I:-.JFORMAL LOGIC XII.3, Fall 1990 An Informal Logic Bibliography HANS ·V. HANSEl'! University of Windsor Introduction In this bibliography I have tried to bring together and build on the work of others. In particular I have included material from (i) the bibliographies prepared by R. H. Johnson and J. A. Blair for the three Inter- national Symposia on Informal Logic, (ii) Johnson and Blair (l980a), and (iii) Johnson and Blair (l985b). I have also incorporated material from (iv) Schmidt (1 986b) and (v) Jensen (1989). I thank: these authors for per- mission to borrow from their work. Current research in informal logic is in- formed by work in argumentation theory, rhetoric, speech communication, and critical thinking. I have included entries from these fields which I think will be of interest to informal logicians. In adding to the earlier bibliographies I have followed the journals which take an interest in these matters and tried to keep abreast of new publications. It has been possible to verify by direct examination only about 85 % of the entries. The bibliography contains well over 900 entries. Not all ofthem have been indexed. Many of the entries touch on a variety of topics of interest to informal logicians but no entry has been indexed more than once. The index, like the bibliography itself. is therefore not claimed to be exhaustive. However,. it is hoped that the index will prove useful for those with specific interests. Infonnal Logic expects to publish an up- date to this bibliography in a future volume. We welcome corrections and suggestions. I have had considerable help with this prqject. Michael F. Schmidt corrected several errors in an earlier version; J. Anthony Blair helped with the verification and the index as well as providing invaluable advice; Robert C. Pinto gave expert assistance with the computer programme. I am grateful for the help so freely given. In the interest of saving space the follow- ing abbreviations are used. Arg. = Argumentation IL = Informal Logic ILN Informal Logic Newsletter JAFA = Journal of the American Forensic Association P&R = Philosophy and Rhetoric TP = Teaching Philosophy Q. = Quarterly I = Journal Bibliography Abate, Charles J. (1979). Fallaciousness and invalidity. P&R 12. 262-66. Acock, Malcolm (1985). Informal Logic Examples and Exercises. Belmont. CA: Wadsworth, Adler. Jonathan (1982). Why be charitable'? ILN 4:2, 15-16. Adler. Jonathan (1984), Abstraction is uncooper- ative, I of the Theory of Social Behaviour 14, 165-81. ___ (1987a). Alternatives, writing and the formulation of a thesis. IL 9, 57-70. ___ (l987bj, Form, content and superstition, Teaching Thinking and Problem-Solving 9, 1-10. ___ (I 987c). On resistance to critical think- ing. In D, N. Perkins, J, Lockheed and J. Bishop (eds.), Thinking: The Second Interna- tional Conference (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum), 247-60. 156 Adler Adler, Jonathan (1989), Epistemics and the total evidence requirement. Philosophia 19, 227-42. ____ (1990a). Conservatism and tacit con- firmation. Mind 99, 1-14. ___ (l990b). Double standards, equality, and the right reference class. J. of Applied Philosophy 7, 215-27. Allen, Derek (1988). Inferential soundness. IL 10, 57-65. ____ (1990). Trudy Govier's Problems in Argument Analysis and Evaluation. IL 12,43-62. Anderson, Jerry M. and Paul J. Dovre (eds.) (1968). Readings in Argumentation. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Anderson, Ray Lynn and David C. Mortensen (1967). Logic and marketplace argumentation. Quarterly J. of Speech 53, 143-51. Angell, Richard B. (1964). Reasoning and Logic. :-Jew York, NY: Appleton Century Crofts. Annis, David B. (1974). Techniques of Critical Reasoning. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill. and Linda Annis (1979). Does philosophy improve critical thinking? TP 3, 145-52. Annis. Linda and David B. Annis (1984). McPeck on critical thinking: A reply. IL 6, 42-44. Apostel, Leo (1971). Assertion logic and the theory of argumentation. P&R 4. 