item: #1 of 111 id: ijrice-10 author: Rostari, Riren; Irwan, Irwan; Yulkifli, Yulkifli title: LKPD Development On MEAs Based-Approach to Improve the Mathematical Representation Ability of Grade X Students date: 2018-03-29 words: 8339 flesch: 42 summary: The following describes the practicality and effectivity of LKPD on MEAs based approach; a. LKPD Practicality on MEAs Based Approach Practicality Questionnaires are given to students and teachers after attending all learning which is using MEAs based approach LKPD. The effectiveness of LKPD MEAs based approach is also seen from the acquisition of students mathematical representation ability test scores in Table 3. keywords: ability; accordance; achievement; activities; analysis; approach; assessment; class; concept; counseling; curriculum; development; documentation; education; effective; example; figure; grade; ideas; international; journal; learning; lkpd; lkpd development; material; mathematical; mathematical representation; meas; model; modeling; padang; phase; practical; principle; problems; process; prototype; questionnaire; questions; representation; representation ability; research; response; results; school; scientific; sman; solution; solving; students; students mathematical; study; teachers; test; understanding; use; valid cache: ijrice-10.pdf plain text: ijrice-10.txt item: #2 of 111 id: ijrice-103 author: Anggreini, Cony; Daharnis, Daharnis; Karneli, Yeni title: The Effectiveness of Group Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Reduce Student Learning Burnout date: 2019-08-13 words: 4231 flesch: 51 summary: Learning burnout is a psychological or mental condition in which a student experiences excessive boredom and fatigue, which eventually results in feeli learning activities (Hakim, 2005) burnout refers to situations where students feel tired due to rigorous learning demands. Learning burnout is a psychological or mental condition in which a student experiences excessive ngs of laziness, lethargy, and lack of enthusiasm for Schaufeli, Martínez, Pinto, Salanova, & Bakker (2002) explain that learning burnout refers to situations where students feel tired due to rigorous learning demands. keywords: approach; behavior; beliefs; burnout; category; causes; class; conducive; control; control group; counseling; dan; education; effectiveness; emotions; emotive; experience; experimental; format; group; group rational; international; journal; learning; learning burnout; lot; negative; padang; posttest; pressure; pretest; problems; process; psychological; rational; rebt; rebt approach; research; results; score; student learning; students; study; teachers; therapy; thoughts; work cache: ijrice-103.pdf plain text: ijrice-103.txt item: #3 of 111 id: ijrice-11 author: Wahyuni, Sisri; Yusuf, A. Muri; Efendi, Z. Mawardi title: The Effectiveness of Group Guidance with Modelling in Increasing The Maturity of Career Choice date: 2018-03-29 words: 7305 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore, the purpose of this study is to lo modelling in improving student career choices. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to look at the effectiveness of group counseling services with ing in improving student career choices. keywords: ability; able; activities; appropriate; bimbingan; career choice; career development; career direction; career maturity; category; choice direction; choices; control group; counseling; department; development; difference; education; effectiveness; experimental; experimental group; feelings; future; group; group counseling; group guidance; group members; group students; guidance activities; guidance service; high; hypothesis; improve; increase; individual; information; international; jakarta; journal; life; low; making; maturity; maturity score; means; members; modelling; need; padang; pendidikan; posttest; prayitno; pretest; process; research; results; score; self; service; stage; student career; students; study; thoughts; treatment; understanding; work; yusuf cache: ijrice-11.pdf plain text: ijrice-11.txt item: #4 of 111 id: ijrice-112 author: Lubis, Khadijah; Daharnis, Daharnis; Syukur, Yarmis title: Interpersonal Relationships of students in Junior High School date: 2019-07-09 words: 4021 flesch: 42 summary: The descriptions of student interpersonal relationships are based on sub-variables as summarized in Table 2 below. According to Berndt & Perry, adolescents with high interpersonal relationships have a lot of close friends, he undergo school education well, are able to get along, and have a small chance to behave aggressively, anxiously and depressed (Papalia, Old, & Feldman, 2009) International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education ISSN: 2620-5750 Received 15th March 2019; Revised 22th 103 Interpersonal Relationships of Students in Junior High School 1, Yarmis Syukur1 Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang-Indonesia mail: keywords: ability; able; acceptance; adolescence; assertiveness; collie; counseling; daharnis; dan; development; devito; disclosure; education; emotional; feldman; friends; friendship; high; high school; important; individuals; initiative; international; interpersonal; interpersonal relationships; jahja; journal; junior; kenny; medium; nirwana; old; papalia; peers; problems; relationships; research; results; sample; santrock; school; self; services; skills; social; students; study; support cache: ijrice-112.pdf plain text: ijrice-112.txt item: #5 of 111 id: ijrice-124 author: Hutauruk, Febriady; Ahmad, Riska; Bentri, Alwen title: Children Resilience In Dealing With Parental Divorce Based On the Ability to Regulate Emotions And Optimism date: 2019-09-07 words: 4479 flesch: 46 summary: Counselors need to pay attention to students, especially those who experience parental divorce problems. The purpose of this study, therefore, wasto examinechildren's resilience in the face of parental divorce the regulation of emotions and optimism. keywords: ability; adolescents; arrangements; assignments; broken; case; children; conditions; control; counseling; dan; data; depression; development; difficulties; divorce; education; emotional; emotions; face; family; future; goals; home; individuals; instance; international; jurnal; learning; life; line; low; months; mother; need; optimism; optimistic; orangtua; pada; padang; parental; parental divorce; parents; positive; problems; psikologi; purpose; regulation; reivich; remaja; research; resilience; results; sadness; school; separation; shatte; skills; social; stress; students; study; yang cache: ijrice-124.pdf plain text: ijrice-124.txt item: #6 of 111 id: ijrice-132 author: Mitra, Nelvi; Syahniar, Syahniar; Alizamar, Alizamar title: Consumptive Behavior of Students in Shopping Online and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services in Universities date: 2019-09-10 words: 3446 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore, counselors should utilize information services, group and individual counseling services to regulate students behavior. Based on the results of a survey conducted shop online rather than in a store Nelvi Mitra, Syahniar, Alizamar 121 International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education , Open Access Journal: Students prefer online shops for a number of reasons, including(1) availability of goods at lower prices compared to shopping offline, (2) convenience, (3) excellent customer service, (4) ease of use, (5) ) keywords: access; alizamar; applications; availability; behavior; buying; consumer; consumer behavior; consumptive; consumptive behavior; convenience; counseling; dan; data; desires; education; factors; goods; group; guidance; human; ifdil; indonesians; influence; international; internet; items; journal; latest; mahasiswa; needs; online; open; padang; parents; perilaku; products; quality; rangka; research; results; science; services; shopping; shops; social; students; study; suranata; syahniar; technology; time; trust; use; yendi cache: ijrice-132.pdf plain text: ijrice-132.txt item: #7 of 111 id: ijrice-147 author: Eric, Alyeca; Yusoff, Salmah Mohamad; Ishak, Nur Akalili Khairah title: Construction, Validity, Reliability and Effectiveness of the Psycho-Educated Module Management of Forgiveness date: 2019-05-02 words: 4651 flesch: 46 summary: This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Introduction The research was conducted on the development of forgiveness management modules and the application of the module which was developed into psychopendidikan group counseling sessions. The research was conducted on the development of forgiveness management modules and the application of the module which was developed into psychopendidikan group counseling sessions. keywords: addition; ahmad; anger; cognitive; construction; counseling; counselors; development; education; effectiveness; emotional; enright; fitzgibbons; forgiveness; forgiveness management; forgiving; group; high; individual; information; international; issues; journal; level; main; malaysia; management; management module; method; model; module; mohd; noah; participants; phase; program; psycho; reliability; research; researchers; sample; sarawak; scale; sidek; social; students; study; test; therapy; unimas; validity; value cache: ijrice-147.pdf plain text: ijrice-147.txt item: #8 of 111 id: ijrice-167 author: Thanh, Nguyen Hai; Quang, Nguyen Van title: Requirements for developing ethical leaderships in Vietnam date: 2020-05-28 words: 5950 flesch: 42 summary: The Framework Based on Complexity Leadership Theory (CLT) and leadership theory of Tran Long Van (2016) Ethical leadership in industrial revolution 4.0 and ethical leadership in Vietnam In industrial revolution 4.0, public and private sectors are currently going through an ethical crisis in leadership practice (Lyal, 2019). 82-91 International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education Volume 04 Number 02 2020 ISSN: Print 1412-9760 – Online 2541-5948 DOI: Received August 23, 2019; Revised October 15, 2019; Accepted June 03, 2020 82 IJRICE Requirements for developing ethical leaderships in Vietnam Nguyen Hai Thanh1*, Nguyen Van Quang2 1,2 Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Hanoi, Vietnam *Corresponding author, e-mail: keywords: access; administrative; artificial; behavior; building; business; cadres; capacity; cccpv; challenges; chi; ciulla; context; counseling; development; digital; education; effectiveness; ethical; ethical leadership; ethics; fourth; goals; government; house; human; industrial; industrial revolution; integrity; intelligence; international; journal; leadership; minh; modern; moral; moral leadership; morality; need; new; open; organization; party; people; political; public; publishing; qualities; quang; reform; requirements; research; respect; responsibility; revolution; role; self; service; social; society; standards; state; strong; studies; subordinates; technology; thanh; theory; training; transformation; university; values; vietnam; york cache: ijrice-167.pdf plain text: ijrice-167.txt item: #9 of 111 id: ijrice-168 author: Alizamar, Alizamar; Afdal, Afdal; Pane, Nurmaida title: The Non-Psychological Conditions that Influence the Acceptance of Violence on Domestic Violence Victims: A Narrative Review date: 2019-08-06 words: 3827 flesch: 45 summary: The increasing number of domestic violence cases in Indonesia is caused by various factors, such as the patriarki culture that is inherent in the community, socio Perpetrators are dissatisfied with their marriages. Although the number of violence against wives decreases every year, in reality, cases of violence against wives rank first to the many cases handled by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas The increasing number of domestic violence cases in Indonesia is caused by various factors, such as the patriarki culture that is inherent in the community, socio-economic