204 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 204-209 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech web-based student extracurricular value monitoring application richard septiandi karim *, aldi hisyam pratama, wildan ramdani a departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: **richard.septiandi@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. extracurricular is a program of activities outside of the regular teaching and learning activity agenda prepared by the school for its students in order to develop the talents and interests of their students. in one of the upper secondary education institutions that provide several extracurricular activities to its students. the current problem is the lack of optimal extracurricular management in one of the educational institutions in bandung, starting from the registration process, monitoring, to activity reports that still rely on conventional systems. the purpose of this research is to design a website information system to support the management of extracurricular activities at an institution in the city of bandung by utilizing a database-based application. the research method used is data collection techniques and waterfall software development methods in designing applications. so that this research produces a website information system with several levels of access rights in accordance with the analysis carried out in the early stages of software development. the results of this information system, the parties involved as actors in extracurricular activities in one institution in the city of bandung are very helpful in managing and monitoring extracurricular activities carried out so that this research produces a website information system with several levels of access rights in accordance with the analysis carried out in the early stages of software development. the results of this information system, the parties involved as actors in extracurricular activities in one institution in the city of bandung are very helpful in managing and monitoring extracurricular activities carried out so that this research produces a website information system with several levels of access rights in accordance with the analysis carried out in the early stages of software development. the results of this information system, the parties involved as actors in extracurricular activities in one institution in the city of bandung are very helpful in managing and monitoring extracurricular activities carried out. keywords: website, monitoring application, student extracurricular 1. introduction extracurricular activities are activities carried out in schools as a goal to grow students' skills and abilities in the form of training in accordance with the activities followed.[1] website 205 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 204-209 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech is a system that is interconnected and is used as a medium for text, images and so on by using the internet network.[2]php stands for hypertext preprocessor which is a server-side script programming language that is inserted by html and processed on the server[3]. parents of students still have difficulty in monitoring their child's extracurricular activities at school. notification of achievement (grades) is usually only made at the time of receipt of school report cards. parents can only get the final results from their child's extracurricular activities, without being able to monitor the process of their child's talent[4-5]. notification for students with problems is done by sending a letter and sometimes the letter is not delivered. in addition, the assessment from the teacher is also still done manually, so that parents or students still have difficulty knowing the value during the teaching and learning process[6-7]. 2. method the method used in this research is the sdlc (systems development life cycle) system method. the flow of the sdlc waterfall can be shown in the figure below: figure 1. system development life cycle waterfall in using the waterfall sdlc, the process must be sequential from analysis to implementation and must not skip the previous stage. even every step can't be done at the same time[8]. 3. results and discussion 3.1. analysis the analysis stage is the stage for studying the data that has been collected previously. this stage functions as a definition of requirements specifications, deepening of some of the problems that occur in schools. based on interviews conducted by teachers in schools. in the manual implementation, the author intends to propose a system that can monitor web-based extracurricular activities of students. 206 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 204-209 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.2. users in this section a view of the application of the student monitoring system at the school is presented. in this system access to the system is divided into three parts, namely : a) admin an admin inputs data into the system and updates if new data is added. an admin has full access rights in managing the student monitoring system. b) teacher user a teacher is given access rights to input grades and student attendance data into the student monitoring system c) user students and parents in this section, student users and parents can only see information that has been inputted by admins and teachers in this student monitoring system. 3.3. design at the implementation stage, the system application program was created using the php programming language through notepad++ and xampp (mysql) media. the following is a design design of the proposed system. 1. login figure 2. login 207 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 204-209 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. home figure 3. home 3. attendance figure 4. attendance 208 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 204-209 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. grade figure 5. grade 5. achievement figure 6. achievement 3.4. coding at this stage, it is used to implement or change the prototype into a programming language or coding that is understood by the machine. this code design uses php and mysql. 3.5. testing after coding the system, it is continued at this stage, namely the testing stage. this stage is used to determine whether the programmed system can be run properly and there are no errors. this test uses blackbox testing where this test is tested from the functionality of a software. blackbox testing serves to find inappropriate functions, lack of prototypes, data errors, and inappropriate performance [9-10]. 3.6. implementation at this stage, the system has been running well and has met the needs of the parents. this stage is feasible to use and can be a lesson for the system developed and can compare with the old system. 209 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 204-209 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion this application is able to shorten the time for delivering information and processing information, thus making work more effective. by using this application, parents or guardians of students can monitor their children properly by getting notifications in the form of results of grades, attendance and behavior of their children while at school every day. acknowledgement we would like to thank the universitas komputer indonesia for helping and facilitating us in writing this paper. references [1] mulyani, a., & sulastri, s. (2021). sistem informasi lembaga bimbingan belajar fawwaaz kiddy club berbasis web. jurnal algoritma, 18(2), 515-522. [2] wahyuningtyas, e. (2021). rancang bangun sistem informasi akademik berbasis website pada ma islamiyah sukoharjo kediri: sistem informasi akademik. melek it information technology journal, 7(2), 81-90. [3] b. sidik, pemrograman web dengan php. bandung: informatika, 2012. [4] oberle, e., ji, x. r., magee, c., guhn, m., schonert-reichl, k. a., & gadermann, a. m. (2019). extracurricular activity profiles and wellbeing in middle childhood: a population-level study. plos one, 14(7), e0218488. [5] aurini, j., missaghian, r., & milian, r. p. (2020). educational status hierarchies, afterschool activities, and parenting logics: lessons from canada. sociology of education, 93(2), 173-189. [6] nomaguchi, k., & milkie, m. a. (2020). parenthood and well‐being: a decade in review. journal of marriage and family, 82(1), 198-223. [7] simpkins, s. d., riggs, n. r., ngo, b., vest ettekal, a., & okamoto, d. (2017). designing culturally responsive organized after-school activities. journal of adolescent research, 32(1), 11-36. [8] seneviratne, s. n., sachchithananthan, s., gamage, p. s. a., peiris, r., wickramasinghe, v. p., & somasundaram, n. (2021). effectiveness and acceptability of a novel schoolbased healthy eating program among primary school children in urban sri lanka. bmc public health, 21(1), 1-10. [9] khadaffi, y., jupriyadi, j., & kurnia, w. (2021). aplikasi smart school untuk kebutuhan guru di era new normal (studi kasus: sma negeri 1 krui). jurnal teknologi dan sistem informasi, 2(2), 15-23. [10] riyadi, a., hermaliani, e. h., & utami, d. y. (2019). pembuatan aplikasi sistem ujian online pada smk garuda nusantara bekasi. jurnal ilmiah sinus, 17(1), 23-36. 174 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 174-177 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech know more metaverse as the technology of the future m f n amirulloh, m mulqi departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *fikriamirulloh22@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. technology is a science that refers to aspects of the skills to create innovations, ranging from tools to methods aimed at processing to help solve various human problems. technology has a great influence on the progress of science and technology. the impact of the internet and social networks is that the number of internet users is increasing every time. with the development of technology, internet users no longer need to meet in person to communicate. technology is one of the main factors affecting human civilization, each time there are various technological developments, this will affect people's habits when using the internet. one of the technological achievements of the internet is the metaverse technology, internet users can interact easily and quickly. and safe. it is predicted that the development of metaverse technology will be the future of the internet. metaverse itself is a combination of several elements of technology, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and video, where internet users will live in a digital world in the near future. the metaverse is an endless digital world that is interconnected and can be used by users to work, make sales transactions, build cities, watch shows and games. the metaverse is the first step towards realizing the digital world of business in the future. keywords: metaverse, internet, technological development, future, technology 1. introduction the metaverse is a picture of the future in the world of the internet. the metaverse itself is a 3d virtual world, where in the metaverse world people interact through avatars, so people can interact with each other directly through virtual ones. metaverse also allows people to meet and collaborate without geographic restrictions. people can participate in collaborative activities such as games, research, sales, and teamwork. this allows people scattered around the world to connect and interact "face to face" in the metaverse. these factors make metaverse technology the future of human internet use [1]. the study shows that this metaverse will become a new type of economy in the future. since the metaverse has a self-sustaining and complete economy, cryptocurrencies and digital currencies are likely to become the dominant medium of exchange. cryptocurrency itself is a digital asset created to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptographic methods. this method has unique and strong characteristics to ensure the security of transactions on the cryptocurrency exchange itself. this currency has blockchain technology, namely technology 175 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 174-177 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech that can control the process of verifying the transfer of currency or assets. the most popular cryptocurrencies today are bitcoin and ethereum, but the list of digital currencies is likely to become more and more diverse as new currencies constantly appear [2]. this could affect how people work at work, allowing employees to do their work remotely for a short period of time. the purpose of this study is to know the future of the internet, one of which is the knowledge of 3d virtual technology, which is very useful for users, which can facilitate virtual group communication activities such as meetings, games, sales in the process of introducing virtual learning. this research method uses a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. 2. method the way metaverse works is using virtual reality (vr) and augmented reality (ar) tools. augmented reality (ar) is a technology that is beginning to be seen as an effective technology, so it makes the technology no less important than other emerging technologies. ar is one of the interactive technologies adapted to the real-world environment [3]. using this technology, metaverse integrates aspects of the digital and physical world. how to use it using a virtual reality headset, augmented reality glasses, smartphone applications and several other devices. metaverse has a rather idealistic vision, as seen in its work, which allows us to have virtual goods like cars and clothes from one platform to another [4]. this technology has the potential to have a significant impact on accelerating the pace of technology adoption and accessibility. 3. results and discussion refers to the data of facebook users who will later launch a project where the project uses metaverse technology [5]. the analysis results chart facebook users in 2021 in the fourth quarter with multiple users totalling 1,929 million active users in the world. this will make metaverse a widely used technology by people all over the world (see figure 1). figure 1. the analysis results chart facebook users in 2021 the graph above is a graph of facebook users with active users, the number of which is significantly and constantly increasing from time to time. judging by the relevance of facebook user data, the metaverse is predicted as the progress of human civilization in the world [6-11]. this is because the facebook company is working on a project based on metaverse technology, therefore metaverse will be a big change. 176 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 174-177 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in addition to the facebook user graph above, there is also the largest number of facebook users in different worlds. the data that was taken refers to july 2021 (see figure 2). figure 2. the most facebook user [6] based on the chart of facebook users in the world, india is the country with the most facebook applications (340 million users), followed by america (200 million facebook users). indonesia ranks 3rd with 140 million facebook users, followed by brazil, mexico, philippines, vietnam, thailand, egypt and finally bangladesh with 46 million users. 4. conclusion the future of the internet will certainly continue to grow over time and become the center of human life, one of which is the metaverse. the metaverse will become a new economy in the future because it has an independent, complete and simple economy for transactions and interactions between people. the 3d virtual technology owned by metaverse is very useful for users who can facilitate various human activities through the virtual. of course, metaverse is a technology that has the potential to make a significant impact in making technology more accessible. according to users, facebook has active users of up to 1.929 million users in the world by the end of 2021, this will make the metaverse a technology widely used by people in the world. there is also a technology that is still relevant and still associated with the metaverse, namely nft, which is a unique and non-exchangeable unit of data stored on the blockchain. on the blockchain, people can track the transfer, ownership and property of unique digital assets. the term non-fungible distinguishes nfts from other blockchain entities, such as digital currencies or cryptocurrencies, which have the same value and are interchangeable or equivalent. acknowledgement 177 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 174-177 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the author would like to thank for the support of mr. i. made aryantha anthara, mt and mrs. dr. melly maulin p. m.si as a mentor and supervisor who has provided input and suggestions for this research, my family and all parties involved in this research, either directly or indirectly. references [1] kristanto, s. (2012). tingkat kecenderungan narsistik pengguna facebook. journal of social and industrial psychology, 42-46. [2] n. dionisio, j. d., burns iii, w. g., & gilbert, r. (2013). 3d virtual worlds and the metaverse: current status and future possibilities. acm journals, 34. [3] nalbant, k. g., & uyanik, ş. (2021). computer vision in the metaverse. journal of metaverse, 9-12. [4] shen, b., tan, w., guo, j., zhao, l., & qin, p. (2021). how to promote user purchase in metaverse? a systematic literature review on consumer behavior research and virtual commerce application design. applied sciences, 2-29. [5] stiwan, a., baharuddin, h., & amrozi, y. (2020). masa depan teknologi komunikasi data, menebak arah perkembangannya . journal of information of technology, 1-5. [6] https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2021/11/08/negara-mana-saja-yang-jadipasar-terbesar-facebook [7] maulana, h., ginting, s. l. b., aryan, p., fadillah, m. r., & kamal, r. n. (2021). utilization of internet of things on food supply chains in food industry. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 2(1), 103-112. [8] iida, h., & khalid, m. n. a. (2020). a paradigm shift from optimal play to mental comfort: a perspective from the game refinement theory. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 1(1), 47-78. [9] ramdhani, r. m., nurrahman, a. d., affendi, p. h., hasugian, l. p., & rafdhi, a. a. (2021). gamification implementation in health service website in 5.0 society era. international journal of research and applied technology (injuratech), 1(2), 424-430. [10] hermawan, y., warlina, l., & mohd, m. (2021). gis-based urban village regional fire risk assessment and mapping. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 2(2), 31-43. [11] kanai, h., & kumazawa, a. (2021). an information sharing system for multi-professional collaboration in the community-based integrated healthcare system. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 2(1), 114. 330 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 330-334 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a bibliometric analysis of nanocrystalline cellulose synthesis for packaging application research using vosviewer gusnine sari maulidah, asep bayu dani nandiyanto* departemen kimia, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia email: **nandiyanto@upi.edu abstract. nanocrystalline cellulose is a type of renewable nano material that has many beneficial properties and has applications in various fields, one of which is packaging. this study aims to present an analytical map of studies in the manufacture of nanocrystalline cellulose using vosviewer software. based on the keywords “synthesis nanocrystalline cellulose” and “packaging application”, there were 500 related articles published in the 2017-2021 range. the results of the analysis show that the number of research articles on nanocrytalline cellulose synthesis has increased significantly every year. this is due to the need for new environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials for packaging. this research is expected to be a reference for researchers in determining the research topic to be carried out. 1. introduction bibliometrics is used to observe and evaluate quantitatively a science with research management, such as vosviewer (zitt, 2015). vosviewer is an application or software commonly used to describe bibliographic analysis maps based on topic areas, titles, abstracts, and keywords (hamidah et al., 2020; yu et al., 2020). one of the topics to be analyzed is nanocrystalline cellulose. nanocrystalline cellulose is a type of renewable nano material that can be applied in various fields such as biomedical engineering, catalysts, food packaging, etc. due to its good physical, mechanical and chemical properties, biodegradability, and low toxicity (bhat et al., 2017; george & sabapathi, 2015). several studies of nanocrystalline cellulose have been reported, for example the research conducted by jean paulo oliveira et al (oliveira et al., 2018). where they made nanocrystalline cellulose from rice and oat husks by enzymatic hydrolysis method, research by yunqing he et al. (he et al., 2020) making nanocrystalline cellulose from pea hull waste by acid hydrolysis method and its application to food packaging, research by weihui jiang et al. (jiang & li, 2020) made nanocrystalline cellulose from softwood pulp with double oxidation and ultrasonication methods for application in natural rubber composites. however, there is no study that presents bibliometric analysis in nanocrystalline cellulose synthesis research, especially using analysis maps with vosviewer software in its presentation. 331 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 330-334 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this paper aims to lead bibliometric research on nanopolymers especially in nanocrystalline cellulose by map fusion using vosviewer software. 2. method lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed dapibus et neque eget congue. in ac nulla nec nunc pretium porttitor ut et augue. duis ligula ante, eleifend ut ex sed, cursus tempus felis. aliquam eget interdum sapien. sed elementum varius leo, sit amet rutrum ipsum ultricies in. proin placerat risus et augue aliquet posuere. nulla sodales efficitur metus. integer vitae sodales nisi. curabitur mauris massa, vulputate ut enim sed, vehicula dignissim ante. mauris in lacus erat. curabitur eleifend dui at lorem rutrum ornare. in molestie ipsum lorem. aenean id mi arcu. phasellus semper efficitur eros eu laoreet. vivamus vitae malesuada turpis. morbi interdum orci iaculis tempor facilisis. suspendisse euismod commodo nulla. nullam eget congue justo. phasellus vestibulum quis risus ut pharetra. 2.1. presentation of the wastewater treatment plant the treatment in this station goes through several phases shown schematically figure 1. 2.2. wastewater and industrial water purification processes in the station sed egestas mattis condimentum. etiam et tristique turpis. ut tincidunt velit vitae hendrerit euismod. sed molestie volutpat orci ut placerat. ut sit amet lorem urna. donec luctus pharetra venenatis. ut vel orci venenatis, tincidunt orci sit amet, pharetra ipsum. pellentesque commodo nulla vitae ex blandit, ut sagittis turpis vestibulum 3. results and discussion the development of technology and information is marked by the entry of the internet in human life that makes a significant change. with the development of technology, it makes many application platforms appear including social media. social media are experiencing a rapid development. therefore, social media is often used by businessman as a tool to promote their products (see figure 1). figure 1. prototype model 332 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 330-334 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech we can see from the figure above that the population in indonesia reach 268 million with a percentage of 56%. the total population of internet subscribers in indonesia is 355.5 million with a percentage of 133% . however, the total population of internet users is 150 million with a percentage of 56% and the number of active users on social media reaches 150 million users every day with a percentage of 56% and 130 million online users via mobile phones with a percentage of 48% (see table 1). sed egestas mattis condimentum. etiam et tristique turpis. ut tincidunt velit vitae hendrerit euismod. sed molestie volutpat orci ut placerat. ut sit amet lorem urna. donec luctus pharetra venenatis. ut vel orci venenatis, tincidunt orci sit amet, pharetra ipsum. pellentesque commodo nulla vitae ex blandit, ut sagittis turpis vestibulum (see table 2). table 1. a simple table. place the caption above the table. here the caption is wider than the table so we extend it slightly outside the width of the table. justify the text. leave 6 pt of space between the caption and the top of the table wake chi sqr. (n=15, df=1) p stage 1 chi sqr. (n=15, df=1) p stage 2 chi sqr. (n=15, df=1) p f3 1.143 0.285 0.286 0.593 0.286 0.593 fz 1.143 0.285 0.067 0.796 0.067 0.796 c4 2.571 0.109 0.600 0.439 1.667 0.197 table 2. swot analysis strength (s) a. the tour packages that were marketed through online media were quite varied. b. display images on the website for each tour package were very interesting. c. marketing costs incurred were cheaper than using print media d. traveling information could be found easily by consumers e. the website enabled to be accessed worldwide weaknesses (w) a. consumers found it difficult to request special package tours b. occasionally consumers complained about the incompatibility offered on the packages with what actually served to them c. the price of tour packages was in indonesian rupiah (idr) d. error system occurred occasionally opportunities (o) a. it took short time to renew or add new tour packages b. various and interesting tour packages attracted consumers to book a package c. tour packages were sold to the specific target d. the website enabled to be accessed worldwide threats (t) a. business competition got tougher to promote travel packages through online b. personal data of consumers were at risk of data misuse for buying package online c. it occasionally had price competition with other travel agents d. consumers had low trust due to several online sites that commit fraud strategy so a. utilizing a variety of packages and attractive travel package to increase the interest of consumers b. cheap package prices must be followed by appropriate quality so sales are on target 333 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 330-334 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech c. increasing promotion through online media so that more consumers access the website d. showing complete information about travel packages strategy wo a. giving new options to consumers b. the information posted on the website must be in accordance with facts c. applying excellent internet connection system to prevent error system strategy st a. making different tour packages and changed the website appearance to be more attractive and optimal b. keeping the personal data confidential to prevent data c. providing accurate information from existing facts as they are strategy wt a. improving the quality of products and services b. offering special prices in indonesian rupiah for domestic tourists based on the data above, it shows that there are 5 social media that are most often used by internet users. the data is taken from the website websindo. the 5 media most frequently used by internet users in indonesia in 2019 is youtube, whatsapp, facebook, instagram, line with the percantage of 88, 83, 81, 80, and 59%, respectively. from the statistics above, social media is needed by internet users. so, based on those needs, business activities that use social media as a forum for business start to emerge, especially social media instagram as one of the most frequently used business platforms. business is not only a non-profit business, but businesses in the health sector also use instagram social media as a tool to promote their services. 4. conclusion it can be said that it is appropriate to choose online media as a medium for promotion and marketing of travel packages because it has been proven with swot analysis and it showed many internal factors that have a positive impact on the company. the advantages of each strategy that comes from within the company must be improved to reduce the weaknesses and threats of competitors. acknowledgement it can be concluded that social media is one of the the tool to promote business better, especially business in the field of public health services. it is effective when it packed with new innovations. it will facilitate internet users to access and to maintain positive image for the company. references [1] soegoto, e. s. 2014. entrepreneurship becomes a revised edition businessman. elex media komputindo. 45 (3), (pp. 8098). [2] soegoto, e. s., & utomo, a. t. 2019. marketing strategy through social media. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032040. [3] puspitawati, l., nurhasanah, a., & khaerunnisa, a. s. (2021). utilization of communication technology for business. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 2(1), 47-54. 334 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 330-334 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech [4] schivinski, b., & dabrowski, d. 2016. the effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands. journal of marketing communications, 22(2), pp. 189214. [5] hassan, s., nadzim, s. z. a., & shiratuddin, n. 2015. strategic use of social media for small business based on the aida model. procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 172, pp. 262-269. [6] dewnarain, s., ramkissoon, h., & mavondo, f. 2019. social customer relationship management in the hospitality industry. journal of hospitality, 1(1), pp.1-14. [7] moro, s., & rita, p. 2018. brand strategies in social media in hospitality and tourism. international journal of contemporary hospitality management, 30(1), pp. 343-364. [8] witteman, h. o., fagerlin, a., exe, n., trottier, m. e., & zikmund-fisher, b. j. 2016. onesided social media comments influenced opinions and intentions about home birth: an experimental study. health affairs, 35(4), pp. 726-733. [9] sihite, b. j., & prihandini, a. 2019, information technology in supporting education world to become an entrepreneur. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032039). [10] soegotto, d. s., & istiqomah, a. o. 2019. e-brochure as a communication strategy in entrepreneurship. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032038. 1 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 1-5 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech utilization instagram as a communication marketing media asrul a, m alfandy i, aufa fauziah s departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *asrul.41818057@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to analyze the use of instagram as a communication marketing medium in utilizing the new internet media as an alternative to approach potential consumers. this study used qualitative research methods. the results of this study are the use of instagram social media in expanding and improving the marketing communication function. because the presence of the internet in marketing communications can help business people or marketers in carrying out marketing communications, because marketers must have a strategy to be able to take advantage of instagram social media as a marketing medium in order to achieve their goals and target market. this research was conducted to determine the benefits of instagram as a communication marketing medium in approaching consumers and achieving the desired target market. keywords: utilization of instagram, communication marketing, and business 1. introduction along with the increasing number of human populations and in the current digital era, the development of the internet is accelerating rapidly. technological developments have made the internet a part of modern society. internet as a communication medium that can connect users around the world in a network wherever and whenever they are [1]. not only for communication media, but the internet is also used as a medium that can do everything, one of which is as a medium of marketing communication / marketing communication. effective use of marketing communications is a multidisciplinary approach that combines theories and concepts between communication science and marketing science. its activities use communication techniques that aim to provide information regarding the company to its target market. the use of marketing communications plays a very important role for marketers and companies, without communication, consumers or the public will not know the existence of the product or service being marketed, and as a marketing expansion which is to reach a wider audience by utilizing technology in this era of globalization. modern today [2]. marketing communication can also be stated as the main activity in all interaction processes, especially in marketing. because the needs of today's society are increasing if they follow the times, where the use of social media now is as a tool to meet needs such as primary, secondary 2 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 1-5 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and tertiary needs [3]. utilization of technology in the field of marketing is one of the efforts to improve the world of marketing from the traditional way of growing rapidly to a more modern and efficient way. no exception by utilizing it as a tool to convey goals and messages intended for audiences, one of which is instagram social media. instagram itself has features that support it to be used as a marketing communication medium, namely with the photo or image feature that will be uploaded it will be more interesting because it uses the features on instagram, now many people are using instagram as a medium to sell their products. by using the image effect feature on instagram, the products to be marketed will become more attractive to buyers. in most countries, instagram is used as a tool to interact with people around the world online. in addition, instagram is also used as a development for the business world which can enable major changes to the marketing world from a traditional way to a more modern one by utilizing today's technology. this can make it easier for humans to get profits only by using internet technology, namely social media which can produce more targeted audiences, and also reduce production costs with this efficiency [4]. the existence of social media greatly strengthens the position of the internet as a communication medium, where distance can no longer be seen by the eye, so information and messages can be conveyed in a short time, as well as for business activities. according to global data, in 2020 there are 4.57 billion internet users and 3.96 billion active users of social media with the age range of active social media users being 16-24 years old [5]. indonesia itself is listed as being ranked 9th with a total of 3 hours 18 minutes of social media users every day. one of the most frequently used social media is instagram with a total of 1,082 million active users. therefore, according to we are social.com 2020, indonesia is one of the countries with the greatest potential to promote through instagram, and also according to indonesian data from napoleon cat, active instagram users in indonesia have reached 73,790,000 with an age range of 18-24 years as biggest users [6]. the development of information technology, social media, and the internet has made a drastic increase in the productivity of the world of effective and efficient marketing. however, of course there are obstacles that make this effectiveness hampered because not all people can use the internet, especially social media as a communication tool and as a tool to meet their needs, especially in rural areas where there is very little knowledge about technology. according to the american marketing association, marketing is the process of planning and executing the thought, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that meet individual and organizational goals [7]. many studies show that the role of digital marketing is very useful for connecting the two parties in marketing, both prospective consumers and companies, and if communication can be established between sellers and buyers, buying, and selling products will be easier [8]. the application of communication in marketing makes a huge potential and opportunity to be used as a marketing communication tool where social media makes it easier to share information between users [9]. with great potential and has been widely used by several countries, such as china, which was able to reach its market in the economic sector because of the success of this country in developing its digital marketing. according to enterprise analysis, moving a business to achieve its goals needs to first detect and see the determination of the dream vision of the desired future situation (current situation) of a desired country/company, culture (personality – shared values, common behavior) and the organization so that it can provide capabilities to customers. management to manage business activities optimally, efficiently and effectively [10]. with this technological advancement, it is 3 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 1-5 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech easier for business actors to use technology, especially using instagram social media in buying and selling products and also many innovations that can be done, therefore the marketing communication strategy used must be right in order to reach the target market share so that it can increase sale. the purpose of this study is to analyze the use of instagram as a communication marketing medium in promoting a product and see how much influence and benefits instagram has in marketing products, using qualitative research methods. 2. method the research method used is a qualitative method which aims to determine the events experienced by the research subjects. such as usability, benefits, overall effect, by describing in the form of words and language. to analyze how important instagram is as a communication marketing medium, we collect data by means of observation via the internet or directly observing the phenomena that are around us. 3. results and discussion the use of instagram as a communication marketing media will not be separated from the availability of communication that occurs. as a business strategy, marketing is an act of adjusting a market-oriented organization in the face of business realities, both in a constantly changing micro and macro environment. therefore, promoting business products using social media, especially instagram, is an effective way to get more and wider potential customers, even to the whole world. examples of websites that provide information related to the use of instagram social media as business-based social media are (see figure 1). figure 1. datareportal.com (digital 2021: local country headlines) datareportal.com is a website that offers thousands of free reports to help us make sense of what people actually do online. through this website, visitors can observe, display data as a whole from various parts of the world, and also through this website visitors can learn various 4 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 1-5 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information about various aspects related to data on internet usage, gadgets, and social media usage in the world. in addition to the facebook (see figure 2). figure 2. napoleoncat [6] napoleoncat is a social media marketing analytics company based in warsaw, poland. this website aims to observe demographic updates for every country in the world by analyzing, observing, and studying various information about social media users used by every country in the world (figure 3). figure 3. instagram instagram is an image and video-based social media that provides online photo or video sharing services, which are now widely used by gadget users. instagram can also be said as a marketing/marketing media because instagram has several supporting factors such as online marketing communication strategies. instagram itself has many benefits, one of which is as a marketing tool in the business world. instagram is also an efficient and effective forum and sales promotion activity, and also has many benefits for market participants in promoting their products/services at an affordable cost 4. conclusion 5 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 1-5 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the development of information technology, social media, and the internet has made a drastic increase in the productivity of the marketing world that is effective and efficient, therefore the application of communication in marketing makes a huge potential and opportunity to be used as a marketing communication tool where social media is allows for easier sharing of information between users. instagram as a communication marketing media will not be separated from the availability of communication that occurs. as a business strategy, marketing is an act of adjusting a market-oriented organization in the face of business realities, both in a constantly changing micro and macro environment. therefore, promoting business products using social media, especially instagram, is an effective way to get more and wider potential customers, even to the whole world. acknowledgement the author would like to thank for the support of mr. i. made aryantha anthara, mt and mrs. dr. melly maulin p. m.si as a mentor and supervisor who has provided input and suggestions for this research, my family and all parties involved in this research, either directly or indirectly. references [1] ali hasan, marketing, new edition, media pressindo, yogyakarta, 2009 [2] fandy tjiptono, marketing strategy, second edition, andi publisher, yogyakarta, 1997 [3] m. murshid, marketing management, bumi aksara publisher, jakarta in collaboration with inter-university center – economic studies university of indonesia, 2010 [4] philip kotler, gary armstrong, marketing principles, volume one, twelfth edition, erlangga publisher, jakarta, 2008 [5] soegoto, e. s., hafidz, m. a., febiananda, r., & maruli, d. 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application of gamification element on the health service website. gamification in health service website interface means presenting game elements in user mechanisms to increase public participation in the needs of everyday health information. this research is to know how to implement the gamification concept in the public health service website in the 5.0 society era. the benefit of this research is to increase health public awareness from the gamification web interface and provide health information. keywords: gamification, health service, web-based. 1. introduction gamification is the use of game elements, implementing ranking, point, or prize in nongame environments [1]. in the implemented design called serious game design, this design was made for entertainment products with a focus on player gameplay. the difference with gamification is to improve hard-to-understand instruction into easier, with the game element [2]. the purpose of gamification is to increase the user's urge and motivation during web browsing activity [3]. gamification development is not only for education. it can be implemented in business, government, and health services [3]. the basic concept of gamification through health services can be from public participation with a reward system for every health consultation. the relation between health services and demands from the community is formed through the gamification element to achieve community physical and social well-being goals [2,3]. the gamification concept can change public perception of health, from self-diagnosis to doctor consultation through health service website [4]. gamification in the health web interface leads to 5.0 society character. the characteristics that can be seen are 425 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 424-430 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the people interact with the use of technology for daily needs [5]. gamification mechanism creates health service in 5.0 society which is not limited to age, gender, and language [5]. 2. method this research used the qualitative method. every activity and motivation from the subject that oriented on how to create gamification become a health service activity. the gamification technique that is suitable for the community is maintaining health. the review for gamification implementation is widely used to motivate people's health behavior [8] (see figure 1). figure 1. process flow for person gamification motivation the gamification element can be determined with many processes, but the gamification implementation can be adjusted [9]. correct visual implementation such as certain items. such the person complete information display list like choosing a game character [9]. explanation of each symbol and great offer can be obtained [6]. 3. results and discussion motivating people to maintain health is very difficult until they experience health problems. the advanced technology with various innovation allows gadgets to provide many health services [7]. gamification includes game motivation such as the game objective, game rule, progress achieved, and the other component like time duration and prize [10]. many health service providers are available for various gadgets. as in result and discussion, the display of the interface only as a mechanism illustration for gamification implementation in health service. 426 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 424-430 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. the halodoc interface in smartphone and website 3.1. special service figure 3. the example of choosing service in application the display showing items and the description is able to give easier choices the user after taking the covid-19 test can know the results just from the application whether the results it is positive or negative. the application offered various packages based on the needs. then choose the make appointment to choose test location. on the next page, choose the date and time. the service is spread out based on user location. 427 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 424-430 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.2. medication reminder feature figure 4. medicine reminder feature after the health consultation, the doctor will advise with the time and drug amount based on the recipe. with the health need menu, the user can arrange the medication schedule so not to miss the schedule. the notification will give a reminder in gadget with the time that has been set but the user based on doctor recipe (see figure 4). 3.3. chat with doctor feature the main feature is real-time chat with the doctor to their expertise based on the symptom or the general doctor for lighter symptom. figure 5. chat with doctor feature 428 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 424-430 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the mechanism is the same as consulting with a real doctor in health service centre. halodoc gives a feature that attempts to make the health service easier with the help of a verified and experienced doctor. as shown (see figure 5) in the doctor selection it can be searched by the doctor or the expertise. after choosing the correct doctor, the next display will provide the doctor's biodata, rating, and working experience. there is an option to search doctor or specialist to give more detailed information on specific complaints such as obstetrics, children, and internal medication. 3.4. community and technology relation the health service application becomes a bridge to connect everyday health needs [5]. technology development is able to give a safer feeling, making quality live, and supporting economy [4,5]. the relation between the virtual world and the real world is a part of the 5.0 society. the next automation developed is artificial intelligence [5]. halodoc is one of development that can give a solution for the health community. the important factor to make the user get all of the information provided is various supporting information such as the next step and tips to overcome the problem [7]. the cycle occurs with scheme shown in figure 6. figure 6. information cycle monitoring all of the health information is a supporting factor for the community to maintain their health. the next solution is a smarter innovation that utilizes artificial intelligence to diagnose health problems earlier. 3.5. future health service it is to know that to raise and increase community participation to maintain their health is with innovation in health service. with the innovation like this, the community will routinely check their health and coupled with a point exchange feature that can be collected as a reward. 429 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 424-430 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7. health application supporting device accessing the needed information is easier because it's compatible with various gadget. the user can effectively schedule to consult without having to long queue in the health service center. the interface that used from some of the user-friendly gamification element presence as the beginning for 5.0 society era between community and artificial technology as everyday health information support [10]. these available features are in line with the ease of technology which is widely used in various fields of human life [11-15]. 4. conclusion the advance of technology will encourage humans to develop and understand every change that is made. from what was deemed impossible it will become impossible in this case the gamification concept. it can provide a value of appreciation from the service owner from points and reward system or paid access for a certain feature. with this method, the gamification system in the health sector can be used as a way to encourage and increase public awareness of their health conditions with the encouragement of the right system, easy access to services, and rewards that can be collected, it will attract many people to try this service. health service application in the 5.0 society era is designed to attract people who need a consultation before being diagnosed by the doctor with a gamification user interface that is simple and easy to use. it should be underlined that gamification is not something to make games. but to make people become part of the process of maintaining health and aware of their health conditions. acknowledgement we thank the universitas komputer indonesia for assisting in writing this paper. high appreciation to the universitas komputer indonesia entrepreneurship paper team who always support us so that we can write good paper. references [1] van gaalen, a. e. j., brouwer, j., schönrock-adema, j., bouwkamp-timmer, t., jaarsma, a. 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works for educate public about application technology augmented reality on purchase furniture products in ecommerce, methods on research this is descriptive analyst with approach qualitative. whereas the method in augmented reality is multimarket, where user can scan markers _ together for showing virtual object to real world by real-time. developmen t application this could give description new to user e-commerce that will buy furniture products, users could see product in 3d and get more information _ useful compared with information through picture or description from furniture products, a pplications this aim for educate public that augmented reality is a technology that will becomes solution new for face all challenge on purchasing furniture products in e-commerce. keywords: augmented reality, technology, e-commerce article info: submitted/received 11 jan 2023 first revised 10 feb 2023 accepted 02 mar 2023 first available online 15 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction e-commerce or what is known with electronic commerce is trading electronic, easy ecommerce is online catalog from traded products. how to use for offer product is with method upload picture or photo product to an e-commerce site [1]. survey we are social conducted in april 2021 shows that 88.1% of internet users in indonesia use e-commerce services for buy product certain, one of is furniture products [2]. furniture is usual product used at home and https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 138 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 137-144 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 73 office, furniture products can be made of from wood, bamboo, metal, and plastic, furniture products that are often sought after candidate buyer is the place bed, decorative clock, table work, and sofa. furniture products in e-commerce have limitations for example, limited to technology appearance product, candidate buyer only could see pictures and information 2d text only, candidate buyer can just disappointed and accepted different furniture products with what are they look in the catalog e-commerce. one effort that can conducted that is with sealer augmented reality on furniture products in e-commerce, later customer could see product in 3d before buy product it and can feel sensation shopping on e-commerce as if real [3]. wei zhu, charles b. owen, hairong li, joo -hyun lee. said in his research entitled" personalized in-store e-commerce with the promopad: an augmented reality shopping assistant. augmented reality can increase perception man in to do online shopping, products found in e-commerce will see more real so that make product more meaningful and interesting [4]. the research entitled a survey of augmented reality is mentioned that augmented reality is technology that combines object in the form of 2d or 3d project objects that to in time real by real-time [5]. destination from study this is designing an application android mobile based that works for educate public about application technology augmented reality on purchase furniture products in e-commerce, methods on research this is descriptive analyst with approach qualitative. whereas the method in augmented reality is multimarket. 2. method 2.1. presentation of the wastewater treatment plant method research used in study this is descriptive analysis with use approach qualitative, deep planning system, on research this use unity 3d app with use method development prototyping system, method this used for describe whole system on app to user or user, there are five stages that must be worked on method development prototyping system [6]. method development the prototyping system is shown in figure 1. communication quick plan modelling quick design prototype deployement delivery & feddback figure 1. stages method development prototyping system following is explanation on stages method development prototyping system: 1. communication or communication, where this is searching information to needs user. 2. quick plan, stages planning needs user 3. modelling quick design, stages fast creating interfaces for applications. 4. prototype, manufacture application by prototypes included testing and refinement. 5. deployment delivery and feedback, namely release application then evaluate application to needs user, do repair, then on stage end produce application by correct so that could use by users. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 139 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 137-144 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 73 2.2. methods on augmented reality augmented reality is technology that combines object two dimensions or three dimensions then visualize objects the two in the real world (realtime) [7]. augmented reality consist from a number of methods, following is methods contained in augmented reality. 1. marker based tracking, this is method that requires a marker (marker) for bring up object augmented reality, marker usually is illustration black and white rectangle with limit black thick and background behind white [8]. 2. marker less method this no again need a marker (marker) for bring up object augmented reality [9]. 3. multi marker, suitable her name multi markers method this consist from several markers (markers) combined, the reason researcher use method this is for make it easy user in election object, so user no again confused for choose object if there is several markers [10-12]. 3. results and discussion 3.1 identifying requirements application this designed for showing furniture products use technology augmented reality meant for make it easy user or buyer before buy product that. application this consist from home menu, product menu, ar camera menu, help menu. application menu structure this could see in figure 2. figure 2. furniture applications with ar menu structure figure 2 shows design menu structure of furniture application with ar, menu structure consists of from main menu, on this menu there are 3 sub menus that can be chosen namely the product menu, the ar camera menu, and the help menu. on the product menu there is a number of furniture products that can be chosen user, then the ar camera menu is a menu that displays furniture products augmented reality, and help menu is a menu containing method use application. 3.2 developing the initial prototype prototyping is part important from development application, but is one field practice the rarest design explored, at stage beginning making prototype researchers designing page front on furniture applications with ar that can be seen in figure 3. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 140 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 137-144 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 73 figure 3 shows page beginning application furniture with ar before user enter to page main. on page this, there is a which button if user push knob that, then will direct to page main application. main page application furniture with ar shown in figure 4. on page main this will 3 main menus are displayed namely product, ar camera, and help, consumer can choose the appropriate menu with what you want. figure 3. home furniture app with ar https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 141 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 137-144 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 73 figure 4. home app furniture with ar 3.3 testing prototype after prototype beginning succeed made, done prototype testing for testing the initial prototype that has been made on stage previously that is about three main menus. explanation from the three menus above shown in figure 5. figure 5 shows product page. this page will containing future furniture products could selected by the user. after seeing and determining what furniture will be purchased, user will direct for use the ar cam menu to see 3d object from products already determined. the ar cam menu is shown in figure 6. figure 5 shows product page. this page will containing future furniture products could selected by the user. after seeing and determining what furniture will be purchased, user will directed for use the ar cam menu to see 3d object from products already determined. the ar cam menu is shown in figure 6. figure 7 shows page help / help. this page containing about information about method use furniture application with ar. it is also explained here about what that augmented reality, how it works, and also the multi marker method. application this different with e-commerce applications in general, application this have feature addition that is display product virtually to the real world by real-time, this allow customer feel online shopping saga real, and be solution new for all challenge in shop furniture products in e-commerce. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 142 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 137-144 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 73 figure 5. product page figure 6. ar camera page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 143 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 137-144 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 73 figure 7. help page 4. conclusion application conclusion this designed for educate public in apply augmented reality technology on purchase furniture products in e-commerce with use multi-marker method. in application this user could scan the marker according to the desired furniture for showing virtual object to real world by real-time. technology augmented reality works too lower disappointment consumers and the possibility of buying wrong to products contained in ecommerce, augmented reality makes furniture products look more real and interesting. references [1] setyowati, w., r. widayanti, & d. supriyanti,. 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objects vertically and horizontally which are used to stabilize the movement of objects or to direct objects to the desired position such as an optical stabilizer on a cellphone camera or like a cctv camera that can adjust the direction of the camera's view, stabilizer can also be applied to led lights or flashlights that are used to direct the lights to the desired position, so if the tool is applied to motorcycle spotlights it can prevent the lights from pointing to the faces of other riders by adjusting the position of the spotlights. the method used in this research is an experimental research method where we will test this stabilizer in several road conditions such as inclines, derivatives, turns, and so on. after that we will compare the results of applying stabilizer technology to motorcycle lights and without using a stabilizer, whether using a stabilizer will reduce the imp act of spotlights that directly hit the face/eyes which can interfere with vision or not. the results show that the application of a stabilizer on a motorcycle can reduce the impact of spotlights that directly hit the face/eyes. this is because the stabili zer can adjust the tilt angle of the lamp automatically so that the lamp lighting remains facing the road. so, it can be concluded that the stabilizer on the motorcycle lights can reduce the impact of spotlights that directly hit the face/eyes resulting in impaired vision of other motorists. this research is expected to create a useful tool for motorcyclists to prevent unwanted things from happening. keywords: stabilizer, comfort, motorcycle, lighting. article info: submitted/received 09 jan 2023 first revised 13 feb 2023 accepted 20 mar 2023 first available online 25 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 172 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 171-178 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10075 1. introduction driving at night is a scourge that is less wearable, it can be seen that the rate of accidents at night is more frequent. traffic accidents are more common at night, about 32% of traffic accidents occur at night compared to 20% in the morning [1]. there are many factors that lead to a higher accident rate at night, some of the factors that influence this include lack of visibility and are often disturbed by other drivers' spotlights which directly point at the driver's face/eyes which can be dangerous and can cause accidents. one of the factors that can solve the problem above is the use of stabilizers in lights for motorized vehicles because stabilizers on motorcycles can reduce the impact of spotlights that directly hit face/eyes. this is because the stabilizer can adjust the tilt angle of the lamp automatically so that the lighting is still facing the road. the way this tool works is that it detects the distance between the motorcycle and the road using an ultrasonic sensor, which if the ultrasonic sensor detects an incline then the ultrasonic sensor will send data to the microcontroller while waiting for the change in the tilt angle of the motorcycle detected by the gyroscope sensor, when the motorcycle is uphill or tilted up the microcontroller will send a command to the servo motor to change the angle of the spotlight so that the spotlight will still face the road [2], and this tool also uses an led lamp above the lamp there is a barrier so that the light does not radiate upwards so it will not hit the face or eyes of other riders. in designing this tool, several sensors are used, namely ultrasonic sensors and gyroscope ultrasonic sensors, ultrasonic sensors can assist in detecting distance positions in space, and gyroscope sensors can assist in detecting the tilt of an object [3 -7]. in research on 2-axis camera stabilizer conducted by pratama and others. in tha t study, the stabilizer function is used to adjust the tilt angle automatically by utilizing the gyroscope sensor and with the addition of the servo motor application, it can adjust the camera movement adaptively [8]. based on the source of the study above, the tool to be designed uses a 1-axis stabilizer which is added with a gyroscope sensor and an ultrasonic sensor. the purpose of this research was to design a motorcycle lamp stabilizer device that serves to clarify the visibility of motorcyclists without disturbing other motorists so as to minimize accidents. the research method used in this study is a survey method. 2. method this research method uses a survey method (random sampling), where we will conduct interviews and also fill out questionnaires to motorcyclists who often drive at night to find out the difficulties of motorcyclists in seeing the road at night and the disturbance of motorcyclists who are highlighted by other motorists' motorcycle lights, from the results of interviews and questionnaires, he made a prototype of a motorcycle spotlight tool with a stabilizer added. in designing the tool, we used arduino as a microcontroller and ultrasonic sensor and gyroscope sensor with prototyping development method. the development method of this tool is to use the prototyping method and requires communication from the motorcycle users who were interviewed to get more input so that an efficient and effective prototype tool will be produced. therefore, good communication between developers and motorcyclists is very important so that the tools made are more specific [9] which can be seen in figure 1. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 173 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 171-178 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10075 figure 1. system development life cycle prototype [10]. tool identification is carried out for the beginning of the prototype tool. at this stage, user interviews are conducted to obtain input information from the prototype tool. after that, the development will create an initial prototype tool that will be used as a discussion material for users to develop better tools. after the initial prototype is successfully made, a review will be carried out by motorcycle users in order to provide input in the form of suggestions and criticisms of the initial prototype design so that developers can improve the prototype according to the input until the prototype is completed [10]. 3. results and discussion this tool is designed as an additional lighting tool for motorists. simple research was conducted to make a solution to the driver's problem, which was in accordance with the existing regulations in law no. 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation, which discussed the prohibition of adding additional lights to vehicles because it could create glare for other motorists. therefore, this tool is made to add lighting to the motorcycle but does not dazzle other riders, which is estimated to be a prototype image that will be made as shown in figures 2 4. figure 2. side view https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 174 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 171-178 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10075 figure 3. top view figure 4. front view https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 175 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 171-178 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10075 based on the approximate description of the prototype that will be made as shown in figures 2, 3 and 4, it will also explain how the tool works as shown in figure 5, when the position of the motorcycle is approaching an incline then the tool will detect a change in distance which is then read by the ultrasonic sensor, then the tool will wait for data from the gyroscope sensor to detect the slope of the motorcycle which is also used to determine whether the data from the ultrasonic sensor only reads the presence of another object in front of the vehicle or an incline and when it detects the motorcycle is going uphill, this tool will increase the angle of the beam so that the visibility of the driver remains far away as illustrated in figure 5. figure 5. the tool follows the movement of the motor when going uphill when the motorcycle is in an uphill position this tool will change the angle of the lamp tilt as illustrated in figure 6. figure 6. tool adjust the tilt to the slope of the motorcycle when the motorcycle is about to go to the top of the incline, the tool will detect that there is no more uphill road which is taken from the ultrasonic sensor which does not detect the distance, then this tool will change the angle of inclination so as not to interfere with drivers who are in the opposite direction or in front of it. when the motorcycle is about to come to the end of an incline, as described above, this tool will lower the angle of the lamp's slope again and when the motorcycle is about to reach the end of the incline, this tool will raise the motorcycle's lights again according to the predetermined distance that comes from the value ultrasonic sensor readings so that the driver's visibility increases as shown in figure 7. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 176 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 171-178 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10075 figure 7. the tool adjust the slope according to the road ahead when the motorcycle is on an incline as shown in figure 8, when the ultrasonic sensor has detected a long descent and when the motorcycle wants to go through the descent, this tool will lower the angle of the lamp so as not to disturb the rider on the other side or in front and when the motorcycle is going down, this tool will increase the angle of inclination of the lamp as illustrated in figure 8. figure 8. the tool will adjust the angle of inclination when the motorcycle wants to pass through the descent when the motorcycle is on a derivative road, this tool will increase the angle of inclination again so that the rider's visibility increases and when it is between the flat and descending https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 177 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 171-178 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10075 road, this tool will increase the angle of the lamp tilt, when the motorcycle arrives on a flat road, the light will return to its initial position as shown in figure 9. figure 9. the tool will move to adjust the slope of the motorcycle when in descends based on the explanation above, this tool is able to adjust the tilt angle of the lamp based on the road that is passed because this tool has an ultrasonic sensor and a gyroscope sensor where these two sensors help the microcontroller or arduino micro to determine the movement of the servo motor which functions to move the spotlight onto or to the side lower, which works when the ultrasonic detects a change in the distance that is read, then the microcontroller or arduino micro will wait for changes in the tilt angle of the gyroscope sensor and how much is the slope of the motorcycle to determine how much movement the servo must make, if the ultrasonic sensor detects a distance that is too far or too close but the gyroscope sensor does not detect a change in the slope of the motorcycle then the microcontroller or arduino micro will command the servo motor down or up. 4. conclusion the conclusion obtained from this research is that this tool is proven to be able to help lighting motorized vehicles efficiently, because this lamp is reactive to the distance and slope of the road which causes this lamp to continue to illuminate the road in accordance with the lighting distance that is in accordance with the wishes of the user and also helps reduce light interference for other motorists. therefore, the tool from this research that the author has researched will be very useful for every motorcyclist, especially motorists who often tra vel at night. references [1] ratnasari, f., kumaat, l. t., & mulyadi, n. 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[5] also, the use of social media has also drastically influenced brand engagement, as stated by jayasingh, et al. in his research namely determinants of customer brand engagement in social media sites said that we were able to first identify an increase in a brand engagement where this relationship has a direct impact on buying interest [6]. the use of digital media at this time can be maximized to support the process and marketing activities. that brand engagement through digital media also increases customer involvement in adding value and potential that also facilitates the delivery of feedback and suggestions through available features such as likes and comments so that responses from consumers are also more quickly accepted, but this also become popular among customers who consider this as a measure of the extent of customer involvement with its brand [7]. other research discussed antecedents of consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty, stated that the expression, involvement and also brand participation became drivers of brand engagement where the aim was to test how the concept could be brand interaction with its customers so that intertwined [8] brand engagement is the level of customer cognition, emotion, and behavior that represents the extent to which they can mobilize cognitive resources, emotions, and behavior in interaction with the brand. [9] from all those studies we get an overview of how social media such as facebook plays a role in the process of brand engagement with customers, meanwhile the difference with the research that the author does is an author focused different media specifically youtube web series as a tool to build the brand engagement. the purpose of this study is to explain how the role of the web series in the approach and delivery of messages to the audience about the "value" of the product. web series that are published on social media or digital like youtube at this time become one of the attractive promotional strategies for the audience or consumers. this research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach that explained the promotion strategy and brand approach through the web series which is now a new content marketing campaign. 2. method this study used descriptive methods that describe how web series becomes a brand strategy through content that was relatable to approach and engage with the customers, and also supported by literary studies of brand engagement through digital media. 3. results and discussion recently web series has become one of the contents that are often used by brand owners to build closeness with their customers. this is done as an effort to adjust the brand to the development of technology and consumer behavior [11,12]. especially in today's digital era, technological developments have supported changes in new dimensions where consumers can be more involved with brands so that consumers' habits are shifted, they prefer something that can be used mobile. the use of social media such as youtube is more increasing, even becoming 259 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 257-262 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech important in the world of marketing communications because it is very influential in influencing consumer habits. this trend makes customers use social media as a platform and source of information and builds the assumption that social media is one of the instruments of brand success [10]. in this study discuss the web series titled axelerate the series: kostan ax / 3, released by brand ax indonesia. axelerate the series tells about the lives of 3 boarding children who have diverse characteristics and backgrounds where each of them has different problems about their appearance. in this web series how brands approach their customers can be seen from several things, including through media selection. the media adjustment with the content is also important because each media or channel has their respective advantages, such as the web series released through youtube, which is certainly a form of the right approach considering that currently the public, especially the younger generation is more fond of digital media because of its easy access, it is also in line with the target market of axe's products that target young people. also, the use of digital media is considered appropriate to support the engagement with customers because of its interactive nature so that the brand will easily know the feedback delivered by the customer or in this case the audience of the web series. for example through likes, comments and the number of viewers from the web series released (see figure 1). figure 1. viewers of web series axelerate the series: kostan ax/3 this figure was adapted from www.youtube.com on oct 22, 2019. figure 1 shows axelerate the series: kostan ax / 3 episode 4 has been watched 5.1 million times and got 6 thousand likes. the number of viewers is relatively high when compared to other web series. besides, the user of digital media such as youtube also provides features to share so that customers who watch can share and recommend this web series to others. other than that, the approach can also be seen from how the brand efforts to maintain relationships with customers through content that is relevant to everyday life and 260 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 257-262 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech packaged attractively so it doesn't bring a commercial impression. this can be seen from how the appearance of axe products has not been highlighted since the beginning of the episode so it doesn't disturb the storyline (see figure 2). figure 2. a scene from axelerate the series: kostan ax/3. this figure was adapted from www.yotube.com on oct 22, 2019. figure 2 describing the scenes in a nicely packaged web series where mas jay, the owner of kostan, asked agit to wash his face so he will look fresher, in this scene the story was delivered interestingly so the message was not commercial. the form of episodes of web series that are released periodically also becomes a strategy to maintain a close relationship with the customers because then the customer will be curious and wait for the next episode, for example, can be seen from the following picture (see figure 3). figure 3. comment of axelerate the series: kostan ax/3. this figure was adopted from www.youtube.com on oct 22, 2019. 261 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 257-262 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in figure 3 we can see how the audience comments about the axelerate web series where most of them appreciate the storyline that is presented and enthusiast to wait for the next episode. the use of digital media such as youtube also certainly makes the brand more easily interact with consumers, the simple example is when the brand replied comment, this does seem trivial but it will make consumers feel more recognized so there is more closeness (see figure 4). figure 4. comment replied by axe . this figure was adopted from www.youtube.com/ on oct 22 2019. in figure 4 we can see how the brand responds to comments from consumers about the web series content, the brand also takes a relaxed approach by adjusting the language and use informal language without seeming rigid. apart from the points above brand engagement tends to use an approach of cognition and affection where the cognition approach can be seen from how the brand informs the uses and benefits of its products so that indirectly by watching this web series customer become more familiar with the brand further or create brand awareness. other than the cognitive approach, the web series also takes an effective approach where messages are delivered explicitly and prioritizes the story values of the web series itself. the use of web series to build engagement with customers also has its own added value, where the web series can also be used as a product campaign such as ax indonesia, which released a web series axelerate the series: kostan ax/3 that is in conjunction with the launch of their new product, pomade, and facial wash. using the web series on youtube as a way of promoting and campaigning will certainly help improve word of mouth about the product so that it helps with digital communication. 262 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 257-262 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion this study concludes that the approach to consumers must be adjusted to the characteristics of consumers themselves so that messages can be conveyed more effectively and on target. the use and maximization of digital media can also be used as a strategy for brands to build relationships with their customers, such as a web series that brings a new atmosphere so that the brand engagement with customers becomes easier and more intense. references [1] soegoto, e. s. 2014. entrepreneurship becomes a revised edition businessman. elex media komputindo. 45 (3), (pp. 8098). 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(2018, august). web-based information system services in a textile industry. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering 407(1), p. 012060. 189 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 application development as vaccination information distributing media at health centers fauziah nur syifa*, aghnia maulina, mega lestari departement sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *fauziah.10520045@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. vaccines or immunizations aim for the human immune system to recognize and quickly fight bacteria or viruses that can cause infection. the purpose of developing this application is to optimize the role of the media as an educational platform and deliver information about vaccines to the public. the method used in the developmen t of this application is rapid application development (rad). from this research, it is concluded that this application can have a positive impact on the community, such as the public can easily find out the vaccine schedule at the nearest health center, the existence of articles about vaccines that are following the facts can educate people who are still cloudy about the importance of vaccines. according to data, there are 1.76% of bandung city residents have not vaccinated against covid -19. in the end, this application was developed not only to convey information about the covid -19 vaccine but also about other vaccines/immunizations. this application was developed to help the government program, namely the healthy indonesia program. keywords: application, vaccination information, health centers article info: submitted/received 15 jan 2023 first revised 10 feb 2023 accepted 29 mar 2023 first available online 01 may 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction vaccines are one of the most important preventive measures for various infectious diseases [1]. the term vaccine itself was only known when the outbreak of smallpox was in 1796. in 1796 edward jenner was a doctor who made the variola vaccine for smallpox w hich was deadly at that time. the need for vaccines is growing along with the world's desire to prevent various diseases that can lead to death or permanent disability. efforts to increase vaccine production to increase effectiveness and safety have helped meet the growing demand for https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 190 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 vaccines. however, the level of awareness of the indonesian people on the importance of vaccination is still relatively low. this is caused by several factors, one of which is the large number of people who believe in hoax news about the dangers of vaccines [2]. data held by the ais team or the kominfo internet monitoring team shows that there are 1,401 hoax issues regarding the covid-19 virus that are spread across various platforms [3]. this number continues to grow over time. the wrong public perception of the covid-19 vaccination campaign is the result of a lack of understanding from the general public [4]. lee, kang, and you mention in their research that knowledge can be directly related to attitudes and behavior to prevent disease, but belief in the effectiveness of preventive measures is the most influential factor [5]. therefore, people need to increase their knowledge about a disease to know attitudes to prevent it. based on research conducted by ditha prasanti and ikhsan fuady, communication media has an important role in connecting humans to interact with each other, one of which is in the process of disseminating information in the health sector [6]. communication media that has been digitized is considered more effective than the delivery of health information through posters, banners, pamphlets, and banners because now various groups have used electronic media [7]. everyone's attention is focused on the media because information can spread quickly through the media [8]. from this research, we can see that technology is an effective method for information delivery media. the purpose of this research is to create an application that functions as a platform that can provide information about vaccinations or the nearest h ealth facility. the research methodology used is called rapid application development (rad). 2. method in developing this application, we use a method called rapid application development (rad). rapid application development (rad) is a software/information system development method with a fairly short time [9]. the average information system development time can take a minimum of 180 days, but using the rapid application development (rad) method it is only 30-90 days. according to kendall, after conducting research, rapid application development (rad) is a method that has the aim of shortening the time for planning, designing, and implementing an information system compared to methods that are still relatively traditional [10 ,11]. the stages of the rapid application development method are shown in figure 1. figure 1. the stages of the rapid application development method https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 191 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 at the requirement planning stage, there is a meeting between the user and the analyst to examine the goals and needs needed for making an application or system. furthermore, the design workshop stage is a process in which design revisions occur and make improvements if there are design discrepancies according to users or analysts. the implementation stage is the last stage the programmer will develop the design into a program. 3. results and discussion 3.1. data collection the application for distributing information about the designed vaccine is called iva: vaccine information. this application is designed according to what is needed by the user regarding vaccines. informative features have been presented in the iva application, such as an article menu to read articles about vaccines which are of course factual so that people do not need to be consumed by hoax news. in addition, there is a vaccine feature that contains information on vaccine schedules at the nearest regional health center. the menus and features in this application are deliberately made not too complex to remain under the goals and needs of the user himself, namely wanting to know information such as news and vaccine schedules. 3.2. design workshop at the design workshop stage, the developer created a user interface (ui) design for the iva application. on the front page, there is an illustration and the name of this application is iva and an explanation that iva stands for vaccine information. the front-page design is shown in figure 2. figure 2. the front-page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 192 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 on this page there are also two buttons, namely 'log in' and 'sign in'. the log in button functions for users who already have an account and want to enter the application. while the sign in button functions for new users who do not have an account and want to create a new account. next is the main page or homepage of the iva application. the main page design for the iva application is shown in figure 3. figure 3. the main page on the main page, there are 2 core sections of this application, namely articles and information on vaccine schedules. users can immediately see the headline article about vaccines on the main page, the articles presented are factual and up-to-date. this menu/section is created to solve the existing problem, namely the number of people who are consumed by articles that do not have a credibility that can be accounted for. users can also view vaccine schedules based on the vaccine variant that the user wants to search for, such as the second dose of the sinovac vaccine and others. next up is the vaccine page. the vaccine page is shown in figure 4. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 193 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 figure 4. the vaccine pages the user can change the location according to where the user wants to find the vaccine schedule he needs. when the user changes the location, the content will change according to the selected location. users can search for the appropriate vaccine schedule based on the place and the desired vaccine variant. for example, when the user selects a location in bandung, the user can search for vaccine schedules at health centers spread throughout bandung. in addition, the user can also search for the vaccine schedule according to the vaccine variant that the user wants to find. the vaccine menu was created because not all health centers have a platform to deliver the available vaccine schedules at their health center. often people find it difficult to get information on vaccine schedules available at the nearest health center. therefore, this application can help users to find vaccine schedules and also help health center to distribute information on vaccine schedules available at their health centers. users can not only see the available vaccine schedules, but users can also register themselv es for vaccinations at the selected health center. next up is the article page. on the article page, users can read various articles about vaccines, in addition to articles on this page, there is also updated news about vaccines. this page aims to maximize the role of the media in the dissemination of information. indonesian society has experienced a crisis of literacy urgency which has led to the existence of antivaccine society groups. anti-vaccine communities are those who do not agree with the use of vaccines, there are even people who spread hoax news about vaccines to incite people. to overcome the problem of people who are consumed by hoax issues is to publish news/articles that have good credit and are factual. the article page is shown in figure 5. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 194 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 figure 5. the article pages on this page, users can read articles about vaccines and the latest information about covid-19. in order not to be consumed by the circulating hoaxes, the article page is also intended to educate about this vaccination. in addition, to make it easier for the public to find more information about vaccination, the next search page is shown in figure 6. figure 6. the next search pages https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 195 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 this is the display of the search or search page. on this page, users can search for information such as vaccines to be used, health facilities to be addressed, and articles about vaccines. not only the covid-19 vaccine but other vaccines such as the influenza vaccine can also be found in this iva application. as we know, the spread of vaccination has been widespread. this is done so that people can easily get vaccinated and with that, it can speed up vaccination in indonesia. users can search for information by entering what keywords they are looking for, such as “astra vaccine booster”, “influenza vaccine”, “dipatiukur health center”, or other keywords to make searching easier as needed. then, the search page will bring it up. next, is the user page shown in figure 7. figure 7. the user pages on the next page is a display of registered user accounts. registration of each program that serves to connect the user's data in the program. this account is clear with accurate info. in this account, there is user information such as full name, email, phone number, date of birth, and address. and if an error is found in the user's biodata, the account can be updated via profile editing. further listed on this page are questions and answers (if there is somethin g that is not understood by the user), language settings (to set the language that is understood), our values, and the last one is exiting account (replacing the user account with someone else's account/exiting from the account). 4. conclusion the design of the iva application is useful to provide facilities for the public to make it easier to find information about vaccines and also prevent the spread of hoax issues regarding vaccines. in this application, there are features such as vaccines, a rticles, search menus, and also user pages. users can view the vaccine schedule and register to get vaccinated at the health https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 196 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 189-196 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10125 centers according to the location they choose. the health centers will also be helped by the distribution provider platform. acknowledgement we would like to thank the indonesian computer university for assisting in the preparation of this paper. references [1] soegijanto, s. 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[4]. in short, ui/ux is the appearance of a website or application that is made as attractive as possible for user satisfaction. a study on the interface design of a website or application states that implementing the display and interaction intelligence requires a frontend who understands the design of a ui/ux design [5]. this means that in the development of a website or application, the ui/ux is only in charge of designing the appearance. the rest is explained that frontend does not mailto:aldi.10518041@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 336 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 335-341 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech fully design the design of a web, because it is the task of the ui designer. a frontend has the task of implementing a ui designer's design into a more interactive form and bringing the design to life. besides online or desktop-based, they all do the same: generate mockups, with or without behavior. in other words, they assist us in creating lowor high-fidelity software prototypes [6]. to implement the design, frontend needs to have the capability of three programming languages, namely html, css, and javascript [7]. in addition to these three programming languages, there are many programming languages that can be used for frontend development, the popularity of the most sought-after programming languages on stactoverflow are javascript and react [8]. the alternative programming languages for frontend development are typescript, elm, and clojurescript [9]. the purpose of writing this paper is to find out how much influence the ui/ux designer has on frontend in the design/development of information systems. the method used in this paper is descriptive method by presenting an overview or analyzing a complete situation regarding a particular situation based on facts, theories, and accurate reference sources with previous research. 2. method the method used in this paper is a descriptive method that presents a complete picture of the related situation based on facts, theories, and accurate reference sources with previous research related to the role of ui/ux designer and frontend. so that it can describe how much influence the ui/ux designer has on frontend in product design or development, in this case the information system. 3. results and discussion the success factor of an information system is having a clear and attractive interface design. thus, many companies are devoting efforts to hiring ui/ux specialists to improve the aesthetic quality, and improve the quality in terms of the functionality of the company's information systems [9]. designing a ui/ux requires a systematic process to get a design that fits the purpose, the process can be seen in figure 1. figure 1. ui/ux design process flow in the first stage, the ui/ux designer will dig a lot of information about the user data that will become the user of the product to be built, as well as dig up information on competitor products. the second stage is followed by drawing a sketch/prototype as a flow of information for the user to be able to operate a system. prototyping is carried out as needed to verify the ux design intent [10]. the third stage is a further stage than wireframing, the sketch/protory 337 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 335-341 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech design of a product is then emphasized through a more detailed display. the last stage is the process of demonstrating the results of the design from start to finish before being implemented by the programmer. the process flow of implementation or development can be seen in figure 2. figure 2. systems development life cycle. at this stage, the programmers, namely frontend and backend, will build a product based on the interface that has been designed by the ui/ux designer. especially for frontend, the focus will be on the appearance, which is to create a display that is in accordance with the ui/ux designer design. after being successfully built, all modules will be merged and tested whether they are in accordance with the purpose and there are still errors. then the product that is already running will be carried out maintenance. in figure 2 it can be seen that designers and programmers need to work well together, so that the product can be created according to the purpose. in addition to simplifying frontend tasks, having a ui/ux designer in product design can also improve the aesthetic quality and usability of the product because ui/ux is actually a display specialist. however, user satisfaction is a relative factor depending on the user, for example, users do not like websites that tend to be dark [11]. here are also the tools most used by ui/ux designers, figure 3. 338 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 335-341 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. the most widely used ui/ux design tools. (source: https://uxtools.co/) from the data obtained, it shows that 95% choose to design interfaces with digital-based tools, with this users do not need to install applications that can increase computer storage capacity. of the total respondents, 77% chose figma as a tool for designing interfaces. the top two are sketch getting 29%. the third is occupied by adobe xd with 23%. fourth there is adobe illustrator with 13%. and the fifth is adobe photoshop with 12%. the following is also shown in figure 4 the most popular programming languages. figure 4. 11 most popular programming languages. (source: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/) from the data obtained, it shows that the most popular programming language is javascript which gets 64.96%. both html/css got 56.07%. third python got 48.24% fourth sql got 47.08%. the five javas got 35.35%. the six node.js get 33.91%. the seven typescripts earned 30.19%. the eight c#s gained 27.86%. the ninth bash/cell gained 27.13%. the tenth c++ got 24.31%. the eleventh php gained 21.98%. javascript is one of the most frequently used programming languages by frontend, and has managed to survive for nine years in a row as https://uxtools.co/ https://insights.stackoverflow.com/ 339 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 335-341 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the most popular programming language. likewise, it can be seen that the role of frontend is more in demand than ui/ux designer, it can be seen in figure 5. figure 5. the most sought after developer role. this shows that frontend ranks second out of ten developer roles, and ui/ux designer is below frontend with sixth out of ten developer roles. this means that all roles have their own duties, and ui/ux designer cannot replace the role of frontend. a role for designing and developing a website or web application requires in-depth skills and extensive experience in the areas of visual design, ui/interaction design, frontend development, and backend development. anyone who can fill one or more of these 4 roles at a professional level is a very rare commodity. pragmatically, you should seek to become, or seek to hire, an expert in one of these roles (i.e. visual design, interaction design/ia, front-end dev, back-end dev). those claiming to operate at an expert level in one or more of these roles are extremely rare [5]. it would be better if the ui/ux designer and frontend worked together in product design. often frontend takes on the task of ui/ux in the absence of a specialist. this is a challenge for frontend, it can be seen in figure 6. figure 6. frontend developer [5]. 4. conclusion 340 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 335-341 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech it can be said that it is appropriate to choose online media as a medium for promotion and marketing of travel packages because it has been proven with swot analysis and it showed many internal factors that have a positive impact on the company. the advantages of each strategy that comes from within the company must be improved to reduce the weaknesses and threats of competitors. acknowledgement it can be concluded that social media is one of the the tool to promote business better, especially business in the field of public health services. it is effective when it packed with new innovations. it will facilitate internet users to access and to maintain positive image for the company. references [1] iswari, l. 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traditional culture begins to erode by the times. café is one of the most popular places in this day and age. the existence of a café that sells traditional food with modern concept buildings, makes visitors more interested in coming. the study aimed to design a space composition at café surabi by taking a concept based on the fibber shape of surabi. the pattern of space sharing in cafes and kouta visitors who expand is an obstacle experienced by café owners in the comfort of café visitors. with the design of a hightech ceiling that can be operated to scratch the remote. use development methods or research development (rnd). this rnd method is carried out using 10 steps, namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product trials, product revisions, usage trials, product revisions, and mass production. the results of our research explain the planning and design of a café in the surabi room. the composition of space is a characteristic of a space that affects the comfort of the interest of café visitors. it can be noted that the composition of the café surabi room gives a new season to the café by paying attention to the building structure. keywords: interior design, space composition, café, mezzanine, technology, surabi, modern, traditional 1. introduction nowadays the café is a place to relax and chat where visitors can order drinks and food [1]. the design of the café is usually made as attractive as possible which eventually makes the end feel comfortable to linger there. a building will look attractive if it has a space composition that can explain the identity of the building so that it can clarify the function and nature of space in a building. café that can attract visitors there is the chance of a lack of capacity of visitors, therefore made mezzanine to accommodate visitors who exceed the normal capacity. mailto:*ghina.52019010@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 390 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech that way it can be concluded that the café by having an attractive and ergonomic space composition and the use of a mezzanine can generate strong visitor appeal to increase sales. surabi is a traditional sundanese meal that is very fond of every circle, the presentation of surabi food is very diverse to preserve the food [2]. starting from a simple way of presentation to a presentation that uses various toppings and flavours that suit the interests of all circles. the ingredients used are also not separated from traditional ingredients that strengthen the taste of the surabi. currently, surabi sales have penetrated in modern places such as cafés so that it is increasingly favoured by young people. the atmosphere of the café has also been made as attractive as possible so that visitors are more interested. the magnitude of the anime visitors makes the dining facilities are always filled. the creation of split levels using a mezzanine in the café building can add dining facilities to accommodate more visitors, coupled with the composition of space in the café made in line with the food sold, namely surabi. in building a building in a narrow and cost-cutting area, it takes a split level using a mezzanine. a mezzanine is a room or utility room upstairs on a roof slab panel or attic. it’s more about the attic where the product is stored. the attic is the ceiling on the mezzanine floor, which is 40% smaller than the room in which it is located [3]. the use of automatic mezzanine is a mezzanine controller module wirelessly using a remote control [4]. a remote control is a wireless device used to control an item or device from a certain distance [5]. the use of folding sliding that can be applied to this mezzanine area can help dispossession of energy using a remote voice control system. a remote voice system is a predefined voice command applied to the system; it can finally be observed how much voice communication is applied [6]. among others, the base and mezzanine floor use stairs, the ladder system that we will use is a folding ladder. a folding ladder is a series of vertical or sloping steps or stairs. two types of rigid ladders can stand on their own or that may rest on a vertical surface, vertical folding ladder equipment called a stringer or rail [7]. ergonomics on folding stairs becomes scientific information about humans to take issue with design [8]. the study aimed to design a space composition at café surabi by taking a concept based on the fibber shape of surabi. the pattern of space sharing in cafés and kouta visitors who expand is an obstacle experienced by café owners in the comfort of café visitors. with the design of a high-tech ceiling that can be operated using a remote. use development methods or research development (rnd). this rnd method is carried out using 10 steps, namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product trials, product revisions, usage trials, product revisions, and mass production. 2. method the method used in research is the method of development or research development (rnd). the development method or research development (rnd) is a research activity that starts with research and then continued with development. the existence of research activities is to get information about user needs (needs assessment) while development activities are carried out to produce development devices [9]. in addition, research and development methods are research methods that can be used to produce a particular product, and test the effectiveness of that product. to be able to produce a particular product is used research that is a needs analysis to reduce the effectiveness of the product to function. competing research grants (funded by the directorate general of higher education), are the research that produces the product, so the methods used are research and development methods [10]. the research and development steps are shown in figure 1. 391 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. steps to use the research and development (r&d) method 2.1. potential and problems research can depart from potential problems. the potential is that anything that can be utilized will have additional value. all potentials will develop into a problem if they do not take advantage of these potentials. based on the data obtained can be designed, effective handling model. 2.2. collecting information after potential and subsequent problems can gather various information that can be used for the planning of certain products that are expected to be able to overcome the problem. 2.3. product design product design can be realized in the form of an image, so it can be used as a handle to assess and create it. in the field of engineering, product design must be equipped with an explanation of the material used. in addition, the form of a system can explains how the advantages and disadvantages work. 2.4 product validation product validation is the process of activity to assess whether the design of the product in this case a new work system will rationally be more effective than the old one or not.2.2. collecting information 2.5 design improvements after product design and validation of the meal design will be known the weaknesses. these weaknesses can be understood to be reduced by improving the design. 2.6 product trials 392 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech testing can be done with experiments, which compare the level of effectiveness and efficiency of old work systems with new ones. the effectiveness of the new work system will be measured based on, the circulation of work becoming short and smooth, employees being easier and more comfortable by following the system, cheaper, agile, productive, and satisfying parties. those served with the system. indicators of success measured are work speed, work comfort, work productivity, and costs. 2.7 product revisions product testing on the limited sample showed that the performance of the new work system turned out to be better than the old system. but from the test results, it appears that the user's convenience in using the system only gets a value of 60% of what is expected. so the product design needs to be revised so that the user's comfort in using the product gets increased at a high level. once revised, it should be retested to the actual work. in testing work speed and work productivity did not use questionnaires, but through observation with valid and tested instruments. 2.8 usage trials the product in the form of a new working system is applied in real conditions for a wide scope. in the process of the new work system, it still needs to be assessed the shortcomings or obstacles that arise to improve further. 2.9 product revisions product revision is done if in real conditions there are shortcomings and weaknesses. in the usage test, the product maker always evaluates how the product performs in this case is the working system. 2.10 mass product manufacturing mass product manufacturing is done when the product that has been tested is declared effective and worthy of mass production. to be able to mass-produce, researchers need to work with companies. 3. results and discussion 3.1 view in café with mezzanine openings standing on 50m2 grounds 393 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. mezzanine aperture view this is a visible mezzanine area and stairs with a folded position. 3.2 display of automatic mezzanine opening area and mezzanine railing figure 3. automatic mezzanine aperture and mezzanine railing this is the dining area of visitors on the mezzanine floor 3.3 view of the stair opening area 394 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. ladder openings 3.4 view of the stairs openings appears to be back figure 5. view of the stairs openings appears to be back this is the position of the stairs when opened. in the dining area, visitors get natural light that is free to enter the room. 3.5 visitor area view 395 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. visitor area view this is the position of the stairs when closed. in the dining area, visitors get natural light that is free to enter the room. 3.6 view the cashier area and make surabi figure 7. view the cashier area and make surabi the position of the cashier and making surabi on the front so that the aroma of surabi can attract visitors 4. conclusion 396 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 389-396 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this research is designed using the research and development (r&d) approach method using 10 steps consisting of potential and problems, information gathering, product design, design validation, design improvement, product trials, product revisions, usage trials, product revisions, and mass production manufacturing. based on the results of the study can be mentioned planning and designing a café surabi room can produce character characteristics of a space that affect the comfort and interest of café visitors. in addition, the composition of the café surabi room gives a new atmosphere to the café by paying attention to the building structure. acknowledgement the author thanked the rector universitas komputer indonesia has helped us in writing this paper. references [1] cahyo, v. b. d. 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infections that can attack cats, and want to adopt cats. to support the research, the research method we use is descriptive, as well as in the application development process uses an object-oriented approach with system development life cycle waterfall. as a result, designing the meows application makes it easier for cat lovers to find information using a digital platform that can be accessed through their respective smartphones. the concept of this application is to provide information to cat lovers about how to take good and correct care of their cats and features to share information about cats with other cat lovers. in the end, this application serves as a medium of information for cat lovers to get information more easily and help cat lovers with one another. keywords: application, cat lover, waterfall method. article info: submitted/received 04 jan 2023 first revised 18 feb 2023 accepted 15 mar 2023 first available online 17 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction cats, which are very popular with many people, are certainly often kept by the general public. but oftentimes, they are faced with obstacles when caring for these cats, as a result, they have to ask other cat owners to get tips on caring for them. often, c at owners find that they have too many cats and have to donate some of them to other people who want to keep cats, but have difficulty finding people who are willing to accept them. at other times, people who want to https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 152 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 adopt cats also have difficulty finding people who want to let their cats be adopted. therefore, there is a need for a platform that can connect cat enthusiasts so that they can interact easily. a journal on factors for pets was conducted by mikhail fridman. the journal mentions that people who have pets such as cats have a positive effect of up to 50% compared to those who don’t, with almost 30% better heart condition and 20% better on mental health than people who do not have pets [1]. this is in line with research conducted by dilan ti nur hafizhah and stephani raihana hamdan on cat owners in bandung city, also conclude that there is a positive reaction in cat owners in bandung city who have a high attachment to cats also have higher mental health [2]. in addition, there is a journal on animal maintenance about cat’s health conducted by indra gunawan, stating that cat skin disease is one of the many types of diseases most commonly encountered by cat owners. skin diseases in cats are divided into three, namely non-contagious, contagious to fellow animals, and contagious to humans [3]. likewise, the journal made by azmadi, states that the concept of a framework for qr code technology in applications can make it easier for users to make donations [4]. this journal is also in line with research conducted by karmawan, in his research contains the ease of making payment transactions or donations and how to use them using qr codes on mobile banking [5]. in a journal on geographic information system (gis) technology studied by yulianto, in his research. a system is needed that can present information and is facilitated by a distance search that is useful for getting to the nearest location [6]. a study conducted by jovenn mentioned that people still find it hard to conduct discussions or socializ ing, because they are embarrassed or do not feel safe when using an online forum because there is a possibility of malicious users who can harm the cats they care about [7]. therefore, from the above studies, we can see that the role of technology is crucial such as guides about cats or making donations to care for cats, especially during this pandemic. however, literature on technology, especially apps, to guide cat enthusiasts to care for cats properly are still rare. the purpose of this research is to design a mobile-based application that functions as a digital platform for obtaining related information about cats such as how to care for cats properly and correctly, information related to adopting cats, and others. the research method used in this research is descriptive, as well as in the application development process using an object-oriented approach with system development life cycle waterfall. 2. method the method used in designing this application is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach so that the system design to be made can be conveyed properly. in the stages of designing applications, we use sdlc (system development life cycle) waterfall. the waterfall method is a process commonly used in changing and creating systems and models used in software engineering. this waterfall method carries out the design process with a gradual flow, making it easy to determine certainty when designing software [8]. based on mitch kramer's journal in the waterfall method, there are six stages that must be carried out sequentially which must be completed one by one and move to the next stage only when the previous stage has been fully carried out [9]. here are the six stages in the waterfall method. stages of the waterfall method that will be used in this research (see figure 1). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 153 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 figure 1. system development life cycle waterfall 2.1. requirement gathering and analysis at this stage, the process of interviewing, discussing, or surveying sources to obtain data will be carried out, then it will analyze the objective that must be achieved by the system to be created. 2.2. design at this stage, the process of designing software requirements with an object oriented model using uml (unified modeling language) is carried out. first, analyze the external and internal entities involved in the system, then the input and output, and lastly, analyze the business processes that exist in the system. 2.3. implementation at this stage, the coding process is carried out based on the design of the previous stage that has been made to facilitate the collaboration process when coding with the use of github. github is a cloud service that is useful for storing and managing a project called a repository (git repo). 2.4. integration & testing at this stage, the software testing process that has been made is carried out to determine conformity with the design and function. 2.5. verification at this stage, final testing is carried out by the client, to ensure that the software is following the problems faced or not. 2.6. maintenance at this stage, the process is carried out to maintain the system that has been completed, then repair errors if there is malfunction to the system that has been running due to changes in the needs of the usage tool or the occurrence of something unexpected [10]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 154 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying requirement the meows app is designed to help cat enthusiasts find information related to caring for cats, as well as conduct cat-related discussions and sharing with other cat enthusiasts. the meows app is equipped with article and posting features. the menu structure of the meows application is shown in figure 2 below. figure 1. prototype model figure 2. meows app menu structure 3.2. developing the initial prototype in the early stages of prototyping, there is a front page of the application (see figure 3). the front page has a slogan and the name of the application. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 155 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 figure 3. meows app welcome page figure 3 shows an illustration which means that this application is suitable for cat enthusiasts, and there are also buttons for login and registration. the registration page is shown in figure 4. figure 4. meows app registration page this page is used to create an account before using the application. users must fill in data in the form of name, email, and password and read related terms and conditions of the application. users can also move to the login page by clicking the 'login' text. login page is shown in figure 5. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 156 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 figure 5. meows app login page login page is used for users who already have an account to access other application features. when the user has logged in, the main page of the application will appear, as shown in figure 6. figure 6. meows app main page on this main page, there is an application logo, a menu for viewing owned cat data, a menu for viewing cat growth statistics, a menu related to cat health, as well as a menu for viewing cat feed and there is a list of recent articles. on the menu at the bottom, there are four other menus namely, home (home page), articles, post, and profile. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 157 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 3.3. developing the initial prototype after the initial stage of the prototype was successfully made. then, we continued testing the prototype to test the features contained in the application, as shown in figure 7. on the article page, there are articles related to cats that are useful such as types of cats, health, and so on. users can click on one of the articles and then it will display a detailed page as shown in figure 8. figure 7. list of meows app articles page figure 8. meows app article details page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 158 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 this page contains the details of the article that has been selected by the user. users can also add articles to the favorites list by clicking on the heart icon located at the right top corner within the article image. 3.4. revising and enhancing the prototype the next prototype test is the forum feature for cat lovers to interact and share something related to cats and other issues. figure 9 is a view of the list page of cat lovers posts. figure 9. meows app post list page in each post, there is the content of the post, the number of comments on the post, and an add button that is used to display the post page. to add a comment on one of the posts. users can select one of the posts then the detail page will appear as in figure 10. figure 10 . meows app post details page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 159 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 on this page, users can interact by adding comments, as well as voting on comments to show whether the comments are useful or not. to add a post, users can return to the post list page and click the add button (see figure 10), which will display the new post page as shown in figure 11. figure 11. meows app new post page on this page, users fill in the title and description of the post they want to discuss. then, press the save button to post it. the next feature is the profile menu, the profile menu is shown in figure 12. figure 12. meows app profile page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.100 160 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 151-160 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10073 the profile page contains user data information such as profile picture, username, and title. there is also a favorite menu that contains favorite articles that have been selected by the user, downloads, settings, and exit to log out of the application. the meows app prototype was designed to help cat enthusiasts take care of their cats and share information with fellow cat enthusiasts. the app provides posts, guides, and articles related to cats. 4. conclusion the meows application was designed to be a model application related to cats. in this application, there is information related to cats such as how to care for cats properly and correctly, solutions to deal with the types of diseases or infections that can attack cats, and a forum system that can be used to ask questions for problems that are not contained in the article. references [1] sellera, f. p., da silva, l. c., & lincopan, n. 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these facilities. the goal is to use e-commerce to attract more consumers because it can reach wider consumers. this research uses descriptive qualitative method and literature study based on previous research. so is it enough to make e-commerce an industry that will experience an increase in sales results? of course not, but the more quality e-commerce that is created will further increase profits for the company. 1. introduction e-commerce is a strategy for rapid growth [1]. e-commerce can be defined as the use of the internet to conduct business transactions nationally or internationally [2]. the use of information systems in the field of e-commerce at this time is quite promising, especially because it can reach a broad range of consumers. but before companies choose the use of ecommerce in the company, it is necessary to consider the scale of the company itself, small businesses conducting e-commerce sometimes not be as effective and efficient as large companies. e-commerce itself is usually developed on two bases, namely the web and online applications. a system product, method, equipment, and computer program to provide location-based functions and cellular e-commerce which consists of a central processing unit including processor, storage device, and programming stored in storage devices, display devices, etc. are required to run the basics of e-commerce [3]. fan stated that e-commerce can be interpreted as buying and selling products via the internet, also every transaction that is completed only through electronic steps is considered as e-commerce [4]. whereas thompson explained that the use of internet technology can provide great benefits to the competitive business world. with e-commerce, ordering goods can be done from various regions by consumers. in the current technological era, consumers do not have to bother to be able to make purchases in e-commerce [5]. many consumers also use social networks to sell products. there are clear differences in the goals of online social networking and e-commerce sites. the purpose of online social networking is to support and 284 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 283-288 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech create social relationships, while e-commerce uses internet technology for the buying and selling process. however, despite these differences, we must recognize that economic activity is an important part of life, thereby complementing social activities. therefore, we can argue that dividing social interactions from economic and business transactions is a unity [6]. the company's approach to e-commerce management must fit into the overall business strategy. to be effective, such e-commerce management must take into account the importance of advertising in modern business and must understand the similarities and differences that have become clear through the analysis of offline and online advertising. while companies with established offline brands must ensure that their online offerings are consistent with existing communication, it is very important that online advertising must be adapted to the specific media used to communicate [7]. based on the results of the discussion above can be concluded as follows: a) the use of technology is expected to provide great benefits to the competitive business world. b) with e-commerce companies can get benefits that are used as an alternative source of competitive advantage. c) some factors that encourage companies to use e-commerce include helping faster communication with customers, satisfying customers. d) the benefits of using e-commerce for companies are increasing sales profits, increasing the number of customers, expanding business reach, means of promotion, opening new business opportunities, ease of relationships with customers and customer satisfaction [8]. this study aims to illustrate the impact of using e-commerce, especially for the benefits of e-commerce for business strategies. this research uses descriptive qualitative method and literature study based on previous research. 2. method this study used descriptive qualitative method in the form of a literature review, which is taking data that refers to the theory or similar previous research results in the form of research articles, scientific journals, theses, books, and others. 3. results and discussion before the author describes what are the benefits of e-commerce for business strategies, the author will give a few examples of the interface of one company that has used e-commerce to market products and make e-commerce as a sales tool online (see figure 1). 285 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 283-288 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. initial view of the adidas web store. above is an initial display on the adidas web store. in building an e-commerce, the person needs to be considered in the design so that there are points that become identity or identification on e-commerce. as in the picture above, the selection of clear black has become an identity for this adidas brand, which makes it easy for users to recognize it. in addition, the menu layout makes e-commerce look more elegant (see figure 2). figure 2. main view of the arei web store. the picture above is an initial display of e-commerce arei, the company sells sports equipment products such as hiking and others. in the initial appearance of the company, the photos were replaced with the theme of outdoor sports which became the company's product identity (see figure 3). 286 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 283-288 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. the main page of the amazon web store. unlike the previous pictures, this e-commerce does not sell its products but a platform for online shops to sell their products. after paying attention to the examples of e-commerce that have been circulating, several benefits are not only obtained by consumers but also by companies or businesses. the following are the benefits of using e-commerce for business strategies: 1. reducing costs [9] if a company only relies on offline stores, it will require a lot of costs to create outlets in several branches, moreover the uneven income generated from each outlet. therefore, if a company uses e-commerce for marketing, it will reduce costs a lot because it only needs to pay for creating e-commerce and should not worry about bankruptcy or decreased income from each outlet in the branch. 2. increased profits with the reduced cost of expenditure, the benefits obtained are even greater, especially because e-commerce can reach broader consumer. which makes e-commerce be the right solution for stores that are in remote places. 3. increase market share in addition to increased profits, it also provide benefits to the e-commerce platform, thereby increasing market share because the system that runs is online so that all users or consumers anywhere can make transactions through e-commerce. 4. improve customer service in e-commerce, a product that is marketed will be given detailed information, making it easier for users or consumers to choose and sort the products to be purchased. the availability of customer service that also makes it easy for consumers to ask things that are stil unclear. 5. get customers through search sites using e-commerce also related to search sites, in short, ordinary consumers search for a product on the internet which leads to the possibility that consumers open the e-commerce that the company makes. 287 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 283-288 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech some things need to be considered in building an e-commerce, the following things must be considered in building an e-commerce: 1. selection of products to be marketed determination of products to be marketed does not seem important because some people think that all products can be sold or marketed through e-commerce. in fact, several products are indeed difficult to market through e-commerce. for example, products that requires appropriate and serious handling. for example, fried rice, the product is difficult to be marketed through e-commerce because of the durability of the product and the taste will change. 2. research on the selling potential after the above stage, the next step is to conduct research and check the selling potential. research conducted by looking at competitors and the products they make then do innovation from these products so that there are differences from the products sold and ensure that the products to be marketed are superior to those of competitors. 3. determination of business rules before everything is done well as a businessman pays attention and learns the rules that exist in the business, so the result is the company gets profits and stability in product sales. not biased when only relying on an e-commerce for profit but also the business processes carried out must be following the standards. 4. determination of payment methods in e-commerce in e-commerce, there are payment methods to complete the transaction process. the choice of payment method must also be highly considered for the sake of transaction security as well as the selection of payment partners that do not harm consumers because of the administrative costs obtained. judging from the difference in business activities, e-commerce is divided into several categories, namely: (c2c), (b2c), (b2b), (c2b), (c2g), (b2g), (g2c) [10]. in addition to the benefits for the company, e-commerce also has benefits for consumers, the following are the benefits of e-commerce for consumers: 1. service without a time limit of 1 x 24 hours e-commerce has no time limit in service, which is a benefit for consumers. consumers can buy products without having to worry about closing time stores such as when making purchases offline. 2. able to provide choices and speed in delivery in e-commerce there is a method of shipping goods. usually, some web stores provide several options for shipping services as well as price adjustments for these shipping services. to make it easier for ordinary web storage customers to provide fast shipping where goods can be received within the same day, but limited by transaction distance. 3. with so many choices customers can compare prices with one another e-commerce provides several products from different stores; thus, consumers can choose the product first to compare the best price before making a transaction. the process of comparison between products becomes faster compared to offline purchases. 4. can review product-related comments after making a purchase, consumers can fill in the comments column to provide input regarding products that have been purchased, including customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the product. it can be a comparison for other consumers before making a purchase. 5. can provide information faster 288 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 283-288 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech each product is usually filled with a description of the product, consumers are expected to read well so that no mistakes occur and minimize dissatisfaction after making a purchase. 4. conclusion the existence of e-commerce in a company can bring benefits, the main benefit of ecommerce is that it can reach consumers with broader scope and reduce the expenditure of excess costs. a number of things that need to be considered in building e-commerce is the adjustment of the scale of the company-owned also learn the rules in doing business. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank rector universitas komputer indonesia who has provided learning can write this paper, as well as the entrepreneurial team that has helped the process of improvement in writing this paper. do not forget to the company adidas and several parties who have become sources of reference for the author. references [1] kim, s. h., bae, j. h., & jeon, h. m. 2019. continuous intention on accommodation apps: integrated value-based adoption and expectation–confirmation model analysis. sustainability, 11(6), pp.1578. [2] he, y., wang, j., lau, w. t., mahat, f. b., tuan, n. a., thanh, n. m., & loc, t. t. 2019. a panel analysis on the cross border e-commerce trade: evidence from asean countries. the journal of asian finance, economics and business, 6(2), pp.95-104. [3] elia, s., giuffrida, m., & piscitello, l. 2019. does e-commerce facilitate or complicate smes' internationalisation?. información comercial española, ice: revista de economía, (909), pp.61-73. [4] fan, q. 2019. an exploratory study of cross border e-commerce (cbec) in china: opportunities and challenges for small to medium size enterprises (smes). international journal of e-entrepreneurship and innovation (ijeei), 9(1), pp.23-29. [5] thompson, f. m., tuzovic, s., & braun, c. 2019. trustmarks: strategies for exploiting their full potential in e-commerce. business horizons, 62(2), pp.237-247. [6] janjevic, m., winkenbach, m., & merchán, d. 2019. integrating collection-and-delivery points in the strategic design of urban last-mile e-commerce distribution networks. transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review, 131, pp.37-67.. [7] wagner, g., schramm-klein, h., & steinmann, s. 2020. online retailing across e-channels and e-channel touchpoints: empirical studies of consumer behavior in the multichannel e-commerce environment. journal of business research, 107, pp.256-270. [8] akhtar, a., huda, s. s., & dilshad, s. 2019. does perceived service quality affect patient satisfaction?. international journal of public and private perspectives on healthcare, culture, and the environment (ijppphce), 3(1), pp.45-57. [9] elia, s., giuffrida, m., & piscitello, l. 2019. does e-commerce facilitate or complicate smes' internationalisation?. información comercial española, ice: revista de economía, (909), pp.61-73. [10] selase, a. m., selase, a. e., ayishetu, a. r., comfort, a. d., stanley, a., & ebenezer, g. a. 2019. impact of technology adoption and its utilization on smes in ghana. international journal of small and medium enterprises, 2(2), pp.1-13. 271 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech web-based survey for consumers m iffan1*, n shafira2 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen sastra inggris, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *m.iffan@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to describe the advantages of web-based survey for users as consumers. the method used in this study was a qualitative method in which the data presented are data from phenomena. the results of this study proved that web-based survey had advantages to the users as consumers viewed through how the survey team gave rewards to users after finishing surveys, the features of the web and users would help the companies by their surveys. the conclusion obtained in this study is relationships between other companies, survey teams and users as consumers have benefit to each other. 1. introduction increasing internet use in indonesia offers business opportunities for the markets. when marketers know the factors affecting the actions of customers and the relationships between the factors and the type of customers, they can further improve their marketing strategies to turn potential customers into active customers while maintaining existent customers [1]. to find out these factors and the type of customers, some companies may need to see market situation in that time. marketers need to consider how customers make choices on the internet, choose products, and negotiate with internet providers. this special issue aims to develop new insights, models and hypotheses about the actions of internet customers [2]. one way to know the marketing situation is using a survey. the internet can be an excellent medium for many survey research applications since people are connected to computer such as using internet. networks are seen as an effective way of collecting survey data [2]. surveys can be obtained in two different ways electronically: via e-mail or web pages. web-based survey systems can generally manage and process large numbers of surveys at significantly lower costs than traditional survey modes [3]. this survey method is increasingly becoming popular because people access internet nowadays. the net generation needs access to the internet at anytime and anywhere, in addition, to use the internet for knowledge searches, interaction and function [4]. therefore, there is an opportunity for people using the internet to search for goods or services details that they want. they will choose goods according to their preferences. as well as surveys, people will help companies to display the current market situation such as the most wanted products or services. furthermore, the 272 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech internet is an interactive data collection mode that allows respondents to choose the appropriate time to complete the questionnaire and make surveys more enjoyable [5]. to attract people taking surveys, survey provider will use some strategies and they are designed as attractive as possible. different ways are available for conducting web-based surveys: via commercial platforms which are cheaper, no development needed, but missing some features; or custom-built platforms which the configure ration and creation are required but only used for one survey [5]. these have many advantages, such as the ability to manage numerous surveys, submit e-mail information, use points, and put forward a variety of questions. through this concept, in web-based surveys, a questionnaire can be completed at anytime and anywhere. to engage and keep the respondent engaged in the surveys, it is necessary to model attractive web surveys [6]. this allows new materials to be included as more inspiring templates and vibrant images direct respondents to complete the survey in its entirety. therefore, web-based survey methods provide a comprehensive solution. their potential benefits include reduced costs of time and money [7,8], responses quicker than traditional methods of data collection [9], more interactive or customized formats and less effort to complete and return the survey [10]. more complexity can also be applied in a web survey to simplify the collection and reporting of data and to obtain larger samples [11]. the purpose of this study is to describe the advantages of web-based survey for users as consumers. the method used in this study was a qualitative method in which the data presented are data from phenomena. 2. method the writer used qualitative methods because this study aimed to analyze and describe data from the web-based survey. qualitative method is a method in which data is written or oral and then analyzed descriptively. qualitative research was carried out by describing the phenomena contained in the data, then proceed with the conclusions. the writer would like describe the advantages of web-based survey for users as consumers on nusaresearch.net website. 3. results and discussion 3.1 relationship between companies, survey team, and users as customers in figure 1, three of them did the cooperation in order to make the cycle goes properly. if one of them did not go properly, it could be harmful to each other. the circumstance could be started from the companies or the survey team [3]. figure 1 below shows the illustration of cooperation between companies, survey team and users. 273 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. the illustration of cooperation between companies, survey team and users as customers. first, if the cycle started from companies, the companies usually would request to survey team about current marketing situation. companies needed to adjust themselves with the internal and external situation in order to satisfy customer needs. therefore, companies would need a service from survey team to find out the situation in that time. sometimes, the companies connected the survey with their goods or services that they have so they can predict whether the goods or services are suitable for community. then the survey team would support the companies after they submitted their surveys and targets. survey team became the media to spread the surveys. to find the targets for the surveys, the survey team would send notification through email so users might not miss it. the survey team also gave rewards to users who had finished the survey if it matched the target. therefore, the level of loyalty between the survey team and the users would increase. the number of users would increase because of that benefit. after that, users as customers would take the surveys given from survey team. normally, the surveys had a qualification so users could fill personal data to enter the surveys. if the users were qualified, the main surveys would appear, and users could finish the survey. however, if they were not qualified, they could not continue to participate in the surveys and did not receive rewards. next, after the users had finished the surveys, the data obtained would be collected until the targets were reached. in the end, companies would get insights about marketing situation after getting the data in statistic or description. if the cycle started from survey team, they usually would upload some popular keywords now, for example, a hand phone, brand a, or a comparison between online taxi brands. in that time, there was no agreement between survey team and companies. it means that it did not attached. users would take the surveys as usual and finish it if they were qualified. after the data from users were collected, the survey team would show the result of surveys so the companies could use it as their data to conduct situation analysis. 3.2 the features on nusaresearch.net to attract users to take surveys, the surveys team prepared several strategies. figure 2 below shows login interface on nusaresearch.net. if users wanted to take surveys, they needed an account. accounts could be used for recording the survey that you had 274 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech completed and accommodating the points that had been obtained. in order to make it easier, the users could choose some options as their nusa research accounts. the users could log in through social media account such as facebook, twitter, google or line. if they chose that, they only needed to confirm the authorization on the selected platform. then, the account could be used for taking the surveys. if the users did not want to choose logging in through facebook, twitter, google or line, the users might register with their emails. figure 2. login interface on nusaresearch.net. then, the survey team sent them a verification mail. this feature gave benefit to log in easier and faster. it could also be an alternative to use social media account if users did not have accounts at first. figure 3 below shows list of surveys. there were some surveys that users could take. the left one was the list from some companies and the right one as the list from fellow users. the users would get points from the left list if they were qualified to finish surveys and the result would be sent to companies. the right one was survey cepat. users could take survey cepat or make one for their own to help fellow users if they needed a survey and it could only be used for personal. for survey cepat, only the quickest ones would get the reward. 275 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. list of surveys. to make a survey in survey cepat, users could click hasil survey cepat from daftar survey button and type what surveys they needed. this feature was advantageous if they wanted to know the situation in that time or thoughts on something. the users could only put two to four in this survey and it was limited for personal use only. figure 4 below shows how to create users’ own surveys. figure 4. making users’ own surveys (survey cepat). 3.3 getting rewards after finishing surveys after users got some points and wanted to exchange of points for money, the users could choose penukaran poin button. the users had to confirm users account such as typing the password and birth date. the purpose of re-confirming accounts was for the safety, so the account was possibly secured. figure 5 below shows re-confirming users’ accounts page. 276 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. re-confirming users’ accounts. figure 6 below shows rewards selection after collecting points figure 6. the rewards selection after collecting points. after the users typed the password and birth date, the users could see the options of the reward payment. it could be e-wallet (paypal, mobile credit deposit, or go-pay), mobile credit, or line points. the nominal depended on the option. for example, if the users chose go-pay, the options would be idr 25,000 for 500 points, idr 50,000 for 1000 points and idr 100,000 for 2000 points. if the users choose paypal, the option will be $2 for 700 points, $4 for 1300 points and $8 for 2500 points. therefore, the exchange of points was different according to the option and the nominal. 277 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 271-277 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion in this paper, it presents that web-based survey can give some advantages for users as consumers. web-based survey let the users earn extra money after finishing the survey. furthermore, this web-based survey can be used for sharing with fellow users. moreover, the relationship between companies, survey team, and users as costumers is significant because they help to each other. if one of them is missing, it will ruin the cycle. references [1] hasan, b. 2016. perceived irritation in online shopping: the impact of website design characteristics. computers in human behavior, 54, 224-230. 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[5] monzon, a & bayart, c. 2018 workshop synthesis: web-based surveys, new insight to address main challenges. transportation research procedia, 32, pp. 167-173 [6] greaves, s., ellison, a., ellison, r., rance, d., standen, c., rissel, c., crane, m., 2015. a web-based diary and companion smartphone app for travel/activity surveys. transportation research procedia, 11, pp. 297-310 [7] keramitsoglou, k. m., manfreda, k. l., anastasiou, c., skjak, k. k., & tsagarakis, k. p. 2018. mode comparison study on willingness to buy and willingness to pay for organic foods: paper-and-pencil versus computerized questionnaire. electronic commerce research, 18(3), 587-603. [8] garaizar, p., & reips, u. d. 2019. best practices: two web-browser-based methods for stimulus presentation in behavioral experiments with high-resolution timing requirements. behavior research methods, 51(3), 1441-1453. 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[11] lowry, p. b., d’arcy, j., hammer, b., & moody, g. d. 2016. “cargo cult” science in traditional organization and information systems survey research: a case for using nontraditional methods of data collection, including mechanical turk and online panels. the journal of strategic information systems, 25(3), 232-240. open access proceedings journal of physics: conference series 54 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 54-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech designing information systems for general administration management in playgroups in north cimahi district m fitriawati1*, r h lestari2 1universitas komputer indonesia 2ikip siliwangi email: *miafitriawati@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. the process of implementing early childhood education at the playgroup level in its management includes program planning, organizing, implementing work plans, and monitoring. this research will discuss about management at the level of the playgroup which concerns general administration management. where this general administration management contains important documents regarding the implementation of playgroups which are still being done manually on physical documents that may be damaged, so that important data in these documents experiences the same thing. therefore, an information system design is needed to overcome these problems. this design uses the prototype method as a method of developing information systems. the results of this design will be used by programmers as material for making information systems. 1. introduction the emergence of schools aimed at early childhood requires good and appropriate management in accordance with the national standards for early childhood education regulated by the regulation of the minister of education and culture of the republic of indonesia number 137 of 2014 [1]. of the eight standards of early childhood education, management standards and standards of educators and education workforce need to be considered in order for school administration and management to be implemented [1,2]. administrative management in early childhood education can be managed by educators and education staff. educators are tasked with managing administration related to teaching and learning activities and education center consisting of the head and administration staff for early childhood education [1]. in this research, the administration of early childhood education institutions that will be studied is a playgroup aimed at early childhood aged 3-4 years in cimahi city, cimahi utara district, totaling 25 [3,4]. playgroups are describes in the 55 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 54-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech international literature, including the united states of america, united kingdom and new zealand, as a context in which a group of parents or carers and young children meet regularly to engange in play and socialization [5]. in administrative management, the playgroup is divided into three types, namely general administration, financial administration, and activity administration [3]. this research focus will be discussed regarding general administration management based on the technical guidelines for organizing playing groups (2011), which consists of documents regarding prospective student books, student registration forms, master book formats, student attendance books, and others that are managed by the head and administrative staff of early childhood education [3]. however, the results of observations in several playgroups of documents in general administration management were created and managed manually which were written in special books, so that a lot of data was easily damaged. from the results of the above observations, ece (early childhood education) heads and administrative staff need to have managerial competence [1, 6, 7]. in this modern era, information and communication technology has an impact on the education sector, especially in the field of administration. many schools have used information and communication technology in managing administration. therefore, information and communication technology can be used by the head and administrative staff of early childhood education as a role, responsibility, and function [8]. it is known that information is very important for management in making decisions. this information can be obtained from the information system.information system (is) involve a variety on information technology (it) such as computers, software, databases, communication system, the internet, mobile devices and much more, to perform specific task, interact with and inform various actors in different organizational or social contexts [9]. implementation of information system can support organization to achieve its goals [10]. there has been previous research on information system design which says that information system design can provide convenience to teachers at the early childhood education level [11, 12], but both studies did not design on how to manage general administration. this study only discusses the design of information systems regarding learning activities carried out in kindergarten, not in playgroups. therefore, based on what has been described, we made a general administration management information system design in the urban village of cimahi that uses uml diagrams in the form of use case diagrams and the development method uses the prototype method. 2. method in this study, we used object-oriented analysis design (ooad) method and system design aids using uml diagrams [13, 14]. this method was done by finding problems based on the object being studied, beside this method was very effective for developing complex system. software development is highly complex & interesting field with so many variables having lots of impact on system [15]. in software development (sd), they are many stages of events and activities take place typically; some of them are interactive in nature [16]. in designing the information system development using the prototype method. this model is then continually improved until it is according to user needs [14]. the application of the system is important for the information system developer in assessing the success of the information system whether it runs according to the plan and whether it has fulfilled the wishes of its users [17]. prototyping requires more user involvement and allows them to see and interact with 56 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 54-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech prototype allowing them to provide better and more complete feedback and specifications [18]. the developed prototype system shows the functional requirements of the system and can be used by stakeholders to monitor the production process and assist the decision-making process [19]. the prototype consists of several stages, but this research will focus on designing information systems. in the early stages, data collection will be carried out to be able to observe what the user needs, which carried out through interviews and literature studies. the advantage of using a prototype is that the designing could be done fastly. where a developer and customer meet and define the overall object of the software, identify all needs, know which areas need to be known so that they can do a quick design. design flash is intended to present aspects that demonstrate the construction of a prototype for the customer to then be evaluated to filter development requirements. 3. results and discussion for the initial stages in the design, it is necessary to know in advance the needs of the user, namely the head and administrative staff of the playgroup in the north cimahi sub-district by conducting interviews and observations. the results obtained in interviews and observations are in the form of data and processes on the procedures and standards commonly used by playgroup institutions for later system analysis. the analysis of the system covers the feasibility and need analysis [20]. the next stage is to develop a prototype by looking at the results of the system analysis process in each process in general administration management in the playgroup, including student management, institutional data management, management of facilities and infrastructure, and general administration reports. there are two actors in the development of this information system design, namely, the administration as the party that manages the general administration as a whole and the principal as the party that validates and approves all reports regarding general administration management. the following figure is a use case diagram that illustrates this in figure 1. figure 1. use case diagram the next stage is to design the system, by designing the interface as an important part of the process of designing an information system. this interface design plays a very important role in making web design, the interface is built to adjust to user needs [21]. each part in the 57 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 54-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech system that confused the users will be identified and improved by designing the interface to ease the users to keep them engaged with the system [22]. the interface design in this research is website based. website history can be considered an emerging discipline at the intersection between media history and internet history [23]. the following is a picture of the interface design for logging in. this login page is used by administrative staff and school principals to enter the system and is limited by access rights for each actor. figure 2. login interface figure 3 shows the main view for actor administration in the general administration management information system. this page contains notifications about which data has not been completed by the administrative staff which is adjusted to the level of data that is important to be worked on immediately so it is very important to be completed immediately. 58 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 54-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. home administration interface the process of general administration management is shown in figure 4. figure 4 is a view on the side of the principal who can see all the results of data processing in the form of reports for a certain period. the purpose of this report is to provide useful information for playgroup institutions in carrying out all activities related to general administration. figure 4. home school principal interface with the design of this information system, it is expected that it can assist related parties in carrying out their duties properly. this is because information systems (is) education is concerned with design and management of information systems [24]. therefore, a training on the use of information systems is also needed so that its objectives can be fulfilled and effective decisions are the result of effective and relevant and up to date information system of the organization [25]. 4. conclusion the design of the general administration management information system in playgroups in the north cimahi sub-district was produced using a prototype development method in the form of interface design. with the presence of this design, it can be used as material to create an information system required by administrative staff and school principals. this design can also help the playgroup in managing any data related to general administration and the information obtained can be used in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. 59 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 54-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] peraturan menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan, nomor 137, 2014, tentang standar nasional pendidikan anak usia dini. 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quality, changes in water temperature, and feeding. therefore, to maintain the health of ornamental fish, a system is needed to monitor the aquarium's condition in real-time. this research aims to design a system that can monitor the aquarium's condition and provide feed automatically. monitoring is carried out by utilizing internet of things (iot) technology, which allows the information collected to be accessed in real-time through the smart aquarium application. the research method used in this research is analysis with a qualitative approach. the results showed that this automatic monitoring and feeding system can maintain health and reduce the risk of death of ornamental fish in the aquarium. the main concept of this system is monitoring water temperature conditions, water ph levels, and water turbidity, and doing automatic feeding. in addition, this system also has a feature that can see the current conditions in the aquarium. this system can make it easier for ornamental fish owners to monitor the conditions of the aquarium and can provide peace of mind when leaving the aquarium for some time. keywords: monitoring, aquarium, internet of things (iot) article info: submitted/received 13 des 2022 first revised 10 jan 2023 accepted 28 feb 2023 first available online 04 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 124 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 123-130 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10012 1. introduction one of the drivers of the economy in indonesia is the fishery sector, for improving the welfare of people who depend on the fishery sector, then production needs to be increased. there are 750 types of freshwater ornamental fish from 1600 types of ornamental fish traded. during the pandemic, ornamental fish commodities became popular among the people of indonesia. based on data from bkipm bandung in 2018, the number of ornamental fish that were successfully exported was 20,431,156 with an economic value of 73.3 billion rupiahs. meanwhile, the number of exports increased to 23,317,318 for an economic value of 93.3 billion rupiahs in 2020 during the covid-19 pandemic [1]. in maintaining ornamental fish, several things must be considered to maintain the health of the fish, including water quality, changes in water temperature, and feeding. therefore, to maintain the health of ornamental fish, a system is needed to monitor the aquarium's condition in real-time. in the modern era, human work can be completed properly and efficiently thanks to technological developments. internet of things (iot)-based system is one of the technologies that can help human work. iot is a system consisting of sensors or actuators connected to the internet network [2-6]. to maintain the growth and health of ornamental fish keep remains well in the aquarium, ornamental fish owners must maintain the cleanliness and quality of the water in the aquarium. in the research of prangchumpol (2018), for the feeding is more efficient and does not pollute water quality, there is a certain dose in the feeding [2]. another research stated that the difficulty in feeding the aquarium was due to the dense activity [2 -4]. in addition, another research stated that for the growth and development of fish to be optimal, the water in the aquarium must be in good condition [5]. for the life and development of aquatic organisms, the optimal temperature range is between 24.5 – 27.5 c [6]. not only that, a neutral ph between 7 to 8.5 is preferred because most aquatic organisms are sensitive to changes in ph [7-8]. according to effendi (2003), the visio logical processes in the body of aquatic organisms including fish affect the ph of the water. metabolic rate is influenced by water temperature, the metabolic rate of fish will increase to the optimum limit if the water temperature increases and vice versa [9]. in that research’s we can see the importance of monitoring water quality and feeding in keeping ornamental fish. based on previous research, this study will combine several features such as automatic feeding that can be scheduled through the application and monitoring water conditions in the form of temperature, turbidity and ph levels in the aquarium contained in the smart aquarium application. the purpose of this research is to design a system that can monitor the condition of the aquarium and provide feed automatically to make it easier for ornamental fish owners to monitor the condition of the aquarium and be able to provide peace of mind when leaving the aquarium for some time. monitoring is carried out by utilizing internet of things (iot) technology, which allows the information collected to be accessed in real-time through the smart aquarium application. the research method used in this research is analysis with a qualitative approach. 2. method the research method that we use in this research uses analysis with a qualitative approach. in system design, we use the iot method as a means of data information in real-time by utilizing android studio software in the development of a prototyping system as a monitoring information medium. prototyping development requires interactive communication from users. therefore, users can provide suggestions to produce a system prototype that suits their needs. in its application, sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers are connected to the server https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 125 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 123-130 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10012 via the internet network using a wi-fi module to carry out the monitoring system and these values will be displayed on the smart aquarium monitoring application. the first step of the system prototype is to search for requirements. at this stage, user interviews and observations are carried out to obtain information about the needs that will be applied to the system. furthermore, hardware design and checking are also carried out to find out each working component as well as develop prototype applications. after the components are inspected, a calibration procedure is carried out to ensure that the resulting values correspond to actual conditions. the development of this system will produce an initial prototype that will be used by users. after that, the user will design the prototype made. the results of the product will be used by developers to maximize the system based on suggestions given by users from the results of the initial prototype. 3. results and discussion 3.1. system planning the monitoring and automatic feeding system for aquariums consist of tools and applications. the tool is designed based on the need for monitoring and automatic feeding of the aquarium. the tool in this system consists of several sensors to monitor the current conditions, namely the water temperature sensor which functions to measure the temperature level in the water, the ph sensor which functions to measure the acidity level in the water, and the turbidity sensor which functions to determine the level of turbidity of the water in the aquarium. not only that but the system is also equipped with an actuator in the form of a servo motor which functions to perform feeding automatically by opening/closing the feed container valve. the system workflow is shown in figure 1. figure 1. system workflow figure 1 shows the workflow of the system where the temperature sensor, ph sensor, and turbidity sensor will collect data from the aquarium, then the data obtained will be processed by the microcontroller and the results will be sent to the smart aquarium application. in addition, the application can also send commands to feed automatically, the command is sent from the application to the microcontroller and then the microcontroller will drive the servo motor to open/close the feed valve. the system utilizes internet of things (iot) technology which allows sending data to applications in real-time. the smart aquarium application is designed to be able to monitor conditions in the aquarium and also regulate automatic feeding which can provide convenience for aquarium owners. the menu structure of the smart aquarium application is shown in figure 2. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 126 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 123-130 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10012 figure 2. menu structure of the smart aquarium application figure 2 shows the menu structure of the smart aquarium application. the home menu contains weather information and automatic feeding schedule settings. the monitoring menu displays the current condition of the aquarium containing the water temperature level, the ph level of the water, and the level of water turbidity. then there is the share menu which functions to share monitoring data. 3.2. application prototype development when the application is first opened by the user, it will display the logo and name of the application "smart aquarium" which has been designed by the developer, which can be seen in figure 3. figure 3. welcome page smart aquarium https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 127 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 123-130 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10012 after displaying the welcome page in figure 3. next, the user will be presented with the main page or the home menu. on the home menu, there is a weather widget that displays the day, date, year, hour, temperature, and the user's location which can later be used as a comparison with existing conditions. on the home menu, there is also an option to choose the time for automatic feeding, as for how to create an automatic feeding schedule by pressing the add logo to add additional hours. the following display of application design on the home menu can be seen in figure 4. figure 4. smart aquarium application home page in the monitoring menu, 3 widgets will display the temperature, the ph, and the water turbidity level in the aquarium equipped with a refresh feature in the upper right corner. the following display of application design on the monitoring menu can be seen in figure 5. figure 5. smart aquarium application monitoring page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 128 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 123-130 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10012 3.3. prototype system testing after the system and application prototypes have been creat, the initial stage of system testing is carried out in the context of discussions between developers and users. system testing through application in the form of automatic feeding and monitoring of the conditions of the aquarium. figure 6 shows the home page for adding an automatic feeding schedule by clicking on the add logo and it will display a customizable clock. figure 6. feeds schedule for home page on this page can only store a maximum of 4 feeding times which can be disabled and adjusted. after the schedule is set, the system will provide feed according to a predetermined schedule [2]. further testing for monitoring can be seen in figure 7. figure 7. aquarium monitoring test https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 129 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 123-130 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10012 figure 7 displays the aquarium condition monitoring page. on this page, the monitoring data will be updated automatically following changes in the data obtained by the sensor that occurs in the aquarium. it can be seen in the temperature section showing a temperature of 26oc which indicates the water temperature in the aquarium is at a normal level because the water temperature for ornamental fish in the aquarium must always be in the range of 24.5 27.5oc [6]. furthermore, it can be seen in the ph section that the ph level of the water is 7.1 which indicates the ph of the water in the aquarium is at a neutral level because the optimal water ph conditions for fish maintenance range from 7 to 8.5 [7 -8]. then in the turbidity section, it can be seen that the turbidity level in the aquarium is 25 ntu, this level is still considered ideal for fish because the ideal turbidity level of water is in the range of 0 -25 ntu [10-14]. in the last section, there is a share menu which is useful for sharing monitoring data. the prototype of the smart aquarium system and application was developed to help ornamental fish owners to monitor and automatically feed their ornamental fish aquariums. this system performs real-time monitoring and scheduled feeding. this research produces a prototype system that can provide convenience for aquarium owners in knowing the conditions of the aquarium. 4. conclusion this monitoring system is designed to be an interactive system model for ornamental fish aquarium owners. information related to the condition of the aquarium can be found in this system through the smart aquarium application in the form of water temperature, water ph, and water turbidity. not only that, but the system can also perform automatic feeding which can be scheduled through the application. with this system, it is hoped that the health of fish in the aquarium can be maintained optimally. acknowledgement we would like to thank the indonesian computer university paper team who has helped us in writing this paper. references [1] dinas pertanian, pangan dan perikanan. 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increasingly sophisticated because it can use social media in developing a business. marketing communication can be a strategy for every msme to learn to introduce the products produced to other parties, so that they have the same understanding and purpose for the products and brands being sold. various types of marketing communication mix can be selected and adapted to the types of competitive products; they must also be able to market what they produce. in the early stages, every msme must be able to read market needs, so that they can produce products that have high competitiveness. increasing the competitiveness of msmes as the spearhead of the indonesian economy towards the global market, therefore a good marketing communication strategy is needed. by using good marketing communication, it will have an impact on the progress of the business carried out and msmes will grow into msmes that have good competitiveness. keywords: communication marketing, digital marketing, msmes, business competition. 1. introduction with all the developments in the 4.0 revolution, the way to communicate is also increasingly sophisticated, such as using a smartphone with various features in it. the emergence of sophisticated communication technology can also facilitate people's lives. using a smartphone can also make it easier to access social media. not only used to capture the moment, social media can also be used for business. this can certainly be a trigger for increased competition in a business. one way that can make a business survive is by utilising social media as a marketing medium. interactive media is very valuable for building relationships and trust between brands and consumers which will later affect consumer interest in the brand itself. mailto:*nisya.41818100@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id mailto:*nisya.41818100@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 164 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 163-168 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the marketing communication strategy studied by the author is how the communication strategy along with the development of technology is able to affect the welfare of the micro and small enterprises themselves. the role of marketing communications from year to year is becoming increasingly important and requires extra thought in order to introduce, inform, offer, influence, and maintain the buying behaviour of consumers and potential customers of a company [1]. a marketing communication strategy is also something that is needed to start or maintain a business. in developing the economy in indonesia, micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) have an important role because with these businesses people with low education are able to live in small business activities. marketing communication has an important component called promotion. promotion is synonymous with sales [2]. using promotions, it is hoped that there will be an influence on ongoing business such as an increase in the number of product purchases, because promotions are also able to help increase brand awareness [3]. the competition that occurs between business actors gives consumers the advantage of offering cheaper prices and increasing the number of alternative choices of goods or services offered. increasing the creativity of msme actors is a necessity to be able to compete in the global market. the important thing to note in order to compete in the global market is to keep up with the latest developments, msme players must be able to use online applications to market their products to a wide range. strategy is very important to determine the success of msme actors to achieve their long-term goals. by choosing the right strategy in the position of certain msme actors, it will make an msme actor have a competitive advantage [4]. competition in business activities is in the same breath as the business activity itself. in principle, everyone has the right to sell or buy goods or services “what”, “with whom”, “how much” and “how” to produce, this is what is called a market economy. in line with that, market behaviour and structure are sometimes unpredictable, so that it is not uncommon for business actors to commit fraud, restrictions that cause some or some business actors to lose money or even end. fair competition will have positive consequences for business actors, because it can generate motivation or stimulation to increase efficiency, productivity, innovation, and the quality of the products they produce. the determination of technology has changed the face of the world in all sectors [5]. especially the industrial and trade sectors which have a very large impact. the technological revolution that touches all economic and social joints is forcing all business people to switch from the conventional manual to digital technology. although a necessity, this revolution in internet technology does not necessarily push over control. it is still being considered how the condition of the readiness of the economic community for small and medium enterprises in implementing this digital technology is still being considered. the purpose of this study is to analyse the marketing communication strategies carried out by micro, small and medium enterprises in dealing with competition in the digital era. this study used qualitative research methods. and using a marketing communication theory approach to the diffusion of innovation theory. 2. method in this study the authors chose several methods of data collection and one of them is an interview. however, the research method that we use is a qualitative method. descriptive qualitative method proposed by miles and huberman (1994). here is a picture of the model for this method. 165 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 163-168 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. descriptive qualitative method proposed by miles and huberman (1994) in this research method, it is explained that the source of the description is broad and based on definite / concrete, and contains an explanation of all the processes that occur in the research objectives. with qualitative data we can follow and understand the flow of events in chronological order, assess cause and effect in the minds of local people and obtain many useful explanations. and again, qualitative data can make us understand and explore further. there are several things that must be reviewed carefully, including collecting data, then displaying the data, reducing the data, and reaching conclusions by describing or verifying all the data. so that the data can be accounted for in the future. not to mention strengthening the data by conducting interviews with msme actors. the interviews were conducted to obtain more accurate results related to the marketing communication strategy carried out by msme actors who are actively running the business. there is a little explanation about the guiding theory which is the basis for the author in determining what aspects the writer is trying to find in this research. that is the theory of diffusion of innovation put forward by everett m who also put forward one of the theories of development communication and mass communication. adopted into the realm of marketing communications to describe the process by which a new product spreads in the market through purchase by adopters. figure 2. behaviour innovation adopters the process involves several stages, each of which has several important factors in marketing communication planning. according to rogers, what is meant by diffusion is the 166 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 163-168 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech process of an innovation that is communicated over a certain period of time among members of a social system. there are 5 (five) categories of innovation adopters, that is: • innovator – pioneer. • early adopters – pioneer, opinion leader who is highly educated and open to new ideas. • early majority – early adherents who rely on informal data sources. • late majority – slow adherents are those who are sceptical of new ideas and only adopt new products for economic and social reasons. • laggards – the conservatives are those who reject new ideas with closed minds and low incomes. those whose behaviour mostly falls into one of the categories above will have different communication behaviours such as the use of media and others. 3. results and discussion small, micro and medium enterprises or commonly abbreviated as msmes are micro businesses that have a fairly important role and cannot be ignored in efforts to restore economic conditions in indonesia. with the covid-19 that hit indonesia and even the world, it had an impact on the community's economy which declined. therefore, competition in business is getting tighter and tighter, especially for smes. in business, competition is normal and commonplace. however, in order for businesses to survive in the midst of a pandemic and many competitors, msme actors must have innovations and strategies to maintain their business. basically, the marketing concept is very simple, because it is built on the basic principle of maximising satisfaction through the use of scarce resources. the presence of digital media has clearly increased the level of effectiveness of product advertising, including in the msme environment that is just starting their business which in the end makes all msmes who are just starting out able to shift their views to digital promotional media compared to ways outside of new technology. like spreading outside the network. figure 3. digital marketing channels’ effectiveness (b2b & b2c) if we look at the images used by the author as sample images, it is clear that we can see how effective the use of social media as digital media for marketing has been since 2017, which means that the transfer of promotional media to areas such as online and digital media is not a bad thing to do. tried, even for the independent business sector. 167 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 163-168 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on interviews conducted with one of the smes in bandung, namely cv nina kreasi. the promotion carried out by cv nina kreasi is through exhibitions both domestically and abroad in a hybrid way during the pandemic. the media used for promotion are social media, namely instagram, whatsapp, facebook, and marketplace. using some social media can certainly increase awareness of brands related to the products being sold. in order to always compete with similar businesses, these msmes innovate by maintaining product characteristics and creating new ideas that are different from previous products and different from competitors. and make a different way of marketing with competitors [6]. a strategy to attract consumer interest in the midst of intense competition, this business offers its products through easily accessible ways such as product offerings through content created on several social media tiktok, instagram reels and instastory by always getting new information about product information can also follow trends. even in a previous study entitled the impact of integrated marketing communication on consumer behaviour: influence on consumer decisions – the making process written by camelia mihart (kailani), in the journal the author discusses costume habits after they enjoy digital marketing communications so that consumers can make themselves and feel more comfortable by glancing at the product or food they want through digitalized medias [7]. the thing that must be understood is that competitiveness has also increased when everything has shifted to digitalization, even in the small business sector. figure 4. micro small and medium enterprises because it is undeniable, the easier the business field, the more volatile the potential for turbulence in competition in the realm of smes though. the only strategy that can be done in the end is how msmes can keep their name up, and innovate to stay ahead of the competition. 4. conclusion so, the essence of everything that is researched from this research is the fact that the effectiveness of using digital media as a communication medium to spread the presence of an msme in society, so that the spread of the presence of msmes is easier and can be quickly glimpsed by the community. moreover, from the results of interviews with msme owner cv nina kreasi, the author can understand that in addition to the marketplace, social media is also often used as the main marketing tool in raising the name of msmes themselves, and if drawn from the theory that guides this research, the influence of the presence of digital media also affects people's habits which ultimately change their habits in finding needs, which previously had to deliberately search and go out of the house, now people have a practical way of using only cell phones. and high competition can occur at any time, but the owners of msmes must still be able to innovate with high consistency so that their products continue to rise up. 168 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 163-168 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech acknowledgement praise and gratitude because in the end the author was able to finish this research, with all the author's abilities in searching, observing, and even in the realm of studying. first and foremost, the writer would like to thank the entire teaching team of kwu unikom, who always do not get tired of giving knowledge, up to specific understanding so that the author can learn during the process of forming this paper. references [1] prasetyo, b. d., febriani, n. s., asmara, w. w., tamitiadini, d. d., destrity, n. a., avina, d. a. a., & illahi, a. 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(2018). komunikasi pemasaran terpadu: pendekatan tradisional hingga era media baru. universitas brawijaya press. [2] panuju, r. (2019). komunikasi pemasaran: pemasaran sebagai gejala komunikasi komunikasi sebagai strategi pemasaran. prenada media. [3] pangestu, putri ayu. 2018. strategi komunikasi pemasaran usaha kecil dan menengah (ukm) gaharu plaza indonesia dalam meningkatkan penjualan produk. jurnal online mahasiswa. [4] yuliaty, t., shafira, c. s., & akbar, m. r. (2020). strategi umkm dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis global. mbia, 19(3), 293-308. [5] christantyawati, n., sufa, s. a., susilo, d., & putranto, t. d. (2018). metamorfosis media komunikasi pemasaran produk hasil usaha mikro kecil dan menengah. jurnal terapan abdimas, 3(2), 91-96. [6] mihart, c. 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(2018). effective enterprise communication and learning attitude in business performance: a case study on smes. european research studies, 21(4), 55-68. 403 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 403-409 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech digital customer service: the effectiveness of communication in technology revolution 4.0 alya reizanda bakari1*, catherine hellen christina2, davina putri ninditya3 muhammad iffan4 1,2,3 departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 4departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: * alya.41818033@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the development of technology has changed the way of interpersonal communication into digital communication. technological speed can be in the form of technology applications, computers, social media, robots and the public environment. digital customer service is one of the creative innovations and practical solutions to selfservice with new technologies found in the current digital revolution 4.0. effectiveness is a goal or success in achieving goals or objectives based on what has been set. the effectiveness of communication can be seen based on the effectiveness of the message received and can be understood by the customer. the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of digital customer service as an example of the 4.0 communication technology revolution in helping its use to get maximum service. this research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive studies. while the concept used is the effectiveness of communication from andre hardjana. the results of this study are the effectiveness of communication in the application of digital customer service in the community with new technology. this research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of communication in the application of digital customer service in the midst of the communication transition of the digital revolution 4.0. keywords: communication, effectiveness of communication, digital customer service 1. introduction technological advances that continue to grow rapidly at this time have changed the way human communication interacts in society.[1] in the book the new communication (william, 1992) says that society is a communication society because of the speed of development of information technology in life. the speed of technology includes the application of technology, computers, satellites, robots and the public environment [2] this development has certainly brought significant changes in society. communication effectiveness is also considered to impact on technical and functional quality. clark (1992); stewart (1992); and headley (1992) 404 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 403-409 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech assert that communication is an important ingredient for achieving high perceived service quality. modern technological innovations have begun to be carried out in all fields. even the company's progress and success tend to be influenced by technology support which of course has the ability to integrate its functions into an efficient and effective work unit. the expanse of digital service products in today’s technology-connected marketplace continues to grow and yet another form of digital service is also increasingly used by customers and firms: digital customer service. [3] digitally align the entire organization using strong internal communication to ensure that all processes are moved in the direction of digital customer service. a digital transformation requires a firm-wide “digitization” program. with the development of communication capabilities between machines and humans came the achievements of the transformation of digital communication. “communications, or lack of it, is right up there as a major cause of investor planning associations complaints resolution unit (bland, 1997, p. 7m). communications effectiveness refers to the formal as well as informal sharing of meaningful and timely information between a client and adviser in an empathetic manner. the communication transformation of the technological revolution has changed the way people communicate, live, work and relate to people.[3] it is undeniable that the presence of technology is something that makes things easier, long-distance communication interactions & the application of developments in making things simpler and more practical. one form of its application is to use digital technology to replace human labor so that it is more effective and efficient. the phase of the technological revolution that is changing the way human activities are carried out in terms of scale, scope, complexity, and variability compared to past life experiences. the purpose of this study is to determine the communication effect in the application of digital customer service in the midst of the communication transition of the digital revolution 4.0. the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. while the concept used is the effectiveness of communication from andre hardjana. 2. method the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach to convey the research design. this qualitative research has an empirical nature, in which the results of this study are based on the expressions of the research subjects, but still with what is desired and interpreted by the research subject. in knowing how effective communication is from the use of digital customer service using the communication effectiveness method from andre hardjana. effective communication requires an effective communication system by conducting a communication audit. it can be assumed that the effectiveness of communication according to andre hardjana includes the recipient of the receiver, message content, timing, media, message format & source [4]. the problem of effectiveness in communication is related to how the receiver takes action in accordance with the meaning desired by the sender (subiakto in cahyana & suyanto, 1996: 192). [5] 2.1. presentation of the wastewater treatment plant the treatment in this station goes through several phases shown schematically fig. 1. 2.2. wastewater and industrial water purification processes in the station 405 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 403-409 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech sed egestas mattis condimentum. etiam et tristique turpis. ut tincidunt velit vitae hendrerit euismod. sed molestie volutpat orci ut placerat. ut sit amet lorem urna. donec luctus pharetra venenatis. ut vel orci venenatis, tincidunt orci sit amet, pharetra ipsum. pellentesque commodo nulla vitae ex blandit, ut sagittis turpis vestibulum 3. results and discussion 3.1. halo bca since its inception the company pt. bank central asia has a subdivision that has a special role in handling customer complaints, namely the halo bca subdivision. the halo bca application is a digital customer service service that can operate 24 hours with several access options. to obtain information related to various products offered by bca, assist customers in emergency conditions such as lost cards, receive complaints related to customer problems related to transactions at bca services and receive input from customers. halo bca has a goal that focuses on four things, including focusing on customers or customers, focusing on team members, focusing on management, and focusing on the country. in addition to focusing on several goals, the halo bca team must also anticipate changing factors such as company products, national events and natural disasters. in the halo bca service, the service level for receiving customer contacts has been determined in accordance with existing policies, namely the telephone response time is 20 seconds, the twitter response time is three minutes, the halo bca chat response time is three minutes, and the email response time is one hour. the resolution of the problem varies, ranging from 1 (one) working day to 30 (thirty) working days, according to the type of problem. present digital features as quick and easy to use. some successful players have implemented gamified incentive schemes or likable digital companions to speed up the adoption of digital tools [6]. 3.2. receiver according to hardjana (2000:24) the definition of the dimension of the message recipient is the object that is expected to receive the message, which will then be measured based on the accuracy of who will receive the message. [7] the halo bca application is designed as an information service and digital customer service to assist and serve every customer's needs. simple research was conducted to analyze what services were received by customers. in the halo bca digital application service, customers can contact through four media including telephone line, chat, email and twitter. 406 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 403-409 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. aplikasi hallo bca 3.3. message content according to hardjana (2000:24) what is meant by the dimensions of the message content is the suitability of the purpose of communication with the facts and timeliness of information received by the public. [6] in this case, message content means the disclosure of information provided by the organization to the public. the content of the message conveyed by the company through the halo bca application is in the form of information about the activities carried out by the company. the content of the messages conveyed by halo bca has gone quite well with every message conveyed to consumers is very informative and easy to understand. based on the results of observations and interviews with bca customers, they are quite satisfied with the information provided by customer service through the hallo bca application. the content of the message given is correct and in accordance with what is required by the customer. through the hallo bca application, this technological advancement has made it easier for customers to receive messages in real time. so when the content of the message received can be understood by the customer, the communication has been running effectively. 407 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 403-409 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech gambar 2. email respon bca 3.4. timing according to hardjana (2000:24) the definition of timeliness dimension is that the message intended to the recipient is on time according to the conditions and situations being measured [6]. based on observations made when customers are experiencing problems or problems using halo bca, of course, online customer service responds well. the service level for receiving customer contacts is with a telephone response time of 20 seconds, a twitter response time of three minutes, a halo bca chat response time of three minutes, and an email response time of one hour. in providing a response based on telephone media, it can be responded quickly in real time. in addition, the handling given in solving problems is carried out quickly and in real time. based on the results of observations and interviews with customers, they are satisfied with the services provided because in handling any complaints they can be handled properly and respond quickly.with the technology offered, it makes it easier for customers[7]. 3.5. media according to hardjana (2000:25) the definition of the dimensions of communication media (media) is the media used to convey messages according to the needs and expectations of the sender of the message and the recipient of the message. [6] halo bca uses the most effective media to connect customers and customer service. through this application, bca integrates all halo bca contact center channels in one application to respond to the increasingly dynamic needs of customers. [7] the media provided include call, this service runs by telephone which will be directly channeled to the bca call center. furthermore, halo bca chat, is a service provided on the halo bca application. the media included are whatsapp and chat bca. on whatsapp listed is an account that has been verified there is a green tick logo which is an official bca account. in bca chat, customers will be connected directly to the bca call center 408 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 403-409 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and given a queue number to wait their turn. customers can also contact halobca@bca.co.id email to submit complaints and questions. in addition, in this application, halo bca also provides access for customers who are twitter users and can submit questions and complaints through the twitter account @halobca. 3.6. message format according to hardjana (2000:25) the definition of the format dimension is that the conformity of the format between what is intended by the sender and the recipient is seen from the way in which the information content is presented.[7] in the content format, the presentation of information regarding information through the halo bca application is of course important for customers. based on the observations made in the halo bca application, the presentation information format has not run optimally. the format of information packaging is still limited where when you want to get information you will be directed to social media. however, in its social media, bca has provided information in a good and attractive packaging format. 3.7. source according to hardjana (2000:25) the definition of the dimension of the message source (source) is the clarity of the source that can be accounted for so that the message conveyed is accurate. [7] in the halo bca application, of course, all the information provided will be factbased and appropriate. the halo bca application is an official application from bank bca itself, so all information provided will come from company decisions and policies. before using this application, customers are required to follow the terms and conditions of the hallo bca application, so that any information provided will be private and only customers can access it [11-13]. 4. conclusion hallo bca application is a communication technology with digital customer service from the bca bank. in this application there are several choices of media that can be used by customers to obtain information about bca. the media used in this application include telephone services, chat ( whatsapp and sms) , email and twitter. the digital communication revolution 4.0 has begun to be carried out to make it easier for customers to receive information and provide criticism and suggestions to the company. “customer service as usual” is a risky choice for operators as it entails high service costs, while also failing to satisfy changing customer requirements. we therefore urge operators to concentrate their efforts on laying out a path for the evolution of a digital customer service model. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] haqqi, h., & wijayati, h. 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[6] wyman, o. (2017). accelerating financial inclusion in south-east asia with digital finance. [7] hardjana, a. (2000). audit komunikasi: teori dan praktek. pt. gramedia pustaka utama. [8] ahmad, a. (2012). perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi: akar revolusi dan berbagai standarnya. jurnal dakwah tabligh, 13(1), 137-149. [9] syabrina, r. a. n. (2018). efektivitas dan efisiensi komunikasi pada penyelenggaraan festival damar kurung gresik tahun 2017 (doctoral dissertation, universitas airlangga). [10] prabowo, t. l., & irwansyah, i. (2018). media komunikasi digital polisiku: pelayanan publik polri kepada masyarakat. jurnal studi komunikasi, 2(3), 382-402. [11] soegoto, e. s., & simbolon, t. (2018, august). inbound marketing as a strategy in digital advertising. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering (vol. 407, no. 1, p. 012183). iop publishing. [12] soegoto, e. s., & rahmansyah, m. r. 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(2021). analysis of e-advertising on sales. journal of business and behavioural entrepreneurship, 5(2), 1-5. 300 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 300-305 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a bibliometric analysis of carbon nanotubes synthesis research using vosviewer arbiansyah aldhafi, asep bayu dani nandiyanto* jurusan kimia fakultas pendidikan matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia email: *nandiyanto@upi.edu abstract. carbon nanotubes (cnts) have been rigorously studied during the past decade due to their extraordinary physical, chemical, mechanical, electrical and optical properties. the purpose of this research is to conduct bibliometric analysis in carbon nanotubes synthesis by combining mapping analysis using vosviewer software. application reference manager used to obtain research data, namely mendeley. the data obtained is the result of a search based on the keyword " synthesis method of carbon nanotubes ". from the search results, 247 relevant published articles were found in the range of 2018-2022. the results showed that the number of articles researching carbon nanotubes synthesis has been increasing since 2018 until 2021. however, there have been 8 articles that published in the early of 2022, this number could be increased by the time. research that is being popularly studied by researchers until today is about review due to the covid-19 pandemic situation that forced the researchers to decrease experiment activity and physical interations. this research is expected to help and become a reference for researchers in conducting and determining the research themes to be taken. 1. introduction vosviewer is a software tool for creating maps based on network data and for visualizing and exploring these maps. although vosviewer is intended primarily for analyzing bibliometric networks, it can in fact be used to create, visualize, and explore maps based on any type of network data [1]. the bibliography itself means that a list of book or magazine articles of a certain topic or subject. vosviewer usually used for exploring references from any topics that most widely used so that we could found a certain topic that still have chance to be researched [2]. carbon nanotubes (cnts) have been rigorously studied during the past decade due to their extraordinary physical, chemical, mechanical, electrical and optical properties [3]. carbon nanotubes (cnts) are tube-like materials that are made up of carbon with a diameter 301 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 300-305 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech calculating on a nanometer scale. they are originated from graphite sheet and these graphite layers seems similar to a rolled up non-stop unbreakable hexagonal like mesh structure and the carbon molecules appears at the apexes of the hexagonal structures. depending upon the number of carbon layers, carbon nanotubes can be single-walled carbon nanotubes (swcnts), double-walled carbon nanotubes (dwcnts) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (mwcnts). carbon nanotubes exhibit various characteristic properties such as high elasticity, high thermal conductivity, low density and they are chemically more inert etc. due to these interesting properties, carbon nanotubes have played a significant role in the field of nanotechnology, electronics, optics and other fields of materials science. carbon nanotubes (cnts) can be fabricated by three main methods i.e., chemical vapor deposition, electric arc method and laser deposition method [4]. there are several research about carbon nanotubes synthesis conducted by many researchers, namely by anggoro and saraswati [5] in synthesis of carbon nanotubes using plant based materials, research conducted by arunkumar et al. [6] in synthesis and characterisation of mwcnt, research conducted by awais et al. [7] in synthesis and purifications of carbon nanotubes, research by anazawa et al. [8] in synthesis of high-purity carbon nanotubes by an arc discharging in magnetic field, and even an article review that conducted by anzar et al. [4]. however, there has been less research on bibliometric analysis in the field of carbon nanotubes synthesis research, specifically by utilizing vosviewer software as a tool in conducting mapping analysis. this analysis is important to determine the quantity and up-to-date of a term. thus, aim of this paper is to conduct bibliometric research in carbon nanotubes synthesis by combining mapping analysis using vosviewer software. this research is expected to help and become a reference for researchers in conducting and determining the research topic to be taken, especially those related to the field of carbon nanotubes synthesis. 2. method the article data used in this research is research data from articles that have been published in journals that have been indexed by science direct. reference managers' application was used to obtain research data. the reference managers application used in this research is mendeley. mendeley was used in conducting a literature review of the theme that we would take. every article data must be indexed by science direct and in the type of journal articles and having conformity with the search for the themes needed in this study are backed up into a file that is used in the use of vosviewer. in this study, each article was filtered, and we took only articles relating to synthesis, production, or fabrication. we search for data on mendeley by entering the keyword "synthesis method of carbon nanotubes" according to the title, keyword, and abstract criteria. thus, 247 articles were obtained which were assessed according to the chosen topic. the articles used in this study were articles published in the 2018-2022 range. the collected articles were then saved in *.ris format. next, we used the vosviewer application to visualize and analyse trends in the form of bibliometric maps. we did data mapping articles from database sources that have been prepared. data mapping consists of three types, namely network, density, and overlay visualization. in addition, we also filtered the terms that would be included in the vosviewer network mapping visualization. 302 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 300-305 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion 3.1 research developments in the field of carbon nanotubes synthesis figure 1 shows a curve of the growth or development of research on carbon nanotubes synthesis from 2018 to 2022. based on fig. 1, the development of research on carbon nanotubes synthesis over the last 5 years, namely from 2018-2022, has increased until 2021. the number of articles in 2018 was 31 articles, where in 2019, the number of articles increased to 41 and continue to increased to 70 and 97 articles in 2020 and 2021, respectively. however, there have been 8 articles that published in the early of 2022, this number could be increased by the time. figure 1. level of development of research on carbon nanotubes synthesis 3.2 visualization carbon nanotubes synthesis topic area using vosviewer according to al husaeni and nandiyanto [2], the minimum number of relationships between terms in the vosviewer is regulated by 2 terms. research related to carbon nanotubes synthesis based on analysis mapping visualization is divided into 7 clusters, namely: a) cluster 1 has 69 items, namely advance, amorphous carbon, application field, array, attention, carbon fiber, carbon material, catalyst design, catalyst support, catalytic chemical vapour deposition, characterization method, chirality, cnt formation, controlled synthesis, copper, decade, depth, detail, difficulty, direction, drawback, example, flexibility, fuel cell, function, future, future development, high density, high purity, history, industrial scale production, industrialization, intrinsic property, large scale synthesis, laser, laser ablation, latest development, latter, lifetime, low cost, low temperature, microwave plasma, multi wall carbon nanotube, mxenes, nanotechnology, overview, past decade, pecvd, physical property, potential application, principle, progress, promissing candidate, properties, recent advance, recent progress, recent study, review, significant attention, simple method, specific application, state, swnt, ton, understanding, unique property, vacnt, view, and wall number. b) cluster 2 has 68 items, namely absence, active site, aerogel, aggregation, aqueos solution, ball, bamboo, bed reactor, carbon nanomaterial, carbon nanotubes synthesis, catalyst preparation method, catalytic activity, catalytic material, cenosphere, chemical method, cnts production, coating, cobalt, combination, current density, cycle, decoration, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 t o ta l p e r y e a r year 303 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 300-305 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech electrocatalysis, electrocatalyst, electrochemical performance, ethylene, experimental condition, fact, good stability, heating, high activity, hybrid, hydrogen evolution reaction, hydrothermal method, impregnation, large number, large surface area, lithium ion battery, manufacturing, methodology, microstructure, minute, multi walled cnt, nano, nanofiber, nickel, nitric acid, nitrogen atom, optical property, polyethylene waste, polypropylene, porous structure, practical application, prepared catalyst, prepared cnt, promising method, removal, series, single wall carbon nanotube, sodium ion battery, sol gel, synergistic effect, synthesis procedure, thermal decomposition, urea, waste plactic, zinc oxide, and zno. c) cluster 3 has 63 items, namely acetylene, additive, aerosol, amorphous carbon layer, average diameter, benzene, bottom, carbon nanotube forest, carbon naotube growth, carbon nanotube synthesis, catalyst nanoparticle, catalyst precursor, catalytic chemical vapour deposition, catalytic growth, ccvd, change, chemical composition, cnt forest, cnt growth, comparison, conventional method, crystallinity, defectiveness, diameter distribution, dimension, drop, environment, fe3o4, ferrocene, flame, flame synthesis, flow rate, fuel, graphitization degree, growth condition, growth parameter, growth rate, growth region, growth temperature, height, ink, lack, large scale, low cost method, methane, nucleation, present review, pyrolysis temperature, reduction, scalability, scanning, selectivity, signal, simple, single walled carbon nanotube, sol gel method, structural characteristic, synthesized carbon naotube, template, thickness, top, transmittance, and water vapor. d) cluster 4 has 59 items, namely average, calculation, camphor, catalyst chemical vapor deposition, cathode, cathode material, cnt bundle, cntfs, critical role, crystal structure, decrease, double, eds, electrical property, electrochemical property, electron microscope, elemental analysis, ethanol, fccvd, fiber, first time, functionalized carbon nanotube, goal, graphite, graphitization, heat treatment, high value, hrtem impurity, insight, key factor, mean, measurement, multiwall carbon nanotube, new method, optimal condition, optimization, outer diameter, peak, pore, presence, present paper, present study, promising material, reactant, reaction temperature, reaction time, response surface method, room temperature, rsm, solvent, strength, synthesis condition, synthesis parameter, synthesis cnt, synthesis mwcnts, thermal stability, and xps. e) cluster 5 has 54 items, namely adsorbent, adsorption, adsorption capacity, agglomeration, arc discharge, assessment, catalysis, chemical, chemical functionalization, cnts synthesis, composite material, data, detection, disadvantage, drug, drug delivery, electronic, energy saving, environmental impact, final product, fossil fuel, functional group, functionalization, functionalization cnts, green chemistry, high surface area, high temperature, isotherm, laser vaporization, limit, manufacture, mechanical strength, medicine, metal ion, modification, nanocomposite, need, physicochemical property, plant, polymerization, promising nanomaterial, recent development, respect, review paper, sensor, significant improvement, single walled cnts, storage, swcnts, synthesis time, synthesis material, toxicity, and water purification. f) cluster 6 has 27 items, namely active material, artificial neural network, catalyst system, conductivity, cost, dispersion, efficient method, electrode material, energy density, enhancement, high degree, high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, improvement, mechanical property, modulus, nanofluid, nanoscale, oxygen, process parameter, small amount, step method, supercapacitor, temperature range, thermal conducticity, thin film, and, wide variety. 304 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 300-305 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech g) cluster 7 has 25 items, namely anode, arc discharge method, carbon precursor, case, cathode deposit, ccvd method, electrode, fraction, graphite rod, hydrogen, important role, incorporation, liquid, mixture, mwnt, mwnts, nm diameter, oil, present work, purification, single, spray pyrolysis, spray pyrolysis method, swnts, and synthesis technique. cluster 1 is marked in red, cluster 2 is marked in green, cluster 3 is marked in dark blue, cluster 4 is marked in yellow, cluster 5 is marked in purple, cluster 6 is marked in light blue, and cluster 7 is marked in orange. 3.3 network visualization of carbon nanotubes synthesis keyword and title the visualization network will display the network between the visualized terms. in the network visualization, items are represented by their label and by default also by a circle. the size of the label and the circle of an item is determined by the weight of the item. the higher the weight of an item, the larger the label and the circle of the item [1]. figure 2 shows the relationship between terms. the relationships in network visualization are depicted in a network or line that comes from one term to another. figure 2 shows the clusters in each of the researched topic areas. in fig. 2, carbon nanotubes synthesis itself is included in cluster 2 with a totalling strength of 42 and occurrence of 6. figure 2. network visualization of carbon nanotubes synthesis keyword and title 4. conclusion this study aims to conduct bibliometric research in carbon nanotubes synthesis by combining mapping analysis using vosviewer software. mendeley is a references manager application used to collect data in this research. the data obtained is the result of filtering 305 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 300-305 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on the keyword "synthesis method of carbon nanotubes ". the bibliographic data used in this study concerns the topic areas, titles, keywords, and abstracts. from the search results, we obtained 247 relevant articles published in the range of 2018-2022. in this study, it can be seen that the number of articles researching carbon nanotubes synthesis has been increasing since 2018 until 2021. however, there have been 8 articles that published in the early of 2022, this number could be increased by the time. research that is being popularly studied by researchers until today is about review due to the covid-19 pandemic situation that forced the researchers to decrease experiment activity and physical interactions. to search using the keyword " synthesis method of carbon nanotubes " produces 7 clusters that have a different number of items in each cluster. references [1] van eck, n.j.; and waltman, l. (2017). citation-based clustering of publications using citnetexplorer and vosviewer, scientometrics, 111(2), 1053-1070. [2] al husaeni, d.f.; and nandiyanto, a.b.d. (2022). bibliometric using vosviewer with publish or perish (using google scholar data): from step-by-step processing for users to the practical examples in the analysis of digital learning articles in pre and post covid-19 pandemic, asean journal of science and engineering, 2(1), 19-46. [3] yu, l. p., zhou, x. h., lu, l., xu, l., & wang, f. j. (2021). mxene/carbon nanotube hybrids: synthesis, structures, properties, and applications. in chemsuschem (vol. 14, issue 23). https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202101614 [4] anzar, n., hasan, r., tyagi, m., yadav, n., & narang, j. (2020). carbon nanotube a review on synthesis, properties and plethora of applications in the field of biomedical science. sensors international, 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sintl.2020.100003 [5] anggoro, p. a., & saraswati, t. e. (2021). sintesis carbon nanotube (cnt) menggunakan prekursor bahan alam serta modifikasi cnt sebagai komposit cnt/resin epoksi: review. proceeding of chemistry conferences, 6. https://doi.org/10.20961/pcc.6.0.55082.1-8 [6] arunkumar, t., karthikeyan, r., ram subramani, r., viswanathan, k., & anish, m. (2020). synthesis and characterisation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (mwcnts). international journal of ambient energy, 41(4). https://doi.org/10.1080/01430750.2018.1472657 [7] awais rouf, s., usman, z., tariq masood, h., mannan majeed, a., sarwar, m., & abbas, w. (2021). synthesis and purification of carbon nanotubes. in carbon nanotubes redefining the world of electronics. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.98221 [8] anazawa, k., shimotani, k., manabe, c., watanabe, h., & shimizu, m. (2002). highpurity carbon nanotubes synthesis method by an arc discharging in magnetic field. applied physics letters, 81(4). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1491302 188 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech utilization of augmented reality technology as an interactive learning media muhammad iqbal qatrunada*, muhammad fadhlih sephia harasta, ismail tosofu departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *iqbal.10518071@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. this study discusses the use of augmented reality technology as an interactive learning medium. innovative learning media at this time have a very important role in terms of improving the quality of learning. the main point in the use of information and communication technology, especially on mobile devices such as smartphones and android tablets which of course have camera features so that they can run augmented reality (ar) application technology. the purpose of this study was to analyze how the use of augmented reality technology in education midwives as an interactive learning medium that can support the learning process of students. this study uses qualitative research methods using data collection techniques through literature studies or commonly known as library research. in the research the results obtained are analytical descriptive because this research is a qualitative research. the results of this study are the application of information and communication technology in the form of augmented reality applications in the field of education as a learning medium that can help students in facilitating learning and creating a pleasant learning atmosphere. keywords: augmented reality, learning media, e-learning 1. introduction the rapid development of information and communication technology in the field of education has an influence on improving the quality of the learning process. based on these conditions, various efforts and innovations have been made to improve the quality of education [1]. this is related to education which has a very important role in developing human resources in order to advance a nation. various efforts that can be made to improve the quality of learning in the education sector include increasing teacher professionalism and pedagogy, interactive learning media, curriculum, learning facilities and the education system [2]. one of the most important efforts that need to be considered in the learning process in improving quality in education is complete, good, and supportive learning facilities [3,4]. in addition, the use of information and communication technology in learning is an important effort to adapt to increasingly sophisticated technological developments. 189 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information and communication technology is currently experiencing significant development, thus affecting all aspects of life ranging from the fields of art, culture, politics, economy, and education. especially in the field of education, utilizing increasingly advanced information and communication technology can change the function of conventional books, teachers, and learning systems. by utilizing information and communication technology can have a positive impact such as creating various technological innovations that can be applied, one example is the use of computers as a presentation tool, the application of e-learning can increase student learning motivation [5], smartphones as a means to support the learning process students both at school and at home [6]. the existence of a smartphone at this time is certainly one of the most important things. most students from every level of school to university are already using smartphones. this is in accordance with the results of a research survey regarding smartphone users among students who obtained a percentage of 91.69% of the total number of students as the research sample having their own smartphone [7]. with the presence of smartphones, it is very useful in terms of helping students to learn flexibly without being limited by place or time [8]. therefore, using smartphones as learning media needs to be considered because it can support the learning process. application development can support smartphone devices that can be utilized by various fields including education. technological innovations are increasingly varied and sophisticated that can be used by smartphone users as a support in the learning process, because it can affect increased access to education and create new learning media [9]. one of the new learning media that utilizes advanced technology that is currently developing is augmented reality technology on smartphones. augmented reality (ar) is one type of interactive technology that combines two objects between virtual objects and real objects so that they can produce 3d objects on the screen. the use of ar technology allows users to interact directly through the digital world, the display of objects in the real world will be displayed virtually in the digital world, so that users can interact in the digital world as in the real world [10]. by implementing ar applications, the learning process will be more interactive, interesting, increase student learning efficiency and support the learning materials to be studied [11]. the application of ar technology has a very important role in education as a learning medium, this is because the learning process becomes interactive [12], the concept of learning material is easier to understand by students [13], learning using ar does not require a lot of money, is flexible, and easy to learn. in addition, learning using ar technology can support students to think critically and be easier to remember because the learning strategies applied are more attractive. with the ar learning media, it is possible to help students in the learning process independently. the development of ar technology is very important to do because it can increase interest in learning and increase their learning motivation so that it can produce good learning achievements [14]. learning media based augmented reality is able to realize the learning styles of students at this time, including in generation z, where this generation is easy to adapt to technological developments, one of which is digital devices and easy to accept learning models that are integrated with information and communication technology [15]. students as generation z are equipped with better multitasking abilities and are more productive when compared to the previous generation. this is because communication and information technology facilities, one of which is the internet, are more easily accessible to students, so generation z has good skills 190 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in processing a lot of the information they collect. therefore, the application of ar in learning can help students in developing cognitive abilities and technical skills. 2. method in this study, the method used is a qualitative research method using data collection techniques through literature studies or commonly known as library research. the purpose of using this research method is to obtain relevant, accurate, and correct data so that the research objectives can be achieved. in the research the results obtained are descriptive analytical because this research is a qualitative research. the stage of this research is to study literature from various journals that are relevant to the topic of this research, namely the use of augmented reality technology as an interactive learning medium, then a comparison is made with previous studies, and the results of the comparison are analyzed. the research method used in most of the research that has been done previously is development research. while in this research using literature study. 3. results and discussion augmented reality applications produce 3d animations related to learning that has been carried out in the development process. in this application, there are features that are displayed such as the menu display selection feature to be able to choose the learning material to be studied using interactive 3d animation. the interface design of the menu display in the ar application is the design of the ar application with a focus on the experience and interaction between the user and the application. the purpose of this interface design is as an initial display design that is made in a simple and efficient manner so that it is easier to understand in its use. an example of the interface design of this ar application can be shown in figure below. figure 1. main menu ui design in figure 1 is a display of the main menu of the ar application by displaying buttons such as the start button which functions to start detecting the material that will be displayed in the ar application, then the help button to provide instructions to students as users to make it easier to use the ar application, then the button about is used to display information about the ar application used by the student, and finally the exit button is used when finished using the ar application. the following is an example display of the buttons on the main menu. 191 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. help menu ui design figure 3. about menu ui design figure 4. augmented reality menu ui design based on the ar menu figure, there are three buttons displayed including the rotate button which is used to rotate an object or material to be studied by rotating it clockwise or counterclockwise. the design of 3d interface design modeling in this ar application by utilizing sketchup software. the 3d model created in sketchup will then be exported in the 192 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech form of a .dae file. after that, the process of importing the required materials into the unity software is carried out. after the development process using the unity software is complete, the resulting file form will be converted into .apk which type of file can be installed on an android smartphone. ar development in unity uses the vuforia sdk which is downloaded on the official website. with operating system support for ios, android, and unity3d, the vuforia platform supports ar application developers to be able to use the application for almost all types of smartphones and tablets so that their use can be said to be flexible. in addition, this ar application developer is also given the freedom in terms of designing and creating applications according to the objectives to be achieved and making applications that have the following capabilities: 1. high-level computer vision technology that can allow application developers to create special effects on mobile devices. 2. continuously recognize multiple images. 3. tracking and detection of images has a level that can be modified. 4. flexible image database settings in the figure below is the structure of vuforia. figure 5. vuforia structure as for an example of the display of the menu image when operated via an android smartphone, the display of the image is to prepare a prototype of learning media. an example of an ar application storyboard design when displayed on an android smartphone is shown in figure 5. 193 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. application’s storyboard there are several things that must be considered when developing ar applications, including the quality of the 3d animation that will be created, designing the best possible application quality by producing applications that save data memory so that they are not too burdensome for smartphone devices, then the application file size is sufficient and not too large. . this ar application has significant potential to stimulate cognitive development and motivate students in independent learning, has a positive influence in matters relating to the learning process, and can also create an environmental atmosphere during an active learning process so as to create a new atmosphere and improved student knowledge system. but besides that, there are obstacles in implementing ar applications during the learning process which lie in some students, namely the smartphones used by students lack data memory so they fail to download applications, student smartphone versions that do not support applications, and with increasingly technological developments. the rapid provision of support for ar applications is increasingly creating for learning materials. so that in order to be able to design and develop high-quality learning media products by involving realistic elements that can complement each other, collaboration is needed that involves experts from various industries such as programming, engineers, administrators, designers, teachers, and students. figure 1. application architecture ar based on figure 7 above, it shows the flow in developing ar applications. the flow for students as ar application users is only enough to open the application that has been downloaded on their respective smartphones then direct the camera which automatically opens in the application towards the marker object to the webcam or rear camera when using a smartphone. after that, 3d objects will be displayed on the respective device screens used during the learning process. 194 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 188-195 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion the use of ar technology as an interactive learning medium in the learning process at various levels of schools and universities, in my opinion, has enormous potential in increasing student independence. in this study, based on literature study activities from various journals relevant to the research topic that resulted in the use of ar technology as an interactive learning medium. the role of smartphones is not only as a supporter during the process of learning activities by improving the quality of education, but smartphones can encourage new learning innovations through media development and in many ways. one of them is augmented reality technology that can improve the function of smartphones in the field of education. so that the use of smartphones and the use of augmented reality technology can help educators and students in several ways, including making learning more fun, increasing student learning independence, and increasing the quality of education in a country. references [1] elmunsyah, h., hidayat, w. n., & asfani, k. 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[2]. one of the social media that can attract audiences is facebook advertising (ads), this service provides users with advertising and of course can increase product sales and increase audiences so that they can be interested in seeing the products being marketed. facebook advertising (ads) it has the following advantages: the internet boom, including facebook which is the most visited website, facebook provides information, facebook provides columns to fill in various user information, easy access, focus on market segmentation, easy communication, no time feedback, low budget, always connected, also high impact, and the new wave market [3]. therefore, technological advances like this need to be widely known by business actors, especially micro, small and medium enterprises in order to increase sales of their products. this research aims to find out how the influence of facebook advertising on the increase in sales of micro, small and medium enterprise products in the city of bandung. in this study using quantitative research methods with descriptive studies. 