lises he IJ1der -ing Dents lld add Ly, that !s, mnal lome- ~quer's It will ment-- Le over Lon :h's , the ; the :ol1e- Lng :, ;h of It. ~ie Ik these :-"Do latter may the The re been . aying :idental. :ing :ions, :onfront Ig to Again .s prior lr may Al- 8) on put- is ude ive or portion more matical he re- And a ur um- f01- hip be- arne. ier, the 1 ques- hat 'ism, hose ng to !wORKS CITED Copi, Irving M. Introduction to t9,~c. 5th edn., Macmillan, New York; : Fohr, Samuel D. "The Deductive-Inductive Distinction." ILN, ii.2 (April 1980), 5-8. - Govier, Trudy. "More on Deductive and Induc- tive Arguments." ILN, ii.3 (.June 198Q1, 7-8. - liitchcock, David. "Deductive and Inductive: Types o£ validity, Not Types of Argu- ment." ~, ii.3 LJune 19801, 9-10. Weddle, Perry. "Inductive, Deductive." ~, iLl (November 19791, 1-5.-0 discussion note Proofs and Begging the Question Milton H. Snoeyenbos Georgia State University Logicians utilize two distinct conceptions of proof. On the one hand, there is a formal or syntactic concept: given a formal theory T consisting of formulas, well-formed formu- las (~fs), axioms and inference rules, a proof, in T is a sequence of wfs such that for each wf in the sequence either it is an ~iom of T or it is a direct consequence of some of the preceding wfs by virtue of one of ~e inference rules. On the other hand, a distinct concept, often used in natural lan- ~age contexts, is that an argument consti- tutes a proof2 of the truth of its conclusion if it is vall.d, has true premises, and is not question-begging. 13 While the fo~er concept is not controver- sial, "proof2" is sometimes thought to be problematic. James Tomberlin considers the following substitution instances of disjunc- tive syllogism: (lql : NQvP, Q/P and CA21: ~PvR, NR/*P, where Q=New York is in the U.S.A., P=tne mind-body identity theory is correct, R=Moscow is in the U.S.A.l Tomberlin asserts that neither argument begs a question since both are instances of disjunctive syllogism. The second premise of each argument is true. Furthermore, either the, first premise of Al or the first premise of A2 is true, since « NQVP)v( ""PvR) is a theorem of proposi- tional logic. It follows that either Al or A2 constitutes a proof2 of its conclusion. Yet Tomberlin rightly notes that since the truth or falsity of the identity theory could not be decided by appeal to either argument, neither can be said to prove? its conclusion. He concludes that the analysl.s of "proof2" in terms of validity, true premises and the absence of question-begging must be incorrect. Tomberlin(s rejection of the standard anal- ys;:!.s of "proo f2" follows only if we accept the claim that neither Al nor A2 begs the iss:ue. He appears to have a formalist con- ception of begging the question, for his claim that Al and A2 do not beq any questions rests on his claim that both are instances of syllogism. But thls overlooks the often voiced claim that question-begging is a non-formal £allacy. From the formal point of view an argument such as rJ,/fX. is a perfectly acceptable proofl of its conclusion • However, even if ct is true, from a non-formal, say, an epistemic, point of view, the premise could not be said to constitute a proof2 of the conclusion, for to know the premise is true we. must know that the conclusion is true, i.e., the argument begs the issue. Let us say, then, that an argument begs the question if and only if in order to know that some member of its premise set is true we must know that its conclusion is true. On this conception of question-begging do Al and A2 beg any questions? In either case we can know the second premise is true without knowing the conclusion is true. But, in con- sidering the first premise, "knowing that (I¥ or ~) is true" is ambiguous. In some cases I may know that (<<-orIS) is true and know which disjunct is true; in other cases I may know that (ct or f3) is true yet not know which disjunct is true, as with (S or ~S) where S is any controversial proposition. If we consider Al in its actual epistemic context, we know that~Q is false. Hence, to know that (""'Q or P) is true we must know that P is true. Since P is the conclusion to be established, Al begs the issue. If we con- sider A2 in its actual epistemic context, then, since we know R is false, to know that ( ..... p or R) is true we must know that AlP is true. Since""'p is the conclusion to be established, A2 begs the issue. It follows that neither Al nor A2 constitutes a "proof2" of its conclusion, for both beg the question. As a result, Tomberlin's counterexample does not demonstrate the unacceptability of the st'andard analysis of "proof2." NOTE lJames. E. Tomberlin, "On Proofs," Inter- national LOiic Review, vol. VII, no.-r--- (December, 76>-, pp. 233-35. *