Kemandirian Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Melalui Literasi Keuangan Available online at: IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 DOI: 10.15575/ijik.v13i1.25392 * Copyright (c) 2023 Sanurdi and Muslihun This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Received: Oct 1, 2022; Revised: Jan 4, 2023; Accepted: Jan 30, 2023 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi1*, Muslihun2 1,2Dept. of Sharia Banking, The Faculty of Islamic Economy and Business , Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Indonesia *Corresponding Author E-mail: Abstract This study aimed to investigate the influence of religious and economic motives on customer loyalty through satisfaction. It employed a descriptive research design with a quantitative approach. The population of this study comprised the saving customers of Bank NTB Syariah, and the sampling method used was quota sampling. The data collection technique in volved a questionnaire adapted from relevant sources and modified to align with the study's focus. Multivariate analysis was the data analysis technique used in this research. The findings of this study revealed that the religious motive did not significantly impact customer loyalty and Satisfaction with Bank NTB Syariah. Thus, the religious motive did not create Satisfaction and Loyalty among the bank's customers. In contrast, every bank must strive for Loyalty if they want to compete in today's fiercely competitive banking industry. The economic motive significantly influenced customer loyalty and Satisfaction with Bank NTB Syariah, indicating that the financial motive created Satisfaction and Loyalty among the bank's customers. Although satisfaction stati stically significantly influenced customer loyalty with Bank NTB Syariah, it could not play a significant role as an intervening variable. As shown by the t-statistics value and path coefficient, 10.559 and 0.580, respectively, the absence of a relationship between the religious motive and Loyalty implied that satisfaction could not function as an intervening variable in the relationship between the religious motive and Loyalty. Keywords: Religious Motives, Economic Motives, Loyalty, Satisfaction INTRODUCTION Customer loyalty is a critical supporting factor in the development and sustainability of Shariah banks (Rahman, 2021). Having loyal customers enables Shariah banks to continue their operational activities, improve their financial performance, and maintain their survival as a company. Moreover, with customer loyalty, Shariah banks are expected to withstand the increasing market competition. In the era of the "borderless world," the Shariah banking industry is inevitably face d with a limitless situation and must be able to compete fairly with global banks. It means that shariah banks must be prepared to obtain loyal customers and maintain their Loyalty to the bank (Mashuri, 2020). Retaining customer loyalty in the Shariah banking industry is indeed challenging. However, several aspects must be considered to maintain it. These aspects include improving customer satisfaction with the bank's products and services, enhancing the length of the bank's relationship with the customer, preventing customer migration to competitor companies, and increasing the sense of ownership that customers have towards the bank. Achieving these aspects requires a comprehensive understanding of customers' needs and expectations, continuous improvement of service quality, and effective communication with customers to build long-term relationships. By focusing on these aspects, Shariah banks can effectively retain customer loyalty and sustain their competitive position in the market (Subhan, 2016). IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 66 │ Establishing customer satisfaction is a crucial factor in promoting and sustaining customer loyalty in Islamic banking. To achieve this, Islamic banks can improve their products and services by offering a wider range of products and enhancing their service systems to meet their customers' diverse needs and desires. It will lead to optimal customer satisfaction (Budiman, 2020). To remain competitive in the highly competitive banking industry, Islamic banks must prioritize customer satisfaction to maintain their existence. Improving service quality to meet the expectations of customers is crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction, which leads to customer loyalty (Achmad Tayip Junaedi, 2012). Customer commitment and Loyalty can be cultivated by ensuring that customers are satisfied with the services provided by a particular bank. Satisfied customers remain loyal, whereas dissatisfied customers are more likely to switch to another bank (Afifah, 2021). The migration barrier, also known as customer churn, is another aspect that must be considered in customer loyalty. The level of customer churn must be reduced by analyzing and identifying why customers switch to other banks. By doing so, the level of customer churn can be minimized. Reducing customer churn can also increase the bank's relationship with its customers (customer retention), thereby increasing the reuse