2. method the method used in this research is to use a quantitative research method approach with a descriptive study to obtain the required data. the data collection technique used in this study is by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. this research was conducted by describing the independent variable (x) namely facebook advertising and the dependent variable (y) namely increasing sales of sme products and carried out by hypothesis testing techniques. figure 1. facebook users in indonesia june 2020 235 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 233-239 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech according to hadining, dianti, haryanti, wahyudin (2019) marketing through social media including the use of facebook ads on the internet is one of the alternatives for small and medium enterprises (smes) to reach a broad market in promoting products and promoting their businesses with a more limited budget [1]. researchers collected data obtained within a period of two months through questionnaires distributed to respondents, especially those who had used social media facebook. 3. results and discussion facebook is one of the social media networks on the internet, built by mark zuckerberg in 2004, mark is an alumnus of harvard university. at first facebook was only available to harvard students who visited as a means of communication and exchanging information. the longer this facebook site the more people are known. mark took the name "facebook" starting from a school publication consisting of images of former and active students, his goal being to make all students feel familiar with each other better and effectively. to date, there are more than one billion facebook users. to access this network, users must first create a profile to create an account on the site. accounts that users have created require resetting their status profiles so that they can be viewed by everyone who visits the page. in recent years, social media has become a major factor in influencing various perspectives of consumer behaviour including awareness, acquisition of information, opinions, attitudes, buying behaviour, and communication, post-purchase evaluation (mangold and faulds, 2009). according to mangold and faults: 2009, social media consists of: various online forums, word of mouth, consumer email, websites and consumer services, internet discussion forums, moblogs (sites) containing to digital (audio, images, movies, or photos), and social networking sites (e.g., facebook, twitter, linkedin). figure 2. mobile monthly active users (mobile maus) 236 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 233-239 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech facebook is the same as youtube which are the top two websites and attract the roblyer[]most visitors worldwide, then facebook is responsible for 40% of all of them and even surpasses google. faculty can adopt technology if they see it as a way to facilitate. communication with students [4]. as a social networking site, facebook has many features and its main function is as a communication tool. facebook has featured whose main function is as a communication tool. facebook is the leading application in social media [5]. in 2016 first-period revenue announced that they had 1.65 billion monthly active users and 1.51 billion mobile users. facebook currently has 1.09 billion daily active users and 989 million active users. mobile daily active users [6]. social networking sites as a marketing tool the results of research conducted by cheung, chiu and lee (2011) show that attendance had the strongest impact on students' intention to use facebook. the results of a study conducted by cheung, chiu and lee (2011) showed that attendance has the strongest impact on students' intentions to use facebook[7]. with a statement like that it can be concluded that it is actually facebook is the most influential social media and the most popular many people. this tendency makes facebook an option for many business owners to promote their business through marketing sites that have been provided by facebook. 3.1 market research target market research is very important in the process of building a marketing strategy that is very useful in advertising success on social media. business owners need to collect their data that has the characteristics of business owners, needs, and their activities of targeted consumer social groups on social networks and create programs that will attract audience interest, to make market segmentation easier. business owners also need an introduction to what kind of social media their target audience should use as their target customers, and also, find a target based on a database that was previously researched and then start using the service to find their friends on social media and in such a way it will make target market research easier 3.2 creating a communication as a message. messages are a basis for humans to exchange information, messages containing signs, symbols, series of words, images and sounds sent by the sender of the message or if the message is in business, then the message must adjust, because the message made must be conveyed with full awareness, as well as strengthening attitudes towards a product or service available. when creating a message, the business owner must know in advance what he wants to convey, the message must also be decided what the concept is, what the business owner targets by conveying the message. the message here can also include a distinctive colour that can be used as the value of the business, the logo created can also be a positive message delivery, the logo is a business identity that can be a differentiator against other businesses. basically, communication must have text containing messages, graphic elements and schedules. messages containing such text must be credible, understandable, unique and special. that way the delivery of the message will be easier to understand and most importantly the message is liked by many audiences. the content of messages that attract the audience can make it easier for businesses to become much better known by the public. in the visual context of business owners must also pay attention to small things, for example product photos, in a product photo, the message conveyed will be more quickly received by the audience. visual characteristics include in terms that can be quickly accepted by many 237 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 233-239 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech people, if the photo is made attractive, customers will quickly believe that your product will match what they see in the photo. however, business owners must also pay attention to the original photo with the original product, in order to maintain the image of the business, and make the business can be even better. 3.3 the choice of social networking a businessman must first choose what social media platform will be used to achieve goals in business. for example, facebook ads, in facebook ads we already know that facebook has a very broad market segmentation, so a business owner must target what kind of market conditions are in accordance with the business target market. the use of social media does not require a fee, but in using social media we must be smart in building business relationships at a cost. therefore, the use of business promotion through social media really needs to be careful, we need to choose what is good for the business and choose a profitable target market as well as use social media as a means of information and branding to the fullest. 3.4 propaganda management on social media company owners and employees should always play an important role in managing propaganda, comprehensively seeking audiences, for example. but if not in a good way, the propaganda strategy will not work. identification and analysis are the first strategy for the audience. propaganda management must also know how each employee is performing in order to be able to manage propaganda management from managing social media, promotions and others, making it easier to see statistics on the achievements of a company. 3.5 costs for marketing through social media in an effort to develop a marketing plan, business owners must be able to estimate the costs needed whether they should or not, as is the case with marketing in social media. if free we need to involve human resources, it is same having a cost, but on the other hand we need to outsource for the implementation of the marketing strategy because the implementation of the marketing strategy is not successful if not without social networking goals. 4. result figure 3. odette studio facebook 238 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 233-239 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4.1 product education in the early stages of advertising, we use objective brand awareness containing videos to educate the target market about the advantages &benefits of my product. why always use video? because the level of attention is higher than the image. with a budget of 50,000-75,000 per day this ad we run with split test some adset. the target is not sales. the purpose of advertising is simply to make the audience aware about the superiority of odette studio products and what the benefits are for them. 4.2 retargeting step 1 on day 4 or 5 we run traffic ads to drive the audience to the landing page. the audience i targeted was the custom audience of video viewers resulting from the first stage of brand awareness ads, which were divide into 3 adset, namely 50%, 75% and 95% viewers. at this stage the ad is soft selling or storytelling to people who have seen my product information, but have not made a purchase / logged on to the web. they should be easier to get into the landing page because it is aware. 4.3 retargeting step 2 the first stage of advertising continues to run and generates a custom audience in the form of a video audience. the second stage of advertising also continues to run to retarget the video audience to enter the website. this means that the view content custom audience database also continues to grow like a snowball. in the third stage we ran a new ad using objective traffic, containing 2 adset with a budget of 25,000-50,000 per day. the first adset targets the view content custom audience excludes add to cart, and the second adset targets the add to cart exclude purchase custom audience. at this stage we "haunt" people who have entered the landing page but do not buy, as well as people who have contacted whatsapp, have ordered, but have not paid. 4.3.1 traffic – conversion – reach this third technique is probably the most common one, even are using it right now. we use it too, because it's still so powerful. the flow is simple, involving only 3 campaigns and utilizing facebook pixel events. 4.3.2 bring traffic from day one we ran ads using objective traffic with split test target broad audience divided into several adset. for budget allocation around 50,000-150,000 per day using the campaign budget optimization feature. the purpose of this ad is to find the best audience composition performance, and direct them into the product landing page. if the sales copy landing page is super cool, usually there can be direct sales. in addition, the purpose of this ad is to build a view content database aka landing page visitors odette studio product. 4.3.3 story telling / soft selling on day 4 or 5 we run conversion ads with 3-5 adset. the budget ranged from 50,000150,000 per day with a target audience of lla 1% to 5% of custom audience view content. campaign traffic in the early stages continues to lead the audience to the landing page and continues to generate view content data. automatic custom audience view content is 239 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 233-239 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech maturing, which affects the quality of lla the better. in the second phase there should be more sales. 4.3.4 retargeting the first and second stages of advertising both lead people to the website, with different target audiences. automatic custom audience view content and add to cart also continue to grow. so, in this third phase we run the reach campaign to retarget all incoming pixels (view content & add to cart) that have not been transferred (purchase). 4. conclusion this research yielded several conclusions that facebook social media has an influence in increasing sales of micro, small, and medium enterprises in the city of bandung. facebook social media can be used to do all kinds of product / service promotions at a cost that tends to be cheap. the development of facebook internet media users resulted in information can spread quickly and the time needed is also very fast. business owners also need an introduction to what kind of social media their target audience should use as their target audience, and also, find a target based on a database that was previously researched and then start using the service to find their friends on social media and in such a way it will make target market research easier. for example, facebook ads, in facebook ads we already know that facebook has a very broad market segmentation, so a business owner must target what kind of market conditions are in accordance with the business target market. references [1] hadining, a. f., dianti, n. p., haryanti, s. a., wahyudin, w., & batu, r. l. (2019). analisis pengaruh motivasi terhadap adopsi facebook ads oleh ukm. jrsi (jurnal rekayasa sistem dan industri), 6(1), 10-15. [2] djurica, m., hanic, h., djurica, n., (2012): modern concepts of marketing management. [3] mangold, w.g., faulds, d.j., 2009. social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mix. bus. horiz. 52, 357–365. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2009.03.002 [4] roblyer, m.d., mcdaniel, m., webb, m., herman, j., witty, j.v., 2010. findings on facebook in higher education: a comparison of college faculty and student uses and perceptions of social networking sites. internet high. educ. 13, 134– 140. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2010.03.002 [5] ] gemmill, e.l., peterson, m., 2006. technology use among college students: implications for student affairs professionals. naspa j. 43, 280–300. doi:10.2202/1949 6605.164 [6] cheung, c.m.k., chiu, p.-y., lee, m.k.o., 2011. online social networks: why do students use facebook? comput. hum. behav., social and humanistic computing for the knowledge society 27, 1337–1343. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2010.07.028 [7] soegoto, e. s., & eliana, e. (2018, august). e-commerce and business social media today. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering (vol. 407, no. 1, p. 012034). iop publishing. 82 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech consumer behaviour analysis akalya devi c1, ghanasiyaa s2*, harshini k2, shanmathy s2, poojashree k e2, kruthikkha p c2 1assistant professor, 2ug students, department of information technology, psg college of technology, coimbatore, india email: *sghanasiyaa2002@gmail.com abstract. research on consumer behavior has become essential in recent years as it plays an important role in business marketing and growth. consumers are the king of the market. for-profit organizations cannot function without customers. all the activities of the company end with the consumer and their satisfaction. consumer behavior is the study of consumers and how they choose or eliminate products. this theory extends not only to products but also to services consumed. to develop a framework for studying consumer behavior, first look at the factors that influence consumer buying behavior, as well as the various thinking paradigms that have influenced the progress and discipline of consumer research. modeling customer behavior is nothing more than creating a mathematical structure to map the general behavior of a particular customer group. this is done to predict how consumers will react in a particular situation. the purpose of the survey is to better understand consumer behavior by examining the factors that influence the consumer's purchasing process. the main purpose of studying consumer behavior is to understand how consumers feel and think. building a recommendation engine is another application for studying consumer behavior. the recommendation engine basically recommends several products based on a variety of factors, including previous purchases by consumers, age, etc. it's a kind of data filtering tool that uses machine learning algorithms to recommend the most relevant items to a particular customer. the purpose of this paper is to analyze consumer segmentation and sentiment regarding product reviews and build a product recommendation system. keywords: consumer behavior, sentiment, consumer segmentation, product recommendation 1. introduction the fast-paced digital environment has redefined how most businesses interact with their customers. customer behavioral analytics is a thorough study of how customers interact with a company. using a qualitative and quantitative approach, customer behavior analysis examines all stages of a customer's journey and provides an overview of what drives consumer behavior. by modeling customer behavior, you identify customer group behavior to predict 83 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech how similar customers will behave in similar situations. understanding consumer behavior is important for companies to succeed with their current products and introduce new ones. all consumers have different thinking processes and attitudes towards purchasing a particular product. if a company doesn't understand how consumers react to a product, the product is more likely to fail. consumer behavior is changing as factors such as trends, technology, fashion, and lifestyle evolve. marketers need to understand what is changing so that they can adjust their marketing activities accordingly. in marketing, differentiating consumers is a way to differentiate one consumer from many others. this helps to create a target group of consumers with similar behavior. understanding consumer behavior can help you create effective marketing campaigns. each campaign can target a specific consumer group based on behavior. consumer behavioral analytics has become an important tool for understanding customers. by studying the forces behind consumer sentiment and customer buying behavior, companies can develop new products, run marketing campaigns, and increase profitability. companies need to talk to consumers, be aware of frustration, and most importantly, and be aware of their needs and expectations. gordon r. foxall et al [5] to better understand consumer behavior. this paper proposes a system that examines the epistemological state of total purchase and consumption models derived from important behavioral analysis. in addition, this article describes a behavioral outlook model for purchases and consumption, explains the origin of the model's research program, and identifies the complexity of the consumer behavior analysis model. that is verbal behavior and marketing intervention in a wealthy consumer-oriented economy. 2. related works gordon r. foxall [2] developed a consumer behavior model based on radical behaviorism called the behavioral perspective model (bpm), which is a development of the "three-tier contingency”. according to this model, consumer behavior takes place at the intersection of a consumer behavior framework and the learning history of an individual's consumption and is a function of informational and utilitarian consequences. the model was useful for analyzing consumer brand selection and reactions to different parameters. gordon r. foxall et. al. [3] applied the bpm model from the paper to the interpretation of environmentally harmful behaviors (the use of private transport, household energy consumption, waste disposal, and household water consumption). this application highlighted specific marketing strategies that should be adopted for modifying each of these operating classes. warren j. bilkey [1] came up with the vector hypothesis which is an application of lewinian vector psychology to consumer analysis to obtain a scientifically verifiable theory of consumer behavior. the vector hypothesis provides a valuable conceptual framework for consumer analysis to determine whether there seems to be a significant relationship between the mental tensions of individuals with respect to particular items and purchases thereof. this also determines if these mental stresses postulated in tum are influenced by economically significant considerations. analysis of consumer behavior combines theories and findings from marketing science, consumer research, behavioral economics, and behavioral analysis. one issue is the interpretation of real-world consumer behavior in terms of experimental research and survey. gordon r.foxall et al [4] proposed a solution that reviews consumer choice across a range of https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/s0167487003000023#! 84 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech laboratories and naturalistic environments, demonstrating progress in this new sub-discipline and illustrating the wide range of interpretations of consumer choice it provides. r.v.kulkarni et. al. [8] proposed a system that is used to analyze consumer behavior, their psychological state at the time of purchase, and how appropriate data mining methods are used to improve the conventional method. in addition, an association rule is used to mine rules for trusted clients by using sales data in a supermarket industry. gordon r. foxall et. al. [6] proposed a solution that includes bilateral contingency and seeks to link them to issues stemming from meta-contingency theory and macro behavior. it is difficult to understand the relationship between a complex contextual system such as a firm, whose behavior is predictable and controllable through consideration of its emerging business consequences, and the collective behavior of consumers, each of which is a contextual system responding solely to the specific scheme of contingencies. in the olden days, consumer behavior analysis was done just by using feedback from the customers. this does not give us a clear way about the opinion and behavior of the consumers. ilene s. schwartz et. al. [9] proposed a solution in order to improve the quality of this analysis. this solution involves assessing the products purchased by the consumers, how often they purchased a product, and so on. harold h. kassarjian et. al. [7] theory says that consumer behavior has evolved from a large formal approach to a midrange theory that leads to over-fragmentation. perhaps it's time to return to master theory, which helps to incorporate the deviations. 3. proposed methodology figure 1 encapsulates the analysis of customer behavior and product recommendation system which recommends the set of products based on the input customers provide. firstly, the market and its customer in geological approach is explored by grouping each zip code and defining its latitude and longitude based on each zip code center. as a result, the market that is highly distributed over a particular region is analyzed. similarly, the market and customer interest are explored based on the timing approach. the analysis showed the best promotion time and accuracy of delivery estimation. next, customer behavior is explored using the rfm method. rfm (recency frequency monetary) is a method used to analyze the value of the customer. rfm stands for recency, frequency, and monetary. coming to product exploration, it is divided into two categories. popularity analysis and sentiment analysis. sentiment analysis is achieved with the help of natural language processing. the main focus is on product recommendation. the function built for the product recommendation system will fit the data into the model. this function builds using the truncated svd matrix reducing the components to 10. this function output will be a correlation matrix for the product pair wisely. by using the function, this recommendation has a high correlation with the product. therefore, that suggests the company should promote this recommendation product when the product input is purchased or viewed. the company can use this recommendation system to promote the recommended product after the user purchases or is interested in the currently viewed product. by conducting this kind of promotion, a company does not randomly promote products. on the other hand, the product promoted has a high correlation. therefore, the customer may purchase more since interesting products appear frequently. https://arxiv.org/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=r.v.kulkarni https://www.tandfonline.com/author/foxall%2c%2bgordon%2br https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=schwartz%20is%5bauthor%5d&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=16795748 85 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. model diagram of consumer behavior analysis 4. algorithm 4.1 geo location exploration 1. explore the geo dataset using head () 2. before going any further, it seems that the geo dataset contains several duplicates. therefore, that will be dropped first. 3. using a scatter plot, it is identified that the market is distributed highly at a particular place. 4.2 time period exploration 1. this section will analyze the accuracy that the company estimates for delivery time. moreover, this divides the case when the delivery is late and early. change the variable type of delivery date and estimated date to date time type. 2. since the order can be canceled after the purchase, there are empty elements on the delivery date column. therefore, the empty column will be dropped. 3. next, range time from the estimated delivery date and the delivery date, which is measured on day is found. 4. furthermore, which customer got the product early and the ones who got the product late is elaborated. since it is defined as a time interval, absolute is applied for the negative time on early variables. 4.3 product exploration 4.3.1 popularity analysis 1. this section will focus on exploring the popularity of products. 2. using the bar chart in figure 5, the most popular product is found. 86 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4.3.2 sentiment analysis 1. besides the popularity, the comment of the product is also considered. since the comment is in portuguese, it would be hard to analyze. therefore, translate the comment to english in excel and load the dataset as data. 2. next, to analyze the sentiment of the comment of each product. however, the data is still a mess; so, clean it by removing punctuation and symbols by defining its function as clean text. 3. after defining the function to clean the data, define a function to decide the sentiment of each comment. 4. next, to categorize each sentiment, to decide which sentiment is positive, neutral, or negative. 5. to see which word or topic is connected with negative sentiment, visualize it with word clouds and see which word describes the negative comment the most. 6. from the word cloud, most of the negative comments are about the product, delivery, store, etc. can be analyzed. this could be the company feedback to improve the company, especially in products, delivery, and store. 4.4 customer behavior exploration 1. to reduce error, it would be a better option to drop the duplicates. 2. firstly, customers are categorized based on recency, frequency, monetary, and tenure. it seems that an order dataset is needed, so customer and order dataset based on customer id are joined. 3. next, to find recency, find the range of time from latest purchase to each purchase time on the dataset. moreover, recent is defined as the latest time each customer purchases in this market. 4. after that, frequent is defined by summing up ordered items of each customer. 5. to define monetary ordered items, values of each customer is summed. 6. next, tenure is defined by finding the earliest purchase time from each customer 5. results and analysis this paper presents an experimental implementation of consumer behavior analysis in this project. in this paper, the promotion timing was analyzed or the best time to recommend a product and the various possibilities of issues while delivering a product. figure 2 shows most of the customers purchase products around 10 am until 22 pm. figure 3 represents the highest number of purchases is on tuesday (1), then monday (0). figure 4 shows the highest number of purchases in august (8). however, even in other days the number of purchases not significantly low, so it is recommended to avoid promote products in december (12), since it is the lowest. the consumer behavior was analyzed based on location of the consumer, timing during which a product can be promoted, how frequently they buy a product, and their views or comments on a particular product. based on all these factors, the consumers were also 87 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech classified as loyal customers, best customers, new customers etc. figure 5 shows it is actually excellent to have 57% of the products is rated 5. however, the rate 1: 12% percentage is quite high compared to rate 2 and 3. the sentiment analysis was also carried out on the reviews provided by the consumers. this was done by using natural language processing techniques and a library called text blob. nlt was used to preprocess the reviews before analyzing them. a recommendation engine was built based on the above-mentioned factors. this engine basically looks through all previous purchases and recommends 10 products which are similar to the one customer bought. this is done with the help of correlation matrix. 5.1 time period exploration figure 2. best hour for purchase figure 3. best day for purchase 88 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. best month for purchase 5.2 popularity analysis figure 5. popularity analysis 6. conclusion the main focus of this study is to increase the profit of the organizations by understanding and analyzing the behaviors of their customers. implementation in this paper includes classifying consumers based on their location, their age, recency, frequency and monetary value of their purchases, the reviews they provide for a product, etc. by using this classification, different levels of attention to different customers can be given which is profitable. by exploring the delivery timing, it can be made sure that the product reaches the customer on time. the sentiment analysis which was performed on the customer reviews can be used to better understand the thoughts of a consumer over a product and their assumptions while buying a similar product. the recommendation engine not only helps the consumers in making choices but also helps the organization in gaining profit. thus, this research simplifies the works of consumers and also benefits the organization. 89 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 7. future works as the business world evolves, so do consumer habits and preferences. customer behavior is the most important factor in designing a good marketing campaign. however, customers are only humans, and customer behavior can be volatile and unpredictable. therefore, what looks like a good marketing approach in a conference room may not be very effective. knowing before consumer behavior trends become apparent gives businesses an unprecedented advantage over their competitors. customer demand for transparency is increasing. customers promote online purchases and courier services. it's already happening, but the pandemic is skeptical that it's simple and functional and makes their lives easier. covid has taught everyone to better evaluate and prioritize what is important in life. this will change the products and services people choose the types of products and services they purchase, and the actual impact on the purchase. ubiquitous communication is undergoing major changes. when businesses move online and remotely, it is not only desirable, but also expected to create a cohesive brand experience. customers expect a more "human" element of interaction. business-to-business customers will continue to benefit from technology providers, from validating actual reviews to managing sales cycles on the timeline and leveraging group buying prices. customers will demand more anonymity. it is expected that more people tend to do it alone than let others do it. reference [1] bilkey, w. j. (1953). a psychological approach to consumer behavior analysis. journal of marketing, 18(1), 18-25. [2] foxall, g. r. (2010). invitation to consumer behavior analysis. journal of organizational behavior management, 30(2), 92-109. [3] foxall, g. r., oliveira-castro, j. m., james, v. k., yani-de soriano, m., & sigurdsson, v. (2006). consumer behavior analysis and social marketing: the case of environmental conservation. behavior and social issues., 15(1), 101-124. [4] foxall, g. r. (2003). the behavior analysis of consumer choice: an introduction to the special issue. journal of economic psychology, 24(5), 581-588. [5] foxall, g. r. (1994). behavior analysis and consumer psychology. journal of economic psychology, 15(1), 5-91. [6] foxall, g. r. (2015). consumer behavior analysis and the marketing firm: bilateral contingency in the context of environmental concern. journal of organizational behavior management, 35(1-2), 44-69. [7] kassarjian, h. h. (1982). the development of consumer behavior theory. acr north american advances. 90 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 82-90 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech [8] raorane, a., & kulkarni, r. v. (2011). data mining techniques: a source for consumer behavior analysis. arxiv preprint arxiv:1109.1202. [9] schwartz, i. s. (1991). the study of consumer behavior and social validity: an essential partnership for applied behavior analysis. journal of applied behavior analysis, 24(2), 241. 124 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech literature about maintaining physical fitness through digital in community zharfan m salman*, asep bayu dani nandiyanto universitas pendiditkan indonesia, indonesia email: *zharfansalman@upi.edu abstract. this study aims to educate the public on how to maintain good and correct physical fitness, starting from the basic understanding, to how important it is, to how to implement it in everyday life where using digital methods in society. education was carried out to the community members in rt 04, rw 02, cibabat output, using the digital literacy method, namely providing information and learning through digital media to explain to the subject. the information given to the community subjects is made as concise as possible and interesting so that it is easily understood by the community. the education process is carried out online by using whatsapp and zoom meetings, while offline by conducting direct socialization to the community. the understanding of the community was analyzed through pretest and posttest questions, totaling 20 questions. the results of this study indicate that there is an increase in the score from pretest to posttest. the education provided is able to make the public understand the subject of the given theme. this shows that educational activities are successful because the information conveyed to the public can generate public interest in understanding the information that has been provided. this research can provide information that digital media can be used both as a tool for education and can increase public interest in adding new knowledge. 1. introduction with the the physical fitness condition of a person who is able to adapt to all physical and psychological loads received is the basis for achieving optimal work productivity achievement. physical fitness itself is the ability of a human being to carry out daily activities or work and adapt to physical improvements without causing fatigue and still having reserves of strength [1]. a person whose productivity is higher, the person's physical abilities are also higher. the physical fitness of a community can be used as a benchmark which shows the level of health of a country [2]. physical fitness is the ability and ability of the body to make adjustments (adaptation) to the physical loading given to it (from work done daily) without causing excessive fatigue [3]. in the world of sports, physical fitness is an important aspect for a person to be able to improve mobility or daily activities. from the point of view of sports physiology, sport is a series of regular and planned physical movements that people do consciously to improve their functional abilities, according to the purpose of doing sports. sports are divided based on the mailto:zharfansalman@upi.edu 125 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech nature or purpose of achievement sports, recreational sports, health sports and educational sports [4]. sport is an activity carried out by various levels of society with various age groups. the existence of which is currently no longer underestimated because today's sport has become a part of life [5] sports activities greatly affect a person's physical fitness, even more so that these activities contribute directly to the components of physical fitness. sports activities must still be adjusted to a person's age, for example the type of activity, safety factors and the equipment used. sports activities cannot be done haphazardly, they must still be done with the right techniques and rules. even though he likes sports, he still has to look at his age and physical condition so that he is well controlled [6]. a person can have a good level of physical fitness if he does exercise which is at least 3-5 times a week [7]. in an effort to do physical fitness alone, we cannot do it instantly, where it is necessary to have a regular exercise process on a regular basis to get maximum results [8]. there are many journals that cover articles related to physical fitness. however, research journals that focus on maintaining physical fitness are still quite rare. because there is still a lack of research that examines this matter, the researcher wants to provide new information or knowledge on how to understand public literacy about maintaining physical fitness through digital media. therefore, this study aims to educate the public regarding how to maintain physical fitness as well as possible with the digital literacy method. by providing information or material that will be taught later, it is hoped that the author will make people aware of the importance of maintaining physical fitness. the novelties of this research are: (i) maintaining physical fitness is important (ii) exercise is a way to maintain physical fitness (iii) literacy is provided online and offline as well. 2. method the method used in this research is the digital literacy method in the form of providing information and learning through digital media. this research was conducted on 20 residents of rt. 004, rw. 002, cibabat village. the educational process is carried out online and offline. there are pretest and posttest questions through google form as many as 20 questions to the public to analyze public understanding regarding maintaining physical fitness. as for the question pretest and posttest are shown in table 1. table 1. question of pretest and postest no question 1 below are the elements of physical fitness, namely: (1)power hold (2)speed (3)strength 2 coordination is an ability muscles against a heavy load being carried by the body. 3 agility is an ability body to change body position quickly. 4 very sports activityaffect physical fitness somebody. 5 sport is a series of regular and planned exercise that people do consciously to improve their functional abilities 6 according to the kbbi, sports are body movements to awaken and move the body 7 cardiorespiratory is the ability muscles and bones to supply strength to all body cells as energy to be able to do physical activity such as running, swimming, cycling, game sports, and etc. 8 flexibility is an ability body in performing movements maximum. 9 push-ups are a sport for abdominal strength training. 10 back lift is a sport for back strength training. 126 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 11 have a sense of responsibility in maintain fitness and health body, is one of the benefits of physical fitness. 12 shoulders press is an exercise for hand muscle strength. 13 leg squat aims to train muscles limbs. 14 eating healthy food is important factor in maintaining physical fitness. 15 the body's ability to perform activity adjustment to physical load what you do everyday without experiencing excessive fatigue is the definition of fitness physical. 16 the level of one's agility can be determined by the balance. 17 doing situps right is with both legs slightly bent. 18 badminton is a sport that good for increasing endurance body. 19 shuttle run is a sport that is practiced by running back and forth 20 always staying up late will make the body we are getting healthier. source: data processed 3. results and discussion the average pretest scores of 20 local residents tested by the author. from the results of the test by the author that the public's understanding of physical fitness, it can be said to have a sufficient average. where the lowest value is at 60 and the highest is at 90 (see figure 1). figure 1. community pretest average score the result of the posttest given by the author to the same 20 people. from these results, the average value increased from the previous test and the people who got the highest score were considered the most, although there were still people who got low scores. this proves that the literacy and socialization activities carried out by the author are quite successful in educating 127 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the public in providing new knowledge, although not quite evenly. because there are still people who get low scores (see figure 2). figure 2. community postest average score the following are the results of the pretest and posttest: table 2. correct answer test results pretest and postest no. pretest score postest score 1. 94% 100% 2. 55% 94% 3. 100% 100 4. 100% 100 5. 100% 88% 6. 50% 88% 7. 55% 100% 8. 61% 94% 9. 94% 83% 10. 66% 100% 11. 94% 83% 12. 27% 83% 13. 88% 83% 14. 100% 100% 15. 94% 83% 16. 22% 77% 17. 77% 83% 18. 11% 77% 19. 94% 94% 20. 77% 84% source: data processed the results of the study can be seen in table 2. which has increased. as for the discussion : (i) for question no. 1 regarding "below are elements of physical fitness, namely: (1) endurance (2) speed (3) strength." the results showed that there was no significant increase. these results were obtained because the increase in the number of respondents who were correct only increased by 1 respondent from 19 people who were correct to 20. correct at the pretest, and increased to 17 out of 21 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest questions. (ii) for question number 2 regarding "coordination is the ability of the muscles to resist the load being carried by the body." the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 10 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 19 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (iii) for question number 3 regarding "agility is the body's ability to change body position quickly." the results show that the community already understands the concept of agility. because all respondents can answer correctly on the pretest and posttest. 128 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech (iv) for question no 4 regarding "sports activities greatly affect a person's physical fitness." the results show that people already understand the benefits of exercise. because all respondents can answer correctly on the pretest and posttest. (v) for question number 5 regarding "exercise is a series of regular and planned exercise that people do consciously to improve their functional abilities." the results show that the public already understands the statement. although the correct number was reduced to 18 respondents from 20 at the time of the post test. (vi) for question no. 6 regarding "according to the kbbi, sport is exercise to awaken and intimidate the body" the results show that people's understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 10 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 10 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (vii) for question no 7 regarding "cardiorespiration is the ability of muscles and bones to supply strength to all body cell tissues as energy to be able to carry out physical activities such as running, swimming, cycling, playing sports, and others." the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 7 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 20 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (viii) for question number 8 regarding "flexibility is the body's ability to perform movements optimally." the results show that people already understand about body flexibility. because there are during the pre test and post test the number of respondents who answered correctly remained the same 19 respondents. (ix) for question number 9 regarding "push-ups are a sport to train abdominal strength." the results show that people's understanding gets the same results. there were 14 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 17 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (x) for question number 10 regarding "back lift is a sport to train back strength." the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 19 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 20 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (xi) for question no 11 concerning "having a sense of responsibility in maintaining physical fitness and health, is one of the benefits of physical fitness." the results show that people's understanding remains the same. because the number of respondents who answered correctly remained the same. (xii) for question no 12 regarding "shoulders press is an exercise for hand muscle strength." the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 7 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 17 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. 129 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech (xiii) for question no 13 regarding "leg squat aims to train leg muscles." the results show that public understanding has increased. the results show that people's understanding remains the same. because the number of respondents who answered correctly remained the same. (xiv) for question no 14 regarding "eating healthy food is an important factor in maintaining physical fitness." the results show that the community has a good understanding of it. because there is an increase in respondents who answered correctly from 18 to 20. (xv) for question number 15 regarding "the body's ability to carry out adjustment activities to physical loads that are carried out daily without experiencing excessive fatigue is an understanding of physical fitness." the results show that the community has a good understanding of it. although there is a reduction in correct answers from 17 to 16 (xvi) for question number 16 regarding "the level of a person's agility can be determined by his balance." the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 6 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 15 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (xvii) for question number 17 on "doing situps correctly is with both legs slightly bent." the results show that public understanding has increased. this means that the number of people who answered correctly increased by 1 respondent to 17. (xviii) for question no 18 regarding "badminton is a good sport to increase endurance." the results show that the community is no longer fooled by the questions given. because there is an increase in the number of correct respondents (xix) for question number 19 regarding "shuttle run is a sport that is practiced by running back and forth." the results show that the community already understands how to do the shuttle run. this is because there is an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly (xx) for question number 20 regarding "always staying up late will make our bodies healthier." the results show that respondents focus on answering question number 20. the results from the pre-test to the post-test have increased where the public's understanding of maintaining physical fitness has also increased, and the material presented can be understood by the selected community. even though there are some questions, there are still people who are wrong in answering questions. from these results, we can also know that digital literacy can have an effect on increasing people's understanding of what literacy we provide. because digital literacy can be more attractive to the community itself and can be applied in various methods such as through videos, power points, games, applications, and others. it is the same with research conducted by bella elpira (2018) where digital literacy has a positive effect on improving learning in a school, which means that digital literacy has a strong influence [9]. musyarofatul & enokk (2021) said that digital literacy can affect student learning outcomes in the midst of the covid19 pandemic. which makes literacy through digital media highly recommended to be applied [10]. 130 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 124-131 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion this research was conducted with the aim of providing literacy understanding to the surrounding community regarding maintaining good and correct physical fitness, by means of the digital literacy method. this literacy was carried out to 20 residents around the location that the author specified. submission of the material provided to the public is made as attractive as possible and as easy as possible for the public to understand. the literacy process is carried out online and offline. the result of providing an understanding of literacy has increased from pre-test to post-test where the average community begins to understand the importance of maintaining physical fitness even though some people are still wrong in answering it. apart from the pre-test and post-test, the understanding of the community is given through power point materials and infographics that the author gives to the selected community and to the surrounding community as well. based on the tests given, this activity can be said to be successful because there is an increase in public understanding in maintaining physical fitness. acknowledgement the author would like to thank the lppm, kjp upi and to the supervisor kkn who has guided in completing this paper. references [1] alamsyah, d. a. n., hestiningsih, r., & saraswati, l. d. 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(2022). the effect of using applications to facilitate medicine purchase amid the covid-19 pandemic. international journal of research and applied technology (injuratech), 2(1), 71-81. 218 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech prefabricated house development with tetra pak carton recycling processing seftiyandi kurniawan * , caesar rai finaldy, gumiwang tresnakalingga departement teknik arsitektur, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *seftiyandi.10418055@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. damage to the environment due to the increasing volume of waste every day causes concern about the impact that will be caused and felt later, in addition, the need for shelter recently has increased in line with the growth of the population in indonesia. so not a few people who do not have a decent place to live and a lot of garbage that is not recycled properly. this is nothing to worry about if it can create a system that can reduce the potential for environmental damage caused by garbage that continues to increase and can also be a solution to provide a decent place to live. therefore, this study made a system that can process the waste into a material that can be used as a sturdy building material and does not require much cost. the novelty of this system is in the ability to provide solutions to the problem of environmental damage caused by waste that is not recycled as well as solutions for people who do not have a place to live because of the limitations of expensive costs. prefabricated houses also mean cutting the time in house construction to be more efficient because the design components of the house have been made outside the construction site, the material components are then brought to the construction site to be arranged modularly. according to statistics from the brazilian government of curitiba, waste consists mostly of organic materials, wood, glass, and fabric, and 31.7% of it can be recycled. therefore, there is an opportunity to use these materials in developing and applying them to building construction. in addition, the cost tends to be lower when compared to conventional construction materials. keywords: prefabricated house, tetra pack carton, recycling. 1. introduction tetra pak was founded by ruben rausing and erik wallenberg in 1951 in the swedish city of lund. as of january 2013, the company tetra pak has supplied approximately 173, 234 million packages so that 77,307 million liters of milk, juice, nectar and other products could be delivered to consumers around the world [1]. construction uses prefabricated techniques, otherwise known as the manufacture of construction parts that are done by the factory so that it is directly installed and combined on the spot. if associated with the mailto:seftiyandi.10418055@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 219 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech world of architecture, this prefabricated process can be said to be more practical and quite easy when assembling a house on the land. prefabricated architecture is usually made of conventional materials such as cement in general, in its production will only add new problems, while in indonesia there are big problems that need to be overcome such as waste problems, judging from the opportunity there is some waste that can be processed and utilized again, such as tetra pak cardboard that can be a conventional construction material in buildings, and is expected to be able to be a solution in enough housing shortages in the community in indonesia because it is recorded that as many as 20% of families do not have a livable home based on data from the bps (badan pusat statistik, 2019). a study of the thermal performance of tetra pak materials was conducted by gabriel viera, et al. in the study "thermal performance of tetra pak package as a ceiling material", it was shown that tetra pak material is a cardboard material that is widely used in dairy packaging products or packaging products containing liquids, with tetra pack products can provide stability to a packaging [2]. tetra pak material has a high quality of the application as insulation material, just like cork boards, fiber insulation boards, and foam glass, therefore the results of the study claim that tetra pack has the potential to be applied in the construction part of buildings. tetra pak material has the potential as other environmentally friendly materials. it is more economical and has good thermal performance [3]. in another study conducted on residents in the serpong area, with a sample of 28 people, 86% answered that tetra pak packaging can be recycled. [4], meaning that the community has recognized the tetra pak material very closely with everyday life. in addition, other studies show that processed tetra pack cardboard paper can be an important point in developing recycling chains to reduce environmental impact, in addition, cardboard paper can be processed optimally separated by mechanical stirring and sodium hydroxide. these materials are easy to process and low cost and can produce competitive products [5]. this journal aims to review tetra pak recycled materials so that they can be used as conventional materials in the construction of houses at a more affordable cost. as construction materials or parts of buildings or infrastructure. 2. literature review 2.1. characteristics of tetra pack in general, a tetra pak is a material consisting of several basic layer components as follows: 1. polyethylene: this is the basic material of plastic bags that are usually used to wrap oil and coconut milk liquids because it can protect moisture from the outside air. 2. paper board: this is a type of paper that has a thickness of 0.4 mm to 4.3 mm, and also to maintain the stability, strength, and smoothness of the wall surface. 3. polyethylene lamination: this is a layer made of polyethylene that serves as a wall coating to increase adle power. 4. aluminum foil: a layer that can prevent stickiness. 220 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 5. adhesive polymer: this is an adhesive glue that serves to glue each layer on the tetra pad wall. 6. polyethylene metallocene: a material that has excellent optical properties, resistant to leaking and impact, is better than other types of polyethylene. with the aluminum foil layer, polyethylene in the tetra pak layer proves that the material has good potential to be developed in this case as an additional coating material that can reduce thermally well. 2.2. humidity control performance the comfort factor that still gets attention in the context of energy saving is thermal comfort and visual comfort. thermal comfort is concerned with the thermal environment formed from air temperature, airflow, air humidity, and solar radiation. visual comfort is affected by the amount of light intensity in the room needed to move well [6]. the heat of sunlight can affect the temperature of space in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. indonesia is a country that has a humid tropical climate, so material factors become very important in overcoming the performance of humidity control in a building. materials with low conductivity can be good convection, whereas materials with high conductivity can conduct well [7,8]. 2.3. characteristics of thermal insulation research conducted by handayani (2010) proves that using materials with heat delivery inhibitors that are good enough and have the ability to reflect heat effectively, can help reduce the use of air conditioning during the day, especially when added additional supporting materials such as aluminum foil on the roof cover [9]. therefore research conducted by rodriguez et al (2019), thermal comfort deficiencies are linked to low occupant’s satisfaction, poor health and wellbeing, as well as, increases in the building’s energy consumption and co2-e [10]. 3. method in general, the methodology used is qualitative research methodology through the collection of secondary data using literature studies, scientific research articles, along with standards or regulations that have been established to be used as references and limitations of building design formulation as an interpretation of research results. the first method used in the recycling of composite drinking cartons was the particle board method. the boards manufactured from processing the product without separating it into its components (thermal compression) were used in furniture, civil construction, and packaging industries. in later years, the recycling of paper (hydropulping) began, in which the paper fibers that constituted 75% of the composite drinking cartons were recovered [11]. the collected data is further analyzed through comparison methods through digital models and reviewed descriptively-evaluatively through the following stages: 1. the level of formula planning; determine the specifications of material modules and building structures that support the application of tetra pak as a thermal insulation component in buildings through descriptive-evaluative comparative analysis to be developed as prefabricated modules. 221 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. design stage; by applying tetra pak material to the building design module, so that the best and most efficient design is selected. factors studied include the effect of tetra pak material after being configured on the wall and ceiling layers on thermal performance such as humidity, along with climate factors as fixed variables in this study. 4. results and discussion in indonesia several related standards or regulations regulate how material quality standards are based on the type or classification of a building, this observation is done on the design of buildings measuring 42-48 m2, with grc board wall material with the addition of a layer made of tetra pak as a layer of thermal reduction, where the material comes from unused milk packaging waste, recovery of tetra pak type of waste which includes recycled materials including 75% paper, 20% polyethylene, and 5% aluminum. become a serious problem in the recycling of unfinished composite beverage cartons a lifetime and will be in vain if not processed [8]. with the designed system, the waste amount of countries going to the solid waste storage areas will decrease and the protection of our environment will be provided. tetrapak recovery will be a long-term economic investment [11]. the majority of these products are easily found in liquid products whether food or beverage products with packaging materials made from tetra pak cardboard paper that can provide stability to several building structures, research conducted by zawadiak et al (2017) prove that tetra pak is produced by laminating together paper, ldpe and al into one composite material. paper, responsible for 75% of packaging mass is used to help ensure rigid shape of final product as well as to increase material strength. al foil (5%) is used because of its excellent barrier properties for agents such as light, oxygen, water vapour, odours and microorganisms [9]. by going through the following stages: 4.1. preparation of tetra pak material preparations made include: prepare tetra pack material taken from the packaging of a 1-liter drink clean the packaging so that it is not sticky from the former drink unpack the packaging so that it becomes flat and wider, then combined so that it forms a wide enough layer before gluing it on the grc board board, first, the tetra pack cartons that have been collected in glue and combined until they cover the surface of the grc board, so that the grc board board is fully covered by tetra pack. after the grc board is fully covered by the tetra pack, then attached to the ceiling structure and walls that have been provided. 222 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. the process of making tetra pack layers 4.2. the level of design of tetra pack formula on building components at this stage tetra pak material is applied directly as an additional layer on several components as follows: a. application of tetra pack coating on the ceiling of the building. b. application of metal stud (light steel) coating on the ceiling of the building. c. application of gypsum coating on the ceiling of the building. figure 2. ceiling asymmetry a study of the thermal performance of tetra pak materials was conducted by gabriel viera, et al. in the study "thermal performance of tetra pak package as a ceiling material", it was shown that tetra pak material is recommended for use as insulation material. because it has a thermal conductivity factor that is very similar to materials with a high application as insulation materials, for example, cork boards, fiber insulation boards, and foam glass. from experiments conducted on materials coated with tetra pack then conducted thermal testing, the results proved that the addition of tetra pack material on the ceiling can lower the heat 223 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech temperature, and make it stable over time. furthermore, the potentiality of a good thermal performance of tetra pak when used as insulation material for the ceiling houses is high.[2] figure 3. graphic obtained from the guarded hot plate test for stacked tetrapak packages (time x thermal conductivity) d. application of tetra pack coating on grc walls not only applied to the wall, the components in the tetra pack can also be applied as additional coatings on the walls or sheath components in the dominant building, so that the high humidity and solar radiation in humid tropical climates affect the performance of the walls that influence the comfort factor of occupants in the building [6]. so that with the coating or additional protection made from tetra pack can lower the room temperature during the day, thus making the walls more comfortable thermally. figure 3. application of tetra pack on the walls of buildings 4.3. final application to the design of the building 224 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the final application of building design in the form of planning the addition of tetra pack layers on the ceiling and partition walls of the building, because based on the literature study obtained the result that the presence of sunlight heat in the morning to evening will affect comfort at room temperature through conduction, convection, and radiation, so the selection of material specifications in the design of the building becomes important. figure 4. building isometry however, many of the people with the low economy are only able to provide low material specifications in their occupancy, to be able to provide thermal comfort to people with low economy occupancy, who still use the grc board board as a partition wall in the building can be maximized by the addition of tetra backpack conductivity coating. high and able to become an additional coating material that cancan reduce heat well. so that it can create the concept of energy-efficient building design, and become a solution for low society in building their dwellings, according to a study conducted by mustofa karaboyaci in the journal “process design for the recycling of tetra pak components”, tetrapak processing will be a long-term investment. the recycling sector will be one step ahead advanced studies will also result in new technologies and reduce the need for raw materials [8] 5. conclusion the addition of tetra pack material in the structure of the building in this case the ceiling and partition wall, can reduce heat well, this is because tetra pak has a thermal conductivity factor that is very similar to materials with a high application as insulation material, and allows it to be developed as a prefabricated material, and applied to simple house buildings. tetra pak material is easy to get, if not directly from the manager's factory can be obtained from recycled beverage packaging made from such as cardboard paper, so it does not cost much when choosing this material as an additional material to build a house. tetra pack can be an alternative to the main material of the building, although it must be coated again with other materials such as grc board and gypsum. this material is also very suitable for tropical climates such as in indonesia because it has good heat conduction. the greatest reason why paper and carton (cardboard) manufacturers prefer recycled paper as raw materials is because they are able to obtain the cellulose necessary for paper for much cheaper. the paper that will be obtained in the envisaged project is in the form ofpaper 225 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 218-225 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech mache (pulp), which will be a reason for preference as it will not require any additional pulpification. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] yu, s., liu, y., wang, d., bahaj, a. s., wu, y., & liu, j. 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[10] rodríguez, c. m., medina del río, j. m., pinzón, a., & garcía, a. (2019). a postoccupancy strategy to improve thermal comfort in social housing in tropical highland climate: a case study in bogotá, colombia= estrategia pos-ocupación para mejorar el confort térmico en vivienda social en climas tropicales de montaña: un caso de estudio en bogotá, colombia. informes de la construcción, 71(555). [11] karaboyaci, m. (2017). process design for the recycling of tetra pak components. european journal of engineering and natural sciences, 2(1), 126-129. 318 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech design of shell and tube type heat exchanger for nanofibril cellulose production process hanif nur purnamasari1, teguh kurniawan2, asep bayu dani nandiyanto1* 1 departemen pendidikan kimia, universitas pendidikan indonesia, bandung, indonesia 2 departemen teknik kimia, universitas sultan ageng tirtayasa, serang, indonesia email: *nandiyanto@upi.edu abstract. heat exchanger plays an important role in industry. in industrial applications, the type of heat exchanger that is often found is the shell and tube type heat exchanger. the aim of this paper is to of tube and shell type heat exchanger for nanofibril cellulose production applications. the method used is to design several assumptions and calculate parameters related to determining the performance of the heat exchanger. the parameters are calculated manually using the microsoft excel application. in this design, the tema standard is used as a reference. the result of this paper is the heat exchanger has 53 pcs of tubes with the effectiveness up to 89.21%. this indicates that the overall performance of the heat exchanger in cellulose nanofibril production applications can be further improved by selecting the right fluid, fluid flow rate, and other physical properties, as well as the number of tubes that will be required. keywords: effectiveness, heat exchanger, performance, shell and tube 1. introduction a heat exchanger can be defined as a device that functions to transfer heat between two fluids that are at different temperatures. these two liquids are separated by a wall to prevent mixing with each other [1]. heat exchangers are often used in engineering applications such as power generation, petroleum refining, chemical engineering processes, air conditioning, food industry and others [2]. there are various types of heat exchangers, one of which is a shell and tube heat exchanger which is commonly used as a gas or liquid medium in a large temperature and pressure range [3]. the diagram of typical shell and tube heat exchanger is shown in figure 1. shell and tube heat exchangers are made of tube bundles and may consist of several tubes which are the medium for fluid flow and heat transfer [4,5]. 319 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. diagram of a typical shell and tube heat exchanger [6] in a previous review, feng et al. [7] designed a shell and tube heat exchanger with the hot water as source of heat for organic fluid evaporation process. the results showed that the complex function has a minimum point with an optimal external diameter of the heat transfer tube. this shows that the complex function has a certain heat transfer performance and greatly improves the fluid flow performance. in said et al. [8] investigating the efficiency of heat exchangers using stable cu/water nanofluids. based on his research results, the convective heat transfer coefficient obtained with nanofluid is slightly higher than that of base fluid for the same fluid inlet temperature and mass flow rate. this study purpose to focus on the design of shell and tube type heat exchanger for nanofibril cellulose production applications because the design of heat exchangers to produce this nanocrystal is still rare. based on literature [9], the preparation of cellulose nanofibrils for use in the synthesis of polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanofibril hybrid airgel microspheres requires a temperature of 60℃. to determine the performance of the heat exchanger that has been designed, it is necessary to calculate the heat transfer surface area (a) that depend on other parameters, namely thermal load (q), overall heat transfer coefficient (u) and logarithmic mean temperature difference (∆tlm). 2. method the shell and tube type heat exchanger are designed by specifying the proper dimensions for the heat exchange apparatus. standard of tubular exchanger manufacturers association (tema) is used in the process of collecting data regarding the specifics and dimensions of the apparatus. after that, the thermal analysis takes the form of an overall calculation heat transfer coefficient (u), lmtd method, heat transfer (q), and pressure drop is also calculated manually using basic microsoft office applications that calculated based on table 1. then the calculation results are considered to determine the performance and efficiency of the heat exchanger. 320 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. parameter calculation of heat exchanger section parameter equation no. eq basic parameters the energy transferred (q) qin = qout 𝑚ℎ × 𝐶𝑝ℎ × ∆𝑇ℎ = 𝑚𝑐 × 𝐶𝑝𝑐 × ∆𝑇𝑐 where, q : the energy transferred (wt) m : the mass flow rate of the fluid (kg/s) cp : the specific heat ∆𝑇 : the fluid temperature difference (°c). (1) logarithmic mean temperature differenced (lmtd) ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 = (𝑇 1 − 𝑡2) − (𝑇2 − 𝑡1) 𝑙𝑛 (𝑇 1 − 𝑡2) (𝑇2 − 𝑡1) ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 : log mean temperature difference 𝑇1 : temperature of the hot fluid inlet (°c) 𝑇2 : temperature of the hot fluid outlet (°c) t1 : temperature of the cold fluid inlet (°c) 𝑡2: temperature of the cold fluid outlet (°c) (2) correction factor 𝑅 = 𝑇1 − 𝑇2 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 𝑆 = 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 𝑇1 − 𝑡1 𝐹𝑡 = √𝑅2 + 1 ln[ 1 − 𝑃 1 − 𝑃𝑅 ] (𝑅 − 1) ln( 2 − 𝑃(𝑅 + 1 − √𝑅2 + 1 2 − 𝑃(𝑅 + 1 + √𝑅2 + 1 ) (3) (4) 321 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation no. eq (5) ∆𝑇𝑚 = 𝐹𝑡 ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 (6) heat transfer field area (a) 𝐴 = 𝑄 𝑈 × ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 where, 𝑄 : the energy transferred (w) 𝑈 : the overall heat transfer coefficient ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 : the logarithmic mean temperature difference. (7) number of tubes (n) 𝑁𝑡 = 𝐴 𝜋 × 𝐷𝑜 × 𝑙 where, n : the number of tubes a : the area of the heat transfer area (m2), 𝜋 : 3.14 𝐷𝑜 : tube diameter (m) 𝑙 : tube length (m). (8) tube surface area of total heat transfer in tube (at) 𝑎𝑡 = 𝑁𝑡 𝑎′𝑡 𝑛 where, 𝑎𝑡 : the total heat transfer surface area in the tube (m2) (9) 322 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation no. eq 𝑁𝑡 : the number of tubes 𝑎′𝑡 : the flow area in the tube (m2) n : the number of passes. mass flow rate of water in tube (gt) 𝐺𝑡 = 𝑚ℎ 𝑎𝑡 where, 𝐺𝑡 : the mass flow of water in the tube (kg/m2s) 𝑚ℎ : the mass flow rate of the hot fluid (kg/s) 𝑎𝑡 : the flow area tube (m2) (10) reynold number (re,t) 𝑅𝑒𝑡 = 𝑑𝑖𝑡 × 𝐺𝑡 𝜇 where, 𝑅𝑒𝑡 : the reynolds number in tube 𝑑𝑖𝑡 : the inner tube diameter (m), 𝐺𝑡 : the mass flow of water in the tube (m2) 𝜇 : the dynamic viscosity (kg/ms). (11) prandtl number (pr,t) 𝑃𝑟 = ( 𝐶𝑝 × 𝜇 𝐾 ) 1 2 where, pr : prandtl number cp : the specific heat of the fluid in the tube 𝜇 : the dynamic viscosity of the fluid in the tube (kg/ms) k : the thermal conductivity of the tube material (w/m°c). (12) 323 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation no. eq nusselt number (nu,t) 𝑁𝑢 = 0.023 × 𝑅𝑒𝑡 0.6 × 𝑃𝑟0.33 (13) inside coefficient (hi) ℎ𝑖 = 𝑁𝑢 × 𝐾 𝑑𝑖 , 𝑡 where, ℎ𝑖 : the convection heat transfer coefficient in the tube (w/m2°c) k : the thermal conductivity of the material (w/m°c) 𝑑𝑖, 𝑡 : the inner tube diameter (m). (14) shell shell flow area (𝐴𝑠) 𝐷𝑏 = 𝑑𝑜( 𝑁𝑡 𝑘1 ) 1 𝑛1 𝐴𝑠 = 𝑑𝑠 × 𝐶 × 𝐷𝑏 𝑃𝑡 where, 𝑑𝑠 : shell diameter (m) c : clearance (𝑃𝑡-𝑑𝑜) db : a shell bundle 𝑃𝑡 : tube pitch (1.25× 𝑑𝑜) (m). (15) (16) mass flow rate of water in shell (gs) 𝐺𝑠 = 𝑚𝑐 𝐴𝑠 𝑚𝑐 : the mass flow rate of the cold fluid (kg/s) 𝐴𝑠 : the shell flow area (m2). (17) 324 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation no. eq equivalent diameter (𝑑𝑒) 𝑑𝑒 = 4( 𝑃𝑡 2 × 0.87 𝑃𝑡 − 1 2 𝜋 𝑑𝑜,𝑡 4 ) 1 2 𝜋𝑑𝑜,𝑡 where, 𝑃𝑡 : tube pitch (1.25× 𝑑𝑜) (m) π : 3.14 𝑑𝑜,𝑡 : tube outside diameter (m). (18) reynold number (re,s) 𝑅𝑒𝑠 = 𝑑𝑖𝑠 × 𝐺𝑠 𝜇 𝑅𝑒𝑠 : reynold number 𝑑𝑖𝑠 : inner shell diameter (m) 𝐺𝑠 : the mass flow of water in the shell (kg/m2s) 𝜇 : the dynamic viscosity (kg/ms). (19) prandtl number (pr,s) 𝑃𝑟 = ( 𝐶𝑝 × 𝜇 𝐾 ) 1 2 prs : prandtl number cp : specific heat capacity (kj/kg°c) 𝜇 : dynamic fluid viscosity (kg/ms) k : thermal conductivity (w/m°c). (20) nusselt number (nu,s) 𝑁𝑢𝑠 = 0.023 × 𝑅𝑒𝑠 0.6 × 𝑃𝑟0.33 𝑅𝑒𝑠 : reynold number pr : prandtl number (21) convection heat transfer coefficient (ho) ℎ𝑜 = 𝑁𝑢 × 𝐾 𝑑𝑒 (22) 325 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation no. eq ℎ𝑜 : convection heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) k : thermal conductivity (w/m°c) 𝑑𝑒 : equivalent diameter (m). shell and tube actual overall heat transfer coefficient (uact) 𝑈𝑎𝑐𝑡 = 1 1 ℎ𝑖 + ∆𝑟 𝑘 + 1 ℎ𝑜 where, ℎ𝑖 : inside heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) ℎ𝑜 : outside heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c), ∆𝑟 ∶ wall thickness (m) k : thermal conductivity(w/m°c) (23) heat rate hot fluid rate (𝐶ℎ) 𝐶ℎ = 𝑚ℎ. 𝐶𝑝ℎ where, 𝐶ℎ : hot fluid rate (w/°c) 𝐶𝑝 ℎ : specific heat capacity (j/kg°c) 𝑚ℎ : mass flow rate of hot fluid (kg/s). (24) cold fluid rate (𝐶𝐶) 𝐶𝐶 = 𝑚𝑐. 𝐶𝑝𝑐 𝐶𝑐 : cold fluid rate (w/°c), 𝐶𝑝 ℎ : specific heat capacity (j/kg°c), 𝑚𝑐 : mass flow rate of cold fluid (kg/s). 𝑄 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑇ℎ,𝑖 − 𝑇𝑐,𝑖) 𝑄 𝑚𝑎𝑥 : maximum heat transfer (w) (25) (26) 326 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation no. eq cmin : minimum heat capacity rate (w/°c) 𝑇ℎ,𝑖 : temperature of the hot fluid inlet (°c) 𝑇𝑐,𝑖 : temperature of the cold fluid inlet (°c). effectiven ess heat exchanger effectiveness (𝜀) 𝜀 = 𝑄𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑄𝑚𝑎𝑥 × 100% where, 𝑄 𝑎𝑐𝑡 : actual energy transferred (w) 𝑄 𝑚𝑎𝑥 : maximum heat transfer (w) (27) number of transfer unit (ntu) 𝑁𝑇𝑈 = 𝑈 × 𝐴 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 where, 𝑈 : overall heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) a : heat transfer area (m2) 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 : minimum heat capacity rate (w/°c). (28) fouling factor (rf) 𝑅𝑓 = 𝑈𝑎 − 𝑈𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑈𝑎 × 𝑈𝑎𝑐𝑡 where, rf : fouling factor 𝑈𝑎 : overall heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) 𝑈𝑎𝑐𝑡 : actual overall heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) (29) 327 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion in the design of heat exchanger performance, there are several things that need to be assumed. it is assumed that the heat exchanger is made of carbon steel material with tube and shell (one-pass) type. the fluid flow used is a counter-current flow system, and water-water as hot and cold fluids. it is assumed that the hot fluid is on the tube side, and the hot fluid is on the shell side. it is also assumed that there is no heat leakage during the heat exchange process. the overall coefficient (u) for hot and cold fluid water is 800 w/m℃. in table 2 showed the dimensions heat exchanger according to the tema standard. table 2. dimensional specifications of shell and tube type heat exchanger based on tema standard parameters specification conductivity material (w/m°c) 43 tube outer diameter (m) 0.024 tube inner diameter (m) 0.018 wall thickness (m) 0.00087 tube length (m) 4.245 tube arrangements triangular pitch tube (m) 0.030 tube-side passes 1 pass tube characteristic angle (°) 31 shell outer diameter (m) 0.152 shell inner diameter (m) 0.136 baffle cut 25% overall performance and the effectiveness of heat exchangers depends on density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat of the fluids are used [10]. table 3 shows these parameters and other specification of hot and cold fluid are used for this paper. table 3. specific hot and cold fluids parameter parameters tube side (water) shell side (water) inlet temperature (th,in; ℃) 75 outlet temperature (th,out; ℃) 55 inlet temperature (tc,in; ℃) 30 outlet temperature (tc,out; ℃) 70 density (kg/m3) 974.68 995.71 viscosity (ns/m2) 0.000378 0.000798 fluid flow rate (kg/s) 2 1 thermal conductivity (w/m.k) 0.67 0.53 heat specific (j/kg.k) 4193 4178 operating pressure (bar) 1.013 1.013 328 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 4 shows the calculation results after applying the assumptions in table 2 following the equations listed in table 1. the values of several parameter such as lmtd, area of heat transfer, number of tubes and heat exchanger effectiveness are 12.43℃, 16.87 m2, 53 pcs, and 89.21%, respectively. table 4. performance parameters of heat exchangers designed based on calculation no parameter results 1 initial heat transfer rate (q) 167720 w 2 logarithmic mean temperature difference (lmtd) 12.43°c 3 assumed overall fluid heat coefficient of water (ua) 800 w/m2.k 4 r 0.5 5 s 0.89 6 ft 1.63 7 δtm 20.21°c 8 area of heat transfer (a) 16.87 m2 9 number of tube (nt) 53 10 total heat transfer surface area in tube (at) 0.0226 m2 11 mass flow rate of water fluid in tube (gt) 88.50 m/s 12 reynold number in tube (re, t) 4214.08 13 prandtl number in tube (pr, t) 1.18 14 convection heat transfer coefficient in the tube (hi) 135.34 w/m2.k 15 bundle shell (db) 1.85 m 16 total heat transfer surface area in shell (as) 0.06 m2 17 mass flow rate of water fluid in shell (gs) 17.76 m/s 18 equivalent diameter (de) 0.96 m 19 reynold number in shell (re, s) 400.57 20 prandtl number in shell (pr, s) 3.15 21 nusselt number in shell (nu, s) 1.08 22 convection heat transfer coefficient in shell (ho) 0.5934 w/m2.k 23 overall heat transfer coefficient actual (uact) 0.5932 w/m2.k 24 he effectiveness (𝜀) 89.21% 25 number of transfer unit (ntu) 3.23 26 fouling resistance 1.68 °c.m2/w the thermal efficiency is an important indicator of energy performance for heat exchangers [11]. the design of the heat exchanger is said to be successful when the percentage of effectiveness obtained is more than 70%. there are fouling resistance value obtained that do not meet the standard that should be 0.0002℃.m2/w, but other parameters including the effectiveness value show pretty good results. 329 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 318-329 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion the shell and tube type heat exchanger has been successfully designed based on the tema standard, indicating that 113 pipes are needed, with the heat transfer rate generated by the apparatus is 167720 w. heat exchanger designed with one-passes type. the effectiveness of this heat exchanger design reaches 89.21%, so it can be characterized as having good performance. references [1] dhavle, s. v., kulkarni, a. j., shastri, a., & kale, i. r. 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research. the media used during the research were powerpoint and infographics. the research was carried out offline and one class was divided into two groups, namely group a and group b. the results of this study indicate that the use of digital media in science learning material for the solar system is declared effective, as can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test which show improvement, especially in the aspect of students' knowledge in understanding the material of the solar system. the pre-test shows that almost all respondents do not know much about the solar system. however, when given learning materials using digital media such as powerpoint and infographics, respondents, namely students, understood and understood the material as evidenced by the post-test results. therefore, it can be concluded that in this study, the application of digital media to elementary school students can be implemented properly. 1. introduction elementary school is the initial stage for children to receive an education. in elementary school, students can explore or seek new knowledge and skills and become a place to socialize with one another. in addition, an elementary school is also a place for forming students' basic attitudes which can later be used in daily activities [1]. one of the materials taught to elementary school students is about the solar system. the solar system refers to the collection of celestial bodies consisting of a star called the sun and all objects bounded by its gravity. these objects include 8 planets in orbit (mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune), 5 dwarf planets, 173 natural satellites, and millions of other celestial bodies, namely asteroids, comets, and meteoroids [2]. application is an activity to practice a theory or method to achieve a certain goal and for certain interests desired by individuals or groups that have been arranged previously. usually, teachers as educators try to apply what they know to students to educate students. one of the tools for teachers to transfer knowledge to their students is using digital media. digital media 109 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 108-113 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech is media that is a combination of data, text, sound, and images stored in digital format. digital media is usually used to make it easier for someone to show or use data without the need to use conventional media. digital media refers to the media that are encoded in machinereadable formats. digital media can be created, viewed, communicated, modified, and preserved on digital electronics devices such as softwares, digital images, videos, web pages, websites, social media, digital data, digital audio and e-books [3]. many research articles discuss the use of digital media in explaining the solar system. first research from retnoningsih explains "learning methods for introduction to the solar system in elementary schools based on computer-based instruction (cbi)". however, there are shortcomings in this study, one of which is not explaining in detail how students' initial understanding of the material presented and also not explaining what factors caused the research to be successful [4]. the second research from putra and negara explains "development of multimedia solar system in science class vi content". in this study, there are shortcomings regarding how students respond to the use of media made by researchers and do not explain how learning outcomes change before and after being given learning media [5]. the third research is from eryanto and prestiliano regarding "design of learning media for the solar system lesson using animation and virtual reality". this study explains how the use of animation and virtual reality in explaining the solar system. there are advantages and disadvantages to using this media. the advantage is the use of these media that can make students enthusiastic about learning. while the shortcomings of this research are the manufacturing process and virtual reality tools which are quite expensive, so they are not suitable for implementation in elementary schools [6]. the fourth research is from sahari and wahyudi regarding "development of macromedia flash-based solar system media as online learning innovation for elementary school students". this research explains how to make interactive media about the solar system using macromedia flash software. the drawback of this research is that there is no pilot data for elementary school students [7]. the fifth research is from nugraha and hidayat regarding "implementation of interactive learning media "solar system" for class vi elementary school". from this research, there are shortcomings in terms of data before conducting research [8]. therefore, this study aims to determine the response of elementary school students regarding learning the definition and concept of the solar system by using digital media. in carrying out the research, the researcher uses the pre-experimental design method because the data to be collected and analyzed is quantitative. researchers took a sample of 20 elementary school students in bandung regency, indonesia. before conducting the lesson, the researcher used a pre-test with 20 questions as an initial assessment of students' knowledge of the solar system material. initial results show that students still don't know much about the solar system in space. so that researchers use digital media such as powerpoint and infographics in providing the material. the learning process is carried out offline with the class divided into two groups, namely group a and group b due to the school's policy of implementing limited face-to-face meetings. in addition to using digital media, researchers also use conventional methods such as question and answer and discussion so that students do not get bored during learning. after presenting the material, the researcher assigned the students to make a simple model of the solar system by drawing the sequences of the planets of the solar system from the closest planet to the farthest planet with the creativity of each student. 110 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 108-113 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the novelty of this research is (i) adding new learning methods using learning media; (ii) obtaining new data on how students respond to the material provided; (iii) strengthening and adding to the shortcomings found in previous studies. then, the success of this research is determined by the results of the post-test which is carried out after the delivery of the material is complete. the result is that after being given learning materials and assignments, the post test shows an increase in students knowledge about the material. so it can be said that the research was successful. 2. methods this study uses a quantitative method approach with a pre-experimental design model because the data collected and the analysis are quantitative. the method is defined as a method with a systematic form to find the influence of one variable with another variable by providing special treatment and strict control in a condition. the form of this research is one-group pretest-posttest design. sugiono explain that by conducting this form of research, you can see how the treatment of a variable is more accurate because it can be compared with the situation before being treated [9]. the object of this research is the application of the use of digital media in the material of the solar system. the population of this study was 52 students in grade 6 at the elementary school level, with a sample of 20 students. the place and time of this research are at sdn gadis 02 ciparay and it is carried out offline and is divided into two large groups, namely groups a and b on january 13 january 20, 2022. the technique of collecting data is using a questionnaire. while in the learning process, researchers used powerpoint and infographics media. 3. results and discussion 3.1. demography this research was conducted on 6th-grade students at sdn gadis 02 ciparay, bandung regency, indonesia. the study population was 52 students who were divided into two large groups, namely groups a and b. then the research sample was 20 people when broken down into 10 people from group a and 10 people from group b. 3.2. pre-test and post-test results table 1 describes the questions asked during the pre-test and post-test. the first questionnaire taken was the pre-test questionnaire. this questionnaire was distributed to 6th grade students to find out the level of understanding of the solar system and consists of 20 questions. we will then provide information about the solar system through powerpoint media and infographics. after explaining the material, we redistribute the questionnaire with post-test questions to students with the aim of finding out how much matter is understood about the solar system. table 1. pre-test and post-test results. no questions pre-test post-test 1 is the sun the center of the solar system? 70% (yes); 5% (no); 25% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 111 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 108-113 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2 is it true that mercury is the closest planet to the sun? 35% (yes); 20% (no); 45% (don’t know). 95% (yes); 5% (no). 3 does venus have a rotation time of 225 days? 0% (yes); 0% (no); 100% (don’t know). 60% (yes); 40% (no). 4 is it true that earth has 1 natural satellite? 55% (yes); 10% (no); 35% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 5 is it true that mars is dubbed the red planet? 25% (yes); 15% (no); 60% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 6 is jupiter the largest planet in the solar system? 45% (yes); 35% (no); 25% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 7 is it true that saturn has 62 natural satellites? 5% (yes); 5% (no); 90% (don’t know). 70% (yes); 30% (no). 8 is it true that uranus is a planet with a revolution time of 84.02 years? 0% (yes); 10% (no); 90% (don’t know). 60% (yes); 40% (no). 9 is it true that one of the satellites of the planet neptune is called triton? 0% (yes); 10% (no); 90% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 10 are asteroids bigger than meteoroids? 45% (yes); 20% (no); 35% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 11 is it true that halley's comet appears once every 76 years? 0% (yes); 10% (no); 90% (don’t know). 90% (yes); 10% (no). 12 is it true that meteor is a rock whose size is small and moves freely? 25% (yes); 0% (no); 75% (don’t know). 90% (yes); 10% (no). 13 is it true that the satellite made in indonesia is the palapa satellite? 0% (yes); 0% (no); 100% (don’t know). 90% (yes); 10% (no). 14 is it true that the time the earth rotates on its axis is 24 hours? 50% (yes); 0% (no); 50% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 15 is one of the effects of earth's rotation is there is day and night? 30% (yes); 15% (no); 55% (don’t know). 100% (yes); 0% (no). 16 is it true that the earth's time to evolve is 365 ¼ days? 20% (yes); 5% (no); 75% (don’t know). 90% (yes); 10% (no). 17 is it true that a lunar eclipse occurs because the moon is covered from the sun by the earth? 5% (yes); 15% (no); 80% (don’t know). 75% (yes); 25% (no). 18 is it true that a solar eclipse occurs because the earth is covered from the sun by the moon? 20% (yes); 5% (no); 75% (don’t know). 75% (yes); 25% (no). 19 does a leap year happen every 4 years? 40% (yes); 15% (no); 45% (don’t know). 80% (yes); 20% (no). 20 is it true that the determination of the beginning of the day in the hijri calendar begins with the setting of the sun? 0% (yes); 10% (no); 90% (don’t know). 80% (yes); 20% (no). 112 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 108-113 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the results of the study as shown in the table above show that after students listened to the material on the solar system using digital media, there was an increase. as for the discussion: (i). for questions number 1-9 regarding "planets in the solar system," the results have increased compared to the results of the pre-test. this is because students' understanding of the material increases through explanations using digital media and assignments. however, some answers are answered incorrectly, this is because students still cannot find a way to remember. (ii). for questions number 10-13 regarding "other celestial bodies in the solar system" the results of the test have increased compared to the results of the pre-test. this is because students have been given teaching materials using infographic media and making children enthusiastic about learning it. (iii). for questions number 14-20 regarding "motion of the earth and moon towards the sun" the results have increased compared to the results of the pre-test. this is because the concepts provided by the researcher make students able to understand the material presented. even though in the post-test there were still some students who were wrong in answering the questions. based on the description above, it can be seen as a whole that learning by using powerpoint and infographic media has succeeded in increasing students' understanding of the material presented. this is evidenced by the increase in the results of the pre-test and post-test. the combination of conventional teaching methods and digital learning materials in the form of powerpoint and infographics can provide different activities and experiences for students. although this research still uses conventional teaching methods, in practice, the researchers still provide opportunities for all students to actively participate in the learning process, such as questions and answers, and quizzes. through active participation, students can gain valuable activities and experiences that make learning productive. after using powerpoint learning media and infographics, it is known that students are interested in the learning media because the learning media contains real pictures and some videos that make students understand the material presented better. students feel more enthusiastic about participating in the teaching and learning process. in addition, the use of powerpoints and infographics is very helpful to develop imagination and creativity, especially with attractive illustrations. using powerpoint-based learning media, students can see directly the material presented by the teacher so that students can more easily understand the learning material [10]. based on this explanation, it can be concluded that the use of powerpoint learning media, and infographics is very helpful in increasing the understanding of 6th-grade elementary school students. 4. conclusion learning about the solar system uses digital media using the pre-experimental design research method and limited offline learning activities with 20 students being the research sample from a total of 52 students. the digital media used in this research are powerpoint and infographics. this research begins with giving a pre-test to the sample regarding the material that will be given. the results show that there are still yesng students who do not know the definition and concept of the solar system material. in practice, researchers describe the definition and concept of the solar system through a powerpoint application that includes the material of the planets that are included in the solar system. the next meeting discussed other objects circulating in the solar system such as comets, asteroids, and meteoroids as well as 113 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 108-113 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech natural and artificial satellites using infographic media. in the last meeting, a post-test was held which was the same question, aiming to see students' understanding of the material that had been taught. the result is an increase in students knowledge about the material of the solar system. acknowledgment first of all, i thank lia septiani, s.pd as a teacher of 6th grade in sdn gadis 02 ciparay for allowing me to do research in her class. also, i would like thank to kantor jurnal dan publikasi, directorate of international affairs, universitas pendidikan indonesia. i thank dr.eng. asep bayu dani nandiyanto, s.t., m.eng. as community service advisor. this research is a part of community service (program : digital literacy thematic community service program 2022 (january – february 2022) group 1) lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (lppm) universitas pendidikan indonesia. author note the author declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. author confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism. references [1] suharjo. 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(2021). an information sharing system for multi-professional collaboration in the community-based integrated healthcare system. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 2(1), 114. 151 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 151-157 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech e-learning media for the ability to recognize and count numbers in kindergarten students fikri andika putra mulyana1, asep bayu dani nandiyanto2*, tedi kurniawan3 1departemen pendidikan matematika, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 2departemen kimia, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 3community college of qatar, qatar email: *nandiyanto@upi.edu abstract. the covid-19 pandemic causes learning activities to be carried out online, causing teachers to be able to utilize technology-based learning media. this study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference between the ability to work on kindergarten students' numeracy questions before and after being given learning through youtube media. the method that will be used is descriptive quantitative to 19 kindergarten students. the results show that the data processing of the wilcoxon test results is 0.449>α=0.05. from these results, we can conclude that the youtube learning media has no significant effect on the ability to recognize numbers and do arithmetic problems. this is because (i) the research time is short, (ii) the instructional video is only given once, (iii) some parents do not provide learning videos to students, and (iv) there are still many students who have difficulty writing numbers correctly. but of course, the experience of students learning to use youtube can still be useful to help students continue their education to the next level. keywords: counting, covid-19 pandemic, kindergarten, numbers, youtube 1. introduction the covid-19 pandemic is not over yet. it has been almost two years since the coronavirus first appeared in the world, but things have not returned to the way they were when the virus did not exist. the impact of this prolonged pandemic has greatly affected various fields, one of which is education. education that is forced to be carried out online causes students, teachers, and even parents to be able to adapt to school activities from their respective homes. not a few students and parents find it difficult to adapt, but this is still normal because we have just faced a situation like this [1]. youtube is one of the social media that is widely used today, without exception for kindergarten school-age children. children who are currently undergoing school in kindergarten are the alpha generation, namely the generation born after 2010. the alpha generation is very closely related to the rapid development of technology and information. since they were born, they are already familiar with internet facilities so that they are claimed to be the smartest generation compared to previous generations [2]. however, the use of 152 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 151-157 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech youtube as a learning medium is still considered lacking because children use gadgets more for playing games. in fact, the impact of using youtube media includes increasing knowledge and learning motivation [3]. the positive impact that children can get from youtube cannot be separated from the role of parents in introducing early literacy that is adjusted to the level of child development [2]. the importance of the concept of recognizing numbers and counting for children is so that it is easier for children to follow the process of further education, especially mathematics. until now, there are still many students who avoid mathematics because they have difficulty understanding advanced material caused by various factors, one of which is the lack of understanding of the concept of numbers. in fact, mathematics is very useful in everyday life. the introduction of the concept of numbers must be given from an early age and the ability to do arithmetic problems must be improved. because children at the age of 0-6 have rapid growth and development, it is known as the golden age [4]. from various studies, [1] said that one of the learning media that was deemed appropriate to be used in this pandemic situation was in the form of video. it is also supported by [5] which states that the youtube learning media has proven to be effective in early childhood education. because videos on the youtube platform can have a positive impact on early childhood online learning activities [6]. the video is an audio-visual medium. one of which can be used for the ability to recognize numbers for children aged 5-6 years [7] proves that there is a significant difference between the ability to answer numeracy questions for the group of children who are taught using learning videos and the group of children who are taught using blackboard media (conventional). moreover, if the video is an animated video because it is based on research conducted by [8] getting test results from subject content experts and test results from learning media experts get a very high category value, so animated video learning media is very feasible to use. but no one has done this research using quantitative descriptive methods. based on the description of the background of the problem above, it is necessary to carry out a study that aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the ability to do arithmetic questions for kindergarten students before and after being given learning using youtube media. 2. theoritical framework 2.1. learning media media is an intermediary or delivery of messages and information and is one component in the learning system. because as a component, the media must be in accordance with the overall learning process. learning media is anything or a tool and is used as an intermediary for messages or information so that a purposeful, controlled, or intentional learning process can occur as a result of the stimulation of students' attention and interest in learning and learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently [9]. according to [10]; examples of learning media are divided into three, namely (i) visual media, such as charts, diagrams, graphs, posters, pictures; (ii) audio media, such as cassettes and radio; and (iii) audio-visual media, such as television and the internet. 2.2. early childhood 153 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 151-157 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech early childhood is the initial stage of childhood aged 0-6 years which is in a stage of growth and development that has unique characteristics and has differences with later age stages. therefore learning mathematics for early childhood must be fun and use the help of simple objects that are liked by children and those around children. in accordance with the nature of early childhood playing while learning, so the games that are carried out should contain learning so that children are not aware that they are learning [11]. 2.3. numbers and counting numbers are symbols of objective things (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) which have certain symbolic meanings and meanings and are widely known, both in form and system [12]. the introduction of the concept of counting is a very important part of the development of children's cognitive intelligence. children who are intelligent in the field of arithmetic can develop many things, one of which is in solving problems. the introduction of counting concepts given to children must be done in an interesting way and cannot be done forcibly [13]. 3. method this study uses quantitative methods. where it was carried out on ra al-wahid students in kindergarten b class as many as 26 students. first, students are given pre-test questions via a google form. then the students were given treatment in the form of learning videos via youtube. after that, students were given post-test questions via a google form. after the pre-test and post-test results are obtained, then data processing will be carried out. first of all, a normality test is carried out on the resulting data. if the data is normally distributed, it is followed by paired t-test to show whether there is a significant difference between the results of the pre-test and the results of the post-test. if the data is not normally distributed, then it is continued with the wilcoxon test for the same purpose. paired t-test is a method of testing hypotheses in which the data used are in pairs [14]. this means that the data is taken from the same individual but given different treatments. in this case, before being given a learning video through youtube and after being given a learning video through youtube. meanwhile, the wilcoxon test is a non-parametric test that does not require data to be normally distributed and is used for paired data so that it can be an alternative test when the data is not normally distributed [15]. 4. results and discussion 4.1. demographics first of all, socialization was carried out to the principal of ra al-wahid and the teachers who teach tk b class on friday, august 27, 2021. after explaining the background, objectives, and technical research that will be given, then i was given information about the condition of students in the kindergarten class. b that most students already know and can mention numbers at least 1-20 and work on additional operations problems with the help of pictures of objects around. however, some students still have difficulty in writing numbers both when counting the number of objects and writing the sum results. the condition of students' parents also supports that this research is carried out online, there are no problems if the questions are given via google forms and learning videos via youtube. furthermore, socialization was carried out to parents of students on monday, september 30, 2021. in this socialization, parents were encouraged to always accompany and guide students at every stage in the research. on monday, august 30, 2021, at noon, students are 154 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 151-157 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech given pre-test questions via a google form which will be assisted by their parents in filling out the questions but will not be assisted in answering these questions. then in the afternoon, students are given treatment in the form of giving learning videos via youtube according to the type of questions that have been and will be given. while being accompanied by parents of students so that students focus on paying attention to the learning videos provided. furthermore, on tuesday, august 31, 2021, students were given post-test questions using the google form again and were guided by their parents. 4.2. data analysis after the students did the pre-test and post-test, a score was given to the correctness of the answers and how to write numbers correctly. of the 26 students, only 19 students took the pretest and post-test so that data on students who only took one of them were not included. the test results data before and after giving learning videos through youtube can be seen in table 1. then the normality test was carried out for each data in table 1 using the help of software. the test results can be seen in table 2 and table 3. table 2 shows the test results of 0.002. with a value of α =0.05; because 0.002 < α then the data from the pre-test results are not normally distributed. then table 3 shows the results of 0.000 and 0.001, where a value of α = 0.05 both are less than α then the post-test result data is also not normally distributed. since the two data are not normally distributed, the wilcoxon test will then be carried out with the results in table 4. table 1. pre-test and post-test result data. students pre-test post-test a 87,5 100 b 90,625 87,5 c 100 90,625 d 100 96,875 e 100 100 f 100 100 g 100 100 h 84,375 93,75 i 100 100 j 90,625 93,75 k 87,5 87,5 l 90,625 100 m 96,875 100 n 87,5 84,375 o 100 87,5 p 96,875 100 q 100 100 s 93,75 93,75 t 87,5 100 table 4 shows the test results of 0.449. with a value of α =0.05; because 0.449> α then there is no difference in the ability to work on kindergarten students' arithmetic problems before 155 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 151-157 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and after being given learning using youtube media. based on the average results of the pretest and post-test, it can be seen in figure 1, that there is an increase from 94.4 to 95.6. table 2. test of normality data pre-test. kolmogorov-smirnov shapiro-wilk statistic df sig. statistic df sig. .255 19 .002 .819 19 .002 table 3. test of normality data post-test. kolmogorov-smirnov shapiro-wilk statistic df sig. statistic df sig. .315 19 .000 .776 19 .001 table 4. wilcoxon test. postest pretest z -.758 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .449 figure 1. the average increase in the results of pre-test and post-test. 4.3. discussion the increase in the average pre-test and post-test results can occur because it is in line with research that video can be used for the ability to recognize numbers for children aged 56 years. however, some factors cause the insignificance of the provision of youtube learning media to increase students' ability to recognize numbers and answer arithmetic questions including: (i) the research time is short, only two days. the first day of the pre-test and the provision of learning videos continued on the second day of the post-test. (ii) giving a one-time learning video. (iii) some parents do not provide learning videos to students according to the directions. 156 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 151-157 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech (iv) most students can count and answer the questions, but some students still write numbers that are not appropriate, which is upside down. so this is not in accordance with the research [5] which states that the youtube learning media has proven to be effective in early childhood education. as well as research [7], there is a significant difference between the ability to answer numeracy questions for the group of children who are taught using learning videos and the group of children who are taught using blackboard media (conventional). and also research [16] which states that the development of children's numeracy skills is influenced by the use of animated videos. however, videos on the youtube platform can have a positive impact on early childhood online learning activities, according to research [6] because they can be useful to help students continue their education to the next level. in line with research [4] that basic abilities for early childhood are crucial basic abilities because they will continue their education to the elementary school level. 5. conclusion it can be concluded that although there is an increase in the average results of the pre-test and post-test, there is no difference in the ability to recognize numbers and do math problems for kindergarten students before and after being given learning using youtube media. 6. acknowledgement we acknowledged bangdos, universitas pendidikan indonesia. we thank to neni hartati from ra al-wahid. this study is a part of community service (program: kkn tematik literasi 2021 (august-sept 2021) kel 21) lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia. we also thank to kantor jurnal dan publikasi, directorate of international affairs, universitas pendidikan indonesia. we thank to nissa nur azizah, dwi fitria al hussaeni, muktiarni, s.pd., m.pd., rina maryanti, s.pd., m.pd., and asri wibawa sakti, m.pd. 7. authors’ note the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. the authors confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism. references [1] nanda, h. i., pratiwi, e. c., fadila, i. r. n., maharani, n. a. b., and ardono, v. a. p. 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sector in increasing sales and building brand awareness and growing public trust in products and companies. the presence of the word of mouth strategy maximizes the development of the culinary business industry with a very wide reach. this study was conducted to determine how effective and influential the use of the word of mouth strategy is in the culinary business. in the end, the word of mouth marketing communication strategy can be utilized and beneficial for culinary business people in this modern era. word of mouth marketing communication strategy is very helpful in promoting and attracting potential customers and retaining repeat customers. keywords: marketing strategy, marketing communication, industry 1. introduction competition in today's business world is getting tougher, so a marketing communication strategy is needed to maintain and develop the business. competition can be said to be a competition between business actors to market products and create awareness and foster public trust, there is one marketing communication strategy that is quite important for business, namely the word of mouth marketing communication strategy, especially for businesses in the culinary field, this marketing strategy becomes a structured and comprehensive plan made by business actors in carrying out business activities to gain profits or introduce public brands [1]. the use of this word of mouth marketing communication strategy is considered very effective in increasing the brand or brand, especially in the culinary field at no cost because if they already have regular customers, they will recommend these culinary products to others without realizing this word of mouth strategy has gone hand in hand with talk about the business. customers often tell about their experiences related to what they have tasted, one example of which is the experience in terms of cuisine delivered by word mailto:nurul.41818121@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 440 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech of mouth. word of mouth can quickly spread almost completely without having to use expensive tools or promotions. this is a benchmark for business people in intensifying word of mouth for their businesses which ultimately aims to make profits and be known in the community [2]. a study on the word of mouth marketing communication strategy was conducted by atmariani artanti, et al. in the study, it was stated that the word of mouth marketing communication strategy in the culinary business was considered stronger in influencing sales intensity because of the habits of people who often gathered and told their experiences to others. this word of mouth marketing communication strategy is very successful and is able to influence purchasing decisions [3]. research owned by hasta nirmaya states that this marketing communication strategy can strengthen cooperation between marketing groups both pre-sales and post-sales and help satisfy consumers [4]. this is also in line with the research of anwari, et al. that the word of mouth marketing communication strategy begins with discussing and explaining the product, its advantages, and how it can influence the recipient of the message to participate in discussing and deciding to buy [5]. based on the research results of michael l. dougherty, word of mouth is the most important way for business people to bring together buyers and their products and is the main key in bridging between customers and business producers. word of mouth is the most powerful method of promoting and introducing business entrepreneurs, this is also an important factor in the development of culinary and other businesses [6]. according to mckinsey & company explaining that word of mouth is very effective in reaching the market quickly and accurately, many out there who need millions of funds just for advertising campaigns and the preparation is not easy. however, it is still difficult for customers to recognize. the free marketing strategy, namely word of mouth, is the most powerful and credible source [7]. it is important for marketers to comprehend the importance of wom communication that drives the decision-making process and attitudes of buyers. this requires an in-depth understanding of, and the developing of appropriate wom communication strategies. therefore it is necessary to study the process of wom communication in the business-to business context, to identify influential information channels which actively propagate wom to other businesses. marketers therefore need to study their products and services carefully if they are going to establish a strong presence in the competitive market. they should persuade consumers to talk positively with other potential consumers about the products and services they offer. this requires that they concentrate on improving service quality and meeting the targets and satisfaction of consumers to provide a satisfactory experience. customers who have satisfactory experience with the products and services offered will spread positive wom and will share profitable information [8]. therefore, from these studies and research, we can see and conclude that the use of word of mouth marketing communication strategies plays an important role in today's business world. the purpose of this research is to analyze the benefits of word of mouth marketing strategy (word of mouth marketing) in supporting the improvement of the culinary business. this study uses descriptive analysis with qualitative research method. 2. method the research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method as the research design. according to sugiyono, qualitative research is research with a post-positivist basis and background that focuses on the study of the condition of natural objects. data collection in descriptive qualitative research method using interviews, 441 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech observation, and triangulation techniques [9]. 3. results and discussion 3.1. marketing strategy branding strategies are used by business actors in developing brands, images, and sales strategies to get a positive reputation and position the brand in the public's memory. many business people run their businesses with the help of marketing strategies. based on observations made through the use of social media, most marketing communication strategies are dominated by brands that are engaged in the culinary business, both in snacks and heavy meals. each strategy has its own goals and objectives. these goals can appear if you know and analyze the market. although in the last two years, the world was hit by a serious disease outbreak, marketing communication strategies can still work because communication strategies have a great influence on brands and businesses. marketing strategy is the most important asset and factor in the success of a business or business strategy. marketing communication strategies allow business people to continue to innovate in developing their products and reach interactions between consumers and business people and promote directly or indirectly a business in order to gain knowledge, opinions, and brand awareness. to realize an effective marketing communication strategy, it must be accompanied by the right, structured, and organized strategies and procedures. this is used in order to reach the target correctly and in accordance with the plan that has been made. when the marketing communication strategy for a business product has been successfully implemented, the business automatically gains audiences and customers because interest and awareness have been formed with the application of the right marketing communication strategy. marketing communication strategies have various forms that can be adapted to the wishes of business people, such as what marketing communication needs are desired to be known by customers and potential customers. things that make a marketing communication strategy important to a business: 1. make it easier for business people to promote their business. sme/smes really need a marketing communication strategy so that brands are quickly recognized. 2. business goals are more focused and structured. 3. the team becomes more active in developing marketing strategies for the business 3.2. word of mouth according to the opinion of kotler and keller in their book (2009:174), word of mouth is communication that is carried out either orally or in writing, directly or through electronic media between communities [10]. word-of-mouth communication is usually directly related to the superiority of a product or experience in using a product, goods, or services. word of mouth is considered very effective in business because it can increase public trust through reviews or recommendations that are persuasive and convince others to buy the business product, so that sales and the image of the business will increase. in addition, almost every company or business that uses a word-of-mouth strategy almost never pays anything to promote its products and services. because, in essence, wordof-mouth marketing allows customers to make sales in the business independently or indirectly without having to consider other concepts, ideas, or marketing [11]. o the word of mouth strategy is considered effective for business actors. the word of mouth strategy certainly has a big impact on a business, because it basically means that someone will believe more in what other people say who have bought a product, especially if it is reviewed positively by wellknown people, 442 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech such as influencers with a fairly large influence. the more widely the product is discussed, the better. in this era of digitalization, "word of mouth" is not only communication by word of mouth, but has advanced to the electronic world known as "electronic word of mouth." an electronic word of mouth is a positive or negative statement from the opinion of a consumer who buys a product that can be accessed by the virtual world community. the use of electronic word of mouth on social media is very effective because it can spread to the wider community. business people who apply electronic word of mouth will benefit because reviews or experiences from consumers uploaded on social media will convince other potential consumers to buy the business product. electronic word of mouth communication through electronic media is able to make consumers get information about a business product not only from someone they know, but also from a group of people from different geographical areas who have experience with the product or service in question (christy, 2010) [12]. the description of the word-of-mouth strategy is a typical topic of conversation for food and companies. in understanding food from various culinary business worlds through word of mouth strategies, various questions can be found about how we think about the strategy, how to do it, and what kind of impact or effect it will have [13]. 3.3. culinary business indonesia is a country that has a variety of cultures, from sabang to merauke. each region has its own characteristics. there are various types of cuisine and culinary delights from each region that can attract people both domestically and abroad. due to the high level of public interest in the culinary arts, this could be an opportunity for entrepreneurs to start a culinary business. the culinary business is one of the most promising business categories today, because food is a basic need in society. currently, the culinary business in indonesia is mostly run by smes. with sufficient capital and good strategic ideas, the culinary business can run well too. in the culinary business, taste is one of the basic concepts that must be considered. in this case, culinary business people must know what flavors are in demand by the surrounding community. to find out, businesspeople must conduct a survey. the second basic concept is lifestyle. as important as taste is at this time, food is part of people's lifestyles, so it is very important for business actors to determine the target market of the culinary business they are running. furthermore, the basic concept of the culinary business is purchasing power, as a business actor must know whether the purchasing power at the destination location is high or low. therefore, business actors must determine the price of the product to be sold and adjust it to the purchasing power of the people around the destination location. the last basic concept that is important in the culinary business is a marketing strategy. before determining how the culinary business will be run, it is better for business actors to determine appropriate and effective marketing techniques so that the culinary business runs smoothly. it will only waste time and money if the marketing strategy is ineffective and off-target. in improving the word of mouth marketing strategy in the culinary business, there are several things that must be considered so that the strategy can be effective, namely: 3.4. have a creative or out of the box idea for a program the idea referred to in the word-of-mouth marketing strategy is in the form of marketing, branding, and even pr campaigns that can increase the name of the business. the trust that is 443 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech built in a business brand will get good recognition from customers or the public. a campaign (campaign) is one very good idea for improving word of mouth marketing strategy because campaigns usually have ideas that can touch various aspects of human beings, such as the emotional side, such as being touched by a campaign program or other things. if a business, especially one in the culinary industry, can touch the emotions of prospective customers, it is certain that their memories will always remember the name of the business because there is already an emotional connection. 3.5. business and community it is impossible for only one person who runs a business to be recognized and successful. running a business using the power of a community that is still relevant to business development is one of the word-of-mouth marketing strategies that can improve various aspects of its marketing. for example, a heavy food culinary business that collaborates with the community on an event, be it music events, charity events, or other events. 3.6. influencers are brand power currently, influencers are a very good attraction for businesses looking to improve their businesses, both in the clothing, automotive, and food industries. the role of influencers is very large in introducing the culinary business to their followers in cyberspace and outside the virtual world (the real world). the presence of these influencers triggers very fast and rapid profits. indeed, sometimes using the services of an influencer means having to pay a lot of money. however, this is not detrimental because it gets good returns for business benefits from a financial and reputational perspective. 3.7. customer testimonals it is a good idea for every business to establish a good relationship with customers in order to get good feedback from them too. because good reviews from customers are something that other customers consider when choosing our brand for them to make their buying decisions. maintain good relationships in order to get testimonials from customers in terms of food taste, cleanliness, comfort, and attitude from employees. 3.8. mie gacoan "mie gacoan" is a culinary brand that is the number one spicy noodle restaurant in indonesia and is a subsidiary of pt pesta pora abadi. established since the beginning of 2016, the "mie gacoan" brand has grown to become a market leader. carrying the concept of modern dining at affordable prices, the presence of "mie gacoan" has received tremendous appreciation in every place where it is present to serve tens of thousands of customers every month, and mie gacoan is often discussed everywhere. mie gacoan is the best noodle place to eat, especially for students, where they can hang out, do assignments, and chat casually. with an attractive place and also equipped with various facilities such as wifi, power plugs, and updated music, it is guaranteed to make customers feel at home and always want to come back to mie gacoan. 444 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. mie gacoan restaurant figure 2. mie gacoan one of the things that makes mie gacoan viral and many people interested in buying it is the word of mouth marketing communication strategy, where a lot of reviews and comments from people who have bought mie gacoan are widely spread so that someone who reads or sees the review becomes curious and interested in buying mie gacoan. the use of word of mouth is very influential in the culinary business because it can persuade other potential consumers to buy mie gacoan. here are some positive reviews about mie gacoan taken from google and pergikuliner.com figure 3. review from google “mie gacoan bandung” 445 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. review “mie gacoan” from pergikuliner.com apart from reviews or comments from the internet, people are directly affected by word of mouth from their relatives, such as family, friends, and people around them, because usually someone will believe more and be quickly influenced by what people closest to them say, so word of mouth is very influential. on the sale of mie gacoan. the following are some informants who have tried mie gacoan as a result of word of mouth from relatives table 1. respondents of interview no name profession age description 1 entri melyani student 22 tahun mahasiswi 2 kinanti student 18 tahun pelajar sma 3 wulan setyodewati student 41 tahun ibu rumah tangga the results of some of the informants above explain that they found out about mie gacoan not from finding out themselves but by being informed by relatives, family, and people in cyberspace. this makes them sure to come to the most popular culinary business place. according to our three sources, mie gacoan is indeed delicious, as said by their relatives who told us about mie gacoan. it's not only the good taste and large portions but also the atmosphere of the place and the crowd at mie gacoan that makes you want to come again. according to our three sources, what makes mie gacoan always crowded is that they not only sell noodles but also dimsum, fried dumplings, rambutan shrimp, cheese shrimp, and drinks with various 446 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 439-447 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech flavors. this word of mouth marketing strategy went very well and was implemented beyond expectations, considering that all mie gacoan in all branches in indonesia experienced a drastic increase. when opening mie gacoan on an online food delivery application, mie gacoan almost always says "closed" because it's already too crowded in the place. until now, word of mouth from mie gacoan is still going well. according to narratives such as reviews and feedback from customers on google or on social media, it also proves that gacoan is a noodle that is indeed crowded due to word of mouth marketing strategies both offline and online. the use of word of mouth marketing strategies in the culinary business, for example, mie gacoan, is very well implemented and includes a successful culinary business to date in 2022. 4. conclusion competition can be said to be a competition between business actors to market their products, create awareness and foster public trust. there is one marketing communication strategy that is quite important for businesses, namely the word of mouth marketing communication strategy. this marketing strategy becomes a structured and comprehensive plan made by business actors to carry out business activities to gain profits or introduce brands to the public. the last basic concept that is important in the culinary business is a marketing strategy. before determining how the culinary business will be run, it is better for business actors to determine appropriate and effective marketing techniques so that the culinary business runs smoothly. if the marketing strategy is not effective and not on target, it will only waste time and money. one of the things that makes mie gacoan viral and many people interested in buying it is the word of mouth marketing communication strategy, where a lot of reviews and comments from people who have bought mie gacoan are widely spread so that someone who reads or sees the review becomes curious and interested in buying mie gacoan. the use of word of mouth is very influential in the culinary business because it can persuade other potential consumers to buy mie gacoan. acknowledgment praise and gratitude for the presence of allah swt, who has given a lot of convenience and smoothness in this life. don't forget to say a thousand thanks to both parents who always provide support, enthusiasm, and opinions so that they are always enthusiastic about finishing this paper. we would also like to thank the indonesian computer university (unikom) as the place where the author gained knowledge and has provided many opportunities and lessons to complete this paper on time. to the chancellor, prof. dr. ir. eddy soeryanto soegoto, as an entrepreneurship lecturer who has guided the author to complete this paper. thank you also to the entire kwu paper team for guiding us from the direction of the title and abstract to the full paper. to all my friends from the class of 2018 who are taking entrepreneurship courses, i hope you will always be given happiness and health in completing this paper. references [1] puspitawati, l., nurhasanah, a., & khaerunnisa, a. 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[13] ferguson, p. p. (2014). word of mouth. university of california press. 71 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the effect of using applications to facilitate medicine purchase amid the covid-19 pandemic eddy soeryanto soegoto, nadia tahiyyah alifia*, tiara salsabila, cindy nuke mardika departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia. email: *nadia.21219068@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of technology on the pharmaceutical industry through applications to facilitate customers in purchasing medicinedru during the pandemic and to find out whether medicine sales during the covid-19 pandemic affected the indonesian economy. the method used in this research is descriptive method and qualitative method. with the technique of observing the results of writing related to the title and collecting field data. the research step is to look for references that refer to the title in order to get an overview for research on medicine sales applications that are more practical and in demand by the public in the covid-19 pandemic condition. the results of this study indicate that medicine sales in the application are more desirable and have a significant increase. the increase in medicine sales was due to high consumer demand during a pandemic, people reduced outdoor activities and maintained their immune system to consume various medicine, vitamins, etc. from these results, it can be seen that the production of medicine sales is one sector that has increased with advances in technology, more and more people are choosing applications because it makes it easier for people to buy medicines, and medicine sales have an impact on improving the indonesian economy during the covid-19 pandemic. keywords: application, fedicine sales, covid 19 1. introduction covid-19 is a virus that originated in the city of wuhan, china. the virus had shocked the whole world at the end of december 2019. the virus can attack and spread through respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes in humans and animals with early symptoms of flu so that it can cause respiratory problems [1-5]. in addition, with this epidemic, people are asked to stay at home, it not only hinders activities but makes people stressed and lonely because they can't travel if people are stressed it will affect his health even though he stays at home [6-10]. with the presence of technology that continues to grow rapidly the level of medicine demand can be overcome because there are now online medicine sales. selling medicines online is very easy to access by anyone because it only requires a smartphone and also an internet network to operate it [6]. this also helps the government's policy to stay at home mailto:nadia.21219068@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 72 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech although staying at home with sophisticated technology, people can meet their needs online because there are many applications that help facilitate work or needs, one of which is medicine sales through applications [11-15]. the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using the application for people who are self-isolating in looking for medicines and vitamins from home and what are the advantages of the features obtained in the application and the comparison of buying conventionally at pharmacies in terms of safety and also speed in obtaining medicine during a pandemic. one of the applications that will be discussed is kimia farma. this research uses descriptive and qualitative methods. 2. method the method used in this research is descriptive method and qualitative method by collecting data observing the results of writing related to the object of research and by collecting field data, namely questionnaires. the research step is to look for references that refer to the title in order to get an overview of the research and make questionnaires to collect field data that will become research material. 3. results and discussion with the outbreak of the covid-19 virus causing community activities to be limited because the covid 19 virus is very easy to spread, not a few people are experiencing symptoms of covid ranging from flu, cough, anosmia etc [16-20]. therefore, we should maintain the body's immune by drinking vitamins or immune-boosting medicines and we examine how many people are taking vitamins or medicines to maintain the immune system and see in figure 1. figure 1. response to medicine consumption the diagram above shows that 24.3% regularly consume medicines or vitamins and another 20% do not take medicines or vitamins and the remaining 55.7% sometimes take medicines or vitamins, meaning that not a few people since the pandemic have consumed medicines or vitamins. yes sometimes not 73 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech that way people need to buy medicines, with advances in technology, medicine sales can now be done online through an application with the following features in the medicine sales application. 3.1 kimia farma mobile application features pt kimia farma tbk is the first pharmaceutical industry company in indonesia founded by the dutch east indies government in 1817. this company is engaged in the processing, production, marketing and distribution of pharmaceutical, chemical, biological and other materials. along with the development of science and technology, kimia farma mobile was created to make it easier for consumers to fulfill their complete healthcare needs through one application. why should you choose kimia farma mobile because the network is trusted, including 1200 kimia farma pharmacy networks that pay attention to the safety and quality of medicines that come from official distributors, 500 kimia farma clinic networks along with various insurances will provide easy access to health services, 70 network of kimia farma clinical labs accredited and iso certified, will provide quality in medical support services, and have won various awards. this application can be downloaded via the play store for andorid users, with a rating of 4.9 stars and 11 thousand reviews and has been downloaded 100 thousand+ (see figure 2). figure 2. pages on the kimia farma mobile application play store source: https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ in addition, this application has various features and attractive appearance that will be practical when used. these features include purchasing medicines that provide various medicines, vitamins, supplements, milk, medical devices and others as well as a reservation feature for laboratory examinations such as rapid tests to pcr tests for covid 19. we can see these features on the home page of the kimia farma application. mobile (see figure 3). https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ 74 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. home page of kimia farma mobile application source: https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ if we are in need of medicine, then click on the medicine feature, then the type of medicine icon will appear for various diseases including allergies and swelling, respiratory tract, urinary tract, anti-infection and cancer, muscles, bones, joints, digestive tract, fever, pain and metabolism. under the icon, the right medicine choice appears as needed (see figure 4). figure 4. kimia farma mobile application medicines page source: https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ in addition to medicines, there are vitamins and minerals that will help in maintaining the body's immunity including iron, multivitamins, calcium, b vitamins, vitamin a, vitamin https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ 75 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech c, vitamin d, vitamin e and zinc. because the pandemic is still ongoing and many are selfisolating, there are also health packages for those who self-isolate including premium packages, family 5, family 3, personal 1, personal 2, personal 3, personal 4 and personal 5 (see figure 5). figure 5. self isolation packages and vitamins for kimia farma mobile application source: https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ 3.2 comparison of purchasing medicines at conventional pharmacies with online applications a pharmacy is a facility that provides services for various pharmaceutical needs. the products offered by each pharmacy are almost similar, as a result consumers and companies can run in harmony, repeat purchases, create consumer loyalty, cause word of mouth marketing communication. mouth, profit increase. therefore, pharmacies must maintain good, safe and comfortable service quality for their consumers, both in conventional pharmacies and pharmacies that provide mobile applications [10]. in purchasing medicines, either directly visiting the pharmacy or ordering through the application, both have their advantages and disadvantages. the advantages of buying medicines directly at conventional pharmacies include: fast and efficient if the pharmacy is easily accessible and close to the consumer's living environment and it is guaranteed that the medicine will arrive at the consumer correctly without any delays. while the drawback is that consumers have to take the time and energy to reach the pharmacy to buy medicine and during this pandemic, many consumers are vulnerable to visiting pharmacies so that the spread of covid-19 can be faster. while the advantages of buying medicines online in the kimia farma mobile application include saving time and energy, so customers don't have to bother going to the pharmacy with only a smartphone, they can buy medicines, it's practical because from the discussion in point 2.1 kimia farma has a safe network and is spread throughout indonesia. will also make it easier to search for medicines, more complete medicine availability can be seen in figure 2 and figure 3 in this application provides a variety of medicines that have been https://kimiafarmaapotek.co.id/apliasi/ 76 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech filtered according to disease complaints, and there are also vitamins and self-isolation packages which are very useful for customers, safety and health. guaranteed comfort. as for the drawbacks of buying medicines online, including the delay in the arrival of the medicine, we do not know the actual state of the medicine. so it can be concluded that purchasing medicines online through an application during the pandemic is the right step, not only for consumers who are self-isolating but for the whole community, especially now that the ppkm period is still in effect. safety and comfort are guaranteed because we don't have to have physical contact or queue to buy medicine because it's still a pandemic, we try to always keep our distance from other people. the convenience can also be felt by purchasing medicines online, which are more efficient in time and effort. this is also evident in the field data that we examine as shown in the diagram below (see figure 6). figure 6. responses to medicine sales applications that make it easier to use the diagram above means that 21.4% of the people think neutral and 58.6% agree that medicine sales applications help to facilitate medicine purchases and the remaining 20% disagree. 3.3 the development of the indonesian pharmaceutical industry during the pandemic during the pandemic that took place in indonesia, the need for medicines, vitamins and supplements that help increase endurance experienced an increase in sales so that the growth of the pharmaceutical industry was quite high. due to the high number of covid-19, many people prefer to buy medicines and provide online health consultations. to develop paracetamol raw materials and increase the production volume of medicinal raw materials, pt kimia farma tbk in collaboration with pt pertamina, the ministry of industry predicts that imports of medicinal raw materials will decrease by 20.52 percent. according to sources, indonesia has also shown independence in procuring covid19 vaccines and the government has chosen pt biofarma to procure the coronavirus vaccine [21-25]. pt. biofarma is preparing a vaccine production facility with a maximum production capacity of 250 million doses. the eijkman biomolecular institute is developing a vaccine with recombinant technology, namely the merah putih vaccine. the pharmaceutical industry 77 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech contributed significantly to indonesia's economic growth during this pandemic. at a time when the economy was hampered by the pandemic, the pharmaceutical, traditional medicine and chemical industries grew by 5.59 percent in the first quarter of 2020, which was the result of supervision by the ministry of industry. another positive growth can be seen from the increase in profits that have been obtained by several pharmaceutical companies. in addition, the use of medicine sales applications helps the government in carrying out a stay at home policy as shown in the diagram below (see figure 7) figure 7. responses to medicine sales applications that help government policy the diagram means that 22.4% of the public think it is neutral, 1.5% disagree and 77.1% of the community agree that the use of medicine sales applications helps government policy to stay at home. in indonesia itself, the industrial sector is still growing positively in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, namely the processing industry where both foreign and domestic demand is under pressure. for example, the chemical, pharmaceutical and traditional medicine industries increased by 5.59% due to support from the increase in the output of chemical goods and medicines caused by demand from abroad so that the output of these goods was produced. medical devices in the country because of the situation [26-30]. with the increasing demand for medicines, medicine sales indirectly help increase the economy, as the research we have done in the image below (see figure 8) 78 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8. medicine sales response that helps the economy the diagram shows that around 38.6% of the public and students agree that purchasing medicines during a pandemic will help improve the indonesian economy. the remaining 24.3% voted neutral, and 12.9% disagreed. due to the increasing demand for medicines, vitamins, and medical devices, not a few people have benefited from the application to buy their needs instantly without having to leave the house, in a situation like this the government has also advised people to stay at home to minimize the spread of covid. -19 in indonesia. with the presence of applications such as kimia farma mobile, people have the convenience of ordering medicines through their mobile phones [31,32]. however, not a few people also choose to buy medicines through pharmacies directly because of their position with nearby pharmacies or others. below is a diagram of the increasing use of medicine sales applications during the pandemic (see figure 9). figure 9. medicine sales response increases based on the results of our research to students and the public, opinions about the use of medicine sales applications increased during the pandemic period, of which 60% chose to agree and the remaining 40% were neutral. from these results, it is also possible that some of 79 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 71-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech them still choose to buy medicines at pharmacies and not a few of them have used applications to buy medicines or use both according to their situation. 4. conclusion with the sale and purchase of medicines, it makes it easier for the community, especially in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. besides that, the use of this medicine sales application helps the government's policy to stay at home, this mobile chemist application is able to handle various activities in pharmacies such as calculations in medicine sales transactions. prescription and non-prescription, medicine ordering and medicine purchasing activities, handling medicine returns, checking the status of expired medicines and available medicine stocks, as well as various facilities provided in making reports by officers, such as sales reports and purchase reports which include daily, monthly sales, yearly and with the increasing demand for medicines, the sale and purchase of medicines helps the indonesian economy. acknowledgements we would like to thank the paper team mentors who have helped us in writing this paper. reference [1] zulkipli, z., & muharir, m. 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[4] there are several kinds of organizational communication: verbal communication and written communication, formal & informal communication, directed communication, and internal and external communication. certainly these are crucial instrument for an organization to exist. communication adaptations carried out during the covid-19 pandemic era following society 5.0 are online video calling using applications such as zoom meeting, google meet, or microsoft teams [5] which are equipped with tools such as meeting record, live streaming, reactions, markup/annotate, and screen sharing. however, this method cannot replicate the natural essence of how communication between humans occurs using various gestures, semiotics, and spontaneous feedback. [6] the purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and implementation of organizational communication carried out in the virtual reality environment at society 5.0 to minimize communication barriers that occur in conventional ways such as online video calling both during the covid-19 pandemic or in the future. 2. method this research uses qualitative method. qualitative research method is basically a scientific way to get data with a specific purpose and usefulness [7] literature study used as a means to describes the effectiveness and implementation of organizational communication carried out in a virtual reality environment in society 5.0. 352 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech totals of 22 journals from various sources and university are thoroughly referenced and studied regarding vast topics of virtual reality and society 5.0 to ensure the depth and accuracy of this research. 3. result and discussion society 5.0 society 5.0 is the next milestone of this ever-evolving human’s way of life that is crafted by japan government in the document of 5th science and technology basic plans [8] what’s distinct about society 5.0 contrary to the previous iteration is how the principle put the humanity at the center of the process. the purpose of this concept is to manifest a high-quality society through harnessing industrial revolution 4.0. essentials instrument for this principle is to fuse cyber space and reality space to create a brand new plane that can acts as a fundamental solution for every problems [8] this enables humanity to live in conjunction with technology to provide services and valuable solution for significant sustainable life. many misunderstood the society 5.0 as a next edition of industrial revolution 4.0 but factually both of it paramountly should be carried out in tandem by humanity to solve almost every problem [9] in this era, all data about our daily behaviour able to be used as a basis for creating services or products that meet individual needs in a sustainable manner [10]. the high establishment of digital technology has made this technology a crucial part of human daily life. the meaning of the concept of society 5.0 explains that human beings must use various technologies in order to have a good quality of life. the main goal of designing the society 5.0 concept is to build a human-centered society where economic development and problem solving can be achieved, and everyone can enjoy a quality life [10] table 1 shown to further clarify the differences between iterations of societies. table 1. kinds of society source: japanese business federation (via cgtn ) society time period characteristic society 1.0 the birth of human beings hunting society 2.0 +/10000 years ago agrarian society 3.0 end of 18th century industrial society 4.0 second half of 20th century information society 5.0 first half of 21th century ai & smart society 353 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech connection between society 5.0 and industrial revolution 4.0 is inseparable and have mutual objective to accelerate humanity’s growth even further by taking into account the humanity aspect so it can evolve and solve various problems and create sustainable development across the entire aspect of life [11] industrial revolution 4.0 sets technology as an instrument to gain information, society 5.0 emphasizes said technology and its role to be part of the humanity life itself [12] virtual reality in indonesia, virtual reality is still a premium and foreign concept that is widely adapted through steep resources requirements. ala ( american libraries association ) states that virtual reality (vr) is a computer-generated image simulation or an entire environment that can be experienced using special electronic equipment that allows users to be "present" in alternative environments such as the real world to threedimensional virtual objects and information. (3d) with additional data such as graphics or sound. it takes form as an immersive 360 ° video that captures the entire scene where the user can look up, down and around and allows the user to interact with both physical and virtual objects. this new "reality" can create unique experiences that expand the possibilities and directly engage users. [13] hendro revealed that virtual reality (vr) is an implementation of multimedia technology that has advantages in describing a situation or object where the displayed visualization can not only be seen from one point of view, but can be seen from all sides as it has 3 (three dimensions) . visually so that users can interact with an environment that is simulated by a computer [13] this surround visual and audio experience trick human’s mind to be transported in a whole different worlds. steven from lavalle, 2019 states that virtual reality is an artificially created sensory stimulation utilize to induce a human into a computer-generated simulation and worlds. there are 4 (four) main keys in defining vr [14] 1. targeted behaviour users will experiencing the world and environment as meant and designed by the creators and designers. e.g. : experiencing walking in the jungles, flying in the skies, exploring, interacting with other in-world creatures, and so on. 2. organism users will able to see perspective (pov) of other humans, animals like cats, birds, and other organisms through camera and lightning technique. 3. artificial-created sensory stimulation 354 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech through precise engineering, programming, and visual designs the person will be able to feel physically such as flying, touching a certain surface, or in the adrenaline of being in the edge of a cliff. 4. awareness when experiencing a vr experience, users will have a real experience as if they were in an “other” world created by the creator. extended exposure to vr experiences will trick human’s mind, spatial, and temporal awareness so their consciousness and awareness will shift as if they’re in “other” worlds designed by the creators. the key to realize those 4 defining aspects of virtual reality (vr) is to ensure the effectiveness and seamless integration between all the elements. this elements are take form as interactive computer simulations that able to affect the user's senses and even overwrite one or more basic human sensory system, so that the user fused into the simulated environment [15-16] mihelj et al. (2014) explain that there are 4 basic elements of virtual reality, namely: 1. virtual environment virtual environment is an environment that is generated by a computer, in the form of an emulated actual or fantasy environment based in real places or creative visualization. this environment could be scaled as small as a home interior or as big as a continent in open world games. 2. virtual presence virtual presence, which is a feeling of one's existence from a virtual environment. the user will reacts with virtual animated and inanimate as they would with real objects. 3. sensory feedback sensory feedback is a integral asepcts of vr. vr systems provide real time sensory feedback via visual information. vr systems provide real-time sensory feedback to users based on their physical locations. this feedback counted in frame per seconds. 4. interactivity interactivity has the main role of responding to actions from users so that users can interact directly in the virtual world. this interactity precision required to worked on uppermost details to ensure the longevity of user’s immersive feelings so they won’t “disconnect” to the virtual reality realms. to further clarify and put distinct characteristics between “ realities “ , it will be shown in table 2. table 2. comparison of “realities” source: personal research real reality virtual reality augmented reality video calling visual yes yes yes ( fusing with reality ) yes 355 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech audio yes yes yes yes smells yes yes ( with special tools ) no no surface yes yes ( sensory simulation ) no no movement ( spatial ) yes yes ( simulated ) no no customization yes ( not defying physical nature ) yes ( limitless ) yes yes ( video frame & filters ) vr technologies has been widely applied in several industrial sectors such as entertainment, medicine, education, aviation, architects, military, and so on. vr proven effective for simulating aspect that is difficult or expensive to be presented in the real world, e.g. : brain surgery practice, missile simulation, high rise building 3d 360 immersive blueprints. military harnessing vr for creating battlefield simulation so it will minimalize injuries, casualties, and resources expenses. instead of directing soldiers to the battlefield as an exercise, vr can present a virtual war simulation. the soldiers can feel the sensation of being on the real battlefield without having to go directly to the real battlefield. [17-23] communication in virtual reality what makes humanity difficult to adapts for work-from-home or studying-athome session is how awkwardly they interact and communicate with each other in a video conferences app, it won’t be able to replicate the naturality and seamless interaction in real world because of the sensory obstacles. this limitation proven to be possibly decreased thanks to phenomenon named telepresence. telepresence is a occurrence when the user’s mind feel as if they’re shifting between worlds and able to naturally interact with any objects presented in front of them. telepresence defined as the phenomenon of one's presence in another world through a medium [24-26] figures 1 will systematically explain the indicators and characteristics of telepresence. figure 1. telepresence source: moura, 2017 356 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech although still deemed expensive by majority of society,vr tools and headsets are increasingly getting more affordable and widespreadly available for the masses thanks to brand like oculus. in order to grant the user’s an optimal vr experiences, users require a set of vr tools consisted of: a vr headsets, two controller with surface-sensor each for one hand, and a set of trackers to track the spatial position of the users, figure 2 will show the basic schematics and displays of how vr works. figures 2. how vr works and tracks users. source: 4experience.co thanks to technology advancement, many vr tools are getting more affordable and integrated one and another, for example current vr technology eliminates the need of separate camera trackers, instead they took form in gyroscopes and other sensor embedded in the headset and hand controllers. this innovation going further with standalone features so the users won’t be needing expensive gaming pc to displays vr games or contents. this innovation and advancement is shown on table 3. figures 5. vr systems throughout the year. sources: oculus’s & htc’s website htc vive oculus rift s oculus go pictures 357 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech type tethered ( need pc, need tracker ) tethered ( need pc, built-in tracker ) standalone launched 2016 2019 2019 resolution 2160x1200 2560x1440 2560x1440 price 499 usd 399 usd 199 usd the vr hardware is not the only aspect that continuously developed throughout the years, but the software that take form in vr video entertainment and games is also getting even better, more seamless, and true-to-life proven by users getting less nauseous or having motion sickness present in earlier form of vr games and videos. this software and hardware accomplishment enable a brand new space and plane for humanity to interact within each other in an app called vrchat, screenshot of the games shown in figures 6. figures 6. vrchat. sources: gmw3 this games provide a fully customizable spaces for their users to interact, rather than only using webcam and microphone experienced in conventional video calling, users will be able to harness trackers in the headsets and controllers to be able to physically turns their head ( nod and shake ) or move their hands ( waving, punching, grabbing, and “hugging” ), even simulating a certain walking and running pattern. users able to fully customizes their characters either be as realistically as possible or unleash inner fantasies. this additional sensory experiences greatly enhances the immersiveness of communication between one humans and another. this virtual spaces adapted by meta ( previously facebook ) as their flagship features in their metaverse concept with facebook horizon world shown in figures 7. 358 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figures 7. facebook horizon world sources: blok-a implementation of organizational communication in virtual reality meanwhile meta’s metaverse and their facebook horizon world served merely as a concept as per february 2022. an app named meetinvr proved themselves capable to generating a coherent and cohesive spaces for professional purposes such as meeting and workshops. screenshot of the app shown in figures 8 figures 8. meetinvr world. sources: meetinvr’s website a research conducted by scholars from university of ljubjana explains based on roman jakobson’s linguistic methods that dressing [24] is part of non-verbal communication, our style of dressing representing who we are and how we want to be seen in the world. limitless 3d avatar customization in the app grant additional layers of how we want to communicate ourselves and personas, more executive members of the meeting could dress more sophisticatedly than the lesser members, or how the leader 359 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 350-361 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech apply a specified dress attire code for more casual and fun brainstorming meeting session. hand gestures performed by sensors and trackers could pave way more cheerful and real expression such as clapping when the company/group accomplish a significant feat, handshaking as a means to secure a deal or decision, or raising hand for asking a question, real gestures like these provide more telepresence and true-to-life interaction rather than just a “button”. meetinvr provide a more sophisticated space to meet, talk, discuss, and brainstorming rather freely-used vrchat for more professional needs. users could even draw in a whiteboard and exchanging post-it notes between colleagues. more screenshots shown in figures 9. figures 9 meetinvr world. sources: meetinvr’s website 4. conclusion technological advances in virtual reality paves way a brand new plane for humanity to interact with each other regardless of pandemic or not, society 5.0 principle to put humans in the center of the process work in conjunction with industrial revolution 4.0 to generate ground breaking and futuristic ideas births the promising execution of vr either in hardware and software accomplishment. this research concludes that virtual reality in fact is not a gimmick, instead it’s a potential to be counted on for propelling a new course in humanity’s civilization in terms of communicating with each other. virtual spaces such as vrchat and meetinvr provide a fun, new, engaging, and limitless customization spaces either for interpersonal and organizational communication to be occurred. acknowledgement this team would grant the most sincere gratitude for universitas komputer indonesia as a source of limitless curiousity in this ever-changing world in terms of creativity and groundbreaking technological advancement. references [1] fukuyama, m. 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products. the background of this research is because tiktok shop get viral so fast as a new e-commerce media and can even run in parallel other e-commerce. therefore, this research purposes for knowing why this e-commerce can quickly viral and be used by many people. furthermore, it can compete with other e-commerce and become the choice of business people and customers in conducting business processes. this research method is based on observations and interviews with various parties, two as business people and customers. the results of this study are in the form of exposure based on the research objectives presented, which enables us to have concrete evidence that this tiktok shop has influence and is worthy of being used as a new e-commerce along with other ecommerce in conducting business processes. discuss research to get answers about the influence of tiktok shop on marketing. which resulted in the conclusion that tiktok shop could be a new alternative tool for business people in carrying out their business processes. the benefit of this research is to see how far the development of tiktok shops among the public and business people. keywords: digital marketing, e-business, e-commerce. 1. introduction the development of technology at this time is not a foreign thing to the community. the development of technology that began to spread into all fields has become a challenge to the actors in the field. one of them is the field of digital marketing, where businesses now switch the market from marketing media that was done directly (offline) to online. online marketing is intended here to be a sale made using a third-party sales application, or more commonly called an e-commerce application. the main trigger of digital marketing is growing rapidly 371 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech today, one of which is caused by the covid-19 pandemic, which limits the scope of society due to the holding of large-scale social restrictions (psbb) rules that force people not to leave their homes and do all forms of activities remotely (social distancing) [1]. and the application that is currently a topic of conversation among the general public is tiktok shop, which is one of the new features developed by the tiktok application. tiktok shop is a feature shopping from tiktok application. as the most popular social media platform in the world, tiktok continues to develop its application and add the tiktok shop feature, which allows users to sell and shop online. currently, tiktok is the platform with the most number of users in the world with total downloads reaching more than 2 billion. this makes bytedance as the company that houses tiktok continue to innovate. tiktok was a social media platform that displayed content in audio-visual form and whose most users were teenagers. teenagers make tiktok one of the applications to entertain themselves with video content ranging from entertainment topics, clothing to skin care, which is the main influence of teenagers to buy products online [2]. development of communication in the marketplace business is very helpful. it makes it easier for people to transact online. before technology developed, consumers had to come to the store to buy goods, but now only by looking at photos and reading product descriptions, consumers can order online at marketplaces or other online media. in the marketplace, a photo upload page and description are provided to complete product descriptions to make it easier to convey information. the marketplaces that often used by business people are namely shopee, tokopedia, bukalapak, and olx. however, no doubt many consumers are deceived by the guise of attractive but not realistic product photos. to build consumer trust, communication was developed to facilitate the information. tiktok is one of the applications that play an important role in paid promotional media, which is certainly directly related to digital marketing conducted by business people in the field of e-commerce. this study was conducted by observing the objects studied and also the growing facts in the community. this study resulted in the conclusion of survey data where 31% of respondents approved of advertising marketing in commercial applications on the condition that the marketing is inseparable from the development of visual communication. 27% of respondents recognized that tiktok paid applications play a very important role in advertising marketing media, and 50% of respondents said that commercial applications such as instagram and tiktok can be in databases or storage media for business people in running the business process [3]. in addition to being a promotional medium, tiktok also has the influence to increase brand image for a product that relies on word of mouth communication for decisions on its purchase, as evidenced by the tiktok application that provides tiktok shop features, where the feature can be used as one of the e-commerce tools that are in demand by many consumers to shop online. although in terms of the launch of tiktok shop, it is still less known on a large scale by users of the tiktok application [4]. not only in indonesia, it turns out that in china, tiktok is a conversation about the influence of its development in the future in the field of e-commerce. where in one of the journals written by (jianyu ma and swei yu 2021), they explain that tiktok application has great potential in the field of e-commerce, including as an online shopping media and marketing industry in the form of short videos [5]. content in the form of short videos can also connect an entertainer, such as an athlete or artist, with his fans, especially in the current pandemic. this can be done because tiktok can be used as a marketing relationship that has a more casual and relaxed nature than other social media applications that make entertainers more free in creating content in order to provide fans with the hope of their fans [6]. when viewed from various forms of previous research that discusses 372 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the tiktok application, it turns out that this application does have a very large role in all kinds of fields related to digital marketing, such as in one of the journals (esti tri endarwati and yuni ekawarti: 2021) that mentioned that 60% of the respondents who participated in the survey stated that the tiktok application and tiktok shop feature caused a significant increase in business turnover [7]. the difference between the research conducted here and previous research is first, the topic of discussion, which is more focused on the role of tiktok shop in helping business people as a marketing medium, whether it affects the marketing process or not, and whether tiktok shop can be an alternative to other e-commerce applications for consumers who want to shop online. second, is the research method used in this study, using interviews and observations of both business people and the general public. the purpose of this research is to be able to find out why this particular e-commerce can quickly spread and be used by many people, especially if it can compete with other ecommerce and become the choice of business people and customers in doing business processes. as well as seeing how much the tiktok shop application has an influence on business people and also the general public in conducting business processes conducted online. with the expected method of interview and observation research, the results of this study can be used as a benchmark for the extent of tiktok's success in making tiktok shop features, especially for the general public and business people in the field of e-commerce in running their businesses. 2. method the method used in this research is qualitative method. qualitative methods, as the name indicates, are methods that do not involve measurement or statistics.the qualitative method is a comprehensive and complex research process with a sequence starting from data collection, data analysis, then the data is interpreted. in a qualitative, descriptive method was used in a research because descriptive method used in teh study is applying teh qualitative analysis with teh spesification on teh description [8]. data was collected by means of interviews and observations to several respondents and distributing questionnaires in the form of google form questions. target respondents include teenagers and adults, men and women with conditions where respondents act as sellers or buyers in the tiktok shop ecommerce application to tiktok application users in general. collecting data in the study by distributing questionnaires to get the results of the respondents as many as 42 people. interviews were conducted with 2 respondents, namely tania putri iskandar as a respondent who uses the tiktok application and often shop online at the tiktok shop application, and aida alifvia as a respondent who sells at tiktok shop with the shop name @hijabbyaidaofficial. observations were made at one of the store branches in cimahi city, more precisely the address at wisma barokah, padasuka, kec. central cimahi, cimahi city, west java. 3. results and discussion according to th method research, qualitative research methodology is considered to be suitable when the researcher or the investigator either investigates new field of study or intends to ascertain and theorize prominent issues. there are many qualitative methods which are developed to have an in depth and extensive understanding of the issues by means of their textual interpretation and the most common types are interviewing and observation. a. result of interviews and observations 373 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech interview is a technique of collecting data through direct communication asking questions to get direct answers from respondents. interviews were conducted by questioners using interview guidelines. while observation is a data collection technique that does not use words or is accompanied by oral communication [9]. the first interviews and observations were carried out directly on saturday, january 15, 2022 with aida alivia as the business owner of @hijabbyaidaofficial. the location of the interview is at the home of the business owner which is located at wisma barokah, padasuka, kec. central cimahi, cimahi city, west java. the following is a list of tables from the results of interviews with aida alivia as the first resource person in this study (see table 1). table 1. first respondent interview results no. question answer 1. what makes you as a business person run a business selling this business online? maybe the first thing is because of the current conditions, where the quarantine and social distancing due to the covid-19 outbreak has made business people, especially myself, inevitably have to change the way of marketing that previously came from market to market to sell now can only be done. rely on online media alone. in addition, selling is also easier, more practical and of course a wider marketing scope, making this choice to sell online. 2. is there a difference between selling offline (store) and selling online? there is, first from managing stock of goods that do not have to be available in real time, there is no need to bother opening a shop every day, deliveries are delivered directly by courier and also, of course, there are more and more customers. 3. what e-commerce applications are used to market the products you sell? for now, the marketing media for the main catalog is on instagram and on tiktok, while for sales it uses shopee and is now trying to switch to the tiktok shop application because it is said that many people are interested in many promotions and marketing media can be done live streaming. 4. have you heard about tiktok shop as one of the new ecommerce applications that are being talked about a lot right now? of course, hearing yes, especially the high enthusiasm of previous tiktok application users, made us as businessmen very interested in marketing our selling products there. and it turns out that the application has a very significant impact on our sales. 374 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech no. question answer 5. what do you think about this tiktok shop e-commerce? it's also very helpful and interesting to try, actually this application is the same as ecommerce that was previously used, but what makes the difference here is that the features offered are more attractive and simpler, so maybe this is one of the reasons why many switch markets. to this tiktok shop. 6. do you use tiktok shop as well in the marketing media for your hijab sales product? yes, it's been almost 1 year since i've been selling on tiktok shop 7. what is the difference between this e-commerce and the existing e-commerce? the features that are offered this time, honestly, as a child who is a little clueless, i find it really helpful, why? yes, because this application is really cool, in the past, if we wanted to sell, we had to use 2 applications, one as a catalog and one as a sales application. but now you don't have to, just using the tiktok application is enough. catalogs can be uploaded directly on tiktok and sales can be made directly on the tiktok shop feature, so there's no need to be complicated anymore, plus sales can be made by means of live streaming, so it's really cool in my opinion. 8. is this tiktok shop e-commerce worth competing with other ecommerce? it's really worth it, it's just that everything has to come back to me as a seller because it's really a booming order that makes you tired and you have to work extra hard again, but of course it's all paid off with a turnover and income that is many times more than before. the conclusion of an interview with one of the sellers in the tiktok shop application resulted, tiktok shop really helped him as a businessman to market his products. tiktok shop supports many easy-to-use features for both product marketing and business product sales. the large number of tiktok users previously made the promotion of goods even wider, so that the income and turnover generated could exceed the previous target. in addition to conducting interviews with one of the respondents who sells at tiktok shop, the researcher also conducted interviews with tania putri iskandar as the second respondent who had shopped using the tiktok shop application. the interview was conducted in person on saturday, january 22, 2022, which took place at café sit stories which is located at sukasari no.12, padasuka, kec. central cimahi, cimahi city, west java 40526. the following is a list of tables from the results of interviews with tania putri iskandar as the second resource person in this study (see table 2). 375 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 2. second respondent interview results no. question answer 1. do you often shop online? very often it seems, because you could say every time you want to buy something, you must always buy it online. besides not making it complicated, there is no need to waste time either. 2. are you familiar with the tiktok shop e-commerce application? yes, it's been discussed a lot over the past year isn't it. 3. have you ever shopped at tiktok shop? i've recently shopped there more often because there are lots of promos and items on offer that can be shown directly via live streaming, it just feels more trustworthy. and of course the price is much cheaper than other e-commerce so my main target for shopping there. 4. how do you feel about using tiktok shop in online shopping? there are happy and bad too actually. it's nice because the price is cheaper and the number of promos is the main factor. not happy with the delivery of the goods, sometimes it takes up to 2-3 weeks for the ordered goods to arrive. after being confirmed, it turned out that the orders were booming from other consumers, making the delivery take a long time. however, this is still understandable in my opinion because it can be seen from how influential the tiktok shop application is as a medium for shopping online. 5. do you agree that tiktok shop is one of the best apps for online shopping? i think it all depends on the condition of the buyer. if i myself prioritize the speed of the goods ordered, i think this application is not very good at managing orders than the buyer. but if you prioritize tiktok shop prices, this is the best. from the results of interviews and observations made directly with the two respondents, both of them describe the tiktok shop application which has an influence on the world of digital marketing e-commerce. the influence of the presence of the e-commerce tiktok shop states that tiktok shop is currently a hot topic of discussion and much in demand by the public, both as business people or as buyers, as well as other general public who like to shop online. for business people, the tiktok shop application is one of the e-commerce applications that is able to increase sales turnover to be very large and product marketing to be wider. the live streaming shopping feature, video content, promo coupons and prices that are below market standards make the tiktok shop application have a huge impact on pre-existing e-commerce applications. 376 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech b. questionnaire result questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. questionnaires can be thought of as a kind of written interview. questionnaires can be an effective means of measuring the behavior, attitudes, preferences, opinions and, intentions of relatively large numbers of subjects more cheaply and quickly than other methods. they can be carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post. these groupings are based on age, gender, likes and dislikes, in which the final results will be recapitulated and illustrated with special diagrams [10]. the results of collecting research data by distributing questionnaires through google form produce data as many as 42 respondents. google form is one of application produced by google. this application is also a web-based service to make a form of entry data. it usually used for taking a survey, collect data or make a list in an activity.based on its features, as a form generator, google form can be use for modified as software to conduct online test or assesment [11]. the results of the questionnaire show that 78.6% of tiktok shop application users are teenagers aged 20-25 years, with 61.9% being female. the results of the questionnaire based on age and gender are shown in figure 1 and figure 2. figure 1. questionnaire results based on age figure 2. questionnaire results based on gender the results of the questionnaire show that 81% of respondents use the tiktok application and 19% have never downloaded and used the tiktok application, which means that almost all people must have used the tiktok application either to make it a place to create content or just as an entertainment application. and from 81% of respondents who use the tiktok application, 47.5% of users rarely use it, 30% use it often and 10% never use it. from these results it can be concluded that not all users who use the tiktok application open the application continuously, so from the results of the 377 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech questionnaire it can be seen that the percentage of respondents who rarely use the tiktok application is greater than the other percentages. and in real life, it turns out that almost all humans download an application only to be used when they really want to use it [12]. the results of the above questionnaire are shown in figure 3 and figure 4. figure 3. questionnaire results based on tiktok application usage figure 4. questionnaire results based on how often you use tiktok furthermore, the question posed to respondents was regarding the latest e-commerce feature launched by the tiktok application, namely tiktok shop. from the results of the distributed questionnaires, 92.9% of respondents know the tiktok shop feature, which means that all respondents who fill out the questionnaire know that this feature exists, whether they use the tiktok application or not. and of the many respondents who know this feature, 64.3% of them have used this tiktok shop for their needs in shopping or selling online. the results of the above questionnaire are shown in figure 5 and figure 6. figure 5. questionnaire results based on knowledge of tiktok shop features on the tiktok application 378 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. questionnaire results based on ever and never shopping or selling on tiktok shop the widespread use of the tiktok shop feature over the past year has resulted in many people knowing this feature indirectly [2]. so that there are also inputs and responses from some users. from the results of the questionnaire distributed, as many as 71.4% of respondents agreed that this e-commerce is interesting, and 59.5% of respondents made it possible to try shopping or selling at tiktok shop, 31% of respondents were interested in using this ecommerce and 9.5% chose not to be interested. this means that tiktok shop's influence in the e-commerce field is showing enormous results. the results of the above questionnaire are shown in figure 7 and figure 8. figure 7. questionnaire results based on feedback regarding features on tiktok shop figure 8. questionnaire results based on respondents interest in shopping or selling on tiktok shop after seeing the results regarding respondents' responses and interest in tiktok shop ecommerce, then it will be seen how likely tiktok shop is to be able to compete with pre-existing 379 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech e-commerce. the following is the result of the questionnaire which states that 45.2% of respondents answered that tiktok shop allows it to compete with other e-commerce, and even 19% of respondents chose to agree that tiktok shop is indeed worthy of being a rival to existing e-commerce. the results of the above questionnaire are shown in figure 9. figure 9. questionnaire results about compete tiktok shop with other e-commerce the following are the results of the questionnaire from the assessment given by respondents regarding the appropriate rating given to this tiktok shop e-commerce. the results of the questionnaire showed that 42.9% gave a three-star rating which means, this tiktok shop has good quality in terms of providing its services in carrying out business processes in the digital marketing world and is considered good to be used as an e-commerce application along with supporting applications. existing e-commerce. the results of the above questionnaire are shown in figure 10. figure 10. tiktok shop feature rating questionnaire results 4. conclusion from the research that has been done above, it can be clearly concluded that the tiktok application has a very large contribution in terms of marketing its newest feature, namely tiktok shop. the e-commerce features offered are able to give a big influence on the new digital marking area for business people and consumers who like to shop online to be able to get their respective benefits. attractive marketing features, easy use, simple appearance, performance and other advantages are able to attract people to try shopping online at this ecommerce site. from the results of an interview with one of the businessmen, they admit that the use of tiktok shop as a new business area for them has a very significant impact, starting from a very wide marketing scope, a turnover that exceeds the target, as well as a booming consumer orders that make tiktok shop successful in carrying out its role as one of the e 380 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 370-381 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech commerce applications in the world of digital marketing. in addition, the features provided for business people in marketing their goods in an attractive way (live streaming), promos and prices that are below market standards, create a sense of curiosity for consumers and other people to try shopping at this tiktok shop, as can be seen from the results of the questionnaire. spread that the possibility of consumers having an interest of 59.5% in using tiktok shop as an e-commerce tool. acknowledgement we would like to say thank you for universitas komputer indonesia for facilitating us in conducting this research, and to the participants who have participated in launching this research, directly or indirectly, we thank you very much. references [1] dianda, a., & pandin, m. g. r. 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reality itself is the technology that is being widely used for object recognition in the multimedia field. augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world with the real world, with it the virtual world displays objects that will be displayed to the real world. the result of this study is to create an application called scan ar only and make it easier for restaurants to promote their food to be promoted on social media. the application of this technology can increase food sales promotional methods that are different from others, namely, by utilizing the ar scan application only users will be directed to scan the food product, and interesting animations and sounds will appear as a promotional method of the food to be sold. the purpose of this study is to develop an augmented reality mobile application as a promotional medium that aims to introduce food t o be promoted to customers. augmented reality in the application which will be built using unity3d software is carried out using a different way of presenting information to other media. the method of using the application is by the way the user sees the i mage in 2d and or 3d by using the application on a smartphone device. these developed applications can provide an interesting informational and moving animation experience for users of these applications. keyword: android application, augmented reality, promotion. article info: submitted/received 08 des 2022 first revised 13 feb 2023 accepted 02 mar 2023 first available online 17 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 146 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 145-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 1. introduction the development of technology is now very developed in the current globalization has been greatly utilized for promotional activities such as augmented reality technology which is widely used for food promotion and has become increasingly widespread providing the fact that this media is very interesting to promote and be effective in selling certain foods. food customers are advised to scan food using the app to see the augmented reality experience and share it on social media. therefore, augmented reality technology can be implemented on mobile devices. one of the mobile device operating systems that can be used is android [1]. ar technology is the integration of digital elements that are added into the real world in real-time and follow the state of the environment that exists in the real world and can be applied to android and ios devices [2]. with the help of augmented reality, we will be able to interact in virtual form with the real environment around us. augmented reality is currently a very rapid development, where the target of technological development is in the smartphone e sector which runs simultaneously with augmented reality technology [3]. augmented reality can also insert information into the virtual world and display it in the real world with the help of computer equipment, smartphones, or special tools. users or users in the real world cannot see objects with their eyes. the results of this study are that augmented reality-based promotion can help consumers or buyers interested in trying the products being sold [4]. the purpose of this research is to develop an augmented reality mobile application as a promotional medium that aims to introduce food to be promoted to customers. augmented reality in the application which will be built usingunity3d software is carried out using different ways of presenting information to other media. 2. method in carrying out application development, what must be done is to conduct system development research that is carried out is a type of applied research (applied research) [5]. the results of the research can be directly applied to solve the problems yang around us. the research model carried out is the result of the software cycle that will be developed, namely the waterfall model at the stage of analysis, design, implementation, and testing of the application to be developed [6]. 2.1. literature study methods collecting data obtained by studying, researching, and reading books, journals, and theses related to the application to be developed. 2.2. system analysis the process needed in the software to find out from the application to be made. 2.3. system design designing the interface display of the application to be developed. 2.4. implementation software creation according to designed databases and pre-built interfaces 2.4. system testing test the application or software that has been created and test whether the software is running with what is expected[7]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 147 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 145-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 3. result and discussion 3.1. use case diagram the use case diagram illustrates the functionality of the process that is expected to occur from a system. a use case represents an interaction between an actor and a system (see figure 1). figure 1. use case diagram. 3.2. application interface in this display, users are curious about the augmented reality technology presented in this application (see figure 2). figure 2. initial view of the application 3.3. camera ar by using this augmented reality camera, it invites users to feel the experience of using this application with real augmented reality technology, when the user scans the application will detect the scanned food and will bring up animations and sounds displayed in the ar camera application and when the user i scan other foods, the animation and sound will be different as well [8] (see figure 3). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 148 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 145-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 figure 3. augmented reality camera 3.4. food display when the application user scans the food, the application will bring up a list of foods that have been scanned before [9] (see figure 4). figure 4. food list view 3.5. display of application settings inside the ar app settings display, there are notification settings, privacy settings, security settings, ar camera settings, and about the app [10] (see figure 5). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 149 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 145-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10072 figure 5. app settings view 4. conclusion it can be concluded from the results of the analysis and discussion of the application that has been built, a food scanner application with augmented reality technology as a medium for food promotion so that buyers feel different from others offered by restaurants or restaurants in enjoying the food served and feel an unforgettable experience of the experience of using the application and posting the food to social media easily. and this application is also good promotional media to promote the latest variant of food so that people are curious about the food. references [1] marti, n. w., dewi, l. j. e., permana, a. a. j., & ariawan, i. m. y. 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ticket booking. the results of this study prove that booking tickets online is very efficient and makes it easy in the transaction process. based on the analysis conducted, the impact of the development of e-commerce on the online ticket booking business has a major effect on the development of e-commerce. the research concluded that the effect of e-commerce development has a big influence on people's interest in booking tickets online. 1. introduction at this time information technology has changed the face of the world from the real world to the virtual world [1]. therefore, information technology can be utilized in various fields of work. technology in the world has evolved in recent years which has led to improvements in various fields making life easier, less complicated, and extra comfortable [2]. the development of information technology is very helpful in running its business, information technology provides information accurately, quickly and precisely to provide convenience in transactions. sophisticated information technology causes entrepreneurs to take advantage of information technology that is increasing so that competition between entrepreneurs becomes tighter. one form of information technology that is currently developing is the spread, purchase, sale, marketing of goods and services through electronic network systems such as electronics commercial [3]. e-commerce has played the biggest part in the farthest reach of business economics [4]. then, e-commerce is used as an opportunity in doing business by entrepreneurs. e-commerce, in the popular sense, is a business transaction such as selling electronic networks or the internet [4]. products produced from online businesses one of which is engaged in tourism services. ecommerce brings new business opportunities to the global travel and tourism industry [5]. local travel agents implement a global distribution system by adjusting strategy, marketing, 264 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 263-270 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and expanding services to realize an increased competitive advantage [5]. local travel agents have improved services globally by registering with online travel agents, and interorganization reservation systems [5]. besides, many businesses have developed websites that offer online planning, ordering, and payment for added convenience to consumers [5]. travel tickets on the booking website are available on the smartphone application, thus, the website can be accessed anywhere using a mobile phone [6]. electronic ticket technology can be classified according to the way they are used to payment [7]. globally, information technology is widely used in industries such as aviation and travel, hospital, tour operators, travel agents, reservation systems for tourism and destinations [8]. the purpose of these facilities in online ticket booking is to facilitate consumers to order tickets according to their needs. the research aims to determine the impact of the development of e-commerce on the ticket booking business. the method used in this research was descriptive analysis, which method presents a complete picture of the phenomena that occur in the case being raised. besides that, this study identifies the extent of the impact resulting from the development of e-commerce on the ticket booking business, as well as the benefits to be gained from the results of the ticket booking. 2. method the research method used was descriptive analysis method. this method is an evolutionary process discussing the phenomenon that is being investigated and must to seen a relationship with the question or question being explored [9]. qualitative research approaches are widely used for descriptive studies: phenomenon and qualitative descriptive descriptions [10]. the function of the descriptive analysis method was to present a complete picture of the phenomena that occurred in the case being raised. this study identified the extent of the impact resulting from the development of e-commerce on the ticket booking business, as well as the benefits derived from the results of booking tickets. 3. results and discussion figure 1 shows that information technology is increasingly supporting the development of business. one of them is in the business of booking travel tickets. so many services in booking tickets online because booking tickets online are very efficient and easy in the transaction process. besides, complete facilities and promos in the form of price discounts that many people are increasingly interested in using them. 265 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 263-270 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. facilities on online ticket booking. figure 2 shows the facilities available for booking tickets online are very diverse such as transportation, accommodation, destinations to be addressed restaurants or tourist destinations, data package top-up and e-money top-up, as well as other travel support features. figure 2. airplane ticket booking process. 266 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 263-270 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3 shows one of the facilities available for online ticket booking is the airplane ticket booking. the choices available on airplane ticket reservations consist of the city of origin, the city to be addressed, the type of class to be used, the date and time of departure. figure 3. list of suggested flight ticket prices based on price order, and time of departure. figure 4 shows the availability of recommendations for flight ticket prices that have been sorted by lowest to most expensive, the type of airline used, and the time of departure. 267 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 263-270 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. display after selecting flight ticket prices figure 5 shows after determining the selected ticket, the application display detailed information about the flight. apart from that there are additional options in the form of add hotel features and add airport transfers to choose a hotel or change of planes. 268 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 263-270 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. display input of customer contact details and selected flight schedule figure 6 shows then the latter will fill in the data about branching such as contact details, traveler details, and airline details. on airline details there is a refundable feature for returns and reschedule available for rescheduling flight schedules. 269 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 263-270 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. promos available on online ticket reservations. the following types of promos are available both for plane tickets, hotel tickets, restaurants, tourist attractions, and others. if the ordering process is done well in advance, it gets a discounted price. 4. conclusion as a result of the effect of the development of e-commerce, a large influence on people's interest in booking tickets online. factors underlying the high public interest in online ticket booking are the efficient time of booking and also easy to transact apart from the many facilities available, there are also tempting discounts. acknowledgement thank you to the rector of the universitas komputer indonesia and those who have supported in making this study so it can be completed. references [1] soegoto, e. s. 2018. information technology based entrepreneurship education in university. in international conference on business, economic, social science and humanities (icobest 2018). 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relationship management (crm) it can be useful for sales so that they can have good relations with consumers and so that consumers do not turn to others. keywords: crm, mobile applications, smes 1. introduction crm is a concept that emerged in 1990 as a customer relationship developer and supported by it information technology as a software solution [1]. it is used for long-standing or established marketing and has many benefits for research and marketing. the marketing design using the database method from the 1960s to the present has grown rapidly [2]. crm is a plan that allows companies to use personal account data and increase the bond to each customer by providing special facilities [3]. the plan of crm is to advance the profitability, income, and pleasure of consumers [4]. understanding consumer desires and providing additional facilities is a factor that determines the success of a company [5]. crm, therefore, with the existence of channels and company data to learn about consumer desires and play a role, therefore this knowledge can be used for creation and marketing services [6]. go through various processes to get to a crm design and consumer habits. aims to explore the connections that exist within consumers. with that, we analyse this crm bonding observation project/consumer habit [7]. based on data regarding the concepts and principles of consumer connection management, it can be concluded that consumers, workers, leaders, corporate culture, design and systems are the main factors that must be done in applying crm [8]. mailto:bimasapta@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 170 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 169-173 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. method this observation uses application software. here's the order below: 2.1 data analysis and collection at this stage is the first step in determining the needs of a system. what is done is to see whether the system developed is in accordance with what is expected or not. this analysis system has functional and non-functional requirements. this analysis stage is carried out by collecting data, as a support for the analysis. 2.2 design at this stage the system that is carried out includes several components, namely data design and interface design. these system components can make it easier for system makers to translate user needs to facilitate their use, so that even novice users can use this system well. 2.3 implementation the results of the design at the design stage, will be implemented using an open-source web framework on a server and android mobile technology. at the end, some system security issues are installed on the application server. 2.4 system test evaluation this step is to ensure that the system developed and installed runs according to the expected analysis. conducted into two groups of testing and evaluation sections, the first is internal testing by the developer. after that, the test was open by several msme business executors. 3. results and discussion 3.1 use-case diagram this sketch describes the function of consumers in the msme information system. figure 1. use-case diagram 171 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 169-173 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.2 user interface system design aims for consumers to see the goods and buy the goods 3.2.1 user interface for student this part 2 photo is logging in or registering for those who don't have an account. the login or registration display is the display before the consumer enters the main menu to view goods or buy goods. figure 2. login page this page in figure 3 displays the items for sale and there are also features, namely: search, best seller items and categories figure 3. main page 172 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 169-173 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this page in figure 4 contains the items we want to see, for this page you can add these items directly to the cart, by clicking add to card figure 4. item display page this page in figure 5 can see the items that have been added to the cart and to buy them you can click checkout figure 5. cart page 4. conclusion from what has been said above, our group can conclude by using the customer relationship management (crm) system of this application information for any service with consumers to 173 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 169-173 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech be closer so that consumers do not want to switch to other stores, for promotion or delivery of promo items or items that are sold out. after that, the customer will send an email so that the customer can find out what promos and new items are available so that there can be interaction between the consumer and the small and medium enterprises (msmes). by using this application information system, everything becomes integrated with the marketing information system. acknowledgement the author is grateful to the fathers/mothers who have uploaded the paper to google scholer, the friends who have made the paper and the parties involved, directly or indirectly. references [1] the author is grateful to the fathers/mothers who have uploaded the paper to google scholer, the friends who have made the paper and the parties involved, directly or indirectly. 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covid -1 9 pandemic, regulations are enacted in which everyone is required to wear a mask and perform physical distancing when leaving the house in indonesia to reduce the spread of covid-19. the purpose of this study is to be able to create a detect the use of masks using deep learning methods with alex net network type. the results showed that the development masks can be applied at the entrance of a mall or hospital by installing a detection device in front of the entrance. it can also be seen the results of the detection on a computer that has been integrated with the detection system. this research is useful to make it easier for people to wear masks or not and detect it automatically without having to do it manually by officers. keywords: mask detection, image processing, alex net article info: submitted/received 08 jan 2023 first revised 10 feb 2023 accepted 01 mar 2023 first available online 08 april 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction a new type of pneumonia epidemic that emerged in wuhan, hubei shocked the world, and then quickly spread to more than 190 countries and regions. this outbreak is named coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (sars-cov-2). the spread of this disease has widespread social and economic impacts [1]. therefore, to minimize the transmission of covid-19 indonesia among the indonesian people by making regulations for the use of masks, where the detection of the use https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.1001 132 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 131-136 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10013 of masks is still done manually. for the detection of masks in real-time, a system is needed to detect them automatically [2]. a study on technology intended to detect masks for moving objects was conducted by mingjie jiang, xinqi fan, and hong yan, in which in their research it was stated that the detection can be done with a webcam camera [3]. on the detection of masks that have been carried out by isa and abdalhameed can create a system that can detect the use of masks by using a neural network, image processing, and computer vision which are part of the detection of masks by training from 1000 images of people who use masks and do not use them, who are trained to use neural convolutional [4]. and in the research conducted by lambarcing, designing the system using a raspberry pi as the main brain, by adding a camera module and also a pir sensor, which will detect whether the person is wearing a mask or not [5]. therefore, from these studies, we can see that technology can play an important role in this pandemic period. the purpose of this research is to design a system that can detect the use of masks automatically to make it easier to check the use of masks during this pandemic, to minimize the spread of covid-19. the method used in this study is deep learning in matlab for the introduction of the use of masks and not using masks. 2. method image is a representation, resemblance, or imitation of an object. in general, digital image processing refers to processing a two-dimensional image using a computer. an image can be defined as a function (𝑥, y) measuring row and column, with and is the spatial coordinate, and the amplitude at the coordinate point (𝑥, y) is called the intensity or gray level of the image at that point. the research method used in this research is deep learning using alex net as the algorithm [6]. in system design we use matlab as an application that will run the program that has been made so that the webcam can detect the use of masks. in matlab using deep learning which is a branch of machine learning that can teach computers to do work like humans, just like computers can learn from the training process [7]. the artificial neural network method is pattern recognition by carrying out a learning process or training of features on each input and then the recognition process is carried out [8]. alex net method for a matlab-connected mask recognition system is shown in figure 1. there are two stages to detect masks in real time, the first stage is with training which is a process where you train the data that has been prepared in the database after that alex net will recognize which one is using a mask and not in the next stage when you have got a face model that uses a mask [9]. labelling will be carried out where the labelling process enters the second stage which is carried out in real time where the image obtained by the camera by testing will be matched with the labelling that was obtained earlier. the next step can be identified the results obtained and then will appear in matlab [10]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.1001 133 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 131-136 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10013 figure 1. show the recognition process 3. results and discussion 3.1 identifying requirement this detection system is designed to identify mask users and not during the covid-19 pandemic. simple research was carried out to map out what was needed for mask detection according to health protocols. the menu display structure in matlab which will display some information is shown in figure 2. mask detection starts with an active camera where the camera function is to capture facial images to recognize the use of masks or not on the face on mask detection using a webcam camera using matlab which is programmed to recognize the use of masks using alex net as an algorithm in the deep learning method [11-12]. after clarifying the facial image obtained using matlab, if you don't use a mask, you will return to the mask detection process shown in figure 3. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.1001 134 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 131-136 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10013 figure 2. mask detection flow chart figure 3. mask detection flow chart figure 3 shows the display design when the system is running where there is information in the form of testing time, a number of faces and masks detected and if not using a mask, the bounding box will turn red and provide information that the detected object is not wearing a https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.1001 135 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 131-136 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10013 mask. and if you use a mask, the bounding box will turn green with a description of using a mask. and in figure 4 will display objects detected using masks. figure 4. mask detection flow chart 4. conclusion mask detection using image processing to minimize the spread of covid-19 is designed to be a model for the community system during a pandemic. in this system there is information and detection to prevent the spread of infection, including wearing a really good mask. if it exceeds the detected person not wearing a mask the predetermined, the alarm will fire indicating that the person does not have the requirements to enter the centre or educational institution. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] rothan, h. a., & byrareddy, s. n. 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marketing in the form of an online painting auction application. the purpose of this research is to create an application as a means of connecting painting artists with painting enthusiasts. the research method used is descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach. while in the development process, this application adopts the hybrid mobile application method which has many advantages over the native android and ios methods. the advantages of this hybrid method are in terms of coding effectiveness and efficiency of time and resources used. by applying this method, the application can be accessed from various circulating smartphone operating systems such as android and ios so that it can make it easier for the application to be accessed by potential users. the main concept of this application is to implement an auction system in the sale of paintings. this application also has several core features such as painting auctions, homepage, explore, bidding, payments and other supporting features that are expected to facilitate the painting auction transaction process. in the end, this application is intended for painting artists and painting lovers so that it can be easier to make transactions for buying and selling paintings online. keywords: artist painting, auction application, mobile application. article info: submitted/received 10 des 2022 first revised 05 jan 2023 accepted 20 mar 2023 first available online 25 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 180 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 1. introduction mobile application development with native methods is something that is commonly done by mobile application developers. however, over time, the hybrid method is more effectively applied considering the efficiency of time and resources used. hybrid mobile application is a combination of native and web applications which makes this method more flexible and timesaving in its development. with these advantages, the author tries to apply the hybrid mobile application concept to the “strauction” application, which is a mobile-based street artist painting auction application. native mobile applications have advantages in performance and functionality [1], while the advantages of applications with the hybrid method, application development only requires one time coding that will run on various platforms so that it will have an impact on reducing costs and time during application development [2]. therefore, the hybrid method is very suitable to be applied to application development that runs on many platforms [3]. with the effectiveness of coding and efficiency of time and resources, it will certainly increase profits [4]. another advantage of applications that apply the hybrid method is the fairly low power consumption of 88% [5]. the purpose of the research that the author did was to create an application as a means of connecting painting artists with painting enthusiasts. the research method used is descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach. 2. method the research method used in this case is descriptive analysis method using a quantitative approach to convey the research design. as for the software development method used the waterfall method. the waterfall method is highly recommended for small-scale projects with easy-to-understand requirements and the waterfall method is the simplest method compared to other software development life cycle methods [6]. the waterfall method can be seen in figure 1. figure 1. system development life cycle prototype the stages in the waterfall method begin with making documentation of the specification requirements of the application to be made starting from the features that will be provided to the data that will be used. after completion, the identified specifications are represented in the https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 181 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 form of a prototype or mock-up display before entering the development stage. the application that the author uses to create layout designs and prototypes is figma. after the prototype in the form of a mock-up is made, the application creation process is carried out where the application that the author creates will run on the mobile platform. before starting the application development, several supporting tools are needed such as: visual studio code, android debug bridge (adb), android/ios smartphone, android software developer's kit (sdk) and dart plugin. the development of making hybrid-based applications is carried out on the windows 10 operating system. after the development stage is complete, the next stage is to test the functions of the applications that have been made thoroughly, to ensure that there are no bugs or errors so that the application can function as expected. the last stage carried out is maintenance of the strauction application which aims to ensure the application runs for the long term. the application can be updated for additional features. 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying requirements the strauction application is based on statistical results showing that street artist painting sales are still low. the author has done some research to find the features needed to sell / auction paintings in mobile applications. the strauction application has several core features such as painting auctions, creating bids, and paying to facilitate the sale of paintings. the following figure shows the menu structure of the strauction application. figure 2 gives an overview of the menu structure and the features of the strauction application . figure 2. strauction application menu structure figure 2 gives an overview of the menu structure and the features of the strauction application. the advantage of making an e-commerce mobile application is having a simple and easy menu structure [7]. a search function that allows you to explore different types of paintings, a bid function to participate in auctions, a payment function to pay for selected paintings, a detailed painter function to display details, and so on. painter. 3.2. developing the initial prototype this application is made with a simple and easy to understand interface so that users feel comfortable when using the application. user experience covers the whole product or service acceptance. it touches all aspects inclusive of pragmatic and hedonic of a product. the pragmatic or instrumental refers to the utilitarian aspects, such as usefulness and ease of use, https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 182 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 and hedonic or non-instrumental to the emotional and experiential aspects of product use [8]. the user’s satisfaction and the software acceptance may be related to the positive experiences [9]. figure 3 shows the initial display in the form of a splash screen when the application is opened. if the user is not logged in, the user will be directed to the login / register page. if the user is logged in, the user will be directed to the home page. figure 4 is the main page after the user enters the application. through this homepage the user can access various available features, such as participating in auctions, exploring and others. figure 3. splash screen strauction application figure 4. home page strauction application https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 183 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 3.3. developing the initial prototype in this section the author will test other features after building the initial feature (home page image), these other features are divided into two types, namely main features and side features, both of which are important for the strauction application. the author realizes that application users come from various age levels from young people to the elderly. therefore, the author uses a grid layout because grid layout was the most efficient layout for elderly [1012]. display if the painting shown in figure 5. figure 5 is a display of the painting browse page, where the user is shown a number of paintings that can be purchased through the auction system. figure 6 is an illustration of the auction submission feature show in figure 6. figure 6 is an illustration of the auction submission feature which has several components in it such as a timer, initial bid, last bid and bids that will be submitted by the user. display of the user's profile show in figure 7. figure 5. explore page figure 6. bid page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 184 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 figure 7 is a display of the user's profile in which there is information on the number of works, paintings sold, and the average price. there is also a collection of paintings by the painter. illustration of the painting upload feature show in figure 8. figure 8 is an illustration of the painting upload feature used by the painter / painting auctioneer when they want to auction a painting. in it there are several detailed data inputs regarding the following paintings with painting images. illustration of the payment feature show in figure 9. figure 7. profile page figure 8. upload painting page figure 9 is an illustration of the payment feature in which there are several payment methods that can be used by the user (the buyer of the painting) after submitting an offer for the painting. illustration of the account menu show in figure 10. figure 10 is an illustration of the account menu features in which there are several menus such as personal info, painting collections, settings, and exit/logout features. a configuration feature show in figure 11. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 185 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 figure 9. payment page figure 10. account menu page figure 11 shows a configuration feature that allows the user to darken the appearance of the application and disable notifications. if you have problems using the application, there is also a problem reporting menu and a help center menu for contacting customer service. slider view that gives an overview of the application show in figure 12. below is information that has a menu to help you with questions such as applying data protection regulations. in addition to the main features, there are also other additional features that are supporting features of the main features that have been created, including: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 186 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 figure 11. settings page figure 12. page slider figure 12 is a slider view that gives an overview of the application. users can register or log in show in figure 13. in figure 13 users can register or log in if they already have an account. users are also given the option of being able to use third party login such as facebook, google, and apple. the login feature show in figure 14. figure 14 shows the login feature that can be used if the user is already registered as a user. users can enter the email address and password that was created when registering. the serves to modify auction posts show in figure 15. the feature shown in figure 15. the prototype of this application is the result of the author's thoughts on what the author needs to apply. in addition to promoting street painting sales, the author hopes that street painters will become more and more popular and recognized. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 187 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 figure 13. login & register page figure 14. login page figure 15. edit painting page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 188 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 179-188 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10124 4. conclusion straction's application is aimed at painters, especially street painters. with all the features provided by the strauction application, it is hoped that street painters will be able to reach more enthusiasts and sell more paintings in less time. acknowledgement we would like to thank indonesian computer university for helping us in writing this paper. references [1] khandeparkar, a., gupta, r., & sindhya, b. 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tool because nowadays many women who already use hijab during exercise. the results obtained from this research added employment opportunities. the reason to be accomplished and get noticed is the clarity of the utilization of social media and see what is being needed by women today. the conclusion of this research is young people especially those who have not opened the business, this business is used as an example or the first step of opening the daily effort to increase income and learn to become a professional entrepreneur. 1. introduction as we know it, nowadays, sports have got a lot of interest. nowadays, women prove that they can do anything men do, one of them is sports. women also prove that the hijab does not get in the way to exercise. noore is a simple and usable brand for those who are active in sports so that muslim women do not struggle to find clothes that fit their style in everyday life. noore also provides the proin hijab to facilitate the hijab users in exercising. it is because many hijab women do not use clothes that should be used when exercising. the form of entrepreneurship and examining how intrapreneur and corporations can work together for mutual benefit. innovation is crucial to sustainable commercial vitality and large organizations often have the idea and resources to implement innovation. a solution is an entrepreneur person who takes direct responsibility for creating innovations in the organization [1]. previous research results suggest that internet activity, such as using the internet to socialize, seek pleasure and search for information, as well as using the positive media correlates with various social support dimensions [2]. if the brands continue to struggle to benefit by delivering new value to customers through products and services customer management, retail strategy, and innovative marketing mix should be improved. however, the inclusion of many brands coupled with the decline in sales associated with economic downturns has led to a new challenge for luxury corporations [3]. the phenomenon of social media, which can now significantly affect the reputation, sales, and even resilience of the company. moreover, many executives are away from or neglect this form of media because 279 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 278-282 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech they do not understand what it is, the various forms that can be taken, and how to engage in learning because. different social media activity is determined by as far as where they focus on a few [4]. social media is a means for consumers to various information text, images, video, and audio with each other and the company and vice versa. social media is an online media with its users that can easily participate, share, and create content including blogs, social networks, wikis, forums, and virtual worlds. social media can have a positive or negative function, depending on its use [5]. hijab fashion continues to grow in many muslim countries including indonesia. hijab variation is also growing, following the needs of the people and one of them is to exercise. hijab sport product brands are available in various brands, ranging from local to international brands. the purpose of this research is to identify factors that can influence the intention of purchasing hijab sports products in hijab muslim women [6]. hijab is not only an obligation for muslim women but also become a trend favored by muslim women and can give a picture to the community as to what the concept of muslim women following the teachings and rules of islam [7]. the purpose of the hijab trend and this religious view in every human life there is always local wisdom. at the very least, wisdom can appear on thought, attitudes, and behavior. all three are almost difficult to separate. if the three are lame, then the local wisdom is increasingly faded [8]. it is also can be considered as the cover for muslim women. therefore, it looks interesting and different from the usual fashion photography work. also introducing fashion hijab that is not monotonous and can be an option for women wearing hijab in matching the clothes [9]. in the end, women's hijab in this context still can not escape the myth of beauty. religious norms were compromised with modernity and commercial cannot eliminate the existing myth [10]. the purpose of this research is to fulfill the needs of muslim women to exercise activities. this research used a descriptive method. from the above studies, it can be concluded that this study discusses the progress of the internet with an increasingly advanced social media that is instagram. therefore, by looking at the progress of social media instagram, hijab women can now get information about the existence of hijab sports needed. advances in technology that are increasingly sophisticated and rapid are very profitable for many parties, especially muslim women who exercise. 2. method the method used is a descriptive method to observe objects and to find knowledge throughout the study especially in social media that nowadays has been a human lifestyle. therefore, social media facilitates the business and communication to consumers. 3. results and discussion social media is an effective business promotion tool because it can be accessed by anyone and anywhere so that promotion can be wider. social media has a very important role for both large and small companies. every social media has its advantage for businesses as opposed to print media as a tool to promote its products. noore was formed to meet the needs of muslim women in exercising [2]. besides, noore's interpretation of the latest collection of capsules dedicated to them being a simple urban sport mode that provides plenty of room for freedom and also expression and daring to be different. figure 1 below shows the homepage view. 280 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 278-282 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. home view. figure 1 shows that the look of the website, which has a combination of colors that are not so striking but still look simpler. besides, noore also uses instagram as a tool for promotion. figure 2 below shows the instagram page. figure 2. instagram as a promotional tool. figure 2 shows that instagram is also a tool for promotion. through the social media promotion process, a wide range of products can be much easier and efficient. figure 3 below shows nooresport page. 281 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 278-282 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. nooresport as promotional media. figure 3 shows that using the social media promotion process a wide range of products so that it can be much easier and efficient. there is a wide range of products from noore. figure 4 below shows a variety of products view. figure 4. wide range of products. figure 4 shows that there are various products from nooresport including leggings and hijab sport. not only hijab that makes noore famous or identical to his hijab but also there is a wide range of products sold such as jackets, sweaters, cuffs, and other sportswear. 