VIII. 2, Spring 1987 Informal Logic On Classifications of Fallacies MICHAEL F. SCHMIDT Research suggests to me the conclu- sion that three fundamental kinds of fallacies are-interrogative, premisory, and inferential. However, in this arti- cle, the focus will be on premisory fal- lacies. In particular, the article aims to show that there are four distinct kinds of premisory fallacies, "begging the question", "inconsistency", "falsity", and "omission". The article begins with a very brief review of some schools of thought about classifying fallacies; then it turns to the task of reviewing some actual classifications of fallacies to see what the tendencies are; five tendencies are found; from them emerges the conclusion that "incom- plete information" is distinct from "false premise" and from "invalid inference", that "begging the ques- tion" is distinct from all three, and that "inconsistent premises", "false pre- mise", "incomplete information" I and "begging the question" form a natural constellation of premisory fallacies, dis- tinct from the fallacy of many questions and from the fallacies of invalid in- ference. Appended is a bibliography of recent and contemporary writings on the topic of fallacies. Schools of thought There flourish several schools of thought about the classification of falla- cies. Let us review their main tenets. It is well known that Augustus De Morgan claimed: "There is no such thing as a classification of the ways in which men may arrive at an error: it is much to be doubted whether there San Jose State University ever can be" [1] C.L. Hamblin writes: "We [in 1970] have no theory of fallacy at all, in the sense in which we have theories of correct reasoning or inference. Yet we feel the need to ticket and tabulate [fallacies] .... "[2] Gerald J. Massey argues that an account of fallacies pre- supposes a theory of invalidity and that "a theory of invalidity has yet to be developed"[3], while others argue for a "theory of reasoning". One of this journal's referees points out that "no a priori scheme of classifications can fairly be evaluated until there is some unified theory of argument." And, Peter Ramus (in 1543) wrote: First, should not the overall description of [dialectical] vices itself arise from the direct opposition of virtues so that, for every kind of virtue there should be just one kind of vice? And in so far as there are two overall virtues in dialectic, one of Invention and one of Judgment, so there ought to be two overall vices, one opposed and hostile to true Invention, the other to correct Judgment; .... [4] Now! let us review sOme important and interesting classifications of fal- lacies-those of Aristotle, Richard Whately, John Stuart Mill, H.W.B. Joseph, W. Ward Fearnside, Howard Kahane, and Ronald Munson-and then see what the tendencies are. Aristotle Probably the best known classifica- tion is Aristotle's. His On Sophistical Refutations begins: 58 Michael F. Schmidt Let us now discuss sophistic refuta- tions, i.e. what appear to be refutations but are really fallacies instead .... That some reasonings are genuine, while others seem to be so but are not, is evident. This happens with argu- ments as also elsewhere, through a certain likeness between the genuine and the sham.[5] According to Aristotle, sometimes reasoning and refutation fail because arguments depend upon language: It is impossible in a discussion to bring in the actual things discussed: we use their names as symbols instead of them; and therefore we suppose that what follows in the names, follows in the things as well, ... {6] Fallacies due to language include: word ambiguity f grammatical ambi- guity (i .e., amphiboly), accent, and three others. At other times reasoning and refuta- tion fail because of factors that are "independent of language" .[7] Fal- lacies of this sort include: ignoratio elenchi, begging the question, false cause, many questions, and three others. Notice that Aristotle discusses these two sorts of fallacies in connec- tion with what he calls "contentious arguments" as opposed to "demon- strative arguments" and II dialectical arguments"; that is, in On Sophistical Refutations he focuses more on ques- tions about refuting an opponent than on questions about proposing a scienti- fic explanation or a solution to a prob- lem; and, consequently, he focuses more on sham refutations than on sham explanations or sham solutions to prob- lems. Notice too that Aristotle acknow- ledges the possibility of classifying fal- lacies differently; for example. The right way, then, is either to divide apparent proofs and refutations as above, or else to refer them