item: #1 of 123 id: ijmeb-1851 author: May, Daniel E.; Adams, Harper; Tate, Graham J.; Worrall, Leslie title: Understanding The Formation of Networks by Small Agricultural Firms date: 2011-06-28 words: 24704 flesch: -923 summary: [� @�� ��� �� ��?L�> ���� =����=� �������� ��> =�AA�9���� �� ���� 9��� F������ ��=���� �OFA� � �? ��� �L==��� �� � � 9L� ������̀�a���������� �Sb*/c626+3$+/$+,-$%6+3$/($d/.U-*,&24+/'$7ef:; <==��> �? �� @�9A� BC � ���D>�= �A �=����� � �� � >L G E�� �9A� �=��� �=������ ��� F��9�9 A �G �� ��E� � =����=� ������� � ��� ���� ����� 9G gI�gJ� @� � ���LA� =�� ��h�=� ��� ��=� ���� ��G ���� A��� �L=� �� �LF�� ������ ��� A�=���> � = � ��� @��������C ��� F��O �G �� 9 ? = � �� =�LA> 9� =�LFA�> � �� ��� �O ����=� �� ��� ��� ��E �? =����=� ��������� ijk�l̀mnopqr�st��otmpu�m�vupq̀mrw�m̀rmstx�mỳ�z{lK� ��>�� �� ���� ��� |}~C ��� F��9 � �>�A >��=� 9�> � �ML�� ��� g ��> B ��� ��� ���>� @�� ��� ���> �>�A � F�������> � @�9A� W��&�.-$��$b*/�6+$2/5-.$/($'-+0/*�$4&*+6%64&+6/'$6'$%/'+*&%+$2&*�-+1������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  ¡¡��¢�£¤�¥����������������������������������������������������������������������������¦¢��§¡¡��¦̈�©©�¥̈���������������������������������������������������������������������������¦��̈�¡¡��¦¢�§��ª����������������������������������������������������������������������������¦��«¢¡��¦¢�̈¤�¬�����������������������������������������������������������������������������¦¢�§�¡¡��¦¢�¤ �­�¥������®¢������������������������������������������������������������������©�§©��̄°��±�²�����³���������������������������������������������������������������©�¢«�����b́ µ I�IHC ¶¶b µ I�IgC ¶¶¶ b µ I�IIgC ·̧��� �� � F�������� �� ���������� ������� �� � � ������� ��������� ����� �� �������� � � ������ � � ��� � ����� �! �� ��������� �� � � ��� ��� � �������# ������ $��%��� ����� ������� ��� � ��������� �������#� � �� �� � � ��� ��%�� � ������ �� ������&'(�)� �� � ����*+������ ��� , � � �! 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Inconsistencies among the advocates of rational expectations are also evident, with many of these inconsistencies manifesting themselves in spirited attempts to defend the hypothesis. keywords: actual; adaptive; adaptive expectations; agents; argument; average; best; correct; current; data; e t; economic; equilibrium; errors; expectations; expectations hypothesis; expected; future; hypothesis; individual; information; interest; lane; learning; long; models; n.d; past; period; price; process; rational; rational expectations; rationality; relevant; term; theoretical; theory; time; value; variable cache: ijmeb-1862.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1862.txt item: #3 of 123 id: ijmeb-1863 author: Omran, Abdelnaser; Abdulbagei, Mohammed Alnor; Gebril, Abdelwahab O. title: An Evaluation of the Critical Success Factors for Construction Projects in Libya date: 2012-06-28 words: 1678 flesch: 39 summary: The main reason for conducting this study was to evaluate which critical success factors are most important in phases of construction projects. Keywords: Evaluation, Critical success factors, Construction projects, Libya. 1. keywords: client; construction; contractor; critical; design; experience; factors; high; impact; important; industry; items; labour; libya; management; materials; project; questionnaire; related; research; respondents; success; team; time; work; years cache: ijmeb-1863.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1863.txt item: #4 of 123 id: ijmeb-1868 author: Musso, Fabio title: Editorial date: 2013-06-28 words: 1050 flesch: 34 summary: The state of over-supply of global markets pushes mass retailers to adopt hard competitive policies based on market-driven management, which emphasize continuous product 1 Coase R.H. (1937), The Nature of The Firm”, Economica, n. 4, pp. 386-405. The papers collected in this issue of The International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB) contribute in continuing the construction of the complex mosaic of concepts and tools that is necessary for the study of economic behavior. keywords: analysis; authors; behavior; change; communication; economic; environmental; factors; forms; global; influence; limited; literature; management; market; opportunism; products; rationality; retailers; study; tca; theory; williamson cache: ijmeb-1868.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1868.txt item: #5 of 123 id: ijmeb-1869 author: Zhang, Wei-Bin title: Dynamic Interactions among Growth, Environmental Change, Habit Formation, and Preference Change date: 2013-06-28 words: 8913 flesch: 64 summary: In the literature of economic growth with preference change, economists analyze preference change mainly by introducing time preference change in the Ramsey growth model. If we follow Uzawa’s idea, then it is reasonable to assume 0>wλ and .0=kλ If we follow the assumption that the rate of time preference is positively related to wealth, for instance, accepted by Smithin (2004) and Kam and Mohsin (2006), then 0=wλ and .0>kλ 10 The habit formation and the propensity to consume The modeling of the propensity to save is influenced by the literature of time preference change. keywords: + =; = +; = =; analysis; approach; behavior; capital; change; consumer; consumption; curve; different; differential; dynamic; economic; economic growth; economy; endogenous; environmental; environmental change; environmental sector; equations; equilibrium; figure; following; force; formation; function; goods; growth; habit; habit formation; household; impact; income; industrial; instance; interest; journal; labor; level; literature; lower; model; motion; national; neoclassical; original; output; parameters; path; point; policy; pollution; preference; production; productivity; propensity; quality; rate; relative; review; rise; saving; sector; stock; studies; study; system; t t; tax; theory; time; time preference; total; traditional; utility; values; variables; wage; wealth; zhang cache: ijmeb-1869.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1869.txt item: #6 of 123 id: ijmeb-1870 author: Brondoni, Silvio M.; Corniani, Margherita; Riboldazzi, Sabina title: Global Retailers, Market-Driven Management and Innovation date: 2013-06-28 words: 6290 flesch: 43 summary: The paper is based on a review and synthesis of secondary data and published work and proposes to link together the issues concerning global retailing with market-driven innovation, offering an initial classificatory schema of activity areas where global retailers can innovate to compete in global markets. Competition is thus growing fast in global markets, even for retailers, who are becoming more and more global companies, with global relationships. keywords: activities; alliances; annual; assortment; brand; brondoni; bubble; business; capabilities; carrefour; chain; channel; commercial; companies; company; competitive; competitors; consumers; consumption; continuous; corniani; corporate; corporations; customer; day; demand; development; different; distribution; diversification; doi; equity; example; financial; functions; giappichelli; global; global retailers; group; growth; hypermarkets; important; information; innovation; issues; japan; journal; label; lambin; large; literature; local; main; management; manufacturers; market; marketing; metro; new; non; ohmae; online; order; orientation; oriented; paper; particular; performance; point; policies; price; private; product; production; purchasing; relationships; report; retailers; retailing; review; riboldazzi; s.m; sale; services; space; specific; stores; strategic; strategy; supply; symphonya; system; table; tesco; torino; use; value; walmart; world; cache: ijmeb-1870.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1870.txt item: #7 of 123 id: ijmeb-1871 author: Checchinato, Francesca; Hu, Lala; Vescovi, Tiziano title: The communication of foreign products in China through the store: an empirical analysis date: 2013-06-28 words: 7707 flesch: 55 summary: In fact, despite the important role given to the country of origin and country of design by companies and the recognition given by the literature, to our knowledge no study has tried to analyse how this information cue is used in store during the consumer shopping experience, by using store elements and sellers’ information. Keywords: Country of origin; Store image; Retail; Mystery shopping; China; Foreign brands; Italy. keywords: analysed; analysis; atmosphere; attributes; beijing; brand; brand stores; case; china; chinese; cities; clientele; colours; communication; consumers; coo; coo elements; country; customer; different; displays; distribution; elements; evaluation; fashion; foreign; framework; high; image; important; information; international; italian; journal; layout; lindquist; literature; local; marketing; mystery; new; number; order; origin; personnel; physical; point; presence; present; presentation; previous; products; promotion; purchase; quality; related; research; retail; retailing; review; role; sales; sample; sellers; service; shanghai; shoppers; shopping; store image; stores; table; tier; use; value; window cache: ijmeb-1871.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1871.txt item: #8 of 123 id: ijmeb-1872 author: Mincu, Laurentiu; Gruber, Thorsten title: Exploring the Factors Influencing the Intention to Use Self-Service Technologies: An Eastern European Perspective date: 2013-06-28 words: 13083 flesch: 59 summary: Consumer technology inertia is defined as an ‘attachment to, and persistence in, using an incumbent system (i.e., the status quo) even if there are better alternatives and incentives to change’ (Polites & Karahanna, 2012, p.24). After conducting a research among online financial services consumers, Lee, Lee & Eastwood (2003) discovered that they usually seek cost efficiency, flexibility and greater control over their bank accounts. keywords: adoption; advantage; analysis; atms; attitude; authors; avoidance; beta; bitner; comparison; complexity; consumers; correlation; countries; country; cultural; curran; current; customer; data; different; effect; employment; et al; ethnocentrism; experience; experiential; factors; findings; gelderman; greater; high; hofstede; impact; independent; individualism; inertia; influence; information; intention; interaction; internet; interviews; io n; journal; lee; marketing; markets; masculinity; meutner; meutner et; model; need; negative; new; o n; online; order; ostrom; parasuraman; past; positive; previous; quantitative; rational; readiness; relationship; relative; research; respondents; results; risk; role; romania; ron; second; self; service; shopping; significant; similar; simon; social; ssts; stage; steenkamp; studies; study; survey; table; technologies; technology; thinking; uncertainty; usage; use; value; variables; wang cache: ijmeb-1872.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1872.txt item: #9 of 123 id: ijmeb-1873 author: Pencarelli, Tonino; Francioni, Barbara; Gabbianelli, Linda title: Factors driving consumer attitude and purchase intention towards hunting firearms date: 2013-06-28 words: 8405 flesch: 50 summary: The second objective is to try to identify, through a segmentation realized by the cluster analysis, hunter groups with similar generic characteristics and similar behavior in purchasing a firearm. the interpersonal influence (word-of-mouth from friends and acquaintances, degree of diffusion among hunter groups) 3. factors related to the retailer image and the service quality (competence and quality offered by the retailer, availability of the nearest retailer). keywords: acquaintances; aesthetics; analysis; availability; behavior; brand; brand image; buying; characteristics; cheapness; cleaning; cluster; competence; consumer; customers; degree; different; diffusion; ease; ergonomics; factors; features; firearm; friends; future; groups; hunters; image; important; influence; innovation; intention; interpersonal; italian; italy; journal; maintenance; manageability; marketing; mean; mouth; nearest; nearest retailer; number; objective; order; particular; perception; process; producer; product; purchase; purchasing; quality; research; retailer; retailer image; score; second; service; service quality; similar; study; table; tradition; word; years cache: ijmeb-1873.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1873.txt item: #10 of 123 id: ijmeb-1874 author: Iazzi, Antonio; Trio, Oronzo; Fait, Monica; Iaia, Lea title: Social web communication and CRM in the marketing strategies of wine enterprises date: 2013-06-28 words: 7193 flesch: 32 summary: Key words: social customer relationship management (sCRM); social media communication; wine sector 1. sCRM is a technology that enables companies to monitor, import and manage conversations and relationships with real and potential customers through social media communication tools. keywords: agents; analysis; attention; bars; blog; brand; business; buyers; california; categories; category; channels; characteristics; cognitive; common; communication; companies; company; consumer; content; customers; data; denomination; elements; equal; facebook; fact; factors; figure; forms; greater; importance; information; involvement; journal; level; lockshin; main; management; marketing; media; networks; new; order; positioning; possible; presence; product; purchase; quality; reference; related; relationship; research; results; sales; scrm; sector; sharing; similar; social; social communication; social media; specific; study; terms; tools; topics; usa; use; users; value; variance; view; web; wine; winery; words cache: ijmeb-1874.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1874.txt item: #11 of 123 id: ijmeb-1875 author: Obamiro, John Kolade title: Effects of Waiting Time on Patient Satisfaction: Nigerian Hospitals Experience date: 2013-06-28 words: 5023 flesch: 48 summary: Yeddula (2012) asserts that the amount of time patient wait during clinic visit is a source of dissatisfaction with healthcare. Patient waiting time can be described as the amount of time patient spent before being served. keywords: anderson; camacho; care; centres; delivery; department; doctors; emergency; experience; general; good; gup; health; healthcare; high; hospitals; issues; journal; lemire; level; long; majority; medical; nigeria; nurses; ota; outpatient; overall; patient; patient satisfaction; personnel; private; public; quality; relationship; research; respondents; results; room; satisfaction; satisfied; senti; service; service delivery; similar; staff; studies; study; survey; table; time; umar; university; waiting; waiting time; yeddula cache: ijmeb-1875.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1875.txt item: #12 of 123 id: ijmeb-1877 author: Puka, Edi; Beshiri, Dilina title: Political and Economic Aspects in Education: an Analysis of Citizen Formation Process through Active Citizenship date: 2013-06-28 words: 4074 flesch: 41 summary: The patterns of political education having prevailed so far are: the academic model with its explanation and dissent in the abstract of a great deal of knowledge, and that of the laboratory, which tilts and leans over, even by moments of simulation, toward vital worlds of operational policy. In order to properly educate for active citizenship, political education must ensure the necessary resources for formation and the best possible instruction. keywords: active; active citizenship; ancient; center; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; commitment; common; community; concept; conception; cultural; culture; democracy; democratic; development; economic; educating; education; formation; forms; free; good; human; individual; knowledge; law; life; man; modern; necessary; needs; order; participation; people; person; policy; political; political education; politics; power; process; public; reality; respect; responsible; rights; school; sense; social; society; space; state; subject; time; values; virtue; world; young cache: ijmeb-1877.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1877.txt item: #13 of 123 id: ijmeb-1878 author: Petrucci, Francesco title: Musical priming effects on food preference date: 2013-06-28 words: 6344 flesch: 47 summary: This cognitive approach about music effect on consumer behavior, is reflected by recent developments in psychology of arts. Marketers have long understood the importance of background music in enhancing consumer's experience satisfaction. keywords: activation; advertising; affective; approach; arousing; attitude; b.j.duskin; background; behavior; case; certain; characteristics; cheese; cognitive; consistent; consumer; differences; different; dimension; effects; expertise; factor; females; fit; gender; group; higher; influence; journal; judge; knowledge; level; liking; males; marketing; match; music; musical; north; pecorino; people; perception; piano; piece; pleasure; positive; potential; preferences; present; priming; product; psychology; qualities; ratings; refined; related; relevant; research; response; results; soft; stimulus; strong; students; subjects; taste; tempo; thoughts; variable; vol; way; wine cache: ijmeb-1878.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1878.txt item: #14 of 123 id: ijmeb-1879 author: Coviello, Antonio; Di Trapani, Giovanni title: Supply Risk Management: Mitigation Strategy date: 2013-06-28 words: 4202 flesch: 43 summary: Risk Management is based on the creation of links between firm protection and firm management, with a specific focus on the development of suitable communication tools and the assignment of a specific position to the person charged with risk management (a position equal to the one held by the various functional managers) (Haller M., 1976; WILLIAMS C.A.,1995 ). A harmful event is basically viewed as the source of a negative monetary flow and Risk Management actions as tools to reduce these flows (Borio C., Furfine C., Lowe P., 2001). keywords: accidental; activities; analysis; approach; assessment; business; companies; company; cost; coviello; crucial; data; decision; dei; different; economic; events; evolution; field; financial; firm; forestieri; function; general; gestione; higher; identification; individual; information; innovation; insurance; journal; lack; level; loss; making; management; managerial; managers; mere; methodologies; milano; need; new; objectives; operation; policies; possible; potential; practice; prevention; protection; quality; relationship; resources; rischi; risk; risk management; safety; services; strategic; supply; system; techniques; threats; tools; traditional; typologies; wilful cache: ijmeb-1879.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1879.txt item: #15 of 123 id: ijmeb-1880 author: Musso, Fabio title: Editorial date: 2014-06-28 words: 1695 flesch: 22 summary: The study employs a model describing key relationships in the generation of customer loyalty, from initial customer satisfaction to trust, to commitment, to Results of an empirical research show that customer satisfaction alone will not result in customer loyalty. The generation of customer loyalty, from initial customer satisfaction to trust, to commitment, to loyalty. keywords: analysis; article; aspects; behavioral; cognitive; customer; customer loyalty; development; economic; environment; financial; generation; indicators; internal; loyalty; management; market; mechanisms; new; perspective; psychological; research; resources; results; strategic; understanding cache: ijmeb-1880.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1880.txt item: #16 of 123 id: ijmeb-1881 author: Vasquez-Parraga, Arturo Z.; Sahagun, Miguel A. title: Explaining Customer Loyalty to Retail Stores In U.S. Hispanic Markets date: 2014-06-28 words: 9392 flesch: 57 summary: Explaining customer store loyalty in emerging markets, in particular Hispanic markets, is the main purpose of this paper. Acknowledging that there have been many attempts to be understand customer store loyalty, this study employs an explanation chain and, thus, a model describing key relationships in the generation of customer loyalty, from initial customer satisfaction to trust, to commitment, to loyalty. keywords: affective; approach; ave; average; behavioral; best; business; chain; cognitive; commitment; communication; constructs; consumer; core; customer; customer loyalty; customer satisfaction; customer store; effects; explanation; factors; favorite; figure; fit; grocery; grocery store; hispanic; impact; involvement; items; journal; loyalty; management; marketing; markets; model; moderating; opportunism; order; parraga; personal; process; quality; related; relationships; research; results; retail; retailing; risk; role; satisfaction; second; service; significant; store; store loyalty; study; table; trust; values; variables; vasquez cache: ijmeb-1881.