item: #1 of 54 id: injiiscom-4016 author: Goonjur, Medhav Kumar; Sumitra, Irfan Dwiguna; Supatmi, Sri title: Enhanced the Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm Based on Received Strength Signal in Indoor Wireless Sensor Network date: 2020-12-26 words: 3849 flesch: 59 summary: The disadvantage of this method cannot entirely reflect the actual condition of the target node due to the interference of path loss and only calculate the target node directly connected with anchor nodes. The remaining four sensor nodes that act as anchor nodes were placed at 0o, 90o, 180o, and 270o distance absence from the target node at the same distance whereas taking the measurements. keywords: actual; algorithm; anchor; arrival; centroid; computer; coordinate; distance; environment; equation; error; indoor; information; international; journal; localization; localization algorithm; location; loss; measurement; model; node; path; position; range; received; rssi; sensor; shows; signal; strength; system; table; target; target node; time; wcla; weight; weighted; wireless; 𝑃𝑅𝑥𝑖; 𝑋𝑒𝑠𝑡; 𝑌𝑒𝑠𝑡 cache: injiiscom-4016.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4016.txt item: #2 of 54 id: injiiscom-4019 author: Pangaribuan, Imelda; Rahman, A; Mauluddin, S title: Computer & Network Equipment Management System (CNEMAS) Application Measurement date: 2020-12-26 words: 4033 flesch: 54 summary: The questions are grouped according to AC1 - AC6, and in each group the questions will involve 2 columns which will represent the current maturity value (as is) and expected maturity level (to be). ABC cannot reach 100% equipment return, monitoring cannot be updated automatically, the DWP does not know yet maturity level of the application and the gap and human error in the use of equipment unidentified yet. keywords: abc; application; approach; business; cnemas; computer; current; current maturity; data; domain; dwp; engineering; equipment; expectations; gap; index; information; itaf; journal; level; management; maturity; maturity level; method; network; procedure; process; research; respondents; score; shows; structured; system; technology; value cache: injiiscom-4019.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4019.txt item: #3 of 54 id: injiiscom-4020 author: Singgih, Ivan Kristianto title: Air Quality Prediction in Smart City's Information System date: 2020-12-26 words: 3269 flesch: 61 summary: Systems for collecting and assessing air quality have been installed in several areas, e.g., Peking University (with 100 thousand data from 30 devices) (Hu et al., 2019), Christchurch that is a part of IBM’s smart city initiatives (Marek et al., 2017), Los Angeles (Wu et al., 2017), etc. In this study, we implement several machine learning techniques to predict air quality as part of the smart city's information system. keywords: air; air quality; city; class; computer; data; engineering; et al; fig; good; information; information system; international; journal; layer; learning; liu; machine; metric; poor; precision; prediction; process; quality; real; recall; singgih; smart; study; support; system; table; techniques; testing; time; values; wang; zhang cache: injiiscom-4020.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4020.txt item: #4 of 54 id: injiiscom-4021 author: Iida, Hiroyuki; Khalid, Mohd Nor Akmal title: A Paradigm Shift from Optimal Play to Mental Comfort: A Perspective from the Game Refinement Theory date: 2020-12-26 words: 13110 flesch: 59 summary: The players of such games benefited from collaborating among themselves both inside the amusement condition (e.g. through networking on the web-based groups) and around it (e.g. through sharing game-related data and assets) (Agarwal S et al., 2019). The essence of game refinement theory is to find a comfortable acceleration (the sense of thrill) for game players (or customers). keywords: analysis; application; attractiveness; average; board; branching; business; change; comfortable; computer; conference; considered; context; course; curiosity; customer; data; day; design; different; discount; duolingo; educational; edutainment; elements; engagement; engineering; entertainment; et al; experience; factor; fig; free; game; game information; game progress; game refinement; gamification; gold; gr measure; gr value; growth; higher; hotel; human; iida; information; information system; international; journal; khalid; language; learning; length; level; login; loyalty; measure; membership; milestone; mind; mindsnacks; model; momentum; nights; number; optimal; panumate; paradigm; perspective; player; points; popular; process; product; program; progress; promotion; rate; refinement; reward; rules; sales; scrabble; sense; shift; skill; sports; starbucks; state; study; successful; system; table; task; theory; tiers; time; total; user; value; xiong; zone; zuo cache: injiiscom-4021.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4021.txt item: #5 of 54 id: injiiscom-4022 author: Hadiana, Asep Id title: Fog Computing Architecture for Indoor Disaster Management date: 2020-12-26 words: 4777 flesch: 51 summary: Disaster management system and accident detection may face challenges concerning latency and bandwidth awarded the centralized nature of the cloud service. This research started with an analysis of literature and hot topics related to fog computing and indoor disasters, which later became the basis for creating a fog computing- based architecture for indoor disasters. keywords: architecture; asep; broker; building; cloud; cloud computing; communication; computer; computing; crisis; data; devices; disaster; disaster management; edge; emergency; engineering; et al; evacuation; fig; fire; fog; fog computing; gelenbe; hadiana; human; ieee; important; indoor; indoor disaster; information; international; internet; iot; journal; latency; layer; location; management; messages; model; mqtt; navigation; network; node; people; processing; protocol; related; rescue; research; response; sensors; services; significant; solutions; storage; survey; system; technology; things; time; wireless cache: injiiscom-4022.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4022.txt item: #6 of 54 id: injiiscom-4023 author: Atmaja, Bagus Tris; Akagi, Masato; Elbarougy, Reda title: Dimensional Speech Emotion Recognition from Acoustic and Text Features using Recurrent Neural Networks date: 2020-12-26 words: 4877 flesch: 59 summary: We presented our work on dimensional speech emotion recognition by combining acoustic and text features using recurrent neural networks. The study of speech emotion recognition was established some decades ago using unsupervised learning and a small amount of data. keywords: acoustic; architecture; atmaja; better; combination; computer; dataset; dense; different; dimensional; dimensional emotion; emotion; emotion recognition; error; features; function; gru; hidden; information; international; journal; layers; lstm; mae; mape; metrics; model; mse; networks; neural; number; performance; processing; recognition; research; result; score; shows; size; speech; speech emotion; system; table; text; text features; time; utterance; value; vector; word cache: injiiscom-4023.