item: #1 of 184 id: ijmr-10155 author: Eren, F.; Inanır, N. T.; Gurses, M. S.; Eren, B.; Gundogmus, U. N.; Ioan, B. title: DEATH DUE TO CARDIAC ANGIOSARCOMA: AUTOPSY CASE REPORT date: 2019-07-11 words: 2304 flesch: 64 summary: Approximately three-quarters of primary heart tumors are benign with atrial myxomas comprising three- quarters of them Primary cardiac tumors: early and late results of surgical treatment in 91 patients. keywords: angiosarcoma; atrium; autopsy; bursa; cardiac; case; cells; department; doi; eren; examination; fig; findings; forensic; heart; histopathologic; ijmmr; issn; issue; kim; lesions; literature; liver; lung; mail; malign; medicine; metastatic; orcid; percent; primary; right; sarcomas; sections; specialist; spindle; spleen; study; symptoms; tokat; tumoral; tumors; turkey; university; vol; аутопсії; серця cache: ijmr-10155.pdf plain text: ijmr-10155.txt item: #2 of 184 id: ijmr-10157 author: Mohammed, D.; Patel, S. B. title: PULMONARY AND INTRACRANIAL RADIOGRAPHIC PRESENTATIONS OF LANGERHANS CELL HISTIOCYTOSIS date: 2019-07-11 words: 2830 flesch: 54 summary: On a pathological basis, the patient was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. This report focuses on the radiological presentations of the manifestations of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, particularly the presentations in the lung and intracranial regions. Conclusions. keywords: areas; biopsy; blood; brain; case; cell; cell histiocytosis; chest; common; consistent; dendritic; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; doi; fig; histiocytosis; history; hypothalamus; ijmmr; important; insipidus; intracranial; involvement; issn; issue; james; journal; langerhans; langerhans cell; lesions; lung; manifestations; medical; medicine; mohammed; mri; nodular; nodules; opacities; open; park; particular; pathology; patient; pediatric; pituitary; pneumothorax; positive; presentation; pulmonary; radiographic; rare; report; reticular; ridge; saint; school; stalk; symptoms; usa; клітин; лангерганса cache: ijmr-10157.pdf plain text: ijmr-10157.txt item: #3 of 184 id: ijmr-10305 author: Dmytrenko, I. V.; Minchenko, Zh. M; Fedorenko, V. V.; Dyagil, I. S. title: SIGNIFICANCE OF ADDITIONAL CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES FOR THE OUTCOMES AFTER THE SECOND LINE NILOTINIB THERAPY IN THE CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA PATIENTS date: 2019-07-11 words: 4685 flesch: 63 summary: But higher inhibitory activity of nilotinib compare to the imatinib allows overcoming imatinib resistance in the CML patients regardless of the ACA presence and achieves CCR in about 50 % of patients in 12 months of nilotinib therapy. The objective of this study was to analyze the significance of ACAs for the outcome after second line TKI therapy with nilotinib in the CML International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 2019, Volume 5, Issue 1, p. 33-39 copyright © 2019, TNMU, All Rights Reserved I.V. dmytrenko et al. 34 R a d ia t io n M e d ic in e a n d o n c o l o g y iSSn 2413-6077. keywords: 2nd; aberrations; abnormalities; aca; acas; additional; bcr; beginning; ccr; cells; center; characteristics; chromosomal; chronic; clone; cml; cml patients; cytogenetic; dmytrenko; doi; efs; failure; free; i.v; ijmmr; imatinib; issn; issue; leukemia; line; line therapy; medical; medicine; mmr; months; myeloid; national; nilotinib; nilotinib therapy; number; o n; outcomes; patients; pfs; phase; positive; presence; prognostic; progression; radiation; research; resistance; response; second; significance; study; survival; t(9;22; table; therapy; time; tki; translocations; ukraine; variant; vol; наук; терапії cache: ijmr-10305.pdf plain text: ijmr-10305.txt item: #4 of 184 id: ijmr-10306 author: Lukianchuk, V. D.; Bukhtiarova, T. A.; Seifullina, I. I.; Polishchuk, E. M.; Martsinko, O. E.; Topolnytska, H. A. title: PHARMACOKINETICS OF THE NEW CEREBROPETECTOR FERRUM BIS(CITRATO)GERMANATE AT THE STAGE OF ITS DISTRIBUTION TO THE ORGANS IN CLOSED HEAD INJURY date: 2019-07-12 words: 4711 flesch: 64 summary: It is established that, in cases of closed head injury Cerebrogerm reaches maximum concentration first in the brain (in 3.75 h), then in the kidneys (in 3.92 h), and finally in the liver (in 4.17 h). Objective of the study is a comparative analysis of the central stage of the pharmacokinetics of Cerebrogerm as well as its distribution in vital organs in cases of closed head injury. keywords: animals; blood; brain; c e; cases; central; cerebrogerm; closed; closed head; compound; concentration; conditions; distribution; drug; e s; experimental; ferrum; germanium; head; head injury; ijmmr; injury; institute; issn; issue; kidneys; kyiv; liver; lukianchuk; mass; maximum; medical; model; nams; national; normal; odesa; organs; parameters; period; pharmacokinetic; pharmacology; rats; results; speed; stage; t1/2; time; toxicology; transfer; traumatic; ukraine; ukrainian; university; v.d; vol; зчмт; україна cache: ijmr-10306.pdf plain text: ijmr-10306.txt item: #5 of 184 id: ijmr-10307 author: Shevchuk, O. O.; Todor, I. M.; Lukianova, N. Yu.; Rodionova, N. K.; Nikolaev, V. G.; Chekhun, V. F. title: EFFICACY OF GRANULOCYTE COLONY-STIMULATING FACTOR AND ENTEROSORPTION IN MELPHALAN-INDUCED BONE MARROW SUPPRESSION IN GUERIN CARCINOMA GRAFTED RATS date: 2019-07-12 words: 5079 flesch: 66 summary: Dynamics of the Guerin carcinoma growth in the experimental groups (volume, cm3, M±SE, n=7) Group Day after tumor’s inoculation 10th day 17th day Tumor control group 3.7±0.2 11.3±0.2 Melphalan group 3.8±0.3 6.6±0.2 * Melphalan + filgrastim group 3.7±0.2 6.4±0.3 * Melphalan + C2 group 3.5±0.2 6.1±0.2 * Melphalan + filgrastim + C2 group 3.8±0.3 325.6±35.9** 152.0±8.0 Melphalan group, (n=3) 8.70±2.65 49.0±11.9* 130.0±30.0 Melphalan + filgrastim group, (n=6) 10.57±1.19 74.0±9.5* 211.0±25.0 Melphalan + C2 group, (n=5) 8.06±0.68 60.0±8.6* 153.0±15.0 Melphalan + filgrastim + C2 group, (n=6) 10.21±1.00 205.6±86.2** 188.0±18.0 Melphalan + r-GCSF + C2 group, (n=6) 7.91±0.81 keywords: 17th; academy; adsorbents; agent; anti; blood; bone; c e; cancer; carbon; carcinoma; cells; chemotherapy; clinical; colony; combination; compare; control; count; csf; cytokines; cytostatic; day; doi; dose; e s; effects; enteral; enterosorbent; enterosorption; experimental; factor; figure; filgrastim; gcsf; granulocyte; group; guerin; iepor; ijmmr; injection; inoculation; institute; issn; issue; kavetsky; kyiv; leukopenia; marrow; medical; melphalan; melphalan group; mortality; national; neutropenia; nikolaev; o.o; oncology; oral; p<0.05; patients; platelets; r.e; radiobiology; rate; rats; results; sciences; shevchuk; significant; stimulating; study; suppression; ternopil; times; treatment; tumor; ukraine; use; vol; wbc; київ; нан; наук; україни; імені; інститут cache: ijmr-10307.pdf plain text: ijmr-10307.txt item: #6 of 184 id: ijmr-10308 author: Volotovska, N. V.; Kashchak, T. V. title: ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMES ACTIVITY IN EXPERIMENTAL ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION INJURY date: 2019-07-12 words: 4699 flesch: 67 summary: The peak of SOD activity was evidenced on the 1st, 3rd or 7th days after the experimental IRI according to the degree of trauma severity. On the 3rd day, compare to the control, in all experimental groups there was an total increase of SOD activity in 3 times (p1<0.003), in 5.4 times (p2<0.007), in 3.6 times (p3<0.03), in 2.48 times (p4<0.01), by 86% (p5<0.007). keywords: 14th; 1st; 3rd; 7th; activation; activity; antioxidant; application; bioethics; blood; blood loss; brain; cases; cat; catalase; changes; control; correlation; damage; day; days; decrease; defense; depression; development; dismutase; doi; dynamics; effect; enzymes; experimental; group; hemostatic; horbachevsky; ijmmr; increase; index; induced; injury; iri; ischemia; issn; issue; journal; level; limb; lipid; liver; loss; lower; mechanical; medical; methods; modifications; n.v; national; organs; oxidative; oxygen; peak; period; peroxidation; place; presence; protective; rats; reaction; reperfusion; research; results; significant; silymarin; skeletal; sod; stress; study; superoxide; syndrome; system; takhtfooladi; ternopil; thigh; times; tourniquet; trauma; university; use; volotovska; джгута; при; ірс cache: ijmr-10308.pdf plain text: ijmr-10308.txt item: #7 of 184 id: ijmr-10310 author: Dzhyvak, V. H.; Khlibovska, O. I.; Klishch, I. M. title: ROLE OF ENDOGENIC INTOXICATION IN MUSCLE INJURY IN EXPERIMENT date: 2020-02-18 words: 3254 flesch: 53 summary: Endogenous intoxication was determined by a technique based on the idea of erythrocytes as a universal adsorbent, which allows assessing the level of endogenous intoxication by changing the sorption capacity of erythrocytes of the polar, practically not penetrating through their methylene blue membrane. The results of our research prove that traumatic muscle damage causes endotoxicosis development evidenced by accumulation of endotoxins in the animals’ body that is proved by significant changes in endogenous intoxication indices: i.e. erythrocytic and leukocytic indexes of intoxication and content of medium mass molecules. keywords: 14th; 7th; animals; average; blood; body; causes; changes; content; damage; day; days; development; dzhyvak; eii; endogenous; endogenous intoxication; experiment; horbachevsky; ijmmr; increase; index; indices; injuries; injury; intact; intoxication; issn; issue; leukocyte; level; mass; medical; medium; membrane; mmm; mmm1; mmm2; molecules; muscle; national; observation; pathological; period; rats; research; response; results; significant; syndrome; table; terms; ternopil; times; traumatic; ukraine; university; v.h; vol; інтоксикації cache: ijmr-10310.pdf plain text: ijmr-10310.txt item: #8 of 184 id: ijmr-10334 author: Huwiage, G.M.; Nami, A. A.; Akadh, A. H. title: STOOL ANTIGEN (HPSA) TEST IN DETECTION OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION AMONG ADULT DYSPEPTIC PATIENTS IN TRIPOLI, LIBYA date: 2020-02-18 words: 5940 flesch: 65 summary: The objectives of the study were to deter- mine the prevalence of H. pylori among adult dyspeptic patients in Tripoli region and to evaluate the performance of stool antigen test (HpSA) as a diagnostic method for the detection of H. pylori infection; to compare (HpSA) test with IgG antibody test regarding sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and their useful appli- cations; to determine the relationship of a proposed risk factor with H. pylori infection in the studied group. 2. Detection of H. pylori infection by HpSA test Table 2 presents the rate of positivity of H. pylori stool antigen test in adult dyspeptic Table 1. keywords: accuracy; adult; age; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigen test; blood; clinics; comparison; conjugate; correlation; countries; detection; diagnosis; different; diseases; doi; dyspepsia; dyspeptic; enzyme; factors; family; g.m; gastric; gastroenterology; gold; groups; h. pylori; helicobacter; helicobacter pylori; high; history; hpsa; hpsa test; huwiage; igg; igg test; ijmmr; income; infection; invasive; issn; issue; level; libya; m e; marital; medical; mediterranean; methods; monthly; negative; number; old; oral; patients; pearson; positive; prevalence; pylori; pylori infection; rapid; rate; results; risk; sample; sciences; serum; significant; specialized; standard; status; stool; stool antigen; structural; studies; study; table; tailed; test; total; transmission; treatment; tripoli; virulence; vol; water; years cache: ijmr-10334.pdf plain text: ijmr-10334.txt item: #9 of 184 id: ijmr-10388 author: Irinyenikan, T. A. title: RISK FACTORS FOR FEMALE INFERTILITY AT A TERTIARY HEALTH FACILITY IN AKURE, SOUTH-WEST NIGERIA date: 2020-02-18 words: 5633 flesch: 55 summary: However, 15 (9.7%) of secondary infertility cases have had fibroid operation compare with 1 (0.6%) of the control and the risk of secondary infertility was significantly higher than the control [OR=0.06, 95% CI=0.01-0.47, P=0.007]. Among the cases, 155 (77.5%) had secondary infertility, while 45 (22.5%) had primary infertility. keywords: 0(0.0; abortion; age; akure; cases; cause; clinic; complex; conditions; consent; control; data; endometriosis; factors; family; female; female infertility; fibroids; group; gynaecological; health; higher; history; hospital; ijmmr; infection; infertile; infertility; infertility cases; irinyenikan; issn; issue; level; medical; n=155; n=45; nigeria; ondo; ovary; p=0.000; pcos; planning; polycystic; post; previous; primary; primary infertility; proportion; risk; sample; sciences; secondary; secondary infertility; sepsis; sexual; significant; size; state; study; syndrome; t.a; table; teaching; university; value; vol; women; years cache: ijmr-10388.pdf plain text: ijmr-10388.txt item: #10 of 184 id: ijmr-10448 author: Loban, G. A.; Petrushanko, T. O.; Chereda, V. V.; Faustova, M. O.; Ananieva, M. M.; Basarab, Ya. A. title: DIAGNOSTIC AND PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF MICROBIAL FLORA IMBALANCE IN GINGIVAL BIOFILM date: 2020-02-18 words: 4649 flesch: 56 summary: The research participants were assessed for detection of risks of periodontal inflammatory disease by the method developes by the authors (Patent UA 54041). The method suggested for assessment of the risk of periodontal inflammatory diseases is of high informativeness. keywords: academy; adolescents; autumn; biofilm; caries; catarrhal; cavity; changes; control; dental; development; diseases; dmf; dmf index; doi; early; factors; faustova; fig; flora; fluid; frequency; g.a; gingival; gingivitis; gradations; gram; group; gum; ijmmr; imbalance; incidence; increase; index; individuals; inflammatory; issn; loban; mean; medical; microbial; muhlemann; number; oral; p=0.0001; patients; periodontal; poltava; research; right; risk; sc shift; sc value; shift; spring; stomatological; study; subjects; sulcus; times; tissues; ukraine; ukrainian; value; vol; women; пародонта; полтава cache: ijmr-10448.pdf plain text: ijmr-10448.txt item: #11 of 184 id: ijmr-10456 author: Rajmohan, K.S.; Khan, I. D.; Kapoor, U.; Hashmi, S. A.; Gupta, R. M.; Sen, S.; Nair, G. L.; Singh, K. K.; Tandel, K.; Malik, M. title: PRIMARY LARYNGEAL ASPERGILLOSIS IN AN IMMUNOCOMPETENT PATIENT: (case report) date: 2020-02-18 words: 2934 flesch: 57 summary: Gupta AK, Khan ID, Shaw SC, Faisal FA, Sahu S, Khan S, Brijwal M, Shende T, Kundu N, Khalil S, Bhat S. Candida Parapsilosis Neonatal Sepsis. Danish Khan I, Makkar A, Malik A, Khan S, Mehdi I, Arif S, Aden D, Somayaji P, Roomi K. Cur- vularia Keratomycosis after Cataract Surgery. keywords: abuse; acute; analysis; angle; apr; armed; army; aspergillosis; aspergillus; base; basic; branching; care; case; clinical; college; contributory; cord; delhi; doi; factors; forces; growth; gupta; head; healthcare; history; hospital; hyphae; ijmmr; immunocompetent; india; infections; invasive; issn; issue; journal; k.s; khan; laryngeal; laryngeal aspergillosis; larynx; mail; medical; medicine; microbiology; new; new delhi; opportunistic; oral; orcid; pathogenic; pathology; patient; primary; professor; rajmohan; referral; report; research; sahni; sciences; sen; septate; squamous; systemic; tertiary; therapy; vocal; vol; гортані cache: ijmr-10456.pdf plain text: ijmr-10456.txt item: #12 of 184 id: ijmr-10459 author: Lekomtseva, Ye. title: SOME METABOLIC PROCESSES IN THE PATIENTS WITH LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES OF MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY date: 2020-02-18 words: 4243 flesch: 58 summary: Human studies have shown that serum levels of autoantibodies (anti-nuclear antibody, anti-smooth muscle antibody, and anti-liver and kidney microsomal antibody) are elevated in patients with auto- immune hepatitis and some rare muscle neuro- degenerative disorders Discussion The attained data complied with the lite- rature, in our opinion reflecting the effect of the increasing deficiency of oxidative reactions in the body on aminoacid metabolism in this category of patients [11, 12, 14]. keywords: activity; alkaline; alkaline phosphatase; aminotransferase; associated; average; brain; cell; changes; compare; consequences; controls; data; decrease; dehydrogenase; department; development; different; disease; disease duration; doi; duration; dynamics; energy; enzymes; ggt; group; ijmmr; increase; injury; issn; issue; journal; lactate; ldh; lekomtseva; level; long; longer; marker; mean; medical; membrane; metabolic; mild; mtbi; neurological; neurology; oxidative; p>0.05; patients; period; phosphatase; posttraumatic; processes; reactions; redox; reflecting; research; serum; serum level; significant; stage; stress; term; term consequences; traumatic; ukraine; values; vol; years; ±sd cache: ijmr-10459.pdf plain text: ijmr-10459.txt item: #13 of 184 id: ijmr-10698 author: Yaremchuk, O. Z.; Posokhova, K. A.; Kuzmak, I. P.; Kulitska, M. I.; Shevchuk, О. О.; Volska, A. S.; Lykhatskyi, P.H. title: IMPACT OF NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHESIS MODULATORS ON THE CYTOKINES PROFILE IN EXPERIMENTAL ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME date: 2020-02-18 words: 6330 flesch: 60 summary: Therefore, the study of pathobiochemical mechanisms of APS development, particularly establishment of the role of the cytokine system in development of this pathology, and search for effective methods of its treatment is an urgent and social issue One of the links that are involved in the mechanisms of APS development is the nitric oxide (NO) system. keywords: activation; administration; aminoguanidine; animals; antibodies; antiphospholipid; apl; aps; arginine; autoimmune; balb; blood; c e; c mice; case; cells; changes; combined; compare; concentration; content; control; cytokines; decrease; department; development; doi; dysfunction; effect; endothelial; experimental; fig; group; horbachevsky; ijmmr; il-10; il-4; il-6; increase; inhibitor; inos; intact; issn; issue; journal; levels; mechanisms; medical; mice; m±m; n=10; national; nitric; o.z; orcid; oxide; p<0.001; patients; ph.d; pharmacology; production; professor; proinflammatory; results; selective; serum; significant; study; syndrome; synthesis; system; ternopil; thrombosis; times; tnf; tnf­α; ukraine; university; usa; use; vol; yaremchuk; афс; кафедри; медичного; наук; національного; тернопільського; університету; і.я; імені cache: ijmr-10698.pdf plain text: ijmr-10698.txt item: #14 of 184 id: ijmr-10886 author: Mudra, U. O. title: GOUT AND NONALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE: EFFECT OF ENTEROSORPTION’S ADDITION TO COMMON TREATMENT date: 2020-02-19 words: 4269 flesch: 67 summary: According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the number of gout patients in Ukraine has increased in recent years. Complex pathogenic treatment of patients aimed at different parts of the pathological process has recently been supplemented with the enterosorbents. keywords: acid; activity; affected; average; basic; blood; body; carboline; carbon; clinical; concomitant; control; course; crp; damage; decrease; development; disease; doi; dynamics; enterosorbent; esr; fatty; gas; gout; group; health; higher; ijmmr; increase; inflammatory; intensity; issn; issue; joints; level; liver; manifestations; medical; mudra; nafld; nonalcoholic; number; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; patients; process; score; serum; severe; significant; study; subgroup; syndrome; ternopil; therapy; times; tophi; treatment; u.o; ukraine; uric; vas; vol; years; μmol; м±m cache: ijmr-10886.pdf plain text: ijmr-10886.txt item: #15 of 184 id: ijmr-10893 author: Bobrova, N. A.; Vazhnichaya, E. M.; Loban, G. A.; Faustova, M. O.; Ananieva, M. M. title: STAPHYLOCOCCUS WARNERI CLINICAL ISOLATE SUSCEPTIBILITY TO ANTIBIOTICS AND ITS MODIFICATION BY EMOXYPINE date: 2020-11-10 words: 4381 flesch: 53 summary: By the disk diffusion method, S. warneri isolate was susceptible to all tested antibiotics, except chloramphenicol. The aim of the research is to study the susceptibility of S. warneri clinical isolate to antibiotics and its modification by emoxypine - 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine hydrochloride. keywords: academy; acid; adjuvant; amikacin; antibiotics; antimicrobial; bobrova; chloramphenicol; clinical; combination; concentration; cons; culture; department; diffusion; dilutions; disks; doi; emoxypine; ethyl-6; fusidic; gentamicin; growth; hydrochloride; hydroxypyridine; ijmmr; immunology; increase; infections; influence; inhibition; isolate; issn; issue; laboratory; mail; medical; medium; method; mic; microbiology; microorganism; modification; n.a; negative; orcid; p<0.05; patient; poltava; research; resistance; results; s. warneri; serial; standard; staphylococcus; stomatological; strains; susceptibility; susceptible; tested; ukraine; ukrainian; use; virology; vol; warneri; zones; академії; антибіотиків; медичної; полтава; стоматологічної; чутливість cache: ijmr-10893.pdf plain text: ijmr-10893.txt item: #16 of 184 id: ijmr-10894 author: Kostiv, S. Ya.; Khvalyboha, D. V.; Venher, I. K.; Zarudna, O. I.; Kostiv, O. I. title: ULTRASOUND THROMBOELASTAGRAPHY FOR THE CHOICE OF TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH POSTOPERATIVE VENOUS THROMBOSIS date: 2020-02-26 words: 3207 flesch: 59 summary: The objective was to prevent the development of pulmonary embolism in patients with postoperative venous thrombosis of the inferior vena cava system. Methods. Studies by several authors [8,9] state that, despite all the efforts of thromboprophylaxis measures, postoperative venous thrombosis in 5–10% is a source of PE that is fatal in 0,3–3,7% keywords: acoustic; cases; cava; complications; day; deep; development; diagnosis; disease; doi; embolic; embolism; examination; high; horbachevsky; issue; ivc; kostiv; medical; national; observations; patients; postoperative; process; propagation; pulmonary; results; risk; s.ya; segment; speed; surgery; surgical; system; ternopil; thrombi; thromboembolic; thrombosis; thrombus; treatment; ukraine; ultrasound; university; vein; velocity; vena; venous; venous thrombosis; vol; wave; медичний; моз; національний; тернопільський; україни; університет; імені cache: ijmr-10894.pdf plain text: ijmr-10894.txt item: #17 of 184 id: ijmr-10895 author: Mysula, Yu. I. title: PRIMARY EPISODE OF BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER date: 2020-02-26 words: 4809 flesch: 49 summary: Bipolar affective disorder (BAD) is a topical issue of contemporary psychiatry. The aim of the study was to investigate individual psychological features of the patients with a primary episode of bipolar affective disorder, taking into account the gender factor and clinical variant of the BAD debut. keywords: activity; affective; analysis; anxiety; bad; bipolar; bipolar affective; clinical; conflict; depressive; differences; disease; disorder; doi; emotional; episode; features; fig; high; ijmmr; impulsiveness; impulsivity; indicators; individual; individuality; introversion; issn; issue; lability; life; manic; manifestations; medical; men; method; mixed; multifactor; mysula; optimism; overcontrol; p<0.05; patients; pattern; personality; pessimism; points; prevalence; primary; profiles; psychological; research; rigidity; scale; scores; self; significant; smmpr; social; standardized; state; symptoms; tendency; ternopil; traits; treatment; values; variant; vol; women; years; yu.i; бар cache: ijmr-10895.pdf plain text: ijmr-10895.txt item: #18 of 184 id: ijmr-10896 author: Logoyda, L. S. title: YOUDEN'S TEST FOR CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF ENALAPRIL IN PHARMACEUTICALS date: 2020-02-26 words: 2842 flesch: 59 summary: Other alternative for evaluation of robustness of analytical methods is the Youden’s test. Therefore, Youden’s test can be successfully used for the ro bustness evaluation for validation process of analytical methods. keywords: acetonitrile; analysis; analytical; angiotensin; biomedical; buffer; chromatographic; column; combination; concentration; content; doi; effect; enalapril; enterprise; eps; evaluation; final; flow; grace; hplc; ijmmr; issn; issue; journal; l.s; logoyda; maleate; method; mobile; mobile phase; parameters; pharmaceutical; pharmacopoeia; phase; platinumр; rate; results; robustness; scientific; solution; stability; standard; state; table; temperature; ternopil; test; time; ukraine; validation; variations; vol; youden; еналаприлу; юдена cache: ijmr-10896.pdf plain text: ijmr-10896.txt item: #19 of 184 id: ijmr-10897 author: Horyn, M. M.; Logoyda, L. S. title: METHODS OF METOPROLOL ANALYSIS IN DRUGS AND BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS: REVIEW AND SUGGESTIONS date: 2020-02-26 words: 6894 flesch: 49 summary: The methods are based on the molecular charge transfer complexation of metoprolol base metoprolol with Bromothy- mol blue (BTB) or 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4- benzoquinone (DDQ). Vol. 5 Issue 2 dOI 10.11603/IJMMR.2413-6077.2019.2.10897 METHODS OF METOpROLOL ANALYSIS IN DRUGS AND BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS: keywords: absorbance; accuracy; acetonitrile; acid; administration; analysis; analytical; api; assay; atenolol; base; beer; beta; biological; bisoprolol; blockers; buffer; calibration; chromatographic; column; complex; concentration; conditions; cu(ii; data; ddq; derivative; detection; determination; development; doi; dosage; drugs; estimation; et al; extraction; form; fragments; high; horyn; hplc; hplc method; human; ijmmr; issn; issue; journal; law; limit; linear; liquid; literature; logoyda; m.m; mass; medical; medicines; metabolite; methanol; method; metoprolol; metoprolol tartrate; mobile; monograph; national; number; order; performance; pharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; phase; phosphate; plasma; precision; product; propranolol; quantification; quantitative; quantitative determination; range; reaction; recovery; release; results; simple; simultaneous; specificity; spectrophotometric; sphu; standard; studies; succinate; suggested; tablets; tartrate; telmisartan; ternopil; time; ukraine; validated; validation; values; vol; аналізу cache: ijmr-10897.pdf plain text: ijmr-10897.txt item: #20 of 184 id: ijmr-10898 author: Drapak, I. V. title: QSAR-ANALYSIS OF POLYSUBSTITUTED FUNCTIONALIZED AMINOTHIAZOLES WITH ANTIHYPERTENSIVE ACTIVITY date: 2020-02-26 words: 3352 flesch: 73 summary: According to the calculated molecular descriptors and antihypertensive activity parameter, the QSAR models were derived НА ∙ X3 , where the activity parameter НА is antihypertensive activity and X1, X2, X3 are molecular descriptors. keywords: active; activity; aminothiazoles; analysis; antihypertensive; antihypertensive activity; buildqsar; c6h3(ch2)2; calculated; calculation; chemistry; compounds; cycle; derivatives; descriptors; design; diome; doi; drapak; drugs; energy; functionalized; ijmmr; issn; issue; journal; lviv; medical; models; molecular; molecular descriptors; molecule; n=015; new; nitrogen; orbital; parameters; qsar; quantitative; r1=; r2=; relationship; search; software; structure; study; substances; table; test; vol; volume; для; і.v cache: ijmr-10898.pdf plain text: ijmr-10898.txt item: #21 of 184 id: ijmr-10900 author: Golovenko, N. Ya.; Kabanova, T. A.; Andronati, S. A.; Halimova, O. I.; Larionov, V. B.; Reder, A. S. title: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF PROPOXAZEPAM ON DIFFERENT MODELS OF INFLAMMATION date: 2020-02-27 words: 4875 flesch: 57 summary: Lazzarini R, Maiorka PC, Liu J, Papa dopoulos V, Palermo-Neto J. Diazepam effects on carrageenan- induced inflammatory paw edema in rats: role of nit ric oxide. Lazzarini R, Maiorka PC, Liu J, Papadopoulos V, Palermo-Neto J. Diazepam effects on carrageenan- induced inflammatory paw edema in rats: role of nit ric oxide. keywords: a.v; academy; action; activity; acute; administration; agents; analgesic; andronati; animal; anti; anti­inflammatory; bdz; benzodiazepines; bogatsky; bradykinin; carrageenan; chemical; chemistry; chronic; control; data; diazepam; diclofenac; different; doi; dose; drugs; edema; effect; experimental; formalin; golovenko; group; hours; hyperalgesia; ijmmr; increase; induced; inflammation; inflammatory; inflam­; inhibition; injection; institute; issn; issue; journal; licking; mean; mechanisms; mice; models; n.ya; nas; national; odesa; p.o; pain; paw; ph.d; pharmacological; pharmacology; phase; physico; propoxazepam; rats; receptor; reder; reduction; research; response; results; sciences; serum; significant; sodium; study; test; treatment; ukraine; vehicle; vol; богатського; нан; наук; о.в; україни; фізико­хімічного; імені; інституту cache: ijmr-10900.pdf plain text: ijmr-10900.txt item: #22 of 184 id: ijmr-10901 author: Shevchuk, O. O.; Portnichenko, G. V.; Lapikova-Bryginska, T. Y.; Goncharov, S. V.; Nikolaev, V. G.; Dosenko, V. E. title: POSITIVE EFFECT OF ENTEROSORPTION IN DOXORUBICIN-INDUCED CARDIOHEMODYNAMICS ALTERATION date: 2020-02-27 words: 5690 flesch: 58 summary: For both indices, we observed the tendency for decreasing by oral adsorbent therapy, but they did not come close to the numbers of control group rats. Index Control group DOX group DOX + С2 group HR (min−1) heart rate 321.0±43.89 356.64±48.82 378.38±33.86 Maximum Volume (uL) 146.79±13.08 232.76±76.58 236.68±102.07 Minimum Volume (uL) keywords: academy; adsorbent; animals; anthracycline; area; c e; cancer; carbon; cardiac; cardiohemodynamics; cardiotoxicity; changes; control; control group; damage; data; day; decline; decreased; department; diastolic; dose; dox+c2; doxorubicin; dpdtmin; drugs; e s; ejection; end; endocardial; enteral; enterosorbent; enterosorption; experiment; e­mail; fraction; function; group; heart; ijmmr; index; indices; injection; institute; instruments; issn; issue; kyiv; left; maximal; maximum; means; method; millar; minimum; mmhg; molecular; mortality; national; nikolaev; o.o; oral; parameters; pathophysiology; peak; planimetric; point; power; preload; pressure; rate; rats; results; right; science; shevchuk; stroke; subchronic; surface; systolic; tau; tendency; ternopil; therapy; toxicity; ukraine; v@dpdtmax; ventricle; ventricular; volume; wall; work; київ; нан; україна; імені; інститут cache: ijmr-10901.pdf plain text: ijmr-10901.txt item: #23 of 184 id: ijmr-10902 author: Bezkorovaina, H. O.; Klishch, I. M.; Khara, M. R.; Pelykh, V. Ye. title: GENDER-SPECIFIC DIFFERENCES OF CARDIAC VEGETATIVE CONTROL IN ADRENALINE-INDUCED NECROSIS AND LIGHT DEPRIVATION date: 2020-02-27 words: 5583 flesch: 62 summary: By matching against heart rhythm (HR), this parameter allows judgment on excessive or insufficient centralisation of heart rhythm control; this parameter is obtained from the following expression: IARP=AMo/Mo. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using parametric method of varia- tion statistics based on established normal distribution of data in the rows compared, with n=6 in each of the rows. = heart strain index reflecting the degree of centralisation of heart rhythm control, this parameter is obtained from the following expression: HSI=AMo/(2·∆X·Mo); VBI (abs. value) = vegetative balance index reflecting the ratio between the activities of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, this parameter is obtained from the following expression: VBI=AMo/∆X; VRI (abs. value) = vegetative rhythm index reflecting the activity of the autonomic circuit of heart rhythm control, this parameter is obtained from the following expression: VRI =1/Mo·∆X, and IARP (abs. value) = index of adequate regulation processes reflecting the balance between the activity of the sympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system and the predominant functional level of the sinus node. keywords: abs; activity; administration; adrenaline; aimn; amo; analysis; animals; ans; autonomic; balance; bezkorovaina; cardiac; cardiovascular; cases; central; changes; circadian; circuit; component; conditions; control; damage; darkness; day; deprivation; development; differences; different; disease; doi; effects; experimental; females; fold; gender; group; h.o; heart; heart rhythm; higher; horbachevsky; hours; hsi; iarp; ijmmr; increase; involvement; issn; issue; journal; khara; light; lower; medical; melatonin; myocardial; myocardial necrosis; n=6; national; necrosis; p<0.05; parameters; parasympathetic; rats; results; rhythm; sex; significant; sympathetic; ternopil; times; ukraine; university; value; variability; vbi; vegetative; vol; vri; анм; умовах cache: ijmr-10902.pdf plain text: ijmr-10902.txt item: #24 of 184 id: ijmr-10978 author: Khan, I. D.; Brijwal, M.; Joshi, I.; Singh, B.; Poonia, B.; Gonimadatala, G.; Mangalesh, S.; Yadav, A.; Rajput, H.; Bhuttay, N. title: DISSEMINATED HISTOPLASMOSIS LEADING TO HAEMOPHAGOCYTIC LYMPHOHISTIOCYTOSIS IN AN IMMUNOCOMPETENT PATIENT date: 2020-11-10 words: 2699 flesch: 52 summary: Khan ID, Sahni AK, Bharadwaj R, Anwar I, Jain V, Khan S, Chowdhury A, Dwivedi AK, Gupta AK, Zaman S, Alam S. Cerebral toxoplasmosis diagnosed I.d. Khan et al. 18 IN T E R N A L m E d Ic IN E ISSN 2413-6077. Gupta AK, Khan ID, Shaw SC, Faisal FA, Sahu S, Khan S, Brijwal M, Shende T, Kundu N, Khalil S, Bhat S. Candida Parapsilosis Neonatal Sepsis. keywords: acute; apr; army; basic; biopsy; bone; capsulatum; care; case; chronic; clinical; college; delhi; diagnosis; disease; doi; e d; endemic; fever; gupta; healthcare; hemophagocytic; histoplasma; histoplasmosis; hlh; hospital; i.d; ijmmr; immunocompetent; india; infections; institute; issn; issue; journal; khan; liver; lymphohistiocytosis; mail; manuscript; marrow; mbbs; medical; medical sciences; medicine; microbiology; new; new delhi; orcid; patient; pulmonary; report; sahni; sciences; spleen; student; study; tertiary; treatment; vellore; vol; years cache: ijmr-10978.pdf plain text: ijmr-10978.txt item: #25 of 184 id: ijmr-11008 author: Rozenko, O.V. title: NECROTIZING PANCREATITIS: THE WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT OF SURGICAL TREATMENT date: 2020-11-10 words: 4320 flesch: 50 summary: До дослідження залучено 120 пацієнтів віком від 22 до 83 років, причому пацієнти віком до 50 років склали 60,0%. 24 годин визначено у 36 (30,0%) хворих, від 25 до 72 годин – у 25 (20,8%), більше ніж 72 години – у 49 (49,2%). keywords: abdominal; abscess; access; acute; bilateral; bursa; case; causes; cavity; cellulose; day; death; drainage; draining; failure; fiber; form; head; hours; ijmmr; individuals; infected; inflammatory; interventions; issn; laparotomy; left; lumbotomy; medical; mini; mortality; multiple; necrosis; necrotizing; non; o.v; omental; operations; organ; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parapancreatic; parietal; patients; peritoneum; peritonitis; phlegmon; process; puncture; purulent; rate; results; retroperitoneal; retroperitoneal phlegmon; retroperitoneal tissue; right; rozenko; sepsis; sequestrectomy; sided; surgery; surgical; times; tissue; treatment; ultrasound; use; vol cache: ijmr-11008.pdf plain text: ijmr-11008.txt item: #26 of 184 id: ijmr-11014 author: Bawa-Allah, A.B.; Mashao, M. M.; Nyundu, T. F.; Phukubje, E. M.; Nkosi, B. G.; Ngema, M. V.; Mlambo, B. W.; Maseko, M. J. title: SERUM LIPID PROFILE AND ARTERIAL STIFFNESS IN NON-DIPPERS date: 2020-11-09 words: 6256 flesch: 64 summary: Vol. 6 Issue 1 Discussion In this cross-sectional study of black South Africans, it was demonstrated that non-dippers have higher arterial stiffness as measured by CFPWV when compared with dippers. Wen W, Peng B, Tang X, Huang HX, Wen X, Hu S and Luo R. Prevalence of high arterial stiffness and gender-specific differences in the relationships with classical cardiovascular risk factors. keywords: a.b; administration; africa; age; allah; ambulatory; analysis; arterial; arterial stiffness; bawa; blood; cardiovascular; carotid; cfpwv; clinical; colleagues; data; dec; diabetic; diet; dipper; dipper males; dipping; doi; e d; faculty; females; femoral; gender; general; group; hdlc; health; higher; hour; hypertension; ijmmr; increase; individuals; investigation; irrespective; issn; issue; johannesburg; journal; lagos; ldlc; levels; lipid; lower; m e; mail; males; medical; medicine; methodology; non; nondipper; orcid; p<0.0001; participants; physiology; population; pressure; profile; project; pulse; related; relationship; research; results; risk; samples; school; sciences; serum; south; spacelabs; status; steeper; stiffness; study; trgl; triglycerides; university; values; variables; velocity; vol; wave; witwatersrand; women; yang; жінок; чоловіків cache: ijmr-11014.pdf plain text: ijmr-11014.txt item: #27 of 184 id: ijmr-11047 author: Venher, I. K.; Herasymiuk, N. I.; Kostiv, S. Ya.; Loyko, I. I.; Khvalyboha, D. V. title: NONSPECIFIC DYSPLASIA OF THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE – A FACTOR OF VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLIC COMPLICATIONS IN ENDOPROSTHETICS OF HIP JOINTS date: 2020-11-10 words: 5535 flesch: 62 summary: Clinical manifestations of non-specific connective tissue dysplasia were detected in 83 (37.9%) patients that was confirmed by the laboratory determination of the level of general, bound and free oxyproline. In the patients without non-specific connective tissue dysplasia, postoperative thrombosis in the system of the inferior vena cava was diagnosed in 12 (8.8%) cases. keywords: activity; analysis; blood; cases; cava; connective; contents; day; decrease; department; development; doi; dysfunction; dysplasia; endoprosthetics; endothelial; factor; femoral; fibrinogen; fibrinolytic; fold; fracture; hemocoagulation; heparin; hip; hip joint; horbachevsky; i.k; ijmmr; increase; inferior; intervention; issn; ivc; joint; level; lower; medical; method; national; nctd; neck; non; osteoarthrosis; patients; period; postoperative; preoperative; process; prophylaxis; replacement; significant; specific; stage; surgery; surgical; system; ternopil; thromboembolism; thromboprophylaxis; thrombotic; times; tissue; total; ukraine; university; vena; venher; venous; vol; vtec; горбачевського; медичний; національний; пацієнтів; р<0.05; сполучної; тернопіль; тернопільський; тканини; україна; університет; і.я; імені cache: ijmr-11047.pdf plain text: ijmr-11047.txt item: #28 of 184 id: ijmr-11103 author: Raza, M. S.; Das, B. K.; Goyal, V.; Lodha, R.; Chaudhry, R.; Sood, S.; Sreenivas, V.; Nair, D.; Mohapatra, S.; Gautam, H.; Kapil, A. title: IMPACT OF MOLECULAR METHOD FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE BACTERIAL MENINGITIS IN A TERTIARY HEALTH CARE CENTRE IN NORTH INDIA date: 2020-11-10 words: 4690 flesch: 62 summary: In our study, only E. coli and S. pneumoniae were detected among the etiological agents of community acquired acute bacterial meningitis that may be a result of implementation of the Hib vaccination in national immunization pro- gram in India. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the commonest cause of community acquired bacterial meningitis in children below five years of age. keywords: 16s; abm; acute; acute bacterial; age; agents; aiims; antibiotic; bacterial; bacterial meningitis; cases; cerebrospinal; children; clinical; coli; community; conventional; cpcr; csf; culture; delhi; department; detection; diagnosis; diseases; dna; doi; e. coli; etiological; finding; fluid; group; hospital; identification; ijmmr; india; infectious; influenzae; institute; isolates; issn; issue; journal; m.s; mail; maldi; medical; meningitis; method; microbiology; molecular; multiplex; neisseria; new; orcid; patients; pcr; pneumoniae; positive; primer; professor; raza; rrna; samples; sciences; sensitivity; specificity; streptococcus; study; susceptibility; table; test; tof; total; usa; value; vol; years; зразків; плр cache: ijmr-11103.pdf plain text: ijmr-11103.txt item: #29 of 184 id: ijmr-11268 author: Lominadze, Z.; Chelidze, K.; Chelidze, L.; Lominadze, E. title: THE SYSTEMIC OXIDATIVE STRESS AS A SURROGATE OF CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE INSTABILITY AND RUPTURE PREDICTOR date: 2020-11-10 words: 5464 flesch: 60 summary: Oxidative stress is crucial in developing broad spectrum of diseases, including atherosclerosis and related life-threatening conditions, such as acute coronary syndrome (ACS) mainly caused by atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability. To clarify the relation between oxidative stress and plaque instability we decided to compare oxidative profiles of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and with chronic coronary syndrome (CCS), evaluated at admission to the coronary care unit (CCU) of LTD Clinic-LJ (Kutaisi, Georgia) in April 2018 - June 2019, who underwent successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). keywords: acs; acute; acute coronary; analysis; asymptotic; asymptotic sig; ccs; characteristics; chronic; chronic coronary; clinic; clinical; confidence; continuity; coronary; coronary syndrome; defense; degree; distribution; doi; fig; ford; fort; free; free oxygen; freedom=1; georgia; groups; h2o2; h2o2 eq; ijmmr; index; interval; issn; issue; l h2o2; l trolox; likelihood; lominadze; ltd; mann; medical; mmol; oxidative; oxidative stress; oxygen; p<0.0001; parameters; patients; plaque; positive; profile; radicals; ratio; redox; results; risk; rupture; sided; sided test; sig; standard; standardized; stress; study; syndrome; systemic; tbilisi; test; trolox; trolox eq; units/2.36; units/2.36 mmol; university; value; vol; whitney; wilcoxon; yates cache: ijmr-11268.pdf plain text: ijmr-11268.txt item: #30 of 184 id: ijmr-11388 author: Pinkey, A. A. H.; Khan, Z. I.; Taher, M. A.; Soma, M. A. title: ELAEOCARPUS SERRATUS L. EXHIBITS POTENTIAL ANALGESIC AND ANTIDIARRHEAL ACTIVITIES IN MICE MODEL date: 2021-05-18 words: 5106 flesch: 61 summary: The hypoglycemic activity of E. serratus extract was not convincing. Historically, leaves of E. serratus extracts are used for the treatments of arthritis and various poisoning keywords: a.a.h; acetic; acid; activities; activity; agent; analgesic; analgesic activity; animals; antidiarrheal; assay; b.w; bangladesh; bark; blood; castor; central; control; crude; crude extract; defecation; department; dhaka; diclofenac; doi; dose; elaeocarpus; evaluation; experimental; extract; fatty; fruit; group; hong; hypoglycemic; ijmmr; inhibition; issn; issue; kg b.w; kong; latency; mean; mean writhing; mechanisms; medicinal; method; mice; minutes; model; number; oil; pain; peripheral; pharm; pharmacol; pinkey; plant; potential; reduction; response; results; sci; secretion; serratus; serratus crude; significant; sodium; state; study; table; tail; test; time; treatments; university; values; vol; water; writhing; екстракту cache: ijmr-11388.pdf plain text: ijmr-11388.txt item: #31 of 184 id: ijmr-11414 author: Orupabo, C. D.; Oghenemavwe, L. E.; Diamond, T. E. title: HISTOMORPHOMETRIC ESTIMATION OF AGE FROM BONE SAMPLES OF NIGERIANS date: 2021-05-18 words: 7355 flesch: 68 summary: The histomorphometric parameters were therefore relevant in age estimation. In order to overcome the limitations posed by the macroscopic methods, in 1965 Kerley developed the quantification of histological features of cortical bone for age estimation [18, 19, 20, 21]. keywords: age; age estimation; age increases; ages; american; anatomy; anova; anthropology; area; average; bone; bone fragments; c.d; canal; canal diameter; coefficient; correlation; cortical; data; death; decreases; department; determination; diameter; disease; doi; estimation; features; femur; fig; findings; forensic; fragments; frost; glass; grinding; group; harcourt; haversian; haversian canal; hcd; histological; histology; histomorphometric; hospital; human; ijmmr; increases; issn; issue; journal; keough; level; mean; method; microns; nigeria; nigerians; non; number; old; orupabo; osteon; osteon fragments; paper; parameters; physical; plot; population; port; primary; remains; remodeling; research; samples; scatter; secondary; sections; sex; significant; skeletal; strong; study; subjects; table; tibia; total; university; unremodeled; use; value; variation; vol; years; younger; для cache: ijmr-11414.pdf plain text: ijmr-11414.txt item: #32 of 184 id: ijmr-11485 author: Latief, M.; Shafi, O.; Hassan, Z.; Abbas, F. title: FAVIPIRAVIR AND DEXAMETHASONE IN MANAGEMENT OF SARS-COV2 INFECTION: (PILOT STUDY) date: 2021-05-18 words: 3442 flesch: 61 summary: A non-rando- mized open-label study by Cai et al. reported a significant reduction in time taken for viral clearance in COVID-19 patients treated with Favipiravir compared to historical controls who had received lopinavir/ritonavir [10]. The Objective of this study was to assess the role of Favipiravir and Dexamethasone in patients with COVID-19. Methods. keywords: agent; antiviral; benefit; china; clearance; clinical; college; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; days; defervescence; dexamethasone; disease; division; doi; favipiravir; government; group; hospital; ijmmr; india; inflammatory; issn; issue; latief; liu; markers; median; medical; mild; moderate; mortality; negative; new; non; observational; open; oxygen; pathology; patients; pcr; randomized; remdesivir; report; rna; sars; severe; srinagar; studies; study; support; therapy; time; treatment; twice; use; vol; wang; пацієнтів cache: ijmr-11485.pdf plain text: ijmr-11485.txt item: #33 of 184 id: ijmr-11501 author: Bihunyak, T.V. ; Bondarenko, Yu. I.; Кulyanda, O. O.; Charnosh, S. M.; Sverstiuk, A. S.; Bihuniak, K. O. title: CHROMOSOMAL DISEASES IN THE HUMAN PATHOLOGY: (review) date: 2020-11-10 words: 8466 flesch: 63 summary: However, early diagnosis of sex chromosome syndromes may provide better development and quality of life for pa- tients with these disorders. Knauer-Fischer S, Besikoglu B, Inta I, Kneppo C, Vogt PH, Bettendorf M. Analyses of gona- doblastoma Y (GBY)-locus and of Y centromere in Turner syndrome patients. keywords: abnormalities; additional; age; amniocentesis; analysis; aneuploidies; aneuploidy; bihunyak; biochemical; birth; blood; c e; cardiac; cases; cause; cell; children; chromosome; clinical; common; compare; congenital; cytogenetic; defects; department; detection; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; dna; doi; double; e s; early; false; father; fetal; form; frequency; gene; genetics; group; growth; gynecology; heart; high; higher; horbachevsky; hormone; human; ijmmr; incidence; increased; intersexualism; invasive; isolated; issn; issue; jan; journal; karyotype; klinefelter; levels; life; literature; low; mail; male; manifestations; markers; maternal; medical; medicine; meiosis; mental; molecular; mosaicism; national; neck; newborns; nondisjunction; normal; obstetrics; old; orcid; parental; parents; pathogenesis; pathology; pathophysiology; patients; period; phenotype; plasma; positive; pregnancy; prenatal; presence; present; professor; puberty; rare; rate; research; result; retardation; review; risk; screening; second; septal; sex; sexual; short; stature; studies; study; syndrome; t.v; ternopil; testing; translocation; trimester; trisomy; turner; turner syndrome; ukraine; university; variants; vol; women; years; горбачевського; дауна; кафедри; клайнфельтера; медичного; моз; національного; синдром; тернера; тернопільського; україни; університету; і.я; імені cache: ijmr-11501.pdf plain text: ijmr-11501.txt item: #34 of 184 id: ijmr-11502 author: Hnatiuk, M. S.; Konovalenko, S. О.; Tatarchuk, L. V.; Yasinovsky, О. B. title: MORPHOMETRIC EVALUATION OF SPERMATOGENIC EPITHELIOCYTES STRUCTURE UNDER THE RUBOMYCIN INFLUENCE IN RATS date: 2020-11-11 words: 3251 flesch: 53 summary: Histological micropreparations determined the height of spermatogenic cells, the diameter of their nuclei, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios, the relative volume of damaged epitheliocytes (VODE) [1, 6, 16]. Vol. 6 issue 1 of nuclear-cytoplasmic relations and the rela- tive volume of damaged cells were the largest. keywords: 1st; analysis; anatomy; animals; cells; changes; clinical; conditions; control; cytoplasmic; damage; difference; epitheliocytes; epithelium; experimental; health; height; high; hnatiuk; horbachevsky; hydrochloride; ijmmr; influence; issn; issue; konovalenko; m.s; mail; male; medical; methods; morphometric; national; nuclear; nuclei; operative; orcid; order; p<0.001; p<0.05; parameters; quantitative; rats; relations; relative; rubomycin; significant; spermatids; spermatocytes; spermatogenic; structural; studied; surgery; tatarchuk; ternopil; testes; testicular; times; ukraine; university; volume; white; сім′яників cache: ijmr-11502.pdf plain text: ijmr-11502.txt item: #35 of 184 id: ijmr-11503 author: Kachur, O. I.; Fira, L. S.; Lykhatskyi, P. H. title: INFLAMMATION AND IMPACT OF VINCRISTINE AND ENTEROSORPTION USE IN CHEMICALLY INDUCED COLON CARCER IN RATS date: 2020-11-11 words: 4175 flesch: 54 summary: In the dynamics of 1.2-DMG administration, the content of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 in the serum of affected animals probably (p ≤ 0.05) increased during the 1st month of 1.2-DMG administration (by 62% compare to the control group). AUT-M enterosorbent was administered intragastrically daily during 7 and 21 days after modeling of carcinogenesis at a dose of 1 ml of suspension (corresponding to 0.2 g of drug weight) per 100 g of animal body weight. keywords: acute; administration; affected; affected animals; affection; animals; anti; aut; body; cancer; carbon; carcinogenesis; carcinogenic; cases; changes; colon; compare; content; control; crp; cytokine; cytostatic; days; detoxification; development; difference; dmg; doi; dose; enterosorbent; enterosorption; experimental; group; ijmmr; il-4; il-6; increase; induced; inflammation; inflammatory; interleukin; issn; issue; kachur; medical; modeling; months; o.i; parameters; processes; protein; rats; reactive; research; results; secondary; serum; significant; sorbent; study; ternopil; therapy; use; vincristine; vol; weight cache: ijmr-11503.pdf plain text: ijmr-11503.txt item: #36 of 184 id: ijmr-11504 author: Bokhua, Z.; Chelidze, K.; Ebralidze, K. title: WEB-BASED 5-DIMENSIONAL ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO (5DEP) AS A COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT TOOL IN POST-GRADUATE MEDICAL TRAINING date: 2020-11-11 words: 3537 flesch: 48 summary: The three modules with different levels of access by individual username and password are designed for (Fig.1): • Resident (Module 1, access level A), to: � upload/confirm evidences of performance/ achievements during training course, approved by the Mentors � view of Training Course Assessment Form (TCAF) and � view of Final Portfolio Assessment Form (FPAF) and narratives • Mentor (Module 2, access level B), for resident training place assessment (TPAF); • Program Director/Experts Panel (Module 3, access level C), for monitor of training process and final assessment of portfolio (IPAF/FPAF). New challenges of permanently changing context of healthcare system requires new methods of medical education and new assessment tools, as well. keywords: assessment; bokhua; competency; continuous; course; development; dimensional; doi; education; electronic; evaluation; feedback; final; form; georgia; grade; gynecology; ijmmr; institute; internal; issn; issue; learning; maximum; medical; medical education; medicine; mentors; module; net; new; obstetrics; outcomes; performance; personal; portfolio; postgraduate; process; professional; progress; residency; residents; self; skills; state; tbilisi; teacher; tool; training; university; use; vol; year; оцінки; портфоліо cache: ijmr-11504.pdf plain text: ijmr-11504.txt item: #37 of 184 id: ijmr-11509 author: Harikrishnan, M. P.; Anil Kumar, C. R.; Anand, M. K.; Earali, J. title: EFFECTS OF HEMOTOXIC SNAKE BITE ENVENOMATION ON HAEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS VARIABILITY IN PREDICTING COMPLICATIONS date: 2021-05-18 words: 4642 flesch: 65 summary: Association of different parameters with AKI Parameter AKI P Value Present Absent CT capillary tube at the time of admission Prolonged (N=23) 11(47.8%) 12 (52.2%) 0.663 Normal (N=127) 67 (52.8%) 60 (47.2%) CT capillary tube in 6 hours Prolonged (N=22) 22 (100%) 0 Snake bite envenomation is a major public health problem in India with a high mortality rate. keywords: acute; admission; aki; analysis; anil; aptt; ards; asv; bite; bleeding; blood; capillary; cases; clinical; clotting; coagulation; coagulopathy; college; comparable; complications; data; dialysis; doi; envenomation; failure; features; haematological; harikrishnan; hemotoxic; hours; ijmmr; india; injury; institute; intravascular; issn; issue; jubilee; kidney; kumar; m.p; major; med; medical; medicine; method; mortality; normal; number; occurrence; original; parameters; participants; patients; prolonged; renal; research; respiratory; shock; snake; snakebite; statistical; study; summary; supervision; table; test; thrissur; time; tube; value; viper; vol; wbct20; writing; згортання cache: ijmr-11509.pdf plain text: ijmr-11509.txt item: #38 of 184 id: ijmr-11512 author: Saheer, S.; Paul, A.; James, P.; Palak, R. title: PLEURAL ENDOMETRIOSIS: BLOODY PLEURAL EFFUSION IN A 28-YEAR-OLD FEMALE WITH PRIMARY INFERTILITY (CASE REPORT) date: 2021-05-18 words: 2219 flesch: 50 summary: Medical thoracoscopy revealed flat brownish grey plaques over the diaphragmatic pleura and the histology of pleural tissue revealed pleural endometriosis. Conclusion Pleural endometriosis and ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome should be among the differentials for pleural effusion especially in females on infertility treatment. keywords: case; cavity; christian; college; department; diaphragmatic; disease; doi; effusion; endometrial; endometriosis; female; fig; glands; hemorrhagic; history; hospital; ijmmr; india; infertility; issn; lung; medical; medicine; nadu; non; old; orcid; patient; paul; pleural; pleural effusion; pneumothorax; presence; pulmonary; report; right; saheer; syndrome; tamil; tes; thoracic; thoracoscopy; tissue; treatment; tuberculosis; vol; years; ендометріоз; легень; плевральний cache: ijmr-11512.pdf plain text: ijmr-11512.txt item: #39 of 184 id: ijmr-11600 author: Rathi, H.; Biyani, M.; Malik, M.; Rathi, P. title: QUALITY OF LIFE AND WELL-BEING OF POPULATION AT THE END OF THIRD PHASE OF LOCKDOWN IN INDIA AGAINST THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-05-18 words: 4942 flesch: 67 summary: Discussion 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 12,70% 12,10% 10,10% 9,90% 20,40% 16,10% 22,50% 19% 21,90% 32,90% 28,30% 30,80% 31% 29,50% 26,40% 26,30% 24,50% 24% 11,80% 10,90% 15,60% 13,20% 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 I have felt cheerful and in good spirits I have felt calm and relaxed I have felt active and vigorous I woke up feeling fresh and rested My daily life has been filled with things that interest me0 11,20% 14,10% 22,20% 16,70% 14,70% 21,80% 23,90% 29,30% 24,30% 21,70% 24,60% 26,90% 29,60% 23,50% 28,20% 30% 33,30% 28,90% 25,50% 18,20% 16,40% 15,70% 16,90% 13,80% 9,80% 14,90% 8,90% 15,90% 10,40% 8,50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% keywords: activities; anxiety; bit; cases; chronic; college; cost; covid-19; days; doi; emotional; facit; family; fig; financial; half; health; ijmmr; index; india; issn; issue; jaipur; life; likert; little; lockdown; medical; mental; pandemic; participants; phase; physical; population; problems; psychological; quality; questionnaire; questions; rathi; responses; routine; satisfaction; score; social; spread; statements; study; table; time; version; vol; wellbeing; zone cache: ijmr-11600.pdf plain text: ijmr-11600.txt item: #40 of 184 id: ijmr-11688 author: Hevko, U. P.; Marushchak, M. I. title: POLYMORPHISMS OF INSULIN RECEPTOR SUBSTRATE 1 AS A RISK FACTOR FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS, OBESITY AND CHRONIC PANCREATITIS AMONG POPULATION OF TERNOPIL REGION date: 2021-05-18 words: 4131 flesch: 64 summary: It was found that the frequencies of the genotype responsible for C/A polymorphism of IRS1 gene in T2DM, T2DM with obesity and in the combined course of T2DM with obesity and CP did not deviate significantly from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p>0.05). The frequency distribution of poly- morphic genotypes of IRS1 gene (rs2943640) and verification of conformity with the Hardy­ Weinberg population equilibrium were perfor- med in the experimental and control groups. keywords: allele; analysis; association; bmc; care; chronic; clinical; combined; comorbidity; control; course; data; development; diabetes; disease; doi; equilibrium; experimental; factors; frequencies; gene; genetic; genotypes; group; hevko; ijmmr; inheritance; insulin; irs1; irs1 gene; issn; issue; marushchak; medical; mellitus; obesity; pancreatitis; patients; polymorphism; population; presence; probable; region; results; risk; rs2943640; significant; study; susceptibility; t2 dm; t2dm+obesity; table; ternopil; type; u.p; university; vol; типу cache: ijmr-11688.pdf plain text: ijmr-11688.txt item: #41 of 184 id: ijmr-11693 author: Zhehestovska, D. V.; Hrebenyk, M. V. title: DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY OF LEUKOCYTE PARAMETERS IN THE PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION date: 2021-05-18 words: 3864 flesch: 63 summary: WBC – white blood cells, N/L ratio – neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio, WBC/MPV ratio – white blood cells to mean platelet volume ratio, MPV/L ratio – mean platelet volume to lymphocyte ratio, PLT/L ratio – platelet count to lymphocytes ratio, ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate. WBC – white blood cells, N/L ratio – neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio, WBC/MPV ratio – white blood cells to mean plate- let volume ratio, MPV/L ratio – mean platelet volume to lymphocyte ratio, PLT/L ratio – platelet count to lymphocytes ratio, ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate. keywords: 2020; 7th; acute; ami; analysis; auc; blood; case; cbc; cells; comparison; coronary; correlation; count; d.v; data; day; diagnostic; disease; distribution; elevation; erythrocyte; esr; granulocytes; group; heart; hospitalization; ijmmr; indicators; infarction; inflammation; issn; issue; l ratio; leukocytes; levels; lymphocytes; mean; mortality; mpv; mpv ratio; myocardial; neutrophils; number; parameters; particular; patients; platelet; plt; potential; prognostic; ratio; risk; segment; sensitivity; specificity; study; table; ternopil; time; value; volume; wbc; white; zhehestovska; гім; пацієнтів cache: ijmr-11693.pdf plain text: ijmr-11693.txt item: #42 of 184 id: ijmr-11814 author: Rathi, H.; Rathi, P.; Biyani, M. title: CLINICAL OUTCOMES AND ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS IN COVID-19 PATIENTS TREATED WITH HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AND AZITHROMYCIN ALONE OR COMBINED date: 2021-11-22 words: 4893 flesch: 66 summary: 80,0% Group A Group B Group C Group D Male Female Fig. 80,0% Group A Group B Group C Group D Male Female H. Rathi et al. 23 IN T E R N A L m E d Ic IN E ISSN 2413-6077. keywords: adverse; azithromycin; clinical; college; combination; comorbidities; cov-2; covid-19; days; deviation; distribution; drug; duration; events; fig; group; group b; hospital; hydroxychloroquine; ijmmr; ill; illness; india; issn; issue; jaipur; mean; medical; mild; moderate; morbid; mortality; n=0; non; observations; outcome; patients; population; positive; rajasthan; rathi; recovery; respiratory; results; sars; sciences; severe; severity; significant; spo2; stay; study; symptoms; treatment; value; vol cache: ijmr-11814.pdf plain text: ijmr-11814.txt item: #43 of 184 id: ijmr-12011 author: Kulyk, I. I.; Khmil, S. V. title: ENDOMETRIOSIS-ASSOCIATED INFERTILITY: THE ROLE OF HORMONES AND ITS CORRECTION date: 2021-05-18 words: 3816 flesch: 52 summary: при цьому встановлено вірогідно нижчі показники ФсГ (на 21,98 %), лГ (на 32,89 %) та естрадіолу (на 32,23 %) проти їх значень до проведення склеротерапії. і вірогідно вищий рівень ФсГ (на 14,47 %), лГ (на 21,14 %) keywords: age; amh; blood; compare; comparison; complex; comprising; concentration; cycle; cysts; d.m.c; data; day; doi; effect; endocrine; endometriosis; estradiol; ethanol; fsh; group; gynecology; higher; hormones; i.i; ijmmr; indicators; infertility; inositol; issn; issue; khmil; kulyk; level; lower; medical; medication; menstrual; number; obstetrics; ovarian; patients; pregravid; preparation; profile; progesterone; q25; q75; reproductive; results; sclerotherapy; serum; significant; study; surgical; ternopil; test; treatment; vitamin; vitamin d3; vol; women; жінок cache: ijmr-12011.pdf plain text: ijmr-12011.txt item: #44 of 184 id: ijmr-12012 author: Yastremska, I. O. title: ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION AND ITS MANAGEMENT IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION COMBINED WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME date: 2021-05-18 words: 4026 flesch: 52 summary: The study enrolled 95 patients with acute myocardial infarction. E-mail: International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2, p. 37-43 copyright © 2020, TNMU, All Rights Reserved I.O. yastremska Introduction The rupture of the atheromatous plaque and formation of coronary clot, which causes progressive stenosis, is considered the main cause of acute myocardial infarction (MI). keywords: acs; activity; acute; antioxidant; arginine; arrhythmias; blood; body; cardiac; carnitine; changes; clinical; combination; contractility; control; coronary; course; diastolic; disease; disorders; doi; dysfunction; effect; endothelial; endothelin-1; energy; function; group; heart; i.o; ijmmr; inclusion; infarction; issn; issue; left; levels; main; medical; metabolic; mi+ms; myocardial; myocardial infarction; parameters; patients; plasma; processes; reduction; reference; remodeling; restoration; results; significant; standard; study; syndrome; systolic; ternopil; therapy; time; treatment; ukrainian; ventricular; vessels; vol; yastremska; хворих cache: ijmr-12012.pdf plain text: ijmr-12012.txt item: #45 of 184 id: ijmr-12013 author: Peleshok, K. Y. title: QUALITY CONTROL MEASUREMENT AND IN VITRO BIOEQUIVALENCE OF VALSARTAN AND ATENOLOL TABLETS MARKETED IN UKRAINE date: 2021-05-18 words: 3730 flesch: 56 summary: A newer validated and stability indicating