item: #1 of 164 id: infinity-1032 author: Harisman, Yulyanti; Kusumah, Yaya Sukjaya; Kusnandi, Kusnandi; Noto, Muchamad Subali title: THE TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCE BACKGROUND AND THEIR PROFESIONALISM date: 2019-09-30 words: 5540 flesch: 38 summary: Factors influencing teacher professionalism according to Muir & Beswick (2007) are: teacher beliefs, the depth and breadth of the didactic and pedagogical aspects, and the teacher's reflection on the mathematics teaching practice in the classroom. The teacher considers that if given a mathematical problem the student completes by exploring the problem-solving strategy based on their own interests teacher’s beliefs about what is the positions of mathematical knowledge to learning about mathematical problem solving Teacher considers that in the process of mathematical problems, solving we must remember the definitions/ rules needed to solve the problem Teacher considers that in the process of solving mathematical problems, we must understand the definitions/rules needed to solve the problem Teacher considers that in the process of solving mathematical problems, we must be able to adjust and differentiate the definitions used to solve the problem The categories of teacher beliefs in the learning process of solving problems are graded from good to excellent, along with categories of how teachers reflect the learning process they do in problem solving which can be seen in Table 2. keywords: good; learning; learning process; problem; process; solving; teacher cache: infinity-1032.pdf plain text: infinity-1032.txt item: #2 of 164 id: infinity-1037 author: Umbara, Uba; Nuraeni, Zuli title: IMPLEMENTATION OF REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION BASED ON ADOBE FLASH PROFESSIONAL CS6 TO IMPROVE MATHEMATICAL LITERACY date: 2019-09-30 words: 5425 flesch: 27 summary: Constructing these capabilities, can be done if students have the ability to read and write mathematical symbols known as mathematical literacy abilities. Mathematical literacy has become an important issue lately to be developed in the study of mathematics learning. keywords: adobe; class; concepts; cs6; education; flash; learning; literacy; mathematics; professional; rme; students cache: infinity-1037.pdf plain text: infinity-1037.txt item: #3 of 164 id: infinity-1082 author: Maharani, Swasti; Kholid, Muhammad Noor; Pradana, Lingga Nico; Nusantara, Toto title: PROBLEM SOLVING IN THE CONTEXT OF COMPUTATIONAL THINKING date: 2019-09-30 words: 3379 flesch: 38 summary: Discussion Previous studies discussed about what it might mean and what we might do about computational thinking (Hu, 2011), problem solving in the mathematics classroom in Germany (Voskoglou & Buckley, 2012; Voskoglou, 2013) implications for teacher knowledge in K-6 computational thinking curriculum framework (Angeli et al., 2016), the possibility of improving computational thinking through activity based learning (Cho & Lee, 2017), a framework of curriculum design for computational thinking development in K-12 education (Kong, 2016). 109-116 113 Figure 2. answer one of respondent Figure 2 show that computational thinking student on solving mathematics problem especially graph. keywords: education; mathematics; problem; respondent; solving; stage; students; thinking cache: infinity-1082.pdf plain text: infinity-1082.txt item: #4 of 164 id: infinity-1113 author: Setiyani, Setiyani; Putri, Dian Permana; Prakarsa, Derin title: DESIGNING CAMTASIA SOFTWARE ASSISTED LEARNING MEDIA TOWARD STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL COMPREHENSION IN NUMERAL MATERIAL date: 2019-09-30 words: 5421 flesch: 46 summary: Needs Analysis Needs analysis is a way of knowing student learning difficulties and what are needed by students in the teaching and learning process. At this stage the researcher asks for input from the teacher and the students that aimd to find out whether the learning media in the form of video learning CD, can overcome student learning difficulties in material numbers and realize the desired needs of students in the learning process. keywords: camtasia; learning; material; media; process; results; software; stage; students cache: infinity-1113.pdf plain text: infinity-1113.txt item: #5 of 164 id: infinity-1121 author: Yunianta, Tri Nova Hasti; Putri, Anissa; Kusuma, Dani title: DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARISON OF MATHEMATIC MOBILE LEARNING BY USING EXELEARNING 2.0 PROGRAM AND MIT INVENTOR 2 date: 2019-02-28 words: 5083 flesch: 50 summary: Mobile learning is a unique type of learning tool to gain access to learning materials, instructions, and questions related to student learning, when and wherever they want to study. Both of these applications possessed differences and the characteristics of mobile learning applications also depend on which software is used. keywords: application; development; learning; material; mathematics; mobile; program; questions; results; students cache: infinity-1121.pdf plain text: infinity-1121.txt item: #6 of 164 id: infinity-1124 author: Purnomo, Yoppy Wahyu; Widowati, Chairunnisa; Ulfah, Syafika title: INCOMPREHENSION OF THE INDONESIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ON FRACTION DIVISION PROBLEM date: 2019-02-28 words: 6948 flesch: 60 summary: The purpose of the study is to investigate the Indonesian students’ performance in solving fraction division case including the difficulties, relations, and implications for classroom instruction. Based on the above description, this study aims to explore the Indonesian elementary school students’ performance in solving fractions division cases including the difficulties, relations, and implications for the classroom instruction. keywords: case; concept; division; elementary; fraction; knowledge; nunu; response; school; students; ummu cache: infinity-1124.pdf plain text: infinity-1124.txt item: #7 of 164 id: infinity-1125 author: Kusaeri, Kusaeri; Hamdani, Asep Saepul; Suprananto, Suprananto title: STUDENT READINESS AND CHALLENGE IN COMPLETING HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILL TEST TYPE FOR MATHEMATICS date: 2019-02-28 words: 5069 flesch: 54 summary: However, students expect that they can be given more practices in doing HOTs type mathematics questions to help them get accustomed to this type of question. Student unfamiliarity in dealing with and completing HOTs type of test make it difficult for the student to find correct answer to HOTs type mathematics questions. keywords: context; hots; hots type; islamic; mathematics; questions; students; test; type; type mathematics cache: infinity-1125.pdf plain text: infinity-1125.txt item: #8 of 164 id: infinity-1157 author: Rosita, Cita Dwi; Nopriana, Tri; Silvia, Isna title: DESIGN OF LEARNING MATERIALS ON CIRCLE BASED ON MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION date: 2019-02-28 words: 4686 flesch: 45 summary: Information gathering about learning obstacle was carried out for grade IX students who had already received circle material and the implementation of learning materials was done for class VIII students who had not studied circle material. The instrument tests used was a mathematical communication ability test questions for learning circle material learning obstacle information, interviews are used to track data that is not obtained through tests. keywords: circle; communication; design; learning; material; mathematics; module; obstacle; students; trajectory cache: infinity-1157.pdf plain text: infinity-1157.txt item: #9 of 164 id: infinity-1187 author: Angraini, Lilis Marina title: THE INFLUENCE OF CONCEPT ATTAINMENT MODEL IN MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITY AT THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS date: 2019-09-30 words: 3755 flesch: 38 summary: Mathematical communication ability is important for students to have, because by having good mathematical communication ability students will find it easier to communicate mathematical ideas they have. The researcher chooses the fifth semester in departement of Primary School Education student, because mathematics courses in odd semester can be used as objects, to examine students' in-depth communication ability about mathematical concepts only in semester V, in addition, departement of Primary School Education students semester V are also a group of students who are deemed ready to accept the treatment of this research, with the aim of becoming their own experience in teaching mathematical concepts before they go into the field, to carry out teaching practices in schools. keywords: ability; attainment; communication; concept; concept attainment; learning; model; students cache: infinity-1187.pdf plain text: infinity-1187.txt item: #10 of 164 id: infinity-1240 author: Murtianto, Yanuar Hery; Sutrisno, Sutrisno; Nizaruddin, Nizaruddin; Muhtarom, Muhtarom title: EFFECT OF LEARNING USING MATHEMATICA SOFTWARE TOWARD MATHEMATICAL ABSTRACTION ABILITY, MOTIVATION, AND INDEPENDENCE OF STUDENTS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY date: 2019-09-30 words: 4393 flesch: 41 summary: With the use of mathematical software that displays a variety of visualizations and forms of modeling real geometry it will automatically increase student motivation in learning mathematics. A motivational science perspective on the role of student motivation in learning and teaching contexts. keywords: learning; mathematica; motivation; research; software; students; test cache: infinity-1240.pdf plain text: infinity-1240.txt item: #11 of 164 id: infinity-1275 author: Wahyudi, Wahyudi; Ambarwati, Marisa; Indarini, Endang title: DEVELOPMENT OF WEB GAME LEARNING MATERIALS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-09-30 words: 4427 flesch: 45 summary: In addition, using media web games students can distinguish differences after using webgame-based learning media with learning that is usually done in class. Learning media were also proven practical based on the results of interviews by 10 students. keywords: figure; game; learning; material; media; problem; results; solving; students; web cache: infinity-1275.pdf plain text: infinity-1275.txt item: #12 of 164 id: infinity-1286 author: Hutajulu, Masta; Wijaya, Tommy Tanu; Hidayat, Wahyu title: THE EFFECT OF MATHEMATICAL DISPOSITION AND LEARNING MOTIVATION ON PROBLEM SOLVING: AN ANALYSIS date: 2019-09-30 words: 4239 flesch: 33 summary: Many factors can affect solving ability mathematical problems, one of which is the positive attitude of students towards mathematics or mathematical disposition. The rationale of the statement includes mathematical problem solving was the ability listed in the curriculum and objectives of the 2006 KTSP mathematics learning and 2013 mathematics curriculum which states that the purpose of mathematics learning was to solve problems that includes the ability to Hutajulu, Wijaya, & Hidayat, The effect of mathematical disposition and learning motivation … 230 understand problems, design mathematical models, solve model, and interpret the solutions obtained (Hendriana, Rohaeti, & Sumarmo, 2017). keywords: abilities; ability; disposition; learning; mathematics; motivation; problem; solving; students; table cache: infinity-1286.pdf plain text: infinity-1286.txt item: #13 of 164 id: infinity-1296 author: Prabawanto, Sufyani title: ENHANCEMENT OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION UNDER METACOGNITIVE SCAFFOLDING APPROACH date: 2019-09-30 words: 4729 flesch: 32 summary: In cooperative learning, the lower mathematical ability students could learn of mathematical work habits of higher mathematical ability students, and in the process of explaining the material, the higher mathematical ability students could develop mastery stronger and deeper understanding for themselves about the mathematical tasks. The result of this study also showed that there was a significant enhancement of student mathematical communication ability for low and midlle ability students who obtained teaching under metacognitive scaffolding approach. keywords: ability; approach; communication; enhancement; low; scaffolding; students; teaching cache: infinity-1296.pdf plain text: infinity-1296.txt item: #14 of 164 id: infinity-1313 author: Nasrum, Akbar; Herlina, Herlina title: DEVELOPING OF CALCULUS TEACHING MATERIALS BASED ON AUDIOVISUAL date: 2019-09-30 words: 4315 flesch: 44 summary: Material experts and media experts then validated the teaching materials that had been produced and tried out on students. In this stage, consultation with material experts and learning design experts is needed. keywords: calculus; design; experts; learning; material; media; results; students; teaching; use; video cache: infinity-1313.pdf plain text: infinity-1313.txt item: #15 of 164 id: infinity-1325 author: Argarini, Dian Fitri; Yazidah, Nok Izatul; Kurniawati, Anik title: THE CONSTRUCTION LEARNING MEDIA AND LEVEL OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITY date: 2020-01-27 words: 5694 flesch: 35 summary: This study aims to look at the effect of the use of instructional media on student learning achievement in terms of students' mathematical communication. Student learning achievement with moderate mathematical communication skills who get a model of cooperative learning assisted by constructivist media (smart book). keywords: achievement; communication; communication skills; constructivism; learning; mathematical; media; model; skills; students cache: infinity-1325.pdf plain text: infinity-1325.txt item: #16 of 164 id: infinity-1358 author: Nuzulidar, Nuzulidar; Johar, Rahmah; Sulastri, Sulastri title: TEACHER’S AND STUDENT’S NEEDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN DISASTER CONTEXT date: 2019-09-30 words: 3225 flesch: 53 summary: The purpose of this study was to analyze the needs of teachers and students of mathematical problems in disaster contexts. The results showed that the teacher often provided mathematical problems in learning but had never read mathematical problems in disaster contexts. keywords: contexts; disaster; disaster contexts; mathematical; needs; problems; students cache: infinity-1358.pdf plain text: infinity-1358.txt item: #17 of 164 id: infinity-1363 author: Nuraida, Ida; Amam, Asep title: HYPOTHETICAL LEARNING TRAJECTORY IN REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION TO IMPROVE THE MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-09-30 words: 5000 flesch: 35 summary: HLT can change during the teaching experiment phase, (3) Restrospective analysis stage: At this stage HLT acts as a clue in determining the focus of the analysis, because predictions are made related to student learning processes, it can be compared between the anticipation of predictions through observation during learning experiments (teaching experiment). Based on observations during the study, it was seen that RME learning is learning that can improve student communication skills. keywords: communication; design; hlt; learning; mathematical; research; skills; stage; students; trajectory cache: infinity-1363.pdf plain text: infinity-1363.txt item: #18 of 164 id: infinity-1385 author: Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra; Sutanti, Tri; Wibawa, Aji Prasetya; Diponegoro, Ahmad Muhammad title: MATHEMATICAL ANXIETY AMONG ENGINEERING STUDENTS date: 2019-09-30 words: 3642 flesch: 17 summary: Further explained, mathematics anxiety has an indirect effect on mathematics performance. This research explores sources or factors related to mathematics anxiety among engineering students at a private university in Indonesia. keywords: anxiety; aspects; engineering; engineering students; learning; mathematics; mathematics anxiety; research; students cache: infinity-1385.pdf plain text: infinity-1385.txt item: #19 of 164 id: infinity-1391 author: Ibrahim, Ibrahim; Widodo, Sri Adi title: ADVOCACY APPROACH WITH OPEN-ENDED PROBLEMS TO MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY date: 2020-02-06 words: 4741 flesch: 28 summary: Summary of Mann-Whitney N-Gain Test Results Comparison N-Gain W P Decision Experiment Vs Control 1533.5 0.0068 There is different From Table 2, it shows that the significance coefficient is 0.0068 so that the increase in mathematical creative thinking abilities in students using an advocacy learning approach with the presentation of open-ended problems is significantly better than students who have conventional mathematical learning. Several reasons can be put forward to explain the difference in the increase in mathematical creative thinking abilities between the three groups of students in the experimental class. keywords: abilities; ability; advocacy; approach; creative; group; learning; mathematics; open; problems; students; thinking cache: infinity-1391.pdf plain text: infinity-1391.txt item: #20 of 164 id: infinity-1411 author: Kusmaryono, Imam; Basir, Mochamad Abdul; Saputro, Bagus Ardi title: ONTOLOGICAL MISCONCEPTION IN MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS date: 2020-01-30 words: 6014 flesch: 41 summary: The results of observations of mathematics learning of elementary school teachers in the Central Semarang area, there are still many learning misconceptions. Therefore this research is very important to do, considering elementary school teachers are the first people to instill knowledge of mathematical concepts in formal education. keywords: elementary; figure; learning; mathematics; misconceptions; number; problem; respondent; teachers; teaching cache: infinity-1411.pdf plain text: infinity-1411.txt item: #21 of 164 id: infinity-1420 author: Ekawati, Rooselyna; Susanti, Susanti; Chen, Jian-Cheng title: PRIMARY STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL LITERACY: A CASE STUDY date: 2020-02-13 words: 3602 flesch: 42 summary: There are 6 levels of Mathematical literacy problems given to students in this study. There has been increased attention to students‟ mathematical literacy nowadays and have widely admitted as one of interesting issues in mathematics education by many scholars both theoretically and practically. keywords: data; level; literacy; mathematics; mlt; pisa; problem; students cache: