Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction p-ISSN 2614-8250, e-ISSN 2614-5677 Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2021 11 Abstract: This research aims to see the implementation of open-ended approach based on meaningful learning in social studies to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school students Ausubel's open-ended learning model is very appropriate to be applied to improve students' critical thinking ability, and this is following the objectives of the open-ended approach based on meaningful learning. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to develop, implement, and influence and impact of the application of the open-ended approach on social studies learning to improve students' critical thinking ability. The method used is research and development. The study sites are four elementary schools in Tarakan City, while the subjects of this study are teachers and high-class students (grades 4,5 and 6) using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate this approach is appropriate to use based on the assessment of peers, expert lecturers, and teachers, effectively improving students' critical thinking skills seen from the application during the learning process that is the average value of the experimental class students is higher by 83.33 than the average control class students an average of 80.07 in the final model validation test. It can be concluded that open-ended learning model based on meaningful learning in social studies learning to improve students' critical thinking skills in the City of Tarakan can effectively improve the critical thinking skills of Primary School students in the City of Tarakan. Keywords: Open-ended approach based on meaningful learning; social studies learning; critical thinking ability. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN OPEN-ENDED APPROACH BASED ON MEANINGFUL LEARNING IN SOCIAL STUDIES TO IMPROVE THE CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY Ahsan Sofyan University of Borneo Tarakan Email: APA Citation: Sofyan, A. (2021). The development of an open-ended approach based on meaningful learning in social studies to improve the critical thinking ability. Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 4(1), pp.11-18. Received: 12-01-2021 Accepted: 02-03-2021 Published: 31-04-2021 INTRODUCTION Education is recognized as being able to instill new capacity for all people to learn science and skills so that productive human beings can be obtained. This is in line with Winarso & Hardyanti (2019) that education is an important role in the quality of human life. As stated by Notika (2018), especially in today's global era, intense competition cannot leave little room for us to improve the quality of our education. Education is also believed to be a vehicle to expand universal access and mobility in society both vertically and horizontally. It is through education that humans, in this case, students get the ability to manifest themselves and function fully by personal abilities in society, and with these abilities, students can participate in building a nation and state civilization. These goals and expectations can be realized if education is not only directed at the mastery and understanding of concepts or materials but on improving students' thinking abilities and skills by involving real student activities. One of the students’ thinking skills needed to be improved is critical thinking. As stated by Nio, Sukestiyarno, Waluya, Rochmad, Isnarto, & Manullang (2017), critical thinking is one aspect of the quality of educational attainment in the context of the nation's intellectual life and character development. According to Al-Mubaid (2014), critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. Nelson (2013) adds that critical thinking needs to be integrated and emphasized in the curriculum so that students can learn the skills and apply it to improve their performance and reasoning ability. According to Kowiyah (in Afifah & Agoestanto, 2020), teachers can improve students' critical thinking skills with one of the strategies namely through the activities of asking open-ended questions to students or commonly referred to as the open-ended approach. Moreover, Tuna & Incikabi (in Koriyah & Idris, 2015) state that critical thinking is needed in Ahsan Sofyan The development of an open-ended approach based on meaningful learning in social studies to improve the critical thinking ability 12 order to be success. However, in reality, students’ critical thinking is still low. This is due to teacher center application rather than students center which makes students not involved in learning classroom (Sakti, Hartanto, & Dharmayana, 2016). Besides, one indicator of student success in learning is an innovative teacher's teaching ability. This is in line with Sapta, Pakpahan, Sirait (2019), that the choice of learning approach becomes very important and must be adapted to students' thinking abilities. Another opinion is stated by Rhosyida, Trisniawati, & Putrianti (2018) that the main principle of learning is to provide a great opportunity so that students can develop the ability to think and manage this capability so that there is a meaningful learning. The intended innovations are: First, the teacher is able to design learning strategies to improve the ability of individuals to work together to build social interaction in the surrounding environment that is able to communicate well with a sense of empathy; second, the teacher is able to design learning strategies using learning approaches that are appropriate to the learning environment of students. As stated by Kayaoğlu & Sağlamel (2013), to create such an environment, the teachers should be primarily attentive to students‘ interests and needs, and also organize teaching activities with students by providing opportunities to students. Learning systems and strategies that are thought to improve students' critical thinking skills are the application of the open-ended learning approach, which is a learning that emphasizes the students' efforts to arrive at the answers rather than the truth or accuracy of the answers alone, students are faced with a problem having more correct answers from one, the teacher does not limit the way students solve, on the contrary, the teacher gives the discretion to search for and use various approaches to the problem. This is supported by Ibrahim & Widodo (2020) that open-ended problems help students develop and demonstrate critical thinking skills, even if the results are not optimal. Moreover, Fatah, Suryadi, Sabandar, & Turmudi (2016) argue that the openness which is classified into three types; the process is open, end products are open, and ways to develop are open, can improve students’ critical thinking skills. This is supported by Gisbtarani & Rianasari (2021) that open- ended problems could provide students with a rich experience in interpreting problems and also allowed students to produce various solution methods. Thus, as a follow up, research needs to be done to see the improvement of students' critical thinking skills, one alternative is to use the open-ended learning approach, in Social Studies elementary school learning, in terms of the development of social abilities, students are able to establish relationships with peers because at this age, it is powerful peer bond so it is considered sufficient to have a general basis of knowledge as a learning capital and apply it to the community later. As Notika (2018) argues that open-ended approach is an approach with the nature of openness, so it can more freely develop