all to ig- norance of what 'refutation' is [ignora- tio elenchi], and make that our starting- point: for it is possible to analyse all the aforesaid modes of fallacy into breaches of the definition of a refuta- tion·IS] Moreover, in his Rhetoric Aristotle lists some spurious "lines of argu- ment"; there are nine in all; lithe first. .. arises from the particular words employed"[9]; this first spurious line of argument has two varieties: (a) "when, without having gone through any reasoning process, we make a final statement as if it were the conclusion of such a process"[10]; and, (b) when we use "similar words for different things"[11] (probably a reference to a number of sorts of ambiguity). Note that the former variety is not among the fallacies enumerated in On Sophis- tical Refutations. The remaining eight spurious "lines of argument" are presumably inde- pendent of language; they include some that are enumerated in On Sophistical Refutations, including the special case of "false cause" now known as "post hoc, ergo propter hoc"; and, they also include some that are not enumerated in On Sophistical Refutations, including "the use of indignant language, whether to support your own case or to overthrow your opponent's" .[12] Whately In Richard Whately'S Elements of Logic we find a somewhat different classification: Fallacies are of two main sorts: logical and material. First, logical fallacies occur "when the fault is strictly, in the very process of Rea~ soning"[13], i.e., I/[w]here the Conclu- sion does not follow from the Pre- mises."[14] Second, in the case of ma- terial fallacies, although the conclusion does follow from the premises, some- thing else goes wrong. In particular, there are those material fallacies that are due to an "unduly assumed" pre- mise and those due to ignoratio elen- chi .[15] Under the heading of "premise un- duly assumed", Whately includes petitio principii (i.e., begging the ques- tion) and "false or unsupported pre- mise"; and, under the heading of ignoratio elenchi I he includes ad homi- nem, ad verecundiam, etc., "shifting ground", and two others,[16] Notice that Whately acknowledges that the classification of fallacies is, to a degree, arbitrary and uncertain :[17] .. " from the elliptical form in which all reasoning is usually expressed, and the peculiarly involved and oblique form in which Fallacy is for the most part conveyed, it must of course be often a matter of doubt, or rather, of arbitrary choice, not only to which genus each kind of fallacy should be referred, but even to which kind to refer anyone individual Fallacy.[18] He does not explain why it is indeter- minate "to which genus each kind of fallacy should be referred", but does explain why it is indeterminate[19] lito which kind to refer anyone indivi- dual fallacy", He says: For, Since. in any Argument, one Premiss is usually suppressed, it fre- quently happens, in the case of a Falla- cy, that the hearers are left to the alter- native of supplying either a Premiss which is nol true, or else, one which does not prove the Conclusion.[20] He gives the following example: if a person argues from the premise that 'the country is distressed' to the con- clusion that 'the government is tyran- nical / , "we must suppose him to assume either that 'every distressed country is under a tyranny,' which is 'a manifest falsehood, or, merely that 'every country under a tyranny is dis- tressed,' which, however true, proves nothing".[21] Mill In John Stuart Mill's A System of Logic we find a similar classification: Fallacies are of two main sorts: "Fal- lacies of Simple Inspection / ' and "Fal- lacies of Inference" .[22] Fallacies of Simple Inspection (or, a priori fallacies; or, natural prejudices) simulate genuinely self-evident propo- sitions (if there are any genuinely self- evident propositions). Note that Mill does say: Classifications of Fallacies As it is foreign to the purpose of the present treatise to decide between these confl icting [methaphysical] theories, we are precluded from inquiring into the existence, or defining the extent and limits, of knowledge a priori, and from characterising the kind of correct assumption which the fallacy of incorrect assumption, now under consideration, simulates.[23] 59 Fallacies of Inference comprise (1) the Inductive Fallacies of Observation, (2) the Inductive Fallacies of Generali- sation, (3) the Deductive Fallacies of Ratiocination, and (4) Fallacies of Con- fusion.