item: #1 of 79 id: ijal-10167 author: Cahyani, Isah; Sastromiharjo, Andoyo; D., Daris Hadianto title: Using of Experiential Learning Model Based on Multimedia to Increase the Ability of Literation Writing Indonesian Poem in Elementary School date: 2017-03-30 words: 4854 flesch: 57 summary: The result of the research, that is there is significant difference at the level of significance 0,05% between result of student learning in learning writing writing based on multimedia with Experiment Learning model with result of student learning not writing multimedia based with Experential Learning model .. Pretes done to measure students' initial ability, three treatment in the form of learning to write poetry by using experiential learning model and closed with postes done to find out the end result of student ability after following poetry writing study by using the method. keywords: ability; active; active learning; al./; audio; cahyani; class; control; creative; data; education; elementary; elements; essential; experience; experiential; experiential learning; findings; form; free; gain; group; implementation; indonesian; international; isah; journal; language; learning; learning model; lessons; level; literacy; method; model; multimedia; pirls; poetry; posttest; process; rata; research; researchers; results; school; sig; significance; skills; statistic; students; study; teachers; test; use; value; visual; writing cache: ijal-10167.pdf plain text: ijal-10167.txt item: #2 of 79 id: ijal-10602 author: Anindita, Kun Andyan; Satoto, Soediro; Sumarlam, Sumarlam title: Diction in Poetry Anthology Surat Kopi by Joko Pinurbo as A Poetry Writing Teaching Material date: 2017-03-30 words: 5433 flesch: 67 summary: The simplicity of the poetries could ease the students to learn and to try writing their own poetries with uncomplicated dictions, such as denotative diction and concrete diction that did not employ many figurative languages. The table shows that the dominant dictions in Surat Kopi poems are denotive and concrete diction. keywords: abstract; active; aku; al./; andyan; anindita; anthology; batumu; bawah; bisa; body; certain; coffee; concrete; connotative; cukur; dan; dari; dengan; denotative; diction; elements; expression; figurative; following; form; hair; head; international; jakarta; joko; joko pinurbo; journal; kau; keraf; kibaran; kopi; kun; language; learning; letter; literary; literature; malam; meaning; means; metaphor; new; pinurbo; poems; poetries; poetry; problem; pulang; qualitative; rain; reader; research; sarung; sentence; short; similarity; speech; stanzas; stone; story; study; style; sudah; sun; surat; surat kopi; terms; type; use; way; words; writing cache: ijal-10602.pdf plain text: ijal-10602.txt item: #3 of 79 id: ijal-10603 author: Carnawi, Carnawi; Sudarmin, Sudarmin; Wijayati, Nanik title: Application of Project Based Learning (PBL) Model for Materials of Salt Hydrolysis to Encourage Students' Entrepreneurship Behaviour date: 2017-03-30 words: 4450 flesch: 48 summary: Dependent variable is student entrepreneur attitude and student learning outcomes. Therefore, the application of learning model PjBL Hydrolyzed Salt material integrated with ethnosains utilization of traditional salt is expected to grow student entrepreneurship attitude and student learning outcomes. keywords: 2013; active; analysis; application; aspects; attitude; average; better; carnawi; class; cognitive; confidence; control; control class; criteria; criterion; dan; data; difference; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; ethnosciences; etnosains; experimental; experimental class; gain; gender; good; group; growth; hydrolysis; independent; indramayu; influence; international; journal; kimia; learning; learning outcomes; material; medium; model; observation; outcomes; pendidikan; pjbl; pjbl model; project; psychomotor; questionnaire; research; result; salt; skills; sma; students; study; sudarmin; test; value; variance cache: ijal-10603.pdf plain text: ijal-10603.txt item: #4 of 79 id: ijal-10799 author: Hasan, Karnadi title: Strengthening The Students' Value of Diversity in Learning in Global Era date: 2017-08-18 words: 5201 flesch: 44 summary: Adolescents educated in a family of religiously devout families, enabling religious behavior and how to deal with the dynamics of their lives will be in accordance with religious teachings. The implementation of religious education in schools as an effort to develop the values and attitudes of religious students, will be effective when using an integrative approach. keywords: active; activities; adolescents; aspect; attitudes; behavior; belief; character; charity; community; concept; culture; daradjat; development; dimension; education; effort; existence; experience; faith; family; form; formation; glock; god; hasan; human; imtaq; influence; international; islam; islamic; journal; karnadi; learning; life; means; moral; noble; parents; pendidikan; person; practice; process; related; religion; religious; religious behavior; religious education; religious teachings; religious values; ritual; school; social; society; soul; stark; states; strengthening; students; supernatural; system; teachings; teenagers; values; worship; yogyakarta cache: ijal-10799.pdf plain text: ijal-10799.txt item: #5 of 79 id: ijal-10802 author: Agustina, Kristia; Kristiyanto, Wahyu Hari; Noviandini, Diane title: Learning Design of Problem Based Learning Model Based on Recommendations of Sintax Study and Contents Issues on Physics Impulse Materials with Experimental Activities date: 2017-08-18 words: 4778 flesch: 59 summary: Validation test on Stage II (Organizing Students for Learning) which has been done by the validator shows that no revisions and validation results indicate that the assessment of draft questions designing the given experiment can be understood and answered correctly by the student so that the assessment given is good enough against The design of teacher activities and student activities by the validator. Tahap II (Organizing Students to Learn) 10’ Teachers invite students to discuss designing experiments. keywords: active; active learning; agustina; car; change; content; design; different; experiment; force; group; impulse; international; journal; kristia; learning; limited; load; magnitude; margarine; model; momentum; momentum change; object; pbl; physics; problem; process; questions; research; results; solving; students; study; style; syntax; teacher; test; time; train; video cache: ijal-10802.pdf plain text: ijal-10802.txt item: #6 of 79 id: ijal-10803 author: Arozaq, Miftahul; Aman, Aman; Sunarhadi, M. Amin title: Implementation of Reading Guide Strategy in Global Climate Change Material for Enhancement of Student Learning Outcome date: 2017-08-18 words: 3325 flesch: 58 summary: How to study climate change material before using learning guide reading 2). What is the result of studying climate change materials after using learning guide reading. keywords: active; arozaq; average; behavior; change; climate; climate change; curriculum; disaster; easy; environment; experience; geography; global; guide; hard; human; indonesia; interaction; international; journal; knowledge; learning; level; materials; medium; miftahul; number; outcomes; pendidikan; problem; process; reading; reading guide; result; school; students; study; table; teacher; test cache: ijal-10803.pdf plain text: ijal-10803.txt item: #7 of 79 id: ijal-10807 author: Wardani, Naniek Sulistya title: Increasing Skills in Writing Literature Study on Research-Based Learning Through Authentical Assessment Lecturing in Innovation Class of Social Science Learning date: 2017-08-18 words: 3048 flesch: 54 summary: Thus, improving student writing skills related to the quality of prospective elementary teachers needs to be improved. Although the percentage of student writing skills has increased, but the improvement achieved is not optimal. keywords: action; active; aspects; assessment; authentic; authentic assessment; competence; concepts; cycle; data; eyd; facts; feedback; grammar; improvement; innovation; international; ips; journal; learning; literature; naniek; necessary; percentage; pgsd; pre; principles; problem; reflection; research; results; review; salatiga; skills; students; study; sulistya; table; teacher; technique; use; wardani; writing cache: ijal-10807.pdf plain text: ijal-10807.txt item: #8 of 79 id: ijal-10808 author: Dewi, Pradnya Paramita; Setyadi, Danang; Mampouw, Helti Lygia title: Description of Junior High School Students in Generlizing Patterns Based on Semiotic Perspective date: 2017-08-18 words: 5476 flesch: 56 summary: In the matter of number patterns students are asked to make a generalization of a pattern. In developing patterns students not only develop patterns but also seek generalizations or algebraic relationships that will give an idea of the umpteenth number. keywords: ability; able; active; blue; bricks; component; contextual; dewi; diagram; difference; factual; formula; generalization; generalizing; high; international; interview; journal; learning; low; mathematical; medium; medium subject; moderate; number; paramita; pattern; pradnya; process; researcher; result; semiotic; sequence; sign; similarities; stage; step; students; subject; symbolization; symbols; thinking; tiles; understanding; use; words cache: ijal-10808.pdf plain text: ijal-10808.txt item: #9 of 79 id: ijal-10878 author: Ekowati, Sri Harini; P, Indira Kusuma title: Socio-Cultural Aspects of Teaching Foreign Languages in The Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Jakarta date: 2017-08-25 words: 3521 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: foreign language leraning; foreign language textbook; socio-cultural aspects _______________________ Foreign language study programs are English, French, German, Arabic, Japanese and Mandarin. keywords: able; active; alter; analysis; aspects; communicative; composante; cultural; cultural aspects; culture; ego; ekowati; foreign; french; german; graduates; harini; indira; information; international; jakarta; journal; kusuma; language; learners; learning; les; level; material; paris; program; social; socio; sri; students; studio; study; teachers; teaching; textbook; texts; university; vie; workbook; writing cache: ijal-10878.pdf plain text: ijal-10878.txt item: #10 of 79 id: ijal-10879 author: Satrianawati, Satrianawati title: Social, Psychological, and Emotional: Autism Children Factors by Case Study within Face to Face Approach