INFORMAL LOGIC X1.3, Fall 1989 Analogical Arguings and Explainings* FRED JOHNSON Colorado State University The thesis defended below is that the arguments associated with many common uses of analogy in reasoning have a sim- ple, valid deductive structure. These uses of analogy are not properly accommodated by accounts of analogy in which the associated arguments have an inductive (Mill 1889), abductive (Peirce 1960), or eductive (W.E. Johnson 1964) structure. In this discussion I will stress the distinction between the activity of arguing and the passive entity which is the associated argu- ment. For several of the examples discuss- ed below we shall find analogies "in" argu- ings but not "in" their associated argument. This should not be surprising. Often, analogical reasoning is indirect reasoning. It is similar to ironic reasoning. If someone announces a premise ironically, it would be a mistake to say that irony did not play a role in the reasoning, but the irony will not show up in the associated argument. 1. Analogical arguings Arguings are activities involving an arguer and an audience: the arguer uses claims to persuade the audience to accept a claim. With any arguing there is an associated argument consisting of an n-tuple of sentences or sets of sentences. Arguings are fundamental; arguments are parasitic on *1 read an earlier version of this paper at the Mountain-Plains Philosophy Conference at Gunnison, Colorado in September, 1989. I wish to thank the participants for their remarks. And I am grateful to two of Informal Logic's anonymous referees, whose extensive, insightful comments caused me to make major changes in the earlier version. arguings. The arguments extrapolated from arguings are passive "things." If I try to convince you that it is cold by pointing to the thermometer, I am arguing. From this arguing we can extract the passive argu- ment, the ordered pair <{T}, C), where T is the claim, say, that it is 5 below, and C is the claim that it is cold. (For more discus- sion of this terminology and subsidiary no- tions, see (F. Johnson 1980) and (F. Johnson 1984).) An analogy is a claim that certain things are like certain other things (whether or not the former things belong to the same class as the latter, that is, whether the analogy is literal or figurative). If an analogy, x is like y, is used in an arguing then x is the base (source, phoros) and y is the target (theme), or vice-versa. (The arguer expects his or her audience to be more familiar with the base than with the target.) An analogical arguing is an arguing in which an analogy plays an essential role. And an argument is an associated analogical argument if it is associated with an analogical arguing. 1.1 He analogical arguings. No one will deny that the following example is an analog- ical arguing; the debate concerns its analysis. Example L The famous chemist and biologist, Justus von Liebig, dismissed the germ theory with a shrug of his shoulders, regarding Pasteur's view that microbes could cause fermentation as ridiculous and naive as the opinion of a child' 'who would explain the rapidity of the Rhine current by attributing it to the violent movement of the many mill wheels at Maintz." (Exercise from Copi 1986, p. 401) There are three steps in Liebig's arguing, which is a paradigm case of an analogical 154 Fred Johnson arguing with a hidden conditional, an HC analogical arguing. Structure of an HC analogical arguing Step 1. (Analogy Step) The author thinks there is an analogy between B, the base, and T, the target. (In Exam- ple 1 the relationship between the movement of the millwheels at Maintz and the movement of the Rhine is the base ofthe analogy and the relationship between the move- ment of certain microbes and a cer- tain fermentation process is the target of the analogy.) Step 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional-Step) The author expects the audience to recognize that by using the analogy in Step 1 he or she is asserting a conditional sentence with the following form: 'If T, or some por- tion of T, has, or does not have, some feature F, then .:.. (In Ex- ample L the conditional sentence is 'If microbes are the cause of the fermentation process then effects are causes. ') Step 3. (Inference Step) The author expects us to draw the conclusion (C) from the conditional sentence (major premise, Mp) in Step 2 by sup- plementing the conditional with the denial of this conditional's conse- quent (minor premise, mp). The associated argument is < {Mp, mp} , C) argument. (For Example L the associated argument is: < {If microbes are the cause of fermenta- tion then effects are causes, Effects are not causes}, Microbes do not cause fermentation), an instance of modus tollendo toll ens .) Perhaps the