of Sharia banking products and services. Another vital aspect of customer loyalty is customer enthusiasm, which refers to customers' sense of ownership towards the company. Customers who have a high sense of ownership are valuable assets for a company, as they become ambassadors of the company who can potentially spread positive experiences and are willing to invite others to become new customers (positive word of mouth). According to Murray and Raphel, these types of customers also have the potential to buy every new product released by the company without considering the price, as they fully trust the quality of the products and services offered (Murray Raphel, 2007). Based on the discussion above, customer loyalty is a crucial factor in the sustainability of the operational activities of a company (in this case, a sharia banking company). Customer loyalty (or customer loyalty behavior) can be maintained by paying attention to the abovementioned aspects: customer satisfaction, customer retention, migration barrier, and customer enthusiasm. However, to become a loyal customer, underlying reasons or goals must motivate the customer to become loyal. These underlying reasons or purposes can also be called "motives". A customer's motives in making decisions and acting are based on the demands of their life needs, as humans are economic creatures who constantly strive to fulfill their living needs (Simamora, 2008). The motive of a customer in fulfilling their economic needs falls under the category of consumer behavior. Consumer behavior can be defined as the actions taken by an individual in seeking, obtaining, using, evaluating, and consuming products and services that are expected to fulfill and satisfy their living needs (Adunola Oluremi Oke, 2016). Consumer behavior is based on various goals or motives. According to Loudon and Bitta, a consumer's motives are divided into religious and economic motives (Sari, 2017). Physiological needs directly fulfill an individual's biological requirements, such as food, water, air, housing, clothing, health, and sex. Meanwhile, psychogenic needs emphasize fulfilling psychological conditions such as achievement, social status, power, security, and others (Suryani, 2008). Based on the above description, the author intends to analyze the influence of religious and economic motives on the Loyalty of customers of Islamic banks through satisfaction and wants to compare which of the two motives is the most dominant in influencing custom er loyalty. Is it because of the goal of fulfilling economic needs (economic motive) or the pursuit of fulfilling psychological needs (religious motive) that is the main reason customers use Islamic banking services and remain loyal to them. IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 67 RESEARCH METHOD The current study is descriptive research aimed at depicting the relationship and influence of hypothesized variables in the model. The approach utilized in this research is quantitative. The target population for this research is the saving customers of Bank NTB Syariah. The sampling technique used in this study is quota sampling, which involves the selection of samples based on specific characteristics defined by the researcher. In this case, the respondents have been a customer of Bank NTB Syariah for at least two years, as they are considered to have enough experience in interacting with the bank, enabling them to provide responses and feedback on the research statements. The research employs a multivariate analysis technique, which enables the researcher to analyze the relationships among the variables of Religious Motive, Economic Motive, Satisfaction, and Loyalty simultaneously. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a multivariate technique utilized to assess a set of relations among variables simultaneously. Partial Least Squares (PLS) is one of the SEM techniques employed in this research to directly analyze latent variables, indicator variables, mediator variables, and measurement errors. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RESULT Respondents' Profiles This section categorized the respondents into four characteristics, namely gender, age, occupation, and income. First, regarding gender, the savings account customers who completed the research questionnaire were imbalanced between men and women. In other words, the distribution of male and female respondents was significantly different. There were 57 male respondents and 33 female respondents. Second, the respondents were categorized based on their age. Savings account customers were dominated by respondents aged 30-39 years, with 48 people. The second domination was respondents aged 21-29 with 26 people and respondents aged 40-49 years with 14 people. The age ranges between 50-59 years old had the smallest number of respondents, with only 12 people. Third, in general, the most frequent respondents in this study were Civil Servants, with a total of 43 people. Next were 35 entrepreneurs, followed by 6 who worked in TNI/POLRI. Then, 5 respondents worked as private employees, while the remaining 11 worked as professionals. Fourth, in terms of