282 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 278-282 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion advances in technology or social media development make the actors or companies compete to be the best. the goal is to achieve the vision and mission for the company as a sign follows the era of digital marketing. nowadays, sales through online media mainly through social media is instagram has been followed by small companies to compete and make their company as a big name company. acknowledgement we would like to thank to those who helped the process of making this paper. references [1] portales, l. 2019. social intrapreneurship, the main factor of 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results of this study are that this system can facilitate sellers in marketing buckets so that sales can increase. the process of implementing an information system in selling buckets can be applied by creating a website. so, it can be concluded that information systems have an effect on website-based bucket sales, making it easier to order for buyers. keywords: application, bucket, sales, qualitative article info: submitted/received 02 feb 2023 first revised 15 mar 2023 accepted 25 apr 2023 first available online 04 may 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction in this very sophisticated era, it allows everything to be done easily and quickly. one of them is website-based bucket sales. nowadays, shopping does not have to be face-to-face between the seller and the buyer. there are already modern ideas or alternatives for shopping or transacting, namely with an online shop or website. the pandemic has destroyed many aspects of daily life where governments around the world need to put their people under prolonged lockdown. business actors must go through the implementation of steps for business continuity. the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic has an impact on individuals, families, micro and macro companies, as well as the economies of countries in the world [1]. the indonesian government is trying to solve the problem by issuing several policies, especially in the economic sector so th at the covid-19 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 198 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 197-202 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10126 pandemic does not cause a long-term economic recession. large, medium and small companies can resist taking some concrete steps to keep their products marketable. currently, e-commerce is one of the technologies that is growing rapidly in the field of buying and selling goods and services through electronic networks such as the internet [1]. currently, the trend of giving gifts to young people or giving gifts in the form of a bouquet of flowers has become commonplace. but sometimes the gift of a bouquet of flowers will wither and become trash. snack bouquets, veil bouquets, and fake flower bouquets are an alternative to flower bouquet gifts, besides being more affordable they can also be eaten, used and displayed. making it more useful.[1] and fake flower bouquets are an alternative to flower bouquet gifts, besides being more affordable they can also be eaten, used and displayed. making it more useful.[1] and fake flower bouquets are an alternative to flower bouquet gifts, besides being more a ffordable they can also be eaten, used and displayed. making it more useful.[1] the increasingly rapid and competitive development of the business world requires companies or actors to have very high competitiveness in order to continue to exist and especially during a pandemic like the current business actors and companies must be able to deal with it. many factors can influence one of them, namely facing current competitiveness because there are already many business actors.[2] shopping using the website is a practical way for sellers to sell merchandise to buyers. enough with a smartphone and an internet network, this online shop business can run. simply by selecting, ordering, transferring money, and writing your home address to the online shop owner, the desired item will be sent immediately via delivery services such as the post office, j&t, jne, and others. this web-based bucket sales activity is the core activity of the transaction process, therefore sales activities consist of a series of activities such as processing incoming orders, packaging and shipping [3]. in this section, some of the results of previous studies related to this research are described: the problem and this research is how to apply customer needs in obtaining information that is seen as more effective and more efficient. the purpose of this study is to implement several alternative promotions in order to be able to compete with other malls. this research concludes that this website can help increase the marketing of puri indah mall and reduce operational costs in promoting puri indah mall [4]. based on the formulation of the problem, in this study the conclusions are as follows: 1.to find out the sales system procedures that are currently running on this web-based sales bucket. 2.to produce a web-based sales information system design. 3.to implement a web-based sales information system in accordance with the design 2. method the research method used in this study is descriptive analysis, where we use qualitative methods to facilitate the process of analyzing the objects used to convey in the planning of this system we will use the website in the application of sales [5-8]. in this method we will make observations and collect some related information in the previous marketing process as a reference in meeting the shortcomings, therefore our hope in research is in accordance with the facts on the ground and this is able to help in solving problems and lightening the burden [9-11]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 199 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 197-202 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10126 3. results and discussion this business is an example of a business venture carried out by young people today, because many people give this gift or bucket as a gift given to a college student who graduated from various universities that held it, besides that it was also addressed to loved ones or as a token of appreciation. thank someone. business competition, especially in the sale of bucket products, has recently developed quite rapidly, both before the pandemic and during the pandemic. for this reason, development is carried out by utilizing e-commerce media that adopts information features, as well as events aimed at increasing bucket sales and expanding marketing reach amidst the situation of the spread of the covid-19 virus. many processes have been passed, both from the materials and tools used, the promotion process, as well as the benefits that must be obtained whether reaching the target or even losses from the results of an inappropriate strategy. with the development of the creativity of young millennial businessmen today, business actors must really pay more attention to a swot analysis in order to find out a threat, weakness, opportunity, and strength. as time goes by, this snack bucket continues to update ideas, creativity, innovation where at first it was only a snack bucket but also made doll buckets, money, cigarettes and so on according to consumer demand, in order to be able to maintain this business especially during the covid-19 pandemic as it is today so that it can compete with competitors who continue to increase excellence in each beautiful bucket gift in attracting its customers.[2] the implementation of the website can be seen in the image below: figure 1. bucket sales home page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 200 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 197-202 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10126 homepage is a menu form that is on the start page or home page of the website, where on this page displays the entire menu. search menu to find the desired product. the menu for selecting the desired bucket model includes birthday, graduation, and wedding bucket models. after that there is a basket menu to store various products to be purchased. this shopping cart stores the products placed there during the period of time the user uses the website. a product page on the web is a view of available products displayed to buyers that provides information and other bucket options available on the website page. after selecting the product, on this page you can add or subtract the number of orders that you want. this delete menu is to delete orders that have not been purchased. the total order menu is to find out the price of a bucket and will be inputted by the system. after that there is a continue menu and you will carry out the process of filling in personal data and proceed with the payment process. figure 2. bucket select page on this page the customer is required to fill in personal data as stated above, namely name, active phone number, bucket delivery time, customer address, and bucket payment method. the section where if the customer has finished determining the choice of a bouquet that is included in the cart (basket), this page contains the input of customer data needed for delivery.next will appear the total amount of payment will be listed on the website. then the order is complete and ready to ship. this website is one of the online marketing strategies to sell bucket products through internet media based on information technology. this application can help customers, so they don't need to come to a market or bucket shop to buy the bucket they want, but customers can directly order through the website. this business opportunity will expand orders such as in a university environment, can grow rapidly and not only flower buckets and snack buckets can be disrupted, but also other things according to prospective customers' requests, and get the desired profit. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 201 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 197-202 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10126 figure 3. order details page 4. conclusion it can be concluded that with this e-commerce site, bucket sales can carry out promotional activities as a medium for transmitting information through the use of search engine and website optimization functions. this can expand the market reach for cust omers, especially outside the bandung area. with the availability of this online sales website, bucket owners can find out sales methods, so that bucket sales can be more effective and efficient through the use of e-commerce websites, allowing customers to make purchases anywhere and anytime, so as to increase the volume of transactions obtained by customers. bucket sales. in the process of utilizing this information system to introduce that science and technology will continue to develop so that bucket sellers need to update the sales process so that they can know more about broad market information. by doing this analysis we can find out what things can affect each profit and loss as well as what steps must be applied so that this business can run well. so that they can compete with their creative abilities to create very beautiful and beautiful products that can attract the hearts of customers so they choose to buy snackdf buckets for the business that we analyze, and are growing rapidly in the many compet itors of this same business. to obtain satisfactory results in business, it will not be separated from which marketing strategy, if the aspects in the marketing strategy have been met properly it will produce a business that is in line with expectations. because these concepts should not be ignored if you want to get big profits and want to develop a managed business. however, if there are still shortcomings in business management, we need to evaluate what concepts we ignore or don't even use [2]. in doing business, you should be able to face threats from competitors to marketing or sales. especially at the time of the current pandemic, it is necessary https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 202 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 197-202 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10126 to have a defense of strength in carrying out the business being carried out. the need for new innovations in creating new things that make potential buyers glance at the snackdf bucket in this business, then with innovation, the idea and creativity of this business is able to compete with others because it can create new forms of creation that are not only the same in shape [2]. therefore, the importance of a good and appropriate marketing strategy, where there are many things that must be prepared with a mature strategy for the sustainability, development and advancement of this business even at this time. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] faheem, m., shah, s. b. h., butt, r. a., raza, b., anwar, m., ashraf, m. w., ... & gungor, v. c. 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and arguments contained in the literature relevant to the research problem. the data used are primary data sourced from research articles from journals, and secondary data sourced from supporting documents. the data reduction and data analysis process include data display and content analysis. the results of this research show that the implementation of blockchain technology in the indonesian tax system is a database integration model that can solve the problems of the underground economy in cryptocurrency transactions. the reason for the results of this study is that regulation of cryptocurrency transactions into the realm of regulation can be done through vertical regulation of the blockchain market, with a sectoral approach. the impact of the results of this study can be the basis for formulating tax policies related to cryptocurrency transactions by utilizing blockchain technology. keywords: cryptocurrency transaction, blockchain, tax avoidance 1. introduction the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies is important to the attention of the government as a regulator in regulating this. the strong reason that cryptocurrencies should be under the supervision of regulators is the risk of price volatility, speculative trading, money laundering and tax evasion that requires stricter regulation (houben, 2018). the cryptocurrency problem is quite significant, although the extent of the abuse of the virtual currency is unknown, but its market value is reported to be in excess of 7 billion euros worldwide (european commission, 2016), and in indonesia bitcoin users have reached 200,000 with a total transaction of around rp. 4m per day (debi et al., 2021). the main issue cryptocurrency players and users need to address is how anonymity is disclosed (sdns, 2021). anonymity prevents adequate monitoring of cryptocurrency transactions, thereby allowing hidden transactions to take place outside regulatory boundaries, providing access to money laundering. anonymity is a major problem in tax evasion. cryptocurrencies as early adopters of blockchain technology have the potential to 31 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech serve interests in evading law enforcement, where cryptocurrency users do not use real identities and make transfers without intermediaries and cross international borders very easily. the use of cryptocurrencies is also not supported by data and analysis of how cryptocurrencies are used across regions, or trends over time (houben, 2018). the results of fanusie & robinson (2018) research using elliptic's forensic analysis tool, found the bitcoin source market as one of the illegal cryptocurrencies that were laundered through conversion services. bitcoin exchanges receive the largest number of identified illegal bitcoins of all conversion services. europe-based conversion services receive the largest share of illegal bitcoin from identifiable territories, more than five times that of north american services, and asian conversion services process the highest share of all transactions, accounting for a disproportionately small share. however, most conversion services that accept illegal bitcoins hide the country of operation, making it difficult to identify the legal jurisdiction responsible for enforcement. it is tax evasion to conduct taxable cryptocurrency transactions without paying taxes. however, due to anonymity, tax authorities cannot detect or impose sanctions on this tax evasion if they do not know who made the taxable transaction. this makes cryptocurrencies a very attractive tool for tax evaders (sdns, 2021). some cryptocurrencies are pseudoanonymous, which means that the identity of cryptocurrency users can be known through great efforts and the application of complex techniques by regulatory authorities, and addressing the broader tax evasion of cryptocurrency transactions requires a standardized approach in a more complicated way houben (2018). cryptocurrencies with blockchain technology represent the potential for positive economic gains and at the same time the possibility of cryptocurrency tax evasion (fanusie & robinson, 2018). since cryptocurrency is based on opensource software that can be downloaded easily and a decentralized network, it is likely to be a digital payment method option. these alternative payment methods carry financial risks when introduced to the public, which will then persist and eventually develop dynamically when regulations emerge to address violations of their use (fanusie & robinson, 2018). blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that forms the backbone of the crypto market, blockchain as a cryptocurrency technology (houben, 2018). thus, regulators do not need to limit blockchain technology innovation in dealing with problems that arise from cryptocurrencies. the blockchain is a type of digital ledger that records all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. it uses cryptography to verify and confirm all transactions and then records those transactions in a searchable public ledger (weinstein et al., 2019). there have been many studies related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain from the point of view of technology, economic development, disruption and unlawful acts and from a taxation perspective. moreno et al., (2019) mentions that cryptocurrencies are not banned and there are no specific regulations for the sale of bitcoins in argentina. the taxable income derived from the commercialization of this digital currency is stipulated in the income tax law. reeves & gilbert (2019) stated that the australian tax office (ato) views cryptocurrencies as assets owned or traded (not as a medium of exchange), and the ato released taxation guidelines in cryptocurrency mining activities. income that taxpayers earn from mining cryptocurrencies is considered income. cryptocurrency miners are taxed on profits earned from transferring cryptocurrency to third parties, and losses that arise as a deduction from earnings. 32 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the results of research by rath & gilbert (2019) explain that austrian law does not prohibit cryptocurrencies, and there is no specific law for this. revenues from commercial activities of cryptocurrencies, both mining and brokerage, are subject to progressive tax rates of up to 55% for individuals and 25% for companies. cryptocurrencies are treated as investment assets if taxpayers use them to generate interest income, and sales gains are taxed at 27.5% for individuals and 25% for companies. if the cryptocurrency transaction is not a business within 12 months, capital gains are taxed up to 55% for individuals. capital gains from the sale of cryptocurrencies held for more than 12 months are not taxed. if the capital gains per calendar year do not exceed 440 euros, the tax exemption applies. convert cryptocurrency into legal currency that is exempt from value-added tax. the purchase of goods or services that are subject to value-added tax and paid in cryptocurrency is no different from paying in fiat currency. the valuation basis for transactions subject to vat is the unit's fair market value. however, the results of the research by baudoncq & baugniet (2019) explain that in belgium there are no special tax rules that regulate cryptocurrency taxation, but several decisions in the european court of justice can explain that the purpose of cryptocurrencies as legal tender is exempt from vat. any activity that generates income from cryptocurrency trading is taxed under the pph rules. capital gains from personal property are not taxed. capital gains on personal assets are taxed differently than capital gains on company assets. however, if the transaction in cryptocurrency is speculative, the capital gain is taxed as other income at a fixed tax rate of 33%. how to conduct cryptocurrency transactions in a professional manner, bitcoin profits are considered professional income and are subject to income tax. borg & schembri (2019) explains that in several countries in the eu, laws dealing with money laundering and taxation have extended to cryptocurrency-related activities. lithuania, gibraltar and switzerland have introduced rules for cryptocurrencies, which are intended to regulate the activity of the digital coins. these legislators recognize that cryptocurrencies as a result of blockchain technology deserve general regulation. the maltese regulator was lauded for acknowledging a thriving industry and embracing blockchain technology. based on these phenomena and research results, it is important to examine the possibility of applying taxation related to cryptocurrency transactions in indonesia by using a comprehensive literature study. the purpose of this study is to determine the research questions above so that tax policies related to cryptocurrency transactions can be formulated by utilizing blockchain technology. this research novelty shows: a) the study related to the potential risk of losing tax revenue in indonesia arising from cryptocurrencies; b) how to find out cryptocurrency miners and users in indonesia; and c) taxation strategies (increasing compliance) related to cryptocurrency transactions. 2. literature review blockchain is a particular type or subset of distributed ledger technology (distributed ledger technology) that works by recording and sharing data on multiple data stores (ledgers) that have the same data records and are collectively controlled by distributed computer servers called nodes (wbg, 2017). blockchain is a mechanism that uses an encryption method known as cryptography and uses (a set of) special mathematical algorithms to create and verify an ever-evolving data structure, where data can only be added and from which existing data cannot be deleted, it requires the form of a chain. “transaction’s block”, which functions as a distributed ledger (houben, 2018). blockchain is a 33 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech decentralized peer-to-peer network that maintains a ledger of transactions (for example, transferring assets from one party to another) using cryptographic tools to maintain transaction integrity and the integrity of the ledger itself, and protocol-wide conventions that verify data and determine whether, when, and how is it called a ledger (marsh & dewey, 2019) in a public blockchain, the ledger is replicated across multiple computers called “nodes”, which are connected to a public network via the internet. cryptocurrency as virtual currency is an unregulated digital currency that is issued and usually controlled by its developers and is used and accepted among members of a particular community (european central bank, ecb, 2012). eba (2014) defines cryptocurrency as a digital representation of value that is not issued by a central bank or public authority, nor does it have to be attached to (fiat currency), but is accepted by an individual or legal entity as a means of payment and can be transferred, stored or deposited. electronically. fatf (2014) definition as a digital representation of value that can be used digitally and works as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value, but does not have legal tender status anywhere. it is not issued or guaranteed by anyone, and fulfills the above conditions only by agreement within the virtual eye user community (poskriakov et al., 2019). money laundering is defined by the us treasury's financial assault enforcement network (fincen, 2017) as the process of making “illegally obtained proceeds appear legal, by a) placing dirty money in a legitimate financial system, b) increasing it in additional transactions to its origins, and c) integrate it into the financial system with more transactions so that the funds appear legitimate. underground economy or economics in scope includes all economic activities that belong to official authorities for reasons of tax, regulatory and institutional evasion (medina & schneider, 2018). empirical research on the size and development of the global shadow economy has grown rapidly (williams and schneider 2016, and hassan and schneider 2016). the most important causes of the underground economy are the tax burden and the decline in morale or tax compliance. taxes affect the choice of opportunities for economic actors who encourage the underground economic sector not to be taxed (erdinc, 2016). the underground economy is important to control, among others, by establishing tax policies that can support a positive business cycle and increase state revenues in the tax sector. 3. methodology this research is a qualitative. the technique used is literature study, with data collection and in-depth data analysis by the author through assessment by reading, recording and processing data, which is then poured into research problem formulations that support thinking related to cryptocurrency, blockchain and tax avoidance. literature study is research that is carried out only based on written works, including research results, where the data obtained in this study are sourced from libraries and documents (zed, 2014). this research was conducted by searching the literature not only for the initial step of preparing a research design but also utilizing sources of scientific articles to obtain research data. the instrument in the literature study research is the researcher. researchers must have the stock of theory and broad insight so that they are able to ask questions, analyze, take 34 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech pictures and construct the social situation under study to be clearer and more meaningful (sugiyono, 2011). in this study, the researcher acts as a planner, implementer of data collection and interprets the collected data. the type of data in this study is in the form of textual or concepts. this research data is a description of the variables on the object under study. the aspects that the researcher analyzes include the definitions, concepts, views, thoughts and arguments contained in the literature that are relevant to the discussion. this study uses primary and secondary data. the primary source of data for this study is data containing the object under study, namely research articles from journals. secondary data sources are published documents that support research problems. this secondary data serves as a complement to the primary data used. the data collection techniques in this study were implemented through an online data collection process. the data analysis method is a process where data is reduced, displayed, and analyzed (moleong (2000) explains that data analysis by reducing data is a process of organizing data and the process of arranging data sequences. afifudin et al., (2009) explain that data is organized into pattern units, categories, and basic description units. after performing data reduction, the next step is to display the data (display data) to facilitate researchers in understanding the results of research. the research method of data analysis uses content analysis. that is, a study that is a detailed discussion of the content of information written or printed in the mass media (afifudin et al., 2009). content analysis can be applied to all social research. content analysis can be used when the following conditions are true: there is a specific theoretical framework that describes how to approach supplementary information or data, where the available data consists primarily of documented material (books, newspapers, manuscripts / manuscripts). in addition, some documents are so distinctive or specific that researchers have the technical ability to process the materials or data they collect (afifudin et al., 2009). after getting the results of the analysis, the last step is drawing conclusions. 4. results and discussion the risk of potential loss of tax revenue in indonesia arising from cryptocurrency transactions cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous, public ledger, traceable, immutable, unlimited of every transaction ever made allowing law enforcement to track the flow of funds involving investigative targets anywhere in the world in a way that is not possible with cash or many other types of financial instruments. in indonesia, cryptocurrency is not a legal payment (law of ri, 2011), but the performance of cryptocurrency is higher than other assets as an alternative to cross-border transactions for non-cash transactions. cryptocurrencies in indonesia are regulated as commodities that can be traded on futures exchanges (coftea, 2011), but the system regarding cryptocurrency transactions that provide income benefits for bitcoiners has not been regulated by the government. the existence of loopholes in cryptocurrency transactions that generate profits due to the fact that regulators have not set a system regulation and transactions related to cryptocurrencies allows for higher transaction developments. tax treatment can make a big difference for a volatile asset like this. tax avoidance on cryptocurrencies stems from the existence of tax administration provisions that are not yet strong. tax authorities in 35 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech indonesia may find it difficult to track income from crypto transactions if there is no reporting made by taxpayers or other parties involved in crypto transactions. this means that income becomes non-taxable. there are no clear tax rules in this regard, so many things related to crypto income are not reported. this is able to create avenues for taxpayers to benefit from tax evasion that cannot be tracked by tax authorities. cryptocurrency transactions will quickly become an alternative to cash, as more and more transactions will accept virtual currency as payment. it only takes 5 years for the crypto value to soar with extreme price fluctuations every day, so there is more and more profit in owning this asset (goldman & lewellen, 2021). although it is not yet a large part of the business today, cryptocurrency transactions are likely to increase in the next decade, especially with the development of very broad-based digitalization of financial accounts. transactions that accept crypto as a substitute for cash do not need to report taxes because there are no tax provisions regarding crypto transactions. cryptocurrencies that do not have to be traded through exchanges like other currencies make transactions an underground economy, which is invisible to tax authorities in tax setting. generally, the tax gap in indonesia is caused by income that is not reported by the taxpayer. most hide their income in a non-transparent financial structure. how to find out cryptocurrency miners and users in indonesia the cryptocurrency uses blockchain technology, which belongs to a permissionless public blockchain, with a distributed ledger technology that is not controlled by a central instance, but is dependent on a community of miners, nodes and users. public blockchains would not exist without cryptocurrencies because miners would earn in cryptocurrencies and users trading cryptocurrencies would have to use the network. responding to the freedom and independence of using blockchain technology in the financial sector, it is important for regulators in indonesia to provide a clear regulatory framework. a software tool has been developed to link cryptocurrency addresses to specific users and identify anonymous hackers. the same tool also makes it possible to identify perpetrators and suspicious transactions in cryptocurrency exchanges (fanusie & robinson, 2018). this can be used as a benchmark in enforcing tax compliance in terms of cryptocurrency transactions in indonesia. as a benchmark, based on research by (fanusie & robinson, 2018), the center on sanctions and illicit finance of the foundation for defense of democracies, together with elliptic (a provider of cryptocurrency analysis), researched the illicit flow of bitcoin through conversion services or platforms where users can exchange cryptocurrency in fiat and cryptocurrency in cryptocurrency or send cryptocurrency to other users. clear rules and guidelines for aml and know your customer policies can help reduce illegal activity through exchanges and other cryptocurrency companies. solutions for utilizing blockchain technology in tax compliance enforcement with joint implementation in compliance with kyc and aml legal requirements in the financial sector can be used by building the right system, so as to enable speed of implementation and accuracy of compliance programs. regulators can also benefit from blockchain adoption. since the blockchain contains a complete history of all transactions that have taken place on the network, including data regarding the timing of all transactions, internal auditing is simpler, and regulators can access the ledger ensures that all transactions match the information provided by the user. the ability to view transactions in real time will also be 36 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech useful to regulators who can track transactions and more easily detect and detect illegal activities (marsh & dewey, 2019). the implementation of blockchain technology in the tax system in indonesia is a very possible database integration model. the application of blockchain technology is a solution to the problems of the underground economy, including cryptocurrency transactions. by adopting blockchain technology by prioritizing technology integration into infrastructure, it can encourage the efficiency of the tax system in indonesia (guinot, 2018). the implementation of this technology is important to be supported by the reconciliation of stakeholders including the dgt, the bank, and the ministry of communication and informatics. through this database reconciliation system, the tax system will strive for transparency without having to disclose confidential and non-hackable data. the use of blockchain technology in the taxation system can be categorized into the mediumterm prospects but the development cycle includes the long term. shared ledger shared ledger is a database that can track the owners of physical or electronic financial assets, and each participant can keep a copy of the blockchain. this copy is automatically updated each time a new transaction occurs. the security and accuracy of information is ensured through cryptography to ensure that all copies of the ledger match. this distributed ledger technology can solve problems that can be summarized as costs, duplication, and reconciliation (brown, 2019). the uk has relied on this approach for many successes. cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, synchronize thousands of computers over the internet in a distributed network. distributed ledger technology can enable businesses and governments to operate more efficiently, without costly compromise and redundancy. this can lead to in a revolution beyond censorship-resistant digital money. if similar techniques can be used in the tax system in indonesia, the systems can stay in line with each other and solve problems. shared ledgers and databases provide key benefits to governments with four essential properties of blockchain technology (taylor, 2019): 1) reconciliation through cryptography. in order for blockchain technology to achieve this, they must share the same underlying data or provide evidence to verify the data. different users of the ledger use a number of different consensus algorithms to reach consensus on the state of the underlying data. 2) replicated to many institutions. the user can own part or all of a copy of the data, so there is less chance of a single point of failure occurring. users can also confirm that records have been updated by making up. 3) fine-grained access control. this ledger uses a key and a signature to control who can access the shared ledger. a unique cryptographic signature proves that the participant has added notes according to the correct rules. this key can be given to the regulator allowing it to view all transactions. 4) granular transparency and privacy. ledger transparency is very high because multiple parties have copies of the ledger, and can verify every record. this ensures that the contents of the database will not be fraudulently edited or altered. it is possible for regulators to unlock private and invisible records, in the prevention of tax evasion. smart contracts smart contracts are the application layer of blockchain technology into reality. the collection of monetary resources through various types of taxation is very complex, this complexity 37 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech stemming in part from its centralized nature. the government recognizes that real-time personal and digital services are available for all services. the property of blockchain technology offers an opportunity to reduce government complexity and costs. that will lead to improved compliance, reduced cost, and increased accountability (taylor, 2019). activities may include: 1) require exchanges to verify customer identity (kyc, or 'know your customer' regulations). 2) publish guidelines for the banking sector for: (i) those that transfer value through blockchain systems; (ii) providing software to industries using blockchain; (iii) providing blockchain-based software to solve traditional business problems. 3) set provider security standards. 4) create challenges for the academic community and let them see specific gaps in the blockchain ecosystem, such as: (i) constructing an appropriate technical architecture; (ii) defining how technology can improve customer identity verification, combat money laundering, and prevent crime; (iii) define how the use of multi-signature wallets creates a new government-citizen user experience and enables citizens to control and audit their own data held by the government. 5) use partners to maintain coordinated government-industry conversations. security features one of the main security features of cryptocurrencies is distributed control of networks (sasse et al., 2019). the system is managed by a global set of peers that operate on a consensus basis, so there is no central point of trust or failure. bitcoin implements a much broader computer security infrastructure: a distributed ledger that provides high-looking integrity and consistency. use a complex consensus protocol to ensure that everyone in your system gets a consistent view of your ledger. this is the key to bitcoin's ability to prevent double payments, but it is just as important when using distributed ledgers for other applications such as contract and certificate recording. distributed ledgers are naturally well suited for implementing high-level services, including notaries, timestamps, and highly consistent filings, by enhancing automation to facilitate service provider switching and peer transactions. reduce the cost of activities. one of the main issues with secure online communication is making sure that the public key belongs to the service that the user wants to access. the common mechanism used is known as public key infrastructure. this is basically a set of trusted third parties that provide certificates that prove the relationship between the key and the service. coniks2 is based on a specially created distributed ledger to store and retrieve a user's public key, which can be used to encrypt or sign emails. unlike ct, which relies on third-party networks to manage and audit distributed ledgers, coniks uses existing communication providers and user databases to build a highly integrated ledger. in particular, the security advantages of decentralized systems, resilience and robustness, only apply in full to unlicensed ledgers that follow the global theory of trust. for legal ledgers or examples with other centralized functions, there will be less robustness, but better ability to ensure trust and / or centralized functionality. in fact, there is a wide range of choices between fully decentralized systems (as in bitcoin) and fully permitted ones (specialized private networks). given this set of solutions, it is 38 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech important to analyze the business and security requirements of any proposed implementation before deciding what type of ledger to use. given the identified threats, governments must decide the appropriate level of security for the perpetrators of the threat, and the proposed period of use. if a cyberattack is to be expected, the system must be designed with safe use in mind from the start. it is easier to build a new secure infrastructure than to adapt the existing infrastructure to a new secure application. as such, it will be easier to configure and approve a new set of allowed servers than it is to reuse existing internet servers. the initial design should make it easier to update components during their lifespan. challenges of using blockchain technology for taxation according to catherine mulligan, economics can range from (i) tax-based economies, (ii) pseudo-tax-compliant economies, (iii) non-tax-compliant (or "black market") economies. it can be categorized by method. vat issues occur in all three for a variety of possible reasons to avoid tax obligations. dlts are characterized by exponential growth and the potential for significant transaction transparency. the uk can play an important role in supporting the development of dlt technology, process protocols, and implementation solutions to reduce the eu vat shortage. the development of a set of pan-european vat standards and protocols will allow the use of dlt with unilateral approval of all vat accounting transactions, from invoices to bank receipts. these systems may include smart contracts designed to trick the economy into complying with quasi-tax rules. thanks to machine learning tools that read eu vat transactions in real time, erroneous transactions will be detected much more often than existing audit methods. greater traceability and transparency, including among payment service providers, banks and other financial institutions, will make it harder to cover up the black market economy. many information technologies are available to significantly reduce tax avoidance, including machine learning, digital supercomputers, quantum analog computing, and distributed ledger technologies. the main challenge for governments is to implement and use this technology faster than organized crime groups can. according to catherine mulligan, the benefits of implementing a dlt are reduced tax burden, increased transparency of real-time transactions across the economy, accurate credit risk assessment, and enabling smart contracts between finance and commerce. that is. governments need to be technically prepared and able to handle dlt for taxation, and end users and business owners need to understand how to use dlt for effective tax management. this data collection system is very useful in the banking and financial services industry because blockchain can track the path of payment, i.e. how money moves between people, businesses and accounts (anessa, 2020). tax strategy (increasing compliance) related to cryptocurrency transactions the regulation of cryptocurrencies can be brought into the realm of regulation without regulating the cryptocurrency itself, but through the regulation of its blockchain. the regulation of this sectoral approach is carried out by setting boundaries between intermediary services related to the financial sector and those related to the traditional economy. given that cryptocurrency transactions are not carried out through internal registration systems that are controlled by centralized cryptocurrency exchanges and payment companies. this regulation requires that lawmakers be able to balance government 39 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech needs and avoid government interference that can hinder technological development. the resulting regulation can operate according to the problem and is not excessive and technology-neutral (borg & schembri, 2019). as a virtual currency reference in the united states for tax purposes, it is treated as property and not as currency (rager, 2020). gains or losses that arise each time a sale or purchase transaction is thus subject to tax. this capital gain can lead to a potentially significant amount of tax paid. if crypto sales are made through exchanges such as capital market transactions, the number of transactions exceeding a certain threshold can be determined as income taxed on profits. if the transaction results in a loss, the loss can reduce the tax liability. according to rager (2020), taxpayers are considered investors for income tax purposes. taxpayers are treated as non-traders and any profits are classified as capital. if any costs are incurred that are not related to the purchase or sale of assets, they are classified as portfolio costs and are not deductible. the interest expense incurred related to the investment is limited to the individual's total net investment income. according to rager (2020), cryptocurrencies can be obtained through mining activities, which usually involve providing computing power to assist cryptographic processes, to authenticate transactions on the blockchain. the method of mining cryptocurrency is to create computing power and mine blocks directly, which requires large computing power. the tax treatment is the same. prizes earned by miners on the date they were received are considered as income subject to business tax. costs incurred in activities are deductible. taxpayers are required to capitalize and depreciate any assets acquired and used in these activities. another method of earning cryptocurrency is through staking, which is buying the cryptocurrency used in proof of stake, “pos,” and keeping the cryptocurrency in a specific wallet for a certain period of time. owners are then rewarded for staking their cryptocurrency with a portion of the collected transaction fees. the longer someone stakes their cryptocurrency, the more they can earn. cryptocurrency earned through staking can also be considered as income and valued on the date it was received. the regulation stipulates that it is not a financial instrument then it is stipulated as vat. transactions with cash because there is no gain to be recognized with cash transactions, although cash fluctuates in value, currency fluctuations do not trigger gains or losses like property. investors can also potentially commit tax non-compliance with crypto sales transactions. investors who sell crypto and then momentarily buy it back are potentially not paying taxes. one effective way to improve tax compliance is reporting on cryptocurrency transactions that are set at a certain transaction value limit. financial institutions, miners or custodians of cryptocurrency transactions can be designated as transaction reporters. moore (2021) explains how the irs has stepped up tax enforcement actions for taxpayers disclosing cryptocurrency transactions. tax compliance enforcement actions can be carried out by requesting tax payments to financial institutions, cryptocurrency miners and custodians that have been identified through blockchain technology, on virtual currency transactions within a certain threshold, or by issuing warning letters to taxpayers who are not expected to meet the reporting requirements. virtual currency transactions. the taxpayer must submit a response to the appeal letter or warning letter to state the truth of the transaction in question. taxpayers who do not report virtual currency transactions may be 40 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 30-43 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech subject to administrative sanctions for violations of reporting their virtual currency transaction information. tax authorities should have an information system as a tool used to collect information that relates to the individual code that accesses virtual currency, due to the nature of virtual currency which makes it difficult to identify such as income in the form of salaries or levies. tax authority access to cryptocurrency codes owned by taxpayers cannot be reset, potentially not being able to detect the flow of transactions that occur. this can put pressure on taxpayers to properly disclose virtual currency transactions on their reports. 5. conclusion transactions that accept crypto as a substitute for cash do not need to report taxes because there are no tax provisions regarding crypto transactions. cryptocurrencies that do not have to be traded through exchanges like other currencies make transactions an underground economy, which is invisible to tax authorities in tax setting. generally, the tax gap in indonesia is caused by income that is not reported by the taxpayer. most hide their income in a non-transparent financial structure. the implementation of blockchain technology in the tax system in indonesia is a very possible database integration model. the application of blockchain technology is a solution to the problems of the underground economy, including cryptocurrency transactions. by adopting blockchain technology by prioritizing technology integration into infrastructure, it can encourage the efficiency of the tax system in indonesia. the implementation of this technology is important to be supported by the reconciliation of stakeholders including the dgt, the bank, and the ministry of communication and informatics. through this database reconciliation system, the tax system will strive for transparency without having to disclose confidential and non-hackable data. the use of blockchain technology in the taxation system can be categorized into the medium term prospects but the development cycle includes the long term. the government must create a detection tool with blockchain technology to be able to identify cryptocurrency miners and users. and stipulate income tax for entities and individuals on the difference between buying and selling. because crypto is not a legal tender and is not included in a financial instrument, it can be subject to vat in indonesia. emphasizing that it is good to consider many things carefully before starting to dive into the adoption of technologies such as blockchain, considering that the resources that will be spent are very large. the fundamental thing that needs to be emphasized is to build a product with a solid foundation first. optimistic that if the progress has been made in the right direction, regardless of the technology chosen, then the big goals to be achieved can be achieved. it is hoped that with this transparency, taxpayers will increasingly trust the government in managing public taxes, because they will no longer hesitate in carrying out their tax obligations. however, taxpayer data can still be guaranteed confidentiality because it can still choose what data is entered in the network created. utilize this technology to optimize tax revenue so that the realization of tax revenue in indonesia can reach the target. 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(2014). metode penelitian kepustakaan. jakarta: yayasan obor indonesia. 158 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 158-162 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech application of plant fertilizer serum using natural ingredients erlangga dwi putra*, rafli fadhilah baehaki, muhammad rizki ramdhani departemen teknik arsitektur, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *erlangga.10418039@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. in this pandemic period, many people are starting to look for new activities, one of which is planting ornamental plants or other plants. apart from being an aesthetic building, plants are also able to produce oxygen for the environment around the house. the purpose of this research is to educate every new or existing community. has been involved in growing plants for a long time. the method used is qualitative. the application is done by mixing natural ingredients and then extracting them and giving them to plants by watering or spraying them so that they grow quickly. the results that will appear on plants will grow faster than plants that do not. using serum. the results of this serum will increase plant growth 75% faster than plants that do not use this serum. and the benefits of having a serum can increase plant growth faster than usual and the use of this serum will be safe for plants because it uses natural ingredients and hobbyists or cultivators will quickly get results from these plants. keywords: fertilizer, natural ingredient, application 1. introduction along with the pandemic, many people are starting to like plants, be it ornamental plants or other plants to just fill their spare time or also as a new hobby. the application of this serum can help the community and ornamental plant sellers in developing ornamental plants.ornamental plants are plants that can fulfill psychological needs, improve the environment, and have a satisfaction value as a hobby. functionally, ornamental plants can help renew/add oxygen in the air, helping to reduce gas and noise pollutants. one of the characteristics of ornamental plants can be distinguished based on the physical and living place of these ornamental plants, by identifying plants both physically and horticulturally, then the selection, management and placement of planting [1]. natural but many use chemicals. 159 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 158-162 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in a previous study by andre pratama with the titlethe effect of concentration and interval of watering animal blood serum on the growth of oil palm seedlings in pre-nursery[2]. as well as in a study by fiya from bhayangkara university, greater jakarta regarding community development of plant lovers in bekasi city through the utilization of egg shells as plant serum [3]. however, in this case the difference with previous research is the application of the ingredients and their benefits. that is by mixing shallots with rice washing water because rice washing water can be used as organic fertilizer. according to research on organic fertilizers considered better because the applied nutrients are in a soluble liquid form which is easily absorbed by plants [4] this is because the nutrients present in wastewater are generally found in dissolved form and, therefore, they are readily available for plant uptake [5]. besides that, it can accelerate plant growth and can prevent rot and pests on plants. the purpose of this study is to educate people who are new or have long been involved in plant-growing activities. the method used is qualitative. its application is by mixing natural ingredients and then extracting them and giving them to plants by watering or spraying them so that they grow quickly. 2. method 2.1 time and place of research this research was conducted over a period of 3 months with a time starting from december to february inone of the flower stalls in the upper dago area. 2.2. tools and materials the tools used in this research process are 1000 ml measuring cup, medium size blender, and sieve. the ingredients prepared are 4 shallots and 2 liters of rice washing water. the 4 cloves of shallots are then mashed using a blender and then put into a measuring cup and then mixed with the rice washing water and filtered into the container. with the following dosage: table 1. tools and materials table after all the ingredients have been collected, the next step is to peel the onion and then wash it with water until it is clean. after that, drain it until it is dry and then prepare a blender and put the dried onion into the blender until smooth. after that, the results from the blender that have been finely filtered through a sieve and take the extract from under the red. after that, prepare 2 liters of rice water and enter the onion extract into the water. then the water no ingredient dose 1 red bottom 4 grains 2 rice water 2 liter no tool unit 1 measuring cup 1000ml 2 medium size blender 1 piece 3 filter 1 piece 160 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 158-162 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech that has been added by the red onion is stirred until evenly mixed. and the serum is ready to be packaged and used. 3. results and discussion plant fertilizer serum made from natural ingredients, has many benefits for the growth and fertility of various types of plants. a study of grafting sweet orange plants using onion extract in kurulu district, kab. jayawijaya made a real impact. shallot extract contains vitamin b1 (thiamin) for shoot growth and contains plant regulatory substances (zptz) auxin and rhizokaline which can stimulate root growth in plants. auxin and vitamin b1 (thiamin) contained in onion extract are able to stimulate root and shoot growth [6]. thiamin with allicin will form allithiamin bonds which are easily absorbed by plant cells forming a physiological effect on shoot and leaf growth. it can be proven that, administration of onion extract with a concentration of 100% resulted in the highest wet and dry weights of shoots on jatropha stem cuttings. when compared with the treatment of red onion extract with concentrations of 0%, 40%, 60%, and 80%. in addition, according to muswita [7], red onion extract contains growth regulators that have a similar role to indole acetic acid (iaa). indole acetic acid (iaa) is the most active auxin for various plants and plays an important role in promoting optimal growth [8-10]. 3.1. research stage the stages of this research were carried out to determine the process of data processing. for more details, it will be found in the chart below: figure 1. research activity flowchart 3.2. analysis of plant growth forecast in a 3-month stage from december 1 to february 30 (90h) it will compare plants that use serum and plants that do not use serum. the results of this experiment are as follows: table 2. growth in plants (plant 1 using serum) shooting time leaves appear 26 days 30 days 1 leaf 54 days 2 leaves 70 days 3 leaves 86 days 4 leaves 161 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 158-162 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 3. growth in plants (plant no serum) shooting time leaves appear 42 days 58 days 1 leaf 84 ays 2 leaves figure 2. hasil pertumbuhan tanaman selama 3 bulan 4. conclusion the results of this serum research show that the planned product has a large enough potential to be widely produced. moreover, this serum has been tested a lot, strengthening previous studies that proved the benefits of onion extract and rice water can have a positive effect on plant growth. this product can be a breakthrough in a business field. and the comparison of the results of this study, the plants from the cutting process to growing that used serum without using serum the comparison was 50%, namely those that used could grow 4 leaves and those that did not use serum were 2 leaves. acknowledgement we would like to thank the universitas komputer indonesia and those who have assisted in the process of making this research. references [1] krigas, n., tsoktouridis, g., anestis, i., khabbach, a., libiad, m., megdiche-ksouri, w., ... & bourgou, s. 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(2019, june). peptidomic and bioinformatic analysis to evaluate the application of peptides from latex of hevea brasiliensis clone bpm24. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 526(1), pp. 012037. [5] zhang, s. x., wu, s. h., chao, j. q., yang, s. g., bao, j., & tian, w. m. (2022). genomewide identification and expression analysis of myc transcription factor family genes in rubber tree (hevea brasiliensis muell. arg.). forests, 13(4), 531. [6] belgacem, i., pangallo, s., abdelfattah, a., romeo, f. v., cacciola, s. o., li destri nicosia, m. g., ... & schena, l. (2019). transcriptomic analysis of orange fruit treated with pomegranate peel extract (pge). plants, 8(4), 101. [7] abba, n., sung, c. t. b., paing, t. n., & zuan, a. t. k. (2021). wastewater from washed rice water as plant nutrient source: current understanding and knowledge gaps. pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science, 29(3). [8] hiromichi, terajima. 2019. an examination of smartphone dictionary applications. 日本 語教育方法研究会誌, 25(2), pp. 66-67. [9] mulyana, a., rusmana, d., & rafdhi, a. a. (2021, february). application platform for ereservation system in traditional show. in journal of physics: conference series, 1764(1), pp. 012197. [10] ikbal, i., nurdiana, l., luckyardi, s., & rafdhi, a. a. (2021). development of menstrual multimedia learning applications and its issues for muslim women on mobilebased. jurnal teknologi informasi dan pendidikan, 14(2), 185-191. 161 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 web-based library information system design raden gilang komara*, muhammad rizki pahlevi, rivalda fatah rachman hernawan departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *raden.10520061@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. today's libraries need to be combined with technology that can simplify the tasks of librarians who are in charge of managing and serving newcomers. because the librarian profession is less desirable. the purpose of the design to be designed is to make the librarian profession more attractive to the public. by simplifying the task of a librarian in managing the library, both the recording section and the service to the library. the method used in this study combines conventional methods with existing technology, such as creating a data processing system for outgoing and incoming books, then creating a website so that users can easily get reminders to return books from the library via email or phone number. this system has advantages in terms of book data management which is faster and easier because the data collection uses a system that has been prepared. from the user side, it is also easier to find books, borrow books and return books with the system that has been prepared. the concept of this system is to combine conventional library management systems with existing technology. in the end, this information system can help libraries to facilitate library management. in addition, it can also open and increase public interest in the librarian profession. keywords: library, information system, website-based. article info: submitted/received 17 des 2022 first revised 19 jan 2023 accepted 27 feb 2023 first available online 21 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction the library is a media for literacy and learning science or just reading to get information, the place is now not only in schools but there is also a public library that can be accessed by the general public as well. every library certainly has a large collection of books, starting from learning books, comics, story books and others [1]. as time goes by, libraries are now very outdated in an era where almost everything has been digitized, one of which is the way library https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 162 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 management is still using conventional or manual methods so that errors often occur in data collection of circulation of books in and out, including borrowing books [2]. seeing this condition, it is very necessary to have an information design system so that librarian activities carried out by readers and officers are more effective. one of the information systems that can be used is web-based by utilizing it so that everyone can easily access it, so there is no need to install applications to a pc or smartphone. from this case study conducted by rosita cahyaningtyas and siska iriyani about the existence of a library information system, they explained that the system can make services more effective and efficient, it is necessary to revamp the service system, which started from a manual and developed into a service system using a special program, so it requires it-based library information system [3]. one way to implement an it-based library information system is by digitizing the library information system. according to the ca se study of hanifah, h. & bana handaga, the process of digitizing the library information system needs to be done to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system [4]. that way the system needs design, based on research by aji permana, m.kom, design is an activity that has the aim of designing a new system that can solve the problems faced by the company obtained from the selection of the best alternative system [5]. another component needed to maximize system design is data and information, which according to dani eko hendrianto, includes data and information, namely the fact that states the existence of an event or event that is factual and numerical which is relatively meaningless to the user while information is the result of processing the data [6]. simply put, according to astria firman et al, it can be said that the data is processed into information. and at the next stage, an information will become data for the creation of other information [7]. the purpose of this research is to design a web-based application that functions to help librarian activities carried out by readers and librarian more effectively and so that librarian activities are easier to access by the public through a digitalization system. the research method used in this research is descriptive research method. the system development method used is the waterfall system development life cycel (sdlc) model. 2. method the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis to convey information through the research design. this system is designed using visual studio code software with the waterfall system development method [8,9]. the usefulness of the waterfall method that makes this method better than other methods is that it allows for departmentalization and control. the process of developing a one-by-one phase model, so as to minimize errors that might occur, starts from concept development, namely through design, implementation, testing, installation, problem solving, and ends with operation and maintenance [10,11]. the waterfall system development method is shown in figure 1. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 163 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 figure 1. waterfall development life cycle this research method describes the research findings based on the data obtained from the analysis at the beginning then a detailed research phase will be carried out. in this waterfall method, the specifications for designing devices and user needs will go through validation tests and a sequential flow process until implementation into the system. the stages in the waterfall method are, requirement definition or needs analysis, an application design consists of a system that functions to performs and interfacing, therefore analysis is needed to avoid problems. design, at this stage a software must have an interface that needs to be prepared in system design. next is coding, this time we use the javascript programming language. after that there is a unit test process in which tests are carried out in terms of logic and functionality to minimize errors. and in this last flow is operation and maintenance, in this section we will publish the web that we created to the client, besides that we will do monitoring and improvement so that all features function properly. 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying requirement the web for the library information system that will be designed serves to make it easier for both the librarian and the user. in this study, a simple research was conducted to find out what was needed in the website to be designed. this website provides a feature to find out the data of books and members in the library. in addition, there is a statistics feature that functions to find out what books are most interested by users and also a visitors statistics feature that functions to find out the number of visitors per day to per year which is depicted in the form of a diagram. and a book return feature is also available on this website so that the librarian will know who borrowed and what books were borrowed. the menu structure of the library information system website is shown in figure 2. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 164 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 figure 2. website’s menu structure figure 2 illustrates the design of the menu structure of the library information system website that will be designed. the main part of this website is the home menu which contains 3 sub menus, the data menu, the account menu, and the report menu. 3.2. developing the initial prototype figure 3. register page in figure 3 above is a register display or you could say to register an account if the user does not have an account, in this register to fill the data in registering an account is the user's full name as the account profile name, email or phone number that is still connected, password or password and confirm password to make sure the password is correct. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 165 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 figure 4. login page figure 4 shows the login page. the user wants to login first using an email or phone number and entering a password. 3.3. testing the prototype after the initial prototype has been successfully created, as an initial stage of discussion from the developer to the user, prototype testing is carried out to test the initial prototype that has been made in the previous stage. figure 5. home page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 166 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 figure 5 shows the home page of the library's website. on the home menu, the user can access or search for the desired book in the search field. figure 6. books data page figure 6 displays the books data page of the library's website. in the books data menu, it displays book data that has been added to the system such as book code, book title, book author, book publisher, book publication year, shelf number or bookshelf number and book stock. here the user can also add book data by clicking "add data". figure 7. book statistics page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 167 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 book statistics is a menu to display some books that are often read and borrowed with statistics below it per day, per week and per month. figure 8. members data page figure 8 displays the members data page of the library's website. the members data display shows several users who have registered to become members to make it easier to borrow books, including member code, member name, nik, phone number and e-mail. figure 9. list of borrowers and returns page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 168 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 figure 9 shows the list of borrowers and returns page. if a member has borrowed a book, it will input anyone who borrows which includes the loan code, borrowing date, member code, book title, return date, status and action. not only borrowing that is input here but those who have returned will also be inputted by changing the status that was originally "borrow" to "return". below it is also a graph of the borrowing per day, per week and per month. 3.4. revising and enhancing the prototype figure 11 displays the account info page of the library's website. in account info, data from the account is listed such as user name, e-mail and user password, the user can also log out of the account. but if the user forgets their password or e-mail, there is no option to change their password and e-mail. then it will be a revision of this prototype that must be updated. figure 10. visitor statistics page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 169 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 161-170 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10074 figure 11. account info page 4. conclusion this website-based online library application is designed to make it easier for librarians to record incoming books and library visitors, which is much more effective than using conventional methods. by using this method, it will be much safer because all the data entered will be stored in the system and will not be lost, while for borrowing books manually if the data is lost it will harm the library and do not have strong evidence. the available features are also very easy to use such as displaying book data, library visitor charts, frequently read books and more. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] saleh, a. r., & komalasari, r. 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[10] singgih, i. k. (2020). air quality prediction in smart city's information system. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 1(1), 35-46. [11] wibowo, b. d. s. 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that every design of a building must pay attention to the element of thermal comfort from each room, the concept of healing environment, pay attention to the use of materials, and must also apply the concept of sustainable architecture. in this study, things that must be considered are what the concept of thermal comfort is good for the health of the building users themselves, the concept of healing environment, the use of materials, and also the concept of sustainable architecture. it can be concluded that the building is said to be healthy if all the discussion criteria can be implemented properly. users of the building itself, of course, not only feel the comfort of the building that is used, but can indirectly have a positive impact on the health of the users themselves, and can also survive in a fairly long period of time. keywords: building design, healthy building, green building 1. introduction design is an attempt to find the right physical components of a physical structure [1]. based on research conducted by the national human activity pattern survey (nhaps), almost 90 percent of a person's time in a day is spent indoors. this fact then gives the urgency of the need to maintain the quality of the conditions inside the building such as the air and humidity of the air inside. quality maintenance is included in the healthy building concept which promotes building construction that considers the health aspects in it [2]. the healthy building concept is a concept developed as a continuation of the green building concept [3]. this concept not only considers the impact of the building on the environment, but also the impact of the building on the health of its occupants. this then becomes a new consideration for architects and designers in the building design process [4]. in addition to 211 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 210-217 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech human physical health, in a healthy building, human mental health is also considered. this becomes important because the space we inhabit and occupy basically has a strong influence on our psychic condition. a space often makes us feel comfortable, cool, peaceful, or even we feel lonely, stressed, or angry. for example, that when a person is under stress, the work of hormones will increase and then suppress the immune system, so that they will be susceptible to disease [5]. the concept of a healthy building that has developed in indonesia is the concept of a hospital. the concept is explained as a building for shelter and rest as well as a means of fostering a family that fosters a healthy life physically, mentally and socially, so that all family members can work productively [5]. the healthy building approach is not only about the use of space and the use of materials, it can also use natural media such as plants, which we rarely know about these plants have benefits that other people are not even aware of the benefits of plants that they may display on the sides of the building. they do not know what are the benefits of the plants they display, which in fact can also affect the health of the users themselves and is also good for air conditioning around the building. plants are also one of the things that are very familiar to the building designer himself, namely the architect [6]. architects often add/place certain plants in a building design, not even infrequently from other well-known architects having special plants that must exist in the design design, for example, the ketapang kenyan tree plant, in a building design plan, not a few from indonesian architects who use these plants, so that the building looks more beautiful and attractive. the plant itself is not only a decorative medium in buildings, but without us realizing it also plays a positive role for the human body itself, for example, it can be used as a medium to increase co2 levels in the room [7]. automatic sun-reducing media, etc., this cannot be considered a trivial matter, but it is something that is really needed by the building users themselves, therefore the plant can be said to have 2 functions, namely as a decorative medium in a room, both interior and exterior, as well as a medium for conditioning the air content in a room. for example, plants that are often found in a building are vines, vines also have various types, as is often found in buildings designed by indonesian architects, namely lee kwan yew vines [8]. the purpose of this research is to find out how important it is for a building that has a healthy approach or concept that will have a positive impact on the users of the building itself. the results of this study can be used as a reference and example for young architects who want to build or design an elemental building or a healthy building approach by considering the level of thermal comfort, the concept of healing environment, the use of materials, and the concept of sustainable architecture in their design. 2. method the research method was carried out with a descriptive qualitative model. data were collected through literature study. literature studies are obtained through library sources derived from scientific study books, journals, and also found from various internet sources. the research was carried out by providing a brief explanation of the points to be discussed, as well as providing examples of a building object by displaying examples of objects that were 212 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 210-217 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech considered unfavorable and would also provide examples that were correct or appropriate to the discussion points. 3. results and discussion 3.1. thermal comfort in every building, it is familiar with the name of ventilation, each room must have its own level of ventilation [9]. the problem faced in each room is due to the heat generated from the parts of the room area both from the interior and exterior areas of the building [10]. in terms of ventilation, the architect's role is very important in terms of designing the design of a building [11], and also how the architect designs openings in the building by paying attention to the use of materials, as well as paying attention to aspects that support the comfort of ventilation in each designed room. thermal comfort cannot be considered trivial because it is directly related to the health and comfort of room users where if the heat temperature in the room exceeds the limits set for each room comfort standard in each country, then this will have fatal consequences for the health conditions of people in the room. the things that can have an impact on poor thermal comfort in each room are excessive heat entering the room, errors in the use of materials, the lack of openings in each room and also the lack of use of vegetation such as shade trees in the outdoor area of the building that can reduce heat directly and also provide cool temperatures in areas protected from these vegetation. figure 1. example of applying good thermal comfort in buildings in figure 1 it can be seen that the room is very good at implementing aspects in increasing good thermal comfort, which can be seen that there are openings or windows on the sides of the building to provide maximum airflow in the room. in the cover or also deliberately given an opening so that the air in the roof area can flow well too, and also don't forget the role of vegetation on the outside of the building as a shade function on that side and also provide cool air that can be produced by trees. the cold air will enter through the ventilation holes or windows on that side. 213 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 210-217 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. examples of application of poor thermal comfort figure 2 is an example of a building that is not good at designing the thermal comfort function in the building which can be seen from the lack of openings/ventilation in the room which results in a lack of air entering and leaving the room which will result in the temperature of the room being very hot. do not have shade ponon vegetation that previously might have been able to reduce sunlight hitting the side of the building, the example of picture 2 above can have a bad impact on the health of room users. 3.2. healing environment the concept of a healing environment is one of the things that we should not forget in designing a building, whether it is a residential building or a public building/building, where the building as an object, both interior and exterior, is able to have a positive impact on a person's psyche [10]. very needed by some people who are experiencing depression / stress [11]. the approach taken in the healing environment concept is seen from how an architect treats the interior elements that are able to provide a positive psychic effect for someone who enjoys the space, not only the interior [12], the outside or the landscape of the building can also be designed where landscape supporting elements can also have a positive impact on a person's psyche or healing environment, where the elements that play an important role are the concept of vegetation arrangement or others. the use of materials and technology also plays a role in the application of the concept of healing environment such as the use of natural materials used in interior elements and also how to determine a good lighting effect in a room that is able to have a positive effect on a person's psyche which can reduce the stress level experienced by the person. someone while in the room [13]. 214 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 210-217 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. the healing environment concept in the interior of the building figure 3 the application of the healing environment concept is very clearly visible from the accent of the wood material that dominates the building and also don't forget the addition of various kinds of vegetation or plant elements in the area which at first glance do not look like the interior of the building, the lighting in that area also does not use lighting. artificial, but natural lighting produced from the roof side of the building which uses glass material. figure 4. the concept of healing environment in the outdoor area of the building in figure 4 the application of the concept of healing environment is not much different from figure 3, which is more dominating the elements of nature or vegetation, it's just that the vegetation plants used in figure 4 are more varied and there are also elements of garden water. very suitable for the application of the concept of healing environment, where the very 215 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 210-217 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech important thing from the water element of the garden itself is the sound of the splash or flow of the water which is able to provide a positive psychological effect for one's psyche. 3.3. sustainable architecture the main point in sustainable architectural design (sustainable architecture) is how we or an architect are able to design or design a building without destroying the surrounding natural resources [13] and as much as possible reduce the use of materials or materials that are not environmentally friendly, for example, can reduce the use of artificial energy that might damage the surrounding natural resources, minimize excessive land use that should be used for tree planting, which previously might not have a function as health for humans because the land is only dominated by buildings, if the building has remaining land, it would be better to function as an open green space (green open space) area in that area which definitely has a positive value for human health. sustainable architecture has many approaches including energy saving, energy saving here means that every building that implements the sustainable concept must have energy-saving values such as being able to minimize excessive electricity use, for example in a room that applies the sustainable concept it must have a wide opening. maximum where the light produced can / is able to support the lighting in the room, especially during the day and also minimize the use of air conditioner (ac) in the room by providing openings in the morning until the afternoon in order to reduce the use of excessive electrical energy. figure 5. sustainable architecture building in figure 5 it is clear that the atmosphere of buildings that apply the concept of sustainable architecture (sustainable architecture) where at first glance, most of these buildings dominate from the use of natural elements or vegetation applied to the building area, both on the exterior side of the building and on the interior of the building. with its distinctive vertical garden concept [14]. these buildings do not only rely on the vegetation side, but there are other elements that are applied to the building, such as the use of building materials that are dominated by glass openings, the lighting system that dominates the glass facade, the use of rainwater, the use of solar panels in the landscape or garden. , not using synthetic materials, wood and stone materials obtained locally, efficient use of space, using natural materials/elements as heat recovery technology, land use designated by tree plants, organic paint [15-18]. 216 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 210-217 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion basically the concept of green building is enough to describe what are the points that need to be considered in designing a healthy building, only this time the author only describes some points that if the author considers it is sufficient to describe the criteria for a good building for the health of the occupants/users, such as the discussion about the concept of building thermal comfort, the concept of healing environment, and also the concept of sustainable architecture (sustainable architecture). acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia for the provision of facilities, and to all parties who participated directly nor indirectly in the making of this paper. references [1] alexander, c., & eisenman, p. 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[1,2] to minimize the spread of this virus, the government implemented a new regulation, namely health protocols (5m) to avoid the spread of the covid-19 virus such mailto:salsadilla.10418028@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.idse 432 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 431-438 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech among others, using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and minimize mobility. the spread of this virus can occur in public places such as schools, public buildings, cinemas, religious buildings, and cafes. [3] this situation has had a major impact, especially in the economic sector, namely the culinary business due to the enactment of large scale social restrictions (psbb) so that many culinary businesses were forced to close. [4] according to a research survey by the national restaurant association, 60% of restaurants were forced to close due to difficulties surviving during this pandemic. total revenue fell by 63% and fell 40% as of april 30, 2020. other places used such as drive thru and delivery were implemented at that time but could not adapt quickly. [5] on 30 may 2020, the government issued a new regulation, namely perwal no. 32 and the association of indonesian catering service entrepreneurs (apjbi) regarding the accessibility of public facilities, namely cafes. the implementation of this health protocol regulation was followed by changes to the cafe's interior design and touchless technology in café facilities that can help this government regulation run properly. this is because consumer behavior during this pandemic is influenced by hygiene and social distancing. [6] there were other studies during the pandemic that showed new innovations such as open café design concepts, use of touchless technology, and increased marketing. [7] the purpose of this study was to determine the design changes in the concept of a new adaptation of a cafe and cafe innovation during the pandemic. the research method used is direct physical observation and literature study. 2. method the research method used is direct physical observation and literature study. this data was carried out by observing directly to the cafe location and analyzed clearly and descriptively how the health protocols, design concepts, cafe interiors, and exterior buildings responded to this pandemic and café literature (figure 1). the data generated are in the form of locations, photos, and a description of one of the cafes with a design concept that is responsive to the pandemic. figure 1. research diagram introduction problem area research purposes data collection primary data -photo -location secondary data -health protocols -design concepts -café interiors and exterior -café literature 433 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 431-438 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion this café is located on gandapura no. 51, merdeka, bandung city. this café opens everyday from 09.00 am – 09.00 pm. this cafe just opened in september 2020 during the pandemic. the cafe adapts to new habits during the new normal (see figure 2). figure 2. café location 3.1. circulation scenario the circulation of visitor come from parking area to a dark alley with stone walls. then visitors will be checked for temperature. when ordering the menu, visitors using a barcode scan on the table so they can minimize physical touch and keep physical distancing of waiters and visitors. the circulation shown in the black arrow (figure 3). figure 3. floor plan sketch figure 4 shows technical flow of ordering at this café. this flow explains the stages of how visitors order the menu until they get the food or drink ordered. 434 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 431-438 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. table service. 3.2. use hand sanitizer on entrance when entering the hallway, there is an automatic hand sanitizer where visitors are required to use a hand sanitizer first when entering the cafe area. the drawback of this cafe is that there is no temperature check as stated in the health regulation [8-10]. to maintain the atmosphere of the room, the decorations in the cafe's interior are arranged according to the minimalist concept so that it looks neat and clean (figure 5). figure 5. entrance hagia terra café 3.3. physical distance layout because during this pandemic, visitors must maintain a distance of up to 2 meters, to provide physical distancing, a table and chair layouts are made that not close together [11-13}. one of the implementations is to reduce the seating capacity so that there are no crowds in the café. the distance between the tables was made according to the health protocol scenario that must be followed by the visitors. visitors order visitors pay kitchen food served 435 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 431-438 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. table and chairs layout 3.4. interior design concept this place uses open space concept which reduces the partition or wall as a form of space so as to create good circulation. one of the design concepts used during the pandemic is that there is a wider outdoor area. in addition, there are many openings for ventilation and lighting so that visitors don't have to worry about bad circulation in this café [14]. the combination of monochrome colors on the walls and building materials creates an elegant and aesthetic impression. because visitors like ootd (outfit of the day) photos, the theme is made aesthetically pleasing so that it becomes a branding cafe if visitors upload their photos to social media. [figure 7]. figure 7. outdoor area in addition, the toilet is provided with a sink and hand dryer as supporting facilities for visitors. there is a uniqueness in the design of the toilet made using glass walls to make it look spacious and clean. (figure 8). 436 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 431-438 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8. toilet 3.5. café service innovation during pandemic to minimize direct contact in public places, this cafe provides a barcode for visitors to choose their menu. this menu barcode has become an innovation for health protocols during the pandemic. they can scan the barcode with their handphone and order directly to the cashier [15]. in addition to the menu, cashless payments are also provided so that visitors do not need to make transactions by direct contact with the cashier, do not cause long queues, and make payments easier. at the cashier there is a hand sanitizer that visitors can use after payments transaction. (figure 9). figure 9. cashier area 4. conclusion café is a business that must follow and improve services in accordance with health protocols, ministry of health regulation, and technology demands. innovations in this cafe are design concepts that follow health protocols with 90% of cafes with open space, circulation scenarios so as not to cause congestion, layout distance, ventilation and lighting, attractions between interior design and buildings, use of barcodes and cashless methods in payment, use of hand sanitizer is mandatory in the cafe area, providing a sink. adjustments to this pandemic were implemented to minimize direct contact and prevent the transmission of covid-19. therefore, 437 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 431-438 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this cafe was built with a new normal strategy so that it can survive this pandemic period by keeping activities and businesses healthy and safe. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia who has helped in the process of making this paper. references [1] taufik, t., & ayuningtyas, e. a. 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application which is often used by students, especially during the covid-19 pandemic , where this is one of the implementations of using technology as an educational tool developed through e-learning . this study uses a literature study method obtained from journals, and other supporting data from various studies and research results that are relevant to optimizing the zenius application. the results of this study are that it can be seen how optimal the procurement of e-learning sites is as a means to maximize distance learning for students, especially during the current covid-19 pandemic . this can be known through the process of studying literature through digital media which will be carried out by the public in order to get the desired results regarding the platform of the e-learning . the benefits of this research include being able to review how optimal the e-learning platform is to facilitate students in maximizing distance learning during pandemic conditions like today, so that it can be seen to what extent it is running quite optimally. thus, the conclusion of this study is that by utilizing technology to maximize distance at this time is effective, because with the existence of sites or renewable features regarding e-learning, it can make the teaching and learning process can be carried out without being constrained by space and time. keywords: e-learning, applications, covid-19 pandemic 1. introduction the world health organization (who) has declared coronavirus disease 2019 (covid19) a global pandemic [1]. the pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or sars-cov-2 (li et al. countries around the world. the death rate from this disease significantly reaches hundreds of thousands of people [2]. as a result, the covid-19 7 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 6-13 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech pandemic has affected several fields such as economics, social, and psychology [3-5]. countries around the world have experienced economic stress and population problems in terms of disruption as a result of layoffs, production and distribution of goods, collapse of the tourism sector to declining livelihoods. on the one hand, the country must implement a frugal lifestyle, but on the other hand it requires large funds to deal with covid-19 [4]. the developmental trends of covid-19 have taken the public institutions seriously [5], as well as the impact of the world's education system [6]. many countries have temporarily closed their educational institutions to prevent the transmission of coid-19. as of april 2020, more than 421 million students have been granted days off and studying at home. more than 180 countries have implemented national shutdowns, affecting approximately 97% of students worldwide. in addition, several countries have also implemented local closures that impacted millions of students [7]. educational institutions close their physical schools or campuses and online course delivery [8]. the virus outbreak that has hit various countries around the world is an outbreak that originated in the chinese city of wuhan. the spread of the corona virus or what we usually call the covid-19 virus entered indonesia from the beginning of 2020 until now. the spread of covid-19 creates new threats to various sectors of life, be it the social, economic, and educational sectors. efforts to control and prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus are carried out by limiting interactions that invite crowds and maintaining physical distance from each other, without us doing all activities from home including learning. in a pandemic situation, the government requires learning to be implemented using a distance learning system (pjj), teachers teach from home, changes to face-to-face learning in schools are stopped, students are given holidays and teachers work from home [9]. the digital learning system or e-learning is one of the ways used to reach all students or students in learning [10]. according to sari [8] education is to develop personality, develop children's abilities and education, both in formal education and non-formal education. currently, education in indonesia is entering the 4.0 era [9]. technological developments during the covid-19 pandemic have become business opportunities, including in the field of education such as online tutoring (bimbel), one of which is "zenius" which is less attractive to students but is now the opposite. the "zenius" application is one of the online services in the field of technology education , in this zenius application it contains more than 80,000 learning videos ranging from elementary school, to high school or vocational schools that have been adapted to the curriculum. the video tutorials on zenius are sourced from specially recruited teachers or presenters. there are several studies that discuss learning through e-learning [9-11]. this study aims to examine how a digital learning system, or e-learning, is used by examining the statistical data of users of widely used pilot education applications. therefore, based on the studies above, it can be said that during the covid-19 pandemic, the use of learning media through elearning applications was widely practiced. the purpose of this study is to analyze the optimization of learning programs through the zenius e-learning-based application, which is often used by students, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. this study uses a literature study method obtained from journals, and other supporting data from various studies and research results that are relevant to optimizing the zenius application. 8 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 6-13 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. method the research method uses a descriptive method. descriptive research is research that seeks to describe current problem solving based on data, by presenting, analyzing, and interpreting it. the technique of collecting data and information is through literature study. data collection is carried out by reviewing the results of similar research, which have existed before and reviewing the zenius application. data analysis was done descriptively and presented it descriptively. 3. results and discussion figure 1 explains about e-learning, e-learning has been established as a new phenomenon and even before this pandemic, e-learning had a significant presence in the education industry. technology has changed the way education used to be traditionally obtained through digital platforms and intelligence. e-learning is covered in the larger term of technology-based learning through websites, learning portals, video conferencing. currently; e-learning enhances students' knowledge, skills of industry professionals and executives through the internet). figure 1. e-learning e-learning is an educational system or concept that utilizes technology and information in the learning process. the e-learning is as follows according to various sources: 1. learning that aims to use an electronic or computer system so that it can support the learning process. 2. distance learning process by combining principles in the learning process with technology. 3. the learning system used as a means for the teaching and learning process is carried out without having to meet face-to-face between teachers and students. the purpose of e-learning is to increase students' absorption of the material being taught, increase students' active participation, improve independent study skills, and improve the quality of learning materials. it is hoped that the growth of new student innovations in 9 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 6-13 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech accordance with their respective fields. e-learning is a relatively new learning alternative to support the success of the teaching and learning process by using various information technology facilities, such as technology both hardware and software, computer technology such as local area networks and wide area networks, and telecommunications technology. such as radio, telephone, and satellite. one part of e-learning activities that utilize internet facilities is distance learning, a learning process, where lecturers and students are not in the same classroom directly at a certain time; this means that the teaching and learning process is carried out remotely or not in one class. this supports continuous learning, meaning that students can study at any time, both slang and at night, with no time limit for meetings. the various opportunities mentioned above are still facing challenges, both from the readiness of information technology infrastructure, the community, and regulations that support the sustainability of e-learning. briefly discuss the opportunities and challenges of e-learning media, such as voice mail, audiotape, audio conferencing, e-mail, online chat, web-based education, videotape, satellite video conferencing, and cable or broadcast television (see figure 2). figure 2. zenus figure 2 above is the logo of the zenius education application. zenius education is an online learning application that has been established since 2007, now has the zenius app. zenius application is a complete, practical and affordable learning application. in this application, there are more than 80,000 learning videos and hundreds of thousands of practice questions that can be downloaded along with their discussions. in addition, the zenius application is more quota-efficient when compared to youtube or other platforms whose content is in the form of videos. users of this application can access the application anywhere so that it is practical to carry and study again at any time if students want to remember learning again. in addition to students, the zenius application also provides various trainings for teachers to be able to use the zenius application well. teachers are given tips and exercises to make teaching easier. not only learning materials, students and teachers are also given motivational videos so that every learning activity is interesting and gives enthusiasm to study boldly anywhere, and anytime, especially at home because of the covid-19 pandemic (figure 3). 10 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 6-13 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. zenius home and options page display in figure 3 above is the display when opening the zenius page. the first time the user opens the zenius application, the user will be asked to select his education status. in this view, the user is asked to select the school level, major, curriculum and class being studied. the school levels consist of sd, smp, sma and smk. while the majors depend on the level chosen, for high school itself consists of majors in science, social studies and language. in the curriculum there is a revised ktsp, k 13, and k 13 curriculum. then after selecting the education status, the user will enter the home page. where on the page there is a choice of subjects that you want to study and consists of many exam preparations for users who want to enter college. in the picture above is class xi at the high school level, included in the 13 revised curriculum (see figure 4). figure 4. display of materials in the zenuis application 11 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 6-13 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this display will appear after pressing the choice of sociological subjects on the home menu. in this view, the material in the subject to be selected is displayed and the user can choose which material to study. in some of the existing materials, there are several videos that can be accessed and studied by users. zenius is also equipped with preparations for the national examination (usbn + unbk), sbmptn, and the independent examination for higher education. broadly speaking, zenius products are divided into 3, namely: a) the zenius website, which contains learning videos, practice package questions that can be downloaded for free, covers all elementary, junior high, high school subject matter, discussion of national examination questions, sbmptn, and various independent screening examinations to enter ptn. b) zenius app, an online learning application based on android. contains learning videos, practice questions packages that can be downloaded for free, as well as interactive practice questions to test your abilities and understanding. c) zenius prestasi, is a product specially designed for teachers and schools that can be installed on the local school network. zenius prestasi contains applications that make it easy for teachers to design the exam process in a practical way. from the manufacturing process, the implementation of the cbt exam, the correction process, and the evaluation process, everything can be automated digitally. in addition, zenius prestasi also provides videos of school subject matter that have been adapted to 3 variants of the indonesian curriculum. with this free application, it is easier for students to take part in math lessons without any payment from the application. students can see features in the form of videos related to the learning material to be studied. with this application, researchers hope that students can understand mathematical material easily and increase their enthusiasm in learning mathematics. the zenius application has a mobile application to make it easier for students to do assignments so that the zenius application provides material on the subjects that will be selected out and users can choose which material which will be studied. in some of the existing materials, there are several videos that can be accessed and studied by users. with this mobile application, zenius provides very easy access for students to be able to access via smartphones. in this case, why can zenius improve the quality of learning in indonesia? this will be explained through the following explanation: figure 5. display of internet users in indonesia 12 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 6-13 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in early 2021, social media management platform hootsuite and marketing agency we are social again released the latest report regarding world internet users, including indonesia. based on his latest report, it revealed that the number of internet users in indonesia reached 202.6 million or 73.7 percent of the largest total population of 274.9 million in january 2021. of the total data, there are 195.3 million people or 96.4 percent of them access the internet through mobile devices such as smartphones and feature phones. they use cellular and wifi connections to access the internet. based on the report, the average internet mobile user is 1664 years old and takes 5 hours 4 minutes every day to access the internet. therefore, based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the zenius application is considered capable of helping students in carrying out learning during the covid-19 pandemic. online learning activities from schools, both sd-sma/smk, are still considered to be less supportive of this learning system because adjustments are still needed from the school. for this reason, an institution or party that is more understanding and professional in terms of learning is needed, so zenius is considered as one of the online tutors that has a reputation and quality with professional teachers. out of a total of 100 students who use this application, 90% of students get an increase in grades for math subjects, 95% in indonesian, and others. 4. conclusion the use of technology to maximize distance learning during the current pandemic is quite effective, with the existence of a site or renewable e-learning feature that can make the teaching and learning process run without being constrained by space and time. optimization of one of the e-learning platforms that has been reviewed has also shown good results in its usefulness, because many of the students feel helped by the existence of the platform to support their learning to make it easier to reach and maximize, in other words we can conclude that elearning can run optimally to help maximize distance learning during the current pandemic. acknowledgement thank you to the universitas komputer indonesia for assisting in the process of writing this paper. references [1] sumarmi, s., bachri, s., irawan, l., aliman, m. and ahmad, ww, 2021. project-based research learning (pbrl) integrated with e-learning in project completion. international journal of emerging technologies in learning (ijet) , 16(7), pp.16-31. 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[11] agustin, n. and febianti, yn, 2021. empowerment of dusun cimuda students in mathematics learning through tutoring during the covid-19 pandemic. jamu: umus community service journal, 2 (01), pp.41-46. 61 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech zionimeart app: designing mobile application as a medium for selling anime t-shirts eddy soeryanto soegoto1, novia aenu rizqi2*, iluh sri purwani3, zanjabil zulkarnain4 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2,3departemen desain komunikasi visual, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 4departemen teknik informatika, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: * novia.51918168@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. technology and information media is currently experiencing a rapid development, this is seen from the use of technology media as a tool in various aspects of life and one of them is the development of applications as a place to buy and sell a product. the purpose of designing this application is as a place / information system that can help the public in finding and buying reliable japanese anime t-shirts, in addition this application is also a promotional media with the marketing segment of anime t-shirts. this research used qualitative descriptive analysis method with high fidelity prototyping and sdlc method. the development of zionimeart application can make it easier for people especially anime fans to easily find and buy various types of anime t-shirts in one place. in addition, because of the concept of a mobile application, it can facilitate users in accessing the site under any conditions easily and efficiently. zionimeart itself has the main purpose as a special application for the sale of various types of anime t-shirts, with a display that presents a wide selection of clothing types up to the purchase process. with this, the purpose and function of this application is to help and overcome the difficulties of the community in finding different types of anime t-shirts. it can be concluded, zionimeart application is an intermediary media between the community and anime products that they like, so they can buy it easily. keywords: mobile application, anime, t-shirts, e-commerce 1. introduction in the modern era the development of technology and information is developing very rapidly and indirectly gives a very big change. such changes are like increasingly sophisticated and fast internet access. in addition, the amount of development in the infrastructure sector provides benefits to the community to make the best use of it. with the convenience of the internet, people can access various digital content such as buying food online, chatting online, viewing online news, and shopping online. so that without realizing the technology can be 62 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech used as a data storage media that will be processed and presented into quality information. it can also be said to be a medium of liaison between needs and computers. with the development of technology and the need for information. information technology and the internet have become a complementary entity. information technology has now penetrated the business sector whose products are referred to as e-commerce. marketplace itself is inseparable from e-commerce, because it is part of e-commerce. ecommerce is a form of commerce that utilizes a technology and information infrastructure and the internet that both have an important role in business activities [1]. in addition, the use of e-commerce system can generate many benefits for its users, both consumers and manufacturers [2]. anime is an animated form originating from japan that is drawn using hand drawing techniques or with the help of technology. the word anime itself comes from the english word "animation" which means animation [3,4]. nowadays anime is so famous, its fame even penetrated outside japan and including indonesia. with the presence of the anime, created a variety of business opportunities that started from creative ideas themed anime such as the sale of miniature characters, cosplay, to the medium of painting on clothes called anime tshirts [5-7]. where anime t-shirts are now starting to be very popular among lovers of japanese cartoons. therefore, there needs to be a platform that specializes in hosting sellers of anime tshirts in the form of application providers of various products from the anime t-shirts. a study on the development of anime wallpaper applications by master e. the result of his research is the benefit of designing anime wallpaper application that provides easy users in finding anime wallpapers on smartphone screen easily [8]. this is a benefit of the application. the benefit of other applications is as a medium that serves to run a wide variety of data processing or creation, managing a document or file [9]. the purpose of the research is to create a concept of mobile application development design that is used as a sales platform for various types of anime t-shirt products, where with this application can make it easier for people to find anime t-shirt products specifically in place. for the method used is by qualitative description analysis approach with high fidelity prototyping and sdlc method. 2. method the method offered in this study is qualitative description analysis with high fidelity prototyping method. qualitative description itself is a technique of analyzing a data that has been collected can be words, an image or not a number. and usually the data is obtained from interviews, photos, videos, documents and others [3]. in addition, this research is supported by the high fidelity prototyping and sdlc model methods. prototype is a method performed by a software developer in the form of a mockup of the appearance of the application page and is very suitable to be presented as clear information [4]. the results of the prototype model design itself in the form of application mockups as a reference design in presentations, design display assessments, promotions etc [9-12]. while high fidelity prototyping is a prototype design display that better represents the look of the product / application similar to the end result [7]. the initial design of the prototype was a series of processes of finding ideas, finding problems and how to solve them [5]. zionimeart application is designed using prototype software application with reference to the concept of sketches made. prototypes are used with the aim of obtaining representations 63 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech of applications to be created later. the initial design of the application is a mockup which will then be evaluated by the user. once the prototype form has been evaluated, the next step is a mockup review for app developers to design. 2.1. design method with sdlc in the development of this application the method taken is sdlc, here are the steps of sdlc method, (see figure 1). figure 1. sdlc method description in sdlc method there are several stages [13-16]: 1. planning at this stage, a developer will do planning such as interviews to get data that matches the market segmentation of the application. 2. analysis at this stage, all data that has been obtained will then go through the selection process which will then be implemented in the form of image and text layouts. 3. design at this stage, a developer will start programming, preparing a database to start designing mobile applications that refer to the design that has been created. 4. implementation at this stage the application begins to experience trials of system operation. 3. results and discussion at this stage will discuss about the results and discussion of the research, and analyze in terms of analysis of needs to the design of the user interface of the application design. 3.1. needs analysis in zionimeart application design, there are 2 analyses namely functional needs analysis and non-functional needs analysis.what is meant by functional analysis is that at this stage, all parts of the component are interconnected. while non-functional needs analysis is a supporting component of the application design process. 64 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.2. prototype display zionimeart application is an application design that aims as a special platform for the sale of anime t-shirts, which to facilitate users in finding anime products in its place. the following is a design of the menu structure in the zionimeart applicatio, (see figure 2). figure 2. zionimeart application menu structure figure 2 shows the look of the menu structure in the zionimeart application. where the main view is the registration page, then go to the homepage that displays info about t-shirt products, then the next page is a catalog containing a list of products and prices, and a profile that contains information about applications and other settings. 3.3. prototype display home page on the prototype design, you can see the start page of zionimeart application which displays 2 menu options that can be selected. welcome page to zionimeart app,(see figure 3). 65 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. the welcome page on the zionimeart figure 3. shows the prototype look of a welcome page on the zionimeart app. there are also 2 menu options that the user can choose from. page login and register on zionimeart app, (see figure 4). figure 4. the login and register page 66 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4 shows the prototype view of the login and register pages, where this page serves to enter user data to be able to become a member and log in to the application if you already have a zionimeart account. the home page of the zionimeart app, (see figure 5). figure 5. the home page of the zionimeart figure 5. displays the app's home page with news information, as well as information about new products. catalog and basket pages in the zionimeart app, (see figure 6). figure 6. the catalog and basket pages in the zionimeart 67 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6 is a catalog page display that presents anime t-shirt products sold in the zionimeart app. it consists of a product array and a price tag, so that users can immediately see the price list of the product. in addition, there is a cart page that displays what products have been put in the basket. here is a page about the company in the zionimeart app, (see figure 7). figure 7. the profile page in the zionimeart figure 7 is a profile page view that serves as an information page about the intent and purpose of the developed application. settings page in the zionimeart app, (see figure 8). 68 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8. the settings page in the zionimeart figure 8, application is a settings page view consisting of application settings and a logout menu. 3.4. prototype design display with grid system zionimeart application prototype design with grid system in figure 9. the purpose of using the grid in the prototype design of the zionimeart application is to make the application look balanced. (see figure 9). figure 9. display with grid system 4. conclusion the conclusion obtained from research on the design of zionimeart application is, that this application can be developed well especially this application can help the public in the ease of finding products, especially anime t-shirts in one place efficiently. all kinds of anime t-shirt products can be found easily through this app. in addition, there are not many mobile 69 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 61-70 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech applications that sell specific products. therefore, it is expected that the design of this application can be evaluated and redeveloped into a more perfect form of application so that the system in the application can run properly. evaluation includes additional ui to make the application look more attractive and user friendly, there are payment transaction pages, addition of delivery process pages, addition of user review pages etc. so that this application can be felt its usefulness. acknowledgement in this section the author thanked universitas komputer indonesia, and the mentors who have helped us in completing this research. references [1] yustiani, r., & yunanto, r. 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[2]. social networking sites can also be used to network efficiently. for professionals, social networks can be an invaluable tool. with social media platforms helping young professionals to market their skills and find business opportunities [3]. one of the most popular social networking platforms in the world is instagram. this platform makes visual objects in the form of images or videos as a means of communication 179 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech that is shared among its users. in asia pacific, indonesia is the largest instagram user with 45 million active users or 6.5% of all instagram users worldwide [4]. this phenomenon makes professions or entrepreneurs who rely on visuals for their products make instagram accounts as a showcase for their products or works that can be exhibited as a form of promotion. this is in accordance with the profession of an architect who makes his design drawings as visual objects on display. architectural consulting bureaus use instagram social media as a means to share their design process, such as sharing stories during the design analysis process to the results of drawings or visual design videos, to monitoring visits to the design site. based on this, the problem formulated from this research is the extent to which social media influence instagram on contemporary designs for architects and their clients [5-7]. the purpose of this research is to present scientific reasoning related to the development of social media which can have an impact on changes in work process patterns and the final result of a contemporary design work in the world of architecture for architects and their clients. this study uses a qualitative method with a library research approach. 2. method this research uses a qualitative method with a library research approach. 2.1. types of research library research utilizes library resources to obtain research data without the need for field research. in this study, the emphasis is on library research for the reason that library research is a preliminary research that is used to understand more deeply the new phenomena that are developing in the field or in society. (mestika zed, 2014:2). this research will display scientific reasoning related to the development of social media that can have an impact on changing the pattern of work processes and the final result of a contemporary design work in the world of architecture for architects and their clients, based on the results of literature reviews and the results of researchers' thoughts. this type of research is supported by data obtained from research journals, textbooks, and so on. these library materials were discussed critically to support this research. 2.2. data source according ralston and reilly dalam ati, sri, nurdien h. kistanto (2013), data is defined as facts that are said to be the result of observations of phenomena. data can be in the form of text or images. the data is obtained from a source called the data source. the data sources used in this study are mostly through social media such as instagram. seeing the phenomenon that indonesia is the largest user of instagram social media in asia pacific, gave rise to the idea of conducting this research. 2.3. data collection technique the data collection technique used in this research is to search, read and record information information and collect library sources in the form of scientific journals and instagram social media web which are published important to strengthen the discussion considering that this research uses library research. 180 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2.4. data analysis data analysis aims to organize data in a meaningful way so that it can be understood (syafizal helmi situmorang, 2010:9). in this method, qualitative data analysis is carried out in the form of observation of data literature. the stages of the data analysis method carried out are identifying data, comparing, compiling data, and organizing data according to classification objectives, and drawing conclusions. 3. results and discussion the development of information technology, especially social media, not only has an impact on changing the behavior of its users, but also brings changes in various fields. the high intensity of human activity on social media can change the lifestyle of its users, including affecting their design. one of the most popular social networking platforms in the world is instagram. since 2010, instagram with more than 500 million users is a social media-based social network that is increasing in popularity (a. jackson, 2017 dalam bulan cahya sakti, much yulianto 2017). in asia pacific, indonesia is the largest instagram user with 45 million active users or 6.5% of all instagram users worldwide [4]. the instagram platform makes visual objects in the form of images or videos as a means of communication that is shared among its users. but in its development, instagram no longer only contains personal moments from the content uploaded by its users, but also becomes educative, informative, and can interact buying and selling. this phenomenon makes professions or entrepreneurs who rely on visuals for their products make instagram accounts as a showcase for their products or works that can be exhibited as a form of promotion. one of them is the profession of architect. this is in accordance with the profession of an architect who makes his design drawings as visual objects on display. architects use this platform to share their visual products such as renderings in the form of schematic concept design drawings, 3d exterior and interior as well as photos of designs that have been built. architectural consulting bureaus use instagram social media as a means to share their design process, such as sharing stories during the design analysis process to the results of drawings or visual design videos, to monitoring visits to the design site. along with the rapid flow of globalization, now indonesian people, especially the younger generation, tend to have a western label or lifestyle. of course this has resulted in changes in various areas of life, including affecting the design of their dwellings. based on the architectural view, today's housing is focused on the principles of modern architecture. modern residential homes are now in great demand by the younger generation, because they offer homes that look simple, comfortable and more contemporary. in contemporary residential designs, it does not have to make the house look very luxurious with expensive ornaments, but is designed according to its function with the use of natural materials. seeing the beauty of architecture today is actually not only limited to outward appearance, but also must be able to be felt by the social and natural environment around it. this is the side of the unique beauty of modern architecture with this contemporary design. 181 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this research is a qualitative research with a library research approach, the data collection of this research uses an analytical method by comparing instagram social media accounts from 4 (four) architect accounts and architect bureaus, each of which has different characteristics. among them are zurnalis with an account @zurnalisarchitect, aaksen with an account @aaksenstudio, akanoma with an account @akanoma.studio, and tukang bangun with an account @tukangbangun.id. comparison based on content in the form of visual product content, interaction with followers and impact on architects and prospective clients. 3.1. contemporary narrative content on account @zurnalisarchitect which currently has 67.900 followers (see figure 1), an architect named zurnalis on his instagram account produces content that is dominated by educative information about the world of architecture. some examples of shared content such as explanations about sloof, bedroom layouts, and much more. thanks to the consistency of producing narrative content around the world of architecture, this account has characteristics that look interesting. the hallmark of narrative content creation like this attracts followers to interact between other instagram users and the architect himself. this is directly proportional to the number of followers of this account, which amounts to almost 70.000 followers. response analysis of 100 sample posts shared, shows an average response of 2,605 followers. these results illustrate the enthusiasm of users for narrative content containing the latest knowledge topics, which can attract the curiosity and attention of instagram. figure 1. the main page instagram account @zurnalisarchitect (source: https://www.instagram.com/zurnalisarchitect/) https://www.instagram.com/zurnalisarchitect/ 182 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. one of the posts on instagram account @zurnalisarchitect (source: https://www.instagram.com/p/cuhzxo-pooc/) seen in the post with the topic solarflat in figure 2, it became an interesting conversation from one of the users in the comments column. from account @aminfauzi.40 “solarflat dengan kaca murah mana bang @zurnalisarchitect?”. from these questions, it appears that the topic is interesting to be discussed further. it is also very useful for potential clients who are looking for the contemporary residential design they dream of. 3.2. schematic design content on account @aaksenstudio which currently has 35.700 followers (see figure 3), one of the leading architectural bureaus in jakarta-bandung, on its instagram account produces content dominated by 3d schematic images that visually depict the design of the building. of course, this method can help users or potential clients in imagining the desired design results. https://www.instagram.com/p/cuhzxo-pooc/ 183 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. the main page instagram account @aaksenstudio (source: https://www.instagram.com/aaksenstudio/) figure 4. one of the posts on instagram account @aaksenstudio (source: https://www.instagram.com/p/cu7lnnzphdu/) the post above in figure 4 shows a visual content that is the result of an illustration of a dream house design that is simple but still looks contemporary. this post has been liked by 1,251 users, supported by one of the interesting comments made from the account @husnanid “ke lantai 3 nya bagaimana ya?”. this identifies that 3d schematic design content can arouse curiosity and can help users or prospective clients in imagining the desired design results. https://www.instagram.com/aaksenstudio/ https://www.instagram.com/p/cu7lnnzphdu/ 184 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.3. unique concept design content on account @akanoma.studio which currently has 26.700 followers (see figure 5), one of the leading architectural bureaus in bandung, on its instagram account produces content dominated by conceptually unique design work. the architectural bureau is headed by yu sing, an indonesian architect who is famous for his unique works based on the use of minimalist and environmentally friendly materials. figure 5. the main page instagram account @akanoma.studio (source: https://www.instagram.com/akanoma.studio/) figure 6. one of the posts on instagram account @akanoma.studio (source: https://www.instagram.com/p/cxa_iunpbli/) the post above in figure 6, is one of the unique works that was built. the unique part of this design lies in its structure using a scaffolding frame which is claimed to be a more practical https://www.instagram.com/akanoma.studio/ https://www.instagram.com/p/cxa_iunpbli/ 185 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and economical installation process. looks simple design but applies the concept of a visionary growing house. thanks to its uniqueness, the post has been responded to by 2,625 likes by other instagram users. and supported by one of the interesting comments expressed from the account @pmanurung “mantebbbbbbb”. this supports that unique concept design content can attract the attention and admiration of users or potential clients who can inspire contemporary residential designs. 3.4. build process content on account @tukangbangun.id which currently has 40.100 followers (see figure 7), one of the contractor bureaus that also receives design services, in its instagram account produces content that is dominated by works in the form of documentation of the design process that is being built. this explains that this bureau based in central java has works that have been built successfully. figure 7. the main page instagram account @tukangbangun.id (source: https://www.instagram.com/tukangbangun.id/) figure 8. one of the posts on instagram account @ tukangbangun.id (source: https://www.instagram.com/p/czgnmtivqtj/) https://www.instagram.com/tukangbangun.id/ https://www.instagram.com/p/czgnmtivqtj/ 186 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8 above is a picture of the work being built. the documentation explains that this bureau has succeeded in having the works built with good supervision according to design. quoted from one of the interesting comments asked from the account @boedi2802 “total biaya pengerjaannya+ material berapa yah pak?”. this comment can be said to be a response to interest in the building being built, how much funding is needed in the post. this can create an impression of professionalism and high trust in potential users of architectural services or clients. table 1. content comparison results analysis. analysis case study @zurnalisarchitect @aaksenstudio @akanoma.studio @tukangbangun.id content character contemporary narrative design schematic visual design unique concept design build process content number of followers 67.900 35.700 26.700 40.100 followers response interaction of architectural topic discussion interaction of attraction to visual works interaction of attraction to unique concepts interaction discussion of attraction in the development process benefits for architects informative and professional educational tool means of sharing and communicat-ing the creation a means of sharing and educating the results of the concept that was built professional and means of sharing, discussing information benefits for client /followers new knowledge and source of inspiration around architecture a source of inspiration for architecture and design illustrations new knowledge and source of inspiration around architecture a source of inspiration about architecture, professional beliefs in table 1 above, the results of the comparative analysis of the four instagram social media accounts based on content, response, benefits for architects and clients show the account @zurnalisarchitect produce contemporary, educative narrative designs, account @aaksenstudio produce attractive schematic visual design work, account @akanoma.studio produce design work with a unique concept, account @tukangbangun.id produce inspiring design works and documentation of the development process. 4. conclusion social media instagram is one of the largest mediums that has excellent features in the form of images as works that are shared or exhibited. this is in harmony for architects to share their work in a visual form as a form of promotion. the characteristics of the content on the account of an architect or a bureau in the field of architecture or contractors produce their own unique characteristics. contemporary and interactive design content will attract the attention of users or followers who have the potential to become clients who are looking for references to the design of the building they want to plan. so it is certain that the rapid development of social media information technology especially instagram, can affect the world of residential design. 187 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 178-187 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] akram, w., & kumar, r. 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(2019, november). marketing strategy through social media. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), pp. 032040. 196 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the application of financial recording applications towards financial report for micro, small and medium enterprises finna afrilia elmanda1*, gusnerlisa gita merdikawati2, ratih wahyuni 3 1,2,3departemen akuntansi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *finna.21119032@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. in this current era, many micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) have started to use financial report recording applications in recording incoming and outgoing financial reports. this research aims to determine how much application of financial statement recording applications in making financial reports on micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) using an android based financial recording application. this study uses descriptive quantitative research methods using data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires. the results of this study explain that the role of using applications to record financial reports for micro, small and medium enterprises has a positive impact on the sustainability of a business. by using an android-based financial recording application, it can make it easier to record financial reports and minimize errors in recording. therefore, this research benefits micro, small and medium enterprises actors to understand better and understand technology so that they can apply financial statement recording applications properly. keywords: financial recording application, technology, financial statements, micro small and medium enterprises 1. introduction in this era of increasingly rapid technological developments, the preparation of financial reports has begun to use technology in the form of financial recording applications. because the recording of financial records is considered to have some ease of use. currently, there are many choices of applications that can be used. however, in general, the inability to practice accounting is the main factor that causes problems and ultimately causes the failure of msmes to develop their business [1]. financial records have an important role in optimizing business operations because according to the financial statements, we can see transactions done at one time, however many of manual logging. recording manually is inconvenient, especially if the transaction proof record is lost or damaged [2]. financial statements are conducted to present 197 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech fair information regarding the financial position, operating performace and cash flows of an organization or company [3]. based on previous research conducted by svetlana saksonov and irina kuzmina-merlino (2017) shows that the development of fintech was due to globalization giving a chance to small but sophisticated enterprises to develop financial services without the help of banks, by combining finance with it, and offering consumers faster execution of typical banking processes and make it easier for small companies [4]. ahmet murat ozbayoglu (2020) also conducted research with the same problem, and the results showed that the interest of the public was very enthusiastic about making financial applications, where using financial applications could make it easier in all matters of financial preparation [5]. in addition, research conducted by primasari dona et al. (2021) states that the application of financial management has a significant effect on the sustainability of msmes. this shows that the financial management application owned by msme actors if it gets better will encourage business [6]. ngoc toan nguyen et al. (2019), based on the established business strategy, the company will take action and develop general and specific plans to ensure the achievement of goals. this is confirmed because of the accounting application used [7]. therefore, this study conducted a survey of micro, small and medium enterprises actors to find out how the actual impact of implementing the use of an android-based recording application on a smartphone on the business they manage by implementing an easy financial recording application. the purpose of this study is to find out how much msmes actors know in implementing an android-based financial recording application that can be accessed via smartphone so that business actors can make financial reports. this study uses a quantitative descriptive method. hope this research will have a positive impact on msme actors to be able to always develop in this incerasingly sophisticated technological era and hope that these msme actors will be more aware of operating financial statement recording applications so that they can make good and correct financial reports also the financial reports are good quality too. 2. method 2.1 questionnaire in this study using descriptive quantitative research methods, by distributing questionnaires as a method of data collection. the population in this study is to provide a questionnaire via google form to the perpetrators of msmes. 2.2 data collection techniques the data collection technique in this study used primary data obtained by providing a questionnaire via google form containing 10 questions about the application of the androidbased financial recording application “bukukas” to the preparation of financial statements. the respondents of this research are the perpetrators of micro, small and medium enterprises in bandung city, west java totaling 30 actors of micro, small and medium enterprises. the likert scale is the scale most often used in collect responses from people in a survey. this study uses a 4 point likert scale (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) [8]. rating table sequentially starting from the highest point to the lowest (see table 1). 198 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. ranks on a likert scale no description likert scale 1 strongly agree 4 2 agree 3 3 disagree 2 4 strongly disagree 1 table 1 shows strongly agree with point 4, agree to get point 3, disagree to get point 1 and strongly disagree to get point 1. the likert scale usually uses the application of the research topic carried out such as statements and also the understanding of the respondents [9]. in this research paper, the first thing that must be done is to identify whether msme business actors use financial recording applications in carrying out calculations, then carry out a preliminary study conducted on how big the role of financial recording applications in helping micro, small and medium enterprises. the questionnaires that have been given are then filled out by the respondents and then the data will be analyzed using a likert scale model. the percent value ranges from 0%-25% which shows the result strongly disagree, 26%-50% shows the result disagree, 51%-75% indicates the result agree, and the percentage value 76%-100% indicates the results strongly agree. formula p = 𝑓 𝑛 x 100% p = percentage f = frequency n = total score ideal 3. results and discussion in this study, the authors distributed 30 questionnaires through google forms to the perpetrators of micro, small and medium enterprises in the bandung city area, west java. micro, small and medium enterprises actors fill out a questionnaire based on their knowledge. each question given aims to find out how big the msme actors are in using the application to record every transaction, recording financial statements and making financial reports based on android on smartphones. the questionnaire distributes to msme actors used a data collection technique in the form of a likert scale, with a score of 4 for strongly agreeing, 3 agreeing, 2 disagreeing, and 1 for strongly disagreeing, with a maximum score of 4 x 30 = 120. therefore, the final result in percentage of each question is obtained from the total score of each question divided by the maximum score and multiplied by 100%. after distributing it to 30 respondents of micro, small and medium enterprises, them the author analyzes the results of the questionnaire that has been obtained. so, from the results of the calculations that have been carried out, a graph is obtained that illustrates how big recording applications (see table 2). 199 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 2. questionnare results no indicator total score maximum score percentage description 1. every msme actor must use a financial recording application in making financial reports. 104 120 86,6 % strongly agree 2. the financial recording application “bukukas” is known to many people, especially smes. 92 120 76,6 % strongly agree 3. the importance of financial recording applications such as “bukukas” in the activity of making financial reports for msme actors. 102 120 85% strongly agree 4. by using the financial recording application “bukukas” the resulting financial statements are more accurate. 102 120 85% strongly agree 5. by using the “bukukas” financial recording application, you can minimize financial statement calculations errors. 100 120 83,3% strongly agree 6. by using the “bukukas” financial recording application making financial reports becomes easier. 102 120 85% strongly agree 7. by using the “bukukas” financial recording application you can increase productivity in business activities. 92 120 76,6% strongly agree 8. the use of the “bukukas” recording application in preparing financial statements is more effective than manual. 99 120 82,5% strongly agree 9. in using the application for recording financial statements “bukukas” a person must have special skills. 80 120 66,6% agree 10. msme actors often find it difficult to use applications to records financial reports. 83 120 69,1% agree table 2 shows the results of the questionnaire data that we have calculated, the enthusiasm of msme actors who use increasingly sophisticated technology to facilitate their business, it can be concluded from 30 respondents as much as 86,6% strongly agree that every msme actor must use financial recording applications in making financial reports. it can be seen that the financial recording application “bukukas” is known to many people, especially msmes, as seen from the percentage value of 76,6%. financial recording applications such as “bukukas” are very important in the activity of making financial reports for msme actors, which can be seen from the percentage value of 85%. by using the finacial recording application “bukukas” 200 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the resulting financial statements are more accurate than those done manually, this can be seen from the percentage value of 86% which shows the respondents strongly agree. using the financial recording application “bukukas” can minimize calculation errors in financial statements it can be seem from the percentage value of 83,3%. by using the financial recording application “bukukas” it is easier to make financial reports, the percentage value is 85%, which means that financial recording applications such as “bukukas” are very helpful for msme actors to make it easier to make financial reports. the use of the financial recording application “bukukas” can increase productivity in business activities seen from the percentage value of 76,6%. the use of the "bukukas" recording application in making financial reports is more effective than manual, using a financial recording application does not need to take a long time to make it, so it is more effective in terms of time so that it can be used to carry out other activities in improving a business, this can be seen from the percentage value of 82.5% which means strongly agree. in using the application for recording financial statements "bukukas" a person must have special skills, a percentage value of 66.6% which means they agree, because if they have skills it will make it easier for them to make financial reports using the application. msme actors often find it difficult to use applications to record financial statements, it can be seen from the percentage value of 69.1%, not only one or two people find it difficult, but many people feel confused when using financial recording applications. knowledge of technology also provides good feedback that can make it easier for every msme actor to use the application. especially, with the current developments, it provides great opportunities for business actors to take advantage of the media in increasing the productivity of their business development. in general, the quality of financial statements are understandable, relevant, reliable, and comparable. therefore, using a financial recording application such as "bukukas" can assist in carrying out financial records within the company, producing financial reports of good quality, relevant results, and also easy to understand. the use of computerized accounting information systems has brought opportunities for companies to perform the accounting functions more effectively and efficiently because the use of computerized ais has brought significant time and cost savings [10]. the improvement of information technology and financial management, accounting software will become an important tool for financial accounting and management. best financial software can significantly improve the financial level and efficiency of work, management of personnel resources to achieve the standard, scientific management [11]. the information technology that is increasingly sophisticated, now it is growing rapidly, not only can it be accessed using a computer, but now it can be accessed using a smartphone, which will make it easier for msme actors to use it, the costs incurred are also cheaper, and the system is easier to understand. it should be noted that a business must pay attention in and regarding the finances of the business being run for micro, small and medium enterprises. to be able to see the display that is present in the "cash book" application, figure 1 will be shown for the initial display of the "bukukas" application (let’s see picture 1 below). 201 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. the initial view of “bukukas” (source: https://bukukas.app.link/sharebukukas accesed at 25th jan 2022) in the initial display of the "bukukas" application, there are various features in the "bukukas" application that msme actors can use according to their respective functions. there is a new transaction recording feature for expenses and income where actors can enter costs when a transaction occurs more easily without having to record manually because they only need to enter the nominal in the feature (let’s see picture 2 below) figure 2. the new transaction recording feature (source: https://bukukas.app.link/share-bukukas accesed at 25th jan 2022) based on the expenses and income that have been made, a graph of financial statistics can be seen to see the increase or decrease that occurred in a certain period, the following is an increase and a decrease (let’s see figure 3 below). figure 3. the financial statistics (source : https://bukukas.app.link/share-bukukas accesed at 25th jan 2022) 202 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech on the other hand, from the results of the analysis of the graph that shows an increase or decrease, it can be seen that the output of the transactions carried out is in the form of a financial report (profit/loss) which can be downloaded using a pdf or excel file via a smartphone (let’s see figure 4 below). figure 4. the financial statements (source: https://bukukas.app.link/share-bukukas accesed at 25th jan 2022) from the various features presented in the "bukukas" application, msme actors can easily access it anytime and anywhere without having to use manual methods. the benefits of using the "bukukas" application, besides there are many features offered "bukukas" application, have guaranteed data security so that business actors do not need to worry because all transaction data, be it expenses, income, and accounts payable, are stored safely. so, the role of accounting in android-based financial records will be easily applied by msme actors to produce financial reports that are in accordance with financial accounting standards in indonesia. based on previous research and the results of data processing that we did, namely by using this android-based financial recording application, msme actors felt the positive impacts, such as calculations being more accurate, being able to minimize recording errors, making financial reports easier, increase productivity in business activities. 4. conclusion the conclusion of this study is that in the technological era, the application of financial recording has been widely carried out by msme actors in making financial reports on the businesses they run. using an android-based financial recording application that can be used through smartphones, msme actors also feel the positive impacts they get, such as making calculations more accurate, minimizing recording errors, making financial reports easier, increasing productivity in business activities and msme actors feel that by using a financial recording application, making financial reports is easier than having to manually make financial reports. acknowledgement on this occasion, we would like to thank the mentors who have guided our research paper and provided constructive suggestions and input so that our research can be completed properly. 203 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 196-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] mutawaqil, m. d. 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determining the sample is technical purposive sampling. the study was conducted in february 2022 online. with the results of research that @kunyeman_ has used instagram social media in managing his business. because @kunyeman_ play an active role in marketing through instagram social media to expand market reach and increase purchases. social media is a medium to socialize with each other and is done online that allows humans to interact without being limited to space and time. one of the most commonly used social media is instagram. instagram is one of the most popular apps among social media users. instagram can be used as one of the strategies in msme marketing, especially msmes @kunyeman_. instagram has a positive impact on small businesses @kunyeman_ because it can increase sales, expand marketing, and increase sales. keywords: micro and small medium enterprise, online business, social media 1. introduction in the indonesian economy, the ministry of micro small and medium enterprises (msmes) is the largest business group. in addition, the group showed resilience to various types of shocks due to the economic crisis. therefore, it is very important to strengthen the msme group, which includes many groups. the company standards contained in msmes are regulated within the legal framework under the act. small and medium enterprises (msmes) today must be able to adapt to technological developments. marketing can no longer rely solely on traditional stores and needs an expansion towards online. this is because technological advances have changed people's lifestyles, preferring online shopping rather than going straight to a physical store. in fact, why online stores are increasingly becoming prima donnas. to succeed in online business, smes must pay attention to several things. first, get to know the type of product being sold and your marketing targets. after that, you can decide if you will focus on using what type of platform 398 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 397-402 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech to market the product. it can be through social media (social media), ecommerce, websites, or homemade applications. generally, can start by marketing through social media or ecommerce if you have a limited budget. social media is a medium to socialize with each other and is done online that allows humans to interact without being limited to space and time or in other words social media is the media that allows one to be social or get social online by sharing content, news, photos etc with other people. social media plays an important role at both the individual and organizational levels in modern society [1]. with the rapid growth of communication technologies (e.g., the internet and smartphones) has become the first tool in personal and organizational lifestyles. there are currently a wide variety of social media for businesses. some examples of social media for business include facebook, youtube, blog, instagram, twitter, snapchat, line, and pinterest [2]. maybe some of the business people have used social media for businesses that are being pursued. the presence of social media is important to increase visitors to online business websites. where the website will function as an online business media and social media serves as a marketing channel or marketing channel. simply put, social media is a bridge that directs people to visit the website of an online store that is run. it is mandatory for online business owners to use social media as a marketing channel. considering that indonesian society is indeed a society that is active in social networks. social media is growing rapidly in indonesia, this cannot be separated from the growth of smartphone sales that are increasingly more and more. conditions like this open the opportunity for msmes to utilize social media as a cheap and effective promotional medium. if managed properly social media proves to be an effective promotional medium and able to increase market share. even large companies consider social media as an important part of the growth of its market share. social media provides practical solutions to answer the needs of smes, where promotions or marketing activities that require a lot of costs can be minimized by utilizing existing applications on social media. however, more research is needed on the effectiveness of the use of social media in its position as a means of promotion and sales. instagram was founded in 2010. instagram is a mobile app for smartphones that is freely available on the app store and google play. instagram is one of the most popular apps among social media users. the name instagram is taken from the word instant" to "insta" and "gram", from the word "telegram" [3]. therefore, instagram is a combination of the word instant telegram. by using the word instagram can be interpreted as an application to send information quickly, namely in the form of photos, in the form of managing photos, editing photos, and sharing photos with other social networks. unlike other social media, instagram has a uniqueness that makes instagram different from other social media [4]. since its appearance in 2010, instagram often updates existing features so that its features are completer and more interesting. the features available on instagram are upload photos and videos, captions, comments, likes, instagram stories, igtv, hashtag, direct message [5]. marketing is the social and managerial process by which individuals and groups gain their needs and desires by creating, offering, and exchanging products of value to each other [6]. @kunyeman_ is one of the msmes that innovate by utilizing social media to market their products, especially through instagram. and of course, there is a difference in sales increase between msmes who use social media and those who do not use social media. 399 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 397-402 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1.1 instagram accounts and @kunyeman_ products msmes @kunyeman_ present products with packaging that has characteristics, as well as various interesting flavour variants, so that in marketing their products, of course, should be an attraction for buyers on social media that @kunyeman_ use. thus, this study aims to analyse the utilization of instagram social media in the online business marketing of msmes @kunyeman_. based on the description of the problem above, the author is interested in conducting research with the title "utilization of social media in managing online business for msmes". according to bahareh in his quantitative research that innovators in social media among companies are growing rapidly, one of which is through instagram media. the difference in research is that this research is qualitative which focuses on the use of instagram social media as an effort to increase the sales of msmes @kunyeman_. in this case the research used does not focus on data in the form of numbers but on the object of the research itself. based on the description of the problem above, the author is interested in conducting research with the title "utilization of instagram social media in managing online business for msmes" [7]. 2. method the type of research used in this research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. in accordance with the problems that are the focus in this study to find out the descriptive picture of the use of instagram in the marketing of msme products @kunyeman_, researchers use qualitative descriptive research methods and describe the data that researchers obtain as the result of a study. the data collection techniques in this study are observation, interview, and documentation studies. purposive sampling techniques were selected in determining study participants. purposive sampling technique is a technique of determining samples with certain considerations. the study was conducted in february 2022, conducted online to avoid the spread of covid-19 [8]. 3. results and discussion marketing strategy is a strategy to serve the market or market segment that is targeted by the company. marketing strategy is the marketing logic used by companies in the hope that business units can achieve the company's goals. brands use social media as part of the marketing mix due to their relatively low cost, interactivity, global reach, and access to data and analytics [9]. the marketing mix is a set of marketing tools that a company uses to 400 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 397-402 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech constantly achieve its marketing goals in the target market [10]. the marketing mix is divided into four components known as 4p, namely product (product), price (price), place (place, including distribution), and promotion (promotion). understanding msmes is a smallscale people's economic activity, and meets the criteria of net worth or proceeds of annual sales and ownership as stipulated in the law or until recently, micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes), registered with the concerned government agencies, have been defend in terms of investment in plant and machinery [11]. @kunyeman_ is one of the msmes that innovate by utilizing social media to market their products. through shopee, @kunyeman_ sell its products for delivery to fellow regions and out of the region [12]. @kunyeman_ was established in november 2021 and in december 2021 @kunyeman_ began to penetrate on instagram to promote the marketing of its products. since @kunyeman_ entered sales on social media instagram, @kunyeman_ added 1 type of sales product, which initially only basreng chips increased with aroma cheese. in the activity of promoting its sales, @kunyeman_ to post its products to attract buyers at certain times such as every time off (saturday and sunday) because people spend their time opening gadgets and social media at a fairly long leisure time. as for the technique of designing the product catalogue to be posted, @kunyeman_ do a photo of the product itself and then edited in the canva application with the characteristic packaging is nude colour so that it looks attractive. in production activities, @kunyeman_ to do production when someone buys his product because the sales system used is a po (pre order) system. figure 3.1 product design a. utilization of instagram in the marketing of msme products @kunyeman_ based on the results of research interviews with msmes @kunyeman_ it can be concluded that the utilization of instagram in product marketing facilitates the sales process. marketing by using instagram media can minimize the costs used for promotion. with a wide reach can penetrate a wide market, not only in the region itself but also can penetrate the national market, because the last 2 months @kunyeman_ successfully send basreng products to various regions such as central java province (semarang) and kalimantan province (singkawang), of course with orders that are not small. in addition to its wide reach, the use of social media is also moving quickly, seeing the use of instagram at this very high time. in addition, the utilization of instagram in product marketing can increase product sales, communication with consumers, and expand market networks. the use of instagram to market products for msmes @kunyeman_memberikan a 401 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 397-402 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech positive influence in addition to saving costs can also expand marketing, seen when @kunyeman_ experience an increase in sales because there are buyers from outside the area. that way, @kunyeman_ sales revenue is increasing due to the increasing use of instagram @kunyeman_ itself. b. use of instagram in msme product marketing @kunyeman_ according to the findings of tns (taylor nelson sofres) a research and analysis company from the united kingdom. indonesians love to use instagram to find inspiration, share travel experiences, the latest trends, and the mobile first community has also driven business results that have an impact on both large and small in indonesia. here is some interesting data about instagram in indonesia: 1) 97% of users always write comments and tag their friends in comments. 2) 89% of instagram users in the country are in the age range of 18 34 years. 63 percent of them are women. 3) 85% of instagram users in indonesia also share their posts to other social media. 4) 45% of users in indonesia claim to often buy goods they meet on instagram from the data it can be concluded that some indonesians are active users of the internet, especially instagram media and the majority of users are among teenagers who have a very large influence on sales on instagram. it can be concluded that the use of instagram social media carried out by msmes @kunyeman_ is the right step because on the other hand instagram has features that can attract the attention of buyers. especially now with the number of instagram users, many influencers who use their services on instagram social media, in other words, @kunyeman_ can promote their products through existing influencers to promote their products with the aim of wider coverage so that many more people know the products offered @kunyeman_. c. problems that occur in product marketing umkm@kunyeman_melalui instagram in marketing products through instagram experiencing slow respond constraints to buyers because msmes @kunyeman_ do not have admin and the owner himself who manages instagram. and during the product marketing process there are times when buyers compare prices with other sellers. d. revenue results with the utilization of instagram in msme marketing @kunyeman_ sme revenue @kunyeman_ after utilizing instagram increased by 25% with previous sales due to its widespread market coverage. revenue results are closely related to the marketing mix. a marketing mix is a group of marketing tips used to achieve its marketing goals within the goal. the marketing mix consists of 4p (product, price, place, promotion). [13] in general, if funds increase for marketing activities, then the amount of revenue increases, one way to attract and increase sales volume is promotion. once the public knows, knows the product being promoted, it is expected that they will try and buy it. promotion is needed to attract the attention of buyers, with often the promotion will increase revenue results, especially holding promotions through instagram features. 402 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 397-402 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion social media is a medium for socializing with each other and is done online that allows humans to interact without being limited to space and time. one of the most commonly used social media is instagram. instagram is one of the most popular apps among social media users. instagram can be used as one of the strategies in msme marketing, especially msmes @kunyeman_. instagram has a positive impact on msmes @kunyeman_ because it can increase sales, expand marketing, and increase revenue. acknowledgement praise and gratitude the author says to allah swt who has given his grace and grace so that the author can complete the paper well. the author also wants to thank dr. ir. h. eddy soeryanto soegoto, mt who has given the task along with the team of papers that have helped the author in compiling this paper. references [1] taprial, v., & kanwar, p. 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google forms and the wordwall site. pretest and posttest are given through google forms with 20 questions. the results of the pretest and posttest given, show on average that students can know well the culture of clean and healthy living in daily life by using digital media as much as 81.82 points, but in using digital media as a tool for learning for students less can be said. this is due to various obstacles faced by students including, students rarely interact with teachers via zoom and only give homework through google classroom and whatsapp, there are network problems or signals that occur when online learning takes place and lack of knowledge of digital media used such as laptop or cell phone. in this case, the introduction to sites such as wordwall is also very minimal, so it requires a lot of interaction in using the site. this research can provide new information about learning the culture of clean and healthy living through online learning using digital media and shows the obstacles in using it. 1. introduction a healthy lifestyle according to kus irianto (2014) is the practice of clean and healthy living habits in everyday life, both when students are in class and outside of class. living culture is a habit or pattern of life that is carried out by everyone depending on the benefits of each [1]. this lifestyle aims to improve, maintain and protect physical, mental, spiritual and social health. during the ongoing pandemic, everyone is infected to live clean and healthy so as not to contract the covid virus. cultures that must be familiarized since the emergence of the pandemic such as wearing masks when in public places, washing hands before entering public places and maintaining distance when outside. not spared from this covid problem, schools must also follow the regulations made by the government to prevent the spread of covid 19. as an effort to prevent the covid-19 pandemic, the government has issued a policy that schools ask students to study at home. learning activities are carried out without direct face to face 101 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 100-107 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech between teachers and students by using learning applications and social networks. the learning system is implemented through digital media. digital media is used as a means of receiving and providing information through digital platforms such as zoom meetings, google forms and so on. there are many papers that discuss a clean and healthy living culture such as from wulantika (2021) regarding " website analysis as a media for healthy living digital campaign " which discusses websites about healthy lifestyle information in them [2]. however, there are still shortcomings in the website whose sources can be said to be incomplete. then there is calixtro (2021) who discusses " health status and job performance of physical education instructors in higher education institutions " about the factors of the relationship between health and work performance for physical education teachers, in which the results have no relationship between the two [3]. then there is a study from bangkerd (2021) which discusses " development of augmented reality application for exercise to promote health among the elderly" about the use of sports applications to improve health in the elderly whose samples were taken from thailand. the results of this study are said to be effective for improving health in the use of applications for the elderly. as for other studies from fale (2021) on “ battle of modern heroes: healthcare provider's crisis experiences during the covid-19 pandemic ” which discusses the health and welfare of health workers in dealing with covid during the pandemic [4], as well as research from masuda et al. which discusses " mitochondrial biogenesis induced by exercise and nutrients: implication for performance and health benefits " about muscle health that affects the health status of the whole body and muscle health that depends on mitochondria (the powerhouse of cells to produce atp and oxygen). demonstrated that exercise and nutrition-mediated mitochondria can upregulate mitochondrial function [5]. therefore health is very important for everyone, be it for the government, society or schools. on the topic of this research, the culture of clean and healthy living through online learning using digital media is very much needed. the purpose of research on this topic is to analyze how the teaching of a clean and healthy living culture and the teaching of digital media can be channeled properly. especially during the ongoing pandemic, a culture of clean and healthy living can be seen by complying with health protocols issued by the government, such as wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a distance in public places. teaching clean and healthy living culture taught to students is not much different from existing health protocols, only adding material to eat healthy and nutritious food, then maintaining sleep patterns and diligently exercising [6]. through online learning using digital media, classes do not have to be face-to-face at school. through the media zoom, teachers and students can interact through videos that are connected to the internet. but to be able to stay stable on zoom requires a strong network where students and teachers are often disturbed by unstable or non-existent networks. in this case, other digital media can also be used, such as google forms. google forms can be used instead of the exam papers or tests that are usually done in school. besides being accessible anywhere. google forms also have a long timeout and can be opened multiple times. similar to the use of google forms for students, the wordwall site can also be used easily. the thing that is more interesting than wordwall itself, this site can provide more interesting quizzes than google forms [6-8]]. on the wordwall there are points and a fairly short time to work on the questions but in the form of games or games. that way, questions that were previously only in the form of writing can take the form of various types of games that can be played casually. however, because there is no introduction to this site, students are quite 102 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 100-107 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech confused in using it, for that it is necessary to introduce and use it repeatedly so that students are familiar with this site and the google form. the novelty of this study (i); knowing the culture of clean and healthy life of students during the pandemic (ii); knowing the importance of a clean and healthy living culture and being able to use digital media during online learning and (iii); know the problems that occur in the use of digital media both teachers and students. 2. method this research was taken from kkn activities that were carried out for a month, starting from february 9 to march 9 where the learning was carried out using zoom meetings, google forms and the wordwall site as well as giving pretest and posttest before and after learning to 22 junior high school students in dayun district. the students whose data were taken were 7th grade and 9th grade junior high school students at smpn 4 dayun in berumbung baru. learning is done by introducing a clean and healthy living culture and providing an understanding of the use of digital media such as zoom meetings, google forms and the wordwall site. pretest and posttest were given via google forms with 20 questions. the questions are divided into two materials, namely 10 materials about digital media and 10 materials about clean and healthy living culture in everyday life. the purpose of introducing this material is to analyze the teaching about the material provided can be understood and can be used in everyday life. the results of the pretest and posttest given on average show that students can know the culture of clean and healthy living in daily life by using digital media 81.82 points, but the use of digital media as a learning tool for students can be said to be lacking which will be explained in the results and discussion. the pretest and posttest questions are discussed in table 1. table 1. pretest and posttest questions pretest and posttest questions digital media material 1. have you ever used wordwall? 2. have you used google forms before? 3. have you ever used digital media other than zoom? 4. can you use zoom during online learning? 5. are there any problems while using zoom during the lesson? 6. do you know the uses of google forms? 7. if you have used wordwall, what do you know about this wordwall? 8. if you have ever used digital media other than zoom, what would it be? 9. if you know the use of google forms, mention one of the uses of google forms 10. what are the obstacles you face when using zoom? clean and healthy living culture material 1. do you always wear a mask every time you go out? 2. do you always carry hand sanitizer every time you travel? 3. do you always wash your hands before entering the house? 4. do you exercise regularly? 5. do you keep your distance in public? 6. according to health science, the length of human sleep in general ranges from... 7. our healthy living culture must be based on ...... 8. a balanced menu or food is more commonly called a dish.... 9. a good life full of discipline and regular eating, is the basis of the pattern 10. in the maintenance of food ingredients, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the materials to be selected and must meet the requirements, among others... 103 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 100-107 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion figure 1 shows the data for the average value of 22 students using two classes, namely grade 9 and grade 7. this data is taken from google classroom with the average results achieved entirely. the questions given are 20 questions with 10 questions about digital media and 10 questions about clean and healthy living culture. the questions were done by students before being given material that aims as basic data in recognizing the material for clean and healthy culture and the use of digital media in everyday life. the initial score obtained in this pretest is 69.09/100 points which can be said to be quite good as the basic data of this study. the score was taken from questions about a clean and healthy living culture, namely 5 questions in the last order, where only a few students were able to answer the questions correctly. the condition of the class when the data was taken was not conducive enough because many students did not understand how to use google forms and did not know what a wordwall site was, so many questions about digital media were filled in blankly or not filled in by students. the material about the culture of clean and healthy living does not look attractive when it is given to students. students do not ask many questions to the presenters but ask their classmates so that the presenters must first ask the obstacles they are facing. even so the points obtained are quite good and not bad, for that it is necessary to introduce and direct practice for material on the topic of digital media and the culture of clean and healthy living to students in the classroom. figure 1. pretest average score figure 2 shows the average posttest scores obtained after treatment. the questions given are the same as the previous pretest questions. this is because to see students' knowledge in understanding the material that has been delivered directly and has practiced it in class. according to pupuh (2013), the practical learning method is a method by providing educational materials using either tools or objects, such as demonstrations, with the hope that students will become clear and easy at the same time practicing the intended material so that the scores obtained are quite good and the average points are good. each question obtained has increased (6). the material for a clean and healthy living culture and the use of digital media can be said to be successful in its delivery so that students are able to understand and use the knowledge that has been obtained for use in everyday life. meanwhile, the material that has been conveyed should be used as well as possible by students so that it can be useful 104 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 100-107 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech for themselves and the surrounding community. for this reason, the average point value obtained from the posttest results is 81.89 points, this value is included in the good category so that it is said to be successful in conveying the material to students. figure 2. posttest average score the results of the data obtained can be seen in table 1, this table contains a comparison of the students' average scores on the pretest and posttest questions. it can be seen which questions increase and which questions remain. however, there is no question that its value has decreased or decreased. these questions are 20 questions that contain 2 materials, namely a clean and healthy living culture and the use of digital media. the results of the pretest and posttest scores were taken from the google form that was given to students before and after learning through zoom and practicing directly using wordwall as the material used. table 1. pretest and posttest results no question pretest posttest 1 have you ever used wordwall? 54.5% 90.9% 2 have you used google forms before? 50% 54.5% 3 have you ever used digital media other than zoom? 68.2% 95.5% 4 can you use zoom during online learning? 86.4% 100% 5 are there any problems while using zoom during the lesson? 45.5% 63.6% 6 do you know the uses of google forms? 63.6% 68.2% 7 if you have used wordwall, what do you know about this wordwall? 80% (don't know) 100% (know) 8 if you have ever used digital media other than zoom, what would it be? 55% (know) 95.5% (know) 9 if you know the use of google forms, mention one of the uses of google forms 72.8% (don't know) 77.3% (know) 10 what are the obstacles you face when using zoom? 72.5% ( network) 72.5% (network) 11 do you always wear a mask every time you go out? 68.2% 86.4% 105 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 100-107 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 12 do you always carry hand sanitizer every time you travel? 22.7% 50% 13 do you always wash your hands before entering the house? 45.5% 63.6% 14 do you exercise regularly? 22.7% 63.6% 15 do you keep your distance in public? 59.1% 63.6% 16 according to health science, the length of human sleep in general ranges from... 22.7% 54.4% 17 our healthy living culture must be guided by...... 59.1% 72.7% 18 a balanced menu or food is more commonly called a dish.... 95.5% 95.5% 19 a good life full of discipline and regular eating, is the basis of the pattern 81.8% 95.5% 20 in the maintenance of food ingredients, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the materials to be selected and must meet the requirements, among others... 86.4% 90.9% the results of the discussion of the pretest and posttest regarding the use of digital media and a clean and healthy living culture in table 1 show several points, namely: i. in questions number 1-9 with the material on the use of digital media in the table, it can be seen that these values have increased after the reintroduction treatment and direct practice when zooming. students become more aware when using zoom directly and the wordwall site so they can see what their obstacles are while using them. the obstacles obtained will be explained in question number 10 with the same material. ii. for questions 1-7 with the material on a clean and healthy living culture. it can be seen in the table that it has increased after being given an introduction and understanding of the importance of a clean and healthy culture during the ongoing pandemic. the material provided is not much different from the topic of wearing masks, washing hands and so on. students are able to understand this material further by looking for other materials related to the culture of clean and healthy living on an individual basis. iii. for 9-10 with material on the culture of clean and healthy living, it can be seen in the table that there was a big increase after being given further introduction about healthy and nutritious foods. an example is also given in the material by providing what are healthy and nutritious foods that can be consumed during a pandemic to avoid viruses and diseases while studying from home. iv. for question 10 with digital material there is no improvement at all, because in this question the obstacles faced by students and the average student answers are signals or networks when carrying out the teaching and learning process using zoom. because of this the students also don't have enough internet quota where using zoom can eat up a fairly large internet quota, therefore, teachers only sometimes provide material via zoom. most of the material is provided through the whatsapp group application which is easier to use and was first used as a sophisticated messaging tool. however, some students have different understandings, so there may be some students who do not understand the material if it is not explained directly. 106 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 100-107 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech v. for questions 8 with the material of clean and healthy living culture, there is no increase but is included in the very good category. because the question is a question that is easily answered by students. these questions are part of a healthy diet consisting of 4 healthy and 5 perfect. with the results of the average value of 95.5% this material is easily understood by students so that many of the initial data answered correctly based on the explanation of the points in the previous table about the pretest and posttest questions digital media learning and a clean and healthy living culture can be carried out well. by using digital media as a distance learning tool, students are able to operate digital media well after being given direct practice in the classroom. quoted from titin (2016) learning methods with practice are seen as being able to help and facilitate students in developing creativity, and student skills in learning, as well as interest and motivation of students which have not been applied by teachers in learning. this can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest given to students. the practical learning method will develop thinking skills, train intellectual skills which can then develop and increase student learning motivation and improve student learning outcomes is a practical learning method based on the problems encountered (7) for this reason, it is necessary to practice in using digital media and provide examples of a clean and healthy living culture in the school, home and community environment. the introduction in this material is very suitable to be known further at this time, especially with the pandemic period that has not shown to have diminished. therefore it can be suggested to be able to provide more material about digital media and the culture of clean and healthy living in schools that still have little knowledge about it [9,10]. 4. conclusion learning the culture of living clean and healthy in life through online learning using digital media with zoom meetings for 22 students shows good results. this has been evaluated through pretest-posttest distributed through google forms with mixed results, there were some students who experienced an increase and some others did not experience any increase but the average score obtained was good, which was 75.11%. this factor is supported by using a wordwall site that increases students' attention in doing quizzes or assignments with joy and enthusiasm. therefore the method used affects the success of the learning process. acknowledgement first of all, thank you to mr. asep as the field supervisor during kkn and other lecturers who have guided me in completing this journal, not to forget also my friends in the group for their cooperation in making this journal to completion. thanks also to my parents who have supported and encouraged me in completing this. and also for the people closest to me who always support me to get to this stage. thanks to all of you! references [1] sumpana, v. a. 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shell type heat exchanger for applications in producing nano zeolite. the tema standard is used as a reference for data collection regarding equipment specifications and dimensions. the parameters are calculated using basic microsoft office applications. shell and tube type heat exchanger (one pass) with 43 pcs of tubes has been successfully designed. the effectiveness of the heat exchanger reaches 80.02% so it is hoped that this research can be used as a reference in designing a heat exchanger with a better design. keywords: heat exchanger, shell and tube, effectiveness, performance 1. introduction heat exchanger is a device used for transferring thermal energy between a solid and a fluid, or between two or more fluids. the fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or may be in direct contact [1]. specific applications of heat exchangers are commonly found in the chemical process industry as well as power production, waste heat recovery, cryogenic, air conditioning (ac) and petrochemical industries [2]. among these all types of heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchanger (sthe) is the most commonly used. this system has a wide range of applications consisting of different operating temperatures and pressures such as heating and air conditioning, power generation, refrigeration, chemical processes, manufacturing and medical applications [3]. a typical sthe schematic is shown in fig. 1 [4,5]. heat exchanger systems are developing very rapidly in the chemical industry sector. feng, et al., [6] conducted research on the sthe type heat exchanger for the evaporation process of organic fluid. a complex function (cf) considering the heat transfer and fluid flow performance (htffp) of sthe. the results show that the total heat transfer rate, total pumping power and complex function after optimization are decreased. the complex function has its double minimum with an optimal mass flow rate of the hot water or an optimal total 307 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech tube number. in addition, arani and moradi [7] designed and optimized sthe using an albased optimization method known as cohort intelligence (ci). the results obtained are that the quality and robustness of the ci solution at a reasonable computational cost is considered to be able to solve complex mechanical engineering problems associated with large-scale assembly optimization. figure 1. shell and tube heat exchanger systematic [4,5]. this study purpose to design a tube and shell type heat exchanger for applications in producing nano zeolite. mastropietro, et al., [8] produced nanosized nay zeolite crystals from organic free gel by using supported seeds at low temperature. in his research, nanocrystalline products were obtained with high yields in a relatively short reaction time and a low temperature of 30oc. to determine the performance of the designed heat exchanger, it is necessary to calculate the heat transfer surface area (a) which depends on other parameters, namely the thermal load (q), the overall heat transfer coefficient (u) and the logarithmic mean temperature difference (∆tlm) to obtain the standard dimensions of the designed heat exchanger. 2. method design of the shell and tube type heat exchanger is used for the exact dimensions of the heat exchanger. standard of tubular exchanger manufacturers association (tema) is used as a reference for data collection regarding specifications and dimensions of the apparatus. after designing, thermal analysis is carried out in the form of calculating the overall heat transfer coefficient (u), lmtd method, heat transfer (q), and pressure drop manually using basic microsoft office applications based on the equations in table 1. the results obtained are used to determine heat exchanger performance and efficiency. table 1. heat exchanger calculation parameters section parameter equation e q basic parameters the energy transferred (q) qin = qout (1 ) 308 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q 𝒎𝒄 × 𝑪𝒑𝒄 × ∆𝑻𝒄 = 𝒎𝒉 × 𝑪𝒑𝒉 × ∆𝑻𝒉 where, q: the energy transferred (wt) m: the mass flow rate of the fluid (kg/s) cp: the specific heat ∆𝑻: the fluid temperature difference (°c). logarithmic mean temperature differenced (lmtd) 𝑳𝑴𝑻𝑫 = (𝑻𝒉𝒊 − 𝑻𝒄𝒐) − (𝑻𝒉𝒐 − 𝑻𝒄𝒊) 𝒍𝒏 (𝑻𝒉𝒊 − 𝑻𝒄𝒐) (𝑻𝒉𝒐 − 𝑻𝒄𝒊) where, 𝑻𝒉𝒊: temperature of the hot fluid inlet (°c) 𝑻𝒉𝒐: temperature of the hot fluid outlet (°c) 𝑻𝒄𝒊: temperature of the cold fluid inlet (°c) 𝑻𝒄𝒐: temperature of the cold fluid outlet (°c) (2 ) correction factor 𝑹 = 𝑻𝒉𝒊 − 𝑻𝒉𝒐 𝑻𝒄𝒐 − 𝑻𝒄𝒊 𝑺 = 𝑻𝒄𝒐 − 𝑻𝒄𝒊 𝑻𝒉𝒊 − 𝑻𝒄𝒊 𝑭𝒕 = √𝑹𝟐 + 𝟏 𝐥𝐧[ 𝟏 − 𝑷 𝟏 − 𝑷𝑹 ] (𝑹 − 𝟏) 𝐥𝐧( 𝟐 − 𝑷(𝑹 + 𝟏 − √𝑹𝟐 + 𝟏 𝟐 − 𝑷(𝑹 + 𝟏 + √𝑹𝟐 + 𝟏 ) ∆𝑻𝒍𝒎 = ∆𝑻𝟐 − ∆𝑻𝟏 𝐥𝐧( ∆𝑻𝟐 ∆𝑻𝟏 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) 309 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q ∆𝑻𝒎 = 𝑭𝒕 ∆𝑻𝒍𝒎 (6 ) heat transfer field area (a) 𝑨 = 𝑸 𝑼 × 𝑳𝑻𝑴𝑫 where, 𝑸: the energy transferred (w) 𝑼: the overall heat transfer coefficient lmtd: the logarithmic mean temperature difference. (7 ) number of tubes (n) 𝑵 = 𝑨 𝝅 × 𝑫𝒐 × 𝒍 where, n: the number of tubes a: the area of the heat transfer area (m2), 𝝅: 3.14 𝑫𝒐: tube diameter (m) 𝒍: tube length (m). (8 ) tube surface area of total heat transfer in tube (at) 𝒂𝒕 = 𝑵𝒕 𝒂′𝒕 𝒏 where, 𝒂𝒕: the total heat transfer surface area in the tube (m2) 𝑵𝒕: the number of tubes 𝒂′𝒕: the flow area in the tube (m2) n: the number of passes. (9 ) 310 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q mass flow rate of water in tube (gt) 𝑮𝒕 = 𝒎𝒉 𝒂𝒕 where, 𝑮𝒕: the mass flow of water in the tube (kg/m2s) 𝒎𝒉: the mass flow rate of the hot fluid (kg/s) 𝒂𝒕: the flow area tube (m2) (1 0) reynold number (re,t) 𝑹𝒆𝒕 = 𝒅𝒊𝒕 × 𝑮𝒕 𝝁 where, 𝑹𝒆𝒕: the reynolds number in tube 𝒅𝒊𝒕: the inner tube diameter (m), 𝑮𝒕: the mass flow of water in the tube (m2) 𝝁: the dynamic viscosity (kg/ms). (1 1) prandtl number (pr,t) 𝑷𝒓 = ( 𝑪𝒑 × 𝝁 𝑲 ) 𝟏 𝟐 where, pr: prandtl number cp: the specific heat of the fluid in the tube 𝝁: the dynamic viscosity of the fluid in the tube (kg/ms) k: the thermal conductivity of the tube material (w/m°c). (1 2) nusselt number (nu,t) 𝑵𝒖 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟑 × 𝑹𝒆𝒕 𝟎.𝟔 × 𝑷𝒓𝟎.𝟑𝟑 (1 3) 311 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q inside coefficient (hi) 𝒉𝒊 = 𝑵𝒖 × 𝑲 𝒅𝒊, 𝒕 where, 𝒉𝒊: the convection heat transfer coefficient in the tube (w/m2°c) k: the thermal conductivity of the material (w/m°c) 𝒅𝒊, 𝒕: the inner tube diameter (m). (1 4) shell shell flow area (𝑨𝒔) 𝑨𝒔 = 𝒅𝒔 × 𝑪 × 𝑩 𝑷𝒕 𝑫𝒃 = 𝒅𝒐( 𝑵𝒕 𝒌𝟏 ) 𝟏 𝒏𝟏 where, 𝒅𝒔: shell diameter (m) c: clearance (𝑷𝒕-𝒅𝒐) b: a shell bundle 𝑷𝒕: tube pitch (1.25× 𝒅𝒐) (m). (1 5) (1 6) mass flow rate of water in shell (gs) 𝑮𝒔 = 𝒎𝒄 𝑨𝒔 𝒎𝒄: the mass flow rate of the cold fluid (kg/s) 𝑨𝒔 = the shell flow area (m2). (1 7) equivalent diameter (𝒅𝒆) 𝒅𝒆 = 𝟒( 𝑷𝒕 𝟐 × 𝟎. 𝟖𝟕 𝑷𝒕 − 𝟏 𝟐 𝝅 𝒅𝒐,𝒕 𝟒 ) 𝟏 𝟐 𝝅𝒅𝒐,𝒕 where, 𝑷𝒕: tube pitch (1.25× 𝒅𝒐) (m) π: 3.14 (1 8) 312 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q 𝒅𝒐,𝒕: tube outside diameter (m). reynold number (re,s) 𝑹𝒆𝒔 = 𝒅𝒊𝒕 × 𝑮𝒕 𝝁 𝑹𝒆𝒔: reynold number 𝒅𝒊𝒔: inner tube diameter (m) 𝑮𝒔: the mass flow of water in the shell (kg/m2s) 𝝁: the dynamic viscosity (kg/ms). (1 9) prandtl number (pr,s) 𝑷𝒓 = ( 𝑪𝒑 × 𝝁 𝑲 ) 𝟏 𝟐 prs: prandtl number cp: specific heat capacity (kj/kg°c) 𝝁: dynamic fluid viscosity (kg/ms) k: thermal conductivity (w/m°c). (2 0) nusselt number (nu,s) 𝑵𝒖𝒔 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟑 × 𝑹𝒆𝒔 𝟎.𝟔 × 𝑷𝒓𝟎.𝟑𝟑 𝑹𝒆𝒔: reynold number pr: prandtl number (2 1) convection heat transfer coefficient (ho) 𝒉𝒐 = 𝑵𝒖 × 𝑲 𝒅𝒆 𝒉𝒐: convection heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) k: thermal conductivity (w/m°c) (2 2) 313 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q 𝒅𝒆: equivalent diameter (m). shell and tube actual overall heat transfer coefficient (uact) 𝑼𝒂𝒄𝒕 = 𝟏 𝟏 𝒉𝒊 + ∆𝒓 𝒌 + 𝟏 𝒉𝒐 where, 𝒉𝒊: inside heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) 𝒉𝒐: outside heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c), ∆𝒓: wall thickness (m) k: thermal conductivity(w/m°c) (2 3) heat rate hot fluid rate (𝑪𝒉) 𝑪𝒉 = 𝒎𝒉. 𝑪𝒑𝒉 where, 𝑪𝒉: hot fluid rate (w/°c) 𝑪𝒑𝒉: specific heat capacity (j/kg°c) 𝒎𝒉: mass flow rate of hot fluid (kg/s). (2 4) cold fluid rate (𝑪𝑪) 𝑪𝑪 = 𝒎𝒄. 𝑪𝒑𝒄 𝑪𝒄: cold fluid rate (w/°c), 𝑪𝒑𝒉: specific heat capacity (j/kg°c), 𝒎𝒄: mass flow rate of cold fluid (kg/s). 𝑸𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝑪𝒎𝒊𝒏(𝑻𝒉,𝒊 − 𝑻𝒄,𝒊) 𝑸𝒎𝒂𝒙: maximum heat transfer (w) cmin: minimum heat capacity rate (w/°c) 𝑻𝒉,𝒊: temperature of the hot fluid inlet (°c) (2 5) (2 6) 314 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech section parameter equation e q 𝑻𝒄,𝒊: temperature of the cold fluid inlet (°c). effectiven ess heat exchanger effectiveness (𝜺) 𝜺 = 𝑸𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑸𝒎𝒂𝒙 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎% where, 𝑸𝒂𝒄𝒕: actual energy transferred (w) 𝑸𝒎𝒂𝒙: maximum heat transfer (w) (2 7) number of transfer unit (ntu) 𝑵𝑻𝑼 = 𝑼 × 𝑨 𝑪𝒎𝒊𝒏 where, 𝑼: overall heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c a: heat transfer area (m2) 𝑪𝒎𝒊𝒏: minimum heat capacity rate (w/°c). (2 8) fouling factor (rf) 𝑹𝒇 = 𝑼𝒂 − 𝑼𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑼𝒂 × 𝑼𝒂𝒄𝒕 where rf: fouling factor 𝑼𝒂 overall heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) 𝑼𝒂𝒄𝒕: actual overall heat transfer coefficient (w/m2°c) (2 9) 315 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion assumptions used to design and estimate the performance of heat exchangers, including: a) the heat exchanger design is a shell and tube (one-pass) type. b) the material for the design of the heat exchanger is carbon steel. c) the fluid used is a water-water fluid system. d) the flow system in this heat exchanger is a counter-current flow. e) the hot fluid is assumed to be on the tube side and the cold fluid is assumed to be on the shell side. f) the specifications for the type of stationary head, shell, and rear head of the heat exchanger are aew, respectively. g) overall coefficient (u) for hot and cold fluids water is 800 w/m2.k. h) the orientation of the shell geometry is horizontal. i) the baffle type is single segmental with orientation perpendicular. hot fluid is located in tube side and cold fluid is located in shell side. in shell and tube heat exchanger, there are several number of shells and tubes arranged in parallel where one fluid flows in the tube, while the other fluid flows in the shell. in this study, the dimensional specifications of the heat exchanger designed according to the tema standard are shown in table 2. while the specifications of the fluid working on the heat exchanger are shown in table 3. table 2. dimensional specifications of the heat exchanger apparatus based on the tema standard. parameters specification conductivity material (w/m°c) 43 tube outer diameter (m) 0.020 tube inner diameter (m) 0.016 wall thickness (m) 0.0009 tube length (m) 4.25 tube arrangements triangular pitch tube (m) 0.035 tube-side passes 1 pass tube characteristic angle (°) 30 shell outer diameter (m) 0.152 shell inner diameter (m) 0.136 baffle cut 25% table 3. specifications of hot and cold fluids parameters the specification in tube side the specification in shell side inlet temperature (th,in; °c) 50oc outlet temperature (th,out; °c) 40oc inlet temperature (tc,in; °c) 25oc outlet temperature (tc,out; °c) 45oc 316 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech fluid flow rate (kg/s) 2.0 1.0 density (kg/m3) 988.02 997.13 viscosity (n.s/m2) 0.000547 0.000891 thermal conductivity (w/m.k) 0.64 0.61 heat specific (j/kg.k) 4181 4180 operating pressure (bar) 1.013 1.013 in this study, a water-water fluid system with different temperatures was used. cold air is on the shell side and hot air is on the tube side. after obtaining the data in table 2 and 3, the heat exchanger design was calculated using basic microsoft office applications which included thermal load (q), logarithmic mean temperature difference (lmtd), heat transfer surface area (a), and number of tubes (nt) of the heat exchanger as shown in table 4. table 4. performance parameters of heat exchangers designed based on calculations no parameter results 1 initial heat transfer rate (q) 83620 w 2 logarithmic mean temperature difference (lmtd) 9.1°c 3 assumed overall fluid heat coefficient of water (ua) 800 w/m2.k 4 r 0.5 5 s 0.8 6 ft 1.87 7 δtm 16.99°c 8 area of heat transfer (a) 11.48 m2 9 number of tube (nt) 43 pcs 10 total heat transfer surface area in tube (at) 0.0258 m2 11 mass flow rate of water fluid in tube (gt) 77.52 kg.m/s2 12 reynold number in tube (re, t) 2550.91 13 prandtl number in tube (pr, t) 1.78 14 convection heat transfer coefficient in the tube (hi) 123.3 w/m2.k 15 bundle shell (db) 3.77 m 16 total heat transfer surface area in shell (as) 0.34 m2 17 mass flow rate of water fluid in shell (gs) 2.90 m/s 18 equivalent diameter (de) 0.6536 m 19 reynold number in shell (re, s) 443.26 20 prandtl number in shell (pr, s) 3.05 21 nusselt number in shell (nu, s) 1.14 22 convection heat transfer coefficient in shell (ho) 1.06 w/m2.k 23 overall heat transfer coefficient actual (uact) 1.05 w/m2.k 24 he effectiveness (𝜀) 80.02% 25 number of transfer unit (ntu) 2.20 26 fouling resistance 0.9494 °c.m2/w 317 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 306-317 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on the calculation results obtained, the initial heat transfer rate generated by the heat exchanger equipment is 83620 w. in addition, several other parameters such as lmtd, surface area, and heat transfer coefficient are 9.1°c, 11.48 m2, and 1.05 w/m2.k. the number of tubes required in the designed heat exchanger is 43 pcs with a total heat surface area of 0.0258 m2. the effectiveness value of a successful heat exchanger should be more than 70%. the heat exchanger designed in this study obtained an effectiveness value of 80.02% which is assumed to provide good performance in terms of heat exchange. the fluid flow on the tube side shows turbulent flow, while the fluid flow on the shell side shows laminar flow. fluid flow is determined by the reynolds number (re), if re < 2300 then the fluid flow is laminar flow, but if re > 2300 then the fluid flow follows turbulent flow [9]. based on the tema standard, the impurity resistance value for water fluid obtained is 0.9494 °c.m2/w. 4. conclusion the shell and tube type heat exchanger (one pass) with aew type and the number of tubes as many as 43 pcs has been successfully designed in accordance with tema standards. the resulting heat transfer rate is 83620 w with turbulent flow on the tube side and laminar flow on the shell side. the effectiveness of the heat exchanger reaches 80.02% so that the design of the heat exchanger in this study is assumed have good performance. acknowledgement the author would like to thank all who have been involved in this research, especially to mr. asep bayu dani nandiyanto who has guided to complete this paper. references [1] biçer, n., engin, t., yaşar, h., büyükkaya, e., aydın, a., & topuz, a. 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(2014). a review study on twisted tape inserts on turbulent flow heat exchangers: the overall enhancement ratio criteria. international communications in heat and mass transfer, 55, 53-62. 226 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech podcast media credibility as a means of fulfilling public information a renisyifa1*, s sunarti2, a pebriyanti3 1, 2,3departmen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia. email: *ananda.41818071@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. in this era of high speed of information flow, a lot of information has the potential to become fake news. mass media is an essential means of fulfilling public information, so that public trust is greatly influenced by the credibility of the related information media. podcasts are a new phenomenon in the digital era which has become one of the users of new media to find various information used by the public. this study aims to see how far the credibility of podcast media in conveying information to the public. the type of this research is descriptive qualitative research with phenomenological method. the subject of the research was carried out by observing several podcast platforms, the researcher was only limited to observing to check interview data with content publications on a number of these platforms. the results of this study indicate that the credibility of podcast media in fulfilling public information is quite high because it is one part of the clarification of circulating information by presenting themselves not as anonymous and carried out through indepth research. listening to a podcast about a particular theme can stimulate the audience's brain to receive information which is equivalent to reading a book. information on a podcast is based on the podcaster's specialty. so that with the credibility built, podcasters are able to become accurate and reliable presenters and help stimulate the audience's mind to be able to think further and also imagine a visualization, think more critically, be creative, and get various interesting inspirations. keywords: podcast, credibility, information, qualitative, digital 1. introduction podcast emerges as one of the perfect examples of media-based audio, which is automatically accessible, portable, has control over the audience, and is always available as long as connected to the internet. the current use of podcasts in addition to entertainment media is also a medium to provide information to the public. podcasts can work well for the public when combined with inviting sources as key informants with discussions. overall podcasts continue to represent a great opportunity to spread information. therefore, we need to know how big the level of credibility of the circulating information. information credibility mailto:*ananda.41818071@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 227 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech is the level of trust in an information. each information can have a different source. so, in this research will be measured the credibility. the credibility of a podcast rests with more than gauging style and delivery. often such concerns are subjective for the listener. expanding the evaluation of podcast processes, while also recognizing production quality as one criterion of many, a more comprehensive assessment of determining the credibility of podcast processes is possible. such detailed criterion helps ascertain ethos and viability for use in research and in the classroom. with an advanced model of evaluation, the academy may meet the emerging demands of evolving applications of research in media content and the distribution of knowledge. assessing a podcast composition's digital ethos would include the following factors: 1) expertise and credentials, 2) accuracy of the information, 3) quality of the information provided, 4) understanding the production quality, and 5) the currency of the information presented [ 1]. rinda lavircana, et al. stated that the use of podcasts as a medium of entertainment and information. which shows that podcasts can be a medium of entertainment and information related to many who start listening to podcasts when they need entertainment and are useful for providing information to listeners [2]. iskandar dinata ramadhany also pointed out that the role of podcasts as audio-based modern broadcasting media. shows the same pattern between potential and empirical data. namely the consumption pattern of podcast use which is divided into three stages, namely podcasts in modern broadcasting, podcasts in the minds of audiences, and the implications of podcasts as alternative media for entertainment in the modern broadcasting world [3]. another study on podcasts as learning media in the millennial era by dewi mayangsari, et al. which shows the effectiveness of podcast learning media is considered effective for improving learning outcomes [4]. in shaping how podcasts are regulated, recorded, produced, delivered, received, organized, promoted, played, discussed, and monetized, technology, i argue, may be unmatched as a prevailing rhetorical force on the medium. listening multimodally for both affect and argument, i find sound contributing structure as well evidence, builds persuasive immersion, and guides a listener's relationship to rhetorical content in highly produced podcasts, potentially impacting audiences' points of view on public issues. as with other elements of podcast rhetoric, conversation can both support and undermine democracy—deliberative-style conversation foregrounds complexity, while demagogic conversation flattens complex public issues into simplistic narratives of right and wrong that appeal to audiences' preexisting beliefs [5]. muhamad syahrul muarif and dadi ahmadi in their literature entitled "podcasts as an alternative anti-hoax information media" explain that the existence of podcasts certainly makes it easier for people to obtain information. however, what needs to be worried about is the negative impact of the development of information technology which then gives birth to various forms of violence such as in the form of "cyber-crime" and even a new term appears, namely hoax, this is a problem that is often debated by netters in indonesia.]. our study focuses on how the level of credibility or public trust in podcast media as a means of fulfilling public information, in this case the researcher uses a phenomenological study that focuses on the main research subject of the researcher, namely podcast media, and produces one common thread, namely the level of public trust in podcast media. this is quite high. while the two literatures above use descriptive qualitative methods and the essence of the discussion is only a few that discuss the credibility or level of public trust in the existence of this podcast media. therefore, this study combines both methods, namely descriptive qualitative and phenomenological. this study aims to examine the level of credibility of podcast media in 228 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech conveying information to the public. this research method uses a phenomenological method with a qualitative descriptive type of research. 2. method the method used in this research is to use a qualitative description approach that describes a focus of the problem and aims to review and identify a subject matter. the data collection technique is carried out by conducting scientific studies and literature studies from published journals and conducting in-depth interviews with 3 respondents who are engaged in the field of communication, especially podcasts. furthermore, the focus of the problem will be compared and correlated with the theories contained in these journals in order to produce accurate data. the study was conducted by reviewing several podcasts which are currently being used as a source of information dissemination. the information presented is in the form of facts and opinions about a problem that is currently happening. and the data collection comes from scientific observations and library studies about podcasts as well as conducting scientific reviews of several podcasts that have been published on social media. 3. result and discussion 3.1. presentation of the wastewater treatment plant podcasts are audio files published on the internet that allow users to share information synchronously. users can . users can subscribe to podcasts (for automatic downloads), which offer highly customizable learning materials, ideal for postgraduate medical education (gme). users can now dictate the ''who,'' ''what,'' and ''when'' of their learning experience. podcasts can vary in length and episodic releases can occur daily to monthly. the use of podcasts has grown exponentially relative to other asynchronous resources, with students devoting most of their time to podcasts and finding podcasts to be a more useful resource than traditional books and journals. currently, the use of podcasts is not only limited to audio files, the sophistication of the technology world has brought podcasts to a much more mature and mature direction. [6] podcasts are currently a fairly effective source of information in the world of digital information. relying on social media which has millions of users, the presence of podcasts is able to penetrate the public information market effectively and efficiently. podcasts that were originally only as a source of student support, have now penetrated their existence as content that can be enjoyed by the general public. currently, content is packaged attractively so that viewers can be interested in visiting social media channels for podcast content providers. whether it's a channel of information, entertainment, viral issues, facts and opinions, health, paranormal etc. and the manifestation of content that can be enjoyed by the general public at this time is in the form of a conversation between 2 or more people consisting of informants and communicants who explore the latest information that is currently happening. various kinds of information outlets such as web, browsers, blogs, databases and feeds allow students to be able to find and access various kinds of data, statistics, interview transcripts. the text of the research agenda is very credible as a means of meeting information needs. according to johnson & kaye (2002) states that the transformation of the digital world in the form of podcasts mediated by the use of computers is useful for designing analytical performance and regulating the flow of digital information [7]. this is based on four factors namely; 229 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 1) credential expertise credential expertise here is the expertise for podcast providers to find out who the speakers are, the appropriate hats to lift, determine and analyse the target market for the podcasts that will be delivered and determine the time regularly when the podcast will be held. 2) accuracy of information accuracy of information here is intended for the information to be presented. accurate information is obtained from the results of research on the latest news searches to produce factual information. the clarity of the information will make it easier for the podcast to target its target precisely and accurately. this process of accuracy is needed to avoid any irregularities in news and opinions. 3) quality of information quality of information here is meant about how far the information is important to be conveyed, why it is conveyed and how to convey it. information that has weight and quality will be able to increase the understanding of readers and listeners, and quality information is needed so that the conversation feels more contained and meaningful. 4) production quality. the quality of production here is intended as a podcast provider's attention to podcast facilities and infrastructure. starting from audio, mic, conductor, pc and other means of providing complete podcasts. this is so that when the podcast process takes place, there are no crucial obstacles that occur in the middle of the road. 3.2. the emergence of podcasts as compositions historically, podcasts have been around for more than a decade. for more than a decade, podcasts have basically been considered radio shows recorded and distributed for listening on an ipod (or another mp3 player) [8]. however, at that time podcasts were not sufficiently attractive to the general public until finally podcasts came back victorious in 2018. that's when podcasts began to become mainstream media. people simply open their phones, click on podcasts, and the app will make recommendations to listen to. and at the same time all of this is happening, youtube is also growing into the second largest media search engine in the world, as well as one of the top media consumption sites on the internet. and even though it's a video platform, people don't just consume video content there. there are also millions of audio files on youtube and they are very easy to find for all audiophiles out there. with the times, the boundaries between youtube and podcasts are getting blurry. podcast broadcasters can easily upload videos to youtube and title them as podcasts, but on the one hand, broadcasters can also upload their audio recordings to podcast services such as apple podcasts, spotify, or google podcasts. even platforms like apple podcasts are now moving more toward streaming, although the original files can be found via rss. then there's the audio giant spotify which has entered the podcast industry quickly, and while they pull podcast content from rss feeds, they also pretty much stream their content entirely. only a small number of spotify listeners come from fully downloaded content. most are streaming listeners. so again, what is a podcast? from all the explanations above, the idea to literally describe podcasts today is the shows we listen to on the internet. significant developments have made podcasts an easily accessible communication rubric. the implementation of verbalvisual communication through podcasts can provide a series of information and messages that can be conveyed 230 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech . as we may already know above, there are 4 ways to listen topodcasts. the following is a chart of podcast instruments commonly used in indonesia; 3. results and discussion the development of technology and information is marked by the entry of the internet in human life that makes a significant change. with the development of technology, it makes many application platforms appear including social media. social media are experiencing a rapid development. therefore, social media is often used by businessman as a tool to promote their products (see figure 1). figure 1. data on podcast usage in indonesia in 2018 source. podcast user research in indonesia (daily social id and jakpat) currently, podcast listeners are increasing in indonesia, some of them quite enjoy services in audio and video formats, because the discussion is very diverse, and various topics the variety that we can choose according to our favourite genres such as news, conversations, sports, mysteries, talk shows, music, comedy, art, entertainment to daily experiences or chats, this is what makes podcasts an alternative choice. podcasting can be a great channel to reach an audience. even podcasts can build loyalty and positive sentiment towards brands. in essence, every media has its own segmentation and audience, as well as podcasts. although the audience is not as large as audio-visual content, podcasts are starting to grow and have their own market and are starting to penetrate the increasingly massive development of the digital world and of course its existence will continue to grow. 3.3 podcasts as a means of education the presence of podcasts as a means of communication also aims to educate the audience. podcasting can be a great channel to reach an audience. even podcasts can build loyalty and positive sentiment towards brands. in essence, every media has its own segmentation and audience, as well as podcasts. although the audience is not as large as audio visual content, podcasts are starting to grow and have their own market [9]. as a nation that is ranked as the 231 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4th largest internet user in the world after the united states. the age range in indonesia in the interest of listening to podcasts can be illustrated in the following graph; table 2. graph of podcast listeners in indonesia by age in 2021 from the data above, it shows that the age range of 20 years and over shows an interest in podcasts. podcasts that can be accessed on various social media can foster a spirit of literacy and think analytically about related information so as to get actual facts and truths. the podcasts that are heard are very diverse and the podcast instruments are also very diverse. this is based on the needs of each individual in exchanging information in a straightforward and explicit manner. so that there is continuity of information that occurs between informants and communicants who are intertwined impulsively. the growth of podcasts in the digital world has also enlivened the flow of the digital ecosystem that allows digital information to continue to develop at any time and at any time [10]. therefore, digital transformation in the form of podcasts can educate teenagers that literacy is important in selecting and sorting valid and actual news. 4. conclusion it can be concluded that the use of podcast media as a means of information to the public has good credibility to be applied. the public space that has become increasingly wide open since the existence of social media has made the existence of podcasts rise to the surface. the presence of the podcast service which was originally only in the form of audio has now penetrated into the visualization of videos that are displayed in order to make it easier for recipients of information to interpret the information content. podcast components that must be considered include credential capability, information accuracy, information quality, and production quality. all of these things are closely related to the components that support the running of a podcast in distributing information to the public. considering the development of digitalization that focuses on visual-verbal, podcasts are not just audio files but can be spiced up with videos so that they can add to the atmosphere of conversation and can attract the general. 232 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 226-232 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] nelson, d. r., & faux ii, w. v. (2016). evaluating podcast compositions: assessing credibility, challenges, and innovation. the journal of social media in society, 5(1), 38-64. [2] hutabarat, pm (2020). podcast development as a digital-based learning supplement media in higher education. journal of applied humanities,2(2). [3] ramadhany, i. d. (2020). peran podcast sebagai media penyiaran modern berbasis audio (studi kualitatif pengguna memilih podcast sebagai media alternatif hiburan) (doctoral dissertation, universtias islam kalimantan mab). [4] mayangsari, d., & tiara, dr (2019). podcasts as learning media in the millennial era. journal of the golden age,3(02), 126-135. [5] jacobson, m. (2021). podcast rhetorics: insights into podcasts as public persuasion. [6] ahmadi, dadi & muarif, muhammad syahrul. (2021). podcasts as an alternative to antihoax information media. [7] dochterman, m., & stamp, g. (2019). part 1: the determination of web credibility: a thematic analysis of web users’ judgments. qualitative research reports in communication. 11, 37-43. [8] brock, fj, & thomsen, we (1992). the effects of demographic ics on computer literacy of university freshmen. journal of research on computing in education, 24(4), 563–570. [9] dupagne, m., millette, d. m., & grinfeder, k. (2009). effectiveness of video podcast use as a revision tool. journalism & mass communication educator, 64(1), 54-70. [10] austria, j. developing evaluation criteria for podcasts. libri, 57, 179-207. (2020) 382 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the role of prefabricated materials in architecture during the pandemic and post-pandemic mochamad faisal ramadhianto1, dede risman2, dhimas bimantoro3*, dedeng hirawan4, rizky jumansyah5 1,2,3 departemen teknik arsitektur, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 4 departemen teknik informatika, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 5 departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *dhimas.10418034@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to determine and analyze how big the role of prefabricated materials in increasing construction efficiency in architecture, especially in the post-pandemic era. this research was conducted using qualitative methods because it relates to the views of researchers regarding to the relationship between prefabricated materials and post-pandemic phenomenon. the results obtained from this research are the application of prefabricated material technology that can help the construction process in architecture to be faster in several aspects. the presence of prefabricated materials in architecture, especially post-pandemic, can make the construction process faster in terms of time and installation. the presence of prefabricated materials in architecture, especially post-pandemic, can make the construction process faster in terms of time and installation. therefore, the use of prefabricated materials is very well applied both during the pandemic and postpandemic because it can break down the processing time faster so as to minimize the crowd of workers in the field. the final result of this research is to find out how big the role of prefabricated materials in architecture is to make work in the field more efficient and minimize crowds during the pandemic or post-pandemic period. we hope that this research can be useful for the architectural world regarding the advantages of applying prefabricated materials during the pandemic and post-pandemic era. keywords: architecture, prefabricated materials, pandemic covid-19 1. introduction construction work is currently divided into two, namely traditional construction work and work construction 4.0. in the current era of the covid-19 pandemic, the construction sector has also been affected covid-19 [1]. in the past, before the covid-19 pandemic occurred, many cases of demolition of buildings were carried out without thinking about the ecological impact related to the waste generated. thus, there is a crisis of shortage of residential land due to the imbalance between the increasing demand for housing in the city and the limited resources it has. one solution that is often applied to this problem is to prefabricate materials and use a modular system which is proven to be more efficient and effective, especially in 383 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech terms of resources and time [2]. this prefab includes fabrication off-site building components to a higher level of completion such as: structures and mass building systems, and their assembly at the project site or site. in this case, prefabricated can streamline work time, construction speed, architectural quality, material efficiency, worker safety, and minimize the human labor required, while limiting environmental impact of construction, compared to conventional construction built at the training ground. in general, prefabs can be categorized into components, panels (2d), modules (3d), hybrid and whole building put together [3]. prefabrication has been considered as an effective alternative to conventional buildings. after receiving increased attention over the past decades as a way to advance sustainable construction [4]. prefabricated construction, a new direction for the future development of the construction industry, can maximize the "green" requirements. as a new form of green building, prefabricated construction is very attractive, because this prefabrication can be applied to traditional architecture as well as high-rise buildings [5]. the use of building methods with prefabricated systems able to speed up the development process with the support of modular components. this prefabrication system has the advantage of lower costs due to the construction process which is faster. lower costs are also due to the workers needed at the project site less, because some of the building components are already manufactured off-site project, to further carry out the module assembly process [6]. however, from several studies this can be seen if this prefabricated material can save time and labor needed to do one job at hand, different from previous research which only discussing the matter of prefabricated materials, we relate the use of material technology prefabrication in this pandemic and postpandemic era as a solution to minimize transmission in field or project location so that no covid clusters appear on the project. the purpose of this study was to determine and analyze how big the role of prefabricated materials in increasing the efficiency and efficiency of construction in the scope of architecture, especially in the post-pandemic period. this research was conducted using qualitative methods. 2. method the method used in this research is descriptive and qualitative. according to gill et. al. in 2008 it was stated that there are several kinds of methods in data collection, in qualitative research namely observation, visual analysis, literature study and interviews (individual or group). after all the data has been collected, then it is analyzed to get conclusions from the research. we use qualitative methods by using data or information in the form of narratives about prefabricated materials. furthermore, after the information is obtained, it will be developed into a description of prefabricated materials and their role in the pandemic or postpandemic period. 3. results and discussion 3.1. prefabricated materials the constituent materials in architecture are of course increasingly diverse in form and type, the emergence of various materials in architecture is certainly inseparable from technological developments. in addition, there is also an appeal for humans to adapt to the environment and conditions such as during the covid-19 pandemic. one of the materials that is currently being developed is prefabrication. the use of this prefabricated material certainly has various 384 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech advantages over conventional materials. some of the advantages of this prefabricated material are that it can streamline the time and energy needed in the process of constructing or constructing a building. the subject of scheduling is a kind of combinatorial problem consisting of minimizing the time, optimizing consumption of resources, and dealing with uncertainties [7]. the process of applying this prefabricated material has several stages, such as the stages of making materials that are carried out outside the project site which are usually made at the factory, the stages of sending prefabricated materials to the project site, and the stages of installing prefabricated materials. within the project site. the process of applying prefabricated materials is shown in figure 1. figure 1. prefabricated material application process applications of this prefabricated material can be used for architectural and structural parts. prefabricated materials used for structures are usually made of steel, wood, and concrete. the application of this prefabricated material has been increasing since the end of 2019 when the covid-19 pandemic began until now [8]. the use of this prefabricated material has several advantages that are considered suitable for application during the covid-19 pandemic. some of the advantages of using prefabricated materials include: a. lower environmental impact (with the exception of abiotic depletion for lsf). b. less ingredients. c. produces a small amount of waste. d. reduce the use of human labor. e. minimize construction time or construction costs. f. cost efficiency. construction costs are variable and sensitive to local costs (e.g., labor and materials), so the ability to move parts of the building process may present a significant economic advantage for prefabricated buildings. [8]. based on these advantages, prefabricated materials are more often used in the construction of a building, especially at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. this is due to an appeal to the entire community to minimize the opportunity for the spread of the covid-19 virus by using masks, washing hands, and minimizing crowds. crowds in a construction project usually always occur and are difficult to avoid, therefore the use of prefabricated materials can minimize the use of human labor and indirectly reduce the density of workers [9]. 3.2. application of prefabricated materials during pandemic when the covid-19 pandemic began to spread in many countries, there were several buildings that had implemented the use of prefabricated materials, one of which was in china. in early 2020 china built huoshenshan hospital and leishenshan hospital in about 10 days with a capacity of 1000-1300 beds. leishenshan hospital was built as an emergency response 385 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech to provide healthcare to patients infected with the novel covid 19 virus. the hospital was designed by zhongnan architectural design institute and later constructed by china construction third engineering bureau. the hospital included isolating units’ of 1600 beds located on a 79900 m2 covering the area of 21.97 ha. to reduce the workload and accelerate the project, engineers and architects have used modular prefabricated systems [10]. the two hospitals can be built in a short time because they use prefabricated materials which are expected to immediately accommodate patients infected with the covid-19 virus during an emergency due to its wider spread. the hospital construction process uses a lot of prefabricated materials, including a waterproof geotextile layer at the bottom. furthermore, there is prefabricated concrete applied to the foundation, prefabricated panels for walls and roofs. all hospital components are pre-assembled at the factory [10]. the installation process for a hospital ward is shown in figure 2. 1. geotextile layer, waterproofing 2. concrete foundation 3. frames 4. prefabricated panels figure 2. process of prefabricated materials in a modular hospital [10] in addition to health facilities or hospitals, this prefabricated material has also begun to be widely applied to residential buildings such as apartments and flats. residential buildings for the current covid-19 pandemic must be able to create healthy housing, such as good air circulation and sunlight that can enter the house. if healthy housing can be met, the immune system of the occupants will be quite good and the chance of transmitting the virus can be minimized. some prefabricated components that are widely used are floor slabs, wall panels, stairs, balconies, and even structural components. houses built with prefabricated materials have different advantages compared to houses built using conventional materials. one of the advantages is that the house can be disassembled based on its components, making it easier 386 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech for renovations. in addition, houses with prefabricated materials can increase the space or reduce the existing space without destroying the entire house, this can be useful during the covid-19 pandemic. the application of several prefabricated components such as exterior windows and skylights can also be applied and results in a healthier space, because only with the application of these two things, sunlight can enter the house properly. as a result, it can form a space that can be used for sunbathing to increase body resistance during the covid19 pandemic [11]. 