most sensitive spot in this analysis involves the relationship between the first and second steps. There is a temp- tation to complicate the analysis of the associated argument by making room for a claim about the base of the analogy which gives evidence for (induces? abduces?) the conditional sentence. I resist this temptation. According to the HC analysis the analogy is a means of presenting the major premise of the associated argument, but is not itself a premise of the associated argument. This is another argument of an HC arguing: Example R This [further official statement 1 explained that The Satanic Verses had been banned as a pre-emptive measure. Certain passages had been identified as susceptible to distor- tion and misuse, presumably by unscrupulous religious fanatics and such. The banning order had been issued to pre- vent this misuse .... This really is astound- ing. It is as though, having identified an in- nocent person as a likely target for assault by muggers or rapists, you were to put that person in jail for protection. This is no way, Mr. Gandhi, for a free society to behave. (Salman Rushdie, Rocky Mountain News, Feb. 27, 1989, p. 41) The HC analogical arguing in Example R consists of the following steps: Step 1. (Analogy Step) Rushdie thinks The Satanic Verses (the target) is like an innocent person who is a likely vic- tim of muggers or rapists (the base). Step 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional-Step) Rushdie thinks that by using the analogy in Step 1 we will recognize the truth of this conditional: 'If it is right to ban The Satanic Verses then the possible misuse of something by someone provides sufficient justification for isolating this thing.' Step 3. (Inference Step) Rushdie thinks that we will infer the denial of the antecedent of the conditional in Step 1 (the conclusion) from this conditional together with the denial of its consquent. The associated argument In Rushdie' s analogical arguing is: 1 1. (Major premise) If it is right to ban The Satanic Verses then the possible misuse of something by someone is sufficient justification for isolating this thing. 2. (Minor premise) The possible misuse of something by someone does not per se justify the isolation of this thing. 3. (Conclusion) It is not right to ban The Satanic Verses. 1.2 Inductive analogical arguings. Jevons presents what I think of as being the common analysis of analogical arguments. He says: Argument from analogy may be defined as direct inductive inference from one instance to any similar instance. It may, as Mr. Mill says, be reduced to the following for- mula: -' Two things resemble each other in one or more respects; a certain proposition is true of the one; therefore it is true of the other.' (Jevons 1957, p. 227) Jevons is talking about what we shall call a simple inductive analogical arguing, con- sisting of the following steps: Step 1. (Analogy Step) The author thinks that base B is like target T in virtue of sharing properties PI, P2 , .... Step 2. (Base Step) The author thinks that base B has property Q, not includ- ed among the Pi'S. Step 3. (Target Step) The author expects the audience to infer that T has Q, given the propositions embedded in Steps 1 and 2. The associated argument in a simple induc- tive analogical arguing is the ordered pair <{B and T share properties PI, .... (Mp) , B has Q (mp)}, T has Q (conclusion). Of course, we cannot be sure that Jevons would view Examples Land R as simple inductive analogical arguings. But, given the context in which Example L is cited in (Copi 1986), we can be quite sure that Copi thinks that this is the associated argument: 1. (Major premise) The relationship of the movement of the millwheels Arguings and Explainings 155 (mm) to the movement ofthe Rhine (mr) is like the relationship of microbes (m) to fermentation (t). 2. (Minor premise) mm is not a cause of mr. So, 3. (Conclusion) m is not a cause of f. Given this identification of the argument in Example L, we are drawn into such ques- tions as whether dissimilarities involving the large number of microbes involved in the fermentation process and the small number of millwheels at Maintz involved in the Rhine's current affect the value of the argu- ment. Is the dissimilarity relevant? What other dissimilarities are there? What other similarities are there? To focus on these questions is to fail to appreciate Liebig's reasoning. Similar thoughts apply to Example R. According to those who view it as a sim- ple inductive analogical arguing the associated argument is: 1. (Major premise) The Satanic Verses (the target) and an innocent person (the base) share properties PI, .... (have an identity?, have intrinsic value? ... ) 2. (Minor premise) An innocent per- son (the base) should be