FPI as an Opposition in Jokowi Era Available online at: http://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/ijik IJIK, Vol. 12 No. 1: 1 - 13 DOI: 10.15575/ijik.v12i1.15518 * Copyright (c) 2021 Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Received: November 1, 2021 ; Revised: December 15, 2021 ; Accepted: December 21, 2021 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman1 * , Mohamad Athoillah2 1-2STIS As-Sa’adah Sukasari Sumedang, Indonesia *Corresponding Author Email: ahmadbisa18@gmail.com Abstract The low motivation of students can be caused by the monotony of learning activities. Besides that, teachers are less varied in delivering material because they always use conventional methods, so that students play a less active role in learning. The involvement of students in learning will create a good impression and, of course, can make learning more meaningful, especially if students are directly involved in observations and practical activities. One of the learning strategies that can be used to attract students' attention is multi- intelligence-based learning. Learning activities based on multiple intelligences that are appropriate to the characteristics of the Fiqih material regarding the management of corpses are kinesthetic intelligence. The subjects in this study involved students in grades IX B and IX C MTs. As-Sa'adah Sukasari totaled 36 and 37 students, respectively. The instruments used in this study include observation sheets, motivation and multiple intelligence questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The results showed that students' motivation and learning outcomes increased after learning based on multiple intelligences. This can be seen from the average category of multiple intelligence questionnaire results on kinesthetic intelligence indicators of 80.77 with very good criteria. The results of the motivation questionnaire in the experimental class after learning multiple intelligences in the experimental class have a very high category (84.57), while in the control class it has a medium category (55.57). Student learning outcomes in the experimental class increased in the medium category (N-Gain 0.53) while the learning outcomes in the control class were in the low category (N-Gain 0.12). Keywords: Kinesthetic Intelligences, Motivation, Learning Outcomes, Managing Corpses INTRODUCTION Learning is a process of interaction between educators and students and learning resources so that a change occurs, both cognitive (science), affective (attitudes) and psychomotor changes. This is because learning is not only a transfer of knowledge; it is not only necessary for educators who have knowledge insight; but it is also necessary to have other aspects for the continuity of an effective teaching and learning process, namely methods. Of course, there are many theoretical educational methods, but educators must have expertise in choosing these methods so that they are effective and remain targeted. In an effort to improve effective learning, in addition to using methods that can attract the interests and talents of students, motivation is also needed. Motivation has a huge influence on the success of students in learning (Reid, 2009). According to Omar (2011), motivation has the notion of an intrinsic energy transformation characterized by the emergence of attitudes and reactions to achieve goals. https://doi.org/10.31098/ijmesh.v2i2.15 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ mailto:ahmadbisa18@gmail.com IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 2 │ Motivation is needed in the learning process. Therefore, when students have high motivation, it will affect the improvement of student learning outcomes (Pebruanti & Munadi, 2015). Learning outcomes are a very dominant cognitive component assessed by educators in formal institutions related to the skills of students in mastering learning materials (Suddjana, 2005). States that “the goals of cognitive learning outcomes include six levels of thinking processes, namely: knowledge, comprehension, applications, analysis, synthesis, and evaluations. Adson and Krathwohl (2010) suggested that Bloom taxonomy was revised by Lorin W. Anderson and David R Krathwohl to include: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Howard Gardner, a psychologist from Harvard University in the United States, explained the theory of intelligence. He stated that intelligence is a person's ability to solve problems that can be honed by practicing and honing that intelligence. Gardner (2011) suggests that there are eight kinds of multiple intelligence, one of which is kinesthetic intelligence. Kinesthetic intelligence is a skill related to a person's body movements in expressing ideas, thoughts, and feelings, including skills in maintaining balance, endurance, and body flexibility. Usually, the characteristic is liking something related to body movement, such as sports, sewing, or preferring to move their bodies (Kristanto, 2009). Usually, the characteristic is liking something related to body movement, such as sports, sewing, or preferring to move their bodies. The