income, most respondents had an income of 4-6 million rupiahs, totalling 42 people. Next, there were 31 respondents with an income of 2-4 million rupiahs, while those with the smallest and largest incomes, less than 2 and more than 10 million rupiahs, were only 6 people. It is important to note that this research was limited to a few online sources. Therefore, there is a need to expand data sources that are more diverse, covering various religious groups, to provide a more comprehensive overview of the dynamics of interpretation and its contribution to solving problems in Muslim families. Descriptive analysis of the research variables Descriptive analysis of the religious motive variable Overall, the average value of the religious motive variable is 3.45, which falls within the high category of the score range. This implies that the respondents save their money in Bank NTB Syariah due IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 68 │ to religious motives. Out of the 13 indicators measured, the indicator that states that customers save their money in Bank NTB Syariah to apply sharia values in their lives has the lowest score among the other indicators, which is 2.70. On the other hand, the indicator that has the highest score is the motive of customers who only want to use a bank that aligns with their beliefs or religion, with a score of 3.48. Descriptive analysis of the variable of economic motives The descriptive analysis of the variable of economic motives reveals that most respondents expressed a neutral attitude towards the economic motive for saving with Bank NTB Syariah, as the score range falls in the middle category. Among the 13 indicators, the indicator that expresses the motive for customers to save with Bank NTB Syariah because the products offered meet their needs has the lowest score, 2.51. On the other hand, the indicator that scores the highest is the motive of customers towards the profit-sharing ratio, which is higher than interest rates in conventional banks, with a value of 3.32. Descriptive analysis of the variable of satisfaction The analysis of the Satisfaction variable yields a rating of 2.60, which falls under the low category. It indicates that most respondents expressed low satisfaction with the savings products offered by Bank NTB Syariah. Among the five indicators measured, the indicator that Bank NTB Syariah serves customer complaints quickly and accurately is the lowest, with a score of 2.43. It implies that customers do not receive prompt, accurate service when problems arise. On the other hand, the highest indicator, with a score of 2.96, states that customers do not find administrative procedures troublesome. Descriptive analysis of the variable of Customers' Loyalty The loyalty variable shows an aggregate rerate tendency that falls into the moderate category with a score of 2.94. This result indicates that most respondents state that customers have a moderately loyal level. Among the eleven measured indicators, the lowest indicator is that Bank NTB Syariah sa vings customers are willing to become customers of another bank if the profit -sharing offered is greater. It means customers are still likely to switch to another bank if a higher profit-sharing is offered. The response of customers who will carry out transactions and use the services of Bank NTB Syariah regularly is the lowest indicator, with a score of 3.08. Analysis of Outer and Inner Model In this subsection, two models were analyzed: the measurement model, the outer model, and the structural model, or the inner model. The measurement model demonstrates how to manifest or observed variables represent latent variables for measurement purposes. In contrast, the structural model indicates the strength of the estimation between latent variables or constructs. Measurement of Outer Model Outer Model Test of Religious Motive Variable. The Outer Model test for the Religious Motive variable formed reflectively by 11 indicators shows that all the statements measuring the Religious Motive variable are valid. The factor loading values for all IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 69 the statements are above 0.70. Among all the indicators, item obtaining profit with a profit sharing system (0.889) has the highest factor loading coefficients, while Bank NTB Syariah has a fair profit sharing system (0,720) has the lowest. The reliability level shown by two measures, Composite Reliabil ity (CR) and Cronbach's Alpha (CA), also indicates reliable results. The 11 valid statements consistently measure the Religious Motive variable with high-reliability values above the rule of thumb for Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha, namely 0.968 and 0.959. The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) measure is also above the rule of thumb, 0.70. Overall, the AVE value for the MR variable is 0.71. Based on the above Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha results, and the factor loading values, which are all above 0.70, it can be said that the MR variable is reliable for use in research. Outer Model Test of Economic Motive Variable The variable of Economic Motive is formed