I j ISSN 0226-1448 inforr'-'ial logic newsletter newsletter newsletter newsletter vol. ii, no. 2 eds., J. Anthony Blair & Ralph H. Johnson April, 1980 from the editors As the contents of this issue testify, the ILN continues. to receive submissions of var ... reus sorts from subscribers and others. How~ ever, the editors continue to wish for even more submis-sions than we have been receiving. In particular, we would like to invite more discussion pieces, comments, short and long articles, critical reviews. Hhat is happening is that the ILN is begin- ning to take on the form of a journal of in- formal logic-~without abandoning the news~ disseminating features of a newsletter. It is appropriate then to explain our editorial policy to our readers and would-be contrib~ utors. Both editors read carefully all material submitted. Together we decide whether that material warrants publication in ILN. Hence, although. the newsletter is not in-rfie strict- est sense of the term a "refereed publica- tion", it does not follow that we will auto .. mati cally publish any material sent to us. We do exercise our best judgement and reserve the right to reject submissions which, in our opinion do not merit space in the ILN, and to send submissions back to their authors for revision. In fact we have done both. We are giving serious thought to the idea of developing a panel of referees, on the basis that making the ILN a refereed publica- tion might encourage mo:r,e submissions. In the meantime, we once again wish to en- courage our readers to send us articles, material for analysis, pedagogical ideas, critical reviews, comments, and announcements of general interest. contents ARTICLE Relevant Appeals to and Popular Pieties Charles Kielkopf RESPONSE Force, Pity, •• III III III III III • III III III III •• III III III III III III. The Deductive-Inductive Distinction 2 Samuel D. Fohr . III III III III III III tI III III III III III III III III III It III III III III 5 DISCUSSION NOTE Informal Logic and General Education David M. Mowry III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III • III III III III 9 CRITICAL REVIEWS Justification and Response by Carl Wellman-- Trudy Govier III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III 10 Understanding Scientific Arguments by Ronald N. Giere William Berriman ••••••••••.•••••.•.. 15 Reasoning by Michael Scriven A. S III Carson III' III III III III III III III III • III III III III III III III III III III III III III 17 CONfERENCE NOTICES •••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 BOOKS RECEIVED III III III • III III III III III III III III • III III • III III III III III III III III III III III III 19 ANNOUNCEl1ENTS III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III ••••••••• 20 Subscriptions: $4 to individuals, $8 to institu- t10ns, annually, payable to: Informal Logic News- letter. All subscriptions begin with the early Fall number~ late subscribers receive the year's back issues. Back issues are $1.50 each, $5 per complete volume to individuals; and $2.50 each, $9 per complete volume to institutions. Published a minimum of three times a year, normally in early Fall, early Winter and Spring, with supplementary issues appearing from time to time. Published by the editors. Address all communications to: The Editors, Informal Logic Newsletter, Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4.