Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: Journal of Mathematics Education p-ISSN 2089-6867 Volume 11, No. 1, February 2022 e–ISSN 2460-9285 77 CLUSTERS OF PREVALENT PATTERNS OF GEOMETRIC THINKING LEVELS AMONG MATHEMATICS STUDENTS Joshua Edson Gorme Ordiz*, Ghanine Rhea Mecate Southern Leyte State University, Eastern Visayas, Philippines Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Oct 18, 2021 Revised Dec 28, 2021 Accepted Jan 10, 2022 Geometric thinking skills are the perceived abilities of an individual to think and reason in geometric contexts. These skills acquired by students in geometry remain poor and unsettling because of the misconceptions that hinder the students in learning the components of geometry. The study described the common unplaceable patterns in geometric thinking of 153 mathematics education students in a state university in Eastern Visayas, Philippines. Frequency Analysis was employed in the study to determine the number of occurrences of the patterns stressing the cause for students placed under level 0 or unplaceable. Van Hiele Achievement Test was used to gather the students’ performance in geometry at all levels, namely: visualization, analysis, informal deduction, deduction, and rigor. The findings attested that only 13.1% of the students managed the third level of the Van Hiele Levels while 43.1% of them were unplaceable. Common patterns were drawn and describe to understand the consequences in geometric thinking ability at level 0. These observable patterns were grouped into core-remedial, topical- corrective, and close-corrective groups. The clusters will enable educational institutions to address the individual gaps in geometry. Keywords: Geometry, Mathematics Performance, Proving This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. Corresponding Author: Joshua Edson Gorme Ordiz, Faculty, College of Teacher Education, Southern Leyte State University Concepcion St, Sogod, Southern Leyte, Filipina Email: How to Cite: Ordiz, J. E. G., & Mecate, G. R. (2022). Clusters of prevalent patterns of geometric thinking levels among mathematics students. Infinity, 11(1), 77-86. 1. INTRODUCTION Improving the students’ performance in mathematics, specifically in geometry, is a challenge by educators because students find it complicated. Despite the efforts made by the academic community to address the students’ performance in geometry in the discipline, it remained low and degrading. Concurrently, number of students do not attain any of the geometric levels denoting poor achievement in geometry (Mullis et al., 2016). The content of the students’ performance calls the understanding of geometric thinking ability to determine the common patterns exist in level 0 or unplaceable and describe its’ consequences. Learning geometry measures on the Van Hiele Levels of geometric thinking Ordiz & Mecate, Clusters of prevalent patterns of geometric thinking levels … 78 ability of the students which is helpful in analyzing the learners’ performance (Alex & Mammen, 2012). Result of the study of Atebe (2008) which indicated 41% of the learners is at level 0. This study showed the difficulty that the learners have in recognizing figures in nonstandard positions. This finding is supported by Alex and Mammen (2012), presented that majority of the learners were unplaceable which means none of the students acquired any levels. The assignment of learners into levels showed the percentage in level 0 was 48%. This seeks for the need to deliver instruction at a level appropriate to learners’ level of thinking on the one hand and improving the quality of education starting from lower levels on the other hand. Besides, Marchis (2012) stressed out that students have confusion in geometry due to idea definition. Proper idea definition produces a self-idea of the image. This concept image may not develop in a few understudies, and in others, it may not identify with the formal definition. There is the need to address these misinterpretations when educating to enable the learners to consider where the misconception between the verbal meaning and mental image originates from. Characterizing and distinguishing shapes inclination is given to a visual model than a formal description (Özerem, 2012). Students prefer to rely on a visual prototype rather than a verbal definition when classifying and identifying shapes. To obtain the mathematical knowledge required in everyday living, educating the techniques on how to solve problems, and inhibiting reasoning strategies are the objectives of Mathematics. Troubles in learning geometry clarify cognitive improvement (Idris, 2009). Individual mental capacity is not just about visual discernment, breaking down components, knowing the connections between properties, building and appreciating proofs but also decision making, which is vital to accomplishing higher-level thinking in learning geometry. An individual with better visual perception has an advantage in geometric reasoning (Walker et al., 2011). Learners need help to uncover these misconceptions and thus, build on correct perceptions. Learners need to develop and build up the proper schema about the previous knowledge before taking the new higher lessons in the upper educational level. Teachers must provide learning experiences that fit the level of thinking of the students. Concrete experiences of the learner in the primary level help to shorten the gap in abstract concept with the use of solid objects. In addition to that, visual assisted tools are being used to enhance the geometric thinking ability, and it functioned