75 International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 Original Article: Effect of comorbidities and polypharmacy on fall risk among older adults Hand F Mahmoud1, Hebatullah EMZ Elmedany1 Abstract Introduction: Fall is considered by far one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. Fall is almost always multifactorial. This study looks into the relation between different comorbidities, polypharmacy and falls. Methods: A descriptive and prospective study, the study population comprised 150 elderly patients aged > 60 years  old, males and females, patients with previous history of falls are excluded. Comorbidity burden, polypharmacy and risk of falls were assessed. Results and Discussion: There was a significant positive correlation between Number of comorbidities, medications and risk  of falls and there was a significant association between high risk of falls and presence of  DM, PVD, OLD CVA and UI. Also, there was a significant positive correlation between  age and risk of falls. Conclusion: Multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy and increasing age increase risk of falls. Keywords: Falls, comorbidities, polypharmacy. Correspondence to: Hand F Mahmoud, Geriatrics and Gerontology department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: hend.fawzy@med.asu.edu.eg 1. Geriatrics and Gerontology department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 Page : 75-79 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31344/ijhhs.v6i1.380 Introduction Life expectancy is increasing all over the world. Most people nowadays are expected to live into their sixties and beyond. By 2050, the world’s population aged 60 years and older is expected to total 2 billion up from 900 million in 2015. With increased life expectancy, some elderly will age gracefully, others will experience decreased mobility and functional decline and increase susceptibility to falls.1 Falls defined as an unanticipated incident in which  a person come to rest on the ground or a lower level 2. Falls are the most common type of accidents among older people 3. One in three people over 65 years of age experience at least one fall every year, and injuries occur in approximately 20% of such cases 4 and It has been estimated that nearly 40% of falls in older people are preventable 5. The etiology of falls has always known to be multifactorial. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are involved in falls in older adults. Intrinsic factors include comorbidities leading to decreased mobility, physiological changes with ageing in balance and coordination. Extrinsic factors including environmental hazards as slippery floors,  unsecure stairs and poor lighting 6. This research project focuses on the impact of the comorbidity burden on the risk of falls. Medications are a well-recognized cause of falls in elderly. Classes of medications that have long been known as culprits are antipsychotics, sedatives, and hypnotics 7. This current study investigates the effect of polypharmacy and correlation with  falls. Polypharmacy  is  defined  as  the  prescription  of  multiple medications and it has been identified as  one of the most important factors associated with falls among older people 8-9. Adverse  effects  of  falls  range  from  injuries  to  decrease mobility and fear of falling. Physical injuries include major lacerations, hip fractures, non-vertebral fractures. Other complications of International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 76 falls and long lie include rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury, dehydration, aspiration pneumonia. Psychological adverse effects of falls are not by  any means less important. These include fear of falling, decreased mobility, social isolation, depression, and institutionalization.1 Materials and Methods This descriptive and prospective study was conducted in Geriatrics and Gerontology Department Ain Shams University hospitals. The study population comprised 150 elderly patients aged > 60 years old, males and females, patients  with previous history of falls are excluded, consent was obtained from all participants, all patients underwent comprehensive geriatric assessment (detailed medical history and examination, mini- mental state examination, geriatric depression scale, activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) all patients underwent assessment with Charlson Comorbidity index and Hendrich fall risk model. Comorbotidy burden was determined using the Charlson Comorbidity index, it was first developed  in 1987 by Mary Charlson and colleagues as a weighted index to predict risk of death within 1 year of hospitalization for patients with specific  comorbid conditions. Nineteen conditions were included in the index, each category is assigned a score of 1,2,3, and 6. These scores are summed up for an overall CCI score 10. This study utilizes the Hendrich fall risk model, a tool originally invented by nurses to be utilized in the acute care setting, it was designed to be quickly administered. It utilizes eight independent risk factors. confusion, disorientation, and impulsivity; symptomatic depression; altered elimination; dizziness or vertigo; male gender; administration of antiepileptics (or changes in dosage or cessation); administration of benzodiazepines; and poor performance in rising from a seated position in the Get-Up-and-Go test 11. Data analysis Analysis of data was performed by the 16th version of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Description of quantitative data was done in the form of Mean (M), Standard Deviation (SD) and range. Frequency and percentage were done for qualitative variables. Comparison of qualitative variables was done using the Chi-square test. Correlation of two quantitative variables was done using the Pearson correlation. Significance level measured according to P value  (probability), P>0.05 for insignificant, P<0.05 for  significant and P<0.01 for highly significant. Results The study included 150 participants. The patients’ mean age was (65.95) ± 4.724 years. (48.7%) of them were women and (51.3%) were men. (72%) of them were not working and (28%) were working. (20.7%) of our patients were living alone but the rest (79.3%) living with others. (53.3%) were illiterate, (34%) educated for less than or equal 5 years and (12.7%) for more than 5 years education, and (64.7%) of them were nonsmokers but smokers were (35.3%) of patients (Table 1). Number of comorbidities, number of medications had highly significant positive correlation with  risk of falls so, patients suffer from multiple  comorbidities and receiving multiple medications had higher risk of falls than others. Age also had high significant positive correlation with risk of  falls so, risk of falls increases as age of the patient increases (Table 2). The patients