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4023.txt item: #7 of 54 id: injiiscom-4024 author: Uriawan, Wisnu title: SWOT Analysis of Lending Platform from Blockchain Technology Perspectives date: 2020-12-26 words: 4910 flesch: 51 summary: In practice of lending system, someone will become a lender and another party will be a borrower. Decentralized protocols and applications, distributed storage, distributed shared marketplace and other concepts have the potential to enhance the computing industry and the support provided for peer-to-peer protocols for lending platforms. keywords: advantages; analysis; area; bitcoin; blockchain; blockchain technology; blocks; capital; code; collateral; competitive; computer; conditions; consensus; contracts; credit; cryptocurrency; data; efficiency; engineering; ethereum; financial; future; high; information; international; journal; ledger; lending; lending platform; loan; market; need; network; opportunity; party; performance; perspectives; platform; procedia; process; record; risk; science; security; smart; strengths; swot; system; table; technology; threats; time; transaction; uriawan; use; users; variable; weakness cache: injiiscom-4024.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4024.txt item: #8 of 54 id: injiiscom-4860 author: Suryadjaja, Paulus Setiawan; Hutagalung, Maclaurin; Sutarto, Herman Yoseph title: Modeling Traffic Flows with Fluid Flow Model date: 2020-12-26 words: 6276 flesch: 68 summary:      t j j j j y ( ) 2 2 4 1 2 2    −  − +         t j j j y ( ) ( ) 2 2 4 1 , , . 2 2     − − = − + =         t j j t t j y P y S j (13)      t jj t j j jj y y ( ) 2 , ,    − = =       t j t t j y P y S j ( ) 2 , , ,    − = = t j t t j y P y S j (12) ( ) 2 ,    t j f y ( ) 2 2 2 exp 22     − − =              t jj j jj y ( ) 2 2 2 2 exp 22     − − =            keywords: = =; accuracy; algorithm; data; distribution; equation; estimate; estimation; exp; flow; function; gaussian; j j; j y; mape; model; n t; observation; p s; parameters; probability; process; research; s j; state; study; system; t f; t j; t jj; t p; t t; t y; traffic; traffic flow; value; y p; y s; − =; − −;  t cache: injiiscom-4860.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4860.txt item: #9 of 54 id: injiiscom-4862 author: Kanai, Hideaki; Kumazawa, Akinori title: An Information Sharing System for Multi-Professional Collaboration in the community-based integrated healthcare system date: 2021-06-26 words: 5141 flesch: 55 summary: Annual report by Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) FY2019 A. Multi-professional collaboration in home care Amir et al. clarified the characteristics of a multidisciplinary care team, including a family doctor, a home nurse, and a neurologist, for the care of children with chronic diseases such as developmental disorders (Amir et al., 2015). System Structure B. Functions for the information-sharing system The system supports multi-professional collaboration in home care by the following functions. keywords: care; caregivers; city; collaboration; community; computer; cooperation; district; doctor; elderly; family; field; fig; function; healthcare; home; house; information; information sharing; information system; introduction; japan; journal; levels; manager; medical; meeting; members; multi; nomi; number; nursing; people; professional; sharing; sharing system; situation; stakeholders; status; subject; support; system; table; users cache: injiiscom-4862.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4862.txt item: #10 of 54 id: injiiscom-4863 author: Purnomo, Hadi; Fitrah, F R; Maulana, R; Pratadina, M M title: Implementation of Information System in Indonesian Traditional Beverage Businesses date: 2021-06-26 words: 1932 flesch: 56 summary: The purpose of this paper is for beverage business owners to be able to monitor the process of providing information about their business and customers who will see and buy beverage products. Then the user can click on the menu of beverage products that contain traditional drinks originating from Indonesia. keywords: application; beverage; business; computer; contact; data; diagram; engineering; fig; flow; food; implementation; indonesian; industry; information; international; journal; method; page; products; study; system; traditional; user; website cache: injiiscom-4863.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4863.txt item: #11 of 54 id: injiiscom-4864 author: Puspitawati, Lilis; Nurhasanah, A; Khaerunnisa, A S title: Utilization of Communication Technology for Business date: 2021-06-26 words: 2601 flesch: 45 summary: Digital platforms present challenges such as lack of trust, competitive thinking, high coordination efforts, and classified information loss (Müller, J M. 2019). Digital platforms in the global south: foundations and research agenda. keywords: business; communication; communication technology; customers; data; digital; digital platform; engineering; fig; information; innovation; instagram; international; journal; marketing; new; people; platform; products; research; respondents; services; soegoto; system; technology; types; use cache: injiiscom-4864.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4864.txt item: #12 of 54 id: injiiscom-4881 author: Supriyadi, Agus; Wang, Tao; Juwita, Melda Ria; Gunaningrat, Rayhan; Safitri, Susi; Cirella, Giuseppe T title: Sustainability Policy in Indonesia: Case Study Economic Structure and Determinants in Banjar Municipality date: 2021-06-26 words: 7756 flesch: 44 summary: In a new paradigm of regional economic theory there is a basic developmental shift (i.e., transformation) from development economic sectors to economic institutions (Kifli & Umami, 2017). This study examined evidence of local government policy, economic structure, and economic growth in the new autonomous city of Banjar Municipality, West Java Province, Indonesia and assessed determinants of regional transformation. keywords: accommodation; agriculture; agus; analysis; area; authority; autonomous; autonomy; banjar; banjar municipality; bps; building; business; case; change; china; cities; city; community; competitiveness; computer; construction; countries; data; decentralization; development; economic; economic development; economic growth; economy; engineering; et al; evidence; finance; fishery; food; force; forestry; government; grdp; growth; impact; important; independent; indonesia; industrial; information; infrastructure; international; java; journal; labor; livestock; local; location; market; model; municipality; new; number; period; policy; positive; product; province; public; regional; regression; regulation; research; revenue; road; sector; services; share; shift; ssa; statistics; structure; studies; study; supriyadi; sustainability; system; table; terms; trade; urban; value; variable; west; year cache: injiiscom-4881.pdf plain text: injiiscom-4881.txt item: #13 of 54 id: injiiscom-5347 author: Malik, Sumit; Singh, Shivendra; Singh, Narendra Mohan; Panwar, Naman title: Diagnosis of COVID-19 Using Chest X-ray date: 2021-06-26 words: 2918 flesch: 57 summary: In this, healthy folks and Covid-19 infected patients are often analyzed in parallel with the assistance of chest X-ray image. This work mainly focuses on the utilization of CNN models for classifying chest X-ray images for coronavirus infected patients. keywords: analysis; chest; classification; cnn; computer; confusion; covid-19; data; dataset; deep; detection; different; disease; engineering; fig; image; inception; infected; information; international; internet; journal; learning; matrix; model; net; network; patients; pictures; ray; resnext; result; step; system; table; testing; training; work; xception cache: injiiscom-5347.