item: #1 of 19 id: ijep-10638 author: Coelho, Vera Lúcia; Barros, Sílvia; Peixoto, Carla; Pessanha, Manuela ; Cadima, Joana; Bryant, Donna title: The Exploring Teacher-Family Partnerships in Infant Center-based Care date: 2023-06-24 words: 9461 flesch: 43 summary: Understanding Korean early childhood teachers’ challenges in parent–teacher partnerships: beyond individual matters. So, the present study was designed for analyzing parents and infant teachers’ perspectives about the partnership practices being implemented as well as the partnerships idealized. keywords: care; child; childcare; children; ecec; education; et al; families; family; infant; mothers; partnership; partnership practices; practices; quality; study; teacher cache: ijep-10638.pdf plain text: ijep-10638.txt item: #2 of 19 id: ijep-10970 author: Castillo Gualda, Ruth; Moraleda, Alvaro; Brackett, Marc A. title: Preventative initiatives to promote psychological adjustment among primary students: Findings of RULER Approach in Spanish public schools date: 2023-06-24 words: 8494 flesch: 41 summary: Based on the literature, we hypothesize that 1) RULER intervention promotes mental health and psychological adjustment by reducing levels of clinical, educational, and emotional maladjustment in Primary school students. Procedure This study was developed with an ex post facto design, with a principal analysis aimed to evaluate if RULER training for teaching staff promoted mental health and psychological adjustment in primary school students in comparison with students whose teachers did not receive the training. keywords: castillo; children; control; development; et al; health; maladjustment; ruler; school; sel; social; students; total; years cache: ijep-10970.pdf plain text: ijep-10970.txt item: #3 of 19 id: ijep-11558 author: Ohle-Peters, Annika; McElvany, Nele; Ullrich, Mark title: Students’ Text-Picture-Integration: The Role of Teacher Competence and Instructional Quality date: 2023-08-14 words: 7427 flesch: 46 summary: Key words Text-picture-integration, instructional quality, teacher competence, longitudinal multilevel analysis, video study To cite this article: Ohle-Peters, A., McElvany, N., & Ullrich, M. (2023). In terms of empirical evidence for the theoretically postulated functional chain from teacher competence to instructional quality and on to student outcomes, we expect positive relations between aspects of teachers’ TPI-related competence and instructional quality (Hypothesis H2a) as well as a mediating effect of instructional quality on the relation between teacher competence and students’ TPI-skills (Hypothesis H2b). keywords: competence; knowledge; learning; picture; quality; reading; research; school; skills; students; teachers; teaching; text; tpi; tpm; video cache: ijep-11558.pdf plain text: ijep-11558.txt item: #4 of 19 id: ijep-11828 author: Asensio, David; Fernández-Mera, Ana; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni title: The Cognitive Profile of Intellectual Giftedness date: 2023-07-21 words: 7235 flesch: 41 summary: The differences in cognitive abilities were not consistent across all areas, meaning that some cognitive abilities did not show significant differences, while others did. One of the most interesting trends is to break down the intelligence concept into cognitive abilities (Chekaf et al., 2018; Rowe et al., 2014; Wai et al., 2022), which makes it possible to study how these are profiled in gifted children. keywords: abilities; children; differences; domains; duñabeitia; giftedness; group; intelligence; journal; memory; profile; psychology; skills; tests cache: ijep-11828.pdf plain text: ijep-11828.txt item: #5 of 19 id: ijep-11902 author: Editors, IJEP title: List of reviewers date: 2023-02-24 words: 236 flesch: 40 summary: IJEP – International Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 12 Rocío García Carrión Jorge Manuel Dueñas Rada Editors Aitana Fernández-Villardón Alba García-Cid Albert Irigoyen Zaragoza Ane López de Aguileta David Navarro González Elisenda Giner Gota Eugenia Allotey Garazi Álvarez-Guerrero Garazi Lopez de Aguileta Guillermo Legorburo Itxaso Tellado Juliene Ferreira Jyrki Huusko Kavitha Karun Laura Ruiz-Eugenio Maite Santiago-Garabieta Marta Font Palomar Nerea Gutiérrez-Fernández Sara Carbonell Sevilla Sergi Martín-Arbós Susana León-Jiménez Instructions for authors, subscriptions and further details: List of 2022 Reviewers Date of publication: February 24th, 2023 Edition period: February 2022 – February 2023 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE keywords: february; reviewers cache: ijep-11902.pdf plain text: ijep-11902.txt item: #6 of 19 id: ijep-180 author: Racionero Plaza, Sandra title: The International Journal of Educational Psychology: Psychological Research for the Twenty-First Century date: 2012-02-23 words: 1535 flesch: 40 summary: As a whole, García’s article combines what Bruner refers as good psychological science and good policy research. It is that kind of psychological research and science which IJEP aims at disseminating. keywords: journal; learning; psychology; research cache: ijep-180.pdf plain text: ijep-180.txt item: #7 of 19 id: ijep-182 author: None title: 508 Resource Limit Is Reached date: None words: 27 flesch: 64 summary: 508 Resource Limit Is Reached Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. keywords: limit cache: ijep-182.htm plain text: ijep-182.txt item: #8 