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1881.txt item: #17 of 123 id: ijmeb-1882 author: Consoli, Domenico title: The Integration of Interactive and Collaborative Tools 2.0 in Websites of Micro and Small Enterprises date: 2014-06-28 words: 10398 flesch: 50 summary: Nowadays also micro and small companies use interactive web sites that integrate some tools 2.0 (chat, blogs, forums, ...) and links to social networks, such as interface with the external environment. In this paper we ana collaborative tools in websites of micro and small companies that have introduced some experimentations in this direction. keywords: adoption; alsc5; analysis; b2b; b2c; blog; business; cases; channels; chesbrough; collaborative; communication; companies; company; competitive; consoli; consultant; consumer; content; customers; elements; employees; enterprises; entrepreneur; external; facebook; following; future; ict; images; important; information; innovation; interactive; large; linkedin; management; manager; market; marketing; media; medium; micro; model; networks; new; number; open; particular; percentage; presence; production; products; questionnaire; research; results; sample; sector; services; small; small companies; small enterprises; social; software; table; technological; technologies; technology; time; tools; traditional; twitter; use; user; virtual; vol; web; website; yes; youtube cache: ijmeb-1882.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1882.txt item: #18 of 123 id: ijmeb-1883 author: Asongu, Simplice A. title: New Financial Development Indicators: With a Critical Contribution to Inequality Empirics date: 2014-06-28 words: 13398 flesch: 43 summary: On the other hand, if the share of financial sector development in GDP growth is greater in comparison to other macroeconomic components of GDP growth, the direct effect on income distribution will be an equalizing one. This indicator Financial formalization here financial sector evolves to the detriment of formal This proposition shows the rate at which the informal financial sector is developing at the cost of formal and iates the deterioration of the formal banking sector to the benefit of other sectors 5 and 8 should be perfectly antagonistic, her sectors) and the later (formal sector (See Appendix 2). keywords: african; analysis; asongu; bank; banking; coefficients; competition; control; correlation; countries; country; data; definition; deposit; depth; development; dynamic; economic; economy; effect; empirical; endogeneity; equalizing; equation; error; estimation; evidence; finance; financial; financial development; financial institutions; financial sector; financial system; following; foreign; formal; formal financial; gdp; gini; gmm; government; growth; human; ifs; impact; importance; income; increase; indicators; inequality; inflation; informal; institutions; instruments; intervals; issue; journal; kunt; lagged; levine; liabilities; liquid; literature; measures; money; noi; non; oir; overlapping; panel; paper; policy; poor; population; positive; poverty; proposition; rate; research; results; rural; savings; second; sectors; semi; specific; statistics; supply; system; table; term; test; time; use; values; variables; world; year cache: ijmeb-1883.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1883.txt item: #19 of 123 id: ijmeb-1884 author: Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna; Hooy, Chee-Wooi; Ahmad, Zamri title: Moon Phase as the Cause of Monday Irrationality: Case of Asean Day of the Week Anomaly date: 2014-06-28 words: 12016 flesch: 61 summary: Now we can proceed to the differences between full moon and new moon returns. As seen in Table 2, the evidence of DOWA shows that we can continue to the next 4.3 The Full Moon and New Moon Differences Now we can proceed to the differences between full moon and new moon returns. keywords: affection; aim; anomaly; asean; behavior; bias; coefficient; conclusion; daily; days; decision; dowa; dummy; effect; equation; evidence; finance; forgas; friday; gravity; human; hypothesis; indonesian; interaction; investor; irrationality; journal; level; lunar; making; malaysia; market returns; markets; mean; model; monday; monday dummy; monday effect; monday moon; monday returns; mood; moon; moon cycle; moon day; moon dummy; moon effect; moon mean; moon phase; moon returns; negative; new moon; panel; paper; phases; philippines; price; probability; process; psychology; relationship; research; results; returns; role; significant; stock; stock market; stock returns; table; terms; test; thailand; theory; time; value; variable; week cache: ijmeb-1884.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1884.txt item: #20 of 123 id: ijmeb-1885 author: Gabor, Manuela Rozalia title: Retailer – Consumer Relationships for Durable Goods Market in Romania. A Multimethod Analysis date: 2014-06-28 words: 12286 flesch: 38 summary: Following the previous research, it has durable goods market in Romania has many features ble goods, consumers in Romania use the following criteria and Gabor et al., 2009): price, promotions, brand of the product smallest influence having the provided after sales service; Acquisition way used by Romanian consumers (period, location, promotional influences etc.) Characteristics of durable goods market in Romania: • High endowment with black and white TV in urban environment (14%) • High endowment with non-automatic washing machines in urban environment (27%) • High endowment with second – hand durable goods (…..%) • Structure of households • Last position as regards endowment with necessities durable goods, in European Union • Low buying power • Innovativity of Romanian consumers however not sustained by buying power • Major gaps regarding endowment with durable goods between Romania’s development regions • Lending policies type „loan with ID only”, of Romanian banking system in order to artificially increase standard of living in Romanian households • Conclusions of studies carried-out by GfK Romania referitoare la Conceptual framework of the paper reign literature the first research with regard to this market is since 1979, when Stafford were anticipating that, from a high number of reasons (including a – with age between 18 – 34 years) the durable good fastest segment of consumer market in the ’80s. keywords: acquisition; alpha; analysis; anova; aspect; attributes; authors; average; brand; buying; characteristics; choice; coefficient; consumer; country; criteria; data; decision; differences; distribution; durable goods; education; education level; endowment; following; friends; gabor; goods market; head; high; higher; household; household head; important; influence; information; issue; item; journal; leaflets; level; literature; marketing; means; methods; new; number; occupational; order; paper; people; performances; period; place; policies; population; post; price; producers; product; promotional; purchase; purchasing; quality; questionnaire; ranks; recommendations; regards; relation; replacement; research; results; romania; sample; sampling; scale; school; second; service; significant; sources; specialty; statistical; status; study; table; test; testing; tirgu; total; urban; usefulness; validity; value; variables; wilcoxon cache: ijmeb-1885.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1885.txt item: #21 of 123 id: ijmeb-1886 author: Perovic, Nikola title: Psychological Pricing in Modern Retailing: The Case of Wine Sector in Hard-Discounter Chains of Russia date: 2014-06-28 words: 10516 flesch: 57 summary: Therefore, wine consumers react on product of price, price discount and region. Therefore, wine consumers react on product 85 of price, price discount and region. keywords: advantage; behavior; business; case; cash; certain; chains; competitive; concept; consumers; customer; demand; different; discounts; factor; focus; food; gendall; goal; goods; hand; hard; high; important; international; involvement; issue; journal; largest; literature; low; lower; marketing; modern; monetka; new; number; odd; order; paper; perception; period; price; pricing; products; psychological; psychological pricing; purchase; purchasing; quality; red; research; retail; retail chains; retailer; retailing; rubles; russia; sales; seasonal; sector; single; sole; source; stores; strategy; supermarket; table; tactics; time; trade; type; use; value; vol; white; wine cache: ijmeb-1886.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1886.txt item: #22 of 123 id: ijmeb-1887 author: Andrei, Liviu Catalin title: Convergence and Optimum Currency Area, as Advanced Economic Integration date: 2014-06-28 words: 8732 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: European type integration; incipient & advanced integration phases; customs union; economic convergence; monetary union; fiscal union; optimum currency area. This is a kind of 'classical' factors for economic convergence nowadays, in the post-colonial era. keywords: advanced; analysis; area; balassa; basic; benefits; capital; common; concept; context; convergence; costs; countries; country; criteria; currency; current; customs; debate; definition; degree; developed; development; different; dinga; economic; economies; economy; effect; empirical; emu; equilibrium; european; exchange; factors; financial; flexibility; frankel; free; gdp; growth; higher; iancu; inflation; integration; international; journal; labour; level; literature; market; mckinnon; meaning; member; mobility; model; monetary; money; mongelli; mundell; new; nominal; oca; ones; optimum; paper; phase; political; press; previous; price; process; production; productivity; properties; question; rate; real; region; review; samuelson; shocks; similarity; specific; states; theory; tradable; trade; type; union; unique; university; vol; wages cache: ijmeb-1887.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1887.txt item: #23 of 123 id: ijmeb-1889 author: Gebresilassie, Yibrah Hagos title: The Economic Impact of Productive Safety Net Program on Poverty: Evidence from Household Survey Data, Tigrai National Regional State, Ethiopia date: 2014-06-28 words: 5140 flesch: 59 summary: Using total poverty line, poverty rate was lowest among program participants (30.33%) than non-participants (31.1%). More specifically; − To examine the impact of Productive Safety Net Program on consumption − To examine the differentiated effect of the program on men and women − To assess the magnitude of depth, gap and severity of poverty differentials between program participants and non- participants. keywords: adult; analysis; assets; average; consumption; count; data; development; difference; equivalent; ethiopia; expenditure; family; female; food; food poverty; gap; goods; head; households; impact; index; intervention; level; line; livestock; male; mean; net; net program; non; participants; percent; population; positive; poverty; poverty line; productive; program; program participants; propensity; psnp; respondents; safety; sample; severity; significant; size; study; tlu; total; value cache: ijmeb-1889.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1889.txt item: #24 of 123 id: ijmeb-1890 author: Abiodun, Abolaji Joachim; Adeyemi, Kenneth Sola; Osibanjo, Adewale Omotayo title: Quality Dimensions, Value, Service Cost and Recommendation Behaviour: Evidence from the Nigerian Cellular Industry date: 2014-06-28 words: 9089 flesch: 29 summary: Service quality was operationalized along two main sub-dimensions: customer service and core components of cellular service, for example, voice clarity over the network, call drop during calls, network coverage, among others. However, similarity in augmented service packages (customer service) may not offer real advantage in terms of related or utilitarian value of cellular service is weak as a tool for ensuring that service providers’ customer base partner arian aspect for granted when Hedonic dimension of value, on the contrary, indicates beneficial customer recommendation advantage which suggests the need for cellular providers to monitor erformance not only on key cellular features but also the entertainment and emotion-evoking features of their service. keywords: abiodun; advantage; affective; analysis; aspect; attributes; base; behavior; business; cellular communication; cellular industry; cellular providers; cellular service; cognitive; communication; competitive; core; customer satisfaction; customer service; customers; data; dimensions; economic; effect; entertainment; factors; features; fit; hedonic; hedonic value; impact; income; index; industry; information; journal; key; kim; lee; literature; loyalty; management; market; marketing; mobile; model; need; network; nigerian; perceptions; performance; phone; price; providers; recommendation; recommendation behavior; related; relationship; research; respondents; result; retention; satisfaction; service; service attributes; service cost; service dimensions; service providers; service quality; significant; strategic; studies; study; subscribers; switching; use; utilitarian; utilitarian value; value; variables cache: ijmeb-1890.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1890.txt item: #25 of 123 id: ijmeb-1891 author: Sürücü, Oktay title: Lying for the Greater Good: Bounded Rationality in a Team date: 2014-06-28 words: 6398 flesch: 66 summary: Table 4 - Action Space Type-1 Type-2 Used prices      ∈ 3 1 ,0ip L L       6 1 , 6 1      ∈ 3 2 , 3 1ip H M       2 1 , 3 2      ∈ 1, To our knowledge, all these studies are concerned with how fully rational agents can take advantage of boundedly rational agents (see Rubinstein 1993, Piccione and Rubinstein 2003, Eliaz and Spiegler 2006). keywords: agent; boss; case; categories; category; decision; different; expected; function; high; information; interaction; limitations; loss; low; market; namesake; number; optimal; period; possible; price; probability; process; products; rational; rational agent; rationality; reaction; reports; representative; second; table; type-1; types; value cache: ijmeb-1891.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1891.txt item: #26 of 123 id: ijmeb-1892 author: Francioni, Barbara title: Editorial date: 2015-06-28 words: 1492 flesch: 12 summary: identified ten advantages of adopting interdisciplinarity knowledge and research, and one of the most important is that several intellectual, social, and practical problems need interdisciplinary Finally, during the last decade, the vast majority of call for papers, textbooks and research initiatives required or offered and interdisciplinary approach (Knights and Willmott, 1997) The International Journal of Economic Behavior is multidisciplinary in nature and the papers collected in this issue contribute in enhancing the adoption of interdisciplinarity, especially providing stimuli for future research of economic behavior and management perspectives. Finally, during the last decade, the vast majority of call for papers, textbooks and research initiatives required or offered and interdisciplinary approach (Knights and Willmott, 1997) The International Journal of Economic Behavior is multidisciplinary collected in this issue contribute in enhancing the adoption of interdisciplinarity, especially providing stimuli for future research of economic behavior and management perspectives. keywords: behavior; corporate; economic; financial; future; informal; interdisciplinary; international; issue; journal; knowledge; management; orientation; paper; performance; research; results; sector; social cache: ijmeb-1892.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1892.txt item: #27 of 123 id: ijmeb-1893 author: Amron, A.; Mahmud, M. title: Determinants of Corporate Performance: A Study on Furniture Companies in Jepara Indonesia date: 2015-06-28 words: 7876 flesch: 42 summary: Innovation products are believed to be able to increase sales, profit, and competitiveness of a business organization, but the development of innovation products also means expensive products and risks for a company. Innovation field orientation and its effect on innovativeness and firm performance. keywords: analysis; business; characteristics; companies; company; condition; corporate; corporate performance; data; effect; empirical; environment; equation; export; firm; fit; furniture; goodness; growth; hypothesis; index; indicators; indonesia; industries; industry; innovation; international; jepara; journal; knowledge; leader; learning; management; market; market orientation; marketing; mean; measurement; model; new; number; operational; organization; orientation; performance; positive; probability; process; product; regency; requirement; research; results; role; sem; shows; significant; size; small; study; test; value; variable cache: ijmeb-1893.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1893.txt item: #28 of 123 id: ijmeb-1894 author: Asongu, Simplice A. title: May the Soul of The IFS Financial System Definition RIP in Developing Countries date: 2015-06-28 words: 13041 flesch: 44 summary: This equation has put on the margin (and skewed) burgeoning phenomena of mobile banking, knowledge economy (KE), informal financial sector, a previously missing component in the IFS conception and definition of the financial system can only be marginalized at the cost of misunderstanding recent burgeoning trends in mobile phone IFS definition has incontrovertibly fought its final dead battle and lost in the face of soaring trends highlighted above. informal financial sector, a previously missing component in the definition of the financial system by the IMF significantly affects KE dimensions; (2) disentangling different components of the existing finance nexus and; (3) introduction of measures of sector importance provides relevant new insights into how financial sector competition affects KE. keywords: access; account; africa; asongu; banking; banks; behavior; card; cash; competition; component; conception; countries; coverage; credit; customer; definition; demombynes; deposit; depth; development; economic; economy; empirical; equation; evidence; finance; financial; financial development; financial sector; financial system; growth; ifs; income; indicators; inequality; informal; informal financial; institutions; international; international financial; journal; knowledge; liabilities; liquid; literature; mbiti; measures; missing; mobile; mobile banking; mobile financial; mobile money; mobile phone; model; money; n.a; network; new; panel; paper; penetration; phone penetration; phones; poor; poverty; principal; proposition; recent; role; savings; second; section; sectors; semi; services; statistics; store; strand; supply; table; thegeya; transfer; vol; world cache: ijmeb-1894.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1894.txt item: #29 of 123 id: ijmeb-1895 author: Kurniasari, Widuri; Warastuti, Yusni title: Between CSR and Profitability to Firm Value in Sri-Kehati Index date: 2015-06-28 words: 8692 flesch: 52 summary: Dowell, et (2000) measure firm value and find that multin environmental norms is positively related to higher firm value. Dowell, et (2000) measure firm value and find that multinational enterprises’ adoption of strict global environmental norms is positively related to higher firm value. keywords: accounting; activities; assets; average; behavior; business; companies; company; corporate; corporate social; corporate value; csr; csri; data; disclosure; earnings; economic; effect; environmental; equity; exchange; financial; firm value; firms; good; group; higher; impact; increase; index; indonesia; information; international; investors; journal; kehati; management; market; market value; means; news; non; performance; positive; price; profitability; relationship; research; responsibility; results; roa; significant; size; social; social responsibility; stock; study; suspect; table; theory; value; variable cache: ijmeb-1895.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1895.txt item: #30 of 123 id: ijmeb-1896 author: Raimi, Lukman; Fadipe, Adeniyi Olubunmi; Shokunbi, Morufu Oladimeji title: Responsible Investment (RI): An Alternative Funding Option for Roads-Bridges Management in Nigeria Under the Public-Private Partnership Framework date: 2015-06-28 words: 11220 flesch: 44 summary: The roads on which tolls are collected are called toll roads, turnpikes, tollbooths, tollhouses and tollways (Gilliet, 1990; Jenkinson and Taylor, 2010). The role of toll roads in promoting regional sector participation: A case study of Jabotabek p:// (Accessed: March 22, 2014). keywords: arrangement; available; behavior; best; bridges; build; business; collection; collection system; concessioning; construction; contemporary; cost; data; development; economic; electronic; environment; expenditure; federal; finance; findings; framework; funding; governance; government; highway; human; infrastructure; international; investment; investors; january; journal; lagos; literature; maintenance; major; management; merits; minister; ministry; model; nations; new; nigeria; obc; official; online; operate; option; paper; partnership; period; policy; ppp; private; private sector; process; processing; progress; projects; public; raimi; regional; research; resources; responsible; responsible investment; revenue; roads; sector; services; share; slow; social; speed; state; studies; sustainable; system; table; toll collection; tolling; tolling policy; tolling system; tolls; total; traditional; transfer; transport; ugeh; vehicles; viable; vol; works; years cache: ijmeb-1896.