INFORMAL LOGIC XVI.l, Winter 1994 Book Abstracts Burbidge, John (1990). Within Reason: A Guide to Non-Deductive Reasoning. Peterbor- ough, Ontario: Broadview Press. ISBN 0- 921149-55-7. An analogy notices a similarity between different things, and it is used to identify a proposition or relation. Working within this definition, Within Reason shows how various forms of non-deductive reasoning are varia- tions on analogical arguments: induction, both simple and statistical, correlation, replies to ob- jections, explanations, reasoning to action. A final chapter talks about assessing arguments that do not fit any standard pattern. Illustrative examples and most of the exercises are taken from the philosophical tradition or respected uses. Since there is seldom a neat answer, the student is encouraged to develop skills in exer- cising judgement. Broadview Press has a set of possible answers for the use of instructors. Fogelin, Robert & Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter (1990). Understanding Arguments: An Intro- duction to InformallAlgie (4th ed.). San Di- ego: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. ISBN 0-15-592672-1. This concise, clear, and lively textbook uses theories of speech acts and conversational im- plication to explore fallacies, suppressed premises, and the role of common words in ar- guments. There are also chapters on proposi- tional logic, syllogistic logic, induction, probability, and a new simplified version of Mill's methods. Part Two includes introduc- tions to legal, moral, scientific, and philosophi- cal reasoning, together with complete, forceful essays by opponents on controversial issues in these areas (affirmative action, abortion, crea- tionism, and artificial intelligence), so students can apply the methods of argumentation they have learned. There are numerous exercises and discussion questions, and an instructor's manual is available. Little, J. Frederick, Groarke, Leo, & Tindale, Christopher W. (1989). Good Reasoning Mat- ters! A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. ISBN 0-7710-5313-4. Traditionally, attempts to make sense of or- dinary reasoning have relied on fallacy theory. Good Reasoning Matters! adopts an alternative approach that emphasizes good reasoning and the construction of good arguments. In place of fallacies, it defines various forms of good argu- mentation, treating fallacious reasoning as a secondary concern that arises when arguments fail to fulfill the criteria for good arguments from authority, good arguments from ignorance, good two wrongs arguments, etc. The emphasis on forms of good argument is conjoined with a general discussion of the nature of arguments, an introduction to propositional and syllogistic reasoning and an account of the use and misuse of language in argumentative contexts. Yanal, Robert 1. (1988). Basic lngie. St. Paul: West Publishing. ISBN 0-314-64284-6. Basic Logic is for courses in Critical Think- ing, Practical Reasoning, and the like. It focuses on assessing the validity of arguments. The chap- ters are as follows: Arguments (their functions, parts); Argument Diagrams (gets students to see what is being argued for and what are the reasons); Evaluating Arguments (the difference between validity and soundness); Conjunction, Disjunction, and Conditionals (propositional logic with rules of do's and don'ts, eschewing proofs); Categorical Arguments (Venn dia- grams); Falsehoods (false alternatives, stereo- types, etc.); Meaning and Circularity (validity by virtue of meaning, begging the question); Inductive Generalizations, Analogical Argu- ments, and Causal Arguments (rules for induc- tive logic in terms of what makes arguments stronger, weaker); and Everyday Inductions (ad hominem appeals, appeals to authority, etc.). Exercises with room for answers on tear-out pages are provided, along with a glossary. Book abstracts as provided by authors.