infinity-1420.pdf plain text: infinity-1420.txt item: #22 of 164 id: infinity-1425 author: Minarni, Ani; Napitupulu, E. Elvis title: THE ROLE OF CONSTRUCTIVISM-BASED LEARNING IN IMPROVING MATHEMATICAL HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILLS OF INDONESIAN STUDENTS date: 2020-02-17 words: 10561 flesch: 44 summary: Problem-based learning strategies, for instance, can situate student learning in he c e f de c Complementary outcomes assessments for contextual student learning are authentic assessment strategies, i.e., the assessment is not only limited to the results of the written test but also based on the students' performance in doing the assignments. keywords: achievement; approach; constructivism; contribution; education; knowledge; learning; mathematics; mhots; mpss; problem; role; skills; solving; students; study; table; thinking cache: infinity-1425.pdf plain text: infinity-1425.txt item: #23 of 164 id: infinity-1471 author: Afgani, Muhammad Win; Paradesa, Retni title: PISA-LIKE PROBLEMS USING ISLAMIC ETHNOMATHEMATICS APPROACH date: 2021-04-27 words: 6045 flesch: 57 summary: Afgani & Paradesa, PISA-Like problems using Islamic ethnomathematics … 204 Indonesian students have difficulty solving PISA problems because of its problems are very demanding of reasoning and problem-solving ability while they usually solve a mathematics problem that emphasizes mastery of basic mathematics skills. PISA problems also use a global context that is not close to the daily lives of students in Indonesia. keywords: content; ethnomathematics; figure; islamic; matematika; mathematics; palembang; phase; pisa; practicality; problems; prototype; students cache: infinity-1471.pdf plain text: infinity-1471.txt item: #24 of 164 id: infinity-1489 author: Wahyuni, Reny; Efuansyah, Efuansyah; Sukasno, Sukasno title: DEVELOPING STUDENT WORKSHEET BASED ON MISSOURI MATHEMATICS PROJECT MODEL BY USING THINK-TALK-WRITE STRATEGY OF CLASS VIII date: 2020-02-05 words: 4009 flesch: 43 summary: The compatibility of LKS with MMP Model uses TTW strategy Media Experts Feasibility of Graphic LKS size LKS Cover Design Design Content LKS Linguists Language Assessment Straightforward Communicative Conformity with the level of development of students Tuning and integrated thought flow Wahyuni, Efuansyah, & Sukasno, Developing student worksheet based on missouri … 84 Data that has been obtained through a questionnaire by expert assessment of products and student in the form of qualitative value will be converted into quantitative values Likert Scale (Table 2). Wahyuni, Efuansyah, & Sukasno, Developing student worksheet based on missouri … 86 Figure 1. keywords: analysis; assessment; development; learning; material; mathematics; missouri; model; students; think; thinking; worksheet cache: infinity-1489.pdf plain text: infinity-1489.txt item: #25 of 164 id: infinity-1496 author: Lestari, Ida; Kesumawati, Nila; Ningsih, Yunika Lestaria title: MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF GRADE 7 STUDENTS IN SET THEORY TOPICS THROUGH PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING date: 2020-02-06 words: 2755 flesch: 46 summary: Based on Tabel 6, known that the average score of symbol representation students in EG is higher than CG one. Students who had the PBL model get the better score of mathematical representation. keywords: learning; pbl; problem; representation; set; students; theory cache: infinity-1496.pdf plain text: infinity-1496.txt item: #26 of 164 id: infinity-1597 author: Maharani, Anggita; Wahyuni, Ika; Oktavianingsih, Cucu title: WATSON’S CATEGORIES ANALYSIS OF SEQUENCES AND SERIES QUESTION date: 2020-01-31 words: 4051 flesch: 55 summary: Percentage of Error Type Percentage of types of student errors based on the number of questions and the Watson category, appear in the following Table 1. Based on the results of the study, some solutions that can be done by the teacher to minimize student errors in answering Sequence and Series questions are (1) Develop teaching materials that are followed by guided answers; (2) The teacher should provide more opportunities for students to ask and answer questions on the board; (3) Apperception that is less will adversely affect the success of students in the next material. keywords: answers; categories; category; figure; number; problem; results; students; watson cache: infinity-1597.pdf plain text: infinity-1597.txt item: #27 of 164 id: infinity-1602 author: Nurhayani, Nurhayani; Rosnawati, Raden; Amimah, Tuslikhatun title: OPTIMIZATION OF GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING MODELS TO INCREASE STUDENTS' INTEREST IN MATHEMATICS date: 2020-02-03 words: 5726 flesch: 52 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: Journal of Mathematics Education p-ISSN 2089-6867 Volume 9, No. 1, February 2020 e–ISSN 2460-9285 69 OPTIMIZATION OF GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING MODELS TO INCREASE STUDENTS' INTEREST IN MATHEMATICS Nurhayani *1 , Raden Rosnawati 2 , Tuslikhatun Amimah 3 1,2,3 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Jan 21 2020 Revised Jan 29, 2020 Accepted Feb 2, 2020 Student interest in learning is a very important factor in determining student success in learning mathematics. Various attempts were made by educators and educational researchers to increase student interest in learning. keywords: cycle; discovery; discovery learning; interest; learning; mathematics; results; students; teacher cache: infinity-1602.pdf plain text: infinity-1602.txt item: #28 of 164 id: infinity-1603 author: Zetriuslita, Zetriuslita; Nofriyandi, Nofriyandi; Istikomah, Endang title: THE EFFECT OF GEOGEBRA-ASSISTED DIRECT INSTRUCTION ON STUDENTS’ SELF-EFFICACY AND SELF-REGULATION date: 2020-01-31 words: 3448 flesch: 31 summary: T-test data post-test self-efficacy of the experimental class and control class students Based on Table 4 describes that the decision of H0 is rejected, which means that the result (Post-test) of the self-efficacy of experimental class students is better than that of control class students. This result is obtained from the function of Geogebra as a medium of visualization and demonstration of mathematical concepts, make students efficacy and trust the results obtained from the Geogebra display, and desires to try themselves so as to make self-confidence increase if no visualization of the concept is given. keywords: class; efficacy; geogebra; instruction; learning; regulation; self; students cache: infinity-1603.pdf plain text: infinity-1603.txt item: #29 of 164 id: infinity-1647 author: Harisman, Yulyanti; Noto, Muchamad Subali; Hidayat, Wahyu title: EXPERIENCE STUDENT BACKGROUND AND THEIR BEHAVIOR IN PROBLEM SOLVING date: 2020-02-18 words: 3694 flesch: 43 summary: In this session would discuss about external aspects affect student behavior in problem solving. This has been studied in Harisman's research, the finding of this research is teacher beliefs, reflection, didaktik and pedagogi, attitude of teacher and the teks books that used will influent student behavior in problem solving. keywords: behavior; family; harisman; problem; research; school; solving; students cache: infinity-1647.pdf plain text: infinity-1647.txt item: #30 of 164 id: infinity-1674 author: Leton, Samuel Igo; Djong, Kristoforus Djawa; Uskono, Irmina Veronika; Dosinaeng, Wilfridus Beda Nuba; Lakapu, Meryani title: PROFILE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER IN CONCEPT UNDERSTANDING OF GEOMETRY date: 2020-08-18 words: 6544 flesch: 51 summary: This research is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach that aims to describe the performance of elementary school teachers in understanding the concepts of triangles and squares. The participants in this study were elementary school teachers across Soe City District. keywords: area; concept; elementary; group; rectangle; shape; square; teachers; understanding cache: infinity-1674.pdf plain text: infinity-1674.txt item: #31 of 164 id: infinity-1675 author: Takaria, Johannis; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Sabandar, Jozua; Dahlan, Jarnawi Afgani title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STATISTICAL LITERACY AND MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF STUDENTS THROUGH COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL date: 2020-09-13 words: 5338 flesch: 21 summary: The lack of statistical literacy abilities is due to the inability to apply it in everyday life (Gal, 2002; Tishkovskaya & Lancaster, 2010; Verhoeven, 2006). The reading and interpreting statistical reports requires statistical literacy abilities which include sufficient knowledge and understanding of calculations, statistics, understanding of literacy in general, utilize quantitative data for data presentation and make summary reports on personal or professional assignments (Chick & Pierce, 2013; Gal, 2002; Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004; Watson, 2006). keywords: abilities; cps; learning; literacy; model; problem; relationship; representation; statistics; students cache: infinity-1675.pdf plain text: infinity-1675.txt item: #32 of 164 id: infinity-1689 author: Sukirwan, Sukirwan; Muhtadi, Dedi; Saleh, Hairul; Warsito, Warsito title: PROFILE OF STUDENTS' JUSTIFICATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL ARGUMENTATION date: 2020-09-21 words: 6643 flesch: 49 summary: The following are examples of student arguments that are identified as arguments 2 (see Figure 2). Understanding of mathematical concepts is the main thing that influences student arguments, as illustrated in the following interview excerpt. keywords: argument; argumentation; case; claims; conjecture; mathematical; proof; pyramid; students; volume cache: infinity-1689.pdf plain text: infinity-1689.txt item: #33 of 164 id: infinity-1697 author: Zetriuslita, Zetriuslita; Ariawan, Rezi title: STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL THINKING SKILL VIEWED FROM CURIOSITY THROUGH PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON INTEGRAL CALCULUS date: 2021-02-05 words: 3962 flesch: 43 summary: Practicality teaching material based on the problem based learning to improve mathematical critical thinking ability (Zetriuslita & Ariawan, 2016). 31-40 33 conventional learning; and (5) There is an interaction effect between level of curiosity and learning towards the improvement of mathematical critical thinking ability. keywords: ability; calculus; curiosity; integral; learning; level; problem; research; students; teaching; test; thinking cache: infinity-1697.pdf plain text: infinity-1697.txt item: #34 of 164 id: infinity-1710 author: Sari, Elisa Mayang; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra title: PROJECT-BASED WORKSHEETS USING A LESSON STUDY SYSTEM date: 2021-02-05 words: 5304 flesch: 57 summary: From this study, student worksheets were generated about direct proportion and social arithmetic consisting of four activities including determining the price list of goods purchased, determining the price of capital goods, reporting prices of goods and selling prices, and determining conditions of sale. Results of revision of student worksheets and prediction of student answers Volume 10, No 1, February 2021, pp. 41-52 45 Researchers discuss with the teacher at SMP N 1 Palembang about the material to be designed. keywords: ability; answers; learning; lesson; price; proportion; research; results; students; study; worksheets cache: infinity-1710.pdf plain text: infinity-1710.txt item: #35 of 164 id: infinity-1778 author: Kusmaryono, Imam; Ubaidah, Nila; Basir, Mochamad Abdul title: THE ROLE OF SCAFFOLDING IN THE DECONSTRUCTING OF THINKING STRUCTURE: A CASE STUDY OF PSEUDO-THINKING PROCESS date: 2020-09-25 words: 5738 flesch: 55 summary: The structure of student thinking (S.01) in solving problems before reflection (see Figure 2). The structure of student thinking (S.01) before reflection Based on the student (S.01) thinking structure as displayed in Figure 2, it could be said that the student was on a comparative thinking structure. keywords: process; pseudo; reflection; s.01; s.06; scaffolding; structure; students; subject; tank; thinking; water cache: infinity-1778.pdf plain text: infinity-1778.txt item: #36 of 164 id: infinity-1798 author: Sa'dijah, Cholis; Kholid, Muhammad Noor; Hidayanto, Erry; Permadi, Hendro title: REFLECTIVE THINKING CHARACTERISTICS: A STUDY IN THE PROFICIENT MATHEMATICS PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS date: 2020-09-06 words: 5264 flesch: 29 summary: Based on the review, there is no research focus on the development of reflective thinking indicators and characteristics in mathematical problem solving, especially on analytical geometry content. The indicators of test and observation refer to reflective thinking indicators reported in Table 1. keywords: aspects; characteristics; indicators; mathematics; monitoring; problem; question; research; s-1; solving; thinking cache: infinity-1798.pdf plain text: infinity-1798.txt item: #37 of 164 id: infinity-1807 author: Palinussa, Anderson Leonardo title: COMPARISON OF ALGEBRA LEARNING OUTCOMES USING REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (RME), TEAM ASSISTED INDIVIDUALIZATION (TAI) AND CONVENTIONAL LEARNING MODELS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 MASOHI date: 2020-09-14 words: 4518 flesch: 48 summary: Based on the background above, the problems to be investigated and discussed in this study are (1) Is there a difference in student learning outcomes taught with the RME Volume 9, No 2, September 2020, pp. To determine a better learning model among the three learning models used, the average value of student learning outcomes from the three learning models can be considered which can be presented as follows in Figure 2. Figure 2. keywords: education; learning; learning model; mathematics; model; outcomes; rme; students; tai cache: infinity-1807.pdf plain text: infinity-1807.txt item: #38 of 164 id: infinity-1830 author: Irfan, Muhammad; Kusumaningrum, Betty; Yulia, Yuyun; Widodo, Sri Adi title: CHALLENGES DURING THE PANDEMIC: USE OF E-LEARNING IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION date: 2020-09-06 words: 4738 flesch: 40 summary: First, this research shows that the obstacles to implementing e-learning in tertiary institutions include: lecturers have mastered the basic skills to support e-learning learning (Al-Rahmi et al., 2015; Ash et al., 2003; Davies et al., 2017; Govindasamy, 2001; Pundak et al., 2010; Trelease, 2015), but precisely the obstacles to the mathematical content (Sözgün et al., 2018; Vrugt & Oort, 2008). Also, many lecturers use learning management systems that are publicly available (eg Edmodo and google classroom) rather than e-learning developed by their tertiary institutions. keywords: challenges; covid-19; education; indonesia; learning; lecturers; mathematics; online; pandemic; research; study; use cache: infinity-1830.pdf plain text: infinity-1830.txt item: #39 of 164 id: infinity-1856 author: Kariadinata, Rahayu title: STUDENTS’ REFLECTIVE ABSTRACTION ABILITY ON LINEAR ALGEBRA PROBLEM SOLVING AND RELATIONSHIP WITH PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE date: 2021-02-05 words: 7817 flesch: 40 summary: Abstraction reflective student in problem solving of Mathematics based cognitive style. This study aims to describe the achievement of the ability of students' reflective abstraction in solving Linear Algebra problems and the relationship with prerequisite knowledge. keywords: ability; abstraction; algebra; algebra problem; knowledge; level; linear; prerequisite; problem; solving; students cache: infinity-1856.pdf plain text: infinity-1856.txt item: #40 of 164 id: infinity-1878 author: Rachmawati, Lelly Nur; Cholily, Yus Mochamad; Zukhrufurrohmah, Zukhrufurrohmah title: MATHEMATICS COMMUNICATION MISTAKES IN SOLVING HOTS PROBLEMS date: 2021-02-05 words: 4590 flesch: 47 summary: The importance of student mathematical communication is currently a problem that must be considered (Angraini, 2019; Argarini, Yazidah, & Kurniawati, 2020; Astuti & Rachmawati, Cholily, & Zukhrufurrohmah, Mathematics communication mistakes … 70 Leonard, 2015; Nuraida & Amam, 2019; Prabawanto, 2019; Rosita, Nopriana, & Silvia, 2019). Firdaus and Aini (2019) also found that students' weakness in mathematics communication can be caused by student mathematics communication indicators that have not been achieved. keywords: communication; concept; errors; mathematics; matrix; mistakes; problem; solving; students cache: infinity-1878.pdf plain text: infinity-1878.txt item: #41 of 164 id: infinity-188 author: Prabawati, Mega Nur title: ETNOMATEMATIKA MASYARAKAT PENGRAJIN ANYAMAN RAJAPOLAH KABUPATEN TASIKMALAYA date: 2016-02-01 words: 2767 flesch: 40 summary: bentuknya yang unik, bentuk atasnya yang membulat dan bawahnya yang menggunakan alas berbentuk persegi merupakan filosofi hidup masyarakat Sunda yaitu “tekad kudu buleud, hidup kudu masagi” yang artinya menurut bahasa tekad harus bulat, dan hidup harus persegi, yang secara garis besar bisa diartikan kita harus mempunyai tekad yang teguh dan tidak goyah dan hidup kita harus teratur. Dilihat dari keadaan diatas, masyarakat Sunda Rajapolah telah memiliki sebuah pemikiran yang sangat logis dan jauh dari sifat mistis dalam pembuatan motif anyaman, sehingga nama yang diberikan merupakan nama anyaman yang diambil dari alam dan kehidupan yang mereka jalani. keywords: anyaman; atau; bahwa; bambu; budaya; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; digunakan; etnomatematika; hal; ide; kehidupan; kelompok; masyarakat; matematika; menurut; mereka; oleh; pada; program; sebagai; seperti; sunda; telah; tidak; untuk; yang cache: infinity-188.pdf plain text: infinity-188.txt item: #42 of 164 id: infinity-189 author: Afgani, Muhammad Win; Saputro, Bagus Ardi; Darmayasa, Jero Budi title: PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN PROBLEM POSING BERBASIS KOMPUTER PADA SISWA SMA KELAS X date: 2016-02-01 words: 3506 flesch: 36 summary: Selanjutnya, siswa diberi kesempatan untuk memilih dan menjawab pertanyaan yang telah dikumpulkan. “Bagaimana jika jarak tempuh (km) bukan