Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction p-ISSN 2614-8250, e-ISSN 2614-5677 Volume 4, Issue 2, October 2021 31 ENGLISH LECTURER’S STRATEGIES IN TEACHING SPEAKING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Wilany Alya Dwi Pratiwi English Education Department, University of Kuningan Email: Dadang Solihat Department of English Education, University of Kuningan, Indonesia Email: Endang Darsih Department of English Education, University of Kuningan, Indonesia Email: APA Citation: Pratiwi, W. A. D., Solihat, D., & Darsih, E. (2021). English lecturer’s strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic. Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 4(2), pp. 31-38. doi: 10.25134/ijli.v4i2.5201 Received: 14-05-2020 Accepted: 19-07-2021 Published: 01-10-2021 Abstract: The objective of this research was to find out an English Lecturer’ strategies in teaching speaking during COVID-19 pandemic and to know students’ attitude toward the implementation of the strategies. This study applied a qualitative method with case study design, the subject of the research was an English lecturer who teaching speaking course and five students from English education department of Kuningan University. The data was collected by using an observation checklist and interview. The result of the research revealed that there are 7 strategies used by the lecturer in teaching speaking. There are: 1) Voice Note WhatsApp, 2) Video Conference, 3) Learning Video, 4) Podcast, 5) Video Assignment, 6) Structure Task / Structure Project and 7) ELSASpeak Application. From 7 strategies only a few strategies are considered quite effective. Keywords: English lecturer strategies; teaching strategies INTRODUCTION At the end of 2019, the world experienced a pandemic caused by a virus namely corona virus disease (COVID-19). Hubei Province, the Republic of China was the first place where this case was infected. The World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Committee declared a global health emergency as COVID-19 confirmed cases have been expanding globally. In Indonesia, the first case was found in Depok City on March 2, 2020. When COVID-19 spread out to Indonesia and peaked in March 2020, the government issued Work From Home (WFH) policy to stop this virus spread massively. Due to the situation, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the republic Indonesia required all schools to conduct distance learning activities. This was done because of the increasing number of positive cases of COVID in Indonesia and to maintain of the health of students, teachers, and all educational staff. In this situation, online learning is one of the best solutions in teaching and learning activities during this pandemic. On the other hand, learning and teaching activities will be difficult to do if the lectures do not have a strategy to make students understands the material. Strategy is an important aspect in teaching and learning process. In teaching and learning process strategy is an activity that should be done both teacher and learner in order to get learning activity becomes effective and efficient. Learning strategies is the way to achieve the purposes of learning goals. Based on Friedrich & Mandl (2008), learning strategies as sequences of action to reach a learning goal, procedures which are more or less complex, differently advanced, intentionally or consciously used to realize learning goals, and to cope with learning requirements. The concept of learning strategies is very important, learning strategies make the students easier in learning. The responsibility of the lecturer to motivate the students to speak English by using effective speaking teaching techniques. According to Cole (2008), teacher’s role to provide effective Wilany Alya Dwi Pratiwi, Dadang Solihat, & Endang Darsih English lecturer’s strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic 32 plans or strategies in accomplishing students’ educational need, whose general purpose is communicate using the language being learnt. Speaking is one of four skills that the language learners that must be mastered. Thornbury (2005) stated that speaking is an important component of the English art curriculum and provides the basis for the growth of other spoken skills such as its close association with listening. It shows that speaking is the most important skills because it is needed in communication easily and effective. Speaking is an activity of the learners to express their ideas, feeling and thought. In this COVID-19 situation, e-learning is the best choice for teaching and learning. According to Khan (2005), e-learning refers to delivering learning material to anyone, anywhere, and anytime with using various technologies in an open learning environment, flexible, and distributed. Furthermore, accessible and flexible learning words refers to students in terms of time, location, pace, subject material, learning style and type of learning, evaluation, as well as joint and independent learning are both choices. Ghirardini (2011) stated that e-learning can offer one effective teaching method, such as practicing with related feedback, personalizing learning paths based on student needs, combining collaborative activities with independent study and using simulation games. E-learning can provide as a tool for encouraging students experiments in learning. This research presents the previous studies about English lectures’ strategies in teaching speaking. The researcher has the similarity and also differences with the previous study. The similarity is focus of research in lecturer’ strategies to improve students speaking abilities, and the differences is the researchers focus on researching what the lecturer’ strategies to teaching speaking during COVID-19 pandemic. Based on explanation above, this research is formulated to answer the following question: “What strategies which are used by the lecturer in teaching speaking during COVID- 19 pandemic” and “What is the student’s attitude toward the implementation of the strategies?”