date: 2017-08-25 words: 3795 flesch: 64 summary: To determine the Special needs for autism children care it is essential to assess if behaviour restricts a person’s participation in his desired or chosen way of life. Age influenced as well physic of autism children. keywords: active; age; autism; body; boy; character; children; climate; communication; cultural; day; difficult; disorder; elementary; emotional; face; factors; feeling; figure; friends; gene; habitual; home; human; international; interview; journal; lack; learning; life; like; months; normal; nutrition; parents; physic; profession; satrianawati; school; social; teacher; terrain cache: ijal-10879.pdf plain text: ijal-10879.txt item: #11 of 79 id: ijal-10882 author: Vilianti, Yeni Candra; Pratama, Fika Widya; Mampouw, Helti Lygia title: Description of The Ability of Social Arithedical Stories by Study Problems by Students VIII SMP Reviewed from The Polya Stage date: 2017-08-25 words: 4531 flesch: 62 summary: It is expected that this research become one of the reference to optimize student problem solving abilities. One of the mathematics learning that can train and develop student problem solving abilities is learning about the story (Rudtin, 2013). keywords: ability; able; active; answer; benefits; candra; examination; explanation; figure; high; information; international; interview; journal; learning; low; matematika; mathematical; plan; planning; polya; price; problem; profit; questions; research; results; smp; solving; stage; steps; story; students; subject; understanding; vilianti; way; yeni cache: ijal-10882.pdf plain text: ijal-10882.txt item: #12 of 79 id: ijal-10883 author: Ismawati, Esti title: Nationalism in Indonesian Literature as Active Learning Material date: 2017-08-25 words: 6060 flesch: 57 summary: The results of the study were described by the values of nationalism, and thus the literary works with nationalism values can be used as teaching materials for Indonesian Literature for high school, MA, and SMK students. Indonesian nationalism is a national movement that arose in the Indonesian nation to become an independent and sovereign nation. keywords: active; active learning; aku; anwar; asmara; bahasa; balai; beautiful; bekasi; bisri; blood; budaya; bung; chairil; character; children; colonialism; country; crisis; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; darah; dengan; dutch; economic; education; esti; esti ismawati; expression; fate; following; free; generation; hadi; hang; hero; high; history; homeland; human; identity; independence; indonesian; indonesian literature; international; international journal; ismawati; issn; jakarta; jawa; journal; juang; kami; karakter; karno; kemerdekaan; klaten; krawang; learning; level; life; like; literary; literature; love; mana; materials; meaning; morning; muhammad; mustofa; nasional; nationalism; nature; negeriku; nilai; ombak; pendidikan; people; poem; poet; poetry; power; pustaka; research; result; sastra; school; sentence; smk; social; students; study; sudarto; sun; symbolism; tanah; teaching; thinking; thukul; tidak; toto; tuah; tumpah; values; waves; women; work; world; yamin; yang; yogyakarta; youth cache: ijal-10883.pdf plain text: ijal-10883.txt item: #13 of 79 id: ijal-12197 author: Haryanti, Sri; Setyandari, Ana title: Students’ Difficulties in Mastering Clauses date: 2017-11-29 words: 5465 flesch: 70 summary: CONCLUSION After analyzing the data, the writers can conclude that although the students’ mastery on clauses of the fifth semester students of English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Widya Dharma University of Klaten in academic year 2016/2017 is good, they still need to study it more and more because clause mastery is very much needed in writing any composition; and the difficulties faced in comprehending clauses are the students cannot identify the functions of noun clause exactly, they determine the introductory conjunction incorrectly, they are confused in joining two sentences to be one by applying adjective clause, they cannot select the appropriate verb, and they cannot determine the exact time of the activity, especially on the verb form. The results are the students’ mastery on clauses of the fifth semester students of English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Widya Dharma University of Klaten in academic year 2016/2017 is good; and the difficulties faced in comprehending clauses are identifying the functions of noun clause, determining the introductory conjunction, making adjective clause appropriately, selecting the appropriate verb, and determining the tense. keywords: academic; active; adjective; adverb; ana; category; clause; data; dependent; dharma; difficulties; education; english; fact; fair; form; function; good; grammar; haryanti; international; journal; kinds; klaten; language; learning; man; mastery; material; method; noun; noun clause; object; oxford; present; program; questions; relative; semester; sentence; setyandari; sri; structure; students; study; subjunctive; subordinate; teacher; test; time; university; verb; widya; word; writers; writing; year cache: ijal-12197.pdf plain text: ijal-12197.txt item: #14 of 79 id: ijal-12218 author: Pangestika, Aprilia; Widyaningrum, Trianik title: Identifying Conceptual Mistakes on SMA Teaching Books in Materials of Imune System for Eleventh Graders date: 2018-10-30 words: 3802 flesch: 48 summary: The percentage of immune system concept mistake in books A, B, and C in the Oversimplifications category were 23.5%, 41.2% and 58.8%, respectively; Overgeneralizations categories are as follows: 5.9%, 17.6% and 0%; Undergeneralizations categories are as follows: 5.9%, 0%, and 11.8%; and Misidentifications categories were: 5.9%, 11.8% and 11.8%, respectively. This evaluation research is done by identifying the mistake of immune system concept in high school biology textbook of class XI then presents its contents in the form of percentage diagram and describes it descriptively. keywords: active; aprilia; aspects; biology; book; buku; category; concepts; conceptual; conceptual mistakes; content; criteria; data; education; erlangga; grasindo; high; immune; immune system; international; journal; learning; material; misconceptions; misidentifications; mistakes; overgeneralizations; oversimplifications; pangestika; percentage; reference; research; results; school; sma; standard; students; study; system; teaching; textbooks; trianik; widyaningrum; yudhistira cache: ijal-12218.pdf plain text: ijal-12218.txt item: #15 of 79 id: ijal-12222 author: Nugroho Aji, Wisnu; Budiyono, Sri title: The Teaching Strategy of Bahasa Indonesia in Curriculum 2013 date: 2017-11-30 words: 3014 flesch: 49 summary: A plan of choosing learning strategy of Bahasa Indonesia is supposed to be adapted to the characteristics and approach of the curriculum. Some elements that change over Curriculum 2013 development are graduate competence, content, structure, learning process, assessment process, syllabus, and book (Kemendikbud, 2014:24). keywords: active; activities; activity; aji; approach; assessment; bahasa; budiyono; character; competency; contextual; curriculum; development; education; group; implementation; indonesia; international; journal; klaten; learning; material; method; model; nugroho; objectives; pbls; pembelajaran; plan; problem; process; scientific; sri; strategies; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; wisnu; work cache: ijal-12222.pdf plain text: ijal-12222.txt item: #16 of 79 id: ijal-12306 author: B., Ramadhan Valiant Gill S.; Sudarmi, Marmi; Kristiyanto, Wahyu Hari title: Review Study of Physical and Cognitive Activities in Physics Active Learning: Model of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) date: 2017-12-08 words: 5436 flesch: 38 summary: The research that is shown before relating to NHT model had been showed us a good result in the improvement of student activities, but that improvement is it already appropriate or proportional with the planning that had been made for example a teacher planning to improve a cognitive in a learning process by using NHT model, but when NHT applicate the result is physical activities are more dominant thank cognitive Based on that problem this research aims to study and review the proportion of physical activities and cognitive activities in the learning process and also its appropriation with the learning planning that teachers make. The percentage shows that in the applicate of NHT model during learning activities student are more active in the cognitive than physical, and the indicator also shows that the dominant activities are cognitive than the physical activities which are 66% and 33% respectively, this show that lesson core with the using of NHT model correspond with the indicator. keywords: active; active learning; activities; activity; activity student; answer; brain; brain activity; cognitive; cognitive activities; corresponding; discussion; dominant; dominant brain; experiment; fluid; gill; group; guide; indicator; information; international; journal; knowledge; learning; model; nht; percentage; physical; physics; processing; question; ramadhan; result; rpp; shows; student; table; teacher; use; valiant; 𝐶𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒; 𝐶𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦; 𝑃ℎ𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 cache: ijal-12306.pdf plain text: ijal-12306.txt item: #17 of 79 id: ijal-13172 author: Masek, Alias title: Mode and Dimension of Facilitation in Student-Centred Learning Approach: A Comparison of Teaching Experience date: 2018-05-15 words: 4478 flesch: 47 summary: Subsequently, a different facilitator uses different approaches, which result in the difficulty in measuring the best and most effective approach of SCL facilitation, especially in theoretical knowledge delivery in the higher education context. SCL approaches such as problem-based learning, case study, practical activities, laboratory work, collaborative learning, computer-assisted learning, and group discussions would encourage a two-way communication between students and the facilitator. keywords: active; activities; alias; approach; autonomy; classroom; context; cooperative; data; delivery; different; dimension; discipline; education; effective; engineering; experience; facilitation; facilitators; field; groups; heron; higher; international; items; journal; knowledge; learning; lecturers; masek; mean; methods; mode; non; planning; previous; process; questionnaire; research; results; scl; score; skills; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; theoretical; total; unal; years; young