bilangan bulat, misal 1,7 km; 2,3 km, berapa harga jasanya?” Terakhir, pertanyaan siswa yang termasuk jenjang kognitif pengetahuan, yaitu: “Jaraknya dihitung menggunakan apa?” Dari hasil angket terbuka yang diberikan menunjukan bahwa 75% respon siswa menyatakan senang terhadap penyajian materi melalui pendekatan problem posing berbasis GeoGebra. keywords: bahwa; bandung; berbasis; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; guru; hasil; ini; komputer; masalah; matematika; materi; menunjukkan; pada; pembelajaran; pendekatan; pertanyaan; posing; problem; siswa; studi; tarif; terhadap; tersebut; untuk; yang cache: infinity-189.pdf plain text: infinity-189.txt item: #43 of 164 id: infinity-190 author: Haji, Saleh; Abdullah, M Ilham title: PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN KOMUNIKASI MATEMATIK MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK date: 2016-02-01 words: 2741 flesch: 44 summary: Apakah terdapat peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang diajar melalui pembelajaran matematika realistik? Pencapaian kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang diajar melalui Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik sebesar 63,96, hal ini lebih besar daripada siswa yang diajar melalui pembelajaran konvensional yakni 47,46. keywords: adalah; bandung; bilangan; dalam; dan; dengan; diajar; ide; kemampuan; komunikasi; konvensional; lebih; matematik; melalui; pembelajaran; peningkatan; realistik; sebagai; siswa; yang cache: infinity-190.pdf plain text: infinity-190.txt item: #44 of 164 id: infinity-1908 author: Kadarisma, Gida; Fitriani, Nelly; Amelia, Risma title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MISCONCEPTION AND MATHEMATICAL ABSTRACTION OF GEOMETRY AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2020-09-22 words: 4366 flesch: 41 summary: The research procedures are: 1) Students are given a test of mathematical abstraction (aims to find out the basic level of the students), 2) Students are given a special diagnostic test on the topic of geometry that has been explain previously (aims to find out the types of misconceptions / errors that are faced by students) and conduct interviews with some students who experiencing misconceptions. - Error in understanding some formulas for solid geometry Confusion using formulas because they do not understand the concept of volume, do not understand the relationship between shapes, students only memorizing the formulas - Error determining height in triangle Students do not understand high definition well and lack of mastery of prerequisite material - Mistakenly determined edge on BRSL Does not have well understanding on the definition of edge, has weak spatial ability - Mistakenly determine the diagonal plane and the diagonal plane on the cube Has weak spatial ability Classification - Student error in classifying the types of triangles Incomplete understanding of the concept Correlational - Error in determining the relationship between the concept of prism with the concept of a cube, cuboid, or cylinder Low ability to visualize, low ability to construct mathematical ideas - Error in determining the relationship between the concept of the pyramid with the concept of cones Low ability to visualize, low ability construct mathematical ideas - Error in determining the relationship between quadrilateral shapes Low able to visualize The following will examine some of the results of errors that have been made by students. keywords: abstraction; experience; geometry; level; mathematical; misconceptions; students; types cache: infinity-1908.pdf plain text: infinity-1908.txt item: #45 of 164 id: infinity-192 author: Soebagyo, Joko title: PEMANFAATAN WEB KHAN ACADEMY DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA date: 2016-02-01 words: 1474 flesch: 46 summary: Observasi dilakukan untuk mengamati aktivitas siswa dalam menggunakan web khan academy selama proses pembelajaran matematika. A. Pentingnya Teknlogi Menurut (Goos & Bennison, 2008), banyak peneliti dari berbagai negara yang menyatakan bahwa teknologi memainkan peranan penting dalam pembelajaran matematika di dalam kelas yang meliputi: (a) keterampilan dan pengalaman menggunakan teknologi; (b) waktu dan kesempatan untuk belajar; (c) pengetahuan tentang bagaimana teknologi terintegrasi ke dalam pembelajaran matematika; (d) belief tentang teknologi dalam pembelajaran; (e) belief tentang matematika dan bagaimana mempelajarinya. keywords: academy; dalam; dan; dapat; dengan; khan; learning; matematika; pembelajaran; siswa; web; yang cache: infinity-192.pdf plain text: infinity-192.txt item: #46 of 164 id: infinity-193 author: Zetriuslita, Zetriuslita; Ariawan, Rezi; Nufus, Hayatun title: ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS MATEMATIS MAHASISWA DALAM MENYELESAIKAN SOAL URAIAN KALKULUS INTEGRAL BERDASARKAN LEVEL KEMAMPUAN MAHASISWA date: 2016-02-01 words: 3670 flesch: 40 summary: Sedangkan untuk indikator 3, mahasiswa tidak dapat menyelesaikan soal dengan benar disebabkan oleh: (1) mahasiswa masih belum memahami tentang konsep integral trigonometri sehingga tidak dapat menentukan apakah jawaban yang disajikan sudah benar atau belum; (2) ada sebagaian yang sudah bisa menentukan jawaban yang disajikan salah, tetapi tidak bisa menyatakan mana bagian yang salah dan tidak dapat menyatakan jawaban yang benarnya. Selanjutnya sebagian besar mahasiswa dapat dikatakan belum memiliki kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menjastifikasi konsep yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan juga belum memiliki kemampuan menganalisis yang ditandai belum mampu mengevaluasi kebenaran dari sebuah jawaban yang disajikan. keywords: berpikir; dalam; dan; dapat; data; dengan; diberikan; hasil; indikator; kemampuan; konsep; kritis; level; mahasiswa; orang; pada; tidak; untuk; yaitu; yang cache: infinity-193.pdf plain text: infinity-193.txt item: #47 of 164 id: infinity-1951 author: Muhtarom, Muhtarom; Pratiwi, Adelia Dian; Murtianto, Yanuar Hery title: PROFILE OF PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS' MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITY REVIEWED FROM ADVERSITY QUOTIENT date: 2021-02-05 words: 6744 flesch: 48 summary: The results showed that the subject climber can meet all the indicators of mathematical communication skills and can be said to be good. One of the low mathematical abilities is mathematical communication skills, this can be caused by student confusion in presenting ideas or ideas in the form of symbols, graphs, tables or other media to clarify mathematical problems. keywords: campers; communication; communication skills; ideas; indicators; ndc; results; skills; students; subject; writing cache: infinity-1951.pdf plain text: infinity-1951.txt item: #48 of 164 id: infinity-1966 author: Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra; Sagita, Laela; Hidayat, Wahyu; Utami, Niken Wahyu title: TWO DECADES OF REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION RESEARCH IN INDONESIA: A SURVEY date: 2020-09-23 words: 9425 flesch: 42 summary: Research Subject on RME Articles in Indonesia The momentum for RME research in Indonesia began in 2001 through the experimental learning of six lecturers at the LPTK Higher Education Institutions (Educational Personnel Education Institutions) as an RME team in 12 elementary schools. Mathematical Topic in Indonesian Journal of RME A number of RME research on the topic of “Numbers and operations' are in elementary and junior high schools, not in senior high schools or even universities. keywords: articles; indonesia; journal; learning; matematika; mathematics; mathematics education; number; pendekatan; pendidikan; pendidikan matematika; realistic; research; rme; rme articles; rme research; school; students; zulkardi cache: infinity-1966.pdf plain text: infinity-1966.txt item: #49 of 164 id: infinity-1975 author: Said, Siti Nurain; Tengah, Khairul Amilin title: SUPPORTING SOLVING WORD PROBLEMS INVOLVING RATIO THROUGH THE BAR MODEL date: 2021-02-05 words: 6033 flesch: 67 summary: There are several possible explanations for this low mathematics performance and one of them is the inability of the pupils to solve mathematics word problems, which is an integral component of such public examinations, and mathematics content specifically (Saman, 2000; Raimah, 2001; Pungut & Shahrill, 2014). According to Saman (2000), a large number of Year 6 pupils in the country find mathematics word problems to be difficult especially when multiplication and division are involved. keywords: bar; mathematics; model; post; problems; ratio; solving; students; test; word cache: infinity-1975.pdf plain text: infinity-1975.txt item: #50 of 164 id: infinity-1977 author: Faradillah, Ayu; Febriani, Leha title: MATHEMATICAL TRAUMA STUDENTS’ JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BASED ON GRADE AND GENDER date: 2021-02-05 words: 5477 flesch: 57 summary: The item that make students very traumatized by mathematics students from grade 8 who were very traumatized was “If the classroom conditions are calm and comfortable, then I can study with focus”, which is 5% of very traumatized, 95% traumatized and 0% not traumatized. Based on The Wright Maps table on WinSteps, the percentage of male students who are very traumatized by mathematics is more than female students. keywords: analysis; grade; item; journal; mathematics; outfit; person; rasch; reliability; school; students; table; trauma cache: infinity-1977.pdf plain text: infinity-1977.txt item: #51 of 164 id: infinity-1978 author: Johari, Pg. Mohammad Adib Ridaddudin Pg.; Shahrill, Masitah title: THE COMMON ERRORS IN THE LEARNING OF THE SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS date: 2020-09-29 words: 4924 flesch: 49 summary: Yunus et al. (2016) also pointed out that most teachers in Brunei teaches simultaneous equation by telling which only provide participants with instrumental understanding in applying the rules of algebra in solving simultaneous equations, neglecting the relational understanding which is more helpful in participants’ understanding when also present. The purpose of this study is to understand the causes of common errors and misconceptions in the learning attainment of simultaneous equations, specifically on linear and non-linear equations with two unknowns. keywords: equations; errors; linear; participants; subject cache: infinity-1978.pdf plain text: infinity-1978.txt item: #52 of 164 id: infinity-1979 author: Rohaeti, Euis Eti; Fitriani, Nelly; Akbar, Padillah title: DEVELOPING AN INTERACTIVE LEARNING MODEL USING VISUAL BASIC APPLICATIONS WITH ETHNOMATHEMATICAL CONTENTS TO IMPROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL REASONING date: 2020-09-29 words: 3996 flesch: 35 summary: Development of an interactive learning model Development of interactive learning model with VBA for Microsoft Excel with Ethnomathematical contents begins with a preliminary study stage and literature study. The validation of interactive learning model using VBA for microsoft excel with ethnomatematical contents Validation of this interactive learning model consists of logical validation by two learning expert lecturers and one IT expert lecturer, user validation by three experienced teachers, and audience validation in the form of student responses obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires. keywords: learning; learning model; mathematics; model; reasoning; research; results; school; students; validation cache: infinity-1979.pdf plain text: infinity-1979.txt item: #53 of 164 id: infinity-1985 author: Laamena, Christina M; Laurens, Theresia title: MATHEMATICAL LITERACY ABILITY AND METACOGNITIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF MATHEMATICS PRE-SERVICE TEACHER date: 2021-04-27 words: 5822 flesch: 42 summary: This study aims to determine the characteristics of students' metacognition in solving mathematical literacy problems. Mathematical literacy ability and metacognitive characteristics of mathematics pre-service teacher. keywords: ability; education; journal; knowledge; level; literacy; mathematics; metacognition; problems; results; solving; students cache: infinity-1985.pdf plain text: infinity-1985.txt item: #54 of 164 id: infinity-2022 author: Fauziah, Anna; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra; Zulkardi, Zulkardi title: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING THROUGH LESSON STUDY IN PMRI TRAINING FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL PRE-SERVICE TEACHER: THE SIMULATION OF POLYGON MATTER date: 2022-01-12 words: 5047 flesch: 53 summary: Developing a learning environment on realistic mathematics education for Indonesian student teachers. The learning devices are PMRI learning materials with polygon topics consisting of learning implementation plans, student worksheet I, student worksheet II, and teacher's instructions that were predicting student activities and answers. keywords: collaboration; education; figure; learning; lesson; pmri; polygon; process; students; study cache: infinity-2022.pdf plain text: infinity-2022.txt item: #55 of 164 id: infinity-2024 author: Nasution, Marah Doly; Ahmad, Ahmad; Mohamed, Zulkifley title: PRE SERVICE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN MATHEMATIC CLASS date: 2021-02-05 words: 5162 flesch: 51 summary: In collecting information about student perceptions, researchers used a questionnaire in the form of a closed questionnaire with alternative answers given to the indicators, namely Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree), and Strongly Disagree. There are 7 indicators used to measure student perceptions with a total of 30 questions (see Table 1). keywords: category; good; learning; model; perceptions; project; score; students cache: infinity-2024.pdf plain text: infinity-2024.txt item: #56 of 164 id: infinity-2032 author: Pertiwi, Citra Megiana; Rohaeti, Euis Eti; Hidayat, Wahyu title: THE STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING ABILITIES, SELF-REGULATED LEARNING, AND VBA MICROSOFT WORD IN NEW NORMAL: A DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING MATERIALS date: 2021-02-05 words: 4988 flesch: 43 summary: However, there is no association between the positive responses of students and the results of student MPSA and SRL. 3.2. After receiving learning, achievement and improved student MPSA is at a high level and better by significantly compared with students who receive other learning. keywords: class; learning; materials; microsoft; mpsa; problem; self; solving; students; teaching; vba; word cache: infinity-2032.pdf plain text: infinity-2032.txt item: #57 of 164 id: infinity-2077 author: Wijayanto, Zainnur; Setiana, Dafid Slamet; Kusumaningrum, Betty title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE LEARNING GAME ON LINEAR PROGRAM COURSES date: 2022-02-23 words: 5039 flesch: 57 summary: This study aims to produce online learning games on linear program subjects for 3rd-semester students that are valid, practical, efective and can increase student learning motivation. Qualitative descriptive analysis techniques are used to describe the stages of development that describe the results of observations of the implementation and effectiveness of online learning games that have been developed in the field. keywords: development; game; good; kahoot; learning; linear; online; program; students cache: infinity-2077.pdf plain text: infinity-2077.txt item: #58 of 164 id: infinity-2107 author: Ristiana, Muhammad Ghiyats; Juandi, Dadang; Sulistiawati, Sulistiawati title: PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS UNDERSTANDING FRACTION DIVISION USING RECTANGLE REPRESENTATION date: 2021-04-27 words: 5749 flesch: 58 summary: Not only elementary students but many prospective teachers don’t understand the fraction division concept yet—most of them using a keep-change-flip algorithm to solve fraction division problems. There are some ways to understand fraction division problems (Adu-Gyamfi et al., 2019) (see Table 1). keywords: algorithm; change; division; fraction; fraction division; students; teachers cache: infinity-2107.pdf plain text: infinity-2107.txt item: #59 of 164 id: infinity-2116 author: Setambah, Mohd Afifi Bahurudin; Jaafar, Anis Norma; Saad, Mohammad Ikhwan Mat; Yaakob, Mohd Faiz Mohd title: FRACTION CIPHER: A WAY TO ENHANCE STUDENT ABILITY IN ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION FRACTION date: 2021-02-05 words: 4953 flesch: 54 summary: This concept of gamification was chosen because of its good effect on improving student learning (Pradhana & Latifah, 2013) in particular the improvement of vocabulary and fraction knowledge of students. Student error on the process of addition of fractions When the researchers reflect back, the researchers also found that the methods that the researchers implemented during the teaching and learning sessions did not have a positive impact on them. keywords: addition; cipher; concept; fraction; group; learning; mathematics; students; teaching cache: infinity-2116.pdf plain text: infinity-2116.txt item: #60 of 164 id: infinity-2122 author: Praekhaow, Puchong; Chindanurak, Tweesak; Konglok, Sureerat Areeraksakul; Sokhuma, Kritsana title: STUDYING CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS FOR DEVELOPING MATHEMATICS LEARNING MODEL OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN THAILAND date: 2021-02-05 words: 4934 flesch: 52 summary: It is found that the relevant study of the learning management problems to be solved of students in mathematics, the results have shown that the vast majority of students thought the current Praekhaow, Chindanurak, Konglok, & Sokhuma, Studying conditions and problems … 126 learning management problems at medium level.