of 19 id: ijep-186 author: Molina, Silvia title: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed. Educating for the Virtues in the Twenty-First Century date: 2012-02-23 words: 882 flesch: 46 summary: In this regard, he considers: “The trio of virtues, while unquestionably in flux and under attack, remain essential to the human experience and, indeed, to human survival. The author acknowledges that the three virtues are qualitative different and that they have different histories, being the history of truth “convergent and confirmatory”, the history of beauty “divergent”, unpredictable and more dependable on personal experiences, and the history of goodness having one consolidated part –the neighborly morality– and another more recent –the ethics of roles–. Furthermore, they are also different in terms of their relevance for life, being beauty the less determinant for survival. keywords: truth; virtues cache: ijep-186.pdf plain text: ijep-186.txt item: #9 of 19 id: ijep-239 author: Roberts, Amy L.; Rogoff, Barbara title: Children’s Reflections on Two Cultural Ways of Working Together: “Talking with Hands and Eyes” or Requiring Words date: 2012-06-25 words: 8753 flesch: 52 summary: In line with our expectations, 86 Roberts & Rogoff- Children's reflections on cultural patterns Table 2 Mean percentage (and SDs) of statements in the 5 topics and overall that corresponded with or contradicted research patterns, across the two backgrounds, andsignificance Contradict Research Mexican-heritage US children's comments showed greater correspon- dence with research than did Anglo children’s, by stating that MexIndigH children work together and help each other more than MCEurAm children. his study examined whether bilingual Mexican-heritage US children viewing video clips of other children would be more likely than middle-class European American children to identifyT Two Cultural Patterns of Interaction Research in Indigenous-heritage communities of the Americas has noted children’s extensive collaboration and help in ongoing community activities, observation of others’ efforts, and use of nonverbal communication (with or without talk) in reference to ongoing activity (Cazden & John, 1971; Chamoux, 1992; Chavajay & Rogoff, 2002; Correa-Chávez, Roberts, Martinez Pérez, 2011; de Haan, 1999; de Leon, 2000; Gaskins, 1999; Mejía-Arauz, Rogoff, Dexter, & Najafi, 75IJEP– International Journal ofEducational Psychology, 1(2) 2007b; Paradise, 1994, 1996; Philips, 1972; Rogoff, Mistry, Göncü, & Mosier, 1993). keywords: anglo; children; clips; differences; helping; heritage; mexican; pairs; patterns; research; rogoff; statements; talk cache: ijep-239.pdf plain text: ijep-239.txt item: #10 of 19 id: ijep-264 author: Caputo, Andrea title: Psychological Correlates of School Bullying Victimization: Academic Self-concept, Learning Motivation and Test Anxiety date: 2014-02-24 words: 8316 flesch: 50 summary: = 36.83, p < .01 which confirm that school bullying victimization is significantly present at grade 6 (29.50%) and then tends to decrease to grade Caputo –School Bullying 82 8 (18.66%). Then, bullied student also have reduced emotional engagement in school activities and show some negative emotions such as boredom, anxiety, sadness, and fear while at school (Fredricks et al., 2004). keywords: anxiety; bullying; concept; doi; grade; journal; learning; math; motivation; psychology; reading; school; self; students; study; test; victimization cache: ijep-264.pdf plain text: ijep-264.txt item: #11 of 19 id: ijep-289 author: Mahn, Holbrook title: Vygotsky’s Analysis of Children’s Meaning Making Processes date: 2012-06-25 words: 8823 flesch: 37 summary: The concept of perezhivanie, experience in a social situation of development, is key to understanding the role social 1 1 2 Mahn - Vygotsky’s Analysis of Children’s Meaning Making The basic finding of our research is that relationships of generality between concepts are closely associated with the structure of generalization (i.e., they are closely associated with the stages of concept development that we studied in our experimental research). …Thus, in concept development, the movement from the general to the specific or from the specific to the general is different for each stage in the development of meaning depending on the structure of generalization dominant at that stage. keywords: analysis; development; meaning; processes; speaking; thinking; thinking system; vygotsky cache: ijep-289.pdf plain text: ijep-289.txt item: #12 of 19 id: ijep-290 author: Petreñas, Cristina title: Developing Destinies. A Mayan Midwife and Town date: 2012-06-25 words: 793 flesch: 48 summary: In her analysis, Barbara Rogoffcombines the life story ofChona, the cultural practices of the community of San Pedro where Chona lives, and Chona’s perspective on cultural traditions to elaborate a view of culture as a form of community life, as something dynamic, and as receiving continuous influence from individuals when they engage in community activities. And when we transform cultural practices, we make them part of Cristina Petreñas - Developing destinies 177 Cristina Petreñas Caballero University ofBarcelona our future development and that of others. keywords: community; practices cache: ijep-290.pdf plain text: ijep-290.txt item: #13 of 19 id: ijep-298 author: R de Mello, Roseli title: From Constructivism to Dialogism in the Classroom. Theory and Learning