[24] Fallacies of Confusion are "fallacies in which the source of error is not so much a false estimate of the probative force of known evidence, as an indistinct, indefinite, and fluctua- ting conception of what the evidence is, "[25] Under the heading of Inductive Fal- lacies of Observation, Mill includes "non-observation" and "mal-observa- tion".(26] Under the heading of Induc- tive Fallacies of Generalization, one might include the two forms of the Fal- lacy of Hasty Generalization: (a) generalization from an overly small sample and (b) generalization from an unrepresentative sample. Under the heading of Deductive Fallacies of Ratio- cination, one might include the Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent, the Fal- lacy of Denying the Antecendent, etc. And, under the heading of Fallacies of Confusion, one might include equivo- cation, the "black or white" fallacy, the argument from the heap, and the slippery slope fallacy. Additionally, Mill quotes Whately with approval-concerning the reason why it is determinate to which class of fallacies to refer any actual error. [27] Joseph In H.W.B. Joseph's An Introduction to Logic there is a return to Aristotle, a return both to the letter of Aristotle's On Sophistical Refutations and to its spirit. Joseph quotes the Greek, pro- vides translations, and follows Aris- 60 Michael F. Schmidt totle's classification of fallacies[28]. Joseph does raise one objection against Aristotle's classification: lilt suffers", he says, "from the defect of not positively characterizing one groupl/[29]; that is, as a group, falla- cies that are not due to language (extra dictionem) have no positive characterization, and are merely con- trasted with those that are due to language (in dictione). Joseph also raises objections to Whately's classification' he objects pri- marily to Whately's inclusion of "argu- ments which have no fault except that their premisses are false"[30]; that is, under the heading of "premise unduly assumed", Whately includes not only petitio principii but also "false or un- supported premise", and Joseph objects thus: ... it is true that in [doing so] he follows the words of Aristotle [Topics, 100b, 23; see also Topics, 162b, 3 and 12-15J; but in the body of his treatise Aristotle proceeds as if he had not included them. And the practice of Aristotle appears preferable in this respect; ... [31] ... it is good advice to a disputant to consider well the truth of the pre- misses he is asked to grant, or to a solitary thinker to consider well the truth of what he supposes to assume and build upon. Nevertheless there seems to be a real difference between a plausible but inconclusive argument, which we can see through by clearer and more attentive thinking, and a false proposition (whether or not plausible), which cannot be exploded by any more attentive consideration of itself, though it may [be exploded] by reasonings that are within our power. For this reason the extension of the term fallacy to cover 'any false assumption employed as a premiss' seems undesirable; ... [32] Fearnside In W. Ward Fearnside's About Thinking (and also in the older Fallacy, The Counterfeit of Argument, co- authored by Fearnside and William B. Holther), we find yet another classifi- cation Fallacies are of three main sorts: material, psychological, and logical. Fearnside explains the classifi- cation by means of a figurative analogy between the process of reasoning and a manufacturing process- in which "three kinds of things can go wrongl/[33]: the raw materials may be defective; the workers may make mis- takes; or the machinery they use may be defective. As Johnson and Blair point out, Fearnside introduces sub-groupings I 'that are clearly pedagogical in inspira- tion"[34]; for example, "stirring up prejudice", "rationalization and lip service", and "diversions" .[35] In what follows, I will use traditional names even in cases where Fearnside translates and/or modernizes them. Under the heading of Material Falla- cies, Fearnside includes the two forms of the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization, post hoc, ergo propter hoc, the (Ma- terial) Fallacies of Composition and Division, the "black or white" fal- lacy, the argument from the heap, the slippery slope fallacy, begging the question, and seven others. Under the heading of Psychological Fallacies, Fearnside includes ad hominem, ad verecundiam, ad populum, ad mi- sericordiam, ad ignorantiam, ad bacu- lum, and ten others. Under the heading of Logical Fallacies, Fearnside includes the Fallacy of Affirming the Conse- quent, the Fallacy of Denying the Ante- cedent, and eight other formal fallacies. Kahane In "The Nature and Classification of Fallacies", Howard Kahane explains the classification of fallacies employed in his textbook Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric. And, he also presents and explains a second claSSification, based on ' 'the psychological mechanisms that lead us to reason poorly" .