: it lffer in- L- Ie .t can 'remiss I up :he ,1em : will .nc- in of :ho.se? :a1, " lei to tI, the so- renu - In, in .on 'as- sun's Ia len .n It Ite ,thout that oc- es e n. to if Ie to :ive Its Ic1u- :mpt- tive : of ound. con- nc- lining ones s of r by mid- cal on. ting what at t must enmine the relation of the premisses to the wr1d which occasioned them. To call the difference between these two ways to examine reasoning the difference between formal and informal logic might be useful. But dOing so wuld oversimplify and risk another trouble- some distinction or variant of an old one. Md with 2,OOO-odd years behind it our craft already has distraction enough • * * "What Type of AJ:gtDllent is an Ad'Verecund~am?" * John Woods (University of Lethbridge) Douglas walton (University of Winnipeg) Elsewhere l we have stressed the need, in teaching informal logic, to include in ~he logical repertoire the skill of discernl.ng the ~ of argument that the student is to , evaluate. 'For if there is more than one type of argument, as we believe, the correctnes~ or incorrectness of an argument may vary wl.th the factor of type. For example, if there are inductively correct arguments, some of them (perhaps even all of them) may be deduc- tively incorrect (invalid). consequently, . neglecting this type of distinction could spawn many a fallacy. For example, a ~ystem­ atic sophist might take one's correct l.nduc- tive arguments and rule them deductively in- correct, efqo bad arguments. For all their deductive l.ncorrectness they may be perfectly good arguments, taken as what they were meant • to be, i. e. inductive arguments. Thus the sophist's ploy is based on a true premiss. of deductive incorrectness, but it is a sophl.s- tical refutation because it equivocates on the factor of type. This factor of type is particularly crit- ical in teaching the evaluation of arguments ad verecundiam. It has sometimes been tiliought reasonable that appeals to authorit¥ CM be a legitimate type of argument--that l.8, not always fallacious--but rather fallacious only given that certain conditions of the appropriateness of the appeal fail to obtain. 2 Even so, one may ask--what type of argument is involved? Hamblin (1970, p. 218) suggests that we could start from the valid argument, "Everything X says is true, X lIaid that p, therefore p," and expect to find weaker but still not fallacious forms of argument where premisses of the form "X is an authority on facts of type so-and-SO" lend lome support to p. Salmon (1963, p. 64) asserts however that the appeal to authority 5 is not deductively valid, for the premisses could be true and the conclusion false--no authority, by these lights, is infallible or omniscient. Rather, according to Salmon the appeal to autho:r:'ity may be inductively cor- rect if it has this form: "The vast majority of statements made by X concerning subject S are true. p is a statement made by X con- cerning subject S; therefore p is true." Who is right? Is the ad verecundiam a type of argument that can-Se either deductive or inductive, is it perhaps inductive but never deductive as Salmon urges, or could it be something else altogether, neither deduc- tive nor inductive in character? These are fundamental questions for anyone who would want to find ways of teaching students to . identify and evaluate the ad verecundiam. Two fundamental characteristics of appeals to authority ,should be brought forward at this point. First, ad verecundiam, like its partner in crime ad hominem, is subject- based. That is, what one authority X asserts may-In general be diff~rent from or even con- tradictory to ~lat is asserted by another authority Y. Second, ad verecundiam is subject-mAtter-sensitive. That is, an au- ority's pronouncement that p may be correct or not depending on whether or not the subject-matter of p is one in which the pu- tative authority is indeed a legitimate expert. Since neither the subject-based or subject-mAtter-sensitive characteristics are true of the standard or classical approaches to the logic of either deductive implication or inductive conditionals, it seems reason- able to think that there may be some deeper reasons why the ad verecwldiam can be neither deductive nor inductive as a type of argument. But how could it be proved? We would now like to introduce the thesis that arguments ad verecundiam could be Df a type that is neither inductive nor de~uc­ tive, an,d suggest that the required type is that of the plausible inference of Rescher (1976). Plausible reasoning comes to bear on cases of informational-overdetermination, e.g. inconsistency; where we have too much information and have to decide what must be given up. Charll.cteristic thar~fore of the case of plausible reasoning is the less ~han total veracity of our pources, for in an inconsistent pair of pronouncements, one source must be wrona. In this climate, neither deductive nor inductive inference is a propos, and in fact Rescher proves that the required type of argument can b~ neither de- 'ductive nor inductive. Here are the essentials of the proofs given in Rescher (1976, p. 2ff.). If the inference nx (a generally veracious but im- perfect source) maintains p, therefore p" were deductively valid, then so would the following inference be deductively valid for some other generally veracious but imperfect source Y: ny maintains, p, therefore, p.n But if both inferences are indeed deductively valid then from nx maintains pn and "Y m~in­ tains , pn it follows that PA , P is true. Clearly this consequence' is absurd however, for merely because authorities maintain conflicting pronouncements it hardly follows that p"', P is in fact true. The same con- sequence follows by elementary laws of prob- ability from taking "X (a generally veracious but imperfect source) maintains p, therefore p is highly probable" as a correct inference. 