Available online: https://journals.researchsynergypress.com/index.php/ijeiis International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS) ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) Volume Volume 2 Number 1 (2022): 1-17 Corresponding author agusgunawan1405@gmail.com DOI: 10.31098/ijeiis.v2i1.965 Research Synergy Foundation Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan1, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni2, Muhamad Fauzi3 1 Islamic State University of Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten, Indonesia 2 Islamic State University of Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten, Indonesia 3 Technology and Business Institute of Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract Islamic education institutions in Indonesia, with a Muslim population majority, create a quality focus on education development in realizing the national character and sustainable development goals (SDGs), whereas the goal is creating education for all and equity. Need to realize quality education has built on the strengthening of madrasah committees according to religious ministry policy number 16 /2020 about madrasa committee as stakeholder participation applied during the Covid- 19 pandemic with various limitations. Madrasa committee management being an independent, professional, and modern principal, is an essential instrument in providing educational quality services to community needs. The weakness and less contribution of duties and functions as the madrasa committee becomes inhibits instrument to Islamic education quality achievement, and it is crucially this research. The objective of the research describes the strengthening of madrasah committee management to improve education quality. A research method is using a mix-method with a concurrent triangulation approach, research locations at state madrasa in Banten Province of Indonesia with interview and observation instruments. The results show that madrasa committee management is improving the management, especially for organizing, implementation and supervision. The committee's duties are providing financial support, thoughts, and staff for administering madrasa education, developing madrasa cooperation, supervising the implementation and management of education, and receiving and following up on complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations from students, parents, and the community. Sustainable development goals imply efforts to improve education quality through the madrasa committee management as public social participation. Keywords: development; madrasa committee; participation; education This is an open access article under the CC–BY-NC license. INTRODUCTION Education produces a model of human resources today and in the future to produce quality and competitiveness. It requires planned strategic steps to increase the quality and relevance of education development seen in the social, cultural, economic, and political dimensions (Tanjung, 2020). Sustainable development goals (SDGs) of ensuring quality education that is inclusive and equitable for all students so that middle and low-income countries can achieve learning objectives (Filho et al., 2020). As we know that at the beginning of 2020, the whole world experienced a global pandemic, the authors see that the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic has an impact on the world of education with the many limitations faced, especially in Indonesia. Its policies in various countries exposed to this disease with lockdown or quarantine are carried out to reduce the interaction of many people who can provide access to the spread of Covid-19 (E. Nugraha & Fauzi, 2020). This International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 2 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) fact shows the importance of strengthening educational institutions to maintain the quality of learning. The effort to maintain the quality of education is the ability managing of educational institutions in a modern and professional manner as the quality of the learning process. It was directly related to human formation, as in national education ministry number 20/2003, which indicates that national education functions to develop capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a nation with dignity (Kemdikbud, 2017) It requires public social participation as a form of responsibility for education development. In education development, Islamic education or madrasa is one characteristic of Indonesia. The contribution of Islamic education has presented itself as education that is flexible, responsive, and following the times, future-oriented, balanced, oriented to superior quality, egalitarian, fair, democratic, and dynamic (Lubis & Anggraeni, 2019). Islamic education institutions can change a new paradigm of education-oriented towards the quality of all activities that interact with it, all of which lead to the achievement of quality education. It gives an essential meaning to the social order of education in Indonesia, which is still vital for Islamic education. Madrasa, an Islamic educational form the tradition of Islamic education institutions, is rooted in Indonesia (Muttaqin et al., 2020). From informal education to formal educational institutions with the same methods or thoughts (Adelman & Lemos, 2021). Madrasa needs to absorb the elements of modern education embedded in the national education system to improve its quality (Syarif, 2020). Islamic education has long been considered second in rank. However, the rise of Islamic conservatism in Indonesia has led to an increase in Islamic education in the public of school curriculum in recent years by teaching a core curriculum of general subjects supplemented by an additional thirty percent of religious education subjects and Arabic (D. Nugraha et al., 2020). Madrasas are required to function to improve understanding of religious knowledge and the ability to practice Islamic teachings (Wijaya, 2021). Data to the ministry of religion, more than sixty hundred madrasas in Indonesia, whereas fifty-three percent have been accreditation and forty- seven percent have not been accredited (Kemenag, 