3.3. application of post pandemic prefabricated materials the use of prefabricated materials is certainly not only popular during the covid-19 pandemic. some of the post-pandemic applications of prefabricated materials can be seen from several countries that have started to apply prefabricated materials for high-rise buildings, such as hotels and apartments. there are buildings that use prefabricated materials only for some parts, such as the walls and some apply them to form one room directly. some examples of prefabricated walls are shown in figures 3 and 4. figure 3. prefabricated brick wall [13] figure 4. prefabricated panel wall [13] there are also prefabricated materials that are applied to high-rise buildings, usually the application of prefabricated materials is due to the faster installation process in construction. one example of this application is in an area that has a fairly dense population but the existing land is already widely used. one example of its application is in the mohali city, india. in the city there is a building with 10 floors which was built in a fast time, which is 48 hours or 2 days. after just 6 hours, 3 floors had been constructed, and in 24 hours, nearly 7 stories had 387 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech been completed. this ultra-fast construction had more than 80 per cent work pre-made and the rest happened on the site. the material used was manufactured in the previous two months in a nearby factory [14]. the majority of building components used are prefabricated materials, both structural and architectural. the structure uses prefabricated steel and the walls use prefabricated panels [14,15]. illustration of the application of prefabricated steel for high-rise building structures is shown in figure 5. figure 5. illustration of the application of prefabricated steel for high-rise building structures 4. conclusion technological advances in architecture are not only developing in the field of digitization, but also in the field of materials. prefabricated materials are evidence of technological advances in existing building materials. although this prefabricated material has begun to develop since before the covid-19 pandemic, the use of this prefabricated material began to increase quite significantly during the covid-19 pandemic. one of the driving factors for the use of prefabricated materials is the existing advantages, including minimizing costs, project waste, efficiency processing time, minimizing the manpower required, and can be assembled and disassembled. apart from the advantages of these prefabricated materials, the covid-19 pandemic they are facing is increasingly encouraging people to use prefabricated materials. the reason is that construction must continue while the transmission of the covid-19 virus must be minimized. one way to prevent the spread of infection is to minimize crowds. we value the use of prefabricated materials to minimize overcrowding on the project because the 388 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 382-388 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech installation uses a lot of heavy equipment and does not require a lot of people. in addition, the use of prefabricated materials can meet space needs effectively in a fast time, such as hospitals for handling covid-19 and housing for the community. references [1] astanto, i. w. 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(2019, december). relationship between enterprise architectures planning and information system. in journal of physics: conference series (vol. 1402, no. 6, p. 066078). iop publishing. 240 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech marketing innovation in the digital communication era jihan afifah wahyu aroyssi*, maulana raihan fathin, yudis ilmi priabas departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia email: *jihan.41818142@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. this research is motivated by the presence of e-commerce which attracts customers by providing many discounts and providing easy access to customers. both hardware (mobile phone use) and software (easy access to applications). the purpose of this research is to understand and identify technological developments in the digital era, especially in the field of digital transactions. seeing the many marketplaces that are developing and enlivening the national and international markets. it also has an impact on marketing communications, which have now begun to switch to digital. the research method used is the study of literature from various journals and previous research. also interviews from parties involved in every marketing communication activity in the digital era. such as technology developers, traders, marketing agents and consumers. meanwhile, the benefits that will be obtained are, being research material for technology developers in the digital era and easy access to marketing communications for micro and macro businesses. keywords: marketing, digital communication, innovation, digital marketing 1. introduction as we know, life is now dependent on the internet and everything is digital. starting from the learning system, getting information, to marketing, we have entered the digital world and we get a lot of convenience. the internet makes it easy for companies to open web sites in electronic malls or now called e-commerce [1]. in no time, their products will be on the internet in no time and available to millions of consumers. ge, ibm, ford, kraft, and proctor & gamble were the first to register "domain names." even now there are many e-commerce that are present and make life easier for us. not only selling retail products, but also for kitchen needs, fashion, lifestyle, and even restaurants now have a delivery system that is available 24 hours. therefore, from the brief review above, there is a need for a more in-depth literature study and interviews with digital marketing actors related to marketing innovations in the digital era. in one of the previous studies reviewed by rashad et al, one of the reasons consumers prefer digital shopping is due to time constraints [2]. they feel, conventional shopping takes hours and they do not have enough time for social activities or even shopping. that's why people now prefer digital shopping. another study was investigated by g radu, et al [3]. they examine how digital marketing plays a role in promoting health services. this research was mailto:jihan.41818142@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 241 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech conducted in bucharest, the capital of romania. this indicates that many business sectors, including the health business are also entering the digital era [4]. another research conducted by jane landon et al, they concluded that anyone can promote any brand on social media, as well as promote alcohol. likewise, international journals reviewed by katrijn gielens, et al. stated that digital transactions can significantly increase the branding of a brand [5]. thus, ecommerce such as amazon, alibaba, and jd.com have now become e-commerce that is in great demand by many people. however, according to aladdin, et al. the development of ecommerce and digitalization needs deeper support, especially in asia [6]. because actually there are several obstacles experienced by developed countries in asia. these include poor infrastructure barriers, trade facilitation and logistics, electronic payments, and inadequate skills development. therefore, there is a need for a more in-depth study of this marketing communication innovation. especially around us. it is hoped that, in the future, this research can bring benefits to become research material for technology developers in the digital era and facilitate access to marketing communications for micro and macro businesses. the research method used is the study of literature from various journals and previous research. 2. method the research method used is the study of literature from various journals, books and previous research. also interviews from parties involved in every marketing communication activity in the digital era. such as technology developers, umkm, marketing agents and consumers. 2.1 literature study the literature study that we use is taking the essence of journals, books and previous studies that have been published in the last five years. we take a study of international and national literature. the goal is to explain the basics related to digital marketing, digital communication and marketing. 2.2 interview we will interview several parties who have been involved in marketing communications in the digital era. of course, all of our respondents are in the bandung area to get a common mindset, experience and demographics. one respondent from technology developer, one respondent from merchant and one respondent from consumer. 3. results and discussion 3.1 literature study at first, the world of transactions or buying and selling was done conventionally. there are those who use the barter system, then enter the era of the presence of gold and money as a medium of exchange as we are going through today. we are used to doing conventional transactions. namely by going to the store, choosing goods and buying them in cash using money. however, in the era of increasingly developing technology, new innovations have emerged that can facilitate transactions and buying and selling. namely through e-commerce. only through one application, we can more freely sort our goods without having to leave the house and pay with digital money. 242 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the presence of e-commerce also has an impact on the birth of new knowledge and developments such as marketing and digital communication. according to artur sawicki, digital marketing can be defined as the exploitation of digital technology, which is used to create channels to reach potential markets, to achieve company goals, through more effective fulfilment of consumer needs [7]. digital marketing is quite often considered a synonym of internet marketing or e-marketing. this is wrong though. the internet, as a medium, is just one of many ways to reach clients. digital marketing is the digital identity of a company; where it presents itself in cyberspace to a large number of users. thanks to digital technology, a brand can reach every consumer with its products. digital marketing consists of promoting a product or brand through one of the other electronic forms. it should be considered whether a particular product or service can be used in digital marketing. because using digital marketing for certain products or services does not always need to be justified [8]. thanks to digital marketing, companies can send personalized content to specific recipients. content personalization is based, among other things, on data from the crm system. a well-managed client relationship can generate a large amount of data about their preferences [9]. this information can be reflected in the process of making products/services, which will only cater to certain consumer groups. besides that, according to tasnim et al, marketing communication is also stated as a tool in decision making, sharing information and is also a tool to increase awareness for consumers and providers of services and goods themselves [10]. referring to this definition, it can be said that marketing communication has a very important role in establishing relationships between providers and clients or consumers. so that all parties benefit. this is the very principle in the concept of marketing communication. because in practice, the internet can disseminate brand-related information to clients or consumers precisely according to the desired target market. dissemination of this information is disseminated through advertisements on the internet. for example, a brand of cosmetics for teenagers advertises on the internet. so, the internet will automatically find its own target market that the brand wants. the internet will carry these advertisements on social media for teenagers who like cosmetics, teenagers who are going through puberty and others according to the brand's demand. in order for these ads to be right on target and bring in new consumers, brands must learn digital marketing. namely, such as copywriting, attractive poster design and determining the right target market. in this case, the internet only helps to distribute advertisements so that they are more targeted and target the right target market. the rest, brands should strive to create attractive and creative advertisements. in our opinion, the presence of digital marketing can help brands find the right market. compared to conventional methods such as distributing posters on the street. the sales promotion will distribute posters to visitors or pedestrians. however, since the advent of the internet, this method is no longer effective. one of the reasons is because consumers are now more concerned and aware of crime. now, consumers feel uncomfortable when offered posters by strangers. in addition, consumers are now focused on gadgets and no longer care about the posters distributed by the sales promotion. in the end, the poster will be abandoned by consumers and this promotional technique is considered a failure because it does not attract new consumers. in addition to the advertising system which is now more centralized because it is assisted by the presence of the internet, the emergence of various applications and websites also makes it easier for business people or brands to interact and make transactions with consumers. for 243 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech example, the presence of chat applications such as whatsapp and line can make it easier for consumers to communicate with brands. ask about stock, price of goods or place an order. then the presence of an application or website also makes it easier for brands and consumers to make transactions. for example, the presence of shopee and tokopedia, which are now rife among indonesian consumers. brands can register and sell there with the applicable conditions. in short, with just one application, consumers can transact various kinds of goods in just one application. for example, fashion brands, cosmetics, food needs to electronics. this has an impact on the world of digital marketing which is now increasingly creative. brands are no longer conventionally disseminating information. now brands are competing to create affiliates that can benefit all three parties. namely brand owners, influencers and consumers. without realizing it, this is a marketing technique that can be profitable with minimal budget and effort. in addition, now brands are also using brand ambassadors in their marketing techniques. because usually, the appointed brand ambassadors have a big influence in cyberspace or social media. so, the ads that are installed will automatically be more cantered and get the attention of the fans of the brand ambassador. this marketing advancement can certainly make it easier for brand owners and consumers. brand owners can also more easily reach a wide market because the internet can take the advertisement to all corners of the world. for example, brand a is domiciled in bandung, but because the internet has the power to disseminate information, brand a can spread to foreign countries. this can increase the country's foreign exchange. although this innovation brings many advantages, as brand owners, technology developers and consumers need to be more concerned about identity security and digital marketing knowledge in order to make the most of this innovation. 3.2 interview the digital economy in indonesia has become more advanced and developing. with the digital economy, it is easy for people to buy and sell in market places, web, instagram, shoppe, lazada or in bukalapak. e-commerce itself, can be learned and done for all circles of society easily. a country can be said to be developing its digital economy, marked by the progress and development of business or trade transactions that use the internet as communication, collaboration, and cooperation between companies or between individuals. e-commerce can help reduce costs and can convey detailed information about products and special prices given to consumers online and facilitate the transaction process without having to come to the store directly so that they can compete with similar stores and get maximum results. in addition, there are also difficulties or problems that occur from the e-commerce developer itself such as problems with the system, network or website and how to overcome them by means of regular maintenance at certain times when the traffic is not too busy. e-commerce developers also pay attention to how e-commerce can and can be trusted by consumers by always updating the system so that it is easy to use by all people from the young to the old and besides that e-commerce developers are very concerned about customer satisfaction, it can be seen from the way they interact with consumers who respond quickly and do not use automatic messages to reply to consumer complaints, making transactions between e-commerce and consumers more comfortable, which makes shopping interesting using e-commerce media. 244 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and we also had the opportunity to interview msme business people who use e-commerce for their sales media. according to msme actors in e-commerce, the existence of e-commerce media as a medium for buying and selling transactions is very helpful in terms of sales, because the target market for e-commerce is very broad, it doesn't depend on the seller's area alone, more than that the reach of e-commerce can be all regions in indonesia and even abroad, from the young to the old can access it. according to the msme actors themselves, the difference in their sales from conventional to e-commerce is very real, therefore these msme actors are more active in e-commerce compared to conventional selling because the target market is clear. 3.3 sample case figure 1. shopee app logo in indonesia, shopping online has become a habit for many people, especially in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. currently, indonesia is the largest e-commerce market in southeast asia. according to we are social and hootsuite data, around 90% of internet users in indonesia have shopped online. the increasing interest in spending by the indonesian people is also accompanied by increased interest in selling from various business circles, especially msmes. this of course has a positive impact on economic development in indonesia. with online shopping, people get various conveniences, both in terms of payment or choosing what items to buy. shopee is a commercial electronic website headquartered in singapore owned by sea limited (formerly known as garena), which was founded in 2009 by forrest li. shopee was first launched in singapore in 2015, and has since expanded its reach to malaysia, thailand, taiwan, indonesia, vietnam and the philippines. starting in 2019, shopee has also been active in brazil, making it the first country in south america and outside of asia that shopee visited. shopee e-commerce provides an attractive shopping system for application users. it is now easier for people to find what they need just by scrolling on their cell phone. browse through various catalogues. the public can also see testimonials from previous buyers. 245 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. sample testimonial on shopee along with its progress, shopee is now developing a simpler payment system by providing e-money services in the form of shopee pay. people can easily top up shopee balances and then can use that balance for online shopping. this proves the opinion of tasnim et al, [10] marketing communication is also stated as a tool in decision making, sharing information and is also a tool to increase awareness for consumers and providers of services and goods themselves. the development of shopee cannot be separated from the branding carried out by the shopee company. by often advertising on various social media and television. shopee also often holds big discount promos and free shipping on twin numbers every month like 1-1 (1 january) and so on. seeing the huge indonesian market for shopping interest, the way shopee provides this promo has succeeded in increasing the shopping interest of the indonesian people. this promo system also enlivens msmes in creating attractive advertisements for their products in the shopee marketplace. as evidenced by the interviews we have conducted, msmes design their shops as attractive as possible with product photos that attract people's attention and interest in shopping. however, in the progress of online shopping, there are still some perceived weaknesses. according to our sources who work in the field of online game-e-commerce. according to him, the available network system has not been widely distributed in indonesia, making online shopping unable to be enjoyed by all people in indonesia. language differences are also considered to be a further problem because sellers and consumers are not always from the same language, while shopee has not provided translation facilities to facilitate the online buying and selling system. 246 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 240-246 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech along with the development of technology, of course in the future it is hoped that new inventions that are more practical and efficient for online shopping are expected. references [1] gilbert, d. c., powell‐perry, j., & widijoso, s. 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(2016). the development dimension of e-commerce in asia: opportunities and challenges. [7] sawicki, a. (2016). digital marketing. world scientific news, (48), 82-88. [8] persons a. j., zeisser m., waitman r., organizing for digital marketing, current research, the mckinssey quarterly, no. 4, 1996, p. 191. [9] ward hanson, principles of internet marketing (cincinnati, oh: south western college publishing, 1999). [10] tasnim, t., sudarso, a., anggusti, m., munthe, r. n., tanjung, r., mistriani, n., ... & dewi, i. k. (2021). komunikasi pemasaran. yayasan kita menulis. 142 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech digitalization through creative writing on social media eddy soeryanto soegoto1, mulyanto2*, sri yuliawati3, adhea vinora putri4 1 departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2,3,4 departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *mulyanto.41818252@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the role of social media on consumer interest in using the services of a copywriter. because social media can be used as a promotional medium by using captions and also good visuals, which can be written according to the wishes of the businessman in attracting the attention of consumers. consumers also don't need to come directly to the place or office of the copywriter, they just need to use instagram social media for sources of information related to working days and hours, arrange meeting schedules, and so on. this study uses a qualitative descriptive research method by conducting a literature study on various studies. the results of this study are expected to build brand awareness so that it can increase interest in services sold with digital marketing techniques carried out by service owners. in addition, using instagram social media can also make it easier for business owners and consumers. this of course can increase sales revenue. keywords: digital marketing, social media, copywriter, digital age 1. introduction entering industry 4.0 where technological developments in indonesia are increasingly advanced. according to field data from the ministry of communications and informatics in indonesia, there are more than 100 million people and the fourth largest active users in the world after china, india and america, which makes this most of the people take advantage of the opportunities that exist by making money, one of which is selling the art of selling messages or other things, better known as copywriting [1]. the art or technique of conveying messages using writing is commonly known as copywriting. as one of the important elements of promotion, writing from copywriting called copy can be used in various media such as advertisements, articles, blogs, taglines as well as for naming a brand or product. in this regard, the copy used in promotional media has the aim of making consumers make purchases, make phone calls to seek information, to subscribe to streaming services or follow social media accounts belonging to well-known brands [2]. therefore, copywriters are needed in this digital era. mailto:mulyanto.41818252@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 143 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the reserach findings show that most of the informants are interested in reading the contents of the advertisement because of the unique title and the use of bold and contrasting font colors (persuasion and the online consumers: investigating copywriting strategies in native advertisements by hani zulaikha zulkifly and norsham firdaus) [3]. great copywriting has the ability to deliver a valuable message to the right people at the right time. an effective message will motivate the reader to respond with thoughts, words, or action. (the art of copywriting by eleazar hernández) [5]. that creative copywriting in addition to having a brand name, the use of slogans with creative copywriting is also able to attract the attention of consumers. success in copywriting is determined by the choice of words in detail with a clear purpose. these words are written to cause feelings, thoughts, or actions. the six object cases above have unusual word choices. (by made vairagya yogantari, i gst bagus bayu baruna ariesta) [2]. creative content creation must have visual elements and copywriting, in this case, copywriting is important in providing information to the target market. (by jesslyn glorya) [5]. copywriting is the use of creativity in words or ideas with a focus on selling products through brand creation. for copywriting to be effective, one must make it original and attractive in order to influence consumer buying decisions. (by dandeswar bisoyi, dr utpal barua, esha guha) [6]. the conclusion of the 5 journals said that the role of a copywriter is needed to raise a brand, with creative copywriting it can attract the attention of consumers. the difference in our copywriting is that we have a unique style of language that includes a rhyme or aphorisms, and our copywriting is not only in the form of words but also in visual forms such as infographics so that consumers are more interested. the purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the role of social media on consumer interest in using the services of a copywriter. considering that copywriting is very useful for business people, especially in the digital era like today, so that the products or services they sell can attract customers to buy these products and services. so that with this it can increase the sales results of business actors. by using a qualitative descriptive method, literature studies on various studies. 2. method the research method used is descriptive qualitative, namely research that examines and examines a phenomenon without giving any treatment. in this study, we will discuss the phenomenon of copywriting as a marketing strategy. copywriting services can be found on various platforms including social media. social media is expected to be a means of building brand awareness of the services of copywriters. the data collection technique used is literature study. literature search assisted with google scholar and focus on literature relevant to the purpose of this study. 3. results and discussion 3.1. essential elements in copywriting a good copy is certainly able to attract more potential customers. therefore, there are several elements that must be considered so that a copy can be said to be good for achieving its goals [6]: 1. headlines. this section is a big title that the public tends to see first. therefore, the writing must be interesting but still short. the use of dark font colors on a light background can be an option to highlight this section [3]. 2. sub-headlines. serves to clarify the headline by adding more specific information. the size 144 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech is smaller than the headline but still larger than the main information content. 3. slogans. slogans are short sentences, focused, and aim to give the impression of a marketing strategy. slogans must be made attractive so that it is easy for potential consumers to remember. the number of words used in the slogan ranges from 7-8 words. 4. body copy. this section is the main part of the copy that shows the main information you want to convey. this section must still be interesting so that the reader understands the content of the message clearly without feeling bored or confused with the information in it. 5. taglines. similar to a slogan and aims to advertise or invite consumers to buy a product. the components above may be modified or created creatively so as to add value to the uniqueness of the copy. figure 1 shows the position of each element in the copy. figure 1. elemen copywriting source: https://www.topcontentmarketingagency.com/ the study conducted by akhter et al. (2016) show that copywriting has a great impact on brand identification. there are several components of copy that really determine it, including the slogan, product description, packaging, and cultural impact [7]. these components tend to be seen in the main body of the copy. however, the reader will not read the detailed information if they are not interested in the big title of the copy. hence, to attract readers to know a product by reading detailed information from the copy, large sections such as interesting headlines and sub headlines are also needed. another study by yogantari and ariesta found that attractively packaged copywriting elements can be a powerful branding strategy. this study examines 6 coffee brands that implement copywriting on their products as shown in figures 2 to 7. https://www.topcontentmarketingagency.com/ 145 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. implemetasi copywriting di kopi lain hati figure 3. implemetasi copywriting di kopi janji jiwa figure 4. implemetasi copywriting di kopi khayal figure 5. implemetasi copywriting di ngocok es kopi figure 6. implemetasi copywriting di kene keto kopi figure 7. implemetasi copywriting di kopi soe of the 6 coffee brands, 70 respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire. as a result, copywriting is one of the factors that determine brand identification by consumers. copy 146 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech results with creative and unique elements tend to be more attractive by triggering certain emotions in consumers. in this study, emotion refers to laughter or confusion because of the brand names used [2]. in addition, each design there are differences that have its own characteristics. for example, in kopi lain hati, there is a heart symbol from the thumb and forefinger. this pose is currently rife among young people and is also a representation for the brand itself. meanwhile, in kopi janji jiwa there is a hand with a raised little finger which is a symbol of the “pinky swear”. a more cheerful impression is shown by the kene keto kopi product, which chooses a bold and bold typeface compared to other brands which tend to use cursive letters similar to handwriting. 3.2. copywriting marketing through social media in today's digital era, social media has grown from just an interpersonal communication medium to a marketing tool. several studies show that marketing on social media affects consumer decisions in buying goods or services. this is based on the advantages that social media has as an advertising medium compared to other conventional media, which are as follows [8]: 1. supported by internet access, which currently has a very wide network and can be accessed easily and cheaply. 2. the form of advertising tends to be flexible starting from visual forms such as images, videos, audio additions so that the form of promotion is more attractive. many effects can give a unique impression in the minds of consumers such as pop ups, pop unders, news feeds, and so on. 3. social media users are increasing rapidly from time to time thus enabling a wider range of promotions. often social media also provides the facility to select a target audience to suit promotional objectives. in general, a service purchase is made to satisfy two main consumer needs, including problem solving and increasing pleasure from using the service [9]. therefore, marketing copywriter services in social media must also pay attention to these needs. copywriting aims to shape consumer buying behavior and provide satisfaction, especially to copywriter service users because their products have succeeded in attracting consumers. a study conducted by yogantari and widyaswari (2018) shows that instagram is considered a new means of advertising in the digital era. one of the strategies used is copywriting [10]. this condition makes the demand for copywriter services also increase so that many people use it to market copywriter services on instagram. here are some accounts that market copywriter services. 147 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8. copywriter account @rahardjapoetra figure 9. copywriter account @elitpreneur.id 148 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 10. copywriter account @creativecopywriting based on figure 1, figure 2, and figure 3 above, there are similarities that can be seen, namely displaying the results of their respective works or portfolios. this aims to make an initial impression to prospective service users whether the design made is in accordance with the expected design. prospective service users can contact the account owner directly to find out the details of using their services. in addition, all of the above accounts also do not use the private account feature. the goal is for accounts to be found easily when searching. the existence of the promotion of copywriter services on instagram is in line with research conducted by al-azzam and al-mizeed (2021). instagram is a social media that allows users to upload videos or photos. in business, this is used to increase consumer brand awareness of a product [11]. this feature is suitable for copywriters to upload their work so that consumers are interested and buy the service. the three accounts above also have their own differences. however, a business strategy for marketing services must be unique. on the @rahardjapoetra account, users not only create copywriting designs but also provide some tips for making copywriting. most of his uploads discuss the grammar and vocabulary that can be used. in addition, there are uploads that describe him. in the bio section, there are slogans and achievements that have been obtained by the user. this section is very important because it can show the credibility and competence of the copywriter as well as increase the confidence of potential consumers. meanwhile, the @elitpreneur.id account focuses on the works that have been produced. there is no information that is too personal either in the upload or in the bio. this account also provides some tips, although the number is less. the drastic difference is shown by the @creativecopywriting account where the information available on the instagram page is only the result of work without any personal information or tips at all. the account functions more as a gallery or catalog that can be seen by visitors. a study conducted by vanika and manik (2017) shows that instagram has changed the way marketing works, especially in the service 149 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech sector. instagram allows sellers and buyers to make transactions without meeting in person [12]. consumers make purchasing decisions based on the brand awareness they get from what they see on the service seller's instagram account [13]. 3.3. marketing copywriting in marketing communication the marketing of cpoywriting services can be seen from a communication perspective as part of marketing communications. marketing communication is an effort to give messages to consumers about an item or service so that consumers can make purchases and provide benefits to sellers. there is a significant difference between conventional marketing and marketing in the digital era. conventional marketing usually uses print media or electronic media such as radio and television to market a product. in its development, the emergence of the internet has made digital marketing more widespread [14]. digital marketing offers integrated marketing communications. digital marketing focuses on consumer needs to achieve company needs. therefore, the content that is used as an advertisement adjusts to the trends in society. integrated digital marketing is associated with several positive results in brand awareness, customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, positive brand image, brand associations, greater profitability, as well as increased sales and cost savings especially marketing costs [15]. copywriting marketing on instagram and other social media shows the application of digital marketing communications. service providers not only create accounts to show their copy products but also make potential customers comfortable and trusting with additional self-profiles and other content tips. this is done to increase brand awareness in the minds of consumers towards copywriter services. in practice, sellers and buyers can also make transactions online. 4. conclusion copywriting is a necessity in the digital marketing era, one of which is instagram. copywriter services have sprung up to answer these needs with the existence of a copywriter service account. in marketing their services, they create interesting content and show the works that have been made to grow brand awareness and attract consumers to use the services of a copywriter. this will be mutually beneficial for both service users and service providers. acknowledgment thank you to all those who have supported and contributed to the completion of this research and to those who were cooperative in the preparation of this article. references [1] rumata, v. m., & nugraha, d. a. (2020). rendahnya tingkat perilaku digital asn kementerian kominfo: survei literasi digital pada instansi pemerintah. jurnal studi komunikasi, 4(2), 467-484. [2] yogantari, m. v., & ariesta, i. g. b. b. b. (2021). kajian pengaruh copywriting kreatif terhadap identitas brand kedai kopi takeaway di denpasar. jurnal nawala visual, 3(1), 8-16. [3] zulkifly, h. z., & firdaus, n. (2014). persuasion and the online consumers: investigating copywriting strategies in native advertisements. international journal of social science and humanity, 4(6), 430. 150 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 142-150 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech [4] hernández, e. (2017). the art of copywriting. in leading creative teams (pp. 129-139). apress, berkeley, ca. [5] agustiningsih, g. (2021). application of copywriting elements in social media advertising drinking products now in creating consumer interest. jurnal komunikasi dan bisnis, 9(1), 55-67. [6] bisoyi, d., barua, u., & guha, e. (2013). effective communication of product information: a copy writing methodology. vol, 6, 1-3. [7] akhter, s., khan, k., hussainy, k., s., khan, e. (2016) measuring copywriting impact on brand identification. international journal of social science and humanity, 6(12), 298-304. [8] yeo, s. f., tan, c. l., lim, k. b., leong, j. y., & leong, y. c. i. (2020). effects of social media advertising on consumers online purchase intentions. global business & management research, 12(1). [9] sheriff, n. m., zulkifli, a. s., & othman, w. n. s. w. (2018). salient features of customer engagement, visual presentation and copywriting for effective social media marketing: an exploratory perspective. journal of academia, 6(2), 28-37. [10] yogantari, m. v., & widyaswari, i. g. a. a. w. (2021, february). efektifitas instagram sebagai sarana periklanan baru di era digital. in prosiding seminar nasional desain sosial (snds) (vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 127-131). [11] al-azzam, a. f., & al-mizeed, k. (2021). the effect of digital marketing on purchasing decisions: a case study in jordan. the journal of asian finance, economics and business, 8(5), 455-463. [12] vinaika, r., & manik, d. (2017). how instagram is changing the way marketing works. international journal of medical and biomedical studies, 7(4). [13] yogesh, f., & yesha, m. (2014). effect of social media on purchase decision. pacific business review international, 6(11), 45-51. [14] haneefuddin, m. (2017) the scope and impact of digital marketing trends in todays business market. international journal of economic research, 14(5), 227-234. [15] naeem, b., bilal, m., & naz, u. (2013). integrated marketing communication: a review paper. interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 5(5), 124-133. 114 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech literature of waste management (sorting of organic and inorganic waste) through digital media in community indah nur chazanah*, asep bayu dani nandiyanto universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia email: *indahnch.19@upi.edu abstract. this study aims to educate the public regarding good and correct waste management, both in terms of definitions, interests and procedures for good and correct waste management using digital literacy methods in the community. education was carried out to 21 community members in cimahi city, indonesia, using digital literacy methods in the form of providing information and learning through digital media to explain related subjects taken. the information provided to the public is made as attractive as possible using an attractive design. the education process is carried out online (providing information and discussions through whatsapp groups) and offline (through direct socialization to the public). community understanding was analyzed through pretest and posttest questions as many as 20 questions. the results showed that there was an increase in the results of the pretest submitted to the posttest at the end of the activity. education is done successfully and the public can understand. this shows that educational activities are successful because the information conveyed is interesting and raises public interest in understanding information and applying it in everyday life. this research provides information that infographics and videos can be used as educational media. in addition, an attractive design can generate public interest in understanding the information conveyed. this shows that educational activities are successful because the information conveyed is interesting and raises public interest in understanding information and applying it in everyday life. this research provides information that infographics and videos can be used as educational media. in addition, an attractive design can generate public interest in understanding the information conveyed. this shows that educational activities are successful because the information conveyed is interesting and raises public interest in understanding information and applying it in everyday life. this research provides information that infographics and videos can be used as educational media. in addition, an attractive design can generate public interest in understanding the information conveyed. 1. introduction garbage is one of the environmental problems that cannot be avoided. currently, waste is a serious problem faced by the community, especially the people of cimahi city. cimahi city produces approximately 273 tons of waste per day. waste generated from household activities 115 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech is allowed to accumulate without proper management. garbage is leftover or discarded items that are not used and used by the owner. in general, waste is divided into two types, namely organic and inorganic waste. organic waste is waste that comes from the rest of living things (nature) such as animals, plants that experience decay or weathering. meanwhile, inorganic waste is waste that comes from the rest of human activities that are difficult to be decomposed by bacteria, so it takes a long time (up to hundreds of years) to be decomposed [1]. waste sorting is certainly very useful in reducing the accumulation of waste in the community. seeing that public awareness and concern in managing waste is still very lacking, efforts are needed to increase public awareness in good and correct waste management. education is one of the important efforts that can be done in minimizing the surge in the volume of waste generated. digital education can now be a solution in educational efforts, because digital media can be accessed and used effectively and efficiently in distributing information to the public. there are many papers that discuss waste management [1]. discussing the socialization of organic and non-organic waste and waste creation training but there are shortcomings such as the absence of socialization about the dangers of accumulation of plastic waste. then paper by [2]. discussed about community education for waste management in kumbang village, masbagik district, east lombok. but there are drawbacks because the socialization carried out does not lead to simultaneous waste management solutions. then paper by [4] on socialization and education on organic waste management for community empowerment in sakti village, nusa penida klungkung regency, bali. but there are shortcomings in the paper, the paper only discusses the management of organic waste and does not discuss the management of inorganic waste. then paper by [4], but there are shortcomings in terms of implementation, socialization at the time of the implementation of education to the community is done by pasting posters on the walls of the residents' houses, of course this will increase the waste in the community. then research by [3]. there are shortcomings in the paper, including socialization activities that do not pay attention to the impact of the pandemic by crowding. activities should be carried out by utilizing digital media. therefore, this study aims to educate the public regarding proper and correct waste management methods for residents in cimahi city, especially kp. sukanampa by applying the digital literacy method. providing information and learning through digital media is expected to be able to overcome the problems that occur today. the education process is carried out online, namely in the form of providing information and discussions through whatsapp groups and offline through direct socialization to the community. the novelty of this research are (i) ; research on waste management is important in society (ii); education is carried out online through digital media and (iii) digital assistance to the community 2. method the method used in this research is the digital literacy method in the form of providing information and learning through digital media. this research was conducted on 21 residents of kp. sukanampa kel cigugur in the middle of cimahi city. the education process is carried out online (providing information and discussions through whatsapp groups) and offline (through direct socialization to the public). there are pretest and posttest questions through 116 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech google form as many as 20 questions to the public to analyze public understanding regarding waste management. the pretest and posttest questions are shown in table 1. table1. pretest and posttest questions no pretest questions pretest questions 1. is it true that organic waste is waste that cannot be recycled? is it true that organic waste is waste that cannot be recycled? 2. is food waste, fruit waste an organic waste? is food waste, fruit waste an organic waste? 3. what is another name for organic waste? what is another name for organic waste? 4. is it true that inorganic waste is waste that is difficult to decompose? is it true that inorganic waste is waste that is difficult to decompose? 5. is it true that organic waste can cause soil pollution? is it true that organic waste can cause soil pollution? 6. does the decomposition of inorganic waste take up to 50 years? does the decomposition of inorganic waste take up to 50 years? 7. is it true that inorganic waste is recyclable waste? is it true that inorganic waste is recyclable waste? 8. is it true that plastic waste, paper, cans are organic waste? is it true that plastic waste, paper, cans are organic waste? 9. waste management can be done by applying the 3r principle (reduce, reuse, recycle). waste management can be done by applying the 3r principle (reduce, reuse, recycle). 10. is it true that the meaning of reduce is to is it true that the meaning of reduce is to reduce the use 117 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech reduce the use of objects that can become waste? of objects that can become waste? 11. is it true that the meaning of reuse is to recycle waste into objects that can be used? is it true that the meaning of reuse is to recycle waste into objects that can be used? 12. is it true that the meaning of recycle is to reuse waste that can still be used? is it true that the meaning of recycle is to reuse waste that can still be used? 13. how to manage organic waste, namely by? how to manage organic waste, namely by? 14. can the accumulation of garbage cause damage to nature? can the accumulation of garbage cause damage to nature? 15. will the leaf litter left to rot on the ground cause the soil to become barren? will the leaf litter left to rot on the ground cause the soil to become barren? 16. will plastic waste if left on the ground decompose by itself? will plastic waste if left on the ground decompose by itself? 17. will managing waste properly will have a good impact on health? will managing waste properly will have a good impact on health? 18. will the accumulation of garbage cause air pollution? will the accumulation of garbage cause air pollution? 19. have you sorted your waste into organic and inorganic? have you sorted your waste into organic and inorganic? 20. is waste management important? is waste management important? 118 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion figure 1. community pretest average score figure 1 shows the average pretest scores of the 21 residents of sukanampa village who were tested. from these results, it can be said that the community's initial understanding of waste and its management is still very diverse. there are people who have low knowledge with a score of 55 and high knowledge with a value of 95. figure 2. community posttest average score figure 2 shows the average posttest scores of 21 kp residents. sukanampa. from these results, it can be seen that there is an increase in the pretest value with the lowest value being 80 and the highest value being 100. this proves that the socialization activities carried out have succeeded in educating and increasing the knowledge of the residents, resulting in good results on the posttest score. table 2. results of pretest and posttest 119 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech question no. pretest score posttest score 1. 11/21 17/21 2. 19/21 21/21 3. 19/21 21/21 4. 16/21 21/21 5. 12/21 17/21 6. 19/21 21/21 7. 19/21 20/21 8. 18/21 20/21 9. 21/21 21/21 10. 19/21 21/21 11. 6/21 15/21 12. 6/21 14/21 13. 17/21 21/21 14. 21/21 21/21 15. 17/21 14/21 16. 18/21 19/21 17. 20/21 21/21 18. 21/21 21/21 19. 10/21 18/21 20. 21/21 21/21 source: data processed the results of the study as seen in table 2 have increased. as for the discussion: (i) for question no 1 regarding "is it true that organic waste is waste that cannot be recycled?" the results show an increase. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 11 out of 21 respondents who answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 17 of 21 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (ii) for question no 2 regarding "are food waste, fruit waste an organic waste?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 19 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (iii) for question no 3 regarding "another name for organic waste is ?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 19 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (iv) for question no 4 regarding "is it true that inorganic waste is waste that is difficult to decompose?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 16 out of 21 respondents 120 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (v) for question no 5 regarding "is it true that organic waste can cause soil pollution?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 12 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 17 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (vi) for question no. 6 regarding "does the decomposition of inorganic waste take up to 50 years?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 19 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 20 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (vii) for question no 7 regarding "is it true that inorganic waste is waste that can be recycled?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 19 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 20 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (viii) for question number 8 regarding "is it true that plastic, paper, cans are organic waste?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 18 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 20 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (ix) for question no 9 regarding "waste management can be done by applying the 3r principle (reduce, reuse, recycle) is it true?" the results show that people's understanding gets the same results. there were 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (x) for question no 10 regarding "is it true that the meaning of reduce is to reduce the use of objects that can become waste?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 19 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (xi) for question no 11 regarding "is it true that the meaning of reuse is to recycle waste into objects that can be used?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 6 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 15 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (xii) for question no 12 regarding "is it true that the meaning of recycle is to reuse waste that can still be used?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these 121 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 6 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 14 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (xiii) for question no 13 regarding "how to manage organic waste, namely by ?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 17 of 21 respondents who answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 21 of 21 respondents who answered correctly on the posttest. (xiv) for question no 14 regarding "can the accumulation of garbage cause damage to nature?" the results show that the community's understanding is good. these results were obtained because all people were able to answer this question correctly, both in the pretest and posttest questions. (xv) for question number 15 regarding "is the leaf litter left to rot on the ground will cause the soil to become barren?" the results show that public understanding has decreased. these results were obtained because there was a decrease in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 17 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 14 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (xvi) for question number 16 regarding "will plastic waste if left on the ground decompose by itself?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 18 out of 21 respondents answered correctly at the pretest, and increased to 19 out of 21 respondents answered correctly in the posttest. (xvii) for question no 17 regarding "is managing waste properly will have a good impact on health?" the results show that public understanding has increased. these results were obtained because there was an increase in the number of respondents who answered correctly on the pretest and posttest. there were 20 out of 21 respondents answered correctly during the pretest, and increased to 21 out of 21 respondents answered correctly on the posttest. (xviii) for question no 18 regarding “will the accumulation of garbage cause air pollution? the results show that the community's understanding is good because all respondents can answer the questions correctly. (xix) for question no 19 regarding "have you sorted your waste into organic and inorganic?" the results show that there are still people who have not sorted their waste. there are 10 respondents who have sorted their waste and 11 respondents have not separated organic and inorganic waste at the beginning before the socialization. after the socialization was carried out, many people were aware that there was an increase in the number of people who sort their waste into 18 people from 21 people. (xx) for question no 20 regarding "is waste management an important thing?" the results show that the community's understanding is good, because all respondents feel that waste management is an important thing. 122 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on the results of research conducted, there is an increase in the results of public understanding, this can be seen from the increase in the pretest and posttest scores. the use of social media in the educational process is said to be capable and effective as a means of education. in line with rasyid research, the use of smartphones is considered more efficient and easily accessible by the public, so that the public can gain knowledge. knowledge through smartphone media that can be accessed at any time. as is android-based waste education, making it easier for the public to access information. this media contains waste material and its handling as well as waste processing materials so that they are of economic value [5]. in line with the research conducted by ida et al. it is necessary to implement the practice of what is informed on waste management education posters in everyday life and teach it to generations successor so that good waste management can become a habit or even become a necessity. in this kkn activity, there is also a challenge that requires the community to make a movement to sort waste in order to create a culture of good waste sorting in the community [6]. 4. conclusion research was conducted as one of the programs in educating the public regarding proper and correct waste management, using digital literacy methods in the community. education was carried out to 21 community members in cimahi city, indonesia. information dissemination to the public was made as attractive as possible using attractive designs, so that it could attract public interest in understanding the information. the education process is carried out online (providing information and discussions through whatsapp groups) and offline (through direct socialization to the public). community understanding was analyzed through pretest and posttest questions as many as 20 questions. the results showed that there was an increase in the results of the pretest submitted to the posttest at the end of the activity. education is done successfully and the public can understand. this research provides information that infographics and videos can be used as educational media. in addition, an attractive design can generate public interest in understanding the information conveyed. after the socialization activities were carried out, there was a slight change in the lifestyle of the community after being given education. people are starting to pay attention to the condition of the cleanliness of their environment and there are some people who have started to sort the waste they produce. after the socialization activities were carried out, there was a slight change in the lifestyle of the community after being given education. people are starting to pay attention to the condition of the cleanliness of their environment and there are some people who have started to sort the waste they produce. after the socialization activities were carried out, there was a slight change in the lifestyle of the community after being given education. people are starting to pay attention to the condition of the cleanliness of their environment and there are some people who have started to sort the waste they produce. (idawati, dewi, & indiani, 2021) acknowledgement the authors would like to thank the lppm upi, kjp upi, and directorate of international affairs (dia) upi as well as the field supervisors for kkn who have guided the completion of this paper. 123 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 114-123 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] agus taufiq, mf (2015). socialization of organic and non-organic waste and waste creation training. journal of innovation and entrepreneurship. [2] ahmad jupri, ah (2020). community education for waste management in kumbang village, masbagik district, east lombok. journal of devotion masters in science education. [3] bintarsih sekarningrum, ys (2020). kangpisman socialization and education (reduce, separate and utilize waste). journal of community service. 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(2022). the effect of using applications to facilitate medicine purchase amid the covid-19 pandemic. international journal of research and applied technology (injuratech), 2(1), 71-81. 342 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech interactive power point implementation as a digital learning media in increase understanding theory temperature and heat in students elementary school fitrilia widiyanti*, asep bayu dani nandiyanto universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia email: *fitriliaaw@upi.edu abstract. this study aims to analyze the application of interactive power point as a digital learning medium in increasing the understanding of temperature and heat theory in elementary school students. the study was conducted on 37 elementary school students in the city of bandung using conventional teaching methods and demonstrations. we also use interactive power point media and google meet in the learning process. to determine the level of students' understanding of the material, researchers used evaluation techniques in the form of pre-test and post-test, each of which included as many as 20 questions through google form. the results showed that students got an average increase of 2.48 in learning outcomes. the increase shows that 68.92% of the material can be understood by students. this is because the learning process using conventional teaching methods, demonstrations, and interactive power point learning media can increase students' attention and focus, so they don't get bored while learning. therefore, this study provides information that interactive power point media can be used as an interesting learning medium that can increase students' understanding of temperature and heat material. keywords: digital learning, theory temperature, elementary school. 1. introduction elementary school is the first step in formal education, so teachers will face various situations that can affect the success of the learning process [1]. elementary school students have a high interest in everything that is dynamic, so the school environment must be able to facilitate students in developing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. therefore, a teacher must be sensitive to the atmosphere and able to think critically and creatively in designing the learning process that will be carried out. according to anisa et al. material and atmospheric factors greatly affect learning activities [2]. the atmosphere factor is influenced by teaching materials, media, methods, and others. therefore, one of the ways teachers influence learning activities is through the use of learning media that can affect students' enthusiasm for learning. mailto:fitriliaaw@upi.edu 343 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech according to hamidjojo, learning media is media that can be used as an intermediary in conveying something so that it can be accepted and understood by students [3]. meanwhile, according to tafonao, learning media is something that is used to channel messages from the sender to the recipient, so that it can stimulate students' thoughts, concerns, feelings, and interests in learning [4]. based on some of these opinions, it can be concluded that learning media are everything that teachers can use as intermediaries in conveying information to students so that they can stimulate students in carrying out learning activities. based on this, a teacher must be able to choose and determine the right learning medium so that all materials can be delivered within a predetermined time allocation. this is in line with supriyono's opinion that the use of media in learning activities can shorten learning time as well as support the achievement of learning objectives [2]. in addition, the learning media used must be packaged creatively, so that teachers can create a pleasant learning atmosphere and students do not feel bored while studying. technology and information are increasingly experiencing rapid development. the presence of technology has an impact on all aspects of life, one of which is the world of education. technological developments in the midst of the industrial revolution 4.0 require teachers to continue to make updates in their teaching and learning activities. until now, the world of education has been required to undergo a lot of transformation through the application of learning media digitally based [5]. according to eueung, digital-based learning media can be an alternative to be able to develop learning techniques and attract students' attention [6]. therefore, the ministry of education and culture is currently intensively conducting socialization about the development of digital-based learning in indonesia so that indonesia can produce human resources who are able to compete in the global era. in addition, the presence of the covid-19 pandemic has forced the government to establish policies for the implementation of online learning in the field of education. online learning is learning that can apply interactive learning models to the internet based on [7]. on the other hand, the presence of the covid-19 pandemic has a positive impact because it further encourages the implementation of school digitization. the covid-19 pandemic requires teaching and learning activities to be carried out online to break the chain of spread of the covid-19 virus. this resulted in many teachers experiencing culture shock. therefore, teachers should be able to adapt to optimizing technology as a learning medium as well as conduct online learning. one of the digital-based learning media that can be used by teachers in online learning is power point. however, the use of power point as a learning medium has not been maximized because teachers are still completely dependent on the books they have. power point is a medium that can be used to convey theory in the form of text, sound, images, animated videos, and so on, so that students can learn effectively and achieve learning objectives [8]. meanwhile, according to kudsiyah, interactive power points are power points that can not only provide convenience in conveying theory but are also made to increase student participation in learning [3]. the use of interactive media seeks to improve the learning process and make it more effective and functional [9]. power points have many features that can be used to attract students' interest in learning, so interactive power points can be a teacher's solution to overcome the delivery of material that is considered difficult. science is one of the subjects that many consider difficult for students. in addition, many research results state that in addition to being difficult, science becomes a boring lesson [10]. another fact states that the achievement of learning science by the indonesian people is still 344 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech low. this can be seen from the results of the 2018 pisa (program for international student assessment) report, which stated that indonesia's science score was ranked 70 out of 78 participating countries. based on the results of an interview with one of the school teachers, no students have been able to achieve 100 on the school examination (us) and national examination (un) in science because of the low understanding of concepts in each science material, so students have not been able to explain the material, provide examples, and conclude what they have learned. based on this description, learning media has great potential to increase students' understanding of the material being studied. therefore, a teacher must be competent in using media in learning activities [11]. interactive power point learning media is the simplest digitalbased media that can be easily used by teachers at various ages. interactive power point learning media can be an effective medium if the teacher can make maximum use of it. the results of research conducted by soimah showed that the power point learning media had an effect on student learning outcomes in science subjects, as indicated by an increase in learning outcomes of 4.48 [12]. the drawback to this research is that the pre-test data is taken from the students' mid-semester exam scores, so it is deemed insufficient to show the actual situation that occurred at the time the learning was carried out. other studies say that the use of power points can attract attention and increase student motivation in learning, so students can easily understand the material of human and animal respiratory organs [8]. the weakness in this study is that there is no use of pre-test and post-test in evaluating students' understanding of the material. furthermore, based on the results of nursyaidah et al. research, it can be concluded that the use of power point media has a positive influence on social studies learning outcomes for fifth grade elementary school students because the average final test result is in the "very high" category [13]. the same thing with the study that next states that interactive power point-based learning media are suitable for use in the online learning process with very good qualifications [14]. the disadvantage of this learning is that there is no pre-test, so it is not known whether student learning outcomes have increased or not. other results say that power point media is effective in improving the understanding of science material for fifth grade elementary school students, as evidenced by an increase in test results of 0.66 in trial 1 and 0.67 in trial 2 [2]. the weakness in this study is the small number of respondents, so the results are not representative enough. therefore, this study aims to examine the implementation of interactive power points as digital-based learning media in increasing students' understanding of temperature and heat materials, ranging from understanding, types, properties, and differences in temperature and heat, as well as examples of temperature and heat. the learning process is carried out by applying interactive power point media equipped with illustrated images, videos, audio, hyperlink features, and mini games to make it more interesting. through the use of these features, it is expected that students can participate actively during the learning process, so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively. this problem is deemed necessary to be investigated because, based on the results of initial observations, the researchers found several new things in the study, including (i) there are still few articles that discuss the "temperature and heat" teaching material, (ii) conventional collaborative learning methods and demonstrations through online learning, and (iii) using interactive power point media that are interesting and have never been used by teachers in schools that are the object of research. the learning process is carried out online through 345 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech google meet by combining conventional teaching methods and demonstrations without eliminating the involvement of the use of learning media that can increase student interest in learning. 2. method figure 1 shows the design research. this research is quantitative research with a preexperimental research design. the approach used in this research is a pre-test and post-test one-group design approach. the approach was carried out in one group without any group comparisons. 𝑂1 𝑥 𝑂2 figure 1. research design description : 𝑂1 ∶ pre-test score 𝑥 ∶ treatment 𝑂2 ∶ post-test score the learning method used in this research is a digital-based learning method. the subjects in this study were fifth grade elementary school students in the city of bandung, numbering 37 people. learning is done by combining conventional teaching methods with demonstrations. the researcher uses interactive power point media that is designed as attractively as possible with illustrations, videos, audio, hyperlink features, and mini games to explain the theory of temperature and heat. the learning process is carried out online through google meet. prior to learning, students are required to fill out pre-test questions for 15 minutes via google forms. it is intended so that researchers can measure the initial knowledge that students have about temperature and heat. then the researchers will provide treatment in the form of teaching temperature and heat using interactive learning media power point for 150 minutes. to measure the level of understanding of students after giving gifts, researchers used an evaluation form in the form of a post-test with 20 questions, which was then given to students after the learning process was completed. the post-test working time is 15 minutes. the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. the data analyzed is the implementation of interactive power point as a digital learning medium and is based on student learning outcomes obtained from the pre-test and post-test scores. 3. results and discussion table 1 shows the percentage difference between pre-test scores and post-test scores obtained by students. from the 20 items on the pre-test and post-test questions that we provide, 15 items experienced enhancement percentage scores, including on questions numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. the increase in the score was supported by the first by giving treatment on topics that were carried out using video as an interactive power point element, so that students' interest and focus increased. this argument is supported by the results of research by afrilia et al. who concluded that power points are able to make students more active, creative, and innovative, so that they can make students more focused on learning [15]. second, the delivery of the topic uses the demonstration 346 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech method, so that students get a more valuable and meaningful learning experience. this is supported by the results of research by maryanti et al. which states that the experimental demonstration method is able to improve students' understanding [16]. third, provide attractive illustrations accompanied by concrete examples of giving in everyday life so as to facilitate student understanding. purwanti mentions that illustrated images can be used in learning to improve students' cognitive abilities. fourth, the delivery is done repeatedly, so that it can last a long time in the memory of students [17]. fifth, emphasize the verbal and visual discussion points, such as differentiating the use of fonts for keywords, so that students can continue to remember them. giving emphasis both visually and verbally is considered effective in improving student learning outcomes [18]. in question number 1, there was no increase in the value of learning outcomes because all students were able to answer correctly both during the pre-test and post-test. the same thing also happened to question number 13, namely that the results of the pre-test and post-test were stagnant. this is because the lack of in-depth explanations makes students unable to remember all the existing temperature units. while the decrease in percentage occurred in questions numbers 3, 12, and 14, the main reasons for the decrease were: (i) students did not understand the concept even though they had been given treatment, so they had difficulty answering the questions; (ii) a lack of in-depth explanations makes students unable to remember the material presented; and (iii) the author provides a tricky answer choice, so that students are fooled into answering it. the presence of distractors in questions is able to show students' cognitive abilities and concentration [19]. table 1. difference score pre-test and post-test student no. question percentage (%) pre-test post-test difference 1. items that can be produce energy hot called source energy hot. 100.00 100.00 0.00 2. fire is source energy hot biggest for creature live on earth. 48.65 59.46 10.81 3. plant utilise ray sun for … 40.54 35.14 -5.40 4. long ago, human could produce fire with way … 81.08 100.00 18.92 5. we can produce energy hot with rub 2 objects. 86.94 91.89 5.04 6. temperature is the quantity that states point hot something substance. 35.14 59.46 24.32 7. unit hot is … 37.84 56.76 18.92 8. thomas alva edison is inventor thermometer. 37.84 78.38 40.54 9. heat is degrees hot it's cold something thing. 37.84 48.65 11.17 10. included type displacement heat is … 24.32 59.46 35.14 11. glass broken glass because pour hot water caused by… 35.14 70.27 35.13 12. reamur is unit for measure heat. 45.95 32.43 -13.52 13. celsius is unit for measure hot. 48.65 48.65 0.00 14. one characteristic features temperature is could change form thing. 40.54 29.73 -10.81 15. heat known with designation energy hot. 97.30 100.00 2.70 16. steam hot no could used as generator electricity. 67.57 72.97 5.40 17. is sense touch man could measure temperature something thing? 35.14 45.95 10.81 347 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 18. heat move from … 54.05 89.19 35.14 19. temperature and heat are 2 different things. 86.49 100.00 13.51 20. temperature and heat compare straight, more big energy heat so will the more tall temperature. 89.19 100.00 10.81 table 2 explains the distribution frequency of students' pre-test and post-test scores. it can be seen that the average pre-test score of students is in the "enough" category, which is 11.30. while the average value of the post-test is in the "high" category, which is 13.78. this figure shows the results of an increase in the average value of student learning outcomes of 2.48 in the learning of temperature and heat. this shows that after giving treatment in the form of teaching using interactive power point media, there was an increase in students' understanding of the theory of temperature and heat. table 2. distribution frequency score pre-test and post-test student range score category frequency student percentage (%) pre-test post-test pre-test post-test 17 20 very high 0 6 0.00 16.22 13 16 tall 12 20 32.43 54.05 9 12 enough 21 10 56.76 27.03 5 8 not enough 4 1 10.81 2.70 0 4 very not enough 0 0 0.00 0.00 amount 37 37 100.00 100.00 average score pre-test 11.30 (enough) post-test 13.78 (high) based on this description, overall teaching using interactive power point online media has succeeded in increasing students' understanding of the material presented. the combination of conventional teaching methods and demonstrations with the application of digital-based learning media in the form of interactive power point can provide different activities and experiences for students. although this research still involves conventional teaching methods, researchers always provide space for all students to participate actively during the learning process. through active participation, students can get valuable activities and experiences that help with learning. based on the results of interviews with fifth grade teachers, during online learning during the covid-19 pandemic, teachers only relied on whatsapp social media for delivering learning. generally, teachers will send materials and photo assignments through group classes. teachers have not used e-books as a learning resource because parents are not able to use them. it is the same with the use of other digital-based learning media. this causes teachers to be less able to optimize the use of digital-based learning media. therefore, the use of interactive power point as a digital-based learning medium can help students develop their imagination and creativity, especially in online learning conditions. elementary school-aged students are easily stimulated if new and interesting cases are displayed, so that they can foster an interest in learning. interactive power points are able 348 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 342-349 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech to facilitate various student learning styles, ranging from visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. based on this description, this study can prove that the use of interactive power points as a digital-based learning medium is effective in improving students' understanding, as indicated by the increase in science learning outcomes for fifth grade students, even though the learning process is carried out online. 4. conclusion the science learning process about temperature and heat carried out on 37 students of class v elementary school in bandung through google meet showed positive results. the implementation of interactive power point as a digital-based learning medium is able to attract students' attention, so that students can easily understand the material being studied. although the learning process is carried out online, the interactive use of power point is still effective in increasing students' understanding of the theory of temperature and heat. this is evidenced by the increase in student learning outcomes. after being given treatment, students get an increase in learning outcomes of 2.48. therefore, the students' post-test scores were in the "high" category, with an average of 13.78. the increase shows that 68.92% of the material presented can be understood by students. factors that influence the increase are the use of digital-based learning methods and media that are relevant to the material and are accompanied by the active participation of students in learning. these things can attract students' interests, make students focus, and ensure that they don't feel bored during the learning process. therefore, interactive power points can be a solution for teachers to overcome the delivery of material that is considered difficult. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank the schools who have become research partners, lppm upi, kjp upi, and the field supervisor of kkn, dr. eng. asep bayu dani nandiyanto, s.t., m.eng who has guided the completion of this paper. author note the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. authors confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism. references [1] azizah, s. n., nandiyanto, a. b. d., 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awareness. especially for start-ups company. the purpose of this research is to find out that a resulting content can have the potential to build brand awareness among the wider community, especially in the field of information technology, social media that has an important influence on consumers, in terms of packaging, product reviews, until go viral. whether the product is in high demand, will indirectly make an increase in sales. the research method used in this research is by qualitative methods of literature studies, by collecting the extent of indepth information on documents supporting the influence of creative content to increase brand awareness by using information technology-based marketing strategies. the results show that there is a development of almost 50-70% of brand awareness increases when actively creating content, especially by following current trends that are viral but will be packaged again with typical products owned. because if the content is made interesting enough it can go to the homepage of non-follower users or can be called explore it also aims to find out the efficiency of brand awareness. in the end, this research can provide positive things to prospective business people who want to start and grow their business by increasing brand awareness by using information technology-based marketing strategies through creative content on social media platforms. keywords: creative content, brand awareness, marketing, information technology mailto:*hasna.41818265@ mailto:hasna.41818265@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 411 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 1. introduction currently the online business industry or smes online a lot that has sprung up. however, the strategy they apply in their business is also more or less the same and the competition of brands today is increasingly causing stiff competition in marketing online. therefore, it is time we throw away the old way of marketing the brand and become more creative in managing content. namely by creating and utilizing creative content based on information technology as an opportunity to increase brand awareness. one of them is a digital creator content service that will help businesses or smes online branding their products through the content created. in this pandemic era, the development of information technology is growing very rapidly now more using digital marketing, rather than marketing in general, such as by creating creative content to increase brand awareness. information technology helps companies to grow and will experience rapid growth from year to year. entrepreneurs will be more inclined to use information technology such as social media to interact efficiently which will be easier to process ongoing business. the advantages of information technology for business are to make business people closer to consumers, help reduce costs, and make the business more flexible [1]. with a digital marketing strategy that is part of the implementation of information technology (it) used by the marketing section to enter the target market [2]. digital marketing is used by marketers as an attempt to market products or services through electronic media online [3]. it is going to be part of marketing in era 4.0, as all marketing information is done in an integrated manner [4]. one of the implementations of digital marketing is the use of advertising media through a digital system known as digital advertising [5]. currently the development of new media has created new types and business opportunities, using information technology that allows everyone to easily make buying and selling transactions supported by the rapid development of the internet and also has a significant influence in all aspects of our lives [6]. among other things, consumer-centered, participatory, replicated, produced, and widely consumed creative media content, and also plays an important role in enabling new cultural content to be easily delivered to the global public in the digital age. therefore, the use of attractive creative content to increase brand awareness is the first step to make the brand better known that will conceptualized as attractive as possible, until the brand is widely known by consumers and will buy products offered through social networking sites [7]. in addition, the company's brand will also be involved in it, because consumers are often associated with the creator's brand in evaluating the product. brand strength becomes the buttress of product value or vice versa, where the product is considered to have a value that has an impact on the company's brand [8]. therefore, social media is a cost-effective method for marketing activities [9]. the use of social media can help in business. social media indirectly changes the way we communicate, collaborate, consume, and create. social media represents one of the most transformative impacts information technology has on businesses, both inside and outside corporate boundaries [10]. moreover, the application of creative content has an influence on brand awareness that is assessed by consumers, and based on their preferences. brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize and remember a brand by seeing something unique from that brand identity [11]. brand identity is overwhelming, such as color, logo, writing or other visualizations, and that identity provides an important position of the brand in the minds of consumers [12]. however, having consumer brand awareness can trigger consumers to choose our products and even become loyal to the products offered. there are many advantages of 412 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech brand awareness when achieved by a company, such as influencing consumers to make purchases. moreover, digital marketing based on information technology (it) has a good opportunity in creating consumer brand awareness. through consumer brand awareness, companies gain a brand image that is a representation of the overall brand perception assumed by consumers [13]. consumer brand awareness is assessed through several indicators, which are generally known from the following measurements, such as brand awareness, brand identification, brand recall, brand know, and easy to find brands [14]. digital content marketing depends on wanting to add new value to customers lives in a reliable and relevant way by introducing high-quality shareable content that meets their needs, increasing their awareness, trust, and loyalty. it's a new way to attract potential customers and retain existing customers, and a useful tool for achieving and maintaining a trusted brand position through more cost-effective but far-reaching media [15,16]. now, customers are becoming digitally connected to each other and more informed about products and services. the future of marketing is the content itself. a brand can be a winner if it succeeds in attracting its audience through storytelling related to the company and its products and services. [17,18]. the purpose of this research is for establishment creative content related to the application of digital marketing based on information technology (it) to increase brand awareness. because since long ago we only use a sheet or word of mouth to market, now we can take advantage of information technology (it) which has become increasingly sophisticated. only by using a smartphone alone we can create content, of course, content is packaged interestingly and disseminated through various social media that can help startup businesses to start and even develop their business in the form of products and services that also increase brand awareness. 2. method this research method uses qualitative literature studies that can show relevant information by studying basic theories that can deepen the understanding of the problem to be studied. with literature studies on documents, books, and posts selected as a method of data collection. this method is useful for finding out more about information on the selected topic by collecting data on supporting documents. therefore creative content will prove to be very influential to increase brand awareness by using marketing strategies that include content planning, brand awareness stages to integrated marketing communication or it can also be called the promotional mix. figure 1. important things for planning a social media marketing content furthermore, in figure 1 display the explanation that beauty product content marketing is needed to introduce our business products to consumers. then we will do content marketing in product marketing gradually. first, by creating a content plan, then how the content is made 413 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech as interesting as possible and how the content is distributed through the media. target consumers starting at the age of 15-30 are the target of researchers to market skincare products, especially teenagers and adults very updated about skincare. they are concerned with the condition of skin barrier that needs to be considered since young age. quality content using visualization of images and videos posted on social media. for characteristic content almost is on instagram, because we already have content such as feeds, stores, stories, reels and igtv with content properties that are membranding while selling products online. 3. results and discussion after the content planning, then we will use the six instagram features shown in the figure 2,3,4,5,6,7 to increase brand awareness of beauty products (see figure 2-7). figure 2. home page features source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 2 shows home page feature for makes it easy for consumers to know instantly that it is instagram beauty products through images and videos of the product on the home page. 414 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. store features source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 3 shows this store feature is to make it easier for consumers to buy the products they want. when scrolling-up beauty products on social media, because they can buy products without ordering through the website to directly confirm and pay for products. figure 4. story features source : instagram @nadfaskin_ 415 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4 shows the story feature aims toinput the content of content in the form of ongoing promos such as vouchers or discounts that can be obtained by pressing link access in order to make it easier for consumers to be able to directly access and see the products that are being promoted. figure 5. story segment features source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 5 shows the story segment feature can create special segments that make it easier for marketing to promote products through interesting segments held on social media can be seen by consumers. figure 6. reels features source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 6 shows reels feature to create audiovisual content with several collaborations with influencers to introduce products in order to increase brand awareness of beauty products. 416 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7. igtv features source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 7 shows this igtv feature is to display content about tips, lifestyle in the scope of beauty to the consensus with the aim that consumers can feel more familiar with getting to know the beauty products better. next is the brand awareness stage. brand awareness is the skill of a brand when it causes recall the minds of consumers when they want to think about a particular product or service and how easily the brand appears [19]. awareness is expressed as consumer expertise that will occur if consumers know or remember a particular brand if the marketing and the brand is amazing. figure 8. brand awareness stage the first is unaware of brand. when a brand is formed, of course, the awareness that can be maximized. because it takes several strategies in order to get brand awareness, which needs to be done step by step. one of the reasons sometimes a brand is less well known is the lack of interaction with the audience that is targeted by the brand's products and also promotional techniques that are sometimes still done the old way. like too passively interacting in social media or promotions that only use a sheet. furthermore, the brand recognition stage in order to develop brand media social by creating creative content by available features, such as main page features (feeds), stores, stories, story segments, reels, igtv, and many more that 417 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech researchers do so that brand awareness continues to increase in any way so that always be consistent to keep making content as interesting as possible. by following up products that were once best sellers, flashback memory of how a brand's journey can be successful, hold events related to the brand, and create something new so that audience awareness increases. therefore, brand recall will go according to plan. and that's when we'll reach the top of mind. at this stage consumers will be aware of what a brand is always consistent to continue to branding. and it is realized that if buying the product can be trusted because it gets a positive rating and positive things that are always given by the brand to its followers is shown in figure 8. figure 9. integrated marketing communication as for the next step with integrated marketing communication or called the promotion mix. this beauty product has a special combination of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, to direct marketing that companies use to achieve advertising and marketing goals [20]. is shown in figure 10,11,12,13,14. 418 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 10. advertising source : instagram @nadfaskin_ advertising through mass media aims to create brand awareness, explain product information and build a brand image. in this figure 10 beauty products invite their followers to follow try & review with one of its products. the product used for try & review is a product with new packaging that will raise awareness of the product. the effect is that sales can increase brand awareness is shown in figure 10. figure 11. sales promotion source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 11 shows sales promotions are the use of incentives provided by companies to persuade to buy a brand. in addition, it is also expected to be a trigger for competition between sellers to be active in selling a product / brand. as this beauty product does, team sales promotion continues to be deployed one of them in drafting the concept to provide information about the holding of events, prize quizzes, ongoing promos and many other things with followers continues so as to raise awareness of the brand. of course, a positive image can be formed well . 419 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 12. public relations source : instagram @nadfaskin_ public relations is very effective in building awareness and brand knowledge, both for old and new products, in order to promote, in the interaction of the company with the public. therefore very it is important that a brand gets a positive rating from followers. by interacting directly with the influencers through events in live somewhere or through a zoom meeting by doing a q&a about the brand. which later for followers i will be comfortable with this beauty product as well. as shown in figure 12 can be seen that beauty product holding an event in online because it's in a pandemic, attended beauty influencers to doctors' consultation through social media instagram. when we joined the event, we not only get knowledge but merchandise and giveaway too. figure 13. personal selling source : instagram @nadfaskin_ personal selling is the most effective promotional tool in the last cycle of the buying process. this happens because personal sales can make interactive relationships close to get to know consumers more deeply and better, so as to provide the right response. as calculated in figure 13 seen marketing done this beauty product by giving good results when using this product, 420 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech one of which can be seen through the results before & after progress using the product, which will later be featured by the beauty product as a testimonial that will later affect the brand awareness of other followers. figure 14. direct marketing source : instagram @nadfaskin_ figure 15. direct marketing source : instagram @nadfaskin_ direct marketing is direct marketing condenses all these activities in direct sales without intermediaries that refer to non-personal communication. as in figure 14 and 15, marketing as well as information that directly educates followers about beauty and how to maintain good facial health, as well as the latest products with skincare content described in the form of news story, editorial, which is the loading of information on it is not sponsored by another company. 421 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 16. total followers, following, & media monthly graphs source : social blade instagram @nadfaskin_ after doing content planning, the stages of brand awareness to integrated marketing communication or can also be called the promotional mix. in figure 16 it appears that the total followers, following, & media shows a graph that every month gets 200 thousand followers, 200 following, and media up to 2500 which shows that there is a development of almost 5070% brand awareness increases when actively creating content, especially by following current trends that are viral but will be packaged again with typical products owned. because if the content is made interesting enough it can go to the homepage of non-follower users or can be called explore it also aims to find out the efficiency of brand awareness. 4. conclusion based on the presentation according to literature studies conducted on the influence of creative content of beauty products to increase brand awareness with information technology-based marketing strategies, it can be concluded that creative content is a form of utilization to introduce business products to consumers. which in the digital era has been very widely used mostly by utilizing various media or social media platforms such as instagram one of them. especially if you already have a target consumer, content planning, know the quality of what content to publish, content characteristics, features used in accordance with content needs, up to the stage of brand awareness, then producers do not need to be difficult or hesitant, because by looking at the quality of creative content, consumers will see us as one of the business ventures that are very credible and reliable. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia paper entrepreneurship team, nadfaskin, and to all those who help us and have participated directly or indirectly in the creation of this paper. 422 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 410-423 journal homepage: 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automatically. the research method used is a qualitative method in order to find out in depth how effective the use of the smart home system technology is. along with the development of the times, technology also accompanies the property in terms of security, comfort, convenience, and cleanliness. since the covid-19 pandemic came, we have found that facilities that use smart home system technology are urgently needed at this time, because during the pandemic, work and learning activities turn into online activities. this research shows that the effectiveness of smart home system technology can make work and study activities more effective. keywords: smart home, technology 5.0, modern property. 1. introduction smart home system technology is a technology-based home, assisted by the technological sophistication of this era. this technology enables the user of the home to control and control users home anytime and anywhere. it's through remote devices or mobile phones that are already set up with technical home. thus, creating a home that is both practical and comfortable because it is easy to engage in some activities both remotely and closely using only internet connections that can be controlled in mobile devices. visually, homes that use the smart home system look no different from the conventional or ordinary houses. this kind of breakthrough is ideal for modern society. in the use of smart home system there are several advantages and also certainly have some hurdles that may occur outside the control of the system. as is well known, in a technologically advanced era, there are now many big technological firms providing highly sophisticated products based on smart home system. the various forms of technology now in fact can be configured through smart home system technologies with varying variations. such as organizing light intensity, room temperature, home security, and also some entertainment 363 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech facilities. included are a few other items of furniture. therefore, smart home system technologies are able to generate and create comfortable and secure living conditions for its users, besides of course being more efficient because it is easily accessible through connectivity by the hand. smart home system technology certainly has benefits that are able to reassure residents of the house. how not, users of this technology are able to control various kinds of home devices such as lights and air conditioners without the need for their respective remotes. but with just one device, everything can be done quickly and precisely. in addition, the smart home system allows users to know a danger that is at home remotely. one example is a smart door that allows homeowners to monitor and communicate with guests, even when the homeowner is not in place. or smoke detection technology that will instantly appear on the device screen to notify that there is a fire threat. a few of these small examples certainly have very significant advantages. especially in terms of cost savings, because household electronic appliances can be used wisely and as necessary. this results in a decrease in the use of electric power. in line with the explanation of the background, and as a generation living in modern times, we are interested in compiling a paper with the title "effectiveness of smart home system technology on property". this research is expected to be useful for readers, and able to provide intellectual contributions in the field of interior design. 2. method this research uses qualitative methods to find out in depth how effective the use of smart home system technology on property. the source of the data is obtained by conducting a literature study. this research will focus on the effect and effectiveness that is obtained when using a smart home system on the property. 3. results and discussion in this era, technological developments are developing rapidly and modern. where all elements of current human needs lead to efficiency and speed in their use. one of the concrete pieces of evidence is the use of wireless-based technologies such as smart home systems that are able to provide efficient value to the needs of human property. in this study, what is meant by property is what refers to a person's place of residence or residence. 3.1 smart home system smart home can be said to be a house that has a sophisticated automation system to provide information to homeowners. so that homeowners are able to control and monitor the condition of the house. one example is a smart home system capable of detecting and controlling the intensity of light, room temperature, security systems, door or window operations, and various other functions [1]. actually, this smart home technology has been around since the early 21st century or the 2000s. at that time, mobile phones or gadgets were widely used by the public. one example is smart home-based sms (short message service) gateway. this system is a technology to control and monitor several electronic equipment at home using sms service via gsm network. unfortunately, this sms-based smart home system is rarely used in the current internet era. this is because sms-based technology is considered inefficient and less effective [2]. how not, in the midst of this rapid technological development, people prefer to use sms to use internetbased applications. the use of internet-based applications is considered to be more attractive, 364 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech faster, and has many functions. apart from that, internet-based technology is considered cheaper and more flexible than sms services [3]. before adopting the smart home system at home, we must first identify some reasons for developing the smart home system that runs away from the flaws in the conventional home concept. first, in conventional homes, homeowners often ignore electronic devices such as lights, tvs, refrigerators, or other devices that they forget to turn off before leaving the house. this causes the use of electric power to be excessive or wasteful. second, the security system in conventional homes tends to be quiet or lacking, for example, the door of a house that is forgotten to be locked so that it has the potential to cause harmful criminal acts [4]. then the smart home system came as the correct answer to some of these problems [5]. as explained earlier, this smart home system provides users with a comfortable and safe environment, especially in terms of room coding, such as ambient temperature settings, light intensity, home security, and electronic control. further, david bregman [6] describes it this way, “a smart home is one that has a highly sophisticated automated system to control multimedia equipment for monitoring and enable the security forces (alarm and alert) associated with the windows and doors, lighting and temperature and many other functions. a smart home appears "intelligent" because of a computer system that can monitoring many aspects of daily life.” this definition explains that smart home systems have highly advanced automation systems to control multimedia devices, monitor, and activate alarm-based security systems that are connected to windows and doors, lighting, room temperature, and so on. a smart home system or a smart home would seem smart because its computer system monitors many aspects of daily life. in line with some of these definitions, it may be concluded that the smart home system is a system that integrates several devices that normally exist in a room, house or property. with connections to many of the devices of this home, smart homes are expected to increase security, ease, efficiency, and comfort for the householders. the smart home system on a property or interior is generally a security system, temperature control and ventilation system, lighting or lighting system, and entertainment or entertainment system. 3.2 properties property in the broad sense means a mention of land or building owned by a person. in a sense the property is not restricted to the landscape of a building that is already established but also a legend with a building or building standing on it. in the english lexicon, the term property is defined as property of land, building and means and prejudicial which cannot be separated from the property or property property. meanwhile, rafitas [7] explained that property is something that is expendable. in the sense that anything that can be property or anything that can be held as an object of ownership. submits to some of these insights, and it may be inferred that property is a property that belongs to an object belonging to it. in this study, the object referred to was the property of a building or rather a residence or home. but to be clear, here's some kind of property. a. tangiable property • real property, consisting of buildings, land, facilities and infrastructure • personal property, such as motor vehicles, household appliances, equipment. 365 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech b. intangible property, such as certificates of ownership, personal guarantees, francises, trademark, patent, copyright francises, merek dagang, hak paten, dan hak cipta. c. marketable securities, such as stocks and savings [8]. these several types of properties indicate that the presence of properties in the joints of daily life is very important. this is of course as a support for the necessities of life and a provider of comfortable housing, as well as some of the assets owned by a person. however, in this research, the term property will refer more to the tangible property in the form of buildings or houses. this residential property will be closely related to smart home technology which starting to spread in this modern era. 3.3 how the smart system works the smart home system is a mixed application of technology and services focused on residential properties or houses with specific functions. smart home system aims to increase efficiency, comfort, and security for its occupants. yurnama revealed that usually smart home systems consist of control devices, automatic devices, and monitoring devices that can be accessed via computers or gadgets [9]. the workings of a smart home system on residential properties or residences are composed of a specific process, namely the preparation of system devices, and then its implementation on hardware so that it can then be accessed via computers or internet-based smartphones. web and android-based software systems can be composed of elements such as the internet of things (iof), network control systems (ncs), raspberry pi, sensors, relays, webcams, smartphones, buzzers. • internet of things (iot) internet of things allows for contact or interaction between one machine and another, or what is known as machine to machine. as in household electrical appliances, sensors, and mobile phones/computers. there are three things that are able to operate iot quite well, namely a common understanding of users and their applications, software architecture and communication networks to process and transmit information, and analytical tools for automation needs and intelligent capabilities [10]. • network control system (ncs) ncs is a control system whose control signals and feedback use internet media [11]. actually, the workings of iot and ncs are almost the same, but in ncs the analysis is about system response so that the system remains consistent, stable, and remains good. because the internet sometimes has various obstacles such as delays, this system will be greatly affected by its work and become unstable [12]. • raspberry pi raspberry pi is a single-board computer that is relatively small in size with a credit card. this technology was developed in the uk by the raspberry pi foundation which aims to improve computer science in schools [13]. • passive infra-red sensor (pir) 366 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this sensor is a sensor system that can be applied to detect infrared rays. this pir sensor is only capable of receiving infrared light, but it is not capable of emitting its own infrared light, which means that this pir sensor is passive. the slightest movement will definitely be detected by this pir sensor, because all objects -in this case humans emit radiant energy. the following is shown in figure 1. movement diagram of the pir sensor. figure 1. pir sensor movement diagram • dht 22 sensor this sensor is a sensor that can detect basic temperature and humidity with digital input. this dht 22 sensor has the ability to read air conditions in the room, and works on a 5v dc power supply. in addition, this sensor had advantages suc as: precise accuracy, sharpness of reading, and wider coverage compared to other temperature reading sensors. • acs721 sensor this sensor has a function to read electric currents both ac and dc circuits in an electrical wiring system. in addition, this sensor can produce a qualified signal beam according to the detection results. the signal it produces can be digital or analog. this sensor can be used as a data store for analysis results from a data acquisition system for control purposes. in other words, this sensor is capable of being designed to generate information from the measured electric current. this is shown in figure 2. the shape of the ac712 sensor is shown. 367 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. ac712 sensor • relay the relay module is a device that uses electromagnetic force to operate a switch system. this relay is composed of a coil of electrically conducting wire wrapped around an iron core. if the coil of wire is energized, then the magnetic field generated will attract the shaft which is used to leverage the magnetic switch mechanism. figure 3. the following shows the shape of the relay module. figure 3. relayed shape module • webcam web and camera, which is shortened to webcam, is a real-time camera whose visualization can be viewed directly, online via the internet. webcams have a small form, like digital video cameras, webcams are connected to a computer and generally via a usb cable or portcom cable. usually, the webcam does not require a data storage area. because the recorded data that can be monitored live is directly transferred to the computer. unfortunately, this webcam is only capable of being connected to a computer system, so it cannot be carried anywhere, but for now, the webcam monitoring camera is capable of connecting via the internet. so that homeowners can monitor the state of the house through a webcam. notice in figure 4. the following is a form of a webcam. figure 4. webcam 368 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech • buzzer buzzer is a device capable of converting electrical signals into sound signals. usually, the buzzer is used as a home security alarm, because its application is relatively easy, that is, by simply providing an input voltage, the buzzer will produce a kind of sound. in its application to a smart home system on property, the buzzer can function as a home security system that is able to detect the threat of criminal action, because the alarm system will sound immediately if there is an attempted theft. of course, after the buzzer is integrated with gadgets, homeowners can monitor the condition of their home. • smartphone smart phone is the last essential element of a smart home system. because all smart home technology movements can be integrated on the phone screen so that homeowners are able to control, manage efficiently and quickly. smart phones since the beginning of their emergence have even provided various advanced technologies such as portable media players, global positioning system or gps, touchscreen, wireless fidelity or wi-fi, and so on. a variety of operating systems on smart phones can be found on iphone os or ios, and android. currently, even smart phones have a working system that is almost the same as a computer. 3.4 effectiveness of smart home system in interior some of the descriptions above regarding what devices are capable of operating a smart home system show that this smart home system has many advantages. especially in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in the interior, because homeowners can control, adjust, and monitor remotely and anytime. so that the condition of the house or property will always be safe. the following are some of the benefits of the effectiveness of the smart home system that we have summarized, a. provide a safe and comfortable residence. homeowners with a smart home system do not need to worry when they are not around, because with a smart home system the homeowner can monitor the condition of his property remotely. b. facilitate various household activities. with a smart home system such as an automatic air temperature controller or a lamp lighting intensity controller, even monitoring home security systems makes it easier for homeowners to carry out their daily activities. c. guaranteed security system. the smart home system allows homeowners not to have to worry anymore if there is a criminal act that threatens the property. with smart home systems such as automatic alarms, and monitoring cameras that are integrated on the cellphone screen, home security is guaranteed. d. reduce the use of excessive electrical power. sometimes homeowners ignore or forget the performance of electronic devices such as lights, refrigerators, televisions, and others. usually when going out of the house, homeowners may forget to turn off various electronic devices. however, with a smart home, homeowners are able to remotely control the settings so that the use of electricity is not excessive. 4. conclusion smart home can be said as a house that has a sophisticated automation system to provide information to home owners. so that homeowners are able to control, and monitor the condition of the house. one example is a smart home system capable of detecting and 369 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 362-369 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech controlling light intensity, room temperature, security systems, door or window operations, and various other functions. the implementation of a smart home system on a residential property or residence has various advantages. after carrying out the elaboration of the smart home system with a literature review obtained from scientific journals, scientific articles, internet and book sources, it can be concluded that the smart home system has a significant effectiveness value on residential property. furthermore, the research results show that the smart home system is very suitable for use on property, especially in the modern era like today. because the existence of a smart home system will be more effective and efficient in human activities. apart from that, of course, its use is based on a wise attitude and not excessive. acknowledgement we would like to thank the universitas komputer indonesia for guiding us in the process of making this paper. references [1] georgoulas. 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(source: https: //www.bps.go.id/indicator/17/57/1/sumkendaraan-bermotor.html, accessed on 07 september 2021) [4]. the increasing number of use of motorized vehicles is often cause of traffic congestion. one of the places that often experience traffic congestion is parking lot, where the traffic congestion is caused by the increasing number of vehicles so that the need for parking spaces also increases [5]. 133 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech besides being expensive, currently the available parking facilities generally do not provide information regarding parking lots that are still available or have already been filled [6]. this often causes problems where vehicle users, especially four-wheeled vehicles (cars) spend their time walking around looking for empty parking spaces [7]. as a result, vehicle users can spend a lot of time just looking for parking spaces [8]. in addition, because parking lot users do not have information regarding the availability of parking spaces, vehicle users continue to enter the parking lot even though the parking lot is fully occupied so that it can cause congestion or accumulation of vehicles at the entrance, because the number of available parking spaces with the number of vehicles entering the parking lot is not balanced [9]. quickly finding a vacant space in a parking lot is difficult if not impossible, especially on weekends or public holidays [10,11]. seeing these conditions, this study seeks to create a parking monitoring system that functions to display the number of quotas and the location of empty parking lots, so that it is expected to eliminate vehicle buildup at the parking entrance and also assist users in finding the location of the available parking locations. in the last three decades, many studies have been carried out to help overcome parking problems [12], various approaches have been taken such as technological approaches, sensors used, network technology, user interfaces, computing approaches, and services provided. smart parking systems (sps) used [13-16] internet of things (iot) technology facilities including microcontrollers and other sensor devices are to identify available parking spaces [17]. several studies explore iot [6,18,19] and internet technologies to connect physical objects with the help of mobile phones and google apis, controllers, sensors, wi-fi modules [20], and cloud databases to store users [21]. likewise, the use of microcontrollers to design sps has been widely used by including various hardware devices such as arduino mega, arduino uno, ethernet shield, pn532, radio frequency identification (rfid) [22], light dependent resistor (ldr), near-field communication (nfc), ultrasonic sensors, and infrared sensors [23-26]. in line with some of the studies mentioned above, in this study the parking lot monitoring system is used to monitor how many vehicles can still be accommodated by displaying the number of parking quotas on the liquid crystal display (lcd) screen which is placed in front of the entrance to the parking area, where to detect the number of vehicles entering and leaving using infrared (ir) sensors and ultrasonic sensors that function as input by detecting objects to be displayed on the floor plan and light emitting diode (led) light indicators, what distinguishes it from previous research is the addition of features that provide information on the location of vacant parking lots directly by using leds placed in each parking lot so that it serves as a marker whether the parking lot is still empty or has been filled. 2. method the methodology used in this research is prototyping. ogedebe and jacob [27] argue that prototyping is an early version of the system in the form of a physical model. the result of the prototyping method is a system prototype that functions as an intermediary for developers and users so that both parties can interact in the system development process. the prototyping method can be applied to all system developments, both small systems to large systems, with the aim that the development process can run well and complete as planned. protype is created with the aim of providing equal perception and initial understanding of the basic processes of the system to be developed, so that there will be good communication between developers 134 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and system users [28]. the steps of the prototyping method consist of requirement gathering, determining the objectives, functions, and operational requirements of the system involving system developers and users [29]. the prototyping steps can be seen in figure 1 below: figure 1. prototyping steps based on the explanation above, the prototyping steps can be described as follows: 1) requirements gathering – is the process of collecting and analysing what tools are needed in the prototyping process, 2) design process – is the process of making prototype designs starting from system modelling to device design such as the process of making the system display, 3) build a prototype is the process of assembling the tools used into a device consisting of making system programs and making prototype tools, and 4) evaluation and improvement is the process of checking and improving the function of the device, which in the first test, the device still has many shortcomings, so it is necessary to make improvements to the results of previous tests, then the checking and repair process is carried out again and again until there are no deficiencies or errors in the prototype device so that it can function optimally according to with what was planned. 3. results and discussion 3.1. system functionality modelling in this study, the system functionality modelling is described by using a use case diagram which is a description or representation of how a system interacts with its environment. the following is a use case diagram of the parking lot monitoring system: requirements gathering design process build a prototype evaluation and improvement 135 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. usecase diagram of parking lot monitoring system in figure 2. above, it can be seen that the actors in the system are parking lot users who have a need to see the number of parking quotas, and the location of the empty parking slots. while the part or function of the parking lot monitoring system can be seen from the block diagram with the relations between blocks connected by lines as a pointer to the relationship between blocks. the following is a block diagram of the parking lot monitoring system. figure 3. block diagram of parking lot monitoring system based on figure 3 above, it can be seen several components contained in the system, as follows: 1) infrared sensor: used to detect the presence or absence of an object is also used as input to run the servo motor. this infrared sensor is placed at the parking entrance portal, 2) ultrasonic sensor: is used to detect the distance between the sensor and the object, also functions as input for the led light indicator as well as the parking slot status on the monitor, 3) microcontroller: is used as the brain (place) for processing input and also output, 4) lcd screen: is used to display the number of available parking quotas, 5) servo motor: is used as a driver of the parking entrance portal, 6) led lights: is used as an indicator of whether or not the parking slot is empty, and 7) monitor via pc /laptop : is used to display the floor plan as well as the status of the existing parking slots. parking quota view parking location view user parking lot monitoring system microcontroller infrared sensor ultrasonic sensor lcd screen servo motor led light monitor via pc/laptop 136 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.2. view quota and parking location the following is a flowchart diagram that illustrates the process flow of a system, which can show quotas and parking locations, as follows: figure 4. a. flowchart parking quota view b. flowchart parking location view in figure 4 (a) it can be seen that there is a flow from the parking quota view where the microcontroller displays the number of quotas available for parking users, besides that the microcontroller can also process data from input and produce output according to the code command. while figure 4 (b) describes a series of flowcharts from the parking location view where the microcontroller checks the input value from the ultrasonic sensor, then the input from the ultrasonic sensor will be processed. if the input value is less than 5cm then the led input from ultrasonic sensor data from processed ultrasonic sensor microcontroller sends data to application microcontroller sends data to application detected object distance <5cm the output is on, led light is green the output is on, led light is red data from microcontroller is processed by application data from microcontroller is processed by application the parking location plan output on the monitor and the parking status is green the parking location plan output on the monitor and the parking status is red input from ultrasonic sensor start output the number of parking quota provided on lcd screen input from ir sensor data from processed ir sensor ir sensor detected object microcontroller accumulates the number of quotas according to the command servo output moves according to microcontroller commands end true false 137 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech light and status on the parking location plan are red, and if the input is more than 5cm then the led light and status on the parking location plan are green. the results of the implementation of the prototype device interface are as follows: figure 5 parking quota on lcd display figure 5 above, shows the parking lot users about the parking quota available in the parking lot, while the parking plan can be monitored by displaying figure 6 as follows: figure 6 partially filled slot implementation view 138 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in figure 6 above, it can be seen that the parking space slot has been partially used, where the green color indicates the parking space slot is still available, while the red color has been filled by parked vehicles. 3.3. test result in this study, testing was carried out using the black-box testing method. black-box testing is done by giving a number of inputs which will then be processed by the system according to its function with the aim of knowing whether the system can produce outputs as expected or not based on a number of inputs received [30] and ignores the internal mechanisms of a system [31]. the test results using the black box testing method, can be seen in table 1 below: table 1. test results no. test function how to test expected results test results explanation status 1 parking quota function test testing of incoming objects with a number exceeding the parking quota. when the number of incoming objects has not exceeded the quota limit, the quota number will be reduced by 1, and when the incoming object has exceeded the quota limit, a full parking notification will appear and the parking portal will not open. when the incoming object has not exceeded the quota limit, the number of parking quotas is reduced by 1, and when the incoming object exceeds the quota limit, a "parking full" notification will appear and the parking portal is not open. in accordance with the expected results, where the test results include objects whose number has not exceeded the quota limit, the quota number is reduced by 1, and when entering objects with a number exceeding the quota limit, a full parking notification appears and the parking portal will not open. testing of exiting object with a number exceeding the parking quota. when the outgoing object has not exceeded the quota limit, the number of quotas will be increased by 1, and if the number of outgoing objects exceeds when the exit object has not exceeded the quota limit, the number of parking quotas increases, and when the number of exit objects exceeds the quota limit, the parking not in accordance with the expected results because when the number of outgoing objects exceeds the quota limit, the number of parking quotas still increases by 1. 139 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the quota limit, the parking quota will not increase from the predetermined number of quota. quota number still increases by 1. 2 led indicator function test keep the object on top of the ultrasonic sensor for 5 minutes. as long as the object is still detected above the sensor, the led will continue to be red. when the object is still above the ultrasonic sensor for 5 minutes, the led light remains red. in accordance with the expected results where the test results when the object is placed on the ultrasonic sensor for 5 minutes, the led light remains red. 3 parking status function test on desktop application keep the object on top of the ultrasonic sensor for 5 minutes. as long as the object is still detected above the sensor, the parking status in the application remains red. when the object is still above the ultrasonic sensor for 5 minutes, the status of the parking slot in the application remains red. in accordance with the expected results where the test results when the object is placed on top of the ultrasonic sensor for 5 minutes, the status of the parking slot on the application remains red. 4. conclusion after implementing and testing the tool, it can be concluded that the tool made can display the location of the empty parking location through the led light indicator, as well as a floor plan for the application that is displayed on the monitor screen with input from the ultrasonic sensor to determine whether or not a parking lot is empty. with the result that users no longer need to go around looking for an empty parking lot. the tool made can display the number of parking space quotas remaining on the lcd screen and can calculate the number of quotas by either increasing or decreasing the number of vehicles entering and leaving using input from the infrared sensor. with this tool, it cannot eliminate the accumulation of vehicles in front of the parking entrance, because the parking quota feature still has a drawback, namely the vehicle still has to stop to see the number of quotas, thus allowing the accumulation of vehicles. for further research, it is hoped that it will be able to fix problems in the addition of parking quotas, try wireless connectivity methods that can be run online, connect other devices that can access applications such as mobile devices, or use the concept of a system without a stop process to anticipate the accumulation of vehicles. 140 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 132-141 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech acknowledgement we would like to thank the institute for research and community services (lppm) of institut digital ekonomi lpkia, which has supported and provided facilities so that this research can run well. references [1] mustaziri, mirza, y., & deviana, h. 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descriptive with a quantitative approach. the results of the research conducted so that children recognize the names of animals. the main concept of this product is game. in the end this game was created to educate children. this simulation is made for children to know the names of existing animals. the game scheme is made in several levels. this research was conducted with the aim of developing games so that they can be a means of learning for children on android-based mobile devices, to broaden children's horizons, and to determine the feasibility of android-based learning. with this game can shape the character and development of children. keywords: gamification, animal names, games 1. introduction children are the next generation of the nation where children must have provisions in the form of knowledge. and knowledge can be obtained through learning. play is a necessity for early childhood. children can play and explore and finally children can find new experiences. the ability to recognize letters is the stage of child development from not knowing to knowing about the relationship between the shapes and sounds of letters, so that children can know the shapes of letters and interpret them [1,2]. game search method is one of the implementations of artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (english: artificial intelligence or just abbreviated ai) is defined as the intelligence of scientific entities [3-6]. such systems are generally considered computers. intelligence is created and put into a machine (computer) in order to do work like humans can. several kinds of fields that use artificial intelligence include expert systems, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and robotics [7]. there are many search algorithms that can be applied. this application has several letter and number games, name guessing games. the purpose of this research is to create mobile-based educational games for children aged 5-7 years that simulate the introduction of animal images. the research method that we use in this research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. 15 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 14-18 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. method the research method that we use in this research is descriptive by using a quantitative approach to convey the research design. in making games, we use a web browser with the waterfall system development method. the waterfall development method that we use is that it can be used to design these simple games because the waterfall method is like a waterfall, each stage is carried out or done sequentially from start to finish [8, 9]. the initial stages used in the waterfall method, namely requirement at this stage, must know all information regarding software requirements. design, namely the design stage, this stage aims to provide an overview of what must be done and how it looks. implementation. at this stage, it is carried out to check whether it is complete or not. integration and testing at this stage aims to check whether the application is complete or there are still shortcomings [10]. 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying requirements this game application is designed for children aged 5-7 years to be able to recognize animal names through this medium. the research was conducted for children to be able to use this game application. the initial appearance of this game is shown in figure 1. figure 1. main menu display figure 1 shows that before the child plays this game, the first display that exists is the main menu display. 3.2 developing waterfall initial requirements in the early stages of creating a waterfall, the developer designs the main page of the game application. the home screen contains the initial game logo display (see figure 2). 16 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 14-18 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. game main page figure 2 shows the game application start page before the user enters the game main page. on this main page will be displayed the logo and the name of the game. 3.3. analysis before making the game, we must first analyze what we will need when making the game, such as: 1. setting up the animal name 2. preparing the web 3. preparing the icons 4. finding backsound 3.4. design the following game design will be displayed in figure 3. figure 3. game display 17 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 14-18 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.5. waterfall testing after the initial waterfall has been successfully created, as an initial stage of discussion from developers to users, waterfall testing is carried out to test the first initial waterfall before the game is started, we get random words that have not been answered, after that we assemble the correct words and then there is the correct display. figure 4. display of unselected answers figure 5. display of selected answers 18 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 14-18 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion this game application is designed to be a simple game model consisting of several levels from easy to difficult. in this game application there is information on the names of animals that are around us. children can play the game. references [1] curby, t. w., brown, c. a., bassett, h. h., & denham, s. a. 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[8] stated that compulsive buying is a phenomenon where consumers make purchases not based on needs, but on emotional impulses. previous studies have shown that young people have a tendency to compulsive buying online, especially when they see promotions and celebrities that can trigger a purchase. the use of social media is a community where users can create public profiles of individuals to interact in maintaining and expanding their social networks. heavy social networking is defined as individuals who spend a lot of time on online platforms to show symptoms of addiction [9]. empirical evidence states that addiction to using social media can affect consumers' compulsive attitudes. in addition, this study also relates individual emotional and hedonistic shopping experiences to see how much influence they have on online buying behavior, especially on compulsive behavior on online media platforms such as shoppe, tokopedia, and lazada.com. this research is divided into four parts, where in the first part is presented about the background of the research along with relevant theories, the second part is presented about research methods, the third part is presented about the results and discussion, and the last part is presented about the conclusions. 2. method this study was carried out using quantitative approach with the object of research containing the main points of concern attached to the research subject. this point of concern can be assigned a value and the value will vary from one individual to another. in this study, the research focused on variables consisting of hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping experience, and heavy social networking on compulsive buying. figure 1 describes the conceptual research. the population of this study was the student of widyatama university, bandung. the number of samples were determined using purposive sampling, with the criteria that the student have minimum expenditure per month. the questionnaires were distributed through online platforms. the number of questionnaires returned and can be used for further data processing were 125 questionnaires. the variables were measured using 5point likert scale. the data is analyzed using regression method, with spss 25 software. figure 1. conceptual framework the measurement of the variables in this study are as follows: ▪ hedonistic shopping experience is defined as consumers’ personalized ways of deriving pleasure from shopping activities, including desirable affect and emotional arousal [10]. hedonistic shopping experience is measured using items adopted from [11]. 93 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 91-99 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech ▪ emotional shopping behaviour is defined as individual’s reaction toward risk which involve cognitive assessment and emotional reaction [12]. emotional shopping behaviour is measured using three items adopted from [13]. ▪ heavy social networking is defined as the excessive use of social media. this study uses the adapted version (perfected by [14]) of 8 item scale developed by [15]. ▪ compulsive buying is defined as buying with a weak, excessive control, or as an urge in harmful purchases. compulsive buying is measured using six items adopted from [16]. 3. results and discussion based on the results of data acquisition in this study, the respondents' descriptions were obtained as follows: table. 1. respondent profile respondent profile percentage gender male 46% female 54% age 17 – 22 year 68% 23 28 year 22% 29 34 year 10% expenditure per month < rp 2.000.000 34% rp 2.000.000 s/d 5.000.000 52% rp 5.000.000 s/d rp 8.000.000 14% source: data in process (2022) data from the responses of 125 respondents showed that 54% were women and 46% were men. this shows that the majority of respondents are female. the largest number of respondents in this study were respondents aged 17 22 years and the least respondents were aged 35 40 years. the level of expenditure per month is dominated by respondents who have an expenditure of idr 2,000,000 to 5,000,000. the results of the descriptive analysis test of respondents' responses to the variables hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior, heavy social networking and compulsive buying can be seen in the table below: table 2. descriptive analysis no variable average score standard deviation interpretation 1 hse 3,9 0,2603 good 2 esb 4,0 0,1992 good 3 hsn 3,7 0,2193 good 4 cb 3,9 0,3851 good source: processed data (2022) in table 2, the results show that the respondents' responses to each research variable are in the good category. this means that consumers provide a fairly good response to each question item. validity and reliability based on a questionnaire consisting of hedonistic, emotional, heavy social networking and compulsive buying, the average value on validity testing is above 0.3. if the standard value of validity is obtained more than 0.3, then the question can be said to be valid. the reliability testing is as follows: 94 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 91-99 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 3. reliability test variable reliability value r-critical information hse 0,647 0,6 reliable esb 0,741 0,6 reliable hsn 0,784 0,6 reliable cb 0,629 0,6 reliable source: data in process (2022) based on the recapitulation results presented in the table above, it can be seen that all variables show reliable results, where the reliability coefficient value of each variable is greater than the critical r of 0.6. thus, all research variables have good reliability and can be used for further analysis. normality test normality test is a test carried out with the aim of assessing the distribution of data on a group of variables whether the distribution of the data is normally distributed or not. the results of the normality test are as follows: table 4. normality test unstandardiz ed residual n 125 normal parameters a,b mean 0,0000000 std. deviation 1,95572908 most extreme absolute 0,059 differences positive 0,059 negative -0,058 test statistic 0,059 asymp. sig (2-tailed) 0,200 a. test distribution is normal b. calculated from data based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of asymp. sig (2-tailed) is 0.200. due to the asymp value. sig (2-tailed) is greater than the specified significance level (0.200 > 0.05), it can be concluded that the unstandardized residual data has a normal distribution. multicolinearity test according to [17] multicollinearity testing aims to find out whether the regression model found any intercorrelation or collinearity between variables. the tests are as follows: table 5. multicolinearity test coefficientsa model collinearity statistics tolerance vif 1 hse .541 1,848 esb hsn .594 .807 1,683 1,239 a. dependent variable : cb from the table above, the results of each variable, namely hedonistic shopping experience (hse), emotional shopping behavior (esb) and heavy social networking (hsn) have a tolerance value of 0.541; 0.594 and 0.807 with a vif value of 1.848, respectively; 1,683 and 1,239. these results can be interpreted that there is no multicollinearity between these variables and meets the requirements of the classical assumption of multicollinearity because the tolerance is greater than 0.10, while the vif is less than 10.00. 95 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 91-99 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech regresion test multiple regression analysis was used to determine how much influence hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior, heavy social networking had on compulsive buying. the processing results are as follows: tabel 6. regresion test model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 7,118 1,838 3,873 0,000 hse 0,201 0,087 0,238 2,307 0,023 esb 0,129 0,094 0,113 2,153 0,001 hsn 0,251 0,064 0,329 3,898 0,000 a. dependent variable : cb based on the results of the regression test, it is known that the intercept and regression coefficient values can be formed so that a multiple linear regression equation can be formed as follows: y = 7.118 + 0.201 x1 + 0.129 x2 + 0.251x3 + e the above equation can be interpreted as follows: a = 7.118 means that if the variables hse, esb and hsn are zero, the compulsive buying (cb) variable will be worth 7.118 units, thus it can be seen that the regression lines intersect the y axis at the point 7.118. b1 = 0.201 means that if the hse increases by one unit while the other variables are constant, then the cb variable will increase by 0.201 units. b2 = 0.129 means that if the esb variable increases by one unit while the other variables are constant, then the cb variable will increase by 0.129 units. b3 = 0.251 means that if the hsn variable increases by one unit while the other variables are constant, then the cb variable will increase by 0.251 units. simultaneous test table 7. simultaneous tes model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 207,507 3 69,169 17,646 0,000b residual 474,285 121 3,920 total 681,792 124 source: predictor: (constant), hsn, esb, hse dependent variable: cb as the table above shows. based on the anova test, the calculated f value is 17.646 with a significant value of 0.000. from the calculation of the f table, namely at the level of = 0.05, df1 = k – 1 = 4 – 1 = 3, and df2 = n k = 125 4 = 121 then the f table is 2.68. so when compared, f count > f table, which is 17.646 > 2.68, so it can be concluded that hedonistic shopping experience (hse), emotional shopping behavior and heavy social networking simultaneously affect the compulsive buying variable on online business platforms, especially among widyatama university students in bandung. partial test 96 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 91-99 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the t-test was conducted to show how far the influence of one explanatory or independent variable individually in explaining the variation of the dependent variable. the results of the test are as follows: table 8. partial test model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 7,118 1,838 3,873 0,000 hse 0,201 0,087 0,238 2,307 0,023 esb 0,129 0,094 0,113 2,153 0,001 hsn 0,251 0,064 0,329 3,898 0,000 b. dependent variable: cb from the values above, it can be seen that the t-count value obtained by the hse variable is 2.307 > t table (1.97928), in accordance with the hypothesis testing criteria that ho is rejected and ha is accepted. this means that partially, the hse (hedonistic shopping experience) variable has a significant effect on the compulsive buying variable at widyatama university students in bandung. variable esb (emotional shopping experience) obtained 2.153 > t table (1.97928), according to the criteria for testing the hypothesis that ho is rejected and ha is accepted. this means that partially, the esb variable has a significant effect on compulsive buying at widyatama university students in bandung. heavy social networking (hsn) was obtained at 3.898 > t table (1.97928), in accordance with the criteria for testing the hypothesis that ho was rejected and ha was accepted. this means that partially, the hsn variable has a significant effect on compulsive buying at widyatama university students. test the coefficient of determination according to [18], the determinant coefficient (r2) is a tool to measure how far the model's ability to explain the variation of the dependent variable. tabel 9. coefficient of determination test model r r square 1 .784a .615 predictors: (constant), hsn, esb, hse dependent variable: cb from the results of the table above, the coefficient of determination is 0.615, which means that the effect of the three independent variables on the dependent variable is 61.5%. meanwhile, 38.5% or the rest is influenced by other variables not examined. discussion the effect of hedonistic shopping experience on compulsive buying among widyatama university students in bandung city in this study, responses to questions regarding hse were in the good category. this shows that consumers or respondents have a hedonic experience when making a purchase where this can encourage their shopping experience. in addition, it can be seen from the results of the calculation of respondents' responses that have been described previously, each of the indicators proposed is included in the good category. based on the results of partial hypothesis testing or t-test that has been done, it can be concluded that the hedonistic shopping experience variable shows that h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, meaning that the hsn 97 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 91-99 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech variable has an influence on the compulsive buying behavior of widyatama university students in bandung. the effect of emotional shopping behavior on compulsive purchasing among widyatama university students in bandung city in this study, responses regarding emotional shopping behavior were included in the good category. these results indicate that the emotional factor is an important factor in compulsive buying. it can be seen from the results of the calculation of respondents' responses that have been described previously, each of the indicators proposed is included in the very good category. based on the results of partial hypothesis testing or the t-test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the emotional shopping variable shows that h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted. this shows that emotional shopping experience has an influence in explaining compulsive buying. effect of heavy social networking on compulsive buying among widyatama university students in bandung city in this study, the responses regarding heavy social networking are in the good category. this indicates that respondents are aware that excessive use of social media can lead to compulsive buying. it can also be seen from the results of the calculation of respondents' responses that have been described previously, each of the indicators proposed is included in the good category. based on the results of partial hypothesis testing or the t-test that has been done, it can be concluded that the emotional shopping experience variable shows that h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted. the influence of hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior and heavy social networking on compulsive buying among widyatama university students in bandung city based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing or the f-test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the three independent variables, namely hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior and heavy social networking simultaneously affect compulsive buying. in the anova analysis, the conclusions that can be obtained are that these three variables have a positive effect on re-order desire. so it can be concluded that the results show that there is a match between the results obtained with the theory that has been put forward in the literature review and previous research that the variables hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior and heavy social networking have an effect on compulsive purchasing among widyatama university students in bandung city. 4. conclusion the results of this study reveal that in the current digital era, compulsive buying is an interesting topic to study, especially on the factors that influence it. in this study, it can be seen that the hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior and heavy social networking variables can affect the compulsive behavior of widyatama university students in bandung. the findings of this study are also very useful implications for understanding consumer behavior. understanding the behavior of purchasing decisions is a challenge for academics and practitioners to better understand how consumers make purchases and this research provides an overview of the factors that can influence buying behavior. this research is only limited to hedonistic shopping experience, emotional shopping behavior and heavy 98 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 91-99 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech social networking variables, it is possible that there are other variables that can influence compulsive buying, such as the influence of celebrity support or promotion. the limitations of this study are the relatively small number of samples due to the limitations of the researcher. for further research, it is hoped that additional samples will be added, or even provide moderating variables that can influence compulsive buying behavior. references [1] griffiths, m. d. 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[5]. nife2o4, has an inverted spinel structure from fe3+ [ni2+, fe3+]o4, where ni2+ and half of fe3+ are located at octahedral sites, and the other fe3+ occupies a tetrahedral [6]. nickel ferrite has great potential in electronic device applications, its electrical and magnetic properties are based on its distribution between tetrahedral and octahedral sites. nickel ferrite exhibits ferromagnetic properties stemming from the antiparallel spin between ni2+ ions at the octahedral site and fe3+ ions at the tetrahedral site. [4]. nickel ferrite is also considered the most promising among high-sensing properties due to its temperature-dependent surface morphology and photocatalytic activity [7]. there are several methods of nife2o4 synthesis reported by researchers, including sonochemical methods [8-13], hydrothermal [14-16], coprecipitation [17-20], citrate precursors [21-23], mechanical alloys [24-26], reverse micelle [27-30], sol-gel [31-33], and pulsed wire discharge [34-36]. the method used in the economic evaluation in this paper is the sonochemical method. therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of manufacturing nife2o4 nanoparticles on an industrial scale. in this study, we vary several factors to see their effect on the economic evaluation under study, such as increases in tax prices, decreases and increases in product prices, and the effect of raw material prices. 2. method 2.1 theoretical synthesis of nife2o4 nanoparticles the chemicals used fe(no3)3.9h2o, ni(no3)2.6h2o, and "ar grade" naoh which were in www.alibaba.com, www.tokopedia.com, and www.merck.com. the synthesis method of nife2o4 nanoparticles used is the sonochemical method. first, fe(no3)3.9h2o and ni(no3)2.6h2o were mixed in the required molar ratio and added to the 6m naoh solution in an ultrasonic bath at room temperature. the ph of the solution was maintained at 11-13 by adding excess naoh. the total allowable reaction period is 5 hours accompanied by centrifugation at 15,000 revolutions per minute for 15 minutes. the precipitate was cleaned ten times with distilled water to remove additional products, which were formed during ferritization. the washed precipitate was collected and heated on a hot plate at 363 k for 36 hours. then, nife2o4 nanoparticles were formed into pellets which were made by hydraulic press using several molds for various applications, especially in gas sensors. finally, the samples were annealed in a temperature range of 1273 k–1673 k in a programmable furnace by controlling the heating rate to about 3℃/min to prevent sample cracking accompanied by furnace cooling. the schematic of the nife2o4 synthesis process is shown in figure 1. http://www.alibaba.com/ http://www.tokopedia.com/ http://www.merck.com/ 291 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. flowchart of the synthesis nife2o4 nanoparticles 2.2 energy and mass balance the materials needed for the synthesis of nife2o4 are 6.54277 g ni(no3)2.6h2o, 18.1798 g fe(no3)3.9h2o, 7.2 g naoh, and 90 ml h2o. the solution was prepared by dissolving 6.54277 g of ni(no3)2.6h2o and 18.1798 g of fe(no3)3.9h2o, respectively, into 30 ml of h2o, while 7.2 g of naoh was dissolved in 30 ml of h2o separately. the solution is put into an ultrasonic bath. the ph of the solution was maintained at 11-13 by adding excess naoh. the total allowable reaction period is 5 hours and is accompanied by centrifugation at 15,000 revolutions per minute for 15 minutes. the precipitate formed was cleaned ten times with distilled water to remove additional products, which were formed during ferritization. the precipitates were washed, collected and heated on a hot plate at 363 k for 36 hours. then, the precipitate is formed into pellets with the help of a hydraulic press and using several molds for various applications, especially in gas sensors. finally, the samples were annealed in a temperature range of 1273 k–1673 k in a programmable furnace by controlling the heating rate to about 3℃/min to prevent sample cracking accompanied by furnace cooling. the reaction is as follows: (1) ni(no3)2.6h2o(s) + h2o(l) ⟶ ni2+(aq) + 2no3-(aq) + 7h2o(l) (2) fe(no3)3.9h2o(s) + h2o(l) ⟶ fe3+(aq) + 3no3-(aq) + 9h2o(l) (3) ni2+(aq) + 2fe3+(aq) + 8no3-(aq) + h2o(l) + 8naoh(aq) ⟶ nife2o4(s) + 8nano3(s) + 5h2o(l) from a technical point of view, it is possible to increase the production of nife2o4 nanoparticles, because the capacity and quantity of tools and materials used can be enlarged. to produce about 50 kg nife2o4 nanoparticles, it takes 1 reaction cycle for two days using about 62 kg ni(no3)2.6h2o, 171 kg fe(no3)3. 9h2o, 68 kg naoh, and 852.85 l h2o. with a total raw material cost of idr 51,518,000.00 and a one year profit of $864,891.06 in ideal conditions with a project life of 10 years. figure 2 shows a flow diagram of the production process of nife2o4 nanoparticles using sonochemical methods. 292 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. flowchart of the synthesis of nife2o4 nanoparticles 2.3 economic evaluation in this economic evaluation, the existing price data is obtained from several sources such as www.alibaba.com, www.tokopedia.com and www.merck.com. this economic evaluation analysis was carried out with the help of the microsoft excel application to perform some of the calculations needed. the parameters used in this economic evaluation analysis are as follows: 1. total investment cost (tic) is the initial capital or cost that must be present at the beginning of production. tic is usually calculated based on the total cost of the plant [37]. 2. gross profit margin (gpm) is the first analysis to determine the level of profitability of a project by reducing the cost of selling the product with the cost of raw materials [38]. 3. payback period (pbp) is a calculation performed to predict the length of time it will take for an investment to return the total initial expenditure. pbp is calculated when cnpv is at zero for the first time [39]. 4. cumulative net present value (cnvp) is obtained by adding up the net present value (npv) at a certain time since the start of the project [40]. 5. net present value (npv) is a value that expresses the expenses and income of a business. in short, cnpv is obtained by adding the npv value from the first project to the end of the plant operation [39]. 6. investment profitability (pi) is an index to identify the relationship between project costs and impacts. pi can be calculated by dividing the cnpv by the total investment cost (tic). profitability index (pi) is estimated by dividing cnpv by sales and total investment costs depending on the type of pi whether pi is for sales or pi is for investment [39]. several assumptions are needed to carry out this economic evaluation analysis. this assumption is needed to perform calculations and predict several possibilities that occur during the production process. the following are some of the assumptions used: − the exchange rate used is 1 usd = idr 15,000.00. − based on commercially available prices against raw material prices: 1 kg ni(no3)2.6h2o is idr 187,000.00; 1 kg fe(no3)3. 6h2o is idr 212,000.00; 1 kg naoh is idr 54,000.00. all materials were calculated stoichiometrically. − all materials were calculated stoichiometrically. − the tax issued is 10%. http://www.alibaba.com/ http://www.tokopedia.com/ http://www.merck.com/ 293 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech − based on the commercial price available for the equipment used, the total cost of the equipment is idr 599,018,096.00. − the production process lasts for 300 days in one year. − to simplify the utility calculation, we assume about 9,425 kwh in one day of production. price for 1 kwh is idr 1,380.00. − total salary/employee is 266.8 usd/day for 40 people. − the production process lasts for 10 years. this economic evaluation analysis aims to test the feasibility of the production process. this economic evaluation varies several variables, namely, selling prices, prices of raw materials and utilities with variants of 80%, 90%, 100%, 110% and 120%. while the large variations of taxes are 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. 3. results and discussion 3.1 cnvp in ideal circumstances figure 3 shows a graph of the relationship between profit investment or cumulative net present value (cnpv) per total investment cost (tic) with the year of production. the graph shows a decrease in revenue in the 1st to 2nd years due to initial capital expenditures for the purchase of equipment and building a plant needed during the production process of nife2o4 nanoparticles as well as for the cost of purchasing land. in that year the factory did not produce nanoparticles. however, in the 3rd year there is an increase in income, this condition is called the payback period (pbp). this means that in the 3rd year, the factory is able to produce nife2o4 nanoparticles and is starting to make a profit. figure 3. graph of cnpv/tic against the year of production under ideal conditions in table 1 it can be observed that the first two years of production decreased marked by a negative cnpv/tic value. this means that in 2 years the production has not been able to generate profits. until the third year onwards, the value of cnpv/tic has increased which is indicated by a positive value. that is, in the third year and so on, there will be profits from the production. in the third year is the point of increasing income or known as the payback period (pbp). therefore, in the 3rd to the 10th year, there is an increasing production profit due to the achievement. the payback period is the positive cnpv/tibc value. so it can be concluded that the production of nife2o4 using this sonochemical method under ideal conditions is a profitable project. 0 payback payment 2,197105342 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 c n p v /t ic life time (year) 294 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. cnpv/tiv development every year year cnpv/tic 0 0 1 -0.4099 2 -0.8276 3 2.19711 4 4.82727 5 7.11437 6 9.10316 7 10.8325 8 12.3363 9 13.644 10 14.7811 3.2 variation of tax increase figure 4 shows a graph of the effect of the tax increase on cnpv/tic. the x-axis is the year of production, while the y-axis is the cnpv/tic value which is affected by the tax rate. variations in tax rates used are 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100%. the graph shows that the higher the tax rate, the less profit you make. therefore, the pbp value for each variation of the tax increase is different. the higher the tax rate, the longer the pbp is achieved. figure 4. variation tax increase against the cnpv/tic 3.3 variation in raw material price increase figure 5 shows the effect of various variations in raw material prices on cnpv/tic in each year of production. the x-axis shows the year of production while the y-axis shows the cnpv/tic value which is influenced by the increase in raw material prices. based on figure 5, if there is an increase in the price of raw materials, the cnpv/tic graph will change. if the increase is 10-20%, then the payback period (pbp) and profits are reduced. this shows that the higher the price of raw materials, the smaller the profit and payback period (pbp). vice versa, -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 c p n v /t ic life time (year) 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 295 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech if the price of raw materials is low, i.e. 10-20% below the normal price, the profit and payback period (pbp) will increase. figure 5. variations in the increase in raw material prices against cnpv/tic 3.4 variation of selling price increase figure 6 shows a graph of the effect of selling price variations on cnpv/tic. the x-axis is the year of production, while the y-axis is the cnpv/tic value which is affected by the selling price. the variations of increasing and decreasing selling prices used are 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120%. the graph shows that the higher the selling price, the greater the profit, while the lower the selling price, the smaller the profit. based on the graph, the 120% selling price variance indicates the fastest payback period (pbp), while the 80% selling price variance indicates the late pbp. the payback period (pbp) is faster if the selling price is increased, whereas if the selling price is lowered, the pbp will be slower. figure 6. variation of selling price increase against cnpv/tic 3.5 utilities price increase variation figure 7 shows a graph of cnpv/tic with various utility variations. the y-axis is cnpv/tic and the x-axis is the year of production. the analysis is carried out by increasing and decreasing utility prices by 10 and 20%. the ideal utility cost is 100%, when the utility is reduced by 10 and 20% then the utility becomes 90 and 80% respectively. meanwhile, when -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 c p n v /t ic life time (year) 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 c p n v /t ic life time (year) 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 296 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the utility is increased by 10 and 20%, the utility becomes 100 and 120%. the graph shows that there is no significant change of utility variation on the cnpv/tic graph. even from year 0 – 3 there is almost no change. the difference in cnpv/tic values for variations of 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120% is 3.5; 3.3; 3.2; 3 and 2.7. figure 7. variation of increase in utility prices to cnpv/tic 4. conclusion in the study that has been carried out on the economic evaluation and layout of nife2o4 production using sonochemical methods. the results obtained in the economic evaluation are positive. based on the payback period (pbp) it occurs in the third year of production and will increase for the next 10 years. based on the tax rate, the higher the tax rate, the less profit will be made. analysis of the value of cnpv/tic and pbp is influenced by several factors such as the increase in tax prices, the decrease and increase in product prices, as well as the influence of raw material prices. the results of our research regarding the economic evaluation and layout of nife2o4 production using the sonochemical method are expected to provide an overview of the industrial scale of economic evaluation and layout, especially in the production of nife2o4 which is used as a humidity. acknowledgement thank you to the industrial chemistry course and the indonesian university of education who have supported the preparation of this paper. -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 c p n v /t ic life time (year) 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 297 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 289-299 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] b. chethan, y. ravikiran, s. vijayakumari dan s. t. h.g. rajprakash, “nickel substituted cadmium ferrite as room temperature operable humidity sensor,” sensors and actuators a: physical, vol. 280, pp. 466-474, 2018. 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competition. this study is aimed to understand the influence of business analysis and innovation performance in improving the business performance of small and medium enterprises. this study uses a quantitative method with an explanatory approach to determine how much influence the independent variable has on the dependent variable. respondents in this study were smes in the city of bandung, especially on jalan cikutra. 200 questionnaires were distributed but only 170 were returned. the results in this study are that these two variables have a fairly high influence on business performance. this shows that the variables of business analysis ability and innovation are important factors for smes to improve their business performance. 1. introduction being a profitable company is not enough if the company itself is not growing. this is due to the fact that many companies or business organizations are currently making profits but not growing in quantity, especially in the context of smes. according to singh a business that does not gain growth will not be able to sustain its profits in the long term [1-3]. according to ngoasong, one of the benefits of business growth is increased income, employee opportunities for advancement, and expansion of distribution channels [4]. there is a strong stigma of why companies or organizations do not grow, as this is due to the reason that the market is so saturated that it is not effective for growth. however, if this stigma is true, it would be a question whether it is possible for products to be more widespread, especially in the context of online business. according to kotler et al., growth is a mindset [5]. in the context of online business, online business strategies can be carried out in various ways, such as price cuts, price increases, market expansion, and innovation. each of these methods has obstacles, for example, price cuts will usually always be matched by competitors. it will be difficult to increase prices, especially when economic conditions and expansion are difficult. mailto:adjeng.mariana@widyatama.ac.id 2 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech technological developments and increasingly fierce competition have demanded organizations to apply various approaches through social media and develop innovations [6]. for any business, using knowledge to innovate can drive growth and revenue. in this competitive industry, innovation is key in building a sustainable business that can create value, especially for entrepreneurs. for an entrepreneur, the application of technology is the right strategy as a way to get a market. this is as stated by glomsrød, that the application of technology, especially social media, can expand market segments for business people [7]. purwanti et al. stated that to be able to grow every business must be able to make four segment movements, namely moving towards competitor segments, creating detailed segments, jumping into new segments, and re-segment the entire market [8]. previous research has stated that the four segments can have an influence on growth, but there has been no research that applies this to the context of smes [9]. for entrepreneurs, especially in the city of bandung, they need to adapt to technology in order to grow and be competitive, especially in the current digital era. transforming from a conventional business to a digital one is expected to drive growth that can generate long-term profits. various types of smes in bandung city currently have integrated their sales activities through social media. currently, there are various kinds of products for sale ranging from banner production, food clothing needs, and the handicraft industry. therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the factors that can affect business performance by examining the variables of business analysis and product innovation, as well as and to find out how much influence these variables have in explaining business performance. this study is divided into five parts, in the first part is presented on matters relating to the background of the problem, the second part is presented on relevant theories, methods and types of research are presented in part three, and the discussion in the fourth and last part presented the conclusions and suggestions. 1.1. business analysis ability concept in situations where many organizations offer products of value, the processes within the organization differ from those of competing competitors [10]. analytical capabilities can draw potential people or organizational value from organizational processes. analytical skills can also help organizational operational processes find the true potential of processes to support business decisions, especially in product creation [11]. business analysis ability is a knowledge supporting factor that influences strategy by focusing on what the needs of consumers and products are, which can plan, collect data, analyze data, and present analysis results to decision makers [12]. therefore, the determination of products and promotions is in the process of analytical ability, starting from data collection, planning, analysis and presentation [13]. to examine the factors in the organization in the process of business analysis capabilities, analyzed three important aspects, namely expertise capability, technology capability, and information capability [14]. expertise capability is the ability of relevant people to support the strategy. these are skilled people with experience who have a clear understanding of the organization's goals [15]. they are interested in pursuing new knowledge, creative skills, the ability to share knowledge, and apply knowledge to improve or solve problems [16]. technology capability is a basic resource of organizational information technology. both are hardware and software, both of which are related to promotional activities, especially on social media [17]. organizational technology must be conducive to gain access to new knowledge [18]. technology also provides access that can facilitate between sellers and buyers [19]. 3 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information capability is the characteristics of the ability to store or have information as a basis for decision making. 1.2. innovation performance innovation is an important tool for entrepreneurs to create competitive advantage, market opportunities, and business growth driven by change and make a difference in business [20]. in the context of organizational innovation, it is categorized into three categorizations, namely product innovation, process innovation, and strategic innovation [21]. desyllas defined the results of the methodology developed for use in the production of goods and services using the main objectives of the innovation process [22]. the ability to innovate and develop in different organizational contexts is what many researchers contribute to research on innovation [23]. organizational context has provided researchers with innovation categorization by bringing schumpeter's concept to develop and categorize innovations in three categories: product innovation, process innovation, strategic innovation [24]. herstad defined the results of the methodology developed for use in the production of goods and services, using the main objectives of the innovation process [25]. innovative performance is the concept of innovative product and process efficiency. innovation involves the introduction of new or improved products or services to the market and will focus on identifying new customer needs, product quality, and developing strategies that extend to the market effectively. according to vanhaverbeke, the focus and results of non-financial innovations are: novelty, economic benefits, and ideal creativity [26]. the process perspective is to increase the speed of product production by innovating new technologies to improve processes and accelerate production [27]. the market view is to increase customer demand and satisfaction for innovative products. 1.3. business performance performance reflects of the company's state of its activities during a certain period and is a result or achievement that is influenced by the company's operational activities. many companies or business organizations are oriented to produce better performance. various ways and strategies are formulated in order to optimize better returns. according to johan and isfianadewi, performance can be measured by two indicators, namely increased sales volume and rapid response to changes [28]. in addition, cheah, makes it clear that company performance can be measured using a balanced scorecard approach which is divided into four perspectives, namely finance, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth [29]. chen stated that performance is a measure of the level of success of a company in carrying out its goals [30]. for abbas, performance is the result of work that has a strong relationship with strategic goals [31]. management must create a communication link to resources for the success of the company as well as assess the extent of the excellence of an organization. in order for companies to obtain good business performance, companies must always update their innovations to achieve excellence so that they can gain excellence. 1.4. the influence of business analysis on business performance business analysis ability is a knowledge supporting factor that influences strategy by focusing on what the needs of consumers and products are, which can plan, collect data, analyze data, and present analysis results to decision makers [12]. carrying out a business analysis can be started from making plans and collecting relevant data that is related to certain 4 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech events. after the data is completely collected, organization should carry out a thorough and detail analysis to help understand about the behavior. analytical skills can also help organization to find the true potential of processes to support their business decisions, especially in product creation [11]. when the products created by companies are based on a thorough business analysis, this will make the products to be inimitable and highly valued by consumers, which is in accordance with the resource-based view or vrio theory. this will lead to increased sales volume, which belongs to one of the measurements of performance [28]. 1.5. the influence of innovation performance on business performance innovation is one of the most important tools for business people to create competitive advantage, market opportunities, and business growth driven by change and make a difference in business [20]. currently, a number of studies have discussed about the ability to innovate and develop in different organizational contexts [23] is what many researchers contribute to research on innovation. performance reflects the company's state of its activities during a certain period. performance can also be considered as a result or achievement that is influenced by the company's operational activities, which in this regard, is business performance. these days, many companies or business organizations are oriented to produce better performance. various ways and strategies are formulated in order to optimize better returns. in order to achieve this goal or target, individual and organization need to realize the importance of having the capability to innovate, thus leading to innovation performance (see figure 1). 1.6. conceptual framework figure 1. conceptual framework h1. business analysis ability has a positive effect on business performance. h2. innovation performance has a positive effect on business performance. h3. business analysis ability and innovation performance have a positive effect on business performance. 2. method this type of research is quantitative research with the object of this research containing the points of attention attached to the research subject. this point of concern can be assigned a value and the value will vary (different) from one individual to another. in this study, the research is focused on variables consisting of business analysis and innovation performance on business performance. the data used in this study are secondary and primary data. the business analysis innovation performance business performance 5 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech population in this study are sme business people in the city of bandung, which is located on jalan cikutra. for the data collection, 200 questionnaires were distributed and only 170 were returned. data analysis is then carried out using descriptive statistics, classical assumption test consisting of normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test, and multiple linear regression test consisting of hypothesis testing and coefficient test determination using spss 25 software. 3. results and discussion 3.1. respondents’ profile the results of the distribution of 170 respondents indicate that the results obtained are as follows (table 1): table 1. respondent profile respondent profile percentage gender male 68% female 32% age 20-30 year 22% 30-40 year 20% kind of business 40-50 year 58% convection 30% handicraft 10% processed food 60% the table above shows that the respondents are 68% male and 32% female. this shows that the respondents are more dominated by men when compared to women. the majority of respondents in the study were aged 40-50 years and most of them were in the type of food processing business. the city of bandung is known as a culinary city; therefore, the majority of smes in bandung are processed foods. the results of the descriptive analysis test can be seen in the table below: table 2 shows that the variables of business analysis, innovation performance and business performance are in the good category. this shows that the respondents give good responses to the research variables. the normality test is as follows: table 2. descriptive analysis results no variable percentage average score interpretation 1 business analysis 75,47% good 2 innovation performance 75,17% good 3 business performance 76,81% good in table 3 it can be seen that the significance value is 0.0058> 0.05. so it can be concluded that the data used is normally distributed. the multicollinearity test is as follows: 6 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 3. normality test one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardized residual n 170 normal parametersa,b mean .0000000 std. deviation 1.06319280 most extreme differences absolute .044 positive .033 negative -,044 test statistic .044 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .058c a. test distribution is normal b. calculated from data c. lilliefors significance correction. in table 4 it can be seen that the independent variable has a tolerance value of not less than 0.10. the value of variance inflation factor (vif) also shows that the independent variable has a vif value of not more than 10. so, it can be concluded that the independent variable does not occur multicollinearity. table 4. multicollinearity test coefficients* model collinearity statistics 1 business analysis tolerance vif innovation performance .550 1.818 a. dependent variable: business performance .738 1.354 3.2. regression test results from the output above, it is known the intercept value and regression coefficient so that a multiple linear regression equation can be formed as follows (table 5): y = 6.013 + 0.271 x1 + 0.216 x2 + e table 5. regression test model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 6,013 1,497 4,038 0,000 business analysis 0,271 0,064 0,250 3,334 0,001 innovation performance 0,216 0,073 0,179 2,708 0,014 the above equation can be interpreted as follows: 7 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a = 6.013 means that if the business analysis and innovation performance variables are zero, the business performance variable will be worth 6.013 units, thus it can be seen that the regression lines intersect the y axis at 6.013 points. b1 = 0.241 means that if the business analysis increases by one unit while the other variables are constant, then the business analysis variable will increase by 0.241 units. b2 = 0.286 means that if celebrity innovation performance increases by one unit while other variables are constant, then the innovation performance variable will increase by 0.286 units. 3.3. partial and simultaneous hypothesis testing from the results of the acquisition of the values above, it can be seen that the t-count value obtained by the variable ba is 3.334 > t table (1.97214), in accordance with the criteria for testing the hypothesis that ho is rejected and ha is accepted. this means that partially, the business analysis (ba) variable has a significant effect on business performance. the value for innovation performance was obtained at 2.708 > t table (1.97214), in accordance with the criteria for testing the hypothesis that ho was rejected and ha was accepted. this means that partially, the variable innovation performance (ip) has a significant effect on the business performance of smes in the city of bandung. the simultaneous testing is as follows (table 6): table 6. simultaneous test results model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regression 352,657 3 117,552 28,714 0,000b residual 804,363 196 4,104 total 1157,020 199 a. predictor: (constant), innovation performance, business analysis b. dependent variable: business performance source: processed data 2021 based on the anova test, the calculated f value was 28.714 with a significant value of 0.000. from the calculation of the f table, namely at the level of = 0.05, df1 = k – 1 = 4 – 1 = 3, and df2 = n k = 200 4 = 196, the f table is 2.65. so, when compared, f count > f table, which is 22.821 > 2.65, so it can be concluded that the business analysis and innovation performance variables simultaneously affect business performance in small and medium enterprises (smes) in the city of bandung. 3.4. coefficient of determination test from the calculation results, it is obtained that the coefficient of determination is 0.712, which means that the influence of the two independent variables on the dependent variable is 71.2%. meanwhile, 28.8% or the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. these results indicate that the two variables, namely business analysis and innovation performance, have a strong enough influence on the business performance of smes in the city of bandung. 3.5. the effect of business analysis on the business performance of smes in bandung city in this study, responses to questions regarding business analysis were in the good category, meaning that small and medium-sized businesses in bandung have the ability to conduct business analysis that includes product trends and media promotions. it can be understood given that currently the media social media has become a necessity for consumers to seek 8 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information to fulfill their needs. according to the results of the respondents' responses that have been described previously, each of the indicators answered by respondents show positive value. based on the results of partial hypothesis testing or the t-test that has been carried out, it can be concluded h1 is accepted, meaning that it is important for business people, especially in the context of online business to maintain relationships and expand networks to remain competitive in the face of competition. this result is also supported by pourkhani's research, [11] that an organization's ability to conduct business analysis can improve the performance of the business itself. 3.6. the effect of innovation performance on the business performance of smes in this study, the responses regarding the performance of innovation are in the good category. this shows that respondents are well aware that in order to remain competitive in the face of competition, innovation is needed, especially in relation to the application of social media. this has become one of the strategies for business people, especially in the context of online business. it can be seen from the results of the calculation of respondents' responses that have been described previously, each of the indicators proposed is included in the good category. based on the results of partial hypothesis testing or the t-test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that h1 is accepted. this is also supported by research conducted by sousa-zomer [32] that businesses that innovate can improve the performance of the business itself. 3.7. the effect of business analysis and innovation performance on the business performance based on the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing that has been done, it can be concluded that the two independent variables, namely business analysis and innovation performance, have a simultaneous effect on business performance in smes in the city of bandung. in the anova results, the conclusions that can be obtained show that the innovation performance variable is a variable that has an important influence on business success, especially smes in building competitive advantage. these results also show a conformity with agwu's research [12] that business analysis capabilities are one of the factors in building sustainable business performance, as well as gallego-alvarez's research [13] which states that innovation is important in improving business performance. 4. conclusion the results of this study reveal that the current business growth, especially small and medium business actors in the city of bandung, has experienced a fairly high increase. in this era of the covid-19 pandemic, smes must be able to improve their business analysis skills, especially regarding business trends. in addition, the innovation factor is also felt to be very important in order to survive in business competition. therefore, every business actor, especially smes, must review the strategy they will choose. in this study, the role of business analysis skills and innovation has a high enough influence in building business performance. the development of consumer behavior models in online business is a challenge for academics that is highly expected by online marketers. however, the model tested in this study illustrates that in today's business context, the innovation variable is an important factor. therefore, suggestions for companies or organizations to always maintain and develop their innovations in order to gain knowledge that can be used as the ability to compete. as for further researchers, the findings of this study are only limited to two variables, then future researchers 9 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 1-10 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech should add other variables either as independent or moderating variables to explain what factors can affect business performance. references [1] singh, s. k. 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44 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech design of a customizable preview feature on clothing website eddy soeryanto soegoto1, muhammad ananta hafidz2*, rania febiananda3, daniel maruli4 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen teknik informatika, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 3,4departemen desain komunikasi visual, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *ananhafidz346@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. clothing trends that always change over time, and the tight competition in the clothing business make producers have to rack their brains so that the business they run has additional points for consumers, ranging from changes in design, use of materials, colour selection to the promotion section. the purpose of this research is to create a custom clothing feature on the website that is useful for consumers who have a special desire for the clothes they want to buy. the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. the results show that the addition of the custom clothing feature can provide better clothes ordering experience on a digital platform that can be accessed through each computer. the main concept of this feature is a choice of sizes and pieces of clothing that can be chosen without thinking about stock availability. in the end, this feature is here to help consumers who have a special desire for the clothes they want to buy, so that consumers who have special desires can have clothes from that brand without thinking about stock availability. 1. introduction clothing is one of the primary human needs in addition to food and shelter. at first, clothing was only used to protect the human body from the scorching heat of the sun or the cold. but along with the development and civilization of human culture, clothing also aims to add aesthetics and can cover shortcomings, so clothing and accessories are needed [1-5]. clothing trends that always change over time, and fierce competition in the clothing business make manufacturers have to rack their brains so that the business they run has additional points for consumers, starting from changes in design, use of materials, color selection to the marketing mailto:*ananhafidz346@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 45 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech department [6-10]. today's marketing has adapted to the environment and consumers, marketing must get used to a time when consumers are the initial priority of business [11-15]. now, consumers can receive data from various sources and have greater creativity, they have become standardization. in other words, customers pay for goods or services not only for functional needs, but also for identities that help show their identity [16-20]. therefore, mass customization is an inevitable trend in the development of the clothing industry. mass customization can efficiently solve the problem of large inventory in the traditional clothing industry. this participatory design requires technology to be able to reach everyone's wishes, businesses must adapt to the behavior of consumers who no longer want a finished product [3]. (hart,1996). four significant types of customizations allow customers to submit their requirements to the factory prior to production: (i) adaptive customization: the company produces standard products [2]. he leaves the option to the customer to modify some of the product features to some extent. (ii) collaborative customization: the manufacturer works closely with the customer to accept all possible requirements and creates the perfect product to answer the customer's needs. (iii) cosmetic customization: this type of customization involves standard products and offering other products for different customer representations; (iv) transparent customization: the company produces a unique item for its customer without notifying the customer that the item has been customized [4]. the purpose of this study is to help consumers who have special desires for the clothes they want to buy, so that consumers who have special desires can have clothes from that brand without thinking about stock availability. 2. method this study uses descriptive analytical research methods and by using a qualitative approach to convey the research design [21-25]. we use figma and adobe illustrator applications for system design with the prototype system development method. the prototype represents the product model to be built or simulates the structure, functionality and operation of the system [26-28]. interactive communication from users is required to support this development method. therefore, users can provide more input for this development method. in the development of systems that focus on the user interface, this method is very useful. therefore, the communication relationship between developers and application users is very important to maintain so that application specifications are also good [29]. the prototyping system development method is shown in figure 1. 46 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. system development life cycle prototype requirement’s identification is carried out as the first step of the prototype system. user interviews conducted at this stage aim to obtain information about the things that will be entered into the system to be created. after the interview stage is carried out, a prototype design will be made by the developer as an initial design that will be used as discussion material for users to do better development. after the initial prototype has been successfully created, the user will review the prototype in order to provide criticism or suggestions on the design that has been made. after receiving criticism or suggestions about the prototype, the developer can improve its prototype until the prototype is finished [7-10]. 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying requirement this custom clothing application is designed to meet customer needs that differ from what is offered with ready stock items. developers do simple research to find out and map what needs to be included as features in the application. this custom clothing application is equipped with features of custom sizes and colors for all shirts or pants, and also the addition of accessories such as pockets for several types of clothes and pants, so customers can freely choose what they want. the custom application menu structure is shown in figure 2. 47 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. custom application menu structure figure 2 shows the design of the custom clothing application menu structure. the home menu which is the main menu contains the login feature and there is a navigation bar containing 4 sub menus, namely the about us menu, size guide, team, and contact us. 3.2. developing the initial prototype in the early stages of prototyping, the developer designs the front page of the custom apparel application (see figure 3) [11-15]. the home screen contains the custome outfit application logo, the application slogan and the login feature. 48 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. welcome page custom outfit application figure 3 shows the start page of the custom outfit application. from the slogan, it can be seen that the name of this application's mission is to make it easier for consumers to wear what they want to wear. the main custom outfit application page is shown in figure 4. 49 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. home page custom outfit application on the main page, there are 3 options, namely the clothes section, size guide and body type, in the clothes section there is an option to choose the type of clothing, there are shirts, shirts, dresses, trousers and skirts. and on the right, there is a selection box to choose the type of accessories or the type of clothing cut. 3.3. testing the prototype the explanation of the three menus above is shown in figure 5. 50 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. custom guide page figure 5 shows a custom clothing page. on this page, customers will be given the option to choose what type of clothing they want to customize, and on the right side there is a box whose function is to store photo assets, types of accessories that can be added for clothing customization, and there is also an option to view size guide and body type. to be a benchmark for customers when doing customization. the custom outfit application prototype is designed to provide more flexible choices for consumers who want to be different or have special needs. this application provides a size guide, body type, and various types of clothing which of course can be customized regarding new cases in a certain area. this application is also designed because many people have to have to shop online because of the pandemic. the result of this research is an application prototype that does not exist in previous studies [31-32]. so that in the end the results of this research become the latest innovation for online clothing business actors so that they can be developed even better. 4. conclusion in the current business era, business is very growing, clothes where many boutiques appear or distribution. the custom outfit application is designed to be a model for today's outfit buying applications. in this application there is provides a size guide, body type, and various types of clothing which of course can be customized regarding new cases in a certain area. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. 51 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 44-53 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] mariana, y. 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purpose of designing this web-based puncak bogor tourism information system is to make it easier for tourists to vacation in puncak bogor, this design uses the method of data collection and analysis process obtained from the tourism office, transportation agency, and bmkg. as a result of designing this system, 90% of web users find it easiest to travel to the top of bogor. because the vacillation of tourists to go on vacation is resolved by the existence of the web. it can be concluded, the existence of this web can help people who experience fatigue from the work that has been carried out and want to take a vacation with their families. to find out the route to be passed is safe and smooth, then of course you will look for information about travel routes that can facilitate the journey to the destination. keywords: bogor, information system, tourism, website 1. introduction planning to travel before going on a trip is very important. by making an itinerary, tourists can easily see the desired travel picture and can shorten the time to arrive at their destination and not be confused about the plans for the places to be visited[1]. puncak bogor is one of the most popular tourist attractions, the peak of bogor is located in the bogor area and cianjur regency. this area is well known by the surrounding community and people outside the area. puncak bogor has its own charm for tourists including tours that offer natural beauty, recreational tourist attractions, and culinary that mushroom along the way. when traveling, of course, it is necessary to prepare an itinerary, this itinerary is like a list of the sequence of activities when traveling, which is chronologically, complete information, transportation information, accommodation, and many other things[2]. tourism can be carried out if there are supporting objects such as tourists, interaction with tourist attractions, which are supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure, and tourism[3]. tourist attractions can be called attractive when there are many visitors[4]. to travel to a place that we have never 205 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech been to, of course, it is necessary to have a route guide or it can be called a gps, gps (global positioning system) is a system that uses the help of satellites to find out the accurate position on the surface of the earth[5]. gps can also help us on a trip capable of detecting congestion for the route to be passed, gps systems are designed to provide position information as well as information about the time directly around the world in various weather conditions[6]. this website is also designed with the addition of a weather forecast feature, weather is the state of the air in a place, the weather can vary from place to place. because the weather can support or hinder activities, a weather forecast is needed that can provide information on weather conditions in a place or area[7]. therefore, weather conditions are an indispensable information and are widely used to monitor changing weather changes in controlled areas such as homes, industries, campuses, and others. required weather parameters such as temperature, precipitation, air humidity, light intensity, and wind speed. however, the issue occurs when an accurate weather report is needed for the current time. with the weather reporting system all sensors of weather parameters will be controlled by the esp32 microcontroller as a server that will send all the data collected by the sensors to the database [8]. weather radar can generate information directly once every 10 minutes[9]. one of the main factors in analyzing data related to rainfall in an area, especially the bogor region, is none other than to find out the weather pattern or cycle [10]. the purpose of designing this web-based puncak bogor tourism information system is to make it easier for tourists to vacation in puncak bogor, this design uses the method of data collection and analysis process obtained from the tourism office, transportation agency, and bmkg. 2. method the method used in this study is a qualitative method. this research is to find out user satisfaction with the web. the subjects of the study were the peak tourism of bogor and tourists, while the object of this study was tourist attractions. this study used the method of filling out questionnaires and interviews. the purpose of this research method is to find out how much the percentage of tourist visits visits to puncak bogor. 3. results and discussion the design of the web-based puncak bogor tourism information system uses the method of collecting data and analysis obtained from the tourism office, transportation agency, and bmkg. a web display that is easy to understand by all circles can be very easy to use. an example of a web tour of bogor peak (see figure 1). 206 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. logo skuy peak has a yellow two-roll logo of the skuy peak below it and a dominating color of green. 1. two mountains have the meaning of a picture of the summit area surrounded by many mountains 2. the color yellow has the meaning of cheerfulness and happiness which is expected to give happiness and cheerfulness to users of the peak website skuy 3. the logo of the skuy peak under the mountain has the meaning of crowds, namely visitors who are often visited by tourists 4. the dominating green color depicts the coolness and color that dominates in the peak area itself which is lush with plants and trees figure 2. login the puncak skuy website can be used if the user has registered and logged in, in this section will be displayed the fields that need to be filled in, including the username and password that 207 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech have been previously registered, or can be connected to social media accounts including google and facebook that the user has to make it easier for users to log in to this puncak skuy website then after that the user can use the tools tools that have been provided on the puncak skuy website. figure 3. home the pinnacle of skuy is a web-based information system that provides information in the form of maps. through this website, tourists can pay attention, display, and know a lot of information about various aspects related to efforts to increase production and productivity of strategic commodities. visitors also get information about the destination to go to. (see figure 4) 208 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. destination in figure 2, there is a display display about the choice of tourist road routes that can be visited and related information about the tour that will be seen by displaying the description of the place, the price of the ticket to be booked, the route of the location to be taken, and there is a contact to contact the tourist attraction. visitors can also know the surrounding weather that is going on and the weather that is coming. (see figure 5) 209 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. weather in figure 3 to see the weather and map path overview, this feature can be seen in the weather menu, then in the search field where it will be shown the weather conditions that are happening in the area being searched, and see the route of the road direction to be passed. users can also use the menu of the route to go to (see figure 6) figure 6. route 210 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the picture above explains the initial location and the final location where the web user must fill in the starting location before leaving and choose the destination location that has been prepared. after choosing the destination location, the system will look for a route to that location and the system will also track which route directions are not congested so that tourists do not feel disturbed by congested roads. users can view a menu about web users and send suggestions. (see figure 7) figure 7. about on this page, users can know about the skuy peak web builder and users can know the location, contacts, and e-mails of the web builder to give suggestions or criticisms. 4. conclusion puncakskuy is a website designed with the aim of marketing tourist attractions in the puncak area and making it easier for tourists who will visit and travel to puncak bogor, the puncak bogor tourism information system is designed with a qualitative method by collecting analytical data from the tourism office, transportation agency and bmkg, as well as observing the behavior of individuals and groups in the puncak bogor tourist area. acknowledgement thank you to universitas komputer indonesia for helping us in making this task. 211 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 204-211 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] sania, n. n., & sari, i. 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(2020, december). analisis kondisi atmosfer pada kejadian hujan es (studi kasus: bogor, 23 september 2020). in seminar nasional kahuripan (pp. 295-300). 220 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech implementation of management information system using machine learning technology eddy soeryanto soegoto1, hayin ananta2*, ilham zaki3, muhammad ikhlas naufalsyah ranau4 1 departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2,3,4 departemen teknik informatika, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *hayin.10119005@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. implementation of a management information system using machine learning technology with the aim of solving the problems owned by the shop owner, namely the owner has a problem in terms of increasing sales. observation method as data collection by making direct observations of the object under study with the relevant agencies to collect data and information related to existing problems. research on the implementation of information systems has succeeded in increasing sales by 1.5% each month, using machine learning technology, a product sales recommendation system. because based on the existing problems required an information system to assist in increasing sales. machine learning technology used in this research is a product recommendation system that can affect sales increase. keywords: management information system, machine learning, website 1. introduction as an entrepreneur, of course, we need to have a business strategy to develop a business, besides that an entrepreneur also needs to pay attention to how to manage books effectively and efficiently. making a business strategy by looking at data and analysing independently is very time consuming because we need to be careful in analysing the data obtained as well as if managing the bookkeeping manually and still using paper is very risky because there are so many problems that occur if the bookkeeping is still manually and using the wrong paper. one example is that paper is easily torn and if it is exposed to water, the paper will be damaged and the books that are owned will be lost. based on these two problems, we can use technology to solve them. our bookkeeping management can use website-based pos (point of sale) technology so that bookkeeping can be done digitally, then with pos we can utilize stored data to solve problems making business strategies by utilizing machine learning technology to analyse data to create business strategies for the business to grow. the machine learning business strategy in this research is to make product recommendations for sale within a certain period of time, so that an entrepreneur can stock up on items recommended by machine learning and limit products that do not sell well in a certain period of time. [1]. as for the previous research on designing web applications are built on many different web frameworks and developers have many different web frameworks to choose from when 221 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech developing web applications. each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages in a different perspective [2]. testing is a very important phase of the sdlc where the software is checked properly and modifications are proposed. web services are a widely used concept today due to the rapid popularity of web services and less literature available on the performance of web services [3]. data mining is a process used to analyse large databases to find useful patterns. data mining can be used to study student behaviour from data collected using course management systems such as moodle (modular object-oriented developmental learning environment) [4]. following the rapid growth of social networking applications, content management systems were developed to manage large amounts of data. all concepts and technologies used in the project are described in the appropriate sections. this project is a web-based application that can be used by companies as a content management system. the system acts as a centralized control panel and allows users to manage company product data [5]. web development is growing exponentially these days for business purposes. the goal of web design is to provide a non-blocking environment using node js to improve the quality of its work process. it is designed with react js in front-end development, which makes response faster to the browser, seo friendly [6]. the purpose of this research is to solve problems owned by the owner, namely the owner has a problem in terms of increasing sales and also bookkeeping management. the research method used in this study is to use the observation method and the interview method. 2. method the research method used in this research is the observation method and the interview method with the shop owner to find out the needs of the website that will be developed. communication with users can provide good input for the development and completeness of the system. the system is designed using the react library to build the ui (user interface) of a website or web application and firebase as a website data repository [7, 8]. the system development steps are made on the flowchart diagram shown in figure 1. 222 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. system developer flowchart empathize stage is the stage of understanding user problems. this empathize stage goes through the interview process with the user. the purpose of this stage is to understand the problem carefully. after the empathize stage where at that stage we understand a user problem, then at this stage we determine the core problem that focuses on the user by issuing useful ideas or solutions to solve the problem. then from the ideas obtained at the ideate stage, the ideas or solutions are applied to a physical form/prototype. then, the test stage is the last stage and also as a feedback stage on the prototype made at the previous prototype stage. this feedback is very useful for improving the prototype. in the process of creating the ui (user interface), the component method is used for each ui element (user interface) which is often used as an example of a navigation bar [9]. making data storage is done using the nosql method and testing is done using the survey method. the shop owner and website users will do testing on all existing pages and features to measure performance and seo (search engine optimization) is done using lighthouse. 3. results and discussion 3.1. login page the login page display is shown in figure 2 figure 2. login page in figure 2, there is a username and password form that can be accessed by users who have registered as admins, if the login is successful, they will enter the dashboard page. 3.2. dashboard page the dashboard page display is shown in figure 3 223 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. page dashboard figure 3 shows that after the user logs in, it will display sales graphs such as total daily to monthly purchases and display the number of transactions within a certain time and the application of machine learning as sales recommendations from retrieving the most product transaction data. 3.3. product page the product page display is shown in figure figure 4. product page figure 4 shows the category of goods and the name, stock and price for each product, users can display products by category, then users can search for the product they want to search for 224 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. add category figure 5 users can add product categories by entering category names and pictures figure 6. adding products figure 6 users can add products, fill in the form by filling in the product name, category, stock quantity, price, product image 225 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. editing products figure 7 users can edit pre-made products, such as name, category, stock quantity, price, product image figure 2. deleting products figure 8 user can delete a product by displaying a warning with delete action to delete and cancel to cancel 226 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.4. order page the order page display is shown in figure 9 figure 9. order page figure 9 displays a table containing columns of buyer's name, orders purchased, total orders, returns. users can edit and delete existing orders by clicking the action button on the table 3.5. ordering process users can add transactions by pressing the add order button on the order page the user enters the name of the buyer and the order he wants to buy, the order can be more than 1. if you have clicked the pay button to make the payment shown in figure 10. figure 10. add order 227 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the payment menu displays the total to be paid and the user enters the amount to be paid by the customer. if you click pay figure 3. number of orders figure 11 appears after the user clicks pay; a purchase receipt will be displayed along with the change amount if any. figure 4. receipt figure 12 appears after the order process is complete, the user can print a transaction receipt to be given to the customer as proof of the transaction. this website is designed to make it easier for shop owners to manage products to increase sales and solve problems experienced by shop owners, such as managing bookkeeping manually using paper which is very at risk of being torn, exposed to water, and lost. this research produces a website with pos (point of sale) technology so that the bookkeeping is done digitally and utilizes machine learning technology as a recommendation system in order to analyse business developments and display product recommendations that must be sold. 228 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 220-228 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion the implementation of a management information system using machine learning technology aims to make it easier for entrepreneurs who own shops to manage books and also increase sales by using machine learning assistance by providing product recommendations that must be sold by the entrepreneur. the web application that we created was made based on previous research which added features, namely machine learning to help increase sales [10]. acknowledgement we would like to thank to the universitas komputer indonesia entrepreneurship course paper team who has helped us in writing this paper, don't forget mamah papah who always supports, as well as all colleagues who have helped in making the paper that cannot be mentioned one by one. references [1] kusuma, s. b. 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(2018). a novel deep learning-based collaborative filtering model for recommendation system. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(3), 10841096. 15 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 development of student performance assessment applications using website-based gamification concept raudhatusholihat amalia1*, rahma wahdiniwaty2 1department masters of information systems, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2department master of management, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: * raudhatusholihat.75121012@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. violations that continue to increase, as if unconsciously, can affect the teacher's assessment of students. to overcome this issue, an application for student performance assessment was developed using the concept of web-based gamification to reduce the frequency of violations. the purpose of this study is to improve the quality of students by encouraging them to adhere to school rules and rewarding those who comply. the research employs the concept of gamification and a daily assessment method, whereby assessments are carried out every day and calculated monthly. this method involves communication, planning, modeling, and construction, culminating in deployment. the results show that the web-based assessment application, utilizing gamification methods, can effectively improve student behavior in a more positive direction. additionally, testing of the black box functionality revealed successful results, demonstrating that the application is reliable and feasible for use. overall, the application motivates students to improve their discipline in order to achieve good results. keywords: gamification, performance, discipline, web article info: submitted/received 13 nov 2022 first revised 12 jan 2023 accepted 01 feb 2023 first available online 08 feb 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction information technology can be applied using web engineering development methods, a software engineering model used to develop web-based systems. quality web-based systems can help companies save on operational costs, simplify deposit, and loan processes, a nd enable access to information from anywhere. gamification is the integration of game elements and design techniques into non-game applications to encourage desired behavior, such as the use of leaderboards, points, levels, and badges. this creates an atmosphere of healthy competition https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 16 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 among system users, making tasks more interesting. work performance is a record of results obtained from certain job functions or activities over a specific period. students with good performance will receive awards from their teachers as a form of appreciation for following rules. rewards can take non-financial and financial forms and are used to foster recognition and a sense of acceptance within an organization. discipline is crucial in human life since a lack of it can harm oneself, others, and the environment. 2. method 2.1. method of communication phase during the development stage, data collection is essential. data collection typically involves two stages namely observation and interview. 2.1.1. observation during this stage, the author conducted observations by examining the case study in the student security division at daar el-qolam high school, located on raya serang street, pasir gintung, jayanti district, tangerang regency, banten. 2.1.2. interview prototyping is a software development method that involves obtaining prototypes through interviews to gather necessary information. the goal of these interviews is to create a student performance appraisal application that uses a 360-degree assessment method to ensure objectivity. this method assesses students through their superiors, friends, and self evaluation, and uses the concept of gamification to motivate students to improve themselves. with this application, it is hoped that assessments will be both objective and motivating. 2.1.3. problem identification based on the results of observations and interviews, assessment process is still done manually using an assessment form, which is time-consuming. then, errors occur frequently when calculating grades and the forms are often damaged. student assessments also lack objective parameters, leading to subjective evaluations. lastly, student assessment process is one-way, which further contributes to subjective evaluations. 2.2. planning phase this study involved mapping all activity processes from data collection to the completion of the application implementation process (refer to table 1). table 1. planning phase of this research no activity period july august september october november 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 observation 2 data collection https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 17 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 3 running system analysis 4 proposed system design 5 program design 6 programmin g 7 testing program 8 program improvemen ts 9 program evaluation 10 implementa tion 11 documentat ion 2.3. construction phase at this stage, the system is designed and developed. in the previous stage, the system flow was presented through diagrams and prototype designs. in this stage, the design is translated into a code or programming language that can be understood by a code reader, resulting in the development of the actual system. 2.4. deployment phase in the final stage, the system is implemented and made available to the user, followed by providing training on its usage. the system is evaluated for any potential issues or problems. 3. results and discussion a discipline assessment system for student performance with gamification consists of several elements. the elements for student assessment are: 1. points, which are important references for determining the level of students; 2. challenges, which provide motivation and a sense of achievement; 3. leaderboards, which rank students from lowest to highest and spur them to achieve higher positions; and 3.1. component period page the component period page is a feature of the discipline assessment system for student performance with gamification. it allows users to manage the variable components, indicators, and criteria used in the assessment process by opening and closing component periods based on a specific time frame. this menu provides a time provider for the system, enabling administrators to define and set the duration of each component period. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 18 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 by using this menu, administrators can ensure that the assessment process is carried out efficiently and effectively within the designated time frame. for example, they can set a deadline for submitting assessments, and the system will automatically close the component period after the deadline has passed. this feature also helps to prevent errors or inaccuracies in the assessment process by ensuring that all assessments are submitted within the designated time frame and reviewed by the appropriate authorities. overall, the component period page is an essential feature of the discipline assessment system for student performance with gamification, as it helps to ensure that the assessment process is managed effectively and efficiently (see figure 1). figure 1. component period page 3.2. assessment period page the assessment period page allows for the management of the assessment periods over the course of a year. users can open or close assessment periods as needed and make changes to the assessment period dates using the edit menu. this ensures that the system is up to date with the academic calendar and that assessments are conducted within the appropriate timeframe (see figure. 2). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 19 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 figure 2. assessment period page 3.3. behavioural assessment page the student behaviour assessment page has four assessment points to evaluate the behaviour of the student, which are very poor, less than good, good, and very good. the page includes a form that allows teachers or evaluators to assess the student's behaviour based on specific criteria. the criteria may include attendance, punctuality, participation, attitude, and other relevant factors (see figure 3). figure 3. behavioural assessment page display 3.4. assessment results data page as shown in the figure below, the data page of the student performance discipline assessment application displays the results of student tests. the page shows the name of the student, the class, and the score obtained in each subject. the application automatically calculates the scores based on the data entered by the teacher or staff member responsible for entering the data. this makes the assessment process more accurate and reduces the risk of errors that can occur when doing manual calculations. in addition, the application also provides a summary of the student's overall performance based on the scores obtained in each subject. this allows teachers and school administrators to quickly identify areas where a student may need additional support or attention. overall, the student performance discipline assessment application provides an efficient and reliable way to manage student assessments and track their progress over time (see figure 4). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 20 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 figure 4. assessment results data page 3.5. leaderboard page the student performance discipline assessment application uses gamification elements to motivate students to improve their behavior and performance, such as point systems, challenges, and leaderboards. these elements provide a sense of achievement and competition that can encourage students to engage in positive behavior and strive for higher levels of performance. the leaderboards can be a powerful motivator as students can see their progress and compare themselves to their peers, spurring them to work harder and do better (see figure. 5). figure 5. page leaderboard 3.6. challenge page the following is an example of a way to give students a challenge and points (see figure 6). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 21 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 15-22 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9834 figure 6. challenge page 4. conclusion the research can also conclude that the application of web-based gamification in student performance and discipline assessment can increase student motivation and engagement in the learning process. this is because the use of gamification elements such as points, challenges, and leaderboards can create a competitive and enjoyable learning environment for students. moreover, the automatic calculation of student scores by the system can reduce the workload of teachers and increase the accuracy of assessment results. the system also allows for easy monitoring of student behavior and progress, enabling early intervention and support for students who need it. overall, the application of web-based gamification in student performance and discipline assessment can be an effective and efficient tool for promoting positive student behavior and academic success. references [1] rahmanto, y. 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(1) pre-test before providing education to respondents; (2) education through video media; (3) post-test after providing education to respondents. the results of this study indicate an increase in respondents' knowledge after the implementation of their actions. the results of the study are based on the n-gain value which is known to be the average value (%). based on the test value of t (-4.205) < t table (2.023) which means the value of the questionnaire increased not significantly. based on the completion of this research, it is hoped that more people be able to find out by knowing the level of food maturity and nutritional content. 1. introduction nutrients are substances contained in foodstuffs that serve for the growth of living beings. humans need adequate nutrition in carrying out all activities that affect growth and health. nutrients consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals [1]. these substances are contained in food ingredients that are processed into food. the process of processing food is a process where raw foodstuffs that are not yet suitable for human consumption become suitable for consumption, the process of cooking food includes, boiled, fried, stir-fried, grilled, grilled. cooking is needed to eliminate bacteria present in food, however, if something goes wrong in cooking the ingredients are not yet mature, it has an impact on the health of our body [2]. today there are many studies on the degree of maturity of food. discusses the taste of food determined by the degree of doneness of food in indonesia is intended to be cooked until it is fully cooked [3]. this study is in accordance with the previous, where if a food is cooked with 89 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 88-94 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech an improper diet, it causes the emergence of bacteria that can endanger public health [4]. if this is done continuously, it can make people unable to pay attention to their diet by applying a form of nutritional content as a guideline or feeding rules regarding nutritional knowledge as the basis for one's nutritional intake behavior [5]. processing food must be appropriate because of the vulnerability of chicken meat to the dangers of microbes that contaminate chicken meat, namely salmonella [6]. in the case of chicken as a food ingredient most results in poisoning. as for other poultry such as ducks, burning quail and the like, it is equally dangerous. in processing it, the chicken must be cooked properly. the research, the importance of the behavior of nutritional intake is because the nutritional intake is able to make people able to manage a good diet. the purpose of this study is to educate the public about nutritional knowledge in order to get the benefits of food consumed optimally. the method used is through digital media, namely educational videos that make it easier to access and disseminate it. with this research, people are more aware of the dangerous things that are often underestimated in the environment for wrong habits that have an impact on public health. this research invites the public to mediate the presence of poisoning due to undercooked food. this research was made to see the effectiveness of nutrition education through the media in adolescents to increase their nutritional knowledge, this research is to educate in processing the right ingredients in order to get maximum nutrition. the elements of novelty in this study are as follows; (1) introduce a form of video-based education to the public where the education is about learning or contains the right cooking methods; (2) the purpose introduced in this study is to relate to the general public not to students alone; (3) the method used in analyzing the data relates to the acquisition of the n-gain value. 2. method 2.1. research subject the subject of the study was a resident of cigugur girang, parongpong, indonesia. we took sample samples based on samples of selected areas in cigugur girang. the respondents numbered 10 people. the age range of respondents is 17 – 28 years. respondents consisted of 6 men and 4 women (see figure 1). the average respondent has not worked or students are 5 people, and there are also 2 people who work as teachers. in addition, there are also professions of farmers, traders, freelancers with a total of 1 person per field. shows the details of the job details and the age of the respondents (see table 1). figure 1. percentage of respondents’ gender 40% 60% female male 90 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 88-94 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. data on age and occupation of respondents. name age (year) profession a 17 student b 22 teacher c 20 freelancer d 17 student e 21 trader f 17 student g 17 student h 17 student i 28 teacher j 21 farmer 2.2. research design analysis the collection of research data was carried out by distributing questionnaires using google form to residents of cigugur girang village, parongpong, indonesia. there are 3 stages in data collection, namely (i) the distribution of pre-test questionnaires; (ii) the provision of educational actions through video media; and (iii) the dissemination of post-test questionnaires. the data processing approach used is a quantitative approach. we made 20 pre-test and post-test questions. shows the pre-test and post-test questions in this study. the making of the questions is focused on education about the form of public understanding of food processing (see table 2). pre-test and post-test question types are types of true and false answer questions. the answer value is marked as 1 for the correct answer and 0 for the wrong answer. table 2. pre-test and post-test questions. no question answer true false 1 do you know the function of food for the body? 2 do you know the nutritional function of food? 3 can the influence of food maturity levels change food nutrients? 