3 Thus Rescher has shown that for an essen- tially subject-based (for two sources X and Y, or greater than two) appeal to authority, the type of inference can be neither deduc- tive nor inductive. In essence, these dis- proofs reflect the conception that for mul- tiple authorities that are imperfect and may be expected to have conflicting pronounce- ments, deductive and inductive models of inference are "too perfect". Hamblin's and Salmon's conceptions of the ad verecundiam are too idealized to adequatery represent the practice of appeals to imperfect authorities whose pronouncements may clash. But con- fronted by contradiction we mus~ not give up --even though deductive or inductive logics give no further guidance--but press on to resolve the contradiction by means of plausi- bility theory. Now that we have eliminated the deductive and inductive models, and identified plau~i­ ble inference as a preferable model for the type of argument exemplified by the ad verecundiam, it would seem the way is open to an analysis of this fallacy. And so in- deed it may be, but this is not a project we shall attempt here. Suffice it to say for the moment that as Rescher conceives it plausible inference is not subject-matter- sensitive, so at very least plausibility theory will have to be conjoined to a theory of the subject-matter content of propositions 4 in order to be adequate to the full ad verecundiam. These refinements aside how- ever, we are at least in the position now of being able to identify one noteworthily in- sidious form of the ad verecundiam. The fallacy we allude to occurs where an appeal to authority is construed so strongly, or such a lack of specification of its type of argument has transpired, that the argument is taken to have (a) deductive, or (b) in- ductive correctness. Yet if the appeal is ment to be taken--as it should be generally-- to a less than perfectly veracious authority, then its construal as (a) or (b) is falla- cious. The specific fallacy here lies not in the appeal to authority as such, but in the spurious escalation of the appeal towards a claim to a source of truth that is more perfect or infallible than a plausible argu- ment has any logical right to be. In short, this fallacy is to misidentify the type of argument. This particular error is of course not the only way in which an ap~eal to authority can go wrong, and elsewhere we have suggested that ad verecundiam is an umbrella concept for several specific pitfalls of argument from authorities. But this particular spe- cies of the ad verecundiam is an important one, we think, in teaching students how to confront and deal with the fallacies, be- cause it underscores the need to take into consideration identification of the type of 6 argument as a necessary skill of informal logic. The first step in attempting to adjudicate any allegation that a fallacy has been committed is to ask the question "What (exactly) is the argument?" Answering this question involves more than simply specifying a set of propositions--as in the approach of formal logic--it includes, among other tasks, specification of the type of argument that has been advanced. Notes lsee our article "Fallaciousness Without Invalidity?" Philosophy and Rhetoric, 9, 1976, 52-54, and HFormal-r,Qgic ana the Logic of Argument" to be presented at the 6th International Congress of Logic, Methodolo~y and Philosophy of Science in Hannover, Germany, August, 1979. 2see our article "Argumentum Ad Verecundiam," Philosophy and Rhetoric, 7, 1974, 135-153. --- 3The proof, parallel to the one above, is given by Rescher (1976, p. 3). 4 For such a theory, the reader should look to Douglas N. Walton 'Philosophical Basis of Relatedness Logic,' Philosophical Studies, to appear. References C. L. Hamblin, Fallacies, London, Methuen, 1970. Nicholas Rescher, Plausible Reasoning, Assen/Amsterdam, Van Gorcum, ~976. Wesley Salmon, I~gi9' Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hal~, ~ 63. discussi on notes A NOTE ~N THE "SURPRISE TEST" PUZZLE Harry A. Nielsen (University of Windsor) A schoolteacher announces to her class that there will be a surprise test during the followinq week. She specifies that by a "surprise test" she means one which no one could reasonably predict while walking to school. Immediately, one of her ~righter students claims that she has contradicted herself. He offers this argument: The surprise test could take place on Friday, for if there had been no test up until Friday, then from that fact and the knowledge that taere will be a test any student could prec he 1 Fril bet1 SaJIIl Tha' stu tha Fri, and die tha ext be The be out fol the hal C1E SUJ thE arc thi It i! that is evening dity sue bright i went by surprisl --Sorry you can That is imagin:i: thus ru puzzle, our for, time be the end before the tea quence her sur The test ex to near class p does no minutes student er came could n school. doesn't too muc prise i lapse c show a point, a posit until t wit!' if what tentia] take he