2018). The presence of madrasas in society dramatically contributes to the development of Islamic education for the community by directing and motivating their children to study hard and diligently (Basit & Mudlori, 2019). Madrasa is emerging progressive ideas to the attitude of pesantren, that avoided modernization development. The achievements of madrasa are still low and cannot compete with public schools (Kurniawan & Miftah, 2020). Both emphasized that there is a need to increase awareness of the quality of education in madrasa. In realizing the quality of education in madrasas through institutional strengthening, it is published regulation ministry of religion number 16/2020 concerning madrasa committees including carrying out the function of gives, where the madrasa committee provides financial support, thoughts, and personnel in the delivery of education according to the needs of the madrasa. The madrasa committee is an independent institution consisting of parents, students, and a leader community carrying education experts with the task of supporting the improvement of the quality of madrasa education services (Kemenag, 2020). Obstacles to madrasa committees include committee members who are rarely complete at meetings and objections to student guardians in International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi │ 3 ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) making voluntary donations (Septiana et al., 2018). The empowerment of madrasa committees needs attention to improve the quality of education (Ramli, 2021). Sixty percent of school committee recruitments stated that they were not following procedures and seventy percent of school committee functions were declared not carried out (Udit et al., 2020). These two facts explain how the school or madrasa committee operates and functions, which should be able to display an institution that has a function as determined by the government. The role of management in the school committee are planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising as a school committee runs effectively to answer educational goals and challenges (Pekkolay, 2021). Financial management is carried out by the school only (Widyastuti et al., 2020). The school committees never supervised if requested by the school and never monitored teachers and education personnel. The presence and activeness of madrasa committees are essential in creating quality madrasas in all educational instruments. The harmonious relationship between schools, parents, the community, and other institutions in society, including the world of work, will make them feel responsible for the quality of education in schools (Lysenko & Zharinova, 2021). The school committee is a new organization in the world of education that is interesting to examine more deeply, especially in helping improve the quality of education in schools (Ardianti & Ahmad, 2018). With its implementation, the quality of education and practice in Indonesia tends competition with the international community (Nuryana et al., 2020). The low level of community participation and the inadequate role of the school committee in contributing to educational performance indicates that the school committee is unable to its role and function. Provide consideration, support, and supervise school performance in providing educational services. This fact implies the need for research on how the school committee management contributes to the achievement of the goals of formation, recruitment, function implementation, and program success in improving the quality of education. From several previous explanations, the weakness of madrasa education needs to be strengthened by the committee's role in following the policy of the minister of religion 16/2020. However, unfortunately, implementation is still weak and needs strengthening of madrasa committee management, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, which causes the committee's role to be less contributing to condition improvement. This research differs from the previous one carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, which implemented large-scale restrictions. Some committee members reduced death due to exposure to Covid-19 and the research object at public madrasas by management theory approach. The purpose of this research is to explain the role of management (planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising) in carrying out its duties and functions as a madrasa committee? LITERATURE REVIEW An institution needs a system that helps compile components or materials more effectively, determines objectives, and involves all the resources needed for all the objectives and components by integrating management principles. Management is a typical process consisting of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling actions to determine and achieve goals using human and other resources (Bright, 2019). Meanwhile, another opinion explains that management is the science and art of managing the process of utilizing human resources and other sources effectively and efficiently (Sadikin et al., 2020). The planning function consists of reviewing related policies, International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 4 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) analyzing institutional conditions, formulating objectives, collecting data and information, analyzing data and information, formulating and selecting alternatives, and determining steps for implementing activities. The application of management educational institutions has applied the stages in preparing school or madrasa management plans by taking into account several principles as follows input to parents of students, the results of an evaluation of previous learning. The determination of targets and programs to be achieved has a model based on the school management planning process, which prioritizes two considerations, is a principle of trust and the results of previous evaluations, as well as setting targets and programs to be achieving (Hadi, 2020). Apart from these aspects, there are other things in determining management. There are fundamental elements that cannot be separated from one