allowed to circulate freely. So, 3. (Conclusion) The Satanic Verses (the target) should be allowed to circulate freely. But this analysis seems misguided. The criticism of Rushdie' s argument should not focus on similarities and dissimilarities be- tween Rushdie's book and innocent persons who are targets for muggers or rapists. Does the fact that persons are literally alive and books are not weaken Rushdie's argument? To consider this question shows that we have misunderstood Rushdie's reasoning. Our interest in Rushdie's reasoning pertains to his contention that the possible misuse of something by someone does not provide per se a reason for isolating it. When evaluating HC arguings we do not look at similarities or dissimilarities between 156 Fred Johnson the base and the target. Rather, we ask whether the base clearly announces the con- ditional, and whether the premises of the associated argument are true. 1.3 Choosing an analysis. I am not say- ing that all uses of analogy in reasoning are appropriately analyzed as HC analogical arguings. Though the analysis fits Examples Land R perhaps other uses of analogy are to be analyzed in other ways. Consider so- called refutations by analogy. The refuter asserts that argument X (the base) is like argument Y (the target), that X is obvious- ly invalid (since its premises are true and its conclusion is false), and expects us to conclude that Y is invalid. An HC analysis of the reasoning looks like this: 1. (Analogy Step) The refuter thinks that argument X is like argument Y. 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional Step) The refuter thinks that given the Analogy Step the audience will recognize that if Y is not invalid then it is possible for an argu- ment with true premises and a false con- clusion to be valid. 3. (Inference Step) The refuter expects the audience to infer that Y is invalid, given the conditional in Step 2 and the denial of this conditional's consequent. I am not certain that the HC analysis of the refutation is the correct one. But it is an in- teresting alternative to the standard textbook analysis of such refutations, which has been trenchantly criticized by Massey. See (Massey 1980, pp. 319-320) and the references at the end of his paper. Or consider this use of a literal analogy in reasoning: 'This apple is like that apple since they came from the same tree. This apple (the base) has a worm hole. So that apple (the target) has a worm hole. ' It would be a mistake to give this reasoning any structure other than its superficial structure. In particular, I resist the HC analysis, ac- cording to which the following argument is embedded in the reasoning: 1. (Major Premise) If that apple does not have a worm hole no apples on the tree have worm holes. 2. (Minor Premise) This apple on the tree has a worm hole. 3. (Conclusion) That apple has a worm hole. I also resist giving the argument associated with the reasoning the following complex structure: 1. This apple on the tree has a worm hole. So, 2. All apples on the tree have worm holes. (By induction) 3. That apple is on the tree. So, 4. That apple on the tree has a worm hole. (By deduction, from 2 and 3) Russell correctly notes that if the reason- ing is construed in this way it is weaker than it would be if the generalization step (step 2) were bypassed. See (Russell 1959 p. 80) and also (W.E. Johnson 1964, vol. 3, p. 44). 2. Analyses similar to the He analysis 2.1 Levi's analysis. In (Levi 1948) we can find what we are calling the HC analysis of reasoning. Levi says: The basic pattern of legal reasoning is reasoning by example. It is reasoning from case to case. It is a three-step process described by the doctrine of precedent in which a proposition descriptive of the first case is made into a rule of law and then ap- plied to a similar situation. The steps are these: similarity is seen between cases; next the rule of law inherent in the first case is announced; then the rule of law is made ap- plicable to the second case. (pp. 1-2) Suppose, for example, judge j argues that plaintiff p should be compensated for damages. The analogical arguing of the judge is that p' s case is like q' s. The judge extracts a principle P (whenever x is in state y, x should be compensated for damages) from q's case (the base) and expects that his or her audience will recognize P in the base. So, the argument associated with j's analogical arguing on the HC analysis is: 1. (Major premise) Ifp is not compen- .. I sated for damages, then principle P is violated. 2. (Minor premise) Principle P should not be violated. So, 3. (Conclusion) p should be compen- sated for damages. 