item: #1 of 271 id: ijtid-10271 author: Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, IJTID title: FRONT MATTER date: 2021-04-07 words: 576 flesch: 49 summary: Among Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR TB) Patients at Jakarta Province in 2011 to 2015 e ISSN 2356 - 0991 p ISSN 2085 - 1103Volume 7 Number 3 September–December 2018 EDITORIAL TEAM OF INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE EDITOR IN CHIEF Prihartini Widiyanti, Indonesia EDITORIAL BOARD Mark Alan Graber, United States Kazufumi Shimizu, Japan Masanori Kameoka, Japan Hak Hotta, Japan Fumihiko Kawamoto, Japan Nasronudin Nasronudin, Indonesia Maria Inge Lusida, Indonesia Puruhito Puruhito, Indonesia Indropo Agusni, Indonesia Retno Handajani, Indonesia Kuntaman Kuntaman, Indonesia Soegeng Soegijanto, Indonesia Bambang Prajogo, Indonesia Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Indonesia Achmad Fuad Hafid, Indonesia Tri Wibawa, Indonesia Irwanto Irwanto, Indonesia Marcellino Rudyanto, Indonesia Yulis Setiya Dewi, Indonesia Laura Navika Yamani, Indonesia SECRETARIAT Zakaria Pamoengkas Widi Listiyas Rini Secretariat Office Publishing Unit of Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga Kampus C, Jalan Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Jawa Timur – Indonesia. Kampus C Unair, Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Indonesia. keywords: disease; factors; gene; indonesia; irwanto; issn; japan; kuntaman; nasronudin; patients; puruhito; surabaya; tropical; tuberculosis cache: ijtid-10271.pdf plain text: ijtid-10271.txt item: #2 of 271 id: ijtid-10272 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-10272.htm plain text: ijtid-10272.txt item: #3 of 271 id: ijtid-10278 author: Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, IJTID title: FRONT MATTER date: 2021-04-07 words: 518 flesch: 36 summary: ISSN 2356–0991 p ISSN 2085–1103 Indexed by: Clinical and Hemoglobin Profile of Malaria Patients in Karitas Hospital, Southwest Sumba District, Indonesia During 2017 Effect of Patient's Personal Character on Prevention of Transmission of Pulmonary TB Polymerase Chain Reaction and Serology Test to Detect Rubella Virus in Congenital Rubella Syndrome Patients with Hearing Loss Sensitivity of Erythromycin Against Toxigenic Strain of Corynebacterium Diphtheriae CP-1 Levels and Atypical Lymphocytes in Early Fever of Dengue Virus Infection With Non-Structural Protein 1 (NS-1) Antigen Test In Dr. Darsono Hospital, Pacitan Prognostic Factors of Severe Dengue Infections in Children A Survey for Zoonotic and Other Gastrointestinal Parasites in Pig in Bali Province, Indonesia Relationship of Non Structural Antigen 1 (Ns1) to Clinical Signs, Symptoms and Routine Blood Examination Dengue Suspected e ISSN 2356 - 0991 p ISSN 2085 - 1103Volume 8 Number 1 January–April 2020 EDITORIAL TEAM OF INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE EDITOR IN CHIEF Prihartini Widiyanti, Indonesia EDITORIAL BOARD Mark Alan Graber, United States Kazufumi Shimizu, Japan Masanori Kameoka, Japan Hak Hotta, Japan Fumihiko Kawamoto, Japan Nasronudin Nasronudin, Indonesia Maria Inge Lusida, Indonesia Puruhito Puruhito, Indonesia Retno Handajani, Indonesia Kuntaman Kuntaman, Indonesia Soegeng Soegijanto, Indonesia Bambang Prajogo, Indonesia Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Indonesia Achmad Fuad Hafid, Indonesia Tri Wibawa, Indonesia Irwanto Irwanto, Indonesia Marcellino Rudyanto, Indonesia Yulis Setiya Dewi, Indonesia Laura Navika Yamani, Indonesia SECRETARIAT Zakaria Pamoengkas Nur Diana Fajriyah Secretariat Office Publishing Unit of Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga Kampus C, Jalan Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Jawa Timur – Indonesia. keywords: antigen; april; clinical; dengue; disease; hospital; indonesia; issn; january; japan; kuntaman; non; patients; rubella; structural; test; tropical; virus cache: ijtid-10278.pdf plain text: ijtid-10278.txt item: #4 of 271 id: ijtid-10279 author: Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, IJTID title: BACK MATTER date: 2021-04-07 words: 6925 flesch: 48 summary: Author names: This statement is signed by all the authors to indicate agreement that the above information is true and cor- rect (a photocopy of this form may be used if there are more than 10 authors): Author's name (typed) Author's signature Date (Please fax completed conflict of interest statement to Institute of Tropical Disease at +62-31-5992445: Attention to Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Universitas Airlangga, or scan the completed form and email to Copyright Transfer Agreement Manuscript No: ……………………………… Category: …………………………………… Manuscript Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… in the Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease (“the Journal”) if the Work is accepted for publication. Standards of Objectivity: Review of submitted manuscripts must be done objectively and the reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments. keywords: abstract; accepted; agreement; appropriate; article; authors; authorship; available; book; case; citation; clinical; conflict; copies; copyright; data; date; decisions; disclosure; disease; editor; editorial; electronic; email; figures; financial; following; headings; ijtid; indonesian; infectious; information; interest; journal; keywords; letters; manuscript; material; minimum; names; new; number; office; online; order; original; page; paper; peer; personal; plagiarism; process; publication; references; relationships; relevant; report; research; responsibility; results; review; reviewers; section; signatures; sources; space; statement; study; style; submission; tables; text; title; transfer; tropical; use; work cache: ijtid-10279.pdf plain text: ijtid-10279.txt item: #5 of 271 id: ijtid-10280 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-10280.htm plain text: ijtid-10280.txt item: #6 of 271 id: ijtid-10282 author: Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, IJTID title: BACK MATTER date: 2018-10-29 words: 1913 flesch: 51 summary: I agree that this transfer of rights also applies to all copies made in connection with the submission of this article and I will also inform this agreement to other authors. As a general rule, reference numbers should be placed outside full stops and commas and inside colons and semicolons, however, this may vary according to the requirements of a particular journal. keywords: abstract; article; author; copyright; discussion; disease; figures; indonesian; infectious; information; institute; journal; literature; material; number; original; reference; research; results; review; section; studies; tables; text; tropical; use; work cache: ijtid-10282.pdf plain text: ijtid-10282.txt item: #7 of 271 id: ijtid-10382 author: Charisma, Acivrida Mega title: RELATIONSHIP OF NON STRUCTURAL ANTIGEN 1 (NS1) EXAMINATION RESULTS TO CLINICAL SIGNS ,SYMPTOMS AND ROUTINE BLOOD EXAMINATION IN PATIENTS SUSPECTED DENGUE INFECTIONS AT INPATIENTS CLINIC OF VITA MEDIKA KEPUNG KEDIRI DISTRICTS date: 2020-03-19 words: 6994 flesch: 53 summary: Chi square test results between respondent clinical signs and symptoms during admission of NS1 antigen examination results were obtained p value = 0.310 (p> 0.05) which means there is no relationship between clinical signs and symptoms with NS1 antigen examination results. The reason for using chi square the test is because the two variables studied are variables with data in the form of a categorical scale Chi square test on relationship between clinical sign and symptoms examination of dengue with the results of NS1 examination obtained p= 0,310 (p > 0,005), while the results of chi square test on the relationship of routine blood examination results haemoglobine levels, amount of leucocyte, platelet count and of NS1 examination result obtained p value in a row p = 0,235 (p > 0,05), p = 0,013(p < 0,05), p = 0,028(p < 0,05) dan p = 0,132 (p > 0,05). keywords: 43,3; admission; adv; antigen; antigen examination; bleeding; blood; cells; charisma; checking; chi; clinical; copyright; correlation; count; criteria; dan; data; days; demam; dengan; dengue; dengue infection; diagnosis; disease; distribution; examination; examination results; female; fever; frequency; hasil; hematocrit; hemoglobin; high; hubungan; ijtid; increase; indonesian; infected; infection; infeksi; issn; january; journal; jumlah; laboratory; leukocyte; levels; line; male; medika; mega; mm3; negative; nilai; non; normal; ns1; ns1 antigen; ns1 examination; number; onset; p value; pada; patients; pemeriksaan; phase; platelet; positive; relationship; research; respondents; results; role; routine; sampling; sensitivity; significant; signs; square; structural; study; symptoms; table; terhadap; test; thrombocytopenia; total; trombosit; tropical; value; viral; virus; vol cache: ijtid-10382.pdf plain text: ijtid-10382.txt item: #8 of 271 id: ijtid-10384 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-10384.htm plain text: ijtid-10384.txt item: #9 of 271 id: ijtid-10385 author: Wibawaning Astuti, Raden Roro Upiek Ngesti title: DIVERSITY, DOMINANCY, AND PERIODICITY OF MOSQUITOES IN FILARIASIS ENDEMIC AREAS IN SAMBOREJO VILLAGE TIRTO DISTRICT PEKALONGAN REGENCY date: 2019-10-09 words: 3439 flesch: 56 summary: The objective of this study was to determine the diversity, dominancy, and periodicity pattern of mosquitoes during night time in Samborejo Village Tirto District Pekalongan Regency. Mosquitoes diversity and periodicity of indoor (A) and outdoor (B) biting activities in Samborejo Village. keywords: active; activities; adalah; aedes; aegypti; areas; behaviour; biology; biting; blood; collection; correlation; culex; dan; data; dengan; diseases; distribution; district; diversity; dominancy; ecological; ecology; endemic; faculty; figure; filariasis; gadjah; genera; health; human; humidity; index; indonesia; indoor; keragaman; low; mada; mosquitoes; night; number; nyamuk; outdoor; pada; pekalongan; periode; periodicity; pukul; quinquefasciatus; regency; resting; samborejo; samborejo village; selatan; species; study; table; temperature; time; tirto; total; tritaeniorhynchus; vector; village; vishnui; vol cache: ijtid-10385.pdf plain text: ijtid-10385.txt item: #10 of 271 id: ijtid-10389 author: Martini, Martini title: INCIDENCE OF DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (DHF) IN SEMARANG COASTAL AREA: EPIDEMIOLOGY DESCRIPTIVE CASE AND BIONOMIC VECTOR date: 2019-10-09 words: 3981 flesch: 62 summary: The high salt content environment should have limited the breeding of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) vectors; yet, quite high incidents of DHF cases are reported taken place in Semarang coastal area. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of DHF incidence, characteristic of cases, and bionomics vector in the coastal area of Semarang Utara sub-district. keywords: aedes; aegypti; air; albopictus; area; behavior; brackish; cases; city; coastal; coastline; conditions; container; content; dan; data; dbd; dengan; dengue; density; dhf; disease; distance; district; fever; health; hemorrhagic; high; house; incidence; index; kasus; kesehatan; kota; kota semarang; larvae; lor; low; mosquito; north; north semarang; panggung; pantai; patients; percentage; research; respondents; results; salinity; salt; school; semarang; semarang sub; semarang utara; study; sub; table; tahun; utara; vector; villages; water cache: ijtid-10389.pdf plain text: ijtid-10389.txt item: #11 of 271 id: ijtid-10392 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-10392.htm plain text: ijtid-10392.txt item: #12 of 271 id: ijtid-10393 author: Widisuputri, Ni Komang Aprilina; Suwanti, Lucia Tri; Plumeriastuti, Hani title: A SURVEY FOR ZOONOTIC AND OTHER GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITES IN PIG IN BALI PROVINCE, INDONESIA date: 2020-03-19 words: 6575 flesch: 65 summary: Research by Gomez et al.,17 from samples of pigs and human on four pig farms in Colombia showed that pig faecal samples were positive for E. coli, human faecal samples were also positive for E. coli and E. hystolitica / dispar. Pigs have potentially to transmit zoonotic gastrointestinal parasite disease both caused by protozoa and worm. keywords: 50μm; 55–66; addition; agustina; airlangga; animal; aprilina; area; ascaris sp; available; babi; badung; balantidium sp; bali; bali province; banana; bar; blastocystis sp; bran; cage; coli; copyright; cover; dan; dari; disease; district; east; eggs; eimeria sp; entamoeba sp; et al; examination; factors; faculty; farmers; farms; feces; feed; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal parasites; genera; genus; glass; higher; humans; identification; ijtid; incidence; indonesia; infected; infection; internet; issn; january; journal; kabupaten; komang; livestock; management; medicine; molecular; number; oesophagostomum sp; parasites; parasitic; parasitol; parasitology; piglets; pigs; poor; positive; potential; prevalence; protozoa; province; ransomi; research; samples; sanitation; sep; small; species; strongyloides sp; study; sub; surabaya; survey; tabanan; tabanan district; table; total; trichuris sp; tropical; types; universitas; vet; veterinary; vol; worms; yang; zoonosis; zoonotic cache: ijtid-10393.pdf plain text: ijtid-10393.txt item: #13 of 271 id: ijtid-10419 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-10419.htm plain text: ijtid-10419.txt item: #14 of 271 id: ijtid-10712 author: Sari, Trias Kusuma; Irwanto, Irwanto; Etika, Risa; Sampurna, Mahendra Tri Arif; Mertaniasih, Ni Made title: ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SEPSIS RISK CALCULATOR AND INFECTION PARAMETERS FOR NEONATES WITH RISK OF EARLY ONSET SEPSIS date: 2020-07-31 words: 4908 flesch: 56 summary: The conclusion of this study is there were no correlation of CRP level and EOS risk Keywords: Sepsis risk calculator, infection parameter, risk of early onset sepsis, C-reactive protein, Complete Blood Count ABSTRAK C-reactive protein (CRP) adalah suatu reaksi fase akut protein yang diinduksi oleh aktivasi dari IL-6 selama fase akut dari infl amasi atau proses infeksi. American Academy of pediatrics (AAP) is recommended routine blood examination test Complete Blood Count (CBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), and blood culture along with empirical antibiotic in neonates with early onset sepsis risk (EOS) risk even asymptomatic. keywords: adalah; aerococcus; age; amniotic; antibiotic; association; blood; blood culture; calculator; cbc; chorioamnionitis; clinical; complete; copyright; count; crp; culture; dan; darah; dari; dengan; diagnosis; early; eos; examination; gestational; green; group; hospital; hours; ijtid; inadequate; infants; infection; intrapartum; issn; kusuma; laboratory; level; low; maternal; mean; mothers; negative; neonatal; neonatal sepsis; neonates; newborns; normal; onset; onset sepsis; parameters; patients; pediatr; positive; predictive; protein; rate; reactive; red; results; risiko; risk; risk calculator; rupture; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis risk; signifi; specifi; src; study; table; test; value; vol; weeks; yang; yellow cache: ijtid-10712.pdf plain text: ijtid-10712.txt item: #15 of 271 id: ijtid-10721 author: Baiduri, Senja; Husada, Dominicius; Puspitasari, Dwiyanti; Kartina, Leny; Basuki, Parwati Setiono; Ismoedijanto, Ismoedijanto title: PROGNOSTIC FACTORS OF SEVERE DENGUE INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN date: 2020-03-19 words: 6201 flesch: 58 summary: The WHO 2009 Guideline mentioned the severe dengue as either by plasma leakage, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment.5 The exclusion criteria were a congenital anomaly, malignancy, autoimmune and immunodeficiency disease because the clinical signs and symptoms, and the laboratory test results of those diseases can mimic or influence the clinical and laboratory pictures of severe dengue patients. Clinical and laboratory examination (complete blood count, AST, ALT, albumin, APTT, and PPT) were analyzed comparing non-severe dengue and severe dengue patients. keywords: abdominal; acute; albumin; alt; analysis; april; aptt; association; ast; baiduri; berat; bivariate; bleeding; blood; children; clinical; coagulation; common; copyright; count; criteria; dan; dengue; dengue group; dengue infection; dengue patients; dhf; disease; early; effusion; elevation; et al; factors; fever; group; health; hematemesis; hemorrhagic; hepatomegaly; hospital; ijtid; increase; indonesian; infection; infeksi; involvement; issn; january; journal; laboratory; leakage; leukopeni; level; liu; liver; med; melena; mortality; multivariate; non; non severe; nutritional; obesity; overweight; pada; pain; patients; phase; plasma; pleural; plos; ppt; prognostic; prolonged; proportion; ptechie; regression; research; severe; severe dengue; severity; shock; signs; similar; soetomo; statistic; status; study; subjects; symptoms; table; thrombocytopenia; transfusion; tropical; virus; vomiting; warning; yang; years cache: ijtid-10721.pdf plain text: ijtid-10721.txt item: #16 of 271 id: ijtid-10851 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-10851.htm plain text: ijtid-10851.txt item: #17 of 271 id: ijtid-10959 author: Riwu, Audrey Gracelia; Nugaraha, Jusak; Dachlan, Yoes Prijatna title: DIFFERENCES OF INTERLEUKIN-18 AND INTERLEUKIN-10 LEVELS IN RIFAMPICIN RESISTANT AND RIFAMPICIN SENSITIVE PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS IN DR. SOETOMO HOSPITAL SURABAYA date: 2020-07-31 words: 4152 flesch: 56 summary: The mean level of IL-10 (pg/ml) in RR and RS pulmonary TB patients were 125.25±118.32 and 128.81±135.77 respectively. This study will describe how diff erent levels of IL-18 and IL-10 in pulmonary TB patients with rifampicin resistant and rifampicin sensitive, 118 Copyright © 2020, IJTID, p-ISSN 2085-1103, e-ISSN 2356-0991 Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Vol. 8 No. 2 keywords: adalah; ammatory; anti; blood; cells; clinical; copyright; cytokine; dan; deviation; diff; disease; doi; drug; erences; gracelia; groups; growth; higher; hospital; ijtid; il-18; immune; immunol; increase; indonesia; infl; interleukin-10; issn; kadar; level; macrophages; mdr; mean; pada; patients; penderita; pulmonary; pulmonary rr; resistant; response; results; rifampicin; role; sensitive; serum; signifi; soetomo; standard; study; surabaya; table; tb patients; treatment; tuberculosis; vol; wang cache: ijtid-10959.pdf plain text: ijtid-10959.txt item: #18 of 271 id: ijtid-11455 author: Johan, Alvin; Natalia, Audrey; Djauhari, William; Effendi, Rambu Farah title: CLINICAL AND HEMOGLOBIN PROFILE OF MALARIA PATIENTS IN KARITAS HOSPITAL, SOUTHWEST SUMBA, PERIOD OF YEAR 2017 date: 2020-03-19 words: 4875 flesch: 61 summary: Headache in malaria infection has an acute onset with non-specific pain distribution.21 Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 are believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of headaches.2,17,22 Pain intensity and frequency of headache between cerebral malaria and non-severe malaria infection is clinically indistinguishable.21 Two studies by Muddaiah, et al 23 and Sonawane, et al24 from India showed a higher incidence of nausea and vomiting than a headache in malaria subjects. The Southwest Sumba district is a high endemic area of malaria with the annual parasite incidence (API) of 14.48‰. The research conducted in this area was to identify the clinical and hemoglobin profi le of malaria patients and to obtain comprehensive information on the clinical characteristics of malaria in a high endemic area of Southwest Sumba district. keywords: adalah; age; anemia; api; april; areas; asexual; blood; cases; characteristics; clinical; common; conjunctiva; copyright; cough; criteria; daerah; dan; dengan; density; diagnosis; disease; district; ditemukan; east; endemic; examination; falciparum; fever; findings; giemsa; group; headache; health; hemoglobin; hepatomegaly; high; hospital; icteric; ijtid; incidence; indonesian; infection; issn; january; karitas; klinis; malaria; medical; nausea; non; number; nusa; pada; pain; parasite; pasien; patients; penelitian; peripheral; physical; plasmodium; profile; research; sclera; severe; southwest; species; spp; studies; study; subjects; sumba; symptoms; table; tenggara; thick; thin; timur; total; tropical; vivax; vol; vomiting; yang; years cache: ijtid-11455.pdf plain text: ijtid-11455.txt item: #19 of 271 id: ijtid-11460 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-11460.htm plain text: ijtid-11460.txt item: #20 of 271 id: ijtid-11654 author: Mutahhar, Alif; Puspitasari, Dwiyanti title: SENSITIVITY OF ERYTHROMYCIN AGAINST CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIAE date: 2020-03-19 words: 2922 flesch: 48 summary: 2nd January 2020 ABSTRACT Diphtheria is an acute infection disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The purpose of this study is to identify whether Erythromycin still has a strong antibacterial activity against Corynebacterium diphtheriae by invitro test. keywords: antibacterial; available; bangkalan; bangkalan mitis; bondowoso; cases; clinical; copyright; corynebacterium; corynebacterium diphtheriae; dalam; dan; data; difteri; diphtheriae; disease; east; epsilometer; eritromisin; erythromycin; female; gravis; health; ijtid; indonesia; infectious; intermediate; isolates; issn; january; java; jember; journal; laboratory; medicine; mic; microbiology; mitis; online; patients; penicillin; province; research; result; sensitive; sensitivity; strain; study; surabaya; susceptibility; terhadap; test; toxigenic; tropical; yang cache: ijtid-11654.pdf plain text: ijtid-11654.txt item: #21 of 271 id: ijtid-11776 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-11776.htm plain text: ijtid-11776.txt item: #22 of 271 id: ijtid-1203 author: Prajogo, Bambang; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Riza, Hafrizal title: EFFECT OF FREE ALKALOID AND NON-FREE ALKALOID ETHANOL 70% EXTRACT OF JUSTICIA GENDARUSSA BURM F. LEAVES AGAINST REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HIV ENZYME IN VITRO AND CHEMICAL COMPOUND ANALYSIS date: 2016-01-18 words: 2149 flesch: 49 summary: One of HIV and AIDS prevention strategy can be done with traditional medicine research program from natural resource that has anti-HIV AIDS activity. Furthermore, antiretroviral utilization this time are resistant that cause the failure of therapy.3 One of HIV and AIDS prevention strategy can be done with traditional medicine research program from natural resource that has anti-HIV AIDS activity. keywords: activity; aids; airlangga; alkaloid; anti; bebas; burm.f; cell; chemical; chromatography; dan; disease; effect; ekstrak; elisa; enzyme; ethanol; extract; free; free alkaloid; gendarussa; high; hiv; host; indonesia; inhibition; inhibitory; journal; justicia; justicia gendarussa; leaves; medicine; natural; non; ppm; research; results; reverse; reverse transcriptase; time; transcriptase; tropical; universitas; virus; vitro; vol; yang cache: ijtid-1203.pdf plain text: ijtid-1203.txt item: #23 of 271 id: ijtid-1204 author: Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Martak, Fahimah title: SYNTHESIS OF METAL-ORGANIC (COMPLEXES) COMPOUNDS COPPER(II)-IMIDAZOLE FOR ANTIVIRAL HIV CANDIDATE date: 2016-01-18 words: 2902 flesch: 54 summary: Complex compounds are compounds in which there is an atom that acts as the central atom and trotter group of molecules that can be either neutral or charged ions. Complex compounds are compounds in which there is an atom that acts as the central atom and trotter group of molecules that can be either neutral or charged ions. keywords: acid; activity; anti; antiviral; april; atom; bio; bond; bonding; central; chem; chemistry; complex; complex compounds; complexes; compounds; coordination; copper; copper(ii; crystal; cu(ii; cytotoxicity; dan; dependent; derivates; dioxides; disease; dna; figures; high; hiv; hydrogen; imidazole; inhibitory; inorg; kompleks; ligand; macrocyclic; metal; molecular; monodentate; new; organic; oxygen; ring; senyawa; structure; study; synthesis; target; tembaga; tropical; vol; yang cache: ijtid-1204.pdf plain text: ijtid-1204.txt item: #24 of 271 id: ijtid-1205 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-1205.htm plain text: ijtid-1205.txt item: #25 of 271 id: ijtid-1206 author: Sukmawati, Netty; Agusni, Indropo; Listiawan, M. Yulianto; Prakoeswa, Cita Rosita S.; Adriaty, Dinar; Wahyuni, Ratna; Iswahyudi, Iswahyudi title: Mycobacterium leprae BACILLEMIA IN BOTH TWINS, BUT ONLY MANIFEST AS LEPROSY IN ONE SIBLING date: 2016-01-18 words: 2519 flesch: 64 summary: Since the human source (leprosy patients) are already treated by MDT and become non-infectious anymore, the role of non-human resources should be kept in mind.. Pbmc from leprosy patient (Y) 2. keywords: 27x; anti; area; blood; brother; case; disease; east; endemic; examination; figure; healthy; human; igg; igm; indonesian; infection; java; knee; kusta; lamongan; leprosy; lesions; m.leprae; manifest; menunjukkan; mycobacterium; negative; pasien; patient; pcr; positive; repeats; results; right; samples; saudara; sibling; skin; study; subclinical; surabaya; time; titer; transmission; treatment; ttc; twins; unit; yang; years cache: ijtid-1206.pdf plain text: ijtid-1206.txt item: #26 of 271 id: ijtid-1207 author: Widiyanti, Prihartini; Prajogo, Bambang; Hikmawati, Ni Putu Ermi title: CYTOTOXICITY OF JUSTICIA GENDARUSSA BURM F. LEAF EXTRACTS ON MOLT-4 CELL date: 2016-01-18 words: 3168 flesch: 54 summary: A pre-clinical study of an alkaloid- free 70% ethanol extract of J. gendarussa leaf extract has confirmed male contraceptive activity.2 Thus, cytotoxicity testing against MOLT-4 cells was performed to evaluate the relative toxicity potential using a fractionated-extract (alkaloid-free) and a 70% ethanol extract of J. gendarussa leaves to assess the safety of J. gendarussa leaf extracts used in preliminary male contraceptive clinical trials. keywords: absorbance; activities; activity; airlangga; alkaloids; analysis; anti; bio; burm; cancer; cc50; cells; concentration; contraceptive; control; cytotoxicity; dan; daun; difference; disease; east; ekstrak; entanol; ethanol; ethanol extract; excel; extract; flavonoid; fractionated-70; gendarussa; gendarussa burm; gendarussa leaves; hiv; human; indonesia; java; journal; justicia; justicia gendarussa; leaf; leaves; male; media; microplate; microsoft; molt-4; non; prajogo; reagent; sel; sitotoksisitas; surabaya; terfraksinasi; test; tetrazolium; treatment; universitas; untuk; viability; water cache: ijtid-1207.pdf plain text: ijtid-1207.txt item: #27 of 271 id: ijtid-12073 author: Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, IJTID title: BACK MATTER date: 2019-02-22 words: 1913 flesch: 51 summary: I agree that this transfer of rights also applies to all copies made in connection with the submission of this article and I will also inform this agreement to other authors. As a general rule, reference numbers should be placed outside full stops and commas and inside colons and semicolons, however, this may vary according to the requirements of a particular journal. keywords: abstract; article; author; copyright; discussion; disease; figures; indonesian; infectious; information; institute; journal; literature; material; number; original; reference; research; results; review; section; studies; tables; text; tropical; use; work cache: ijtid-12073.pdf plain text: ijtid-12073.txt item: #28 of 271 id: ijtid-12074 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-12074.htm plain text: ijtid-12074.txt item: #29 of 271 id: ijtid-12226 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-12226.htm plain text: ijtid-12226.txt item: #30 of 271 id: ijtid-12318 author: Herdianti, Herdianti; Entianopa, Entianopa; Sugiarto, Sugiarto title: EFFECT OF PATIENT'S PERSONAL CHARACTER ON PREVENTION OF TRANSMISSION OF PULMONARY TB date: 2020-03-19 words: 4329 flesch: 55 summary: Bivariate analysis shows that there is a relationship between Self Efficacy and prevention of pulmonary TB transmission and patients who have low Self Efficacy are at risk of transmitting pulmonary TB 5 times compared to patients with high self efficacy. CONCLUSIONS There is a relationship between Self Efficacy on prevention of pulmonary TB transmission and patients who have low Self Efficacy are at risk of transmitting pulmonary TB 5 times compared to patients with high self efficacy. keywords: adalah; age; analysis; april; area; available; behavior; bivariate; cases; center; copyright; dan; data; dengan; diri; disease; efficacy; efikasi; family; figure; good; health; high; hubungan; ijtid; indonesia; infectious; ini; internet; interpersonal; issn; jambi; kesehatan; kumpeh; low; muara; number; paru; patients; penelitian; people; poor; positive; prevention; primary; pulmonary; pulmonary tb; relationship; research; respondents; results; risk; role; self; self efficacy; study; support; total; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; value; variables; vol; work; world; yang cache: ijtid-12318.pdf plain text: ijtid-12318.txt item: #31 of 271 id: ijtid-12570 author: Onesiforus, Benaya Yamin; Lalangpuling, Indra E.; Wijayanti, Mahardika A.; Murhandarwati, E. Elsa Herdiana title: Correlation of Nutritional Status with Hookworm and Strongyloides stercoralis Infection in Children Under Five Years in Kokar Public Health Center, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara date: 2020-12-03 words: 4322 flesch: 60 summary: Table 1 shows that from total of 238 children under 5 years fecal samples, 21 were found positive in hookworm infection and only 1 subject found positive in S. stercoralis infection. The prevalence of hookworm and S. stercoralis infection was 8.82%, and 0,42%. keywords: agar; alor; anak; baermann; balita; cation; center; children; condition; copyright; correlation; culture; dan; data; dengan; dis; disease; east; factors; feces; gizi; gram; harada; health; helminth; highest; hookworm; hookworm infection; hours; hubungan; ige; ijtid; il-4; indonesia; infection; infeksi; intestinal; issn; journal; kap; koga; kokar; larvae; low; malnutrition; method; months; mori; negl; nematode; normal; nusa; nutritional; nutritional status; overweight; pada; plate; plos; positive; prevalence; public; regency; republic; risk; samples; soil; status; stercoralis; stercoralis infection; sth; stool; strongyloides; study; table; tenggara; test; tidak; trop; underweight; urine; vol; water; years cache: ijtid-12570.pdf plain text: ijtid-12570.txt item: #32 of 271 id: ijtid-12657 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-12657.htm plain text: ijtid-12657.txt item: #33 of 271 id: ijtid-12691 author: Humaryanto, Humaryanto; Hanina, Hanina; Lipinwati, Lipinwati; Simanjuntak, Charles Apul title: IDENTIFICATION OF SCCMEC TYPE IN ISOLATE OF METHICILLIN RESISTANT Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) IN JAMBI BY USING POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) date: 2020-07-31 words: 3138 flesch: 60 summary: There were 14 samples identified as MRSA isolates, namely twelve samples (85.72%) of SCCmec type III, one sample (7.14%) of SCCmec type II, and one sample (7.14%) of SCCmec type IVb. In addition to SCCmec type III, this study also found a small proportion of MRSA isolates contained SCCmec type II and type IVb. keywords: aureus; cassette; ccr; chain; chromosome; class; clinical; community; complex; copyright; countries; dan; diff; disease; dna; elements; genes; genetic; health; hospitals; identification; iii; ijtid; indonesia; isolates; issn; ivb; jambi; kasi; meca; med; medicine; methicillin; mobile; mrsa; pada; pcr; penelitian; polymerase; positive; primer; reaction; resistant; resistant staphylococcus; sampel; samples; satu; sccmec; sccmec type; seconds; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; study; tipe; tropical; type; vol; yang cache: ijtid-12691.pdf plain text: ijtid-12691.txt item: #34 of 271 id: ijtid-12696 author: Agustiningrum, Indah; Nugraha, Jusak; Kahar, Hartono title: MCP-1 LEVELS