness on tax revenue through a decrease in the tax base of non-tradable goods, particularly the service sectors. determinants of tax revenue in the context of international transactions in the latin america and carribean (lac) region 2002-2019 nugraha and wijaya 624 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusions tax revenue serves as the backbone of the economy in almost every country in the world. factors affecting the amount of tax revenue generated by the state include international transaction activities. the activities can partially be represented by three variables, fdi, to, and foreign debt. the results of the study using regression model suggest that fdi has a negative effect on tax revenue in lac. this occurs since brownfield fdi dominates fdi transactions in the lac region, particularly from china. to has a positive effect on tax revenue, on the grounds that exports of honduras' main product, coffee beans, are given tax incentives to stimulate growth in the sector. as a result, the export activities become better, the international trade increases, and so does the tax revenue. furthermore, foreign debt has a positive effect on tax revenue. this is explained an analogy, that if a country is indebted, it will try to increase its state revenue, one of which is from taxes. foreign debt as a moderating variable of fdi is able to strengthen the influence of fdi on tax revenue through a tax competitiveness strategy for the purposes of attracting investors to come and encouraging tax revenue to increase. conversely, foreign debt as a moderating variable of to, weakens its influence on tax revenue. this is due to the impact of foreign debt that causes currency devaluation and lowers the price of non-tradable goods, thus a decrease in the basis of tax calculation occurs, particularly in the service sectors in lac regions. it is suggested that the regions set up more strategies to utilize fdi inflows and optimize foreign debt management in the context of tax revenue. as a study has limitations, future research is expected to involve all countries in the lac region, add variables that represent international transactions, and consider a more recent research period. references abdenur, a. e. 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(balki, bandar., et al, 2022). in addition to these seven factors, the performance of the regional general hospital is also largely determined by the scale of economic activity of the region concerned. the regional general hospital as one of the government agencies must be able to provide both financial and nonfinancial accountability to the local government and the community as service users. aurora (2010) reveals that the regional general hospital is one of the local government agencies engaged in the public sector in terms of health services. the business activities of the regional general hospital are social and economic in nature which prioritize the best health services for the community. law of the republic of indonesia number 44 of 2009 concerning hospitals, hospitals are health service institutions that organize comprehensive individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. the increasing prominence of accounting in the public sector had important implications for engineering, teaching and other professions that had traditionally played a central role in defining and delivering public services (gebreiter, 2016). hospitals established by the government and regional governments must be in the form of technical implementation units of agencies in charge of the health sector, certain agencies, or regional technical institutions with the management of the public service agency (blu) or regional public service agency (blud) in accordance with statutory provisions. hospitals have the following functions: 1. organizing treatment and health recovery services in accordance with hospital service standards; 2. maintenance and improvement of individual health through comprehensive second and third level health services according to medical needs; 3. the organization of education and training of human resources in order to improve the ability to provide health services; and 4. organizing research and development as well as technology screening in the field of health in order to improve health services with due regard to the ethics of science in the field of health. statement of government accounting standards (psap) no. 05 no. 4 government regulation no. 71 of 2010 based on the accrual system inventories are liquid tools in the form of goods or application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 267 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting equipment designed to support government operations and are intended to provide services to the public. as a public institution that must provide public goods and services, government agencies such as hospitals must manage and perform inventory accounting properly. for inventory processing in government agencies, it must comply with established standards, namely government accounting standards statement number 05 concerning inventory accounting, in order to obtain relevant accounting information about inventory. handling inventory by referring to these standards clearly describes the process of identifying, measuring and presenting existing inventory (erlina, 2015). thei eiveiryday work of accountants involveis reicording transactions in thei classification systeim that is doublei-eintry bookkeieiping. thei financial stateimeints which reisult areialso classifications: for eixamplei, asseits arei classeid as non-curreint or curreint; thei formeir arei thein sub-classeid as tangiblei, intangiblei or financial (nobeis and stadleir, 2013). in thei application of goveirnmeint accounting standard no. 05 (psap 05) 2010, inveintory neieids to bei calculateid and planneid careifully so that inveintory reimains undeir control. this meians that inveintory should not bei insufficieint and surplus, as this will causei unfavorablei things. for eixamplei, a shortagei of supply will reisult in an inability to meieit deimand, and thus beiing unablei to meieit deimand. eixceissivei supply is also deitrimeintal to thei organization, such as a high risk of non-compliancei. theireiforei, thei institution should bei ablei to handlei its own supplieis as much as possiblei in accordancei with hospital manageimeint policieis and proceidureis. in ordeir to carry out inveintory counting work reigularly, seiveiral peirsonneil arei reisponsiblei for eiach part in accordancei with thei proceidureis in thei hospital accounting systeim. in addition, thei cleiarancei of reipreiseinteid information has impacts on thei seirviceis, such as inhibiting thei proceiss of providing information, thei difficulty of data proceissing, inhibiting administrativeireilateid activitieis, and hampeiring communication among heialth eimployeieis (rizki, fadila., eit all, 2020). thei cmeia also reiquireid reitail drugstoreis to providei propeir training to thosei storei-front eimployeieis who weirei reisponsiblei for direictly deialing with customeir purchaseis. drugstoreis weirei to einsurei that theisei eimployeieis undeirstood theisei leigal reiquireimeints and followeid propeir proceidureis. drugstoreis weirei also to seilf-ceirtify to reileivant authoritieis in theiir jurisdictions to deimonstratei that all storei-front eimployeieis had undeirgonei thei reiquireid training. (guo and eischeinbreinneir, 2017) whein inveintory quantitieis arei deiteirmineid soleilyby meians of a physical count, and all counts arei madei as of thei balancei-sheieit datei or as of a singlei datei within a reiasonablei timei beiforei or afteir thei balancei-sheieit datei, it is ordinarily neiceissary for thei indeipeindeint auditor to bei preiseint at thei timei of thei count and, by suitablei obseirvation, teists, and inquirieis, satisfy himseilf reispeicting thei eiffeictiveineiss of thei meithods of inveintory-taking and thei meiasurei of reiliancei which may bei placeid upon thei clieint’s reipreiseintations about thei quantitieis and physical condition of thei inveintorieis (apostolou, eit al, 2014) baseid on goveirnmeint accounting standard no. 05 paragraph 13 of goveirnmeint reigulation no. 71 of 2010, inveintorieis arei reicognizeid: 1) whein thei goveirnmeint obtains poteintial futurei eiconomic beineifits and theiir valuei or cost can bei meiasureid reiliably; and 2) upon reiceiipt or transfeir of application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 268 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting owneirship and/or posseission. at thei timei of preiparing thei budgeit reialization reiport, at thei timei of purchasei, it is only reicordeid as a commodity eixpeinditurei and affeicts thei eistimateid changei in thei sal, whilei at thei timei of preiparing thei opeirating reiport, thei purchasei of inveintory will bei reicordeid as inveintory eixpeinditurei and cash eixpeinditurei (eirlina, 2015). thei valuei of inveintory includeis all costs that must bei incurreid beiforei thei goods arei useid. in psap no. 05 goveirnmeint reigulation no. 71 of 2010 theirei arei threiei options for meiasuring and valuing inveintory, nameily acquisition cost baseid on purchasei. 2) cost of goods produceid by seilf-production. 3) pricei or fair valuei, obtaineid in otheir ways (eirlina, 2015). baseid on goveirnmeint accounting standard no. 05 paragraph 13 of goveirnmeint reigulation no. 71 of 2010, inveintorieis arei reicognizeid: 1) whein thei goveirnmeint obtains poteintial futurei eiconomic beineifits and theiir valuei or cost can bei meiasureid reiliably; and 2) upon reiceiipt or transfeir of owneirship and/or posseission. at thei timei of preiparing thei budgeit reialization reiport, at thei timei of purchasei, it is only reicordeid as a commodity eixpeinditurei and affeicts thei eistimateid changei in thei sal, whilei at thei timei of preiparing thei opeirating reiport, thei purchasei of inveintory will bei reicordeid as inveintory eixpeinditurei and cash eixpeinditurei. thei valuei of inveintory includeis all costs that must bei incurreid beiforei thei goods arei useid. in psap no. 05 goveirnmeint reigulation no. 71 of 2010 theirei arei threiei options for meiasuring and valuing inveintory, nameily acquisition cost baseid on purchasei. 2) cost of goods produceid by seilf-production. 3) pricei or fair valuei, obtaineid in otheir ways (eirlina, 2015). psap no. 05 paragraph 26 goveirnmeint reigulation stateis that someithing neieids to bei discloseid in thei financial stateimeints reilating to inveintory of goods is thei accounting policy systeim in thei valuation of inveintory figureis, furtheir eilaboration such as goods or eiquipmeint inteindeid for seirviceis to thei public, eiquipmeint inteindeid for thei production proceiss, storeid goods inteindeid for thei saleis proceiss or community grants, and goods in thei production proceiss inteindeid for thei saleis proceiss. thei purposei of a formulary systeim is to einsurei that meidicinei inveintory in patieint carei seittings is aligneid with availablei eivideincei, meidically appropriatei, safei, and cost-eiffeictivei, laying thei groundwork for improving thei quality of carei, reiducing cost and wastei, and practicing eivideincei-baseid meidicinei. (teipolt, eit al, 2021) pharmaceiutical supplieis in hospitals havei diffeireint characteiristics from thei typei of inveintory in geineiral whein compareid to otheir units, wheirei otheir supplieis havei theiir own treiatmeint for deipleition, which can bei donei with ceirtain discounts and offeirs. but consideiring that pharmaceiutical supplieis arei a supply that will not comei out of thei wareihousei unleiss it is adjusteid for thei typei of diseiasei complaint or patieint pain, thei supply will not comei out if it doeis not match thei condition of thei patieint's complaint. so this neieids to bei adjusteid with cleiar sops, so that theirei is no accumulation of ceirtain typeis of drugs duei to failurei to preidict most typeis of patieint diseiaseis or failurei to managei storagei meithods and storagei peiriods. beicausei drug abusei is thei consumption of somei drugs in a quantity that may bei seilf-damaging or addictivei (abbasi, eit al, 2023). in reiceint yeiars, somei companieis havei deiveilopeid inveintory controls or meithods of deiteirmining inveintorieis, including statistical sampling, which arei highly eiffeictivei in deiteirmining inveintory quantitieis and which arei sufficieintly reiliablei to makei unneiceissary an annual physical count of eiach application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 269 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting iteim of inveintory. in such circumstanceis, thei indeipeindeint auditor must satisfy himseilf that thei clieint’s proceidureis or meithods arei sufficieintly reiliablei to producei reisults substantially thei samei as thosei which would bei obtaineid by a count of all iteims eiach yeiar. (gross, andreiw,. eit al, 2020) baridwan (2004) eixplain that accounting has two kinds of inveintory reicording meithod, theirei arei (1) physical meithod and (2) book meithod. theireiforei, accounting in accordancei with applicablei reigulations will producei accounting information which will lateir beicomei a deiteirminant and rulei in thei inteirnal control of thei organization and facilitatei thei uniformity of undeirstanding of reiadeirs of thei peirformancei reiport or financial reiport. inveintory control should bei ablei to providei a fact, that inveintory data is reiliablei in teirms of physical appeiarancei, accumulateid valuei, quality, pricei, and reicording systeim with reial conditions in thei hospital. inveintory has a significant reilationship to thei financial stateimeints of an opd. theireiforei, reigional public hospitals should impleimeint goveirnmeint accounting standards (sap) accompanieid by goveirnmeint accounting standards stateimeint (psap) no. 05 conceirning inveintory accounting. (haliah, eit al, 2022) goveirnmeint hospitals consisting of ceintral goveirnmeint hospitals and reigional hospitals arei eistablisheid baseid on blu manageimeint baseid on statutory reigulations (law no.44 of 2009 conceirning hospitals). this hospital is eingageid in thei public seictor by seirving heialth. hospital opeirating incomei is curreintly highly deipeindeint on goveirnmeint subsidieis. theireiforei, hospitals arei eixpeicteid to bei ablei to managei eixisting reisourceis for opeirational sustainability. hospital manageimeint is not only activei in thei social fieild but also in thei socioeiconomic fieild, has social reisponsibility, and must apply eiconomic principleis in its financial manageimeint. baseid on thei deicreiei of thei ministeir of heialth of thei reipublic of indoneisia numbeir 1197/meinkeis/sk/x/2004 conceirning hospitals, hospital pharmaceiutical seirviceis arei onei of thei activitieis in hospitals that support quality heialth seirviceis. hospital pharmacy seirviceis arei an inteigral part of thei hospital heialth carei systeim that is orieinteid towards patieint carei, thei provision of quality drugs, including clinical pharmacy seirviceis that arei affordablei for all leiveils of socieity. thei hospital pharmacy is reisponsiblei for all pharmaceiutical goods circulating in thei hospital. thei rs prov. jawa timur is a public seirvicei ageincy (blud) that organizeis accounting for speicific inveintory on drug inveintory iteims whosei valuei is significant in thei financial stateimeints of eiach reiporting peiriod in accordancei with goveirnmeint reigulations. baseid on thei abovei background, reiseiarcheirs will conduct reiseiarch on thei application of drug inveintory accounting baseid on psap no. 05 at thei rsud prov. jawa timur. method thei form of reiseiarch that is thei reifeireincei in this study is qualitativei. (sugiyono, 2018) qualitativei systeim is thei preiseintation of reiseiarch reisults in thei form of seinteinceis, which arei obtaineid through various data colleiction teichniqueis. this study will analyzei thei suitability of applying thei conceipt of reicording drug inveintory baseid on applicablei standards, nameily goveirnmeint accounting standards stateimeint numbeir 05 (psap 05) conceirning inveintory accounting. this reiseiarch will application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 270 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting also reifeir to goveirnmeint reigulation numbeir 71 of 2010 conceirning inveintory reicording and manageimeint. thei reiseiarch is locateid at rsud prov. jawa timur. to analyzei thei data obtaineid in this papeir, thei authors usei a qualitativei data analysis meithod using seicondary data and liteiraturei study baseid on thei peirformancei reiport of rsud prov. jawa timur which was uploadeid on thei hospital's official weibsite. result and discussion pharmaceiutical seirviceis in hospitals includei two activitieis, nameily manageirial activitieis in thei form of manageimeint of pharmaceiutical preiparations, meidical deiviceis and consumablei meidical mateirials and clinical pharmacy seirvicei activitieis. baseid on its distribution, thei placei and systeim of manageimeint of pharmaceiutical preiparations, meidical deiviceis and consumablei meidical mateirials at rsud haji prov jatim arei divideid into 2, nameily: a. pharmaceiutical logistics pharmaceiutical logistics seirveis thei neieids of seirvicei units and supporting units in thei hospital such as thei ceintral surgical installation, eimeirgeincy deipartmeint, haeimodialysis installation, inpatieint installation, outpatieint installation, icu, pavilion installation, clinical pathology installation, anatomical pathology installation, radiology installation including thei pharmacy deipot. pharmaceiutical logistics cannot providei direict incomei beicausei all pharmaceiutical supplieis useid by patieints and units arei includeid in thei seirvicei tariff. so pharmaceiutical logistics heirei is a cost ceinteir. b. pharmacy deipot thei pharmacy deipot provideis direict seirviceis to patieints through preiscriptions for outpatieints, inpatieints, and eimeirgeincy patieints. thei pharmacy deipot is a unit that provideis direict incomei, beicausei all pharmaceiutical preiparations and meidical deiviceis issueid to patieints arei paid according to theiir usei. thei pharmacy deipot is reifeirreid to heirei as a reiveinuei ceinteir. standard operating procedure for drug inventory 1. seileiction of pharmaceiutical supplieis seileiction is an activity to deiteirminei thei typei of pharmaceiutical preiparation reifeirring to thei national formulary and thosei listeid in thei ei catalog of drugs. thei seileiction of typeis of pharmaceiutical preiparations that arei not listeid in thei national formulary but arei neieideid in thei hospital is preipareid by thei pharmacy and theirapy committeiei in accordancei with thei direictor's deicreiei no.445/954/304/2019 conceirning thei eistablishmeint of thei pharmacy and theirapy committeiei peiriod 2019 2022 eistablisheid by thei hospital leiadeir in thei form of a formulary (direictor's deicreiei no. 445/919/304/2016 conceirning thei einforceimeint of thei usei of formularieis at thei rsud haji prov. jawa timur). criteiria for seileicting drugs to bei includeid in thei hospital formulary: a. prioritizing thei usei of geineiric drugs b. havei a beineifit-risk ratio that is most favorablei to thei patieint c. guaranteieid quality, including stability and bioavailability application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 271 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting d. practical in storagei and transportation e. favorablei in teirms of compliancei and acceiptancei by patieints f. has thei higheist beineifit-cost ratio baseid on direict and indireict costs g. otheir drugs that arei scieintifically provein to bei thei most eiffeictivei and safei (eivideincei baseid meidicinei) that arei most neieideid for seirviceis at an affordablei pricei. 2. planning for pharmaceiutical supplieis neieids neieids planning is an activity to deiteirminei thei amount and peiriod of procureimeint of pharmaceiutical preiparations in accordancei with thei reisults of seileiction activitieis to einsurei that thei criteiria of thei right typei, right amount, right timei and eifficieincy arei meit. planning must consideir: a. availablei budgeit b. prioritization c. reimaining inveintory d. preivious peiriod usagei data e. ordeir leiad timei 3. procureimeint of pharmaceiutical supplieis procureimeint is an activity to reializei thei neieids that havei beiein planneid and approveid, through purchaseis and donations/drops/grants. matteirs that must bei consideireid in thei procureimeint of pharmaceiutical supplieis includei: a. meidicinal raw mateirials must bei accompanieid by a ceirtificatei of analysis; b. pharmaceiutical supplieis havei a distribution liceinsei numbeir c. eixpireid datei is at leiast 2 yeiars, eixceipt for ceirtain pharmaceiutical preiparations that havei a short eixpiration datei such as reiageints, vaccineis and otheirs. procureimeint activitieis can bei carrieid out through : a. purchasei b. production c. grant 4. reiceiiving of pharmaceiutical supplieis reiceiiving is an activity to einsurei that thei typei, speicifications, quantity, quality, deiliveiry timei and pricei stateid in thei contract or ordeir leitteir arei in accordancei with thei physical conditions reiceiiveid. all documeints reilateid to thei reiceiipt of goods must bei storeid propeirly. somei of thei things that must bei consideireid in thei reiceiipt and inspeiction of pharmaceiutical preiparations includei: 1. pharmaceiutical supplieis reiceiiveid must match thei typei and quantity beitweiein thei goods and thei accompanying documeints. 2. reiceiipt of pharmaceiutical supplieis must bei carrieid out by officeirs who arei traineid, reisponsiblei and undeirstand pharmaceiutical supplieis. 3. acceiptancei and inspeiction of pharmaceiutical supplieis is carrieid out by thei work reisult inspeiction committeiei (pphd). application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 272 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 5. storagei of pharmaceiutical supplieis afteir thei goods arei reiceiiveid by thei pphp, theiy arei handeid oveir to thei manageimeint of meidical supplieis in thei pharmaceiutical installation and neieid to bei storeid beiforei distribution. storagei must bei ablei to einsurei thei quality and safeity of pharmaceiutical supplieis in accordancei with pharmaceiutical reiquireimeints. pharmaceiutical reiquireimeints includei reiquireimeints for stability and safeity, sanitation, light, humidity, veintilation, and classification of typeis of pharmaceiutical supplieis. 6. arrangeimeint of pharmaceiutical supplieis in thei pharmaceiutical installation a) pharmaceiutical preiparations in thei pharmaceiutical installation arei arrangeid according to dosagei form, typei of preiparation and sorteid alphabeitically. b) thei arrangeimeint useis thei first eixpireid datei first out (feifo) and first in first out (fifo) principleis. c) arranging drugs in largei packageis on palleits in a neiat and ordeirly manneir. for small packageid drugs and small quantitieis, theiy arei storeid on sheilveis and seiparateid beitweiein inteirnal drugs and drugs for eixteirnal usei by paying atteintion to thei uniformity of batch numbeirs. d) storagei should pay atteintion to teimpeiraturei, air, light and bacteirial contamination. ei) storagei for pharmaceiutical preiparations that reiquirei speicial storagei according to applicablei reigulations. 7. distribution of pharmaceiutical supplieis distribution is a seirieis of activitieis in ordeir to distributei / deiliveir pharmaceiutical supplieis from thei storagei areia to thei seirvicei unit / patieint whilei einsuring quality, stability, typei, quantity, and timeilineiss. thei distribution systeim must bei ablei to guaranteiei thei impleimeintation of supeirvision and control of pharmaceiutical supplieis in thei seirvicei unit. thei distribution systeim for patieint seirviceis is deisigneid on thei basis of eiasei of reiach for patieints by consideiring thei eifficieincy and eiffeictiveineiss of eixisting reisourceis and distribution meithods with thei following provisions: a) pharmaceiutical supplieis arei distributeid baseid on doctor's reiqueists and adjusteid to thei formulary applicablei in thei hospital and applicablei reiquireimeints. b) thei distribution of pharmaceiutical supplieis is distinguisheid for inpatieints, outpatieints and thei distribution of pharmaceiutical supplieis outsidei working hours. 8. deistruction and withdrawal of pharmaceiutical supplieis deistruction is carrieid out for consumablei pharmaceiutical preiparations whein: a) thei product doeis not meieit thei quality reiquireimeints; b) has eixpireid; c) doeis not meieit thei reiquireimeints for usei in heialth seirviceis or thei inteireists of scieincei; d) thei withdrawal of pharmaceiutical preiparations, meidical deiviceis, and consumablei meidical mateirials is carrieid out for products whosei distribution liceinsei has beiein reivokeid by thei food and drug supeirvisory ageincy (bpom). withdrawal of pharmaceiutical application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 273 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting preiparations, meidical deiviceis, and consumablei meidical mateirials by bpom or thei original manufactureir through distributors. 9. pharmacy control control is carrieid out on thei typei and amount of supplieis and usei of pharmaceiutical preiparations. control of thei usei of pharmaceiutical preiparations is carrieid out by thei pharmaceiutical installation and thei pharmacy and theirapy committeiei (pft) including: a) usei of drugs according to thei formulary b) usei of drugs in accordancei with diagnosis and theirapy c) einsuring that supplieis arei eiffeictivei and eifficieint or that theirei arei no eixceisseis and shortageis / vacancieis, damagei, eixpiration, and loss and reiturn of ordeirs for pharmaceiutical preiparations. d) control meithods arei: • eivaluatei inveintory that is rareily useid (slow moving); • eivaluatei inveintory that is not useid within threiei conseicutivei months (deiath stock); • stock-taking is carrieid out eiveiry 1 month. 10. pharmacy administration administration is carrieid out in a sustainablei and ordeirly manneir to facilitatei tracking of activitieis. administration activitieis consist of: a) reicording and reiporting reicording and reiporting on pharmaceiutical preiparation manageimeint activitieis which includei planning neieids, procureimeint, reiceiipt, distribution, inveintory control, reiturn, deistruction and withdrawal of pharmaceiutical preiparations. reiporting is madei on a monthly, quarteirly and annual basis. b) financial administration financial administration is thei seitting of budgeits, control and analysis of costs, colleiction of financial information, preiparation of reiports, usei of reiports reilating to all pharmaceiutical seirvicei activitieis on a reigular basis in monthly, quarteirly and annual peiriods. c) administration of deileition administration of deileition is a seittleimeint activity for pharmaceiutical preiparations that arei not useid duei to eixpiration, damagei, quality doeis not meieit standards by making a proposal for thei deileition of pharmaceiutical preiparations to thei direictor. pharmacy installation performance hospitals arei capital-inteinsivei and labor-inteinsivei activitieis for theiir opeirations. opeirations, and hospitals also eimphasizei thei application of social and moral valueis. social and moral valueis. as a heialthcarei organization (meidical safeity organization), most of thei reihabilitation or meidical reihabilitation actions in a hospital deipeind on thei availability of meidicineis. a hospital deipeinds on thei availability of meidicineis, it can eivein bei said that meidicinei is thei heiart of thei hospital. that meidicinei is thei heiart of thei hospital (amanda, 2010). application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 274 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting theirei arei variations beitweiein thei provein eifficacy of pharmaceiuticals and theiir clinical eiffeictiveineiss. theisei variations may bei attributeid to seiveiral factors likei thei procureimeint of lowquality pharmaceiuticals, substandard formulations, impropeir storagei conditions, patieint-reilateid factors, eitc (chand, eit all, 2022) thei peirformancei of thei pharmacy installation seirvicei can bei seiein through data on thei numbeir of preiscriptions seirveid. thei tablei beilow preiseints preiscription seirvicei data at thei pharmacy deipot. service area year 1 year 2 year 3 recipe written recipe served fulfilment recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment outpatieint 733.726 658.809 89,79% 491.096 474.096 96,43% 487.592 481.348 98,72% igd 329.101 283.889 86,26% 208.386 201.386 96,66% 189.960 183.250 99,08% inpatieint 1.544.474 1.519.454 98,19% 1070.120 1.066.076 99,62% 1.051.177 1.050.409 99,93% total 2.607.301 2.459.152 94,32% 1.770.115 1.741.558 98,39% 1.723.729 1.715.007 99,49% thei aveiragei reicipe i writtein 2.033.715 thei aveiragei reicipe i writtein 1.971.906 treind reicipei writtein (15,24%) treind reicipei writtein (13,03%) a. outpatieint b. igd c. inpatieint service area year 1 year 2 year 3 trend recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment geineirics 441.580 396.493 87,79% 293.540 283.054 96,43% 291.452 287.720 98,72% (10,76%) non geineirics formulation 292.146 262.316 87,79% 198.119 191.042 96,43% 196.141 193.629 98,72% (10,22%) non geineirics 0 0 0 0 0 0 total 733.726 658.809 87,79% 491.659 474.096 96,43% 487.593 481.349 98,72% (10,54%) service area year 1 year 2 year 3 trend recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment geineirics 198.064 170.854 86,26% 124.385 120.235 96,66% 110.557 109.535 99,08% (17,98%) non geineirics formulation 131.037 113.035 86,26% 83.951 81.150 96,66% 74.403 73.715 99,08% (17,45%) non geineirics 0 0 0 0 0 0 total 329.101 283.889 86,26% 208.336 201.386 96,66% 1.051.177 1.050.409 99,08% (17,77%) service area year 1 year 2 year 3 trend recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment recipe written recipe served fulfillment geineirics 929.514 912.651 98,19% 638.903 636.489 99,62% 628.327 627.868 99,93% (13,48%) non geineirics formulation 614.959 603.803 98,19% 431.216 429.586 99,62% 422.850 422.541 99,93% (12,93%) non geineirics 0 0 0 0 0 0 total 1.544.474 1.516.454 98,19% 1.070.120 1.066.076 99,62% 1.051.177 1.050.409 99,93% (13,26%) application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 275 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting treind of preiscription seirviceis at thei pharmacy deipot is still eixpeirieincing a deicreiasei of 15.24% for incoming preiscriptions (writtein preiscriptions) and 13.03% for preiscriptions seirveid. this deiclinei is thei impact of thei pandeimic wheirei patieint visits havei deicreiaseid in both eimeirgeincy, outpatieint and inpatieint seirviceis. howeiveir, whein vieiweid from thei point of vieiw of preiscription fulfillmeint, thei achieiveimeint increiaseid compareid to beiforei thei pandeimic, nameily from 94.32% to 99.49%. thei factor causing this increiasei in fulfillmeint is thei varieity of drugs neieideid is leiss during thei pandeimic, beicausei during thei pandeimic thei varieity of diseiaseis is not too much and most caseis of diseiasei in outpatieints arei chronic diseiaseis. thei treind of preiscription seirviceis in thei 3rd yeiar outpatieint deipot still eixpeirieinceid a deicreiasei in both geineiric and non-geineiric formulary drugs by 10.76% and 10.22%. meianwhilei, in thei eimeirgeincy deipot, thei deicreiasei in geineiric drugs was 17.98% and 17.45% in non-geineiric formulary drugs. meianwhilei, thei peirceintagei of preiscription fulfillmeint in both outpatieint and eimeirgeincy deipots has increiaseid from 86.26% to 99.08%. thei leiveil of patieint satisfaction contains information about thei structurei, proceiss, and outcomei of thei treiatmeint. (akbar., eit all, 2020). a deicreiasei in preiscription seirvicei also occurreid in thei inpatieint deipot for both geineiric and nongeineiric formulary drugs by 13.48% and 12.93% in 2021. howeiveir, compareid to outpatieint and eimeirgeincy deipots, preiscription fulfillmeint at inpatieint deipots is morei stablei eiveiry yeiar, from 98.19% to 99.93%. of thei threiei deipots, thei largeist deicreiasei in preiscription seirviceis was eixpeirieinceid by thei eimeirgeincy deipot, nameily 17.77%. onei of thei factors is that peioplei still havei a neigativei stigma towards hospitals, eispeicially thei eimeirgeincy room during this pandeimic, so that thei numbeir of eimeirgeincy room visits has deicreiaseid significantly. meianwhilei, thei smalleist deicreiasei was in thei outpatieint deipot, which amounteid to 10.54%. sincei facei-to-facei eincounteirs with patieints arei limiteid duei to thei covid-19 safeity reiquireimeints, teileimeidicinei in mateirnal heialth has beiein increiasingly useid (eikawati, eit al, 2023) apart from thei ability to fulfill drugs, thei peirformancei of thei pharmacy installation is also meiasureid through thei waiting timei for pharmaceiutical seirviceis wheitheir it can reiach thei preideiteirmineid targeit. thei waiting timei for pharmaceiutical seirviceis is thei seirvicei waiting timei that is calculateid from thei compleition of thei preiscription eintry until thei drug is deiliveireid to thei patieint. thei targeit and achieiveimeint of waiting timei for pharmaceiutical seirviceis at rsud haji prov jatim arei preiseinteid beilow; depo recipe comparison target previous before now average waiting time average waiting time pharmacy deipo jkn non meidicei concoction leiss than 30 minutei 39 minutei 30,99 minutei meidicinei concoction leiss than 60 minutei 48,92 minutei 33,87 minutei pharmacy deipo inpatieint non meidicei concoction leiss than 30 minutei 12,49 minutei 12,01 minutei meidicinei concoction leiss than 60 minutei 35,35 minutei 33,87 minutei pharmacy deipo igd non meidicei concoction leiss than 30 minutei 5,11 minutei 5,61 minutei meidicinei concoction leiss than 60 minutei 15,75 minutei 7,55 minutei application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 276 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting oveirall, thei pharmacy installation can achieivei thei targeit for drug seirvicei timeis for both concoctions and noncompoundeid drugs in all pharmaceiutical deipot seirvicei areias. this achieiveimeint is consideireid veiry good. by maintaining achieiveimeints and continuing to innovatei, it will increiasei patieint confideincei to choosei thei rsud haji prov jatim hospital as thei main deistination for treiatmeint. pharmacists havei also reiporteid a lack of confideincei and seinsei of reisponsibility for patieint carei deicisions (nair, eit al, 2023). pharmacy supplies of rsud haji prov jatim typeis of inveintory rusdah (2011) stateis that inveintory can bei distinguisheid from its function, and seiein from thei typei and position of goods in thei ordeir of product workmanship. according to its function, inveintory is divideid into: 1. batch stock or lot inveintory inveintory that is heild beicausei it has or makeis goods in largeir quantitieis than thei amount neieideid at that timei. geit a pricei advantagei on thei purchasei pricei of eifficieint production and savings on accommodation costs. 2. fluctuation stock inveintory heild to suppleimeint fluctuations in consumeir deimand that cannot bei preidicteid. 3. anticipation stock supplieis heild to deial with fluctuations in deimand that can bei preidicteid, baseid on consumeir patteirns found in a yeiar to deial with increiaseid usei or saleis (deimand). judging from thei typei and position of thei product in thei product work ordeir, inveintory is divideid into: a) raw mateirial inveintory (raw mateirial stock) b) inveintory of product parts or purchaseid parts (purchasei parts or componeint stock) c) inveintory of auxiliary mateirials or supplieis (supplieir stock) d) inveintory of seimi-finisheid goods or work in proceiss or progreiss stock 5. finisheid goods stock. rsud haji prov jawa timur inveintory valuei from thei tablei abovei, it is known that in thei preivious yeiar theirei was an increiasei in drug supply at rsud haji prov. jawa timur by 18% from thei preivious yeiar's peiriod to oveircomei thei scarcity of seiveiral typeis of drugs sincei thei pandeimic. inveintory manageimeint is a corei opeirational componeint of supply chain manageimeint that provideis accuratei, compleitei and timeily information for thei storeikeieipeir whein to ordeir or issuei, what proportion to ordeir or issuei, way to sustain an acceiptablei stock leiveil of all products to avoid shortageis and oveirsupply (bochei, eit al, 2022). kieiso, eit al (2007), inveintorieis arei asseit iteims that arei heild for salei in normal busineiss opeirations or goods that will bei useid or consumeid in producing goods to bei sold. skousein, eit al (2007), inveintorieis arei asseits that arei storeid for salei in thei normal coursei of thei company, as weill as asseits year supplies amount preivious beiforei pharmacy supplieis 10.878.833.862,00 now pharmacy supplieis 12.945.011.991,00 application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 277 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting that arei availablei for usei as mateirials in thei production proceiss. deifinition of inveintory stateimeint of financial accounting standards (psak) numbeir 14 of 2013, inveintory is an asseit: 1. availablei for salei in thei ordinary coursei of busineiss; 2. in thei production proceiss for such saleis; or 3. in thei form of mateirials or eiquipmeint for usei in thei production proceiss or provision of seirviceis. analysis of the overview of accounting treatment of pharmacy supplies at rsud haji prov. jawa timur financial accounting is basically morei speicific reigarding matteirs reilating to thei accounts containeid in thei financial stateimeints. thei impleimeintation of financial accounting in thei fieild must reifeir to thei applicablei guideilineis or standards, in this casei thei stateimeint of financial accounting standards (psak) (arniati, eit al: 2012). kieiso, eit al (2007), financial accounting is a proceiss that einds in thei preiparation of financial stateimeints conceirning thei company as a wholei for usei by both inteirnal and eixteirnal partieis. useirs of theisei financial stateimeints includei inveistors, creiditors, manageirs, labor unions and goveirnmeint ageincieis. meianwhilei, warrein, eit al (2005), financial accounting is conceirneid with reicording and reiporting data with thei company's eiconomic activitieis. although a financial reiport produceis useiful information for manageirs, it is thei main reiport for owneirs, creiditors as weill as goveirnmeint ageincieis and socieity. in summary, thei comparison beitweiein thei accounting treiatmeint according to psap 2010 and thei accounting treiatmeint at rsud haji prov. jawa timur is preiseinteid in thei following tablei; no item psap tahun 2010 perlakuan di rsud 1 geineiral purposei financial stateimeints arei preipareid and preiseinteid on an accrual basis. geineiral purposei financial stateimeints arei stateimeints inteindeid to meieit thei neieids of useirs. thei useirs arei thei public, including leigislativei bodieis, auditors or supeirvisors, partieis that givei or play a rolei in thei donation, inveistmeint, and loan proceiss, and thei goveirnmein yeis 2 accrual basis for lo, balancei sheieit, eixpeinseis, asseits, liabilitieis and eiquity. yeis 3 cash basis for lra, reiveinuei, financing reiceiipts, eixpeinditurei, transfeirs and financing eixpeinditurei. yeis 4 financial stateimeints arei preiseinteid at leiast oncei a yeiar, consisting of lra, stateimeint of changeis in eixceiss budgeit balancei, balancei sheieit, lo, stateimeint of changeis in eiquity, cash flow stateimeint and calk yeis 5 inveintorieis arei asseits in thei form of goods storeid for salei or deiliveiry to thei public in thei conteixt of goveirnmeint activitiei yeis 6 inveintorieis arei reicognizeid 4. whein thei poteintial futurei eiconomic beineifits arei obtaineid by thei goveirnmeint and havei a valuei or cost that can bei meiasureid reiliably, 5. whein theiy arei reiceiiveid or whein theiir owneirship rights and or control transfeir yeis 7 inveintorieis arei stateid at cost if acquireid by purchasei. cost includeis purchasei pricei, handling costs and otheir costs that can bei direictly chargeid to thei acquisition of inveintorieis. yeis 8 inveintorieis can bei valueid using: 1. systeimatic meithods such as fifo/feifo; 2. last purchasei pricei if eiach unit of inveintory is of immateirial valuei and of various typeis yeis application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 278 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 9 inveintory is reicordeid on a peirpeitual basis, thei meiasureimeint of inveintory usagei is calculateid baseid on thei reicord of thei numbeir of units useid multiplieid by thei valuei peir unit according to thei valuation meithod useid. inveintory is reicordeid peiriodically, thein thei meiasureimeint of inveintory usagei is calculateid baseid on physical inveintory, nameily by meians of thei opeining balancei of inveintory plus thei purchasei or acquisition of inveintory minus thei einding balancei of inveintory multiplieid by thei valuei peir unit according to thei valuation meithod useid yeis 10 thei financial stateimeints disclosei: 1. accounting policieis useid in thei meiasureimeint of inveintorieis; 2. furtheir eixplanation of inveintorieis; 3. typei, amount, and valuei of inveintorieis in damageid or obsoleitei condition. yeis oveirall, thei accounting treiatmeint according to psap 2010 has beiein impleimeinteid quitei weill. this can bei seiein from tablei 2 which ideintifieis that theirei arei many conformitieis beitweiein thosei in thei 2010 psap with thei accounting policieis in rsud haji prov. jawa timur. excess accounting treatment of medicines inventory at rsud haji prov jawa timur from thei deiscription of thei accounting treiatmeint of meidicinei inveintory accounts that havei beiein carrieid out by thei rsud haji prov jawa timur, reiseiarcheirs analyzei that theirei arei advantageis or conformity with psap 2010, nameily: b. thei organizational structurei at rsud haji prov jawa timur alreiady reifleicts thei seiparation of functions and dutieis in eiach seiction propeirly. impleimeintation in eiach seiction has beiein carrieid out in accordancei with its functions and dutieis. c. thei flow of meidicinei inveintory rsud haji prov jawa timur adheireis to thei first in first out (fifo) / first eixpireid first out (feifo) meithod, thei valuation of which is baseid on: a) last purchasei pricei if obtaineid by purchasei b) standard pricei if obtaineid by seilf-production c) pricei or fair valuei or eistimateid saleis valuei if obtaineid by otheir meians such as donation. this treiatmeint reifeirs to and is in accordancei with psap numbeir 05 of 2010. inveintorieis can bei valueid using thei fifo and feifo meithods or weiighteid aveiragei and last purchasei pricei if eiach unit of inveintory is immateirial in valuei and of various typeis, as deiscribeid in paragraph 17 of goveirnmeint accounting standard no. 05 of 2010. d. reicording of transactions carrieid out by rsud haji prov jawa timur is in accordancei with thei 2010 psap reilateid to thei purchasei of drugs to distributors or thei salei of drugs to patieints, nameily by using thei accrual basis. so that thei reicording of a transaction is carrieid out whein thei transaction occurs or einvironmeintal conditions affeict thei financeis of thei rsud, not whein cash is reiceiiveid or paid by cash. e. rsud haji prov jawa timur as a blud must preiparei financial stateimeints for thei purposei of consolidation to local goveirnmeint in accordancei with psap numbeir 01 of 2010 consisting of budgeitary reiports, financial stateimeints, and noteis to financial stateimeints (calk). thei budgeitary reiports consist of thei lra and thei stateimeint of changeis in eixceiss budgeit balancei (sal). thei financial stateimeints consist of thei balancei sheieit, lo, stateimeint of changeis in eiquity (lpei), and stateimeint of cash flows (lak). thei accounting basis useid in thei reiporting useis thei accrual basis, eixceipt for thei budgeit reialization reiport using thei cash basis. this treiatmeint reifeirs to and is in accordancei with goveirnmeint accounting standard no. 01/2010 in paragraph 60. weaknesses in the accounting treatment of medicines inventory at rsud haji prov. jawa timur weiakneisseis in thei accounting treiatmeint of meidicineis inveintory at rsud haji prov. jawa timur from thei deiscription of thei accounting treiatmeint of meidicinei inveintory accounts that havei beiein application of accounting for medicines inventory based on psap. 05 at regional public hospital nurdin, haliah, and nirwana 279 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting carrieid out by rsud haji prov. jawa timur l, reiseiarcheirs analyzei that theirei arei seiveiral weiakneisseis or discreipancieis with psap 2010, nameily: onei of thei obstacleis in heialth seirviceis in a hospital is data proceissing in hospitals which includeis administrativei and functional data eiffeictiveily and eifficieintly. thei information systeim at thei rsud haji prov jawa timur is curreintly not running weill. this can bei seiein from thei non-inteigration of data, not reicording all data accurateily. this has an impact on reiporting, so that thei information produceid is not in accordancei with what is eixpeicteid by manageimeint. conclusion according to thei reisults of reiseiarch on thei impleimeintation of drug inveintory accounting at thei rsud it can bei concludeid that thei drug inveintory accounting of thei rsud haji prov. jawa timur is in compliancei with applicablei standards.thei impleimeintation of thei meithod of reicording drugs by thei rsud haji prov. jawa timur is in accordancei with psap 05. likeiwisei, thei meiasureimeint of inveintory, inveintory eixpeinseis, and drug inveintory of thei rsud haji prov. jawa timur is also stateid to bei in accordancei with applicablei goveirnmeint accounting standards. baseid on thei conclusion abovei, thei suggeistions that can bei givein to thei rsud haji prov. jawa timur includei thei following: a. maximizing thei application of standard opeirating proceidureis in procureimeint, reiceiipt, storagei, distribution and deistruction that havei beiein carrieid out optimally can minimizei thei addition of non-valuei-addeid costs for thei manageimeint of pharmaceiutical preiparations, and reiducei losseis duei to mismanageimeint of pharmaceiutical preiparations. b. hospitals arei eixpeicteid to providei training reilateid to inveintory accounting and inveintory reicording in ordeir to find out changeis that arei in accordancei with thei provisions of thei applicablei psap. c. hospitals must also pay atteintion to drug availability data in ordeir to providei good drug manageimeint and seirviceis to patieints so that drug seirvicei timei can bei maximizeid. d. it is hopeid that in thei futurei thei hospital can maximizei thei usei of teichnology inteigration / computeirizeid teichnology ("heialthy plus") to maximizei thei logistics of drugs from thei pharmacy wareihousei. e. for furtheir reiseiarcheirs, in ordeir to add reiseiarch variableis or eixpand thei scopei of furtheir reiseiarch and thei weiakneisseis of this study, thei reiseiarch reisults arei morei accuratei and can bei geineiralizeid, and reiseiarcheirs can also focus on inveintory information teichnology owneid by hospitals. reference abbasi, reiza., alavi, neigin masoudi., and gong yang. 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(2023). agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries: exchange rate as a moderating variable. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 508-523. abstract: middle-income trap triggers the middleincome countries to boost their economic growth. as tax revenue has causal relationship with economic growth, it is essential to conduct a study on how to improve tax revenue. considering the potential of agriculture and manufacturing sectors in lower middle-income countries, particularly in east asia and pacific regions one of which is indonesia, this study aims to determine the effects of both sectors on tax revenue in the respective regions. this study uses exchange rate as moderating variable and foreign direct investment (fdi) as control variable. the utilization of the two variables becomes the novelty of this study since researches that uses the two variables have never been conducted. in addition, no references of former studies concerning the effects of the two sectors on tax revenue in lower middle-income countries found. the research is conducted from 2002 to 2019 by using panel data multiple linear regression analysis method. by using fixed effect model and ridge regression model, it is indicated that before the moderation is carried out, agriculture has a negative effect and manufacture has a positive effect on tax revenue. however, after the variables are moderated with exchange rate, the interaction of agriculture and exchange rate has positive effect on tax revenue, while the interaction of manufacture and exchange rate has negative effect on tax revenue. this study implies that to optimize a country's tax revenue, apart from focusing on optimizing agriculture or manufacture, exchange rate condition needs to be considered. keywords: agriculture, exchange rate, fdi, manufacturing, tax revenue this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction bulman et al. (2017) uses "middle-income trap" term to define a phenomenon in which a country could be trapped in middle-income status due to the differences in effective growth strategies implemented by low-income countries to achieve high-income status. it implies that a very strong driving force is needed to achieve high-income status so that there can be a shift from a lowincome country to a high-income country. the transition to a high-income status requires the agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 509 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting policy makers and the society to focus on the fundamental determinants of the growth itself (eichengreen et al., 2017). world bank (2022) divides middle-income countries into two types. countries with a gross national income (gni) between usd1,036 and usd4,045 defined as lower-middle income economies, and countries with gni between usd4,046 and usd12,535 referred to as upper middle-income economies. in 2020, there are 36 lower-middle income countries and 57 uppermiddle income countries (oecd, 2021). in recent years, around 75 percent of the world's population and 62 percent of the world's poor population are considered middle-income countries (mics). furthermore, around one-third of global gross domestic product (gdp) comes from mics (world bank, 2022). clearly, high-income countries have different conditions from low-income countries. this condition can be seen from the proportion of low-income, lower middle-income, upper middleincome, and high-income countries’ tax revenues to the gdp of each type of country. this is in line with what was stated by oecd (2022) that tax revenues in middle-income countries are of a smaller percentage of gdp than those in high-income countries. chart 1 tax revenue percentage to gdp in each type of countries source: world bank (2023b) however, from 2002 until 2019, the trend in the tax revenue of lower middle-income countries (including indonesia) had increased (world bank, 2023b). chart 2 tax revenue growth in lower middle-income countries from 2002–2019 source: world bank (2023b) 0 5 10 15 20 25 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 high-income economies ($12,696 or more) upper-middle-income economies ($4,096 to $12,695) lower-middle income economies ($1,046 to $4,095) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 angola bangladesh belize benin bhutan bolivia cabo verde cambodia cameroon comoros congo, rep. cote d'ivoire egypt, arab rep. el salvador ghana haiti honduras india indonesia iran, islamic rep. kyrgyz republic mauritania morocco nepal nicaragua nigeria pakistan philippines senegal sri lanka agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 510 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in his study, arvin et al. (2021) stated that in low-income and lower middle-income countries, tax revenue and economic growth (measured by gdp per capita) had a causal relationship both in short term and long term. high tax revenue is supported by high economic growth, and vice versa, high economic growth supports high tax revenue. in most low-income and middle-income countries, the economy depends on agriculture and other primary product activities, so that since 1990, the expansion of agricultural land has been increasing (barbier, 2020). middle-income countries contribute around 40 percent of global agricultural production and growth reaching more than 3.5 percent annually (economic study service, 2017). according to world bank (2023a), agriculture is a sector that has the potential to eradicate extreme poverty projected to provide welfare for around 9.7 billion people in 2050. the ability to increase the income of the poor from agriculture sector is considered two to four times more effective than the other sectors. agriculture contributes around 4 percent to global gdp and in some developing countries, and more than 25 percent to gdp (world bank, 2023a). furthermore, large agricultural output is one of the reasons for a country to have a large tax potential (mawejje & sebudde, 2019). besides agriculture, the manufacturing sector in lower middle-income countries also gets the attention. from 2002 until 2019, in lower middle-income countries, the average contribution of the manufacturing sector to gdp was greater than that of the agricultural sector to gdp (world bank, 2023b). chart 3 the growth of agriculture and manufacturing sectors’ contribution to gdp in lower middle-income countries from 2002–2019 source: world bank (2023b) in addition, eichengreen et al. (2017) revealed that the manufacturing sector in middle-income countries was superior to the service sector. followed by the findings of mazhar & rehman (2020) that an increase in the service sector reduces the growth rate of national income per capita both in low-income countries and middle-income countries. on the other hand, the manufacturing sector acts as a growth escalator. a study conducted in high-income countries in asia when entering and leaving middle-income countries, it was found that the value-added contribution of the manufacturing sector to gdp increases the income per capita in a sustainable manner. (huang et al., 2017). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 agrikultur manufaktur agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 511 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting apart from the positive contribution and potential of agriculture to the country's economy, studies on examining the effect of the agricultural sector on tax revenues conducted by karagöz (2013), castro & camarillo (2014), gaalya (2015), alabede (2018), dan rodriguez (2018) indicated a significant negative effect. on the other hand, the researches by karagöz (2013), castro & camarillo (2014), gaalya (2015), dan minh ha et al. (2022) showed a significant positive effect from the manufacturing sector on tax revenues. however, these studies have not been carried out specifically for lower middle-income countries. furthermore, no study has been conducted using the exchange rate as a moderating variable and foreign direct investment (fdi) as a control variable. exchange rate can also affect tax revenue. seade (1990) in his fiscal policy of open developing economies stated that devaluation would increase tax revenue if import activities of a country were dominated by necessities when income is inelastic. however, devaluation will also tend to reduce tax revenue or will even cause losses if tax revenue is more dominantly dependent on taxes on wages (seade, 1990). in his study, gaalya (2015) concluded that the exchange rate had a significant positive effect on tax revenues, whereas ofori et al. (2018), rutto (2020), and tsaurai (2021) concluded the opposite i.e., the exchange rate had a significant negative effect on tax revenue. similar to the exchange rate, fdi affects tax revenue. a number of studies have been conducted to examine this effect. okey (2013), castro & camarillo (2014), pratomo (2020), tsaurai (2021), camara (2022), gaspareniene et al. (2022), dan minh ha et al. (2022) concluded that fdi had a significant effect on tax revenue. only castro & camarillo (2014) found a negative effect, while the others found a positive one. however, gaspareniene et al. (2022) indicated a positive effect from outward fdi and a negative effect from inward fdi on tax revenues. to describe further, the exchange rate and fdi also affect the tax revenue in addition to the agriculture and the manufacturing sectors. nevertheless, there haven’t been any researches conducted specifically to study those effects in lower middle-income countries. thus, this study will examine the effect of the agriculture and manufacturing sector on tax revenue in some lower middle-income countries for the last 18 years. the exchange rate as a moderating variable and fdi as a control variable employing panel data multiple linear regression analysis method were selected. the years 2020 to 2022 were excluded in this study due to the 2019 (covid-19) pandemic in which corona virus impacted the consistency of the observed data. the results of this study are to describe the strategies set by lower middle-income countries in optimizing their tax revenue, either from the agricultural sector or from the manufacturing sector by considering the exchange rate. method this is a quantitative study that analyzes the data by using multiple linear regression panel data. the quantitative study uses statistical procedures or other methods of quantification in analyzing the relationship between study variables (jaya, 2020). to support the research, the multiple linear agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 512 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting regression method is used to determine the linear relationship between the dependent variable and more than one independent variable (suyono, 2018). the data used is panel data since it is a combination of time series and cross section data (sihombing, 2022). panel data comprises agriculture, manufacturing, exchange rate, tax revenue, and the numeric data of several countries from 2002 to 2019. these items are categorized as panel data as these can only be studied by using the quantitative method. additionally, the secondary data were taken from world development indicators data of world bank (2023b). the observed countries are selected based on stratified sampling i.e., the samples selection which is done by dividing the population into subgroups (fink, 2005). firstly, the entire population i.e., all countries in the world, is categorized into high-income economies, upper middle-income economies, lower middle-income economies, and low-income economies based on world bank (2023b). after selecting the lower middle-income countries, the data are then filtered by the country region and chosen for the east asia and pacific region. there are five countries chosen for this study i.e., cambodia, indonesia, the philippines, timor leste, and vietnam. the dependent variable is the percentage of tax revenue to gross domestic product (gdp), while the independent variables are the percentage of agriculture to gdp and the percentage of manufacturing to gdp. it can be summed up that the dependent variable is a variable affected by the independent variable and vice versa.(mukhid, 2021). moreover, this study uses a moderating variable i.e., the exchange rate and control variable i.e., foreign direct investment (fdi). moderating variable is the variable that strengthen or weaken the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable, while the control variable is a variable determined by the researcher so that non-study variables do not affect the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable (duli, 2019). the details of the variables used in this study are as follows. table 1 study variables variables details units tax revenue (tax) (y) all mandatory transfers to the central government for public purposes excluding fines, penalties, and most social security contributions, minus refunds of over payments of taxes and corrections of tax revenues. %g d p agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (agri) (x1) value added (all outputs minus intermediate inputs) from agriculture, forestry, and fishery sectors. %g d p industry, including construction, value added (ind) (x2) value added from mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water, and gas sectors. %g d p official exchange rate (exch) (z) the official exchange rate set by the state authority or by the official exchange rate lcu p er agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 513 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting market. calculated on an annual or monthly average. u s d foreign direct investment, net inflows (fdi) (control variable) net inflows from investment which is the sum of equity capital, reinvestment income, other long-term capital, and short-term capital in the balance of payments. %g d p source: world bank (2023b) before carrying out the regression analysis, the classical assumptions tests are made to measure normality, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, and autocorrelation. this test was carried out to obtain a regression model that produces reliable and unbiased estimates (purnomo, 2017). the classic assumption tests performed are described in the table below. table 2 classic assumptions test classic assumption s details test tools normality performed to test whether the residual values in the model are distributed normally nor not. h0 : data is distributed normally (prob>chi2 > α) h1 : data is not distributed normally (prob>chi2 < α) skewness and kurtosis test heteroscedastici ty performed to detect whether there is a change in the variance of the residual over time. h0 : homogeneous data variants (prob>chi2 > α) h1 : heteroscedastic data variant (prob>chi2 < α) breuschpagan/co okweisberg test multicollinearity performed to determine whether there is a correlation between independent variables. h0 : there is no high multicollinearity between independent variables (vif < 10) h1 : there is high multicollinearity between independent variables (vif > 10) variance inflation factor (vif) autocorrelation performed to detect whether there is a relationship between the value at time t with the value at time t1 h0 : the model contains autocorrelation (prob>f > α) h1 : the model does not contain autocorrelation (prob>f < α) breuschgodfrey/l agrange multiplier test source: ghozali (2016), purnomo (2017), ismanto & pebruary (2021), and sihombing (2022) agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 514 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the panel data model used is the fixed effect model, the best model based on the selection in the tests conducted. these tests include the chow likelihood ratio test, breusch pagan's lagrange multiplier test, and the hausman test as suggested by sihombing (2021). the details are shown in the following table. table 3 the best model selection test tests details chow likelihood ratio performed to choose which model is better: the common effect model or the fixed effect by using f test. h0 : common effect model is better than fixed effect model (prob>f > α) h1 : fixed effect model is better than common effect model (prob>f < α) lagrange multiplier breucsh pagan performed to choose which model is better: the common effect model or random effect model by using chi square lm test. h0 : common effect model is better than random effect model (prob>chibar2 > α) h1 : random effect model is better than common effect model (prob>chibar2 < α) hausman performed by using chi square test to choose which model is better: the random effect model or the fixed effect model . h0 : random effect model is better than fixed effect model (prob>chi2 > α) h1 : fixed effect model is better than random effect model (prob>chibar2 < α) source: sihombing (2021) and sihombing (2022) in conducting the analysis, the ridge regression model is used. ridge regression is a regression model indicated whether the independent variables in the study are collinear or multicollinearity (chatterjee & hadi, 2006). this model demonstrates slight changes in the standard regression model is as follows: �̃� = 𝛽1�̃�1 + 𝛽2�̃�2 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑝�̃�𝑝 + 𝜀 ′ (1) by estimating the equation for the coefficient to be: (1 + 𝑘)𝛽1 + 𝑟12 𝛽2 + ⋯ + 𝑟1𝑝 𝛽𝑝 = 𝑟1𝑦 , 𝑟21 𝛽1 + (1 + 𝑘)𝛽2 + ⋯ + 𝑟2𝑝 𝛽𝑝 = 𝑟2𝑦 , ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ 𝑟𝑝1 𝛽1 + 𝑟𝑝2 𝛽2 + ⋯ + (1 + 𝑘)𝛽𝑝 = 𝑟𝑝𝑦 , (2) where 𝑟𝑖𝑗 is the correlation between the i th independent variable and the jth independent variable and 𝑟𝑖𝑦 is the correlation between the i th independent variable and y dependent variable. the solution for equation (2), �̂� 1 , … , �̂�𝑝 is the estimated ridge regression coefficient (chatterjee & hadi, 2006). agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 515 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the study method used to test the hypothesis formulated are as follows: the effect of agriculture on tax revenue although asai & malgioglio (2019) stated that agriculture is more developed in countries with lowincome residents, all literature states that agriculture has a negative relationship with tax revenue. agriculture is mostly a selected sector only for subsistence purpose (subsistent agriculture). besides, agriculture is difficult to tax because it operates informally (alabede, 2018). it also has a small-scale production (castro & camarillo, 2014) so that there are only a small number of taxpayers who pay income tax from agricultural (gaalya, 2015). most agricultural products are exempt from indirect taxes due to their characteristics (rodriguez, 2018). in addition to that, there will be very high costs required to verify income from the agricultural sector to be taxed (gaalya, 2015). consequently, the first hypothesis in this study is: h1 : agriculture has a negative effect on tax revenue. the effect of manufacturing on tax revenue from the existing literature, there are two different views regarding the effect of manufacturing on tax revenue. however, most of the literature stated that this effect is positive. it is supported by the fact explained su & yao (2016) that the manufacturing sector is the main driver of economic growth in middle-income countries. the manufacturing sector allows businesses to generate a lot of profit (karagöz, 2013) in addition to the added value of the products (gaalya, 2015). these conditions make the manufacturing sector easier to tax than the agricultural sector (castro & camarillo, 2014; minh ha et al., 2022). therefore, the second hypothesis of this study is: h2 : manufacturing has a positive effect on tax revenue. the effect of exchange rate on tax revenue exchange rate plays an important role in economy because its changes can affect prices and costs in the foreign exchange market, thus it will have an impact on exports (zhao, 2020). in general, the existing literature state that the exchange rate has a negative effect on tax revenue. an increase or decrease in the exchange rate will affect the amount of goods exported which will ultimately cause the opposite impact to tax revenue (gaalya, 2015; ofori et al., 2018; rutto, 2020; tsaurai, 2021). therefore, the third hypothesis regarding the effect of the moderating variable in this study is: h3 : exchange rate has a negative effect on tax revenue. the effect of interaction of agriculture and the exchange rate on tax revenue by considering the effect of the exchange rate as a moderating variable, the interaction between agriculture and the exchange rate is expected to clarify the effect of the agricultural sector on tax revenues, before interacting with the moderating variable. in other words, the arising effect is similar to the previous one, thus the fourth hypothesis in this study is: h4 : the interaction of agriculture and exchange rate have a positive effect on tax revenue. the effect of interaction of manufacturing and the exchange rate on tax revenue from the fourth hypothesis, the fifth one is similar to the fourth one. h5 : the interaction of manufacturing and exchange rate have a positive effect on tax revenue. agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 516 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results and discussions based on the data collected in this study, tax revenue, agriculture, and manufacturing have higher average values than the standard deviation. it indicates that the distribution of independent variables and the dependent variable is even. in contrast, the moderating variable of the exchange rate -the interaction variable between agriculture and the exchange rateas well as the interaction variable between manufacturing and the exchange rate indicate higher standard deviation than the average value. it shows that the data distribution of the moderating variable and the interaction variable is not even. in addition, the analysis of the data distribution in all variables can also be seen from the range between the average value and the minimum value and the range between the average value and the maximum value. the independent variables and all dependent variables have balanced ranges between the average values and their minimum and maximum values. conversely, the moderating variable and all interaction variables have an unequal range between the average value and the minimum and maximum values. these results indicate that the independent variables and dependent variable used in this study show an adequate data distribution. table 4 descriptive statistics results variables mean std. dev. min. max. tax 11,94785 3,700713 3,992409 22,97874 agri 19,59085 7,14201 8,820324 34,55732 ind 29,988 11,02727 5,049626 48,06075 exch 6.759,704 7.457,763 1 23.050,24 agri*exch 122.590,3 128.883,5 14,18536 401.329,7 ind*exch 247.392,3 274.593,1 5,049626 794.995,1 fdi 4,251471 3,737957 -0,2542563 14,14573 source: processed by using stata application the classical assumptions tests demonstrates that the model passes the heteroscedasticity test and the autocorrelation test, but it fails to pass the normality test and the multicollinearity test. in other words, the variance of the data of the model is homogeneous (the model is free from the heteroscedasticity assumption) and the value of the variable at t-time is not correlated with the variable at t-1 time (the model is free from the autocorrelation assumption). however, the data are not normally distributed (the model is not free from the normality assumption) and there is a correlation between variables (the model is not free from the multicollinearity assumption). table 5 classical assumptions test results classic assumptions tests results interpretation normality prob>chi2 = 0,0000 < α = 5% h0 is rejected; data is not distributed normally heteroscedasticity prob>chi2 = 0,5914 > α = 5% h0≠ is not rejected; the model is free from heteroscedasticity assumption (homogeneous data variants) multicollinearity vif = 46,95 > 10 h0 is rejected; the model contains multicollinearity agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 517 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting autocorrelation prob>chi2 = 0,0545 > α = 5% h0 is not rejected; the model is free from autocorrelation assumption source: processed by using stata application hence, to determine the best regression model, the chow likelihood test, the lagrange multiplier breusch pagan test, and the hausman test are conducted. the results of the tests indicate that the best model is the fixed effect model with details as follows: table 6 the best model selection tests results tests hasil the chosen models chow likelihood test prob>f = 0,0000 < α = 5% fixed effect model lagrange multiplier breusch pagan test prob>chibar2 = 1,0000 > α = 5% common effect model hausman test prob>chi2 = 0,0001 < α = 5% fixed effect model source: processed by using stata application the fixed effect model shows the overall r-squared of 0.5293 which indicates that the independent variables of agriculture and manufacturing affect the dependent variable of tax revenue by 52.93%. other independent variables that are not included in the study model only affect the dependent variable by 47.07%. the data which are not distributed normally in accordance to the results of the normality assumption test are ignored because basically the normality assumption test on panel data can be taken away (kusumaningtyas et al., 2022). however, to overcome the multicollinearity in the data, the ridge regression model is used. this is in line with suyono (2018) who stated i.e., the multicollinearity can be overcome by using a ridge regression model. the table below shows the ridge regression results. table 7 ridge regression results variables coefficients p>|t| prob>f agri -0,4014813 0,000** 0,000** ind 0,0699612 0,004** exch -0,0002728 0,194 agri*exch 0,0000353 0,000** ind*exch -0,00000587 0,189 fdi 0,496454 0,000** constanta 14,57284 0,000** **significant at α = 5%; *significant at α = 10% source: processed by using stata application the regression model equation obtained is as follows: 𝑇𝐴𝑋𝑖𝑡 = 14,57284 − 0,4014813𝐴𝐺𝑅𝐼𝑖𝑡 + 0,0699612 𝐼𝑁𝐷𝑖𝑡 − 0,0002728 𝐸𝑋𝐶𝐻𝑖𝑡 + 0,0000353𝐴𝐺𝑅𝐼 ∗ 𝐸𝑋𝐶𝐻𝑖𝑡 − 0,00000587 𝐼𝑁𝐷 ∗ 𝐸𝑋𝐶𝐻𝑖𝑡 (3) agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 518 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the model implies that: 1) an increase in agriculture by 1 percent of gdp will reduce tax revenue by 0.4014813 percent of gdp and vice versa; 2) an increase in manufacturing by 1 percent of gdp will increase tax revenues by 0.0699612 percent of gdp and vice versa; 3) an increase in the exchange rate by 1 lcu per usd will decrease tax revenue by 0.0002728 percent of gdp and vice versa; 4) an increase in the interaction between agriculture and the exchange rate by 1 unit will increase tax revenue by 0.0000353 percent of gdp and vice versa; and 5) an increase in the interaction between manufacturing and the exchange rate by 1 unit will decrease tax revenue by 0.00000587 percent of gdp and vice versa. the p>|t| and prob>f values listed in the table have been adjusted by dividing p>|t| and prob>f from the stata application with two. it is such performed since the study conducted a one-tailed statistical test (one tail), illustrated by the study hypothesis used. the estimation shows whether or not the independent variables affect the dependent variable, and if the effect is positive or negative. this is in line with a statement by kasim (2008) i.e., a one-tailed statistical test occurred when the alternative hypothesis determine one thing is higher or lower than the others. the pvalue in one-tailed statistical test is twice the p-value in two-tailed statistical test (kasim, 2008). the above explanation summarizes, the t-test results before moderation show that all independent variables have a significant effect on tax revenue. in this case, agriculture has a negative effect on tax revenue, while manufacturing has a positive effect. however, after moderation with the exchange rate variable, the interaction between agriculture and the exchange rate has a positive effect on tax revenue, while the interaction between manufacturing and the exchange rate has a negative effect. furthermore, the f-test results show that all independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable of tax revenue simultaneously. the effect of agriculture on tax revenue the first hypothesis testing results indicate that before moderating the exchange rate variable, the agricultural sector has a negative effect on tax revenue. this is similar to the study conducted by alabede (2018), castro & camarillo (2014), gaalya (2015), and rodriguez (2018). the agricultural sector in lower middle-income countries is generally carried out only for livelihood purposes (subsistence agriculture) (alabede, 2018). this sector is difficult to tax because it generally operates informally (alabede, 2018) and tends to be a small-scale, resulting in a small number of taxpayers paying income tax on agricultural sector (castro & camarillo, 2014; gaalya, 2015). moreover, most agriculture products are exempt from value added tax due to their characteristics (rodriguez, 2018). as a result, the cost of verifying agricultural sector income to be taxed is very high (gaalya, 2015). despite the fact that the agricultural sector is the low-income countries’ icon due to its major contributions to the economies (asai & malgioglio, 2019; economic study service, 2017), the potential problems that can occur due to limited access to technology, high investment costs, lack of skills, knowledge, and a supportive environment (mccampbell, 2022) and the conditions mentioned, draw the conclusion that the agricultural sector has a negative effect on tax revenue. agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 519 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the effect of manufacturing on tax revenue the second hypothesis testing results show that before moderating the exchange rate variables, the manufacturing sector has a positive effect on tax revenue. this is in line with the study conducted by castro & camarillo (2014), karagöz (2013), gaalya (2015), and minh ha et al. (2022). in contrast to the agricultural sector, the manufacturing sector is one of the sectors easier to tax. manufacturing allows businesses to generate a lot of profit besides adding value to the products they produce. even though this effect will depend on the conditions of the manufacturing sector in each country (hamdan & rana, 2021), manufacturing serves as the basic capital for a country to create added value to the raw materials. they are processed into finished products and profits generation is made possible. therefore, manufacturing can boost economic growth both from the sector itself and from its contribution to drive other sectors (huang et al., 2017; mital et al., 2014; okeyo, 2022; su & yao, 2016; wicaksono et al., 2023). the effect of exchange rate on tax revenue the third hypothesis testing results show that the exchange rate has no effect on tax revenue. this is not in line with the study conducted by gaalya (2015), rutto (2020), tsaurai (2021), and ofori et al. (2018) who stated that the exchange rate has a negative effect on tax revenue. apart from the statement that the exchange rate have an impact on the economy (gragnon & hinterschweiger, 2011; zhao, 2020), the study results indicate that this role does not make the exchange rate affect tax revenues. however, when the exchange rate moderates the effect between the agricultural sector and the manufacturing sector on tax revenues, there is a change in the direction of the effect of the two sectors. the effect of the interaction between agriculture and the exchange rate on tax revenue the fourth hypothesis testing results indicate that the interaction between the exchange rate and the agricultural sector has a positive effect on tax revenues. this is the inverse effect of the previous direction before the moderation. this condition can occur as stated by seade (1990) that if imports of a country rely on the income-inelastic goods i.e., the basic agricultural goods, imports of these goods will not undergo changes when a devaluation occurred. consequently, if devaluation strikes, the increase in the price of imported goods will boost the import duty revenue which in turn can enhance tax revenue. the underlying reason behind the changing of the effect of the agricultural sector on tax revenue is one condition, from negative to positive. the effect of the interaction between manufacturing and the exchange rate on tax revenue the fifth hypothesis testing results show that the interaction between the exchange rate and the manufacturing sector has a negative effect on tax revenue. this is also the inverse effect of the previous direction before the moderation. exchange rate volatility creates uncertainty and costs of the avoidance risks of the business actors (ofori et al., 2018). in this case, the overvaluation causes the price of goods to be more expensive. despite high manufacturing production, high raw material prices due to the overvaluation lower the profits. as a result, tax revenues will also be low. furthermore, the interaction between the manufacturing sector and the exchange rate changes the direction of the effect before the moderation i.e., from positive to negative. agriculture and manufacturing for lower middle-income countries’ tax revenue: exchange rate as moderating variable wulandari and wijaya 520 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusions before moderating the exchange rate, agriculture has a negative effect on tax revenue and manufacturing has a positive effect. however, after being moderated by the exchange rate, agriculture has a positive effect on tax revenue and manufacturing has a negative effect. the results of this study imply that to optimize the tax revenue, besides focusing on optimizing the agricultural sector or the manufacturing sector, the exchange rate conditions need to be considered as well. a controlled exchange rate can avoid the effect of declining tax revenues due to the positive or negative effects of each sector on tax revenue. this study is limited to only one-way effect between one variable and the others. in fact, there is a two-way effect between variables. this effect can be identified by using panel vector autoregressive (pvar) method or panel vector error correction model (pvecm) method to identify the long-term and short-term effects. in addition, the manufacturing variable used in this study covers several sectors compared to the manufacturing sector itself such as mining, construction, electricity, water, and gas sectors. further study can be carried out by employing only manufacturing variable data to avoid bias in its results. references alabede, j. o. 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(2023). juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 561-583. abstract: the purpose of this research is to conduct a juridical analysis of criminal law enforcement in the field of taxation in indonesia. the focus of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of legislation and its implementation in combating tax crimes. the research method used is a normative juridical approach by examining legislation related to tax crimes, including tax laws, government regulations, and relevant policies. additionally, an analysis of the legal practices and enforcement of tax crimes in indonesia is conducted. the research findings indicate that the legislation in the field of taxation has a strong foundation to address tax crimes. however, there are several challenges in its implementation, such as the complexity of tax regulations, lack of adequate human resources and technology, and corruption issues that can affect tax law enforcement. in this context, the research provides recommendations to strengthen the system of criminal law enforcement in tax matters. the recommendations include improving coordination among relevant institutions, enhancing the capacity of human resources in the field of taxation, utilizing information technology to support supervision and tax law enforcement, and increasing transparency and accountability in the process of tax law enforcement. this research is expected to provide a better understanding of the regulation of tax crimes and contribute to the policy and the legislative reforms related to tax law enforcement in indonesia? keywords: criminal law, law enforcement implementation, tax crimes this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction taxation is a critical aspect of a country's economy since it provides an essential funding for government activities and public services. however, tax crimes pose a threat to the integrity and fairness of the tax system. the directorate general of taxes (dgt) in indonesia plays a significant role in enforcing criminal tax laws and addressing tax offenses. these offenses encompass various violations, such as tax evasion, false reporting, forgery, avoidance, and fraud, with severe implications for the state and the obedient taxpayers. effective enforcement of criminal law in taxation is essential to maintain the integrity of the tax system and to ensure fair compliance. juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 562 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting however, there are challenges in the enforcement of tax law, including the need for a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework, law enforcement processes, and oversight of tax compliance. the research in this area aims to improve understanding and to strengthen the taxation law enforcement system that will lead to an enhanced tax compliance, increased state revenues, and a fair environment for all stakeholders. therefore, it is crucial to address challenges such as complex regulations, limited resources, and coordination among law enforcement agencies to effectively handle criminal tax cases in indonesia(adi 2020). the performance of the directorate general of taxes (dgt) in law enforcement during the fiveyear period from 2017 to 2021, as reported by the direktorat jenderal pajak (2022), can be summarized as follows: tabel 1. investigation report 2017 2021 no description unit year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 1 issuance of investigation warrant letter 155 253 176 146 103 2 completion of investigation article 8 paragraph (3) kup law taxpayer 20 3 case files declared complete by the prosecutor's office (p-21) and its equivalent: file 127 134 4 taxation crimes file 92 95 130 5 money laundering crime file 1 2 4 6 article 44b of uu kup file 10 3 6 7 loss to state revenue billion idr 1.340 idr 314 idr 1.271 idr 1.785 8 the defendant has been convicted file 84 91 88 57 24 9 loss to state revenue billion idr 511 idr 671 idr 1.105 idr 1.727 idr 1.342 10 criminal fine billion idr 776 idr 1.337 idr 3.677 idr 3.511 idr 2.107 11 asset confiscation activity 46 12 value of seized assets billion idr 1.060 based on the provided data, several observations can be made regarding the effectiveness of law enforcement and tax compliance in indonesia. firstly, there has been a decrease in the number of investigation orders issued by the dgt which indicates efforts to improve taxpayer compliance. secondly, the completion of investigations under article 8(3) of the taxation law shows concrete juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 563 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting steps taken to effectively resolve tax cases. additionally, the declaration of completed case files by the prosecutor signifies attempts to gather evidence for legal prosecution against tax offenders. the existence of case files related to tax crimes and money laundering crimes demonstrates the enforcement of laws against tax violations and highlights attention to the connection between tax crimes and money laundering. the increasing number of case files related to article 44b of the taxation law reflects the dgt's focus on addressing tax violations under this provision. moreover, the data emphasizes substantial state revenue losses caused by tax violations, with harmonization of tax regulations aimed at improving compliance and creating a favorable business environment for investment and economic growth.(verma 2021). in 2021, the dgt achieved positive performance in the gross income received (pbp or penghasilan bruto penerimaan) . through law enforcement collaboration, 5,110 taxpayers made corrections to their tax return notices (surat pemberitahuan tahunan or spt) and/or made payments amounting to idr 1,618,071,341,906. furthermore, the dgt also successfully recovered state revenue losses amounting to idr 1.34 trillion, exceeding the target of idr 1.07 trillion. the recovery of losses came from the resolution of 434 preliminary evidence examination reports (lpbp) with the disclosure of wrongful acts under article 8 paragraph (3) of the general provisions and procedures of taxation law (uu kup). pbp serves as an initial step in criminal tax law enforcement. if there is sufficient initial evidence indicating alleged tax crimes, further investigation can be conducted by the state tax investigators (ppns) of the dgt. therefore, this research aims to conduct a juridical analysis of law enforcement in taxation sector, focusing on reviewing legislation and its implementation in indonesia. the findings of this study are expected not only to provide a deeper understanding of the issues and challenges faced in tax law enforcement but also to offer valuable recommendations for policy and legislative reforms.(sukandar 2021) problems formulation and research purposes based on the aforementioned background, several issues can be identified regarding tax law enforcement and the termination of tax criminal investigations. these include: 1) what is the regulatory framework governing criminal offenses in the field of taxation within the tax legislation? a) is the regulatory framework governing criminal offenses in taxation clear, comprehensive, and coherent? b) are there any weaknesses or shortcomings in the regulatory system concerning tax crimes? 2) how is the process of criminal law enforcement carried out in handling tax-related offenses and ensuring compliance with tax regulations? a) what are the procedures, practices, and mechanisms employed in enforcing criminal law in tax matters? b) what are the challenges and effectiveness of the current enforcement processes in taxrelated offenses? by addressing these problems, this research is conducted in order to provide valuable insights and recommendations for policy and legislative reforms in the field of tax law enforcement in indonesia. the research seeks to analyze the regulatory framework governing criminal offenses in juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 564 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taxation, understand the process of criminal law enforcement in tax matters, assess tax compliance supervision, and identify issues affecting the termination of tax criminal investigations. in addition, the research aims to assess tax compliance supervision within the context of tax law enforcement. this involves evaluating existing supervisory mechanisms to ensure tax compliance and prevent tax crimes. the analysis will focus on supervisory institutions, monitoring procedures, and cooperation between relevant agencies. furthermore, the study is conducted to identify issues that can affect the cessation of tax criminal investigations. this includes identifying barriers or challenges that hinder the termination of such investigations, for instance lack of evidence, procedural issues, or weaknesses in regulations governing the cessation process. by identifying these issues, the research will contribute to the attempts aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and fairness of the cessation of tax criminal investigations. method the research methodology used is the normative juridical method. the juridical approach refers to a legal dogmatic approach that focuses on the analysis of legal norms and regulations that are applicable and relevant to the research object. the normative approach is used to connect legal norms within legislation with principles, doctrines, theories, history, and comparative law in order to draw conclusions in the research. to obtain legal materials, literature study is implemented as the research method. primary legal materials include existing binding legislation, such as the 1945 constitution, the criminal code (wetboek van strafrecht), the law on the formation of legislation, the law on judicial power, the law on limited liability companies, the general taxation law, the value added tax law for goods and services, and the luxury sales tax law. secondary legal materials are obtained from books and legal literature, scientific journals, and legal opinions accessible through the internet. additionally, tertiary legal materials, such as dictionaries and related news, are used to gather information about the disclosure of tax crime cases, both through internet sources and official releases from the tax authorities. these materials help provide an overview of the modus operandi, criminal subjects, accused perpetrators, and the criminal sanctions applied (rofiq 2021). conception of tax crimes criminal law in indonesia comprises substantive criminal law, which defines criminal offenses and penalties, and procedural criminal law, which governs the processes involved in handling criminal cases. tax crimes are justified by three main factors. firstly, tax offenses cause harm to state finances, resulting in financial losses that affect governance, development, and social welfare. secondly, tax crimes ill treat the society through the deprivation of funds needed for public interests such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social welfare. thirdly, non-payment of juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 565 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting taxes violates legal obligations established by the state, as taxes serve as a means to finance public expenditures (smith 2022). the definition of criminal acts in the field of taxation is not explicitly provided in tax law. however, tax crimes are defined as offenses related to taxation that fall under existing criminal law provisions, such as embezzlement, fraud, forgery, and theft. law number 25 of 2007 concerning investment and law number 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of money laundering provide partial definitions of tax crimes. minister of finance regulation number 177/pmk.03/2022 offers the clearest definition, stating that criminal offenses in the field of taxation are acts subject to criminal sanctions under various tax laws. in the indonesian criminal code (kuhp), criminal acts are categorized into: crimes (misdrijven) and violations (overtredingen). crimes are perceived as unjust and contrary to the legal order, even if not explicitly designated as criminal acts, whereas violations are acts considered unlawful only after being defined as such by specific laws. in general, crimes carry more severe penalties than violations, involving imprisonment rather than fines or non-custodial penalties. crimes require proof of fault, such as intent or negligence, whereas violations do not necessitate such proof. attempting to commit a violation and aiding and abetting a violation are not punishable. moreover, the statute of limitations and methods of punishment differ the terms crimes from violations.(m. , & a. f. rahman 2020) in the sector of taxation, criminal acts are further divided into violations and crimes. violations are unintentional tax-related offenses resulting from negligence or mistakes, such as failing to submit an annual tax return (spt) or submitting it with incorrect or incomplete information. violations are punished with imprisonment and fines based on the amount of tax owed or underpaid. criminal acts in taxation encompass intentional or unintentional actions that violate tax legislation, including submitting inaccurate information, evading tax payment, or failing to fulfill tax obligations within the specified time frame. compliance with tax law relies on the fulfillment of legal duties and obligations by all stakeholders, including tax officials and taxpayers.(raharja 2019) consolidation of law of the republic of indonesia number 6 of 1983 concerning general provisions and tax procedures as amended by law of the republic of indonesia number 7 of 2021 criminal law can be divided into general criminal law and special criminal law. general criminal law applies to all citizens and encompasses the provisions in the criminal code and code of criminal procedure. special criminal law, on the other hand, is designed for specific legal subjects or is regulated in specific laws. special criminal law includes military criminal law for active military personnel and laws addressing corruption, terrorism, money laundering, and taxation. in taxation, the general provisions and procedures of taxation law serve as the basis, and provisions related to tax-related offenses can also be found in the criminal code and other legislative regulations. tax law is considered a special criminal law in the realm of taxation and plays a crucial role in addressing tax offenses while adhering to the principles of general criminal law. juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 566 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in indonesia, the principles of law enforcement have evolved to include changes in tax sanctions and the principle of tax law as ultimum remedium. tax law is now considered a last resort for resolving tax issues, with the primary purpose of generating state revenue and providing public services. before resorting to tax collection, alternative measures such as effective tax regulations, incentives, or voluntary agreements are considered. criminal sanctions in tax enforcement are used as a last resort for serious or organized tax violations, with milder enforcement measures initially employed, such as tax audits, warnings, fines, and administrative efforts. criminal prosecution or sanctions are only applied when these actions fail or in cases of severe violations that significantly impact state finances. the use of tax law as ultimum remedium should be exercised with caution and proportionality based on the level of tax violations committed. the taxation law encompasses both administrative and criminal provisions, with the latter establishing legal sanctions for tax violators who engage in activities such as tax evasion, tax avoidance, or the submission of false data or information in tax reporting.(m. , & a. f. (2020). rahman 2020) criminal acts in the field of taxation in indonesia as mentioned earlier, the definition of criminal offenses in the field of taxation is most explicitly stated in the minister of finance regulation number 177/pmk.03/2022 concerning the procedure for preliminary examination of criminal offenses in the field of taxation. article 1 number (6) of the minister of finance regulation stipulates: “(criminal offenses in the field of taxation are acts that are subject to criminal sanctions as regulated in the general provisions and tax procedures law, the land and building tax law, the stamp duty law, the tax collection by compulsory letter law, and the financial information access law for tax purposes.)" criminal acts in the field of taxation are regulated under the consolidation of law of the republic of indonesia number 6 of 1983 concerning general provisions and tax procedures, as amended by law of the republic of indonesia number 7 of 2021 in the general provisions and tax procedures law, criminal acts can be categorized as follows: criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 38 of the kup law article 38 of the indonesian tax law (kup law) deals with criminal offenses in taxation that result from negligence by taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations. it is stated that due to their negligence, individuals who fail to submit tax returns, to submit incorrect or incomplete tax returns, or provide incorrect information that leads to losses in state revenue will be subject to penalties. the penalties include a minimum fine of one time the amount of unpaid or underpaid taxes and a maximum fine of two times the amount of unpaid or underpaid taxes, as well as imprisonment from a minimum of three months to a maximum of one year. the indonesian tax law (kup law) regulates criminal acts related to taxpayers' tax obligations. article 38 of the kup law specifically addresses negligence on the part of taxpayers, which refers to unintentional actions, carelessness, or lack of attention to tax responsibilities. one of the criminal acts specified in article 38 is the failure to file tax returns. taxpayers are required to submit notification letters that report their tax calculations, payments, taxable objects, assets, and liabilities. timely and accurate submission of these notification letters is crucial for fulfilling tax obligations and maintaining a transparent and effective tax system. juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 567 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting furthermore, submitting tax returns with incorrect or incomplete information, or attaching false information, is also considered a criminal act. the notification letter must be filled out accurately with complete and clear information in indonesian using latin letters and arabic numerals prior to being signed and submitted to the relevant tax authority office, unless exempted.(putra 2019) attachments accompanying the notification letter should contain truthful information, and failure to include required attachments renders the letter invalid. it is important to avoid attaching false information or providing incorrect or incomplete details in the notification letter. compliance with tax obligations, including the timely submission of accurate and complete notification letters, is crucial for maintaining tax transparency and effective tax administration under the kup law. criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 39 of the kup law article 39 of the indonesian tax law (kup law) deals with intentional criminal offenses in taxation. while negligence is explicitly defined in article 38, the concept of intent is not specifically outlined in the kup law. article 39, paragraph (1) lists various deliberate offenses, such as failure to register for taxpayer identification numbers (tins) or vat registration, misuse of tins or vat registration, failure to file tax returns, submission of incorrect or incomplete tax returns or information, refusal to undergo an audit, presentation of false or forged documents, failure to maintain proper bookkeeping or provide required documents, and failure to remit withheld taxes. these offenses, which lead to state revenue losses, are subject to penalties that include six months to six years imprisonment and a minimum fine from two times the amount of unpaid or underpaid taxes, up to a maximum fine of four times the amount of unpaid or underpaid taxes. paragraph (2) states that if a person commits another tax crime within one year after completing a previous imprisonment sentence, the criminal penalties will be extended by one to two times. paragraph (3) addresses attempts to commit tax crimes related to misuse of tins or vat registration, and filing incorrect or incomplete tax returns or information in the context of applying for tax refunds, carryover of taxes, or tax crediting. the penalties for such attempts include imprisonment ranging from six months to two years, a minimum fine of two times the amount of the applied tax refunds and/or carryover of taxes and/or tax crediting, and a maximum fine of four times the amount of the applied tax refunds and/or carryover or crediting. in the determination of criminal offenses, the element of intention (opzet) is crucial. intention refers to the conscious will directed towards committing a specific crime. proving intentional acts requires demonstrating the desire and knowledge (willens en wetens) of the perpetrator, meaning they desired the act and were aware of its consequences. the presence of intention is often established based on the circumstances and actions of the perpetrator during the alleged unlawful act. compliance with tax obligations, such as registration, proper use of the taxpayer identification number (npwp), and not obstructing taxation, is vital for maintaining tax transparency, effective administration, and compliance under the kup law.(pratama 2022) criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 39a of the kup law article 39a of the taxation law (uu kup) regulates criminal offenses in taxation, specifically pertaining to tax invoices, tax collection evidence, tax deduction evidence, and tax deposit juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 568 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting evidence. this article stipulates that individuals who intentionally engage in the following actions will face imprisonment for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 6 years, as well as fines ranging from 2 times to 6 times the amount of taxes indicated in the relevant documents: issuing and/or using tax invoices, withholding receipts, or tax payment slips that do not correspond to actual transactions and issuing tax invoices prior to being registered as a taxable person for vat purposes (oktaviani 2022). such criminal offenses aim to combat fraudulent practices in relation to tax documentation, which can result in financial harm to both taxpayers and the state's tax revenue. tax invoices are essential administrative records issued by registered taxable entrepreneurs to document tax collection for taxable goods or services. offenses related to tax invoices, such as issuing or using invoices without actual transactions, can lead to fraudulent claims and substantial financial losses for the state. this not only impacts government revenue but also affects other taxpayers who rely on these invoices. withholding tax mechanisms play a crucial role in income tax collection by deducting or collecting taxes on various types of income. the misuse of tax invoices, tax deduction evidence, or tax collection evidence that lacks a basis in actual transactions is considered a tax offense, carrying legal consequences that include criminal sanctions. it is important to ensure that only officially recognized taxable entrepreneurs issue tax invoices to prevent illegal practices and ensure compliance with tax regulations, particularly the value added tax law (mustikasari 2022). criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 41 of the kup law under article 41 of the taxation law (uu kup), criminal offenses related to taxation involve the enforcement of the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of taxpayer data known or possessed by tax officials, as stated in article 34 of the same law. breaching this obligation can result in legal consequences. negligence in maintaining confidentiality can lead to a maximum penalty of one year's imprisonment and a fine of up to idr 25,000,000. deliberate non-compliance or causing officials to breach their obligations can result in a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment and a fine of up to idr 50,000,000. complaints from affected taxpayers are required to initiate investigation or prosecution in cases of breaching taxpayer confidentiality. exceptions to the obligation may arise in specific circumstances, such as court proceedings or with written authorization from the minister of finance. ultimately, it is the responsibility of tax officials to safeguard taxpayer information and any violation, whether intentional or due to negligence, can lead to appropriate penalties. criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 41a of the kup law criminal offenses under article 41a of the taxation law pertain to the mishandling of data relevant to taxation, specifically information and evidence necessary for the implementation of tax laws and regulations. such offenses can be committed not only by taxpayers or tax officials but also by individuals who are connected to the taxpayer and engage in activities that can create rights and obligations in the context of taxation. according to article 41a, individuals who are required to provide requested information or evidence, as stated in article 35, but deliberately fail to do so or provide false information or evidence, can be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of one year and a maximum fine of idr 25,000,000.00 (twenty-five million rupiah). juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 569 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the provision in article 35 of the taxation law sets out the requirements for parties such as banks, public accountants, notaries, tax consultants, administrative offices, and other third parties to provide information or evidence when requested by the director general of taxes for tax audits, tax collection, or investigations into tax-related crimes. if these parties are bound by confidentiality obligations, those obligations are nullified specifically for the purpose of tax audits, tax collection, or tax crime investigations, except for banks which require a written request from the minister of finance to nullify the confidentiality obligation. article 41a of the taxation law defines two specific criminal offenses regarding testimony or evidence. the first offense involves intentionally refusing to provide testimony or evidence to the director general of taxes, while the second offense pertains to intentionally providing false testimony or evidence. parties such as banks, public accountants, notaries, tax consultants, administrative offices, and other third parties who have a legal relationship with the taxpayer in the context of tax audits, tax collection, or investigations of tax-related crimes are obligated to provide truthful testimony or evidence. failure to fulfill this obligation or providing false information can result in criminal charges in the field of taxation.. criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 41b of the kup law the criminal offenses regulated under article 41b of the taxation law are offenses related to the process of investigating tax-related crimes. article 41b of the taxation law specifies that: “any persons that deliberately obstruct or hinder a tax crime investigation shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three) years and a maximum fine of idr75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million rupiah).” the investigation process in tax law enforcement is of utmost importance and should not be impeded. article 44 of the taxation law emphasizes that individuals who obstruct or hinder the investigation of tax-related crimes, such as by obstructing searches or concealing evidence, will face criminal consequences. obstruction refers to intentionally preventing the investigation from uncovering the methods used in tax crimes, while hindrance refers to intentionally impeding the investigation's ability to uncover such methods. these actions, either physical or non-physical, lead to the failure of the investigation into tax-related crimes. criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 41c of the kup law the taxation law, specifically article 41a and 41c, addresses criminal offenses related to data and information in the context of taxation. article 41a focuses on intentional refusal or provision of false testimony or evidence by individuals connected to the taxpayer. parties like banks, accountants, notaries, and tax consultants are obligated to provide truthful information. failure to do so can result in imprisonment and fines. on the other hand, article 41c addresses the deliberate failure to fulfill obligations to provide tax-related data and information. it covers various scenarios, including non-compliance, causing unfulfillment by officials or other parties, and misuse of tax data resulting in state revenue losses. the penalties include imprisonment and fines. these provisions emphasize the importance of fulfilling obligations and safeguarding tax-related information in order to maintain the integrity of the tax system and protect state interests juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 570 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting criminal acts in the field of taxation according to article 43 of the kup law in the field of taxation, not only taxpayers and tax officials can commit tax-related crimes, but other parties such as employees, representatives, legal counsel, tax consultants, and other professionals are prone to get involved in various illegal forms, highlighting the importance of understanding their roles and positions to prevent tax offenses and ensure compliance with tax laws. the involvement of these other parties does not place them in the position of the principal offender (dader) of the crime. their position is limited to participation in a tax-related crime, such as ordering (doenplegen), assisting (medeplegen), inciting (uitloking), and abetting (medeplichtigheid). thus, the involvement of these other parties in a tax-related crime always falls into one of these forms of participation. article 43 of the taxation law explicitly states that individuals who are not taxpayers or tax officials can still be classified as committing tax-related crimes. the provisions regarding the actions of these other parties are explicitly regulated in article 43, which states that the same provisions applicable to taxpayers and tax officials also apply to representatives, proxies, employees, or any other parties who order, participate in, recommend, or assist in tax crimes. this means that these parties can be held accountable for their involvement in tax offenses. the law recognizes various forms of participation in these offenses, aiming to prevent financial losses to the state. the directorate general of taxes is responsible for overseeing and investigating taxpayers and related parties to identify and take appropriate action against those involved in taxrelated crimes. 1) ordering to commit (doenplegen). "menyuruh melakukan" (doenplegen) is a form of participation mentioned in article 43 paragraph (1) of the taxation law (uu kup). in this context, lamintang states that within a doenplegen, there is a clear distinction between someone who orders another person to commit a criminal act and another person who carries out the instructed criminal act. doenplegen can be literally translated as "maker of the perpetrator" because every individual in indonesia uses the term "penyuruh" (the one who orders). if someone else orders the perpetrator to commit an act that would typically be a criminal offense, but for certain reasons the perpetrator cannot be held criminally liable, the perpetrator becomes a mere instrument controlled by the person who gives the order. such a perpetrator is referred to as "martus manistra" (controlled hand) in legal terminology, while the one giving the order is referred to as "manus domina" (dominant hand). lamintang, with a reference to simons' viewpoint, addressed several conditions that must be met by a person who is ordered to commit an act, including being deemed "ontoerekeningsvatbaar" (not accountable) under article 44 of the criminal code (kuhp). other conditions include having a mistaken belief or misunderstanding about an element of the offense, lacking culpability or intent required by the law, lacking the required intent despite being indicated in the offense formulation, being under irresistible coercion, fulfilling an official order with good intentions even if given by an unauthorized superior, or lacking a specific attribute or quality necessary for the perpetrator. juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 571 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting these conditions outline situations where the person executing the offense may have mitigating circumstances or lack the necessary mental state, intention, or capacity. the explanation of article 43 paragraph (1) of the taxation law (uu kup) clarifies that those who are subject to punishment for committing tax-related offenses are not limited to taxpayers alone but also include tax agents, legal representatives of taxpayers, employees of taxpayers, public accountants, tax consultants, or other parties in their capacity as the ones who give orders to carry out criminal acts in the field of taxation. 2) assisting (medeplegen) "turut melakukan" (medeplegen) is a form of complicity. this is emphasized by lamintang, as within this form of complicity, there is always a main perpetrator and one or more accomplices who assist in the commission of the offense committed by the main perpetrator. therefore, this form of complicity is often referred to as "mededaderschap" (co-perpetratorship). thus, "medeplegen" is not only a form of complicity but also a form of perpetration. "medeplegen" (assisting) as a form of complicity does not require each person involved to fulfill all the elements of the offense as in the concept of "doenplegen" (ordering, perpetrator maker). all the elements of the offense can be divided among several individuals. however, it should also be possible for one participating offender to perform an act that constitutes the commission of the offense, while another participating offender performs an act that does not fall within the description of the offense but is crucial for the execution of the act committed by the first offender. for example, the second participating offender may only act as a lookout while their accomplice carries out the theft.(mustikasari 2022) tax law also recognizes "turut melakukan" (medeplegen) in relation to an offense. this means that not only the taxpayer is considered the perpetrator of a tax offense, but other individuals are also involved to ensure the commission of the offense. those who can be considered as "pihak lain" (other parties) in relation to "medeplegen" include tax representatives, authorized agents of the taxpayer, employees of the taxpayer, public accountants, tax consultants, notaries, doctors, or other professions related to tax law.(mitchell 2020) each person who jointly commits a tax offense is fully responsible for all consequences arising within the scope of their collaboration, and each individual is accountable for their actions. this reflects the consequences that arise from participating in an act that leads to a tax offense. 3) incitement (uitloking) uitloking, or incitement, refers to intentionally influencing another party who can be held accountable to commit an offense using methods prescribed by the law. once incited, that person deliberately commits the offense in question. incitement or instigation to commit an act is one of the forms of complicity. in the context of tax law, it relates to offenses committed by taxpayers due to the encouragement to engage in such actions. this encouragement can be the taxpayer, authorized agents of the taxpayer, employees of the taxpayer, public accountants, tax consultants, notaries, or other professions related to taxation.(mawardi 2020) juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 572 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the provision governing individuals who incite or encourage the commission of an act is regulated in article 43 of the taxation law (uu kup). the explanation of this article expands the understanding of individuals who incite or encourage others to commit an act, not only limited to representatives of taxpayers, authorized agents, taxpayer employees, and other parties, but also includes public accountants and tax consultants. the inclusion of public accountants and tax consultants as parties who incite or encourage others to commit an act is a preventive measure aimed at addressing tax offenses. it is undeniable that public accountants and/or tax consultants play a significant role for taxpayers, including activities that involve instigation or encouragement towards acts that may lead to tax offenses.(liu 2021) 4) abetting (medeplichtigheid) assisting in the commission of an act (medeplichtigheid) is also a form of complicity in relation to tax offenses. the nature of assistance in tax law can be active or passive. this differs from article 56 of the criminal code (kuhp), which categorizes two types of assistance: a) those who intentionally provide assistance at the time the crime is committed (actual assistance). b) those who intentionally provide means or information to facilitate the commission of the act. in tax offenses, individuals can provide active or passive assistance, such as an employee suggesting illegal tax bookkeeping or a tax consultant failing to provide proper advice. according to article 41(1) and (2) of the taxation law, these individuals are considered accomplices rather than perpetrators. although the taxpayer is the main perpetrator, both the taxpayer and accomplices face the same criminal sanctions under article 39, article 39a, article 41a, and article 41b. ideally, accomplices should receive more severe sanctions as they contribute to the offense, but the lack of specific sanctions for accomplices leads to the same penalties for both taxpayers and accomplices. the involvement of accomplices in tax offenses may not be readily apparent when imposing criminal sanctions related to offenses committed by taxpayers. criminal acts in the land and building tax law the land and building tax law, also known as law number 12 of 1985, serves as the legal framework for the taxation of land and buildings in specific jurisdictions. its primary objective is to contribute to national cooperation in state financing and development while ensuring fairness, simplicity, and legal certainty. the law encompasses provisions for criminal offenses related to non-compliance by taxpayers. one offense covered under the land and building tax law is the failure to submit a tax object notification to the directorate general of taxes. taxpayers are required to provide information about their land or buildings through a notification form, and intentionally failing to submit or doing so negligently can lead to criminal charges. additionally, submitting a notification with incorrect or incomplete content, including false information, is considered a violation under the law. the law also addresses the offense of deliberately refusing to be audited by tax officials, which hampers their ability to verify tax calculations and ensure compliance with regulations. juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 573 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the law also outlines penalties for non-payment or late payment of taxes. taxpayers must fulfill their obligations within specified timeframes, and failure to do so may result in fines or interest charges. in cases of prolonged non-payment, tax authorities have the authority to seize and auction the taxpayer's property to recover the unpaid taxes. the land and building tax law promotes transparency and accountability in the taxation system, providing guidelines for assessments, valuations, appeals, and dispute resolutions. tax authorities have the power to conduct inspections, investigations, and audits to verify compliance and collect taxes. it is important for taxpayers to familiarize themselves with the specific regulations and requirements applicable in their region. criminal acts in the stamp duty law in the republic of indonesia, citizen participation in national development is encouraged by fulfilling the payment obligation for stamp duty on specific documents. stamp duty is a tax managed by the central government through the directorate general of taxation and imposed on various written documents that contain information, facts, or statements affecting individuals or interested parties. the types of documents subject to stamp duty include agreements, notarial deeds, land deeds, letters involving monetary amounts exceeding idr 1,000,000, and financial instruments such as bills of exchange and checks with a nominal value surpassing idr 1,000,000. the stamp duty law in indonesia specifies criminal provisions related to stamp duty offenses, such as forging or counterfeiting adhesive stamps or signatures, possessing and circulating forged stamps, intentionally using or selling stamps with distinguishing marks removed, and storing materials used for forging stamp-related items. the criminal penalties for these offenses are determined by the indonesian penal code (kuhp) and can result in imprisonment. counterfeiting or forging stamps and falsifying necessary signatures can lead to a maximum imprisonment of seven years, while unauthorized use of stamps without permission from the minister of finance can also result in a maximum imprisonment of seven years. the imposition of criminal sanctions is aligned with the regulations concerning stamp duties and aims to ensure compliance with stamp duty obligations in the country. criminal acts in the tax collection law with forced collection letters the general provisions and tax procedures law includes provisions that classify certain actions as criminal acts with the aim of enhancing tax revenue, which serves as the primary source of national income for independent national development. ensuring taxpayer compliance and active participation in tax payment is crucial. tax arrears can occur, and to address this, the law emphasizes consistent and continuous tax collection as a means of improving compliance. the tax collection with forced collection letters law, enacted in 2000, governs tax collection and includes criminal provisions. article 41a of this law specifies criminal penalties for various taxrelated offenses. these offenses include violations by taxpayers, failure to fulfill obligations by specified parties, and intentional obstruction of tax enforcement actions. the law also prohibits taxpayers from engaging in actions such as transferring, concealing, damaging, or encumbering seized assets during the seizure process. if seized assets cannot be sold through auctions, they can be used to pay for tax collection costs and debts through various means. failure to comply with juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 574 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting these provisions may result in imprisonment and fines. it is crucial for all parties involved to adhere to these provisions to avoid criminal penalties. criminal acts in the financial information access for tax purposes law the financial information access for tax purposes law includes criminal provisions outlined in article 7. these provisions target financial institutions, other entities, and their management or employees. failure to comply with reporting requirements, properly implement procedures for identifying financial accounts, or provide requested information, evidence, or testimony can lead to criminal penalties. under article 7(1), individuals who commit the aforementioned offenses may face imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to rp1,000,000,000.00. similarly, article 7(2) imposes fines of up to rp1,000,000,000.00 on financial institutions and other entities for non-compliance with reporting obligations or failure to implement proper procedures. additionally, article 7(3) specifies that anyone who provides false statements, conceals, or reduces information in the reports required under article 2(2) may be subject to imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to rp1,000,000,000.00. these criminal provisions are crucial for promoting taxpayer compliance and ensuring financial service providers' adherence to tax laws. by imposing penalties, including imprisonment and fines, the law aims to control and enforce tax regulations effectively. it is worth noting that indonesia has been classified as a country at risk of failing to meet its commitments under the automatic exchange of financial information (aeoi). the global forum has identified the absence of primary legislative regulations at the act level to implement aeoi in indonesia. failure to the establishment of these regulations by the deadline of june 30, 2017, would result in indonesia being publicly recognized as a country not fulfilling its commitment to implement aeoi. perpetrators of tax crimes in indonesia perpetrators of tax crimes can include various parties involved in the implementation of tax laws and regulations. tax officials, who encompass tax officers and experts appointed by the director general of taxation, play a crucial role in enforcing tax laws and regulations. they include the director general of taxation, officials appointed to enforce tax laws, and experts appointed to assist in tax implementation.(kusnandar 2020) taxpayers, as defined in article 1 number 2 of the general taxation law (kup), refer to individuals or entities with rights and obligations according to tax laws and regulations. taxpayers can be both individuals and entities, such as unincorporated entities and those with legal status, including companies, partnerships, cooperatives, associations, and other forms of entities. apart from tax officials and taxpayers, other parties can also participate in tax crimes. these parties, while not considered perpetrators, can be involved in tax offenses through actions such as instigation, aiding and abetting, abetting, and assistance. examples of such parties include employees of taxpayers, representatives, legal counsel, tax consultants, public accountants, notaries, and land deed officials. their involvement in tax crimes is limited to participation rather than being the primary offenders.(lee 2019) juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 575 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the law enforcement process for handling criminal offenses in the field of taxation preliminary evidence examination the preliminary evidence examination process is the initial step in handling tax-related criminal offenses in indonesia, aimed at gathering initial evidence or indications of potential tax-related crimes that could lead to state revenue losses. this process, conducted by the directorate general of taxes or assigned internal audit units, follows specific procedures outlined by the minister of finance. the examiner of preliminary evidence has both obligations and authorities, including delivering notices, maintaining confidentiality, securing evidence, accessing relevant places and electronic data, requesting statements and evidence, and using necessary force if required. if sufficient evidence is found, a full investigation is conducted by authorized agencies. this simplified procedure ensures efficiency, effectiveness, and respects the rights and privacy of individuals or entities under examination, contributing to the protection of state revenue.(kurniawan 2020) investigation of tax criminal offenses the investigation of tax criminal offenses is a crucial process conducted by civil servant investigators (ppns) of the directorate general of taxes in indonesia. it involves searching for and collecting evidence to clarify the tax crimes that have occurred and identify the suspects. the investigation focuses specifically on acts that violate tax laws and is conducted within the context of tax legislation. ppns has the authority to receive and examine information, request statements and evidence, examine documents, conduct searches, and seek assistance from other law enforcement agencies when necessary. the investigation results are reported to the public prosecutor through the indonesian national police investigators, ensuring compliance with the procedural requirements.(bhatti 2019) the use of criminal law in the taxation field is considered a last resort and is only employed for significant tax law violations that have the potential to cause substantial losses to state revenue (kim 2020). it is not automatically applied to all tax law violations but requires careful examination and analysis. the policy aims to balance the need for effective law enforcement with the preventive effects of criminal law in the tax domain. however, the bureaucratic process of notifying the public prosecutor through the police investigators can cause delays in the investigation. it is suggested that direct notification by ppns to the public prosecutor would streamline the process and facilitate prompt action in investigating tax criminal offenses. prosecution of tax criminal cases once the investigation of tax criminal offenses is completed, the tax investigation officer (ppns djp) transfers the case files to the public prosecutor through the indonesian national police investigator, marking a shift in jurisdiction. while the public prosecutor assumes responsibility for prosecuting the case in front of the district court, the ppns djp can still provide assistance until the prosecution stage. it is essential for the public prosecutor to possess a thorough understanding of tax laws and exercise their authority effectively to ensure a successful prosecution. compliance with legal provisions and accurate preparation of the indictment are crucial for a fair and just prosecution process based on the applicable laws. according to article 141 of the indonesian code of criminal procedure (kuhap), the public prosecutor has the authority to consolidate juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 576 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting multiple tax criminal cases into a single indictment when they involve the same taxpayer or nontaxpayer committing multiple offenses or when multiple offenses are related to each other. the public prosecutor must ensure that the indictment meets specific requirements regarding the identity of the offender and a precise description of the offenses committed. copies of the referral and indictment are provided to the perpetrator, their representative or legal advisor, and the tax investigation officer (ppns djp) simultaneously to uphold human rights and notification time limits.(nahak 2014) termination of tax criminal investigation the termination of a criminal tax investigation in indonesia is not always followed by prosecution by the public prosecutor, as there are juridical reasons specified in tax law that allow the investigator, the tax office investigator (ppns djp), to discontinue the investigation against the offender. this is done to avoid violating human rights and ensure justice, usefulness, and legal certainty within the framework of legal protection. the termination of investigation is not initiated by the investigator but is based on the order from tax law, and failure to comply with the specified juridical reasons would constitute an unlawful act by the investigator. however, if there are no justifiable juridical reasons, the investigator is not allowed to terminate the investigation, as investigation is mandatory to conclusively uncover tax-related crimes. it is important to ensure that the termination of investigation is based on valid justifications, and the ppns djp must act in accordance with the law and not engage in arbitrary actions.(arief 1994) the termination of investigation carried out by the ppns djp must be based on the predetermined reasons stated in article 44a of the tax law, which states: "the investigator referred to in article 44 paragraph (1) shall terminate the investigation referred to in article 44 paragraph (2) letter j if there is insufficient evidence, or if the event does not constitute a tax crime, or if the investigation is terminated due to the event being time-barred, or if the suspect has passed away." when a criminal investigation in the field of taxation is terminated, a tax assessment letter may still be issued, except in cases where the event has expired. the termination can occur due to insufficient evidence, where the investigation lacks the required evidentiary elements to establish a tax offense. additionally, if the event does not qualify as a tax crime based on the loss to state revenue, the investigation must be terminated to prevent abuse of authority (green 2023). furthermore, if the event has expired, regardless of the actual loss to state revenue, investigating it would violate tax law. lastly, if a suspect dies during the investigation, the investigation must be terminated as the actions of the deceased cannot be inherited. the termination of investigations aims to ensure legal certainty and prevent violations of tax law by the tax authority.(johnson 2021) termination of investigation for the benefit of state revenue criminal provisions in the general taxation law (uu kup) are considered as a last resort and are based on the principle of ultimum remedium. these provisions aim to address tax offenses that harm state revenue, disrupt the national economy's stability, undermine its foundations, and hinder financing for national development and people's welfare. the law prioritizes the recovery of state losses and emphasizes imprisonment as a criminal penalty. however, there are limitations juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 577 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting to the capability of criminal law in addressing crimes, as the causes of crime are complex and extend beyond criminal law's scope (hall 2022). criminal sanctions are seen as symptomatic treatment rather than a solution to eliminate the causes of crime. the functioning of criminal law requires diverse supporting means and entails higher costs. in the field of taxation, criminal sanctions are intended to ensure compliance and optimize state revenue rather than solely criminalizing taxpayers. the minister of finance can request the attorney general to halt tax crime investigations upon application from taxpayers who have settled their outstanding tax obligations and administrative sanctions. the focus of tax law is on the utility for state revenue rather than the criminalizing of the taxpayers. (haryanto 2021) results and discussions in order to achieve the optimal state revenue, the directorate general of taxes (dgt) implements law enforcement strategies focused on revenue-supporting activities. here are some strategies carried out by the dgt in 2021: 1) collaborative law enforcement activities: the dgt collaborates with various functions such as supervision, examination, intelligence, and other related units. in this cooperation, there is an exchange of information, coordination of actions, and effective resource utilization to identify potential tax violations. 2) synergy with law enforcement agencies: the dgt establishes synergy with law enforcement agencies such as the police and the prosecutor's office through coordination and joint investigations. the aim is to enhance the effectiveness of handling tax-related crimes by leveraging the expertise and authority of each party. 3) harmonization of regulations with law enforcement policies: the dgt harmonizes tax regulations with law enforcement policies. if there are weaknesses or legal loopholes that can be exploited by offenders, the dgt strives to improve and refine tax regulations to strengthen law enforcement efforts. 4) law enforcement that provides legal certainty: the dgt conducts law enforcement based on the principle of providing legal certainty to taxpayers. this involves the use of clear procedures, respect for taxpayers' rights, and protection of the legitimate interests of taxpayers. the implementation of comprehensive legal regulations in the field of taxation in indonesia aims to achieve optimal state revenue through effective and fair enforcement while protecting the rights and interests of taxpayers. these regulations provide clarity, consistency, and transparency, ensuring that taxpayers are aware of their rights and obligations. the directorate general of taxes (dgt) plays a crucial role in enforcing tax laws, conducting audits, investigations, and imposing penalties to ensure compliance and deter tax evasion. however, challenges such as limited resources and evolving tax evasion schemes persist, requiring continuous updates and adaptations. it is important to prioritize fairness, protect taxpayer rights, and engage in international cooperation to combat tax evasion and promote transparency. the positive performance of the dgt in 2021, including taxpayer corrections, revenue recovery, and collaboration in law juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 578 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting enforcement, reflects the progress made in enforcing tax regulations and combating tax crimes. (evans 2019) the performance of the preliminary evidence examination by the directorate general of taxes during 2021 can be summarized as follows: source:directorate of law enforcement, directorate general of taxes (dgt) in conducting tax crime investigations, the directorate general of taxes (dgt) in indonesia employs joint investigations with the directorate general of customs and excise and other relevant institutions. these collaborative efforts are required to uncover tax crimes, prosecute offenders, and maximize state revenue. in 2021, the dgt implemented various strategies, including integrated investigations with money laundering offenses, asset tracing, establishment of a task force, strengthening the role of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, synergy with anti-corruption efforts, data synchronization, and publication of investigative activities. through such measures, the dgt strives to enhance law enforcement effectiveness, recover lost revenue, and prevent future tax crimes while promoting transparency and public trust.(davis 2020) the joint investigations conducted by the dgt have yielded significant results, including the completion of preliminary evidence examinations of taxpayers through multidoor investigations and the utilization of data from customs free trade zone notices. these collaborative efforts facilitate the sharing of resources, knowledge, and experiences among institutions, strengthening law enforcement and improving tax compliance. the dgt has also focused on tracing, blocking, and seizing assets related to tax crimes, aiming to recover losses to state revenue and deter potential offenders. furthermore, the establishment of a task force, synergy with anti-corruption efforts, and the synchronization of investigation information system data have enhanced coordination, effectiveness, and transparency in addressing tax crimes. by implementing these strategies, the juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 579 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting dgt aims to prosecute tax offenders, prevent future tax crimes, and safeguard state revenue for the benefit of the indonesian society as a whole.(chen 2021) finally, effective criminal law enforcement in the field of taxation is crucial for maximizing state revenue and promoting tax compliance in indonesia. the application of criminal provisions after administrative law enforcement ensures that tax offenders are held accountable for their actions. the research on the juridical analysis of criminal law enforcement in taxation provides valuable insights for policy development, increasing public awareness, and improving the taxation system. the use of joint investigations, integration with money laundering offenses, asset tracing, and collaboration among relevant institutions has proven to be effective in uncovering tax crimes and prosecuting perpetrators. the efforts of the directorate general of taxes (dgt) to strengthen the role of the judiciary enhance coordination between law enforcement agencies, and promote transparency contribute to a more robust and comprehensive approach to combat tax offenses. by adopting these strategies, the dgt aims to enhance law enforcement, recover losses to state revenue, and foster a culture of tax compliance in indonesia by implementing these strategies, dgt could enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement in the field of taxation, prosecute tax offenders, recover losses to state revenue, and prevent future tax crimes. conclusions criminal offenses in the field of taxation are regulated by several tax laws and regulations, such as law no. 6 of 1983 on general provisions and tax procedures, law no. 12 of 1985 on land and building tax, law no. 13 of 1985 on stamp duty, and law no. 19 of 2000 on tax collection by force. perpetrators of tax crimes include taxpayers, tax officials, and other parties involved in tax rights and obligations, while the victims of tax crimes are the state and taxpayers. the application of criminal law in the field of taxation is done after administrative law enforcement has been completed, as criminal provisions in tax laws are considered as ultimum remedium. the enforcement of criminal law in taxation in indonesia plays a crucial role in maximizing state revenue. tax crimes are regulated by various tax laws, and criminal provisions are considered as a last resort after administrative law enforcement. the application of criminal law involves preliminary evidence examination, investigation, and prosecution, with the aim of holding perpetrators accountable and deterring tax evasion. the research on the juridical analysis of criminal law enforcement in taxation has important implications, among others are the development of more effective policies, increased awareness and understanding among taxpayers, and improvement of the taxation system. nevertheless, the research has limitations such as data availability, time constraints, legal complexity, and generalizability. by considering these implications and limitations, the research can contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of tax law enforcement in indonesia and optimizing state revenue collection. furthermore, the research helps raise public awareness and understanding of the consequences of tax violations (chandra 2019). by disseminating the findings and promoting a greater understanding of tax law enforcement, taxpayers can make more informed decisions and comply juridical analysis of tax criminal law enforcement: an overview of legal regulations and its implementation in indonesia silalahi 580 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting with their tax obligations. this can lead to increased voluntary compliance and a reduction in tax evasion, ultimately contributing to higher state revenue. moreover, the identification of weaknesses and challenges in the implementation of tax law enforcement provides a basis for system improvements. policymakers can use the research findings to address gaps in regulations, streamline procedures, and invest in necessary infrastructure and resources. this can strengthen the overall tax administration system and enhance its capacity to effectively enforce tax laws. however, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the research. the availability of comprehensive and accurate data, as well as the complexity of the taxation system, can pose challenges to conducting a comprehensive analysis. the generalizability of the research findings may be limited to specific contexts, therefore further studies are needed to validate and generalize the results.(brown 2022) in conclusion, the research on the juridical analysis of criminal law enforcement in the field of taxation provides valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing tax compliance, optimizing state revenue, and improving the overall tax administration system. by 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(2023). an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 491-507. abstract: profits are generated by managing assets and using them wisely to create revenues that exceed costs. this study aimed to analyse the effects of managerial competence on firm profitability listed in the dar es salaam stock exchange (dse). the quantitative research design was used to collect, analyse and interpret data in this research while panel regression model was selected to analyse the influence of managerial competence on profitability of listed firms. pols technique was used to check robustness and diagnostic tests were used to meet the criteria of regression analysis. the regression analysis indicate that managerial competence had a significant effect on firm profitability. raising managerial competence has the potential to significantly increase business profitability, as managers play a key role in an organization's overall functioning. the researchers suggested that shareholders should thoroughly analyse potential managers' competencies and credentials before allocating managerial duties since hiring a competent management team is likely to have a beneficial impact on the firm's profitability. shareholders should strive to reduce the risk of choosing managers who lack the requisite abilities to maximize the firm's profitability by performing due diligence in the selection process. keywords: profitability, management competence, stock exchange this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the aspiration to attain the utmost profits has been an enduring pursuit of firms and businesses since the dawn of time (ajanthan, 2013). profits are the heart and soul of any businesses and are derived from the difference between the two components of daily business operations specifically revenues and expenses(akinleye. & ademiloye, 2018). profits can be generated by managing intangible assets such as labour carefully and using them wisely to create revenues that exceeds costs, resulting in a positive profit margin(alarussi et al., 2018). profits can be affected by a variety of factors such as unique characteristics of a firm and its industry (assenga et al., 2018) as well as the different leadership styles (ayako et al., 2015) an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 492 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting leadership styles have a substantial influence on employee performance and productivity(bae et al., 2017). at this juncture, it becomes clear that in order for the firms to maximize profits, it is imperative to have executives with the necessary skills required and the knowledge to manage resources and workforce of the firms by executing the tasks of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising activities competently while keeping in mind, the common aim of achieving the desired objectives of the firms(batchimeg, 2017) building upon the concept that profits stem from executives possessing the necessary skills and knowledge, a vital question emerges: how can managerial competence be identified?. managerial competence is a subjective evaluation of an individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities required for effective performance as a manager under certain conditions (banafa et al., 2015). in other words, a manager is considered competent if they can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge for their job(biorn, 2017). indicators of managerial competence include factors such as educational background and management tenure(borda et al., 2017). for the sake of obtaining a better comprehension of the significance of managerial competency, it is necessary to differentiate between profit and profitability (mwenda et al., 2021). by distinguishing between these two concepts, a manager's ability to create values for a company and its stakeholders more accurately can possibly be identified. this is essential as it has been the common adage for firms to seek maximum profit but at the end it is essential to ask do maximum profits makes the firm profitable? whereas profit is the monetary difference between revenues and expenditures(mutende et al., 2017), profitability on the other hand is a comparative metric that evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency with which a company generates earnings relative to its expenses and other costs(mwenda & magwana, 2022; omondi & muturi, 2013). return on assets, return on equity, and net profit margin are common measures of profitability (mwenda et al., 2023). these ratios provide insightful information regarding a company's ability to generate returns and create value. from the observed differences between profit and profitability it becomes apparent that profit alone does not ensure a sustainable business, but the ability to consistently generate profit, i.e., profitability, acts as a moderator for sustainable business(matar & eneizan, 2018; mule et al., 2015). in addition, it is logical to believe that having a high degree of management competence increases the likelihood of company profitability, and this will lead to successful and sustainable firms (mwenda et al., 2021). furthermore, researchers across the globe have also been interested in the subject matter of this research. (sumaira & amjad, 2013) studied 64 indonesian insurance firms between 2011 and 2015 and determined that managerial competency had a positive effect on roa. they used the ratio of profit to total number of professionals to calculate the management competence index.(bist et al., 2017; bryman, 2016) studied insurance companies listed in amman stock exchange and concluded that management competence had a positive and significant effect on roa and roe. they measured management competence as a ratio of net income to total number of employees. besides, (dioha et al., 2018) researched small firms in ghana and determined that top management had the skills and attitudes to improve performance, nevertheless, due to some factors they failed to employ these talents effectively to enhance firm performance. an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 493 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in addition to the previous studies mentioned, (daniel & tilahun, 2013) conducted a research in 23 insurance companies in kenya and determined that managerial competence had a positive and significant influence on their profitability. management competence was measured as a ratio of profit to total number of professionals. lastly, (pervan et al., 2017; rwechungura et al., 2020) studied commercial banks in uganda. their findings highlighted managerial competence's critical role in commercial banks' financial performance. they measured the competence in terms of knowledge, skills and experience of staff while financial performance was measured through by profitability and liquidity. (siwandeti et al., 2021), used profitability as a proxy for financial performance and concluded that there was a significant positive relationship between managerial competence and financial performance of abu sacco. their dimension of managerial competence included interpersonal skills, training and professional competence. (pantea et al., 2014) stated that there was a significant association between managerial competence and financial performance of small businesses operating in mbarara district in uganda. they measured management competence as knowledge, skills, and abilities using a point scale system, whereas knowledge was focused on the collection of current information, skills emphasized on the identification of problems, and abilities centred on achieving business objectives or goals. even though there is a common consensus on the relationship between managerial competence and profitability, the arising greatest challenge is the manner in which the managerial competence is measured. some researchers measures it qualitatively as skills, knowledge and attributes (too & simiyu, 2019; ubesie, 2014; zainudin et al., 2018) while other researchers measured it quantitatively. apart from that, (taouab & issor, 2019) also concluded that possession of competence doesn’t necessarily lead to its proper and effective utilization in enhancing the firm performance. as it stands, managerial competence is a highly subjective measure and cannot be generalized to all firms at once. the same measure may lead to different results if employed elsewhere or a different proxy for managerial competence can also lead to different results due to the geographical locations, firm specific factors, culture and human behaviour. hence, to simply conclude that managerial competence has a positive effect on the outlook which is based only on a highly agreeable consensus from elsewhere in the world will be a denial of further attainment of knowledge that would have proved otherwise. specific researches on specific markets such as dse that leads to sub-optimal decision making due to its lack of specific clarity are still rare to find. most of the prevailing researches have addressed firms’ specific factors such as liquidity, leverage and gearing, and as such becomes imperative to conduct this study so as to analyse the effect of managerial competence on profitability of firms listed in the dse. the findings will contribute to the current body of knowledge and provide a more specific and distinguished understanding of the issue as studied in the tanzania’s market. apart from that, the need for empirical study will always persist in order to account for diverse factors affecting the relationship between managerial competence and firm profitability such as geographical diversification of the firm as a control variable in this study. with such view in mind, the researchers went forth and formulated the following hypothesis. 𝐻𝑜: managerial competence does not influence profitability of firms listed at dse. an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 494 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting theoretical reviews underpinnings the paper this research employed resource based theory (rbt) introduced by werner felt’s (1984) and supported by barney's (1991) to analyse how management competence affects profitability of a firm. according to the rbt, a company's competitive advantage lies in the sum of its parts, including its assets, capabilities, talents, and other non-financial resources (tailab, 2014). both financial and non-financial resources are taken into account as contributing factors to a firm’s ability in generating profit. non-financial resources that comprises managerial competence, refers to the ability to optimize the existing professional and physical resources to effectively and efficiently generate the desired profit levels for the firm. scholars have used this theory (dioha et al., 2018; lazăr, 2016) to examine the connection between non-financial indicators and performance in a variety of settings. in this research, we use the rbt to investigate the impact of management skills on firm profitability in tanzania. method this study employed a quantitative research design, a methodology which enables the gathering, analyzing, and interpreting the data using quantitative techniques (creswell & plano clark, 2018). quantitative data analysis was chosen due to its efficacy in elucidating the relationships between variables (bryman, 2016). this approach has also been utilized by numerous researchers (chandrapala & knápková, 2013; dioha et al., 2018; omondi & muturi, 2013) mainly due to its proficiency in establishing links between two variables model specification and analysis the panel regression model was employed to examine the impact of managerial competence elements on the profitability of firms listed on the dar es salaam stock exchange. the data set utilized in this research (panel data) was ideally compatible with this model and was expected to yield legitimate results. the model was selected following the footsteps of previous researchers who have used similar approaches in their researches. given that the dependent variable is numerical, it was deemed appropriate to use the model in this study. the panel regression model and its associated variables are depicted in equation (i)𝑅𝑂𝐴𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑚𝑐𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝑠𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽4𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑡 + +𝛽5𝑓𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽6𝑓𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑖𝑡 + 𝑓𝑑𝑖 + 𝑡𝑑𝑡 +𝜀𝑖𝑡………………………………………………… (i) in the provided equation, the dependent variable is represented by 𝑅𝑂𝐴. the constant is denoted by 𝛽0 , while the coefficients 𝛽1 𝑡𝑜 𝛽8 represent coefficients of a set of independent variables (such as management competence, firm leverage, sales growth, dividend payout, firm size, and firm age). the variable that signified a firm-specific effect that doesn't change over time was the firm dummy (𝑓𝑑𝑖), while a variable that signified a time-specific effect that varies over time was time dummy (𝑡𝑑𝑡 ). the error term is represented by ; 𝜀 and it was assumed to be a white noise. the variables i and t represent firm and time units respectively. to verify the robustness of the results, the pooled ordinary least squares technique (pols) was implemented and was executed with three estimations, labeled as 1, 2, and 3. this involved the an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 495 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting exclusion of control variables to ascertain whether or not the results were in line with those of the baseline model (fixed effect). data type and source the study gathered panel data on return on assets (roa, the dependent variable), managerial competence (the independent variable), and various control variables including leverage, sales growth, dividend pay-out, firm size, and firm age. this data was sourced from the audited annual reports of companies listed on the dse. the panel data from all locally listed firms for the period spanning of 2006 to 2022 were collected. panel data was chosen because of its distinct advantages: it is highly informative, offers more variability, reduces collinearity, and has a higher degree of freedom and efficiency. additionally, it can detect and measure effects that are not easily identified through cross-sectional and time series dimensions, leading to more reliable and generalized outcomes (batchimeg, 2017). the data from 2006 onwards were used as this was the year when electronic data records began for listed firms in accordance with the company ordinance. it's also the same year that dse started maintaining electronic data. additionally, this year marked the start of compliance with the international financial reporting standards by listed firms, which were introduced in 2004. thus, for this research, the collected data for each year spanned from january to december sampling and sample size a census method was employed to select a comprehensive sample of 21 local trading companies that had been officially listed by the end of the year 2022. the rationale was due to the limited number of firms listed on the dse. if the sample size was reduced, it would have compromised the accuracy and reliability of the results. thus, all 21 firms were included in the analysis for this research. measurement of variables the measurement of firm profitability in this study was through the utilization of return on assets (roa). this choice was made due to roa being an accounting performance metric that effectively assesses a company's capacity to generate profits by efficiently utilizing its available resources. as a result, it serves as a valuable indicator of managerial competence in the realm of profitability (liargovas and skandalis, 2010). other studies (mwenda et al., 2023), employed roa in determining firm profitability. table 1 presents the measurement of each variable and the expected signs. table 1: explanation of variables and expected signs parameters of study descriptive name definition of quantification anticipated sign target parameter roa return on asset profit before tax divided by total assets expressed as a percentage +/ explanatory parameter an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 496 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting mc management competence profit before tax divided by the number of professionals with degrees.* + control firmlev firm leverage total debt to equity (debt/equity ratio) + sgrowth sales growth current year's sales minus previous year's sales divided by previous year's sales + divpay dividend payout dichotomous variable: 1 for some dividend, 0 for none + fsize firm size natural logarithm of total assets +/ fage firm age number of years since incorporation until the study period +/ the study focuses on the pre-tax profits from each year between 2006 and 2022. the count of degree-holding professionals remains constant throughout these years, assuming the firm has been listed during this period. it's presumed that any changes during these years are minor and have minimal or no impact. anyone classified as professionals have to meet two requirements. firstly, they must have a university degree. secondly, they must either have direct control or be part of the management team, as previously defined by skandalis et al., in 2008. diagnostic tests regression analysis is done under the guidance of necessary conditions that guarantee the validity and precision of the results. as a result, these circumstances were investigated before doing the study. according to (nwanna & ivie, 2017) important assumptions include normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation which were all evaluated in order to meet the criteria of regression analysis in this study. normality for classical linear regression to produce the best unbiased estimates the residuals must be assumed to have a normal distribution. data with a normal distribution should have 0 skewness, an acceptable range of -1.0 to +1.0, and a kurtosis range of -3.0 to 3.0. the results shown in table 7 demonstrates that all variables are within the acceptable ranges for both skewness and kurtosis to confirm the assumption of normality. multicollinearity test a matrix of pair-wise correlations between variables and correlation coefficients of these variables was used to investigate multicollinearity. correlation coefficients often reflect the strengths and linear relationship lies between the two variables. while they should not be highly associated, their value does not fully reflect their connection. the assumption of multicollinearity is met when correlation coefficients between variables lie between the ranges of +0.9 or -0.9. in absolute terms, the correlation coefficients in table 2 were determined to be within the required ranges of +0.9 or -0.9. conclusion was reached that there was a lack of multicollinearity among the variables included in the multiple regression model used for this study. an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 497 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 2: pair-wise correlation matrix of the explanatory variables roa levera ge sales growth divid end payout manageri al competen ce firm size firm age roa 1 leverage 0.2955 1 sales growth 0.0094 -0.0539 1 dividend payout 0.5451 -0.0627 -0.2134 1 managerial competence 0.4824 -0.5563 -0.0348 0.4178 1 firm size 0.4286 -0.4198 0.0543 0.1764 0.7736 1 firm age 0.4671 -0.4073 -0.0624 0.1208 0.1841 -0.0413 1 furthermore, variance inflation factors (vifs) were used to assess multicollinearity. that claims independent variables have multicollinearity if the inverse of the vif value is less than 0.1 or if the vif is more than 10. table 3: variance inflation factor (vif) for multicollinearity test table 3 shows that none of the variables confers to multicollinearity since the inverse values of the vif are more than 0.1. heteroskedasticity test in this study, the researchers employed the breusch-pagan/cook-weisberg test to assess heteroskedasticity in panel data, as illustrated in table 4. the null hypothesis for this test indicates that the error variance remains constant (homoskedastic). 