reflectively by 10 observed indicators represented by Likert scale statements. The validity test on the Economic Motive variable showed significant results. The loading factor of the Economic Motive statement items ranged from 0.815 to 0.895, indicating high factor loading of the ME statements. Based on the reliability test, the composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha values were above 0.70, indicating the reliability of the Economic Motive variable. The statement items proposed were consistent and reliable in measuring the Economic Motive variable. Additionally, the AVE value showed that 50.9% of the variation in the statement items was contained within the Economic Motive variable. Although not large, this figure meets the rule of thumb and exceeds the AVE requirement of 0.50. The level of reliability shown by two measures, Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha, showed reliable results. The ten valid statement items consistently measured the Economic Motive variable with high-reliability values above the rule of thumb for Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha, namely 0.907 and 0.879, respectively. In general, the AVE value of the Economic Motive variable is 0.561. Therefore, based on the results of the Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha and the loading factor values, which are all above 0.70, the ME variable can be considered reliable for use in research. Outer Model Test of Satisfaction Variable The variable of satisfaction is formed reflectively by five indicators representing consistency. The estimation results of SEM-PLS show that all statement items measuring the satisfaction variable are valid. The outer loading values of all statements are above 0.70. Among these indicators, statement item KP 28 has the highest outer loading coefficient, whereas KP 27 has the lowest outer loading coefficient. Oute Model Test of Loyalty Variable The variable of Loyalty is formed reflectively by twelve indicators that collectively present consistency. The SEM-PLS estimation results below indicate that all statement items measuring the Loyalty variable are valid. The outer loading value of all statements is above 0.70. Among these indicators, statement items LY 25 and LY 26 have the highest outer loading coefficients, while LY 14BGFDSAq and LxzaXCY 24 have the lowest outer loading coefficients. Outer Model Test: Discriminant Validity The present study employed two methods to test discriminant validity. Firstly, using cross-loading measures, the relationship between MR5 and the measured variable, Religious Motive, was 0.883. This IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 70 │ value was higher compared to its correlation with other variables. This pattern was observed for all items measuring religious motives, as they were more strongly correlated with Religious Motives than other variables. The same pattern was observed for items measuring Economic Motive, Satisfaction, and Loyalty. Overall, the cross-loading examination showed that discriminant validity was achieved. The second method of testing discriminant validity was using the model of the relationships between variables and the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE). The results obtained using SmartPLS 3.0 showed that the AVE for each variable was higher than the correlation between variables. For instance, the AVE for Religious Motive was 0.710, its correlation with Loyalty was 0.598, and its correlation with satisfaction was 0.582. This pattern also applied to the Economic Motive, which had an AVE of 0.561. The correlation between Economic Motive and Loyalty was 0.546, and the correlation with satisfaction was 0.553. Furthermore, the AVE for Satisfaction was 0.7 86, and its correlation with Loyalty was 0.617. These findings confirmed the results obtained from the cross-loading matrix, indicating that the model met the criterion for discriminant validity. Measurement of Inner Model Inner Model Test: Goodness Fit of Structural Model In contrast to covariance-based SEM, which developed various goodness-of-fit measures, in variance-based SEM, such as PLS, the model's overall goodness. Table 1. R-Square Structural Model No Structural Model R Square 1 Effect of Religious Motive, Economy, and Satisfaction on Loyalty 0.801 2 Effect of Religious Motive on Satisfaction 0.773 3 Effect of Economic Motive on Satisfaction 0.692 The R-Squares values describe the simultaneous influence between exogenous and endogenous variables in the structural model. Table 1 displays the R-Squares of each dependent variable in the model. It should be noted that the proposed model implies the presence of two endogenous variables, namely Satisfaction and Loyalty. In addition to being an endogenous variable, satisfaction also serves as an exogenous variable that is expected to affect Loyalty. Partially based on the endogenous variable, this study's model consists of three. The first model measures the combined influence of Reli gious Motive, Economic Motive, and Satisfaction on Loyalty. The second model measures the influence of Religious Motives on Satisfaction. The final model measures the