Kemandirian Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Melalui Literasi Keuangan Available online at: http://journal.uinsgd. php/ijik International Journal of Islamic Khazanah , Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 * Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok et.all This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Received: July 10, 2020; Revised: July 26, 2020; Accepted: July 28, 2020 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut,Jawa Barat, Indonesia * Corresponding author E-mail: syauqi.mubarok@sttgarut. ABSTRACT This article aims to examine and describe the influence of guidance and counseling management on learning discipline. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method using survey techniques. Data collection techniques that used are documentation studies and fie ld studies. Moreover, the data analysis technique that has been used to answer the research hypothesis is statistical analysis with a path analysis model. The location of the study was at the Ciledug Vocational High School Al- Musaddadiyah Garut, with 85 respondents taking part in the survey. The results of the discussion show that guidance and counseling management has a positive and significant effect on the discipline of learning. Keywords : management guidance, counseling, student learning discipline INTRODUCTION Current educational problems that associated with low student learning discipline are one of the educational challenges faced by this nation. This condition is thought to be amongst the impact of the low quality of guidance and counseling management. The phenomenon of problems regarding student learning discipline, based on researcher observations has a relationship with several other factors. Including guidance and counseling management, the aspect of the problem has a causal relationship that must be investigated further, because in Suradi's opinion, that several external factors influence the learning discipline that grouped into two elements, namely; 1. Non -social factors which include air condition, time, place, and equipment or media used for learning, 2. Social factors consisting of family environment, community environment and school environment (Ardiansyah, 2013). This statement means that a good school environment can support the formation of good student learning disciplines. The school can be said to be excellent as an organization if the school performs its functions well. According to Atmodiwirio, as an organization, the school has functions: (1) as a place of formal education within a specified period according to the type, level, and nature of the school; (2) a place of learning and teaching in accordance with the applicable curriculum; (3) a place for fostering for intra-school organization (OSIS); (4) a place for conducting guidance and counseling for students in school (Jelantik, 2015). There is a presumption that the facts on the phenomenon of the problem have a causal relationship that must be investigated further (Asyhari & Hariyanti, 2020). Currently, the topic of management guidance and counseling and discipline of students learning has become an interesting topic for discussion in the world of education, and this is evidenced by the many studies that discuss the management guidance and counseling and of student learning discipline. Research in these fields includes research on comprehensive guidance and counseling programs to develop student competency standards conducted by C. Matappa (Bhakti, 2017). His research is a literature analysis of how the development of a guidance International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 70 │ and counseling program that is holistic, systematic, balanced, pro-active, integrated with the school curriculum, and reflexive. Furthermore, there is also research on the influence of group counseling and counseling programs on improving self-regulation, self-efficacy, and academic achievement carried out by E. Noviawati, et. al. In their research, they used a quasi-experimental design to measure the effectiveness of a counseling and group counseling program to improve self-regulation in learning, academic self- efficacy, and academic achievement. In their study, they found that students with low academic achievement tended to have low self-regulation and academic self-efficacy characteristics, besides that the test results also found that group counseling and guidance programs were effective in improving self- regulation and self-efficacy which ultimately improved academic achievement students (Noviawati, Elvi, LN, & Nurihsan, 2016). Furthermore, there is also research on the effect of moral coaching by citizenship education teachers on student learning discipline conducted by Hasanah et. al. The study focused on the impact generated from the efforts of moral coaching led by civic education subject teachers on student learning discipline (Hasanah, 2018). Furthermore, there is also research on the influence of parental involvement and parenting on child discipline conducted by Edy, et al. The study aimed to examine the effect of parental involvement and parenting on child discipline in PAUD units using the ex post facto survey method. In the study, they found that the level of parental participation and parenting influences children's discipline (Edy, CH, Sumantri, & Yetti, 2018). Furthermore, there is also research on the effect of the implementation of school discipline on the discipline of student learning conducted by Hadianti. The study aims to examine the impact of implementing school discipline on the discipline of learning for elementary students by using inferential methods. From the research, it is known that the implementation of discipline has a