Environments date: 2012-06-25 words: 8399 flesch: 47 summary: Overall, the review of the literature and the findings about the perceptions on learning in interactive groups inform us about the need and benefits for transforming school learning environments to make them align with the current tendencies and claims regarding how people learn and develop. More recently, delving deeper into the relationship between know- ledge and meaning, principally under the influence of the Soviet school, constructivist approaches of psychology have focused on the study of the relationship between meaning and sense in learning processes, which has led constructivist scholars to point to the need to consider dialogic and communicative perspectives ofinteractions. keywords: classroom; development; dialogic; groups; interaction; knowledge; learning; mello; new; psychology; social; students; volunteers cache: ijep-298.pdf plain text: ijep-298.txt item: #14 of 19 id: ijep-305 author: Gatt, Suzanne; Sordé, Teresa title: ICT Alone Is Not Enough, The Whole Village Is Needed. A Community-based and Dialogic Approach to Technology in Schools date: 2012-06-25 words: 7709 flesch: 53 summary: Thus, schools cannot ignore neither the transformations shaping their surrounding societies, but be an active part of them, nor what those transformations mean for school learning. A community-based and dialogic approach to technology in schools. keywords: ariño; case; children; community; dialogic; ict; information; involvement; learning; members; school; students; teachers; use cache: ijep-305.pdf plain text: ijep-305.txt item: #15 of 19 id: ijep-307 author: None title: 508 Resource Limit Is Reached date: None words: 27 flesch: 64 summary: 508 Resource Limit Is Reached Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. keywords: limit cache: ijep-307.htm plain text: ijep-307.txt item: #16 of 19 id: ijep-380 author: Iran-Nejad, Asghar title: The Paradox of the Missing Biological Function in Understanding: Implications for Moral and General Education date: 2013-02-24 words: 5769 flesch: 36 summary: By contrast, psychological understanding is something the understander causes deliberately using the psychological or mind theories provided spontaneously by biofunctional understanding. The immediate implication for schooling for moral and general education is to focus on enriching the pretheoretical sources of biofunctional understanding by virtue of its overt symptoms, while scientists are learning to close the gap between psychological understanding and biofunctional understanding (Donoghue, Nurmikko, Black, & Hochberg, 2007). keywords: education; function; iran; journal; moral; nejad; ofthe; paradox; people; psychology; theories; understanding cache: ijep-380.pdf plain text: ijep-380.txt item: #17 of 19 id: ijep-398 author: Chan, Carol K.K.; Lam, Ivan C.K.; Leung, Raymond W.H. title: Can Collaborative Knowledge Building Promote Both Scientific Processes and Science Achievement? date: 2012-10-24 words: 8785 flesch: 41 summary: Keywords: knowledge building, scientific inquiry, collaboration, technology- mediated learning. This study reports on an approach that is based on knowledge building, mediated by a computer-supported collaborative learning environment called Knowledge Forum® that focuses on students working collaboratively as members of a scientific community advancing the frontiers oftheir knowledge.   keywords: alcohol; building; chan; community; discourse; forum; inquiry; international; journal; knowledge; knowledge building; learning; level; questions; science; students; understanding cache: ijep-398.pdf plain text: ijep-398.txt item: #18 of 19 id: ijep-562 author: Hoffman, Bobby title: Student Perceptions of Cognitive Efficiency: Implications for Instruction date: 2013-06-24 words: 10053 flesch: 40 summary: CE research is typically situated within the framework of cognitive load theory, which assumes a limited capacity working memory, and in absence of automatic information processing, Bobby Hoffman - Perceptions ofCognitive Efficiency112 the need to dedicate more cognitive resources and effort when learning intrinsically complex material (Kalyuga, 2007). Analysis of results revealed that student perceptions of CE predominantly focused on malleable aspects of self-regulated and reflective cognition, aligning with many descriptions of expert teaching. keywords: cognition; doi; efficiency; hoffman; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; ofeducational; perceptions; processing; psychology; research; resources; strategies; student; task; teaching; van cache: ijep-562.pdf plain text: ijep-562.txt item: #19 of 19 id: ijep-97 author: Valdez, Carmen; Budge, Stephanie title: Addressing Adolescent Depression in Schools: Evaluation of an In-service Training for School Staff in the United States date: 2012-10-24 words: 9049 flesch: 48 summary: School staff also reported connecting with adolescents by seeking involvement from others, with 18% of school staff involving other school staff and other students, and 8% contacting parents. School staff viewed the in-service as a valuable tool for their school and provided suggestions for the refinement of the in-service. keywords: adolescents; depression; evaluation; focus; groups; parents; program; psychology; school; school staff; service; staff; strategies; students; teachers; time; training; video cache: ijep-97.pdf plain text: ijep-97.txt