Correspondence: Lelly Yustri Anita, Clinical student of Dentistry School of Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, e-mail: DJ, Volume 1, No. 2, Tahun 2012 1 The Effect Of Arrowroot Starch (Marantha Arundiceae L) Into Alginate Towards Alginate Impression Setting Time Pengaruh Penambahan Pati Garut (Marantha Arundiceae L) Ke Dalam Alginat Terhadap Setting Time Hasil Cetakan Alginat Lelly Yustri Anita1, Purwanto Agustiono2 1Clinical student of Dentistry School of Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2Biomaterial Department of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract Background : The demand of alginate increase overtime, in otherhand, Indonesia could not produce its own alginate yet. Limited access to get alginate in certain region of Indonesia raise an idea to apllicate arrowroot starch into alginate to reduce alginate using. One of im- pression material requirment is has suitable setting time. The effect of adding arrowroot starch into alginate towards its dimensional stabillity has been published, but the effect toward its setting time has not been evaluated. Methods : This study using 60 sample that divided into 4 groups (control, 45%, 50%, and 55% of added arrowroot starch). Acrilic stick is used by en- tering it into alginate after 10 second, and replied until no alginate on acrilic stick. The time when no alginate on acrilic stick was record by stopwatch. Result : Statistically, Kruskall- Wallis test is show that arrowroot starch which add into alginate have significant effect to- wards alginate impression setting time with p=0,000. Conclusion : Arrowroot starch which has been added into alginate has an effect towards alginate impression setting time. Key words : alginate, arrowroot starch, alginate, impression setting time. Abstract Latar belakang : permintaan alginat terus bertambah dari tahun ke tahun, di sisi lain, Indone- sia belum dapat memproduksi alginat sendiri. Keterbatasan akses pada daerah tertentu di In- donesia memunculkan ide untuk mencampurkan alginate dengan pati garut yang memiliki ke- samaan karakteristik dengan alginat, untuk mengurangi jumlah penggunaan alginat. Salah sa- tu syarat abhan cetak adalah memiliki waktu setting yang wajar. Publikasi tentang pengaruh penambahan pati garut terhadap stabilitas dimensi telah dipublikasikan, akan tetapi penelitian tentang pengaruhnya terhadap setting belum dievaluasi. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan 60 sampel yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok (kontrol, penambahan pati garut sebesar 45%, 50%, dan 55%. Batang akrilik dicelupkan ke dalam adonan alginat setiap 10 detik, dan di- ulang hingga tidak ada lagi alginat yang menempel pada batang akrilik. Waktu ketika tidak ada lagi adonan alginat yang menempel pada batang akrilik, emnandakan bahwa sampel telah mengalami setting time, dan diukur dengan stopwatch, Hasil : Hasil uji Kruskall-Wallis me- nunjukkan bahwa penambahan pati garut ke dalam alginate berpengaruh secara signifikan ter- hadap waktu setting hasil cetakan alginate dengan nilai p=0,000. Kesimpulan : Pati garut yang ditambahkan ke dalam alginat berpengaruh terhadap waktu setting hasil cetakan alginat. Kata kunci : alginat, pati garut, waktu setting hasil cetakan alginate. Lelly Yustri Anita,The Effect Of Arrowroot Starch (Marantha Arundiceae L) Into Alginate… 2 IDJ, Volume 1, No. 2, Tahun 2012 Introduction Alginat is most usual impression material that have been used indonesia. The dentist not always work in area where get the easy accesibility for alginate suply. This problem created an idea to mix alginate with some hidrofilic materials that easily found in Indonesia, especially for remote area1. Arrowroot starch (Maranta arun- dinaceae L.) contain for amylose and amylopectin 23.5%. Those contain be a reason gummy characteristic for starch cuisine2. Amylose and amylopectin are kind of carbohidrate. Alginate also contain of carbohidrate. This why alginate might be mixed with aroowroot starch because the had simialiar characteristic in gelation process forming hydogel when it was reacted with water3. Setting time is important thing that used as a parameter for impression material already impress oral anatomy or not. Before alginate reach its setting, the material will flow to shape oral anatomy, then setting proces will oc-cur, flowable form of alginat will be solid form and impressing oral anato- my finely4. The effect of adding arrowroot starch into alginate towards it is dimension stability has been known5, but publication of its effect towards setting time is not published yet. Based on that references, author