92-110. ____ (1979). What is the force of an argu- ment? Revue International de Philosophie 33, 99-109. (1982). Toward a general theory of argumentation. In Barth and Martens (1982), 93-122. Apotheloz. Denis (1987). Logical and non-logical foundations of argumentation. In van Eemeren. Grootendorst et al. (l987 c), 407 -17. Arnold. Carroll C. (1986). Implications of Perelman's theory of argumentation. In James Golden and Joseph J. Pilotta (eds.), Practical Reasoning in Human Affairs: Studies in Honor of Chafm Perelman (Dordrecht: Reidel). ____ (1987). Johnstone's 'wedge' and the theory of rhetoric. P&R 20, 118-128. Aune, Bruce (1986). Formal logic and practical reasoning. Theory and Decision 20, 301-20. Barth Bach. Kent (1984). Default reasoning: Jumping to conclusions and knowing when to think twice. Pacitlc Philosophical Quarterly 65, 37-58. Bailin, Sharon (1987). Critical and creative think- ing. IL 9, 23-30. ____ (1987). Moral and aesthetic argumen- tation. In van Eeemeren and Grootendorst (l987b), 178-86. ____ (1988). Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay in Creativity. Dordrecht: Kluwer. ___ (1989) Belief, doubt and critical thinking: Reconciling the contrarie~. Philosophy of Education: Proceedings 45, 315-19. Balthrop, V. William (1980). Argument as linguistic opportunity: A search for form and function. In Jack Rhodes and Sara Newell (eds.), Proceedings of the Summer Conference on Argumentation (Salt Lake City: SCA/AFA). Bandman, Elsie L. and Bertram Bandman ( 1988). Critical Thinking in Nursing. Norwalk. CT: Appleton and Lange. Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua (1964). More on the fallacy of composition. Afind 73, 125-6. Barker, Evelyn M. (1981). Everyday Reasoning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ____ (1989). Beardsley's theory of analogy. IL 11, 185-94. Barker, John A. (1976). The fallacy of begging the question. Dialogue 15,241-55. Barker, Stephen F. (1974). The Elements of Logic (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. 1st edi- tion 1965. (1989). Reasoning by analogy in Hume's Dialogues. IL 11, 173-84. Barry. Vincent E. (1983). Good Reason for Writing. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ____ and Joel Rudinow (1990). Invitation to Critical Thinking. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1st edition 1984. Barry, Vincent E. and Douglas J. Soccio (1980). Practical Logic (3rd ed.). New York: Holt, Rineharr and Winston. I st edition 1976. Barth, E. M. (1985a). A new field of empirical logic: Bioprograms, logemes and logics as in- stitutions. Synthese 63, 375-88. ___ (I985b). Philosophical logic in the :-lether- lands after 1940. Ruch Filozoficzny 42, 175-205. ___ (1985c). Two-phase epistemology and models of dialogue logic. Philosophica 35, 69-88. Barth Barth, E. M. (1987). Logic to some purpose: Theses against the deductive-nomological paradigm in the science of logic. In van Eemeren, Grootendorst, et al. (l987a), 33-45. ____ (1990). In the service of human society: Formal, informal or anti-logical? The phi- losophy of the logician E. W. Beth. IL 12, 1-10. ___ and Erik C. W. Krabbe (1982). From Axiom to Dialogue: A PhiIosohical Study of Logics and Argumentation. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Barth, E. M. and J. L. Martins (}977). Argumentum ad hominem: From chaos to formal dialectic. Logiquc et Analyse 20, 76-96. ___ -(982). Argumentation: Approaches to Theory Formation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Basu, Dilip K. (1986). A question of begging. IL 8, 19-26. Bator, Paul G. (1988). The 'good reasons' move- ment: A confounding of dialectic and rhetoric? P&R 21. 38-47. Battersby, Mark E. (1989). Critical thinking as applied epistemology. IL II, 91-99. Beardsley, Monroe C. (1950). Practical Logic. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ____ (1975). Thinking Straight: Principles of Reasoning for Readers and Writers (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 2nd edi- tion 1956. (1981). Logic and rhetoric. TP 4, 249-60. Belnap, Nuel D, Ir. (1981). Logica Docens and relevance. TP 4,419-27. Bendegem, Jean Paul van (1985). Dialogue logic and problem solving. Philosophica 25, 113-34. Benoit, Pamela J. (1983). Extended arguments in children's discourse. lAFA 20, 72-89. ___ (1989). Relationship arguments: An interactionist elaboration of speech acts. Arg. 3, 423-37. Benoit, William L. (1987). Argumentation and credibility appeals in persuasion. Southern Speech Communication 1. 