4 is it good if vegetables are overcooked? 5 can cooking vegetables too long damage the nutritional content of vegetables? 6 are vegetables better that are undercooked? 7 can undercooked eggs be consumed for children, pregnant and lactating women? 8 are salmonella bacteria harmful to health? 9 is it better to consume cooked eggs? 10 is it okay to consume undercooked chicken meat? 11 is chicken as a food ingredient the highest cause of poisoning? 12 is it good to consume red meat often? 13 is it safe to consume undercooked red meat? 14 is consuming mutton the main cause of high blood pressure? 15 is frequent consumption of red meat one of the causes of high blood pressure? 16 does salt, oil and butter in mutton cause high blood pressure? 91 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 88-94 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 17 does fish contain fewer bacteria than chicken and meat? 18 can consuming fish increase intelligence? 19 does fish have a higher protein content than other meats? 20 is the consumption of eggs, chicken, meat and fish better cooked? 2.2.1 n-gain value analysis the form of normalization value analysis of gains or called n-gain has the purpose of recognizing the use of methods or the provision of actions used in the one-group pre-test posttest. the formula used in calculating the n-gain value in equation (1). 𝑁 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡−𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙−𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 (1) meanwhile, in obtaining the n-gain value, there is a reference that can be the main focus in its inference. provides information on the categorization of the value of n-gain according to [7] (see table 3). table 3. category n-gain n-gain value category g > 0.70 high 0.30 ≤ g ≤ 0.70 medium g < 0.30 low 3. results and discussion based on the results of the analysis of the calculation of the n-gain value, which is carried out to see how much the community understands the processing of maturity levels it affects health after giving material through video-based learning education. this is very important when doing research that connects forms of action in the experimental class [8]. based on the results of the analysis, it shows a fairly high increase in the results of the n-gain value in the form of 0.65 (65%) which shows that the video-based learning method can be well received by the community and is able to make themselves understand the structure of managing the maturity of a food and show people's awareness of maintaining food patterns (see table 4). this shows the effectiveness of the method, especially the value that is quite minimal, namely 0.2 (2%) and the maximum is 0.65 (65%). this final result is influenced by the form of post-test value which is quite increasing, especially to the millennial generation who certainly do not understand the influence of the maturity of a food product they are more careful about the influence caused by it. table 4. analysis of pre-test and post-test gain values. no name score n-gain categories pre-test post-test 1 a 75 60 0.6 medium 2 b 65 95 0.85 high 3 c 45 85 0.72 high 4 d 70 90 0.67 medium 92 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 88-94 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 5 e 75 85 0.4 low 6 f 80 90 0.5 low 7 g 70 100 1 high 8 h 70 100 1 high 9 i 50 85 0.7 high 10 j 70 95 0.83 high average 67 88.5 0.65 min 45 60 0.27 max 80 100 1 the results of the post-test and pre-test of each given question provide a significant difference (see figure 2). based on the curve, it shows a significant increase in public understanding from the viewing of these educational videos. concluded that this shows the provision of quite good material is to use a form of education related to videos, even residents of cigugur girang, parongpong, indonesia can recognize the form of influence that is quite positive in daily life on respondents [9-11]. figure 2. pre-test and post-test results. the results of the t-test used two-paired samples for the mean test, where the mean value of the pre-test was 67.00 out of 10 respondents. while the post-test average value is 88.5 out of 10 respondents (see table 5). in this test, it was shown that the calculated t ( -4.205) was smaller than t table (2.023). table 5. t-test paired two-sample for means pre-test post-test mean 67.00 88.5 observations 10 10 pearson correlation -0.17 hypothesized mean difference 0 df 9 t stat -4.205 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 s c o r e question pretest posttest 93 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 88-94 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in the question areas analyzed, there is a very positive influence on the increasing understanding of residents regarding the forms of food maturity which have a considerable influence, especially on aspects of good nutritional management. this means that this media is able to provide a deep enough understanding to the community, especially to the younger generation who generally prefer to eat immature food that greatly affects their health and worsens their diet. however, with this media, the younger generation of people are also able to see their influence directly through educational spectacles. this research is in line with the interactive media for learning nutrition content in vegetables and benefits in the human body [12]. 4. conclusion the study carried out has the aim of educating the public on nutritional knowledge in order to get the benefits of food consumed optimally in the residents of cigugur girang parongpong, indonesia. there are 3 stages in data collection, namely (i) the distribution of pre-test questionnaires; (ii) the provision of educational actions through video media; and (iii) the dissemination of post-test questionnaires. the results showed an increase in the value where the initial value was 67 to 88.5. the calculation of n-gain refers to the influence of the treatment given, which shows an average of 0.65 (65%) which means the level of understanding of respondents to their feeding patterns is sufficient through the media. while, from the results of the t test value, it is known that the calculated t ( -4.205) is smaller than t table (2.023) which means the understanding of the respondent's value at the level of food maturity management increases insignificantly. acknowledgement we would like to thank the universitas pendidikan indonesia for collaborating with the institute for research and community service (lppm) of the universitas pendidikan indonesia to hold the thematic community service program with the theme "thematic real work lecture on community empowerment based on the sustainable development goals (sdg’s) and merdeka belajar-kampus merdeka (mbkm)" which was held from 11 july august 10, 2022. references [1] saleh, a. s., zhang, q., chen, j., & shen, q. 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(2016). media interaktif pembelajaran kandungan gizi dalam sayuran serta manfaat dalam tubuh manusia. jurnal infra, 4(1), 74-78. 41 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the effect of socialization regarding digital literacy to respond to challenges in the era of disruption to the knowledge of students of junior high school 12 bandung alifia ghaniya zahra 1*, rina maryanti2 1departemen pendidikan teknik arsitektur, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 2departemen pendidikan khusus, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia email: *alifiaghaniya@upi.edu abstract. this this study aims to find out how the impact of socialization on digital literacy to answer challenges in the era of disruption to knowledge and application in everyday life regarding digital literacy for students at junior high school 12 bandung. the situation in this era of disruption is increasing the use of social media as online media. children and parents use social media a lot. young people as the millennial generation or can also be called digital natives are the largest users in the use of social media today. the spread of social media networks makes it easier for inaccurate news to come from anywhere. it is hoped this research can add insight into appropriate digital literacy. the subjects of this study were students of junior high school 12 bandung as a young age group with an age range of 13-17 years who were active users of social media. respondents amounted to 15 students. respondents consisted of 5 students in grade 7, 1 student in grade 8, and 9 students in grade 9. this study used a quantitative descriptive method. the technique used for data collection is using a questionnaire. there are three stages in data collection, namely (i) distributing the pre-test questionnaire; (ii) providing socialization actions using powerpoint; and (iii) distribution of post-test questionnaires. the data processing approach used is a quantitative approach. the results showed there was an increase between the average pre-test and post-test values, namely an increase from the pre-test average value of 73.33 to 96, 44 on the post-test score / after receiving socialization treatment. the calculation of n-gain is carried out to determine the effectiveness of the socialization carried out. the results show the average n-gain value is 85% (n-gain > 40%). it can be concluded the socialization of digital literacy using powerpoint media is effective for students of junior high school 12 bandung. effective results due to lack of insight and interest in literacy in junior high school 12 bandung students are low and after the socialization treatment is given, it adds insight to students at junior high school 12 bandung because the post-test scores of students increase significantly. it can be concluded the socialization of digital literacy using powerpoint media is effective for students of junior high school 12 bandung. effective results due to lack of insight and interest in literacy in junior high school 12 bandung students are low and after the socialization 42 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech treatment is given, it adds insight to students at junior high school 12 bandung because the post-test scores of students increase significantly. it can be concluded the socialization of digital literacy using powerpoint media is effective for students of junior high school 12 bandung. effective results due to lack of insight and interest in literacy in junior high school 12 bandung students are low and after the socialization treatment is given, it adds insight to students at junior high school 12 bandung because the post-test scores of students increase significantly. 1. introduction the era of disruption is an era in which massive changes occur change new systems and business arrangements or innovations. disruption itself is mainly caused by new innovations and creativity. broadly speaking, disruption is a condition where there is an innovation causes a massive or fundamental change into a new system. the era of disruption 4.0 began in the industrial revolution 4.0. industry 4.0 is an automation trend in factory technology [1]. the era of information disruption brings easy access to information from anywhere and anytime. due to the ease of accessing information from anywhere, there are things must be considered, such as the spread of hoaxes [14]. hoax is information is actually not true, but is made as if it is true. according [2] hoax is a series of information is intentionally misled, but is sold as truth. according to [3] hoax is fake news contains information intentionally misleads people and has a specific political agenda. hoaxes are not just misleading or misleading, the information in fake news also has no factual basis, but is presented as if it were a series of facts. digital literacy in the current era of disruption is very important to continue to be improved by the community, because digital literacy is able to make us think critically, creatively, and innovatively in dealing with current problems [15]. digital literacy is also able to help solve problems, communicate more smoothly, and be able to collaborate with more people. there are many positive sides of digital literacy, but as a reader you must know how to get accurate information, not hoaxes [13]. there have been many studies on digital literacy, one of which is research conducted by mathematics education students, fmipa, semarang state university, namely, [4] discuss about the role of digital literacy to prevent the spread of hoax for the indonesian society. according to them, the more technology develops, the easier it is for anyone to get information at any time. the development of technology as it is now has a positive and negative influence [16]. an example of the negative influence of information technology is the spread of hoaxes. hoax according to the big indonesian dictionary is fake news [17]. research on strengthening digital literacy in preventing the spread of hoaxes in the millennial era research conducted by [5] according to researchers the rapid development of technology has penetrated into various regions. people can access the internet and social media to get the latest information, knowledge, entertainment, to communicate without knowing any specific boundaries [6]. one of the bad effects occurs is the circulation of fake news (hoaxes) carried out by individuals with a specific purpose [7]. this study aims to describe the sources of related topics to determine the role of digital literacy in the prevention of hoaxes by using a descriptive analysis method. through literature study, a data collection technique was produced. digital literacy plays an important role for the community when receiving and overcoming hoax information [8]. hoax handling uses the term "self-censorship". self-censorship is a selective act in selecting information [9]. through digital literacy, people can monitor the environment and can participate in social life well. digital literacy is needed as an effort to prevent hoaxes [10]. 43 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech however, there is no research discusses digital literacy to answer challenges in the era of disruption [12]. therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of socializationdigital literacy to answer challenges in the era of disruption to the knowledge junior high school 12 bandung students. the novelties of this study are (i) research conducted on the effect of socializing digital literacy to answer challenges in the era of disruption to knowledge in students of junior high school 12 bandung; (ii) the socialization process is carried out using power point media; (iii) research focuses on insight into the digital literacy of junior high school 12 bandung students, which can then be applied appropriately and well to digital literacy. 2. method 2.1. research subject the subjects of this research were students of junior high school 12 bandung. we take samples from grades 7, 8, 9. respondents amounted to 15 students. respondents consisted of 5 grade 7 students, 1 grade 8 student, and 9 grade 9 students (see figure 1). figure 1. percentage of respondents’ gender 2.2. research design analysis research data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires using google form media to the students of junior high school 12 bandung. there are three stages in data collection, namely (i) distributing the pre-test questionnaire; (ii) providing socialization actions using powerpoint; and (iii) distribution of post-test questionnaires. the data processing approach used is a quantitative approach. in this study, there were 15 pre-test questions and 15 questions which were the same as the pre-test for the post-test. the types of pre-test and post-test questions are multiple choice and short answer questions (see table 1). 44 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. pre-test and post-test questions no. question yes not 1. do you know digital literacy? 2. do you know what a hoax is? 3. do you like literacy? 4. are you interested in digital literacy? 5. do you think hoaxes will have a bad impact on life? 6. do groups on your social media have a positive impact other than communicating? 7. do you like looking for information on your social media? 8. do you like making posts/content on your social media? 9. do you think digital literacy can save time? 10. do you easily trust information obtained from online? yes, easy no, need to revisit/find out more 11. only good at reading but not good at understanding the contents of the reading. do you think this is wrong/right? wrong right 12. have you been able to sort out what to upload on social media? already not yet 13. have you been able to rate negative / positive content on social media? already not yet 14. what do you think about e-books/online books? strongly supports the existence of e-books because they care about the environment (reduce excessive paper usage) prefer to read ordinary books 15. what social media do you use? short answer... 2.2.1 analysis of n-gain value 45 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech analysis of the normalized gain or n-gain value is a comparison between the maximum possible average gain (gain = posttest score pretest score). according to hake (1998) analysis of the normalized gain or n-gain value of the average of a treatment / lecture / learning as a rough measure / estimate of the effect of a treatment / lecture / learning as insightful understanding. formula used: 𝑁 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 − 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 − 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 the ideal score is the maximum value can be obtained by the respondent when the respondent fills out the pre-test and posttest questions on the google form. from the above formula, it can be seen the calculation results are then referred to in the following table [18]. (see table 2): n-gain value category g > 0.7 tall 0.3 g 0.7 currently g < 0.3 low 3. results and discussion in table 3 below are the results of the analysis of the gain values obtained from the posttest and pretest assessments distributed via google form. the calculation of the gain value is carried out to show the quality of improving the skills possessed by each respondent after an action is taken [19]. to find out the effectiveness of socialization regarding digital literacy to answer challenges in the era of disruption. based on the results in table 3, it is known the average value of n-gain is 0.85 (85%) indicating the socialization method using power point media is effectively used in students of junior high school 12 bandung. the minimum n-gain value is 0.74 (74%) and the maximum is 0.85 (85%). according to [20], if the n-gain presentation value is >78%, it is categorized as effective. effective results due to lack of insight and interest in literacy in students of junior high school 12 bandung is low (see table 3). table 3. analysis of pre-test and post-test gain values. no. name score n-gain category pre-test post-test 1. student 1 93.33 100 1 tall 2. student 2 73.33 93.33 0.74 tall 3. student 3 86.67 100 1 tall 4. student 4 86.67 93.33 0.5 currently 5. student 5 66.67 93.33 0.6 currently 6. student 6 73.33 86.67 0.5 currently 7. student 7 60 100 1 tall 8. student 8 80 93.33 0.66 currently 9. student 9 86.67 100 1 tall 46 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 10. studenrt 10 80 100 1 tall 11. student 11 53.33 93.33 0.86 currently 12. studenr 12 66.67 100 1 tall 13. student 13 53.33 93.33 0.86 currently 14. student 14 60 100 1 tall 15. student 15 80 100 1 tall average 73.33 96.44 0.85 min. 53.33 86.67 0.74 max. 93.33 100 1 figure 2 shows the analysis of differences in the results of the pre-test and posttest questions. based on the graph, it can be seen 14 questions have increased. the last 1 question is considered an ideal value because all of them have social media. if seen from the results of the graph also supports socialization has an effectiveness in conveying material / insight to students in order to increase student knowledge (see figure 2). figure 2. results pre-test and post-test from each analysis of the data above, it can be seen socialization has a positive impact on increasing student insight at junior high school 12 bandung. and increase interest in literacy. attractive power point media and expressive delivery of socialization help students become interested in socialization they pay attention. 4. conclusion the research has been carried out aims to determine the effect of digital literacy socialization to answer challenges in the era of disruption. there are 3 main steps to determine the effect of socialization in this study, namely (i) taking the pre-test; (ii) socialization actions using power point media; (iii) taking post-test. the results showed an increase between the average pre-test and post-test scores, which was an increase from the pre-test average value of 73.33 to 96.44 in the post-test score / after receiving socialization treatment. the calculation of n-gain is carried out to determine the effectiveness of the socialization carried out. the results show the average n-gain 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 figure 2. hasil pre-test dan post-test pre-test post-test2 47 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 41-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech value is 85% (n-gain > 40%). it can be concluded the socialization of digital literacy using power point media is effective for students of junior high school 12 bandung. effective results due to lack of insight and interest in literacy in junior high school 12 bandung students are low the post-test scores of students increase significantly. acknowledgement we acknowledged bangdos, universitas pendidikan indonesia. this study is a part of community service program (program: community service program thematic literacy 2022 (11 july-10 august 2022 group 6) institute for research and community service (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia. references [1] ali, m., setiawan, h. 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place for selling bicycle components or ordering home service services in installing components or modifying bicycles. the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. the results of the research are the formation of a websitebased sales system to sell various bicycle components and provide home service services that can be accessed on various consumer devices. the main concept of this website is a price list of bicycle components. in it there is a search feature to find bicycle components that consumers want to order and there is a bicycle modification recommendation feature that helps consumers to make bicycle modifications. in addition, this website has a home service feature for component installation or bicycle modification and has an e-payment or electronic payment fea ture to facilitate the transaction process. therefore, a sales system like this will facilitate bicycle users in meeting their needs. keywords: bike modification, components, website article info: submitted/received 14 nov 2022 first revised 02 jan 2023 accepted 25 feb 2023 first available online 31 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction bicycles are still a vehicle that is often used by people for travel, exercise, entertainment and some are just for decoration. there are even some people who prioritize bicycles as the main vehicle for various activities, such as going to work, going to school, selling and others [1]. in https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 108 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 107-112 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom .ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 963 its use of course required maintenance or proper operation so that the condition of the bicycle remains in good condition and its quality is maintained [2,3]. in order to form a bicycle of good quality, it is necessary to modify or repair in case of damage. in today's digital era, to deal with this problem there is a fairly effective and efficient way, only a website is needed as a medium for selling bicycle components and home service services to make it easier for potential customers [4,5]. bike modification is one of the activities for bicycle enthusiasts. according to the kbbi the definition of modification is a change or change [6]. so, the definition of bicycle modification is changing certain parts of a bicycle with aftermarket or parts made by the manufacturer of a bicycle to be different from the factory default. changes to the bicycle are not made in total, only change or replace some bicycle components with aftermarket components [7]. it can be exemplified by the mtb type bicycle which incidentally is a mountain bike, modified into a hybrid bicycle that can glide quickly on paved roads by replacing some components of the mtb bicycle such as wheels and wheels [8,9]. this study aims to design a website-based bicycle sales and modification system that functions to streamline time and make it easier for customers to make bicycle modifications for those who are new to the world of cycling in indonesia. on the other hand, this websitebased bicycle sales and modification system generates its own advantages or benefits for the owner. because apart from being easy to operate, this system can be reached anywhere and anytime. in a website-based sales system, the owner can see the profit and recession of the results of his business. 2. method the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach to convey the research design. in system design, it will be made in the form of a website using visual studio code and xampp to create a database with the system development method through prototyping. with the prototyping system development method, it requires interactive communication from users or customers. this prototyping method focuses on the interface or user interface that will be implemented with communication, planning, modelling, construction and conclusions [10]. the results of this prototyping will be the figures or projections in the research. therefore, good interface communication between developers and users is very important for a better website. 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying requirements this website is designed to help bicycle enthusiasts to modify and buy bicycle components in indonesia, especially in the city of cimahi. this website has a search feature for components you want to buy, recommends bicycle modifications and has an e-payment feature to make it easier for potential customers. the website menu structure (see figure 1). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 109 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 107-112 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom .ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 963 figure 1. white workshop website structure the picture above shows a diagram of the website structure that will be created. this diagram is a brief description of the website which is divided into 4 sub menus. first there is the product menu which lists the components of the bicycle. second, there is a modification menu containing recommendations for bicycle modification. third, there is the home serv ice menu which contains an order form for calling mechanics from the workshop to install the components that have been ordered. fourth, there is a profile page to manage customer profiles on this website. 3.2. developing initial prototype in the early stages of making the prototype, the main page contains a brief description of the website and displays the most dominant components ordered by customers or best sellers (see figure 2). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 110 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 107-112 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom .ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 963 figure 2. the main page of the white workshop website the picture above shows the initial view when accessing the white workshop website. there is a welcome speech and some of the dominant components ordered. before customers buy components or order home service services, customers are required to login or register their account first to validate their data with the white workshop database which is marked with the login button in the upper right corner (see figure 3). figure 3. homepage on the home page, it is still the same as the main website page, such as greetings and best sellers. however, in the best seller section there is an additional add to chart button to add orders for components to be ordered into the cart (see figure 4). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 111 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 107-112 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom .ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 963 figure 4. product page the product page contains all the components for sale, be it vlegs, wheels, forks and others. in addition to containing all the components that are sold, on the product page there is also a home service feature to offer home service services so that it is easier for customers to install the components that have been ordered. figure 5. profile page this page displays the profiles of customers who have registered their accounts on the white workshop website. on this page customers or users can change their profile such as profile photo, email, phone number and address. 4. conclusion the white workshop website is designed to facilitate bicycle enthusiasts who want to modify their bicycles or buy bicycle components, so that bicycle users do not need to come directly to https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 112 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 107-112 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom .ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 963 the workshop. this makes bicycle enthusiasts more flexible in maintaining or operating their bicycles and makes it easier for owners to manage and develop their business. acknowledgement thank you to the indonesian computer university for helping us in writing this abstract. references [1] hermida, c., cordero, m., & orellana, d. 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pre-test, (2) socialization through songs and props; (3) final test. the results showed there was a change in children's interest in eating nutritious foods, as well as a decrease in children's interest in eating foods that were categorized as less nutritious. this means, the media song and props are quite successfully used in early childhood. from each result of data analysis, it can be seen that the media song and props have a positive impact on increasing interest in eating nutritious food at an early age in cigugurgirang, parongpong, indonesia. with this research, it is expected to increase children's interest in consuming nutritious food so their nutritional adequacy rate (rda) will be fulfilled. 1. introduction early childhood who are in a period of growth really need nutritious food intake. nutritious food is a balanced food that can meet human needs [1]. the food intake consumed will affect their daily activities, which also plays an important role in their growth and development. this is in line with mayar who in her research concluded, nutrition does play an important role for the growth and development of early childhood [2]. in addition, uce stated that providing nutritious food will be very beneficial for optimizing children's growth and development. poor nutrition can not only hamper their physical development and growth but can also affect their intellectual and psychological development [3]. but in reality, there are still many young children who do not want to eat nutritious food, especially vegetables. the consumption of fruits and vegetables in children is very low, this is evidenced by the results of observations and interviews with parents and guardians of students at the yadiaksa islamic kindergarten, where out of 15 children interviewed, there were only four children who liked vegetables [4]. in addition, research conducted by sari 59 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech showed 50 children (59.5%) had difficulty eating vegetables, and the remaining 34 children (40.5%) did not have difficulty eating vegetables [5]. there are many factors influence a child's desire to eat nutritious foods, such as preferences, good knowledge, and a supportive attitude. socialization needs to be carried out to increase knowledge about the benefits and impacts of less consumption of fruits and vegetables [6]. then, there is also a significant relationship between attitudes, nutritional knowledge, availability, media exposure, and parental income on fruit and vegetable consumption behavior [7]. in addition, other research shows there is a relationship between socio-cultural norms and values with fruit and vegetable consumption behavior in students [8]. there are also other factors related to fruit and vegetable consumption such as gender, nutritional knowledge, skills in preparing fruits and vegetables, availability of fruits and vegetables at home, parental support, and peer support [9]. given the importance of vegetables as nutritious food for children, it is important to consume them, therefore what must be done is how to make children want to eat vegetables. one way to increase children's motivation is by several methods, for example through interesting games and in accordance with the problems faced by early childhood [10]. there is also islaeli who in his research used the method of playing vegetable eating motivation (vem) on the behavior of eating vegetables in preschool children, where the results showed there was an increase in children's interest in eating vegetables [11]. moreover, nutrition education can also be done using picture storybook media which is a form of entertainment education (ee) which can be used as a way to increase children's fruit and vegetable intake while allowing direct interaction between children and parents [12]. in this research, we choose props that can be used as a tool for role playing. the roleplaying method is a method that is carried out by demonstrating the situation accompanied by the characters involved in the situation [13]. media is a tool used as an intermediary in stimulating all aspects of development in early childhood, both aspects of moral and religious values, physical motor aspects, language aspects, social-emotional aspects, cognitive aspects, and artistic aspects [14]. so it can be concluded that the media is a tool used to distribute information. a media song is a tool in the form of a song used as an intermediary for the distribution of information to be conveyed. currently, various kinds of media are used as a tool to exchange information, including songs, which can also be packaged into lyric videos. song video media is a fun learning for students, because they can learn and play at the same time, so they will not get bored quickly [15]. through songs, it is hoped that children can absorb the information they want to convey about the nutritious food menu, thus enabling them to eat nutritious food after they listen to the song. this is in line with putri who argues that one of the media who can be used to adjust the characteristics of school children is by using the media song [16]. while teaching aids are objects or equipment used to implement lessons so the expected goals of teaching and educating can be achieved. teaching aids for early childhood education are effective learning tools to advance aspects of child development [17]. nowadays, many children are classified as not liking to eat vegetables even though vegetables are nutritious foods can make the body healthier. in fact, nutritious food is an essential thing for the health of children. in this study, the song media is expected to influence children's awareness of the importance of eating nutritious food for their immunity. 60 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech previous studies about song media affecting children's awareness of eating nutritious food confirmed, song media could advertise and increase children’s awareness of eating more nutritious food. research conducted by wardhani stated, nutrition education songs effectively increase children’s knowledge about vegetable and fruit consumption [18]. in addition, research conducted by yulsimaulina found differences in fruit and vegetable intake before and after nutrition education with the singing method for children [19]. then, there is also research conducted by virmando who explained singing and playing cards is an education that has a learning plan with the concept of learning while playing. sensory-based nutrition education activities can promote the desire to eat vegetables and fruit [20]. the purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of song media and props on increasing interest in eating nutritious food in children, considering songs can also be used as a fun learning media for early childhood. the novelty of this research is (1) the song used to introduce anything including nutritious food, not just fruits and vegetables, (2) props can also be used as role-playing tools so they are more enthusiastic about deciding which nutritious food to eat, (3) teach children to memorize easily about any nutritious food in a fun way through songs. 2. method 2.1. research subject the research subjects are early childhood children who live in cigugurgirang, parongpong, kabupaten bandung barat, indonesia. respondents in this study amounted to 12 people consisting of four boys or 33.3% and eight girls or 66.7% (see figure 1). figure 1. percentage of respondent's gender 2.2. research design analysis research data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires by reading to early childhood who live in cigugurgirang, parongpong, kabupaten bandung barat, indonesia. to be exact, at ra ridhaus sholeh. there are 3 stages in data collection, namely (1) pre-test, (2) socialization through songs and props; (3) post-test. the data processing approach used is a qualitative approach. we made 20 questions pre-test and post-test. table 1 shows the pre-test and post-test questions in this study. making questions focused on socializing about nutritious food. the types of pre-test and post-test questions are types of questions with answers to yes or no, and choosing a or b and not being given a score/number (see table 1). 61 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. pre-test and post-test questions no question answer 1 i often eat vegetables yes/no 2 i often eat fruits yes/no 3 i often eat fried food yes/no 4 i often eat noodles yes/no 5 i often eat junk food yes/no 6 i often drink bubble tea yes/no 7 i often drink milk yes/no 8 i often drink juice yes/no 9 i often drink water yes/no 10 i often drink coke yes/no 11 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 12 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 13 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 14 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 15 which one do you prefer to drink? a/b 16 which one do you prefer to drink? a/b 62 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 17 which one do you prefer to drink? a/b 18 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 19 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 20 which one do you prefer to eat? a/b 3. results and discussion the research method used is a descriptive qualitative method by going through 3 stages, namely (1) pre-test, (2) socialization through song and props, (3) post-test. we will conduct socialization with 12 children in early childhood about what is included in nutritious food and how it affects us. this will give them information that nutritious foods are good for health, in the hope of increasing their interest in eating nutritious food. table 2 shows the results of respondents answers regarding the questionnaires have been distributed, along with the explanations (see table 2). table 2. respondents answers to each pre-test and post-test questions. no pre-test post-test descriptions 1. 25% 91.7% five children (25%) often eat vegetables and during the post-test it increased to 11 children (91.7%). 2. 75% 91.7% seven children (75%) often eat fruit and during the post-test it increased to 11 children (91.7%). 3. 83.3% 16.7% ten children (83.3%) often eat fried food and during the post-test it decreased drastically to only two people (16.7%). 4. 91.7% 66.7% eleven children (91.7%) often eat noodles and during the post-test it decreased to eight people (66.7%). 5. 83.3% 50% ten children (83.3%) often eat fast food and during the post-test it decreased to six children (50%). 6. 66.7% 33.3% eight children (66.7%) often drink bubble tea and during the posttest it decreased to four children (33.3%). 63 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 7. 75% 83.3% nine children (75%) often drink milk and during the post-test it increased to 10 children (83.3%). 8. 75% 100% nine children (75%) often drink juice and during the post-test it increased to 12 children (100%). 9. 58.3% 100% seven children (58.3%) often drink mineral water and during the post-test it increased to 12 children (100%). 10. 66.7% 16.7% eight children (66.7%) often drink soft drinks and it decreased to two children (16.7%). 11. 0% 75% none of children (0%) chose option a (vegetables) which represents a healthy food, but they preferred option b (burger). during the post-test, it increased to nine children (75%) who chose option a. 12. 33.3% 91.7% for children (33.3%) chose option a (fruits) which represents a healthy food, and they preferred option b (ice cream). during the post-test, it increased to 11 children (91.7%) who chose option a. 13. 16.7% 100% two children (16.7%) chose option a (tempeh) which represents a healthy food, and they preferred option b (hot dog). during the post-test, it increased to 12 children (100%) who chose option a. 14. 16.7% 91.7% two children (16.7%) chose option b (egg) which represents a healthy food, and they preferred option a (noodles). during the post-test, it increased to 11 children (91.7%) who chose option b. 15. 50% 100% six children (50%) chose option a (mineral water) which represents a healthy drink, and they preferred option b (syrup). during the post-test, it increased to 12 children (100%) who chose option a. 16. 50% 83.3% six children (50%) chose option b (milk) which represents a healthy drink, and they preferred option a (coke). during the post-test, it increased to 10 children (83.3%) who chose option b. 17. 41.7% 91.7% five children (41.7%) chose option b (juice) which represents a healthy drink, and they preferred option a (bubble tea). during the post-test, it increased to 11 children (91.7%) who chose option b. 18. 25% 83.3% three children (25%) chose option b (egg) which represents a healthy food, and they preferred option a (hot dog). during the post-test, it increased to 10 children (83.3%) who chose option b. 19. 0% 75% none of children (0%) chose option b (vegetables) which represents a healthy food, but they preferred option a (noodles). during the post-test, it increased to 9 children (75%) who chose option b. 20. 8.3% 83.3% one child (8.3%) chose option a (tempeh) which represents a healthy food, and they preferred option b (ice cream). during the post-test, it increased to 10 children (83.3%) who chose option a. based on the data above, we can see there is an increase in children's interest in eating nutritious foods. it can be seen in every answer to the questionnaire has been given. in part one, there must be an increase in children's interest in eating nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruit. in addition to nutritious food, there is also an increase in children's consumption of drinking nutritious drinks such as milk, juice, and mineral water. there is also a decrease in children's interest in eating foods that can be categorized as less nutritious such as fried foods, noodles, and fast food. in addition to food, there is also a decrease in 64 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech children's interest in drinking beverages that can be categorized as unhealthy, such as boba and coke. although the results show some children already eat healthy food, after socialization through the media songs and props, there was an increase in the number of children eating healthy food and drinks. this is in line with other studies which show there is an effect of nutrition counseling using music videos on food consumption behavior in children. with nutrition counseling, a person can understand the importance of food and nutrition so they can behave and act according to nutritional norms [15]. in the second type of question, there is also a change in children's interest in eating nutritious food. at the time of the pre-test, most children chose foods were not nutritious but such as burger, ice cream, hot dog, and noodles. likewise with drinks, most children prefer drinks such as boba, flavored drinks, and coke. and after the socialization, during the posttest it was seen there were some children who switched to choosing nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, tempeh, and eggs. same thing with drinks. at the time of the pre-test, many children prefer to drink flavored drinks, soft drinks, and boba compared to mineral water, milk, and juice. however, there were still changes in the children's choice of the two foods or drinks were provided at the time of the post-test. education in kindergarten children through singing in accordance with the children's character will shape the psychological development that facilitates their creativity. learning while singing is an effective way to get students to learn to express themselves through instruments, as well as through creative movements and dances to create joy in the future [20]. this research is also in line with the research conducted by yulsimaulina which concluded there were differences in vegetable intake before and after nutrition education with the singing method in pontianak islamic kindergarten children, so it is recommended that nutrition education with the singing method increase the intake of vegetables and fruit needs to be socialized and disseminated by the teacher council, especially in kindergarten and early childhood education [19]. overall, it is clear there is an increase in children's interest in eating nutritious foods, and a decrease in interest in eating non-nutritious foods. the results from each data analysis above show the media song and props positively impact increasing interest in eating nutritious food in early childhood in cigugurgirang, parongpong, indonesia. 4. conclusion the research has been conducted aims to determine the influence of song media and props on increasing interest in eating nutritious food in children. there are three main steps carried out in this study, namely (1) pre-test, (2) socialization through songs and props; (3) post-test. the results showed an increase in children's interest in eating nutritious food, as seen in the change in children's choices from choosing less nutritious foods to switching to nutritious and healthy foods. this means, the use of media songs and props can be used for early childhood because the lyrics of the song contain the meaning of nutritious food and what nutritious foods should be eaten daily by humans. this will help them realize the importance of consuming nutritious food every day. acknowledgement we acknowledged bangdos, universitas pendidikan indonesia. this study is a part of community service (program: community service program thematic literacy 2022 (11 july – 10 august 2022 group 71) institute for research and community service (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia. 65 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 58-66 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] andriyani. 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head of state or region and make it easier for the people to vote without having to travel. the res earch method used in this research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. the result of this research is to show that the e-pil application can make it easier for komisi pemilihan umum (kpu) to carry out election (pemilu) also make it easier for the people to vote only by accessing e-pil application that can be accessed via each smartphone. the main concept of this application is e-voting feature for election that can be used in every election agenda. also makes it easier for the kpu in votin g process because epil application can only be used by 1 id on 1 device that integrated with the government. in the end, e-pil application is present as a medium for elections as well as to adapt in today’s digital world. keywords: system, mobile apps, government article info: submitted/received 01 des 2022 first revised 22jan 2023 accepted 16 feb 2023 first available online 13 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction indonesia is a country that embrace democracy. in conducting presidential and vicepresidential elections, the legislature election, and even village head elections are carried out by voting. in indonesia, elections are held accordance with law (undang-undang) no. 7 of 2017 about elections [1]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 70 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 the current election implementation process in indonesia still uses conventional mechanisms that have several procedural stages, in which every citizen has the right to vote to come to the polling station on election day. elections are carried out by voting on the ballot paper and then placing it in the ballot box. after the voting process is complete, the vote counting process is carried out in stages. however, the implementation of conventional elections is still considered to have several weaknesses, one of the weaknesses is occurrence of fraud in the administration of elections. the election fraud caused the democratic election principles damaged [2]. in political marketing, two important characteristics that influences voting behaviour is trust and information [3]. as the fourth most populous nation, spread across a chain of thousand islands, the election in indonesia, is required to count votes from 4 79.000 polling stations. because of that, the process of tiered counting votes from municipalities to provincial, create challenge in terms of resource such as longer time and higher cost [4]. to solve various problems, technology has become one part of human lives [5] the technology is expected to answers the problems of previous elections such as, cutting the election costs, eliminating cheats, and fixing vote miscalculations [6] therefore, with e-voting is expected to cut down the cost of resources as the disadvantage of the current paper-based voting systems. in junior hendri wijaya’s research, he explained that the implementation of e-voting in indonesia can improve the quality of democracy seen from the facts of the swot analysis which produces more opportunities and strengths for indonesia, although there are still weaknesses and threats in the implementation of the e-voting system in indonesian elections [1]. the application of e-voting by imas noita and friends, aims to find out the mechanisms and problems of organizing elections as a form of public service in indonesia [2]. then there is m-vote designed by adel khelifi, m-vote is a mobile application that uses three levels of security, which is username and password, national id and fingerprint. the result of this research show that m-vote is a very secure mobile application to facilitate the voting process for most people, because they only need a mobile phone and internet connection to participate in the voting process [7]. dana indra sensuse sta ted that in his research based on a quantitative survey and the suggestion of a state of the art, electronic voting system suitable for use in indonesia, it shows that most respondents are ready to use the e -voting system [8]. there is also research on smart voting by buvanapriya. r which has the main goal of developing a voting engine that is compatible with high security. the proposed system is designed for use in india. with fingerprint security as the last step to make a selection [9]. from those previous studies, we can see that the role of technology is very important, especially for the electoral system but in indonesia itself still uses conventional mechanisms for elections. the purpose of this research is to design a mobile-based election e-voting system as a means to conduct elections for heads of state/region and make it easier for the public to make vote without having to travel. the research method used in this study is a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. 2. method the research method used in this study was descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach [10]. data collection uses a literature review because there is no implementation of an e voting system in indonesia at this time [1]. and observing the use of mobile vot ing applications in other countries. system design includes making application design. the https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 71 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 elements that will be investigated in this research are the technical application work that will be shown (see figure 1). figure 1. application work flowchart 3. results and discussion the online election application created has the name e-pil which stands for “electronic – pemilihan”. this application will contain online vote feature and vote’s live count. when the app is opened user will be given two options, login and register. press register if user does not have an account / not registered. press login if users already have an account (see figure 2). on the register page that will be shown in figure 3, users will be redirected to make an account on the e-pil app. to make an account, users must enter personal data, such as ; email, phone number, id number, family card number (no. kk), and password for t he account. if the registration is succeeded, a popup message will appear saying “your data has been saved, please login” (see figure 4). figure 5 will show the login page on the epil app. on this page, the users only need to enter the e-mail and password of the account that has been registered in the e-pil app to login (see figure 5). if the e-mail or password entered is wrong or not registered. then a pop-up message will appear that says “wrong email or password, please try again”. user is expected to enter the correct e-mail and password. and if the account is not registered, first register the user account in the register page (see figure 6). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 72 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 figure 2. app start view figure 3. account register page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 73 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 figure 4. pop-up message indicating successful registration figure 5. login page e-pil app https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 74 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 figure 6. pop-up message if the login failed if the login is successful, user will be directly directed to e-pil app homepage. on the homepage there are two features that can be used, the first is vote feature (figure 8) to make vote and then there is the live count feature (figure 9) to view the temporary election calculations (see figure 7). figure 8 shows the vote feature page that contains photos and the vision and mission of the candidate pair that will be elected, also a vote button to choose one of the candidate pairs (see figure 8). when the user successfully makes vote, the user will be immediately directed to the notification page that notifies the user that he/she has made a vote. and on that page, there is a live count button to go directly to the live count page (see figure 9). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 75 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 figure 7. e-pil app homepage figure 8. e-pil app voting page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 76 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 figure 9. halaman pemberitahuan furthermore, figure 10 show the live count page which serves to display provisional election result that still on going. on this page there are photos of the candidates’ pairs and also the percentage of voters shown using a pie chart (see figure 10). figure 10. e-pil app live count page e-pil application design was created to help and also make it easier for the indonesian people to carry out election without having to travel. this application has several features, which is e-voting and live count that can be used to support the implementation of online election in indonesia. this research resulted an online election application design, namely the https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9953 77 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 69-78 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 953 e-pil app that can be implemented in indonesian election. and also, can facilitate the komisi pemilihan umum (kpu) to carry out elections. it also makes it easier for the people to do vote only by accessing the e-pil app through their own smartphones. and also, this research is expected to be developed further so that e-voting can be implemented in indonesia. 4. conclusion throughout the long history of the democratic process in the world, especially in indonesia, with the progress of the times long with technology and the change of community needs, a powerful way to resolve conflicts peacefully, whether political, religious, or economic, is through elections because they are based on the will of the majority. therefore, elections lead to a transitional period in any country. the security, integrity and process of the election itself can affect the outcome of the election. the design of the e-pil is expected to improve the voting process by making it easier for voters to cast their vote only by accessing the application using their own smartphones. simplifying the registration process by only asking for e-mail, cell phone numbers, population identification numbers (nik) and family card numbers (kk numbers) to ensure the eligibility of the voter, and password for the user account. in the end, the e-pil application is present as an online election media and also to adapt in today’s digital world. acknowledgement the author would like to thank various parties who have helped in collecting literacy materials and providing preparation instructions so that this research can be made as well as possible. references [1] wijaya, j. h., zulfikar, a., & permatasari, i. a. 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integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri, cihanjuang village. quantitative research method with pre-experimental design type one group pretest-posttest. the research was conducted on 20 6th grade students of integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri. the research was conducted in 3 stages, namely (i) pre-test; (ii) education through learning videos; and (iii) post-test. the results showed the average value of the pretest was 67.25 and the average posttest was 79.25. the comparison of pretest and posttest showed an increase in students' knowledge after taking action through learning videos. the result of calculating the average n-gain value is 0.34 (34%) which shows that education through learning videos regarding the relationship between body mass index (bmi) and balanced nutrition is not effective. this is because the students' pretest scores are quite good. as for the results of the calculation of the t-test, it is known that t count (-6.564) < t table (1.729) means that the posttest scores of students increase but are not significant. with the completion of this study, it is hoped that more schoolage children will understand the relationship between body mass index and balanced nutrition. that we can identify the nutritional status that will affect the health of our bodies. 1. introduction nutrition is wrong one determinant quality source power man (hr), because success development something nation determined by availability hr which quality, that is hr which have physique which toughness, mental which strong, intelligent and health which prime, thing this very determined by status nutrition which good (rahayu et al., 2019). nutritional problems are still a heavy burden for the nation, especially nutritional problems in school-age 74 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech children. the influence of nutritional problems on growth, development, intellectual and productivity shows the large role of nutrition for the life of school-age children (rahayu, 2020). malnutrition at school age will result in disruption of body growth, mental, intelligence, and easily infected with disease. nutritional problems in school-age children are not only problems of undernutrition, but also problems of overnutrition. nutritional problems that are often found at this time are anemia, chronic lack of energy and obesity (rusdi, et al., 2021). highcalorie eating habits in children without a balanced intake of nutrients, in a certain period of time can lead to overweight and eventually can lead to obesity (lupiana, et al., 2022). the problem of excess nutrition does not only occur in certain circles, certain ages, it can even occur in school-age children (furtuna, 2022). fulfillment of nutrients in school children must be given appropriately both in terms of quality and quantity. this is because school-age children pay less attention to the food consumed by them. therefore, school children are included in one of the groups that are prone to nutritional problems (nuzrina et al., 2016). one of the ways to improve nutritional quality is through improving food consumption patterns that are in accordance with balanced nutrition (febrinsa et al., 2016). nutrition is substance food which contains something ingredient food which could be utilized by the body. whereas substance nutrition is substance or element chemical which is contained in food which is required for metabolism in the body by normal. nutrition balanced is food composition daily which contains nutrition in type and amount which in accordance with the body needs. intake nutrition which is optimal, good in thing quantity nor quality, very important for growth as well as development which is optimal. balanced nutrition is food arrangement daily containing substances nutrition in type and amount which in accordance with needs body, with pay attention to four pillar nutrition balanced that is diversity or variation food, activity physique, get used to a clean and healthy lifestyle, and monitor body weight regularly (irnani & sinaga, 2017). body mass index (bmi) is one of the parameters for the comparison of body weight and height based on child anthropometric standards. anthropometric standards child is gathering data about size, proportion, composition and body as reference for assessing the nutritional status and growth trends of children. child anthropometry standards must be used as a reference for assessing the nutritional status of children. body mass index by age (bmi/u) child age 5 (five) years until 18 (eighteen) years used to determine category nutrition bad, nutrition not enough, nutrition good, risky nutrition more, nutrition more and obesity. from various studies, one of the factors that affect a person's nutrition is lack of knowledge about nutrition. knowledge of nutrition is one of the factors that affect a person's nutritional condition (hafidz & kurniasari, 2021). one of the lacks of knowledge and nutritional attitudes in school-age children is that they are less able to choose nutritious foods (ramadhanti et al., 2022). decreasing knowledge also will reduce the ability of somebody to apply information nutrition in life everyday (nuryanto et al., 2014). it is also supported by gifari et al., (2020) which said that knowledge about balanced nutrition can reduce mass index body (bmi) in adolescents who have more nutrition. in addition, with knowledge of nutrition a balanced diet can improve consumption patterns and achieve normal weight (intantiyana et al., 2018). thus, the prevention of undernutrition and overnutrition requires understanding and the practice of a healthy lifestyle contained in the four pillars of balanced nutrition, one of which is to monitor a heavy body by periodically. knowledge can be obtained by using the senses of sight and hearing. one way to increase nutritional knowledge is through nutrition education. educational activities are influenced by the media that will be used (ningtyas et al., 2022). the provision of nutrition education can be done using various media such as auditive, visual, and 75 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech audiovisual media (hidayah et al., 2022). one of them is using video media. video is an audiovisual media that can reveal objects and events as they really are (effendy et al., 2022). through learning videos, students are able to understand the learning message more meaningfully that the information conveyed through the video can be understood in its entirety (meidiana et al., 2018). however, there has been no research on education through learning videos about relationship between body mass index and balanced nutrition for school-age children. thus, this study aims to determine education through learning videos on the level of students' understanding of the relationship between body mass index and nutrition balanced in 6th grade school-aged children of integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri cihanjuang village as a sample study. the novelty of this research is (i) research conducted on education influence index mass body with nutrition balanced to child age school class 6 integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri; (ii) process education influence index mass body with nutrition balanced conducted with use media technology videos learning; and (iii) study this using nutritional status assessment based on pmk no 2 of 2020 regarding nutritional status child anthropometry and anthropometric index according to the who nutritional status category reference 2007 for child 5-18 year. 2. method 2.1. subject study subject study is child age school class 6 integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri village cihanjuang. there were 20 respondents consisting of 8 women and 12 men (figure 1). the age range of the respondents is 11-12 years. table 1 shows the age details of respondents. figure 1. presentation type sex respondents. table 1. data respondent's age. no name date born age 1 r 01/02/2011 11 year 5 month 2 a 23/07/2010 11 year 11 month 3 q 10/05/2011 11 year 2 month 4 re 20/02/2011 11 year 5 month 5 ar 22/11/2010 11 year 8 month 76 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 6 qo 21/07/2011 11 year 0 month 7 ra 28/05/2010 12 year 1 month 8 ai 06/08/2010 11 year 11 month 9 kh 12/11/2010 11 year 8 month 10 ka 10/09/2010 11 year 10 month 11 na 29/01/2011 11 year 5 month 12 rd 21/07/2011 11 year 0 month 13 al 16/02/2011 11 year 5 month 14 ea 15/05/2011 11 year 2 month 15 fa 06/08/2010 11 year 11 month 16 az 15/08/2010 11 year 11 month 17 fd 07/07/2010 12 year 0 month 18 ke 11/10/2010 11 year 9 month 19 fs 10/09/2010 11 year 10 month 20 ni 21/07/2011 11 year 0 month 2.2. research design analysis research data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires using google form to 6b grade students of integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri, cihanjuang village. there are 3 stages in data collection, namely (i) distribution of pre-test questionnaires; (ii) providing educational actions through learning videos; and (iii) distribution of post-test questionnaires. the data processing approach used is a quantitative approach. we made 20 pre-test and post-test questions. table 2 shows the pre-test and post-test questions in this study. making questions focused on students' knowledge of body mass index and balanced nutrition. types of questions pre-test and post-test are types of questions with answers yes and no and stuffing short for knowing heavy body, tall body, and activity activity student. giving a score answer be marked as 1 for answer correct and 0 for answer wrong. table 2. question pre-test and post-test. no question answer yes not 1 do you know what balanced nutrition is? 2 is nutrition balanced with 4 healthy 5 perfect? 3 do you know 4 balanced nutrition? 4 is 4 healthy 5 perfect is wrong one from 4 pillar nutrition balanced 5 is to do behavior life clean and healthy is wrong one from 4 nutrition pillars balanced? 6 is to do activity physique is wrong one from 4 pillar nutrition balanced? 7 is our need to monitor weight periodically? 8 do you know the type of substance good nutrition needed for school children? 77 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 9 is monitor heavy body is wrong one indicator which showing balanced nutrition? 10 do you know about consequence deficiency nutrition? 11 do you know the consequences of excess nutrition on the body? 12 is you knowing what that's bmi 13 is determination status nutrition based on bmi must customized with age and type sex? 14 do you know the method to count weight ideals? 15 is we already fulfilling nutrition balanced? stuffing short 16 in time 7 day which then how much day you have to do activity physique, like gymnastics, bicycle or play football? 17 how much do you weigh at the moment? 18 when do you finally rise up in weight? < 1 month > 1 month 19 how many heights do you when this? 20 when final you weigh weight < 1 month > 1 month 2.2.1 n-gain analysis the normalized gain test analysis or n-gain aims to determine enhancement students' understanding after being given certain actions in one group pretest research post-test design. improved understanding taken from the pretest and posttest scores obtained by students. the formula used in calculating the n-gain value is shown on equation 1 equation 1. n-gain 𝑁 − 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 − 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 − 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 where the ideal score is the maximum value that can be obtained by respondents when filling out the pretest and posttest questions. there are several categories of obtaining n-gain values that can be used as a reference to determine the conclusion of the final result. table 3 shows the distribution of the n-gain value acquisition categories. table 4 shows the effectiveness category of n-gain in percentage (farell et al., 2021). table 3. category n-gain. score n-gain category g > 0.7 tall 0.3 g 0.7 currently g < 0.3 low table 4. category effectiveness n-gain. percentage (%) interpretation > 76 effective 56 – 75 enough effective 40 – 55 < 40 not enough effective not effective 78 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion counting score gain conducted for knowing understanding students after carrying out an action (farell et al., 2021). table 5 shows the results of the analysis of the value of gain pretest and posttest. based on the data in table 5, it is known that the average value of n-gain is 0.34 (34%) indicating that the action taken is education using learning videos about body mass index with balanced nutrition are not effective. results the ineffectiveness of learning video media is influenced by the respondents' initial pretest scores which are big enough. this states that students already know about nutrition balanced. table 5. analysis score pretest gain and post-test. no name score n-gain category pre-test post-test 1 r 65 85 0.57 currently 2 a 55 80 0.56 currently 3 q 65 70 0.14 low 4 re 70 80 0.33 currently 5 ar 70 75 0.17 low 6 qo 65 85 0.57 currently 7 ra 75 85 0.40 currently 8 ai 80 85 0.25 low 9 kh 80 85 0.25 low 10 ka 80 80 0.00 low 11 na 70 80 0.33 currently 12 rd 75 90 0.60 currently 13 al 60 75 0.38 low 14 ea 50 70 0.40 currently 15 fa 65 75 0.29 currently 16 az 75 80 0.20 low 17 fd 65 70 0.14 low 18 ke 60 80 0.50 currently 19 fs 70 75 0.17 low 20 ni 50 80 0.60 currently average 67.25 79.25 0.34 min 80 90 0.60 max 50 70 0.00 figure 2 shows analysis difference results pretest and posttest per question. based on the picture, it can be seen that all students experienced an increase from every indicator question. that, could our conclude that education through videos learning about the relationship between body mass index and balanced nutrition can still be done used even in research this no have effectiveness level which high. 79 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. chart results pre-test and post-test. table 6 shows results analysis t-test: paired two samples for means. pre-test has an average value of 67.25 out of 20 data. post-test has an average value of 79.25 of 20 data (see table 5). the t-test of the average of two paired samples, shows that t count (-6.564) is smaller than t table (1.729) shows t count < t table means value of student posttest increased indirectly significantly (setiawan, 2020). table 6. t-test: paired two sample for mean. pre-test post-test mean 67.25 79.25 variance 82.82895 32.30263 observations 20 20 pearson correlation 0.46678 hypothesized mean difference 0 df 19 t stat -6.56404 p(t<=t) one-tail 1.38e-06 t critical one-tail 1.729133 p(t<=t) two-tail 2.77e-06 t critical two-tail 2.093024 from every data analysis that has been carried out, it can be seen a positive impact on the understanding of 6th grade students of integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri regarding index relationship education mass body with nutrition balanced. on the side other use videos learning to convey theory index mass body and nutrition balanced in study this pretest posttest 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 question number s co re 80 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 73-81 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech get results which not enough effective based on score n-gain. effectiveness gift action uses videos learning character not significant based on results t-test. 4. conclusion study which has conducted aim for knowing understanding student about education influence index mass body with nutrition balanced through videos learning for 6th graders at integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri, cihanjuang village. there are 3 main steps taken in this research: (i) pre-test; (ii) educational action through video learning; and (iii) posttest. results study show the increase between the average value of the pretest and posttest that starts with a value of 67.25 becomes 79.25. calculation n-gain conducted for knowing is effectiveness or no actions that have been taken. the results show the average n-gain value is 34% (n-gain < 40%). it means gift education about connection index mass body with nutrition balanced through learning videos for 6th grade school-aged children at integrated islamic elementary school daarul fikri desa cihanjuang is not effective, this is due to the pre-test scores obtained by students no too small. that could conclude that student already enough know about knowledge of body mass index with balanced nutrition. in this study, the t-test was conducted. based on the results of the t-test, it can be seen that the calculated t (-6.564) is smaller than the t table (1.729). with thereby could concluded score posttest student increase however not significant. acknowledgement we thank all parties involved in this research. this study is part of community service (program: thematic literacy community service 2022 program (11 july-10 august 2022 group 71) institute for research and community service (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia. references [1] hafidz, a. k. u., & kurniasari, r. 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waterfall method, namely needs analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and testing in making boardin g applications. the final result of this research is the creation of a web-based information system that can be used for seekers and providers of boarding rooms. this system will attract the interest of boarding house tenants because this system makes it easy for boarding house seekers to get the boarding house specifications as desired. likewise, boarding house providers will easily offer their rental services so that they can be rented and occupied by boarding house seekers. it can be concluded that this information system helps in finding suitable boarding houses that can be done online and makes it easy for boarding house owners to promote their place to the fullest. keywords: information system design, boarding house, website. article info: submitted/received 23 sept 2022 first revised 05 nov 2022 accepted 10 des 2022 first available online 15 feb 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction recently, web-based information systems (wbis) have gained significant interest among business process practitioners as a flexible and low -cost solution for distributed collaborative work [1]. the information system is a system in an organization that fulfills daily transaction processing needs, supports operations, is managerial in nature, uses an organization's strategic activities, and provides reports that are expected to certain outside parties. a site or website can be defined as a collection of pages that provide information about text data, animation https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 32 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 data, still or moving image data, sound, video, or a combination of these. with the network page [2]. the activity of renting a building with a certain number of rooms or what can be called a boarding house, activity aims to be occupied temporarily, which is formed from the primary needs of the community, especially students in finding a place to live temporarily due to the demands of work or education. easy and efficient, one way is to use service offerings through the website [3]. in a previous study with the title design of a point of sale (pos) information system software with the web-based waterfall method. based on the research results, the researchers succeeded in designing a point-of-sale system and conducting tests. point-of-sale systems can help administrators and cashiers (entrepreneurs) to manage their business operations [4]. in addition, several subsequent researchers have conducted research on the development of information systems using the waterfall methodology whose research results have succeeded in creating a tested system [5]. the results of the research on the development of a boarding house search information system using the waterfall method, and the functional requirements of the search system resulted in a system that has 3 users, namely admin, boarding owners, and prospective tenants. meanwhile, the functional requirements needed are managing house dormitories, registering boarding house owners, managing boarding house owners, boarding details, rental transactions, tenant registration, and managing tenant data [6]. and the design is based on the facilities needed by boarding house seekers and hostel managers, for example, a boarding list equipped with detailed boarding description information, boarding house type, owner's boarding cell phone number, price per room, facilities, location, as well as pictures as instructions for searching boarding house for booking boarding rooms [7]. the purpose of this research is to create a web-based boarding house information application to develop a boarding house rental service business. the method we use is the waterfall method, namely data requirements analysis, system design, implementation, and testing in making boarding applications. 2. method the research method used in this study is the waterfall method. the waterfall method is one of the methods in system development life cycle (sdlc) which has the characteristics of working on each phase in the waterfall that must be completed before moving on to the next phase. in the waterfall method, the phases must be carried out sequentially which must be completed one by one and may move to the next phase only when the previous phase has been fully completed [8,9]. the waterfall method can be seen in figure 1 below. figure 1. waterfall modeling process https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 33 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 the waterfall method consists of five phases [10]. a. requirements – analysis of the business requirements, as well as thorough feature documentation b. design – choosing the required technologies, and organizing the entire software architecture and interactions c. coding – utilizing the schematics and blueprints from the design phase, resolve all issues, improve all proposed solutions, and execute every element outlined in the requirements phase. d. testing – extensive testing of all implemented features and components and troubleshooting occurred e. operations – arrangement to the generation environment with this method, the construction of the boarding house information system can be completed perfectly. 3. results and discussion 3.1 identifying requirement almost all boarding house seekers find it difficult to find a boarding house that is suitable for them because the search method is not optimal so they only get little information about the boarding house they are going to occupy. we made this application because we did not find the features that users need in applications that are already widespread on the internet, therefore we made this application. 3.2 developing early prototypes when the user accesses the system for the first time, they will be directed to the main page. on the main page, there are several features that can be used including the search box, filter panel, register and login, recommendation section, and add ads (see figure 2). figure 3 shows the information on the name of the boarding house, a detailed description of boarding information, type of boarding house, cell phone number of the owner's boarding house, price per room, facilities, location, as well as pictures of the selected room. and some additional features, namely find boarding house location, auto direct message, and pick-up feature. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 34 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 figure 2. home figure 3. indekos details https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 35 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 3.3 testing the prototype this is a picture of the page for clients to enroll on the indekos website. on the off chance that the client as of now has an account, they can specifically enter their name and password on this page, at that point press login. on the off chance that you do not have an account however, you'll tap "buat akun" at the foot cleared out and after that fill in your individual data. in the event that you disregard your account or watchword, you'll tap "lupa akun?" at that point take after the prompts (see figures 4 and 5). figure 4. sign-up page. figure 5. add an advertisement this feature is specifically for boarding house owners who want to advertise their boarding house so that boarding house marketing is more effective because it is on the website and becomes easy to find, the feature contains data from the boarding house wh ich will be https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 36 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 advertised when finished adding ads will be directly installed on the boarding house website (see figure 6). figure 6. search bar. the search box is used to find boarding houses that match what you want. the user enters keywords such as the boarding house name, owner, city area or boarding house address in the dancing box section, after that click "cari kos" then the system will display results according to the entered search key (see figure 7). figure 7. panel filter. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 37 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 the filter panel is used to sort the boarding house search data by category. you can search for the city you want to live in, a special room for girls, boys, or mixed, you can also add an estimate for the cost of the room you will rent. per month or year. this feature is next to the search bar on the left (see figure 8). figure 8. recommendation section. the recommendation section displays the recommended costing advertisements of the most sought-after choices by many people. recommendation section feature displays the boarding house, name, address, and facilities of the recommendations for each boarding house (see figure 9). in the details of the boarding house, there is a location icon, this icon is a feature to find the location of the boarding house via maps. after the user clicks the location icon, it will move to a map page that shows the point where the boarding house is located. with this feature, the searcher does not need to search for a location on the map application because this application has directed the searcher's location to the boarding house location automatically (see figure 10). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 38 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 figure 9. find indekos location. figure 10. auto direct message in the pattern of the boarding house, there is a whatsapp contact icon, this icon is also a feature to direct directly to the whatsapp number of the boarding house owner. when you click on the phone number/contact icon for the boarding house owner, the system will direct you to the boarding house owner's whatsapp. with this feature searchers don't have to bother to copy the owner's whatsapp number manually, just click on the whatsapp number icon (see figure 11). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 39 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 71 figure 11. pick-up service. this optional feature can help customers to prepare to move to a boarding house after the booking process is complete. if the user clicks "use moving services" the system will directly connect the goods transportation service, then a transport car will come to carry the goods to the boarding room. 4. conclusion the number of people who migrate because of education or work makes the housing rental business sector such as boarding houses grow rapidly, the more seekers, the more variations in boarding specifications ranging from facilities, area of the place, and others.the growth of this business sector also makes boarding house owners compete to provide the best and most varied places according to the needs of boarding house seekers, therefore finder boarding houses is increasingly difficult because of the many different choices. the design of this website-based application has been completed and can help searchers to get the right boarding house for what they want. thus the purpose of designing this application has been achieved. acknowledgement we would like to thank "universitas komputer indonesia" for assisting us in writing this paper. references [1] rafdhi, a. a., narimawati, u., radliya, n. r., & warlina, l. 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approach is to pay attention to customer factors, not only before the transaction but also after the transaction. applications in the field of information technology in this domain are called customer relationship management (crm). this research tries to develop a crm model adapted to the community's culture and the sme business model in indonesia and considers the penetration of information technology in general. the approach used is to use the prototype model in which the system creation process is structured and has several stages that must be passed so that the information system becomes better and easier. the results show the small and medium businesses can make crm simpler and more generic. 1. introduction crm as a concept emerged after 1990 to develop customer relationships with information technology and emerging software solutions [1]. the utilization of it information technology in marketing is well established, and many of the benefits of attention from research and marketing practitioners. the concept of database marketing has been around since the 1960s and is growing rapidly. crm is a strategy that enables organizations to use personality account information and develop relationships with every valuable customer to provide exceptional customer service [2]. crm’s goal is to improve probability, revenue, and customer satisfaction [3,4]. understanding customer needs and offering value-added services is recognized as a factor that determines the company's success. therefore, crm plays a major role because it consists of organizational procedures and strategies to understand its clients better and use it for the production and marketing of services [5,6]. we tried through this study to approach crm concepts and customer culture. our goal is to study the nature of the relationships that may exist between them. to do this, we support the formulation of two research proposals that analyze the nature of these relationships crm / customer culture [7]. based on a literature review of customer relationship management's concepts and principles, it can be said that 50 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 49-54 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech customer, employees, leadership, organizational culture, strategies, and structures are the main factors treated to implement crm [8]. 2. method this research was carried out in the form of making web-based software applications. the stages that have been carried out in this research are as follows: 1. data analysis and collection it is the first step in determining the analysis of system needs. this analysis is carried out to ensure that the system is developed according to the user's needs. this analysis consists of an analysis of functional needs and non-functional needs. this stage of analysis is preceded by data collection [9] to support precise and accurate analysis. 2. design several system components are designed at the system's design stage (design): data design and interface design (interface). the design is expected to make it easier for system makers to translate user needs into visual form. the creation of this design is considered the user-friendly aspect for ease of use, so even users who are technically capable of beginners can use this system correctly and adequately [10-12]. 3. implementation the results of the design at the design stage are implying through web-based technology and mobile android. at this stage of implementation, an open-source web framework was be placed on a server. at the end of this implementation is installing the system on the webserver and the setting of several things for system security. 4. evaluation and trial system. it is a step to ensure the system developed and installed has run properly. these tests and evaluations will be conducted in two activity groups: the developer's first internal testing. at the same time, the second activity is open testing by several representatives of ukm businesses. 3. results and discussion in this study, 50 samples were taken, all of which often travel on tourism. on average, respondents stated that the online ticket booking application (traveloka) helped them travel with all the application features. they are accommodating because they can plan to book tickets or hotels online instead of coming directly to the place. the application makes it very easy for people who will travel on tourism. the questionnaire that the respondents have filled in is shown in table 2. 3.1. the design of usecase diagram figure 1 explains the customer function process of the information system in webbased ukm. 51 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 49-54 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. use case diagram 3.2. the design of user interface system the customer's design aims to be used to see the goods that want to be purchased. 3.2.1. user interface for student figure 2 is the log-in section. before the customer enters the main web to see the goods sold, they must be logged in first. if the user does not have an account, then the customer can register first and immediately log-in. figure 2. web register figure 3 is the web log-in of an online sales application, and the first step that must be taken before entering this application is to fill in the registration of personal data on this first page to make it safer, and the data is verified. 52 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 49-54 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. web log-in the next stage will be found in the log-in process to strengthen personal data security as on the previous page. with this page, the user only needs to enter their name and id (figure 4). figure 4. web home the next step is figure 4; there are home or several product options in this application so that users can choose and sort according to their wishes (figure 5). 53 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 49-54 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. web product after choosing the product, users can see how and what type of goods they want, and they can immediately make transactions. finally, in figure 6, the transaction and the amount to be paid are displayed on this page. therefore, there will be a notification that the item selected with the nominal to be paid certain cannot be canceled after making a payment. figure 6. web order it concurs with the results of (11) research, which states that a product marketing strategy with the customer relationship management (crm) model helps in marketing its products for ukm. 4. conclusion customer relationship management (crm) is needed in a company. not only for companies of scale large-scale companies, small and medium enterprises (ukm) also need to pay attention to this problem. given the current competitive era, brands' role in a product is very important as the product's identity to be a differentiator with competing products. from the research results, it can be concluded that small and medium (ukm) enterprises can also create a simpler and more general crm. 54 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 49-54 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech acknowledgement the author would like to thank the honorable rector of universitas komputer indonesia and related parties and colleagues involved in making the article. references [1] kern, m. 2020. effects of customer relationship management (crm) implementation on business performance in business to business (b2b) markets in germany (doctoral dissertation, university of portsmouth). 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could be one of the best way to promote the product. this study discusses about exposure, influencers' social media, barter exposure, barter exposure system in influencers' social media, and the benefits of doing barter exposure in marketing. 1. introduction barter exposure is a modern payment method that arises today, where an influencer who has a big impact will promote the companies' product. an influencer is someone who acts as an influence giver because his views, advice or opinions can influence purchasing decisions. if this is combined in marketing a business, this will greatly help a company that will do business. it is because the influencer is able to promote the product better because their popularity. in addition, with the help from influencers through social media, brand attachment and consumer loyalty to the product can be maintained [1]. internet is used by all people in this era to do many activities such as to find information, pleasure, seek profits, and to do a business [2]. the advance in technology helps humans' to do their activities and save their time. therefore, using media technology to do a promotion is one of the best ways to promote the product. the marketing concept also determines the needs and wants of the desired product or service effectively and efficiently [3]. since market advertising and promoting an item or service is very diverse, one of the tools that can be used is social media. social media is an internet-based application group network using a website and technology [4]. every social media user can make or exchange information on the application as well. there are social media platforms that have a big influence, such as instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat, and others. for marketers, this is a huge potential and opportunity to be used as a marketing communication tool [5]. the purposes of this research are to identify marketing strategies by doing a barter exposure with influencers, and how marketing strategies are carried out by companies. the method used in this research is descriptive method. 91 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 90-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. method this research used descriptive method to find out the information related to barter exposure in social media influencers and modern marketing strategies. we also used previous research related to marketing strategies and barter exposure. 3. results and discussion the use of social media is not only seen as a place for self-fulfillment but can be a place to do a business. other than that, social media also can be a place to market the products and give a brief information about a product or service that will be marketted [6]. nowadays, most company choose an influencer to market their products and do a barter exposure [7]. influencer will promote companies' products or services in their social media. therefore, after promoting the products, people will buy the products, especially if the price is cheap with a good condition. the exposure made by influencers is formed in several processes (see figure 1). figure 1. social media exposure 1. exposure, promote the product through messages and content 2. engagement, interactions that occur in response to the content created. 3. influence, the ability to changes people's opinion or behaviour. 4. impact, the effects of social media campaign programs or efforts on the target audience as well the impact on financial value 5. advocacy, act or make trouble for something including making a statement: a. recommendation b. action c. suggestion influencers usually have many followers on social media. however, the more followers that they have, the greater impact that can be given to companies that work with them. it is because many people believe the influencers' opinion and see the product that they promote (see figure 2). 92 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 90-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. one influencer on instagram by posting photos on social media, an influencer usually tags the company in their post. then, all their followers will know about the company and start to look at the promoted product (see figure 3). figure 3. one post influencer is promoting a company 93 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 90-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech usually, companies also have their own social media. so, people could see the companyies’s social media and look at their products in more detail (see figure 4). the influencers have benefit from the company such as money or get the product for free. that way abarter exposure could be achieved (see figure 4). figure 4. corporate social media figure 5. promotion from influencers 94 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 90-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in exchanging exposure an influencer must respect the companies' value. therefore, there will be no problem in the barter exposure process (see figure 6). figure 6. promote via video an influencer must be able to create content to promote a company's product or service as creative as possible to get people's attention. that way, the products will be attractive enouogh to get customers' attention (see figure 7). figure 7. promote through story feature 95 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 90-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech not only by posting photos or videos, usually an influencer promotes products by visiting the office or shop and sharing his experiences through social media to influence people. therefore, the sale will be increased and the company get the recognition [8] (see figure 8). figure 8. an influencer promotes a product with a visit store the benefit of the company will be increasing after doing a barter exposure. besides, an influencer also will get the benefit from the company by getting a product and service provided for the influencer [9-10] (see figure 9). figure 9. measurement of social media. 96 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 90-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion it can be concluded that social media can be used as one of marketing tool. using social media also has a lot of benefit such as increasing the sell value. acknowledgement thanks to prof. dr. ir. eddy soeryanto soegoto, lecturer in entrepreneurship and universitas komputer indonesia. references [1] ulfah, i., sumarwan, u., & nurrochmat, d. r. 2016. marketing mix factors that influence the desire to purchase fruit beverages in the city of bogor. indonesian journal of business and entrepreneurship (ijbe), 2(1), pp. 33. 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[10] aichner, t. 2014. country-of-origin marketing: a list of typical strategies with examples. journal of brand management, 21(1), pp. 81-93. 95 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech improving the performance of informal msmes determinate by digital financial inclusion and digital financial literacy sekar budi pratiwi1*, siti kurnia rahayu2 1,2 faculty of economics and business, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *sekaarbudipratiwi@gmail.com abstract. the purpose of this study is to examine and analyses the magnitude of the contribution of increasing digital financial inclusion and increasing digital financial literacy to efforts to increase the employment of informal msmes. the data used is primary data with a closed questionnaire instrument using online media. the study method used is quantitative method. the population of this study is msmes in the bandung city area, where the sample used was 129 informal msme actors using a simple random sampling technique because respondents were homogeneous. the data were analysed descriptively and hypothesis testing using analysis path (spss version 23.0). has a result of the study concluded that digital financial literacy has an influence on digital financial inclusion, and digital financial dilution has an influence on the performance of informal msmes, and digital financial iterations have an influence on the performance of informal msmes through digital financial inclusion. keywords: digital financial inclusion, digital financial literacy, performance of informal msmes 1. introduction msmes or micro, small and medium enterprises have an important and planned role in the national economy [1]. msmes contributed to an increase in gross domestic product (gdp) by 61.07% or idr 8,573.89 trillion. however, in reality there are various problems faced by msme entrepreneurs in increasing their business, one of which is the lack of capital both in the amount and source of funds [2]. indonesia has a financial services authority to help finance businesses for business actors, namely the ojk. in 2014, ojk issued circular letter no.1 / seojk.07 / 2014 about the employment of education in demand to improve financial literacy to consumers then the public, the implementation of instruction carried out must be based on 4 principles, namely inclusive, systematic and measurable, ease of access and collaboration [3]. inclusion and financial literacy are interesting to study because the indonesian national financial literacy survey (snlki) in 2019 exposed indonesia’s financial literacy index at 96 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 38.03% and financial inclusion guide at 76.19%. this shows that the indonesian people in general don’t appreciate well the characteristics of countless financial products and services presented by formal financial service organizations, even though financial literacy is an important skill in the context of community empowerment, individual welfare, consumer protection, and increasing financial inclusion. financial literacy greatly marks a person's way of thinking about financial conditions and influences strategic decision making in relationships of finances and well management for business owners. the capability to manage the finances of business owners is definitely very essential for business performance and business continuousness. these problems show that financial literacy and financial inclusion will not present themselves. this is because financial literacy facilitates the effective use of products and helps business actors develop the best financial skills and products according to their needs, these conditions are a condition to increase financial inclusion [4]. good digital financial literacy is expected to pave the way for people to get better bank access services. relationship between digital financial literacy and digital financial inclusion [5]. it can be concluded that if the financial literacy activity is good, it will be in line with financial inclusion. financial inclusion is required by msme players to get opportuneness in every business progression. one of the secondary factors of a professional is capitalization. shows that financial inclusion has a significant result on the performance of msmes [6]. the reality of financial inclusion is predictable to be able to influence financial behaviour, especially smes in making decisions so that the performance of these msmes can advance [7]. financial literacy is needed by msme players, especially in the development of formulating their business financial statements. financial literacy has a significant effect on the performance of msmes [8]. the impact of financial literacy on the performance of msmes [9]. constructed on the above phenomenon, we can see that there is still a lack of digital financial literacy then digital financial inclusion in the informal msme environment which has resulted in the performance of informal msmes being less than optimal, especially during a pandemic like today. so, this is an interesting thing to be raised as a research topic. the resolve of this study is to inspect and analyses the influence of digital financial literacy on digital financial inclusion which has an impact on the presentation of informal msmes. the focus of this study that is different from the previous research is analysing digital financial literacy, digital financial inclusion and the performance of informal msmes with primary databases, and the research unit was conducted on msmes in the informal sector in the bandung city area. 2. literature review msmes are small community businesses whose establishment is based on someone's initiative [10]. the result of a progression that refers to and is measured over a certain period of time based on predetermined requirements or agreements [11]. financial literacy is the ability to recognize the knowledge as well as skills to achieve financial resources to achieve well-being [12]. financial inclusion is a development of guaranteeing admittance to adequate financial and acclaim services at an affordable cost [13]. 3. method the type of study used is quantitative research using descriptive research methods and fricative research methods. the objects in this study research are digital financial literacy, digital financial inclusion, and informal msme performance. the data bases in this study 97 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech used primary data, which were composed from the dissemination of questionnaires and literature studies. the data collection technique uses the simple random sampling (srs) technique with a population of 190 msmes and a sample obtained from the solving formula with a significance level of 5% as many as 129 msmes. in business activities, performance is an important factor, therefore the performance of a business is always sought to continue to increase. in improving their performance, obstacles are often encountered, for example, such as limited access for msmes to banks, and lack of knowledge about financial literacy activities owned by msme owners. constructed on the explanation above, a suggestion be able to formulated for example follows: figure 1. hypothesis 4. results and discussion 4.1 validity test validity is used to measure the grade of correctness between the data that actually occurs in the object and the data composed by the researcher to find the validity of an item, we correlated the score of the item with the total of these items. the minimum condition to be careful a valid instrument item is its rationality index value ≥ 0.3. using spss 2 3.0 software, the description of the outcomes of testing the validity and reliability of instrument on each variable is as follows: 1) validity of digital financial literacy (x) table 1. recapitulation validity test of the digital financial literacy no degree of choleration valid index information 1 0,398 0,3 valid 2 0,884 0,3 valid 3 0,883 0,3 valid 4 0,856 0,3 valid 5 0,887 0,3 valid 6 0,884 0,3 valid looking at the table above, we can see that the correlation levels from six question items on variable the digital financial literacy (x) has a score greater than the validity index of 0.3. this can be concluded if all of these questions are valid so that the instruments on the financial literacy (x) variable used in this study have six question items. 2) validity of digital financial inclusion table 2. recapitulation validity test of the digital financial inclusion no degree of choleration valid index information 1 0,627 0,3 valid 2 0,725 0,3 valid 3 0,722 0,3 valid 4 0,842 0,3 valid 98 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 5 0,776 0,3 valid 6 0,774 0,3 valid 7 0,376 0,3 valid 8 0,757 0,3 valid looking at the table above, we are be able to see that the correlation level from eight question items on variable the digital financial inclusion (y) has a score greater than the validity index of 0.3. this can be concluded if all of these questions are valid so that the instruments on the financial inclusion variable (y) used in this study have eight question items. 3) validity of msme performance (z) table 3. recapitulation validity test of msme performance no degree of choleration valid index information 1 0,830 0,3 valid 2 0,874 0,3 valid 3 0,870 0,3 valid 4 0,739 0,3 valid 5 0,751 0,3 valid looking at the table above, we can see that the level of correlation level from five question items on variable the msme performance(z) has a score greater than the validity index of 0.3. this can be concluded if all of these questions are valid so that the instruments on the msme performance variable (z) used in this study have five question items. 4.2. rehabilitee test the reliability testing on this research instrument uses the cronbach's alpha method, because the scale used in this study instrument stands the likert scale. the results of the instrument reliability test are thought to be reliable if the value of cronbach's alpha bigger than 0.7. this assessment uses spss like this: table 4. recapitulation of rehabilitee test variable coefficient cronbach’s alpha r table information digital financial literacy (x) 0,896 0,7 reliable digital financial inclusion (y) 0,851 0,7 reliable msme performance (z) 0,870 0,7 reliable regarding on the test results above, it is recognized that the three variables have a cronbach's alpha value of > 0.7. this shows that all three variable instruments are reliable and reliable. 4.3. classical assumptions test 1) digital financial literacy (x) on digital financial inclusion (y) normality test table 5. data normality test results equation 1 one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardized residual n 129 normal parametersa,b mean .0000000 std. deviation 4.24508144 most extreme differences absolute .056 positive .056 negative -.054 test statistic .056 99 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d a. test distribution is normal. b. calculated from data. c. lilliefors significance correction. d. this is a lower bound of the true significance. based on the table above, it is acknowledged that the outcomes of the kolmogorov-smirnov test showed a significance have value of 0.200 wherever the figure was greater than 0.05. thus, data meets the normality test and is distributed normally. 4.4. multicollinearities test table 6. data multicollinearities test results equation 1 coefficientsa model collinearity statistics tolerance vif 1 (constant) digital financial literacy (x) 1.000 1.000 a. dependent variable: digital financial inclusion (y) as of the table above, we can see that the tolerance value for variable digital financial literacy (x) is 1,000 and vif is 1,000. so, it can be resolved that there is no multicollinearity in the two variables because it is in accordance with the standard, namely the tolerance value > 0.10 and the vif value < 10. 4.5. heteroscedasticity test figure 2. data heteroskedasticity test results equation 1 we can see that the points are randomly and evenly distributed both above and below the number / point 0 on the y axis, therefore it can be decided that there is no retrospectivity in this regression model. 2) digital financial inclusion (y) on msme performance (z) normality test table 7. data normality test result equation 2 one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test unstandardized residual n 129 normal parametersa,b mean .0000000 std. deviation 2.93282875 100 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech most extreme differences absolute .081 positive .081 negative -.072 test statistic .081 asymp. sig. (2-tailed) .035c a. test distribution is normal. b. calculated from data. c. lilliefors significance correction. according to the table above, it is acknowledged that the outcomes of the kolmogorovsmirnov test showed a significance value of 0.035 where the figure was greater than 0.05. thus, the data meets the normality test and is distributed normally. 4.6. multicollinearities test table 10. data multicollinearities test results equation 3 coefficientsa model collinearity statistics tolerance vif 1 (constant) digital financial literacy (x) 1.000 1.000 a. dependent variable: msme performance (z) as of the table above, it can be seen that the tolerance value for the financial literacy (x) variable is 1,000 and the vif is 1,000. so, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity in the two variables because it is in accordance with the standard, namely the tolerance value > 0.10 and the vif value < 10. 4.7. heteroscedasticity test figure 4. data heteroskedasticity test results equation 3 we can see that the points are randomly and evenly distributed both above and below the number / point 0 on the y axis, so it can be concluded that there is no retrospectivity in this regression model. 4.8. analysis path result 1) model 1 table 11. model data test results 1 model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .563a .317 .311 4.261762 a. predictors: (constant), digital financial literacy (x) 101 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 14.947 2.069 7.223 .000 digital financial literacy (x) .736 .096 .563 7.672 .000 a. dependent variable: digital financial inclusion (y) according on the results overhead, a sig value was obtained. for financial literacy (x) of 0.000 < 0.05, can be thought that the regression of model 1, namely (x) has an influence on the variable (y). furthermore, in the summary model there is a value of r2 or r square of 0.317, this designates that the contribution of the impact of the variable (x) on (y) is 3 1.7%, though the outstanding 68.3% is a influence from additional variables that were non studied. 2) model 2 table 12. model data test result 2 model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .776a .603 .596 2.309344 a. predictors: (constant), digital financial inclusion (y), digital financial literacy (x) coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 3.667 1.332 2.754 .007 digital financial literacy (x) .564 .063 .609 8.969 .000 digital financial inclusion (y) .176 .048 .248 3.652 .000 a. dependent variable: msme performance (z) based on the results above, a sig value was obtained. for financial inclusion (y) of 0.000 < 0.05, it can be said that the regression of model 2, namely (y) has an influence on the variable (z). furthermore, in the summary model there is a value of r2 or r square of 0.603, this specifies that the contribution of the contribution of the variable (y) on (z) is 60.3%, while the remaining 39.7% is a influence from other variables that are not studied. as for, the value of sig. for financial literacy (x) of 0.000 < 0.05, it can be said that the regression of model 2, namely (x) has an influence on the variable (z). furthermore, in the summary model there is a value of r2 or r square of 0.603, this designates that the contribution of the influence of the variable (x) on (y) is 60.3%, though the outstanding 39.7% is a role from other variables that were non studied. 102 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech (x) digital financial literacy (y) digital financial inclusion (z) msme performance 0,609 0,248 e1=0,826 0,563 e2=0,630 figure 5. diagram result model 2 4.9. the outcomes of the analysis of the influence of digital financial literacy (x) through digital financial inclusion (y) on msme performance (z) according on the data above, it is acknowledged that the direct effect is 0.609. indirect influence was obtained from 0.563 x 0.248 = 0.139 + 0.609 = 0.748. the results show that the indirect influence > a direct influence of 0.748 > 0.609, this shows indirectly that digital financial literacy through digital financial inclusion has a significant influence on the performance of msmes. 4.10. correlation coefficient analysis table 13. correlation coefficient analysis equation results 1 1) digital financial literacy (x) on digital financial inclusion (y) table correlations digital financial literacy (x) digital financial inclusion (y) digital financial literacy (x) pearson correlation 1 .563** sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 129 129 digital financial inclusion (y) pearson correlation .563** 1 sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 129 129 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). judging by the value of sig. 0.000 < 0.05 then the data correlates, then if you look at the pearson correlation value of 0.563 then this includes medium correlation (0.40 – 0.599) then the relationship is positive, because the value obtained is positive value. 2) digital financial inclusion (y) on msme performance (z) table 14. correlation coefficient analysis equation results 2 correlations digital financial inclusion (y) msme performanc e (z) digital financial inclusion (y) pearson correlation 1 .591** sig. (2-tailed) .000 103 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech n 129 129 msme performance (z) pearson correlation .591** 1 sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 129 129 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). judging by the rate of sig. 0.000 < 0.05 then the data correlates, then if you look at the pearson correlation value of 0.591then this includes medium correlation (0.40 – 0.599) then the relationship is positive, because the value obtained is positive. 3) digital financial literacy (x) on msme performance (z) table 15. correlation coefficient analysis equation results 3 correlations digital financial literacy (x) msme performanc e (z) digital financial literacy (x) pearson correlation 1 .749** sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 129 129 msme performance (z) pearson correlation .749** 1 sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 129 129 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 4.11. coefficient of determination analysis 1) digital financial literacy (x) on digital financial inclusion (y) kd = r2 x 100% = (0,563)2 x 100% = 31,6% according on the calculations above, we can see that the influence of digital financial literacy (x) on digital financial inclusion (y) is 31.6% while the remaining 6 8.4% is an influence given by additional factors that were not studied in this research. 2) digital financial inclusion (y) on msme performance (z) kd = r2 x 100% = (0, 591) 2 x 100% = 34,9% according on the calculations above, we are be able to see that the effect of financial inclusion (y) on the performance of msmes (z) is 34.9%, while the remaining 6 5.1% is an influence given by additional factors that were not studied in this research. 3) digital financial literacy (x) on msme performance (z) kd = r2 x 100% = (0,749)2 x 100% = 56,1% according on the calculations above, we can see that the influence of financial literacy (x) on the performance of msmes (z) is 56.1%, while the remaining 43.9% is the influence given by additional factors that were not studied in this research. 4.12. t-test (partial) 1) results of testing the digital financial literacy hypothesis (x) on digital financial inclusion (y) 104 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 16. equation partial test results 1 coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 14.947 2.069 7.223 .000 digital financial literacy (x) .736 .096 .563 7.672 .000 a. dependent variable: digital financial inclusion (y) based on the results above, a sig value was obtained. 0.000 where the value is smaller than 0.05, it can be said that there is an influence of the variable x on y, and counts 7.672 which means it is greater than with a value of 0.1743 which is ho is rejected and ha is accepted. 2) results of testing the financial inclusion hypothesis (y) on msme performance (z) table 17. equation partial test results 2 coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 8.215 1.570 5.232 .000 digital financial inclusion (y) .418 .051 .591 8.254 .000 a. dependent variable: msme performance (z) ho: β2 = 0, meaning that digital financial inclusion does not affect the performance of msmes. ha: β2 ≠ 0, meaning that digital financial inclusion affects the performance of msmes. based on the results above, a sig value was obtained. 0.000 where the value is less than 0.05, then it can be said that there is an influence of the variable y on z, and t counts 8.254 which means it is more than t with a value of 0.1743 which is ho is rejected and ha is accepted. 3) results of testing the digital financial literacy hypothesis (x) on msme performance (z) table 18. equation partial test results 3 coefficientsa model unstandardized coefficients standardized coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) 6.292 1.174 5.357 .000 digital financial literacy (x) .694 .054 .749 12.732 .000 105 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a. dependent variable: msme performance (z) ho: β3 = 0, meaning that digital financial literacy does not affect the performance of msmes. ha: β3 ≠ 0, meaning that digital financial literacy affects the performance of msmes. based on the results above, a sig value was obtained. 0.000 where the value is less than 0.05, then it can be said that there is an influence of the variable x on z, and t counts 12.732 which means bigger than t with a value of 0.1743 which is ho is rejected and ha is accepted. 4. conclusion according on the results of the study and discussion above regarding the improving the performance of informal msmes determinate by digital financial inclusion and digital financial literacy, from the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that: the test results show that digital financial literacy has a positive influence also significant effect on digital financial inclusion. the test results show that digital financial inclusion has a positive influence also significant effect on the performance of msmes. the test results show that digital financial literacy has a positive influence also significant effect on the performance of msmes. last, indirectly there is a significant influence of digital financial literacy through digital financial inclusion on the performance of msmes. with the programs supporting digital financial literacy also inclusion held by several parties, msme actors are expected to already know the importance of these two aspects for sustainability and performance so that they can improve. the next researcher is expected can be develop research related to the advance of msme performance through digital financial literacy also digital financial inclusion variables, in addition to through other variables that affect it, such as marketing, technology, and others. references [1] sarfiah, s. n., atmaja, h. e., & verawati, d. m. 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[1] from the perspective of management and maintenance, through the vibration signal of each running state of the gearbox, the fault diagnosis of the mine gearbox is carried out so that the coal mining workers can do a good job of maintenance and prevention in advance. in [2], 32 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on the action information of circuit breaker after fault occurrence, the petri net model of fault area diagnosis was established. the fault area diagnosis method was studied and verified. [3] describes the key problems of abnormal signal identification of gas monitoring system of coal mine for fault diagnosis of the coal mine. 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[6] takes the gas monitoring system as the research object, uses the agent's autonomy to construct the fault diagnosis system based on multi diagnostic agent, and realizes the intelligent fault diagnosis of the complex gas monitoring system. the above literature is mainly based on a single fault feature, which can achieve a diagnosis. however, the single signal acquisition is easy to be affected by a sensor failure. the uncertainty factors such as changeable environment will also cause measurement errors, leading to misjudgment and missed judgment. the method of fault diagnosis using information fusion technology has been paid attention to and developed to solve this problem, mainly divided into the fusion of the same information multi-sensor and the fusion of different information decision-making layers. to achieve safe and reliable real-time monitoring, the existing environmental monitoring system in the mining area needs to collect gas content, humidity information, air pressure, and other key information of the underground environment in real-time. then send information to the central processing system for analysis and processing, and give decision. [7] analyzes the data and big data characteristics of gas geology information from gas geology, designs, and constructs a multi-source mine gas geology information fusion system using multi-source information fusion technology. in [8], information fusion technology, decision support system, and artificial intelligence technology are comprehensively used to implement a feasible implementation method for the intelligent decision support system of belt fault diagnosis. in [9], the prediction of water inrush from coal floor based on multi-source information fusion is used to mine the connotation and relevance of water inrush-related information fully. conduct a comprehensive analysis and utilization to improve accuracy and effectiveness, and reliability of water inrush prediction. in [10], according to the risk prediction technology and early warning theory of coal and gas outbursts and gas explosion, the multisensor information fusion method is adopted. it fully excavates the regular knowledge in various sensing data, such as gas, wind speed, electromagnetic radiation, acoustic emission. it gives full play to the advantages of various sensors to build a gas safety monitoring and early warning system based on multi-sensor information fusion. in [11], the detection system of underground detection robots in the coal mine is studied. the navigation of robot in unknown complex environment underground is analyzed by using information fusion technology, focusing on the problem of autonomous obstacle avoidance of robot. in [12], a kind of wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring of coal mine roadway is proposed. the improved information fusion technology is applied to it. it can improve the early warning of a coal mine explosion as a good supplement to the wired monitoring system. in [13], mc9s12dg128b single-chip microcomputer is used as the control core to form an intelligent node to collect and fuse the information of several sensors with obvious characteristics, such as toxic and harmful gas, temperature, air volume. [13] simplify the system structure and 33 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech improve the reliability of the system. the above literature is mainly based on one aspect of the research characteristics. however, it can achieve the intended purpose, but the complex safety system of the coal mine is not ideal. this paper will use the method of combining ahp and ds evidence theory to improve the accuracy and reliability of the evaluation. this method uses evidence theory to correct and fuse the human factor data in ahp. it then combines the weight of each evaluation factor with ahp to finally determine the risk value of coal mine. and according to the final results of the risk assessment of coal mine, the results of a single factor can also put forward relevant suggestions to improve the safety of coal mine. 2. method 2.1. ahp analytic hierarchy process (ahp) decomposes complex problems into various factors and groups these factors according to the dominant relationship to form an orderly hierarchical structure. the relative importance of each factor in the hierarchy is determined by pairwise comparison. then the relative importance of each factor in decision-making is sorted by synthesizing people's judgment. the analytic hierarchy process can be divided into four steps, 1) in risk assessment, the whole assessment system is divided into target layer, criterion layer, and index layer; 2) a pairwise comparison judgment matrix is constructed for the elements of the same layer; 3) the relative weight of each element is calculated by the judgment matrix; 4) the combined weight of each layer element is calculated. 2.2. d-s theory dempster's theory of evidence was improved and generalized by his student shafer in 1967, so dempster's theory of evidence is also known as d-s theory [15-16]. if there is some supporting evidence for the framework, then according to dempster's theory of evidence, we can generate a reliability function on the framework. the core of the evidence fusion criterion in evidence theory is dempster's two belief function composition theorem. according to shafer, the mathematical model of evidence theory is as follows, 1) first, we establish the identification framework θ. only by establishing the framework θ can we transform our research on propositions into research on sets; 2) according to the evidence, an initial allocation of new capital allocation is established; that is, the evidence processor analyzes the evidence and determines the support degree of the evidence for each set (proposition) itself (regardless of any true subset (cause and effect); 3) analyze the cause and effect, calculate our reliability for all propositions. under the same identification framework θ, the trust allocation function from two evidence sources are m1(x), m2(y), and the subset elements are x1, x2, ..., xk and y1, y2, …, yk respectively. thus, the probability allocation function from evidence source 1 can be represented by the interval on a line segment with a total length of 1. similarly, for the probability assignment function from evidence source 2, a segment of [0,1] in these two functions represents the trust on a subset determined by their respective basic probability assignment functions. it does not represent the whole recognition framework. the 34 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech length of each segment represents the basic probability assignment value of the proposition to which it belongs. 1 1 ( )m x 1 2 ( )m x 1 ( ) k m x figure 1. trust allocation function of evidence source 1 1 1 ( )m y 1 2 ( )m y 1 ( ) k m y figure 2. trust allocation function of evidence source 2 1 1 ( )m y 1 2 ( )m y 1 ( ) k m y 1 1 ( ) m x 1 2 ( ) m x 1 ( ) k m x figure 3. intersection value of evidence source 1 and evidence source 2 figure 3 represents how the basic trust allocation functions of these two different evidence sources complete the orthogonal composition. if the whole large rectangle is regarded as the total trust, then a bar represents the trust that m2(y) is assigned to its subsets y1, y2, …, yk. similarly, a bar represents the trust that m1(x) is assigned to subsets x1, x2, ..., xk. given x ⊂ θ, if xi ∩ yj = c exists, so, m1(xi) and m2(yj) are a part of the trust assigned to c exactly, and the total trust assigned to c exactly is: , , ( ) ( ) x y c x y i j m x m y  =     however, xi ∩ yj = φ, there will be some trust σx ∩ y = c, ∀ x, y ⊆ θ mi(x)·mj(y) is assigned to an empty set, that is, m(φ) = σx ∩ y = c, ∀ x, y ⊆ θ mi(x)·mj(y) ˃ 0, which is obviously unreasonable and should be normalized. let: ( ) ( ) ij x y i j k m x m y  = =   is called conflict factor, then [1-σx ∩ y = φ mi(x)·mj(y)]-1 is the normalization factor. the dempster composition rule can be summarized as the following theorem. , , , , ( ) ( ) ( ) 0, ( ) ( ) , 1 ( ) ( ) i j x y c x y i j x y c x y i j m c m x m y x y m x m y x y c m x m y    =    =   =   =    =   =  −  35 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech where i(j) denotes the i(j)-th evidence and mi(j)(x) is the trust assignment function of the i(j)th evidence. kij = σx ∩ y = φ mi(x)·mj(y) is called the conflict factor of the i and j evidences, which indicates the conflict between the two evidences. 2.3. ahp & dset risk assessment model the judgment matrix in ahp is the embodiment of experts' will, which inevitably has some subjectivity. the multi-expert evaluation method and the fusion technology of d-s evidence theory can greatly reduce the impact of personal subjective opinions on the full evaluation results and improve the credibility of the results. the judgment matrix of ahp method is to compare index i and index j with each other, and define them according to their importance bij according to the nine-level scaling method, thus forming a positive mutual dissimilarity matrix: (θ1, θ2, θ3, θ4, θ5, θ6, θ7, θ8, θ9, θ10, θ11, θ12, θ13, θ14, θ15, θ16, θ17). of which θ1 = 9, θ17 = 1/9, θ1 to θ17 is good to bad. there are always some artificial differences in the experts' evaluation results of pairwise comparison between various factors in the sub-scaling method. according to the d-s synthesis rule, a new basic probability assignment function m(a) can be obtained for a single piece of data from different data sources. d-s synthesis method was used, the formula is as follows: 1 1 2 ( ) ( ) i j i j a b a y m a m b  = =  2 1 2 1 2 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) i j i j i j i j a b a b y m a m b m a m b  =   = −  =   1 1 2 ( ) y m y  = dset is used to fuse the data, which can reduce the difference of opinion in different experts' scoring. the evaluation level with a high expert support rate has higher credibility. in contrast, experts generally believe that the credibility of the evaluation level with low credibility is lower after synthesis, which makes the fusion result appear polarization phenomenon. uncertainty is also greatly reduced, making the results more accurate. combined with the combination rule of dset and the weight coefficient assigned to each index by ahp, the weight vector w = (w1, w2,..., wn) is set. 1 [0,1] 1 n i i i w and w =  = let 1-∂i = wi/wmax, then ∂i is the "discount rate" of wi, and a new relative weight direction w = (w1, w2,..., wn)/wmax is obtained, the reliability function expression of evidence theory is modified as follows: ( ) (1 ) ( ) i m a m a= − ( ) (1 ) ( ) i i m m = − + then, the modified reliability function is introduced into the combination formula, and the combination rule of evidence theory is obtained. design identification framework θ. if there are several confidence functions on the matrix, the basic confidence function is mi, ai represents each focal element, and its weight is w = (w1, w2,...,wn), then the discount rate is ∂i, 1-∂i = wi/wmax. 36 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 1 ( ) (1 ) ( ) i n i i i a a i m a m a  = = = −  1 1 ( ) [(1 ) ( ) ] (1 ) ( ) i i n n i i i i i i i a a a ai i m m a m a  =  == = = − +  + −   3. risk assessment of proposed coal mine in the specific coal mine risk assessment, the following steps can be implemented: 1) establish a hierarchical structure; 2) for the criterion layer, the weight of each risk index in the index layer is determined by the modified pairwise comparison judgment matrix; 3) according to the above formula, the risk index of the same floor is synthesized, and the safety risk assessment value of the wharf is obtained from the last synthesis. 3.1. proposed coal mine project take xima coal mine as an example to conduct risk assessment and analysis. xima coal mine is the largest anthracite production mine in northeast china. it is located in the south of hongyang coal field. the geographical coordinates are 123°10'e and 41°21'n. there are mafeng river, shanggangzi river, and yelaotan river in the minefield. the mine adopts the development method of a pair of shafts and one wind shaft(raise), and single-level up and down mining, with extractive ventilation method. the mine transportation method is the main shaft hoisting, mainly by belts and 3 tons of bottom-dump mine car, and auxiliary by 1 ton of mine car. the mine adopts a comprehensive mechanized coal mining method. the immediate roof is interbedded with coal line and mudstone. the basic roof is layered medium and coarse sandstone with a thickness of 8.45m, and its coefficient of hardness f = 8~10. 12# coal has an outburst danger area, its gas content is 3.59~7.62 m3/t, its coal dust explosion index is 8.75%, and 12# coal is a type ii spontaneous pyrophoric coal seam. the hydrogeological conditions in the minefield are medium. the mining method of the working face is inclined backward mining. the goaf management method is paste filling. the roof fissure water does not affect the working face. the main source of water gushing in the working face is filling seepage water. 3.2. evaluation index system of proposed coal mine according to the analysis of ahp and evidence theory, to correctly reflect the influence of all factors and quantitatively evaluate the influence factors, the evaluation index system established in this paper is shown in figure 4. 37 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech coal mine safety hazardous substances gas water co explosive roof coalbed methane sand layer geological fracture zone equipment ventilation system hanging water system power supply system production system coal place excavation face goaf other behaviors human error operation figure 4. safety evaluation index system of the proposed project 3.2.1. basic probability distribution function an evaluation set is a set of possible evaluation results of evaluation objects, which can be expressed as v = (v1, v2,...,vn). among them, vj (j = 1, 2,...,m) is the evaluation result, and m is the number of grades or the number of comment files. in this paper, the risk of coal mine construction evaluation is divided into five levels: low risk, medium low risk, medium risk, medium high risk and high risk. v = {low risk, medium low risk, medium risk, medium high risk, high risk} for the matrix composed of expert scoring, this paper only uses two expert scoring matrix, and the expert comments on various factors are shown in table 1. table 1. comments of mine site selection experts comment set expert 1 expert 2 v1 0.3 0.3 v1 0.2 0.1 v1 0.2 0.2 v1 0.2 0.3 v1 0 0 w 0.1 0.1 according to the combination formula, the data are fused to obtain the evidence fusion results of coal mine gas, as shown in table 2. 38 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 2. the data are fused to obtain the evidence fusion results of coal mine gas comment set results of coal mine gas v1 0.375 v1 0.125 v1 0.2 v1 0.275 v1 0 w 0.025 according to the evidence theory, the evidence fusion results of other influencing factors are also calculated, as summarized in table 3. table 3. the evidence fusion results of other influencing factors are also calculated comment set results of coal mine information fusion gas (0.375, 0.125, 0.2, 0.275, 0, 0.025) water (0, 0.26, 0.19, 0.26, 0.26, 0.03) co (0.375, 0.21, 0.29, 0, 0.08, 0.045) explosive (0, 0.26, 0.52, 0.18, 0, 0.04) coalbed methane (0.43, 0.34, 0.19, 0, 0, 0.04) sand layer (0, 0.3, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22, 0.04) geological fracture zone (0, 0.15, 0.13, 0.38, 0.3, 0.04) ventilation system (0.21, 0.28, 0.28, 0.21, 0, 0.02) hanging water system (0.07, 0, 0.19, 0.26, 0.45, 0.03) power supply system (0.2, 0.2, 0.375, 0.2, 0, 0.025) production system (0.375, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0.025) excavation face (0, 0.14, 0.21, 0.09, 0.49, 0.07) goaf (0.2, 0.2, 0.375, 0.2, 0, 0.025) human error operation (0.21, 0.29, 0.08, 0.375, 0, 0.045) 3.2.2. determination of weights at each level on the basis of field research and expert data, the weight relations of each factor are calculated by using analytic hierarchy process (ahp) software, as follows: factor evaluation of hazardous substances weight value a11 = [0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3] factor evaluation of roof weight value a12 = [0.3 0.3 0.4] factor evaluation of equipment weight value a13 = [0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3] factor evaluation of coal place weight value a14 = [0.5 0.5] factor evaluation of other behaviors weight value a15 = [1] the results of coal mine safety weight are as follows: a = [0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1] because of the uncertainty of expert's opinion, we choose the right combination formula to synthesize the expert's opinion. 1) a comprehensive formula based on the classic dempster combination rule: ( ) 0m  = 39 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 1 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) j i i j b a j i m a m a m a m a m b n  =   =     =  among them, m1, m2,..., mi are the reliability functions of i expert evaluation. пmi(bj) reflects the degree of conflict between the i reliability functions. (2) weighted average method is used to weight the reliability function of expert evaluation, and then dempster's combination rule is used for iterative fusion. 3.2.3. risk synthesis based on dset according to the dset risk assessment model, the index layer is synthesized, and the comprehensive probability distribution function of the criterion layer is obtained, as shown in the table below. table 5. comprehensive probability distribution function table of criterion layer. coal mine safety criterion layer weight comments collection uncertainty low risk medium low risk medium risk medium high risk high risk hazardous substances 0.4 0.15 0.22 0.25 0.2 0.18 0.033 roof 0.2 0.05 0.2 0.45 0.25 0.05 0.029 equipment 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.33 0.17 0 0.011 coal place 0.1 0.09 0.15 0.26 0.3 0.2 0.012 other behaviors 0.1 0.16 0.36 0.22 0.11 0.15 0.026 according to the dset risk assessment model, the synthesis of criteria level factors is shown in the table below. table 6. criteria level factor synthesis table result comments collection uncertainty low risk medium low risk medium risk medium high risk high risk reliability 0.13 0.246 0.302 0.206 0.116 0.0285 3.3. evaluation conclusion of proposed coal mine project through the above analysis and calculation, it can be seen that the coal mine construction is at a good level in general, and hazardous substances and equipment are in a state of deviation in terms of single-factor analysis. therefore, corresponding suggestions and maintenance measures can be put forward to improve the coal mine construction and operation environment. 4. conclusion 1) this paper puts forward a new method to solve the problem of coal mine risk assessment, solves the shortcomings of ahp and d-s evidence theory, improves the credibility of expert comments, greatly reduces the uncertainty and makes the results more real and accurate. 2) in the follow-up work, we will study the ahp, d-s evidence theory parameter optimization to further improve the accuracy of risk assessment. 40 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 31-40 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3) the calculation results can provide a theoretical basis for the competent authorities of coal mines to investigate the risks existing in coal mines, which is of great significance for reducing coal mine accidents and ensuring the safe production of coal mines. acknowledgement our thanks to lei guan, who helps us complete most of the programming work, and also thank tianjin institute of industrial robot for helping us complete most of the hardware equipment. this paper is supported by research fund of tianjin municipal association of higher vocational & technical education (grant no. 2021-3263) and (grant no. 2021-2-2035). references [1] junhui, l. 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(1977). maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm. journal of the royal statistical society: series b (methodological), 39(1), 1-22. 87 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 lionbarat app: augmented reality-based fashion shopping application aufar*, faris naufal adiputra, ismu johan halim department of information systems, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *aufar.10520095@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to design a mobile-based application that serves to help potential buyers to easily find fashion according to the wishes of potential buyers accurately. the research method used in this study is a descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach. meanwhile, the application development process uses an object-oriented approach with the system development life cycle prototyping. the results of the research method on the lionbarat application are expected to provide convenience in shopping for fashion without fear that the clothes that will be purchased are not suitable because of the greatness or are different from those in the application user interface. the main concept of this application is a way to make it easier for potential buyers to find the right and accurate fashion according to what the lionbarat application displays. this idea was created from the unrest of online shopping application users who buy clothes such as clothes, pants or shoes due to the lack of accurate images and descriptions of existing products. in addition, this application has features that are integrated with google lens and lidar so that application users can search and buy the desired fashion by inputting/scanning images into the search field. the conclusion of designing this application can be concluded that fashion sales on the application can be even better if it can take advantage of the implementation of google lens and augmented reality (ar)technology as an online fashion shopping feature. this research is expected to help fashion sellers in getting more potential consumers who can indirectly increase new innovations in online shopping. keywords: augmented reality, fashion, aplikasi, teknologi, google lens. article info: submitted/received 13 des 2022 first revised 09 jan 2023 accepted 01 mar 2023 first available online 23 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 88 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 1. introduction online shopping is the activity of purchasing goods or services through the internet. by shopping through the internet, a prospective buyer can see the goods or services offered through photos or descriptions listed on the web/application that are viewed and then buy them without having to come to the place where the seller of the goods/services. however, when buying goods, especially clothes via the internet such as marketplaces, sometimes the items ordered do not match what is in the marketplace's sales display and also the size of the clothes that do not match the size of the body. there are several factors that make the item not in accordance with being accepted by the buyer, including, the item is not specific to the same as that displayed on the web/application, the size of clothing with sizes s, m, l is different in length in each brand. therefore, technology is needed to anticipate the problem. online shopping or e-commerce is one of the ways to shop through electronic communication tools or social networks used in buying and selling transactions, where buyers do not have to bother coming to the store to see and buy what they are looking for, just look at the desired item through the internet then order the goods according to their choice and transfer the money and then the goods will be sent by the online store to the house [1]. the development of the digital age is increasingly inevitable that every company has to adjust its marketing strategy by including an online system to sell its products [2]. this relates to the research made by suryawinata, b. a. where augmented reality is a technology that combines the environment in the real world captured through a camera with a virtual object so that it seems as if the virtual object merges with the environment in the real world [3]. for cases in the implementation of fashion shopping so that the use of augmented reality (ar) is more optimal, this virtual fitting room can be implemented in online stores or clothing stores as usual. the research stages include: the application of kinect technology to obtain skeleton data from potential buyers which is used as a basis for providing clothing size recommenda tions [4]. therefore, the use of augmented reality (ar) systems in fashion can help marketing a product to be more attractive and time efficiently [5 -7]. the purpose of this study is to design a mobile-based application that serves to help potential buyers to easily find fashion according to the wishes of potential buyers accurately. the research method used in this study is a descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach. meanwhile, the application development process uses an object-oriented approach with the system development life cycle prototyping. 2. method the research method used in this study is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach to convey the research design. in system designing, we use android studio application with prototyping system development method [8]. the method of developing prototyping requires interactive communication from the user [9-12]. the framework of thought briefly describes the entire object of research studied from beginning to end, the framework of thought is made to make it easier for researchers to understand the flow of research to be carried out (see figure 1). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 89 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 identification application system desig n & user interface trials evaluation figure 1. framework of thought in the initial stage, identification is carried out by collecting data through observing system needs in e-commerce applications to find deficiencies that occur in indonesian e-commerce and then entering the information system needed. in the second stage, a system design for augmented reality applications was carried out on the lionbarat app. after the ar system design was successfully made, the ar (augmented reality) system application testing was carried out on the lionbarat application, to see the results of the application's work as a whole so that it could be ascertained that it was working according to the requirements set. in the final stage, an evaluation is carried out by analyzing the results of the lionbarat application trial on an android/ios smartphone until the application can be really used properly. 3. results and discussion 3.1. identifying the requirements lionbarat app is designed to meet the needs of fashion customers on e-commerce applications. this research is designed to maximize fashion shopping features to make it easier and more reliable. this lionbarat application is equipped with clothing recommendation features based on gender, user's taste in dress and also body shape that can be detected by scanning the body from shoulder width, arm length, leg length. the menu structure of the lionbarat application (see figure 2). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 90 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 menu bagcategories wishlisthome account search bar notification categories search bar men ladies kids new product brands detail transction list review payment method product recomendation order sizecheckout featured brands figure 2. application menu structure the picture above shows the design of the lionbarat app menu structure. home menu which is the main menu contains a display of fashion options based on categories, product recommendations & superior brands. 3.2. application system design & user interface about the design of the system needs the lionbarat application prototype will be used by the unity multiplatform application to build an ar program to operate an information system that can measure the dimensions of objects and recognize objects scanned through a smartphone camera. while at the stage of creating the application user interface (ui), the developer designed the application's opening appearance that displays the lionbarat logo which will then display a variety of fashion products (see figure 3). figure 3. the display a variety of fashion products https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 91 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 figure 3 shows the start page of the lionbarat application then directly displays the main page of the application. on this main page will be displayed search icons, notifications, clothing categories, clothing recommendations. 3.3. testing prototype after the appearance of the start page and the main page of the application is successfully created, on the main menu page of the application, a discussion will be carried out on testing the prototype of the main page of the application to users regarding search icons, notifications, clothing categories, clothing recommendations (see figure 4). figure 4. the prototype of the main page in this search column users can search for products by typing a keyword they are looking for or by importing product photos and looking for products by scanning the entire user body through the camera which will later bring up product recommendations based on the user's posture of the application. figure 5. the various fashions available in the application https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 92 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 once the product being searched for having appear the user can see the various fashions available in the application (see figure 5). if the product they are looking for is found to be interesting to order, the application user can see the product by tapping the product image and the user can see the details of the product. figure 6. the feature scans if the detailed photos and product descriptions are still not able to provide a clear picture of the product to be purchased, users can use the "try it" feature (see figure 5) and see whether the product to be purchased is suitable or not by trying it through tapping the "try" icon and the application will open the smartphone camera and scan the limbs as a case example above (see figure 5 to 7). in the example of the case above, the user is directed by the application to open the smartphone camera and point it at the foot, after that the application system will mind the length and foot width and then provide information about the recommendation of the right shoe size to wear and the application user can also see if the shoe will look good if worn before deciding to buy the product (see figure 7). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 93 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 figure 7. the feature application systems if the product is deemed suitable, users can immediately order the product and will be directed by the application to the "shopping bag" menu or if they want to see other variants of the product first, application users can save it by tapping the "wishlist" icon in the form of love at the bottom of the application. in the notification icon the user application can see various discount promotions offered by various brands. in this notification section, application users will also be able to get notifications about the status of goods purchase transactions or delivery of goods (see figure 8). figure 8. the shopping bag and the wishlist the category icon under the search, and notification column serves to display the type of fashion product based on gender, age, brand (see figure 9). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 94 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 figure 9. the category icon to display the type of fashion product product recommendations contain the appearance of fashion products based on the selected category at the bottom of the search field. if the category chosen is the men's category, then if the user taps the "see more" icon, it will bring up fashion products for men such as clothes, pants, hats, shoes, etc (see figure 10). figure 10. the product recommendation’s view 3.4. evaluation at this stage, an evaluation will be carried out on lionbarat application users whether the application prototype has been built in accordance with the requirements standards. if the application prototype is not perfect, the application prototype will be revised starting from the system design stage to completion. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 95 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 87-96 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 961 4. conclusion lionbarat app is designed to make it easier for users of fashion shopping applications to be easily practical and more reliable, because in the application the goods offered provide a different shopping experience. because this application provides an augmented reality information system that can make it easier for users to shop for clothes. this ar feature can be used to find what clothes are suitable for the user and the clothes can be seen in appearance by scanning the user body which will then display what kind of clothes will look like later if they have been ordered. acknowledgement it can be concluded that social media is one of the tools to promote business better, especially business in the field of public health services. it is effective when it packed with new innovations. 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is needed in management or office activities. the purpose of this program is to facilitate data management of incoming and outgoing letters at the social service office still using manual methods in data input, in the office world the existence of information technology is also very useful for agencies to facilitate performance in daily activities, especially in managing mail data. incoming and outgoing letters. using qualitative research methods with literature study stage, software design stage using a programming language with flutter framework. the results of the software design that has been successfully created can be carried out in the testing phase or the implementation of the program application to see whether the program created can run according to the desired goal or not. the concept of this program is to change the manual system in filing letters to an automated system. the impact of this program is that it is hoped that the archiving of incomin g and outgoing mail will be more effective and more structured. at the end of this program, it is hoped that outgoing and incoming letters will not be mixed and when looking for the required letters or documents it does not take a long time with the existence of this incoming and outgoing mail archiving software, making archiving more effective and more structured. with this software, it is easier for social service employees to process incoming and outgoing mail documents. keyword: archive, social service, software. article info: submitted/received 19 sep 2022 first revised 03 des 2022 accepted 01 feb 2023 first available online 02 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 52 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 1. introduction in the era of globalization, computer technology has an important role in assisting the process of work activities in agencies and offices, both from government and private institutions. the use of computer technology as an information technology tool in the office world provides added value to the data processing process, in the office world the existence of information technology is also very useful for the agency to facilitate performance in daily activities, especially in managing incoming and outgoing mail data. management of incoming and outgoing mail data at the social service office still uses the manual method of inputting data, in the office world the existence of information technology is also very useful for agencies to facilitate performance in daily activities, especially in managing incoming and outgoing mail data. therefore, the management of incoming mail and outgoing mail data is being sought to be operated using a computer device through a website-based application system, the use of computer functions to input incoming and outgoing mail data. in research on the design of a website-based mail archive information system at the youth and sports office of east java province [1]. it was found that with the existence of an automatic filing system that makes it easier for diaspora in management activities, the application made can record, disposition, track incoming mail numbers, and can receive any data from the secretary to the manager or vice versa. the research conducted by [2] uses the method of system design and analysis. this research is in line with the research on the design and development of an automatic online newspaper archiving system, which was researched by [3]. in this research, an automatic newspaper filing system has been developed, based on the principle of a web crawling program using system design and analysis methods. a crawling program that will search online newspaper sites and find recently published news and save recently found pages, can be called a news crawler. news crawl programs are written in the java programming language. simple user interface is designed for users to browse news from archives as well. users can search for the desired news according to the desired keywords, dates, or from certain websites easily. this is in line with the research on automatic archiving and cd-rom burning systems of massive electronic documents, which was investigated by [4]. in this research, a massive electronic document archiving system has been created this system able to shorten the time cost for classifying and compressing files. there is also research that is in line with several previous studies, namely, open -source webcasting and media archiving software for e-learning [5]. in this study, an online attendance system was created to manage student attendance digitally. with this system, it can make it easier for the campus to manage student attendance. as well as research on office of archive web application design: archive management at bpjs ketenagakerjaan suraba ya darmo branch [6]. only users of this application. with these studies, it can be seen that the existence of this automatic filing system, can make it easier for users to manage the required data. the purpose of this research is to utilize the automatic filing system to facilitate the mail filing system which is still using conventional methods which are considered inefficient. with this system, you can automatically save letters according to the desired folder and type of letter. 2. method in this study, the waterfall method was used to design and manufacture automatic mail archiving software. the waterfall method that will be used is carried out in several stages, namely, requirements, analysis and definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance [7-10]. at the requirements stage, this is done by interview and discussion to understand the https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 53 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 expectations of the social service for the software to be worked on and what are the limitations of the software, the data needed are document files, user data, pdf files, and data categories. at this stage, information analysis is also carried out to obtain data needed by software users. the next stage is system and software design, after obtaining the required data from the first stage, at this stage we will prepare a filing system design, with the system design we can determine the hardware and system requirements needed. the next stage is implementation and unit testing at this stage the system that has been designed is developed in small programs commonly called units, after the system is developed then the system can be integrated. after that, the system unit development can be carried out so that its functionality can be tested. the next stage is integration and system testing which is a very important stage because at this stage malfunctions or errors are tested when the software is run. at this last stage, it is no less important, namely operation and maintenance, at this stage the operation and maintenance of the software that has been made to check for any errors that were not detected in the previous stage are carried out, and maintenance is carried out in several ways, namely error repair, improvement of system unit implementation, and improvement and adjustment of the system according to user needs. 3. results and discussion based on the stages of the research method, the next step is the discussion of each stage in the research method as follows: 3.1 requirement at this stage, interviews and discussions were carried out with the social service to obtain the problems and data needed in this research. in addition to conducting discussions and interviews with related parties, the collection of several references such as journals, articles, internet, books, and so on related to the research was carried out to fac ilitate the research carried out. 3.2 analysis and definition at this stage, interviews and discussions were carried out with the social service to obtain the problems and data needed in this research. in addition to conducting discussions and interviews with related parties, the collection of several references such as journals, articles, internet, books, and so on related to the research was carried out to facilitate the research carried out (see figure 1). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 54 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 index home data surat masuk data surat keluar laporan surat keluar laporan surat disposisi laporan surat masuk laporan surat keluar figure 1. secretary navigation structure. 3.3 system and software design at this stage, a modelling or design process is carried out, in which the modelling process is carried out by translating the needs of the problems obtained at the requirements stage. at this stage, it focuses on the design of data structures, web-based software architecture design, and interface representation (see figures 2 and 3). data surat data kategori data laporan data pengguna administrator sekretaris login figure 2. use case diagram. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 55 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 administrator sekretaris point of letter database pos figure 3. architecture point of letter. 3.4. operation and maintenance 3.4.1. login page the login page shown in figure 4 is the first page that can be accessed by admins and secretaries. on the login page, several data must be filled in, namely the correct username and password. after entering the data correctly, you will be directed to the home page. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 56 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 figure 4. login page. 3.4.2. homepage the home page shown in figure 5 is the front page that can be accessed by administrators and secretaries if they successfully enter the username and password correctly. on this page, there are several features such as incoming mail, number of outgoing letters, number of disposition letters, letter classification, and number of users. figure 5. homepage. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 57 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 3.4.3. incoming and outgoing mail transaction page the incoming and outgoing mail transaction pages shown in figures 6 and 7 are the pages used when creating incoming and outgoing letters, to make it easier for users to write letters and classify the types of letters. figure 6. incoming mail transaction page. figure 7. outgoing mail transaction page. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 58 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 figure 8. sample letters. 3.4.4. add latter’s page the adding incoming and outgoing mail page shown in figure 9 is the page that is used when adding incoming and outgoing mail, to add any letters to be included in the folder. figure 9. pages adding letters. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 59 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 51-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 84 3.4.5. agenda book page the agenda book page shown in figure 10 is the page that is used to see if there is an agenda for making any letters that have been made on that day or date. figure 10. pages of agenda book. 4. conclusion this web-based automatic archiving software design is designed to make it easier for bandung city social service employees to make letters and classify the types of letters that are made so that they no longer use conventional methods. with this web-based software, bandung city social service employees can save time and effort because letter templates and letter storage areas already exist automatically on the web. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] deng, s., li, y., & zhang, b. 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the marketing strategy of instagram as one of the platform social media that effectively as a promotion agent. the results of this paper show that many business people use various social media platforms as a medium to promote the products they offer. it is because, in the current era, social media is a medium that is widely used by large communities in various parts of the world. with various facilities and also minimal costs, making social media widely used by business people with attractive offers and affordable prices. 1. introduction nowadays, social media is a media that is often used by many people, both the middle and upper classes. with the presence of social media, people are changing in the way they consume and contribute to spread the information. technology nowadays can enable someone to contribute their thoughts, opinions, and work to the internet [1]. the social networking platform enables different and new social interaction event kits. major changes from the way of interaction and classical communication to virtual societies that cross borders, geographical locations, ethnic diversity, and others. in a network platform environment, each user plays a role as a social actor and is involved in sharing content by presenting ideas on various topics [2]. successful entrepreneurs must respect and hope that readers will gain broader insights and understand entrepreneurship in the world [3]. the use of social media as promotional media is utilized by entrepreneurs to increase the interest of potential buyers. media marketing used social media as a content creator strategies. it is because many types of service from social media implies social marketing efforts and the promotion of the content has a mission to educate small business to used infographics uploaded on social media with the epic method (empathy, persuasion, impact, and communication) [5-10]. the purpose of this study is to look at how business people on the social media platform instagram as a promotional media on social networks nowadays. it is because we feel a lot of business people use social media as a medium to promote the products they offer. various ways to market products on social media have also become unique and deemed interesting enough to be examined. 116 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 115-119 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. method this research used a descriptive method, namely by examining how new business people use social media to promote the products they offer to their target consumers on social media. 3. results and discussion social media is commonly used by many people around the world for various purposes. statistic of the world shows that the user of the internet reaches 4.388 billion over 7.676 of the total population. almost everyone in this part of the world is an internet user, including social media. over 3.484 billion users are active social media users, which is probably they are including consumers, sellers, business motivator or founders of a specific product in the social media field. overall data can be seen in figure 1 below. figure 1. use of internet social media in figure 2 below, we can see that the daily use of mobile internet from various parts of the world. over 04.35 hours per day indonesian people spending their time using mobile phone access every site and application they wanted. this data shows that the society is a massive user in using the internet through their mobile phones. figure 3 below shows that instagram is the most accessed platform in social media. instagram is also a social media that is widely used by online businesses to do promotions. it is because they provide attractive pictures, offering messages and value of specific products effectively, and supports interaction with two or more users between consumers and marketers. social media such as instagram is used by marketers to make their offerings more personalized and convenient [11]. 117 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 115-119 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. daily use of mobile internet figure 3. use of media social in indonesia after that, we took one example namely from an instagram account @billionairesproject. the brand is only promoting their product on instagram (see figure 4). 118 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 115-119 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. billionaireproject instagram account figure 4 above is a display from the home page of @billionairesproject, which shows various clothing products that they promote on their instagram account pages. @billionairesproject also used an influencer named arief muhammad to support the promotion to launch their business because of the figure of arief muhammad who is admired by the young generation in indonesia nowadays. @billionairesproject chose him because he has a very good reputation. with a good reputation, the trust of potential buyers has also increased (see figure 5). figure 5. arief muhammad instagram account support the promotion carried out by @billionairesproject 119 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 115-119 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech instagram is a platform that is widely used by a lot of people in the world. indonesia is also one of the most active internet users because instagram ranks 4th as social media that is often used by indonesian people. 4. conclusion the conclusion obtained from the results above is that social media is a strategic medium for promotion because instagram is one of the social media that is often used to do business promotion. social media also has the advantage of being very cheap and easy to do, depending on how we promote the products we offer to instagram social media users. we can have a public figure with a good 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[11] mothersbaugh, david l., hawkins, del i. 2010. consumer behaviour, building marketing strategy eleventh edition, pp. 5. 203 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 designing a web-based raw material purchase accounting information system yola septiani*, nurhaliza sukma fadila, sayyidah nabila azahra departemen komputerisasi akuntansi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: * yola.11020010@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. kerupuk pangsit adem ayem is one of the manufacturing companies engaged in snacks. to meet the inventory, the company must make purchases of raw materials. purchasing is a continuous activity for the company and is the main proposal in production. the design of an accounting information system for purchasing raw materials on kerupuk pangsit adem ayem can facilitate the process of purchasing raw materials via the web and can produce financial report information easily and quickly. the system design method used in this study used survey methods and descriptive methods. the data collected in conducting this study is in the form of qualitative data. the raw material purchase accounting information system can be used as a means of facilitating the determination of raw material purchases for production and financial reporting in the form of reports on cost of goods produced, so that the information produced is more precise and accurate. keywords: accounting information system, raw material purchase, sak emkm, manufacturing company and web. article info: submitted/received 19 des 2022 first revised 10 jan 2023 accepted 19 feb 2023 first available online 10 may 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction the importance of information technology is needed for human life. the need for information technology is increasing due to the need to obtain accurate and efficient data and information [1]. in addition, information technology provides an advantage for th e company's business activities because it makes work in the company more productive and efficient [2]. accounting information system is a digital information technology that can help the continuity of the existing activity process in the company [3]. accounting information system is a system that https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 204 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 manages finances to be faster and more accurate [4]. the existence of an accounting information system can provide benefits to companies in terms of making decisions, besides that it can minimize incorrect or inaccurate data [5]. purchasing is one of the activities of choosing suppliers and ordering and obtaining goods and services. a purchase accounting information system is a system designed to facilitate the execution of purchases by automating or computerizing all or part of the purchasing process [6]. the function of this purchase is also to ensure that the level of materials and supplies is balanced. inventory levels that allow the company to maintain the profitability of material costs in order to continue working [7]. the main factor in a production process at a manufacturing company is buying raw materials to suppliers because raw materials are suppliers of materials in the production process [8]. therefore, every good company must have a good raw material purchase system so that there is no delay in raw material inventory for its operational activities [9]. kerupuk pangsit adem ayem is a snack company. the process of purchasing raw materials in kerupuk pangsit adem ayem has not been computerized, resulting in inaccurate inventory level data, inaccurate raw material orders, longer information searches, and unsecured safety [10]. there is a study discussing the raw material purchase system that has been carried out at pt. harimau jaya cemerlang klaten he argued that the raw material purchase system has a dual function carried out by the purchasing function to buy and receive goods. this gives rise to double responsibility. similar to the research conducted by winasis, yulianto proposed the separation of receipts and storage functions of goods. in addition, companies also need to create a flowchart of the raw material purchase system to make the steps taken more efficiently and easily understood by the parties involved in the purchase transaction. the analysis research conducted by septyansari & dzulkirom regarding the system and procedure for purchasing local goods and paying cash at pt. rajawari i unit of pg klebet balmaran he argued that the related functions performed were in accordance with the procedure but nevertheless there were some weaknesses including that there was no accounting department in charge of recording the purchase transactions of the company, incomplete documents, duplicate documents, no purchase journals to record transactions, etc. there is research on the results of internships conducted at pt. phillips seafood indonesia, he argues that the documents used in the accounting system for the purchase of raw materials at pt. phillips seafood indonesia is a letter of receipt of goods. mea nwhile, purchase requests and purchase orders at pt. phillips seafood indonesia is done only using a telephone not using documents. the authors of the study gave better advice if a purchase request and purchase order document was made [11]. to overcome the various problems that exist in kerupuk pangsit adem ayem and the conclusions of some of the studies mentioned above, it is necessary to design an information system that can accommodate large amounts of data so that it is easy to access and retrieve when you need the data. the creation of reports will be more accurate without any problems. the system created is expected to be able to answer existing problems. 2. method the method used in this study is a descriptive method using a qualitative approach. we use a website-based information system with a waterfall system development method. the waterfall system development method starts from the process of designing, analysing, designing, and implementing the system. this method uses the process of developing a onehttps://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 205 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 by-one phase model, thus minimizing errors that may occur [12]. the development method of the waterfall system is shown in figure 1 below. figure 1. sdlc-waterfall model the needs analysis is carried out as the first step of the waterfall system. at this stage, user interviews are conducted to obtain information regarding things that will be entered into the system. after that, the overall design stages involved identifying and describing the basic system of the software and its relationships. after the design stage is carried out, the next step of implementation is to realize the program by involving verification that each unit meets its specifications. after the implementation stage, test a system to ascertain whether it fits the required software needs or not. after testing, the software can be used for real by customers. then the last maintenance is to correct errors that occurred during the previous stage, then improve the implementation of the system unit, and system services as a new n eed. 3. results and discussion 3.1. data collection the web-based raw material purchase accounting information system is designed to facilitate the recording of raw material purchases made by the company in accordance with accounting standards from recording transactions, general journals, general ledgers, balance sheets and equipped with a reporting feature for cost of goods produced. the menu structure of this system is shown in figure 2. figure 2. menu structure https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 206 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 figure 2 shows the design of the system menu structure. the login menu which is the main display as access rights for each user. each user when they have logged in will have a different sub menu according to their respective functions. 3.2. design workshop in the early stages of designing, it is to design the appearance of the login menu for security access to the system. at this stage, it is required that the user registers for the most flexible account first and then can fill in the username and password on the login page. the follow ing design of the login interface can be seen in figure 3. figure 3. login menu display on the user page, this warehouse section can only be accessed by the warehouse section. there are two main contents displayed, namely the list of raw material orders and raw material order data. in the raw material order list, users of the warehouse can add, edit and delete the list of raw material orders to be purchased to suppliers. meanwhile, raw material order data for warehouse users can display and see order data that has entered the supplier. the following design of the user interface of the warehouse can be seen in figure 4. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 207 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 figure 4. the appearance of the main menu of the warehouse on the user page, the marketing section can only be accessed by the marketing department. there are three main contents, namely raw material order data, order cards, and purchase invoices. the raw material order data is data that includes the warehouse sec tion. on the card of this order is a document containing the cost of each order. while the purchase invoice is proof of the transaction from the process of purchasing materials. the following design of the user interface of the marketing department can be seen in figure 5. figure 5. the main menu view of the marketing section https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 208 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 figure 6. the appearance of the main menu of the finance section on the user page, the owner section can only be accessed by the owner section and the owner can only see it. there is one main content, namely this cost of goods produced report contains a final report of costs – outgoing costs that have been made by the finance department. the following design of the user interface of the owner n section can be seen in figure 7. on the user page, the finance section can only be accessed by the finance department. there are four main contents, namely general journals, general ledgers, balance sheets and reports on cost of goods produced. the general journal contains all transactions that have been made over a period of one month. the general ledger contains a classification of transaction records in the general journal according to similar accounts. on the balance sheet contains information as an auxiliary component of the final result of the financial statements. meanwhile, the cost of goods produced report is a report of all costs incurred and as material for a report to the owner. the following design of the user interface of the finance department can be seen in figure 6. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 209 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 203-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10128 figure 7. main menu view of the owner section 4. conclusion this system is designed to facilitate the recording of raw material purchases that occur at the kerpuk pangsit adem ayem company. natural system this there is information about transactions up to reports on cost of goods produced. acknowledgement we would like to thank the universitas komputer indonesia for its cooperation in providing assistance and support in writing this paper. references [1] faheem, m., shah, s. b. h., butt, r. a., raza, b., anwar, m., ashraf, m. w., ... & gungor, v. c. 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applications that have been circulating today to support financial statements to ensure data security. this research used a descriptive qualitative method to collect data in accordance with field facts. the population of this research is students of universitas komputer indonesia who learn to use accurate applications because accurately studied by accounting students, the sample is students majoring in accounting. sample techniques used purposive sampling, where respondents will be selected according to the criteria. data collection through questionnaires were distributed online to obtain data in accordance with field facts. this study shows that the development of accounting applications supports the recording of financial statements in maintaining the security of existing data in financial statements. it impacts msmes who want to store their financial transaction data safely because there are security features similar to accuracy, except that before storing data, users must enter a special code as at the beginning when starting data recording. it can ensure security in recording financial statements and preventing data modification fraud. 1. introduction facing the development of information technology, several companies create and develop systems that facilitate the management and recording of financial statements. financial statements are records that accurately inform data to all parties who need to make an economic or financial decision [1]. accounting information system consists of data collection, classification, and analysis information that is useful for decision making for companies [2]. accounting information system that is developing at this time in the form of several applications supporting the writing is a recording of financial statements such as zahir mailto:*surtikanti@email.unikom.ac.id 18 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech accounting, mind your own business (myob), and accurate. there are several considerations in using the software to support the accounting work process for faster and easier use which are a valid level of security for each user, the ability to explore all reports to the excel program without going through the export and import process, which will make it difficult to display the comparative financial statements [3]. a good accounting information system can integrate components both physical and nonphysical, that are interconnected and cooperate optimally to process transaction data related to financial problems. nowadays, technology has been developed rapidly. therefore, humans began to look for and create technologies that could help in many ways. this study identified the previous research that operationally accounting information systems use processes to convert inputs into outputs to achieve the overall system objectives. besides, the problem facing indonesia is that people who are not qualified lead many areas. therefore, the information generated from the information system can be used to measure organizations or companies' performance [4]. in another study, it is stated that information technology has brought positive changes in an organization [5]. the u.s. federal government is encouraging a range of information about computer security on protecting critical infrastructure assets that are largely owned by the private sector. therefore, information security is essential for accurate financial reporting, timely and relevant reporting for decision making [6]. several accounting applications help to make it easier to record and create financial statements such as zahir accounting, myob, and accurate. accurate provides audit and counseling services to a few small and medium-sized companies including high-tech companies [7]. other research states that accurate accounting software was developed in 1999 by pt. cipta piranti sejahtera (cpssoft developer of accurate software) and has been applied by more than 50,000 users and cooperates with more than 30 leading universities in indonesia as accurate partners [8]. this research aims to develop one of the accounting applications to ensure the quality of data security for users in recording financial statements. at this time, everyone will prefer applications that have a good level of security. moreover, it will reduce the level of fraud and data leakage. this research used a descriptive qualitative method to collect data in accordance with field facts. techniques used through literature studies on accounting application security systems and supported by questionnaires are distributed online to obtain data from users regarding accurate accounting applications. 2. method this research used a descriptive qualitative method that can produce conclusions based on problems in research. this descriptive research method can determine free variables, whether only one or more variables [4]. this research population is students of universitas komputer indonesia who learn to use accurate applications because accounting students studied accurate. the sample is students majoring in accounting. sample techniques used purposive sampling, where respondents will be selected according to the criteria. thus, a library study of 19 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the security quality of accounting applications is required accurately in this study. in addition, we use questionnaires that are typically easy-to-assess responses and easy-to-analyze data [9]. the dissemination of questionnaires online using google drive and intended for accurate users who are accounting students. flexible data retrieval time in january 2021 to 34 respondents. 3. results and discussion 3.1 accurate technology accurate uses sql-based firebird server databases from client server classes to serve users without important performance. sql stands for structured query language, being the language for extracting information from data [10]. client/server technology with rollback capability [11]. client/server technology is built into a network that covers two connected computers such as the server and the client. then, the client can send the request to the server to return a response to the client. the client can also send one or more to the server when processing data to perform certain things or tasks, and the client is provided with the service by the server part [12]. here is an overview of how the client/server is connected, as shown in figure 1. figure 1. client/server overview accurate has a reason in choosing client / server technology. it is shown as follows: a. flexibility flexibility is intended when users can select a variety of existing tools as needed. b. reduce network traffic it will reduce network load because the server pc only sends the necessary answers from client requests, not sending the entire database file. c. capacity the size of the client/server owned in gb is no longer mb. d. speed request respons server client 20 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech if using client/server data, the search time can be faster than others. e. scalability more databases can run on multiple platforms such as linux, windows, and others. this will make it easier to add servers with increased needs in the future. f. integrity and security client/server allows both parties to fulfill what they need. like end-user can use the desired tools to read data while mis can back up the entire data from one place and limit the parties who can read and change it. g. programmable can write business rules and program in a database server that will make general nature rules do not need to be re-listed on each application created. h. transaction control database servers can update multiple tables at the same time and make sure they are successfully updated. that way, the accurate application can maintain its main properties, namely easy use (user friendly) and high accuracy, which will give satisfaction to the user [11]. accurate's security method is layered and encrypted at the initial display when it starts entering data. database encryption is more focused on using encryption to convert a text into a partially encrypted database. it is not readable by anyone except those who understand encryption keys [14]. the application form of accurate encrypted security system will appear as in figure.2 figure 2. login view on accurate 21 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2 shows a display when the user opened the accurate application. then, choose the place or folder where the data storage is wanted, followed by selecting the accurate base set-up to be used. after entering the company data, accurate will ask the user to enter the user id and password once accurate is ready to use if it has finished the stages. there are several sections related to the process of sales, as described in table 1. table 1. related sections sections task administration record and calculate the overall cost to be given to the customer. write down all the transaction data that occurred. support technical prepare items ordered by customers. owner receive and check reports on transactions made by customers. in table 1, it is explained about the tasks of each section [15]. thus, minimizing the loss of a sense of responsibility for the task that must be done. moreover, when an error occurs, it can be checked the error comes from which part, such as when an error occurs in the number of items recorded with the goods coming out. then, we can find out it happened due to an administrative error while recording the transaction. a flowchart is a graph that becomes a means to document a sequence of operations, which functions as a means of communication in the form of images from one party to another [15]. data processing in accurate application is shown in the form of a flowchart that is shown in figure 3 [16]. customer administration support technition owner figure.3 start most recent booking checking goods orders goods available record orders create a letter of order sob so create a delivery order form si sales invoice record transaction s preparing financial statements receiving goods checking items making payments preparing goods packing orders checking financial statements financial statements finished 22 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. flowchart accurate 3.2 development modeling the model suggested in this study is called dynamic data encryption strategy (d2es). in other studies, it was mentioned that this model is designed to protect user data at the highest level when using applicable devices and networks. figure 4 shows the high-level framework on the d2es model, where the main procedures and techniques used in d2es are, "the first to classify the data package according to the level of privacy. then, the second determine whether the data package can be encrypted under the time limit" [17]. r data package privacy level classification ded algorithm unencrypted data encrypted data 23 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in another study, it is explained that d2es results from consideration of big data privacy issues and practical implementation. the recommended models have been designed to maximize the efficiency of privacy protection. an algorithm that supports that model is ded that has been developed for dynamic alternative data packages for encryption under different time limits [15]. 3.3 questionnaire results the sample targets are 25 women (73.5%) and 9 men (26.6%). the data source results show that all the applications are already the most accurate and fairly difficult. in addition, the level of security and the difficulty in the financial statements are excellent. the target samples show that they strongly agree to repeat layered security features before files are saved (see table 2). table 2. response percentage no questions value 1 never used the accurate app 100% 2 the use of the accurate application helps record financial statements 100% 3 security in accessing data in accurate application is guaranteed 85,3% 4 the use of accurate accounting application is quite difficult 58,9% 5 addition of security features in accurate application at the end (save file) 97% from table 2, it is explained that the accurate accounting application is very helpful for the listing of financial statements. although half of the responses mention that the application is quite difficult, the security in using the application is maintained. 4. conclusion from the results, the accurate accounting application already has a sound security system. however, with the development of information technology nowadays, we decided to develop a security system in the application by adding a d2es models with a high-security level. it will be inserted at the end when the user will save the file or data that has been created in the accurate application. it is secured with a unique code that certain parties or users only use. that way, the information that has been created has a level of indiscriminate data conversion or cheating decreases. figure 4. structure d2es 24 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 17-24 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] verent, v. 2020. perancangan sistem pencatatan akuntansi pada royale laundry (doctoral dissertation, universitas internasional batam). 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komputer indonesia, indonesia 3departemen akuntansi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *irwan.tarmawan@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. in the era of communication technology development, podcasts have become a means for audio-based content distribution. the purpose of this research is to explain the effectiveness of podcasts as alternative media for learning and audiobased content distribution. the method used in this research was a descriptive method with interview and observation techniques to obtain information. the results showed that with the increasing development of podcast media, many people use it as a learning medium. the conclusion obtained from this research is that with the existence of podcast media, learning can be done variedly and innovatively. podcasts are also rated as an effective medium without the need to take so much effort to be able to get creative and innovative content in them. creators can also share materials that they master easily, time-savingly, and more affordable to audiences. 1. introduction the podcast comes from two syllables, namely "ipod" and "broadcasting” [1]. podcasts are digital audio media that can be downloaded at certain online platforms use internet access. one can download discussion material that they want to hear and can be heard at any time if they want [2]. in the millennial era, the generation currently dominating in indonesia, namely students with the main characteristic attached to digital technology. the current use of podcasts has touched education, namely as a medium of learning. the existing learning media requires development to become more accessible, used, and understood by students. a lot of once audio media were created to provide flexible learning tools. podcasts have become an application that is widely used today to get the desired information. through podcasts, people can listen to the things they want to know easily. podcasts can therefore be fruitfully studied in-depth to capture how the interaction between the podcast speakers (re)produces a particular universe [3]. in this 21st century, digital technology has developed rapidly. the general public already has a device, laptop, or computer at home. likewise, general internet access used because there are already many sectors that carry out their activities online, such as business, social, to education. the development of this technology, especially information and communication technology, is a lot offers various conveniences in mailto:irwan.tarmawan@email.unikom.ac.id 2 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech learning, especially the availability of media learning. the learning media is a tool that functions to convey learning messages in a planned manner so that a conducive, efficient and learning environment occurs effectively [4]. as downloadable content, they can carry podcasts on portable devices and listen to them in places that suit them, such as on busses, cars, and while exercising, making them a valuable affordance for blended and distance learning [5]. previous research with a similar topic was conducted by berry entitled a golden age of podcasting: evaluating serial in the context of podcast histories, journal of radio & audio media. it became an opportunity rather than a threat, one that public broadcasters [6]. another study was conducted by güler et al. that discussed podcast applications in preservice language teacher education from a constructivist perspective. wherever the present study attempted to explore the perceptions of pre-service teachers towards the potential of podcasting in promoting the constructivist approach in, for example, is language learning [7]. and next, another study was conducted by florini about the podcast “chitlin' circuit”: black podcasters, alternative media, and audio enclaves, journal of radio & audio media which discussed. the podcasts also share heavily overlapping audiences. will be found many of the same people in the chat rooms of various podcasts or leaving reviews and listener feedback for multiple shows in the network [8]. also, previous research with a similar topic was conducted by phillips entitled empowering students: using technologyenhanced learning to foster learner autonomy, in pannonia research award: regionale und europäische zukunftsfragen regarding producing podcasts requires students to master several skills, including researching and analyzing information, creating an outline, drafting and editing a script, and repeated rehearsals to practice pronunciation and fluency [9]. also, another study was conducted by clare et al. regarding ‘it was all in your voice’ tertiary student perceptions of alternative feedback modes (audio, video, podcast, and screencast) and regarding the current study is the first to examine the podcasting diffusion phenomenon by integrating the perspectives of social discourse, normative influence, and behavioral theory, the main objective here is to help advance theory development in new media diffusion research [10]. unfortunately, the gap of previous research includes not showing such an extraordinary role from the podcast itself. it is always identical to the language learning method and is done formally, even though podcast learning material is not only done formally because students can listen intensely yet relax. the purpose of this research is to analyze and determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency to explain the effectiveness of the role of podcasts used as alternative media for the learning and distribution of audio-based content. 2. method this study used descriptive qualitative research methods by conducting literature studies from other various studies and distributing questionnaires to the community. this research prioritizes discovery problems in data quality rather than the number of samples drawn. 3. results and discussion with the growth and development of communication technology, all media have become multimedia. previously all media was separate, visual and audio. audio media is considered less supportive of the learning process and boring when used in the classroom. but now, audio media is increasingly in demand with time and technology. people are becoming more 3 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech and more mobile and don't have time to open their devices to get information. the podcast is a digital recording medium that is distributed over the internet and is usually delivered in an episodic format. most podcasts are in audio format, but some are in pdf or video file format but are rarely used. podcasts can be played on computers or mobile devices that can play digital audio files, including smartphones, ipods, and other mp3 players. it can be played on a digital music platform. for example, it can be played on spotify, apple podcast, soundcloud, and many more. the most common format is mp3. by using audio files that can be read on multiple devices, we can listen to content while doing other things such as driving a car, traveling, or exercising. listening to audio podcasts through mobile devices is another form of mobile learning. podcasts have the advantage of time efficiency and can do multitasking like someone can hear learning during other activities [11]. moreover, podcast playback can be done by replaying topics, because it has been downloaded beforehand. this can be a definite advantage of podcasts compared to radio. in fact, people can listen to podcasts while waiting for the train, eating breakfast, and other moments. there are many kinds of topics to listen to on podcasts. it is different from radio, where information and advertisements broadcast on the radio are spread right away. in the learning process, podcasts provide opportunities for teachers to share interactive audio content which learners can listen to anytime and anywhere. a learner only needs to subscribe to the podcast feed, and instantly, the teacher can send them educational content without waiting. podcasts can be easily used in schools, universities, or educational institutions and enhance the learning process. from the obtained graphic results, many people did know about the podcast. however, there are still a minority of people who did not know what podcast is. socialization about the podcast as medium learning studies is needed to give insights to people who currently did not understand podcasts. therefore, the podcast can continue to keep in touch with the current technological medium (see figure 1). 4 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. people are understand about podcast as a medium learning studies many people listen to podcast content that talks about psychology, business, language, self-development, etc. with a relaxed discussion but not leaving seriousness in delivering content, many people end up making podcasts an alternative, creative, and innovative learning medium. based on the survey results obtained, 60% knew about the podcast as a medium learning study. however, 40% do not understand the podcast as a medium of learning studies. there are still many people who do not understand how to create learning content on spotify because they still think that how to do it is difficult. it turns out that if we find out more about how to do it, all is not as difficult as it thinks and only needs a few ways to do it easily. the required tools are a microphone, a smartphone with good speaker quality, audio editing applications such as adobe audition, audacity, and many more. after that, the podcasts are published episodes of learning content via podcast using the anchor application, and it will automatically be published on spotify. ideally, audio podcast activists work on topics that are in the field of interest and their abilities. besides, it is necessary to consider the availability of resources to produce selected topics [12]. for more detail, the following is explained the steps to share podcast contents ( see figure 2 ). 60% 40% people are understand about podcast as a medium learning studies unserstand don't understand 5 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. steps on how to share podcast content as an audio-based alternative learning media similar to radio, finding a radio station is the first step. after finding the desired channel, users can subscribe. when users subscribing to a channel, there will be a notification to users for new episodes. 62% of users listened to a podcast as a learning medium alternative because they are bored with the conventional learning method. in the second quarter of 2019, published by spotify, the growth of podcast listeners is claimed to have increased as much as 50% over the previous quarter. party spotify itself has announced that indonesia is the only market in asia with the fastest growth in content consumption of audio [13]. users need an extraordinary method of learning, and they feel that by getting learning knowledge from podcasts, they will get additional knowledge that may not be obtained when learning is carried out as usual, especially amidst the pandemic. meanwhile, 38% of users listened to a podcast just to get other entertainment (see figure 3). 6 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. people listen to podcast as medium learning the role of podcasts as medium learning studies is to enrich learning and educations. the potential of the podcast lies in its excellence; accessible automatically, easy, and control is in the hands of the consumer, portable, and always available [14]. podcasts can provide benefits for both teachers and students or listeners, such as improving listening and understanding skills. if used properly, podcasts can be a powerful and positive learning medium. based on this discussion, this learning can support previous research on the use of podcasts as an alternative learning medium from the development of communication technology and digital evolution. there have also been many educational institutions that have successfully implemented podcasts into their education system and received positive results. this is supported by the easy process of producing and distributing creative and innovative content and the various ways in which podcasts can enhance the learning experience. some of the benefits of learning that can be obtained by using podcasts such as: • a creative source of information conventional learning methods emphasize the teaching format, which continues to be the standard in classroom learning. however, not all teachers are able to lock the focus of students that easily zone out after a few minutes. podcasts that are informative, well-crafted, fast-paced and entertaining, can capture a student's attention and imagination. it doesn’t mean that every teacher has to produce their own podcast. they can use existing free podcasts. many sources can be taken, for example, itunes, spotify, google music, soundcloud, and others. • to increase understanding the role of podcasts as medium learning in the future is to improve comprehension skills through listening. many students are able to absorb more information when they listen than reading, in some cases even three times as much. this encourages the discussion process, 62% 38% people listen podcast as medium learning yes no. 7 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech which can encourage creative thinking and open communication between teachers and students. • as an instrument to be able to learn foreign languages another advantage of podcasts as a learning medium is the ability to hone foreign language skills. many podcasts share learning content, such as using the english language, for example. listening to unfamiliar words can help learners learn correct pronunciation and contextual meaning. • can stimulate the ability to think creatively podcasts can also be used to stimulate creative thinking skills, critical thinking, and artistic talents. one of them is by giving several podcasts content about creative thinking and implementing it into a project. 4. conclusion the role of podcasts as alternative medium learning studies is to enrich learning and educations. podcasts can provide benefits for both teachers and students or listeners, such as improving listening and understanding skills. if used properly, podcasts can be a powerful and positive learning medium. podcasts can be easily used in schools, universities, or educational institutions and enhance the learning process. some of the benefits of learning that can be obtained by using podcasts such as a creative source of information, an increased understanding, an instrument to be able to learn foreign languages and can stimulate the ability to think creatively. acknowledgment we want to express our gratitude to the rector of universitas komputer indonesia that has given us insights in conducting the research. references [1] ho, c. t. b., chou, y. h. d., & fang, h. y. v. 2016. technology adoption of podcast in language learning: using taiwan and china as examples. international journal of eeducation, e-business, e-management and e-learning, 6(1), pp. 1-12. [2] schreiber, c., & klose, r. 2017. mathematical audio-podcasts for teacher education and school. teachers and curriculum, 17(2), pp. 41-46. [3] askanius, t. 2019. studying the nordic resistance movement: three urgent questions for researchers of contemporary neo-nazis and their media practices. media, culture & society, 41(6), pp. 878–888. [4] maulana, a., sekartaji, g. t., arthur, r., & dewi, l. k. 2019. pengembangan media video presentasi pada mata kuliah hidrologi di universitas negeri jakarta. kwangsan, 7(2), pp. 295729. [5] drew, c. 2017. edutaining audio: an exploration of education podcast design possibilities. educational media international, 54(1), pp. 48-62. [6] berry, r. 2015. a golden age of podcasting? evaluating serial in the context of podcast histories. journal of radio & audio media, 22(2), pp. 170-178. [7] güler, s. & özkan, y. 2018. podcast applications in pre-service language teacher education from a constructivist perspective. world journal on educational technology: current issues. 10(3), pp. 131-141. 8 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 1-8 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.id/index.php/injuratech [8] florini, s. 2015. the podcast “chitlin'circuit”: black podcasters, alternative media, and audio enclaves. journal of radio & audio media, 22(2), pp. 209-219. [9] phillips, b. 2015. empowering students: using technology-enhanced learning to foster learner autonomy. in a. trink (ed.) pannonia research award: regionale und europäische zukunftsfragen, pp. 83–94. [10] killingback, c., ahmed, o., & williams, j. 2019. ‘it was all in your voice’-tertiary student perceptions of alternative feedback modes (audio, video, podcast, and screencast): a qualitative literature review. nurse education today, 72, pp. 32-39. [11] hutabarat, p. m. 2020. pengembangan podcast sebagai media suplemen pembelajaran berbasis digital pada perguruan tinggi. jurnal sosial humaniora terapan, 2(2), pp. 107–116. [12] nwosu, a. c., monnery, d., reid, v. l., & chapman, l. 2017. use of podcast technology to facilitate education, communication, and dissemination in palliative care: the development of the amipal podcast. bmj supportive & palliative care, 7(2), pp. 212-217. [13] tricahyono, d., utami, l. w., & safitri, w. 2019. the impact of viral marketing on consumers’ intention to use (case study: spotify indonesia). in 1st international conference on economics, business, entrepreneurship, and finance (icebef 2018), pp. 674-678. [14] drew, c. 2017. edutaining audio: an exploration of education podcast design possibilities. educational media international, 54(1), pp. 48-62. 140 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech technology on e-payment systems e s soegoto1, r a rahman2* 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2fakultas teknik dan ilmu komputer, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *reza2107@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to examine the importance of technology in business, especially in terms of transactions. the method used in this study was a descriptive method by reading from various international and domestic journals. the results of this study were identification of how simple and important technology was in influencing payment systems that were slowly changing from conventional to electronic payments (e-payment). we also discussed what information related to epayment, such as safety, functions, and available features from using this e-payment system. 1. introduction a payment system is an interaction or fund transfer activity consisting of two or more actors who have the goal to meet the needs and obligations in the present or the future [1]. one business expert stated that the scope of the technology, namely manufacturing products and services and technology in the business field are human knowledge, equipment, work methods, processing systems, electronic equipment, communication equipment, hardware, and software used [2]. another research explains that electronic payments were already have been invented. the use of electronic payments for transactions began in the early 1970s in the financial sector. many applications involve electronic funds transfer (eft) as the movement of money from financial institutions through telecommunications networks. even the automated teller machine (atm), which began in the 1980s, is an electronic form of payment. every time people use an atm, it means they involve transactions made through a computer network [3]. with the increasing number of users on the internet and market shifts to the internet, the role of electronic payment systems is very important. in this study, we consider electronic payment systems where the payment instrument is e-cash. these systems are divided into two types, namely online and bidding. the online electronic payment system is a system wherein money transfers between the payer and the recipient of the payment are made in the presence of a third party, usually a bank or an atm, and guarantee on the authenticity of the money transferred [4]. electronic payments in e-commerce refer to online transactions made through the internet, although there are many other forms of electronic payments. electronic payments can also be interpreted as a payment process that is carried out without using paper money. the electronic 141 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech payment system consists of credit card transactions, electronic wallet (e-wallet) and electronic cash (e-cash) [5]. the new type of e-money scheme has been introduced. the dominant form of the e-money system is server-based. top-up funds will be saved on a central server. they guarantee users will get greater convenience and lower regulatory costs than the first generation of e-money. e-money is divided into two sub-categories: first, it consists of a new type of e-money account with email address or phone number, and second, it offers prepaid funds specified amount by providing access numbers to funds that can be entered for expenses [6]. other research explains the most important ingredient for strong growth in conducting electronic commerce, in the long run, is e-payment [7]. the revolution caused by information and communication technology (ict) has resulted in many e-commerce that has also created new finance, which in many cases is difficult to fulfill by traditional payment systems. in this case, almost all e-commerce explores various types of electronic payment systems as well as issues around electronic payment systems and digital currencies [8]. nonetheless, payment systems with poor security practices can disrupt the developing economic stability. security failures can result in the use of financial resources being inefficient [9]. an efficient electronic payment system is essential in business today. nevertheless, payment systems in this manner can cause many security issues. however, it can also maintain public security such as preventing fraud because protecting customer privacy is important. [10]. many researchers focus on the system and security in e-payment while we are focusing on the functions, effects, and usefulness of it. the purpose of this study is to identify technologies that can change payments more easily. the research used a descriptive method. 2. method this research used a descriptive method. in collecting the data, we collected them from various sources of international and domestic articles. through this method, we discovered the modern payment system and also used previous research on related matters with technology as a payment system. this research used dana as case study. 3. results and discussion an expert said that the field of the technology for products (manufacturing) and services in the business field are human knowledge, equipment, work methods, processing systems, electronic equipment, communication equipment, hardware, and software [2]. to facilitate the payment, a lot of e-payment companies offered different types of products so that the customers were more comfortable. moreover, they offered promo to attract new potential customers. e-payment allowed its users to make transaction without using paper money. however, they still needed to have enough balance on it. they simply had to bring their cellphone and installed the application. many features were available on the main menu. on dana application, some features such as games, digital vouchers, cashout, electricity, water, bpjs, and many more might greatly facilitate customers (see figure 1). 142 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. main menu. on the top up display, customers would top up the balance directly through its application by clicking top up and selecting the available payment methods. these features accepted payments via debit card, bank transfer, agent, and others (see figure 2). figure 2. menu top up balance on the dana application menu, there is mobile recharge feature for purchasing mobile credit and internet data. if you wanted to purchase the mobile credit, you could click on the 143 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech mobile credit menu, enter the phone number, and if the number was correct then there would be the list of providers. afterward, you had to click the nominal amount (see figure 3). figure 3. mobile credit menu besides mobile credit, dana also offered internet data. we had to enter the phone number, then selected the desired package (see figure 4). 144 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. menu internet data then, there was telkom payment menu for paying the indiehome internet bill. we had to click on the telkom menu, then entered the telephone number (see figure 5). 145 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. menu feature telkom after that, we had to click the next button. if the number was correct, detailed information about payment such as the total price, then the due date, the name of the customer, customer id would be displayed on the screen (see figure 6). figure 6. payment detail on the other hand, if the balance was insufficient, we could immediately top up the balance in the menu (see figure 7). 146 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7. payment transaction the payment of insufficient balance could be done with debit or credit cards, bank transfers, and others. 4. conclusion in conclusion, with the development of technology, it was able to shift the payment method. the existence of e-payment can facilitate the payment process. the use of e-payment is also easy, effective, and efficient to save time because it does not require a lot of time to make transaction. references [1] sunarya, p. a., saptoro, a., & peh, z. 2017. utilization setting menu to build company accounting system in web based accounting online system. aptisi transactions on management, 1(1), pp.1-10. [2] soegoto, eddy soeryanto. 2014. entrepreneurship menjadi pebisnis ulung. jakarta: pt elex media komputindo kompas gramedia. [3] khan, b. u. i., olanrewaju, r. f., baba, a. m., langoo, a. a., & assad, s. 2017. a compendious study of online payment systems: past developments, present impact, and future considerations. international journal of advanced computer science and applications, 8(5), pp.256-271. [4] baldimtsi, f., chase, m., fuchsbauer, g., & kohlweiss, m. 2015. anonymous transferable e-cash. in iacr international workshop on public key cryptography (pp. 101-124). springer, berlin, heidelberg. 147 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 140-147 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech [5] junadiª, s. 2015. a model of factors influencing consumer’s intention to use e-payment system in indonesia. procedia computer science, 59, pp.214-220. [6] heil, d., & prieger, j. e. 2016. macroeconomics aspects of e-commerce. in encyclopedia of e-commerce development, implementation, and management , pp. 2300-2314. igi global. [7] chae, j. s. u., & hedman, j. 2015. business models for nfc based mobile payments. journal of business models, 3(1), pp. 1-10. [8] amagoh, f. 2016. determinants of e-government diffusion in nigeria: an examination of theoretical models. information development, 32(4), pp.1137-1154. [9] swapna, n. 2020. the role of it industry in the development of indian economy. studies in indian place names, 40(8), pp.100-110. [10] kang, b. y., wang, m., & jing, d. y. 2018. an off-line payment scheme for digital content via subliminal channel. journal of information science & engineering, 34(1), p171-192. 22p. 103 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 103-108 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech how to become technology-based entrepreneur e w anggraini1, s i p persada2* 1fakultas ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen desain komunikasi visual, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *satria.indrapraja@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. this study aims to describe the millennial generation to become online entrepreneurs, where the problem in this generation is a high level of consumption. therefore, this generation must be more observant to see business opportunities in popular activities on social media, especially instagram and utilize social networking as a market business. this research used a descriptive method and interviews to describe the ease of access to social media, the level of consumptive achievement in the millennial generation, and the widespread use of social media for the business market. the results of this study are the use of social media and more critical to see business opportunities by utilizing social networks that can meet our own needs and invest in small businesses. it can be seen from the many new business-based accounts used by millennials on social media. it can be concluded, that social networking has the best interaction between business owners with consumers and potential customers. besides, the smart and productive use of the internet can benefit business owners. 1. introduction nowadays, most of society spends more time exploring multiple media platforms at the same time, making social media closer to them and relates to things done throughout the day. moreover, social networking sites are now developing complex algorithms to match everyone's experience [1]. through the development of social networks using online, whose presence is now more than exchanging stories with friends but now can turn interactions into interactive dialogues. there are marketing and promotion opportunities that exceed standard intermediaries who can connect directly with clients. there are marketing and promotion opportunities that exceed standard intermediaries who can connect directly with clients. this trading opportunity refers to the use of social media in online shopping, buying, and selling products or services. trade includes online shopping, online markets, and hybrid channels that allow various participation in a buying decision. entrepreneurship is a field of business that seeks to recognize opportunities to create something new or created by individuals who then use various ways to utilized or develop to produce a broad range of results [2]. social media refers to the mode of conversation, the dissemination of content creation, dissemination, and communication between communities. on the other hand, social media has broken down the boundaries between writers and readers, while the consumption of information and the 104 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 103-108 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech process of distribution become inherent in the process of producing and sharing information [3]. therefore, trading through this social network enables buyers and sellers to actively participate in marketing as well as in selling products. meanwhile, social media is a means for consumers to share text, image, video, and audio information with one another or vice versa. social media is online media with its users who can easily get involved in sharing or creating blog content, social networks, wiki forums, and the virtual world. besides, social media has positive and negative functions, depending on their use [4]. e-commerce is an economic transaction whereby buyers and sellers are incorporated on the internet, forming contractual agreements regarding the placement of prices and delivery of certain goods or services as well as completing transactions through sending payments and contracted goods or services [5]. ecommerce sites need more attention and caution to structure, design, and fill their contents to be successful [6]. the use of social media by small entrepreneurs increased from 12 to 24% in just the latest time, and almost 1 in 5 uses social media as an online marketing technique [7]. entrepreneurship is also usually seen as a risky activity. however, the entrepreneur's view of risk will be different from others. they may have the information that most people do not have, or maybe he has enough confidence to explore [8]. besides, in realizing personal branding, time and effort are needed to develop and maintain online profits as well as the need to learn new tools to integrate them into the right mix [9]. entrepreneurs need to be aware of how their customers use new media, devising the best ways to communicate with them and understanding how to best deal with the worst possible negative about business on social networks [10]. this study aims to find out how big the business opportunities are in popular activities on social networks, especially instagram. this research used a descriptive method and interviews to describe the ease of access to social media, the level of consumptive achievement in the millennial generation, and the widespread use of social media for the business market. the rapid use of social media and the high level of consumer behavior in millenials makes the use of social networking as a business market to meet their needs or invest in small businesses as well as being able to look at business opportunities by utilizing social networks. 2. method this research uses a descriptive method to describe the significant influence of the ease of access to social media, the high level of consumer behavior in the millennial generation, and the widespread use of social media by utilizing social networks as a business market. to deepen this research, we also use a direct interview method on the owner of an online business media account on instagram called lapak second pasar jongkok to find out about business development through the use of social networks. 3. results and discussion social media is an effective business promotion because it can be accessed by the public so that the promotion network can be broader and not time-bound. social media is also an indispensable part of marketing and is the best way to reach a broad market or customers. social media such as facebook, instagram, and youtube have benefits for entrepreneurs compared to conventional media which tends to cost a lot. social media gives entrepreneurs a small fee to find what everyone says about them in their markets, without paying a lot to research the market [7]. 105 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 103-108 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech consumptive behavior in the millennial generation has good potential to open online markets, especially in the fashion sector such as lapak second pasar jongkok (lspj), which sells original secondhand shoes. besides, payment and delivery of products is easy, simple, and digitalized. as in the case of payments that can be made, consumers only need to do the transfer through banks provided by lpsj such as bni, bri, and bca. after making a transaction, the product will be sent via a shipping service such as jne or jnt, so that wherever consumers are, lspj can still send the product to the consumer's hands. this is where the benefits of social networking can help an entrepreneur to promote the goods they sell. where since its establishment, now lspj has more than 15,000 followers or prospective consultants. and more than 2,000 products he sold during the past 4 years (see figure 1). figure 1. lapak second pasar jongkok instagram account profile another benefit of social media is simple and easy to do the advertising. we can promote our goods only with the edit application via mobile phone. besides, the promotion can also be done by utilizing the existing features on social media, especially instagram such as instastory as an additional promotional tool. the photos displayed on this instagram page are quite good and clear and have good resolution, an attractive appearance in promotion must also be considered to attract the business market. therefore, consumers are interested in buying (figure 2). 106 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 103-108 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. shoes promotion display on lspj instagram entrepreneurs must have consideration in choosing a product or see other market prices that have similarities in product sales. in the post, there is clear information in the picture starting from the name of the item, size, price, number that can be contacted, and the method of payment. it can be seen, such as an affordable price offer with good quality being the selling power for lapak second pasar jongkok (see figure 3). figure 3. display images of products with low price information social media also makes it possible to interact quickly with consumers so direct feedback can also be obtained. as done by lapak second pasar jongkok where the interaction with consumers can be through the comments column or directly through media chat such as whats app or line. therefore, that business discussions also have a private space between business 107 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 103-108 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech people and consumers. besides, this direct interaction is also used to carry out testimonials on lapak second pasar jongkok services and products (see figure 4). figure 4. lspj chat rooms and testimonials 4. conclusion in conclusion, the presence of social media is very helpful and makes it easy for lower-middle entrepreneurs to market their products. the ease and speed of access offered are a consideration for entrepreneurs, especially with minimal or free prices that make promotional events more profitable for entrepreneurs. it can be seen, from the many new business-based accounts used by millennials on social media (online). consumptive behavior reflected in social media provides opportunities for business people to be moved to create new businesses that can be marketed, especially on social media. because of this, the attitude of creativity and intelligence in utilizing social media must be shared by millennials. the use of social networking for promotion has the best interaction so far, both between entrepreneurs and consumers and prospective customers. besides, the smart and effective use of the internet is very beneficial for entrepreneurs. acknowledgement the author would like to thank for prof. dr. ir. eddy soeryanto soegoto, mt who has provided insights on entrepreneurship and those who helped in the process of making this paper. 108 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 103-108 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] ulfah, i., sumarwan, u., & nurrochmat, d. r. 2016. marketing mix factors that influence the desire to purchase fruit beverages in the city of bogor. indonesian journal of business and entrepreneurship (ijbe), 2(1), pp. 33. 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[10] aichner, t. 2014. country-of-origin marketing: a list of typical strategies with examples. journal of brand management, 21(1), pp. 81-93. 