powerful influence of 39% on student learning discipline (Hadianti, 2017). As for the significance of this study, we used descriptive analysis method using survey techniques to examine the effect of implementing guidance and counseling management on student learning discipline. In connection with that, the author is interested in continuing research with the title "The effect of guidance management and counseling on learning discipline .". RESEARCH METHOD The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The definition of the descriptive approach is a method that describes or exposes the phenomenon of the problem that will be examined at this time or the present situation with the aim of finding answers to problem-solving, and the results are implemented after exploratory activities(Iskandar, 2016). This research technique uses survey techniques, namely research that takes samples from a population by using questionnaires as a tool for collecting primary data to examine symptoms or observed phenomena. Thus the research methods and techniques used in this study are expected to provide answers to problem-solving through gathering information on field data that describes the factors that are related between the phenomena studied, namely regarding the variables of guidance and counseling management and learning discipline. Analysis of the facts of the research results is clarified with relevant literature, according to recommendations given by Ramdhani & Ramdhani (M. A. Ramdhani & Ramdhani, 2014), and Ramdhani et al. (A. Ramdhani, Ramdhani, & Amin, 2014). To see the objective conditions, there is an object of research. The researcher establishes the operationalization of the research variables, which are arranged to facilitate the steps in capturing and collecting data obtained from respondents following theories, concepts, propositions, and assumptions of the research variables specified. The operationalization of this research variable is a s follows: International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) │ 71 Table 1. Operationalization of Research Variables VARIABLE DIMENSI INDICATOR Guidance and Counseling Management (X) Planning Guidance and Counseling Activities Analysis of student needs Goal setting Determination of types of activities Determination of time and place of activity Determination of facilities and budget Organizing Activities and All Supporting Elements of Guidance and Counseling The division of tasks between guidance and counseling officers Involvement and coordination of the stakeholders Moving Human Resources to Implement Guidance and Counseling Activities Carry out orientation services Carry out information services Carry out individual guidance and counseling services Carry out group guidance and counseling services Evaluating Guidance and Counseling Activities Measuring and assessing work results Take corrective and development actions Source: Sugiyo(Silitonga, Sarjono, & Anif, 2014) Student Learning Discipline (Y) On Time Come to school on time Go home from school on time Not leaving class/ ditching during lessons Do not leave the class during the lesson Do not skip school Not lazy to learn Complete all school assignments Diligently reading books Always participate in every lesson held Comply with school regulations Obey all school rules not violating school rules Source: Shochib(Shochib, 2010) Respondents in this study were all students in class X and XI of the Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut Vocational School, which amounted to 544 people and taken as many as 85 samples. With detailed characteristics of respondents as follows: International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 72 │ Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents by Gender Number of Respondents Total Respondents M F 42 43 85 49.41 % 50.59 % 100 % Table 3. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Family Integrity No Family Status Total Percentage 1 Complete Parents 66 77.65 % 2 Single Parents 18 21.18 % 3 Orphans 1 1.18 % Total 85 100 % Table 4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Age No Age (Years) Total Percentage 1 17 39 45.88 % 2 18 18 21.18 % 3 19 28 32.94 % Total 85 100 % The discussion was carried out on the potential development patterns of relevant students as an effort to improve learning discipline.. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Guidance and counseling management and learning discipline which is operational theories are derived from the middle theory of Islamic Education Management. This Middle theory is very much tied to the grand theory, namely Islamic Education, which is one of its coverage regarding guidance and counseling management. For more details the framework of thought that researchers have described above can be seen in the explanation below: Guidance and Counseling Management According to Terry, quoted by Mulyono, said: "that management is a unique process, which consists of actions of planning, organizing, activating and supervising carried out to determine and achieve the targets set through the use of human resources and other sources ”(Shandi & Hasthoro, 2016). Related to guidance and counseling (GC) consists of two syllables, namely guidance and counseling. The term guidance is a translation of an English word, namely "guidance" which comes from a verb to guide which International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) │ 73 means showing, giving way, or guiding others towards a goal that is more beneficial for his life in the present and future (Rozikan & Fitriana, 2017). Then related to counseling according to Prayitno, is one type of service which is an integrated relationship of guidance. Counseling can be interpreted as a reciprocal relationship between two individuals, where one (i.e., the counselor), tries to help the other (i.e., the client) to reach an understanding of himself concerning the problems he faces in the future (Daulay, 2015). Based on the description above, we know that guidance and counseling management is a management that is implemented in guidance and counseling. Visioned and can be realized in program planning, organizing activities, and all supporting elements of guidance and counseling. This statement is in line with Sugiyo's opinion that guidance and counseling management is an activity that begins with 1. Planning guidance and counseling activities, 2. Organizing activities and all supporting elements of guidance and counseling, 3. Mobilizing human resources to carry out guidance and counseling activities, and 4. Evaluating guidance and counseling activities to find out whether all service activities have been carried out and know the results(Silitonga et al., 2014). In this study, the author analyzed guidance and counseling, seen from the standpoint of service management. According to Sugiyo, it was said that in detail, the guidance and counseling management activities were as follows : Planning guidance and counseling activities include: 1. Analysis of student needs. 2. Goal setting. 3. Determination of types of activities. 4. Determination of time and place of activity 5. Determination of facilities and budget Organizing activities and all supporting elements of guidance and counseling, including: 1. The division of tasks between guidance and counseling officers 2. Involvement and coordination of the stakeholders Mobilizing human resources to carry out guidance and counseling activities, including : 1. Carry out orientation services 2. Carry out information services 3. Carry out individual guidance and counseling services 4. Carry out group guidance and counseling services Evaluating guidance and counseling activities, including: 1. Measuring and assessing work results 2. Take corrective and development actions (Silitonga et al., 2014) Student Learning Discipline Etymologically the discipline comes from Latin " Disibel" which means followers. Along with the development of the times, the word changes to " discipline " which means devotion or obedience to the order(Elly, 2016). Then according to Prijodarminto saying that discipline is a condition that is created and formed through a process of a series of behaviors that show the values of devotion, obedience, loyalty, or order (Z Pujawati, 2016). International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 74 │ Related to learning according to the Slameto, learning is a process/ effort carried out by individuals to obtain a change in new behavior as a whole, as a result of the experience of the individual itself in interaction with the environment(Lomu & Widodo, 2018). Based on some of the descriptions above, it can be concluded that students 'learning discipline is students' obedience in following the rules or rules that have been set by the school because they are encouraged by awareness in their conscience to obtain a behavior change from the results of the experience they have gained. This is in line with Laura's opinion that the discipline of learning is the predisposition (inclination) of a student's mental attitude to obey the rules, order, and at the same time controlling himself, adjusting to regulations that come from outside even when restraining and showing awareness of responsibility towards their duties and obligations as students(Mahanani, 2013). In this study, the author takes reference from Shochib, whereas student behavior that can be used to measure the level of discipline for students at the school, can be seen under the provisions of the discipline of time and discipline actions, as follows : On time, including : 1. Come to school on time 2. Go home from school on time Not leaving class/ditching during lessons, including : 1. Do not leave class during the lesson, 2. Do not skip school. Not lazy to learn, including: 1. Complete all school assignments, 2. Diligently reading books 3. Always participate in every lesson held. Comply with school regulations, including: 1. Obey all school rules 2. Not violating school rules(Shochib, 2010). Research result This study examines empirical facts about the effect of guidance and counseling management on learning discipline. The research paradigm analyzed is shown in picture 1 . There is no influence (Ho) Picture 1. Research Paradigm Data Description of Research Variables To determine the variable conditions of management guidance and counseling, student learning discipline and student achievement, then made measurements using a questionnaire consisted of questions, each with five possible answers to choose and deemed appropriate according to the respondents. From these answers, then the assessment criteria are arranged as follows: There is the influence (Ha) Guidence and Counseling Student Learning Discipline International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) │ 75 1. The cumulative value is the number of values of each question item which is the answer of 85 respondents. 2. The percentage is the cumulative value of an item divided by its frequency value multiplied by 100%. 