influence of Economic Motives on Satisfaction. Inner Model Test: Patch Coefficient Test The R-Squares assess the model from a global perspective, while the path coefficients test the model from the individual variable's perspective. Whether an exogenous variable is significant can be observed from the t-statistics obtained from the bootstrapping method. Moreover, the marginal effects of path coefficients must also be considered to determine the magnitude of influence between variables. Figure 1 illustrates the results of the bootstrapping model. Overall, the results show that all path coefficients between one variable and another are significant at the 5% level, even at the 1% level, except for the path IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 71 between Motive Religiosity and Satisfaction. No effect was found between Motive Religius and Satisfaction due to the t-statistic value not exceeding 1.96. The same goes for Motive of Religiosity and Loyalty. From the magnitude of influence, the relationship between Economic Motive and Satisfaction, with a value of 0.637, shows the most substantial effect. Empirical results show a positive influen ce of Economic Motives on Satisfaction. On the other hand, the impact of Economic Motive on Loyalty and Satisfaction on Loyalty tends to be not significantly different. The path coefficient of Economic Motive to Loyalty is 0.498, while Satisfaction to Loyalty is 0.498. Both relationships are positive toward Loyalty. Figure 1. Structural Model (Path Coefficient and t-statistics) Hypothetical Tests The study conducted hypothesis testing on the model after ensuring its validity in the outer and inner models. The hypothesis testing was performed by examining the path coefficients described in the previous section. The evaluation of the structural model can be observed from the t -statistics, where a t- statistic value greater than 1.96 indicates a significant influence. Table 2 summarizes the hypothesis testing results on this study's structural model The first hypothesis (H1) examines whether there is an influence of religious motives on Loyalty. The estimation results reveal that the hypothesis is rejected. In other words, there is no positive relationship between religious motives and Loyalty. The value of the t-statistics for their association is 1.137. Meanwhile, the marginal effect of religious motives on Loyalty is 0.052. The second hypothesis (H2) examines the influence of economic motives on Loyalty. The estimation results indicate that the hypothesis is not rejected. In other words, there is a positive relationship between Economic Motive and Loyalty. The value of the t-statistics for this relationship is 4.225, which is much higher than 1.96. Moreover, the marginal effect of economic motives on Loyalty is 0.489. The third hypothesis (H3) is rejected based on the testing results. There is no statistically significant relationship between Religious Motive and Satisfaction. The calculated t -statistics for this estimation is 1,137 0,489 4,651 0,052 4,621 0,498 Loyalty Satisfact ion Economic Religious IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 72 │ only 1.599, which is below the critical value of 1.96. Additionally, the marginal effect indicated by the path coefficient is minimal, which is 0.088. Fourthly, the results of hypothesis testing H4 indicate a considerable influence of the Motive Ekonomi variable on customer satisfaction. It can be seen from the t-statistics value of 8.536. Furthermore, there is statistical evidence that economic motive positively affects customer satisfaction in NTBS Bank, the sample bank, with a large path coefficient of 0.837. Fifthly, the results of PLS-SEM show that hypothesis H5 is accepted. There is a statistically significant relationship between Satisfaction and Loyalty. The t-statistics value indicated by the estimation is 4.551. The marginal effect predicted by the path coefficient is 0.498. Furthermore, hypothesis H6 examines whether the satisfaction variable can function as an intervening variable in the relationship between Religious motives and Loyalties. The statistical results show that hypothesis H6 is not accepted. The Satisfaction variable cannot play a significant role as an intervening variable. As demonstrated by the t-statistics value and path coefficient, which are 10.559 and 0.580, respectively, the lack of a relationship between Religious motives and Loyalties implies that the Satisfaction variable cannot be intervening in the relationship between Religious motives and Loyalties. The statistics show no significant positive influence between Religious motives and Loyalties. Hypothesis H7 examines whether satisfaction plays a significant role as an intervening variable in the relationship between economic motives and Loyalty. The statistics indicate a significant positive influence between the two variables, as demonstrated by the t -statistics value of 5.512 and the path coefficient of 0.481. Previously, hypothesis H4 documented a positive relationship between economic motives and Loyalty. Thus, satisfaction can be an intervening variable in the relationship between the two above variables. The effect of economic motives is positive, or it strengthens the relationship. Table 2. Hypothetical Test of Structural Model Hypothesis Statements Path coefficient t-Statistics Decision H1 There is a significant influence of religious motives on Loyalty 0,052 1,137 Rejected H2 There is a significant influence of economic motives on Loyalty. 