problems, infidelity, length of marriage. keywords: 2017; acceptance; afdal; cases; conditions; counseling; culture; dalam; dan; data; domestic violence; economic; education; factors; family; golu; husband; ifdil; indonesia; infidelity; influence; international; journal; kekerasan; komnas; non; number; patriarchal; perempuan; perpetrators; person; physical; problems; province; psychological; psychological violence; research; rumah; sexual; social; sumatra; tangga; victims; violence; violence cases; vulnerable; west; wife; wives; women; year cache: ijrice-168.pdf plain text: ijrice-168.txt item: #10 of 111 id: ijrice-173 author: Gustiana, Lita; Daharnis, Daharnis; Marjohan, Marjohan title: Improving Discipline Analysis of High School Students with Guidance and Counseling approaches date: 2019-10-29 words: 3841 flesch: 49 summary: Durkheim (1990)stated that some characteristics of student discipline in school include adhering to rules, carrying out their educational duties, regularly attending classes, arriving at the appointed time, conducting homework and not making fusses. Results and Discussion Overall, a description of student discipline as seen in Table 1. keywords: achievement; analysis; approach; behavior; behavior therapy; belajar; beliefs; bimbingan; category; change; counseling; daharnis; dalam; dan; dengan; discipline; discipline problems; education; efektivitas; emotive; emotive behavior; group; guidance; high; ifdil; important; international; jakarta; jurnal; karneli; kedisiplinan; learning; life; marjohan; meningkatkan; neviyarni; padang; pendekatan; pendidikan; percentage; practice; prestasi; problems; rational; rational emotive; research; results; right; rules; school; scores; self; siswa; sman; student discipline; students; study; teachers; therapy; time cache: ijrice-173.pdf plain text: ijrice-173.txt item: #11 of 111 id: ijrice-176 author: Andriani, Opi; Alizamar, Alizamar; Karneli, Yeni title: The Contribution of Self-Esteem and Parenting towards Aggressive Behavior of Child Victims’ Domestic Violence date: 2019-11-06 words: 4722 flesch: 48 summary: Improper or inappropriate care will form aggressive child behavior. Zulaiha, Husen, & Bakar (2019) explained that the types of behavior that occur in aggressive children such as being angry, damaging other people's objects, fighting, arrogant, seeking attention, being easily distracted, jealous, cruel, irresponsible, irresponsible and speaking harshly. keywords: able; aggressive; aggressive behavior; agresif; alizamar; anak; analysis; behavior; behavior child; care; child; child victims; children; contribution; counseling; dalam; dan; data; development; domestic; domestic violence; education; effects; esteem; factors; family; form; good; high; impact; international; journal; karneli; kekerasan; keluarga; level; low; multiple; needs; pada; padang; parenting; parents; people; perilaku; physical; problems; psikologi; psychological; regression; remaja; research; results; school; self; siswa; students; study; terhadap; value; victims; violence cache: ijrice-176.pdf plain text: ijrice-176.txt item: #12 of 111 id: ijrice-18 author: Munawir, Munawir; Yusuf, A. Muri; Effendi, Z. Mawardi; Afdal, Afdal title: Internal Locus of Control and Self-Concept as Factors Affecting the Career Maturity of High School Students date: 2018-05-17 words: 6161 flesch: 58 summary: Career maturity is the readiness of the individual to complete the task of career development at every stage of career development (Coertse and Schepers, 2004; Dodd et al., 2014; Janeiro, 2010). Career maturity is the readiness of the individual to complete the task of career development at every stage of career development (Coertse and Schepers, 2004; Dodd et al., 2014; Janeiro, 2010). keywords: abilities; ability; achievement; afdal; atli; belief; bimbingan; cakir; career; career development; career maturity; choice; choose; coertse; concept; control; control internal; counseling; dan; development; direction; education; et al; external; factors; high; high school; important; individuals; indonesia; internal; internal locus; international; journal; karier; life; lives; locus; majors; maturity; pendidikan; people; perception; person; psikologi; research; schepers; school; school students; selection; self; siswa; skills; stage; students; success; successful; work; years; yusuf cache: ijrice-18.pdf plain text: ijrice-18.txt item: #13 of 111 id: ijrice-19 author: Wisma, Nur; Nirwana, Herman; Afdal, Afdal title: Differences in emotional regulation of Bugis student and Malay cultural background Implications for counseling and guidance services date: 2018-05-17 words: 5799 flesch: 48 summary: No 1 2018 34 Differences in emotional regulation of Bugis student and Malay cultural ... No 1 2018 36 Differences in emotional regulation of Bugis student and Malay cultural ... keywords: ability; acculturation; afdal; average; background; behavior; bugis; bugis cultural; category; changes; counseling; cultural; cultural background; culture; dan; data; development; differences; education; emotional; emotional regulation; emotions; factors; frequency; guidance; high; highest; implications; individual; international; journal; level; life; lowest; malay; malay cultural; malaynese; medium; negative; new; nirwana; open; period; problem; psikologi; psychological; regulation; research; results; sample; score; services; social; stage; students; study; sub; table; terms; test; transition; tribe; value; variable; years cache: ijrice-19.pdf plain text: ijrice-19.txt item: #14 of 111 id: ijrice-191 author: Afdal, Afdal; Sari, Putri Fakhrina; Fikri, Miftahul; Ifdil, Ifdil; Ardi, Zadrian title: Why Victims of Domestic Violence Still Survive Their Marriage? Preliminary Analysis of Forgiveness Dynamics Conditions date: 2019-09-15 words: 4063 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Forgiveness, Domestic violence victim, Marriage, Guidance and Counseling How to Cite: Afdal, A., Sari, P.F., Fikri, M., Ifdil, I., Ardi, Z. (2019). Efforts that can be done by counselors for domestic violence victims are the provision of techniques to increase victim forgiveness to perpetrators. keywords: afdal; article; cases; child; counseling; culture; dalam; dan; difference; domestic; domestic violence; economic; education; empathy; factors; family; family violence; forgiveness; hand; household; husband; impact; international; journal; kekerasan; love; marriage; offender; pada; people; perempuan; perpetrators; personality; presence; problems; relationship; research; revenge; rumah; social; tangga; techniques; treatment; victims; violence; violence victims; wife; wives; women cache: ijrice-191.pdf plain text: ijrice-191.txt item: #15 of 111 id: ijrice-2 author: Hashim, Harwati title: Application of Technology in the Digital Era Education date: 2018-05-17 words: 3955 flesch: 50 summary: The Emerging Technology As newer technology makes its way into classrooms, learners are able to learn at increasingly faster rates. The SAMR model (Figure 1) is a useful tool for helping teachers think about their own tech use as they begin to make small shifts in the design and implementation of technology driven learning experiences to achieve the next level. keywords: access; application; augmented; characteristics; classroom; cloud; computing; counseling; courses; different; digital; digital era; education; era; era education; generations; international; journal; learners; learning; literacy; millennials; mobile; model; needs; new; online; open; paper; reality; research; samr; students; teachers; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; today; transformation; use; way cache: ijrice-2.pdf plain text: ijrice-2.txt item: #16 of 111 id: ijrice-20 author: Nofriza, Fatma; Sagita, Dony Darma title: Differences wellness among students in guidance and counseling major FKIP UHAMKA Early And Year End Year Class date: 2018-05-17 words: 3765 flesch: 56 summary: In this case study will be conducted research that reveal and describe what it is and compare the (comparative) regarding student wellness early years of college with a final year student at BK FKIP UHAMKA Prodi. Individuals who have a holistic health that has health four dimensions: physical health, healthy mentally (psychologically), healthy, socially, and healthy spiritually Based on the research results can seen that emphasize the importance of student have personal healthy (Wellness), the results show student health linked to the development of life skills (personal, social, academic, career and talent development) and student academic achievement. keywords: concept; condition; counseling; counseling major; data; development; differences; early; education; end; final; fkip; group; guidance; health; hypothesis; international; journal; level; major; means; people; problems; psychological; research; results; semester; students; study; table; test; testing; uhamka; value; welfare; wellness; work; year cache: ijrice-20.pdf plain text: ijrice-20.txt item: #17 of 111 id: ijrice-201 author: Thamrin, Winny Puspasari; Dewayani, Kristiana; Fidyah, Feny title: The Intention of Using Cell Phones In Digital Banking Service Base on External Factors and Internal Factors date: 2020-05-04 words: 4588 flesch: 52 summary: The results of this study indicate that the data obtained in accordance with the proposed model for both internal and external factors influence the intention of using cell phones for digital banking services. One of them relates to the use of the internet and cellular telephones which are very influential on digital banking services. keywords: acceptance; ave; bandura; banking; base; behavior; cdb; cell; concept; control; counseling; customers; digital; ease; education; efficacy; external; external factors; factors; fit; individuals; influence; information; intention; internal; international; internet; journal; level; locus; mobile; model; online; people; perception; phones; research; respondents; risk; self; services; study; tam; technology; theory; transactions; trust; use; vol cache: ijrice-201.pdf plain text: ijrice-201.txt item: #18 of 111 id: ijrice-207 author: Zaim, M; Refnaldi, Refnaldi; Rahmiyanti, Ria title: Students’ Perceptions on Teachers’ Teaching Strategy and Their Effects towards Students’ Achievement date: 2019-11-28 words: 3952 flesch: 55 summary: Thus, there was no significant effect of student's perception of teaching strategy towards students' achievement in learning English as a general subject. However, only a limited number of studies conducted for investigating teaching strategies in teaching English at the university level, especially in teaching English as a general subject. keywords: achievement; average; category; counseling; education; effect; english; general; general subject; grammar; high; international; journal; language; learning; lecturers; level; listening; negeri; padang; perception; process; reading; research; score; skills; speaking; strategies; strategy; students; study; styles; subject; table; teachers; teaching; teaching strategy; university; vocabulary; writing cache: ijrice-207.pdf plain text: ijrice-207.txt item: #19 of 111 id: ijrice-234 author: Harahap, Nur Hasanah; Daharnis, Daharnis; Syahniar, Syahniar title: Educational Contributions in Family and Participative Extracurricular on Students' Prosocial Behavior date: 2020-02-13 words: 3291 flesch: 44 summary: Prosocial behavior is not only done when a disaster occurs, where all people flocked to provide assistance and shown an empathy for victims, prosocial behavior is also shown in small things in daily life and becomes human responsibility as social beings (Maghfiroh & Suwanda, 2017). Abstract This research was to describe the educational contribution in family and about being active while participating extracurricular on prosocial behavior of students in SMK Negeri 6 Padang. keywords: activities; behavior; category; children; contributions; counseling; daharnis; dan; data; education; extracurricular; extracurricular