AND ATYPICAL LYMPHOCYTES IN EARLY FEVER OF DENGUE VIRUS INFECTION WITH NON-STRUCTURAL PROTEIN 1 (NS-1) ANTIGEN TEST IN dr DARSONO HOSPITAL, PACITAN date: 2020-03-19 words: 8819 flesch: 57 summary: This is an observational analytical study with a cross-sectional design to determine the MCP-1 level in dengue infection patients with 1st until the 4th day of fever and the presence of a typical lymphocytes. Table 2 gives the MCP-1 levels in patients dengue infection increased significantly (p = 0,000 ; p<0.05) from healthy subjects, in healthy subjects the average emission value MCP-1 levels is 29.475 ± 23.443 pg/mL and in samples infected with dengue NS-1 negative average 471,290 pg/mL higher than patients NS-1 positive who averaged 420.262 pg/mL, but MCP-1 levels were no significant difference in 60 patients dengue-infected with NS-1 positive and NS-1 negative. keywords: 2nd; 30–43; 4th; activation; acute; aedes; agustinaningrum; analysis; antibodies; anticoagulants; antigen; april; atypical; atypical lymphocytes; average; blood; cases; ccl2; cells; chemokines; clinical; common; control; copyright; cp-1; cytokines; dan; darsono; day; days; dendritic; dengan; dengue; dengue fever; dengue infection; dengue virus; denv; detection; dhf; diagnostic; difference; disease; dss; early; elisa; endothelial; et al; examination; factors; fever; fever day; healthy; hematology; hemorrhagic; higher; hospital; ijtid; il-8; immune; important; increase; indah; indonesian; infected; infection; infeksi; inflammation; inflammatory; issn; january; java; journal; kadar; kesehatan; kruskal; laboratory; leakage; leucocytes; levels; like; limfosit; lymphocytes; macrophages; makrofag; mean; med; mediators; method; monocytes; monosit; negative; ns-1; ns1; number; pacitan; pada; pathogenesis; patients; phase; plasma; platelets; positive; primary; production; protein; rapid; replication; research; response; results; role; samples; sampling; secondary; sensitivity; serotypes; serum; severe; severity; shock; significant; site; specific; study; subjects; subyek; symptoms; syndrome; table; test; time; tropical; vascular; viral; virus; virus infection; vol; wallis; yang; years cache: ijtid-12696.pdf plain text: ijtid-12696.txt item: #35 of 271 id: ijtid-13348 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-13348.htm plain text: ijtid-13348.txt item: #36 of 271 id: ijtid-13349 author: Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, IJTID title: BACK MATTER date: 2019-05-24 words: 1913 flesch: 51 summary: I agree that this transfer of rights also applies to all copies made in connection with the submission of this article and I will also inform this agreement to other authors. As a general rule, reference numbers should be placed outside full stops and commas and inside colons and semicolons, however, this may vary according to the requirements of a particular journal. keywords: abstract; article; author; copyright; discussion; disease; figures; indonesian; infectious; information; institute; journal; literature; material; number; original; reference; research; results; review; section; studies; tables; text; tropical; use; work cache: ijtid-13349.pdf plain text: ijtid-13349.txt item: #37 of 271 id: ijtid-13454 author: Tantular, Indah title: MTT FORMAZAN REPLACED WST-8 AS A BETTER SIMPLE SCREENING METHOD FOR DETECTION OF GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE DEFICIENCY date: 2019-10-09 words: 3907 flesch: 51 summary: A newer rapid screening and detection method of G6PD deficiency by using MTT/1-methoxy PMS and naked eye without the interference of non-specific reactions between MTT and hemoglobin is reported herein. Nonetheless, the new MTT method may be more practical if it is used for screening for G6PD deficiency in malaria endemic regions by the naked eye without any equipment. keywords: absorbance; activity; blood; color; control; dan; dapat; darah; dark; deficiency; dehydrogenase; dengan; detection; development; different; eye; female; field; figure; formazan; g6pd; glucose-6; health; hemoglobin; heterozygous; hrs; incubation; indonesian; interference; japan; kawamoto; malaria; matsuoka; med; medicine; method; methoxy; mtt; mutations; naked; negative; new; non; normal; phosphate; pms; purple; purple color; quantitative; rapid; reaction; results; samples; screening; simple; small; specific; substrate; test; trop; tropical; tube; variants; warna; wst-8; yang cache: ijtid-13454.pdf plain text: ijtid-13454.txt item: #38 of 271 id: ijtid-1365 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-1365.htm plain text: ijtid-1365.txt item: #39 of 271 id: ijtid-1372 author: Tanadi, Melina Rosita; Lusida, Maria Inge; Joewono, Hermanto Tri title: PROPORTION OF HBsAg AND HBeAg POSITIVE IN MATERNAL PATIENTS AND THEIR HBsAg POSITIVES BABIES WITH IMMUNOPROPHYLAXIS OF HBV IMMUNIZATION IN Dr. SOETOMO GENERAL HOSPITAL, SURABAYA date: 2017-08-22 words: 3834 flesch: 48 summary: Bar Diagram of HBsAg positive maternal patiens based on Occupation distribution Based on their education level, highest frequency in HBsAg positive maternal patients were Senior High School Graduate (50%). Circles Diagram of HBsAg positive maternal patients based on the education Based on their education level, highest frequency in HBsAg positive maternal patients were Senior High School Graduate (50%) (Figure 2). keywords: antigen; babies; birth; blood; caesarean; child; children; complete; dan; dari; data; delivery; dengan; disease; education; frequency; general; hbig; hbsag; hbsag positive; hbv; hepatitis; high; hospital; ibu; indonesia; infected; infection; maternal; maternal patients; medical; mother; negative; pada; pasien; patients; positif; positive; positive maternal; prevalence; prevention; proportion; records; research; result; risk; school; soetomo; spontaneous; study; surabaya; surface; table; technique; transmission; vaccination; vaccine; virus; women; yang cache: ijtid-1372.pdf plain text: ijtid-1372.txt item: #40 of 271 id: ijtid-1387 author: Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Aisyah, Nourmalasari; Lestari, Puji; Setyawati, Harsasi title: BETLE LEAF ESSENTIAL OIL FOR HEMOPHILIAC PATIENTS AND ITS ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTS ON MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS date: 2017-03-30 words: 3651 flesch: 55 summary: The results of blood clotting in seconds concentration of Essential oil time (second) 1/2 times 99.67 1/4 times 127 1/8 times 179 1/16 times 242.67 figure 5. Curve blood clotting in betle leaf’s essential oil 1/16 times 1/8 times ¼ times ½ times figure 6. It contains essential oil and shows various biological activities, such as antibacterial, anticoagulant, etc. keywords: 1/16; activity; aktivitas; anti; antibacterial; anticoagulant; atsiri; betle; betle leaf; blood; cacl2; cells; citrate; clotting; coagulant; color; concentration; control; dan; darah; daun; dilution; disease; distillation; ekstrak; essential; essential oil; extract; extraction; factor; figure; fluid; hemophiliac; hexane; increase; indonesian; kali; leaf; liquid; medicinal; minyak; mixture; mycobacterium; mycobacterium tuberculosis; oil; patients; pembekuan; pengenceran; piper; piper betle; plants; plasma; process; results; seconds; sirih; solution; study; table; test; times; times dilution; tropical; tuberculosis; vitro; ½ times cache: ijtid-1387.pdf plain text: ijtid-1387.txt item: #41 of 271 id: ijtid-14294 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-14294.htm plain text: ijtid-14294.txt item: #42 of 271 id: ijtid-15425 author: Qonitatillah, Jihan; Handayani, Samsriyaningsih; Ernawati, Ernawati; Rusli, Musofa title: LOWER PERCEIVED-STIGMATIZATION BY HEALTH WORKERS AMONG HIV-AIDS PATIENTS OF KEY POPULATION BACKGROUNDS date: 2020-07-31 words: 6434 flesch: 61 summary: 0 Disclose the status of HIV patients to others without consent 93 98.9 0 0 1 1.1 0 0 Using an HIV-related name when calling you when waiting in sequence number 93 98.9 0 0 1 1.1 0 0 During the examination, health workers call improperly 93 98.9 0 0 0 0 1 1.1 During examinations or other activities at the health center, health workers say that you are HIV patient with a loud tone 93 98.9 0 0 1 1.1 0 0 Table 5. Pala, Villano, and Clinton19 explained that HIV stigma is not because someone is HIV- positive but also because of other conditions of social stigmatization, such as having same-sex partners with other people, female sex workers, and her partner/s, and Injecting drug users 98 Copyright © 2020, IJTID, p-ISSN 2085-1103, e-ISSN 2356-0991 Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Vol. 8 No. 2 keywords: adults; age; aids; behavior; care; center; community; control; copyright; dan; data; dengan; diagnosis; discrimination; disease; duration; east; factors; faktor; female; fsw; greater; group; health; health center; health workers; higher; history; hiv; hospital; ijtid; impact; indonesia; infectious; issn; java; kesehatan; key; key population; life; lower; marital; married; occupation; odha; old; older; oleh; orang; patients; people; plwha; policy; population; quality; questionnaire; research; residence; results; risk; score; section; sex; signifi; social; soetomo; status; stigma; stigmatization; study; support; surabaya; table; tenaga; terhadap; times; treatment; tropical; variables; vol; workers; worried; yang; years cache: ijtid-15425.pdf plain text: ijtid-15425.txt item: #43 of 271 id: ijtid-15503 author: Rarome, Berlian Beatrix; Aisah, Nurul; Setyoningrum, Retno Asih; Mertaniasih, Ni Made title: GeneXpert MTB/RIF and Mycobacterium tuberculosis Sputum Culture in Establishing the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Rifampicin Resistance in Suspected Childhood Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Soetomo Hospital date: 2020-12-03 words: 5370 flesch: 51 summary: Systematic reviews conducted by WHO in 2013 among 13 studies involving 2,603 participants mention pooled sensitivity of GeneXpert MTB/ RIF TB was 66% (95% CI 52-77) and pooled specifi city was 98%.25 Meta-analysis conducted in 2012 of 18 studies involving 10,224 specimens reported sensitivity of GeneXpert MTB/RIF amounted to 90.4% (95% CI 89.2 to 91.4) and specifi city of 98.4% (95% CI 98-98, 7).26 Recent meta-analysis of the ability of GeneXpert MTB/ RIF in the diagnosis of childhood PTB reported pooled sensitivity of 62% (95% CI 51-73) and a pooled specifi city of 98% (95% CI 97-99).27 Bates et al reported no signifi cant diff erences between specimens derived from sputum or liquid gastric washings in the GeneXpert MTB/ RIF examination and concluded the use of liquid gastric washings can replace sputum specimens if they are not available.28 The detection capability of the colony smear microscopy is 5x103 to 5x104 bacilli/ml, the detection capability of GeneXpert MTB RIF is 102-107 CFU/ml and the culture detection capability is 10-100 CFU/ ml.12,23 keywords: adult; age; aged; anak; analysis; assay; cases; childhood; children; city; clinical; contact; copyright; cough; culture; dan; december; dengan; detection; diagnosis; diff; disease; drug; et al; evaluation; examination; fever; genexpert; genexpert mtb; group; health; high; history; hospital; ijtid; indonesian; infectious; issn; journal; malnutrition; manifestations; media; microbiol; microscopic; mtb; mtb sputum; mycobacterium; negative; old; pada; patients; pcr; pediatric; positive; ptb; pulmonary; rapid; resistance; results; rif; rifampicin; sample; sensitive; sensitivity; september; smear; soetomo; specifi; specimens; sputum; sputum culture; studies; study; surabaya; symptoms; table; test; tst; tuberculosis; weeks; yang; years cache: ijtid-15503.pdf plain text: ijtid-15503.txt item: #44 of 271 id: ijtid-16027 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-16027.htm plain text: ijtid-16027.txt item: #45 of 271 id: ijtid-16043 author: Junus, Herisa Nataliana; Mertaniasih, Ni Made; Soedarsono, Soedarsono title: Validity of Method for MTBC and NTM Detection in FNAB Specimens from Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Using Microscopy, XPERT MTB / RIF and Culture Method date: 2021-04-27 words: 3398 flesch: 43 summary: The results of this study obtained a sensitivity value of 75% which means that the ability of the examination of the rapid molecular Xpert MTB / RIF method in identifying MTB bacterial DNA in TB lymphadenitis patients is 75%.Specificity Value of 95.65% with 95% CI means that the ability to find negative and true results of absence of MTB bacterial DNA in TB lymphadenitis patients is 95.65%, positive predictive value of 90% means that the probability of MTB bacterial DNA if positive diagnostic test results is 90%. Ziehl-Neelsen staining microscopy Sensitivity 83,33 % and Specificity keywords: accuracy; airlangga; bacilli; cases; clinical; culture; dan; detection; diagnostic; disease; duga; examination; faculty; fnab; gold; health; hospital; ijtid; indonesia; infectious; issn; journal; laboratory; lymphadenitis; media; medical; medicine; method; mgit; microbiology; microscopy; molecular; mtb; mtbc; neelsen; negative; nilai; ntm; patients; positive; predictive; research; results; rif; samples; sensitivity; share; soetomo; specificity; specimens; staining; standard; studies; study; surabaya; test; tuberculosis; universitas; validity; value; xpert; years; ziehl cache: ijtid-16043.pdf plain text: ijtid-16043.txt item: #46 of 271 id: ijtid-16075 author: Ghaisani, Nadhilah Putri; Sulistiawati, Sulistiawati; Lusida, Maria Lucia Inge title: Correlation Between Climate Factors with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases in Surabaya 2007- 2017 date: 2021-04-27 words: 3537 flesch: 56 summary: Humidity in Surabaya City per year Correlation between Rainfall with DHF Cases Correlation between Temperature and DHF Cases Based on previous study, temperature has a role in the transmission cycle of dengue virus.21 Research in Thailand and Singapore showed that there was a correlation between temperature and the incidence of DHF cases. While the climate factor that has a relationship with DHF cases in Surabaya City is air humidity with a significance value of p <0.05 and has a positive relationship with the value of r = + 0.190. keywords: aedes; available; average; cases; city; climate; correlation; dan; data; dbd; dengan; dengue; dhf; dhf cases; disease; factors; faktor; fever; figure; health; hemorrhagic; high; hubungan; humidity; ijtid; iklim; incidence; increase; indonesia; infodatin; issn; kasus; kota; mosquito; nino; number; previous; rainfall; rata; relationship; research; results; spearman; study; surabaya; tahun; temperature; value; virus; yang; year cache: ijtid-16075.pdf plain text: ijtid-16075.txt item: #47 of 271 id: ijtid-16084 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-16084.htm plain text: ijtid-16084.txt item: #48 of 271 id: ijtid-1655 author: Chandra, Franky; NH, Risa Miliawati; R, Lies Marlysa title: KERION TYPE OF TINEA CAPITIS TREATED WITH DOUBLE PULSE DOSE TERBINAFINE date: 2016-12-29 words: 2747 flesch: 55 summary: Griseofulvin has been the antifungal therapy of choice for tinea capitis, but it often requires higher doses and a longer duration than recommended. Method: A case of kerion type of tinea capitis in a two-year-old girl was reported. keywords: alopecia; antifungal; area; canis; capitis; case; children; clinical; culture; cure; dan; day; dengan; dermatol; diagnosis; dose; double; duration; erythematous; examination; figure; fungal; griseofulvin; growth; hair; history; infection; kerion; lesion; macule; management; microscopic; microsporum; mycologic; negative; occipital; old; patient; pediatr; pulse; pustules; report; result; scalp; shampoo; skin; systemic; terapi; terbinafine; therapy; tinea; tinea capitis; treatment; type; untuk; week cache: ijtid-1655.pdf plain text: ijtid-1655.txt item: #49 of 271 id: ijtid-16796 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-16796.htm plain text: ijtid-16796.txt item: #50 of 271 id: ijtid-17553 author: Soekoyo, Agusta Reny; Sulistiawati, Sulistiawati; Setyorini, Wahyu; Kuntaman, Kuntaman title: The Epidemiological Pattern and Risk Factor of ESBL (Extended Spectrum Β-Lactamase) Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Gut Bacterial Flora of Dairy Cows and People Surrounding in Rural Area, Indonesia date: 2020-12-03 words: 5046 flesch: 59 summary: Combination of two and three of ESBL genes were found in Enterobacteriaceae producing ESBL isolates in farmers. The identifi ed ESBL producing bacteria were re-cultured on Mueller Hinton medium, incubated at 37˚C for 18 – 24 h. Four to fi ve colonies were taken and suspended in sterile distilled water in 1,5 ml Eppendorf tube. keywords: 102; 72ºc; airlangga; antibiotic; area; bacterial; blactx; blashv; blatem; coli; colonization; community; copyright; cows; dairy; dairy cows; dan; december; disease; disk; distribution; doi; e n; enterobacteriaceae; epidemiological; esbl; escherichia; extended; extension; factor; farmers; farms; genes; group; gut; healthy; higher; human; identifi; ijtid; indonesia; infectious; isolates; issn; journal; klebsiella; lactamase; livestock; medical; microbiol; microbiology; minutes; ora; pada; pasuruan; pattern; pcr; penghasil; perah; peternak; plasmid; prevalence; producer; resistance; review; risk; risk factor; role; rural; samples; sapi; signifi; spectrum; spp; strain; study; swab; table; test; tropical; universitas; use cache: ijtid-17553.pdf plain text: ijtid-17553.txt item: #51 of 271 id: ijtid-17961 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-17961.htm plain text: ijtid-17961.txt item: #52 of 271 id: ijtid-185 author: Sumarsih, Sri title: EXPRESSION OF b-XYLOSIDASE ENCODING GENE IN PHIS/ Bacillus megaterium MS SYSTEM date: 2015-05-27 words: 3120 flesch: 46 summary: B. megaterium has been used for the production of several recombinant proteins, e.g. dextransucrase,3 and lysozyme specific single chain Fv (scFv) fragment D1.3.4 Recently, a set of free replication vectors and genetically optimized B. megaterium strains for the intra- and extracellular production of affinity tagged recombinant proteins were developed. Key words: Expression, b-xylosidase, Geobacillus thermoleovorans IT-08, pHIS1525, Bacillus megaterium MS941Geobacillus thermoleovorans IT-08, pHIS1525, Bacillus megaterium MS941, Bacillus megaterium MS941 introduction β-D-Xylosidases (1,4-β-D-xylan-xylo-hydrolase, E C 3 . keywords: activity; addition; bacillus; buffer; cell; coli; column; culture; effect; encoding; enzyme; expression; gene; it-08; jahn; medium; megaterium; megaterium ms941; min; ms941; mux; optimum; phis1525; plasmid; pnpx; production; protein; pure; purification; recombinant; rpm; secretion; supernatant; system; temperature; thermoleovorans; xylose; xylosidase; ° c cache: ijtid-185.pdf plain text: ijtid-185.txt item: #53 of 271 id: ijtid-186 author: Permanasari, Adita Ayu title: THE ROLE OF POLYSACCHARIDE KRESTIN FROM Coriolus versicolor MUSHROOM ON IMMUNOGLOBULIN ISOTYPE OF MICE WHICH INFECTED BY Mycobacterium tuberculosis date: 2015-05-27 words: 3067 flesch: 52 summary: However, intracellular bacteria can induce the development of T cells into Th1 cell phenotype then also can stimulate antibody production by B cells [5]. M cells will take glucan through pinositosis and took it through the intestinal wall where some cells such as macrophages, T cells, B cells and other immune cells have been waiting. keywords: airlangga; antibodies; antigens; bacteria; beta; cells; concentration; control; coriolus; dan; elisa; glucan; higher; iga; igg1; igg2a; igg3; igm; immune; immunoglobulin; infected; infection; intracellular; isotype; kappa; krestin; lambda; levels; light; macrophages; mice; mushroom; mycobacterium; mycobacterium tuberculosis; polysaccharide; press; production; protein; provision; psk; response; role; serum; states; treatment; tuberculosis; types; university; values; versicolor cache: ijtid-186.pdf plain text: ijtid-186.txt item: #54 of 271 id: ijtid-187 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-187.htm plain text: ijtid-187.txt item: #55 of 271 id: ijtid-188 author: Winias, Saka title: EFFECT OF CYNAMMYLDEHYDE FROM CINNAMON EXTRACT AS A NATURAL PRESERVATIVE ALTERNATIVE TO THE GROWTH OF Staphylococcus aureus BACTERIA date: 2015-07-27 words: 2570 flesch: 52 summary: So, it need aan alternative method which eliminate pathogenic bacteria of food borne disease.1 Staphylococcus aureus is the kind of decaying food bacteria which pathogenic bacteria of food borne disease, not producing spore, Gram positive bacteria and contaminant from it can be toxic because of enterotoksin.2 Preservation food is one of the ways to prevent food which contaminated. Cinnamon oil is antimicroba to bacteria and fungi,6 because they have cynammyldehyde, cynammyl alcohol and eugenol,7 so cinnamon oil can inhibit pathogenic food borne bacteria growth.8 In industrial country find about 30% population suspect food borne disease. keywords: airlangga; antibacterial; aureus; average; bacteria; cause; cell; cinnamon; concentration; cynammyldehyde; disease; effect; essential; eugenol; extract; food; gram; growth; hours; inhibit; inhibition; laboratory; materials; maximum; minimum; number; oil; pathogenic; positive; potential; preservation; process; research; results; standard; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; surabaya; test; value; wall cache: ijtid-188.pdf plain text: ijtid-188.txt item: #56 of 271 id: ijtid-189 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-189.htm plain text: ijtid-189.txt item: #57 of 271 id: ijtid-18978 author: Agustina, Dini; Cahyaningrum, Endiningtyas; Komariah, Cicih ; Semita, I Nyoman ; Putra, Yudha Ananta Khaerul title: Antibiotic Sensitivity Against Klebsiella spp. in the Post Debridement Culture an Open Fracture in Emergency Department of dr. Soebandi Hospital Jember date: 2022-12-09 words: 4791 flesch: 51 summary: Soebandi General Hospital, Jember, Indonesia Received: July 13th, 2022; Revised: October 31st, 2022; Accepted: December 2nd, 2022 ABSTRACT Surgical site infection (SSI) in open fracture is often caused by bacterial contamination in the management of open fracture. Because of that, one of the most important thing in handling open fracture is debridement. keywords: access; accidents; adalah; agar; agustina; amoxicillin; antibiotics; bacteria; cefadroxil; cefixime; ceftriaxone; cephalosporin; chloramphenicol; ciprofloxacin; classification; common; culture; debridement; december; degree; department; disease; emergency; erythromycin; esbl; faculty; fractures; gentamicin; gram; hinton; hospital; ijtid; incidence; infection; international; internet; issn; jember; journal; klebsiella; klebsiella spp; laboratory; lactam; license; management; meropenem; mueller; negative; open; open fractures; orthop; pada; patah; patients; penelitian; penicillin; positive; post; prophylactic; pseudomonas; research; resistance; results; sensitive; sensitivity; site; soebandi; spp; ssi; states; study; surgical; table; terbuka; tetracycline; traffic; treatment; tulang; vancomycin; vol; yang; years cache: ijtid-18978.pdf plain text: ijtid-18978.txt item: #58 of 271 id: ijtid-190 author: Andarsini, Mia Ratwita title: HEPATITIS VIRUS INFECTION IN REPEATEDLY TRANSFUSED THALASSEMIA PATIENTS date: 2016-06-16 words: 1429 flesch: 49 summary: Thalassema patients are prone to develop complication such as transfusion transmitted infection particularly hepatitis virus infection.2,3 In developed country, prevalence of Hepatitis B infection in blood dependent patients are varies from 0.53% in Shiraz Iran to 22,5% in Palestine.4,5 Meanwhile Hepatitis C infection prevalence varies from 15.7% to 37.9%.3–5 Positive result of HBs Ag was ��Andarsini, et al.,: Hepatitis Virus Infection in Repeatedly Transfused Thalassemia Patients considered as Hepatitis B infection and anti-HCV positive was considered as Hepatitis C infection. keywords: age; anti; antibodies; blood; country; disorders; effective; hbs; hbv; hcv; hepatitis; history; immunization; infection; major; patients; prevalence; study; thalassemia; transfusion; virus; vol cache: ijtid-190.pdf plain text: ijtid-190.txt item: #59 of 271 id: ijtid-191 author: Widiyanti, Prihartini title: BASIC MECHANISM OF HYPERBARIC OXYGEN IN INFECTIOUS DISEASE date: 2016-06-16 words: 5058 flesch: 52 summary: Key words: HBO, infectious disease, mechanism, proper and wise mechanism introduction This review would discuss the basic mechanism of action of hyperbaric oxygen in infectious disease. It will present the evidence for the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect of hyperoxia and hyperbaric oxygen on microbial organisms in vitro and in in vivo model of infections. keywords: acad; acid; activity; aerobic; agent; amino; anaerobic; antioxidant; ata; bacteria; bactericidal; bacteriol; bacteriostatic; beaman; brown; catalase; cells; cellular; changes; coli; damage; defenses; dependent; disease; dismutase; dna; effect; enzyme; escherichia; et al; example; exposure; facultative; free; fridovich; generation; gottlieb; gregory; growth; h2o2; hassan; hbo; hours; hydrogen; hyperbaric; hyperbaric oxygen; hyperoxia; important; infectious; inhibition; inhibits; injury; killing; levels; mechanism; med; metabolic; microbial; natl; necessary; oxidation; oxidative; oxygen; po2s; presence; pressures; proc; production; proteins; radicals; reactions; role; sod; spesies; superoxide; susceptibility; synthesis; tensions; tissue; tonic; toxicity; transport; use; wound cache: ijtid-191.pdf plain text: ijtid-191.txt item: #60 of 271 id: ijtid-192 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-192.htm plain text: ijtid-192.txt item: #61 of 271 id: ijtid-193 author: Soegijanto, Soegeng; Susilowati, Helen; Mulyanto, Kris Cahyo; Hendrianto, Eryk; Yamanaka, Atushi title: THE CHANGING CLINICAL PERFORMANCE OF DENGUE VIRUS INFECTION IN THE YEAR 2009 date: 2015-07-06 words: 3226 flesch: 62 summary: SUMMARY The epidemiologic study of Dengue Virus infection in Surabaya. Dengue virus was isolated from vero cell and 120 samples have positive CPE. keywords: 2007; bleeding; cases; classification; clinical; clinical performance; dengue; dengue virus; dhf; diagnosis; disease; dss; epidemiologic; fever; genotype; health; hemorrhagic; hospital; illness; infection; january; mild; mosquito; performance; predominant; primary; secondary; serotype; severe; shock; study; surabaya; syndrome; table; total; tropical; types; unusual; virus; virus infection; year cache: ijtid-193.pdf plain text: ijtid-193.txt item: #62 of 271 id: ijtid-194 author: Hartojo, Hartojo; Utomo, Martono Tri title: CATHETER DURATION AND THE RISK OF SEPSIS IN PREMATURE BABIES WITH UMBILICAL VEIN CATHETERS date: 2015-07-06 words: 3604 flesch: 53 summary: Linares J, Sitges-Serra A, Garau J, Perez JL, Martin R. Pathogenesis of catheter sepsis: a prospective study with quantitative and semi quantitative cultures of catheter hub and segments. The dressing has to be changed every seven days or when it is wet or for other reasons taken off, change taps, equipment and extensions every 72 hours and the equipment for parenteral nutrition should be changed every 24 hours, always swabbing the connections and taps of the catheter with 10% concentration of alcohol before handling them. Adverse events in central catheters were frequent in neonatal populations, both for PICCs and in UVCs. keywords: adverse; aeroginosa; analysis; april; babies; birth; blood; blood culture; bloodstream; bsis; care; catheter; central; cla; clinical; culture; culture performance; data; days; difference; disease; duration; events; group; high; hospital; husada; incidence; infants; infection; limited; long; low; mechanical; negative; neonatal; neonates; nicu; pediatr; performance; piccs; positive; premature; premature babies; pseudomonas; related; risk; sepsis; shows; significant; study; table; term; umbilical; use; utama; uvc; uvcs; vein; venous; ventilator cache: ijtid-194.pdf plain text: ijtid-194.txt item: #63 of 271 id: ijtid-195 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-195.htm plain text: ijtid-195.txt item: #64 of 271 id: ijtid-196 author: Purnami, Nyilo; Fathoni, Rizka title: RECCURENT LARYNGEAL PAPILLOMA date: 2015-07-05 words: 2661 flesch: 60 summary: Inverted papilloma of the nose, which its epithelial growth folding in to the stroma. Similarly in the respiratory tract, HPV types 6 and 11 associated squamous papilloma and inverted papilloma, while HPV types 16 and 18 are found in squamous carcinomas.18 An important thing to differentiated from squamous papilloma is the nature of the invasive and the tendency to malignancy in inverted papilloma. keywords: age; airway; ann; case; coilocytosis; complaint; decanulation; direct; disease; endoscopic; examination; expansion; growth; hpv; infection; inverted; laryngeal; laryngoscope; larynx; march; mls; months; nose; obstruction; old; otol; papilloma; papillomatosis; patient; pharynx; picture; problem; recurrent; report; respiratory; signs; squamous; surgery; tracheobronchial; tracheotomy; tract; treatment; types; virus; vol; years cache: ijtid-196.pdf plain text: ijtid-196.txt item: #65 of 271 id: ijtid-197 author: Abdurachman, Abdurachman title: PAIN RELIEVED USING EXTRA ANATOMY PATHWAY IN ACUTE INFECTION date: 2015-07-06 words: 1335 flesch: 56 summary: Acupuncture therapy uses acupuncture points as the stimulating points and the relationship of meridian as basis of the treatment. Aside from connecting all of the body's energy internally, meridian also connects the body's internal energy with external energy (natural energy) through doors called acupuncture points or acupuncture points. keywords: acupuncture; anatomy; body; case; chinese; communication; electric; energy; extra; foot; high; infection; medicine; meridian; pain; path; pathway; points; report; shanghai; starwynn; therapy; traditional; vessels; vol; wound cache: ijtid-197.pdf plain text: ijtid-197.txt item: #66 of 271 id: ijtid-198 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-198.htm plain text: ijtid-198.txt item: #67 of 271 id: ijtid-199 author: Sutedjo, Widyawati; Prahasanthi, Chiquita; Utomo, Daniel Haryono title: THE UVEITIS – PERIODONTAL DISEASE CONNECTION IN PREGNANCY: CONTROVERSY BETWEEN MYTH AND REALITY date: 2015-07-06 words: 3505 flesch: 42 summary: However, the adverse effect of periodontal disease toward uveitis still not clearly understood especially if happens during pregnancy. Interestingly, in Indonesia, there is still a myth that pregnant women should not get any dental treatment, therefore, it may deteriorate periodontal disease during pregnancy. keywords: afferent; available; axis; bacteria; behavior; blood; case; cell; cgrp; clinical; connection; cytokines; dental; disease; effects; etiopathogenesis; eye; fibers; focal; ganglion; headache; high; immune; increase; indonesian; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; journal; literatures; lps; mast; mechanism; mediators; metastatic; migraine; nerve; neurogenic; neuropeptides; normal; oral; pain; patient; periodontal; periodontal disease; periodontology; possible; potential; pregnancy; pro; rat; related; release; response; reviews; september; sickness; sphenopalatine; stress; switching; symptoms; systemic; tissue; tnf; treatment; trigeminal; url; utomo; uveitis; vision; vol cache: ijtid-199.pdf plain text: ijtid-199.txt item: #68 of 271 id: ijtid-1992 author: Pranata, Achmad Yudha; Gunawan, Hendra; Sutedja, Endang; Suwarsa, Oki; Dharmaji, Hartati Purbo title: A NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION MANIFESTED AS ERYSIPELAS IN PEMPHIGUS FOLIACEUS PATIENT UNDER INTRAVENOUS DEXAMETHASONE TREATMENT date: 2016-12-29 words: 2138 flesch: 46 summary: No. 2 Mei–Agustus 2016 A NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION MANIFESTED AS ERYSIPELAS IN PEMPHIGUS FOLIACEUS PATIENT UNDER INTRAVENOUS DEXAMETHASONE TREATMENT A Nosocomial Infection Manifested as Erysipelas Achmad Yudha Pranata1a, Hendra Gunawan1, Endang Sutedja1, Oki Suwarsa1, Hartati Purbo Dharmaji1 1 Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit da Kelamin Universitas Padjadjaran/RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung a Corresponding author: ABSTRACT Introduction: Puncture wound in diagnostic interventions permits the entry of bacteria into the skin or soft tissue, thus precipitating nosocomial infection, such as erysipelas. There are other risk factors of nosocomial infections including old age, immunosuppressive drugs, and underlying diseases. keywords: blisters; case; ceftriaxone; clinical; dalam; dan; day; days; dengan; diagnosis; disease; drugs; edema; edition; editor; erysipelas; erythema; factors; findings; gram; hari; hasan; hospital; hospitalization; immunosuppressive; improvement; imunosupresi; infection; infeksi; intravenous; lesion; nosocomial; old; pada; page; pasien; patient; pemphigus; prevention; puncture; pustules; sadikin; site; skin; soft; therapy; tissue; treatment; yang cache: ijtid-1992.pdf plain text: ijtid-1992.txt item: #69 of 271 id: ijtid-200 author: Arisgraha, Franky; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Apsari, Retna title: DIGITAL DETECTION SYSTEM DESIGN OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS THROUGH EXTRACTION OF SPUTUM IMAGE USING NEURAL NETWORK METHOD date: 2015-07-06 words: 1912 flesch: 46 summary: The resolution of camera was low so the contrast of Mycobacterium image was low too. Successful level of Mycobacterium detection is like Table 2 that is 80 percent of Mycobacterium images and 75 percent of not Mycobacterium images or mean of successful level was reach 77,5 percent by using 40 inputs of data. keywords: 2009; data; detection; digital; disease; error; figure; image; indonesia; input; layer; level; method; mycobacterium; mycobacterium tuberculosis; network; neural; neural network; number; output; parameters; percent; processing; program; research; result; sputum; successful; table; tbc; testing; training; tuberculosis; value; vol cache: ijtid-200.pdf plain text: ijtid-200.txt item: #70 of 271 id: ijtid-2006 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2006.htm plain text: ijtid-2006.txt item: #71 of 271 id: ijtid-2007 author: Yusuf, Irawan; Agusni, Indropo title: LYMPHOCYTE RESPONSE TO Mycobacterium leprae ANTIGENS IN REVERSAL REACTION STATE OF LEPROSY date: 2015-07-06 words: 1776 flesch: 48 summary: All of lymphocytes from RR patients showed higher Stimulation Index after challenged with the five M.leprae antigens compared to lymphocytes from non RR patients (p <0.05) . Subsequent stimulations by antigens from lepra bacilli will stimulate memory T-lymphocytes that already accumulate during granuloma formation in the pathogenesis of leprosy.8 Stimulation Index in this study showed that lymphocytes from RR patients gave a higher proliferation process compared to non-RR patients. keywords: antigens; blood; cells; colorimetric; dan; dari; dengan; dharmendra; disease; ifn; il-10; index; inflammatory; kusta; lam; leprosy; level; limfosit; lymphocytes; m.leprae; mean; mtt; non; patients; pha; proliferation; reaction; response; results; reversal; specific; stimulation; study; test; vitro cache: ijtid-2007.pdf plain text: ijtid-2007.txt item: #72 of 271 id: ijtid-2008 author: Yuliawati, Irma; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: PATHOGENESIS, DIAGNOSTIC AND MANAGEMENT OF TOXOPLASMOSIS date: 2015-07-06 words: 5034 flesch: 42 summary: Nonetheless serum anti- Toxoplasma IgM and IgG were negative does not automatically exclude the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.15 Isolation of parasites from the blood, infected body fluids, BAL fluid is a definite diagnosis of toxoplasmosis infection. In the examination of congenital toxoplasmosis infection is more sensitive IgA. IgE was detected by ELISA in acute infections in adults and congenital infection and serve as additional tests to identify acute infection.9,13 Tests AC / HS uses two antigen preparations, namely methanol -fixed tachyzoites (AC antigen) indicating acute infection and formalin -fixed tachyzoites (HS antigen) that indicates chronic infection. keywords: acute; aids; antigen; avidity; blood; body; bradyzoite; cases; cat; category; cd4; cells; children; chronic; clindamycin; clinical; combination; congenital; cycle; dan; day; diagnosis; dis; disease; dose; drug; elisa; encephalitis; examination; fetus; fluid; formation; gondii; high; hiv; host; human; ifn; iga; igg; igm; immune; immunocompetent; immunocompromised; infected; infection; isolation; kategori; levels; low; macrophages; management; manifestation; months; negative; ocular; oocyst; pada; parasite; pathogenesis; patients; pcr; positive; pregnancy; primary; prophylaxis; pyrimethamine; response; results; risk; serological; serology; specific; sulfadiazine; symptoms; system; t.gondii; tachyzoite; tests; therapy; times; tissue; toxoplasma; toxoplasmosis; treatment; tropical; weeks; yang cache: ijtid-2008.pdf plain text: ijtid-2008.txt item: #73 of 271 id: ijtid-2009 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2009.htm plain text: ijtid-2009.txt item: #74 of 271 id: ijtid-201 author: Rizani, Novida title: MODERN WOUND DRESSING FOR WOUND INFECTION: AN OVERVIEW date: 2015-07-06 words: 5602 flesch: 51 summary: In this review, there are summary of modern moist wound healing, the wound pathogens, and some of sturdy bioactive agent for wound dressing. A bioactive agent that being added at the dressing in fact can increase healing rate of wound, moreover can subjugate wound infection caused by the pathogens, and also capable to prevent it. keywords: activity; agent; alginates; alpha; antibiotic; antimicrobial; antioxidant; available; bacteria; bed; blood; body; break; calcium; cause; cavity; cells; colonisation; critical; days; dead; debridement; dressing; environment; exudate; film; foam; form; fungi; gram; healing; high; honey; host; hydrocolloids; hydrogel; important; infected; infection; iodine; large; management; mangostin; membrane; modern; moist; moisture; nature; need; open; organisms; patient; place; plants; presence; products; properties; reaction; removal; secondary; semi; sheet; signs; silver; skin; surface; tissue; topical; treatment; type; use; vol; water; wound; wound infection cache: ijtid-201.pdf plain text: ijtid-201.txt item: #75 of 271 id: ijtid-2016 author: Rahayu, Retno Pudji; Nasronudin, Nasronudin; Indrawati, Retno; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Lukito, Bimo Dwi; Ferdiansyah, Ferdiansyah; Khairunisa, Siti Qomariyah; Mutamsari, Adiana; Kotaki, Tomohiro title: ANALYSI S ON SECONDARY I NFECTI ON- TRI GGERI NG MICROORGANISMS IN HIV/AIDS PATIENTS AS A MODEL FOR POLICY CONTROL date: 2015-10-05 words: 4874 flesch: 52 summary: The use of ARV and development of HIV/AIDS management are expected to suppress the progress of HIV infection into AIDS and, therefore, the mortality can be diminished, while in fact most of the patients eventually suffer from AIDS due to secondary infection that commonly causes death. The area with the highest number of new cases is DKI Jakarta, followed by Papua and East Java.3 Currently, with the developing management of HIV/AIDS infection and increasingly widespread use of antiretroviral drugs, the progression of HIV infection to AIDS and death from AIDS should be reduced. keywords: aids; airlangga; antiretroviral; cases; cd4; clinical; count; dalam; dan; data; death; dengan; dengue; disease; distribution; drug; encephalitis; enterovirus; figure; health; hepatitis; highest; hiv; immune; incidence; indonesia; infection; infeksi; january; japanese; laboratory; load; management; microorganisms; mortality; new; nile; number; opportunistic; pada; patients; people; policy; prevention; rate; related; research; results; secondary; secondary infection; sekunder; severity; sexual; stage; study; subjects; surabaya; therapy; toxoplasma; transmission; treatment; tropical; tuberculosis; universitas; users; viral; virus; west; yang; years cache: ijtid-2016.pdf plain text: ijtid-2016.txt item: #76 of 271 id: ijtid-202 author: Putera, Edward M; Marcia, Dian; Firdarini, Itja; Amin, Mochamad; Juniastuti, Juniastuti; Purwono, Priyo B; Utsumi, Takako; Lusida, Maria I title: HEPATITIS B SEROLOGY PROFILES ON CHILDREN AGED 1–13 YEARS OLD IN SUMENEP, MADURA date: 2016-06-20 words: 2544 flesch: 53 summary: HBV vaccination has been integrated into national expanded programme on immunization (EPI) since 1997. In Indonesia, HBV vaccination had been introduced since 1987, and has been integrated into national expanded programme on immunization (EPI) since 1997. keywords: 1997; age; anak; anti; antibody; antigen; anwar; birth; children; coverage; dan; dari; disease; dose; general; hbc; hbsag; hbv; head; health; hepatitis; high; hospital; immunization; indonesia; infection; japan; journal; june; moh; path; positive; prevalence; program; rate; samples; study; sumenep; surface; uniject; universal; untuk; vaccination; vaccine; virus; yang; years cache: ijtid-202.pdf plain text: ijtid-202.txt item: #77 of 271 id: ijtid-203 author: Prakoeswa, Cita title: ETHNIC AND ATOPIC DERMATITIS: WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED IN ASIAN POPULATION? date: 2016-06-20 words: 7262 flesch: 52 summary: Research on prevalence, risk factor, innate and adaptive immune response genes, skin barrier dysfunction genes and gene- environment interaction such as epigenetic, is discussed. (4) What about the research on innate and adaptive immune response genes, skin barrier dysfunction genes and gene-environment interaction such as epigenetic of AD based on ethnicity in Asians? dan CD 14 C-159T juga dibahas pada tulisan ini. keywords: 124/110; 140/140; 185/102; 5q31.1; 646/474; 65−75; 669/711; 6p21.3; allele; allergy; analysis; april; area; asian; asian population; asian skin; association; asthma; atopic; atopic dermatitis; barrier; black; candidate; caucasians; cd14; cell; children; chinese; clin; common; complex; countries; dan; data; dermatitis; dermatol; differences; different; differentiation; disease; dna; dysfunction; early; eczema; effect; environmental; epigenetic; ethnic; ethnicity; expression; factors; families; filaggrin; flg; frequencies; frequency; genes; genetic; genome; greater; group; higher; history; human; il4; immune; immunol; important; incidence; indonesian; infants; infectious; interaction; invest; japanese; japanese 124/110; journal; june; korean; kulit; level; life; limited; linkage; maibach; major; mechanism; methylation; months; mothers; mutations; new; overall; pada; pathway; patients; penelitian; polymorphism; populasi; population; positive; present; prevalence; properties; protein; race; racial; research; response; risk; role; screens; sebagai; significant; skin; skin barrier; snp; specific; stratum; stripping; studies; study; subjects; table; tape; tewl; tropical; type; variations; vietnamese; vol; water; white; wide; yang; years; yes cache: ijtid-203.pdf plain text: ijtid-203.txt item: #78 of 271 id: ijtid-204 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-204.htm plain text: ijtid-204.txt item: #79 of 271 id: ijtid-205 author: Purwanda, Fendy; Fibriawan, Yufan; Sasmito, Dyar; Rahmawati, Fatkhunisa; Widiyanti, Prihartini title: TUBERCULOSIS COUNTER (TC) AS THE EQUIPMENT TO MEASURE THE LEVEL OF TB IN SPUTUM date: 2016-06-20 words: 1882 flesch: 55 summary: From the optical symptoms, then the screening process using TCS230 color sensor had to be done to count and excute a certain calibration.6,7 Based on the image, it would be difficult to differentiate TB bacteria from other artifact that it needs some special ability regarding sputum staining. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Ziehl-Nellsen staining, TCS230 color sensor, counter of bacteria, sputum ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. keywords: acid; airlangga; akan; bacteria; bakteri; bit; color; counter; dahak; dalam; data; department; disease; equipment; faculty; indonesia; infectious; light; mycobacterium; number; output; penyakit; physics; preparat; program; real; red; science; sensor; sputum; staining; study; tcs230; technology; therapy; time; tuberculosis; universitas; vol; warna; yang; ziehl cache: ijtid-205.pdf plain text: ijtid-205.txt item: #80 of 271 id: ijtid-206 author: S, Delima Ayu; Arisgraha, Franky; Apsari, Retna title: BRADYCARDIA AND TACHYCARDIA DETECTION SYSTEM WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK METHOD date: 2016-06-20 words: 2583 flesch: 61 summary: The results were displayed with the output of bradycardia condition of the heart rate (heart rate less than 60 beats per minute) or tachycardia (heart rate over 100 beats per minute). Cardiac conduction is associated with the amount of heart rate (heart rate) per minute. keywords: artificial; backpropagation; blood; body; bradycardia; bundle; cardiac; condition; dan; dari; data; dengan; design; detection; diagram; disease; electrical; error; figure; hardware; heart; heart rate; impulse; intelligent; jantung; layer; learning; left; network; neural; node; normal; number; output; pieces; pump; rate; results; right; sensor; software; system; table; tachycardia; testing; training; transmitter; ventricle; vol; weight cache: ijtid-206.pdf plain text: ijtid-206.txt item: #81 of 271 id: ijtid-207 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-207.htm plain text: ijtid-207.txt item: #82 of 271 id: ijtid-208 author: Astuti, Suryani Dyah title: The Photodynamic Effect of LED-Magnetic Exposure to Photoinactivation of Aerobic Photosyntetic Bacteria date: 2015-07-06 words: 4271 flesch: 48 summary: In LED instrument performance measurement, the time duration and temperature of LED exposure was set up by calibrator ENKO Sport Digital Stopwatch Timer and calibrators Atech Thermo L87AD (Figure 1). Table 3 and 4 showed the percentage of bacterial colonies growth after LED exposure and with 1.8 mT magnetic field exposure. keywords: anova; bacteria; bacteriochlorophyll; bakteri; carotenoids; cm2; colonies; colony; dan; data; dose; duration; effect; energy; excitation; excited; exposure; field; field exposure; figure; form; graph; growth; harvesting; increase; instrument; irradiation; led; levels; light; magnetic; magnetic field; molecules; mt magnetic; number; optimization; oxygen; percentage; photodynamic; photosensitizer; photosynthetic; pigment; potential; power; process; purple; results; rhodococcus; role; singlet; state; table; temperature; test; time; time exposure; transfer; treatment; triplet cache: ijtid-208.pdf plain text: ijtid-208.txt item: #83 of 271 id: ijtid-209 author: Rahmawati, Fatkhunisa; Mayasari, Dita Ayu; Adhitioso, Satrio; Putra, Alfian Pramudita; Kuntjoro, Eko Budi; Widiyanti, Prihartini title: The Utilization of Achatina fulica Mucus in Alginate Membrane as Wound Healing Accelerator and Anti- Infection Material date: 2015-07-06 words: 2728 flesch: 56 summary: This comparison produces wound dressing that is still able to absorb exudate and optimally accelerate wound healing. To accelerate wound healing, the membranes are usually given with medication or substance that could cause more active growth factor in human skin. keywords: accelerator; achatina; achatina fulica; airlangga; alginate; alternative; amnion; bekicot; carboxymethyl; cellulose; characterization; chromatography; closure; cmc; color; composition; dan; dengan; dressing; exudate; factor; faculty; ftir; fulica; gauze; glycosaminoglycan; growth; healing; high; hplc; infection; kasa; lendir; liquid; luka; material; membrane; mice; mucus; optimum; pada; penyembuhan; people; performance; process; ratio; results; shell; snail; study; surabaya; synthetic; test; universitas; untuk; use; water; wound; yang cache: ijtid-209.pdf plain text: ijtid-209.txt item: #84 of 271 id: ijtid-210 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-210.htm plain text: ijtid-210.txt item: #85 of 271 id: ijtid-211 author: Parwitasari, Ririek; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: HIV and Malaria date: 2015-07-06 words: 4479 flesch: 53 summary: Both of these diseases is expected to infect and kill a lot of people in the world because HIV was increased dramatically in countries with malaria are not controlled.1 HIV infection increases the risk and aggravate malaria. While malaria would accelerate HIV infection into AIDS (Chandramohan, 1998, Whitworth, 2005). keywords: adults; africa; aids; anopheles; anti; april; area; artemether; arv; asexual; base; bite; blood; bond; cause; cd4; cells; children; chloroquin; clinic; cycle; daily; dan; days; decline; deficiency; disease; dna; dose; drugs; effective; enzyme; evidence; falciparum; female; heat; high; hiv; host; human; immune; infected; infection; interaction; january; level; liver; lumefantrine; lymphocytes; malaria; mechanism; medicine; mosquito; number; ovale; pain; parasitic; patients; people; plasmodium; red; replication; response; reverse; risk; rna; species; specific; stadium; symptoms; therapy; total; transmission; tropical; virus; viruses; vivax; vol; world; yang; year cache: ijtid-211.pdf plain text: ijtid-211.txt item: #86 of 271 id: ijtid-212 author: Suryono, Suryono; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: Clinical Description and Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS date: 2015-07-06 words: 3462 flesch: 51 summary: Since 1999, there are new phenomenon of the spreading of HIV/AIDS cases included HIV infection started looking for a drug injection users or infecting drug users (IDU). Tuberkolosis can be a manifestation of the beginning of HIV so that patients who terdiagnose tuberkolosis should be thought to do with HIV infection especially to a group of high risk are infected with HIV, manifestasinya can include infection of the pulmonary (pulmonary tuberculosis) or infection outside/extra pulmonary stenosis (Smith, 1997; Merati, 2004). keywords: acute; advanced; aids; australasian; candidiasis; carinii; cases; cause; cd4; chronic; clinical; complaint; complex; country; dan; description; diagnose; diagnosis; diarrhea; disease; disorders; editor; examination; fever; form; fungal; health; high; hiv; hiv infection; indonesia; infection; infeksi; kesehatan; klinis; late; living; loss; medical; medicine; meningitis; minor; month; new; number; opportunistic; pain; people; pneumocystic; pneumonia; ppc; problems; pulmonary; retroviral; risk; sarcoma; sexual; skin; smith; stage; stewart; sufferers; symptoms; test; tropical; tuberculosis; viral; virus; vol; weight; yang cache: ijtid-212.pdf plain text: ijtid-212.txt item: #87 of 271 id: ijtid-213 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-213.htm plain text: ijtid-213.txt item: #88 of 271 id: ijtid-21479 author: Kardani, Astrid Kristina; Soemyarso, Ninik Asmaningsih; Aras, Jusli Aras; Prasetyo, Risky Vitria; Noer, Mohammad Sjaifullah title: Increased Interleukin-6 as Infl ammatory Response and Magnesium Defi ciency in Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease of Indonesian Children date: 2021-08-31 words: 4201 flesch: 59 summary: and Mg level was 2.06±1.54 mg/dL. There were no signifi cant correlation between IL-6 level and Mg level with staging of CKD and duration of illness (p>0.05), but there was a signifi cant correlation between serum Mg level and IL-6 level (r=-0.748; p<0.001). The examination of IL-6 and Mg levels were perform at Clinical Pathology laboratorium of Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital. keywords: academic; acces; ammatory; anak; antara; association; august; average; blood; children; chronic; ckd; correlation; dan; dengan; dialysis; disease; duration; elisa; figure; general; high; hospital; hypomagnesemia; ijtid; il-6; il-6 levels; illness; increase; indonesia; infl; interleukin-6; issn; journal; kadar; kardani; kidney; kidney disease; kristina; levels; low; lupus; magnesium; months; nephritis; nephrotic; normal; open; participants; patients; pgk; pre; renal; research; response; results; role; serum; share; signifi; soetomo; stage; staging; steroid; study; surabaya; syndrome; table; yang; years cache: ijtid-21479.pdf plain text: ijtid-21479.txt item: #89 of 271 id: ijtid-215 author: Rahayu, Retno P title: THE EXON 5, 6, 7, 8 OF P53 MUTATIONS IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELLS CARCINOMA date: 2016-06-20 words: 2887 flesch: 55 summary: One possibility is that p53 alteration can enhance genomic instability and thus augment the accumulation of subsequent genetic event necessary for tumor development.3,5 Alteration of the specific gene, such as p53, p27, p16 and cyclin D-1, will induce oral cancer development through mutation, amplification, or deactivation mechanism.4 Therefore, Hsieh and his research team suggest that the pattern of p53 gene mutation in oral squamouse cell carcinoma conduet further study.5 Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) is a screening method for detection of unknowm point mutations. In this study, we evaluated the significance of p53 mutation in 55 patient with oral squamous carcinoma. keywords: alterations; analysis; cancer; carcinoma; cell; cell carcinoma; dan; dengan; diferensiasi; differentiated; disease; dna; ekson; exon; expression; gel; gene; genetic; growth; head; journal; karsinoma; level; molecular; mouth; mutasi; mutation; neck; oral; oral squamous; p53; p53 gene; p53 mutation; pada; pathology; patients; pcr; point; products; protein; results; single; squamous; squamous carcinoma; squamous cell; sscp; study; suppressor; tumor; vol; yang cache: ijtid-215.pdf plain text: ijtid-215.txt item: #90 of 271 id: ijtid-216 author: Nugraha, Hans Kristian; Muljanti, Meiti; Hernaningsih, Yetti; Nugraha, Jusak title: PLATELET RICH PLASMA PREPARATION PROTOCOLS: A PRELIMINARY STUDY date: 2016-06-20 words: 3048 flesch: 58 summary: A PRELIMINARY STUDY Hans Kristian Nugraha1, Meiti Muljanti2, Yetti Hernaningsih2, Jusak Nugraha2,3 1 Medical Faculty Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, +62315940696, +62315927764 2 Clinical Pathology Department, Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya 3 Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya ABSTRACT Currently, therapy with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been widely used and continues to grow for various clinical applications. Saat ini terapi dengan menggunakan Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) telah banyak digunakan dan menjadi pilihan dalam dunia klinis. keywords: 2010; 2011; anticoagulant; applications; blood; cell; centrifugation; centrifugation method; clinical; concentration; count; cpd; dengan; double; experiment; factor; force; growth; hospital; laboratory; making; manual; menggunakan; method; metode; minutes; optimization; plasma; plastic; platelet; potential; process; protocol; prp; rcf; reliable; research; result; rich; rich plasma; sample; second; separation; soetomo; stem; study; surabaya; surgery; therapy; time; vol; yang cache: ijtid-216.pdf plain text: ijtid-216.txt item: #91 of 271 id: ijtid-2161 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2161.htm plain text: ijtid-2161.txt item: #92 of 271 id: ijtid-2163 author: Yotopranoto, Subagyo; Kusmartisnawati, Kusmartisnawati; Mulyatno, Kris Cahyo; Arwati, Heny title: The Fluctuation of Aedes Aegypti in Endemic Area of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Surabaya City, Indonesia date: 2010-05-03 words: 3687 flesch: 65 summary: On the other hand, people started to realize that the mosquitoes would probably infect them with dengue fever so that they voluntarily cleaned water containers that might contain the larval or pupae of Ae. aegypti. table 3. It was almost the same as what happened in Laos when people provide water containers in front of their houses to wash their feet before entering the house also in Vietnam (Huber et al., 2003). keywords: aedes; aegypti; air; bath; breeding; breteau; containers; decreased; dengue; density; dhf; disease; factor; fever; fluctuation; high; house; index; indonesia; inside; january; larval; ldi; march; month; mosquitoes; nginden; number; outside; people; population; rainy; research; season; sites; southeast; study; subdistrict; sukolilo; surabaya; table; traditional; vol; water cache: ijtid-2163.pdf plain text: ijtid-2163.txt item: #93 of 271 id: ijtid-2164 author: Wahyuni, Ratna; Adriaty, Dinar; iswahyudi, iswahyudi; Prakoeswa, Cita Rosita S.; Agusni, Indropo; izumi, shinzo title: Mycobacterium leprae in Daily Water Resources of Inhabitants Who Live in Leprosy Endemic Area of East Java date: 2010-05-03 words: 2349 flesch: 62 summary: Using a sterile plastic bag, around 300 ml of water samples was collected from each well and kept in room temperature. Ziehl Neelsen staining of water samples 67Wahyuni et al.: keywords: agusni; area; bacteria; cases; daily; disease; dna; east; endemic; environment; existence; inhabitants; inside; java; leprosy; live; lp3; lp4; m.leprae; method; mycobacterium; new; patients; pcr; positive; prevalence; primers; resources; results; samples; study; transmission; tropical; vol; water; wells cache: ijtid-2164.pdf plain text: ijtid-2164.txt item: #94 of 271 id: ijtid-2169 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2169.htm plain text: ijtid-2169.txt item: #95 of 271 id: ijtid-2170 author: Widiyanti, Prihartini title: The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen to Platelet Aggregation in Diabetic Patients Type II (NIDDM) date: 2010-05-03 words: 3611 flesch: 56 summary: Normal value of platelet aggregation index with collagen aggregator is 0.3–0.7. It seems the declination of platelet aggregation index in HBO group after the fifth day compared with the value from the first day before HBO treatment (0.763 ± 0.072 become 0,581 ± 0,083). keywords: 2,4; aggregation; aggregation index; aggregation procentage; aggregation speed; air; ata; blood; collagen; control; day; days; decrease; diabetes; diabetic; end; glucose; gmp; group; hba1c; hbo; hours; hyperbaric; inclination; index; inhale; interval; latent; level; mellitus; minutes; niddm; nonb; normal; no•; oxygenation; parameter; patient; period; platelet; platelet aggregation; procentage; production; research; result; significant; speed; stress; surabaya; test; therapy; treatment; value; variable; vol; weight cache: ijtid-2170.pdf plain text: ijtid-2170.txt item: #96 of 271 id: ijtid-2171 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2171.htm plain text: ijtid-2171.txt item: #97 of 271 id: ijtid-2172 author: Utomo, Martono Tri title: Neonatal Sepsis in Low Birth Weight Infants in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital date: 2010-05-03 words: 2798 flesch: 63 summary: In United State showed that incidence of early onset sepsis in VLBW infants was 1.5% and that of late-onset sepsis was 25%.1,2 Neonatal sepsis, sepsis neonatorum or neonatal septicemia is a clinical syndrome characterized by sistemic signs of infection and accompanied by bacteremia in the first month of life.1,3 The incidence of neonatal sepsis is approximately 1 to 10 cases per 1000 live births and 1 per 250 live premature births [1] The incidence rates of neonatal infection in several referral hospitals in Indonesia is approximately 8.76%–30.29% with the mortality rate is 11.56%–49.9%. From previous study showed that Klebsiella pnemoniae was as most common organism with high case fatality.21,22 89Utomo: Neonatal sepsis in low birth weight infant conclusions The incidence and mortality of neonatal sepsis in LBW infants was still high. keywords: amniotic; analysis; asphyxia; birth; birth weight; blood; care; condition; culture; data; delivery; editor; factors; fever; fluid; hospital; incidence; infants; infection; klebsiella; laboratorium; lbw; leucopenia; low; low birth; male; maternal; mortality; neonatal; neonatal sepsis; newborn; patient; premature; previous; risk; sepsis; soetomo; study; table; thrombocytopenia; turbid; unit; vol; weight cache: ijtid-2172.pdf plain text: ijtid-2172.txt item: #98 of 271 id: ijtid-2173 author: Andarsini, Mia Ratwita; Ugrasena, I Dewa Gede; Permono, Bambang title: Antibiotic Resistance Control Program in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Patients at Dr. Soetomo Hospital in 2006–2007 date: 2010-05-03 words: 1682 flesch: 44 summary: Antibiotic resistance and inappropriate antibiotic use was found, on the other hand infection control has not been done properly.5 Antibiotic usage were evaluated quantitatively with Defined Daily Dose (DDD)/100 patients-days and qualitatively with Gyssen Case Report 91Andarsini et al.: keywords: alternative; antibiotic; antimicrobial; arcp; average; blood; control; cost; cultures; days; evaluation; hematology; hospital; microorganism; oncology; patients; pediatric; phase; positive; program; quality; resistance; result; study; usage; use; van; vol cache: ijtid-2173.pdf plain text: ijtid-2173.txt item: #99 of 271 id: ijtid-2174 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2174.htm plain text: ijtid-2174.txt item: #100 of 271 id: ijtid-2176 author: Sudiarno, Adithya; Rahman, Arief; Partiwi, Sri Gunani title: Tropical Disease Prevention and Control: Is It Now Knowledge Management Era? date: 2010-05-03 words: 2002 flesch: 46 summary: In wide scale, tropical diseases can become endemic diseases, permanent disability, even death. Based on Long Term National Development of Indonesia Government (called RPJPK 2005–2025), tropical diseases is main priority to be eradicated (Bappenas, 2005). keywords: aug; awareness; bose; control; disease; explicit; figure; health; ijtid; indonesia; information; integrated; journal; knowledge; management; method; participatory; phenomenon; prevalence; prevention; reasoning; stakeholders; system; tacit; tdkms; tropical; tropical disease; vol; year cache: ijtid-2176.pdf plain text: ijtid-2176.txt item: #101 of 271 id: ijtid-2177 author: Setiawati, Ernie Maduratna title: Natural Growth Factor: Platelet Rich Plasma Stimulates Proliferation of Fibroblast Cell Culture date: 2010-05-03 words: 1626 flesch: 49 summary: Fibroblast cell growth was enhanced in a dose dependent manner, but 90% and 100% PRP proliferation decreased. The effect of different concentrations of PRP on cell proliferation was also studied. keywords: assay; blood; cell; concentration; culture; dentistry; effect; expansion; factor; fibroblast; growth; healing; human; medium; mtt; natural; periodontal; plasma; platelet; play; proliferation; prp; regeneration; release; rich; serum; stem; tissue; vitro; vol; wound cache: ijtid-2177.pdf plain text: ijtid-2177.txt item: #102 of 271 id: ijtid-218 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-218.htm plain text: ijtid-218.txt item: #103 of 271 id: ijtid-2183 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2183.htm plain text: ijtid-2183.txt item: #104 of 271 id: ijtid-2184 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2184.htm plain text: ijtid-2184.txt item: #105 of 271 id: ijtid-219 author: Yamani, Laura Navika; Kristanti, Alfinda Novi; Puspaningsih, Ni Nyoman title: THE PRELIMINARY STUDY OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY FROM XYLO-OLIGOSACCHARIDE OF CORNCOB (ZEA MAYS) HYDROLYSIS PRODUCT WITH ENDO-β-XYLANASE ENZYME date: 2016-06-20 words: 3982 flesch: 51 summary: The results of measurements and calculations % DPPH Scavenging by xylo-oligosaccharide from Hemi B hydrolysis product with hydrolysis time variations Xylo-oligosakarida (Hemi B) Xylo-oligosakarida concentration (Hemi B) Absorbance Antioxidant Activity A497 A517 A537 % Scavenging IC50 (ppm) Hemi B of corncob Hydrolyzed for 6 hours 80 ppm 60 ppm 40 ppm 20 ppm control 0,081 0,080 0,090 0,083 0,081 0,082 0,085 0,099 0,104 0,100 0,081 0,087 0,104 0,115 0,103 Xylo-oligosaccharide from Hemi B hydrolysis product was incubated for 6 hours and had a high antioxidant activity when compared with the incubations for 12 hours and 24 hours, while Hemi B without hydrolysis had the lowest antioxidant activity. keywords: acid; activity; aktivitas; ammonium; analysis; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; biomass; chromatography; compound; concentration; control; corncob; dari; data; dead; degree; dpph; endo; enzim; enzyme; figure; free; hasil; hemi; hemi b; hemicellulose; hemiselulosa; high; higher; hours; hydrolysis; ic50; jagung; larvae; lc50; number; oligosaccharide; oligosakarida; polymerization; ppm; product; radicals; replication; results; scavenging; shrimp; solution; study; sulfate; table; test; tlc; tongkol; toxicity; value; water; xilo; xylanase; xylo; xylooligosaccharide cache: ijtid-219.pdf plain text: ijtid-219.txt item: #106 of 271 id: ijtid-2192 author: Wibisono, Muhammad Jusuf; Meliana, Resti Yudhawati title: THE CLINICAL PROFILES OF AVIAN INFLUENzA IN ENDEMIC AND NON-ENDEMIC REGIONS IN INDONESIA. HOSPITAL-BASED STUDIES AND ITS IMPLICATION ON CLINICAL MANAGEMENT IN THE FUTURE date: 2010-09-06 words: 2840 flesch: 49 summary: Until August 2010, there are 168 human cases H5N1 AI virus infection in Indonesia with mortality 136 cases.