Available online at:http://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/ijik IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 DOI: 10.15575/ijik.v13i1.23676 * Copyright (c) 2023 Sabbir Hasan This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Received: Oct 1, 2022;Revised: Jan 4, 2023;Accepted: Jan 30,2023 Does Sharia Support Cloning? A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan Pundra University of Science and Technology, Bogura, Bangladesh Corresponding Author E-mail: sabbirhasan60@gmail.com Abstract Recent developments in genetics and biotechnology have ushered in a new era of health advancement. Islam is the name of a faith that inspires its followers to innovate within the limits of Islamic law in the pursuit of knowledge and to improve the quality of life. Modern biotechnology, especially animal cloning, has helped advance human civilisation's social, economic, and health aspects. Therapeutic cloning has uncovered enormous possibilities in medical practice. However, cloning technology is also believed to have the potential for reproductive cloning, which raises ethical issues. Islamic countries need to reach a consensus on this important issue. The need for a Sharia perspective to improve science and technology is evident in the context of greater health development. Muslim scholars need to immediately take a logical and much-needed step towards stem cell and cloning research that considers the scientific benefits and ethical, legal, and Sharia implications. The present study aims to evaluate the different views of Muslim jurists on therapeutic and reproductive cloning by clarifying the Shariah position on this controversial issue. Keywords: Cloning, Therapeutic Cloning, Reproductive Cloning, Islamic Sharia, Ethics INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of time, humans have used biotechnology in some capacity. Perhaps as long as humanity itself, man has always sought to benefit from nature. Islam places a high value on seeking and acquiring knowledge to enhance life (Kashim et al., 2021). When trying to improve one's quality of life, a Muslim should also consider whether or not his actions are at odds with Islam. The focus on research has increased significantly in modern biology over the past three decades. Rece nt developments in biotechnology and genomics have made it possible for humans to reproduce a nd breed their species (Keller, 2022). Genomics is a field of molecular biology that investigates an organism's genes (Sherman & Salzberg, 2020). There is not much debate when it comes to using genomics and biotechnology on plants, Human and other animals. However, when these trials start including humans, the guiding principles, precepts, and religious ideals that have guided human society for millennia are called into question. The discovery of cloning technology as a result of developments in contemporary biotechnology is a wonder to both the general public and scientists. Animal cloning has been studied, criticized, and examined because of the world's focus on the quick advancement of research in this area. Modern biotechnology is used in the pharmaceuticals manufacturing, the Cloning of human cells, the development of genetically modified crops, and the cloning of animals. At the Rosslyn Institute in Scotland, two sheep named Megan and Morag were used in 1995 to perform the world’s first successful cloning. The same researchers cloned adult stem cells from a ewe the year after, creating Dolly the sheep. Today, scientists use this technology for genetic alteration, such as creating transgenic animals an d cloning other animal species (Hasim et al., 2020). Developing genetically modified animal organs useful to humans is one of the other purposes of cloning. Animal cloning has been included in the research for economic and environmental protection https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 49 through advancements in agriculture as a result of the recognition of the many advantages of cloning and its capacity to serve many objectives. Transgenic technology is frequently used in agriculture to increase disease resistance and increase milk production. Scientists are raising featherless hens and have successfully lowered the phosphorous content of pig manure to lessen the impact farming has on the environment and the total cost of farming (T. Thomas, 2003). This study analyzes the cloning controversy from an Islamic perspective. Allah (SWT) said: "And We have sent you [O Muhammad] as a mercy to the world (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993b).". It is clear in this verse that Islam has come as a mercy to humanity, and Allah (SWT) has formulated the rules of Islam considering the interests and benefits of human society. RESEARCH METHOD The author employed the document study method for qualitative research in this research. Analyzing papers containing details on the circumstance or event under consideration is the document study method (think.design, 2022). It is used to look into, classify, and examine actual sources from the social, public, or digital realm, most frequently written materials. The study explores the nature and history of cloning using references from primary and secondary sources. Following that, a solution to different types of cloning based on Islamic Sharia was provided. This study is based upon information gathered through scanning newspapers, journals, and books and browsing the internet. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION What is Cloning? According to plant scientist Herbert. J. in Wieber the word 'clone' is derived from the ancient Greek word κλών (klōn), which means 'twig' or branching from a branch. Cloning is the process by which a new plant grows from the stem or branch of a plant, some reproducing, some copying, duplicating and replicating (Manjur, 2003). The definition of cloning in Encyclopaedia of Britannica is the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or an organism. Cloning often happens in nature—for example, when a cell replicates itself asexually without any genetic alteration or recombination. Prokaryotic organisms (organisms lacking a cell nucleus), such as bacteria, create genetically identical duplicates of themselves using binary fission or budding (Rugnetta, 2022). In Cambridge Dictionary, cloning is a type of genetic engineering that uses cells from one organism to create a second living organism genetically identical to the first (dictionary.cambridge.org, 2022). In Merriam Webster dictionary, cloning is defined as the production of a population of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by a single cell or organism (Www.merriam-webster.com, 2022). According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, the term cloning describes many different processes that can produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone (https://www.genome.gov/, 2022). Mohammad Saleh Al Mohab says (Mohab, 2000). التوالد الخلوي الالجنسي ويكون بانقسام الخلية األنثى أو البويضة بعد تضاعف صبغياتها دون تلقيح أو إخصاب، من قبل الخلية الذكر أو النطفة، كما في التوالد الجنسي- A review of the definitions reveals that cloning is the process of creating genetically identical organisms from one another by following various scientific methods. Clon ing is the process of recreating an exact organism from a cell of an organism. IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) 50 │ Therapeutic Cloning Therapeutic cloning is the process of making cloned cells from adult cells for use in research and therapy. Therapeutic cloning is employed, as the name implies, for novel purposes. This cloning can be utilized to regenerate damaged tissues or create organs. Therapeutic cloning creates a replica of a specific organ or tissue rather than a brand-new copy of the entire organism. In this procedure, a particular cell is often cloned. This cloning mostly serves the medical industry. The cells produced in this manner can later develop in the animal's body. Additionally, it is employed in research. In other words, this technique is utilized to create stem cells, which are the body's original cells. After birth, one cell is typically used to make all other types of cells. These original cells can be used to make any new form of cell. Researchers believe that Alzheimer's disease and all heart conditions are curable. Alzheimer's disease is an age-related, neurodegenerative condition with no known cause. This disease has no known treatment. As the disease progresses, the patient's condition deteriorates, eventually leading to the patient's death (Berchtold & Cotman, 1998)). Doctors are optimistic about using this technology to treat injuries and treat various complex diseases, including diabetes, by restoring damaged tissue (Qasmi, 2009). This procedure can also be used to treat brain damage caused by brain clots. Scientists have discovered that removing and freezing umbilical cord cells shortly after birth may one day be possible to treat a patient with an illness that will progress into old life (Al-Sadi, 2002). The globe was stunned by a medical incident in January 2022. A pig's heart has been implanted into a human body for the first time. David Bennett (2022), the patient, passed away two months after the transplant. Scientists were originally upset as a result, but they eventually changed their perspective and grew upbeat about new opportunities in organ transplantation. Every year, many people pass away because of a dearth of organs in various nations. The final solution to this issue will be discovered if an animal organ can be transplanted into a human body. Reproductive Cloning The method of generating a creature that is an identical replica of another organism is called reproductive cloning. The somatic cell nuclear transfer method is mostly utilised in this instance (Aramesh & Dabbagh, 2007). The visible component of an animal's body cell known as the nucleus—containing specific chromosomes that are membrane-enclosed in the protoplasm of the organism—takes part in this process. The term "nucleus" refers to the centre structure in a cell's protoplasm encircled by a membrane. It is cylindrical, oval, or spherical. First separated and then put into an enucleated egg, from which the nucleus has already been extracted using a unique procedure. The egg is then transferred into a fertile uterus or womb after being fertilized and having its cells separated using chemi cals or electric shocks. Then, it develops normally in the womb before being born when it should. The resultant child is similar to the cell donor. Dolly the sheep was created just in this manner (Leather, 2004). There is a lot of conjecture surrounding the debate on cloning (reproductive cloning). The method of making an animal's bodily cells identical to the donor animal through suitable laboratory research is known as reproductive cloning. When the cloned embryo is ready for implantation in reproductive cloning, it is put in the female's uterus. The role of the male is lacking in asexual reproduction. After removing cells from an animal's body and analyzing them in a lab, the offspring will be birthed after being placed in the womb of the female animal for a predetermined amount of time. It does not involve sexual IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 51 activity. This process is time-consuming and fairly difficult. The most debated cloning technique is this one. Reproductive cloning can be accomplished by breeding elite and valuable animals, like race horses. It is possible to clone a beloved household pet (a cat), preserving people's cherished bond with animals. The cloned embryo is typically allowed to mature for 14 days before being inserted into t he womb. Replacement Cloning There have been no experimental findings for this hypothetical theory. Reproductive and therapeutic cloning are both used in this type of cloning. Instead of cloning a badly injured body where the heart, brain, and other internal organs can be transplanted, scientists seek to use technology to clone a whole human body. Even if it is still considered science fiction, the implementation of this cloning will assist the human body in avoiding ageing. History of Cloning In 1963, the term "cloning" was first used. Scientist J.B.S. Haldane coined the term initially. However, this idea was first introduced in 1985 (I. Thomas, 2012). German scientist Hans Driesch 1891- 1895 produced significant advances in the biology discipline. His research on force and how it relates to a motion made him most famous. Hans Driesch was able to take an embryo from a sea urchin and grow it into a complete sea urchin. Cloning