activities; family; family education; friends; good; high; international; journal; low; negeri; padang; parents; participative; pendidikan; perilaku; positive; prosocial; prosocial behavior; research; school; square; students; syahniar; table; value; youth cache: ijrice-234.pdf plain text: ijrice-234.txt item: #20 of 111 id: ijrice-245 author: Sin, Tjung Hauw; Aprinanda, Marjan title: The Impact of Concentration Toward Soccer Player Shooting Ability of Soccer School Batuang Taba Padang City date: 2020-02-10 words: 2410 flesch: 59 summary: Such as concentration, visualization and imagery abilities, behavior control (self-discipline) is believed to provide a positive role for players, football players in a training process to the point of a match. Of the many factors above, good concentration is a very important factor in shooting into the goal to get the victory in the match so as to achieve an expected achievement (Muttaqin, 2020). keywords: ability; analysis; average; basic; batuang; category; city; concentration; counseling; dan; direct; education; effect; factors; football; goal; good; impact; important; international; journal; kick; olahraga; padang; path; people; player; research; results; school; score; sepakbola; shooting; soccer; soccer school; taba; table; technical; technique; value cache: ijrice-245.pdf plain text: ijrice-245.txt item: #21 of 111 id: ijrice-261 author: Kurniawan, Wahyu; Daharnis, Daharnis; Karneli, Yeni title: Contribution of Adversity Quotient, Self Awareness and Demographic Factors to Student Career Maturity date: 2020-04-13 words: 4031 flesch: 52 summary: The research findings prove that: (1) adversity quotient has an effective contribution of 23% to student career maturity, (2) self awareness contributing as much as 37.9% to career maturity, (3) gender does not contribute to career maturity,(4) socioeconomic status contributes 4.9% to student career maturity, and (6) there were 47.8% of contributions together with adversity quotient, self awareness, gender and socioeconomic status on students' career maturity. This research aims to describe the contribution of adversity quotient, self awareness and demographic factors to student career maturity. keywords: ability; access; adversity; adversity quotient; awareness; career; career development; career maturity; contribution; counseling; creed; daharnis; data; decision; demographic; development; education; effective; factors; field; gender; guidance; high; individual; international; journal; karneli; knowledge; level; maturity; model; patton; personality; psychology; quotient; relationship; research; results; school; self; self awareness; social; socioeconomic; square; status; students; study; thesis; university; value; variables; vocational; work cache: ijrice-261.pdf plain text: ijrice-261.txt item: #22 of 111 id: ijrice-263 author: Rahmatillah, Nuzuli; Setiawati, Farida Agus title: The analysis of cognitive restructuring techniques effectiveness to reduce the online game addiction date: 2020-09-29 words: 4374 flesch: 48 summary: The results showed that CBT cognitive restructuring techniques were effective in reducing online game addiction on students. The CBT cognitive restructuring techniques are effective in reducing online game addiction on students. keywords: addiction; behavioral; cbt; children; class; cognitive; cognitive restructuring; control; counselee; counseling; decrease; effective; excessive; experimental; game; game addiction; gaming; group; high; internet; journal; low; negeri; online; online game; play; posttest; rational; research; restructuring; restructuring techniques; results; school; score; smk; social; students; study; symptoms; table; techniques; thoughts; treatment; use; yogyakarta; young cache: ijrice-263.pdf plain text: ijrice-263.txt item: #23 of 111 id: ijrice-264 author: Neviyarni, Neviyarni; Netrawati, Netrawati; Ahmad, Riska; Delfita, Wiwi title: Students’ Sexual Identity Based on Interest, Style and Behavior date: 2020-03-04 words: 2498 flesch: 53 summary: Counselor is hoped to be able to help students whom are identified as homosexual to the right direction(heterosexual) by giving counseling services needed by sexual identity. Which means, sexual identity is the point of view of the person toward the same or opposite sex. keywords: behavior; bisexual; counseling; dan; education; gay; health; heterosexual; homosexual; identity; individual; interest; international; islam; journal; lesbian; lgbt; life; model; normal; opposite; orientation; padang; parents; person; research; result; right; sexual; sexual identity; students; study; style; vol; wahyuni cache: ijrice-264.pdf plain text: ijrice-264.txt item: #24 of 111 id: ijrice-28 author: Nelwati, Sasmi; Marsidin, Marsidin; Jalinus, Nizwardi; Mukhaiyar, Mukhaiyar title: Development of Integrated Thematic Learning Model based on Islamic Values in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah of Padang City date: 2018-06-22 words: 79 flesch: 74 summary: No 2 2018 ’ 55 60 65 70 75 Sub Tema 1 Sub tema 2 Sub Tema 3 Series1 acer Typewritten text 91 0 50 100 Sub Tema 1 Sub tema 2 Sub Tema 3 Series1 acer Typewritten text 92 acer Typewritten text Vol 2 No 2 2018 Typewritten text 88 acer Typewritten text 89 acer Typewritten text 90 acer Typewritten text Vol 2 keywords: acer cache: ijrice-28.pdf plain text: ijrice-28.txt item: #25 of 111 id: ijrice-287 author: Putra, Bramana Nanditya; Afdal, Afdal title: Marital Satisfaction: An Analysis of Long Distance Marriage Couples date: 2020-05-27 words: 3421 flesch: 53 summary: Furthermore, the most important component in marriage satisfaction is love, intimacy, commitment, and passion is also a positive thing in marriage satisfaction. But a fundamental difference in marriage satisfaction between husband and wife lies in the communication indicator or it can be concluded that the wife is better able to create and build communication than the husband despite having a long-distance marriage. keywords: afdal; analysis; children; communication; counseling; couples; difference; distance; distance marriage; education; family; high; husband; international; item; journal; ldm; long; long distance; marital; marital satisfaction; marriage; married; medium; open; padang; psychology; relationship; religious; research; results; satisfaction; social; study; table; wife; wives; women cache: ijrice-287.pdf plain text: ijrice-287.txt item: #26 of 111 id: ijrice-3 author: Wijaya, Hariz Enggar; Tori, Arief Rahman title: Exploring the Role of Self-Control on Student Procrastination date: 2018-05-17 words: 4249 flesch: 48 summary: It also affirms by Galla and Duckworth longitudinal study (2015), student self to homework habits, homework accomplishment, higher school grade, and also GPA and college persistence. experiments, has underlined the important role of self self-control would predict aggressive behavior and high self Another study amplifies the substantial role of control had an influence on aggressive tendency At the macro level of several counties in Texas, that self-control was associated with violent crime, property crime, and unemployment, especially in rural areas. keywords: academic; academic procrastination; aggressive; analysis; association; behavior; college; context; control; correlation; counseling; differences; education; gender; general; general procrastination; gpa; group; high; higher; homework; individual; international; journal; low; paper; pass; pps; problem; procrastination; research; role; sample; scale; school; self; setting; steel; student; student procrastination; study; table; task; university; writing cache: ijrice-3.pdf plain text: ijrice-3.txt item: #27 of 111 id: ijrice-309 author: Andriani, Wiwin; Afdal, Afdal title: Analyzing the aggressive behavior of domestic violence perpetrators date: 2020-05-28 words: 3452 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract The study was conducted by analyzing the aggressive behavior of domestic violence perpetrators which can be seen through how much the contribution of aggressive behavior between sub- variables. Method The research was conducted quantitatively with descriptive methods to analyze aggressive behavior in domestic violence perpetrators and a simple linear regression analysis technique was used to determine the contribution of certain sub-variables to aggressive behavior. keywords: afdal; aggression; aggressive behavior; anger; aspect; behavior; cases; category; counseling; dalam; domestic; domestic violence; education; et al; factors; family; gender; high; highest; hostility; international; items; journal; kekerasan; low; margolin; marriage; padang; perempuan; perpetrators; physical; physical aggression; problems; psychology; research; rumah; schumacher; social; study; sub; table; tangga; variables; verbal; verbal aggression; violence; violent; women cache: ijrice-309.pdf plain text: ijrice-309.txt item: #28 of 111 id: ijrice-314 author: Sari, Putri Fakhrina; Afdal, Afdal title: Forgiveness Analysis of Domestic Violence Victims in Aceh date: 2020-05-28 words: 4720 flesch: 57 summary: Forgiveness given by victims of domestic violence wife to perpetrators of victims of domestic violence is influenced by several factors, including marriage commitments, length of marriage that has been fostered, socioeconomic status, and worrying about the fate of their households, children, families (Ariyani & Qonita, 2018; Mccullough et al., 1998; Prianto, Wulandari, & Rahmawati, 2013; Worthington, 1999). Domestic violence (domestic violence) is a problem that often occurs in the container of the household, especially against women due to the patriarchal culture still thick in Indonesian society, norms, cultural values, even the law tends to always give greater power and power to the people men than women (Basri, S.Kasim, & Roslan, 2018; Hanifah, 2007). keywords: 2,77; access; aceh; actions; afdal; avoidance; behavior; benevolence; case; category; counseling; culture; dalam; dan; divorce; domestic; domestic violence; education; factors; fakhrina; family; forgiveness; good; high; household;; husband; impact; international; journal; kekerasan; life; marriage; mccullough; meutuah; motivations; open; pada; perpetrators; psychology; putri; relationship; research; revenge; rumah; sari; social; statement; study; sub; table; tangga; variable; victims; violence; violence victims; wife; wives; women cache: ijrice-314.pdf plain text: ijrice-314.txt item: #29 of 111 id: ijrice-322 author: Sagita, Dony Darma; Santika, Fatma title: Nomophobia in adolescents based on gender: a case study of East Jakarta, Indonesia date: 2020-09-19 words: 3984 flesch: 56 summary: Jones also found that 2.8% agreed that smartphone addiction has a psychological impact on users, that feel lost and stressed when they do not carry a smartphone. The impact of personal factors and type of usage on smartphone addiction in a Dutch population. keywords: access; addicted; addiction; adolescents; anxiety; behavior; boys; case; category; counseling; dan; data; east; education; fear; female; gender; girls; health; high; higher; impact; inability; indonesia; international; jakarta; journal; level; mahasiswa; media; medium; mobile; nomophobia; people; questionnaire; research; results; sagita; sample; self; smartphones; social; students; study; table; technology; teenagers; test; time; use; users; women; yildirim cache: ijrice-322.pdf plain text: ijrice-322.txt item: #30 of 111 id: ijrice-325 author: Suhaili, Neviyarni; Netrawati, Netrawati; Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin title: Information services using a scientific approach to prevent the tendency of student physical bullying date: 2020-12-09 words: 4073 flesch: 40 summary: This study aimed to test the effectiveness of information services using a scientific approach to prevent student physical bullying tendency. This conclusion does not mean that it also concludes