item: #1 of 60 id: ijik-10409 author: Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa; Qodir, Zuly title: Analytical Study of Politics in Bangladesh : Ages Of Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia’s Dictates date: 2021-01-31 words: 6887 flesch: 49 summary: Political parties themselves create electoral problems in Bangladesh. Political parties themselves create electoral problems in Bangladesh. keywords: bal; bangladesh; bnp; democracy; government; hasina; islam; issn; khaleda; parties; party; politics; sheikh; study; zia cache: ijik-10409.pdf plain text: ijik-10409.txt item: #2 of 60 id: ijik-10433 author: Veqar Ashraf-Khan, Mohammed; Shahadat Hossain, Mohammad title: Governance: Exploring the Islamic Approach and its Relevance for the Modern Context date: 2021-01-31 words: 6363 flesch: 47 summary: This paper attempts to explore the characteristics and application of the principles of Islamic governance. Several previous studies on Islamic governance such as research conducted by Elghuweel (2017), conducted research with the aim of discussing the impact of corporate governance (CG) and Islamic (IG) mechanisms on corporate earnings management (EM) behavior in Oman, Hamid (2011) conducted a study with the aim of discussing what factors contribute to the type of isolation in Islamic companies and financial institutions for Islamic governance from these two economic crises, Lewis (2014) conducted a study with the aim of the principles in Islamic Institutions. keywords: approach; ashraf; governance; government; islamic; issn; legitimacy; management; mohammad; public; stakeholders; theory; trust cache: ijik-10433.pdf plain text: ijik-10433.txt item: #3 of 60 id: ijik-10813 author: Sambo, Usman; Sule, Babayo title: Strategies of Combating Corruption in Nigeria: The Islamic Perspective date: 2021-01-31 words: 10220 flesch: 50 summary: Political corruption is the biggest of them. The Report identified political corruption as the biggest cause and threat to combating corruption globally as observed by the Chair of Transparency International in the following words: “Governments must urgently address the corrupting role of big money in political party financing and the undue influence it exerts on our political systems” as a panacea towards minimising global corruption (Transparency International, 2020b). keywords: bribery; combating; corruption; countries; development; international; islamic; issn; money; nigeria; perspective; practices; public; quran; sambo; strategies; study; sule; transparency; world cache: ijik-10813.pdf plain text: ijik-10813.txt item: #4 of 60 id: ijik-11866 author: Asrori, Muhammad Roy; Fitriyah, Zakiyatul; Anam, Ahmad Faikul; Zubaidy, Ahmad Nashih Anis; Zubaidah, Zubaidah title: The Perception of Islamic Youth to The Phenomenon of Hubbu Ilahi date: 2021-07-05 words: 3337 flesch: 63 summary: Representation of behavior in Hubbu Ilahi perception research can provide adolescent moral introspection. The phenomenon that is still encountered is Hubbu Ilahi, or the love attitude of Allah SWT. keywords: adolescents; allah; hubbu; ilahi; islamic; love; muhammad; phenomenon; prophet; research; youth cache: ijik-11866.pdf plain text: ijik-11866.txt item: #5 of 60 id: ijik-11904 author: Musa, Zahari Mahad; Abdullah, Mohd Farid Ravi; Usman, Abur Hamdi; Iskandar, Azwar title: Privacy Of Dwelling House In Islam As A Guide To Housing Development date: 2021-07-05 words: 6068 flesch: 64 summary: Subdivision of dwelling house privacy by category Therefore, the recommendations of those involved in the development of the dwelling house are very much needed, especially in terms of space, the number of rooms, design, and interior design and decoration. For the Muslim community, the question of dwelling houses privacy has a solid foundation. keywords: development; dwelling; dwelling house; guide; house; housing; islam; islamic; issn; law; life; privacy; time cache: ijik-11904.pdf plain text: ijik-11904.txt item: #6 of 60 id: ijik-12029 author: Rahmatikawati, Yayan; Rusmana, Dadan; Jauhari, Akhmad title: Relation Between Religion and Film: The Commodication of Quranic Verses in Indonesian Religious Films 2008-2020 date: 2021-07-05 words: 8784 flesch: 68 summary: Studies on Islamic religious films do not focus on how the Quranic verses are used, how they affect the story, what impact it has on storytelling, etc. The research on Relation Between Religion and Film: The Commodification of Quranic Verses in Indonesian Religious Films 2008-2020 seeks to present a study of Islamic religious films that focus on Quranic verses. keywords: allah; boarding; cinta; figure; film; islamic; issn; kiai; life; minutes; quran; quranic; religion; school; script; verses cache: ijik-12029.pdf plain text: ijik-12029.txt item: #7 of 60 id: ijik-12032 author: Budiman, Budiman title: Profit Management and Islamic Business Ethics date: 2020-07-29 words: 6012 flesch: 45 summary: Ethics in Islamic Financial Management Discussion of ethics in Islamic financial management cannot be separated from Islamic teachings' values as a whole. However, we also acknowledge that violations of financial management ethics can interfere with achieving a company's financial management goals, even International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 86-96 Profit Management and Islamic Business Ethics Budiman ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 102 │ thwart them. keywords: accounting; business; business ethics; company; economics; ethics; good; international; islamic; journal; management; principles; profit; profit management; sharia cache: ijik-12032.pdf plain text: ijik-12032.txt item: #8 of 60 id: ijik-12428 author: Khosyi'ah, Siah; Ghifari, Royhan Aziz; Sar’an, Mohamad; Fathonih, Ah title: Absolute Competence in the Fields of Alms in the Religious Courts date: 2021-07-05 words: 8175 flesch: 55 summary: At the same time, the Religious Court's relative power is regulated in Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts article 4. The history of Religious Courts in Indonesia, starting with the Surambi Court, has existed since the time of Sultan Agung in the Kingdom of Mataram, Yogyakarta. keywords: absolute; alms; authority; bandung; cases; competence; courts; data; hukum; indonesia; infaq; islamic; law; law number; number; religion; sadaqah; zakat cache: ijik-12428.pdf plain text: ijik-12428.txt