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5347.txt item: #14 of 54 id: injiiscom-5415 author: Kurniadianti, Yusrianti Sabrina; Ziva, Adzra Zahra; Suryana, Yuni Kartika; Ragadhita, Risti; Dani Nandiyanto, Asep Bayu; Kurniawan, Tedi title: Computation in the Analysis of Techno-Economic of the Production of Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide) Nanoparticles through Precipitation Method date: 2021-06-26 words: 3957 flesch: 61 summary: Engineering and economic perspectives were used to evaluate the manufacture of Al2O3 nanoparticles using the precipitation method by adopting references (Ali et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2008; Hassanzadeh-Tabrizi & Taheri-Nassaj, 2009). Several economic evaluation parameters were analyzed to obtain potential information from the manufacture of Al2O3 nanoparticles based on gross profit margin, payback period, and cumulative net present value. keywords: al2o3; al2o3 nanoparticles; aluminum; analysis; axis; cnpv; computer; conditions; cost; economic; engineering; et al; evaluation; fig; graph; ideal; information; international; journal; labor; lifetime; materials; method; nanoparticles; payback; precipitation; price; process; production; profit; project; raw; sales; synthesis; system; tax; usd; utility; value; variations; year cache: injiiscom-5415.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5415.txt item: #15 of 54 id: injiiscom-5416 author: Kumar, Gaurav; Gupta, Smriti; Agarwal, Divya; Tiwari, Astha title: Virtual Voting System date: 2021-06-26 words: 2287 flesch: 57 summary: Other benefits of virtual voting system are (1) provide uniqueness and increases security through biometric, (2) easy to monitor and will require less manpower, (3) promote environmentally friendly election through the paperless system, (4) each vote in virtual voting system with a fingerprint is verifiable. The previous study has explained about virtual voting system (Freitas & Marie Macadar, 2017) stated that e-voting system in Brazil has many beneficial compares to the traditional system. keywords: aadhar; ballots; biometric; candidate; computer; counting; democracy; election; electronic; engineering; evm; fingerprint; free; india; information; international; internet; journal; kumar; machine; online; platform; process; project; server; system; technology; user; virtual; virtual voting; vote; voters; voting; voting system cache: injiiscom-5416.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5416.txt item: #16 of 54 id: injiiscom-5431 author: Veronica, Jessica; Intan Febriani, Lidia; Nurhashiva, Citra; Ragadhita, Risti; Nandiyanto, Asep Bayu Dani; Kurniawan, Tedi title: Practical Computation in the Techno-Economic Analysis of the Production of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles using Sol-gel Method date: 2021-12-26 words: 4442 flesch: 58 summary: In short, the Payback Period is calculated when the Cumulative Net Present Value reaches zero. Cumulative Net Present Value of the variable cost of raw materials. keywords: analysis; conditions; cost; cumulative; cumulative net; economic; engineering; evaluation; figure; gel; ideal; investment; journal; magnesium; magnesium oxide; materials; method; nanoparticles; net; net present; oxide; payback; period; present; present value; profit; project; raw; salary; sales; sol; synthesis; total; usd; utility; value; variations; year cache: injiiscom-5431.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5431.txt item: #17 of 54 id: injiiscom-5447 author: Tolmatti, Shreya Sunil; Jadhav, Sanskruti Jaywant; Jadhav, Sakshi Satish; Maske, Mayur M. title: Concrete Mix Design Using Particle Packing Method: Literature Review, Analysis, and Computation date: 2021-06-26 words: 6266 flesch: 63 summary: In this study, four different methods were used to determine the distribution of the mixture presented; packing density method, packing density method, IS code method, and packing density method. Variation in compressive strength of concrete mixes designed by packing density method 95 | International Journal of Informatics Information System and Computer Engineering 2(1) (2021) 83-102 Fig. 9. keywords: aggregate; bulk; bulk density; cement; coarse; code; code method; compressive; computer; concrete; concrete mix; content; cube; curve; days; density; density method; design; different; engineering; fig; fine; grade; increase; information; journal; m20; maximum; method; mix; mix design; mixes; mixture; packing; packing density; particle; paste; proportions; ratio; strength; system; table; trial; voids; volume; water cache: injiiscom-5447.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5447.txt item: #18 of 54 id: injiiscom-5457 author: Maulana, Hanhan; Br Ginting, Selvia Lorena; Aryan, Pramanda; Fadillah, Muhamad Restu; Kamal, Rubi Nurajmi title: Utilization of Internet of Things on Food Supply Chains in Food Industry date: 2021-06-26 words: 3688 flesch: 52 summary: The results obtained from this study are increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing food supply chain in the food industry by applying the IoT concept to food supply chain management. This study aims to analyze the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in supporting the management of food supply chains (FSCs) in the food industry. keywords: chain; concept; control; data; distribution;; fig; food; food industry; food supply; humidity; industry; information; international; internet; iot; irrigation; journal; management; method; monitoring; packaging; pest; processing; production; products; quality; related; research; sensors; smart; stage; study; supply; supply chain; system; technology; temperature; things; traps; utilization; warehouse cache: injiiscom-5457.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5457.txt item: #19 of 54 id: injiiscom-5460 author: Br Ginting, Selvia Lorena; Maulana, Hanhan; Priatna, Riffa Alfaridzi; Fauzzan, Deran Deriyana; Setiawan, Devidli title: Crowd Detection Using YOLOv3-Tiny Method and Viola-Jones Algorithm at Mall date: 2021-12-26 words: 3236 flesch: 69 summary: In addition to providing output through the Buzzer and Speaker, the Raspberry Pi will also be directly connected to the Monitor in the CCTV Monitoring area and will provide a display of object detection. Detection is carried out using the YOLOv3 method to obtain stable FPS and accurate results (Punn et al., 2020). keywords: accuracy; algorithm; area; cctv; computer; covid-19; crowd; detection; distance; distancing; engineering; human; image; indonesia; information; international; jones; journal; mall; method; number; objects; processing; results; social; system; time; tiny; viola; yes; yolov3 cache: injiiscom-5460.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5460.txt item: #20 of 54 id: injiiscom-5462 author: Febriani, Lidia Intan; Nurhashiva, Citra; Veronica, Jessica; Ragadhita, Risti; Dani Nandiyanto, Asep Bayu; Kurniawan, Tedi title: Computation Application: Techno-Economic Analysis on the Production of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles by Precipitation Method date: 2020-12-26 words: 4392 flesch: 57 summary: A R T I C L E I N FO This study aims to analyze the feasibility of a project for the production of magnesium oxide nanoparticles using precipitation methods on a large scale. The analysis results show that the production of magnesium oxide nanoparticles using the precipitation method can be carried out on an industrial scale. keywords: analysis; axis; conditions; cost; cumulative; cumulative net; economic; engineering; evaluation; fig; ideal; increase; investment; journal; magnesium; magnesium oxide; materials; method; nanoparticles; net; net present; oxide; oxide nanoparticles; payback; period; precipitation; present; present value; process; production; profit; project; raw; results; salary; sales; synthesis; total; usd; utility; value; variation; year cache: injiiscom-5462.