From the Editors Special Issue on Douglas Walton 229 This is a special issue of Informal Logic marking the creation in 2006-2007 of a new research centre at the University of Windsor, the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR). The creation of CRRAR provides a corporate identity to the relatively large group of researchers on these topics currently connected with the University of Windsor. CRRAR was formed to coordinate and expand the research at Windsor, to encourage graduate education in these areas, and to serve as a base for collaborative research with colleagues in other institutions and/or in other, related fields. Current members of CRRAR are: J. Anthony Blair (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy) Marcello Guarini (Associate Professor of Philosophy) Hans V. Hansen (Associate Professor of Philosophy) Dale Jacobs (Associate Professor of English) Ralph H. Johnson (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy) Stephen Pender (Associate Professor of English) Robert C. Pinto (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy) Christopher W. Tindale (Professor of Philosophy) CRRAR looks forward to contacts with colleagues in other departments and centres worldwide. We hope to be able to invite scholars working on cognate or joint projects to visit Windsor and spend time here collaborating with our members. Inquiries are welcome. CRRAR invites colleagues in other departments to encourage their best students to enrol in one of the Windsor MA programs (in Philosophy or in English) that provide exposure to leading edge research and an excellent background for Ph.D. studies. The articles in this issue are all by members of CRRAR. We would note that, as is normally the case when on relatively rare occasions we publish an article by an editor of this journal, these articles were refereed blind. From the Editors