studies, however, abruptly came to an end. Resuming it was Hans Spemann (Zanfi, 2021). In 1928, he discovered that developing an embryo from a body cell's nucleus was possible. A crucial advancement in contemporary biology was made by Spemann's pioneering work on cloning in 1938. "The Fantastic Experiment," he dubbed it. He switched the two cells' nuclei. Then, he used it to create new embryonic cells. He received the Nobel Prize in 1935 for his crucial contributions to science. The first pig was cloned in 1985 after British biologist John Gordon discovered a means to clone the African clawed frog in 1952. However, scientists believed it would be very difficult to clone such a huge creature. Later, by examining the embryonic cells of many other species, other researchers elevated cloning to a brand-new level. Cloning research advanced to new levels in 1975. During this time, researchers started cloning mammals. The same techniques used to clone Dolly the sheep were employed in this project. The group of scientists' leader was Derek Broomhall. He developed embryonic cells by studying rabbit cells. He could produce cells that could eventually become a rabbit embryo, proving that his endeavour was effective. Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmut improved upon Professor Broomhall's earlier research. They investigated a sheep. However, using standard techniques, they were unable to clone lambs. Many members of their party had given up. The research team attempted 277 different approaches and failed in 276 of them. Scientists at the Rosslyn Institute were working on a challenging procedure known as nuclear transfer in order to clone sheep. The nucleus of a mammary cell was moved electrically from one ewe to the egg of another sheep (https://www.bbc.com/, 2022). As a result, the ewe's deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was placed in that egg. The egg then grew into an embryo in the laboratory. According to the head of the Biology and Developmental Genetics Laboratory, Landon Robin Lovell- Badge (2001), an adult cell that has all the DNA in its nucleus reprogrammed can behave like a primitive cell and produce a new organism, as demonstrated by the successful cloning of Dolly (sheep). Scientists at the Rosslyn Institute produced a surprisingly healthy embryo and placed it into the womb of a third ewe. Thus, the ewe gave birth in the Roslin Institute's lab on July 5, 1996. Dolly, a scientific marvel, was born. The sheep was named Dolly after American singer Dolly Parton (Einsiedel et al., 2002). IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) 52 │ Dolly was expected to live for 11 to 12 years (the average sheep lives for 10 to 12 years), but she passed away from lung cancer on Friday, February 14, 2003, only six and a half years after that projection. Everything Dolly had was stored in the National Museum of Scotland after her death. Research on cloning is still developing rapidly. A technology business based in Texas, United States, Viagen, purchased intellectual property over the cloning method in 1998. Through the use of cloning technologies, they sought to enhance cattle. A novel cloning technique developed by Viagen was quicker and more effective than the previous technique. The business began providing a service that allowed pet owners to, if they so desired, clone their dogs and cats. Other nations were using comparable cloning methods. Sinogen Company in China and Suam Biotech Company in South Korea provide dog cloning services. In 1998, researchers cloned 50 mice. Over time, new rodent species, pigs, cats, horses, and monkeys, have all successfully reproduced (Www.bbc.com, 2022). A once-common animal known as the "Pyrenean ibex" that roams the Pyrenees Mountains was cloned and brought back to life in 2009. Using cloning technology, scientists were able to produce stem cells in 2014. In scientists' opinion, stem cell cloning may pave the way for new developments in the medical sphere (Veres et al., 2014). A Revolutionary Discovery in Medicine Japanese medical scientist Shini Yamanaka learned that scientists in Scotland had created sheep through cloning. Yamanaka was greatly affected by this news. He wondered if it was possible to 'reprogram' an adult cell by changing a gene to return the cell to its embryonic stage. Yamanaka has been working on this idea for a long time and has been successful. As a result of the technology he discovered, it became possible to change the body's skin or blood cells into any other type of cell in the body. Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012 for his discovery of how to manipulate cells to produce specific effects. Yamanaka's discovery enables scientists to create tiny organs in the laboratory from blood cells. Using these organs, scientists can discover new drugs, vaccines and other treatments. Scientists have long believed that this technology would be possible to cure any genetic disorder. Human Cloning Many issues have been raised concerning the cloning process since Dolly was created, one of which is whether or not people will ever be cloned in the future. What ethical issues might deploying this technology pose to people? For most of the 20th century, the idea of human cloning was just a theory, but in 1969, scientists and decision-makers started to take it seriously. When people were trying to discover a cure for the cytoplasmic disease (a condition affecting human cells), the concept of human cloning emerged. The first person to propose human cloning was J.B.S. Haldane (I. Thomas, 2012). They started the Human Genome Project in the late 1980s. Again, the initiative was shelved because ethical concerns. Dr. Andrew French and Samuel Wood of a biotechnology firm called Stemagen stated in January 2008 that they had successfully used SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transfer) technology to produce the first five mature human embryos. Each embryo, in this instance, was made by transferring the nucleus from a skin cell (donated by Wood and a colleague) into a human egg after the nucleus had been removed. However, the embryos were destroyed before they could even develop (Weiss, 2008). Louise, a baby, was born because of the project's completion through in vitro fertilization (IVF or test tube baby). In 2013, IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 