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1896.txt item: #31 of 123 id: ijmeb-1897 author: Zhang, Wei-Bin title: How do the Richest 1% Own 50% of the National Wealth in an Integrated Walrasian Equilibrium and Neoclassical Growth Model date: 2015-06-28 words: 14478 flesch: 61 summary: As the rich increases their efficiency in applying human capital, the inequality The rich get higher share of the national wealth and the ratios of per household wealth he poor and rich and between the middle and rich are increased. More work accumulates more human capital. keywords: = =; accumulation; analysis; approach; arrow; behavior; capital; capital accumulation; capital goods; capital utilization; change; consumer; consuming; consumption; different; disposable; distribution; dynamics; economic; economic behavior; economic growth; economy; education; efficiency; endogenous; equilibrium; factor; figure; follows; function; general; goods; group; growth; growth model; heterogeneous; higher; hours; household; household wealth; human capital; income; inequalities; inequality; interest; international; j j; jjj; journal; labor; learning; leisure; levels; middle; model; national; national wealth; neoclassical; output; people; poor; population; production; productivity; propensity; rate; ratios; review; rich; rich household; richest; sector; share; studies; study; supply; system; t t; theory; time; total; utilization; uzawa; wage; walrasian; wealth; working; zhang;   cache: ijmeb-1897.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1897.txt item: #32 of 123 id: ijmeb-1898 author: Adebiyi, Sulaimon Olanrewaju; Oyatoye, Emmanuel Olateju; Amole, Bilqis Bolanle title: Determinants of Customers` Churn Decision in the Nigeria Telecommunication Industry: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach date: 2015-06-28 words: 12799 flesch: 39 summary: i. First Stage: build hierarchical model for Motivation for customer churn decision in the Nigerian telecommunication industry: (a) Establishing the pair-wise comparison matrix for each decision alternative for each criterion; (b) Synthesization; (c) International Journal of Establishing the pair-wise comparison matrix for each criteria normalized matrix; (e) values for each decision alternative; according to the values that have been acquired in the previous stage. ii. Determinant of customer churn decision in Nigerian telecommunication Level 2 The Criteria: Unwanted calls/SMS; dispute in billing; mobile number portability (MNP); frequency of promotions/bonuses by competitors; poor inter/intra connectivity; and poor complaint management. keywords: agent; ahp; analysis; analytic; bar; billing; bonuses; calls; chart; churn; competition; complaint; composite; connectivity; consistency; cost; criteria; criterion; customers; data; data plan; decision; decision alternatives; decision criteria; difficulties; dispute; dubious; economic; eigen; evaluation; figure; framework; frequent; hierarchy; horizontal; implementation; index; industry; inefficient; inter; international; internet; intra; irrelevant; journal; length; making; management; matrix; maximum; mnp; mobile; network; nigeria; number; operator; plan; plan criteria; poor; poor complaint; poor inter; portability; positive; present; priorities; priority; priority weight; problem; process; promotion; provider; ratio; relative; research; service; sms; study; subscribers; table; telecommunication; texts; unwanted; unwanted calls; values; weight; λmax cache: ijmeb-1898.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1898.txt item: #33 of 123 id: ijmeb-1899 author: Candelo, Elena; Casalegno, Cecilia; Civera, Chiara title: Towards Corporate Shared Value in Retail Sector: A Comparative Study over Grocery and Banking Between Italy and the UK date: 2015-06-28 words: 13922 flesch: 42 summary: The information have been collected at a the three dimensions of the CSV framework n on each company addressed to investigate the extent of CSV 112 Strategic Accountability: • the spread of CSR communication messages and Reports (including adherence to International Standards) in accordance to the current issues (environmental, societal and economic mainly); • the level of CSR strategy formalization concerning its governance and mechanisms of decision and control within the company; Strategic Philanthropy: • the level of formal implementation and accountability for philanthropy, with clear plans describing the nature of the donations or partnership with Third Sector Organization that match with the mission and core business of the company and the publishing of Reports to function both as financial evidence of the projects and communication of the achieved results; • the typology of adopted techniques in the field of philanthropy (such as employees volunteering and Cause Related Marketing (CRM) as targeted strategic donations) and the intent they are communicated to serve (branding purposes for instance); Sustainable Deliverables: • creation and implementation of sustainable processes, products/goods and services that respond to social needs while delivering a financial return (e.g. development of ethical funds for banking retailers and eco and environmental friendly products for groceries’ private labels); Relation between communication and CSR: • the extent to which certain CSR activities are pursued and communicated to meet and serve mainly commercial goals rather than the merely ethical intent. When taking into consideration the philanthropic effort among Italian and UK companies, what emerges is that the average estimated amount for cash and in-kind donations per company out of a broader range of CSR activities is much more higher in the UK (UK Company Giving, 2011/2012; Osservatorio Socialis, 2014). keywords: accountability; activities; activity; attitudes; authors; banking; behavior; brand; branding; business; business model; certain; choice; communication; community; companies; company; concrete; considered; consumers; core; corporate; corporate social; countries; country; csr; csr csr; csv; customers; data; development; differences; different; economic; environmental; ethics; evidence; extent; field; financial; findings; good; governance; grocery; hand; identity; impact; implementation; instance; international; investments; italian; italy; journal; kingdom; level; management; marketing; model; needs; new; paper; particular; perception; philanthropy; players; practices; products; programmes; related; relationship; report; research; responsibility; responsible; results; retailers; sample; sector; services; set; shared; similarities; social; social responsibility; societal; society; stakeholders; strategic; strategy; structured; study; sustainability; sustainable; united; use; value; vol; way cache: ijmeb-1899.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1899.txt item: #34 of 123 id: ijmeb-1900 author: Wingender, Jr., John R.; Raval, Vasant; Schuett, Samantha J. title: The Impact of Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame Induction Announcement on Firm Value date: 2015-06-28 words: 9520 flesch: 51 summary: Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. To recognize those companies e successfully implemented the Balanced Scorecard, the Palladium Group, a leading organization of strategic management, established a widely-respected global program: Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy. keywords: abnormal; announcement; average; balanced scorecard; bsc; business; companies; company; cumulative; date; day; days; determined; effect; estimation; event; event study; fame; financial; firm; firm value; following; group; harvard; hypothesis; impact; implementation; induction; information; kaplan; management; market; measurement; measures; model; non; norton; organization; palladium; performance; period; perspective; positive; price; processes; research; results; returns; scorecard hall; security; significant; stock; strategic; strategy; study; system; test; trading; value cache: ijmeb-1900.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1900.txt item: #35 of 123 id: ijmeb-1901 author: Tarasov, Arthur title: Is Equality Fair? date: 2015-06-28 words: 13576 flesch: 68 summary: Utility of fairness (HJ�) is a function of outcomes of average of their outcomes (�L Schmidt (1999), Bolton and Ockenfels (2000), and Falk and FischbacherHJ����,��,�L&, where �� � � The utility of punishment ( preference for spiteful punishment (Falk et al, 2005) when it reduces the di the smaller outcome of player 1 and bigger outcome of player 2: the preference for spiteful punishment of player 1. Both players divide their respective money pools granted to them: player 1 divides money are of equal size: Π� � The strategy set of player 1 is �� � ���, �, �,��,�� . keywords: /01; a/01; appendix; assumption; average; behavior; benefits; bolton; case; conceptions; criteria; criterion; d/01; decision; different; disadvantage; division; dominant; economic; equal; equal outcomes; equality; experiment; fair; fairness; falk; fehr; fischbacher; game; half; height; henrich; hk �; international; journal; money; observations; ockenfels; opportunity; outcomes; participants; people; person; player; player 1; pool; possible; preference; punishment; results; schmidt; screen; second; set; share; situations; size; small; social; stage; strategies; strategy; subjects; table; theories; time; treatment; ultimatum; unequal; unfair; word; π �; � ≠ cache: ijmeb-1901.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1901.txt item: #36 of 123 id: ijmeb-1903 author: Vrontis, Demetris; Ferraris, Alberto title: Editorial date: 2016-06-28 words: 1375 flesch: 36 summary: 1 EDITORIAL of the International Journal of Economic Behavior comprehend several topics that provide a special stimulus for future research on economic behavior and The International Journal of Economic Behavior is multidisciplinary in nature and the papers collected in this issue comprehend nine contributes, among which have been selected from the 8th EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, more papers followed a imitrios A. Chatzoudes and Prodromos D. Chatzoglou proceeds in developing and testing an original conceptual framework, which xplores the impact of CSR practices on various measures of consumer behaviour. Results propose differences between brand love and interpersonal love, highlighting brand related factors as well as consumer related factors that affect the development of love relationship with brands. keywords: analysis; behavior; brand; conceptual; consumer; csr; decision; differences; economic; economic behavior; factors; framework; impact; international; issue; journal; love; paper; practices; related; relationship; results cache: ijmeb-1903.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1903.txt item: #37 of 123 id: ijmeb-1904 author: Chatzoudes, Dimitrios A.; Chatzoglou, Prodromos D. title: Determinants of Corporate Performance: A Study on Furniture Companies in Jepara Indonesia date: 2016-06-28 words: 12384 flesch: 48 summary: H Path H1 CSR practices → Trust towards the organisation H2 CSR practices → Company H3 CSR practices → Customer- H4 CSR practices → Recommendation intention H5 CSR practices → Repeat patronage intention H6 CSR practices → Customer H7 CSR practices → Willingness to pay a premium price H8 CSR practices → Perceived quality of services H9 CSR practices → Company reputation Mean score * More specifically, the proposed conceptual framework includes one independent factor (CSR practices) and nine dependent factors (trust towards the organisation, company valuation, customer-company identification, r intention, customer loyalty, willingness to pay a premium price, perceived quality of services, company reputation). keywords: analysis; behavior; business; companies; company; conceptual; consumers; corporate; corporate social; crisis; csr; csr practices; customer; data; effect; empirical; employees; environment; equation; ethical; factors; framework; greek; hypotheses; identification; impact; intention; items; journal; law; literature; local; loyalty; management; marketing; measurement; measures; model; order; organisation; path; patronage; positive; premium; present; previous; price; quality; questionnaire; repeat; reputation; research; respect; responsibility; responsible; results; review; second; services; significant; social; social responsibility; structural; studies; study; table; testing; trust; valuation; willingness; women cache: ijmeb-1904.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1904.txt item: #38 of 123 id: ijmeb-1905 author: Akturan, Ulun title: Why Consumers Love Brands? date: 2016-06-28 words: 8322 flesch: 64 summary: As a result, it was found that brand love is different from interpersonal love. There is brand related factors (functional congruity, satisfaction, brand trust, brand passion, sensory experiences) as well as consumer related factors experience) affect the development of love relationship with brands Keywords: Brand love, Love expressions, Consumer characteristics, Brand characteristics, Thematic analysis. keywords: ahuvia; air; albert; analysis; antecedents; apple; attachment; batra; behavior; bergkvist; brand; brand love; brand passion; brand trust; car; characteristics; coca; coke; cola; communities; community; congruity; consumer; data; different; emotional; entries; et al; experiences; fournier; functional; google; great; interpersonal; journal; kozinets; life; like; love; love relationship; loyalty; marketing; merunka; model; new; nike; park; passion; qualitative; related; relationship; research; satisfaction; self; sensory; starbucks; statements; studies; study; thematic; themes; toyota; trust; virtual cache: ijmeb-1905.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1905.txt item: #39 of 123 id: ijmeb-1906 author: Cherni, Maryem title: The Role of Information Diffusion on Farmers Good Agricultural Practices: A Social Network Point of View – The Case of the French Agro-Environmental Practices date: 2016-06-28 words: 7628 flesch: 40 summary: All these examples show mainly the important role of the formal network on the information diffusion and on the adoption of good environmental practices. Finally, we discuss the implication for theory and practice and present the n Keywords: Network; good agricultural practices 1. keywords: adoption; agricultural; agricultural practices; agro; aim; analysis; approach; behavior; better; capital; case; certified; conservation; consumer; context; cross; decision; diffusion; economic; empirical; environmental; environmental practices; etc; evidence; example; factors; farmers; farming; focus; formal; framework; france; french; good; good agricultural; greiner; hev; hve; important; information; information diffusion; innovation; institutional; intrinsic; journal; knowledge; level; management; members; model; network; new; organic; practices; process; research; results; role; rural; second; section; social; social network; step; studies; study; support; sustainable; transfer cache: ijmeb-1906.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1906.txt item: #40 of 123 id: ijmeb-1907 author: Pellegrini, Davide; De Canio, Francesca title: Co-Advertising, E-Wom and Social Responsibility date: 2016-06-28 words: 11591 flesch: 57 summary: In this context, the r cent attempt by companies to promote, interm is opening up a new ideological debate: is the new social game bringing new value for the gamers? In this context, the r cent attempt by companies to promote, intermediate and intercept the customer’s conversation is opening up a new ideological debate: is the new social game bringing new value for the gamers? keywords: academy; advertising; analysis; authors; behavior; benefit; brands; buttgen; citizens; collective; communities; companies; company; concept; construct; consumer; consumption; content; convergence; conversations; correlation; creation; customer; desire; dialogue; different; digital; distribution; economic; employees; engagement; example; exchange; experiences; exploitation; fact; figure; focus; friends; game; identity; important; individuals; inputs; interaction; international; involvement; journal; knowledge; level; like; logic; management; marketing; model; new; new social; online; opinions; order; organizational; outputs; pearson; personal; perspective; planning; platforms; positive; post; price; process; production; quality; relationship; research; responsibility; results; sale; science; service; sharing; significance; social; society; source; texts; theory; time; topics; tripadvisor; type; use; value; web; wom; words cache: ijmeb-1907.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1907.txt item: #41 of 123 id: ijmeb-1908 author: Pervin, Shahina title: Prevalence of ‘Face Concept’ among South Asian Consumers. A Comparative Study of Unfolding the Facets in Decision Making Process of Buying Beauty Products date: 2016-06-28 words: 9797 flesch: 51 summary: concept and its impact on decision making process of female consumers in the UK and the Bangladesh by using factor analysis. Five factors were extracted from factor analysis: ‘thoughts in cosmetics’, ‘brand link to social recognition and prestig authority in society’, ‘group conformity’ and ‘personal process of the five factors that the extracted components were not exactly the same for both Bangladesh and the United Kingdom Keywords: National culture; Consumer behaviour; Face concept; Collectivistic/ Individualistic culture; Group conformity; Decision 1. keywords: analysis; asian; authority; bangladesh; behaviour; bengali; brand; british; ciarlante; collectivism; collectivistic; colour; components; concept; conformity; consumers; consumption; correlation; cosmetics; country; cross; cultural; culture; decision; differences; dimensions; distance; extent; face; face concept; factor; factor analysis; female; greater; group; high; hofstede; individual; individualism; influenced; journal; kmo; level; link; loadings; making; management; matrix; mooij; national; order; personal; power; prestige; process; products; purchase; recognition; relationship; research; sampling; second; self; significant; skin; social; society; status; table; term; uncertainty; values; variables cache: ijmeb-1908.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1908.txt item: #42 of 123 id: ijmeb-1909 author: Ossola, Giovanni; Giovando, Guido; Crovini, Chiara title: Analysys of Gross Loans and Reserves for Impaired Loans of Italian Listed Banks date: 2016-06-28 words: 8699 flesch: 57 summary: Other studies analyzed the trade using a unique data set that is able to identify individual bank loan exposures to different industries, to different sectors, and to different geographical regions (Acharya et al, 2003). A smaller proportion of studies focused on loans in the bank balance sheets some scholars employ Granger-causality techniques to test four hypotheses regarding the uality, cost efficiency, and bank capital (Berger and De Young, Other studies analyzed the trade-off between (loan portfolio) focus and diversification using a unique data set that is able to identify individual bank loan exposures to different stries, to different sectors, and to different geographical regions (Acharya et al, 2003). keywords: accounting; analysis; assets; balance; banca; banking; banks; business; capital; changes; coefficient; companies; correlation; correlation ratio; credit; crisis; data; determinants; different; efficiency; empirical; financial; gross loans; growth; impact; impaired loans; important; income; individual; information; italian; italy; items; journal; lending; loans; loss; net; net loans; paper; pearson; pearson correlation; performance; performing; period; provisions; questions; ratio; related; requirements; research; reserves; risk; sample; sheet; spa; specific; stock; strong; studies; study; system; terms; total; trend; university; value; variables; williams; years cache: ijmeb-1909.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1909.txt item: #43 of 123 id: ijmeb-1910 author: Raimi, Lukman; Adeniji, Moshood; Shokunbi, Morufu Oladimeji; Cole, Bolaji M. title: Indigenous Entrepreneurs and Battle for Competitive Edge with Multinational Corporations in Nigeria date: 2016-06-28 words: 9526 flesch: 41 summary: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): FDI has been described by economists as strength for the developing countries, whereas, it is inimical to indigenous entrepreneurs development in several ways. This paper examines the plight of indigenous entrepreneurs and their battle for competitive edge with the Multinational Corporations in Nigeria. keywords: advanced; africa; analysis; available; bank; battle; biggs; business; challenges; commercial; communities; community; competitive; competitive edge; corporations; countries; critical; cultural; culture; dana; development; discourse; economic; economy; edge; enterprises; entrepreneurship; ethnic; factors; farming; finance; food; foreign; framework; fulani; ghana; global; government; growth; hausa; indigenous; indigenous communities; indigenous entrepreneurs; institutions; international; investment; journal; july; knowledge; land; livestock; management; managerial; mncs; modernisation; multinational; need; networks; new; nigeria; norms; number; oil; paper; people; peredo; political; poor; practices; raimi; regulations; research; resources; role; shah; small; social; society; socio; standards; studies; study; technology; terms; theoretical; theory; trade; traditional; university; values; vol; war; west; world; yoruba cache: ijmeb-1910.