[5] H5N1 HPAI spreads endemic in Java, Sumatera, Bali and Sulawesi, and sporadic outbreaks in other areas. Key words: clinical profile, avian influenza, H5N1, epidemiology avian background Highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza viruses (HPAI) now appear to be endemic among bird and poultry populations in Eurasia.[1,2] Sporadic transmission to humans raises concern that the H5N1 virus may mutate or combine with genetic material from coinfecting human influenza viruses to generate a novel strain capable of sustained human-to-human transmission with pandemic potential.[2] The World Health Organization has described the threat from H5N1 as a public health crisis, and declared that the world is as close as ever to the next pandemic.[3] Avian influenza H5N1 — Highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza viruses are endemic among bird and poultry populations in Asian countries. keywords: age; antiviral; areas; avian; avian influenza; cases; clinical; confirmed; days; disease; endemic; engl; evidence; fatal; h5n1; health; high; hospital; hpai; human; indonesia; infection; influenza; jakarta; java; laboratory; mean; non; organization; outbreaks; pandemic; patient; person; pneumonia; poultry; presentation; rate; respiratory; sporadic; surabaya; suspected; symptoms; temperature; therapy; treatment; virus; viruses; vol; world cache: ijtid-2192.pdf plain text: ijtid-2192.txt item: #107 of 271 id: ijtid-2193 author: Setyoboedi, Bagus; Sukmawardani, Maretha; Arief, Sjamsul title: URINE SPECIMEN IN DETECTION OF HEPATITIS A VIRUS ANTIBODY IN CHILDREN date: 2010-09-06 words: 2551 flesch: 58 summary: Statistical analysis of serology using with Mc Nemar test Serology test Anti HAV Serum Total Anti HAV urine + - + 3 0 3 - 35 36 71 Total 38 36 74 The result from McNemar test refused Ho which meant that there were significant difference between this two tests in order to detect anti-HAV level in children. Chi square test was performed and found only one variable (parents� income) with positive association with anti-HAV level, where other variables had negative association. keywords: age; anti; antibody; assay; blood; children; condition; detection; disease; editors; education; elementary; hav; hepatitis; infection; jaundice; level; low; mucosal; negative; old; parents; ppv; result; rusun; school; secretion; seropositive; sombo; specimen; status; study; subjects; surabaya; test; total; urine; virus; vol; years cache: ijtid-2193.pdf plain text: ijtid-2193.txt item: #108 of 271 id: ijtid-2194 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2194.htm plain text: ijtid-2194.txt item: #109 of 271 id: ijtid-2195 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2195.htm plain text: ijtid-2195.txt item: #110 of 271 id: ijtid-2196 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2196.htm plain text: ijtid-2196.txt item: #111 of 271 id: ijtid-2197 author: Hudyono, Rikko; Sunariani, Jenny title: MECHANISMS OF PERIODONTITIS - INDUCED ATHEROSCLEROSIS date: 2010-09-06 words: 7798 flesch: 49 summary: I S M S Chronic periodontitis is usually neglected and undetected, because it is lacked any clinical signs and symptoms.[41,42,71] In chronic gingival and periodontal infection, the cappilarries are more fragile, which make it possible for microorganisms in plaque and calculus to be spread along with blood flow.[73] Chronic bacteremia from periodontitis may be easily happened from the daily activities e.c brushing, chewing,[73] and routine dental procedures like scaling and root planning, or the other treatments like endodontic, orthodontic and dental extraction.[74] Many studies proved that atherosclerosis plaques contained numerous periodontopathogen bacteria,[3,40,76] especially PG.[39,40] Researches have demonstrated that PG induction may invade endothel and may initiate atherosclerosis in pigs.[75] The presences of PG in atheroma and human carotid aorta had been detected by immunostaining and PCR.[76,77] PG was known to have fimbriae, which allowed it to invade[51] and stimulate host response to produce citokynes,[52,78-81] and may be in latent phase[82] to cause chronic infection in EC and SMC.[75] Chronic infection was known to be able to cause endothelial dysfunction.[21–38] PG�s fimbriae secretes protein, called gp130,[83] which facilitate PG to invade EC and trigger celluler immune response.[84] The host will secrete TNF,[85] IL-1, IL-6, IL- 10, and IL-12[86–88] by TLR�s stimulation.[26,85,88–90] TLR is part of immune system, which will respond to PAMP.[91] Protein in PG�s fimbriae may act as PAMP which triggers immune response by activating TLR, which, hence stimulate the host to produce cytokines.[86,91] tunica intima thickening Atherosclerosis may emerge from physiologic changes in EC. keywords: 3rd; able; accumulation; activity; adhesion; adventitia; aggregation; alexander; american; apoptosis; arterial; artery; atherosclerosis; bacteremia; bacterial; beck; blood; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; carotid; cause; cells; chronic; circulation; clin; clinical; collagen; common; coronary; cvd; cytokines; dan; death; dec; dental; dependent; disease; dysfunction; e.c; early; ecs; endothelial; enzyme; expression; extracellular; facilitate; factors; fimbriae; foam; formation; fuster; genco; gingivalis; growth; heart; heart disease; high; hill; homeostasis; host; human; iii; ijtid; immune; immunity; immunology; important; increase; increasing; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibit; initiation; intima; journal; lack; layer; ldl; lesions; leukocyte; libby; like; lipid; lipoprotein; local; macrophage; mcgraw; mechanisms; media; mice; microbiology; migration; monocyte; neointima; new; nfkb; nitric; normal; offenbacher; oral; oxide; patients; percent; periodontal; periodontitis; periodontology; periodontopathogen; pgi2; philadelphia; physiol; plaque; platelets; porphyromonas; presence; process; production; progression; proliferation; protein; publ; rate; reactive; receptor; research; response; responsible; review; risk; role; saunders; scavenger; sep; smc; smcs; smooth; studies; study; synthesis; systemic; thickening; thrombosis; tissue; tnf; tunica; usa; van; vcam-1; vessel; vol; wall; world; york cache: ijtid-2197.pdf plain text: ijtid-2197.txt item: #112 of 271 id: ijtid-2198 author: THAHA, MOCHAMMAD; Widodo, Widodo; Yogiantoro, Moh.; NILAMSARI, WENNY PUTRI; YUSUF, MOCHAMAD; Tomino, Yasuhiko title: ACTI ON OF N- ACETYLCYSTEI NE ON ASYMMETRI C DIMETHYLARGININE AND ALBUMINURIA IN STAGE 1-4 NONDIABETIC CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS date: 2010-09-06 words: 3101 flesch: 55 summary: Hermansyah et al. (2008) reported that NAC use in hemodialysis patients decreased ADMA levels by 31.9%.[20-23] Based on those findings, the clinical trial in the present study was conducted to determine the effect of oral NAC 600 mg bid for 3 months on plasma ADMA levels and albuminuria in non-diabetic CKD stage 1–4 patients with albuminuria who were receiving ACEIs/ARBs. Antioxidant NAC when given to experimental animals was able to reduce homocysteine and pulse pressure, to increase NO availability, and to decrease ADMA levels. keywords: acetylcysteine; activity; adma; albuminuria; antioxidant; asymmetric; cardiovascular; chronic; ckd; control; correlation; day; ddah; decrease; dimethylarginine; disease; distribution; dysfunction; endothelial; factors; figure; gfr; group; increase; kidney; level; medicine; months; nac; nephrology; non; oxidative; patients; progression; proteinuria; reduced; renal; results; significant; stage; stress; study; table; test; therapy; treatment; vol; µmol cache: ijtid-2198.pdf plain text: ijtid-2198.txt item: #113 of 271 id: ijtid-2199 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-2199.htm plain text: ijtid-2199.txt item: #114 of 271 id: ijtid-220 author: Rachmawati, Rachmawati; Mataallo, Timurleng Tonang; Adam, Safruddin; Adam, A. M.; Amin, Safruddin; Tabri, Farida; Adriaty, Dinar; Wahyuni, Ratna; Iswahyudi, Iswahyudi; Agusni, Indropo title: COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE INTENSITY OF Mycobacterium leprae EXPOSURE TO CHILDREN WHO LIVE IN LOW AND HIGH ALTITUDE IN LOW LEPROSY ENDEMIC AREA OF SOUTH SULAWESI date: 2013-10-01 words: 2143 flesch: 63 summary: The nose swab samples were kept in freeze condition until ready for PCR study. The Selayar island district in South Sulawesi is an area with a lower prevalence of leprosy, compared to the surrounding areas which have high prevalence of leprosy.2 Based on the assumption that this area might has a low transmission of leprosy, a study of leprosy exposure to inhabitants of such area will show a low level. keywords: anak; antibody; area; bacilli; blood; cavity; children; contact; dan; dari; dataran; detection; disease; elisa; endemic; exposure; figure; high; intensity; island; land; leprosy; level; low; m.leprae; mycobacterium; nasal; nose; pcr; positive; results; samples; school; selayar; serological; south; study; sulawesi; swabs; tinggi; transmission cache: ijtid-220.pdf plain text: ijtid-220.txt item: #115 of 271 id: ijtid-2200 author: Utomo, Haryono title: THE MI GRAI NE- VERTI GO- PERI ODONTAL DI SEASE CONNECTION: EVIDENCE-BASED CASE AND VERIFICATION IN AN ANIMAL STUDY date: 2010-09-06 words: 4077 flesch: 44 summary: These changes in monoaminergic activity due to vestibular activation may both trigger migraine related symptoms and modulate activity in both pain related and anxiety related pathways. Oral focal infection such as periodontal diseases were able to elicit systemic infection and modulate systemic immune response.3,15 One of the systemic effects of infection is sickness behavior; it refers to the coordinated set of behavioral changes that develop in sick individuals during an infection. keywords: able; addition; afferent; anxiety; assisted; axis; balance; case; central; cfs; cgrp; chronic; connection; cytokine; days; dec; disease; disorder; dizziness; drainage; effect; etiopathogenesis; fatigue; figure; focal; headache; ijtid; immune; increase; indonesian; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; level; lps; mard; mechanism; mediators; migraine; mimicking; nerve; neurogenic; new; normal; nucleus; oral; pain; patient; periodontal; periodontal disease; pge2; pro; related; release; report; result; root; scaling; sep; srp; stress; study; switching; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; therapy; tnf; treatment; trigeminal; utomo; vertigo; vestibular; visit; vol cache: ijtid-2200.pdf plain text: ijtid-2200.txt item: #116 of 271 id: ijtid-22056 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-22056.htm plain text: ijtid-22056.txt item: #117 of 271 id: ijtid-221 author: Setiawan, Dio Nurdin; Anwar, Mirzaq Hussein; Putri, Kholifatul Wanda; Fiddarain, Nilna Faizah; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Purnobasuki, Heri title: COLOSTRUM-COLLAGEN-HYDROXYAPATITE COMPOSITE, AN EXCELLENT CANDIDATE BIOMATERIAL FOR BONE REPAIR AND BONE INFECTION MANAGEMENT date: 2015-07-06 words: 1862 flesch: 48 summary: To overcome this problem, additional material other than HA and collagen is required to accelerate the regeneration of bone cells. Regeneration of bone cells is also affected by immune quality of the human body. keywords: 2009; adhesion; airlangga; assay; biomaterial; body; bone; bovine; candidate; cause; cells; collagen; colostrum; combination; composite; dan; engineering; faculty; form; fracture; hidroksiapatit; hydroxyapatite; indonesia; infection; kolagen; material; mtt; osteoblast; pores; process; program; properties; repair; results; scaffold; science; sem; study; surabaya; technology; tissue; universitas; yang cache: ijtid-221.pdf plain text: ijtid-221.txt item: #118 of 271 id: ijtid-22160 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-22160.htm plain text: ijtid-22160.txt item: #119 of 271 id: ijtid-222 author: Hadi, Usman; Kuntaman, Kuntaman; Qiptiyah, Mariyatul; Paraton, Hari title: PROBLEM OF ANTIBIOTIC USE AND ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE IN INDONESIA: ARE WE REALLY MAKING PROGRESS? date: 2013-10-01 words: 2295 flesch: 37 summary: It aimed to create a program of scientifically based guidelines for the assessment of antimicrobial resistance, the pattern of antibiotic use, infection control and the implementation of interventions in the home hospital in Indonesia. Another task of this committee is to conduct surveillance of antibiotic use quantitatively and qualitatively particularly in the ward where antibiotic-resistant bacteria emerge. keywords: amr; amrin; antibiotic; antimicrobial; bacteria; clinical; committee; control; dan; department; duerink; e.coli; esbl; hadi; health; hospital; implementation; indonesia; infectious; isolates; microbiology; mrsa; patients; pharmacy; prevalence; problem; program; quality; resistance; results; specimens; study; surveillance; total; use cache: ijtid-222.pdf plain text: ijtid-222.txt item: #120 of 271 id: ijtid-223 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-223.htm plain text: ijtid-223.txt item: #121 of 271 id: ijtid-224 author: Sosiawan, Agung title: ROLE OF BREAK CLUSTER REGION (BCR) - ABELSON MURINE LEUKIMIA (ABL) EXAMINATION IN CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA (CML) date: 2015-07-06 words: 3093 flesch: 52 summary: The third variation is micro-BCR (m-BCR), with BCR gene break between exons E19 and e20b that form mRNA transcripts e19a2, with BCR-ABL protein P230. The fused BCR-ABL gene has BCR sequences of different length, so it produces a protein that has a different molecular weight. keywords: abelson; abl; abl gene; atau; bcr; blood; break; cell; chromosome; chronic; cluster; cml; complete; cytogenetic; dengan; detection; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; examination; exon; fusion; gene; gene fusion; imatinib; kinase; kromosom; length; leukemia; major; method; molecular; months; multiplex; murine; mutation; myelogenous; pada; patients; pcr; philadelphia; primer; process; protein; region; resistance; response; sequences; specific; therapy; time; transcripts; translocation; translokasi; type; variation; weight; yang cache: ijtid-224.pdf plain text: ijtid-224.txt item: #122 of 271 id: ijtid-225 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-225.htm plain text: ijtid-225.txt item: #123 of 271 id: ijtid-22578 author: Renaldy, Raden Bagus Yanuar; Aflahudin, M. Ahda Naufal; Salma, Zukhaila; Sumaryono, Sumaryono; Fitriah, Muhammad Yasin; Sulistyawati, Sri Wijayanti; Husada, Dominicus; Basuki, Sukmawati title: Intestinal Parasitic Infection, The Use of Latrine, and Clean Water Source In Elementary School Children At Coastal And Non-Coastal Areas, Sumenep District, Indonesia date: 2021-04-27 words: 4851 flesch: 57 summary: B. hominis infection was found more frequently in Dasuk Timur Elementary School children (31/31, 100%) compared to Kolor II Elementary School children (5/8, 62,5%) and it was significantly different (P<0,05, Chi-square test) (see Table 2). January–April 2021 IJTID, p-ISSN 2085-1103, e-ISSN 2356-0991 Available online at IJTID Website: Original Article Intestinal Parasitic Infection, The Use of Latrine, and Clean Water Source In Elementary School Children At Coastal And Non-Coastal Areas, Sumenep District, Indonesia 1 Medical Student Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Indonesia 2 Tropical Medicine Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Indonesia 4 Department of Medical Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Indonesia 5 Department of Pediactrics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Indonesia 6 Laboratory of Malaria, Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Indonesia Received: 10th October 2020; Revised: 15th October 2020; Accepted: 5th February 2021 ABSTRACT Inadequate latrine and water source cause transmission of intestinal parasitic infection, particularly in children. keywords: age; airlangga; anak; area; blastocystis; children; clean; coastal; dan; dasar; dasuk; dasuk timur; defecation; difference; disease; district; elementary; elementary school; fields; figure; helminth; hominis; ii elementary; ijtid; indonesia; infected; infection; infeksi; intestinal; intestinal parasitic; issn; journal; kabupaten; kolor; kolor ii; latrine; medicine; non; open; pada; parasites; parasitic; pesisir; piped; prevalence; protozoan; public; risk; samples; school; school children; sdn; sekolah; share; significant; sources; square; stools; study; sumber; sumenep; surabaya; table; timur; timur elementary; toilet; tropical; universitas; use; usus; value; village; water cache: ijtid-22578.pdf plain text: ijtid-22578.txt item: #124 of 271 id: ijtid-226 author: Dewati, Endah; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: MANAGEMENT OF HIV/AIDS INFECTION IN PREGNANCY date: 2015-07-06 words: 4465 flesch: 49 summary: intrapartum.10,19 Factors affecting HIV-positive woman‘s decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy, including stage of HIV infection, the use of antiretroviral and other drugs, pregnancy planning, the desire to have children, religion and belief, economic status, social support for children.18 Tabel 3. Recomendation of childbirth method to reduce HIV transmission from mother to child14 Childbirth Method Recomendation HIV-positive pregnancy who come in pregnancies over 36 weeks, has not received antiretroviral therapy, and awaiting the results of the HIV and CD4 + levels are thought to exist before childbirth HIV-positive people should receive antiretroviral therapy regimens PATCG (pediatric AIDS clinical trials group) 076. May–August 2014: 49–55 infection reported in addition to energy awareness health of the possibility of HIV infection has not been evenly distributed.2 Although various attempts have been made to control the increasing number of incidence and mortality due to HIV/AIDS but the transmission still continues until now. keywords: aids; antepartum; antiretroviral; art; baby; birth; cause; cd4; cells; childbirth; children; combination; countries; dan; delivery; disease; drug; effects; fetus; general; group; health; hiv; hiv infection; hours; human; important; increase; infants; infected; infection; intrapartum; labor; levels; long; management; medical; mother; non; nutrition; opportunistic; patients; people; perinatal; plwha; positive; post; pregnancy; pregnant; prevention; primary; prophylaxis; provision; risk; studies; support; syrup; therapy; time; transmission; treatment; trimester; tropical; use; virus; weeks; weight; women; yang; zdv cache: ijtid-226.pdf plain text: ijtid-226.txt item: #125 of 271 id: ijtid-22609 author: Sulistyowati, Elyana Sri; Muninggar, Septi Sewi; Silalahi, Verarica title: Risk Factors of Covid-19 Confirmed Died Patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital: A Retrospective Study date: 2021-04-27 words: 4976 flesch: 61 summary: Furthermore, the days to develop critical all for deadly patient are 6-7 days with the shortest day that Covid-19 cases are increasing during winter where 25-hidroxyvitamin D concentration is low in human body.15 Conversely, countries in the south hemisphere with dry season tend to have low case numbers. Covid-19 cases in Indonesia Dashboard keywords: access; age; available; cases; china; chronic; comorbidities; confirmed; contact; coronavirus; cough; covid-19; covid19; data; days; death; diabetes; disease; disorders; doi; duration; dyspnea; entrepreneur; epidemiology; factors; farmer; fever; group; health; heart; history; hospital; host; hypertension; ijtid; immune; indonesia; infection; internet; issn; january; journal; july; june; kariadi; lethargic; march; mortality; neurological; occupation; open; or=; pasien; patients; people; prevention; public; rate; related; retrospective; risk; risk factors; sars; severe; severity; share; study; symptoms; terkonfirmasi; trader; yang; years cache: ijtid-22609.pdf plain text: ijtid-22609.txt item: #126 of 271 id: ijtid-227 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-227.htm plain text: ijtid-227.txt item: #127 of 271 id: ijtid-228 author: Widiyanti, Prihartini title: THE ROLE OF HYPERBARIC THERAPY IN THE GROWTH OF CANDIDA ALBICANS date: 2013-10-01 words: 1772 flesch: 47 summary: 11 the Effect of Hyperbaric oxygen on c.albicans The effects of hyperbaric oxygen at a steady level of 3 ATA was possesed the same result with McAllister et al who reported total inhibition of C. albicans at 2 ATA oxygen.12 Gifford and Pitchard describes responses of Candida utilis to hyperbaric oxygen.13 Cultures of organisms in an exponential growth phase did not undergo any further development when exposed to 10 ATA oxygen. Over the last two decades, animal studies, clinical trials and well-validated clinical experience has proved efficacy of HBO in many indications and there is recently a renewed interest in this field all over the world.9 the Effects of Hyperbaric oxygen on fungi Many effort have been made for a number of years and various reasons to determine oxygen toxicity limits of yeast. keywords: albicans; ata; atmosphere; cairney; candida; candidiasis; cell; dalam; dan; dis; disease; effects; exposure; filamen; form; fungal; fungi; growth; hbo; host; human; hyperbaric; hyperbaric oxygen; hyphal; immunity; important; infections; infeksi; inhibition; medicine; merupakan; mmhg; oksigen; oxygen; pada; pressure; pseudohyphae; role; sel; study; therapy; true; tubuh; yeast cache: ijtid-228.pdf plain text: ijtid-228.txt item: #128 of 271 id: ijtid-22873 author: Sakran, khawla Abdullah; Raharjo, Dadik; Mertaniasih, Ni Made title: Antimicrobial Activities of Laurus nobilis Leaves Ethanol Extract on Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonellae typhi, and Escherichia coli. date: 2021-08-31 words: 3294 flesch: 49 summary: The results showed that Laurus nobilis extract had antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with an inhibitory zone (16.3±1.5 mm), Salmonellae typhi with a zone (14.5±0.5 mm), and against Escherichia coli (11.3±1.1mm). El Malti J, Amarouch H. Antibacterial effect, histological impact and oxidative stress studies from Laurus nobilis extract. keywords: acces; activities; activity; agar; airlangga; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibiotics; antimicrobial; august; aureus; bay; coli; concentration; diff; disease; drug; ect; eff; escherichia; escherichia coli; essential; ethanol; ethanol extract; extract; gram; herbal; ijtid; indonesia; inhibition; isolates; issn; journal; l.nobilis; laurus; laurus nobilis; leaves; microbiology; negative; nobilis; oil; open; positive; research; resistance; results; s. aureus; s. typhi; salmonellae; salmonellae typhi; share; species; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; study; tropical; typhi; universitas; usion; zone cache: ijtid-22873.pdf plain text: ijtid-22873.txt item: #129 of 271 id: ijtid-229 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-229.htm plain text: ijtid-229.txt item: #130 of 271 id: ijtid-230 author: Frederika, Edith; Mareta, Aldise; Poetranto, Djoko; Wulandari, Laksmi; Setyoningrum, Retno Asih; Setyowati, Lucia Landia; Yudhawati, Resti; Soegiarto, Gatot; Yamaoka, Masaoki title: IDENTIFICATION OF INFLUENZA VIRUSES IN HUMAN AND POULTRY IN THE AREA OF LARANGAN WET MARKET SIDOARJO-EAST JAVA, INDONESIA date: 2013-10-01 words: 2754 flesch: 62 summary: Recently, there is a new type of influenza virus. Several kinds of poultry and wild birds were identified with symptoms of influenza virus (particularly H5) are described below. keywords: age; animal; avian; birds; cases; dan; disease; h5n1; health; human; identification; indonesia; influenza; larangan; market; minutes; old; pada; pandemic; pcr; people; planning; positive; poultry; primer; result; samples; serum; spread; study; swab; symptoms; test; tipe; traders; traditional; tropical; type; virus; viruses; wet; wild; world; yang; years cache: ijtid-230.pdf plain text: ijtid-230.txt item: #131 of 271 id: ijtid-231 author: Soegijanto, Soegeng; Sari, Desiana W.; Yamanaka, Atsushi; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Kameoka, Masanori; Konishi, Eiji title: AWARENESS OF USING RINGER LACTAT SOLUTION IN DENGUE VIRUS INFECTION CASES COULD INDUCE SEVERITY date: 2013-10-01 words: 3471 flesch: 63 summary: Based on this finding, we should be careful to treat dengue virus infection cases. Awareness of Using Ringer Lactat Solution in Dengue Virus Infection Cases figure 2. keywords: acetate; admission; alt; ast; bleeding; boy; cairan; cases; clinical; complaint; damage; day; days; dengue; department; disease; emergency; examination; fever; figure; group; hct; health; hospital; infection; infeksi; kasus; laboratory; lactate; leukocyte; liver; main; old; parents; patient; result; ringer; serotype; severe; soerya; soetomo; solution; surabaya; table; trombocyte; virus; yang; years cache: ijtid-231.pdf plain text: ijtid-231.txt item: #132 of 271 id: ijtid-232 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-232.htm plain text: ijtid-232.txt item: #133 of 271 id: ijtid-233 author: Anggraini, Rahayu; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: ANALYSIS ON WHOLE BLOOD, SGOT, SGPT, AND TNF-a EXAMINATION IN PATIENTS WITH NON-DENGUE AND POSITIVE DENGUE FEVER (DF/DHF) date: 2013-10-01 words: 3807 flesch: 66 summary: In positive dengue fever SGOT levels increased of 1-3 x, while SGPT level was still within the normal range (< 40 IU/L), so that SGPT levels can be used as a predictive factor for determining positive dengue fever (DF and DHF). Sample size was 15 subjects of non- dengue fever and 15 subjects of positive dengue fever. keywords: analysis; anti; blood; cells; chi; chisquare; clinical; count; damage; dan; days; demam; dengue; dengue fever; dengue virus; dhf; differences; disease; distribution; examination; fever; figure; grade; groups; hematocrit; hemoglobin; hemorrhagic; hepatitis; higher; igg; igm; increase; infection; kadar; levels; limits; liver; non; normal; pada; patients; platelet; positive; positive dengue; results; severity; sex; sgot; sgpt; significant; square; study; subjects; test; times; tnf; tropical; value; viral; virus; vomiting cache: ijtid-233.pdf plain text: ijtid-233.txt item: #134 of 271 id: ijtid-234 author: Purnamasari, Betty; Arisgraha, Franky; Astuti, Suryani Dyah title: APPLICATION OF NEURAL NETWORKS ON BLOOD SERUM IMAGE FOR EARLY DETECTION OF TYPHUS date: 2013-10-01 words: 3011 flesch: 56 summary: conclusion Based on the results of the discussion, it concluded that early detection system design on blood serum image based on neural network methode, done by looking for the value of the number of features in the form of white pixels in the images of blood serum which has been processed using image processing. Clearborder process needed for eliminate unneeded image attached or contact with blood serum image to be processed. keywords: accuracy; agglutination; ann; artificial; blood; blood serum; button; citra; dan; data; dec; dengan; detection; disease; display; extraction; feature; figure; grayscale; image; learning; lvq; menggunakan; network; neural; normal; paratyphi; pixels; process; processing; program; quantization; rate; reaction; research; results; salmonella; samples; serum; study; testing; thresholding; training; typhoid; typhus; value; vector; white; widal; yang cache: ijtid-234.pdf plain text: ijtid-234.txt item: #135 of 271 id: ijtid-235 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-235.htm plain text: ijtid-235.txt item: #136 of 271 id: ijtid-236 author: Mertaniasih, Ni Made; Kusumaningrum, Deby; Koendhori, Eko Budi; Harijono, Sugeng; Arky, Catur Endra; Putri, Jayanti; Urifah, Hanik title: THE ANTI-TB DRUG SENSITIVITY OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis FROM CEREBROSPINAL FLUID AND BONE TISSUE BIOPSY SPECIMENS OF PATIENTS SUSPECTED TUBERCULOUS MENINGITIS AND SPINAL TB IN Dr SOETOMO HOSPITAL INDONESIA date: 2015-07-06 words: 1959 flesch: 31 summary: Positivity detection & first line anti-TB drug sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolate from CSF specimens of the suspect TB meningitis patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Indonesia, at January 2013-Juny 2014 N Specimen Positive (%) Positivity detection & first line anti-TB drug sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolate from bone tissue biopsy specimens of the patients suspected Spinal TB in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Indonesia, at January 2013 - March 2014 keywords: accurate; anti; biopsy; bone; clinical; complex; csf; culture; dan; detection; diagnosis; drug; ethambutol; examination; hospital; indonesia; isolates; isoniazid; laboratory; meningitis; method; microbiology; mycobacterium; mycobacterium tuberculosis; patients; positive; pyrazinamide; rifampin; sensitive; sensitivity; soetomo; specimens; spinal; standard; streptomycin; tbm; tissue; tuberculosis cache: ijtid-236.pdf plain text: ijtid-236.txt item: #137 of 271 id: ijtid-237 author: Zainuddin, Rahmat; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: MANIFESTATION OF AIDS WITH DIARRHEA date: 2015-07-06 words: 3914 flesch: 46 summary: Acute and chronic diarrhea usually found in HIV infection patient, the latter is more frequent. Diarhhea in HIV infection due to immune deficiency can caused by pathogen and non pathogen. keywords: acute; aids; antiretroviral; avium; bacteria; campylobacter; cases; cause; cd4; cells; chronic; clinic; clinical; complex; cytomegalovirus; dan; days; december; decline; decrease; deficiency; diagnosis; diare; diarrhea; direct; disease; editors; effect; examination; fluid; function; gastrointestinal; general; gut; health; hiv; hiv infection; hours; humoral; immune; immunity; immunonutrient; important; indonesia; infected; infection; infeksi; intestinal; kapsul; lymphocytes; management; manifestation; medicine; mg/5; movement; mucosa; mycobacterium; non; normal; number; nutrition; opportunistic; oral; pathogens; patients; people; phase; secondary; secretion; september; severe; specific; symptomatic; symptoms; syrup; system; tablet; therapy; treatment; tropical; vol cache: ijtid-237.pdf plain text: ijtid-237.txt item: #138 of 271 id: ijtid-238 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-238.htm plain text: ijtid-238.txt item: #139 of 271 id: ijtid-239 author: Kholili, Ulfa; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: A PATIENT DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER WITH SPASMS date: 2015-07-06 words: 4705 flesch: 56 summary: 2 Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia abstract Indonesia is one of the countries with the high endemic of Dengue viral infection followed by Thailand, Myanmar, India and Srilanka. Dengue viral infection in endothelial cells in vitro can cause the occurrence of pothogenesis. keywords: anti; associated; better; bleeding; brain; case; cerebral; children; clinical; cns; complication; condition; criteria; dan; day; days; dbd; decrease; demam; dengan; dengue; dengue hemorrhagic; dengue viral; dhf; diagnosis; disease; disorder; dss; edema; effusion; encephalitis; encephalopathy; fever; form; good; heart; hemorrhagic; high; hospital; hours; igg; igm; increase; indonesia; infection; journal; laboratory; leakage; liquid; low; management; manifestation; med; mm3; occurrence; patient; plasma; pleura; positive; pulse; result; seizure; serotipe; severity; shock; soetomo; spasms; temperature; tension; test; thailand; treatment; trombosit; tropical; viral; virus; vol; years cache: ijtid-239.pdf plain text: ijtid-239.txt item: #140 of 271 id: ijtid-240 author: Wikanesthi, Dyah; Sari, Desiana