52, 181-97. ____ and Vincent F. Follert (1986). Graduate courses in argumentation theory. Comnlllnica- lion Education 35, 61-66. Bcrg, Jonathan (1987). interpreting arguments. IL 9, 13-20. See also 9.2&3, Errata, 152. Blair 157 Bernstein, David (1990). A problem solving interpretation of argument analysis. IL 12,79-85. Berriman, William (1980), Review of Giere's Understanding Scientific Reasoning, ILN 2:2, 15-17. Beyer. Barry K. (1987). Practical Strategies forthe Teaching of Thinking. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Bickenbach, Jerome E. (1979). Justifying deduc- tion. Dialogue 18, 500-16. ___ (1982). The diversity of proof. ILN 4:2, 7-12. ___ (1990). The 'artificial reason' of the law. IL 12, 23-32. Billig, Michael (1987) Arguing and Thinking: A Rhecorical Approach to Social Psychology. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press. Binker, A. J. A. and Marla Charbonneau (1983). Piagetian insights and teaching critical think- ing. ILN 5:2, 10-15. Binkley, Robert W. (1980). Can the ability to reason well be taught? in Blair and Johnson (1980),79-92. ____ (1981). A system ofrational appraisal. ILN 4: L 7-10. Biro, J. I. (1977). Rescuing 'begging the question'. Metaphilosophy 8, 257-71. ___ (1984). Knowability, believability and begging the question: A reply to Sanford. Metaphilosophy 15, 239-247. ____ (1987). A sketch of an epistemic theory of fallacies. In van Eemeren, Grootendorst et al. (l987b), 65-73. Black, Max (1949). Vagueness: An exercise in logical analysis. In Language and Philosophy (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press), chap!. 2. ___ (1955). Critical Thinking. New York: Prentice-Hall. I st edition 1946. ____ (1963). Reasoning with loose concepts. Dialogue 2, 1-12. Blair, J. Anthony (1984). Teaching argument in critical thinking. The Community College Humanities Review 5, 19-30. ____ (1985). Some challenges for critical thinking. In Hoaglund (1985), 69-82. (1986a). Comments on Frans van Eemeren: 'Dialectical analysis as a normative reconstruction of argumcntative discourse'. Text 6. 17-24. 158 Blair Blair, J. Anthony (l986b). The Keegstra affair: A test case for critical thinking. The History and Social Science Teacher 21, 158-64. (1987a). Recent developments in critical thinking in anglophone North America. Thinking 7,2-11. ____ (l987b). Argumentation, inquiry and speech act theory. In van Eemeren, Grooten- dorst et al. (1987a), 189-99. ____ {I 987c). Critical thinking perspectives: Recent developments in anglophone North America. Thinking 7, 2-6. ____ (I 987d). Everyday argumentation from an informal logic perspective. In Wenzel (1987a). 177-83. ____ (1988a). Argumentation and informal fallacies. In Venant Cauchy (ed.), Philosophie et Culture. 5 (Montreal: Editions Montmoren- cy),381-84. ____ (l988b). Current issues in informal logic and critical thinking. In A. Fisher (1988a), 15-29. ____ (1988c). Teaching informal logic using LogicaJ Self-Defense. In Fisher (1988a), 60-64. , ___ (1988d). What is bias') In Govier (I988c). 93-103. (\989). Premise relevance. In Maier (1989), 67-84. ____ (1990). Fallacies in everyday argument. In Trapp et al. (1990), 121-33. Blair, J. Anthony and Ralph H. Johnson (eds.) (1980). Informal Logic: The First International Symposium. Inverness, CA: Edgepress. __ .. __ (1987 a). Argumentation as dialectical. Arg. 1. 41-56. ____ (1987b). The current state of informal logic and critical thinking. IL 9, 147-51. ____ (1989). Informal logic: A thematic account. In Maimon (1989),93-110. Blythin, Evan (1979). Arguers as lovers: A dialec- tical perspective. P&R 12, 176-86. Bomstad, Linda and Perry Weddle (1989). North American perspectives on teaching critical thinking: A general bibliography. Arg. 3.237-42. Bouchard. Guy (1981). L'antimodele platonicien de la nouvelle rhetorique. Canadian J. of Philosophy 11. 693-711. Brockriede Bowles, George (1989a). Favorable relevance and arguments. IL 11, 11-17. (1989b). Professor Kasachkoff on explaining and justifying. IL 11, 107-10. ____ (1990). Propositional relevance.IL 12, 65-77. Boylan. Michael (1988). The Process of Argument. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Braaten, Jane (1987). Rational consensual pro- cedure: Argumentation or weighted inquiry. Synthese 71,347-54. Bradie, Michael and Kenneth Sayre (eds.) (1981). Reasons and Decision. 3. Bowling Green: Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy. Brandon, E. P. (1983). Argument Analysis. Kingston, Jamaica: University of West Indies. __ ~ (1986). Ellipsis. IL 8, 93-103. ____ (\987). Deductive reasoning ability, error, and education. In van Eemeren and Grootendorst et a1. (1987c), 155-61. Brinton, Alan (1981). Logic and the liberal arts curriculum. Liberal Education 67, 254-60. _____ ~_ (1985). A rhetorical view of the ad hominem. Australasian J. of Philosophy 63. 