𝐻𝑜: constant variance table 4: breusch-pagan / cook-weisberg test for heteroskedasticity return on assets (roa) chi2(1) 6.31 prob > chi2 0.6542 for the roa model, the breusch-pagan test yielded a p-value of 0.6542 and a chi-square value of 6.31. at a 5% level, the chi-square probability was statistically significant. since there was no evidence of heteroskedasticity in the study's data, the null hypothesis (h0) of constant variance was not rejected (p-value 0.05). variables management competence firm size firm age leverage dividend payout sales growth vif 3.41 3.52 1.53 1.70 1.36 1.05 1/vif 0.2632 0.2721 0.5024 0.5174 0.6151 0.8204 an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 498 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting auto-correlation test the wooldridge test was used in this work to assess auto-correlation, as shown in table 5. the results showed that roa had a p-value of 0.2421 and an associated f-statistic value of 1.213. this test's null hypothesis assumed that the data lacked first-order auto-correlation. 𝐻𝑜: no first-order auto-correlation table5: wooldridge test for auto-correlation in panel data return on assets (roa) f(1,18) 1.213 prob > f 0.2421 the p-value for the roa results was 0.2421, higher than the chosen alpha threshold of 0.05 (pvalue 0.05). as a result, the null hypothesis that there was no serial correlation rejected, indicating that all relevant variables had been taken into account for the study and that the model had the proper functional form. hausman test to decide whether to utilize the fixed effect (fe) or random effect (re) model, the hausman specification test was used. the fe model implies that these mean scores are fixed, whereas the re model assumes that the group's mean scores are picked at random from the population. according to the hausman null hypothesis there is no systematic difference between the coefficients. the alternative hypothesis (fixed effects would be consistent and efficient) was accepted in the case of the roa model test because the reported p-value of 0.0124 was lower than the chosen alpha level of 0.05 (table 6). this resulted in the rejection of the null hypothesis (random effects would be consistent and efficient). 𝐻𝑂: difference in coefficients is not systematic table 6: hausman test for fixed effects model return on equity (roe) chi2(8) 13.61 prob >chi2 0.0124 the fixed effect model was deemed appropriate in light of the results of this investigation because the prob > chi2 value was 0.0124, which is lower than the 0.05 alpha level used. in order to analyse the effects of managerial competence on firm profitability of listed enterprises, the study used the fe model as a foundation. results and discussions descriptive statistics on managerial competence, profitability and control variables by displaying the descriptive statistics for the research variables, this part provides a thorough overview of the variables and aids in understanding their behaviour. the mean and the minimum, maximum, and standard deviations were used as indices of central tendency and dispersion respectively. table 7 provides an overview of the estimated descriptive statistics. an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 499 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 7: descriptive statistics summary of dependent and independent variables variable ob s mean std. dev min max skewnes s kurtosis roa 265 13.1732 24.0152 -103.77 60.15 -0.3243 2.2325 leverage 265 0.4723 0.5424 0.0170 3.5144 -0.5364 2.1510 sales growth 265 0.6343 8.6343 -0.7651 101.414 1 0.4273 2.2110 dividend pay-out 265 0.5422 0.4712 0 1 -0.3732 1.1342 managerial competence 265 13.6622 4.2721 3.7423 18.8432 0.1861 2.2151 firm size 265 7.5670 1.2043 3.4634 10.2455 0.2364 2.0652 firm age 265 24.5541 16.1702 0 69 0.8836 2.0353 descriptive statistics from table 7 shed light on how the study variables such as roa, leverage, sales growth, dividend pay-out, managerial competence, firm size, and firm age behaved. the data were generated from 265 observations that cover 21 companies between the year 2006 and 2021. the profitability of various businesses showed significant variation with a mean of 13.1732 and a standard deviation of 24.0152 for roa. the distribution characteristics of the roa values are further highlighted by the skewness of -0.3243 indicating that there is a higher concentration of firms with roa values below the mean. since roa measures efficient utilization of assets to generate profit, this is an indication that a large proportion of firms in dse may not be efficient in utilizing their assets to generate average profits event though the kurtosis value for roa of 2.2325 indicates that the majority of the firms' profitability is concentrated not far from the mean value. leverage among listed companies had a mean value of 0.4723 which shows that businesses finance around 47.23% of their assets through borrowing (debt) with equity accounting for the remaining 52.77%. the standard deviation of 0.5424 indicates that there is a wide range in the firms’ levels of leverage. given that the distribution of leverage values is negatively skewed. a skewness of 0.5364 indicating a higher concentration of businesses with leverage values that are below the mean indicating a modest borrowing rate. this could be an indication that businesses have various strategies, risk tolerances, or financing availability, all of which could affect their overall risk appetite and the desire for leverage. with as low as -0.7651 and a maximum of 101.4141, sales growth had a mean of 0.6343 and a standard deviation of 8.6343 indicating a considerable dispersion with some firms seeing negative growth and others seeing astounding increase of in sales. the large variation in sales growth rates among the businesses as indicated by the standard deviation of 8.6343 , could possibly be the result of the differences in the industries, market conditions, level of competition or other factors that can hardly be comprehended at the time of publishing this paper. however there is higher an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 500 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting concentration of businesses with sales growth rates above the mean as indicated by the positive skewness of 0.4273. with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1, the dividend pay-out had a mean of 0.5422 and a standard deviation of 0.4712. implying that, 54% of firms in the dataset distribute portion of their earnings as dividends to shareholders, with some variation in the pay-out. the distribution of dividend pay-out values is further described by the skewness of -0.3732 and kurtosis of 1.1342. a minimum score of 3.7423 and a maximum score of 18.8432 were displayed for managerial ability, with a mean of 13.6622 and a standard deviation of 4.2721. since the mean is close to the maximum value, it can be conferred that on average, firms have managerial staffs that are highly competent. the distribution of managerial skill levels among the enterprises is shown by the slight skewness of -0.1861 which indicates a few firms might have managerial competence levels which are below average. the kurtosis of 2.2151 shows that the majority of managerial competence is clustered around and slightly over the average competence value, which indicates a few firms with exceptional managerial competence levels. firm size had a mean of 7.5670, a standard deviation of 1.2043, and values as low as 3.4634 and as high as 10.2455. additional details on the distribution of business sizes are provided by the skewness of -0.2364 and kurtosis of 2.0652, and when taken together with the mean, it can be conferred that the majority of the firms in the dse are of moderate size with many of them clustered close but below the mean value. firm age ranged from 0 to 69, with a mean value of 24.5541suggesting that the majority of firms in the data set have been in operation for a relatively long period of time. a standard deviation of 16.1702 indicates that there is a relatively high level of dispersion or variability in the ages of the firms in the sample with some firms being much older or younger than others. the distribution of firm ages among the listed firms is shown by the skewness of 0.8836 and the kurtosis of 2.0353 which indicate that there are relatively older firms in the sample than younger firms and they are clustered close yet above the average age value. regression results and discussion on managerial competence and firm profitability regression analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of managerial skill on the profitability of listed firm using the fixed effect (fe) model. table 8 presents a summary of the findings based on the three baseline model estimations denoted 1, 2, and 3 in table 8. the three models were tested to gauge the effect of the control variables in the results of the model. model 1 incorporated all the variables , while in model 2 and 3, some of the variables were dropped to see if the effect of managerial competence on profitability would still be significant even in their absences. table 8: baseline model on management competence and firm profitability variables 1 2 3 firm leverage 9.6779*** 9.3776*** 10.8014*** (3.360) (3.363) (3.206) an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 501 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting sales growth 1.0540*** 1.0540*** 1.0680*** (0.123) (0.124) (0.110) dividend pay-out 6.0739** 6.7701** 5.5028** (2.781) (2.870) (2.710) management competence 1.1410** 1.7989*** 1.2650*** (0.46) (0.44) (0.408) firm size 3.9801* 3.8113* (2.0591) (2.080) firm age 0.2220** 0.2640*** (0.086) (0.083) firm dummy yes yes yes time dummy yes yes yes constant 7.4042 22.4222 13.1908 (29.081) (28.123) (10.377) number of firms 21 21 21 standard errors in parentheses key: * significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1% table 8 displaying the findings from three fixed effects (fe) regression models examined how management competence affects a company's profitability as determined by return on assets. the fe model was used so as to account for time-invariant, unobserved firm characteristics. in this case, managerial competence should ideally exhibit changes across time. from table 8, it can be observed that management competence variable positively and significantly affects profitability (roa) at the 95% confidence level across the three models. this suggests that raising managerial competence raises business profitability. all models of standard errors are fairly low, giving an indication that the estimates are accurate. the results aligns with the resource-based theory used in this study which holds that a firm's distinct and priceless resources and skills are what provide a competitive edge, thus it enhanced profitability. a key resource in this study is management competency. highly competent managers are more likely to have the necessary information, skills and aptitudes to efficiently distribute and use resources, make wise choices, and adjust to the ever-changing market conditions. higher degrees of management competences increases the likelihood that the management team will successfully use and leverage the firm's resources to increase profits. it is arguably true that an increase in management competence has the potential to dramatically increase the business profitability. this is partly because managers play a key role in an organization's overall functioning, since they constantly make decisions that have a significant influence on its future direction. by maximizing resource allocation, establishing a positive work atmosphere, and making well-informed choices, competent managers have the ability to build a successful and profitable firm (kazibudzki, 2023). when management competence develops, there is a higher chance for more informed decisions that allow the organization to thrive in the long run. competent managers have the skills and knowledge required to allocate resources appropriately, ensuring that the appropriate resources are assigned to the appropriate tasks at the an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 502 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting appropriate time. this effective resource allocation boosts production and contributes to higher profitability. furthermore, a stronger capability for risk management inside the company may be attributed to higher managerial expertise. competent managers are proficient at putting into practice effective risk mitigation measures and have a keen grasp of various risks and issues the firm may face. this proactive risk management approach decreases the possibility of expensive failures and boost firm profitability. when risks are reduced and workers are motivated and interested in their work, employee morale goes up. this boost in morale leads to higher output, which has a direct effect on the amount of profit the company makes. inspired workers who are driven by their own needs tend to go above and beyond standards and deliver increased output. another angle of enhanced profitability due to managerial competence may arise from customer satisfaction. competent managers are adept at discovering and comprehending the demands and preferences of their target market . firms may nurture a loyal client-based business and achieve better levels of customer satisfaction by properly meeting their demands. customers that are satisfied are more inclined to repurchase, suggest the company to others, and contribute to improved sales and profitability (jin et al., 2022). an informed and educated decision making is required to effectively meet consumer’s expectations and demands . competent managers can obtain and evaluate relevant data, allowing them to make well-informed decisions crucial to meet customers’ satisfaction. lastly, it can be summarized that with good management, the firm is more likely to have highquality internal control mechanisms and better company governance instituted in place. competent managers are likely to put in place solid systems and procedures to assure the organization's openness, accountability, and ethical behaviour. as a result, this improves overall organizational efficiency and protects against fraudulent or mismanaged actions fostering long term profitability. robustness check on managerial competence and profitability a pooled ordinary least squares (pols) regression was used as an alternative baseline model to confirm the consistency and trustworthiness of the data obtained from the fixed effect model. pols was chosen because of its broad use in researching firm profitability and its constant track record of producing satisfying results. furthermore, pols is a straightforward and suitable approach for estimating relationships in econometric models like the one used in this work. the same variables as in the baseline model were used, the dependent variable was the return on assets (roa), functioned as a measure of firm profitability. management competence was the independent variable while dividend payout, sales growth, leverage, firm size and age were the control variables. the results of the pols regression analysis are then reported in table 9. an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 503 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 9: analysis of effect of managerial competence on firm profitability by using pols variables 1 2 3 firm leverage 13.9946*** 11.6527*** 14.1414*** (3.522) (3.621) (3.544) sales growth 1.0534*** 1.0483*** 1.0544*** (0.133) (0.134) (0.137) dividend pay-out 7.9821*** 8.2360*** 6.8023** (2.764) (2.950) (2.858) management competence 2.1702*** 1.5032*** 2.1855*** (0.422) (0.477) (0.713) firm size 3.8208* 3.7291* firm age (2.092) 1.3043*** (2.063) 1.2203*** (0.329) (0.257) firm dummy yes yes yes time dummy yes yes yes constant -33.2194*** -17.7147** -44.2609*** (7.146) (8.899) (16.889) number of firms 21 21 21 standard errors in parentheses key: * significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, *** significant at1%. the findings clearly show that the factors of statistically significant impact on firm profitability in the baseline model also had a statistically significant impact on firm profitability when assessed using the pols technique. as indicated in table 8, the similarity of findings between the two models improves the robustness of the results obtained. as a result, these data provide compelling evidence to reject the null hypothesis. conclusions this study looked at the effect of managerial competency on the profitability of firms listed on the dse. the study findings demonstrated a favourable relationship between management competency and profitability for publicly traded enterprises. it is quite likely that organizations with competent management teams will be more likely to achieve profitability. competent managers have the abilities and expertise required to efficiently utilize the resources available to them, hence increasing the firm's total profitability. the capacity to make educated financial judgments is an important part of good management. competent managers understand the purpose of borrowing and when and how to get essential finance through borrowing. they can also identify the types of individuals who will contribute an empirical study of the effect of managerial competence on firm profitability mwenda, ngollo, and mwasota 504 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting favorably to the firm's overall objectives and put in place strategic initiatives targeted at growing the firm's sales volume, which has an impact on profitability. when all of these aspects are adequately-controlled, businesses are more likely to run smoothly and profitably. it can, therefore, be conclusively argued that management competence positively and significantly affect firm profitability. the researchers make the following suggestions based on the insights generated from the output of this research. given the favourable influence of management competence on profitability, it is recommended that the owners of the firms thoroughly analyse potential managers' competencies and credentials before allocating managerial duties. additionally, it is critical to properly investigate and evaluate the managerial candidates. competent managers may successfully mix financial and non-financial resources to boost overall corporate profits. as a result, hiring a competent management team is likely to have a beneficial impact on the firm's profitability. shareholders should strive to reduce the risk of choosing managers who lack the requisite abilities to maximize the firm's profitability by performing due diligence in the selection process and emphasizing management competency. contribution of the paper and areas for further study the study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by focusing on the tanzanian market and examining the specific relationship between managerial competence and firm profitability in that particular context. it provides empirical evidence that managerial competence has a significant influence on firm profitability and it highlights the importance of competent management in maximizing firm’s profitability. the resource-based theory study emphasizes the significance of non-financial resources including managerial capabilities in generating a competitive advantage and enhancing profitability. additional areas for research in this field of study might be to examine the specific aspects of managerial competence and how they influence profit. such study provides a glimpse of which managerial competence has the greatest effect on firm profitability. industrial or sectoral comparisons could be carried out. it is possible that different industries have distinctive traits that affect the association between managerial competence and profitability. examining different industrial settings and traits might make the results more generalized. lastly a qualitative research can be employed to provide a better comprehension of the ways in which management competency influences profitability. the experiences, viewpoints and tactics of managers in regard to profitability might be captured via qualitative methods like interviews or case studies, hence, these can offer further insights on the subject matter. references ajanthan, a. 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has already launched two tax amnesties between 2016 and 2022, yet there have been no comprehensive studies to evaluate long term compliance impact of the amnesties in indonesia. this study aims to evaluate the impact of repeated tax amnesties in indonesia from a tax compliance perspective. it focuses on the medium to long-term effects and uses income tax revenue as a variable to measure tax compliance. the research methods employed in the study are both qualitative and quantitative, allowing for a comprehensive examination of the topic. one important aspect of the study is the use of time series analysis with an arima model to analyse the income tax revenue. this analysis helps in understanding the trends and patterns in income tax revenue over time and allows for the identification of any significant changes or impacts caused by the tax amnesties. the findings in this study align with other previous research, which indicate that tax amnesty does not affect long-term tax revenue and may adversely influence medium to long-term compliance. it can also cause a decline in short-term compliance, particularly when taxpayers expect repeated amnesties. keywords: tax amnesty, tax compliance, income tax revenue, time series analysis, arima this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction there are several driving factors as well as goals of tax amnesty. the main factors and goals of tax amnesty are increasing short, medium, and long-term tax revenue, broadening taxpayers base, and ultimately improving tax compliance (baer & le borgne, 2008)(damayanti et al., 2020). from those factors, the majority of tax scholars agree that tax amnesty increases short-term tax revenue. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 386 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting however, some studies show that tax amnesties do not affect medium and long-term revenue, let alone improving tax compliance (sabnita, 2019). tax amnesty is indeed a contentious issue amongst policymakers and tax scholars. on one side, it is perceived to be an effective tool to raise short term revenue(alm & beck, 1990) (baer & le borgne, 2008) (sabnita, 2019). on the other side, it is often regarded as unfair policy because it accommodates and treats tax evaders, including tax criminals, with much lower tax burden compared to compliant taxpayers. furthermore, tax amnesty can also be viewed as weaknesses of tax administration and law enforcement from the perspective of the tax authority (pohan et al., 2019). many countries, even in provincial or state level, have implemented tax amnesty in various forms (baer & le borgne, 2008) (sabnita, 2019) from the perspective of short-term revenue, some countries can be classified as successful and some other are the opposite (baer & le borgne, 2008)(luitel & sobel, 2007). however, measuring tax amnesty only from this perspective can mislead the holistic triumph of the amnesty, which is incremental increase of taxpayers’ compliance. indonesia has experienced five times implementation of tax amnesty with different backgrounds, schemes and mechanisms (assidiki mauluddi & widyawati, 2022). the first amnesty had been applied before so called “tax reform 1983”, which was in 1964. the second was held in 1984, one year after the reform. the third had been implemented in 2008 and become a milestone of second-phase tax reform in indonesia. nevertheless, this third amnesty is well known as sunset policy and it has quite different features and scheme compared to other amnesties. the fourth and fifth had been applied in 2016 to 2017 and 2022. although, the last one refers to what is called “voluntary disclosure program”, but the scheme is basically similar with other amnesties. there is plethora of books and articles that explain, analyse, and describe tax amnesty. many of them discuss tax amnesty and its effect to tax compliance and revenue. however, to the best of my knowledge, hardly any of those discuss repeated tax amnesty in indonesia and its effect to medium and long-term revenue, which could be argued as prima facie evidence of tax compliance. many studies use survey to measure the compliance level of the taxpayer, which is conceivable, considering that taxpayers’ identity and data are classified. one approach of study to fathom tax compliance through its proxy, which is long-term revenue, such as conducted by james alm and william beck (1993) is very relevant. medium and long-term tax revenue is an appropriate figure to define taxpayer’s compliance level because it represents the ultimate goal of compliance, which is tax burden paid by the taxpayers. the approach is followed by some other studies with similar approach, such as conducted by gerger (2012) and villalba (2017). this study discusses brief history of tax amnesties in indonesia, measures and evaluates the effectivity of the two last amnesties in terms of increasing taxpayers’ compliance. measurement method of the amnesties’ effectivity is based on long-term revenue projection as a proxy of the compliance, similar with study conducted by alm and beck (1993). the revenue will be represented by income tax revenue instead of taxes revenue in a whole considering that commonly, the ransom in tax amnesty program is a substitution of income tax liability that should be paid in the past. the projection of income tax revenue will be created with time series analysis using arima model. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 387 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method qualitative and quantitative research method are used in this paper. the qualitative method will be used in the discussion and synthesis of previous research, brief history of tax amnesties in indonesia and statistical description of the three last amnesties. meanwhile, the quantitative method will be adopted in measurement and analysis of the three last amnesties in indonesia in terms of long-term income tax revenue as a proxy of tax compliance. the three last amnesties, which are implemented on 1 january 2008 to 28 february 2009, 1 july 2016 to 31 march 2017, and in 2022, are the basis of discussion in this paper considering that these three events are the most influential to the current compliance condition in indonesia. this paper is going to follow alm and beck (1993) method (time series analysis) using auto regressive integrated moving average (arima) model, which is designed with rstudio, to make a forecasting of income tax revenue. the arima model will be used to make a forecasting of income tax revenues from 2023 to 2042 and the observed income tax revenues as projection bases are from 2002 to 2022. nevertheless, since this study measures the long-term compliance with one variable through time series analysis, it might be followed by other studies providing other variables to assess the long-term impact of repeated amnesties. result and discussion 1. theoretical framework many studies of tax amnesties in various regions discuss tax amnesties and its effect on tax compliance, some other analyse amnesties in relation with tax revenue. nevertheless, there is a niche between those two main issues in amnesty, that is trying to connect tax amnesty and tax revenue as a projection of compliance. in the context of indonesia, the majority of tax amnesty’s research either designed purely using literature review or perceptive survey method. however, there are fewer studies analyse the effect of repeated tax amnesties, especially in indonesia. tax amnesty has three general features, which are specific or limited time of implementation, the target of this program is non-compliant taxpayers or tax avoiders, and the benefit for the participants is much lower tax burden (sometimes called ransom) than the normal tax rate as well as freedom from sanctions and legal prosecution (baer & le borgne, 2008) (gerger, 2012).the ultimate goal of those three features is to attract as many as possible existing non-compliant taxpayer to join the program and to be registered in the tax administration, therefore broadening tax base and increasing tax compliance. it is reasonable that the specific target of tax amnesty participants is partially or fully non-compliant taxpayers, because this group obtain the largest benefit of the amnesty compared to fully compliant taxpayers, who are suffering from unfair treatment (saraçoğlu & çaşkurlu, 2011)(gerger, 2012) (sayidah & assagaf, 2019). as mentioned earlier, tax amnesty has two dimensions of objectives, which are short to mediumterm goals and medium to long-term goals. the first dimension can be predicted and achieved relatively easy because the results are immediate and temporary in nature, such as generating significant amount of revenue, immediate responses from taxpayers who are previously unregistered or unidentified in the tax administration or partially compliant taxpayers who are already administered or registered but do not pay tax and/or submit tax return. the most difficult repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 388 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting part is achieving the medium to long-term goal, which is retaining and even improving tax compliance level that is already gained in the short-term period. the implementation of tax amnesties in various countries or states have different backgrounds or triggers. however, it could be argued that, like any other tax policies or measures, the ultimate objective of the amnesties is to increase the level of tax compliance or voluntary compliance. improving voluntary tax compliance, along with discussion of imposing tax itself, is an old subject (e hassan et al., 2021). the definition of tax compliance is simple, which is basically the degree of individual and other tax subjects’ ability and willingness to comply with or satisfying the tax laws (sarker, 2003)(james et al., 2002)(e hassan et al., 2021). furthermore, the definition of tax compliance contains two aspects which are formal compliance and material compliance. formal compliance relates to compliance of non-paying obligations in the tax laws, such as registration and on-time filing of tax return. meanwhile, material compliance relates to willingness to pay taxes in accordance with the tax laws. considering that the material compliance is basically represented by the amount of tax revenue, especially income tax, therefore measuring tax compliance using income tax revenue as a proxy is relevant. the approach that is trying to connect tax amnesty and tax revenue has been applied by alm and beck (1990) and then followed by a study to measure long run compliance using time series analysis as an effect of repeated tax amnesties (alm & beck, 1993). finding in the first paper is that amnesties may increase tax compliance and revenue if a taxpayer believes that paying taxes is an obligation and assumes that future amnesty will apply tougher enforcement than current amnesty (alm & beck, 1990). however, another possible argument is that the amnesty revenue will reduce current tax payment, especially if a taxpayer anticipates future amnesty with lax of penalty (alm & beck, 1990). meanwhile in the second paper, the finding is that tax amnesties will not have a significant effect on long-term compliance or tax revenue. even, the amnesties might cause lower or dropped tax revenue in subsequent years, unless it is followed with stronger penalty or enforcement. time series analysis is used in this paper with several reasons. first, the projection of future tax revenue in this paper is designed to make a conclusion whether tax amnesties will have a significant impact on medium to long-term tax compliance rather than to make accurate or precise future values of the revenue. therefore, past movements of a variable are enough to infer the future movements without considering other variables as causal factors (alm & beck, 1993). second, some research on tax amnesties in indonesia are designed using survey or experimental study to draw conclusions regarding level of compliance. however, in my view, this method is not suitable to measure the level of compliance due to reliability of the survey participant’s view including false information and comprehension of the participants and participants representativeness (herbert, 2013). arima model is a popular statistical method to analyse an interpret time-series data for making future prediction values. an arima model has three components which are autoregression (ar), integrated (i), and moving average (ma). the autoregression, denoted by “p”, means that the model shows that a changing variable is regressed on its prior values or lagged values. the integrated, denoted by “d” refers to the stationarity of the data which means that the time-series data has to be stationary by subtracting observed value and its previous values d times. the nonstationary data can be made stationary by differencing (box et al., 2016). moreover, the moving repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 389 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting average, denoted by “q”, indicates error of the model that uses previous forecast errors in regression-like model like model. the equation model of arima or sometimes referred as box-jenkins model as suggested by the components are as follows: 1) autoregressive model: 𝑌𝑡 = 𝛷0 + 𝛷 1𝑌𝑡−1 + 𝛷 2𝑌𝑡−2 + ⋯ + 𝛷 𝑝𝑌𝑡−𝑝 + 𝑒𝑡 where: 𝑌𝑡 = dependent variable 𝛷 = constant term 𝑌𝑡−1, 𝑌𝑡−2, 𝑌𝑡−𝑝 = the lag of y p = order of p 𝑒𝑡 = error term, which is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean of zero and constant variance. 2) moving average model: 𝑌𝑡 = 𝛼0 – 𝛼1𝑒𝑡−1 – 𝛼2𝑒𝑡−2 – 𝛼3𝑒𝑡−3 – ⋯ – 𝛼𝑞𝑒𝑡−𝑞 where: 𝑌𝑡 = dependent variable 𝛼 = constant term 𝑒𝑡−1, 𝑒𝑡−2, 𝑒𝑡−q = the lag of error q = order of q 𝑒𝑡 = error term, which is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean of zero and constant variance. 3) arima model: 𝑌𝑡 = 𝛷0 + 𝛷 1𝑌𝑡−1 + 𝛷 2𝑌𝑡−2 + ⋯ + 𝛷 𝑝𝑌𝑡−𝑝 + 𝑒𝑡 + 𝛼0 – 𝛼1𝑒𝑡−1 – 𝛼2𝑒𝑡−2 – 𝛼3𝑒𝑡−3 – ⋯ – 𝛼𝑞𝑒𝑡−𝑞 whereas “d” is order of differencing which is the number of differencing to make the data stationary (box et al., 2016). although, arima model can be highly accurate and reliable, but it has main drawback. the drawback is determining the parameters (p,d,q) can be a trial-and-error process and quite difficult. however, this disadvantage is no longer an exhaustion effort with the help of some statistical application, such as spss and rstudio. therefore, this study builds the arima model assisted with rstudio table 1 summarises some relevant previous studies other than study already mentioned concerning tax amnesty and tax compliance, especially in indonesia. table 1. previous reserach researcher year method conclusions james alm, michael mckee, william beck 1990 experimental study with 7 scenarios (sessions) and 9 hypotheses using various tests, such as mannoverall level of tax compliance drops after an amnesty, although the impact could be reduced with stiffer law enforcement. the combination of amnesty and enforcement is more effective in generating compliance repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 390 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting whitney non-parametric test than law enforcement alone (alm et al., 1990). hari sharan luitel, russel s. sobel 2007 regression analysis using a panel of quarterly data on tax revenue for the u.s. states over the 1980–2004 overall, when a state offers an amnesty for the first time, it significantly improves a short-run revenue during the amnesty period but then leads to a reduction in revenue in the long-run (luitel & sobel, 2007). ngadiman, daniel huslin 2015 perception survey, study at jakarta kembangan tax office, participant: 100 individual taxpayers, regression analysis sunset policy does not affect tax compliance, meanwhile tax amnesty and penalties affect tax compliance (ngadiman & huslin, 2015). miguel a. sanchez villalba 2017 analysis using expected utility theory (allingham & sandmo, 1972), data: sales tax revenue, gdp, and tax amnesties of tucuman province, argentina form may 1978 to september 1999 tax amnesties increase short-run revenue but do not affect long-term revenue (sanchez villalba, 2017). fany inasius, giri darijanto, engelwati gani, and gatot soepriyanto 2020 perception survey, participant: 410 selfemployed individual taxpayers (sme’s), regression analysis trust to the government significantly influences voluntary compliance but small negative effect to enforced compliance. government power is more important to voluntary than enforced compliance (inasius et al., 2020) ni putu riasning, anak agung bagus amlayasa, luh kade datrini 2021 experimental study, participant: 410 students, 2x2 factorial designs, involving two variables: knowledge of recurring amnesties and tax sanctions if taxpayers do not know that tax amnesty will be repeated, they tend to be more compliant. tax sanctions also play significant effect to the compliance level. these two joint variables affect tax compliance (riasning et al., 2021) bambang juanda, lukytawati anggraeni, puri mahestyanti, benny robby kurniawan 2022 experimental study uses factorial randomized block design (rakf) with five factors incorporating replication components: wealth, expectation, tariff periods, tax penalty, and audit wealthier taxpayer tends to not comply, tax penalties along with higher audit probabilities have significant impact on compliance. tax amnesty could reduce tax compliance, especially if it is repeated in the future.(juanda et al., 2022) source: author repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 391 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2. tax amnesties in indonesia 2.1. tax amnesty 1964 indonesia government first introduced tax amnesty back in 1964, during president soekarno’s government. according to presidential decree no. 5 year 1966 concerning tax amnesty regulation, the background of this policy included the following: 1) tax regime during this period was viewed too burdensome and cumbersome for the taxpayers, which motivated them to avoid tax obligations; 2) tax authority did not have sufficient capacity to collect taxes and enforce the law simultaneously in order to curb tax avoidance and evasion. before implementing amnesty, indonesian government had already released some tax relaxation policies by issuing presidential instructions no. instr. 2/kotoe year 1962 and no. instr. 6/kotoe year 1962. the policy is somewhat similar to tax amnesty which, in brief, provided that any income invested or distributed to productive business activities would be free from legal prosecution or tax audits. however, these policies were less effective and were followed by the amnesty program(jatmiko, 2022). there is no detailed information regarding the effective date of this amnesty implementation. however, initially the programme was offered until 16 august 1965 and then extended until 30 november 1965 (setiyono, 2018) surprisingly, according to law no. 12 year 1966 concerning determination of the master budget and supplements and amendments of state budget of 1965, this amnesty was reported successfully collected more than 200% from the target revenue. the target was set at an amount of rp50.000.000.000,00 with an estimated unreported income from shadow economy of around rp500.000.000.000,00. meanwhile, the realised amnesty revenue was reported at rp121.562. 638.000,00 with estimated unreported income from shadow economy ranging from rp1.,00 to rp1.600.000.000.000,00. from this experience, it can be concluded that the first amnesty boosted short-term revenue, meanwhile there is no further information or data related to post-amnesty revenue or tax compliance. 2.2. tax amnesty 1984 the second amnesty was held in 1984 during president soeharto's presidency and marked the first indonesian tax reform, which involved a shift from an official assessment to a self-assessment system. this amnesty was based on presidential decree no. 26 of 1984 concerning tax amnesty and was initiated on april 18, 1984, less than four months after the implementation of new tax laws as part of the tax reform. in the 1980s, revenue from oil resources served as the backbone of the state budget. however, after the decline in oil prices starting from 1982, the government realised that oil revenue alone was no longer sufficient to sustain the state's finances. this condition prompted the optimization of tax revenue as the new main source of state income. tax amnesty 1984 along with tax reform was a part of government’s effort to improve tax revenue. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 392 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting according to the decree, the main objective of the policy was to enhance the participation of society in the country's financing and development through a new tax system based on the integrity and transparency of taxpayers. consequently, the government expected that the amnesty would improve the long-term compliance of taxpayers. there is not much information or data available regarding this amnesty; however, some studies suggest that it was not successful in the short term, despite lasting for more than one year and ending on june 30, 1985 (jatmiko, 2022). it only raised 67.8 billion rupiah, consisting of 45,6 billion rupiah from 182.114 individual taxpayers and 22,2 billion rupiah from 22.748 corporate taxpayers (jatmiko, 2022). 2.3. tax amnesty (sunset policy) 2008 this policy cannot be fully compared to typical tax amnesty for two main reasons: 1) this policy is essentially an exemption of tax sanctions for unpaid or insufficient payment of income tax. therefore, there is no specific law or regulation serving as a basis for amnesty. this means that taxpayers did not have a chance to pay a lower tax amount, as is the case with typical amnesty programs that replace the regular income tax rate with a lower ransom tariff. 2) there is no protection from tax legal prosecution after this policy has been terminated, although there is a guarantee that tax audits will not be performed. however, the objectives of this policy are similar to tax amnesty in general. hence, this paper considers the policy as “partial tax amnesty”. initially, based on article 37a of law no. 28 year 2007 concerning third amendment of law no. 6 year 1983 concerning general provisions and tax procedures this programme was implemented from 1 january 2008 to 31 december 2008. nevertheless, it was extended until 28 february 2009 (government regulation in lieu of law of the republic of indonesia, 2008). table 2. results of sunset policy description sunset policy period total 1 jan to 31 dec. 2008 1 jan to 28 feb 2009 additional taxpayers 3.545.076 2.090.052 5.635.128 annual tax return submission 556.194 248.620 804.814 income tax revenue (in trillion rupiah) 5,56 1,9 7,46 source: dgt annual report 2009 (all figures using indonesian format) the achievement of sunset policy in 2008 also supported the achievement of tax revenue collected by dgt in 2008. it was recorded that the tax revenue realisation is 571,10 trillion rupiah, surplus around 37 trillion rupiah from the target. therefore, this policy is regarded as a successful effort to boost short-run revenue. however, after this triumphant, in 2009, the tax revenue experienced low growth which was merely 1,10% from 2008, with total amount 577,39 trillion rupiah tax amnesty 2016. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 393 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting this fourth amnesty was another full tax amnesty program since 1984. aside from government need to collect higher revenue, the main driver of this amnesty was an indication that there were around 11.000 trillion rupiah offshore assets belong to or related to indonesian residents’ or entities’ (cabinet secretariat of the republic of indonesia, 2016). the government alleged that those assets have not been reported or even paid taxes and they have a plan to push this capital in order to spur indonesian economy. for this reason, the government set ransom tariffs for repatriated assets or funds same with domestic assets declaration. meanwhile, declaration of offshore assets without repatriation are imposed with twofold higher tariffs compared with repatriated assets or funds and domestic assets. nevertheless, there are special tariffs for taxpayers with maximum turnover 4,8 billion rupiah in one year (micro, small, and medium enterprises/msme) this programme was divided in three periods, which are from 1 july to 30 september 2016, 1 october to 31 december 2016, and lastly from 1 january to 31 march 2017. each period has different ransom tariff. ransom tariffs for repatriated assets or funds and declaration domestic assets are 2%, 3%, and 5% of the asset’s amount respectively. whereas, ransom tariffs for declaration of offshore assets are 4%, 6%, and 10% of the asset’s amount respectively. moreover, the tariff for msme are 0,5% for taxpayers with the declared assets not more than 10 billion rupiah and 2% for taxpayers with the declared asset above 10 billion rupiah. the forgiven period of this amnesty was from 1985 to 2015, therefore it did not protect the years after 2015. table 3. results of tax amnesty 2016 types of taxpayers participants ransom (trillion rp) declared assets (trillion rp) onshore repatriation offshore 1. individual msme 322.189 7,81 823,81 2,13 42,26 2. individual nonmsme 413.904 91,36 2.250,84 119,01 961,61 3. corporate msme 111.415 0,96 86,98 0,01 0,62 4. corporate nonmsme 125.918 14,68 539,17 25,56 32,27 total 973.426 114.54 3.700,80 146,70 1.036,76 grand total 4.884,26 source: dgt annual report 2017 (all figures using indonesian format) the achievement of this amnesty in short-run was remarkable, even it was claimed as tax amnesty with the highest revenue as well as declared assets (primadhyta, 2016). however, the achievement could not help dgt to attain tax revenue target in 2016 as well as 2017. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 394 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting notwithstanding, in my view, the achievement of this amnesty also reveals the weaknesses of tax administration and leniency of tax law enforcement in indonesia, hence there were massive tax avoidances and evasions that neither caught by the system nor received penalties. 2.4. tax amnesty (voluntary disclosure program) 2022 voluntary disclosure program (vdp) was implemented along with the enactment of new tax law regime, harmonisation of tax regulations. this amnesty was launched just after the effects of pandemic covid-19 had been declined. during pandemic, the government was in need of increase revenue to battle with the disease and its effect to the economy, in the meantime economic growth experienced contraction, even negative growth in 2020 (badan pusat statistik, 2022). therefore, it is understandable if indonesian government wanted to raise extra fund to finance expenditures and to boost economy post-pandemic. in theory, there is a different between vdp and tax amnesty which is typically vdp does not waive all tax liabilities in the past. nevertheless, in case of indonesia, the benefit received by the taxpayers are same with tax amnesty because vdp is basically the extension of tax amnesty in 2016 to 2017. tax amnesty in 2016 was designed to forgive tax avoidances and or evasions that were committed from 1985 to 2015, whereas vdp in 2022 was mainly designed to forgive tax avoidances and or evasions that were committed from 2016 to 2020. this programme was offered from 1 january 2022 to 30 june 2022 and it was classified in two policies, which were planned to target different participants. the first policy was offered only to ex-participants of tax amnesty 2016, hence this programme had captive participants. the limitation is explicable because it was designed to forgive tax burden from 1985 to 2015 in which the tax amnesty 2016 to 2017 applied. if this first policy offered to all taxpayers, it will even show weaknesses of tax law enforcement and hesitation of the government to take tougher action in tackling avoidance and evasion post-amnesty 2016. the second was offered only to individual taxpayers with forgiven period from 2016 to 2020, meaning that an individual taxpayer can participate in both policies. with these two designed policies, the tax authority wanted to distinguish this vdp to tax amnesty and refused this programme to be called tax amnesty second phase (anam, 2022). nevertheless, this study considers this programme is basically same with tax amnesty. first policy’s tariffs are offered with various schemes: 1) 6% of asset’s amount for onshore declared assets and or repatriated assets so long as they are invested in renewable energy business and state’s securities; 2) 8% of asset’s amount for onshore declared assets and or repatriated assets; and 3) 11% of asset’s amount for offshore declared assets. on the other side, tariffs for second policy are quite high with the detail as follows: 1) 12% of asset’s amount for onshore declared assets and or repatriated assets so long as they are invested in renewable energy business and state’s securities; 2) 14% of asset’s amount for onshore declared assets and or repatriated assets; and 3) 18% of asset’s amount for offshore declared assets this programme was also regarded as successful in terms of short-term objective which is to raise immediate fund with total ransom 61,01 trillion rupiah, 247.918 participants, and total declared asset 594,84 trillion rupiah. the detail result of this amnesty are as follows: repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 395 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 4. results of vdp 2022 description policy i policy ii (only individual) individual corporate participants 78.389 4.067 225.603 ransom (in trillion rp) 31,38 1,53 28,10 grand total 61,01 declared assets onshore & repatriation (in trillion rp) 327,43 17,17 167,97 invested assets onshore & repatriation (in trillion rp) 15,11 1,15 6,10 declared assets offshore (in trillion rp) 37,98 0,77 21,16 total 380,52 19,09 195,23 grand total 594,84 source: directorate general of taxes (all figures using indonesian format) 3. analysis of compliance 3.1. formal compliance in general, formal compliance is a compliance level related to non-payment obligation of taxpayers based on the tax law. this study discusses two key figures in formal compliance which are the number of taxpayers registered in the tax system and annual income tax return filing as main indicators of formal compliance, before and after amnesties. although, from my perspective, formal compliance is not the essence of tax compliance but at the least it delivers complement insight of material compliance as the center of this analysis. table 5. number of taxpayers and annual tax return filing 2002 to 2021 year registered taxpayers (rt) effective taxpayers (et) noneffective taxpayers (nt) annual tax returns filed (atrf) δ et (%) δ atrf (%) atrf ÷ rt (%) atrf ÷ et (%) 2002 3.053.934 2.781.559 272.375 967.613 n/a n/a 31,68 34,79 2003 3.457.734 3.145.745 311.989 1.070.192 13,09 10,60 30,95 34,02 2004 3.845.171 3.528.857 316.314 1.182.437 12,18 10,49 30,75 33,51 2005 4.206.762 3.883.378 323.384 1.240.571 10,05 4,92 29,49 31,95 2006 4.668.458 4.083.536 584.922 1.278.290 5,15 3,04 27,38 31,30 2007 6.694.236 4.478.032 2.216.204 1.113.694 9,66 -12,88 16,64 24,87 2008 10.682.099 6.776.241 3.905.858 2.097.849 51,32 88,37 19,64 30,96 2009 15.911.576 10.389.590 5.521.986 5.413.114 53,32 158,03 34,02 52,10 2010 19.112.590 14.101.933 5.010.657 8.202.309 35,73 51,53 42,92 58,16 2011 22.319.073 17.694.317 4.624.756 9.332.626 25,47 13,78 41,81 52,74 repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 396 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2012 24.812.569 17.659.278 7.153.291 9.237.948 -0,20 -1,01 37,23 52,31 2013 28.002.205 17.731.736 10.270.469 9.967.904 0,41 7,90 35,60 56,22 2014 30.574.428 18.357.833 12.216.595 10.854.819 3,53 8,90 35,50 59,13 2015 33.313.655 18.159.840 15.153.815 10.975.909 -1,08 1,12 32,95 60,44 2016 36.398.089 20.165.718 16.232.371 12.256.401 11,05 11,67 33,67 60,78 2017 39.781.620 16.598.887 23.182.733 12.047.967 -17,69 -1,70 30,29 72,58 2018 42.536.341 17.653.046 24.883.295 12.551.444 6,35 4,18 29,51 71,10 2019 45.927.569 18.334.683 27.592.886 13.394.502 3,86 6,72 29,16 73,06 2020 49.845.432 19.006.794 30.838.638 14.755.255 3,67 10,16 29,60 77,63 2021 66.351.573 19.002.585 47.348.988 15.976.387 -0,02 8,28 24,08 84,07 source: annual report directorate general of taxes 2007-2021 (all figures using indonesian format) table 6. processed data of number of taxpayers and annual tax return filing 2002 to 2021 description tax amnesty 2008 tax amnesty 2016 tax amnesty 2022 2002-2007 2008-2021 2002-2015 2016-2021 2002-2021 �̅� rt 4.321.049 33.254.916 15.046.749 46.806.771 24.574.756 �̅� et 3.650.185 16.545.177 10.197.991 18.460.286 12.676.679 �̅� nt 670.865 16.709.738 4.848.758 28.346.485 11.898.076 �̅� atrf 1.142.133 10.504.602 5.209.663 13.496.993 7.695.862 �̅� δ et (%) 10,03 12,55 16,82 1,20 11,89 �̅�δ atrf (%) 3,23 26,28 26,52 6,55 20,22 �̅�atrf/rt (%) 27,82 32,57 31,90 29,39 31,14 �̅� atrf/et (%) 31,74 61,52 43,75 73,20 52,59 source: author’s calculation (all figures using indonesian format) table 5 depicts the number of registered taxpayers, effective taxpayers, non-effective taxpayers, growth of effective taxpayers, growth of annual tax returns filed, ratio of annual tax returns filed to registered taxpayers, and ratio of annual tax returns filed to effective taxpayers. meanwhile, table 6 contains average values of each item in table 5. the calculations of average values are divided into two periods: before and after the implementation of the last three amnesties, except for tax amnesty 2022, which only contains data for the before period due to unavailable data. non-effective taxpayers are basically a group of taxpayers who are exempted from the obligation of filing annual income tax returns and are usually not monitored by the directorate general of taxes (dgt). this condition usually arises when taxpayers earn income below the taxable threshold, do not submit tax returns for two consecutive years, or cannot be located by the dgt. this group contradicts the increasing number of registered taxpayers, indicating that the actual increase in taxpayers cannot be accurately represented by that number. instead, it is better reflected by the increase in effective taxpayers, who actively fulfill their tax obligations. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 397 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in terms of the number of registered taxpayers, the indonesian government has succeeded in rapid multiplication over a span of twenty years. the highest increase was observed from 2020 to 2021, with an astonishing number of 16.50.141 in just one year. this additional number did not come from the implementation of the tax amnesty conducted in 2022, which suggests that the remarkable surge was likely triggered by government tax incentives during the pandemic, which "forced" people to register as taxpayers in order to benefit from the incentives. on the other hand, there is a significant number of non-effective taxpayers each year. despite the staggering increase in registered taxpayers, the number of non-effective taxpayers also rocketed in 2021, with an additional 16.510.350 taxpayers. this constant increase has led to an alarming number of non-effective taxpayers, reaching 47.348.988 in 2021. this group of taxpayers does not contribute to formal and material tax compliance. as a result, there has been negligible growth in the number of effective taxpayers between 2011 and 2021, with a notable increase occurring only in 2016 when the tax amnesty was implemented. unlike the number of registered taxpayer as well as non-effective taxpayers, the number of effective taxpayers relatively fluctuated, especially since 2011. the ups and downs of effective taxpayers are relatively small, except in 2016, when significant increase of 2.005.878 taxpayers was observed compared to 2015. the highest number of effective taxpayers was also recorded in 2016, reaching 20.165.718 but it collapsed to 16.598.887 taxpayers in 2017, representing a decrease of around 17,69% from 2016. according to table 6, it is perceived at a glance that three tax amnesties improved the quantity of registered and effective taxpayers based on the average numbers, before and after the programmes took place. although, as aforementioned, the average number of non-effective tax was also increased. however, the average number of non-effective taxpayers also increased. upon examining the detailed figures for each year, it can be argued that the only amnesty that significantly contributed to the increase in registered and effective taxpayers was the tax amnesty in 2008. the additional taxpayers in other years were not affected by the amnesties but by other uninvestigated variables, as demonstrated by the highest increase in 2021 as discussed earlier. this view is supported by the fact that just after the implementation of the tax amnesty in 2016, the number of effective taxpayers. from the perspective of effective taxpayers increase, it can be inferred that the last three amnesties do not contribute significantly to the increase. only the amnesty in 2008 has quite significant impact to the increase along with other uninvestigated variables. overall, the filing of annual tax returns has shown steady growth, although there have been some anomalies. the tax authority experienced three periods of negative growth in the quantity of annual tax returns filed: -12,88% in 2007, -1,01% in 2012, and -1,70% in 2017. on the other hand, there were three remarkable periods of growth: 158,03% in 2009, 88,37% in 2008, and 51,53% in 2010. considering the successful implementation of the tax amnesty in 2008, it is plausible to attribute these successes to the effect of the tax amnesty or sunset policy. however, this finding contradicts the previous fact that during the amnesty, there was a slight decline in the quantity of annual tax returns filed in 2017. this suggests that tax amnesty may be harmful to the level of compliance, especially if there is an expectation of repeated tax amnesty. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 398 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 6 also shows that, based on the average number of growths in annual tax returns filed and the ratio of annual tax returns filed to registered taxpayers, the tax amnesty in 2008 can be viewed as successful in improving formal compliance. after the tax amnesty in 2008, the average increase in effective taxpayers and annual tax returns filed significantly improved, from 10.03% and 3.23% to 12.55% and 26.28%, respectively. on the contrary, when the tax amnesty was repeated in 2016 to 2017, it had a negative impact on formal compliance. this is evident from the sharp decline in the average percentage increase of effective taxpayers and annual tax returns filed after the tax amnesty in 2016 to 2017, from 16,82% and 26,52% to only 1,20% and 6,55%, respectively. moreover, the average percentage increase in annual tax returns filed after the tax amnesty in 2016 was even lower than the average before the tax amnesty in 2022. 3.2. material compliance 3.2.1. descriptive analysis material compliance refers to a level compliance relating to payment of tax liabilities. from my perspective, material compliance is the essence of tax compliance because it is the most burdensome obligation for taxpayers and the ultimate goal of tax imposition. tax payment can be particularly burdensome for taxpayers as it requires them to sacrifice a portion of their income or assets to fulfil this obligation. if taxpayers have already calculated their tax liabilities based on the law, there is little reason for them to ignore their formal compliance obligation. table 7. tax revenue and income tax revenue 2002 to 2022 (in billion rupiah) year income tax revenue (itr) income tax revenue – tax amnesty (itrta) δ itr (%) δ itrta (%) itr ÷ et δ itr ÷ et (%) 2002 101.873,50 101.873,50 n/a n/a 0,0366246 n/a 2003 115.015,60 115.015,60 12,90 12,90 0,0365623 -0,17 2004 134.903,80 134.903,80 17,29 17,29 0,0382288 4,56 2005 175.379,70 175.379,70 30,00 30,00 0,0451616 18,14 2006 208.833,99 208.833,99 19,08 19,08 0,0511405 13,24 2007 238.739,97 238.739,97 14,32 14,32 0,0533136 4,25 2008 327.498,00 321.938,00 37,18 34,85 0,0483303 -9,35 2009 317.615,00 315.715,00 -3,02 -1,93 0,0305705 -36,75 2010 357.045,00 357.045,00 12,41 13,09 0,0253189 -17,18 2011 431.122,00 431.122,00 20,75 20,75 0,0243650 -3,77 2012 465.069,60 465.069,60 7,87 7,87 0,0263357 8,09 2013 506.442,80 506.442,80 8,90 8,90 0,0285614 8,45 2014 546.180,90 546.180,90 7,85 7,85 0,0297519 4,17 2015 602.308,13 602.308,13 10,28 10,28 0,0331670 11,48 2016 666.212,40 562.555,04 10,61 -6,60 0,0330369 -0,39 2017 646.793,50 635.768,32 -2,91 13,01 0,0389661 17,95 2018 749.977,00 749.977,00 15,95 17,96 0,0424843 9,03 repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 399 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2019 772.265,70 772.265,70 2,97 2,97 0,0421205 -0,86 2020 594.033,33 594.033,33 -23,08 -23,08 0,0312537 -25,80 2021 696.676,60 696.676,60 17,28 17,28 0,0366622 17,31 2022 895.101,00 833.861,93 28,48 19,69 n/a n/a source: annual report directorate general of taxes 2007-2021 & central bureau of statistics (all figures using indonesian format) table 8. processed data of tax revenue and income tax revenue 2002 – 2022 description tax amnesty 2008 tax amnesty 2016 tax amnesty 2022 2002-2007 2008-2022 2002-2015 2016-2022 2002-2021 2022 𝒙 itr 162.457,76 571.622,73 323.430,57 717.294,22 432.699,33 895.101,00 𝒙 itr-ta 162.457,76 559.397,29 322.897,71 692.162,56 426.592,20 833.861,93 𝒙 δ itr (%) 18,72 10,10 15,06 7,04 11,40 28,48 𝒙 itr ÷ et 0,0435052 0,0313950 0,0362451 0,0320748 0,0365978 n/a 𝒙 δ itr ÷ et 8,00 -7,84 0,40 -11,82 1,18 n/a source: author’s calculation (all figures using indonesian format) i distinguished the term of income tax revenue into two terms which are income tax revenue with tax amnesty (itr) and income tax revenue without tax amnesty (itr-ta). the reason is to compare the results based on both concepts in order to conclude real impact of the amnesties to the revenue. besides, tax amnesty revenue in indonesia is considered as part of income tax revenue in the respective year. therefore, table 7 shows amount of income tax revenue and income tax revenue without amnesty revenue as a comparison. table 7 also contains income tax revenue per effective taxpayers and growth of the revenues. whereas, table 8 depicts the average values of each component in table 7 pre and post amnesty. table 7 shows that there are three periods experienced negative growth of itr which are -3,02% in 2009, -2,91% in 2017, and -23,08% in 2020. meanwhile, the negative growth of itr-ta was experienced in 2009, 2016, and 2020 account for -1,93%, -6,60%, and -23,08% respectively. surprisingly, 2009 and 2017 are the years when tax amnesties were being implemented. this fact aligns with the findings of alm and beck (1993) who noted that a decline in compliance can occur immediately after the amnesty takes place or in subsequent years. meanwhile, decline in 2020 happened due to covid-19 pandemic. the highest increase of itr as well as itr-ta, in terms of amount occurred in 2022, reaching almost 200 trillion rupiah. however, this remarkable increase did not come only from the amnesty but also from the soaring prices of some commodities and the implementation of other policies (ministry of finance, 2022). although, in terms of growth percentage, the highest growth occurred in 2008 when the third amnesty took place. although the trend of itr is upward, when we divide the revenue by the number of effective taxpayers as a rough illustration of income tax paid by each taxpayer, the results fluctuate significantly each year. some studies have found that tax amnesties adversely affect tax compliance levels in the future, and this study confirms those findings (alm et al., 1990) (alm & beck, 1993) (sanchez villalba, 2017). according to table 8, the average income tax paid by each taxpayer repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 400 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting before tax amnesties in both 2008 and 2016 is higher than after amnesties. the average growth of income tax per taxpayer also shows a similar trend, with higher growth rates observed before amnesties compared to after amnesties. in fact, the average growth rates after amnesties in 2008 and 2016 are recorded as negative. overall, income tax revenue with amnesty (itr) and income tax revenue without amnesty (itrta) has shown that tax amnesties indeed contribute in short-term run revenue. however, the negative impact of tax amnesties on the compliance level has been proved immediately after the programme took place. this fact is based on the amount of itr and itr-ta in 2009, 2016, 2017, and 2020. the negative impact is also suspected to exist long after the amnesty. one of the pieces of evidence is that when the amnesty was repeated in 2022, participants still showed interest, and the amount collected through the program was still significant. in an ideal condition, when most taxpayers have already complied, the amnesty would not collect a huge amount of revenue because taxpayers would not be interested. furthermore, the amount of income tax revenue per effective taxpayer each year also supports that assumption, because until 2022, the numbers are very fluctuating and the highest amount was recorded in 2007 at 0,0533136 billion rupiah and followed in 2006 at 0,0511405 billion rupiah. 3.2.2. projection result in this study, the projection results are compared between income tax revenue with (itr) and without amnesties revenue (itr-ta) in order to draw conclusions regarding the effect of amnesties on material compliance. the first step involves determining whether the data is stationary and, if not, determining the order of differencing. from the graph plot, it is obvious that the data is not stationary and it is confirmed with the same results of augmented dickey-fuller (adf) test of both data as follows: table 9. adf test of itr and itr-ta description type 1: no drift no tre nd type 2: with drift no tre nd type 3: with drift and trend itr lag adf p.value [1,] 0 2.12 0.989 [2,] 1 1.87 0.981 [3,] 2 2.97 0.990 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -0.142 0.931 [2,] 1 -0.258 0.915 [3,] 2 -1.117 0.642 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -3.354 0.0841 [2,] 1 -4.249 0.0146 [3,] 2 -0.621 0.9652 itr-ta lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -0.2756 0.556 [2,] 1 -0.0573 0.619 [3,] 2 0.2630 0.711 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -3.55 0.0171 [2,] 1 -3.37 0.0234 [3,] 2 -2.45 0.1682 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -3.49 0.0653 [2,] 1 -3.22 0.1080 [3,] 2 -2.27 0.4511 source: rstudio calculation from the table, the results cannot reject null hypothesis that the data is non-stationary because pvalue greater than 0.05. therefore, the data should be differenced to make it stationary. to determine differencing number, again the adf test is applied in rstudio and the results are the second order differencing for income tax revenue data (itr) and the first order for income tax revenue without amnesties revenues (itr-ta). repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 401 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 10. adf test of itr and itr-ta after differencing description type 1: no drift no tre nd type 2: with drift no tre nd type 3: with drift and trend itr (2nd diff) lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -2.54 0.014 [2,] 1 -4.05 0.010 [3,] 2 -2.77 0.010 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -2.40 0.1860 [2,] 1 -3.55 0.0173 [3,] 2 -14.31 0.0100 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -2.63 0.324 [2,] 1 -2.78 0.268 [3,] 2 -9.93 0.010 itr-ta (1st diff) lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -5.78 0.01 [2,] 1 -5.21 0.01 [3,] 2 -3.13 0.01 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -5.66 0.0100 [2,] 1 -5.13 0.0100 [3,] 2 -3.05 0.0455 lag adf p.value [1,] 0 -5.57 0.010 [2,] 1 -5.03 0.010 [3,] 2 -2.95 0.204 source: rstudio calculation after testing and determining the arima model based on the differencing results, the best model for itr is (0,2,1) and for itr-ta is (2,1,0). the results of standard normal distribution test (ztest), ljung-box test, and time series diagnostics of the residuals for both models are as follows: table 11. z-test of arima models description results of z-test coefficients arima (0,2,1) for itr estimate std. error z value pr(>|z|) ma1 -0.99999 0.14761 -6.7744 1.249e-11 *** -- signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 arima (2,1,0) for itrta estimate std. error z value pr(>|z|) ar1 -0.41619 0.19978 -2.0832 0.03723 * ar2 -0.41275 0.19689 -2.0963 0.03606 * -- signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 source: rstudio calculation from the results, it is evident that the coefficient of ma1, with an estimated value of -1.00000 in arima (0,2,1), is statistically significant at a significance level of 0.05. therefore, there is evidence to reject the null hypothesis. similarly, in arima (2,1,0), the coefficient of ar1 and ar2 with estimated values of -0.41619 and -0.41275, presents a strong argument to reject the null hypothesis. table 12. ljung-box test of arima models description results arima (0,2,1) for itr x-squared = 8.4672, df = 5, p-value = 0.1323 arima (2,1,0) for itr-ta x-squared = 0.66901, df = 5, p-value = 0.9846 source: rstudio calculation repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 402 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting figure 1. tsdiag results arima (0,2,1) arima (2,1,0) source: rstudio from the results of time series diagnostics and ljung-box test for both models, it is clear that the models can be used to generate projection or prediction values. the p-value of the model which are 0.1323 for arima (0,2,1) and 0.9846 for arima (2,1,0) suggest that there is no strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis, indicating that the model's fit to the data is reasonable. moreover, the residual correlogram also shows that the model fit to be applied. the final step is to predict the values of itr as well as itr-ta for the next 20 years (2023-2042). table 13. prediction values of itr and itr-ta 2023 – 2042 (in billion rupiah) year itr itr-ta pred lo 95 hi 95 pred lo 95 hi 95 2023 934.762 794.517 1.075.008 727.540 430.513 1.024.566 2024 974.424 771.419 1.177.428 672.626 328.686 1.016.567 2025 1.014.085 759.869 1.268.302 682.676 323.856 1.041.496 2026 1.053.747 753.889 1.353.604 701.159 298.416 1.103.902 2027 1.093.408 751.244 1.435.572 689.319 248.710 1.129.928 2028 1.133.069 750.825 1.515.314 686.618 222.082 1.151.153 2029 1.172.731 751.994 1.593.467 692.629 200.649 1.184.608 2030 1.212.392 754.352 1.670.432 691.242 171.092 1.211.391 2031 1.252.053 757.630 1.746.477 689.338 145.172 1.233.504 2032 1.291.715 761.637 1.821.793 690.703 123.278 1.258.128 2033 1.331.376 766.236 1.896.517 690.921 100.239 1.281.603 2034 1.371.038 771.323 1.970.752 690.267 77.678 1.302.855 2035 1.410.699 776.818 2.044.580 690.449 56.874 1.324.024 2036 1.450.360 782.658 2.118.062 690.643 36.509 1.344.777 repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 403 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2037 1.490.022 788.794 2.191.249 690.487 16.457 1.364.518 2038 1.529.683 795.185 2.264.181 690.472 -2.803 1.383.747 2039 1.569.345 801.798 2.336.891 690.543 -21.504 1.402.589 2040 1.609.006 808.606 2.409.406 690.519 -39.829 1.420.868 2041 1.648.667 815.584 2.481.750 690.500 -57.679 1.438.679 2042 1.688.329 822.715 2.553.942 690.518 -75.082 1.456.117 source: rstudio figure 2. projection graph projection of itr projection of itr-ta source: rstudio based on the information presented in table 13 and figure 2, we can conclude that the itr-ta for the next twenty years is expected to level off, while the itr is projected to increase. these results suggest that tax amnesties may not play a significant role in the future compliance and even might be harmful for future voluntary compliance of taxpayers, these findings are consistent with previous research conducted by alm and beck (1993)as well as villalba(2017). they also align with the earlier discussion in the descriptive analysis, which indicated a downward trend in the average growth of income tax per taxpayer following the tax amnesties in 2008 and 2016. moreover, the increases of itr in the subsequent years after amnesties are likely influenced by other variables such as economic growth, commodities prices, or other policies as discussed earlier. however, it is still possible that amnesties could have a more positive impact on compliance if the government demonstrates that the amnesty will not be repeated in the near future, the tax administration effectively detects tax avoidance, and stricter and consistent punishment for such avoidance is applied. repeated tax amnesties in indonesia: an evaluation of tax compliance indradi 404 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusion based on the indonesian experience, tax amnesty has proven to be an effective tool in generating immediate revenue needed by the government. out of the five amnesties implemented, almost all of them are considered successful from a short-run perspective. the only exception is the amnesty in 1984, which was not as effective as other amnesties in collecting the targeted additional revenue, although it still managed to raise some additional revenue for the government. nevertheless, from perspective of improving tax compliance in medium to long-term, tax amnesties may have an adverse impact on this objective. based on the discussion, both in terms of formal compliance and material compliance, tax amnesties are generally considered to make a minimal contribution to the overall level of compliance. in fact, they are often seen as playing a significant role in reducing voluntary compliance among taxpayers. the projection results of both itr and itr-ta support this argument. the projection of future itr-ta, which represents the pure amount of income tax revenue, indicates that tax amnesties could be detrimental to the future growth of income tax revenue by causing it to level off. these findings are not surprising, as they align with previous research findings. furthermore, the results indicate a consistent pattern in taxpayers' behaviour towards tax amnesty. they are more likely to comply when they do not expect a future amnesty to be repeated. in some cases, taxpayers may plan or engage in avoidance during the amnesty period, with the expectation of avoiding detection and punishment until the next amnesty. this observation is supported by the fact that in 2009 and 2016, the years when tax amnesties took place, the revenue experienced negative growth. if the government decides to implement another amnesty in the future, it is crucial for them to carefully consider and mitigate the potential impact or risks to the level of tax compliance. they need to conduct a cost-benefit evaluation of the amnesty, weighing the advantages of the immediate "fresh money" obtained through the amnesty against the potential decline in future tax compliance. in short, the key question is whether the immediate financial gains from the amnesty outweigh the potential negative impact on future tax compliance. this evaluation should take into account various factors such as the magnitude of the fresh money obtained, the effectiveness of compliance measures, the long-term impact on voluntary compliance behavior, and the potential erosion of trust in the tax system. reference allingham, m. g., & sandmo, a. 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(2018, november 7). pengampunan pajak masa sukarno. villalba, s. (2017). on the effects of repeated tax amnesties. the illomata international journal of management ilomata international journal of tax & accounting p-issn: 2714-9838; e-issn: 2714-9846 volume 4, issue 3 july 2023 page no. 470-490 470 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the effects of green innovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value david hatigoran silaban1, r.rosiyana dewi2 12trisakti university, indonesia correspondent: 2 received : june 6, 2023 accepted : july 15, 2023 published : july 31, 2023 citation: silaban, d, h., dewi, r, r. (2023). the infuluance of green innovation, ecoefficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 470-490. abstract: the current economic growth is in line with the increase in the number of business units and the growth in the number of business units is believed to not only have positive but also the negative effects on the environment and the earth. for this reason, current investment decisions by stakeholders are also seen from the company's effort and contribution to the environmental improvement. this study aims to determine the effects of green innovation, ecoefficiency, business strategy, information technology investment, and profitability on firm value in companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange. in this research, the sources are taken from the annual report, sustainability report and information on the company website. the research sample comprising 125 companies that met the criteria and are listed on the indonesia stock exchange in 2019-2021. the sampling technique used was purposive sampling and the hypothesis testing in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. the results of this study indicate that cost leadership strategy and profitability have a positive effect on firm value. while green innovation, eco-efficiency, differentiation strategy, and information technology investment have no effect on firm value. keywords: green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, information technology investment, profitability, firm value this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the results review of the central bureau of statistics publication regarding the number of companies by province (unit) for the 2013-2020 period indicates that there has been an increase in the number of company units for the past eight years ( the increasing number of company units can have both a positive and a negative impact from the economic perspective. the presence of numerous companies will definitely create new job opportunities so as to minimize the unemployment rate and to reduce economic inequality. on the contrary, the growing number of the enterprises can affect negatively, one of which is a surge in pollution triggered by a significant waste generation as a result of production process. consequently, water, soil and air the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 471 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting will undergo serious damage, thus, pollution becomes a big problem for the environment around the companies and society. environmental issues have been a hot topic of discussion at the global economic level recently, and this is escalating since the world is currently facing crucial matter, an industrial hazardous waste. through greenpeace organization, leonard (2022) argued that deforestation caused by the palm oil industry, has converted 17 million hectares of indonesian forests. as a consequence, the climate crisis is getting worse since the conversion has replaced thousands of existing indigenous habitats. in addition, exploitation is carried out on a large scale against mineral resources on the islands of kalimantan and sumatra in which the commodity of coal for export causes ecological crisis in the surrounding areas. in addition, the issue of global warming is gradually worrying. the increase in global temperature every year is caused by the greenhouse gas effect (vistinasari et al., 2022). the very massive emission of toxic and dangerous gases originating from various human activities on earth is released into the atmosphere, causing solar energy to be trapped and damage the atmosphere (anggraeni, 2015; cossu et al., 2020; li et al., 2020). greenhouse gas emissions are seen as a major risk for both nature and human since an increase in emissions affect the ecosystems on earth (giannarakis et al., 2017; jo et al., 2020; mckercher et al., 2010). iqair, stated that in 2021 indonesia is one of the countries with highly-polluted air, and it ranked 17th out of 117 countries( the damage itself has reached a critical phase as an accumulation of failures in maintaining sustainable environment and good governance. moreover, it is in a very weak level of control over the use of resources both by the government as a regulator and by the companies as operators. it can be argued that in carrying out their business operations, the company orientation is solely focused on the fulfillment of the wealth for the shareholders and ignoring the environmental and social aspects. companies play a big role in creating environmental damage, thus attention and wisdom to care more about the environment should be nurtured. the legitimacy theory approach in this matter can be used to explain how important the role of the company is by considering the impacts of their operations on people's lives. this can be reflected by putting into consideration, that any activities are in line with the concerns for protecting the environment. as a matter of fact, various findings and data regarding the issues of environmental damage triggered by company operations has become the main concerns of the government as the regulator in taking necessary steps. this is evidenced by the issuance of a new regulation by the government of the republic of indonesia which regulates environmental issues, namely environmental law no. 46 of 2017 concerning environmental economic instruments. in addition, the government through its institution namely the financial services authority (ojk) issued ojk regulation no.51/pojk.03/2017 for the implementation of sustainable finance in various financial services institutions, with the goal to manage a financing system that are in line with the sustainable principles. for this reason, innovation is needed to provide a solution to the environmental problems from the company, yet maintaining a healthier business orientation. the innovations needed are the the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 472 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting ones that can provide solutions to environmental problems currently occurring deteriorating. an environmentally friendly approach to all business operations can be illustrated through green innovation. (alnuaimi et al., 2020; benoit & patsias, 2017; ma et al., 2017) stated that green innovation is new or improved procedures, methods, systems and products made to avoid or minimize the impact of environmental damage. according to (lin et al., 2013; lu et al., 2022; moshood et al., 2022; sun et al., 2023) the concept of green innovation encourages companies to manage production waste and convert it into products that have added value and become an additional income for the company. in driving for the success of the green innovation concept which takes a relatively long time, a concept or strategy is also needed so as to make efficiency in terms of costs. (dewi & rahmianingsih, 2020) argued that environmental innovation has a positive effect on company value. on the other hand, different results are obtained form the research results by (yao et al., 2019) emphasizing that environmental innovation has a negative effect on the company value. however, with the innovation or concept of eco-efficiency (stands for "ecological economic efficiency”) an increased productivity but a reduced cost of production can help improve the environment quality through the company work processes. besides, eco-efficiency is a combination of environmental and economic pillars, intended to support economic activities and to function as a supervisor in reducing environmental impacts by introducing a more rational use of resources. a former research regarding eco-efficiency conducted by (osazuwa & che-ahmad, 2016) stated that eco-efficiency positively affect the firm value. nevertheless different results were obtained by (damas et al., 2021; yamasaki et al., 2021; zha et al., 2020) who argued that eco-efficiency negatively influence the firm value. the next indicator contributing to sustainable development is the information technology investment. advances in information technology that are so dynamic have a tremendous impact on the industry. the industrial era of 4.0 is a design for automation and digitization of work processes where the implementation is carried out one hundred percent by machines and does not involve human performance in its actualization. in addition, there are five types of technologies that support the progress of industry 4.0: internet of things (iot), artificial intelligence (ai), human machine interface, robot technology, and 3d printing technology. a good investment in information technology will result in an increase of production and financial performance. information technology not only serves as a medium for supporting work but also increases the value of a company's competitive advantage if it is optimized. referring to the previous research on information technology investment that has been carried out by (cheng et al., 2021; kohli et al., 2012; wang et al., 2021) it was found that the results of information technology investment has a positive effect on firm value. business strategy is the key to success in a business and in its actualization. without the synergy of the two, a business fails to run optimally. (porter, 1985) divides business strategy into two parts: cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy. cost leadership strategy is defined as the process of creating goods at a lower cost than competitors but maintaining almost the same quality as competitors. whereas differentiation strategy is the process of introducing new products, improving them or continuing a product innovation. a business strategy approach that fits the company goals the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 473 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results in good financial performance and is able to signal what attracts the attention of investors, thereby increasing the value of the company. a study on business strategies implemented by technology & mukulu, 2015 revealed that cost leadership strategy positively affect the firm value. in addition, another research on differentiation strategy has been carried out by (chang et al., 2015) who revealed that there is a positive influence between the two differentiated strategies on the firm value. an indicator that can affect the value of the company is profitability. profitability is a ratio used to assess the level of efficiency in the utilization of company assets or in another sense, a method used to see the ability of a company in generating profits for a certain period from a number of assets owned by the company. in fact, issues regarding the environment need to be studied and observed further since the effects of damage to the environment in indonesia are mostly dominated by company activities where concerns to the environment are low and innovation is in dire need. this research is a combination of research by (dewi & rahmianingsih, 2020; osazuwa & che-ahmad, 2016) regarding green innovation and eco-efficiency on firm value. the difference between these two studies is that researchers add three independent variables, namely information technology investment variables, business strategy, and profitability. in addition, the samples and periods studied in this research serve as a differentiator. this study examines the samples of the energy and industrial sectors for the 20192021 period. it aims to see the effects of green innovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, information technology investment, and profitability on company value. this research contributes not only to the improvement of theories related to environmental accounting, but also to companies in managing and carrying out their operations, since they play a crucial role in preventing environmental damage from recurring. in other words, companies are considered capable in minimizing the negative effects of their operations on the environment and in maximizing its potential for improving the value of the company. literature reviews legitimacy theory and signal theory anjani & astika (2018) stated that legitimacy is a way to regulate the activities of a company centering on its alignment with the community, government, community groups or individuals in certain places. legitimacy has an impact on the company's operational activities, thus, it needs to be in line with the goals of the community to creates a process or method, with community as its priority. furthermore, (suchman, 1995) added that legitimacy is linked to the activities of a company that are expected to be in line with the order of norms, beliefs, and values of the society. the idea of being ready to voluntarily report and present information on environmental and social issues becomes the basis ,why the legitimacy theory exists (anggraeni, 2015). in 1973 the emerging signal theory developed by jensen spence described that there were certain exclusive groups in a company who have more information about the company and provide the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 474 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting positive sentiment when information distribution occurs. signal theory is a concept that reveals the important relationship between the delivery of company information and the investment decisions made by potential investors. (suganda, 2018) stated that signal theory is used as a way of interpreting an action originating from company management to disclose information aimed at investors so as to be able to convert investors' decisions in view of the company's condition. signal theory is a way companies can minimize the impact of information asymmetrically by voluntarily providing good or bad information. information technology investment can be used by companies as a signal because with the hope that the company work processes will increase and encourage information disclosure. hypothesis formulation the effect of green innovation on corporate values referring to (agustia et al., 2019), the presence of a company is not only aimed at seeking profit or fulfilling value for shareholders, but the operation of a company is expected to be able to generate value for all stakeholders. to implement this, a leader who can boost the proportion of environmental performance, social performance, and environmental performance beneficial for the company’s future sustainability is required. in o'donovan's research (2002) the relationship between legitimacy theory becomes the concerns when the company is able to survive (sustainable) as long as it aligns its business operations with the norms adopted in society. innovation is a business strategy to enhance investors’ perceptions of companies and to encourage businesses to have a competitive advantage if conducted in a sustainable manner. one of the innovations companies can carry out is green innovation. green innovation is perceived to be able to provide added value through the improvement of company performance in creating proper processes and efficient use of resources. the application of green innovation requires companies to be able to reduce adverse environmental effects that arise and convert production waste into products that have added value. green innovation is an added value for the company because it is considered a way out of environmental issues. this is in line with the results of (dewi & rahmianingsih, 2020) which emphasized that green innovation have positive effect on the firm value. therefore, by looking at the analysis, a hypothesis is made as follows: h1: green innovation positively affects the firm value. the effects of eco-efficiency on firm value the idea formulation of eco-efficiency is intended to monitor business entities in carrying out its production and in controlling the environment. it encourages an increase in company work patterns to get better and the value of company stock prices to get higher (hansen & m, 2007). according to aulia & hadinata (2019) legitimacy theory is an effort to encourage companies to carry out business operations aligned with the rules or norms adopted in society as the implementation of eco-efficiency is a real form of environmental management system. based on a research conducted by (osazuwa & che-ahmad, 2016) eco-efficiency is a form of business strategy that drives the value of the company to a better direction. eco-efficiency focuses on the company's ability to innovate products and services without causing environmental damage. the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 475 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the implementation eco-efficiency concept serves as a competitive advantage for a company. this is considered a positive assessment for the company stakeholders as it is considered to have contributed to the efforts in preserving the environment. based on the results of previous research (osazuwa & che-ahmad, 2016) it can be concluded that eco-efficiency gives positive effects on the firm value. h2: eco-efficiency positively affects the firm value the effects of cost leadership strategy on company value according to (porter, 1985), companies adopting cost leadership strategy are considered to have a stronger character in a business competition as the advantages in terms of spending lower costs than competitors can be highlighted. consequently, a bigger profit in business can be generated. the business entity applying the pattern of cost leadership strategy will put such an effort to be an operating company with the lowest cost, compared to its competitors in the market. this is done to attract attention of the existing customers. applying cost leadership strategy for the sake of loyal customers by setting lower price to the products sold is another advantage for the company. customer loyalty triggers the company's financial performance to be better because it can help generate higher and more sustainable income from sales. additionally, the financial performance is followed by a positive sign on the stock market where investors will be more interested and tend to invest their capital in companies with good sales performance, thus, increasing the value of the company. moreover, a similar research result by (technology & mukulu, 2015) revealed that cost leadership strategy has a positive effect on the firm value. the next hypothesis is formulated as follows: h3: cost leadership strategy positively affects the firm value. the effect of differentiation strategy on firm value according to (porter, 1985), the application of differentiation strategy in companies refers to creating different products from its competitors by improving the product itself and by providing a better service. differentiation strategy focuses on the process of selling new products and services, creating innovation, building brand image, and substantial funding on r&d. this strategy allocates a generous amount of funds for the products and services, in order to obtain a significant income. with bigger profits published in the financial statements, it becomes a signal for investors because the company can prove that the results of its performance through the its profits generation affects the value of the company. similarly, the results of research by (chang et al., 2015) stated that there was a positive effect between differentiation strategy to company value. in regards to the above analysis, the formulation of the hypothesis is: h4: differentiation strategy positively affects the firm value. the effect of information technology investment on firm value (andriani, 2019) explains that the use of information technology is an advantage and a desired behavior by the users that implement this system. the emergence of the industrial 4.0 revolution the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 476 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in 2018 has proven to change the industrial work patterns which previously focused on the use of conventional power, to a work pattern that maximizes performance on the use of technology. information technology encompasses digitalization, artificial intelligent (ai), big data, and robotics employment. referring to andriani's research (2017), it is emphasized that a good investment in information technology must take into account its benefits for improving financial performance and organizational strategy. kohli et al., (2012) views that the aspects of information technology contributes to the company's future performance in terms of an enhanced capability, flexibility, and company growth. proper investment in information technology encourages companies to have a competitive advantage that fosters better competitiveness than competitors. below is the proposed hypothesis: h5: information technology investment has a positive effect on firm value. the effects of profitability on firm value one of the financial performance indicators in determining whether or not the goals of the company have been achieved is impacted from the level of company profitability. according to (mardiyati et al., 2015) profitability is the net result for various provisions that have been used by the company. in addition, profitability is useful to measure the company's ability in utilizing its assets to generate profits. a high profitability value indicates that the company is more efficient in utilizing company assets or in another sense by having the same amount of assets to create higher profits. increased profitability is a sign that the company has worked effectively and has performed well. potential investors are attracted to companies that are performing well and are able to generate an increased level of profitability, as the goal of investing is to gain a considerable amount of return on the invested capital. therefore, a good reaction from investors is knowing that the company receives positive response in the market response and that the company value is higher. referring to a study by nyoman et al., (2017) , it is stated that there is a positive influence concerning the profitability on the firm value. thus, the hypothesis is: h6: profitability has a positive effect on the firm value. method research design the population in this study are companies listed on the indonesia stock exchange within the 2019-2021 period. the sampling technique is purposive sampling, where the sample used meets the required criteria. the research sample covers 125 companies with a total sample of 375 observations. the secondary data sources, both the annual and the sustainability reports are quoted from the company websites the hypothesis testing is used as the basis for the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 477 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting evaluation in this research. the research hypothesis is refers to a form of temporary answer to each assumption. the aims is to test the hypothesis on the influences of green innovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, investment in information technology, and profitability on firm value. the quantitative method is the selected method to test the hypothesis along with multiple regression tests using the eviews 9 test tool. variables and measurements the variables in this study include the independent variables, the dependent variable, the controlling variable. below is the explanation: independent variables green innovation environmental innovation (green innovation) is an innovation in which there are new ways, practices, methods and production mechanisms or transformations that are useful in suppressing the effects of environmental damage. green innovation is an idea that aims to provide a sustainable solution for an effective production process by making efficient use of raw materials and energy so as to reduce the amount of production costs incurred. referring to the research of febiola & khusnah (2022) green innovation ideas encourage companies to be able to process waste to be converted into feasible products of value so that they can serve as additional income for the company. the concept of green innovation in this study is assessed through four parameters, and is based on the research by (agustia et al., 2019). the parameters are: 1. the production process uses new technologies to reduce energy, water and waste generated. 2. products that are created using environmentally friendly materials or materials that have the least impact or potential hazard on the environment. 3. the composition of the materials used in the production process can be recycled. 4. packaging products used are environmentally friendly. each item stated in the company's annual report will be given a value of 1 and for items that are not informed is given a value of 0. furthermore, the overall value of the variables that can be informed is divided by the total of all disclosure items n : the number of items disclosed by the company k : the number of disclosure items in green product innovation eco-efficiency this strategy comes as a concept map to reduce the use of water, energy, and raw materials for producing goods at all stages. the measurement for eco-efficiency is done by looking at the level of company achievements in fulfilling the eight existing indicators, whether or not the company the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 478 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting has implemented the system of eco-efficiency , the measurement refers to study by (bandyopadhyay, 2015; moraes et al., 2019; subires et al., 2019; yuliansyah et al., 2021): 1. concerns for the environment have resulted in a significant reduction in company waste 2. concerns for the environment have resulted in an increased service quality 3. concerns for the environment have resulted in the changes of the work environment 4. the benefits of the environment-oriented business are the reduced costs of processes, products and services 5. concerns for the environments have contributed to the adoption of alternative technologies and processes 6. concerns for the environment have helped companies in developing products, services and processes 7. concerns for the environment have helped reduce carbon emission 8. concerns for the environment have helped reduce energy consumption each item described in the company's annual report will be given a value of 1 and for items that are not described is given a value of 0. furthermore, the overall value of the variables that can be informed is divided by the total of all disclosure items. ∑xj = number of items disclosed by the company n = number of disclosure items business strategy according to (wu et al., 2015), business strategy refers to cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy. businesses that are run with a competitive strategy through a lower cost approach as a wider market absorption objective and are required to reduce prices, regulate fees and costs, reduce r&d costs, do not focus on customer marginal utility, high asset turnover, and maximize resources power to get the highest level of productivity is a hallmark of cost leadership strategy. whereas a business run with a focus on creating product innovation, maintaining customer loyalty to a brand, and producing good quality products, requires more funding for r&d to make a differentiated innovation. in addition, maximizing profits compared to the average competitor is another feature of differentiation strategy. both formulas are measured by: the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 479 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting cost leadership strategy ato = asset turnover operating sales = (total sales) – (cash) – (short-term investment) operating assets = (total asset) – (cash) – (short-term investment) differentiation strategy pm = profit margin operating income = profit obtained after deducting direct and indirect operational costs r&d expenditure = r&d activities sales = total sales information technology investment based on a study conducted by (andriani, 2019), information technology (it) investment is defined as an investment decision to allocate all types of resources (hardware, software, and human resources) to manage information systems. the method used to measure information technology investment in a company is by looking at how much the company allocates to support investment activities related to information technology, both software and hardware. the measurement of technology investment value in this study is formulated as follows: profitability profitability is one of the media that is useful to describe the company's financial condition to investors within a certain period of time . the company's financial performance serves as a means for the company to boost its image, to share the value, and to set the future plans. in this study, the measurement of the profitability variable is measured through the ratio of profitability with proxies on return on assets (roa), where roa is able to measure a company's ability to generate profit from the assets used. this proxy is based on a research by (mahrani & soewarno, 2018) and described as follows: the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 480 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting bound variable (company value) firm value is the value embedded in the company and this can be used as a benchmark in assessing the level of company quality as well as the level of welfare of shareholders (sabrin, 2016). the measurement for firm value in this study uses the tobin's q ratio, as (damas et al., 2021) has formulated. the measurement is described below: tobin's q = firm value mve = number of shares outstanding x share price debt = book value of total liabilities (short term liabilities + long-term obligation) total assets = book value of total assets control variable (company size) the categorization of a small or large company can be analyzed through the level of ownership of a company's assets. companies with large scale tend to attract more investors' attention because they have better conditions in terms of stability. asset measurement can be carried out using the natural log of total assets because the total assets are considered more s\table and better in describing the company size. this proxy refers to a study by (suryana & rahayu, 2018) is : l (n) total assets regression models the regression model used in this study is multiple linear analysis with one dependent variable, five independent variables, and one controlling variable. the following are the regression models used in this study: q = a + b1 gi + β2 eco + β3 cls + b4 dfs+ b5 iti+ β6 length + size +e q = firm value a = constant b1-6 = regression coefficient gi = green innovation eco = eco-efficiency in = information technology investment cls = cost leadership strategy dfs = differentiation strategy long = profitability size = firm size it is = error the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 481 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting thinking framework the following below is the framework implemented in this study: results and discussions description of the research object this is a study conducted by using a number of hypotheses and aims to analyze the framework developed to obtain empirical evidences on the influences of green innovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, information technology investment, and profitability on company value. the database used in this study is secondary data obtained from the companies’ annual reports listed on the indonesia stock exchange, among others are the energy, industrial, tobacco sub-sector, and non-durable household products sub-sectors within the periods of 2019-2021. the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. the following are the criteria of purposive sampling in sample selection. information amount energy sector companies for the 2019-2021 period listed on the idx. 71 industrial sector companies for the 2019-2021 period listed on the idx. 54 tobacco and non durable household products sub-sector companies listed on the idx for the 2019-2021 period. 