student communication skills. Based on the description above, there are several problems that arise, among others: How is the implementation of the open-ended approach based on meaningful learning in social studies to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school students? METHOD This research is a research and development or "Research and development" (R&D). This research was conducted in April to December 2018 in the fifth grade SDN 016, SDN 045, and SDN 018 in the City of Tarakan. The research subjects consisted of subjects of feasibility/validation, limited trials, and extensive trials. The subject of the feasibility trial consisted of three peers, three expert lecturers, and three fifth grade teachers. Subjects for expert trials included three peers, one media expert lecturer, one material expert lecturer, one instrument expert lecturer, and two Primary School Class with five Teachers. The subjects of limited trials are 23 fifth grade students of SDN 016 Coastal of Tarakan City. The subjects of extensive trials are 34 fifth grade students of SDN 018 as the control class, and 23 fifth grade students of SDN 045 as the experimental class. The sampling technique uses a purposive technique. The development procedure used in this study uses ten steps proposed by Borg and Gall (1983). The intended procedure includes 10 (ten) stages, namely (1) a preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) development of an initial product draft, (4) initial trials, (5) revision of results, (6) extensive trials, and (7) refinement of more comprehensive trial results, (8) model validation test, (9) refinement of final validation results, (10) dissemination and implementation. In the preliminary study stage, literature studies, field observations, and interviews with the fifth-grade elementary school teachers are carried out. In the planning stage, an analysis of Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction p-ISSN 2614-8250, e-ISSN 2614-5677 Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2021 13 the structure of content, material, concepts, and learning objectives are carried out. The initial product preparation phase includes the preparation of learning tools in the form of lesson plans, standardized test questions, questionnaires, and assessment instruments. The devices arranged in the future, referred to as the initial product (draft one). The product validation stage includes the initial product assessment by three validators (peers, expert lecturers, and fifth-grade teachers). The results of the assessment and comments on draft one are then used for product revision to produce draft two. The limited test phase is carried out by testing draft two on a limited scale, as many as 23 students — limited trials using the experimental design of one group pretest-posttest design (Sugiyono, 2012). The results of the limited trial were subsequently used for the revision of draft two to produce draft 3. The broad trial phase consisted of the trial draft three in the experimental class and compared with the control class that used learning tools that were already in school. Extensive trials using a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design, which is a modification of Sugiyono (2012). The results of extensive trials are used for revision of draft three so that the final product is then distributed and further applied through the dissemination stage. Data collection techniques in this study include techniques for measuring critical thinking skills, including standardized tests and observations. The instruments used to collect data are divided into three types, each of which is used to meet the criteria of eligibility (validity), practicality, and effectiveness. The instrument for measuring aspects of eligibility uses a product validation sheet. The instrument to measure practicality consisted of an observation sheet on the implementation of the lesson plan and student questionnaire responses to the learning model, standardized tests, and the learning process. Instruments to measure effectiveness consist of instruments to measure critical thinking skills in the form of standard questions and observation sheets, as well as instruments to measure aspects of knowledge in the form of questions in social studies material. Data analysis in the form of comments, suggestions, and revisions during the trial process is analyzed descriptively qualitatively and concluded as input for revising the product being developed. Data analysis techniques in the form of expert response scores (product eligibility), student response scores, lesson plan implementation scores, and scores critical thinking skills. Analysis of product validation results and student responses Data analysis techniques for model validation learning is done with the following steps: (1) tabulate all data obtained from the validators for each assessment item available in the assessment instrument, (2) calculate the average total score of each component by using formula 1, and (3) change the average score into a value by category. Reference for changing the five-scale score according to Sukardjo (2012) is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Convert actual scores to scale of five Score Range (i) Value Category X̅i + 1,80 SBi 0.05, H0 is accepted, meaning that there is no difference in the proportion of critical scores between students who study in urban areas and students in rural areas. Next, to find out the difference in critical average scores between elementary schools in cities and primary schools in villages, the interpretation is as follows: The T-Test (independent t-test) Because the data is normally distributed, then the Independent t-test is chosen, as follows: Statistics hypothesis H0: (There is no difference in the average Critical score between Students in the City and students in the Village) H1: (There is a difference in the average Critical score between Students in the City and students in the Village) Significance level %5 Decision-making criteria H0 rejected if the value of sig Test result Table 9. Independent samples test Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2- tailed ) Mean Differe nce Std. Error Differe nce 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Critical Results Equal variances assumed 4.022 .048 .390 103 .697 .30000 .76912 -1.22536 1.82536 Equal variances not assumed .372 75.513 .711 .30000 .80662 -1.30669 1.90669 Interpretation Because the value of sig = 0.048 > 0,05, then H0 is accepted, meaning there is no difference in the average Critical score between Students in the City and students in the Village. Ahsan Sofyan The development of an open-ended approach based on meaningful learning in social studies to improve the critical thinking ability 18 CONCLUSION Based on the aims of the research and analysis of the results of the research development, it can be concluded that: (1) the open-ended learning model based on meaningful learning in social studies learning to improve students' critical thinking skills in elementary schools in Tarakan City is feasible based on the assessment of peers, expert lecturers, and teachers, (2) Open-ended learning model based on meaningful learning in social studies learning to improve students' critical thinking skills in the City of Tarakan can effectively improve the critical thinking skills of Primary School students in the City of Tarakan seen from the application of learning models in the learning process during research i.e. the experimental class students were higher than the control class students. 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