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1910.txt item: #44 of 123 id: ijmeb-1911 author: Pencarelli, Tonino; Dini, Mauro title: The Tourism Intermediation System: The Relationship between Travel Agencies and Tour Operators date: 2016-06-28 words: 12253 flesch: 48 summary: Travel agencies; Tour operators; Tourism; Business to business; Over the last decades, the growth of tourism consumption in the world has been constant and vigorous, pulling the development of the tourism industry and of the actors who are part of it, such as tour operators and travel agencies. Sequential game (game theory) and sensitivity analyses Between travel agencies and suppliers Structural equation modelling (SEM) Customers - travel agent and airlines (Spanish airline market) Survey and multinominal logit model Between online travel agencies, travel meta sites and suppliers Multiple case study approach, data evidence came from field study interview and document analysis Between travel agency and tourist, between tour operator and transport Game theory and classical newsboy model Between Chinese authorized travel agents whit Australian Nominated Inbound TO in the process of building up business network Questionnaire and interview Chinese travel agencies and Australia inbound TOs Bettween travel agencies (Taiwan) keywords: agency; agents; analysis; areas; aspects; attention; brand; buhalis; business; cases; channel; channel relationships; characteristics; choice; clients; competitive; conflict; consumer; contemporary; cooperation; critical; customers; customization; data; del; different; distribution; economic; effect; empirical; factors; financial; game; high; image; important; incentives; industry; information; intermediaries; intermediation; international; internet; italian; journal; leaders; level; management; margins; mariani; market; marketing; multi; network; new; number; offer; operators; order; particular; pencarelli; processes; products; quality; rate; relationships; relationships travel; reputation; request; research; role; sample; selection; service; specific; study; success; suppliers; supply; system; tas; theory; time; tos; tour operators; tourism; tourism industry; tourism intermediation; travel; travel agencies; turnover; type; use; value; vertical cache: ijmeb-1911.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1911.txt item: #45 of 123 id: ijmeb-1912 author: Coutinho de Arruda, Maria Cecilia; Palmeira, Mirian title: Fast Fashion Retailing. Customer and Retailer's Perceptions date: 2016-06-28 words: 15180 flesch: 58 summary: Concerning atmosphere, the stimuli suggested by Parsons (2011) seemed to be Clothes and Accessories – Quantity and Classification Fast Fashion Formal wear F M F 4 2 0 0 8 0 1 6 0 14 22 8 14 1 1 3 6 2 1 3 5 4 9 2 8 1 0 0 8 0 5 0 8 0 5 0 4 0 7 3 4 0 0 2 2 7 6 2 1 0 0 7 7 0 0 2 10 0 1 0 11 0 3 2 10 0 1 2 2 1 0 46 110 differentials of Fast Fashion in Brazil could be credit conditions. has passed through significant shift in the composition of income stratification of the Brazilian society. The population of the research is made up of two different groups: street retailers that merchandise Fast Fashion clothing and accessories and Fast Fashion young customers (2014a), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the population are more than 206 million people. keywords: accessories; behaviour; benefits; better; blackwell; brand; brazil; brazilian; business; channel; characteristics; class; clothes; clothing; companies; credit; customers; data; department; design; designers; different; engel; f clothes; f consumption; f items; f knowledge; f quality; factors; fashion; fashion items; fashion knowledge; fashion retail; fast fashion; feminine; frequency; group; higher; important; income; interface; internet; items; kotler; level; likert; look; management; marketing; masculine; middle; miniard; need; new; non; offer; ones; online; outlet; parana; people; perception; population; portuguese; preference; present; price; process; product; professionals; purchase; quality; relationship; research; respondents; responses; results; retail stores; retailers; retailing; sales; sampling; segment; service; shoes; social; source; stores; street; study; survey; table; target; timing; traditional; trends; use; value cache: ijmeb-1912.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1912.txt item: #46 of 123 id: ijmeb-1913 author: Alves, Gisela title: Editorial date: 2017-06-28 words: 822 flesch: 40 summary: Results propose differences between brand love and interpersonal love, highlighting brand related factors as well as consumer related factors that affect the development of love relationship with brands. Using factor analysis on data collected through a structured questionnaire survey, five factors were extracted. keywords: authors; behavior; brand; consumer; csr; economic; editorial; factors; fashion; fast; impact; international; issue; journal; loans; love; paper; practices; related; results cache: ijmeb-1913.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1913.txt item: #47 of 123 id: ijmeb-1914 author: Chen, Xiaofen; Zhang, Lin title: WILL HIGH HOUSEHOLD SAVING IN CHINA PERSIST? AN APPLICATION OF THE CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION THEORY date: 2017-06-28 words: 8551 flesch: 58 summary: Among the conventional explanatory variables, the paper finds that per capita disposable income and its growth contribute to higher household saving, consistent with the permanent income theory. As a component of national saving, household saving in China is also well above the world average. keywords: areas; average; behavior; bond; capita; changes; chen; china; communication; conspicuous; consumption; correlation; cultural; cycle; data; dependency; different; direct; disposable; disposable income; economic; effects; enterprises; estimator; evidence; factors; foreign; future; globalization; goods; government; growth; higher; household; household saving; income; index; international; investment; journal; lagged; life; mobility; negative; number; openness; paper; passenger; population; provincial; rates; ratio; regressions; results; rural; saving; share; significant; social; spending; state; status; table; telephone; test; theory; time; trade; traffic; trend; units; urban; urbanization; values; variables; veblen; volume; workers; world; young cache: ijmeb-1914.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1914.txt item: #48 of 123 id: ijmeb-1915 author: França, Alexandra; Rua, Orlando Lima title: LINKING ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION TO KNOWLEDGE’S EXPLOITATION date: 2017-06-28 words: 6095 flesch: 45 summary: Thus, there is a gap in the literature regarding the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge exploitation. Entrepreneurial orientation is the only purely explanatory variable and reputational resources and absorptive capacity of knowledge exploitation the explained variables. keywords: ability; absorptive; analysis; business; capabilities; capacity; coefficients; companies; company; competitive; construct; covin; data; different; dimensions; dynamic; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurship; exploitation; export; external; factor; firms; footwear; higher; hypothesis; influence; innovation; international; jansen; journal; kex; knowledge; management; market; miller; model; new; opportunities; order; organizational; orientation; performance; podsakoff; portuguese; proa; proactiveness; processes; research; resources; results; review; risk; sample; scale; significant; strategic; study; table; taking; teece; test; theory; validity; value; variables; variance; zahra cache: ijmeb-1915.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1915.txt item: #49 of 123 id: ijmeb-1916 author: Francioni, Barbara; Albanesi, Giovanna title: THE ITALIAN SOUNDING PHENOMENON: THE CASE OF GERMANY date: 2017-06-28 words: 6148 flesch: 55 summary: This phenomenon assumes a great importance at world level, especially in Europe and North America, where the 97% of pasta-sauces are imitations of Italian products; moreover, Nomisma       43  (2015) stated that in USA, for each dollar earned by real Italian products, 11 dollars are earned thanks to imitative goods. On this occasion, as well as promoting the image of original Italian products, information seminars were held by the most famous chefs from Italian restaurants in Moscow, in order to educate the Russian consumer, with the intention of fighting back against the imitation of Italian food products. keywords: addition; advantage; agri; april; better; brand; case; companies; company; competitive; considered; consumers; coo; counterfeiting; countries; country; data; del; economic; effect; export; fake; federalimentare; food; foreign; german; goods; great; hand; high; image; important; increase; international; issue; italian; italian food; italian products; italian sounding; italy; market; marketing; october; origin; original; packaging; pasta; phenomenon; points; positive; price; process; producers; products; purchasing; quality; real; real italian; research; respect; respondents; results; sector; situation; smes; sounding; specific; strategy; total; trade; use; value; way; world cache: ijmeb-1916.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1916.txt item: #50 of 123 id: ijmeb-1917 author: Keikoh, Ryu title: Theoretical Research on Organizational Ethical Climate: Applications and Practices of Japanese Enterprises in China date: 2017-06-28 words: 6174 flesch: 30 summary: With greater emphasis placed on business ethics, the theory of organizational ethical climate has also been receiving tremendous attention in China primarily in the context of psychology and management research. Keywords: organizational ethical climate, organizational commitment, anti-ethical behavior, organizational performance, human resource management. keywords: analysis; anti; behavior; business; caring; china; chinese; climate; codes; commitment; conduct; correlation; cullen; culture; decision; development; egoism; empirical; employees; enterprises; ethical; ethical behavior; ethical climate; ethics; fit; human; impact; independent; individual; influence; instrumentalism; interest; japanese; job; journal; laws; liu; making; management; managers; members; moral; organizational; organizational climate; organizational commitment; organizational ethical; perceptions; performance; positive; relationship; research; resource; role; rules; satisfaction; self; standards; studies; study; theory; types; victor; wimbush cache: ijmeb-1917.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1917.txt item: #51 of 123 id: ijmeb-1918 author: Palmeira, Mirian title: PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION IN SEASIDE RETAILING. COMPARATIVE ANALYSES BETWEEN BRAZIL AND ITALY date: 2017-06-28 words: 7531 flesch: 57 summary: Frequency % Frequency % ... travelling to Seaside 101 53.16 44 28.21 ... The Marketing discipline is becoming very interested in the understanding of customer behaviour through the lenses of those two traditional grounds. keywords: age; aged; ageism; analyses; appearance; areas; asl; behaviour; bias; brazilian; business; clear; companies; customers; data; different; disagreement; discrimination; employees; face; female; feminine; frequency; frontline; frontline employees; gender; groups; high; higher; hospitality; individuals; industry; italian; italy; level; likert; lookism; low; male; marketing; masculine; medium; middle; negative; nicer; orientation; palmeira; people; perception; portuguese; prejudice; process; queuing; rattam; research; respondents; restaurants; results; retailing; sample; sampling; santos; scales; scores; seaside; seaside retailing; segments; services; sexism; sexual; social; spatial; staff; statement; study; summer; survey; system; table; tourism; travellers; types; university; vacations; younger cache: ijmeb-1918.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1918.txt item: #52 of 123 id: ijmeb-1919 author: Alves, Gisela title: A MULTICULTURAL STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON THE QUALITY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPORTERS AND LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS. date: 2017-06-28 words: 8645 flesch: 52 summary: Ulaga, T., & Eggert, A. (2006) Value-based differentiation in business relationships: gaining and sustaining key supplier status. The role of market orientation in business dyadic relationships: Testing an integrator model, Journal of Marketing Management 19: 73-107. 55. keywords: advantage; ag|; analysis; angolan; authors; behavior; boersma; business; buyer; cannon; case; commercial; commitment; common; communication; companies; company; context; countries; country; credibility; cultural; culture; customs; data; differences; different; dimension; distribution; distributors; doney; et al; fact; group; habits; hall; hofstede; honesty; impact; important; industrial; international; interviews; jain; journal; language; management; marketing; minkov; morgan; orientation; people; portugal; portuguese; portuguese companies; pt|; qualitative; quality; relationship; research; review; seller; similarities; social; society; studies; study; terms; testimonies; things; time; trompenaars; trust; turner; understanding; usunier; values; way; years; |acail; |efacec; |importangola|; |martifer; |unicer| cache: ijmeb-1919.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1919.txt item: #53 of 123 id: ijmeb-1920 author: Gbadeyan, Rotimi A.; Boachie-Mensah, Francis O.; Osemene, Olubunmi F. title: EFFECT OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ON PERFORMANCE IN SELECTED PRIVATE HOSPITALS IN ILORIN, NIGERIA date: 2017-06-28 words: 8303 flesch: 55 summary: Enhancing hospital supply chain performance: A relational view and empirical test, Journal of Operations Management. Keywords: supply chain; drugs; private hospitals; patient care; procurement, structural equation model; hospital performance. keywords: advantage; approach; better; business; care; case; chain; chain management; competitive; competitive advantage; cost; decisions; delivery; direct; directors; drug; effective; efficient; equation; facilities; financial; good; health; health care; healthcare; hospital; hospital performance; hperf; hypothesis; ilorin; impact; important; improved; industry; influence; information; international; journal; kim; kumar; latent; level; logistics; management; manufacturing; market; measures; medical; method; model; need; nigeria; number; operations; order; organizations; partial; patient; performance; pls; practices; private; private hospitals; procurement; public; quality; respondents; result; satisfaction; scm; section; sector; services; significant; source; square; staff; strategy; strong; structural; studies; study; suppliers; supply; supply chain; system; table; terms; theory; time; total; turkyilmaz; university; value; variables cache: ijmeb-1920.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1920.txt item: #54 of 123 id: ijmeb-1921 author: Sentuti, Annalisa title: FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS AND INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSFER: NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE SUCCESSION PROCESS date: 2017-06-28 words: 7752 flesch: 58 summary: Daughters’ expectations and experience in family business succession. Daughter exclusion in family business succession: a review of the literature”, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 31 (4), 475-484. keywords: analysed; approach; attention; authors; business; business review; business succession; cadieux; case; cesaroni; characteristics; children; clothing; communication; company; daughter; dean; development; different; dumas; entrepreneurs; et al; experience; f.m; family; family business; father; female; firm; future; gender; help; incumbent; intergenerational; intergenerational transfer; involvement; issues; john; journal; knowledge; leadership; main; management; mary; mother; new; order; phase; planning; process; qualitative; relationship; research; results; review; role; sarah; sentuti; sharma; son; sophia; specific; studies; study; style; succession; succession process; time; transfer; vera; way; women; work; working; years cache: ijmeb-1921.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1921.txt item: #55 of 123 id: ijmeb-1922 author: Mustapha, Yusuf Ismaila; Nafiu, Abdulrasaq Ishola title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BOARD STRUCTURE VARIABLES AND PERFORMANCE OF LISTED MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN NIGERIA date: 2017-06-28 words: 8102 flesch: 54 summary: He reported an inverse relationship between corporate board size and firm performance (Tobin’s Q). The current study on the relationship between corporate board structure variables and performance of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria is significant for several reasons. keywords: agency; analysis; better; board; board composition; board size; board structure; business; ceo; chairman; code; companies; company; composition; conflicting; control; corporate; corporate board; corporate governance; data; directors; duality; economics; effect; empirical; estimate; exchange; executive; finance; financial; findings; firm performance; firms; fixed; governance; increase; independent; interests; jensen; journal; management; manufacturing; market; neds; negative; nigeria; ols; panel; performance; pooled; positive; random; regression; relationship; research; results; return; review; roa; roe; sample; sanda; sec; shareholders; size; stewardship; stock; structure; studies; study; table; test; theory; variables cache: ijmeb-1922.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1922.txt item: #56 of 123 id: ijmeb-1923 author: Kowalik, Izabela; Danik, Lidia title: Editorial date: 2018-06-28 words: 21 flesch: 36 summary: Microsoft Word - 0 (18-00) - Editorial 1 EDITORIAL 2 Izabela Kowalik and Lidia Danik, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Guest Editors keywords: editorial cache: ijmeb-1923.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1923.txt item: #57 of 123 id: ijmeb-1924 author: Silvestrelli, Patrizia title: Managing Changes into International Markets. Flexible Structures and Knowledge Sharing for Firm Competitiveness date: 2018-06-28 words: 8641 flesch: 38 summary: However, any process of organizational change is onerous and finds obstacles to be implemented. The challenge of implementing organizational change Although companies shift today towards structures more flexible, any advantage of such change can be gained only by tolerating an increase in disorder. keywords: ability; able; appropriate; assets; base; behaviors; business; case; change; communication; companies; company; competitive; control; countries; culture; customers; degree; design; development; different; economic; effectiveness; employees; enterprises; environment; ethical; example; fact; factors; faster; firm; flexibility; flexible; forms; global; hand; hierarchical; human; important; information; infra; innovation; interactions; internal; international; internationalization; involvement; issues; job; journal; knowledge; learning; level; local; making; management; managers; markets; means; needs; networks; new; order; organizational; people; place; point; prerequisites; procedures; process; products; reason; regard; relationships; resources; senge; services; skills; social; specific; strategies; strategy; structures; successful; suitable; systems; technology; terms; time; today; traditional; view; way; worldwide cache: ijmeb-1924.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1924.txt item: #58 of 123 id: ijmeb-1925 author: Bălău, Mădălina title: The Limited Consumer Rationality and the Role of Environmental Cues date: 2018-06-28 words: 7642 flesch: 45 summary: This paper aims to explore the role of social influences and environmental cues on consumer online behavior and to derive implications for moving forward the understanding of consumer behavior in online settings. Our aim is to explore the role of social influences and environmental cues on consumer online behavior and to derive implications for improving our understanding of online behaviors. keywords: ajzen; attitudes; automatic; bargh; behavior; bots; buying; certain; cialdini; cognitive; commerce; concept; consequences; consistency; consumer; consumer behavior; context; credibility; credible; cues; decision; deliberation; dijksterhuis; direct; effects; environmental; experimental; fazio; findings; future; habit; heuristics; ideal; imitation; impact; implications; important; impulse; individuals; influence; information; interaction; internet; journal; limited; link; making; mechanisms; media; mimicry; musso; new; online; online behavior; online consumer; online information; online social; order; perception; persuasion; press; principles; processes; processing; proof; psychology; rationality; research; role; sales; self; social; social behavior; social influence; subsequent; tactics; theory; unconscious; understanding; use; users; van; vol; website cache: ijmeb-1925.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1925.txt item: #59 of 123 id: ijmeb-1926 author: Esposito, Gaetano Fausto title: Development Policies for Lagging Behind Areas: An Interpretative Note in the Name of Civil Entrepreneurial Development date: 2018-06-28 words: 6237 flesch: 43 summary: Regional gaps and different approaches to development policies In recent decades there has been a strong emphasis on regional development policies. 