53 human embryos were once more successfully cloned. However, researchers did not try to start the process of subsequently producing a fully developed person. Figure 1 and Figure 2 present more details. Normal Human Childbirth: Figure 1. Sexual Reproduction Copyright reserved to Musa Mohd. Nordin Birth of Human Child by Cloning: Figure 2. Cloning or Asexual Reproduction Copyright reserved to Musa Mohd. Nordin However, Dr Brigitte Boisellier, CEO of Clinoid Company, reported the birth of the first cloned human baby on December 27, 2002 (Barratt & Jackson, 2001). The location of the clone baby's birth was not disclosed, despite the fact that the news came from Hollywood in the United States. Eve is the name of the first human girl ever to be cloned. On December 26, 2002, a caesarean section delivered this 7 -pound baby girl. The child's mother, a 31-year-old American woman. Boisselier, in an interview with a Belgian TV network, revealed that the second cloned child would be born in the Netherlands. However, it is crucial to note that Dr Brigitte Boisellier could not provide any convincing proof to back up her assertion, which is why other experts rejected it. Chinese researchers in January 2018 cloned a primate. Since then, no animal resembling a human has been cloned. IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) 54 │ How Cloning is Done The animal produced by reproductive cloning will have the same DNA as the donor animal. For this, the egg's DNA-carrying nucleus must be removed and replaced with the donor animal's DNA (Fadel, 2012). This egg is implanted into the uterus of a female or placed in a lab to undergo cell division and develop into a full-body cell. A somatic cell and an egg are gathered first in this process. The ovum's nucleus is then removed from the corpuscle, and only the ovum devoid of the nu cleus is retained. The enucleated egg is subsequently implanted with the somatic cell's nucleus. After th at, an electric shock initiates the fertilization process. The test tube is where the entire process takes place. The embryo is placed in the uterus or womb after conception, when normal cell division starts, to allow for proper growth and development into a full-fledged organism. The embryo then develops in the womb until it is born. It is important to note that in this scenario, the uterus, egg, and body cell may or may not all be from the same animal(Cibelli, Kiessling, Cuniff, Richards, Lanza, 2001). Therapeutic cloning is extremely similar to reproductive cloning, except that the embryo is not fully formed and is grown in the lab rather than being inserted into a female's womb. A few days after the fertilized egg starts to divide, stem cells are removed from it(Thomson & Odorico, 2000). The primary goal of this kind of cloning is to study stem cells and determine whether they can be intentionally transformed into other types of cells in the lab. If this is possible, diseases caused by various types of cells could be cured with artificially transformed cells. This will eventually result in treatments for conditions like Alzheimer's, which the death of neuronal cells may cause (Perry & Wakayama, 2002). It is crucial to remember that stem cells are the source of all cell types in an animal’s entire body. Its goal is to remove their stem cells without ever placing the cloned embryos in the womb. The creation of various stem cells frequently involves therapeutic cloning. The main source of embryonic stem cells is a tissue that forms in the first five days after the egg starts to divide. To develop healthy tissue and replace damaged or ill tissue, scientists want to use embryonic stem cells, which have the rare capacity to synthesize almost all cell types in an organism. How the World Has Taken Cloning People worldwide agree that reproductive cloning, whether done on humans or other animals, should never be authorized. This is the consensus at the moment. There are two explanations for this. First, despite their limitations, science and human understanding can hurt humanity irreparably. Most clones end up being aborted. Many clones experience aberrant growth and succumb to earl y death after birth. After 227 attempts, the first cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly, was born. Second, many scientists and religious experts believe that human cloning threatens human identity. This concern extends beyond technical or security considerations to encompass the moral, social, and cultural principles that have guided humanity for millennia. The United Nations Declaration on Human Cl oning was published in 2005 after the General Assembly adopted a resolution. The proclamation claims that human cloning is an insult to human dignity and calls on the relevant nations to take the appropriate measures to outlaw it and all associated research (United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning, 2022). 1. The US traditionally forbade government funding for human cloning but has since granted limited, conditional assistance to "basic stem cell" research. These are some other countries' positions on reproductive cloning. IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 55 2. In 2009, Jordan passed Article 11 of the Act, which has not yet become law, outlawing reproductive cloning. 3. According to Article 10 of Federal Law No. 10, passed by the UAE (United Arab Emirates) government in 2008, human cloning is unlawful, as is study, testing, and practice to clone a human being. According to Article 1/28 of the same Act, whoever vi olates the rules outlined in the previous sentence will face a sentence of two to five years in prison. 4. According to Egyptian law enacted on Sept ember 5, 2003, researchers are not allowed to undertake or take part in any research involving problematic cross-breeding, the practice of such cross-breeding, or research into human cloning. 5. Chapter VIII of Tunisia's Law No. 93 of 2001 specifies that using cloning methods for reproduction is severely forbidden. 