HPLC method for the estimation of Atenolol and Hydrochlorothiazide in bulk drug and dosage form. Precise and accu- rate RP-hPLC method development for quantification of valsartan in tablet dosage form. keywords: amlodipine; analysis; analytical; antihypertensive; atenolol; bioequivalence; brands; bulk; chemical; chromatography; column; combination; comparative; content; control; determination; development; different; dissolution; doi; dosage; drug; estimation; evaluation; fig; forms; generics; hplc; hplc method; human; hydrochlorothiazide; hypertension; ijmmr; innovator; international; issn; issue; journal; k.y; liquid; measurements; media; medical; method; minutes; peleshok; pharmaceutical; pharmacy; plasma; quality; quality control; research; results; samples; sciences; simultaneous; spectrophotometric; standard; studies; study; system; tablets; ternopil; tests; ukraine; ultimate; urgent; validation; valsartan; vol; всіх; для; розчинення; якості cache: ijmr-12013.pdf plain text: ijmr-12013.txt item: #46 of 184 id: ijmr-12100 author: Herasymets, I. I.; Fira, L. S.; Medvid, I. I. title: INFLUENCE OF THICK EXTRACT FROM MAITAKE MUSHROOMS ON SIGNS OF INFLAMMATORY PROCESS IN EXPERIMENTAL TOXIC HEPATITIS date: 2021-11-22 words: 3836 flesch: 59 summary: However, excessive accumulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the blood leads to generalized sepsis and multiorgan failure. Hence, it was advisable to study the content of anti-inflammatory cytokines, in particular IL-4, in the serum of rats with toxic lesion. keywords: 10th; 3rd; 7th; acetaminophen; acute; affected; analysis; animals; anti; application; blood; body; cells; compare; comparison; content; control; crp; cytokines; day; days; development; doi; dose; drug; effect; experiment; extract; groups; hepatitis; herasymets; horbachevsky; i.i; ijmmr; il-4; il-6; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; intact; issn; issue; level; liver; maitake; medical; mushrooms; national; paracetamol; pro; probable; processes; protein; rats; reactive; serum; silibor; studied; study; teomm; ternopil; thick; times; toxic; university; vol; weight; майтаке cache: ijmr-12100.pdf plain text: ijmr-12100.txt item: #47 of 184 id: ijmr-12109 author: Vijeth, S. B.; Mangasuli, V.; Amrutha, A. M.; Bhoovanchandra, N.; Sidenur, B. title: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY OF LIPID PROFILE IN NON-DIABETICS WITH STROKE IN URBAN CHITRADURGA date: 2021-11-22 words: 3155 flesch: 70 summary: [11] Association of Triglycerides to the Non- Diabetics with Stroke It was established that serum triglycerides were high in 23.1% of hemorrhagic stroke patients and 13.5% of ischemic stroke patients (>200 mg% according to ATP – 3rd guidelines). Stroke patients with dyslipidemia need a comprehensive health care approach involving dietician, physician and good bio chemistry back up. keywords: age; association; basaveshwara; cases; chitradurga; cholesterol; college; common; density; deranged; diabetics; doi; et al; factors; group; hdl; hemorrhagic; high; history; hospital; ijmmr; india; ischemic; ischemic stroke; issn; issue; karnataka; ldl; levels; lipid; lipoproteins; low; mangasuli; medical; medicine; men; non; patients; profile; risk; s.b; second; serum; sreedhar; stroke; study; subjects; table; total; triglycerides; value; vijeth; vldl; vol; years; пацієнтів cache: ijmr-12109.pdf plain text: ijmr-12109.txt item: #48 of 184 id: ijmr-12120 author: Fagbohun, T. R. title: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON THE PSYCHOMETRIC, RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY PROPERTIES OF TRANSLATED NEUROPATHIC PAIN SCREENING TOOLS (DN4, LANSS AND PDQ) 1 JANUARY 2005 – 19 JULY 2019 date: 2021-11-22 words: 11719 flesch: 70 summary: This cut off 12 was also reported by the three studies, which could make it an acceptable cut off to distinguish neuropathic pain patients from non-neuropathic pain patients. PD-Q All the included studies conducted forward and backward translation twice (in agreement with the recommended standard). KEYWORDS: neuropathic pain; positive likelihood; negative likelihood; positive predictive value; negative predictive value. keywords: alpha; articles; assessment; average; backward; chronic; clinical; coefficient; consistency; cronbach; cut; d n; diagnostic; different; dn4; doi; e d; e issn; e r; e t; effi; expert; fagbohun; forward; good; h e; high; ijmmr; index; instrument; internal; issn; issue; items; journal; kappa; language; lanss; leeds; likelihood; local; m e; measurement; n co; n et; n o; n ss; negative; neuropathic; neuropathic pain; nociceptive; npv; o ye; original; pain; paindetect; participants; patients; pdq; pilot; population; positive; ppv; predictive; properties; psychometric; quality; questionnaire; r n; reliability; reported; research; retest; review; s co; s n; s pe; sample; score; screening; sensitivity; signs; size; spanish; specificity; studies; study; symptoms; systematic; t s; t.r; table; test; times; tools; total; translated; translation; use; validation; validity; value; version; vol; ye s; youden cache: ijmr-12120.pdf plain text: ijmr-12120.txt item: #49 of 184 id: ijmr-12122 author: Joshi, S.; Tilak, M. A.; Jadhav, S. title: SIGNIFICANCE OF DETECTION OF FREE/TOTAL PSA RATIO AND OTHER BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN PATIENTS WITH BPH, CARCINOMA PROSTATE AND ITS CLINICOPATHOLOGIC CORRELATION date: 2021-11-22 words: 6001 flesch: 67 summary: Free PSA levels and Free/Total PSA ratio was decrea sed in Group III as compared to Group II. Mean values of Free PSA levels in benign prostatic hyperplasia were 2.43±1.10 ng/ml, in carcinoma prostate – 1.59±0.55 ng/ml as compared to 0.68±0.56 ng/ml in the control group. keywords: acid; acid phosphatase; age; alkaline; alkaline phosphatase; antigen; assay; benign; biopsy; bph; calcium; cancer; carcinoma; cases; centre; clinical; college; comparison; control; detection; determination; diagnosis; disease; doi; et al; free; free prostate; free psa; gr.iii; group; group ii; higher; hyperplasia; iii; ijmmr; increase; india; issn; issue; joshi; levels; lower; mean; medical; men; method; number; p<0.0001; p<0.05; patients; pca; phosphatase; pmid; present; prostate; prostate cancer; prostatic; psa; psa levels; psa ratio; pune; ratio; research; results; sample; serum; serum psa; significant; specific; specificity; study; table; test; total; total psa; value; vol; volume; yrs; вільного; дгпз; пса; рпз cache: ijmr-12122.pdf plain text: ijmr-12122.txt item: #50 of 184 id: ijmr-12251 author: Bereznyakov, V. I. title: MAIN INDICATORS OF THE OXIDANT-ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FORCE OF THE RESPIRATORY MUSCLES IN ADULT PATIENTS WITH COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA date: 2021-11-22 words: 4218 flesch: 55 summary: Significant negative correlations of malondialdehyde with indicators of respiratory muscles strength and positive correlations with glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase were established. The relations between prooxidant and antioxidant indicators and respiratory muscles strength complements the concept of the body systemic response on pulmonary inflammation – one of the markers of respiratory muscles dysfunction. keywords: activity; ahh; analysis; antioxidant; bereznyakov; cap; catalase; community; compare; correlations; decrease; development; difference; disease; doi; dysfunction; factors; fig; functional; glutathione; gpo; group; healthy; humans; ijmmr; imbalance; increase; indicators; inflammation; issn; issue; key; kharkiv; level; maximum; mda; medical; mep; methods; mip; mrpdexp; muscles; notes; oxidative; pathogenesis; patients; pneumonia; rate; respiratory; results; rm strength; russian; scap; severe; significant; snip; sod; strength; stress; study; system; times; v.i; vol; дихальних; р<0.05 cache: ijmr-12251.pdf plain text: ijmr-12251.txt item: #51 of 184 id: ijmr-12253 author: Nongrum, D. L.; Devi, Y. S.; Mohanty, S.; Singh, L. J.; Baidya, K.; Chyrmang, D.; Rai, H. K. title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CONCURRENT CHEMORADIATION USING PACLITAXEL IN TWO HISTOPATHOLOGICAL SUBTYPES (SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA/ADENOCARCINOMA) OF UNRESECTABLE NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER date: 2022-04-18 words: 5974 flesch: 71 summary: This was followed by liver (n=13.28%), brain (n=12.26%), and adrenal (n= 4.9%) 16(53.3%) 0.000*Grade 2 2 (6.7%) 2 (6.7%) Grade 3 0 (0%) 0 keywords: adenocarcinoma; advanced; analysis; arm; arm b; arms; cancer; carcinoma; cases; ccrt; cell; cell carcinoma; cell lung; chemoradiation; chemotherapy; chest; common; complete; concurrent; cough; d.l; data; department; disease; distribution; dyspnoea; early; effects; end; esophageal; e­mail; grade; group; iiia; iiib; ijmmr; imphal; india; institute; issn; issue; late; lung; lung cancer; manipur; medical; metastases; month; non; nongrum; nsclc; o n; oncology; orcid; paclitaxel; pain; partial; patients; phase; post; progression; radiation; radiotherapy; regional; response; rtog; sciences; significant; similar; size; small; squamous; squamous cell; stage; studies; study; symptoms; table; toxicities; toxicity; treatment; unresectable; value; vol; week; weekly; years; групі cache: ijmr-12253.pdf plain text: ijmr-12253.txt item: #52 of 184 id: ijmr-12258 author: Ali, M.; Banavalikar, B.; Ghadei, M. K.; Kottayan, A.; Padmanabhan, D.; Shenthar, J. title: RADIATION EXPOSURE IN ACCESSORY PATHWAY ABLATION PROCEDURES IN CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY: A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS: Radiation exposure in accessory pathway ablation procedures date: 2021-11-22 words: 4701 flesch: 56 summary: In this analysis, we have looked at the amount of radiation exposure in AP CA procedures performed without the support of a three- dimensional electroanatomic mapping system. The objectives of this study are to quantify radiation exposure in accessory pathway ablation procedures; to analyze the radiation exposure trend over time; and to evaluate the effect of fluoroscopy frame rate reduction on the radiation exposure indices in these procedures. keywords: ablation; accessory; age; ali; analysis; anterior; bangalore; cardiac; cardiovascular; catheter; dap; data; decrease; department; doi; dose; electroanatomic; electrophysiology; exposure; ffr; fluoroscopy; formal; fps; frame; group; ijmmr; india; indices; institute; issue; jayadeva; laboratory; left; location; mapping; msv; number; pathways; patients; period; post; pre; procedures; radiation; radiation exposure; rate; reduction; research; retrospective; right; sciences; significant; sri; study; system; table; time; vol; years; опромінення; процедури cache: ijmr-12258.pdf plain text: ijmr-12258.txt item: #53 of 184 id: ijmr-12423 author: Kumar, R.; Singh, T. B.; Pandey, R.; Bhalla, S.; Singh, O. title: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND SEASONAL VARIATION OF APPENDICITIS – A SINGLE CENTER RETROSPECTIVE STUDY FROM NORTH-EAST INDIA date: 2022-04-18 words: 3368 flesch: 63 summary: Monthly variation in acute appendicitis incidence: A 10­year nationwide population-based study. There is a wide variation in the incidence of acute appendicitis reported for different countries, different regions, race, sex, age and also seasons. Objective. keywords: acute; acute appendicitis; age; air; ann; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; assam; base; cases; common; data; decade; department; disease; east; emergency; epidemiological; epidemiology; females; fig; higher; hospital; ijmmr; imd; incidence; india; infections; issn; issue; jan; kumar; life; males; monsoon; north; orcid; patients; period; pollution; pre; professor; ratio; region; seasonal; seasonal variation; sex; sexes; studies; study; surg; surgery; tezpur; variation; vol; years; yrs; апендицит cache: ijmr-12423.pdf plain text: ijmr-12423.txt item: #54 of 184 id: ijmr-12426 author: Skochylo, О. V.; Boitsanyuk, S. I.; Tverdokhlib, N. O. title: BONE TISSUE METABOLISM AND CHANGES IN THE ORAL CAVITY IN REDUCED FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY OF THE THYROID GLAND: (literature review) date: 2022-04-18 words: 6053 flesch: 55 summary: Understanding the mechanisms of bone metabolism under the action of thyroid hormones is an important aspect of treatment and diagnostic process, as local treatment of dental pathology without reducing the impact on systemic factors ultimately does not have any positive result. Understanding the mechanisms of bone metabolism under the action of thyroid hormones is an important aspect of treatment and diagnostic, as local treatment of dental pathology without reducing the impact on systemic factors does not have any positive result keywords: action; active; activity; aspect; association; authors; autoimmune; bleeding; blood; bone; bone tissue; calcium; cases; cavity; cells; changes; clinical; collagen; common; complex; concentration; data; decrease; density; dental; department; development; diseases; disorders; dysfunction; endocrine; factors; fig; formation; functional; gland; group; growth; hashimoto; health; horbachevsky; hormones; hypothyroidism; ijmmr; impact; important; incidence; increase; indicators; inflammatory; influence; issn; journal; levels; local; main; matrix; mechanisms; medical; metabolism; microcirculation; mineralization; national; need; number; opg; oral; osteoblasts; osteocytes; osteoporosis; pathology; patients; periodontal; periodontitis; phosphatase; positive; present; processes; production; protein; rankl; recent; receptor; regulation; relationship; remodeling; research; resorption; result; review; role; secretion; serum; significant; skochylo; stage; studies; study; surface; surgery; systemic; ternopil; therapy; thyroid; thyroid gland; thyroid hormones; thyroiditis; thyroxine; tissue; transmembrane; treatment; tsh; types; ukraine; ukrainian; university; vitamin; vol; залози; о.v; са2; щитоподібної cache: ijmr-12426.pdf plain text: ijmr-12426.txt item: #55 of 184 id: ijmr-12465 author: Lanovenko, O. title: DYNAMICS OF FREQUENCY AND PECULIARITIES OF THE STRUCTURE OF CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS IN SOUTH UKRAINE (MONITORING STUDY) date: 2021-11-22 words: 4229 flesch: 55 summary: Dynamics of congenital malformations prevalence (Kherson region, 2000-2019) Years Number of live births Congenital malformations Total Frequen-cy, ‰ Genetically determined congenital malformations: cases of chromosomal pathology total geneti- cally deter- mined part, % Q90- Q99 of them: from congenital malforma- tions from live birthsDs Ps Еs Тs 2000 10 184 255 25.0 8 8 - - - 131.5 51.6 1.29 2001 9 757 243 24.9 9 9 - - - 126.0 51.9 1.29 2002 9 972 280 28.1 11 8 - 1 - 145.5 52.0 1.46 2003 10 502 216 20.9 15 14 - - - 115.5 53.5 1.10 2004 10 363 201 20.6 8 5 - - - 104.5 52.0 1.00 2005 10 150 307 30.2 11 7 1 - 1 159.0 51.8 1.57 2006 11 475 397 34.6 13 13 - - - 205.0 51.6 1.83 2007 11 570 444 38.4 21 18 3 - - 232.5 52.4 1.79 2008 12 473 556 44.6 18 16 1 - 1 287.0 51.6 2.30 2009 12 323 384 31.2 21 18 1 1 - 202.5 52.7 1.64 2010 12 388 391 31.6 18 13 - 1 - 204.5 52.3 1.65 2011 12 085 418 34.6 15 9 1 - - 216.5 51.8 1.79 2012 12 643 428 33.8 16 14 - - - 222.0 51.9 1.76 2013 12 300 388 31.5 15 15 - - - 201.5 51.9 1.64 2014 12 308 433 35.2 11 10 - - - 222.0 51.3 1.80 2015 11 372 352 31.0 17 13 - 2 - 184.5 52.4 1.62 2016 10 769 350 32.5 11 9 - 2 - 180.5 51.6 1.68 2017 9 964 375 37.6 4 3 - - - 189.5 50.5 1.90 2018 9 095 293 32.2 13 12 - 1 - 153.0 52.2 1.68 2019 8 374 262 31.3 9 9 - - - 135.5 51.7 1.62 М 11003.4 348.65 31.4 13.2 11.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 180.9 51.9 1.62 m According to Table 2 in the structure of congenital malformations malformations of the cardiovascular system are leading (31.77% of all cases, an average annual increase of 9.1%), the frequency of which is constantly increasing from 5.1 to 9.93‰ on average over the past 20 years. keywords: abs; analysis; anomalies; average; births; cases; children; chromosomal; congenital; congenital malformations; countries; defects; dynamics; eurocat; european; forms; frequency; genetic; hereditary; ijmmr; increase; issn; issue; kherson; kherson region; lanovenko; level; live; malformations; monitoring; multiple; newborns; nosological; number; period; populations; prevalence; rate; region; structure; study; syndrome; system; table; total; ukraine; vol; year; вад; розвитку cache: ijmr-12465.pdf plain text: ijmr-12465.txt item: #56 of 184 id: ijmr-12468 author: Yusupov, Sh. A.; Shamsiev, A. M.; Shamsiev, J. A.; Pulotov, P. A. title: VITAMIN D AND UROLITHIASIS IN CHILDREN date: 2021-11-22 words: 4557 flesch: 56 summary: Several studies associate VDR gene polymorphism with uro- lithiasis. The prevalence of VDR gene polymorphism has racial and ethnic differences. keywords: age; allele; amplification; analysis; association; bone; calcium; children; clinical; compare; control; corresponding; deficiency; department; development; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; dominant; ff+ff; fig; fok1; frequency; gene; genetic; genotype; group; ijmmr; inheritance; institute; issn; issue; level; manifestations; marker; medical; metabolism; model; occurrence; pain; patients; pcr; polymorphism; population; receptor; republic; results; risk; samarkand; sec; sh.a; significant; state; stones; study; surgery; table; ureter; urinary; urolithiasis; uzbekistan; vdr; vdr gene; vitamin; vitamin d; vol; yusupov cache: ijmr-12468.pdf plain text: ijmr-12468.txt item: #57 of 184 id: ijmr-12474 author: Shcherbatiuk, N. Yu. title: VITAMIN D3 IN TREATMENT OF OSTEOPENIC SYNDROME IN CHILDREN WITH GROWTH DISORDERS date: 2022-04-18 words: 2483 flesch: 55 summary: According to the literature, growth hormone is one of the most important components of the hormonal system for regulating bone tissue metabolism and phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Vitamin D3 in the complex treatment of osteoporosis in children with growth impairment of different genesis normalizes calcium-phosphorus homeostasis, which increases bone mineral density and, therefore, reduces osteoporotic changes by stopping leaching of calcium from bones. keywords: age; alkaline; blood; bone; calcium; children; cholecalciferol; constitutional; content; courses; density; dwarfism; formation; genesis; growth; homeostasis; hypothalamic; impaired; level; metabolism; mineral; n.yu; osteopenia; osteoporosis; phosphatase; phosphorus; pituitary; retardation; serum; shcherbatiuk; study; subdwarfism; ternopil; tissue; treatment; vertebrae; vitamin; дітей; затримкою; кісткової; росту; тканини; ґенезу cache: ijmr-12474.pdf plain text: ijmr-12474.txt item: #58 of 184 id: ijmr-12486 author: Hutor, N. S. title: CURRENT DIAGNOSIS, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF DRY SOCKET: (literature review) date: 2022-04-18 words: 5401 flesch: 53 summary: The frequency of tooth extraction surgery depending on the pa- N.S. Hutor ISSN 2413-6077. Treatment and prevention of dry socket involves various antimicrobial drugs depending on the sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms. keywords: administration; agents; alveolar; anaesthesia; antibacterial; antibiotic; antimicrobial; antiseptic; application; area; authors; bleeding; blood; bone; cases; cavity; chlorhexidine; choice; clinical; clot; complex; complications; composition; dental; dentistry; development; diagnosis; diseases; drugs; dry; dry socket; effect; effective; effectiveness; extraction; flupetsal; flurenizide; form; general; haemostatic; healing; high; hole; hutor; ijmmr; infection; inflammatory; issn; issue; local; lviv; main; maxillofacial; medical; methods; microbiological; microflora; microorganisms; modern; n.s; national; necessary; new; oral; outpatient; pain; paliy; pathogens; patients; periodontal; possible; postoperative; practice; prevention; processes; removal; removed; research; resistance; sensitivity; significant; socket; sponge; study; surgery; surgical; teeth; ternopil; therapy; tissues; tooth; tooth extraction; treatment; ukraine; ukrainian; university; use; vol; wound; лікування; при cache: ijmr-12486.pdf plain text: ijmr-12486.txt item: #59 of 184 id: ijmr-12488 author: Lavrin, O. Ya.; Avdeev, O. V.; Romanjuk, N. Ye.; Bedenyuk, O. A. title: DENTAL ASSISTANCE TO MILITARY PERSONNEL OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE date: 2022-04-18 words: 4397 flesch: 54 summary: The aim of this research was to study dental health of the personnel of military units and the problem of providing dental care to military personnel according to the analysis of modern scientific literature. The following research methods were used to analyse dental care for military personnel, namely: bibliographic, analytical, systems approach. keywords: acute; age; analysis; armed; authors; care; category; cavity; combat; conscripts; dental; dental care; dental diseases; dental health; dental morbidity; dentists; diseases; forces; health; high; horbachevsky; hygiene; ijmmr; issn; issue; lavrin; level; literature; low; maxillofacial; medical; medicine; military; military medical; military personnel; military units; mobile; morbidity; national; nato; need; number; o.ya; office; oral; organization; orthopedic; people; personnel; population; prevalence; prevention; research; servicemen; stanag; standards; system; ternopil; treatment; ukraine; ukrainian; units; university; vol; zone cache: ijmr-12488.pdf plain text: ijmr-12488.txt item: #60 of 184 id: ijmr-12516 author: Koval, D. B.; Malyarchuk, H. R.; Levenets, O. O. title: THE EFFECT OF MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE ON THE MICROFLORA OF THE COLON date: 2022-04-18 words: 2852 flesch: 57 summary: The aim of the research was to study the effect of microcrystalline cellulose on the microflora of the large intestine. Methods. The first group involved the intact rats on standard diet, the second – the rats, which received normal feeding of microcrystalline cellulose. Results. keywords: 14th; 7th; anaerobic; animals; aureus; bacteria; bacteroides; candida; cellulose; cfu; clostridia; coli; colon; content; d.b; day; days; effect; enterosorbents; enterosorption; escherichia; experimental; feces; groups; hanna; horbachevsky; ijmmr; increase; intestine; issn; issue; koval; laboratory; large; log; malyarchuk; medical; methods; microcrystalline; microcrystalline cellulose; microflora; microorganisms; national; normal; number; p<0.05; p<0.1; proteus; rats; significant; spp; staphylococcus; study; ternopil; ukraine; university; vol; white cache: ijmr-12516.pdf plain text: ijmr-12516.txt item: #61 of 184 id: ijmr-12556 author: Romaniuk, T. V.; Moroz, V. S.; Maslii, S. M.; Vivchar, Z. V. title: REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS AFTER CARDIAC SURGERY date: 2022-04-18 words: 2511 flesch: 46 summary: KEYWORDS: cardiac surgery; cardiac rehabilitation; exercise; recovery of function; health education. Cardiac rehabilitation is crucial in preventing complications and assisting the early function recovery. keywords: activities; cardiac; cardiac rehabilitation; cardiac surgery; cardiology; cardiovascular; complex; complications; daily; department; drainage; early; education; exercise; experience; e­mail; function; guidelines; health; heart; high; horbachevsky; hospital; icu; ijmmr; issn; issue; massage; medical; multidisciplinary; national; orcid; pathology; patients; physical; post; postoperative; pulmonary; recovery; regional; rehabilitation; respiratory; romaniuk; routine; stay; study; successful; surgery; surgical; t.v; team; ternopil; thoracic; time; treatment; ukraine; university; van; vol; work; пацієнтів; реабілітації cache: ijmr-12556.pdf plain text: ijmr-12556.txt item: #62 of 184 id: ijmr-12636 author: Soni, G.; Jain, S.; Rathi, P.; Goswami, P. title: CURRENT TRENDS IN PRESCRIBING PATTERN OF ANTI-MIGRAINE DRUGS IN PATIENTS OF MIGRAINE AT A TERTIARY CARE TEACHING HOSPITAL date: 2022-04-18 words: 5311 flesch: 58 summary: Призначення триптанів було низьким (2,66%), при цьому найчастіше призначали різатриптан. Найпоширенішими препаратами, які призначали для профілактики, були бета-адреноблокатори (пропранолол, 14,66%), антидепресанти (амітриптилін, 9,33% і флуоксетин 3,33%) та нейролептики (прохлорперазин, 4,66%). keywords: acute; adverse; antidepressants; assessment; attack; aura; average; beta; blockers; care; college; common; cost; current; department; depression; details; disability; dopamine; drugs; e m; e p; encounters; essential; et al; ethiopia; factors; fig; findings; gandhi; generic; headache; hospital; ijmmr; inappropriate; india; indicators; issn; issue; jaipur; list; low; mahatma; medical; medicines; midas; migraine; moderate; neurology; nsaids; number; pain; participants; patients; pattern; percentage; pharmacology; prescribed; prescribing; prescription; present; rathi; receptor; score; severe; severity; soni; studies; study; table; tertiary; therapy; treatment; trends; triptans; use; vohra; vol; years; призначення cache: ijmr-12636.pdf plain text: ijmr-12636.txt item: #63 of 184 id: ijmr-12657 author: Nykytyuk, S. O.; Klymnyuk, S. I.; Klishch, I. M.; Levenets, S. S. title: EVALUATION OF IMMUNOBLOT RESULTS FOR DETERMINATION OF ANTIBODIES TO LYME DISEASE PATHOGENS IN CHILDREN OF TERNOPIL REGION date: 2022-04-18 words: 4018 flesch: 57 summary: Lyme disease (LD) is a multisystem disorder caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and other similar tick-borne Borrelia. Objective. The aim of the research was to compare the results of the serological examination of children with different forms of Lyme disease. keywords: absolute; afzelii; antibodies; antigens; arthritis; b. afzelii; b. garinii; bite; borrelia; borreliosis; burgdorferi; children; clinical; disease; elisa; erythema; examination; form; garinii; group; horbachevsky; igg; igm; ijmmr; immunoblot; intermediate; issn; issue; lato; lyme; lyme disease; medical; migrans; miyamotoi; national; negative; nykytyuk; ospc; p39; patients; phagocytophilum; positive; presence; region; results; s.o; sensu; serological; species; specific; study; system; table; ternopil; test; ticks; ukraine; university; value; vlse; vol cache: ijmr-12657.pdf plain text: ijmr-12657.txt item: #64 of 184 id: ijmr-12674 author: Nair, V. V.; Sharma, P.; Rajendran, N.; Raja, S.; Rao, P. P.; Mehta, R. title: CASE REPORT ON RARE OUTCOME OF A RETROPERITONEAL MASS: MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES AND LESSONS LEARNT date: 2022-09-05 words: 2771 flesch: 62 summary: V. V. Nair et al. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) are non-epithelial mesenchymal solid neoplasm with varied presentation. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; armed; article; atypical; case; cell; chemotherapy; clinical; colic; college; cyst; diagnosis; et al; fig; forces; gastrointestinal; gist; grade; ijmmr; india; inguinal; intra; issn; issue; lesion; literature; liver; lump; maharashtra; malignant; mass; medical; mehta; multiple; nair; normal; old; operative; pancreatic; patient; pelvis; post; presentation; pune; raja; rajendran; rao; rare; region; report; retroperitoneal; review; right; sharma; stromal; tumour; ureter; vol; year; шксп cache: ijmr-12674.pdf plain text: ijmr-12674.txt item: #65 of 184 id: ijmr-12675 author: Romanyuk, L. B.; Volch, I. R.; Kravets, N. Y.; Pyatkovskyy, T. I.; Zahrychuk, O. M. title: RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF GENDER-AGE STRUCTURE AND COMORBID PATHOLOGY OF PATIENTS WITH VIRAL AND BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA ASSOCIATED WITH COVID-19 date: 2022-04-18 words: 2804 flesch: 62 summary: Accor- ding to many researchers, the increased de- tection of patients with coronavirus infection in the summer months may be due to greater availability and number of tests [4, 6]. According to the Center for Public Health in Ukraine, the majority of patients with coronavirus infection were the elderly: the majority of patients were Ukrainians aged 30-59; 22% – people from 50 to 59 years; 21% – people from 30 to 39 years; 20% – people from 40 to 49 years. keywords: age; analysis; bacterial; cardiovascular; cases; chronic; clinical; comorbid; concomitant; conditions; coronavirus; covid-19; data; disease; epidemic; frequency; heart; horbachevsky; hospital; ijmmr; infection; issn; issue; l.b; lidiya; medical; men; municipal; national; number; orcid; pandemic; pathology; patients; people; period; pneumonia; professor; region; results; romanyuk; structure; ternopil; ukraine; university; viral; vol; women; world; years cache: ijmr-12675.pdf plain text: ijmr-12675.txt item: #66 of 184 id: ijmr-12682 author: Dzordzo, Yu. R.; Andreychyn, S. M. title: DRUG THERAPY FOR PROTEIN COMPOSITION CHANGES OF BLOOD IN HYPERTENSION AND IN CASES OF COMORBIDITY date: 2022-04-18 words: 4151 flesch: 59 summary: All patients underwent a standard clinical examination, as well as for BFSA, total protein, albumin, globulins and albumin-globulin ratio, medium mass molecules (MMM) at 280 and 254 nm and erythrocyte intoxication index (EII). It was found out that Antral® in patients with HT in combination with NASH and with NASH and type 2 diabetes with a statistically significant decrease in BFSA, total protein and albumin, as well as with increased indicators of EI (MSM254, MSM280 and EII) caused significant improvement in BFSA, increase of total protein, serum albumin, reduce of MSM254, MSM280, EII and strengthening of all correlations. keywords: addition; albumin; alcoholic; analysis; antral; basic; bfsa; body; changes; combination; concomitant; content; correlation; decrease; diabetes; diseases; drug; dzordzo; eii; fractions; function; globulin; hypertension; ijmmr; increase; indicators; issn; issue; level; liver; medical; medium; mmm254; mmm280; nash; negative; non; patients; positive; protein; ratio; relationship; serum; significant; strength; subgroup; ternopil; therapy; total; total protein; treatment; type; ukraine; ukrainian; vol; yu.r; зфса; насг; р<0.05 cache: ijmr-12682.pdf plain text: ijmr-12682.txt item: #67 of 184 id: ijmr-12903 author: Marushchak, M.; Mialiuk, O.; Kaskiv, M.; Demjanchuk, M.; Krynytska, I. title: STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION OF RAT TISSUES IN EXPERIMENTAL COMBINED TRAUMA OF THE CHEST AND BOTH THIGHS date: 2022-09-05 words: 3716 flesch: 61 summary: All animals were divided into 2 groups: the control group (1st, 10 animals); the experi- mental group (2nd) – chest trauma and both thighs trauma (CT + 2T), observation during 7 days (12 animals). KEYWORDS: combined trauma; lungs; heart; liver; morphology. keywords: 7th; analysis; animals; associated; blood; body; c e; cases; cells; changes; chest; combined; days; development; dystrophic; e s; early; experimental; extremities; e­mail; fig; focal; fracture; group; heart; horbachevsky; ijmmr; injuries; injury; issn; issue; leukocytes; liver; lungs; marushchak; medical; medicine; multiple; national; observation; oedema; organ; organization; oxidative; patients; period; perivascular; peroxidation; polytrauma; post; professor; research; results; severe; simulated; single; stress; structural; study; ternopil; thighs; tissues; trauma; traumatic; ukraine; university; vol; грудної; клітки; тварин; травми cache: ijmr-12903.pdf plain text: ijmr-12903.txt item: #68 of 184 id: ijmr-12910 author: Levytska, L. V.; Yurkiv, V. V.; Korda, M. M. title: PREDICTORS OF LOW FUNCTIONAL RESERVES IN REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION COMPLICATED BY COMORBID PATHOLOGY date: 2022-09-05 words: 3184 flesch: 54 summary: This profile of infarct patients, which is characterized by late treatment, and, consequently, the loss of timely revascularization of infarct-related artery, the presence of comorbid pathology and old age of patients, is still common in Ukraine and requires special approaches unprescribed in the current protocols of rehabilitation. Analysis of the specificity and sensitivity of the six-minute walk test on the 10th day of rehabilitation of postinfarction patients with the parameters of the Charlson comorbidity index ≥2 showed high specificity and prognostic value of a positive result of this marker for comorbid patients (Table 2, Fig. 1). keywords: 10th; 30th; 6mwt; 90th; aacpr; age; analysis; blood; cardiovascular; cci; charlson; comorbid; comorbidity; day; days; degree; exercise; functional; grace; heart; high; ijmmr; index; infarction; issn; issue; levels; levytska; medical; minute; myocardial; p<0.0001; pathology; patients; period; positive; prognostic; rate; rehabilitation; reserves; result; risk; sensitivity; specificity; spo2; study; ternopil; test; tolerance; ukraine; value; vol; walk cache: ijmr-12910.pdf plain text: ijmr-12910.txt item: #69 of 184 id: ijmr-12924 author: Danchyshyn, M. V.; Lototska, O. V. title: ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION IN WHITE RATS ON THE BACKGROUND OF DRINKING WATER USE WITH EXCESSIVE NITRATE CONCENTRATION date: 2022-09-05 words: 3827 flesch: 58 summary: The rats of the 1st group drank drinking water with nitrate content of 50 mg/l, the 2nd – 150 mg/l, the 3rd – 250 mg/l, the 4th – 500 mg/l. To create model aqueous solutions, drinking water from city water supply was used; taking into account background concentrations, sodium nitrate (NaNO3) was added into it to create aqueous solution with nitrates at a dose of 50, 150, 250, 500 mg per liter. Approximately one-third of groundwater bodies for which information is currently available exceed the maximum allowable concentrations of nitrates in drinking water. Objectives. keywords: 2nd; 3rd; 4th; activity; age; animals; antioxidant; background; bars; blood; body; cat; catalase; cell; ceruloplasmin; changes; concentrations; control; control group; danchyshyn; deviation; differences; different; dismutase; drinking; drinking water; error; excessive; experimental; fig; group; hydrogen; ijmmr; immature; issn; issue; level; mature; mean; medical; medicine; national; nitrates; p<0.05; protection; rats; replicates; research; serum; significant; sod; standard; superoxide; system; ternopil; ukrainian; university; vol; water; нітратів cache: ijmr-12924.pdf plain text: ijmr-12924.txt item: #70 of 184 id: ijmr-12934 author: Randhawa, J. S.; Rajendran, N.; Husain, J.; Shankaran, R.; Nair, V. V.; Dorai B., S. title: SHORT TERM STUDY ON CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND OUTCOMES OF FOETAL HYDRONEPHROSIS date: 2022-09-05 words: 3626 flesch: 55 summary: Of 10 renal units with moderate hydronephrosis, 3 (30%) resolved and 7 (70%) worsened and required surgical intervention. 