41 Figure 2 – The circuit of regional development policies according to the civil entrepreneurship approach Figure 2 shows a process-based model, in which development policies interact – in turns – with the institutional system of an economy, aiming at discovering business opportunities through the expansion of the degree of freedom and the entrepreneurial capacity of companies. keywords: approach; areas; aspects; basis; bruni; capacity; capital; case; circuit; civil; common; concept; convergence; cooperation; development; development policies; different; economic; economy; effects; efficiency; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; esposito; figure; forms; freedom; goods; growth; happiness; iammarino; income; increase; individual; industrial; inequalities; institutional; journal; level; logic; market; moral; necessary; new; order; people; point; policies; policy; pose; processes; public; quadrant; reciprocity; regional; regional development; relationship; rodriguez; rodrik; role; self; social; society; stiglitz; storper; sustainability; system; terms; time; trust; trust capital; values; view; virtuous; vol; work cache: ijmeb-1926.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1926.txt item: #60 of 123 id: ijmeb-1927 author: Akpoviroro, Kowo Solomon; Kadiri, Bola; Owotutu, Sabitu Olalekan title: Effect of Participative Leadership Style on Employee’s Productivity date: 2018-06-28 words: 5750 flesch: 41 summary: Abstract This study was conducted based on the effect of participative leadership style on employee’s productivity using Midland Galvanizing Product Limited (MIDGAL) Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria. The effect of participative leadership style on employee’s productivity is a planned effort knowledge and skills of the behavioral sciences (Amstrong,2009). keywords: analysis; behavior; business; correlation; data; decision; decision making; dependent; development; effect; employees; environment; field; goals; high; huang; human; hypothesis; important; increases; individual; job; journal; knowledge; leadership; leadership style; level; making; management; managers; midgal; model; morale; motivation; need; new; nigeria; organization; participative; participative leadership; participative management; participatory; performance; population; positive; practices; process; productivity; psychological; questionnaire; recognition; relationship; research; results; role; sample; self; significant; size; social; source; state; study; style; subordinates; survey; table; task; testing; theory; tool; total; trust; variable; work; workers cache: ijmeb-1927.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1927.txt item: #61 of 123 id: ijmeb-1928 author: Masili, Giorgia; Curina, Ilaria title: Global Start-Ups and Born Global Spin-Offs: A Multiple Case Study date: 2018-06-28 words: 9225 flesch: 41 summary: A strong international orientation in the short-term, the ethic and social responsibility, combined with the innovation and the continuous research constitute, in turn, the main key factors highlighted by the entrepreneur of Firm B. Table 6 – Founders’ characteristics Firm A Firm B Firm C Previous experiences in international markets and in other companies Passion, Global Vision, Proactivity, Learning-by-doing Focus on quality Constant research of Innovation and relationships; Foreign language knowledge Previous experiences in international markets and in scientific research Passion, Global Vision, Reactivity Focus on quality Constant improvement in research Constant research of Innovation and relationships Foreign language knowledge. Previous experiences in international markets and in other companies Passion, Global Vision, Proactivity, Perseverance Focus on quality, innovation and relationships Foreign language knowledge 5.4. keywords: activities; analysis; barriers; business; capabilities; case; cavusgil; characteristics; companies; company; development; different; dynamic; enterprises; entrepreneurial; establishment; expansion; experiences; factors; firm; firm b; focus; foreign; founder; global; high; inception; innovative; internationalization; internationalization process; journal; knight; knowledge; language; level; linear; literature; long; main; management; marketing; markets; multinational; networks; new; nordman; offs; order; organization; overall; particular; phenomenon; previous; process; processes; production; products; r&d; rapid; relationships; research; resources; review; sales; sector; serbia; skills; small; smes; software; specific; spin; start; strategy; studies; study; support; table; technological; technologies; technology; theory; total; university; ups; years cache: ijmeb-1928.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1928.txt item: #62 of 123 id: ijmeb-1929 author: Gabbianelli, Linda; Conti, Emanuela title: Content Marketing Tools and Metrics in Consulting Firms: Preliminary Results date: 2018-06-28 words: 8644 flesch: 55 summary: Large 14% 4% 6% 20% 29% GEOGRAPHIC AREA Finland 29% 17% 12% 20% 14% 25% 50% France 14% 4% 6% 20% 14% Germany 14% 13% 24% 20% 60% 29% 25% 50% Greece 7% 26% 12% 14% 25% 50% Ireland 21% 13% 12% 25% Italy 7% 4% 9% 40% 20% 14% Portugal 4% 3% United Kingdom 7% 3% 20% Romania 9% 9% 14% Switzerland 9% 12% 50% Table 10 – Percent of budget spent on content marketing activities 0 1-20% 21%-40% 41%-60% 61%-80% 81%-100% Aggregate level 5% 80% 13% 3% SIZE Micro 100% 52% 40% Small 35% 60% Medium 10% Large 3% 100% GEOGRAPHIC AREA Finland 16% France 6% Germany 23% 20% Greece 50% 13% 20% 100% Ireland 6% 40% Italy 6% 20% Portugal 3% United Kingdom 3% Romania 50% 10% Switzerland 13% Finally, the use of content marketing metrics by consulting firms was analyzed both at the aggregate level and by size and geographical area (Table 11 and Table 12). Linn M. (2012b), A field guide to the 4 types of content marketing metrics, November 2012, keywords: aggregate; analysis; approach; area; articles; attract; awareness; blog; brand; business; communication; companies; company; concept; consulting; consulting firms; consumption; contacts; content; content marketing; creation; customers; definition; digital; elements; engagement; finnish; firms; generation; geographic; german; goals; gordini; greek; high; impact; importance; information; italy; journal; large; lead; level; literature; main; management; marketing; media; medium; metrics; micro; new; ones; online; order; page; particular; performance; platforms; portuguese; potential; publishing; quality; rancati; relevant; research; results; retention; sales; sample; service; sharing; size; small; social; strategies; strategy; studies; study; table; time; tools; twitter; use; useful; value; views; visitors; website; york cache: ijmeb-1929.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1929.txt item: #63 of 123 id: ijmeb-1930 author: Danik, Lidia; Kowalska, Katarzyna title: Promotion Tools Applied by Polish INVs on Foreign Markets date: 2018-06-28 words: 7341 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: INVs; Promotion tools; Marketing capabilities; Central and Eastern Europe Countries; B2B; B2C. 1. The scarcity of studies refers also to marketing capabilities (Martin et al., 2017) and especially, the promotion and sales tools used by INVs to support sales and speed up their international expansion. keywords: activities; advertising; applied; b2b; b2c; business; capabilities; case; challenges; communication; companies; countries; customers; development; elaboration; entrepreneurial; europe; exhibitions; export; fairs; firms; foreign; global; high; important; information; international; internationalization; internet; internet tools; invs; journal; knight; management; marketing; markets; method; mort; networks; new; number; online; performance; personal; poland; polish; products; promotional; promotional tools; public; relations; relationships; research; resources; respondents; results; review; sales; sample; selling; small; smes; social; source; sponsoring; studies; study; table; time; tools; total; trade; traditional; type; use; ventures; word; years cache: ijmeb-1930.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1930.txt item: #64 of 123 id: ijmeb-1931 author: Kowalik, Izabela title: International New Ventures Learning Processes and Their Role in International Marketing date: 2018-06-28 words: 7272 flesch: 46 summary: The above classification is reflecting the earlier works of Yeoh, who has analysed so-called social learning and market learning processes of the INVs (2004). This suggests a key role of networks in gathering market knowledge, but also the role of sales and promotion analysis. keywords: activity; advantage; analysis; applied; bbbbbb; business; capabilities; case; categories; category; clients; companies; company; concept; congenital; content; data; development; dynamic; earlier; early; et al; expansion; experience; experiential; export; external; firm; foreign; founders; gathering; growth; important; information; infrastructure; innovations; internal; international; internationalization; interviews; invs; journal; knowledge; later; learning; learning processes; main; management; market; marketing; mcnaughton; needs; network; new; opportunities; organizational; partners; pellegrino; polish; processes; product; quotations; r&d; research; respondent; results; review; role; sales; smes; sources; stages; studied; study; table; technical; ventures; weerawardena; years cache: ijmeb-1931.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1931.txt item: #65 of 123 id: ijmeb-1932 author: Dugiel, Wanda; Latoszek, Ewa title: Electronic Trade in the World Trade Organization - Difficulties in Negotiating an Agreement? date: 2018-06-28 words: 4584 flesch: 48 summary: It is estimated that after 2020 there will be a rapid increase in e-commerce transactions that enterprises will use. The great importance of the digital revolution, very fast technological changes and e-commerce transactions lead to lower information costs, market entry for companies, and new opportunities for profit and acquisition of outlets. keywords: access; agreement; business; china; commerce; companies; conference; consumers; countries; data; december; development; digital; economic; economy; electronic; electronic commerce; enterprises; european; exchange; figure; gdp; geneva; global; goods; importance; information; international; internet; issues; market; ministerial; moratorium; new; online; organization; policy; provisions; services; share; states; technologies; trade; trade organization; transactions; unctad; unido; union; united; work; world; world trade; wto; york cache: ijmeb-1932.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1932.txt item: #66 of 123 id: ijmeb-1933 author: Maculewicz, Łukasz title: Main Directions of Development in the Defence Industry Sector in the Aspect of Globalization date: 2018-06-28 words: 5933 flesch: 40 summary: Considering the external factors and limited European defence market, it turns out that the necessity of cooperation on the market with other entities also applies to the largest actors in the European Economic Area. 151 of this study and it is not possible at this stage, although attempts are made to investigate this issue, whose results indicate an ambiguous evaluation of the process.3 However, bearing in mind that the above mentioned consolidation of defence sector entities consisted of focusing independent enterprises with separate management bodies which belongs into one capital group, the effects of the evaluation of the carried out consolidation may indicate the validity of such solutions in the future. keywords: activity; aircraft; area; armaments; armaments market; armed; basis; building; capabilities; capital; common; companies; company; competition; conditions; consolidation; cooperation; costs; countries; defence; defence industry; defence market; defence sector; development; domestic; economic; economy; elements; enterprises; entities; equipment; european; european defence; factors; field; forces; french; globalization; group; high; implementation; individual; industrial; industry; integration; international; joint; level; main; market; member; member states; military; modern; naval; new; occar; opportunities; order; permanent; perspective; polish; potential; process; processes; production; program; project; research; result; sector; security; specific; sphere; states; system; technical; technological; technologies; technology; trade; transfer; warszawa; wide; world cache: ijmeb-1933.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1933.txt item: #67 of 123 id: ijmeb-1934 author: Ianole, Rodica title: Editorial date: 2011-06-28 words: 11 flesch: 11 summary: ijeb_2011_1 completo.pdf 1 Homo Economicus EDITORIAL 2 Rodica Ianole, Managing Editor keywords: editor cache: ijmeb-1934.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1934.txt item: #68 of 123 id: ijmeb-1935 author: Omran, Abdelnaser; Alsadey, Salahelddin Mohamed Khalifa; Pakir, Abdul Hamid Kadir title: Behavioural Competences’ as an Effective Factor for Project Leaders in the Libyan Construction Industry date: 2011-06-28 words: 20479 flesch: -219 summary: KLM������������� �&&&#��/�������������������� ���������� ����� ��������������������������������� ���������N������ �&& #��������- ��������� ����� ������������� �&&&# ����������� ��,�����������������������������-����������� � !! #��$��!� ��'�� !()*�+�,-./,�0�12,3-,,245�6������7����8����9��:�;9�6 <���#����=��� ����>��? ������?��>����; �@A�� �;�9 ��? �������;B����>>;���:��CDA �7�EF�F$%G�:��;�;A���CDA �7�EF�FFFG� 9:�879��7 �;�H��CDA �7�EF�F$��� A���� �;��;� ���;I9;J� 9���;9���� �;�9��������:��;I9 �;�9��?�������>8 9H��6����������;���:�? ������:��9������=��;I9;J� 9����K>�9I�����;9�� 8��?���;�9 ��? �����G��9�H�87<�;����� �;�9���CDA �7�EF�F#$����=��;I9;J� 9�����L�=�A��G�����������?�? �������?�;9�� D8��?���;�9 ��:��9������=� 9H�8��;�;A���;I9;J� 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The papers collected in this issue of The International Journal of Economic Behavior (IJEB) contribute in continuing the construction of the complex mosaic of concepts and tools that is necessary for the study of economic behavior. keywords: approach; behavior; consistent; construction; decisions; economic; expectations; factors; humans; objective; perspective; rational; research; study cache: ijmeb-1944.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1944.txt item: #78 of 123 id: ijmeb-1945 author: Omran, Abdelnaser; Bazeabez, Ahmed; Gebril, Abdelwahab O.; Wah, Woo Suk title: Developing Competency Model for the Project Manager in the Libyan Construction Industry date: 2012-06-28 words: 1544 flesch: 36 summary: Two objectives which are following (i) to identify the construction project manager’s perceptions on the level of importance of the competencies against their personality; and (ii) to determine the level of competencies of construction project managers were proposed to be achieved. Research Methodology The target of this research is to determine the importance level of core competency of construction project managers and the level of competencies of the construction project Basically, the paper is was used to determine the effectiveness of leadership needs for the project leader. keywords: analysis; competence; construction; development; experience; figure; importance; industry; job; knowledge; level; management; managers; organization; personal; position; project; relative; respondent; rii; skills; study; table; training; years cache: ijmeb-1945.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1945.txt item: #79 of 123 id: ijmeb-1946 author: Oyeniyi, Omotayo; Abiodun, Abolaji Joachim title: Measuring Retail Service Quality in Nigerian Departmental Stores date: 2012-06-28 words: 1884 flesch: 34 summary: Retail service quality dimensions are measured through reliability, validity and component problem solving and policy. Data generated was analyzed using factor analysis, correlation and hierarchical regression analysis to test the relationships of the for evaluating retail service quality in retail sector of departmental stores. keywords: convenience; credit; customers; departmental; dimensions; facilities; interaction; journal; lagos; level; marketing; measuring; nigerian; outlets; physical; policy; quality; reliability; retail; retailing; satisfaction; service; service quality; stores; study; table cache: ijmeb-1946.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1946.txt item: #80 of 123 id: ijmeb-1947 author: Del Baldo, Mara; Aureli, Selena title: Networks’ Contribution to Small-Sized Firms’ Internationalization date: 2012-06-28 words: 3741 flesch: 25 summary: 6. Conclusions foreign partners, or the recent birth of this legislative tool has not allowed network relationships In the latter case, network contracts may represent only the initial experimental steps toward comments, the majority of whom positively evaluate the capability of the network contract to impact international expansion while stating that it is too early to derive conclusions. 54 Emilia Romagna Lombardia Veneto Graph. 1 – Italian regions with the highest number of network contracts 4.2. keywords: activities; analysis; business; cases; common; companies; company; contract; contribution; cooperation; costs; development; different; dimension; domestic; entrepreneur; expansion; export; firms; foreign; formal; goals; group; international; international business; internationalization; italian; italy; journal; links; management; marketing; markets; motives; network; network contract; networking; new; nodes; objectives; operations; opportunities; opportunity; organizational; previous; process; production; reasons; relationships; research; review; sample; small; strategies; studies; study cache: ijmeb-1947.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1947.txt item: #81 of 123 id: ijmeb-1948 author: Sokolova, Yana title: Targeting of Key Interest Rate as a Source of Crisis date: 2012-06-28 words: 2737 flesch: 52 summary: In this situation, the yield curve of the bank portfolio would steepen as the difference between short-term and long-term to change the balance structure in order to reduce interest rate risk. However, if depository institutions and other suffer from interest rate risk. keywords: assets; authorities; bank; central; changes; countries; economic; economy; federal; figure; funds; government; increase; institutions; interest; interest rate; key; liabilities; loans; long; market; monetary; money; mortgage; new; open; operations; policy; rate; recession; reserve; risk; securities; system; targeting; term; time; usa cache: ijmeb-1948.pdf plain text: ijmeb-1948.txt item: #82 of 123 id: ijmeb-2283 author: Chatterjee, Chiradip; Johnson, Christopher K.; Sams, Arthur B. E. title: “Equal or Nothing”: Concern for Fairness and Reciprocity in Trust Game date: 2019-06-30 words: 4474 flesch: 56 summary: Thielmann and Hilbig (Thielmann & Hilbig, 2015) also found evidence of negative reciprocity in trust game based on personality structure as designed by Ashton and Lee (Ashton & Lee, 2007). Does stake size matter in trust games? keywords: allocation; behavior; coefficient; decision; economic; equal; evidence; experiment; fair; feelings; fehr; game; hurt; journal; mccabe; model; negative; participants; positive; proposer; ratio; reciprocal; reciprocity; registration; regression; relation; respondents; responder; results; return; social; std; survey; transfer; trust; trust game; unfair; variable cache: ijmeb-2283.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2283.txt item: #83 of 123 id: ijmeb-2284 author: Musso, Fabio title: Multidimensional and Interdisciplinary Approach for Behavioral Economics date: 2019-05-31 words: 1007 flesch: 21 summary: The second article from John Kolade Obamiro, Babatunde Oladipupo Kumolu-Johnson, and Justice Chidi Ngwamaj entitled Workforce Diversity and Employees’ Performance: Evidence from a Nigerian Bank”, examines the relationship between workforce diversity and employee performance in a Nigerian bank. Results show a strong relationship between workforce diversity variables and employee performance, suggesting promoting equal employment and opportunity for career growth for all gender. keywords: approach; article; behavior; choices; classical; cognitive; decision; diversity; economic; employees; human; influence; international; journal; models; needs; nigeria; performance; relationship; results; state; study cache: ijmeb-2284.