(Mean = 3.30, SD. Discussion Levels of learning management problems for professors and undergraduate students. keywords: factor; learning; management; mathematics; model; problems; professors; research; solving; students cache: infinity-2122.pdf plain text: infinity-2122.txt item: #61 of 164 id: infinity-2123 author: Fitrianna, Aflich Yusnita; Rosjanuardi, Rizky title: IDENTIFICATION OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ERROR TYPES IN UNDERSTANDING CONCEPT ABOUT RELATION AND FUNCTION date: 2021-04-27 words: 5378 flesch: 54 summary: Before being given the test instrument, students had received online learning through the whatsapp group by the mathematics teacher, but in this study it would be limited to analyzing student errors seen from the results of student work and interviews. The following is the conceptual error type one (K1) on each question indicator: (a) In presenting the relationship with an arrow diagram, students presented it in another form that was close to the arrow diagram; (b) In identifying functions and not functions, students saw from the picture presented in the question, there were several parallel and crossed lines, so that students made mistakes in understanding the concept of function seen from parallel or cross arrows; (c) Students did not understand the concept of domain, codomain and result area; and (d) In solving problems related to the concept of relations and functions, students did not understand what concepts used in solving problems. keywords: concept; error; figure; function; number; question; relations; students; types cache: infinity-2123.pdf plain text: infinity-2123.txt item: #62 of 164 id: infinity-213 author: Samo, Damianus D title: AN ANALYSIS OF SELF-REGULATED LEARNING ON MATHEMATICS EDUCATION STUDENT FKIP UNDANA date: 2016-09-30 words: 3737 flesch: 57 summary: The results of descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS for the first SRL aspect of goal setting, which consist of nine statements of measurement for the first level student, second level student and third level student as follows : Table 1. This study seeks to explore and describe SRL students from the first to the third level with the existing three ability categories. keywords: ability; aspect; learning; level; mathematics; self; srl; students cache: infinity-213.pdf plain text: infinity-213.txt item: #63 of 164 id: infinity-214 author: Ningsih, Yunika Lestaria; Rohana, Rohana title: PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS’ ABILITY IN MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING THROUGH REFLECTIVE LEARNING date: 2016-09-30 words: 3107 flesch: 45 summary: These lessons are identified to improve mathematical ability students. Select and implement strategies to solve mathematical problems and or outside mathematics 60,29 Fairly 4. keywords: ability; data; education; learning; mathematics; problem; solving; students; teachers cache: infinity-214.pdf plain text: infinity-214.txt item: #64 of 164 id: infinity-2146 author: Pradipta, Trisna Roy; Perbowo, Krisna Satrio; Nafis, Afifah; Miatun, Asih; Johnston-Wilder, Sue title: MARGINAL REGION MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION OF USING ICT MEDIA date: 2021-02-05 words: 6107 flesch: 54 summary: The article presents a marginal region mathematics teachers' perception of ICT as learning media and the type of ICT media used in mathematics classrooms. Marginal region mathematics teachers’ perception of using ICT media. keywords: high; ict; indonesia; learning; mathematics; mathematics teachers; media; perception; regions; school; students; table; teachers; use cache: infinity-2146.pdf plain text: infinity-2146.txt item: #65 of 164 id: infinity-2147 author: Lidinillah, Dindin Abdul Muiz; Rahman, Rahman; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Aryanto, Sani title: INTEGRATING SUNDANESE ETHNOMATHEMATICS INTO MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM AND TEACHING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW FROM 2013 TO 2020 date: 2022-01-12 words: 8960 flesch: 33 summary: This study is expected to provide a reference as a preliminary study describing the framework and projection of Sundanese ethnomathematics studies which are specifically related to how to integrate Sundanese ethnomathematics into the curriculum and teaching mathematics and what mathematics learning goals can be developed with sundanese ethnomathematics based teaching. Sundanese ethnomathematics research that focuses on these seven elements can be carried out in an indigenous community that maintains local cultural wisdom from generation to generation and is considered an indigenous community such as the Baduy community in Banten (Arisetyawan, 2015). keywords: approach; culture; curriculum; development; documents; education; ethnomathematics; indonesia; journal; learning; mathematics teaching; model; research; school; students; studies; study; sundanese; teaching; thinking; traditional cache: infinity-2147.pdf plain text: infinity-2147.txt item: #66 of 164 id: infinity-215 author: Widada, Wahyu title: PROFILE OF COGNITIVE STRUCTURE OF STUDENTS IN UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF REAL ANALYSIS date: 2016-09-30 words: 6727 flesch: 48 summary: With this data obtained the conclusions that there is a difference between the very means student cognitive structure of men and women on the levels of Intra with concrete objects. Based on precentage can disimpulan that there is a difference between the very means student cognitive structure of men and women on the levels of semi-inter with Semi-Concrete Model, i.e. 83% is a student of women. 4) The inter-level with theoretical Model Figure 12. keywords: cognitive; inter; intra; level; level inter; level semi; mathematics; model; objects; semi; structure; students; trans level; widada cache: infinity-215.pdf plain text: infinity-215.txt item: #67 of 164 id: infinity-216 author: Noto, Muchamad Subali; Hartono, Wahyu; Sundawan, Dadan title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION AND CONNECTION ON ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY SUBJECT date: 2016-09-30 words: 3555 flesch: 50 summary: CONCLUSION The ability of mathematical representation students on the material of analytical geometry especially related to the system of the coordinates kartesius, straight line, circle and ellipse still low. The ability to connect between the concepts, topics and between branches of mathematics called mathematical connection abilities. keywords: ability; average; concept; connection; geometry; learning; mathematics; representation; students; value cache: infinity-216.pdf plain text: infinity-216.txt item: #68 of 164 id: infinity-217 author: Herawaty, Dewi; Rusdi, Rusdi title: INCREASED CAPACITY OF THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT AND THE ABILITY TO SOLVE PROBLEMS THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MODEL OF TEACHING MATHEMATICS REALISTIC BASED ON COGNITIVE CONFLICT STUDENTS date: 2016-09-30 words: 5132 flesch: 49 summary: Abstract This research aims at: 1) the influence of the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics realistic based on cognitive conflict students to the ability to understanding the concept and troubleshooting capabilities; 2) determine the larger capacity of the understanding of the concept through the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics realistic based on cognitive conflict junior secondary school students the City of Bengkulu. 3) determine the great improvement of the ability to solve problems through the implementation of the model of teaching mathematics realistic based on cognitive conflict SMP students Bengkulu City. Based on the initial survey conducted researchers against the students SMP N 3 and Junior Secondary School Students N 18 Bengkulu City, obtained cognitive conflicts students in mathematics teaching. keywords: ability; concept; conflict; mathematics; model; regression; students; teaching; troubleshooting; understanding cache: infinity-217.pdf plain text: infinity-217.txt item: #69 of 164 id: infinity-218 author: Saputro, Bagus Ardi title: LEARNING MEDIA DEVELOPMENT APPROACH WITH A RECTANGLE PROBLEM POSING BASED GEOGEBRA date: 2016-09-30 words: 3620 flesch: 59 summary: The obstacles encountered by teachers for use student learning media are not used to using a computer mouse is in use. Students look at the size of the AB = DA and BC = CD, which is a condition called quadrilateral kite. keywords: geogebra; learning; matematika; media; nature; pembelajaran; posing; problem; quadrilateral; questions; students; teacher cache: infinity-218.pdf plain text: infinity-218.txt item: #70 of 164 id: infinity-219 author: Rosita, Cita Dwi title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF COURSEWARE BASED ON MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATIONS AND ARGUMENTS IN NUMBER THEORY COURSES date: 2016-09-30 words: 3735 flesch: 40 summary: Based on the results of expert validation, revision of learning material (Draft II). Validation of learning materials focused on the content, format, language and illustrations as well as compliance with the learning model that will be used in research. keywords: analysis; courseware; development; knowledge; learning; materials; number; problem; students; theory; validation cache: infinity-219.pdf plain text: infinity-219.txt item: #71 of 164 id: infinity-2191 author: Setiawan, Yayan Eryk title: PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS REPRESENTATIONS IN PROBLEM SOLVING OF SPECIAL ANGLE TRIGONOMETRY FUNCTIONS BASED ON THE LEVEL OF ABILITY date: 2022-01-12 words: 9397 flesch: 46 summary: Prospective teachers representations in problem solving of special angle trigonometry functions based on the level of ability. The first step is to ask 82 prospective teachers of semester 1 of the mathematics education Setiawan, Prospective teachers representations in problem solving of special angle trigonometry … 58 study program to solve six conceptual understanding questions, one of which is to determine the value from a special angle (see Figure 2) by providing a written explanation of the method they use. keywords: angle trigonometric; cos; figure; representation; results; students; subject; teachers; trigonometric; trigonometric function; use; value cache: infinity-2191.pdf plain text: infinity-2191.txt item: #72 of 164 id: infinity-220 author: Purnomo, Djoko; Harjito, Harjito; Setyawati, Rina Dwi; Prayito, Muhammad title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MACROS-BASED COGNITIVE DOMAIN EVALUATION MODEL IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL BASED ON THE CURRICULUM 2013 date: 2016-09-30 words: 2526 flesch: 56 summary: Effect of Independence on Learning Outcomes To analyze the effect of evaluation model on learning outcomes, we can use linear regression and the results are shown in Table 3 below. The program of macros can be made through the system of network / LAN in school laboratory or by preparing a CD / flash disk of evaluation that can be used by any student on a laptop/computer. keywords: class; device; evaluation; learning; macros; sig; value cache: infinity-220.pdf plain text: infinity-220.txt item: #73 of 164 id: infinity-2217 author: Suripah, Suripah; Susanti, Weni Dwi title: ALTERNATIVE LEARNING DURING A PANDEMIC: USE OF THE WEBSITE AS A MATHEMATICS LEARNING MEDIA FOR STUDENT MOTIVATION date: 2022-01-12 words: 6302 flesch: 45 summary: The findings from this study will help advance our understanding of the integration of the use of websites as alternative learning media in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic on student learning motivation. From this research, it can be concluded that the website can be an alternative media for learning mathematics in the midst of this pandemic because the website has various advantages that can also increase student learning motivation. keywords: alternative; journal; learning; mathematics; media; motivation; online; pandemic; results; students; study; use; website cache: infinity-2217.pdf plain text: infinity-2217.txt item: #74 of 164 id: infinity-222 author: Yuliana, Yuliana; Tasari, Tasari; Wijayanti, Septiana title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING TO TEACH INTEGRAL CALCULUS FOR THE MATHEMATICS STUDENTS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION WIDYA DHARMA UNIVERSITY date: 2017-01-29 words: 3815 flesch: 54 summary: Cluster Random sampling was conducted to determine control group that was taught using Conventional model and experimental group that was taught using Guided Discovery Learning model. Abstract The objectives of this research are (1) to develop Guided Discovery Learning in integral calculus subject; (2) to identify the effectiveness of Guided Discovery Learning in improving the students’ understanding toward integral calculus subject. keywords: discovery; group; integral; learning; model; result; students; test cache: infinity-222.pdf plain text: infinity-222.txt item: #75 of 164 id: infinity-223 author: Nurjaman, Adi; Sari, Indah Puspita title: THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM POSING APPROACH TOWARDS STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL DISPOSITION, CRITICAL & CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY BASED ON SCHOOL LEVEL date: 2017-01-29 words: 3727 flesch: 48 summary: Thus, by using significance level of 0.05 then we can conclude there are differences in the ability of mathematical critical thinking based school level. It is seen that the deviation of mean for the category of mathematical critical thinking ability of both classes is 0.45. keywords: ability; critical; level; mathematical; problem; school; students; thinking cache: infinity-223.pdf plain text: infinity-223.txt item: #76 of 164 id: infinity-2241 author: Safitri, Yulinar; Mailizar, Mailizar; Johar, Rahmah title: STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF USING E-COMICS AS A MEDIA IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING date: 2021-04-27 words: 5248 flesch: 48 summary: The instrument used to measure student perceptions was questionnaires with TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) framework, adapted from Masrom (2007). Technology acceptance model and e-learning. keywords: acceptance; comics; learning; mathematics; model; peu; students; technology; use cache: infinity-2241.pdf plain text: infinity-2241.txt item: #77 of 164 id: infinity-2247 author: Kusuma, Dianne Amor; Dwipriyoko, Estiyan title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE ENHANCEMENT OF MATHEMATICAL CONNECTION ABILITY USING ETHNOMATHEMATICS AND THE MOZART EFFECT date: 2021-04-27 words: 4474 flesch: 40 summary: Data of mathematical connection ability test results were analyzed in the following steps: 1) normality test using One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov; 2) homogeneity test of variance using Levene statistical test; 3) hypothesis test using one way anova; 4) Normalized gain analysis, to determine the enhancement of mathematical connection ability of students who get EM and those who get DL; and 5) regression analysis, to determine the relationship between musical intelligence and the enhancement of mathematical connection ability. Students with Mozart's musical background Research instruments used were mathematical connection ability test, musical intelligence questionnaire, and questionnaire on students' attitude towards learning Ethnomathematics and the Mozart Effect. keywords: ability; class; connection; connection ability; effect; ethnomathematics; intelligence; learning; mathematical; mozart; students cache: infinity-2247.pdf plain text: infinity-2247.txt item: #78 of 164 id: infinity-229 author: Maharani, Anggita; Laelasari, Laelasari title: EXPERIMENTATION OF SPICES LEARNING STRATEGIES WITH THE METHOD OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) TO BUILD MOTIVATION AND THE ABILITY TO THINK LOGICALLY FOR VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2017-09-12 words: 3697 flesch: 49 summary: The results are the following; there are increased on each of his encounters, though not too significant, the average learning motivation of students at the first meeting is 5.03 with percentage is 55.87% by category is enough, while the average of student learning motivation at the end of the meetings reached only 58.73% with category is enough. During the learning process, the motivation of student learning was observed. keywords: ability; learning; motivation; pbl; problem; process; spices; strategy; students; thinking cache: infinity-229.pdf plain text: infinity-229.txt item: #79 of 164 id: infinity-231 author: Delima, Nita title: A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY AND STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL THINKING date: 2017-01-29 words: 2976 flesch: 37 summary: In this point, mathematical thinking ability will support science, technology, economic life and development in an economy. Kata Kunci: kemampuan mathematical thinking siswa, kemampuan problem solving Delima, A Relationship Between Problem Solving Ability and Students’ … 22 How to Cite: Delima, N. (2017). keywords: ability; department; mathematical; problem; solving; students; thinking cache: infinity-231.pdf plain text: infinity-231.txt item: #80 of 164 id: infinity-233 author: Rafianti, Isna; Pujiastuti, Heni title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL POWER IN TERMS OF STIFIN TEST date: 2017-01-29 words: 3871 flesch: 48 summary: Instruments in this study are mathematical power test and interview. For students with the type of instinct selected as research subjects seem to be affected by the surrounding environment is negative, so that the results of tests done not in accordance with the expected potential of the type he had. CONCLUSION From the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that students with STIFIn types that are in the left hemisphere (Sensing and Thinking) higher than the power of mathematical STIFIn types that are in the right hemisphere (Intuiting and Feeling). keywords: ability; answer; instinct; learning; mathematics; power; research; results; score; stifin; students; test; type cache: infinity-233.pdf plain text: infinity-233.txt item: #81 of 164 id: infinity-234 author: Haji, Saleh; Abdullah, M Ilham; Maizora, Syafdi; Yumiati, Yumiati title: DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ ABILITY OF MATHEMATICAL CONNECTION THROUGH USING OUTDOOR MATHEMATICS LEARNING date: 2017-01-29 words: 3584 flesch: 49 summary: This