14 companies in the energy, industry, tobacco sub-sector and non durable household products which did not publish complete financial reports for the 2019-2021 period. (14) total research sample 125 total final research sample used (3 years x 125) 375 the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 482 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting data analysis table 1 descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation np 375 0.28670 16.7527 1.723436 2.060444 gi 375 0.00000 1.00000 0.580000 0.329985 eco-f 375 0.00000 1.00000 0.638000 0.292719 cls 375 -1.77600 6.72440 0.803024 0.938208 dfs 375 -0.97430 0.93411 0.065530 0.234296 iti 375 0.00000 0.11640 0.002103 0.009556 prft 375 -1.53830 0.52020 0.037199 0.143502 size 375 22.44200 33.5372 28.67296 1.875088 source: secondary data processed, 2023 referring to the descriptive test results form the table, it indicates that n is the amount of data for each variable with the total of 375 data originating from energy, industrial, tobacco sub-sector, and nondurable household products sectors listed on the stock exchange indonesia for the 2019-2021 period. green innovation has an average value for the distribution of company values at 1.723436. a considerable tobin's q value is 1.0, which is interpreted as a successful market valuation of the company (asset market value = book value of assets). mark tobin's q < 1, means the company is relatively cheap(undervalued) as book value is higher than market value. this can attract interested parties to buy the company. tobin's q value > 1, the company is classified as expensive(overvalued). with an average company value of 1.723436, it indicates that the qualification of company value is categorized as a company with market value > book value of assets (overvalued). the green innovation variable has an average value (mean) in the gi variable of 0.580000 with a total of 375 data indicating that most of the research samples have four aspects of environmental innovation that are considered good, and the average value that has been obtained also reflects the sample data examined in the application of green innovation is proven to be better at implementing the production process of innovative items that relate to environmental protection. the cost leadership strategy variable has an average value. the average value (mean) for the variable cost leadership strategy is a value of 0.803024 which means that the company's ability to generate sales based on total assets owned is 80%. the average value obtained is considered to have a good category since the value is close to 1.00 or 100%. the higher the ato value, the more capable the company is to earn revenue through efficient business operations and effective use of resources. the differentiation strategy variable has an average (mean) value for measuring the variable differentiation strategy, and it gains a value of 0.065530 which means that the overall ability of the 375 samples is that there is an average company able to implement this to only 6% percent. the ideal average value of this dfs proxy is 1, so looking at the results of the descriptive table, companies that apply or focus on this differentiation strategy are few. the information technology investment variable has an average value of 0.002103, which means that based on the average obtained, it indicates that many companies haven’t implemented and or invested in information the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 483 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting technology. the profitability variable has an average value of 0.037199 with a total of 375 data, this value means that the average ability of company assets to generate profits is low. the company size variable in this study acts as a controlling variable and is proxied by the natural log of assets to show the company size. the average value of profitability is greater than the standard deviation value of 28.67296 > 1.875088 which indicates that the distribution of this variable value is considered good. model suitability test chow test it is concluded that if ho is rejected, the model used is fixed effect. when the selected model is a the model of fixed effect, what must be done further is a testing with the hausman test method, in which the purpose of this test is to measure whether or not the fixed effect or random effect models will be used. table 2-uji chow effect test prob cross-section chi-square 0.0000 source: data processed by eviews 9 the results of the chow test in table 2 demonstrates that the cross section probability value is 0.000 or <0.05, then ho is rejected. therefore, the selected model is fixed effect model. hausman test if ho is rejected, the model used is fixed effect. this test was carried out with the aim of being able to determine which model in the regression data panel is the more suitable to use, random effect model or fixed effect model. table 3-uji hausman test summary prob cross-section random 0.0188 source: data processed by eview 9 the results obtained from the hausman test shows that the probability value of cross-section random is 0.0188 <0.05, this means that ho is rejected and ha is accepted. thus, the appropriate model to be applied is fixed effect model. with final results stating that the model used is fixed effect model, classic assumption tests such as tests for normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation are unnecessary, considering that the model results obtained are fixed effect model not common effect model. the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 484 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting hypothesis testing the hypothesis testing consists of exposing the interpretation of the regression model and testing the regression coefficients. the purpose of this test is to see how influential the independent variable is on the dependent variable. below is a two-tailed test (significance value (sig) is divided by 2). table 4 hypothesis testing based on table 4 above, the regression model obtained is: ynp = α – 0.0213251β1gi + 0.119299β2eco + 0.409706β3cls – 0.500826β4dfs – 0.14233β5iti + 2.53383β6prft – 0.695424c1sizeit + e f-test after the f-test that has been carried out, it is found that the probability value of f-statistic is a value of 0.0000 <0.05. therefore, along with the independent variables namely green innovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, investment information technology, it has an influence on the value of the company. for this reason, the regression model used is feasible model. r2-test from the results of the fit-test that has been carried out, a value of adjusted r-square (r2) is obtained, it is equal to 0.804685. this indicates that the ability of the independent variable to explain the behavior of the dependent variable is 80%. simultaneously, it can also be interpreted that there are other independent variables such as green innovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, and investment in information technology that can explain something that affects the value of the company by 20%. t-test the following is a table of t test results which can be partially reflected in table 4. the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable are as follows: the test results for probability the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 485 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting variable of green innovation value is 0.6443/2, that 0.3222 > 0.05 (ha rejected). this means that green innovation has no effect on firm value at the 95% confidence level. probability variable on the test result of eco-efficiency value is 0.8340/2, that means 0.4170 > 0.05 (ha rejected), or in other words, eco-efficiency has no effect on the firm value at the 95% confidence level. the probability variable value concerning the test results of cost leadership strategy is 0.0093/2, meaning that 0.0047 <0.05 (ha accepted), thus the cost leadership strategy has a positive and significant influence on firm value at the 95% confidence level. the probability variable on the test results regarding the differentiation strategy is 0.1723/2, the 0.0862 <0.05 (ha rejected) means that differentiation strategy has no effect on firm value at the 95% confidence level. moreover, the test results for the probability value of the information technology investment variable are 0.9921/2, where 0.4961 > 0.05 (ha is rejected) meaning that technology investment has no effect on firm value at the 95% confidence level. finally, the test results for the probability value of the profitability variable are 0.0000/2, where 0.0000 <0.05 (ha is accepted) so it is concluded that profitability has a positive and significant influence on firm value at the 95% confidence level. discussion of research results green innovation has no effect on firm value this is evidenced by the probability value green innovation ie 0.3222 > 0.05. regression coefficient values on green innovation is -0.0213251, so with reference to the significance value and the regression coefficient value, it can be concluded that green innovation has no effect on firm value. the results of this study are in line with the research by yao et al., (2019) which revealed that environmental innovation statistically has no effect to company value. hence, it is concluded that if green innovation of the company increases, there will be a decrease in the value of the company and vice versa. eco-efficiency has no effect on firm value this is evidenced by the probability value eco-efficiency ie 0.4170 > 0.05. regression coefficient value of eco-efficiency is 0.119299. referring to the significance value and the regression coefficient value, it can be stated that eco-efficiency has no influence on firm value. the results of this study are in line with a study by hazudin et al., (2015) who found that eco-efficiency does not affect the value of the company. the underlying reason is that when running the process of ecoefficiency, the company will be faced with an arising negative effect due to the incurring costs for the environment. as a consequence, the level of profitability and return for investors is reduced. cost leadership strategy positively affects firm value from the probability value of cost leadership strategy where 0.0047 < 0.05, and with regression coefficient value concerning the cost leadership strategy, the result of 0.409706 refers to the significance value and the regression coefficient value. thus, it is concluded that cost leadership strategy has a positive influence on firm value. the results of this study are in line with a research the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 486 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conducted by atikiya (2018) which emphasized that cost leadership strategy positively affects firm value. it was found that the impact of cost leadership strategy is shown when a company is able to achieve its uniqueness by lowering costs and by being operationally superior through efficient operating actions, one of which is creating a streamlined cost structure. differentiation strategy has no effect on firm value from the probability value of differentiation strategy where 0.0862 > 0.05, and the regression coefficient value on differentiation strategy is -0.500826, it is concluded that differentiation strategy does not affect the value of the company. the results of this study are in line with a research by surono et al., (2019) which revealed that differentiation strategy in creating unique, new, and different in nature products will take quite a long time and the risk of selling failure is big. the price offered is relatively higher and only certain groups and product market segments who are interested in purchasing the items. information technology investment has no effect on firm value this is evidenced by the value of the probability of investment in information technology i.e. 0.4961 > 0.05. information technology investment coefficient regression value is -0.14233. the results obtained is similar to a study conducted by (ludipa et al., 2018) in which technology investment had no effect on firm value. nevertheless, this strategy can be implemented although the company is still making some reviews. in fact, the implementation of using information technology can not guarantee a 100% efficient, thus a delayed investment benefits might occur. once a new it investment is made, it takes 3 to 4 years or even longer for the company to generate a considerable profit. profitability influences firm value this is evidenced by the value of the profitability where 0.0000 < 0.05. and the regression coefficient is 2.53383. with reference to the significance value and the regression coefficient value, it can be concluded that profitability has a positive influence on firm value. the results of this study are in line with a research conducted by nyoman et al., (2017) which revealed a high profitability value, indicating that the company's ability to earn profits also increases, thus, the ability to distribute dividends to shareholders will also increase. conclusions this research was conducted to see whether or not there is an influence on green innnovation, eco-efficiency, business strategy, information technology investment, and profitability on company value. the samples used in this study are companies engaged in the energy, industrial, tobacco sub-sector, and the nondurable household products sub-sectors listed on the indonesia stock exchange in the 2019-2021 period. after going through the details of the total inspection process, the final samples used in this study is 375 sample data. this study implements a statistical analysis tool in the form of multiple regression analysis. based on the results of the research the infuluance of green innovation, eco-efficiency, strategic business, technology information investment, and profitability on firm value silaban and dewi 487 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting described earlier, it can be concluded that the cost of leadership strategy and profitability have a positive effect on firm value, whereas the variables of green innovation, eco-efficiency, differentiation strategy, and information technology investment have no effect on firm value. in regards to the legitimacy theory, it was found that the results of the research do not support the legitimacy theory in which stakeholders' expectations for companies to provide satisfaction not only in terms of financial performance but also in other concerns for social and environment is unfulfilled. furthermore, this study failed to prove that matters related to the environment were required by stakeholders. legitimacy theory is not helpful in supporting firm value outcomes. this occurs because the awareness of both the company and the community hasn’t yet been shown. however, the signal theory in this research is proven to support the research results. lastly, it can be concluded that in fact, any related information will be beneficial for the company so that they can keep abreast with the latest issues. references agustia, d., sawarjuwono, t., & dianawati, w. 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(2021 searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 628-645. abstract: this study aimed to analyze the effects of the agricultural sector and the foreign direct investment (hereinafter referred to as fdi) on tax revenue in the next eleven (n-11) countries. in this research, a moderating variable of regulatory quality was used. the data were obtained from the world bank and analyzed using panel data regression. the dependent variable in this study was tax revenue, whereas the independent variables comprised the agricultural sector, the fdi, the agricultural sector moderated by regulatory quality, the fdi moderated by regulatory quality, and the regulatory quality. the results indicate that all independent variables simultaneously affect tax revenue. however, when investigating partially, fdi, the agricultural sector moderated by regulatory quality, and regulatory quality have a positive effect on tax revenue while fdi moderated by regulatory quality shows a negative effect on tax revenue. as for the agricultural variable, a significant effect on tax revenue was not shown. it is recommended that governments in n-11 countries focus on developing quality regulations in another sector, particularly agriculture, and encourage foreign investments since these two aspects are proven to increase tax revenue. keywords: tax revenue, agricultural sector, fdi, regulatory quality, n-11 this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction economy plays an important role in everyday’s life and is crucial for the development of a coherent country. the progress in economy helps improve the overall well-being of both the people and the nation. the importance of economy is evidenced by a number of international economic-based groups or organizations such as apec, brics, g7, g20 and oecd. each of these organizations has membership requirements based on the region and the size of the country's economy. brics was first mentioned by goldman sachs, a banking institution, and represents a group of countries that are potential to have the strongest economy in the world (o'neill et al., 2005). brics includes countries like brazil, russia, india, and china. searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 629 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a few years later, goldman sachs categorized a number of countries into a group called next eleven (n-11). the n-11 consists of bangladesh, the philippines, indonesia, iran, south korea, mexico, egypt, nigeria, pakistan, turkey, and vietnam. these countries following the brics are poised to have the potential in the economic sector (o'neill et al., 2005). the assessment uses a system called growth environment score (ges) and is based on five indicators, namely macroeconomic stability, macroeconomic conditions, technological capabilities, human capital, and political conditions. in addition, the n-11 countries vary widely in economic level, in which south korea is signified as a developed country with more than twice the income of other n-11 countries, whereas bangladesh becomes one of the poorest countries in the world (wilson et al., 2007). (ortiz-ospina & roser, 2016) stated that developed countries generate more tax revenue than developing countries. tax is a compulsory form of payment to the government, however the perceived benefits are not proportional to the amount paid (oecd, 2014). taxation is in fact the most practical way to raise revenue to finance government spending (tanzi & zee, 2001). there are major principles in taxation, among others are the principle of proportionality, the principle of certainty, the principle of convenience, and the principle of efficiency (smith & wight, 2007). the principle of proportionality emphasizes that everyone is obliged to pay taxes in accordance with their economic ability, whereas the principle of certainty clarifies the time of payment, the method of payment, and the amount of tax paid by the public. furthermore, the principle of convenience refers to the comfort of taxpayers when they are imposed to pay the taxes. finally, the principle of efficiency requires that the tax use and revenue system be made in such a way that the tax collected is not smaller than the cost incurred. according to ortiz-ospina & roser (2016), developed countries tend to rely on income tax, while developing countries tend to rely on trade and consumption taxes. low tax revenue in developing countries can hamper the state’s spending activities, therefore tax revenue is vital for the sustainability of a country's economy (salman et al., 2022). tanzi & zee (2001) argued that developing countries find it difficult to build an efficient tax system. the main reason is that most workers in developing countries work either in the agricultural sector or in other informal sectors and they do not have fixed income and bookkeeping system. as a result, it is not easy to calculate the basis for income tax calculation. in addition, workers in developing countries tend to spend their income to purchase daily needs in small shops without accurate records and this lessens tax contribution. the second reason is that developing countries are still working on the establishment of an efficient tax administration system with limited number of competent staff (tanzi & zee, 2001). instead of building an efficient, modern, and rational tax system, governments in developing countries create tax systems that allow them to exploit any options considered taxable. the third reason is that not only the informal economic structure in developing countries but also the financial limitations make it difficult for tax and statistical offices to produce reliable statistical data (tanzi & zee, 2001). such limitations lead to a lack of data for policymakers to assess the potential impact of changes to the tax system. consequently, governments in developing country tend to make marginal changes rather than major structural changes. the fourth reason is the income inequality in developing countries (tanzi & zee, 2001). although the increasing tax revenue searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 630 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting requires the rich to pay higher taxes than the poor, there is a chance for the economic and political power of the rich to intervene in fiscal reformation for the purpose of reducing the amount of taxes they are obliged to pay. this explains why developing countries are incapable of fully increasing the income tax and property tax revenues, and why the tax system is considered less progressive. figure 1 indicates that the larger a country's economy as measured by gdp per capita, the higher the country's tax revenue. goldman sachs projected that the large economies potential in the n11 countries will be followed by high tax revenue. figure i. comparison of tax revenue and gdp per capita of n-11 (except egypt) source: our world in data (2016) (o'neill et al., 2005) argued that one component of macroeconomic conditions in ges is investment. according to balıkçıoğlu et al. (2016), fdi has a greater impact on tax revenue for high-tech firms. in developing countries, fdi has a positive and significant effects on total tax revenue, cit (corporate income tax), pit (personal income tax), and vat (value added tax), but impactless on tax revenue from the property sector (pratomo, 2020). a recent study conducted by camara (2023) found that fdi has a positive effect on tax revenue, but no effect on tax revenue from the natural resource of exporting countries. however, fdi contributes to tax revenue by imposing tax on additional income generated by fdi in the recipient country (ketkar et al., 2005). similar results were found by okey (2013), where fdi has a positive and significant effect on the searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 631 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax revenue by increasing the tax base and the tax revenue and aslam (2015) who stated that fdi significantly affects tax revenue, and there is a long-term relationship between the two variables. minh ha et al. (2022) argued further that fdi acts as an important source of capital in overcoming the shortages of investment capital, thus, it contributes to the economic growth, and increase a country's tax revenue. on the other hand, inriama & setyowati (2020) found that fdi does not affect cit revenue. this occurs since incentives from fdi do not necessarily increase cit. gnangnon (2017) divides the impact of fdi on non-natural resources tax revenue and cit, where the impact of fdi on tax revenue depends on the ratio of fdi to gdp. on the non-natural resources of the tax revenue side, fdi has a negative and significant effects in countries with an fdi-to-gdp ratio below 1.49%, a positive and significant effect in countries with a ratio above 2.57%, and no effect in countries with a ratio between 1.49% and 2.57%. as for the tax revenue derived from companies, there is a threshold of 0.33%, where fdi has no significant effect in countries, bearing a ratio of fdi to gdp below the threshold, but a significant positive effect in countries having a ratio at the threshold. another study by gaspareniene et al. (2022) distinguishes two impacts of fdi on tax revenue. the first is that fdi inflow causes a decrease in tax revenue and the second is that fdi outflow causes an increase in tax revenue. he added that the decrease in tax revenue by fdi inflow is due to the tax incentives for foreign companies which then reduce the tax base and provide benefits the foreign companies at the expense of local companies. conversely, fdi outflow increases tax revenue since the recipient country provides tax incentives for multinational companies, therefore they pay lower tax than the local companies in the country. as one of the focuses on indonesia’s policies, fdi is seen as a more enhancing and durable form of capital, in which attracting greater fdi flows help place the country in the international trading system and promote a more competitive business environment (gopalan et al., 2016). similarly, mohamed (2020) emphasizes that fdi in egypt is considered one of the tools to promote economic growth and contribute to economic development. in bangladesh, fdi signifies the infrastructure development, creates many jobs, improves labor skills through the transfer of technological knowledge and managerial capabilities, and helps integrate the domestic economy with the global economy (islam, 2014). these advances have led to low wages for skilled labor and stable macroeconomic conditions. furthermore, fdi plays a significant role for iran’s economic growth, improves the balance of payments, transfers technology, increases employment, accelerates exports, and enhances tax revenues (rafat, 2018). fdi inflows also play a role in the structural transformation process of the mexican economy (mühlen & escobar, 2020). in nigeria, fdi is considered as crucial in its economic growth and development strategies (osabohien et al., 2020). fdi also benefits the domestic economy through knowledge spillover from multinational companies to local firms in pakistan (rehman, 2016). moreover, fdi in vietnam has a major influence on other economic sectors and it stimulates domestic investment, creates competition, promotes innovation and technology transfer, improves production efficiency, and develops supporting industries that help the country participate in global chains (hanh et al., 2017). as for the south korean government, it believes that fdi marks one of the main contributors to its economic growth (kim, 2015). in the philippines, although the overall is still limited and lagging searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 632 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting behind other countries in southeast asia, the investment policy reforms and the opening up of more foreign investment sectors resulted in the increased fdi inflows (aldaba & quejada, 2022). of all the countries described, however, it can be emphasized that turkey has not gained the expected positive benefits from fdi inflows as seen in the country's economic growth (temiz & gökmen, 2014). another contributor to the economic development is the agricultural sector (cao & birchenall, 2013). widyawati (2017) stated that the agricultural sector contributes the most to labor absorption in indonesia. she explained further that the agricultural sector acts as a supporting sector for the development of other sectors. even so, the agricultural sector in indonesia has not developed and its contribution to gdp is insignificant. the situation is different from pakistan, where the agricultural sector plays an important role in pakistan's economy (rehman et al., 2015). agriculture directly supports pakistan's population and contributes significantly to gdp. in addition, bangladesh has similar conditions where the economy and livelihoods of most of its population depend on the agricultural sector (ferdous et al., 2021). the condition is reflected in nigeria, where the agricultural sector is the foundation of the economy and a source of livelihood for most of the population (fao, 2018). the majority of agricultural workers in nigeria are on small-scale farms and most of the harvest is used for personal consumption. besides nigeria and pakistan, the agricultural sector becomes one of the most important sectors for the iranian economy (azadi & barati, 2013). additionally, all aspects of the economy in egypt are related to agriculture, despite its having little agricultural land (el-ramady et al., 2013). however, agricultural land in egypt is highly productive and can be harvested two to three times a year. in vietnam, the agricultural sector is crucial to alleviate poverty, to ensure the security of national food, and to maintain social stability (world bank, 2016). vietnam's agricultural sector is also experiencing explosive growth in its exports of agricultural products. in mexico, agriculture serves as one of the most important sectors, although there has been a decline in its contribution to gdp and a decline in the employment sector (unctad, 2014). similarly, the decline occurred in turkey, where the agricultural sector plays a vital role for the turkish economy and society, despite its minor contribution to the economy. if compared to the rapid growth of the industrial and service sectors, turkish agricultural has dropped significantly(giray, 2012). the decline is reflected in the low productivity, triggered by a poor mechanization, a small land size, and an uncoordinated and unplanned agricultural production. in the philippines, the agricultural sector absorbs a lot of labor but contributes little to gdp (briones, 2021). one of the reasons for the weak performance of the sector is the lack of competitiveness, marked by the low exports from the agricultural sector. moreover, south korea's agricultural sector is not export-oriented, as most farming is done on a small-scale (neszmelyi, 2017). he argued that the purpose of the agricultural sector in south korea is only to fulfill domestic needs, thus their agricultural products are not competitive in the international market. despite the important role of the agricultural sector in the economy, eltony (2002) found that it has no effect on tax revenue in the oil-producing arab countries. it is apparent that the economies of these countries are highly dependent on oil, used to finance its economic activities, therefore, there is no need for a sophisticated tax system. mahdavi (2008) elaborated further that the searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 633 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting agricultural sector does not affect the overall tax revenue, except for the property tax. in fact, the agricultural sector has become a tax shelter, where there is a transfer of income from other sectors to the agricultural sector for the purposes of tax avoidance or reduction (chaudhry & munir, 2010). according to chelliah et al. (1975), developing countries find it difficult to tax the agricultural sector since the land is generally owned by the community and is an informal sector. this influences the negative relationship between the tax revenue and the agricultural sector (leuthold, 1991). furthermore, tanzi (1992) added that tax revenue is increasingly difficult to increase as the agricultural sector grows. this occurs since the administrative costs of tax authorities for regulating and supervising informal subsistence agriculture are higher, if compared to its revenue potential (ghura, 1998). similarly, gupta (2007) stated that there is a negative and significant relationship between the agricultural sector and tax revenue, where the agricultural sector is difficult to tax if it is mostly a subsistence farming system. a negative relationship between the agricultural sector and tax revenue was also found by keen & lockwood (2010), where almost all types of taxes on the agricultural sector, particularly the vat are difficult to impose. rodríguez (2018) emphasized that the difficulty of the taxable agricultural sector hurts tax revenue. a research by stotsky & woldemariam (1997) found that the agricultural sector has a negative and significant effect on tax revenue. this is in line with the findings by piancastelli (2001) which indicated that tax revenue is negatively and significantly related to the agricultural sector. additionally, bird et al. (2005) revealed that countries with a high ratio of the non-agricultural sector to gdp generate higher tax revenue as they tend to have a lower tax burden, resulting in lower tax revenue (sarmento, 2016). clearly, to ensure that the economy runs optimally, the role of the government is needed. the government plays a vital role in issuing regulations and policies to ensure every economic activity is under its respective corridors. the purpose of regulations includes preventing environmental damage as the impact of the economic activity, ensuring consumer rights are fulfilled, and preventing illegal economic activity (davis, 2022). nevertheless, a study by salman et al. (2022) found no effect between the regulatory quality and the tax revenue. the quality of the regulations issued by the governments affects tax revenue in developing countries (ajaz & ahmad, 2010). the government's ability to formulate policies and regulations that encourage private sector development will increase tax revenue (syadullah, 2015). asmah et al. (2020) examined further, where the quality of regulations has a positive effect on tax revenue and weakens the impact of trade misinvoicing, the tax revenue increases. based on the above description, there are some differences in the findings and no agreement on the determinants of tax revenue. with the diverse economic conditions in the n-11 countries and their potential to the brics, the author considers it is important to determine the effect of the agricultural sector, fdi, and regulatory quality on the tax revenue. this research is expected to provide a conclusion on what factors affect tax revenue and add more insight. below, the authors have several hypotheses, namely: h1: the agricultural sector has a negative effect on tax revenue h2: fdi has a positive effect on tax revenue searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 634 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting h3: regulatory quality moderates the negative effect of the agricultural sector on tax revenue h4: regulatory quality moderates the positive effect of fdi on tax revenue h5: regulatory quality has a positive effect on tax revenue methods this study used panel data regression with tax revenue, agriculture, and fdi variables from n-11 member countries within the period of 2010 to 2019. the data used were secondary data obtained from world development indicators, world bank. each independent variable is moderated using regulatory quality variables and processed through the stata 17 application. the definition of each variable can be seen in table 1. table 1. variable definition variable proxy unit tax revenue dependent tax revenue to gdp percentage agriculture independent contribution of the agricultural sector to gdp percentage fdi independent fdi inflow to gdp percentage regulatory quality moderation quality of regulations issued index source: processed by the author to determine the research model that can explain the relationship between variables, a test was conducted, and the best models among the common, fixed and random effects were selected (baltagi, 2021). the test for determining the best panel model can be seen in table 2. table 2. panel model determination test test h0 h1 chow test common/pooled is better than fixed effect fixed effect is better than common/pooled lagrange multiplier (lm) test common/pooled is better than random effect random effect is better than common/pooled hausman test random effect is better than fixed effect fixed effect is better than random effect source: processed by the author as seen in table 3, to ascertain whether or not the selected model can show the relationship between variables, several classical assumption tests were conducted (gujarati, 2022). a normality searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 635 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting test is a series of procedures to test whether the underlying distribution of random variables is normally distributed (d'agostino et al., 1990). meanwhile, a multicollinearity test is conducted to test whether there is more than one linear relationship between variables (gujarati, 2022). furthermore, the heteroscedasticity test is carried out to examine the systematic changes in the distribution of residuals over a range of measured values (frost, 2019). finally, the autocorrelation test is conducted to measure if there is a correlation between a series of data sorted in space or time (gujarati, 2022). table 3. classical assumption test test h0 h1 normality test data are normally distributed data are not normally distributed multicollinearity test no multicollinearity between independent variables there is multicollinearity between independent variables heteroscedasticity test data are homoscedastic data are heterosedastic autocorrelation test there is no autocorrelation there is autocorrelation source: processed by the author the form of the panel data regression equation used in this study is as follows: tr= β0 + β1.agri + β2.fdi + β3.agri.reg + β4.fdi.reg + β5.reg + ɛ where: tr = the percentage of tax revenue to gdp β0 = the constant β1 = the regression coefficient of the percentage of the agricultural sector to gdp agri = the contribution of the agricultural sector to gdp β2 = the regression coefficient of the percentage of fdi to gdp fdi = foreign direct investment β3 = the regression coefficient of agricultural sector on gdp that has been moderated by regulatory quality agri.reg = the percentage of the agricultural sector to gdp that has been moderated by regulatory quality β4 = the regression coefficient of fdi percentage to gdp that has been moderated by regulatory quality fdi.reg = the percentage of fdi to gdp that has been moderated by regulatory quality β5 = the regression coefficient of regulatory quality reg = the regulatory quality ɛ = the error searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 636 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting results and discussions to determine the characteristics of each variable, descriptive analysis is conducted as shown in table 4. based on the table, the average value of tax revenue of n-11 countries is 11.78%. nigeria is the country with the smallest tax revenue ratio with a value of 3.37% in 2016. according to oyedele (2016), the low tax revenue in nigeria is due to several factors, namely incoherent fiscal policy, complicated and inefficient tax administration system, high level of tax evasion, ambiguity in tax laws, and lack of transparency regarding the utilization of tax revenues for social services and visible development. surprisingly, a country with the largest tax revenue in 2011 was turkey with a value of 18.68%. one of the factors for high tax revenue in turkey is the increase in tobacco tax. cetinkaya & marquez (2017) explained that turkey has significantly increased taxes on tobacco since 2002, and the tax revenue from tobacco from 2005 to 2011 increased by 124%. meanwhile, the contribution of the agricultural sector to gdp in n-11 countries averaged 12.24%, with pakistan having the highest ratio of 25.13%. the strong figures indicate that the agricultural sector is the 'backbone' of pakistan's economy (rehman et al., 2015). in 2019, a country with the lowest ratio was south korea, with a value of 1.62%. yoon et al. (2020) further explained that the agricultural sector in south korea was in a situation of massive import opening because it was driven by the fta. furthermore, for fdi, the average value in n-11 countries is 1.85%. in 2019, egypt became a nation with the lowest fdi percentage of -0.2%. this was due to the greater fdi outflow if compared to the inflow as the massive revolution took place in egypt on january 25, 2011 (kamaly, 2011). on the other hand, in 2019 it was indicated that the country with the highest percentage of fdi was vietnam, with the percentage of 6.9%. the high percentage of fdi to gdp in vietnam was triggered by the implementation of foreign investment regulations in 1987 aiming to encourage foreign investment through facilitation such as a full foreign ownership of investments and ruling out nationalization (le & thanh, 1995). thus, the average regulatory quality score of n-11 countries is -0.33. furthermore, iran has the smallest regulatory quality index, around -1.71 in 2010. ronaghi et al. (2020) stated that the country had difficulty in meeting the wgi. meanwhile, south korea had the largest regulatory quality index in 2016 with a value of 1.11. according to kim (2016), regulatory reform is one of the government's national priorities to support the economic growth, focusing on improving or removing regulations to encourage both employment and investment. it is expected that the priorities help increase the economy and step up the institutions’ efforts to facilitate the regulatory reform. table 4. descriptive statistics descriptive tax revenue agriculture fdi agriculture – regulatory quality fdi – regulatory quality regulatory quality mean 11,78 12,24 1,85 -6,66 -0,58 -0,33 median 12,45 12,58 1,42 -5,95 -0,49 -0,43 std. dev 3,71 6,65 1,56 7,09 1,11 0,66 minimum 3,37 1,62 -0,2 -19,28 -4,25 -1,71 searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 637 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting maximum 18,68 25,13 6,9 3,23 1,87 1,11 source: processed from stata 17 in table 5, a panel model determination test is conducted to select the model. first, a chow test is conducted to choose either fixed effect or common effect models. the test result is 0.00 or below α = 5% . this means that the fixed effect model is better. then the lm test is conducted to determine between the random effect or common effect model. the results show a value of 0.00 or below α = 5%, from which the random effect model is considered better. the last test is executed to examine between fixed effect or random effect using the hausman test. the result shows a value of 0.76 or above α = 5%. thus, it can be interpreted that the random effect model will be used in this study. table 5. the result of the panel model determination test test value result chow test 0,00 fixed effect is better than common effect lagrange multiplier (lm) test 0,00 random effect is better than common effect hausman test 0,76 random effect is better than fixed effect source: processed from stata 17 following the above steps, a classical assumption test is carried out to ascertain whether or not it meets the assumptions of normality, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation as listed in table 6. the normality test shows a value of 0.06 or above α = 5%, which means that the data used is normally distributed. whereas the heteroscedasticity test indicates a value above α = 5%, or 0.35. this signifies the homoscedastic data. however, there is still autocorrelation after the testing is completed, indicated by a value of 0.03 or below α = 5%. table 6. the result of classical assumption test test value result normality test 0,06 data is normally distributed heteroscedasticity test 0,35 data is homoscedastic autocorrelation test 0,03 there is autocorrelation source: processed from stata 17 furthermore, a test was conducted to ascertain whether the assumption of multicollinearity has been met, as shown in table 7. from the test results, it can be concluded that the variables of agriculture, fdi, agriculture moderated by regulatory quality, fdi moderated by regulatory quality, and regulatory quality moderated variables show values below 10. this indicates that all independent variables do not show symptoms of multicollinearity. searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 638 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table 7. multicollinearity test variable vif result agriculture 3,26 no multicollinearity between independent variables fdi 2,66 no multicollinearity between independent variables agriculture – regulatory quality 8,38 no multicollinearity between independent variables fdi – regulatory quality 3,97 no multicollinearity between independent variables regulatory quality 4,31 no multicollinearity between independent variables source: processed from stata 17 for autocorrelation symptoms that occur, treatment is carried out in the form of retesting using xtregar syntax on the selected panel model, namely random effect (baltagi & wu, 1999). the results of treatment and hypothesis testing can be seen in table 8. table 8. hypothesis test variable coefficient std. err z p>|z| agriculture 0,02 0,09 0,26 0,792 fdi 0,25 0,15 1,71 0,087 agriculture – regulatory quality 0,16 0,11 1,48 0,138 fdi – regulatory quality -0,63 0,28 -2,21 0,027 regulatory quality 2,09 1,09 1,92 0,055 constant 12,37 1,02 12,17 0,000 prob > f = 0.00 source: processed from stata 17 the f-test shows a value of 0.00 or smaller than α=5%, which means that all independent variables affect tax revenue simultaneously. since the p-value obtained from stata is two-tailed, it must be divided by two to test the one-tailed hypothesis (ucla, t.t.). the partial test results show that the value of agriculture is 0.396, which is greater than α = 5%. this demonstrates that the variable partially does not affect tax revenue. moreover, the finding remains unchanged when the agricultural sector is moderated with the regulatory quality, and the p-value signifies a value of 0.069, meaning that it affects significantly, at the α=10% level. on the other hand, fdi partially influences tax revenue as indicated by the z-test value that is smaller than α=5%, or 0.044. similarly, fdi has been moderated by regulatory quality, and there is a change to 0.014 or smaller than α = 5%, therefore it can be interpreted that the variable partially significantly affects tax revenue. moderately, the regulatory quality has a significant effect on tax revenue with a z-test result of 0.028 or lower than α = 5%. based on the description above, the regression equation is formed below: searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 639 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting tax revenue = 12,37 + 0,02agri + 0,25fdi + 0,16agrireg – 0,63fdireg + 2,09reg the agricultural sector has a coefficient value of 0.02 which indicates that a one percent increase in the contribution of the agricultural sector will be followed by a 0.02% increase in tax revenue. however, since the z-test result shows a value above α=5%, it can be interpreted that the agricultural sector has no effect on tax revenue in n-11 countries and is not in accordance with the hypothesis. this is in accordance with a study by mahdavi (2008) which found that the agricultural sector has a positive and insignificant effect on tax revenue. furthermore, chaudhry & munir (2010) argued that the agricultural sector is negatively and insignificantly related to tax revenue, since small scale farmers and subsistence farming normally occur in developing countries do not generate large taxable income. contrary to a study by ghura (1998) which stated the negative effect of the agricultural sector on tax revenue, it is indicated that tax revenue increases when there is a decline in the ratio of the agricultural sector to gdp. in addition, it is not easy for the agricultural sector to tax politically (gupta, 2007). piancastelli (2001) added that there is a need to improve the performance of fiscal revenue from the agricultural sector, particularly in low and middle-income countries. furthermore, when the agricultural sector is moderated by the quality of regulations, it significantly affects tax revenue. this finding is consistent with the hypothesis. that is, an increase in the agricultural sector moderated by regulatory quality to one percent will increase tax revenue by 0.16%. this shows that the quality of regulation in n-11 countries is able to regulate the agricultural sector, thus that tax revenue from the sector notably improves and contributes to tax revenue. these results are also reflected in the findings by leuthold (1991), which emphasized that the agricultural sector is difficult to tax. however, this can be overcome by a proper regulatory quality, therefore, tax revenue occurs. meanwhile, fdi with a coefficient value of 0.25 indicates that it has a significant positive effect on tax revenue, where a one percent increase in fdi will increase tax revenue in n-11 countries by 0.25%. this finding is consistent with the hypothesis. minh ha et al. (2022) found similar point, that fdi has a positive effect on tax revenue through not only export-import activities, but also infrastructure development and economic growth. the finding is in line with a research by okey (2013) which states that fdi can increase tax revenue directly to both foreign companies and entrepreneurs. in contrast to these findings, a study by gaspareniene et al. (2022) states that fdi inflow has a negative impact on tax revenue. it occured since small and medium-sized enterprises are incapable to compete with foreign companies formed from fdi, consequently, potential tax revenue is affected (unctad, 2012). interestingly, when fdi is moderated by regulatory quality, the coefficient becomes -0.63. this means that a one percent increase in fdi moderated by regulatory quality reduces tax revenue by 0.63%. this indicates that the application of both rules and regulations to fdi lowers tax revenue to n-11 countries and shows conformity with the hypothesis. mudambi et al. (2013) explains that the greater the economic freedom or the fewer regulations governing economic activity, the bigger the inflow of foreign investment. therefore, the application of regulations to foreign investment searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 640 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reduces fdi and results in a decrease of the potential tax revenue from the the utilization of these investments. for the regulatory quality variable itself, it shows a significant positive effect on tax revenue as indicated by a coefficient value of 2.09 and a z-test result of 0.028. if interpreted, an increase in regulatory quality by one signifies the tax revenue by 2.09% and it is obviously in line with the hypothesis. this suggests that regulatory quality plays an crucial role in increasing tax revenue in n-11 countries. similar results were found by syadullah (2015) who stated that regulatory quality has a positive impact on tax revenue, where good government policies and regulations towards the private sector improves tax revenue. in addition, asmah et al. (2020) found that an increase in regulatory quality will be followed by an increase in tax revenue. nevertheless, several research results do not match the findings. yaru & raji (2022) argued that regulatory quality has no impact on tax revenue, whereas salman et al. (2022) stated that the government's ability to formulate and implement the development policies of private sectors has no correlation with the level of the economy. conclusions this study examines the effects of the agricultural sector, fdi, and the moderating variable of regulatory quality on tax revenue in n-11 countries. the results indicate that the agricultural sector, fdi, agriculture moderated by regulatory quality, fdi moderated by regulatory quality, and regulatory quality simultaneously affect tax revenue. partially, the agricultural sector shows no effect on tax revenue. meanwhile, fdi, the agricultural sector moderated by regulatory quality, and regulatory quality affect tax revenue positively and significantly. however, when the fdi variable is moderated by regulatory quality, it shows a significant negative effect on tax revenue. from the findings, it is suggested that governments in n-11 countries not spend resources on regulating the fdi sector, especially when the aim is increasing tax revenue. this is because the quality of regulations will reduce tax revenue from fdi. instead, the government should issue quality regulations in other sectors, such as agriculture, and based on the analysis, agriculture will have a positive impact on tax revenue. moreover, the government needs to encourage the entry to foreign investment into n-11 countries for the purpose of increasing the tax revenue. it is obvious that the proper overall regulatory quality have a significant impact on increasing tax revenue. nevertheless, this study has limitations, in which only fdi inflow as a proxy for fdi and a short time span are used. for future research, it is recommended that not only the fdi inflow variable but also the fdi outflow and a longer time span be considered. moreover, it is necessary to investigate how the moderating variables of corruption control and the rule of law affect the tax revenue. searching for tax revenue determinants in n-11: the moderating role of regulatory quality pascal and wijaya 641 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting references ajaz, t., & ahmad, e. 