item: #1 of 137 id: ijoab-10114 author: Sarker, Antara; Samanta, Swadesh Chandra; Saha, Gopal title: Effect of nitrogen management and seedling raising methods on the productivity of Aus rice under tidal ecosystem of Bangladesh date: 2020-06-29 words: 7313 flesch: 67 summary: And, the possible way to meet this increases demand by improvement of rice yield per hectare (Liu et al., 2016). Highest grain yield of 4.62 t ha-1 was from the treatment combination N3W keywords: bed; dat; management; nitrogen; number; raising; rice; seed; seedling; table; urea; usg; yield cache: ijoab-10114.pdf plain text: ijoab-10114.txt item: #2 of 137 id: ijoab-10192 author: Adhikary, Bishnu Hari; Baral, Bandhu Raj; Shrestha, Jiban title: Productivity of winter maize as affected by varieties and fertilizer levels date: 2020-06-29 words: 3561 flesch: 67 summary: Results and Discussion The interaction between different fertilizer levels and varieties on grain yield showed that the highest grain yield (5195 kg/ha) was obtained in Rampur Composite followed by Manakamana-4 (5074 kg/ha) and Grain yield under different fertilizer levels and genotypes in 2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal Treatments Grain yield (kg/ha) Fertilizer levels 2009/10 2010/11 F1 (Control) 2538 1436 F2 (FYM 10 t /ha) 3713 2057 F3 (60:30:20 NPK plus FYM 10t/ha) 5103 3046 F4 (120:60:40 NPK plus FYM 10t/ha) 5938 3787 F5 (180:90:60 NPK kg/ha plus FYM 10 t/ha) 6068 3873 F6 (120:60:40 NPK kg/ha) 5490 3351 CV(%) 15.32 17.4 F-test ** ** LSD (0.05) 221.5 419.1 Genotypes V1 (Rampur Composite) 4882 3046 V2 (Manakamana-4) 4773 3042 V3 (Across9942 × Across9944) 4837 2816 V4 (S99TLYQ-B) 4740 2795 CV(%) 15.32 17.4 F-test Ns Ns LSD (0.05) 605 342.2 **Highly significant at 0.01 level, *Significant at 0.05 level and ns, non-significant. keywords: grain; maize; nepal; rampur; yield cache: ijoab-10192.pdf plain text: ijoab-10192.txt item: #3 of 137 id: ijoab-10222 author: Khairul, Khairul; Khairul, Khairul title: Fish Biodiversity in the Swamp Ecosystem of Barumun River Area date: 2020-06-29 words: 2369 flesch: -4 summary: Diversity of fish types has been utilized by the people to catch fish, as a material of consumption and economic income. Caught fish are identified using the book Saanin (1984), Kottelat et al (1993), and Iqbal (2011).he tools used in this research were Global Positioning System (GPS), plot size of 50x50 cm, meter roll, sample bags, tweezers, trays, writing instruments, cameras, bivalvia identification books. keywords: barumun; fish;; index; individuals; research; river; station; swamp; types cache: ijoab-10222.pdf plain text: ijoab-10222.txt item: #4 of 137 id: ijoab-10333 author: nurdin, erpi title: Comparison growth of Candida albicans in alternative media and semi-synthetic on fisheries cerumen in bastiong karance Ternate City date: 2020-06-29 words: 4174 flesch: 58 summary: With high nutritional content, fruit breadfruit is very potential to be developed as an alternative medium in making fungal growth media. Tn. keywords: albicans; alternative; candida; culture; ear; examination; fungal; fungi; growth; media; pda; results cache: ijoab-10333.pdf plain text: ijoab-10333.txt item: #5 of 137 id: ijoab-10360 author: Samanta Tanu, Shaon; Biswas, Purnendu; Ahmed, Sultan; Samanta, Swadesh Chandar title: EFFICACY OF SUNFLOWER RESIDUES AND HERBICIDES IN CONTROLLING WEEDS IN TRANSPLANTED RICE date: 2020-06-29 words: 6382 flesch: 60 summary: 100 Abstract The experiment was conducted at Agronomy Field Laboratory of Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali, Bangladesh from July 2018 to November 2018 to find out the effect of sunflower residues and herbicides on weed control and yield of T. Aman rice. Phyrazosulfuron ethyl (a new pre-emergence herbicide) is being used successfully for weed control in T.Aus and T. Aman rice in this area. keywords: butachlor; control; density; ethyl; herbicides; pyrazosulfuron; pyrazosulfuron ethyl; residues; rice; sunflower; weed; yield cache: ijoab-10360.pdf plain text: ijoab-10360.txt item: #6 of 137 id: ijoab-10459 author: Fahruddin, Fahruddin title: Accumulation of Heavy Metal Lead (Pb) and Effect of Stomates Number on Green Champa Leaves (Polyaltia Longifolia) in Industrial Area of Makassar City date: 2021-07-06 words: 3254 flesch: 60 summary: Differences in plant response to types of heavy metals caused by the characteristics of plants to the way of accumulation, as well as the level of tolerance of plants to the toxic effects of heavy metals Pb, even at low concentrations can affect plant metabolic processes (Fakhry and Migahid 2011). Differences in plant response to types of heavy metals caused by the characteristics of plants to the way of accumulation, as well as the level of tolerance of plants to the toxic effects of heavy metals Pb, even at low concentrations can affect plant metabolic processes (Fakhry and Migahid, 2011). keywords: champa; green; leaf; leaves; metal; stomata cache: ijoab-10459.pdf plain text: ijoab-10459.txt item: #7 of 137 id: ijoab-10555 author: Izevbuwa, Osazee Ekundayo; Okhuebor, Shadrach Osalumhense title: Occurrence of E. coli O157 H7 from meat products sold in Obinze abattoir, IMO State, Nigeria date: 2021-07-06 words: 4300 flesch: 55 summary: Identification of E. coli O157:H7 Some tests were carried out in the identification of E. coli O157:H7 which included the use of sorbitol MacConkey agar to detect sorbitol fermentation and the serological identification of E. coli O157:H7 with the use of the O157:H7 latex kit to check for agglutination. Samples Log10 CFU/ml E. coli Entrails Beef Processing water Table swab 4.16 ±0.56 3.58 ± 0.01 0.0 ± 0 0.0 ±0 Table 2: The percentage occurrence of E. coli, E. coli O157:H7 and non E. coli O157:H7 counts isolated from entrails, beef, table swabs and processing water samples from the Obinze abattoir, Imo state. keywords: beef; coli; coli o157; e. coli; escherichia; journal; o157; samples; table cache: ijoab-10555.pdf plain text: ijoab-10555.txt item: #8 of 137 id: ijoab-10724 author: Akpoka, Obhioze Augustine title: Microbiological Assessment of Roasted Dried Periwinkle (Tympanotonus Fuscatus) Sold in Yenagoa Bayelsa State date: 2021-07-06 words: 4902 flesch: 56 summary: Total fungi Count (10-5cfu/g) OA Opolo 22 25 1 1 OB Opolo 37 11 11 4 OC Opolo 12 15 5 6 SA Swali 30 13 3 4 SB Swali 29 12 2 5 SC Swali 49 30 13 3 KA Kpansia 38 17 12 4 KB Kpansia 18 28 3 7 KC Kpansia 20 10 8 2 Key: OA= Opolo A, OB = Opolo B, OC = Opolo C, SA = Swali A, SB = Swali B, SC = Swali C , KA = Kpansia A, KB = Kpansia B, KC = Kpansia C. Table 1 shows the levels of microbial load in dried periwinkle samples from three different markets in Yanegoa, Bayelsa State. Total bacterial populations of the samples from Opolo market range from 37×10-5- 12×10- 5 cfu/g, Swali range from 49×10-5 - 29×10-5 cfu/g, while Kpansia market range from 38×10-5- 18×10-5 cfu/g. keywords: cfu; food; international; isolates; journal; kpansia; market; market range; opolo; periwinkle; range; samples; species; swali; table; total cache: ijoab-10724.pdf plain text: ijoab-10724.txt item: #9 of 137 id: ijoab-10748 author: Musonye, Harry Asena; Njeru, Ezekiel Mugendi; Hassanali, Ahmed; Langata, Lydia Mali; Nonoh, James title: Molecular identification and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of bacterial isolates from urine samples of African buffalo, eland and cattle date: 2021-07-06 words: 3260 flesch: 60 summary: Differences in plant response to types of heavy metals caused by the characteristics of plants to the way of accumulation, as well as the level of tolerance of plants to the toxic effects of heavy metals Pb, even at low concentrations can affect plant metabolic processes (Fakhry and Migahid 2011). Differences in plant response to types of heavy metals caused by the characteristics of plants to the way of accumulation, as well as the level of tolerance of plants to the toxic effects of heavy metals Pb, even at low concentrations can affect plant metabolic processes (Fakhry and Migahid, 2011). keywords: champa; green; leaf; leaves; metal; stomata cache: ijoab-10748.pdf plain text: ijoab-10748.txt item: #10 of 137 id: ijoab-10770 author: Khairul, Khairul title: Abundance Index Slender Walking Catfish With Correlation of Water Quality In Natural Habitat date: 2021-07-06 words: 1760 flesch: 49 summary: The difference in the very high rainfall will also change the structure of the fish community because the difference in water surface changes so that it correlates to changing conditions and availability of habitat for fish (Jenkins & Jupiter, 2011) Correlation of Water Conditions with Abundance Index Results of the analysis of SPSS application Program version 22 used to determine the correlation of water quality condition in the form of: TDS, TSS, DO, BOD, COD, pH, and temperature with a abundance index C. leiacanthus at the research observation. A study related to the correlation of water quality with fish abundance index is needed as a knowledge of determining biological and ecological needs of fish as a biological resource in a water.. keywords: abundance; fish; habitat; index; leiacanthus; quality; water cache: ijoab-10770.pdf plain text: ijoab-10770.txt item: #11 of 137 id: ijoab-10951 author: Lusno, Muhammad Farid Dimjati title: Association Between Smoking and Hypertension as Health Burden in Sidoarjo: A Case-Control Study date: 2021-07-06 words: 3624 flesch: 56 summary: Cigarette smoking is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the association between smoking and blood pressure is unclear (Li et al., 2017). There is evidence that the association of cigarette smoking with hypertension exponentially increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and events when compared to that of each of these factors singly acting (Leone, 2015). keywords: age; health; hypertension; risk; smoking; study; tobacco; value; years cache: ijoab-10951.pdf plain text: ijoab-10951.txt item: #12 of 137 id: ijoab-11008 author: Santosa, Slamet; Soekendarsi, Eddy; Hasan, Munif Said; Fahruddin, Fahruddin; Priosambodo, Dody title: Potential of Community Based Ecotourism of Bats Population (Megachiroptera) in Soppeng Regency , Indonesia date: 2021-07-06 words: 3855 flesch: 51 summary: Hijriati and Rina (2014), community based ecotourism is an ecotourism business that focuses on the active role of the community. International Journal of Applied Biology, 4(2), 2020 92 Analysis of community based ecotourism development keywords: bats; community; development; ecotourism; journal; people; population; regency; soppeng; soppeng regency; tourist cache: ijoab-11008.pdf plain text: ijoab-11008.txt item: #13 of 137 id: ijoab-11028 author: KAMAU, DANIEL NG'ANG'A; Kamau, Daniel Ng'ang'a title: Profiling antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic residues in raw chicken products sold around Kenyatta University, Kenya date: 2021-07-06 words: 5107 flesch: 53 summary: Out of this, 12 were from chicken meat samples, while 9 were from egg samples (Table 1.3). Eight of these isolates were from chicken meat samples while six isolates were from the surfaces of eggs samples. keywords: bacteria; chicken; coli; escherichia; food; journal; meat; products; residues; salmonella; samples cache: ijoab-11028.pdf plain text: ijoab-11028.txt item: #14 of 137 id: ijoab-11108 author: Sultan Mohideen, Abdul Khader; Habibullah, Mohamed title: FINE STRUCTURE OF TRICHOBOTHRIA IN THE SALTICID SPIDER MARPISSA CALCUTTAENSIS date: 2021-07-06 words: 3238 flesch: 56 summary: The measurements on spider trichobothria are used in physical and mathematical modeling studies on mechanical hair behavior for fluctuating air flows in biologically relevant frequencies of 10 to 950 Hz (Barth, 1993). There may be more than 45,700 different types of spider species worldwide (World spider catalogue, 2016). keywords: barth; biology; calcuttaensis; figure; hairs; leg; sensilla; slit; spider; trichobothria cache: ijoab-11108.pdf plain text: ijoab-11108.txt item: #15 of 137 id: ijoab-11355 author: Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah, Muhammad Yusril Hardiansyah title: The Identification of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria from Thorny Bamboo Rhizosphere with 3% KOH Gram Test and Gram Staining Test date: 2021-07-06 words: 4735 flesch: 56 summary: Based on the results of gram bacteria test using 3% KOH, on average PGPR spiked bamboo rhizosphere bacteria have mucus which means it is gram negative, wherein gram negative bacteria consist of Enterobactericeae (Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella), Pseudomonas, etc. and there are also PGH rhizosphere bamboo bacteria that do not have mucus, which means they are gram-positive, whereas gram-positive bacteria include Bacillus, Enterococcus, etc. Characteristics of gram positive bacteria is a simple cell wall structure, composed of peptidoglycan without a layer of lipopolysaccharide. keywords: bacteria; bamboo; gram; growth; koh; method; pgpr; plant; rhizosphere; staining; test cache: ijoab-11355.pdf plain text: ijoab-11355.txt item: #16 of 137 id: ijoab-11369 author: Pal, Manish Kumar; Kafle, Kapil ; Shrestha, Jiban title: Evaluation of different plant leaf extracts against mustard aphid [Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.)] in rapeseed field date: 2021-07-08 words: 2766 flesch: 55 summary: Effects of different plant leaf extracts on aphid population after second spray Treatments Number of aphid /plant(10 cm apical shoot) 5DASp 10DASp 15DASp Complete Mixture 0.20 a 0.66 a 0.20 a Mixture without Neem 4.80 b 9.47 b 9.66 b Mixture without Bakaino 3.60 ab 4.33 ab 5.20 ab Mixture without Hattibar 1.73 ab 2.53 a 3.73 a Mixture without Khirro 0.80 a 1.67 a 1.13 a Cypermethrin 10% EC 0.07 a 0.67 a 0.00 a Control 9.87 c 18.47 c 18.00 c Grand Mean 3.01 5.31 5.42 F test ** ** ** SEm ± 0.80 1.09 1.10 LSD (0.05) 2.48 3.35 3.40 CV (%) 46.5 35.5 35.3 DASp: Days after spraying, ** significant at 0.01 level Effect of Plant extracts on reduction of aphid after third spray The effects of different plant leaf extract on aphid population after the third spray was given in Table 4. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different plant leaf extracts against Mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.) from November 2016 to March 2017 at research field of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Lamjung Campus, Lamjung, Nepal. keywords: aphid; extracts; leaf; mixture; plant; spray cache: ijoab-11369.pdf plain text: ijoab-11369.txt item: #17 of 137 id: ijoab-11508 author: Prasetyo, Erik title: Species Composition of Amphibians (Order Anura) in Baturraden Botanical Garden, Banyumas date: 2021-07-06 words: 1659 flesch: 56 summary: Anura species that have not been found in previous studies (2010 and 2013) on the southern slopes of Mount Slamet was Leptophryne borbonica. Conclusions Composition species of amphibians (order Anura) in Baturraden botanical garden found 8 species belonging to 5 families. keywords: amphibians; anura; baturraden; garden; mount; order; slamet; species cache: ijoab-11508.pdf plain text: ijoab-11508.txt item: #18 of 137 id: ijoab-11509 author: Isrianto, Pramita Laksitarahmi title: KEFIR OF KEJI BELING TEA (Strobilanthes crispus) AS FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE FOR GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE date: 2021-07-06 words: 2602 flesch: 51 summary: Result and discussion Based on the research result of keji beling tea kefir (Strobilanthes crispus L.) toward pH, polyphenol total, acetate acid total and glucose total pointed out the obvious effect with p score = 0,00. The result of lactic acid bacteria (BAL) total is 1,914 x107 CFU/mL and yeast total is 1,532 x 107 CFU/mL on concentration of 15% kefir of keji beling tea with fermentation duration of 24 hours. keywords: beling; fermentation; hours; kefir; keji; tea; total cache: ijoab-11509.pdf plain text: ijoab-11509.txt item: #19 of 137 id: ijoab-11663 author: Nella, Sipora Petronela Telnoni title: Sperm Fertility of SK Kedu Chicken in Lactated Ringer’s-Egg Yolk Extender with 10% of DMSO date: 2021-07-06 words: 3213 flesch: 54 summary: Sperm fertility was estimated by using % sperm fertility formulation = fertile eggs / incubated eggs x 100, regardless of whether the eggs will hatch or not. Sperm fertility was estimated by using % sperm fertility formulation = fertile eggs / incubated eggs x 100 (Brillard 2003). keywords: chicken; dmso; egg; fertility; kedu; semen; sperm; yolk cache: ijoab-11663.pdf plain text: ijoab-11663.txt item: #20 of 137 id: ijoab-12081 author: Gimba, Umm-kulthum; Mohammad , Sharifah; Shahul Hamid, Fauziah title: Chemical speciation of heavy metals in bioaugmented and non- bioaugmented soils from Taman Beringin landfill date: 2021-07-06 words: 4474 flesch: 55 summary: This is to allow the proper understanding of the specific forms of heavy metals and their mobility in the environment. An example of a toxic and recalcitrant pollutant of concern is heavy metals. keywords: day; journal; landfill; metals; non; soil cache: ijoab-12081.pdf plain text: ijoab-12081.txt item: #21 of 137 id: ijoab-12082 author: Daris, Lukman title: The role of women on the level of household welfare of seaweed cultivators in Jeneponto Regency, Indonesia date: 2021-07-06 words: 3254 flesch: 50 summary: The population in this study was women involved in seaweed cultivation activities in Bontosunggu Village, Tamalatea District, Jeneponto Regency, with about 286 seaweed households. Results and Discussion The role of women in productive, reproductive, and community management activities in seaweed cultivation activities, reproductive activities are divided into three stages: the preparation stages, maintenance stages, and harvest and post-harvest stages. keywords: activities; household; jeneponto; regency; respondents; role; seaweed; women cache: ijoab-12082.pdf plain text: ijoab-12082.txt item: #22 of 137 id: ijoab-12401 author: smail, harem othman title: Screening of Prevalence HBV and HCV from first six months of 2020 in Erbil province Kurdistan region /Iraq date: 2021-07-06 words: 4144 flesch: 57 summary: In Iraq HCV prevalence rises dramatically with maternal age, women around 30 years of age are considered to be a risk group for HCV infection (Al-Kubaisy 2012).evelopment are people who tend to be lazy and do not care about their environment. HBV prevalence at 2.2% and carrier rate at 0.3% in men and 0.1% in women (Goudeau et al., 1995). keywords: blood; et al; groups; hbv; hcv; hepatitis; infection; international; journal; prevalence; virus cache: ijoab-12401.pdf plain text: ijoab-12401.txt item: #23 of 137 id: ijoab-12608 author: Saba, Abdulwakil; Tahir, Ramota; Ndimele, Emeka; Ibrahim, Musa title: Growth response and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings exposed to Dichlorvos date: 2021-07-06 words: 3900 flesch: 58 summary: The median lethal concentration (LC50) of DDVP on C. gariepinus fingerlings at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours post-exposure (hpe) were 3.30 mg/L (3.197 to 3.441; R2 = 0.964), 2.30 mg/L (1.844 to 2.518; R2 = 0.866), 2.27 mg/L (2.117 to 2.373; R2 = 0.959) and 1.88 mg/L (0.7704 to 2.211; R2 = 0.74), respectively. The findings of this study reveal that C. gariepinus fingerlings could recover after acute exposure to Dichlorvos at different concentrations. keywords: ddvp; dichlorvos; fingerlings; fish; gariepinus; growth; toxicity cache: ijoab-12608.pdf plain text: ijoab-12608.txt item: #24 of 137 id: ijoab-13275 author: Emmanuel-Akerele, Hilda; Peter, Favour title: MICROBIAL AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF SOIL AND WATER AROUND WASTE DUMP SITES date: 2021-07-06 words: 4628 flesch: 50 summary: To check pH of water sample, the meter is calibrated using standard buffer, rinsed with distilled water and dried off. Based on the WHO standards, water samples are unacceptable for human consumption when it has high bacterial loads. keywords: dump; international; journal; landfill; s r; sample; soil; total; waste; water cache: ijoab-13275.pdf plain text: ijoab-13275.txt item: #25 of 137 id: ijoab-13429 author: Magdalena, Stella; Giovani, Fabiola; Yogiara, Yogiara title: Evaluation of the potentials of Bacillus subtilis KM16 and Pseudomonas sp. PAP 26 isolated from the hot spring and crater lakes as antibiofilm agents date: 2021-07-06 words: 4665 flesch: 48 summary: KM16 and PAP26 isolates could be used as promising antibiofilm agent to treat bacteria biofilm infection. In Figure 2(a), reduction of biofilm activity against P. aeruginosa was shown after cell- free supernatant of KM16 was pre-treated with proteinase-K and nuclease. keywords: activity; antibiofilm; bacteria; biofilm; cell; isolates; journal; km16; pap26; quorum; sensing cache: ijoab-13429.pdf plain text: ijoab-13429.txt item: #26 of 137 id: ijoab-13431 author: Seftiono, Hermawan; Pramesti, Della Ayu ; Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati title: COLOR INDICATOR FILM FROM BUTTERFLY PEA (Clitoria ternatea L.) AS SMART PACKAGING IN BROILER CHICKEN MEAT date: 2021-07-06 words: 5270 flesch: 60 summary: Determination of Best Formulation The experiment was to obtain the best formulation of indicator film based on the ratio of PVA, chitosan, and natural dye from butterfly pea flower extract to detect the degradation level of broiler chicken meat in storage. The longer storage duration, the lower °hue value, and this showed in the regression curve from 0 to 48 hours in Figure 2. Figure 2 The °hue value of indicator film during storage The changes in quality of broiler chicken meat stored for 48 hours at 25 °C with RH of 50%, caused color change in indicator film from before to after. keywords: broiler; butterfly; chicken; chicken meat; color; film; flower; hours; indicator; indicator film; journal; meat; pea; regression; storage; tvbn; value cache: ijoab-13431.pdf plain text: ijoab-13431.txt item: #27 of 137 id: ijoab-13538 author: EMEROLE, CHIAGOZIEM OGAZIRILEM title: The COVERAGE OF LLIN AMONG EXPECTANT MOTHERS IN NWANGELE, IMO STATE, NIGERIA date: 2021-07-06 words: 4027 flesch: 58 summary: Knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards the use of insecticide treated mosquito nets among pregnant women and children in rural Southwestern Uganda. Table 2: Access to Long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN)s Cost of acquiring nets free of charge 150 100.0 Nature of mosquito bed net when received Well packaged 146 97.3 Partly torn 4 2.7 Hindrance to access mosquito bed nets Distance 64 42.7 Bad road 62 41.3 Availability 24 16.0 Utilization of Long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN)s 49.3% of the respondents used LLIN while 76(50.7%) of the mothers use just treated bet nets and about 138(92%) uses the net every night compared to 8(5.3%) that uses it three time a week. keywords: health; journal; llins; malaria; nets; nigeria; pregnancy; state; study; use; women cache: ijoab-13538.pdf plain text: ijoab-13538.txt item: #28 of 137 id: ijoab-14184 author: Ni'matuzahroh, Ni'matuzahroh title: Exploration Indigenous Bacillus Bumiaji-Malang Against Ralstonia solanacearum Causing Potato Bacterial Wilt date: 2021-07-06 words: 4092 flesch: 53 summary: This study aims to obtain Bacillus isolates from the potato cropping area, Sumber Brantas, Bumiaji, Batu, which had the potential to suppress growth R. solanacearum. Meanwhile, R. solanacearum isolates used for further research were those that showed a positive reaction (showing symptoms of necrosis). keywords: bacillus; bacillus spp; bacteria; colony; isolates; journal; plant; potato; ralstonia; solanacearum; spp cache: ijoab-14184.pdf plain text: ijoab-14184.txt item: #29 of 137 id: ijoab-14440 author: Okhuebor, Shadrach Osalumhense; Izevbuwa, Osazee title: Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Pseudomonas aeroginosa isolated from ready to eat food from selected street vending food locations in Ikpoba-Okha local government area of Edo State date: 2021-12-31 words: 3128 flesch: 43 summary: Pseudomonas biofilm can grow on abiotic surfaces of different equipment and processing surfaces in food industry food. The mean total viable plate counts (TVC) for Pseudomonas aeroginosa was ascertained with the spread plate methods using nutrient agar with results indicating a mean total viable count (TVC) ranging from 2.20 x 10⁵ to 1.05 x 10³. The highest counts of 2.20 x 10⁵ was obtained in food samples collected from SFL 5 while the lowest count of 1.05 x 10³ was obtained from SFL 1. keywords: aeroginosa; eat; food; international; journal; pseudomonas; samples; sfl; street cache: ijoab-14440.pdf plain text: ijoab-14440.txt item: #30 of 137 id: ijoab-14581 author: -, Mildayati title: Effectiveness Of Waste Management At The Hamlet Level In Mamasa Village Mamasa Regency date: 2022-01-04 words: 6870 flesch: 51 summary: The cost of waste management at the source is cheaper and more effective than the costs that must be incurred for conventional waste management which is purely based on landfill. The cost becomes more effective because one rupiah allocated for waste management at the source will have a greater impact than one rupiah allocated for conventional waste management. keywords: community; data; effectiveness; garbage; government; mamasa; mamasa village; people; regency; respondents; river; village; waste; waste management cache: ijoab-14581.pdf plain text: ijoab-14581.txt item: #31 of 137 id: ijoab-14683 author: Sudiarti, Diah title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ORGANIC FERTILIZER AND MICORIZA ARBUSCULA ON GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY GREEN EGGPLANT (SOLANUM MELONGENA L.) date: 2021-07-27 words: 2319 flesch: 45 summary: The beneficial effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth is often associated with increased uptake of nutrients that are not available, especially phosphorus, (Rosliani et al. 2009). The first is a combination of organic fertilizer and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, the second is a positive control, namely using NPK fertilizer, the third is a negative control, namely without treatment. keywords: eggplant; fertilizer; fungi; growth; mycorrhizal cache: ijoab-14683.pdf plain text: ijoab-14683.txt item: #32 of 137 id: ijoab-14745 author: K.Rostam, Shkar title: Molecular Identification of Local Isolates Aspergillus nidulans from Erbil Province Using Internal Transcribed Spacers date: 2021-12-31 words: 6879 flesch: 24 summary: International Journal of Applied Biology, 4(1), 2020 38 Isolates in this study exhibited (%100) similarity with Aspergillus nidulans species in GenBank database. Due to the great capacity of Aspergillus nidulans for fabrication of valuable natural products and in order to have deeper insight for biosynthesis of these metabolites, precise identification is required. keywords: accession; aspergillus; aspergillus nidulans; aspergillus species; biology; hits;; identification; isolates; its1; its2; journal; molecular; pcr; products; regions; results; sequence; species cache: ijoab-14745.pdf plain text: ijoab-14745.txt item: #33 of 137 id: ijoab-14765 author: K.Rostam, Shkar title: Culture methods and conventional PCR for detection the aflatoxigenicity of Aspergillus flavus in local isolates samples date: 2021-12-31 words: 6921 flesch: 50 summary: Lanes (1–7) PCR amplification product (500 bp) by using primers FLA1/FLA2 and DNA from A. flavus isolates. Lanes (1) DNA of A. flavus isolate using housekeeping gene tub1primer with 1498bp. keywords: a. flavus; aflatoxigenic; aflatoxin; aspergillus; colony; detection; dna; flavus; genes; identification; isolates; molecular; pcr; species cache: ijoab-14765.pdf plain text: ijoab-14765.txt item: #34 of 137 id: ijoab-14817 author: Roihan, Achmad Roihan title: EFFECT OF NATURAL GROWTH REGULATORY SUBSTANCE (PGR) AND DIFFERENCES OF PLANTING MEDIA ON CHLOROPHIL CONTENT NUMBER OF VEGETABLESTOMATES AND AREA OF VEGETABLESTOMATES MICROGREENS BROCCOLI (Brassica oleracea L.) date: 2021-12-31 words: 2860 flesch: 62 summary: Preparation of planting media The growing media used consisted of husk charcoal (M1), cocopeat growing media (M2) and rockwool growing media, each of which was put into 3 planting containers which were repeated 3 times so 9 total planting media. Average total chlorophyll (μmol. m-2) on treatment natural zpt and the difference between the ages of the media 14 hst and 21 hst Figure 3 shows that the highest average chlorophyll a at the age of 14 days after planting was found in rockwool growing media with natural zpt of bean sprout extract (M3Z2), which was 107.14 μmol. keywords: chlorophyll; days; media; planting; stomata; treatment; zpt cache: ijoab-14817.pdf plain text: ijoab-14817.txt item: #35 of 137 id: ijoab-14832 author: B.K., Santa Bahadur title: Grain yield evaluation of maize genotypes at different planting dates date: 2022-01-04 words: 2604 flesch: 66 summary: Tanaka and Hara (1974) in India found that when sowing was postponed till the end of October, the 1000 seed weight was reduced, resulting in a variance in maize grain production. A study was conducted in Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, in 2013/14 to determine the best planting dates for maize genotypes. keywords: dates; genotypes; grain; maize; nepal; planting; yield cache: ijoab-14832.pdf plain text: ijoab-14832.txt item: #36 of 137 id: ijoab-17949 author: Afrianto, Whisnu Febry title: The potential distribution prediction of the invasive alien species Acacia decurrens Wild., in Indonesia date: 2021-12-31 words: 3707 flesch: 57 summary: Almost all climate variables used in this study were responsive to A. decurrens distribution, except B09 - mean temperature of the driest quarter. A climate change experiment predicted A. decurrens distribution with the climate information under climate change scenarios. keywords: 2021; acacia; change; climate; decurrens; distribution; indonesia; journal; species cache: ijoab-17949.pdf plain text: ijoab-17949.txt item: #37 of 137 id: ijoab-18169 author: Miya, Mahamad Sayab ; Timilsina, Sachin; Neupane, Asmit title: Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants by Major Ethnic Tribes in Terai Districts of Nepal date: 2021-12-31 words: 10930 flesch: 68 summary: Abrus precatorius L., Rati gedi, Fabaceae Sd Dog bite Tharu (Pr) (Singh, 2020) Female sterility Bantar (Acharya & Pokhrel, 2006) Fever, stomach disease, eye disease, asthma, and uteral problem Tharu (R) (Acharya & Acharya, 2009) 3. Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile, Babul, Fabaceae B Diarrhea and dysentery Tharu (C) (Dangol & Gurung, 1991) L Veneral diseases Bantar (Acharya & International Journal of Applied Biology, 5(2), 2021 134 S.N. Scientific names, Vernacular names and Family Names P. U. Diseases treated Ethnic groups Sources Pokhrel, 2006) 6. keywords: 2016; 2019; acharya; bantar; biology; boeker; chepang; cough; dangol; darai; diseases; dysentery; ethnic; family; fever; fever tharu; ghimire; groups; gurung; international; journal; meche; mueller; munda; names; nepal; plants; pokhrel; poudel; rajbanshi; rijal; s.n; sharma; singh; sources; thapa; tharu; wounds cache: ijoab-18169.pdf plain text: ijoab-18169.txt item: #38 of 137 id: ijoab-18239 author: Balogun, Olalekan Blessing ; Adeleke, Bartholomew Saanu; Owoseni, Ibukun title: Characterization of bacteria isolates from fermented cassava steeping water date: 2021-12-31 words: 3648 flesch: 52 summary: Microbiological studies on cassava fermentation for ‘lafun’production. Furthermore, this study showed the chemical parameters of fermented cassava steeping water. keywords: cassava; fermentation; food; international; journal; nigeria; steeping; water cache: ijoab-18239.pdf plain text: ijoab-18239.txt item: #39 of 137 id: ijoab-18389 author: NGANGNANG, Ghislain Roméo title: A Molecular characterization of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia microorganisms in bovine populations of the Western Highland Agro-Ecological Zone of Cameroon date: 2021-12-31 words: 4418 flesch: 54 summary: This result was similar to 40.76% and 41% reported by Hailemariam et al., (2017) in Ethiopia and Nguyen et al., (2020) in Thailand respectively. The important prevalence of infection of rickettsial bacteria observed might be associated to the presence of its main vectors, the Amblyomma and Rhipicephalus ticks (Ngangnang et al., 2021). keywords: anaplasma; cattle; centrale; ehrlichia; infection; marginale; omatjenne; prevalence; rickettsial; species cache: ijoab-18389.pdf plain text: ijoab-18389.txt item: #40 of 137 id: ijoab-18449 author: Yadav, Santosh kumar; Kafle, Karuna; Poudel, Abichal ; Gelal, Rashil; Adhikari, Bhushan title: Use of Gis for Spatial Mapping of Soil Fertility in Dhanusha, Nepal date: 2022-12-29 words: 3404 flesch: 57 summary: The evaluation of soil fertility is the measurement of available plant nutrients and estimation of soil capacity to maintain conti nue the supply of plant nutrients for OPEN ACCESS International Journal of Applied Biology Keyword ArcGIS; Nypa fruticans; Soil fertility; Soil Organic Matter; Spatial Variation Article History Received November 11, 2021 These soil parameters are determined only after analyzing them in the laboratory (Khadka et al., 2018a).Mapping the status and the spatial distribution of soil fertility plays an important role in the sustainable land use planning process (Khadka et al., 2018b). keywords: area; fertility; municipality; nepal; nitrogen; soil; study; table; total cache: ijoab-18449.pdf plain text: ijoab-18449.txt item: #41 of 137 id: ijoab-18539 author: hassan abdelsalam, doaa; Taha Mohamed, Nancy title: Seperation of bioactive compounds from Haemolymph of scarab beetle Scarabaeus sacer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by GC-MS and determination of its antimicrobial activity date: 2021-12-31 words: 7442 flesch: 50 summary: CHCl3 Trihalomethane 118 3.57 4.06 Anti-virus, anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, anti- allergic and anti-ulcer (Ali et al., 2015) Cellular immunity involves the phagocytosis of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, and nodule formation and encapsulation, while humoral immunity involves the secretions of proteins and peptides produced in fat and blood cells to hemolymph in response to infection (Wu et al., 2018). keywords: acid; activity; analysis; antibacterial; antimicrobial; bacteria; beetle; biology; chemical; compounds; ester; et al; gas; gram; haemolymph; insect; journal; mass; peptides; sci cache: ijoab-18539.pdf plain text: ijoab-18539.txt item: #42 of 137 id: ijoab-18622 author: Izevbuwa, Osazee Ekundayo title: The Seroprevalence of transfusion transmissible hepatitis viruses in Kwara state Nigeria. date: 2022-12-29 words: 8868 flesch: 59 summary: Data obtained from the piloted structured que stionnaires de signed to study t he socio-demography of the participant s showed that HBV was more prevalent among single blood donor s, Civil servant/profe ssional wor kers, and among blood donors that have succe ssfully completed their tertiary e ducation. The highest rates of viremia were recorded among blood donor s residing in urban areas however, the prevalence was not statistically different (p≥0.05). . keywords: b virus; biology; blood donors; distribution; et al; group; hbv; hcv; hepatitis; infection; international; journal; nigeria; prevalence; study; transfusion; virus cache: ijoab-18622.pdf plain text: ijoab-18622.txt item: #43 of 137 id: ijoab-18764 author: Onuoha, stanley; Oko, Felicia; Okafor, Collins; Ovia, Kenneth title: Multidrug Resistant Vibrio Species Isolated From Abattoir and Aquaculture Environment in Ebonyi State, Nigeria date: 2022-07-07 words: 4353 flesch: 48 summary: Usually, Vibrio species are found in salt water and are facultative anaerobes that test positive for oxidase and do not form spores (Thompson et al., 2015).Various Vibrio species are pathogens. This study was aimed at determining the multidrug resistance of Vibrio species isolated from abattoir and aquaculture environment in Ebonyi state. keywords: abattoir; antibiotics; aquaculture; isolates; journal; resistance; samples; species; study; table; vibrio; water cache: ijoab-18764.pdf plain text: ijoab-18764.txt item: #44 of 137 id: ijoab-18829 author: Haedar, Nur; Heriadi, Heriadi title: EXPLORATION OF INDIGENOUS YEASTS AS INOCULUM IN FERMENTATION OF SUGAR FACTORY WASTE (BAGASSE) INTO XYLITOL LOW-CALORIE SUGAR date: 2021-12-31 words: 5837 flesch: 55 summary: This study aims to obtain yeast isolates and determine their ability to ferment xylose to xylitol. Screening on Agar media is intended to see the growth of yeast isolates on media containing xylose. keywords: cell; fermentation; isolates; media; monopolar; oval; round; sap; soil; sugar; vol; xylitol; xylose; yeast cache: ijoab-18829.pdf plain text: ijoab-18829.txt item: #45 of 137 id: ijoab-18967 author: burhan, abd rukman title: BBird Diversity and Distribution Patterns in The Je'neberang River Flow Region, South Sulawesi Gowa Regency date: 2022-07-07 words: 4513 flesch: 60 summary: Bird observation data taken is comprehensive data on bird species and the number of birds found at each observation point. Bird species in the Je'neberang Watershed, Gowa Regency, were classified as unstable with an E value at the five stations, from 0.54 to 0.68. keywords: bird; distribution; diversity; dominance; index; je'neberang; journal; observation; species; station; value; watershed cache: ijoab-18967.pdf plain text: ijoab-18967.txt item: #46 of 137 id: ijoab-18991 author: Samsul, Nur Ramaliani; Johannes, Eva; Syahribulan, Syahribulan title: Analysis of Antioxidant Content in Pollen and Honey Produced by Bees Trigona spp At Several Locations In South Sulawesi date: 2022-07-07 words: 4919 flesch: 55 summary: The highest yield of antioxidant pollen and bee honey Trigona sp. obtained from the Selayar location. ISSN : 2580-2410 eISSN : 2580-2119 Analysis of Antioxidant Content in Pollen and Honey Produced by Bees Trigona spp At Several Locations In South Sulawesi Nur Ramaliani Samsul 1*, Eva Johanneas 1,Syahribulan 1 1 Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, indonesia Introduction Indonesia has the most rich species of honey bees from the Apis clan in the world and has about 40 types of stingless bees or commonly called kelulut/klanceng/teuweul. keywords: antioxidant; bees; dpph; gowa; honey; levels; locations; maros; pollen; sample; selayar; trigona; vitamin cache: ijoab-18991.pdf plain text: ijoab-18991.txt item: #47 of 137 id: ijoab-18996 author: Emmanuel-Akerele, Hilda title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF POWER PLANT EFFLUENT DISCHARGE ON EKEMAZU STREAM IN DELTA STATE, NIGERIA. date: 2022-07-07 words: 5731 flesch: 49 summary: Bacteriological and Physicochemical analysis of streams water in Nduetong Oku community, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. The results of the total suspended solids is similar to that of Andargachew and Sahile, (2013) on their study of the effects of Dashen brewery wastewater treatment effluent on the bacteriological and physicochemical quality of Shinta River in Gondar, North West Ethiopia at the upstream sample of 6 mg/l, but higher than their record after discharge point which they recorded as 42 mg/l. Suspended solids of effluent polluted water body can serve as attachment for microbes (Daniel et al., 2012). keywords: concentration; discharge; effluent; point; sample; season; stream; upstream; water cache: ijoab-18996.pdf plain text: ijoab-18996.txt item: #48 of 137 id: ijoab-19050 author: danmaigoro, olanrewaju; Bilyaminu shittu, Abdullahi; abduljalil, tukur ; muhammad umar, Musa title: Effect of weed control treatments and planting method on the yield and yield parameters of rice in Sudan savannah of Nigeria. date: 2022-07-07 words: 4576 flesch: 59 summary: The result shows that there was significant effect (p<0.001) of weed control methods on the number of spikelet per panicle. There was significant effect (p<0.001) of weed control methods on number of grains per panicle. keywords: control; effect; grain; methods; number; panicle; planting; propanil; rice; weed; yield cache: ijoab-19050.pdf plain text: ijoab-19050.txt item: #49 of 137 id: ijoab-19091 author: Noviana, Evy Noviana; Johannes, Eva; Sjafaraenan title: Bioactivity of Nypa fruticans Leaves as A Candidate for Anticancer Compounds Against MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells: Bioactivity of Nypa fruticans Leaves as A Candidate for Anticancer Compounds Against MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells date: 2022-07-07 words: 3312 flesch: 54 summary: Sitosterol function was could inhibits the growth of cultured cancer cell lines that are associated with stimulation of apoptotic cell death (Awad, A., et al., 2007), inhibition of cancer cell proliferation at low concentrations with no cytotoxic effect on noncancerous cells (Jayaprakasha, G., 2007), arresting of cells at G2/M phase in cancer cells and decreasing free radical generation in vitro (Shahdaat M., et al., 2016). This study aims to explores the bioactivity of ethanol extract from N. fruticans leaves against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. keywords: 2019; activity; anticancer; breast; cancer; cells; compounds; extract; fruticans; journal; leaves; nipah; nypa cache: ijoab-19091.pdf plain text: ijoab-19091.txt item: #50 of 137 id: ijoab-19118 author: JOSHI, VIKAS; pathak, anupama; murkute, Supriya ; Das, Bhoomi ; khan, zeenat title: Extraction,purification and characterization of amylase,protease,lipase of halophilic bacterial isolates from Bordi, India date: 2022-07-07 words: 3395 flesch: 54 summary: Also the effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity was also determined. Effect of pH and Temperature on enzyme activity The crude enzyme was used for checking activity at variable pH and temperature. keywords: activity; amylase; effect; enzyme; isolates; lipase; protease; temperature cache: ijoab-19118.pdf plain text: ijoab-19118.txt item: #51 of 137 id: ijoab-19227 author: Ainun, A. Nur title: Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Padina australis seawedd extract as bioreductor date: 2022-07-07 words: 2040 flesch: 49 summary: 73 Abstract The synthesis of silver nanoparticles was carried out using silver nitrate solution as a precursor and Padina australis seaweed as a bioreductor. This study aims to obtain silver nanoparticles through the green synthesis method using Padina australis seaweed extract. keywords: extract; minutes; nanoparticles; padina; seaweed; silver; synthesis cache: ijoab-19227.pdf plain text: ijoab-19227.txt item: #52 of 137 id: ijoab-19241 author: Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati title: Indicator Film of Natural Coloring of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) as Detection of Beef Damage : Indicator Film of Natural Coloring of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) as Detection of Beef Damage date: 2022-07-07 words: 5073 flesch: 61 summary: The color change of indicator film in 48 hours of storage was from green to yellowish-green with film thickness changed from 0.171±0.042 mm to 0.136±0.043 mm. A negative slope value showed a declining graph model during the storage process from hour 0 to hour 48 which can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2 Indicator film °hue value during storage The total of indicator film color change during storage can be shown with ∆E value by calculating the changes of L*, a*, and b keywords: beef; bogor; butterfly; butterfly pea; color; extract; film; flower; hour; indicator; indicator film; pea; storage; value cache: ijoab-19241.pdf plain text: ijoab-19241.txt item: #53 of 137 id: ijoab-19455 author: Mahmud, Mahmud title: Prospects of Fisheries Industry Development in Indonesia Through Online Publication Media date: 2022-01-04 words: 5143 flesch: 46 summary: Munday P. L., Jones G. P., Pratchett M. S., Williams A. J., 2008 Climate change and the future for coral reef fishes. Along with this, coral reefs experienced a reduction in the area of coral reefs, which affected the catch of coral fish, which decreased by 63 per cent (Sutinah, Rahmatia, Seniwati & Kitta, 2017). keywords: biology; coral; development; fish; fisheries; fishing; indonesia; industry; journal; marine; potential; reef; value cache: ijoab-19455.pdf plain text: ijoab-19455.txt item: #54 of 137 id: ijoab-19557 author: Sudirman, Sudirman; Amier, Nirwansyah; Rahmat, Ihsan Syawal title: The Morphology Character of Japanese Taro (Colocasia esculenta var. Antiquorum) In Induction of Polyploidization Mutations In Vitro: A Case Study of Increased Concentration and Duration of Immersion of Colchicine Mutagens date: 2022-07-07 words: 4284 flesch: 63 summary: % Shoots Live At Age (Week) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kontrol 0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 86,6 86,6 48 0,1 100,0 100,0 Week After Induction International Journal of Applied Biology, 6(1), 2022 98 The results of the 5% BNJ follow-up test showed that the addition of the highest number of roots in Japanese taro explants obtained K0T3, namely control (0%) with 96 hours of immersion and significantly different from other treatments at the age of 6 MSI (Table 3). keywords: colchicine; concentration; explants; hours; immersion; leaves; msi; number; taro; treatment cache: ijoab-19557.pdf plain text: ijoab-19557.txt item: #55 of 137 id: ijoab-19752 author: Ezemba, Constance Chinyere title: Wine Production from Banana (Musa sapientum) Using Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Isolated from Grape (Vitis vinifera). date: 2022-07-07 words: 3001 flesch: 60 summary: Banana wine has a lot of nutritional benefits, Vitamins including B5, B6, C, A are all present in banana wine and this makes it one of the high ranking beverage over other alcoholic ones. Day 1 Day 4 Day 6 Day 8 Day 14Day 21 F e r m e n ta ti o n P a r a m e te r s Fermentation Days pH Reducing Sugar Titratable acidity Specific acidity Alcohol content International Journal of Applied Biology, 6(1), 2022 142 reduce specific quality of fruit wines during fermentation9. keywords: acidity; banana; day; fermentation; fruits; wine; yeast cache: ijoab-19752.pdf plain text: ijoab-19752.txt item: #56 of 137 id: ijoab-19918 author: Syam, Nindrahayu; Ariyandy, Andi; Yustisia, Ika; Sulfahri; Yusfina title: IIn Silico Testing On The Activity Of Flavonol In Sterculia foetida Leaf As Natural Anti Hyperlipidemia Compounds date: 2022-07-07 words: 1432 flesch: 47 summary: (a) 3D structure of flavonol compounds, (b) 3D structure of simvastatin control compounds Figure 2. results of docking simvastatin (purple) and flavonol (yellow) with protein 3 hydroxy 3 methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase Table.1. The results showed that flavonol compounds have greater potential for antihyperlipidemia compared to control compounds. keywords: coenzyme; compounds; flavonol; foetida; reductase; sterculia cache: ijoab-19918.pdf plain text: ijoab-19918.txt item: #57 of 137 id: ijoab-2003 author: Putra, Ayub Wirabuana title: Biofiltration Efficiency of Algae Spirogyra hyalina to Reduce Salinity of Sea Water date: 2017-07-10 words: 558 flesch: -158 summary: Spirogyra( hyalina! biorsorbent. Spirogyra( hyalina! took! keywords: algae; salinity; spirogyra cache: ijoab-2003.pdf plain text: ijoab-2003.txt item: #58 of 137 id: ijoab-20126 author: Susanto, Muhammad Azmi Dwi title: Diversity and Composition of Dragonfly (Odonata) at The Punden Sumur Bumi Area, Surabaya, East Java date: 2022-12-29 words: 4119 flesch: 57 summary: Several dragonfly species are sensitive to changes in environmental quality OPEN ACCESS International Journal of Applied Biology Keyword freshwater; composition; insect; Odonata Article History Received February 24, 2022 Accepted December 14, 2022 Choong, C. Y., D, D. F. A., A, M. A. A. A., & Chung, A. Y. C. (2020). keywords: area; bumi; diversity; dragonflies; dragonfly; index; journal; location; punden; species; sumur cache: ijoab-20126.pdf plain text: ijoab-20126.txt item: #59 of 137 id: ijoab-2014 author: Bahri, Syamsul title: Application of Cigeratte Filter from Algae Spyrogira peipingensis to Reduce Nicotine, Tar, and Carbon Monoxide date: 2017-07-05 words: 775 flesch: -149 summary: 2017.0 Physical0 activity,0 smoking,0 and0 the0 incidence0 of0 clinically0 diagnosed0 insomnia.)Sleep)Medicine.030:189K194.0 Damron,0K.0R.,02017.0Review0of0the0Relationships0Among0Psychosocial0Stress,0Secondhand0 Smoke,0and0Perinatal0Smoking.0Journal)of)Obstetric),)Gynecologic,)&)Neonatal)Nursing.0 46:325K333.0 David0E.02003.0Mayo)Clinic)Family)Health)Book.0The0ultimate0home0medical0reference03rd.0 USA:0Mayo0Clinic.0 Feng,0Z.02010.0Effects0of0ambient0wind0on0thermal0smoke0exhaust0from0a0shaft0in0tunnels0with0 natural0ventilation.)Applied)Termal)Engineering.0117:0254K262.0 Gupta,0V.K.,0&0Rostogi,0A.02008.0Biosorption0of0Lead0from0Aqueous0Solutions0by0Green0Algae0 Spirogyra0Species:0Kinetics0and0Equilibriumstudies.0Journal)of)Hazardous)Materrials.01520 :0407–414.0 Gupta,0V.K.,0Rastogi,0A.,0Saini,0V.K.0&0Jain,0N.02006.0Biosorption0of0Copper(II)0from00Aqueous0 Solutions0by0Spirogyra0Species.0Journal)of)Colloid)Interface)Science.)2960:059–63.0 Huang,0J.0L.02016.&Effect0of0Smoke0Barrier0 in0Narrow0Space0on0Smoke0Flow0Utilizing0CFD.0 Procedia)Engineering.0135:142K150.& Ozer0S,0Yilmaz0EI,0Bayrak0S,0Tunc0ES.02012.0Parental0knowledge0and0attitudes0regarding0the0 of0 green0 algae0 from0 the0 order0 Zygnematales.0Spirogyra0algae0serves0as0a0bioremediation0agent.0In0addition0 Spirogyra0 algae0 has0 great0 potential0 in0 reducing0 toxin0 levels0 in0 cigarette0 smoke.0 Because0 the0 biomass0 of0 alga0 keywords: algae0; and0; cigarette0; in0; international)journal)of)applied)biology,)1(1),)2017; of0; the0 cache: ijoab-2014.pdf plain text: ijoab-2014.txt item: #60 of 137 id: ijoab-20198 author: Idris, Nadhila title: Potential of Hexadecanoic Acid as Antimicrobials in Bacteria and Fungi that Cause Decay in Mustard Greens Brassica juncea L. date: 2022-12-29 words: 2584 flesch: 47 summary: Average diameter of inhibition zone of hexadecanoic acid extract with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 40%, and control against Xanthomonas campestris bacteria after 24 hours and 48 hours incubation periods. T he admi nistration of 10%, 20% and 40% hexadecanoic acid extract and positive control (Ciprofloxacin) in each well showed a clear zone which was the inhibition zone of each treatment. keywords: acid; bacteria; campestris; control; extract; hexadecanoic; hours; inhibition; mustard; xanthomonas cache: ijoab-20198.pdf plain text: ijoab-20198.txt item: #61 of 137 id: ijoab-20401 author: Litaay, Magdalena title: The Biodiversity of Tunicate (Ascidiacea) in the waters of Badi Island, Pangkajene Regency of South Sulawesi date: 2022-07-07 words: 2707 flesch: 63 summary: Marine tunicate from Sangkarang Archipelago Indonesia: The present study aims to observe marine tunicate at waters of Badi Island, Pangkajene Regency, South Sulawesi. keywords: badi; body; island; size; species; tunicates; waters cache: ijoab-20401.pdf plain text: ijoab-20401.txt item: #62 of 137 id: ijoab-20420 author: Amenu, Desalegn; Tafesse, Temesgen title: A Retrospective analysis of malaria prevalence from 2015 to 2020 in Sibu Sire Woreda, East Wollega Zone, and Western Ethiopia, date: 2022-12-29 words: 3532 flesch: 58 summary: The high pre valence of malaria cases in the study are was reported both in autumn a nd spring seasons (April to September), and in relation to year distribution, more confirme d cases were reported during 2011 and 2012. The study demonstrated that malaria is a public health concern, in whic h P. falciparum and P. vivax are the pre dominant species, so, it needs more interventions to interrupt disease transmission and e ventual reduction malaria of malaria cases Sibu Sire Woreda. keywords: cases; ethiopia; health; malaria; prevalence; sibu; sibu sire; sire; study; years cache: ijoab-20420.pdf plain text: ijoab-20420.txt item: #63 of 137 id: ijoab-20430 author: Adhikari, Prabin; Acharya, Swastika; Sigdel, Sabina ; Kandel, Ganga title: Ethno-medicinal Usage Ethno-medicinal Usage of Invasive Plants in Traditional Health Care Practices: A Review date: 2022-12-29 words: 5210 flesch: 60 summary: Traditional knowledge of invasive plant species' uses is diminishing due to the negative effects of invasive plant species on the ecosystem; hence, rigorous documentation of ethnomedicinal knowledge on invasive plant species is needed. Traditional knowledge of invasive plant species' uses is diminishing due to the negative effects of invasive plant species on the ecosystem; hence, rigorous documentation of ethnomedicinal knowledge on invasive plant species is needed. keywords: 6(2; biology; international; journal; leaf; nepal; ons; plant; plant species; species; treatment; uses cache: ijoab-20430.pdf plain text: ijoab-20430.txt item: #64 of 137 id: ijoab-20605 author: Odo, Joel title: Microbial and Physicochemical Assessment of Soil Contaminated with Cassava Waste Water in Makurdi Metropolis date: 2022-12-29 words: 4263 flesch: 55 summary: Results The mean viable, coliform and fungi count of soil samples contaminated with cassava waste water as presented in Table 1, the total heterotrophic bacteria and fungi count range from 2.70 x 103±8.49 x 102 to 3.4×103±8.49×103 CFU/g and fungi count 1.16 x 103 ±5.70 x 101 to 1.4×103±2.82×103 CFU/g. Control soil on the other hand ranges from 2.70 x 104±1.56 x 103 for Gboko road to 4.0×104 ±2.83×103 CFU/g for Naka road samples and 2.5×104 ±7.49×103 CFU/g typically there is significant variation(p<0.05). Table 5, presents the physicochemical parameter of soil samples which were; Temperature, Soil pH, Colour and Texture. keywords: cassava; count; effluent; environment; fungi; international; microbial; road; soil; spp; test; total; waste; water cache: ijoab-20605.pdf plain text: ijoab-20605.txt item: #65 of 137 id: ijoab-20989 author: Aihiokhai, Mark; Idu, MacDonald; Arueyingho, Thessy title: Some Plants Used for Reproductive Health by Women in Agbarha-Otor Community, Delta State date: 2022-12-29 words: 4546 flesch: 58 summary: Medicinal plants used in Agbarha-Otor, Ughelli, Nigeria for managing women’s reproductive health during pregnancy, birth and post -partum were investigated in this study. Scientific validation of the biological properties of the surveyed plants is highly advocated and cultivation of medicinal plants to minimize the pressure on wild species is also recommended. keywords: agriculture; area; biology; conditions; decocti; international; journal; leaves; nepal; plants; potato; reproductive; state; use cache: ijoab-20989.pdf plain text: ijoab-20989.txt item: #66 of 137 id: ijoab-21015 author: Ekun, Oluwafemi title: Antioxidant Properties of Albizia lebbeck Seed Protein Hydrolysates date: 2022-12-29 words: 5504 flesch: 47 summary: Radical Scavenging Activity The abilities of A. lebbeck seed protein hydrolysates are illustrated in Figure 1 and their values of 50% inhibition are also displayed in Figure 2. International Journal of Applied Biology, 6(2), 2022 108 Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity The hydroxyl radical scavenging capacities of A. lebbeck seed protein hydrolysates are illustrated in Figure 4, while their values of 50% inhibition are displayed in Figure 5. keywords: activities; activity; antioxidant; biology; hydrolysates; international; journal; lebbeck; peptides; protein; radical; scavenging; seed cache: ijoab-21015.pdf plain text: ijoab-21015.txt item: #67 of 137 id: ijoab-2104 author: Crisnawati, Crisnawati; Litaay, Magdalena; Prisambodo, Dody; Santoso, Slamet title: Diversity of Invertebrate Epifaunas Associating with Mangrove In Balangdatu Village Tanakeke Islands of South Sulawesi date: 2017-07-22 words: 1104 flesch: -113 summary: 1(1)14-21 CONTACT&:&Magdalena&Litaay&&&&&&& ©1International1Journal1of1Applied1Biology1 1 141 Abstract& Research1 on1 the1 diversity1 of1 invertebrate1 epifaunas1 associating1 with1 mangroves1 in1 the1 Balangdatu1 village1 of1 Tanakeke1 regency,1 Takalar1 district,1 Fitriana1 (2006),1 which1 stated1index1value1of1spread1in1forest1Mangrove1Ngurah1Rai1Bali1Forest1Park1especially1in1 research1station1has1the1pattern1of1spreading1(>11)1that1is1ranged1between11,584O1,869.1This1 indicates1the1presence1of1resources1to1support1organisms1that1are1clumped1and1unevenly1 distribute1across1all1observation1sites.1 According1to1Brower1et-al.1(1998),1if1the1spread1index1is1less1than1one1(Id1<1)1then1the1 dispersion1pattern1is1uniform1distribution1pattern,1if1spread1index1is1equal1to1one1(Id1=11),1then1 the1dispersion1pattern1is1random,1whereas1if1the1spread1index1is1more1than1one1(Id>11),1then1 the1dispersion1pattern1formed1is1clustered.1 Thus1it1can1be1concluded1that1the1pattern1of1epifauna1distribution1in1mangrove1plants,1 especially1 in1 the1 research1 station1 located1 in1 Balangdatu1 village1 tend1 to1 be1 uniform.1 This1 pattern1of1uniform1distribution1according1to1(Odum11993),1occurs1because1of1the1existence1of1 individual1fauna1are1having1competition1so1that1it1encourages1the1division1of1space1evenly.1 1 Environmental&Parameters& The1result1of1measurement1of1environmental1parameters1in1study1area1is1described1 in1Table12.1 1 Temperature& The1 results1 of1 the1 measurement1 and1 analysis1 of1 water1 samples1 at1 the1 study1 sites1 showed1 a1 temperature1 range1 between1 keywords: biology,-1(1),-20171; in1; international; journal; muddy1sand11; of1; research1; the1 cache: ijoab-2104.pdf plain text: ijoab-2104.txt item: #68 of 137 id: ijoab-21224 author: Thapa, Saroj title: Evaluation of Performace of Different Varieties of Potato (Sonalum tuberosum L.) in Bajhang, Nepal date: 2022-12-29 words: 4103 flesch: 66 summary: Canopy diameter (cm) of different Potato varieties at different days of observations Treatments Canopy diameter (cm) 45 DAP 60 DAP 75 DAP Cardinal 11.15bc 29.80a 42.25ab Potato varieties. keywords: bajhang; dap; khumal; number; plant; potato; tuber; varieties cache: ijoab-21224.pdf plain text: ijoab-21224.txt item: #69 of 137 id: ijoab-21335 author: Alpiani, Alpiani title: The Exchange Rate Of Bagan Rambo Fishermen In Barru District. Barru Regency, South Sulawesi date: 2022-07-07 words: 4178 flesch: 63 summary: The case study in this study is an instrumental case study where the case of fishermen's households is an instrument in understanding the living conditions of Bagan Rambo fishermen, especially their workers. An introductory ship that serves to pull the Bagan ship from the landing base to the catchment area and from the catchment area to the landing base, escorting Bagan Rambo fishermen from the landing base area to the catchment area and vice versa, taking catches from the Bagan Rambo as well as delivering operational fishing materials. keywords: bagan; exchange; fishermen; fishing; income; labour; needs; rambo; rate; sumpang; workers cache: ijoab-21335.pdf plain text: ijoab-21335.txt item: #70 of 137 id: ijoab-21351 author: Alpiani, Alpiani title: Tuna Fishery Resources Supply Chain (Thunnus sp) in Maumere District, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province date: 2022-07-07 words: 5755 flesch: 62 summary: There is no regular discussion about problems in the tuna supply process, such as tuna quality assurance, which must be to the fishers' constraints and guarantee issues—the availability of tuna fish products that are adjusted to the anglers' capacity in producing tuna fish. In terms of solving problems such as the availability and quality of tuna fish products that do not match or meet International Journal of Applied Biology, 6(1), 2022 131 market demands, it only involves one party and is not integrated with the customer. keywords: buana sentosa; chain; cipta; fishers; karya; kcbs; marketing; maumere; suppliers; supply; tuna cache: ijoab-21351.pdf plain text: ijoab-21351.txt item: #71 of 137 id: ijoab-21512 author: Lawrence, Queen Ozioma; Amadi, , Anthonia Nnenna Chuks; Okosa, Chinenye; John, Eberejah, Juliet; Ukpong, Nsikakabasi Charles; Aririguzo, Prisca Chimerebere4 title: Intestinal Parasites and Risk factors among inmates in Umuahia Abia State, Nigeria date: 2022-12-29 words: 5336 flesch: 57 summary: Intestinal parasite infections are among the most persistent public health problems and are of public health importance (Brookers et al., 1999). Either protozoa or helminthes can cause intestinal parasite infection. keywords: age; biology; et al; facility; factors; infection; inmates; journal; parasites; prevalence; prison; state cache: ijoab-21512.pdf plain text: ijoab-21512.txt item: #72 of 137 id: ijoab-21783 author: lamangantjo, chairunnisah title: The Diversity of Diurnal Birds in Panua Sanctuary Conservation Area in Pohuwato District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia date: 2022-12-29 words: 5189 flesch: 61 summary: By measuring the evenness index, the spread of diurnal bird species in Panua Sanctuary was considered almost even. Wibowo et al (2017) claimed that some considerations of a habitat such as the availability of food, breeding, nesting, and self-protecting from preys affect the diversity of bird species. keywords: area; birds; diurnal; diversity; forest; iii; index; journal; panua; research; sanctuary; species; station; sulawesi cache: ijoab-21783.pdf plain text: ijoab-21783.txt item: #73 of 137 id: ijoab-21787 author: Koomson, Dr. Charles Kwesi Koomson; Owusu-Fordjour, Collins; Darku, Ambrose title: SSusceptibility of Dermestes Maculatus Degeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidea) Larvae Infesting Smoked African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) to Alchornea Cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Leaf Powder date: 2022-12-29 words: 3616 flesch: 56 summary: The findings showe d that e fficienc y of A. cordifolia leaf pow der is dosage dependent and is capa ble of c ontrolling the larval stage of D. maculatus in smoked fish (Clarias gariepinus) during storage. D. maculatus infestation causes enormous losses. keywords: adult; cordifolia; fish; infestation; journal; maculatus; plant; powder; smoked cache: ijoab-21787.pdf plain text: ijoab-21787.txt item: #74 of 137 id: ijoab-21882 author: Fachry, Mardiana Ethrawaty; Nur Ikhsan; Mansyur Radjab; Herawaty; Fatmawati; Sitti Bulkis title: Strategy for Women Scavengers in Fulfilling the Family Economy in Makassar City (The Case of Scavengers Involving Toddlers in Urban Areas) date: 2022-12-29 words: 3281 flesch: 57 summary: Involving toddlers in productive activities is a strategy for scavenger families to get money from the community. This is why it is difficult for scavenger families to access decent jobs. keywords: children; economy; family; income; indonesian; scavengers; women; work cache: ijoab-21882.pdf plain text: ijoab-21882.txt item: #75 of 137 id: ijoab-21883 author: Syahrial, Muh. Syahrial title: Analysis of the Feasibility of Tiger Prawn and Finfish Polyculture Business Using Land with Different Ownership Status In The Coastal Area of Pinrang Regency date: 2022-07-25 words: 5015 flesch: 61 summary: The adoption of polyculture cultivation business is one sort of business in the fisheries industry that aims to improve production outcomes, revenue, and profits. The average time needed to return the investment costs for polyculture cultivation businesses using both privately owned land and leased land is ± 4 years. keywords: analysis; business; costs; cultivation; investment; land; net; polyculture; rate; shrimp; tiger; total; value cache: ijoab-21883.pdf plain text: ijoab-21883.txt item: #76 of 137 id: ijoab-22021 author: Olopade, olaniyi alaba title: Stock Assessment of The African Moony Fish (Monodactylus Sebae) (Cuvier, 1829) in The New Calabar, Nigeria date: 2022-12-29 words: 3865 flesch: 59 summary: The asymptotic length (L∞) and growth rate (K) were 36.54 cm TL and 0.61 year-1, respectively (Table 1).The growth performance index or phi prime (φ′) for M. sebae recorded from New Calabar River was 2.91. Figure 7 Recruitment pattern of M. sebae in the New Calabar River, Nigeria Relative yield per recruit (Y'/R) and biomass per recruit (B'/R) analyses of M.sebae in the New Calabar River, Nigeria The Beverton-Holt relative yield per recruit (Y’/R) and relative biomass per recruit (B’/R) estimated using selective Ogive procedure of FiSAT for the species is given in the figure below. keywords: calabar; fish; growth; length; mortality; new; rate; river; sebae cache: ijoab-22021.pdf plain text: ijoab-22021.txt item: #77 of 137 id: ijoab-22143 author: Ariyandy, Andi; Nindrahayu; Ami Febriza; Andi Irwan Muluk; Sulfahri title: In Silico Testing on the Activity of Quercetin in the Skin of Onion Allium Cepa L as A Natural Antihypertensive Compound date: 2022-12-29 words: 2256 flesch: 43 summary: ISSN : 2580-2410 eISSN : 2580-2119 In Silico Testing on the Activity of Quercetin in the Skin of Onion Allium Cepa L as A Natural Antihypertensive Compound Andi Ariyandy1, Nindrahayu2, Ami Febriza3, Andi Irwan Muluk4, Sulfahri5 1 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia, 2 Hasanuddin University Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia, 3 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia 4 Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, 5 Biological Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia Introduction The circulatory system illness known as hypertension raises blood pressure above normal ranges, which makes the heart work harder to circulate blood throughout the body. Quercetin reduces blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. keywords: angiotensin; antihypertensive; blood; compound; hypertension; journal; lisinopril; protein; quercetin cache: ijoab-22143.pdf plain text: ijoab-22143.txt item: #78 of 137 id: ijoab-22150 author: Masriah, Andi; Zaenab, St; Suryahman, Agus title: Effect of Bioslurry Concentration in Feed on The Growth and Survival of Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) date: 2022-12-29 words: 2709 flesch: 59 summary: In additi on (Rustidja 2003) also explained that fish feed which is formulated with a mixture of sludge (solid bioslurry waste) and other feed raw materials such as fish meal and soy flour does not reduce the quality of feed quality, in fact, the quality is the same as factory feed. Using bioslurry as a raw material for making fish feed can reduce feed costs because it is easy to obtain at a low price and has a complete nutriti onal content. keywords: bioslurry; concentration; feed; growth; journal; liquid; milkfish; survival; waste cache: ijoab-22150.pdf plain text: ijoab-22150.txt item: #79 of 137 id: ijoab-22274 author: Haruna, Sunday; Lama, Patience; Michael, Olayinka; Ezekiel, Adamu; JDC, Tongjura ; R.J, Ombugadu title: Effects of Azadirachta indica (Neem) seed extract on larvae and adult Anopheles mosquitoes in Nasarawa Local Government Area, Nasarawa State Nigeria. date: 2022-12-29 words: 2495 flesch: 52 summary: Results Effects of Azadirachtin indica oil extract on adult Anopheles mosquitoes Result showed that a total of 400 adult Anopheles exposed to A. indica oil extract at different concentration f or 24h. The percentage of adult Anopheles mosquitoes to 20%, 40%, 80% and 100% concentration of A. indica oil extract at 60 mins of exposure were 0, 20, 47 and 49 percentage mortality. keywords: anopheles; extract; journal; mortality; mosquitoes; neem; oil; seed cache: ijoab-22274.pdf plain text: ijoab-22274.txt item: #80 of 137 id: ijoab-2261 author: Lauw, Evi title: Study of Lacid Acid Bacteria Activities from Human Oral Mucosa for Candida albicans Inhibition date: 2017-12-30 words: 999 flesch: -148 summary: into! 4! tubes! containing! 9! mL! polyenes,! and! echinocandins! keywords: acid; bacteria; candida; international&journal&of&applied&biology,&1(2),&2017 cache: ijoab-2261.pdf plain text: ijoab-2261.txt item: #81 of 137 id: ijoab-2269 author: Pratiwi, Sabrina Resky; Ainiah, Nur; Hardyanti, Hardyanti; Putri, Dini Rusdayanti; Utomo, Emilia title: A Study on Entrapment Efficiency of Earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) Extract in the Ethosomal Drug Delivery System date: 2017-08-18 words: 791 flesch: -112 summary: One3 of3 the3 disadvantages3 of3 polar3 compounds3is3slow3penetration3into3the3skin3layers3which3can3be3solved3by3 formulating3it3in3the3form3of3ethosomal3drug3delivery3system.3The3aims3of3 this3research3was3to3find3out3information3about3ethanol3concentration3that3 provide3the3highest3entrapment3 efficiency3of3 the3ethosome.3Earthworms3 powder3 was3 macerated3 using3 50%3 ethanol3 for3 33 days.3 The3 extract3 was33 formulated3into3ethosome3with3variation3of3ethanol3concentration3that3are3 20%,330%,340%,3and350%,3respectively.3The3measurement3of3entrapment3 efficiency3 was3 conducted3 by3 measuring3 earthworms3 extract3 5%,3 soya3 lecithin3 2%,3 propyleneglycol3 10%,3 and3 ethanol3 50%.3 The3 entrapment3 efficiency3 of3 the3 formulations3 was3 observed3to3increase3along3with3the3increasing3concentration3of3alcohol.33 3 Acknowledgements& 3 This3 research3 was3 supported3 by3 The3 Ministry3 of3 Research,3 Technology3 and3 Higher3 Education3of3Republic3of3Indonesia3for3the3Research3Grant.3 & References& Aldarraji,3 Q.M.,3 Halimoon,3 N.3 and3 Majid,3 N.M.2013.3 Antioxidant3 Activity3 and3 Total3 Phenolic3 Content3 of3 Earthworm3 Paste3 keywords: and3; by3; earthworm3; extract3; in3; of3; the3; was3 cache: ijoab-2269.pdf plain text: ijoab-2269.txt item: #82 of 137 id: ijoab-2277 author: Haeriah, Haeriah; Rahmatullah, Muhammad; Indardaya, Andi; Utomo, Emilia; Novianti, Novianti; Sartini, Sartini title: The Production of Chitosan from Shrimp Shell Waste and Its Formulation in Patch DosageForm Combined with Aloe vera Extract as Antiinfection Agent date: 2017-08-18 words: 1125 flesch: -113 summary: 270 flexible0and0have0less0acetyl0groups.0The0results0of0this0analysis0is0presented0in0Table020and0 Figure02.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure&2.&XURay&Diffraction&Results& &(A.&Chitosan&Sample,&B.&Chitosan&Standard)& 0 Table&2.&CrI%Value&of&Chitosan&Standard&and&Chitosan&Sample& 0 0 0 0 0 Observation0 of0 chitosan0 structure0 using0 scanning0 electron0 microscopy0 (SEM),0 theoretically0 said0 that0 chitosan0 has0 smooth0 morphology0 with0 minimum0 residue,0 while0 according0to0research0that0is0conducted0by0Islam0et0al.%(2011),0reported0that0chitosan0was0not0 homogen0and0has0a0bit0not0smooth0surface0with0the0presence0of0bond0and0shrinkage0on0the0 surface.0Based0on0that0information,0the0result0that0obtained0were0appropriate0(Figure03).%% % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure&3.&Morphology&Observation&Results&Using&SEM& (A.&Chitosan&Sample,&B.&Chitosan&Standard)& Types&of&Chitosan& CrI& CrI110% CrI020% Chitosan0Standard0 18.51440 Q101.250 Chitosan0Sample0 18.70480 Q75.200 A& B& A& B& 0 International%Journal%of%Applied%Biology,%Vol.%1,%Issue%1,%2017% 0 280 &Extraction&of&Aloe%vera&Leaves& The0results0of0Aloe%vera0 leaves0extraction0was0obtained0the0percentage0of0yield0of0 22.73%.0The0qualitative0test0of0acemannan0in0Aloe%vera0extract0gave0positive0result0which0was0 showed0by0red0complex0formed0after0the0addition0of0congo0red0in0an0alkaline0situation.0This0 positive0result0indicated0that0Aloe%vera0extract0contained0acemannan0as0cell0regeneration0 stimulating0agent.0Acemannan0is0a0linear0polysaccharide0composed0by0(1,4)Qlinked0mannosyl0 residues,0with0C20or0C30acetylated0and0some0sideQchains0formed0by0galactose0units0attached0 to0C6.0It0is0aβQ(1,4)QQlinkedpolydispersed,0highly0acetylated0mannan0with0an0average0molecular0 weight0of0approximately010000kDa,0is0obtained0from0the0inner0leaf0of0Aloe%vera.%Acemannan0 has0 shown0 to0 accelerate0 wound0 healing.0 Acemannan0 produces0 immune0 agents0 keywords: and0; as0; chitosan0; in0; international%journal%of%applied%biology,%vol.