. The researcher tried to find out what kind of the strategies that lecturer used in teaching speaking during COVID-19 pandemic and to know students’ attitude toward the implementation of the strategies. Teaching speaking Powers (2010) stated that speaking is the basic communications. It is the most important skill among the others language skills. Speaking in a classroom is interactions between the students with the students and the lecturers with the students, which depends on how the lecturer organize the class. Brown (2004) stated that speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a task taker’s listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and the validity of an oral production text. Speaking is activity to produce opinion and construct the meaning. Nunan (2003) said that speaking is the productive aural or oral skill, it consisted of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Speaking is not only spoken, but speaking is an oral practice that involves making sounds to convey ideas and create language. As a result, students can acquire knowledge, comprehend the context of that information, and exchange the information with other students. Nunan in Kayi (2006) stated that teaching speaking means that the teacher teach the listener to: 1) produce the English speech sound and sound pattern, 2) use word and sentences, stress intonation pattern and the rhythm of the second language, 3) select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation, and subject matter, 4) organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence, 5) use language as a means of expressing, values, and judgments, 6) use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called as fluency. Speaking is the most important skill than the other skill in learning English, because in speaking the students can exchange their ideas with other people, they can share the information, etc. Speaking also is the most difficult skill than others skill, because in speaking the students must have knowledge and confidents to spoken in environment. So, the lecturer’ in teaching speaking must create interesting teaching process to makes the students interested and enjoy to follow speaking class. Give the students motivation to more confident and practice. Brown (2001) stated that in teaching oral communication, teachers need to show the details of how to convey and negotiate. Teaching speaking is a process of giving lessons to students in which the Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction p-ISSN 2614-8250, e-ISSN 2614-5677 Volume 4, Issue 2, October 2021 33 objective is making and helping students speak English. Brown (2010) stated that in teaching speaking lecturer helps their students develop for real life communication situation. Morley as cited in Marmoah (2017) stated that the purpose of teaching speaking is to help the students to improve four things: 1) to improve self-confident in speaking and listening to English, 2) to improve intelligibility in speaking and listening to speaking English, 3) to improve fluency in speaking English, and 4) to improve accuracy in speaking English. Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that lecturer teaching speaking as a facilitator in learning speaking with many strategies to mastery speaking skill. Strategies in teaching speaking Based on Brown (2010) and Thornbury (2015), the strategies that can be the teachers used in teaching speaking: Using recordings and transcripts. This strategy is done to raise learners’ awareness of features of spoken language. It is to expose them to instance. The strategy is done by playing learners recordings of monologue or multiparty talk. By doing this activity, the learners will know how the speaking activity goes and how discourse management is in program. Using live listening. This strategy is used to raise learners’ awareness of features of spoken language too. By using live listening it gives the bigger chance for the students to engage in a learning activity with their teacher. The advantage of live listening is that the learners can interact to ask question, clarify details, and solicit repeats. Noticing-gap-activities. This strategy is used by making the learners to get important messages about their current state of proficiency by attending to their own output and by making comparisons between their output and that of others. In the learning of the speaking, learners may benefit from first “having a go” and then observing a skilled performing the same task. Drilling and chants. Drilling and chants are the strategies regard to appropriation activities. Drilling that is imitating and repeating words, phrases, and even whole utterances. Thus, after learners have listened to a dialogue the lecturer can isolate specific phrases or utterances and ask learners to repeat them. The impact of repeating them is certain to cause them to extra salient. Drilling additionally presents a way of gaining articulatory control over language-of “getting your tongue round it”. Chants is more playful form of practice