that the information services provided by using the lecturing and question and answer approach cannot prevent student physical bullying tendency. keywords: analysis; answer; approach; bullying; bullying tendency; control; counseling; data; design; education; effective; efforts; experimental; group; guidance; implementation; information; information services; instrument; international; jakarta; journal; learning; lecturing; neviyarni; number; pembelajaran; physical; physical bullying; process; question; research; results; school; scientific approach; services; student; student physical; study; syarifuddin; tendency; value; yusuf cache: ijrice-325.pdf plain text: ijrice-325.txt item: #31 of 111 id: ijrice-332 author: Zafri, Zafri; Hastuti, Hera; ‘Asri, Zul title: Building Character Education with The History an Islamic Empires in Nusantara: A Theoretical Study date: 2018-06-09 words: 2748 flesch: 50 summary: Character education in schools rests on the basic human character that comes from universal moral values. Character education is one of the answers to the moral decline that occurs in the generation of the nation. keywords: attitude; bandung; behavior; building; character; character education; civilization; counseling; dan; education; environment; formation; generation; good; historical; history; human; individual; indonesia; international; islamic; jakarta; journal; karakter; kingdom; learners; learning; life; moral; nation; nusantara; pendidikan; people; personality; process; qualitative; research; role; sejarah; society; students; study; values; work cache: ijrice-332.pdf plain text: ijrice-332.txt item: #32 of 111 id: ijrice-333 author: Kristina, Ayu Dina; Loekmono, J.T. Lobby; Setyorini, Setyorini title: The effect of role conflict on academic burnout of undergraduate Economics students date: 2020-09-28 words: 3338 flesch: 56 summary: Accepted September 28, 2020 98 IJRICE The effect of role conflict on academic burnout of undergraduate Economics students Ayu Dina Kristina1*, J.T. Lobby Loekmono2, Setyorini3 1,2,3 Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia *Corresponding author, e-mail: When students continuously experience role conflict, it leads to academic burnout. keywords: academic; academic burnout; ambiguity; amelia; analysis; ayu; burnout; conflict; counseling; dan; demands; economics; education; effect; et al; factors; high; insignificant; international; inventory; items; journal; learning; leiter; lina; maslach; mbi; model; online; pada; pangesti; regression; research; rizzo; role; role conflict; schaufeli; stress; students; studies; study; table; undergraduate; university cache: ijrice-333.pdf plain text: ijrice-333.txt item: #33 of 111 id: ijrice-347 author: Netrawati, Netrawati; Wulandari, Rizki; Karneli, Yeni; Syukur, Yarmis title: The Analysis of Social Media Addiction Level on Adolescents date: 2020-09-09 words: 3039 flesch: 49 summary: Indirectly, accessing social media can result in some people who have social media addiction. This study aimed to find out the description of the level of social media addiction among adolescents in Padang. keywords: access; achievement; activities; addicted; addiction; adolescents; analysis; behavior; category; control; counseling; education; excessive; high; information; international; internet; journal; level; low; media; media addiction; negative; netrawati; pada; people; percentage; problems; research; social; social media; study; time; tolerance; use; users; withdrawal; wulandari cache: ijrice-347.pdf plain text: ijrice-347.txt item: #34 of 111 id: ijrice-364 author: Aras, Aysun; Torun, Nurdan title: An examination of smartphone usage and addiction among final-year medical faculty students date: 2021-06-10 words: 2922 flesch: 61 summary: Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine levels of smart phone addiction among final-year medical faculty students. Studies of smart phone addiction are insufficient, and different results may be yielded by studies on the subject from different universities. keywords: access; addiction; average; counseling; education; faculty; final; higher; international; internet; journal; levels; mean; medical; mobile; p>0.05; phone; phone addiction; present; research; scale; school; scores; smart; smart phone; smartphone; social; sociodemographic; students; studies; study; table; taylan; telefon; total; turkey; university; use; women; year cache: ijrice-364.pdf plain text: ijrice-364.txt item: #35 of 111 id: ijrice-37 author: Tanjung, Romi Fajar; Neviyarni, Neviyarni; Firman, Firman title: Increasing skills reading students through guidance and counseling classical using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach date: 2018-11-20 words: 4135 flesch: 55 summary: Then motivasition in r more contributing to improving reading skills than cognitive ability (Taboada, Tonks, Wigfield & Guthrie, 2009; Anmarkrud & Bråten, 2009; Logan, Medford & Hughes, self-reading activities tend to be able to develop a variety of reading skills (Mol & Bus, One of the components that need to be considered in reading skills is the level of reading speed, in addition to vocabulary and comprehension. All these components is an essential element for improving reading skills (McGeown, Duncan, Grifths, & Stothard, 2014). keywords: activity; approach; category; classical; components; comprehension; contextual; contextual teaching; counseling; ctl; education; effective; firman; group; guidance; high; information; interest; international; journal; learning; level; low; mcgeown; medford; motivation; posttest; reading; reading skills; research; results; sampling; science; skills; speed; students; study; teaching; treatment cache: ijrice-37.pdf plain text: ijrice-37.txt item: #36 of 111 id: ijrice-398 author: Sukma, Dina title: The Manjanguak Tradition: Social Learning, Character Education and Psychological Effects date: 2020-12-10 words: 4374 flesch: 49 summary: The manjanguak tradition is behavior related to social behavior. So social learning theory combines the second concept by assuming that a person can learn by the behavior of others under certain environmental conditions (Shum & Ferguson, 2012). keywords: activities; activity; behavior; bereaved; character; community; control; counseling; death; education; effect; eggs; environment; esteem; family; form; funeral; home; humans; individuals; international; journal; learning; manjanguak; manjanguak tradition; people; person; personal; process; psychological; psychology; relatives; research; rice; self; series; social; social learning; society; sumatra; theory; tradition; values; west cache: ijrice-398.pdf plain text: ijrice-398.txt item: #37 of 111 id: ijrice-4 author: Apriliana, I Putu Agus title: The Role of School Counsellor to Handling Student Sexual Harassment Behavior in the School date: 2018-05-17 words: 5221 flesch: 47 summary: The physical form of student sexual harassment includes 1) touching, holding, pinning the victim sexually, 2) deliberately stroking the victim's body sexually 3) Drawing the victim's clothes with sexual intent 4) I Putu Agus - PAPERID-10-the role of school counsellor to handling student sexual harassment behavior in the school IJRiCE.docx International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education keywords: 2017; actions; approach; apriliana; article; basic; behavior; case; counseling; counsellor; course; data; development; education; environment; esteem; form; handling; harassment; harassment behavior; high; impact; information; international; journal; male; open; people; phenomenon; physical; problem; psychological; research; result; role; school; school counsellor; school environment; self; services; sexual; sexual harassment; strategy; student sexual; students; survey; united; verbal; victim; women cache: ijrice-4.pdf plain text: ijrice-4.txt item: #38 of 111 id: ijrice-401 author: Ardi, Zadrian; Ifdil, Ifdil title: The Exploratory Factor Analysis of Zadrian-Ifdil Problem Checklist (ZIPC) High-School Version; An Alternative Assessment for Millenials Mental Health Conditions Mapping date: 2020-12-20 words: 5986 flesch: 52 summary: The analysis of MSA and KMO proves a strong correlation between the independent variables and the assumption that factor analysis is appropriate. As has been formulated from the theory of disclosure of adolescent mental health problems, in cluster 1 of the ZIPC, three main factors form a unity in measuring problems: groups of physical issues, personality issues, and religious issues and morality. keywords: adolescents; analysis; ardi; assessment; calculation; career; changes; characteristics; checklist; cluster; coefficient; conditions; construct; correlation; counseling; data; development; early; education; eigenvalue; exploratory; factor; factor analysis; family; form; health; high; ifdil; instrument; international; international journal; issues; items; journal; loading; measurement; measuring; mental; msa; open; plot; problems; psychology; research; results; rotation; school; scree; social; strength; students; study; table; test; time; validity; value; variables; variance; version; zadrian; zipc cache: ijrice-401.pdf plain text: ijrice-401.txt item: #39 of 111 id: ijrice-403 author: Yuca, Verlanda; Zahri, Triave Nuzila; Magistarina, Elrisfa title: The Differences in Body Image in terms of Gender, Cultural Background, and Students Admission Path date: 2020-12-10 words: 3293 flesch: 56 summary: The development of student body image is not well- formed, so that it affects their life. Furthermore, based on the percentage of the number of students above, the differences in student body image in terms of gender will be examined which can be seen in the following table. keywords: admission; background; body; body image; cash; counseling; cultural; development; differences; education; entry; female; gender; graph; image; influence; international; journal; minang; non; number; pathways; people; percentage; physical; psychology; research; respondents; results; sbmptn; self; significant; social; state; students; study; table; terms; women; yuca cache: ijrice-403.pdf plain text: ijrice-403.txt item: #40 of 111 id: ijrice-406 author: Bah, Yahya Muhammed; Artaria, Myrtati Dyah; Suen, Mein-Woei title: Web-based psychosocial interventions for survivors of child sex tourism and their families: a rethink of counselling date: 2021-10-19 words: 12968 flesch: 39 summary: Similarly, in view of the fact that many people cannot easily access mental health services in Japan, many people including students are switching to online counselling services (Li & Leung, 2020). While more research is needed in how online counselling services can improve the general wellbeing of clienteles and their relatives, it has significantly broken the barriers deterring access to support services for relatives’ on alcohol and other drug abuse (Dilkes-Frayne et al., 2019). keywords: abbott; abuse; access; addition; affordable; anonymity; application; artaria; articles; associated; autonomy; availability; bah; barak; barriers; behavioral; beneficial; blaszczynski; chardon; child; clienteles; clients; communication; computers; confidentiality; convenience; cost; counselling; counselling services; counsellors; covid-19; critical; cues; cyber; delivery; different; difficult; dyah; education; effective; effectiveness; efficiency; et al; face; face counselling; factors; families; feeling; fundamental; gainsbury; geographical; greater; hanley; health; human; information; international; international journal; internet; interventions; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; life; limited; location; mein; messages; misunderstanding; muhammed; myrtati; need; new; non; ones; online; online