%1,%issue%1,%2017; of0; patch0; that0; the0; was0 cache: ijoab-2277.pdf plain text: ijoab-2277.txt item: #83 of 137 id: ijoab-23832 author: rusdi, Abdalia; Sri Suro Adhawati; Najamuddin; Sutinah Made; Hamzah; Aris Baso title: The Productivity of Gillnet Mesh Size as A Substitute for Cantrang in Tamasaju Village, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency date: 2022-12-29 words: 4020 flesch: 67 summary: The type of research was survey research with a quantitative descriptive approach to obtain a sample from a population that describes or explains catch production, productivity, and efficiency of gillnet fishing gear. The population of this research was 40 cantrang fishermen who switch to using gillnet fishing gear in North Galesong District. keywords: data; fishermen; fishing; gear; gillnet; inch; mesh; mesh size; productivity; range; size cache: ijoab-23832.pdf plain text: ijoab-23832.txt item: #84 of 137 id: ijoab-24091 author: Palla, Andi Nur Faiziah; Metusalach; Nursinah Amir title: Fish Protein Hydrolyzate From Grouper Epinephelus Offal Using Bromelain Enzyme Pineapple Crude Extract date: 2022-12-29 words: 3289 flesch: 55 summary: Similarly, Harahap (2022) reported that the increase in the yield was due to the contribution and activity of the bromelain enzyme in the process of protein hydrolysis. The results of a two-way Anova showed that the concentration of the bromelain and length of hydrolysis time significant affected (p<0.01) the degree of protein hydrolysis of the grouper viscera. keywords: bromelain; concentration; degree; hours; hydrolysis; hydrolyzate; protein; time; viscera; yield cache: ijoab-24091.pdf plain text: ijoab-24091.txt item: #85 of 137 id: ijoab-24466 author: Poddar, Anirban; De, Devyani title: Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Serum of Diabetics: A Reflection of Glycemic Profile? date: 2023-06-23 words: 2004 flesch: 49 summary: Our study also reveals a very strong correlation between fasting blood glucose levels & serum ADA activity in patients with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes. HbA1C-5.4450±0.48175 International Journal of Applied Biology, 7(1), 2023 121 Conclusion Our study revealed a positive correlation between serum ADA activity and HbA1c levels as well as with fasting blood glucose levels. keywords: activity; ada; adenosine; diabetes; glucose; journal; serum cache: ijoab-24466.pdf plain text: ijoab-24466.txt item: #86 of 137 id: ijoab-24519 author: Munawir, Andi Muhammad ; Basir, Anastasia A title: The The Activity of Salmonella Typhii in Milkfish (Chanos chanos) with Invitro. date: 2023-06-14 words: 2642 flesch: 57 summary: The objective of this experiment was to activite Salmonella typhii in milkfish using the invitro test. The result of this experiment indicated that Salmonella typhii gave a positive result for the Biochemical test with TSIA media, SIM media, MRVP media, citrate, urea, Glucose, Sucrose, Lactose, Mannitol at three samples of milkfish out of ten samples taken randomly at the fish market and fish auction in Makassar, the contamination level of Salmonella typhii bacteria in all observed samples was moderate with a percentage level of 30%. keywords: acid; bacteria; dan; fish; gram; media; medium; milkfish; salmonella; samples; test; typhii cache: ijoab-24519.pdf plain text: ijoab-24519.txt item: #87 of 137 id: ijoab-24984 author: Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati; Puspitawati, Mutiara Dewi ; Maulana, Fayyadh Yusuf ; Yadarabullah title: The Utilization Potential of Tasikamdu Star Fruit Composted Waste for Mustard Cultivation (Brassica rapa L.) In Supporting Sustainable Agriculture date: 2023-06-22 words: 4115 flesch: 62 summary: The Procedure for Producing Star Fruit Waste Compost The making of star fruit waste compost started by: 1) Pruning of 50 kg star fruit leaves. C -organic was the parameter to determine the organic matter available in star fruit waste compost. keywords: compost; fruit; leaf; leaves; mustard; nutrients; results; soil; star; tons; waste cache: ijoab-24984.pdf plain text: ijoab-24984.txt item: #88 of 137 id: ijoab-25246 author: Trimulyono, Guntur; Isnawati; Asri, Mahanani Tri ; Khaleyla, Firas title: Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) from Fermented Milk Leftover for Wastewater Treatment of Soybean-Based Industries date: 2023-06-22 words: 2806 flesch: 53 summary: Wastewater treatment as designed in the current study can be applied by soybean-based home industries with short incubation time to remediate wastewater produced during soybean processing before disposal. The series of wastewater treatment performed in the current study to remediate tempeh wastewater was based on commonly used process to treat wastewater before being disposed to environment, including physical, chemical, and biological process. keywords: acid; days; industries; lab; level; parameters; treatment; wastewater cache: ijoab-25246.pdf plain text: ijoab-25246.txt item: #89 of 137 id: ijoab-25279 author: Rani, Sasiska; Endang Triwahyu Prasetyawati; Herry Nirwanto; Sri Wiyatiningsih title: The Potential of Bacillus spp. in Suppressing Colletotrichum capsici that Causes Antracnose in Red Chili date: 2023-06-22 words: 3957 flesch: 62 summary: Bacillus sp is the best bacteria that can stimulate red chili growth. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the treatment without Bacillus spp., chemical fungicides, Bacillus sp. (Ba-6), Bacillus sp. (Ba-9), Bacillus sp. keywords: anthracnose; bacillus; chili; disease; growth; isolate; plant; spp; treatment cache: ijoab-25279.pdf plain text: ijoab-25279.txt item: #90 of 137 id: ijoab-25284 author: Ferdinand, David; Hartanti, Lanny title: The Utilization of Nutraceuticals and Phytochemical Compounds to Inhibit The Interaction of Spike-protein SARS-CoV-2 Virus and ACE-2 Receptor for COVID-19 Therapy (Literature Review) date: 2023-06-22 words: 9320 flesch: 51 summary: The SARS-CoV-2 virus can spread rapidly (Helmy et al., 2020). The presence of an aglycone group, hesperetin, causes this compound to be able to bind to the ACE2 receptor (Verma et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020; Meneguzzo et al., 2020). keywords: 2020; ace2; components; cov-2; covid-19; docking; et al; interaction; international; journal; kcal; mol; potential; process; protein; research; results; review; sars; silico; spike; spike protein; study; virus; virus spike cache: ijoab-25284.pdf plain text: ijoab-25284.txt item: #91 of 137 id: ijoab-25336 author: Khatimah, Khusnul; Sompa, Andi ; Haerunnisa, Haerunnisa; Zaenab, St title: The Potential of Seaweed Gracilaria sp. as An Organic Waste Bioremediation Agent. date: 2023-06-14 words: 4125 flesch: 55 summary: This study aims to determine the ability of Gracilaria sp seaweed to absorb NO3, NO2, NH3 and PO4 and see the potential of Gracilaria sp. in mitigating significantly the excess of nutrients (eutrophication) in the waters. In Figure 4, there is an increase in the weight of seaweed Gracilaria sp. keywords: day; gracilaria; nitrate; nutrients; seaweed; study; water cache: ijoab-25336.pdf plain text: ijoab-25336.txt item: #92 of 137 id: ijoab-26502 author: Poudel, Sudeep; Khanal, Pratit ; C., Bigyan K.; Pokharel, Sadikshya ; Gauli, Sandesh title: Biological Control of Fungal Phytopathogens with Trichoderma harzianum and Its Fungicidal Compatibility date: 2023-06-23 words: 4757 flesch: 47 summary: Trichoderma harzianum showed high antagonistic activity for Alternaria brassicicola (70.35%), Fusarium solani (70.82%), Helminthosporium sorokinana (66.55%), Rhizoctonia solani (78.58%), Sclerotium rolfsii (92.53%). Compatibility of fungicides with Trichoderma harzianum. keywords: 100a; 100a 100a; fungicides; growth; harzianum; journal; mancozeb; pathogens; plant; ppm; soil; trichoderma cache: ijoab-26502.pdf plain text: ijoab-26502.txt item: #93 of 137 id: ijoab-26619 author: Wahyuti, Wahyuti; Ummung, Andi; Massiseng, Andi Nur Apung ; Daris, Lukman; Nurwahidah title: Development Strategy of Babana Mangrove Ecotourism in Larompong Selatan District, Luwu Regency date: 2023-06-14 words: 5194 flesch: 51 summary: This study aims to identify the potential of the Babana mangrove ecotourism in Larompong Selatan District, and to analyze the Babana mangrove ecotourism development strategy in Larompong Selatan District. The Babana mangrove ecotourism development strategy has great opportunities but also has weaknesses. keywords: analysis; babana; babana mangrove; community; development; district; ecotourism; factors; larompong; luwu; mangrove; mangrove ecotourism; potential; strategy cache: ijoab-26619.pdf plain text: ijoab-26619.txt item: #94 of 137 id: ijoab-26639 author: Daris, Lukman; Massiseng, Andi Nur Apung; Jaya, Jaya; Wahyuti, Wahyuti; Zaenab, St title: The Status of Diversity of Coral Reefs and Reef Fish Supporting Marine Tourism on Kodingareng Keke Island, Makassar City date: 2023-06-14 words: 4752 flesch: 49 summary: Coastal communities are people who have much knowledge about the objective conditions of their area, therefore in the development of marine tourism areas, an approach to the local community should always be initiated as a model of a participatory planning ap proach that places coastal communities in the possibility of sharing, increasing and analyzing their knowledge about marine and coastal life, plan and act (Muhtazib et al, 2022). Diversity of Coral Reef Ecosystems for Marine Tourism A distinctive feature of marine tourism areas is the presence of natural resources of the coast, waters and biota in the area, which are still natural and attractive for tourists. keywords: area; coral; development; diving; island; keke; keke island; kodingareng; kodingareng keke; makassar; marine; reef; tourism cache: ijoab-26639.pdf plain text: ijoab-26639.txt item: #95 of 137 id: ijoab-26862 author: Ablola, Ferissa; Bautista, Ana Liza; Migalang, Gilden Maecah ; Christa Jesusa Naval title: The Role of Molecular Systematics in Microbiological Research and Public Health: A Systematic Review date: 2023-06-22 words: 10005 flesch: 33 summary: PloS one, 14(7), e0219292. Dallal, M. M. S., Khoramizadeh, M. R., Amiri, S. A., Yaraghi, A. A. S., & Fard, R. M. N. 2016. in the Phil ippines during 2013–2014, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 116, Issue 12, December 2022, Pages 1202–1213, Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Hahnke, R.L., Petersen, J. et al. keywords: biology; dna; et al; gene; genome; health; identification; international; journal; microbial; microbiology; microorganisms; research; sequence; sequencing; species; strains; study; systematics; technique cache: ijoab-26862.pdf plain text: ijoab-26862.txt item: #96 of 137 id: ijoab-3066 author: Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati; Poerwanto, Roedhy; Efendi, Darda; Agusta, Andria; Yuliani, Sri title: The Analysis of β-cryptoxanthin and Zeaxanthin using HPLC in the Accumulation of Orange Color on Lowland Citrus date: 2017-12-29 words: 1141 flesch: -82 summary: Citrus! nobilis! peel.! for! 10! seconds.! keywords: color; degreening; international0journal0of0applied0biology,01(2),020170; precooling; treatment cache: ijoab-3066.pdf plain text: ijoab-3066.txt item: #97 of 137 id: ijoab-3093 author: Alami, Nur Hidayatul title: Effect of Yeast Based Biofertilizer combined with bacteria on Mustard Plant Growth date: 2017-12-29 words: 1261 flesch: -121 summary: for! for! keywords: azotobacter; bacillus; biofertilizer; candida; growth; international'journal'of'applied'biology,'1(2),'2017; treatment cache: ijoab-3093.pdf plain text: ijoab-3093.txt item: #98 of 137 id: ijoab-3133 author: Sulistiono, Sulistiono title: Talinum paniculatum (Jacq) Gaertn (Java ginseng) production using Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal date: 2017-12-31 words: 710 flesch: -152 summary: between! control! Warta# Tumbuhan# Obat# Indonesia,# 5:15T17! keywords: ginseng; java; mycorrhizal; vam cache: ijoab-3133.pdf plain text: ijoab-3133.txt item: #99 of 137 id: ijoab-3134 author: Litaay, Magdalena; Deviana, Marwa; Priosambodo, Dody title: Biodiversity and distribution of gastropods at seagrass meadow of Balangdatu waters Tanakeke Island South Sulawesi Indonesia date: 2017-12-31 words: 1401 flesch: -23 summary: species!are!Aluco#aluco,#Chicoreus#capucinus,#Conus#eximus,#Conus#ferrugineus,#Conus#magus,# Conus#varius,#Cymbiola#vesvertillo,#Cypraea#annulus,#Cypraea#talpa,#Cypraea#tigris,#Cypraea# vitellus,#Engina#alveolata,#Engina#armilata,#Engina#concinna,#Lambis#lambis,#Lambis#truncata,# Littoraria#scabra,#Nassarius#arcularius,#Nassarius#jacksonianus,#Nassarius#olivaceus,#Nassarius# reeveanus,#Nassarius#stolatus,#Nassarius#venustus,#Nerita#squamulata,#Oliva#tigridella,#Oliva# taeniata,# Polinices# mammilla,# Polinices# melanostomus,# Pyrene# decussata,# Rhinoclavis# vertagus,#Strombus#labiatus,#Strombus#urceus,#Thais#tuberosa,#Trochus#californicus. Conus#eximus# Q! keywords: international#journal#of#applied#biology,#1(2),#2017; seagrass cache: ijoab-3134.pdf plain text: ijoab-3134.txt item: #100 of 137 id: ijoab-3224 author: Yunita, Fitry; Leiwakabessy, Fredy; Rumahlatu, Dominggus title: Macrozoobenthos Community Structure in the Coastal Waters of Marsegu Island, Maluku, Indonesia date: 2018-07-28 words: 4920 flesch: 53 summary: Taurusman (2010) also found that the structure of macrozoobenthos in eutrophic coastal waters had a significant correlation with the quantity and quality of organic material. The equipments used for the measurement of temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen of sea water were thermometer, refragtometer, pH meter, and DO meter. keywords: afternoon; biology; community; index; island; journal; macrozoobenthos; marsegu; research; results; species; station; value; waters cache: ijoab-3224.pdf plain text: ijoab-3224.txt item: #101 of 137 id: ijoab-3971 author: Prajoko, Setiyo title: Water Feasibility Study of Bengawan Solo River for Irrigation: The Need for Technology to Solve Rice Field Pollution in Sragen, Indonesia date: 2018-07-28 words: 4996 flesch: 53 summary: Preventive Actions Preventive action is a useful action to prevent the use of Bengawan Solo water contaminated by heavy metals for irrigation. Farmers need to be given insights through extension activities on the dangers of using Bengawan Solo water for irrigation; instead the ground water can be use as the replacement (Pantek Well). keywords: bengawan; bengawan solo; biology; irrigation; metals; plants; pollution; quality; rice; river; solo; solo river; use; water; water quality cache: ijoab-3971.pdf plain text: ijoab-3971.txt item: #102 of 137 id: ijoab-4020 author: Leiwakabessy, Fredy title: The Effect of Method and Ripening Duration on the Content of β-Carotene of Fe’i Banana (Musa troglodytarum L.) date: 2018-07-28 words: 4890 flesch: 59 summary: ANOVA test results effect of duration ripening against β-carotene content of Fe’i Banana Length of RipeningLength Average ± SD F count Value-p Control 10,3742 ± 0,20818 9,964 0.002 5 minutes 12,9004 ± 1.55581 10 minutes 13,8552 ± 2.04878 15 minutes 14,5781 ± 2,36521 Ripening Methods Effective Against the Content of β Carotene Based on analysis of the effect of ripening methods that show a significant difference (p <0, 05), then, the analysis continued with Duncan's test. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of ripening method (steam and burn) and ripening length in relation to β-carotene content. keywords: banana; carotene; content; fe’i; length; method; minutes; results; ripening cache: ijoab-4020.pdf plain text: ijoab-4020.txt item: #103 of 137 id: ijoab-4391 author: Fadillah, Nur; Taufan, WInda Lestari; Aska, Muh Syahdan title: Production of Bioethanol From Kappaphycus alvarezii Algae by Using Pichia kudriavzevii Yeast date: 2018-07-28 words: 3219 flesch: 54 summary: g/g and reference with highest sugar content from Gracillaria sp. of 0.31 g/g of sugar content (Vanegas et al., 2015 and Wu et al., 2014). Cellulose 50˚C 4.5 6 jam 0.3 Wu et al., 2014 Kappaphycus alvarezii α-amilase 40˚C 5 24 jam 0.56 Penelitian ini Research used enzymatic hydrolysis method yields sugar of 0.3 g/g of Gracillaria sp. Marine algae (Wu et al., 2014). keywords: algae; alvarezii; content; et al; fermentation; hours; sugar cache: ijoab-4391.pdf plain text: ijoab-4391.txt item: #104 of 137 id: ijoab-4450 author: Syahdinnur, Arbaina; Abas, Agusrahman Ekaputra; Armidha, Chitriani title: The Potential of Algae Spyrogyra peipingensis to Produce Nanogold in Batch Culture Medium date: 2018-07-28 words: 2302 flesch: 49 summary: This research aimed to determine biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles by using algae Spirogyra peipingensis with different concentration and incubation time. From the results of the research, it is known that Spirogyra peipingensis algae is able to synthesize gold nanoparticles characterized by the color change in algae biomass from green to purple color after being treated and forming gold nanoparticles with size 40-60 NM. keywords: algae; gold; journal; nanoparticles; peipingensis; ppm; spirogyra cache: ijoab-4450.pdf plain text: ijoab-4450.txt item: #105 of 137 id: ijoab-4512 author: Thakur, Pitamber; Bhandari, Ghanashyam; Shrestha, Jiban; Achhami, Buddhi Bahadur title: Effect of planting dates and varieties on infestation of maize stem borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) date: 2018-07-28 words: 2942 flesch: 63 summary: Response of maize varieties/hybrid to maize stem borer damage (%) in weekly interval seeded experiment at NMRP, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal (Average data of two years of 2010/11 and 2011/12) © International Journal of Applied Biology 22 Abstract Studies on the effect of different planting dates and varieties of maize on the infestation of maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) were carried out at research field of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal in 2010/11 and 2011/12. keywords: borer; damage; infestation; maize; rampur; stem; temperature cache: ijoab-4512.pdf plain text: ijoab-4512.txt item: #106 of 137 id: ijoab-4615 author: Basri, Fajrin Hasan title: Development Michrosphere Bioadhesive Delivery System From Secondary Metabolit Actynomycetes M10a Rhizosphere Mangrove As Supportive Therapy of Colon Cancer Patients date: 2018-07-28 words: 2445 flesch: 51 summary: � International Journal of Applied Biology 55 Abstract Utilization of secondary metabolites from Actynomycetes Mangrove forests can be used as supportive therapy for colon cancer patients that have already through apoptotic testing so it can directly treat the target of illness. Conclusions The results obtained by using secondary metabolite Actynomycetes M10a are 400 μl, 500 μl, and 600 μl, respectively, where the percentage of rendamen in F1, F2, and F3 are 93,94%, 96,96%, and 94, respectively, 12%. keywords: actynomycetes; bioadhesive; cancer; microsphere; particle; size cache: ijoab-4615.pdf plain text: ijoab-4615.txt item: #107 of 137 id: ijoab-4673 author: Gurung, Dil Bahadur; Bhandari, Balram; Shrestha, Jiban; Tripathi, Mahendra Prasad title: Productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by varieties and sowing dates date: 2018-12-25 words: 2728 flesch: 71 summary: Rampur Composite produced highest grain yield (6.1 t/ha) in August and lowest yield (2.6 t/ha) in May. Gaurav produced highest grain yield (5.1 t/ha) in September followed by 4.9, 4.8 and 4.6 t/ha in February, July and August respectively and lowest yield (1.5 t/ha) in November. keywords: date; grain; maize; rampur; sowing; yield cache: ijoab-4673.pdf plain text: ijoab-4673.txt item: #108 of 137 id: ijoab-4753 author: Trisnaputri, Ashifa title: Production Banana Glucose Syrup with the α-Amylase Supplementation date: 2018-07-28 words: 2064 flesch: 56 summary: In the making of overripe banana glucose syrup, the natural enzymatic reaction during the ripening process that will hydrolyze the strach has to be increased with using α-amylase, so the percentage of reduction sugar could be increased. Results and discussion Moisture is used as a quality factor for sugar syrup that will influence the time of storage. keywords: banana; content; glucose; reduction; sugar; syrup cache: ijoab-4753.pdf plain text: ijoab-4753.txt item: #109 of 137 id: ijoab-5089 author: kristianto, sonny title: Bioaccumulation Monitoring of Heavy Metal Chromium (Cr) in Fish Oreochromis mossambicus in The Floating Net Cultivation in Sidoarjo Krembangan River date: 2018-12-25 words: 3282 flesch: 51 summary: Sampling station International Journal of Applied Biology, 2(2), 2018 22 Chemical Physics quality data streams Krembangan analyzed are descriptive, whereas the determination of the concentration of heavy metal Cr on fish oreochromis mossambicus (o. mossambicus) Bioconcentration Factor Values calculation using a calculated based on concentration a compound that is in the organism of the experiment divided by the concentration of compounds of heavy metals contained in the medium of water, the unit Kg/L Panjaitan (2009). The results of the analysis of heavy metal Cr on fish oreochromis mossambicus which was taken on the morning of between 0.48 – 0.52 mg/L, while in the evening between 0.39 – 0.50 mg/l. Value Analysis of heavy metal Cr on fish oreochromis mossambicus (o. mossambicus) has not exceeded a threshold according to the Director-POMS No. 03725/B/SK/about the limits of Metal Impurities on food, namely of 2.5 mg/kg, but although it has yet to go beyond the threshold of heavy metal Cr on fish oreochromis mossambicus (o. mossambicus) still need to look out for in the long run because heavy metals are toxic and carcinogenic Cr. Results of the analysis of the biokonsentrasi factors of heavy metal Cr on fish oreochromis mossambicus (o. mossambicus) shows the difference. keywords: fish; krembangan; metal; mossambicus; oreochromis; oreochromis mossambicus; river; water cache: ijoab-5089.pdf plain text: ijoab-5089.txt item: #110 of 137 id: ijoab-5260 author: Nepali, Bikram; Bhattarai, Sabin; Shrestha, Jiban title: Identification of Pseudomonas fluorescens using different biochemical tests date: 2018-12-25 words: 2177 flesch: 46 summary: Pseudomonas fluorescens has simple nutritional requirements and grows well in mineral salts media supplemented with any of a large number of carbon sources. Pseudomonas fluorescens are able to colonize around plant root and incorporate free atmospheric molecule into plant absorbable nutrient form along with improved plant growth and crop yield. keywords: cfu; fluorescens; pseudomonas; seed; test cache: ijoab-5260.pdf plain text: ijoab-5260.txt item: #111 of 137 id: ijoab-5471 author: Isrianto, Pramita Laksitarahmi; Tania, Putu Oky Ari title: Antioxidant Activity In Combination Extract of Acorus Calamus L. (Dlingu) and Allium Sativum (Garlic) date: 2019-06-29 words: 2635 flesch: 46 summary: This research is an experimental research which is the test of antioxidant content and antioxidant activity test with 5 series of concentrations and 4 times of repetition. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a combination extract of Acorus calamus L. (Dlingu) and Allium sativum (Garlic) on antioxidant activity. keywords: activity; antioxidant; combination; dlingu; extract; garlic; research; test cache: ijoab-5471.pdf plain text: ijoab-5471.txt item: #112 of 137 id: ijoab-5633 author: Adhikari, Bhim Nath; Shrestha, Jiban; Dhakal, Bishal; Joshi, Bishnu Prasad; Bhatta, Naba Raj title: Agronomic performance and genotypic diversity for morphological traits among early maize genotypes date: 2018-12-25 words: 5166 flesch: 54 summary: As plant height, number of harvested pods/plot, number of harvested ears/plot, ear length and ear diameter were found significantly positively correlated with maize grain yield thus selection applied in favour these traits will simultaneously improve maze yield of selected plants. Performance evaluation of early maize genotypes in far western hills of Nepal. keywords: 2018; days; ear; et al; height; maize; plant; silking; traits; yield cache: ijoab-5633.pdf plain text: ijoab-5633.txt item: #113 of 137 id: ijoab-5752 author: Baderan, Dewi Wahyuni; Utina, Ramli; Lapolo, Nuraini title: Vegetation structure, species diversity, and mangrove zonation patterns in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve Area, Gorontalo, Indonesia date: 2018-12-25 words: 5481 flesch: 63 summary: The loss of mangrove areas into ponds is also found in the Gorontalo region. The results of the analysis showed that the soil nutrient content in the form of N, P, and K obtained in the pond area ranged from 0.18-0.24, while in mangrove areas only ranged from 0.09-0.21. keywords: area; category; damage; diversity; journal; level; mangrove; research; site; soil; species; station; zone cache: ijoab-5752.pdf plain text: ijoab-5752.txt item: #114 of 137 id: ijoab-5813 author: Agus, Rosana title: Ligation, Transformation and Characterization of Rv 1926c Mycobacterium tuberculosis to Escherichia coli JM 109 For Latent Tuberculosis Immunodiagnostic date: 2018-12-30 words: 1694 flesch: 45 summary: The method used is isolating Rv 1926c with PCR, ligation to pGEM-T vector and transformation to E.coli host cell JM 109. ISSN : 2580-2410 eISSN : 2580-2119 Ligation, Transformation and Characterization of Rv 1926c Mycobacterium tuberculosis to Escherichia coli JM 109 For Latent Tuberculosis Immunodiagnostic Rosana Agus1, Sjafaraenan1 and Mochammad Hatta2 1Department Of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is the ninth leading cause of death worldwide. keywords: 1926c; dna; pgem; tuberculosis cache: ijoab-5813.pdf plain text: ijoab-5813.txt item: #115 of 137 id: ijoab-5815 author: Faqih, Achmad title: Diversity of Ordo Lepidoptera In Mangkok Resort, Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan date: 2018-12-30 words: 3100 flesch: 54 summary: The evenness index of the rainy season has a value of E = 0.841 which is included in the almost evenly category, while in the dry season the evenness of butterflies species has the value E = 0.975 included in the “almost evenly category. The abundance of butterflies species in the second and third positions is occupied by Graphium sarpedon species, and Graphium Agamemnon which reaches an average percentage of 52.86% and 41.40%. keywords: butterflies; butterfly; category; diversity; forest; index; restoration; season; species cache: ijoab-5815.pdf plain text: ijoab-5815.txt item: #116 of 137 id: ijoab-5848 author: Kurniawan, Ardiansyah; Sari, Suci Puspita; Asriani, Euis; kurniawan, andi; sambah, abu bakar; prihanto, asep awaludin title: Molecular Identification of Cellulolytic Bacteria From Mangrove Sediment at Tin Minning Region In West Bangka date: 2019-06-29 words: 3032 flesch: 47 summary: It is necessary to identify cellulolytic bacteria from mangroves on Muntok sub-district to complete data on mangrove cellulolytic bacteria resources on Bangka Island. © International Journal of Applied Biology 7 Abstract Cellulose as an abundant source of glucose in Indonesia requires acceleration of decomposition utilizing cellulolytic bacteria. keywords: bacillus; bacteria; bangka; cellulose; dna; international; isolates; journal; kurniawan; mangrove cache: ijoab-5848.pdf plain text: ijoab-5848.txt item: #117 of 137 id: ijoab-5868 author: Amaliah, Ulfah Nur; Johannes, Eva; Hasan, Munif S; Tambaru, Elis title: The Use Extract of Siam Leaf Eupatorium odoratum L. as Alternative Material In Lowering Blood Glucose date: 2019-06-29 words: 4096 flesch: 56 summary: It encourages the amount of research about the plants which have the potential to decrease blood glucose level, one of the plant which has the potential as the lowering of blood glucose is The research result shows that the siam weed leaves extract with dosage concentration 5%, 10% and 20% can decrease blood glucose level on mice that have suffered hyperglycemia and most effective on 20%. keywords: blood; blood glucose; extract; glucose; journal; leaves; level; mice; siam; test; treatment; weed cache: ijoab-5868.pdf plain text: ijoab-5868.txt item: #118 of 137 id: ijoab-5871 author: Erviani, Andi Evi; Abdullah, Asadi; Nurwahida, Nurwahida; Tairas, Febriany title: The Potential of Sea Worm Perinereis aibuhitensis Extract as Anti-microbe toward Bacteria Salmonella typhi and Fungus Candida albicans date: 2019-06-29 words: 2593 flesch: 53 summary: Generally, fungus can be resistance intrinsically toward anti-fungus medicines (primary resistance) or resistance can occur as the response toward anti-fungus medicine during the treatment (secondary resistance). Abstract The research about the potential of sea worm P. aibuhitensis extract as anti- microbe toward bacteria S. typhi and fungus C. albicans had been conducted. keywords: aibuhitensis; anti; concentration; sea; worm; zone cache: ijoab-5871.pdf plain text: ijoab-5871.txt item: #119 of 137 id: ijoab-5927 author: Pythaloka, Ajeng Dyah; Abadi, Muhammad Yusri; Darmawansyah, Darmawansyah title: Performance Assessment of Public Health Center Madising Na Mario Parepare, South Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2019-06-29 words: 2651 flesch: 45 summary: Enough = 5.5 - 8.4; Less = <5.5 International Journal of Applied Biology, 3(1), 2019 33 Based on the achievement of the health service performance of the Madising Na Mario Public Health Center in the Municipality of Parepare, it was shown that the average value of health center health service performance was 70.9% with less categories. The number of indicators that have good performance with a score of 10 are 9 indicators including dropping out of Antenatal Care services delivery by health workers, handling high obstetric / risk complications, Acid Resistant Basil error rate, adherence to Antenatal Care standards, adherence to standards