6. In the United States, no federal (central) laws currently prohibit human cloning or restrict federal financing for research into human cloning. However, there are restrictions against human cloning in several states. Seven states (Arizona, Arkansas, Michigan, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Virginia) officially forbid human cloning for the creation of human offspring and biomedical research, i.e., they forbid both therapeutic and reproducti ve cloning. The cloning of humans is prohibited in ten states (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, and Rhode Island). However, it is permitted for biomedical (therapeutic) research (Witherspoon Council, 2022). 7. In France, Criminal Code No. 800 of 2004 criminalized reproductive Cloning in Article 2/214. Those who committed the above activities were sentenced to thirty years in prison and a fine of 7.5 million Euros. Article 3/214 indicates that if an organized group commits a crime, the penalty will be increased from life imprisonment and a fine of 7.5 million Euros (www.ojp.gov, 2004). 8. Australia first enacted legislation on cloning in 2002 and later amended legislation in 2006 and 2008 to ban reproductive cloning in Australia. Subject to legal regulation of treatment and subject to approval by the competent authority of each state, the matter remains open to consideration (stemcellsaustralia.edu.au, 2010). 9. Canada's Assisted Human Reproduction Act 2004 outlaws human cloning, whether for reproductive or therapeutic purposes. The act states that those who commit this offence are punishable by a fine of up to 500,000 Canadian dollars or imprisonment for up to ten years, or both (Health Canada, 2014). 10. The Fertilization and Human Embryos Act of 1990 in Britain set the broad guidelines for studying embryos without using reproductive cloning. The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, which regulates the processes involved in the production, use, and storage of human embryos, is subject to this Act (HFEA). According to the Reproductive System Act of 2001, implanting a human embryo in a woman's womb via any process other than natural fertilization is illegal. Violators may face up to ten years in prison, a fine, or a combination of the two (Health Canada, 2014). On the other hand, there are still several different debates about therapeutic cloning. This approach's primary goals are to cure illnesses, enhance health, and most importantly, provide people with better lives. The requisite research for creating therapeutic cloning technology is still being conducted. The issue is that therapeutic cloning needs embryonic stem cells that must be taken from early human embryos, which raises serious moral and ethical issues. Early embryo collection poses a threat to a IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) 56 │ woman's life. This technology can be misused or abused to perform actions like human cloning, which might result in an unthinkable loss. Many nations think that if enough study is done in this field, the risks associated with therapeutic cloning can be reduced. Therefore, they are working towards that goal and implementing comprehensive research programs to produce therapeutic cloning technology. The UK has approved therapeutic cloning for stem cell collection despite the decision of the European Parliament to outlaw human cloning in November 2002 (www.christiantoday.com, 2005). Japan's top scientific council has recommended that the government allow the cloning of human embryos for research purposes on a limited scale (Kawakami, Sipp, & Kato, 2010). The Jordanian government has allowed therapeutic cloning research to get stem cells for treating fatal diseases. However, the Tunisian government has outlawed both therapeutic and reproductive cloning. Cloning in the Perspective of Islamic Sharia Religious perspectives, social norms, and moral principles all factor into the cloning discussion. However, in vitro fertilization (test tube baby treatment) is also in poor standing in locations with a large Muslim populations. While many non-Muslim nations have cutting-edge facilities for animal embryonic stem cell research, the absence of clear norms and guidelines leaves room for misuse. While this is happening, certain Muslim nations are rapidly building out their scientific infrastructure, with health research and development becoming more important and gradually taking centre stage. Finding a balance between advancing cloning science and improving human life quality is the ultimate challenge. From an Islamic perspective, the debate over human embryo cloning rests on two main arguments. 1. First, does cloning contradict Islamic beliefs? 2. Second, if it is not contradictory, then to what degree is it allowed? Does Cloning Conflict with Islamic Beliefs? At its conference in 1997, the Islamic Fiqh Academy decided that cloning is not in opposition to Islamic principles. Almighty Allah created the universe, and He had already planned for the growth of knowledge and technology that led to the invention of cloning. Just as the person who plants the seed is not the originator of the plant that grows, neither is the technician who p erforms the cloning (Islamic Fiqh Academy, 1997b). There is a general understanding that Islamic law does not forbid the cloning of plants or animals to increase quality and productivity or treat human diseases. All Islamic nations and Muslim scholars agree that human cloning is wrong. Based on numerous fatwas, or religious leaders' edicts, national and international Islamic groups have repeatedly demanded that human cloning be prohibited throughout the Muslim world. Research has revealed some drawbacks of human cloning, including: Altering God's Creation: Cloning is considered a modification of God's creation and is contrary to the natural order by which God created man. Allah Almighty Said, "Allah's nature, the nature on which He created man. There is no change in God's creation (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993a). And they have no power over death, life and resurrection (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993a). Painting or making any idols is prohibited by Islam and is considered a modification of Almighty Allah's creation. The Prophet (SAW) cursed those women who altered the creation of Allah (SWT) by tattooing their limbs and others and plucking their eyebrow hairs IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 57 for the sake of beauty(Majah, 1975). When Sharia does not support tattooing, eyebrow plucking, or painting, how is it not Haram to change creation by artificial means of human cells? Destruction