item: #9 of 60 id: ijik-12483 author: Putra, Doly Andhika; Sumaryani, Ni Made title: Terrorism and Jihad in Islamic Perspective date: 2021-07-05 words: 6072 flesch: 60 summary: Received: May 1 2021; Revised: Juny 19 2021; Accepted: Juny 26 2021 Terrorism and Jihad in Islamic Perspective Doly Andhika Putra1*, Ni Made Sumaryani2 1Department Defense Management, Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia 2Department Asymmetric Warfare, Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia *Corresponding Author E-mail: Abstract Being the most discussed issue in various parts of the world (including Indonesia), Terrorism is considered contrary to humanitarian understanding, which causes losses, both economically, politically, and psychologically. The reason is that terrorists massively use the word Jihad as a justification for their actions. keywords: acts; allah; bombing; dan; doly; indonesia; islam; issn; jihad; muslims; people; perspective; q.s; religion; terrorism; war cache: ijik-12483.pdf plain text: ijik-12483.txt item: #10 of 60 id: ijik-12514 author: Nurwulandari, Andini title: The Impact of Investment Opportunity Asset, Return on Assets, and Sales Growth on Dividend Policy: Empirical Analysis of Manufacturing Companies Listed in the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) from 2015-2017 date: 2020-01-30 words: 4331 flesch: 58 summary: The research was conducted on companies engaged in manufacturing with research variable data that has been processed from annual reports and company financial reports with the Microsoft Excel program, which includes ROA, IOS, and Sales Growth are as follows: If a company whose share ownership is owned by the wider community and the general public, then dividend policy significantly influences investors and companies that will pay dividends. keywords: assets; companies; company; data; dividend; growth; investment; opportunity; policy; sales; test cache: ijik-12514.pdf plain text: ijik-12514.txt item: #11 of 60 id: ijik-12738 author: Nurwulandari, Andini title: INFLATION, THE RUPIAH EXCHANGE RATE AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ISLAMIC SOCIAL REPORTING OF CONSUMER GOODS INDUSTRY COMPANIES LISTED IN THE INDONESIAN SHARIA STOCK INDEX (ISSI) FROM 2014-2018 date: 2019-07-05 words: 3778 flesch: 53 summary: This is a quantitative study that makes use of time series data, which consists of a single object but spans multiple periods: Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rates, and Stock Prices from 2014 to 2018. RESEARCH METHOD This research is a quantitative study that uses time-series data, which consists of one object but includes several periods: Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rates, and Stock Prices each year from 2014-2018. keywords: capital; exchange; index; indonesian; inflation; islamic; issi; rate; rupiah; sharia; stock; test cache: ijik-12738.pdf plain text: ijik-12738.txt item: #12 of 60 id: ijik-13147 author: Rentika Waty, Reni title: The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) As an Opposition Force in The Joko Widodo’s Era in 2014-2020 date: 2021-07-05 words: 10209 flesch: 58 summary: FPI opposition as a pressure group can be seen through the conflicts between FPI and the government regime. Islamic organization FPI often uses SARA (ethnicity, race, religion, and class differences) issues in its movement. keywords: ahok; case; election; era; fpi; government; governor; hrs; indonesia; islamic; issn; jakarta; jokowi; ma'ruf; movement; munkar; opposition; partai; parties; support; widodo cache: ijik-13147.pdf plain text: ijik-13147.txt item: #13 of 60 id: ijik-13199 author: Syamsir, Ahmad; Septiadi, Muhammad Andi; Nurhakiki, Muhamad Ilham; al-Habsy, Muhammad Ihsan; Hidayah, Muhammad Rizal Arifin title: Salafi Puritanism in Indonesia date: 2021-07-05 words: 10267 flesch: 65 summary: He taught at al-Ma'had al-'Ilmī in Unayzah. Ibn Muḥammad Ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān Ibn 'Uthmān Ibn 'Abd Allāh Ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Muqbil lu Muqbil al-Wuhaybī al-Tamīmī. keywords: abd; abd al; abdul; albānī; channel; da'wah; ibn; indonesia; islamic; issn; movement; muḥammad; muḥammad ibn; puritanism; salafi; study; teachings; theological; theology; understanding; wahhāb cache: ijik-13199.pdf plain text: ijik-13199.txt item: #14 of 60 id: ijik-13671 author: Wahyudi, Nur title: Actualization of the Thoughts of Prof. Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhailiy in the Sale and Purchase of Stocks Transaction date: 2020-07-19 words: 5842 flesch: 72 summary: According to al-Zuhailiy, share transactions are permissible according to sharia because in this transaction, al-tarāḍi has been realized among the shareholders. Fakhruddin, with different editors, defines shares with, Shares are securities that show the ownership of an investor (the buyer of shares) in a company (Fakhruddin, 2008). keywords: asham; buying; company; prof; purchase; sale; selling; shareholders; shares; stock; wahbah; zuhailiy cache: ijik-13671.pdf plain text: ijik-13671.txt item: #15 of 60 id: ijik-13823 author: Darmalaksana, Wahyudin; Shofiyatus Salamah, Nyimas Shoffah title: Command of Jihad through Devotion to Parents According to Hadith date: 2022-01-13 words: 4811 flesch: 70 summary: Keywords: Hadith, Children, Jihad, Parents, Syarah INTRODUCTION Filial piety to parents is an obligation that must be done by children to parents (Jawas, Ziyad, & Rabwah, 2005), such as being obedient, respecting, embodiment of children's obligations to parents, lightening the burden on parents, being kind, devoting oneself, and making parents happy. The Hadith Commandment to Parents There is a hadith of the Prophet with regard to orders to filial piety to parents in Sahih Bukhari Number 5515: keywords: -tsiqah; allah; bin; children; command; darmalaksana; good; hadith; issn; jihad; parents; piety; research; قَاَل cache: ijik-13823.pdf plain text: ijik-13823.txt item: #16 of 60 id: ijik-15518 author: Rahman, Ahmad syaeful; Athoillah, Mohamad title: Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law date: 2022-01-13 words: 7215 flesch: 55 summary: Therefore, when students have high motivation, it will affect the improvement of student learning outcomes (Pebruanti & Munadi, 2015). If it is a percentage of the value obtained by class IX students from the total number