for examining pulmonary tuberculosis, the level of patient satisfaction with public health centers services, the availability of Public health centers service standards, and the health center quality team. keywords: center; health; management; performance; public; services cache: ijoab-5927.pdf plain text: ijoab-5927.txt item: #120 of 137 id: ijoab-5930 author: iksan, muhamad; Aba, La Aba; Kusrini, Kusrini title: The Ability of Ferns to Accumulate Heavy Metals (Hg, Pb And Cd) In The Waters of The Gorontalo River date: 2019-06-29 words: 4287 flesch: 63 summary: Based on the results of the study that, ferns can accumulate heavy metals, the parts that accumulate are located below the root surface and above the soil surface, namely stems and leaves. This waste discharge causes pollution of heavy metals into the aquatic environment. keywords: activities; bone; content; ferns; international; journal; metals; plants; pteridophyta; river; √ √ cache: ijoab-5930.pdf plain text: ijoab-5930.txt item: #121 of 137 id: ijoab-5967 author: Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati; Poerwanto, Roedhy; Efendi, Darda title: Study of Several Stages of Maturity and Storage Temperature on Color Changes and Shelf Life of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) date: 2019-06-29 words: 3802 flesch: 59 summary: Mangosteen Fruit Skin Appearance Observation result of mangosteen fruit skin color started at harvest (0 DAH) until the end of storage (30 DAH) at 15 oC (Figure 5) and at room temperature (Figure 6). The first factor was the fruit maturity stage at harvest consisting of: Maturity Stage-1 (mostly at 104 days after anthesis day after harvest (DAA), fruit skin color was yellowish green with a little bit of red specks), Maturity Stage-2 (at 106 DAA, fruit skin color was reddish yellow with red specks spread evenly near sepals), Maturity stage-3 (at 108 DAA, fruit skin color was reddish yellow with red specks all over) and Maturity Stage-4 (at 110 DAA, fruit skin color was evenly red). keywords: color; dah; fruit; mangosteen; maturity; skin; stage; storage; temperature cache: ijoab-5967.pdf plain text: ijoab-5967.txt item: #122 of 137 id: ijoab-6062 author: Yunus, Reni; Hilam, Muhammad; Darmayani, Satya title: Inhibition of Juice Komba-Komba (Chromolaenaodorata) Leaf Against Growth of Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus date: 2019-06-29 words: 3107 flesch: 50 summary: In this study we used komba komba leaf extract without the addition of other chemical solvents such as ethanol or methanol to obtain active compounds. Kirinyuh leaves Chromolaena odorata in the local community of the Muna tribe are known as the leaves of Komba-komba (Jumiarni & Komalasari, 2017). keywords: aureus; chromolaena; concentration; extract; growth; inhibition; journal; komba; leaf; odorata; staphylococcus cache: ijoab-6062.pdf plain text: ijoab-6062.txt item: #123 of 137 id: ijoab-6080 author: Maulina, Dina; Sumitro, Sutiman B; Amin, Muhammad; Lestari, Sri Rahayu title: Lectin Protein Spodoptera litura Activity After Exposured by Biopesticide from Mirabilis jalapa date: 2019-06-29 words: 3427 flesch: 54 summary: The result of laboratory test which had been done by M. jalapa as biopesticide has LD50 on concentration 0.8% toward Spodoptera (Maulina, 2018a). The use of sub lethal concentration of M. jalapa is conducted in order the pest target is not become resistance with it. keywords: biopesticide; concentration; immune; jalapa; journal; lectin; litura; research; spodoptera; system cache: ijoab-6080.pdf plain text: ijoab-6080.txt item: #124 of 137 id: ijoab-6592 author: Tuapattinaya, Prelly MJ; Rumahlatu, Dominggus title: Analysis of Flavonoid Levels of Enhalus acoroides in Different Coastal Waters in Ambon Island, Indonesia date: 2019-06-29 words: 4832 flesch: 60 summary: The high content of Pb and Cd found in the leaves of seagrass Enhalus acoroides causes the flavonoids content to be dissolved in bases thereby reducing flavonoid levels in the leaves of seagrass Enhalus acoroides which grow in the coastal waters of Galala village. On the other hand, the number of seagrass Enhalus acoroides in the coastal waters of Galala is relatively small, because the waters have been polluted by factory waste and household waste from the community (Rijal et al., 2014). keywords: acoroides; doi; enhalus; flavonoid; galala; indonesian; journal; leaves; levels; results; rutong; seagrass; waai; waters cache: ijoab-6592.pdf plain text: ijoab-6592.txt item: #125 of 137 id: ijoab-6688 author: Thapa, Saroj; Thapa, Khagendra; Shrestha, Jiban; Chaudhary, Amit title: Effect of seedling age, seeding density and nitrogen fertilizer on growth and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) date: 2019-06-29 words: 3572 flesch: 59 summary: Urea is considered as cheaper nitrogenous fertilizer that also don’t have detrimental effect on amount and quality of rice grain yield. Proper growth and good final yield is obtained only after proper management of rice seedlings at their young stage and also using of healthy seedlings. keywords: age; density; effect; growth; journal; nitrogen; plant; rice; seedling; yield cache: ijoab-6688.pdf plain text: ijoab-6688.txt item: #126 of 137 id: ijoab-7760 author: Yusop, Mohd Rafii title: Genetic inheritance of multiple traits of blast, bacteria leaf blight resistant and drought tolerant rice lines date: 2019-12-30 words: 10284 flesch: 61 summary: ISSN : 2580-2410 eISSN : 2580-2119 Genetic inheritance of multiple traits of blast, bacteria leaf blight resistant and drought tolerant rice lines The most effective strategy to minimize yield losses due to blast, bacteria leaf blight and drought stress is through the development of durable, broad- spectrum resistant varieties (Jena and Mackill, 2008; Kumar et al., 2014; Sundaram et al., 2014). keywords: biology; blast; blight; days; drought; drought stress; et al; grain; international; journal; length; lines; non; plant; resistance; rice; stress; tillers; tolerance; traits; water; yield cache: ijoab-7760.pdf plain text: ijoab-7760.txt item: #127 of 137 id: ijoab-7818 author: Akos, Ibrahim Silas; Yusop, Mohd Rafii; Ismail, Mohd Razi; Ramlee, Shairul Izan; Shamsudin, Norazyah Abd Aziz; Ramli, Asfaliza Binti; Haliru, Bello Sani; Ismai'la, Muhammad; Chukwu, Samuel Chibuike title: A review on gene pyramiding of agronomic, biotic and abiotic traits in rice variety development date: 2019-12-30 words: 13054 flesch: 61 summary: It is quite necessary to identify the new resistant genes to control the changeful races (Xia et al. 2012), and also utilize pyramiding method, for wider spectrum of host resistance, since thirty five (Shang et al. 2009) Other multi-traits varieties are; LAC 23, Xiangzi 3150, Gumei 2 (carrying minimum of two R genes each) (Huang et al. 2011; Mackill and Bonman 1992; Wu et al. 2005), Digu, IR64 and Sanhuangzhan 2 (carrying minimum of three R genes each) (Chen et al. 2004, Liu et al. 2004; Sallaud et al. 2003, Shang et al. 2009), Tetep and Moroberekan (carrying a minimum of four R genes each) (Barman et al. 2004; Chen et al. 1999). keywords: 2004; blast; blight; breeding; conditions; crop; development; disease; drought; effect; et al; genes; growth; leaf; markers; plant; production; pyramiding; resistance; rice; selection; smut; stress; temperature; tolerance; traits; variety; virens; wang; water; yield cache: ijoab-7818.pdf plain text: ijoab-7818.txt item: #128 of 137 id: ijoab-8060 author: Shrestha, Jiban title: Performance evaluation of maize in Jumla district of Nepal: from yielding perspective date: 2019-12-30 words: 4076 flesch: 69 summary: 35 Abstract The performance evaluation of maize genotypes at a specific growing region is a key to crop improvement. The objectives of this study were to evaluate grain yield of maize genotypes at Bijayanagar (Mahatgaun VDC) and Tallo Lorpa (Dillichaur VDC), Jumla District of Nepal during spring seasons of 2012 and 2013. keywords: days; genotypes; grain; height; karnali; maize; nepal; pop; yield cache: ijoab-8060.pdf plain text: ijoab-8060.txt item: #129 of 137 id: ijoab-8113 author: Prasai, Hari Kumar title: Performance evaluation of lentil and chickpea genotypes in Doti district of Nepal date: 2019-12-30 words: 4099 flesch: 64 summary: The combined analysis of trials over years showed that lentil genotype namely Black Masuro produced the highest grain yield (790 kg/ha) followed by LG 12 (746 kg/ha) and ILL 3111 (747 kg/ha), respectively. Gain yield and growth traits of lentil genotypes at RARS Bhagetada, Doti during winter season of 2012 S. N. Genotype Flowering day Maturity day Plant height (cm) Pods/plant Grain yield (kg/ha) 1 ILL 7715 104 137 25.00 79 593 2 ILL 6467 103 138 22.25 93 626 3 LG 124 103 137 23.50 71 688 International Journal of Applied Biology, 3(2), 2019 49 4 ILL 7537 105 138 23.00 68 420 5 ILL-1 101 149 22.75 68 595 6 PL-4 104 139 23.50 67 484 7 ILL-3111 100 137 26.50 87 764 8 ILL 6256 106 138 18.50 58 372 9 ILL 3490 104 137 22.50 78 604 10 ILL 7979 105 138 21.75 60 428 11 WBL-77 104 139 22.75 74 432 12 HG 57 104 138 22.75 79 578 13 ILL 9926 101 134 21.75 57 keywords: chickpea; genotypes; grain; iccx; ill; lentil; yield cache: ijoab-8113.pdf plain text: ijoab-8113.txt item: #130 of 137 id: ijoab-8448 author: iksan, muhamad title: Biomass and Carbon Uptake of Mangrove Forests Pohorua Village, Muna Regency date: 2019-12-30 words: 3113 flesch: 60 summary: Mangrove forests have a key role in climate change mitigation strategies (Eddy et al. 2015) that report that the rate of degradation and loss of mangrove forests in Indonesia is classified as high, almost 50% - 60% of total mangrove forests in Indonesia have been lost due to various anthropogenic activities between others are fisheries, plantations, agriculture, logging, industry, settlement, salt ponds and mining. This resulted in an increase in the intensity of the exploitation of OPEN ACCESS International Journal of Applied Biology Keyword Biomass, Carbon uptake, Mangrove forest, Pohorua village. keywords: biomass; carbon; dan; forests; jurnal; mangrove; station; tree; uptake; value; vol cache: ijoab-8448.pdf plain text: ijoab-8448.txt item: #131 of 137 id: ijoab-9168 author: Handayani, Leni; Rauf, A; Rahmawaty, Rahmawaty; Supriana, T title: Reevaluation of Land Fitness For Soybean Plant in Kabamatan Stabat, Langkat District date: 2020-03-10 words: 2377 flesch: 49 summary: In the process of assessing land suitability manually, it is considered inaccurate. The results showed that the limiting factors of land suitability for soybean plants that had to be adjusted were temperature, rainfall, soil texture, C-Organic, N-Total and P- Available soil. keywords: land; soil; soybean; suitability cache: ijoab-9168.pdf plain text: ijoab-9168.txt item: #132 of 137 id: ijoab-9181 author: Seftiono, Hermawan; Panjaitan, Gracecilia Yohanna; Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati title: Study of The Effect of Sugar and Lime Juice Proportion on the Quality of Starf Ruit Sorbet date: 2020-02-28 words: 5748 flesch: 66 summary: Addition of sugar concentration in this study was not affecting aroma of star fruit sorbet sugar aroma was masked by lime juice aroma. The graph showed that aroma of star fruit sorbet score in this study increased with added lime juice. keywords: formulation; fruit; g lime; g sugar; juice; lime; score; sorbet; star; sugar cache: ijoab-9181.pdf plain text: ijoab-9181.txt item: #133 of 137 id: ijoab-9187 author: ZRIKEM, Hind; AIT SAID, Loubna; ZAHLANE, Kawtar title: Haemophilus paraphrophilus brain abscess in a 9-year-old boy: Case report and literature review date: 2020-06-29 words: 1845 flesch: 53 summary: The following case report describes the first isolated case of A. paraphrophilus brain abscess in our laboratory. Table 2. Reported cases of A. paraphrophilus brain abscesses Case no. date keywords: abscess; antibiotics; brain; haemophilus; paraphrophilus cache: ijoab-9187.pdf plain text: ijoab-9187.txt item: #134 of 137 id: ijoab-9324 author: Ambeng, Ambeng - title: Ambeng, Hazairin Zubair, Ngakan Putu Oka dan Adi Tonggiroh date: 2020-06-29 words: 3401 flesch: 61 summary: Diversity index values in each sampling area are low and high, ranging from 0.91 to 1.91 and the value of uniformity varies with no species dominating in all sampling areas. Diversity index values (H ') obtained at all sampling area ranged from 0.91 - 1.91, and for sampling areas I and IV based on diversity index criteria included high diversity criteria, while those in the V-VI sampling area included low to moderate diversity levels. keywords: area; bivalvia; community; density; distribution; diversity; estuary; index; pangkajene; sampling; species; value cache: ijoab-9324.pdf plain text: ijoab-9324.txt item: #135 of 137 id: ijoab-9446 author: Thakur, Jaya; Shinde, Bharat title: Effect of water stress and AM fungi on the growth performance of pea date: 2020-06-29 words: 3575 flesch: 70 summary: The fresh weight of both control and mycorrhizal plants has been decreased with the increase in water stress interval and also the fresh weight of root and shoot was observed higher in mycorrhizal plants as compared to those of control plants. In addition, AMF mitigate different kinds of plant stresses such as drought (Michelson and Rosendahl, 1990; keywords: days; interval; mycorrhizal; plants; shoot; stress; water cache: ijoab-9446.pdf plain text: ijoab-9446.txt item: #136 of 137 id: ijoab-9549 author: Izevbuwa, Osazee Ekundayo; Akpoka, Obhioze Augustine; Okafor-Elenwo, Ebere Julein title: Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites amongst selected age groups within Okada, South –South Nigeria. date: 2020-06-29 words: 2512 flesch: 51 summary: Intestinal parasites prevalence and related factors in school children, a western city sample – Turkey. Abstract This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites from volunteered individuals in the study site. keywords: age; infection; journal; nigeria; parasites; prevalence cache: ijoab-9549.pdf plain text: ijoab-9549.txt item: #137 of 137 id: ijoab-9914 author: smail, harem othman title: Evolution of human diseases date: 2020-06-29 words: 8022 flesch: 44 summary: Disease in human evolution: the reemergence of infectious disease in the third epidemiological transition. Predictive adaptive responses and human evolution. keywords: antibiotics; biology; cell; disease; et al; evolution; genes; genetics; hiv; host; human; journal; nature; pathogens; process; resistance; viral; viruses cache: ijoab-9914.pdf plain text: ijoab-9914.txt