[36] We will survey only the former classification. Fallacies are of three main sorts: invalid inference, unwarranted pre- mise, and suppressed evidence. As before, I will use traditional names even in cases where Kahane translates or modernizes them. Under the heading of "invalid inference", Kahane in- cludes ad verecundiam, ambiguity f the "slippery slope" fallacy, ad homi- nem, the two forms of the Fallacy of Hasty Generalization, and seven others. Under the heading of "unwar- ranted premise", Kahane includes the straw man fallacy, begging the ques- tion, inconsistency, and three others. Under the heading of "suppressed evidence", Kahane includes the fallacy of suppressed evidence. Kahane denies that a fallacious argu- ment is simply an invalid argument that appears to be valid; he also denies that a fallacious argument is simply an un- sound argument that appears to be sound, since question-begging argu- ments that happen to have a true con- clusion are sound but fallacious:[37] Nor can we say that a fallacious argu- ment is one that is either unsound or question begging. For this criterion focuses too much on arguments and too little on arguers .... lt is, in other words, not sufficiently pragmatiC or epistemic. It is not the actual truth or falsity of premises that counts, but rather the rationality of believing or accepting those premises.[38] For a cogent argument, Kahane's first requirement is "valid inference" and his second requirement is "warranted premises" To these he adds a third: ... which is, roughly, the use of all available or known evidence. This is the requirement appealed to, for instance, when we reject a use of Mill's Methods because relevant information has been ignored, or when we accuse someone of the fallacy of biased statis- tics, ... (39] Hence, the three sorts of fallacies. Notice that Kahane raises an objec- tion to Whately's classification: he ob- jects that Whately's category, ignoratio elenchi, does not belong "in his general category of non-logical fallacies ... be- cause arguments which validly yield an irrelevant conclusion generally fail to validly yield the conclusion at issue"[40]; ignoratio elenchi should, therefore, be subsumed under the Classifications of Fallacies 61 heading of "invalid inference". Notice too that like virtually all of his predecessors Kahane remarks about overlapping categories: that his three categories, invalid inference, unwarranted premise, and suppressed evidence, 1/ are not mutually exclusive ... [since, for example, an] ... argument which is invalid may contain an unwar- ranted premise and/or suppress evidence" .[41] Munson In Ronald Munson's The Way of Words we find a very different classi- fication. Munson classifies traditional fallacies not according to their source but rather according to their typical role. That is, instead of classifying fal- lacies as arising from, say, language, or prejudice, or observation, or rea- soning, he classifies them as (1) "com- mitted in making a case for a claim, in arguing for a position", (2) com- mitted in "criticizing or attempting to refute a claim", and (3) committed in "defending a claim against counter- arguments" .[42] Munson calls them: (1) Fallacies, (2) Sophistical Refuta- tions, and (3) Sophistical Defenses, respectively. Under the heading of Fallacies, Mun- son includes ad ignorantiam, ad vere- cundiam, ad misericordiam, ad bacu- lum, ad popu/um, false cause, begging the question, and four others. Under the heading of Sophistical Refutations, he includes ad hominem, tu quoque, the straw man fallacy, and three others. And, under the heading of Sophistical Defenses, he includes shifting ground, hedging, shifting the burden of proof, and th ree others. Notice that Munson adopts Aris- totle's contrast between propounding and refuting, and adds defending. Additionally I in the introduction to the chapter in which these 23 fallacies & sophistries are presented, Munson makes two special points. First: There's no particular magic in any of the common schemes of classifica- tion, and they all have good paints. 