Department. Ms. Kate Parr is Project 1>1anager, and Prof. Anthony Blair is Project Contact- Person. Write for sample pages, which will be ready for distribution in mid-July. Orders for indi- viduals or 'classes will be filled by mid- September if received before the end of August, and later within a month of being received as long as supplies last or orders warrant addi- tional printings. Address inquiries and orders to: Ms, Kate Parr, Informal Logic Workbook, Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4. ~~ ILLINOIS THINKING PROJECT Ne have received a copy of Bulletin No. 3 (October 1980) of the Illinois Thinking Pro- ject (formerly the Illinois Rational Thinking Project). Sorry for the delay in announcing it. Here is a brief account of its contents. There have been some personnel changes. Tom Tomko and Steve Norris have moved on, and Eric Neir is now the Administrative Assistant on the project. There is a report of two evalua- tions of the ITP Logic I course at University High School in-r979-80, and an interesting report of some comments by Frances Wagner, who t~ught the course for four semesters and wrote a teacher'S guide and answer book for it. She comments on how well the students applied the material outside class, and on plans to change how the material is presented. The Bulletin describes ITP workshops in Il- linois in 1979-80, and announces two reports: Tomko and Ennis's, "Evaluation of Informal Logic Competence" (reprinted in Informal Logic advertised in ILNJ and Stephen P. Norris's, "The Dependability of Observation Statements". Both can be obtained from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service. A new "Materials List" with prices is also available from the Illinois Thinking Project. Send inquiries to: Illinois Thinking project 188 Education Building University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 ~ AITIA' MAGAZINE This is to announceAITIA Magazine to ~ subscribers who've not heard of it before; as its friends know, ~ has been around for some years. AITIA is the magazine of philosophy, human- ities and social science for two-year colleges and high. schools. It is published by The Centre for Philosophy, Law and Citizenship, Inc, The address is: AITIA/Friel, Knapp Hall 22,. SUNY Farmingdale, NY 11735, Subscriptions (six issues) are: 2 years individual: $14, institution: $16; 3' years individual: $18, institution: $20. Back copies available at $5 per year ('72-' 73 together $5). Overseas: Add $1 per year. 25 Some recent articles: Exclusive firsthand report on Mainland China (1\ Wounded Panda) ; National \'iorkshop Conference on Teaching Phi- losophy; Applied Philosophy and the Community College; Competency-based Learning--Buyer Bewarel; Poetry; A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Philosophy; Technological Humanism; Prison is a Surd Community; Rules and Ethical Actions; Visual Literacy and Success for the Slow Learner; Relativism in Philosophy; Science, Technology and Philosophy; The Poet's Place (call for clearer language); Education in Prison: Augustine, Freedom, Evil and the Con- temporary Predicament in Philosophy: Philosophy and Cooperative Education. AITIA editors welcome readers' support and participation. ~ • queries WANTED: Lesson plans, units, and other curriculum ma- terials which employ the teaching of critical thinking skills at the elementary and secon- dary school levels. I am working on an MA in the area of developing a curriculum model which would integrate these skills into the educational process at all levels. Your help and experience will be enthusiastically wel- comed! Please send any materialS, suggestions, ideas, etc., to: Jenna Richardson p, O. Box 833 Cotati, CA 94928 • correction Professor David Hitchcock would like to have three changes made in the text of his RESPONSE article "Deduct-ion, Induction and Conduction", which. appeared in our last issue, ILN: iii. 2, pp. 7-15. tll Page 7, Column 1, line 6: The sen- tence should read: 'Or should that be "induce"?'. C21 Page 13, Column 1, lines 6-7 of the last paragraph; the clause should read: 'Unless "may run a risk" is a reporter's pleonasm,', UI Page 13, Column 2, lines 2-3 of the last paragraph: the clause should read; 'whose premises are non- conclusively relevant tQ their con- clusion'. * -