characteristics of students who have kinesthetic intelligence are as follows: 1) They are sensitive to the environment and physical systems; 2) They demonstrate their abilities in acting, dancing, athletics, or other activities involving body movements; and 3) They enjoy exercising or working out. Learning strategies based on multiple intelligences in practice are aimed at spurring the intelligence that stands out in students as optimally as possible, while trying to maintain other intelligences at the minimum standards determined by an institution or school. A common phenomenon in every educational institution is when there are students who are sometimes unable to optimally understand the material being taught, especially if the material is difficult. So a concrete solution is needed so that this phenomenon does not dissolve for a long time. The learning method is one of the alternatives to solving cases of this phenomenon. One of the efforts in realizing the vision of Madrasah is the provision of Islamic Religious Education lessons, and one aspect of PAI is the subject of Fiqih. The purpose of fiqih lessons is to know and understand various kinds of religious law and know the procedures for worship, including procedures for managing corpses. In the management of the corpse, of course, must pay attention to procedures that are in accordance with Islamic law, namely starting from bathing, shrouding, praying, and burying the corpse (Muhammad, 2013). Based on initial observations at MTs As-sa'adah Sumedang, the cognitive learning outcomes of students in Fiqih subjects are in the low category. There is still a low Minimum Conditions Criteria (KKM) value, while the KKM in Fiqih subjects is 75. If it is a percentage of the value obtained by class IX students from the total number of 136 students, there are as many as 73 people if the percentage is 53.67%, while those who scored above the KKM were 63 people. Another phenomenon that occurs when the learning process takes place is the lack of motivation of students to learn religion. This is due to the nature of conveying the material being too monotonous, as well as Fiqih learning that uses the lecture method and student discussions that do not focus on learning, such as not paying attention to the material presented because they are busy with their friends (chat or jokes), which has an impact on learning that is not conducive and effective. In addition, based on a preliminary study, educators have applied lecture and discussion methods so that learning runs optimally. However, in terms of implementation, there is a gap between theory and practice, namely the gap in the application of the methods used by educators to the motivation and cognitive learning outcomes of students. In particular, what happened at MTs As-sa'adah IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 3 shows that educators have delivered the material to the maximum, either by using the lecture method or by using the discussion method, which ends with an assignment. Several previous studies, such as research (Koçak, 2019), (Fadhli & Utami, 2018), (Laely & Yudi, 2018), and (Ay et al., 2018) no one has discussed this yet, so further elaboration of this research is needed. In light of these conditions, teaching methods must be improved. Teaching methods of educators must be more varied, interesting, and not boring in delivering subject matter. The involvement of students in the learning process will stimulate students to follow the learning process so that it will be strong enough to make a long and vivid impression in understanding the lessons that have been delivered, and the cognitive learning outcomes produced by students will be better. One of the efforts that will be made by researchers to increase students' motivation and cognitive learning outcomes as well as provide input for educators to be more innovative in using teaching approaches and strategies is to implement multiple intelligences- based learning in certain subjects.The purpose of this study was to identify differences in motivation and learning outcomes of students who use multiple intelligence-based learning and students who use lecture- based learning on Fiqih subjects in MTs. Then to determine student responses to the implementation of multiple intelligence-based learning in Fiqih subjects in MTs. As-Sa'adah Sumedang. RESEARCH METHOD This study uses a quantitative approach by using accurate data based on empirical phenomena that can be measured according to the research variables (Sugiyono, 2019). This study uses a quasi- experimental method (Raja, 2018), using the control class as a comparison and the experimental class. This quasi-experimental research design was carried out five times with the aim of knowing the changes in motivation and cognitive learning outcomes of students. The subjects in this study were 37 students of MTs As-sa'adah Sumedang class IX-C as the control class and 36 students in class IX-B as the experimental class. Data was collected through observation, questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The data analysis technique is carried out in two ways, namely logical analysis for qualitative data and numerical analysis for quantitative data. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Implementation of Multiple Intelligence-Based Learning in an Experiment Class In this experimental research, there are three variables: the independent variable (X), implementation-based learning, and multiple intelligence; two dependent variables (Y 1), motivation to learn; and the dependent variable (Y 2), cognitive learning. Before carrying out multiple intelligence-based learning, respondents first filled out motivational questionnaires and cognitive tests. The implementation of Fiqih learning in the experimental group was carried out for five meetings. The following is an overview of the implementation process. The first meeting The first teacher meeting includes three stages of research: introduction, core activity, and conclusion.Educators first start by saying greetings and praying together by reading short letters, checking the attendance and neatness of clothes, positions, and places of students. Before learning educators' Giving pretest in class IX B, the pretest used in this study consisted of 20 questions PG and 5 essay questions were given to 37 students. IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 4 │ After the pretest results were collected, it was continued by conveying the indicators of learning Fiqih lessons and motivating students to learn by providing an explanation of the hajj and umrah material, while the students listened to what was conveyed by the educator. At this stage, educators also introduce multiple intelligence-based learning activities that will be carried out until the end of the lesson. This process is carried out by educators with a time of 10 minutes. The next stage is that educators distribute heterogeneous study groups consisting of 5– 6 people with different intelligences. Second meeting The implementation of Fiqih learning in class IX-B at the second meeting was carried out on September 20, 2021. The stages of learning implementation were the same as the first meeting, from introduction to closing. At the second meeting, multiple intelligence-based learning was carried out through observation of videos displayed by educators. The steps at the second meeting were still the same as the learning at the first meeting, and the material presented was about the management of corpses. The steps in implementing multiple intelligence-based learning are: In the first stage, the teacher conveys the indicators of learning in the Fiqih lessons. At this stage, educators directly introduce multiple intelligence-based learning strategies. This process is carried out by educators in about 10 minutes. On the second stage, students sit in groups of 5–6 people and watch the video shown by the educator about the procedures for managing corpses. The third stage, after students watch the video, requires students to make reports from the video in groups on paper that has been provided by the teacher so that students can have discussions with their groups. Thus, in this experimental class, students have carried out activities that involve interpersonal intelligence by means of discussion or group work. This discussion activity lasted for 15 minutes. The fourth stage, educators guide group work and study, educators guide and control group activities in compiling reports on their observations, and students pay attention to the teacher's guidance and cooperate with their group friends; In the fifth stage, after students make reports of their observations about the video that has been shown, students and their groups present their work in front of the class. This means that in this experimental class, students have demonstrated linguistic intelligence. After students present their reports, other students ask questions or respond before the teacher explains and provides the actual confirmation (confirmation); In the sixth stage, the educator provides an evaluation or quiz. At this stage, the evaluation of students working on the questions in the LKS is done individually, with an allocation of about 15 minutes. Then students check the answers by crossing their answers with their seatmates' to correct the answers. In the seventh stage, educators give prizes to students who get the highest score based on predetermined criteria; In the closing activity, students conclude the subject matter of Fiqih with the guidance of educators. The material is about the management of corpses. In addition, educators motivate students to learn and prepare for the next meeting and end the learning activities with prayer. Third Meeting Implementation of jurisprudence learning in class IX-B at the third meeting held on September 23, 2021. Phase of the same learning as the first meeting of the start of the lesson until the closing activity. At the third meeting, they held multiple intelligence-based learning activities through the creation of themed lyrics and maintenance of the bodies. The steps are the same as the third meeting at the second meeting, and the material presented is how to bathe and mengafani