another: objectives, policies, procedures, progress, and programs that will be implemented in the next year. Thus, management is an activity with predetermined objectives based on planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. Realizing educational institutions are madrasas requires holistic and integrated attention and application. One of them is madrasa-based management, the education stakeholders as parties related to the education process, namely the guardians of students and the community. The madrasa must work together and have a burden and responsibility. balanced and proportional in making policies and implementing the learning and teaching process to improve the quality of madrasa. Avoid overlap burdens and responsibilities among education stakeholders; it is necessary to have an independent, democratic, transparent institution that all levels of society can trust. A madrasa committee was formed to accommodate the roles and responsibilities as well as balanced and proportional authority between madrasas, guardians of students and the community, and other stakeholders. Then reaffirmed in number 16/2020 regulation concerning madrasa committees, it is stated that the madrasa committee is an independent institution consisting of parents/guardians of students, community leaders who care about education, and education experts (Kemenag, 2020) The position of the school committee is a character that is in the school committee indicating, among other things: domiciled in an academic unit, consisting of an academic unit or several academic units at the same or different levels. However, it is located in an adjacent location or an academic unit managed by an education provider or due to other considerations, and this body is independent. It does not have a hierarchical relationship with government agencies (Ortiz- Martínez et al., 2022). It can be explained that a madrasa committee is an independent institution/body consisting of a group of people who must help with education in madrasas, among other things helping with operational costs, building madrasa buildings, educational facilities, and infrastructure. It will accommodate the surrounding community in improving the quality-equity and efficiency of education management. The management of the madrasa committee usually comes from the surrounding community, which collaborates with madrasa teachers, for example, alumni, community leaders, educational leaders, and entrepreneurs. The school committee has a role in providing considerations or choices to schools, as well as providing support, control, and bridging the interests of the community and education delivery (Alfikalia & Widyaningsih, 2021). The part of the school committee provides consideration in International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi │ 5 ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) determining and implementing education policies, supporting education delivery, and controlling and mediating between the government and the community. The encouraging growth of public attention and commitment to quality education, collaborating with the community, accommodating and analyzing aspirations, providing input, encouraging parents and the community to participate in education, raising funds from the community, and conducting evaluations. Community participation in the administration of the ideal madrasa takes place in synergy between individuals, groups, families, professional organizations, employers, and community organizations. Their participation as a source, implementer, or user of education is also included in planning, administering, and controlling education. The ideal madrasa requires high community participation in the form of ideas, concepts, morals, information, thoughts, skills, and materials needed for the sustainability of life and the development of educational institutions to improve the quality of education. There, community-supported members of the madrasa committee provide consideration and support and act as a liaison and controllers for the realization of quality, transparent, accountable, equitable, and fair education (Lasminah et al., 2021). In madrasa management, by involving stakeholders, the function of the madrasa committee becomes an integrated unit so that it can explain that the functions of the madrasa committee include the following: giving consideration, supporting, controlling, mediating, driving the growth of community attention and commitment and collaboration with the community ((Yanto, 2021; Khoiriyah et al., 2021). In carrying out the tasks referred to number 16/2020 regulation, it emphasizes that the madrasa committee carries out functions: giving consideration to (formulating madrasa policies and programs, preparing madrasa work plans and budgets, determining madrasa performance criteria, developing educational facilities and infrastructure in madrasa); providing financial support, thoughts, and personnel in the delivery of education in madrasas; development of madrasa cooperation; supervising the administration and management of education; and acceptance and follow-up of complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations from students, parents/guardians, and the community. In this era of regional autonomy, madrasas have greater autonomy and educational space. The madrasa-based management paradigm provides the broadest possible opportunity to manage and regulate the implementation of education in each madrasa (Umam, 2019). With the budget availability in RAPBS, there is an assumption that the school committee is a bureaucratic institution under the school principal, even under the education office principals. Provision of the school committee budget in the RAPBM does not mean that the budget does not come from the school principal but from the family and the community (Noho et al., 2021). The school committee raises funds and other educational resources to provide support for personnel, facilities, and infrastructure, as well as education supervision, then raises funds and other educational resources (assistance and donations, not levies). The school committee has included monitoring education personnel, non-teacher education