64 Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar Now? ed. John S. Nelson (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1983), 169-240; Michael J. Shapiro, The Politics of Representation (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1988). 25 John Locke, An Essay Conceming Human Understanding ed. John W. Yolton, 2 vols. (New York: 1961), Book 3, Ch. 10, 105-106. 26 Vickers, In Defense of Rhetoric, 294. 27 Vickers, In Defense of Rhetoric, 299. To sup- port his claim, Vickers cites Cicero, Orator, 24. 81 and Quintilian, Institutes of Oratory, 8.6.75. 28 Cited by Vickers, "Territorial Disputes," 257. 29 Vickers, "Territorial Disputes," 257. 30 Vickers, In Defense of Rhetoric, 296-297. 31 Donald N. McCloskey, "The Rhetoric of Eco- nomics," loumal of Economic Literature 31 (1983), 434-461; The Rhetoric of Economics (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985), 54-86. Announcements International Philosophical Preprint Exchange The 'International Philosophical Pre- print Exchange is a new service on the Internet designed to foster improved com- munication among philosophers by pro- viding a medium for the exchange of works in progress. All interested philoso- phers are invited to browse the Exchange'S collection of working papers in all areas of philosophy, and to submit their own 32 Hayden White, Metahistory: the historical im- agination in nineteenth-century Europe (Balti- more: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973). 33 White, Metahistory, \-42. 34 David Carroll, "On Tropology: The Forms of History," Diacritics 6 (1976), 59-60. 35 White, Metahistory, xi. 36 White, Tropics of Discourse: essays in cultural criticism (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978), 1-2. 37 Michael Leff, "The Habitation of Rhetoric," in Argument and Critical Practices, Proceedings of the Fifth SCAl AFA Conference on Argumen- tation; ed. Joseph W. Wenzel (Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1987).4. DILIP PARAMESHWAR GAONKAR DEPT. OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 244 LINCOLN HALL 702 S. WRIGHT ST. URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 o working papers. To receive instructions, send a piece of e-mail containing exactly the following four lines of text: begin index send getting-started end to the address "phil-preprints-service@ phil-preprints.l.chiba-u.ac.jp" (excluding quotes). A user's guide and a list of papers available will be returned to you bye-mail.