3. The number of respondents is 85 people and the largest measurement scale value is 5, while the smallest measurement scale is 1, so the calculation results are obtained as follows: 1. The largest cumulative amount = 85 x 5 = 425 2. Smallest cumulative amount = 85 x 1 = 85 3. The biggest percentage value is = (425/ 425) x 100 % = 100 % 4. Smallest percentage value = (85/ 425) x 100 % = 20 % From the two percentage values obtained range values = 100% - 20% = 80% and if divided by 5 measurement scales, the percentage interval value is = (80%) / 5 = 16% so that the percentage assessment criteria classification is obtained as follows: Table 5. Assessment Criteria of Respondents by percentage No Percentage Assessment criteria 1 20% - 35,99% Very poor 2 36% - 51,99% Poor 3 52% - 67,99% Well 4 68% - 83,99% Good 5 84% - 100% Very good Sumber: Hasil Penelitian, 2016 Description of Management and Counseling Variables The independent variable in this study is guidance management which is measured using 4 dimensions, namely, (1) Planning guidance and counseling activities; (2) Organizing activities and all supporting elements of guidance and counseling; (3) Mobilizing human resources to carry out guidance activities and counseling; and (4) Evaluating guidance and counseling activities. Then measuring using a questionnaire consisting of 27 statement items, each of which is accompanied by five possible answers that must be selected and considered according to the respondent. The results of data processing on 27 items of statements about guidance and counseling management are presented in the following table: Table 6 .Distribution of Respondent’s Answers on Guidance and Counseling Management Variables No Item Score Percentage % Criteria 1 At the beginning of entering school, students are asked for information about their identity through interviews 336 79.06 Good International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 76 │ 2 At the beginning of entering school, students are asked for information about their social and cultural background through interviews 342 80.47 Good 3 Schools always distribute questionnaires to students regarding educational service satisfaction 341 80.24 Good 4 Schools always distribute questionnaires to parents regarding satisfaction of education services 338 79.53 Good 5 The school provides counseling services for students who experience problems 318 74.82 Good 6 GC activities are carried out according to the needs of students 334 78.59 Good 7 Learning counseling services can always increase students' desire to continue learning 342 80.47 Good 8 The GC teacher always agrees with the students in setting one time outside the learning hours 320 75.29 Good 9 GC teachers are always seen coordinating with certain subject teachers or homeroom teachers when they will provide services in the learning hours 338 79.53 Good 10 The GC room always looks clean and neatly arranged 369 86.82 Very Good 11 Schools are always seen trying to provide the facilities needed by GC teachers 354 83.29 Good 12 GC teachers are qualified teachers in their fields 298 70.12 Good 13 GC teachers always coordinating with principals and subject teachers and homeroom teachers 305 71.76 Good 14 The school conducting scheduled home visits to the students 309 72.71 Good 15 During the orientation period, the school always introduced new students with all school teachers and staff 321 75.53 Good International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) │ 77 16 At the orientation period, the school always provides new students with an understanding of all the regulations that apply at school 329 77.41 Good 17 GC teachers always provide information about job vacancies and information about all career paths that can be obtained by students in the future 337 79.29 Good 18 Counseling services are beneficial in increasing my learning interest 333 78.35 Good 19 The school provides counseling services for troubled students 334 78.59 Good 20 The school provides counseling services for students at the time and location agreed upon with students 316 74.35 Good 21 In group guidance, GC teachers always deliver material on the general basis 332 78.12 Good 22 The school provide special hours every week for guidance services at school for students 345 81.18 Good 23 Guidance and counseling services can carry out the program following what was previously planned 307 72.24 Good 24 The implementation of guidance and counseling services always runs smoothly without obstacles 376 88.47 Very Good 25 Counseling services are beneficial in increasing my learning interest 388 91.29 Very Good 26 GC teachers always inform the obstacles that occur in the implementation of guidance and counseling 332 78.12 Good 27 Every year, GC teachers always inform the new GC programs that will be implemented in the new school year 345 81.18 Good Average 335 78.77 Good International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 78 │ From the table above, it can be seen that the average respondent's answer to the guidance and counseling management variable has good criteria with a percentage of 78.77% of all statements on that variable. This value indicates that the guidance and counseling management at Ciledug Al-Musadaddiyah Vocational School in Garut is considered good. Guidance and counseling management must always be sought and improved because it will encourage children to be able to excel in learning and will enhance the quality of education in schools. This statement is in line with Prayitno's opinion, that lack or even in existence of guidance and counseling for students in the learning process, resulting in poor student learning discipline and low student achievement. Because, guidance and counseling is a service of assistance to students, both individually and in groups, in order to be able to be independent and develop optimally in the field of personal guidance, social guidance, tutoring , and guidance career, through various types of services and supporting activities, based on prevailing norms(Prayitno & Amti, 2004). The highest percentage of the results of questionnaires is in item number 25, with a rate of 91.29% and very good criteria, namely "Counseling services are