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5462.txt item: #21 of 54 id: injiiscom-5577 author: Fauzan Pratama, Angga title: Sustainable and Digitized Certification of Palm Oil Production : Its Impact on the Environment in Indonesia date: 2021-12-26 words: 3204 flesch: 48 summary: Evaluating the effectiveness of palm oil certification in delivering multiple sustainability objectives. (Schmidt and De Rosa, 2020) apply the life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare the total greenhouse gas emission produced by SPO certified palm oil and non-certified palm oil. keywords: carlson; carlson et; cattau; cattau et; certification; certified; concession; data; deforestation; emission; environmental; et al; fire; gatti; gatti et; impact; indonesia; journal; literature; morgans; morgans et; non; oil; palm; palm oil; plantation; production; research; review; rosa; rspo; schmidt; spo; study; sustainable; system; use cache: injiiscom-5577.pdf plain text: injiiscom-5577.txt item: #22 of 54 id: injiiscom-6041 author: Hermawan, Yonathan Andri; Warlina, Lia; Mohd, Masnizah title: GIS-based urban village regional fire risk assessment and mapping date: 2021-12-26 words: 3252 flesch: 59 summary: We used a spatial approach to analyze fire risk in this residential area by using GIS to map urban-village regional fire incidents and assess the risk level. There are many methods for analyzing fire risk in urban areas. keywords: analysis; area; assessment; bandung; bencana; building; city; dense; density; disaster; doi; fig; fire; fire risk; gis; hazard; high; incidents; information; international; journal; level; low; map; moderate; penanggulangan; people; population; regional; research; residential; risk; rws; social; subdistrict; table; tamansari; urban; variables; village; vulnerability; yonathan cache: injiiscom-6041.pdf plain text: injiiscom-6041.txt item: #23 of 54 id: injiiscom-6376 author: Al Husaeni, Dwi Fitria; Nandiyanto, Asep Bayu Dani title: Mapping Visualization Analysis of Computer Science Research data in 2017-2021 on the Google Scholar database with VOSviewer date: 2022-06-26 words: 4623 flesch: 54 summary: Thus, through this research, it can be seen that the terms of computer science research are connected to facilitate the search for other fields of discussion that have high novelty in the field of computer science. Network the relationship between computer science research and other terms (a) computer science to computer science education; (b) computer science to students; (c) computer science to education; and (d) computer science to skills. keywords: 3(1; analysis; application; articles; authors; cites; cluster; computer engineering; computer science; data; development; education; engineering; equity; et al; field; fig; google; high; husaeni; information; international; items; journal; mapping; nandiyanto; network; research; scholar; science education; science research; student; system; term; visualization; vosviewer; year cache: injiiscom-6376.pdf plain text: injiiscom-6376.txt item: #24 of 54 id: injiiscom-6668 author: Hassan, Faez M.; Mossa, Hussein Abdelwahab title: Image Mosaicking Using Low-Distance High-Resolution Images Captured by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle date: 2021-12-26 words: 2567 flesch: 59 summary: The method proposed outperformed the highly developed commercial software on UAV images to achieve better mosaicking results. Fast and robust geometric correction for mosaicking UAV images with narrow overlaps. keywords: aerial; area; camera; cover; cropcam; digital; distance; engineering; flight; hassan; high; imagery; images; information; international; island; journal; land; low; method; mosaicking; mosaics; penang; remote; resolution; results; sensing; software; study; system; time; uav; unmanned; vehicle cache: injiiscom-6668.pdf plain text: injiiscom-6668.txt item: #25 of 54 id: injiiscom-6891 author: Suryo Wibowo, Bagas Dwi title: XBRL Open Information Model for Risk Based Tax Audit using Machine Learning date: 2022-06-26 words: 7464 flesch: 50 summary: -90.00% -230.26% 2020 500 -50% -69.31% 2021 1000 100% 69.31% XBRL Analyzer feature module collaborates with AI Features-Extraction feature in AI Framework. The 15% Medium Risk threshold will classify every indicator as a medium risk if the standard or average industry level benchmark deviation is between -15% to 15%. keywords: 1.0; 2021a; 3(1; accuracy; analysis; apache; application; approach; audit; available; average; benchmark; best; classification; classifier; computer; context; current; data; database; dataset; design; detection; development; diagram; document; engineering; entities; essential; excellent; explanation; extraction; feature; figure; file; financial; framework; fraud; hardware; hdfs; high; ieee; importance; indicator; industry; information; information model; information system; integration; international; journal; learning; machine; model; module; mongodb; non; october; oim; open; overall; prediction; prior; processing; project; rate; ratio; report; risk; rule; schema; score; scoring; sec; selection; software; standard; statement; study; system; table; tag; tax; tax audit; taxonomy; taxpayer; test; testing; threshold; time; total; trend; tsv; tuples; unit; user; value; wealthy; web; wibowo; xafr; xbrl; year cache: injiiscom-6891.pdf plain text: injiiscom-6891.txt item: #26 of 54 id: injiiscom-6907 author: Devi C, Akalya; Abdul Jabbar, Fatima; Varshini S, Kavi; S Rithanya, Kriti; M, Miruthubashini; K S, Naveena title: Risks of Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction using various Data Mining Algorithms date: 2021-12-26 words: 3845 flesch: 51 summary: Comparative study of chronic kidney disease prediction using KNN and SVM. A R T I C L E I N F O Twenty million people have chronic kidney disease where patients experience a gradual deterioration of kidney function, the result of which is kidney failure. keywords: accuracy; algorithms; analysis; attributes; blood; chronic; chronic kidney; ckd; classification; classifier; computer; data; data mining; dataset; decision; different; disease; engineering; figure; forest; information; international; journal; kidney; kidney disease; knn; machine; matrix; mining; model; number; performance; precision; prediction; random; renal; risks; score; stage; support; svm; system; table; techniques; training; tree; values; vector cache: injiiscom-6907.pdf plain text: injiiscom-6907.txt item: #27 of 54 id: injiiscom-7208 author: Singgih, Ivan Kristianto title: Agricultural Drone Zoning and Deployment Strategy with Multiple Flights Considering Takeoff Point Reach Distance Minimization date: 2021-12-26 words: 4110 flesch: 59 summary: The findings in this study can be used as a good reference for drone flight planners when they predefine the flight routes (Ma et al., 2019). Some useful insights are listed to be used as recommendations for drone flight planners. keywords: aerial; agricultural; area; battery; chemical; computer; deployment; drone; drone flight; end; engineering; equipment; et al; figure; flight; flight area; grid; horizontal; informatics; international; ivan; journal; kristianto; lawn; levels; methods; movement; multiple; number; odd; points; problem; review; route; routing; singgih; spraying; strategy; study; system; takeoff; target; time; turns; vertical; zoning cache: injiiscom-7208.pdf plain text: injiiscom-7208.txt item: #28 of 54 id: injiiscom-7349 author: Mallik, Moksud Alam; Zulkurnain, Nurul Fariza title: An Efficient Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Mining User Session Clusters on Web Log Data date: 2022-06-20 words: 5680 flesch: 64 summary: Many user sessions and URL resources makes the dimension of web-user session data very high. Human interactions and nondeterministic browsing patterns increase the ambiguity and vagueness of user session data. keywords: access; address; alam; algorithm; ansari; approach; babuy; babuy et; bunch; client; clustering; clustering