W; Chilvia, Eva; Soedirham, Oedojo; Kurniasari, Lely; Soegijanto, Soegeng title: UPDATE MANAGEMENT CONCURRENT INFECTION BETWEEN DENGUE VIRAL AND SALMONELLA date: 2015-07-06 words: 1915 flesch: 58 summary: There is no significant different between concurent Dengue Viral and Salmonella infection compared with Dengue Viral infection alone. Clinical manifestation of Concurrent DVI with Salmonella infection patients including: a. Fever b. Nausea c. Vomitting d. Diarrhea and abdominal pain e. Epistaksis keywords: anti; antibiotic; asetat; cases; clinical; concurrent; dan; days; dengue; dengue viral; dextrose; dvi; fever; figure; high; hospital; igm; infection; infeksi; januari; kasus; length; liver; management; manifestation; ns1; patients; ringer; saline; salmonella; salmonella infection; solution; stay; untuk; viral; viral infection; virus; vomiting; yang cache: ijtid-240.pdf plain text: ijtid-240.txt item: #141 of 271 id: ijtid-24069 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-24069.htm plain text: ijtid-24069.txt item: #142 of 271 id: ijtid-24202 author: Salma, Zukhaila; Fitriah, Fitriah; Renaldy, Raden Bagus Yanuar; Rossyanti, Lynda; Sarjana, IWayan; Pasulu, Soraya Salle; Budiono, Budiono; Gunadi Ranu, I Gusti Made Reza; Husada, Dominicus; Basuki, Sukmawati title: Soil-Transmitted Helminthes Infection and Nutritional Status of Elementary School Children in Sorong District, West Papua, Indonesia date: 2021-08-31 words: 5261 flesch: 59 summary: Children nutritional status was determined by body mass index based on age. Children nutritional status was observed as thinness, normal, overweight, and obese, that was 6.1% (10/164), 75% (123/164), 6.7% (11/164), and 12.2 % (20/164) respectively. keywords: acces; administration; age; airlangga; alb; anak; area; ascaris; august; body; children; dan; data; dengan; disease; district; elementary; elementary school; factors; faculty; figure; gizi; health; height; helminth; hookworm; ijtid; indonesia; infected; infection; infeksi; inpres; issn; journal; kesehatan; klasmelek; lariasis; lebih; low; lumbricoides; lymphatic; makbusun; malnutrition; mayamuk; mda; mean; measurement; medicine; negl; non; normal; number; nutritional; nutritional status; obese; open; overweight; pada; papua; plos; prevalence; questionnaire; research; school; school children; share; single; soil; sorong; status; stercoralis; sths; sths infection; stools; students; studies; study; stunting; sub; surabaya; table; test; thinness; total; trichiura; tropical; universitas; variable; village; vol; west; yang cache: ijtid-24202.pdf plain text: ijtid-24202.txt item: #143 of 271 id: ijtid-25448 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-25448.htm plain text: ijtid-25448.txt item: #144 of 271 id: ijtid-25489 author: Andrianto, Andrianto; Rizkiawan, Ronaldi; Harsoyo, Primasitha Maharany title: COVID-19 and Endothelial Dysfunction: Biomarkers and Potential Drug Mechanisms date: 2021-08-31 words: 7576 flesch: 49 summary: Endothelial cells of normal skin and bone marrow or in the case of infantile hemangioma constitutively express E-selectin, in contrast with endothelial cells from other tissues that do not.18,19 However, these expressions are tightly regulated by infl ammatory cytokines. ACEi and ARB Evidences have established the role of ACE inhibitors in repairing endothelial functions in animal models with heart failure and in animal models with coronary artery disease.66,67 ACE inhibitors elevate endothelial functions by reducing Angiotensin-II, while regulating endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) and inhibiting production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), giving the drug its protective properties for endothelium.68-70 In the TREND study, quinapril, compared to placebo, repaired endothelial dysfunction in normotensive patients with coronary artery disease.67 Administration of ARB has shown to improve endothelial function and demonstrate an overall reduction of infl ammatory biomarkers, implying its importance in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.71 A previous meta-analysis showed that ACEi improves endothelial function in patients with endothelial dysfunction of multiple causes.72 However, despite available studies mentioned, there has not been any consensus related to COVID-19 related endothelial dysfunction and ACEi or ARB as its potential clinical approach. keywords: acces; ace; activation; acute; adhesion; aggregation; alterations; ammation; ammatory; analysis; angiotensin; antioxidant; arb; ards; arterioscler; artery; atherosclerosis; august; available; binding; biol; biomarkers; blood; cardiovascular; care; cases; cells; cellular; circulation; coagulation; coagulopathy; converting; coronary; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; covid19; crit; cytokines; dan; dengan; disease; disfungsi; drugs; dysfunction; eff; elevated; endotel; endothelial; endothelial cells; endothelial dysfunction; endothelial function; enzyme; et al; events; evidences; expression; factor; formation; functions; global; haemost; heart; high; higher; human; hypoxia; icam-1; ijtid; important; increase; indonesian; infection; infl; inhibition; inhibitor-1; inhibitors; injury; intensive; internet; involved; issn; j thromb; journal; ldl; leukocyte; level; lipid; lower; manifestations; manuscript; mechanisms; med; medicine; meta; molecules; mortality; multiple; neutrophil; nitric; non; obat; open; oxide; pada; patients; physiol; plasma; plasminogen; platelet; pneumonia; potential; presence; previous; pro; procoagulant; properties; pulmonary; reactive; receptor; reduction; related; release; respiratory; review; risk; role; sars; sci; sebagai; selectin; severe; severity; share; signifi; soluble; state; statin; studies; study; syndrome; system; systemic; therapy; thromb; thrombosis; tissue; treatment; tropical; untuk; upregulation; use; vascular; virus; vitamin; vol; von; vwf; willebrand; yang cache: ijtid-25489.pdf plain text: ijtid-25489.txt item: #145 of 271 id: ijtid-26472 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-26472.htm plain text: ijtid-26472.txt item: #146 of 271 id: ijtid-26529 author: and Infectious Disease, Indonesian Journal of Tropical title: Front Matter date: 2021-04-27 words: 571 flesch: 38 summary: Homepage: e ISSN 2356 - 0991 Volume 9 Number 1 January–April 2021 p ISSN 2085 - 1103 Mark Alan Graber, United States Kazufumi Shimizu, Japan Masanori Kameoka, Japan Hak Hotta, Japan Fumihiko Kawamoto, Japan Yoshiharu Matsuura, Japan Bimo Ario Tejo, Malaysia Nasronudin Nasronudin, Indonesia Maria Inge Lusida, Indonesia Puruhito Puruhito, Indonesia Retno Handajani, Indonesia Kuntaman Kuntaman, Indonesia Soegeng Soegijanto, Indonesia Bambang Prajogo, Indonesia Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Indonesia Achmad Fuad Hafid, Indonesia Tri Wibawa, Indonesia Irwanto Irwanto, Indonesia Yulis Setiya Dewi, Indonesia Laura Navika Yamani, Indonesia Siti Qomariyah Khairunisa, Indonesia Teguh Hari Sucipto, Indonesia Siti Churrotin, Indonesia Nur Diana Fajriyah Zakaria Pamoengkas CONTENTS Page Printed by: Universitas Airlangga Press. January-April 2021 Plasmodium falciparum Breath Metabolomics (Breathomics) Analysis as a Non-Invasive Practical Method to Diagnose Malaria in Pediatrics Intestinal Parasitic Infection, The Use of Latrine, and Clean Water Source In Elementary School Children at Coastal and Non-Coastal Areas, Sumenep District, Indonesia Correlation between Climate Factors with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases in Surabaya 2007 – 2017 Genital Tract Infection during Pregnancy and its Association with Preterm Delivery Risk Factors of Covid-19 Confirmed Died Patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital: A Retrospective Study Validity of Method for MTBC and NTM Detection in FNAB Specimens from Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Using Microscopy, XPERT MTB/ RIF and Culture Method Influence of TLR-8 Gene Polymorphisms (rs3764880 and rs3788935) keywords: april; coastal; detection; disease;; factors; falciparum; indonesia; infection; issn; january; japan; method; mulyorejo; non; plasmodium; secretariat; sri; surabaya; tropical; tuberculosis cache: ijtid-26529.pdf plain text: ijtid-26529.txt item: #147 of 271 id: ijtid-26530 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-26530.htm plain text: ijtid-26530.txt item: #148 of 271 id: ijtid-26533 author: and Infectious Disease, Indonesian Journal of Tropical title: Front Matter date: 2020-12-03 words: 588 flesch: 30 summary: p ISSN 2085 - 1103 EDITORIAL TEAM OF INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE EDITOR IN CHIEF Prihartini Widiyanti, Indonesia EDITORIAL BOARD Mark Alan Graber, United States Kazufumi Shimizu, Japan Masanori Kameoka, Japan Hak Hotta, Japan Fumihiko Kawamoto, Japan Nasronudin Nasronudin, Indonesia Maria Inge Lusida, Indonesia Puruhito Puruhito, Indonesia Retno Handajani, Indonesia Kuntaman Kuntaman, Indonesia Soegeng Soegijanto, Indonesia Bambang Prajogo, Indonesia Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Indonesia Achmad Fuad Hafid, Indonesia Tri Wibawa, Indonesia Irwanto Irwanto, Indonesia Yulis Setiya Dewi, Indonesia Laura Navika Yamani, Indonesia Siti Qomariyah Khairunisa, Indonesia Siti Churrotin, Indonesia Teguh Hari Sucipto, Indonesia SECRETARIAT Nur Diana Fajriyah Zakaria Pamoengkas Secretariat Office Publishing Unit of Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga Kampus C, Jalan Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Gut Bacterial Flora of Dairy Cows and People Surrounding in Rural Area, Indonesia GeneXpert MTB/RIF and Mycobacterium tuberculosis Sputum Culture in Establishing the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Rifampicin Resistance in Suspected Childhood Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Soetomo Hospital C-reactive Protein and Hepcidin in Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Gastric Perforation Associated with Candidiasis and NSAIDS Disseminated Tuberculosis Mimicking Lung Cancer with Multiple Bone Metastasis: A Case Report Effect of Zinc(II)-2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole Complex Against Replication DENV-2 in Vero Cell Prevalence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) keywords: bacterial; december; disease; enterobacteriaceae; esbl; factor; gut; hospital; indonesia; issn; japan; kuntaman; lactamase; people; pulmonary; siti; soetomo; spectrum; tropical; tuberculosis; widodo cache: ijtid-26533.pdf plain text: ijtid-26533.txt item: #149 of 271 id: ijtid-26534 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-26534.htm plain text: ijtid-26534.txt item: #150 of 271 id: ijtid-27450 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-27450.htm plain text: ijtid-27450.txt item: #151 of 271 id: ijtid-29108 author: Iskandar, Agustin; Norwahyuni, Yuyun; Aryati, Aryati; Aprilia, Andrea title: Correlation Analysis between Ratio of C-Reactive Protein/Albumin and Severity of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Children date: 2021-12-27 words: 4947 flesch: 62 summary: CRP levels were examined using immunoturbidimetry method, while albumin was examined by using Bromocresol Green (BCG) method. The result showed that there were signifi cant diff erences in CRP levels and CRP/albumin ratios in the Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) and non-DSS group (p = 0.002, p = 0.001, α <0.05). keywords: acces; acute; age; albumin; albumin ratio; ammation; analysis; anwar; auc; children; city; clinical; correlation; criteria; critical; crp; curve; data; dbd; december; dengan; dengue; dengue infection; dhf; diff; disease; erence; erent; fever; gender; group; hemorrhagic; hospital; ijtid; infection; infl; issn; journal; level; malang; marker; medicine; mortality; negative; non; normality; nutritional; open; pada; patients; pediatric; phase; positive; predictive; prognostic; protein; ratio; reactive; results; risk; saiful; september; serum; severe; severity; share; shock; signifi; specifi; status; study; syndrome; table; test; total; tropical; value; vol; yang; years cache: ijtid-29108.pdf plain text: ijtid-29108.txt item: #152 of 271 id: ijtid-29113 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-29113.htm plain text: ijtid-29113.txt item: #153 of 271 id: ijtid-29245 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-29245.htm plain text: ijtid-29245.txt item: #154 of 271 id: ijtid-29362 author: Famil, Mohamad title: Analysis of HIV/AIDS Health Problems in Pacitan District East Java 2020 date: 2021-12-27 words: 5606 flesch: 60 summary: September–December 2021: 143–151 FIRDA Typewritten text 144 Mohammad Famil: Analysis of HIV/AIDS Health Problems IJTID, p-ISSN 2085-1103, e-ISSN 2356-0991 Open acces under CC-BY-NC-SA Share alike 4.0 as an area with concentrated HIV prevalence along with 5 (fi ve) other provinces, namely DKI Jakarta, Papua, Bali, Riau and West Java.7, 8 stated that HIV AIDS has become apandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. HIV AIDS pandemic slowly causes a decrease in energy employment, reduce agricultural productivity, increasing poverty, and changing the structure population pyramid in Africa. keywords: acces; age; aids; aids cases; aids health; analysis; area; available; blood; cases; ciency; community; control; dan; data; december; dengan; diagram; disease; distribution; district; district health; east; eff; factors; firda; growth; head; health; health offi; health problems; highest; hiv; human; ijtid; increase; indonesia; infectious; infl; information; issn; java; kabupaten; kasus; kesehatan; knowledge; lack; masalah; masyarakat; method; number; offi; open; pacitan; pacitan district; people; plwha; prevention; priority; problem; profi; program; public; puskesmas; regency; results; risk; root; section; september; seriousness; services; share; stigma; study; table; tahun; text; urgency; usg; virus; vol; workers; yang; years cache: ijtid-29362.pdf plain text: ijtid-29362.txt item: #155 of 271 id: ijtid-29377 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-29377.htm plain text: ijtid-29377.txt item: #156 of 271 id: ijtid-29378 author: Fatmasari ; Syahrul, Fariani ; Darajat , Zakiah ; Kusuma, Eva Flourentina title: Analysis of COVID-19 Surveillance System at Makassar City Health Office 2020 date: 2022-08-08 words: 5418 flesch: 48 summary: In general, the goal is to describe the COVID-19 Surveillance system based on a system approach (input, process, output) to analyze the existing health condition so that priority problems can be determined at the Makassar City Health Office in 2020. Data collection was carried out using in- depth interviews with the holders of the COVID- 19 surveillance program, the Head of the Surveillance & Immunization Section, and employees involved in COVID-19 activities at the Makassar City Health Office, which was carried out on several people who were considered key informants of the COVID-19 Surveillance activity.22 Four informants in the activity consisted of 1 coordinator of the COVID-19 surveillance program, namely the Head of the Surveillance and Immunization Section and staff who joined the COVID-19 surveillance program, and one student. keywords: access; activities; aggregate; alternative; analysis; attachment; available; belum; cases; city; city health; collection; component; contact; control; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 surveillance; covid19; daily; data; disease; epidemiological; facilities; fatmasari; feedback; form; guidelines; health; health facilities; health office; health surveillance; ijtid; implementation; indicators; indonesia; infectious; information; input; interpretation; interviews; investigation; issn; journal; makassar; makassar city; ministry; office; officers; open; output; overview; pada; people; prevention; priority; problem; process; program; provincial; public; public health; report; research; results; share; surveilans; surveillance; surveillance program; surveillance system; system; vol; yang cache: ijtid-29378.pdf plain text: ijtid-29378.txt item: #157 of 271 id: ijtid-2955 author: Hendrarti, Dwi Windyastuti Budi; Wicaksono, Dimas Aryo; Dewi, Yulis Setiya; Srianto, Puji title: MODEL OF LOCAL CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TROPICAL DISEASES HANDLING IN EAST JAVA date: 2017-08-22 words: 5858 flesch: 43 summary: One determination in coordination among institutions in the tropical diseases handling is the availability of health resources. The development of community capacity on the incidence and prevention of health is one of the solutions to overcome limitations of health resources. keywords: ability; analysis; area; bojonegoro; building; capacity; capacity building; capacity development; care; center; community; coordination; dan; data; decentralization; dengue; department; development; diseases; district; east; efforts; events; existence; extraordinary; fever; form; fund; government; grade; handling; health; health care; health center; health department; hiv; hospital; human; human resources; implementation; indonesia; institutions; java; kapasitas; kesehatan; local; local capacity; local government; management; masyarakat; medical; model; new; organization; pacitan; patient; penanganan; penelitian; penyakit; people; personnel; policy; problems; process; program; public; public health; regulations; related; research; resources; sampang; section; sector; service; social; sop; study; system; technical; tropical; tropical diseases; tropis; village; vol; workers; yang; year cache: ijtid-2955.pdf plain text: ijtid-2955.txt item: #158 of 271 id: ijtid-29599 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-29599.htm plain text: ijtid-29599.txt item: #159 of 271 id: ijtid-2992 author: Jayawardhana, Andi; Puspitasari, Heni; Meles, Dewa Ketut; Koesdarto, Setiawan title: THE IMMUNOSTIMULAN POTENTIAL OF TENGGULUN (PROTIUM JAVANICUM) LEAVES TOWARDS T CELL CD4+ AND IFNγ SECRETION ON PBMC CHICKEN date: 2017-03-30 words: 3973 flesch: 53 summary: The statistic results state that the secretion of CD4+ group which is not given immunostimuant and not inoculated by ND virus is lower than the treatment group (K+, P0, P1, P2). The statistic results state that the secretion of CD4+ group which is not given immunostimuant and not inoculated by ND virus is lower than the treatment group (K+, P0, P1, P2). keywords: average; cd4; cell; chicken; control; control group; cultures; dan; daun; deviation; different; disease; dmso; expression; extract; figure; fluorescent; group; higher; ifnγ; immune; immunocytochemistry; important; increase; infection; inflammatory; javanicum; leaf; leaves; macrophages; meniran; methanol; nd virus; newcastle; pbmc; plants; potential; protium; research; results; secretion; sekresi; specific; standard; system; table; tenggulun; tenggulun leaves; treatment; viral; virus; viruses cache: ijtid-2992.pdf plain text: ijtid-2992.txt item: #160 of 271 id: ijtid-30000 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-30000.htm plain text: ijtid-30000.txt item: #161 of 271 id: ijtid-3013 author: Perdhana, Fajar; Utariani, Arie; Semedi, Bambang Pujo; Setiawan, Philia title: BACTERIAL COLONY GROWTH IN THE VENTILATOR CIRCUIT OF THE INTENSIVE OBSERVATION UNIT AT RSUD Dr. SOETOMO SURABAYA date: 2017-03-30 words: 4098 flesch: 46 summary: The contamination suffered by some health workers may also play a role in ventilator circuit contamination; therefore, all treatments (such as sterilization, ventilator circuit formation, and ventilator circuit maintenance) must be performed aseptically.1,6–8 The increase of bacterial colony significantly on Day-3 to Day-7 in this research still cannot predict the main role of ventilator circuit in VAP contamination, because of the VAP’s complex pathogenesis and various factors possibly cause VAP. Samples for bacterial culture were taken from ventilator circuit and patient sputum on Day-0, Day-3 and Day-7.. keywords: acinetobacter; aeruginosa; bacterial; bacterial colony; bakteri; care; cfu/; circuit; colonization; colony; colony growth; cpis; culture; dan; day; days; difference; factors; group; growth; infection; koloni; mechanical; negative; observation; onset; pada; pasien; patient; pertumbuhan; pneumonia; pseudomonas; rate; research; result; rsud; samples; significant; sirkuit; soetomo; species; sputum; steril; steril steril; table; test; tract; unit; vap; ventilator; ventilator circuit; yang cache: ijtid-3013.pdf plain text: ijtid-3013.txt item: #162 of 271 id: ijtid-303 author: Redhono, Dhani title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND ANTIBODY SERUM IN OUTBREAKS ANTHRAX date: 2015-07-31 words: 3491 flesch: 52 summary: Anthrax manifestations in the skin with the advent of eschar 118 Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Vol. 5. Then in May 2011 in Sragen also occur the same thing and be some people who show symptoms of anthrax skin contact. keywords: adalah; animals; anthracis; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antraks; area; bacteria; blood; borderline; cases; clinical; clinical manifestations; contact; cutaneous; dan; dengan; diagnosis; direct; disease; edema; elisa; eschar; examination; factors; form; history; igg; indonesia; infected; infectious; inhalation; klinis; laboratory; lesions; manifestasi; manifestations; meat; negative; outbreak; pada; people; positif; positive; relationship; respondents; results; risk; serology; serum; signs; skin; spores; study; symptoms; table; tropical; vesicles; vol; wash; yang; years cache: ijtid-303.pdf plain text: ijtid-303.txt item: #163 of 271 id: ijtid-304 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-304.htm plain text: ijtid-304.txt item: #164 of 271 id: ijtid-305 author: Ardianto, Achmad; Khairunisa, Siti Qamariyah; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Witaningrum, Adiana Mutamsari; Qushay, M.; Juniastuti, Juniastuti; Rahayu, Retno Pudji; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Utomo, Budi; Lusida, Maria Inge; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: THE PREVALENCE OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFIENCY VIRUS-1 (HIV-1) SUBTYPES AND TRANSMISSION METHOD AMONG HIV/AIDS INFECTION PATIENT IN TULUNGAGUNG, EAST JAVA INDONESIA date: 2015-07-31 words: 3273 flesch: 58 summary: A molecular analysis is done toward nucleotide as a DNA HIV sequence result taken from patient’s plasma sample and compared with nucleotide sequences from HIV subtype which has been published before. In Indonesia, CRF01_AE continually dominates HIV epidemic, although HIV subtype B is responsible for a large amount of infection sexually transmitted. keywords: 72ºc; age; aids; analysis; art; asia; blood; characteristic; crf01_ae; cycles; dalam; dan; data; disease; drug; epidemic; fragment; general; greatest; health; heterosexual; hiv; hiv-1; hospital; human; indonesia; infected; infectious; iskak; japan; medicine; minute; molecular; negative; number; old; patients; pcr; penyebaran; people; plasma; pol; prevalence; ranges; recombinant; research; result; rna; sample; sex; subtype; surabaya; table; total; transmission; tropical; tulungagung; virus; vol; way; women; yang; years cache: ijtid-305.pdf plain text: ijtid-305.txt item: #165 of 271 id: ijtid-306 author: Gunawan, Endra; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: MANAGEMENT PATIENT OF SWINE INFLUENZA date: 2015-07-31 words: 4386 flesch: 45 summary: Once human are infected, they could transmitted the virus to one and another with the same way of influenza virus works through cough or sneeze.3 There are 3 type of swine influenza virus namely H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2. There are 3 type of influenza virus which are Influenza virus A, B and C. RNA nucleus consist eight segments of genee and surrounded by 10 layers of protein (influenza A) or 11 layers of protein (influenza B).2 Influenza virus A is divided into subtype based on two protein on the surface, Hemaglutinin (H) and Neuraminidase (N). keywords: adults; amoxiclav; antibiotics; antiviral; atypicals; babi; bacteria; case; cells; children; clarithromycin; clinical; complications; confirmation; contact; cough; criteria; daily; dan; days; dengan; disease; examination; fever; gneb; h1n1; high; hours; human; icu; ili; infection; influenza; influenza virus; levofloxacin; low; management; moderate; mrsa; mssa; new; non; oral; oseltamivir; pain; pandemic; patients; pig; pneumonia; replication; respiratory; risk; segment; severe; strep; subtype; swine; swine influenza; symptoms; table; test; therapy; tract; tropical; virus; viruses; vol; yang; years; zanamivir cache: ijtid-306.pdf plain text: ijtid-306.txt item: #166 of 271 id: ijtid-307 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-307.htm plain text: ijtid-307.txt item: #167 of 271 id: ijtid-30874 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-30874.htm plain text: ijtid-30874.txt item: #168 of 271 id: ijtid-31030 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-31030.htm plain text: ijtid-31030.txt item: #169 of 271 id: ijtid-3134 author: Lynoora, Eko Rianova; Rahmadewi, Rahmadewi title: SEZARY SYNDROME MIMICKING GENERALIZED PSORIASIS VULGARIS date: 2017-03-30 words: 2897 flesch: 53 summary: It is also indicated by the presence of atypical lymphocytes called Sezary cells. From a laboratory test, an increase in the number of leukocytes and, Sezary cells were found in peripheral blood smear examination; while the histopathology showed focal athrophy and acanthosis of the epidermis and dense infiltration of lymphocytes in the dermo-epidermal junction and superficial dermis. keywords: acad; acanthosis; alopecia; blood; body; case; cell; cell lymphoma; clinical; condition; cutaneous; cycle; dan; dengan; dense; dermatol; dermis; diagnosis; erythematous; examination; figure; focal; function; fungoides; general; histopathological; hospital; hyperkeratosis; lichenoides; liver; low; lymphadenopathy; lymphocytes; lymphoma; manifestation; methotrexate; mtx; mycosis; pada; pasien; patient; pemeriksaan; peripheral; pityriasis; plaques; prognosis; psoriasis; sel; sepsis; sezary; skin; syndrome; therapy; thick; treatment; vulgaris; yang cache: ijtid-3134.pdf plain text: ijtid-3134.txt item: #170 of 271 id: ijtid-3162 author: Tjahjono, Ganis; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Nasronudin, Nasronudin title: CLINICAL MANIFESTATION APPROACH OF DENGUE VIRAL INFECTION date: 2016-12-29 words: 5729 flesch: 51 summary: Liver involvement is common in dengue virus infection with a slight increase in serum transaminases. It is impressive when the host response to dengue virus infection through the formation of cytokines pro - inflammatory cytokines also formed simultaneously inhibitor against inflammation. keywords: aberrant; activation; acute; agustus; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; aptt; bleeding; blood; cases; cause; cd4; cd8; cells; clinical; coagulation; cytokines; damage; dan; days; dbd; dengue; dengue virus; dhf; disease; dss; endothelial; factors; fever; fibrinolysis; heat; hemorrhagic; hepatocytes; higher; host; ifn; il-6; immune; increase; infected; infection; intrinsic; journal; leakage; levels; liver; manifestation; mei; monocytes; ns1; pathogenesis; patients; peripheral; plasma; plasminogen; platelet; production; proteins; rantes; ratio; response; risk; role; secondary; sel; serotypes; serum; severe; severity; shock; specific; structural; surface; syndrome; synthesis; system; t cells; thrombocytopenia; time; tnfα; tpa; tropical; vascular; viral; virus; virus infection; vol; yang cache: ijtid-3162.pdf plain text: ijtid-3162.txt item: #171 of 271 id: ijtid-3163 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-3163.htm plain text: ijtid-3163.txt item: #172 of 271 id: ijtid-31916 author: Alifadiningrat, Dianira Hanum Febia; Puspitasari, Dwiyanti; Hernaningsih, Yetti title: Correlation Between Risk of Febrile Neutropenia Based on Rondinelli Score with Clinical Outcomes in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients date: 2022-04-28 words: 4431 flesch: 55 summary: This study aims to determine the relationship between the risk category for febrile neutropenia (FN) based on the Rondinelli score with clinical outcomes in FN patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in the Hematology-Oncology division of the child health department of RSUD Dr. Soetomo. This study aims to determine the relationship between the risk category for febrile neutropenia (FN) based on the Rondinelli score with clinical outcomes in FN patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in the Hematology-Oncology division of the child health department of RSUD Dr. Soetomo. keywords: access; acute; akut; anak; cancer; category; children; clinical; complications; correlation; dan; data; days; demam; dengan; department; duration; febrile; febrile neutropenia; fever; fn patients; health; hematology; high; higher; hospitalization; ijtid; infection; issn; january; journal; june; length; leukemia; limfoblastik; lla; longer; low; lymphoblastic; medical; moderate; neutropenia; oncology; outcomes; pada; pasien; patients; pediatric; previous; relationship; risk; rondinelli; rondinelli score; rsud; score; score category; severe; severity; share; signifi; soetomo; stay; study; surabaya; table; temperature; yang cache: ijtid-31916.pdf plain text: ijtid-31916.txt item: #173 of 271 id: ijtid-32087 author: Kurnia Desiandura; Asih Rahayu; Freshinta Jellia Wibisono title: Cat’s Liver Disease Detection with SGOT and SGPT Evaluation as a Gold Standard Diagnosis date: 2022-04-28 words: 4107 flesch: 70 summary: Sample Collection The sample was used for a blood chemistry test to determine cat SGOT and SGPT levels in cat blood serum. The data analysis results showed no signifi cant diff erence, which means that the high levels of cat SGOT and SGPT enzymes did not signifi cantly aff ect the origin of the cat. keywords: access; activity; blood; cats; cells; damage; dan; darah; dari; data; detection; diagnosis; disease; eff; enzymes; figure; gold; higher; ijtid; increase; issn; january; journal; kadar; kucing; laboratory; levels; liar; liver; liver disease; market; medicine; muscle; normal; open; pada; paracetamol; pck; peliharaan; penyakit; protein; research; results; sampel; samples; serum; sgot; sgpt; share; signifi; standard; stray; stray cats; surabaya; system; table; terdapat; test; tinggi; transaminase; value; veterinary; yang cache: ijtid-32087.pdf plain text: ijtid-32087.txt item: #174 of 271 id: ijtid-32119 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-32119.htm plain text: ijtid-32119.txt item: #175 of 271 id: ijtid-32209 author: Antonio Ayrton Widiastara; Gabriel Pedro Mudjianto; Etik Ainun Rohmah; Hengki Anggara Putra; Martha Indah Widia Ningtyas; Sri Wijayanti Sulistyawati; Suhintam Pusarawati; Fitriah; Kasiyama Desi Indriyani; Alpha Fardah Athiyyah; Basuki, Sukmawati title: The Longevity of Aedes aegypti Larvae in Several Water Sources in Surabaya date: 2022-04-28 words: 5037 flesch: 62 summary: However, in temephos water sources, the total number of mosquitoes and pupae were unmatched due to the other two pupae that died during the study. Fungi in water sources were examined. keywords: access; adult; aedes; aedes aegypti; aegypti; aegypti larvae; air; airlangga; april; available; average; ayrton; bar; bath; beaker; blue; breeding; cases; concentration; control; dalam; dan; days; dengan; dengue; development; diff; disease; dvi; eff; erent; faculty; figure; fungi; glass; group; health; iii; ijtid; indonesia; infectious; instar; issn; january; journal; kesehatan; laboratory; larvae; live; live larvae; longevity; medical; medicine; mineral; mineral water; mosquitoes; new; number; observation; open; pada; ppm; pupae; rain; share; signifi; sites; soapy; soapy water; sources; square; study; surabaya; tanpa; temephos; test; tropical; universitas; value; virus; vol; water; water sources; widiastara; yang cache: ijtid-32209.pdf plain text: ijtid-32209.txt item: #176 of 271 id: ijtid-3255 author: Susatyo, Jeffry Adijaya title: THE USAGE COMPARISON OF CEFTRIAXONE AND CHLORAMPHENICOL FOR TYPHOID FEVER TREATMENT: AN EVIDENCE BASED CASE REPORT date: 2017-03-30 words: 2054 flesch: 58 summary: However, there are evidences on reemergence of chloramphenicol sensitivity in typhoid fever treatment. No other study that compares the efficacy of ceftriaxone and chloramphenicol for typhoid fever treatment during the last ten years could be found during article searching. keywords: abstract; articles; ceftriaxone; chloramphenicol; clinical; conclusion; criteria; dalam; day; days; defervescence; demam; ebsco; efficacy; enteric; evidence; fever; hammad; indonesia; keywords; line; medicine; patients; pubmed; salmonella; sensitivity; shorter; study; tahun; tifoid; treatment; trial; typhi; typhoid; typhoid fever; years cache: ijtid-3255.pdf plain text: ijtid-3255.txt item: #177 of 271 id: ijtid-32631 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-32631.htm plain text: ijtid-32631.txt item: #178 of 271 id: ijtid-32699 author: Adinda Juwita Syakila Elizafanti; Maria Inge Lusida; Muhammad Miftahussurur; Alpha Fardah Athiyyah title: Human Norovirus Molecular Analysis and Development of Norovirus Vaccine date: 2022-04-28 words: 5658 flesch: 53 summary: This study aims to review available studies regarding the information on the genogroup norovirus in humans, development of norovirus vaccines, and effectiveness of norovirus vaccines. While the exclusion criteria in this review are works of literature on norovirus genogroup other than in humans and those on norovirus vaccines tested besides humans. keywords: access; acute; age; analysis; april; articles; assay; biosystems; bivalent; candidate; capsid; cases; cells; children; china; clinical; criteria; dan; data; development; diarrhea; direct; disease; elizafanti; epidemiology; et al; exclusion; fecal; finding; gastroenteritis; genogroup; genotypes; gii; gii.4; giv; health; hospital; human; ijtid; indonesia; infection; issn; january; juwita; like; literature; manusia; meta; methods; molecular; norovirus; norovirus infection; norovirus vaccine; nov; old; open; pada; participants; patients; pcr; placebo; population; positive; pubmed; region; research; results; review; rna; samples; scopus; screening; share; strains; studies; study; surabaya; syakila; sydney; systematic; table; taizhou; total; tropical; vaccine; vaksin; variables; viral; viruses; vlp; works; yang; years cache: ijtid-32699.pdf plain text: ijtid-32699.txt item: #179 of 271 id: ijtid-32908 author: Adhima, Fauziah; Wahyunitisari, Manik Retno ; Prasetyo, Risky Vitria ; Setiabudi, Rebekah Juniati title: Bacterial Profile and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern among Children with Urinary Tract Infections in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2022-08-08 words: 7426 flesch: 52 summary: This research received ethical approval from the health research ethics committee of Dr. Soetomo Hospital on November 26, 2020, with the letter number 0225/LOE/301.4.2/XI/2020. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of pediatric UTI patients Based on the urine culture logbook in pediatric UTI in July-October 2019, there were 211 data on patients aged one day – 18 years who performed urine culture examinations and antibiotic sensitivity tests at the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory of Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Thus, to prevent further resistance and provide empirical antibiotic options, this study aims to determine the profile of bacteria and antibiotics resistance pattern among UTI pediatric patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital. keywords: 0/13; access; addition; adhima; aeruginosa; age; amikacin; ampicillin; anak; antibiotic; antimicrobial; august; bacteria; bakteri; boys; cefazolin; cefotaxime; ceftriaxone; children; chronic; ciprofloxacin; clinical; coli; common; comorbidities; culture; dan; data; dengan; disease; distribution; drug; empirical; esbl; escherichia; faecalis; fauziah; gentamicin; girls; gram; health; high; hospital; hydrocephalus; hydronephrosis; ijtid; incidence; increase; india; indonesia; infections; initial; isolates; issn; journal; kidney; management; medicine; microbiology; month; negative; nitrofurantoin; open; pada; pasien; patients; pattern; pediatric; piperacillin; pneumoniae; positive; prevalence; profile; renal; resistance; resistensi; results; risk; sensitive; sensitivity; share; soetomo; study; sulfamethoxazole; surabaya; susceptibility; table; tetracycline; tigecycline; tract; treatment; trimethoprim; tropical; urinary; urinary tract; urine; uropathogens; uti; utis; vol; yang; years cache: ijtid-32908.pdf plain text: ijtid-32908.txt item: #180 of 271 id: ijtid-33076 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-33076.htm plain text: ijtid-33076.txt item: #181 of 271 id: ijtid-33118 author: Widowati, Yenny; Sugiri, Yani Jane; Putu, Ngakan; Setijowati, Nanik title: Association of IL – 23 R rs 7518660 Gene Polymorphism with Susceptibility and Disease Severity of Pulmonary Tuberculosis date: 2022-08-08 words: 6077 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: disease severity; IL-23 R rs 7518660 gene; polymorphism; pulmonary TB; susceptibility, ABSTRAK Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru merupakan masalah kesehatan global. Data obtained from dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang reached 21 new patients every month.7 Several pro-inflammatory cytokine variants are associated with the possibility of pulmonary TB, one of them is the IL-23 R rs 7518660 gene polymorphism. keywords: access; age; alel; allele; analysis; association; case; characteristics; chest; control; dan; data; dengan; disease; drug; drugsensitive; examination; frequency; gene; gene polymorphism; genexpert; genotype; group; healthy; higher; ijtid; il-23; il-23 r; issn; lesion; low; mycobacterium; mycobacterium tuberculosis; number; odds; open; p>0.05; patients; polymorphism; pulmonary; pulmonary tb; r rs; ratio; ray; relationship; research; resistant; resistant tb; results; risk; sensitive; sensitive tb; severity; share; significant; sputum; study; subjects; susceptibility; table; tb group; test; tuberculosis; value cache: ijtid-33118.pdf plain text: ijtid-33118.txt item: #182 of 271 id: ijtid-33381 author: Laurentia, Lisbeth Maria; Effendi, Rambu Farah title: Clinical Profiles, Laboratory, Radiological and Outcome of COVID-19 Elderly Patients in Waikabubak Regional General Hospital, West Sumba date: 2022-08-08 words: 4056 flesch: 58 summary: This study aims to analyze the correlation between clinical characteristics of elderly COVID-19 patients and severity of COVID-19 disease at Waikabubak Regional General Hospital. This study aims to analyse the correlation between clinical characteristics of elderly COVID-19 patients and the severity of COVID-19 disease. keywords: access; aged; alc; anemia; ards; bilateral; blood; breath; cases; characteristics; clinical; common; comorbidities; covid-19; covid-19 patients; covid19; dan; data; dengan; diabetes; disease; elderly; elderly patients; features; general; history; hospital; ijtid; indonesia; infected; infectious; issn; keparahan; klinis; laboratory; lansia; liu; med; mortality; nlr; obesity; open; outcome; p=0.001; pasien; patients; poor; profiles; radiological; regional; results; risk; severe; severity; share; shortness; study; sumba; symptoms; table; vaccine; viral; waikabubak; west; yang; years cache: ijtid-33381.pdf plain text: ijtid-33381.txt item: #183 of 271 id: ijtid-33535 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-33535.htm plain text: ijtid-33535.txt item: #184 of 271 id: ijtid-33768 author: Dhestina, Winnery; Santoso, Prayudi ; Sahiratmadja, Edhyana title: Proportion of Extrapulmonary MDR-TB Confirmed by GeneXpert® in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, West Java, Indonesia Year 2012–2021 date: 2022-08-08 words: 5310 flesch: 59 summary: In total, 15821 adults examined, MDR TB confirmed were 1900 adults, of whom 1799 pulmonary TB (PTB), including one miliary TB case, 6 exclusively extrapulmonary TB (EPTB), 11 combined EPTB with PTB, and 84 unknown data locations. TB MDR keywords: access; age; anti; available; bandung; cases; category; characteristics; collected; dan; data; dengan; diabetes; disease; drug; ekstra; eptb; extrapulmonary; extrapulmonary mdr; frequent; general; genexpert; hasan; health; history; hiv; hospital; ijtid; incidence; india; indonesia; infection; internet; issn; java; kesehatan; male; mdr; mdrtb; mtb; multidrug; non; old; open; paru; patients; population; primary; proportion; resistant; rifampicin; risk; sadikin; samples; share; similar; sites; studies; study; table; tahun; tb cases; tb patients; total; treatment; tuberculosis; underweight; west; xdr; yang; years cache: ijtid-33768.pdf plain text: ijtid-33768.txt item: #185 of 271 id: ijtid-34097 author: Ruby, Rivaldi; Arifin, Erlangga Saputra; Kurniawan, Sandy Vitria; Surja, Sem Samuel title: Germ Tube Induction Test Comparing Total of Six Liquid and Three Solid Media in Candida albicans date: 2023-04-08 words: 4999 flesch: 61 summary: While previous studies mainly assessed the sensitivity of each medium for germ tube test, this study also measured the number and length of germ tube formed after certain incubation period. Atalay MA, Koc AN, Parkan OM, Aydemir G, Elmali F, Sav H. Can serums be replaced by Mueller-Hinton agar in germ tube test? keywords: 90028; access; agar; albicans; atcc; atma; bhib; broth; candida; candida albicans; candidiasis; catholic; culture; disease; fbs; figure; formation; fungal; fungi; germ; germ tube; growth; health; high; highest; hours; human; human serum; hyphal; ijtid; incubation; indonesia; inducer; induction; infectious; international; invasive; issn; january; jaya; journal; krusei; length; license; media; medicine; medium; mhb; microbiology; morphogenesis; number; open; oxoid; period; results; school; sciences; serological; serum; sheep; study; table; test; tropical; tsb; tube; tube induction; type; united; university; wild cache: ijtid-34097.pdf plain text: ijtid-34097.txt item: #186 of 271 id: ijtid-3456 author: Rizaliansyah, Ferdian; Aryati, Aryati; Rusli, Musofa title: PLASMA LEAKAGE PROFILES OF DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER PATIENTS IN RSUD Dr. SOETOMO, SURABAYA, EAST JAVA, INDONESIA JANUARY – JUNE 2014 date: 2017-08-22 words: 3416 flesch: 53 summary: There are significant differences in plasma leakage manifestations between adult and pediatric patients which poses a theory that pediatric patients are more susceptible to have plasma leakage manifestations than adult patients. There are significant differences in plasma leakage manifestations between adult and pediatric patients which poses a theory that pediatric patients are more susceptible to have plasma leakage manifestations than adult patients. keywords: adult; adult patients; albumin; ascites; cases; classification; clinical; cxr; dari; data; dengue; dewasa; dhf; diagnosis; effusion; evidence; examination; fever; fluid; frequency; hematocrit; hemorrhagic; hospital; hypoalbuminemia; infection; january; kebocoran; leakage; level; manifestations; medicine; normal; pasien; patients; pediatric; pediatric patients; percentage; phase; physical; plasma; plasma leakage; pleural; presence; rsud; soetomo; study; surabaya; table; total; virus; volume cache: ijtid-3456.pdf plain text: ijtid-3456.txt item: #187 of 271 id: ijtid-34740 author: Prasetio, Firman Aji; Isfandiari, Muhammad Atoillah ; Nugroho, Agung title: Characteristics of Leptospirosis Cases in Pacitan District, East Java Province date: 2022-12-09 words: 3422 flesch: 58 summary: Age Figure 4. Distribution of Leptospirosis Cases by Age Group in Pacitan District in 2017–20198 Based on Figure 4 is showed that the number of Leptospirosis cases in Pacitan district in 2017–2019 was most prevalent in the age group of 40–49 years old by 20.45%, in the age group of 30-39 years old by 18.18%, then in the age group of 20–29 years old by 17.05%, age group 50–59 and age 60– 69 years old by 13.64%, in the age group >70 years old by 10.23%, and in the age group 10–19 years old by 6.82%, while in the age group 0–9 years old no cases. Distribution of Leptospirosis Cases by Jobs in Pacitan District in 2017–20198 Based on Figure 5, Leptospirosis cases in Pacitan district in 2017–2019 occurred most in people who worked as farmers (73.58%), while in students, private sector and workers Leptospirosis cases amounted to 5.66%. keywords: 2017–2019; access; age; april; aug; available; cases; cfr; characteristics; dan; data; disease; distribution; district; east; factors; faktor; fatality; figure; group; health; highest; ijtid; indonesia; ini; international; internet; issn; java; kabupaten; kasus; kesehatan; leptospirosis; leptospirosis cases; license; office; old; open; pacitan; pacitan district; pada; penelitian; person; place; rate; risk; season; study; sub; tahun; time; tropical; world; yang; years cache: ijtid-34740.pdf plain text: ijtid-34740.txt item: #188 of 271 id: ijtid-34898 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-34898.htm plain text: ijtid-34898.txt item: #189 of 271 id: ijtid-35072 author: Saad, Talha; Mishra, Satyendra ; Rai, Hindeshwari; Rawat, Sumit Kumar title: Long-term Consequences, Chances of Re-infection, and Outcomes among Cases Recovered with Severe COVID-19 at a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India date: 2022-12-09 words: 3469 flesch: 58 summary: Sex Wise Distribution of Re-infected Patient Re-infection rate among recovered ICU admitted seriously ill patients was 1.4% whereas the rate of ICU re-admission due to COVID re-infection was only 0.7%. Re-infection rates among recovered ICU admitted seriously ill patients were 1.4% whereas the rate of ICU re- admission due to COVID-19 re-infection was only 0.7%. keywords: access; age; analysis; antara; associated; available; care; cases; chances; clinical; cohort; consequences; covid-19; dan; disease; et al; female; follow; icu; ijtid; india; infected; infection; infeksi; initial; international; issn; journal; license; long; males; medical; meta; old; open; outcomes; pada; pasien; patients; pcr; persons; positive; positivity; rate; recovered; recurrence; research; review; sars; second; severe; severity; studies; study; symptoms; systematic; term; tingkat; ulang; wave; yang; years cache: ijtid-35072.pdf plain text: ijtid-35072.txt item: #190 of 271 id: ijtid-35162 author: Ruby, Rivaldi; Arifin, Erlangga Saputra; Charens title: The Curative Innovation of Novel Triple-Drug Compared to Double-Drug Regimen in Lymphatic Filariasis: A Systematic Review date: 2022-12-09 words: 5726 flesch: 53 summary: The fact that limitation arises from single drug with standard doses can be covered by other drugs. The main findings are as follows: (a) Administration of single dose of triple-drug regimen resulted in a total elimination of microfilaria 12 months after treatment whilst 91% participants given with double-drug remained microfilaremic (p=0.002); (b) In larger samples (n=182), triple drug cleared microfilaria in 96% of the participants and only 32% of the participants receiving double-drug regimen after 12 months observation; (c) Statistically, the triple-drug safety has a lower degree than the double-drug regimen (p=0.02). keywords: abstract; access; adverse; aes; alb; albendazole; analysis; assessment; bancroftian; better; bias; bjerum; clearance; clin; combination; criteria; curative; data; dec; december; diethylcarbamazine; differences; disease; dose; double; drug; drug regimen; efficacy; elephantiasis; elimination; et al; events; filariasis; follow; global; group; health; higher; ijtid; infectious; innovation; international; issn; ivermectin; ivm; king; license; lymphatic; lymphatic filariasis; microfilaria; months; novel; obat; open; organization; participants; patients; pharmacokinetics; posttreatment; randomized; regimen; result; review; risk; ruby; safety; search; single; studies; study; systematic; terapi; terms; therapy; tiga; total; treatment; trial; triple; tropical; world; yang; year cache: ijtid-35162.pdf plain text: ijtid-35162.txt item: #191 of 271 id: ijtid-36053 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-36053.htm plain text: ijtid-36053.txt item: #192 of 271 id: ijtid-36477 author: Juliasih, Ni Njoman ; Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Sari, Reny Mareta ; Nuha, Zakiyathun; Soegijanto, Soegeng title: Knowledge and Attitudes of Dengue Virus Infection Transmission and Its Relationship with Eradication Action Program in Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2022-08-08 words: 3537 flesch: 58 summary: The incidence of Dengue virus infection is caused, among others, due to high mobility, population density, environmental conditions, and the community's behaviour.6 Cases of dengue virus infection in East Java Province in 2020 were 8,567 cases.7 Surabaya City is one of the cities in east java with the highest number of dengue virus infection cases in all work areas, with 73 cases.5 Public knowledge and attitude about the dengue virus and its transmission process can be increased by developing, modifying, and intervening in the people controlling dengue virus infection. keywords: access; action; aedes; age; analysis; attitude; characteristics; city; compliance; control; dan; dengue; dengue virus; dhf; disease; education; fever; health; high; history; ijtid; indonesia; infection; issn; january; jawa; kepatuhan; kesehatan; knowledge; masyarakat; mosquito; open; pengetahuan; people; plus; population; prevention; profil; profil kesehatan; provinsi; psn; public; relationship; respondents; results; share; study; surabaya; table; timur; total; transmission; tropical; value; vector; virus; virus infection; work; yang cache: ijtid-36477.pdf plain text: ijtid-36477.txt item: #193 of 271 id: ijtid-3705 author: Perdana, Rizka Fathoni; Herawati, Sri; Suroso, Bakti; Aksono, Eduardus Bimo title: NO ASSOCIATION OF RECURRENT RESPIRATORY PAPILLOMATOSIS AGGRESSIVENESS AND HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS TYPE 6 AND 11 date: 2017-11-29 words: 3677 flesch: 60 summary: Non aggressive RRP consist of 2 patients with HPV-6 (28,6% of total HPV-6 patients) and 1 patients (33,33%) of HPV-11 patients. Papilloma specimens were taken from patients who underwent surgical treatment of RRP patients and subjected HPV typing. keywords: adult; age; aggressive; aggressiveness; airway; association; breath; buchinsky11; cause; children; common; course; criterias; dan; diagnosis; disease; distal; growth; hoarseness; hospital; hpv; hpv-11; hpv-6; human; infection; juvenile; laryngeal; larynx; mean; median; mls; months; need; non; number; obstruction; onset; pada; papilloma; papillomatosis; papillomavirus; patients; penderita; penyakit; range; recurrent; respiratory; result; rrp; study; surgeries; surgery; symptoms; therapy; times; tipe; total; tracheotomy; type; visit; yang; years cache: ijtid-3705.pdf plain text: ijtid-3705.txt item: #194 of 271 id: ijtid-3715 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-3715.htm plain text: ijtid-3715.txt item: #195 of 271 id: ijtid-3716 author: Sakti, Hastaning title: Cognitive Behavior Change for the Improvement of Health Care, Cognitive Function and School Achievement in Helminth Infected Children date: 2010-04-01 words: 4990 flesch: 49 summary: The objective of the baseline data collection on knowledge, attitude, and practice of school children and their parent was to assess the health behavior on worm infection, personal hygiene and health care behavior. This test administered in class for the children, and for parents by home visit and environmental condition that had been observed during visit, including potable water resources, the latrine, the place to wash hands, etc. school achievement test This study used a set of school achievement test instrument that was developed by Indonesian Partnership of Child Development, 1997. keywords: ability; achievement; affected; ascaris; attention; attitude; behavior; care; central; change; children; cognitive; comprehension; condition; control; correlation; development; digit; effect; family; function; group; health; helminth; hookworm; improvement; indonesian; infection; infestation; information; intervention; java; knowledge; language; level; lumbricoides; mathematics; memory; mothers; natural; oxyuris; parents; practice; reasoning; research; result; sakti; school; science; significant; span; stroop; study; test; trichiura; trichuris; vermicularis; vol; working cache: ijtid-3716.pdf plain text: ijtid-3716.txt item: #196 of 271 id: ijtid-3717 author: Anggraini, Rahayu title: 3’UTR Polymorphism of NRAMP1 Gene and Susceptibility to Lung Tuberculosis among Patients and Nurses in Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2010-04-04 words: 3916 flesch: 59 summary: The frequencies of the D543N, 3’UTR, INT4, and 274C/T polymorphism NRAMP1 gene mutation in lung tuberculosis patients and healthy nurses were compared using Fisher Exact test for frequencies D543N because certain cell is zero, and Chi-square statistical method for D543N, 3’UTR, INT4, and 274C/T polymorphism NRAMP1 gene see table 1. Numbers of bands seen after agarose gels electrophoresis, genotype C/C : 102bp, 65bp, 37bp, ��Anggraini: 3'UTR Polymorphism of NRAMP1 gene and 12bp (4 bands), genotype C/T : 167bp, 102bp, 65bp, 37bp, and 12bp (5 bands), and genotype T/T : 167bp, 37bp, and 12bp (3 bands). keywords: 12bp; 244bp; 274c; 37bp; 3’utr; agarose; allele; bacilli; bands; base; blood; ccc; d543n; del; disease; dna; electrophoresis; enzyme; figure; fragments; gene; genetic; genomic; genotype; germany; healthy; indonesia; infectious; int4; lung; macrophage; mannheim; natural; normal; nramp1; nramp1 gene; nurses; pair; patients; pcr; polymorphism; primer; protein; resistance; restriction; rflp; roche; science; study; surabaya; susceptibility; tail; tgtg; tuberculosis; vol cache: ijtid-3717.pdf plain text: ijtid-3717.txt item: #197 of 271 id: ijtid-3718 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-3718.htm plain text: ijtid-3718.txt item: #198 of 271 id: ijtid-3719 author: Rinasari, Umi; Sawitri, Sawitri; Listiawan, M. Yulianto; Prakoeswa, Cita Rosita; Agusni, Indropo; Santoso, Rachmat; Izumi, Shinzo title: Histoid Leprosy date: 2010-04-01 words: 3304 flesch: 54 summary: The interplay of genetic factors, immune response and treatment received in a given patient seems to influence the manifestations of histoid leprosy.9 Treatment of histoid leprosy includes not only antimycobacterial chemotherapy, but also patient education about the disease, treatment of reactions, monitoring for and care of nerve damage, care of any disability, social support, physical and occupational therapy, and rehabilitation.8 Although, there is no clear recommendation regarding the treatment regimens for histoid leprosy, it has been treated on the lines of multibacillary leprosy9 and its managed by initially giving ROM therapy with Rifampicin 600 mg, Ofloxacin 400 mg, Minocycline 200 mg once, which is followed by multidrug regiment therapy.7,12 �� Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Vol. keywords: acid; apr; bacilli; bacteriological; biopsy; case; characteristic; clinical; dapsone; diagnosis; disease; elbow; examination; fast; features; figure; firm; histiocytes; histoid; histoid leprosy; histopathological; histopathology; history; ijtid; index; left; leprae; lepromatous; leprosy; lesions; lobes; macrophages; mdt; months; multibacillary; multiple; nodules; normal; novo; patient; pcr; shiny; skin; slit; smear; spindle; therapy; thumb; tickening; treatment; variant; vol; years cache: ijtid-3719.pdf plain text: ijtid-3719.txt item: #199 of 271 id: ijtid-3720 author: Wardhani, Shinta Oktya; Burhan, Niniek; Ismanoe, Gatoet; Yudani, Tri title: Correlation between soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor with CD4 T lymphocyte and WHO clinical staging of HIV infection date: 2010-04-01 words: 2599 flesch: 50 summary: Correlation between soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor with CD4 T lymphocyte 1 replication and negatively to CD4 T-cell depletion.5,6,7,8 SuPAR is a component of the plasminogen activation system, which comprises urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR).10 uPAR is expressed on a variety of different immune cells such as macrophage, T lymphocyte, NK cells, dendritic cell and langerhans cells.10,11 suPAR is generated by either proteolytic cleavage or shedding from cells.10,11 SuPAR concentrations are increased and prognostic in a variety of inflammatory including HIV infection.10 The blood level of the soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is increased in untreated human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection and decreases in HIV-1-infected patients after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).12,13,14,15 The plasma concentration of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR, CD87) is a strong independent predictor of mortality in untreated patients with HIV-1 infection. Correlation between soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor with CD4 T lymphocyte 29. keywords: activator; activator receptor; aids; antiretroviral; assay; blood; cd4; cell; clinical; concentrations; control; correlation; count; criteria; dan; disease; eugen; hiv; hiv infection; human; iii; immune; immunodeficiency; indonesia; infected; infection; level; lymphocyte; macrophage; marker; med; negative; olsen; ostrowski; patients; plasma; plasminogen; plasminogen activator; progression; receptor; samples; significant; soluble; soluble urokinase; stage; staging; status; study; supar; test; therapy; treatment; type; university; urokinase; vol cache: ijtid-3720.pdf plain text: ijtid-3720.txt item: #200 of 271 id: ijtid-3721 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-3721.htm plain text: ijtid-3721.txt item: #201 of 271 id: ijtid-3722 author: Adriaty, Dinar; Wahyuni, Ratna; Iswahyudi, Iswahyudi; Agusni, Indropo; Izumi, Shinzo title: TTC Repeats Variation of Mycobacterium leprae Isolates for Analysis of Leprosy Transmission in Leprosy Endemic Area in East Java, INDONESIA date: 2010-04-01 words: 4033 flesch: 57 summary: The aim of this study is to detect the presence of M.leprae in environment of endemic leprosy area and to analyze the variation number of TTC repeats and their distribution in leprosy endemic area especially in East Java province. January–April 2010 Research Report TTC Repeats Variation of Mycobacterium leprae Isolates for Analysis of Leprosy Transmission in Leprosy Endemic Area in East Java, INDONESIA dinar adriaty, ratna Wahyuni, iswahyudi, indropo agusni, and shinzo izumi Leprosy Study Group, Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University abstract East Java province still has some pocket of leprosy endemic areas. keywords: amplification; analysis; apr; area; bacilli; cases; contact; control; cycler; detection; disease; distribution; dna; east; endemic; environment; gene; household; ijtid; infection; island; isolates; jan; java; lane; leprosy; m.leprae; microbiol; min; mycobacterium; nasal; number; patients; pcr; poteran; prevalence; primers; product; repeats; report; resources; samples; sec; sequencing; skin; slit; strain; study; swabs; tissues; transmission; ttc; ttc repeats; typing; variation; vol; water cache: ijtid-3722.pdf plain text: ijtid-3722.txt item: #202 of 271 id: ijtid-3724 author: de Vries, Garry Cores; Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti; Rahardjo, Dadik title: New Biotype of Vibrio cholerae O1 from Clinical Isolates in Surabaya date: 2010-04-01 words: 4378 flesch: 61 summary: One of these groups yielded the fingerprints found with other El Tor strains (Coelho et al., 1995 and Lipp et al., 2003), and the other group, comprising five strains Hokojima and denominated in Surabaya- Indonesian variant in 2009–2010, produced fingerprints different from those of the other pathogenic groups studied straina placeb date serotype type VF-195 Surabaya September 2009 Hikojima VF-196 Surabaya September 2009 Ogawa - VF-200 Surabaya December 2009 Hikojima VF-217 Surabaya January 2010 ? El Tor cholera Vibrio in a new robe. keywords: agar; antimicrobial; antisera; antiserum; apr; biotype; cholerae; cholerae o1; classical; clinical; coelho; detection; dna; el tor; environment; et al; february; fingerprints; genes; group; hikojima; hours; identification; ijtid; inaba; indonesian; isolates; jan; june; laboratory; march; microbiology; negative; new; o139; ogawa; ogawa el; oligonucleotides; oxidase; pathogenic; pcr; polymyxin; positive; results; september; serotype; strains; study; surabaya; surabaya february; susceptibility; tcbs; testing; tests; tor; toxin; variant; vibrio; vibrio cholerae; vol cache: ijtid-3724.pdf plain text: ijtid-3724.txt item: #203 of 271 id: ijtid-37427 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-37427.htm plain text: ijtid-37427.txt item: #204 of 271 id: ijtid-3757 author: Lusida, Terrence Timothy Evan; Hermanto, Bambang; Sudarno, Sudarno title: THE ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ROSELLE (Hibiscus sabdariffa) EXTRACT AGAINST Staphylococcus epidermidis IN VITRO date: 2017-08-22 words: 2636 flesch: 46 summary: No. 4 January–April 2017 Research Report THE ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT OF ROSELLE (Hibiscus sabdariffa) EXTRACT AGAINST Staphylococcus epidermidis IN VITRO Terrence Timothy Evan Lusida1a, Bambang Hermanto2, Sudarno3 1 Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 2 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 3 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya a Corresponding author: ABSTRACT Infection of Staphylococcus epidermidis is still a common problem in many hospitals. While minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), the last concentration before the concentration where the bacteria are still viable, is 1.95 mg/mL. Based on the result of the research, the Roselle calyx ethanol extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa) through dilution method with a concentration of 1.95 mg / mL can kill Staphylococcus epidermidis and in order to find MIC in collored and turbid solution (before being incubated in incubator), we can consider using agar dilution methode or microdilution methode. keywords: ability; activity; adalah; agar; antibacterial; antimicrobial; bakteri; biofilm; broth; calyx; concentration; control; dan; dengan; dilakukan; dilution; disease; effect; ekstrak; epidermidis; ethanol; extract; flavonoids; food; formation; growth; hibiscus; hibiscus sabdariffa; hinton; hours; infectious; ini; konsentrasi; mbc; medical; medicine; menggunakan; methode; mic; mueller; penelitian; plant; plate; research; result; roselle; sabdariffa; staphylococcus; staphylococcus epidermidis; sterility; table; tabung; untuk; yang cache: ijtid-3757.pdf plain text: ijtid-3757.txt item: #205 of 271 id: ijtid-3806 author: Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Churrotin, Siti; Setyawati, Harsasi; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Martak, Fahimah; Soegijanto, Soegeng title: ANTIVIRAL ACTIVITY OF COPPER(II)CHLORIDE DIHYDRATE AGAINST DENGUE VIRUS TYPE-2 IN VERO CELL date: 2017-08-22 words: 2912 flesch: 48 summary: Ribavirin has shown activity against all flaviviruses tested in a broad array of cell types in vitro but efficacy in vivo has generally been poor, ribavirin can be toxic in vivo.6 A compound that exhibited a lower effective dose and toxicity than ribavirin while retaining its broad spectrum of activity would be particularly desirable as a candidate flavivirus therapy.5 Copper and copper compounds have been used as important Purpose in this project was investigated of Copper(II) chloride Dihydrate antiviral compound were further tested for inhibitory effect on the replication of DENV-2 in cell culture. keywords: activity; adalah; antibacterial; antiviral; antivirus; assay; cc50; cells; chem; compound; concentration; copper; copper(ii)chloride; copper(ii)chloride dihydrate; culture; cytotoxicity; dalam; dan; dengan; dengue; denv-2; dihidrat; dihydrate; disease; dna; effect; effective; elisa; health; hiv; human; ic50; immunodeficiency; inactivation; indonesia; infection; influenza; inhibition; inhibitory; ini; ions; konsentrasi; mosquito; nanoparticles; number; pada; penghambatan; protease; replication; research; result; ribavirin; science; sel; senyawa; significant; study; technology; tembaga; toksisitas; tropical; type-2; vero; virus; yang cache: ijtid-3806.pdf plain text: ijtid-3806.txt item: #206 of 271 id: ijtid-39206 author: Astuti, Suryani Dyah; Muhamad, Alfian Baggraf ; Rahmatillah, Akif ; Yaqubi, Ahmad Khalil; Susilo, Yunus ; Aji , Angger Krisna title: Electronic Nose (E-Nose) for Quality Detection of Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Contaminated Bacteria date: 2023-04-08 words: 7069 flesch: 57 summary: In comparison to samples or compounds with weak aromas or low concentrations of gaseous compounds, E-Nose sensors respond more strongly (signal amplitude) to samples with stronger aromas and higher concentrations of gaseous compounds. As an alternative to olfactory receptors, which are responsible for detecting smells or scents, the E-Nose is made up of a variety of gas sensors. keywords: 825; access; accuracy; air; analysis; april; aroma; array; astuti; bacteria; component; contaminated; contamination; data; detection; digital; disease; dyah; electronic; electronic nose; figure; fish; food; form; gas; gas sensor; graph; h2s; hours; ijtid; indonesian; infectious; international; issn; january; journal; license; life; main; method; microbial; negative; nose; number; olfactory; open; order; output; pattern; pca; period; plot; ppm; preheating; principal; process; processing; quality; radar; raw; recovery; research; response; results; salmonella; salmonella typhi; sample; science; score; sensor; shelf; smell; study; surabaya; suryani; system; technology; test; tgs; thunnus; time; tropical; tuna; tuna fish; type; typhi; typhi bacteria; validation; value; variables; voltage cache: ijtid-39206.pdf plain text: ijtid-39206.txt item: #207 of 271 id: ijtid-39466 author: Halim, Samuel; Hartono, Bryan Arista title: Severe Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) with Multiple Organ Failure in Urban Setting: A Case Report date: 2023-04-08 words: 2539 flesch: 49 summary: This objective is to increase awareness and treatment option for further severe leptospirosis cases Keywords: dialysis; fluid therapy; leptospirosis, multi organ failure; Weil’s Disease Highlights: . The objective of this report is to increase awareness and as the reference consideration to treat severe leptospirosis in further cases. keywords: access; acute; anti; antibiotics; available; care; case; dialysis; disease; failure; fever; function; ijtid; indonesia; infectious; international; issn; january; journal; kidney; leptospirosis; license; liver; medicine; monitoring; normal; open; organ; patient; reactive; renal; replacement; report; risk; septic; severe; shock; study; supportive; symptoms; therapy; treatment; tropical; urine; weil cache: ijtid-39466.pdf plain text: ijtid-39466.txt item: #208 of 271 id: ijtid-39494 author: Endraswari, Pepy; Mertaniasih, Ni Made ; Setiawan, Firman; Paramita, Ayu Lidya title: Epidemiology of Escherichia coli as a Critical Pathogen of Bloodstream Infection Patients in Tertiary Referral Hospital date: 2022-12-09 words: 4685 flesch: 42 summary: The antimicrobial resistance pattern of tested antimicrobials against E. coli from bloodstream infection patients in Table 5 revealed a high proportion of strains of E. coli were resistant to Ampicillin (93%), Piperacillin (74%), and tetracycline (72%). 