50-63. ____ (1986). Ethotic arguments. History of Philosophy Q. 3, 245-58. ____ (1987). Ethotetic arguments: Some uses. In van Eemeren, Grootendorst et al. (J987c), 246-54. ___ (1988a). Appeal to the angry emotions. IL 10,77-87. ____ (l988b). Pathos and the 'appeal to emo- tion': An Aristotelian analysis. History of Philosophy Q. 5,207-19. Broad, C. D. (1950). Some common fallacies in political thinking. Philosophy 25, 99-113. Brockriede, Wayne (1960). Toulmin on argument: An examination and aplication. Quarterly 1. of Speech 46, 44-53. ____ (1972). Arguers as lovers. P&R 5, 1-11. ____ (1975). Where is argument? JAFA. 11. 179-82. ____ (1977). Characteristics of arguments and arguing. JAFA 13, 129-32. Brockriede Brockriede, Wayne (1985). Constructs, experience and argument. Quarterly J. of Speech 71, 151-63. Brod, Harry (1982). Logic as politics. TP 5, 211-19. Brown, Robert (1970). The burden of proof. American Philosphical Q. 7, 74-82. Brown, William R. (1987). The holographic view of argument. Arg. 1, 89-102. ___ (1989). Two traditions of analogy. IL 11, 161-172. Browne, M. Neil and Stuart M. Keeley (1986). Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1st edition 1981. Broyles, James E. (1975). The fallacies of com- position and division. P&R 8, 108-13. Bruner, Michael S. (1983). Argument from a pragmatic perspective. JAFA 20, 90-97. Brutian, Georg (1984). Argumentation. Yerevan. Burbidge, John (1990). Within Reason: A Guide to Non-Deductive Reasoning. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview. Burke, Michael (1985). Unstated premises. IL 7, 107-18. Burke, Richard J. (1984). A rhetorical conception of rationality. IL 6, 17-25. Burleson, Brant R. (1979). On the analysis and criticisms of arguments: Some theoretical and methodological consideratons. JAFA 15, 137-47. Campbell, Stephen K. (1974). Flaws and Fallacies in Statistical Thinking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Capaldi, Nicholas (1973). The Art of Deception. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. Published by D. W. Brown, .r\ew York. 1971. Carey, Stephen H. (1988). Upsetters. IL 10,97-103. Carlson, Laurie (1983). Dialogue Games: An Approach to Discourse Analysis. Dordrecht: Reidel. Carney, James D. and Richard K. Scheer (1980). Fundamentals of Logic (3rd ed.) . .r\ew York: Macmillan. 15t edition 1964. Carroll, Robert T. (1983). A comment on fallacies and argument analysis. ILN 5:2, 22-23. Copi 159 Carson, A. S. (1980). Review of Scriven's Reason- ing. ILN 2:2, 17-19. Castaneda, Hector .r\eri (1960). On a proposed revolution in logic. Philosophy of Science 27, 279-92. Cederblom, Jerry and David Paulsen (1988). Making reasonable decisions as an amateur in a world of experts. In Govier (1988c), 138-49. ___ (1991). Critical Reasoning (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1st edition 1982. Chaffee, John (1985). Thinking Critically. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Champaud, Christian and Dominique Bassano (1987). Argumentation and child development: A general bibliography. Arg. 1, 201-07. Church, Russell T. (1979). A bibliography of argumentation and debate for 1975-76. JAFA 15, 228-43. and David C. Buckley (1983). Argumentation and debating propositions of value: A bibliography. JAFA 19, 239-50. Cizek, F. (1974). The problem of fallacies. Teorie A Metoda 6, 101-15. Clemens, [}dvid (1985). Technoethics. IL 7,163-65. Cohen, L. Jonathan (1982). Are people programmed to commit fallacies? J. for the Theory of Social Behaviour 12, 251-74. Cohen, Maurice (1977). Contextual analysis: An approach to the study of philosophic arguments. Metaphilosophy 8, 3-20. Cole, Richard (1965). A note on informal fallacies. Mind 74, 432-33. Colwell, Gary (1989). God, the Bible and circulari- ty. IL 11,61-73. Conklin, Forrest (1968). A bibliography of argu- mentation and debate for 1967. JAFA 5, 85-94. ___ (1970). A bibliography of argumenta- tion and debate for 1969. JAFA 7, 134-58, ___ (1971). A bibliography of argumenta- tion and debate for 1970. JAFA 8, 81-104. Conley, Thomas M. (1984). The enthymeme in perspective. Quarterly J. of Speech 70,168-87. Cooley. J. C. (\959). On Mr. Toulmin's revolu- tion in logic. J. of Philosophy 56,297-319. Copi, Irving M. (1986). Informal Logic. New York: Macmillan. 