172 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech productivity and flexibility improvement of straw mushroom house ivan sujana1*, fitri imansyah2*, noveicalistus h djanggu3 1industrial engineering department, tanjungpura university, indonesia 2electrical engineering department, tanjungpura university, indonesia 3industrial engineering department, tanjungpura university, indonesia email: 1ivan.sujana@industrial.untan.ac.id, 2fitri.imansyah@ee.untan.ac.id, 3noveicalistus.djanggu@industrial.untan.ac.id abstract. this study aims to improve the productivity and flexibility of the mushroom house to increase the production of straw mushrooms. determining the design of technical specifications and material requirements of the mushroom house is a process that is quite important in determining the success or failure of increasing straw mushroom production. qfd (quality function deployment) is used to obtain the best design based on the needs of the mushroom farmers. the needs of the mushroom farmers are then translated through qfd into technical specifications. mcdm (multi criteria decision making) is used to determine the material for the frame and blanket of the mushroom house according to the technical specifications of the qfd. critic (criteria importance through intercriteria correlation) is one of the methods of mcdm that performs an objective weighting of the criteria. a mushroom house was built based on the technical and material specifications obtained from qfd and critic. tests were carried out by comparing the productivity and flexibility between traditional mushroom houses and designed mushroom houses. the peroductivity of the mushroom house includes cleanliness, stability in temperature and humidity, the rate of growth of straw mushrooms in media. flexibility includes the ability to assembled and disassembled, easily mobilize from one place to another. keywords: mushroom house; qfd; mcdm; critic 1. introduction straw mushroom is one of the cultivated mushrooms that has a selling value. in west kalimantan, straw mushrooms can be bred in mushroom houses or grow wild on oil palm empty fruit bunches (opefb) planting media. as one of the areas producing crude palm oil (cpo), west kalimantan has a fairly large area of oil palm plantations. oil palm empty fruit bunches can be seen in figure 1. oil palm farmers take advantage of processed cpo in 173 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the form of opefb as a growing medium for straw mushrooms. oil palm farmers generally breed straw mushroom in traditional mushroom houses. traditional mushroom houses are built using frame materials derived from bamboo and wood. the roof and walls of the mushroom house were built using thin plastic materials, woven leaves, woven bamboo, and wood. the shape of the conventional mushroom house in thailand is like a cottage made with cogon grass [7]. traditional mushroom houses frame can be seen in figure 2. figure 1. oil palm empty fruit bunches (opefb) the main problem that occurs in traditional mushroom houses, among others, is the relatively short service life of the mushroom house between 1 -2 years. damage occurs due to the process of decay in the frame, roof, and walls made of organic materials. mushroom houses must have high enough humidity, this condition causes physical buildings to easily decay. the thin plastic used to control humidity and lighting is damaged by wear and environmental factors. the floor of the mushroom house will become increasingly unsterile because of the humidity factor that makes the floor of the mushroom house muddy. unsterile mushroom house conditions will affect the productivity of fungal growth because the growing media is overgrown by wild mushrooms. maintaining proper environmental conditions for growth of mushrooms is as important as securing good substrates [8]. the supply of opefb as a planting medium in each farmer group is unstable, some areas have excess supply of planting media and there are areas that lack planting media. to meet the supply needs, the planting medium needs to be moved from one area to another. media transfer activities lead to increased costs. figure 2. traditional mushroom houses frame to increase productivity and minimize costs, farmers need mushroom houses that can minimize some of these problems. to obtain a suitable design, the qfd method is needed as a tool to translate the needs of farmers into a technical design. rapid changes in product functional requirements cause product life to decrease significantly. these circumstances place a premium on companies' ability to develop products in a timely manner. so far, the approach method for conducting the product design and development process has been 174 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech developed in many fields. the qfd method focuses on consumer needs and coordination during the product production process. a qfd is a planning tool used to translate and ensure consumer needs are involved in design and production planning activities [4]. by using the qfd method, the needs of farmers will be accommodated because farmers are involved in the planning activities of mushroom house designs. material selection is a very important part of the design. in an effort to choose a suitable material for the designed product, there are many factors that influence it, including the operational environment, production process, cost, and availability. with many influencing factors, a multi-criteria selection method (mcdm) is needed [3]. product development has several stages, and the conceptual design stage is a very crucial part of the product development process. errors at the design and material selection stages will lead to product failure and increased costs. critic (criteria importance through intercriteria correlation) is a part of mcdm that uses objective weighting against criteria [1]. qfd can be used to interpret consumer voices into technical specifications. mcdm is used to select the best design and material for the product. qfd and mcdm can be used together to ensure successful product development [5]. in addition to involving farmers in determining the design, material selection plays an important role in supporting the success of the mushroom house design. material selection errors will have a negative impact in terms of cost and design failure. 2. data collection and processing 2.1. qfd data collection users, who in this case are oil palm farmers, mushroom farmers, and rice farmers, are used as resource people in conducting interviews. based on the results of these interviews, a questionnaire will be designed to identify the needs of mushroom houses that will be designed and built later. farmers who have previously cultivated edible mushrooms first provide a statement regarding mushroom cultivation, and later the solution from that statement will be interpreted as a necessity. the user statements and their interpretations can be seen in table 1. table 1. user statement no user statement intepretation of need 1 the land and traditional mushroom houses that are used will become slums over time easy-to-clean mushroom house 2 the traditional mushroom house that still uses a wooden frame is damaged due to decay factors mushroom house frame is strong and sturdy 3 mushroom house blankets do not consistently maintain light intensity, humidity, and temperature due to wear and tear factors a strong and consistent mushroom house blanket maintains light intensity, temperature and humidity 4 the transportation cost of bringing in opefb planting media is quite high kumbung can be mobilized and brought closer to the supply 5 limited land area that can be used to build kumbung and its supporting facilities mushroom house is easy to disassemble and flexible to adjust the size of the land 2.2. qfd data processing priority requirements are used to determine the order of priority of the technical requirements of an attribute that will be applied to the designed tool. priority needs are divided into two types, namely absolute importance and relative importance. priority needs 175 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech are then translated into a house of quality. the qfd priority requirements can be seen in table 2. table 2. requirement priorities no technical requirements absoulute importance relative importance priority 1 mushroom house can be disassembled and installed 131,24 18,96% 1 2 using quality iron 48,03 6,94% 9 3 the connection between the frame is strong 69,82 10,09% 5 4 using hollow iron 70,83 10,23% 4 5 making connections between frames 85,77 12,39% 2 6 mushroom house is well covered 36 5,20% 10 7 using a quality tarpaulin 85,38 12,33% 3 8 has air vents that can be opened and closed 53,93 7,79% 7 9 mushroom house using thick and flexible tarpaulin 61,38 8,87% 6 10 mushroom house using dark tarpaulin 49,8 7,19% 8 starting from collecting the voice of customer data until it is processed into a quality function deployment, it can be built as a quality house or a house of quality (hoq) from the mushroom house that will be designed. the following is a hoq of the mushroom house that will be designed and built. the hoq can be seen in figure 3. mushroom house is lightproof mushroom house is airtight mushroom house produces healthy mushrooms mushroom house easy to mobilized mushroom house easy to assembly and disassembly mushroom house frame is light mushroom house frame is strong and strudy mushroom house easy to clean m u sh ro o m h ou se u si n g da rk ta rp au li n m u sh ro o m h ou se u si n g th ic k an d fl ex ib le t ar p au li n h as a ir v en ts th at c an b e o pe ne d an d cl o se d u si ng a q ua li ty t ar pa ul in m u sh ro o m h o us e is w el l c ov er ed m ak in g co nn ec ti on s b et w ee n fr am es u si ng h o ll ow ir on t he c on ne ct io n be tw ee n th e fr am e is s tr on g u si ng q u al ity ir on m u sh ro o m h ou se c an b e as se m b ly a n d di sa ss em b ly n or m a li ze r aw w ei g ht r aw w ei g ht im p or ta n ce r a ti ng 4,60 4,07 3,80 4,80 4,73 4,00 4,13 4.20 22 11 25 12 26 15 14 14 15 7 8 18 18 10 10 10 ranking relative importance absoulute importance 131 48 69 70 85 36 85 49 18% 6% 10% 10% 12% 5% 12% 7% 9 31 2 104 75 61 49 8% 6 7% 8 figure 3. house of quality (hoq) 176 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2.3. critic data collection there are several specifications of galvanized hollow iron, namely size, thickness, and length, where these specifications will affect the physical properties of the iron, such as the strength of the iron and the ease with which the iron is fabricated. in making decisions that involve criteria, galvanized hollow iron is collected, which has the criteria of weight, thickness, and ease of fabrication. blankets made of tarpaulin have several basic specifications, namely weight, flexibility, thickness, and durability. the galvanized hollow iron specifications can be seen in table 3. the tarpaulin specifications can be seen in table 4. table 3. hollow iron material alternative iron type weight width thickness fabrication hollow galvanis 25x25 0,9 4,11 25 0,9 1 hollow galvanis 25x25 1,6 7,08 25 1,6 4 hollow galvanis 25x25x 2 8,84 25 2 1 hollow galvanis 30x30 0,9 mm 4,89 30 0,9 2 hollow galvanis 30x30 1,6 mm 8,61 30 1,6 5 hollow galvanis 30x30 2 mm 10,96 30 2 1 hollow galvanis 20x20 0,9 mm 3,2 20 0,9 1 hollow galvanis 20x20 1,6 mm 5,54 20 1,6 4 hollow galvanis 20x20 2 mm 6,92 20 2 1 table 4. terpaulin alternative tarpaulin type weight flexibility thickness resistance a3 118 1 1 1 a5 146 1 2 2 a8 195 1 3 3 a12 225 1 4 4 pvc 230 5 5 5 2.4. critic data processing based on the calculation of the multi-criteria value, the selected material is 30x30 1.6 mm galvanized hollow iron, which has the largest multi-criteria value of 11,182. thick hollow iron has better strength. however, the thicker the iron, the heavier the iron will be. heavy iron will affect the ease of disassembling the mushroom house. in addition, if you choose iron with a smaller thickness, it will reduce the strength of the iron. based on this, it is necessary to use a material selection method that has specific multi-criteria. the selected mushroom house blanket uses a pvc tarpaulin with a multi-criteria value of 69.7. pvc tarpaulin has the highest level of flexibility and thickness, so it is very suitable for maintaining temperature, humidity, and light and supporting loading and unloading activities. the weight of the pvc tarpaulin will be able to be supported by a frame that has a specification of 30x30 1.6 mm. the distribution of the weight of the tarpaulin will be evenly distributed on the frame. the multi-criteria value rank of hollow iron can be seen in table 5. the multi-criteria value rank of tarpaulin can be seen in table 6. 177 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 5. hollow iron frame multi criteria value iron type multi criteria value rank hollow galvanis 25x25 0,9 7,767 6 hollow galvanis 25x25 1,6 9,337 4 hollow galvanis 25x25x 2 9,271 5 hollow galvanis 30x30 0,9 mm 9,423 3 hollow galvanis 30x30 1,6 mm 11,182 1 hollow galvanis 30x30 2 mm 11,055 2 hollow galvanis 20x20 0,9 mm 6,285 9 hollow galvanis 20x20 1,6 mm 7,698 7 hollow galvanis 20x20 2 mm 7,537 8 table 6. tarpaulin multi criteria value tarpaulin type multi criteria value rank a3 34.8 1 a5 43.1 2 a8 57.5 3 a12 66.3 4 pvc 69.7 5 3. design and production 3.1. mushroom house technical design a technical drawing of the mushroom house was made based on the specifications obtained from the qfd and critic calculations. the technical design is made using autodesk software. the technical design is used as a guide to carry out the mushroom house production process. to facilitate the disassembly process, a series of iron bars are built that can be tightened and stretched. flexibility is obtained by providing a connection between the piles that can move according to the movement between the frame posts. figure 4 is a series of stretched left-and right-frames. figure 5 shows a series of truss parts left and right that are closed together. figure 4. the left and right wall frames are stretched 178 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. the left and right wall frames are closed together in order to be easily stretched and tightened, at the bottom of the frame pillars are given wheels that can be pulled on the foundation floor that has been given a path. figure 6 is a picture of the connecting post between the left and right flexible frames. the connecting pole serves to bind the left and right frames. in the horizontal connecting post, the two frames are joined together by means of slot ties on the left and right sides of the frame. the vertical connecting pole serves to tie the horizontal pole to the floor foundation. a curved roof frame is formed to be able to withstand rainwater. by making a curved design, water will flow on the left and right of the roof. the roof design can be seen in figure 7. figure 6. left and right frame link figure 7. roof disassembly and install there are four main elements of the assembled mushroom house, including left and right flexible walls; connecting frames; roofs; and foundations. the foundation frame serves as the holder of the frame. aside from being a support, the foundation also functions as a path used to tighten and stretch flexible walls. the foundation helps the assembly process on uneven and soft ground. by providing a foundation frame, the mushroom house frame can stand upright on the land. the results of assembling the frame before and after being assembled can be seen in figure 8. 179 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8. foundation frame and mushroom house frame assembly the design and size of the mushroom blanket are adjusted to the size of the front, back, left, right, and roof walls. for easy installation, the left and right ends are provided with holes that can be used to help install and dismantle the blanket on the frame. in addition to assisting assembly activities, holes are used for fastening pegs so that the blanket is tightly tied to the frame and foundation. the blanket is given a connection in the form of a zipper at each corner of the frame. the provision of zippers aims to assist the disassembled activities. the blanket design can be seen in figure 9. figure 9. mushroom house tarpaulin design 3.2. mushroom house production the production of the frame and roof begins with the cutting of the hollow iron based on a predetermined size. after being cut, the frame is assembled using flexible joints and tested. the process of testing the flexible wall truss can be seen in figure 10. flexible frame testing is carried out to ensure the frame can move freely as designed. figure 10. production and flexible frame testing mushroom house blankets are produced by cutting and joining pieces of pvc tarpaulin together. the process of uniting the pieces is done by sewing and hot glue. the hot glue process is carried out by flowing hot air on the surface of the tarpaulin, and then gluing the two surfaces together by applying pressure through iron rollers. the zipper and holes are 180 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech made by sewing using nylon thread. the blanket production process can be seen in figure 11. figure 11. mushroom house blanket production the assembly process is carried out to ensure that the shells and blankets can function properly. assembly is carried out by preparing the foundation. the assembly of the foundation is carried out using bolted joints. after the foundation is installed, the left and right flexible walls are connected using the front frame connectors. the roof trusses are installed one by one in order, and after completion, the rear truss connector is installed. recheck the bolt and slot connections to ensure the connection is firmly fused. the pvc tarpaulin blanket is installed after the frame is firmly established. the installation process begins by stretching the blanket and then pulling it up to the roof until the entire frame is covered. the process of fastening the zipper at each corner of the frame is carried out to ensure the blanket is properly attached. the results of assembling the mushroom house framework can be seen in figure 12. the blanket assembly can be seen in figure 13. the results of the mushroom house assembly can be seen in figure 14. figure 12. frame assembly figure 13. assembling the frame and tarpaulin blanket 181 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 14. new design mushroom house 4. testing and analysis the mushroom house testing was carried out by taking data in the form of assembling and disassembling time, temperature, humidity,and productivity. the measurement results of the mushroom house data were then compared with the traditional mushroom house data. 5 trials were carried out by combining the amount of labor with the time required to assemble and disassemble the mushroom house. the average mushroom house assembly time is about can be seen in table 7. the average mushroom house disassembly time can be seen in table 8. table 7. average mushroom house assembling time total manpower assembly time (minutes) 2 90 3 60 4 45 5 38 6 35 table 8. average mushroom house disassembly time total manpower disassembly time (minutes) 2 105 3 80 4 65 5 52 6 40 182 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 172-183 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on the disassembly and assembly time data, the longest assembly time was 90 minutes and was carried out by 2 people. the fastest assembly time takes 35 minutes and is carried out by 6 people. the longest disassembly time took 105 minutes and was carried out by 2 people. the fastest disassembly time took 40 minutes and was carried out by 6 people. the process of building a traditional mushroom house can take 3–4 days and requires a total workforce of 3 people. when compared to traditional mushroom houses, the designed mushroom houses are superior in terms of time and ease of assembly and disassembly. the mushroom house frames and blankets can be loaded into pick-up trucks and then transferred from one oil palm plantation to another. humidity and temperature measurements were carried out in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night. data was taken for 30 days using an arduino microcontroller to record the temperature and humidity values. the data is then processed to determine the average value and range of temperature and humidity. the measurement results show that the designed mushroom house can maintain humidity in the range of 70–80% and a temperature in the range of 30–35 °c in accordance with the standards required for the growth of straw mushrooms. the data showed that the average temperatures and humidity were 28,07 ± 2,25 °c and 93,89 ± 7,06% [10]. an important environmental requirement during the cropping of mushrooms is that the evaporating power of the air circulating over the beds should lie within specified limits [9]. based on 5 planting experiments, the growth rate of straw mushrooms in the designed mushroom house was more optimal when compared to the traditional mushroom house. the percentage of wild mushrooms growing on the oil palm empty fruit bunch media decreased by about 10–20%. oil palm empty fruit bunch media can be grown as much as 8590%. the increase in the amount of growth was obtained because the post-harvest land sterilization process could be done by dismantling the mushroom house. land, tarpaulin, and hollow iron frames can be cleaned that are exposed to direct sunlight, making the process of sterilization more optimal. 5. conclusion based on the results of research and measurements that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the mushroom house design is able to meet the needs of farmers in terms of productivity and flexibility. increased productivity can be realized by the ability of the mushroom house to maintain temperature and humidity and the ease of sterilization of land, frames, and tarpaulins. flexibility can be realized by the ease of assembly, disassembly, and mobilization processes. 6. acknowledgments we are enormously grateful for the supported by directorate general of higher education ministry of education, culture, research and technology, republic of indonesia. references [1] adalı, e. a., & işık, a. t. 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(2019). cultivation of straw mushroom (volvariella volvacea) on oil palm empty fruit bunch growth medium. international journal of recycling of organic waste in agriculture, 8(4), 381-392. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech application of single identification number on an identity card (e-ktp) in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 d kurniasih1*, a feryandi2, l nurmayanti3, p d usmany4 1departemen ilmu pemerintahan, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2,3departemen akuntansi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 4 departemen ilmu hubungan internasional, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *dewi.kurniasih@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. this research aims to analyze the efficiency of the single identification number on the identity card (e-ktp). the method used in this study was descriptive with the survey method, and to determine the efficiency of this study, we conducted questionnaires. this research results in several factors that determine the success of the single identification number's success on e-ktp, including technical and economic aspects. from some of these factors, technological factors are obtained. meanwhile, economic factors can help people to simplify administration anywhere without having to carry a different card. moreover, it also anticipates the scarcity of blanks. therefore, the single identification number of e-ktp can be efficient in carrying out its function as a multi-purpose single identification number in a digital card (e-ktp) that makes it easier for the public. e-ktp becomes a solution for the community problem that can use as a multifunctional card, which will make it easier for the community to carry out administrative activities. not only that, but the community is also facilitated by only doing one organizational activity. 1. introduction industry 4.0 relies on adopting digital technologies to gather data in real-time and analyze it, providing helpful information to the manufacturing system [1]. the administration requires technology because, through this technology, the orderly administration can be organized well [2]. the base technologies are composing of the so-called new information communication technology (ct), which includes the internet of things (iot), cloud services, big data, and analytics [3]. electronic administration (e-administration) uses information technology (it) in administrating public service deliveries in indonesia. id number as single identity number is a unique identification number integrated with various government and private data types [4]. single identification number (sin) and identity cards will form a national demographic database that can be the sole reference for various public service applications. the first previous study is the single identity number and its influences on compliance with taxation obligations. the study analyzes how a single identity number can affect the data collection of public taxpayers [5]. the other previous study analyzes actors and networks in mailto:dewi.kurniasih@email.unikom.ac.id international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the policy implementation of electronic id cards (e-ktp) in semarang city. overall performance of electronic id policy requires regulations, executors, tools, and systems. the actor approach is used to understand the whole aspect and how the entire actor functions are adequate because all aspects can be identified well [6]. by adding the single identity number with the analysis results, the implementation of the e-id card policy in cimahi city runs quite effective. but, it is not maximum. resources in the performance of e-id card policy in cimahi are also not maximum. bureaucratic structure in policy implementation of the e-id card in cimahi is considered quite good [7]. the other previous study analyzes the effectivity of single identity numbers in the implementation of ktp electronic, analyzes the performance of e-ktp in sidorajo sub-district, and is the first step in implementing sin. with sin, one person will have only one identity/ identity number (nik) until they die. the nik number in the e-id card will be used as the basis for all data. with the e-id card implementation, there is much progress, where there is already more complete population data [8]. the performance of e-ktp is very strategic for an integrated public service system and the primary source of information for the government to provide information to the public. the use of information technology by the government bureaucracy can help facilitate a series of community services. it includes information storage and management and mechanisms delivery of information from the organizers to the public and vice versa in oral and written form and presented manually or electronically such as the data in the e-id card [9]. every researcher has shown how e-ktp is helpful in every way. this research used to discuss the application of a single identification number in need of population administration using only one card that can be efficient and saves on spending on a blank identity card. the e-ktp chip interface meets the iso 14443a or iso 14443b [10], ektp form, an intelligent card, biometric technology, with this technology that can record the holder's biometric information, either fingerprints or different technology, would be encrypted on the card [11]. the 13.56 mhz rfid reader is used for reading the id number on the e-ktp, at mega328 microcontroller, a regulator of input/output circuits. the purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency of the single identification number on the identity card (e-ktp). this research method was a descriptive survey method to fill out the questionnaire to provide a reference to the efficiency of using a single identification number on the identity card (e-ktp). 2. method this research used the descriptive survey method. the survey method asked several respondents about their beliefs, opinions, characteristics, and behaviors that have occurred or are currently happening. therefore, the survey method is used to know about applying for a single identification number on an identity card (e-ktp). to determine the efficiency of this study, the researchers conducted questionnaires. they took a sample using random sampling with the respondents' characteristics consisting of 17 years old and over, use of identity cards such as driving licenses, health bpjs, taxpayer-identification numbers, and automatic teller machine (atm). 3. results and discussion a single identification number (sin) is a unique identity that everyone owns. this identity contains various individual information such as personal information, family data, asset ownership, and others. it can be said sin accommodates individual data related to financial international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and non-financial matters. with only one unique number, the government can access many things about the identity of that individual. with the implementation of this single identification number, it can produce a multifunction card that can be used for all transactions without carrying a different card. an electronic identity card is a document that contains demographic security system/control, whether from the administration or information technology based on a national population database [10]. 3.1 the technological factor technological factors are necessary for the continuity and convenience of human life. the use of the sin on e-ktp is one of the technical aspects that can make human life more manageable. from the questionnaire research conducted on 82 respondents (see figures 1 and 2). figure 1. the results of a survey of respondents' interest in multifunctional cards figure 1 above shows that on 82 respondents, 41.50% strongly agree that the existence of a multifunction card will make it very easy to carry out transaction activities. besides that, about 54.90% agree that a multifunctional card will make it very easy to carry out transaction activities. 2.40% is doubtful about the statement that the existence of a multifunctional card will greatly facilitate transaction activities. about 1.20% disagreed with the idea that the presence of a multifunctional card would greatly facilitate transaction activities. 0.00% strongly disagreed with the statement that the existence of a multifunctional card will significantly reduce transaction activities. the e-ktp structure consists of nine layers which will increase the security of conventional ktps. the chips are planted between the white, transparent plastic on the top two layers (seen from the front). this chip has an antenna in it that will emit waves when swiped. the e-ktp detector will recognize this wave to see whether the ktp is in the right hands or not [12]. figure 2 shows that 82 respondents were 47.60% who strongly agreed that they needed a multifunctional card. 43.90% agreed that they needed a multifunctional card. 7.30% were doubtful that they needed a multifunctional card. 1.20% disagreed that they needed a multifunctional card. 0.00% strongly disagreed they needed a multifunctional card. 1,20% 2,40% 54,90% 41,50% disagree doubt agree strongly agree international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. survey results of respondents who require a multifunction card from the results of research conducted on 82 respondents, many respondents wanted a sin on their e-ktp. according to the community, they would be significantly facilitated by this technology. currently, many people find it challenging to carry lots of cards, even though people need these cards to carry out administration and transactions. it is not to mention that if the community has a lot of cards, the district must do self-administration according to the card they have. this administrative process usually makes people lazy to do it because people must spend a lot of time managing this card's administration. they must spend time working, studying, and/or their precious gaming time. with the single identification number, the public will be more able to streamline their time. because of this single identification number technology, people do not need to carry many cards or carry out personal data administration activities to get as many cards as they want. this single identification number makes one card (e-ktp) multifunctional. this single identification number makes all the community's cards have the same unique number that everyone will have. the benefits of having a single identification number will significantly affect the indonesian people's lifestyle, especially for people who have very little free time. this breakthrough will be of great interest and benefit. 3.2 the saving factor figure 3 shows the results of the 82 respondents who took the survey. there were 46.30% of respondents strongly agreed with the statement that the sin use would help overcome the problem of scarcity of card blanks who participated in the survey. then 40.20% of the respondents agreed that the use of sin would help overcome card blanks' scarcity problem. 1,20% 7,30% 43,90% 47,60% disagree doubt agree storngly agree http://www.e-ktp.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/link-databse-e-ktp.gif international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. the results of a survey of respondents about saving on blank cards there is 12.20% of respondents who doubt the statement that the use of the single identification number will help overcome the problem of scarcity of card blanks. 0.00% disagreed about the idea that the utilization single identification number will help solve the problem of the lack of blank cards. information systems that have complexity, of course, have data storage (storage). computerized database systems aim to maintain processed data or information and make the information available when needed [13]. figure 4 shows the results obtained are. the results of the 82 respondents were 47.60% who strongly agreed with the statement that the single identification number technology as a multifunctional card would save government budgets. figure 4. the results of a survey of respondents about budget savings 35.40% of respondents agreed that the single identification number technology as a multifunctional card would save the government budget. 17.10% results for those who doubt the statement that with the single identification number technology as a multifunctional card will keep government budget. 0.00% of respondents who disagree with the information, the 12,20% 40,20% 46,30% doubt agree strongly agree 17,10% 35,40% 47,60% doubt agree international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech single identification number technology as a multifunctional card will save government budget. people nowadays always use technology to help them carry out their daily activities. in this 4.0 industrial revolution era, when viewed and reviewed, technologies have not performed optimally [14]. one of them is the use of the single identification number, which is still ineffective. a single identification number should be more valuable if it can make the community's cards multifunctional, as desired by the community today. with the existence of a single identification number and making multifunctional cards, this breakthrough will significantly benefit the government and indonesia's people. the government's benefits will feel that the government can minimize the problem of scarcity of blanks, and the government can also minimize the budget for card making, which will later be transferred to other budgets. based on the results of a survey of 82 respondents, it would make it easier to carry out the administrative process through a related website and accessed by the internet. all the information desired in population administration services can be accepted readily and precisely by the community and the concept of the internet of things (iot), making it easier for people to access procedures. processes and other assistance needed in the form of population data collection used with the concept of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the big state data [15]. 4. conclusion the community needs a breakthrough regarding a single card that can be used for various purposes of administrative and transaction activities. the solution to this community problem is that the e-ktp can be used as a multifunctional card, making it easier for the community to carry out administrative activities. not only that, but the community is also facilitated by only doing one organizational activity so that people can immediately have the cards they want. it will significantly help the community to make the time they have more efficient. if the sim card, npwp, bpjs, and atm functions can be combined into one card, namely the e-ktp, this will be a breakthrough needed by the community, helpful, and up to date. it can be realized by applying the single identification number technology to the e-ktp. with single identification number technology, sim, npwp, bpjs, and atm cards will have the same unique serial number, which will be listed on the e-ktp but will still be different for each individual. the benefits from applying this single identification number will make it easier for the public to carry out administrative and transaction activities. still, they can also help the government save blanks from solving the problem of scarcity and minimize the government budget for making cards that can later be moved to other budgets. acknowledgment we would like to thank profusely to prof. dr. ir. h. eddy soeryanto soegoto, mt. as a lecturer in the entrepreneurship course. this assignment that has been given can add knowledge and insight related to the author's field. the author also thanks all those who have helped the process of preparing this paper. references [1] frank, a. g., dalenogare, l. s., & ayala, n. f. 2019. industry 4.0 technologies: implementation patterns in manufacturing companies. international journal of production economics, 210, pp. 15-26. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 35-42 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech [2] kurniasih, d., & dwi yulianto, h. 2015. determination of development priority through e-government applications in the city of serang. ico-apict 2015. 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[15] sun, s., zheng, x., villalba-díez, j., & ordieres-meré, j. 2020. data handling in industry 4.0: interoperability based on distributed ledger technology. sensors, 20(11), pp. 3046. 184 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech devops main area and core capabilities adopting devops in the last decade: a systematic literature review jefri zulkarnain*, rizki firdaus mulya, tika pratiwi, widi pangestuti, fahma inti ilmawati 12345department of information technology, amikom university yogyakarta, indonesia email: *jefrizulkarnain@students.amikom.ac.id abstract. devops is a software development and operations collaboration that uses frameworks such as continuous integration, microservices, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment to create an agile software development process. automation, iteration, and continuous release and development are all devops principles. the purpose of this research is to learn about devops development over the last decade and how to potentially adopt the devops development process. the systematic literature review (slr) method is used in this study to locate, evaluate, and summarize relevant works published in the public domain between 2012 and 2022. the findings of this review will be used by researchers and practitioners as a source of information about devops core capabilities and main areas of devops from the last decade of devops adoption. keywords: devops, area, and capability. 1. introduction today, devops bridges the gap between software development and implementation in large organizations. a major goal of devops projects is the use of frameworks such as continuous integration, microservices, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment for agile software development processes. [1] part of the progress in this area is whether software is delivered to target users using dedicated mobile interfaces or software distribution networks, or delivered over the internet via servers (i.e., as a service). it is related. in the fast-evolving internet age, shorter distribution times are made possible by these new tendencies. in both the practitioner literature and the software development industry, formal work on devops has received a lot of attention. companies spend more time and money developing and delivering high-quality software at a faster rate as the software industry becomes more competitive. among the two continuous procedures intended to help businesses speed up the development and delivery of product features while preserving efficiency are continuous integration (ci) and continuous delivery (cde). while cde is worried about the possibility to distribute values to customers 185 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech fast and effectively by employing automation as much as feasible, ci enables integrating workin-progress numerous times a day. to enable automatic and consistent program deployment to production or client environments, it is crucial to fully include cde practice, even though ci is the first step toward doing so (i.e., cd practice). there hasn't been any serious effort put into thoroughly assessing and synthesizing the research on continuous practices. to understand how ci, cde, and cd practices interact with one another and what actions may be done to make the transition from one to the other successful and smooth, it is necessary to jointly explore these practices, resources, challenges, and activities [1]. this study seeks to understand devops development over the last decade by conducting a systematic literature review of devops methods, tools, issues, areas, and capabilities.as the market becomes more competitive and there is greater pressure to meet customer needs, entrepreneurs feel a need to adapt to the current trends. they can't keep making customers wait for a program to debut for months or even a year before asking for feedback on how it works. customers desire a connection that is active so they may provide continual feedback. to meet the demands of the present issues, more businesses must be agile and lean during the life cycle of product creation. for many years, businesses have frequently used process transformations (such as agile methods) in their application development. nevertheless, assignments are frequently dropped during the whole software development process. development moves more quickly than teams will implement new technology. it is frequently argued that the supply line that influences others has the most vulnerability. they must thus address the cycle's flaws at any time. according to the yearly "state of the art of devops" study, the proportion of devops teams increased from 19% in 2015 to 22% in 2016 and then to 27% in 2017 [2]. the absence of analytical investigations of devops' actual deployment outside of blog posts and surveys is a result of its increasing success. there aren't many case studies that look at devops in the context of continuous software development. devops is a viable strategy, but companies still need to change their culture and philosophy. several key principles support this idea: (1) automation: organizations need to automate processes, especially workflows, learn new code and configure infrastructure to reduce redundant effort and rework. (2) repeat: timeboxed sprints require writing small chunks of code to enable releases and subreleases, increasing the frequency and speed of deployments. (3) continuous release and delivery: continuous testing often helps you learn from mistakes and adapt to feedback to be more effective, save costs, and reduce implementation time. here, silos between development, it operations, and quality assurance are broken down by bringing teams together, fostering collaboration, and breaking down silos [3]. figure 1 depicts one of the key devops principles: continuous release and development. the benefits of continuous release and deployment are numerous. continuous deployment makes it possible to get early user and customer feedback. it permits regular and trustworthy releases, which raises client satisfaction [4]. despite establishing devops as an organization that is fraught with difficulties, camuto and langerman argue that the biggest barrier to devops adoption is a lack of education in the field. as a result, organizational management is unable to alter the development methodology. similar conceptual gaps exist between the development and operation teams, these gaps should be closed by tight cooperation and continual development and deployment processes. the most business struggle to create a "continuous development environment" because techniques like continuous integration and continuous testing, which can help to solve some issues, are lacking. due to the varying levels of understanding between the two teams, the 186 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech developers discourage working together because it could lead to resentment and other issues inside the organization. the availability of efficient tools is one of the main issues with devops adoption [5]. figure 1. key principles of devops 2. research methodology this study refers to kitchenhams for slr [6], which is supplemented by webster and watson's centric approach [6], which includes the following steps: planning: the process of conducting a systematic review and developing a review protocol (i.e. plan) that defines the basic review procedure. conducting: obtaining a study that will be the subject of an opinion using a previously constructed review protocol. reporting: the process of concluding a systematic review, which includes the review's opinion and disseminating the results to those who are interested. 2.1 protocol review protocol this study conducts an article review by conducting a literature review to identify the dataset to find out the proposed literature. to put it another way, we are looking for potentially different attributes or characteristics, so the enumeration used is as follows: search string. for devops capabilities. devops and (capability or capabilities or practice) for devops areas. devops and (area, principles, view, dimensions, and perspective) 2.2 data sources we collected from several sources related to the questions that we have previously described, this search we took from several sources: • ijcrt 187 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech • research gate • science direct • springer • ieee • google scholar 2.3 research question a comprehensive review of the literature was used in this study, with the goal of determining the potential state of devops development over the last decade. the slr method, which is used to gather experience from a variety of different studies in sequence, is the tool used to support evidence in other searches. any comparisons in the devops question are also included, as different results reveal varying amounts of useful information. the following hypotheses are tested to answer three research questions as a method of conducting research and limiting the scope of study rq1: what are the main devops areas? rq2: what are the core capabilities of devops? 2.4 conducting the review the review is carried out in the second stage of the slr methodology according to the review protocol mentioned previously and analyzes the data sources that have been summarized. the authors of the [7] guidelines recommend that five data sources be considered when conducting a systematic review of the literature during the software planning process. we are looking for data sources that mention important potential studies. in this study, a review of criteria with string searches presented in the table found 92 papers without duplicates in the last decade 2012-2022. after that, read the abstract to get aspects relevant to the documentation question. then from this car, produced 42 papers relevant to our research. the number of paper findings is shown in table 1. as demonstrated, the search aims to find all systematics that meet the aspects of the question that devops has already mentioned. table 1. number of paper findings data sources search result final selection ijcrt 4 3 research gate 4 3 188 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech data sources search result final selection science direct 7 3 springer 11 4 ieee 22 9 google scholar 44 20 total 92 42 3. results and discussion we have identified 42 relevant references to answer the existing research questions in this section, which is the final step of the slr methodology. we identified three main topics where there are areas and capabilities. the findings are analyzed to increase understanding of devops, which is a prelude to adopting devops. 3.1 devops area rq1 within that section, we will answer the first research questions, which are: what are the key devops areas? furthermore, it presents findings from a literature review that aims to identify the areas most frequently used in devops over the last decade. table 2 presents the main findings regarding the devops dimension. since there are no standards for categorization and related processes in devops [8], the author will proceed to detail the most frequent areas in devops practice. the results obtained after analyzing table 2 and only automation, technology, people, culture, and service that exceed 10 findings, the authors decide to describe areas a1 to a5. the description of each area will be explained from several reviews of previous findings. 3.1.1 automation it can be expected that manual work will be automated and the productivity of existing operations will increase. for example, automation streamlines cloud applications and improves the efficiency of information technology departments [9]. as we all know, devops has impacted software quality and automation is the number one factor in improving software quality [10]. in addition, there is automation that takes advantage of the potential for repeated and successful use on multiple servers for server configuration and management [11]. 189 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.1.2 technology the organization's technology and cultural behavior should influence the relationship with the organization or department in the overall strategic alignment of business and it [12]. support for some technology enablers such as b. introducing automation pipelines and crossfunctional organizational structures are critical to achieving the expected benefits of devops [13]. 3.1.3 people although devops is a pragmatic approach, it still requires a shift in organizational mindset and culture [3]. devops encompasses the entire lifecycle/process of delivering a solution or service and necessitates organizational and cultural change [14]. case studies, for example, were conducted at three different organizations to validate the developed model. the findings indicate that rmdevops is useful for evaluating and improving devops practices in software organizations [5]. 3.1.4 culture devops culture is a step for developers in producing good products for customers [15]. feedback from customers can be integrated into applications faster in a devops culture which keeps customers more engaged and satisfied [16]. furthermore, devops is a cultural and organizational change that is incorporated into the environment by focusing on what is required rather than a pump-and-dump strategy and delivering long-term value [17]. 3.1.5 service microservice is one of the architectural frameworks used as microservices in the development of more modern cloud software. with microservices, business processes can be easily automated and any necessary changes in business processes can be implemented by modifying the associated microservices [18]. a devops environment was also created to develop microservice-based applications such as predictive car maintenance (pcm) applications using project templates and shared pipeline configurations [19].table 2. devops areas literature review table 2. devops areas literature review id area references # of references a1 automation [18][20][13][11][21][22][23][4][24][25][26][27][ 28][17][10][15][29][30][16][9][10][31][32][3] 24 190 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech id area references # of references a2 technology [33][34][35][13][19][21][22][22][23][36][14][4][ 24][28][12][37][38][10][5][39][40][9][10][31][3 2] 24 a3 people [18][34][13][19][23][14][28][12][17][38][41][15 ][5][29][39][42][30][16][31][32][3] 21 a4 culture [35][14][26][27][12][17][41][10][15][5][16][3] 12 a5 services [18][33][19][21][36][14][25][39][42][40][32] 11 a6 measurement [43][26][28][37][44][38][10][5][42] 9 a7 process [18][34][45][25][27][41][15][29] 8 a8 sharing [26][10] 2 3.2 devops capability rq2 in this section, we identify 39 references related to capability devops and found 16 capability devops (c1-c16) which are detailed in table 3. we define the capability pool based on the previous literature study related to capability devops, literature study has been conducted by [6], [46], [47], [48], [49], and [50]. capability devops is a key activity in software and service engineering that entails planning, development, testing, and deployment. these activities are carried out on a continuous basis while paying attention to feedback from other activities [47]. a capability is defined differently from one study to another based on the concept of capability but has the same meaning [6]). the author has grouped the capabilities in table 3 and analyzed them in table 3 it was found that in c1 and c2 there is a very large gap, we also found between c5 and c6 there is a gap but not too far but after c6 to c16 the trend of the 191 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech emergence of capability continues to decrease. based on this, we define c1 c4 capability as the core capability of the 39 references that we have reviewed. table 3. devops capability literature review id capability reference # of references c1 continuous integration [18][20][34][35][45][19][21][23][36][14][4][43] [26][27][28][12][17][44][10][15][5][29][30][16] [9][32][3] 27 c2 continuous deployment [18][34][35][45][21][22][14][4][24][43][41][5][ 16][9][32][3] 16 c3 test automation [18][20][34][45][13][24][43][25][28][10][9][10] [31][32][3] 15 c4 continuous delivery [20][13][21][14][43][26][28][41][15][5][29][16] [10][3] 14 c5 continuous planning [34][35][45][21][22][14][4][26][17][41][32] 11 c6 monitoring automation [18][20][34][13][27][28][37][17][30] 10 c7 continuous testing [11][19][21][22][4][44][15][29][16] 9 c8 infrastructure as code [18][13][11][25][37][15][42][16][3] 9 c9 prototyping application [20][11][19][24][25][44][39][42] 8 192 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech id capability reference # of references c10 continuous monitoring [21][22][23][4][40][9][31] 7 c11 automated deployment [25][27][12][17][31] 5 c12 continuousfeedback [35][22][4][39][32] 5 c13 feedback loops between dev and ops [45][13][43] 3 c14 stakeholder participation [34][24][16] 3 c15 change management [4] 1 c16 process standardisation [12] 1 4. conclusion in this study, slr was conducted to find out the development of devops in the last decade by conducting a systematic literature review of the area, and the devops capabilities that were the determinants and contributions at the time of implementation. a total of 42 related references have been identified in answering research questions 1 and 2. rq1, areas have been obtained which include automation, technology, people, culture, and service, and have been defined. rq2, capabilities have been identified which include continuous integration, continuous deployment, test automation, and continuous delivery. based on this, the main objective of this study to answer the research question has been achieved. in this study we certainly have limitations, we cannot possibly avoid bias due to the lack of references we get from electronic databases, limiting certain languages certainly cannot make us present strong conclusions about area and capability. future research will further deepen the findings of the identified areas and capabilities and expand the topics on concepts, practices, tools, benefits, and challenges in adopting devops. 193 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 184-197 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] ståhl, d., & bosch, j. 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information systems used by management have a positive impact on organization success. based on the structural model's assessment, digital technology and accounting information system for management agility have a better strong outcome than the direct effect with a value of 85%. accounting information system for management are required to get over uncertainty in deciding and evaluating the causal relationship that occurs due to digital technology that continues to develop in the millennial era with the agility that companies need. the contribution of research so that companies continue to innovate with changing technological developments and a manager's agility is crucial in decision making. 1. introduction to survive, the company must improve its performance, where performance is the product of an employee's work in terms of quality and quantity in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him [1]. performance is the outcome of a procedure that applies to and is calculated over a period of time based on previously determined provisions or agreements [2]. one of them is by increasing employee welfare is critical because human resources play a key role in the company's system and development [3], mining companies in sweden [4] and australia [5] are engaging in corporate social responsibility activities, diversifying goods for coal companies in china [6], and using a specially developed client application model to manage results. mailto:watiaa19@gmail.com 12 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech adopting a renewable energy system to increase the shortand long-term financial performance of companies in romania [7], as well as in many other countries [8], conducting the climate preservation of maintenance china's practices include recycling hazardous substances and reducing corporate emissions [9], limiting exploring commodity and geographic diversification in improving the efficiency of spanish companies during the crisis economics [10], and debt on photovoltaic companies in china [11], assesses customer satisfaction with goods, as well as the quality of service [12], demographic traits, commitment, and happiness [13], hotel efficiency attributes [14] and quality control systems and the quality control scheme. business efficiency and customer satisfaction are essential factors for enhancing company performance, according to the report. the organization uses the results of customer satisfaction surveys to make continuous changes and modifications to company efficiency. one of them is the use of technology, which is critical in the company [15]. technology is a tool that is used to make work done easily and quickly. technology itself always develops from time to time from simple technology to continue to evolve into complex technology. this has created a difficult situation in the workplace: multiple new technological opportunities are perceived, but workers are unsure how to use and integrate them in product and service offerings [16]. digital technology has entered into various companies, because one of the benefits of incorporating digitalization into different business processes and procedures [17]. digitalization (the process of transforming analog data into digital data sets) is a digitalization system that is defined as the use of digital resources. the process of digital transformation is then described as a system-wide reorganization of the economy, institutions, and society [18]. although the above entails transition at all levels of society, digitization opens up unforeseen possibilities and provides the ability to produce fundamentally new products, services, and luxury goods by integrating various innovations (e.g. cloud technology, sensors, big data, 3d printing) [19]. this innovation can result in new ways of collaboration between businesses or changes in customer and employee relationships [20]. companies can achieve success in terms of efficient resource use by using these emerging embedded digital technologies. cost savings, increased employee productivity and performance, improved supply chain, and increased customer loyalty and satisfaction are just a few of the benefits [21]. during the covid-19 pandemic, digital technology company google released the covid19 community mobility report which can be accessed online and updated regularly. this report helps map the percentage of citizen mobility based on observations of the images and technology used in google maps products. in the report on may 13, 2020, it was concluded that in indonesia there was a decrease in mobility in the public transportation sector, minus 54 percent below the baseline, the retail and recreation sectors such as activities in cafes, recreation areas, restaurants, were recorded at minus 37 percent below baseline, while in the office sector minus 34 percent is below the product, even though there is a record of instability in the mobility chart due to confusion over government policies requiring citizens to work at home. in the case of bank mandiri, digital technology succeeded in protecting customer funds when hardware malfunctions occurred on july 20, 2019. the incident caused changes in the account data of 1.5 million customers from a total of 20 million customers owned by the stateowned bank. as many as 2,670 customer accounts were blocked because they were recorded as having received additional balances and had transferred them to other accounts. and the bank stated that there was no reduction in balances related to disruption of the payment 13 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech system and had normalized account balances that were affected by the maintenance of the information technology system [22]. legal observer untan turiman fachturaman nur said the current burglary of customer accounts has increasingly slashed public confidence in the banking world. how could we not, so far we have often been lulled by banking promotions regarding the greatness and reliability of technology. likewise, systems and standard procedures are relatively better in terms of security. however, along with this we are also presented with the many cases of fraud and fraud committed by internal banking personnel themselves [23]. strategies due to rapid changes and developments are currently needed in order to respond to rapid changes in consumer or customer demand [24]. tight competition among companies in certain environments, raising international standards and both controlling prices so much, brings competitive consequences for companies, one of which is the agility or company agility [25]. agility is an inevitable need in the era of digitalization which is so dynamic and fast in responding to changes in order, accelerating reform of the bureaucracy, structure, integrated regulation, streamlining of flow, to streamlining echelonization. strategic agility is the capacity to continue to adjust and strategic direction in the core business to create value for the organization, which is similar to flexibility, which is defined as the ability to remain flexible in the face of new developments, organizational agility is defined as the ability to remain flexible in the face of new developments [26]. mckinsey defines agility as an organization's ability to renew itself, adapt, and prosper in a rapidly changing world. agility, on the other hand, does not interfere with stability. agility is needed for stability for most companies to obtain the necessary information [27]. based on the survey, only 27% of respondents thought the company was agile. and culture is considered one of the biggest barriers to adapting to higher levels of agility, with 50% of respondents calling it a challenge. a deep-rooted culture of company practices and processes can prevent employees from offering new ideas and challenging the status quo [28]. information is a valuable source of performance driving that allows companies to take action according to company goals by following up on implementation and helping solve problems. information has the ability to boost an organization's productivity [29]. digital technology is currently increasingly important which will have an impact on the management accounting system [30], which has led to in the past few years, there have been some significant changes in accounting procedure [31]. accountants today must not only assume a new position in their organizations' management, but they must also be aware of the new practices and procedures dictated by evolving information technology and systems, as well as their effect on management accounting information systems [32]. management accounting systems are expected to prepare managers in forming the right format for managers with equal satisfaction with information needs managers who use information have prepared a management accounting system to be able to help organizations adopt and implement plans in response to their competitive environment [33, 34]. the management accounting information system is an organizational monitoring mechanism that can facilitate supervision by making reports and creating concrete actions for evaluating the performance of each component in the organization, with the increase in problem solving tasks faced by management, the design of management accounting information systems is not only oriented to financial data but is oriented to external and nonfinancial data. the function of the management accounting system provides an important 14 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech source of information to assist managers in controlling their activities and reducing uncertainty, so that they can help the company achieve its goals [35]. the phenomenon that arises regarding the lack of quality management accounting information systems and unqualified management accounting information systems occurs in the banking industry. trust in banking is not only related to the security of customer deposits at the bank, but also to the security of systems and procedures, the use of technology and human resources in providing services to customers. one aspect of risk that has not been widely anticipated until now is the failure of banking transactions through information technology (technology fraud), which is categorized as operational risk. in the case of pt bank century tbk, it was deemed to have the potential to trigger a systemic crisis, following a clearing error that was experienced by the bank's internal problems which indicated that the central bank did not provide transparent, accurate and timely information to the financial system stability committee (kssk) and the deposit insurance corporation. in addition, the information regarding the car (capital adequacy ratio) of century bank was not actual, so the decisions made regarding the amount of funds for the bailout differed, from idr. 689 billion to idr. 6.7 trillion. in order to face the asean economic community (aec) in the banking sector in 2020, the financial services authority (ojk) as the regulator views that the national banking industry still has a lot of homework to do in order to be able to compete with other banks from the southeast asian region [36]. this study develops the research described above. the important things that distinguish this research from previous research are as follows: 1) the effect of digital technology on the availability of broad scope information has been carried out, but previous research has not linked these two variables to company performance. 2) agility variables associated with company performance and management accounting information systems in this study are not only related to scope, timeliness; aggregation level, and level of integration. 1.1. agency theory in the financial literature, agency theory plays an important role in explaining the relationship between principals and agents in carrying out their respective functions and authorities. agency conflicts often arise due to information asymmetry due to differences in interests between the principal and the agent, which will lead to problems between the various parties involved. managers would eventually have considerable power rights in terms of how they divide investor funds due to the division of positions between shareholders as principals and managers as agents [37]. 1.2. digital technology digital transformation is driving change in the business world, because they build new internet-based technologies that have ramifications for the whole community [38]. digitization, on the other hand, is the method of transforming analogue and noisy data into digital data, digitization is a word that is used to describe any improvements in organizations and organizational bm as a result of the increased usage of digital technologies to enhance efficiency and expand business reach [39, 40], in the third step. defines unruh and kiron define digital transformation as the continuous interconnection of all market sectors and the adaptation of the actor's side to the needs of the digital economy, while unruh and kiron define it as the adaptation of the actor's side to the needs of the digital economy (2017). define 15 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech it as a restructuring of the level of the economic system, digital diffusion affects both institutions and culture. this form of digitization is progressing from a technological evolution to a phenomenon that can affect all forms of businesses. manufacturing companies should also go digital (for example, industry 4.0) because the physical and digital worlds are constantly colliding and need to work together [41]. this can be accomplished, for example, by incorporating the internet of things and services into manufacturing processes and extracting value through the analysis and management of data that can be used as a source of competitive advantage [42, 43]. as a result, many of the changes brought on by digitization threaten and turn existing divisions companies that formerly dominated the market are now up against new rivals that are redefining an old industry. meanwhile, customers have broad access to information through the internet and a variety of channels from which to choose. 1.3. agility agility refers to the ability to move quickly and easily and think quickly with a thoughtful method. the roots or origins of agility come from agile production and this is a concept that has been presented for several years. agile production has been accepted as a successful strategy by manufacturers which prepares them for extraordinary performance [44]. wymanoliver defines organizational agility as' the capacity of a company to be able to adapt indefinitely without having to make radical changes, a measure of agility on sensing agility the agility of decision makers [45, 46]. 1.4. company performance the dominant performance of the company used by previous researchers is the achievement of financial and non-financial factors. financial performance, if supported by non-financial aspects, will be more representative of the company's performance [47]. the final goal will be achieved, not only supported by financial factors, non-financial factors are also needed, such as processes that also play a role in achieving company goals. these two indicators can illustrate a broader perspective in measuring performance. today organizations focus on managing intangible assets (e.g., customer relationships, innovative products and services, high quality and responsive operating processes) of a non-financial nature, rather than managing tangible assets (such as fixed assets and inventories) [48]. 1.5. management accounting information system the management accounting system is a data collection, processing, storage, and reporting system for organizational and financial data. products produced by the management accounting system [49], present one of the most widely cited approaches to accessing mas characteristics, which includes scope, timeliness, aggregation and integration. in several studies, the information dimension is used as the dependent variable [50]. 1.6. hypothesis development companies with superior it capabilities outperform companies with inferior it capabilities, according to [51]. similarly, chen et al. discovered a significant relationship between it and company results [52]. found that digital orientation and digital capabilities have a positive effect on company performance. this research demonstrates that the characteristics of entrepreneurs and managers, as well as their embrace of modern digital processes, contribute 16 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech to increased company competitiveness. so based on the explanation above in this study it is hypothesized that: h1: digital technology has an effect on company performance gligor said that whether supply chain agility can also produce superior performance for companies operating in a stable environment [53]. the study results also provide a better understanding of how fsca contributes to a company's financial performance. said that low market volatility strengthens the impact of innovation capacity on financial results, and that market volatility moderates the indirect relationship between marketing agility and financial performance. [54], in his research, concluded that it capabilities act in the capacity of a company enabler processes and organizations that are responsive to market agility. so based on the explanation above in this study it is hypothesized that: h2: agility affects company performance managers sometimes do not realize the decline in company performance, so that the company has entered into a crisis zone that is considered serious. therefore, it takes strategies by managers to avoid this condition. one of these strategies is the existence of an information system that is orderly and as best integrated as possible. this data is unquestionably beneficial to managers in their planning, reporting, and decision-making processes. this data is sam information [55]. research conducted by chia regarding the relationship between decentralization, the management accounting information system characteristics and their effect on managerial efficiency shows that decentralization is significantly able to bridge the level of progress of each characteristic of management accounting systems in influencing organizational performance [56]. the sample was chosen at random from the telecommunications authority of singapore's business listing 1990. in the end, 48 questionnaires were used in the study's review. so centered on the preceding explanation in this study it is hypothesized that: h3: management accounting information system affects company performance digital technology affects management accounting information systems. in management accounting systems research based on the assumption of industrial evolution in digital settings, it requires assessing the stability of business model relationships in a rapidly growing digital economy [57], in studying organizations with sustainable information systems a process structure from a digital context [58]. the technology has an effect on management accounting information systems. so centered on the preceding explanation in this study it is hypothesized that: h4: digital technology affects management accounting information systems according to ekweli findings, there is a significant link between product creativity and organizational agility in the nigerian banking sector [59]. as a result, product innovation to join the nigerian banking sector resulted in high sensing agility, decision-making agility, and action agility, supporting the view of long-term management innovation and organizational maturity, where agility is one of the various methods and techniques for improving organizational efficiency. in general, in reality, achieving agility is part of a broader crossorganizational initiative to introduce fundamental changes or advancements to structures and sub-systems. as a result, the assistance is in the form of structural change, which includes: (a) a focus on quality improvement in the strategy-action-performance cycle, and (b) an 17 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech understanding of the value of aligning it, human resource management, and related operations. so based on the explanation above in this study it is hypothesized that: h5: agility affects management accounting information systems digital technology can improve monitoring and reduce the specification of existing relationships in explicit coordination, so that companies will invest in digital technology to coordinate between companies without worrying about high transaction risks. management accounting information systems play a critical role in performance assessment, providing data that is often used to determine the metrics that will allow an efficient performance measurement process. this procedure encompasses every part of a company's management cycle. throughout the literature review, several studies evaluating different types of performance were found, including the following performance dimensions: production performance [60]. so based on the explanation above in this study it is hypothesized that: h6: digital technology has an indirect effect on company performance by mediating management accounting information systems found that the results of the study showed a strategic partial relationship to the agility variable through path analysis. stated that a significant relationship was found between firm age and strategic agility, and between strategic agility and firm performance. pedroso said the results show that mas is directly affected by user task confusion and decision decentralization, as well as preparation and satisfaction. it is also affected indirectly by the assistance of top management [61]. furthermore, it is discovered that decentralization of managerial decisions has a direct impact on organizational success [62], management accounting information systems do not mediate the relationship between innovation strategies and financial performance, according to the findings of the report. the relationship between innovation strategy and financial performance is mediated by internal process performance. the relationship between innovation strategy and financial performance is mediated by management accounting information systems and internal process performance. so based on the explanation above in this study it is hypothesized that: h7: agility affects company performance through management accounting information systems mediation 2. method 2.1. sampling and data collection the objects in this research are digital technology, agility, management accounting information systems and company performance. the unit of analysis by sekaran et al, in their study at bumn bank in bandung, the authors chose the city of bandung, because bandung has certain characteristics as an object, or research target in saving costs and time [63, 64]. the population is all the objects under study, the sample used in this analysis is a saturated sample, in which the population is equal to the number of samples taken for a particular purpose or purpose, since saturated sampling makes it easier to collect data, more practical, inexpensive and does not require time to collect sample data [65]. data is gathered mainly through the distribution of questionnaires, then the data is tested for validity by validity testing, namely testing how well the instrument is selected and can be developed in measuring a concept and reliability, namely a test to measure how consistency is related. 18 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion 3.1. data analysis path analysis is the data analysis approach used in this research. path analysis is a technique for determining the magnitude of the direct or indirect influence of a series of independent variables on a dependent variable by examining the pattern of relationships between variables [66]. path analysis is also a method of multivariate analysis used to investigate the direct and indirect effects of a variety of variables hypothesized as causal variables on other variables known as impact variables. the causal relationship a model based on theoretical foundation has been used to form relationships between variables. the spss software will be used to analyze the data in this analysis [67]. the path coefficient of model 1, refers to regression model 1 the significance value of the independent variable is less than 0.05, as seen in the coefficient table section. based on these findings, regression model 1 is the best choice. the independent variable, in particular, has a major influence on the dependent variable. the r square represents the contribution of the independent variable's impact on the dependent variable. siam = βdt + βag + ε (1) path coefficient model 2, refers to regression model 2 the significance value of the independent variable is less than 0.05, as seen in the coefficient table section. based on these findings, regression model 2, i.e. the independent variable, has a substantial impact on the dependent variable. the r square represents the contribution of the independent variable's impact on the dependent variable. kp = βdt + βag + βsiam + ε (2) information: siam = management accountancy information system, kp = company performance, dt = digital technology, ag = agility, ε = error 3.2. results this segment delves into the study and findings of studies on the impact of digital technology. agility as a variable that is independent on company performance in the position of dependent variable with management accounting information systems as a mediating variable. this research relies on primary data by distributing questionnaires in the shape of google form. the characteristics of the 150 respondents were classified based on the gender of the respondent, 78 men (52%) and 72 women (48%), the respondent's education, 149 people from tertiary education (99%) and 1 high school (1%), this means most of the respondents were highly educated and able to understand the questions in the questionnaire and were competent in providing answers. judging from the average age of the respondents above 25 years, this shows that the respondents are mature and mature in their work and the average length of work of the respondents is above 5 years, this shows that the respondents are experienced in their work. 3.3. descriptive statistics 19 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech descriptive statistics or analysis is very important to do in a study because descriptive statistics have a useful purpose to analyze the responses of respondents to each indicator item in the questionnaire. table 1. descriptive statistic n range min. max. mean st.dev category statistic statistic statistic statistic stac. std.eror statistic digital technology 150 64 43 107 61.81 1.056 9.441 high agility 150 21 24 45 36.71 .594 5.311 high management accountancy information system 150 24 36 60 48.65 .760 6.801 high company performance 150 45 55 100 82.54 1.150 10.288 high valid n 150 on the basis of table 1, it can be deduced that descriptive statistics with a sample size of 150 respondents, digital technology variables show the results of descriptive statistical analysis with a minimum quantity of 0.43, a maximum quantity of 0.107, the average value showing positive results of 61.81 and a standard deviation value of 9,441. where the average value of digital technology is greater than the standard deviation value, resulting in a lower data deviation, the distribution of values is even. the results of descriptive statistical analysis show that the minimum agility worth is 0.24, the maximum worth is 0.45, the typical value shows a positive result of 36.71 and a standard deviation value of 5.311. where the average agility value is greater than the standard deviation value, resulting in a lower data deviation, the distribution of values is even. the results of descriptive statistical analysis show that the minimum value of the management accounting information system is 0.36, the maximum value is 0.60, the average value is 48.65 and the standard deviation is 6.801. where the average value of the accounting information system is greater than the standard deviation value, so the data deviation that occurs is lower, the distribution of values is even. the results of descriptive statistical analysis show that the minimum value of company performance is 0.55, the highest possible value is 0.10, the typical value is 82.54 and the variance from the mean is 10.288. where the average value of the company's performance is greater than the standard deviation value so that the data deviation that occurs is lower, then the distribution of values is even. furthermore, it can be seen that the average respondent's assessment of the digital variable technology, agility, management accounting information systems and overall company performance is included in the high category. this shows that some of the companies studied in bandung have digital technology, agility, management accounting information systems and good company performance in following developments in digitalization era technology with agility in making decisions and fast information systems in improving company performance. 3.4. data quality test validity checking is done using item analysis, which involves comparing the score of each item to the variable score (the sum of all the score item questions). pearson correlation is used in the correlation process. the question item is declared valid if it has a significant value below 5% (0.05). the results of the validity test in this study there were no question items that had a 20 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech significance value above 0.05, so that the items were declared valid and could be used in the study. reliability testing in this study was calculated by calculating the value of the cron-bach's alphainstrumen from each dimension of the variable being tested. if the cronbach's coefficient alpha value is greater than 0.6, then the answers from the respondents to the questionnaire as a measuring tool are declared reliable. if the cronbach's coefficien t alpha value is smaller than 0.6, then the answers of the respondents on the questionnaire as a measuring tool are declared unreliable. table 2 shows the results of the reliability tests. table 2. validity and reliability test variable / statement r calculate r table validity cronbach ᾳ reliability r hitung > r tabel cronbach ᾳ > r tabel company performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .711 .771 .659 .765 .695 .826 .766 .722 .594 .838 .832 .753 .758 .865 .850 .801 .712 .781 .837 756 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid .765 reliability digital technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .552 .565 .519 .503 .438 .402 .504 .604 .579 .667 .590 .451 .565 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid .676 reliability 21 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech variable / statement r calculate r table validity cronbach ᾳ reliability r hitung > r tabel cronbach ᾳ > r tabel 14 15 .585 .607 0.286 0.286 valid valid agility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .711 .796 .760 .834 .831 .751 .826 .755 .775 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid .784 reliability management accountancy information system 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .825 .804 .761 .832 .764 .870 .827 .794 .816 .861 .873 .848 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.286 valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid .779 reliability 3.5. hypothesis testing results table 3. hypothesis testing results hypothesis β std.error beta t sign. description dt → cp .080 .063 .073 1.269 .208 ha rejected ag → cp .409 .139 .211 2.943 .004 ha accepted mais → cp 1.071 .102 .708 10.498 .000 ha accepted dt → mais .113 0.69 .157 2.635 .106 ha rejected ag → mais .830 .123 .648 6.746 .000 ha accepted dt→cp→mais t count = 2.255 > t table = 1.199045 ha accepted ag→cp→mais t count = 4.169 > t table = 1.199045 ha accepted 22 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech h1, h2, h3, h4, and h5 hypotheses are tested using the t test and for hypotheses 6 and 7 using the f test as shown in table 3: h1: digital technology affects company performance. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 6.778, thus the t value of significance is greater than the t table or 6.778> 1.991673, this means that digital technology has an important impact on the success of the company. as that the first hypothesis which states that there is a significant impact between digital technology on company performance. h2: agility affects company performance. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 2.943, thus the t value of significance is greater than the t table or 2.943> 1.991673, this means that agility has a significant effect on company performance. so that the second hypothesis which states that there is a significant impact between agility on company performance. h3: management accounting information system affects company performance. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and the t count is 10.498, thus the t value of significance is greater than the t table or 10.498> 1.991673, this indicates that the management accounting information system has a direct impact on the company's overall efficiency. so, the third hypothesis notes that management accounting information systems have a direct impact on organization results. h4: digital technology affects management accounting information systems. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 2.635, thus the t value of significance is greater than the t table or 2.635> 1.991673, as a result, digital technology has a major influence on accounting and management information systems. as a consequence, according to the fourth theory, new technology has a significant effect on management accounting information systems. h5: agility affects management accounting information systems. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 6,746, thus the t value of significance is greater than t table or 6,746> 1.991673, this suggests that the management accounting information system is affected by agility. so, according to the fifth theory, there is a substantial impact of agility on management accounting information systems. h6: indirect effect of digital technology on company performance through management accounting information systems. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 2.255, thus the t value of significance is greater than t table or 2.255> 1.991673, it can 23 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech be concluded that the coefficient of management accounting information systems is able to mediate the relationship between digital technology and company performance. h6: indirect effect of digital technology on company performance in mediating management accounting information systems. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 2.255, thus the t value of significance is greater than t table or 2.255> 1.991673, the coefficient of management accounting information systems, it can be concluded, is capable of mediating the relationship between digital technology and company results. as a result, the sixth hypothesis notes that emerging technology has a major impact on organization efficiency, which is mediated by management accounting information systems. h7: indirect effect of agility on company performance as management accounting information system mediation. by using a significance of 0.05, the t value obtained at df = nk = (80 -4 = 76) is 1.991673 and t count is 4.169, thus the t value of significance is greater than the t table or 4.169> 1.991673, the management accounting information system coefficient, it can be inferred, is capable of mediating the relationship between agility and company results. so, according to the seventh hypothesis, there is a major impact of agility on organization results, which is mediated by the management accounting information system. 3.6. discussion based on the findings of this study's data analysis and hypothesis testing, it is clear that digital technology has a positive and important impact on business success. this demonstrates that the higher the company's efficiency, the better the digital technology it has introduced. the findings of this hypothesis are in line with research by kim, who found that digital orientation and digital capabilities have a positive effect on company performance [68]. using data interpretation and hypothesis testing as a foundation that has been carried out in this study, it shows that agility has a positive and significant impact on company performance. this shows that the better the agility applied by the company, the better the company's performance. the results of this hypothesis are consistent with research conducted, which states that supply chain agility can also produce superior performance for companies operating in a stable environment. using data interpretation and hypothesis testing as a foundation that has been done in this study, it shows that the management accounting information system has a positive and significant effect on company performance. this shows that the better the management accounting information system implemented by the company, the better the company's performance. the results of this hypothesis are consistent with research conducted regarding the relationship between decentralization, the characteristics of management accounting information systems and their effect on managerial performance. it shows that decentralization is significantly able to bridge the level of progress of each characteristic of management accounting systems in influencing organizational performance. based on data analysis and hypothesis testing that has been done in this study, it shows that digital technology is proven to have a positive effect on management accounting information systems. this shows that the better the digital technology implemented by the company, the better the management accounting information system. the results of this hypothesis are consistent with research by wadan et al., that the management accounting 24 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech system rests on the assumption of industrial evolution in a digital setting requiring an assessment of the stability of business model relationships in a rapidly growing digital economy [69]. based on the findings of this study's data analysis and hypothesis testing, it appears that management accounting information systems agility has a positive and substantial impact on company results. this shows that the better the agility, the better the management accounting information system implemented by the company. the findings of this hypothesis are in line with alessandro's research in order to establish a semantic model of organizational agility, in which a static or taxonomic approach to representing components and sub-components is transformed into a dynamic conceptual model of organizational agility. based on data analysis and hypothesis testing that has been carried out in this study, it shows that the management accounting information system mediation coefficient is able to mediate the relationship between digital technology and company performance. thus the increasing application of digital technology also increases the availability of management accounting system information which will provide many alternative solutions that can be considered so that company performance can be improved. the results of this hypothesis are consistent with the research by ismail which said that companies that have a good management accounting information system will also have good digital technology and the level of managerial performance will be even better [70]. based on data analysis and hypothesis testing that has been carried out in this study, it shows that the management accounting information system mediation coefficient is able to mediate the relationship between agility and company performance. thus, the increasing implementation of agility (agility) will also increase the availability of management accounting system information which will provide many alternative solutions that can be considered so that company performance can be improved. stated that a significant relationship was found between firm age and strategic agility, and between strategic agility and firm performance. said the results show user preparation, satisfaction, job uncertainty, and decision decentralization all have an effect on mas. it is also affected indirectly by the assistance of top management. furthermore, it is discovered that decentralization of managerial decisions has a direct impact on organizational success. 4. conclusion this study aims to test digital technology and agility on company performance by mediating management accounting information systems. from testing and analysis of the data, it can be shown that digital technologies, agility, and management accounting information systems have a huge positive impact on company success. the implications of this research are 1. for companies, they must continue to innovate with the development of technology which is constantly changing with the agility of a manager which is very decisive in decision making. for investors, it is hoped that investors can use the results of this research as a consideration and reference in making investors' decisions and should consider the level of competition with other companies. for further researchers, it is possible to add research respondents, so that the sample used is more and more representative in the hope that it can give stronger results, conduct research observations in other sectors and for further researchers can add other variables that affect company performance, for example leadership style, organizational structure and others. 4. for the government to be able to provide regulatory policies on banking. limitations in this study regarding the relatively short time used and the variables 25 international journal of research and applied technology 2(1)(2022) 11-29 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech used are limited to digital technology, agility, company performance and management accounting information systems. references [1] mangkunegara, a.a., anwar, p. 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[70] ismail,fajri.2018.statistika untuk penelitian pendidikan dan ilmu-ilmu sosial, jakarta : prenadamedia group. 76 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational cyber pr technology to build brand awareness m solihat1*, f p pratami2* departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: 1manap.solihat@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. the movement of tourism in indonesia is increasingly showing progress every year, coupled with increasingly rapid technological advances resulting in technological innovations in the tourism sector. information technology positively influences tourism sector, such as online ticket booking applications, especially during covid-19 pandemics. this study aims to determine how online ticketing applications affect tourism and their impacts during a pandemic. one of them is about the influence of ticket and hotel booking application technology in the tourism sector, affecting tourists' behavior in traveling, and the condition of tourism today. this study method was distributing questionnaires to respondents. the analysis used statistics to determine the effect of online ticket booking applications on tourists' increase in indonesia. this study indicates that this application makes it easy for tourists to travel, such as a hotel booking feature and purchasing tickets for tourist destinations online and increasing tourists' number. the majority of respondents stated that online applications help manage their trips during the pandemic. keywords: cyber, public relations, brand awareness, advertisement 1. introduction the role of public relations (pr) has become a necessity for many companies to compete in the current era of globalization. of course, this cannot be denied because public relations have the main function of forming and maintaining a positive image of the company or organization [1]. entering the era of new media, such as now, public relations are required to act dynamically following developments in technology and information, especially the internet; since then, in the field of public relations, the term cyber public relations has emerged. public relations are carried out to build and maintain an image, brand, and trust to the public, which is interactive via the internet [2]. one of the cyber pr activities to promote a brand is to build brand awareness. keller in rahayu revealed that brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize and remember a brand by only seeing certain logos or slogans used in promoting the products or programs it runs [3]. quoting from emarketer, globally, social media users in 2022 are estimated to increase to 3.29 billion, and it happens to be 42.3% of the world’s population [4]. meanwhile, in choi and greene’e’s study, in recent years, the growth in social media use by individuals to communicate and share content with other users has generated opportunities and challenges 77 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational for firms, offering a new tool to interact with current and potential customers [5]. ahmad et al., in their study, revealed if communicating the brand on social media plays an essential role in communicating the brand effectively to customers so that they can continue to connect with the brand [6]. the magnitude of the strength of communication made by a brand with customers will also have high customer loyalty. the most important thing is that the strong relationship built can lead consumers to their choice and loyalty to the brand [5]. cyber pr technology’s contribution in building brand awareness cannot be separated from negative impacts. placing the wrong brand strategy may cause a bad image in the company's reputation itself, and there is a possibility put the company in a bad situation such as: viral in social media, which does significant damage or suffer huge losses [7]. therefore, to avoid unexpected mistakes, companies should continuously improve cyber pr technology to build brand awareness to maintain customer loyalty to the brand [8]. from previous research that discussed cyber pr technology to build brand awareness, it is explained that in the era of new media, such as today, public relations must be able to act dynamically to keep up with developments of technology and information. it has also been explained that cyber pr technology through social media to build brand awareness can have a positive impact, create a loyal customer to the brand, and make customers select the brand as the product that they believe. cyber pr technology to build brand awareness will still be met with negative impacts, if you put the wrong brand strategy, it can damage the company's reputation, and there is the possibility to go viral to lead the company to suffer significant losses. however, in this qualitative descriptive study, students aim at seeing how effective cyber pr technology is to build brand awareness in today's times. students also survey to find out. 2. method this research is a descriptive study that used a questionnaire survey method. researchers collected some information from 32 respondents that shared it through social media or online from this survey. meanwhile, the survey collects all data from society or population through questions given by researchers to respondents individually. we obtained respondents who answered our question through this questionnaire, the average unikom student, students from other universities, and fresh graduate workers whose residence is in bandung, west java. 3. results and discussion the following is data obtained from questionnaires for our research titled cyber pr technology to build brand awareness: 3.1 the effectiveness of cyber pr to building brand awareness in the new media era it is shown in figure 1 that the effectiveness of cyber pr in new media such as per-now is beneficial to build brand awareness because, in the internet media, there are many advantages that companies can do to attract customers. companies must follow modern trends to make sure that the products they produce are sold and not outdated. according to isabel buil et al., in their research, they use internet media in their daily activities. it is advantageous for companies to promote their brand and increase brand awareness through social media platforms. with brand awareness, we can find out how well-known our brand in the consumers’ view. the company needs to attract consumers and build brand awareness to choose our brand. therefore, we need to promote the company's brand creatively and 78 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational uniquely to be remembered by the community. keller scientists argue that brand awareness grows when consumers recognize the company's brand [9,10]. the following is data obtained from a questionnaire for our research titled cyber pr technology to build brand awareness (figure 1): figure 1. the effectiveness of cyber pr to building brand awareness in the new media era in the first question survey, of the 32 respondents selected were: • 100% of respondents voted yes that cyber pr technology in the new media era was effective to build brand awareness from an average of 27 women and 5 men internet media technology that is mentioned by cyber pr technology is such as instagram, facebook, youtube, and other internet media. the development of internet media technology has been very fast and widespread and made us realize that in the modern era like now, we can do unlimited interaction and can also do business, social, and economic networks through the internet. with internet technology, many companies are utilizing internet media as a means of publication and communication to support the effectiveness of the company's operations so that consumers can select their products. brand awareness is one of the important components of brand equity. the first step to build brand equity is to create brand awareness. according to tong and hawley, brand awareness is a source of brand equity. brand awareness results in brand equity in four different ways: creating a brand node in consumer’s memory, providing a sense of familiarity of the brand in the consumer’s mind, acting as a signal of trust in the brand, and being enough reason for the consumer to consider the brand in his consideration set. one of the advantages of communication in social media is the ability to reach consumers because they are searching for information and expand brand awareness, helping to create favorable associations, which create a brand image [4]. 3.2 the influence of advertising on purchasing decisions for consumers it is shown in figure 2 that the advertisement is affects consumers' decisions when purchasing goods. according to chioveanu research, an advertisement could influence the 100% 0% the effectiveness of cyber pr to building brand awareness in the new media era yes no 79 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational decision to buy a brand that the consumer will choose; if the consumer has already chosen the brand could lead to loyalty as a customer. keller describes advertising as a type of communication for marketing that induces various effects on brand equity. besides, eng and keh, in their research, said that invitation in advertising was important for brand equity. it is also to influence consumers to choose the product. the brand's confidence can be equated with consumer confidence that consumers' brand will provide the expected equity value [9]. it means brand equity is the value of the brand carried by the company. for example, when we think of boba drinks, the first brand that you think of is the one that already has brand equity. in the second question survey, of the 34 respondents selected were (figure 2): figure 2. the influence of advertising on purchasing decisions for consumers • around (82.4%) or 28 respondents voted yes, that the influence of advertisements served or shown on the internet influenced a consumer's decision to buy products from the brand. • moreover, about (17 6 %) or 6 respondents chose not to, that the influence of advertisements served or shown on the internet did not affect a consumer's decision to buy products from the brand. • in this new media era, companies must know how to utilize and manage internet media to build a positive image and build brand awareness. with companies using internet media, consumers can see or choose our products appropriately [4]. • the following chart will explain whether brand ambassador can affect consumers. 3.3 brand ambassador influences consumer to choose product it is shown in figure 3 that the brand ambassador it could influence consumers to buy products. according to anderson and ekman, using brand ambassadors is more effective and more cost-effective than using advertising. brand ambassadors can also distinguish consumers' attractiveness and be an opinion leader who gives new ideas according to the public figure's image. quoted from rogers and cartano, brand ambassadors are usually people who can influence the community so that consumers can select the products they offer. 82.4 % 17.6% the influence of advertising on purchasing decisions for consumers yes no 80 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational usually, this brand ambassador is used as a representative of the company and becomes the company's face or icon [11] (figure 3). figure 3. examples that the brand ambassador influences consumers to choose the product. we take samsung products, for example. on the internet media, namely instagram, samsung posted a photo of bts. it is well known that currently, bts's popularity is rising; samsung took advantage of the opportunity by choosing bts as their product brand ambassador. as a result, sales of samsung's s20 series mobile phones ranked first in march 2020. it proves that brand ambassador is influencing consumers to choose products. in this survey, the brand ambassador influences you to buy or choose products (figure 4). figure 4. brand ambassador influences you to buy or choose products 73.5 % 26.5% brand ambassador influences consumer to choose product yes no 81 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational • around 73.5% or 25 people voted yes that the ambassador brand affected consumers to buy products. • approximately 26.5% or 9 people voted no, that brand ambassadors do not influence consumers to purchase products. 3.4 effective technology for cyber pr it is shown in figure 4 that cyber pr technology in the era of new media such as public relations must follow the development of technology, and the internet is growing rapidly, especially internet media. as cyber pr, we must do some activities to build brand, image, and trust to the public through internet media to continue to choose our products [2]. from the various internet media above, the survey also chooses that all internet media advertisements can raise products in a company or brand. according to mangould and faulds, the development of internet media is widely used by companies to change their product marketing. meanwhile, gallaugher ransbotham’s, tsimonis’s, and dimitradis’s study presented that companies use internet media to interact with consumers or customers, attract new customers, and share the latest information about their products and build the brand. the presence of social media for the company is to build and improve products so that the company can open information, needs, and opinions of wider customers, thus other companies are also increasingly interested in using internet media and more responding to information from customers to produce better products [5]. internet media provides some advantages to the company to communicate in two directions to shareholders. another advantage is that internet media could inform us whether consumers like or dislike the product or brand. however, internet media also has negative aspects, such as when someone comments negatively on the brand can automatically decrease loyalty to the company. many of the company's internet media was hacked [8]. in this survey, the most effective technology for cyber pr is as follow (figure 5): figure 5. effective technology for cyber 4 effective technology for cyber pr instagram youtube ads facebook 82 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational • around 76.5% or 26 people choose instagram as an effective internet media technology to build brand awareness. • around 20.6% or 7 people choose youtube ads as an effective internet media technology to build brand awareness. • about 2.9% or 1 people choose facebook as an effective internet media technology to build brand awareness. it is shown in figure 4 that cyber pr technology in the era of new media such as public relations must follow the development of technology, and the internet is growing rapidly, especially internet media. as cyber pr, we must do some activities to build brand, image, and trust to the public through internet media to continue to choose our products [2]. from the various internet media above, the survey also chooses that all internet media advertisements can raise products in a company or brand. according to mangould and faulds, the development of internet media is widely used by companies to change their product marketing. meanwhile, gallaugher ransbotham’s, tsimonis’s, and dimitradis’s study show that companies use internet media to interact with consumers or customers, attract new customers, share the latest information their products, and build the brand. the presence of social media for the company is to build and improve products to open information, needs, and opinions of wider customers. thus, other companies are also increasingly interested in using internet media and responding to information from customers to produce better products [5]. internet media provides some advantages to the company to communicate in two directions to shareholders. another advantage is that internet media could inform us whether consumers like or dislike the product or brand. however, internet media also has negative aspects, such as when someone comments negatively on the brand can automatically decrease loyalty to the company. many of the company's internet media was hacked [8]. 4. conclusion internet media technology is very useful for companies to build brand awareness so that consumers or customers remain loyal to the brand. cyber pr's job is to provide those creative ideas so that the brand is not outdated and still chosen ¬by consumers. companies can use advertising on internet media to attract new consumers, and companies can also choose the famous brand ambassador to attract a wider market to make the brand more famous. from internet media, companies can also interact with customers to produce better products. interacting with consumers will build their loyalty to the brand. 83 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 76-83 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational references [1] darwadi, m. s. 2019. pembentukan citra positif perusahaan melalui cyber public relations. e-jurnal ekonomi dan bisnis universitas udayana, pp.901-915. 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[11] sadrabadi n, a., sadraji k, m., moshizadeh, m 2018. evaluating the role of brand ambassador in sosial media. journal of marketing management and consumer behaviour. 24 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech optimizing muara coffee and space digital marketing strategy using instagram abidzar syehabuddin*, dewi pungkawati, entri melyani sahara departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: * abidzaryh77@gmail.com abstract. the purpose of this study is to research and analyze how the strategy is to optimize the digital marketing strategy of muara coffee and space using instagram to support increasing the marketing results of an msme. considering that we have entered the digital era where the use of social media is being widely used, the marketing strategy through instagram is very important because through instagram marketing strategies can be packaged in the most attractive way possible to attract the interest of consumers. can see direct feedback from consumers besides that instagram is also a platform that is currently widely used by the community so this research will produce ways to optimize instagram as a digital marketing medium for a business. this research uses descriptive analysis studies with qualitative research methods. the things discussed in this study are (1) instagram in networked consumers, (2) interaction in social media, (3) marketing strategy using instagram. from what will be discussed, this research will result in how to optimize social media as a digital marketing strategy to increase consumer interest. keywords: digital marketing, social media analysis, search engine optimization 1. introduction currently, we are entering the digital era, where we can feel that everything is done online including in doing business, many people use digital platforms to carry out their business activities such as muara coffee and space which uses digital marketing to promote its msmes, digital marketing strategies considered the most appropriate solution for marketing msme products amid a pandemic, because sellers and buyers do not have to meet in person but can exchange information and transact online [1], social media is currently widely used by business people as one of its marketing communication media. before marketing communication is carried out, some strategies support each other to achieve success according to the desired target [2]. the platform that is often in demand for digital marketing is instagram, almost everyone has an instagram account not only to share their photos and videos but not a few people also use instagram as a digital marketing medium for their business. but of course, the mailto:abidzaryh77@gmail.com 25 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech marketing strategy carried out through instagram does not always run smoothly to achieve the goal, plus the number of competitors also requires optimizing the use of instagram as a marketing strategy media to achieve the sales target of an msme. research on instagram optimization conducted by puguh kurniawan said that instagram can be an effective marketing medium because instagram can be accessed via the internet at any time, either from a computer or from a cellphone. communication is made easier. instagram provides communication functions, including message functions, chat, and others. instagram can also be a means for brand awareness through instagram and this has a positive impact on brand awareness and increases sales. their products.[3]. for optimization, instagram has many application features that can be used, including holding a pool (poll). with this poll application, business owners/agencies will get feedback from their customers randomly, so that the results of the poll can be used to determine further policies.[4]instagram optimization is by utilizing its features, eoptimization. -marketing using instagram social media is done to increase the quality of the product marketing process to increase sales volume for msmes.[5] 2. method the purpose of this study is to analyze related strategies for optimizing digital marketing strategies using instagram social media to support increasing the marketing results of an msme. this study uses a descriptive study analysis with qualitative research methods. 3. results and discussion a. muara coffe and space muara coffee & space is a cafe that was founded in 2021 with an industrial concept and is the only coffee shop in the cijerah area that sells korean food, established on february 13, 2021, located on jl. mendut bar. no.p-1, melong, kec. cimahi sel., kota cimahi, jawa barat. muara coffe and space equipped with wifi and music, it adds to the feel of being at home which makes visitors feel comfortable. the instagram account owned by muara coffe and space is named @muaraindustrial and currently has 220 users with 108 posts. their instagram contains information about the menu products they provide. they also use visual design to attract the attention of consumers. this is what the front view of the coffee and space estuary looks like, shown in figure 1. 26 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. muara coffe and space b. produk and price muara cofee and space has a lot of food and beverage products, of the many other products, muara has one of the mainstay menus, namely muara signature. muara signature is an interesting thing for consumers, shown in figure 2. figure 2. muara signature muara signature is robusta milk iced coffee with 2 shots of espresso + fresh milk + palm sugar suitable for those of you who like a strong taste and to relieve sleepiness when chasing deadlines and overtime. the price of this muara signature can be reached, namely rp. 18.000, with packaging that is ensured to be hygienic and safe. this information was obtained from a resource person, namely the staff of the muara industrial café. 27 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech c. digital marketing digital marketing is one of the marketing media that is currently very much in demand by the public to support various activities carried out [6]. in a society in the 4.0 era, digital marketing is currently a trend because currently, the internet is part of people's daily activities. the increasing use of the internet is also one of the factors that encourage digital marketing to increase [7]. according to dr. ir eddy soeryanto soegoto, marketing is a product in the form of goods and services that can be known, understood, and liked by the public and consumers that need to be marketed. to obtain maximum revenue, the marketing process must be planned with a good marketing strategy, namely by reviewing the current income situation, including opportunities and setting goals, and developing marketing strategies.[8] marketers or their entrepreneurs use social media such as facebook, twitter, and instagram to advertise using their mobile phones. this gave birth to innovation, namely car marketing. social media allows its users to communicate with millions of other users. for entrepreneurs and business owners, this is a huge potential as well as an opportunity to be used as a means of marketing communication and can increase the popularity of the business.[9] the main approach used by a business unit to achieve the goals that have been set includes decisions regarding the marketing market, marketing mix, and also the level of cost of use that is needed (kotler & keller, 2008). achieve the company's goals in developing excellence to serve the market and consumers that have been previously targeted [10] c. instagram digital marketing the profile of the instagram account of muara coffee and space is shown in figure 3. figure 3. muara coffee and space instagram account 28 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech of the many social media currently used, muara coffee and space choose instagram as their optimal digital marketing media, because instagram has many features and is free to use. besides that, muara coffee and space's target audience is young people, and as we all know that instagram is currently widely used by young people. instagram is also already attached to photos and videos, making muara industrial free to be creative to optimize instagram as its social media. • make discount promos the 25% discount promo from muara coffee and space is one of the strategies used in its promotion, as shown in figure 4. figure 4. discount promos in addition, there is also a 50% discount for certain drinks to market their products, as shown in figure 5. figure 5. discount promos holding promos and discounts is a strategy to attract consumers to visit muara industrial, information related to these promos and discounts is shared through instagram feeds with attractive designs. optimizing this discount promo will generate consumer interest in buying muara industrial products. 29 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech • instagram story poll feature to get the attention of followers, muara industrial also often holds poll content on instagram stories. the purpose of this poll is muara industrial hopes that consumers will join in on the fun. apart from that reason, the results of the poll can be used as an information and even material for future evaluation. this instagram poll was conducted to see how the consumer response from muara coffee and space is shown in figure 6. figure 6. poll feature 4. conclusion from the explanation above, it can be concluded that digital marketing is very important, especially nowadays where all things are required through online digital marketing, which can be done through any social media, but one of them is instagram, instagram is still widely used by the public, especially millennials, therefore muara industrial chose instagram. as social media for its digital marketing. instagram also needs to optimize its usability, such as taking advantage of existing features to make it more attractive and it can also increase interaction with consumers/followers. 30 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 24-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech acknowledgement praise and gratitude the author prays for the presence of allah swt who has given blessings and protects wherever we are and the author would also like to thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this paper. we also thank the indonesian computer university (unikom) as a place where the author seeks knowledge and has provided many opportunities and lessons to complete this paper on time. references [1] albashori, m. f. (2019). pengaruh biaya promosi terhadap volume penjualan tiket pada pt. garuda indonesia (persero) tbk branch office berau kalimantan timur. albama, 5(2), 112-127.. [2] soedarsono, d. k., mohamad, b., adamu, a. a., & pradita, k. a. (2020). managing digital marketing communication of coffee shop using instagram. international journal of interactive mobile technologies, 14(5). [3] siswanto, t. (2013). optimizing social media as a media marketing for small and medium business. [4] soegoto, e. s., & utomo, a. t. (2019, november). marketing strategy through social media. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering (vol. 662, no. 3, p. 032040). iop publishing. [5] thackeray, r., neiger, b. l., hanson, c. l., & mckenzie, j. f. (2008). enhancing promotional strategies within social marketing programs: use of web 2.0 social media. health promotion practice, 9(4), 338-343. [6] holm, o. 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(2004). return on marketing: using customer equity to focus marketing strategy. journal of marketing, 68(1), 109-127. 127 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information system for forex investment and their effects on investment growth in foreign currencies l puspitawati1*, a k ahmad2 1departemen akuntansi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *lilis.pupitawati@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. this study aims to provide an overview of the growth of the foreign exchange (forex) industry and its prospects in indonesia in the future, then provide a brief overview of how to start forex investment and what factors influence it and are inseparable from social, economic factors and politics that occur in a country. in fact, the current social, economic and political conditions in indonesia are still unstable, and this will greatly affect the interests of students as potential investors to invest in forex. the method used in this research was qualitative descriptive method by conducting literature review from a variety of reliable reference. the results of this study indicated that potential investors in indonesia had not yet fully gained adequate insights about forex investments that were of public welfare so that they were not yet interested in making forex investments. other than that, potential investors were not sure that forex investment could be used as an alternative investment to improve prosperity. 1. introduction investment is a term with several meanings related to finance in the economy which means investing in a particular company or project in order to get profits. there are two elements to an investment agreement: foreign investment tends to spur economic development, and fundamental legal protection tends to encourage and promote foreign investment [1]. investing in foreign exchange is referred to as forex. forex is an abbreviation of foreign change or better known as foreign exchange which means a trade or transaction that trades the currency of one country against other countries that involve major financial markets in the world for 24 hours [2]. currency exchange rates will always change at any time between one currency to other currencies, this exchange rate change is the factor of demand and supply. as a result of changes in exchange rates, it raises the opportunity to get this economic advantage from the difference in selling value. technology has made it easier for us to make this investment by using forex transaction software, through an official broker which is often referred to as the spot market [3]. in 1973, a floating exchange rate system was created establishing a market price government. then, starting from 1983 there were developments in the forex market in australia and other countries. developed and developing countries in the world welcome foreign investors. when foreign investors get access to invest in state bond stocks, manufacturing industries, property markets and other assets, the forex market are affected. 128 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech until finally in 2008, there was an increase in the financial market with about usd 3 trillion traded every day [4,5]. forex is now the largest and most fluid financial market in the world with a daily turnover of around usd 1 trillion [6]. world trade is currently entering the era of free trade which means that one country depends on another country. however, in foreign exchange trading there are some restrictions imposed on several countries in the world so that in its application not every currency can be easily exchanged on the world market. the development of foreign exchange investment in indonesia is basically motivated because foreign exchange transactions are considered as business that is too risky and requires very large capital. along with the rapid development of the digital world from year to year, now forex trading can be done easily through the internet media. this is certainly not a guarantee to be able to reduce the level of risk that must be borne by an investor in forex trading [7,8]. entrepreneurship as the pursuit of opportunities through innovative resource levers that are largely not internally controlled [9]. forex investment is a lucrative business area because the profit rate is very high. such high profits are certainly accompanied by very high risks too, so forex trading is often referred to as high risk investment. prediction is one of the most important techniques in the investing market. decisions in your predictions are very important, because mistakes in predictions will make investors lose their money [10]. risk is inherent to any investment. risks can be related to loss of capital, late payment of capital, and not paying returns or variability of returns. investment risk is determined by investment, maturity period, payment capacity, nature of commitment for return and so on [3]. in this very modern era of globalization and along with the development of science and technology and dynamic economic conditions provide opportunities for anyone to choose various alternatives in the investment market in order to obtain economic benefits. investment is not only limited by the capital market, for example through stocks, bonds, and so on, but there is also through the financial markets, among others, by trading forex [4]. the purpose of this study is to find out the public's view of investment using applications, to provide an overview of the growth of the foreign exchange industry (forex) and its prospects in indonesia in the future by using a qualitative descriptive method and literature review. 2. method the authors used descriptive method, qualitative method on final year students from various tertiary institutions in indonesia, and literature review. 3. results and discussion lots of investments offered to the public from derivative products, for example: index, forex, gold or commodities. foreign exchange investment is currently in great demand and is cultivated by investors because it is different from other investments and has many advantages. one of the advantages of online forex trading is two-way transactions. prices always fluctuate to move up and down to form a trend in forex trading. from that movement we use to get profit. when prices are low, traders can use them to take long positions. buying positions are taken because traders predict that prices will rise based on fundamental analysis and technical analysis. after the price goes up, the trader will complete the transaction by taking a sell position. the difference between the selling price and the purchase price will be the profit for the trader. conversely, when prices are at a high position the trader will take a sell position. short positions are taken because traders predict that prices will fall based on fundamental analysis and technical analysis. after the price drops, the trader will complete the transaction by taking 129 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a buy position. then the difference between the purchase price and the selling price when trading will be a profit for the trader. this two-way transaction is the uniqueness of forex trading. the object of trading on the foreign exchange market is currency. currencies are traded in pairs through a broker or dealer: for example pound sterling vs yen (gbp / jpy) or it can be from euro vs us dollar (eur / usd). unlike the stock market in general, the foreign exchange market does not have a trading head office. the foreign exchange market can also be referred to as an 'interbank' market or periodic trading time (table 1). table 1. total foreign exchange transactions per day on global markets year milyar dollar as 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 1.190 1.527 1.239 1.934 3.324 3.973 5.357 5.067 from the data above, it can be concluded that each year the number of investments in forex is increasing, it shows the greater interest of investors investing in forex. information system advancements that occur in the digital age, help investors to be able to analyze the movement of foreign exchange transactions using internet-based applications. investors can use the four best android apps to see the rupiah exchange rate, providing the most updated data, is lightweight, convenient to use, and has a variety of extra benefits. in the current gadget era, we often want android applications to be able to monitor the latest information through electronic devices and get instant notifications, without having to browse the search engine first. this background encourages many parties to provide an android application for viewing the rupiah exchange rate specifically. this kind of application is very useful, especially for those of you who are often traveling abroad, are looking for the right moment to prepare provisions for traveling abroad, or often get a shipment in the form of foreign currency (foreign exchange). by knowing the latest rupiah exchange rate, you can consider the best time to exchange currency. 3.1. application options that can be used to guide investors in making forex investments we have reviewed several android apps to see the rupiah exchange rate, and selected some of the most multipurpose apps, as follows: 1. bi mobile (bank indonesia mobile official) bi mobile is the official android application from bank indonesia. the contents are similar to the official bi website, but in a simpler form. here, you can see the government's rupiah exchange rate against various foreign currencies from the "data & rate calculator" menu. the form is a table that is easy to see, accompanied by a calculator to calculate quickly. app view can be seen in figure 1 below: 130 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. bi mobile 2. redcircle apps use the android application to view rupiah exchange rates from redcircle apps, then select the bank that provides the best rate. the application design is very simple, but complete. the application view, can be seen in figure 2 below: figure 2. redcircle apps 3. xe currency coverter (xe.com inc). this android application is also not specifically designed to monitor rupiah exchange rates. however, the contents contain more than 180 currencies in the world, both official currencies, precious metals and crypto currencies; with a design that is simpler and easier to use than the xe currency converter. the application view, can be seen in figure 3 below: 131 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. xe currency converter 4. exchange rates currency converter (universal currency) this android application is also not specifically designed to monitor rupiah exchange rates. however, the contents contain more than 180 currencies in the world, both official currencies, precious metals and crypto currencies; with a design that is simpler and easier to use than the xe currency converter. the application view, can be seen in figure 4 below: figure 4. xe currency converter you can choose to display how many rupiahs you have in different currencies at the same time, based on the latest exchange rates. the contents of the list can be changed and adjusted by yourself. there are also graphs that show fluctuations in the rupiah exchange rate. in addition, if you are traveling abroad and need a reference regarding any currency that is legally circulating in the country, this app will be very helpful. the exchange rates currency converter provides complete data on currency denominations in circulation along with sample close-up profiles, so you can avoid trapping fake money. download the exchange rates currency converter which would you use as a mainstay of the android application to see the rupiah exchange rate? the first two apps are also available in indonesian, but they may not be comfortable if you are traveling abroad. the last two apps are only available in english but offer the ability to monitor more currencies and have supporting features that 132 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech make them more useful for cross-country adventurers. before choosing, first consider what features you need, then download the app of your choice. 3.2. the factors that must be considered by investors in making forex transactions here are some short steps that have to be done by potential investors to be involved in the world of forex trading: 1. open a trading account with a trusted forex broker the first step you have to do is open an account with a forex brokerage company or dealer that you trust. it is very important that you choose the best and the right forex broker as your investment partner because not a few of your successes in obtaining profit more or less are also determined by the excellent facilities provided by your chosen brokerage company (figure 5). figure 5. register button figure 5 is to select the register button and you now have an account in the world of foreign exchange or forex investment. you must remember the username and password that you created above to log in to the trading terminal software, one of them is metatrader 5. before it is time for you to start trading, you are advised to download the trading platform on your pc or laptop, namely the metatrader 5 trading terminal as a means of real market transactions or any trading platform that you have chosen from the broker's website or in the form of software. you can see a graph display of fluctuations where currency values are always changing. make sure you have registered from any forex broker, then you will immediately get a username (id), password, and a link to download metatrader. then enter your username or password when logging in in metatrader 5 (figure 6). 133 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. display of metatrader5 2. trial trading after that try to test trading using a demo account before you do it on a real account. in this trial the trader can access the real forex market but not yet use real transactions or real funds. here you can learn more about how you can get maximum results later. use this trial as your reference before you actually trade with a real account. 3. do real trading after trying a demo account or also for about that you are ready and proficient in analyzing trading, you can start trading on a real account if you are confident enough. always remember that you here have involved real money so you must be really careful in making transactions. 4. investment funds after you can apply the way to start forex trading above, you also have to invest funds by making a deposit in the brokerage company that is your partner and trade wisely. lots of companies that offer offers for bonuses or trading promos without a penny of capital for you. when you have successfully made a profit on the trade that you have earned, the company will withdraw the loan capital and the profit can be yours. the attraction of this investment is the opportunity to obtain a large profit and can be achieved in a relatively short time. it must also be remembered that these opportunities have a large risk factor that you should not rule out. do not occasionally you try the forex business without armed with enough knowledge or knowledge to follow it. 3.3. user competence which is a determining factor in the success of an investment used computer application. user competence is a fundamental characteristic of an individual that is shown by behaving or thinking which generally describes all the individual characters who survive for a long time with the characteristics of having motivation, character / traits, self. concept of knowledge and skills. user competency is a unique / special characteristic inherent in an individual that is produced from knowledge, expertise, skills and motivation which is a reflection of the way of thinking and behavior of a person that illustrates the success of individual performance. investors must have adequate competence when they are going to invest. especially at this 134 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 127-133 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech time more and more investments are made online by using certain applications that have been provided by various service providers, investors as users must have adequate competence related to skills and basic knowledge of computers, the internet and information systems in addition to knowledge of investment and foreign exchange. state user competency is a factor that influences the effectiveness of management accounting information systems, effective use of information systems requires clear knowledge and expertise. information specialists will use their expertise and knowledge at any time. users will use their expertise and knowledge in using computers according to their level. develop appropriate resources and user competencies to deploy information systems successfully throughout the organization. user competency through information technology owned by users is the main influence of the satisfaction of users of computer applications in a company [11]. several studies have shown that human resource competencies, hardware, software, and databases have a significant positive effect on the effectiveness of using computer applications in companies. the effectiveness of the use of computer applications at various universities in the city of bandung is strongly influenced by competencies in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by the application user [12]. based on these statements and research, it can be concluded that the level of knowledge, experience, and skills possessed by application users affect the use of information systems applications provided by an organization. so no matter how sophisticated the application is used if it is not matched by the competence of its users, the available applications will not be effectively used. 4. conclusion based on the contents of the research we compiled, the authors conclude that investment enables a person to meet future needs by determining priority needs, establishing good planning and implementing discipline in his company consistently. to start a foreign exchange investment, it does not need a certain level of education and age which means anyone can involve in the world of investment. the requirements for beginner are only capital and indepth knowledge of foreign exchange investment. references [1] aini, q., harahap, e. p., & faradilla, f. 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(2016). the analysis of effectiveness measurement in accounting information systems through competence factor of information system user (research on higher education in bandung). intl. j. appl. bus. econ. res, 14, 815-841. 128 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech evaluation of information technology governance at mikroskil university using cobit 2019 framework with bai11 domain anugrahi bawani sipayung1*, roni yunis2, elly3 123information systems study program, mikroskil university, indonesia email: *anugrahibawani@gmail.com abstract. it governance evaluation can help organizations to improve the quality of it service, reduce risks, maximize it performance and achieve their goal effectively. mikroskil university is one of the universities that utilize the use of it in supporting its business processes. mikroskil university has an it unit/department that is responsible for it management and it governance as well as dealing with it/is-related issue, namely the information system and digital transformation (sitd). based on the initial study conducted, several problems arise in higher education it governance, so it is necessary to carry out an evaluation. this evaluation uses the cobit 2019 framework because it is more flexible and there are design factors that can make it easier to get process objectives that will be evaluated as the main focus of the organization. this framework makes it easier for researchers to evaluate processes in universities. the domain that becomes the objective of it governance in this research is bai11 (managed projects). the results of this study indicate that the capability level of mikroskil university is at level 1 (performed). meanwhile, the maturity level is at level 2 (managed). based on the results of the capability and maturity level values, a gap value will be sought to be used as a basis for making recommendations for improvement. the results of this study provide recommendations for improvement to achieve the expected targets of higher education. mikroskil university's capability level is at level 1 (performed). meanwhile, the maturity level is at level 2 (managed). based on the results of the capability and maturity level values, a gap value will be sought to be used as a basis for making recommendations for improvement. the results of this study provide recommendation for improvement to achieve the expected targets of higher education. mikroskil university’s capability level is at level 1 (performed). meanwhile, the maturity level is at level 2 (managed). based on the result of the capability and maturity level values, a gap value will be sought to be used as a basis for masking recommendations for improvement. the results of this study provide recommendation for improvement to achieve the expected targets of higher education. mailto:anugrahibawani@gmail.com 129 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 1. introduction information and technology (i&t) has now become a major need and has an important influence in supporting organizational sustainability and growth. it implementation is beneficial if it is aligned with the organization's goals, vision, mission, business strategy, and it processes of the organization. however, in its implementation, it does not always run as expected. for this reason, it is necessary to improve it governance to guide organizations in managing it investments and to achieve organizational goals. by evaluating it governance, organizations can improve the quality of it services, minimize risk, and maximize it performance so that organizational goals can be achieved effectively [1][2]. currently, all types of organizations are paying attention to business trends and trying to manage technology and information well. one of them is mikroskil university. mikroskil university aims to instill a mindset to constantly develop themselves and be able to adapt to changes in lecturers and education staff, implement effective and efficient governance, establish cooperation with various institutions both at home and abroad, produce graduates who have a technopreneur spirit, and produce work. innovative technology supported by technology that can benefit the business world and industry, as well as society. mikroskil university has a unit/department that is responsible for it management and it governance and handles all issues related to it and is, namely the information system and digital transformation (sitd). the framework used in this research is the cobit 2019 framework. cobit 2019 is the latest version and is an improvement from cobit 5. cobit 2019 was released by adding the latest developments that can affect information and technology within an organization. in cobit 5 there’re 5 domains with 37 governance processes that generally exist in the company’s multiple domains [3]. the domain in cobit 2019 prioritizes the results achieved so that it is more focused and the processes in the domain are more comprehensive because there are additions to the domain. compared to the previous version, cobit 2019 is better because it can adapt to organizational goals and there are design factors that can help organizations design governance systems and focus more on determining specific process strategies [4]. the cobit 2019 framework can provide recommendations to organizations in managing it governance and provide business flexibility to create practical governance solutions that align with organizational goals and objectives [2][3]. so, by using the cobit 2019 framework, it will make it easier for researchers to evaluate existing processes in higher education, plus there are design factors that make it easier to get process objectives that will be evaluated as the main focus for the organization. based on the information provided by the head of information system and digital transformation (sitd), the it governance conditions that have been implemented have not run as expected. there are still some problems encountered in managing it performance and it governance, namely the condition of it not following the correct it management guidelines. the management of it performance at mikroskil university is still less than optimal, coupled with the work/activities carried out based on the needs of stakeholders, and the targets to be achieved by mikroskil university are not yet clear. in addition, t here are still business processes in the academic section whose procedures are still too complex. organizational needs, organizational conditions, and stakeholder needs are evaluated to determine organizational goals that can be followed up. to overcome th e existing problems and meet the needs of stakeholders, it is necessary to evaluate it governance to determine the extent to which the implementation of it governance and management at mikroskil 130 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech university. by evaluating it governance, it is expected to be able to identify gaps and help optimize performance to achieve the vision, mission, and goals of the university. to obtain it governance objectives that will be evaluated, a mapping stage is carried out and followed by a design factor analysis so that the evaluation can follow the needs. the process of mapping and design factors is adjusted to the problems in the it governance of the organization. so later it will be determined which process is the main focus and following the problems faced by universities. after conducting a process analysis that is relevant to the current condition of the organization and the needs of stakeholders, this evaluation uses the process domain of bai11 (managed projects). the reason for the need for an evaluation using the bai11 domain (managed projects) is that based on the current organizational conditions, project management has not been defined/organized well enough in it governance and management. it is hoped that after conducting the it governance evaluation process, an overview of the capability level and maturity level of mikroskil university will be obtained in organizational project management. so that it can provide recommendations for improvement to mikroskil university to prepare for better it governance 1.1 information technology governance the enterprise-level structure and decision-making process for it is called it governance. it governance is used to guide the desired processes to maximize the success of it personnel and generate benefits for stakeholders [5]. the board of directors and executive management carry out information technology (it) governance activities so that an organization can run according to its objectives [1]. conformity between the implementation of information technology and organizational goals is a determining factor for the success of information technology governance [6]. the purpose of information technology governance is to control its use in ensuring that it performance meets and conforms to the following objectives [7]: 1. align information technology with organizational strategy and achieve the promised benefits of implementing information technology. 2. the use of information technology allows organizations to take advantage of existing opportunities and information technology to the fullest by optimizing the benefits of implementing it. 3. responsible use of it resources. 4. manage information technology risk management appropriately and effectively. 1.2 cobit 2019 framework cobit 2019 is most recent version of the cobit framework for assessing it governance and management and functions to exercise control and optimize the value of information and technology to help organizations achieve risk optimization, realize benefits and achieve resource optimization [6]. cobit 2019 provides a model that can be used to measure how well it governance and management processes perform, namely cobit performance management (cpm)[8]. cobit 2019 is divided into 2 main areas, namely governance and management. in cobit 2019, the term cobit core model is used, which is a set of cobit governance processes consisting of 5 governance objectives and 35 management objectives, for a total of 40 domains. the governance objective consists of the edm (evaluate, direct, and monitor) domain which has 5 processes. the management objectives consist of the align, plans and organize (apo) domain which has 14 processes, the build, acquire and implement (bai) domain which has 131 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 11 processes, and the deliver, service, and support (dss) domain which has 6 processes and the monitor, evaluate domain. and assets (mea) which consists of 4 processes [8] figure 1. cobit core model 1.3 cobit performance management (cpm) performance management is used to show how well the governance and management of systems and all components of the company are performing, as well as how to improve them to achieve the desired results. cpm is an integral part of cobit 2019 including the capability level and maturity level. in cobit 2019 cpm, using the cmmi (capability maturity model integration) version 2.0 reference. in cmmi, there’re two different types of assessment, namely capability and maturity level [8][9]. 1.4 determination of domains cobit 2019 a. goals cascade goals cascade cobit has been completely updated at cobit 2019. here's an explanation of the cobit cascade goals 2019 [8][9]: figure 2. cobit 2019 goals cascade 132 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech identification of stakeholder drivers and needs cascade to enterprise goals is aligning stakeholder needs is a corporate strategy that can be followed up to create value and meet stakeholder needs. cobit 2019 provides a guide that contains 13 generic lists of corporate objectives that can be tailored to the needs of stakeholders. after the stakeholder needs are aligned with the company's goals, the next stage is the cascade to alignment goals. cobit 2019 provides a guidance table that contains a generic list of enterprise goals, alignment goals, and their interrelationships. the goals alignment stage is an updated and improved stage of cobit 5 which aims to avoid misunderstandings that often occur when the previously mapped company only shows the it department purely b. identify design factor cobit 2019 helps companies in designing governance systems by using several design factors that have been provided. design factors are factors that can influence the design of a company's governance system and position it for success in the use of information and technology[8]. figure 3. cobt 2019 design factor in the governance system design process, there are 11 design factors to consider [10]: • design factors 14 (initial determination of the scope of the governance system) at this stage, the initial scope of the governance system is determined. the values of the organization's strategy, organizational objectives, risk profile, and it issues are translated into prioritized governance components to produce a customized initial governance system for the company. in the step of determining the initial scope of the governance system, four design factors are presented: df1-enterprise strategy; df2-enterprise goals; df3-it risk profile; and df4i&t related issues. the selection of values on design factors will determine the priority of governance and management objectives [10]. • design factors 5-11 (improved governance systems) design factor 5-11 can be used to improve the scope of the governance system. at this stage, not all design factors apply to the organization or company, so those that are not related can be ignored. the design factors assessed are df5threat landscape; df6-compliance requirement; df7-role of it; df8-sourcing model of it; df9-it implementation methods; df10-technology adoption strategy; and df11-enterprise size [10]. with the cobit 2019 design factor component, companies are more focused on determining process strategies, are 133 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech more flexible in creating practical governance solutions, and can provide recommendations to companies in managing it governance [8]. 1.5 focus areas of it governance evaluation the determination of the domain is based on the identification of stakeholder needs and the identification of problems that exist within the university. the goal is that the evaluation process carried out provides results that are efficient and on target. based on the determination of the domain that has been carried out, this evaluation uses the focus of the bai11 (managed projects) domain. the purpose of the bai11 domain is to manage all projects initiated within the company according to the company strategy and in a coordinated manner based on the standard project management approach [11].the bai11 domain consists of 9 process subdomains, and 52 process activities, namely 31 activities for level 2, 15 activities for level 3 and 6 activities for level 4 [11]. 2. method the cobit 2019 framework was used as the basis for conducting this research. the type of research used is qualitative research. data collection techniques through primary data by conducting interviews and questionnaires. while the secondary data is collected by conducting a literature study that is relevant to the research topic. the questionnaires were distributed using the guttman scale calculation, with a score of 1 (one) and the lowest (0) [1]. the following is explained in the form of pictures regarding the research design path. figure 4. research flow the stages of this research are as follows: 1. identifying problems that exist in mikroskil university so that appropriate research topics are obtained by conducting preliminary studies through interviews, literature studies, and 134 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech distributing pre-research questionnaires. an evaluation plan will be drawn up based on the identification of the problem. 2. determination of the evaluation domain is done by mapping using the goals cascade and followed by identification of design factors. the data used for determining the domain is based on the existing problems. 3. determine the purpose and scope of the research to find the process that is the focus of the research. this aims to clarify the target of the research and provide boundaries for the problem being studied so that the results are specific and on target. 4. conducting interviews and compiling research questionnaires based on the 2019 cobit ebook guidelines. furthermore, the questionnaires were distributed to research respondents through google forms 5. to measure capability level, maturity level and gap by referring to the cobit performance management model. the level of process capability is measured by referring to the cmmi (capability maturity model integration) model. the capability level and maturity level are assessed from level 0, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, and level 5. the results of the obtained capability and maturity level values will be compared with the expected values, resulting in a gap value. 6. based on the results of the gap analysis, appropriate recommendations for improvement are given based on the achievement of the capability level and maturity level concerning the cobit 2019 framework. this will assist the organization in managing it governance and provide flexibility to create practical solution governance. 2.1 respondent the target respondents who will receive the questionnaire refer to the bai11 domain raci chart table. according to cobit 2019, roles c (consulted) and i (informed) are not included in the guide. this means that the raci chart is only the ra table. the raci chart describes the activities or processes that will be carried out by each individual involved [11]. figure 5. raci chart bai11 2.2. scoring scale the ranking of process activities is a level of capability that can be achieved to different degrees, which can be expressed by a series of ratings, that is [8]: 135 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech • n – not achieved– the capability achieved by the process <15% • p – partially achieved – the capability level achieved by the process is between 15% 49% • l – largely achieved – the capability level achieved by the process is between 50% 84% • f – fully achieved – the level of capability achieved by the process is >85% an assessment can be continued to the next stage if the process has reached an f rating (fully achieved). 2.3 capability level assessment model the process capability level is a measure of how well a process is implemented and performed. each level of process capability can be achieved if the level below it is fully achieved [9]. the capability level assessment starts from level 2 because at cobit 2019 the organization is considered to have carried out activities at the previous level [11]. management and calculation of questionnaire data in determining the 2019 cobit capability level from each activity is calculated and processed using the following formula [12] [13]: 1. calculating the capability level for each subdomain with equation 1 below: cl: ∑ activity that have been done ∑ activities x 100% (1) 2. after calculating each bai11 subdomain capability value, then calculate the overall capability level value with the following equation 2: capability level 2 bai11 is as follows: cl ∑bai11.01 + ∑bai11.02 + ⋯ + ∑bai11.09 ∑subdomain proses (2) if level 2 is reached, it can be continued at the next level until level 5. 2.4 maturity level assessment model cobit 2019 identifies maturity level as a performance indicator at the focus area level. a certain level of maturity can be reached when all processes in the focus area reach a certain level of capability [9]. the maturity level assessment model is carried out with the following equation 3 and 4 [14]: 1. index maturity bai11 subdomain im = ∑ questionnaire answers subdomain activity (3) 2. calculating the overall maturity level of bai11 ml = ∑ maturity level subdomain many processes (4) 2.5 gap analysis a gap analysis is a comparison between the value of the expected level minus the value of the current level. the current capability level value and the current maturity level value will be compared with the expected target. analysis of significant gaps in improving the it governance performance of mikroskil university [15]. 136 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion in this section, the researcher describes the results of the analysis in determining the focus of the domain to be evaluated at mikroskil university as well as the results of measuring capability maturity levels, gaps, and related recommendations. 3.1 domain determination the process for obtaining the domain (it governance objective) in this study refers to the mapping of goals cascade and identification of design factors. the determination of this domain is adjusted to the problems in it governance and it management within mikroskil university. this stage is an important part of this research. the practice of the cobit 2019 goals cascade stages is to identify stakeholder needs and then adjust them to enterprise goals. to identify the needs of higher education stakeholders, pre-research and interviews with the head of the division sitd. stakeholder needs are the needs of stakeholders in the organization, so they become an important value in the process of identifying enterprise goals. the results of the identification of stakeholder needs with enterprise goals can be seen in the following table: table 1. stakeholder needs cascade to enterprise goals stakeholder needs enterprise goals information systems that can handle business processes in every part and accelerate digital transformation to keep pace with today's it developments. eg12.managed digital transformation programs eg13. product and business innovation. the need to prepare the realization of the work program so that each unit has a target in encouraging the achievement of organizational goals. eg06.business service continuity and availability eg10.staff skills, motivation and productivity adequate it capabilities. eg13.product and business innovation. eg06. business service continuity and availability making strategic plans and work programs then executed and evaluated. the business strategy is well supported by the it strategy. eg12.managed digital transformation program each division performs its duties and responsibilities well. eg10.staff skills, motivation and productivity in carrying out work, mikroskil university must have responsibilities to employees such as the academic community, lecturers, and other employees. eg10.staff skills, motivation and productivity the design factor identification stage uses the design factor toolkit provided by cobit 2019. the purpose of the design factor identification is to find out which process is a priority compared to other priorities in the cobit core model. the data used was obtained 137 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech from the results of interviews with the head of the division sitd and several university internal stakeholders. • df1-enterprise strategy mikroskil university focuses more on stable and client-oriented services (client service/stability) with a score of 5, and on product/innovation (innovation/differentiation) with a score of 4. • df2-enterprise goals mikroskil university's goals are more focused on eg06-business-service continuity and availability, eg10-staff skills, motivation, and productivity, eg12-managed digital transformation programs, and eg13product and business innovation. where eg06 got a score of 4, while eg10, eg12, and eg13 got the highest score of 5. • df3-risk profile in this design factor, the results show that 7 risks often arise and have a large enough impact on universities, which are marked with an impact value of 4 and a likelihood 4. • df4-i&t related issue design factor 4 shows that there are some common it-related problems that are often experienced by mikroskil university. there are several problems that are considered important or become serious issues in higher education which are given an importance value of 3 • df5-threat landscape design factor 5 shows that mikroskil university is fully operating in a normal business environment. • df6-compliance requirements design factor 6, the compliance requirements applied by mikroskil university is a completely normal type of regulation. • df7-role of it on design factor 6 the role of it in mikroskil university is dominant as support (given the importance of 5). mikroskil university views it as important to carry out the continuity of business processes and services as well as innovation. other it roles, such as factory, turnaround, and strategic are given importance 4. • df8-sourcing model of it for design factor 8, outsourcing and insourced have the highest percentage of it modeling in mikroskil university with each of 50%. outsourcing means that mikroskil university requests a third service provider to provide it services. meanwhile, insourced means that mikroskil university provides and operates its own it staff and services. • df9-it implementation methods the implementation method used by mikroskil university is agile and traditional, each of which has a percentage of 50%. • df10-technology adoption strategy 138 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech mikroskil university acts completely as a follower in adopting it. this means that mikroskil university waits for new technology that has been proven to be well used and then adopts the technology. of the 40 processes/core models in the cobit core model, domains that have a priority value of >=60 include apo04 with a value of 60%, bai01 of 60%, bai02 of 70%, bai05 of 60%, and bai11 of 85%. from this data, it can be concluded that the process that has the highest value is the main priority/focus for the evaluation of it governance. after obtaining the results of the design factor, an interview was conducted with the head of the sitd regarding the recommendation of the domain that would be the main focus of the research. based on the results of the discussion, finally this evaluation uses the bai11 (managed projects) process domain which has the highest value of 85%, with a target capability level request and a maturity level of level 3. figure 6. process domain result 3.2 capability level and maturity level measurement measurement questionnaires that have been prepared previously will be distributed to the target respondents who have been determined based on the mapping of the raci table. after being given time, the questionnaires were collected again for analysis. the calculated results from this questionnaire will be used to assess the capability level and maturity level of 139 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech project management in universities. the following are the results of the capability level assessment obtained from the recapitulation of the answers to the previously collected questionnaires. table 2. capability level measurement subdomain questionnaire answers rating yes no total % bai11.01 5 1 6 84% l bai11.02 12 9 21 57% l bai11.04 11 7 18 61% l bai11.05 2 1 3 67% l bai11.06 6 3 9 67% l bai11.07 9 3 12 75% l bai11.08 14 7 21 80% l bai11.09 3 0 3 100% f capability level 73% l a process is considered to have reached a certain level of capability if the implementation of process activities at that level has reached > 85% (fully achieved). mikroskil university has not yet reached capability level 2 because all activities are considered not to have achieved a fully achieved rating at level 2. based on the results of the assessment, capability level 2 only reached 73% with an l rating (largely achieved) with evaluation status was not achieved, so that the assessment cannot be continued to the next stage. it can be concluded that mikroskil university still reaches capability level 1 (performing), meaning that the process of achieving its goals is through a series of incomplete basic activities that can be categorized as not very organized. table 3. capability level 2 measurement results management practice description level (%) the final result 1 2 3 4 bai11 project management 73% (l) level 1 from the results of the achievement of the current capability level, the maturity level is measured. the results of the maturity level index assessment are as follows: table 4. maturity index measurement results subdomain questionnaire answers activity maturity index (im) bai11.01 5 2 2.5 bai11.02 12 7 1.7 bai11.04 11 6 1.8 bai11.05 2 1 2 bai11.06 6 3 2 bai11.07 9 4 2.25 bai11.08 14 7 2 140 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech bai11.09 3 1 3 the results of the maturity level assessment in the bai11 process domain (managed projects) are as follows in table 5 below: table 5. maturity level assessment results subdomai n description im level maturity level bai11.01 maintain a standard approach for project management 2.5 2 managed bai11.02 start up and initiate a project 1.7 2 managed bai11.04 develop and maintain the project plan 1.8 2 managed bai11.05 manage project quality 2 2 managed bai11.06 manage project risk 2 2 managed bai11.07 monitor and control projects 2.25 2 managed bai11.08 manage project resources and work packages 2 2 managed bai11.09 close a project or iteration 3 3 define maturity level bai11 (managed projects) 2.1 2 managed the results of the research on the maturity level of project management for the bai11 (managed projects) domain are at maturity level 2, namely managed process. this means that planning and performance measurement are taking place even though they are not standardized. this means that mikroskil university is familiar with it activities and can plan, implement, and manage these activities, but they’re not formally documented, so that there is no reference to refer to. work product assessment at cobit 2019 is carried out on the information flow and item components. checking the completeness of information and documentation aims to find out the documentation and information needed to support all key management practice activities at bai11. based on the results of the examination, the documentation for the bai11 (managed projects) process has not yet been standardized/defined at mikroskil university. activities related to project management are carried out by universities, but they do not have documentation for the process 3.3 gap analysis the target level expected by mikroskil university for the capability level and maturity level is level 3. the achievement of the current capability level is still at level 1, so the gap value for the bai11 process capability level is 2. this means that 2 levels of improvement are needed to achieve the target to the next level (level 3). meanwhile, the current maturity level is at level 2, so it has a gap value of 1. to reach level 3, an improvement of 1. after obtaining the value of the gap, it will be possible to know the recommendations that can be given to mikroskil university as a reference for improvement to achieve expected targets. 141 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 6. gap analysis measurement results target level current level gap capability level bai11 3 1 2 maturity level bai11 3 2 1 after obtaining the value of the gap, it will be possible to know the recommendations that can be given to mikroskil university as a reference for improvement to achieve the expected target. meanwhile, the gap analysis for each subdomain on capability and maturity level is represented in the following spider chart in figure 7: figure 7. capability level and maturity level gap analysis 3.4 recommendation based on the findings and the value of the gap in the level of capability and maturity level of project management, it is necessary to improve it governance. the recommendations for improvement are: a. implement and optimize activities that have not been carried out at level 2. b. it is recommended that the sitd section begin to develop standards or formal documentation as a reference for overall project management at mikroskil university. c. create non-standard documentation/rules related to university project management. d. there are recommendations for guidance regarding the implementation of bai11 domain activities. e. hr improvement in the sitd division related to project management. f. implement activities at level 3. 4. conclusion based on the assessment that has been carried out, several conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1. the results of the assessment of the capability level and maturity level of the bai11 domain (managed projects) are: a. the assessment shows that capability level 2 only reaches 73% (largely achieved) with the evaluation status not being achieved, so the assessment cannot be continued to the next stage. so, the level of process capability of bai11 (managed projects) at mikroskil university medan is currently at level 1 (performed process). 142 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 128-143 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech b. the overall maturity level obtained by mikroskil university in project management is level 2 (managed process) with a value of 2.1. 2. mikroskil university does not yet have standard documentation or rules in project management, so finding documents/evidence supporting the implementation of the bai11 (managed projects) process is not standardized at all. the capability level has a gap value of 2 with a target level of 3, while the maturity level has a gap value of 1 with a target level of 3. 3. based on the existing problems, recommendations are given in the form of: a. recommendations for improvement at level 2 by carrying out activities that have never been carried out with the aim of minimizing the value of the gap, as well as recommendations for improvement to reach level 3. b. start making standard or formal documentation as a reference for overall project management at mikroskil university. so that in the future, project management at mikroskil university is more well defined. c. create non-standardized documents on each bai11 (managed project) subdomain to support the implementation of process activities. based on the results of the study, the following suggestions were made: 1. it is hoped that the recommendations for improvement given by researchers can be used as consideration for improving it governance so that project management at mikroskil university is more leveraged and supports other business activities. 2. it is hoped that further research will not only focus on one process domain. perhaps it is possible to develop an it governance evaluation of other process domains in the cobit core model to determine the progress of implementing process activities in the future. so that mikroskil university can carry out best practices to the maximum in it governance. references [1] toifur, t., kusrini, k., & budi, a. 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descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach, while in the process of developing the application using a camera sensor on a smartphone. the results of the study indicate that the inrein application development can provide information on spices using a digital platform that can be accessed through their respective smartphones. the main concept of this application is the introduction of types of spices to information on the location and use of these types of spices. in addition, this application also has a feature that can provide information on the management of spice ingredients into healthy food or drinks from spices that are detected by the user's camera sensor. the conclusion of the application that we made is able to help users to get information, manage and also benefit from spices. keywords: camera sensor, spice detector, smartphone 1. introduction spices are one of the biological resources that play an important role in the history of human life. spices are mainly used by humans for various purposes. tropical countries are the largest exporters of spices with a significant sales value [1]. although spices have been known to have various benefits, today's appreciation of spices is very lacking. many young people today are not familiar with various types of spices. modernization and changes in people's daily consumption patterns are a real threat to the sustainability of the existence of spices. because indonesia has many types of spices, people often feel confused about certain types of spices because there is still a lack of knowledge about spices. even people sometimes don't know the difference in turmeric, ginger, and galangal. therefore, we implement sensors on smartphones to find out the spices. this concept is able to bring new experiences and also increase knowledge about spices where users can find out which spices are scanned and also know the benefits of these spices. 213 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on previous research, it shows that in recent years, the implementation of sensors has been widely used. there are many uses of sensors in everyday life such as temperature sensors, sensors for absences, speed sensors and many other sensors [2]. therefore, we try to make a new innovation by implementing sensors to find out the spices in indonesia. this method is able to know the spices precisely and clearly [3]. the new sensor model for spices can be used on each smartphone and then scans the spices and can bring up the names of the spices and the exact information about the spices [4]. the purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the implementation of sensors to find out information about spices. so that people know more about spices in indonesia. because the indonesian people, especially young people, do not know about spices in indonesia. 2. method the research method used is a quantitative research method. object recognition system design. in the object recognition system, the image captured by the camera is processed using image processing techniques before being given to the image recognition system. the information obtained from the output of the recognition system is in the form of the number of objects, types of objects and shapes. the figure below shows diagram of the object recognition system, which can be explained as follows: the image got from camera sensor; the colour image will convert into a grayscale image to reduce the colour depth. from grayscale, object detection will be using ad boost method, if object not detected, then capture image again. if part of the image is detected as an object by the object detection engine then proceed with the next two options: ▪ perform image data storage into the database as well as save the object file as a comparison material. ▪ if previously the object and image data have been stored in the database, then identify the object using the eigenface pca method. identify the object using the eigenface pca method is show in figure 1. 214 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. identify the object using the eigenface pca method the figure above shows a flowchart of object detection (object detection) is done by classifying an image, after previously a classifier was formed from the training data. object recognition algorithm show in figure 2. 215 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. object recognition algorithm the figure above provides the object recognition algorithm, which is the first step to obtain a set of s by m object images. each image is transformed into a vector of size n and placed into a set. by performing the calculations developed by lienhart, kuranove and pisarevsky [5]. s = {️1,️2,️3, …,️m} after getting the set, it will get the average image (mean image). 216 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech next, look for the set of m orthonormal vectors, un, which best describes the distribution of the data. vector kth, uk, chosen as such. is the maximum for the subject furthermore, the covariance matrix c is obtained in the following way so, we get the eigenvector, vl, ul procedure introduction object on eigenfaces principal component analysis is as follows: ▪ change new object be an eigenface component. first, the input images are compared with the average images and their differences are multiplied by the respective eigenvectors of the l matrix. each value will represent a weight and will be stored in the vector. mk = ut ( − ) t = [m1,️ m2,️ … ,️ mm] ▪ determines which object class provides the best representation for the input image. k = " − k"2 3. results and discussion figure (see figure 3) shows the object recognition architecture, which consists of two main parts, namely the interface and the server. in the server there are two main parts, namely the model and data source, the model is an object recognition method or algorithm, consisting of object detection and object recognition related to the data source in the form of a dataset (xml file) when object detection is carried out, image data stored in the database mysql and object files in the form of various spice images in jpeg format. 217 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. data stored in the database mysql and object files the results of the development of the object recognition system application are composed of: object detection, object recognition and database manipulation. ▪ object detection from grayscale objects (see figure 4) will be detected with object detection as shown in the following figure. figure 4. grayscale object ▪ object recognition the next step is cropping the image to be identified using the eigenface pca object recognition method. the image of the object in the image will be the image of the training data stored in the object database. 218 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. object recognition after doing testing to 10 responses, the following table shows the results of the tests carried out. table 1. test result test type level of truth error rate object recognition by lighting level 90% 10% recognition of objects by shape 73% 27% object recognition based on object distance and camera sensor object recognition based on quality 83% 82% 17% 18% average value of validity 80% 20% from the testing of object samples, the results of the discussion include: ▪ if the light on the object is above 400 lux, the object can be recognized properly, but if the light is below 400 lux, the sensor will detect incorrectly. ▪ if the lighting is in normal conditions (more than 400 lux), the sensor results can detect based on the quality of the object, such as if there are damaged parts on the object that can still be recognized properly. ▪ object recognition is also affected by shape. from the shape test, it turned out to be quite significant in influencing the application in recognizing objects. ▪ inrein application will effective detection object at 0.30 meter – 1 meter when using smartphone camera. ▪ the time it takes the smartphone to identify the object (recognition to identification) is less than 3 seconds. 219 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 212-219 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion the recognition system is able to do object recognition well if it is based on the level of lighting and the distance of the object as well as the sensor on the camera. spices identification applications can help people to know the shape and characteristics to the benefits of each type that they want to know. references [1] soegoto, e. s. 2014. entrepreneurship becomes a revised edition businessman. elex media komputindo. 45 (3), (pp. 8098). [2] sharif, m., khalid, a., raza, m., & mohsin, s. (2011). face recognition using gabor filters. journal of applied computer science & mathematics, (11). [3] hashim, m. f., saad, p., juhari, m. r. m., & yaakob, s. n. (2005, may). a face recognition system using template matching and neural network classifier. in 1st international workshop on artificial life and robotics, may (pp. 14-15). [4] freund, y., & schapire, r. e. (1999). a short introduction to boosting": journal of japanese society for artificial intelligence, 14 (5): 771-780. [5] lienhart, r., & maydt, j. (2002, september). an extended set of haar-like features for rapid object detection. in proceedings. international conference on image processing (vol. 1, pp. ii). ieee. [6] suprianto, d. (2013). sistem pengenalan wajah secara real time, dalam adobost, eigenface pca & my sql. malang, universitas brawijaya. [7] soegoto, d. s., & pangestika, y. (2021). the strategic role of smart city (bandung care) in the development of bandung city. journal of engineering science and technology, 16(1), 044-051. [8] soegoto, e. s., & utomo, a. t. 2019. marketing strategy through social media. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032040. [9] soegotto, d. s., & prasetyo, t. (2019, november). application of online ticket as a method in purchasing bus tickets. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering (vol. 662, no. 2, p. 022118). iop publishing. [10] soegotto, d. s., & istiqomah, a. o. 2019. e-brochure as a communication strategy in entrepreneurship. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032038). 154 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational application of web-based for e-business e s soegoto1, e mustafa2* 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2fakultas teknik dan ilmu komputer, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *elgamustafa@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. e-commerce is one of the technologies that should be applied in a company. the objective of this study is to identify e-commerce growth in improving competitive advantage in business processes. the method used was descriptive method for presenting a complete one picture of the social setting or intended for exploration and clarification of a phenomenon or social reality, by describing number of variables relating to the problem and the unit under study between the phenomena being tested. the results of this study were to increase the competitive advantage of the company. this study was conducted by discussing the payment transaction system, sales, and orders made by businesses using e-commerce technology. if all things are wellconducted, it can increase the competitive advantage of the company. 1. introduction entrepreneurship or entrepreneur is a person who is creative and innovative to establish, build, develop, advance and become a superior company [1]. it is widely known that this era of technology has 200 million internet users worldwide. 67 million of which are in the united states, and in indonesia itself, the internet users are doubled every 100 days [2]. fast internet growth has created opportunities for business whether it is online or offline business [3]. according to the previous study, the internet users in indonesia are 70% in their 20s, 25% in their 30-42s, and the rest is beyond those age. while the main business players are in their 45s and above [4]. according to previous research, the e-business strategy is how to change the old business design, which is based on physical reality into new designs rooted in digital needs in the future [5]. the changes include process of buying, selling, and exchanging products, services and information using a computer network, especially using the internet. e-business as a broader e-commerce function and not only seen from the sale and purchase of products/services, but also serves consumers and collaborates with other business partners and manages electronic transactions in an organization. e-commerce refers to a narrower scope which is only the sale and purchase of products, services, and information between business partners through computer networks. while e-business refers to a broader scope, which includes customer service, collaboration of business partners, and internal electronic transactions within an organization. [6]. e-business is the process of exchanging goods, services and payments through electronic transactions which are usually carried out through electronic data 155 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational exchange. [6] e-business organizations are no longer a single entity, but it has become an extension of networks spread across the world, business units that focus on markets, and share support services. evolution in e-organizations occurs in seven main dimensions, namely: (1) organizational structure; (2) leadership; (3) employees and organizational culture; (4) coherence; (5) knowledge; (6) alliance; (7) government. [8]. the internet is redefining the model for ec that supports a complete seller-to-buyer relationship. this model includes promoting and communicating company and product information to a global basis, accepting orders and payments for goods and online services, providing online software and product information, providing continuous customer support, and engaging in online collections for new product development [9]. the driving force behind world economic growth has changed from manufacturing volume to increasing consumer value. as a result, the key success factor for many companies is to maximize consumer value [10]. the objective of this study is to identify the growth of e-commerce and e-business in increasing competitive advantage in business processes. the method used was descriptive method which was intended for exploration and clarification of a phenomenon or social reality, by describing a number of variables related to the problem. 2. method this study used descriptive method to detect a number of variables relating to the problem and the unit under study between the phenomena tested, namely e-business, and using previous study related to of e-business and online marketing. so that it can analyze how much influence e-business technology in the business online, especially reclays store. 3. results and discussion to draw users to explore web pages in the online world, sellers can create an attractive and creative site or social account. for example, for online businesses that offer clothing products, products on site have a variety of clothing choices including clothes, pants, jackets and hats. the method of payment used with cash payments and not cash. for example, the purchase of a cash payments ordering a payment item using an atm transfer transaction buyer of the direct transaction can directly come to the store. customers can view the store catalog on the site that is already available. reservations can be made at any time, anywhere and regardless of buyer desire, who can access through browsing the internet on sundry electronic devices. here the customer testimonials on reclay's online shop site (the items provided are very complete and rare) (figure 1). 156 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational figure 1. main menu in the product view, users can choose the type or choose items to look for. existing products reclays are local products made by the nation's children, the product displayed is the price and item details. this view also shows how the item was used by very interesting models (figure 2). figure 2. product in the promotion display, the buyer can see what items are getting a discount. there are a number of discount combinations, that is, if buying clothes with pants will get a few discounted prices, another example if you buy shoes on a certain day, you will get a discount too. but the top discount at this reclays store is to buy two shirts at the price of one shirt. (figure 3). 157 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational figure 3. promotion in this page, users can see which items are the most frequently purchased products by other consumers. the product displayed is listed between the price and product describe. this view also lists the best sellers to attract more buyers and then make decision (figure 4). figure 4. best seller after the user sees the available item, the user chooses an attractive product that will be used as a transaction. in this page, there is describe about items such as brands, prices and sizes of clothing and there are product record items to inform the buyer about the type of product or product specifications so that the buyer knows the item to be purchased (figures 5 and 6). 158 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational figure 5. product detail figure 6. product detail in this view, we can see what products have been added to the list of items to be purchased. with the details available namely product, price and total. we can also add voucher codes for discount prices that apply to all purchases of goods. after all in accordance with the wishes of the user, it will proceed to the process stage (figure 7). 159 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational figure 7. payment form. forms in the page data filling process can check the items to be ordered and then the buyer fills in the correct address for shipping the item, after the buyer chooses the available shipping method. next, select the method of payment via transfer to the bank that has been provided, after all data is fully confirmed, the order is complete. sales will be processed after the seller receives payment from the buyer. (figures 8 and 9). figure 8. purchase form 160 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational figure 9. purchase form after all transactions are completed, the buyer is just waiting for the order to be sent to the address listed on the order form. the money that has been paid cannot reply and will come at times if the payment is in accordance with the agreement. reliable shipping process. 4. conclusion times change helps people especially in business and makes it easier for people to transact without having to go to the store. they only need to access the website through smartphone and do the transaction. with e-business, the benefits are not only felt by buyers but also by sellers themselves. consumers have the convenience of transacting in online purchases because consumers can consider other people's reviews about the quality of the shop's service. references [1] cristofaro, m. 2020. e-business evolution: an analysis of mobile applications’ business models. technology analysis & strategic management, 32(1), pp.88-103. [2] mehta, m. r., shah, j. r., & morgan, g. w. 2020. merging an e-business solution framework with cis curriculum. journal of information systems education, 16(1), pp.8. [3] naseem, s., sadaqat, s., & shah, h. 2020. journal of asian business strategy. journal of asian business strategy, 10(1), pp.26-38. [4] lee, t. s. 2020. preliminary analysis of wireless collaborative network on mobile devices. journal of information and communication technology, 18(3), pp.327-343. [5] alrousan, m. k., al-adwan, a. s., al-madadha, a., & al khasawneh, m. h. 2020. factors affecting the adoption of e-marketing by decision makers in smes: evidence from jordan. international journal of e-business research (ijebr), 16(1), pp.1-27. [6] cataldo, a., astudillo, c. a., gutiérrez-bahamondes, j. h., gonzález-martínez, l., & mcqueen, r. 2020. towards an integrated maturity model of system and e-business applications in an emerging economy. journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 15(2), pp.1-14. 161 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 154-161 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational [7] gupta, b. b., & gulihar, p. 2020. taxonomy of payment structures and economic incentive schemes in internet. journal of information technology research (jitr), 13(1), pp.150166. [8] harris, j. 2020. nativist-populism, the internet and the geopolitics of indigenous diaspora. political geography, 78, p.102124. [9] leminen, s., rajahonka, m., wendelin, r., & westerlund, m. 2020. industrial internet of things business models in the machine-to-machine context. industrial marketing management, 84, pp.298-311. [10] alrousan, m. k., al-adwan, a. s., al-madadha, a., & al khasawneh, m. h. 2020. factors affecting the adoption of e-marketing by decision makers in smes: evidence from jordan. international journal of e-business research (ijebr), 16(1), pp.1-27. 70 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 70-75 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational e-commerce pandemic covid-19 home industries and smes d kurniasih1*, f m akbar2 1departemen ilmu pemertintahan, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *dewi.kurniasih@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. this study aims to identify and analyze the impact of the covid-19 on the home industry and smes sector. the research method used was a literature study. literature study is method research conducted by examining ten previous studies on strategies to survive the smes during the pandemic. small and medium enterprises (smes) are on the edge of a cliff. the covid-19 pandemic caused the economic downturn. the lockdown stopped economic activity, reduced demand, and reduced interactions with others. at the beginning of the lockdown, smes one by one suffered losses and went bankrupt. the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the home industry and smes sector is certainly influential because it has made a significant contribution to the economy in this field. the results showed that the use of information technology had been applied quite widely in various areas. quite a lot of offline shops have also tried to open shops online, e-commerce sites, and even web e-commerce, apart from being accessed via the web, are also widely available. from the use of computers and the internet in managing their business. the conclusion that millennial customers' online buying interest during the covid-19 outbreak was not influenced by product prices but influenced by millennial customer trust. 1. introduction when the economic situation worsens due to the corona virus, business people must make decisions. the right strategy is needed for msmes. one way is to create neat company books. all financial transactions, income, expenses, and other transactions must be documented well. home industries and smes are affected by covid -19. most of which are engaged in daily food and beverage, creative endeavor, and the agricultural sector. according to the kemenkop ukm (state minister for cooperatives small and medium enterprises), there were around 37,000 smes. they were very seriously affected by this pandemic, with approximately 56 percent reporting a decrease in sales, 22 percent reporting problems in the financing aspect, 15 percent reporting on the issues with the distribution of goods, and 4 percent said difficulty obtaining raw materials [1]. covid-19 affects different products differently, meaning the impact of covid -19 on several products is very high while on some others is less [2, 3]. the use of e-marketing for smes' sustainability during the covid -19 pandemic is through the role of technology, business 71 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 70-75 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational activities, and distribution of goods. it encourages smes to do digital marketing to continue to operate and be able to compete through digital marketing or online promotion [4]. there are new norms for business people when facing a pandemic. it requires business people to look at technology. it will also apply after covid -19, which involves the recovery of smes to adapt to the new normal, which requires intersecting with technology [5]. besides, the rapid development of information and communication technology (ict) is beneficial for entrepreneurs to start their businesses. information technology (it) helps companies multiply from year to year [6]. they have the tools that can help entrepreneurs better and more effectively sell their goods or services to the public. the use of information technology (it) plays a critical role. in this case, accurate software can help companies improve performance in producing financial information, so managers can use it to make decisions. information technology is connected with many components so that its use is more reliable than humans [7]. electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the distribution, sale, purchase, and marketing of goods and services that rely on electronic systems, such as the internet, television, or other computer networks. e-commerce involves transferring funds, electronic data exchanges, management systems, and data collection automatically [8]. s-commerce is a part of ecommerce that utilizes social media, online media that supports social interaction, and user contributions to help sell and buy goods or services online. s-commerce uses social media as a transaction medium to complete sales transactions, but in some innovative s-commerce, there is no exchange of money at all. s-commerce not only means e-commerce on social media platforms but can also be interpreted as a feature of social media in e-commerce [9]. almost every industrial sector supported by electronic information technology will continue in the future. the clean economy has significance for developing innovative business concepts based on electronic information and network communications [10]. the administration and processing of transaction data from business actors using information technology can be done digitally with the support of adequate facilities and infrastructure, such as social media applications that use the internet such as facebook, youtube, tiktok, and other social media. media is available on gadgets or computers that will make it easier for humans to communicate. this social media can also as a medium for transactions in the trade sector, better known as online shopping or e-commerce [11]. there is the fastest increase in information technology in indonesia, such as cellular access for users in the payment of goods or money transfers [12]. this study aimed to identify and analyze the impact of the virus on the home industry and smes sector. the research method used is a literature study. 2. method the research method used was a literature study. literature study is a research method conducted by examining ten previous studies on strategy to survive during the pandemic. the research findings are in the form of recommendations to smes to adopted and carried out to survive a pandemic. 3. results and discussion to prove that the use of information technology in the home industry or sme business was carried out a series of tests using the ibm spss statistics 20 application by looking at the coefficient of determination (r2), which is to determine the percentage of influence given by 72 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 70-75 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational the dependent variable on the independent. variable's, then test the hypothesis. the empirical model for estimating the use of information technology and smes can see in table 1: table 1. results of the coefficient of determination of the use of information technology for smes model r r square adjusted r square 1 .837a .700 .693 a. predictors: (constant), utilization of information technology b. dependent variable: home industry business and sme based on the model based on table 1, the r square value of 0.700, which means the independent variable (home industry business/smes) is affected by 70 percent by the dependent variable (utilization of information technology) and 30% percent is supported by other factors. related is the use of information technology. it is needed more to be used by industry players, home-based businesses as a tool in the trade-in products or services produced to be more effective and efficient. in my opinion, the development of technology is very rapid, especially smartphones and computers, where almost all activities are in your hands online. maybe not everyone has a computer, but now, everyone has a smartphone. the use of information technology has been applied quite widely in various fields. many offline shops have also tried to open shops online, too, on e-commerce sites and even the web e-commerce, apart from being accessed via the web, is also widely available. therefore, the authors write about the use of information technology for home industry businesses and smes. the influence of information technology in business development states that information technology makes it easy for information to develop online business [13]. utilization of information technology in micro and small enterprises agrees to analyze the use of information technology analysis on smes, which shows that smes access is still limited in using information technology. it can be seen from computers and the internet in managing their business [14]. utilization of information technology in small and medium enterprises more dominant in developing technology by using its functions. from the internet in their business [15]. figure 1. demographic information 73 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 70-75 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational based on figure 1, it can be seen that the respondents in this study amounted to 50 respondents who came from 5 districts and cities. male respondents were 25.6%, and female respondents were 74.4%. based on age, this is dominated by respondents aged 20 years as much as 38% and aged 19 years as much as 36.8%. then from this data, it can seem that most shopping enthusiasts are in the age 17 25 years. in figure 2 below, any goods become impact the pandemic of covid-19. with the ecommerce market, all of the goods every year are always continue to rise. figure 2. statistics by type of goods in 2020, 30.8% share of users aged 25 to 34 years. young consumers dominate e-commerce users. in the e-commerce market, the number of users estimated to reach 221.0 million by 2025. lazada, tokopedia, bukalapak, blibli, shoppee and jd are currently the most popular online distributors in indonesia. they all offer a wide variety of products and hope to take on market leader positions shortly. so far, this tool has been seen more in urban centers. and, it is widely used by people between the ages of 20 and 39. their success is based not only on ease of internet access and individual marketing strategies but also on the creativity of presenting new transportation and payment opportunities. indonesia still lacks a shipping system regulated by the government, and to date, not all prospective e-commerce customers use online banking. although it can be assumed that online banking is only a matter of time, it is irrelevant which company can provide the best, fastest, and reliable delivery method. however, the general success of the e-commerce industry is anything but risky[16]. 4. conclusion from the results of this study, it can be concluded that millennial customers' online buying interest during the covid-19 outbreak was not influenced by product prices but influenced by customer trust. these results indicate that efforts to increase interest in buying online can increase the trust of customers first. 74 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 70-75 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational references [1] lu, y., wu, j., peng, j., & lu, l. 2020. the perceived impact of the covid-19 epidemic: evidence from a sample of 4807 smes in sichuan province, china. environmental hazards, 19(4), pp. 323-340. 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[15] hamdan, a. r., yahaya, j. h., deraman, a., & jusoh, y. y. 2016. the success factors and barriers of information technology implementation in small and medium enterprises: an empirical study in malaysia. international journal of business information systems, 21(4), pp. 477-494. 75 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 70-75 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational [16] machmud, a., & minghat, a. d. b. 2020. the price dynamics of hand sanitizers for covid19 in indonesia: exponential and cobweb forms. indonesian journal of science and technology, 5(2), pp. 176-184. 23 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 smartwatch-based information system as a compliance detector in traffic adi rizal rizkulloh*, bramasta, risky pratama departemen teknik informatika, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *adi.10119318@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to design a mobile-based application that serves to provide reminders to vehicle users to create orderly traffic and aims to build an obedient attitude to applicable traffic rules. to support this research, we used a qualitative method. while in the application development process using the prototyp e approach. the results of this study indicate that the development of this system can increase compliance in traffic and reduce the number of accidents so that an orderly traffic can be created. the main concept of this system is as a reminder so that drivers are orderly traffic, for example, when a driver commits a violation by driving on the wrong road, he will get a reminder. this information system will later get a warning signal that will be sent to the smartwatch when the user violates traffic, the user will be aware of things that endanger his life or others. keyword: compliance detector, smartwatch, traffic. article info: submitted/received 23 des 2022 first revised 15 jan 2023 accepted 31 jan 2023 first available online 10 feb 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction driving compliance on the road is an obligation that must be carried out by every public road user. using a helmet when riding a motorcycle, using a seat belt and not exceeding the speed limit set are some examples of driving compliance. driver speed plays an important role in influencing the risk of accidents, and remains a key safety factor [1]. this behaviour is often campaigned by the indonesian government to all levels of society. at this time, many people drive vehicles but not everyone understands how to drive a vehicle properly and pays attention to security and safety [2]. the trigger for a very large accident is caused by the human aspect that does not practice discipline in traffic, low awareness, and lack of knowledge about https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 24 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 driving safety [3]. the factors that most often contribute to the occurrence of traffic accidents from the selected risk groups have been analyzed for example young drivers, elderly people and at-risk drivers [4]. self-driving compliance must be created from oneself, if compliance has arisen from oneself then every public road user will feel comfortable. driving compliance has been regulated in government regulation no. 37 of 2017 and law no. 22 of 2009. in order to create order and security for traffic users, traffic signs are created to be obeyed to create these conditions. in everyday life, it seems that there are still many who violate traffic signs, this can endanger the violator and other people. other research states that the development of this information system is very beneficial for users, especially the public, regarding the importance of driving safety. users of this kind of information system can easily access driving safety information tha t is practical, easy to understand and access without being limited by location and time [2]. in this paper, we propose safedrive, an effective wrist-worn sensing-based application that detects most commonly occuring distracted driving events [5]. in this paper, we present midtrack, a driver monitoring system that is based on tracking magnetic tags worn by the user. with a single smartwatch and two low-cost magnetic accessories [6]. other studies also mention that the system that uses smart watches is very good at detecting unsafe behaviour of drivers directly [7]. so, the previous research stated that a system like this could detect the driver’s drowsiness lever based on the driver behaviour derived from the motion data collected from the built-in motion sensors in the smartwatch, such as the accelerometer and the gyroscope [8]. the purpose of this study is to design a mobile-based application that serves to provide reminders to vehicle users to create orderly traffic and aims to build an obedient attitude to applicable traffic rules. the research method used in this study is a qualitative method. 2. method in this study, the method used is a qualitative method, namely by collecting data based on analysis and discussion. the application of the system in important for the informasion system developer in assessing the success of the information system whether it runs according to the plan and whether it has fulfilled the wishes of its user [9]. the prototype method is a sequential method in making an application, starting from the stages of system requirements analysis, application design and evaluation. the prototype method is shown in figure 1. figure 1. prototype system development life cycle needs analysis is carried out as the first step. at this stage, it is done to collect initial data, the initial data contains things that will be included in the system. after that, the next stage is https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 25 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 the design of the application at this stage is done to design the application. after the application design is made, an evaluation stage will be carried out at this stage an evaluation of the results of the previously designed application will be carried out. these three stages of the process will iterate and continue until all requirements are met when the application is designed. the prototype can be applied to the development of small and large systems with the aim that the development process can run well, be organized and can be completed on time [10]. 3. result and discussion 3.1. identifying requirement the driving compliance information system is designed to provide reminders to vehicle users to create orderly traffic and aims to build an obedient attitude to applicable traffic rules. simple research in needs analysis was conducted to determine what the users of this information system needed. the driving compliance information system is equipped with a starting trip provider feature that is equipped with guidance from maps, a feature to check maps and a reminder feature if the driver makes a mistake in driving. therefore, this information system is very helpful for motorists when traveling. the menu structure in the driving compliance information system is shown in figure 2. figure 2. menu structure of driving compliance information system figure 2 shows the design of the menu structure in the driving compliance information system. the connection menu is to connect the smartwatch to the smartphone. the dashboard menu is the main menu which is divided into 4 sub menus, namely starting the trip, checking maps, user statistics, and profiles. 3.2 developing the initial prototyped in the early stages of prototyping, the developer designed the front page of the driving compliance information system (see figure 3). the front page contains safetyridin logo. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 26 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 figure 3. home page of the driving compliance information system figure 3 shows the start page of this system, before the user goes to the next page to connect the smartwatch to the smartphone using bluetooth. the page for enabling bluetooth on this system is shown in figure 4. figure 4 shows the page activate bluetooth smartwatch information system, where the user must connect the smartwatch to the smartphone so that they can enter the dashboard page. the driving compliance information system dashboard page is shown in figure 5. figure 5 shows the smartwatch information system dashboard page, on this page 4 menus are displayed to use this system, namely starting the trip, checking maps, user statistics and profiles. figure 4. page activate connection information system driving compliance https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 27 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 figure 5. driving compliance information system dashboard page 3.3 testing the prototype after the initial prototype has been successfully created, the initial stage is carried out to test the prototype and initial implementation that has been made. where in the previous stage, the 4 menus of the driving compliance information system were discussed. the explanation of the four menus above is shown in figure 6. figure 6. start page travel compliance information system driving https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 28 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 figure 6 shows the start trip page, after the user selects to start the journey on the driving compliance information system feature then the user is asked to activate the gps on the user's smartphone first. the map check page of the driving compliance information system is shown in figure 7. figure 7. check the map of the driving compliance information system map figure 7 shows the map check page after the user selects map check on the driving compliance information system feature. if the user selects the start trip feature on this map check feature, the user will be redirected back to the trip start page in figure 6. the warning page that will appear on the smartwatch when the user is traveling is shown in figure 8. figure 8. warning page driving compliance information system figure 8 shows a warning page where this page will appear on the smartwatch when the user is traveling. if the safety riding display is green, this indicates that the driver has not made a mistake, and if the safety riding display is red, this indicates that the driver has committed a traffic violation. the user statistics page is shown in figure 9. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 29 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 figure 9. check the map of the driving compliance information system map figure 9 shows the user statistics page of the driving compliance information system. on this page there is information about the total mileage of the trip and the number of violations committed by the driver while driving. the profile page is shown in figure 10. figure 10. check the map of the driving compliance information system map figure 10 shows the user profile page of the driving compliance information system. on this page there is information about the user profile which includes the user name, telephone number and the type of smartwatch used. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 30 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 23-30 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 4. conclusion the driving compliance information system is designed to provide reminders to vehicle users to create orderly traffic and aims to build an obedient attitude to applicable traffic rules. the main concept of this system is as a reminder for motorists to be orderly in traffic, for example when the driver. the main concept of this system is as a reminder for drivers to order traffic, for example, when a driver commits a violation by driving on the wrong road, the driver will get a reminder signal. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia and the mentors who have helped us in writing this paper. references [1] yadav, a. k., & velaga, n. r. 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selection of student council leaders at smkn 2 rancaekek because some of the schools are still elected directly or can also be called by voting using paper. to support the research, we use the waterfall method of software development. the sequence in the waterfall method is very serial starting from the planning process of analysis, design, and implementation of the system. results show that election chairman osis this use besides fulfill principles, we must follow development technology information as well as speed up the results of the vote recapitulation. electronic voting or e-voting is something from collection voice which normally used election general using electronic media. e-voting also makes elections easierfor example: no eat the cost, speeds up recapitulation voice, honest, fair, happening transparency, and reduces fraud. because that paper, discusses the application of evoting if it is applied to the field of school organization, namely in schools vocational high school 2 rancaekek. 1. introduction voting is a term that refers to a decision-making mechanism or gift mandate to somebody which can be held open or closed [1]. sometimesthere are so many frauds committed in the voting itself that can be done by committees, supervisors, and the voters themselves [2]. therefore, to minimize fraud, we need a technology that can reduce fraud [3]. e-voting is a system that utilizes electronic devices and processes digital information to create letters vote, vote, and count votes [4]. this system is very helpful to speed up the process collection voice, calculation voice, reduce risk error and fraud, save expenses and will fulfill the principles of general elections, namely: direct, general, free, and secret [5]. smkn 2 rancaekek every year certainly conducts the osis chair election. the selection process for smkn 2 rancaekek is still being implemented by direct voting by all students. however, the voting conducted at smkn 2 rancaekek is still conventional or in the form of paper, the calculations are still manual, so knowing the results of the process is quite long and also because there are too many students. mailto:ramadan.10119004@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 68 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 67-72 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this research uses the waterfall method, a sequential development process that flows like a waterfall through all phases of the project. with each phase completely completed before the next phase begins. the purpose of this research is to design a web-based system that functions as the general election for osis chairman at smkn 2 rancaekek because there are still many organizational elections, namely osis still using the old method, and this new method, namely the web-based election, is very effective so that the election can be carried out very well and safely. study this is descriptive analysis with approach qualitative. 2. method the method used in the process of designing an information system for the election of the osis chairman of smkn 2 rancaekek by e-voting this with the use method waterfalls. method this is conducted with a systematic approach, starting from the system requirements stage and then moving on to the analysis, design, coding, testing/verification, and maintenance. and the following is a picture diagram stages of the method waterfall [6,7]: figure 1. diagram stages of the waterfall 69 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 67-72 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion figure 2. page form login evoting an example of an e-voting login page design can be seen in the image above first containing form login and then enter the username and password aim so that para user could come in, with a user account which has provided by the school, using their name and password in the form of date of birth, so that could help monitor user which already select, then when you have entered your username and password, you will be redirected to the next page [8,9]. figure 3. page dashboard evoting an example of an e-voting dashboard design can be seen in figure 2 above shows the start page of the e-voting application, in which there is a menu dashboard, voting, and voting results. in the dashboard, there is also a button to direct the user to the page vote directly and will go to the next page [10-12]. the dashboard is a visual display of all data, all display 70 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 67-72 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information provides information at a glance, when we click the vote button, a different view or contents of the menu will appear. figure 4. e-voting page an example of the voting design can be seen on the third page, which is the page for selecting the candidates for the student council chair, there are 3 choices of candidates. where is the way tochoose it with push knob blue written "votes", besides that there is the knob for seeing howvision & mission from on the candidate chairman osis with method push the yellow menu button. in the vote button menu, we choose who we will vote for by pressing the vote button. there is candidate pair 1, there also candidate pair number 2, and candidate pair number 3, then in the second menu there are the visions and missions of the three candidates and before we choose it would be nice to see which vision and mission are suitable for us to choose, then the vision and mission what missions they build and plan in school. the picture above is to make it easier for students to choose what they choose via a browser or application so that there is no cheating when choosing and not having to queue or wait for their turn to vote and this election is free and anytime before the announcement of who the most chosen. 71 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 67-72 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. results page evoting examples of designs can be seen on page four this could see results from an election and see how many people which already vote and see the total votes entered, the total votes, and users, in order not to occur number error incoming sound and which choose it. application evoting this made to help para student in election chairman osis easily so you don't have to choose in turns so you can choose to use the application directly through your laptop or cellphone, application this made also that chairman election osis can run well and efficient, as well get results the best. 4. conclusion after going through several stages of research to create an e-voting web-based application for elections, the osis chairman by conducting requirements analysis, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing as well as operation and maintenance, so that the system that has been built can simplify the process processing data for support election the head of the organization, namely osis. with the e-voting application for the election of the chairman of the web-based student council, hopefully, with this e-voting you can minimize fraud in the process of selecting the student council president and making it easier for students to choose the chairman student council and with e-voting this will can realization principles election general that is: direct, general, free,and of course secret. references [1] ikhwani, y. 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become more diverse, such as where one of them is virtual reality (vr) technology in the form of applications on smartphones. the purpose of this research is to help the progress of education with the application of a sacrifice simulation that will be made as a learning medium for children. the research method that we use in our journal is a qualitative method, the results of this study make the application of qurban simulation to increase children's interest in learning in religious matters, namely understanding qurbani in a more different way. the main concept in this application is to present virtual reality regarding the simulation of sacrifices as a medium for children's learning. in the conclusion of this study, therefore with this application, virtual reality sacrifice applications can be made as children's learning media and help teachers in each school to teach and with this application children can feel directly in the form of virtual reality. keywords: qurban of simulation, application, virtual reality (vr), design 1. introduction along with the increasing variety of ways children learn to understand all the lessons delivered by teachers and the increasingly advanced state of education, the public education system for teachers or children must adapt to current technological advances. improving this can improve the quality of children's ways of thinking when studying. therefore, special attention is needed from the teacher or other teaching staff to prepare for the fulfilment of maximum facilities and services as a way of learning, such as utilizing virtual reality technology [1-3]. the use of virtual reality (vr) technology) in the world of education and training is one example of the use of ict and is an evolution of computer-assisted instruction (cai) or computer-based training (cbt) which offers a more natural, attractive and immersive interaction showing that vr is a creative learning medium of the future [4-5]. in 83 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 82-87 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech addition, the technology of vr devices and smart phones where vr applications can be run is quite varied and affordable enough in the market to allow students to use them personally [68]. it also provides flexibility for students to focus more on studying and repeating learning materials. in the study of the education study program at the university of indonesia education, overall, the research proves that there are differences in analytical skills in the aspects of distinguishing, organizing, and attributing between students who use virtual reality media and those who use presentation media in science subjects on material about the solar system at state junior high schools [9-10]. 22 bandung, and in our ingestion the use of vr technology that focuses on religious matters, namely how to learn qurban that will be carried out through vr. problems in learning the practice of qurban which are often experienced experience less than optimal learning, with this the aim of this research is to help the progress of education with the application of qurban simulation which will be made as a medium for children's learning. the research method used qualitative methods, the results of this study make the application of qurban simulation to increase children's interest in learning in religious matters, namely understanding qurban in a more different way. the phenomenon of the development of the practice of sacrificial worship from year to year has increased and eased in its implementation, due to the development of increasingly sophisticated science and technology (iptek) [11-13]. one of the results of the development of science and technology that plays a very important role in the implementation of sacrificial worship is the internet [14]. the existence of the internet is very necessary because people's needs for easy access and services always want to be fulfilled, therefore it then causes the practice of internet-based qurban worship which is currently known as online qurbani. 2. method the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach to convey the research design. where the data compiled is obtained from case studies examples of school children who are actively learning how the child is less than optimal in capturing his lessons, so in learning to use virtual reality there is an illustration of how children learn to directly interact with what they are learning aimed at maximizing how to learn from before. in designing the application, we use the blender software and the android studio application with the method of developing a prototyping system and making vr [15]. the development method requires interactive communication from the user. therefore, it can be assumed that users can provide more input so that a good application prototype with complete specifications will be produced. 3. results and discussion 3.1. early prototype development in the early stages of prototyping, the developer designs the front page of the sacrificial space application (see figure 1). the home screen contains the sacrificial hall logo and the app slogan. 84 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 82-87 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. initial view of the ruang kurban app figure 1 shows the start page of the pandawa application before the user enters the main page. from the sign in the login box for those who already have an account for the qurban room application and under the login box there is a sign up for those who don't have an account for the qurban room application. the main page of the qurban room application is shown in figure 2. with a green visual identity that makes the application an islamic color green, any student and teaching staff can access this application comfortably, for the needs of each use it is served with a simple and simple display. 85 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 82-87 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. the main page of the ruang kurban app on this main page, a choice of two roles will be displayed for you in using the application. the two roles are student and teacher. when students access it, they can feel for the first time to learn qurban through interaction media, just as teachers can monitor a student who is accessing the application, anyone who accesses to learn in the application can use it at any time. 3.2. testing the prototype after the initial prototype has been successfully created, as an initial stage of discussion from the developer to the user, prototype testing is carried out to test the initial prototype that has been made in the previous stage, namely the learning media for the application of qurbani simulation to children. the explanation of prototype testing is in figure 3. 86 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 82-87 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. the virtual reality page of the ruang kurban app figure 3 shows the virtual reality page of the victim. this page will contain a simulation of the sacrificial animal which is displayed in 3-dimensional form. in making the image realistic, virtual reality glasses are needed in order to get a realistic experience. whether or not how to learn interactively about qurban, but by learning other content such as zakat, the law of reading that has a relationship with the qurban. the icon layouts used are already wellestablished. as a result of the discussion from this study, the application of the qurban room is expected to be a good learning aid, with benefits as an innovation in learning qurban for the advancement of education, which can affect the progress of learning for everyone, especially the child by applying it in a family or school learning environment. 4. conclusion the qurban room application is designed to be a learning medium for children in producing a more realistic experience in virtual reality (vr) technology with the presence of the qurban room application to increase children's interest in learning. in this application there is information about real sacrifices. acknowledgement 87 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 82-87 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] elmqaddem, n. 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(2021). information technology for modern marketing. international journal of research and applied technology (injuratech), 1(1), 90-96. 97 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 97-102 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech information technology for consumer interest withdrawal t rohmawati1*, j rahmayanti2 1departemen ilmu pemerintahan, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *tatik.rohmawati@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of social media content as a consumer interest withdrawal strategy. the method used in this study is a qualitative method by collecting data descriptively, namely by analyzing several online shops on the instagram application. the results show that social media is used to buy products from the online shop. online shop owners do not need to use a lot of money to arrange content on instagram because it only requires creativity to make it more attractive, namely with themes, colors, and the preparation of content that is consistent. in conclusion, the development of technology provides a place for business people to start and continue business from marketing, promotion, to making consumers have a more efficient interest. 