were classified as regard risk of falls  to two groups (patients with high risk of falls and patients with low risk of falls) to evaluate the effect of different comorbidities on risk of falls  and found that there was a significant association  between high risk of falls and presence of DM, PVD, OLD CVA and UI (Table 3). Table 1. Demographic data. Minimum Maximum Mean SD Age 60 80 65.95 4.724 N % Gender Male 77 51.3% Female 73 48.7% Occupation Working 42 28% not working 108 72% Living arrangement with others 119 79.3% Alone 31 20.7% Education >5 yrs education 19 12.7% <5 yrs education 51 34% Illiterate 80 53.3% Smoking No 97 64.7% Yes 53 35.3% 77 International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 Table 2. Correlation of fall risk with number of comorbidities, medications and age. Hendrich II fall risk Pearson correlation p value Charlson Comorbidity index (no. of comorbidities) .788** .000 No. of medications .690** .000 Age .387** 0.000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level  (2-tailed Discussion Falls are one of the most common causes of injuries and dependence among the older population12-13. The falls frequency increases with increasing age.14 Many factors may contribute to falls such as biological, social, environmental, and behavioral risk factors among older adults 15. Medications and polypharmacy are very important items to be considered during comprehensive geriatric assessment as one of the adverse events related to medications and polypharmacy in the elderly are falls 16 and comorbidities are considered one of the most frequent intrinsic factors associated with falls 17 Although the relationship between comorbidities and falls has not been studied well. This study examined factors increase risk of falls among elderly people especially polypharmacy and comorbidities association with the risk of falls in elderly patients. It involved 150 elderly patients both males and females underwent comprehensive geriatric assessment and evaluation for comorbidities and polypharmacy and risk of falls. The current study provided evidence for the presence of association between comorbidities especially DM, PVD, OLD CVA or UI, polypharmacy and increasing age and high risk of falls. The  results  of  this  study  showed  a  significant  positive correlation between number of comorbidities and risk of falls, patients with DM, PVD, OLD CVA and UI had higher risk of falls and also there was a significant positive correlation  between number medications (polypharmacy), age and risk of falls. These results are consistent with the results of the study done by Bittencourt et al. who concluded that there was an association found between the risk of falls and comorbidities and found that diabetes mellitus was associated with high risk for falls (51.6% of diabetic patients presented a high risk of falls and it was 62.2% in the current study) 18. Also, Wenhua et al. observed that the risk of falls in the comorbidity group was higher than that in the group without comorbidity and in patients more than 75 years old higher than in those less than 75 years old 19. Zaninotto et al. and Ziere et al. conducted a study on 6220 participants and found that 7.9% of falls occurred among people with polypharmacy (5–9 medications) and 14.8% among those reporting heightened polypharmacy (10 + medications) and this agreed with the results of the current study, however other studies suggest that polypharmacy alone is unlikely to be the risk factor for falls 20- 21. The association between increased falls risk and polypharmacy appears more when the older person is taking a medication that is known to cause falls as a side effect which may double the  risk of falls 20-21. Conclusion Multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy and increasing age increase risk of falls and risk of falls also can be affected with different  comorbidities as shown in the previous results if the patient had diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, old cerebrovascular accidents or urinary incontinence made patient more liable and had higher risk of falls. Recommendations: • Screening for falls in older adults is considered a very important preventive method. • Patients with multiple comorbidities are more liable for falls, so frequent assessment of falls is recommended in patients with multiple comorbidities and treatment of their comorbidities as possible. • Physicians should try to avoid polypharmacy as possible in older adults to decrease risk of falls. • Patients with DM, PVD, CVA OR UI need special care to decrease risk of falls. • More future studies to investigate the effect  of  individualized  medications  on  risk of falls. International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 78 Table 3. Comparison between patients with high risk and low risk of falls as regards different  Comorbidities. Comorbidities High risk of falls Low risk of falls total N % N % x2 P value DM NO 68 25 36.8% 43 63.2% 9.618 0.002* YES 82 51 62.2% 31 37.8% HTN NO 28 10 35.7% 18 64.3% 3.079 0.079 YES 122 66 54.1% 56 45.9% ISHD NO 104 50 48.1% 54 51.9% 0.910 0.340 YES 46 26 56.5% 20 43.5% PVD NO 113 47 41.6% 66 58.4% 15.090 0.000* YES 37 29 78.4% 8 21.6% CHF NO 138 67 48.6% 71 51.4% 3.090 0.079 YES 12 9 75% 3 25% COPD NO 98 47 48% 51 52% 0.829 0.363 YES 52 29 55.8% 23 44.2 CVA NO 135 63 46.7% 72 53.3% 8.642 0.003* YES 15 13 86.7% 2 13.3% OA NO 92 41 44.6% 51 55.4% 3.544 0.060 YES 58 35 60.3% 23 39.7% UI NO 123 57 46.3% 66 53.7% 5.114 0.024* YES 27 19 70.4% 8 29.6% Acknowledgement: The authors thank to all the staff  of  Geriatrics  and  Gerontology  department,  Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt for providing the research facilities. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Funding Statement: None declared. Ethical consideration: Verbal consent was taken from every participant in this study. Authors’ contribution: HF Mahmoud, collected patient and data, analysed the results, wrote the paper and edited the manuscript. HEMZ Elmedany, collected some of the patients and wrote part of the paper. 79 International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 06 No. 01 January’22 References 1- Khow KSF, Visvanathan R. Falls in the Aging Population. Clin Geriatr Med 2017;33(3):357–368. 2- Lamb SE, Jorstad-Stein EC, Hauer K, Becker C. Prevention of Falls Network Europe and Outcomes Consensus Group. Development of a common outcome data set for fall injury prevention trials: The prevention of falls network Europe consensus. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(9):1618–22. 3- Gale CR, Cooper C, Aihie SA. Prevalence and risk factors for falls in older men and women: the English longitudinal study of ageing. Age Ageing 2016;45(6):789–94. 4- Lord S, Sherrington C, Menz H. Falls in older people. 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