19,20,21 Globally, an 8-fold growth in the bowel carriage rate of ESBL E. coli in the community during the last decade. keywords: access; age; aliran; ampicillin; analysis; antibiotics; antimicrobial; available; bacteria; bloodstream; bloodstream infection; bsi; carbapenem; care; central; cephalosporins; characteristics; clinical; coli; community; control; critical; culture; dan; darah; data; diagnosis; disease; drug; e. coli; epidemiology; esbl; escherichia; escherichia coli; et al; factors; fold; gram; high; hospital; ijtid; incidence; indonesia; infection; international; internet; issn; journal; lactamase; license; malignancy; mdro; microbiology; microorganisms; mortality; negative; neoplasm; non; number; open; outcomes; pathogen; patients; piperacillin; primary; profile; proportion; referral; resistance; review; risk; september; soetomo; spectrum; strains; study; surabaya; table; tertiary; therapy; yang; years cache: ijtid-39494.pdf plain text: ijtid-39494.txt item: #209 of 271 id: ijtid-39532 author: Ariobimo, Bonfilio Neltio; Nujum, Nurun; Saputro, Daniel Ponco Harto title: Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis Associated with Hepatitis A Viral Infection: A Case Report date: 2023-04-08 words: 3364 flesch: 42 summary: The discovery of VHA antigen during immunohistochemical analysis in the gallbladder wall of a patient exhibiting ANC while VHA confirms the causal relationship between VHA and ANC.3 Hepatitis A individuals with noticeably abnormal liver function tests should be tested if they are suspected of having acalculous cholecystitis of unknown cause.4,6,12 Depending on the clinical appearance, several acute acalculous cholecystitis related with acute viral hepatitis treatments are available.12 Acute acalculous cholecystitis in a child with hepatitis A infection. keywords: abdominal; absence; acalculous; acalculous cholecystitis; access; acute; acute acalculous; acute cholecystitis; adult; alt; april; ariobimo; ast; bile; cases; cholecystitis; complication; condition; day; direct; disease; duct; emergency; extrahepatic; female; fluid; function; gallbladder; hav; hepatitis; hospital; ijtid; infection; inflammation; instances; international; issn; license; liver; med; mortality; normal; open; pain; patients; rare; report; sludge; stones; symptoms; test; thickening; treatment; viral; viral hepatitis; virus; wall; young cache: ijtid-39532.pdf plain text: ijtid-39532.txt item: #210 of 271 id: ijtid-40266 author: Fahmita, Karin Dhia; Soegiarto, Gatot; Wulandari, Laksmi; Purnomosari, Dewajani title: Impact of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases to Immune Response in COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review date: 2023-04-08 words: 3866 flesch: 50 summary: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Impact of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases Hypertension accounted for lower antibody response in COVID-19 vaccination which was stated in all adjuvant vaccine studies and in most of mRNA vaccine studies. keywords: 44–51; access; analysis; antibody; appraisal; april; beta; blood; bnt162b2; cardiovascular; cell; clinical; coefficient; cohort; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 vaccination; covid-19 vaccine; diabetes; disease; effectiveness; efficacy; et al; factors; high; hypertension; ijtid; immune; impact; inactivated; indonesia; infection; international; issn; january; journal; keywords; license; lower; medicine; meta; mrna; multivariate; omicron; open; patients; pressure; response; review; sars; significant; studies; study; systematic; table; tropical; vaccination; vaccine; virus; vol; workers; y y cache: ijtid-40266.pdf plain text: ijtid-40266.txt item: #211 of 271 id: ijtid-40482 author: Agel, H. Esra title: Portable and Battery-Operated Isothermal Amplification Device Validation for Onsite Analysis of M. tuberculosis “DNA Hunter” date: 2023-04-08 words: 6034 flesch: 63 summary: DNA Hunter device was designed with 6 wells using Solidworks® software (DSS Solidworks 2016) and shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. There is a need for portable devices that will enable rapid diagnosis kits to be used in the field for early diagnosis and treatment. keywords: + +; 1–11; access; acid; agel; amplification; analysis; april; arb; assay; battery; care; change; clin; colorimetric; control; cost; culture; detection; device; diagnosis; different; digital; disease; dna; esra; evaluation; false; field; figure; health; hunter; ijtid; important; indonesian; infectious; international; isothermal; issn; january; journal; kit; laboratory; lamp; license; loop; low; method; microbiol; minutes; mix; molecular; mtb; negative; nucleic; open; pcr; pink; poc; point; portable; positive; primers; rapid; reaction; real; results; samples; sputum; study; system; temperature; test; testing; time; total; tropical; tuberculosis; use; validation; vol; zhang cache: ijtid-40482.pdf plain text: ijtid-40482.txt item: #212 of 271 id: ijtid-4159 author: Zharfan, Rahmat Sayyid; Purwono, Priyo Budi; Mustika, Arifa title: ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF PINEAPPLE (ANANAS COMOSUS L. MERR) EXTRACT AGAINST MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA: AN IN VITRO STUDY date: 2017-11-29 words: 3910 flesch: 37 summary: Ananas comosus L. Merr, antimikroba, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Multidrug Resistant, nanas introduction Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is a Gram- negative bacterium which is categorized as an opportunistic pathogen that infects impaired immunity individuals.1 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of nosocomial infections and it is responsible for 10% of hospital-acquired infections.2 Keywords: Ananas comosus L. Merr, antimicrobial, Multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pineapple abstrak Pseudomonas aeruginosa adalah penyebab utama infeksi nosokomial, dan bertanggung jawab pada sekitar 10% kasus infeksi di rumah sakit. keywords: acquired; active; activity; aeruginosa; agar; agents; ananas; ananas comosus; antibacterial; antibiotics; antimicrobial; aureus; bacterial; bactericidal; beta; bromelain; broth; buah; cefoperazone; cell; comosus; comosus l.; compounds; concentration; control; dan; distilled; ekstrak; extract; fruit; gram; group; growth; hours; inhibition; inhibitory; l. merr; mbc; mechanism; medium; membrane; merr; minimum; multidrug; multidrug resistant; negative; nutrient; pineapple; positive; pseudomonas; pseudomonas aeruginosa; replication; research; resistant; resistant pseudomonas; saponin; specimen; studies; study; sulbactam; terhadap; test; tube; universitas; vol; water cache: ijtid-4159.pdf plain text: ijtid-4159.txt item: #213 of 271 id: ijtid-42672 author: Wihanto, Laura; Waworuntu, Gladdy Lysias; Tedyanto, Cecilia Putri; Puspitasari, Heni title: Moringa oleifera Leaf Ethanol Extract Inhibits Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoites Replication date: 2023-04-08 words: 4438 flesch: 55 summary: The infected group were divided as follows: negative control group (Group I) received CMC-Na solution 0.5 mL/mice orally as a placebo, positive control group (Group II) received spiramycin 100 mg/kg W, group III received M. oleifera leaf ethanol extract 250 mg/kg BW, group IV received M. oleifera leaf ethanol extract 500 mg/kg BW, and group V received M. oleifera leaf ethanol extract 1000 mg/kg BW. This research proved the effectiveness of M. oleifera leaf ethanol extract in inhibiting tachyzoites replication. keywords: access; alkaloids; analysis; anti; compounds; control; count; disease; doses; drug; effect; ethanol; ethanol extract; experimental; extract; figure; flavonoids; fluid; gondii; group; health; ijtid; indonesia; infected; infectious; international; intraperitoneal; issn; january; kg bw; leaf; leaf ethanol; leaves; license; light; maceration; mice; moringa; moringa oleifera; negative; number; oleifera; oleifera leaf; open; phenols; phytochemical; positive; replication; research; results; saponins; spiramycin; steroids; surabaya; table; tachyzoites; tannins; test; tlc; toxoplasma; toxoplasmosis; tropical; values; wihanto cache: ijtid-42672.pdf plain text: ijtid-42672.txt item: #214 of 271 id: ijtid-43097 author: Purnamasidhi, Cokorda Agung Wahyu; Somia, I Ketut Agus; Junior, Darren; Suteja, Richard Christian ; Adiputra, I Komang Hotra; Purnama, Giovanca Verentzia; Weisnawa, I Gede Purna; Jerry; Wulandari, Putu Kintan; Shanti, Dewa Ayu Fony Prema; Diksha, I Gusti Ngurah Ariestha Satya title: Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Critical and Non-Critical Elderly COVID-19 Patients in Udayana University Academic Hospital: A Retrospective Study date: 2023-04-08 words: 4520 flesch: 57 summary: Based on the results, a multimodal approach in the treatment of elderly COVID-19 patients is very essential. The benefit of this study through its description and comparison is for clinicians to be able to provide a more structured and comprehensive approach towards elderly COVID-19 patients. keywords: academic; access; ace2; addition; age; aging; antiviral; april; available; cases; characteristics; clinical; common; covid-19; covid-19 patients; covid19; critical; critical elderly; critical patients; data; disease; elderly; elderly covid-19; elderly patients; epidemiological; features; fever; higher; hospital; ijtid; indonesia; international; internet; issn; kidney; laboratory; license; liver; lymphocyte; male; march; median; mortality; neutrophil; non; old; open; patients; profile; rate; results; retrospective; sars; severity; studies; study; symptoms; table; test; therapy; treatment; udayana; university; value; years cache: ijtid-43097.pdf plain text: ijtid-43097.txt item: #215 of 271 id: ijtid-440 author: Aprillian, Risky; Rahardjo, Dadik; Koesdarto, Setiawan title: EVALUATION OF Salmonella sp CONTAMINATION AND ITS ANTIBIOTICS RESISTANCE PATTERNS ISOLATED FROM BROILER MEAT SOLD AT WET MARKET IN CENTER OF SURABAYA date: 2015-12-11 words: 2528 flesch: 46 summary: This study aimed to determine the contamination of Salmonella sp and its antibiotics resistance patterns of Salmonella sp isolated from broiler meat sold at wet market in the Center of Surabaya: (a) Pasar Kembang, (b) Pasar Kupang, (c) Pasar Dukuh Kupang, (d) Pasar Kedungsari, (e) Pasar Kedungdoro and (f) Pasar Keputran. The results of this study were found 90% or 27 of 30 samples positive contaminated with Salmonella sp. keywords: acid; agar; airlangga; amikacin; ampicillin; antibiotics; bacteria; broiler; center; change; contamination; dan; dari; dna; enrichment; enzyme; gene; isolates; kupang; market; meat; media; meropenem; method; nalidixic; ofloxacin; oxoid; pada; pasar; positive; resistance; salmonella; samples; specimens; sulbactam; surabaya; susceptibility; terhadap; test; total; uji; veterinary; wet; yang cache: ijtid-440.pdf plain text: ijtid-440.txt item: #216 of 271 id: ijtid-442 author: Widiyanti, Prihartini; Sardjono, Tri Arif title: PROFILE OF HEMATOCRIT LEVEL CAPTURED BY DIGITAL HEMATOCRIT TEST date: 2015-12-11 words: 1891 flesch: 56 summary: Average Hb values of all the male data is 13,328 g/dl approaching the normal range of Hb values which is 13.5–18 g/dl for male.5 While the average male HCt value of all male samples is 39,976% approaching the normal range of HCt in male which are 40–54%.5 HbO2 and Hb values are the result of constituent values of saturation (SaO2). keywords: absorption; aedes; average; dan; data; dengue; dhf; dht; digital; disease; east; electrical; female; fever; figure; hct; hematocrit; hemoglobin; indonesia; invasive; kadar; laboratory; level; male; non; normal; oleh; patient; range; receiver; result; saturation; signal; spo2; symptoms; test; value; virus; voltage; yang cache: ijtid-442.pdf plain text: ijtid-442.txt item: #217 of 271 id: ijtid-4792 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-4792.htm plain text: ijtid-4792.txt item: #218 of 271 id: ijtid-5180 author: Pratomo, Fransiskus Aryo title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GROWTH RATE AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF INFECTION IN CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS ON WEST PAPUA date: 2017-11-29 words: 3116 flesch: 50 summary: Moffat T. Diarrhea, respiratory infections, protozoan gastrointestinal parasites, and child growth in Kathmandu, Nepal. Frequency of infection data in the same interval is then decided by the relative period of disease, gauged by days of sickness divided by total interval duration. keywords: analysis; august; badan; berat; black; cause; children; dan; data; dengan; diarrhea; different; disease; duration; effect; factors; frequency; gain; gastroenteritis; growth; incidence; indonesia; infection; infeksi; journal; low; malaria; malnutrition; mean; merah; moderate; months; negative; nutritional; papua; penambahan; prevalence; puskesmas; rate; relationship; respiratory; role; rural; severe; significant; studies; study; tanah; total; tract; upper; value; villages; weight; west; yang; years cache: ijtid-5180.pdf plain text: ijtid-5180.txt item: #219 of 271 id: ijtid-5390 author: Wahyudi, Nurul Tri; Suwanti, Lucia Tri; Kusnoto, Kusnoto; Mumpuni, Sri; Yudaniayanti, Ira Sari; Mafruchati, Maslichah title: PREVALENCE OF HELMINTH EGGS IN CAT FECES CONTAMINATING PUBLIC AREAS IN SURABAYA date: 2017-12-21 words: 4488 flesch: 57 summary: Results of chi-squared analysis confirmed the prevalence of helminth eggs in cat fecal samples contaminating canteen, markets, villages, schools, and parks in Surabaya (p > 0.05). The test results positive for helminthiasis if found one or more types of helminth eggs in fecal samples. keywords: 100×; airlangga; ancylostoma; ancylostoma sp; animals; areas; canteens; cat; cat feces; cati; cati eggs; cats; cestoda; class; class eggs; common; contamination; dan; eggs; environmental; factors; fecal; fecal samples; feces; figure; helminth; helminth eggs; helminthiasis; humans; kucing; larva; leonina; magnification; markets; method; number; parks; places; present; prevalence; public; public areas; resistance; samples; schools; single; soil; source; surabaya; table; telur; toxascaris; toxocara; toxocara cati; types; villages cache: ijtid-5390.pdf plain text: ijtid-5390.txt item: #220 of 271 id: ijtid-5436 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-5436.htm plain text: ijtid-5436.txt item: #221 of 271 id: ijtid-5640 author: Soegijanto, Soegeng; Nuryandari, Sufiandika; Churrotin, Siti; Sucipto, Teguh Hari title: FEVER AS INDICATOR TO SECONDARY INFECTION IN DENGUE VIRAL INFECTION date: 2018-03-13 words: 3317 flesch: 56 summary: The aim of this research is detection of dengue virus and secondary infection with Salmonella typhi in patients suspected dengue virus infection. Detection of dengue virus and Salmonella typhi using immunochromatography test such as NS1, IgG/IgM for dengue virus infection, and IgM/IgG Salmonella and blood culture. keywords: aedes; antibody; bacterial; berdarah; cases; children; churrotin; clinical; concurrent; culture; dan; day; days; demam; dengan; dengue; dengue virus; disease; fever; fourth; hari; hospital; igg; igm; indonesia; infection; infeksi; kasus; kotaki; laboratory; leakage; manifestation; menunjukkan; method; mulyatno; neutralizing; ns1; outbreak; patients; plasma; positive; result; salmonella; secondary; shock; soerya; study; sucipto; surabaya; table; test; total; tropical; type; typhi; typhoid; viral; virus; virus infection; yamanaka; yang cache: ijtid-5640.pdf plain text: ijtid-5640.txt item: #222 of 271 id: ijtid-5737 author: A.A.W., I Wayan Putra; Irwanto, Irwanto; Dharmawati, ira; Setyaningtyas, Arina; Puspitasari, Dwiyanti; Wahyu, Agung Dwi; Kuntaman, Kuntaman title: MICROBIAL PATTERN AND ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT DR. SOETOMO HOSPITAL, SURABAYA date: 2019-05-22 words: 7106 flesch: 59 summary: Dari data rekam medis dari tahun 2011 sampai 2016 didapatkan 1138 pasien dengan hasil kultur mikrobiologi positif, dimana 44.46% dari spesimen darah, 19.15% dari urin, 11.59% dari sputum,8.96% dari feces,7.50% dari cairan cerebrospinal, 4.04% dari ETT, 2.89% dari pus luka, dan 1.41% dari cairan pleura. In contrast to our study Rehman are reported 93.65% culture positive in ETT tips, they also revealed that K. pneumoniae (41.93%) was the most common isolate.19 Kalanuria are stated that Pseudomonas spp was common isolate from ETT tips.20 This differences result may be most of these microorganism acquired from environment and their concentrations varying depend on hospital geographical distribution and their ability to survive in particular conditions. keywords: aeruginosa; antibiotic; associated; aureus; bacteria; bacteria species; bakteri; baumannii; blood; cairan; care; cepacea; cerebrospinal; clinical; cloacae; cohnii; coli; commonest; csf; culture; dan; dari; data; diarrhea; diseases; endotracheal; epidermidis; esbl+;; ett; finding; fluid; gnb; gpb; gram; haemolyticus; health; highest; hospital; infection; intensive; isolates; journal; linezolid; maltophilia; microbial; mm3; mrsa; negative; nosocomial; pada; pathogen; patients; pattern; pediatric; picu; pleural; pneumonia; pola; positive; positivity; primary; pus; rate; resistance; respiratory; result; soetomo; species; specimen; spp; sputum; stool; study; sulbactam; surgical; susceptibility; swab; table; tertiary; tract; tube; unit; urinary; urine; vancomycin; vol; wound; yang cache: ijtid-5737.pdf plain text: ijtid-5737.txt item: #223 of 271 id: ijtid-5903 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-5903.htm plain text: ijtid-5903.txt item: #224 of 271 id: ijtid-594 author: Ansori, Arif; Sucipto, Teguh; Deka, Pemta; Ahwanah, Nur; Churrotin, Siti; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Soegijanto, Soegeng title: DIFFERENCES OF UNIVERSAL AND MULTIPLEX PRIMER FOR DETECTION OF DENGUE VIRUS FROM PATIENTS SUSPECTED DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (DHF) IN SURABAYA date: 2015-12-11 words: 3940 flesch: 63 summary: Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the detection and determination of dengue virus serotype Molecular examination using RT-PCR and PCR for detecting nucleic acid of dengue virus sample and also for testing dengue virus serotypes is known as serotyping. Detection of dengue virus serotypes is very important because secondary infection with a different serotype may impact more severe. keywords: aedes; buffer; center; cfd2; chain; clin; control; dan; denaturation; dengue; dengue virus; denv-2; detection; dhf; disease; dna; early; electrophoresis; fever; figure; health; health center; hemorrhagic; hospital; important; indonesia; infection; mamd; manukan; marker; med; minutes; molecular; negative; patients; pcr; polymerase; positive; prevention; primer; reaction; results; reverse; rna; samples; serotypes; serotyping; serum; severe; stage; surabaya; temperature; tropical; virus; warning; water; yang; ° c cache: ijtid-594.pdf plain text: ijtid-594.txt item: #225 of 271 id: ijtid-595 author: Soegijanto, Soegeng; Wikanesthi, Desiana; Chilvia, Eva; Soedirham, Oedojo title: AN APPROPRIATE DIAGNOSIS OF DENGUE VIRUS INFECTION IN SOME CASES WHO HAD AND WERE BEING TREATED IN SOERYA HOSPITAL SEPANJANG – INDONESIA date: 2015-12-11 words: 2760 flesch: 62 summary: Key words: Dengue Virus, Diagnosis Dengue Virus NS1, IgM test, IgG test, WHO criteria abstrak Sejak Januari 2014, Rumah Sakit Soerya telah menemukan banyak kasus dengan hasil positif dari NS1 atau IgM dan IgG Dengue. Kata kunci: Dengue Virus, Diagnosis Virus Dengue NS1, tes IgM, tes IgG, kriteria WHO Research Report 153Soegijanto, et al.: keywords: acute; antigen; appropriate; april; cases; clinical; criteria; dan; day; days; demam; dengan; dengue; dengue virus; detection; diagnosis; disease; early; elisa; examination; fever; fifth; fourth; harus; health; hospital; igg; igm; infection; infeksi; january; kasus; laboratory; manifestation; ns1; patient; plasma; positive; primary; result; secondary; serum; sixth; soerya; specific; study; table; test; total; tropical; untuk; virus; virus infection cache: ijtid-595.pdf plain text: ijtid-595.txt item: #226 of 271 id: ijtid-597 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-597.htm plain text: ijtid-597.txt item: #227 of 271 id: ijtid-6024 author: Wulandari, Dian Novita; Nugraha, Jusak; Soedarsono, Soedarsono title: THE DIFFERENCE OF MAP1LC3 LEVEL AS MACROPHAGE AUTOPHAGY MARKER BETWEEN RESISTANT AND SENSITIVE TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS ON RIFAMPICIN date: 2018-03-13 words: 3114 flesch: 50 summary: MTB cell wall lipids modulate macrophage composition at sites of infection19 10 Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Vol. 7 No. 1 Autophagy in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: a passepartout to flush the intruder out? keywords: acid; adalah; autofagi; autophagosome; autophagy; bacteria; cases; cause; cell; changes; control; dalam; dan; dapat; death; defense; dengan; disease; drug; encodes; figure; formation; gene; groups; hospital; host; human; immune; induction; infected; infection; ini; innate; inside; levels; lipid; macrophages; makrofag; map1lc3b; marker; mdr; mechanisms; membrane; microtubule; mtb; mutations; mycobacterium; normal; oleh; pada; patients; pdim; penelitian; phagosome; process; protein; research; resistant; resisten; result; rifampicin; role; rpob; samples; sensitive; serum; soetomo; study; table; transcription; tuberculosis; untuk; yang cache: ijtid-6024.pdf plain text: ijtid-6024.txt item: #228 of 271 id: ijtid-6126 author: Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Churrotin, Siti; Setyawati, Harsasi Setyawati; Mulyatno, Kris Cahyo; Amarullah, Ilham Harlan; Ueda, Shuhai; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Sumarsih, Sri; Wardhani, Puspa; Bendryman, Sri Subekti; Aryati, Aryati; Soegijanto, Soegeng; Kameoka, Masanori title: INHIBITORY ACTIVITY OF COBALT(II)–MORIN COMPLEX AGAINST THE REPLICATION OF DENGUE VIRUS TYPE 2 date: 2017-12-21 words: 3170 flesch: 52 summary: Antiviral activity against DENV is an important alternative for the characterization and development of drugs. Many efforts have been made to prevent and treat DENV infection, and clinical trials of a number of vaccines are currently underway.2 Antiviral activity against DENV is an important alternative for the characterization and development of drugs. keywords: activities; activity; adalah; aedes; airlangga; aktivitas; antiviral; assay; cc50; cells; celltiter96; co(ii)–morin; cobalt(ii)–morin; complex; compound; concentration; cytotoxicity; dan; dengue; denv-2; disease; figure; global; gold; ic50; indonesia; infectious; inhibition; inhibitory; metal; monolayers; nilai; organic; pada; plate; potential; proliferation; radioactive; reader; reagent; replication; research; sel; significant; structure; studies; study; tested; treatment; tropical; universitas; untuk; value; vero; vero cells; virus cache: ijtid-6126.pdf plain text: ijtid-6126.txt item: #229 of 271 id: ijtid-6235 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-6235.htm plain text: ijtid-6235.txt item: #230 of 271 id: ijtid-6309 author: Widya, Alicia Margaretta; Mertaniasih, Ni Made; Kawilarang, Arthur Pohan; Marhana, Isnin Anang title: LOW CD4 LYMPHOCYTE COUNT RELATED RISK TO Pneumocystis jiroveci PNEUMONIA IN HIV/AIDS PATIENTS FROM BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE SPECIMENS USING REAL TIME PCR DETECTION date: 2017-12-21 words: 3495 flesch: 50 summary: PJP is the third most prevalent opportunistic infection in HIV patient after Candida infection and tuberculosis infection.8 Chemoprophylaxis in PJP suspected HIV/AIDs patients is directed to prevent PJP infection but even with routine prophylaxis, the death of PJP related in HIV/AIDs patient is around 12% to 33% depending on resources and facility of the hospital where the patient admitted.9 material and method clinical specimens F i b e r o p t Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia is a prevalent infection in HIV infected patient with high mortality rate. keywords: aids; aids patients; april; assay; bal; bronchoalveolar; cd4; cells/; clinical; count; cycle; dan; december; dengan; detection; diagnosis; dna; examination; factor; figure; gms; high; hitung; hiv; hospital; infection; infeksi; jiroveci; jumlah; lavage; limfosit; low; lung; lymphocyte; method; microbiol; microscopy; negative; opportunistic; pada; pasien; patients; pcr; pcr assay; pemeriksaan; persons; pjp; pneumocystis; pneumonia; positive; prophylactic; real; real time; result; risk; sensitivity; soetomo; specimens; staining; study; surabaya; table; therapy; threshold; time; time pcr; total; value; yang cache: ijtid-6309.pdf plain text: ijtid-6309.txt item: #231 of 271 id: ijtid-6311 author: Widjaja, Sajuni; Triyono, Erwin Astha; Kawilarang, Arthur Pohan; Rohiman, Abu title: CRYPTOCOCCAL ANTIGENEMIA IN HIV/AIDS PATIENTS USING LATERAL FLOW IMMUNOASSAY DETECTION AT Dr. SOETOMO GENERAL HOSPITAL SURABAYA date: 2018-03-13 words: 2837 flesch: 49 summary: Positive test of Cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay antigenemia, but also have no significant corellation,7 but presenting headaches has significantly associated with positive cryptococcal antigenemia (p:0.000008).12 From total patients enrolled in this study, 95% have CD4+ T cell lymphocyte count <100 cells/µl, mean CD4+ T cell lymphocyte count is 31.5 cels/µl. This study aims to determine the proportion of cryptococcal antigenemia in HIV / AIDS patients treated at Intermediate Treatment-Infectious Diseases Unit of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. keywords: aids; aids patients; antigenemia; assay; cd4; cell; cells/µl; correlation; cost; count; crag; cryptococcal; cryptococcal antigenemia; cryptococcosis; dan; dari; death; dis; disease; examination; figure; flow; health; hiv; hospital; immune; indonesia; infection; infeksi; intermediate; lateral; lfa; lymphocyte; male; meningitis; old; opportunistic; pada; pasien; patients; pemeriksaan; positive; prevalence; proportion; screening; serum; soetomo; studies; study; surabaya; test; therapy; treatment; tuberculosis; unit; yang; years cache: ijtid-6311.pdf plain text: ijtid-6311.txt item: #232 of 271 id: ijtid-6556 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-6556.htm plain text: ijtid-6556.txt item: #233 of 271 id: ijtid-6642 author: Osman, Che Puteh; Ismail, Nor Hadiani title: A REVIEW ON THE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY OF Rennellia elliptica Korth date: 2017-12-21 words: 6960 flesch: 51 summary: R. elliptica root extract and the isolated anthraquinones showed potential antiplasmodial activity, and the active compounds were probed for their mode of action. In order to establish the use of R. elliptica root extract of as potential herbal drug for the treatment of malaria, optimization of extraction methods, qualitative and quantitative HPLC analyses of the extract as well as the investigation of the extract toxicity and possible mechanism of actions were warranted. keywords: activities; activity; anthraquinone; anticancer; antioxidant; antiplasmodial; antiplasmodial activity; assay; biological; breast; cancer; cell; chemical; chemistry; cho; chromatogram; compounds; constituents; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; damnacanthal; december; dichloromethane; dichloromethane root; different; disease; dpph; drug; elliptica; ether; etoh; extract; extraction; figure; formation; free; ftc; genera; h2o; hematin; heme; hplc; hrs; hydroxy-2; hydroxy-9,10; ic50; indonesian; inhibition; ismail; journal; korth; lactone; lines; lipid; major; malaria; malaysia; marker; mcf7; medicinal; metabolites; methanol; methyl-9,10; min; moderate; morinda; natural; new; och3; osman; percent; peroxidation; pharmacology; phytochemical; phytochemistry; plant; potential; presence; prismatomeris; promising; radical; rainforests; rennellia; rennellia elliptica; rennellianone; review; root; root extract; rubiaceae; scavenging; screening; selected; september; solvent; source; species; study; table; toxicity; traditional; tribe; tropical; values; vitro; vol; water cache: ijtid-6642.pdf plain text: ijtid-6642.txt item: #234 of 271 id: ijtid-6723 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-6723.htm plain text: ijtid-6723.txt item: #235 of 271 id: ijtid-6726 author: Kamarullah, William; Indrajaya, Erika; Emmanuella, Janice title: POTENCY OF LUTEOLIN WITH SOLID LIPID NANOPARTICLE (SLN)-POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL (PEG) MODIFICATION FOR ARTEMISININ-RESISTANT PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM INFECTION date: 2018-10-31 words: 