bodies. The steps in the implementation of multiple IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 5 intelligences based on learning are these: In the first phase, educators deliver learning indicators to be achieved in the lessons of jurisprudence and motivate students to study harder. At this stage, they also introduced a directly educator-based learning keceradasan compound. The second phase is when the students sit in groups of 5-6 people and make a song about bathing the corpse mengafani, written on paper provided by the educators, and the learners can conduct discussions with other members of their group. Thus, in this experimental class, the students have been doing activities that involve interpersonal intelligence by way of discussion or group work. At the third stage, after the students finished making a song, they were asked to sing a song chosen according to the horse's bit in groups. This means that in this experimental class, the students have developed musical intelligence. When students sing the lyrics with the group in front of the class, the other students cheer; in the fourth stage, educators administer evaluations or quizzes.In this process, the learners work through the problems individually to answer these tests on their own. Then learners check the answer by crossing the answer with a friend's sebangkunya to correct it. In the closing activity, students conclude the subject matter of Fiqih with the guidance of educators. The material is about bathing and shrouding the corpse. In addition, educators motivate students to learn and prepare for the next meeting, and students are given the task of making pictures of the body bathing process. After the teacher explains the task, it ends with a prayer. Fourth Meeting The implementation of Fiqih learning in class IX-B at the fourth meeting was held on Monday, October 4, 2021. The stages of learning implementation were the same as in the first meeting, from opening the lesson to closing. At the fourth meeting, multi-intelligence-based learning was carried out through the practice of managing corpses (bathing, shrouding, praying, and burying), which was carried out in the mosque. The steps in implementing multiple intelligence-based learning are: The first phase, the delivery indicator of learning by educators in teaching jurisprudence and motivating the students to study harder. At this stage, they also introduced directly educator- based keceradasan kinesthetic learning. This process is done by educators and takes about 5 minutes. In the second phase, learners follow the direction of educators about the management practices of corpses (bathing, mengafani, menyolatkan, and burying). Thus, in this experimental class, the students have been doing activities that involve intelligence kinestettik by way of demonstrating or practicing the movements in the practice of handling bodies (bathing, mengafani, menyolatkan, and burying). In addition, learners observe any phenomena that occur in practice maintenance of the bodies (bathing, mengafani, menyolatkan, and burying). In this case, the students have been doing activities that involve naturalists observing phenomena or events in nature around them. The implementation process of Hajj erlangsung practice for 60 minutes; the third stage, after the students completed the educator practice sessions, is for questions for students who do not understand the manner of handling corpses (bathing, mengafani, menyolatkan, and burying). After that, educators do an evaluation. This stage of the evaluation was delivered after the completion of work on the problems with the allocation of individual worksheets within about 10 minutes. Then learners check the answer by crossing the answer with a friend's sebangkunya to correct it. In the closing activity, students conclude the material with the guidance of the teacher. The material covers hajj and umrah, the pillars and obligatory hajj and umrah. Besides that, educators motivate students to learn and prepare for the next meeting, which ends by closing the learning activities together with prayer. IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 6 │ Fifth Meeting Implementation of FIQIH learning in class IX-B, which was held on Tuesday, October 5, 2021. At the fifth meeting, intrapersonal intelligence-based learning was carried out by providing self-assessment to students. After completion, educators also provide posttest questions and motivational questionnaires or student responses to learning based on multiple intelligences. Implementation of Conventional Learning in the Control Class The implementation of Fiqih learning in the control class begins on October 15, 2021. The control class used in this study is class IX-C, which consists of 36 students. The implementation of Fiqih learning in the control class for 5 meetings, with details of one meeting, provides a test to determine the initial abilities of students in class IX-C. The pretest used consisted of 20 PG questions and 5 description questions given to 36 students. Then 4x meetings of the implementation of learning with conventional learning models