Announcements Call for Papers Special Issue: Teaching of Psychology Psychologists Teach Critical Thinking Teaching of Psychology will devote the major portion of a future issue to "Psychologists Teach Critical Thinking." This special issue will include articles concerning the use of psychological prin- ciples to enhance critical thinking skills in general or to help students think critically about psycho- logical topics in particular. We encourage submis- sions that are appropriate for all sections of the journal: Topical Articles, Methods a~d Tech- niques, Faculty Forum, and Computers III Teach- ing. Papers that do not fit into one of these categories will also be considered. All manu- scripts will undergo the usual review process after being submitted to: Diane F. Halpern, Guest Editor Department of Psychology . California State University, San Bernardmo 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397 Phone: (909) 880-5578 Fax: (909) 880-7003 Call for Proposals The Second British Conference on Critical Thinking and Education University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK April 6 - 8, 1994 The eonference will focus on teaching critical thinking, transferable thinking skil~s, and general problem solving skills. Do such skIlls eXist? How should we teach for them? How should they be assessed? Proposals are invited in two categories, I ~ for- mal paper, and 2) workshopsl de~onstrat\Ons. When making proposals please submit an abstract of not more than 100 words. which is suitable for inclusion in the conference programme, and please indicate the intended audience (university, research, secondary school teachers, ge.neral, etc.). The deadline for submitting proposals IS De- cember 31 st, ) 993. Send proposals or requests for further information to: Dr. Alec Fisher, Director Centre for Research in Critical Thinking (CRIT) School of Economic & Social Studies University of East AngJia Norwich NR4 7TJ Lnited Kingdom INFORMAL LOGIC XIV.2&3, Spring & Fall 1992 Call for Papers Third ISSA International Conference on Argumentation Amsterdam, June 21-24, 1994 The Third International Conference on Argu- mentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) will be held in Amsterdam from June 21-24, 1994. The aim of the conference is to draw together scholars from different countries and a variety of disciplines who are working in the field of ar~u­ mentation theory. The members of the planlllng committee are J. Anthony Blair (University of Windsor, Canada), Frans H. van Eemeren (Un~­ versity of Amsterdam), Rob Grootendorst ~Ulll­ versity of Amsterdam) and Charles A. WIllard (University of Louisville, U.S.A.). The programme will include the following sessions: I. Models of argumentation 2. Argumentation in philosophical controversies 3. Premise acceptability 4. Enthymemes: inference from suppressed premises 5. The use of argumentation in journalistic writing and the media 6. Pros and cons of the Standard Treatment of fallacies 7. Legal reasoning and the transitions in Eastern Europe 8. Argumentation and the logic of infinite regress 9. Argumentation and law school admission tests 10. Argumentation and rhetoric II. Normativity in argumentation theory 12. Empirical studies on argumentation 13. History of the study of argumentation 14. Argumentation schemes and structures 15. Relevance in argumentative discourse 16. Henry W. Johnstone, Jr.'s view of the Argumentum ad Hominem 17. Aristotle's view of argumentation Papers on these and other topics are welcome from various perspectives and approaches. Every- one who wishes to present a paper is requested to send four copies of a one-page abstract in English to the planning committee. Papers must report on original and recent work which has not been published previously. All four copies of the abstract should be sent to the planning committee, c/o F.H. van Eemeren and R. Grootendorst, Instituut voor NeerlandlstJek, Spuistraat 134, 10 12 VB Amsterdam, The Nether- lands. The deadline for abstracts is Dec. I, 1993.