13 patients with persistent severe hydronephrosis in post- natal period underwent further evaluation with MCU and MRU. keywords: analysis; anh; antenatal; apd; armed; cases; centre; clinical; college; diameter; disease; evaluation; fetal; follow; forces; function; hydronephrosis; ijmmr; india; intervention; issn; issue; kidneys; left; life; maharashtra; medical; mild; moderate; months; mumbai; obstruction; patients; period; persistent; population; posterior; postnatal; progression; pune; randhawa; renal; right; severe; sided; study; surgery; surgical; system; table; trimester; ultrasound; underwent; unilateral; urinary; usg; vol; плода cache: ijmr-12934.pdf plain text: ijmr-12934.txt item: #71 of 184 id: ijmr-13043 author: Dzyubanovskyy, I. Ya.; Bedeniuk, A. D.; Grytsenko, S. Y. title: CLINICAL OUTCOMES OF REVERSAL OF HARTMANN’S PROCEDURE date: 2022-09-05 words: 1985 flesch: 66 summary: As a result, more than two-thirds of patients remain with a permanent stoma following Hartmann’s pro- cedure, either due to inability to perform reversal or due to anastomotic leak and stoma restoration [1, 6, 7]. 4. Hess GF, Schäfer J, Rosenthal R, Kettelhack C, Oertli D. Reversal after Hartmann’s procedure in patients with complicated sigmoid diverticulitis. keywords: adhesions; anastomosis; colorectal; complications; dzyubanovskyy; hartmann; high; horbachevsky; hospital; ijmmr; interval; issue; medical; months; national; outcomes; patients; pelvic; perforation; postoperative; procedure; range; rate; reversal; study; surgery; ternopil; time; ukraine; university; гартмана; закриття; операції; після; стоми cache: ijmr-13043.pdf plain text: ijmr-13043.txt item: #72 of 184 id: ijmr-13083 author: Singh, T. B.; Kumar, R.; Nigam, A.; Devi, T. R. title: AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY TO FIND RELATIONSHIP OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS TO MENSTRUATION CYCLE IN NORTHERN AND NORTHEASTERN PART OF INDIA date: 2022-09-05 words: 3895 flesch: 61 summary: There was a significant increase in number of cases of acute appendicitis among the menstruating women in luteal phase with p value <0.05. According to the result of the study, the incidence of acute appendicitis significantly differs in different phases of menstruation cycle with highest incidence in luteal phase. keywords: activation; acute; acute appendicitis; appendicitis; cases; cells; complicated; cycle; days; department; different; estrogen; et al; expected; expression; female; frequency; function; high; highest; hospital; ijmmr; immune; immunol; incidence; india; infection; inflammatory; issn; issue; level; luteal; luteal phase; lymphocytes; macrophages; medical; menstrual; menstruation; menstruation phase; military; non; number; patients; phase; progesterone; proliferative; proliferative phase; rate; ratio; receptors; relationship; response; results; significant; singh; studies; study; surgery; susceptibility; table; total; value; vol; апендициту; гострого; для; дослідження; фази; фазі; циклу cache: ijmr-13083.pdf plain text: ijmr-13083.txt item: #73 of 184 id: ijmr-13090 author: Jahagirdar, R. title: ATTITUDE TOWARDS PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRISTS AMONG MEDICAL STUDENTS IN TERTIARY HEALTH CARE HOSPITAL date: 2022-09-05 words: 2754 flesch: 61 summary: The total of 295 volunteer students from all phases of MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) were enrolled by purposive sampling, a 30-item self-administered questionnaire, ATP-30 (Attitude towards Psychiatry) was used to measure the attitude of medical students. iJMMr 2022 Vol. 8 issue 1 R. Jahagirdar available qualified teaching staff as well as lack of proper clinical positions, which results to inadequate exposure of medical students to psychiatry keywords: attitude; bachelor; career; choice; college; curriculum; dahod; disorders; future; gujarat; health; hospital; ijmmr; illness; illnesses; important; indian; issn; issue; jahagirdar; list; majority; mbbs; medical; medical students; medicine; mental; participants; patients; phases; positive; psychiatrists; psychiatry; questionnaire; respected; respondents; results; students; study; subject; total; undergraduate; vol; year; психіатрії; ставлення; студентів cache: ijmr-13090.pdf plain text: ijmr-13090.txt item: #74 of 184 id: ijmr-13098 author: Zaporozhan, S. Y.; Fira, D. B.; Pokryshko, O. V. title: ANTIBACTERIAL THERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH BURN INJURIES date: 2022-09-05 words: 3754 flesch: 57 summary: Along with surgical treatment, mechanical removal of pathogens from burn wounds is also important as well as antimicrobials for patients with severe burns. The aim of the study was to define the most common pathogens of purulent-inflammatory complications of burn wounds and their susceptibility to antibiotics. keywords: aeruginosa; antibiotics; antimicrobial; aureus; bacteria; baumannii; burn; burn wounds; carbapenems; ceftriaxone; clinical; common; complications; cultures; disease; fermenting; fig; flora; gentamicin; gram; hospital; ijmmr; imipenem; infection; isolated; issn; issue; journal; levofloxacin; medical; meropenem; methods; microbiological; microorganisms; national; negative; non; particular; pathogens; patients; positive; research; resistant; results; s. aureus; severe; spp; staphylococcus; strains; study; surface; surgery; susceptibility; susceptible; ternopil; thermal; trauma; treatment; ukraine; ukrainian; vol; week; wound; zaporozhan; опікових; ран; хворих cache: ijmr-13098.pdf plain text: ijmr-13098.txt item: #75 of 184 id: ijmr-13118 author: Baidya, K.; Devi, Y. S.; Devi, A. S.; Singh, Y. I.; Das, D.; Mahawar, R.; Devi, N. N. title: HYPOFRACTIONATED RADIOTHERAPY WITH CONCURRENT CHEMOTHERAPY WITH WEEKLY CISPLATIN IN LOCALLY ADVANCED RELATIVELY RADIORESISTENT SUBSITES OF HEAD AND NECK CANCERS date: 2023-04-26 words: 5888 flesch: 64 summary: There were 16 patients of Pyriform sinus (5 stage III, 7 stage IVA and 4 stage IVB patients), 5 patients of Retromolar trigone (3 stage III and 2 stage IVA patients), 3 patients of vallecula (2 stage IVA and 1 stage IVB patients) and 2 patients of base of tongue (both stage IVA). Complete and partial responses were achieved in 15 (57.7%) and 8 (30.8%) patients respectively with an overall response rate of 88.5% and three patients having stable disease. keywords: acute; advanced; analysis; available; baidya; c o; cancer; carcinoma; cell; chemotherapy; cisplatin; complete; completion; concurrent; control; conventional; criteria; data; department; devi; disease; doi; dose; dysphagia; e d; et al; experienced; e­mail; factors; follow; fractionation; fractions; free; grade; head; high; hnscc; hypofractionated; iii; ijmmr; imphal; india; institute; int; issn; issue; late; manipur; median; medical; months; mucositis; neck; neck cancer; nodal; o g; o l; o n; oncology; overall; patients; pfs; primary; progression; radiation; radiotherapy; randomized; rate; recurrence; regional; response; results; sciences; squamous; stage; study; subsites; survival; table; time; tobacco; toxicities; toxicity; treatment; tumor; use; vallecula; variables; vol; week; year; пацієнтів cache: ijmr-13118.pdf plain text: ijmr-13118.txt item: #76 of 184 id: ijmr-13120 author: Husain, J.; Rajagopalan, S.; Nair, V. V.; Nagamahendran, R.; Sharma, P.; Roy, N.; Rao, P. P. title: PROSPECTIVE DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF NON-THYROIDAL NECK SWELLINGS IN WESTERN INDIAN POPULATION date: 2023-04-26 words: 5108 flesch: 60 summary: In 2021, Kesavan et al. described two unusual cases of neck swelling. Many studies were conducted in regards to evaluation of neck swellings but the diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination was purely discussed. keywords: accuracy; accurate; analysis; armed; aspiration; associated; body; carcinoma; carotid; cases; cause; cervical; clinical; college; common; cystic; cytology; data; department; diagnosis; disease; et al; evaluation; examination; e­mail; findings; fine; fnac; forces; general; gland; group; head; histopathological; hospital; husain; hygroma; ijmmr; imaging; india; issn; issue; lesions; lymphadenitis; lymphadenopathy; lymphoma; management; mass; masses; mean; medical; metastatic; n=17; n=38; nagamahendran; neck; neck swellings; needle; node; non; nonthyroidal; outpatient; patients; primary; professor; prospective; pune; reactive; research; series; sharma; similar; size; statistical; study; surgery; surgical; swellings; total; tubercular; tubercular cervical; tuberculosis; tumour; ultrasonography; ultrasound; value; venugopal; vol; years; шиї cache: ijmr-13120.pdf plain text: ijmr-13120.txt item: #77 of 184 id: ijmr-13121 author: Boitsaniuk, S. I.; Levkiv, M. O. title: FLUORIDES AND ORAL HEALTH date: 2023-04-26 words: 3298 flesch: 57 summary: Fluoride varnishes are not only effective from the point of view of primary prevention of caries development, but also have a positive effect in terms of secondary prevention in cases of already existing initial caries. Fluoride varnish is a concentrated topical fluoride applied to the teeth that sets on contact with saliva. keywords: action; bacteria; boitsaniuk; calcium; caries; caries prevention; children; community; concentration; decay; demineralization; dental; dental caries; department; effect; effective; enamel; fig; fluorapatite; fluoridation; fluoride; formation; health; horbachevsky; https://doi:10.1111; hydroxyapatite; ijmmr; inhibits; ions; issn; issue; lesions; means; mechanisms; medical; methods; national; oral; phosphate; plaque; present; prevention; process; res; rinse; risk; saliva; sodium; systemic; table; teeth; ternopil; therapy; tooth; toothpaste; topical; treatment; ukraine; university; use; varnish; vol; water; years; застосування; карієсу cache: ijmr-13121.pdf plain text: ijmr-13121.txt item: #78 of 184 id: ijmr-13123 author: Venger, O.; Koval, A. M.; Shved, M.; Ivanitska, T. title: COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF SYMPTOMS IN NEUROTIC AND AFFECTIVE PATIENTS AFTER COVID-19 date: 2023-04-26 words: 6051 flesch: 63 summary: Absent 30,00% 6,45% 0,00% 6,45% Mild 70,00% 54,84% 28,57% 38,71% Moderate 0,00% 25,81% 34,29% 32,26% Severe 0,00% 12,90% 37,14% 22,58% 30 ,0 0% 6, 45 % 0, 00 % 6, 45 % 70 ,0 0% 54 ,8 4% 28 ,5 7% 38 ,7 1% 0, 00 % 25 ,8 1% 34 ,2 9% 32 ,2 6% 0, 00 % 12 ,9 0% 37 ,1 4% 22 ,5 8% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% Very high 6,67% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% High 30,00% 6,45% 0,00% 0,00% Avarage 43,33% 19,35% 48,86% 12,90% Low 20,00% 70,97% 41,94% 51,62% Very low 0,00% 3,23% 20,00% 35,48% 6, 67 % 0, 00 % 0, 00 % 0, 00 % 30 ,0 0% 6, 45 % 0, 00 % 0, 00 % 43 ,3 3% 19 ,3 5% 48 ,8 6% 12 ,9 0% 20 ,0 0% 70 ,9 7% 41 ,9 4% 51 ,6 2% 0, 00 % 3, 23 % 20 ,0 0% 35 ,4 8% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% keywords: absent; affective patients; anxiety; assessment; attention; average; cognitive; common; coronavirus; covid-19; date; depression; disease; disorders; doi; fig; group; ham; higher; ijmmr; ill; infected; infection; insomnia; issn; issue; likely; loss; low; low memory; medical; memory; mental; mild; moderate; neurotic; neurotic disorders; neurotic patients; normal; onset; patients; people; psychiatric; recovered; respondents; respondents group; severe; severity; study; subthreshold; table; ternopil; venger; vol; пацієнтів cache: ijmr-13123.pdf plain text: ijmr-13123.txt item: #79 of 184 id: ijmr-13152 author: Singh, T. S.; Singh, R.; Pandey, R. title: SICKLE CELL THALASSEMIA IN AN ADULT FROM CENTRAL INDIA SHOWING MASSIVE SPLENIC INFARCTION AND GAMNA-GANDY BODIES IN SPLENIC PARENCHYMA WITH CONCOMITANT PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM INFECTION: (case report) date: 2023-04-26 words: 3152 flesch: 60 summary: Co-existent both sickle cell mutation and thalassemia mu- tation, commonly beta thalassemia, facilitating development to a compound heterozygous state known as sickle cell beta thalassemia, was first reported and described by Silvestroni and Bianco in 1944 Makani J, Komba AN, Cox SE, Oruo J, Mwamtemi K, Kitundu J, Magesa P, Rwezaula S, Meda E, Mgaya J, Pallangyo K. Malaria in patients with sickle cell anemia: burden, risk factors, and outcome at the outpatient clinic and during hospitalization. keywords: american; amorphous; anemia; areas; asymptomatic; base; beta; blood; bodies; case; cell; central; chronic; clinical; condition; deposition; disease; electrophoresis; endemic; examination; falciparum; fig; gametocytes; gamna; gandy; gene; ggbs; hbs; hematology; hemoglobin; heterozygous; hospital; ijmmr; india; infarction; issn; issue; journal; malaria; massive; multiple; mutation; normal; pathology; patient; period; peripheral; plasmodium; post; pre; professor; sickle; sickle cell; singh; smear; specimen; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; splenomegaly; tezpur; thalassemia; thrombocytosis; vol; yellowish; ганді; селезінки cache: ijmr-13152.pdf plain text: ijmr-13152.txt item: #80 of 184 id: ijmr-13154 author: Orupabo, C. D.; Odoya, C. G. title: ANTHROPOMETRIC VARIABLES IN BREAST LESIONS OF WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN UNIVERSITY OF PORT HARCOURT TEACHING HOSPITAL date: 2023-04-26 words: 4049 flesch: 69 summary: The study has also identified that high BMI favours the incidence of breast lumps and breast cancers in women of reproductive age. KEYWORDS: anthropometric variables; BMI; waist-hip-ratio; breast cancer; breast lump. keywords: african; age; anthropometric; association; bmi; body; breast; breast cancer; breast lump; cancer; cases; circumference; classification; data; group; harcourt; health; height; high; hip; hospital; ijmmr; incidence; index; international; issn; issue; journal; lump; mass; mean; measurement; medical; nigeria; normal; number; o n; orupabo; overweight; patients; port; ratio; reproductive; risk; rivers; state; studies; study; subjects; table; teaching; university; value; variables; vol; waist; whr; women; years; залози; молочної cache: ijmr-13154.pdf plain text: ijmr-13154.txt item: #81 of 184 id: ijmr-13156 author: Lunova, T. V.; Klishch, I. M. title: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE INFLUENCE OF COMORBID CONDITIONS ON THE LONG-TERM OUTCOMES OF PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME date: 2022-09-05 words: 3898 flesch: 63 summary: Nevertheless, such gender difference was mainly attributed to the higher incidence of recurrent events in older patients (>65 years old). At the same time, statistically significant gender difference in the long­term outcomes has been observed exceptionally in the cohort of older patients. keywords: acs; acute; age; analysis; cerebrovascular; cohort; comorbid; comorbidities; comorbidity; concomitant; conditions; coronary; dementia; differences; disease; event; female; free; gender; heart; higher; ijmmr; impact; incidence; infarction; issn; issue; long; lunova; maces; medical; n=0; older; outcomes; p=0.03; pad; patients; peptic; prevalence; prior; prognosis; significant; study; survival; syndrome; table; term; ternopil; thyroid; tumor; ulcer; vol; women; years cache: ijmr-13156.pdf plain text: ijmr-13156.txt item: #82 of 184 id: ijmr-13157 author: Venher, I. K.; Kostiv, S. Ya.; Selskyi, B. P.; Khvalyboha, D. V.; Orlov, M. Yu.; Faryna, I. V.; Tsiupryk, N. I. title: ENDOVASCULAR ANGIOPLASTY FOR MULTI-LEVEL STENOTIC-OCCLUSIVE LESIONS OF THE FEMORAL-DISTAL ARTERIAL BED IN CASES OF STENOTIC-OCCLUSIVE PROCESS OF THE TIBIAL ARTERIES date: 2022-09-05 words: 4736 flesch: 46 summary: The complexity of surgical interventions in the femoral-distal arterial area is due to multilevel atherosclerotic lesions of the arterial bed, the spread of lesions to adjacent arterial basins, collateral arterial basins and the state of outflow pathways – tibial arteries. In most cases, endovascular angioplasty of two tibial arteries in hybrid and endovascular methods of revascularization of multilevel atherosclerotic process of the femoral-distal arterial segment of the lower extremity prevents development of thrombosis in tibial segment and allows maintaining the patency of the reconstruction segment and preservation of the lower extremity in 97.57% and 93.44% of cases, respectively. Conclusions. keywords: anastomosis; angioplasty; arterial; arterial bed; arteries; artery; atherosclerotic; atherosclerotic lesions; bed; cases; chronic; complications; critical; deep; department; development; distal; distal arterial; endovascular; endovascular angioplasty; extremity; e­mail; femoral; horbachevsky; hybrid; ijmmr; infrainguinal; interventions; ischemia; issn; issue; journal; lesions; level; limb; lower; lower extremity; medical; methods; multilevel; national; occlusive; occlusive lesions; occlusive process; patients; popliteal; postoperative; process; proximal; reconstruction; revascularization; segment; stage; stenotic; stenotic lesions; study; surgery; surgical; ternopil; thrombosis; tibial; tibial arteries; tibial segment; toes; treatment; ukraine; ulcer; university; venher; vol; артерій; гомілкових cache: ijmr-13157.pdf plain text: ijmr-13157.txt item: #83 of 184 id: ijmr-13162 author: Randhawa, J. S.; Nagamahendran, R.; Shankaran, R. title: FETAL BILATERAL ADRENAL HEMORRHAGE: (case report) date: 2023-04-26 words: 1717 flesch: 52 summary: Rare occurrence of fetal adrenal hemorrhage should be kept in mind in those cases where surgery can be avoided. Prenatal diagnosis – fetal adrenal hemorrhage and endo - crinologic evaluation. keywords: adrenal; adrenal hemorrhage; antenatal; benign; bilateral; case; department; diagnosis; evaluation; fetal; follow; gestation; glands; hemorrhage; hospital; india; intervention; issue; left; management; masses; medicine; mumbai; naval; neonatal; neuroblastoma; period; professor; randhawa; rare; report; right; sandhani; scans; serial; ship; supra; surgery; ultrasound; плода; утворення cache: ijmr-13162.pdf plain text: ijmr-13162.txt item: #84 of 184 id: ijmr-13197 author: Venger, I. K.; Kostiv, S. Ya.; Selskyy, B. P.; Orlov, M. P.; Tsiupryk, N. I. title: INTRAOPERATIVE STATE OF THE HEMOCOAGULATION SYSTEM IN PATIENTS WITH OPEN AND ENDOVASCULAR REVASCULARIZATION OF INFRAINGUAL ARTERIAL SEGMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF STENOTIC-OCCLUSIVE PROCESS OF TIBIAL ARTERIES date: 2023-04-26 words: 3821 flesch: 50 summary: Development of hypercoagulable disorders at the intraoperative stage of surgery in the patients with endovascular methods of arterial reconstructions is more intense than in those treated with open methods of arterial revascularization. It takes place in the back- ground of low blood fibrinolytic system activity, nevertheless a gradual increase in the blood aggregation activity. keywords: activity; aggregation; arterial; arterial bed; arteries; atherosclerotic; bed; blood; coagulation; complications; control; development; difference; doi; endovascular; endovascular revascularization; extremity; factor; fdp; femoral; fpa; groups; higher; horbachevsky; ijmmr; indicators; infrainguinal; intraoperative; issue; journal; lesions; level; lower; medical; method; national; occlusive; open; p<0.05; patients; period; preoperative; results; revascularization; sfmcs; significant; stage; stenotic; study; surgery; system; table; ternopil; thromboprophylaxis; time; ukraine; university; use; venger; vol cache: ijmr-13197.pdf plain text: ijmr-13197.txt item: #85 of 184 id: ijmr-13221 author: Kumar M., A.; Roy, N.; Jafri, H.; Popli, V.; Karthik, V. S.; Phuntsho, T. title: A RARE TUMOR – ADRENAL ANGIOSARCOMA: (case report) date: 2023-04-26 words: 2176 flesch: 56 summary: Specimen of adrenal tumor along spleen. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology from left adrenal mass lesion as well as anterior abdominal wall deposits revealed a malignant vasoformative tumor with cells having large hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant vesicular cytoplasm. keywords: abdominal; adrenal; angiosarcoma; anterior; armed; assistant; case; cells; college; curation; data; editing; e­mail; follow; forces; gland; ijmmr; imaging; incidence; india; issn; jafri; karthik; kumar; left; lesion; literature; mass; medical; metastatic; patient; phuntsho; popli; primary; professor; pune; rare; report; reviewing; roy; soft; spleen; suprarenal; surgery; tissue; treatment; tumor; vol; writing cache: ijmr-13221.pdf plain text: ijmr-13221.txt item: #86 of 184 id: ijmr-13282 author: Baruah, C.; Deka, K.; Paul, T.; Sarma, B.; Patowary, P.; Sreeni, S.; Mahanta, B. title: IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE RADIOTHERAPY AND CANCER PATIENTS IN A TERTIARY HEALTH CARE CENTER OF ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA: A RETROSPECTIVE SINGLE INSTITUTION STUDY date: 2023-04-26 words: 4242 flesch: 61 summary: There was a decrease in number of cancer patients, especially female during the lockdown. Cancer patients remain very much susceptible to different kind of infec- tions due their immunosuppressed status. keywords: age; analysis; assam; baruah; breast; cancer; care; centre; college; covid-19; decrease; department; dibrugarh; editing; e­mail; female; group; gynaecological; head; health; hospital; ijmmr; impact; india; intent; issn; issue; lockdown; lockdown period; mahanta; medical; neck; northeast; number; o n; oncology; palliative; pandemic; patients; period; pre; proportion; radiation; radiotherapy; res; reviewing; screening; similar; study; tertiary; treatment; vol; writing; допомоги; пацієнтів cache: ijmr-13282.pdf plain text: ijmr-13282.txt item: #87 of 184 id: ijmr-13594 author: Zub, V. О.; Kotuza, A. S.; Tolstanov, O. K. title: COMMUNICATION OF ONCOLOGICAL PATIENTS WITH ONCOLOGISTS: MAIN PROBLEMS AND PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES date: 2023-04-26 words: 5194 flesch: 55 summary: In the era of COVID-19, in order to solve the challenges for effective physician-patient com- munication for oncological patients, when physical distancing is required, different solu- tions have been suggested, particularly, video calls were introduced by using smartphones and tablets [10]. Thousands of oncological patients have suffered in connection with the war in Ukraine, as they lost the opportunity to receive treatment and were left alone with their disease. keywords: ability; account; active; advanced; analysis; anxiety; best; cancer; care; colleagues; communication; comu26; correction; covid-19; difficult; diseases; doi; e p; effective; emotions; eortc; et al; family; findings; german; grading; grading scale; high; ijmmr; important; indicators; individual; information; issn; issue; kyiv; life; main; medical; misunderstandings; non; oncological; oncological patients; patient communication; patients; physician; point; point grading; problems; psychological; qlq­comu26; quality; questionnaire; questions; relationships; relatives; research; results; role; satisfaction; scale; score; skills; specialist; sufficient; support; time; treatment; ukraine; ukrainian; verbal; vol; worst; zub cache: ijmr-13594.pdf plain text: ijmr-13594.txt item: #88 of 184 id: ijmr-2253 author: Fedortsiv, O.; Haliyash, N.; Nykytyuk, S. title: CLINICAL AND LABORATORY DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA OF IMMUNE RESISTANCE OF HEALTHY AND SICK WITH PNEUMONIA CHILDREN OF DIFFERENT AGE date: 2014-12-25 words: 3306 flesch: 50 summary: The aim of study was to explore the peculiarities of general non-specific adaptive reactions in pediatric population and to discuss the diagnostics effectiveness of general nonspecific adaptive reactions in early detection of health disorders in children of different age. Types of general nonspecific adaptive reactions in surveyed children from child care institutions of Ternopil region. keywords: activation; adaptation; adaptive; age; blood; children; clinical; community; detection; different; early; fig; general; gnar; group; health; high; immune; increased; lymphocytes; mild; nonspecific; patients; pneumonia; processes; reactions; state; stress; study; system; ternopil; training; treatment; type cache: ijmr-2253.pdf plain text: ijmr-2253.txt item: #89 of 184 id: ijmr-2291 author: Ahmed, B. M.; Kantoush, N. A.; Ismail, M. A.; Abd-El Haleem, D. A. title: PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF CD56 EXPRESSION IN ACUTE LEUKEMIAS date: 2014-12-25 words: 5178 flesch: 65 summary: Association studies between CD56 and age in AML patients ��������� ��� ���� ��������� ��� ��� ��� �������� ��� ����� ��� � � ��� ������������� � !�� �!##� ! ��������� ���� ������ ��������� ��� ����� ��� �� ���� � �� �� �� �� � � � ����� �� ������ �� ������ ���!������� #� ������ �� ������ $��������%� &��'��!�()� ���!� �� *��*�� +� +� #����� +�**�,� ��� Table 4.Association between cytogenetics risk groups and CD56 expression in AML patients *2 cultures failed, n: number, Sig: significant, NS: non-significant n = number of cases, NS: non-significant. keywords: 2015; acute; age; ahmed; aml; aml cases; analysis; antigen; association; blasts; blood; cases; cd56; cd56 expression; cell; chemotherapy; clinical; complete; cytogenetic; data; disease; expression; fab; factors; gender; group; higher; ijmmr; leukemia; marker; myeloid; negative; number; outcome; patients; poor; positive; positivity; prognostic; rate; relapse; remission; response; results; risk; short; significant; statistical; studies; study; subtypes; survival; table; therapy; vol; � b. cache: ijmr-2291.pdf plain text: ijmr-2291.txt item: #90 of 184 id: ijmr-2814 author: Mysak, A.; Lamptey, W. title: APPLICATION OF TRANSURETHRAL MICROWAVE THERMOTHERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH ACUTE URINARY RETENTION AND SEVERE COMBINED COMORBIDITY FROM BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA date: 2014-12-25 words: 1889 flesch: 49 summary: 516 TUMT procedures have been performed in BPH patients with high surgical risk at the Urology Department between years of 2002 and 2013. No. 1 APPLICATION OF TRANSURETHRAL MICROWAVE THERMOTHERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH ACUTE URINARY RETENTION AND SEVERE COMBINED COMORBIDITY FROM BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA A. Mysak, W. Lamptey TERNOPIL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, I. YA. keywords: acute; aur; average; benign; bph; catheter; cm3; comorbidities; current; efficacy; following; good; hyperplasia; improvement; incidence; men; mysak; patients; post; pre; procedure; prostatic; retention; satisfactory; session; severe; status; surgical; temperature; ternopil; tumt; urinary; urination; volume; years cache: ijmr-2814.pdf plain text: ijmr-2814.txt item: #91 of 184 id: ijmr-2820 author: Oleshchuk, O. M.; Posokhova, K. A.; Mudra, A. Ye. title: L-ARGININE, BUT NOT L-NAME PROTECTS AGAINST LIVER INJURY INDUCED BY EXPERIMENTAL ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION date: 2014-12-25 words: 4268 flesch: 63 summary: $�+%#$�+� ()#$##�� �$,�%#$�#� ()#$#�� (�)#$#&� +$,+%#$�&� ()#$##�� (�)#$##�� � Table 2. eNOS and iNOS content in liver and blood of sham and experimental groups ������ ��� � � �� �� ���� ����� ����� ������� ���� ������ ��������������� ����� ����� ������� ����������������� ����� ������� �� ���� � �!� �#� $% &'� &#� # &'� (�� $ (!� �(� )�*��� �� �$�� $ (�� �%� +,� �'� #� $$% ��� +,� ���� % !(� $%� +,� ���� % $$� �(� +,� ���� ��� ����� -)�*� �� �� ���� � '�� $%� +.� �� +�,� �'� '� '%� #%� +,� ���� +�,� ���� ( &!� �#� +.� �� +�,� ���� � %�� �%� +,� �'� +�,� ���� �/�012-)�*� �� �� �%�� � �%� �$� +,� ���� +�,� ���� �� %�� (�� +,� ���� +�,� ���� $ &&� $�� +,� ���� +�,� ���� $ '(� �(� +.