e pre- n the with this but of At go III in ! ex- Iseful :ive :en- busi- :he render agree reen i of ; in .s put- Isi- prob- lent I the ISS If a .n his the .1 be .n 'son 1l1lIent . else. .t has his .e eally k two the is e or erson neces- n ac- to discussion note Informal Logic and General Education David N. Mowry SUNYat Plattsburgh The wide-spread debate over the meaning, nature and significance of General Education is being translated into programmatic revi- sions at many colleges and universities. The debate and the programmatic revisions which are flowing from it provide an ideal oppor- tunity for those interested in informal logic. In the following discussion, I will describe the relation of some of the issues surrounding general education to informal logic and also ways in ~hich informal logic can be incorporated into the general educa- tion curriculum. ~uch of what I say will de- pend on the experiences I have had with the more than four-year debate over the revision of general education at S.U.N.Y. College at Plattsburgh. Each college and university is unique in many ways, of course. But the experience here involved issues and decisions which have, I think, fairly wide application. One of the central issues which any attempt to define a general education curriculum must meet is whether it is possible, in the late seventies and early eighties, to achieve agreement on the content of a curriculum to be applied to all students. A variety of levels of debate are distinguishable here. Iii th respect to a particular discipline or subject matter, it may be possible to win agreement that all students should know some- thing about X. It does not follow from th1s, however, that faculty will agree that a stu- dent ought to take a course in X. Or if it is agreed that students ought to take a course in X, it may not be agreed that stu- dents should be required to take a course in X. Because of the d1sagreement at these dif- ferent levels of debate, it proved hopeless, at least at this college, to design a program around specific required courses. On most campuses there is a natural compe- tition for student time between the student's major and the broader demands of general edu- cation. The revision of general education in such a way as to heighten this competition is, again in our experience, a sure way to 9 defeat such reV1S1on. However, if general education is approached in such a way as to complement the various major programs, then this hurdle can be overcome. In fact, it might be argued that if general education is valid, then it must do this; otherwise, the admittedly vague notion that general educa- tion teaches what is applicable (or impor- tant) regardless of major (that is, for all) becomes a hollow sentiment that will persuade no one. Finally, it is frequently argued that be- cause the goals of general education are frequently vague it is nearly impossible to tell whether a curriculum and individual courses within that curriculum are achieving what they intend. By contrast it is much easier to determine whether courses in the student's major discipline are successful (which is not to say that such determination is always made!). There was strong pressure on our campus, then, to identify an instru- ment of evaluation for each course proposed for general education. The program which emerged as our solution to these, and of course many other issues, is a program which provided central opportuni- ties for informal logic. Ignoring peculiar- ities of the program which are unique to our campus it can be described as follows: The total program is divided into three compo- nents. A) The Learning Skills Component, B) The Distributive Component, C) The Inte- grative Component. Students are required to take four courses in (A), five in (B), and three in (C). Informal logic has direct application to (A) and (C). The Learning Skills Component requires a course in the areas of Writing Skills, Com- munication Skills, Analytic Skills and a one- credit course in Library Skills. A variety of departments teach courses which are ac- cepted as fulfilling the requirement in each of these areas. In particular, a new course in informal logic was designed for the Anal- ytic Skills area. Cather courses also satis- fying this requirement include a number of mathematics courses, statistics courses, computer science courses, etc.) An attempt was made to tailor this informal logic course to the strong programs on this campus, for example, business, the sciences, and the arts. A number of the new texts include sections on the application of informal logic to just such areas as these (e.g. Toulmin, et al.; Fogelinl. Thus it was fairly easy to per- suade faculty teaching in these areas that such a course would be of use to students majoring in such programs and in fact would supplement their major program. Thus, while providing a clear place for informal logic, the program does not resuire that all stu- dents take a course in 1nformal logic and in this way the first difficulty mentioned above is overcome. Additionally, by designing the course in such a way that it complements a variety of popular programs, the issue of competition between general education and the major disciplines was addressed. The need for evaluation of the course was met by adopting a nationally standardized test of reasoning skills which while not matching our particular course