
Development of Health Education Booklet on Heart Failure for Public Readers  


Syafiqah H, Nurul A, Nurul S, Nur S.A, Huzairi Sani  

Objectives: Heart failure is a condition that is commonly seen in the community, however, there is still 

a major gap in understanding the diagnosis. This is our effort to spread awareness and share key 

information on heart failure to patients and carers by a printable booklet as a platform for the public to 

increase their knowledge about heart failure during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Methods. A literature review from clinical guidelines and established medical websites’ information 

was gathered and made in a concise manner, suitable for public understanding. A designed booklet was 

filled with essential information and images for reference.   

Results. A 21-pages reading material with coloured images was divided into sections describing heart 

failure, types and classification, its management as well as lifestyle modifications. The first section 

includes cardiac anatomy, physiological function and definition of heart failure. The prevalence in 

Malaysia was highlighted and compared to the other countries. The leading causes of heart failure in 

adult Malaysians are ischaemic heart disease (68%), valvular/rheumatic heart disease (29%), and non-

ischaemic cardiomyopathy (28%). Heart failure is a significant cause of hospitalisation, accounting for 

approximately 6% to 10% of all acute medical admissions in Malaysia. The list of investigations and 

types of treatment were included for a better understanding of each management. Patients’ 

understanding of the disease and lifestyle modification is essential, which will prevent hospital 

admission and improve clinical outcomes.   

Conclusion. Information shared through the booklet about the condition of heart failure and its effect 

on people's life was hoped to assist patients to manage their heart failure better.  

Keywords: heart failure, awareness, live with heart failure, booklet 




1Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia   


Correspondence to: syafiqahhazirahazman@gmail.com Syafiqah Hazirah binti Azman, Faculty of 

Medicine, Universiti teknologi MARA, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia. 








DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31344/ijhhs.v6i0.427