led to the ability of understanding mathematical concepts, especially the ability of mathematical connection students do not develop properly. Is there an increase in the ability of mathematical connection students taught through outdoor learning mathematics? keywords: ability; connection; data; group; learning; mathematics; outdoor; results; students; table cache: infinity-234.pdf plain text: infinity-234.txt item: #82 of 164 id: infinity-236 author: Khaerunisak, Khaerunisak; Kartono, Kartono; Hidayah, Isti; Fahmi, Ahmad Yusril title: THE ANALYSIS OF DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT RESULT IN PISA MATHEMATICAL LITERACY BASED ON STUDENTS SELF-EFFICACY IN RME LEARNING date: 2017-01-29 words: 7624 flesch: 42 summary: Students located above the ZPD does not need given the scaffolding because it has a high capability, while students are under the ZPD Volume 6, No. 1, February 2017 pp 77-94 81 can not be granted scaffolding because of his ability is too low so that students continue to experience difficulties if given assistance. Based on interviews with students, resulting in that students who have high levels of self- efficacy if they supported by a responsive environment, then there is a behavior change in the form of student successfully carry out tasks according to its ability or good results in mathematical literacy diagnostic test. keywords: ability; assessment; average; component; diagnostic; efficacy; learning; literacy; mathematics; number; question; results; rme; self; students; value cache: infinity-236.pdf plain text: infinity-236.txt item: #83 of 164 id: infinity-238 author: Julita, Julita title: THE ENHANCEMENT OF MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH QUANTUM LEARNING date: 2017-01-29 words: 5866 flesch: 53 summary: Student ability in processing information to solve the problem is varied depended on background of student ability in using reasoning, that is ability to see causal effect relation to draw conclusion. The Scheme Framework of Quantum Learning Quantum learning process is process of active student learning which balance left brain and right brain which enable students to combine logical thinking and creative thinking. keywords: ability; class; data; ial; learning; mathematical; problem; psa; solving; students; test cache: infinity-238.pdf plain text: infinity-238.txt item: #84 of 164 id: infinity-239 author: widodo, sri adi title: DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING MATERIALS ALGEBRAIC EQUATION TO IMPROVE PROBLEM SOLVING date: 2017-01-29 words: 5016 flesch: 44 summary: With this validation, a sheet is expected (1) to provide feasibility assessment or instructional materials algebraic equations that have been developed and (2) obtain the inputs used to revise teaching materials algebraic equations. Teaching materials algebraic equation prepared attention steps Polya adapted: (1) understand the problem, (2) plan for a plan to resolve the problem, (3) implement a plan to resolve the problem, and (4) concludes solve the problem, it this aims to make students familiar in solving algebraic equations hopes students have the ability to solve problems and learn quite a good achievement. keywords: algebraic; development; equations; learners; learning; materials; problem; research; solving; students; teaching; teaching materials; widodo cache: infinity-239.pdf plain text: infinity-239.txt item: #85 of 164 id: infinity-2421 author: Casanova, Joanne Ramirez; Cantoria, Claudeth Cathleen Canlas; Lapinid, Minie Rose Caramoan title: STUDENTS’ GEOMETRIC THINKING ON TRIANGLES: MUCH IMPROVEMENT IS NEEDED date: 2021-04-27 words: 7092 flesch: 57 summary: Students’ scores in the van Hiele test Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Success Criteria Score (Out of 100) 75 70 65 60 Students’ Mean Score (Out of 100) 76.00 57.55 48.33 35 Number of Students who Passed (N=30) 20 12 9 7 The results revealed that, while at their high school, students were expected to have attained level 4 – Formal Deduction. A look into students’ misconceptions help explain the very low geometric thinking and may assist teachers in correcting errors to aid students in reaching a higher van Hiele geometric thinking level. keywords: figure; geometry; hiele; level; mathematics; misconceptions; sides; students; theorem; thinking; triangles; understanding; van cache: infinity-2421.pdf plain text: infinity-2421.txt item: #86 of 164 id: infinity-243 author: Hendriana, Heris title: SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ MATHEMATICAL QUESTIONING ABILITY AND METAPHORICAL THINKING LEARNING date: 2017-01-29 words: 3871 flesch: 47 summary: The teachers’ ability to ask mathematical question teachers in both classes (conventional class and metaphorical thinking class) is still in high category (74.80%> 70.70% of the ideal score). High school students with their capacity can ask a question properly because they already have high thinking level. keywords: ability; kam; learning; mathematics; questioning; school; students; teachers; thinking cache: infinity-243.pdf plain text: infinity-243.txt item: #87 of 164 id: infinity-2446 author: Suzana, Yenny; Sabaruddin, Sabaruddin; Maharani, Suesthi; Abidin, Zainal title: MATHEMATICS LEARNING THROUGH CHARACTER EDUCATION BASED ON INTEGRATED THEMATIC LEARNING: A DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MATERIALS date: 2021-04-27 words: 7837 flesch: 43 summary: The results show that learning materials based on a realistic mathematics education approach are important things that need to be considered to maximize student mathematics learning achievement. Furthermore, student learning activities are designed based on sub-themes. keywords: activities; character; development; education; figure; learning; lessons; life; materials; mathematics; research; school; students; teachers; teaching; values cache: infinity-2446.pdf plain text: infinity-2446.txt item: #88 of 164 id: infinity-246 author: Shodikin, Ali title: EFFECT OF LEARNING WITH ABDUCTIVE-DEDUCTIVE STRATEGY TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF REASONING ABILITY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2017-09-12 words: 3969 flesch: 40 summary: Achievement of mathematical reasoning ability students who acquire learning with abductive- deductive strategy is better than students acquire expository learning. Reviewed in more detail by category KAM, only in the middle category that shows achievement of mathematical reasoning ability students acquire learning with abductive- deductive strategy better than students who acquire the expository learning. keywords: abilities; ability; achievement; deductive; expository; learning; mathematics; reasoning; strategy; students cache: infinity-246.pdf plain text: infinity-246.txt item: #89 of 164 id: infinity-2472 author: Doño, Mary Juliet Adapon; Mangila, Benjamin Baguio title: MATHEMATICS TEACHER’S ENGAGEMENT AND STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION TO LEARN MATHEMATICS date: 2021-04-27 words: 6568 flesch: 45 summary: Theoretical frameworks like self-determination and flow theories point to causal links between teacher engagement and actions, and student engagement and actions. Connell's model of motivation (Skinner & Belmont, 1993; Klem & Connell, 2004) described how the behaviors of the teacher influenced student engagement. Combinations of carefully employed educational variables have been successful in increasing student engagement. keywords: data; education; engagement; learn; learning; mathematics; mathematics teacher; mean; motivation; school; students; teacher; teaching cache: infinity-2472.pdf plain text: infinity-2472.txt item: #90 of 164 id: infinity-2519 author: Harisman, Yulyanti; Noto, Muchamad Subali; Hidayat, Wahyu title: INVESTIGATION OF STUDENTS' BEHAVIOR IN MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING date: 2021-04-27 words: 9755 flesch: 56 summary: Harisman, Noto, & Hidayat, Investigation of students’ behavior in mathematical problem … 236 Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (PERMENDIKBUD) The process of problem solving Talking about solving mathematical problems certainly will not be released from the core problem itself. keywords: alvaro; behaviour; dhea; fikri; interviewer; problem; school; solving; strategies; strategy; students cache: infinity-2519.pdf plain text: infinity-2519.txt item: #91 of 164 id: infinity-2533 author: Risdiyanti, Irma; Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra title: DESIGNING LEARNING TRAJECTORY OF SET THROUGH THE INDONESIAN SHADOW PUPPETS AND MAHABHARATA STORIES date: 2021-04-27 words: 6950 flesch: 53 summary: Student activity begins with getting to know wayang and the Mahabharata story. The development of HLT in every learning activity is an essential part of designing student learning activities. keywords: activity; characters; context; form; learning; mahabharata; mathematics; prahmana; set; students; students students; teacher; trajectory; wayang cache: infinity-2533.pdf plain text: infinity-2533.txt item: #92 of 164 id: infinity-2535 author: Wardhani, Thalitha Ariesti Widhia; Argaswari, Deshinta P. A. D. title: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ERROR IN SOLVING WORD PROBLEM OF TRIGONOMETRY BASED ON NEWMAN ERROR HIERARCHICAL MODEL date: 2022-01-12 words: 6343 flesch: 50 summary: Based on the instrument test results and interviews, it can be concluded that high school students made errors in solving word problem of trigonometry which are: 1) The percentage of errors in comprehension stage is 17.77% where students made error in comprehending and understanding the problem; 2) The percentage of errors in transformation stage is 22.63% where students made error in transforming the real problem given in the form of sentence to mathematical form and strategy; 3) The percentage of errors in process skill stage is 29.8% where students made errors in applying the strategy chosen to solve the problem especially in doing the algebra and calculation; 4) The percentage of Wardhani & Argaswari, High school students’ error in solving word problem of trigonometry … 98 errors in encoding stage is 29.8% where students made error when they write the solution incompletely or wrong in giving the final conclusion. 1. INTRODUCTION Trigonometry is one of the topics that high school students learn when studying mathematics. keywords: comprehension; data; error; mathematics; newman; problem; research; school; students; trigonometry; word; word problem cache: infinity-2535.pdf plain text: infinity-2535.txt item: #93 of 164 id: infinity-2596 author: Kusmaryono, Imam; Aminudin, Mohamad; Kartinah, Kartinah title: THE ROLE OF EQUILIBRATION IN THE FORMATION OF COGNITIVE STRUCTURES IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING date: 2022-09-26 words: 5930 flesch: 45 summary: What do we know about students' cognitive conflict in science classroom: A theoretical model of cognitive conflict process. Further studies suggest that when selecting topics for equilibration-based activities, teachers should provide an effective learning environment to support the formation of cognitive structures to become more prosperous and complex. keywords: circle; cognitive; conflict; equation; equilibration; process; structure; students; subject cache: infinity-2596.pdf plain text: infinity-2596.txt item: #94 of 164 id: infinity-2624 author: Nur, Andi Saparuddin; Kartono, Kartono; Zaenuri, Zaenuri; Rochmad, Rochmad title: THE LATERAL THINKING PROCESSES IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL WORD PROBLEMS REVIEWED AT ADVERSITY QUOTIENT AND REFLECTIVE COGNITIVE STYLE date: 2022-09-20 words: 5893 flesch: 53 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: Journal of Mathematics Education p-ISSN 2089-6867 Volume 11, No. 2, September 2022 e–ISSN 2460-9285 223 THE LATERAL THINKING PROCESSES IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL WORD PROBLEMS REVIEWED AT ADVERSITY QUOTIENT AND REFLECTIVE COGNITIVE STYLE Andi Saparuddin Nur1*, Kartono2, Zaenuri2, Rochmad2 1Universitas Musamus, Indonesia 2Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Jul 17, 2021 Revised Jun 20, 2022 Accepted Sep 6, 2022 Solving word problems with a thought jump shows flexibility and the ability to use alternative procedures that are important for students to master. This study aimed to describe students' lateral thinking processes in solving word problems in terms of adversity quotient and reflective cognitive style. keywords: camper; climber; problem; quitter; solving; students; subject; thinking; volume; word cache: infinity-2624.pdf plain text: infinity-2624.txt item: #95 of 164 id: infinity-2646 author: Ahmad, Ahmad; Mohamed, Zulkifley; Setyaningsih, Eka; Sugihandardji, Chumaedi title: ONLINE LEARNING INTERACTION OF MATHEMATICS TEACHER IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: A SURVEY IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-04-27 words: 5310 flesch: 47 summary: Online learning interaction of mathematics teacher in junior high school: A survey in the COVID-19 pandemic. Without good interaction there will be no social life, social Ahmad, Mohamed, Setyaningsih, & Sugihandardji, Online learning interaction … 272 groups nor the social system (Schwarz et al., 2009). keywords: activity; class; education; interaction; journal; learning; mathematics; online; students; teachers cache: infinity-2646.pdf plain text: infinity-2646.txt item: #96 of 164 id: infinity-2789 author: Nofriyandi, Nofriyandi; Andrian, Dedek title: FACTORS THAT AFFECT STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE AT HIGHER EDUCATION IN RIAU PROVINCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-09-30 words: 6204 flesch: 43 summary: In addition to student learning interest, motivation also directly affected student self-regulation. Self-regulated learning and self-efficacy can affect student learning success. keywords: education; effect; efficacy; interest; involvement; learning; mathematics; mathematics performance; motivation; performance; self; students cache: infinity-2789.pdf plain text: infinity-2789.txt item: #97 of 164 id: infinity-2818 author: Ogbonnaya, Ugorji Iheanachor; Dimitriou-Hadjichristou, Chrysoula title: THE LAKATOSIAN METHODOLOGY IN TEACHING THE SURFACE AREA OF A CONE AND A STUDENT’S CONCEPTUAL TRANSITION date: 2022-01-17 words: 6282 flesch: 58 summary: The positive heuristic in this research programme is Alexa’s understanding (by using experimental methods) that both shapes a and b are cones and can stand on a plane independently of their sector material, helping her to refine her theories into Ogbonnaya & Dimitriou-Hadjichristou, The lakatosian methodology in teaching the surface … 110 the SM. Engaging secondary students in reasoning and proving. keywords: alexa; cone; lakatos; lakatosian; mathematics; method; shape; students; surface; teacher cache: infinity-2818.pdf plain text: infinity-2818.txt item: #98 of 164 id: infinity-282 author: Ni'mah, Lathifatun; Junaedi, Iwan; Mariani, Scolastika title: MATHEMATICAL LITERACY’S VOCATIONAL STUDENTS BASED ON LOGICAL AND NUMERICAL REASONING date: 2017-09-12 words: 5956 flesch: 34 summary: Measuring numerical reasoning skills students used numerical reasoning by Paul Newton and Helen Bristoll. 2. Literacy mathematical vocational students of class XI based on logical reasoning is: a) Students with high logical reasoning achieving level 4 and 5, good in formulating with communicating, representation, and devising strategies for problem solving, for employing with communicating, mathematising, representation, reasoning and argument, devising strategies for problem solving, using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation, and using mathematics tools and fo interpreting with communicating, representation, and devising strategies for problem solving; b) Students with medium logical reasoning reached level 3, good in fomulating with communicating, representation, and devising strategies for problem solving, employing with communicating, representation, devising strategies for solving problems, and using mathematics tools, and intepreting with communicating, representation, dan reasoning and argument; c) Students with low logic at level 1 and 2, good in formulating, employing and interpreting with communicating. keywords: capabilities; communicating; employing; level; literacy; mathematics; problem; reasoning; representation; solving; students; subject cache: infinity-282.pdf plain text: infinity-282.txt item: #99 of 164 id: infinity-2821 author: Ordiz, Joshua Edson Gorme; Mecate, Ghanine Rhea title: CLUSTERS OF PREVALENT PATTERNS OF GEOMETRIC THINKING LEVELS AMONG MATHEMATICS STUDENTS date: 2022-01-12 words: 3858 flesch: 53 summary: Prospective middle school mathematics teachers' problem posing abilities in context of Van Hiele levels of geometric thinking. Clusters of prevalent patterns of geometric thinking levels among mathematics students. keywords: geometry; hiele; levels; mathematics; patterns; students; thinking; van cache: infinity-2821.pdf plain text: infinity-2821.txt item: #100 of 164 id: infinity-283 author: Perbowo, Krisna Satrio; Anjarwati, Restu title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ LEARNING OBSTACLES ON LEARNING INVERS FUNCTION MATERIAL date: 2017-09-12 words: 3135 flesch: 48 summary: In this study to determine the barriers to student learning are in depth after analyzing the test results. Student learning difficulties indicated by the presence of certain obstacles to achieve the learning outcomes can be psychological, sociological, and physiological, which in turn can lead to decreased academic achievement accomplished. keywords: barriers; data; errors; function; inverse; learning; mathematics; research; students cache: infinity-283.pdf plain text: infinity-283.txt item: #101 of 164 id: infinity-285 author: Samura, Asri Ode title: A COMPARISON BETWEEN STAD-TYPE AND TPS-TYPE COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS’ GEOMETRY LEARNING date: 2018-02-01 words: 3411 flesch: 44 summary: In STAD type cooperative learning, students were directly involved in the learning, starting from understanding the problem until