cat~on relate to argumentation, and a chapter on 1nformal fallacies. Part IV consists of a ~er~es of essays presenting the character- 1st1: fe~~ures of reasoning in a variety of s~ec1al f1elds: legal reasoning, argumenta- t10n in science, arguing about the arts rea- soning about management, and ethical re~son­ ing. There are exercises following each chap- ter, ranging from easy to difficult. The ex~rcises tend to be open~ended. A teaching gu1de, presenting a brief rationale to the teacher of each chapter's approach and main points, and suggesting answers to the exer- cises, comes with instructors' copies. Weddle, Perry. Argument, A Guide to Critical Thinking. New York: McGraw=H'iIT Book Company, 1978. Pp. 192 + xiv. Paperback. A straight "informal logic" text, Argument is designed, by topics covered, by example and by exercises, to teach thoughtful rea- soning and assessment of others' reasoning. * 14 * The first chapter introduces the realm of reason--the mechanics of argument, the ecol- ogy of argument, and criteria of good rea- soning. Chapter two discusses fallacies of oversimplification and of "smokescreen". The third chapter treats language: the de- mands good argument makes of language, trad- ing on words, and an interesting treatment of definition. Under the rubric "Authority", chapter four discusses not only experts and other sources of authority, but also ad hominem and the use of statistics. Chapter five is on generality: the logic of general statements, and generalizing, sampling, and polls and surveys. Chapter six covers Comparison: analogical reasoning in general, and historical and moral comparisons. The seventh and final chapter is on Cause--the idea of cause, causal arguments and causal reasoning. Once or twice in each chapter there ap- pears a "Quick Check"--a device which enables the reader to check his or her understanding of the material just read (answers are pro- vided). As well there are examples at the end of each chapter which may be used as ex- ercises. "Comments" rather than answers are provided for some of these. Thirdly, there are "applications", which may be used as exercises, projects or take-offs for dis- cussions. The examples, found throughout the text, are many, non-artificial, and often taken from actual public discourse. * ANALYSIS OF PUZZLE We received the following response to the Woods-Walton "Find the Fallacy" puzzle in the December 1978 (Vol. I, No.2) Newsletter: First of all, it seems to me that in order to commit a fallacy in reasoning, there must be some reason1ng, either explicit or implicit, that is to say, one must have an argument. The "bus service" argument is, in effect, as it is originally stated, really two arguments--or perhaps more properly an argument and its counterargument. It starts with the citizens request (or demand) for more bus service in an outlying suburb. No argument. City Hall responds with Argument 1, which amounts to a denial of the request. The citizens counter with Argument 2. In order to have a petitio, there would have to be a circle within one of the argu- ments--or else, one would have to have some sort of situation in which Argument 2 ~- tinued the reasoning of Argument 1. Here, however, that is not the case. So petitio principii does not seem, on the face of th1ngs, a plausible analysis of this example. But what does? It seems to me that there are two possible approaches to take. First, that there is no fallacy--at least none de- tectible given the scant information supplied. possibly some suppressed information could be brought forth to show, say, a Half Truth in City Hall's argument. But we can't say. A second approach seems better: There is a Contrary-to-Fact Argument in #2. It is always difficult to argue convincingly (and soundly) of what "would be" or worse "would have been" without a great deal of supportive material, which is not furnished here; even with such supportive material, the argument is usually weak at best. Presumably (just a guess, since there could be many motives for such a decision) the transportation authority cut back on service because it was underutilized, if such transportation had originally been- qreater than at present. Or possibly, a decision was made on presumed suburban reli- ance on automobile transport because of qreater affluence; that could have the effect of a selffulfilling prophecy. In any event, decisions are made, if not done out of negli- qence, for reasons. To decide between the two analyses, one would want to ask the rea- sons for the original decision for the pres- ent level of service. If City Hall made a * 15 * potential usage study, the citizens are guilty of a Contrary-to-Fact fallacy. If no such study was made, there would not appear to be anl fallacy--not as the argument is stated, ~n any event. * Richard W. Brooks Oakland University Rochester, Michigan BOOK REVIEW Dialectics: ~ Controversy-Oriented Approach to the TheorS of Knowledge, Nicholas Rescher. Al any: State University of New York Press, 1977. Pp. 218 + xiv. Cloth. Statement of Purpose. For Rescher, dialectic lS the d~sc~pl~ne of "disputation, debate and rational controversy." He says in the Pre- face that the book "explores a disputationa1 approach to inquiry" and in the introdu.l=tion· that "the goal of this exploration is the development of a dialectical model for the rationalization of cognitive methodology-- scientific methodologY specifically includ- ed. n (xii) It is "the communal and contro- versy-oriented aspects of rational argumedta p tion and inquiry" which he wants to illumi-, nate and to contrast with "the cognitive solipsism of the Cartesian approach." Accordingly, the first three chapters of the book present Rescher's account of dialectic --the basic outlines, as it were, of rational controversy: the last four chapters apply that account in a consideration of issues in epistemology and the philosophy of science. Table of Contents One. The disputationa1 background of dialec- tic: the structure of formal disputation. TWo. Some dialectical tools: burden of proof, presumption, and plausibility. Three. Unilateral dialectics: a disputa- tiona1 model of inquiry. Four. Facets of "dialectical logic". Five. What justifies the dialectical rational of probative rationality. Six. A dialectically based critique of skepticism. Seven. Evolutionary epistemology and the, burden of proof. Eight. The disputationa1 model of scientific inquiry. Special Features ****Ch. 1 presents a method for representing the structure of a "formal disputation" in which there are two participants: someone defending a thesis (the proponent) and some- one challenging that thesis (the opponent~ . In this method, there are three fundamental moves: 1) categorical assertion (available only ,to the proponent): 2) cautious assertion (which is ·avai1ab1e only to the opponent and amounts to saying "P is the case for all that . you have shown") and 3) provisoed assertion ,(which amounts to saying "P generally or usually or ordinarily obtains, provided that Q" and is available to either participant in combination with the categorical or cautious assertion of Q). Various "dialectical countermoves" are built up out of these fundamental moves and fairly complex courses of formal disputation can be represented thereby. ****Ch. 2 explains the concepts of burden of proof and presumption, orienting itself from the legal tradition. Roughly, to establish a presumption is to shift the burden of proof. These concepts, together with the concept of plausibility, are taken to be central in the adjudication of a disputation. As a result, "A shared procedure for the assessment of plausibility and the allocation of presumption thus emerges as a critical factor in dia1ectic--indeed as one of the crucial presuppositions of rationality throughout the context of rational discus- sion. " ****Ch. 3 "explores the doctrine that dis- putation and debate may be taken as a para- digmatic model for the general process of reasoning in the pursuit of truth". The root idea is that dialectic provides a method of "evidential cost-benefit ana1ysis"--i.e., of testing the evidential support of ideas and theses. il :1 I