cache: ijal-13172.pdf plain text: ijal-13172.txt item: #18 of 79 id: ijal-13407 author: Sugiono, Sugiono; Martono, Trisno; Wardani, Dewi Kusuma title: Implementation of The Values of Entrepreneurship in Students of SMA Negeri in DKI Jakarta date: 2018-02-13 words: 4756 flesch: 49 summary: School activities for the purpose of conditioning the formation of character the participant learners, either religious or nature of activities the activities to its nationhood. a. extra-curricular activities Each school support the curricular, co-curricular activities where holds this activity aims at developing the interest and the talent of the students. keywords: ability; active; activities; bst; character; class; conditioning; curricular; development; dewi; discipline; education; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; extra; extracurricular; graduates; group; handicraft; high; impact; implementation; indonesia; information; international; interview; jakarta; journal; kusuma; learners; learning; level; martono; monday; mother; need; number; pendidikan; population; positive; potential; practice; process; quality; research; results; right; school; september; sma; states; students; sugiono; support; teachers; trisno; unemployment; values; wardani; wednesday cache: ijal-13407.pdf plain text: ijal-13407.txt item: #19 of 79 id: ijal-13485 author: Yohana, Ismi; Sudarmin, Sudarmin; Wardani, Sri; Mohyaddin, Siti Norasikin Binti title: The Generic Science Skill Profile of Fourth Grade Students on Acid And Base Topic in Guided Inquiry Learning Model date: 2018-02-21 words: 3801 flesch: 50 summary: One model of learning that develops generic science skill learners is guided inquiry. Generic science skills is a scientific thinking skills through observation, awareness of the scale, symbolic language, inference logic, the law of cause and effect, logical frame, logical consistency, modeling and abstraction. keywords: able; achievement; acid; active; analysis; average; base; category; chemistry; cognitive; consistency; dalam; dan; data; education; figure; generic; generic skills; high; indicators; inference; inkuiri; inquiry; international; ismi; journal; keterampilan; kimia; language; learners; learning; level; logical; method; model; observation; pembelajaran; pendidikan; problems; profile; research; results; sains; science; science generic; science skills; scientific; score; siswa; skills; sma; students; study; sudarmin; symbolic; weak; yohana cache: ijal-13485.pdf plain text: ijal-13485.txt item: #20 of 79 id: ijal-14065 author: Mustofa, Achmad; Murtini, Wiedy; Sawiji, Hery title: Learning of Craft and Entrepreneurship Towards Student’s Entrepreneurship Interest Referred from Planned Behavior date: 2019-04-16 words: 3837 flesch: 43 summary: The value of t-statistic 1,220 ≤ 1.96 indicates that student entrepreneurship interest is not significantly influenced by the learning of craft and entrepreneurship through students' subjective norms. The value of t-statistic 3,509 ≥ 1.96 indicates that student entrepreneurship interest is significantly influenced by the learning of craft and entrepreneurship through perceived behavior control of the students. keywords: achmad; active; analysis; atb; attitude; ave; behavior; coefficient; control; correlation; craft; education; effect; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship interest; et al; individual; influence; interest; international; journal; learning; model; mustofa; norms; pbc; planned; positive; reliability; research; results; sample; smkn; students; subjective; test; theory; validity; value; variable cache: ijal-14065.pdf plain text: ijal-14065.txt item: #21 of 79 id: ijal-15119 author: Marlina, Eli; Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra; Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo title: Developing Problem High Order Thinking Type Application Volume Cube and Cuboid Based Problem Based Learning for Secondary School date: 2018-07-25 words: 3703 flesch: 55 summary: Problem prototype 2 Problem Problem prototype 3 Problem Sesudah Revisi 10 An entrepreneur knows to make 10kg of tofu, if the wooden block is 40cm long, 40cm wide, and 2cm high, how many pieces of cube-shaped tofu can be produced? keywords: ability; active; analysis; application; class; content; cube; design; development; eli; evaluation; expert; field; group; high; international; journal; learning; level; marlina; mathematics; order; pisa; problem; process; prototype; questions; research; researchers; results; review; revision; solving; stage; students; study; table; test; thinking; timss; valid; volume cache: ijal-15119.pdf plain text: ijal-15119.txt item: #22 of 79 id: ijal-15333 author: Annisa, Rizki; Hidayah, Husnul; Hartono, Hartono; Supriyadi, Supriyadi title: Light Bulb Substitute Lens for Measuring Liquid Bias Index date: 2019-04-03 words: 2793 flesch: 54 summary: The result of index refractive index with the result of index of refractive table (provision) there is difference of 0,48. The result of index refractive index with the result of refractive index of the table (the provision) there is a difference of 0.44 Based on the results it is known that there is difference between n table with n measuring during practice with average 0,46, this is due to the limitations of practicum tools such as the bulb not perfectly rounded so that the radius of each side is different, and the glass thickness is neglected, in fact the glass has a refractive index of 1, 52. keywords: annisa; bias; bulb; convex; data; design; development; form; index; innovation; international; journal; lamp; learners; learning; lens; light; liquid; measuring; physics; practicum; product; refractive; refractive index; results; semarang; substitute; table; test; tool; validity; vol cache: ijal-15333.pdf plain text: ijal-15333.txt item: #23 of 79 id: ijal-15410 author: Siwi, Marheni Dharyadi; Siswandari, Siswandari; Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi title: The Correlation between Leadership, Motivation, Work Climate and High Economic Teachers’ Performance in Karanganyar Regency date: 2019-04-09 words: 7059 flesch: 48 summary: In order to get work performance teachers must have high motivation commitment in wrestling profession as a teacher. The quality of teacher performance is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 16 of 2007 on Teacher Competency Standards developed intact from the four main competencies namely pedagogic competence, personality, social and professional. keywords: 0,05; active; analysis; better; climate; coefficient; competence; constant; correlation; criterion; dan; data; dharyadi; economic performance; economics; economics teacher; education; environment; factors; good; guru; headmaster; high; high school; hypothesis; increase; international; international journal; job; journal; karanganyar; karanganyar regency; leadership; learning; level; low; marheni; means; model; motivation; people; performance; positive; principal; principal leadership; quality; regency; regression; relationship; research; results; role; school; school climate; school economics; significant; siwi; social; study; table; teacher; teacher performance; test; value; variable; work; work climate; work motivation; working cache: ijal-15410.pdf plain text: ijal-15410.txt item: #24 of 79 id: ijal-15777 author: Anisa, Ike; Widayanti, Sukasih Ratna title: English Academic Writing for The Students of Widya Dharma University of Klaten date: 2019-07-18 words: 2346 flesch: 62 summary: One way to solve that feeling is to develop a statement for our self about what is valued in student writing, either in the classroom or in the institution as a whole. Keywords: academic writing; vocabulary, grammar __________________________________ keywords: academic; data; dharma; difficult; education; english; ideas; important; journal; klaten; language; learning; problems; qualitative; research; sentences; skill; students; teaching; topic; university; vocabulary; widya; words; writing cache: ijal-15777.pdf plain text: ijal-15777.txt item: #25 of 79 id: ijal-17181 author: Chuntala, Angela Diyansih Wisesa title: Saintific Approach in 21st Century Learning in Indonesian Language Learning Vocational School of Pharmacy date: 2019-10-14 words: 3473 flesch: 42 summary: As for example in speaking learning students majoring in pharmacy class X immediately asked to compile words containing an explanation of a drug to the patient then after that students are asked to speak in front of each other alternately. CONCLUSION Based on the research that has been done can be concluded that Indonesian teachers of SMK Bhakti Kencana has been able to apply a scientific approach to everyday learning in class X majoring in pharmacy. 21st century learning is simply interpreted as learning that gives 21st century skills to students, namely 4C which includes (1) communication, (2) collaboration, (3) critical thinking and problem solving, and (4) creative and innovative. keywords: 21st; 21st century; ability; accordance; active; angela; approach; century; chuntala; communication; curriculum; data; diyansih; education; high; indonesian; information; international; interviews; journal; knowledge; learning; lutfiyah; majoring; material; needs; number; observation; pharmacy; process; research; school; science; scientific; scientific approach; skills; smk; students; study; subjects; techniques; technology; vocational; wisesa; work; world cache: ijal-17181.pdf plain text: ijal-17181.txt item: #26 of 79 id: ijal-17638 author: Adibifar, Karam title: Student Evaluations of Professors: Does A Professors’ Gender, Race, or Age Influence Student Ratings? date: 2019-10-14 words: 6001 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: student ratings, professors, gender, age, race, evaluation, expectation state theory. Furthermore, the research findings suggest that professors’ attitudes and interactions, as well as whether or not they post student grade, or accept students’ assignments online affects student ratings of professors. keywords: active; adibifar; age; analysis; anderson; berger; characteristics; data; different; education; evaluation; expectation; expected; faculty; female; female