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2284.txt item: #84 of 123 id: ijmeb-2285 author: Obamiro, John Kolade; Kumolu-Johnson, Babatunde Oladipupo; Ngwamaj, Justice Chidi title: Workforce Diversity and Employees’ Performance: Evidence from a Nigerian Bank date: 2019-05-31 words: 6869 flesch: 49 summary: Gender diversity, ethnic diversity and employee performance in a South African higher education institution. Table 2 - Result for the relationship between Ethnic diversity and employee intention to quit Ethnic diversity Employee intention to quit Ethnic diversity Pearson Correlation Sig. keywords: bank; banking; behavior; branches; business; correlation; cultural; differences; different; discrimination; diverse; diversity; economic; education; effects; employee; employee intention; employee performance; ethnic; ethnic diversity; ethnicity; european; female; findings; gender; gender diversity; group; high; human; impact; increase; individuals; industry; intention; international; job; job satisfaction; journal; kenya; knowledge; kyalo; lagos; level; literature; male; management; members; mwangi; ngao; nigeria; organisations; organizational; pearson; performance; policies; positive; practices; questionnaire; relationship; research; result; review; satisfaction; scott; sector; significant; sims; social; state; studies; study; teams; test; turnover; value; van; women; workforce; workforce diversity; working; workplace cache: ijmeb-2285.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2285.txt item: #85 of 123 id: ijmeb-2286 author: Rahim, Ajao Ganiyu title: A Study of the Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Business Performance of Auto Artisans Firms within Lagos State Metropolis in Nigeria date: 2019-05-31 words: 10040 flesch: 39 summary: Deriving from the aforementioned, this study seeks to fill some of the aforementioned lacuna identified in the literature by investigating the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of small scale auto artisans within Lagos state metropolis in Nigeria. To investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (comprising of innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, and autonomy) and business performance of auto artisan firms within Lagos state metropolis in Nigeria. 2. keywords: addition; aggressiveness; analysis; artisan; association; auto; autonomy; behavior; business; business performance; capabilities; capability; capital; change; competitive; connection; corporate; covin; data; decision; degree; descriptive; dess; development; dimensions; economic; effect; empirical; employees; enterprises; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurship; environment; european; factors; financial; findings; firm performance; firms; growth; high; industrial; industry; influence; information; innovation; innovativeness; international; journal; knowledge; lagos; level; literature; lumpkin; management; managerial; market; marketing; mean; measures; medium; metropolis; micro; model; musso; nature; need; new; nigeria; number; operation; operators; opportunities; organizational; orientation; performance; positive; practices; press; proactiveness; relationship; research; respect; results; review; risk; role; sample; scale; sector; services; significant; size; small; small business; smes; social; state; strategic; strategy; studies; study; success; survey; table; taking; theory; university; value; variables; venture; wales; wiklund; years cache: ijmeb-2286.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2286.txt item: #86 of 123 id: ijmeb-2287 author: Šumah, FabioŠtefan; Borošak, Matic title: Corruption: Where and Why (and How to Beat It)? date: 2019-05-31 words: 8816 flesch: 54 summary: Key words: Corruption; causes of corruption; corruption: where?; corruption: why?; fight against corruption. There is less corruption also in countries with higher economic and political freedom; ‑ Corruption is generated also by the lack of transparency and control by supervisory institutions and, therefore, where there is an insufficient legal basis or sufficient political will to control, which allows a non-transparent functioning of both politics and economy, corruption flourishes; ‑ The ineffective sanctioning of corruption, which increases the possibility of continuing the corruptive actions of those involved, also has a great influence, and there is a strong likelihood that, due to the inefficiency of sanctioning, others will get involved in corruption; ‑ Some forms of corruption relate to an informal form of social security, where the family or the narrower community takes care of their members. keywords: abuse; acts; administration; available; awareness; behavior; benefit; bribery; choice; common; community; corruption; countries; country; crime; criminal; decision; degree; democracy; development; economic; economy; education; effects; environment; ethics; example; exceptions; factors; family; fight; figure; form; freedom; group; high; higher; important; index; individual; influence; institutions; international; journal; lack; law; laws; legal; level; ljubljana; low; means; measures; money; necessary; negative; officials; order; penalties; penalty; people; personal; phenomenon; police; political; politics; possibility; power; private; protestant; public; question; religion; research; risk; rule; sector; services; similar; slovenia; social; society; state; study; system; theory; time; tolerance; transition; transparency; unlawful; work cache: ijmeb-2287.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2287.txt item: #87 of 123 id: ijmeb-2288 author: Adebisi, Sunday Abayomi; Oyedele, Abiodun Adebowale; Adelakun, Christo Gbenga title: Appraising the Efficacy of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (Needs) as Policy Intervention in Nigeria (2003-2007) date: 2019-05-31 words: 7261 flesch: 49 summary: NEEDS policy was saddled with the goal of rediscovering a new Nigeria free from economic woes such as poverty, unemployment, corruption, poor economy and so on and so forth. That is, NEEDS policy came with both merits and demerits. keywords: administration; africa; analysis; ceiling; challenges; corruption; creation; critical; development; difference; economic; economy; employment; employment creation; era; federal; gdi; gdp; government; grand; grand mean; growth; high; ida; imf; impact; indicator; intervention; introduction; level; living; lower; mean; mean score; national; needs; needs era; needs policy; nigeria; obasanjo; orientation; percentage; policies; policy; policy intervention; poor; poverty; poverty reduction; programme; rate; reduction; research; result; score; sectors; significant; significant difference; situation; standard; state; study; table; test; university; value; wealth; wealth creation cache: ijmeb-2288.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2288.txt item: #88 of 123 id: ijmeb-2289 author: Gonzalez, Nichel title: Nominal or Proportional Investments: Investment Strategies, Judgments of Asset Accumulations and Time Preference date: 2019-05-31 words: 9339 flesch: 57 summary: Response format was investigated in conjunction with how people use information about interest rates, historical and forecasted, when they make fund investments. Because funds are often managed by fund managers, who can be seen as responsible for the performance of a fund, the feeling of responsibility may lower for fund investments compared to stock investments. keywords: accumulations; analyses; annual; assets; condition; correlations; decisions; different; effect; end; figure; following; forecasted; fund; future; gain; gonzalez; greater; group; growth; important; individual; information; interest; investments; investors; journal; judged; judgments; loss; losses; main; money; nominal; note; outcomes; participants; people; percentage; period; preference; present; problem; proportional; rates; response; risk; second; sek; sign; strategies; studies; study; subjective; svenson; table; task; terms; time; time preference; value; variance; year; −0.707 cache: ijmeb-2289.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2289.txt item: #89 of 123 id: ijmeb-2290 author: Obeng, George title: Contractual Obligation of Claims. A Factor Influencing Investors Choices of Capital date: 2019-05-31 words: 7641 flesch: 50 summary: Where there is unpredictable level of uncertainty of returns and repayment of capital investors tend to be risk averse and they may require more than average for their risk. ‑ Asset secured as guarantee for capital repayment influence on choice business capital. keywords: allen; assets; average; bond; business; business capital; capital; capital structure; choice; claims; consideration; contractual; contractual obligation; corporate; data; debt; debt capital; decision; development; dividend; eaton; economic; economies; effect; entrepreneurship; environment; equity; expected; finance; financial; firm; funding; funds; growth; higher; independent; influence; information; interest; investment; investors; journal; law; level; long; management; market; new; obligation; opaqueness; parties; performance; persons; potential; potential investors; premium; relationship; repayment; response; returns; reward; right; risk; secured; security; small; statistics; structure; study; system; table; terms; theory; total; trade; uncertainty; value; want cache: ijmeb-2290.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2290.txt item: #90 of 123 id: ijmeb-2291 author: Muo, Ik; Abosede, Adebiyi J.; Ekpudu, Jonathan Ehimen; Amole, Bilqis Bolanle title: Leadership Styles, Organizational Politics and Employees` Commitment in Selected Public and Private Organizations in Lagos State, Nigeria date: 2019-05-31 words: 6132 flesch: 36 summary: To achieve this, the study will ascertain the extent to which leadership style affects employee’s commitment; the possible ways in which organizational politics hinders employee’s commitment; the direct relationship that exists between organizational politics and the leadership styles used in organization, and the extent to which employees’ commitment depends on the interaction between leadership styles and organizational politics. Also, the study made findings that there is a positive significant relationship between leadership style and employee commitment; that there is a positive significant relationship between organizational politics and employee commitment; also that there is direct relationship between organizational politics and leadership styles used in organization; and that there was a significant relationship between leadership style, organizational politics and employee commitment. keywords: affective; allen; analysis; anova; authors; avolio; bass; business; commitment; data; dependent; difference; employee; employee commitment; items; journal; lagos; leadership; leadership styles; management; mean; meyer; model; nigeria; objectives; organizational; organizational commitment; organizational politics; performance; political; politics; positive; private; private organization; public; public organization; questionnaire; regression; relationship; research; results; role; significant; source; state; statistics; std; study; styles; table; total; transactional; transformational; transformational leadership; variable; way; work cache: ijmeb-2291.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2291.txt item: #91 of 123 id: ijmeb-2292 author: Lawal, Abdulazeez Abioye; Akingbade, Waidi Adeniyi; Ojodu, Hameed Omotola title: An Examination of Governance Typology in Nigeria Higher Education System date: 2019-05-31 words: 12348 flesch: 43 summary: Provost √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 Registrar √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 Campus Heads/Directors √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 5 Deans √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 Dean Students Affairs √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 7 Director ICT √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 Director Academic Planning √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 Heads of Departments √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 Professors/Chief Lecturers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 Librarian √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 Senate Representative √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 13 Representative of Congregation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 14 Representative of Unions - - - - - - - - - - 15 Students Union Representative - - - - - - - - - - 16 Rep of Council - - - - - - - - - - (continuing) 163 (following) Academic Board Composition of Best 10 Nigerian Polytechnic Provost √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 Registrar √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 Campus Heads/Directors √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 5 Deans √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 Dean Students Affairs √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 7 Director ICT √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 Director Academic Planning √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 Heads of Departments √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 Professors/Chief Lecturers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 Librarian √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 Senate Representative √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 13 Representative of Congregation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 14 Representative of Unions - - - - - - - - - - 15 Students Union Representative - - - - - - - - - - 16 Rep of Council - - - - - - - - - - Source: Compiled by the Authors keywords: academic; academic board; accountability; actors; acts; affairs √; africa; agencies; agency; amendment; analysis; application; autonomy; best; board; bursar; business; chairman; challenges; college; committee; composition; concept; congregation √; corporate; corporate governance; councils; countries; crous; data; deans √; decision; departments √; deputy; developed; development; directors √; drcs; dvcs; economic; education; education institutions; effective; environment; executive; external; faculty; federal; federal ministry; financial; funding; global; good; governance; governing; government; heads; higher; higher education; ict √; important; institutions; internal; international; interviews; journal; key; lagos; leadership; lecturers √; librarian √; literature; making; management; members; ministry; miscellaneous; model; national; nbte; ncce; need; nheis; nigeria; non; nuc; number; officers; order; organization; performance; planning √; political; polytechnic; practices; principles; private; process; programs; provision; provost √; public; qualitative; quality; ranking; rector √; registrar √; regulatory; rep; reports; representative √; research; responsibility; review; school; senate; shared; society; staff; stakeholders; state; statutes; strategic; structures; students; studies; study; system; table; teaching; theory; tmt; unions; united; universities; university; √ 3; √ 7; √ √ cache: ijmeb-2292.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2292.txt item: #92 of 123 id: ijmeb-2296 author: Erfani, G. Rod; Berger, Jack title: Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Asian Countries: An Empirical Analysis date: 2020-05-20 words: 5370 flesch: 50 summary: Introduction Traditionally, developed countries have dominated both foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and outflows. However, since the early 1990s, globalization has significantly increased the relative importance of FDI inflows into developing countries. keywords: asian; capital; capitalization; china; countries; country; data; democracy; determinants; development; direct; direct investment; domestic; economic; economies; effects; empirical; explanatory; fdi; fdi inflows; financial; financial development; fixed; foreign; gdp; gfcf; global; growth; human; index; india; inflation; inflows; international; investment; investors; journal; literature; malaysia; market; model; negative; openness; panel; positive; private; proxy; regression; results; significant; size; south; stock; studies; study; trade; unctad; variable; world cache: ijmeb-2296.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2296.txt item: #93 of 123 id: ijmeb-2297 author: Akingbade, Waidi Adeniyi title: Service Differentiation Strategy and Organizational Performance of Nigerian Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos State date: 2020-05-27 words: 9481 flesch: 47 summary: Company dedicated helpline for customer service wherein complaints were resolved according to the company standard procedure. Therefore, SERVQUAL which has been applied to different sectors in developed countries to measure or determine the gap between customer service expectations and performance. keywords: advantage; akingbade; analysis; appropriate; benefits; bhasin; business; channel; coefficient; company; competitive; competitors; consumers; correlation; cost; customer; customer satisfaction; delivery; development; differentiation; distribution; economic; enterprises; error; extent; features; final; firms; goods; hypothesis; increase; industrial; industry; installation; international; journal; lagos; lagos state; large; loyalty; m n; management; market; marketing; medium; model; musso; new; nigeria; online; organization; oyedijo; pearson; performance; pft; porter; positive; price; producer; product; profitability; quality; regression; relationship; reliable; research; result; sales; sales service; satisfaction; scale; sds; selected; service; service differentiation; service quality; share; significant; slope; small; smes; source; spss; standard; state; strategies; strategy; study; superior; table; term; test; time; training; university; use; value; variable cache: ijmeb-2297.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2297.txt item: #94 of 123 id: ijmeb-2298 author: Sentuti, Annalisa; Diaz, Gail Denisse Chamochumbi; Cesaroni, Francesca Maria title: Board Composition and Family Firms’ Profitability. Do Generational Stage and Performance Level Matter? date: 2020-07-27 words: 10750 flesch: 52 summary: Family firm performance: Further evidence. Ownership and management issues associated with family firm performance and company objectives. keywords: analysis; assets; board; business performance; businesses; companies; company; composition; control; corporate; decision; different; distribution; ebitda; effect; et al; family; family board; family business; family directors; family firms; family involvement; family members; family ownership; financial; financial performance; findings; firm performance; garcia; generation family; generational; gomez; governance; high; important; influence; involvement; italy; journal; later; level; low; making; management; margin; mazzola; median; medium; mejia; miller; minichilli; moderating; non; ols; ownership; performance; perspective; positive; presence; previous; quantile; regression; relationship; research; results; review; roa; sciascia; sciascia et; sew; significant; sized; sized family; small; stage; studies; total; variable; women cache: ijmeb-2298.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2298.txt item: #95 of 123 id: ijmeb-2375 author: Musso, Fabio title: In Search of a Ratio for a Non-Rational Domain date: 2020-12-23 words: 1042 flesch: 46 summary: A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen (Vol. Clara Benevolo, Lara Penco and Teresina Torre deepen the knowledge of entrepreneurial decision-making about global strategies, and they present a conceptual framework useful for supporting entrepreneurial decisions. keywords: article; behavior; biases; business; choice; cognitive; decision; economic; entrepreneurial; guercini; heuristics; international; journal; making; management; managers; musso; presence; process; rationality; strategic; strategy cache: ijmeb-2375.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2375.txt item: #96 of 123 id: ijmeb-2378 author: Akinadewo, Israel S. title: Disputations of Tax Audit Assessments on Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) Sources in Lagos State, Nigeria: Experts' Perception date: 2020-10-15 words: 4104 flesch: 50 summary: Enofe, Embele & Obazee (2019) however, believed that due to the high level of tax evasion, the tax audit exercise, which include desk audit, field audit and a back duty is an essential mechanism for authenticating the information contained in taxpayers tax information. Keywords: Internally generated revenue; Tax audit; Tax compliance; Tax evasion; Tax experts 1. keywords: administration; assessments; audit; authorities; business; capital; compliance; data; disputed; duty; embele; enofe; evasion; evidence; exercise; experts; field; findings; gains; government; igr; income; information; international; journal; lagos; management; nigeria; obazee; opinion; personal; process; range; research; respondents; revenue; road; schedule; sources; state; study; table; tax; tax audit; taxes; taxpayers; withholding cache: ijmeb-2378.