of Man's Being The fact that every human being has a unique personality is a heavenly quality of man's creation. Everyone has a unique personality that no other person possesses. Cloning eliminates this innate uniqueness and individuality by producing duplicates with identical genetic makeup. This will result in the production of thousands more copies. Every created being has value because of what sets it apart from everything else in its environment. These identities and traits, like voice and fingerprint, cannot be shared by anyone else. Allah said, "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and races. Verily in it are signs for the wise (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993b)." Cloning diminishes human diversity, which corrupts life. A woman will not recognize her husband if there are numerous men with the same name, and she will not be able to tell which of them she is legally married to. A husband will not be able to recognize his wife if there are other women similar to his wife. Who is the true offender, and who is innocent among the countless transcripts that will not be proven in court? Additionally, it will not be possible to identify the candidate in the test room. This will result in losing each person's genuine identity, which is the foundation for how they are addressed, held accountable, rewarded, and punished. Anyone who uses this technology to clone a person will be held accountable for their actions both now and in the afterlife (Al-Qaradwi, 1997). Humanity should be safeguarded from harmful actions that put it in peril in the name of technological advancement. The diversity of people, which Allah Almighty made one of the traits of the heredity system, is a manifestation of Allah's will for creation. Allah Almighty said- "(O Prophet and his followers), turn your face single-mindedly to the true Faith and adhere to the true nature on which Allah has created human beings. The mould fashioned by Allah cannot be altered. That is the True, Straight Faith, although most people do not know (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993b)." The human structure that God made is destroyed by any alteration and destruction of God's creation within this diversity. This organism will enter darkness if we in terfere with the delicate processes that keep the equilibrium of life, the environment, and humans. Nations' vitality and continuity are aided by biodiversity (Ebrāhīm, 2001). Because the addition of artificial substances has altered the human body's natural systems, the affected individual will lack natural immunity and develop many ailments that will cause him to pass away too soon. Cloning will reduce sexuality in society, the long -term consequences of which may end in various diseases and even epidemics like the plague, which may threaten the lives of all humanity. The secret of life lies in gender and gender differences. Dissolution of Family Ties: One of the potential negative effects of this advancement in science is that it could lead to serious imbalances in interpersonal relationships, which could lead to the dissolution of the family and its social structure, the eradication of motherhood, the end of male dominance, and the breakdown of the marital system. While they require a facility made up of parents in order to care for them, these replicas only have a secondary need for a birth father or mother. It will produce a unique society transcending maternity, parenthood, and familial bonds. In Islam and all other religions, the family is based on the sacred union between the husband and the wife, which entails love, affection, kindness, and mercy. Cloning refers to the technique of producing kids in an asexual relationship and free environment without intermarriage between the two parties. In the profitable fields of genetic engineering and biotechnology, heredity will be lost. IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) 58 │ "And among His signs is that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find comfort in them. And He has created love and kindness in you. Surely in it are signs for a people who reflect (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993a)." Eliminate the need for marriage: Such a process can eliminate the need for marriage in society, as a person can obtain a copy of himself without any sexual intercourse. As a result, legal problems and many social problems will arise regarding sibling relationships, inheritance, etc. Technological Misuse: One of the biggest worries with cloning technology is that if it falls into the hands of aggressive, authoritarian governments, they may exploit it most horrifyingly. It can be employed to rule the planet and mercilessly repress enemies. The rulers had the propensity to build a despotic army during that time. Destruction of embryos for research is tantamount to murder: When IVF (also known as the test tube treatment) is used to treat infertility in infertile couples, it is acceptable to clone a fertilized ovum (Iqbal, BiBi, Muneer, BiBi, & Anwar, 2020). Islam, therefore, recommends treatments and medications based on the ailment. Prophet (SAW) Said, "None of you should give up seeking children, for if one dies childless, his name will be cut off (Husain, 2000)." For instance, doctors can clone many embryos from a single sperm frozen for various lengths if the husband has a significant sperm deficit. As a result, the husband's sperm fertilize the wife's egg, and the fertilized egg is then placed in another woman's womb. There is no marital contract between the husband and the hired womb. Hence it is forbidden to implant it in another woman's womb (World Health Organization, 1997). Cloning, however, does not work that way. With this technique, having a child with j ust one try is seen as a miracle. After ten years of arduous work, Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut succeeded in cloning Dolly the sheep via an asexual method on his 277th attempt (Rothman, n.d.). Cloning a human child using so many embryos over time is certainly a journey with no clear end. This is the exact opposite of using embryos; it is embryo annihilation. The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz bin Baz, stated that human cloning has no validity and is not permitted in light of these factors. Additionally, Egypt