of 136 students, there are as many as 73 people if the percentage is 53.67%, while those who scored above the KKM were 63 people. keywords: category; class; experimental; group; intelligence; learning; learning outcomes; meeting; motivation; students cache: ijik-15518.pdf plain text: ijik-15518.txt item: #17 of 60 id: ijik-15865 author: Maylawati, Dian Sa'adillah; Khosyi'ah, Siah; Kholiq, Achmad title: Society's Perspectives on Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia through Social Media Analysis Technology: A Preliminary Study date: 2022-01-13 words: 10546 flesch: 44 summary: Seeing the very wide opportunity to study and find opinions/views of scholars and the public regarding contemporary Islamic law in Indonesia (starting from family law, economics, crime, gender, health, technology, politics, to religious aspects such as worship), the research This study aims to maximize the use of social media analysis technology to analyze the views of Indonesian scholars and society on contemporary Islamic law issues. Based on this explanation, this preliminary research aims to prepare a study to (1) Apply sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and pattern analysis approaches as part of social media analysis technology to find insight knowledge regarding the views of ulama and society in Indonesia on contemporary Islamic law; (2) Evaluating the sentiment analysis model, topic modeling, and pattern analysis that was built for further interpretation and analysis to produce insight knowledge related to the views of scholars and society in Indonesia on contemporary Islamic law; and (3) Knowing the comparison of views and opinions between ulama and the people in Indonesia on contemporary Islamic law. This abundant data from social media is certainly an interesting source that can be processed into important information and knowledge (insight knowledge) using social media analysis technology (Brooker, Barnett, & Cribbin, 2016; Lee, 2018; Stieglitz, Dang-Xuan, Bruns, & Neuberger, 2014; Stieglitz, Mirbabaie, Ross, & Neuberger, 2018). keywords: analysis; analysis technology; contemporary; data; halal; hukum; indonesia; islamic; islamic law; issn; law; maylawati; media; media analysis; mining; modeling; pattern; research; sa’adillah; science; sentiment; sentiment analysis; society; study; technology; text cache: ijik-15865.pdf plain text: ijik-15865.txt item: #18 of 60 id: ijik-16203 author: Constantine, Alexandro Arthur; Yuliantika, Dewi; Marjuningtyas, Laras Nanda; Widyadhari, Salsabila; Athallah, Muhamad Revan title: Bureaucratic Implications of SKB No. 3 of 2008 on Politics Identity of the Ahmadiyya Congregation date: 2022-01-13 words: 5978 flesch: 51 summary: With identity politics, identity groups can manipulate the bureaucracy to present representations of recognition and justice so that it becomes a tool to get rid of other identity groups. IJIK, Vol.12 No. 1: 61-70 Bureaucratic Implications of SKB No. 3 of 2008 on Politics Identity of the Ahmadiyya Congregation Alexandro Arthur Constantine ISSN 2302-9781(online) The focus of this research in this article is to see Marxist thinking related to bureaucracy where the emergence of SKB No. 3 of 2008 bureaucracy can influence identity politics. keywords: ahmadiyah; ahmadiyya; bureaucracy; congregation; dan; group; identity; indonesia; jai; jai group; politics; power; religion; skb; state cache: ijik-16203.pdf plain text: ijik-16203.txt item: #19 of 60 id: ijik-16385 author: Datta, Rimmi; Mete, Jayanta title: Socio-Economic Realities of Muslim Dalits Women in India During Covid-19 date: 2022-01-13 words: 7872 flesch: 54 summary: Muslim Dalit women have been victims of sexual assault in rural India. The disadvantages of Muslim Dalit women are among the most notable exceptions; their disadvantages are never part of the battle for women in India. keywords: caste; class; covid-19; dalit; discrimination; education; gender; government; health; human; india; issn; muslim; rights; women cache: ijik-16385.pdf plain text: ijik-16385.txt item: #20 of 60 id: ijik-16455 author: Gangopadhyay, Mayurakshee; Chatterjee, Shreyosi; Patra, Rini; Ash, Jayita; Sarkar, Sanjana title: Participation of Muslim Female Students in Online Education: A Survey date: 2022-01-13 words: 2958 flesch: 49 summary: On this basis this study aims to find whether female candidates from a specific community residing in a specific geopolitical area are experiencing any restraints in participation in online education system with other members (Shahidul & Karim, 2015). This study aims to take advantage of this global space to investigate the participation status of Muslim female students and to identify areas for improvement. keywords: education; issn; muslim; participation; students; study; table cache: ijik-16455.pdf plain text: ijik-16455.txt item: #21 of 60 id: ijik-16610 author: Ainissyifa, Hilda; Jamaluddin, Dindin; Farham Hikam, Fajar; Kusuma Nindyah, Ika title: Analysis of the Qaulan Concept in the Qur'an as a Communication Model for Educators and Learners date: 2022-01-27 words: 8560 flesch: 56 summary: So it can be concluded that qaulan karima contained in therapeutic communication describes the requirements of good therapeutic communication. In its implementation, researchers also use the maudhu'i or thematic interpretation method by collecting verses containing the word qaulan in the form of the target object, then examine on aspects of therapeutic communication. keywords: communication; communication model; concept; educators; issn; model; qaulan; qaulan concept; qur’an; students; therapeutic; verse; words cache: ijik-16610.pdf plain text: ijik-16610.txt item: #22 of 60 id: ijik-16761 author: Yusof, Ahmad Syafiq; Jima’ain, Muhammad Talhah Ajmain; Shukor, Muhammad Hazwan Mohd title: Da’wah Thoughts of Hasan Al Banna and Said Nursi: A Comparative Research in Islamic Education Perspective date: 2022-01-27 words: 4564 flesch: 57 summary: Among the influential Islamic philosophers were al-Farabi (872–950 AD), Ibn Sina (980–1037 AD), Ibn Miskawayh (932–1030 AD), Ibn Bajjah (1095–1138 AD), Ibn Tufail (1105–1185 M) and Ibn Rusyd (1126–1198 AD) who were also influenced by such doctrines (Makmor, 2019).Therefore, there is a justification for Said Nursi’s view that philosophers like Plato and Aristotle including Ibn Sina and al-Farabi in fact did not succeed in finding the end path