finding out the concept contained in the problems being faced. In every meeting in which STAD type cooperative learning was employed, rewards were given to groups, where students took part in contributing points to their groups. keywords: communication; learning; skills; stad; students; thinking; tps; type cache: infinity-285.pdf plain text: infinity-285.txt item: #102 of 164 id: infinity-286 author: Rosyana, Tina; Afrilianto, M.; Senjayawati, Eka title: THE STRATEGY OF FORMULATE-SHARE-LISTEN-CREATE TO IMPROVE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM POSING ABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL DISPOSITION ON PROBABILITY CONCEPT date: 2018-02-01 words: 2440 flesch: 45 summary: The results showed (1) The mathematical problems posing of the students who obtained FSLC learning strategy is better than that of those who obtained conventional one; (2) The improvement of mathematical problems posing of the students who obtained FSLC learning strategy is better than that of those who obtained conventional one; (3) The mathematical disposition of students who obtained FSLC learning strategy is better than that of those who obtained conventional learning. Mayadina (2012) stated that mathematical problem posing consist of two aspect are accepting and challenging. keywords: disposition; fslc; learning; posing; problem; strategy; students cache: infinity-286.pdf plain text: infinity-286.txt item: #103 of 164 id: infinity-288 author: Samo, Damianus D title: PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ CONCEPTION OF HIGHER-ORDER THINKING LEVEL IN BLOOM'S TAXONOMY date: 2017-09-12 words: 6555 flesch: 46 summary: R : You put remembering, understanding and applying in lower order thinking level while analyzing, evaluating and creating in higher order thinking. Some conception of higher order thinking and lower order thinking is shown in the following figure: Volume 6, No. 2, September 2017 pp 121-136 125 Figure 1. keywords: bloom; level; mathematics; order; order thinking; problem; service; subjects; taxonomy; teachers; thinking cache: infinity-288.pdf plain text: infinity-288.txt item: #104 of 164 id: infinity-2893 author: Sistyawati, Risda Intan; Zulkardi, Zulkardi; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra; Samsuriyadi, Samsuriyadi; Alwi, Zahra; Sepriliani, Sisca Puspita; Tanjung, Ayu Luviyanti; Pratiwi, Riszky Pabela; Aprilisa, Shinta; Nusantara, Duano Sapta; Meryansumayeka, Meryansumayeka; Jayanti, Jayanti title: DEVELOPMENT OF PISA TYPES OF QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES CONTENT SHAPE AND SPACE CONTEXT PANDEMIC PERIOD date: 2023-02-28 words: 4433 flesch: 59 summary: The purpose of this research is to find outthe characteristics of PISA type questions and activities in the shape and space context of social distancing during the pandemic are valid, practical and have potential effects. This study aims to obtain PISA type questions and activities that are valid, practical and have potential effects. keywords: activities; answer; development; pisa; questions; students cache: infinity-2893.pdf plain text: infinity-2893.txt item: #105 of 164 id: infinity-2896 author: Ramadoni, Ramadoni; Chien, Kao Tai title: INTEGRATING PEER TUTORING VIDEO WITH FLIPPED CLASSROOM IN ONLINE STATISTICS COURSE TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES date: 2023-02-28 words: 5596 flesch: 59 summary: Several other studies also revealed about online learning flipped classroom conducted by Wang (2019) maintains that Flipped Classroom learning can facilitate learning that is easily arranged by students, increase student involvement in learning and improve student learning outcomes. The results obtained indicate that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes in the three sample groups. keywords: classroom; education; learning; method; online; outcomes; peer; students; study; table cache: infinity-2896.pdf plain text: infinity-2896.txt item: #106 of 164 id: infinity-2912 author: Pratiwi, Mely Della; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra; Zulkardi, Zulkardi title: MATHEMATICS CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY MATERIALS SOCIAL ARRITHMATIC CLASS VII ASSISTED VIDEO ANIMATION IN THE ERA OF COVID-19 date: 2022-09-24 words: 4733 flesch: 46 summary: Lesson Study can increase the effectiveness of student learning, the class becomes more effective and the teacher as a facilitator, so that learning becomes better (Rusiyanti et al., 2021; Shimizu, 2020). In the scheduled pre-learning learning process (Asynchronous) students will be given a video link containing an animated video of student learning on social arithmetic material with the subject of sales, purchases, profits, losses and percentages sent via whatsApp group, then the student can watch the learning video to complete and record Volume 11, No 2, September 2022, pp. 297-310 301 Infinity any important things that have not been understood which will then be discussed together during the learning activities. keywords: ability; answers; figure; indicators; learning; mathematics; pmri; putri; skills; students; thinking cache: infinity-2912.pdf plain text: infinity-2912.txt item: #107 of 164 id: infinity-2954 author: Fisher, Dahlia; Dahlan, Jarnawi Afgani; Putra, Beni Yusepa Ginanjar title: MATHEMATICAL SELF-ESTEEM ABILITY OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PROJECT-BASED LEARNING date: 2022-09-23 words: 4748 flesch: 53 summary: [Improving mathematical self esteem of junior high school students through open ended approach]. Based on the PMK category, the average achievement of mathematical self-esteem of high PMK students who received PBL was 86.98 from the ideal maximum score of 100 (classified as high). keywords: ability; achievement; esteem; high; learning; pbl; pmk; self; students cache: infinity-2954.pdf plain text: infinity-2954.txt item: #108 of 164 id: infinity-2974 author: Lukman, Lukman; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Suryadi, Didi; Dasari, Dadan; Prabawanto, Sufyani title: STUDYING STUDENT STATISTICAL LITERACY IN STATISTICS LECTURES ON HIGHER EDUCATION USING GROUNDED THEORY APPROACH date: 2022-01-11 words: 4481 flesch: 36 summary: Researchers conducted an in-depth study of student statistical literacy, how they understand and apply statistics, how statistics are used as a tool for reliable data that can be trusted as scientific works. Therefore, many institutions hold statistical analysis training using statistical analysis software to improve Lukman, Wahyudin, Suryadi, Dasari, & Prabawanto, Studying student statistical literacy … 164 their performance (Noha, 2013). keywords: ability; coding; data; garfield; literacy; reasoning; research; statistical; students cache: infinity-2974.pdf plain text: infinity-2974.txt item: #109 of 164 id: infinity-2990 author: Pramuditya, Surya Amami; Noto, Muchamad Subali; Azzumar, Fuji title: CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITIES IN OPEN-ENDED-BASED VIRTUAL REALITY GAME LEARNING date: 2022-09-20 words: 7769 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore students are able to solve problem problems using these strategies. Students can also solve problem problems using models or plans that they have previously made. keywords: ability; ability students; answers; data; game; mathematics; open; problem; question; solving; students cache: infinity-2990.pdf plain text: infinity-2990.txt item: #110 of 164 id: infinity-302 author: Sari, Dwi Maulida title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITY BY USING COOPERATIVE LEARNING TALKING STICK TYPE date: 2017-09-12 words: 5588 flesch: 46 summary: Interviews were conducted with mathematics teachers of grade VII, concluded that the level of students' mathematical communication ability in the first grade have not developed optimally. On this basis, the authors try to apply cooperative learning talking stick type to see the improvement of students' mathematical communication ability. keywords: ability; answer; communication; communication ability; land; learning; mathematics; problem; stick; students; type cache: infinity-302.pdf plain text: infinity-302.txt item: #111 of 164 id: infinity-303 author: Fatmanissa, Namirah; Sagara, Rahmat title: LANGUAGE LITERACY AND MATHEMATICS COMPETENCE EFFECT TOWARD WORD PROBLEMS SOLVING date: 2017-09-12 words: 5298 flesch: 55 summary: It is already elaborated that solving word problems is affected by many factors in which two among them (language literacy and basic mathematics competence) are the most significant factor. Word problem is generally defined as collection of words and structures which creates a problem. keywords: ability; competence; language; literacy; mathematics; problems; solving; students; test; word; word problems cache: infinity-303.pdf plain text: infinity-303.txt item: #112 of 164 id: infinity-3049 author: Afrilianto, M.; Rosyana, Tina; Linda, Linda; Wijaya, Tommy Tanu title: PROJECT-ACTIVITY-COOPERATIVE LEARNING-EXERCISE MODEL IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY IN MATHEMATICS date: 2022-09-24 words: 4947 flesch: 46 summary: Supporting findings related to student opinions about the implementation of PACE model learning were obtained from questionnaires and interviews. Students feel that PACE model learning provides opportunities for them to complete projects through learning activities with cooperative learning and individual and group exercises, thus making it easier for them to understand the material. keywords: ability; learning; mathematics; model; pace; pace model; students; thinking cache: infinity-3049.pdf plain text: infinity-3049.txt item: #113 of 164 id: infinity-3067 author: Hutajulu, Masta; Perbowo, Krisna Satrio; Alghadari, Fiki; Minarti, Eva Dwi; Hidayat, Wahyu title: THE PROCESS OF CONCEPTUALIZATION IN SOLVING GEOMETRIC-FUNCTION PROBLEMS date: 2022-02-28 words: 8946 flesch: 46 summary: The quotations above become the theory in this study to analyze the process of solving geometric Hutajulu, Perbowo, Alghadari, Minarti, & Hidayat, The process of conceptualization … 150 problems in student functions based on the dimensions of cognitive processes and their knowledge. Rittle-Johnson and Schneider (2015) have defined conceptual problems as problems that are relatively unfamiliar to students, so they must obtain from their conceptual knowledge compared to procedures they know. keywords: algebraic; concept; conceptualization; figure; function; graph; knowledge; problem; process; solving; students cache: infinity-3067.pdf plain text: infinity-3067.txt item: #114 of 164 id: infinity-3104 author: Utami, Wikan Budi; Aulia, Fikri; Permatasari, Dian; Taqiyuddin, Muhammad; Widodo, Sri Adi title: KETUPAT EID TRADITION OF THE NORTH COAST OF JAVA AS AN ALTERNATIVE MATHEMATICS LEARNING MEDIA date: 2022-02-18 words: 6091 flesch: 54 summary: In addition to ketupat, the lepet in Ketupat Eid tradition are used as a medium for tube learning. In other words, most of the teachers in learning mathematics have provided abstract mathematical concepts, without relating them to the context of the surrounding environment, so that students consider mathematics to be the most difficult subject for them. keywords: eid; ethnomathematics; ketupat; ketupat eid; learning; lepet; mathematics; media; research; students; tradition; widodo cache: infinity-3104.pdf plain text: infinity-3104.txt item: #115 of 164 id: infinity-3118 author: Ali, Haji Muhamad Hafizuddin Haji Mohamad; Asamoah, Daniel; Shahrill, Masitah title: EFFECTIVENESS OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL THROUGH MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN DIRECTED NUMBERS date: 2022-06-12 words: 7904 flesch: 51 summary: Effectiveness of flipped classroom model through multimedia technology in improving student performance in directed numbers. Keywords: Academic performance, Brunei Darussalam, Directed numbers, Flipped classroom model, Multimedia technology keywords: classroom; classroom model; intervention; learning; model; multimedia; negative; numbers; performance; shahrill; students; teaching; technology cache: infinity-3118.pdf plain text: infinity-3118.txt item: #116 of 164 id: infinity-3194 author: Maure, Luisa Morales; Nava, Marcos Campos; Marimón, Orlando García; Gutiérrez, Jaime title: THE ARGUMENT AND DEMONSTRATION EXEMPLIFIED IN A MATHEMATICAL DIALOGUE date: 2022-09-01 words: 4597 flesch: 57 summary: 211-222 213 students' thinking actions to solve proof and inductive reasoning problems related to the justification of a statement where inductive reasoning appears. As a result, most students do not master basic mathematical concepts and have difficulty solving problems (Godino et al., 2007; Godino et al., 2011; Mallart et al., 2018; Maure et al., 2018; Morales-Maure et al., 2022). keywords: mathematics; reasoning; students; teacher; 𝑗=0; 𝑛−1 cache: infinity-3194.pdf plain text: infinity-3194.txt item: #117 of 164 id: infinity-3338 author: Supianti, In In; Yaniawati, Poppy; Osman, Siti Zuraidah Md; Al-Tamar, Jasem; Lestari, Niki title: DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING MATERIALS FOR E-LEARNING-BASED STATISTICS MATERIALS ORIENTED TOWARDS THE MATHEMATICAL LITERACY ABILITY OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2022-09-20 words: 7850 flesch: 44 summary: Learning by using phones is used to access learning, materials, instructions, and questions related to student learning, when and wherever they want to learn (Yunianta et al., Supianti, Yaniawati, Osman, Al-Tamar, & Lestari, Development of teaching materials … 246 2019). The essential components of e-learning-based teaching materials are an attractive appearance, a display filled with many interesting images, colors, and animations, and explicit material content and contents that make it easier for students to Volume 11, No 2, September 2022, pp. 237-254 247 understand learning material. keywords: ability; edmodo; learning; level; literacy; matematika; materials; mathematics; media; problems; results; skills; stage; students; teaching; teaching materials; use cache: infinity-3338.pdf plain text: infinity-3338.txt item: #118 of 164 id: infinity-3378 author: Kurniansyah, Muhamad Yusup; Hidayat, Wahyu; Rohaeti, Euis Eti title: DEVELOPMENT OF COMBINED MODULE USING CONTEXTUAL SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE date: 2022-09-29 words: 7861 flesch: 48 summary: Discussion This research aims to develop the learning materials, so they can be used as a solution to problems found in the field, regarding the lack of student problem solving abilities because the teaching used materials are less qualified. After being given treatment to experimental class students by using a combination of scientific approaches and contextual approaches and control classes with scientific approaches, the results of the analysis obtained support the hypothesis which states that mathematical problem solving abilities and Habits of Mind students who learn using a combination of scientific approaches and contextual approaches better than those who learn by using a scientific approach. keywords: approach; class; habits; learning; materials; mind; problem; scientific; solving; students; table; teaching; test cache: infinity-3378.pdf plain text: infinity-3378.txt item: #119 of 164 id: infinity-3389 author: Azizah, Tuti; Fauzan, Ahmad; Harisman, Yulyanti title: “FLIPPED CLASSROOM TYPE PEER INSTRUCTION-BASED LEARNING” BASED ON A WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENT'S PROBLEM SOLVING date: 2022-09-29 words: 8109 flesch: 52 summary: Student problem solving is influenced by how the teacher behaves (Harisman et al., 2019b). The steps for developing web-based learning tools include preliminary needs analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis, student analysis, and literature analysis. keywords: analysis; classroom; equations; figure; instruction; learning; linear; materials; mathematics; model; peer; problem; results; solving; students; tools; type; videos cache: infinity-3389.pdf plain text: infinity-3389.txt item: #120 of 164 id: infinity-3469 author: Hendricks, Winston; Olawale, Babawande Emmanuel title: MATHEMATICAL PROBABILITY: LEARNER'S MISCONCEPTION IN A SELECTED SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOL date: 2023-02-28 words: 6174 flesch: 51 summary: The findings also revealed that the types of probability misconceptions did not differ significantly by gender, and male learners tend to have more misconceptions about probability than female learners. The test was related to five different types of probability misconceptions such as: a. Simple and Compound Events: for example, “The letters in the word “CICEK” are written one by one on the cards, and then these cards are placed in a bag. keywords: education; gender; grade; learners; mathematics; misconceptions; probability; question; relation; study; table cache: infinity-3469.pdf plain text: infinity-3469.txt item: #121 of 164 id: infinity-349 author: Rahmi, Sylvia; Nadia, Rifka; Hasibah, Bibih; Hidayat, Wahyu title: THE RELATION BETWEEN SELF-EFFICACY TOWARD MATH WITH THE MATH COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE date: 2017-09-12 words: 2170 flesch: 43 summary: Through mathematical communication students exchange and explain their ideas or understanding to their friend. Math test used was a test of mathematical communication skills. keywords: communication; efficacy; math; mathematics; self; skills; students cache: infinity-349.pdf plain text: infinity-349.txt item: #122 of 164 id: infinity-3586 author: Maarif, Samsul; Fitriani, Nelly title: MATHEMATICAL RESILIENCE, HABITS OF MIND, AND SOCIOMATHEMATICAL NORMS BY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS: A STRUCTURED EQUATION MODEL date: 2023-02-28 words: 6316 flesch: 39 summary: The scope of study of affective has begun to develop, not only examining attitudes but examining several aspects such as beliefs and emotional reactions (Ignacio et al., 2006), mathematical resilience (Hendriana et al., 2019; Johnston-Wilder et al., 2018; Maarif & Fitriani, Mathematical resilience, habits of mind, and sociomathematical norms … 118 Johnston-Wilder et al., 