1. introduction the development of communication and information technology is something that cannot be avoided nowadays. business people are using technology, especially the internet, as a promotional medium to attract consumers. in increasing shopping trends, online businesses see online trends, which implemented to e-commerce systems [1]. this encourages them to compete and provide innovation to get more consumers. social media is a medium to make it easy to spread and promote their products without having to meet in person. instagram is a social media that has great potentials to start, spread, and promote a business. it is because currently, instagram is a social media that is very popular among young people and adults. the promotion strategy is the company's activity to promote sales by diverting a convincing communication to buyers [2]. previous research stated there was an increased potential for social marketers to use the internet for promotion [3]. promotions using the internet have been widely applied by businesses because they have time and visual effectiveness in conveying information and products to consumers. social media promotion is the use of social system promotion, weblog promotion, and more, this is the latest breakthrough in promotion [4]. the social system on instagram is to have followers and follow accounts on instagram. through this system, they can communicate from sending messages, liking, and commenting on posts. to have followers, we have to present something that can be an attraction for potential customers. 98 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 97-102 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech attracting the attention of consumers to buy products is necessary using the creativity coupled with different innovations than other business actors to compete. creating innovation can be started from creative content, where the content can convey the message of the business to potential consumers with packaging that is easy to understand and unique. content strategies for each social engagement platform require unique but complementary strategies [5]. unique content can be seen from the visual display and the message conveyed can reach the point of connectivity between consumers and businesses in promoting the product. the connection is being able to convey the message content precisely from what is planned by the business actor. the message strategy not only aims to merge information that was previously thought to be unrelated but also helps create innovative connections and relationships between individuals [6]. the success of a business does not only focus on creativity but also innovation but must be complemented by marketing strategies on social media. entrepreneurs are required to have mastered social media marketing to make an impact on consumers and be successful in building a business [7]. it is because being a successful entrepreneur must have a complete package from the concept plan to its execution. indonesia has many instagram users with high usage who can use instagram until five to ten times or more in a day. this time is used to control 72%. besides, the most interesting thing is 75% revealed they want to browse through the vendor account on instagram [8]. the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of social media content as a consumer interest withdrawal strategy. the method used in this study is a qualitative method by collecting data descriptively, namely by analyzing several online shops on the instagram application. 2. method this research used a qualitative and scientific method. the qualitative method is research used to discuss and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and individuals. the scientific method means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics namely rational, empirical, and systematic. the data sources in this study are secondary data obtained indirectly from the source but using written sources such as book sources, journals, and documents from related parties regarding instagram content, which is a strategy of attracting consumer interest. the documentation technique is a data collection technique in this study. the documentation method is information that comes from important records from institutions or organizations and individuals. 3. results and discussion 3.1. marketing marketing is the activity of approaching to the public to provide information about related products to be marketed. previous research said that marketing is a social process where there are individuals and groups, to get what they need and want by creating, offering, and freely exchanging valuable products with other parties [9]. in this case, the hajarostore instagram account does marketing by introducing products with the theme of islamic religion, where the marketing target of the account is largely muslim. 3.2. promotion promotion is an activity to introduce products or services to get the attention and value of potential customers who aim to make the things offered can be sold. the 99 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 97-102 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech importance of sales promotion is because consumer packaged goods companies allocate more than 50% of their marketing budget and 1% of their income for sales promotions [10]. one of the promotions conducted by hajarostore is to use the instagram platform as a media liaison with potential customers. according to databoks sourced from we are social in january 2018, indonesia is the third-largest country with 53 million active instagram users, as of january 2018 (figure 1). figure 1. databoks survey results regarding instagram active users (we are social: januari 2018) this provides benefits for both consumers and producers. it is because producers can minimize spending on promotions and for consumers to be able to access information on products or services without having to come to the producer. therefore, previous research suggested producers implement social media as a means of promoting their products because social media is a valuable marketing medium in reaching young market segments in a more agile and efficient manner [11]. 3.3. withdrawal of buying interest buying interest is a consumer's plan to buy a product or service based on the wants or needs of their feelings. it can be said that buying interest is a mental statement from the consumer that gives rise to a plan to purchase certain products or services. many studies adopt an approach to identifying and testing factors that distinguish the level of ethical 100 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 97-102 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech or environmental actions in consumers [12]. previous research said there are four indicators that can identify consumer-buying interest, namely: transactional interest that is a person's tendency to buy products. interest referrals, namely the tendency of individuals to recommend products or services to other individuals. preferential interest, which is an interest that explains the character of an individual who has an important preference for the product or service. if something happens to the preference of the product, then it can be replaced with another preference. explorative interest exposes the character of individuals who always explore explanations about the product or service they want and explore information to support the positive characteristics of the product or service [13]. one of the reasons his consumers buy the product offered is because they feel there is an emotional closeness to the theme taken by the seller that is related to muslims. from these statements, it can be said that hajarostore consumers have a type of preferential interest. content is an idea that produces information. content can be delivered through many things, one of them through social media. it must have a sale value to attract someone's interest not only the sale value but also the consistency that must be maintained for the selling agents. previous research stated content is said to be of general value if: • can generate interest, involve, also inform and educate customers • reveal all values that identify the company in terms of uniqueness, consistency, quality and relevance. • being proactive, which is able to evolve over time [14]. hajarostore applies the concept of content with a muslim nuanced theme. from the photo used to the description of the photo. the following is an example of the content displayed by hajarostore (see figure 2). figure 2. display instagram of hajarostore photo content 101 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 97-102 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2 shows that from the preparation of hajarostore photo content it is displayed muslim attributes not only in the preparation of photo content but also the content in the description of the photo description. where these contents are used as a strategy in attracting consumer interest specifically for muslim consumers (figure 3). figure 3. display content in the form of photos and description captions hajarostore 4. conclusion the development of technology provides a place for business people to start and continue business from marketing and promotion to make consumers have a more efficient interest. instagram is a social media platform that is being used a lot. business operators utilize these conditions to market their products and services. we have to market the products or services offered to make it more interesting, namely the concept of compiling interesting and consistent content. therefore, business people can attract the interest of potential customers. acknowledgement we would like to thank the rector of universitas komputer indonesia prof. dr. ir. eddy soeryanto soegoto, m.t, for helping us in providing the material and information so that this journal can be completed well. 102 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 97-102 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] soeryanto, eddy soegoto. 2009. entrepreneurship menjadi pebisnis ulung. bandung: elex media komputindo. 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[14] tregear, a., & ness, m. 2005. discriminant analysis of consumer interest in buying locally produced foods. journal of marketing management, 21(1-2), pp.19–35. 55 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 55-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational online platform application design for local product a febriansyah1*, h p ningsih2, d sartika3, m taufiq4 1departemen akuntansi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 3,4departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *angky@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. web technology development is growing rapidly because all technology's core is to make it easier for other people to create a web or find any information via the web. this study aims to design an online application/website specifically for local products that focus on fashion, especially those that have not been touched by online media at all, such as in pasar baru and pasar andir, located in the city of bandung. this research used descriptive with a qualitative approach. this study indicates that a website can be used as a promotional medium for local clothing stores to expand marketing reach. besides that, it can also improve the image of the local clothing company. more than that, of course, visitors can find out the latest types of branded clothing products and make sales transactions with consumers without visiting the store in person. with this website, of course, it will make it easier for customers to make purchase transactions at local brand clothing stores that are not widely known. 1. introduction the fashion industry is an industry that is always in demand by the public because it is a basic need [1]. although it is a basic necessity and is highly sought after, the fashion industry has many competitors, so that there is a need for branding in many media [2]. sales is a function of marketing that is very important and decisive for the company to achieve its goals, namely making a profit for the company's survival [3]. the local fashion industry is growing, such as selling clothing for women, men, children, and other fashion types. the fashion industry, in particular, sells clothes that have export quality [4]. the sales mechanism in various local clothing stores is that consumers come directly to the shop and choose the clothes to buy. promotions carried out by local shops are still lacking, so many consumers do not know that many local clothing stores sell various kinds of branded clothing with export quality, especially at pasar baru and pasar andir, which are located in bandung. website is a facility in the internet world as a link for a document in electronic form within a scope that covers a small scope or long-distance coverage covering a wide coverage [5]. documents contained on a website are called web pages, while the links contained in the content on a website allow users to be able to move from one page to another (hypertext) so 56 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 55-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational that it makes users easier to browse the website, both between pages stored on an existing server [6,7]. pages on the website can be accessed and read through browsers such as netscape navigator, internet explorer, mozilla firefox, google chrome, and other browser applications. in creating a website, the creator must have software that will later be used to create a couplet program and run it on a local server [8]. to maintain a competitive advantage and increase revenue in communications, we must plan to meet customer needs in the business world and ensure innovative technology strategies are implemented [9-11]. based on identifying the problems described above, a domestic clothing store sales website is needed to develop promotions so that many people can reach them. besides, effective strategies are used by fashion business people to implement online marketing to increase sales of their derivative products, which aim to increase the sales figure of an item being offered. this study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. the purpose of this research is to build a sales website for a local clothing store to develop a sales business, especially in the sales process, and to make it easier for consumers to get the latest product information and make transactions without having to visit the store. 2. method this research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. this research is called descriptive research because it aims to study and describe the buying process characteristics at a local clothing store and translate it into a website-based online form. descriptive research is a study conducted to explain and describe the characteristics (research variables) in a situation [12]. qualitative research was designed to tell researchers how (process) and why (meaning), aiming at achieving an in-depth understanding of a situation [13]. 3. results and discussion in creating a retail website, three users will interact with each other, namely, visitors, customers, and admins. the actors will have their needs. the following are the needs of each actor: 1. visitors visitors can register as new customers, view the products offered, view detailed information on each product on the website. 2. customers customers can perform several activities on the website, such as logging in on the visitor page, browsing the products offered, accessing detailed information about each product, and making product purchases. the difference between visitors and customers is that visitors do not have an account on the website, so they need to register first to be customers. 3. admin different from the other two actors, the admin has many activities that can be done on the website. admin can log in on the admin login page, add, edit, and delete products sold on the website, add new admins, or view admin data. admin can also see customers, see details every time there is a new order report, send customer orders if customers have made payments, deleted orders in 2 x 24 hours if not paid, view order delivery reports, view detailed sales reports, edit, block and delete admin data, visited the website, and admins can leave the admin page. 57 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 55-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational the admin must enter a username and password to manage product data and sales data on the login page. login interface is shown in figure 1. figure 1. login interface design. after successfully logging in, the admin will go to the main page. figure 2 shows the main admin interface page design. here the admin can access several pages, namely: 1. new orders page on the new orders page, admins can view orders that customers have ordered on the web page. the specifications that the admin can see are the type of clothing, the size, and the number of clothes. besides, the admin can confirm the order so that the order can immediately go into delivery. 2. shipment page this page is a page that displays orders that have been paid by the customer and have been confirmed by the admin on the new orders page to be sent to the customer's address. after the admin has approved, the order will be sent to the customer-selected expedition that has been inputted by the customer when ordering clothes. on the shipment page, the admin can also add an expedition that the customer can choose to purchase. the admin can also input the shipping costs for each expedition to various regions by looking at the zip code. 3. selling page on the selling page, the admin can see the products that have been sold, the number of products purchased by customers, and the size of the products ordered. 4. product page with the selling page, the admin can edit the number of products remaining on the website on this product page. admin can add the number of products and new products on this page if they want to add a product, product price, product name, product id, product stock, and product size. 5. category page 58 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 55-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational on the category page, admins can edit existing product categories. also, the admin can add product categories. specifications if the user wants to add specifications are the category id and the clothing category added. 6. city page on the city page, the admin can see the city where the customer ordered the clothes. also, the admin can add shipping costs on this page. to add a new city by adding a specific city id, postage, and city name. 7. user page on the user page, the admin can view and edit customer data, including orders if the ordered clothes have sold out. also, admins can edit admin data on this page. admin data that can be changed include admin username and admin password. admin data is only in the form of a username and password. 8. add admin page on the add admin page, admins can add new admins to manage orders and other web operations. if the admin wants to add a new admin, the admin can register a new username and password. 9. admin group page on this page, admins can see registered admins. on this page is a collection of admin usernames and passwords. figure 2. admin interface main page design. figure 3 illustrates the flow of customers and visitors in accessing the website. in the visitor's section, it will start with a registration form. on this page, visitors can browse the products on display on the shop website. customers can also register on the registration page. the data that visitors need to input to register includes the customer's name, username, email, gender, telephone number, and password. after registering, visitors will become customers. 59 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 55-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational after becoming a customer, visitors will enter the main page of visitors. here is a collection of clothes that are sold and can be purchased directly by customers. by choosing one of the clothes, the clothes will go directly to the shopping basket. after finishing choosing clothes on the main page of visitors, customers will enter the shopping chart page. on this page, the clothes that the customer has selected will be collected and added up. when finished shopping, the customer will go directly to the shipping address page. on the shipping address page, customers must enter the destination address with data specifications such as zip code, full address, telephone number, email, city, and recipient name. if all data has been filled in, the customer will enter the payment, confirmation page. payment confirmation page, customers can choose which platform to pay the bill using. after that, the system will provide a payment code according to the selected platform and the amount. after finishing paying, the admin will take care of the following steps until the order is sent and reaches the customer. figure 3. the flow of customers and visitors in accessing the website. 4. conclusion this website can be used as a promotional medium for local clothing stores to expand marketing reach. besides that, it can also improve the image of the local clothing company. besides, visitors can find out the latest types of branded clothing products and make sales transactions with consumers without visiting the store in person. this website will make customers easier in making purchase transactions at local brand clothing stores that are not widely known. 60 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 55-60 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratechinternational references 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[13] research in business studies. 2020. research methods in business studies, pp. 8–30. 113 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 android-based online bookstore system design erich satia wibawa*, dwi pujining tyas, indah tritantri information systems department, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *erich.10520733@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. indonesia is one of the countries with low interest in reading, given the importance of reading to increase human knowledge, by utilizing technological developments, an application is made that provides books in digital form. the purpose of this research is to design an online bookstore system that can be accessed using an android device. this application serves as a platform for readers so that they can increase their interest in reading with various digital books that can be accessed for free or paid. the research that was conducted was by using a descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach. this application development process uses an object oriented approach, namely system development life-cycle prototyping. the result of this research is to produce an online bookstore and an android -based audiobook that can be read and listened to for free or paid. in the application, there are various types of digital books with features that make it easier for readers. with this android-based online bookstore, users can read books anywhere and anytime without having to carry a lot of books. this research was conducted to make it easier for readers who want to read books effectively and efficiently with only one android device. in the end, this application is a reading medium to improve reading habits, especially the indonesian people. keywords: android, system design, bookstore article info: submitted/received 09 jan 2023 first revised 01 feb 2023 accepted 12 mar 2023 first available online 03 apr 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction the rapid development of information technology affects various sectors, it can be seen that there are many activities based on technology. the rapid development of technology and the internet in indonesia also has a big impact on business changes. likewise in bookstores, now it is not only available in offline stores but also available in online stores as digital books or https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 114 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 ebooks [1]. the development of new technology and innovations is expected to increase interest in reading in indonesia with the presence of this android-based online bookstore. because the existence of an online bookstore makes it easier for us to read. in the android application that is designed, it presents many types of books described in the journal of aliyatin nafisah [2]. now, reading activities can be done anywhere and anytime easily, with only one android device that is always connected to the internet [3]. in a previous study concluded that using an online system could reduce the cost of buying paper [4]. according to previous research has huge potential for online bookstores and is likely to have a long-term impact on readers. but maybe not everyone likes reading books digitally through an android device and is more interested in hardcopy books [5]. the purpose of this study is to design an android-based online bookstore system that can facilitate people in reading activities. this research focuses on designing an android-based system which is a combination of the use of technology and business in the form of an online bookstore. the research method used is a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach using a method called system development life cycle prototyping. this method is used for manufacturing or developing software. this research is expected to help the community in the development of technology and can increase interest in reading the indonesian people [6]. 2. method the research method used in this research is descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach to convey the description of the research design. in system design, we use android studio application for application development, figma for prototype design creation, sql server as data management. the development of this system is carried out using the prototyping system method. prototyping is an experimental process in which a design team implements an idea into a tangible form from paper to digital. prototypes are built with varying degrees of precision to capture design concepts and test them out with users. with a prototype, you can refine and validate a design. [7, 8]. this method is useful in the development of user interfacefocused systems. it takes good cooperation between the user and the developer to overcome the incompatibility that occurs between the two so that the developer will know exactly what the user wants without overriding the technical aspects [9]. the method of developing a prototyping system is shown in figure 1 [10]. figure 1. development method this prototyping development method, the stages that must be carried out before building a prototype is to collect all the requirements for the system, then after the prototype is made, there must be an evaluation carried out before proceeding to the technical stage. the prototype that has been repaired will be implemented with system coding, after which the system will continue to be evaluated until it is completely ready for use by users [10-12]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 115 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 3. results and discussion 3.1 identification bookspace is an online bookstore application designed to make it easier for people to read. research conducted to map what is needed by a reader in reading activities. this application is also one of the breakthroughs that can be made to increase interest in reading in indonesia by utilizing technology. the main feature of this bookspace application is an e-book or digital book as a substitute for printed books in the application. in addition, the bookspace application is also equipped with an audiobook feature as one of the developments of the main features that can be another option when users are tired enough to stare at their cell phone screens to read. the menu structure of the bookspace application is shown in figure 2. figure 2. menu structure figure 2 shows the design of the menu structure in the bookspace application. the home menu is the main menu in the application which contains 3 sub-menus, namely vouchers, ebooks, and audiobooks. the shop menu is a menu to select the book to be purchased, in this menu there are 3 sub-menus, namely the e-book menu to display e-books, audiobooks to display audiobooks, and all, namely the menu to display e-books and audiobooks. then there is the cart menu, which is a menu to store the selected book and then to make the payment process. my book is a menu to save the books that have been purchased. in the account menu, https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 116 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 which contains a sub-menu regarding user accounts, there are 8 sub-menus, namely, my email, my phone number, what book i have shared, change my password, my comments, settings, and need help. 3.2 the display in the prototype in the early stages of prototyping, the developer designs the start page of the bookspace application (see figure 3). the start page of the application contains the logo and the name of the application. figure 3. bookspace application start page figure 3 shows the start page of the bookspace application before the user enters the sign i or sign-up page. from the start page, there is a book icon that is used as the application logo and also the name of the bookspace application, both of which mean book space, where various types of books are provided in digital form that can be used as a reading space for users. the sign in page and the sign-up page are shown in figure 4. figure 4. sign in and sign-up pages on the next page after the application start page is the page for sign in and sign-up which contains the email and password used to enter the main page of the bookspace application. if the user does not have an account, he must first create an account as shown in the sign-up https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 117 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 image above. signing in or creating an account in the bookspace application can also be done using google or facebook. the main page of the bookspace application is shown in figure 5. on the main page there are several menus such as vouchers to display various kinds of vouchers that can be used when purchasing e-books, the e-book menu displays a list of various types of e-books that can be accessed by users, the audiobook menu displays a list of audiobooks that can be listened to, and other menus. the bookspace application also provides a variety of free e-books and audiobooks that users can enjoy without having to make a purchase. on the main page of the bookspace application there is also a search feature that can help users to find the desired reading without having to search one by one. the shop pagean e-book details of the bookspace application is shown in figure 6. figure 6 shows the shop page and e-book details from the shop feature in the bookspace application. the shop page contains various lists of e-books and audiobooks that can be purchased by users. if the user has selected an e-book or audiobook from the list, the user will be directed to the product detail page (e-book or audiobook) before proceeding with the purchase transaction. the detail page displays the details of the product that we are going to buy starting from the price to the product description, then the user enters the e -book or audiobook into the cart and processes the transaction. the charts and transactions pag e is shown in figure 7. the cart page contains a list of e-books or audiobooks that the user will buy, then the user will proceed to the transaction process on the payment page. the payment page contains details of the price to be paid along with the voucher that will be used. figure 8 shows the pages of all the books the user has. figure 5. main page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 118 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 figure 6. shop page and e-book details figure 7. cart page and payment page https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 119 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 figure 8. my book menu page my book menu page contains a list of various digital books that users have purchased. the e-book page and reading page (see figure 9) are pages where in the e-book page the user can set the duration of reading by pressing the alarm button. on the reading page there are also several features, namely settings to manage writing, saves, which is a feature to save quotes from books, home, which is to return to home, and help, which is how to use ebooks. in addition, users can also highlight e-books with various colours, besides that, this ebook also has a translation feature. figure 9. ebook page and reading page in addition, the audiobook feature is also available in this application, the audiobook page (see figure 10) where users can listen to the contents of the book without reading it, there are several features, namely an alarm to set the duration of reading, then a feature to increase or https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 120 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 decrease the audio speed and a feature to advances to the next 30 seconds or the previous 30 seconds. figure 10. my book menu page in the picture below (see picture 11) is a settings page that contains settings for the overa ll appearance of the application, there are mobile notification settings to enable or disable notifications on the user's mobile phone. figure 11. settings page figure 12 is an account page to display various menus related to user account information. in addition, users can also change the profile picture. there are several sub menus on this account menu, namely my email to display the user's email, my phone number which is to display the user's cell phone number, my wishlist is to display the books that the user likes, what book i shared sub menu is a sub menu to display any book which has been shared with other users, my comments is a sub menu regarding book reviews or comments that have been shared, the change my password sub menu is for changing passwords, settings is for https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 121 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 113-122 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 986 application settings, and the need help sub menu is an explanation of how to use the bookspace application figure 12. account menu page 4. conclusion bookspace application is designed for online bookstore which can be used by all users. bookspace is an application for buying and selling digital books based on android as well as being an application that facilitates reading activities for users. in this application there are various types of digital books, but not only the reading feature is available, there is also a feature for listening. this feature can be an option for users when they are too tired with the phone screen, so they can continue to enjoy the story by listening. this application also provides many types of fiction and non-fiction digital books for students. acknowledgement we would like to thanks the universitas komputer indonesia paper team for helping us 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online websites for fashionku stores is expected to increase sales. product innovation, distribution of advertisements, and website appearance with complete features are things that will attract the attention of customers to buy products. 1. introduction the development of information technology in terms of buying and selling goods online in indonesia has been growing rapidly. e-commerce is inseparable from the development of business and the economy in indonesia at this time. e-commerce, which is electronic commerce is the process of marketing, selling, promoting, exchanging goods, buying, and selling goods or services through the internet network. e-commerce can be defined as an arena for transactions or exchanges of information between sellers and buyers in cyberspace. ecommerce allows a company to reach all over the world to market its products or services without having to be limited by geographical boundaries [1]. e-commerce is about how someone builds a business on the internet, which is followed by entrants who access the website created and go to the catalog of products or services offered [2]. an individual or company that wants to develop its business, needs to participate in e-commerce, which is offering and selling its services online. therefore, opportunities are created for various aspects that offer new efficiencies in terms of product marketing, sales, customer service, shipping tracking, stock monitoring, and so on [3]. the website is a platform for offering and selling service goods online. the website can be defined as a medium for delivering information on the internet as a provider of commercial information or online stores, services, and delivering news [4]. the website created and formed from a series of specific codes or scripts from certain programming languages [4]. the programming language that usually used is php, html, css, asp.net, java, static files, clodfusion, ruby, javascript, perl, python, and erlang. to facilitate website design, php is usually used as a programming language for websites. 121 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 120-126 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech e-commerce can simplify the transaction process in purchasing products and customers can see directly new products in e-commerce so that the purchasing process can be done quickly [5]. the website development makes it easy for customers to get information about products sold. customers can also easily access the forum for offering and selling the latest products, anywhere and anytime they want to buy goods [6]. online website design can provide services as a marketing tool that can help business owners in expanding their internet-based business and make the product warehouse section more integrated when there is online stock on the website [7]. in designing online websites to sell goods, it needs to be taken into account regarding customer tastes, the need for new products, and the design of features that are easily accessible [8]. with web-based sales, all information about store products can be accessed quickly without having to come to the store location as well as a broad reach that can reach all over the world, can reduce costs incurred regarding product advertising and marketing, making it easy for business owners to interact directly with customers, and easy in processing data items and making sales reports [9]. the quality of the web designed is determined by habits, trust and perceived usefulness [10]. e-commerce in retail companies is currently pursuing more profit from the internet on the grounds of reducing costs in operations and the existence of customer reactions to virtual offerings, the need for quality improvement, and renewal of the web [11]. there are supporting factors in building websites that attract the interest of customers namely in terms of appearance, understanding, accessibility, availability, credibility, and communication [12]. the existence of e-commerce provides flexibility for anyone who wants to run their business wherever they are and at a small cost that revealed the opportunities in e-commerce. it allows for enormous operational efficiency, informationbased products, and services as a marketing complement for companies [13,14]. e-commerce makes customers easier to increase choices and the features of the problem solver they are facing online [15]. the purpose of this paper is to design an online sales website in the fashion field to increase sales at the fashionku store. this research used a waterfall method by observing and designing a web-based system, which uses the help of xampp software. 2. method this research used a waterfall method by observing and designing a web-based system, which uses the help of xampp software as well as analytical tools using php, html, and css. the waterfall method, also known as the classic life cycle, describes a systematic and sequential approach in software development. starting with preparing the specifications of user needs, then through the stages of planning, modeling, construction, to deployment. 3. results and discussion the main page provides features for women's, men's fashion, fashion catalog, search engine, and shopping cart. the main page displays a new arrival, where customers can immediately see the latest output of fashionku products. at the bottom of the page, there is a feature for my account. here, buyers can create an account, sign in, track orders, and confirm payment. there are features of customer service. these features are for customers who want to know how to order goods, shipping information, payment information, product return methods, size guides, and other questions to be asked. there is also a link where customers can see the outlet of my fashion store. the main page also has a feature to contact online directly with my fashion shop customer service. customers can also look around my fashion store's social media (see figure 1). 122 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 120-126 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. main page the goods page shows the items that customers can buy. on this page, customers can choose the size of the desired item, then add it to the shopping cart. it shows that customers must ensure the shape and color of the items to be purchased are as intended. different item colors are available in the list of available items (see figure 2). figure 2. item page 123 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 120-126 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech after selecting items placed in the shopping cart, the sign-in page will appear. the sign-in page displays a column for logging into an account, which is equipped with logging in via facebook and a google account. it shows that online sales websites have used a single sign-on (sso) scheme as a method to facilitate customers in managing their online accounts. with the sso scheme, customers do not need to remember multiple usernames and passwords. they only need to remember one credential to do the authentication process (see figure 3). figure 3. sign in page after signing in, a shopping cart page will appear. the shopping cart page displays information about the items that customers want to buy and goes to the payment process. continue to the payment to display the payment options page that customers want. it shows the total of many items on the shopping cart page will also be calculated automatically, making it easier for customers to make payment transactions (see figure 4). 124 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 120-126 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. shopping cart page the payment page displays the total payment for the customer's shopping cart, showing payment options that can be chosen by the customer. it can be seen various choices of banks that can be used by customers according to what they have. payments using the same bank account will reduce transfer fees between banks (see figure 5). figure 5. payment page 125 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 120-126 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion from the research results obtained, we can conclude that the existence of online websites for fashionku stores is expected to increase sales. product innovation, distribution of advertisements, and website appearance with complete features are things that will attract the attention of customers to buy products. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia and those who involved in the process of making this research so that we can complete the research well. references [1] soegoto, e. s., christiani, a., & oktafiani, d. 2018. development of e-commerce technology in world of online business. in iop conference 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[1]. with today's technological developments, android phones are mobile devices that are very easy to use for human needs and more than mere communication devices, but android phones are a pile of software that includes many operating systems and middleware. according to claudio maia, android is a device that can be used for mobile devices equipped with operating systems, middleware and the main applications that we make. since it's an official https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 42 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 public release, android has launched interest from companies, developers and the general public [2]. location-based services (lbs) appear as supporting applications thanks to cellular services for users with wireless devices who already know the location and can ask about their environment, such as finding the closest place they want or all expenditure centers within 10 miles anywhere, anytime. this paradigm brings great convenience to access information, cellular transportation, property of the data needed at that location. now the mobility of mobile users presents a big challenge for location-based service providers to use mobile phones [3]. connecting with android, we use smart phones based on cellular systems, with more sophisticated computing capabilities and connectivity from mobile features [4]. various applications add unlimited fun to living people. at the moment android phones are very popular especially in the smartphone market. because this android phone is open source and some free tools have been developed very rapidly so there are many applications that are produced and really inspire people to use the android system. in addition, the android system has provided a hardware platform that is very convenient for developers so they can use more of their ideas to create an android application [5 ,6]. making this application uses software called android studio using the java programming language [7 ,8]. 2. method in making the framework of an androidbased online computer technician application using descriptive methods, in this method determine the status of humans, an object, a set of conditions, or events in the present [9,10]. the purpose of this research using descriptive method is to make a systematic description with factual and accurate facts, characteristics and relationships between phenomena being investigated. the following are several methods, namely: 2.1. data collection in making the framework of an androidbased online computer technician application using descriptive methods, in this method determine the status of humans, an object, a set of conditions, or events in the present. the purpose of this research using descriptive method is to make a systematic description with factual and accurate facts, characteristics and relationships between phenomena being investigated. 2.2. analysis this analysis will determine what features and images will be made in accordance with the data that has been collected. besides adjusting features that will be made and easy to use by users. 2.3. system planning this analysis will determine what features and images will be made in accordance with the data that has been collected. besides adjusting features that will be made and easy to use by users. 2.4. coding translating data that has been designed algorithm into a predetermined programming language. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 43 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 2.5. testing tests for the program have been made. 2.6. maintenance changes or additions to the program according to the user's convenience when using the application 3. results and discussion the results of the research that can be done, 80% of computer users have the same problem, compiling user users has damage problems, they find it difficult to find computer service providers quickly and reliably. in making this android-based online computer technician application, 90% of computer users and assistance service providers will be very helpful in making it easier for computer users to find reliable and fast technicians and help security service providers to find consumers easily. this online computer technician application will be very challenging for job opportunities to get scholars or people who have expertise in repairing computers and can reduce acquisition rates in indonesia. from the results of previous research (ca harrison), this service technician has been applied to cable television technicians. on technicians the cable television programming system is a well-known customer in their field. usually this system consists of service centers and a number of customer locations so that all are serviced by technicians. central services or service representatives responsible for receiving incoming calls and service requests. the r ole of the operator is responsible for ensuring that the cable television technician has been sent to the location of the customer who needs service and reviews the technician's progress to coordinate with the customer service representative at the service site center or may be located in a different location. therefore customers need help, they must call a service representative. service representatives typically filter requests and determine whether the technician's assistance needed this work order requires data such as the customer's name, customer address, customer telephone number and date of service agreement, the status used for the current service and the service requested for service information other desired devices that are used are computers to be used to assist in data storage input and information transfer, the work order is then continued to the operator to give work orders to the technician [10]. 3.1. admin web login page display the login page on the web admin is a page to enter the system by entering a username and password. the login page can be seen in figure 1 . 3.2. admin web home page view the home page on the web admin is a page to display all menus and system notifications. the home page can be seen in figure 2. 3.3. technician application login display login to the technician application is to enter the system page by entering a username and password. the technician application login can be seen in figure 3 . https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 44 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 figure 1. admin web login page display figure 2. admin web home page view figure 3. technician application login display https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 45 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 3.4. display order list login technician application the list of orders entered in the technician application is a page to see where computer and laptop repair orders come from. and can immediately take orders by clicking on one of the incoming orders. the list of incoming orders can be seen in figure 4. 3.5. display order list received technician application the list of orders received in the technician application is a page for viewing computer and laptop repair orders received. and you can immediately see the order details by clicking on one of the orders received. the list of orders received can be seen in figure 5 . 3.6. technician application transaction display transactions is a page to view balances and can make top up and with draw transactions. transactions can be seen in the following figure 6. figure 4. display order list login technician application figure 5. display order list received technician application https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 46 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 figure 6. technician application transaction display 3.7. technician application profile view profile in this technician application is to display technician data. the profile can be seen in the following figure 7. figure 7. technician application profile view 3.8. customer application login display login to the customer application is to enter the system page by entering a username and password. customer application login can be seen in the following figure 8. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 47 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 figure 8. customer application login display 3.9. customer application register display register on the customer application is a page to register as a customer. registers can be seen in the following figure 9. figure 9. register view 3.10. customer application home display home in the customer application is the home page or the main page in the customer application. home can be seen in the following figure 10. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 48 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 figure 10. customer application home display 3.11. order data display the order data in the customer application is a page for creating repair orders. order data can be seen in the following figure 11. figure 11. customer application order data display 3.12. customer application transaction display transactions on the customer application are pages to view balances and can make top up and with draw transactions. transactions can be seen in the following figure 12. 3.13. customer application profile display profile on this customer application is to display customer data. profile can be seen in the following figure 13. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 49 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 figure 12. customer application transaction display figure 13. customer application profile display 4. conclusion in making the application of an androidbased online computer technician aims to find a solution that brings together computer technician service providers with consumers in need. the idea of a computer technician application comes from seeing it difficult for computer users to find good and reliable computer service services and service providers who find it difficult to find customers and service those services where this application can also help reduce unemployment rates for graduates or people who hav e expertise in repairing computers. in terms of consumer trust, it is guaranteed that service service providers have met the requirements that have been determined or have been selected both in terms of completeness and identity of the service providers, a s well as technicians have price transparency, consumers do not need to bargain because of financing the service has been printed on the application with any damage repaired by the technician to the customer. in this computer technician application where there are several features that are very easy to use by service https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 50 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 41-50 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9873 providers and consumers. in making the application " computer technician " based on android along with the increasing number of computer users that are very rapid in today's era, this android-based computer service provider can expand the marketing area in various major cities in indonesian. acknowledgement the author would like to thank the support of mr. agis abhi rafdhi as the paper kwu unikom team who has provided suggestions for this research, the group and all parties involved in this research either directly or indirectly. references [1] abdilah, a., mardiyani, e., & nawawi, i. 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(2020). computer technician application design in household based part (brt) using the sdlc method: computer technician application design in household based part (brt) using the sdlc method. jurnal mantik, 4(1), 366-373. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 49 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech game design for an environmental-themed 2d adventure mobile game muhammad adhithyas prasetyo1, chandra gelar pamungkas2, gayuh budi luhur3 1departemen desain komunikasi visual, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *adhithyas.51919182@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. game is a game based on technology media, which is currently one of the entertainments today. the development of games has become a technology that can be felt, through computers to cellphones. one of the game media, namely mobile games, is an attraction for gamers (people who play games) now. game makers are competing to make games interesting and useful for game lovers. the genres presented are also diverse, such as rpg, open world, horror, puzzle, sport, and others. at this time the design of the mobile game focuses on the slide type game, where the camera in the game moves right and left, and the illustrations presented are 2d. this game takes the topic of the environment, which through the game tries to invite players to preserve, learn, and understand about the environment, presented with the spices of rpg (role playing game) games as well as a strong story presentation. 1. introduction videogames are problem-solving activities with a fun approach through video media, videogames themselves are a form of multimedia, multimedia itself is a combination of text, sound, images, animation and video using computer technology so that users can interact, create, navigate and communicate [1]. video games are grouped from the machine they run, such as pcs that are played through computer media, consoles that are played using specific machines, and androids that use cellphone media. then based on the visual representation of the game, it is divided into 2, namely 2d and 3d. 2d games are currently a game that is still much awaited by gamers. a 2d game is a game that mathematically only involves 2 elements of cartesian coordinates, namely x and y, so the concept of a camera in a 2d game only determines the image in the game that can be seen by the player [2]. although the development of 3d games is also considered very fast, 2d games still have their own fans because the art style is quite pleasing to the eye. one aspect that supports 2d games is still one of the types of games that are awaited, is the storyline that is delivered. through the storyline that is presented, some games will include educational elements for players. one of them is learning about the environment, which aims to increase awareness of environmental conditions, fauna and flora. the environment is the unity of space with all objects, forces, conditions, and living things, including humans and their behavior, which affect the continuity of life and the welfare of mailto:*adhithyas.51919182@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id 50 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech humans and other living creatures. this environmental concept will be an important element in the development of this mobile game. the topic of the environment is a topic that is quite often raised and discussed everywhere. due to the high level of interest in environmental topics, it is necessary to have a suitable media to discuss this topic. according to azhar arsyad, explaining that the media is a tool to convey or deliver teaching messages [3]. then, by delivering through game media, the combination of game elements such as missions to work on, game items, challenges and others and environmental topics will be considered more fun and not boring. online games are often featured with in-game items for players to acquire, quests or missions for players to complete, and loose structures created by open fiction stories. one of the cases is in children who have a higher curiosity than adults, which will be because most children at an early age have a high curiosity about everything in the surrounding environment [4]. but it is not possible for adults who have a special interest in complex stories. to make the game interesting, it requires a deep and complex storytelling, as well as illustrations that spoil the eye. when players explore a game that is presented with a complex story, the player's eyes will dissolve more easily and enjoy the game more. most people, as described in previous studies found that people play online games for various reasons such as overcoming challenges, relieving tension, making friends, and passing time, but the most basic goal is to enjoy games [5,6] the goal of this research is to create a 2d adventure game based on android (if possible, pc) with environmental themes, starting from discussion to solutions to problems in the environment presented through game media. in making this game, the waterfall life cycle methodology which is commonly used in software development will be used. waterfall is one of the models of the system development life cycle or known as sldct. the system development life cycle, also known as sdlc, is a general methodology used to develop information systems. sdlc consists of several phases which starting from the planning, analysis, design, implementation to system maintenance phases [7] . when designing games, will use 7 stage sdlc. there are 7 stages in this method, namely, planning, define requirements, design & prototyping, software development, testing, development, operations & maintenance. 2. method the design of this game will use the waterfall life cycle paradigm methodology which has 7 ways or steps that will later achieve the desired goals of this game. the method starts from requirements (terms) emphasizing the process of collecting materials in accordance with the purpose of this game design, specification (specifications) the results of the analysis of materials that have been collected and then formulated into game product specifications, architecture (architecture) formulation of game descriptions from engine to game. user interface, detail design (detailed design) detailed design of every detail that will be made, coding (coding) the process of all game components assembled so that they are ready to run, testing & debugging (testing & debugging) the process of checking if there are errors, ship (launch) the product ready to release online. 51 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the waterfall method is a method that is widely used because of the many advantages obtained in designing software [8]. the pros are: • clear requirements before starting the design • each phase will be completed within a certain period of time after that move to the next phase. which will make the work will have a clear flow • as a linear model, it is easy to implement. • amount of resources required to implement this minimal is the model. • each phase of clear documentation is followed for software development quality figure 1. research methodology these all steps must be mutually sustainable because if one step is not completed or there is an error in the calculation, the results that occur in this design will be chaotic and the game will not be able to be made. 3. results and discussion 3.1. requirement the game titled is “for my world” designed for people from all type of peoples, and ages, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of the environment. game ”for my world” takes references from various environmental problems that exist around them and these problems are designed in such a way as to become objects in the game. 3.2. specification the results of the analysis of the materials that have been collected are then formulated with game product specifications according to the needs of the intended market. • game description the game designed is an educational type game that is compiled and presented in the form of rpg and adventure in a fantasy world. at the end of this game, it is hoped that the audience can understand and sympathize with the environmental damage that is currently or has occurred. the game will be in the form of story 52 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech telling, where every level in the game is completed, a cut scene will be presented which will tell about the results of the adventure from the completed level. figure 2. main menu screen on the main game page will be displayed the atmosphere of the world that will be played in the game. the color of the soil is bright brown which symbolizes polluted land and there is mud from factory waste, plastic waste scattered on the left symbolizes a dirty environment. the title of the game reads "for your world" on the letter o in the word world, there is an earth logo which is the background of the current game. there is also a start button to “start” and “load” to continue the previously saved game. the bottom right corner has settings for the game • game storyline the storyline of the game for my world begins with a eco, a young man who suddenly wakes up from his long sleep. when he looked out the window, the world he lived in was almost destroyed due to the severe environmental damage. this time, neo has a mission to prevent the world he lives in from being destroyed. figure 3. eco, main character design • game rules the game has 4 different levels, starting from easy, medium, moderately difficult, and difficult. each level has different puzzles, gameplay mechanics, obstacles, 53 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech enemies that will add to the fun. players will be given a mission to defeat several enemies which will be a requirement to complete the level. players will also be given puzzles that must be solved to pave the way to the next level. the life system will also be used to add challenges to the game. players can earn lives from successfully completed challenges. in addition to challenges, lives can also be obtained from obstacles that are blocked by several enemies or located in areas that are less visible or hidden from the player's view. figure 4: monsters sampah in image 4, an example of a monster can be seen which symbolizes the garbage scattered in the environment. this monster is the first monster to appear in the game and will appear in each level. monsters of this level are monsters with easy difficulty. image 5 also shows one of the missions that must be done to complete the level. figure 5, symbolizing illegal logging. when the player encounters this monster, the player is required to use his skills to save this dying tree. if the player doesn't save this tree, the level won't be cleared and the player is forced to save this tree again. 54 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. illegal logging 3.3 architecture in designing this game, the game architecture needed for development is formulated. • hardware requirement (1) pc with core 2 or equivalent (2) minimum 2 gb ram (3) minimum windows 7 (4) 250 gb hard drive (5) soundcard • software requirement (1) game maker game maker is an instant game creation application that uses minimal coding. game maker makes it possible to create games using simple drag-and-drop, so users don't need to use or have programming language skills. this includes a choice of programming languages to add advanced features to the games created [9] 55 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7. game maker • user manual control (2) → to move to the right (3) ← to move to the left (4) ↑ to jump (5) a to attack (6) x to parry (7) skill 1 to use skill 1 (8) skill 2 to use skill 2 3.4 detail design in designing the game, this game style will use pixel art styles on the background, characters, and monster designs. there are also several additional objects to support the progress of the game. the cutscene also uses pixel styles and a few camera effects to improve the mood and emotions of players when viewing the cutscene. in rpg games, the addition of cutscenes is something that can't be missed. the use of cutscenes aims to show conversations between characters, showing the situation of the game, they can be an indicator of when a new game level begins or ends by setting the stage for the action that follows or signaling to the player that they have reached the goal of a certain level or section, lastly cutscenes can be helps the player to take a break from the difficult levels he has completed. other uses of cutscenes include their usage in marketing to gain viewer excitement [10] 3.5 coding when designing this game, all components and content of the for my world game will be created and assembled into a game that is ready for release 3.6 testing and debugging before release the game, the necessary testing and debugging will be carried out to check whether during gameplay, there are bugs or other problems that might affect the experience while playing. 56 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 49-57 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.7 ship in the last stage, after all the checks have been made on the game, the game will be ready to be released on the mobile platform and will likely be released on pc. but the place where the main release target remains on android. 4. conclusion the results of the research using the waterfall life cycle paradigm methodology are in accordance with the " game design for an environmental-themed 2d adventure mobile game" as an educational game. the result of game development is centered on a character who wakes up and finds the earth has been polluted so that the main character goes to eradicate the monsters so that the earth returns to its former good. and also the test results from each steps passed can be categorized as good so that it meets the criteria as an educational game. this is what gives the purpose of the game "for my world" as an educational game that can have a good impact on the players later as a reminder that a healthy environment is very, very important for all. acknowledgement we acknowledged bangdos, universitas pendidikan indonesia. this study is a part of community service program (program: community service program thematic literacy 2022 (11 july-10 august 2022 group 6) institute for research and community service (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia. references [1] bodzin, a., junior, r. a., hammond, t., & anastasio, d. 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important to protect the beloved country of indonesia. therefore, a solution relevant to the ti mes is required to solve problems related to this vernacular language. this research aims to create a technology that will provide answers to the community to recognize the vernacular language of a particular object using augmented reality and speech recog nition technology. in supporting the research, we use a qualitative descriptive method and the sdlc waterfall concept in its design. the results obtained indicate that this technology has succeeded in helping to make it easier to find out the vernacular la nguage of an object. augmented reality technology gives an exciting impression when using this application. in contrast, speech recognition technology makes it easier for users to use this application because they can access it through speech only. with th is application, people realize that preserving the vernacular language can be done using today's technology keywords: augmented reality, vernacular langua ge, speech recognition article info: submitted/received 19 sept 2022 first revised 05 nov 2022 accepted 03 jan 2023 first available online 20 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 80 international journal of research and appli ed technology 3(1)(2023) 79-86 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 954 1. introduction vernacular languages are an essential part of national identity, a legacy of cultural diversity that becomes a mother for their speakers because they are based on various ideas and behaviours that can protect future generations [1]. however, its existence in this digitalization era deserves attention due to the significant impact of changes caused by the times. one of the changes related to language today is that more and more global languages are used to be able to interact, so the use of vernacular languages is starting to erode. augmented reality (ar) is an interactive technology that we can use as a medium for approaching vernacular languages. this technology can even be developed by integrating its capabilities through speech recognition (sr) as a medium for connecting human interaction with the system. the importance of the vernacular language approach in this digitalization era is supported by the idea that studying vernacular languages is not only to complete knowledge but also to build character oriented to cultural values [2]. then, according to the review put forward [3], using technology to support language learning is considered adequate for students to accept and use it. furthermore, a study revealed that the main advantage of using augmented reality technology for learning is the high rate of learning achievement followed by a high rate of motivation [4]. specifically, referring to research related to the use of augmented reality technology as an educational medium for language learning, it is known that this technology has the potential to increase motivation, satisfaction, attention, engagement, and enjoyment in learning activities to enable students to practice language realistically so that they can become a promotional medium through genuine communication [5]. moreover, using speech recognition in learning vocabulary can increase user interest and satisfaction with the system [6]. based on these studies, it is evident that the use of technology to get to know local languages has an important role. however, there is little literature regarding its application as a solution to the vernacular language approach through fundamental learning such as object recognition. this research aims to create a technology that will provide solutions to the community to recognize the vernacular language of a particular object using augmented reality and speech recognition technology. in supporting the research, we use a qualitative descriptive method and the sdlc waterfall concept in its design. 2. method to assist the research, the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. in designing this system, we used figma software with a prototyping system development approach using the waterfall sdlc. prototyping is one way to reduce failure factors and errors at the beginning of the design phase [7]. making this prototype will be the first step in developing the latest technology that plays an essential role in the community regarding the development and preservation of vernacular languages. based on the sdlc waterfall, which will make the process simpler by following the steps that must be completed [8]. the system development process with a prototyping system approach based on the waterfall sdlc can be (see figure 1). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 81 international journal of research and appli ed technology 3(1)(2023) 79-86 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 954 figure 1. system development life cycle prototype waterfall 3. results and discussion 3.1. requirement analysis this prototype is designed to make it easier for people to recognize the vernacular language of an object using augmented reality and speech recognition technology. to determine what features are needed in this prototype, brief research has been conducted to analyze the requirements. the central part of this prototype is to provide information on the specific vernacular languages of an object to the user. users can use voice input to do a language search for an object. by using speech recognition, finding object names will be easier to find. meanwhile, augmented reality will provide an exciting experience to the user by providing an overview of the object being sought. in analysing the functional requirements that will be applied to this prototype, a context diagram has been designed to provide an overview of the processes in this prototype. a context diagram is a method used to represent all relationships of the leading entities involved in the system [9]. the context diagram of this prototype (see figure 2). figure 2. context diagram based on figure 2, the prototype designed has 1 type of user. in this prototype, the user provides input to the system through a voice. the sound received by the system is then https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 82 international journal of research and appli ed technology 3(1)(2023) 79-86 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 954 processed and output as information about three-dimensional objects based on augmented reality technology. 3.2. designing prototype based on the analysis that has been done, the next step is to design the prototype to be made. in an application system, an interface is needed based on the menu structure that has been developed. the design of the menu structure can represent the flow of the menu that is run on a system [10]. the method of this menu structure is needed to facilitate developers in the next stage, namely the prototype development process. the menu structure of this prototype (see figure 3). figure 3. menu structure figure 3 shows the menu structure of the prototype to be built. the home menu is the initial menu displayed when the user opens the application. the search by voice menu is a menu to search for the name of the desired object and its vernacular language by inputt ing the voice based on the speech from the user's mouth. the search result menu is a menu to showing the results based on the words made in the previous process. in the search results menu, the search results are in the form of three-dimensional objects based on augmented reality technology that can be seen through the user's smartphone camera, complete with the vernacular language information of the object. 3.3. developing prototype after completion of the design stage, the next step is to enter the prototype development stage. based on the previously created menu structure (see figure 3), an interface menu is made based on the menu structure. the first interface menu created is the main page menu, in this menu, the user will be presented with an initial display of this prototype. the main page menu display of this prototype (see figure 4). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 83 international journal of research and appli ed technology 3(1)(2023) 79-86 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 954 figure 4. home menu based on figure 4, the main page menu interface looks attractive and simply to give the user a comfortable impression. the words "tekan tombol start untuk memulai aplikasinya" provide direction to users so as not to get confused when using this prototype. by creating a simple and attractive menu display and giving a comfortable impression, it is hoped that users will feel comfortable and have a good experience using this prototype. next is an interface menu to search for objects in specific vernacular languages using voice input which can be (see figure 5). in this menu, the camera will be active, which aims to display augmented reality objects at the next stage. figure 5 shows that when a new user opens this menu for the first time, a message will appear as assistance on how to use this prototype. this interface menu contains a dropdown list and a microphone button that will be used to receive voice input. the dropdown list at the top is an element used to select the desired vernacular language. when the microphone button is pressed, users can say what they want to find in the pre-selected vernacular language. the user speaks the name of the object searched use indonesian, after that the system will process it and the results will appear in the searc h results menu, which can be seen in figure 6. the search results on the previous menu will appear in this menu. in this interface, the search results and a three-dimensional object model are displayed using augmented reality technology. the object name in the selected vernacular language will appear a t the top of the https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 84 international journal of research and appli ed technology 3(1)(2023) 79-86 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 954 display. using augmented reality, the three-dimensional object is not static and can adjust the camera's movement. the microphone button can also be reused to search for other object names without pressing the back button. figure 5. search by voice menu figure 6. search result menu https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 85 international journal of research and appli ed technology 3(1)(2023) 79-86 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 954 3.4. review and testing the prototype after the prototype has been successfully developed, the next step is to review and test the prototype that has been made. the review is carried out to assess and look for deficiencies that can be improved in the future. testing is carried out to see whether this prototype will run correctly or if there are problems that must be fixed again. based on the test results, the prototype interfaces built based on the menu structure runs appropriately. the prototype built has good usability, in other words, this prototype is easy for users to use without having to make more effort in its use. by using a few menus, making the main features of this prototype are well visualized. switching between uncomplicated and concise menus makes it easy for novice users to use this prototype without difficulties. the review obtained from this test is that this prototype gave the user an excellent impression of the menu's design and the main features provided. the part to search for object names from specific vernacular languages is also easy to use. just by mentioning the object name, the object name will appear according to the selected vernacular language. 3.5. revise and enhancing prototype in developing an application or prototype, there must be deficiencies in the results or development. it takes a lot of improvement effort to cover or fix the shortcomings that have been made previously. in this prototype, only a few vernacular languages can be used to search for object names. it is also hoped that in further development, this prototype can be used in general in applications and not in prototype form anymore. 4. conclusion the development of this prototype is expected to provide solutions to the community by making it easier to recognize the vernacular language of a particular object or object using augmented reality and speech recognition technology. the main feature of this prototype is to search for object names based on specific vernacular languages using voice input and search results in the form of three-dimensional objects. input as a voice in the search for object names is the implementation of speech recognition technology. the search results in the for m of three-dimensional objects are the implementation of augmented reality technology. using speech recognition and augmented reality technology provided convenience and an exciting experience when using this prototype. acknowledgement we want to thank universitas komputer indonesia for assisting us in writing this paper. references [1] siregar, i. 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(2019). sistem informasi wisata pantai berbasis web di kabupaten garut. jurnal algoritma, 16(2), 201-207. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9954 97 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 website-based rice harvest data collection information system dial dwitama azza1*, krisna oktavian wicaksono2, david adi chandra3 1.2departemen sistem informasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 3departemen manajemen informatika, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: * dial.10520024@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this research is to help agricultural institutions get accurate crop statistics and make it easier for farmers to submit crop data. that way farmers do not need to come directly to send their harvest data. the method used in this research is the descriptive method, by reading from various available journals. the results of this study are expected to increase the effectiveness in the delivery of crop data. with this website, the delivery of harvest data from farmers to agricultural institutions will run quickly to shorten the time. in addition, it is hoped that this website can produce precise and accurate data, to be able to answer the availability of rice and indications of a decrease or increase in the number of harvests. keywords: agricultural, website-based, information system, farmers article info: submitted/received 19 nov 2022 first revised 15 des 2022 accepted 12 jan 2023 first available online 30 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 1. introduction in any sector, information is the key to obtaining accurate data, one of which is in the agricultural or agricultural sector [1]. if the data is relevant and appropriate, then it can be said that the information can help agriculture. information in agriculture helps to take appropriate measures to prepare a harvest strategy for the season or next year, speculating on market changes as well as avoiding circumstances that cause losses. it could be said that the development of agriculture depends on how quickly the relevant information is provided to a farmer. the traditional methods that have been used have not been very effective because they take too long, so that information or feedback from farmers will be too late. therefore, with the online harvest data collection, it is hoped that it will be able to answer these problems. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 98 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 the current situation of agriculture in developing countries is quite worrying, this is because data and information sources are scattered and fragmented, and time-consuming to use. this suggests that the potential of the data and information is not fully exploited [2]. although this information systems research allows for an impact on agricultural ownership because it is important for good policy recommendations, some studies have discussed the relationship between farms and their sources of information [3]. one of the key elements of smart farming is the agricultural management information system [4]. most of these implementations provide individual monitoring and represent strong investments, many of which farmers cannot spend this short time implementing a website solution for them. therefore, it is very important to provide an understanding that can be applied by small farmers [5]. because of its potential to improve agricultural problems in rural areas, it must be routinely evaluated among farming communities [6]. the advantage of this research compared to previous research is that the website user will use concise language also with a simple appearance so that it is easier to understand, considering that farmers are still not used to using websites to carry out this new data collection system. 2. method the research method used in this research is a descriptive method, by reading from various available journals. this research is carried out by a collection of data and information that has been obtained through facts stored in the form of documents from va rious regions as well as through books or reading resources related to the research theme. in designing the system, we use figma as a web design creation software using iterative development methods. the iterative model can be said to be multi-waterfall. these cycles are divided into smaller ones and each iteration is easy to manage [7]. this iterative development is a rescheduling strategy in which time is set aside to revise and improve parts of the system [8]. the method of developing iterative systems (see figure 1). figure 1. the method of developing iterative systems the initial stage of this development method, namely planning, is carried out to plan a system so that it runs well and is structured. next, namely the analysis stage. at this stage, an analysis of the user is carried out to obtain information on the needs of the user himself in https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 99 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 running a system. after that, the developer will make an initial design that will be used as a discussion material for users to be developed to make the website better. after the design is made, implementation will be carried out. this is done so that the software is ready for use by users. the next stage is maintenance, this stage is intended so that developers always meet requests from users. 3. results and discussion 3.1. planning the initial stage in website-based data collection is the planning of the website to be created. planning a solution to a problem that occurs in the world of agriculture in a rural area. the structure of the website-based rice harvest data collection (see figure 2). figure 2. the structure of the website-based rice harvest data collection figure 3.1 shows the design of the web-based rice harvest data collection menu structure. the home menu which is the main menu contains the profile, location, information, and data of harvest. for the detail’s menu, there is only harvest statistics as information on harvest data and is directly conveyed to the user. 3.2. analysis this stage of the analysis focuses on the software to be created by the author. to make the data collection process better, the author designs the interface design contained on the website. 1. the web-based crop data collection information system has 2 users, namely: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 100 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 table 1. data collection information system admin farmer admins can add, change, and delete crop data. farmers can input crop data into the website admins can add, change, and remove passwords farmers can view and organize the crops they have obtained by category admins can add, change, and delete categories farmers can view and edit profiles they have admins can view data for logging confirmations farmers can access the information contained on the website admins can view and print reports 2. there are 2 system needs needed, namely: system administrator member system admins can log in to the website administrator page to manage the data and information that appears on the website and can view incoming data and crop reports farmers who have registered can log in with their username and password, if they are not yet a farmer member, they can register to become a member if they have logged in, members can look through harvest data, and input data 3.3 design in the early stages of doing a design, the developer designs the front page of a website. the screen contains logins divided into 2, namely login for farmers and login for agricultural institutions, then there are details containing details of agricultural products, which contains website information, and views of bandung regency. the design of the website start page has been made as simple as possible so that it is easier for users to understand. the start page is (see figure 3). the next view is the login view, the user can log in as a farmer or log in as agricultural institution. users must enter their email and password to access the website further. farmers and institutions that will log in are required to already have an account that has been registered first. the login view (see figure 4). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 101 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 figure 3. the design of the website start page figure 4. the design of the website login view the appearance of the initial menu on the homepage, that is, the profile of the farmer. the profile can be accessed and changed by farmers, but agricultural institutions also have access to the menu. so that agricultural institutions can find out who has owned or registered their identity on the website (see figure 5). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 102 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 then, the location menu to find out the bandung regency area that has paddy fields. in the location menu, farmers can also add locations that have paddy fields that are not yet known by many people. that way, farmers can add their insights to the rice fields that they ha ve not encountered so far. the location menu (see figure 6). the information menu is intended to find out how many farmers and agricultural institutions are in the city/district. the information menu is important for both parties, whether farmers or agricultural institutions so that there is no missed data to create accurate data. the information menu (see figure 7). harvest data is accessed to send information on harvests carried out by farmers and is addressed to agricultural institutions to facilitate and speed up data processing. because the processing of harvest data will produce useful information for agricultural institutions. harvest data (see figure 8). figure 5. the website home view https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 103 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 figure 6. the website location menu view figure 7. the website information menu view https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 104 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 figure 8. the website harvest data view finally, agricultural institutions input and record as accurately as possible annual harvest data. the statistics of harvest data are located in the details. the data is in the form of harvest data per hectare each year to year, intended so that farmers obtain appropriate and accurate data. the details of the harvest statistics (see figure 9). figure 9. the details of the harvest statistics https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9866 105 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 97-106 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.9 962 3.4. implementation if the planning and design are mature, then the developer does the implementation (implementation). this is done so that the developer knows the impact and benefits of the website he created for farmers and agricultural institutions. to allow the implementation of systems that support agriculture to go well [9]. 3.5. maintenance the next stage if the implementation goes according to plan, namely maintenance, allows for the existence of dynamic modifications of the knowledge structure based on current beliefs for each known fact. the goal is to carry out website maintenance and replacements as needed to match the previous planning. maintenance is also aimed at reducing costs. 4. conclusion the rice data collection website is designed to be the main need for farmers and agricultural institutions to exchange information, especially related to crop data in an area. this website was created to ease the task of farmers in manually submitting harvest data to local agricultural institutions. agricultural institutions can obtain statistics easily because this web is designed to be as minimal as possible to be practically used by farmers who do not understand technology. acknowledgement we would like to thank the rector and lecturer of kwu universitas komputer indonesia to help us in writing this paper. references [1] lopes, v. c., silva, c., gonçalves, d., oliveira, r., bulcão-neto, r., kassab, m., & graciano-neto, v. v. 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users number are increasing, especially adults with high mobility. for them who often travel outside the city, internet is crucial because it connects them with the travel agent. nowadays, the convenient use of internet technology is used to market products and services offered by travel agents, so that it provides many benefits for business travel agents with minimum marketing costs. the results of this study were the use of internet and online marketing had impacts on the increasing profits of the travel agents. the conclusion of this research is bandung tour expert as a company need to improve their variant of tour package to make tourist more interest to visit the company website. 1. introduction in the era of globalization, the development of information technology (it) is growing rapidly. it helps companies to develop and experience rapid growth year by year. the manager of the company chooses to use it for interacting efficiently and conducting business openly. it brings companies much closer to consumers, helps reduce the costs, and makes businesses more flexible [1]. bandung, as one of the tourist destinations in indonesia and attracts many tourists, has developed many forms of facilities and infrastructure in it. one of them is providing easily accessed tour packages information or booking. online media can promote these products or services through websites, online advertisements, mailing lists, social networks, blogs, business communities, etc. with the unlimited market range, it will increase the opportunities to attract as many consumers as possible [2]. the use of social media both in web and cellular-based internet technology is to create a variety of unlimited information in any geographical, social, political or demographic aspect through participatory and collaborative public interaction. social media has now been used by commercial circles and has become a global phenomenon in recent years [3]. bandung tour expert is a travel agency that offers tour packages to consumers or tourists on online media. in conducting its business, bandung tour expert has several products, one 149 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 148-153 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech of them is tour package. a tour package is a series of activities where tourists can choose various activities such as tours and tour packages that have been arranged for a certain price. the price of tour packages, in general, includes all components in the tour, such as transportation, meals, accommodation, guides, and others [4]. all activities arranged well to be a tour package and marketed to individual and group tourists through the internet. the target market segmentation is domestic tourists. by making online travel package orders, customers or tourists do not need to go directly to travel agents but can directly access the internet by opening the website. this internet media was chosen because of the rapid development of information technology affecting the lifestyles of current customers, including the way bandung tour expert tours market or promote the product and service that has been designed using internet media [5]. promotion on online media can facilitate consumers and be more efficient for companies [6]. with this information, researchers are interested in knowing how the marketing strategy of travel packages through internet media at bandung tour expert. the purpose of this research is to describe how marketing strategies on online media affect company positively. therefore, we will explain how to analyze the marketing strategy carried out by bandung tour expert using swot analysis techniques so that all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats found in the company can be known. 2. method in this research, the data collected using observation techniques by making direct observations to the research location for obtaining a clear picture of the tour packages and its marketing. this research used descriptive, qualitative, and swot analysis methods to find out the marketing strategy problem variables related to prices, products, promotions, and distribution channels owned by bandung tour expert. 3. results and discussion the marketing strategy carried out through internet media by bandung tour expert was a strategy to make customers and tourists access their products and services easily. in marketing their products and services, bandung tour expert used a website as its online media. this website could be accessed by all people wherever they are as long as they had internet access. the influence of internet media in bandung tour expert also affected segmenting, targeting, and positioning. the demographics of product and service sales from bandung tour expert were centered on domestic or domestic tourists only. the target market involved men and women aged from children to adults because the available routes were domestic travel in bandung. various tour packages offered enable tourists to have more options and choose attractive tour packages to meet their vacation needs. the followings are the products found on bandung tour expert website. • main menu in the main menu view, there were various sub-menus containing products from bandung tour expert. the main menu appearance was very interesting and user-friendly. the following is the sub-menu package tour, and the order form (see figure 1). 150 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 148-153 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. main menu • package tour this tour package menu contained product information such as description of the tour, itinerary, and all product prices (see figure 2). figure 2. package tour 151 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 148-153 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech • order form in the order form menu, consumers had to entry their name, email, and telephone number to make an order. they can also send message along with it (see figure 3). figure 3. order form bandung tour expert marketed their products through internet media using btb and btc. btb stands for business to business which is an activity where bandung tour expert conducted product marketing through internet media by installing several outbound and inbound tour packages that could attract several potential agents abroad to market the these packages in their countries. business to business had different prices from the ones on the website. it was also occurred for other collaborated travel agency companies. on the other hand, btc or business to customer directly corresponded with tourists who bought tour packages. they would be subject to the prices listed on the website. marketing tour packages through online media were preferable to brochures because it was more efficient for bandung tour expert. consumers who would buy tour packages could easily access the website. moreover, the payment system and purchase confirmation were made as convenient as possible. the development of technology was now equal to the rapid growth of travel agents in bandung which grew rapidly with tight competition. facing this situation, bandung tour expert continued to improve its strategy to survive and compete with other travel agents. discussing these problems, swot analysis obtained the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, 152 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 148-153 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech and threats in marketing tour packages through online media in bandung tour expert which can be seen in table 1. table 1. analysis swot strength (s) a. the tour packages that were marketed through online media were quite varied. b. display images on the website for each tour package were very interesting. c. marketing costs incurred were cheaper than using print media d. traveling information could be found easily by consumers e. the website enabled to be accessed worldwide weaknesses (w) a. consumers found it difficult to request special package tours b. occasionally consumers complained about the incompatibility offered on the packages with what actually served to them c. the price of tour packages was in indonesian rupiah (idr) d. error system occurred occasionally opportunities (o) a. it took short time to renew or add new tour packages b. various and interesting tour packages attracted consumers to book a package c. tour packages were sold to the specific target d. the website enabled to be accessed worldwide threats (t) a. business competition got tougher to promote travel packages through online b. personal data of consumers were at risk of data misuse for buying package online c. it occasionally had price competition with other travel agents d. consumers had low trust due to several online sites that commit fraud strategy so a. utilizing a variety of packages and attractive travel package to increase the interest of consumers b. cheap package prices must be followed by appropriate quality so sales are on target c. increasing promotion through online media so that more consumers access the website d. showing complete information about travel packages strategy wo a. giving new options to consumers b. the information posted on the website must be in accordance with facts c. applying excellent internet connection system to prevent error system strategy st a. making different tour packages and changed the website appearance to be more attractive and optimal b. keeping the personal data confidential to prevent data c. providing accurate information from existing facts as they are strategy wt a. improving the quality of products and services b. offering special prices in indonesian rupiah for domestic tourists based on the results of the research above, it could be described that the marketing of bandung tour expert products was appropriate in choosing internet media as medium for promotion and marketing. the swot analysis showed strategies to enhance marketing activity by minimizing and eliminating weaknesses and threats. 153 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 148-153 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion it can be said that it is appropriate to choose online media as a medium for promotion and marketing of travel packages because it has been proven with swot analysis and it showed many internal factors that have a positive impact on the company. the advantages of each strategy that comes from within the company must be improved to reduce the weaknesses and threats of competitors. acknowledgement this research can be completed in a timely manner thanks to the support of various parties who have made it easy to be able to complete this task.. references [1] soegoto, e. s. 2018. radio frequency identification (rfid) smart card on parking 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the purpose of this research is to design and develop educational and entertaining picture books to motivate and interest children in learning. this research uses the prototype or designing method with the implementation of augmented reality technology into the picture books, where the books will show animation which will draw interest in reading and learning to children. the expected result from this research is the increase of children's literacy interest in indonesia and implementing the use of books with augmented reality in indonesian education curriculum. keyword: augmented reality, picture book, smart picture 1. introduction education method in 2006, more correctly characteristics of education unit level or ktsp stated that learning needs to provide cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. based on taxonomy bloom the affective domain consists of: 1) receiving, 2) responding, 3) valuing, 4) organizing, and 5) characterization [1]. based on what research [1] have stated, it can be concluded that the learning method is to have the teacher explain and students respond. this brings some advantages and disadvantages. ktsp will then be replaced by the 2013 curriculum, or what’s commonly called kurtilas. based on research [2], kurtilas have four characteristics that differentiate between kurtilas with other curriculum, that is: 1) realizing character education, 2) creating local education, 3) creating cheerful and friendly education, 4) education is not only a learning medium. comparison between the two curriculum can be found in research [2], with the results showed that the advantage of ktsp is that the students is not forced to master all of the subjects and the advantages of kurtilas is that the students is more emphasized on creative, innovative thinking, and quick-response, also train courage, and kurtilas to uses natural approach, with the meaning that the learning is more emphasized 199 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 198-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in experience not knowledge-transfer. as for the drawbacks from each curriculum is that ktsp still uses the test as a benchmark, as for kurtilas more focused on the teacher capabilities who are still unable to apply the kurtilas [2]. students today have begun to be exposed in digital entertainment like games, video, and social media. this leads to the needs of motivation becoming more and more difficult to reach in the school environment. in research [3] implementing an interactive media in technology, information and computer subjects, the conclusion stated that the application of interactive media supports the concept of entertaining learning where the students can feel comfortable when learning. introducing interactive media has been proven to help students to increase their learning interest in the school environment, by developing this, augmented reality can be implemented in teaching methods as an other interesting interactive media. similar research that utilizes augmented reality technology in education has been widely carried. one of which is in research [4-5] that examine about making an augmented reality character model based on colored drawing, explained in this research that the purpose of the research was to introduce a colored picture book with the use of augmented reality, from research [4] referenced about similar research, namely research [6], explained in the research that game-based-learning can increase motivation and provide a means for students to learn through game. research [7] showed that augmented reality technology can be developed in different fields such as medical, aviation, marketing, tourism, design, shopping, and of course games. research [8] explained in more detail about the development of augmented reality technology, in the educational field, by developing electronic books as a means of mathematical learning about geometry in elementary school. the difference with previous research is that this research is more focused on designing picture books that can implement augmented reality. the purpose of this study is to design and develop a picture book that can educate and entertain in order to increase children’s motivation and interest in learning so that it can be understood how the impact of using augmented reality technology on children’s motivation and learning performance. the research method used in this study is the prototype method. 2. method the research method used in this study is the prototype method where the prototype steps include requirements analysis, designing, and making mock-ups. the requirements analysis step is carried out by looking for tools that will be used in this study, using augmented reality technology, the first tool to be used is an application called vuforia and animations are made with the help of unity and blender applications. as for other applications, it will be used based on need. the next step is designing, where this step is to design two things, namely designing the content of the book and the 3d model where the 3d model is adapted to the content of the book that has been created. then, the mock-up step is carried out by designing an application based on a prototype that fits the design that has been made. 3. results and discussion 3.1. analyzing requirement in this analyzing requirement, there are two requirements including functional requirements and non-functional requirements. functional requirements are the requirements of a system that has general functionality or usability so that the application can run according 200 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 198-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech to the purpose for which it was made. there are several functional requirements in this picture book application, including: 1. the camera on the device used can detect and capture images on the picture books. 2. the application can display 3d images and animations when the camera captures images that are contained in the picture book. in addition, there are non-functional requirements which are additional requirements in adding application features or certain other additions in developing the application so that it can be used. the non-functional requirements in this picture book application include: 1. book design. 2. illustration or artwork design. 3. 3d animation. the tools for the above requirements consist of several applications such as unity and blender as 3d animation tools, and also design using painttool sai. the application development using unity and vuforia as marker creation tools. 3.2. designing at this stage, the content of the picture book will be designed. the theme and title ideas are obtained from the results of joint discussions or brainstorming about the story to which an assessment of story ideas will be taken in terms of relevance of the story, the uniqueness of the story, and the ease of the story to be picked up. furthermore, the concept of the book will be built based on the existing ideas. the focus of this step is in terms of book design, story design, and artwork design. from these three points, it can be continued for storyboarding. the storyboard discusses the storyline from the beginning of events, problems, to the solutions. the storyline will be supplemented with several educational points that are suitable for the target user where the educational points consist of all relevant lessons learned at the target user’s age. educational points and artwork design will be implemented into the creation of 3d animation for use in augmented reality creation (see figure 1 for the schematic). figure 1. designing schematic 201 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 198-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the book cover design can be seen in figure 2. figure 2. the book cover design as for the marker, we used the picture of the pyramid of giza as seen in figure 3. the marker will work as a scannable picture which will show a 3d model of a pyramid with its detail. figure 3. the marker on smart picture book in figure 3 there is a note that says “scan here” which is directed to the user to scan the picture with a mobile device which then the application will show the 3d model animation. 3.3. application design 202 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 198-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech this stage implements augmented reality into a picture book using marker-based augmented reality method. the way marker-based augmented reality works with the application scanning an image that has been identified as a marker. then, a 3d model will appear on the device. markers are created by uploading a snippet of an image that will be used as a marker to the vuforia database. the markers that have been created will be implemented into applications that will be created using unity. animations that have been created will also be included in unity (see figure 4 for the schematic) [9-10]. figure 4. application schematic examples of the expected results in this research shown as figure 5. the camera will detect the marker that has been uploaded to vuforia database, the scanned marker will show a 3d model that has been implemented in unity. figure 5. example of augmented reality models 203 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 198-203 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion this smart picture book is designed to help educators and parents in providing motivation and teaching to students. this picture book can be implemented to all teaching methods for any field. due to its wide and varied application, this technology is appropriate to be appointed as one of the supporting media in carrying out teaching and learning activities both in the school environment and at home. acknowledgement we would like to thank universitas komputer indonesia and to all parties who have contributed directly or indirectly in the making of this paper. references [1] ain, n., & kurniawati, m. 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(2019, march). nemu: design and improvement of visual programming environment as learning support system on basic programming subjects. in proceedings of the 2019 7th international conference on information and education technology (pp. 54-61). 117 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a study of investment awareness and preference of individuals toward various mutual fund schemes with reference to islampur city mr. shekhar m. gidde1*, dr. hemlata gaikwad2 1department of management studies, rajarambapu institute of technology, islampur, maharashtra, india. 2department of management studies, rajarambapu institute of technology, islampur, maharashtra, india email: *shekhargidde1998@gmail.com abstract. mutual fund is an investment option which includes bonds, stock or securities used by the professional money managers. investment is done for earning the regular and risk free returns from investment. in our country number of investment options are available, they are ranging from insurance policies to stocks. the study aims at finding the awareness of individuals towards mutual fund and preferences toward it. in our study it is found that the more number of respondents are aware about mutual fund. investors purchase funds from brokers and asset management companies in large numbers. the majority of respondents are satisfied with mutual fund investment. keywords: preference, awareness, individuals, mutual fund. 1. introduction a mutual fund is a mechanism for polling together the small savings of the people by issuing them securities in the form of units, the mutual fund mobilizes the funds of the small investors and invests them in marketable securities following the objectives of the fund. mutual fund, highlighting to be the most appropriate investment for the common man, offers opportunities to invest under the diversified basket of securities, professionally managed, at a comparatively lower cost. mutual fund shaw its existence through a number of schemes launched from time to time with the aim to go accomplish beforehand should get registered with sebi. this industry in india started with the formation of the unit. trust of india (uts) in 1963 was an initiative of the reserve bank of india and the government of india. there are different types of mutual funds based on asset class, structure, risk, and benefits. the type are as a open-ended, close-ended, multi cap, large cap, mid cap, small cap, regular income fund, growth fund etc. mailto:shekhargidde1998@gmail.com 118 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the study is related to know about the investor attitude toward mutual fund. the different elements that affects on investment in mutual fund and awareness about that. and what features attracts to investors to invest in mutual fund schemes. 2.review of literature according to dhall, 2021 from the study it is concluded that about 28% of investors are aged between 40-49 years. and from that 38% are work in private sector. most of respondents are aware about mutual fund schemes. and most of respondents have invested in mutual fund once in the life. about 40% investors responds as mutual fund is profitable [1]. according to dr. m.p. desai, 2013 most of mutual fund investors are investing in insurance sector because the safety and security reason. 40% of investors shows interest in open ended fund. open ended fund is first choice of mutual fund investors. most of the investor’s purpose for investing is wealth creation [2]. according to dr. s saravanan, 2021, advertisement is the main sources of information to aware the investors. the investors who are able to save more money they have capacity of more investment in mutual fund. the returns which gates from investment is the major factor of satisfaction of investors [3]. according to ainapur, 2020, the less investors are awared about mutual funds schemes. the investors who have invested in mutual fund are satisfied and they get good returns from investment. most of the 36% investors are investing in systematic investment plan because most of them are salaried persons. the individuals are invested in less amount because they have fear of risk factor [4]. according to (mini, 2020), the more investors in mutual fund are graduate student and they are most chosen in investing is uti and reliance mutual fund. and unaware investors are interested time deposite and other fixed assets. the most of limited knowledge of mutual funds. the investors age group of 20-35 was more attracted toward mutual funds investment. as compared to female the male investors are more in number [5]. according to raju, 2018, the most investors choice for investing in mutual fund because better return and safety return. in this study 02 % responded are investing in mutual fund and 18% are investing other. most investors are mutual fund directly from amc and other purchased from brokers [6]. according to bajracharya, 2017, the study conducted in nepal city and the finding is investors that limited knowledge and limited resources the mutual fund industry was growing stage. and the study found investors are not assured investing in mutual fund and are thinking mutual fund is not safe [7]. according to malini, 2017, in most of investor investing in mutual fund in safety factor. and some investors as don’t know this investing option and many people first choice for investing money was bank fd. because safety reason. and in rural area people income also very less and same people are investing those business man and government servant are investor in mutual fund [8]. according to vijayakumar it was presenting the less income group are taking high risk and investing in the mutual fund and same people are not interested. in investment is less because the so many people imperfect knowledge of investment and in middle class family woman’s are invest there money. in gold and jewelleries, service and retired person are investing in fixed deposit [9]. according to elmanda, et al., the peoples are expecting the tangible benefits from mutual fund investment. and most people the mutual fund was easy use and. it was good risk cover 119 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech consider and company ensure the people feature and investment so many people are first choice to invest money is mutual fund. so many people invest money because low risk and high return this reason [10]. 3. method key variables to be studied are, the key variables used in the study are as follow: preference, awareness, individuals, mutual fund. nature of data to be used for the study, the data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. secondary data was collected from books, journals, and published articles. primary data were collected from respondents through a closed and structured questionnaire. area of the study, we are going to study the awareness and preferences to individuals about mutual fund in islampur city talwalwa, dist – sangli, maharashtra. data collection tools, data can be collected from various ways from different sources. the main method used for data collection is questionnaire or interview. we prepare questionnaire which contains questions regarding the mutual fund scheme. sampling technique, as the sample size is infinite, so we have to use nonprobability sampling technique. so out of five nonprobability sampling techniques we are going to use convenience sampling, purposive sampling, snowball sampling for the study. 4. results and discussion in this study primary data has been used. we have collected responses from 157 respondents by distribution of google form. then collected data was classified, tabulated and analysis with help of statistical tools ms-excel and statistical package for the social science (spss). and it’s findings have been presented in step by step manner are as follows: table 1. respondence. the following table shows gender wise classification of respondence. sr. no. respondence count percentage % 1 male 116 73.9 2 female 41 26.1 total 157 100 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 73.9% respondents were male whereas 26.1% respondents were female. the majority of respondents were male. 120 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 2. occupation. following table shows distribution of respondents on the basis of occupation. sr. no. occupation response percentage % 1 student 70 44.6 2 farmer 13 8.3 3 businessman 21 13.4 4 private sector employee 37 23.6 5 government employee 16 10.2 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 44.6% of respondents are students, 8.3% farmers, 13.4% businessman, 23.6% private sector employees, 10.2% government employees. table 3. monthly income. following table shows monthly income of respondents. sr. no. monthly income response percentage % 1 upto rs. 15000 73 46.5 2 rs. 15000-25000 25 15.9 3 rs. 25000-40000 35 22.3 4 rs.40000-60000 14 8.9 5 rs. 60000-100000 5 3.2 6 above rs. 100000 5 3.2 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 46.5% of respondents were monthly income upto rs.15000 majority of respondents having monthly income below rs.15000. 121 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 4. household income. the following table shows household income of respondents. sr. no. household income response percentage 1 upto rs.15000 50 31.8 2 rs.15000-25000 29 18.5 3 rs.25000-40000 32 20.4 4 rs.40000-60000 17 10.8 5 rs.60000-100000 17 10.8 6 above rs.100000 12 7.6 source: (primary data) interpretation: in this study it is found that 31.8% respondents having household income upto rs.15000. majority of respondents having household income upto rs.15000. table 5. disposable income. the following table shows disposable income of respondents. sr. no. disposable income response percentage 1 rs.10000-15000 86 58.8 2 rs.15000-25000 43 27.4 3 rs.25000-35000 17 10.8 4 rs.35000-50000 8 5.1 5 above rs.50000 3 1.9 source: (primary data) interpretation: in this study it is found that 58.8% respondents having disposable income rs.10000-15000. table 6. how much percentage do you prefer to invest? the following shows percentage of amount to save. 122 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech sr. no. percentage of amount to save. response percentage % 1 upto20% 89 56.7 2 20-40% 51 32.5 3 40-60% 13 8.3 4 60-80% 3 1.3 5 no 1 0.6 source: (primary data) interpretation : in this study it is found that 56.7% respondents were ready to save upto 20%. table 7. are you planning to save/ invest? the following shows readiness of investors to saving. sr. no. interest to saving response percentage % 1 yes 134 85.4 2 no 23 14.6 source: (primary data) interpretation : it is observed that 85.4% respondents were plan to save. most of the respondents are plan to saving. table 8. are you aware about mutual fund? following table shows awareness of respondents toward mutual fund. sr. no. awareness about mutual fund response percentage % 1 yes 130 82.8 2 no 27 17.2 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 82.8% of respondents are aware about mutual fund. most of the respondents are aware about mutual fund. 123 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 9. which investment do you feel more profitable? following table shows which investment option is profitable for respondents. sr. no. investments options response percentage % 1 fixed deposits 42 26.8 2 mutual fund 72 45.9 3 equities 22 13.4 4 others 21 26.8 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 26.8% respondent chose fixed deposits as an profitable option, 45.9% respondents chose mutual fund,13.4% respondents chose equities. table 10. are you interested in mutual fund investment? following table shows interest of respondents in mutual fund investment. sr. no. interest of respondents response percentage % 1 yes 117 74.5 2 no 40 25.5 source: (primary data) interpretation: about 74.5% respondents are interested in mutual fund investment. table 11. how much amount do you want to invest in mutual fund? following table shows amount of investment by respondents in mutual funds. sr. no. amount investors response percentage % 1 upto rs.10000 102 65 2 rs. 10000-20000 41 26.1 3 rs.20000-40000 7 4.5 4 above rs.40000 7 4.5 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 65% respondents are ready to invest upto rs.10000. 124 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 12. how much time horizon for investment in mutual fund? following table shows time horizon for investment in mutual fund. sr. no. time horizon response percentage % 1 short-term 89 56.7 2 long-term 68 43.3 source: (primary data) interpretation : from the study it is observed that 56.7% respondents are investment in shortterm schemes and 43.3% respondents are invest in long-term schemes. table 13. from where you purchase mutual fund? following table shows source for mutual fund purchase. sr. no. source for mf purchase response percentage % 1 directly from amc's 50 31.8 2 brokers 50 31.8 3 brokers/ sub-brokers 19 12.1 4 other sources 38 24.2 source: (primary data) interpretation:it is observed that 31.8% of respondents purchase mutual fund from amc’s and equal percentage of respondents purchase from brokers. table 14. in which mutual fund scheme you would like to invest? following table shows preference of investors for mutual fund schemes. sr. no. mutual fund schemes response percentage % 1 open-ended 61 38.9 2 close-ended 18 11.5 3 regular income fund 26 16.6 4 growth fund 32 20.4 125 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech sr. no. mutual fund schemes response percentage % 5 others 20 12.7 source: (primary data) interpretation: 38.9% investors prefer open-ended mutual fund schemes. followed by 20.4% growth funds, 16.6% regular income fund, etc. table 15. can you get returns as per your expectations? sr. no. returns as per expectation response percentage % 1 yes 129 82.2 2 no 28 17.8 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is found that 82.2% respondents can get returns as per there expectation. table 16. how much returns you get? following table shows percentage of returns from mutual fund investment. sr. no. returns from investment response percentage % 1 upto 5 % 51 32.5 2 5-10% 57 36.3 3 10-15% 27 17.2 4 15-20% 14 8.9 5 more than 20 % 8 8 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 36.3 % respondents can get 5-10% returns from mutual fund investment. 126 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 17. which asset management company (amc) will you prefer to invest? sr. no. amc’s response percentage % 1 reliance 39 24.3 2 hdfc 71 45.2 3 sbimf 12 7.6 4 uti 00 00 5 icici 23 14.6 6 kotak 10 6.4 7 jm finance 2 1.3 source: (primary data) interpretation: it is observed that 45.2% respondents prefer hdfc for investment. followed by 24.3% reliance, 14.6% icici. most of the investors invest in hdfc. table 18. are you satisfied with mutual fund investment? following table shows whether investors are satisfied with mutual fund investment or not. sr. no. satisfaction of investors response percentage % 1 yes 136 86.6 2 no 21 13.4 source: (primary data) interpretation: 86.4% respondents are satisfied with mutual fund investment. findings: 1. from the survey it is found that the majority of respondents were male. 2. majority of respondents having monthly income below rs.15000. 3. most of the investors ready to invest upto 20% of their income. 4. about 82.8% respondents are aware about mutual fund investment. 5. 45.9% respondents feel that mutual fund is profitable option for investment. 6. majority of respondents wants to purchase funds from brokers and directly from asset management companies. 127 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 117-127 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 7. open-ended mutual fund scheme is mostly preferred by investors in our study. 8. 82.2% respondents can get returns as per there expectation. 9. 45.2% respondents prefer hdfc for investment. followed by 24.3% reliance, 14.6% icici. most of the investors invest in hdfc. 10. a large amount of investors satisfied from mutual fund investment. 5. conclusion mutual fund is good option for investors, the risk is minimum and returns from investment are also guaranteed. the study found that there is positive relation between awareness of mutual fund and preferences towards it. it is observed that majority of respondence are from lover income group, they are having monthly income of upto rs.15000. the students are more aware about mutual fund because of new trends in investment option. females are less aware about mutual fund investment. references [1] dhall, d. n. 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(2022). the application of financial recording applications towards financial report for micro, small and medium enterprises. international journal of research and applied technology (injuratech), 2(1), 196-203. 109 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 109-114 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech analysis of the level of interest of junior high school students in learning basic japanese language yasmin tamara1, asri wibawa sakti2*, verra wulandary3 1departemen pendidikan bahasa dan sastra, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 2departemen pendidikan kesejahteraan keluarga, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 3department of educational development course, graduate school of international development and cooperation, hiroshima university, higashihiroshima, hiroshima, jepang email: *achiewibawasakti@upi.edu abstract. japanese is one of the most popular languages after english. its culture that captivates people's hearts, makes interest in the language increase, both from children and adults. until now, learning japanese has become the program of choice at the high school level to universities. this study aims to analyze the interest of junior high school students in japanese. descriptive qualitative research method. the data collection technique used qualitative descriptive and provided some introductory vocabulary, numbers, and some common japanese vocabulary. the results showed that students' knowledge of basic japanese when given the pretest was 66.67%. after students were given material in the form of power points about basic japanese, students' knowledge increased by 70.37%. the conclusion obtained is that students already have sufficient knowledge of basic japanese such as introductions, numbers, and basic vocabulary. it can be seen from the increase in the pre-test and post-test that has been given only an increase of 11%. in addition, it can be seen from the enthusiasm of students in interactive question and answer sessions during the learning process. it is hoped that this research can become a consideration regarding the choice of japanese language programs up to junior high school level. 1. introduction there is the author concludes that in terms of interest, students majoring in indonesian literature 2016/2017 have an interest in learning japanese, which is 87%. judging from the elements, it is dominated by the element of pleasure. such as anime, cosplay, harajuku style, and many more. we can also conclude that it is japanese culture that is the main factor in the interest in learning japanese which is quite high among all ages [1]. many factors make a reason people have a high interest in the japanese language. starting from the culture such as anime, japanese dramas, japanese songs, and many more [2]. and there is author, the 50 respondents from umy students in japanese education, it was concluded that on average 61.5% had studied japanese before. from 50 respondents, 38.5% 110 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 109-114 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech learn japanese by self-taught. of the 50 respondents, 77% are interested in continuing japanese language learning after graduating from college. and from 50 respondents, an average of 55.5% have a goal to study japanese cultures such as anime, manga, and j-pop [3]. this abundance form of interest creates a broad of people of different ages and backgrounds to take interest in. even to the point of being offered a choice of japanese language learning programs in several high schools and being a subject at several universities in indonesia. although considering that there are a lot of enthusiasts from among children, it is unfortunate that schools that provide japanese language elective programs only reach the high school level of proficiency. so that before supporting the high school, students can only study alone or take japanese language courses [4]. language is an important communication tool, therefore language is one of the teaching materials that must be mastered by students, both regional and foreign languages. japanese is one of the preferred foreign languages that many indonesians took interest in. according to data from japan foundation in 2006, japanese language enthusiasts continue to grow over time. the word interest itself is a sense of preference and a sense of interest in a thing or activity, without anyone telling. interest is basically the acceptance of a relationship between oneself and something outside oneself [5]. according to data from japan foundation in 2013, the biggest factor that hinders japanese language education in indonesia is inadequate facilities such as the lack of japanese language education workers. indonesia is the country with the second position that has the most japanese language learner. this can be seen from the results of a survey conducted by japan foundation in 2012. in 2009 there were 716,353 japanese speakers and in 2012 there was an increase of 21.8% to 872,411 japanese speakers. from this data, it can be concluded how high the interest of indonesians in japanese is. based on the discussion above, we can find the purpose of this study, particularly to determine the level of interest of junior high school students in learning japanese. this level of interest can also be influenced by environmental and psychological factors. 2. method the type of research method used is a quantitative research using the pre-experimental design method (one group pretest-posttest). this study focuses on the interest of junior high school students in basic japanese through a basic japanese vocabulary test. analysis of students' interest is by giving a pre-test before learning and a post-test after learning about students' knowledge of introductions, numbers, and basic vocabulary in japanese. the population in this study were students of junior high school class viii through a google form. the attached questions are 5 multiple choice questions and two essay questions. the data obtained will be processed and compared to finally get a conclusion. figure 1 shows pre-test and post-test questions. 111 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 109-114 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. students' pretest and posttest questions. 3. results and discussion 3.1. demography this research was conducted in junior high school in bandung, indonesia. the first thing to do is to select several students from the total 401 students with the help of the homeroom teacher. the number of students recorded was 9 people with details of 2 male students (22.2%) and 7 female students (77.8%). figure 2 shows data demography. figure 2. data demography. 3.2. process of learning phenomena during the learning process are: 1. in the first session, the students looked enthusiastic from the beginning of the pre-test distribution. the students were very easily guided so that the first session of filling out the pre-test was effective. 2. in the second session, the learning process was quite effective, the students were very active in the question-and-answer process. regarding the use of media, the students did not have any problems because they were used to using online-based teaching media. in the learning process, the students seemed to have understood enough about the material given starting from the pronunciation and enunciation of the japanese word until the vocabulary provided could be understood. 3. in the question-and-answer process at the end after giving the material, the students were active in asking questions rather than answering. most of the questions asked were derived from topics regarding japanese culture. from this, it can be concluded that the students have a major interest in japanese culture. several students answered questions about japanese vocabulary well and appropriately. 4. evaluation is carried out at the end after the learning process ends. 3.3. pre-test and post-test results this research or learning activity is carried out online by utilizing online media. the tools and media used are google form, zoom, and powerpoint. because previously students already understand the following learning media, the learning process becomes efficient and effective. before the learning took place, the researchers distributed a questionnaire to determine the understanding of the students’ basic japanese knowledge. and after learning, the questionnaire was distributed again to determine the understanding of the material that 112 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 109-114 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech had been explained. the pre-test and post-test questions given in the questionnaire are the same. table 1 describes the questions given in the form of a questionnaire. the form and number of questions for the pre-test and post-test are the same. the first one given is a pre-test questionnaire that aims to determine students' basic japanese language skills, containing 7 questions with details of 5 multiple choices and 2 short essays. furthermore, the researcher gave material about introductions, numbers, and general vocabulary in japanese with the help of powerpoint media. and the last is to give a post-test questionnaire to find out the understanding of the material that has been given. table 1 the results show several discussion points: 1) for the number one question is a question about understanding the introduction in japanese, the result increased by 22.2%. 2) for question number two, which is about understanding numbers in japanese, the result is the same as for question number one, which is 22.2%. 3) for question number three, which is a question about understanding basic japanese vocabulary, the result increased by 11.1%. 4) for question number four is about understanding the introduction in japanese, the result is that there is no change. 5) for question number five is a question about understanding numbers in japanese, the result increased by 33.3%. 6) question number six is a question regarding the understanding of introductions in japanese, the result is the biggest increase, which is 44.5%. 7) and for the last one is the question of understanding numbers in japanese, the result increased by 33.4%. the graph shows that students' knowledge of basic japanese, when given the pretest, is 66.67%. after students were given material in the form of power points about basic japanese, students' knowledge increased by 70.37%. based on these results, there was an increase in students' knowledge of 11.0%. the increase in students' knowledge is because students have learned basic japanese through power points and interactive questions and answers. tabel 1. students' pretest and posttest results. no question pre test post test gain i when you introduce yourself, what is the first word you say? 77.8% 100.0% 22.2% ii what is the japanese word for the number "5"? 77.8% 100.0% 22.2% iii what is the japanese word for "age"? 88.9% 100.0% 11.1% iv what does "yoroshiku onegaishimasu" mean? 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% v what is the indonesian word for "hyaku" 55.6% 88.9% 33.3% vi translate the sentence into indonesian! "watashi wa ni juu yon sai desu" 22.2% 66.7% 44.5% vii say the numbers 1 to 10 in japanese! 44.4% 77.8% 33.4% 113 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 109-114 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion the conclusion obtained from this study is that students already have sufficient knowledge of basic japanese such as introductions, numbers, and basic vocabulary. it can be seen from the increase in the pre-test and post-test that has been given only an increase of 11.0%. this supports data from the japan foundation (2006) that japanese language enthusiasts are increasing every year. many things can be a factor in someone having an interest in japanese such as an interest in japanese culture, a desire to work with japan, and others. therefore, many students are self-taught japanese because learning japanese is very limited. that way, it would be nice if japanese language learning could be facilitated at various levels of the school level. author’s note the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. the authors confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism. acknowledgement we acknowledged bangdos, universitas pendidikan indonesia. we thank to dr. irma hurriyanti from katapang’s junior high school. this study is a part of community service (program: literacy thematic community service program 2021 (august-sept 2021) kel 24) lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia. we also thank to kantor jurnal dan publikasi, directorate of international affairs, universitas pendidikan indonesia. we thank to nissa nur azizah, dwi fitria al hussaeni, dr.eng. asep bayu dani nandiyanto, s.t., m.eng., muktiarni, s.pd., m.pd., and rina maryanti, s.pd., m.pd. 114 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 109-114 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] djafri, f. 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(2019). minat dan motivasi belajar bahasa jepang. jurnal studi kejepangan, 4(2), 1-7 61 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 the effect of advertising on social media on fashion product purchase decision adri nur alamsyah*, egi lank masken, andre prasetyo departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia e-mail: *adri.21220058@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. technology makes the fashion industry grow very rapidly and nowadays fashion has become a lifestyle for people to show social status. the many local and international brands that exist, trigger the desire to use fashion products. as if you don't want to be left behind with existing trends. in this modern era, social media is very helpful in everyday life, especially for producers and consumers. social media has become a gathering place for various communities. in this modern era, product purchase decisions are strongly influenced by social media such as facebook, twitter, youtube, pinterest, whatsapp, instagram and tiktok. this study aims to determine the effect of advertising on social media on purch asing decisions for fashion products. this research uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. children's questionnaires were distributed to 100 people. questionnaires will be distributed to students as case studies. the results showed tha t advertising in social media had an effect on purchasing decisions for fashion products. humans are greatly facilitated by the existence of technology. various media with different and complete features are very helpful for those of us who want to promote a business. the development of the fashion industry is very fast, supported by the development of existing technology, social media has evolved into an efficient and practical platform in marketing. this study concludes that advertising on social media is very influential, especially in the form of visuals in the form of promos and other information about the products being sold. this research is expected to help get more potential consumers by utilizing social media. keywords. technology, social media, purchase decision, fashion, advertising. article info: submitted/received 13 des 2022 first revised 09 jan 2023 accepted 13 feb 2023 first available online 08 mar 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 62 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 1. introduction currently the fashion industry is growing very fast in line with technological developments. people don't seem to want to miss the latest trends. fashion has become a necessity of human life. the number of international fashion brands entering indonesia such as prada, zara, uniqlo, nike, adidas, bershka, levi's, pull and bear, dior, puma, and others can actually trigger people's desire to consume fashion products, this happens because of media factors. social. on the internet, all kinds of information sprea d quickly, making it easy for everyone to get their fashion needs. and in the end the fashion industry relies heavily on socialization from various existing media, as an effort to influence purchasing decisions. business actors usually use the services of celebrities or celebgrams in promoting the products they sell, with the aim of attracting public attention and ultimately making purchasing decisions. it is explained in the research of sudha & sheena that the fashion industry will build new needs in society so that it makes people interested and ultimately make purchasing decisions [1]. ashari and rustemi explain that reviews, in the form of visual forms such as photos and videos on social media, will affect consumers to buy products [2]. marketing through social media does have an important role in the business world, especially in the field of fashion and is one of the fastest media in disseminating information. according to kotler and keller, social media is a means for consumers to share text, images, audio, and information with each other and with companies [3]. permadi & fathussyaadah, explained in their research that the positive impact of social media is that in this modern era, the digital-based micro, small and medium enterprises (umkm) sector is everywhere, it is able to help improve the regional economy in indonesia [4]. in line with that, currently many sellers use social media instagram, tiktok, twitter, and facebook as a place to promote their products where they create content related to the products or services they offer. in refiani & mustikasari's research, instagram is indeed the most frequently used social media in promotion whose main function focuses on visuals in the form of photos & videos [5]. instagram itself has a variety of interesting features such as instastory and so on. according to diansyah et al, purchasing decisions are actions taken by consumers to purchase a product and a process of selecting one of several alternative problem solving with real follow -up [6]. this study aims to determine the effect of social media on purchasing decisions for fashion products. promotion on social media is expected to create more opportunities to increase product sales where the content provided on social media pages can attract the a ttention of potential buyers so that they can influence purchasing decisions for a product. 2. method this research uses mixed methods, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods as well as questionnaires and library studies as data collection methods. we take a case study of fashion advertising on social media and customer preferences in bandung. the questionnaire was chosen as the data collection method. 2.1 questionnaire purposive sampling techniques are teenagers and adults with an age range of 19 to 24 years and domiciled in bandung, who have or frequently shopped online with a set number of 100 respondents. respondents were determined using the slovin formula. teenagers and adults were chosen as respondents because consumers of fashion products are dominated by teenagers and adults. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 63 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 2.1.2. slovin formula the slovin formula is used to calculate the minimum sample size if the behavior of a population is uncertain [7]. this formula was first introduced by slovin in 1960 . this formula is commonly used in survey research that has a large sample size to obtain a small sample that can represent the total population, which is shown in the equation below. 𝑛 = 𝑁 1+(𝑁.𝑒2 ) ……………………………….(1) where: n = number of representative populations n = total population e = margin of error figure 1 shows the classification of the population by age and sex in the city of bandung. the number of young adults aged 19 to 24 years is approximately 252,914 people. we have decided to limit the sample size to 100 respondents. figure 1. number of population based on age group and gender in bandung city in 2019-2020 (source: badan pusat statistik kota bandung, 2020) [8]. 3. results and discussion there are several questions given in the questionnaire to see the factors that can influence purchasing decisions on fashion products. most of the respondents were women with 59 respondents (59%), while men with 41 respondents (41%). the majority of all respondents are 20 years old with 45 respondents (45%) and 19 years old with 15 respondents (15%), complete data is shown in figure 2 below. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 64 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 figure 2. age range of respondents according to 100 respondents, the social media that has the most influence on their shopping decisions is tiktok (41% of respondents) and the social media with the lowest influence on shopping decisions is facebook (8% of respondents) as shown in figure 3. figure 3. list of the most influential social media on purchasing decisions in figure 4, 57 respondents (57%) admitted that they often saw advertisements for fashion products, 37 respondents (37%) admitted that they occasionally saw advertisements for fashion products on social media, the remaining 6 respondents (6%) stated that they rarely saw advertisements for fashion products. figure 4 also shows the effectiveness of advertising in attracting customers. only 27 respondents (27%) stated that they were often interested in the advertisements they saw and 12 respondents (12%) stated that they were rarely interested, as many as 61 respondents (61%) stated that they were occasionally interested. 15 45 21 10 7 2 0 20 40 60 19 20 21 22 23 24 age range of respondents number of respondents 14 34 41 8 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 twitter instagram tiktok facebook other apps t o ta l r e s p o n d e n ts social media has the most influence on purchasing decisions number of resondents https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 65 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 figure 4. ad reach frequency and effectiveness looking at the results of the questionnaire, the most important aspect that attracts respondents' interest is video advertisements (49% of respondents), and another (33% of respondents) think that photo advertisements attract their attention to buying fashion products. the visual aspect is indeed an important thing to find out product information. figure 5. effect of advertising form 6 37 57 12 61 27 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 rarely occasionally often t o ta l r e s p o n d e n ts frequency and effectiveness of advertising reach ads reach frequency interest in ads 33 49 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 photo ads video ads the influence of ads number of respondents https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 66 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 figure 6. important factors affecting purchase decisions from the picture above it can be seen that product photography (29%) and price (48%) are the two factors that most influence people's purchasing decisions for fashion products. in figure 3 it can be seen that tiktok is the application that most often attracts people to buy fashion products. this happens because the tiktok application has a short video format. it can be seen in figure 5; the respondents are more interested in advertising in the form of videos. the short video format itself is efficient and easy for the public to understand. these results also support the results of research conducted by apriliya [9], and mardiani & imanuel [10] which states that the response factor has a relationship with consumer purchasing decisions. in line with the results of this study, adede [11] [12] suggests that a company can benefit from the application of digital marketing such as interactive marketing (content and response). shirazi [13] further stated that digital marketing activities using the internet are always related to consumers, product promotions in the form of advertisements, questions and answers about products with consumers, and in the form of activities related to research, development of market needs, and built a positive outlook and image of the company. buying interest is one of the main factors of consumers in determining product or service purchasing decisions. in the e-commerce industry, consumer interest is an important factor that refers to the results of consumer assessments in finding information a bout a product, then the quality of a product and the price of the product will increase consumer buying interest. kristianto in wahyuni, et al [14] suggests that trust is an important factor when making online shopping transactions, because consumers believe in the seller's ability to ensure safeness during transactions. consumer trust in a product has an influence on buying interest, because of the relationship that is built. when a person has confidence in a particular brand or product, then there is a possibility that consumers have the intention to buy. in building consumer trust, especially in the e-commerce industry, it is relatively difficult because there are several factors including: scams happen often, inappropriate quality of goods, competitive price competition, and various risks from the courier such as packages being stuck, packages arriving late, etc. 2 29 18 48 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 color composition product photography brand price interesting content important factors affecting purchase decisions number of respondents https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 67 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 61-68 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 85 therefore, sellers must create attractive advertisements and display advertisements in accordance with the facts. trust can be increased through advertising, which needs to be supported in an online business is the quality of advertising. the quality of information in advertisements must be related to the products or services offered by sellers in social media. honest and accurate information is the most important thing in order to increase consumer purchasing power for the products offered. sellers must determine the right strategy to carry out product marketing activities. 4. conclusion this study found that advertising on social media is very influential on purchasing decisions for fashion products. the use of social media applications affects consumer decisions to buy fashion products. by seeing this, businessmen in the fashion industry should further increase marketing through social media. consumers will be influenced by visually appealing content. this is very important to study, improving the quality of advertising and product quality will help increase consumer confidence to buy a product. references [1] sudha, m., & sheena, k. 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(2021). utilization of word-ofmouth marketing strategy in culinary business. international journal of research and applied technology (injuratech), 1(2), 439-447. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.98 9 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech financial technology as payment methods in the digital era i budiarti1*, f hibatulloh2, m salman3 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen teknik elektro, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 3departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *isniar.budiarti@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. fintech is defined as technological innovation in financial services that can produce business models, applications, processes, or products with material effects related to financial services provision. this study aims to analyze the impact of developing a digital payment system and prevent inflation due to a large amount of cash in circulation. the method used in this study is qualitative. fintech technology is very beneficial for the community, especially in industrial revolution 4.0, where this digital payment system has advantages and disadvantages. the advantages are efficiency and safety, while the disadvantages are higher interest costs. this digital payment system can minimize inflation due to the large amount of money circulating in society. 1. introduction the evolution of fintech began with the credit card innovation in the 1960s. debit cards and terminals that provide cash, such as automatic teller machines (atms), were invented in the 1970s [1]. the emergence of telephone banking followed in the 1980s, and then a variety of financial products came to be after capital market deregulation in the 1990s. furthermore, internet banking encouraged the existence of branchless banking and remote banking activities. through these innovations, customers no longer have to go to the bank directly. furthermore, mobile device technology appears to make financial transactions easier. these innovations made direct financing and intermediation popular, which is predicted to replace inefficient and expensive indirect financing and financial intermediation [1]. mobile payment technology is increasingly well-known for the popularity of mobile devices [2]. digital payment methods have become a worldwide payment phenomenon. in the jordan mobile payment (jomopay) system, it can save cost, time, and effort [3]. one example of a startup in the united states engaged in digital payment systems is paypal; paypal uses the phone in the operating system to offer its payment services [4]. mailto:isniar.budiarti@email.unikom.ac.id 10 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech mobile payments are receiving great attention globally, from consumers to merchants, as an alternative to use credit cards, cash, or check. the potential of this technology is enormous. the comparison with our research is that our research discusses one of the functions of financial technology in payment facility methods. meanwhile, the previous research discusses financial technology as the main determinant of mobile payment adoption [2]. according to laudon and traver. e-commerce is a business transaction conducted using the internet and web that meets two conditions, namely all transactions carried out with digital media technology (especially transactions that occur through the internet and web) and currency movements in those transactions. the statement was in keeping with what laudon and traver said, as technology-evolved transactions were much easier to do over the internet and the web. the difference with our research is that our research discusses one of the functions of financial technology in payment facility methods, while the previous research discusses the ease of using financial technology in business transactions [5]. in cashless payment, payment transactions can be made without making physical contact between the seller and the buyer. online trading trends through several marketplaces can be done with several non-cash payment methods. in indonesia, there are several top enterprise startups such as gojek, traveloka, tokopedia, bukalapak, and ovo. our research discussed one of the functions of financial technology in payment facility methods, while the previous research discusses digital payment in the form of cashless payment in indonesia [6]. according to bastian, the transaction is a meeting between two parties (seller and buyer) that is mutually beneficial with the data, evidence, supporting documents entered into the journal after going through the recording. in practice, e-commerce is grouped into two segments: business to consumer (b2c) and business-to-business (b2b). our research discussed one of the functions of financial technology in payment facility methods, while the previous research discusses the use of fintech in the business world [7]. india has to use the digital payment system because there is often a long queue in front of the bank, and the self-service cash platform (atm) is closed due to limited cash supply. one important solution is the alternative mode of digital payment systems. the indian government notified citizens of the implementation of the cash withdrawal limit. the scarcity of cash is driving the adoption of alternative methods of faster digital payment systems. our research discussed one of the functions of financial technology in payment facility methods, while the previous research discussed digital payments first used in india [8]. ecommerce security is part of the information security framework, which is specifically applied to components that affect e-commerce, including data security, computer security, and other broader areas of the information security framework. the difference with our research is that we discussed one of the functions of financial technology in payment facility methods, while the previous research discusses data security in digital payment systems [9]. according to piyus kumar in his research, in india, digital payments change people's buying behavior, preventing the black money market. besides, digital payments help the government keep records of all transactions. digital payment habits have changed following demonetization. people had no other choice but to transact. therefore, indian society moved slowly from cash to digital transaction systems [10]. this study analyzes the impact of digital payment system development on cash in the digital age. besides, it is also to minimize the risks posed by digital payment systems and prevent inflation due to a large amount of cash in circulation. in this study, we used the descriptive qualitative method. 11 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. method this research approach was descriptive qualitative. the basis of the theory acts as a guide to focus research under the facts in the field. this research was using a qualitative method that aims to understand the studied object. the purpose is to develop the concept of sensitivity to the problem at hand, explain the reality related to grounded theory, and develop an understanding of one or more of the phenomena that are faced. the data collected is generally qualitative. respondents in the qualitative method are still growing (snowball) purposively until the data collected is considered satisfactory or saturated (redundancy). 3. results and discussion in the advancement of technology in today's era, many changes are felt by the public all in the easy-to-access payments in every transaction. it is proven that electronic payments are increasing when they are doing online shopping. this habit shows that people have already taken advantage of digital payment systems in their transactions. it certainly opens up opportunities for technology-based financial services to continue to grow in indonesia, one of which is the digital payment industry. many people use the internet as a global communication medium, including payments, capital management, lending, financing, securities trading, and insurance services. for some people, it is practical and does not take much time. from the previous research, the factors that influence a person to transact online, namely easy, no need to leave the house, fast, and safe so that everyone can minimize going out of the house during the covid-19 pandemic. in this rapid technological development, online transaction methods must also be more concerned with their security. this research aims to analyze the impact of digital payment system development on cash in the digital age. besides, to minimize the risks posed by the use of digital payment systems [11,12]. there were only nine companies that carried out fintech activities. however, the number increased to 25 companies in 2011-2012. relatively, in that year, the number of fintech companies grew only about 177.78%, lower than the growth in 2006-2007, which is reached about 300%.the number of fintech companies increased by 15 to 40 companies or grew by about 60% in 2013-2014. a great development occurred in 2014-2016, where the number of fintech companies increased by 125 companies to 165 companies. therefore, there was an increase in the number of fintech companies by 312.5% compared to the previous year. the illustration is shown in figure 1. figure 1. number of fintech companies in indonesia, 2006 – 2016 source : asosiasi fintech indonesia dan ojk, (2017). 12 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech from the interviews that we conducted for 15 participants; the results of the interview that were obtained is shown in table 1. table 1. interview results no question answer 1. what do you think about digital payment systems? a system that makes it easier for us to buy things without having to give us cash 2. do you think this digital payment system is useful in the current situation? it is very helpful in payment because it is effective and efficient. it is also makes it easier when we want something but during this pandemic, we have to stay away from covid-19 3. do you think there are difficulties in applying the digital system payment (ovo) some have difficulties but the majority do not have problems because it is not difficult to follow the instruction. also, as a young generation, we must be able to open with technology because technological advances make it easier for us to access quickly without difficulty. 4 are you one of the people who often use digital payments or not? of course, using digital payments because it is made to be easy to access such as buying something and others via online so that you do not have to shop offline. the features in this digital payment system are made in such a way as to make it easier for users to transact, and we can choose a variety of options to use this digital payment platform according to the wants, such as ovo, gopay, dana, and t-cash. the illustrations are shown in figures 2 and 3. figure.2 cashless payment illustration source: visionet internasional, accessed february 2021 13 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. home page of ovo application source: visionet internasional, accessed february 2021 ovo, an application developed by pt. visionet internasional in 2016 is a digital financial service from indonesia that makes users easier to transact at merchants. ovo is an application that offers financial services, payments, and loyalty points backed by lippo group's digital arm. however, they were granted permission to operate as a fintech company on september 25, 2017. another example is shown in figure 4. 14 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. home page of go-jek application go-jek is an indonesian technology company that provides transportation through ojek services. the company was founded in 2010 in jakarta by nadiem makarim. on december 15, 2017, gojek announced its acquisition of three financial technology companies, namely midtrans, mapan, and kartuku to support gopay's expansion. kartuku is a payment service provider (psp) and third party processor (tpp) company. kartuku, which has operated more than 150 thousand payment instruments in offline outlets and has cooperated with nine acquirer banks, will be focused on developing the use of gopay offline. furthermore, another example is shown in figure 5. 15 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 9-16 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. home page of linkaja! application linkaja! is an interbank network in indonesia. it connects four state-owned banks and telkomsel. the banks featured are bank mandiri, bank tabungan negara, bni 46, and bank rakyat indonesia. the network is owned by the association of state-owned banks (himbara). these networks provide cash withdrawal and investigation services on their networks. on march 26, 2020, linkaja collaborated with telcoin, a low-cost blockchainpowered instant remittance service. 4. conclusion financial technology (fintech)'s impact on indonesia's economy is very diverse, where businesses must follow the development of an increasingly modern era. innovating not only on products but also on its finances that utilize technology. with fintech, some community activities can be efficient, so that it is easy. however, the advantages come from fintech itself and some threats that the government needs to be aware of so that regulation can be made immediately. therefore, there is a clear legal umbrella regarding fintech. based on the available data obtained results, countries with higher economic rates tend to have higher transactions. references [1] financial stability board. 2017. fintech credit: market structure, business models and financial stability implications. may 2017. 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[12] suroto, s., & nurdin, n. 2021. economic analysis: solar panels application of nft (nutrient film technique) hydroponic system in bandung. asean journal of science and engineering education, 1(1), pp. 21-30. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 43-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech website analysis as a media for healthy living digital campaign l wulantika1*, a ragatodi2, m a sya’bani3, r nugraha4 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2,3departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 4departemen teknik elektro, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *lita.wulantika@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. a website is a collection of information or a collection of pages commonly accessed via the internet. one of them is the healthy living campaign website. this research aims to support the community in carrying out a healthy lifestyle by providing information to implement a healthy lifestyle. however, the source of information from the healthy living campaign website is said to be incomplete. for that, a maximum evaluation is needed. the research used descriptive and qualitative analysis methods. the results obtained indicate that the healthy living campaign website has advantages and disadvantages in terms of information. this result research is the healthy living together activity website has several views in its design. it is due to several factors, such as the views that influence the design of the website. however, in general, the positive impact could be related to the information conveyed through the healthy living campaign website. 1. introduction the development of information technology, which is currently growing rapidly, has made it easier for the community, especially nowadays, where the internet is no longer strange. to get information through the internet media, the public can easily access it anywhere. one of the facilities used to get that information is through the website [1]. because the website is a media that contains text, visuals, and audio. therefore, community can easily understand the information needed. in developing a web, several things need to be considered to attract internet users' attention [2]. especially in today's era, many webs have sprung up in the internet world [3]. to attract the attention of internet users, a good web design is needed here. a good web design can attract internet users and make internet users come back to visit the website [4]. when creating a good website, several important points can be needed, such as usability, navigation system, visual design, content, compatibility, length of process, functionality, accessibility, and interactivity [5]. in the website's current development, many web design views can be said to have not met the requirements for designing a good and correct website. so often, several mistakes occur in designing a website [6]. it can interfere with the criteria for mailto:lita.wulantika@email.unikom.ac.id international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 43-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech retaining the information needed [7]. a website is a collection of web pages connected, and their data is tied together. a website consists of pages that are often called the home page [8]. a digital campaign will be designed later to become one of the media most popular with the public to reduce the pressure on people's lives in urban areas with relaxation activities and other benefits. it is revealed that the quality of a website affects the level of user satisfaction. in this study, if the higher the website's quality, the more users will access it [9]. this paper discusses the information needs of the website. first, an online survey was conducted to determine the visual appeal of the website page. to improve on the invention. this case study tracking performs the browsing of the pages of this website. knowing what attracts the public's attention is to choose website pages and interesting features to see and use [10]. this website is a collection of information or a collection of pages commonly accessed via the internet. one of them is the healthy living campaign on the website. this website aims to support the community in carrying out a healthy lifestyle by providing information to implement a healthy lifestyle. 2. method the research method used a descriptive qualitative approach and data collection techniques by conducting interviews, interviews, savings, and observations. qualitative methods seek to understand and interpret the meaning of an event of interaction with human behavior in a particular situation according to the researcher's perspective. the variables used in this study were seven of thirteen variables. 3. results and discussion in technological advances, people can easily find information about what they need, such as looking for information through a website. still, sometimes the website does not provide information about what is needed [11]. with a healthy living website with the community, people can easily get information about a healthy lifestyle. as shown in figure 1. the only way is to enter your email account and password, then log in. people can get information about healthy lifestyles. it is considered very easy for the community because only by following a few steps, the public can get this information. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 43-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. login access website healthy living together website design analysis using books “principles of beautiful web design” to find out what the public thinks about the website for healthy living together figure 2. figure 2. healthy living together stay healthy, stay motivated is the healthy living together website's tagline, which is this website, is aimed at people who want to live a healthy life. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 43-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech ● defining good design in this variable, healthy living together is considered a good website. the healthy living together web has used a template that can guide readers to focus on content. the web of healthy living together has also used a white patterned template with the meaning of cleanliness, which is the color of the web's identity of healthy living together. the navigation is to be standard because the navigation key is in capital letters to easily see navigation. the web campaign for healthy living is straightforward to recognize because it is dominated by white patterns, making these patterns the distinctive characteristics of the web. ● website page anatomy in this variable, the web design used fully follows the principles of a well-defined web page. it can be seen in the sub variable. the healthy life together website has a containing block centered in the middle. the logo part is very clear. located in the upper left corner, the navigation on this website also forms three colors. the content is in the middle of the web display so that tourists can immediately read content from the web. the white footer is very well used for characterizing the footer on that part of the web. ● grid theory the healthy life together website has used the variable grid theory because it can be seen on the web that has used or has conditions with a sign that produces three sections as an alignment guide to the identity, content, navigator, and footer sections. it is also the same as what is done on the healthy living website together. ● balance this website used asymmetrical balance so that this website looks neat because of the horizontal balance. it is also seen on the right and left, which does not have any elements so that this web looks neat, simple, and elegant. ● unity divided by this variable, the healthy life together website uses a repetition approach to combine all content. the marking used is to use a color pattern on each part of the website, such as green and white, to indicate the top, content, and bottom. ● bread and butter layout in this section, the healthy living together website has a good layout. this website uses three navigation columns, which means that the three-column layout has a large center column containing images and is flanked by two small navigation columns. ● fresh trend healthy living together website using fresh trend variable in the appearance of its website design. it is the expansive footer navigation, which includes contact data, navigation, and expanded web navigation. some of the questionnaires were made about the joint healthy living activity website. we gave this interview to as many as ten interview participants. the results of the interview were obtained in table 1 below as follows: international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 43-48 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. questionnaires no question answer 1 what do you think about the appearance of the healthy living together website? very interesting, especially on the front, the image used has its own charm for the viewer 2 do the features on the healthy living together website have good information? yes, it is very helpful for us to know better how to live a healthy lifestyle 3 what do you think about the healthy living together website? some people really like this website, because the content is quite helpful for people's needs 4 do you think the healthy life together website will be effective as information for the public? this website can be said to be quite effective in the community, especially regarding information about health do you think the healthy life together website will be effective as information for the public? this website can be said to be quite effective in the community, especially regarding information about health table 1 aims for the public to know the healthy living together website, how the website looks, whether it is interesting or not, and the public can also find out information to have a healthy lifestyle. 4. conclusion the healthy living together activity website has several views in its design. it is due to several factors, such as the views that influence the design of the website. however, the entire website has paid enough attention to long-term aspects, even though some still lack some approaches. likewise, the people who use and view the healthy life together website feel comfortable with this website because it is considered useful information, especially for people who want to be healthy. references [1] kaur, s., kaur, k., & kaur, p. 2016, march. analysis of website usability evaluation methods. in 2016 3rd international conference on computing for sustainable global development (indiacom), pp. 1043-1046. 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[11] pangaribuan, i., & rahman, a., mauluddin, s. 2020. computer & network equipment management system (cnemas) application measurement. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering, 1(1), pp. 25-35. 95 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech healthy breakfast education to prevent anemia in elementary school children using powerpoint media gilang risma aprilianti1*, asep bayu dani nandiyanto2 1pendidikan sejarah, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia 2departemen kimia, universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia email: *girisa11@upi.edu abstract. this study aims to educate about the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia in elementary school children. the study was conducted on 28 fourthgrade students at hanjuang samijaya elementary school, cihanjuang village, parongpong district, west bandung, indonesia. the method used is a quantitative research method with a pre-experimental design type one group pretest-posttest. the results showed that the average value of the pretest was 77.86 and the posttest was 89.29. the results of the comparison between the pretest and posttest showed an increase in respondents' knowledge after taking action in the form of education on the importance of having a healthy breakfast by consuming nutritious food. it is known that the average calculation result of n-gain (normalized gain) is 58% (n-gain > 40-55%). these results indicate that education about healthy breakfast is quite effective for elementary school students. this is indicated by the pretest score which is quite good, so students can know the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia. as for the results of the t-test calculation, it is known that t count (-8.132) < t table (1.703). that is, the students' post-test scores did not increase significantly. with the completion of this research, it is hoped that more students will know the importance of a healthy breakfast in an effort to prevent anemia. 1. introduction a healthy breakfast is an intake of nutritious food eaten in the morning to meet daily energy needs to be able to move well after sleeping at night (suraya et al., 2019). breakfast has long been described as the most important meal of the day so that energy needs can be met (delley & brunner, 2019). to meet the nutritional intake in the body, the menu in a healthy breakfast must contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber to be able to increase energy, concentration, and memory. however, there are still many who ignore the habit of breakfast and choose to do it during the day or eat foods that are fatty and high in calories (larega, 2015). this also happens to school children who do not all have good healthy breakfast habits, only 10.6% of children's breakfasts have sufficient energy (>30%) and there is still a lack of breakfast with diverse foods (sitoayu et al., 2016). the habit of having breakfast 96 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech with foods rich in nutrients provides many benefits for the health of the body, one of which is to prevent anemia. the world health organization defines anemia as a low concentration of hemoglobin (hb) in the blood. the causes of low hemoglobin (hb) include nutritional deficiencies, especially iron. even though iron is essential for biological functions, including respiration, energy production, dna synthesis, and cell proliferation (camaschella, 2015). thus, a healthy breakfast behavior pattern is very important to maintain a healthy body so that it is not susceptible to anemia. anemia is not only experienced by teenagers but can happen to anyone. data shows that in 2015, the prevalence of primary school children in indonesia who were affected by anemia reached 29% (sirajuddin & masni, 2015). until now the problem of anemia in elementary school children is still a problem in the world of health that needs to be addressed. anemia can cause a decrease in the level of fitness, immunity, memory, and concentration which will have an impact on decreasing student learning outcomes and achievement at school (dumillah & sumarmi, 2017). this is reinforced by the statement of the director general of paud, primary and secondary education, ministry of education and culture, research and technology, that nutritional problem in the form of stunting and anemia in school children can affect children's activities and learn in school achievements. especially during the covid19 pandemic, there was an increase in cases of malnutrition that caused anemia. this condition has the potential to reduce body resistance and have an adverse impact on children's physical and emotional growth, such as growth disorders, decreased cognitive, psychomotor, and immune functions as a result of a lack of various micronutrients (zulaenah et al., 2016). some studies say that mental health is influenced by the quality of eating and breakfast habits. so in this case nutritious food plays an important role in maintaining physical and mental health (hermanto et al., 2020). there have been many studies have discussed the importance of education on the importance of a healthy breakfast, including the effect of healthy breakfast education on knowledge and attitudes of elementary school children in purwokerto by using a quasiexperimental study design to provide interventions to improve children's knowledge and attitudes about healthy breakfast (prasetyo et al., 2020). then other research on healthy breakfast education for school children through c-breaklet media (creative breakfast booklet) in semarang city uses booklet learning media which contains an understanding of the concept of a good and healthy breakfast and the importance of a healthy breakfast (susilo et al., 2019). another study was written by mawarni and amin (2017) regarding ways or efforts to shape healthy breakfast behavior for deaf children through image-based nutrition education. furthermore, there is a study written by zogara (2021) about efforts to increase the knowledge and attitudes of elementary school students about healthy breakfasts carried out at oebufu inpres elementary school, kupang city. other research on the importance of education on the importance of a healthy breakfast to increase school children's learning concentration as an effort to improve the quality of healthy and intelligent human resources (anggoro et al., 2021). the last, there is a study that discusses the effectiveness of healthy breakfast education on nutritional knowledge, breakfast frequency and energy intake carried out in beji 01 elementary school students, semarang regency (rozanah et al., 2017). the purpose of this study was to educate about the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia in elementary school children. the method used is a quantitative research method using a pre-experimental design type one group pretest-posttest which is carried out in a group of fourth grade elementary school children at hanjuang samijaya elementary school, parongpong district, west bandung regency. the novelties in this study are (1) there is a 97 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech relationship between healthy breakfast habits and anemia in elementary school children at hanjuang samijaya elementary school, (2) the education process is carried out using powerpoint technology media, (3) research focuses on the characteristics of anemia symptoms. and prevention efforts are presented in more detail and specificity. 2. method 2.1. research subject the subjects in this study were fourth grade elementary school students at hanjuang samijaya elementary school, parongpong district, west bandung regency. respondents amounted to 28 people consisting of 15 male students and 13 female students. figure 1 shows the percentage of the number of students sampled in the study. while table 1 shows data on student names, age, and gender. figure 1. percentage of student gender. table 1. data on the student name, age, and gender. no name age gender (m/f) 1 student 1 10 l 2 student 2 10 l 3 student 3 10 p 4 student 4 11 p 5 student 5 10 l 6 student 6 10 l 7 student 7 10 p 8 student 8 10 p 9 student 9 11 p 10 student 10 11 l 11 student 11 10 p 12 student 12 10 l 54% 46% male female 98 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 13 student 13 10 l 14 student 14 10 l 15 student 15 10 l 16 student 16 10 l 17 student 17 11 l 18 student 18 10 l 19 student 19 10 p 20 student 20 11 l 21 student 21 10 p 22 student 22 10 p 23 student 23 10 p 24 student 24 10 p 25 student 25 11 p 26 student 26 11 l 27 student 27 10 p 28 student 28 10 l 2.2. research design analysis the research design used was a pre-experimental design type one group pretest-posttest with a quantitative approach. effendy (2016) explained that the pretest or initial test is a test carried out to know the extent to which the material or subject matter to be taught has been mastered by students, while the posttest is a final test. this is done to find out whether the material can be mastered well by students. the research data were collected by giving direct questions to the fourth-grade students of hanjuang samijaya elementary school, parongpong district, west bandung regency. this research data collection went through 3 stages, namely, (1) distribution of pretest questionnaires; (2) providing action in the form of direct education in the classroom; (3) distribution of post-test questionnaires. the questions given are 20, namely 11 multiple choice questions and 9 true and false questions with an answer value of 1 for each correct answer and 0 for incorrect answers. the questions given contain questions about the importance of education about the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia. the questions are as follows: 1. what is a healthy breakfast? a. nutritious breakfast b. breakfast in the morning c. breakfast when feeling hungry d. breakfast to be strong 2. when is a good breakfast time? a. during school hours b. school break time c. after school d. before going to school 3. the best time for breakfast is at... 99 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a. 11.00 pm b. 06.00 am c. between 07.00 – 09.00 d. between 09.00 – 12.00 4. what are the benefits of breakfast? a. increase enthusiasm and focus on learning b. feeling hungry and sleepy c. feeling weak and not concentrating d. don't eat at school 5. the following are felt as a result of not having breakfast in the morning... a. body feels weak b. strong and healthy c. increase enthusiasm and focus on learning d. nutritional needs are met 6. what are some good healthy breakfast menus? a. fried food b. rice c. instant noodles d. donuts 7. what will you do if you don't have time for breakfast at home? a. no breakfast b. snack at school c. bring lunch from home d. eat when you come home from school 8. anemia is also known as... a. less blood b. malnutrition c. less eating d. high blood pressure 9. what foods can prevent us from getting anemia? a. foods that contain iron b. foods that contain sugar such as donuts and cakes c. instant food like noodles d. cholesterol-containing foods such as fried foods 10. the following are signs of anemia: a. weak or tired b. feeling hungry c. passion and focus d. sleepy 11. which vegetables contain the most iron to prevent anemia? 100 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech a. water spinach b. spinach c. cassava leaves d. katuk leaves no question tru e false 12 a healthy breakfast has the right and balanced nutritional composition 13 a healthy breakfast makes the body weak and tired 14 breakfast is a healthy lifestyle that has many benefits 15 a healthy breakfast can support learning achievement 16 anemia is caused by a lack of iron 17 one of the signs of anemia is dizziness or headache 18 snacks outside the home or school are healthier 19 meat, eggs, spinach, and liver are sources of iron to prevent anemia 20 healthy breakfast habits can prevent anemia 2.2.1 n-gain analysis to find out the increase in students' understanding of the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia, the normalized gain average score (n-gain) was calculated. nismalasari et al . (2016) said that n-gain (normalized gain) was used to measure the increase in science process skills and cognitive learning outcomes between before and after learning. the analysis of the n-gain value was carried out by calculating the difference between the pretest value (initial test before the action was given) and the posttest value (the final test after the action was given). to be able to find out if there is an improvement in the process, the normalized average gain formula developed by hake is used (susanto, 2012). the formula used in calculating the n-gain value is shown in equation (1). 𝑁 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡−𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙−𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 (1) in determining the conclusion, there are references in the form of several categories from the results of the overall n-gain average value and also an interpretation of the percentage of the n-gain average value results. table 2 shows the interpretation of the n-gain mean score and table 3 is the category of n-gain effectiveness interpretation. table 2. interpretation of n-gain mean score. n-gain value category g > 0.7 tall 0.3 g 0.7 currently g < 0.3 lace table 3. category of n-gain effectiveness interpretation. 101 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech percentage (%) interpretation < 40 ineffective 40-55 less effective 56-75 effective enough > 76 effective 3. results and discussion data on increasing students' understanding of the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia can be seen from the results of the initial ability (pretest), final ability (posttest), and the increase in student ability (n-gain) which are presented in table 4. table 4. analysis of pre-test and post-test gain values. no name score postpre ideal score (100) pre n-gain score category pre post 1 student 1 85 90 5 15 0.33 medium 2 student 2 70 75 5 30 0.17 low 3 student 3 35 55 20 65 0.31 medium 4 student 4 80 85 5 20 0.25 low 5 student 5 70 95 25 30 0.83 tall 6 student 6 95 100 5 5 1.00 tall 7 student 7 75 100 25 25 1.00 tall 8 student 8 85 85 0 15 0.00 low 9 student 9 90 95 5 10 0.50 currently 10 student 10 70 75 5 30 0.17 low 11 student 11 85 95 10 15 0.67 currently 12 student 12 60 80 20 40 0.50 currently 13 student 13 85 95 10 15 0.67 currently 14 student 14 75 80 5 25 0.20 low 15 student 15 90 95 5 10 0.50 currently 16 student 16 80 100 20 20 1.00 tall 17 student 17 65 80 15 35 0.43 currently 18 student 18 55 65 10 45 0.22 low 19 student 19 70 85 15 30 0.50 currently 20 student 20 90 100 10 10 1.00 tall 21 student 21 80 100 20 20 1.00 tall 22 student 22 75 100 25 25 1.00 tall 23 student 23 90 95 5 10 0.50 currently 24 student 24 85 100 15 15 1.00 tall 25 student 25 85 90 5 15 0.33 currently 26 student 26 80 85 5 20 0.25 low 27 student 27 85 100 15 15 1.00 tall 28 student 28 90 100 10 10 1.00 tall average 77.86 89.29 0.58 58 102 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech based on the data in table 4, it is known that the average value of the pretest (initial test) is 77.86. then after being given treatment in the form of education about the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia there was an increase in the average result with the posttest score (final test) was 89.29. these results indicate that students pay enough attention to the material given so that they can answer questions better. then the percentage of the average value of n-gain, which is 58% (> 40-55%) indicates that the method or treatment used in educational activities about healthy breakfasts to prevent anemia in grade iv elementary school students at hanjuang samijaya elementary school is quite effective (see table 3). these results can be seen from the overall average of the post-test questions which have increased from the pretest questions (see table 4). this study uses quantitative research methods. one of the characteristics of quantitative research is that statistical data tests are carried out, one of which is for the proposed research hypothesis (hartati, 2016). statistics is the science of collecting, processing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting the data obtained to be used as information in making effective decisions. this statistic is a tool used to facilitate the calculation of data in the form of numbers (rudini, 2016). in testing the difference in the mean of 2 variables from the same sample, the ttest: paired two sample for means was used. table 5 of statistical test results of pre-test and post-test data. table 5. statistical test results of pre-test and post-test data pre-test post-test mean 77.85714 89.28571 variance 167.4603 138.3598 observations 28 28 pearson correlation 0.822938 hypothesized mean difference 0 df 27 t stat -8.13287 p(t<=t) one-tail 4.89e-09 t critical one-tail 1.703288 p(t<=t) two-tail 9.78e-09 t critical two-tail 2.051831 based on the results of the statistical test in table 5 using the t-test: paired two sample for means, the mean value of the pretest was 77.86 and the post-test was 89.29 from 28 respondents (see table 4). the average t-test of 2 paired samples shows that the t count is (-8.132) smaller than the t table (1.703). that is, the students' posttest scores did not significantly. thus the sample data collected did not succeed in proving the relationship between x and y. 4. conclusion the research that has been conducted aims to provide education about the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia in elementary school children with the research sample being the fourth-grade students of hanjuang samijaya elementary school, parongpong district, west bandung regency. the method used is a quantitative research method using a pre-experimental design type one group pretest-posttest. there are 3 steps taken in conducting this research, namely (i) taking the pre-test; (ii) educational measures; and (iii) taking post-tests. 103 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 95-104 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the results showed that the average value of the pretest was 77.86 and the posttest was 89.29. the average result of the calculation of n-gain (normalized gain) is 58% (n-gain > 40-55%) which indicates that education about healthy breakfast is quite effective for elementary school students. this is indicated by the pretest score which is quite good, so students can know the importance of a healthy breakfast to prevent anemia. as for the results of the t-test calculation, it is known that t count (-8.132) < t table (1.703). that is, the students' posttest scores did not significantly. acknowledgement we thank all parties involved in this research. this study is part of community service (program: thematic literacy community service 2022 program (11 july-10 august 2022 group 71) institute for research and community service (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia. references [1] anggoro, s., isnaningsih, t., & khamid, a. 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the children. the results of the study showed that the relationship between students to foreign languages other than the language that was introduced was very high, and they increasingly wanted to learn the foreign language even though they could not pronounce foreign vocabulary correctly, the foreign language contained in the indonesian text did not make them stop reading or reading. 1. introduction the scope of learning indonesian includes four aspects of language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing [1]. the four aspects of language skills are interrelated with each other, to get these four aspects one must go through a sequential process, starting with listening activities, then speaking, followed by learning to read and write. teacher or parent should be the one, who taught student about writing skill. in the process of writing skills is badly in need of attention from the teacher and the teacher, because the skill of writing is fairly complex language learning. reading is one of the skills learned at school age. reading is one of the four basic language skills, as well as a daily communications [2]. there are a few problems in the writing skills because of the lack of reading skills, that students be difficulties in issuing his ideas, the students do not understand very well about the indonesian grammar is good and true and also because of the vocabulary of students a little to make the writing becomes less effective [3]. moreover, reading is important to sharpen one's intellectual ability by studying the aesthetics of an article, learn how to keep writing it can be understood by the authors themselves or others, and learn how to develop an idea into something that is worth more [4]. the low reading 85 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 84-89 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech skills possessed by these students also affect students' insight and knowledge, because basically insight and knowledge are needed in writing activities. the low reading literacy of our nation lead our human resources are not competitive due to lack of mastery of science and technology, as a result of the lack of interest and the ability to read and write [6]. reading and writing have not become a necessity of life and have not become a national culture. the number of libraries and books is far from sufficient for the demands of reading as the basis of education. the problem of reading culture is not yet considered a critical problem, while many other problems are considered more urgent [7]. this will be successful if the teacher is able to develop appropriate learning so that the learning carried out can improve the literacy skills and potential of students as a whole. in developing learning, teachers must also be able to choose and utilize teaching materials, such as encouraging students to read quality books, because reading activities are in line with critical thinking processes that allow students to be creative and creative [9]. foreign languages in the era of disruption are a necessity that cannot be avoided. foreign languages will help us in having broad knowledge. as well as english is one of the languages that plays an active role in the discovery and emergence of theories, many we state that reading skills are influenced by various factors, to get a faster and more precise understanding of learning to insert learning media into a reading or text [10]. previous research states that reading skills can be influenced from environmental and psychological factors, which makes not smooth reading is a child's interest. reading will be done if the child interest in such activities. reading fluency is also influenced by social, emotional and self-adjustment condition. the purpose of this study is to determine whether they will stop reading text when finding foreign words contained in the text reading or even though they do not have the skills to read a foreign language they will remain what they could read and want to know the foreign vocabulary. 2. method the 2021 community service program activity will be held at junior high school, starting on august 26, 2021 until september 26, 2021. the type of research method used is qualitative descriptive literature review with the activities of the previous studies. this research focuses on the introduction of a new language as well as reading skills in students. the subjects studied were 11 elementary school students in indonesia. analysis of reading skills and reading material form that is read by the student, 10 questions in google form multiple choice of pre-test and post-test, story-telling and read some text. after giving the pre-test, we will giving the indonesia language text and video story contain foreign language, after that we will give the post-test to check all the participants reaction towards foreign language. the data obtained will be processed and then compared until finally the results will be conclude. 3. results and discussion 3.1. demography respondents in this study is the number of 11 students grade 3 elementary school is given a pre-test and then given reading text contained foreign language, this data includes the gender of respondents. in this study done by giving the pre-test, post-test 10 questions and also provide video material contains short stories and see the children's reactions to the foreign vocabulary that appears. the results of post-test will be compared as a result of a 86 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 84-89 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech form of recognition and learning process after a given reading a prepared text. all of the students who became respondents were fluent in reading, some were fluent in reading in a small voice, out of the 11 selected students liked to read various forms of reading such as dialogues, biographies, and comics. at the beginning of presenting the material, the 11 students quietly listened to the story in the form of a video, they also did not immediately raise their hands to ask the foreign vocabulary that appeared, and they had to ask first so that students wanted to ask about it. 3.2. process of learning the story telling strategy is a strategy used with the aim that students want to listen to the story that is conveyed so that it is hoped that reading interest will arise in them. interest in story content or story characters that are admired makes a child want to know more about various things related to things he admires [8]. (i) first, the 11 selected students were given a pre-test to be a benchmark whether they were fluent in reading, liked to read or not, liked to read in any form of media and whether they were curious about the reading text that had been prepared. (ii) second, the 11 students who had already taken the pre-test continued to the next stage, namely teaching and providing the promised reading text and also videos containing homemade stories for the 11 students to listen to. (iii) third, after students listen to the video given, it is continued by asking whether there is a foreign vocabulary in the video story or not, if so, state what vocabulary it is and ask the language of the vocabulary and give guesses to students. (iv) fourth, seeing the students' reactions to the foreign vocabulary, whether they succeeded in guessing it or did not dare to answer, if the silent class was forced to discuss the foreign vocabulary in the video until it was finished. (v) fifth, giving a reading text that has been prepared. masalah sayu (salah paham) sayu’s problem (misunderstanding) entah kenapa, (i don't know) orang-orang selalu memanggilku tanuki, (why people always call me tanuki,) atau teddy-bear, (or teddy-bear) atau kucing… (or cat…) tapi sayu adalah sayu—bukan tanuki. (but sayu is sayu—not tanuki.) (vi) sixth, having students try to read it and ask again about foreign vocabulary in the text. start discussing the vocabulary again and introduce the word from what language and so on. 3.3. pre-test and post-test results the figure 1 shows that more students are interested in languages other than those taught in school, while those who choose not think that foreign languages are too complicated and make them not want to know more about the language. five of them like reading comics. they also already know languages other than indonesian language, region language, and english language. they will also continue to read in indonesian language text contained foreign language although could not pronounce it correctly. although there is one person 87 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 84-89 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech who is not interested in other languages than those taught in school, he still wants to get to know other foreign language. figure 1. pretest result in figure 2 it can be seen that students chose a language that made them interested in learning more japanese and german after being introduced to the vocabulary in a text, but there was one student who chose english because it was still difficult to understand foreign vocabulary outside indonesian and english. figure 2. post-test result elementary school students who are interested in foreign languages, hearing vocabulary in the environment (such as watching cartoons in a specific language), even more so now japanese are common in indonesia other than english. there's already an illegal place to watch anime and it's very popular with kids now. this is in line with what was stated by suparno and mohamad yunus [5] that the quality of the reading experience will greatly affect his success in writing. that is, the more and better at reading, the better the writing results, such as a neater choice of words and writing structure, increasing the number of vocabulary to be understood, and a more open mindset. 4. conclusion this study aims to analyse elementary school students' interest in foreign languages such as german or japanese. we use descriptive qualitative research method. the data collection technique used descriptive qualitative and gave some reading texts to the children. the results of the study showed that the relationship between elementary school students to foreign languages other than the language that was introduced was very high, and they increasingly wanted to learn the foreign language even though they could not pronounce foreign vocabulary correctly, the foreign language contained in the indonesian text did not make them stop reading or reading. i do not want to read the text until i understand it. author’s note 88 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 84-89 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. authors confirmed that the paper was free of plagiarism. acknowledgement we acknowledged bangdos, universitas pendidikan indonesia. we thank to memed sutadi s.pd from elementary school giki. this study is a part of community service program: kkn tematik literasi 2021 (august-sept 2021) kel 24 lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat (lppm), universitas pendidikan indonesia. we also thank to kantor jurnal dan publikasi, directorate of international affairs, universitas pendidikan indonesia. we thank to nissa nur azizah, dwi fitria al hussaeni, dr.eng. asep bayu dani nandiyanto, s.t., m.eng., muktiarni, s.pd., m.pd., rina maryanti, s.pd., m.pd. 89 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 84-89 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] astuti, y. w., and mustadi, a. 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study is the social media provides many benefits to the business world and can be made in one of the media that support the advertising activities for a business. nowadays anyone can do a business and expand global business network by simply using social media. 1. introduction social media is part of the rapid development of technology that dramatically prompted some major changes around the world, including the business world. an entrepreneur should understand the business system, being able to exploit business potential, able to adapt to the business environment, able to cope with business dynamics, expertly manage resources, flexible, has the best business strategy and is ready to win business competition [1]. rapid development of mobile phone technology made increasingly rapid growth of social media. by using a smartphone, social media can be accessed anywhere and anytime. social media has indirectly provided many benefits that can help a wide range of business affairs at a small cost. with the rapid growth of social media, it began to replace the conventional mass media role in supporting the activities of advertising in business [2]. the number of social media that have the facility to advertise would be beneficial if used to support business activities, most of the world community has already created their social media. users who have used the social media have the advantage to start their own online stores [3]. social media as a marketing tool is influential on consumer decisions. through social media, sellers can promote their merchandise more broadly, can reach further consumers from various places. aside from being a communication and promotion, social media can also be used as a learning tool. the closeness of students to social media technology today can be used as a place to teach and learn so that it can then improve students' motivation and learning outcomes [4-6]. researchers conducted observations by conducting interviews to businesses that utilize social media as a means of supporting its business. the purpose of this study 135 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 134-139 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech researchers write so that more people know the benefits of social media, especially in advertising activities of a product or service that supports the processes in the business. 2. method this research used descriptive qualitative method by literature studies. the author uses this method in order to obtain data related to this study which then be analyzed and be concluded which became the results of this study. 3. results and discussion the rapid development of internet and mobile phone technology is instrumental in encouraging the advancement of social media where social media is used as a communication tool and source of information. of course, social media is now has many benefits, among them are the benefits to the business world[7]. social media can be used as a medium to promote good business can even be used as a medium for selling and buying products / services online [8]. social media is has many benefits to businessmen in the growth of their business. by using social media, buyers and sellers can communicate remotely thereby saving time and costs [9]. this makes businessmen conduct their business more easily and more flexible. all social media is helpful in business activities, one of which social media instagram. instagram is a social media focus as a platform to share photos and videos, instagram users ranged from children to old people, as well as from students to businessman. ads in instagram also has features that support promotional activities, this is a useful feature to support business activities [10]. in just a few easy stages, businessman can run ads on instagram and reach its targets appropriately. here are some steps before starting to advertise on instagram: 1. creating a facebook page & change profile instagram into business profile figure 1 shows that the first stage, the customer must have a facebook account and a facebook page in advance at https://www.facebook.com/business/pages/set-upin order to run ads, and customers must create a business profile on instagram or change the existing instagram account into a business account figure 1. web page facebook business. 136 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 134-139 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2. preparing ads figure 1 shows that the second phase, the customer must choose a destination ad and figure 3 shows the target of the ad, at the election of the ad's destination there are three options on the target and there are two options. figure 2. ad management page section advertising objectives. figure 3. ad management page section target targets. 3. determining the budget and payment methods figure 4 shows that phase three, the customer must determine how much budget who want customers to spend and how long the ad will run. figure 5 is shown once the customer is required to select a payment method ad which will be aired. 137 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 134-139 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. ad management page of the budget section. figure 5. ad management page payment methods section. 4. publishes ad after passing through this process, the ad is ready to be published. customers will be notified when an ad is approved and ready to run. figure 1 shows instagram offers many other types of ads are photo ads (see figure 6), video ads, story ads, carousel advertisements, a collection of ads, and roaming advertising. each ads has its own advantages, for example rent photo has the advantages when users are looking at photographs of his friend or someone he contested on the homepage, video ads have the advantage that the ads have visual move that could attract potential buyers, story advertising has the advantages when users are viewing instagram story or feature story. carousel advertising has advantages that are suitable for the vendor product because it has an interesting visual and usually in one ad that include a number of photos or videos. rent collection is similar to the carousel ad but the ad is usually used to offer services. roaming advertising has the advantages when the user is looking at pictures on the page cruising. ads that have been published 138 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 134-139 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech can be monitored, how many people click their ads only by clicking the "view insight". it is easy for the businessman to know how many people are interested in the advertised product or service. it is one of the benefits of social media to support business activities and development of the business environment so that business can continue to run. figure 6. example of ad photos on instagram. 4. conclusion from the discussion above regarding the benefits of social media instagram in advertising activities, conclusions that can be drawn is that social media provides many benefits to the business world and can be made in one of the media that support the advertising activities for business. every social media, one of which instagram, has provided facilities for the businessman who wants to reach their business targets easily, efficiently, and targeted. therefore, social media can be utilized to support the business activities of one advertising activities. acknowledgement i thank those who have helped provide data that relates to this research, and especially prof. dr. ir. eddy soeryanto soegoto, m.t who have provided insights and mrs. senny who has given directives and support the creation of this paper. 139 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 134-139 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 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[7] augmented reality is an attempt to merge the real world into the virtual world through a computer so that the boundary between the two is fragile. augmented reality (ar) is a variation of virtual environments (ve) or better known as virtual reality (vr). in comparison, virtual reality means a situation where the user is inside a virtual environment. when in that environment, the user himself cannot see the real world around him. in contrast to ar, which can still see the real world, virtual objects are only displayed in the real environment (azuma, 1997) [8]. augmented reality based on the tracking method is divided into two, it’s marker based tracking and markerless tracking. marker based tracking uses a marker / marker with a black and white square shape with a thick black border and a white background. while the markerless tracking method, markers can be made in any shape [9]. therefore, from these various studies, we can see that the role of technology is significant, especially during this pandemic. the purpose of making this application is as an information medium in the form of dynamic visual media to adapt to new habits in this pandemic era, especially in elementary school and kindergarten education. 2. method the review method used in this research refers to the b. kitchenham guidelines for a systematic literature review. the descriptions that will be used are research questions, data sources, inclusion & exclusion, quality assessment, data extraction, and data synthesis. 231 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. research methodology 2.1. research questions defining the research question is the most important part of a systematic review. these questions encourage what will be the focus in solving the problems found. the research questions in this study are as follows: rq1. what research topics use the spiral method? rq2. trends in the use of the spiral method in the last 10 years? rq3. what fields implement the spiral method? 2.2. data sources data sources are used to collect certain data, and necessary information, and access data that will be used for certain purposes in a complete data source [5]. in this literature review, the collection of data sources uses the publish or perish 8 application to find papers with specified topics. then use several websites such as connected papers, ieee xplore, elsevier, acm digital library, springer, and researchgate to find indexed papers. 2.3. inclusion & exclusion inclusion is used to determine the general characteristics of research subjects in the target population and on the topics to be covered. while exclusion is a general characteristic that cannot be included in the target population and on the topics to be covered [6]. the results of inclusion and exclusion carried out were 71 papers. the following are the inclusions and exclusions in this literature review: a. inclusion = the reviewed paper must be in full text with a publishing time of the last 10 years, namely 2012 to 2022. b. exclusion = does not deviate from the inclusion criteria that have been set. 232 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2.4. data extraction the data extraction procedure has been developed by the authors taking into account the purpose and the important nature of the data to be reviewed. there are five points of data extraction that will be carried out as follows: a. author b. publish year c. place of publication d. topics e. field of application 2.5. data synthesis this process is the conclusion of the answer to the research question from the data that has been collected. at this stage, it will be used to analyze the literature statistically. 3. results and discussion just like a spiral shape in general, which represents the software development process by tracing from the middle point to the outside like a spiral. this method is classified as an old method developed by boehm in 1988 with the strands of each spiral being a phase of the software development process. thus, each strand defines system requirements, system design, and so on as shown in figure 2 [6] figure 2. spiral model the important difference that exists between the spiral method with other software development methods lies in the consideration of risk in developing software, where software 233 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech development using the spiral method is carried out with explicit risk considerations. in the spiral method, risk considerations are explicitly explained by using pictures that each process passes through the stages of risk analysis. software developers do not directly produce a design until the end of the system, but gradually according to the method used. this design is intended to find out the mistakes and shortcomings of early development. the developers also adjust to the topic or idea that the user wants and in what field the application of the software is. therefore, this literature will describe the topics that are popularly used for software development using the spiral method and also the field of application based on the results of research conducted by researchers in the last 10 years. the results of data extraction as many as 71 literatures collected in the last 10 years are shown in table 1. the review carried out on the reviewed literature is as follows: a. does the literature refer to the specified research question? b. year of publication c. place of publication d. topics e. field of application that uses the spiral model in the literature table 1. literature spiral model paper title year publication topics scope [7] 2012 indian stream research journal risk management in software development software development [8] 2012 international conference on eurasian economies the methodology is analyzed from an economic perspective with respect to the cost model economic analysis [9] 2012 ieee identification, measurement, evaluation and promotion to more effectively leverage customer knowledge and enhance their service innovation capabilities sales business [10] 2012 ieee integrating usability into the application development process and recommending usability techniques for assessing mobile applications software development [11] 2012 international journal of applied information systems it governance criteria, technical aspects, and managerial aspects that provide a robust approach to the systems development process software engineering [12] 2012 cirp journal of manufacturing science and technology understand what are the characteristics and structure and sequence of phases that characterize a well-done productservice system (pss) engineering sales business 234 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [13] 2012 journal of pengembangan perangkat lunak implementation of software development with a concern for security software development [10] 2012 2012 seventh international conference on computer engineering & systems (icces) mobile development designed to integrate usability into existing application development processes software development [14] 2013 international journal of information management help organizations realize where to implement security measures to reduce vulnerabilities in software applications software application [15] 2013 international journal of pengembangan perangkat lunak and its applications reduce the impact of most of the risks by using the proposed reengineering through getting all the useful features software engineering [14] 2013 international journal of information management identification of security vulnerabilities in software development software development [16] 2013 advanced materials research reduce the risk of highway landscape planning, and is also conducive to the establishment of defined planning requirements civil engineering [17] 2013 paridnya implementation of security management for it security infrastructure it infrastructure security development [18] 2014 ipasj international journal of computer science (iijcs) website-based software development software development [19] 2015 international journal of science, technology and society designing an advanced transportation management system (atms) with the development of digital image processing software development [20] 2015 elsevier fulfilling the goal of developing business intelligence business environment [21] 2015 elsevier different frameworks for leveraging big data in public governance government [22] 2015 jurnal rekayasa sistem & industri the warehouse function at waroenk laundry is well and precisely documented so that it can overcome existing problems sales business 235 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [23] 2015 national conference on advance trends in computer science & mathematical technique the mobile application focuses on cross-platform development factors, memory usage, interaction with users and the proposed madlc model. software development [24] 2015 icssp 2015: proceedings of the 2015 international introducing icsm as a means to address the need for more flexible and responsive systems engineering software development [25] 2016 jmir designing a mobile-based mo-buzz application for dengue fever health [26] 2016 researchgate build an i-brochure application based on mobile augmented reality education [27] 2016 elsevier building a framework to provide a suggestion development project [28] 2016 springer efficient software error prediction and classification using naive bayes software development [29] 2016 international journal of computer & organization trends ( ijcot ) create and evaluate better erp software software development [30] 2016 simetris : jurnal teknik mesin, elektro dan ilmu komputer provide a report on research results regarding the implementation of the a priori algorithm sale [31] 2016 jurnal masyarakat informatika building a website-based ecommerce with a fairly high level of development complexity e-commerce [32] 2016 konferensi nasional sistem & informasi designing a forum for discussion between customers into ecommerce e-commerce [33] 2016 2016 ieee 8th international conference on technology for education software testing among computer science and engineering engineering degree program students as a solution to the previous curriculum education [34] 2016 jurnal sistem informasi (jsi) online reservation and control system for purwodadi botanical gardens. software development [35] 2016 ijpe knowledge management is used to achieve quality in finished products software development 236 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [36] 2016 ijcot software in model selection to save time and provide customer satisfaction software development [37] 2017 elsevier using the bayesian method to model problems regarding rhino hunting. rhino hunting [38] 2017 bioedusiana: jurnal pendidikan biologi knowing the improvement of student learning outcomes by using cooperative learning model type student teams achievement divisions education [39] 2017 cogito smart journal help visitors in finding rooms, shops / tenants in mantos with a 3d view software development [40] 2017 jurnal ilmiah matrik utilizing gis (geographic information system) for mapping regional assets government [41] 2017 cogito smart journa augmented reality technology in developing learning aids applications, stimulating thoughts, feelings, attention education [42] 2017 international journal of intelligent engineering and systems test the software at each sdp cycle, based on a measure of feature similarity in the dataset software engineering [43] 2017 security in computing and communications software development, which consists of risk analysis factors also to provide flexibility forensics [44] 2017 methods in ecology and evolution describes the stages of the modeling process that lead to positive changes in collaboration with stakeholders scientists, ecologists and environmental management [45] 2018 cogito smart journal information on tourist objects in tomohon city in the form of 360o panoramic photos tourist [46] 2018 jatikom design and develop a meeting attendance recording system education [47] 2018 cogito smart journal changing manual bell system to automatic bell system education [48] 2018 jurnal ilmiah sisfotenika make a bible application using talaud language that has a dictionary feature, word search, and also article search religious 237 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [49] 2019 education and information technologies train in mobile application development with the aim of effective training for developers education [50] 2019 ecological informatics management of socio-ecological systems to improve communication, trust, and stakeholder participation management of socio-ecological systems [51] 2019 international journal of advanced computer science and applications implementation is easier to implement and conforms to cmmi specifications without hiring external experts software development [52] 2020 jurnal pembangunan pendidikan: fondasi dan aplikasi knowing the increase in students' learning creativity in thematic learning using the project-based learning (pbl) approach education [53] 2020 index web-based production scheduling system company [54] 2020 jicon drug management information system in hospital pharmacies health [55] 2020 jinteks designing and building a child development monitoring system in it kindergarten education [56] 2020 rural sustainability research innovative industrial development mechanisms (in the example of the republic of belarus and the russian federation) innovative industry [57] 2020 cisim 2020: computer information systems and industrial management a framework for developing software solutions with a serviceoriented architecture (soa) applied for biological image analysis biological and medical image [58] 2021 jisicom learning that innovates and develops to improve performance in the teaching and learning process through the e-learning system education [59] 2021 jurnal teknologi sistem informasi dan aplikasi development of a web-based car rental information system item rental 238 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [60] 2021 ilkomnika moodle-based e-learning development education [61] 2021 the ijics (international journal of informatics and computer science) ferry cruise scheduler information system marine [62] 2021 paradigma ppdb information system to overcome student admission problems education [63] 2021 jurnal sifo mikroskil information system to make it easier to report results from the color shop sale [64] 2021 international journal of computer-supported collaborative learning collaborative knowledge enhancement for multi-layered cscl process scaffolds and structures education [65] 2021 jurisma, jurnal sistem informasi dan manajemen design and build an administration system produced by pt muramoto elektronika indonesia sales business [66] 2021 bmc ebm-based osce evaluation and development to assist in the assessment of medical students health [67] 2021 journal of economics and administrative sciences increase opportunities for organizations to successfully undertake bpr projects, actions and initiatives software development [68] 2022 jurnal ilmu pendidikan venn diagram application development based on android education [69] 2022 journal of computing engineering, system and science the plant marketplace in the form of an android application smes in the field of plants [70] 2022 jurnal informasi dan komputer web-based online school library system education [71] 2022 jurnal mnemonic information system of sumbawa university of technology facilities and infrastructure in software development education [72] 2022 remik: riset dan e-jurnal manajemen informatika komputer this information system can be used properly by the usu department of anatomical pathology to improve the quality of laboratory services education 239 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [73] 2022 journal of computer system and informatics (josyc) the mei-v application for recording equipment maintenance can be done by connecting directly to the database software development [74] 2022 engineering applications of artificial intelligence algorithm optimization based on arithmetic optimization algorithm (aoa), namely osaoa to improve optimization performance software engineering [75] 2022 international journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering comparative analysis in software development software development based on the results of data extraction in table 1, the next section answers the research question from the research that has been determined. 3.1. rq1. what research topics use the spiral method? table 2 shows that the various topics from each literature. to make it easier to review the topics discussed, we make a grouping of each literature that is included in the topic of discussion. the result is that from the 71 literatures collected, they fall into 3 categories, namely websites, mobile and information systems. table 2. topics used in the spiral method no topics number of literature 1 website 11 2 mobile 7 3 information systems 53 the website was found to be the first topic of discussion. a website is a series of web pages that contain related topics, and may be accompanied by image, video, or other files. various methods can be applied to website creation applications, one of which is the spiral method, which can save creation costs and increase the efficiency, flexibility and agility of website design [18].the development of spiral methods in e-commerce helps us to get feedback from customers in the form of suggestions, criticisms or input to e-commerce so that the applications created can meet the needs of all customers [31]. in the field of education, it can be developed to improve performance and information in the teaching and learning process through a website-based e-learning system [58]and the creation of an online school library system based on a website that everyone can read [70]. the next topic is mobile. mobile is software that runs on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet pcs. mobile phones are known as downloadable applications and have special features that complement the capabilities of the mobile device itself. there are several models that can be developed on the android operating system. one of them is a spiral model. this model can be used to create software that requires a roadmap to identify risks and plan testing activities so that they can be better evaluated [29]. spiral model development 240 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech covers all levels of programming with the aim of developing knowledge from programming to program development [49]. english translation. the use of spiral models can be used in mobile-based meeting attendance recording systems [46]. when designing a 3d view, such as creating a 3d model of a building, it can be created using the google sketchup 3d modeling application, which serves as a scene within the application [39]. in research [48] the spiral model was used to implement the talaud language bible application. the app is built using the edrawmax tool, eclipse and android sdk sqlite. the next most popular topic to discuss is information systems. an information system is an organized way to collect, input, process, and store data, and a set of methods for storing, managing, controlling, and reporting information so that an organization can achieve its established goals, is also an organized way. an information system is a collection of interrelated and complementary data that achieves good results, solves existing problems, and makes decisions[62]. this spiral model is divided into six activity frameworks called task areas. in other words, communicating with customers is the first thing you do to establish communication between developers and customers. the purpose of planning is to plan the resources to be used, the estimated time, and other information necessary for the project, risks. analysis aims to consider possible risks, and engineering aims to make one or more representations of the applications made [60], to understand which are the main characteristics (how) and the structure and sequence of phases (what order) characterize the engineering process [12]. the spiral model allows researchers to carry out repetitive processes but with a more developed stage than the process that has been passed before, so that researchers can understand the risks that occur and handle those risks (risk management) [45], to describe the planning of dynamic processes, and realize the dynamic concept of planning, consequently, effectively to reduce the risks that occur [16] and the software development spiral model, which consists of risk analysis elements, also offers flexibility that addresses all the weaknesses of the previous methodology [43]. with spiral models, most risks can be reduced by retaining all the useful features of spiral models with recommended refactoring. [15] and the spiral model is consistent with an approach that includes multiple software builds and allows for an orderly transition to maintenance activities [7]. spiral models can be implemented for it infrastructure security [17] and security protects software products from deployment [14]. implement the security development phase in a spiral model and propose new security [13]. 