counselling; open; pandemic; people; persons; privacy; problems; professionals; psychology; psychosocial; psychotherapy; reasons; relationship; research; review; right; security; services; sessions; sex; sexual; situmorang; social; stigma; students; study; suen; support; survivors; systematic; technological; technology; text; therapeutic; therapists; therapy; things; time; tourism; traditional; training; treatment; verbal; victims; virtual; vol; web; woei; work; working; world; yahya; young cache: ijrice-406.pdf plain text: ijrice-406.txt item: #41 of 111 id: ijrice-408 author: Tasrif, Elfi title: The professionalism of vocational high school supervisors: a study of qualitative analysis date: 2021-06-10 words: 5181 flesch: 43 summary: What P2 says when juxtaposed with the characteristics of professional school supervisors as stated in the School Supervisory Workbook, it can be stated that what Vocational School supervisors in the Padang City have done so far are still not professional because they do not have a good work ethic. The results showed that the average attendance of school supervisors was only 30 minutes to one hour. keywords: academic; activities; akademik; analysis; case; city; communication; counseling; dan; data; education; engineering; entrepreneurship; form; ganefri; good; graduates; guru; hidayat; high; higher; indonesia; international; international journal; journal; kabupaten; kejuruan; kepala; kinerja; learning; low; main; manajemen; meningkatkan; padang; pendidikan; pengawas; person; prepared; process; professionalism; program; qualitative; quality; research; results; role; school; school supervisors; sekolah; sources; students; study; supervision; supervisors; tasrif; teachers; teaching; technology; vhs; vocational; vocational school; work; yulastri cache: ijrice-408.pdf plain text: ijrice-408.txt item: #42 of 111 id: ijrice-411 author: Anwar, Muhammad title: Prediction of the graduation rate of engineering education students using Artificial Neural Network Algorithms date: 2021-06-10 words: 4552 flesch: 45 summary: Statistical results of graduation of engineering education students Algoritma On time Not on time Artificial Neural Network 149 62 Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 165 69 forward Selection 165 69 Based on the statistical results in the table above, it can be seen that in the process using the Artificial Neural Network algorithm, 149 students of engineering education who graduated on time and who did not graduate on time were 62 people, and in the combination process of Artificial Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms ( PSO) obtained the number of engineering education students who graduated on time as many as 165 and who did not graduate on time as many as 69 people, then in the combination process of Artificial Neural Network, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and forward Selection algorithms, the number of engineering education students who graduated on time was obtained. The high demand for engineering education graduates from higher education is a problem for campuses because they have not been able to predict when engineering education students will graduate. keywords: accuracy; algorithm; anwar; artificial; artificial neural; confusion; counseling; data; doi; education; education students; engineering; engineering education; forward; graduation; hidayat; higher; higher education; input; international; international journal; journal; layer; learning; matrix; method; mining; model; network; network algorithm; neural; neural network; number; optimization; output; particle; particle swarm; prediction; pso; quality; rate; research; results; scientific; selection; statistics; students; study; swarm; swarm optimization; table; technical; technologies; technology; test; time; training; vocational cache: ijrice-411.pdf plain text: ijrice-411.txt item: #43 of 111 id: ijrice-412 author: Hariko, Rezki; Nirwana, Herman; Fadli, Rima Pratiwi; Ifdil, Ifdil; Hastiani, Hastiani; Febriani, Rahmi Dwi title: Students' motivation to attend group guidance based on gender and ethnic date: 2021-12-29 words: 6915 flesch: 49 summary: Student motivation is assessed based on several indicators, including: desire and interest to follow group guidance, encouragement and the need to follow group guidance, as well as expectations of the potential results to be obtained from group guidance activities. Result Measurement of student motivation to follow group guidance on research, including: the desire of students to follow group guidance, encouragement of students to follow group guidance, and student expectations of the results of group guidance activities. keywords: activities; activity; aspects; attention; bayesian; bimbingan; brown; corey; counseling; counselors; current; data; description; development; differences; distribution; education; encouragement; ethnic; ethnic group; ethnicity; evidence; expectations; figure; findings; follow; gender; gladding; goals; group guidance; groups; guidance activities; hariko; hastiani; high; higher; ifdil; important; individual; indonesia; international; journal; kelompok; learning; lower; mean; members; method; model; moreno; motivation; needs; neukrug; nirwana; positive; potential; psychological; psychology; research; results; rezki; samples; school; schunk; score; self; significant; siswa; social; student motivation; students; study; table; terms; test; theory; value; women cache: ijrice-412.pdf plain text: ijrice-412.txt item: #44 of 111 id: ijrice-414 author: Ernawati, Ernawati; Sofendi, Sofendi; Silvhiany, Sary title: English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI): A primary school teachers’ and students’ perceptions date: 2021-07-08 words: 5539 flesch: 57 summary: At this point, Panggabean (2016) mentioned that English language skills, especially in writing scientific papers, cannot be achieved in a short time but in a long time through the process of using English and practice through trial and error. As in her interview section, she mentioned that using EMI has benefits where she can get knowledge about English out of in English lesson. keywords: answer; challenges; counseling; countries; data; drawing; early; education; emi; english; english language; era; ernawati; excerpt; globalization; grade; indonesia; instruction; international; interview; issue; journal; language; learning; lesson; march; mathematics; medium; need; negative; open; opinions; participants; perceptions; positive; primary; process; program; pupil; qualitative; reactions; research; researchers; school; science; skills; students; study; teachers; teaching; use cache: ijrice-414.pdf plain text: ijrice-414.txt item: #45 of 111 id: ijrice-417 author: Rusnila, Rusnila; Daharnis, Daharnis; Syukur, Yarmis title: Analysis of student adjustment in dormitory based on type of school, cultural background and grade level date: 2021-11-20 words: 5732 flesch: 50 summary: Analysis of Student Adjustment in Dormitory Based on Grades I, II and III and Differences The results of the analysis of student adjustment data in dormitories based on grade level showed that the level of student adjustment was in the high category (T). When viewed in detail from the results of the analysis, the adjustment data of junior high school students on average is higher than that of vocational high school students. keywords: ability; able; adjustment; analysis; average; background; category; class; counseling; counselors; cultural; cultural background; culture; dan; data; differences; diri; dormitories; dormitory; education; environment; good; grade; grade level; group; guidance; high; high school; iii; individuals; instrument; interaction; international; journal; junior; level; malay; means; new; non; pada; penyesuaian; process; psikologi; research; results; school; school students; self; services; significant; siswa; student adjustment; students; test; type; variables; variance; vocational cache: ijrice-417.pdf plain text: ijrice-417.txt item: #46 of 111 id: ijrice-430 author: Agustina, Ema; Suharya, Toto title: Zoom breakout room for students’ collaborative skill enhancement in history learning during Covid-19 outbreak date: 2021-09-27 words: 4478 flesch: 48 summary: This will affect student learning motivation and student learning satisfaction (Deng & Benckendorff, 2017). This can significantly improve students skill in the 4C (critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration) skills (Trilling & Fadel 2009). keywords: 21st; activities; breakout; breakout room; classroom; collaborative; collaborative skill; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; current; education; effective; enhancement; environment; face; feature; groups; history; history learning; home; indonesia; information; international; journal; learning; main; making; materials; new; online; online learning; opportunities; outbreak; pandemic; people; policy; problems; process; research; roles; room; skill; small; social; solving; students; study; teachers; teaching; use; virtual; work; zoom cache: ijrice-430.pdf plain text: ijrice-430.txt item: #47 of 111 id: ijrice-434 author: Ganefri, Ganefri; Hidayat, Hendra; Yulastri, Asmar; Yondri, Surfa title: The empirical analysis of production-based entrepreneurship training model, readiness and locus of control towards students entrepreneurship self efficacy date: 2021-08-10 words: 3786 flesch: 35 summary: Entrepreneurial intention among engineering students: The role of entrepreneurship education. That is, the high and low self-efficacy of student entrepreneurship is not only influenced by one variable but is jointly influenced by the production-based entrepreneurship training model, learning readiness and locus of control. keywords: analysis; business; control; counseling; data; education; efficacy; engineering; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurship self; entrepreneurship training; ganefri; herawati; hidayat; higher; important; international; international journal; journal; learning; learning model; locus; model; multiple; people; process; production; readiness; regression; research; results; self; steps; student entrepreneurship; students; table; test; training; training model; variables; vocational; yulastri cache: ijrice-434.pdf plain text: ijrice-434.txt item: #48 of 111 id: ijrice-435 author: Sağaltıcı, Eser; Sönmez, Özcan; Karcı, Ebru; Şahin, Şengül Kocamer; Erturk, Arzu title: Somatic distress, mental health and psychological resilience among cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-11-14 words: 8697 flesch: 69 summary: Low educations levels, high anxiety levels, high experience stressful life events, and low psychological resilience predicted high somatic distress levels. Low education, high anxiety levels, high experience stressful life events, and low psychological resilience predicted high somatic distress. keywords: anxiety; c o; cancer; cancer patients; characteristics; chemotherapy; chronic; clinical; counseling; covid-19; current; d u; demographic; depression; disease; disorders; distress; e d; education; eser; et al; events; experience; groups; h(3; health; high; international; iqr=; item; journal; levels; life; low; mental; mild; moderate; n d; o n; o u; outbreak; pain; pandemic; participants; patients; phq-15; population; psychiatry; psychological; ptsd; research; resilience; s d; scale; score; severe; severity; somatic; somatic distress; somatic symptoms; status; stressful; studies; study; symptoms; table; time; total; treatment; turkish; u e; u n; variables; wang; years; yes cache: ijrice-435.pdf plain text: ijrice-435.txt item: #49 of 111 id: ijrice-440 author: Ogbuanya, Chinyere Theresa; Okeke, Chinedu I.; Maashin, Amenger title: Emotional Intelligence as a predictor of productivity and occupational stress of employees in electrical industries date: 2022-03-22 words: 10308 flesch: 39 summary: It may be concluded that EI does not significantly predicts occupational stress of employees in electrical industries Hypothesis 3: Occupational stress does not significantly predict productivity of workers in electrical occupation Table 10. The positive correlation