22 Index of the Informal Logic Newsletter, i-v This index lists the contents of the Informal Logic Newsletter, Volume i-v, alphabetically by author. Each entry indicates the kind of material indexed (whether articles, course description, note, etc.) followed by the details of its publication: volume, number, pages(s). Adler, Jonathan E. Response: "Why Be Charitable?" (iv.2,15-16). Berriman, William. (1) Course Description. (1.3,2). (2) Critical Review: Understanding Scientific Reasoning by Ronald N. Gi ere. ( i i. 2 , 15) • Bickenbach, Jerome E. Article: "The Diversity of Proof" (iv.2,7-12). Binker, A.J.A. Article with M. Charbonneau: "Piagetian Insights and Teaching Critical Thinking" (v.2,10-15). Binkley, Robert W. (1) Course Description: (i.3,2). (2) Note: "Horace's Sorites". (iii.l,16-17). (3) Teaching Note: "A System of Rational Appraisal" (iv.l, 7-10). Blair, J. Anthony. (1) Course Description (with Johnson): (i.3,4-5). (2) Conference Report. (iii. 3 ,23-4) • (3) Argument Examples and Analyses (with Johnson): (iv.3,25-3l). (4) Bibliography of Recent Work in Informal Logic (with Johnson). (v.3, -... /.). Barillo, Mario. Conference Report. (iii.l,18-19). Brooks, Richard W. (1) Course Description: (1.3,3). (2) Puzzle Analysis: Bus Service Improvement Argument. (i.3,14). Carroll, Robert. Discussion Note: "Fallacies and Argument Analysis: (v.2,22-23). Carson, A.S. Critical Review: Reasoning by Michael Scriven. (ii.2,17-19). Charbonneau, Marla. Article wi th A. J.A. Binker: "Piagetian Insights and Teaching Critical Thinking" (v.2,10-15). Facione, Peter A. Course Desr.ription (wjth SrhpTp.r)· (i,3 j u). Fogelin, Robert. Article: "Chari table Reconstruction and Logical Neutrality" (iv.3,2-5). Fohr, Samuel. (1) (2) (3) Conference Report: (iLl, 7-9). Article: "The Ceductive-Inductive Distinction" (iL2,5-9). Article: "Deductive-Inductive: Reply to Cri ticisms" (iiLl ,5-10) . 23 Freeman, James B. Article: "Logical Form, Probability Interpretations, and the Inductive/Deductive Distinction" (v.2,2-10). Galle, Peter. Note: "Another Note on the 'Surprise Test' Puzzle" Govier, (1i1.3, 21-22) • Trudy. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Note: "Alternative to Inductive-Deductive Paradigm" (1.2,4). Critical Review: Challenge & Response by Carl Wellman. (i1.2 ,10-15) • Article: "More on Deductive and Inductive Arguments" (.U .3,7 -8) • Article: "Assessing Arguments: What Range of Standards?" (ii1.1,2-4) • Article: "Worries About Tu Quoque as a Fallacy" (ii1.3,2-4). Article: "Lhcharitable Thoughts About Charity" (iv .1,5-6). Response: "On Adler On Charity" (iv.3,10-11). Article: "Who Says There Are No Fallacies?" (v.l,2-9). Griffin, Nicholas. (1) Critical Review: "Baum and Engel" (ii1.3,20-21). (2) Note: "Charity Begins M.Jch Earlier Than Supposed" (iv .1,6). Groarke, Leo. Article: "When Two Wrongs Make a Right" (v.1,10-13). Hitchcock, David. (1) Argument Analysis (Re: RCMP covert activities) (i.2,2-4). (2) Article: "Deductive and Inductive: Types of Validity, ttlt Types of Argument" (11.3,9-10). (3) Reading Comprehension Test (ii.3,11-16). (4) Article: "Deduction, Induction, and Conduction" (iii.2,7-15). (Errata: iii.3,25). (5) Argument Analysis: "A Slippery Slope Argument for Discrimination" (iii. 2 ,28-9) • I-baglund, John. (1) Article: "Argumentum ad Hominem: Aut Bonum .Sb!! Malum?" (iv.3,7-9). (2) Argument Example and Analysis: (v.3, 3L ). Johnson, Baylor. Report: "The BASK Program" (i1.3,16-18). Johnson: Fred. Article: "~ducti vely- Induct! vely" (iii 1 11_") ,- -- . -, , -;. Johnson, Ralph H. (1) Course Description (with Blair). (i.3,4-5). (2) Critical Review: "Toulmin's Bold Experiment" (Two Parts: iii.2, 16-27 and i1i.3,13-19). (3) Argument Analysis (Re: I-bmosexuality and police hiring policy): (i11.2,29) • (4) Expository Reviews: Barker; Fearnside; Little; Thomas. (iii .2,30-33). (S)~rticle: "Charity Begins at Hane" (iii.3,4-9). (6) Note: ",~eply to Griffin" (iv.l,7). (7) .~rQument Analyses: "~ltadena Close Reasoner" (iv.l,l6-39). (8) Note: "CharityL4gain" (iv.2,16-17). (9) .~rgument 8