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2378.txt item: #97 of 123 id: ijmeb-2379 author: Pilotti, Luciano; Micheletti, Alessandra title: Organization Vs. Strategy Towards Rethinking Management for Trajectories of Resilience in World Pandemic Post-Crisis date: 2020-10-30 words: 5261 flesch: 34 summary: A persimmon tree that gems solutions before problems, continuously decoupling and re-coupling decisions and actions without any need to predict the (unpredictable) future, but instead, with the imperative to build it and rebuild it in a warp of options and subjects without clear hierarchies and directionality. Complexity and non-coincidence between decision and action: the concept of effective ecology and catastrophe change model Taking up the elementary example of the persimmon and the farmer, we must note that if together with the persimmon plant we have other plants, we introduce the wind (or snow) and also birds that lean on the persimmons and move them, or the presence of insects that condition the life of the plant the original problem changes. keywords: action; behavior; capable; case; change; cognitive; complexity; concept; conditions; contexts; cusp; decision; deterministic; dynamic; ecological; ecologies; ecology; economic; effects; environment; example; exaptation; factors; farmer; figure; hard; high; human; information; innovation; interaction; internal; linear; longer; management; model; natural; need; network; new; non; organization; original; particular; persimmon; phenomena; pilotti; plant; possible; post; problems; process; relationships; resources; results; scenarios; sciences; self; sense; simple; situations; social; solutions; space; stable; starting; state; strategy; subjects; systems; technology; theory; time; useful; value; variables; way; world cache: ijmeb-2379.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2379.txt item: #98 of 123 id: ijmeb-2380 author: Palmeira, Mirian; Semprebon, Elder; Musso, Fabio title: Recovery Marketing for Economies after Devastation. A Multi-Case Research date: 2020-11-10 words: 5657 flesch: 56 summary: Literature Review The subjects of this research are presented in four groups: Marketing concepts including Recovery Marketing, Marketing Mix, and Branding; Fresh Start concepts; Devastation and its causes; and Economy. Fresh Start concepts can be applied by the use of Recovery Marketing Mix and its Protocol. keywords: activities; adapted; analyses; approach; brand; branding; case; catastrophes; causes; china; concept; consumer; country; destruction; devastated; devastation; earthquake; economic; economies; economy; elements; environment; figure; financial; focus; fresh; fresh start; government; greece; identity; international; iraq; japan; journal; keller; kotler; life; lives; locals; logistics; main; marketing; means; mindset; mix; multi; musso; natural; new; october; organisations; paulo; people; place; political; population; price; problems; process; production; public; recovery; recovery marketing; repositioning; research; resources; services; situation; social; spokesperson; start; start tool; study; terrorism; tool; tourism; trade; transformative; use; visitors; war; world cache: ijmeb-2380.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2380.txt item: #99 of 123 id: ijmeb-2385 author: Benevolo, Clara; Penco, Lara; Torre, Teresina title: Global Strategies and Entrepreneurial Firms: The Role of the Entrepreneur’s Features in the Decision-Making Process date: 2020-11-15 words: 7673 flesch: 41 summary: Baum and Bird (2010) note the moderator role of self- efficacy, which is the confidence that someone has in his/her ability to successfully attain a goal or perform a task: it reflects the entrepreneurs’ belief in the perspective of innovation, marketing, management, risk-taking, and financial resources with global decisions (Bandura, 1997). First we suggest an original conceptual framework for global decisions in which the entrepreneur’s personal characteristics (heart and head) are both considered relevant variables for evaluation and drivers that affect the entire decision-making process. keywords: ability; advantage; analysis; approach; business; cardon; characteristics; cognitive; companies; company; competitive; concept; context; countries; country; decision; development; different; drivers; economic; emotional; emotions; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; environment; et al; evaluation; exploitation; external; factors; features; firms; framework; future; ghemawat; global; global strategy; globalisation; harvard; heart; high; implications; influence; information; integrated; intelligence; internal; international; international business; journal; knowledge; level; levers; literature; local; making; management; managerial; marketing; markets; new; opportunities; paper; personal; perspective; porter; press; process; profiles; research; resources; review; role; shepherd; specific; spulber; strategic; strategy; studies; successful; terms; theory; value; variables; venturing; yip; york cache: ijmeb-2385.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2385.txt item: #100 of 123 id: ijmeb-2387 author: BINDER, BETTINA C.K. title: Women’s Presence on European Boards and The Performance Cycle of Value Creation as an Instrument to Achieve the Gender Quotas date: 2020-12-12 words: 7454 flesch: 54 summary: The next section contains a literature review with regard to the presence of women on boards and women quota. Women quota could be for instance included in the internal perspective of the BSC and increase in this way the focus on this critical area. keywords: activities; airbus; analysis; anne; annual; approach; banks; basf; bayer; better; bmw; boards; business; calculation; capital; cash; cfroi; clear; commission; companies; company; concept; corporate; cost; countries; creation; customer; cycle; daimler; deutsche; diversity; economic; employees; equality; euro; euro stoxx; european; eva; example; female; financial; flow; following; fresenius; gender; goals; goods; group; harmonized; help; important; imprese; index; indicators; industrial; information; instance; international; kpis; level; literature; long; mahajan; main; management; managers; marie; method; model; musso; number; order; organization; overview; paper; performance; planning; positions; presence; process; process cost; processes; profit; quota; rates; relevant; report; representation; services; shareholders; step; stoxx; stoxx companies; strategic; sub; supervisory; supervisory boards; system; table; target; taylor; teams; telekom; term; unicredit; use; value; value creation; vbm; women; women quota; work; wppm; year cache: ijmeb-2387.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2387.txt item: #101 of 123 id: ijmeb-2388 author: Bellagamba, Aldo title: Born International Spin-Offs in an Italian Industrial District: An Exploratory Study on Two Range Hood Producers date: 2020-12-15 words: 10494 flesch: 49 summary: Although the number of studies on this topic have grown exponentially in the last three decades, the matter of born international firms is still very relevant today (Cavusgil and Knight, 2015; Oyna and Alon, 2018). In this context, born international firms could revitalize the cluster and public policies could encourage a new generation of spin-offs through training programs that would enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of talented employees with a strong international orientation (Eurofound, 2012). keywords: accelerated; alfa; analysis; beta; business; case; characteristics; companies; company; components; countries; customers; decision; development; different; district; domestic; early; employees; entrepreneurship; establishment; et al; european; example; expansion; experience; exports; fabriano; factors; figure; firm; foreign; foreign markets; founders; geographical; germany; global; global firms; high; hood; important; industrial; industry; international business; internationalization; italian; italy; journal; kitchen; knight; knowledge; learning; low; main; management; manager; manufacturer; marketing; markets; models; musso; new; number; offs; origin; previous; process; processes; production; products; range; rapid; regional; relationships; research; resources; review; role; sales; scholars; sector; share; skills; small; smes; specific; spin; stage; start; strategies; strategy; studies; study; technical; terms; time; today; turnover; work; world; years; zucchella cache: ijmeb-2388.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2388.txt item: #102 of 123 id: ijmeb-2401 author: Guercini, Simone; Milanesi, Matilde; Runfola, Andrea title: Foreign market entry decision-making: what do we know so far? date: 2020-12-23 words: 6848 flesch: 39 summary: Li and Parboteeach (2015), on the other hand, draw on the institutional theory to understand the impact of imitative behaviors on foreign market entry decisions, specifically emphasizing the role of the cultural variable in favoring or not such behaviors. The third direction of research concerns the ways in which technology can support companies in their decision-making processes regarding market entry decisions. keywords: analysis; approaches; area; articles; authors; business; business review; business studies; case; choice; citations; companies; concept; concerns; context; contributions; cultural; decision; differences; different; direct; distance; entrepreneurial; entry; entry decision; entry mode; export; firms; foreign; foreign entry; foreign market; future; guercini; heuristics; international; international business; international entry; international management; international marketing; international review; internationalization; journal; keywords; knowledge; liability; literature; main; makers; making; management; managerial; managers; market; market entry; marketing; mode; musso; new; options; paper; particular; process; processes; real; research; review; risk; role; rules; runfola; smes; state; strategic; strategy; studies; study; systematic; thematic; theoretical; theory; uncertainty; ventures; world cache: ijmeb-2401.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2401.txt item: #103 of 123 id: ijmeb-2868 author: Roșu, Maria-Magdalena; Bacanu, Razvan title: Bridging Intention-Action Gap for Healthcare Measures During the COVID-19 Emergency Period date: 2021-11-08 words: 7823 flesch: 47 summary: With a significant body of literature dealing with the general inconsistency between intention and action, also known as the intention-action gap, the present paper aimed better grasp the citizens' tendency to engage with general healthcare measures and the commitment to the COVID-19 safety measures recommended during the lockdown. Results To test the first set of hypotheses regarding intention, action, and intention-action gap concerning general healthcare measures and COVID-19 safety measures, Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests were employed. keywords: action; action gap; actual; approach; awareness; barriers; beginning; behavior; bias; collection; covid-19; covid-19 lockdown; crisis; data; decrease; difference; distance; early; economic; education; effect; ending; engagement; et al; factors; figure; gap; gender; general; general healthcare; good; healthcare; healthcare measures; higher; hypothetical; impact; impediments; implementation; income; increase; information; intention; journal; knowledge; lee; level; limited; literature; lockdown; magnitude; management; measures; method; musso; outbreak; pandemic; participants; people; period; physical; potential; preventive; psychological; psychology; public; questions; recommendations; reminders; research; responses; results; safety; second; sheeran; significant; situation; social; specific; strategies; studies; study; tests; time; value; virus cache: ijmeb-2868.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2868.txt item: #104 of 123 id: ijmeb-2878 author: Jiboku, Joseph Olutoyin; Jiboku, Peace Akudo ; Babasanya , Adeyemi O. title: Poverty and Unemployment in Nigeria: The case for advancement of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) date: 2021-12-14 words: 11517 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, the relevant policies aimed at poverty and unemployment reduction and those on technical vocational skills development need to be revisited and implemented with pragmatism as a way of filling the existing gaps in skills development. The issue of skills development needs to be given priority attention not only because of the centrality of skills in development discourses but also the demands and challenges which a fast globalising world presents to all nations and their peoples. keywords: acquisition; addition; african; agaba; agenda; ahmed; akhuemonkan; analysis; arimonu; available; ayonmike; bank; basic; becker; bureau; capital; centre; challenges; cong; consequences; corruption; countries; country; data; del; demand; development; different; discourse; economic; economic development; economy; education; efforts; empirical; experience; ezenwafor; federal; form; formal; global; government; growth; human; human capital; individual; industrial; information; instance; institutions; international; investment; issues; jiboku; job; jobs; journal; knowledge; labour; lack; ladipo; large; levels; market; musso; nations; needs; new; nigeria; nnajiofo; number; oecd; okafor; okeke; okorafor; okoye; okwelle; organisation; paper; people; policies; policy; political; poor; population; poverty; practical; problems; raimi; rate; relevant; report; republic; research; result; role; rufai; scholars; schultz; science; scientific; secondary; sector; skilled; skills; skills development; social; society; socio; soyemi; state; statistics; strategy; studies; sustainable; system; technical; technical education; technical vocational; technological; technology; training; transformation; tvet; unemployment; unesco; union; united; university; vision; vocational; vocational education; wang; work; world; youth cache: ijmeb-2878.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2878.txt item: #105 of 123 id: ijmeb-2896 author: Bravi, Laura title: BOOK REVIEW: Raval, V. (2020), “Corporate Governance. A Pragmatic Guide for Auditors, Directors, Investors and Accountants” date: 2021-07-04 words: 765 flesch: 26 summary: The book started with the foundation of governance, evaluating the reasons and the nature of corporate governance, indicating its significance and purpose, the main principles and its framework, underling why governance is an extremely relevant factor for the life of the company. In the final section, the book defines the key issues in two main aspects of corporate governance, that is governance of nonpublic organizations, including nonprofit organizations, and future directions in corporate governance. keywords: audit; auditors; board; book; business; company; consideration; corporate; corporate governance; different; governance; guide; internal; main; management; section cache: ijmeb-2896.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2896.txt item: #106 of 123 id: ijmeb-2904 author: Mehrnaz Kouhihabibi title: Feeling the Pulse of Trade in the Age of Corona: Artificial Intelligence and E-Commerce date: 2021-11-11 words: 6719 flesch: 55 summary: Looking at the world’s English-language newspapers, it can be said that many businesses around the world have lost their previous market due to the fear of the spread of the coronavirus. Digitalization, described as the development of new business models and processes that take advantage of digital opportunities, is more than just using digital tools. keywords: a. a.; approach; available; business; care; chain; china; chinese; commerce; companies; company; conditions; consumer; coronavirus; corporate; cost; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; customers; decisions; decline; demand; development; digital; digitalization; disease; economic; economy; effect; epidemic; et al; figure; future; global; growth; hakkak; harvard; health; home; impact; increase; information; international; jahanshahi; journal; khaksar; long; low; making; management; marketing; months; musso; nawaser; need; negative; new; online; organizational; outbreak; pandemic; people; percent; production; relationship; remote; research; result; review; sales; services; social; strategies; study; supply; technology; times; trade; use; vol; working; world; year; zhang cache: ijmeb-2904.pdf plain text: ijmeb-2904.txt item: #107 of 123 id: ijmeb-3045 author: Bravi, Laura title: Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in the Retail sector: a Multiple Case Study Analysis of US Retailers date: 2021-11-10 words: 12225 flesch: 46 summary: CSEG's mission is to help Costco-branded companies to operate in an environmentally and socially responsible and sustainable way, reduce the use of resources and the generation of company waste. The commitment on the social and environmental front of companies considered is aimed at producing long-term collective benefits and is not reduced to formal and facade interventions adopted in the short term mainly for opportunistic purposes. keywords: addition; alliance; american; analysis; benefits; better; boots; brand; business; case; centers; chain; code; commitment; committed; community; companies; company; compliance; consumer; corporate; costco; countries; csr; customers; data; day; deloitte; depot; development; different; digital; distribution; diversity; dollars; economic; efficiency; electricity; emissions; employees; end; energy; environmental; example; experiences; families; financial; fiscal; food; global; goal; hand; health; home; human; impact; important; improvement; industry; information; initiatives; internal; issues; items; journal; kroger; label; large; largest; laws; leadership; line; local; long; management; materials; multiple; musso; national; need; new; number; offers; operating; opportunities; options; organization; packaging; particular; people; period; plastic; policies; possible; products; program; protection; quality; recycled; recycling; reduction; regulations; relevant; renewable; reports; requirements; research; resources; responsibility; responsible; results; retailers; rights; safety; sample; sector; services; skills; social; solar; stakeholders; standards; states; stores; strategy; study; suppliers; supply; sustainability; sustainable; systems; time; today; training; united; use; vol; walgreens; walmart; waste; work; workers; working; workplace; world; year cache: ijmeb-3045.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3045.txt item: #108 of 123 id: ijmeb-3049 author: Mammadov, Huseyn title: Car Price Prediction in the USA by using Liner Regression date: 2021-12-28 words: 2780 flesch: 56 summary: An expert system of price forecasting for used cars using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference. Determinants of used car resale value. keywords: analysis; assumptions; building; cars; check; cleaning; correlated; correlation; curbweight; data; dataset; enginesize; estimation; exploration; features; figure; high; independent; learning; linear; machine; model; musso; new; points; prediction; preparation; price; regression; residual; rfe; rmse; selection; size; test; train; understanding; validation; values; variables; vehicles; vol cache: ijmeb-3049.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3049.txt item: #109 of 123 id: ijmeb-3091 author: Capanna Piscè, Guido title: The “Torre del Cerrano” Marine Protected Area and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas as an Ecotourism Management Tool date: 2021-12-19 words: 9483 flesch: 46 summary: The approval and participation of local stakeholders has been identified as critical for the long-term success of protected area management (Kati et al., 2014, p. 2). Abstract The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) in Protected Areas is a voluntary management tool and certification that enables protected areas to develop sustainable tourism for the benefit of the environment, local populations, businesses, and visitors. keywords: accommodation; action; activities; adriatic; analysis; approach; areas; aspects; awareness; behavior; benefits; businesses; cerrano; charter; chatterjee; coastal; collaboration; commitment; common; communities; community; conservation; critical; cultural; das; definition; del; development; different; economic; ecotourism; ecst; education; effective; environmental; europarc; european; factors; federation; federparchi; future; good; important; international; involvement; issues; italian; italy; iucn; journal; key; local; management; managers; marine; mpa; musso; mutual; natural; nature; network; new; number; objectives; offer; operators; opportunities; parks; participation; participatory; pas; pineto; plan; principles; private; process; promotion; protection; public; quality; regional; related; research; resources; results; role; sector; services; silvi; sites; social; socioeconomic; stakeholders; strategic; strategy; study; support; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable development; sustainable tourism; teramo; terms; territory; tool; torre; tourism; tourism development; tourists; unwto; visitors; weaknesses; world; years cache: ijmeb-3091.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3091.txt item: #110 of 123 id: ijmeb-3194 author: Cecere, Raffaele; Izzo, Francesco ; Terraferma , Michele title: Country of Origin, Products from Different Countries and Cultural Backgrounds in the Cosmetic Industry: A Literature Review date: 2022-03-19 words: 9018 flesch: 55 summary: Specifically, the three themes are: COO and purchase behaviour related to cosmetic products (Theme A), COO and country perception in relation to cosmetic products (Theme B), COO and marketing strategies for cosmetics companies (Theme C). In light of these elements, this paper aims to study the importance of the concept of COO related to cosmetic products and understand how its perception changes not only depending on the cultural context in which the study takes place, but also in relation to the COO of the products under consideration. keywords: addition; analysis; articles; behaviour; brand; brazil; business; case; china; chinese; colleagues; communication; companies; company; concept; consumers; contexts; coo; cosmetic; cosmetic products; countries; country; country image; criteria; cross; cultural; culture; descriptive; different; economic; effect; elements; et al; ethnocentrism; foreign; france; french; future; germany; high; image; impact; important; inclusion; industry; influence; information; intention; international; italian; italy; jin; journal; korean; lebanon; literature; maheswaran; malaysia; management; marketing; methodology; multiple; musso; origin; papers; particular; patriotism; people; perception; perfumes; perspective; phenomenon; poland; polish; process; products; purchase; purchasing; quality; quantitative; reference; regression; relation; relevant; research; review; sample; social; strategies; students; studies; study; systematic; table; theme; topic; university; usa; use; value; way; zbib cache: ijmeb-3194.