means that in general, employees in electrical industries who possess high emotional intelligence experience occupational stress. keywords: ability; access; age; analysis; behavior; beta; central; chinedu; coefficient; constant; correlation; counseling; data; demographic; dependent; dimensions; education; electrical; electrical employees; electrical industries; electrical occupation; electrical workers; emotional intelligence; emotions; employees; environment; equipment; error; experience; factors; family; finding; health; high; hypothesis; individual; influence; international; intervention; job; john; journal; lack; levels; low; management; marital; model; negative; new; nigeria; north; occupational stress; occupations; ogbuanya; okeke; organizational; output; people; performance; positive; predictor; productivity; psychology; qualification; questionnaire; regression; related; relationship; research; result; significant; skills; social; status; std; stress management; strong; students; study; table; tasks; technical; theory; unstandardized; use; value; variables; vol; weak; wood; workers; working; year cache: ijrice-440.pdf plain text: ijrice-440.txt item: #50 of 111 id: ijrice-444 author: Sari, Liliyana; Khaira, Fathiyyatul title: The role of social support in pandemic-related stress among university students date: 2021-12-07 words: 4757 flesch: 51 summary: Perceived social support is defined as how individuals perceive any support from other individuals, groups, or larger communities (Cooke et al., 1988). A study by Ioannou et al. (2019) found that self-esteem significantly mediated the relationship between perceived social support and depressive symptoms in young adults. keywords: analysis; college; correlation; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; education; et al; family; friends; health; higher; impact; income; individuals; indonesia; international; journal; level; life; lower; mental; pandemic; parents; psychological; psychology; regression; relatives; research; respondents; results; role; scale; significant; social; social support; sources; stress; students; study; sumatra; support; table; university; university students; west cache: ijrice-444.pdf plain text: ijrice-444.txt item: #51 of 111 id: ijrice-445 author: Alza, Nadatuljannah; Armalita, Rani; Puspasari, Dwi title: The relationship between social support and psychological well-being of college students during Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-12-07 words: 3542 flesch: 46 summary: Results The results of the descriptive analysis of student social support during the COVID-19 pandemic are: Table 1: Results of Descriptive Analysis of Social Support Categorization Range Value Total Percentage High Low X≥57.5 X<57.5 306 45 87,2% 12,8% Total 351 100% Nadatuljannah Alza, Rani Armalita, Dwi Puspasari 81 International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, Open Access Journal: Based on the results of the descriptive analysis of social support above, it was found that in this research 306 college students (87.2%) had high social support. Abstract One of those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is college students. keywords: analysis; college; college students; correlation; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; dengan; dimension; education; environment; health; higher; hubungan; individuals; international; journal; life; lower; means; mental; online; overseas; pada; pandemic; positive; psychological; relationship; research; results; social; social support; spread; students; support; table; universitas; wang cache: ijrice-445.pdf plain text: ijrice-445.txt item: #52 of 111 id: ijrice-446 author: Hang, Siew Yi; Lin, Low Yi; Leong, Wong Chin; Ting, T'ng Soo; Ho, Khee Hoong title: The mediating effects of resilience and coping strategies on perceived threat of Covid-19 and subjective well-being among Malaysian emerging adults date: 2021-12-07 words: 4513 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract The outbreak of COVID-19 has been affecting the Malaysian psychological well-being, particularly among emerging adults. They were emerging adults aged between 18 to 25 years old (M = 22.51). keywords: adults; analysis; anxiety; association; avoidant; context; coping; counseling; covid-19; data; education; effect; emotional; et al; health; indirect; individual; international; journal; life; malaysia; organization; oriented; oriented coping; pandemic; path; present; psychological; psychology; research; resilience; results; role; sample; sampling; scale; significant; social; strategies; stressful; studies; study; subjective; swb; task; threat; world; years cache: ijrice-446.pdf plain text: ijrice-446.txt item: #53 of 111 id: ijrice-449 author: Aditia, Gilang Rizkia; Dahlan, Tina Hayati; Ilfiandra, Ilfiandra title: The role of online learning environment on the students' basic psychological needs satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-12-07 words: 9487 flesch: 39 summary: Appleton and Lawrenz (2011) stated that teachers must improve and develop learning methods so that the process of engaging student learning behavior can occur, so that it can foster student learning motivation. Students' observations and perspectives on perceived objects can affect the development and progress of student learning, especially in learning behavior (Abrams & Weilder, 2015). keywords: abilities; achievement; activities; addition; affect; article; autonomy; basic; basic psychological; behavior; chiu; cognitive; competence; context; counseling; deci; determination; development; education; emotional; engagement; evaluation; external; factors; feedback; form; fulfillment; hand; health; impact; important; increase; individual; international; interpersonal; intrinsic; intrinsic motivation; involvement; journal; learning; learning activities; learning environment; learning motivation; learning process; level; literature; long; motivation; needs; needs satisfaction; online learning; open; pandemic; performance; perspective; positive; process; psychological; psychological needs; psychology; regulation; relatedness; research; results; review; rewards; role; ryan; satisfaction; school; self; social; student learning; students; study; support; tasks; teachers; theory; use; variety; wang; words cache: ijrice-449.pdf plain text: ijrice-449.txt item: #54 of 111 id: ijrice-450 author: Wiroko, Endro Puspo title: Meaningful work and organizational citizenship behavior among lecturers: The mediating role of work passion date: 2021-12-31 words: 5514 flesch: 42 summary: Keywords: Meaningful work, Organizational citizenship behavior, Work passion How to Cite: Wiroko, E.P. (2021). Work passion as a mediator in the relationship between meaningful work and organizational citizenship behavior Variable M (Work Passion) Y (OCB) Coef. keywords: analysis; author; behavior; calling; chen; citizenship; citizenship behavior; counseling; data; development; duffy; education; effect; employees; engagement; entrepreneurial; et al; high; human; hypothesis; individuals; international; job; journal; lecturers; management; meaningful; meaningful work; mediator; motivation; ocb; organizational; organizational behavior; organizational citizenship; participants; passion; performance; positive; psychological; psychology; relationship; research; results; role; self; sense; studies; study; support; table; theory; time; university; vol; work; work passion; years cache: ijrice-450.pdf plain text: ijrice-450.txt item: #55 of 111 id: ijrice-451 author: Liza, Rini Gusya; Fasrini, Ulya Uti; Wati, Westi Permata title: Analysis of perception and emotional condition from distance learning among undergraduate student during Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-12-07 words: 6607 flesch: 52 summary: The effectiveness of tutor lecturers in managing online classes and learning outcomes is not a problem for most students , but student difficulties during the distance learning is related to internet connections and one of the obstacles most students complain about, as well as anxiety to face exams, especially if it is to be done online as internet disturbances may cost them the exam. One of the studies completed in Kazakhstan among medical students ranging from 1st years to 5th year at Astana Medical University in the 2019 – 2020 academic year. keywords: academic; access; analysis; andalas; anxiety; block; boredom; classes; condition; connection; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; difficult; difficulties; disorders; distance; distance learning; documentation; education; emotional; emotional mental; et al; exam; experience; face; faculty; family; figure; friends; group; gusya; health; home; impact; interaction; international; internet; journal; learning; lectures; material; medical; medicine; mental; mental health; method; online; online learning; open; pandemic; pembelajaran; perception; performance; physical; problems; process; research; respondents; results; rini; situation; son; states; stress; students; study; sundarasen; symptoms; things; time; undergraduate; university; vol; work cache: ijrice-451.pdf plain text: ijrice-451.txt item: #56 of 111 id: ijrice-453 author: Nurmina, Nurmina; Fahrianti, Fitri; Haryani, Meri; Wahyuni, Hera title: Depression, anxiety, and stress among first-year students and undergraduate students during the Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-12-31 words: 6820 flesch: 51 summary: Using the university student depression inventory to investigate the effect of demographic variables on students depression. With that, there is a need for greater attention to the psychological wellbeing of first years students and undergraduate students to improve their quality of life. keywords: academic; activities; analysis; anxiety; average; category; college; college students; counseling; covid-19; culture; dan; data; depression; depression anxiety; difference; disorders; early; education; environment; experience; factors; fear; feeling; final; gender; health; hitung; hypothesis; instrument; international; journal; learning; level; lovibond; mahasiswa; mental; moderate; negative; online; open; pada; pandemic; people; problems; prone; research; researchers; results; scale; score; self; severe; social; stress; stressors; students; study; symptoms; table; test; thesis; time; tingkat; undergraduate students; universitas; value; year students cache: ijrice-453.pdf plain text: ijrice-453.txt item: #57 of 111 id: ijrice-454 author: Angelica, Celine; Pristinella, Debri title: Significance of emotional work-home spillover and harsh parenting during the Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-12-31 words: 5715 flesch: 48 summary: The findings show no significant relationship between positive emotion and harsh parenting, as well as between negative emotion and harsh parenting. Keywords: emotional work-home spillover, harsh parenting, parents’ role How to Cite: Angelica, C., Pristinella, D. (2021). keywords: age; children; cognitive; conflict; correlation; counseling; covid-19; danner; data; domain; education; emotional work; emotions; factors; family; harsh; harsh parenting; high; home spillover; hypothesis; insignificant; insignificant relationship; international; journal; kluwer; learning; level; lippe; negative; negative emotional; pandemic; parenting; parents; positive; positive emotional; psychological; rank; relationship; research; researchers; respondents; results; school; spearman; steenbergen; study; tailed; test; use; value; variables; vlaardingerbroek; work cache: ijrice-454.pdf plain text: ijrice-454.txt item: #58 of 111 id: ijrice-455 author: Lestari, Sumi; Rahmawati, Intan; Faizah, Faizah; Risqi, Purnama Miftaqhul; Feraihan, Rania title: The analysis of mental health awareness constructs in college students during the Covid-19 pandemic based on Rasch Model application date: 2021-12-31 words: 4433 flesch: 55 summary: Meanwhile, Lack