that replicates the repeating and chunking nature of drilling is the use of chants. Chants is extra memorable than in standard drills. Writing tasks. Writing has a beneficial position to play as an initial stage in the appropriation of newly encountered language for speaking. It can act as a way of easing the transition from gaining knowledge to using. Learners have a tendency to rely on a very narrow repertoire of memorized expressions in face to-face interaction. So, an important function of classroom speaking activities is to help learners extend their range of such features. The form of the activities can be in dictation, paper conversations, computer mediated chat, and rewriting. Dialogues. Practicing dialogues has an extended record in language teaching-not surprisingly, considering language is basically dialogic in its use, and any grammar structure or lexical area can be worked into a dialogue with a little ingenuity. Dialogue exercise additionally gives a beneficial alternate of awareness from teacher-led classroom interaction. Even in a large class with constant furniture, setting up pair work is not an insurmountable management challenge. Task repetition. The contextual teaching can impact the fluency of learners’ English speaking. This strategy is also influence the students’ accuracy any complexity of production. With the advent task-based learning, it is found that by manipulating the condition of speaking tasks: a) Giving the learner unlimited time when performing a task increases their accuracy, but at the expense of their fluency, b) Allowing time for pre-task planning enhances fluency, resulted faster speech and fewer silent pauses, c) Likewise, pre-task planning has a positive effect on the complexity of the language that is produced, d) Repeating a task shown gains in accuracy (including pronunciation), fluency, and complexity. Presentation and talks. The experience of standing up in front of in their colleagues and speaking for a sustained turn is excellent preparation for real-life speaking. This is mainly the case if they also have to respond to questions. Stories, jokes, and anecdotes. Storytelling is an ordinary feature of language and one of the important components of informal conversation. Wilany Alya Dwi Pratiwi, Dadang Solihat, & Endang Darsih English lecturer’s strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic 34 Through their stories learners not only practice the essential skill, but they can also get to know one another: we are our stories. Narration has always been one of the main means of having learners recount folk tales, or amusing or dramatic incidents based on a series of pictures. The value of encouraging learners to tell their own stories has been recognized, and course books now include personalized narrating tasks, whether monologue or dialogue, as matter of course. Drama, role-play, and simulation. Speaking activities involving a drama element, in which learners take an imaginative leap out of the confines of the classroom, provide a useful springboard for real-life language use. Situations that learners are likely to encounter when using English in the real world can be simulated, and a greater range of registers can be practiced than are normally available in classroom talk. Moreover, simulation and artifice suit the temperament of certain learners, who may feel uncomfortable “being themselves” in a second language. Discussion and debates. The best discussion in the classroom is the one that is spontaneously arise in the English speaking class, either it is because of the students’ personal experience that they report in the classroom or from a text or topic in the textbook that triggers some debate. It becomes important to the lecturer to be able to raise the situation where discussion and debate can be formed in more formal way for teaching English speaking. Conversation and chat. Classroom conversation and casual chat have varied over the years. Conversation and chat provide a good condition in English as a second language class. Conversation and chat is best to be applied in a traditional grammar-focused class. Outside-class speaking. Learners can improve their speaking ability with the ease of the transition from classroom to the outside world, the lecturer can use the strategy as a task to do outside class. Components of speaking Speaking is not only about pronunciation and fluency, but it is all about how to make another people understand what the speaker meaning and got the purposes of communication. According to Brown (2004), there are six components to measure students’ speaking, there are fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and task. Hornby (1996) stated that speaking component are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluently, and self-confident. Pronunciation Hornby defined pronunciation as the way in which a language is a spoken, way in which a word is pronounced. Pronunciation is one of the important aspects between stress, accent, and intonation. Pronunciation helps the listener to catch up what the speaker said. Furthermore, Harmer (2001) stated that pronunciation is the way of a person produce or utters the sound of the words meaningfully and accurately to be understood by others in communication such as different phonemes, rising and falling in intonation and stress. Grammar Grammar and pronunciation have a close relationship. In addition to the sound system, learners must be taught by using structure system of language. Learners must be given insight into word order, inflection and derivation