160 Copi Copi, Irving M. and Carl Cohen (1990). Introduction to Logic (8th. ed.). New York: Macmillan. 1st edition 1953. Corcoran, John (1989). Argumentations and logic. Arg. 3, 17-43. Corgan, Verna C. (1987). Perelman's universal au- dience as critical tool. JAFA 23, 147-57. Corliss, Richard (1972). A theory of contextual implication. P&R 5, 215-30. Costa, Arthur and Lawrence F. Lowery (1989). Techniques for Teaching Thinking. Pacific Grove, CA: Midwest Publications. Couch, Dan (1981). Improving reasoning skills. Thinking 3, 38-9. Covey, Preston (1981 a). Formal logic and philosophic analysis. TP 4, 277-302. ___ (198Ib). Logic and liberal learning: Some salient issues. TP 4, 207-30. Cowan, Joseph L. (1964). The Uses of Argument-an apology for logic. Mind 73,27-45. ___ (1969). The gambler's fallacy. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30, 238-51. Cox, J. Robert, Malcolm Sillars and Gregg B. Walker (eds.) (1985). Argument and Social Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth SCA!.4FA Conference on Argumentation. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association. Cox, J. Robert and Charles Willard (eds.) (1982). Advances in Argumentation Theory and Research. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Crable, Richard E. (l976a) Argumentation as Communication: Reasoning With Receivers. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill. Crable. Richard E. (1976b). Models of argumenta- tion and judicial judgment. JAf:4 12, 113-20. Cragan, John F. and Craig W. Cutbirth (1984). A revisionist perspective on political ad hominem argument: A case study. Central States Speech J. 35, 228-237. Crimmel, Henry H. (1980). Logic as a liberal art. Liberal Education 66, 377-81. ____ . (1981). A reply to Professor Brinton. Liberal Education 67, 261-62. Crossley. David J. and Peter A. Wilson (1979). How to Argue: An Introduction to Logical Thinking. New York: Random House. Eemeren Cureton, Robert D. (1973). A bibliography for argumentation and debate for 1973. JAFA 13. 197-206. d' Angelo, Edward (1974). The concept of critical thinking. Revolutionary World 9, 49-55. Darner, T. Edward (1987). Attacking Faulty Reasoning (2nd ed.). Belmont. CA: Wadsworth. 1st edition 1980. Damme, F. van (1984). Towards more natural dialogue logics as a more natural dialogue system. Logique et analyse 116, 409-19. Davson-Galle, Peter (1989) Interpreting arguments and judging issues. IL 11, 41-45. Dayton, Eric B. (1981). Persuasive arguments and disagreements of principle. Canadian 1. of Philosophy 11, 741-49. Dewey, John (1982). Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Reproduction of 1938 edition publish- ed by Irivington, NY. Dolan, John M. (1988). Consent as a commodity. IL 10, 177-94. Review of Herman and Chom- sky's Manufacturing Consent. Donn, Mike (1990) Help in finding missing premises. TP 13, 159-64. Doss, Seale (1985). Three steps towards a theory of informal logic. IL 7, 127-135. (1987). Elementary Logic for Philosophy Students. Ripon. WI: Ripon College Press. ____ (1989). Who needs a theory of informal logic? IL 11, 111-18. Eemeren, Frans H. van (1986). Dialectical analysis as normative reconstruction of argumentative discourse. Text 6, 1-16. ____ (1987a). Argumentation studies' five estates. In Wenzel et al. (1987a), 9-24. ____ (l987b). For reasons sake: Maximal argumentative analysis of discourse. In van Eemeren, Grootendorst, et al. (1987a), 201-15. ___ (1988). Argumentation analysis: A Dutch counter-balance. In Fisher (1988a), 39-53. Eemeren. Frans H. van and Rob Grootendorst (1982a). The speech acts of arguing and con- vincing in externalized discussions. J. of Pragmatics 6. 1-24. ____ (l982b). Unexpressed premises: Part 1. JAFA 19,97-106. Eemeren Eemeren, Frans H. van and Rob Grootendorst (1983). Unexpressed premises: Part II. JAFA 19,215-25. ____ (1984). Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussion. Dordrecht: Foris. ____ (1987a). Fallacies in pragma-dialectical per"pective. Arg. 1,283-301. (l987b). Teaching argumentation analysis and critical thinking in the Netherlands. IL 9, 57-69. (1988a). Rationale for a pragma- dialectical perspective. Arg. 2, 271-91. ___ (l988b). Rules for argumentation in dialogues. Arg. 2, 499-510. ____ (1989a). A pragma-dialectical perspec- tive on norms. In Maier (1989), 97-112. ___ (l989b). A transition stage in the theory of fallacies. J. of Pragmatics 13, 99-109. ____ (l989c). Speech act conditions as tools for reconstructing argumentative discourse. Arg. 3, 367-83. ____ (I989d). Writing argumentative texts. From analysis to presentation: A pragma- dialectical appoach. In Gronbeck 1987, 324-30. Eemeren, Frans H. van, Rob Grootendorst. 1. Anthony Blair and Charles Willard (1987a). Argumentation: Across the Lines of Discipline. Dordrecht: Foris. _. __ (l987b). Argumentation: Analysis and Practices. Dordrecht: Foris. ____ (1987c). Argumentation: Perspectives and Approaches. Dordrecht: Foris. Eemeren, Frans H. van, Rob Grootendorst and Bert Meuffels (1989). The skill of identifying argumentation. JAFA 25. 239-45. Eemeren, Frans H. van, Rob Grootendorst and Tjark Kruiger (1984). The Study of Argumen- tation. New York: Irvington. ____ (1987). Handbook of Argumentation Theory: A Critical Survey of Classical Back- grounds and Modem Studies. Dordrecht: Foris. Eemeren, Frans H. van and Tjark Kruiger (1987). Identitying argument schemes. In van Eemeren, Grootendorst et al. (1987e), 70-81 Ehninger, Douglas (1970). Argument as method: Its nature, its limitations, and its uses. Com- munication Studies 37. 101-10. Ennis 161 ___ (1974). Influence. Belief, and Argument, An Introduction to Reponsible Persuasion. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Co. (1980). Toward a taxonomy of prescriptive discourse. In Eugene White (ed.), Rhetoric in Transition (University Park, PA: Stage University Press). Eisenberg, Ann R. (1987). Learning to argue with parents and peers. Arg. 1, 113-25. Engel, S. Morris (1980). AnaJyzing Informal Fallacies. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ___ (1984). The Language Trap, or How to Defend Yourself Against the Tyranny of Words. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (1985). With Good Reason: An Introduction to Informal Fallacies (3rd ed.). New York: St. Martin's. 1st edition 1976. (I 986a). Explaining equivocation. l'vfetaphilosophy 17, 192-99. ____ (1986b). Fallacy, wit and madness. P&R 19, 224-241. (l986c). Wittgenstein's theory of fallacy. IL 8, 67-80. Engelbretsen, George (1973). Review of Hamblin's Fal1acies. Dialogue 12. 151-54. _. __ (1984). Freeman on induction! deduction. IL 6, 26-27. Ennis, Robert H. (1958). An appraisal of the Watson-Glaser critical thinking appraisal. 1. of Educational Research 52. 155-58. ____ (1962). A concept of critical thinking. Harvard Educational Review 32, 81-111. (1964). Operational definitions. American Educational Research 1. I, 183-20 I. ___ (1969a). Logic in Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-HaIL ___ (1969b). Ordinary Logic. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Available from Il- linois Critical Thinking Project. (1974). The believability of people. Educational Forum 39. 347-54. __ -(979). A conception of rational thinking. Philosophy of Education: Proceedings 35. 3-30. (1980). Eight fallacies in Bloom's taxonomy. Philosophy of Education: Pro- ceedings 36. 269-73. 162 Ennis Ennis, Robert H. (1981a). A conception of deductive logic competence. TP 4. 337-85. ____ ._ (I981b). Logic and critical thinking. Philosophy of Education: Proceedings 37, 228-32. ___ (l98Ic). Rational thinking and educational practice. In Jonas F. Soltis (ed.), Philosophy and Education 80th Yearbook, NSSE (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), 143-83. ___ ._ (1982). Identifying implicit assump- tions. Synthese 51, 61·86. ____ (1984). Problems in testing informal logic/critical thinkingireasoning. IL 6, 3-9. ____ (1985). A concept of critical thinking. In Hoaglund (1985), 13·40. ___ (l987a). A bibliography on testing in critical thinking. CT News 6: I, 7. ___ (l987b). A taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions and abilities. In J. Baron and R. L. Sternberg (eds.), Teaching Thinking Skills: Theory and Practice (New York: W. H. Freeman). ___ (l987c). Testing teachers' competence, including their critical thinking abilities. Philosophy of F.4ucation: Proceedings 43, 413-20. ____ (I989a). Critical thinking and subject specificity. Educational Researcher 18. 4-10. ____ (l989b) The rationality of rationality: Why think critically? Philosophy of Education: Proceedings 45. 