in achieving their ambitions and goals unless fascinated by sweet words (Fazrul Azdi et al., 2018) It was later continued by scholars in the 2nd century Hijri with the title of al-zahid such as Abu Abd Rabb al-Dimsiqi al-Zahid (112 H), Abu Abdillah al-Kufi al-Zahid (120 H), Abu Yahya al-Bishri al-Zahid (130 H) and others. keywords: badiuzzaman; banna; dan; da’wah; education; faith; hasan; islamic; issn; muslim; nursi; research; sufism; world cache: ijik-16761.pdf plain text: ijik-16761.txt item: #23 of 60 id: ijik-17358 author: Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad; Syarifah, Maisyatusy title: Pig Kidney Xenotransplantation as an Alternative Solution of Hifdz Al Nafs date: 2022-07-06 words: 5084 flesch: 66 summary: Allowing a patient to perform pig organ transplants could be one of the efforts in carrying out hifdz al-nafs, which prioritizes life and self-preservation. Are Muslims ready to accept pig organ transplants? keywords: animals; body; dan; hifdz; human; islamic; issn; kidney; nafs; organ; pig; pigs; pork; xenotransplantation cache: ijik-17358.pdf plain text: ijik-17358.txt item: #24 of 60 id: ijik-17510 author: Uthman, Ibrahim Olatunde title: The Sharīʿah and the Muslim Feminists’ Public Display of the Female Body date: 2022-07-06 words: 7039 flesch: 55 summary: This brings to the fore the question of how Muslim women negotiate Islamic teachings over the visibility of their bodies. In discussing the dramatic entrance of Muslim women into the public entertainment space, this paper focuses on Muslim feminists and not Islamic feminists. keywords: awrah; body; female; feminists; islamic; issn; muslim; public; sharīʿah; space; uthman; women; ḥijāb cache: ijik-17510.pdf plain text: ijik-17510.txt item: #25 of 60 id: ijik-17592 author: Ashimiyu, Abdulazeez Muhammad title: Idealizing a Dichotomy between Islam and Sharī‘ah: the Orientalist and Missiological Stereotype date: 2022-07-06 words: 6649 flesch: 44 summary: The intellectual heft of the Orientalists became manifest in their study of Arabic scripts, organization of indexes of literary as well as historical works, the study of the Holy Qur'an verse by verse, and the history of Islam day by day. Writing in the book titled Covering Islam, Al-Quaderi and Habibullah (2013) aptly argued that Western media coverage and interpretation of Islam are extremely influential. keywords: abdulazeez; ashimiyu; dichotomy; islam; islamophobia; issn; media; missionaries; missionary; muhammad; muslims; orientalist; sharī‘ah; stereotype; western; world cache: ijik-17592.pdf plain text: ijik-17592.txt item: #26 of 60 id: ijik-17709 author: Lachaari, Mohamed; Benmahane, Mustapha title: Capital Structure Impact on Classical and Islamic Banks Profitability: Evidence from Moroccan Context date: 2022-07-06 words: 3126 flesch: 53 summary: Our findings show an increasing relationship between banks profitability and debt ratio with acceptable indicators. At the end, we observe that when the equity ratio varies in the reciprocal way with bank profitability, the debt ratio varies in the same direction with the profitability. keywords: banking; banks; capital; equity; islamic; profitability; structure cache: ijik-17709.pdf plain text: ijik-17709.txt item: #27 of 60 id: ijik-17710 author: Zarfi, Adil title: Participative Finance, Microfinance, and Self Entrepreneurship in Morocco date: 2022-07-06 words: 10776 flesch: 46 summary: Results also show that the interviewees agreed that participative financial institutions have many financial products that can be used to finance VSMEs, such as Leasing, Murabaha, Musharaka, and istisna. However, Islamic financial institutions can be considered the main provider of participative microfinance services because they are already aware of their instruments and objectives. keywords: auto; bank; empowerment; entrepreneurship; finance; financial; financing; inclusion; institutions; islamic; issn; microfinance; morocco; participative; research; sector; self; services cache: ijik-17710.pdf plain text: ijik-17710.txt item: #28 of 60 id: ijik-17750 author: Musari, Khairunnisa title: Integrating Green Sukuk and Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk, the Blended Islamic Finance of Fiscal Instrument in Indonesia: A Proposed Model for Fighting Climate Change date: 2022-07-06 words: 6569 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore, by using a literature study on the best practice of Green Sukuk and CWLS in publications mainly sourced from the Ministry of Finance (MoF) Republic of Indonesia, this conceptual paper focuses on three issues, namely: (1) Describing Indonesia's sovereign Green Sukuk; (2) Describing the CWLS; (3) Explaining a proposed Perpetual Green CWLS as Islamic green financing alternative. By integrating Green Sukuk, CWLS, and Esham principles, Perpetual Green CWLS is expected to improve the weaknesses that exist in the instrument that formed it. keywords: cash; change; climate; cwls; djppr; finance; financing; green; indonesia; islamic; mof; musari; social; sukuk; waqf cache: ijik-17750.pdf plain text: ijik-17750.txt item: #29 of 60 id: ijik-19679 author: Hamim, Khairul; Mas’ud, Riduan title: THE CONCEPT OF WEALTH IN ISLAM PERSPECTIVE OF THE WORD MAL VERSION OF THE MINISTRY OF RELIGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA IN THE QUR'AN AND ITS TAFSIR date: 2019-07-11 words: 6284 flesch: 72 summary: As for how to use wealth, it is to eat property that is lawful and tayyib, do not eat excessively, eat not to exceed the limit, eat do not follow the steps of the devil, eat animals that are slaughtered for Allah, do not eat wealth in a vanity way, do not eat usury, eat food that is lawful and good and fear Allah, eat food that is lawful and good and be grateful to Allah swt. Allah created humans as caliphs on earth, meaning as creatures chosen to manage and prosper the earth, as in the word of Allah swt (al-Baqarah/2: 30). keywords: allah; earth; humans; issn; ministry; property; qur'an; religion; tafsir; verse; wealth; word cache: ijik-19679.pdf plain text: ijik-19679.txt item: #30 of 60 id: ijik-19752 author: Mubarok, Muhammad Syauqi; Ramadhani, Reski; Putri, Marissa Disthy title: Educational Method in the Quran: Analysis of Islamic Education Science Surah An-Nahl Verse 125 date: 2023-01-31 words: 7944 flesch: 59 summary: So it becomes clear that, in the Qur'an, many verses containing