2.2 Aristotle's analysis. Levi traces his analysis of legal reasoning to Aristotle. We quote the passage Levi refers to, giving Ross's translation (Ross 1980, p. 487): It is an example when the major term is shown to belong to the middle term by means of a term like the middle term. We must know beforehand both that the middle term is true of the minor, and that the ma- jor term is true of the term like the minor. Let A be evil, B aggressive war on neighbors, C that of Athens against Thebes, D that of Thebes against Phocis. If we want to show that C is A, we must first know that B is A; and this we learn from observing that e.g. Dis A. Then we have the syllogism 'B is A, Cis B, Therefore C is A.' (Prior Analytics, 68b38-69a6) The HC analysis of the reasoning in Aristo- tle's example is as follows: 1. (Analogy Step) The arguer asserts that a war by Athens on Thebes is like a war by Thebes on Phocis. 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional Step) The author uses the Analogy Step to assert that if a war by Athens on Thebes is not evil then wars against neighbors are not evil. 3. (Inference Step) The author expects his or her audience to infer that a war by Athens on Thebes is evil from the con- ditional sentence in Step 2 together with the denial of the consequent of this con- ditional: Wars against neighbors are evil. Aristotle's analysis of the reasoning is not exactly like the HC analysis. For him the associated argument has the form of Bar- bara (All aggressive wars against neighbors are evil; all aggressive wars by Athens on Thebes are aggressive wars against neighbors; so all aggressive wars by Athens on Thebes are evil) instead of modus tollendo toll ens . But the similarity of the analyses Arguings and Explainings 157 is strong. Rather than taking the base at face value (as in a simple inductive analogical arguing) the base is related to the "rule" that all wars on neighbors are evil. But how is the base related to the rule (principle)? Well, the rule inheres in the base. But in what sense? The commentators do not agree about the interpretation of Aristotle's remarks. Smith says that the base establishes the rule. When commenting about the above passage he says: ... to prove that war with the neighbouring Thebans would be evil for the Athenians ... we first offer a familiar example (the war of the Thebans with their neighbors the Pho- cians was an evil for them) to establish the principle 'war with one's neighbors is an evil' and then apply this to the particular case at hand. (Smith 1989, p. 222, my italics) Ross would not agree with this use of 'establish.' Ross says: Its real interest [the real interest of argument by example (analogy)] is not like that of science, in generalization, but in inducing a particular belief, e.g. that a particular ag- gressive war will be dangerous to the coun- try that wages it. (Ross 1980, p. 488) Ross is right. Ross believes that the base does not establish the principle; rather, the base is used to get the audience to recognize the principle. The principle inheres in the base in the way in which the Pythagorean Theorem inheres in a particular triangle. The triangle does not give evidence for the theorem, but one can get the belief that the theorem is true by observing the triangle. For another example of inherence con- sider the following non-analogical arguing: I was so surprised to see your definition of Halloween as 'All Hallows Evening.' ... It therefore follows that Christmas Eve is the evening of Dec. 25. (Virginia Owens, quoted in William Saffire's You Could Look It Up, New York: Henry Holt, 1988, p. 103) That Virginia Owens was surprised is not a part of the argument associated with this arguing. From her comments about herself we recognize that she is asserting that it is 158 Fred Johnson a mistake to say that Halloween is the even- ing of All Saints' Day (All Hallows' Day, November 1). Given the notion of inherence under discussion, we can say that her imper- sonal remark inheres in her personal remark. It is surprising that Aristotle's general characterization of argument by analogy (example) seems to be restricted to literal analogies. For, it is common for arguers to use figurative analogies to elicit principles that inhere in the base of the analogy. Aristotle says: Example, then, is inference from part to part, when both fall under the same class and one is well known. Induction reasons from all the particulars and does not apply the conclusion to a new particular; exam- ple does so apply it and does not reason from all particulars. (Ross 1980, p. 488, my italics.) Consider Rushdie's "inference from part to part" in which one of the parts (in- nocent persons) is "well known." Do the parts fall in the same class? The natural answer is no. One part is in the class of human beings and the other is not. But perhaps what Aristotle means by saying the parts belong to the same class is that the principle elicited by the one of the parts (the base) applies to both parts. If this is what he means then it is true that the base and the target in an HC arguing belong to the same class. 