professors; findings; gender; groups; higher; hypotheses; impact; influence; interaction; international; journal; karam; learning; level; lower; majority; males; perceptions; professors; race; rate; ratings; relationship; relevant; research; situation; social; states; students; studies; study; teaching; theory; university; use; variables; variance; white; zelditch cache: ijal-17638.pdf plain text: ijal-17638.txt item: #27 of 79 id: ijal-18109 author: Soeprayitno, Soeprayitno; Rahayu, Purwati Yuni title: The Influence of Knowledge Management towards Motivation Teaching in Boarding Schools date: 2019-10-14 words: 6077 flesch: 49 summary: Boarding schools as a subculture, according to Wahid (1999), formed by the elements: (1) pattern of independent boarding schools leadership not co- opted by the State; (2) general reference books that are always used from different centuries; and (3) value system used is part of the wider community. Boarding schools is an educational institution in the formation of character students who have pretty strong sosio-historis roots, thus making it able to occupy a central role in the world of education in Indonesia. keywords: active; active learning; activities; analysis; applied; aspects; average; awards; boarding; boarding schools; business; case; center; culture; data; description; dimensions; discussion; educational; employee; explicit; general; good; group; highest; important; individual; indonesia; influence; institutions; international; islamic; islamic boarding; issue; jakarta; journal; king; knowledge; knowledge management; leadership; learning; level; life; lowest; management; model; modern; motivation; needs; new; opportunity; organization; people; performance; pesantren; process; quality; relationship; research; researchers; responsibility; results; schools; science; sem; soeprayitno; std; students; study; table; tacit; teachers; teaching; value; variable; work cache: ijal-18109.pdf plain text: ijal-18109.txt item: #28 of 79 id: ijal-18218 author: Arini, Narita Dyah; Joyoatmojo, Soetarno; Riani, Asri Laksmi title: The Think Pair Share Type of Cooperative Learning Model Application using Scientific Approach with Videoscribe Media Aid date: 2019-10-14 words: 5243 flesch: 52 summary: It confirms the result of previous studies (Iyer, Kothiyal, Majumdar, and Murthy 2013; Chikmiyah and Sugiarto 2012; and Tint and Nyunt 2015) stating that Think Pair Share learning is the active learning containing an activity of thinking independently in answering a question, discussing with partner, and discussing by presenting the result of discussion in the class, in order to get a correct answer. The Think Pair Share (TPS) type of cooperative learning model application with videoscribe aid using the syntax of delivering the learning objective, motivating the students, and presenting information with videoscribe aid, Think, Pair, Share, and evaluation and rewarding in cycle 2 also results in the improvement in the students’ learning activeness. keywords: action; activeness; activities; aid; application; cooperative; cooperative learning; cycle; cycle ii; data; education; graders; high; improvement; international; ips; journal; learning; learning model; learning outcome; mean; mmc; model; negeri; outcome; pair; pair share; prior; prior action; research; result; score; share; sma; students; sukoharjo; think; tps; type; videoscribe cache: ijal-18218.pdf plain text: ijal-18218.txt item: #29 of 79 id: ijal-20022 author: Puspasari, Magdalena Dwi; Mampouw, Helti Lygia title: Cognitive Ability Profiles of Junior High School Students with High Mathematical Abilities in Numbers Material Based on TIMSS Domain date: 2019-04-17 words: 3745 flesch: 58 summary: The data colletion instruments were TIMSS questions on whole numbers and fraction and the interview guidelines. The result of the data analysis is presented in the forms of the subjects’ cognitive ability profile in answering TIMSS questions on numbers. keywords: abilities; ability; able; answer; applying; aspect; cognitive; concept; correct; dan; data; different; figure; fractions; high; indonesia; international; junior; jurnal; knowing; knowledge; learning; limited; low; matematika; mathematical; numbers; pendidikan; profile; questions; reasoning; research; result; school; siswa; students; study; subjects; timss; understanding cache: ijal-20022.pdf plain text: ijal-20022.txt item: #30 of 79 id: ijal-20024 author: Putratama, Alfadeo Adi; Sutriyono, Sutriyono; Pratama, Fika Widya title: A Comparison of The Learning Outcomes Resulted from Jigsaw and TSTS Learning Models Viewed from The Students’ Self Regulated Learning date: 2019-10-17 words: 5183 flesch: 57 summary: The study done by Kurniadi et al dkk (2014) in several high schools in Kabupaten Kudus implemented Jigsaw learning model with NHT. The steps of Jigsaw learning model used in this research were (1) teacher put the students into groups of four to five, (2) each group member received a different sub topic, (3) all group members having the same sub topic left their original group and formed a new group (the expert group) to discuss the sub topic, (4) Having finished discussing in the expert group, all members returned to their original group to teach the subtopic to their group mates, (5) After discussing, each group presented the work, (6) during presentation, teacher and the other groups gave comments and evaluation, and (7) teacher invited all students to conclude the topic having been learned. keywords: active; adi; alfadeo; bringin; class; control; cooperative; cooperative learning; dan; data; difference; equal; experimental; expert; group; high; independent; induction; information; international; jigsaw; journal; learning; learning models; learning scores; level; low; mathematical; mean; medium; members; mipa; models; outcomes; pembelajaran; pendidikan; post; putratama; regulated; research; result; sample; scores; self; significance; students; table; testing; topic; tsts; value; variances cache: ijal-20024.pdf plain text: ijal-20024.txt item: #31 of 79 id: ijal-20025 author: Nugroho, Jeffrey; Linawati, Lilik; Mahatma, Tundjung title: Analysis of Lecturers Competency Performance Evaluation using Fuzzy Modeling date: 2019-10-17 words: 4975 flesch: 64 summary: Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana has conducted lecturer performance evaluation using the “Beban Kinerja Dosen” report –performance report based on credit units– as regulated by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education / MENRISTEKDIKTI, for lecturers who have been certified. The performance evaluation based on lecturer competence in this paper hereinafter is referred to as lecturer performance evaluation. keywords: active; aspect; assessment; average; competency; data; evaluation; excellent; fair; figure; fis; function; fuzzy; good; input; international; jeffrey; journal; learning; lecturer; logic; mamdani; membership; method; nugroho; output; pedagogic; performance; personality; poor; professional; results; rules; set; social; value; variable;  ;   cache: ijal-20025.pdf plain text: ijal-20025.txt item: #32 of 79 id: ijal-20043 author: Haryanti, Sri; Setyandari, Ana title: Developing Students’ Multicultural Background in Structure Courses date: 2019-10-18 words: 5368 flesch: 69 summary: What researchers did was asking students to allude their hobbies in practicing the English structures. This appeal was initially ignored by students. keywords: academic; active; background; basic; book; case; clause; comparison; cooking; courses; cultures; custom; data; datum; degree; descriptive; design; different; drawing; education; english; environment; football; haryanti; hobbies; hobby; important; international; journal; language; learning; life; making; method; multicultural; music; novel; number; pattern; people; practice; program; qualitative; reading; related; research; researchers; second; sentences; singing; sri; structure; students; study; subordinate; swimming; teacher; teaching; words; writers cache: ijal-20043.pdf plain text: ijal-20043.txt item: #33 of 79 id: ijal-20319 author: Putri, Novela Nariska; Martono, Trisno; Sudiyanto, Sudiyanto title: Implementation of Dual System Education (DSE) Program in Accounting Expertise Program at SMK PGRI 1 Ponorogo date: 2019-08-01 words: 4388 flesch: 45 summary: The effectiveness of DSE program implementation can be seen from the results of the average score of each indicator based on the predetermined criteria. This is to realize the link and match of schools and cooperative institutions from planning to the output process in the implementation of DSE program. keywords: accounting; assessment; average; data; determination; documentation; dse; dse program; dual; dual system; education; education program; effective; effectiveness; expertise; expertise program; graduates; implementation; industry; input; journal; learning; overall; pgri; planning; ponorogo; portfolio; preparation; process; product; program; psg; results; school; score; smk; stages; system; system education; table; vocational; work cache: ijal-20319.pdf plain text: ijal-20319.txt item: #34 of 79 id: ijal-21073 author: Legowo, Budi; Kusharjanta, Bambang; Sutomo, Artono Dwijo; Mulyadi, Mulyadi; Wahyuningsih, Daru title: Increasing Competency 4C using The G-Suite Application for Education date: 2019-09-25 words: 1282 flesch: 43 summary: The results of evaluating the implementation of the 1st and 2nd strand cycles in learning shown that students could follow recovery with conventional learning methods (lectures and offline discussions) and or with online learning methods (online learning interactions) Evaluation of the implementation of classic learning activities was carried out at the end of the 1st strand cycle and the implementation of online learning activities was carried out at the end of the 2nd strand cycle. keywords: 2nd; activities; budi; collaboration; cycle; education; face; figure; google; implementation; learning; legowo; methods; online; pedagogi; strand; students; study; suite; wawasan cache: ijal-21073.pdf plain text: ijal-21073.txt item: #35 of 79 id: ijal-22767 author: Pikoli, Masrid title: Using Guided Inquiry Learning with Multiple Representations to Reduce Misconceptions of Chemistry Teacher Candidates on Acid-Base Concept date: 2020-04-02 words: 5568 flesch: 50 summary: Data collectionused three- tier diagnostic test form with a 24-item test to solicit student misconceptions on the concept of acids and bases. Reducing misconceptions students to know the decrease percentage of MK1, MK2, and MK3. keywords: acid; active; analysis; base; candidates; category; change; chemical; chemistry; class; concepts; conceptual; education; figure; group; high; inquiry; international; journal; learning; levels; macroscopic; masrid; misconceptions; mk1; mk2; mk3; multiple; multiple representations; percentage; pikoli; practice; reduction; representations; research; results; school; science; shift; solution; students; submicroscopic; symbolic; teacher; test; tier; treagust; ttk; understanding; university cache: ijal-22767.pdf plain text: ijal-22767.txt item: #36 of 79 id: ijal-22768 author: Setiyarini, Chatarina Titik; Kristiani, Elizabeth Betty Elok; Yulianto, Sri title: The Study of Morphology, Phytochemical, and Distribution of Pittosporum moluccanum in Mount Merbabu National Park (TNGM)For the Development of Educationl Teaching Materials date: 2020-04-02 words: 3965 flesch: 59 summary: Look at tabel Phytochemical screening result of P. moluccanum leaves and fruit Chemical Group Test Type Result Flavonoid Mg powder Positive Tannin FeCl3 Gelatin salt Stiasny Positive Quinone NaOH Negative Saponin Soap test Positive Steroids Liberman Burchard Positive Alkaloids Dragendorff (filter paper) The NIR spectrum of P. moluccanum leaves and fruits is similar. keywords: active; analysis; area; aromatic; chatarina; color; compounds; cover; dan; data; distribution; evi; field; filter; filtrate; flavonoids; form; fruit; high; hot; imagery; index; infrared; international; interpretation; journal; land; learning; leaves; light; materials; merbabu; minutes; moluccanum; morphology; mount; ndvi; near; nir; park; phytochemical; pittosporum; plants; positive; quercetin; red; remote; results; sample; satellite; screening; selo; setiyarini; smell; studies; study; test; titik; tube; value; vegetation cache: ijal-22768.pdf plain text: ijal-22768.txt item: #37 of 79 id: ijal-23933 author: Burke, Christian; Luu, Richard; Lai, Andy; Hsiao, Valerie; Cheung, Elwin; Tamashiro, Dustin; Ashcroft, Jared title: Making STEM Equitable: An Active Learning Approach to Closing the Achievement Gap date: 2020-10-09 words: 8065 flesch: 45 summary: Though these ever-evolving programs have kept STEM education in constant flux, each successive development has focused on quantifying teaching effectiveness with implementation of modern pedagogy to increase student learning (Lamb 2015). Instead, they discovered a positive correlation between student learning and explanation of common misconceptions; they suggested use of active learning to change misconceptions specific within the class. keywords: academic; achievement; acs; active; active learning; analysis; approach; asian; burke; chemical; chemistry; chemistry course; christian; city; classes; classroom; college; community; completion; course; coursework; data; education; effectiveness; engagement; engineering; et al; exam; future; gap; general; general chemistry; greater; higher; hispanic; hispanic students; implementation; increase; inquiry; instructor; international; introductory; journal; lab; learning; learning students; lecture; life; low; material; mathematics; mean; minority; norms; number; pedagogy; percentage; points; practices; prepared; problem; progression; progression success; project; rates; research; science; scientific; scores; self; semester; sequence; skills; stem; strategies; students; study; success; table; teaching; technology; time; traditional; traditional lecture; undergraduate; underrepresented; university; urm; use; white cache: ijal-23933.pdf plain text: ijal-23933.txt item: #38 of 79 id: ijal-23985 author: Martaningsih, Sri Tutur title: Evaluation of The Success of Career Guidance Program in Vocational High Schools (VHS) date: 2022-04-08 words: 4960 flesch: 54 summary: This study aimed to evaluate the success of career guidance for students and administer an improved recommendation implemented by vocational schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The result furthermore showed the success rate of career guidance reached an average of 80.86 of 100 in the very good category. keywords: active; analysis; aspects; assertiveness; attitude; average; career; career guidance; career readiness; career understanding; changes; characteristics; code; component; counseling; criteria; development; dollarhide; educational; environment; evaluasi; evaluation; exploration; factor; figure; good; grade; guidance; high; improved; improvement; information; instrument; interests; international; journal; learning; measurement; minimum; new; pendidikan; positive; program; quality; rate; readiness; recommendation; reliability; research; result; scale; schools; self; service; skills; smartpls; students; success; table; test; theory; total; understanding; vhs; vocational; work; world; yogyakarta cache: ijal-23985.pdf plain text: ijal-23985.txt item: #39 of 79 id: ijal-24017 author: Azalia, Izatul; Sudarmin, Sudarmin; Wisnuadi, Aries title: The Effects of Ethnoscience Integrated STEM E-Book Application on Student’s Science Generic Skills in Chemical Equilibrium Topic date: 2020-04-02 words: 3933 flesch: 48 summary: The analysis results of the effect of the ethnoscience integrated STEM e-book implementation on student learning outcomes obtained biserial coefficient of 0.90 included in the high category with a coefficient of determination of 82%. Mahendrani (2015) states that the development of photography ethnic e-book which is applied to the effective learning process of student learning outcomes with an increase from the cognitive domain with classical completeness 86.44% and N-Gain by 0.5 with a level moderate achievement and activeness of students in the very active category. keywords: active; analysis; application; book; category; chemical; chemistry; class; coefficient; cognitive; competencies; control; control class; culture; dan; data; determination; effect; equilibrium; ethnoscience; experimental; experimental class; form; generic; generic skills; group; increase; indicator; integrated; international; izatul; journal; knowledge; learning; local; logical; materials; observation; outcomes; pembelajaran; pendidikan; research; results; science; science generic; skills; stem; students; table; teaching; technology; test; topic; use; value cache: ijal-24017.pdf plain text: ijal-24017.txt item: #40 of 79 id: ijal-24126 author: Haryanti, Sri; Setyandari, Ana title: English Students’ Character Reflected in Teaching and Learning of Seminar on Linguistics Course date: 2020-04-02 words: 5846 flesch: 53 summary: Based on the statements above, it is better for students to pay attention to the factors above in conducting a seminar. Seminars advocate and support experiential learning where students are contributors in finding truth and forming their own perspective of the truth through experience (Aubrey & Riley, 2016); Piaget & Vygotsky as cited in (Passarelli & Kolb, 2011). keywords: active; answer; ask; brave; brown; character; cognitive; communicative; competence; confident; content; cooperative; course; curious; data; discussants; discussion; education; english; express; field; general; good; haryanti; honest; ideas; international; journal; language; learning; lecturer; linguistics; material; method; paper; participants; people; personality; presentation; principal; process; question; research; respectful; result; seminar; sri; students; study; style; teaching; theories; traits; understanding; university; way; writers cache: ijal-24126.pdf plain text: ijal-24126.txt item: #41 of 79 id: ijal-24912 author: Wicaksono, Harits Agung; Pristiwati, Rahayu title: Analysis of Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) of Explanation Text In Class XI Senior High School For Curriculum 2013 date: 2020-04-02 words: 4509 flesch: 46 summary: In the LIP analyzed by researchers, it is necessary to increase creativity in implementing learning components so that they can be adapted to technology-based millennial era learning patterns. Learning activities will be more organized with the Learning Implementation Plan. keywords: accordance; achievement; activities; allocation; analysis; assessment; competency; components; curriculum; data; educators; explanatory; identity; implementation; indicators; learning; learning activities; lesson; lip; materials; media; objectives; operational; plan; research; resources; results; school; scientific; subject; suitability; syllabus; teaching; text; time; verbs cache: ijal-24912.pdf plain text: ijal-24912.txt item: #42 of 79 id: ijal-27609 author: Krismiyati, Krismiyati; Tupessy, Pricilia Musesil; Yulia, Hanita title: Pre Service Teachers’ Self-efficacy in Professional Competence Courses Offered at Faculty of Information Technology in a Private University in Salatiga date: 2020-10-08 words: 5034 flesch: 57 summary: METHOD This study aims to investigate the self- efficacy of pre-service teachers while they are on teacher education training. Having the belief of being competent in the subject area during the years of training are essential aspect for pre-service teachers. keywords: ability; academic; active; bandura; batch; belief; competence; courses; data; dimension; education; efficacy; effort; generality; high; information; international; interval; item; journal; learning; level; pre; preservice; professional; professional competence; relation; result; self; selfefficacy; service; service teachers; situation; strength; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; training cache: ijal-27609.pdf plain text: ijal-27609.txt item: #43 of 79 id: ijal-27782 author: Wahyuni, Promes Sari; Haryani, Sri; Jumaeri, Jumaeri title: Design of Integrated Corrosion E-module Vocational Context to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class X Students in Vocational High School date: 2020-10-16 words: 3771 flesch: 48 summary: The effectiveness of the e-module is shown by the increase in critical thinking skills of students with the achievement of N- gain of 0.57 in the medium category and classical completeness by 86.12%. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the student's worksheet developed to meet the criteria of valid, effective, practical, and can improve critical thinking skills. keywords: active; analysis; basic; category; chemical; chemistry; context; corrosion; criteria; critical; critical thinking; dan; data; development; display; effectiveness; et al; expertise; figure; good; high; international; journal; kimia; learning; material; mean; media; medium; module; pendidikan; process; promes; questionnaire; questions; research; response; results; sari; schools; sheet; skills; students; subjects; table; teaching; test; thinking; thinking skills; use; validation; vocational; wahyuni cache: ijal-27782.pdf plain text: ijal-27782.txt item: #44 of 79 id: ijal-28390 author: Wicaksono, Harits Agung; Pristiwati, Rahayu title: The Suitability of Video Learning Media on Youtube with Poetry Writing Learning Materials Curriculum date: 2021-04-11 words: 4720 flesch: 53 summary: The video for composing poetry has explained the structure of the theme well 2 Poetry by paying attention to diction Compose poetry by paying attention to diction A video composed of poetry describes the structure of diction in detail 3 Poetry with attention to language style Write poetry by paying attention to the language style Video writing poetry provides a detailed stylistic structure 4 Poetry by paying attention to his imagination Compose poetry by paying attention to his imagination Video composed of poetry has clearly presented the structure of the image 5 Poetry with attention to its structure Composing poetry by paying attention to its structure The video of the poetry arrangement conveys the structure of the theme 2 Poetry by paying attention to diction Compose poetry by paying attention to diction A video composed of poetry describes the structure of diction in detail 3 Poetry with attention to language style Write poetry by paying attention to the language style Poetry writing video presents the stylistic structure of the language 4 Poetry by paying attention to his imagination Compose poetry by paying attention to his imagination Video composed of poetry has not presented a detailed image structure 5 Poetry with attention to its structure Composing poetry by paying attention to its structure The video of composing poetry already explains the physical and mental structure 6 Poetry by paying attention to its appearance Write poetry by paying attention to its appearance Videos of composing poetry do not yet describe the structural structure in detail keywords: analysis; appearance; attention; audiovisual; class; conformity; curriculum; data; description; detail; diction; form; image; imagination; language; learning; learning media; material; media; mental; mental structure; physical; poetry; point; research; results; sma; structure; style; suitability; table; teaching; theme; use; video; video learning; words; writing; youtube cache: ijal-28390.pdf plain text: ijal-28390.txt item: #45 of 79 id: ijal-28497 author: Wardani, Cindy Adelia; Jatmiko, Budi title: The Effectiveness of Tpack-Based Learning Physics with The PBL Model to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills date: 2021-04-15 words: 5827 flesch: 56 summary: Critical thinking skills are thinking skills that are needed to live in the 21st century. In terms: a) improving critical thinking skills of students is significant at α = 0.05 (2-tailed), b) mean n-gain score with high category, and c) nothing different in improving critical thinking skills of students at each class. keywords: active; activities; adelia; analysis; budi; cindy; class; class x; criteria; critical; critical thinking; curriculum; data; design; differences; education; following; gain; implementation; increase; independent; initial; international; ipa; jatmiko; journal; knowledge; learning; level; material; model; motion; negeri; online; pbl; pbl model; pembelajaran; pendidikan; physics; posttest; pretest; problems; process; research; results; score; skills; straight; students; study; tcount; teachers; test; thinking; thinking skills; tools; tpack; ttable; wardani; x ipa cache: ijal-28497.pdf plain text: ijal-28497.txt item: #46 of 79 id: ijal-28587 author: Sulistiyanti, Irma; Haryani, Sri; Cahyono, Edy title: Developing Problem Based Learning Module Containing Multiple Levels of Representation of Ksp Material to Improve Students' Problem Solving Ability date: 2021-04-19 words: 3902 flesch: 51 summary: The module is expected to describe the relationship between three levels of chemical representation (macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic) so that students can understand chemistry comprehensively (Gilbert and Treagust, 2009), because there are still many students who do not understand the concept of material comprehensively, especially at the submicroscopic level. Problem Based Learning The results of respondents from scale students got a mean value of 82.69%. keywords: abilities; ability; active; activities; chemical; chemistry; development; discussion; education; feasibility; gain; good; groups; international; irma; journal; learning; levels; material; media; model; module; multiple; pbl; pendidikan; pretest; problem; product; questionnaire; questions; representation; research; results; scale; science; section; skills; solubility; solving; stage; students; study; symbolic; table; teaching; test; thinking; use; validation cache: ijal-28587.pdf plain text: ijal-28587.txt item: #47 of 79 id: ijal-29006 author: Asmorowati, Dian Sri; Wardani, Sri; Mahatmanti, F. Widhi title: Analysis of Student Science Process Skills in The Practicum of Physical Chemistry Based on Linguistic and Interpersonal Intelligence date: 2021-02-11 words: 3574 flesch: 46 summary: Students are given laboratory skills through practicum activities, one of the practicum that supports student skills in the laboratory is the physics chemistry experiments. This is consistent with research by Kirch (2007) in Fitriyani et al. (2017) stated that discussion activities can improve student skills in asking questions. keywords: ability; active; activities; analysis; asmorowati; chemistry; class; dan; data; dian; education; et al; experiment; figure; high; hypothesis; important; indicators; intelligence; international; interpersonal; journal; keterampilan; laboratory; learning; linguistic; multiple; pembelajaran; pendidikan; percentage; physical; practicum; process; process skills; proses; questions; rate; reaction; research; results; sains; science; science process; skills; sps; sri; students; study; teaching cache: ijal-29006.pdf plain text: ijal-29006.txt item: #48 of 79 id: ijal-29651 author: Fatimah, Nuril; Hidayah, Rusly title: The Development of CIHOE Game As A Learning Media In The Elemental Chemistry Material date: 2021-10-29 words: 5195 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore an effective learning is needed to maximize student learning activities, even though the learning activities is independent by student. Learning chemistry by using game media such as CIHOE can help students have a pleasant experience in learning so that it will be easy to remember the materials. keywords: active; activities; activity; answer; appropriate; aspect; chemistry; chemistry learning; chemistry material; cihoe; cihoe game; completeness; data; development; educational; elemental; elemental chemistry; elements; fatimah; game; group; guidance; heaven; hidayah; international; island; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; main; material; media; method; nuril; objectives; observation; percentage; posttest; pretest; process; questionnaire; research; response; result; score; student; teacher; theory; use; validators; validity; value cache: ijal-29651.pdf plain text: ijal-29651.txt item: #49 of 79 id: ijal-30582 author: Prameshela, Rakeltamara Y.; Kristiyanto, Wahyu H.; Mampouw, Helti L. title: Developing Ardgotic Game to Improve Logarithm Learning Outcomes date: 2021-10-08 words: 3497 flesch: 60 summary: The information obtained suggests that vocational students are less interested in maths. Vocational students tend to emphasize practical things. keywords: achievement; active; analysis; ardgotic; board; cards; dan; design; development; discs; effective; evaluation; figure; game; good; increase; international; jurnal; kelas; learning; logarithm; mastery; matematika; mathematics; media; medium; othello; pendidikan; pengembangan; post; practical; prameshela; pre; problems; properties; question; rakeltamara; research; result; rules; salatiga; score; stage; students; table; test; use; vocational; vol; white cache: ijal-30582.pdf plain text: ijal-30582.txt item: #50 of 79 id: ijal-30756 author: Kurniawan, Rivaldi Dwi; Hidayah, Rusly title: Development of Android-based Kimi Kimo Adventure Game as Learning Media on Chemical Bonds date: 2021-10-17 words: 6934 flesch: 57 summary: Data analysis of student learning outcomes was obtained from the results of the pretest conducted before the use of the game and the posttest which was carried out after the students used the Kimi Kimo Adventure game as a learning medium. The Validity of Kimi Kimo Adventure game The validation process was carried out by experts, namely two chemistry lecturers at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya and one teacher at SMK Negeri 1 Driyorejo Gresik to obtain comments and suggestions so that the game developed was following the criteria that had been made on the validation sheet. keywords: active; activities; adventure; adventure game; android; average; bonding; category; chemical; chemistry; completeness; data; development; driyorejo; dwi; effectiveness; figure; game; game media; gresik; indicator; international; journal; kimi; kimi kimo; kimo; kimo adventure; learning; learning media; material; media; medium; mobile; negeri; outcomes; pendidikan; percentage; posttest; practical; practicality; pretest; process; question; questionnaire; research; response; results; rivaldi; score; smk; students; table; teacher; use; validity; value cache: ijal-30756.pdf plain text: ijal-30756.txt item: #51 of 79 id: ijal-31671 author: Sari, Rus Indah; Krismiyati, Krismiyati title: Exploring Source of Self-efficacy of Informatics and Computer Engineering Teacher Education Students during their Teaching Practicum date: 2021-10-21 words: 5989 flesch: 54 summary: This study aims to explore the sources of self-efficacy of student teachers, majoring in Informatics and Computer Engineering who have done their teaching practicum. It discusses the experiences influence the confidence of student teachers in their teaching practicum. keywords: able; active; activity; alghazo; arousal; awidi; bandura; category; class; communication; computer; confident; dan; data; dengan; diri; education; efficacy; emotional; emotions; engineering; example; experience; good; guru; important; increase; indah; influence; informatics; international; journal; kelas; lack; learning; mastery; material; mengajar; mereka; motivation; negative; participants; peers; pendidikan; performance; persuasion; positive; ppl; practicum; program; rus; sari; saya; school; self; selfefficacy; service; sources; student; student