algorithm; clusters; computer; customer; data; efficient; engineering; et al; figure; file; following; fuzzy; fuzzy clustering; group; habitats; identification; index; information; input; international; journal; line; log; log data; mallik; map; meeting; mining; mining user; moksud; new; number; output; preprocessing; profiles; proposed; request; results; round; server; session; step; system; table; time; url; urls; usage; user; user session; value; web; worth; zahid; zahid et cache: injiiscom-7349.pdf plain text: injiiscom-7349.txt item: #29 of 54 id: injiiscom-7455 author: Abubakar, Muhammad; Shahzad, Amir; Abbasi, Husna title: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Product Reviews date: 2021-12-26 words: 2116 flesch: 60 summary: Comparative polarity analysis on Amazon product reviews using algorithms has also been carried out to evaluate the sentiment of Amazon product reviews (Karthikayini et al., 2017). A comparative study of support vector machine and Naive Bayes classifier for sentiment analysis on Amazon product reviews. keywords: accuracy; amazon; analysis; avg; bayes; computer; data; dataset; engineering; idf; ieee; information; international; journal; learning; model; naive; positive; precision; product; recall; reviews; sampled; score; sentiment; study; support; svm; system cache: injiiscom-7455.pdf plain text: injiiscom-7455.txt item: #30 of 54 id: injiiscom-7555 author: Alvaro, Ralph G.; B. Cabrera, Eric Kenneth; G. Gutierrez, Raineir Ryan; D. Punzalan, Joshua; G. Serrano, Louie; L. Tangcuangco, Alma title: Development of Pec Based Electrical Load Schedule Software date: 2022-06-26 words: 5811 flesch: 56 summary: The Electrical Load Schedule Software is done by using a program that will calculate electrical loads to be used in an electrical calculation. Calculating electrical loads needs to be improved to improve the accuracy of the data that affect the technical and economic indicators of the overall corporate complex. keywords: basic; branch; breaker; calculations; circuit; code; computation; computer; conductor; conduit; current; data; design; development; diagram; drop; electrical; electrical load; engineering; engineers; equipment; feeder; fig; help; ifl; information; installation; international; journal; lamp; language; lighting; line; load; load schedule; main; motor; number; outlet; pec; phase; philippine; power; product; program; programming; ralph; ratings; respondents; results; riser; satisfied; schedule; schedule software; service; single; size; software; study; system; table; total; user; visual; voltage; voltage drop; wire cache: injiiscom-7555.pdf plain text: injiiscom-7555.txt item: #31 of 54 id: injiiscom-7910 author: Rajamaini, Sathishkumar title: ENHANCED WEARABLE STRAP FOR FEMININE USING IoT date: 2022-06-26 words: 4947 flesch: 66 summary: “Lifecraft: anAndroid Based Application System for Women Safety”:Rabbina RidanKhandoker, Shahreen Khondaker, Fatiha-Tus-Sazia, FernazNarin Nur, Shaheena Sultana – 2019.This study presents a new model of women's safety that attempts to create a particularly safe environment for women. The development of SMART BAND for women safety is to keep the victim safe from the danger. keywords: 3(1; alert; application; arduino; button; communication; computer; conference; contacts; current; design; device; emergency; engineering; et al; feminine; fig; gadget; gnd; goal; gps; gsm; ieee; information; international; internet; iot; journal; kumar; location; message; module; motor; panic; percentage; person; pin; project; public; pulse; rate; safety; sathish; security; sensor; smart; strap; system; technology; uno; use; vibration; victim; wearable; women; women safety; •the cache: injiiscom-7910.pdf plain text: injiiscom-7910.txt item: #32 of 54 id: injiiscom-8089 author: Syafariani, R. Fenny title: Association Analysis with Apriori Algorithm for Electronic Sales Decision Support System date: 2022-06-26 words: 2933 flesch: 63 summary: Transaction Data Tabular Format The application used in the test is a Microsoft Excel database so that the data must be converted into binary form (Sianturi et al., 2018).The conversion process is that the slip number of the data to be tested is made horizontally downwards, while all types of items will become vertical attributes, so that they form like a table, based on real sales data (electronic goods data out) the meeting point between the name of the electronic type and the number slip will become binary 1, while those that do not become meeting points will become binary 0. In the form table tabular data, there is one electronic item that does not meet the provisions of the frequency limit, namely Charger = 10, so in the formation of the pattern of these two elements we make a combination of pairs of 3 electronic items, namely Printer-Mouse, Laptop Printer, Mouse- Laptop. keywords: 3(1; algorithm; algoritma; analysis; apriori; association; charger; combination; computer; confidence; data; electronic; elements; engineering; goods; information; international; items; jurnal; laptop; method; mining; mouse; pattern; printer; results; rules; sales; support; system; table; transaction; 𝛴𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 cache: injiiscom-8089.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8089.txt item: #33 of 54 id: injiiscom-8091 author: Hardiyana, Bella title: BTS Application: Online Thesis Consultation date: 2022-06-26 words: 2407 flesch: 52 summary: In designing information systems, activity diagrams serve as an overview of the system flow and what the system can do. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a software development process model that moves linearly over and over in development but is limited by a short time because this method is specifically for systems that are not too complex (Pricillia, 2021). keywords: 3(1; activities; application; attendance; card; computer; consultation; covid-19; design; development; draft; engineering; fig; files; guidance; history; information; international; journal; learning; lecturers; method; online; pandemic; process; research; results; students; supervisor; system; thesis; upload; virus cache: injiiscom-8091.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8091.txt item: #34 of 54 id: injiiscom-8359 author: KOMMEY, BENJAMIN; TCHAO, ERIC TUTU; OSAE-ADDO, EMMANUEL; KOFI YEBOAH, ASIEDU BINEY; BINEY, DERICK title: Design and Implementation of a Cloud Based Decentralized Cryptocurrency Transaction Platform date: 2022-06-26 words: 5205 flesch: 56 summary: The Ghana cedis and mobile money systems are limited in the sense that neither one can ensure a secure and fast money transfer to anyone around the world at any time. The use of cryptocurrency system provides protection against inflation caused by government’s poor management of fiat currencies. keywords: 104; 3(1; account; address; api; application; architecture; assets; benjamin; bitcoin; blockchain; building; cash; cloud; components; computer; consensus; contracts; crypto; cryptocurrencies; currency; data; decentralized; defi; design; development; digital; engineering; ethereum; exchange; fig; finance; financial; frontend; ghana; goerli; gold; government; implementation; information; interface; international; journal; kommey; market; mask; meta; mobile; money; network; new; nodes; paper; peer; people; platform; proof; protocol; secure; signature; smart; software; system; technology; test; tokens; trading; transaction; user; value; virtual; wallet; world cache: injiiscom-8359.