5177 flesch: 46 summary: Furthermore, luteolin encapsulation with SLN was prepared using a cold homogenization method. This is one of the hypothesises that is thought to be one mechanism of Artemisinin resistance against Plasmodium falciparum parasite. keywords: absorption; acid; addition; adjuvant; administration; artemisinin; artesunate; asian; bioavailability; body; cause; chem; clearance; cold; components; compound; control; countries; cycle; dalam; delivery; dengan; dmso; drug; emulsion; encapsulation; enzymes; extraction; falciparum; fatty; figure; flavonoid; glycol; growth; high; homogenization; hours; human; hydrophobic; important; indonesia; intestinal; journal; life; lipid; liquid; luteolin; malaria; method; mixture; modification; modified; nanoparticle; oral; parasites; peg; pharmacokinetics; phase; plants; plasma; plasmodium; plasmodium falciparum; potential; process; product; properties; rats; resistant; reticuloendothelial; ring; size; sln; small; solid; solid lipid; solution; southeast; stage; structure; studies; study; substance; synthesis; system; technique; temperature; therapy; tropical; untuk; vitro; vivo; water; yang cache: ijtid-6726.pdf plain text: ijtid-6726.txt item: #236 of 271 id: ijtid-6739 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-6739.htm plain text: ijtid-6739.txt item: #237 of 271 id: ijtid-6740 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-6740.htm plain text: ijtid-6740.txt item: #238 of 271 id: ijtid-6748 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-6748.htm plain text: ijtid-6748.txt item: #239 of 271 id: ijtid-686 author: Hadi, Usman; Triyono, Erwin Astha title: Medical Audit of the Management of Patients with Sepsis in the Intermediate Care Unit of Department Internal Medicine School of Medicine Airlangga University/Dr. Soetomo Hospital date: 2016-06-14 words: 2507 flesch: 52 summary: Still need to improve compliance with existing guidelines of management patients admitted with sepsis or fever, as well as enhanced ability to support microbiology laboratory in supporting the treatment of sepsis patients. references 1. Bone RC, Sibbald WJ, Sprung CL. Handling problems should be a priority of microbes, particularly those involving resistance to antimicrobial agents, in addition to handling problems that patients who enter hospital with a fever which is also still a problem and needs special attention.6 Various efforts have been made to suppress the mortality of sepsis patients, including by publishing a manual handling of patients admitted with fever in 2003. keywords: antibiotics; blood; care; clear; condition; criteria; department; diagnosis; discharged; disease; examination; fever; guidelines; handling; hospital; infection; intermediate; internal; management; medical; medicine; number; patients; percentage; reason; research; results; sepsis; septic; severe; shock; sirs; study; unit; use; vol cache: ijtid-686.pdf plain text: ijtid-686.txt item: #240 of 271 id: ijtid-7259 author: Imansyah Putra, Teuku Romi; Loesnihari, Ricke; Panggabean, Merina title: SOIL-TRANSMITTED HELMINTH INFECTION AND EOSINOPHIL LEVELS AMONG WASTE COLLECTORS IN BANDA ACEH date: 2018-07-04 words: 6162 flesch: 61 summary: A research conducted in Tanzania was showed that STH infection can spread in the case of hand-washing without soap and clean water so the risk of STH infections is lowered when washing hand.19 The personal hygiene habits among waste collectors include changing clothes after work, washing work clothes, washing hands and feet after work (in contact with waste) and using soap during shower after getting in contact with garbage or waste..18 Waste collectors are one of the groups associated with land at risk for STH infection. keywords: absolute; aceh; association; august; banda; blood; chamber; children; chronic; collectors; complete; contact; count; dan; dari; dengan; department; disease; eggs; eosinophil; eosinophil level; examination; faculty; finding; fluid; habit; hand; health; helminth; higher; hookworm; hygiene; incidence; indonesia; infection; infeksi; intensity; kato; katz; kota; laboratory; level; lumbricoides; marker; medicine; method; mixed; negative; normal; north; number; pada; pengangkut; people; personal; petugas; pipette; ppe; prevalence; research; results; risk; sampah; samples; significant; similar; soil; statistical; sth; sth infection; stool; study; subjects; sumatera; table; technique; test; thick; total; trichiura; tropical; university; use; value; vol; washing; waste; waste collectors; work; workers; worm; yang cache: ijtid-7259.pdf plain text: ijtid-7259.txt item: #241 of 271 id: ijtid-7265 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7265.htm plain text: ijtid-7265.txt item: #242 of 271 id: ijtid-7269 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7269.htm plain text: ijtid-7269.txt item: #243 of 271 id: ijtid-7275 author: Wungu, Citrawati Dyah Kencono; Amin, Mochamad; Ruslan, S. Eriaty N.; Purwono, Priyo Budi; Kholili, Ulfa; Maimunah, Ummi; Setiawan, Poernomo Boedi; Lusida, Maria Inge; Soetjipto, Soetjipto; Handajani, Retno title: DETECTION OF TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR- (TNF- ) GENE PROMOTERS POLYMORPHISM AMONG LIVER CIRRHOSIS PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS B VIRUS (HBV) INFECTION IN SURABAYA, INDONESIA date: 2019-05-22 words: 5631 flesch: 61 summary: The result of PCR on TNF-α -238 region gene promoter gave positive result of 152 bp band (Figure 1), while the result of PCR on TNF-α -308 region gene promoter gave positive result of 107 bp band (Figure 2). Despite the associations between TNF promoter SNPs and disease, a direct impact of TNF promoter polymorphisms upon TNF transcription has not been conclusively demonstrated.35 keywords: -238; -308; airlangga; allele; alpha; available; blood; chronic; cirrhosis; cirrhosis patients; control; dan; dengan; different; disease; dna; electrophoresis; ethnic; expression; factor; figure; fragments; gel; gene; gene promoter; general; genotype; hati; hbsag; hbv; hbv infection; hepatic; hepatitis; heterozygote; homozygous; hospital; host; indonesia; infection; infeksi; internet; kit; lane; levels; liver; liver cirrhosis; male; marker; median; medical; mspi; ncoi; necrosis; pada; patients; pcr; penderita; penelitian; polymorphisms; position; positive; production; products; promoter; region; research; restriction; results; rflp; role; samples; serum; sirosis; snp; soetomo; studies; study; surabaya; table; tnf; tropical; tube; tumor; universitas; virus; wild; world; yang; α gene cache: ijtid-7275.pdf plain text: ijtid-7275.txt item: #244 of 271 id: ijtid-7323 author: Diarthini, Ni Luh Putu Eka; Swastika, I Kadek; Ariwati, Luh; Isyaputri, Rahmadany; Fitri N, Moh. Yasin; Hidajati, Sri; Basuki, Sukmawati title: BLASTOCYSTIS AND OTHER INTESTINAL PARASITES INFECTIONS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN DUKUH VILLAGE, KARANGASEM DISTRICT, BALI date: 2018-10-31 words: 3526 flesch: 55 summary: is an intestinal protozoan and most commonly reported human intestinal protozoan in children and adults in developing country, has a world-wide distribution with prevalence of 30% to 60 % in developing country and 1,5% to 20% in developed country.5–7 The prevalence of Blastocystis infection is reported in Japan 0.5-1%, in Singapore 3.3%, but in developing countries the prevalence is much higher, as in Argentina 27.2%, in Egypt 33.3%, in Cuba 38.5%, in Brazil 40.9%, and in Indonesia 60%.6 Pegelow8 found that the incidence of Blastocystis infections in elementary school children in Sukaraja, West Java was 60%3,8 and in elementary school children in hygiene poor areas in Sumba Island found a prevalence of Blastocystis infections was 29.9%.9 The high prevalence of Blastocystis infection in children is attributed to many factors, particularly environmental and personal hygiene. It has been reported by Pegelow et al8 that the incidence of Blastocystis infections reached to 60% in elementary school children in Sukaraja, West Java in 1997.3,8 High prevalence of Blastocystis infection in elementary school children at Dukuh village, Karangasem district might due to the risk factors of Blastocystis infection, particularly Table 1. keywords: airlangga; amoeboid; anak; animals; area; asymptomatic; bali; bentuk; blastocystis; blastocystis infection; blastocystis spp; cause; children; clinical; common; dan; dengan; density; disease; dispar; district; dukuh; elementary; elementary school; entamoeba; faculty; field; figure; forms; giardia; granular; health; high; histolytica/; hominis; hygiene; indonesia; infection; infeksi; intestinal; karangasem; lamblia; magnification; medicine; mix; pada; parasites; poor; prevalence; school; school children; sekolah; september; single; spp; stools; study; subtype; symptoms; table; tropical; universitas; vacuolar; village; water; yang cache: ijtid-7323.pdf plain text: ijtid-7323.txt item: #245 of 271 id: ijtid-7324 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7324.htm plain text: ijtid-7324.txt item: #246 of 271 id: ijtid-7327 author: Saleh, Sapriadi; Syahridha, Syahridha title: FACTOR RELEATED OF ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS DRUG RESISTENCY ON PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS PASIENT IN LABUANG BAJI HOSPITAL MAKASSAR date: 2018-07-04 words: 3352 flesch: 59 summary: Bending Bending the Curve the Curve ENDING TB ENDING TB in the WHO South-East Asia Region Bending the Curve -Ending TB in the WHO South-East Asia Region. This strategy focuses on finding and healing TB patients by breaking the TB chain of transmission as well as to reduce the incidence of TB in the community. keywords: analysis; anti; anti tuberculosis; associated; baji; cases; center; chi; countries; dan; dengan; disease; drug; drug resistance; factors; good; health; history; hiv; hospital; indonesia; infect; knowledge; labuang; labuang baji; makassar; mdr; med; medical; multidrug; obat; patients; positive; pulmonary; relationship; research; resistance; resistant tuberculosis; respondents; result; risk; rsud; sample; sebanyak; sex; significant; south; square; study; tb patients; test; treatment; tuberculosis; tuberculosis drug; value; world; yang cache: ijtid-7327.pdf plain text: ijtid-7327.txt item: #247 of 271 id: ijtid-7328 author: Hidanah, Sri; Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti; Wahyuni, Retno Sri; Dewi, Arini Rahmi; Safitri, Erma - title: EFFECTIVENESS OF MENIRAN (PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI LINN) AS ANTIBACTERIAL FOR RESISTANCE ANTIBIOTICS PREVENTION OF ENTEROTOXIN ESCHERICHIA COLI date: 2018-07-04 words: 3837 flesch: 48 summary: Activation test of the meniran extract against enterotoxigenic E. coli were applicated to 25 broiler chicken aged 19 days, with treatment as follow: E. coli infected T0+: broiler chickens infected with E. coli at 28 days of age with a concentration of 106 CFU/ ml/chicken orally without meniran plant extract (control positive); T0-: broiler chickens at 28 days without any treatment (control negative); E. coli infected T1: broiler chickens 28 days of age with a concentration of 106 CFU/ml/chicken orally and then given the extract of meniran plants with a dose of concentration of 20% /ml/chicken orally; E. coli infected T2: broiler chickens 28 days of age with a concentration of 106 CFU/ml/chicken orally and then given the extract of meniran plants with a dose of concentration of 25%/ml/ chicken orally; E. coli infected T3: broiler chickens at 28 days of age with a concentration of 106 CFU/ml/ chicken orally and they had been given the extract of meniran plants with a dose of concentration of 30%/ml/chicken orally. The aim of research is the research was done through several stages: isolation and identification of enterotoxigenic E. coli from several broiler farms in East Java using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, E. coli resistance test against some antibiotics, making meniran extract and activation test against enterotoxigenic E. coli n The study was divided into five treatments: T0+ (group of chickens were infected by enterotoxigenic E. coli keywords: age; amoxicillin; analysis; antibacterial; antibiotics; ayam; bacteria; body; broiler; cell; cephalosporins; chain; chicken; coli; coli enterotoxigenic; compounds; concentration; days; dna; e. coli; east; ekstrak; emba; enterotoxigenic; erythromycin; escherichia; extract; farms; figure; gentamicin; growth; identification; immune; isolates; isolation; linn; liver; media; medicine; membrane; meniran; method; mojokerto; niruri; pcr; penelitian; phyllanthus; phyllanthus niruri; plants; polymerase; positive; protein; reaction; research; resistance; results; samples; significant; terinfeksi; test; tetracycline; treatment; tuban; veterinary cache: ijtid-7328.pdf plain text: ijtid-7328.txt item: #248 of 271 id: ijtid-7352 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7352.htm plain text: ijtid-7352.txt item: #249 of 271 id: ijtid-7362 author: Yuwono, Natalia; Husada, Dominicus; Basuki, Sukmawati title: PREVALENCE OF SOIL-TRANSMITTED HELMINTHIASIS AMONG ELEMENTARY CHILDREN IN SORONG DISTRICT, WEST PAPUA date: 2019-02-22 words: 3643 flesch: 61 summary: The purpose of this study is to identify the presece of Soil transmitted helminthiasis in primary school children in Sorong District. To eliminate soil transmitted helminthiasis among elementary school children, in addition to routine treatment also needs intensive counseling about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and the environment. keywords: adalah; age; airlangga; allergic; allergy; anak; areas; ascaris; children; climate; common; dan; dasar; data; dengan; direct; disease; district; eggs; elementary; examination; faculty; figure; grade; helminthiasis; high; hookworm; hygiene; indonesia; infection; infeksi; kabupaten; kota; larvae; level; lumbricoides; mayamuk; medicine; mixed; pada; papua; play; prevalence; research; sample; sanitation; school; sdn; sekolah; single; smear; soil; sorong; sorong district; stercoralis; stool; strongyloides; students; study; sub; table; trichiura; trichuris; trichuris trichiura; tropical; universitas; world; worms; yang; years cache: ijtid-7362.pdf plain text: ijtid-7362.txt item: #250 of 271 id: ijtid-7534 author: Sasmita, Hasri Yulia; Prasetyowati, Irma; Wahjudi, Pudjo title: PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF DIABETES MELLITUS IN TUBERCULOSIS PATIENT AT PATRANG DISTRICT INDONESIA date: 2019-02-22 words: 5561 flesch: 60 summary: The aim of this research is to know the DM prevalence in TB patients and to analyze the correlation between DM risk factors in TB patient to TB-DM incidence at Puskesmas Patrang Jember in 2017. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is an important risk factor for TB development, with prove that more than ten percent of TB patient is DM patient. keywords: age; alcohol; analysis; associated; bivariate; blood; bta; cases; category; cells; central; characteristics; dan; data; dengan; diabetes; disease; district; dm incidence; dm patients; factors; faktor; family; family history; fat; group; health; higher; highest; history; incidence; indonesia; infectious; insulin; jakarta; jawa; jember; journal; kejadian; kementerian; kesehatan; likely; mellitus; number; obesity; old; pada; pancreatic; pasien; patients; patrang; patrang jember; penelitian; people; population; prevalence; pulmonary; puskesmas; puskesmas patrang; raghuraman; related; relation; republik; research; resistance; respondents; result; risiko; risk; sex; smoking; status; study; table; tahun; tb patients; times; treatment; tuberculosis; tuberculosis patients; type; value; variables; years cache: ijtid-7534.pdf plain text: ijtid-7534.txt item: #251 of 271 id: ijtid-7793 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7793.htm plain text: ijtid-7793.txt item: #252 of 271 id: ijtid-7856 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7856.htm plain text: ijtid-7856.txt item: #253 of 271 id: ijtid-7857 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-7857.htm plain text: ijtid-7857.txt item: #254 of 271 id: ijtid-7860 author: Sri Masyeni, Dewa Ayu Putri; Hadi, Usman; Kuntaman, Kuntaman; Yohan, Benediktus; Margyaningsih, Nur Ita; Sasmono, R Tedjo title: EXPRESSION OF FOUR CYTOKINE/CHEMOKINE GENES IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS INFECTED WITH DENGUE VIRUS date: 2019-02-22 words: 2956 flesch: 54 summary: gene expression profiling of dengue virus infection in cell lines and patients. A promising disease severity index for dengue virus infection. keywords: antisense; blood; cdna; cells; chemokine; controls; cytokine; dan; darah; dari; dengan; dengue; denv; denv-2; different; disease; ekspresi; expression; fever; genes; hours; human; il-6; il-8; illness; immune; indonesia; infection; infeksi; inflammatory; ip-10; isolated; level; manifestation; mip-1β; mononuclear; pada; patients; pbmc; pcr; penyandi; peripheral; phase; plasma; plos; points; post; profiles; qrt; regulation; relative; response; reverse; rna; sel; sense; serotipe-2; severe; severity; sitokin; study; tepi; time; total; trop; uninfected; virol; virus; vol; yang cache: ijtid-7860.pdf plain text: ijtid-7860.txt item: #255 of 271 id: ijtid-8102 author: Achdiat, Pati Aji; Dwiyana, Reiva Farah; Feriza, Vina; Rowawi, Rasmia; Effendi, Rendy Ariezal; Suwarsa, Oki; Gunawan, Hendra title: PREVALENCE OF TRICHOMONIASIS IN ASYMPTOMATIC PREGNANT WOMEN POPULATION IN BANDUNG, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA date: 2019-02-22 words: 4338 flesch: 52 summary: Almost all participants in this study were low risk pregnant women to have STI based on demographic characteristics and sexual behaviour. January-April 2019 Research Report PREVALENCE OF TRICHOMONIASIS IN ASYMPTOMATIC PREGNANT WOMEN POPULATION IN BANDUNG, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA Pati Aji Achdiat1, Reiva Farah Dwiyana1, Vina Feriza1a, Rasmia Rowawi1, RM Rendy AE1, Oki Suwarsa1, Hendra Gunawan1 1 Dermatology and Venereology Department, Medicine Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran a Corresponding author: ABSTRACT About 81% of pregnant women with trichomoniasis are asymptomatic, while trichomoniasis in pregnant women can increase the risk of complications, include premature rupture of membranes, preterm birth, and babies with low birth weight. keywords: age; alcohol; associated; asymptomatic; bandung; brazil; care; characteristics; coitarche; commercial; dan; demographic; diagnostic; dis; disease; dkk; education; examination; factors; hamil; health; high; hiv; human; ibu; immunodeficiency; incidence; india; indonesia; infection; infeksi; iran; january; java; junior; low; method; microscopic; nigeria; old; pada; participants; partner; penelitian; peserta; population; positive; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant women; prevalence; rapid; rapid test; result; risk; school; seksual; sexual; smoking; south; stis; studies; study; study participants; test; test result; total; trichomonas; trichomonas rapid; trichomoniasis; trichomoniasis prevalence; trimester; vaginalis; west; wet; women; workers; yang; years cache: ijtid-8102.pdf plain text: ijtid-8102.txt item: #256 of 271 id: ijtid-8375 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-8375.htm plain text: ijtid-8375.txt item: #257 of 271 id: ijtid-8404 author: Sandhika, Willy title: DETECTION OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION IN CHRONIC GASTRITIS BIOPSY SPECIMEN USING WARTHIN-STARRY AND MODIFIED GIEMSA STAIN IN DR SOETOMO HOSPITAL SURABAYA date: 2019-10-09 words: 3481 flesch: 52 summary: The gold standard diagnosis of H.pylori infection in gastritis is made by finding H.pylori bacteria in gastric tissue. Comparison of H.pylori bacteria examination with Warthin-Starry and modified-Giemsa stain Warthin-Starry with positive bacteria Warthin-Starry with negative bacteria Modified-Giemsa with positive bacteria 16 0 Modified-Giemsa with negative bacteria 3 11 152 Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Vol. 7 No. 6 Sept-Dec 2019: 150–154 Detection of H.pylori in gastric biopsy specimen has been accepted worldwide to diagnose H.pylori infection. keywords: background; bacteria; bakteri; biopsy; black; blue; cases; chronic; color; contrast; culture; dengan; density; detection; diagnosis; eosin; examination; figure; gastric; gastric biopsy; gastritis; gastroenterol; giemsa; giemsa stain; gold; h.pylori; helicobacter; hospital; immunohistochemistry; infection; laboratory; lebih; method; microscopic; modified; pada; pathology; patients; pengecatan; positive; presence; research; result; score; silver; slides; soetomo; specimen; stain; staining; standard; starry; study; surabaya; technique; test; tissue; warthin; whartin; world; yang cache: ijtid-8404.pdf plain text: ijtid-8404.txt item: #258 of 271 id: ijtid-8689 author: Soedarsono, Soedarsono; Mandayani, Sari; Prayuni, Kinasih; Yuliwulandari, Rika title: THE RISK FACTORS FOR DRUG INDUCED HEPATITIS IN PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS IN DR. SOETOMO HOSPITAL date: 2018-10-31 words: 5363 flesch: 58 summary: The average weight of DIH pulmonary TB patients (43.83±6.65 kg) was lower than the patients without DIH (47.83±8.77 kg). In distribution bimodal model, the frequency of NAT2 phenotype in DIH pulmonary TB patients was 63.3% slow acetylator and 36.7% rapid acetylator. keywords: acetylator; age; allele; alt; anti; antituberculosis; article; associated; ast; average; averagely; bilirubin; blood; bmi; case; concentration; control; dan; data; dengan; different; dih; dih pulmonary; disease; drug; enzyme; factors; faktor; frequency; general; hepatitis; hepatotoxicity; higher; hio; incidence; indonesia; inh; injury; isoniazid; liver; metabolism; mild; moderate; nat2; non; non dih; normal; obat; patients; plasma; pulmonary; pulmonary tb; pyrazinamide; pza; rapid; regimen; reported; rif; rifampicin; risiko; risk; serum; severity; sex; significant; slow; soetomo; standard; status; studies; study; table; tb dih; tb patients; test; treatment; tuberculosis; uln; value; women; yang; years cache: ijtid-8689.pdf plain text: ijtid-8689.txt item: #259 of 271 id: ijtid-8735 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-8735.htm plain text: ijtid-8735.txt item: #260 of 271 id: ijtid-8840 author: IJTID, IJTID title: FRONT MATTER date: 2018-07-04 words: 389 flesch: 40 summary: - 0991 p ISSN 2085 - 1103Volume 7 Number 2 May–Auguts 2018 EDITORIAL TEAM OF INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE EDITOR IN CHIEF Prihartini Widiyanti, Indonesia EDITORIAL BOARD Mark Alan Graber, United States Kazufumi Shimizu, Japan Masanori Kameoka, Japan Hak Hotta, Japan Fumihiko Kawamoto, Japan Nasronudin Nasronudin, Indonesia Maria Inge Lusida, Indonesia Puruhito Puruhito, Indonesia Indropo Agusni, Indonesia Retno Handajani, Indonesia Kuntaman Kuntaman, Indonesia Soegeng Soegijanto, Indonesia Bambang Prajogo, Indonesia Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Indonesia Achmad Fuad Hafid, Indonesia Tri Wibawa, Indonesia Irwanto Irwanto, Indonesia Marcellino Rudyanto, Indonesia Yulis Setiya Dewi, Indonesia Laura Navika Yamani, Indonesia SECRETARIAT Zakaria Pamoengkas Firda Fatma Hamzah Secretariat Office Publishing Unit of Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga Kampus C, Jalan Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Jawa Timur – Indonesia. Kampus C Unair, Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Indonesia. keywords: disease; effectiveness; indonesia; infection; irwanto; issn; japan; kuntaman; nasronudin; puruhito; sri; surabaya; tropical; tuberculosis cache: ijtid-8840.pdf plain text: ijtid-8840.txt item: #261 of 271 id: ijtid-8841 author: IJTID, IJTID title: BACK MATTER date: 2018-07-04 words: 1913 flesch: 51 summary: I agree that this transfer of rights also applies to all copies made in connection with the submission of this article and I will also inform this agreement to other authors. As a general rule, reference numbers should be placed outside full stops and commas and inside colons and semicolons, however, this may vary according to the requirements of a particular journal. keywords: abstract; article; author; copyright; discussion; disease; figures; indonesian; infectious; information; institute; journal; literature; material; number; original; reference; research; results; review; section; studies; tables; text; tropical; use; work cache: ijtid-8841.pdf plain text: ijtid-8841.txt item: #262 of 271 id: ijtid-8869 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-8869.htm plain text: ijtid-8869.txt item: #263 of 271 id: ijtid-91 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-91.htm plain text: ijtid-91.txt item: #264 of 271 id: ijtid-92 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-92.htm plain text: ijtid-92.txt item: #265 of 271 id: ijtid-9328 author: Wiyogo, Illona Okvita; Endraswari, Pepy Dwi; Setiawati, Yuani title: Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Kemuning (Murraya Paniculata) Against Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL by In Vitro Test date: 2021-08-31 words: 3713 flesch: 42 summary: The previous study proved antibacterial eff ect of Murraya paniculata extract. In the previous studies, there was antibacterial activity in ethanolic extract of Murraya paniculata againsts E.coli, K.pneumoniae, S.typhi, E.faecalis, P.aeruginosa, S.fl exneri, S.aureus, and S.sonneii with concentration 200 mg/ mL. There has not experiment about ethanolic extract of Murraya paniculata against Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL yet. keywords: acces; activity; agar; airlangga; alkaloids; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibakteri; antibiotics; antimicrobial; august; avonoids; beta; cell; compounds; concentration; control; coumarins; dan; dilution; e.coli; eff; ekstrak; esbl; ethanol; ethanol extract; extract; growth; hours; ijtid; infection; issn; jessamine; journal; kemuning; klebsiella; klebsiella pneumoniae; konsentrasi; lactamase; leaf; leaves; mbc; medicine; method; mic; microbiology; murraya; murraya paniculata; nosocomial; nutrient; open; orange; pada; paniculata; plates; pneumoniae; pneumoniae esbl; research; resistant; results; s.typhi; saponin; share; spectrum; study; terhadap; test; tubes; universitas cache: ijtid-9328.pdf plain text: ijtid-9328.txt item: #266 of 271 id: ijtid-94 author: Nugraha, Jusak title: ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ATYPICAL DEPOLARIZATION IN CELLDYN 00 AND THE PRESENCE OF PLASMODIUM SPP IN BLOOD IN Dr. SOETOMO HOSPITAL SURABAYA date: 2015-05-27 words: 2908 flesch: 46 summary: Changes of the parameters such as WBC, red blood cells and platelets in malaria patients are generally not specific. This could be due to differences in sampling population In previous studies, samples taken from patients with clinical symptoms of malaria, and also done mostly in endemic malaria areas. keywords: analyzer; areas; atypdep; atypical; blood; cbc; cell; clinical; depolarization; depolarizing; detection; diagnosis; disease; dyn; emergence; endemic; events; examination; fever; figure; flagging; hematology; hemozoin; hospital; infection; malaria; non; parasites; patients; plasmodium; positive; presence; results; samples; smear; studies; study; surabaya; symptoms; thin; thrombocytopenia cache: ijtid-94.pdf plain text: ijtid-94.txt item: #267 of 271 id: ijtid-95 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-95.htm plain text: ijtid-95.txt item: #268 of 271 id: ijtid-9654 author: Setiawan, Lidwina Tri Kristanti; Nugraha, Jusak; Lestari, Pudji; Sinansari, Restry; Soegianto, Lisa; Tamayanti, Wahyu Dewi; Handayani, Luh Putu Trys Monika; Beatrix, Stephanie title: EFFECT OF AFRICAN LEAF (VERNONIA AMYGDALINA) TO IL-6 AND IL-10 LEVEL ON STAPHYLOCOCCUC AUREUS INFECTION date: 2019-02-22 words: 4501 flesch: 53 summary: Vernonia amygdalina leaf is ellipse in form and about 6 mm of diameter. (2016) were reported that myricetin also inhibits the activation of ERK-1/2, AKT and p38 induced by LTA,33 thus these mechanisms were blocked the production of pro- inflammatory cytokines, IL-6.32 The other constituents of VA ethanol extract may exhibit molecular function in regards of IL-6 reduction such as andrographolide that belongs to terpenoids groups. keywords: 9mg/200; acid; activation; activity; amygdalina; amygdalina ethanol; andrographolide; antimicrobial; ash; aureus; bacteria; bakteri; bitter; cefadroxyl; cells; chlorogenic; cmc; constituents; content; control; cytokines; dan; decrease; dendritic; disease; drying; effect; elisa; ethanol; ethanol extract; expression; extract; figure; g bw; groups; host; hours; human; il-10; il-6; immune; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; insoluble; intracellular; jumlah; kadar; leaf; levels; luteolin; medicinal; microbes; myricetin; nfκb; number; pada; peritoneal; phytochemical; plant; production; prophylactic; rats; role; staphylococcus; study; system; taste; terpenoids; tikus; total; tropical; tube; vernonia; vernonia amygdalina; weight; wistar; yang cache: ijtid-9654.pdf plain text: ijtid-9654.txt item: #269 of 271 id: ijtid-9670 author: Mertaniasih, Ni Made title: ACID-FAST BACILLI CONVERSION OF BEIJING AND NON-BEIJING STRAIN OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS IN SOUTH SULAWESI date: 2019-05-22 words: 4508 flesch: 51 summary: Simple Multiplex PCR Assay for Identification of Beijing Family Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates with a Lineage- Specific Mutation in Rv0679c. Xu B. A major subgroup of Beijing family Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated with multidrug resistance and increased transmissibility. keywords: acid; afb; afb conversion; age; airlangga; analysis; anti; asia; august; bacilli; beijing; beijing genotype; beijing strain; bta; cases; chi; clinical; control; conversion; correlation; dan; dari; data; dengan; diagnosis; different; diseases; drug; end; failure; fast; genotype; global; health; high; higher; indonesia; infectious; journal; kesehatan; konversi; lineage; low; makassar; medicine; method; microbiology; microscopy; molecular; month; multiplex; mycobacterium; mycobacterium tuberculosis; nguyen; non; outcomes; paru; parwati; patients; pattern; pcr; penelitian; pengobatan; positive; pulmonary; pulmonary tuberculosis; rate; research; resistance; respondents; result; risk; samples; selatan; smear; south; specific; sputum; sputum afb; square; strain; study; success; sulawesi; table; test; treatment; tropical; tuberculosis; tuberculosis beijing; tuberculosis treatment; universitas; value; vol; yang cache: ijtid-9670.pdf plain text: ijtid-9670.txt item: #270 of 271 id: ijtid-9952 author: None title: 404 Not Found date: None words: 21 flesch: 83 summary: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 404 Not Found Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. keywords: server cache: ijtid-9952.htm plain text: ijtid-9952.txt item: #271 of 271 id: ijtid-9955 author: Budiutari, Ni Nyoman; Dachlan, Yoes Prijatna; Nugraha, Jusak title: OVERVIEW OF NUCLEAR FACTOR-KB (NF-KB) AND NON-STRUCTURAL PROTEIN 1 (NS1) IN PATIENTS WITH DENGUE FEVER IN PREMIER HOSPITAL, SURABAYA date: 2019-05-22 words: 4561 flesch: 61 summary: The mean value of NF-ĸB levels in patients with dengue fever NS1 is positive and NS1 is negative 113Budiutari, et al.: The results are showed positive and negative NS1 results in dengue fever patients. keywords: activation; acute; aedes; age; airlangga; antigen; apoptosis; august; body; cases; cells; clinical; control; cytokines; dan; days; demam; dengue; dengue fever; dengue virus; diagnosis; disease; endothelial; examination; factor; fever; fever patients; group; health; higher; hospital; host; increase; indonesia; infected; infection; infeksi; levels; mean; negative; non; ns1; nuclear; pada; panbio; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; people; phase; positive; protein; rapid; replication; results; role; samples; serum; severity; structural; study; surabaya; test; tnf; transcription; tropical; universitas; viral; virus; viruses; world; yang cache: ijtid-9955.pdf plain text: ijtid-9955.txt