various educational methods can be used as one of the choices of current educational methods. Researchers are very interested in finding and exploring the concept of educational methods in one of the Quran verses, Surah An-Nahl Verse 125. keywords: allah; analysis; education; good; hikmah; islamic; mau'izhah; method; muhammad; nahl; quran; students; surah; verse cache: ijik-19752.pdf plain text: ijik-19752.txt item: #31 of 60 id: ijik-21293 author: Chamankhah, Leila title: Ẓafarnamah: A Glimpse into the Text and its Historical and Intellectual Context date: 2023-01-31 words: 4134 flesch: 61 summary: The researcher has compared it to the other two versions as well: Guru Gobind S ingh, Ẓafarnāmah and Fatḥnāmah, ed: Devinder Singh Duggal 1980 (Jullundur, Institute of Sikh Studies), and Guru Gobind Singh, Ẓafarnāmah (Letter of Victory) (G. G. Singh, 1980, 2000, 2018). However, the text diverges from its peers when it seems that less emphasis is placed on the political philosophy of good governance and instead focuses on practicality and spiritual weight and color due to the status of Guru Gobind Singh (G. G. Singh, 2000). keywords: aurangzeb; g. g.; g. singh; gobind; guru; persian; princes; singh; text; ẓafarnāmah cache: ijik-21293.pdf plain text: ijik-21293.txt item: #32 of 60 id: ijik-21471 author: Issah, Abeebllahi Obalowu; Rahim, Adibah Binti Abdul title: Contextual and Critical Analysis of the Ḥadith of Khalid bin al-Walid's Troop to Bani Jadhimah date: 2023-01-31 words: 6773 flesch: 74 summary: The Reports From Hadith Sources About the Issues that Happened Between Khᾱlid bin Al- Walīd and Other Companions An issue with 'Abd al-Raḥman bin 'Awf It is reported in several historical sources that when Khᾱlid bin al -Walīd returned from Banū Jadhīmah, 'Abd al-Raḥman bin, 'Awf rebuked him and condemned his deed. All these happened because Abubakr and other companions knew that Khᾱlid bin al -Walīd was among the beloved companions of the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Dhabī, 2006, 3/224; Ibn Ḥajar, 1379 A.H., 7/101; Ibn Ḥajar, 1415 A.H., 2/216). keywords: a.h; allah; bin; bin al; companions; hadith; ibn; islam; khᾱlid; pbuh; prophet cache: ijik-21471.pdf plain text: ijik-21471.txt item: #33 of 60 id: ijik-23320 author: Sulaiman, Muhammad Auwal title: Islamic Philantrophy as a Mechanism to Improve Agricultural Products and Sustenance in Refugees Camps in the Sub-Region of Lake Chad Basin date: 2023-01-31 words: 5095 flesch: 56 summary: Waqf institutions can create social and public infrastructure out of social capital. Mustapha & Muneeza (2020) suggest five points to effectively establish waqf institutions. keywords: basin; camps; chad; islamic; issn; lake; muhammad; nigeria; people; refugees; waqf cache: ijik-23320.pdf plain text: ijik-23320.txt item: #34 of 60 id: ijik-23604 author: Moosa, Riyad title: Engagement and Awareness of Islamic Banking Customers: Exploring an African Context date: 2023-01-31 words: 3583 flesch: 52 summary: Furthermore, addressing these objectives will assist managers, marketers, and academics of Islamic banking to understand customers’ engagement and level of awareness of CSR made by Islamic banks. This study explores the banking engagements and the CSR awareness of Islamic bank customers in South Africa. keywords: activities; awareness; banking; banks; csr; customers; islamic; respondents cache: ijik-23604.pdf plain text: ijik-23604.txt item: #35 of 60 id: ijik-23676 author: Hasan, Sabbir title: Does Sharia Support Cloning? A Qualitative Analysis date: 2023-01-31 words: 9706 flesch: 60 summary: For most of the 20th century, the idea of human cloning was just a theory, but in 1969, scientists and decision-makers started to take it seriously. When people were trying to discover a cure for the cytoplasmic disease (a condition affecting human cells), the concept of human cloning emerged. keywords: allah; analysis; animal; cell; cloning; embryo; hasan; human; islamic; issn; life; research; sabbir; scientists; sharia; stem; support; technology cache: ijik-23676.pdf plain text: ijik-23676.txt item: #36 of 60 id: ijik-25392 author: Sanurdi, Sanurdi; Muslihun, Muslihun title: The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah date: 2023-01-30 words: 6431 flesch: 46 summary: ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 66 │ Establishing customer satisfaction is a crucial factor in promoting and sustaining customer loyalty in Islamic banking. Improving service quality to meet the expectations of customers is crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction, which leads to customer loyalty (Achmad Tayip Junaedi, 2012). keywords: bank; customer; customer loyalty; loyalty; model; motives; ntb; relationship; satisfaction; syariah; variable cache: ijik-25392.pdf plain text: ijik-25392.txt item: #37 of 60 id: ijik-25504 author: Yusuf, Jibrail Bin; Boletbekova, Aikol; Buaben, Jabal Muhammad; Shah, Hassan Shakeel; Ayaz, Muhammad title: Islamic Religious Identity in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan date: 2023-05-19 words: 10701 flesch: 53 summary: It, therefore, concludes that the challenge to Islam and Islamic religious identity in contemporary Kyrgyzstan is a sort of ‘Muslimo-phobia’ rather than ‘Islamo-phobia’ because the challenge to Islam is clearly unleashed by the Muslims themselves and not the minority non-Muslim population. Thus, despite being a Muslim majority country, the expression of Islamic religious identity in the country encounters some setbacks. keywords: asia; bin; central; contemporary; country; cultural;; identity; ijik; islamic; issn; jibrail; kyrgyzstan; muslims; new; online; people; religion; soviet; state; university; vol; world; yusuf cache: ijik-25504.pdf plain text: ijik-25504.txt item: #38 of 60 id: ijik-25527 author: Boulaouali, Tijani title: Portraying Islam and the West : in Tzvetan Todorov’s The Fear of Barbarians: Beyond the Clash of Civilizations date: 2023-05-13 words: 29 flesch: 0 summary: Melalui Literasi Keuangan Islam, the West, Stereotypes, Barbarism, Civilization, Todorov . Portraying Islam and the West │ Portraying Islam and the West │ Kemandirian Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) keywords: west cache: ijik-25527.pdf plain text: ijik-25527.txt item: #39 of 60 id: ijik-8408 author: Atamimi, Abdul Basit; Mulyana, Mulyana; Nurhasanah, Siti title: Jama’ah Rifa`iyah: From Radicalism to Indonesian Islamic Fundamentalism date: 2020-07-31 words: 5399 flesch: 54 summary: A similar study by Nurani (2017) who took the theme of the Study of the Book of Tabyin Al -Islah by K.H.A. Rifa'i Kalisalak produced his struggle (Kiai Ahmad Rifa Ì) in opposing colonialism which was done not through weapons but intellectuals, Nasrudin (2015) also took the theme of (Kiai Ahmad Rifa`), namely the Teachings of Sufism in Literature of the B ook Ri'ayah Al-Himmah The work of Sheikh Ahmad Rifa'i that produced the book of Ri'ayah al-hikmah shows the influence of Sufism of Imam al-Ghaza> li> in Ihya 'Ulum al-Din. Abstract The Rifa`iyah Jama'ah is one of the Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia founded by Kiai Ahmad Rifa` keywords: ahmad; book; community; dutch; friday; government; islamic; jama'ah; kalisalak; kiai; marriage; movement; rifa'i; rifa'iyah; teachings; ulama cache: ijik-8408.pdf plain text: ijik-8408.txt item: #40 of 60 id: ijik-8409 author: Hanifah, Hanifah; Rafiudin, Rafiudin; Madaniyyah, Fathimah; Supiana, Supiana title: Overview Of Gender Victims Of Family In The Household In Garut District date: 2020-07-31 words: 4256 flesch: 52 summary: For more details related to Violence Against Women in 2014 to 2018 explained in the graph below: Figure 1 Recapitulation of Violence Against Women and Children from 2014 to 2018 Much physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, and violence against women in other forms are still not officially recorded considering that there are still many women who experience violence never report because of shame. Violence against women and children victims of domestic violence in Garut Regency over the past five years as many as 430 cases including 2014 violence against women, 46 cases, in 2015 there were 31 cases, in 2016 there were 37 cases, in 2017 there were 30 cases and in 2018 as many as 17 cases. keywords: cases; children; family; garut; household; services; social; victims; violence; women cache: ijik-8409.pdf plain text: ijik-8409.txt item: #41 of 60 id: ijik-8410 author: Suryahim, Iim; Putria, Uus; Muslim, Muslim title: Modern Dzikir and Spiritual Crisis date: 2020-07-31 words: 3234 flesch: 58 summary: CONCLUSION Portraits of modern human life that are filled with daily life problems such as anxiety, anxiety, and life pressure can create a spiritual crisis. Something spiritual has eternal truth related to human life. keywords: crisis; dzikir; god; heart; ibn; life; modern; peace; spiritual; spirituality cache: ijik-8410.pdf plain text: ijik-8410.txt item: #42 of 60 id: ijik-8412 author: Muhsin, Fuad; Hanifah, Hani; Ari, Muhammad Hasan Al As title: Islamic Defending Action And Fatwa Defenders Movement Indonesian Ulema Council date: 2020-07-31 words: 2959 flesch: 49 summary: Social movements emerge through several stages, and usually arise from a critical state, then experience several stages of development that ends at the stage of the disappearance of social movements or social movements that actually transform themselves into an established social institution. Social movements can be understood as collective efforts to pursue common interests or movements to achieve common goals or joint movements through collective action outside the scope of established institutions (Fadhilah Putra, 2006) keywords: action; ahok; fatwa; gnpf; indonesian; islamic; movement; mui; ulema cache: ijik-8412.pdf plain text: ijik-8412.txt item: #43 of 60 id: ijik-8413 author: Sucipto, Imam; Mulyana, Yana; Guntara, Yudi title: Response of Islamist ond Holders of Sunda Wiwitan Against Wedding a Different Religion date: 2020-01-31 words: 2419 flesch: 53 summary: The Response of Muslims And Sundanese Wiwitan To Different Marriage Marriage Islam and the beliefs of Sunda Wiwitan have some responses to interfaith marriages, in Islam there are two responses that still do not allow interfaith marriages and some are still in doubt while in Sunda Wiwitan it can be concluded that in Sunda Wiwitan considers that marriage is a the beginning to unite the two men and women which aims to maintain the serenity and preserve nature in order to achieve a perfect life, in marriage in the Sunda Muslim sect and Islam must still have permission from the parents of the bride and groom which with the agreement then the couple can proceed to the next stage. In Islam marriage is also a worship where there are separate rules in Islamic law, the similarity of the meaning of Islamic religion and Sundanese beliefs, both believe that marriage is a worship which forms a physical and spiritual bond between men and women (Atabik & Mudhiiah, 2016). keywords: cigugur; interfaith; islam; marriages; religion; research; sundanese; wiwitan cache: ijik-8413.pdf plain text: ijik-8413.txt item: #44 of 60 id: ijik-8414 author: Irwansyah, Shindu; Nuramin, Hadi; Wahyudin, Dede title: Ngabungbang Ritual Culture in Peasant Communities date: 2020-07-31 words: 5202 flesch: 45 summary: So famous is the ornamental plant of Cihideung that it has become one of the popular tourist destinations in West Bandung Regency; for thepeopleof Cihideung Village, it wasa gift from the Creator. The location of this research is in Cihideung Village, Parongpong District. keywords: abah; bandung; cihideung; community; culture; international; islamic; journal; khazanah; life; ngabungbang; peasant; people; research; ritual; sacred; shindu; spirits; village; vol; water cache: ijik-8414.pdf plain text: ijik-8414.txt item: #45 of 60 id: ijik-8416 author: Alam, Aam Saepul; Rafiudin, Rafiudin; Sonjaya, Adang title: Comparison of Nurcholis Madjid and A. Hasyim Muzadi's Thoughts on Renewal in Indonesia date: 2020-07-31 words: 6272 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: A. Hasyim Muzadi, Islamic thought, Nurcholis Madjid INTRODUCTION Movements and thoughts of religious renewal have always been an essential part of Islamic tradition throughout its developmental history. Observing the results of the study provides insight into Nurcholis Madjid and A. Hasyim Muzadi, having differences in their ideas. keywords: approach; hasyim; hasyim muzadi; indonesia; islam; islamic; kiai; madjid; muzadi; nurcholish; rafiudin; renewal; terrorism; thoughts cache: ijik-8416.pdf plain text: ijik-8416.txt item: #46 of 60 id: ijik-8417 author: Setiawan, Iwan; Goffary, Irfan; Hamim, Mohamad title: Indigenous Religion’s Strategy