� �� +�,� ���� For this and for the following table the results are expressed as mean±SD (n=6); significantly different: p – from sham, p 1 – from I/R injury group O. M. Oleshchuk et al. 61 B IO M E D IC A L S C IE N C E S IJMMR 2015 Vol. 1 No. 1 in blood. ���� %��% ! keywords: activity; alt; animals; arginine; ast; blood; cells; content; determination; endothelial; enos; experimental; expression; group; hepatic; histological; i.p; injury; inos; ischemia; l �; left; liver; metabolites; min; nitric; oleshchuk; oxide; protective; rats; reperfusion; results; role; serum; sham; study; synthase; synthesis; table; times; tissue cache: ijmr-2820.pdf plain text: ijmr-2820.txt item: #92 of 184 id: ijmr-2821 author: Shevchuk, O. O.; Posokhova, K. A.; Oleshchuk, O. M.; Datsko, T. V. title: THE INFLUENCE OF ANTIRETROVIRAL AND ANTITUBERCULOSIS AGENTS ON THE BIOCHEMICAL AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL INDICES OF LIVER FUNCTION IN RATS date: 2014-12-25 words: 5294 flesch: 59 summary: Animals were randomly distributed into 4 groups (n=6): 1 – intact group; 2 – rats which were treated with combination of antituberculosis drugs isoniazid (50 mg/kg), pyrazinamide (1500 mg/kg) and rifampicin (50 mg/ kg); 3 – rats which were treated with the components of HAART: efavirenz (150 mg/kg) and stavudine (d4T, 5 mg/kg); and 4 – rats for which both antiretroviral and antituberculosis drugs in the abovementioned doses were used. The main positive findings of our study are that the concomitant administration of EFV and d4T with INH, RMP and PZA decreased the hepatotoxicity of antituberculosis drugs (Figure 2). keywords: +8*+(,80 �; 8,*+()/0 �; activity; administration; agents; animals; antiretroviral; antituberculosis; art; ast; bilirubin; biochemical; blood; case; cholestasis; combination; control; cyp3a; cytochrome; drugs; efavirenz; efv; fig; group; hepatotoxicity; higher; hiv; ijmmr; increase; indices; infected; influence; inh; intact; isoniazid; level; liver; lower; mm �; p450; patients; protein; pyrazinamide; pza; rats; results; rfp; rifampicin; rmp; russian; serum; shevchuk; simultaneous; structure; study; table; therapy; total; treatment; vol; � l/(l·hour; � m; � notes cache: ijmr-2821.pdf plain text: ijmr-2821.txt item: #93 of 184 id: ijmr-2822 author: Falfushynska, H.; Gnatyshyna, L.; Shulgai, A.; Shidlovski, V.; Stoliar, O. title: OXIDATIVE STRESS IN HUMAN THYROID GLAND UNDER IODINE DEFICIENCY NODULAR GOITER: FROM HARMLESSNESS TO HAZARD DEPENDING ON COPPER AND IODINE SUBCELLULAR DISTRIBUTION date: 2014-12-25 words: 4852 flesch: 58 summary: A B C ��� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� �� �� ���� ��� ��� ���������� �������� ����������������� ������ ������� �� �� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� � � ��� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� �� �� ���� ��� ��� ���������� �������� ����������������� ������ ������� �� �� ��� Fig. 6 ��#� �'���) �� ���� % ���%�(����� �� '�� �' ������ =� 3+���( �6 � @���� � 2/ :/ :;A� �#�'� ?: ?? keywords: accumulation; activation; activity; affected; analysis; assay; catalase; cathepsin; concentration; contralateral; copper; cytotoxicity; data; deficiency; determination; determined; dismutase; distribution; dna; euthyroid; falfushynska; fig; fluorescence; formation; fragmentation; free; gland; glutathione; goiter; gsh; higher; human; ijmmr; iodine; level; lysosomal; metal; metallothioneins; method; molecular; mts; node; nodular; nodule; organification; oxidative; paranodular; protein; results; role; soluble; stress; superoxide; ternopil; thyroid; thyroid gland; tissue; ukraine; vol; � gssg–4.7; � g·g-1 cache: ijmr-2822.pdf plain text: ijmr-2822.txt item: #94 of 184 id: ijmr-2849 author: Fedortsiv, O. Ye.; Zejda, J. E.; Luchyshyn, N. Yu.; Brozek, G.M. title: ASSOCIATION OF FAMILIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS WITH ASTHMA AND ALLERGIC DISEASES IN UKRAINIAN CHILDREN POPULATION date: 2014-12-25 words: 4243 flesch: 75 summary: ���������� ���� ���� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ������ ���� !� ����# �� $��� ��%� �&%& ��%� �%�� '��� ��(�� �&%� ��%& �&%� �%� )���� ������� �(������� ����� ����� �� ��%&� �&%�� ��%�� �%����� *������� ���+ ��$+��� ����� ����� �� �,%�� ��%�� ��%�� �%����� !�$ ������� (� �� � �� +����� �� -������ ��%�� �,%�� ��%�� �%����� ������ �. � ��� �� ��+� / +�0�� �(��� � ��+�� ��%,� ��%�� ��%�� �%�� �� �(���� �� � +����1 ����$ ��� � ��%� ��%� ��%� �%���� ���� ��2� �������3���0��� ,%, �%, �%& �%���� )�� ����( (�� ��$ 4� �� �� �� ���+ ��%� ��%� ��%� �%� 5�+ �� �� ��� � ,�%� ,�%& ,�%� �%���� ������� #��� �� �� �(� ��� ��� � ��%� ��%� ��%� �%���� O. Ye. $&'!)*�� !$(� $)#'!&&�� 2����������������/����� ����� ���� �+$#� �+$$&� �+$(� �+$$*� �+$(� $�$� $�)'!#$�� $�%� $%('! keywords: age; allergic; allergy; asthma; atopic; bronchitis; characteristics; childhood; children; diseases; eczema; education; environmental; factors; high; home; medical; p=0.03; parental; population; prevalence; rhinitis; rural; spastic; study; ternopil; ukraine; unspecified; urban; years cache: ijmr-2849.pdf plain text: ijmr-2849.txt item: #95 of 184 id: ijmr-2850 author: Korda, M. M. title: NITRIC OXIDE AND ALLYL ALCOHOL INDUCED HEPATOTOXICITY date: 2014-12-25 words: 3155 flesch: 59 summary: In contrast to the calcium ionophore stimulated NO yield, the activity of NO generating system was about 1.5-fold increased after intoxication, thereby suggesting that AA liver damage is accompanied by the considerable iNOS induction (Figure 2). These results distinctly show that the upregulation of iNOS in macrophages and hepatocytes following by the activation of free radical reactions in liver cells may be at least one of the AA necrosogenic effect mechanisms. keywords: activity; administration; alcohol; allyl; animals; ast; blood; cells; concentration; control; damage; different; effect; enos; free; glutathione; hepatocytes; hepatotoxicity; i.p; inhibitor; inos; intoxication; korda; liver; nitric; nitrite; oxidation; oxide; p<0.05; radical; rats; release; serum; values cache: ijmr-2850.pdf plain text: ijmr-2850.txt item: #96 of 184 id: ijmr-2852 author: Marinkin, I. O.; Nepomnyashikh, D. L.; Kuleshov, V. M.; Ilizarova, N. A.; Semchenko, T. O.; Aidagulova, S. V. title: ULTRASTRUCTURAL RESEARCH OF THE ENDOMETRIUM RECEPTIVITY IN CONDITIONS OF PRE-CONCEPTIONAL PREPARATION IN REFRACTORY PREGNANCY LOSS date: 2014-12-25 words: 2570 flesch: 38 summary: Pre-conceptional cyclic hormone therapy (1 mg 17�-estradiol and 20 mg of didrogesteron) in comparison with monotherapy of 20 mg of didrogesteron during 3 months contributed to intracellular regeneration and restoration of secretor phenotype of endometrium epithelial cells corresponding to the status of receptivity with “opened window of implantation”. High pinopods on the apical poles of endometrium epithelial cells on the 23rd day of menstrual cycle: numerous exosomes and vesicles. keywords: 2015; blue; cells; changes; chronic; combination; complex; conceptional; cycle; cyclic; day; endometrium; epithelial; epithelial cells; female; fig; great; hormone; hormonotherapy; implantation; intracellular; level; loss; luteal; marinkin; menstrual; months; patients; phase; pinopods; pregnancy; pregnancy loss; preparation; progesterone; receptivity; refractory; regenerative; reproductive; research; rpl; scheme; secretory; therapy; ultrastructural; women cache: ijmr-2852.pdf plain text: ijmr-2852.txt item: #97 of 184 id: ijmr-2853 author: Heryak, S. M.; Humenna, I. Ye. title: INSTRUMENTAL AND DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA OF HEMODYNAMIC DISORDERS AND ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION CORRECTION IN PREGNANTS WITH ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION date: 2014-12-25 words: 4572 flesch: 60 summary: Doppler velocimetry in surveyed groups of pregnant women after 30 weeks of gestation � ������� �� �� �� �� � �� ����������� � �� � ��������� �� � ��� � � �� ���� ����������� ����������� ���������� �� ���!������� ���������� �����������# $%��&��'��� ��� ���������� ����������� ����������� ���� ����������� ����������� �������!�� �� ���!������� ����������� ����������# $%���&��'��� ��� ����������� ����������� ����������� ���� ����������� ����������� ��������� �� ����������� ����������� ���������# $%����&��'��� ��� ���������� ����������� ���������� thelial dysfunction diagnostic in pregnants with hypertension. 2 2::/ 2 k���)�!�@�+���( ��.�1>/n�7���)�����- � ����#�����- ��,����p�* ���o�� �*�����, ����)� �� �����)�%�(� ,��� �(� ��#�,�o�� #��� �������� �� o�#�� )�(A�2/ :0 keywords: 2015; analysis; antihypertensive; arterial; arteries; artery; blood; circulation; diameter; drugs; dysfunction; effect; endothelial; fetus; flow; group; hemodynamic; heryak; hypertension; iii; metildofa; n �; nebivolol; o �; pregnancy; pregnant; pressure; second; table; therapy; treatment; ukraine; ultrasound; uterine; weeks; women; � k; � l2ql0; � s.; � t cache: ijmr-2853.pdf plain text: ijmr-2853.txt item: #98 of 184 id: ijmr-2854 author: Roy, A. S.; Dalui, R.; Kalinski, M.; Bandyopadhyay, A. title: ANTHROPOMETRIC PROFILE, BODY COMPOSITION AND VERTICAL JUMP SCORE IN BOXERS AND SWIMMERS date: 2014-12-25 words: 3834 flesch: 67 summary: � %&')� %&-*0� (%&'/� � � � � (%&-)� %&'� %&'� %&'+� %&.%� (%&.,� 3� �� � � � %&,+000� (%&%+� (%&%.� %&-/0� %&/.000� %&+*0� $� � � � � %&1.000� %&1+000� %&/,000� %&//000� (%&,%000� � � � � � %&,-000� %&,+000� %&,/000� %&1+000� (%&'/� ��� �� � � � � (%&.,� (%&.-� %&-+0� %&)-000� %&.'� $� � � � � � %&))000� %&)*000� %&-,00� (%&,,000� � � � � � � %&)1000� %&))00 �� �� � � � � � � � � %&+,0� � � � � � � � � � �# � �� � � � � � � � � � Table 2. keywords: *+! �; -(.04 �; age; anthropometric; body; boxers; composition; correlation; different; fat; group; height; higher; indian; jump; jumping; lbm; male; mass; med; parameters; performance; physical; players; power; regression; score; sedentary; significant; sports; strength; study; sum; swimmers; table; total; university; values; vertical; vjt; vjt score; volleyball; � *+!; � � cache: ijmr-2854.pdf plain text: ijmr-2854.txt item: #99 of 184 id: ijmr-2935 author: Lizis, P. title: COMPARISON OF SHORT-TERM ANALGESIC EFFECTS OF EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY (ESWT) AND CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT (CT) IN MEN WITH CHRONIC HEEL SPUR (HS). date: 2014-12-25 words: 4652 flesch: 68 summary: The intensity of pain (VAS) in the following terms of research at three reference points �������� �� ������ ������� �� �� � �� � ������ �� ����� �� �� ����������������� ����� ��� ��� ������������������� �� ���� � � !��� #$���� � �$���� � � !�� #$���� � �$���� � � !�� #$���� � �$���� � ����� % �� ��� �&�'��� ����� (�� ��� ��� �� ����&�'�� � � )*+!,*-� � � .*/!,*)� .-*,))0� ,*,,,� /*1!,*-� � � 2*�!,*/� �,,*�1/0� ,*,,,� /*.!,*-� � � 2*3!,*)� �33*,))0� ,*,,,� ����� (�� ��� ��� �� ����&�'�� ����� 1������ �� ��� �&�'�� � � .*/!,*)� � � 1*-!,*/� -.*/+�0� ,*,,,� 2*�!,*/� � � +*+!,*2� /2*),,0� ,*,,,� 2*3!,*)� � � +*2!,*)� )/*12)0� ,*,,,� ����� 1������ �� ��� �&�'�� ���� 2������ �� ��� �&�'�� � � 1*-!,*/� � � 3*.!,*)� .3*,1.0� ,*,,,� +*+!,*2� � � 1*,!,*)� 2-*�)20� ,*,,,� +*2!,*)� � � 1*.!,*2� +3*),20� ,*,,,� 4��� ���� ������ ����3�� ����� % �� � ��� ����� � � ��� ��� ����� (�� ��� ��� �� ��� ����� � � ��� ��� � � � /*+!,*-� � � � /*�!,*-� �*22)� ,*3,3� /*2!,*-� � � � /*+!,*/� ,*/3/� ,*12)� /*)!,*-� � � � /*.!,*)� ,*-31� ,*1+�� ����� (�� ��� ��� �� ��� ����� � � ��� ���� ����� 1������ ���� � ��� ����� � � ��� ���� � � � /*�!,*-� � � � /*1!,*/� ,*/3/� ,*12)� /*+!,*/� � � � /*.!,*/� ,*31+� ,*21,� /*.!,*)� � � � /*2!,*-� ,*31�� ,*211� ����� 1������ ���� � ��� ����� � � ��� ���� ����� 2������ ���� � ��� ����� � � ��� ���� � � � /*1!,*/� � � � /*+!,*)� ,*32.� ,*2,/� /*.!,*/� � � � /*)!,*/� ,*-1)� ,*11)� /*2!,*-� � � � /*/!,*-� ,*)+�� ,*1-1� � reduction of over 15 % to 30 %) was seen 2/30 (6,7 %) The ultrasound scan 6 months after the end of ESWT showed a significant reduction in the thickness of plantar fascia of the affected foot and the level of patients pain was reduced 79 % in the VAS scale [26]. keywords: activity; analgesic; awakening; calcaneal; chronic; control; daily; decrease; density; effects; efficacy; end; energy; eswt �; extracorporeal; fascia; fasciitis; foot; good; group; heel; improvement; impulses; inflammation; intensity; lizis; mm2; months; normal; orthop; pain; patients; period; plantar; reduction; rest; results; shock; shockwave; significant; spur; studies; study; surgical; therapy; treatment; vas; wave cache: ijmr-2935.pdf plain text: ijmr-2935.txt item: #100 of 184 id: ijmr-3284 author: Galaychuk, I. Y. title: METHOD OF ONCOPLASTIC BREAST RESECTION date: 2014-12-25 words: 2335 flesch: 57 summary: Radical sectoral resection in breast cancer patients consists of removing of the outer breast sector with simulta- neous axillary lymphadenectomy. In women with breast cancer the significant postop lateral deviation of the nipple-areola complex may occur if the partial breast resection with lymphadenectomy was performed through one-line straight incision from the middle axilla to the edge of areola. keywords: 2015; angle; areola; axillary; bcs; breast; cancer; deviation; fig; galaychuk; incision; lateral; line; lymph; mastectomy; method; nipple; nodes; oncoplastic; patients; postoperative; radiation; radical; resection; skin; stage; surgery; survival; therapy; tissue; tumor; ukraine; women; years cache: ijmr-3284.pdf plain text: ijmr-3284.txt item: #101 of 184 id: ijmr-3285 author: Martsenyuk, V. P.; Andrushchak, I. Ye. title: INFORMATION SUPPORT SYSTEM OF MEDICAL SYSTEM RESEARCH date: 2014-12-25 words: 3194 flesch: 53 summary: The measure is executed as a result of 4 SQL-queries with complexity ��������� (according with MySQL 5.0 documentation). Computational complexity of sequential covering algorithm Due to analysis of sequential covering algorithm we conclude that computational complexity is determined by product of amount of possible values of class attribute � (quantity of external cycle itera- tions) and computational complexity of procedure Mine_one_rule (D, Att_vals, c) executed inside each cycle. keywords: account; algorithm; analysis; approach; attributes �; class; complexity; computational; covering; data; decision; different; diseases; estimate; human; induction; information; learning; martsenyuk; mathematical; medical; medicine; methods; mining; models; new; number; organism; parameters; pathologic; problem; processes; qualitative; research; sequential; software; system; time; tree; uncertainties cache: ijmr-3285.pdf plain text: ijmr-3285.txt item: #102 of 184 id: ijmr-6343 author: Piatnochka, I. T.; Kornaha, S. I.; Kornaha, T. V. title: TUBERCULOSIS IN FAMILY PRACTICE date: 2016-05-11 words: 2841 flesch: 100 summary: Переваги сімейної медицини полягають у тому, що сімейному лікарю відомі конкретні умови праці, побуту, бюджет і харчування сім’ї, наявність хворих, зокрема і на туберкульоз, а також осіб з підвищеним ризиком виникнення цього захво- рювання, яких щороку направляють на покращення профілактики і, передусім, своєчасну діагностику туберкульозу на рівні первинної ланки (сімейної медицини), де помилки сягають keywords: doctor; family; ijmmr; issn; medical; patients; ternopil; tuberculosis; vol; без; боротьбі; виявлення; вперше; від; відповідно; допомогу; дорослим; діагностований; дітям; діяльності; етапі; життя; загальної; захворювання; захворюваність; здорового; здоров’я; зокрема; зросла; його; кількість; ланки; легень; людини; лікар; лікування; медицина; медичної; мультирезистентного; на туберкульоз; надає; направляють; населення; одного; останні; осіб; пацієнта; пацієнтів; первинної; повинен; при; про; проведення; проводить; профілактики; п’ятночка; роботі; роки; років; роль; різних; санітарно; свого; серед; слова; служби; способу; спостерігають; ставлення; становила; сучасному; сімейний; сімейного; сімейному; також; тис; туберкульоз; туберкульозної; україні; умовах; універсалу; фтизіатра; характеристику; хворих; хворих на; цього; шляхом; щодо; який; які; інфекції cache: ijmr-6343.pdf plain text: ijmr-6343.txt item: #103 of 184 id: ijmr-6371 author: Smiyan, S. I.; Franchuk, M. V.; Komorovsky, R. R. title: EFFECTIVENESS OF CANEPHRON® N IN THE COMPLEX MANAGEMENT OF SUBCLINICAL GOUTY NEPHROPATHY date: 2016-05-12 words: 2498 flesch: 63 summary: Canephron N in complex gout treatment helps to decrease uric acid level in the blood and increase its excretion. Shuba N, Voronov T, Tkachenko N. Influence of complex phytodrug Canephron N on the level of uric acid in patients with hyperuricemia and arterial hypertension. keywords: acid; baseline; blood; canephron; centaurium; chronic; clinical; control; damage; diabetes; disease; effects; gout; group; hyperuricemia; ijmmr; issn; issue; journal; kidney; level; markers; medicine; microalbuminuria; microproteinuria; nephropathy; nsaids; patients; plasma; renal; results; risk; smiyan; standard; study; subclinical; table; ternopil; treatment; uric; urine; vol cache: ijmr-6371.pdf plain text: ijmr-6371.txt item: #104 of 184 id: ijmr-6372 author: Heryak, S. N.; Petrenko, N. V.; Kuziv, I. Ya.; Stelmakh, O. Y.; Bagniy, N. I.; Korda, I. V.; Dobryanska, V. Yu.; Bagniy, L. V. title: COMPLEX APPROACH TO TREATMENT OF SUBCHORIONIC HEMATOMA IN EARLY THREATENED ABORTION date: 2016-05-12 words: 2226 flesch: 47 summary: We examined 50 pregnant women with early threatened abortion with SCH. Our research demonstrates the necessity of the inclusion of micronized progesterone in 100 mg 3 times daily sublingually and tranexamic acid 500 mg intravenously to the treatment protocol of early threatened abortion with SCH. keywords: 2nd; abortion; acid; complex; control; early; factors; gestational; group; haemostatic; hematoma; heryak; hormonal; ijmmr; issue; level; losses; markers; micronized; miscarriage; natural; pregnancy; pregnant; progesterone; research; results; sch; significant; subchorionic; supportive; system; ternopil; therapy; threatened; tranexamic; treatment; ultrasound; vol; women cache: ijmr-6372.pdf plain text: ijmr-6372.txt item: #105 of 184 id: ijmr-6373 author: Falfushynska, H. I. title: DETECTION OF OXIDATIVE STRESS, APOPTOSIS AND MOLECULAR LESIONS IN HUMAN OVARIAN CANCER CELLS date: 2016-05-12 words: 4347 flesch: 55 summary: The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between antioxidant/pro-oxidant ratio and the signs of molecular lesions and apoptosis rate in blood of ovarian cancer patients and non-cancer ones. Results. Higher level of glutathione (by 366%), lower level of metallothioneins (by 65%) as well as higher level of lipid peroxidation (by 174%) and protein carbonyls (by 186%) in blood of ovarian cancer patients compared to the normal ovarian group have been observed. keywords: ache; acid; activity; analysis; antioxidant; apoptosis; biochem; blood; breast; cancer; carbonyls; caspase-3; cathepsin; cells; choline; concentration; content; control; damage; data; determined; dna; esterase; expression; falfushynska; formation; free; glutathione; group; higher; human; ijmmr; increased; issn; issue; lesions; level; lipid; medical; metallothionein; method; molecular; mts; normal; o n; ones; ovarian; ovarian cancer; oxidative; oxygen; oxyradicals; pathway; patients; plasma; protein; rate; reactive; research; role; ros; samples; sigma; signs; sod; solution; stress; studies; tbars; ternopil; total; ukraine; university; usa; vol; zinc cache: ijmr-6373.pdf plain text: ijmr-6373.txt item: #106 of 184 id: ijmr-6374 author: Marchyshyn, S. M.; Shanayda, M. I.; Kernychna, I. Z.; Demydiak, O. L.; Dahym, I. S.; Berdey, T. S.; Potishnyj, I. M. title: QUALITATIVE COMPOSITION AND ORGANI C ACIDS CONTENT IN THE ABOVEGROUN D PART OF PLANTS FRO M FAMILIES LAMIACEAE, ASTERACEAE, APIACEAE AND CHENOPODIACEAE date: 2016-05-12 words: 2096 flesch: 50 summary: Organic acids are the compounds of aliphatic or aromatic orders, which are widespread in flora and have a wide range of biological activity. We studied the qualitative composition and quantitative contents of organic acids in the aboveground part of some unofficial medicinal plants from families Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae and Chenopodiaceae is relevant. keywords: aboveground; acids; album; angelica; apiaceae; asteraceae; chenopodiaceae; chenopodium; chromatography; chrysánthemum; citric; composition; contents; families; gas; grass; hyssopus; lamiaceae; leaves; malic; means; methods; officinalis; organic; organic acids; oxalic; plants; quantitative; raw; results; table; xhortorum cache: ijmr-6374.pdf plain text: ijmr-6374.txt item: #107 of 184 id: ijmr-6375 author: Baranski, K.; Zejda, J. E. title: SUPPLY OF ANTIHYPERTEN SIVE DRUG S AND CARDIOVA SCULAR MORTALITY IN POLAND IN 2000–2010 date: 2016-05-12 words: 2660 flesch: 53 summary: 1 Annual sales of antihypertensive drugs and CVD standardized mortality rate in 2000-2010 in polish population. Correlation of the supply of selected antihypertensive drugs (BB, RES, D, CCB) with CVD standardized mortality rate in polish population between 2000–2010 Type of antihypertensive drug Specified group age BB RES D CCB 0–44 years r=-0.82 p<0.05 r=-0.46 NS* r=-0.756 p<0.05 r=-0.52 NS* 45–64 years r=-0.99 p<0.05 r=-0.71 p<0.05 r=-0.96 p<0.05 r=-0.82 p<0.05 >64 years r=-0.98 p<0.05 r=-0.72 p<0.05 r=-0.96 p<0.05 r=-0.82 p<0.05 Legends: NS – not significant, BB – beta-blockers, RES – renin angiotensin system inhibitors, D – diuretics, CCB – calcium channel blockers. keywords: access; age; analysis; angiotensin; annual; antihypertensive; barański; beta; blockers; calcium; cardiovascular; cause; ccb; channel; correlation; cvd; death; disease; diuretics; drugs; effect; heart; hypertension; inhibitors; issue; mortality; p<0.05; patients; period; poland; polish; population; rates; renin; res; sales; standardized; study; supply; system; years; zejda cache: ijmr-6375.pdf plain text: ijmr-6375.txt item: #108 of 184 id: ijmr-6376 author: Vasylieva, N. A.; Kravchuk, Yu. A. title: EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND EPIZOOTIC ASPECT OF LEPTOSPIROSIS EVOLUTION IN TERNOPIL REGION date: 2016-05-12 words: 2635 flesch: 57 summary: The aim o� the resear�h was to i�vestigate reg�larities o� epi�e�i� a�� epizooti� pro�esses o� leptospirosis a�� st��y it’s pathoge� �ir��� latio� betwee� �i��ere�t �i�i (ro�e�ts, a�i�als) a�� perso�. Materials and Methods The �aterials o� the Depart�e�t o� Highly I��e�tio�s Diseases o� Ter�opil Regio�al Labo� ratory Ce�tre o� the State Sa�itatio� a�� Epi� �e�iologi�al Servi�e o� Ukrai�e, Ter�opil Re� N. A. Vasylieva, Yu. A. Kravchuk Corresponding author: Nataliya Vasylieva, Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Dermatology and Venereology, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, 1 Maidan Voli, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001 Tel.: +380352524725 E-mail: I�ter�atio�al Jo�r�al o� Me�i�i�e a�� Me�i�al Resear�h 2016, Vol��e 2, Iss�e 1, p. 28–31 �opyright © 2016, TSMU, All Rights Reserve� 29 P U b L Ic H E A LT H A N d E P Id E M IO L O G y ISSN 2413-6077. The �eat�res o� this �isease are: �ostly severe �o�rse, high �ortality, a�� great so�ial a�� e�o�o�i� losses. keywords: animals; areas; canicola; disease; endemic; epidemiological; farm; grippotyphosa; hebdomadis; humans; icterohaemorrhagiae; incidence; infection; kinds; leptospira; leptospirosis; like; mouse; natural; new; pathogens; polonica; pomona; region; reservoirs; rodents; serovars; strains; ternopil; ukraine; vasylieva cache: ijmr-6376.pdf plain text: ijmr-6376.txt item: #109 of 184 id: ijmr-6379 author: Burmas, N. I.; Fira, L. S.; Lyhackyy, P. H. title: ENZYME MARKERS ACTIVITY AND BILE FORMATION FUNCTION OF LIVER IN CASES OF TUBERCULOSTATICS AND HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS AFFECTION IN RATS date: 2016-05-12 words: 4528 flesch: 56 summary: On the 14th day of xenobiotics administration the rate increased in 2.9 times in immature animals in comparison with the control group, in 2.5 times – in mature animals and in 3.2 times – in senior animals. We noted the increased ALT rate (Table 1) in the blood serum of animal groups of all ages. keywords: 14th; 7th; 7th 14th; acids; activity; administration; affected; affected animals; affection; age; alkaline; alt; animals; ast; bile; bilirubin; blood; blood serum; burmas; chromium; combined; comparison; compounds; content; control; day; days; determined; dichromate; drugs; effect; enzyme; formation; group; hepatocytes; hexavalent; immature; increased; intact; isoniazid; issue; liver; mature animals; n=6; phosphatase; potassium; potassium dichromate; rate; rats; research; rifampicin; senior; senior animals; serum; table; times; total cache: ijmr-6379.pdf plain text: ijmr-6379.txt item: #110 of 184 id: ijmr-6380 author: Krynytska, I. Ya. title: LEVELS OF NITRIC OXIDE METABOLITES IN RATS WITH HEPATOPULMONARY SYNDROME date: 2016-05-12 words: 3112 flesch: 56 summary: The aim of our research was to study the content of nitric oxide metabolites in blood serum and bronchoalveolar lavage, to substantiate their role in pathogenesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome in experiment. Methods. The total content of nitric oxide metabolites in blood serum of the rats of the experimental group No.1 (on the 31st day after the common bile duct ligation) was significantly increased in 3.9 times (p1<0,001) if compared with the control group №1. keywords: animals; bal; bile; blood; blood serum; bronchoalveolar; cells; cirrhosis; common; content; control; correlation; day; duct; experimental; experimental group; group; hepatopulmonary; hepatopulmonary syndrome; hps; ijmmr; increase; issn; issue; krynytska; lavage; liver; mcmurtry; metabolites; metabolites content; model; morio; nitric; nitric oxide; no2; no3; oxide; oxide metabolites; p1<0,001; patients; processes; production; rats; research; results; sato; serum; significant; solution; syndrome; times; total; vol cache: ijmr-6380.pdf plain text: ijmr-6380.txt item: #111 of 184 id: ijmr-6382 author: Marushchak, M. I.; Klishch, I. M.; Bondarenko, Yu. I.; Mazur, L. P. title: MOLECULAR APOPTOSIS MECHANISMS WITH UNDERLYING EXPERIMENTAL ACUTE LUNG INJURY date: 2016-05-12 words: 2700 flesch: 55 summary: The number of BAL neutrophils that keep membrane binding TNF receptor type 1 (TNF-R1) was evaluated by the method of flow laser cyto- metry by means on flow cytometer Epics XL (Beckman Coulter, USA) using radio-labeled monoclonal antibodies to TNF-R1 (CD120a) (Hycult biotech, Netherlands) TNF antagonists are soluble forms sTNF-RI and sTNF-RII, which are formed by separation of active receptor extracellular part from cell membrane [2, 3]. keywords: acid; activation; active; acute; administration; ali; analysis; animals; apoptosis; blood; cases; caspase-3; cells; control; correlation; course; cytokines; death; experimental; factor; forms; groups; homogenate; hours; hydrochloric; ijmmr; increase; inflammatory; injury; issn; issue; lung; marushchak; mechanisms; membrane; mitochondrial; n=6; necrosis; neutrophils; number; oxygen; rate; receptor; research; results; significant; tnf; type; vol cache: ijmr-6382.pdf plain text: ijmr-6382.txt item: #112 of 184 id: ijmr-6383 author: Saturska, H. S.; Bondarenko, Yu. I.; Saturska, U. V. title: INFLUENCE OF TRIMETAZIDINE METABOLIC THERAPY ON CONNECTIVE TISSUE METABOLISM IN EXPERIMENTAL DIFFUSE ISCHEMIC NECROTIC CARDIOSCLEROSIS IN RATS WITH DIFFERENT RATES OF HYPOXIA RESISTANCE date: 2016-05-12 words: 2884 flesch: 47 summary: Results Before the DINC simulation the protein- bound oxyproline concentration in blood serum of rats with low hypoxia resistance was 17.8% (p<0.05) higher than in blood serum of rats with middle hypoxia resistance (Table 1), oxyproline concentration in blood serum of high hypoxia resistant animals was 21.9% lower (p<0.05) than in blood serum of rats with middle hypoxia resistance. Under the influence of trimetazidine meta- bolic therapy the changes in protein-bound oxyproline concentrations in blood serum of the animals with low hypoxia resistance were less pronounced (Table 2). keywords: 30th; animals; blood; blood serum; body; cardiosclerosis; concentration; connective; control; days; different; diffuse; dinc; experimental; group; high; hypoxia; hypoxia resistance; ischemic; low; lower; metabolic; middle; myocardium; n=8; necrotic; observation; oxyproline; p<0.05; protein; rats; resistance; saturska; serum; simulation; stages; tissue; trimetazidine; untreated cache: ijmr-6383.pdf plain text: ijmr-6383.txt item: #113 of 184 id: ijmr-6387 author: Marushchak, M. I.; Krynytska, I. Ya.; Gabor, G. G.; Yaremchuk, O. Z. title: PATHOGENETIC MECHANISMS OF LUNG INJURY date: 2016-05-12 words: 2557 flesch: 93 summary: Метою даної роботи було узагальнити існуючі наукові дані щодо внеску метаболітів кисню і монооксиду нітрогену в механізми легеневого ураження. узагальнити існуючі наукові дані щодо внеску метаболітів кисню і монооксиду нітрогену в механізми легеневого ураження. keywords: acute; alpha; care; cell; clin; crit; distress; ijmmr; inflammation; injury; issn; issue; lung; mechanisms; med; nitric; nos; physiol; pulmonary; respir; respiratory; role; syndrome; tnf; vol; азоту; активних; активні; багатьох; більшості; біологічних; водню; вплив; гострих; даних; дані; дослідження; ефекти; захворювань; зокрема; зумовлює; кисню; клітин; крові; легеневих; легеневого; легеневій; легень; людини; марущак; метаболізм; метаболітів; механізмів; молекул; наукові; нейтрофілів; окиснення; печінки; порушенням; при; процеси; процесів; під; респіраторного; рис; розвитку; розуміння; роль; системи; також; тракту; ураження; утворення; факторів; фнп; форми; циркуляції; цитокінів; щодо; який; які; інших; існуючі cache: ijmr-6387.pdf plain text: ijmr-6387.txt item: #114 of 184 id: ijmr-6879 author: Kedyk, A. V.; Rishko, M. V.; Kutsyn, O. O. title: SCREENING FOR DYSLIPIDEMIA AND EXPEDIENCE OF STATIN THERAPY FOR THE CITIZENS OF TRANSCARPATHIA VALLEY REGIONS WITH OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY date: 2017-07-12 words: 2113 flesch: 62 summary: The patients with obesity had higher level of total cholesterol (6.03±0.53 mmol/l), lower HDL-C (1.15±0.07 mmol/l) and higher level of LDL-C (4.19±0.46 mmol/l) compare with overweight patients. To reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases in people aged under 65, the Council of Europe in 2002 declared a Plan “Heart of Europe”, according to which it is necessary to reduce cholesterol level in the population by less than 5.0 mmol/l, lower blood pressure in the population to a level of <140/90 mm keywords: atherogenic; average; bmi; cholesterol; correction; cvr; data; dyslipidaemia; group; hdl; high; issue; kedyk; ldl; level; lipid; mmol; obese; obesity; overweight; patients; people; population; profile; statins; study; therapy; total cache: ijmr-6879.pdf plain text: ijmr-6879.txt item: #115 of 184 id: ijmr-6955 author: Kalinichenko, S. V.; Korotkykh, O. O.; Pokhil, S. I.; Bakumenko, M. G. title: INFLUENCE OF LACTOBACILLUS SPP. ON COLONIZATION AND ANTI-INFECTIOUS RESISTANCE OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT date: 2017-07-12 words: 1927 flesch: 50 summary: Average indexes of mucosal anti-infectious resistance after sanitation, (M±m) Group Indicator of local immunity level of lysozyme, μg/ml level of sIgA, mg/ml in 7 days in 14 days in 21 days in 7 days in 14 days in 21 days I 7.3±2.4 7.4±2.2 7.4±2.3 61.3±21.3 62.1±18.8 61.9±19.3 II 11.6±3.3* 13.3±2.9* 15.4±2.7* 84.8±19.8* 102.9±21.1* 112.2±19.1* note: * – significant difference between these indexes of i and ii groups (p<0.05). The aim of the research was to study the effect of lactobacilli on