will continue the study by publishing the effect of arrowroot starch into alginate towards its setting time, and to identify the level significancy these effect, and which group that give the biggest effect towards alginate setting time. Materials and Methods Materials Plastic ring with 3.2 cm in diameter and 2,2 cm in high that put on glass plate 12,1X 10.1 X 0.8 cm has been used for this study. In this study, sample group diided into four group, they are: Group A, is control group, using pure al- ginate 100% (without arrowroot starch addi- tion), 7,5 grams for each samples. Number of sample :5 samples. Group B, is experiment group, ratio ar- rowroot starch : alginate is 45 : 55% (3.375: 4. 125 grams). Number of sample : 5 samples Group C, is experiment group, ratio ar- rowroot starch : alginate is 50 : 50% (3.75: 3.75 grams). Number of sample : 5 samples Group D, is experiment group, ratio ar- rowroot starch : alginate is 55 : 45% (4. 125: 3.375grams). Number of sample : 5 samples Methods Control group and mixed arrowroot star- chalginate as impression material manipu- lated by 17,5 ml steril aquadest in rubber bowl for 30 second6. Turn on the stopwatch. Each manipulated samples put in plastic ring on glass plate, then the surface of manipu- lated samples flated by spatula. Hold the out- er side of plastic ring. Enter acrilic stick into manipulated samples even 10 second, and pull out soon as soon possible. Clean up the stick with tissue and enter it again soon. Rep- lay this prosedure until no manipulated sam- ples glue on acrilic stick7. After no manipu- lated samples glue on acrlic stick, it means the samples reach their setting6. Turn off the stopwatch, and write the result based on stopwatch. Lelly Yustri Anita,The Effect Of Arrowroot Starch (Marantha Arundiceae L) Into Alginate… IDJ, Volume 1, No. 2, Tahun 2012 3 Results Table 1. Setting time of all samples Group Sample Setting time (second) A 1 54 2 55 3 50 4 53 5 52 B 1 60 2 61 3 81 4 83 5 85 C 1 117 2 112 3 113 4 113 5 112 D 1 120 2 134 3 133 4 132 5 122 Table 2. Mean of setting time of all group Discussion Based on Kruskall-Wallis test, arrowroot starch adding into alginate has significant effect towards its setting time. Mean of set- ting time each group known up and up for each increasing arrowroot starch ratio, it suit- able with biomaterial expert statement which said that higher viscosity of alginate will pro- longe its seting time4,. Alginate setting time will longer when more water added into it8. Based on Post hoc-LSD analysis, is known that all of experiment group show the longer tsetting time than control group. For 45,50, and 55% arrowroot starch addition into alginate could prolonge regular set algi- nate setting time reach up 1.4 to 2.4 times. It proofed that adding hydrofilic compo- nent into another material which has similiar hydrofilic characteristic give the significant effect towards alginate setting time. Alginate has filler component as one of its former. These filler will make setting al- ginate mass be more solid. Less fller in algi- nate, will make the impression lack its con- sistency, because filler which has a role to make its solid is inadequate to streghten im- pression mass3. Pure alginate that have been used as con- trol group have more filler and another com- ponent than experiment group, it will make control sample were more rigid than one. Be- side that, arrowroot starch which contain of 23% amylose and amylopectin2, will add the hydrofilic characteristic of impression ma- terial, so it will easily absorb the water from its environtment. It will inhibit crosslink Kelompok Mean of setting time Kontrol 52,80 Pati 45% 74,00 Pati 50% 113,40 Pati 55% 128,20 Lelly Yustri Anita,The Effect Of Arrowroot Starch (Marantha Arundiceae L) Into Alginate… 4 IDJ, Volume 1, No. 2, Tahun 2012 process of hydrogel forming of impression material. This why impression material with arrowroot starch addition has the longer set- ting time. Conclusions Adding 45%, 50%, and 55% arrowroot starch into alginate has a significant effect to prolonge its setting time reach up 1.4 to 2.4 times. References 1. Noerdin, A., Irawan, B., Febriani, M. Pemanfaatan Pati Ubi kayu (Manihot Utilisima) sebagai Campuran Bahan Ce- tak Gigi Alginat. Makara, Kesehatan, 2003, 7 (2). 2. Anwar, E., Yusmarlina, D., Rahmat, H., & Kosasih. Fosforilasi Pregelatinasi Pati Garut (Maranta arundinaceae L.) seba- gai Matriks Tablet Lepas Terkendali Teofilin. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 2006. 17 (1), Hal. 37 – 44. 3. Craig, RG., Powers, JM., Wataha, JC. 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