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3194.txt item: #111 of 123 id: ijmeb-3236 author: Aliyu, Mustapha Olanrewaju; Toyin , Ambali Taiwo title: Analysis of Psychological Contracts and Discrectionary Behavior in Nigerian Academics: The Role of Academics Staff Union of Universities date: 2021-03-03 words: 9572 flesch: 42 summary: As a result, the study examines the analysis of psychological contracts in Nigerian academics: the role of academics’ staff union of Universities. 12 n. 1, 2022, 5-25. 10.14276/2285-0430.3236 6 Keywords: Psychological contracts, citizenship behavior, deviant behavior, ASUU. keywords: academics; adequate; agreement; aliyu; analysis; asuu; behavior; bpc; breach; career; central; change; citizenship; community; company; conditions; contract; data; demand; depth; development; deviant; discretionary; duties; dwb; education; employee; employment; environment; exchange; facilities; federal; federal universities; findings; framework; good; government; high; idi; individual; industrial; information; infrastructure; intention; international; interview; issue; job; journal; knowledge; lack; leadership; long; management; members; musso; mutual; nature; need; nigeria; north; ocb; office; organizational; people; performance; poor; prisoner; promotion; provision; psychological; psychological contract; qualitative; relational; relationship; research; respondents; responses; responsibilities; result; review; role; rousseau; service; social; staff; state; status; studies; study; sub; system; teaching; theme; theory; time; trust; union; universities; university; work; working; workplace cache: ijmeb-3236.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3236.txt item: #112 of 123 id: ijmeb-3238 author: Risso, Mario; Paesano, Andrea title: Retail and Gamification for a New Customer Experience in Omnichannel Environment date: 2021-12-30 words: 8094 flesch: 55 summary: These motivational elements define and explain the user's involvement, they help to classify game motivations in relation to the needs and desires of a hypothetical user / player. Gamification design is a process focuses on human motivation. keywords: action; analysis; approach; badges; behavior; brand; business; case; certain; chou; companies; company; competition; consumer; contexts; core; crimes; customer; data; del; design; different; digital; doi; effects; elements; employees; engagement; et al; example; experience; fantastic; feedback; figure; film; framework; game; gamification; gaming; global; goals; good; grindelwald; human; hunt; information; instance; international; involvement; journal; journey; kotler; level; loyalty; management; marketing; mechanics; mobile; motivation; musso; necessary; need; negative; new; omnichannel; online; people; performance; petruzzi; player; playful; points; possible; process; product; research; retail; retailing; rewards; risso; rules; sector; sense; service; social; source; specific; store; strategy; study; systems; technology; term; time; tool; treasure; types; uci; use; useful; user; virtual; way; world cache: ijmeb-3238.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3238.txt item: #113 of 123 id: ijmeb-3239 author: Musso, Fabio title: Economy and Society Changes in the Post-Covid Era : Editorial of the International Journal of Economic Behavior, Vol. 11 date: 2021-12-30 words: 2157 flesch: 53 summary: Musso F. (2013), Is Industrial Districts Logistics suitable for Industrial Parks?, Acta Universitatis Danubius. Musso F., Risso M. (2006), “Responsabilità sociale d'impresa nelle filiere internazionali della grande distribuzione”, Symphonya: keywords: article; behavior; case; change; consumption; countries; digital; doi; ecological; economic; economy; energy; global; healthcare; impact; industry; international; issue; journal; main; measures; musso; new; pandemic; recent; retail; risso; social; study; sustainability; sustainable; technologies; terms; transition; vol; world cache: ijmeb-3239.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3239.txt item: #114 of 123 id: ijmeb-3342 author: Maluleke , Abdul ; Edoun, Emmanuel Innocents; Pooe, Solly title: Education as an analysis of Poverty Status of Households in Limpopo, South Africa date: 2022-07-04 words: 8700 flesch: 56 summary: The results obtained revealed that lower educational attainment is associated with a higher prevalence of household poverty (low well-being status). The impact of educational attainment on household poverty in South Africa: A case study of Limpopo Province. keywords: africa; age; analysis; april; association; attainment; binary; counterparts; countries; country; data; development; divorced; dummy; economic; education; educational attainment; evidence; explanatory; family; female; fhhs; findings; gender; government; group; happiness; head; higher; household; impact; incidence; income; indicators; individual; journal; lack; lcs; level; life; likely; limpopo; line; literature; living; logistic; logit; lower; majority; males; marital; married; matric; mhhs; model; musso; non; odds; people; policy; poor; population; post; poverty; poverty incidence; poverty line; poverty status; province; ratio; recent; reference; regression; relationship; research; respondents; results; rural; sample; significant; size; social; south; south africa; statistics; status; studies; study; subjective; survey; table; variables; wanka; yes cache: ijmeb-3342.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3342.txt item: #115 of 123 id: ijmeb-3347 author: Jayawardane, Thesara; Wickramasinghe, Vathsala title: Factors Affecting Couples’ Interactions During Covid-19 in Sri Lanka date: 2022-04-14 words: 7354 flesch: 54 summary: At the beginning of the pandemic all parties were concerned mainly of battling the disease and reducing death rates where no consideration was given for harmony at home fronts or couple interactions. Even during watching television or listening to radio, make time for couple interaction. keywords: .05; adjustment; american; analysis; available; beliefs; cause; children; couples; covid-19; cultural; culture; daily; data; del; effect;; extended; factors; families; family; family resources; figure; findings; future; good; health; high; home; impact; influence; interaction; journal; lanka; level; literature; lockdown; low; marital; marriage; measures; moderates; motivated; motivational; motivational factors; motivators; musso; pandemic; participants; periods; place; population; pressure; psychological; quality; questionnaire; relationship; research; resources; resources available; results; review; sample; satisfaction; sexual; significant; similar; social; spouses; sri; states; stress factors; stressors; studies; study; support; survey; table; time; university; values; world cache: ijmeb-3347.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3347.txt item: #116 of 123 id: ijmeb-3377 author: Shodiya, Olayinka Abideen; Alade Raji , Olajide ; Jolaosho , Surajudeen O.; Akintaro , Akinbiyi O. title: Leadership Styles and Employees’ Performance: Evidence from Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Idi-Aba, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria date: 2022-07-02 words: 7759 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract This study examined the effect of leadership styles on employees’ performance in the Federal Medical Centre, Idi-Aba, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. It specifically examined the effect of leadership styles - transformational, transactional and democratic dimensions of leadership styles on employees’ performance. keywords: aba; abeokuta; analysis; approach; avolio; bass; business; data; democratic; democratic leadership; department; durowade; effect; employee performance; employees; equation; faire; faire leadership; federal; findings; fit; fmc; followers; goodness; health; hypotheses; idi; impact; influence; international; item; job; journal; laissez; leadership; leadership style; level; management; managers; measurement; medical; medicine; method; model; motivation; musso; nigeria; nurses; objectives; ogun; organizational; people; performance; positive; questionnaire; questions; regression; relationship; research; respondents; result; review; sample; sampling; satisfaction; scale; significant; size; social; source; staff; state; statistical; structural; studies; study; styles; survey; table; total; transactional; transformational; transformational leadership; validity; work; workers; yes cache: ijmeb-3377.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3377.txt item: #117 of 123 id: ijmeb-3382 author: Ngwama, Justice Chidi ; Ogaga-Oghene, Joshua O. title: Leadership Change and Employee Commitment. An Empirical Study of Transformational and Transnational Leadership Style in a University date: 2022-07-10 words: 9231 flesch: 33 summary: It also aims to fill the seeming contextual neglect of ecclesiastical- owned private universities in extant studies and empirically account for the likely implications of a leadership change on organizational employee commitment. Online Published: July 10, 2022 Abstract Lack of employee commitment may be a critical threat to organizational survival and growth. keywords: affective; affective commitment; analysis; approach; attachment; avolio; bass; behavior; beta; business; changes; christian; coefficients; collection; commitment; constant; context; contingent; continuance commitment; correlation; data; dependent; dimensions; economics; education; effect; emotional; empirical; employee commitment; employees; error; exception; exchange; factor; faculty; findings; followers; goals; impact; influence; inspirational; international; job; journal; leadership; leadership questionnaire; leadership styles; level; link; literature; loyalty; management; meyer; mission; mlq; model; motivation; musso; nigeria; normative; objectives; ocq; organizational; organizational commitment; outcomes; percent; performance; population; positive; predictor; private; questionnaire; regression; relationship; research; respondents; result; review; reward; role; sample; sciences; significant; size; social; south; square; std; studies; study; subordinates; summary; survey; table; tasks; theory; transactional; transformational leadership; universities; university; variable; work cache: ijmeb-3382.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3382.txt item: #118 of 123 id: ijmeb-3395 author: Lawal, Abdulazeez Abioye; Ojodu, Hameed O. title: Enterprise Success: Does Entrepreneurship Education Matter in Nigerian Small and Medium Enterprises? date: 2022-08-27 words: 9370 flesch: 43 summary: Enterprise culture and education: Understanding enterprise education and its links with small business entrepreneurship and wider education goal. Success in entrepreneurship depends on many factors, including entrepreneurship education (EE). keywords: age; alarape; analysis; behavior; business; business owners; business success; capital; characteristics; contribution; creation; culture; data; demographics; development; different; e.g.; economic; education; effective; efficacy; enterprise; enterprise success; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurship success; et al; experience; factors; financial; findings; firms; formal; framework; gender; genty; growth; higher; human; impact; indarti; independent; industry; informal; information; institutions; intentions; international; investment; journal; knowledge; lagos; langenberg; lawal; learning; level; makhbul; management; matlay; medium; multiple; musso; need; new; nigeria; number; opportunities; owners; performance; personal; population; poverty; practice; previous; process; profession; programs; regression; relationship; research; resources; respondents; results; role; self; significant; skills; small; small business; smedan; smes; social; state; students; studies; study; success; support; table; technology; theoretical; theory; training; type; unemployment; variables; ventures; world cache: ijmeb-3395.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3395.txt item: #119 of 123 id: ijmeb-3434 author: Akinola, Richard; Okundalaiye, Henry title: Management Control System in Multinational Environment: A Critical Review date: 2022-10-29 words: 6463 flesch: 38 summary: This study examines the impact of management control systems on organisational performance using belief control, boundary control, diagnostic control and interactive control systems as a proxy in the relationship between MCS and organisational performance. Keywords: Management control system; Belief control; Boundary control; Diagnostic control and interactive control systems; Organizational performance. keywords: accounting; barney; belief; belief control; better; boundary; boundary control; business; change; companies; company; competitive; control; control system; corporate; correlation; culture; data; diagnostic; diagnostic control; economic; effectiveness; efficiency; employees; findings; firm; formal; framework; goals; hakeem; hossain; hypothesis; impact; implementation; industry; influence; information; innovation; interactive; interactive control; international; journal; leadership; level; malmi; management; management control; managers; mcs; musso; nasiru; objectives; organizational; organizational performance; performance; planning; positive; productivity; rbv; relationship; research; resources; respondents; result; review; significant; social; strategic; strategy; study; system; theory; use; values cache: ijmeb-3434.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3434.txt item: #120 of 123 id: ijmeb-3515 author: Pasotti, Moreno; Capanna Piscè, Guido title: “Insert Coin to Play”: The Evolution of Communication Dynamics Between Brands and Video Games date: 2022-10-31 words: 7442 flesch: 58 summary: This contribution is developed to investigate how much brands, which are not endemic to the world of gaming, use endorsement practices that exploit video game characters or elements for promotional purposes. The intention is to analyse whether the use of video game characters and elements in brand advertisements is effective in reaching the target audience of video gamers, what level of engagement this practice is able to generate, and whether it can develop positive sentiment and purchase intent towards the brand and its products/services. keywords: ability; addition; ads; advertising; audience; brand; characters; chiliya; chuchu; collaboration; communication; concerns; data; ducati; effectiveness; effects; elements; emotional; esports; fact; focus; future; game; game characters; gamers; gaming; group; high; image; increase; intent; interest; involvement; league; legends; level; lol; louis; market; maziriri; media; medium; methodology; musso; newzoo; nielsen; oneplus; people; perception; phenomenon; players; positive; possible; practice; previous; product; psychological; purchase; real; related; report; research; sample; shelton; social; studies; study; target; target audience; thanks; time; type; use; video; video game; vuitton; world; years cache: ijmeb-3515.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3515.txt item: #121 of 123 id: ijmeb-3587 author: Atanda, Fatai Abiodun; Osemene, Olubunmi F.; Fanimokun, IyanuOluwa title: Board Characteristics and Financial Report Timeliness in the Nigerian Financial Sector: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis date: 2023-02-24 words: 13106 flesch: 49 summary: Consistent and strong evidence revealed that board characteristics (size, independence and financial expertise) had significant effect on financial report timeliness. Introduction One of the qualities of accounting information is financial report timeliness. keywords: accounting; accounts; addition; agency; analysis; annual; audit; audit report; audited; auditing; authors; average; banks; board; board characteristics; board diligence; board financial; board independence; board members; board size; business; characteristics; chi; code; committee; companies; company; control; corporate; corporate governance; data; days; delay; diligence; directors; effect; empirical; endogenous; estimates; estimation; evidence; expertise; explanatory; financial; financial expertise; financial institutions; financial report; firms; gmm; governance; higher; impact; independence; influence; information; institutions; international; journal; lag; law; management; maximum; mechanisms; meetings; members; model; multiple; negative; nigeria; non; number; ols; panel; period; positive; prob; profitability; quality; regression; relationship; report; report lag; report timeliness; reporting; research; results; roa; sector; shareholders; short; significant; size; specification; standard; studies; study; system; table; technique; test; theory; timeliness; timely; variables; year cache: ijmeb-3587.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3587.txt item: #122 of 123 id: ijmeb-3705 author: Masili, Giorgia title: No-code Development Platforms: Breaking the Boundaries between IT and Business Experts date: 2023-04-10 words: 7829 flesch: 42 summary: The company’s expertise mainly concerns business process analysis, ranging from fundraising, including the identification of possible subsidized finance products, to research projects promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development, but also supply and software engineering. 60 minutes 2° company Alpha Computer Scientist System Architect Software development; monitoring the job order throughout its life cycle; process analysis from the technology side rather than the information flow side. 3° company Alpha Degree in Economics Business Process Analyst Analysis of organizational structures and business processes. 1° company Beta Computer Scientist Responsible for the processes’ digitalization Digitalization of processes and company’s business model. keywords: activities; addition; adoption; alpha; analysis; applications; approach; apps; aspects; author; automation; beta; better; business; card; case; changes; code; coding; collaboration; companies; company; cooperation; costs; customers; data; departments; developers; development; different; digital; digitalization; employees; et al; experience; experts; game; impact; implementation; importance; informants; information; international; interview; journal; key; kirikova; knowledge; languages; literature; low; management; method; musso; ncdps; need; new; platform; process; processes; programming; qualitative; requests; requirements; research; resources; rokis; skills; software; solutions; specific; speed; strategy; study; support; technologies; time; tools; topic; traditional; transformation; users cache: ijmeb-3705.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3705.txt item: #123 of 123 id: ijmeb-3716 author: Fernandez Da Lama, Rocío Giselle; Brenlla , Maria Elena title: Attitudes towards saving and debt-taking behavior during first major flexibility on pandemic restrictions in Argentina date: 2023-08-12 words: 9254 flesch: 52 summary: To determine the effect of gender and age among participants on saving attitudes, Kruskal- Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests were conducted. Several dimensions of TP yielded as significant predictors of saving attitudes. keywords: adults; age; aged; agreement; analysis; approach; argentina; arrangements; associated; attitudes; behavior; boyd; brenlla; consistency; consumer; consumption; covid-19; crisis; data; debt; decisions; del; denegri; development; differences; different; difficultness; economic; economic behavior; economy; effect; et al; events; experiences; face; factors; fatalistic; female; financial; flexibility; future; gender; general; global; goals; greater; group; hedonistic; higher; household; human; impact; importance; indebtedness; individuals; inflation; influence; international; journal; life; likely; long; lower; major; marketing; measures; middle; model; money; musso; negative; odds; older; ordinal; orientation; oriented; pandemic; participants; past; people; personality; perspective; positive; post; predictor; present; psychological; psychology; public; relevant; research; results; review; role; saving; significant; social; sociodemographic; socioeconomic; spend; statement; studies; study; table; taking; term; theory; time; university; uselessness; value; variables; wald; wang; women; world; young; younger; zimbardo cache: ijmeb-3716.pdf plain text: ijmeb-3716.txt