beneficial in increasing my learning interest." This value indicates that counseling services have been carried out optimally by GC teachers who are in school and able to help and increase students' interest in learning. The statement was also supported by the results of interviews with several teachers and students at Ciledug Al -Musadaddiyah Vocational School, Garut, on December 12, 2016, at 13.22-14.54. The interview shows that, in the guidance counseling conducted by the GC teacher, students were always given good motivation and encouragement by the supervisor, so that the enthusiasm and interest in student learning become higher and in the end, the motivation can increase the level of focus and concentration of students in the learning process. The lowest rating is in item 12 with a percentage of 70.12% with good criteria, namely "GC teachers are qualified teachers in their fields." This value indicates that most GC teachers in Ciledug Al- Musadaddiyah Vocational School in Garut are not qualified in their fields. This is supported by the results of documentation analysis conducted by researchers on teacher data at Ciledug Al - Musadaddiyah Vocational School , Garut, that all GC teachers in Ciledug Al-Musadaddiyah Vocational School in Garut, when viewed from the educational qualifications, are not very relevant to their duties, meaning that GC teachers at SMK Ciledug Al-Musadaddiyah Garut are not scholars of GC. Description of Student Learning Discipline Variables The dependent variable in this study is student learning discipline which is measured using four dimensions namely, (1) On time (2) Not leaving class/ditching during lessons, (3) Not lazing to learn and (4) Complying with school regulations. To find out the condition of student learning discipline variables, the measurement is done using a questionnaire consisting of 17 statement items , each of which is accompanied by five possible answers that must be selected and considered according to the respondents. The results of processing data on 17 items statement about student learning discipline are presented in the following table 7: Table 7. Distribution of Respondent’s Answers on Student Learning Discipline Variables No Item Score Percentage % Criteria 1 Students always come to school before the entrance bell rings 332 78.12 Good International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) │ 79 2 Students always come to school 15 minutes before the learning process begins 327 76.94 Good 3 Students always go home from school after the bell 337 79.29 Good 4 Students always go home after class ends 349 82.12 Good 5 When learning is in progress, students never leave the classroom to go to the toilet 353 83.06 Good 6 When learning is in progress, students never ask permission to leave with the reason of wanting to meet a friend 319 75.06 Good 7 When learning is ongoing, students never leave school without permission 305 71.76 Good 8 When learning is in progress, students intentionally do not follow learning and remain silent outside the classroom 306 72.00 Good 9 I always complete assignments on time 325 76.47 Good 10 I always complete assignments without the help of others 343 80.71 Good 11 Students always read textbooks 348 81.88 Good 12 Students always read supplementary books that are related to the material they are learning 291 68.47 Good 13 Students always participate in all learning activities held by each teacher 280 65.88 Well 14 Students are always active and take part in all learning activities held by each teacher 301 70.82 Good 15 Students always behave following school rules 317 74.59 Good 16 Students never fight at school 330 77.65 Good 17 Students never smoke at school 343 80.71 Good Average 324 76.21 Good From the table above, it can be seen that the average respondent's answer to the student disciplinary variable has good criteria with an overall percentage of 76.21% of all statements on that variable. This value indicates that the level of learning discipline of students at Ciledug Al -Musadaddiyah International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 80 │ Vocational School in Garut is considered good. Learning discipline in students must always be improved and developed because the discipline of students in learning will bring a regularity of life and give a good impact on achieving their learning achievements. This statement is following Tu'u's opinion that the primary function of discipline is to teach to control themselves so they can respect and obey the rules to discipline themselves and to support the implementation of the learning process so th at it runs smoothly(Tu’u, 2004). The highest percentage of the results of questionnaires is in item number 5, with a rate of 83.06% and good criteria, namely " When learning is in progress, students never go out of class to go to the toilet." This value indicates that in the learning process, each student seldom asks permission to go to the toilet. The statement is supported by the results of interviews with several teachers at Ciledug Al-Musadaddiyah Vocational School, Garut, on December 12, 2016, at 13.22 -14.54. Which said that when the learning process had begun, most students rarely asked for permission to leave the class with the reason to go to the toilet, so that learning takes place without any external interference from students who want to go out of class. The lowest rating is in item 13 with a percentage of 62.28% with quite good criteria, namely " Students always participate in all learning activities held by each teacher." This value indicates that not all students always participate in all forms of learning organized by the teacher. The statement was also supported by the results of interviews with several teachers