Announcements Fifth International Conference on ArtiticialIntelligence and Law May 21-24,1995 University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA Sponsored by: The International Association for Ar- tificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL) The University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) In cooperation with: The Association for Computing Ma- chinery (ACM SIGART) The American Association for Artifi- cial Intelligence (AAAI) General Cbair: L. Thorne McCarty, Rutgers University Local Arrangements: John F. Horty, University of Maryland Programme Chair: Trevor Beach-Capon Dept. of Computer Science The University of Liverpool P.O. Box 147 Liverpool L69 3BS, England E-mail: Fax: +51 7943715 Secretary-Treasurer: Carole Hafner College of Computer Science Northeastern University 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115, USA E-mail: Tel. 617-373-5116 Fax: 617-373-5121 The field of AI and law is concerned with: the investigation of legal reasoning using computational methods; applications which use AI techniques to support tasks in the legal domain; and the investigation of AI techniques using law as the example domain. ICAIL-95 will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of the lat- est research results and practical applica- tions and will stimulate interdisciplinary and international collaboration in the grow- ing AI and Law community. Previous meet- ings of the International Conference have taken place in Boston (1987), Vancouver (1989), Oxford (1991) and Amsterdam (1993). Argumentation and Education May 5 - 6, 1995 Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada Sponsored by the Ontario Society for the Western Ontario; Frans van Eemeren, Uni- Study of Argumentation the keynote speak- versity of Amsterdam and Harvey Siegel, ers will be: Robert Binkley, University of University of Miami. The 9th Alta Conference on Argumentation August 3 - 6, 1995 Alta Peruvian Lodge, Alta UT, USA Sponsored by the Speech Communica- tion Association, the American Forensic Association, and the University of Utah, the Conference on Argumentation brings to- gether scholars in all aspects of the study of argumentation. The Conference includes a keynote session, paper presentations, and discussion sessions. All sessions are held in the Alta Peruvian Lodge, which also pro- vides lodging and meals as a 4-day confer- ence package. Papers presented at the con- ference are normally published in the Con- ference Proceedings. For information about reservations and registration, contact the Department of Communication, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA 84112.