in Maintaining their Belief date: 2020-07-31 words: 4948 flesch: 52 summary: Madrais teachings were spreading in several regions in West Java, such as Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, Garut, Cirendeu, Sukabumi, Bogor , and others. So this paper, in general, the first part describes the adherents of Madrais teachings covering history, theology, rituals, and current issues. keywords: adherents; ads; agama; belief; cigugur; djawa; followers; government; madrais; organization; prince; religion; strategy; teachings cache: ijik-8417.pdf plain text: ijik-8417.txt item: #47 of 60 id: ijik-8418 author: Saepulah, Saepulah; Herlina, Lina; Fauzi, Unang title: The Dynamics of the Role of the Nahdlatul Ulama Social Movement in Responding to Social Change date: 2020-07-31 words: 3775 flesch: 50 summary: Other facts outside the government, the role of NU organizations both as an institution and the strength of the masses have contributed significantly to efforts to counter ideology. Then in his research, Syukur explained the charisma of NU figures who have high selling power in life and political events both at the local and national levels. keywords: dynamics; indonesia; islamic; k.h; movement; nahdlatul; organization; party; reform; role; ulama cache: ijik-8418.pdf plain text: ijik-8418.txt item: #48 of 60 id: ijik-8993 author: Mubarok, Muhammad Syauqi title: Management of Guidance and Counseling on Learning Discipline date: 2020-07-31 words: 6102 flesch: 47 summary: This statement means that a good school environment can support the formation of good student learning disciplines. Currently, the topic of management guidance and counseling and discipline of students learning has become an interesting topic for discussion in the world of education, and this is evidenced by the many studies that discuss the management guidance and counseling and of student learning discipline. keywords: activities; counseling; counseling management; discipline; guidance; learning; management; research; results; school; services; students; teachers cache: ijik-8993.pdf plain text: ijik-8993.txt item: #49 of 60 id: ijik-9015 author: Mu’ammar, Moh. Nadhir title: STUDY OF APPROACHES, METHODS, SOURCES AND INTERPRETATION INSTRUMENTS OF MULLA SADRA date: 2020-07-14 words: 4871 flesch: 61 summary: Some surahs of the Al-Qur'an that Sadra has commented on include: al- Fatiḥah, al-Baqarah, al-Sajdah, Ya Sin, al-Ḥadid, al-Waqiʿah, al-Jumu'ah, al-Ṭariq, al-Aʿla and al -Zilzal. Philosophical interpretation and Sadra's commentary Sadra notes that philosophers such as Ibn Sina (d. 429/1037) and Nasr al-Din al-Tusi (d. 673/1274) interpret this verse as follows: 'Niche' (Misykat) means the intellect of [human] material which in itself is 'dark', but can receive intellectual light in varying degrees according to its readiness. keywords: allah; intellect; interpretation; issn; light; means; methods; mulla; qur'an; sadra; verse cache: ijik-9015.pdf plain text: ijik-9015.txt item: #50 of 60 id: ijik-9016 author: Anwar, Anwar title: LAW OF SUBSTANCE AND CONSISTENCY OF REGIONAL REGULATION NUMBER 3 OF 2006 CONCERNING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN KARIMAH date: 2020-07-14 words: 7262 flesch: 39 summary: Regarding the governmental sector above, the writer did not find a legal product, in the form of regional regulations and regent regulations after the enactment of this regional Regulation from 2006 to 2015, the author sees 54 regional regulations and 192 regent regulations relating to the above article in the government sector, but regional regulations no. 3 of 2006 concerning the Movement of Community Development for Berahlakul Karimah is not used as a legal or juridical basis in its consideration, In the contents of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2006 concerning the Movement of Community Development with Good Behavior, the fourth part of the Political Section article 6 states: IJIK, Vol. 9 No. 1: 9-22 Law Of Substance And Consistency Of Regional Regulation Number 3 Of 2006 Concerning Community Development Activities In Karimah Anwar ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) In the context of freedom, the local government not only began to reform itself structurally but also complemented its bureaucracy with various Regional Regulation products (Zoelva, 2015). keywords: article; cianjur; community; community development; development; islamic; karimah; law; products; regency; regional; regulation; regulation number cache: ijik-9016.pdf plain text: ijik-9016.txt item: #51 of 60 id: ijik-9017 author: Suyandi, Dedi title: THE EFFECT OF MUDHARABAH FINANCING PRODUCTIVITY AND INCREASING THE MEMBER'S CAPITAL BUSINESS ON THE INCOME OF MARDHOTILAH BMT MEMBERS date: 2020-07-14 words: 3760 flesch: 52 summary: The problem of this research is about how much influence the productivity of mudharabah financing and increasing member business capital on the income of Mardhotillah BMT members in Tanjungsari District, Sumedang Regency. The problem of this study is about how much influence the productivity of mudharabah financing and increasing member business capital on the income of Mardhotillah BMT members in Tanjungsari District, Sumedang District by using quantitative research methods, the researchers concluded that the effect was quite strong. keywords: bmt; business; capital; financing; income; mardhotillah; mudharabah cache: ijik-9017.pdf plain text: ijik-9017.txt item: #52 of 60 id: ijik-9018 author: Afrianti, Dwi title: Transformation of the Spread of the Manunggaling Kawula lan Gusti Concept in Javanese Society from the 16th Century AD to the 21st Century AD date: 2020-07-14 words: 3669 flesch: 61 summary: The author will research on Transforming the Spread of Manunggaling Kawul lan Gusti Concepts in Javanese Society from the 16th Century AD to 21 AD, by utilizing the results of other people's philological research on the script Nawa Ruci Fiber (16th Century AD) and Fiber Cabolek (Century Ages) 19th century AD), other people's translations of the text of Fiber Dewa Ruci (18th Century AD) and Serat Syeh Malaya (19th Century CE), and the writer's translation of the Fiber Literature Jendra (20th Century CE). The author also uses the science of philology and uses a qualitative approach in describing the results of research (Sugiyono, 2013) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Genealogy