3. More examples of He arguings Example M One does not need to search for pathology to explain career choice any more than one needs underlying scatological or sexual ex- planations to understand every innocuous bit of behavior. Altruistic people, who work hard to help others, should not be suspected ipso facto of harboring ulterior selfish motives. (Thomas Maeder, "Wounded Healers," The Atlantic Monthly, Jan., 1989, p. 37) The HC arguing is: 1. (Analogy Step) Maeder thinks that the reasons people make career choices (the target) are like the reasons people do "in- nocuous things," choose blue over beige cars, choose to put kiwis instead of cher- ries on their cheesecake, etc. (the base). 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional Step) Maeder uses Step 1 to get us to recognize that if people who make career choices should be suspected ipso facto of harboring ulterior selfish motives then the reasons for "ordinary" choices are tainted. 3. (Inference Step) Maeder expects us to in- fer that the denial of the antecedent of the conditional in Step 2 follows from this conditional together with the denial of its antecedent. Example A Legislation to outlaw liquor in the '20s didn't work, and attempts to ban drugs ob- viously haven't been effective. Time's pro- posals would create an even bigger black market and make a criminal of the average citizen. Thank God for the National Rifle Association. (John Armanini, Time. Feb. 27, 1989, 'Letters to the Editor.') This example is Armanini' s complete letter, short, but interesting. Note that the conclusion and the base for the analogy are implicit. And note that Armanini is argu- ing both analogically and non-analogically. The second sentence is not a part of the analogical arguing indicated by the first. And note that the final conclusion, that guns should not be banned, is implicit and is derived from the implicit, mediating con- clusion, that those who try to ban guns will not succeed. We give an HC-analysis of the analogical arguing: 1. (Analogy Step) Armanini thinks that the banning of guns (the target) is like the banning ofliquor and drugs (the base). 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional Step) Armanini expects the audience to recognize that if the banning of guns will be successful then in general a society will succeed in abolishing the use of x by legislation. 3. (Inference Step) Armanini expects us to infer the denial of the antecedent of the conditional in Step 2 from this conditional together with the denial of its consequent. I I I j 4. HC explainings Given the similarity of arguings and ex- plainings, we can expect that the HC analysis will be suitable for at least some explainings. And it is. We turn to this topic not only to say something about explainings, which are typically slighted in the text- books, but to improve our fix on the HC analysis of arguings. By an explaining we mean an activity in which the author is using claims to help the audience understand a claim whose truth the author thinks the audience accepts. An analogical explaining is an activity in which an analogy is an essential ingredient in the explaining. With any explaining there is an associated explanation, though the relationship between the explaining and the associated explanation may not be direct. Example P Only Ireland has no divorce law at all, a pro- posed bill having recently been defeated in a referendum by a combination of the Roman Catholic Church and fearful Irish women. During the referendum, an oppo- nent observed that "a woman who votes in favor of divorce is like a turkey voting in favor of Christmas." (Roderick Phillips, New York Review of Books, March 2, 1989, p. 12) It seems to me that anyone who evaluated this explanation by discussing the similarities between women and turkeys would be misunderstanding the role of the analogy in the explaining. This is an HC analysis of the explaining: 1. (Analogy Step) Phillips asserts that a turkey's desire that humans celebrate Christmas in the traditional way (the base) is like an Irish woman's desire that divorce be legalized. 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional Step) Phillips expects us to recognize this conditional, given the Analogy Step: If Irish women had voted for legalizing divorce they would have wanted to bring about their Arguings and Explainings 159 own demise. 