0,489 4,225 Accepted H3 There is a significant influence of religious motives on satisfaction. 0,088 1,599 Rejected H4 There is a significant influence of economic motives on satisfaction. 0,637 8,536 Accepted H5 There is a significant influence of Satisfaction on Loyalty. 0,498 4,551 Accepted H6 The satisfaction variable plays a significant role as an interveni ng variable in the influence of religious motives on Loyalty. 0,580 10,559 Rejected H7 The satisfaction variable plays a significant role as an interveni ng variable in the influence of economic motives on Loyalty. 0,481 5,512 Accepted IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 73 DISCUSSION The Influence of Religious Motives on Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction in Bank NTB Syariah The results of testing hypotheses H1 and H3 indicate that the religious motive does not affect customer loyalty and Satisfaction towards Bank NTB Syariah, which means that the religious motive does not make customers satisfied and loyal to Bank NTB Syariah. On the other hand, Loyalty is something that every bank must pursue if they want to compete in the current tight banking competition. Some researchers explains that with customer loyalty, it is hoped that the shariah bank can also face the increasing competition for market share. With the era of "the borderless world," the shariah banking sector is inevitably faced with a limitless situation and must be able to compete fairly with global banking. shariah banks must be prepared to obtain loyal customers and maintain customer loyalty (Rahmayati, 2021). Therefore, considering the absence of the influence of the religious motive on customer loyalty and Satisfaction towards Bank NTB Syariah in this stu dy (Dwi Suhartanto, 2019), other variables that can encourage customer loyalty need to be identified. The assumption that religious motives can influence Loyalty if done with other motives can be seen in Sugeng Wahyudi's and Maghfuriyah research (Soegeng Wahyoedi, 2021), (Maghfuriyah, 2019). When combined, this study suggests that variables such as religiosity, trust, company image, and profit -sharing systems can increase customer savings interest and Loyalty in Bank Mandiri Syariah (Khatimah, 2018),. It means that the higher the religiosity, trust, company im age, and profit-sharing systems, the higher the interest in saving and customer loyalty in Bank Mandiri Syariah (Muljibir Rahman, 2022). It is worth noting that this research contradicts the findings of several other studies. In their study, Metawa and Almossawi state that religious motives can influence Loyalty. Customers maintain their relationship with or remain loyal to Islamic banks due to their obedience to Sharia principles (Sayani, 2015). Secondly, Setyowati, Abubakar, and Rodliah assert that religiosity impacts trust that the Islamic bank's Sharia principles or Islamic law are adhered to (Ro’fah Setyowati, 2017). Thirdly, this research is not aligned with the study conducted by Barus, Winoto, and Wahyudi which found that religiosity has a positive effect on trust, and trust has a positive impact on customer loyalty (Irma Rasita Gloria Barus, 2021). The Impact of Economic Motives on Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction in Bank NTB Syariah The analysis of hypothesis testing H2 and H4 indicates a significant influence of Economic Motives on the Loyalty and Satisfaction of customers of NTB Syariah Bank, indicating that Economic Motives contribute to the Satisfaction and Loyalty of customers towards NTB Syariah Bank. In line with this, Junaedi explained that high customer loyalty is necessary to maintain the stability and growth of Islamic banks (Achmad Tayip Junaedi, 2012). Hence, customer loyalty is a particular concern that requires greater attention. In the context of economic motives, the research shows a significant impact on Loyalty and Satisfaction, which implies that the economy can be maximized more widely to maintain customers' Loyalty and Satisfaction towards Bank NTB Syariah. Therefore, customer loyalty is an essential factor in the sustainability of Islamic banking operations. Simamora also explains that customer loyalty can be maintained by paying attention to the four aspects mentioned above, namely customer satisfaction, customer retention, migration barrier, and customer enthusiasm (Simamora, 2008). However, to become a loyal customer, there must be reasons or motives IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) 74 │ underlying the customer's Loyalty. These reasons and motives can also be referred to as "motives". A customer's motives in making decisions and taking actions are based on the demands of their life needs, as humans are economic creatures who constantly strive to meet their living needs. As economic cr eatures, it is very human for