of mental health literacy have been identified as major obstacles for the promotion of mental health and early intervention during this pandemic era. Mental health literacy can be defined as knowledge and beliefs regarding mental disorders related to recognition, management, and prevention. keywords: abilities; aid; analysis; awareness; behavior; beliefs; college; counseling; covid-19; education; factor; health; health awareness; health literacy; health problems; help; importance; individuals; information; instrument; international; items; journal; knowledge; literacy; measuring; mental; mental health; mental problems; model; pandemic; participants; person; positive; prevention; problems; psychological; public; quality; rasch; related; research; results; self; skills; students; study cache: ijrice-455.pdf plain text: ijrice-455.txt item: #59 of 111 id: ijrice-456 author: Keet, Liew Erika Wye; Jen, Low Esther Mei; Lin, Ho Glory Lee; Ting, T'ng Soo; Ho, Khee Hoong title: Perceived risk, fear of Covid-19, and resilience on mental health of Malaysian emerging adults during the Covid-19 pandemic date: 2021-12-07 words: 8731 flesch: 53 summary: IJRiCE Perceived risk, fear of Covid-19, and resilience on mental health of Malaysian emerging adults during the Covid-19 pandemic Liew Erika Wye Keet1, Low Esther Mei Jen1, Ho Glory Lee Lin1, T'ng Soo Ting1*, Khee Hoong Ho1 1Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Faculty Arts and Social Science, Department of Psychology and Counselling, Kampar, Perak, Malaysia. Hence, this study looked to investigate the predictive effect of perceived risk, fear of COVID-19, and resilience on mental health among Malaysian emerging adults. keywords: access; adults; age; alpha; anxiety; behaviours; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; covid19; cronbach; cross; culture; current; data; depression; distress; education; effect; emotional; erika; esther; et al; factors; fear; finding; glory; health; high; higher; hoong; individuals; influence; international; international journal; items; jen; journal; keet; khee; knowledge; lee; level; liew; life; low; malaysian; medicine; mei; mental health; method; negative; non; open; pandemic; participants; past; people; predictors; present; probability; protective; psychiatry; psychological; psychology; public; rate; related; research; researchers; resilience; respondents; result; risk; role; sampling; scale; score; self; significant; social; soo; studies; study; times; ting; total; virus; wye; yildirim cache: ijrice-456.pdf plain text: ijrice-456.txt item: #60 of 111 id: ijrice-457 author: Suryaratri, Ratna Dyah; Zakiah, Ernita; Oktoriva, Amelia Syuhada title: The contribution of self-concept on adolescents’ mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia date: 2021-12-07 words: 6008 flesch: 55 summary: Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of self concept toward mental health of Indonesian Adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic . IJRiCE The contribution of self-concept on adolescents’mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia Ratna Dyah Suryaratri1, Ernita Zakiah1, Amelia Syuhada Oktoriva1 1Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia *Corresponding author, e-mail: Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic and the issue of mental health among adolescents is one of the important issues that need to be responded. keywords: access; adolescent mental; adolescents; amelia; analysis; anxiety; behavior; concept; concept mental; contribution; correlation; counseling; covid-19; dan; data; diri; dyah; education; emotional; environment; equation; ernita; factors; family; good; healthy; higher;; hypothesis; individuals; indonesia; influence; international; jakarta; journal; kesehatan; kesehatan mental; konsep; level; life; line; linearity; mean; mental health; negative; new; oktoriva; open; pandemic; participants; personal; physical; positive; psikologi; psychological; ratna; regression; relationship; research; respondents; results; sample; score; self; significant; social; students; studies; study; suryaratri; syuhada; table; terhadap; test; value; variables; zakiah cache: ijrice-457.pdf plain text: ijrice-457.txt item: #61 of 111 id: ijrice-458 author: Yustika, Yustika; Widyasari, Pratiwi title: Students’ self-compassion and academic resilience in pandemic era date: 2021-12-31 words: 7738 flesch: 49 summary: Relationship between self-compassion components and academic resilience components (N=277) Academic Resilience Academic Resilience Perseverance Reflecting and adaptive help- seeking Negative affect and emotional response rs Self-Compassion 0.54** 0.47** 0.35** 0.52** Self-Kindness 0.46** 0.45** 0.38** 0.33** Self- Judgment -0.34** 0.26** 0.15** 0.42** Common Humanity 0.34** 0.33** 0.33** 0.21** Isolation -0.33** 0.23** 0.16** 0.42** Mindfulness 0.41** 0.39** 0.35** 0.27** Over-identification 0.43** 0.34** 0.19** 0.51** Therefore, academic resilience is needed so that students can face existing academic problems. keywords: 12th; academic; academic resilience; adaptive; addition; affect; analysis; common; compassion; component; counseling; covid-19; data; difficulties; education; emotional; experience; face; factors; failure; female; gender; graders; help; high; higher; humanity; identification; individuals; international; isolation; items; journal; kindness; learning; level; lower; martin; mindfulness; neff; negative; pandemic; participants; personality; positive; problems; psychological; psychology; relationship; research; resilience; response; results; scale; school; school students; scores; self; selfcompassion; significant; social; stress; students; studies; study; suffering; understanding; variable; women cache: ijrice-458.pdf plain text: ijrice-458.txt item: #62 of 111 id: ijrice-459 author: Aini, Indani Durrotul; Widyasari, Pratiwi title: Correlational study on self-compassion and college adjustment among university freshmen during distance learning date: 2021-12-31 words: 7430 flesch: 44 summary: This conclusion is consistent with previous research, which showed that an increase in common humanity followed by a decrease in isolation was associated with emotion-focused coping self- efficacy in college students (Taylor et al., 2020). Understanding the association between negative life events and suicidal risk in college students: Examining self-compassion as a potential mediator. keywords: academic; access; adjustment; attachment; baker; college; college adjustment; college students; common; compassion; component; context; coping; correlational; counseling; covid-19; data; demands; dimensions; distance; distance learning; dvořáková; education; emotional; environment; experience; face; freshmen; greenberg; health; higher; humanity; indonesia; institutional; international; isolation; items; journal; judgment; learning; measuring; mental; mindfulness; neff; online; open; pandemic; participants; personal; positive; process; psychological; questionnaire; relationship; research; researchers; results; roeser; saya; scale; score; self; selfcompassion; significant; siryk; social; stress; students; study; university; year; year students cache: ijrice-459.pdf plain text: ijrice-459.txt item: #63 of 111 id: ijrice-466 author: Zaim, M; Refnaldi, Refnaldi; Zainil, Yetti; Ramadhani, Fiona title: PISA reading literacy assessment and senior high school reading literacy assessments: How do they differ? date: 2021-12-01 words: 4735 flesch: 45 summary: Differences between PISA reading literacy assessment and Senior high school reading literacy assessment will be the gap that must be filled to make the senior high school reading literacy assessment more qualified. The level of the question at PISA reading literacy assessment questions are remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. keywords: assessments; characteristics; choice; cognitive; content; continuous; differences; digital; education; environment; high; high school; information; international; journal; level; literacy; literacy assessment; literal; medium; mixed; multiple; oecd; open; personal; pisa; pisa reading; process; public; questions; reading; reading literacy; research; school; school reading; senior; senior high; situation; skills; students; study; teachers; test; text; thinking; types; understanding; zaim cache: ijrice-466.pdf plain text: ijrice-466.txt item: #64 of 111 id: ijrice-467 author: Rosalina, Linda; Marlina, Hastuti; Yuliana, Yuliana; Mentari, Tyas Asih; Renaldi, Reno title: Health education of Covid-19 vaccination program for tourism industry date: 2022-06-01 words: 2573 flesch: 54 summary: However, Nagari Harau's numerous constraints in providing services and information to the community about Covid-19 vaccination have run into a number of roadblocks and issues, including: Nagari Harau community must be aware that community access to Covid-19 immunization is quite high, both offline and online, making it impossible to avoid societal stigma and falsehoods. Print 2620-5750 – Online 2620-5769 DOI: Received November 21th, 2021; Revised March 14th, 2022; Accepted June 13th, 2022 85 IJRiCE Health education of Covid-19 vaccination program for tourism industry Linda Rosalina1*, Hastuti Marlina2, Reno Renaldi2, Tyas Asih Mentari1, Yuliana1 1Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia 2 STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru, Indonesia *Corresponding author, e-mail: keywords: activities; community; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 vaccination; data; education; government; harau; health; health education; implementation; indonesia; industry; information; international; journal; knowledge; malanca; nagari; news; number; pandemic; people; program; public; reports; research; sinovac; test; tourism; vaccination; vaccine; virus cache: ijrice-467.pdf plain text: ijrice-467.txt item: #65 of 111 id: ijrice-478 author: Muji, Anggarda Paramita; Ambiyar, Ambiyar; Aziz, Ishak; Hidayat, Hendra title: The implementation of Quizizz-based online evaluation in higher education: An exciting alternative for evaluation date: 2021-12-16 words: 5070 flesch: 43 summary: However, by evaluating learning through Quizizz students consider the quiz to be fun and can increase motivation to learn, because Quizizz also helps students concentrate on studying and relieves boredom (Zhao, 2019). The role of gamified e-quizzes on student learning and engagement: An interactive gamification solution for a formative assessment system. keywords: access; activities; addition; alternative; ambiyar; answers; application; assessment; click; correct; counseling; easy; education; educators; electronic; engineering; evaluation; features; form; fun; game; hidayat; higher; higher education; implementation; interactive; international; international journal; journal; learning; learning evaluation; lecturers; live; material; needs; number; online; online evaluation; online learning; open; pandemic; process; questions; quizizz; quizzes; research; results; revolution; science; setting; students; teaching; time; use cache: ijrice-478.pdf plain text: ijrice-478.txt item: #66 of 111 id: ijrice-480 author: Muji, Anggarda Paramita; Jamaris, Jamaris; Solfema, Solfema; Hidayat, Hendra title: Meta-Analysis of early childhood learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic using the prism method date: 2022-02-02 words: 4475 flesch: 45 summary: Journal of Obsession: Journal of Early Childhood Education, 5(1), 212. International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, Vol 6 No 1 2022 34 (Meta-Analysis of early childhood learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic using the Prism Method) Rachman, SA (2020). Journal of Color: Journal of Early Childhood Education and Learning, 6(2), 91–100. keywords: able; analysis; articles; childhood; childhood education; childhood learning; children; counseling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; development; distribution; early