anti-infectious resistance of mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract. keywords: anti; aureus; carriers; colonization; days; degree; infectious; infectious resistance; lactobacillus; level; lysozyme; membranes; mucosal; mucous; mucous membranes; nasal; p<0.05; probiotic; resistance; respiratory; sanitation; siga; spp; staphylococcus; tract; ukraine; upper cache: ijmr-6955.pdf plain text: ijmr-6955.txt item: #116 of 184 id: ijmr-7000 author: Nazarchuk, O. A.; Paliy, D. V.; Osadchuk, N. I. title: RESEARCH IN SENSITIVITY TO ANTIBIOTICS, ANTISEPTICS IN PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA STRAINS ISOLATED FROM PATIENTS WITH INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS date: 2017-07-12 words: 2777 flesch: 46 summary: Predictive models of P. aeruginosa sensitivity to antibiotics of different groups were inves- tigated as summation of mathematical formu- las, which were used to determine these qua- lities of microorganisms accordingly to their meanings, extrinsic and initial conditions and time. Vol. 3 Issue 1 67 P U B L IC H E A LT H A N D E P ID E M IO L O G Y predicted decrease of P. aeruginosa sensitivity to ceftazidime has been proven (Formula 1; Fig. 2). keywords: aeruginosa; amikacin; antibiotics; antimicrobial; antiseptics; aztreonam; burns; ceftazidime; clinical; clinical strains; complications; decamethoxine; decrease; efficacy; fig; high; ijmmr; infectious; iodine; isolated; issn; issue; low; meropenem; methods; nazarchuk; patients; predictive; pseudomonas; research; results; sensitive; sensitivity; strains; study; vol cache: ijmr-7000.pdf plain text: ijmr-7000.txt item: #117 of 184 id: ijmr-7001 author: Pidruchna, S. R.; Stepanova, H. M.; Pereviznyk, B. O.; Vasylyshyn, N. A.; Hudyma, A. A. title: ENDOGENOUS INTOXICATION IN ANIMALS OF DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS IN CASE OF POLYTRAUMA date: 2017-02-09 words: 2074 flesch: 64 summary: The increase of MMM level in animals after multiple trauma proved the enforcement of catabolic processes. KEY WORDS: multiple trauma, endogenous intoxication, age. keywords: 1st; age; animals; case; changes; day; different; dynamics; eii; endogenous; fig; group; higher; hour; increase; injury; intact; intoxication; issue; level; medical; mmm; month; multiple; old; pidruchna; polytrauma; rats; significant; ternopil; trauma cache: ijmr-7001.pdf plain text: ijmr-7001.txt item: #118 of 184 id: ijmr-7021 author: Pasyechko, N. V.; Kulchinska, V. M.; Radetska, L. V.; Naumova, L. V.; Smachylo, I. V.; Bob, A. O.; Savchenko, I. P.; Yarema, N. I.; Havryliuk, M. Y.; Balaban, A. I.; Bob, O. O.; Dzhula, M. A.; Krytskyi, T. I. title: VITAMIN D AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 date: 2017-02-09 words: 2565 flesch: 59 summary: The levels of glycated haemoglobin of the patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, who were diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency (before and after treatment with Alpha D3 Teva). IJmmR 2016 Vol. 2 Issue 2 doI 10.11603/IJMMR.2413-6077.2016.2.7021 Vitamin D anD Diabetes mellitus type 2 N. V. Pasyechko, V. M. Kulchinska, L. V. Radetska, L. V. Naumova, I. V. Smachylo, A. O. Bob, I. P. Savchenko, M. Ye. keywords: alpha; compensation; control; correlation; deficiency; diabetes; drugs; failure; glycated; group; haemoglobin; hba1c; increase; issue; level; mellitus; metabolism; number; p<0.01; patients; people; teva; treatment; type; ukraine; unsatisfactory; vitamin; vitamin d cache: ijmr-7021.pdf plain text: ijmr-7021.txt item: #119 of 184 id: ijmr-7028 author: Hasiuk, N. V. title: QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE CHANGES IN THE CELLULAR COMPOSITION OF GUMS IN PATIETS WITH PERIODONTAL DISEASES date: 2017-02-09 words: 2599 flesch: 44 summary: Taken into account the spread of general periodontitis among young people [5] and the prevailing current points of view about the disease pathogenesis [6, 7, 8], the processes of differentiation of gums epithelial cells in the course of general periodontitis is an urgent matter, as well as diagnosis objectification, determination of severity degree and invol ve- ment of adjacent connective tissue to predict course of the disease, exacerbation rate and relapse [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. The colouring of the material was done according to Romanovskyy- Himza, with a next microscopic and morphological analysis, taking into account the percentage of different forms of epithelial cells in normal and due to an age aspect. keywords: analysis; cells; cellular; changes; composition; core; course; cytograms; cytological; cytoplasm; different; differentiation; epithelial; epithelial cells; generalized; gums; histological; ijmmr; inflammatory; intermediate; issn; issue; layer; leukocytes; material; medical; normal; patients; people; percentage; periodontal; periodontitis; process; results; sections; segmented; study; surface; ternopil; test; type; vol; young; нasiuk cache: ijmr-7028.pdf plain text: ijmr-7028.txt item: #120 of 184 id: ijmr-7029 author: Franchuk, V. V. title: MEDICAL ERRORS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE OF PHYSICIANS IN TERNOPIL REGION (UKRAINE) date: 2017-02-09 words: 1661 flesch: 39 summary: Criminal negligence was identified in about 20% of medical malpractice cases. Gross breach of the standards of medical care occurs in those cases the severe consequences de- velop for a patient. keywords: care; cases; clinical; commission; criminal; dereliction; different; duty; errors; examinations; forensic; ijmmr; intervention; issn; issue; law; malpractice; medical; medicine; methods; mistakes; negligence; patient; professional; research; study; ternopil; ukraine; vol cache: ijmr-7029.pdf plain text: ijmr-7029.txt item: #121 of 184 id: ijmr-7030 author: Ordynskyi, Iu. M.; Denefil, O. V. title: DAMAGING EFFECT OF IMMOBILIZING STRESS ON HYPOXIA HIGH- AND LOW-RESISTANT RATS OF BOTH SEXES date: 2017-02-09 words: 4036 flesch: 63 summary: All the studied indices in the females under stress impact were lower in comparison with the females (reduced glutathione index in HR group — by 65.06% (p<0.001), glutathione peroxidase — by 66.33% (p<0.001), and gluta- thione reductase — by 51.53% (p<0.001). As compared with lR group, higher activity of primary and final lipid peroxidation products (DC — by 14.38%, p<0.001, Schiff bases — by 31.12%, p<0.001) and lower concentration of TBA-active products (by 8.01%, p<0.001) were re vea led in the control HR females. keywords: active; activity; antioxidant; bases; bpa; catalase; ceruloplasmin; content; control; development; females; glutathione; group; higher; hr females; hr males; impact; increase; indices; intensive; issue; lipid; lower; lr group; males; oxidative; p<0.001; peroxidase; peroxidation; pom; products; protein; rats; reduced; reliable; schiff; stress; times; values cache: ijmr-7030.pdf plain text: ijmr-7030.txt item: #122 of 184 id: ijmr-7031 author: Oliynyk, O. V.; Pereviznyk, B. O.; Shlifirchyk, A. title: THE INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT VENTILATION PATTERNS ON TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH SEVERE TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY date: 2017-02-09 words: 2667 flesch: 59 summary: The most frequent cause of patients mortality on the 3–5th day of STBI is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Mortality rate of patients depended on the type of mechanical ventilation that was used. keywords: accessory; acute; airway; alive; ards; bipap; brain; breathing; care; case; control; cpap; dead; distress; group; ijmmr; injury; issn; issue; lung; mechanical; mortality; patients; patterns; positive; pressure; rate; respiratory; results; severe; stbi; support; syndrome; ternopil; traumatic; treatment; type; ventilation; vol cache: ijmr-7031.pdf plain text: ijmr-7031.txt item: #123 of 184 id: ijmr-7032 author: Popovych, D. V.; Bergier, J.; Sopel, O. M.; Tsybulska, L. S.; Korda, M. M. title: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVELS IN FEMALE STUDENTS OF TERNOPIL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY date: 2017-02-09 words: 2687 flesch: 61 summary: The differentiation of the level and areas of physical activity of the female students with regard to the place of residence Kruskal-Wallis Test Physical activity Type H p Differentiation Total activity 0,32 0,8505 - Activity at work 0,58 0,7477 - Activity while commuting 0,11 0,9484 - Activity at home 2,03 0,3616 - Sport activity 5,14 0,0767 - M eT -m in /w ee k The highest level of total physical activity prevails in the second-year female students. The appropriate level of physical activity is the integral component of a healthy lifestyle. keywords: activity; areas; development; education; female; female students; health; high; higher; home; human; ijmmr; international; ipaq; issn; issue; journal; level; lifestyle; medical; physical; physical activity; place; popovych; questionnaire; research; residence; results; second; south; sport; state; students; study; ternopil; total; university; vol; week; work; year cache: ijmr-7032.pdf plain text: ijmr-7032.txt item: #124 of 184 id: ijmr-7033 author: Boyarchuk, O. R.; Volyanska, L. A.; Dyvonyak, O. M. title: NAIL CHANGES IN CASE OF ENTEROVIRAL INFECTIONS IN WESTERN UKRAINE: A REPORT OF 34 CASES date: 2017-02-09 words: 2190 flesch: 61 summary: Enteroviral infections are common infections, mostly affect children. Our study proved association between the outbreak of onychomadesis (nail shedding) and enteroviral infection, mainly hand-foot-mouth disease, during summer–autumn 2016 in Western Ukraine (Ternopil region). keywords: autumn; beau; cases; changes; children; clinical; coxsackievirus; desquamation; disease; enteroviral; features; foot; hand; hfmd; infection; lesions; lines; mouth; nail; onychomadesis; outbreak; patients; rash; region; shedding; skin; study; summer; ternopil; ukraine; vesicular cache: ijmr-7033.pdf plain text: ijmr-7033.txt item: #125 of 184 id: ijmr-7034 author: Marushchak, M. I.; Khudobiak, M. M.; Krynytska, I. Ya.; Antonyshyn, I. V. title: LIPID PEROXIDATION IN MULTIPLE ORGAN FAILURE CAUSED BY ASSOCIATED CHEST AND HIP TRAUMA date: 2017-02-09 words: 2613 flesch: 58 summary: Conclusions In case of simulated trauma (chest injury with fractures of both hips) hyperactivation processes of free radical oxidation is observed in the 1st day, reaching a peak in 7–14th days of post­traumatic period in blood, tissues, liver, heart and lungs if compared to the control group that causes multiple organ failure. The development of hypoxemia caused by chest trauma affected lipid peroxidation sti­ mulation causing disruption of cell membranes structure and consequently cell death closing the ‘vicious’ circle, which in our and other authors opinion cause multiple organ failure with involvement of heart, lungs, liver in the pathological process [15]. keywords: acid; animals; blood; care; chest; control; data; day; days; development; experimental; failure; free; group; heart; hips; hpl; hydroperoxides; increase; injuries; injury; issn; lipid; liver; lungs; marushchak; mortality; multiple; observation; organ; period; peroxidation; polytrauma; products; protein; p≥0.05; radical; rate; rats; significant; table; times; tissues; trauma; traumatic; vol; р≤0.01 cache: ijmr-7034.pdf plain text: ijmr-7034.txt item: #126 of 184 id: ijmr-7035 author: Koptiukh, V. V.; Galaychuk, I. Y. title: EMBOSSED AUTODERMOTRANSPLANTS: THEORETICAL SUBSTANTIATION AND PRACTICAL USAGE date: 2017-02-09 words: 2500 flesch: 66 summary: The question we are aiming to address is to find out if it is possible to cut skin graft with an uneven embossed surface, similar to the relief of granulations. Optimal configuration of internal surface of skin graft with spacing between ledges of π/2, π/4, π/8 mm (equals to 1.57 mm, 0.78 mm and 0.39 mm) is proved mathematically. keywords: area; clinical; contraction; cutting; day; deep; dermal; dermatome; dermis; donor; embossed; fig; graft; granulation; harvesting; healing; internal; koptiukh; method; patients; plate; shrinkage; sinusoidal; skin; skin graft; smooth; split; surface; surg; technological; thickness; thickness skin; thin; tissue; transplants; variable; wound cache: ijmr-7035.pdf plain text: ijmr-7035.txt item: #127 of 184 id: ijmr-7036 author: Lyhatskyy, P. H.; Rytsyk, O. B.; Fira, L. S.; Yaremchuk, O. Z. title: AGE RELATED OXIDATIVE PROCESSES AND ENDOGENOUS INTOXICATION DYNAMICS OF RATS ARTER TOBACCO SMOKE AFFECTION date: 2017-02-09 words: 2942 flesch: 51 summary: The content of TBA-AP in blood serum (mmol/L) and liver (mmol/kg) of the rats in dynamics of tobacco smoke affection (M±m; n=72) Research time, days Groups of the experimental animals immature rats mature rats senile rats blood serum Intact rats 3.28±0.23 1.85±0.14 2.35±0.14 15th day of the affection 4.28±0.31 3.47±0.29* 3.71±0.28* 30th day of the affection 4.85±0.36* 4.28±0.31* 4.42±0.28* 45th day of the affection 6.62±0.08* AMW content in blood serum (cu/L) of the rats in dynamics of tobacco smoke affection (M±m; n=72) Research time, days Groups of the experimental animals immature rats mature rats senile rats AMW1 Intact rats 14.00±1.15 11.00±0.85 13.66±0.61 15th day of the affection 19.00±1.52 17.66±1.20* 18.00±1.55 30th day of the affection 37.00±1.12* 31.00±1.12* 35.66±0.61* 45th day of the affection 41.66±0.95* 33.00±1.52* 38.00±1.03* AMW2 Intact rats 16.66±0.84 12.67±0.84 15.33±0.67 15th day of the affection 23.00±2.29 15.33±0.66 20.33±1.82 30th day of the affection 28.67±0.67* 18.66±0.67* 23.33±0.99* 45th day of the affection 36.33±1.20* keywords: 15th; 45th; acids; activation; affection; age; amino; animals; blood; content; day; days; endogenous; experimental; free; groups; higher; immature; immature rats; increase; intact; intoxication; issue; lipid; liver; lyhatskyy; oxygen; peroxidation; processes; products; rats; reactive; research; ros; senile; serum; smoke; smoking; species; tba; times; tobacco; tobacco smoke; ukraine; weight cache: ijmr-7036.pdf plain text: ijmr-7036.txt item: #128 of 184 id: ijmr-7037 author: Gadzhula, N. G. title: CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF TREATMENT THE PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC APICAL PERIODONTITIS date: 2017-02-09 words: 2311 flesch: 49 summary: The study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of root canal obturation with BioRootTM RCS sealer in the treatment of patients with chronic apical periodontitis. BioRootTM RCS using for root canals obturation in the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis we proved the high effectiveness of the treatment undertaken: complete healing or improvement of radiographic conditions of periapical bone destruction with X-ray signs of bone regeneration. keywords: apical; apical periodontitis; bioroottm; bone; canals; cases; chronic; chronic apical; clinical; control; destruction; effectiveness; endodontic; gadzhula; group; healing; ijmmr; improvement; issn; issue; main; main group; months; obturation; pai; patients; periapical; periodontitis; radiographic; rcs; regeneration; results; root; sealer; state; teeth; treatment; vol; year cache: ijmr-7037.pdf plain text: ijmr-7037.txt item: #129 of 184 id: ijmr-7038 author: Denesyuk, V. I.; Denesyuk, O. V.; Muzyka, N. O. title: THE REMODELING OF LEFT ATRIUM AND VASODILATION FACTORS CHANGES IN ISCHEMIC HEART FAILURE date: 2017-02-09 words: 3109 flesch: 55 summary: in patients with stable coronary heart disease, complicated by heart failure with reduced LV EF and II degree of LA dilatation, eNOS levels in the serum was 449.00±39.91 pg/ml, whereas in patients with stable coronary heart disease, complicated by heart failure with preserved LV EF and II stage of la dilatation — 673.56±50.98 pg/ml (p<0.01). It is established that in the examined patients with stable coronary heart disease complicated by heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction mainly iii (significant) degree of dilatation of the left atrium was determined, while in patients with stable coronary heart disease, complicated by heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction mainly II (moderate) degree of dilation of the left atrium was determined. keywords: atrium; blood; cases; chf; chronic; clinical; coronary; coronary heart; degree; denesyuk; dilatation; disease; ejection; enos; factors; fraction; group; heart; heart disease; heart failure; iii; la dilatation; left; lv ef; myocardial; p<0.01; patients; preserved; reduced; remodeling; serum; stable; stable coronary; stage; ukraine; vasodilation; ventricular cache: ijmr-7038.pdf plain text: ijmr-7038.txt item: #130 of 184 id: ijmr-7039 author: Venger, O. P.; Mysula, Yu. I. title: IMPROVEMENT IN THE APPROACHES TO THE TREATMENT OF EMIGRANTS AND RE-EMIGRANTS WITH DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS date: 2017-07-12 words: 3893 flesch: 31 summary: Antidepressant therapy at this stage included prescription of agomelatine in a daily dose of 25 mg for the emigrants suffering from psycho- genic depressive disorders, for the patients with endogenous depressive disorders – quetiapin in a daily dose of 200 mg, for the emigrants with depressive disorders of organic genesis – fluo- xe tinein a daily dose of 20 mg, for the re-emi- grants with psychogenic depressive disorders – mirtazapine in a daily dose of 30 mg, for the re-emigrants with endogenous depressive disorders – combination of fluoxetine and rispe- ridone in a daily dose of 20 mg and 2 mg accordingly, for the re-emigrants with depressive disorders of organic genesis – fluoxetine in daily dose of 20 mg. Clinical features of depressive disorders have not been studied;as well as risk factors and antiriscs of various forms of depression have not been established yet. keywords: analysis; anxiety; clinical; comparison; depressed; depressive; depressive disorders; disorders; dynamics; effective; emigrants; emigration; endogenous; endogenous depressive; general; genesis; group; health; higher; improvement; index; insomnia; life; medical; mental; mood; organic; patients; psychogenic; psychogenic depressive; psychopathological; qol; quality; rate; recovery; results; scheme; severity; significant; social; somatic; state; suggested; symptoms; therapy; traditional; treatment; ukraine; venger cache: ijmr-7039.pdf plain text: ijmr-7039.txt item: #131 of 184 id: ijmr-7051 author: Ilika, V. V. title: MORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON FREE-RESIDUE OXIDATION PROCESSES IN CASES OF DECIDUAL CELLS OF PLACENTA IN CHORIOAMNIONOTIS AND BASAL DECIDUITIS COMBINED WITH IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN THE PREGNANT date: 2017-07-12 words: 2296 flesch: 42 summary: The study was aimed at the research of nitro peroxides and establishing the specific features of oxidative modification of proteins in inflammation of placenta with iron deficient anaemia in the pregnant. At the same time, the extent of oxidative modification of proteins in cases of inflammation with iron deficient anaemia in the pregnant is on the average higher than with no iron deficient anaemia in the pregnant. keywords: acidic; anaemia; basal; basic; blue; bromphenol; calvo; cases; cells; chemiluminescent; chorioamnionitis; davydenko; deciduitis; deficient; deficient anaemia; glow; higher; histochemical; inflammation; intensity; iron; iron deficient; mikel; modification; nitro; oxidative; oxidative modification; peroxides; placenta; plate; pregnant; proteins; research; secundines; technique cache: ijmr-7051.pdf plain text: ijmr-7051.txt item: #132 of 184 id: ijmr-7063 author: Sarapuk, I. M.; Pavlyshyn, H. A.; Lacina, L.; Królak-Olejnik, B. title: NEURODEVELOPMENTAL CARE OF PRETERM BABIES AND ITS KEY ELEMENTS date: 2017-07-12 words: 4761 flesch: 51 summary: Key elements for implementation of indi- vidualized developmental family-centered care niDCaP : 1) provision of sensitive care and hand- ling for baby, 2) creation of a calm NICU environ- ment, 3) parental involvement in infant care, their support, 4) presence of infant developmen- tal specialist [3]. Provision of sensitive care and handling for the infant based on an accurate reading of infant behavioral signals and respect for the message that the infant communicates, along with recognition that the infant actively par- ticipates in all aspects of neonatal care Parental involvement in infant care, their support. а) keywords: ability; adaptation; als; assessment; autonomic; behavioral; birth; brain; breathing; care; caregiving; child; contact; cycles; developed; developmental; developmental care; disorders; early; effects; environment; family; function; hospital; human; ijmmr; implementation; individualized; infant; intensive; interaction; issn; issue; kangaroo; low; manipulations; mcanulty; medical; model; mother; motor; necessary; needs; neonatal; neurodevelopmental; neurological; newborn; nicu; nidcap; organization; outcomes; pediatrics; physiological; pic; premature; preterm; program; regulation; regulatory; sarapuk; self; signs; skin; sleep; stability; staff; state; stimuli; stress; support; survival; synactive; system; theory; university; vol; weight cache: ijmr-7063.pdf plain text: ijmr-7063.txt item: #133 of 184 id: ijmr-7105 author: Kostenko, Ye. Ya.; Melnyk, V. S.; Horzov, L. F. title: THE EFFECTIVNESS OF CHRONIC GINGIVITES TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH NON-REMOVABLE ORTHODONTIC APPARATUS ACCORDING TO THE RESULTS OF PERIODONTAL TISSUES INDEX ASSESSMENT date: 2017-07-12 words: 1822 flesch: 51 summary: Evaluation of patients’ performance in two months after the beginning of orthodontic treatment is presented in Table 2. All the indicators increased in both groups of patients, oral hygiene index increased to 2.36 points, proving the deterioration in 3 times. KEy wORDS: orthodontic patients; chronic gingivitis; dental examination; oral hygiene. keywords: beginning; bleeding; catarrhal; children; chronic; data; dental; diseases; effect; examination; gingival; gingivitis; gums; health; hygiene; hypertrophic; index; inflammation; months; ohi; oral; orthodontic; p2<0.05; patients; periodontal; plaque; points; results; sbi; teeth; tissues; treatment cache: ijmr-7105.pdf plain text: ijmr-7105.txt item: #134 of 184 id: ijmr-7107 author: Bekus, I. R.; Kyryliv, M. V.; Ivanusa, I. B.; Furka, O. B.; Krynytska, I. Ya.; Marushchak, M. I. title: BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF LIPID METABOLISM IN ANIMALS AFFECTED BY HEAVY METAL SALTS AND TREATED WITH CARNITINE CHLORIDE AND SODIUM ALGINATE date: 2017-02-09 words: 2928 flesch: 53 summary: The maximal differences between the two groups were recorded on the seventh day after the beginning of toxicant administration, when cholesterol concentration increased by 16% in the treated animals compared to the intact ones. On the third day cholesterol levels were by 75% lower in experimental group, on the fifth — by 62%, and on the seventh — by 56%, which was lower than in the intact animals (Table 1). keywords: 5th; acetate; algigel; animals; bekus; blood; body; cadmium; carnitine; changes; chloride; cholesterol; concentrations; control; day; effect; experimental; free; group; hdl; heavy; intact; intoxication; issue; lead; levels; lipid; medical; metabolism; metal; mmol; plasma; rats; salts; significant; sodium; state; study; ternopil; total; toxic; vldl; р1<0.05 cache: ijmr-7107.pdf plain text: ijmr-7107.txt item: #135 of 184 id: ijmr-7291 author: Vergun, A. R.; Parashchuk, B. M.; Krasny, M. R.; Kit, Z. M.; Vergun, O. M. title: CHRONIC MYCOTIC-ASSOCIATED SURGICAL NAIL PATHOLOGY COMPLICATED WITH INGROWN NAIL (NAIL INCARNATION): THE ANALYSES OF CLINICAL CASES AND COMPLEX TREATMENT date: 2017-07-12 words: 4875 flesch: 47 summary: The applied types of op- erative treatment of surgical nail pathology may be divided into five main groups: 1 – Emmert- Schmiden type surgeries (marginal excision of nail plate and eponychia with marginal re- moval of the growing part via partial matricec- tomy); 2 – Dupuytren’s type surgeries (onych- ectomy – complete removal of nail plate); 3 – Bartlett type surgeries (local tissue plastic re construction); 4 – marginal resection of mar- ginal section of nail plate; 5 – Meleshevych surgery; 6 – our modifications (with previous block-type eponychectomy). KEy wORDS: destructive onychomycosis; secondary recurrent ingrown nail; antimycotic therapy; surgical nail removal. keywords: affected; area; bed; cases; changes; cholesterol; chronic; ciclopirox; clinical; combined; comparison; complicated; control; days; dermatol; destructive; diabetes; eponychial; excision; group; homa; hyperkeratosis; ijmmr; incarnation; index; ingrown; ingrowth; insulin; issn; issue; itraconazole; lacquer; lipid; main; marginal; mellitus; metabolic; methods; mycotic; nail; onychogryphosis; onychomycosis; operative; partial; pathology; patients; period; plate; polyonychomycosis; postoperative; recurrent; removal; resistance; results; secondary; study; surgeries; surgical; syndrome; system; terbinafine; therapy; toenail; treatment; type; vergun; vol; year cache: ijmr-7291.pdf plain text: ijmr-7291.txt item: #136 of 184 id: ijmr-7563 author: Oleshchuk, O. M.; Loi, H. Ya. title: LEPTIN RESISTANCE AND TYPE 2 DIABETES date: 2017-07-12 words: 5091 flesch: 60 summary: leptin levels reflect body lipid content in mice: evidence for diet-induced re- sistance to leptin action. The reduced sensitivity toward exogenous and endogenous leptin is commonly referred to as leptin resistance. keywords: academy; action; activation; active; adipose; american; barrier; blood; body; brain; cell; central; changes; clinical; concentration; development; diabetes; effects; endocrinology; energy; expression; fasting; fat; function; gene; glucose; healthy; high; homeostasis; hormones; human; hypothalamic; ijmmr; increases; insulin; insulin resistance; international; issn; journal; kim; kinase; leptin; leptin levels; leptin resistance; levels; lipid; liver; loi; loss; mantzoros; mass; mechanism; medical; medicine; metabolism; metformin; muscle; nature; neuroendocrine; normal; obese; obesity; oleshchuk; pancreatic; patients; peripheral; physiology; proceedings; protein; rats; receptor; reduces; reduction; regulation; research; resistance; role; sciences; secretion; sensitivity; serum; signaling; signals; skeletal; subjects; system; therapy; tissue; treatment; type; unger; vol; wang; weight cache: ijmr-7563.pdf plain text: ijmr-7563.txt item: #137 of 184 id: ijmr-7804 author: Khan, I. D.; Asima, B.; Khan, Sh. A. title: OPERATIONS THROUGHPUT AS A DETERMINANT OF GOLDEN-HOUR IN MASS-GATHERING MEDICINE date: 2017-07-12 words: 4558 flesch: 55 summary: Early transportation of patient to definitive-care reduces treatment initiation- time by 50% thereby improving outcome, and consequentially emphasizing patient-evacua- tions personal visits and interventions by medical/trauma team. Encoun- ter-time was defined as time taken by the patient for a healthcare operation such as out- patient attendance, investigation, drug-dispen- sing, minor-procedures and ambulance trans- fers. keywords: 0–30; 2–10; accessibility; acuity; aid; ambulance; approach; arrival; attendance; availability; average; care; centric; clinic; clinical; communication; concept; critical; definitive; determinant; doctor; early; emergency; encounter; evacuation; facilities; gathering; golden; golden hour; hajj; healthcare; hospital; hour; human; ijmmr; initiation; interoperability; issn; issue; khan; logistics; low; mass; medical; medicine; minutes; mobile; operations; patient; pharmacy; pilgrims; population; pre; primary; procedures; referral; resource; response; secondary; site; static; systems; task; team; tent; tertiary; throughput; time; transfer; trauma; treatment; turnaround; vol; waiting cache: ijmr-7804.pdf plain text: ijmr-7804.txt item: #138 of 184 id: ijmr-7810 author: Melnyk, L. P.; Hryshchuk, L. A.; Koziol–Montewka, M.; Tabas, P. S.; Klos, R. O. title: AWARENESS OF LYME BORRELIOSIS OF THE PATIENTS OF TERNOPIL REGIONAL TB DISPENSARY date: 2017-07-12 words: 2123 flesch: 54 summary: The absence of appeals for medical care, lack of sufficient information on Lyme borreliosis and disuse of preventive measures for tick bites by the interviewed patients of Ternopil regional TB dispensary departments proves the need of improvement of health education on Lyme borreliosis (LB) among this category of population. The symptoms of (LB) are similar to those in sarcoidosis and tuberculosis (pleural lesions, heart, joints, nervous system, skin), and the presence of tick bites gives the reasons to examine these patients of Borrelia burgdorferi senso lato. KEy wORDS: Lyme borreliosis; survey; sarcoidosis; tuberculosis; granulomatous diseases; Lyme disease; Borrelia burgdorferi. keywords: bites; borrelia; borreliosis; burgdorferi; clinical; departments; disease; dispensary; features; heart; issue; joints; journal; lesions; lyme; medical; nervous; number; patients; pulmonary; regional; respondents; sarcoidosis; similar; skin; survey; system; ternopil; tick; tuberculosis; ukraine cache: ijmr-7810.pdf plain text: ijmr-7810.txt item: #139 of 184 id: ijmr-7867 author: Martynyuk, L. P.; Vons, L. Z.; Ruzhytska, O. O. title: THE EFFECT OF L- ARGININE ON OXIDATIVE STRESS AND MICROALBUMINURIA IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE date: 2017-07-12 words: 2289 flesch: 60 summary: The level of lipid peroxidation indexes in DKD patients before treatment and control groups. The dynamics of lipid peroxidation indexes in DKD patients before and after treatment depending on different treatment regimens, M±m Indexes Groups p group І (n=33) group ІІ (n=24) p1 p2 p3 TBARS, mkmol/l Before treatment 6.26±0.20 6.20±0.13 р˃0.05 After treatment 3.81±0.27 5.27±0.46 р˂0.01 р˂0.01 р˂0.05 SOD, % Before treatment 41.76±0.68 41.45±0.66 р˃0.05 After treatment 55.61±1.42 43.21±1.18 р˂0.01 р˂0.01 р˃0.05 SH-groups, mlmol/l Before treatment 42.59±1.23 43.71±2.08 р˃0.05 After treatment 57.05±1.98 51.14±1.65 р˂0.05 р˂0.01 р˂0.05 Catalase, % Before treatment 53.74±2.16 51.46±1.18 р˃0.05 After treatment 31.39±2.80 47.25±2.88 р˂0.01 р˂0.01 р˃0.05 notes: 1. p1 – significant difference in performance between groups before and after treatment. keywords: antioxidant; arginine; average; chronic; control; diabetes; diabetic; difference; disease; dkd; dkd patients; group; indexes; issue; journal; kidney; level; lipid; mau; mellitus; microalbuminuria; nitric; oxidative; oxide; patients; performance; peroxidation; progression; renal; significant; standard; stress; therapy; treatment; type; years; р˂0.01 cache: ijmr-7867.pdf plain text: ijmr-7867.txt item: #140 of 184 id: ijmr-7917 author: Ivashchuk, L. Yu.; Pizhitsky, I. B. title: CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF MULTIPLE ORGAN FAILURE IN CASES OF PERITONEAL SEPSIS date: 2017-12-29 words: 2402 flesch: 47 summary: In areas of disturbed intra­organ blood flow quite pronounced swelling of liver cells with impaired liver histological structure and expanding in- tercellular spaces was evidenced. The investiga- tion of hepatocytes structure in a significant increase in a series of semi-thin slices proved pronounced degenerative changes of liver cells with sharp cytoplasm enlightenment, signifi- cant decrease in the size of the nucleus, associa- ted with swelling, decrease in the number and pre-shell condensation of chromatin. keywords: animals; apoptosis; blood; cavity; cells; changes; clinical; criteria; cytoplasm; destruction; electron; enterocytes; experimental; failure; fecal; fig; hepatocytes; ijmmr; initiation; intestine; issn; issue; ivashchuk; liver; membrane; microscope; morphological; multiple; number; organ; peritoneal; peritonitis; pronounced; sections; sepsis; septic; shock; small; study; suspension; swelling; swollen; syndrome; vol cache: ijmr-7917.pdf plain text: ijmr-7917.txt item: #141 of 184 id: ijmr-7923 author: Lykhatskyy, P. H.; Fira, L. S. title: FREE RADICALS AND INFLAMMATION IN RATS OF DIFFERENT AGE IN CASES OF SODIUM NITRITES AND TOBACCO SMOKE POISONING date: 2017-07-12 words: 3168 flesch: 55 summary: In immature rats nitrite ion content in serum increased by 18% till 45 day of TS toxicity. A similar increase in nitrite ion content was evidenced in serum of mature and old rats. keywords: affected; affection; age; animals; anti; blood; body; content; cytokines; day; different; experimental; free; groups; hours; il-4; il-6; immature; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; intact; intoxication; liver; medical; nitrite; nitrite ion; organs; poisoning; pro; rate; rats; research; serum; smoke; smoking; sodium; sodium nitrite; study; test; times; tobacco; tobacco smoke; underlying cache: ijmr-7923.pdf plain text: ijmr-7923.txt item: #142 of 184 id: ijmr-7935 author: Smiyan, S. I.; Koshak, B. O.; Gnatko, I. V. title: ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION AND CARDIOVASCULAR RISK IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS date: 2017-12-29 words: 2853 flesch: 55 summary: Many patients had reduced levels of HDL and high LDL levels that can be attributed to scanty availability of patients with hypercho- lesterolemia. Vol. 3 Issue 2 dOI 10.11603/IJMMR.2413-6077.2017.2.7935 ENdOThELIAL dYsfUNcTION ANd cARdIOVAscULAR RIsK IN PATIENTs WITh ANKYLOsING sPONdYLITIs S. I. Smiyan, B. O. Koshak, I. V. Gnatko I. HORBACHEVSKY TERNOPIL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, TERNOPIL, UKRAINE Background. keywords: activity; age; arterial; artery; blood; brachial; cardiovascular; chronic; clinical; control; differences; disease; duration; dysfunction; edvd; eivd; endothelial; factors; functional; group; hdl; higher; hypertension; ijmmr; index; issn; issue; ldl; levels; mmol; p<0.05; patients; population; prevalence; research; risk; significant; smiyan; spondylitis; study; systemic; table; ternopil; vasodilatation; vol cache: ijmr-7935.pdf plain text: ijmr-7935.txt item: #143 of 184 id: ijmr-8009 author: Sameea, E. A.; Zakareya, T.; Metwaly, K.; Youssef, A. A.