of the Transformation of the Concept of Myself and God from Nawa Ruci Fiber (16th Century) into Javanese Islamic Texts: Flesh of the Purified God (18th Century CE), Cabolek Fiber (19th Century), Malaya Syeh Fiber (19th Century), and Window Literature (20th Century) Bima Figure in Javanese perspective Taking a character in a story certainly has its reasons. keywords: bima; century; century ad; concept; dewa; fiber; gusti; javanese; manunggaling; nawa; ruci cache: ijik-9018.pdf plain text: ijik-9018.txt item: #53 of 60 id: ijik-9019 author: Rayana, Jagat title: HADITS INFORMATION ABOUT HELPING (COMPLETING) WITH SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE SOCIETY date: 2020-07-14 words: 3260 flesch: 63 summary: This study aims to look at the hadiths about begging and see the implications on social order, with content analysis methods and qualitative data type takhrij methods, namely data relating to authenticity, blasphemy, content and implications of Hadith begging. What is meant by social problems are all forms of behaviour that violate community customs (and those customs are needed to ensure the welfare of living together)? keywords: beggars; begging; community; hadith; issn; life; people; problem; society cache: ijik-9019.pdf plain text: ijik-9019.txt item: #54 of 60 id: ijik-9020 author: Munjin, Shidqy title: WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES IN THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD (570-632 AD) date: 2020-07-14 words: 4722 flesch: 69 summary: Madinah women who used to decorate, work, and interact with men in a balanced way, began to be transmitted to women in Mecca who emigrated. Abstract The main problem in this study is to uncover three problems related to women in the time of Muhammad. keywords: activities; bint; history; ibn; islam; medina; muhammad; prophet; salamah; umm; women cache: ijik-9020.pdf plain text: ijik-9020.txt item: #55 of 60 id: ijik-9021 author: Jaelani, Lalan title: IMPLEMENTATION OF AQIDAH AKHLAK LEARNING USING THE CONTEXTUAL LEARNING MODEL IN MA AN-NUR MALANGBONG GARUT DISTRICT date: 2020-07-14 words: 6839 flesch: 47 summary: Observations, carried out in conjunction with learning programs include teacher and student activities, learning methods, material development and student learning outcomes. The next stage is the teacher forms, student groups. keywords: akhlak; aqidah; aqidah akhlak; group; implementation; learning; learning model; malangbong; process; students; teacher cache: ijik-9021.pdf plain text: ijik-9021.txt item: #56 of 60 id: ijik-9022 author: Syahida, Ahmad Ridla title: SEMANTIC STUDY OF AL-HARB WORDS IN THE QUR'AN ACCORDING TO THE AZ-ZUHAILI WAHBAH date: 2020-07-14 words: 7222 flesch: 68 summary: [َفليستَمحاربة َجهةَومكان،َوالمحاربةَتستلزمَأنَيكونَكلَمَن ي َ هَعنَالكونَف ،ََََمَتَ َ َمتواجهير َ المتحاربير َورسوله،َفيكونََ ه َاّلل َأولياء َأوَالمعَنَيحاربون ، ه َاّلل َالمخالفةَوإغضاب مجاَزعن وإنمَاهذَا َ]األحزابََ ُ ه َ ََوَرُسول َ َّ َاّلل َ ون ُ ذ ْ ؤ ُ َي َ ِذين َّ َال َّ َقولهَتعاىل:َِإن From the results of observations of word َ ُ ْرب َ ح ْ .and its derivation in the Qur'an, the author found this word repeated nine times ال If explored further, morphologically the word al-harb is a mass isim of fiulat tsulatsi mujarrad said َ َ َرب َ َعلََ who follows wazan ح َ َعلََُ-ف ْ ف َ ََ-ي ً ْعل َ ف if the text generates words: َ َ َرب َ ََ-ح ُ َرب ْ ح َ َاَ-ي ً ْرب َ ح . keywords: allah; harb; interpretation; meaning; qur'an; verse; wahbah; wahbah az; war; word al; words; zuhaili; َ َ cache: ijik-9022.pdf plain text: ijik-9022.txt item: #57 of 60 id: ijik-9023 author: Maryati, Eti title: The Method of Takhrīj Hadîts 'Lâwasiyyata liwâritsin' and Its Implications for the Understanding of the Takhshish al-Qur’an by the Hadīts in Inheritance law date: 2020-07-14 words: 5266 flesch: 66 summary: Surat al-Baqarah verse 180 regarding the obligation to make a will can be compromised by inheritance verses by seeing it as a provision that each has a different target. These verses are known as inheritance verses. keywords: allah; hadīts; inheritance; inheritance verses; law; method; provisions; qur'an; understanding; verses cache: ijik-9023.pdf plain text: ijik-9023.txt item: #58 of 60 id: ijik-9024 author: Setiawan, Halim title: COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF ISLAMIC EXTENSION IN THE INDONESIAN-MALAYSIA BORDER REGION date: 2020-07-14 words: 2569 flesch: 49 summary: The da'wah challenges faced by Non Civil Servant Islamic Religious Instructors are also different. Like the Islamic Religious Instructor who is under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion, Sambas Regency, there are two types, namely Functional Islamic Religious Instructor or Islamic Civil Servants and Non Civil Servant Islamic Religious Instructors. keywords: activities; district; education; instructors; islamic; messages; paloh cache: ijik-9024.pdf plain text: ijik-9024.txt item: #59 of 60 id: ijik-9680 author: Darmalaksana, Wahyudin title: Science and Technology Opportunities in Hadith Research date: 2021-01-31 words: 6300 flesch: 60 summary: In general, the science of hadith is divided into two, namely the history of hadith transmission and the methodology of hadith science (Soetari, 2005). The methodology of hadith science serves to test the authenticity of the hadith whether it is true from the Prophet or false traditions (Masrur, 2012). keywords: approach; dalam; dan; darmalaksana; development; hadis; hadith; hadith research; ilmu; information; islam; issn; jurnal; opportunities; research; sains; science; studi; technology cache: ijik-9680.pdf plain text: ijik-9680.txt item: #60 of 60 id: ijik-9986 author: Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Sophy; Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad; Achmad, Adang Darmawan title: Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and KH Ahmad Dahlan’s Thoughts on Education Reform: A Comparative Study date: 2021-01-31 words: 5305 flesch: 50 summary: KH Ahmad Dahlan sebagai Tokoh Pembaharu. KH Ahmad Dahlan was the trustworthy figure in endorsing the concept of educational reform through the Muhammadiyah mass organization, which was formed in Yogyakarta in 1912. keywords: ahmad; ahmad dahlan; badiuzzaman; dahlan; education; indonesia; islamic; issn; nursi; reform; research; science; study cache: ijik-9986.pdf plain text: ijik-9986.txt