62 Michael F. Schmidt Lumping has the disadvantage of fail- ing to call attention to certain distinc- tive features of fallacies. On the other hand, splitting has the disadvantage of creating so many distinct categories that they can't all be kept in mind. Since the primary purpose of talking about fallacies in this book is to warn people about recurrent kinds of bad arguments and to help them detect such arguments in ordinary affairs, it's perhaps better to lump than to split. [43] Second: Munson is careful to point out that some fallacies and sophistries fall under more than one category. For Munson, although the failure to meet the condition that the premises must be true is, strictly speaking, not a fallacy, it is one of four grounds on which to "challenge an argument"; likewise, although the failure to meet the condition that the premises must "tell the whole truth" is, strictly speak- ing, not a fallacy, it is one of the four grounds on which to "challenge an argument" . (1) Challenging the Truth of the Premises.[44] (2) Challenging the Relevance of the Prem ises. [45] (3) Challenging the [Sufficiency] of the Premises.[46] (4) Challenging the Fairness of the Premises .... We are aware that all facts and all reasons-pro and con, favorable and unfavorable, for and against-can't be given in the pre- mises of an argument, and we don't demand the impossible. All we want is a just representation of the rele- vant and important considerations. ... Any bureaucrat worth his pen- sion can show that the program he administers is "by and large suc- cessful" if he judiciously selects the right sort of cases and closes his eyes to the wrong sort. [47] Tendencies Let us now see what the tendencies are: First, that the basic categories or classes of fallacies are increasing in number: Aristotle distinguished fallacies "due to language" from those that are not due to language; Whately distinguished "logical" and "mate- rial" fallacies; Mill distinguished those due to "inference" and those due to "observation"; but Fearnside, Ka- hane, and Munson each distinguish three basic kinds of fallacies. Also, recall Joseph's criticism of Aristotle's classification: that it "suffers from the defect of not positively characterizing one group", that is, as a group, fal- lacies that are not due to (say,) lan- guage have no positive characteriza- tion, and are merely contrasted with those that are due to language. And, compare Kahane's observation that a fallacious argument is not an invalid argument that appears to be val id, and that a fallacious argument is not an unsound argument that appears to be sound, since question-begging argu- ments that happen to have a true con- clusion are sound but fallacious. It appears to be Kahane's point that the fallacy of begging the question should not be classed under either-not under "invalid inference", nor under "false premise". Perhaps it can be concluded that without a sufficiently large number of basic categories, there is a likelihood that the "Iast'l category wi II be a catch-all. Second, there is the question whe- ther the category, "false premise" [or anything like it], belongs under the category, "Fallacy". The tendency is to include it; Aristotle includes "false premise"; Whately includes "premise unduly assumed"; Mill includes "mal- observation"; Kahane includes "un- warranted premise" , and Munson makes "false premise" one of the four grounds on which to "challenge an argument"; only Joseph excludes it. Third, there is the question whether the category, "incomplete informa- tion" I belongs under the category, "Fallacy". The tendency is to include it; Mill includes "non-observation" Kahane includes "suppressed evid~ ence" , and Munson makes "unfair- ness" (e.g., unrepresentativeness or omission) one of the four grounds on which to "challenge an argument". Fourth, there is the question whether Fearnside's introduction of the cate- gory, "psychological" fallacy, should be retained. Though the analogy on which it is based is an attractive one, between the process of reasoning and a manufacturing process, it stands alone in mixing categories in a radical way. Aristotle's considerations were rhetorical; recall that he was concerned with "refutations". Whately distin- guished between "logical" and "mate- rial" fallacies; Mill, between those due to "inference" and those due to "observation"; Joseph and Kahane follow suit; and Munson distinguishes on rhetorical grounds, between falla- cies committed in making a case for a claim, committed in criticizing or at- tempting to refute a claim, and com- mitted in defending a claim against counterarguments. Also recall Ka- hane's two classifications; and, he maintains that fallacies can be classi- fied in either of two ways, in terms of "what makes an argument fallacious" or in terms of "what leads us to commit fallacies"[ 48]; and though he attempts a "psychological classification", he acknowledges that psychological mechanisms are "in the realm of psy- chology, not philosophy or logic"[49]; and