personnel, monitoring conditions, coordinating and evaluating, monitoring, and evaluating budgeting support. The school committee's efforts to improve the madrasa's performance include regular meetings with student guardians and recitation once a semester. They are raising funds and other educational resources from the community and donors and implementing school policies, including recruiting educators and admitting new students. The construction of new classrooms and school International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 6 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) infrastructure, following up on complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations from students, parents, and the community for school performance for an increase in school achievement (Qohar, 2019). The school committee is located in the school education unit, at all levels, from primary to secondary education, in both public and private educational institutions. The objectives of the school committee are: to accommodate and channel the aspirations and initiatives of the community in creating operational policies and educational programs in academic units, to increase the responsibility and role of the community in the delivery of education, and create an atmosphere and conditions of transparency, accountability, and democracy in the implementation and quality education services in the education unit (Hidayati, 2018). The school committee must submit reports to their student parents, communities, and madrasa principals through regular meetings at least once a semester. It comprises school committee activities and the results of fundraising and other educational resources from the community (Winoto, 2021). The success in the provision of education is not only the responsibility of the central government but also the provincial, district, or city governments, schools, parents, and communities. The community-based participation and school-based management are not only to implementing in Indonesia. However, in other words, the principal of application are two concepts that schools can provide quality education services. For this reason, synergic cooperation from the school, family, and community is needed systematically to participate in the management of education. In order to avoid overlapping burdens and responsibilities among education stakeholders, an independent, democratic, transparent institution that is trusted by all levels of society is needed. A school committee was formed to accommodate roles and responsibilities and equal authority between the school, student guardians, and the community. The school committee is an independent body accommodating community participation in improving education management quality, equity, and efficiency. The body is adjusting to each academic unit's local conditions and needs, such as the madrasa committee, madrasa council, and school council. Thus, the madrasa committee is an institution established in each madrasa that aims to help the madrasa achieve the desired targets by functioning as a body of consideration, support, control, and liaison. Quality of education is the ability of schools to manage operationally and efficiently components related to schools to produce added value to these components according to the prevailing norm or standards (Kemdikbud, 2019). Quality in education includes four qualities input, process, output, and outcome (Tuala, 2018). Quality in the context of integrated quality management or Total Quality Management (TQM) is not just an idea. However, a philosophy and methodology to assist institutions in managing change systematically and in totality through a change in vision, mission, values , and goals. Achieving good quality madrasa certainly requires a variety of quality madrasa activities. A quality madrasa here is interpreted as a madrasa that can provide satisfaction to the madrasa community (Susilo et al., 2021). Quality is an ability possessed by a product or service to meet needs or expectations, satisfaction, and customers in education are grouped into internal customers and external International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi │ 7 ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) customers. Internal customers are student learners and external customers in society and the industrial world (Burhanudin et al., 2018). World education assesses the quality of a school's graduates from the suitability of their abilities with the objectives set in the curriculum. In general, quality or quality is a comprehensive description and characteristics of goods or services that show their ability to satisfy expected or implied needs. The quality of the school is developing through improved management that involves: clients or customers, leadership, teams, processes, and structures (García-Fernández et al., 2022). The transformation to quality madrasa begins with adopting a shared dedication to quality by the school board, managers, staff, students, teachers, and the community. The process begins with developing a quality vision and mission for the region, each madrasa, and the department in the region (Abdullah, 2019). Education quality standards carried out by education units refer to the national education standards, including competency of graduates, content, process, educators and education personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management standards, financing standards, and educational assessment standards (Kemdikbud, 2019). The education services described above include teaching materials (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), methodologies (varies according to teacher abilities), school facilities, administrative support, facilities and infrastructure, and other resources, as well as creating a conducive atmosphere (Akkaya & Kapıdere, 2021). Another stated, Sopingi et al., (2021) finding the effectiveness of school committee performance which was quite good. Thus, the quality of education is the ability of educational institutions to manage components related to schools according to applicable standards. The conceptual definition of madrasa committee management is an activity with the objectives