402-05. Evra. James van (1985). Logic, the liberal science. TP 8, 285-94. Facione, Peter A. (1976). Counterexamples and where they lead. Philosophy and Phenomeno- logical Research 36, 523-30. ___ (1984) Toward a theorv of CT. Liberal Education 70, 253-61. ____ (1986) Testing college level CT. Liberal Education 72. 221-31. ___ (1987). Teaching about fallacies. TP 10, 211-17. (1989) Assessing inference skills. Newark, DE: ERIC Clearinghouse on Educa- tional Tests, Measurement and Evaluation. ____ (1990a) Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction. Newark, DE: ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests, Measurement, and Evaluation. (l990b). Thirty great ways to mess up a ciritical thinking test. IL 12, 106-12. Finocchiaro ___ and Donald Scherer (1978). Logic and Logical Thinking. New York: McGraw Hill. Fahnestock, Jeanne and Marie Secor (1982). A Rhetoric of Argument. New York: Random House. Fair, Frank (1973). The fallacy of many questions: Or how to stop beating your wife. Southwestern J. of Philosophy 4, 89-92, Farrell, Thomas B. (1977). Validity and rationality: The rhetorical constitutents of argumentative form. JAFA 13, 142-49. Fearnside, W. Ward (1980). About Thinking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. and William B. Holther (1959). Fallacy: The Counterfeit of Argument. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Feteris, Eveline T. (1990). Conditions and rules for rational discusssion in a legal process: A pragma-dialectical perspective. Argumentation and Advocacy 26, 108-17. Feuer. Lewis S. (1983). The genetic fallacy re- examined. In Paul Kurtz (ed.), Sidney Hook: Philosopher of Democracy and Humanism (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books), 227-246. Finocchiaro, Maurice A. (1974). 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Jackson, Sally, Scott Jacobs, Nancy Burrell and Mike Allen (1986). Characterizing ordinary arguments: Substantive and methodological issues. JAFA 23. 42-57. Jacobs, Scott (1989). Some problems of com- munication for argumentation theory. lSSA Newsletter 5, 2-8. ____ (1989). Speech acts and arguments. Arg. 3, 345-65. Jacques, Francis (1979). Logique ou rhetorique de I' argumentation? Revue International de Philosophic 33, 47-68. Jacquette, Dale (1989). The hidden logic of slip- pery slope arguments. P&R 22, 59-70. Jason, Gary (1984). Is there a case for ad hominem? Australasian J. of Philosophy 62, 182-85. ____ (1986). Are fallacies common? A look at two debates. IL 8. 81-92. Also in Govier (l988c), 20-34. ____ (1987). The nature of the argumentum ad baculum. Philosophia 17,491-99. (1988). Hedging as a fallacy of language.lL 10, 169-75. ____ (1989). Fallacies are common. IL 11, 101-06. Jensen, 1. Vernon (1981). Argumentation: Reason- ing in Communication. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Johnson ]67 ____ (1989). Bibliography on argumentation. Rhetoric Society Q. 19, 71-81. Johnson, Baylor (1980). The Bask program. ILN 2:3, 16-18. Johnson, Fred (1980). Deductively-inductively. ILN 3: 1, 4-5. ___ (1984). Arguings and argument. IL 6, 26-27. (1989). Analogical arguings and explainings. IL II, 153-60. Johnson, Oliver A. (1967-68). Begging the ques- tion. Dialogue 6, 135-50. Johnson, Ralph H. (198Ia). Charity begins at home. ILN 3:3, 4-9. ___ (198Ib). Reply to Griffin. ILN 4: I, 7. ____ (1981c). The new logic course: The state of the art in non-formal methods of argument analysis. TP 4, 123-43. ___ (198Jd). Toulmin's bold experiment: Part I. ILN 3:2, 16-27. ____ (1981e). Toulmin's bold experiment: Part II. lLN 3:3, 13-19. ___ (1982). Charity again. ILN 4:2,16-17. ____ (1987a). Logic naturalized: Recovering a tradition. In van Eemeren, Grootendorst et al. (1987a), 47-56. ___ (1987b). The blaze of her splendours: Suggestions about revitalizing fallacy theory. Arg. 1, 239-53. (1988a). Critical notice of Gilben Harman's Change in View: Principles of Reasoning. CanadianJ. of Philosophy 18,163-78. (1988b). Poll-ution: Coping with surveys and polls. In Govier (l988c), 163-77, ____ (1989). Massey on fallacy and infor- mal logic: A reply. Synthese 80, 407-26. ____ (1990a). Acceptance is not enough: A critique of Hamblin. P&R 23, 271-87. ____ (l990b). Hamblin on the standard treat- ment. P&R 23. 