has legislation that mandates the execution of anyone engaged in activities or research involving human cloning operations (Bajirova, 2019). Some modern researchers believe that since human cloning has not yet been practised, the position of Sharia has not yet become required. Researchers are unable to provide a conclusive legal ruling in this matter. Because the situation is still quite hazy and mysterious, one should not rush to understand the complexities of this issue before the full overview is understood. It is quite difficult to pass a final judgment on this matter because of the shortage of facts and documents. Sheikh Nasr Farid Wasel, a former Grand Mufti of Egypt, disagrees, arguing that human cloning has not been proven to be possible scientifically, so the situation does not yet require Muslims to look into its provisions. So, before the test is established, Muslims must wait for a legal or jurisprudential judgment statement. However, humans are also thought to be included because studies with mammals like Dolly the sheep and monkeys have been successful. On the other hand, most jurists believe it is important to clarify the Sharia's viewpoint regarding upcoming occurrences as well. Muslims can thus be protected from any looming peril. To What Extent is Cloning allowed? The fundamental objection to human cloning is that it raises the possibility that humanity would once more create technology that is obviously in conflict with Islamic principles, ideals, and the general IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 59 atmosphere that people have fostered for generations. There is no disagreement regarding the need to outlaw human cloning, given the circumstances of this particular case. However, there is a standard by which all of mankind is measured and it is using strategies and tactics created by human ingenuity, tenacity, and research to end pain and sickness. It has been a fundamental tenet of human development throughout history in all nations, cultures, and faiths. A resounding message that well-being is a basic right of every animal emerges from an analysis of all the fatwas, directives, prohibitions, and recommendations against cloning issued by Muslims around the world. Islam constantly promotes investigation and inquiry. Drugs and vaccines were key scientific advancements that made a substantial contribution to the treatment of diseases at various points in history. Cloning technology has now made it possible to treat diseases in new and exciting ways (Collins, 1999). Prophet (SAW) said, "Allah (SWT) has not revealed any such disease. For which He did not create the means of healing (Al‐Hayani, 2008)." Sheikh Yusuf al-Qarawi, a conservative Egyptian scholar, says that Islam forbids human cloning because Islam promotes scientific advancement and study and because there has never been a historical confrontation between Islam and science. Therefore, cloning is against Islamic law if it is done to create human beings, making it Haram. However, should cloning be done to treat certain organs or parts of the human body, such as the heart or kidneys, then in that case, not only is it permitted but also encouraged by Sharia; whoever discovers it will be rewarded by Almighty Allah (Qaradawi, 2015). Members of the Islamic Fiqh Academy stated in a 1997 seminar, while clearl y outlining the academy's position on therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning should not be permitted in general but may be permitted in exceptional cases. However, it should be noted that therapeutic cloning should not be implemented in any case that conflicts with Islamic law (Islamic Fiqh Academy, 1997a). According to the explanation above, Islam has no controversy regarding human cloning. It is categorically prohibited, and there is no alternative viewpoint. Islam, however, urges t he nation to learn science and knowledge and views it as essential to look for treatments for human problems. According to the Sharia, therapeutic cloning should not be discouraged but rather encouraged as long as it is utilized to treat disease and illness without resulting in the creation of human beings and does not go against religious principles. Therapeutic cloning research aims to use stem cells to help treat human ailments. Early-stage embryos are necessary for stem cell research. Understanding how Islam perceives the beginning of life (AbdurRab& Khayat, 2006) is crucial. Any improper handling of the fetus is prohibited since it directly conflicts with Islamic principles. In 1985, Kuwait hosted an international conference titled "Human Life: Beginning and End in the View of Islam." Three stages are used to divide the beginning of human life. Fusing sperm and an egg to form a zygote is the first stage of initiation (early embryo). The human genetic code is established during this stage, which develops from the zygote. The second stage begins when the zygote becomes an embryo in a woman's womb. It takes about 10-12 days for the zygote to develop into an embryo after fertilization. The third stage begins when the soul is incorporated into the embryo. It is considered to be the 120th day of initiation. Some Muslim medical scholars believe that it occurs on the 40th day. A fetus is considered a living being from its conception and is considered fully alive after the soul is incorporated (an international conference was held in Kuwait in 1985 on the topic: "Human life: Beginning and End in the View of Islam (Al-Mazkur, Al-Saif, Al-Gindi, & Abu Guddah, 1985). Removal of a fetus at any stage after conception (abortion) is considered haram according to many scholars, but the exception is when the mother's health is at risk. Some expert scholars hold that abortion before the 40th day of pregnancy is permissible if there is a valid reason. Muslim scholars believe that when a soul enters a fetus, the fetus acquires human dignity. Scholars who have studied this issue agree that Islam does not IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) 60 │ outright forbid early embryo (zygote) research, especially when it is deemed necessary and acceptable. However, there are health hazards for the women who would produce these embryos. There are significant risks that present significant ethical and social issues. There will not be any interference from the side of Sharia in performing this study if a way is found to reduce the stability risk of the woman subject. Sharia's Position on the Cloning of Other Animals The debate about eating food from cloned animals has gained attention because of the development of animal cloning in agriculture. A precise understanding of Islam's prohibitions on the creation of animals by cloning and eating those animals is urgently required. Before deciding if this food preparation method is halal or haram, an adequate investigation must be done. A Muslim must rely on the unambiguous teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah to assess the truth of any claim. In general, Islamic Sharia deems a matter to be halal and legal if it is neither proven to be haram nor demonstrates that it does not meet the criteria for haram. The fundamental law for everything is valid unless its ban is established by proof, according to Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) (al-Suyuti, 2013). Islam generally forbids anything detrimental to a person or society. Cloned animals and other goods created by contemporary biotechnology methods are therefore permissible as food under Islamic Sharia if they do not negatively impact humans or contravene any Sharia principles (Ismail & Agustina, 2021). Therefore, a thorough assessment by scholars is required to define the Islamic position on contemporary biotechnology procedures, such as animal cloning, and to assess its appropriateness. Most scholars concur that cloning animals to breed cattle and other animals to produce more milk and meat is legal because Allah Almighty designed the animal species for the benefit of people. Almighty Allah said, "O believers, fulfil your pledges. Domesticated quadrupeds have been lawful for you, except for what is described to you (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993a)." "And within the cattle, there are certainly examples for you to teach. I make you drink (milk) from what is in their bellies, with many benefits for you. Eat it (meat) (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993a)." Cloned animals devoid of disease might benefit scientific study and food production. Animal cloning may present a fresh opportunity to save threatened species from extinction and supply the world's expanding population with meat. However, it is acceptable if the intent is not to harm the a nimals, satisfy one's self-interests, or torture them. Before the advent of Islam, people used to cut the ears of livestock sacrificed to the gods and prevent themselves from using or eating them. Alternatively, if an animal gave birth to five cubs and the fifth was born a male, the mother animal was prohibited from bei ng used as a vehicle and had its ears cut off as a symbol of this animal. According to the Quran, "And surely I will guide them astray, give them false comfort, and command them so that they pierce the ears of animals and command them so that they undoubtedly damage the creation of Allah." In addition, it is obvious that those who choose Satan as their guardian rather than Allah have suffered. Islam forbids the mutilation, cruelty, and mutilation of animals. Jurists have established the following guidelines to describe the sale of food made from cloned animals: 1. Food products produced by cloning from halal animals will be considered halal, and food produced by cloning from haram animals will be considered haram (Husni, Nasohah, & Kashim, 2015). Therefore, the meat of animals cloned from the cells of animals, such as pigs, dogs, cats, mice etc., is haram; 2. Slaughtering of cloned animals must follow Islamic procedures; IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 48-63 Does Sharia Support Cloning: A Qualitative Analysis Sabbir Hasan ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print )ISSN 2302-9781(Online) │ 61 3. Animal cloning will be legally supported only when there is a need for cloning in society, for example, if the food demand of a growing population cannot be met through normal processes, if the existence of any halal animal is threatened, etc. However, some academics believe that cloning animals are unlawful. They consider animal cloning an impediment to the natural order Almighty Allah created. By interfering with this natural order, man is essentially challenging God. However, the All-Powerful Allah said: "Hey man! A parable is given. Listen to it attentively; Those whom you call instead of Allah would never be able to create even a single fly, even if they were all united for that purpose (Al-Hilali & Khan, 1993a)." It is evident from this verse that none other than Allah (SWT) can create even a tiny insect. Therefore, attempting this would be considered an act against the rules given by Allah (SWT). In response to critics of animal cloning, proponents argue that no matter how much knowledge scientists have, they will never be able to produce something from nothing. Cloning involves more than just combining and creating; there is a distinction betw een the two. Allah alone is the Creator (SWT). Cloning employs a certain technique to insert a good cell and egg made by Allah (SWT) into a womb He produced. The advancement of science is not beyond Allah's will (SWT). A scientist cannot produce an animal cell, embryo, egg, etc., out of thin air. Almighty Allah is the Creator, and because of what He has made, man has been able to accomplish great feats and arrive at specific outcomes. Like a man plants a seed and grows a seedling, he cannot b e credited with creating the tree since he plants the seed; he cannot create the seed. CONCLUSION The unprecedented phenomenon of cloning is a subject of intense interest and inquiry for scientists. Due to the advancement of this technology, the me dical and agricultural sectors have seen significant change. The development of animal models for studying human diseases and the discovery of organs for transplantation into patients' bodies are made possible by advances in medical cloning. Animal cloning has many benefits but also has disadvantages, like the malformations and anomalies of particular organs. Along with scientific concerns, animal cloning also raises moral and spiritual ones. For instance, it has been called "messing with the Creator" and a misuse of technology by many. 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