into the order significant functions of the English language. It will help students to speak fluently. Vocabulary Hornby (1996) stated that vocabulary is range of words known or used by a person in trade, profession, and others to speak English well, the students must have a lot of vocabularies. It will make easier the students to express their opinions or ideas. Fluency Hornby (1996) defined fluency as the quality of being able to speak smoothly and easily. Fluency is as the quality of being capable to speak without hesitation. Self-confidence Self-confidence becomes an important factor in speaking learning process. A student whose great grammatical and has a lot of vocabularies skills generally more confident to express their ideas, opinions, suggestion or answer the question. They know what they can say and how to express. Teaching speaking in higher education Regarding the teaching of speaking to students at higher education, teachers should remember they must treat students fairly impartially and with respect is a must for teachers since the students need an adult in charge of the classroom (Brown, 2001). In teaching speaking, the lecturer must create interesting strategies to make the students interest to Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction p-ISSN 2614-8250, e-ISSN 2614-5677 Volume 4, Issue 2, October 2021 35 follow the lecturers speaking class. Give more motivation to make them confident to speak up about their opinions, ideas, and make them confident to express themselves. In higher education the lecturers must have a lot a practice, because in that levels practice is the most important things. After practice, evaluation also is the next part. Doing the evaluation is to find out the deficiencies experienced by students during speaking practice. This is important to improve students’ speaking abilities. Teaching online during covid-19 pandemic Online teaching implies a teaching and learning process that uses electronic as a tools. Nowadays, technology is getting advanced, the use of electronics as a tool in teaching and learning process has become commonplace. Although there are some lecturers who have not been able to use it properly. Especially in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, online learning is the only way that can be done to teaching and learning. According to Hartanto, Antonius, & Onno (2002), online learning is a form of information technology that is applied in the field of education in the form of virtual schools. The teaching and learning process that are usually performed in the classroom are done live in online learning technologies but virtually, means that when everyone can access at the same times from different places. When the lecturers teach in front of a screen that is situated in area, the student follow along the lesson learnt from the other location. And then the students can download the file in the form of files, while interactive instructions and students can be found in the form of assignments or discussion. Intensive discussion groups and emails were used to do this. Online learning is made for a solution when conventional teaching cannot be carried out, because online learning is made equivalent to conventional class. METHOD This research uses a qualitative case study to analyze the data. This approach was chosen because the researcher felt that this approach was the most appropriate approach to meet the purposes of this research, who want to get an overview of what the lectures’ strategies in teaching speaking during COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative method as a research process, expressing descriptive data in written or oral form, can observe people and behavior. Thus, this research uses case study design to gain the data of each variable. The qualitative approach to a case study with the investigator focusing on one or more cases over time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources information (Creswell, 2013). Qualitative research can also be described as an effective model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from being highly involved in the actual experiences (Creswell, 2003). This research was conducted to reveal facts in an object, where the result is something that really happened and not an essay by the researcher. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that qualitative descriptive is the research procedure a research that contains descriptive not numbers. These descriptions are the result of the findings of researchers in the field, something that actually happened or could be called a fact, not an engineering researcher. In this research, the researcher conducted a descriptive study using qualitative techniques. This research is conducted at Kuningan University in English Department. The main reason for choosing English Department Kuningan University was because there is the standard of criteria in conducting the research topic about lectures’ strategies in teaching speaking during COVID-19 pandemic. The participant of this study was an English lecturer who teaches Academic Speaking and Listening, the lecturer was chosen as participant because the lecturer has taught English for ten years. And to another participant are five students who are in 4 semesters in Academic Speaking and Listening class from English education department Kuningan University. The data collection phases an important aspect of the qualitative analysis process, because it helps researcher to consider the types of approaches and procedures used to gather data, as