at Ciledug Al-Musadaddiyah Vocational School, Garut, on Monday, December 12, 2016, 13.22 -14.54. Which said that some students did not participate actively and always did not participate in every learning activity/activity organized by the teacher. The result can be seen from the ineffectiveness of class discussion/group work activities in the classroom. This situation occurs because some students are passive and do not understand what is learned, so in the learning, process students tend inactive, silent and doing nothing. Hypothesis Testing Results The hypothesis design proposed in this study is as follows: Hypothesis: H0 H1 : : There is no influence of guidance and counseling management on student learning discipline. There is the influence of guidance and counseling management on student learning discipline. To answer the proposed hypothesis, testing is carried out namely by using path analysis testing. Based on the test results obtained the value of the path coefficient (P yx) of 0.2609. The explanation for the massive influence of variable X to variable Y, are presented in the following table 8: TABLE 8. Analysis Results of Path X to Y Path Path Coefficient tcount ttable Decision Conclusion Value Pyx 0.2609 2.4617 1.9890 H0 denied Significant International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) │ 81 To find out more about the effect of management guidance and counseling to the student’s discipline, testing is carried out by comparing tcount with ttable. Based on the results of the test obtained, the value of tcount greater than ttable value that is t count = 2.4617 > t table = 1.9890. Furthermore, the result is achieved through the following calculations : Looking for tcount t= 0.2609 √1 − 0.2609 2 85 −2 t= 2.4617 : tablet Looking for 2 ) –: n = ( tablet ttable = ( 0.05 : 85 – 2) ttable = 1.9890 From these values obtained that Ho denied, because tcount = 2.4617 > ttable = 1.9890 so that the guidanc e and counseling management variables affect student learning discipline. The influence of guidance and counseling management on student learning discipline is equal to 6.80% while the remaining 93.20% is influenced by other variables outside the guidance and counseling management variables that are not included in the model. This value is obtained through the equation as follows : Correlation Matrix: R2YX = 0.26092= 0.0680 So that : Discussion Thus, this condition shows that guidance and counseling management has a positive and significant influence on student learning discipline at 6.80%. The magnitude of the influence is included in the low category, and this is because there are dimensions in the guidance and counseling management variables 2 1 2 − − = n P P t YX YX 22 1 1 YXY RP −= 0.9320 0.06801 2 1 =−=YP International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 10 No. 2: 69-83 Management of Guidance an Counseling on Learning Discipline Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok ISSN 2302-9781 (online) 82 │ that have not been optimally implemented. Where based on the results of observations and questionnaires conducted by the author, the lowest percentage is on the organizing activity dimension and all supporting elements of guidance and counseling. This result is indicated by the low level of relevance between tasks and educational qualifications possessed by GC teachers. This situation happens because quantitatively, there is a limitation in the number of human resources with GC education background, so the school has difficulty in finding and hiring professional workers, especially GC scholars, which incidentally is quite rare in Garut. So that in the end with the less optimal implementation of these dimensions, it automatically reduces the magnitude of the influence of guidance and counseling management variables on student learning discipline. However, even though there is a weakness in guidance and counseling management, it still contributes to student learning discipline, meaning that this condition indicates that guidance and counseling management has a positive and significant influence on student learning discipline. This statement is in line with what Suradi said that the factors that influence the learning discipline are as follows: 1. Non-social factors, such as air condition, time, place and equipment and media used for learning. 2. Social factors, which consist of family environment, school environment, and community environment(Firmanto, 2017). From the opinion above, it can be concluded that the school environment has a significant role in the formation of discipline in students. Because according to Atmodiwirio said that as an organization, the school has a function as: (1) a place of formal education in a certain period according to the type, the level and nature of the school, (2) the place of education and teaching in accordance with the applicable curriculum, (3) the place for fostering intra-school organizations (OSIS), (4) the place for the implementation of guidance and counseling for students in school (Jelantik, 2015). The phenomenon of problems regarding students' learning discipline based on researcher observations is related to several other factors (Epsilon), among them in harmony with the opinion of Prijodarminto quoted by Firmanto, suggesting that the discipline was created through the assistance of educators, both parents, teachers, and the community(Firmanto, 2017). Moreover, also Suradi's opinion quoted by Firmanto about the factors that influence the learning discipline (Firmanto, 2017). CONCLUSION The results of the discussion showed that guidance and counseling management had a positive and significant effect on the discipline of learning. 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