exactly, nevertheless does identify a number of spec- ific skills associated with informal logic. ':'!1e test 'Ne are employing is the ivatson- Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal.! It is being given in one version as a 'pre-test' at the beginning of the course and as a '~ost-test' at the end. The difference in student performance on these two versio~s will provide some measure of the effect~ve­ ness of the course in meeting its goals. (We are planning to establish a control group ~f students who will take the test, but who w~ll not be taking the course, as a way of making this a more accurate measure.) The data collected should be very helpful in per- suading our more empirically minded col- leagues of the effectiveness of this informal logic course. Additionally, it will provide valuable information to both the instructors and students. Informal logic will also have application in the Integrative Component of our new gen- eral education program. In terms of t~e un- derstanding of 'integration' oere (obv~ously there are many complex issues'in this approach to learning and education) our program in~er­ prets the concept as a process concept go~ng well beyond the idea of mere 'relatedness' which sometimes characterize attempts at in- tegrative learning. In order to underscore this distinction, the program directs faculty who wish to teach courses in this component to specify the 'mechanism' of integration to be employed. The philosophy faculty believe that informal logic can serve admirably as just such a mechanism and that it can be employed for that purpose in a very wide variety of academic contexts. To give but one example: A program now being prepared for this component by Dr. Charles Krecz of our department, will be concerned with reli- gion. It will involve a course in 7ach of: the philosophy of religion, the soc~ology of religion and an anthropology course in pri~­ itive religion, as well as an informal log~c course which will concentrate on methodology, structure of exposition, analysis of types of reasoning, etc. of each ~articular disci- ~line's aporoach to the study of religion as ~ell as analysis of reasoning in religion drawing from-the data provided;oy the materi- al in the other courses. 'Jther a.reas i:1 p .. ;hich in:o~al l~gi= ::an serve as the mecha:1.isr:! of integration ::light i:1cl'...lde "technology and .,al'...les, '. "t!1e a=ts and er:~.r:'=onment" and so :>:1. !n :act ,:::e pos- sibilities are about as great as t!1e imagina- tion and interest of facultv and st'...ldents. Of course such an approach ~as the further advantage for those interested i:1 informal logic of exposing them to a variety of dif- ferent areas where the special characteris- tics of reasoning in those areas can be analyzed. Such contact should help maintain vigor and 'freshness' in informal logic. Obvio'...lsly many campuses will not be able to move in the precise directions we have. How- ever, I hope I have illustrated the fruitful- ness of looking for ways in which interest in informal logic can be pursued in the context of the debate on general education. 10 critical • reviews CHALLENGE & RESPONSE Carl Wellman Trudy Govier Trent University This book was oublished in 1971. It has not received very mu~h attention from philosophers, possibly bec;use Rawls' Theory of Justice, published almost at the same time, preoccupied ;nany of those interested in moral philosophy. Challenge and Response deserves more attention ':...~an it nas rece~ ved, I think, and it certain- ly merits careful study by those interested i~ informal loaic. ~ellman sets OUt to answer the meta-ethical auestion 'how can moral judg- ments be justified?', but before approaching that question, raises the prior one: 'what is justification?' The first nalf of ~is book is devoted to answering this general question, and, as such, contains much which is relevant to theorists of argument. After some one hundred and thirty pages of close argument, Wellmann arrives at his view of what justification amounts to: In my view justification is to be understood essentially as a process of responding to challenges made. It may be observed and described as a psychological struggle in which one person tries to force another to back down, or one person struggles to come to terms with his own doubts and con- flicting convictions. But it is more than a psychological struggle because at its core are certain critical claims to trut!1, validity, to be upsetting, to be reassuring, and to be adequate. Therefore the actual outcome of any particular psychological struggle never settles once and for all the issues being fought over in the process of justification. It is this peculiar ambivalence of justification that enables what we actually do in discussion and thinking to serve as a test of critical ideals like truth, validity, and being justified. (pages 132-3) ~uch justification (though not all, in Well- man's view) proceeds by argument. Wellman has some novel and interesting things to say about arguments and arguing, and it is to these that I'll devote most of my attention here. He maintains that there are legitimate arguments which are neither inductive nor deductive (he ~ r I I I namE endc finE the disc and miSE canr Fj cone defi so t ask thes that dedI: posi and defi tracl His is n In ti whicl prob. be e: judg4 it il or wI Cftel ~ GalbI form to it argUiti makes