from the editors The appearance of this issue ends an extended hiatus in our regular publish- ing schedule. We very much appreciate the indulgence and patience of our subscribers. Numbers 2 and 3 of Volume VII will follow in short order this winter, and Volume VIII, Number 1 will appear close on their heels. Sub- scription renewal notices for Volume VIII will accompany the last number of Volume VII. We hope the new format of the journal meets your approval. As always, we will be glad to have sugges- tion for improvement. With this Volume we welcome Seale R. Doss of Ripon College as our new Associate Editor in charge of book reviews. Please send books for review, reviews and queries about reviews directly to Seale. A detailed description of the journal's book review policy and preferences will be included in the next issue. New Feature: Open Forum Just when you thought that we were gonna get staid and stuffy! Some of our readers have expressed concern that going journal might cause Informal Logic to lose some of its informality- something that many of our subscribers have said they appreciate. Be assured that we will strive to maintain that feel ing in the journal. One thing that may help is the new feature we introduce in this issue called Open Forum. It was suggested to us by this issue's contributor, Jonathan E. Adler, and we are very grateful to Jonathan both for his suggestion and for his own contribution with which we are pleased to inaugurate this feature. The premise behind Open Forum, more or less as Jonathan put it to us, is this: there needs to be a place where people can vet an idea without having worked it out in detail, a place where they can receive responses before attempting to work that idea into an article. That is what we hope the Open Forum will be. We invite our subscrib- ers and readers to send us thei r ma- terial for this feature. Such submissions should be clearly marked: Open Forum.