customers to strive to be loyal to Islamic banks in the hope of fulfilling their economic needs required to meet their daily needs. The influence of customer satisfaction on the Loyalty of Bank NTB Syariah Customers The results of H5 testing indicate a statistically significant relationship between Satisfaction and Loyalty. The computer T-statistics are shown by the estimate, which is 4.551. The marginal effect is represented by the path coefficient, which is 0.498. This research is in line with the study conducted by some researchers which stated that customer satisfaction has a significant impact on customer loyalty (Nugraheni, 2021). Mohsan's research also Afandi found that customer satisfaction significantly affects customer loyalty (Mohsan, 2011). These results indicate that customer satisfaction has an elevated level of influence on customer loyalty (Ghofur, 2021). According to Kotler and Keller, satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that arises from comparing product performance with desired expectations. Customers will feel satisfied if their desires are met and will be delighted if their expectations are exceeded (Keller, 2012). Satisfaction Cannot Strengthen the Relationship Between Religious Motives and Customer Loyalty in Bank NTB Syariah The statistical results indicate that hypothesis H6 is not accepted, meaning that the Satisfaction variable cannot play a significant role as an intervening variable. As noted in the t -statistics and path coefficient values of 10.559 and 0.580, respectively, no relationship was found between Religious Motive and Loyalty, which automatically implies that the Satisfaction variable cannot be intervening in the relationship between Religious Motive and Loyalty. The statistics show no significant positive influence between religious motive and Loyalty. These research findings align with a previous study conducted by Wahyoedi (Soegeng Wahyoedi, 2021) which stated that the Religiosity variable does not enough affect customer loyalty, with satisfaction as an mediation variable in Islamic Bank in DKI Jakarta. Nisfatul Husniah also stated that Religiosity variable does not affect customer loyalty, with satisfaction as an intervening variable (Hasanah, 2021). It means the Satisfaction variable cannot mediate the relationship between religiosity and customer loyalty. Satisfaction as a Reinforcer of the Relationship between Economic Motives and Customer Loyalty at NTB Syariah Bank The statistical test results of Hypothesis H7 indicate a significant positive influence of Economic Motivation on Loyalty. This is evidenced by a t-statistics value of 5.512 and a path coefficient of 0.481. Previously, Hypothesis H4 had documented a positive relationship between Economic Motivation and Loyalty. Therefore, satisfaction can serve as an intervening variable in the relationship between Economic Motivation and Loyalty. Considering that satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that arises from comparing product performance with desired expectations, customers will feel satisfied if their needs are met and happy if their expectations are exceeded, as stated by Kotler and Keller (Keller, 2012). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that satisfaction can strengthen economic motivation and customer loyalty, given IJIK, Vol. 13 No. 1: 65-76 The Impact of Religious and Economic Motives on Loyalty with Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study of the Saving Customers of Bank NTB Syariah Sanurdi and Muslihun ISSN 2302-9366 ( Print ) ISSN 2302-9781 (Online) │ 75 that satisfaction is a pleasant feeling usually caused by improved product performance according to the customer's desires. CONCLUSION The results of statistical tests showed that the hypothesis regarding the positive influence of religious motives on customer loyalty and Satisfaction in Bank NTB Syariah was rejected. Specifically, the t-statistics value for the relationship between religious motives and Loyalty was 1.137, and the t -statistics value for the relationship between religious motives and satisfaction was 1.96, below the threshold for statistical significance. The marginal effect of religious motives on Loyalty and Satisfaction, as indicated by the path coefficient, was also minimal, at 0.052 and 0.088, respectively. Conversely, the results showed that economic motives positively influenced customer loyalty and Satisfaction in Bank NTB Syariah, with a t-statistics value of 4.225 for the relationship between economic motives and Loyalty, and 8.536 for the relationship between economic motives and satisfaction. Furthermore, satisfaction was found to significantly influence customer loyalty in Bank NTB Syariah, as evidenced by the t-statistics value of 4.551 and the path coefficient of 0.498. Additionally, satisfaction was a significant intervening variable in the relationship between economic motives and customer loyalty, as evidenced by the t-statistics value of 5.512 and the path coefficient of 0.481. It implies that satisfaction strengthens the positive relationship between economic motives and customer loyalty. 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