let me add, they are, of course, in the realm of cognitive science. Fifth, there is the question whether it is indeterminate, as Whately says, "to which genus each kind of fallacy should be referred". As Whately points out, an actual argument can be anal- yzed in a plurality of ways, each way resulting in the attribution of a different fallacy; and, as Kahane points out, an argument may actually contain more than one fallacy; but none of this rea- soning comes even close to supporting Whately's claim that the classification of fallacies is, to a degree, arbitrary and uncertain. It is, of course, plain from the preceding paragraph that there is a plurality of classificatory grounds, e.g. psychological, according to rhetorical function, or in terms of features of arguments; but this does not make it indeterminate to which genus of a particular classification each kind of fallacy belongs. Of course, in the Classifications of Fallacies 63 case of a functional classification, a fallacy of a particular logical kind may perform different functions on different occasions; and, in the case of a psycho- logical classification, a fallacy of a parti- cular logical kind may be the result of different psychological mechanisms on different occasions. Conclusion From these schools and trends, rea- soning leads to the conclusion that "begging the question" is distinct from "false premise" and from "invalid inference". Recall Kahane's insight that a question-begging argument can have true premises and, therefore, be sound. For Whately "begging the question" falls under the heading of "premise unduly assumed"; similarly, for Kahane "begging the question" falls under the heading of "unwar- ranted premise". The fallacy of "beg- ging the question" involves reasoning from premises that are flawed because one or more of them are what is to be proved. It also follows that "incomplete in- formation" is distinct from all three. Mill contrasts "non-observation" with "mal-observation" ["incomplete information" with "false premise"]; Kahane contrasts "suppressed evi- dence" with "unwarranted premise"; Munson contrasts "unfairness" (e.g., unrepresentativeness or omission) with "falsity". Alfred Sidgwick, too, con- trasts "incomplete information" with "false premise"; his third "general objection to any argument" is that "some important factor has been over- looked or forgotten"[50], whereas his fourth is that "some absurdity (or at least untruth) must ... be be- lieved"[51] in order for the argument to do its job. The fallacy of "incomplete information" involves reasoning from a set of premises that fails to "tell the whole truth" (or, that fails to tell enough to be representative). Of course, the fallacy of "false pre- mise" involves reasoning from one or more untrue premises. 64 Michael F. Schmidt In addition to "false premise", "in- complete information", and "begging the question", there is a fourth kind of fallacy associated with the premises of an argument: "inconsistent premises". Although an inconsistent set of pre- mises contains at least one false pre- mise and, therefore "inconsistent premises" might be thought to fall under the heading of "false premise", inconsistency is a more fundamental kind of flaw than falsity since inconsis- tency is a purely logical flaw and since truth presupposes consistency; there- fore, "inconsistent premises" cannot be subsumed under "false premise" and must be differentiated from it. The fallacy of "inconsistent premises" involves reasoning from a set of pre- mises that is flawed by being self- contrad ictory. Thus, "inconsistent premises", "false premise", "incomplete informa- tion", and "begging the question" form a natural constellation of premi- sory fallacies, In contrast to this constellation of premisory fallacies, there is the in- terrogative fallacy of "many ques- tions" and a variety of inferential fal- lacies, a variety of non sequiturs, ranging from strictly deductive falla- cies, through the inductive fallacy of "generalizing from an unrepresenta- tive samplel/[52J, to "material non sequiturs" such as non causa pro causa reasoning, the gambler's fallacy, and the several fallacies of arguing ad this and ad that (for example, arguing ad populum, i.e., arguing as though enthusiasm arlsmg from popular opinion were constitutive of truth).