set by the madrasa committee based on planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring. The operational definition of madrasah committee management is an activity with the objectives set by the madrasah committee based on planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring with indicators as the body of consideration, support, control and liaison. The conceptual definition of education quality is the ability of educational institutions to manage components related to schools according to applicable standards. The operational definition of education quality is the ability of educational institutions to manage components related to schools according to applicable standards with indicators of teachers, infrastructure, teaching and learning processes and awards for achievements. RESEARCH METHOD The This research is mix-method (quantitative and qualitative) with a concurrent triangulation approach with data simultaneously at the research stage, then comparing qualitative data with quantitative data to find differences or combinations. The research location is in MIN 1 Serang district, MTsN 1 Serang City, MTsN Cilegon City, MAN 1 Serang City, and MAN 1 Serang District of Banten province. The research data sources are principals and madrasa committees. The research instrument was an observation guide, interview guide, and documentation. So, the data analysis process by reduction, display, and conclusion or verification. Descriptive analysis methods are statistics that are used to describe or describe the collected information as is without the intention of making generalized conclusions or generalizations. Primary data is obtained directly from the data source, observed, and recorded for the first time from the respondents are the head of the madrasa and 3 madrasa committee administrators, so there are 20 respondents International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 8 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) To explain the relationship between variables and components in this study as shown in the following picture: Figure 1: Convergent Design Model (Creswell, 2014) FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION According calculation results of the validity of the 61 items of the madrasa committee role instrument with the coefficient formula (alpha Cronbach) and the reliability coefficient (Spearman- Brown) of 0.957. The results of the calculation of the validity of 28 items of educational quality instruments with the coefficient formula (alpha Cronbach) and the reliability coefficient (Spearman-Brown) of 0.901. The study related to individual respondents consisting of madrasa principals and madrasa committees by measuring the management of madrasa committees. Including planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising their functions as a body of consideration, support, control, and liaison. In comparison, the quality of education includes teachers, infrastructure, teaching and learning activities, and awards with indicators of education level, teacher competence, educational tools and media, library rooms and textbooks, teaching materials, teaching methods, evaluation scores, praise, and scholarships. To get an overview of the results of respondents' answers in filling out the answered questionnaire to find out the average score obtained so that it can give the predicate shown in table 1 below: Table 1: Role of Madrasa Committee Management Quantitative Method 1. Madrasah Committee Management Variable (X/MKM) a. Dimensions (Planning, Organizing, Implementation, Monitoring) b. Indicators (consideration bodies, supporters, controller and liaison) 2. Education Quality Variable (Y/MP) a. Dimensions (Teachers, Facilities, Activities Learning and Rewards) b. Indicators (level of education, teacher competence, educational tools & media, library space & textbooks, teaching materials, teaching methods, evaluation value, praise and scholarship) 3. Simple Linear Regression Analysis Qualitative Method 1. Madrasah Committee Management in Planning, Organizing, Executing, Supervision as a body of consideration, support, controller and liaison 2. Triangulation Analysis Compare and link together (concurrent triangulation) International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi │ 9 ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) Total Disagree Disagree Doubtful Agree Total Agree Sum Avarage f 1 % f 2 % f 3 % f 4 % f 5 % 2747 3.29 0 0 0 135 74 9,82 398 1044 43,46 206 1024 29,99 81 605 14,74 Based on table 1, it can be seen that the madrasa committee management has an average score of 3.29, which is in the satisfactory category. Table 2: Education Quality Total Disagree Disagree Doubtful Agree Total Agree Sum Avarage f 1 % f 2 % f 3 % f 4 % f 5 % 0 0 0 8 16 0,75 198 594 27,87 244 976 45,80 109 545 25,57 2131 3,77 Based on table 2, it can be seen that the quality of education has an average score of 3.77, which is in the good category. Table 3: Predicate Criteria Analysis. Scoring Average Predicate Object RMCM EQ 1,0-1,7 Very Poorly 1,8-,2,5 Poorly 2,6-3,3 Satisfactory 3.2 3,4-4,1 Good 3.7 4,1-5,0 Very Good Based on Table 3 above, it can be explained that the role of madrasa committee management is in an average score of 3.2 which indicates a fairly good predicate, then the quality of education shows an average score of 3.7 with a good predicate. The results of structured interviews with five madrasa principals believe that 'the presence of the madrasa committee is significant to improve the quality of education in a madrasa. In contrast, the structure and personnel arranged in the madrasa committee 'is considered to have good communication, integrity and experience' in management, collaboration, and educational institutions. In implementing the work program, the madrasa committee has duties and functions as regulated. They have the view that 'the presence of the madrasa committee has not fully functioned according to existing regulations, but on the other hand, it is emphasized that it is limited to being invited to the ratification of the madrasa budget plan (RAPBM). How is the management of madrasa committees carried out? The involvement of madrasa committees has