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8359.txt item: #35 of 54 id: injiiscom-8371 author: Kommey, Benjamin; Opoku, Daniel; Lartey, Jessica; Kumah, Kirston; Tantuo, Mark title: A Simple, Low-cost, Efficient and Smart Consumer Gas Leakage Detection System date: 2022-06-26 words: 6885 flesch: 58 summary: This project seeks to provide a smart, budget friendly and easy to use gas leakage detector system, a better alternative to relying on the natural way of using the nose, which may fail and in effect, incur undesirable consequences. LPG gas monitoring system. keywords: 3(1; alarm; alert; application; arduino; atmosphere; benjamin; button; buzzer; case; components; computer; concentrations; consumer; control; cost; data; design; detection; detection system; detector; device; diagram; display; domestic; efficient; electrical; engineering; et al; fig; fire; flame; gas; gas leakage; gas sensor; gases; gsm; hardware; home; information; international; iot; journal; kommey; lcd; leakage; leakage detection; light; liquid; low; lpg; message; microcontroller; mobile; module; monitoring; output; page; people; requirements; research; screen; sensor; signals; simple; smart; software; solenoid; sound; sprinkler; system; table; technology; time; unit; user; valve cache: injiiscom-8371.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8371.txt item: #36 of 54 id: injiiscom-8409 author: C, Akalya Devi; D, Karthika Renuka; Winy, Aarshana E; Kruthikkha, P C; P, Ramya; S, Soundarya title: 2-D Attention Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition date: 2022-12-26 words: 4087 flesch: 50 summary: 3-D convolutional recurrent neural networks with attention model for speech emotion recognition. High-level feature representation using recurrent neural network for speech emotion recognition. keywords: accuracy; attention; characteristics; classification; cnn; computer; convolutional; convolutional recurrent; crnn; data; deep; deltas; emotion; emotion recognition; emotional; engineering; extraction; features; fig; frames; frequency; high; human; ieee; information; international; journal; layer; learning; level; log; lstm; mel; mels; model; network; neural; neural network; output; processing; proposed; recall; recognition; recurrent; recurrent neural; representations; ser; signal; spectrogram; speech; speech emotion; system; utterance; value cache: injiiscom-8409.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8409.txt item: #37 of 54 id: injiiscom-8431 author: Lusweti, Samuel W; Odoyo, Collins O; A Rambim, Dorothy title: Impact of Number of Artificial Ants in ACO on Network Convergence Time: A Survey date: 2022-06-26 words: 4188 flesch: 61 summary: First, we look at the number of specialized ants kept at 5 in all the figures 7, 8 and 9. Calculating the ratio between the number specialized ants to that of normal ants in all the three experiments when the 1 % 10 % 20 % 30 40 % From this data we can see that for the optimal functioning of the algorithm the ratio of specialized ants and that of normal ants has to be considered. keywords: 3(1; aco; algorithm; alobaedy; ants; artificial; average; best; caro; cities; colony; computer; convergence; deviation; dorigo; eliteas; engineering; execution; experiment; fig; impact; information; international; iterations; journal; networks; normal; number; optimal; optimization; optimum; performance; pheromone; problem; rankedas; relation; research; results; routing; solution; specialized; system; time cache: injiiscom-8431.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8431.txt item: #38 of 54 id: injiiscom-8445 author: Akhmedov, Bardosh title: Unique Aspects of Usage of the Quadratic Cryptanalysis Method to the GOST 28147-89 Encryption Algorithm date: 2022-12-26 words: 2645 flesch: 59 summary: Several linear approximations simultaneously for one combination of key bits (Kaliski & Robshaw, 1994; Quisquater, 2004) can be used to increase the efficiency of the linear cryptanalysis method. These equations are effectively used in linear cryptanalysis to find key bits with high probability (Akhmedov & Aloev, 2020; Akhmedov, 2021). keywords: addition; akhmedov; algorithm; aloev; approximation; aspects; bent; bits; block; case; computer; cryptanalysis; encryption; engineering; equality; equations; functions; gost; information; international; journal; left; linear; method; mod232; operation; order; quadratic; results; round; springer; sum; system; unique; usage; values; ∆=3/4 cache: injiiscom-8445.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8445.txt item: #39 of 54 id: injiiscom-8446 author: Erlangga, Wishnu Kusumo Agung; Ramadhan, Muhammad Rheza title: Potential Security Issues in Implementing IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service Models date: 2022-12-26 words: 7016 flesch: 54 summary: Cloud Service Model and Its Cyber Security Implications | 6 Data Security is the Major Issue in Cloud Computing - A Review (Monika & Y., 2016) Virtual Machine Attack MITM DoS DDoS Malware JA12 On cloud security attacks: A taxonomy and intrusion detection and prevention as a service (Iqbal et al., 2016) Side Channel Attack Virtual Machine Attack Phishing MITM Cloud Malware Injection Attack JA13 Identity and access management in cloud environment: Mechanisms and challenges (Indu et al., 2018) Brute Force Attack Virus/Malware Virtual Machine Attack MITM Replay attack Session/cookie hijacking DoS DDoS JA14 Identifying the Top Threats in Cloud Computing and Its Suggested Solutions: A Survey (Kofahi & Al-Rabadi, 2018) Data Loss Data Breaches Account or Service Hijacking DoS JA15 Recent security challenges in cloud computing (Subramanian & Jeyaraj, 2018) On cloud security attacks: A taxonomy and intrusion detection and prevention as a service. keywords: access; agung; application; architecture; assault; attack; azure; browser; challenges; cloud; cloud computing; cloud security; cloud service; computer; computing; computing security; confidentiality; cyber; cyber security; cyberattacks; data; ddos; different; dos; engineering; erlangga; fig; google; iaas; ieee; implications; information; infrastructure; injection; international; issues; ja1; ja11; ja13; ja18; ja19; journal; kusumo; layer; learning; level; literature; loss; machine; method; microsoft; mitb; mitm; model; network; number; paas; physical; possible; provider; researchers; resources; responsibility; result; review; security; service; solutions; study; survey; system; table; target; technology; tenants; threats; types; users; virtual; wishnu cache: injiiscom-8446.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8446.txt item: #40 of 54 id: injiiscom-8452 author: Kumar, R. Sathish title: NEW MODERN APPROACH TO PREDICT USERS SENTIMENT USING CNN AND BLSTM date: 2022-12-26 words: 3404 flesch: 55 summary: This high number of users on social networks is mainly due to the increase of the number of mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets. Age groups classification in social network using deep learning. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; analysis; approach; associate; blstm; cnn; computer; data; dataset; deep; detection; document; emotional; engineering; et al; fig; forest; health; ieee; information; international; journal; kumar; learning; like; machine; media; messages; model; monitoring; networks; neural; new; random; recommendation; results; rule; sathish; sentiment; social; stress; supervised; system; test; text; users; world cache: injiiscom-8452.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8452.txt item: #41 of 54 id: injiiscom-8747 author: Olalekan BOLAJI, Hammed; BOLAJI, Tajudeen Oluwafemi title: Information and Communication Technology Utilization for Managerial Planning Among Educational Administrators in Secondary Schools in Ilorin Metropolis date: 2022-12-26 words: 5421 flesch: 43 summary: This finding revealed that secondary school principals do better administratively the more they use ICT resources. Observations made in our secondary schools indicated that this deficiency can have a significant impact on the managerial efficiency of secondary school principals. keywords: administrative; administrators; area; available; bolaji; communication; computer; correlation; data; degree; duties; education; effectiveness; efficient; engineering; facilities; findings; ict; ict resources; ilorin; ilorin metropolis; information; international; items; journal; lack; level; management; managerial; mean; metropolis; metropolitan; nigeria; okon; olalekan; oluwafemi; overall; performance; principals; public; question; questionnaire; research; resources; result; school; school principals; secondary; secondary schools; staff; state; study; system; table; tajudeen; technologies; technology; use; values cache: injiiscom-8747.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8747.txt item: #42 of 54 id: injiiscom-8805 author: Veach, Alexander M.; Abualkibash, Munther title: Phishing Website Detection Using Several Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review Paper date: 2022-12-26 words: 5536 flesch: 50 summary: Currently there is no cure-all with many papers acknowledging the ever-changing nature of website based phishing attacks, preventing a permanent solution. Assefa and Katarya (2022) focused on analysing other deep learning methods and their results and compared it to Autoencoder, a form of unsupervised neural network. keywords: abualkibash; accuracy; adaboost; alexander; algorithms; approach; artificial; attacks; better; classification; classifier; cloud; computer; content; dataset; deep; detection; engineering; ensemble; et al; example; extension; features; forest; genetic;; information; intelligence; international; issn; journal; learning; machine; methods; model; munther; network; neural; paniagua; papers; phishing; potential; random; reported; research; researchers; results; sanchez; selection; solution; studies; study; system; testing; unique; url; use; veach; website cache: injiiscom-8805.pdf plain text: injiiscom-8805.txt item: #43 of 54 id: injiiscom-9037 author: Paculaba, Anna Monica Cruz; S. Bathan, Mark Angelo; Niego, Erickson L. title: Log Monitoring System using Quick Response (QR) Code: A State University’s COVID – 19 Contact Tracing System date: 2022-10-18 words: 2779 flesch: 47 summary: Reliability of information systems in organization in the context of banking sector: Empirical study from Poland. As we know in this modern world, monitoring system is widely used in organizations like schools, to keep track of the day-today operations (Balmes, 2016). keywords: code; computer; contact; covid; different; effective; effectiveness; engineering; evaluation; fig;; individuals; information; international; issn; journal; log; logs; monitoring; phase; quick; reliability; researchers; response; result; students; study; system; university; user; visitors cache: injiiscom-9037.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9037.txt item: #44 of 54 id: injiiscom-9274 author: Olalekan BOLAJI, Hammed; Bilikis IBRAHIM-RAJI, Tinuke title: ICT-Based Literacy Evaluation in Nigeria Educational Sector: Case Study in Kwara State date: 2023-04-01 words: 4502 flesch: 52 summary: Do the Kwara State employees of education agencies possess ICT literacy skills? How are ICT literacy skills acquired by the Kwara State education agency staff? keywords: abilities; ability; agencies; agency; bolaji; computer; development; deviation; education; education agencies; electronic; engineering; gender;; ict; ict literacy; ict skills; influence; information; information literacy; international; issn; journal; kwara; literacy; literacy skills; majority; means; microsoft; need; nigeria; participants; research; resources; routine; service; skills; staff; statement; students; study; system; table; teaching; technology; training; use; utilization cache: injiiscom-9274.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9274.txt item: #45 of 54 id: injiiscom-9414 author: Rudini, Edwin; Riana, Dwiza; Hadianti, Sri title: Combination of Technology Acceptance Model and Decision-making Process to Study Retentive Consumer Behavior on Online Shopping date: 2023-04-10 words: 2882 flesch: 46 summary: You can use online shopping platforms with your own gadgets Online shopping platforms have clear functions and are easy to understand Evaluation alternative (X3) The search function in online shopping platforms is necessary and benefits shoppers Intend to buy products before going to the shopping cart Functions in online shopping platforms help you to compare a product Information Search (X3) keywords: acceptance; behavior; belief; business; combination; commerce; computer; customer; data; decision; effect; engineering; evaluation; facilities;; information; international; issn2775; issn2810; journal; making; model; online; path; platforms; process; products; purchase; research; results; satisfaction; search; shopping; significant; study; system; table; tam; technology; trust; uses; validity; value; variables cache: injiiscom-9414.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9414.txt item: #46 of 54 id: injiiscom-9504 author: Hasan, Ahmad Abdulsalam Naji title: Coffee Tree Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network date: 2022-10-21 words: 3179 flesch: 55 summary: The current study focused on providing a dataset for the detection and classification of coffee trees and improving the efficiency of the algorithm used in the detection and classification model. This study aims to detect and classify the coffee tree using a convolutional neural network to encourage farmers to plant coffee trees. keywords: abdulsalam; accuracy; agricultural; ahmed; algorithm; classification; cnn; coffee; coffee tree; collected; computer; convolutional; crown; dataset; deep; detection; different; engineering; et al; fig; hasan;; images; information; international; issn; journal; learning; methods; model; naji; network; neural; plant; results; study; system; tree; vision; world; yemen cache: injiiscom-9504.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9504.txt item: #47 of 54 id: injiiscom-9558 author: Bachtiar, Adam Mukharil title: Computational Thinking: The Essential Skill for being Successful in Knowledge Science Research date: 2023-04-09 words: 4577 flesch: 48 summary: Because of this need, this study is focused on revealing the intuition and the way of thinking of Computational Thinking in conducting Knowledge Science research. Examples of hard and soft-type research Some examples of each type of Knowledge Science research were represented in this study before mapping each element of CT into the research. keywords: abstraction; adam; algorithm; bachtiar; computational; computational thinking; computer; creativity; domain; education; elements; engineering; essential; et al; examples; factors; field; hard;; information; international; issn; journal; knowledge; knowledge science; learning; management; method; model; mukharil; music; new; pattern; problem; process; research; researchers; science; science research; skills; social; society; soft; studies; study; system; table; technology; thinking; type; vuca; world cache: injiiscom-9558.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9558.txt item: #48 of 54 id: injiiscom-9563 author: Tom, A M; Virgiyanti, W title: Intention to adopt Cloud-based e-Learning in Nigerian Educational Institutions date: 2022-10-29 words: 3840 flesch: 45 summary: In conclusion, these results shed important light on the importance of Nigerian HEIs' plans to implement cloud- based e-Learning technology. The results of this research will help understand the critical elements influencing the uptake and usage of cloud-based e-Learning in Nigeria. 2. THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL MODEL keywords: adoption; advantage; cloud; commitment; compatibility; competitive; computer; computing; crucial; data; education; engineering; factors; findings; hair; heis; higher;; information; innovation; institutions; intention; international; issn; journal; learning; management; model; nigerian; organization; relative; reliability; research; security; structural; study; systems; table; technology; tmc; toe; tom; validity; virgiyanti cache: injiiscom-9563.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9563.txt item: #49 of 54 id: injiiscom-9570 author: Ginting, Selvia Lorena Br title: A Computational Bibliometric Analysis of Esport Management using VOSviewer date: 2023-04-12 words: 4372 flesch: 55 summary: Using analytical mapping and visualization, a study of the atmosphere of the esports industry was conducted: (i) Cluster 1 (5 items) Esport, Esports consumer, Esports game, esports research, gaming (See Fig. 2). Esports climate connected to Cluster 1 (5 items) esport, esports consumer, esports game, esports research, gaming, Cluster 2 (4 items) esports competition, esports event, esports tournament, sport management, Cluster 3 (4 items) audience, esports community, esports fan, esports sponsorship. keywords: analysis; articles; athlete; bibliometric; cluster; color; competitive; computational; computer; data; density; engineering; esports; esports management; et al; fig; gaming; ginting; google;; husaeni; information; international; issn; items; jenny; journal; lorena; management; mapping; nandiyanto; network; perish; publish; research; review; scholar; science; selvia; study; system; term; visualization; visualization esports; vosviewer; year cache: injiiscom-9570.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9570.txt item: #50 of 54 id: injiiscom-9571 author: Ginting, Yogie Rinaldy title: A Computational Bibliometric Analysis of Game Advertising using VOSviewer date: 2023-04-12 words: 3755 flesch: 52 summary: Of the 19 selected articles, showing that highest quote related to game advertising research is 7173, while with the lowest citation is 152. That in Table 1, it shows that in 2017 and 2022, each has articles with quotes highest. In this research, relevant materials related to game advertising were reviewed and selected. keywords: advertising; analysis; articles; bibliometric; bibliometric analysis; climate; cluster; color; computational; computer; data; density; development; engineering; field; fig; figure; game; game advertising; google; government;; information; international; issn; items; journal; mapping; marketing; media; network; online; overlay; perish; publish; research; review; science; silver; software; study; system; table; term; tools; topic; visualization; vosviewer; year; yogie cache: injiiscom-9571.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9571.txt item: #51 of 54 id: injiiscom-9572 author: Salman, Abdulsalam Abiodun; Jacob, Priscilla Ayooluwa; Idris, Saleh; Bako, Abdullateef title: Pharmacovigilance Strategy for COVID-19 Vaccine Information Management and Utilization among Health Information Managers in Kwara State, Nigeria date: 2023-04-14 words: 6345 flesch: 34 summary: identify the benefits health information managers derive from COVID-19 vaccine information; v. identifies challenges in the management of COVID-19 vaccines information. Benefits of COVID-19 Vaccine Information to Health Information Managers From the study findings several benefits of COVID-19 vaccine information were identified by the health information managers interviewed. keywords: adverse; available; awareness; benefits; challenges; community; computer; covid-19; covid-19 vaccine; crisis; data; disease; drugs; effects; engineering; findings; global; government; health; health information; healthcare; hesitancy;; information; information management; information system; international; issn; journal; knowledge; kwara; lack; level; management; managers; media; members; monitoring; ncdc; nigeria; opportunities; order; pandemic; participants; patients; people; perception; pharmacovigilance; public; reports; research; respondents; response; results; safety; salman; sensitization; sharing; social; state; strategies; strategy; study; system; treatment; usage; use; utilization; vaccination; vaccine; vaccine information; virus; workers cache: injiiscom-9572.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9572.txt item: #52 of 54 id: injiiscom-9586 author: Lesmana, Rudhi; Rifaldi, M Ihsan title: A Computational Bibliometric Analysis of E-Groceries Analysis Using VOSviewer date: 2023-04-14 words: 3918 flesch: 52 summary: Of the 16 selected articles, showing that highest quote related to E-Groceries Analysis research is 255, while with the lowest citation is 13. 7. Density Visualization map of E-Groceries Analysis 4. CONCLUSION The conclusion in this study is that there are many topics that are poorly explored in the field of E-Groceries analysis for example, cluster 1 is E-Groceriey, Cluster 2 feature, Cluster 3 covid. keywords: analysis; articles; b. d.; bibliometric; bibliometric analysis; cluster; computational; computer; covid-19; customer; data; engineering; field; fig; google; groceries; groceries analysis;; husaeni; information; international; issn; journal; map; nandiyanto; online; pandemic; perish; research; scholar; science; supply; system; terms; topic; transportation; visualization; vosviewer; year cache: injiiscom-9586.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9586.txt item: #53 of 54 id: injiiscom-9588 author: Salim, Michael Nagaku Milenn; Maulana, Hanhan title: Development of an Educational Training Game for Ear Sensitivity of Intervals date: 2023-04-18 words: 3689 flesch: 63 summary: The use of educational games in learning can improve the quality and disruption in the learning process as well as train the user's ability to solve problems, find solutions, think quickly and improve (Limin, S. 2022), (Ardiningsih, D. 2019). By using educational games as learning media in terms of ear training, you can learn to automate the randomization of questions dynamically as well as the process of correcting errors in social distancing conditions. keywords: asset; button; computer; design; development; ear; educational; engineering; fig; game; hint;; information; input; interface; international; intervals; issn; journal; learning; level; major; mdlc; menu; music; musical; perfect; player; process; questions; results; score; second; sensitivity; sound; stage; system; table; testing; theory; tone; training; users; voice; yes; ✓ ✓ cache: injiiscom-9588.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9588.txt item: #54 of 54 id: injiiscom-9783 author: Yahaya, Ajoke Kudirat; Bolaji, Hameed Olalekan title: ICT Application as A Supervisory Tool for Effective Instructional Delivery Approach for Secondary Schools in Kwara State date: 2023-05-24 words: 2775 flesch: 42 summary: The current research aims to examine the extent to which ICT tools enhance the effectiveness of instructional delivery in secondary schools in Kwara State. The study also found that students who used ICT tools for learning reported higher levels of satisfaction and perceived learning outcomes. keywords: challenges; delivery; education; effective; effective instructional;; ict; ict tools; information; instructional; instructional delivery; issn; journal; kwara; learning; quality; research; schools; secondary; state; student; study; supervision; supervisory; teachers; teaching; technology; tools; use cache: injiiscom-9783.pdf plain text: injiiscom-9783.txt