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(2023). tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 524-545. abstract: this study aims to analyze the effect of foreign direct investment (fdi), and share of agriculture on tax revenue in asean countries with regulatory quality as the moderating variable. the research method used is descriptive quantitative with panel data regression analysis and the econometric model is estimated by panel corrected standard errors (pcse). the result indicates that fdi, share of agriculture, regulatory-quality-moderated fdi and share of agriculture simultaneously have a significant effect on tax revenue. partially, the result shows that fdi has a positive and significant effect on tax revenue. regulatory quality and share of agriculture have no effect on tax revenue. furthermore, regulatory quality weakens the positive relationship of fdi and tax revenue, whereas regulatory quality strengthens the negative relationship between share of agriculture and tax revenue. based on the generated results, there will be a necessity for government to create a comprehensive economic and fiscal policy to increase tax revenue and to strengthen the tax base in the asean countries. keywords: asean, foreign direct investment, regulatory quality, share of agriculture, tax revenue this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction the government of a country is inherently overwhelmed with the responsibilities to enhance the welfare and the living standards of its citizens, to protect lives and property, to provide social welfare services, to maintain law and order, and to promote sustainable economic development. in order to fulfil these functions, the government requires revenue from various sources. tax revenue is a significant source to fund government expenditures. saad (2014) described taxation as a social and economic reform instrument that penetrates every economic aspect, including individuals, companies, citizens, and foreigners. worlu & nkoro (2012) stated that the growth and the development of a country depends heavily on the ability of the government to generate sufficient tax revenue in order to fund the availability of infrastructures. the government's responsibility to promote economic growth and the well-being of its people continues to increase over time, especially in developing countries. this is due to a significant population growth and rapid technological advancements. while taxation serves as a crucial tool in fiscal policies aimed at tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 525 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting generating resources for economic growth within a nation, there exists a notable disparity between the ever-growing requirements of government spending and the insufficient amount of tax revenue collected to support developmental initiatives. (david a, 2000; ngotho & kerongo, 2014; oecd, 2008; saibu & olatunbosun, 2013). tax revenue pertains to compulsory payments remitted to the central government for public objectives, excluding specific items such as fines, penalties, and certain social security contributions (world bank, 2023). conversely, refunds and corrections resulting from tax collection errors are considered negative revenue. the magnitude of tax revenue can be measured in terms of currency or as a percentage of a country's total gdp. the percentage of tax revenue in relation to gdp indicates the proportion of a nation's economic output obtained by the government through taxation. there are three common theories underlying the study on tax revenue, namely the cost-of-service theory, the benefit theory, and the socio-political theory of taxation (ojong et al., 2016). the cost-of-service theory explained that the costs incurred by the government in providing specific services to the public should be shared by the individuals serving as the ultimate beneficiaries (jhingan, 2004). the goal of the state is to provide services to its people, but the application of this theory creates limitations on government services. this theory was subsequently expanded into the benefit theory of taxation, which proposes that individuals should contribute taxes in proportion to the benefits they derive. however, a research by ahuja (2012) argued that quantifying the precise number of benefits received by individuals is challenging, resulting in the declining application of this theory. the last theory, the socio-political theory, states that the primary purpose of a taxation system is for social and political objectives (ojong et al., 2016). this theory emphasizes that the tax system is designed not for personal interests but for the benefit of society as a whole. furthermore, tax revenue functions as a measure of the government's authority over a nation's economic resources (oecd, 2023). tax revenue is a pillar supporting the economic development of a country (myles, 2000). this is further supported by numerous previous studies from which it is claimed that tax revenue has a positive impact on a country's economic growth, such as the research conducted by ofoegbu et al., (2016), onakoya et al., (2017),. kusi (1998) suggests that many countries tend to rely on taxes to fulfil their financial necessity. this is because tax revenue offers not only a stable but also predictable income stream to fulfil the objectives of the state needs and the economic development (pfister, 2009). source: world bank, 2023 (data processed by author) picture 1. tax revenue data in asean member countries 2012-2019 0 5 10 15 20 25 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 526 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the asean economy has demonstrated commendable progress and expansion in the last thirty years and so has in the majority of asian nations (nguyen & darsono, 2022). simultaneously, lowincome economies like cambodia, laos, myanmar, and vietnam have exhibited higher growth rates compared to their neighboring nations. it is then indicated that the degree of economic is convergent within the asean region (asean, 2021). however, this may not be fully reflected in the percentage of tax revenue to gdp (hereinafter referred to as tax revenue). in recent years, tax revenue in asean countries are fluctuating. the international monetary fund (imf) states that the development of a country can be optimally and sustainably implemented if the tax ratio reaches a minimum of 15%. there is a visible tax revenue gap from one country to another one where some asean nations such as malaysia, thailand, and cambodia have reached the 15% tax ratio in certain years, albeit with fluctuations. nevertheless, other asean members have not experienced this phenomenon yet. a country like brunei darussalam even demonstrates a significant gap compared to the other countries, where their tax revenue is mostly under 5%. to address the hindrance to the economic development capacity of a country , tax revenue generation should be maximized. quantitative research on taxation becomes crucial as to determine what factors may affect the research and identify approaches for enhancing tax revenue and funding public expenditures. additionally, tax revenue plays a valuable role in assessing whether or not a nation has effectively gathered an adequate amount of taxes based on its capacity for tax collection. asean members comprise of mostly developing countries rely on agricultural sector. agricultural sector is still viewed as a prime sector that contributes enormously towards gdp. people in developing countries work as a farmer to provide their daily necessities. being a reliable and impactful sector makes it important to examine whether or not this particular sector is also impactful on country’s tax revenue. the agricultural sector distinguishes itself from the industrial and service sectors based on its unique roles, which include providing food, fulfilling social needs, contributing to national economic growth, and serving environmental purposes. (besusparienė, 2018). the functions of the agricultural sector, which encompass economic, social, and environmental dimensions, are intricately linked to the concept of sustainable development. agricultural activities can be differentiated based on their singularity determined by seasonal work, government regulations, work involving biological assets, and dependence on environmental conditions (girdžiūtė & & slavickienė, 2011). the agricultural sector is an economic domain encompassing activities such as crop cultivation, animal production, agricultural engineering, manufacturing of agricultural machinery, fertilizers supply, and other related supports aimed at supporting agricultural practices (jean vasile et al., 2019). the role of the agricultural sector itself is significant in meeting society's needs and implementing government policies. in developing nations, the agricultural sector is typically characterized by the predominance of numerous small-scale farmers who engage in self-consumption, selling their produce in informal markets, or practicing the barter systems for the exchange of goods. according to matsuyama (1992), there is a positive link between the agricultural sector and industrial progress. the high income from the agricultural sector leads to the domestic demand for industrial products and increases domestic savings needed for industrialization. furthermore, chang et al., (2006) introduced the theory of revenue-generating effect, which means that higher productivity in the agricultural sector will lead to a higher tax base. this will result in an increase in tax revenue derived from the agricultural sector. it is also stated that an increase of output in the agricultural sector will tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 527 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting lead to an increased public spending on infrastructure. therefore, it is expected that there will be a positive relationship between the agricultural sector and the tax revenue. conversely, in recent years, foreign investment has gained popularity as a means of financing for countries, including those within the asean region. presently, foreign direct investment (fdi) stands as a crucial external funding source for developing nations (camara, 2022). united nations conference on trade and development (unctad) (2019) stated that in recent years, developing countries in asia have experienced a continuous increase in foreign investment inflows, accounting for 54% of total fdi. therefore, it is also important to point out whether or not this typical financing creates a stronger foundation for a country to generate more tax revenue. theoretically, the harrod-domar’s growth model proposes that economic growth can be attained by investing savings in a linear or parallel manner (drăgoi, 2019). in this theory, economic growth is expected to progress in line with the increase in linear or parallel savings. this theory was further developed by solow, who defined economic development (y) as a function of capital (k) and labor (l) (solow, 1956). based on this theory, it can be stated that the accumulation of capital plays a crucial role in achieving economic growth. this capital can be augmented through investments, while factors such as depreciation and population growth can lead to its decline. krugman as cited in sarwedi, (2002) defines foreign direct investment (fdi) as an international capital flow in which a company from a home country establishes a company in the host country for investment purposes and/or solely expands an existing company in the host country. dunning (2001) proposes the oli paradigm theory further, stating that there are three conditions a company should cater to channel its capital into a country in the form of foreign direct investment: o (ownership advantage), refers to the form of various business processes, intangible assets, knowhow, and so on; l (location advantage), includes advantages gained from the host country such as accessibility, market size, labor wages, and macroeconomic stability; and i (internalization advantage), is exclusive advantages that can only be obtained by a company if it prefers direct investment to other investment forms. on the other hand, the theory of economic regulation (posner, 1974; becker, 1983; stigler, 1971) implies that changes in economic regulations related to market entry, exit, products, prices, quantity, or market structure can impact investment choices (weber waller, 2006). fdi increases the amount of investment in the private sector of a country. hence, the increased capital serve as broader economic from which positive relationship between fdi and tax revenue can be made possible. it is important to note that the amount of tax revenue of a country cannot be separated from how the government forms a regulation. according to (teorell & rothstein, 2008), governance is a comprehensive concept that encompasses the exercise of authority, both formally and informally, in the management of a nation's resources. the quality of governance is assessed based on the influence of this exercise of power on the citizens' quality of life. kaufmann et al. (2010) then introduced the world governance indicator (wgi) as a tool to measure the quality of governance in a country. wgi consists of six indicators, one of which is regulatory quality that refers to both the perception of the government's competence in creating and implementing effective policies and legislation that facilitate and encourage the growth of the private sector. therefore, regulatory quality is expected to have a positive influence on a country's tax revenue. tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 528 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting a number of studies have been conducted to examine the determinants of tax revenue in a country. a previous study by camara (2022) states that fdi has a positive and significant influence on the size of tax revenue of a country. this finding is similar to the research done by amoh & adom (2017) who emphasizes that tax revenue in the economy sector can be generated by promoting greater formalization of economic activities and enhancing competitiveness. these findings are in line with the results presented by andrejovská & puliková (2018) and nath et al., (2022). contrary to these findings, gaspareniene et al., (2022) conducted a study suggesting that fdi has a negative and significant impact on tax revenue. on the other hand, a research by pratomo (2020) examines the influence of fdi on tax revenue in developing countries and finds that fdi inflows have no impact on tax revenue in a country. furthermore, ayenew (2016) conducted a study on the influence of the agricultural sector on tax revenue and concluded that the agricultural sector had no impact on tax revenue. this finding are in contrast with the research conducted by profeta & scabrosetti (2010) where the agricultural sector has a negative impact on tax revenue in latin american countries. on the other hand, both sets of findings differ from the results of a study by kitessa & jewaria (2018) who state that there is a positive and significant relationship between the agricultural sector and tax revenue in a country. moreover, governance is also a determining factor in taxpayer compliance, which ultimately affects the increase or decrease in tax revenue. syadullah (2015) states that the quality of regulations in a country's governance has a positive and significant influence on tax revenue in that country. however, on the opposite spectrum, a research by yaru & raji (2022) claimed that the regulatory quality has no influence on the size of tax revenue in a country. due to the diverse study findings regarding the impact of fdi and the agricultural sector on tax revenue in a country, this research aims to develop and complement the previous studies by adding a moderating variable, namely the regulatory quality, used to better understand the direction and/or strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables (saunders et al., 2016). the objective of this research is to analyze the simultaneous and partial effects of fdi and the agricultural sector on tax revenue while using the regulatory quality as a moderator. by selecting a sample of countries that share similarities in geographical location and development level, it is expected that this study yields more reliable and significant results. in addition, there is currently a lack of research conducted using the aforementioned combination of variables to investigate tax revenue in asean countries. therefore, this study is expected to contribute to the theory enrichment upon this subject and to provide additional references and perspectives for readers regarding the significance of these factors' influence on tax revenue in a country. thus, the hypotheses are as follows: h1: there is a positive influence of fdi on tax revenue. h2: there is a positive influence of the agricultural sector on tax revenue. h3: there is a positive influence of the regulatory quality on tax revenue. h4: the regulatory quality strengthens the relationship between fdi and tax revenue. h5: the regulatory quality strengthens the relationship between the agricultural sector and tax revenue. tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 529 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting method research type the research is conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. according to arikunto (2006), quantitative descriptive research is a method aimed at objectively describing a situation using numerical data, starting from data collection, interpretation of data, and presentation of data and its results. the research data is displayed in the form of panel data with a sample comprising 10 asean member countries, namely indonesia, malaysia, singapore, thailand, philippines, vietnam, myanmar, laos, brunei darussalam, and cambodia, covering the period from 2012 to 2019. the data used in this study are secondary data sourced from the world bank. variable identification this study uses tax revenue as the dependent variable, foreign direct investment (fdi) and share of agriculture (agricultural sector) as the independent variables, with regulatory quality as the moderator. additionally, this research also includes share of service (service sector), urbanization, and the control of corruption as control variables. table 1. research variables variable variable definition scale units tax revenue ratio of central tax revenue to country's gdp ratio percentage (%) foreign direct investment (fdi) the ratio of the amount of fdi inflow to the country's gdp ratio percentage (%) share of agriculture as % of gdp the ratio of income received from the agricultural sector to the country's gdp ratio percentage (%) regulatory quality index with a scale of -2.5 to 2.5 to assess the government's ability to create regulations that promote private sector development ratio without units share of services as % of gdp the ratio of income received from the service sector to the country's gdp ratio percentage (%) urbanization people living in urban areas which are defined as % of the total population ratio percentage (%) control of corruption index with a scale of -2.5 to 2.5 to capture perceptions about the occurrence of corruption phenomena in a country ratio without units tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 530 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting data analysis 1. model specification this research will be tested using three general types of regression models and one alternative regression model. the regression models include the common effect model (cem) or commonly known as pooled least squares (pls), fixed effect model (fem), and random effect model (rem), along with one alternative model, namely panel corrected standard error (pcse). in this study, three types of tests are employed to ascertain the most suitable model. they are the chow test, the lagrange multiplier test, and the hausman test. the chow test helps determine the preferred model between the common effect model (cem) and the fixed effect model (fem). the lagrange multiplier test (lm) examines whether panel data analysis is better suited to the random effect model (rem) or the common effect model (cem). on the other hand, the hausman test is a statistical evaluation used to select the most appropriate model between the fixed effect model (fem) and the random effect model (rem) for testing panel data. 2. gauss-markov test (classical assumption test) in the gauss-markov test, or commonly known as the classical assumption test, there are four types of tests that will be conducted, namely the normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test. the purpose of the normality test is to assess whether or not the residual values follow a normal distribution. sujarweni (2015), states that this test aims to investigate if both the dependent and independent variables in the regression model exhibit a normal distribution. meanwhile, the multicollinearity test is performed to determine if there is a correlation among the independent variables utilized in the analysis. as mentioned by sujarweni (2015), the presence of multicollinearity suggests a perfect or definite linear relationship among one or more independent variables in the model. the heteroscedasticity test, on the other hand, aims to evaluate if there is unequal variance among the residuals across different observations in the regression model (ghozali, 2011). lastly, the autocorrelation test is conducted to explore whether there is a correlation between disturbance errors in period t and disturbance errors in period t-1 in the linear regression model. the purpose of this test is to ensure that there are no carryover errors from previous years that may affect the data analysis in the current year. 3. regression model the author utilized the assistance of stata 17 software in conducting the data analysis. the panel data regression models used in this study are as follows: tr = β0 + β1fdiit + β2agriit + β3regit + β4fdiregit + β5agriregit + β6serv + β7urban + β8corr + εit note: tr = ratio of central tax revenue to gdp β0 = constant parameter (intercept) β1 to β5 = regression coefficients fdi = foreign direct investment tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 531 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting agri = share of gdp from the agricultural sector reg = regulatory quality fdireg = foreign direct investment moderated by regulatory quality agrireg = share of gdp from the agricultural sector moderated by regulatory quality serv = share of gdp from the service sector urban = urban population corr = corruption perception index in a country ε = error terms result and discussion a. descriptive analysis table 2. descriptive analysis variabel mean std. dev. min max tr 11.91136 4.362644 1.781 19.73206 fdi 6.517866 6.75909 -1.320522 32.16984 agri 12.97847 8.915805 0.0302096 33.5196 reg -0.3174903 0.972046 -2.348573 1.149036 fdireg -5.972091 16.00721 -71.87849 5.031719 agrireg -1.948509 8.772189 -25.82188 19.26933 serv 47.61523 10.53963 28.28036 70.7942 urban 51.94339 23.62413 21.037 100 corr -0.5108795 0.7410775 -1.672809 0.8577785 source: data processed using stata 17, 2023 the above test results indicate the descriptive analysis findings. on average, the tax revenue (as a percentage) in asean member countries is 11.91136%. the highest percentage of tax revenue is recorded in cambodia in 2019, with a value of 19.73206%, while the lowest percentage is shown by brunei darussalam in 2013, at 1.781%. the fdi variable has an average of 6.517866%. the highest fdi value, which is 32.16984% of the total gdp, is owned by singapore in 2019, while the lowest fdi value, -1.320522%, is recorded by brunei darussalam in 2016. on average, the agriculture sector variable falls at 12.97847%. the highest percentage of revenue from the agriculture sector is from cambodia in 2012, at 33.5196% of the total gdp. on the other hand, the lowest percentage is owned by singapore in 2018, with a share of 0.0302096% of the total gdp. on average, the regulatory quality has a scale of -0.3174903, with the highest scale belonging to brunei darussalam in 2013, at 1.149036, meanwhile the lowest scale is -2.348573, is recorded by singapore in 2014. tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 532 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting b. model selection test results table 3. model selection test test test value prob. values conclusion chow test 49.98 0.0000 fixed effect model is better than common effect model / pooled least square lm bp test 69.80 0.0000 random effect model is better than common effect model / pooled least square hausman test 23.15 0.0032 fixed effect model is better than random effect model source: data processed using stata 17, 2023 the model selection tests conducted have determined that the fixed effect model is the most suitable choice for this study. following the selection of the panel data model, the testing will now proceed to examine the classical assumption tests. c. classical assumption tests results tabel 4. classical assumption test test prob. values conclusion uji normalitas 0.2424 data is normally distributed uji multikolinearitas 12.83 there are symptoms of multicollinearity uji heteroskedastisitas 0.0028 there are symptoms of heteroscedasticity uji autokorelasi 0.1205 there are no symptoms of autocorrelation source: data processed using stata 17, 2023 the finding from the classical assumption tests presented in the table 4 is an evidence that the data successfully meet the criteria for normality and lack of autocorrelation. this is supported by the probability values exceeding α=0.05. however, there is an indication of multicollinearity, as the variance inflation factor (vif) values surpass 10. multicollinearity is considered absent when the vif is below 10. this study uses panel data, which is a combination of cross-section and time series data, and it is a rule of thumb that multicollinearity issues can be ignored (gujarati, 2003). gujarati et al., (2012) also stated that classical assumption tests are not always necessary in panel data analysis as they naturally minimize biases that are likely to arise in the analysis results, and to provide more information, variation, as well as degree of freedom. on the other hand, the data indicate evidence of heteroscedasticity as the probability values are not greater than α=0.05. to tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 533 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting address this issue, the author uses the panel corrected standard error (pcse) method (greene, 2018). d. hypothesis test results table 5. panel corrected standard error (pcse) model regression analysis panel-corrected tr coefficient std. err. z p>|z| (twotailed) p>|z| (onetailed) [95% conf. interval] fdi 0.2455392 0.1287295 1.91 0.056 0.028 -0.006766 0.4978445 fdireg 0.1808459 0.0689645 2.62 0.009 0.0045 0.045678 0.3160137 agri -0.0031029 0.086385 -0.04 0.971 0.4855 -0.1724145 0.1662086 agrireg -0.1325244 0.0639509 -2.07 0.038 0.019 -0.2578658 -0.0071829 reg 0.3936803 0.8883719 0.44 0.658 0.329 -1.347497 2.134857 serv 0.3399658 0.0388351 8.75 0.000 0.000 0.2638504 0.4160811 urban -0.0771614 0.0303262 -2.54 0.011 0.0055 -0.1365997 -0.0177231 corr -2.617602 1.159781 -2.26 0.024 0.012 -4.890731 -0.3444733 _cons -2.218772 3.968364 -0.56 0.576 0.288 -9.996622 5.559078 source: data processed using stata 17, 2023 1. simultaneous test (f-test) from the test results, it is known that simultaneously the variables fdi, agricultural sector, regulatory quality and the interaction of fdi and the agricultural sector moderated by the regulatory quality have a significant influence on tax revenue in asean countries. this can be seen from the prob > chi2 value of 0.0000 (less than the 5 percent alpha level). 2. partial test (t-test) the partial test can be observed from the p>|z| values as seen in the above table. if the p>|z| value is less than the alpha level, then the variable is considered to have a significant influence on tax revenue in asean countries. since the research hypothesis is done in a one-tailed way, thus, the value used is the one in the p>|z| (one-tailed) column. in asean member countries, the variable of foreign direct investment (fdi) has a notable and positive effect on tax revenue, while the variable of the agricultural sector does not impact tax revenue. however, when regulatory quality is introduced as a moderating variable, the fdi variable demonstrates a positive and significant influence on tax revenue. conversely, the agricultural sector variable, when moderated by regulatory quality, shows a significant negative impact on tax revenue. it is crucial to note that the moderating variable, regulatory quality, does not have a direct influence on tax revenue in asean member countries. 3. coefficient of determination (r2) tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 534 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the coefficient of determination (r2) value is 0.7522 or 75.22 percent. this means that the fdi variable, agricultural sector variable, regulatory quality, fdi and agricultural sector variables moderated by the regulatory quality, as well as the control variables, collectively account for 75.22 percent of the variation in the dependent variable, which is a tax revenue in asean member countries. other variables not included in the analysis account for the remaining 24.78 percent of the influence. the regression results of the panel data are shown in the following model: y = -2.218772 + 0.2455392x1 – 0.0031029x2 + 0.3936803z + 0.1808459x1z – 0.1325244x2z + 0.3399658x3 – 0.0771614x4 – 2.617602x5 as described, the constant value of -2.218772 can be interpreted as the tax revenue ratio when there are no fdi, agricultural sector, and regulatory quality variables. the fdi variable has a coefficient of 0.2455392, with a positive sign indicating a positive relationship between fdi and tax revenue in asean member countries. this means that a 1% increase in fdi will result in a 0.2455392% increase in tax revenue. conversely, there exists a negative correlation between the agricultural sector and tax revenue. a 1% increase in gdp from the agricultural sector leads to a decrease of 0.0031029% in tax revenue. the regulatory quality variable has a positive coefficient, indicating that a 1% increase in the variable will result in a 0.3936803% increase in tax revenue. the interaction coefficient between fdi and regulatory quality is positively estimated at 0.1808459. this suggests that a 1% rise in the interaction between fdi and regulatory quality will result in a corresponding increase of 0.1808459% in tax revenue. conversely, the coefficient of the agricultural sector moderated by the regulatory quality is negative. this concludes that a 1% increase in the interaction between the agricultural sector and regulatory quality will decrease tax revenue by 0.1325244%. the impact of foreign direct investment (fdi) on tax revenue of asean countries prior research has investigated the correlation between fdi and tax revenue. for instance, camara (2022) found a positive and significant impact of fdi on a country's tax revenue. similar findings were reported by ade et al., (2018) dan mahmood & chaudhary (2013). the testing and data analysis in this study indicate that fdi has a significant positive effect on tax revenue in asean member countries. this supports the hypothesis developed by the author, leading to the conclusion that the hypothesis is accepted. these findings align with the harrod-domar theory, which emphasizes the importance of investment for regional economic growth. additionally, these findings are consistent with the research by camara & comaniciu (2014) but contradict the study conducted by gaspareniene et al., (2022), which suggested a negative and significant impact of fdi on tax revenue. in essence, foreign direct investment (fdi) has the potential to boost tax revenue by fostering productivity in the host country. a company receiving fdi inflows will experience an increase in its output, lead to higher profits. al-sadig (2013) argued that fdi has a crowd-in effect on private sector investment in the host country. increased investment levels provide more funding sources that can be utilized for a company's capital in conducting business. eze et al., (2019) stated that fdi has a positive impact on increasing output in the manufacturing sector. fdi also has a positive tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 535 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting and significant effect on output in the service sector (dwivedi & badge, 2013). an increase in a company's profit will expand its tax base. assuming the tax rate remains unchanged, an expansion of the tax base will lead to a subsequent rise in tax revenue generated by the country. furthermore, fdi can contribute to a country's tax revenue by creating new job opportunities (zhang & song, 2001). fdi inflows have a ripple effect on productivity, creating a competitive environment that fosters the establishment of new businesses and the expansion of existing ones. as companies grow in size, they need more employees to run the business smoothly. the need for additional employees generates more job opportunities, which, therefore, leads to an expanded labor force. this, in turn, results in a larger tax base for individual income tax, which boosts a country's tax revenue. furthermore, foreign direct investment (fdi) affects both the economy of a country and the level of income of its residents, stimulating aggregate demand and driving an increase in consumer spending (mahmood & chaudhary, 2013). as consumer spending rises, the tax base for value-added tax expands accordingly, contributing further to the country's tax revenue. the impact of agricultural sector on tax revenue of asean countries based on the test results, it can be concluded that the agricultural sector does not influence tax revenue of a country, specifically asean member countries. this finding contradicts the hypothesis developed by the author, with a rejection in the hypothesis. moreover, the results of this research also contradict the findings of kitessa & jewaria (2018) who state that agricultural sector impacts tax revenue of a country positively. on the other hand, the results of this study align with the studies conducted by piancastelli (2001), chaudhry & munir (2010), ayenew (2016) dan ahmad et al., (2016). each sector has different levels of ease when it comes to taxation. one sector may be more easily taxed compared to the others. the agricultural sector is one of the sectors that is challenging to optimize in terms of tax imposition. ayenew (2016) mentioned that taxing the agricultural sector is not easy, especially in developing countries where agriculture dominates other sectors. according to agbeyegbe et al., (2006) some countries are hesitant to tax the agricultural sector due to its subsistence nature. additionally, the informal nature of sectors such as agriculture makes it more time-consuming and labor-intensive to enforce taxation. it is safe to say that the cost is incomparable to the potential benefits. whereas on the surface taxing informal sectors like agriculture may appear to be a crucial and substantial revenue source to bolster the country's economy, in reality, individuals within this sector earn relatively low income (f. schneider, 2005; f. schneider et al., 2010; f. g. schneider & klinglmair, 2004). the taxation system in the agricultural sector, which commonly relies on self-assessment, leads to insufficient data for government oversight. this makes government unable to fully dig the potential revenue, resulting in potential losses in the agricultural sector. in general, when income increases in a sector, taxable income derived from that sector will go up. this domino effect leads to increased tax revenue for the country as well. this concept forms the basis of the revenuegenerating effect theory proposed by chang et al. (2006). however, due to the self-assessment taxation system where taxpayers self-report and determine the amount they will pay, the government cannot effectively ensure and monitor tax payments from individuals working in the agricultural sector. furthermore, the self-assessment taxation system allows taxpayers to engage in fraudulent activities such as tax evasion (wahyuni, 2011). consequently, when the contribution in agricultural sector rises, the effect is not accompanied by an increase in the country's tax revenues. tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 536 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting additionally, the limited knowledge among individuals involved in agriculture regarding taxation contributes to the low tax revenue generated from this sector. rahayu, (2017) revealed that taxpayers' knowledge of taxation regulations and provisions has a positive and significant impact on their compliance. when taxpayers have a good understanding of the taxation process, they tend to consciously pay and report their taxes to the government because they recognize the benefits derived from taxation (andiko et al., 2018). conversely, a lack of knowledge regarding taxation regulations can lead taxpayers to neglect their obligations. the impact of regulatory quality on tax revenue of asean countries regulatory quality does not have an influence on tax revenue. this is consistent with the research findings of phuong (2015) and yaru & raji (2022). on the other hand, there are contradictory results between the test results and the hypotheses presented in this study. the quality of regulation reflects the perceived capability of the government to establish and execute effective policies and regulations, thereby facilitating and encouraging the development of the private sector. a research conducted by asmah et al., (2020) implied that good quality regulations can weaken the effect of trade misinvoicing on tax revenue, which, although not significant, has a positive influence on tax revenue in sub-saharan african countries. on the contrary, the author's findings contrast with the research done by syadullah, (2015) which stated that regulatory quality has a positive influence on tax revenue. essentially, good quality regulations in a country can improve the country's economy, which ultimately can have an impact on increasing tax revenue. however, a regulation will take time to reap the desired effects.guasch & hahn (1999) stated that the implementation of regulations incurs substantial costs. this is in accordance with the research conducted by jalilian et al., (2007) in which two types of costs need to be met when the government implements a new regulation. first, the direct administrative costs of the regulatory system are absorbed within the government and become evident in the allocation of budgets for supervisory bodies. second, the compliance costs of a regulation implemented by the government. no matter how well the government formulates a regulation and/or policy, the regulation will not achieve the desired results if the public ignore the provisions or even seeks loopholes to gain personal benefits. this means that for a regulation to function optimally, optimal government supervision is required. on the other hand, not all regulations related to taxation will have an impact on tax revenue. the indonesian government issued “pmk nomor 59 tahun 2022 tentang perubahan atas pmk nomor 231/pmk.03/2019 tentang tata cara pendaftaran dan penghapusan npwp, pengukuhan dan pencabutan pengukuhan pkp, serta pemotongan dan/atau penyetoran, dan pelaporan pajak bagi instansi pemerintah” or regulation number 59 of 2022 concerning amendments to regulation number 231/pmk.03/2019 concerning the registration and cancellation procedures for taxpayer identification numbers (npwp), confirmation and revocation of value added taxable entrepreneurs (pkp), as well as tax deductions and/or deposits, and tax reporting for government agencies. one of the provisions in this regulation deals with the tax collection treatment for transactions using government village credit cards, making it similar to the treatment for transactions using government central credit cards. this regulation falls within the field of taxation, but it has no relevance to the amount of tax revenue in indonesia. another example is the change in the field verification policy, which was initially conducted during the application for the confirmation of taxable entrepreneurs but is now done during the application for taxable tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 537 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting entrepreneurs account activation, as stated in “per-04/pj/2020 tentang petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan administrasi nomor pokok wajib pajak, sertifikat elektronik, dan pengukuhan pengusaha kena pajak” or per-04/pj/2020 concerning the technical guidelines for the administration of taxpayer identification numbers, electronic certificates, and confirmation of taxable entrepreneurs. administrative regulations which aim to facilitate a business process do not target increasing tax revenue as their ultimate goal. therefore, the need to increase the amount of tax revenue in a country can not be fulfilled. the influence of the interaction between foreign direct investment (fdi) and regulatory quality on tax revenue in asean member countries the test results show that after moderating process, fdi still has a positive and significant influence on a country's tax revenue. however, prior to the moderation process, the moderating variable actually weakens the influence of fdi on tax revenue. fdi provides various benefits that can increase a country's tax revenue. bénassy-quéré et al., (2007) argued that the fdi effect driven by good governance policy formation becomes an important indicator for sustainable and comprehensive economic growth and development. amelia & sukadana (2019) stated that there is a strong and positive relationship between the quality of regulations and governance and the value of fdi received by a country. better regulations that support an investment climate will significantly encourage investors to invest their capital. for example, singapore offers a policy where the government does not require investors to purchase production factors from local sources or determine the percentage of output for export. in addition, singapore has a smart regulation committee acting not only as a regulator but also as a facilitator, thus developing business and investment-friendly regulatory regimes. on the other hand, vietnam, in its investment law no. 67/2014/qh13, has developed a regulation that simplifies licensing and business operations for foreign companies. the creation of regulations to facilitate the business and investment climate encourages investors to invest their capital in that country (wicaksono, 2021). however, despite the benefits offered by foreign investment, there is a possibility that these may not be realized under certain conditions. gaspareniene et al., 2022 stated that fdi has the potential to reduce tax revenue due to tax incentives such as tax-free zones, lower corporate tax rates, or other forms of incentives. each country competes to attract fdi into their country. this is in line with dunning's oli paradigm, where location advantage is a determinant for investors to inject their capital into a country. government regulations and policies, such as massive and aggressive tax incentives and the phenomenon of transfer pricing, can also reduce a country's tax revenue. the regulations of a country either hinder or facilitate the inflow and outflow of fdi, while market regulations such as price setting can affect the profitability of multinational companies. likewise, the enforcement of contracts and the presence of a robust legal framework in a country affect both the conduct and profitability of companies operating in the market, and their decision to enter the country in the first place. research conducted in ethiopia revealed that fdi has a detrimental effect on tax revenue due to extensive tax incentives (jeza et al., 2016). countries will compete to lower their tax rates to appear more attractive to foreign investors. in line with this, pratomo (2020) stated that fdi can also have a negative impact on a country's tax revenue if there is a phenomenon of transfer pricing by multinational companies. globalization and substantial tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 538 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting variations in tax rates among nations provide multinational companies with opportunities to partake in profit shifting activities. as a result, the host country may not receive optimal tax revenue benefits from fdi if the profits of multinational companies are redirected to other countries with lower tax rates or countries referred to as tax havens. the influence of the interaction between agricultural sector and regulatory quality on tax revenue in asean member countries the agricultural sector variable shows a significant negative influence after being moderated by regulatory quality. it can be said that the moderating variable, namely regulatory quality, strengthens the negative effect of the agricultural sector on tax revenue. research conducted by gaalya et al., (2017) suggests that the regulatory quality in asean countries reduces tax revenue both directly and indirectly. furthermore, mohammed & sanusi (2020) obtained consistent research results, stating that the negative influence of regulatory quality reflects the weak regulatory structure's nature in revenue mobilization. taxing the agricultural sector is inherently challenging due to the prevalence of subsistence activities, many of which operate within the informal sector. febrio kacaribu, the head of fiscal policy agency at the ministry of finance (bkf kemenkeu), noted that despite the agricultural sector's substantial contribution to the country's gdp, it makes a minimal contribution to tax revenue (pejabat pengelola informasi dan dokumentasi (ppid) kementerian keuangan, 2021). one of the reasons is the numerous regulations that provide tax incentives to the agricultural sector. in 2019, the government issued “peraturan pemerintah nomor 78 tahun 2019 tentang fasilitas pajak penghasilan untuk penanaman modal di bidang-bidang usaha tertentu” or government regulation number 78 of 2019 concerning income tax facilities for investment in certain business fields. the regulations mention tax incentives in the form of a 30% reduction in net income from tangible fixed assets for parties willing to invest in the agricultural sector. furthermore, the government provides tax incentives for the agricultural sector and other sectors related to agriculture. construction services in the irrigation land for instance, use acceleration program (p3-tgai) generate a final income tax incentive borne by the government. not only in indonesia, but also other asean countries have their own tax incentives for the agricultural sector. the philippines implemented undang-undang 19-2021 tentang pembebasan dari pajak penghasilan bagi usaha tani dan nelayan terakreditasi (accredited farmers and fisherfolk enterprises) registered at barangay micro-business enterprises (bmbes) or republic act 19-2021 on income tax exemption for accredited farmers and fisherfolk enterprises registered at barangay micro-business enterprises (bmbes), also known as the sagip saka act (alburo, 2022). on the other hand, vietnam offers various types and layers of tax incentives for the agricultural sector, ranging from tariff percentage reductions to income tax exemptions (du & tai, 2020). the regulations made by these countries are intended to build and develop the existence and sustainability of the agricultural sector, as it is an important sector for a country. however, it cannot be denied that the numerous tax incentives provided will reduce the tax revenue of the country. tax incentives prevent the government from taxing what are considered taxable and/or from properly reducing what should not be taxed. tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 539 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting conclusions this study aims to determine the effects of foreign direct investment (fdi) and the agricultural sector on tax revenue in asean member countries, using regulatory quality as a moderator. the research results indicate that fdi has a significant positive effect on tax revenue in asean member countries. fdi increases tax revenue by contributing to the host country's productivity. additionally, fdi boosts a country's tax revenue by creating new employment opportunities and increasing consumer spending, thereby expanding the value-added tax-based. the agricultural sector does not affect tax revenue in asean member countries. the selfassessment taxation system in the agricultural sector makes it difficult to optimize tax collection. moreover, the limited knowledge of individuals involved in agriculture regarding taxation is a contributing factor to the sector's low tax revenue. as for regulatory quality, it does not have an impact on tax revenue in asean member countries. this is due to a considerable amount of time taken for a regulation to achieve the desired effects, thus government oversight efforts are required. furthermore, not all tax-related regulations have an impact on a country's tax revenue. administrative regulations aimed at facilitating business processes do not affect the amount of tax revenue gained in a country as it is not their objective in the first place. the moderating variable, regulatory quality, weakens the influence of fdi on tax revenue as a consequence of the existing government regulations and policies, such as extensive and aggressive tax incentives. countries compete to lower their tax rates to appear more attractive to foreign investors. additionally, the phenomenon of transfer pricing done by multinational companies can reduce a country's tax revenue. regulatory quality as a moderating variable strengthens the negative impact of the agricultural sector on tax revenue in asean member countries. this is due to the numerous regulations providing tax incentives for the agricultural sector. the regulations made by these countries aim to build and develop the existence and sustainability of the agricultural sector. however, at the same time, the abundance of tax incentives creates a trade-off by reducing the tax revenue derived from this sector. in addition to the variables used in this study, it is important to consider other factors that influence tax revenue in asean member countries. further research may include other variables such as the influence industrial and/or service sectors have on tax revenue to determine which sector has a more significant effect. from the government's perspective as a policy-maker, it is essential to actively highlight the issues related to regulations governing foreign direct investment in their country and to rigorously implement an effective taxation system across various sectors. this, most expectedly, will strengthen tax revenue of a nation in the future. tax revenue, fdi, and agricultural sector: a dynamic interaction with regulatory quality as the moderation anwar and wijaya 540 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting references ade, m., rossouw, j., & gwatidzo, t. 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(2023). the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office. ilomata international journal of tax and accounting, 4(3), 407-437. abstract: this study aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp act, reporting of individual tax returns and awareness of taxpayers simultaneously on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one. this study used a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to 145 respondents and using a purposive sampling technique. data analysis was carried out by validation test, reliability test, classic assumption test, then the data was tested by multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test, correlation coefficient (r), and coefficient of determination (r2). the results of this study are based on testing the hypothesis by using the t test and f test, changes in layers of taxable income under article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting and taxpayer awareness have a positive and significant effect on income tax receipts. the test results of the coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.883 can be stated that the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipts (y) is 88.3%, the remaining 11.