2015; Kooken et al., 2013; Thornton et al., 2012), habits of mind (Costa & Kallick, 2008; Dwirahayu et al., 2017; Matsuura et al., 2013; Yellamraju et al., 2019), sociomathematical norm (Güven & Dede, 2017; Maarif et al., 2022; Sánchez & García, 2014; Yackel & Cobb, 1996; Zembat & Yasa, 2015), and so on. This study aims to determine the relationship between the three with research questions: (1) Is there a positive impact of mathematical resilience on Maarif & Fitriani, Mathematical resilience, habits of mind, and sociomathematical norms … 120 sociomathematical norms? keywords: et al; habits; learning; mathematics; mind; norms; process; research; resilience; students; valid cache: infinity-3586.pdf plain text: infinity-3586.txt item: #123 of 164 id: infinity-360 author: Yumiati, Yumiati; Noviyanti, Mery title: ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATIC REPRESENTATION ABILITY OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING date: 2017-09-12 words: 4526 flesch: 47 summary: The problem found relating with student representation ability for example as follow. In order to upgrade student representation ability, it was necessary to done math learning which gave student opportunity for reasoning and solving problem independently. keywords: ability; data; group; inquiry; learning; mra; prism; problem; representation; research; students cache: infinity-360.pdf plain text: infinity-360.txt item: #124 of 164 id: infinity-3656 author: Widodo, Sri Adi; Turmudi, Turmudi; Dahlan, Jarnawi Afgani; Watcharapunyawong, Somchai; Robiasih, Hasti; Mustadin, Mustadin title: THE SOCIOGRAPH: FRIENDSHIP-BASED GROUP LEARNING IN THE MATHEMATICS CLASS date: 2023-02-28 words: 5763 flesch: 50 summary: Understanding student learning. Two of the four study groups were formed based on student friendship pathways, so they were assigned to the experimental group. keywords: education; friendship; groups; journal; learning; mathematics; problem; research; social; sociograph; students; study cache: infinity-3656.pdf plain text: infinity-3656.txt item: #125 of 164 id: infinity-3667 author: Panjaitan, Simon M.; Hutauruk, Agusmanto J. B.; Sitepu, Christina; Gultom, Sanggam P.; Sitorus, Parlindungan; Marbun, Melati Riani; Sinaga, Cahyana Hotmauli title: IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE LEARNING AND ITS IMPACT ON LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION STUDENTS date: 2023-02-28 words: 5850 flesch: 40 summary: Indicators of student learning achievement will be reviewed from two aspects (1) achievement of learning achievement for each subject obtained through student achievement index (IP) scores after participating in online learning, and (2) student perceptions of learning achievement that have been obtained after participating in online learning. 3.1. This raised curiosity about the impact of online learning on student learning outcomes which was followed up through several studies (Kusumaningrum & Wijayanto, 2020; Manik, 2021; keywords: covid-19; education; implementation; learning; lecturers; lms; mastery; mathematics; online; outcomes; process; students cache: infinity-3667.pdf plain text: infinity-3667.txt item: #126 of 164 id: infinity-3712 author: Murtafiah, Wasilatul; Lestari, Nurcholif Diah Sri; Yahya, Faridah Hanim; Apriandi, Davi; Suprapto, Edy title: HOW DO STUDENTS' DECISION-MAKING ABILITY IN SOLVING OPEN-ENDED PROBLEMS? date: 2023-02-28 words: 8087 flesch: 53 summary: This study describes students' decision- making abilities in solving open ended problems. This is because researchers want to reveal how the decision-making abilities of each student's characteristics in solving open ended problems are based on the correctness of student answers. keywords: ability; decision; learning; making; mathematics; method; open; problem; research; results; solving; students; subject cache: infinity-3712.pdf plain text: infinity-3712.txt item: #127 of 164 id: infinity-3720 author: Harisman, Yulyanti; Mayani, Dwita Elfri; Armiati, Armiati; Syaputra, Hamdani; Amiruddin, Mohd Hasril title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENT'S ABILITY TO SOLVE MATHEMATICAL LITERACY PROBLEMS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE CITY AREA date: 2023-02-28 words: 5528 flesch: 49 summary: According to Wati et al. (2019), if students possess mathematical literacy abilities, they will be able to recognize mathematical elements in the context of real-world problems and recognize known variables, math models, and problem-solving techniques, as well as design and put into practice solutions-seeking strategies and determine facts, procedures, algorithms, and mathematical models (Kariman et al., 2019). Deskripsi kemampuan literasi matematis pada materi bangun datar ditinjau dari kemampuan awal siswa [The description of mathematical literacy abilities in flat shape material in terms of students' initial abilities]. keywords: abilities; ability; analysis; kemampuan; literacy; literasi; matematika; mathematics; pisa; problems; school; skills; students; study cache: infinity-3720.pdf plain text: infinity-3720.txt item: #128 of 164 id: infinity-3721 author: Ningsih, Eka Fitria; Sugiman, Sugiman; Budiningsih, C. Asri; Surwanti, Dita title: IS COMMUNICATING MATHEMATICS PART OF THE EASE OF ONLINE LEARNING FACTOR? date: 2023-02-28 words: 6309 flesch: 44 summary: In this study, we focus on self-disclosure, communicating mathematics, and infrastructure support in determining the ease of online learning for students of mathematics education study programs. The results of the path analysis show that the ease of online learning is influenced by self- disclosure, communicating mathematics, and infrastructure support. keywords: communication; ease; education; infrastructure; items; journal; learning; mathematics; online; readiness; research; self; students; support cache: infinity-3721.pdf plain text: infinity-3721.txt item: #129 of 164 id: infinity-3734 author: Oktaviyanthi, Rina; Agus, Ria Noviana title: Evaluating graphing quadratic worksheet on visual thinking classification: A confirmatory analysis date: 2023-06-27 words: 7748 flesch: 52 summary: Factor analysis is commonly used in such techniques. The primary purpose of factor analysis is to simplify or reduce variables into smaller number of dimensions (Crede & Harms, 2019; Hox, 2021)There are two types of factor analysis: confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which is used to test the effects of methods or to construct validation from evaluation measurements, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which is used to investigate general indicators into specific indicators (Hox, 2021; Jiang & Kalyuga, 2020). keywords: analysis; classification; correlation; factor; factor analysis; mathematical; students; table; thinking; thinking classification; value; variables; variance; worksheet cache: infinity-3734.pdf plain text: infinity-3734.txt item: #130 of 164 id: infinity-3753 author: Dewantara, Andi Harpeni; Setiawati, Farida Agus; Saraswati, Sari title: Towards numeracy literacy development: A single-case study on the use of the living book homeschooling model date: 2023-07-05 words: 8539 flesch: 48 summary: The interviews were conducted three times online via Zoom meeting (twice with Mrs. UPL and once with student J, accompanied by Mrs. UPL), on October 21, November 15, and November 22, 2022. Therefore, the use of the right context can motivate students to participate in mathematics learning activities. keywords: activities; context; development; education; homeschooling; learning; literacy; manipulatives; mathematics; mrs; numeracy; real; students; upl; use cache: infinity-3753.pdf plain text: infinity-3753.txt item: #131 of 164 id: infinity-3757 author: Agsalon, Jessa Christine Dedal; Anore, Joy Meribeles; Salinas, Hanna Arnedo; Dipasupil, Princess Pera; Lapinid, Minie Rose Caramoan title: Utilizing lesson study in teaching synthetic division for procedural fluency in a post-pandemic classroom date: 2023-06-14 words: 6094 flesch: 51 summary: The research lesson was implemented to an intact class of twenty-two (22) students who participated virtually and seventeen (17) students who participated physically, following Beatty’s model of Hyflex learning (Beatty, 2019) that allows a mix of both face- to-face and online students be in the class at the same time (Detyna et al., 2023). The challenges in implementing the research lesson were intermittent and weak internet connection, HyFlex learning classroom management, and getting students to express their mathematical ideas. keywords: class; division; education; fluency; hyflex; learning; lesson; lesson study; research; students; study; teacher cache: infinity-3757.pdf plain text: infinity-3757.txt item: #132 of 164 id: infinity-3761 author: Lestari, Reza; Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra; Chong, Maureen Siew Fang; Shahrill, Masitah title: DEVELOPING REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION-BASED WORKSHEETS FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS' CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS date: 2023-02-28 words: 6548 flesch: 44 summary: Whereas, work plan analysis consists of seven phases: set development goals, design student worksheets, develop student worksheets validation instruments, perform validation, test the validity of student worksheets, implement, test the practicality and effectiveness of student worksheets, and evaluation. At the same time, the preparation of student worksheets and validation are included in the development stage. keywords: education; learning; material; mathematics; set; skills; stage; student; student worksheets; test; thinking; thinking skills; worksheets cache: infinity-3761.pdf plain text: infinity-3761.txt item: #133 of 164 id: infinity-3763 author: Tamur, Maximus; Ndiung, Sabina; Weinhandl, Robert; Wijaya, Tommy Tanu; Jehadus, Emilianus; Sennen, Eliterius title: META-ANALYSIS OF COMPUTER-BASED MATHEMATICS LEARNING IN THE LAST DECADE SCOPUS DATABASE: TRENDS AND IMPLICATIONS date: 2023-02-28 words: 6395 flesch: 53 summary: Rejecting the null hypothesis indicates that effect sizes between studies or study groups may not measure the same population parameters (Çoğaltay & Karadağ, 2015). Conditions show that differences in study categories affect study effect sizes. keywords: analysis; cbml; education; effect; et al; journal; learning; mathematics; meta; studies; study; tamur cache: infinity-3763.pdf plain text: infinity-3763.txt item: #134 of 164 id: infinity-3769 author: Hidayat, Wahyu; Aripin, Usman title: HOW TO DEVELOP AN E-LKPD WITH A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO ACHIEVING STUDENTS' MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION ABILITIES? date: 2023-02-28 words: 5903 flesch: 45 summary: Several scientific studies on E-LKPD have been conducted. According to another viewpoint, developing E-LKPD will enable students to participate actively, creatively, and independently in learning activities, allowing students to overcome their fear of learning mathematics (Negari et al., 2021; Susiana & Renda, 2021). keywords: approach; communication; journal; learning; lkpd; mathematics; results; stage; students; table; test cache: infinity-3769.pdf plain text: infinity-3769.txt item: #135 of 164 id: infinity-3797 author: Putra, Rizki Wahyu Yunian; Sunyono, Sunyono; Haenilah, Een Yayah; Hariri, Hasan; Sutiarso, Sugeng; Nurhanurawati, Nurhanurawati; Supriadi, Nanang title: Systematic literature review on the recent three-year trend mathematical representation ability in scopus database date: 2023-07-06 words: 7152 flesch: 27 summary: Mathematical representation ability is the ability to restate notations, symbols, tables, pictures, graphs, diagrams, equations, or other mathematical expressions into other forms. The purpose of this research is to systematically review the literature related to mathematical representation ability by referring to Type SPIDER with the question model: Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, Design, and Evaluation (Higgins et al., 2021; Newman & Gough, 2020). keywords: ability; conference; data; education; journal; learning; literature; mathematical; problems; representation; research; review; solving; students; study cache: infinity-3797.pdf plain text: infinity-3797.txt item: #136 of 164 id: infinity-3819 author: Rohaeti, Euis Eti; Hendriana, Heris; Irfan, Muhammad title: DOING MATHEMATICS INTELLIGENTLY AND HAVING GOOD CHARACTER THROUGH SIMPATIK LEARNING date: 2023-02-28 words: 6690 flesch: 42 summary: Intelligent students will have creative answers and are not afraid to try to answer the question. This understanding includes knowing when students need to meet with other students, study groups, teachers, or others. keywords: character; development; education; good; ict; information; intelligence; learning; mathematics; people; simpatik; students; teachers; technology cache: infinity-3819.pdf plain text: infinity-3819.txt item: #137 of 164 id: infinity-3824 author: Ekawati, Rooselyna; Kohar, Ahmad Wachidul; Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko; Lukito, Agung; Yang, Kai-Lin; Nisa, Khoirun title: Mathematics teacher educators’ noticing of pedagogical content knowledge on hierarchical classification of quadrilateral date: 2023-07-18 words: 6446 flesch: 38 summary: Hence, this study aims to explore MTEs’ knowledge in noticing pre-service teacher knowledge on hierarchical quadrilateral classification. Mathematics teacher educator knowledge: keywords: classification; knowledge; mathematics; mathematics teacher; mtes; noticing; pck; quadrilateral; service; teacher cache: infinity-3824.pdf plain text: infinity-3824.txt item: #138 of 164 id: infinity-3829 author: Iilonga, Hesekiel K.; Ogbonnaya, Ugorji I. title: Grade 10 Namibian learners' problem-solving skills in algebraic word problems date: 2023-07-20 words: 6586 flesch: 57 summary: Based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers introduce learners to Polya's steps of problem-solving and incorporate word problems into mathematics teaching. Due to the fact that word problems sometimes incorporate a form of narrative, they are sometimes referred to as story problems, and can vary in terms of the amount of language employed. keywords: algebraic; learners; mathematics; plan; polya; problem; skills; solving; steps; study; understanding; word cache: infinity-3829.pdf plain text: infinity-3829.txt item: #139 of 164 id: infinity-3833 author: Botha, Hanlie; Coetzee, Corene; Zweers, Liezell title: Teaching measurement: The role of mathematics teachers' enacted PCK on gain in learner outcomes date: 2023-08-21 words: 8976 flesch: 58 summary: A valuable source to inform a teacher’s knowledge about learner understanding is the outcome of baseline assessment. Purpose of study To shed light on the role of teachers’ enacted PCK on learner understanding, the curriculum topic of Measurement has been chosen for this study, being identified in the TIMSS Item Diagnostic Report: South Africa Grade 9 Mathematics (Mosimege et al., 2016), as well as the Annual National Assessment of 2014 Diagnostic Report Intermediate and Senior Phases Mathematics (Department of Basic Education, 2014a), as one of the topics South African learners find most challenging. keywords: area; education; item; knowledge; learners; mathematics; measurement; pck; teachers; teaching; test; understanding; volume cache: infinity-3833.pdf plain text: infinity-3833.txt item: #140 of 164 id: infinity-3888 author: Angraini, Lilis Marina; Larsari, Vahid Norouzi; Muhammad, Ilham; Kania, Nia title: Generalizations and analogical reasoning of junior high school viewed from Bruner's learning theory date: 2023-08-01 words: 7192 flesch: 36 summary: Improve student mathematical reasoning ability with open-ended approach using VBA for powerpoint. The instruments used to obtain data on how mathematical reasoning abilities relate to Bruner's learning theory in this study were (1) a test of mathematical reasoning abilities and 2) an interview guide. keywords: abilities; ability; concepts; generalizations; journal; knowledge; learning; mathematical; reasoning; reasoning abilities; sequences; series; students cache: infinity-3888.pdf plain text: infinity-3888.txt item: #141 of 164 id: infinity-391 author: Fuadiah, Nyiayu Fahriza; Suryadi, Didi; Turmudi, Turmudi title: ANALYSIS OF DIDACTICAL CONTRACTS ON TEACHING MATHEMATICS: A DESIGN EXPERIMENT ON A LESSON OF NEGATIVE INTEGERS OPERATIONS date: 2017-09-12 words: 5626 flesch: 50 summary: As an anticipation of these student errors, teacher directed students using vertical numbers to represent the staircase then provide some questions that lead the students. Based on the identification of the characteristics of the didactical contract in this study, there are two types of dominant didactical contract, namely 1) Mayeustic Socratic Contract, occurring in the early stages of the learning process of adaptation where the teacher does not fully dominate but helps the child's learning process through the provision of key questions that exploring the experience and early knowledge of the students to elicit relevance to the concepts to be studied; and 2) Potential Adidactical Contract, in student learning describes the question and does not wait for the answer. keywords: analysis; concept; contract; learning; mathematics; operations; process; situation; students; teacher; teaching cache: infinity-391.pdf plain text: infinity-391.txt item: #142 of 164 id: infinity-411 author: Komala, Elsa title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL ABSTRACTION ABILITY BY USING DISCURSIVE APPROACH INTEGRATED PEER INSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURE ALGEBRA II date: 2018-02-01 words: 4258 flesch: 36 summary: The process of data analysis is done by categorizing errors of student mathematical proofing based on similar errors and making the percentage of answers in each category called obstacles. Because the process of abstraction is the way of the emergence of a concept, meaning it is very important in learning mathematics, so the ability of mathematical abstraction becomes a capability that must