only been placed or functioned in the planning process, namely in the budgeting process, not in other process. The obstacle madrasa committees face in carrying out their duties and functions is "the limited time the management has because some of them still have their daily activities that cannot be abandoned." In a structured interview with the madrasa committee, it was found that 'the madrasa acknowledges the presence and function of the madrasa committee is very necessary.' What function or what is often requested by madrasas "basically, our involvement madrasa committee is more often invited by the madrasa, especially in budgeting to be asked for consideration and liaison International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 10 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) cooperation so that budgeting is achieved." Is the management of the madrasa committee carried out optimally? The management process carried out by the madrasa committee is dominant in budget planning, so it is not optimal for other process. The duties and functions of the madrasa committee have not been maximized because "the obstacle faced by most of the madrasa committee administrators is that there are still many activities at their place of work." It is essential that the presence, duties, and functions of the madrasa committee in improving the quality of education "we realize that the function of the madrasa committee can improve the quality of education, so it needs to involve wider stakeholders." There is a need for reinforcing interviews with officials of the Islamic education section at the religion officer of Banten Province and the religion officer in Serang City who oversees the madrasa so that they can hear or receive information from the head of the madrasa and the madrasa committee itself. The regulations of number 16/2020 detail inform that duties and functions of the madrasa committee have previous complement ones. There has been no socialization or orientation for madrasa committee administrators due to the Covid-19 pandemic; only a sheet has been given to each madrasa to be submitted to their respective madrasa committees. Until now, there has been no comprehensive evaluation of the madrasa committees in Banten province, which goes back to the respective madrasa. Efforts made to madrasa and committees are given to supervisors to actively involve the madrasa committee in the process of activities in the madrasa and not only be invited by the madrasa but also must be proactive as a concrete manifestation of the process in improving the quality of education. Based on the regulation number 75/2016 and number 16/2020, which regulates school and madrasa committees. It has a critical context to provide full support for the implementation of programs, duties, and functions of the madrasa committee so that these regulations have consequences for school administrators, and the madrasa provides room for the governance of madrasa committees. As a process in a formal institution, the importance of management as a system that helps run activities or stages to achieve predetermined targets and goals. The management process is implemented to be one of the indicators of a modern organization or institution that prioritizes the process as a system. For this, the management component includes planning, management, implementation, and supervision in carrying out duties and functions as a madrasa committee following applicable regulations. Number 16/2020 regulation describes the duties and functions of the madrasa committee, namely giving considerations (formulating policies and programs, compiling work plans and budgets, determining performance criteria, and developing educational facilities and infrastructure), providing financial support, thoughts, and personnel, in the provision of education, development of cooperation, supervision of the administration and management of education, and acceptance and follow-up of complaints, suggestions, criticisms, and aspirations of students, parents/guardians, and the community. The importance of management as an institution or organization to the process must be passed by determining target objectives. The average score of the management role of the madrasa committee is 3.2 with a reasonably good predicate, which shows a management process carried out by the madrasa committee, which is focused on considering preparing RAPBM but has not been involved in the following management process, including management, implementation, and International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi │ 11 ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) supervision. The result supported Ramli (2021), where the empowerment of the madrasa committee has an average score of 3.4, including in the excellent category. Then the interview results show that the madrasa committee's role and function are not yet maximized. It has only been assigned to the extent of budget planning (RAPBM) with a function of consideration and liaison. It is due to the absence of a work program prepared by the madrasa committee as a management process, even though all madrasa has a madrasa committee whose preparation follows the provisions involving stakeholders, which is an obstacle. Not all madrasas compile and determine work programs; this is supported by Rozi et al., (2020), who found that the role of madrasa committees was not optimal in monitoring and implementing and did not have a work program. Determining the work program is essential, but from the results of observations and documentation, it can be seen that only one madrasa committee work program and the quality of education is only one madrasa out of the five samples of research objects. It indicates that the madrasa committee has not implemented the main work program following the interests and needs of each madrasa. It is because the duties of the madrasa committee management have not become a priority. The management role of the madrasa committee is unless optimum, and this is following the opinion. The school committee is independent and must also be professional with the understanding. It must carry out roles and functions, not only as a complementary tool in