well as their applicability to answering questions. Understanding how their participation influences analysis and especially describing how this influences the research methodology will help qualitative research become more transparent. The clarity of the entire data collection process enables readers to judge the data collection method used and whether the decision made during the data collection process are wise (Cresswell, 2007). Wilany Alya Dwi Pratiwi, Dadang Solihat, & Endang Darsih English lecturer’s strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic 36 In this research, the researcher used qualitative data collection method that consists of observation, document analysis, and interview. The observation will be done directly, on the e-class as a UNIKU platform and zoom or google meet as a supporting platform. The researcher used observation sheet by Thornburry (2005). The documentation of this research used lecturer lesson plan, the documentation tools were used to obtain documents that are related to this research. The document analysis was used to gain more data besides observation. Beside observation and document analysis, the researcher used interview as the method to collect the data. Interview is one of the most widely methods for obtaining qualitative data. In addition, during interview, the researcher recorded what the students said. Using voice notes through WhatsApp, it helped the researcher to make transcription to gain the more information the researcher modified Masitoh’s (2017) interview sheet. Furthermore, this research used technique of analyzing data by Creswell (2014) who divided the process of analysis into six phases, namely organize and preparing data for analysis, reading through all data, coding the data, themes/description, interrelating themes/description, and interpreting the meaning of themes/description. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of observation, it is revealed that there are many activities in the teaching and learning process. Before starting the learning activities, the lecturers did greetings and prayed together. The lecturer started by asking the student’s condition and inviting the students to discuss the material provided by the lecturer in the learning video. In speaking class, more practice is a way to increase the students speaking skills, because in speaking class the most important is practice and the material is the second. Usually when students are used to speaking English, they will also be faster in mastering the material. Most of the lecturers do this way to make students faster in mastery of English speaking. Dialogue is one of the strategies for learning English speaking to increase the speaking skill, the lecturer in English class should often invite students to dialogue using English. This is one that can provoke the students to speak and train them in terms of increasing their skill and also to gain confidence in speaking English. Dialogue also helps the students in learning how they pronounce a word and training them to express their opinions or ideas about something spontaneously. In speaking, doing a presentation simulation is a common thing which is done to make students learn what they should do when they have a profession. Simulation presentation also helps students to increase their confidence and make them accustomed to giving presentations in English. These strategies used to know the students’ vocabulary, fluently in speaking English, to know the mastery of grammar in speaking English, to know how the students pronounce a word, and train their confidence in speaking English in front of a crowd. These strategies can also be done to prepare them for the future. Before the class ends, the lecturer reminded the students about the material, after that the teacher gave them some information about the next material and the next task. Because of the pandemic situations, the lecturer gave the students motivation to continue learning even though it has to be done online but must always learn and practice. The lecturer gave motivation to always take care of themselves, stay healthy, and implement health protocols. Strategy in teaching is very important, especially in pandemic situations. The lecturer should have the best strategies in teaching to make the students easily learn speaking. The strategy is guided the lecturer in teaching, if there is no strategy in teaching the lecturer will be difficult to teach and fulfill the student needs. Due to this pandemic situation, learning and teaching is done by e- learning. Every lecturer must have a strategy in teaching, especially in these situations, every lecturer must be smart in choosing which strategy is suitable for use in a material during this e-learning period. Utilizing technology as a tool in teaching is only way to keep teaching in these situations. So, the lecturer used many strategies related to technology. Based on the results of interviews, speaking lecturers have various strategies. This is because the strategy is adjusted to the material and needs of the students. Based on the findings, there are any difference results when the lecturer changed the strategies. Because each material requires different results, also the strategy must be different. Every strategy Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instruction p-ISSN 2614-8250, e-ISSN 2614-5677 Volume 4, Issue 2, October 2021 37 that the lecturer used is suitable for the student needs, so there is no best strategy. All strategies are good, because each strategy has been adjusted to