3. (Explanation Step) Phillips expects the audience to use the conditional in Step 2 to generate the following explanation: Explanans: Explanans: Conditional in Step 2. Irish women did not want to bring about their own demise. Explanandum: Irish women did not vote for legalizing divorce. Example S What can make cities work again, runs the cheerfully contrarian thesis of urban re- searcher William H. Whyte is not less con- gestion but more. Not monorails, fortress office towers and sanitized fouth-floor skyways between buildings, but hot-dog carts, jostling sidewalk crowds, street musi- cians, handbill passers, eccentrics, arm- waving conversationalists, three card monte scamsters and girl-watching construction workers. Winos snoozing. Bag ladies mut- tering .... The reader takes in this sedition with a widening grin, as if a doctor were telling him to layoff oat bran, a dangerous spiritual depressant, and start packing in but- ter fried-eggs and thick steaks. (John Skow, Time, Feb. 27, 1989, p. 78) Of course, Skow is not trying to prove that anyone who hears Whyte's advice will be skeptical. He is sure that Whyte's audience will be skeptical. The explanation embedded in the HC explaining can be arranged as follows: Explanans: If people did not react skeptically to Whyte's beliefs then people would not react skep- tically to beliefs that are contrary to the so- ciety's well-entrenched beliefs. Explanans: People react skeptically to beliefs that are con- trary to the society's well-entrenched beliefs. Explanadum: People react skeptically to Whyte's beliefs. 160 Fred Johnson Example N We think the surface of the earth is like a coffee percolator. As in a coffee percolator, the input of heat is essentially continuous. Because of poor conduction through the con- tinents, however, the heat is released in relatively sudden bursts. (R. Damian Nance, et ai., Scientific American. July, 1988, p. 72) This is an HC analysis of the passage: 1. (Analogy Step) Nance asserts that the eruptions of a coffee percolator (the base) are like the eruptions of the earth's sur- face (the target). 2. (Analogy-to-Conditional Step) Nance ex- pects the audience to draw a conditional of the following form from the Analogy Step: If the earth did not erupt in the manner in which it does then we would have to deny that whenever x is heated and has characteristics C then x will behave in way w. 3. (Explanation Step) Nance uses the con- ditional in Step 2 together with the im- plicit explanans that the earth is heated and has characteristics C to explain the eruptions at the earth's surface. From the passage cited we cannot be sure which characteristics, C, Nance has in mind. But we can be confident that to com- plete his reasoning we need to determine what these characteristics are. And we can be confident that anyone who criticizes the reasoning by finding dissimilarities between coffee percolators and the earth's surface is on the wrong track. 5. Summary For many, though not all, uses of analogies in arguings and explainings, the HC analysis is better than the induction analysis. The HC analysis cuts across the literal/figurative distinction-Aristotle's analogy is literal and Rushdie's (Example R) is figurative. The roots of the HC analysis are in the Prior Analytics. When analyzing uses of analogy in reasoning, we should at least consider the HC analysis and thus look for the conditional sentence inherent in the analogy. If the HC analysis is the correct one to choose, then the associated argument has a simple deductive structure. References Copi, Irving M. 1986. Introduction to Logic, 7th ed. New York: Macmillan. Jevons, W. Stanley, 1957. Elementary Lessons in Logic. London: Macmillan. Reprint of the 1870 edition. Johnson, Fred. 1980. 'Deductively-inductively.' Informal Logic, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 4-5. Johnson, Fred 1984. 'Arguings and arguments.' Informal Logic, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 26-27. Johnson, W.E. 1964. Logic. New York: Dover. Reprint of the 1921-24 Cambridge UP edition. Levi, Edward H. 1948. An Introduction to Legal Reasoning. Chicago: U of Chicago P. Massey, Gerald J. 1980. 'Logic and Linguistics.' In Modem Logic - A Survey. Ed. by E. Agazzi. Boston: D. Reidel, pp. 311-329. Mill, John Stuart. 1889. A System of Logic, 8th ed. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1960. Collected Papers, vols. 1-5. Ed. by C. Hartshorne and P. Weiss. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard UP. Reprint of the 1931-35 edition. Ross, W.D. 1980. Aristotle's Prior and Posterior Analytics. New York: Garland. Reprint of the 1949 Oxford UP edition. Russell, Bertrand, 1959. The Problems of Philosophy. London: Oxford UP. Reprint of the 1912 Home University Library edition. Smith, Robin. 1989. Prior Anaiytics. Indianapolis: Hackett. FRED JOHNSON DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY FORT COLLINS, CO 80523 o