ended with the provision of a posttest to determine the cognitive learning outcomes of students after attending the learning. The following is an overview of the learning process for the next four meetings. The first meeting The first teacher meeting includes three stages of research: introduction, core activity, and conclusion.Before educators start learning, they say hello and pray together, reading short letters, followed by examining the presence and neatness of clothing, position, and learners. Before learning about material handling bodies (bathing, mengafani, menyolatkan, and burying) using conventional learning begins, educators distribute pretests. After the pretest results were collected, the learning continued using conventional learning. The learning procedure is: 1. Preliminary activities Educators motivate students and provide them with communicative questions related to Hajj and Umrah. Furthermore, the educator conveys KI, KD, and learning indicators to be achieved. 2. Core activities It includes several learning activities such as listening, asking questions, gathering information, associating and communicating. 3. Closing activity Learners are not given the opportunity to ask questions. In addition, educators do not guide students to make inferences about the lessons learned, and the learners are not given the motivation to study hard. The next step is to bring educators and learners together to close the learning loop. Second meeting The second meeting was held on October 7, 2021. The learning process was the same as the first meeting. The learning carried out is by using conventional learning and the material presented is about the management of the corpse (bathing). At the second meeting, it was still the same as the learning at the first meeting, only the material presented was different. Third Meeting The implementation of Fiqih learning in class IX-C at the third meeting was held on October 12, 2021. At the second meeting, it was still the same as learning at the second meeting; the difference was the material regarding the management of corpses (bathing, mourning, praying, and burying). IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 7 Value 80 72 60 27 Percentage 20 Fourth Meeting The implementation of Fiqih learning in class IX-C at the fourth meeting was held on Monday, October 14, 2021. At the fourth meeting, it was still the same as learning at the third meeting, only the material presented was different, and the material presented was the wisdom of managing corpses. Fifth meeting The implementation of Fiqih learning in class IX-C at the fifth meeting on October 16, 2021 is still the same as at the fourth meeting, only the material presented is different, and the material presented is to review the lessons that have been conveyed from the understanding of Hajj and Umrah to the wisdom of the obligatory Hajj and Umrah. At the fifth meeting, it ended with a posttest in the form of 20 questions PG questions and five essay questions given to 37 students in class IX-C with 30 minutes of working time. The purpose of this posttest is to determine the cognitive learning outcomes of students in learning French. The results of observations that have been carried out generally confirm the implementation of Fiqih learning in class IX-C (control class) of MTs As-sa'adah Sumedang, carried out in accordance with the lesson plan. Students have not been able to cultivate learning that is in accordance with the learning styles of students because it is only one-way. So students in class IX-C (control class) are less enthusiastic about taking part in Fiqih learning. Increasing students' learning motivation in learning Fiqih after learning based on multiple intelligences is in the sufficient category. Then the next step is to determine the percentage of values obtained by the experimental group in the table as follows: Table 1. The Experimental Group's Gain Value Percentage Kriteria Frequensi Persentase Kriteria G > 0,7 10 27% Tinggi 0,3 < G < 0,7 27 72% Sedang Total 37 From table 1, it can be described that as much as 27% of the criteria are in the high criteria of 10 people, and learners who are in the middle criteria are as many as 27 learners. Furthermore, as illustrated in Figure 1 below. Figure 1. Histogram of the Percentage of Gain Value of the Experimental Group 0 1 2 Percentage 27 72 IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 8 │ 77.32 80 70 60 51 55.51 61.04 Series1 Series2 An overview of the gains in the control group obtained from 35 students who participated in Fiqih learning can be seen in the following table: It can be seen that the mean and median motivation to learn control class is 55.17, which means there are fewer criteria. When viewed from the mean, the increase in students' learning motivation in learning Fiqih is in the low category. The next step is to see what percentage of the value of the control group is contained in the following table: When viewed from the mean, the increase in students' learning motivation in learning Fiqih is in the low category. The next step is to see the percentage value of the control