-R.; Kamal, H. M.; Abdalla, W. M. title: SERUM SOLUBLE CD25 IN HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA, SHALL WE BE ABLE TO CHANGE THE NATURAL HISTORY? date: 2017-12-29 words: 3274 flesch: 69 summary: The aim of the research is to evaluate the performance of serum soluble CD25 (sCD25) in the prediction of early HCC and compare it to α-fetoprotein (AFP). Predictive yield of both biomarkers for early HCC was evaluated using ROC curve analysis. keywords: afp; cancer; carcinoma; cirrhosis; cirrhotic; control; correlation; current; cut; difference; early; early hcc; fig; groups; hcc; healthy; hepatocellular; ijmmr; issn; issue; laboratory; late; level; liver; n=20; patients; prediction; sameea; scd25; sensitivity; serum; soluble; specificity; stage; staging; treatment; tumor; value; vol cache: ijmr-8009.pdf plain text: ijmr-8009.txt item: #144 of 184 id: ijmr-8012 author: Khan, I. D.; Rajmohan, K. S.; Jindal, A. K.; Gupta, R. M.; Khan, S.; Shukla, M.; Singh, S.; Mustafa, Sh.; Tejus, A.; Narayanan, S. title: PANRESISTANT SUPERBUGS: ARE WE AT THE EDGE OF A ‘MICROBIAL HOLOCAUST’ date: 2017-12-29 words: 3837 flesch: 42 summary: Antimicrobial resistance, being unanticipated in its entirety, evolved manifolds to reach dangerous connotations towards panresistance. Panresistant microorganisms can spread re- sistance-conferring mobile genetic elements to susceptible microorganisms and commensal flora, contributing to the development of a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance in human body. keywords: allocation; antibiotic; antimicrobial; available; bacteria; behavioural; cause; clin; college; commitment; control; countries; delhi; development; diseases; drug; economic; efforts; emergence; et al; facilities; factors; forces; global; health; healthcare; hospital; human; ijmmr; immunocompromised; increase; india; infectious; infrastructure; issn; issue; jun; khan; laboratory; leading; limited; list; malaria; marketing; medical; medicines; microorganisms; mortality; national; need; new; organization; panresistance; pathogens; patients; policy; prescription; problem; program; public; regulatory; research; resistance; resource; rise; stewardship; surveillance; susceptibility; tertiary; testing; therapy; tuberculosis; viruses; vol; world; worldwide cache: ijmr-8012.pdf plain text: ijmr-8012.txt item: #145 of 184 id: ijmr-8035 author: Lisnianska, N. V.; Маrushchak, M. I.; Antonyshyn, I. V.; Mialiuk, O. P. title: CHRONIC ENTEROCOLITIS COMBINED WITH STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED DIABETES IN RATS: MECHANISM OF OXIDATIVE STRESS DEVELOPMENT date: 2017-12-29 words: 3394 flesch: 56 summary: One of the main pathogenetic factors regulating the permeability of membranes is the activation of free radical oxidation processes, which are crucial mechanism that provides the availability of lipid-protein complexes of membrane for phospholipase and proteases respectively [36]. This fact justifies the results obtained by us regarding the statistically significant activation of free radical oxidation processes in the rats with CEC combined with DM. keywords: activity; animals; antioxidant; bowel; carrageenan; cases; catalase; cec; children; chronic; chronic enterocolitis; clinical; control; data; defence; development; diabetes; diseases; enterocolitis; enzyme; experimental; free; groups; ijmmr; increase; inflammatory; intestine; irritable; issn; issue; lipid; lisnianska; medical; mellitus; moscow; oxidation; oxidative; p<0.01; pathology; people; peroxide; processes; radical; rats; significant; small; sod; state; streptozotocin; stress; syndrome; system; tbars; ternopil; ukraine; university; vol; wall cache: ijmr-8035.pdf plain text: ijmr-8035.txt item: #146 of 184 id: ijmr-8077 author: Ivankiv, V. Ya.; Malanchyn, I. M.; Tkachuk, N. I. title: ECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF MICROBIOCENOSIS OF THE SKIN OF MAMMARY GLANDS AND VAGINA IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH THREAT OF PRETERM LABOR date: 2017-12-29 words: 1728 flesch: 55 summary: Changes in the microbiocenosis of mam- mary glands and mucous membranes of vagina of pregnant women with preterm labour may indicate the presence of opportunistic micro flora or personal hygiene or the presence of associated bacterial infections. We examined and analysed the microflora of the skin of mammary glands and mucous membrane of vagina in healthy pregnant women and patients with threat of preterm labour. Methods. keywords: aureus; bacillus; causes; dishes; examined; glands; gram; haemolyticus; labour; mammary; medium; membrane; microbiocenosis; microflora; microorganisms; mucous; petri; pregnancy; pregnant; premature; preterm; skin; spp; sterile; ternopil; threat; vagina; women cache: ijmr-8077.pdf plain text: ijmr-8077.txt item: #147 of 184 id: ijmr-8228 author: Honcharuk-Khomyn, M. Yu.; Pohoretska, Kh. V.; Patskan, L. O. title: BIOMETRIC METHOD OF AGE ESTIMATION: DEVELOPMENT AND EFFICIENCY, IN CASES OF PATHOLOGIES OF TEETH HARD TISSUES date: 2017-12-29 words: 3036 flesch: 58 summary: Using component regression analysis and Pearson’s coefficients we determined the correlation between age results and level of tooth surface attrition and deposition of tertiary reparative dentine due to the kind of pathology, which cause pathological attrition, and the time of pathology. From the measurements, a number of ratios were calculated in accordance with Kvaal et al.: P – the ratio of pulp length to root length; T – the ratio of tooth length to root length; R – the ratio of pulp length to tooth length; A – the ratio of width of pulp to root at level A; B – the ratio of width of pulp to root at level B; C – the ratio of width of pulp to root at level C; M – the mean values of all ratios; W – the mean value of width ratios from levels B and C; L – the mean value of length ratios P and R; W-L – the difference between W and L keywords: adults; age; attrition; calculated; cases; changes; coefficients; correlation; dental; dentine; determination; estimation; et al; forensic; goncharuk; incisor; khomyn; kvaal; length; level; lower; main; mean; measurement; method; modified; pathological; pathological attrition; pathology; patients; physiological; premolar; pulp; ratios; regression; reparative; results; root; sci; table; technique; teeth; tooth; upper; width cache: ijmr-8228.pdf plain text: ijmr-8228.txt item: #148 of 184 id: ijmr-8237 author: Yuryk, I. I.; Bodnar, Ya. Ya.; Voloshyn, V. D.; Yuryk, Ya. I. title: AGE-RELATED MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF REMODELING OF ARTERIAL BED OF HIND LIMBS IN WHITE RATS WITH EXPERIMENTAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA date: 2017-12-29 words: 3587 flesch: 65 summary: The internal diameter of femoral artery decreased by 4.65% in 30 days and by 6.32% in 45 days of the research (p<0.001). ТTМ of femoral artery i n c r e keywords: age; aging; animals; area; arterial; arteries; artery; blood; capacity; changes; control; days; days femoral; diameter; experiment; external; femoral; femoral artery; group; hind; hypercholesterolemia; ijmmr; internal; intima; issn; issue; knee; limbs; mmol; morphometric; p<0.001; p<0.05; parameters; popliteal; pra; pre; rats; remodeling; reproductive; resistance; study; thickness; tibial; vascular; vessels; vol; yuryk cache: ijmr-8237.pdf plain text: ijmr-8237.txt item: #149 of 184 id: ijmr-8242 author: Yarema, N. I.; Pasyechko, N. V.; Khomitska, A. I.; Savchenko, I. P.; Smachylo, I. V.; Naumova, L. V.; Radetska, L. V.; Bob, A. O.; Havrylyuk, M. E.; Bob, O. O.; Havrylyuk, N. M.; Kotsyuba, O. I. title: LEFT VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION AND OXYGEN SUPPLY OF LOWER EXTREMITIES IN PATIENTS WITH STABLE ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE AND CONCOMITANT TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS date: 2017-12-29 words: 2335 flesch: 55 summary: The research was aimed to study the pecu- liarities of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, the levels of NT-proBNP, uric acid and indices of arterial and venous blood oxygenation in patients with stable exertional angina with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus. In patients with stable IHD, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and concomitant type 2 diabetes mellitus the levels of NT-proBNP, uric acid and oxygen supply of lower extremities are significantly higher as compared to patients with IHD without type 2 diabetes mellitus. keywords: angina; arterial; blood; concomitant; concomitant type; control; diabetes; diastolic; dysfunction; exertional; failure; group; heart; higher; ihd; indices; left; lower; mellitus; oxygen; oxygenation; patients; stable; type; venous; ventricular cache: ijmr-8242.pdf plain text: ijmr-8242.txt item: #150 of 184 id: ijmr-8372 author: Furka, O. B.; Ivanusa, I. B.; Mykhalkiv, M. M.; Klishch, I. M. title: ACETAMINOPHEN EFFECT ON FREE RADICAL OXIDATION INDICES IN RATS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS date: 2017-12-29 words: 3238 flesch: 60 summary: The mechanism of cell damage by free radical metabolites, Table 3. Dynamics of content of malondialdehyde, diene and triene conjugates and Schiff bases in blood plasma of rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus and acetaminophen administration at a dose of 55 mg/kg during 7 days (M±m; n=10) Group of animals Time after acetaminophen administration (days) Content of 1st day 3rd day 5th day 7th day Control n=10 MDA, μmol/l 7.48±0.47 DC, U/l 1.12±0.03 ТC, U/l 0.58±0.01 Schiff bases, U/l 2.53±0.33 Acetaminophen (7 days) n=10 MDA, μmol/l 16.94±0.94 p1<0.001 16.54±0.99 p1<0.001 16.12±1.04 p1<0.001 15.77±0.96 p1<0.001 DC, U/l 2.31±0.29 p1<0.001 2.24±0.20 p1<0.001 2.00±0.21 p1<0.001 1.83±0.21 p1<0.001 ТC, U/l 1.42±0.07 p1<0.001 1.24±0.21 p1<0.001 1.19±0.20 p1<0.001 1.17±0.28 p1<0.001 Schiff bases, U/l 5.93±0.64 p1<0.001 5.75±0.71 p1<0.001 5.58±0.77 p1<0.001 5.43±0.65 p1<0.001 Type 2 DM n=10 MDA, μmol/l 14.62±0.92 p1<0.001 14.22±1.02 p1<0.001 14.03±0.69 p1<0.001 13.56±0.65 p1<0.001 DC, U/l 1.831±0.24 p1<0.001 1.79±0.31 p1<0.001 1.72±0.28 p1<0.001 1.66±0.31 p1<0.001 ТC, U/l 1.20±0.18 p1<0.001 1.17±0.23 p1<0.001 1.08±0.16 p1<0.001 0.95±0.18 p1<0.001 Schiff bases, U/l 5.10 ± 0.47 p1<0.001 5.01 ± 0.59 p1<0.001 4.87 ± 0.44 p1<0.001 4.63 ± 0.52 p1<0.001 Acetaminophen (rats with Type 2 DM) n=10 MDA, μmol/l 30.90±0.55 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 30.54±0.73 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 29.91±0.87 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 29.40±1.31 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 DC, U/l 3.52±0.21 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 3.25±0.45 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 2.85±0.37 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 2.46±0.39 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 ТC, U/l 1.88±0.33 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 1.83±0.33 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 1.76±0.36 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 1.63±0.30 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 Schiff bases, U/l 10.60±0.77 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 10.41±0.82 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 10.22±0.82 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 10.03±0.68 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 О. B. Furka et al. 49 B io m e d ic a l S c ie n c e S iSSn 2413-6077. Dynamics of content of malondialdehyde, diene and triene conjugates and Schiff bases in liver homogenate of rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus and acetaminophen administration at a dose of 55 mg/kg during 7 days (M±m; n=10) Group of animals Time after acetaminophen administration (days) Content of 1st day 3rd day 5th day 7th day Control n=10 MDA, μmol/l 13.67±1.16 DC, U/l 7.83±0.26 ТC, U/l 3.69±0.16 Acetaminophen (7 days) n=10 MDA, μmol/l 32.62±1.75 p1<0.001 31.83±2.78 p1<0.001 31.34±1.63 p1<0.001 29.79±1.84 p1<0.001 DC, U/l 23.63±1.60 p1<0.001 23.45±1.42 p1<0.001 21.43±1.40 p1<0.001 20.82±1.74 p1<0.001 ТC, U/l 12.02±0.79 p1<0.001 11.22±0.90 p1<0.001 10.91±0.99 p1<0.001 10.03±0.90 p1<0.001 Type 2 DM n=10 MDA, μmol/l 21.98±1.80 p1<0.001 21.55±2.04 p1<0.001 20.79±1.92 p1<0.001 20.19±2.08 p1<0.001 DC, U/l 23.44±1.00 p1<0.001 21.66±1.50 p1<0.001 20.47±1.13 p1<0.001 20.19±1.70 p1<0.001 ТC, U/l 13.43±0.58 p1<0.001 12.78±1.37 p1<0.001 12.02±1.04 p1<0.001 11.47±1.11 p1<0.001 Acetaminophen (rats with Type 2 DM) n=10 MDA, μmol/l 67.00±1.78 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 66.54±2.63 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 65.66±2.20 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 65.43±2.18 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 DC, U/l 44.75±1.14 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 42.88±1.55 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 41.51±1.67 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 39.14±1.70 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 ТC, U/l 15.62±1.12 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 15.19±1.26 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 14.92±1.25 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 14.42±1.25 p1<0.001 p2<0.001 Consequently, we can assert that the radical oxidation processes in the rats with type 2 diabetes and acetaminophen action increases significantly that may cause excessive formation of free radicals and violation of their neutra- lization. keywords: 1st; 3rd; 5th; acetaminophen; administration; animals; bases; blood; conjugates; content; control; day; days; diabetes; diene; dose; experiment; free; group; lesions; liver; malondialdehyde; mda; mellitus; n=10; p1<0.001; p1<0.001 p2<0.001; plasma; rats; schiff; series; times; toxic; triene; type; μmol cache: ijmr-8372.pdf plain text: ijmr-8372.txt item: #151 of 184 id: ijmr-8381 author: Benzar, I. M. title: CHOICE OF TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR CYSTIC LYMPHSTIC MALFORMATIONS IN THE HEAD AND NECK REGION: TREATMENT EXPERIENCE OF 81 CHILDREN date: 2017-12-29 words: 3665 flesch: 59 summary: One of the most safe and effective ways of cystic LMs treatment in children is the OK-432 sclerotherapy In 37 (45.68%) patients LMs were small; in 29 (35.80%) they were middle, in 7 (8.64%) LMs were large and in 8 (9.88%) LMs were gigantic. keywords: age; analysis; benzar; best; bilateral; cases; children; clinical; complications; cystic; cysts; determined; doi; effective; efficacy; excellent; experience; features; good; head; ijmmr; involvement; issn; issue; lesions; lms; localization; lymphatic; macrocystic; malformations; medical; methods; mixed; n=1; neck; ok-432; ok-432 sclerotherapy; patients; pediatr; period; recurrence; region; resection; response; result; safe; satisfactory; sclerotherapy; sessions; size; study; surg; surgery; surgical; treatment; ukraine; vascular; years cache: ijmr-8381.pdf plain text: ijmr-8381.txt item: #152 of 184 id: ijmr-8396 author: Bondarenko, N. P.; Aksonova, A. V. title: ANTENATAL INVESTIGATION OF DUCTUS VENOSUS VELOCITY AS A METHOD OF DETECTING THE FETAL HEART FAILURE, CAUSED BY PARVOVIRUS B19 INFECTION date: 2017-12-29 words: 2836 flesch: 48 summary: These studies are used to visualize the degree of fetal heart failure and determine its further clinical course. In 2 (10%) cases the presence of a reversed A-wave flow in the DV and EchoCG-signs of fetal heart failure (reduction of cardiac output, significant dilatation of left ventricle) were evidenced. keywords: b19; blood; blood flow; cardiac; cases; coefficient; correlation; development; doppler; ductus; echocg; failure; fetal; fetal heart; fetuses; fig; flow; flow velocity; gestation; heart; heart failure; infection; investigation; left; linear; nuchal; parvovirus; parvovirus b19; peak; pregnancy; presence; results; reversed; systolic; systolic blood; thickness; translucency; velocity; venosus; wave; weeks; women cache: ijmr-8396.pdf plain text: ijmr-8396.txt item: #153 of 184 id: ijmr-8416 author: Letniak, N. Ya.; Kuzmak, I. P.; Korda, M. M. title: NANOTUBS INCREASE TETRACHLOROMETHANE INDUCED OXIDATIVE STRESS date: 2017-12-29 words: 2929 flesch: 60 summary: The unique physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes determine wide-ranging prospects for their use in biology and medicine. The aim of the research was to study the effect of carbon nanotubes on the capability of the chemical toxicant tetrachloromethane (TCM) to induce oxidative stress in serum and liver of rats. Methods. keywords: 6th; activity; administration; animals; antioxidant; blood; capability; carbon; carbon nanotubes; changes; chemical; content; control; cooh; experiment; hours; increase; issue; letniak; liver; multi; mwnt; nanotubes; oxidative; p<0.05; rats; serum; significant; sod; stress; study; swnt; tbars; tcm; tetrachloromethane; times; toxicant; walled; ±0.03; ±0.04 cache: ijmr-8416.pdf plain text: ijmr-8416.txt item: #154 of 184 id: ijmr-8514 author: Khan, I. D.; Malik, M.; Rajmohan, K. S.; Banerjee, P.; Khan, S.; Panda, P. S.; Brijwal, M.; Gupta, S.; Kahkasha, K.; Gazala, S.; Sawarat, E.; Aguinaga, M. S. title: HEMOPHAGOCYTOSIS SECONDARY TO PHARYNGEAL ABSCESS IN AN IMMUNOCOMPETENT PATIENT (case report) date: 2018-07-25 words: 2648 flesch: 54 summary: Khan ID, Sahni AK, Bharadwaj R, Anwar I, Jain v, Khan S, Chowdhury A, Dwivedi AK, Gupta AK, S h a m s u z z a m a n , A l a m S , K o n a r J . in Press: e12097. 12.2 Khan ID, Dogra PM, Ramphal SK, Khan S, Konar J, Palit A, Srivastava N, Agrawal P, Haleem S, Alam S. Polymicrobial infections in a teenaged renal trans plantrecipient. keywords: abscess; acinetobacter; associated; avid; basic; baumanii; care; clinical; college; diseases; dysfunction; fever; gupta; healthcare; hemophagocytosis; hospital; ijmmr; india; infection; inflammatory; intensive; issn; issue; journal; khan; liver; lung; mass; med; medical; multidrug; neck; old; opportunistic; organ; pancytopenia; pathogens; patient; pharyngeal; posterior; present; rajmohan; resistant; right; sahni; secondary; sepsis; soft; superinfections; support; syndrome; tertiary; ventilator; vol; wall; year; гемофагоцитоз cache: ijmr-8514.pdf plain text: ijmr-8514.txt item: #155 of 184 id: ijmr-8643 author: Butsenko, L. M.; Pasichnyk, L. A. title: OPPORTUNISTIC BACTERIA IN AGROECOSYSTEMS OF UKRAINE date: 2018-07-25 words: 3234 flesch: 55 summary: Thus, we have established that virulent strains of opportunistic bacteria P. agglomerans and P. fluorescens are spread in agrophytocenoses of cereals. It has been established that opportunistic bacteria species P. agglomerans and P. fluorescens are present in wheat agrophytocenoses. keywords: affected; agglomerans; agricultural; agrophytocenoses; animals; antibodies; bacteria; biochemical; blood; butsenko; cause; common; conditions; crops; diseases; erwinia; fluorescens; genus; gvozdyak; healthy; humans; ijmmr; infections; isolated; issn; issue; kyiv; material; methods; microbiol; microorganisms; negative; nov; opportunistic; opportunistic bacteria; oxidase; pantoea; pantoea agglomerans; phytopathogenic; plants; properties; pseudomonas; rabbits; research; rye; serum; species; spread; strains; syringae; table; ukraine; virulence; virulent; vol; weeds; wheat; агрофітоценозах; бактерії; опортуністичні cache: ijmr-8643.pdf plain text: ijmr-8643.txt item: #156 of 184 id: ijmr-8701 author: Bystrytska, M. A. title: BONE MINERAL STATUS AND METABOLISM DISORDERS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC SPINAL CORD INJURY date: 2018-07-25 words: 4076 flesch: 64 summary: The aim of the study is to evaluate bone mineral status and bone turnover markers in the patients with chronic SCI. Methods. It should be noted that the analysis of data in Tabl. 2 proved no impact of gender on the parameters of bone mineral status (p>0.05). keywords: age; bone; bone mineral; bystrytska; calcaneal; chronic; complete; control; cord; cord injury; densitometry; density; difference; doi; duration; fractures; group; higher; index; individuals; injury; issue; level; loss; low; main; markers; mass; metabolism; mineral; mineral status; old; osteoporosis; parameters; patients; peak; period; persons; post; resorption; results; risk; sci; significant; spinal; spinal cord; status; study; trauma; traumatic; ukrainian; ultrasound; women; years; кісткової; мозку; спинного; тканини cache: ijmr-8701.pdf plain text: ijmr-8701.txt item: #157 of 184 id: ijmr-8710 author: Barg, J. title: CONVENTIONAL MINIMUM IN COPYRIGHT PROTECTION (THE BERNE CONVENTION) date: 2018-07-25 words: 3680 flesch: 64 summary: Berne Convention was first signed in 1886 and to this day is one of the most important international treaties concerning copyrights and moral rights. Moral rights, provided in Article 6bis, were added in 1928 and grant the author a right to claim authorship of the work and the right of respect. keywords: 6bis; article; author; barg; berne; berne convention; convention; copyrights; countries; death; economic; ibidem; important; intellectual; international; issue; law; literary; member; minimum; moral; moral rights; october; original; paragraph; property; protection; purpose; quote; rights; source; use; way; wipo; work; years; права cache: ijmr-8710.pdf plain text: ijmr-8710.txt item: #158 of 184 id: ijmr-8717 author: Makarchuk, N. R. title: DN4 QUESTIONNAIRE IN FAMILY PRACTICE FOR EVALUATION OF CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN IN TYPE 2 DIABETES PATIENTS TREATED BY LIGHT THERAPY date: 2018-07-25 words: 3373 flesch: 68 summary: The light therapy procedures together with the standard complex therapy of diabetic polyneuropathy increase the clinical efficacy of neuropathic pain treatment and help to preserve the therapeutic effect within 3 months. The evaluation of neuropathic pain intensity was performed using a modified questionnaire DN4. Results. keywords: 1st; 2nd; bioptron; burning; clinical; cold; complex; days; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; differences; dn4; dpn; effect; electric; group; ijmmr; intensity; issn; issue; itching; light; makarchuk; medical; mellitus; months; needles; neuropathic; neuropathic pain; numbness; p>0.05; pain; painful; patients; peripheral; pins; polyneuropathy; positive; procedures; questionnaire; results; russian; sensation; sensory; shocks; significant; standard; table; therapy; tingling; treatment; type; vol; years; ˃0.05; лікування cache: ijmr-8717.pdf plain text: ijmr-8717.txt item: #159 of 184 id: ijmr-8733 author: Khudan-Tsilo, I. I.; Shevchuk, O. O.; Korda, M. M. title: CYTOKINES PROFILE IN EXPERIMENTAL CONTACT ALLERGIC DERMATITIS AND USE OF NANOENCAPSULATED PREPARATIONS date: 2018-07-25 words: 5038 flesch: 67 summary: KeY WoRdS: contact nickel dermatitis; cytokines; nanoparticles; betamethasone; SOD; 1400W. Introduction Contact dermatitis (CD) frequency has been rising recently Topical treatment of contact nickel dermatitis: capasity of nanoencapsulated superoxide dismutase. keywords: allergic; animals; anti; atopic; betamethasone; blood; c e; cells; chitosan; combination; comparison; concentration; contact; contact dermatitis; control; crucial; csf; cytokines; day; dermatitis; dermatol; dismutase; doi:10.1016; e d; e l; e n; e r; e s; effects; efficient; et al; experimental; form; free; group; high; ijmmr; il-1β; il-4; imbalance; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitor; inos; issn; issue; khudan; loaded; m e; n t; nanoencapsulated; nanoparticles; nickel; nitric; nitro; oxidative; pathogenesis; preparations; pro; rats; research; results; selective; serum; skin; sod; stress; sulfate; superoxide; table; test; tgf; th1; th2; tnf; topical; treatment; tsilo; types; use; vol cache: ijmr-8733.pdf plain text: ijmr-8733.txt item: #160 of 184 id: ijmr-8902 author: Yermishev, O. V. title: THE LEVELS OF FUNCTIONAL-VEGETATIVE HOMEOSTASIS AS CRITERIA FOR MAGNETOTHERAPY EFFICACY date: 2018-07-25 words: 4558 flesch: 54 summary: MT had a different effect on vegetative activity as well as systemic and functional dependence, according to the coefficient of functional vegetative homeostasis. Rehabilitation expediency requires maintenance of functional vegetative homeostasis at the level of FcP-VB-FcS in conjunction with functional-vegetative diagnostics using the method of V.G. Makats. keywords: activity; acupuncture; age; attention; autonomic; balance; channels; children; compensation; dependence; diagnostics; disorders; dispersion; effect; expressed; fcp; fcs; field; fig; frequency; functional; functional compensation; functional vegetative; gender; group; heart; homeostasis; ijmmr; influence; initial; international; issn; issue; levels; low; ltd; m e; magnetic; magnetotherapy; makats; medicine; method; nervous; nilan; organism; parasympathetic; parasympathicotonia; patients; regulation; rehabilitation; research; results; significant; state; study; system; systemic; table; ukraine; v.g; vegetative; vegetative homeostasis; vinnytsia; vns; vol; yermishev; zone cache: ijmr-8902.pdf plain text: ijmr-8902.txt item: #161 of 184 id: ijmr-8921 author: Lamasz, A.; Barg, W.; Mlynarz, P. title: IS METABOLOMICS THE DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS OF CANCER? AN EXAMPLE BASED ON LUNG AND BREAST CANCER date: 2018-07-25 words: 4439 flesch: 63 summary: Using GC-MS method for tracing metabolites in plasma, they were able to discriminate lung cancer patients from CoPd patients, as well as healthy non-smokers and healthy smokers with high sensitivity (96.2 %) and specificity (92.05 %). The main metabolites differentiating between healthy controls and lung cancer patients were: hippurate, trigonelline, β-hydroxyisovalerate, α-hydroxyisobutyrate, n-acetylglutamine, and creatinine. keywords: able; acids; advanced; amino; analysis; analytical; approach; biomarkers; body; breast; breast cancer; c o; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoma; cell; chemistry; clinical; compounds; controls; copd; data; detection; diagnosis; differentiating; disease; e d; e n; early; groups; healthy; ijmmr; information; invasive; issn; issue; journal; kim; lamasz; lung; lung cancer; m e; magnetic; mass; medical; metabolic; metabolites; metabolome; metabolomics; method; n c; n m; nmr; non; nov; nsclc; o g; o l; o n; patients; plasma; poland; possible; potential; research; resonance; results; risk; samples; science; sep; serum; small; spectrometry; stage; studies; study; university; urine; vol; wrocław cache: ijmr-8921.pdf plain text: ijmr-8921.txt item: #162 of 184 id: ijmr-8971 author: Antonenko, A. M.; Korshun, M. M.; Vavrinevych, O. P.; Omelchuk, S. T.; Bardov, V. H. title: EPIDEMIOLOGIC EVALUATION OF THYROID DISEASES MORBIDITY OF UKRAINIAN ADULT POPULATION FROM 2000 TO 2013 date: 2018-07-25 words: 5530 flesch: 64 summary: g -І - G M d g -І - PM D G - ІІ +І ІІ - G M D G - ІІ +І ІІ - PM N G -G M N G -P M TC - G M TC -P M H T- G M H T- P M Тt -g M Тt -P M Тd -g M ES D -G M 1 ES D -P M 0. 84 1* 1 d g -І -g M 0. 88 2* 0. 76 4* 1 d g -І -P M 0. 84 4* 0. 90 6* 0. 91 6* 1 d g -І І+ ІІ І- g M 0. 85 8* 0. 69 2* 0. 78 3* 0. 71 4* 1 d g -І І+ ІІ І- PM 0. 79 7* 0. 75 0* 0. 71 7* 0. 71 6* 0. 92 0* 1 N G -G M 0. 36 0^ 0. 03 7 0. 16 0 0. 02 3 0. 35 0^ 0. 26 5 1 N G - P M 0. 16 0 -0 .1 24 0. 02 3 -0 .1 51 0. 23 5 0. 17 6 0. 