be owned by students to study the course of algebraic structure. keywords: ability; abstraction; algebra; approach; concept; instruction; learning; peer; structure; students cache: infinity-411.pdf plain text: infinity-411.txt item: #143 of 164 id: infinity-468 author: Yuliana, Yuliana; Firmansah, Fery title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING WITH SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANCE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING TOWARD STATISTICS date: 2018-09-30 words: 4537 flesch: 57 summary: Problem Based Learning with social media assistance emphasizes on the process of learning. It mean there is difference between the students taught using Problem Based Learning with social media assistance and those who are taught using conventional method. keywords: assistance; class; control; learning; media; post; problem; result; statistics; students; test cache: infinity-468.pdf plain text: infinity-468.txt item: #144 of 164 id: infinity-483 author: Udiyono, Udiyono; Yuwono, Muhammad Ridlo title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN COGNITIVE STYLE AND STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT ON GEOMETRY SUBJECT date: 2018-02-01 words: 3324 flesch: 52 summary: The Answer of Number 2 of Student FD Based on Figure 6, students FD are wrong in drawing the model. Students FD tend to depend on their environment perceptions; have difficulty to focus on, find the main idea, and use prominent instruction; hard to give ambiguous information structure; have difficulty in arranging new information and relating it with the previous one; and have difficulty in retrieving information from long-term memory (Altun & Cakan, 2006). keywords: achievement; correlation; geometry; learning; research; students; style cache: infinity-483.pdf plain text: infinity-483.txt item: #145 of 164 id: infinity-495 author: Sitinjak, Anna Angela; Mawengkang, Herman title: THE DIFFERENCE OF STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN MATHEMATICS BY USING GUIDED-DISCOVERY LEARNING MODEL AND COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL JIGSAW TYPE date: 2018-02-01 words: 3629 flesch: 52 summary: Discussion Mathematics achievement test is given to both of classes after taught two different learning model to determine how the results of student achievement in the two classes after being given treatment. How to make guided discovery learning practical for student teachers. keywords: achievement; class; discovery; jigsaw; learning; mathematics; model; students cache: infinity-495.pdf plain text: infinity-495.txt item: #146 of 164 id: infinity-510 author: Zetriuslita, Zetriuslita; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Dahlan, Jarnawi Afgani title: ASSOCIATION AMONG MATHEMATICAL CRITICAL THINKING SKILL, COMMUNICATION, AND CURIOSITY ATTITUDE AS THE IMPACT OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING AND COGNITIVE CONFLICT STRATEGY (PBLCCS) IN NUMBER THEORY COURSE date: 2018-02-01 words: 3788 flesch: 38 summary: Discussion Based on the analysis for both of the hypotheses above, there was no association or relationship between mathematical critical thinking skill and curiosity, and between mathematical communication skill and curiosity as the impact of problem-based learning and cognitive conflict strategy. In the light of the preceding discussions and summary of findings, the following conclusions i.e : there was no significant association between mathematical critical thinking skill and curiosity attitude as the impact of applying problem-based learning and cognitive conflict strategy and there was no significant association between mathematical communication skill and curiosity attitude as the impact of applying problem-based learning and cognitive conflict strategy. keywords: association; attitude; communication; conflict; curiosity; learning; problem; skill; thinking cache: infinity-510.pdf plain text: infinity-510.txt item: #147 of 164 id: infinity-520 author: Fonda, Aulia; Sumargiyani, Sumargiyani title: THE DEVELOPING MATH ELECTRONIC MODULE WITH SCIENTIFIC APPROACH USING KVISOFT FLIPBOOK MAKER PRO FOR XI GRADE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2018-09-30 words: 3936 flesch: 50 summary: Covertion Category Quantitative Data to Qualitative Data Interval Score Criteria ̅ Very good ̅ ̅ Good ̅ ̅ Enough ̅ ̅ Not good ̅ Very poor Information: ̅ (max ideal score min ideal score) (max ideal score – min ideal score) Where = empirical score = ideal mean = ideal standart deviation In data analysis to find the feasibility of this product, the highest score is 5 and the lowest score is 1. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results The development of e-module learning media using kvsoft flipbook maker pro software has gone through several stages of revision in accordance with the steps of R & D method. The development of e-module derived material begins by designing e-module products. keywords: expert; figure; good; learning; material; media; module; scientific; students cache: infinity-520.pdf plain text: infinity-520.txt item: #148 of 164 id: infinity-529 author: Fitriyani, Harina; Widodo, Sri Adi; Hendroanto, Aan title: STUDENTS’ GEOMETRIC THINKING BASED ON VAN HIELE’S THEORY date: 2018-02-01 words: 2884 flesch: 58 summary: Level of development of students’ geometric thinking Level % Pravisualization 30,65% Level 0 The result of the study of Rafianti (2016) stated that geometric thinking level of elementary school teachers candidate according to van Hiele’s theory is mostly only reached phase 1 or introduction stage that is 50%. keywords: development; geometry; hiele; level; students; thinking; van cache: infinity-529.pdf plain text: infinity-529.txt item: #149 of 164 id: infinity-530 author: Noto, Muchamad Subali; Pramuditya, Surya Amami; Fiqri, Yudrick Maulana title: DESIGN OF LEARNING MATERIALS ON LIMIT FUNCTION BASED MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING date: 2018-02-01 words: 4249 flesch: 37 summary: Rizki & Syutaridho (2014) both concluded that the design of learning materials DDR implemented to minimize the barriers to student learning. Abstract This study aimed to analyze learning obstacles, designing learning materials based on the material mathematics understanding algebra limit function, determine teacher intervention during the implementation of learning materials and to analyze learning obstacle after the implementation of learning materials. keywords: design; function; learning; limit; materials; obstacle; problems; research; students; understanding cache: infinity-530.pdf plain text: infinity-530.txt item: #150 of 164 id: infinity-779 author: Maulidia, Farrah; Johar, Rahmah; Andariah, Andariah title: A CASE STUDY OF STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS THROUGH PROBLEM BASED LEARNING date: 2019-02-28 words: 3816 flesch: 60 summary: Based on the forward case, there has been no previous research that discusses about student creativity in solving matematical problems with a groups. Assessment of student creativity can be seen from several aspects. keywords: creativity; learning; level; mathematics; problems; students cache: infinity-779.pdf plain text: infinity-779.txt item: #151 of 164 id: infinity-820 author: Lusiana, Lusiana; Ningsih, Yunika Lestaria title: STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION ABILITY THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION OF MAPLE date: 2018-09-30 words: 3204 flesch: 43 summary: The average score of students mathematical representation ability in this study is still have to be increased. The population of this study was students of 2 nd semester of Mathematics Education Program at PGRI Palembang University Academic year 2017/2018. keywords: ability; integral; learning; maple; mathematics; representation; students; study cache: infinity-820.pdf plain text: infinity-820.txt item: #152 of 164 id: infinity-825 author: Cahyawati, Dian; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Prabawanto, Sufyani title: ATTITUDES TOWARD STATISTICS AND ACHIEVEMENT: BETWEEN STUDENTS OF SCIENCE AND SOCIAL FIELDS date: 2018-09-30 words: 4170 flesch: 53 summary: This study does not have enough evidence to state that there is a significant relationship between student attitudes to statistics and the results of learning statistics. However, there were some significant associations among attitude dimensions in small to moderate correlation coefficient as shows on Table 4. keywords: achievement; attitudes; dimension; effort; learning; statistics; students; study; test; value cache: infinity-825.pdf plain text: infinity-825.txt item: #153 of 164 id: infinity-833 author: Fitriani, Nelly; Suryadi, Didi; Darhim, Darhim title: THE STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL ABSTRACTION ABILITY THROUGH REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION WITH VBA-MICROSOFT EXCEL date: 2018-09-30 words: 3763 flesch: 51 summary: Sample Abstraction Test Questions Researchers want to analyze in depth the abstraction abilities of mathematical students based on abstraction level through learning by using RME approach through VBA. This indicator is for analyzing abstraction levels in junior high school students (Hong & Kim, 2016; Nurhasanah, 2018), Tabel 1. keywords: abstraction; concept; level; mathematics; process; students; tube; vba cache: infinity-833.pdf plain text: infinity-833.txt item: #154 of 164 id: infinity-841 author: Kusmaryono, Imam; Suyitno, Hardi; Dwijanto, Dwijanto; Dwidayati, Nurkaromah title: ANALYSIS OF ABSTRACT REASONING FROM GRADE 8 STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING WITH SOLO TAXONOMY GUIDE date: 2018-09-30 words: 5248 flesch: 52 summary: How students understand and learn depends on cognitive processing ability and abstract thinking level (Darwish, 2014). This ability is a high level of abstract reasoning ability. keywords: abstract; development; group; learning; level; reasoning; solo; students; subject; taxonomy; thinking cache: infinity-841.pdf plain text: infinity-841.txt item: #155 of 164 id: infinity-843 author: Sanwidi, Ardhi title: STUDENTS' REPRESENTATION IN SOLVING WORD PROBLEM date: 2018-09-30 words: 3280 flesch: 48 summary: Students usually find difficulty in solving the initial word problem from translating word representation into mathematical representations. External representation has been developed and widely used in various learning. keywords: ihsan; problem; representation; research; solving; students; subject; word cache: infinity-843.pdf plain text: infinity-843.txt item: #156 of 164 id: infinity-857 author: Meika, Ika; Suryadi, Didi; Darhim, Darhim title: DEVELOPING A LOCAL INSTRUCTION THEORY FOR LEARNING COMBINATIONS date: 2019-09-30 words: 3898 flesch: 36 summary: The interpretive framework for understanding student learning process primarily is RME theory. Figure 2 presents a table of results of student processes in finding formal mathematics from the concept of combination. keywords: activities; activity; colors; combination; experiment; learning; research; students; teaching cache: infinity-857.pdf plain text: infinity-857.txt item: #157 of 164 id: infinity-925 author: Kariadinata, Rahayu; Yaniawati, R Poppy; Sugilar, Hamdan; Riyandani, Dede title: LEARNING MOTIVATION AND MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING OF STUDENTS OF ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL THROUGH ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE SHARING STRATEGY date: 2019-02-28 words: 5278 flesch: 49 summary: Through the sharing of knowledge students’ will experience increased understanding because of the mutual between students. Quantitative data obtained through mathematical understanding test, filling questionnaire student learning motivation, observation sheet while qualitative data obtained through interview. keywords: cycle; discussion; knowledge; knowledge sharing; learning; motivation; sharing; stages; strategy; students cache: infinity-925.pdf plain text: infinity-925.txt item: #158 of 164 id: infinity-926 author: Maarif, Samsul; Wahyudin, Wahyudin; Noto, Muchamad Subali; Hidayat, Wahyu; Mulyono, Herri title: GEOMETRY EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES ASSISTED WITH DYNAMIC GEOMETRY SOFTWARE (DGS) IN A TEACHER EDUCATION CLASSROOM date: 2018-09-30 words: 5426 flesch: 53 summary: Students operated DGS Cabri II Plus to helped solve the problem they intended to prove Students operated DGS Cabri II Plus to helped solve the problem they intended to prove 12. The quantitative research was carried out to examine the effect of the application of geometry exploration activities assisted with DGS Cabri II Plus in constructing a proof of geometry of pre-service teachers. keywords: application; cabri; dgs; exploration; geometry; plus; proof; students; triangle cache: infinity-926.pdf plain text: infinity-926.txt item: #159 of 164 id: infinity-934 author: Rohaeti, Euis Eti; Bernard, Martin title: THE STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING ABILITY THROUGH SCIENTIFIC-ASSISTED APPROACH OF GEOGEBRA SOFTWARE date: 2018-09-30 words: 2971 flesch: 36 summary: Difficulties students to mathematics in general due to the number of formulas that need to be known by students to be able to solve a problem. e–ISSN 2460-9285 DOI 10.22460/infinity.v7i2.p165-172 165 THE STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING ABILITY THROUGH SCIENTIFIC-ASSISTED APPROACH OF GEOGEBRA SOFTWARE Euis Eti Rohaeti 1 , Martin Bernard 2 1,2 Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jl. keywords: ability; approach; class; geogebra; learning; mathematics; students; understanding cache: infinity-934.pdf plain text: infinity-934.txt item: #160 of 164 id: infinity-954 author: Hendriana, Heris; Fadhillah, Fika Muji title: THE STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL THROUGH PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH date: 2019-02-28 words: 4031 flesch: 52 summary: e. Problem solving learning can increase student learning activities. Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: Journal of Mathematics Education p-ISSN 2089-6867 Volume 8, No. 1, February 2019 e–ISSN 2460-9285 11 THE STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL THROUGH PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH Heris Hendriana* 1 , Fika Muji Fadhilah 2 1 Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi 2 SMP Negeri 2 Cilamaya Kulon Karawang Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Aug 30, 2018 Revised Sep15, 2018 Accepted Jan 12, 2019 keywords: approach; class; learning; problem; solving; students; test; thinking cache: infinity-954.pdf plain text: infinity-954.txt item: #161 of 164 id: infinity-962 author: Sukasno, Sukasno; Friansah, Drajat; Purwasi, Lucy Asri title: PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL IN ELPSA FRAMEWORK ON MATHEMATICAL LEARNING PROCESS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2018-09-30 words: 2728 flesch: 50 summary: Both of Problem Based Learning model and ELPSA are two concepts that have similarities in several stages, especially in extracting student learning experiences, where Problem Based Learning is a learning model that emphasizes two direction of learning and environment. To achieve the success of the learning process with Problem Based Learning model, it is necessary to use a systematic learning framework namely ELPSA learning framework (Experiences, Language, Pictures, Symbols, Application). keywords: elpsa; framework; learning; model; problem; students; test cache: infinity-962.pdf plain text: infinity-962.txt item: #162 of 164 id: infinity-973 author: Afgani, Muhammad Win; Suryadi, Didi; Dahlan, Jarnawi Afgani title: UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SELF-CONCEPT AND THEIR MATHEMATICS PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: THE RELATIONSHIP date: 2019-02-28 words: 4070 flesch: 50 summary: The data analysis that was used in this study is descriptive statistic to categorize the data and Pearson product-moment to test the correlation between self concept and mathematics procedural knowledge among undergraduate students of mathematics education. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the result of this study, we conclude that there is a significant relationship between self concept and mathematics procedural knowledge. keywords: achievement; concept; journal; knowledge; mathematics; self; students; test; undergraduate cache: infinity-973.pdf plain text: infinity-973.txt item: #163 of 164 id: infinity-984 author: Hendriana, Heris; Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra; Hidayat, Wahyu title: STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE SKILLS IN CREATIVE MATHEMATICAL REASONING date: 2018-09-30 words: 4903 flesch: 52 summary: The results of the students’ work which belong to the novelty and plausible of mathematical creative reasoning ability Volume 7, No. 2, September 2018 pp 83-96 89 It is different from the majority of the other students’ work who answered through the solving problems process in Figure 3, 4, and 5. The results of the interview transcript, based on Figure 2, talk about student who has mathematical creative reasoning abilities with novelty indicator presented as follows: keywords: ability; adversity; mathematical; quotient; reasoning; skills; students; type cache: infinity-984.pdf plain text: infinity-984.txt item: #164 of 164 id: infinity-997 author: Muhtarom, Muhtarom; Nizaruddin, Nizaruddin; Nursyahidah, Farida; Happy, Nurina title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ MULTI-REPRESENTATION ABILITY date: 2019-02-28 words: 4130 flesch: 48 summary: Related to the achievement of student learning, in the class with RME the percentage of students who achieve mastery of 87.25% which means that almost all students complete the KKM. Student learning mastery is seen from the pre-test score taken before the students are given RME study, while post-test value is taken after students are given RME learning. keywords: ability; learning; mathematics; multi; representation; rme; students; table; test cache: infinity-997.pdf plain text: infinity-997.txt