group. The description is in the table 2 as follows: Table 2. Control Group Gain Value as a Percentage Criteria Frequency Percentage Criteria G > 0,7 - - High 0,3 < G < 0,7 14 40 % Medium G < 0,3 21 60 % Low Total 35 From table 2, it can be seen that 14 students are in the medium criteria by as much as 40%, and 21 people are in the low criteria by as much as 60%. Table 3. Difference Group Experimental and Control Value Pretest and Posttest classroom Pretest Posttest Gain N-Gain Interpretasion Experiment 51 77,32 26,32 0,53 Medium Control 55,51 61,04 5,53 0,12 Low Based on the data obtained from the cognitive learning outcomes of students in table 3, the mean pretest of the experimental group's cognitive learning outcomes before the learning was carried out was 51 and then increased to 77.32 in the posttest results. The average value of N- Gain in the experimental group showed an increase of 0.53. This figure is in the medium category (0.30 g 0.70). While the average value of the pretest cognitive learning outcomes of the control group before the learning was carried out was 55.51, it increased in the posttest results to an average of 61.04. The average value of N-Gain in the control group showed an increase of 0.12. This figure is in the low category (g 0.30). The difference in the average pretest and posttest scores for cognitive learning outcomes in the experimental and control groups is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Average Cognitive Learning pretest and posttest results 0 Pretest Posttest Series1 51 77.32 Series2 55.51 61.04 IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 9 The graph shows the difference between the pretest and posttest scores of students' cognitive learning outcomes. Analysis of the description of Kinesthetic Intelligence based on the Questionnaire In this indicator, the writer asks five questions, namely from no. 1–5. Question No. 1: "During the lesson, I don't like moving my feet or tapping my fingers." From these questions, the following answers were obtained: those who chose alternative answers: SS = 13 people, S = 8 people, CS = 5 people, KS = 4 and TS = 6, so that the average number can be calculated: (13x5=65)+ (8x4=32)+ (5x3=15)+ (4x2=8)+ (6x1=6) = 126/155x100 = 81.29. The average score includes a very good qualification. Question No. 2: "I like to move my body when discussing funeral arrangements." From these questions, the following answers were obtained: those who chose alternative answers SS = 5 people, S = 15 people, CS = 9 people, KS = 2 and TS = 6, so that the average number can be calculated: (5x5=25) + (15x4=60) + (9x3=27) + (2x2=4) + (6x1=6) = 122/155x100 = 78.70. The average score includes good qualifications. Question number 3: "I can't sit still when learning takes place." From these questions, the following answers were obtained: those who chose alternative answers: SS = 16 people, S = 3 people, CS = 4 people, KS = 8 and TS = 6, so that the average number can be calculated: (16x5=80) + (3x4=12) + (4x3=12) + (8x2=16) + (6x1=6) = 126/155x100 = 81.29. The average score includes a very good qualification. Question No. 4: "I do not like learning with practice." These questions obtained answers as follows: SS = 13, S = 9, CS = 5, KS = 2, TS = 8, so it can be calculated that the average number is (13x5 = 65) + (9x4 = 36) + (5x3 = 15) + (2x2 = 4) + (8x1 = 8) = 128/155x100 = 82.58. The average score of the qualifications is very good. Question No. 5: "I am able to prepare a product that is presented quickly and well." From these questions, the following answers were obtained: those who chose alternative answers SS = 5 people, S = 15 people, CS = 11 people, KS = 0 and TS = 0, so that the average number can be calculated: (5x5=25) + (15x4=60) + (11x3=33) + (0x2=0) + (6x1=6) = 124/155x100 = 80. The average score includes very good qualifications. Based on the 5 questions above, the average obtained is as follows: 81.29+ 78.70+ 81.29+ 82.58+ 80 =.403.86: 5 = 80.77. This figure shows that the students' responses are in the 80-100 interval, including very good qualifications. Lessons are conducted in the experimental group dynamic. This can be seen from the involvement of learners in implementing the learning from the initial stage to the final stage of learning. Learners seemed enthusiastic about following the material being studied, especially when given the task of making a song about material handling corpses. The aim is for learners to be able to memorize the material with ease. In addition, the making of the song is to train learners' musical intelligence. There are various learning strategies that can be used by educators in the learning process, one of which is multiple intelligence-based learning strategies. Multiple intelligences, or multiple intelligences, was originally a psychological theory. Meanwhile, the essence of multiple intelligences is how an educator packs his learning style so that it is easily understood by his students. Multiple Intelligences is a learning strategy in the form of a series of learning activities that refer to the indicators of learning outcomes that have been