schools or as a "stamper" on the principal's policies. Management process, namely planning at the RAPBM, as a madrasa committee, has carried out its function as a consideration in budgeting as well as a liaison or mediator with other parties in terms of how madrasa activities are carried out correctly. Usually, things are done in training activities, resource persons, individual figures, looking for sponsors, and parents or guardians. It is the same age as Hadiyanto et al., (2020) research, where the madrasa committee considers the preparation of a school income budget plan (RAPBM), as well as a verifier in madrasa work programs and as a liaison in the interests of schools with the availability of parents of students. Especially in terms of funding, besides emphasizing in research that the school committee functions in consideration and liaison, the duties and functions of a madrasa committee should cover four aspects: consideration, controller, support, and supervision. The same thing is conveyed by Buana et al., (2019), where the role of the school committee is to consider the use and utilization of the budget received by schools, providing input on planning school work budgets, holding school income, and expenditure budget meetings. Researchers know the general phenomenon of madrasa committees, their duties, and their functions. They are 'passive,' where they only speak when invited and asked for consideration and seek a way out of the interests of the madrasa, or other languages are simply complementary, so it takes time and adaptation. To do what it should. This study's objective is to determine the role of management, including planning, management, implementation, and supervision, following the duties and functions of the madrasa committee, including consideration, controller, support, and liaison. From the results of quantitative research, it was found that an average score of 3.2 was obtained with a reasonably good predicate, meaning that the management role of the madrasa committee was running quite well. The qualitative research results explained that the management role carried out by the madrasa committee was not optimal or maximally only limited to planning and giving functions, International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 12 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) and considerations, especially on the budgeting (RAPBM) of the madrasa. All madrasa research objects invite the madrasa committee when discussing budget planning. It indicates that madrasas have cautioned, and mutual involvement is expected so that there is no abuse or abuse in its implementation. Besides, an alternative solution is needed if there is a budget shortage. Then other functions become a liaison between the interests of the madrasa and other parties so that there are still many management roles that need to be optimized and the functions of the madrasa committee are carried out. The obstacles faced by the madrasa committee in carrying out their duties and functions are the difficulty of time to focus on the madrasa committee administrators to attend and discuss work programs and other madrasa interests. On the other hand, the lack or absence of a budget is allocated in the RAPBM specifically for madrasa committee work and program activities. Thus, we can compare it to answer the first objective in research, where qualitative research emphasizes that the management role of madrasa committees is not optimal, and quantitative research confirms the category is quite good. Both of these results indicate that the management role of the madrasa committee is still weak, so the need to increase the management role of the madrasa committee. The provisions in the regulation of the minister of religion number 16/2020 are accompanied by technical understanding and commitment (orientation or technical guidance) as madrasa committee administrators so that there is a need for upgrading or training of madrasa committee administrators to become independent and professional madrasa committees. There are time constraints such as committee members being late and even not attending meetings because they are busy with other matters. Limited funding is a lack of funds due to free education and a lack of community participation, namely community participation as parents of students who still do not consider attending committee meetings held at school, not affect their attendance or absence. The madrasa committee only controls the use of funds from central and local governments, such as madrasa operational assistance funds. In contrast, the use of funds from the madrasa committee's parents does not control even though they do not know how much money each month the madrasa receives from people parents of students. Avoiding an active role from the madrasa committee is needed. The madrasa committee should oversee not only the use of funds from the local or central government but also the use of funds from the community or student guardians. In the absence of the madrasa committee, transparency of funds originating from the parents of students is possible to misappropriate these funds for matters that have nothing to do with the madrasa. However, the school committee has never played an active role in managing infrastructure. The school committee as a mediator only acts as an intermediary when there are problems in meetings and between parents and teachers regarding how to deliver lessons or subject matter. The school committee is to control coming to school when asked by the school. The school committee has not played an active role in providing consideration, support, supervision, and mediation. The importance of the role of madrasa committees in improving the quality of education is a significant issue, marked by the existence of government regulatory instruments governing school committees or madrasa committees, which indicates that the madrasa's involvement committee is essential in contributing to improving the quality of education. Suppose the role of the International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi │ 13 ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) madrasa committee management is influential. In that case, it