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. keywords: changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law, individual spt reporting, taxpayer awareness, income tax receipt, law no.7 of 2021 this is an open access article under the cc-by 4.0 license. introduction one type of tax that contributes the most to tax revenue is income tax (pph). pph is a tax imposed on individuals or companies on income received, including salaries, honoraria, wages, and so on. income taxes have great potential for the government as a source of income for expenses the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 408 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting (cnossen, 2018; neisser, 2021; ordower, 2014), one of which is income tax article 21. income tax article 21, which is also known as tax deductions, is applied to employees who have sufficient income in tax calculations in that country (blickenstorfer & lichtsteiner, 2014; freebairn, 2012; xu, 2022). the spread of the covid-19 virus has had a significant impact on indonesia's economic activity, causing changes in the structure of the state revenue and expenditure budget (apbn) that has been passed, especially in terms of state revenues. in order to encourage the recovery of the national economy that has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic, the government of indonesia has established a bill on the harmonization of tax regulations (ruu hpp) no. 7 of 2021 concerning harmonization of tax regulations. this bill was approved at the dpr plenary session on 7 october 2021. the main objective of this bill, as emphasized in article 1 paragraph (2), is to increase indonesia's sustainable economic growth while supporting the acceleration of economic recovery through the creation of optimal fiscal conditions. the focus is on fixing the budget deficit and increasing the tax ratio. in addition, this bill also aims to reform indonesia's tax system to make it fairer and provide legal certainty (basten et al., 2017; k.p.m.g., 2019; kunze, 2012). with the passing of the hpp law, the government plans to set a higher revenue target than the previous year. one way to do this is to increase state revenues through taxes. this is because 2022 is the last year in which the state budget deficit is allowed to exceed 3 percent, while in 2023 the deficit must be below 3 percent (majcen et al., 2009; rogers & weller, 2014; ruggeri & vincent, 2018). in order to boost state revenue from taxes, the government has developed several strategies, including changing the rates of several types of taxes. as a result of this strategy, several tax rates will change in early 2022. one of the changes in the tax provisions through the hpp law is the introduction of a new tax rate for individuals. this new tax rate replaces the previous provisions stipulated in article 17 of the income tax law (pph) (gonzález canché, 2022; sölvi kristjánsson, 2013; zhan et al., 2019). the purpose of these changes is to protect people with lower middle incomes and at the same time provide opportunities for people with high incomes to contribute more. the government seeks to create a healthier and fairer tax system. this change also has an impact on the calculation of article 21 income tax (pph 21) for company employees. the table of changes to the layers of income tax rates based on the hpp law which renews article 17 paragraph (1) letter a of the pph law is as follows. table i. changes in layers of income tax rates uu pph uu hpp layer of taxable income rate s layer of taxable income rates 0 to idr 50,000,000 5% 0 to idr 60,000,000 5% above idr 50,000,000 up to idr 250,000,000 15% above idr 60,000,000 up to idr 250,000,000 15% above idr 250,000,000 up to idr 500,000,000 25% above idr 250,000,000 up to idr 500,000,000 25% the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 409 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting above rp.500.000.000,30% above idr 500,000,000 up to idr 5,000,0000,000 30% above idr 5,000,000,000 35% source: law number 7 of 2021 from table i, there are two changes in provisions in the income tax rate. first, in the first layer the government increases the taxable income in a year from 0 to rp. 50 million to 0 to rp. 60 million. second, there is the addition of a fifth layer in the tariff article 17 of the hpp law, which previously only consisted of 4 layers. the fifth layer has a rate of 35% and applies to taxable income in a year above 5 billion rupiah. as a result of the first change, if previously an employee with taxable income of rp. 60 million per year is subject to two layers of tax rates, namely 5% and 15%, so after the hpp law, employees with taxable income of rp. 60 million per year will only be subject to one layer of tax rates, namely 5%. this causes the amount of tax to be paid to be lower. thus, this change protects those with low incomes, while those with high incomes are subject to higher taxes. this change in tax rates is the government's effort to create a fairer and healthier tax system, taking into account the ability of the people to pay taxes according to the income they receive (creedy & sanz-sanz, 2010; richardson & taylor, 2015; samuel & simon, 2011). with changes in the layer of tax rates, will affect the basis for filling out the annual tax return (spt) of individual taxpayers. the current taxation system in indonesia is self assessment system, where the taxpayer is given full trust to calculate, deposit, and report the amount of tax owed through the spt. self assessment system enable taxpayers to have a better understanding of the amount of income generated and enable them to calculate the amount of tax to be paid independently. in other words, the taxpayer has the responsibility to calculate the amount of tax payable based on the applicable tax rate and report it through the spt. one indicator of increasing tax revenue is the level of compliance in submitting annual tax return (spt) reports. annual spt reporting can be done electronically through various channels provided by the ministry of finance and third parties, such ase-filling, e-form, e-spt, ande-filling of tax application service providers (pjap). table ii. wpop compliance ratio in submitting annual income tax returns (spt) 2018-2022 year number of wpop required to submit spt number of wpop reporting spt compliance ratio 2018 10.867 10.307 94,85% 2019 11.871 9.406 79,24% 2020 12.242 10.562 86,28% the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 410 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 2021 13.143 10.285 78,25% 2022 12.543 9.731 77,58% source: kpp pratama sawah besar one (author processed, 2023) based on the data in table ii, it can be concluded that the ratio of individual taxpayer compliance in reporting spt at kpp pratama sawah besar one shows that from 2018-2022 it has not been able to reach the target based on the number of registered wpops who are required to report spt. this causes tax revenue to be less than optimal. another cause of sub-optimal revenue is the lack of awareness of taxpayers and understanding the importance of tax revenue as something that can help build infrastructure for the community. taxpayer awareness includes individual understanding which is reflected in their thoughts, attitudes, and behavior regarding taxation rights and obligations. this awareness involves understanding that taxes have an important role in state financing. people need to realize that as citizens, they have an obligation as taxpayers to report and pay taxes consciously, without coercion. the higher the level of awareness of the taxpayer, it will increase tax revenue. therefore, it is necessary to carry out counseling regarding tax knowledge to taxpayers so that they are obedient and obedient to their tax obligations (liu et al., 2011; rahmi et al., 2022; wijaya & sunaryo, 2020). because the change in the taxable income layer of article 17 of the law on harmonization of tax regulations is the latest and ongoing regulation, the researchers are interested in making individual taxpayers at kpp pratama sawah besar one the population in this study. researchers want to analyze the level of change in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting and taxpayer awareness at kpp pratama sawah besar one. these issues and statements will affect the level of personal income tax receipts in 2023. the purpose of this research, firstly, is to analyze the effect of changes in layers of taxable income under article 17 of the hpp law on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one, the second is to analyze the effect of reporting individual spts on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one, the third analyzes the effect of taxpayer awareness on income tax receipt at kpp pratama sawah besar one, and the fourth analyzes the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting and taxpayer awareness simultaneously on tax receipts income at kpp pratama sawah besar one. tax is an obligation to include a portion of the wealth of the state treasury caused by a condition, event, and action that gives a certain position, but not as a punishment, according to regulations set by the government and can be enforced, but there is no direct reciprocal service from the state, to maintain general well-being (basson, 2015; bird-pollan, 2016; bosman, 2020; brunner et al., 2013; muller, 2010). according to andriani (ramandey, 2020) states that taxes are contributions to the state (which can be forced) which are owed by those who are obliged to pay them according to the regulations, with no achievement back, which can be directly appointed, and whose use is to finance expenses – general expenditures related to the duty of the state to administer the government. the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 411 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting from this definition, it can be concluded that taxes are an obligation of the people that must be paid to the state treasury by government regulations and utilized for state purposes. pph article 21, which is also known as income tax article 21, is a type of tax that is imposed on income earned by individual domestic tax subjects in connection with the work, services and activities carried out. income that is included in the pph article 21 object includes salaries, wages, honorarium, allowances, and other payments in various names and forms, which are received by individuals as compensation for work, position, services, or activities carried out by the provisions of article 21 of the law. -income tax act. the latest progressive tax rate has been applied for the imposition of individual income tax as outlined in law number 7 of 2021 article 17, the tax rate applied to taxable income for domestic individual taxpayers is as follows: table iii. latest pph 21 tariff (hpp law no. 7 of 2021 article 17) layer of taxable income tax rates up to idr 60,000,000.00 (sixty million rupiah) 5 % (five percent) above idr 60,000,000.00 (sixty million rupiah) up to idr 250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million rupiah) 15 % (fifteen percent) above idr 250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million rupiah) up to idr 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah) 25 % (twenty five percent) above idr 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah) up to idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah) 30 % (thirty percent) above idr 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah) 35 % (thirty five percent) source: law number 7 of 2021 the latest tax law which regulates personal income tax rates or article 21 income tax rates is a revision of the income tax law that is uu no. 36 of 2008 in the hpp law, namely law number 7 of 2021. changes in pkp rates and layers of pkp on personal income tax in the hpp law can calculate personal income tax article 21 is lower compared to when it was still using calculations according to the personal income tax rate in the income tax law. judging from the latest tax law, there has been a change in the first layer, namely the previous provision was up to rp. 50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah) changed to rp. 60,000,000.00 (sixty million rupiah). that is, this is a relief given to the community. if people have a year's income, after deducting ptkp, less than rp. 60,000,000.00 (sixty million rupiahs), for example rp. 59,000,000.00, according to this new provision, a rate of only 5% is imposed. tax return (spt) is a letter used by taxpayers to report the calculation and/or payment of taxes, tax objects and/or non-tax objects and/or assets and obligations by the provisions of the tax laws and regulations (mardiasmo 2016). the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 412 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting notification letter (spt) is a letter used by taxpayers to report the calculation and payment of tax owed according to the provisions of the tax laws and regulations (lazarus ramandey: 2020). the deadline for submitting a notification letter (spt) in article 3 paragraph 3 of the kup law is set as follows: 1) periodic spt, no later than 20 (twenty) days after the endtax period, 2) annual spt pph individual taxpayers no later than 3 months after the end of the tax year, 3) annual spt pph corporate taxpayer, no later than 4 months after the end of the tax year. according to muliari in astana & merkusiwati (2017), "taxpayer awareness is a person's good faith to fulfill the obligation to pay taxes voluntarily." according to safri nurmantu quoted by ony and gartina (2015) states that "the definition of taxpayer awareness is the awareness of the taxpayer stating a positive assessment of the taxpayer community on the implementation of state functions by the government will move the public to fulfill their obligations to pay taxes." according to siti kurnia rahayu (2017) states that: "taxpayer awareness is a condition in which taxpayers understand and understand the meaning, function and purpose of paying taxes to the state. taxpayers are required to pay and report taxes related to taxpayer obligations according to law number 16 of 2009.” according to jatmiko in setiawan's research (2017), "taxpayer awareness of the function of tax as state financing is urgently needed to increase taxpayer compliance, so that the problem of taxpayer awareness is an issue that is quite important to pay attention to." from the two definitions above, the researcher concludes that taxpayer awareness includes a person's good intentions because he has a positive view of the implementation of state functions and has an understanding of the obligation to pay taxes. according to resa wandira (2017), "income tax receipt as stated in law no. 36 of 2008 is revenue sourced from tax installments in the current year which has been paid by the taxpayer and carried out every month". meanwhile, according to siti kurnia rahayu (2017), "tax revenue is a tax collected which is grouped into central taxes, customs and excise, regional taxes, as well as regional levies and other non-tax revenues." the sources of tax revenue include: 1) income tax (pph) 2) value added tax (vat) 3) sales tax on luxury goods (ppnbm) 4) property tax 5) international trade tax 6) stamp duty the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 413 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting from the two definitions above, the researcher concludes that tax revenue is a collection of taxes collected from tax subjects on income received in one year and is a source of state finance for financing the state budget. judging from the type of variable. so here includes a causal relationship that is a variable can affect other variables. the government made changes, especially in tax regulations, to increase tax revenues. the tax rate is the percentage used as the basis for calculating the amount of tax to be paid. determination of a country's tax rate depends on the country's economic conditions and the ability of the people to pay taxes. high tax rates can have an impact on low tax compliance. according to andi nurmansyah ramdan (2017), one way for the government to improve tax compliance is to reduce the rates charged. in determining the amount of tax rates, government policy plays an important role. for the government, high tax rates make it easier to obtain tax revenue. however, for the community as taxpayers, high tax rates can reduce the ability of their budget to meet their needs. low tax rates can increase the utility of taxpayers and encourage their initiative to report income to the tax administration. conversely, high tax rates can reduce the level of utility of taxpayers and make them less compliant in paying taxes (andi, 2017). research conducted by zain angga pramana (2021) shows that there is a positive and insignificant effect of changes in article 21 pph rates on receipt of article 21 income tax, where the results show that article 21 pph rates cannot increase article 21 pph. carried out by yuni setyowati (2022) states that changes in op pph rates have no significant effect on taxpayer compliance. according to principle self assessment system adopted in indonesia, where taxpayers must calculate, deposit and report the taxes owed themselves to the tax service office (kpp) or self-report through the djponline web. spt reporting by taxpayers is the main support in implementation self assessment system and is a form of accountability for tax obligations that have been fulfilled by the taxpayer in a tax period, tax year or part of a tax year. by fulfilling the obligations of taxpayers in reporting the annual spt individuals can increase tax revenue so that targets that have been planned previously can be achieved. previous research conducted by ayu suharsiyah (2017) concluded that the submission of an individual's annual spt does not have a significant effect on individual income tax receipts. then reka afriani lubis's research (2018) also states that the submission of annual individual spts does not significantly affect individual income tax receipts at kpp pratama medan petisah. taxpayer awareness is a very important factor in increasing tax revenue because the more people realize the importance of paying taxes, the better participation will be created in supporting the country's development. to achieve maximum tax revenue, not only the role of the directorate general of taxes or tax officers is needed, but also the active role of the taxpayers themselves. previous research conducted by nafisa ischabita, hardiwinoto, & nurcahyono (2022) concluded that taxpayer awareness has a positive and significant effect on tax revenue. another study by jarkoni & irene septy hariansyah (2022) also shows that taxpayer awareness has a positive and significant influence on individual income tax receipts at kpp pratama cibitung, with a the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 414 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting correlation coefficient of 0.618. this proves that the higher the level of awareness held by taxpayers, the more positive their perception of taxes will be. changes in the layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, reporting of spt individuals and taxpayer awareness can affect income tax receipts. the pph rate has an inseparable relationship with the annual tax return. the higher the income of the taxpayer, the higher the tax imposed by the taxpayer by the tax rates in the hpp law. taxpayers who are subject to deductions from pph 21 rates must report their spt as a form of their responsibility. likewise, an increase in the reported annual tax return (spt) will increase income tax receipts. this will also apply when a decrease in taxpayer reporting will result in a decrease in income tax revenue. one of the factors causing a decrease in taxpayer compliance in reporting spt is the lack of awareness of taxpayers. increasing taxpayer awareness of their tax obligations will also affect the realization of high tax revenues. the government implements changes, especially regulations related to taxation aiming to increase the amount of tax revenue. where the determination of the layer of taxable income, reporting of notification, and taxpayer awareness will determine the level of income tax revenue. method this study uses a quantitative approach to measure the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting and taxpayer awareness on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one. according to sugiyono (2018: 13), "quantitative data is a research method that is based on positivistic (concrete data), research data is in the form of numbers that will be measured using statistics as a counting test tool, related to the problem being researched to produce a conclusion." this approach adopts a positivistic philosophy that is used to study a particular population or sample. in this case, the type of research chosen is descriptive research. where this descriptive study aims to describe the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. testing this effect will use statistical functions as an analytical tool. there are two variables used in this study, namely: a. independent variable (free variable) according to tritjahjo danny soesilo, an independent variable is a variable that can affect or cause changes or the emergence of the dependent (bound) variable. the independent variables in this study are changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2), and taxpayer awareness (x3). b. dependent variable according to tritjahjo danny soesilo, the dependent variable is a variable that is affected or becomes a result because of the independent variables. so that the existence of this dependent variable depends on the magnitude of the independent variable. the dependent variable used in this study is income tax revenue (y). the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 415 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting the population in this study is all individual taxpayers who are registered at kpp pratama sawah besar one, totaling 39,208 individual taxpayers. the researcher used a sample taken from the population, namely individual taxpayers registered at kpp pratama sawah besar one with the obligation to report annual tax returns or e-filling users. for this reason, samples taken from the population must be truly representative. determining the number of representative samples according to hair (2014) depends on the number of indicators multiplied by 5. the number of samples in this study is: n(sample) = σ indicator x 5 n = 29 x 5 = 145 where: n : sample σ indicator x 5 : the number of indicators in the variable grid so, based on the calculation above, the number of samples used in this study was obtained as many as 145 respondents. data analysis using statistical product and service solutions (spss) 27 for windows, which focuses on processing research data with quantitative analysis with descriptive data. the quantitative analysis method is a method of analyzing data collected in the form of numbers or score answers from the respondents who are the research sample. while descriptive analysis, to determine the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting, and taxpayer awareness on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one describes research indicators that use criteria that refer to the average questionnaire category scores obtained by respondents. result and discussion research on the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting, and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipts, in obtaining research respondents, 145 questionnaires were distributed to individual taxpayers at kpp pratama sawah besar satu . changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) changes to the layer levels of article 17 of the hpp law (pph 21) may involve several aspects, such as adjusting tax rates, adding or reducing the number of layers, or setting the amount of income imposed on each layer. the author has recapitulated the score of each statement on the variable layer of change of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) using the formula m = ∑f(x) / n. more details can be seen in the recapitulation table as follows: the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 416 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table iv. variable score recapitulation of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) no statement mean category 1 changes to the first layer of pph rates (5% rate with pkp 0-60 million) are determined fairly and fairly by adjusting the income of the taxpayer 4,44 very good 2 changes to the fifth layer of pph rates (35% rate with pkp above 5 billion) are determined fairly and fairly by adjusting the income of the taxpayer 4,15 good 3 taxpayers can pay taxes according to the new applicable rates 4,23 very good 4 the applicable tax change policy motivates taxpayers to pay taxes on time 4,30 very good 5 the new rate that applies it makes it easier for taxpayers to pay taxes 4,20 good 6 with the new tariff that applies, taxpayers do not feel burdened to pay taxes 4,20 good 7 the greater the value of income, the higher the tax that needs to be paid 4,31 very good 8 the size of my income is not a barrier to paying taxes 4,44 very good 9 the greater the value of income, the higher the value/percentage of the tax rate imposed 4,15 good 10 the amount of tax imposed is by the income level of the taxpayer 4,23 very good 11 low tax rates can increase the utility (usefulness) of the taxpayer to provide initiative in reporting income to the tax administration 4,30 very good 12 changes in tax rates greatly affect the level of utility (usefulness) of the taxpayer 4,20 good the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 417 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 13 high tax rates can reduce the level of utility (usefulness) of taxpayers so that non-compliance arises which affects the increase in tax revenue 4,20 good 14 increasing the utility (usability) of taxpayers has a major influence on tax revenues 4,31 very good mean score 59,66/14 = 4,26 very good source: data processed by the author, 2023 based on table iv above, the average score on the variable change of layer of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law is 4.26. this figure is included in the very good category. a. individual spt reporting (x2) reporting spt in a timely and correct manner is the obligation of the taxpayer to comply with tax regulations and maintain compliance with the applicable tax system. the author has recapitulated the score of each statement on the individual spt reporting variable (x2) using the formula m = ∑f(x) / n. more details can be seen in the recapitulation table as follows: table v recapitulation of individual spt reporting variable scores (x2) no statement mean category 1 by implementing its-filling, the spt reporting process becomes faster with an internet network without the need to come directly to the kpp 4,02 good 2 spt reporting speed through-filling faster than reporting spt manually 4,28 very good 3 implementing ite-filling makes it easier for me to fill in spt 4,28 very good 4 when filling out spt viae-filling often without interruption 4,20 good 5 by implementing ite-filling, i feel it is made easy without being confused about calculating the tax payable correctly 4,08 good 6 with an applied filling, the calculation of tax is done quickly because it uses a computer system 4,20 good 7 i always carry out the obligation to report taxes (spt) with statutory provisions 4,12 good 8 i always obediently report taxes as a form of obligation 4,22 very good 9 i always report the completed spt on time 4,25 very good 10 i have never delayed reporting taxes to avoid administrative sanctions 4,23 very good 11 i always report the annual spt correctly, honestly, and as it is 4,02 good 12 i always enter data in the spt correctly, honestly, and as is 4,28 very good the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 418 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 13 i believe that the spt reporting system maintains the security and confidentiality of taxpayer personal data 4,28 very good 14 i believe that the spt reporting system maintains the security and confidentiality of taxpayer information 4,20 good 15 taxpayer satisfaction can increase their confidence to report their taxes back 4,08 good 16 i have never been disappointed by the spt reporting system 4,20 good 17 technology readiness can increase the confidence of taxpayers to report their taxes 4,12 good 18 the tax reporting system is free from difficulties, constraints, and problems 4,22 very good mean score 75,28/18 = 4,18 good source: data processed by the author, 2023 based on table v above, the average score on the individual spt reporting variable is 4.18. this figure is included in the good category. b. taxpayer awareness (x3) taxpayer awareness refers to the level of awareness and obedience of taxpayers toward their obligations in paying taxes by applicable regulations. the author has recapitulated the score of each statement on the taxpayer awareness variable (x3) using the formula m = ∑f(x) / n. more details can be seen in the recapitulation table as follows: table vi recapitulation of taxpayer awareness variable scores (x3) no statement mean category 1 i know the function of taxes as state development. 4,17 good 2 i feel confident that the taxes i have paid are being used for development. 4,26 very good 3 i know the use of taxes in the provision of public goods. 4,31 very good 4 i feel the use of taxes in the real provision of public goods. 4,24 very good 5 i understand the tax provisions. 4,22 very good 6 i know that paying taxes is the obligation of every citizen, especially those who already have an npwp 4,25 very good 7 i understand the sanctions for neglecting tax obligations 4,28 very good 8 i fulfill my tax obligations on time without the influence of others 4,30 very good 9 i am still obedient in paying taxes by applicable regulations, regardless of financial condition 4,46 very good the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 419 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 10 i do not feel burdened in paying taxes 4,36 very good 11 i fill out the form according to the income i generate without reducing or exaggerating 4,15 good 12 i have never changed the income value on the form to reduce the tax charged. 4,16 good mean score 51,16/12 = 4,26 very good source: processed by the author, 2023 based on table vi above, the average score on the taxpayer awareness variable is 4.26. this figure is included in the very good category. c. income tax receipt (y) income tax revenue is a source of income for the government in carrying out its public functions and is used to finance various public programs and services, such as infrastructure, education, health, defense, and others. the writer has recapitulated the score of each statement on the variable income tax revenue (y) using the formula m = ∑f(x) / n. more details can be seen in the recapitulation table as follows: table vii. income tax receipt variable score recapitulation (y) no statement mean category 1 income tax individual taxpayers with employee status increase income tax revenue 4,13 good 2 taxpayers with employee status pay income tax 4,36 very good 3 income tax individual taxpayers with non-employee status increase income tax revenue 4,34 very good 4 taxpayers with non-employee status pay income tax 4,31 very good 5 the amount of income tax paid by the taxpayer will increase tax revenue 4,17 good 6 taxpayers deposit income tax by laws and regulations 4,22 very good 7 tax revenue will be achieved with public awareness as taxpayers 4,17 good 8 the higher the integrity of the tax authorities, the higher the tax revenue 4,29 very good 9 if there is a deficiency in paying taxes, the dgt issues an underpaid tax assessment letter (skpkb) so that the taxpayer pays it off immediately. 4,13 good the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 420 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 10 when there is an excess in tax payments, the taxpayer is given 2 choices, namely compensation (calculated in the next tax year) or refund (returned in the form of money). 4,36 very good 11 the role of tax revenue is very important for the development of a country 4,34 very good 12 the role of tax revenue is aimed at the welfare of infrastructure development and encouraging economic growth 4,31 very good 13 increasing tax revenue plays an important role in increasing the independence of government financing 4,17 good 14 the role of tax revenues in increasing self-sufficiency in government financing can spur the rate of economic growth to improve 4,22 very good mean score 59,52/14 = 4,25 very good source: processed by the author, 2023 based on table vii above, the average score on the income tax acceptance variable is 4.25. this figure is included in the very good category. instrument test the research instrument is the means used to collect data in a study and measure the phenomena associated with the variables being studied. to ensure that the data obtained is valid and reliable, the research instrument must go through a process of testing its validity and reliability. 1. validity test table viii. validity test results variable question items corrected item statement total correlation r table is. changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) x1.1 0,503 0,163 valid x1.2 0,407 0,163 valid x1.3 0,377 0,163 valid x1.4 0,645 0,163 valid x1.5 0,646 0,163 valid x1.6 0,786 0,163 valid x1.7 0,657 0,163 valid x1.8 0,503 0,163 valid x1.9 0,407 0,163 valid the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 421 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting x1.10 0,377 0,163 valid x1.11 0,645 0,163 valid x1.12 0,646 0,163 valid x1.13 0,786 0,163 valid x1.14 0,657 0,163 valid individual spt reporting (x2) x2.1 0,422 0,163 valid x2.2 0,648 0,163 valid x2.3 0,666 0,163 valid x2.4 0,563 0,163 valid x2.5 0,626 0,163 valid x2.6 0,512 0,163 valid x2.7 0,614 0,163 valid x2.8 0,758 0,163 valid x2.9 0,693 0,163 valid x2.10 0,489 0,163 valid x2.11 0,422 0,163 valid x2.12 0,648 0,163 valid x2.13 0,666 0,163 valid x2.14 0,563 0,163 valid x2.15 0,626 0,163 valid x2.16 0,512 0,163 valid x2.17 0,614 0,163 valid x2.18 0,758 0,163 valid taxpayer awareness (x3) x3.1 0,383 0,163 valid x3.2 0,436 0,163 valid x3.3 0,399 0,163 valid x3.4 0,462 0,163 valid x3.5 0,507 0,163 valid x3.6 0,306 0,163 valid x3.7 0,480 0,163 valid x3.8 0,504 0,163 valid x3.9 0,507 0,163 valid x3.10 0,470 0,163 valid x3.11 0,585 0,163 valid x3.12 0,551 0,163 valid income tax receipt (y) y.1 0,637 0,163 valid y.2 0,841 0,163 valid y.3 0,861 0,163 valid y.4 0,862 0,163 valid y.5 0,776 0,163 valid y.6 0,502 0,163 valid the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 422 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting y.7 0,776 0,163 valid y.8 0,799 0,163 valid y.9 0,637 0,163 valid y.10 0,841 0,163 valid y.11 0,861 0,163 valid y.12 0,862 0,163 valid y.13 0,776 0,163 valid y.14 0,502 0,163 valid source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table viii spss data analysis on the variable layer of change of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2), taxpayer awareness (x3), and income tax receipt (y) obtained a correlation value indicating that the value of r count is greater than r table, which is above 0.163. from these results, it can be concluded that all instrument statements on the variables above are declared valid. 2. reliability test table ix reliability test results variable alpha cronbach’s alpha is. changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) 0,60 0,830 reliable individual spt reporting (x2) 0,60 0,891 reliable taxpayer awareness (x3) 0,60 0,659 reliable income tax receipt (y) 0,60 0,942 reliable source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table ix, it can be seen that all variables, namely the variable layer of change of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2), taxpayer awareness (x3), and income tax receipt (y) have calculation resultscronbach’s alpha (α) >0.60. so it can be concluded that the variables in this study are declared reliable. classic assumption test the classical assumption test is a series of assumptions that must be met in certain statistical analyses, especially in the linear regression assumption model. models that meet the assumptions of linear regression are called models that are blue (blue linear unbiased estimator). to obtain a model thatblue in this study several assumptions must be met by the model, which can be seen in the following description: 1. normality test the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 423 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting in using the spss 27 for windows program, the results of the normal probability plot will provide a visual picture that makes it easier to make decisions about whether the data is normally distributed or not. the following can be seen in the image below: figure i. normality test results source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on figure i, it can be seen that the data points spread around the diagonal line and follow the direction of the diagonal line. by following the basis of decision-making, it can be concluded that the data in this regression model meets the assumption of data normality. 2. multicollinearity test the multicollinearity test was carried out using spss 27 for windows, the following results were obtained: table x. multicollinearity test results coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardize d coefficients t say. collinearity statistics b std. error beta toleranc e vif 1 (constant) 7.345 3.343 2.197 .030 changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) .171 .029 .201 5.955 .000 .730 1.369 the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 424 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting individual spt reporting (x2) .610 .026 .812 23.858 .000 .719 1.390 taxpayer awareness (x3) .176 .050 .144 3.514 .000 .977 1.023 a. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table x, it can be seen that the tolerance value in the change in layers of taxable income variable article 17 of the hpp law (x1) is 0.730 > 0.10 and the vif value is 1.369 < 10.00. the tolerance value for the individual spt reporting variable (x2) is 0.719 > 0.10 and the vif value is 1.390 <10.00. the tolerance value for the variable taxpayer awareness (x3) is 0.977 > 0.10 and the vif value is 1.023 <10.00. this shows that these variables do not have a strong linear dependence on one another so multicollinearity does not occur. 3. heteroscedasticity test the heteroscedasticity test was conducted to evaluate whether the variables used have uniform (homogeneous) or not (heterogeneous) variants. figure ii. heteroscedasticity test results source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on figure ii of the scatterplot graph, it can be seen that there is a pattern showing the data points are scattered and not consistently collected above or below. hypothesis testing the hypothesis testing process aims to test the validity of the hypothesis that has been proposed. the hypothesis itself is a temporary statement that can be tested through data collection and the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 425 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting analysis or is an assumption about the relationship between two or more variables. hypothesis testing is carried out to prove whether or not there is a relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. in this study, there are several methods used to test hypotheses, such as multiple linear regression, t-test, f test, analysis of the correlation coefficient (r), and the coefficient of determination (r)2). the results of some of these tests can be explained as follows: a. first hypothesis test the first hypothesis states that there is a positive and significant effect between changes in the taxable income layer of article 17 of the hpp law on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one. table xii t test results (partial) changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) against income tax receipts (y) coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardiz ed coefficient s t say. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 27.836 3.324 8.373 .000 changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) .532 .055 .626 9.604 .000 a. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xii, it can be seen that the t count is 9.604 > t table 1.976 and the sig value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the change in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) has a positive and significant effect on income tax revenue (y ). so that the first hypothesis (h1) can be proven with ho being rejected and ha is accepted. the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 426 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table xiii correlation coefficient analysis results (r) (partial) changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) against income tax receipts (y) correlations income tax receipt (y) changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) pearson correlation income tax receipt (y) 1.000 .626 changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) .626 1.000 say. (1-tailed) income tax receipt (y) . .000 changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) .000 . n income tax receipt (y) 145 145 changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) 145 145 source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xiii, it can be seen that the sig value is 0.000 <0.05 and the correlation value is 0.626, which is included in the coefficient interval of 0.600-0.799, so it can be concluded that there is a correlated relationship between the variable changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) to income tax receipt (y) with a strong relationship level. table xiv results of the coefficient of determination (r2) changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) against income tax receipts (y) model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. the error of the estimate 1 .626a .392 .388 3.629 a. predictors: (constant), changes in pkp layers article 17 hpp law (x1) b. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 427 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on table xiv, it can be seen that the r square value is 0.392, meaning that the effect of the variable changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) on income tax receipts (y) is 0.392 x 100% = 39.2%. while the remaining 60.8% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. b. second hypothesis test the second hypothesis states that there is a positive and significant effect between individual spt reporting on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one. table xv t test results (partial) reporting of spt of individuals (x2) against income tax receipt (y) coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t say. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 7.383 1.834 4.025 .000 individual spt reporting (x2) .693 .024 .923 28.583 .000 a. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xv, it can be seen that the t count is 28.583 > t table 1.976 and the sig value is 0.000 <0.005, it can be concluded that the reporting of individual spt (x2) has a positive and significant effect on income tax receipts (y). so that the second hypothesis (h2) can be proven with ho being rejected and ha is accepted. table xvi. correlation coefficient analysis results (r) (partial) reporting of spt of individuals (x2) against income tax receipt (y) correlations income tax receipt (y) notification letter reporting (x2) pearson correlation income tax receipt (y) 1.000 .923 individual spt reporting (x2) .923 1.000 say. (1-tailed) income tax receipt (y) . .000 individual spt reporting (x2) .000 . n income tax receipt (y) 145 145 individual spt reporting (x2) 145 145 source: data processed with spss 27.2023 the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 428 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on table xvi, it can be seen that the sig value is 0.000 <0.05 and the correlation value is 0.923, which is included in the coefficient interval of 0.800-1.000, so it can be concluded that there is a correlation between the individual spt reporting variable (x2) and income tax revenue (y). with a very strong relationship level. table xvii results of the coefficient of determination (r2) reporting of spt of individuals (x2) against income tax receipt (y) model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. the error in the estimate 1 .923a .851 .850 1.796 a. predictors: (constant), individual spt reporting (x2) b. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xvii, it can be seen that the r square value is 0.851, meaning that the influence of the individual spt reporting variable (x2) on income tax receipts (y) is 0.851 x 100% = 85.1%. while the remaining 14.9% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. c. third hypothesis test the third hypothesis states that there is a positive and significant effect between taxpayer awareness on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one. table xviii. t test results (partial) taxpayer awareness (x3) of income tax receipt (y) coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t say. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 75.824 7.232 10.485 .000 taxpayer awareness (x3) .516 .141 .684 6.242 .000 a. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed by spss 27, 2023 based on table xviii, it can be seen that the t count is 6.242 > t table 1.976 and the sig value is 0.000 <0.005, it can be concluded that taxpayer awareness (x3) has a positive and significant effect on income tax receipts (y). so that the third hypothesis (h3) can be proven with ho being rejected and ha is accepted. the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 429 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table xix correlation coefficient analysis results (r) (partial) taxpayer awareness (x3) of income tax receipt (y) correlations income tax receipt (y) taxpayer awareness (x3) pearson correlation income tax receipt (y) 1.000 .684 taxpayer awareness (x3) .684 1.000 say. (1-tailed) income tax receipt (y) . .000 taxpayer awareness (x3) .000 . n income tax receipt (y) 145 145 taxpayer awareness (x3) 145 145 source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xix, it can be seen that the sig value is 0.000 <0.05 and the correlation value is 0.684, which is included in the coefficient interval 0.600-0.799, so it can be concluded that there is a correlation between the variable taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipts (y) and strong relationship level. table xx. the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) taxpayer awareness (x3) of income tax receipt (y) model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. the error of the estimate 1 .684a .494 .427 4.575 a. predictors: (constant), taxpayer awareness (x3) b. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xx, it can be seen that the r square value is 0.494, meaning that the effect of the taxpayer awareness variable (x3) on income tax receipts (y) is 0.494 x 100% = 49.4%. while the remaining 50.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. b. fourth hypothesis test the fourth hypothesis states that there is a positive and significant effect between changes in the taxable income layer of article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting, and awareness of taxpayers on income tax receipts at kpp pratama sawah besar one. the fourth hypothesis test uses multiple regression analysis obtained with the spss 27 software program which can be seen in the following table: the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 430 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting table xxi. multiple linear regression results changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) of income tax receipts (y) coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t say. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 7.345 3.343 2.197 .030 changes to the pkp layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1) .171 .029 .201 5.955 .000 individual spt reporting (x2) .610 .026 .812 23.858 .000 taxpayer awareness (x3) .176 .050 .144 3.514 .000 a. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xxi, it is known that the constant value is 7.345. the value of the regression coefficient on the variable layer of change of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law is 0.171 has a positive effect on income tax receipts. the regression coefficient value on the individual spt reporting variable is 0.610 which has a positive effect on income tax receipts and the regression coefficient value on the taxpayer awareness variable is 0.176 which has a positive effect on income tax receipts. can be arranged as a multiple regression equation as follows𝑌 = 𝛼 + 𝑏1𝑋1 + 𝑏2𝑋2 + 𝑏3𝑋3 𝑌 = 7,345 + 0,171𝑋1 + 0,610𝑋2 + 0,176𝑋3 the regression equation above has the following meaning: 1) the α value of 7.345 is a constant which means that if the variable changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) does not exist, the income tax revenue variable (y) will not change. 2) b1 (the value of the regression coefficient x1) of 0.171 indicates that the variable changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) has a positive influence on income tax receipts (y), which means that each addition of one unit variable changes layer of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) will cause an increase of 0.171 in income tax revenue (y), assuming that other variables not examined in this study remain constant. 3) b2 (the value of the regression coefficient x2) of 0.610 indicates that the variable individual spt reporting (x2) has a positive influence on income tax receipts (y), which means that each addition of one unit variable of individual spt reporting (x2) will cause an increase of 0.610 in income tax revenue (y), assuming that other variables not examined in this study remain constant. the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 431 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting 4) b3 (the value of the regression coefficient x3) of 0.176 indicates that the variable taxpayer awareness (x3) has a positive influence on income tax revenue (y), which means that each addition of one unit of taxpayer awareness variable (x3) will cause an increase of 0.176 in income tax revenue (y), assuming that other variables not examined in this study remain constant. table xxii f test results changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) of income tax receipts (y) anovaa model sum of squares df mean square f say. 1 regression 2734.108 3 911.369 353.497 .000b residual 363.520 141 2.578 total 3097.628 144 a. dependent variable: income tax receipt (y) b. predictors: (constant), taxpayer awareness (x3), changes in pkp layers article 17 hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xxii, it can be seen that f count is 353.497 > f table is 2.670 and the sig. 0.000 <0.05 so it can be concluded that changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) simultaneously have a significant effect on income tax receipts (y). thus ho is rejected and ha is accepted. table xxiii results of the coefficient of determination (r2) changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1), reporting of spt individuals (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) of income tax receipt (y) model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. the error of the estimate 1 .939a .883 .880 1.606 a. predictors: (constant), taxpayer awareness (x3), changes in pkp layers article 17 hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) source: data processed with spss 27, 2023 based on table xxiii, it can be seen that the value of r square (coefficient of determination of r2) of 0.883 means that the effect of the variable layer of change of taxable income layer article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipts (y) is 0.883 x 100% = 88.3%. so the remaining 11.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 432 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting based on the results of the data analysis, it can be seen clearly that simultaneously the independent (free) variable influences the dependent (bound) variable. the influence given by the three independent variables is positive. this means that if there is a change in the layer of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, higher compliance with the spt reporting of individuals and the awareness of the taxpayer will result in higher income tax revenue obtained. an explanation of the influence of each variable is explained as follows: the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) on income tax receipts (y) based on the results of the data analysis carried out in this study, it shows that there is a positive and significant effect between the changes in the layer of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) on income tax receipt (y) for individual taxpayers registered at kpp pratama sawah besar one. this can be seen from the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) which shows that the variable change of layer of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1) on income tax receipt (y) is 0.392 or 39.2%. thus, there is a strong relationship between changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law and income tax receipts. in this case, it can be concluded that one of the factors affecting income tax receipts is the change in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law. when there is a change in the level of taxable income layers article 17 of the hpp law that is subject to tax, such as adjusting tax rates, adding or reducing the number of layers, or setting the amount of income that is imposed on each layer, income tax revenue can increase. however, the error rate (error) of 60.8% is the influence of other factors not examined in this study. another factor that can influence this is the change in non-taxable income, as in previous research conducted by zain angga pramana (2021). the results of his research show that the results of testing the coefficient of determination (r2) changes in article 21 pph rates and non-taxable income have an effect of 47.7% on income tax article 21 receipts. effect of individual spt reporting (x2) on income tax receipt (y) based on the results of the data analysis conducted in this study, shows that there is a positive and significant influence between the reporting of individual spt (x2) on income tax receipts (y) for individual taxpayers registered at kpp pratama sawah besar one. this can be seen from the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) which shows that the variable individual spt reporting (x2) on income tax receipts (y) is 0.851 or 85.1%. thus, there is a close relationship between individual spt reporting and income tax receipts. in this case, it is concluded that one of the factors that influence income tax receipts is the individual spt reporting factor. through a high level of obedience and obedience to taxpayers regarding annual tax returns (spt) reporting each year will increase income tax receipts. in other words, proper and accurate reporting from taxpayers will contribute to an increase in income tax revenue. however, the error rate (error) of 14.9% is the influence of other factors not examined in this study. the results of data analysis in this study are different from previous research conducted by ayu suharsiyah (2017) and reka afriani lubis (2018). the research states that the submission of annual tax returns for individuals does not significantly affect individual income tax receipts. the difference in these results can be caused by different research contexts, different places and years of research, or different sample characteristics in each study. the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 433 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting effect of taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipt (y) based on the results of data analysis conducted in this study, shows that there is a positive and significant influence between taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipt (y) for individual taxpayers registered at kpp pratama sawah besar one. this can be seen from the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) which shows that the variable taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipt (y) is 0.494 or 49.4%. thus, there is a close and strong relationship between taxpayer awareness and income tax receipts. in this case, it is concluded that one of the factors that influence income tax receipt is the taxpayer awareness factor. the more people who realize the importance of paying taxes, the better participation will be created in supporting the country's development. so that the income tax receipt that is owned will be affected. however, the error rate (error) of 50.6% is the influence of other factors not examined in this study. the results of this study are supported by previous research conducted by jarkoni & irene septy hariansyah (2022). the results of his research show that taxpayer awareness has a positive and significant effect on individual income tax receipts at kpp pratama cibitung with a correlation coefficient value of 0.618. this means that increasing taxpayer awareness will make a positive contribution to tax revenue. in other words, if the taxpayer awareness variable increases, the kpp pratama sawah besar one income tax revenue variable will also increase. effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) simultaneously on income tax receipt (y) based on the results of the data analysis carried out in this study, show that there is a positive and significant influence between changes in layers of taxable income under article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2), and taxpayer awareness (x3) simultaneously on income income tax (y) for individual taxpayers registered at kpp pratama sawah besar one. this can be seen from the results of the coefficient of determination (r2) which shows that the variable layer of change of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2), and taxpayer awareness (x3) on income tax receipts (y) is 0.883 or 88.3%. thus, there is a strong relationship between changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting, and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipts. the conclusion in this case is that one of the factors that influence income tax receipts simultaneously is the factor of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, reporting of individual spt and taxpayer awareness. when there is a change in income tax or progressive rates that are subject to tax, such as adjusting tax rates, adding or reducing the number of layers, or setting the amount of income that is imposed on each layer, and when the awareness of taxpayers in paying taxes and reporting their tax returns increases, income tax revenues owned by kpp pratama sawah besar one will be affected. however, the error rate (error) of 11.7% is the influence of other factors not examined in this study conclusion based on the results of the research and discussion that have been described and explained in the previous chapter, regarding changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, the effect of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the law on cost of goods sold, reporting of individual tax returns and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at the pratama sawah besar one tax service office rulandari & rahmayani 434 | ilomata international journal of tax & accounting reporting of spt individuals and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipt at kpp pratama sawah besar one it can be concluded that: 1. changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1) have a positive and significant effect on income tax revenue (y) with the result of the coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.392 or 39.2%. 2. reporting of individual spt (x2) has a positive and significant effect on income tax receipts (y) with the result of the coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.851 or 85.1%. 3. taxpayer awareness (x3) has a positive and significant effect on income tax revenue (y) with the result of the coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.494 or 49.4%. 4. changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law (x1), individual spt reporting (x2) and taxpayer awareness (x3) simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on income tax receipts (y) with the result of the coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.883 or 88.3%, while the remaining 11.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. based on the results of the analysis and conclusions that have been described by researchers for the problem of changes in layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, individual spt reporting and taxpayer awareness of income tax receipts are quite good. however, it can be seen again from some of the respondents' answers that there are still some who are dissatisfied with the changes in the layers of taxable income article 17 of the hpp law, reporting of individual spt and taxpayer awareness so that it still needs attention and improvement. thus, the researcher provides several suggestions, including: 1. the government or related institutions should be able to carry out periodic evaluations of the income layer that is subject to tax. this is important to ensure the relevance of the income layer in creating justice in the tax system. 2. kpp pratama sawah besar one is advised to hold direct tax socialization either through seminars or workshops to registered individual taxpayers regarding changes to the taxable income layer in article 17 of the hpp law to increase understanding and insight as well as individual taxpayer compliance to avoid from delays in paying taxes and reporting taxes which can be detrimental to the state. 3. more intensive efforts are needed to increase the understanding and awareness of taxpayers regarding the importance of reporting annual tax returns (spt) properly and accurately. educational and outreach campaigns through social media, seminars, or collaboration with companies or financial institutions can be an alternative to increasing taxpayer understanding. 4. the researcher suggests that future studies involve a more representative sample or involve a wider area, such as other kpp locations or kanwil so that the results can be more general and can be generalized better. in addition, research can also explore other factors that can contribute to income tax revenue, such as changes in tax rates, tax avoidance policies, or macroeconomic factors. by implementing these suggestions, it 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