teachers; study; successful; task; teachers; teaching; teaching practicum; understanding; verbal; vicarious; yang cache: ijal-31671.pdf plain text: ijal-31671.txt item: #52 of 79 id: ijal-34371 author: Najib, Nasa; Jatmiko, Budi title: The Effectiveness of Physics Learning with Blended Learning Models using the Edmodo Application to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills date: 2022-04-01 words: 4947 flesch: 54 summary: In meeting student learning needs, appropriate and appropriate arrangements and blending of varied learning are needed (Smaldino & McElreath, 2016). Instruments in the study were in the form of learning device validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and critical thinking skills tests consisting of 5 description questions using four critical thinking indicators, namely interpretation, analysis, inference, and evaluation. keywords: active; analysis; application; average; berpikir; blended; blended learning; calculation; class; classes; criteria; critical; critical thinking; dan; data; edmodo; edmodo application; education; face; gain; high; increase; initial; international; journal; kbk; kritis; learning; learning model; level; material; mipa; model; ngronggot; online; pada; pendidikan; physics; posttest; pretest; process; research; results; score; skills; students; study; table; tcount; teacher; test; thinking; thinking skills; valid; value; x mipa cache: ijal-34371.pdf plain text: ijal-34371.txt item: #53 of 79 id: ijal-34372 author: Haryanti, Sri; Haryono, Purwo; Yuwono, Suhud Eko title: English Students’ and Lecturers’ Difficulties in Teaching and Learning of Participle Phrases date: 2022-04-02 words: 6299 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore, the students and lecturers have the same perception that the patterns of participle phrases which are different in active and passive meaning, especially in irregular verb formation need to be got more attention; the theories of participle phrase which are complicated need to be made simple and comprehensible. The test given covered 1) Changing the adjective clauses into participle phrases, such as “The paper which was presented by the students was inspiring”; 2) Combining the two sentences into one by changing the second sentence into participle phrase which refers to the italicized word in the first sentence, such as “My boss spoke to the man. keywords: active; adjective; adverb; children; clause; comprehending; course; data; different; difficulties; difficulty; english; football; form; grammar; international; irregular; journal; knowledge; language; learning; lecturers; material; meaning; modifier; need; new; noun; participial; participle; participle phrases; passive; past; patterns; perfect; phrases; position; predicate; present; researchers; sentence; structure; students; study; subject; teachers; teaching; test; time; university; verb cache: ijal-34372.pdf plain text: ijal-34372.txt item: #54 of 79 id: ijal-34408 author: Permatahati, Martinda Intan; Faridi, Abdurrachman; Saleh, Mursid title: Translation Techniques of Culture Specific Items Found in “Of Mice and Men” Novel and Their Impact on Readability date: 2021-04-21 words: 2481 flesch: 56 summary: This article aims at finding the translation techniques that are applied in translating culture specific items (CSI) and explaining the readability level of translated novel in Of Mice and Men, entitled Tikus dan Manusia by Ariyantri E. Tarman. To find the best equivalent for culture specific items (CSI) in translation is, thus, one of the main concerns and the hardest part for each translator. keywords: active; addition; ari; category; creation; csi; cultural; culture; dan; data; english; international; items; journal; language; learning; level; localization; material; men; mice; newmark; novel; omission; preservation; readability; readable; readers; researcher; respondents; specific; specific items; target; techniques; text; translation cache: ijal-34408.pdf plain text: ijal-34408.txt item: #55 of 79 id: ijal-34704 author: Wildana, Maula Najikh; Sumarti, Sri Susilogati; Susilaningsih, Endang; Nuryanto, Nuryanto title: Validity of Chemo-entrepreneurship Teaching Material to Analyze Students’ Cognitive in Redox Reaction date: 2022-04-26 words: 4680 flesch: 48 summary: There are 26 passed students and 4 not passed. The research flow chart is designed according to the research flow, starting from field observations, analysis of problems and needs, the process of designing teaching materials products, product validation and testing processes, product implementation, data analysis of research results, and drawing conclusions. keywords: 2017; active; activities; aliyah; analysis; berorientasi; cep; chemical; chemistry; chemo; chemoentrepreneurship; class; cognitive; creative; daily; data; design; development; education; effective; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; evaluation; good; implementation; international; journal; kimia; learning; making; materials; media; minimum; mipa; pass; pass pass; pendidikan; pengembangan; phase; picture; product; project; redox; research; responses; results; science; score; stage; students; sumarti; table; teachers; teaching; teaching materials; test; trial; validation cache: ijal-34704.pdf plain text: ijal-34704.txt item: #56 of 79 id: ijal-34874 author: Dewi, Siti Herlina; Sudarmin, Sudarmin; Haryani, Sri; Sulistyaningsih, Triastuti title: Laboratory Course During Pandemic Covid-19: Do Lab at Home to Promote Creative Thinking Skill date: 2022-04-20 words: 3727 flesch: 51 summary: Quantitative use of red cabbage to measure pH through spectrophotometry: A laboratory experience for general chemistry students. Laboratory skills for chemistry students are inseparable. keywords: acid; active; addition; analysis; baking; base; chemical; chemistry; class; course; creative; data; education; fluency; general; haryani; home; indicator; international; journal; laboratory; learning; materials; method; natural; practicum; prasetya; project; research; results; rgb; risk; semester; skills; soda; solution; students; study; thinking; use; videos cache: ijal-34874.pdf plain text: ijal-34874.txt item: #57 of 79 id: ijal-34999 author: Patricia, Novita; Sumarni, Woro; Mursiti, Sri title: Analysis of Students' Critical and Creative Thinking Skills on the Application Of A Problem-Based Learning Model Contained with Etno-Science (Etno-PBL) date: 2022-03-04 words: 3605 flesch: 50 summary: Critical thinking skills measured in this study include asking basic questions and solving and organizing strategies and tactics. Next, we analyzed the results of the critical thinking test for each aspect of critical thinking skills. keywords: ability; active; analysis; application; approach; average; category; chemistry; creative; creative thinking; critical; critical thinking; culture; data; education; ethnoscience; figure; form; gain; high; increase; international; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; model; posttest; problem; process; research; results; score; skills; students; study; sudarmin; test; thinking; thinking skills; thomas; value cache: ijal-34999.pdf plain text: ijal-34999.txt item: #58 of 79 id: ijal-36491 author: Sa’adah, Nailis; Haryani, Sri; Mahatmanti, Widhi title: Analisys of Chemical Misconceptions of Stoichiometry Materials Using Certainty of Response Index date: 2022-04-01 words: 4557 flesch: 52 summary: Student misconceptions can be identified using several methods, one of which is using the Certainty of Response Index (CRI) method (Sadhu et al., 2017). The modified CRI method can overcome problems that tend to be unsure of what learners answer, in this method also allows learners to provide reasons for the answers that learners choose so that they can reveal the location of student misconceptions based on the reasons that learners write (Waluyo et al., 2019). keywords: active; analysis; answer; atomic; average; basic; category; certainty; chemical; chemistry; concepts; correct; cri; data; high; index; indicator; international; journal; law; laws; learners; learning; low; mass; misconceptions; model; molecular; number; percentage; posttest; pretest; questions; reaction; relative; research; response; results; stoichiometric; students; study; table; understanding; wrong cache: ijal-36491.pdf plain text: ijal-36491.txt item: #59 of 79 id: ijal-36629 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c6bad720b5 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-36629.htm plain text: ijal-36629.txt item: #60 of 79 id: ijal-42759 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c61edf206d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-42759.htm plain text: ijal-42759.txt item: #61 of 79 id: ijal-44121 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55ca4bf3a613 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44121.htm plain text: ijal-44121.txt item: #62 of 79 id: ijal-44131 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 76 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55bfca0fa631 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44131.htm plain text: ijal-44131.txt item: #63 of 79 id: ijal-44276 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c05d09209d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44276.htm plain text: ijal-44276.txt item: #64 of 79 id: ijal-44373 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c5b8bf20b5 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44373.htm plain text: ijal-44373.txt item: #65 of 79 id: ijal-44665 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c8b8fc2055 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44665.htm plain text: ijal-44665.txt item: #66 of 79 id: ijal-44768 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c76be020b5 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44768.htm plain text: ijal-44768.txt item: #67 of 79 id: ijal-44804 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c4ce2a2037 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-44804.htm plain text: ijal-44804.txt item: #68 of 79 id: ijal-45200 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c68aeea625 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-45200.htm plain text: ijal-45200.txt item: #69 of 79 id: ijal-45774 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55cb3c622085 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-45774.htm