3.2. rq2. trends in the use of the spiral method in the last 10 years? the trend of publications towards software development studies using a spiral model is presented in figure 3 with the amount of literature used is 71 literatures from 2012 to 2022. it can be seen that the peak of publication of studies on software development using spirals was in 2016 and decreased 4 years later and peaked back in 2021. 241 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. ceria mentari application system flow 3.3. material collecting at this stage, the researcher creates models of the leading figures of folklore and other members and collects the necessary folklore material. 3.4. rq2. trends in the use of the spiral method in the last 10 years? in this section, the process of making an application uses unity 3d software. in contrast, the creation of character objects and story materials uses blender 3d and for making markers and sketching the design of pages in the ceria mentari application using adobe illustrator. a sketch of the ceria mentari application page is shown in figure 4. figure 4. skecth of ceria mentari application page 242 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.5. testing at this stage, researchers test the application that has been created by displaying several displays of applications that have been built using an android smartphone. 1. main page view of ceria mentari application when the user opens the folklore app, this main display will be visible the first time. the main page view of the ceria mentari application is shown in figure 5. figure 5. main page view of ceria mentari application. 2. menu page view of ceria mentari application in this view, users can select the menus found on the main menu of the application, such as the list of stories to view and read the most popular folklores, the character list to see the characters that will appear through augmented reality, and tutorials to see how the user launched the application. the menu page display of the ceria mentari application is shown in figure 6. figure 6. menu page view of ceria mentari application. 3. story list and character list page view of ceria mentari application. in this view, users can see a list of the most popular folklore and choose the stories to read. the list of stories & characters of the ceria mentari app is shown in figures 7 and 8. 243 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7 & 8. story list and character list page view of ceria mentari application. 4. tutorial page view of ceria mentari application. in this view, users can: see tutorials on using the application as recommended by the developers of learning media applications using augmented reality technology so that users can use the application correctly. the tutorial page of the ceria mentari application is shown in figure 9. gambar 9. tutorial page view of ceria mentari application. 5. malin kundang story page view of ceria mentari application. on this page, the user can read the folklore that has been selected. in addition, users can press the speaker icon to hear the story reading audio according to the page. if the user presses the play ar button, it is directed at the camera, and the user can point the camera at the marker that has been provided. when the camera is pointed at the marker, the 3d character and the story will be seen on the smartphone. the page view of malin kundang's story is shown in figure 10. 244 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 10. malin kundang story page view of ceria mentari application. at this stage, researchers test the application that has been created by displaying several displays of applications that have been built using an android smartphone. the display of markers and 3d augmented reality characters is shown in figure 11. figure 11. marker and 3d character augmented reality display. 3.6. distribution after the application has been tested and there are no errors, the next stage is the distribution stage. this stage is the stage of how this application is stored. before being saved, this application is changed in the form of an installer file using unity 3d software so that the file can be neatly packed and make it easier for users to install. 4. conclusion the ceria mentari application is an ar-based application designed as a learning application for children of various ages, containing folklore where the characters in the story can appear so that they live through mobile phone technology. this application aims to add insight and interest in children's local stories and culture from an early age. references [1] sumayana, y. (2017). pembelajaran sastra di sekolah dasar berbasis kearifan lokal (cerita rakyat). mimbar sekolah dasar, 4(1), 21-28. 245 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 229-245 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech [2] kasiyun, s. (2015). upaya meningkatkan minat baca sebagai sarana untuk mencerdaskan bangsa. jurnal pena indonesia, 1(1), 79-95. [3] megahantara, g. s. (2017). pengaruh teknologi terhadap pendidikan di abad 21. yogyakarta: universitas negeri yogyakarta. [4] purba, r. a., tamrin, a. f., bachtiar, e., makbul, r., rofiki, i., metanfanuan, t., ... & ardiana, d. p. y. (2020). teknologi pendidikan. yayasan kita menulis. [5] jamun, ym. 2018. dampak teknologi terhadap pendidikan: jurnal pendidikan dan kebudayaan missio. ruteng: sekolah tinggi keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan st. paulus ruteng. [6] joefrie, y. y., & anshori, y. (2011). teknologi augmented reality. mektek, 13(3). [7] djafar, s., & novian, d. 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(2009). metode pengembangan perangkat lunak multimedia versi luthersutopo. international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 227-231 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech digital platforms and computer utilization for advertising r zulfikar1*, d r ramadhan2 1departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email: *rizki.zulfikar@email.unikom.ac.id abstract. the purpose of this research is to look at the business development strategies in the digital era through digital advertising promotion media. to support this research, we used descriptive method by analyzing digital advertising in social media to find a valid data and in accordance with the research conducted. the result of this research is that using digital advertising is more effective for the company as it is more appealing for the customers. 1. introduction with the rapid development of technology, almost all activities can be done using social. therefore, it helps humans to do all their activities, especially in conducting their businesses. soegoto stated that in order to be a successful entrepreneur, we must learn to get a broader insight about entrepreneurship [1]. nowadays, almost everyone uses social media for their personal activities as well as doing a business. therefore, social media has a great impact for human activities in the digital era. social media is not only affecting a company, but, it also has expanded into education field and health. [2]. social media is media that is used to extract data to solve problems that are understood by the customer base, especially for small and medium-sized businesses [3]. to build the originality of a trademark, it requires communication that can build consumer perceptions about a characteristic of a brand [4]. previous studies stated that one strategy that can be used for marketing is to use social media, specifically for small businesses based on the attention, interest, desire, and action (aida) models. it serves as a guide for small business entrepreneurs on how to use social media strategically for marketing. in addition, the concept of customer relationship management (crm) as another strategy is to promote transactional and interactional relationships with customers to increase potential economic benefits such as brand loyalty. other study also shows that the majority of 213 articles covering strong relationships between social media and branding show the importance of strategies to use social media to enhance product brands, such as co-branding or franchising [5-7]. other research also shows that the use of social media is a necessity at this time, especially to access the data and information that can help in decision making and increase knowledge. with this technology, entrepreneurs can use various types of social 227 228 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 227-231 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech networking for entrepreneurship to communicate and transact with consumers. besides, as a marketing medium through advertising brochures on the internet, it can help entrepreneur to provide information with low advertising costs about the product [8-10]. based on the research case studies above, we can find out that social media is the most effective place to conduct a promotion in the current digital era. the purpose of this study is to look at business development strategies through social media in the field of community service. the method used in this study is descriptive method by analysing digital advertising in social media to find a valid data and in accordance with the research conducted. 2. method to support this study, we used descriptive method by by analysing digital advertising in social media to find a valid data and in accordance with the research conducted. 3. results and discussion the development of technology and information is marked by the entry of the internet in human life that makes a significant change. with the development of technology, it makes many application platforms appear including social media. social media are experiencing a rapid development. therefore, social media is often used by businessman as a tool to promote their products (see figure 1). figure 1. data from internet and social media users in indonesia on jan 2019. this figure was adopted from https://websindo.com/indonesia-digital-2019-tinjauanumum, on december 5, 2019 we can see from the figure above that the population in indonesia reach 268 million with a percentage of 56%. the total population of internet subscribers in indonesia is 355.5 million with a percentage of 133% . however, the total population of internet users is 150 million with a percentage of 56% and the number of active users on social media reaches 150 million users every day with a percentage of 56% and 130 million online users via mobile phones with a percentage of 48% (see figure 2). international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 227-231 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. social media data is most often used by internet users on jan, 2019. this figure was adopted from https://websindo.com/indonesia-digital-2019-tinjauan-umum, on december 5, 2019 based on the data above, it shows that there are 5 social media that are most often used by internet users. the data is taken from the website websindo. the 5 media most frequently used by internet users in indonesia in 2019 is youtube, whatsapp, facebook, instagram, line with the percantage of 88, 83, 81, 80, and 59%, respectively. from the statistics above, social media is needed by internet users. so, based on those needs, business activities that use social media as a forum for business start to emerge, especially social media instagram as one of the most frequently used business platforms. business is not only a non-profit business, but businesses in the health sector also use instagram social media as a tool to promote their services (see figure 3). figure 3. instagram as a business and promotional media. this figure was adopted from https://www.instagram.com/halodoc /stats?hl=en on 2019., on december 5, 2019 229 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 227-231 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech one form of business activities carried out by companies engaged in the field of health could be seen in the figure photo above. it shows how the company provides an education about the disease as one of the interesting forms to spread the awareness (see figure 4). figure 4. website as one of the media promotion this figure was adopted from http :// halodoc.com., on december 5, 2019 4. conclusion in the figure 4, there is a tap here button so the users could go directly to the website, which contains more information about the company and features that can help to facilitate your needed, especially in the health sector on the website, namely: 1. media information information menu about all diseases can be found on the website above and all menus about all kinds of drugs and doctors can be found. 2. media transactions the transaction menu on the company's website is located when a drug order procedure has been made or to make a doctor's appointment. with the menu button above, the company will understands what consumers want. 230 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 227-231 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech acknowledgement it can be concluded that social media is one of the the tool to promote business better, especially business in the field of public health services. it is effective when it packed with new innovations. it will facilitate internet users to access and to maintain positive image for the company. references [1] soegoto, e. s. 2014. entrepreneurship becomes a revised edition businessman. elex media komputindo. 45 (3), (pp. 8098). [2] soegoto, e. s., & utomo, a. t. 2019. marketing strategy through social media. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032040. [3] puspitawati, l., nurhasanah, a., & khaerunnisa, a. s. (2021). utilization of communication technology for business. international journal of informatics, information system and computer engineering (injiiscom), 2(1), 47-54. [4] schivinski, b., & dabrowski, d. 2016. the effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands. journal of marketing communications, 22(2), pp. 189214. [5] hassan, s., nadzim, s. z. a., & shiratuddin, n. 2015. strategic use of social media for small business based on the aida model. procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 172, pp. 262-269. [6] dewnarain, s., ramkissoon, h., & mavondo, f. 2019. social customer relationship management in the hospitality industry. journal of hospitality, 1(1), pp.1-14. [7] moro, s., & rita, p. 2018. brand strategies in social media in hospitality and tourism. international journal of contemporary hospitality management, 30(1), pp. 343-364. [8] witteman, h. o., fagerlin, a., exe, n., trottier, m. e., & zikmund-fisher, b. j. 2016. onesided social media comments influenced opinions and intentions about home birth: an experimental study. health affairs, 35(4), pp. 726-733. [9] sihite, b. j., & prihandini, a. 2019, information technology in supporting education world to become an entrepreneur. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032039). [10] soegotto, d. s., & istiqomah, a. o. 2019. e-brochure as a communication strategy in entrepreneurship. in iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 662(3), p. 032038). 231 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech artificial intelligence as human behavior detection for auto personalization function in social media marketing r d santy1, m i habibillah2*, y r dimyati3, v s s nofia4, s luckyardi5, t v l gaol6, d oktafiani7 1,5departemen manajemen, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 2,3departemen ilmu komunikasi, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 4,7departemen sastra inggris, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia 6departemen perencanaan wilayah dan kota, universitas komputer indonesia, indonesia email : *irfan.habibillah@mahasiswa.unikom.ac.id abstract. artificial intelligence is almost used in every aspect of human life, especially in marketing activities on social media, increasing its effectiveness. this study aims to determine how artificial intelligence's role in increasing marketing activities' effectiveness in automatic personalization. some of the factors that can influence humans using social media are what they like, where they comment, and their type in the search fields on their social media. the method used in this research is a comparative descriptive method, namely describing or explaining and validating a phenomenon under study, then comparing it with other social media that has a different system. some of the variables or objects studied in this paper are the user's habits in using social media and the artificial intelligence found on several social media that reacts with their users' habits. this study shows how artificial intelligence can increase the effectiveness of marketing activities on social media and produce comparable data between artificial intelligence technologies found in several social media, which shows that artificial intelligence is proven to increase marketing activities' effectiveness. it is done on social media. 1. introduction artificial intelligence (ai) is an information technology that has been developing in the last ten years. industries that utilize artificial intelligence are not only used in the telecommunications sector but are also widely applied in other sectors such as banking, services, manufacturing, and others. artificial intelligence (ai) is a general term that recommends utilizing a pc to show quick direct with inconsequential human intervention. the advancement of robots started computerized reasoning. the word robot comes from czech "robota" which means biosynthetic machines used as obliged work [1]. the application of artificial intelligence technology is beneficial in monitoring social media to obtain a complete picture of the interactions that occur on social media. this technology is also helpful in marketing content following the habits of social media users [2]. big data provides an overview of the growth and availability of structured and unstructured data. it can be used for analytical purposes on social media. this data can be international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech obtained by machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence system that allows the system to learn and adapt to incoming or outgoing data. machine learning is often used to model a data set by studying it with a particular configuration/algorithm [3]. artificial intelligence technology applied in social media has three primary analyses in carrying out its functions: sentiment analysis, audience analysis, and image analysis. these three analyzes work simultaneously in studying social media users' habits to decide the right content to display. these analyses provide adequate social media marketing support in optimizing audience, image analysis, and sentiment by identifying content interactions with high user engagement with social media [4]. machine learning (ml) enables artificial intelligence software to identify social media user habits patterns from large data sets and big data and classify them to be tailored to social media marketing goals. initially, this technology has been widely applied in the manufacturing industry, namely technology that includes intelligent manufacturing architecture technology, software-defined network system architecture technology, smart manufacturing standardization technology, and others. the application of artificial intelligence has begun to reach all industrial sectors, including the business sector [5]. studies conducted by hamet and tremblay used artificial intelligence (ai) in medicine to clinical determination, clinical insights, and human science. ai in medicine consists of virtual and physical essential branches. the virtual joins informatics to control the board systems, including electronic prosperity records and specialists' dynamic course in their treatment decisions. the genuine branch is best addressed by robots used to help old patients or trained professionals. in like manner exemplified in this branch are centered around nanorobots, a wonderful new medicine movement system [6]. likewise, buch et al. advising clinical dynamic through bits of knowledge from past information is the pith of proof-based medication. customarily, measurable techniques have moved toward this undertaking by portraying designs inside information as numerical conditions. for instance, straight relapse recommends a 'line of best fit.' through 'ai' (ml), ai gives procedures that reveal complex affiliations that can only significantly decrease to a condition [7]. research conducted by florea et used artificial intelligence in education, one on how might ai improve training, help customize the learning experience, help educators in their undertaking, and its effect on elearning, and the other on how schooling in ai must be imagined to make the work power needed to confront this new mechanical upset[8]. studies conducted by capatina et al. stated that the extending use of artificial intelligence in social media advertising set off the prerequisite for this assessment to recognize and also examine such suspicions for likely customers of artificial intelligence-based programming for social media marketing; an item that will be made in the accompanying two years, taking into account its future capacities [9]. these various studies show that artificial intelligence in today's world is the tool to detect human behavior for auto personalization function due to the utilization of artificial intelligence and the profound learning subtype. this study aims to explore artificial intelligence and its application in business marketing. this study explores some of the literature to determine its relationship to marketing effectiveness based on human user behavior in using social media. 2. method a comparative descriptive method was used to describe or explain and validate the phenomenon under study. then, it was compared to other social media that have a different system. some of the variables or objects studied include user behavior in using social media; and artificial intelligence found on some social media that reacts with its users' habits. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3. results and discussion 3.1artificial intelligence and machine learning artificial intelligence is a computer science branch defined as a simulation of human intelligence programmed into a machine/system to behave and think like humans. there are two main parts needed in making artificial intelligence applications, including a knowledge base, which is the fact, theory, and connected data, and an inference engine, namely the ability to draw conclusions based on experience and knowledge [11]. the application of the concept of artificial intelligence to computers is shown in figure 1. figure 1. application of the concept of artificial intelligence to computers machine learning is a subfield of computer science that gives "computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed." evolving from pattern recognition studies and computational learning theory in artificial intelligence, the study and construction of algorithms can learn and produce predictions from the incoming data due to machine learning exploration. the algorithm follows static program instructions by making predictions or datadriven decisions through modeling from the input sample. machine learning is used in various computational tasks where designing and programming explicit algorithms with good performance are complicated. moreover, computational statistics is closely related to machine learning. it focuses on making predictions through computers. it has a strong relationship with optimization based on mathematical models, which provide theory, application domains, and methods to the field. machine learning is sometimes combined with data mining, where the last subfield focuses more on exploratory data analysis and is known as unsupervised learning [12]. machine learning can also be used unattended and used to study and establish basic behavioral profiles for various entities and then use it to find meaningful anomalies. in data analytics, machine learning is used to design complex models and algorithms suitable for prediction; this is known as predictive analytics in commercial use. these analytical models enable researchers, data scientists, engineers, and analysts to "produce reliable and repeatable decisions and results" and uncover "hidden insights" through learning from historical relationships and trends in data. machine learning can be trained and validated to be used for data grouping, dimension reduction, data visualization, and trend analysis [12]. 3.2. social media marketing international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech social media marketing is another pattern and a quickly developing advertising organization method to arrive at focused clients effortlessly. social media advertising is characterized as utilizing web-based media channels to advance an organization and its items. this marketing sort can be viewed as a web-based component, supplemented by a site-based advancement system, such as a web-based publicizing effort. the primary contrast between social media marketing and promoting, by and large, is the association that can be made among organizations and buyers [13]. promoting utilizing social media can take numerous structures. for instance, facebook includes the idea of "companions" in loving an item from a facebook page or gathering, while twitter is a mix of microblogging and interpersonal interaction. twitter permits clients to get minor updates and ads from their #1 maker client accounts [14]. the fundamental points of interest of social media marketing are lessening costs and expanding reach. social media stages cost not exactly other showcasing stages. plus, online media showcasing permits organizations to arrive at clients who may not be open by the organization because of restricted time and area of existing circulation channels [15]. social media gives sponsors induction to target groups and purchasers subordinate site page the region customers' tendencies and what their buddies love. by then, with wise displaying and publicizing, promoters can contact the most interested people concerning what they need to bring to the table. it is undefined from a confounding advancing structure that incorporates automated thinking, specifically ai, to consider online media customers' penchants or tendencies. 3.3. artificial intelligence in social media marketing artificial intelligence that is applied in web-based media showcasing is ai. this framework examines web-based media clients' conduct/propensities dependent on three primaries dissects: specific crowd examination, picture investigation, and assumption investigation, which are depicted as follows. a. audience analysis the social media promoting technique embraced by numerous organizations, be it the innovation area or not, is upheld by human-made consciousness innovation dependent on crowd examination. crowd investigation is now used to control shared messages and the right distribution time to accomplish showcasing objectives [16]. organizations are looking to computerized reasoning innovation a ton since they can follow their individuals' affinities and interests and gather individuals with comparable interests. in this way, crowd examination can give a visual report on gathering individuals who rely upon the local area's worth [17]. artificial knowledge with crowd investigation offers different exact scientific capacities in distinguishing openings, sensemaking, and dynamics [18]. artificial intelligence consciousness innovation utilizes client-related information, such as buying deals or conducting and segmenting information. the outcome in moment proposals to web-based media clients about the correct item to purchase [19]. the job of human-made brainpowerbased web-based media methodology is to create client bits of knowledge, make imparted thoughts and ideas to clients, and recommend new item dispatches and the correct items to purchase. b. image analysis artificial intelligence can be classified into three, among others: into three classifications: insightful computerized reasoning (logical ai), human-propelled ai, and acculturated ai. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech insightful artificial intelligence consciousness alludes to intellectual knowledge that utilizes learning dependent on past encounters to advise future choices. artificial intelligence that falls into this classification utilizes picture acknowledgment or picture examination. artificial intelligence is used to upgrade customized correspondence and to empower enhancements in focusing on [20]. artificial intelligence in perceiving brand logos is used to examine the interests of online media clients. for instance, online media clients' photographs reflect practices, constantly needs that advertisers normally do not focus on. nonetheless, images incorporate online media information to be utilized as an information source in web-based media advertising. image content acknowledgment permits the framework to perceive things from pictures and burden them into literary portrayals. for instance, image content shared through instagram can offer wellbeing-related data. if the framework can remember it as a well-being classification, instagram will offer more wellbeing-related substance [21]. c. sentiment analysis many studies show that sentiment analysis can be used to predict sales performance and product classification. researchers are currently focusing on machine learning-based sentiment analysis used by social media, such as twitter and facebook, which focuses on unigram, bigram, speech tags, emoticons, and others. in the sentiment analysis, positive and negative comments from social media users are closely related to the popularity of a brand's post. artificial intelligence technology leads to classifying and grouping user-generated content based on variables such as sentiment, topic, or theme [21]. through sharing images, social media clients can communicate their suppositions. subsequently, social media pictures offer an incredible asset with which to distinguish client conclusions. this strategy can be utilized successfully in social media showcasing, for example, item suggestion components or web-based media publicizing. finally, large-scale social media content for sentiment analysis can use a consistent cross-modality regression model to use two lines of sentiment analysis, namely visual sentiment analysis and sophisticated textual sentiment analysis [22]. 3.4. artificial intelligence applications in social media marketing based on data compiled by statista, a leading market, and consumer data provider company, figure 2 shows the number of active users on the world's most popular social media platforms as of october 2020. the three largest platforms are facebook, youtube, and whatsapp. currently, facebook has been widely used as a marketing medium. therefore, machine learning application in obtaining user behavior data is significant to provide recommendations for uploaded content (posts) and product content being sold [23]. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. number of most popular social network users as of october 2020 (in a million units) source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/272014/global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-ofusers/ practically speaking, the artificial intelligence consciousness framework is designed with natural language preparation in breaking down human language to get significance from sites, remarks, item surveys, and tweets. the volume of this information is gigantic, which is generally unstructured and comes from interpersonal organizations. it urges text mining to assume a part in social information investigation. text mining looks at unstructured data and international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech recognizes examples of fundamental information rapidly. preprocessing is the essential key in content mining, comprising three phases: tokenization, sifting, and lemmatization [24]. for instance, facebook is a social media site with many users whose users share much information all the time. this information is in the form of unstructured data so that text mining can be used to obtain the important information so that facebook can recognize the characteristics of its user behavior. the classification of text mining techniques is shown in table 1. table 1. text mining technique technique concept retrieval take important facts from unstructured text extraction retrieves knowledge overview from structured databases summarization keeping the main points that have the same meaning categorization document-based classification, pattern mining clustering grouping documents into clusters (unsupervised learning), termbased ontology, k-means filtering supports vector engines the decision of information factors in settling on choices on artificial intelligence consciousness innovation, for this situation, ai, is critical. an examination shows that information on sexual orientation, intergenerational perspectives, and occupation position are not huge elements when contemplating the degree of familiarity with applying ai to pursue employment destinations. the investigation clarifies that choosing information factors is vital in getting a suitable objective [25]. ai is firmly identified with settling on choice emotionally supportive networks and for examination. one of the primary advancements in computerized promoting methodologies is applying artificial intelligence brainpower frameworks to abbreviate the showcasing cycle and make business more successful. utilizing ai to acquire an inside and out comprehension of buyer discernments and streamline item showcasing methodologies has been generally applied by numerous long-range informal communication stages. ai can be a helpful instrument for advanced advertisers, empowering them to unveil and comprehend information better and precisely. as many as 2 billion monthly active users, facebook automatically uses artificial intelligence to tag posts (posts). meanwhile, linkedin uses machine learning and artificial intelligence for almost all of its products. linkedin uses an algorithm to predict a user's suitability for a role (job). it allows the system to highlight the suitable candidates for the appropriate information. another case on twitter is launching an update to its service using artificial intelligence technology to crop images using face detection or create entire images' thumbnails [26]. international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 25-34 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion the actual result of effective artificial intelligence-based programming in social media marketing depends intensely on artificial intelligence consciousness frameworks' capacity to investigate information and target substance or item commercials to social media clients. artificial intelligence presents the next step of a marketing campaign. artificial intelligence makes it possible to generate personal information and carry out successful marketing on social networking platforms. companies today have the opportunity to use artificial intelligence technology to profile potential customers, analyze their behavior, follow their habits, determine their motivation, and so on. to offer a product or service that meets the needs and expectations of social media users. social networking is an essential platform for business marketing, personalized relationships with customers, and knowing market or customer saturation. artificial intelligence technology can make marketing campaigns more personal and smarter. references [1] hamet, p., & tremblay, j. 2017. artificial intelligence in medicine. metabolism, 69, pp. s36s40. 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antifungal, and antibacterial properties. the synthesis of copper nanoparticles with biological methods is known to be environmentally friendly, inexpensive, simple, and capable of producing better nanoparticles than other methods. this study aims to determine the feasibility of an industrial project to manufacture cu nanoparticles through a biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract and evaluate it from an engineering and economic point of view. some of the parameters used for economic evaluation are payback period (pbp), break even point (bep), and cumulative net present value (cnpv). the analysis is supported using data taken from online shopping websites. the results showed that the number of cu nanoparticles that could be produced in one year was 24,000 kg. the total initial capital cost is 272,640.00 usd and the profit is 698,655.90 usd/year. pbp occurred in the 3rd year with the cnpv/tic value reaching 3.746% in the 9th year. based on the economic evaluation, the project is concluded to be feasible to run with the anticipated tax and percentage of sales. the results of this study are expected to provide an overview of the economic evaluation of industrial-scale cu nanoparticles production by biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract. 1. introduction copper nanoparticles are the most frequently used materials in the field of nanoscience because of their electrical, optical, biomedical, antifungal, and antibacterial properties [1], [2]. in addition, copper nanoparticles can be used as an alternative to gold and silver nanoparticles in the industrial sector because they are relatively cheaper [3]–[5]. moreover, copper has advantages in green-nano preparations [6]. several methods have been developed to synthesize copper nanoparticles including electrochemical [7], chemical reduction [8], thermal decomposition [9], microemulsion [10], photochemistry [11], laser ablation [12], gas evaporation [13], and biological methods [14]. in general, the methods currently most widely used is the chemical method because the method mailto:lewi@upi.edu 201 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech is simple and capable of producing high-quality nanoparticles [15]. however, chemical methods can’t evade the use of hazardous chemicals [14], [16]. the method that is considered as the most appropriate for industrial scale and economic evaluation analysis is the biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract. this method was chosen because it is environmentally friendly, inexpensive, simple, and produces very good nanoparticles. the purpose of this paper is to determine the feasibility of the industrial project of making cu nanoparticles through the biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract and evaluate it from an engineering and economic point of view. this paper was created because there are not many papers published and discusses in detail the economic evaluation of the synthesis of cu nanoparticles using the biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract on an industrial scale. several economic variations are determined, namely taxes, sales, raw materials, labor, and utilities. the results of this study are expected to provide an overview of the economic evaluation of industrial-scale cu nanoparticles production by biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract. 2. method 2.1. theory of cu nanoparticles synthesis biological methods have been chosen as an alternative to synthesize cu nanoparticles which is simple and environmentally friendly. cu nanoparticles can be synthesized by utilizing citrus medica linn. fruit extract [1]. citrus medica linn. extract preparation can be done by squeezing clean and fresh fruit, then the juice is filtered using a muslin cloth and filter paper. the biomolecules contained in citrus medica linn. extract are used as a reducing agent and self-stabilizer for cu nanoparticles. the synthesis method was initiated by reacting 100 ml of 1 mm cuso4.5h2o with 10 ml of citrus medica linn. extract. the reaction mixture was stirred at 60°c for 1 hour. the color change will occur slowly from light blue to reddish brown. the cu precipitate formed was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 30 minutes. the copper nanoparticles were washed with distilled water and dried in an oven at 80°c. the diagram process of synthesis of copper nanoparticles are presented. (see figure 1). 202 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. synthesis of copper nanoparticles using citrus medica linn. extract 2.2. economic evaluation the economic analysis in this study is based on an analysis of the prices of materials, equipment, and equipment specifications available on online shopping sites. the data is calculated based on mathematical calculations to obtain economic parameters such as gpm, pbp, bep, cnpv, and pi. these economic parameters are calculated based on the formula below [17]. 1. gross profit margin (gpm) is calculated by subtracting the price of raw materials from the selling price. 2. payback period (pbp) is a calculation to predict the length of time required for an investment to be able to return the total initial expenditure. in short, pbp is set when the cnpv/tic reaches zero for the first time. 3. break even point (bep) is the minimum amount of product that must be sold at a certain price to cover the total cost of production. 4. cumulative net present value (cnpv) is a value that predicts the condition of a production project in the form of a production function in several years. cnpv is a value that expresses the expenses and income of a business. 5. profitability index (pi) is an index used to identify the relationship between project costs and impacts. pi can be calculated by dividing the cnpv by the total investment cost (tic). if the pi is less than one, then the project can be classified as an unprofitable project and if the pi is more than one then the project can be classified as a good/profitable project. these data are calculated to determine the economic feasibility of the copper nanoparticle synthesis project using this method. when evaluating economic viability, various conditions are tested such as changes in raw material prices, sales capacity, utilities, employee salaries, and external conditions. various assumptions in the industrial-scale synthesis of cu nanoparticles are based on stoichiometric and mass balance calculations. the assumptions were: (1) all materials used in the synthesis of cu nanoparticles such as copper (ii) sulfate pentahydrate (cuso4.5h2o), citrus medica linn. fruit extract, and distilled water were magnified 1500 times calculated based on the literature. (2) copper(ii) sulfate pentahydrate (cuso4.5h2o) and citrus medica linn. extract react in a 10:1 ratio. (3) the percentage of nanoparticle formation process is 100%. several assumptions are used to support the calculation of the economic evaluation. in this study, some of the assumptions used are as follows. 1. calculation is based on conversion of 1 usd = 15,000 idr; 2. based on commercially available prices, the prices of cuso4.5h2o and citrus medica linn. fruit in kg are 2.00 usd/kg and 0.53 usd/kg, respectively. distilled water is obtained from treated water treatment at the factory, assuming the location of the factory is located near natural water sources. all materials are calculated based on stoichiometric calculations; 3. total investment cost (tic) is calculated based on the lang factor; 4. the process of making copper nanoparticles in one process is assumed to take about 4 hours; 5. the number of cu nanoparticles obtained in one production is 8 kg; 6. cu nanoparticles are priced at 50 usd/kg; 203 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 7. the project runs for 5 working days a week for a total of 240 days a year; 8. utilities are simplified by describing and converting it to electrical units, such as kwh; 9. the total salary of workers is 75,000 usd/year; 10. discount rate of 15% per year [18]; 11. 10% income tax [18]; 12. the project will operate for 9 years. the process of making cu nanoparticles using a biosynthetic method using citrus medica linn. extract calculated using various economic evaluation parameters. the calculation results obtained from standard assumptions are called economic evaluations under ideal conditions. furthermore, economic evaluation is carried out by varying external conditions, percentage of sales, and variable costs to evaluate the feasibility of the project. 3. results and discussion 3.1. engineering perspective figure 2 shows the manufacturing process of cu nanoparticles using the biosynthetic method by citrus medica linn. based on the literature [1]. from an engineering point of view, the synthesis of cu nanoparticles using this method can be carried out on an industrial scale. the total cost of raw materials in one year is 272,640.00 usd. this cost is required to produce cu nanoparticles as much as ±24,000 kg/year. sales in one year resulted in a profit of 698,655.90 usd. the cost for purchase of equipment is 99,210 usd. the project life span is 9 years, producing cu nanoparticles with cnpv/tic reaching 3.746% of the total revenue in 9 years. the pbp in this project was achieved in the 3rd year. 204 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. process flow diagram of cu nanoparticle synthesis 3.2. economic evaluation 3.2.1. ideal conditions the relationship between the value of cnpv/tic (%) and the project life (years) under ideal conditions is shown in figure 3. in the graph, the y-axis is cnpv/tic (%) and the xaxis is the project life (years). the curve shows that the cnpv/tic value is negative or below zero until the third year. the existence of cnpv/tic values below zero is due to the initial capital cost to produce cu nanoparticles. the initial capital costs include the cost of purchasing land, equipment, and building construction. the initial capital cost returns when the payback period (pbp) occurs, which is when the curve rises again and hits zero. the payback period in this project occurs in the third year, as shown in figure 3. after the 3rd year, the income keeps increasing every year. the lowest cnpv/tic value occurred in the 2nd year with a value of -0.845%. while the highest value occurred in the 9th year with a value of 3.746%. a project can be said to be profitable if the cnpv/tic or pi value is more than 1. thus, the production of cu nanoparticles can be considered a profitable project because it requires a short time to recover investment costs and has a pi value of more than 1. figure 3. cnpv graph under ideal conditions 3.2.2. impact of external conditions tax is one of the external factors of a project that can affect revenue. taxes come from the state that finances public spending. the cnpv/tic curve in the cu nanoparticle synthesis project is made in various tax variations and is presented in figure 4. in the graph, the y-axis is cnpv/tic (%) and the x-axis is the project life (years). the amount of tax variation used for the economic evaluation of this project is 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the total revenue. in the first to second years, the curve goes down and is negative. this is because in that year, the project did not benefit from the cost of purchasing land, equipment and building construction. in the 2nd year onwards, the curve starts to increase. the tax is valid for 2 years after the project is running. the amount of tax affects the level of income increase. increasing taxes will result in lower profits. the amount of tax also affects the time of return of initial capital or payback period (pbp). increasing taxes will result in a pbp that is longer than ideal conditions. according to the cnpv/tic graph shown in figure 4, the 10% and 25% tax variation causes pbp to occur in year 3; 50% tax variation causes pbp to occur in the 3.5th year; 75% tax variation causes pbp to occur in the 4.5th year; and the 100% tax variation causes the project to not reach the pbp 205 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech even until the 9th year. therefore, the maximum amount of tax that can be received is 75% of the total income. if the tax received is more than 75%, the project will fail. figure 4. graph of cnpv on tax variations 3.2.3. changes in sales figure 5 shows a graph of cnpv/tic for 9 years on the percentage variation of total sales. economic evaluation of the percentage of total sales is done by changing the number of sales to 80, 60, 40, and 20%. the 100% sales percentage curve is a curve under ideal conditions. according to the cnpv/tic graph presented in figure 5, a decrease in the level of sales (%) will result in lower profit income than ideal conditions. in the first to second years, the cnpv/tic value falls below zero or is negative. the decrease was due to the project being still under construction, so that the production and sale of cu nanoparticle products could not yet be carried out. after the second year, the change in the value of cnpv/tic depends on the amount of sales (%). this percentage of sales also affects the length of time for the recovery of the initial capital cost or payback period (pbp). based on pbp analysis, sales variation under normal conditions causes pbp to occur in the 3rd year; 80% sales variation causes pbp to occur in the 3,25th year; 60% sales variation causes pbp to occur in the 6th year; and sales variations of 20 to 40% cause the project to not reach pbp even in the 9th year of the project's life. therefore, the percentage of product sales should not be less than 60%. from this economic evaluation chart, the percentage of sales is very influential on the success of a project. if the sales percentage is only 60% or below, the project will fail. 206 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. graph of cnpv on sales variations 3.2.4. changes in variable cost (raw materials, labor, utilities) labor, raw material prices, and utilities are factors that can affect the success of a project. figure 6 shows a graph of cnpv for 9 years with fluctuations obtained from variations in raw material prices. fluctuations in the price of raw materials were analyzed by varying the price of raw materials by 75, 125, 150, and 200% from the normal price (100%). the graph of fluctuations in the price of raw materials can be compared with the diagram under ideal (normal) conditions. the effect of variations in raw material prices is seen after the project has been running for 2 years. changes in the price of raw materials cause changes in the level of income from ideal conditions. the value of cnpv/tic in the 9th year with variations in raw material prices of 75, 100, 125, 150, and 200% is 4.204; 3,746; 3,288; 2,829; and 1,911. changes in raw material prices also affect the length of time for recovery of initial capital costs or payback period (pbp). pbp results from variations in raw material prices of 75, 100, 125, 150, and 200% are achieved in the 2nd to 4th years. the amount of raw material prices has an effect on the recovery time of capital which is longer than ideal conditions. however, with variations in raw material prices, the cnpv/tic value is still above 1 in all variations. thus, this project will be successful even though the raw material price is 200% of the normal price (100%). figure 6. cnpv graph on variations in raw material prices figure 7 shows a graph of cnpv for 9 years with fluctuations derived from utility variations. analysis of utility variation is done by varying the utility costs by 75, 120, 150, and 200% of normal costs (100%). the graph of utility price fluctuations is compared to the graph under ideal (normal) conditions. based on the graph presented in figure 7, the decrease and increase in utility costs did not result in a significant change in the value of cnpv/tic. the value of cnpv/tic in the 9th year for variations in utility costs of 75, 100, 125, 150, and 200% is around 3.74. the curves for all variations of utility costs appear to coincide. this shows that changes in utility costs do not have much effect even though utility costs are 200% of normal costs. thus, this project is considered profitable because the cnpv/tic value is more than 1 for all ranges of utility cost variations. 207 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7. graph of cnpv on utility cost variations figure 8 shows a graph of cnpv for 9 years with fluctuations obtained from variations in the increase in labor wages. the analysis of labor wage variations was carried out by varying the wages of workers by 120, 140, 150, 160, 180 and 200% from normal conditions. the variation graph is then compared with the graph under ideal conditions or when the labor wage is 100%. changes in labor wages that are greater than ideal conditions result in lower profit income. the value of cnpv/tic in the 9th year for variations in the increase in labor wages of 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, and 200% is 3,746; 3,578; 3,409; 3,240; 3,072; and 2,903. pbp results from all variations in labor wages are achieved in years 2 to 3. thus, this project will still be successful even though the wages of workers are 200% of the ideal condition. figure 8. graph of cnpv with worker’s salary variation 4. conclusion based on the analysis that has been carried out, the project for the production of cu nanoparticles by the biosynthetic method by citrus medica linn. quite promising when assessed from an economic and technical point of view. this project can compete with pbp capital market standards due to the short initial investment recovery cost, which is in the 3rd year under ideal conditions. the chosen method also has the advantages of being environmentally friendly, simple, cheap raw materials, and produces excellent cu nanoparticles products. from this economic evaluation analysis, it can be concluded that this 208 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech project is profitable with the anticipated tax changes and sales variations. so, this project is said to be feasible to run. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank dr. eng. asep bayu nandianto for providing us an exceptional guidance and suggestion through the process of writing this journal. we also thank gabriela chelvina santiuly girsang for providing assistance. 209 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 200-210 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] pradhan, s., shrestha, r., & bhandari, k. 2020. effect of various parameters on biosynthesis of copper nanoparticles using citrus medica linn (lemon) extract and its antibacterial activity. amrit research journal, 1(1), pp. 51-58. 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number of vehicles lining up but only based on a balanced division of time is one of the causes of congestion. based on this background, a system of setting the flame cycle of the lamp u based on the length of the queue is needed. this study aims to implement the sydney coordinat adaptive traffic system (scats) application as a solution to overcome traffic congestion in dki jakarta. the method used is to use quantitative methods with the 1997 indonesian r oad capacity manual (mkji) approach. the results obtained include, the scats application can adaptively adjust the cycle time of sensor-based traffic lights. traffic traffic settings can be manually controlled by the operator remotely using an internet com munication network and can be conditioned with special cases or emergencies . based on the results of the study, the scats application is expected to be implemented in all major cities in indonesia. keywords: scats, traffic, big cities. article info: submitted/received 12 sept 2022 first revised 08 nov 2022 accepted 15 jan 2023 first available online 01 feb 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 mailto:jaja.kustija@upi.edu 2 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 1. introduction transportation problems will always develop following the development of the progress of an area. the development of transportation technology that exists now affects the number of types and number of vehicles which causes congestion on the main roads of each urban area [1]. the majority of congestion occurs on main roads in urban areas, as the main roads become the meeting point of vehicles of various destinations. and congestion often occurs at intersections because the performance of the persimpang arrangement does not run well, one of which is influenced by the slow movement of vehicles which results in congestion [2]. dki jakarta is the national capital city whose population level development is very rapid every year. dki jakarta itself is a city with the center of government and economy of the indonesian state, due to the rapid development of the population and the large number of vehicles, there are often traffic jams, especially at intersections [3]. in an effort to reduce traffic congestion at intersections, the dki jakarta transportation agency implements automatic and remotely controllable settings hammering the implementation of the atcs (area traffic control system) system which aims to optimize intersection performance, one of which is applied at the senayan interchange [4]. the application of atcs (area traffic control system) at the senayan intersection uses a supporting application, namely scats (sydney coordinated adaptive traffic system), the scats setting is adaptive, namely the regulation of traffic light signals is regulated based on the volume of existing vehicles. interchange vehicle volume data can be adjusted manually by the operator or in real-time using vehicle sensors attached to traffic lights in the field [5]. this research was conducted at simpang senayan door one because this intersection has been integrated with scats. through observation and data collection (survey) by researchers at the dki jakarta transportation agency, precisely at the traffic control system management unit (up spll), before scats was applied at this intersection, it experienced congestion, especially during peak hours when leaving and returning to work [6]. the solution to overcome congestion at intersections is to set the cycle time of these intersections based on the size of capacity, queue length and delay of intersections (mkji, 1997) [7]. the scope of this study is as follows: 1. the research location is in two places, namely at the dki jakarta technical office building, jl. abdul muis no.66, 16th floor (traffic control system management unit), south petojo, gambir district, central jakarta and simpang senayan pintu satu dki jakarta. 2. the volume of traffic in the survey at interchange conditions during heavy hours of vehicles. 3. data processing, analysis and discussion provisions are in the 1997 indonesian road capacity manual (mkji). 4. the study used data taken based on surveys conducted directly in the field surveying traffic conditions and surveying road geometric conditions as well as direct observations on the scats application in the traffic control system management unit (up spll) dki jakarta. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 3 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 2. method this study used quantitative research methods with the approach of the indonesian road capacity manual (mkji) 1997 method. in conducting a study, a research flowchart is needed that can provide guidance so that the research carried out runs well [8]. broadly speaking, the following is a research flow chart can be seen in figure 1. figure 1. research methods the research site is in two places, namely at the dki jakarta technical office building, jl. abdul muis no.66, 16th floor (traffic control system management unit), south petojo, gambir district, central jakarta and at the senayan pintu satu intersection, k ebayoran baru, south jakarta[9]. this intersection is a junction between jalan asia-afrika and jalan pintu satu senayan [10]. data retrieval to count the number of vehicles passing by at the intersection is done manually. data collection is carried out at the dki jakarta technical office building, 16th floor through a cctv monitor (jl. asia afrika, jl. pintu satu senayan) so that the view is wide and clear. furthermore, the researcher recorded each vehicle based on its type that crossed the specified limit using a hand counter application on the researcher's cell phone, after which the data was transferred to fill out the survey form [11]. data on the volume of vehicles on interchange traffic is taken for 5 days (weekdays i.e. monday to friday), survei is divided into 2 parts, namely at peak hours when commuting to work hours (07:00 – 09:00) and returning home from work (16:00 – 18:00), data is taken once every 15 minutes [12]. the vehicles surveyed were divided into three groups of vehicles, namely as follows: 1. light vehicle (lv). 2. heavy vehicle (hv). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 4 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 3. motorcycle (motor cycle / mc) the data collection of vehicle volume is taken from different directions on each interchange arm, that is, there are those who turn right, turn left and go straight [13]. the form of data is collected into two, namely secondary data and primary data [14]. secondary data were obtainedthrough literature studies conducted by researchers from various sources including related agencies in this study [15]. while primary data is a data obtained directly by researchers at a predetermined survey location. the data taken in this study are geometric data on roads such as the middle line and the stop line[16]. distances are measured using a length measuring instrument (in meters) [17]. the geometric data measured were the width of the lane and the width of the arm of the road where the vehicle stopped before passing the stop line. meanwhile, the traffic flow data taken includes the volume of vehicles and the cycle time at the intersection [15, 18-19]. 2.1. secondary data the survey was conducted at the senayan interchange, precisely the senayan one -door intersection. this interchange is located in the new kebayoran district, the city of south jakarta. through data from the central statistics agency (bps) of south jakarta, it is known that the total population in 2019 was recorded at 2.265 million. the area of the survey location is located in the city of south jakarta, recorded at bps south jakarta, which is 154.3 km 2. 2.2. primary data survey data at the observation site are obtained in the form of vehicle units per hour. then the data will be converted into the same unit, namely smp (passenger car unit) per hour according to their respective shorts. traffic volume data at a certain peak hour will be the main data in analyzing how the interchange performs. the data will then be used in calculations in accordance with the 1997 mkji regarding road capacity, vehicle delays, number and length of intersection queues. the main data is said to be the highest traffic volume data if the traffic flow data is the most dense compared to other data [20-22]. in its arrangement, the scats system divides the cycle time into several plans, where this plan is divided into 5 (five) according to several time divisions. the following is the scats plan signal time data for settings at the survey location. 1) short type 2) effective short width 3) basic saturated current 4) current/current-saturated ratio 5) cycle time and green time observation tools, observation needs are needed, including: 1) hand counter application, used to shelter many vehicles passing by the field of observation. calculated by type. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 5 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 2) media to record data on survey results. 3) meter, used to calculate the geometric size of the location. 4) stationery. the procedure for calculating the capacity and performance level of the intersection according to the 1997 indonesian road capacity manual (mkji) is carried out in the following order: first step: input data a) geometric data, environmental conditions of the survey site and traffic arrangements. b) traffic conditions step two: process input data a) the width of the short is effectively interchangeable. b) the saturated current of the interchange base. c) adjustment factor. third step: capacity a) interchange capacity. b) degree of saturation. fourth step: interchange performance level a) the length of the interchange queue. b) the number of vehicles stalled. c) the number of interchange delays. 3. results and discussion the scats (sydney coordinated adaptive traffic system) application at the senayan dki jakarta interchange works in flexilink operating mode, which is a contiguous signal synchronized based on the unit-electricity frequency or by an accurate clock determined by the existing plan based on the clock time of each duration, for example according to daily data and hours. daily and clock data on flexilink mode are collected manually. the scats architecture can be seen in figure 2. figure 2. architecture of atcs dki jakarta (mitra et al, 2020) https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 6 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 the working principle of atcs is that lc (local control) instructs tl (traffic light) based on input data from the detector, then trafficam inputs traffic data, cctv to monitor intersection density, and tl (traffic light) receives data from lc (local control) and inform red and green time. the equipment used such as sensor detectors, cctv cameras, scats controllers, servers, scats software, computers, and telephones. the use of scats is divided into 5 (five) operators on duty on each shift. the task of the operator is to be responsible for 5 -7 corridors, check whether there is a vehicle queue tail in the corridor with the help of google maps, then check on cctv to ensure congestion in the corridor, then immediately execute the interchange arrangements on the scats application. each coordinated intersection has traffic light control, becoming a system that is connected to each other (mitra et al, 2020). the screen display on the scats application for the senayan dki jakarta interchange is as follows in figure 3. figure 3. scats application view 2.3. geometric data interchange the data taken was carried out manually in the field, along with the data from observations at the interchange survey location at the door one intersection. table 1. geometric observation data code type side bariers median (y/t) ltor parkir distance (m) approach width wa w in w out ltor u com r y y 0 6 5 7 2 s com r y t 0 6 4 4 t com r y y 0 6 4 6 2 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 7 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 2.4. state of traffic flow in taking data on the number of vehicles, it is divided into several types of vehicles, namely light vehicles, heavy vehicles and motorcycles. the data used are two peak hour data, namely vehicle volume data on monday morning at 07:00 -09:00 and afternoon at 16:00-18:00. the intersection is included in the protected short type because everyone phase there is only one short that gets a green time signal. table 2. traffic flow data on monday at 07:00 -09:00 wib motor vehicle traffic flow (mv) appro ach code directi on light vehicles (lv) sheltered emp = 1,0 heavy vehicles (hv) sheltered emp = 1,3 motorcycles (mc) sheltered = 0,2 motor vehicle (mv) total rasio berbelok vehi cle /ho ur vehi cle /ho ur vehi cle /ho ur vehi cle /ho ur vehic le /hou r vehicl e /hour vehic le /hou r vehicl e /hour rms pl t rm s pr t rm s north lt/lt or 21 7 21 7 19 24, 7 826 165, 2 106 2 406, 9 0, 17 st 13 07 13 07 44 57, 2 282 5 565 417 6 192 9,2 rt 0 lt/lt or 0 south st 16 49 16 49 53 68, 9 592 7 118 5,4 762 9 290 3,3 rt 90 4 90 4 20 26 191 0 382 283 4 131 2 0, 31 lt/lt or 71 71 5 6,5 162 32,4 238 109, 9 0, 20 east st rt 27 5 27 5 16 20, 8 680 136 917 431, 8 total 44 23 44 23 15 7 20 4,1 123 30 246 6 168 56 709 3,1 0, 37 1, 11 2.5. traffic flow (q) because, the traffic flow on the ltor is considered unobtrusive and is not included in the q calculation.𝑊𝐿𝑇𝑂𝑅 ≥ 2𝑚. 2.6. signal cycle the signal cycle obtained through the scats application, plan that will be taken as time cycle data is cycle time data that is in accordance with the maximum vehicle volume data at peak hours, namely plan 1 and plan 3. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 8 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 table 3. traffic flow data on monday at 16:00-18:00 wib motor vehicle traffic flow (mv) appro ach code directi on light vehicles (lv) sheltered emp = 1,0 heavy vehicles (hv) sheltered emp = 1,3 motorccles (mc) sheltered = 0,2 motor vehicle (mv) total rasio berbelok veh icle /ho ur veh icle /ho ur veh icle /ho ur vehicl e /hour vehic le /hou r vehic le /hou r vehicl e /hour vehicle /hour rms pl t r ms pr t r ms north lt/lt or 93 8 93 8 33 42 679 135 ,8 165 0 1116 ,7 0, 26 st 84 6 84 6 81 105, 31 422 1 844 ,2 647 7 1795 ,5 rt 0 lt/lt or 0 south st 14 95 14 95 38 49,4 315 0 630 468 3 2174 ,4 rt 28 4 28 4 16 20,8 110 2 220 ,4 140 2 252, 2 0, 19 lt/lt or 19 1 19 1 7 9,1 709 141 ,8 907 341, 9 0, 25 east st rt 59 0 59 0 23 29,9 195 4 256 7 101 0,7 1010 ,7 0, 75 total 43 44 43 44 19 8 256, 5 118 15 163 57 696 4,4 6996 4,4 0, 51 0, 94 table 4. traffic flow at each peak hour traffic flow (q) pcu/hour approach code morning peak hours (07:00-09:00) afternoon peak hours (16:00-18:00) north 1929,2 1795,5 south 1312 525,5 east 431,8 1010,7 table 5. data on signal time plan 1 am at 07:00-09:00 wib approach turn-on time (second) cyle time (second) green yellow red all red north 60 3 140 0 203 east 40 3 160 0 203 south 100 3 100 0 203 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 9 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 table 6. plan signal time data 1 pm at 16:00-18:00 wib approach turn-on time (second) cyle time (second) green yellow red all red north 96 3 124 0 223 east 70 3 150 0 223 south 54 3 166 0 223 figure 4. plan 1 interchange cycle time figure 5. plan 3 interchange cycle time 2.7. calculation of interchange performance with the 1997 mkji method i) saturated current (s), the formula of the basic saturated current under the conditions of protected current mkji 1997 in the equation :𝑆𝑜 = 600 𝑥 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ (𝑊𝑒 ) 𝑆 = 𝑆𝑜 × 𝐹𝑐𝑠 × 𝐹𝑆𝐹 × 𝐹𝐺 × 𝐹𝑃 × 𝐹𝑅𝑇 (𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔) × 𝐹𝐿𝑇 (𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔) = 2400 × 1 × 0,95 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 = 2280 pcu/hour table 7. calculation of the saturated current of the peak hour of each short approach we (m) so (pcu/hour) adjusment factors s(pcu/hour) fcs fsf fg fp frt flt north 4 2400 1,05 0,95 1 1 1 1 2280 south 4 2400 1,05 0,95 1 1 1 1 2280 east 4 2400 0,95 1 1 1 1 2280 ii) capacity and degree of saturation, through data processing using the 1997 mkji equation formula: and 𝐶 = 𝑆 × 𝑔 𝑐 𝐷𝑆 = 𝑄 𝐶 capacity (c) is the result of the multiplication of the ratio of saturated current (s) and the ratio between green time (g) and cycle time (c). while ds is the traffic flow value (q) compared to the capacity value (c). https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 10 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 table 8. calculation of capacity and degree of saturation at peak hours fase capacity (pcu/hour) degree of saturation (ds) morning peak (07:0009:00) afternoon peak (16:0018:00) morning peak (07:0009:00) morning peak (07:0009:00) north 2245,8 2250,4 0,85 0,79 south 2245,8 2250,4 0,58 0,23 east 2245,8 2250,4 0,19 0,44 iii) vehicle queue length (ql), to find out how long the vehicle queue is can be calculated using the following equation, if the ds value < 0.5 then the value, while if the ds > 0.5 is calculated by:𝑁𝑄1 = 0 𝑁𝑄1 = 0,25 × 𝐶 [(𝐷𝑆 − 1) + √(𝐷𝑆 − 1) 2 + 8 × (𝐷𝑆 − 0,5) 𝑐 ] 𝑁𝑄2 = 𝑐 × 1 − 𝐺𝑅 1 − 𝐺𝑅 × 𝐷𝑆 × 𝑄 3600 table 9. vehicle queue length at peak morning and evening hours fase nq = nq1 + nq2 vehicle queue length (m) morning peak afternoon peak morning peak morning peak north 35,6 20,75 142,2 83 south 5,11 0,87 25,6 4,35 east 0,609 2,21 3,045 11,05 iv) 𝑁𝑆𝑉 = 𝑄 × 𝑁𝑆number of stalled vehicles (smp/hour) with 𝑁𝑆 = 0,9 × 𝑁𝑄 𝑄×𝑐 × 3600 table 10. calculation results of stop numbers and number of stalled vehicles appr oach nq (pcu) q (pcu) c (second) ns (stop/pcu) nsy (q x ns) (pcu/hour) mor ning afte noon mor ning after noon mor ning after noon mor ning after noon mor ning after noon nort h 36,5 20,75 1929 ,2 1795, 5 203 223 0,29 0,17 599, 4 305,2 4 sout h 5,11 0,87 1312 525,2 203 223 0,06 0,024 78,7 2 12,6 sout h 0,60 9 2,21 431, 8 1010, 7 203 223 0,02 0,032 8,63 32,34 total 3673 3331, 4 686, 75 350,1 8 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 11 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 v) average delay, the average delay of each short can be calculated by the formula in the 1997 mkji: as for the whole intersection using the equation: based on the 1997 mkji to calculate the delay of traffic flow (dt), using the equation 𝐷 = 𝐷𝑇 + 𝐷𝐺𝐷1 = ∑(𝑄×𝐷) 𝑄𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 : 𝐷𝑇 = 𝑐 × 𝐴 + 𝑁𝑄×3600 𝑐 with 𝐴 = 0,5×(1−𝐺𝑅)2 (1−𝐺𝑅×𝐷𝑆) table 11. average delay calculation results for each simpang shortat appr oach q (pcu) dt (second/pcu) dg (second/pcu) d = dt + dg d x q (second/pcu) mor ning afte noon mor ning after noon mor ning after noon mor ning after noon mor ning after noon nort h 1929 ,2 1795, 5 13,7 6,43 1,33 0,88 15,0 3 7,31 2899 5,8 13125 ,1 sout h 1312 525,2 0,78 0,081 0,47 0,33 1,25 0,41 1640 215,5 sout h 431, 8 1010, 7 0,04 9 0,28 0,32 0,36 0,37 0,64 159, 8 646,8 total 3673 3331, 4 total 3079 5,6 13984 ,7 vi) simpang service level, known the level of interchange performance by calculating the average delay time at each short or average delay of the entire intersection. where the relationship of the delay time with the service level index according to the 1997 mkji can be seen in table 13 and table 14. table 12. service level index standardization no. service level delays stalled (second/pcu) 1. a ≤ 5 2. b 5,1 15 3. c 15,1 – 25 4. d 25,1 – 40 5. e 40,1 – 60 6. f > 60 table 13. service level index of each short approach code average delay (d) service level index morning peak hours afternoon peak hours morning peak hours afternoon peak hours north 15,03 7,31 b b south 1,25 0,41 a a east 0,37 0,64 a a https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 12 international journal of research and applied technology 3 ( 1 )( 2023 ) 1 14 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.7875 table 14. service level index of the entire pendekat delay the whole approach (d1) second/pcu service level index morning peak hours afternoon peak hour morning peak hours afternoon peak hour 8,38 4,19 b a 4. conclusion based on the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that according to calculations using the indonesian road capacity manual method (mkji 1997). the application of the scats application resulted in a delay value and an interchange service index, for each of them, the highest delay value was at the northern peak of 15.03 seconds/passenger car unit (pcu) for the morning peak and 7.31 seconds/passenger car unit (pcu) for the afternoon peak. the lowest delay was at the eastern peak for the morning peak of 0.37 seconds/passenger car unit (pcu) and the southern short for the afternoon peak of 0.41 seconds/passenger car unit (pcu). furthermore, from the results of calculating the delay data on each short, a delay was obtained for the entire short at the morning peak of 8.38 seconds/passenger car unit (pcu) with the service level index value according to mkji 1997 is b and for the peak of afternoon delay of the entire short of 4.19 seconds/passenger car unit (pcu) with the service level index value according to mkji 1997 is a. so that the application of the scats application in overcoming congestion that has been implemented in dki jakarta provides good index results, namely b in the morning and a in the afternoon. scats applications can adaptively set the cycle time of sensor-based traffic lights. traffic management can be manually controlled by the operator remotely using an internet communication network and can be conditioned with special cases and emergencies. furthermore, researchers believe that the application of scats can be implemented in all major cities in the country in overcoming congestion problems. acknowledgement the author would like to thank reviewers for the suggestions that helped improve the quality of this paper. in addition, the authors are also very grateful to department of electrical engineering education, faculty of technology and vocational education, indonesia university of education for providing resources and assisting in the process of writing this paper. references [1] abbasi, m., shahraki, a., & taherkordi, a. 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on smes, it had been proven that with e-commerce, smes had become more advanced and increasingly developed. the results of this study were technological advances can be utilized by smes to market and develop their business through e-commerce so that many product or service innovations are created. 1. introduction progress in digitalization is very viral at retailers. the growth of e-commerce trend leads to customer demand, but it decreased interest and income of physical stores. consumers have different tastes and shopping decisions which online retails will provide it. they can offer various alternatives and also attractive value proportions with a variety of products, convenient shopping processes and special solutions. instead of offering to the target, it is better to focus on consumer access when making decisions. even if consumers are in the store, they can also visit online websites too. to stay competitive, offline retails have linked up with their online retailers using digital technology [1]. transacting through electronic networks such as the internet has many advantages namely convenient, low cost, wider reach and more market choices both for traders and customers. traders who have transactions have the desire to authenticate sales, authorize sales, confirm sales, ensure there are no sales rejections, ensure payments, and control anonymity. likewise, buyers have a desire to control sales authentication, sales integrity, bad sales guarantees, sales confirmation, privacy, and anonymity [2]. e-commerce provides opportunities for all groups in both developing and developed countries. in developed countries, the benefits will be concentrated in the short term, but developing countries will have more benefits. for developing countries with lack of infrastructure, they require the full benefit of the internet. but in the long run, developing countries must go through several stages in the development of information technology that must be passed by developed countries [3]. technological advances have helped many fields 240 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 239-243 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech of business both locally and internationally. nearly all over the world, people use the internet for various activities, ranging from learning to buying products online. the internet has affected almost all businesses starting from advertising to run functions and produce products. e-commerce can provide benefits for consumers by providing lower prices and also reduce competition [4]. e-commerce emerged with the fastest growing sector in the world market share in recent years. companies continue to expand their activities in e-commerce and also consumers increase dramatically in the number of purchases made online. e-commerce currently plays an important role of trade as a whole, and will continue to develop along with the advancement of technology in the next few years. finally, the growth of e-commerce will have an impact on a country's economy [5]. advanced electronic receipts have gained openness as an efficient business-to-business model and also business to customer exchange. e-commerce technology includes computer-based solutions that support electronic exchange for personal and business use. e-commerce and internet include information search, buying, selling and others. retails can use e-commerce and the internet as a business model. commercial internet users have increased rapidly and retails can make use of them [6]. the development of information technology is now reaching all aspects of human life. information technology makes things easier and cheaper. the role of information technology (it) in business is also getting stronger, this is indicated by the activeness of large multinational companies to use the internet as means of marketing their products. the use of the internet and the world wide web (www) for companies today is very necessary. every company that wants to expand its marketing reach must have a website, which is a vehicle for promotion and transactions for the company [7]. awareness, sales, and loyalty are good targets for online retailers to be highly developed in the us, in the context of total online retail sales accounting for 9.9% in the fourth quarter of 2018. this goes beyond all well-known physical store closures in the us and is also called the death of physical retail. there is something significant by combining strategies that have been tried and tested with modern and digital solutions [8]. the rapid progress of communication and information technology not only affects the sophistication of the technology, but also the lifestyle and the amount of human consumption of the technology. human needs for access to information via the internet, intranet, or extranet are increasing, along with increasingly sophisticated technology. it also resulted in an increase in business opportunities using technological sophistication [9,10]. the purpose of this study to discover the use of e-commerce and analyze the role of ecommerce in improving the economy of micro, small and medium enterprises (smes). the use of computers in marketing and sales in recent years is growing rapidly. the method used in this research was descriptive method and literature review by interviewing, reading, and quoting from various sources. 2. method this research used descriptive-qualitative method and literature review by interviewing several smes. descriptive-qualitative method is to determine characteristics and behaviour of smes with data collection from previous study about this research object. 3. results and discussion e-commerce was a type of electronic business mechanism that focused on individual-based business transactions using the internet (digital network-based technology) as a medium for exchanging goods or services between two institutions (business to business) and direct consumers (business to consumer). 241 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 239-243 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech over the past two decades, e-commerce had provided an easy way for buyers and sellers to transact online. e-commerce was the activity of buying or selling goods, services, or information through electronic networks. transactions negotiated electronically after an agreement had been reached and the ownership of the goods or rights were transferred at the specified price [7]. small and medium enterprises (smes) according to law no. 20 of 2008 concerning micro, small and medium enterprises (smes), small businesses are productive economic businesses that are independent, carried out by individuals/business entities that are not subsidiaries/not a branch of the company that is owned, controlled, or become a good part directly or indirectly from medium or large businesses that meet the criteria: (a) rp. 50 million 0.05 with a t count value of 1.105 < t table of 1.697, so it can be concluded that the hypothesis is rejected, which means that there is no influence on the fintech variable on the net interest margin. 3.2 discussion the results of research on islamic banks show that between before and after using fintech there is no significant effect on the net interest margin. this is contrary to the hypothesis, according to research from [13], which says that the provision of internet banking services has no significant effect on banking financial performance as measured by nim and roe. this is due to several factors including the level of security of customer data as well as long-term maintenance and the bank's ability to maintain internet banking is also experiencing problems. the not yet maximal use of internet banking in indonesia for banking transactions is also still an obstacle to the development of internet banking services, plus the use of fintech is starting to get busy but its use is not comprehensive or every customer does not necessarily use this facility. fintech is able to generate income other than higher interest, but this income has not been able to cover the costs incurred. meanwhile, according to research from [14], suggests that fintech instruments that encourage financial inclusion such as atm and e-money and do not have a significant impact on the performance of financial system stability, research [15] on the net interest margin ratio there is no significant difference from before and after the existence of fintech. indonesian bankers association, 2020: 11, nim growth has not yet recovered, banks are faced with the presence of fintech which continues to grow consistently. although fintech companies have not been able to compete with banks, the presence of fintech companies will slightly disrupt bank growth in the consumer sector so that it can greatly affect nim. the fintech phenomenon is unavoidable, in fact, banks are responding to this phenomenon. this means that banks participate in innovating technology in providing financial services and evaluating their business models so that they are not eroded by the presence of fintech startups. the results above show that the development of the fintech system is a strategy to address the fintech phenomenon and is expected to increase islamic banking profits. this phenomenon is not in direct contact with banking, it is proven that fintech actually encourages the development of its own banking fintech system. in line with the results of research [16] stated that it is very important for banks to synergize with fintech along with the development of bank services. [17] also said that fintech will be used by banks as partners to reach consumers who have not been touched by financial institutions. 152 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 144-153 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion fintech used by islamic banking has not been able to increase profits or have a significant impact on net income (nim), this happens because fintech is a new technology for banking, so it still has to be addressed to maintain profits and has a less broad scope, high maintenance costs and a lack of marketing strategies make the profits received are not as expected, but still keep abreast of technological advances. islamic banking needs to synergize with fintech because it provides many benefits, according to bank indonesia, these benefits can be for borrowers, investors and banks in indonesia: (1) for borrowers, the benefits can be felt such as encouraging financial inclusion, providing alternative loans for debtors who are not creditworthy , the process is easy and fast, and the resulting competition encourages lower lending rates; (2) for fintech investors, perceived benefits such as investment alternatives with higher returns with the greatest default risk for many investors with a fairly low nominal each and investors being able to choose funded borrowers according to their preferences; (3) for banks, cooperation with fintech can reduce costs such as using non-traditional credit scoring for initial filtering of credit applications, adding third party funds (dpk), adding credit distribution channels and being an investment alternative for banks. references [1] rasyid, r. 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materials. a mixture of poly-dadmac polymer and sepiolite clay can be used as a coagoflocculant at the same time. this study aims to analyze whether a project to manufacture clay polymer nanocomposites is feasible or not. by taking into account various perspectives including engineering and economic perspectives, this project is considered prospective to be carried out. this is indicated by the increase in the profitability index (pi) value of 5.33658 in the third year from -0.00975 which was the pi value the previous year. in twenty-four hours, the project can produce approximately 8.25 tonnes of adsorbent. the total profit earned in one year reaches 719,738.04 usd when run under ideal conditions. apart from the results of the economic analysis mentioned, this project is also very effective in terms of time because it is simple and the raw materials needed are abundant. 1. introduction nanocomposite is defined as a multi-phase material derived from a combination of two or more components, first is a matrix component as a continuous phase and second is a nanodimensional phase as a discontinuous phase with one dimension of nano size with a diameter of less than 100 nm. several types of composites have been developed by strengthening these composite compounds to polymers to increase their resistance to heat, mechanical and other barriers [1-2]. water from some agricultural effluents (such as olive mills, wineries, pig farms, soybeans, or the coffee bean industry) is not suitable for discharge to standard sewage treatment plants, due to the large amount of organic and suspended matter. annual production of black olive mill wastewater and highly toxic in mediterranean olive-producing countries is estimated to be around 10–30 million m3. disposal of such waste without treatment is known to cause serious environmental problems [3]. 163 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech coagulation and flocculation are processes that are often used in the primary purification of industrial wastewater (in some cases for secondary and tertiary treatment) [4-5]. coagulation using chemical coagulants involves the incorporation of insoluble particles and dissolved organic matter into large aggregates to facilitate their transfer at subsequent stages of deposition, flotation and filtration [6]. flocculation refers to the process by which unstable particles actually change into larger aggregates so that they can be separated from the wastewater. to achieve this effect, a series of industrial measures are used. in most cases, the process carried out is based on two separate stages, and in two separate tanks: 1. neutralization of the charges to overcome electrostatic repulsion (yielding “coagulation”) 2. bridging between several relatively small particles to form larger aggregates that, due to their size and density, sink to the bottom of the vessel, leaving a clarified effluent (leading to “flocculation”) [7]. several studies have been reported on the examination of coagulation–flocculation aiming at performance optimization, that is selection of the most appropriate coagulant, determination of experimental conditions, assessment of ph effect and investigation of flocculant addition [8]. aluminum sulfate (alum), ferrous sulfate, ferric chloride and ferric chloro-sulfate were commonly used as coagulants [9-10]. iron salts were proved to be more efficient than aluminum ones, resulting in sufficient chemical oxygen demand (cod) reductions (up to 56%), whereas the corresponding values in case of alum or lime addition were lower (39 or 18%), respectively [11]. additionally, high cod removal capacities have been observed during the combined action of alum and lime for the treatment of stabilized leachates [12]. furthermore, the addition of flocculants together with coagulants can increase the rate of floc deposition [10]. addition of “coagulants” and “flocculants” at the same time usually yields in the destabilization of the colloidal suspension, followed by flocculation of large amounts of suspended matter, lowering total suspended solids (tss), turbidity, and even chemical oxygen demand (cod). this, in turn, increases the following water treatment efficiency, thereby reducing environmental hazards [13]. the nanocomposite used in this study uses the mineral sepiolite clay and cationic polymer poly-dadmac. the nanocomposites are also used as “coagoflocculants” to incorporate colloid neutralization (coagulation), achieved by the polymer-charged parts and bridging of the neutralized particles (flocculation), achieved by the fact that polymer chains are linked to denser and heavier anchoring particles; this may result in highly efficient wastewater pretreatment and reduction of tss in a single treatment step [7]. needle-like clay mineral sepiolite as anchoring particles and poly-dadmac linear cationic polymer as bridging ribbon. for efficient coagoflocculation, the anchoring particles should have the following properties : 1. a size or diameter of less than 0.5 μm in at least one dimension, resulting in a large specific surface area 2. the ability to adsorb cationic polymers in strong interactions 3. the bulk density of the particles should be larger than the density of the effluents. therefore, anchoring particles might be acicular (needlelike) clay minerals such as sepiolite and palygorskite or clay smectites such as montmorillonite, hectorite, laponite, and 164 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech saponite. however, similar results might be obtained with non clay minerals such as zeolites or even powdered activated carbon [14]. the stability of the dispersion is related to its particle size, density and charge. other than that, in organic waste colloids usually have a negative charge, cationic polymers must be used to neutralize the colloidal charge. in addition, the polymer must have medium to long chains with charges spread throughout to allow a bridging effect. the polymer must also be relatively water soluble to allow efficient distribution in the effluent. therefore, suitable polymers might be : 1. water-soluble linear polymers such as poly-dadmac or cationic polyacrylamide; 2. polyquaternium molecules such as quaternary hydroxyethylcellulose ethoxylate; 3. cationic biopolymers such as cationic guar gum or chitosan; 4. polymers with aromatic rings such as poly-4-vinylpyridine-costyrene and additional styrene-based cationic copolymers. the latter might even yield in additional π-π interactions with organic colloids, enabling more efficient coagoflocculation [13]. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the economic feasibility of production clay polymer nanocomposites using dadmac polymer and sepiolite. several economic evaluation parameters used, such as gpm, irr, arr, npv, cnpv, bep, pbp, and pi were analyzed to determine the potential production of valuable materials from fishery waste. then, the economic parameters are tested by changing various economic conditions, such as labor, sales, raw materials, utilities, and external conditions. 2. method 2.1. polymer clay nanocomposite synthesis method materials used in the manufacture of polymer clay nanocomposites are sepiolite s9 clay with a size of <200 mesh (the authors obtained it from tolsa sa (madrid, spain)), with 99% pure mineral content, and poly (diallyldimethylammoniumchloride) (poly-dadmac; molecular weight medium, 200,000-350,000 g/mol) (the author got it from sigma-aldrich). all ingredients are used without further treatment or purification. the nanocomposites were prepared from sepiolite and poly-dadmac at masses ranging between 3 and 2400 mg polymer/g clay. a concentrate batch containing 100 g clay/kg (10%) suspension was prepared. to produce nanocomposites, a solution containing the desired amount of polymer was prepared per gram of clay. for example, the procedure for making a 10% stock suspension is as follows. the concentrated polymer (poly-dadmac, usually 40% w/w) is dissolved in a suitable amount of warm water to obtain a final volume of 500 ml containing 5 g of polymer. the solution was placed in a sonication bath to obtain a homogeneous solution. after that, the polymer solution is poured into a container with 50 g of sepiolite and stirred vigorously for 2 hours. the preparation is completed when the clay aggregate is no longer observed, and the viscosity of the suspension is relatively low. an increased viscosity indicates that the polymer is not dissolving well or the process has not been completed, because a 10% suspension of most clay minerals in water (without polymer) produces a paste that cannot be used efficiently [13]. 2.2. energy and mass balance to make the engineering process and calculate the mass balance in the production of clay polymer nanocomposites, several stoichiometric assumptions are used, including : a. the cost of all equipment is based on a commercially available online marketplace; 165 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech b. the composition of dadmac polymer with sepiolite clay is a ratio of 1:10 [13]; c. all reactants react perfectly, there are no by-products, the final product is just a polymer clay nanocomposite coagoflocculant. d. in a one-day process, the total processing cycles are 3 cycles and 15 cycles/week. from an engineering point of view, it is possible to increase the production of sepiolite poly-dadmac nanocomposite because the capacity and quantity of the tools and materials used can be increased. to produce 110 kg of nanocomposite requires 1 reaction cycle of about 1000 l of water, 10 kg of dadmac polymer, and 100 kg of sepiolite clay. 2.3. economic evaluation the method used in this research is the method of economic feasibility analysis, which is calculated through a simple mathematical analysis. this method uses data obtained based on the average price of commercially available products in online shopping media (such as bukalapak, alibaba, tokopedia, etc.). some of the parameters used to assess the economic feasibility are described as follows : a. gross profit margin (gpm) an analysis that estimates by subtracting the cost of goods sold from the cost of raw materials. b. break even point (bep) the minimum number of products that must be sold at a certain price to cover the total cost of production. c. average rate of return (arr) total inflows during the investment period divided by the number of years in the investment period. this value is important for predicting the state of the project. d. net present value (npv) the value obtained from the project, takes into account expenses and income and uses discount rate considerations. e. cumulative net present value (cnpv) calculate the total npv value from the beginning of the construction of the plant to the end of the operation of the plant, which can be obtained as the sum of accumulated capital flows each year. f. internal rate of return (irr) irr is a percentage that describes the average annual interest gain of all expenses and income of the same amount. g. profitability index (pi) the index is used to determine the relationship between project costs and impacts. h. payback period (pbp) pbp is a calculation used to predict the length of time required for an investment to return to the total initial expenditure. pbp is calculated based on the time when the cnpv first reaches zero. [15] 2.4. parameters in economic evaluation the feasibility test for the manufacture of clay polymer nanocomposites using sepiolite and dadmac polymer was carried out by changing the ideal conditions to the worst conditions. several variations of internal problems such as raw materials, utilities, labor 166 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech salaries, and production quantities were applied, as well as external problems such as taxes. the basic points of the variety of internal and external problems are: a. variations in raw materials, utilities, and labor salaries are from 80% to 120%. b. variations in the number of sales, namely from 80% to 120% c. the tax variation is from 10% to 100%. 3. result and discussion 3.1. engineering perspective the process of making poly-dadmac nanocomposite with sepiolite is shown in figure 1. the process carried out is dissolving the dadmac polymer using warm water from a water heater and then homogenizing it in a sonicator bath. to this solution was added sepiolite clay solids measuring <200 mesh. the mixture was then homogenized for 2 hours until it was evenly mixed and shaped like a paste [13]. figure 1. process flow diagram (pfd) for production of nanocomposite from polydadmac and sepiolite from an engineering point of view, the total cost used to purchase raw materials for one year is 508,780.80 usd. total annual sales is 3,049,200 usd with an annual profit of 719,738.04 usd. the cost analysis of the required equipment is 4,818.05 usd and the tic should be less than 5,155.31 usd. this project requires a relatively low investment cost with a project life of 20 years to produce dadmac sepiolite polymer nanocomposite with cnpv/tic reaching 37.67% in year 20 and pbp achieved in third year. 3.2. ideal condition figure 2 shows a graph showing the relationship between lifetime (in years) plotted on the x-axis and the cnpv/tic value (in %) plotted on the y-axis. the graph shows an analysis of the cnpv/tic value carried out during the 20 years of the project. during the first two years, this project did not provide a profit because the cnpv/tic value obtained showed a negative value below zero (0). this is because at the beginning of the project, the project was still under development. the lowest cnpv/tic value was achieved in the second year with a value of -0.0098, then the cnpv/tic value increased in the following year obtain reach 5.3366. in that year, the project experienced its first profit for three years of operation, this is called the payback period (pbp) where the project was able to recover the 167 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech initial capital issued. in a period of 20 years, the cnpv/tic value obtained reached 37,66668, which is the largest number that describes the highest profit that can be obtained by the project manager. with this analysis, the project of production nanocomposites based on polydadmac polymer mixed with sepiolite is considered feasible. then in table 1, the complete data for the cnpv/tic value is presented for a period of 20 years. figure 2. graph of the value of cnpv/tic under ideal conditions in a period of 20 years table 1. annual cnpv values under ideal conditions cpnv/tic years 0 0 -0.00059 1 -0.00975 2 5.33658 3 9.98556 4 14.02815 5 17.54345 6 20.60023 7 23.25830 8 25.56966 9 27.57954 10 29.32727 11 168 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 30.84703 12 32.16856 13 33.31771 14 34.31698 15 35.18591 16 35.94150 17 36.59853 18 37.16986 19 37.66668 20 3.3. changes in external conditions (taxes) economic evaluation of external factors might be one of the factors that can affect project success. one of the factors is the taxes to fund various public expenditures. figure 3 shows a 20 year cnpv value graph with various tax changes, where the y-axis is cnpv/tic and the x-axis is lifetime (years). the same results are shown at the initial one to three years due to variation in tax and cnpv project development. in addition, there was no income that year. the tax increase occurs two years later and will affect the cnpv value. when tax costs are added to the project, it will result in lower project profits. this is related to pbp, because the higher the tax, pbp for initial capital participation will be longer than ideal. according to the pbp analysis, the funds required to pay the 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% tax will be realized in the third year, which means the business is feasible, because when the project reaches the payback period (pbp), the project profit will continued to increase until the 20th year. the value of cnpv/tic 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% in the 20th year is 3.77; 9.41; 18.83; 28.25; and 37.67%. therefore, the highest point for obtaining bep or project profit or loss is 100%. figure 3. graph of cnpv/tic value on tax variations over a period of 20 years 169 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 3.4. changes in sales amount variations the analysis is carried out by varying the amount of the sales to 10% and 20%. the ideal sales are 100%, when the sales amount is decreased by 10% and 20%, the sales are 90% and 80%, but when the sales amounts are increased by 10% and 20%, the sales are 110% and 120%. the results of the pbp are shown in figure 4. at the initial conditions of 0 to 2 years project with various variations showing the same cnpv/tic value, this is because the project is still in the construction and development stage. the higher amount of sales, the profit will be increased. however, if there are conditions that cause a decrease in the number of product sales, the project's profits will fall from the ideal state. profits continue to increase after reaching the payback period (pbp) until the 20th year. from the pbp analysis, the funds will return on the third year sales in every variation in the number of sales. the profit increased every year as sales increased from ideal conditions. the value of cnpv/tic in the 20th year for each variation of 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120% is 36.98; 37.32; 37.67; 38.01 and 38.36%. so sales will still yield a profit if the amount of sales is more than 100% or less than 100% because it can be seen on the graph that it still shows a positive cnpv/tic value. figure 4. graph of the value of cnpv/tic on variations in the number of sales over a period of 20 years 3.5. changes in varying needs (raw materials, utilities and labor salaries) many factors can affect the success of a project such as the raw materials, utilities such as electricity and water, as well as the salary for the labor to ensure the project goes well. figure 5 shows the graph of the relationship between the value of cnpv/tic with lifetime in various raw material prices. this analysis is carried out by varying the price of raw materials to 10-20% from the initial price. the price variations used in this analysis are 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%. after being varied, the graph shows a similar trend. in the first two years, the project did not provide a profit, but in the following year there was a spike in the value of cnpv/tic so that the project could earn a profit and experience pbp. the value of cpnv/tic in the 20th year for variations in raw material prices 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120% respectively was 36.0204; 36.8436; 37.6667; 38.4898; 39.3129. this value proves that the lower the price of raw materials, the higher profit will be generated. 170 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. graph of cnpv/tic value on variations in raw material prices over a period of 20 years the next factor is utility that the additional crucial requirements that need to be considered. the ideal sales are 100%, when sales are decreased by 10% and 20%, the sales are 90% and 80%, but when sales are increased by 10% and 20%, the sales are 110% and 120%. the results of the pbp are shown in figure 6. at the initial conditions of 0 to 2 years with various variations shows the same cnpv/tic value because the project is still in the construction and development stage. the effect of utility prices on the value of cnpv/tic can be seen after third years. the results of the analysis show that the variation in utility prices affects the value of cnpv/tic, but the project can still run and generate profits. the value of cnpv/tic in the 20th year on the variation of utility prices 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120% is 32.62%; 35.14%; 37.67%; 40.19% and 42.72% . the closest pbp is achieved in the second year with the largest profit of 32.62% can be obtained from the 80% utility variation. figure 6. graph of cnpv/tic value on utility price variations over a period of 20 years in addition, figure 7 shows a similar graph but with varying labor salaries. the analysis is carried out by varying the salaries of workers by 10% and 20% from ideal conditions. the variations used to analyze changes in workers' salary are 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%. at the initial conditions of the project (0-3 years), the cnpv/tic value obtained is in the area below zero (0). this is because in that year, the project was undergoing development. 171 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 162-172 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech changes in worker’s salary will certainly affect the cnpv/tic curve because the profits to be obtained from the project depend on the worker’s salary. the higher worker’s salary, the lower the profit of the project. variations of changes in salary changes analyzed were 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%. pbp is obtained in the third year the project is run, after the third year, the profit earned will continue to increase over time. figure 7. graph of the value of cnpv/tic on variations in labor salaries over a period of 20 years 4. conclusion based on the results of the economic analysis carried out for various parameters, the project to produce clay polymer nanocomposites made from a mixture of poly-dadmac with sepiolite is considered prospective when considering engineering and economic perspectives. this is indicated by the increase in the profitability index (pi) value of 5.33658 in the third year from -0.00975 which was the pi value the previous year. pbp analysis shows that the project can make a profit in the third year when the project is run, this is a good thing because pbp is obtained in a fairly short period of time. thus, this project is considered to be able to compete in the market. in twenty-four hours, the project can produce approximately 8.25 tonnes of nanocomposite. the total profit earned in one year reaches 719,738.04 usd when run under ideal conditions. apart from the results of the economic analysis mentioned, this project is also considered very effective in terms of time because it is simple and the raw materials needed are abundant. from the results of the economic evaluation analysis, it can be concluded that this project prospective to be carried out. acknowledgement we would like to thank all those who have participated in helping us complete this research, especially our supervisor, mr. asep bayu dani nandiyanto, so that our research can be written as information for further research. 5. references [1] brody, al., b.bugusu, j.h. han, c.k.sand, and t.h. mc.hugh. 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(1989). chemical engineering economics. heidelberg, germany: springer netherlands. 154 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech systematic literature review of the spiral development model: topics, trends, and application areas risna sari1* , anggi muhammad rifa’i2 , muhammad salimy ahsan3 , mohammad rezza pahlevi4 , m. ilham arief5 1,2,3,4,5universitas amikom yogyakarta, yogyakarta email: *risnasari@students.amikom.ac.id abstract. the spiral model is one of the methods used to perform software engineering development and can also be used for development in other fields. this spiral model is the result of a modification from the combination of the waterfall model and prototyping model so that it has many advantages including in each result an evaluation will be carried out, carried out sequentially or systematically, and is more focused in carrying out risk analysis from each stage. has a function in development to make changes, additions and developments by determining accuracy and speed based on needs. in its implementation the spiral model has been carried out in various fields, but the results of the implementation are not yet known in what scope and how many implementations each year. this study aims to identify the results of the implementation of the spiral model development with data obtained from related papers in the 2012-2022 range. the method used in this study is the systematic literature review (slr) with the aim of identifying, reviewing, evaluating, and concluding all research on each relevant paper. the results showed that the spiral model development was mostly implemented in software development with a total of 19 papers and in the education sector as many as 17 papers, while the peak of the spiral model development was mostly implemented in 2016 and then increased again in 2021. keywords: software engineering, spiral model, slr 1. introduction software engineering is a discipline that discusses all of the aspects of software production, from the initial stages of system specification to system maintenance [1]. in general, the purpose of this engineering is to produce software that performs high and on time. to achieve this goal, various fields of science form disciplines that will collaborate in producing a product that will be used. this is assisted by the software development life cycle (sdlc), a set of basic procedures used in the design, development, and testing of software applications [2]. in sdlc, the software development process has different methods. the software development process has similarities with other product manufacturing processes that involve many components and factors. a software product has a good success rate when the 155 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech components are well-designed and can be linked together [3]. the waterfall method appears to overcome the complexities that occur in a project. the prototype method is the part of the product that expresses the logic as well as the physical external interface that is displayed. the spiral method is a model that focuses on prototyping and risk management which is very flexible when compared to the waterfall method. the advantages contained in the spiral method, make it more widely used by developers. this spiral method provides a mechanism for quality goals and software integration into product development. a previous literature review concluded that many models develop systems based on client requirements for projects. several models have advantages and disadvantages, including the waterfall method and the spiral method [3]. another literature review also discusses the problem of teaching mobile application development with high demand for qualifications. the results of the study show that the spiral model can be used for curriculum development in the field of computer science in teaching mobile device development [4]. other research discusses the spiral method and the possible application of the method in software development [2]. using a different method model that is not contained in the sdlc basis but focuses on other factors such as cross-platform, the way users interact in developing mobile-based applications [5]. in the application of the spiral method in software development, there are still many things that can be studied in more depth related to the method. based on this, this research will reveal areas of application that use the spiral method, then what trends and research topics are discussed using the spiral method. this is expected to provide benefits for finding ideas and research topics in the field of software development using the spiral method. 2. method the review method used in this research refers to the b. kitchenham guidelines for a systematic literature review. the descriptions that will be used are research questions, data sources, inclusion & exclusion, quality assessment, data extraction, and data synthesis. figure 1. research methodology 156 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2.1. research questions defining the research question is the most important part of a systematic review. these questions encourage what will be the focus in solving the problems found. the research questions in this study are as follows: rq1. what research topics use the spiral method? rq2. trends in the use of the spiral method in the last 10 years? rq3. what fields implement the spiral method? 2.2. data sources data sources are used to collect certain data, and necessary information, and access data that will be used for certain purposes in a complete data source [5]. in this literature review, the collection of data sources uses the publish or perish 8 application to find papers with specified topics. then use several websites such as connected papers, ieee xplore, elsevier, acm digital library, springer, and researchgate to find indexed papers. 2.3. inclusion & exclusion inclusion is used to determine the general characteristics of research subjects in the target population and on the topics to be covered. while exclusion is a general characteristic that cannot be included in the target population and on the topics to be covered [6]. the results of inclusion and exclusion carried out were 71 papers. the following are the inclusions and exclusions in this literature review: a. inclusion = the reviewed paper must be in full text with a publishing time of the last 10 years, namely 2012 to 2022. b. exclusion = does not deviate from the inclusion criteria that have been set. 2.4. data extraction the data extraction procedure has been developed by the authors taking into account the purpose and the important nature of the data to be reviewed. there are five points of data extraction that will be carried out as follows: a. author b. publish year c. place of publication d. topics e. field of application 2.5. data synthesis this process is the conclusion of the answer to the research question from the data that has been collected. at this stage, it will be used to analyze the literature statistically. 3. results and discussion just like a spiral shape in general, which represents the software development process by tracing from the middle point to the outside like a spiral. this method is classified as an old method developed by boehm in 1988 with the strands of each spiral being a phase of the software development process. thus, each strand defines system requirements, system design, and so on as shown in figure 2 [6] 157 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. spiral model the important difference that exists between the spiral method with other software development methods lies in the consideration of risk in developing software, where software development using the spiral method is carried out with explicit risk considerations. in the spiral method, risk considerations are explicitly explained by using pictures that each process passes through the stages of risk analysis. software developers do not directly produce a design until the end of the system, but gradually according to the method used. this design is intended to find out the mistakes and shortcomings of early development. the developers also adjust to the topic or idea that the user wants and in what field the application of the software is. therefore, this literature will describe the topics that are popularly used for software development using the spiral method and also the field of application based on the results of research conducted by researchers in the last 10 years. the results of data extraction as many as 71 literatures collected in the last 10 years are shown in table 1. the review carried out on the reviewed literature is as follows: a. does the literature refer to the specified research question? b. year of publication c. place of publication d. topics e. field of application that uses the spiral model in the literature 158 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 1. literature spiral model paper title year publication topics scope [7] 2012 indian stream research journal risk management in software development software development [8] 2012 international conference on eurasian economies the methodology is analyzed from an economic perspective with respect to the cost model economic analysis [9] 2012 ieee identification, measurement, evaluation and promotion to more effectively leverage customer knowledge and enhance their service innovation capabilities sales business [10] 2012 ieee integrating usability into the application development process and recommending usability techniques for assessing mobile applications software development [11] 2012 international journal of applied information systems it governance criteria, technical aspects, and managerial aspects that provide a robust approach to the systems development process software engineering [12] 2012 cirp journal of manufacturing science and technology understand what are the characteristics and structure and sequence of phases that characterize a well-done productservice system (pss) engineering sales business [13] 2012 journal of pengembangan perangkat lunak implementation of software development with a concern for security software development [10] 2012 2012 seventh international conference on computer engineering & systems (icces) mobile development designed to integrate usability into existing application development processes software development [14] 2013 international journal of information management help organizations realize where to implement security measures to reduce vulnerabilities in software applications software application [15] 2013 international journal of pengembangan perangkat lunak and its applications reduce the impact of most of the risks by using the proposed reengineering through getting all the useful features software engineering [14] 2013 international journal of information management identification of security vulnerabilities in software development software development 159 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [16] 2013 advanced materials research reduce the risk of highway landscape planning, and is also conducive to the establishment of defined planning requirements civil engineering [17] 2013 paridnya implementation of security management for it security infrastructure it infrastructure security development [18] 2014 ipasj international journal of computer science (iijcs) website-based software development software development [19] 2015 international journal of science, technology and society designing an advanced transportation management system (atms) with the development of digital image processing software development [20] 2015 elsevier fulfilling the goal of developing business intelligence business environment [21] 2015 elsevier different frameworks for leveraging big data in public governance government [22] 2015 jurnal rekayasa sistem & industri the warehouse function at waroenk laundry is well and precisely documented so that it can overcome existing problems sales business [23] 2015 national conference on advance trends in computer science & mathematical technique the mobile application focuses on cross-platform development factors, memory usage, interaction with users and the proposed madlc model. software development [24] 2015 icssp 2015: proceedings of the 2015 international introducing icsm as a means to address the need for more flexible and responsive systems engineering software development [25] 2016 jmir designing a mobile-based mo-buzz application for dengue fever health [26] 2016 researchgate build an i-brochure application based on mobile augmented reality education [27] 2016 elsevier building a framework to provide a suggestion development project [28] 2016 springer efficient software error prediction and classification using naive bayes software development 160 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [29] 2016 international journal of computer & organization trends ( ijcot ) create and evaluate better erp software software development [30] 2016 simetris : jurnal teknik mesin, elektro dan ilmu komputer provide a report on research results regarding the implementation of the a priori algorithm sale [31] 2016 jurnal masyarakat informatika building a website-based ecommerce with a fairly high level of development complexity e-commerce [32] 2016 konferensi nasional sistem & informasi designing a forum for discussion between customers into ecommerce e-commerce [33] 2016 2016 ieee 8th international conference on technology for education software testing among computer science and engineering engineering degree program students as a solution to the previous curriculum education [34] 2016 jurnal sistem informasi (jsi) online reservation and control system for purwodadi botanical gardens. software development [35] 2016 ijpe knowledge management is used to achieve quality in finished products software development [36] 2016 ijcot software in model selection to save time and provide customer satisfaction software development [37] 2017 elsevier using the bayesian method to model problems regarding rhino hunting. rhino hunting [38] 2017 bioedusiana: jurnal pendidikan biologi knowing the improvement of student learning outcomes by using cooperative learning model type student teams achievement divisions education [39] 2017 cogito smart journal help visitors in finding rooms, shops / tenants in mantos with a 3d view software development [40] 2017 jurnal ilmiah matrik utilizing gis (geographic information system) for mapping regional assets government [41] 2017 cogito smart journa augmented reality technology in developing learning aids applications, stimulating thoughts, feelings, attention education 161 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [42] 2017 international journal of intelligent engineering and systems test the software at each sdp cycle, based on a measure of feature similarity in the dataset software engineering [43] 2017 security in computing and communications software development, which consists of risk analysis factors also to provide flexibility forensics [44] 2017 methods in ecology and evolution describes the stages of the modeling process that lead to positive changes in collaboration with stakeholders scientists, ecologists and environmental management [45] 2018 cogito smart journal information on tourist objects in tomohon city in the form of 360o panoramic photos tourist [46] 2018 jatikom design and develop a meeting attendance recording system education [47] 2018 cogito smart journal changing manual bell system to automatic bell system education [48] 2018 jurnal ilmiah sisfotenika make a bible application using talaud language that has a dictionary feature, word search, and also article search religious [49] 2019 education and information technologies train in mobile application development with the aim of effective training for developers education [50] 2019 ecological informatics management of socio-ecological systems to improve communication, trust, and stakeholder participation management of socio-ecological systems [51] 2019 international journal of advanced computer science and applications implementation is easier to implement and conforms to cmmi specifications without hiring external experts software development [52] 2020 jurnal pembangunan pendidikan: fondasi dan aplikasi knowing the increase in students' learning creativity in thematic learning using the project-based learning (pbl) approach education [53] 2020 index web-based production scheduling system company [54] 2020 jicon drug management information system in hospital pharmacies health 162 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [55] 2020 jinteks designing and building a child development monitoring system in it kindergarten education [56] 2020 rural sustainability research innovative industrial development mechanisms (in the example of the republic of belarus and the russian federation) innovative industry [57] 2020 cisim 2020: computer information systems and industrial management a framework for developing software solutions with a serviceoriented architecture (soa) applied for biological image analysis biological and medical image [58] 2021 jisicom learning that innovates and develops to improve performance in the teaching and learning process through the e-learning system education [59] 2021 jurnal teknologi sistem informasi dan aplikasi development of a web-based car rental information system item rental [60] 2021 ilkomnika moodle-based e-learning development education [61] 2021 the ijics (international journal of informatics and computer science) ferry cruise scheduler information system marine [62] 2021 paradigma ppdb information system to overcome student admission problems education [63] 2021 jurnal sifo mikroskil information system to make it easier to report results from the color shop sale [64] 2021 international journal of computer-supported collaborative learning collaborative knowledge enhancement for multi-layered cscl process scaffolds and structures education [65] 2021 jurisma, jurnal sistem informasi dan manajemen design and build an administration system produced by pt muramoto elektronika indonesia sales business [66] 2021 bmc ebm-based osce evaluation and development to assist in the assessment of medical students health 163 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech paper title year publication topics scope [67] 2021 journal of economics and administrative sciences increase opportunities for organizations to successfully undertake bpr projects, actions and initiatives software development [68] 2022 jurnal ilmu pendidikan venn diagram application development based on android education [69] 2022 journal of computing engineering, system and science the plant marketplace in the form of an android application smes in the field of plants [70] 2022 jurnal informasi dan komputer web-based online school library system education [71] 2022 jurnal mnemonic information system of sumbawa university of technology facilities and infrastructure in software development education [72] 2022 remik: riset dan e-jurnal manajemen informatika komputer this information system can be used properly by the usu department of anatomical pathology to improve the quality of laboratory services education [73] 2022 journal of computer system and informatics (josyc) the mei-v application for recording equipment maintenance can be done by connecting directly to the database software development [74] 2022 engineering applications of artificial intelligence algorithm optimization based on arithmetic optimization algorithm (aoa), namely osaoa to improve optimization performance software engineering [75] 2022 international journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering comparative analysis in software development software development based on the results of data extraction in table 1, the next section answers the research question from the research that has been determined. 3.1. rq1. what research topics use the spiral method? table 2 shows that the various topics from each literature. to make it easier to review the topics discussed, we make a grouping of each literature that is included in the topic of discussion. the result is that from the 71 literatures collected, they fall into 3 categories, namely websites, mobile and information systems. 164 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech table 2. topics used in the spiral method no topics number of literature 1 website 11 2 mobile 7 3 information systems 53 the website was found to be the first topic of discussion. a website is a series of web pages that contain related topics, and may be accompanied by image, video, or other files. various methods can be applied to website creation applications, one of which is the spiral method, which can save creation costs and increase the efficiency, flexibility and agility of website design [18].the development of spiral methods in e-commerce helps us to get feedback from customers in the form of suggestions, criticisms or input to e-commerce so that the applications created can meet the needs of all customers [31]. in the field of education, it can be developed to improve performance and information in the teaching and learning process through a website-based e-learning system [58]and the creation of an online school library system based on a website that everyone can read [70]. the next topic is mobile. mobile is software that runs on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet pcs. mobile phones are known as downloadable applications and have special features that complement the capabilities of the mobile device itself. there are several models that can be developed on the android operating system. one of them is a spiral model. this model can be used to create software that requires a roadmap to identify risks and plan testing activities so that they can be better evaluated [29]. spiral model development covers all levels of programming with the aim of developing knowledge from programming to program development [49]. english translation. the use of spiral models can be used in mobile-based meeting attendance recording systems [46]. when designing a 3d view, such as creating a 3d model of a building, it can be created using the google sketchup 3d modeling application, which serves as a scene within the application [39]. in research [48] the spiral model was used to implement the talaud language bible application. the app is built using the edrawmax tool, eclipse and android sdk sqlite. the next most popular topic to discuss is information systems. an information system is an organized way to collect, input, process, and store data, and a set of methods for storing, managing, controlling, and reporting information so that an organization can achieve its established goals, is also an organized way. an information system is a collection of interrelated and complementary data that achieves good results, solves existing problems, and makes decisions[62]. this spiral model is divided into six activity frameworks called task areas. in other words, communicating with customers is the first thing you do to establish communication between developers and customers. the purpose of planning is to plan the resources to be used, the estimated time, and other information necessary for the project, risks. analysis aims to consider possible risks, and engineering aims to make one or more representations of the applications made [60], to understand which are the main characteristics (how) and the structure and sequence of phases (what order) characterize the engineering process [12]. the spiral model allows researchers to carry out repetitive processes but with a more developed stage than the process that has been passed before, so that researchers can understand the risks that occur and handle those risks (risk management) [45], to describe the planning of dynamic processes, and realize the dynamic concept of planning, consequently, effectively to 165 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech reduce the risks that occur [16] and the software development spiral model, which consists of risk analysis elements, also offers flexibility that addresses all the weaknesses of the previous methodology [43]. with spiral models, most risks can be reduced by retaining all the useful features of spiral models with recommended refactoring. [15] and the spiral model is consistent with an approach that includes multiple software builds and allows for an orderly transition to maintenance activities [7]. spiral models can be implemented for it infrastructure security [17] and security protects software products from deployment [14]. implement the security development phase in a spiral model and propose new security [13]. 3.2. rq2. trends in the use of the spiral method in the last 10 years? the trend of publications towards software development studies using a spiral model is presented in figure 3 with the amount of literature used is 71 literatures from 2012 to 2022. it can be seen that the peak of publication of studies on software development using spirals was in 2016 and decreased 4 years later and peaked back in 2021. figure 3. trends spiral model 3.3. what fields implement the spiral method? researchers conduct research in developing a software using the spiral method, the most contributing to the field of research which can be seen in the following table 3. table 3. no fields implement quantity of literature 1 economic analysis 1 2 software application 1 3 biological and medical image 1 4 sales business 4 166 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech no fields implement quantity of literature 5 e-commerce 2 6 forensics 1 7 scientists, ecologists and environmental management 1 8 innovative industry 1 9 it infrastructure security development 1 10 religious 1 11 marine 1 12 health 3 13 business environment 1 14 tourism 1 15 government 2 16 education 17 17 management of socio-ecological systems 1 18 software development 19 19 sale 2 20 item rental 1 21 rhino hunting 1 22 company 1 23 development project 1 24 software engineering 4 25 civil engineering 2 26 smes in the field of plants 1 research on the application of software development is mostly done by researchers in applying the spiral method with 19 research papers out of 71 reviewed papers. then there are also 17 papers that discuss the application of the spiral method in the field of education. 4. conclusion this section discusses the research questions and identifies each of the questions that have been determined in this research. in 2012 to 2022, there are 71 literatures which are then grouped into 3 categories, namely websites, mobile and information systems. the number is shown in the table 2 with research topics discussing information systems being the research topics that were most widely raised by researchers with a total of 53 studies, compared to website and mobile research topics which had 7 on website topics and 11 on mobile topics. the peak of publication of studies on software development using the spiral method was in 2016 and decreased 4 years later and peaked again in 2021. the table 3 shows which fields 167 international journal of research and applied technology 2(2)(2022) 154-171 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech apply the spiral method in developing software. the field of application of software development is mostly done by researchers in applying the spiral method with a total of 19 research papers from 71 literatures. then there are also 17 papers that discuss the application of the spiral method in the field of education. it is hoped that in the future this systematic literature review can provide information and insight, and can provide ideas or ideas for other researchers in building software using the spiral method. references [1] j. simarmata, rekayasa perangkat lunak google books. 2012. accessed: nov. 07, 2022. 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[75] h. prabowo, f. gaol, and a. hidayanto, “comparison of the system development life cycle and prototype model for software engineering,” international journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering, vol. 12, pp. 155–162, nov. 2022, doi: 10.46338/ijetae0422_19. 211 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 the impact of user participation on the success of enterprise resource planning (erp) adoption in bangladesh md mehedi hasan emon*, mehzabul hoque nahid, ahanaf tahmid abtahi, saleh ahmed jalal siam, subashis chakraborty american international university-bangladesh, bangladesh email: *emonmd.mhasan@gmail.com abstract. the successful adoption of enterprise resource planning (erp) systems is crucial for organizations to enhance operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. user participation has been recognized as a key factor in determining the success of erp implementation. this study aims to investigate the impact of user participation on erp adoption success in the context of bangladesh. the specific objectives inc lude assessing the relationship between user participation and work performance, understanding/proficiency, user-friendliness, and training/support. additionally, the influence of organizational factors, such as organizational value, guidelines/procedures, and resource/support availability, on user participation is examined. the study also explores the impact of user participation on compatibility with existing organizational processes and alignment with strategic goals. the findings reveal that user participation significantly influences work performance, understanding/proficiency, user-friendliness, and training/support. organizational factors and strategic alignment play important roles in facilitating user participation. the results emphasize the need to foster user participation, provide adequate training and support, promote organizational values, and align strategic goals for successful erp adoption in bangladesh. these insights contribute to a better understanding of the factors that drive erp implementation success and provide guidance for organizations in bangladesh and similar contexts . keywords: enterprise resource planning (erp), user participation, erp adoption, toe framework, bangladesh. article info: submitted/received 10 des 2022 first revised 21 jan 2023 accepted 29 apr 2023 first available online 30 may 2023 publication date 01 june 2023 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 212 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 1. introduction enterprise resource planning (erp) systems are integrated software applications that provide organizations with the ability to manage and automate various business processes and operations, procurement, human resources, manufacturing, including finance, and supply chain management. erp systems are designed to streamline and optimize business processes, facilitate data sharing and communication across different departments, and provide real-time visibility into organizational operations, ultimately leading to improved decision-making and increased operational efficiency [1]. the successful implementation of an erp system is crucial for organizations to reap the benefits associated with these sophisticated software applications. however, research suggests that the success rate of erp implementation projects is often lower than expected, with challenges and issues arising at different stages of the implementation process [2]. one significant factor that has been identified as a critical determinant of erp success is user participation, which refers to the active involvement and engagement of employees who use the erp system in the implementation process. user participation is essential for erp success as it enables employees to have a sense of ownership and commitment towards the new system, promotes effective knowledge sharing and collaboration, and enhances user acceptance and adoption of the system [3]. user participation can take various forms, including involvement in system selection, planning, design, testing, training, and ongoing system usage. however, the role of user participation in the context of erp implementation in the context of bangladesh remains largely unexplored. bangladesh, a developing country in south asia, has been experiencing rapid economic growth and industrialization in recent years, with a significant focus on adopting modern technologies to enhance organizational efficiency and competitiveness. many organizations in bangladesh are increasingly recognizing the potential benefits of erp systems in streamlining their business processes and improving operational effectiveness [4-6]. however, the adoption of erp systems in bangladesh is still in its early stages, and there is a need to investigate the factors that can influence the success of erp implementation in this context. against this backdrop, this qualitative research study aims to explore the impact of user participation on the success of erp systems in bangladesh. the study will focus on understanding the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of employees who use erp systems in their organizations and how their level of participation in the erp implementation process affects the success of the implementation. the study will provide valuable insights into the factors that can facilitate or hinder user participation in the context of erp implementation in bangladesh and their impact on the overall success of the erp system [8]. the study's findings will add to the current body of knowledge on erp implementation success factors and provide practical implications for organizations in bangladesh and other similar contexts. the research findings can help organizations understand the importance of user participation in erp implementation projects and develop strategies to encourage and enhance user participation, ultimately leading to successful erp implementations and improved organizational performance. the study will provide valuable insights into the role of user participation in erp implementation projects and contribute to the body of knowledge on erp success factors. the research findings will have practical implications for organizations in bangladesh and other similar contexts and can potentially help organizations achieve successful erp implementations and enhance their operational efficiency and effectiveness. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 213 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 research question: what is the connection between user participation and work performance, understanding/proficiency, user-friendliness, and training/support in the context of erp systems in bangladesh? how do organizational factors, such as organiza tional value, guidelines/procedures, and resource/support availability, impact user participation in erp implementation in bangladesh? what is the influence of user participation on the compatibility between erp systems and existing organizational processes, as well as the alignment with strategic goals in bangladesh? objectives of the study: broad/general objective: to investigate the impact of user participation on the success of erp systems in bangladesh. specific objectives: assess the relationship between user participation and work performance, understanding/proficiency, user-friendliness, and training/support in the context of erp systems in bangladesh. examine the influence of organizational factors, including organizational value, guidelines/procedures, and resource/support availability, on user participation in erp implementation in bangladesh. explore the impact of user participation on the compatibility between erp systems and existing organizational processes, as well as the alignment with strategic goals in the context of bangladesh. 2. literature review enterprise resource planning (erp) systems have become widely adopted by organizations to manage their business processes effectively and efficiently. user participation has been recognized as a critical factor that influences the success of erp systems. this literature review provides an overview of relevant studies on erp systems, user participation, and their impact on system success. it also discusses the significance of user participation in erp systems and the factors that influence it. additionally, it highlights the existing research gap in the context of bangladesh. 2.1 erp systems and their importance the significance of enterprise resource planning (erp) systems lies in their capacity to rationalise and enhance business procedures, augment precision and availability of data, boost decision-making aptitudes, and facilitate organisational expansion and competitiveness. to begin with, erp systems facilitate the integration and automation of various business functions within organisations, thereby obviating the necessity for distinct software applications and manual data entry. the integration facilitates smooth interdepartmental communication and collaboration, resulting in heightened efficacy and output. the integration of accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger functions in an erp system can lead to the automation of financial processes [1]. this can result in a reduction of the time and effort required for financial management tasks. erp systems enhance the precision and availability of data. erp systems mitigate the possibility of errors and inconsistencies that may result from utilising various disparate systems by means of centralising data storage and standardising data formats. according to [2], the availability of dependable and current information guarantees that individuals in positions of authority possess the necessary https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 214 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 resources to make knowledgeable decisions and promptly react to shifts in the market. in addition, erp systems offer instantaneous reporting and analytical functionalities, enabling enterprises to oversee significant performance metrics and monitor advancements towards strategic goals. erp systems augment the capacity for decision-making through the provision of a holistic perspective of the organization's activities [3]. by utilising integrated data from multiple business functions, managers can conduct trend analysis, pinpoint bottlenecks, and arrive at decisions based on empirical evidence. as exemplified by [4], an erp system has the capability to produce demand predictions by utilising sales information, inventory quan tities, and market tendencies. this functionality can aid companies in enhancing their supply chain and production scheduling. finally, it can be argued that erp systems facilitate the expansion and competitive advantage of organisations. through the implementation of streamlined processes and increased efficiency, organisations have the ability to decrease expenses, optimise resource allocation, and improve overall customer satisfaction. erp systems offer the advantage of scalability, allowing organisations to adjust and broaden their activities in line with their growth. furthermore, erp systems enhance communication and cooperation with clients, vendors, and associates, thereby promoting efficient management of supply chains and customer relationships [3]. 2.2 user participation in erp systems the active involvement of users is crucial for the effective deployment and adoption of enterprise resource planning (erp) systems. the active involvement of end-users in various phases of the erp system's life cycle can yield several advantages. initially, the involvement of users facilitates enhanced congruence between the erp system and the operational procedures of the organisation. the incorporation of end-users during the system design and implementation stages can provide organisations with valuable insights into the distinct requirements, preferences, and workflows of diverse departments and individuals. [5] argue that active participation in the customization and configuration of the erp system is crucial for organisations to meet their unique requirements. this involvement can lead to enhanced user acceptance and system effectiveness. additionally, the involvement of users leads to increased levels of user contentment. the involvement of employees in decision-making processes and system design has been found to enhance their engagement and investment in the erp system. according to [6], active participation in the system can cultivate a feeling of possession and authority, which has the potential to generate favourable user attitudes and perceptions. according to [7], the participation of end-users during the implementation phase of an erp system is positively correlated with the provision of sufficient training and support, leading to an improvement in their proficiency and self-assurance in utilising the system. subsequently, the involvement of users results in enhanced system performance and the resolution of problems. end-users refer to the individuals who engage with the enterprise resource planning (erp) system on a regular basis and possess a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities, limitations, and user-friendliness concerns. organisations can identify system flaws, usability challenges, and areas for improvement by incentivizing user feedback and participation. the data obtained can subsequently be utilised to enhance the system, tackle user apprehensions, and maximise system efficiency [8]. moreover, the involvement of users facilitates the customization of the erp system in response to evolving business needs. as the organisation undergoes changes, there may arise a requirement for novel processes, functionalities, or integrations. incorporating end-users during the phase of continuous https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 215 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 improvement enables organisations to acquire significant insights and recommendations for system enhancements or modifications. the adoption of a user-driven approach guarantees the alignment of the erp system with the dynamic requirements of the organisation, thereby facilitating continuous expansion and advancement. 2.3 factors influencing user participation several factors influence user participation in erp systems. one of the key factors is top management support, which refers to the active involvement and support of top -level management in the erp implementation process [9]. top management support is critical in creating a positive organizational culture that encourages user participation and fosters a sense of ownership among end-users [10]. communication and training are also crucial factors that influence user participation. effective communication and training programs can help endusers understand the benefits of the erp system and their roles and responsibilities, which can lead to increased user involvement and participation [11]. organizational culture and structure also play a significant role in influencing user participation in erp systems. organizations with a collaborative and participative culture that encourages employee involvement and empowerment are more likely to have higher levels of user participation in erp systems [12], [13]. similarly, organizations with a decentralized structure that allows for local decision-making and flexibility are more likely to have higher levels of user participation [14]. user characteristics, such as their level of expertise, attitude, and motivation, also impact user participation. users with a higher level of expertise and positive attitude towards the erp system are more likely to participate actively [15], [16]. 2.4 significance of user participation in erp systems the involvement of users in erp systems is of considerable importance, as research has demonstrated its favourable influence on the achievement of system objectives. research has indicated that the involvement of users in system development results in enha nced alignment of the system with organisational processes, heightened user contentment, and improved system performance [17]. the involvement of users is known to aid in the detection and resolution of system-related problems, adaptation of the system to align with organisational requirements, and effective implementation of the system [18]. the involvement of users can potentially foster a sense of ownership among employees towards the system, thereby leading to elevated levels of system utilisation and adoption [19]. according to [20], the active involvement of end-users in the design, implementation, and continuous improvement processes of an erp system can result in a heightened sense of ownership and responsibility towards the system. this, in turn, can lead to improved system performance and overall organisational success. in addition, the involvement of users can aid in the detection of probable obstacles and hazards linked with the implementation of an erp system, thereby expediting their prompt resolution, as suggested by [21]. according to [22], individuals who actively contribute in the different phases of the erp system are more inclined to recognise problems and offer input on the system's effectiveness and user-friendliness. this feedback can assist organisations in taking a proactive approach to address these difficulties [23]. the involvement of users can potentially enhance the process of organisational learning and knowledge generation by enabling the sharing of insights, practical knowledge, and optimal approaches among the end-users. this, in turn, can result in the constant enhancement and innovation of the system [24]. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 216 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 2.5 research gap in the context of bangladesh despite the growing importance of erp systems and user participation in system success, there is a significant research gap in the context of bangladesh. most of the existing research on erp systems and user participation has been conducted in developed countries, and there is limited research specifically focused on developing countries like bangladesh. bangladesh is a developing country in south asia that has w itnessed significant economic growth in recent years and has become an attractive destination for foreign investment. many organizations in bangladesh has implemented erp systems to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness. however, the level of user participation in erp systems and its impact on system success in the context of bangladesh is not well understood. there is limited research that explores the factors influencing user participation in erp systems in bangladesh, including top management support, communication and training, organizational culture and structure, and user characteristics. moreover, the significance of user participation in erp systems and its impact on system success in the context of bangladesh needs further investigation. understanding the role of user participation in erp systems in the specific context of bangladesh can provide valuable insights for organizations in the country to effectively implement and manage erp systems. 2.6 theoretical framework: technology-organization-environment (toe) framework the technology-organization-environment (toe) framework provides a comprehensive theoretical lens for examining the impact of user participation on the success of erp systems. the toe framework, proposed by tornatzky and fleischer (1990), considers three key dimensions that influence technology adoption and implementation: technological factors, organizational factors, and environmental factors [25]–[27]. 2.6.1. technological factors in the context of erp systems, technological factors refer to the characteristics and attributes of the technology itself. user participation plays a crucial role in enhancing the understanding and proficiency of users in utilizing erp systems. when users actively participate in the implementation process, they are more likely to grasp the functionalities and features of the erp system, leading to improved work performance. furthermore, user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation systems contribute to increased user participation and overall system success [28]–[30]. h1: technological factors has a significant influence on the erp system implementation success 2.6.2. organizational factors organizational factors encompass the internal structures, processes, and culture within an organization. user participation is influenced by organizational factors such as support from management, clear guidelines and procedures, and the availability of resources and training. organizations that value and encourage user participation in erp-related decision-making tend to foster a positive environment for successful erp implementation. additionally, adequate support and resources provided by organizations enable users to effectively participate in the erp system, addressing their concerns and facilitating system success [31]– [33]. h2: organizational factors has a significant influence on the erp system implementation success https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 217 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 2.6.3. environmental factors: environmental factors refer to the external context in which an organization operates [34]. compatibility between the erp system and existing organizational processes is a critical environmental factor influencing user participation. when the erp system aligns with the organization's strategic goals, it enhances user engagement and participation. furthermore, regulatory and competitive pressures in the external environment can drive organizations to adopt erp systems and encourage user involvement [35]–[37]. h3: environmental factors has a significant influence on the erp system implementation success figure 1: proposed research model 3. materials & method 3.1 research design process 3.1.1 research approach: the quantitative research technique was used in this investigation. quantitative research was concerned with gathering and analyzing numerical data in order to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations between variables. it enabled statistical analysis an d the extension of findings to a broader population. 3.1.2 research method the research method used in this study was a survey. a structured questionnaire was designed to collect data from participants. the survey method allowed for efficient data collection from a large number of respondents, providing a broad perspective on the impact of user participation on the success of erp adoption in bangladesh. 3.1.3 type of data this study used primary data to acquire information. primary data refers to data collected specifically for the purpose of the study at hand. it was gathered through the survey questionnaire designed to assess user participation and the success of erp adoption in bangladesh. 3.1.4 study setting the study was conducted in various organizations across bangladesh that had implemented erp systems. the specific industries and sectors were selected to ensure diversity in the sample, including manufacturing, services, and retail sectors. the study setting provided insights into the impact of user participation in different organizational contexts. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 218 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 3.2 sampling method 3.2.1 target population the target population for this study consisted of employees who were directly involved in or affected by the erp system within organizations in bangladesh. this included employees from different departments such as finance, human resources, supply chain, and operations. 3.2.3 sampling technique in this study, convenience sampling was utilized as the sampling technique. convenience sampling involved selecting participants based on their easy availability and accessibility to the researcher. this method was chosen for its convenience and practicality, as it allowed for quick and efficient data collection. the participants were selected from organizations in bangladesh that had implemented erp systems. the selection was based on the convenience and willingness of the organizations to participate in the study. the researcher approached organizations that met the criteria and were readily accessible for data collection. 3.2.4 sample size this research has a sample size of 270 people. this sample size was chosen after considering statistical power, practicality, and data collecting and analytic resources. it was anticipated that it would give enough data for useful analysis and appropriate conclusions. 3.3 data analysis process spss was used to analyze the data gathered for this investigation. descriptive statistics were produced to summarize the features of the variables and provide an overview of the data. correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlations between user involvement and the success of erp deployment in bangladesh. this study assessed the degree and direction of the linear association between these variables. furthermore, regression analysis was used to investigate the influence of user engagement on erp adoption success while adjusting for any confounding factors. multiple regression analysis was utilized, with user engagement as the independent variable and erp adoption success as the dependent variable. control factors may have been added, such as organizational size, industry sector, or implementation time. the data analysis results revealed how much user interaction predicted erp adoption success and whether there were any meaningful relationships. 3.4 reliability of the measurements cronbach's alpha was used to examine the reliability of the measurements in this investigation. the calculated cronbach's alpha coefficient was.948, suggesting that the measurement items had good internal consistency and reliability. furthermore, the cronbach's alpha coefficient based on standardized items was calculated and provided a value of.949, indicating that the measures are reliable. the study included a total of 11 items, and the high cronbach's alpha values indicate that the items were reliable and consistent in measuring the constructs under investigation. the high reliability of the measurements suggests that the survey questionnaire used in this study provided consistent and dependable data for the analysis. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 219 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 table 1. reliability statistics cronbach's alpha cronbach's alpha based on standardized items n of items .948 .949 11 4. results & findings 4.1 descriptive statistics the table presents descriptive statistics for various variables related to user participation and the success of enterprise resource planning (erp) adoption in bangladesh. the variables are assessed using a five-point likert scale, and their mean values and standard deviations are provided. to determine the impact of each variable, we can refer to the criteria set in the study. a variable has a large effect if its mean value is greater than 3.5 and its standard deviation is less than one, according to the criterion. a variable has a little impact if its mean value is less than 3.5 and its standard deviation is less than one. table 2. descriptive statistics n mean std. deviation user participation positively impacts my work performance in utilizing the erp system. 270 4.27 .838 user participation enhances my understanding and proficiency in using the erp system. 270 4.01 .970 the erp system is user-friendly and easy to navigate. 270 3.93 .906 adequate training and support are provided to encourage user participation in the erp system. 270 4.23 .893 my organization values and encourages user participation in erp system-related decisionmaking. 270 4.33 .830 clear guidelines and procedures are in place for users to participate effectively in the erp system. 270 4.17 .938 my organization provides sufficient resources and support to address user concerns related to the erp system 270 4.07 1.060 the erp system is compatible with the existing organizational processes. 270 4.14 .903 the strategic goals of my organization are wellaligned with the implementation and use of the erp system. 270 4.15 .976 overall, i consider the implementation of the erp system in my organization to be successful. 270 4.00 1.104 in my opinion, the erp system has positively impacted the efficiency and effectiveness of our organizational processes. 270 3.82 1.160 valid n (listwise) 270 https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 220 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 based on these criteria, we can identify the variables that have a massive influence on the success of erp adoption in bangladesh: • user participation positively impacts my work performance in utilizing the erp system. mean: 4.27, standard deviation: 0.838 • user participation enhances my understanding and proficiency in using the erp system. mean: 4.01, standard deviation: 0.970 • adequate training and support are provided to encourage user participation in the erp system. mean: 4.23, standard deviation: 0.893 • my organization values and encourages user participation in erp system-related decision-making. mean: 4.33, standard deviation: 0.830 • clear guidelines and procedures are in place for users to participate effectively in the erp system. mean: 4.17, standard deviation: 0.938 • the strategic goals of my organization are well-aligned with the implementation and use of the erp system. mean: 4.15, standard deviation: 0.976 these variables demonstrate a massive influence as their mean values are all above 3.5, and their standard deviations are all less than 1. they indicate that user participation, training, support, organizational values, and strategic alignment significantly contribute to the success of erp adoption in bangladesh. it's important to note that there are additional variables in the table with mean values greater than 3.5, but their standard deviations are greater than 1. these variables may still have an influence, but their impact may be more varied or inconsistent. overall, these findings suggest that fostering user participation, providing adequate training and support, promoting organizational values, and aligning strategic goals are critical factors for successful erp adoption in bangladesh. 4.2 correlation analysis the correlation matrix in table 3 reveals significant positive correlations among technological factors, organizational factors, environmental factors, and erp system implementation success in bangladesh. technological factors are strongly correlated with organizational factors (r = 0.817**), indicating that advancements in technology align with organizational practices related to erp system implementation. additionally, technological factors show a significant positive correlation with environmental factors (r = 0.699**), highlighting the interplay between technology and the environmental context. furthermore, both technological factors (r = 0.776**) and organizational factors (r = 0.754**) exhibit strong positive correlations with erp system implementation success, emphasizing their importance in achieving successful outcomes. the correlation between organizational fact ors and environmental factors is also strong (r = 0.861**), implying that organizational practices are closely linked to the environmental context. overall, these findings underscore the significance of managing technological advancements, organizational practices, and environmental factors collectively to drive successful erp system implementation in bangladesh. 4.3. regression analysis: the regression model, which includes environmental factors, technological factors, and organizational factors as predictors, shows a strong positive relationship (r = 0.818) with erp system implementation success. these predictors collectively explain around 66.9% of the variance (r square) in the outcome variable. the adjusted r square of 0.665 indicates a good fit of the model, considering the number of predictors. the standard error of the estimate https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 221 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 (0.61469) reflects a reasonable level of prediction accuracy. overall, the model suggests that environmental factors, technological factors, and organizational factors p lay significant roles in determining erp system implementation success in bangladesh. table 5 presents the anova results for the regression model predicting erp system implementation success. the regression model, including the predictors (constant, environmental factors, technological factors, and organizational factors), accounts for a significant amount of variance in the outcome variable, as indicated by the high f-statistic (f = 179.102, p < 0.001). the regression sum of squares is 203.019, with 3 degr ees of freedom, resulting in a mean square of 67.673. the residual sum of squares is 100.507, with 266 degrees of freedom and a mean square of 0.378. these findings demonstrate that the regression model has a strong overall fit and that the predictors make a significant contribution to explaining erp system implementation success. table 3. correlations technological factors organizational factors environmental factors erp system implementation success technological factors pearson correlation 1 .817** .699** .776** sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 n 270 270 270 270 organizationa l factors pearson correlation .817** 1 .861** .754** sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 n 270 270 270 270 environmenta l factors pearson correlation .699** .861** 1 .725** sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 n 270 270 270 270 erp system implementation success pearson correlation .776** .754** .725** 1 sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 n 270 270 270 270 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). table 4. model summary model r r square adjusted r square std. error of the estimate 1 .818a .669 .665 .61469 a. predictors: (constant), environmental factors, technological factors, organizational factors https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 222 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 table 5. anova model sum of squares df mean square f sig. 1 regressio n 203.019 3 67.673 179.102 .000b residual 100.507 266 .378 total 303.527 269 a. dependent variable: erp system implementation success b. predictors: (constant), environmental factors, technological factors, organizational factors table 6. coefficients model unstandardized coefficients standardize d coefficients t sig. b std. error beta 1 (constant) -.892 .212 -4.211 .000 technological factors .679 .086 .484 7.912 .000 organizational factors .126 .110 .099 1.147 .252 environmental factors .357 .082 .301 4.351 .000 a. dependent variable: erp system implementation success table 6 provides the coefficients for the predictors in the regression model predicting erp system implementation success. the unstandardized coefficients (b) represent the estimated effect of each predictor on the outcome variable, while the standardized coefficients (beta) show the relative importance of each predictor, considering their different scales. the results indicate that technological factors have a significant positive impact on erp system implementation success (b = 0.679, p < 0.001). for every one-unit increase in technological factors, there is an estimated increase of 0.679 units in the erp system implementation success, holding other variables constant. this predictor has the highest standardized coefficient (beta = 0.484), suggesting it has the strongest influence among the predictors. on the other hand, organizational factors ha ve a small positive effect that is not statistically significant (b = 0.126, p = 0.252). the standardized coefficient (beta = 0.099) indicates a weak association with erp system implementation success. environmental factors also have a significant positive impact (b = 0.357, p < 0.001), with a moderate standardized coefficient (beta = 0.301). an increase of one unit in environmental factors is associated with a predicted increase of 0.357 units in erp system implementation success. the constant term in the model is -0.892 (b), indicating the estimated value of the outcome variable when all predictor variables are zero. it is statistically significant (p < 0.001), suggesting that there are other factors influencing erp system implementation success beyond the included predictors. in summary, the results highlight the importance of technological factors and environmental factors in driving erp system implementation success, while the impact of organizational factors appears to be less pronounced. these findings provide insights into the relative contributions of each predictor in the regression model. https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 223 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 5. discussion the study aimed to investigate the impact of user participation on the success of enterprise resource planning (erp) adoption in bangladesh. the specific objectives were to assess the relationship between user participation and various factors related to erp systems, examine the influence of organizational factors on user participation, and explore the impact of user participation on compatibility with existing organizational processes and alignment with strategic goals. the descriptive statistics revealed that variables such as user participation positively impacting work performance, enhancing understanding and proficiency, providing adequate training and support, organizational values and encouragement, clear guidelines and procedures, and strategic goal alignment all exhibited significant influence. these findings suggest that user participation, training, support, organizational values, and strategic alignment are critical for successful erp adoption in bangladesh. the correlation analysis revealed significant positive correlations among technological factors, organizational factors, environmental factors, and erp system implementation success in bangladesh. these correlations indicate the interplay between technology, organizational practices, and the environmental context in driving successful erp implementation. the regression analysis demonstrated that the regression model, including environmental factors, technological factors, and organizational factors as predictors, had a strong positive relationship with erp system implementation success. these predictors collectively explained a significant amount of variance in the outcome variable, indicating their significant roles in determining erp success in bangladesh. the coefficients provided more detailed insights into the impact of the predictors. technological factors exhibited a significant positive influence on erp system implementation success, indicating the strongest influence among the predictors. organizational factors showed a weak association, while environmental factors had a moderate impact. these findings emphasized the importance of technological advancements and environmental factors in driving erp success, while the impact of organizational factors appeared to be less pronounced. overall, the study's findings suggest that fostering user participation, providing training and support, promoting organizational values, and aligning strategic goals are crucial factors for successful erp adoption in bangladesh. the results provide valuable insights for organizations in bangladesh and contribute to the understanding of the impact of user participation on erp implementation success. 6. conclusion in conclusion, this study investigated the impact of user participation on the success of enterprise resource planning (erp) adoption in bangladesh. the findings highlight the significance of user participation, training, support, organizational values, and strategic alignment in achieving successful erp implementation. the descriptive statistics revealed that variables related to user participation, such as work performance, understanding/proficiency, training/support, organizational values, guidelines/procedures, and strategic goal alignment, had a significant influence on erp success. the correlation analysis further emphasized the positive relationships among technological factors, organizational factors, environmental factors, and erp system implementation success. the regression analysis demonstrated that technological factors and environmental factors played significant roles in determining erp system implementation success, while the impact of organizational factors was comparatively weaker. these results underscore the importance of managing technological advancements, https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 224 international journal of research and applied technology 3(1)(2023) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech doi: https://doi.org/10.34010/injuratech.v3i1.10292 providing adequate support, aligning organizational values, and considering the environmental context for successful erp adoption. the findings provide valuable insights for organizations in bangladesh and contribute to the understanding of the factors influencing erp implementation success. references [1] nasution, f., puspitasari, w., & saputra, m. 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strategy that can be used to defeat our competitors is to use promotional strategies for the products. promotion is an activity to inform and influence consumers or customers so that they are interested in making a purchase or sale of goods or services offered [1]. e-commerce is a transaction carried out by electronic payments, which almost all of the processes have used the internet. e-commerce is not just about buying and selling but also ordering, innovation, technology use, long distance and close communication, and also the exchange of information between two people [2]. many standard approaches to promotion are used to have good quality, unite minds, encourage and open insights, communicate, increase benefits, make invitations in the form of clear calls for actions and others [3]. the previous research discussed about product categories such as hedonists, utilitarian, and product sales listed in online reviews can influence buyer decisions [4]. a positive directional value from price cuts and promotion of consumer buying interest and reviews in online businesses also influence potential customers to choose a decision to buy [5]. in the early period in 1990, changes in retail infrastructure in the world changed rapidly through the growth of e-commerce. although in 2000-2002 the internet exploded and slowed down financial markets, the internet continued to develop into an organization for market strategies. tips for success on the internet, retailers change the engineering model in business and change the way to obtain services and goods to support the convenience of customers. there are at least three components in online shopping that often occur, namely interaction, transactions, and also the fulfillment of the results of interviews about follow-up surveys. components in this factor affect their shopping experience. a direct result of the arrangement and research of future directions is proposed [6]. e-commerce has indeed become an excellent supporter of global economic development. its dynamism is indeed a major business program related to the digital economy and its role is increasingly high because it is supported by the growth of internet users in the world [7]. in 233 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 232-238 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech fact, success in e-commerce is half determined by whether consumers trust the goods we sell or not because their products cannot be directly seen or touched, and electronic purchases do not have a security system. previous research illustrates that supplier credibility is a key determinant of consumer confidence for shopping in e-commerce and influences the confidence of a consumer [8]. combined online shopping refers to activities where the ecommerce website is distant. although combined online shopping has increased and is well known for social networking, this study evaluates two hidden design factors, actualization and income, which certainly add to and enhance the consumer experience. according to the theory of coexistence and flow, we can increase togetherness through flow and also the intention of using a combined e-commerce site [9]. official trade has the meaning as an activity related to an exchange transaction that is taking place or is caused by a social network in a social environment that is mediated by computers, where the activity is related to the identification of needs before purchasing, ongoing purchasing, and after purchasing [10]. username in this case, it is necessary in the digital world because an easy username will make it easy to search, although physical stores are not seen [11]. the purpose of this research is to find out the influence of products promotion in customers interest in buying products through e-commerce. the method used is descriptive method. 2. method the method used in this research is descriptive method to describe conditions, opinions, processes, and trends on e-commerce and online business. 3. results and discussion the results of this study are indeed to attract the attention and also of users to access pages in e-commerce, users can participate in the daily games that have been offered by shopee and offer various promotions and discounts on products. users can also upload product images and also provide an explanation of the products they want to display and also sell. in writing products to be sold, of course, the seller must write a complete description and also clear and most importantly easy to understand so that potential buyers do not feel confused for the order. inside the shopee there are many features offered: men's clothing, mobile phones & accessories, computers and accessories, baby and children's fashion, men's shoes, men's bags, watches, electronics, health, photography, women's clothing, beauty, home appliances stairs, mother and baby, women's shoes, women's bags, muslim fashion, fashion accessories, hobbies and collections, food and drink, sports and entertainment, books and stationery, sundries, automotive, vouchers, souvenirs and parties. in addition, shopee also offers various types of payments that are very easy and safe such as direct and indirect transactions. for example, indirect transactions buyers order payment products using atm transfer transactions / cash deposits or internet banking, mobile banking and also through mini markets such as indomaret or alfamart and also now shopee has been equipped with payments by credit or debit cards, installments with credit cards, one click, credivo and also i sold so that if the purchase with a rather expensive price we can buy it with installments starting from 3 months to 12 months and with low interest. while direct transactions from users / buyers can pay for transactions on the spot after the goods arrive and are received. making it easier for consumers to make transactions and also the maintenance of confidence will worry about being deceived. reservations can be done anytime and anywhere and also not limited to time unlike purchases in stores or offline stores, e-commerce can be accessed by browsing the internet on 234 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 232-238 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech various devices that have internet access. in e-commerce reviews written and rated by customers are an attraction for customers to recommend and terminate to buy, daily games, lots of promos, lots of discounts, sale of goods can be taken by the shipping service, free, simple, easy, and practical, satisfied, happy, safe with a short time makes it easy for the seller and also the buyer (figure 1). figure 1. main menu in figure 1 in the main menu, there are several choices at the bottom of the page, the function of which is the user can use an account to buy products or sell products. there are various choices, discounts and also offers and promos, ranging from lowest price guarantees, shipping subsidies, store vouchers, bank promos (installments), new products that are given specifically for free users for the first shopping. buyers can also get coins by shaking their smartphone according to the schedule including using game shopee capture, shopee shake, shopee quiz, shopee x league quiz, guess shopee champions league 1, vote for your favorite players, vote for your favorite club. and besides that users can get shopee coins from shopee daily check-in activities, shopee shopping reviews. so that coins that have been collected can be used to reduce the total expenditure (figure 2). figure 2. categories menu 235 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 232-238 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech on this page there are categories offered and also separated by shopee making it easier for users to buy products (figure 3). figure 3. product recommendation there are promos displayed by shopee and also such as free shipping, categorized cashback vouchers, various product categories and best-selling products that allow users to search and make it easier to choose faster according to the best-selling, of course faster, easier and more time efficient, in addition to the sales display that shows the number of sold, consumers are more interested, and there is also a flash sale in the category of discounted price so that it attracts consumers (see figure 4). 236 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 232-238 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4. shipping form in figure 4 in the process above checkout of this order, consumers can use the voucher feature to get free postage subsidies in accordance with the shopping nominal, and also game coins or cashback can be used to checkout orders for items such as in figure 4. coins taken from shopee shake results, and other shopee games can be used for payment as a discounted price. fill in the page for the buyer's data and also the buyer's address, can check the details of goods in the form of electronic invoices that are purchased and then the buyer fills in the data in the form of the recipient's name, address and also the active telephone number to further send the item (see figure 5). figure 5. paid form 237 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 232-238 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech in (figure 5) payment details at this online business have many options for paying on the spot when the goods arrive, and transfer using credit / debit, using shopee pay, or through a convenience store in accordance with shopee support, through me, credit and one click. all processes carried out are guaranteed security by shopee guarantee or money back guarantee. if the buyer has made payment, confirm and confirm whether all data has been validated correctly, if within 2x24 hours the order has not been processed, the order will be canceled directly by the shopee and the funds that have been issued will be returned and entered into the funds shopee pay user (figure 6). figure 6. checkout form after all data and payments are made, the buyer only waits for the goods to be sent by the seller to the address in accordance with the data that has been filled by the consumer. in the shipping process shopee usually estimates the delivery time 3 days after payment, but if the shopee seller does not send after the specified deadline then the online buying and selling process will be canceled and the money paid will be refunded through to the shopee pay balance of the consumer. and if the order is shipped, the shipping status changes to the estimated item will be received according to the estimated time, and in the estimation there is a receipt number displayed in the shopee of the ordered item. and when the goods have arrived at the consumer, confirmation of the receipt has been received, the money paid by the consumer will be forwarded to the seller and will get cashback, and to get the shopee coins for receipt of the product, the product must be reviewed. 238 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 232-238 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion after doing this research, it is concluded that the development of information and communication technology and also internet access create convenience in online business and online shopping. customers can make order anywhere at any time through their smartphones and internet connection. shopping become more. not only the selling and buying process that become convenient, but also the payment system and promotional activity. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank the rector of universitas komputer indonesia (unikom) and dean of the faculty of economics and business for giving the opportunity to conduct this research. references [1] soegoto, e. s., & 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identified by descriptive method through data collecting and analysis from journals and other research about this subject. 2. method this study used descriptive qualitative method. data collected in the form of words or complete description related to the variable being examined. this study aims to obtain a careful analysis of certain social phenomena. this research was conducted on buying and selling online. 3. results and discussion in order to increase customers interest in the pages of buying and selling sites online, sellers can upload products that contain explanations of the products to be offered, with a variety of existing products [12,13]. payment in buying and selling online using the indirect transaction method using transactions via atm transfer or even using mobile or internet banking (see figure 1). figure 1. main course figure 2 displays some of the product menus that consumers want based on category and shows the product category of the desired item. 246 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 244-248 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. product display categories figure 3 displays the selected product. there is information about product descriptions, prices, brands and the availability of sizes or colors, it basically inform the specifications of the whole product. figure 3. payment form 247 international journal of research and applied technology 1(2)(2021) 244-248 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 4 shows that there are several payment methods that we could choose. on the payment page, customers can complete an order and transfer the payment of the product we choose, make sure the data we fill in is filled in correctly, then the order will be processed within 24 hours. figure 4. payment 4. conclusion technology that is currently developing is influential on the convenience for humans, especially on changes in the development of a more comfortable 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cumulative net present value (cnpv), payback period (pbp), as well as economic variations in sales, taxes, raw materials, labor wages, and utilities to ensure project feasibility. technical analysis to produce 100 kg of cuo nanoparticles per day requires a total production cost of 220,322.850.00 idr and the gross profit margin is 16,721,250.000,00 idr per year. pbp analysis shows that the investment will be profitable after more than three years. this project can compete with pbp capital market standards because of the short investment return. the profit is relatively economical, so this project can be run for 10 years under ideal conditions. this research is expected to be a reference for technical and economic analysis of industrialscale production of cuo nanoparticles. 1. introduction cuo is a particularly interesting and promising transition metal oxide [1] because of its very wide application such as batteries [2], heterogeneous catalysts [3], solar cells [4], optics [5], hydrogen storage material [6], and medical applications [7]. in addition, cuo nanoparticles have demonstrated their potential in pharmacological activity, particularly in antitumor therapy [8]. there are several methods of cuo synthesis that have been reported by several researchers, including direct electrochemical method [9, 10, 11], sonochemisrty [12, 13, 14], sol-gel [15, 16, 17], hydrothermal [18, 19, 20], biogenic [21, 22, 23], and green synthesis [24, 25, 26]. in general, nanoparticle synthesis methods are very expensive, and can be hazardous to the environment and organisms [27]. therefore, looking for other friendly techniques such as green synthesis has received great attention from researchers to develop green chemistry and bioprocesses [28]. the green synthesis method is considered to have the highest efficiency, because the method is simple and more economical than other methods, produces minimal waste and is easy to handle [29]. 188 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech chemical industry economic evaluation is a form of quantitative assessment of what people expect and want to invest in a project [30]. this evaluation analysis uses several parameters such as gross profit margin (gpm), cumulative net present value (cnpv), payback period (pbp), and economic variations in sales, taxes, raw materials, labor wages, and utilities to ensure project viability. therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of the project for the manufacture of cuo nanoparticles using the green synthesis method by conducting technical and economic evaluations. in this study, we vary several factors to see their effect on the economic evaluation under study, such as decreases and increases in product prices, increases in taxes, and variable costs (raw materials, labor, and utilities). 2. method theoretical synthesis of cuo nanoparticles figure 1 shows the stages of the synthesis of cuo nanoparticles using the green synthesis method with abultion indicum leaf extract as fuel. the cuo nanoparticle synthesis method was adopted from research conducted by [29]. abultion indicum leaf extract was prepared by washing and drying the leaves at room temperature (22-25℃) for 15 days. then, the leaves were grinded with a grinder until smooth to be extracted by the soxhlet method using water at a temperature of 90-95℃ for 3 hours. the extract is filtered and concentrated using an evaporator to separate the extract from the residue. the extract is then dried using a water bath and stored in the refrigerator. cuo nanoparticles were synthesized by mixing 301.25 kg of cu(no3)2.3h2o with 75 kg of leaf extract prepared in 5000 l of double distilled water. the solution was homogenized for 10 minutes using a magnetic stirrer at a speed of 2000 rpm. the homogenized sample was then burned in a furnace at 400℃ for 2-3 minutes to produce cuo particles. the mixture is filtered to remove the ash (carbon) content of the plant extract. furthermore, cuo nanoparticles were calcined at the same temperature for 2 hours to achieve purity. pure cuo nanoparticles stored in airtight containers. 189 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 1. schematic of synthesis of cuo nanoparticles energy and mass balance the materials needed for the synthesis of cuo nanoparticles are 0.3 grams of abultion indicum leaf extract, 1.205 grams of cu(no3)2.3h2o, and 20 ml of double distilled water. the formation of cuo follows the following reaction equation: (1) cu(no3)2.3h2o(s) + h2o(l) → cu(oh)2(s) + 2hno3(aq) (2) cu(oh)2(s) → cuo(s) + h2o(l) from a technical point of view, it is possible to increase the production of cuo nanoparticles because the capacity and quantity of the tools and materials used can be enlarged. to produce 100 kg of cuo nanoparticles in one day, it takes a reaction cycle of about 75 kg of abultion indicum leaf extract, 301.25 kg of cu(no3)2.3h2o and 5000 l of double distilled water. several assumptions were made to synthesize cuo nanoparticles on an industrial scale and were based on stoichiometric and mass balance calculations. 1. the nanoparticle synthesis process is carried out using the green synthesis method. 2. all materials used in the synthesis reaction of cuo nanoparticles such as double distilled water, cu(no3)2.3h2o, abultion indicum leaf have high purity and enlarged 250,000 times calculated based on the literature from [29]. 3. the formation of cuo is assumed to be a complete reaction. 4. stirring temperature for leaf extraction is 90℃-95℃ for 3 hours. 5. the time to dry and concentrate the substance in the evaporator is 1 hour. 190 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 6. the stirring speed in the process of homogenizing the leaf extract and cu(no3)2.3h2o in a magnetic stirrer is 2000 rpm in 2-5 minutes. 7. the furnace temperature used to burn the sample is 400℃ for 2-3 minutes. 8. furnace temperature used for calcination is 400℃ in 2 hours tinggal residence time. 9. assuming 5% loss in any mechanical process. economic evaluation in this economic evaluation, the price data in the analysis were obtained from several online shops named www.tokopedia.com, www.alibaba.com, and www.sigmaaldrich.com. the data processing in this economic evaluation analysis is processed mathematically using the microsoft excel application. the process of economic evaluation in a factory is carried out based on the following parameters: 1. gross profit margin (gpm) gross profit margin (gpm) is a type of profit which is calculated by subtracting income for one period from the cost of goods sold. the calculation of gross profit margin is the first step to determine the level of profitability of this project [31]. 2. break even point (bep) break even point (bep) is the point where income equals invested capital, there is no profit or loss. bep can be calculated by calculating the value of fixed costs divided by value (total selling price minus total variable price). the calculation of bep can be in the form of a projection or an estimate of the minimum number of goods that must be sold during a certain period [31]. 3. total investment cost (tic) total investment cost (tic) is capitan or initial cost that must be provided at the beginning of production. tic is usually calculated based on the total cost of the factory (total purchasement cost (tpc)). simply put, the tic is the cost to build a factory and initial costs (equipment and service costs realted to equipment for equipment agencies in he factory) [32]. 4. net present value (npv) net present value (npv) is the value obtained from a project which represents expenses and income. the calculation of the npv must consider the opportunity cost of social capital (as a discount rate). on the other hand, npv can also be used to estimate expected future financial flows [33]. 5. cumulative net present value (cnpv) cumulative net present value (cnpv) is the calculation of the total npv value from the beginning of factory construction to the end of factory operation. cnpv can be obtained as the amount of cumulative financial flows each year. in addition, cnpv also calculates land and final depreciation, as well as deposit value (final depreciation value) [33]. cnpv is calculated through equation (1) below: 𝐶𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑ (𝐵𝑡−𝐶𝑡) (1+𝑖)𝑡 (1) where: bt = profit ct = cost i = one-period social discount rate in period t t = time (year) 6. internal rate return (irr) 191 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech internal rate return (irr) calculated through equation (2) as follows: 𝐼𝑅𝑅 = ∑ 𝐶𝑡 (1+𝑟)𝑡 𝑡 𝑡−1 − 𝐶𝑜 (2) where: ct = net cash inflows during period t co = total investment cost r = discount rate t = time (year) 7. profitability index (pi) profitability index (pi) estimated by dividing the cnpv and the total cost of investment or sales, according to the type of pi profit for each investment or profit for sales [34]. 8. payback period (pbp) payback period (pbp) is a calculation carried out to predict the length of time it will take for an investment to return the total initial outlay. pbp is calculated when cnpv is at zero for the first time [34]. in determining the economic analysis, there are several assumptions that may occur during the project, including: 1. calculation of economic evaluation analysis using idr currency. 2. calculation of 1 usd is equivalent to 15,0000.00 idr. 3. based on the price sold commercially, the price of albution indicum leaves is 20,000.00 idr/kg and the price of cu(no3)2.3h2o is 60,000.00 idr/kg. meanwhile, deionized water is obtained from water treatment which is processed at the factory using a water purifier and it is assumed that the factory is close to a water source. 4. equipment prices are determined based on commercially available prices with a total equipment purchase cost of 227,475,000.00 idr. 5. electricity costs are assumed to be 1.380.00 idr/kwh. 6. one cycle of cuo synthesis process takes 8 hours. 7. project runs 25 days/month or in one year is 300 days. 8. total workforce during processing is 50 people with per worker 3,000,000 idr/month. 9. income tax 10%. 10. sales discount rate of 15%. 11. project duration is 10 years. 3. results and discussion engineering perspective figure 2 shows the production process of cuo nanoparticles using the green synthesis method. from an engineering point of view, the total raw material cost per year is 391,500.00 usd and one year profit is 795,729.49 usd. the selling price in one year is 1,506,250.00 usd. the purchase price of the tools is 15,165.00 usd. this project has been operating for 10 years and pbp has been achieved in the 3rd year because the project has been running well. 192 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 2. process flow diagram of cuo nanoparticles ideal condition figure 3 shows a graph of the relationship between cnpv/tic and time. the x-axis is year and y-axis is cpnv/tic. the graph shows a decrease in income, namely in the 1st to 2nd year, caused by initial capital expenditures for the purchase of equipment needed during the nanoparticle production process as well as for the cost of purchasing land. in that year the factory did not produce nanoparticles. in the 3rd year there is an increase in income, this condition is called payback period (pbp) [34]. this increase in revenue because the factory has produced cuo nanoparticles and sold, it can cover the initial capital used to purchase equipment and land purchase costs. the profit earned continues to increase until the 10th year. therefore, the production of nanoparticles is a very profitable project because this project only takes 2 years for initial capital. figure 3. graph of ten-year cnpv/tic under ideal conditions in table 1, the cnpv/tic values is negative for the 1st and 2nd years. then the cnpv/tic value began to return to positive in the 3rd year with a value of 6.53348 which continued to increase until the 10th year with a value of 37.15863. therefore, the production of cuo 193 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech nanoparticles can be considered as a profitable project because the production of cuo nanoparticles requires a short time to recover the investment costs. this is because the cnpv/tic value fell below 0 in the first 2 years to recover the total initial project expenditure. however, after that there was an increase in the value of cnpv/tic to a positive value after the second year [35]. table 1. annual cnpv/tic values under ideal conditions variation of sales figure 4 shows a graph of cnpv with various sales variations over 10 years. the analysis was carried out by decreasing and increasing sales by 10 and 20%. ideal sales are 100%, when sales are decreased by 10 and 20%, the sales are 90 and 80% respectively. when sales increased by 10 and 20%, the sales are 110 and 120% respectively. from figure 4, sales with various variations have the same value at the beginning of project development (from 1st year to 2nd year). after the project was created (in 3rd year) there was a sales effect on cnpv/tic. the greater the sales value, the higher the profit from the project being carried out [34]. however, if there are conditions that cause product sales to decline, then the project profits are reduced from the ideal state. profits continue to increase after reaching the payback period point until the 10th year. when sales are reduced by 20% from ideal conditions, the gap in profits generated each year will be less. conversely, the gap between the profits generated from each year increases with the increase in sales from ideal conditions. the value of cnpv/tic in the 10th year for each variation of 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120% were 23,74224; 30.45043; 37,15863; 43,86682; 50.57501. from the variety of sales, the project can still run and generate profits. figure 4. graph of cpnv/tic for ten years with sales variations 194 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech variation of tax taxes are another levy imposed on projects by the state and is an external factor that can affect the success of a project. economic evaluation of external factors can actually affect the success of a project. one of the factors is the taxes levied on projects by the state to finance various public expenditures [35]. figure 5. in the 1st and 2nd year shows the initial conditions of the project. the initial condition of the project on the graph decreased because in the 1st and 2nd year there was no income tax expense and in that year there was a factory construction, so the graph was the same as the ideal graph condition. the variation of taxes in the 3rd to 10th years is increasing, this is very influential on this project. the value of cnpv/tic obtained in the 10th year with tax variations of 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% were 37.15863; 30.85250; 20.34230; 9.83210; -0.67811. the higher the tax that must be issued, the return on the initial investment will be longer than ideal conditions. the higher the tax issued, the smaller or less profitable the profitability of production [34]. from the cnpv/tic graph, the higher the tax that must be issued every year, the lower the profitability. therefore, the maximum tax earned to obtain the bep or the point at which the project's profit or loss is 75%. if the tax change you get is more than 75%, it can make the project fail. figure 5. graph of cpnv/tic for ten years with tax variations variation of raw materials the success factor of a project can be influenced by the condition of the raw materials. the graph of cnpv against time with variations in raw materials is shown in figure 6. the analysis was carried out by decreasing and increasing raw materials under ideal conditions (represented by 100%) by 10 and 20%. when the raw material is reduced by 10 and 20%, the raw material becomes 90 and 80% respectively. when the raw material increases by 10 and 20% the raw material becomes 100 and 120% respectively. in the 1st to 2nd year show the initial conditions of the project. the initial condition of the project on the cpnv chart under the variation of raw materials has the same cnpv/tic value and have decreased due to project development. variations in raw materials will affect the project in the 3rd to 10th year, this is indicated by the cnpv/tic value which will increase starting in 3rd year for each variation. from figure 6 it can be concluded that the higher the variation of raw material conditions, the lower the cnpv/tic value [34]. in the 10th year with variations of 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120% the value of cnpv/tic were 40.90825; 39,03344; 37,15863; 35.28382; 33,40901. from a variety of raw materials, the project can still run and make a profit. furthermore, the profit will continue to increase after reaching the pbp point until the 10th year. 195 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. graph of cpnv/tic for ten years with raw materials variations variation of labor wages the labor wages factor can also effect the success of a project. the graph of cnpv against time with labor variation is shown in figure 7. the analysis was carried out by reducing and increasing the salary of labor wages in ideal conditions (represented by 100%) by 10 and 20%. when the salary is reduced by 10 and 20%, it will be 90 and 80% respectively. when the salary is increased by 10 and 20%, it becomes 110 and 120% respectively. in the 1st to 2nd year indicate the initial conditions of the project. the initial project conditions on the cpnv graph under the variation of labor wages have the same cnpv/tic value and have decreased due to project development. variations in labor wages will have an effect on the project in the 3rd to 10th year, this is indicated by the cnpv/tic value which will increase starting in 3rd year for each variation. in the 10th year with variations of 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120% the cnpv/tic value were 39.07797; 38.11830; 37,15863; 36,19895; 35,23928. the higher the salary of the workers, the lower the profit of the project but the project can go on and make a profit [35]. furthermore, profits will continue to increase after reaching the pbp point until the 10th year. figure 7. graph of cpnv/tic for ten years with labor wages variations variation of utility the success of a project can also be affected by the utility. the graph of cnpv against time with utility variations is shown in figure 8. the analysis is carried out by decreasing and increasing the utility in an ideal conditions (represented by 100%) by 10 and 20%. when the utility is reduced by 10 and 20%, the utility becomes 90 and 80% respectively. when it is increased by 10 and 20% the utility becomes 110 and 120% respectively. in the 1st to 2nd year indicate the initial conditions of the project. the initial project condition on the cpnv graph 196 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech under the utility variation have the same cnpv/tic value and have decreased due to project development. the utility variation will affect the project in the 3rd to 10th year, this is indicated by the cnpv/tic value which will increase starting in the third year for each variation. variations in utility prices have no significant effect on the cpnv/tic chart [35]. in the 10th year with variations of 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120% the cnpv/tic values were 37.16650; 37,16256; 37,15863; 37.5469; 37.15075. from the variety of utilities, the project can take place and generate a profit. furthermore, profits will continue to increase after reaching the payback period point until the 10th year. figure 8. graph of cpnv/tic for ten years with utility variations 4. conclusion based on the above analysis, the cuo nanoparticle production project using the green synthesis method is a prospective and economical project because this method is very simple, does not use hazardous materials and is inexpensive. this analysis was obtained from an economic evaluation using several parameters which stated that the cuo nanoparticle production project was very profitable and had a short payback period of 3 years for the initial investment. this project can compete with pbp capital market standards due to its short return on investment. analysis of the value of cnpv/tic and pbp is influenced by several factors such as price variations, sales tax and selling price. the results of our research regarding the economic evaluation of the production of cuo nanoparticles using the green synthesis method are expected to provide an industrial-scale overview of economic evaluation. from this economic evaluation analysis it can be concluded that this project is feasible to run. acknowledgement thank you to the industrial chemistry study program and the indonesian education university for supporting the preparation of this paper. 197 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 187-199 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech references [1] kumar, k.y., muralidhara, h.b., nayaka, y.a., hanumanthappa, h., veena, m.s., & kumar, s.k. 2014. hydrothermal synthesis of hierarchical copper oxide nanoparticles and its potential 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[6], eggshell contains several trace elements such as sodium, magnesium, silicon, and strontium which make it a biocompatible material for human bones when used as implant material [6]. previous studies reported several different methods in the synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, namely the sol-gel method [7, 8], the precipitation process [9, 10], microwaveassisted method [11], green synthesis method [12], hydrothermal method [2, 5], and mechanochemical method [13, 14]. the hydrothermal method of synthesizing hydroxyapatite nanoparticles offers unique advantages because the materials used are more economical, non-toxic, and the process is simple. in addition, the resulting biocompatible product can be used on human bones with controlled size and shape of hydroxyapatite [15–17]. the prospective method for producing hydroxyapatite nanoparticles has been confirmed by many published reports, but few have reported on the analysis for feasibility studies in the large-scale production of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. with this study, it is hoped that it can provide information to prospective industrial practitioners in applying the method in realistic applications. the aim of this study is to evaluate the economic feasibility and cost analysis in manufacturing hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on a large scale. this feasibility study is important because it helps in making a decision whether a process of this scale is prospective or not. in addition, another goal is to provide advice in optimizing projects to build prosperity for economic growth. building and developing this project can create job opportunities that have a direct impact on reducing unemployment and poverty [18]. in this study, all the calculation of economic analysis parameters were carried out under certain conditions. there are variables added to the calculation, such as pi (profitability index) variables, product sales prices, tax costs, labor salaries, utility costs, raw material prices, and variable costs. however for the scaling process, further analysis should be carried out to predict realistic conditions for project development. we believe that this analysis will encourage further investigations for the large-scale production of hydroxyapatite nanoparticle materials. 2. method 2.1 theoritical synthesis of hydroxyapatite according to toibah et al. [5] and rivera et al. [19], hydroxyapatite production was adopted and improved from the literature. hydroxyapatite nanoparticles were manufactured using a hydrothermal method based on the use of calcium oxide with calcium phosphate. calcium oxide (cao) is obtained from eggshell waste which is further processed. 213 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech calcium phosphate reagent and several other reagents are purchased on the online market with industrial grade quality. eggshell waste is collected and cleaned with distilled water and/or hexane to remove impurities and organic components contained. then, the clean eggshells were dried in a dryer at a temperature of 450oc for 2 hours at a heating rate of 5oc/min; at this temperature, any organic residue is expected to disintegrate. after that, it was ground before calcining at 900oc for 2 hours. at this temperature, the eggshell (source of caco3) turns into calcium oxide (cao) by liberating carbon dioxide (co2) according to the following equation: caco3 → co2 + cao the resulting cao powder was used as a calcium precursor for the production of hydroxyapatite by hydrothermal synthesis. after that, the resulting powdered calcium oxide (cao) is mixed with calcium phosphate (a phosphate precursor) for the production of hydroxyapatite. both are prepared by dispersing in distilled water and stirring in an autoclave. the temperature of the mixed solution was maintained at ~90°c. during the synthesis, the ph of the solution was adjusted to ph 9 to produce a basic solution by adding an ammonia solution (nh4oh, fisher scientific). the expected reaction is: 3 ca3(po4)2 + cao + h2o → ca10(po4)6(oh)2 after the reaction was completed, the solution was filtered and the resulting material was dried at 80oc for 24 hours in a dryer. after that, it was ground with a grinder and then calcined at 400oc to form a white hydroxyapatite powder. the experimental procedure for synthesizing hydroxyapatite from eggshell waste at certain ph conditions is presented in figure 1. 2.2 theoritical synthesis of hydroxyapatite the engineering perspective is carried out by simulating the production process on a large scale using commercially available equipment. each process is simulated based on the mass balance involved. based on energy and mass balance calculations hydroxyapatite can be synthesized or produced on a larger scale than the laboratory scale. process engineering design can be achieved on a large scale. the process is based on assumptions and stoichiometric calculations. the following are the assumptions used in the design of this project: (i) cost of equipment and raw materials based on online market prices, such as alibaba, tokopedia etc. commercially obtained; (ii) there are no by-products/secondary produced in the hydroxyapatite synthesis process; (iii) the temperature in each process is based on reference [5, 19]; (iv) the conversion rate of hydroxyapatite production is 100%; (v) in one day processing, the total processing cycle is 1 cycle, 5 cycles/week, and 25 cycles/month; (vi) this method yields 100.5 kg of hydroxyapatite in one cycle. under ideal conditions, this project can be scaled up to 300 cycles in a year. as a result, the project's production capacity is 24,110.9 kg/year or 24.1 tons/year. 214 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 2.3 theoritical synthesis of hydroxyapatite in this study, in addition to using a feasibility study method from the perspective of technical evaluation, a feasibility study from an economic evaluation perspective is also used. several parameters used for the economic feasibility analysis were adopted from the literature [20], [21], which is explained as follows: (i) gross profit margin (gpm) is the determination of the level of profit of a project obtained from reducing the selling price with raw materials. (ii) payback period (pbp) is a calculation performed to predict the length of time required to return the initial capital. pbp can be determined from the cnpv curve when the cnpv reaches zero for the first time. (iii) break event point (bep) is the minimum number of products sold to cover the total production costs. bep calculation is formulated by dividing the value of fixed costs (total selling price minus total variable costs). (iv) irr or internal rate of return (%) is the percentage of return each year so that no initial capital is used. (v) npv is the value obtained as state revenues and expenditures. the calculation of npv must consider the value of the discount rate (i). in addition, npv can also be used to estimate future cash flows (cf). the data needed to calculate npv includes tic, depreciation, operating costs, and expected benefits. (vi) cumulative net present value (cnpv) is the calculation of the total npv value from the beginning of factory construction to the end of plant operation. in short, cnpv can be obtained from the sum of the cumulative financial flows each year. (vii) roi (%) is obtained by dividing the increase in total profit by the investment cost. profitability index (pi) is estimated by dividing cnpv by sales and total investment cost depending on the type of pi whether pi is for sales or pi is for investment. (viii) tic (total investment cost), is the initial capital cost that must be provided at the beginning of production. the feasibility test for the current economic evaluation is carried out by varying the profitability index (pi), selling price, worker wages, utilities and raw materials in five conditions of decreasing and increasing costs, namely, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150%. the tax variations used are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100%. 3. results and discussion 3.1 energy and mass balance based on the literature, the manufacturing process of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles using the hydrothermal method is shown in figure 2. at one time cycle production of 100.5 kg of hydroxyapatite, it takes 5.608 kg of cao (obtained from eggshell waste extract), 93.054 kg of ca3(po4)2, and 1.802 l distilled water. ammonia solution is also used to adjust and maintain the ph of the reaction in an alkaline state (ph 9). in the one year production span, there are 300 production cycles of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. through 300 cycles for one year, it is estimated that hydroxyapatite under ideal conditions is obtained at 3,0150 kg/year. assuming that the percentage of cao preparation from eggshell waste is 90%, in order to obtain about 2 tons of eggshell waste required for one year of production. with this project, about 2 tons of eggshell waste in one year can be minimized. therefore, the total cost to be paid for raw materials for one year is rp. 890,235,720.00. the total cost to pay for the 215 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech equipment for one year is rp. 230,580,000. the results of product sales in one year amounted to rp. 4,520,803,500.00 and the profit earned per year is rp. 1,433,764,791. figure 2. process flow diagram of the hydroxyapatite production process from eggshell waste. from an engineering point of view, this project makes it possible to increase the production volume. this is because the scaling up process (company development) can be implemented using commercially and economically available equipment. 3.2 economic evaluation in the economic evaluation, several assumptions are used based on the specifications of all equipment, raw material prices, utility systems, and equipment costs, which are taken from online market such as: alibaba, bukalapak, tokopedia, etc. the data is then used and included in the calculations for the economic feasibility analysis. the following are the assumptions needed to analyze and predict some of the possibilities that occur during the project as follows: 1). in the calculation using indonesian currency (idr) which is based on economic conditions in indonesia for all purchases of project needs. then the value is converted to usd with a fixed currency of 1 usd = 15,000 idr. 2). all prices used are based on commercially available materials obtained in available online markets. in short, the price of hexane, calcium phosphate, and ammonia solution is rp. 14,800.00/kg; rp. 38,050.00/kg; and rp. 400.00/kg each; 3). all materials used in production are estimated based on stoichiometric calculations; 4). the production percentage of calcium ion source (cao) from eggshell waste is 90% purity. 216 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 5). the process ignores other supporting costs (eg, instrumentation, factory start-up, electrical related components); 6). total investment cost (tic) is calculated based on the lang factor. the results from the lang factor show that tic is about four times the total cost of equipment; 7). the project is carried out/built on the land/land purchased. therefore, land is calculated as initial cost (at the beginning of the factory construction) and recovered/acquired after the project (at the end of the project); 8). one cycle in production to convert eggshell waste into hydroxyapatite nanoparticles requires 6.5 kg of eggshell waste assuming 90% purity is converted to a source of calcium ions (cao); 9). one year project is 300 days and the remaining days are used for holidays, cleaning and process management; 10). the basic electricity cost is 1,380 idr/kwh; 11). total wages/labor is assumed to be at a fixed value of 8 usd/day; 12). discount rate and income tax are 15% and 10% per annum, respectively; 13). the duration of the project operation is 20 years. based on the economic analysis conducted, this project is very feasible in both ideal and non-ideal conditions. a detailed description of the specific conditions based on the analysis is described as follows: • the project can still be profitable if the increase in raw material costs is below 100% of the estimated raw material costs. • sales of products must be made in quantities of at least 100.5 kg per day to sustain the project. when the price of capital is lowered, the total selling price increases. on the other hand, the project will give you a loss. • in addition to the economic prospects, a feasibility analysis of the project also needs to be carried out. in this project, gpm and cnpv for variable costs show promising results under ideal conditions. this perspective is based on indonesian capital market standards with pbp analysis showing that this investment will be profitable in the third to fourth year. 3.2.1 ideal condition cnpv with various economic evaluation parameters (eg, gpm, pbp, bep, bec, irr, roi, and pi) under normal conditions is shown in figure 3. technical analysis confirms that manufacturing can be improved using currently available technology and inexpensive equipment. the analysis shows that the conversion of eggshell waste into hydroxyapatite nanoparticles is prospective, indicated by the excellent and promising economic evaluation analysis. payback period (pbp) occurs at 3 years because product sales have generated a profit. after the payback period, profits will continue to increase until the 20th year. the economic evaluation analysis is presented in table 1. 217 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 3. analysis of cnpv/tic ideal conditions for the production of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles table 1. parameters of economic evaluation under ideal conditions economic evaluation parameter values pbp 3,1 years bep (pack) 4.525 gpm/tahun (idr/pack) rp 3.630.567.780 tic (idr) rp 1.023.775.200,00 irr (%) 84,93 roi (% per year) 7,78 total roi 140,04 pi provit to sale 32% pi provit to tic 140% 3.2.2 variable pi value in the profit-to-sales pi analysis of equipment, raw materials and labor, the decline is accompanied by fluctuations in sales as shown in figure 4. the sales curve has a polynomial value with the highest pi at a reduction of 50%, namely 2.37 or 237%. the addition of labor will reduce the value of pi or profits. likewise with the addition of raw materials and utilities. changes in utility have a significant impact on the pi value. changes in raw materials and wages of workers have the opposite rate of reduction and addition of ideal -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) eggshells 218 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech conditions. at a sensitivity of less than 100%, the pi value for changes in raw materials has a lower value than changes in workers' wages. however, sensitivity of more than 100% the pi value on changes in raw materials has a higher value than changes in worker wages. an increase in the selling price will result in a decrease in the value of pi. in the case of profit-to-investment pi, all factors are linear curves. changes in utilities, raw materials and labor costs of up to 200% can still achieve a positive pi. changes in the profitto-investment pi on sales increased from -100% to 100% sensitivity as shown in figure 5. however, in the same large variation (-50%), the profit-to-investment value decreased dramatically from profit-to-investment. sale. if the amount of raw materials, utilities and workers is doubled, the project will have a small pi value. this can result in losses and even the worst possible occurrence for a company. investment limit will decrease if sales are less than 50% and vice versa. however, an increase in the selling price has a good impact on the success of the project. based on the analysis results, changes in wages and selling prices provide significant changes. figure 4. the effect of variable cost factors on sales profit -1 -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 1 5 0 % 1 0 0 % 5 0 % 0 % 5 0 % 1 0 0 % 1 5 0 % 2 0 0 % 2 5 0 % p i p r o f it -t o s a le s sensitivity problem in raw materials problem in labor problem in utility problem in sales 219 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 5. effect of variable cost factors on investment profit 3.2.3 selling price variable profitability index analysis (pi) is used to determine the effect of variable costs such as selling prices. the curve of the pi value (y axis) against time of year (x axis) of the selling price variations is shown in figure 6. the selling price variations used are 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150%. the curve is decreasing for less than 2 years constantly as the company is still in development stage. in the 20th year, the pi value for the variation of the selling price of 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150% is -4.37; 0.22; 4.83; 9.42; and 14.04. variations in the selling price of 100 to 150% have increased because the profits obtained are greater. in general, the project is declared a failure if the selling price is less than 75% because it has a profit of 0 or even negative. an increase in the selling price of more than 100% resulted in an increase in the pi value as shown in figure 6. -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 1 5 0 % 1 0 0 % 5 0 % 0 % 5 0 % 1 0 0 % 1 5 0 % 2 0 0 % 2 5 0 % p i p r o f it -t o -i n v e s t m e n t sensitivity problem in utility problem in raw materials problem in labor problem in sales 220 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 6. the effect of selling price variations on the value of cnpv/tic during the processing time of 20 years 3.2.4 tax variable analysis of the evaluation of the tax economy can affect the amount of expenditure. the large variations of taxes used are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100% within 20 years since the establishment of the company as shown in figure 7. a positive pi value was achieved in the third year due to the process company development. payment of tax costs for each variation has a significant difference. the 10% variation has the highest pi value because of the low tax expenditure. in addition, the tax rates of 20% and 10% have a small difference in the pi value. in the 20th year, the highest pi value was achieved at the 10% tax rate, which was 4.83. in addition, the fastest payback period is achieved at 10% tax, which is 3.1 years. large tax variations of more than 70% take more than 4 years to reach pbp. the maximum tax that must be met is 90%. if the tax paid is more than 90%, the project will suffer losses for more than 20 years. the lower the tax paid, the higher the profit. -10 -5 0 5 10 15 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 221 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 7. the effect of tax variations on the value of cnpv/tic during the processing time of 20 years 3.2.5 salary variable all human resources involved in the company are entitled to receive benefits in the form of salaries. the decrease or increase in salary issued affects the design of a company's economic evaluation. the curves of each variation in salary costs with variations ranging from 50, 75, 100, 125, to 150% are presented in figure 8. the value of pi or cnpv/tic presented varies depending on the percentage of variation in salary costs. for the percentage of salary 50 and 75%, the pi value in the third year has shown positive, while for the percentage of salary 100 and 125% the pi value is positive in the fourth year, and for the percentage of 150% the pi value is positive in the fifth year. although the data shows that the value of cnpv/tic has increased every year until the 20th year, the salary increase for existing human resources should not exceed 25% of the ideal condition. if the salary increase exceeds 25% of the ideal conditions, the payback period (pbp) will be achieved in a longer time and the company is highly likely to suffer losses. -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 222 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 8. the effect of variations in salary on the value of cnpv/tic during the processing time of 20 years 3.2.6 utility variable variations in utility costs can also affect the economic evaluation of hydroxyapatite production. the curve of the pi or cnpv/tic value against the unit of time (years) with variations in utility costs is presented in figure 9. each multiple of the percentage decrease and increase in the variation in utility costs by 25% has a low difference in the value of profits starting from 50, 75, 100, 125, up to 150%. the average pi value is constant until the second year and is negative until the third year because the company is still in the development process. the payback period (pbp) will be reached in the third to fourth year at a utility cost variation of 50 to 150%. an increase in utility costs will result in lower profits and pbp will be achieved in a longer time. on the other hand, reduced utility costs will lead to higher profits and pbp is achieved in less time. -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 10 15 20 25 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 223 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 9. the effect of utility variations on the value of cnpv/tic during the process time of 20 years 3.2.7 raw material variable the price of raw materials used for the manufacture of hydroxyapatite can be varied from the ideal conditions. varied raw material prices certainly affect the value of the economic evaluation as shown in figure 10. ideal conditions have a percentage of 100%. the decrease in raw material prices resulted in a percentage value that was less than ideal conditions, while the increase in raw material prices resulted in a percentage value that was more than ideal conditions. in the beginning until the second year, the pi value was constant and negative because the company was still in the development process so it had not yet made a profit. the distance between the curves of raw material price variations from each other has a small value, so that a decrease or increase in profits from variations in raw material prices in multiples of 25% gives a small value. profits continue to increase every year as shown in figure 10. the amount of raw material prices is inversely proportional to the profits obtained by the company. reducing the price of raw materials will increase the company's total profit because the value of the cnpv/tic ratio increases from ideal conditions and vice versa. in the 20th year, the cnpv/tic ratio of the percentage variations in raw material prices 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150% are 6.65; 5.74; 4.83; 3.92; and 3.02%. -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 224 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech figure 10. the effect of variations in raw material prices on the value of cnpv/tic during the process time of 20 years 3.2.8 variable cost variable costs include the sum of the prices of raw materials, utilities, wages of workers and selling prices. variable price variations are 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150% within 20 years since the establishment of the company. the diagram presented, namely the value of pi or cnpv/tic (y axis) against time (x axis) is shown in figure 11. at the beginning of the year until the second year, the pi value decreased constantly in each variation. this is because the company is still in the development stage. at a variation of 50 to 125% pi is positive. however, the 150% variation has a significantly negative pi value. the payback period or pbp at variations of 50, 75, 100, and 125%, respectively, is 2.53; 2.71; 3.1; and 4.41 years. variable cost variations of more than 125% have a long pbp that is more than 20 years. if the variable costs used are more than 25% of the ideal situation, the company will fail. an increase in variable costs results in a decrease in the value of pi so that the possibility of loss is higher. figure 11. variable cost analysis on hydroxyapatite project produced from eggshell -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 c n p v /t ic ( % ) life time (year) 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 225 international journal of research and applied technology 1(1)(2021) 211-226 journal homepage: https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/injuratech 4. conclusion based on the analysis conducted, the conversion of eggshell and calcium phosphate into hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on an industrial scale by the hydrothermal method can be said to be of high profit and prospective from a technical and economic evaluation point of view. this is indicated by the number of products produced 100% pure hydroxyapatite every one production cycle. then, it is also supported by the analysis of economic evaluation parameters which show positive results. several production cost variables were varied to see the best condition of this project from an economic point of view within a period of 20 years of production. the results show that the payback period (pbp) will be achieved in 3.1 years and the pi value is positive in the 3rd year and continues to increase. so, the project is feasible for large-scale production for use in the biomedical field. acknowledgement thanks to prof. dr. ir. eddy soeryanto soegoto, lecturer in entrepreneurship and universitas komputer indonesia. references [1] kuśnieruk, s., wojnarowicz, j., chodara, a., chudoba, t., gierlotka, s., and lojkowski w. 2016. influence of hydrothermal synthesis parameters on 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