as a mental reference (Kamina & Iyer, 2009; Zanzali, 2000). Moreover, giving attention to the application of dialect is one of the pedagogical practices that support the development of the mathematical knowledge of the students (Schleppegrell, 2007). One of the main contributors to overall comprehension in many content areas, including mathematics, is vocabulary understanding. These observations were evident in this study to anchor the Van Hiele Theory (van Hiele, 1999) after supporting numerous knowledge that emphasizes the mediocre achievement in geometry. The Van Hiele Model considers significant imperative models in educating geometry and geometric thoughts and ideas. This model has five phases in which each level represents the development of the thinking process in geometry. The improvement of the geometric thinking of the students will lead to the summarization of the learning which is vital in using in a real-life situation (Pegg & Tall, 2010). It is one of the theories that are effective in teaching geometry to students through the school stages (Mistretta, 2000). As per Van Hiele, the five levels of geometric reasoning are Visualization, Analysis, Abstraction, Deduction, and Rigor (Groth, 2005). Volume 11, No 1, February 2022, pp. 77-86 79 Figure 1. The procedural pattern of learning geometry The illustration displays the levels of Van Hiele Model: the Visualization, Analysis, Informal Deduction, Deduction, and Rigor (see Figure 1). Furthermore, the patterns are formulated to identify the levels placed by the students, understand and describe the consequences of every unplaceable patterns in geometric thinking ability which is the main goal of the study. These consequences are necessary to address the concern that majority of the students are not able to reach even the first level of the model. These students are referred to be unplaceable into any of the levels of the Van Hiele Model. One of the problems of the teachers is that the ability of teachers to present problems related to geometry is weak. They cannot transfer their knowledge appropriately about geometric thinking levels and claimed that course contents to be designed for practice are thought to improve the subject matter knowledge related to geometry (Erdogan, 2020). Focusing on the geometric thinking skills of those students who were not able to be classified in any of the levels is indispensable in order to help the struggling educators to identify the possible interventions that is useful in improving the geometric levels by imparting the precise way of presenting knowledge to the learner. Levels are hierarchical, it is needed to fully acquire the previous levels in order to reach a higher level. Failing to do so leads to not acquiring any of the Van Hiele Model. These levels are associated to geometric experiences (Van de Walle et al., 2014). Exploring the reasons why students failed to attain any of the Van Hiele Model. will result to providing teachers the possible solutions to the main concern by understanding what happened in the levelling of the said ability. Teaching geometry is the focus of the improvement of logical thinking and a vital factor of mathematical understanding (van Hiele, 1999). Educators have a critical role in teaching and learning geometry. Ordiz & Mecate, Clusters of prevalent patterns of geometric thinking levels … 80 2. METHOD This study utilized frequency analysis. It deals with the number of occurrences or frequency of the patterns stressing the cause for students placed under unplaceable. It describes the data set and provide a fair idea of what patterns the students are acquiring. The method used was Complete Enumeration in the conduct of the study. The locale of the study was all campuses of Southern Leyte State University. All mathematics students enrolled in Academic Year 2018-2019 were considered to be the participants of the study towards exploring the placement of learners’ geometric ability (see Table 1). Table 1. Distribution of respondents Year level Number of Students Percentage Freshmen 46 30% Sophomore 36 24% Junior 33 21% Senior 38 25% Total 153 100% Distribution of the questionnaires to all students majoring Mathematics in the master list provided by the university followed. The Achievement test for the Van Hiele was composed of five questions in each level. In every query, students will choose the best answer from the options. Students must reach three points in each level to grasp the level need to attain. However, your previous score in the lower level is less than to 3 points, and you achieved a score that is <3 points in the next level, students can be classified as unplaceable. It is impossible for the students to obtain the higher levels without accomplishing the lower levels. Hence, students should have consistent score that is <3 without failing the levels in between to grasp any of the levels. Mean, Frequency, and Weighted Average. This was used to determine the mean rating of the sample and the exact number of each pattern exist. It is necessary for analysis and interpretation of any data and it indicates how well the data is. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Results 3.1.1. Van Hiele Geometric Thinking Ability Van Hiele Geometric Thinking designates how an individual acquires learning in the field of geometry that proposes five levels of geometric thinking. Each level utilizes its symbols and language and students can pass through this level “step-by-step.” Table 2. Geometric thinking ability according to Van Hiele levels VAN HIELE MODEL YEAR LEVEL Freshmen Level Sophomore Level f