9 RECENT PUBLICATIONS Robert J. Fogelin, Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Ind., 1978), xiv, 351 pp. Paper. Perry Weddle, Argument: ! Guide to Critical Thinking (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978), xiv, 192. Paper. PERIODICALS The Australian Logic Teachers Journal, eds. R. A. Girle and T. A. Halpin, c/o Philosophy Department, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, 4067, Australia. Two numbers each year, A$2.00 for individuals, A$5.00 for institutions. Published by the Committee of the Australian Logic Teachers' Association, its objects are to further both the teaching of logic, particularly in Secondary Schools, and the study of logic. Publishes primarily material relevant to teaching logic and philosophy; related scholarly papers, particularly in logic, also considered. Manuscripts: typewritten, double-spaced, two inch left margin, minimize footnotes, collect footnotes numbered consecutively at end, indent and single space quotes over 60 words. RANDOM NOTES If you have received an unsolicited copy of this newsletter, it is because your name was given to the editors by someone attending the Windsor Symposoium, or you have corresponded with us, or your work ~uggests that you may be glad to know about this newsletter. If you are reading a paper on some topic in informal logic, let us know in advance so that we can announce the topic, place, and date. Also specify if you would be willing to send copies of your paper to interested colleagues. By all means, tell your friends and colleagues about the Informal Logic NeWsletter. Send us their names and addresses and we'll mail them a complimentary copy of this number. Have your department or library order the Informal Logic Newsletter for its periodicals collection. The financing of this first number of the newsletter was made possible by donations from some who attended the Windsor Symposium, and by support from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Windsor, Professor Paul Cassano. We would like to publicly acknowledge our gratitude to him for this moral and financial support. From here on, however, the newsletter will have to support itself, which is why your subscriptions are important. 111 11 Ii il I I Ii