[53] Thus: Fallacies Interrogative Premisory Inferential Many questions Begging the question strictly deductive fallacies Inconsistency Falsity Omission Notes [1] Augustus De Morgan I Formal Logic, 1847 (London: The Open Court Company, 1926, edited by A. E. Taylor), p. 237; page refer- ence is to the original page num- ber, which is in square brackets in boldface type in the 1926 re- print edition. [2] Charles L. Hamblin, Fallacies (London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1970), p. 11 [3] Gerald J. Massey, liThe Fallacy behind Fallacies", in Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Volume 6, generalizing from an unrepresentative sample material non sequiturs The Foundations of Analytic Philosophy, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein (Min- neapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981), p.494. [4] Peter Ramus, Aristote/;cae Anim- adversiones ["Remarks on Aris- totle's], quoted from Hamblin's Fallacies, p. 138. [5] Aristotle, On Sophistical Refuta- tions, in The Works of Aristotle, translated into English, under the editorship of W.O. Ross, Vol. 1 (London: Oxford University Press, 1928; reprinted, 1963), 164a, 20-26. [6] Ibid., 165a, 5-9. [7] Ibid., 166b, 22. [8] Ibid., 168a, 17-20. [9] Aristotle, Rhetoric, in The Basic Works of Aristotle, edited by Richard McKeon (New York: Random House, Inc., 1941), 1401a, 1. [10] Ibid., 1401a, 2-3. [11] Ibid., 1401a, 13-14; see Aristotle's examples, 1401a, 14-23. [12] Ibid., 1401b, 4. [13] Richard Whately, Elements of Logic, 1826; 9th ed., 1848 (London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1866), p. 108. [14] Ibid., p. 105. [15] Ibid., p. 108. [16] Ibid., p. 108. [17] Ibid., pp. 104 & 112. [18] Ibid., pp. 104-105. [19] Ibid., p. 105. [20] Ibid., p. 105. [21] Ibid., p. 105. [22] John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic, 1843; 8th ed., 1872 (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1936), p.487. [23] Ibid., p. 489. [24] Ibid., p. 487. [25] Ibid., p. 530. [26] Ibid., p. 506. [27] Ibid., p. 487; Mill quotes from Whately virtually the same pas- sages quoted above, from pp. 104-105. (28] H.W.B. Joseph, An Introduction to Logic, 1906; 2nd ed., 1916 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961); see pp. 577-578. [29] Ibid., pp. 574-575. [30] Ibid., p. 575. [31] Ibid., pp. 575-576. Classifications of Fallacies 65 [32] Ibid., p. 576. [33) W. Ward Fearnside, About Thinking (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1980), p.5. [34] Ralph H. Johnson and J. Anthony Blair, "The Recent Development of Informal Logic", in Informal Logic, The First International Symposium, edited by J. Anthony Blair and Ralph H. Johnson (Inverness, California: Edgepress, 1980), p. 15. [35] Johnson and Blair also point out that lists of fallacies have changed in a number of ways; and, though they do not mention him in this connection, Fearnside's list of fallacies displays two of these changes: (1) "Latin labels have been translated in[to] English, or replaced with more descriptive English labels" (Johnson & Blair, p. 16) and (2) "completely new fallacies have been added as wri- ters have canvassed real argu- ments about current issues. '" and have pondered the respon- sibilities of arguer and audience as reflective citizens or consu- mers" (Johnson & Blair, p. 16). In particular, Fearnside makes traditional fallacies breathe with life, and he adds new ones such as "stereotyping" and "half-truth"; in Fallacy, The Counterfeit of Argument, pages 26-27 cover "stereotyping" under the heading of "faulty analogy" and page 100 presents the notion of a half- truth in connection with personal attacks, i . e. in co n nection with ad hominem arguments. (36] Howard Kahane, "The Nature and Classification of Fallacies", in Informal Logic, The First Interna- tional Symposium, edited by J. Anthony Blair and Ralph H. Johnson (Inverness, California: Edgepress, 1980), p. 33. [37] Ibid., p. 31. [38] Ibid., p. 32. 66 Michael F. Schmidt [39] Ibid., p. 32. [40] Ibid., p. 33. [41] Ibid., p. 33. [42] Ronald Munson, The Way of Words (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976), p. 262. [43] Ibid., p. 261. [44] Ibid., pp. 185-187. [45J Ibid., pp. 187-189. [46] Ibid., pp. 189-194. [47] Ibid., pp. 194-197. [48] Kahane, "The Nature and Classi- fication of Fallacies", p. 33. [49] Ibid., p. 33 [50] Alfred Sidgwick, Fallacies, a view of logic from the practical side, 1883; 2nd ed., 1886; 3rd ed., 1901 (New York: D. Appleton & Co./ 1895), p. 178. [51] Ibid., p. 178. [52] Thomas Leddy, "ls There a Fal- lacy of Small Sample?" Informal Logic, Vol. VIII, No.1, pp. 53-56. [53] I wish to thank friends, colleagues, and this journal's two referees for their help. Special thanks to Ruth Manor who kept after me to make this article self-rewarding. Prof. Michael F. Schmidt, Department of Philosophy, San Jose State Univer- sity, One Washington Square, San Jose, California 95192·0096. 0