153-67. Johnson, Ralph H. and J. Anthony Blair (1980a). A bibliography of recent work in informal logic. In Blair and Johnson (1980), 163-72. ___ (l980b). The recent development of informal logic. In Blair and Johnson (1980), 3-28. ___ (1983a). A bibliography ofrecent work in informal logic. lLN 5:3, 3-15. 168 Johnson Johnson. Ralph H. and J. Anthony Blair (l983b). Logical Self-Defense (2nd ed.). Toronto: McGraw-Hili Ryerson. 1st edition 1977. ___ (l985a). Informal Logic: AjournaJ for teachers of critical thinking. ,,,"'ewsletter on Teaching Philosophy, 14-16. ___ (1985b). Informal logic: The past five years 1978-83. American Philosophicil! Q. 22, 181-96. _. __ (1989). The fallacy approach to criticizing arguments. In Maimon et al. (1989), 111-23. Johnstone. Jr, Henry W. (1952). Philosophy and argumentum ad hominem. J. of Philosophy 49, 489-98. (1959). Philosophy and Argument. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. ___ ~ (1970). 'Philosophy and argumentum ad hominem' revisited. Revue International de Philosophie 24, 107-116. (1978). Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument: An Outlook in Tmn- .,ilion. University Park, PA: The Dialogue Press of Man and World. ____ (1983). Truth, anagnorisis and argu- ment. P&R 16. 1-15. ___ (1987). Response to Arnold. P&R 20. 129-134. (1989). Argumentation and formal logic in philosophy. Arg. 3.5-15. Jones. Royce (1981). A new classification of disputes. TP 4. 23-32. Kahane. Howard (1980). The nature and classification of fallacies. In Blair and Johnson (1980). 31-39. _ .. __ ... (1984). John NoIt's inductive reason- ing test. IL 6, 30. (1988). Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric. The Use of Reasoning ill Everyday Life (5th ed.). Belmont. CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1st edition 1971. ____ (1989). The proper subject matter for critical thinking courses. Arg. 3, 141-47. Kasachkoff. TziJXlrah (1988). Explaining and justi- IYing.IL 10. 21-30. Kekes. John (1979). Perennial arguments. Idealistic Studies 9. 115-30. Krabbe Kellennan. Kathy (1980). The concept of evidence: A critical review. JAFA 16. 159-72. Kelly. David (1988). The Art of Reasonillg. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. Kielkopf, Charles F. (1980). Relevant appeals to force, pity and popular pieties. ILN 2:2. 2-5. ____ (1984). Forms for ·infomlallogic'. IL 6. 21-25. Kirby, Brian (1986). A plea for affirming a dis· junct, IL 8, 133-40. Kirwan, Christopher (1979). Aristotle and the so-called fallacy of equivocation. Philosophical Q. 29. 35-46. Kleiman, Lowell (1970). Pashman on Freud and the genetic fallacy. Southern 1. of Philosophy 8, 63-5. Kluback, William and Mortimer Becker (1979). The significance of Chaim Perelman's philosophy of rhetoric. Revue International de Philosophie 33,31-46. Klumpp, James F, Bernard L. Brook, James W. Chesebro and John F. Cragan (1974). Implica- tions of a systems model of analysis on argumentation theory. JAFA 11, 1-7. Kneupper, Charles W. (1978). On argument and diagrams.1AFA 14. 181-86. (1979). Paradigms and problems: Alternative constructivistlinteractionist implica- tions for argumentation theory. JAFA 15. 220-27. ____ (1980). Rhetoric, argument. and social reality: A social constructivist view. JAFA 16. 173-81. ____ (1981). Argument: A social construc- tivist perspective. lAFA 17, 183-89. Krabbe, Erik C. W. (1982). Theory of argument a- tion and the dialectical garb of formal logic. In Barth and Martens (1982), 123-32. ____ (1985). Formal systems of dialogue rules. Synthese 63. 295-328. ____ (1987). Naess's dichotomy of tenabili- ty and relevance. In van Eemeren et ai. (1987a), 307-16. ____ (1988). Creative reasoning in formal discussion. Arg, 2, 483·98. Krabbe Krabbe, Erik C. W. (1990). Inconsistent commit- ments and commitment to inconsistencies. IL 12, 33-42, Kroy. Moshe (1974). Logic, language and for- malization. Logique et Analyse 17, 389-444. Kruger, Arthur N. (1975). The nature of controver- sial statements. P&R 8, 137-58. Kytle, Ray (1986). Clear Thinking for Composi- tion (5th ed.). New York: Random House. 1st edition 1969. La Bar, Carol and Ian Wright (1983). Practical Reasoning: Individual and Social Decision Making. Vancouver: U. of British Columbia, Faculty of Education. ____ and Jerrold Coombs (1982). First Step" in Practical Reasoning. Vancouver: U. of British Columbia, Faculty of Education. Langsdorf. Lenore (1986). 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