learning needs. The strategy is called to be best when the strategy can be conveyed well to students as well as the students can receive the material with the strategies used by the lecturer. In conclusion based on the findings, technology is only tool that can be used in teaching on this pandemic situation. The lecturer used technology as a tool in teaching speaking to fulfill the student needs, according to Bahadorfar & Omidvar (2014), technological tools have been regarded as ways of helping students improve language skills such as speaking skill. There are seven strategies that the lecturer uses in teaching speaking, namely Voice Note WA, Video Conference, Learning Video, Podcast, Video Assignment, Structure Task or Project and ELSAspeak application. However, there are differences in implementing strategies during offline and online learning in this pandemic. Learning in this pandemic situation, the lecturer mostly used technology as the main tool in teaching, such as in the use of the ELSAspeak application. The lecturers created a class on the application to be accessed by students, so that they can learn together even though the interaction is limited and the lecturer can check how fluent the students are in pronouncing a word. During offline learning, Voice Note WhatsApp are not used properly. However, during online learning, voice notes are used as a tool to find out how fluent students are in pronouncing a word or sentences. The lecturers also used Voice Note WhatsApp as a discussion tool. Another example is when the lecturer and the students do structured-assignments or project assignments. The task is an assignment to make a seminar attended by the lecturer and the students, which are usually carried out by indoors. But, during this pandemic, tasks are carried out by using Zoom meetings. All of these strategies are used because they are in accordance with the lesson plan that has been made by the lecturer. Most of the students’ difficulties learning speaking during pandemic situation is they felt that there was no improvement in their speaking skills. With the limited time, meeting schedules and self- awareness. They waste a lot of their practice time and lack of the motivation to learn and practice speaking by themselves, even though learn speaking practice is the most important thing. The absence of an interlocutor is one of the things that make it difficult for them to improve their speaking skills in e-learning situations. According to the finding, most of the students feel that the lecturer strategies by podcast and voice note WhatsApp increase their component of speaking, especially in pronunciation. There are some students who feel that their component in self-confidence increased during e- learning. This is because when e-learning they can prepare more before show or presentation and when they have a lot of time to take notes before answering the questions by the lecturer. Based on the finding, the selection of VN WhatsApp and podcast as strategies to improve students’ pronunciation skills is the right strategy. Most of them think that this strategy really helps them in improving pronunciation skills. Learning videos also the strategies that can make the students easily learning speaking, because this strategy can be accessed anytime and anywhere. By this strategy, the students can rewatch the videos when they do not understand the material. In conclusion, based on the findings, the lecturer uses seven strategies in teaching speaking during COVID-19 pandemic as mentioned by Brown (2010) and Thornbury (2015) about various strategies in teaching speaking. CONCLUSION The research was conducted to gain the research questions, namely identifying the English lecturer strategies in teaching speaking and the students’ perception about those strategies. According to the data which had been collected through conducting observation, document analysis, and interview, the researchers comes to conclusion that the lecturer strategies in teaching speaking are vary. Lecturer has attempted to implement some strategies, but there are some encountered numerous obstacles. The first research result of analyzing data gathered through observations shows that the lecturer implemented the strategies and tried to make the strategy work and suitable with the lesson plan that has been made. The lecturer implemented some strategies such as VN WhatsApp and podcast, do the video conference, learning video, make video, and audio podcast, a project to make video (role-play), structure project and the lecturer introduces application ELSAspeak to help them in pronunciation. But only a few strategies that the Wilany Alya Dwi Pratiwi, Dadang Solihat, & Endang Darsih English lecturer’s strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic 38 students can follow, they are podcast and VN WhatsApp, learning videos, and making assignments video, this is because they have difficulty in understanding every command given by the lecturer. They felt that the explanation is not detailed enough, virtual meetings that are rarely done make students find it difficult to understand every strategy that is being given by the lecturer. It also makes students feel that their speaking skills are decreasing. To sum up, the findings of this research showed that the lecturer implemented many strategies to achieve the learning goals and the students need in learning speaking by e-learning. However, there are differences in the implementation strategies during offline and online learning. 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