ANNOUNCEMENTS Call for Papers on Paraconsistency The First World Congress on Paraconsistency will be held in Gent, Belgium in 1997. The Congress will start on Tuesday the 29th or Wednesday the 30th of 1997, and will last for three or four days. Papers on any aspect of paraconsistency may be submitted for consideration. They may cover topics from the following (not exclusive) list: history of paraconsistent logic, systems of paraconsistent logic, applications of paraconsistent logic, philosophical issues in paraconsistency, paraconsistency and computation. Authors must submit four printed copies of their papers and an electronic version of their abstracts (= 1000 words) by December 1996. For further information, please write to: WCP97, pia Professor Diderik Batens, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgium (fax: ++ 32 9 2644187; e-mail: ; on the World Wide Web, the address is: