INFORMAL LOGIC XIII.3, Fall 1991 List of Referees Acknowledgement to Referees Below are the names of colleagues upon whose judgment we have relied as referees for the past few years. All readily agreed to volunteer their time, including many we have called on more than once. Refereeing tends not to receive the ac- knowledgement it deserves in the academic community. Our referees not only care- fully scrutinize the papers they receive, but also fill out a two-page evaluation form Derek Allen Trinity College, University of Toronto Maryann Ayim University of Western Ontario Sharon Bailin Simon Fraser University Mark Battersby Capilano College Jerome Bickenbach Queen's University Robert Binkley University of Western Ontario Alan Brinton Boise State University Richard N. Bronaugh University of Western Ontario Michael Burke Indiana University Lorraine Code York University William E. Conklin University of Windsor Deborah Cook University of Windsor Irving Copi University of Hawaii at Manoa J. Robert Cox University of North Carolina and typically write extensive comments. In many cases they also review revised ver- sions of papers. The authors, this journal, and the aca- demic community in general all benefit from their expert and considered judg- ments. We are thus grateful to our referees, and we take this opportunity to thank them publicly. Any ommissions or errors in this list should be immediately brought to the attention of the Editors. T. Edward Darner Emory and Henry College LeRoi Daniels University of British Columbia John Dolan University of Minnesota Frans H. van Eemeren Universiteit van Amsterdam Robert Ennis University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Richard Feldman University of Rochester Maurice Finocchiaro University of Nevada, Las Vegas Alec Fisher University of East Anglia Robert Fogelin Dartmouth College James B. Freeman Hunter College, City University of New York Steve Fuller Virginia Polytechnic Institute Michael A. Gilbert York University Edward M. Glaser Los Angeles, California Trudy Govier University of Calgary 198 List of Referees Leo Groarke Wilfrid Laurier University Rob Grootendorst Universiteit van Amsterdam Hans Hansen St. Catha rines, Ontario Robert D. Hariman Drake University Maarten Henket Universiteit Utrecht David Hitchcock McMaster University Dale Jacquette Pennsylvania State University Howard Kahane University of Maryland, Baltimore County Stuart Keeley Bowling Green State University Erik C. W. Krabbe Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen Tjark Kruiger Universiteit van Amsterdam Lenore Langsdorf Southern Illinois University Judith Lichtenberg University of Maryland Andrew Lugg University of Ottawa John McMurtry University of Guelph John E. McPeck University of Western Ontario Alex Michalos University of Guelph Harry Nielsen University of Windsor John NoIt University of Tennessee Stephen Norris Memorial University of Newfoundland Kathleen Okruhlik University of Western Ontario Richard Paul Sonoma State University David N. Perkins Harvard University Robert C. Pinto University of Windsor Nicholas Rescher University of Pittsburgh Dennis Rohatyn University of San Diego Merrilee Salmon University of Pittsburgh Ruth Saunders Wayne State University Michael Schmidt San Jose State University William H. Shaw San Jose State University David Shier Wayne State University Harvey Siegel University of Miami Paul Thagard University of Waterloo Christopher Tindale Trent University Robert Trapp Willamette University Agnes Verbiest Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden Mark Vorobej McMaster University Douglas Walton University of Winnipeg Mary Anne Warren San Francisco State University Perry Weddle California Stqte University, Sacramento Mark Weinstein Montclair Stale College Charles A. Willard University of Louisville John Woods University of Lethbridge Michael Wreen Marquette University Robert J. Yanal Wayne State University George Yoos St. Cloud State University o