82 At the same time, in those regions, as well as in Sevastopil, the highest levels of thyroid cancer morbidity incidence and prevalence were proved. keywords: activity; adult; antonenko; cancer; changes; correlation; degrees; diffuse; diseases; dynamics; endocrine; endocrinology; general; gland; goiter; high; ijmmr; incidence; increase; indicators; indices; institute; issn; issue; komisarenko; kyiv; levels; main; metabolism; methods; morbidity; nams; nodular; northern; pathology; period; population; prevalence; primary; rates; regions; report; service; significant; study; sumy; table; thyroid; ukraine; v.p; volyn; western cache: ijmr-8971.pdf plain text: ijmr-8971.txt item: #163 of 184 id: ijmr-8979 author: Kopanytsia, O. M.; Marushchak, M. I.; Krynytska, I. Ya. title: CARRAGEENAN INDUCES CELL DEATH IN RATS BLOOD date: 2018-07-25 words: 2841 flesch: 61 summary: Previous studies point to the development of oxidative stress in rats, by means of which carrageenan chronic enterocolitis was modeled. It was established that the activity of caspase-3 effector in 1 month of the experiment increased in 1.5 times in the 2nd group and in 2.8 times in the 3rd group vs control data that proved the caspase-dependent apoptotic pathway in case of carrageenan use for rats (Fig. 1). keywords: 2nd; 3rd; activity; animals; annexin; apoptosis; apoptotic; blood; carrageenan; caspase-3; cells; chronic; control; death; development; difference; e s; experimental; food; group; ijmmr; increase; intestine; issn; issue; kopanytsia; leukocytes; medical; necrosis; number; nutritional; oxidative; percentage; processes; production; rats; results; russian; serum; significant; signs; solution; stress; study; supplements; ternopil; times; ukrainian; usa; use; vol; щурів cache: ijmr-8979.pdf plain text: ijmr-8979.txt item: #164 of 184 id: ijmr-9112 author: Ivashchuk, L. Yu. title: PATHOGENETIC APPROACHES AND WAYS OF PREVENTION OF THROMBOEMBOLIC COMPLICATIONS IN TRAUMA PATIENTS date: 2018-07-25 words: 2845 flesch: 54 summary: Assessment of the risk of venous thrombosis and embolism in surgical patients. The study of thromboembolic complications prevention in trauma patients, who underwent surgery, is presented in the research. keywords: age; bemiparin; cancer; cases; chronic; clinical; coagulation; combined; complex; complications; day; days; deep; department; drug; extremities; fibrinogen; general; group; high; hospital; ijmmr; injury; interventions; issn; issue; ivashchuk; lower; metal; methods; musculoskeletal; number; osteosynthesis; patients; people; postoperative; prevention; prophylaxis; risk; russian; significant; stay; study; surgery; surgical; system; ternopil; therapy; thromboembolic; thrombophlebitis; thrombosis; time; trauma; treatment; underwent; vascular; veins; venous; vol cache: ijmr-9112.pdf plain text: ijmr-9112.txt item: #165 of 184 id: ijmr-9198 author: Wickramasinnghe, D.; Warusavitarne, J. title: THE EVOLUTION OF ANORECTAL MANOMETRY date: 2018-07-25 words: 1666 flesch: 61 summary: Anorectal manometry Joltrain et al first described a method for measuring colorectal pressures in 1919. Transducers have often been developed first for oesophageal manometry and sub- sequently the same technology used to create devices for anorectal manometry. keywords: anal; anorectal; arm; asymmetry; conventional; entire; high; hospital; hrarm; ijmmr; incontinence; issn; issue; kingdom; london; lower; manometry; mark; measurement; medical; patients; pressure; radial; rectum; reflex; resolution; sensors; sphincter; surgery; time; tube; united; vol; white; wickramasinghe; zone cache: ijmr-9198.pdf plain text: ijmr-9198.txt item: #166 of 184 id: ijmr-9248 author: Biradar, S. M.; Dhanavidya, S.; Kavya, P.; Keerthi, T.; Sunanda, N.; Marapur, S. C.; Warad, Vijaykumar; Kalyane, N. V. title: BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID A RARE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE: A CASE REPORT date: 2019-03-01 words: 2198 flesch: 62 summary: Even though the patient was treated with the recommended therapy of corticosteroid (Dexamethasone) along with adjuvant drugs, new skin lesions continued to develop, and the patient’s condition worsened. The disease is characterized by the formation of IgG auto antibodies tar- geting dystonin (bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAG1), and keywords: autoimmune; biradar; bullous; bullous pemphigoid; case; clinical; college; condition; corticosteroids; daily; dermatology; dexamethasone; disease; dose; drugs; extensive; extremities; fluid; ijmmr; india; issn; issue; lesions; lower; new; patient; pemphigoid; prednisolone; present; rare; research; skin; study; therapy; treatment; trunk; upper; vijaypur; vol; бульозний; захворювання; пемфігоїд cache: ijmr-9248.pdf plain text: ijmr-9248.txt item: #167 of 184 id: ijmr-9253 author: Lukianchuk, V. D.; Seifullina, I. I.; Martsinko, O. E.; Shevchuk, O. O. title: CEREBROPROTECTION BY GERMANIUM COORDINATION COMPOUNDS IN EXPERIMENTAL ACUTE GLOBAL BRAIN ISCHEMIA date: 2018-07-25 words: 6242 flesch: 71 summary: At the same time to make an all-round comparison analysis of the results of screening series we assessed clinical signs of acute ischemia: neurological status of rats, which got the different types of germanium compounds. The present study evaluated the cerebroprotective action of coordination compounds of germanium with underlying global cerebral ischemia in rats. Methods. keywords: acid; activity; acute; animals; bis(citrate; brain; carotid; clinical; cobalt; common; compounds; control; coordination; diethylenetriaminepentaacetic; different; dose; drug; effective; efficacy; et50; experimental; germanate; germanium; global; group; ijmmr; indices; ischemia; issn; issue; journal; lukianchuk; m e; metals; model; occlusion; ol-2; piracetam; points; rats; reference; results; screening; stannates; stroke; survival; test; time; ukraine; ukrainian; vitagerm-1; vol cache: ijmr-9253.pdf plain text: ijmr-9253.txt item: #168 of 184 id: ijmr-9254 author: Denefil, O. V.; Мusiienko, A. M. title: THE ALTERATION OF PRO- AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES IN ADRENALINE-CALCIUM INDUCED MYOCARDIAL DAMAGE AND ITS CORRECTION WITH QUERCETIN IN RATS date: 2018-07-25 words: 4528 flesch: 67 summary: iJmmR 2018 Vol. 4 issue 1 О. V. Denefil et al. lower by 61.49% (p<0.001), IL­4 – by 36.5% (p<0.001), and compared with a previous period of study the decrease of IL­2 by 46.23% (p<0.001), TNF­alpha – by 37.4% (p<0.001), IL­4 – by 16.77% (p<0.05), the increase of IL­6 by 74.91% (p<0.002) were present. The changes of interleukins (IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha) content in blood serum in the development of heart injury by adrenaline and calcium (AC) and use of quercetin for protection were studied. keywords: activation; adrenaline; animals; beta; calcium; cardiac; causes; cells; content; control; correction; damage; days; decrease; denefil; development; doi; fibrosis; heart; higher; hours; ijmmr; il­10; il­1beta; il­2; il­4; il­6; increase; infarction; inflammatory; injury; interleukins; issn; issue; level; lower; macrophages; main; myocardial; necrosis; normalization; p<0.001; p<0.05; period; present; previous; quercetin; rats; study; times; tnf­alpha; ukraine; vol; аcм; ураження cache: ijmr-9254.pdf plain text: ijmr-9254.txt item: #169 of 184 id: ijmr-9255 author: Demkovych, A. Ye. title: REACTIVE OXYGEN AND NITROGEN SPECIES ROLE IN EXPERIMENTAL PERIODONTITIS DEVELOPMENT date: 2018-07-25 words: 4603 flesch: 48 summary: Correlation of diene and triene conjugates in serum of the rats in different periods of experimental periodontitis development (М±m) f orm of experiment Control, intact animals Animals with periodontitis d uration of experiment (days) - 7 14 30 Number of animals 10 8 8 8 DC / TC 0.86±0.03 0.99±0.02 p1<0.01 1.00±0.04 p1<0.01, p2>0.05 0.99±0.01 p1<0.01, p2>0.05, p3>0.05 Notes: p1 – statistically significant differences relative to the intact animals; p2 – statistically significant differences relative to the animals with experimental periodontitis on the 7th day of the research; p3 – statistically significant differences relative to the animals with experimental periodontitis on the 14th day of the research. The content of TBA-active products and metabolites of nitrogen (ІІ) oxide (NO2–+NO3–) in serum of the rats in different periods of experimental periodontitis development (М±m) f orm of experiment d uration of experiment (days) Number of animal TBA-active products, mcmol/l no 2–+no 3–, mcmol/l Control, intact animals - 10 2.555±0.092 0.028±0.001 Animals with periodontitis 7 8 10.774±0.122 p1<0.01 0.192±0.006 p1<0.01 14 8 8.066±0.143 p1<0.01, p2<0.01 0.147±0.003 p1<0.01, p2<0.01 30 8 7.255±0.103 p1<0.01, p2<0.01, p3<0.01 0.102±0.002 p1<0.01, p2<0.01, p3<0.01 Notes: p1 – statistically significant differences relative to the intact animals; p2 – statistically significant differences relative to the animals with experimental periodontitis on the 7th day of the research; p3 – statistically significant differences relative to the animals with experimental periodontitis on the 14th day of the research. keywords: 14th; 14th day; 30th; 30th day; 7th; 7th day; accumulation; activation; active; animals; blood; cellular; changes; complex; conjugates; content; control; day; day periodontitis; days; demkovych; development; diene; differences; differences relative; different; doi; experimental; experimental animals; experimental periodontitis; formation; free; group; ijmmr; immune; indices; inflammatory; intact; intact animals; issn; level; lipid; mechanisms; metabolites; nitric; nitrogen; notes; oral; oxide; oxygen; p<0.01; periodontal; periodontitis; peroxidation; process; processes; products; proved; radical; rats; reactive; relative; research; results; serum; significant; significant differences; species; study; table; tba; times; tissues; triene; vol cache: ijmr-9255.pdf plain text: ijmr-9255.txt item: #170 of 184 id: ijmr-9286 author: Kaur, S.; Gupta, R.; Khan, I. D.; Jindal, S.; Prajapati, S.; Makkar, A.; Rajmohan, K. S. title: INFRASTRUCTURE, RESOURCES, SERVICES EVALUATION AND GAP ANALYSIS OF INTEGRATED MATERNAL AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES IN INDIA date: 2019-03-01 words: 3006 flesch: 56 summary: Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is an Indian community-centric government program organized under Anganwadi centres catering to supplementary nutrition, health and preschool education, primary healthcare, growth monitoring and counselling the children under six years old along with their mothers. Gaps found in respect of infrastructure, resources, health and nutrition facilities can affect performance of ICDS program and the services delivered by Anganwadi centres, which need a boost. keywords: activities; adolescent; anganwadi; anganwadi centres; area; assessment; beneficiaries; care; centres; check; children; country; delhi; delivery; development; district; education; evaluation; facilities; girls; government; growth; health; icds; ijmmr; india; infrastructure; integrated; issn; issue; kaur; khan; level; medical; monitoring; mothers; national; new; nutrition; pregnant; preschool; program; project; resources; rural; rural anganwadi; scheme; services; standards; study; supplementary; urban; vol; women; years; анганваді; центрів cache: ijmr-9286.pdf plain text: ijmr-9286.txt item: #171 of 184 id: ijmr-9317 author: Khan, S.; Bal, H.; Khan, I. D.; Paul, D. title: PREVALENCE OF GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS IN AN URBAN INDIAN COHORT USING DIABETES IN PREGNANCY STUDY GROUP IN INDIA (DIPSI) CRITERIA – VALIDATING ONE-STEP APPROACH date: 2019-03-01 words: 4735 flesch: 66 summary: IJmmR 2018 Vol. 4 Issue 2 years or ≥40 years should be adopted as a risk factor for GDM development. The prevalence of GDM in study cohort was found to be 15.5% using DIPSI criteria while the prevalence of GDM after 100-gm OGTT was 13% (Table 1). keywords: 2018; age; balaji; bmi; body; care; clinical; cohort; college; criteria; development; diabetes; diabetes mellitus; diagnosis; dipsi; dipsi criteria; doi; e d; factor; fasting; females; gdm; general; gestational; gestational diabetes; glucose; group; health; high; hospital; hour; igt; ijmmr; incidence; india; international; intolerance; issn; issue; journal; khan; mass; maternal; medical; medicine; mellitus; negative; non; obesity; ogtt; outcomes; patients; phase; pog; population; positive; pregnancy; pregnant; prevalence; prevention; public; research; risk; screening; significant; state; study; table; tertiary; test; testing; vol; weeks; women; world; years; гцд; ≤20 cache: ijmr-9317.pdf plain text: ijmr-9317.txt item: #172 of 184 id: ijmr-9347 author: Ivankiv, V. Ya.; Malanchyn, I. M.; Tkachuk, N. I. title: MICROBIOTA OF VAGINA AND MAMMARY GLANDS SKIN IN THE PREGNANT WOMEN WITH PREECLAMPSIA date: 2019-03-01 words: 3687 flesch: 59 summary: Ecological features of microbiocenosis of the skin of mammary glands and vagina in pregnant women with threat of preterm labor. Results As a result of microscopic examination, in 15 women of the control group (pregnant women with a physiological pregnancy course) the following was revealed: 1) on the skin of mammary glands: E. coli, Fusobacterium spp., aerobic non–spore-forming gram-positive bacilli, M. roseus, Streptococcus spp., lactose-negative gram negative rods in 6,7% of the examined patients; Lactobacillus spp., S. haemolyticus in 13,3%; S. saprophyticus in 20,0%; Corynebacterium spp. keywords: aureus; bacillus spp; colonization; control; corynebacterium spp; enterococcus spp; epidermidis; examined; fig; glands; gram; group; haemolyticus; issue; ivankiv; lactobacillus; lactobacillus spp; lactose; luteus; lylae; main; main group; mammary; mammary glands; microflora; microorganisms; mild; mucosa; negative; normal; perinatal; preeclampsia; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant women; rods; saprophyticus; severe; skin; smears; spp; streptococcus spp; vagina; women; саndida spp cache: ijmr-9347.pdf plain text: ijmr-9347.txt item: #173 of 184 id: ijmr-9410 author: Roy, A. S.; Basu, S.; Bandyopadhyay, A. title: OBESITY: A CAUSATIVE RISK FACTOR OF BREAST CANCER date: 2019-03-01 words: 7183 flesch: 63 summary: Adipokines (leptin, adiponectin and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are recognized for their participation in the mechanisms by which obesity and related metabolic disorders affect breast cancer risk [87]. Postmenopausal serum androgens, oestro- gens and breast cancer risk: the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition. keywords: acid; activation; activity; adipokines; adiponectin; adipose; american; association; aug; balance; bmi; body; breast; breast cancer; cancer; cancer research; cancer risk; cells; chronic; clinical; colon; concentrations; control; current; cytokines; dec; diet; diseases; effects; elevated; endocrine; endocrinology; energy; epidemiology; evidence; evident; excess; expression; factor; fatty; free; growth; health; hepatocyte; higher; homeostasis; hormone; human; igf-1; ijmmr; il-6; incidence; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; insulin; international; issn; issue; jan; journal; jul; jun; kaaks; key; kinase; lancet; leptin; levels; lifestyle; like; link; literature; lukanova; major; mar; mass; mechanisms; medical; medicine; metabolic; mortality; nature; new; nutrition; o n; obese; obesity; oestrogen; oncology; organization; overweight; pathways; patients; physical; physiology; plasma; positive; postmenopausal; prevention; progression; proliferation; protein; recent; receptor; regulation; relationship; renehan; research; resistance; review; rise; risk; role; roy; science; sep; serum; sex; signalling; society; studies; survival; therapy; tnf; total; university; vol; weight; women; world; ожиріння cache: ijmr-9410.pdf plain text: ijmr-9410.txt item: #174 of 184 id: ijmr-9650 author: Lisetska, I. S.; Rozhko, M. M.; Kutsyk, R. V. title: DYNAMICS OF PERIODONTAL TISSUES MICROBIOCENOSIS UNDER THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CATARRHAL GINGIVITIS AND CHRONIC GASTRODUODENITIS IN THE ADOLESCENTS date: 2019-03-01 words: 5253 flesch: 52 summary: For local treatment of the patients of 1B and 2в subgroups, irrigation of the gums was used with 0.05% chlorhexidine digluconate solution, herbs (chamomile, calendula) 3-4 times a day for 7 days, applications on the gum mucosa and insertion into the interdental gaps’ ointment with mefenamic acid 2 times a day. UNDER THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CATARRHAL GINGIVITIS AND CHRONIC GASTRODUODENITIS IN THE ADOLESCENTS I. S. Lisetska, M. M. Rozhko, R. V. Kutsyk IVANO-FRANKIVSK NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, IVANO-FRANKIVSK, UKRAINE Background. keywords: adolescents; age; candida; catarrhal; catarrhal gingivitis; cavity; cfu; changes; children; chronic; clinical; colonization; comparison; comparison group; complex; condition; control; course; day; dental; diseases; dynamics; examination; frequency; fungi; gastroduodenitis; gcg; generalized; gingival; gingivitis; group; gum; gums; health; hemolytic; hygiene; ijmmr; index; initial; issn; issue; journal; level; lisetska; local; main; main group; microbiocenosis; microbiological; microflora; months; mucosa; normal; oral; p<0.05; pathogenic; patients; periodontal; points; population; prophylactic; representatives; results; significant; somatic; stable; staphylococcus; streptococci; study; subgroup; suggested; therapeutic; tissues; transient; treatment; ukrainian; underlying; vol; yeast cache: ijmr-9650.pdf plain text: ijmr-9650.txt item: #175 of 184 id: ijmr-9693 author: Dharuni, R.; Maruthi Prasad, B. V.; Vishwanth, H. L. title: EVALUATION OF SERUM γ-GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH HIGH SENSITIVITY C-REACTIVE PROTEIN AND INSULIN LEVELS IN THE PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME date: 2019-07-11 words: 4109 flesch: 66 summary: Serum insulin levels defined by chemi- luminescence method and insulin resistance by homeostasis of model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). As presented in Table 3, a higher γGT along with insulin resistance levels in MS involves a potentially greater risk for subsequent development of type 2 diabetes. keywords: activity; age; association; bangalore; blood; bmi; cardiovascular; care; case; cholesterol; clin; comparison; controls; crp; cvd; dharuni; diabetes; doi; gamma; glucose; glutamyltransferase; groups; heart; high; homa; ijmmr; india; inflammation; institute; insulin; issn; issue; levels; liver; mean±sd; measurements; medical; metabolic; method; mmol; obesity; parameters; patients; population; protein; reactive; research; resistance; results; risk; serum; significant; studies; study; subjects; suggestive; syndrome; table; test; type; value; vol; γgt; гамма; метаболічним; синдромом cache: ijmr-9693.pdf plain text: ijmr-9693.txt item: #176 of 184 id: ijmr-9694 author: Shulhai, A-M. A.; Pavlyshyn, H. A. title: PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS FOR VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN OVERWEIGHT AND OBESE ADOLESCENTS IN UKRAINE date: 2019-03-01 words: 4620 flesch: 63 summary: vitamin d deficiency leads to a decrease in calcium concentration in blood, impairment of calcium and phosphorus ab- sorption in intestines and kidneys because of its active metabolite 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1]. Taking into consideration the increase in the number of overweight and obese adoles- cents in Ukraine, it has become necessary to determine the prevalence of vitamin d deficiency among the overweight and obese adolescents and to identify the main factors affecting the vitamin D status of such children. keywords: 25(oh)d; activity; adolescents; blood; body; calcidiol; children; computer; daily; day; deficiency; development; doi; excessive; factors; family; hours; ijmmr; income; index; issn; issue; level; low; mass; milk; normal; obese; obesity; overweight; pediatr; physical; prevalence; research; results; risk; serum; shulhai; significant; status; studies; study; ternopil; times; ukraine; vitamin; vitamin d; vol; week; weight cache: ijmr-9694.pdf plain text: ijmr-9694.txt item: #177 of 184 id: ijmr-9737 author: Gerashchenko, B. I.; Salmina, K.; Eglitis, J.; Erenpreisa, J. title: PROBING BREAST CANCER THERAPEUTIC RESPONSES BY DNA CONTENT PROFILING date: 2019-07-11 words: 6407 flesch: 68 summary: Lagadec C, Vlashi E, Della Donna L, Dekmezian C, Pajonk F. Radiation-induced reprogramming of breast cancer cells. CD44+/CD24− breast cancer cells exhibit enhan- ced invasive properties: An early step necessary for metastasis. keywords: affected; aneuploidy; auer; b.i; breast; breast cancer; c e; cancer; cancer cells; cases; cd44; cells; centre; chemotherapy; clones; content; cytometry; data; diagnostic; disease; dna; dna content; doi; e d; e s; effect; erenpreisa; et al; expression; fig; gerashchenko; grade; group; histograms; histopathologic; iii; ijmmr; image; information; issn; issue; large; latvia; like; m e; methods; miller; min; nac; nanog; near; negative; neoadjuvant; non; normal; nuclei; number; pathology; patients; payne; peak; polyploid; polyploidization; positive; primary; profiles; profiling; prognostic; proliferation; region; renewal; research; resistant; responses; responsive; riga; room; samples; scale; sox2; staining; stem; str; study; temperature; therapeutic; therapy; tnbc; treatment; triple; triploid; tumor; tumor cells; type; vol; днк; нхт cache: ijmr-9737.pdf plain text: ijmr-9737.txt item: #178 of 184 id: ijmr-9768 author: Rao, Akshay title: PROXIMAL BRACHIAL MONOMELIC AMYOTROPHY OR HIRAYAMA DISEASE: NO LONGER AN ALIAS? (case report) date: 2019-07-11 words: 2490 flesch: 62 summary: Electroneurogram comparison of the nerves supplying upper limb muscles revealed reduced Com- pound Motor Action Potential (CMAP) on the left musculocutaneous nerve. A. Rao 7 IN T E R N A L m E d As with any case presenting with unilateral upper limb weakness and atrophy, there are other differential diagnoses to be considered for this patient [11, 12]: Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduc- tion blocks involves upper limbs in asymmetrical manner with predominant distal muscle invol- vement, atrophy isn’t a prominent feature and ENMG shows demyelination with conduction blocks and has high serum titers of anti-GM1 ganglioside antibodies. keywords: amyotrophy; atrophy; bmma; brachial; case; cervical; clinical; contrast; cord; disease; distal; doi; extremity; features; fig; findings; flexion; hassan; hirayama; history; ijmmr; india; involvement; issn; issue; juvenile; left; limb; loss; lower; medical; monomelic; monomelic amyotrophy; motor; mri; muscles; muscular; nerve; patient; position; posterior; proximal; rao; report; spine; typical; unilateral; upper; upper limb; weakness; відділу; мрт; хіраяма; шийного cache: ijmr-9768.pdf plain text: ijmr-9768.txt item: #179 of 184 id: ijmr-9810 author: Rutska, A. V.; Krynytska, I. Ya. title: GENDER AND AGE ASPECTS OF BIOENERGETICS PROCESSES IN EXPERIMENTAL PASSIVE TOBACCO SMOKING AND MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE ADMINISTRATION date: 2019-03-01 words: 4880 flesch: 49 summary: In the sex aspect, in the mature male rats with modeled passive tobacco smoking, the changes of cytochrome oxidase activity exceed by 8.6%, in cases of passive tobacco smoking combined with the monosodium glutamate – by 10.2%. key WoRdS: passive tobacco smoking; monosodium glutamate; cytochrome oxidase; succinate dehydrogenase. keywords: activity; administration; animals; bioenergetics; blood; case; cell; chain; changes; compare; control; control group; control rats; correlation; cytochrome; decrease; dehydrogenase; dehydrogenase activity; differences; effect; energy; experimental; female; food; generation; glutamate; greater; group; ijmmr; immature; increase; indicator; injection; isolated; issn; issue; journal; leukocytes; male; male rats; mature; mitochondria; monosodium; monosodium glutamate; msg; n=8; neutrophils; overproduction; oxidase; oxidative; p<0.001; p<0.05; passive tobacco; percentage; processes; prolonged; rats; respiratory; results; ros; rutska; sdg; sex; significant; smoke; smoking; statistical; succinate; times; tobacco; tobacco smoking; toxic; vol; р1<0.001 cache: ijmr-9810.pdf plain text: ijmr-9810.txt item: #180 of 184 id: ijmr-9819 author: Burlaka, A. A. title: ADIPOSE TISSUE AND ITS ROLE IN MICROENVIRONMENT OF THE COLORECTAL ADENOCARCINOMA CANCER CELL date: 2019-07-11 words: 4331 flesch: 65 summary: The mechanisms of adipose-tissue’s influence on tumor progression has been studied a lot, but the way of interaction of adipocytes with tumor cells have not been well defined until now. It worth remembering that lipids can enhance the warburg effect in tumor cells [4]. keywords: a.a; acids; activation; activity; adenocarcinoma; adipocytes; adipose; adjacent; burlaka; c o; cancer; cases; cells; chemotherapy; colorectal; comparison; content; dna; doi; e d; effect; energy; epr; fatty; ffa; formation; free; generation; group; ijmmr; intracellular; issn; level; lipids; m e; main; malignant; matrix; mechanisms; metabolism; method; mitochondria; mmol; mmp; mmp-9; n c; n m; national; nmol; o g; o l; o n; oxaliplatin; oxog; patients; presence; progression; proved; radiation; rate; rectal; remodeling; results; significant; studied; table; therapy; tissue; tumor; value; vol cache: ijmr-9819.pdf plain text: ijmr-9819.txt item: #181 of 184 id: ijmr-9836 author: Gerashchenko, B I.; Todor, I. M.; Shevchuk, O. O.; Nikolaev, V. G. title: MELPHALAN-INDUCED CYTOTOXICITY IN THE BONE MARROW OF RATS BY FLOW CYTOMETRY MEASUREMENTS date: 2019-03-01 words: 4377 flesch: 66 summary: iJmmR 2018 Vol. 4 issue 2 advantage of FCM can be applied for the study of cytotoxic effects in BM cells of different lineages and maturation stages. Here we use a simple and reliable FCM approach for the analysis of BM cells stained with acridine orange (AO), a metachromatic dye that simul- taneously interacts with DNA and RNA pro- ducing at λ=488 nm the dual emission spectra with peaks at 530 nm and 640 nm, respectively keywords: 3rd; acridine; administration; analysis; animals; blood; bm cells; bone; c e; cancer; cells; control; criswell; cytometry; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; day; decrease; dna; doi; dose; drug; effect; erythrocytes; erythroid; erythropoiesis; experimental; fcm; fig; flow; fluorescence; fold; gerashchenko; group; height; i.p; i.v; ijmmr; injection; issn; issue; marrow; mean; melphalan; mutat; myeloid; nce; nucleated; orange; p<0.05; pbs; pce%; population; rats; res; significant; single; solution; suspension; test; tnc%; total; ukraine; vol; при cache: ijmr-9836.pdf plain text: ijmr-9836.txt item: #182 of 184 id: ijmr-9857 author: Matkovska, N. R. title: MORTALITY ANALYSIS OF THE PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOLIC LIVER CIRRHOSIS date: 2019-07-11 words: 4220 flesch: 61 summary: n % n % n % Pancreatic necrosis 7 4.7 13 8.8 2 1.3 Gastrointestinal bleeding - - 6 4 54 36.3 Liver failure - - - - 26 17.4 Liver and kidney failure - - 2 1.3 16 10.7 Sepsis - - 2 1.3 10 6.7 Cardio-pulmonary insufficiency 2 1.3 3 2 - - Hepatocellular carcinoma - - - - 6 4 N.R. Matkovska ISSN 2413-6077. The revealed pathoanatomical changes of internal organs depending on the liver cirrhosis decompensation stage Pathological changes of internal organs Stage by Child-Pugh criteria А В С n % n % n % 9 6 26 17.5 114 76.5 Cardiovascular system: - hydropericardium - hypertension - IHD - atrial fibrillation - ischemic stroke of the brain in anamnesis - chronic venous insufficiency of the vessels of the lower extremities - atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries -- stage of the lipid stain -- stage of atherosclerotic plaque -- complicated plaque with ulceration -- narrowing of LCA by 10% -- narrowing of LCA by 30% -- narrowing of LCA by 50% - atherosclerosis of the iliac arteries -- stage of the lipid stain -- stage of atherosclerotic plaque - atherosclerotic changes in the aorta -- stage of the lipid stain -- stage of atherosclerotic plaque -- complicated plaque with ulceration 9 6 3 - 3 - 9 2 5 - 3 3 - 4 - 4 9 2 4 3 6 4 2 - 2 - 6 1.3 3.4 - 2 2 - 2.7 - 2.7 6 1.3 2.7 2 26 8 22 3 6 - 24 10 10 4 3 2 3 8 6 2 26 9 12 5 17.5 5.4 14.8 2 4 - 16.1 6.7 6.7 2.7 2 1.3 2 5.3 4 1.3 17.5 6 8 3.4 114 2 31 2 - 7 22 5 17 - 2 2 - 5 5 - 84 36 42 6 76.5 1.3 20.8 1.3 - 4.7 14.8 3.4 11.5 - 1.3 1.3 - 3.4 3.4 - 56.4 24.2 28.2 4 Respiratory system: - hydrothorax - pulmonary edema - pulmonary emphysema - pneumonia - pleurisy - CORP - 9 - - - - - 6 - - - - 10 26 2 7 6 3 6.7 17.5 1.3 4.7 4 2 114 114 4 98 35 8 76.5 76.5 2.7 65.8 23,5 5.4 N.R. Matkovska ISSN 2413-6077. keywords: aged; alcoholic; analysis; atherosclerotic; available; bleeding; cases; changes; chronic; cirrhosis; clinical; coronary; death; decompensation; development; digestive; diseases; doi; elderly; factors; failure; frankivsk; hcc; health; hepatic; hypertension; ijmmr; increase; issn; issue; ivano; lipid; liver; matkovska; medical; middle; mortality; n.r; necrosis; non; pancreatic; pathoanatomical; patients; people; persons; plaque; population; present; pulmonary; signs; stage; stomach; study; syndrome; system; ukraine; ukrainian; varicose; veins; vol; young; осіб cache: ijmr-9857.pdf plain text: ijmr-9857.txt item: #183 of 184 id: ijmr-9870 author: Andrushchak, М. О. title: KIDNEY LESIONS IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS date: 2019-03-04 words: 5248 flesch: 64 summary: It should be noted that according to the level of blood pressure, the patients in the groups were distributed as follows: the first degree AH was diagnosed in 3 (11.1%) patients of the first group and in 3 (14.3%) patients of the second group; the second degree AH was revealed in 2 (7.4%) and 4 (19.0%) patients respectively, and the third degree AH was only found in one (3.7%) patient of the first group and in 3 (14.3%) persons with proteinuria >1 g/day. (3.2±3.2) % 2 (17.6±9.2) % 3 (6.3±3.5) % <15, n (M%±m%) 0 keywords: andrushchak; arterial; chronic; ckd; clinical; correlation; criterion; damage; day; differences; different; diseases; fig; filtration; gfr; glomerular; group; hematuria; hemoglobin; higher; hiv; hypertension; ijmmr; incidence; infection; instance; issn; issue; kidney; lesion; leukocyturia; level; lower; markers; mean; median; min/1.73; m±m; nephrotic; number; opportunistic; p<0.01; patients; people; proteinuria; rate; renal; rna; significant; study; syndrome; table; time; tubulointerstitial; vol; віл; нирок; ураження cache: ijmr-9870.pdf plain text: ijmr-9870.txt item: #184 of 184 id: ijmr-9897 author: Edibamode, E. I.; Mordi, K.; David, L. K.; Eghoi, A. M. title: ANTHROPOMETRY OF THE EXTERNAL EAR AMONG ADULT IJAWS IN BAYELSA STATE OF NIGERIA date: 2019-07-12 words: 5264 flesch: 68 summary: [15], it was proved that no association (p>0.05) existed between ear lobular attachment and gender. General characteristics of the study population (n=112) Variables Mean SEM SD Range Min Max Variance Age 26.69 0.71 7.56 32.00 18.00 50.00 57.08 LEL 58.02 0.38 4.02 30.34 39.77 70.11 16.12 LEw 27.43 0.36 3.86 36.33 19.97 56.30 14.91 LLL 14.93 0.21 2.18 11.12 9.12 20.24 4.76 LLw 13.47 0.25 2.69 16.85 4.40 21.25 7.24 REL 57.56 0.58 6.16 53.20 16.20 69.40 37.96 REw 27.87 0.47 4.98 39.78 19.98 59.76 24.77 RLL 14.92 0.22 2.34 13.28 9.56 22.84 5.47 RLw 13.15 0.23 2.45 10.68 7.60 18.28 6.02 Notes: REL – right ear length; LEL – left ear length; REW – right ear width; LEW – left ear width; RLL – right lobular length; LLL – left lobular length; RLW – right lobular width; LLW – left lobular width; SEM – standard error of mean; SD – standard deviation. Table 3. keywords: adult; age; analysis; anatomy; anthropometric; attachment; auricle; bayelsa; correlation; data; different; dimensions; dimorphism; doi; e.i; ear; ear length; ear width; earlobe; edibamode; external; external ear; females; findings; free; gender; harcourt; higher; human; ijaws; ijmmr; intermediate; issn; issue; journal; left; length; lobular; lobular length; lobular width; lobule; males; mean; measurements; medical; n=112; nigeria; notes; p<0.05; parameters; population; port; present; relationship; results; right; right ear; right lobular; sample; sexual; significant; southern; state; statistical; studies; study; subjects; table; test; total; university; values; vol; width; вуха; мочки cache: ijmr-9897.pdf plain text: ijmr-9897.txt