will support the quality of education itself, even though the nature of the madrasa committee is the second choice. In the constructs built in this study, the quality of education is focused on teachers, infrastructure, the process of teaching and learning activities, and the awards contained in the eight education quality standards. However, an object of research has the qualifications of the state -run madrasa and has received madrasa accreditation 'A' value. Quality education is prioritized in addition to providing the best community and being a reference for another private madrasa. When examining the research results, the average score for the quality of education got a score of 3.7 with a good predicate. It indicates that the education quality standards in madrasa include components of teachers, infrastructure, teaching and learning activities, and awards show satisfaction. The research objects are state or government-owned madrasas, which receive full attention from the government with human resources, exceedingly competent teachers, and infrastructure. So that all madrasa activities run correctly and the accreditation of madrasa research objects that get an 'A' score, which is, of course, in quality instruments; education of these two things gives pride. How is the contribution of the madrasa committee in improving the quality of education through the extent to which the role that has been carried out includes socializing madrasa activities to parents or guardians and budget planning discussed with the madrasa? The madrasa principal and madrasa committees care about the quality of education, so madrasas are also responsible for preparing students as the next generation of excellence. Thus, Kartini et al., (2020) said that school committees were optimizing focus on the community's active role in organizing quality education. The researcher's view is that although not all of the duties and functions of the madrasa committee have been carried out. There is a form of prudence in budgeting which is one of the factors that need to be appreciated because this is an effort to prevent abuse and mismanagement to achieve financially sound madrasas without causing access to debt on behalf of the madrasa. In addition, in carrying out its function as a liaison in this study, it is found that the madrasa committee communicates for the benefit of the madrasa so that it can meet the determined madrasa targets, especially in training activities, resource persons, competitions, sponsorship, and other institutional collaboration. It is supported by the results of Rukanto et al., (2018) research that the school committee is quite good at building relationships with the community and establishing communication and cooperation with educators, parents of students, and community leaders in developing the quality of school education. Both indicate that the madrasa committee is mainly positioned as a liaison and community relations. On the other hand, some madrasa committee members consist of community members or community leaders who have close ties to stakeholders. It is hoped that madrasa interests are achieved by communicating actively. Finally, it confirmed that the contribution of the madrasa committee still needs to be increased because it is not optimal. It is due to the four primary duties and functions of the madrasa committee, which has just been running as a body of consideration and liaison. These results indicate that there is a role that is not in accordance with the provisions in the regulation of the minister of religion number 16/2020 about madrasa committee, and lead to the effective role of madrasah committees in improving education, it same Sopingi et al., (2021) said committee school International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies (IJEIIS), Vol. 2(1), 1-17 Improving Education Quality Through Madrasa Committee Management in Indonesia Agus Gunawan, Yuyun Rohmatul Uyuni & Muhamad Fauzi 14 │ ISSN 2807-2049(Online)| 2807-2057 (Print) effectivity going to improving quality of for manage components related to schools according to applicable standards. However, in RAPMB role has provision, as school committee budget in the RAPBM does not mean that the budget does not come from the school principal but from the family and the community (Noho et al., 2021). Thus, Buana et al., (2019) said where the role of the school committee is to consider the use and utilization of the budget received by schools, providing input on planning school work budgets, holding school income, and expenditure budget meetings. In contrast, the function of a supporting and controlling body has not yet been implemented. Because the function becomes a complete unit, it is necessary to make an integrative effort. This is not in accordance with the opinion Bright, (2019) which states that management is a typical process consisting of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling actions to determine and achieve goals using human and other resources. This research can be stated, in Covid-19 pandemic as one constraint for improving in quality education, specially to madrasa committee role in public school as management function. Even though, the budgeting planning they participated for discussion and taking decision. CONCLUSION The madrasa committee management received a reasonably good predicate in the planning and preparation of the madrasa income budget plan, while the duties and functions of the madrasa committee were as a body of consideration and liaison. Another dimension, the duties functions does not carry out of management process as madrasa committee it is not maximized the time to constraints waiting to be invited madrasa. The implication of madrasa committee management as an independent, professional, and modern institution, the madrasa can provide flexibility to the madrasa committee to an active role, efforts to empower the madrasa committee and develop as part of the madrasa elements. That responsible for creating and building quality of education in education units, efforts of madrasa committees to improve their function as support and controllers in education units. 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