determined in the syllabus (Chatib, 2012). The results of the study indicate that this multiple intelligence-based learning is going very well. This can be seen from the 8 types of intelligence presented through this questionnaire; the average obtained is 79.14. This figure shows a good qualification because it is in the interval of 60–79.99 with a good interpretation. IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 10 │ As for the answer about the motivation to learn both groups before learning Fiqih in class IX, MTs participants ddik As-Sa'adah in getting that result, both are in the category enough. Although there is a slight difference between the average learning motivation of students in Fiqih learning, where the experimental group scores 57.30 while the control group scores 55.17. However, the difference between the two is not that much different, only 2.13. Meanwhile, to answer the question about learning motivation after the implementation of multiple intelligence-based learning in Fiqih learning in class IX students of MTs As-sa'adah Sukasari-Sumedang, the posttest results in the experimental class were categorized as very good and the control class was in the sufficient category. The experimental group obtained an average score of 84.57, while the control class obtained a score of 55.57. The frequency for the experimental group consisted of 37 people, with 34 people currently on the percentage of 80-100, which is included in the very high category. 3 people are in percentages ranging from 60 to 79.99 in the high category. The motivation of learners in the learning Fiqih experimental group after the application of multiple intelligence-based learning as previously described is high enough to meet the criteria. While the frequency of the posttest motivation control group consisted of 35 people, there are 11 people currently in the range of 60 to 79.99 percent in the high category. 24 people are in the percentage of 40 to 59.99 included in the category enough. Based on predefined categories, the motivation of learners in the learning Fiqih control group in the category is enough. Based on the data obtained from the posttest results in the experimental class with the application of multiple intelligence-based learning and control without the application of multiple intelligence-based learning, it appears that the learning motivation of students in Fiqih learning has increased significantly. The increase in students' learning motivation in Fiqih learning in the experimental class was 84.57, including the high category. The frequency of increasing learning motivation in the experimental class is as follows: 91.98% of the students experienced an increase with very high criteria, and 8.10% of the experimental class students experienced an increase with high criteria. Furthermore, the average value of increasing students' learning motivation with conventional learning in the control class is 55.17, which means that it is categorized as moderate. Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that learning based on multiple intelligences can increase students' learning motivation in learning Fiqih rather than learning Fiqih without applying multiple intelligence-based learning. Learning outcomes in the experimental class and control class Based on the data obtained from the pretest, cognitive learning outcomes in the two groups of class IX Mts As-sa'adah Sukasari Sumedang were generally categorized as poor. There is a slight difference between the average cognitive learning outcomes of students in Fiqih learning, where the experimental group scored 51 and the control group scored 55.51. However, the difference is not too much different, at 0.72. Of the 37 people, 6 were in the 0-49 percentile and were included in the failed category. 13 people are in the percentage of 50-59 are included in the less category. 18 students are in the percentage range of 60-69, including the sufficient category. Based on the categories that have been determined, the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental group before learning are in the sufficient category. If presented, the results show 16.21% of students in the failed category, 35.15% of students in the less successful category, and 48.64% of students are in the sufficient category. Based on the frequency of the pretest, the control group consisted of 35 people, of whom 4 were in the percentage range of 70-79, including the good category. 18 students ages 50-59 are included in the sufficient category. 7 people are in the percentage range of 0–49, which is included in the category of failure. IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 11 Based on the criteria that have been set, the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental class before learning are in the failure criteria. Based on predetermined criteria, the control group's cognitive learning outcomes before learning were in the failed category. Based on the data obtained from the posttest results of the two groups, it appears that the cognitive learning outcomes of students in Fiqih learning both experienced a significant increase in competence. The posttest frequency of the experimental class, which consisted of 37 people, was high: 13 people were in the 80-100 percentile, which included those in the very good category. 