plain text: ijal-45774.txt item: #70 of 79 id: ijal-46330 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 76 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf55c5abcf2055 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare; security cache: ijal-46330.htm plain text: ijal-46330.txt item: #71 of 79 id: ijal-7733 author: Wahyuningsih, Daru title: Active Learning Through Discussion in E-Learning date: 2016-11-05 words: 1480 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Active Learning, E-learning, Discussion _______________________ E-learning strategies: how to get implementation and delivery right first time. keywords: active; answer; course; discussion; education; face; figure; journal; learning; lecturer; lms; maret; measurement; opinions; research; sebelas; students cache: ijal-7733.pdf plain text: ijal-7733.txt item: #72 of 79 id: ijal-7734 author: Anisa, Ike title: Enhancing Student’s English Proficiency Through Experiential Learning date: 2016-11-05 words: 3481 flesch: 59 summary: In conclusion, experiential learning will give a significant contribution to the success of teaching learning process. Keywords: Experiential learning, enhance English proficiency _______________________ Abstract ____________________________________________________________ keywords: abstract; active; anisa; cambridge; classroom; commands; concrete; english; experience; experiential; experiential learning; fun; game; ike; interesting; international; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; learning process; meaning; method; new; order; practice; press; process; proficiency; research; students; teacher; teaching; university; vocabulary; way; words cache: ijal-7734.pdf plain text: ijal-7734.txt item: #73 of 79 id: ijal-7736 author: Legowo, Budi title: Learning Strategy of Role Playing in The Material Submission of The Nuclear Power Application Environmental Physics Subjects date: 2016-11-05 words: 1177 flesch: 43 summary: This strategy brings active student playing the role of the government (policy makers), a group of scientists (neutral) and community groups who refused. This strategy encourages students to hone the skills of independent learning (individual or group) and can help students to appreciate his knowledge either in small discussion (group) as well as the delivery of openly (public debate). keywords: active; debate; discussion; environmental; group; information; international; journal; knowledge; learning; legowo; material; nuclear; physics; playing; power; role; strategy; students; study cache: ijal-7736.pdf plain text: ijal-7736.txt item: #74 of 79 id: ijal-7737 author: Surastina, Surastina title: Students’ Errors in Reading Indonesian Poetry “Aku” (I) in Terms of Articulation and Stressing–Intonation date: 2016-11-05 words: 3954 flesch: 60 summary: Besides stressing, intonation skills can not be ignored in reading poetry (Hadaway et al., 2001; Middleton, 2005; Rasinski, 2006). Based on interview result, they feel confuse to give high or low stressing- intonation, and used to follow their feeling and habit in reading poetry. keywords: active; aku; aloud; articulation; berlari; biar; bisa; chairil; common; daily; dan; english; error; goals; hidup; high; indonesian; interlude; international; interview; intonation; journal; kulitku; lagi; language; learning; life; line; low; luka; mau; meaning; menembus; pattern; perlu; phoneme; poetry; primary; reading; research; result; sentence; skills; stanza; stressing; stressingintonation; students; surastina; table; tak; tidak; word cache: ijal-7737.pdf plain text: ijal-7737.txt item: #75 of 79 id: ijal-7738 author: Ismawati, Esti title: Religiosity in Wedhatama by KGPAA Mangkunagara IV: An Education Model A La Javanese Culture date: 2017-08-02 words: 6085 flesch: 62 summary: From the works were the believers of kejawen also gain valuable religious texts as guiding doctrine for kejawen (Suwondo, 1994), including religious values, among others: keimantauhidan, human remembrance of God, and man's obedience to God's word. The analysis results in conclusion that Wedhatama by Mangkunagara IV contains high religious values, which is manifested in a belief that human beings depend on God and God is a source of salvation, so human beings should be close to or surrender deeply to God. keywords: abangan; able; absence; active; angry; attitude; bad; behavior; belief; believers; body; book; calmness; character; children; community; creator; culture; dan; deeds; desire; divine; education; esti; fate; following; geertz; god; good; groups; gusti; hearts; human; humble; international; islam; ismawati; jakarta; javanese; jawa; journal; kang; kawula; kejawen; knowledge; lan; law; learning; life; lord; man; mangkunagara; manunggaling; meaning; means; mind; moral; muhammad; mysticism; obedience; order; pangeran; patience; people; person; physical; prayers; priyayi; prophet; rasa; real; religion; religiosity; religious; religious values; revelation; santri; sembah; sense; sincere; sincerity; solitude; soul; strong; sunan; teachings; text; things; true; trust; values; way; wedhatama; willingness; work; world; worship cache: ijal-7738.pdf plain text: ijal-7738.txt item: #76 of 79 id: ijal-7741 author: Afadil, Afadil; Suyono, Suyono; Poedjiastoeti, Sri title: Effectiveness of Learning Based Problem Solving with Aspect Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology to Increase Critical Thinking Ability and Understanding Thermochemical Concept of Students date: 2017-08-02 words: 4411 flesch: 44 summary: This study is part of a development of problem solving learning model with aspects of ontology, epistemology, and axiology (Model PS-TRILOGI) to improve critical thinking skills and student understanding of Thermochemistry concepts. The fundamental essence of this learning model developed is a form of chemical problems penyuguhan authentic and meaningful to the students to be solved through fundamental assessment cooperatively to help improve critical thinking skills and student understanding of concepts. keywords: ability; active; activities; afadil; analysis; application; aspects; axiology; category; changes; concept; critical; critical thinking; data; development; effectiveness; epistemology; gain; high; implementation; inference; information; interest; international; interpretation; journal; kimia; learners; learning; material; model; objectives; ontology; problem; regulation; response; results; self; skills; students; study; test; thermochemical; thermochemistry; thinking; thinking skills; trilogi; understanding cache: ijal-7741.pdf plain text: ijal-7741.txt item: #77 of 79 id: ijal-7781 author: Saputri, Dyah Ayu Febrianna; Widyaningrum, Trianik title: Misconceptions Analysis on The Virus Chapter in Biology Textbooks for High School Students Grade X date: 2016-11-05 words: 3297 flesch: 50 summary: Analyzing This step is material analysis on virus chapter at biology textbooks for grade X. By reading, observing, and understanding the material. In analyzing the Virus chapter misconceptions in biology textbook for grade X using the instructions referred to journal of Dikmenli, Cardak, Oztas (2009: 430) and Hersey (2004). keywords: 2008; active; analysis; ayu; biology; biology textbook; campbell; categories; category; chapter; clarification; class; concept; dan; dyah; febrianna; figure; grade; high; image; international; journal; learning; misconceptions; misidentification; number; obsolete; oversimplification; percentage; picture; reference; research; saputri; school; students; study; teachers; term; textbook; trianik; undergeneralization; virus cache: ijal-7781.pdf plain text: ijal-7781.txt item: #78 of 79 id: ijal-9106 author: Yulia, Hanita title: Readiness for Blended Learning viewed from the Students’ Attitude towards Learning Aspects date: 2017-03-30 words: 5984 flesch: 51 summary: In addition, viewed from the proportion of online learning material, BL has 30-79% proportion of online learning (Allen et al, 2007: 5) so that the positive attitude the students have towards face-to-face learning can still support the implementation of BL as long as the teacher makes a combination of creative and innovative learning methods. Student attitudes towards face-to-face learning that negatively related to their readiness for BL implementation classified as positive in the amount of 77%. keywords: access; active; activities; adaptability; aspects; attitude; better; blended; chaw; classroom; course; dan; data; easy; education; face; face learning; flexibility; hanita; higher; implementation; information; interaction; international; internet; journal; learning; management; material; model; online; online learning; positive; readiness; ready; research; results; sbd; score; social; students; study; successful; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technology; use; web; yen; yulia cache: ijal-9106.pdf plain text: ijal-9106.txt item: #79 of 79 id: ijal-9388 author: Warsito, Warsito; Asrowi, Asrowi title: Effectiveness of Social Science Learning Based on Noble Values of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Teaching to Strengthen the Students’ Character date: 2017-03-30 words: 6357 flesch: 51 summary: Ki Hajar Dewantara wants and expects that character education must be integrated with the learning process in each subject matter, especially in social science subject matter. His expectation was also stated again by Ki Supriyoko in Jawa Pos Daily dated on February 15th, 2013 as follows: “Ki Hajar Dewantara states that character education must be delivered and taught by teachers to students. keywords: active; active learning; analysis; aspect; asrowi; boyolali; character; character education; control; cultural; curriculum; dan; data; development; dewantara; difference; documentation; education; effective; environmental; experimental; feeling; follows; good; group; hajar; hajar dewantara; implementation; indonesia; information; international; interview; items; journal; junior; junior secondary; karanganyar; ki hajar; klaten; knowledge; learning; learning process; life; matter; model; moral; new; noble; noble values; number; observation; people; positive; process; relevant; research; result; samples; school; science; science learning; secondary; secondary school; social; social science; sragen; state; state junior; students; subject; sukoharjo; surakarta; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; understanding; validity; values; variants; warsito cache: ijal-9388.pdf plain text: ijal-9388.txt