16 people are in the percentage of 70–79 included in the good category. 5 students are in the percentage of 60-69, including the sufficient category. Based on the criteria that have been determined, the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental group before learning are in the poor criteria. If presented, then 35.13% of students get scores with very good criteria, 43.24% of students get scores with good criteria, and 13.24% of students get scores with sufficient criteria. While the frequency of posttest learning outcomes in the control group, which consisted of 35 people, was low, 13 people were in the 80-100 percent range, which is included in the very good category. 16 people are in the percentage of 70–79 included in the good category. 5 students are in the percentage of 60-69, including the sufficient category. Based on the predetermined categories, the control group's cognitive learning outcomes before learning were in the sufficient category. Based on the categories that have been determined, the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental group before learning are sufficient criteria. If it is presented as a percentage, the results are: 37.14% of students get marks in the very good category, 45.71% of students get scores with good criteria, and 14.28% of students get marks with very sufficient criteria. Improving students' cognitive learning outcomes in FIQIH learning in the experimental class and the control class can be seen in the following table: Table 4. The N-Gain Experiment Group and Control Group Classroom Pretest Posttest Gain N-Gain Interpretasion Experiment 51 77,32 26,32 0,53 Medium Control 55,51 61,04 5,53 0,12 Low Based on table 4, it can be said that the pretest results of the experimental group's cognitive learning outcomes before the learning was carried out were 51, then increased to 77.32 in the posttest results. The average value of N-Gain in the experimental group showed an increase of 0.53. This figure is in the medium category (0.30 g 0.70). The next step is to analyze the hypothesis test. The results of testing the hypothesis are normally distributed and homogeneous. Then analyzed by t-test, obtaining a value of 0.173 > 0.05, the data can be said to be homogeneous because the value of Sig > 0. While the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 0.025, H 0 is rejected, meaning that there is a significant difference between the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental class and the control class. From these results, it can be concluded that Fiqih learning by applying multiple intelligence-based learning has been proven to improve students' cognitive learning outcomes in Fiqih learning. These differences are illustrated in the table 5 below. IJIK Vol. 12 No. 1 : 1 - 13 Kinesthetic Intelligence Based Learning to Improve the Students Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Managing Corpses Based on the Islamic Law Ahmad Syaeful Rahman and Mohamad Athoillah ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 12 │ 80 70 60 50 40 Series1 Series2 Table 5. Mean Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Students in the Experimental Group and Control Group Category Pretest Posttest Experiment 51 78,24 Control 47,23 61,03 Based on the summary of the table, it can be seen that the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental group have a much higher increase than the control group. For more details, see the following figure 3: 0 Pretest Posttest Series1 51 78.24 Series2 47.23 61.03 Figure 3. A histogram of the mean cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental group and the control group This shows that the cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental group that applies multiple intelligence-based learning are significantly improved than the cognitive learning outcomes of conventional methods, so that the difference between the two is quite significant. CONCLUSION Implementation of multiple intelligence-based learning on kinesthetic intelligence indicators can increase students' motivation and learning outcomes. The learning motivation of students who use multiple intelligence-based learning is better than students whose learning uses conventional methods. This can be seen from the categories in each class, where in the experimental class that uses multiple intelligence-based learning, the category is very high with a score of 84.57, while the control class that uses lecture method learning has a medium category with a value of 55.57. Likewise, student learning outcomes in the experimental and control classes both experienced an increase, but the increase was in different categories. In the experimental class, the increase in learning outcomes was in the medium category (N-Gain 0.53), while the learning outcomes in the control class were in the low category (N-Gain 0, 12). 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