childhood; education; face; figure; hidayat; home; important; international; international journal; journal; learning; literature; media; meta; method; model; muji; online; online learning; pandemic; parents; period; prism; research; results; review; role; study; teachers cache: ijrice-480.pdf plain text: ijrice-480.txt item: #67 of 111 id: ijrice-488 author: Azelama, Beauty Avoedoya; Osumah, Obaze Agbonluae title: Relationship between academic staff withdrawal behaviours and administrative effectiveness of heads of department of universities date: 2022-03-23 words: 7076 flesch: 39 summary: The results of the study showed that: there was a strong, inverse and significant relationship between academic staff absenteeism and administrative effectiveness of the Heads of Department. Academic staff absenteeism has implication for the dependent variable, administrative effectiveness of the head of department. keywords: absenteeism; academic; academic staff; administration; administrative effectiveness; adopted; alpha; ambrose; behaviours; benin; city; coefficient; correlation; counseling; cronbach; data; department; edo; edo state; education; employees; functions; heads; hypotheses; institutions; instrument; international; inverse; items; journal; lateness; leadership; management; method; negative; nigeria; office; pearson; private; questionnaire; relationship; reliability; research; respondents; result; roles; sample; sampling; school; significant; significant relationship; staff; staff absenteeism; staff lateness; staff withdrawal; state; strong; students; studies; study; tardiness; teachers; technique; test; time; universities; university; variables; withdrawal; withdrawal behaviours; work cache: ijrice-488.pdf plain text: ijrice-488.txt item: #68 of 111 id: ijrice-49 author: Zulfikar, Zulfikar; Alfaiz, Alfaiz; Zaini, Ahmad; Suarja, Septya; Nofrita, Nofrita; Kardo, Rici title: Counseling as a science or educational practice in multicultural philosophy dimension (A synthesize and counselor perception about counseling profession) date: 2018-11-19 words: 5994 flesch: 46 summary: Philosophy and science are two interrelated words, both substantially and historically because the birth of science is inseparable from the role of philosophy. This does not mean that in interpreting the philosophy of science only combines the two meanings, because as a term, the philosophy of science has experienced the development of understanding and the experts have provided a varied understanding, but understanding of the meaning of philosophy and the meaning of science will be very helpful in understanding understanding and meaning of philosophy of science (Philosophy of science). keywords: able; activities; alfaiz; article; asean; century; certain; client; counseling; counseling profession; counseling science; counselor; culture; development; dimension; education; field; filsafat; formulation; foundation; group; guidance; help; human; international; journal; knowledge; life; meaning; multicultural; multicultural philosophy; nature; nofrita; paradigm; perception; perspective; philosophical; philosophy; practical; practice; problems; process; profession; psychology; questions; research; science; scientific; self; study; synthesize; thought; understanding; view; words cache: ijrice-49.pdf plain text: ijrice-49.txt item: #69 of 111 id: ijrice-495 author: Rakimahwati, Rakimahwati; Fitri, Ramadaniah title: The development of interactive educational games to improve character values in early childhood date: 2021-12-30 words: 6585 flesch: 48 summary: The series is carried out to obtain educational games to increase the values of early childhood character values that are appropriate and Rakimahwati, Ramadaniah Fitri 229 International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, Open Access Journal: useful for users. The development of educational games to improve character values in early children. keywords: activities; addition; aiken; anak; analysis; aspect; assessment; average; behavior; character education; character values; characters; childhood character; childhood education; children; class; coefficient; counseling; dan; data; design; developed; development; dini; early childhood; early children; educational; educational games; edukasi; effectiveness; experts; form; help; interesting; international; item; journal; kindergarten; koto; learning; material; media; pengembangan; practicality; process; product; rakimahwati; research; results; revisions; social; stage; tangah; teachers; test; trial; use; usia; validation; validity cache: ijrice-495.pdf plain text: ijrice-495.txt item: #70 of 111 id: ijrice-497 author: Ernawati, Ernawati title: Fashion design education students learning readiness; increase or decrease date: 2022-04-23 words: 3692 flesch: 45 summary: This research aims to establish the effect of pedagogy and learning interest toward fashion design education student learning readiness. The result from Table 4 above, there is a moderate effect for the significant paths of pedagogy toward fashion design education student learning readiness and a substantial effect for learning interest toward fashion design education student learning readiness. keywords: analysis; belajar; competence; condition; counseling; dan; data; design; design education; education; education student; effect; ernawati; factors; fashion; fashion design; good; higher; hypothesis; influence; interest; international; journal; learning; learning interest; learning process; learning readiness; lecturers; measurement; model; motivation; path; pedagogical; pedagogy; pendidikan; process; readiness; reliability; research; result; significant; structural; student learning; students; study; table; total; value cache: ijrice-497.pdf plain text: ijrice-497.txt item: #71 of 111 id: ijrice-498 author: Asiah, Nur; Rusmana, Nandang; Saripah, Ipah; Hamdan, Amirul Hazmi title: The development and validation of Indonesian Hope Scale (IHS): A Rasch model analysis date: 2022-06-10 words: 4394 flesch: 59 summary: IJRiCE The development and validation of Indonesian Hope Scale (IHS): A Rasch model analysis Nur Asiah1*, Nandang Rusmana1, Ipah Saripah1, Amirul Hazmi Hamdan1 1 Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia *Corresponding author, e-mail: Abstract Hope is one of the dimensions of character strength needed in individual personal development. The development and validation of Indonesian Hope Scale (IHS): A Rasch model analysis. keywords: alpha; analysis; category; concept; counseling; cronbach; development; education; gallagher; gender; goals; high; hope; hope scale; ihs; index; indonesian; indonesian hope; information; instrument; international; items; journal; logit; measure; measurement; measuring; model; participants; people; person; rasch; reliability; research; researchers; respondents; results; scale; score; separation; snyder; students; study; table; test; theory; thinking; validation; value; variance cache: ijrice-498.pdf plain text: ijrice-498.txt item: #72 of 111 id: ijrice-499 author: Mardianto, Mardianto; Mudhar, Mudhar; Ifdil, Ifdil; Ardi, Zadrian; Magistarina, Elrisfa title: Cyber aggression: Moderating effects of out group prejudice on the relation between threat perceptions date: 2022-08-28 words: 5785 flesch: 44 summary: IJRiCE Cyber aggression: Moderating effects of out group prejudice on the relation between threat perceptions Mardianto 1, Mudhar 2, Ifdil1, Zadrian Ardi1, Elrisfa Magistarina1 1 CyberPsychology Research and Intervention Center, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia 2 Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia. Cyber aggression: Moderating effects of out group prejudice on the relation between threat perceptions. keywords: adolescent; adolescent cyber; aggression; aggression behavior; alpha; analysis; ave; behavior; coefficient; contribution; counseling; cyber; cyber aggression; cyberaggression; discrimination; education; effect; emotions; equation; existence; exogenous; exposure; factor; feasible; form; group; hate; higher; hypothesis; indirect; individuals; information; international; journal; level; mardianto; media; model; negative; online; people; perception; prejudice; relation; reliability; research; respondents; responses; results; significant; social; speech; students; study; symbolic; table; teenagers; test; threat; threat perception; valid; validity; value; variables cache: ijrice-499.pdf plain text: ijrice-499.txt item: #73 of 111 id: ijrice-5 author: Sholihah, Annisa Ush; Dj., Latisma; Efendi, Jon title: Development of Stoichiometry Module Based on Problem Solving for 10th Grade of High School Students date: 2018-03-29 words: 6591 flesch: 47 summary: The average result of student activity learning activity get the percentage of student activeness when using problem solving based learning module is 88,31%, which means that effectiveness of using problem solving module based on problem solving that is with very effective category. Based on the calculation, got the percentage of student activity when using problem solving based learning module is 88,31%, which means that student learning activity when using problem solving learning module that is with category very effective. keywords: activity; analysis; assessment; average; category; chemical; chemistry; concept; counseling; data; developed; development; education; effectiveness; grade; high; high school; international; journal; kappa; learning; learning module; materials; model; module; practicality; problem; problem solving; process; product; questionnaire; questions; research; response; results; school; solving; stage; stoichiometry; stoichiometry module; students; study; teachers; teaching; test; understanding; validation; validity; value cache: ijrice-5.pdf plain text: ijrice-5.txt item: #74 of 111 id: ijrice-500 author: Alkasirah, Nurul Azni Mhd; Sanmugam, Mageswaran; Mohamad, Mariam; Razi, Nur Aadila Ahmad; Sharuddin, Noor Husna title: The use of digital video in mobile application for the Arabic Language: A preliminary study date: 2022-11-23 words: 9275 flesch: 55 summary: The study by Awatif et al., (2016) also showed that the mastery of Arabic language students is still at a weak level in Arabic proficiency. Effective educational videos: Principles and guidelines for maximizing student learning from video content. keywords: able; access; ahmad; alkasirah; application; apps; arabic; arabic language; arabic learning; arabic vocabulary; children; classroom; content; counseling; design; development; digital; education; effective; english; et al; findings; foreign; google; group;; important; information; interesting; international; international journal; interview; islamic; journal; kamal; knowledge; language; language learning; learners; learning; listening; m. a.; malaysia; mastering; material; meet; method; mhd; mobile; mobile application; mohamad; mohd; new; nurul; online; open; participants; practice; preliminary; process; research; researchers; school; sciences; secondary; skills; social; speaking; students; studies; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; techniques; technology; time; tool; understanding; use; video; vocabulary; vol; way; words; writing; yusof cache: ijrice-500.pdf plain text: ijrice-500.txt item: #75 of 111 id: ijrice-501 author: Victor-Aigbodion, Vera title: Survey of occupational stress among urban school librarians in Nigeria date: 2022-04-18 words: 4073 flesch: 52 summary: Print 2620-5750 – Online 2620-5769 DOI: Received April 1st, 2022; Revised April 28th, 2022; Accepted May 2nd, 2022 52 IJRiCE Survey of occupational stress among urban school librarians in Nigeria Vera Victor-Aigbodion1 1University of Johannesburg, South Africa *Corresponding author, e-mail: Abstract Occupational stress is becoming increasingly common in all categories of workers. Due to the overwhelming demands of library customers, librarians are likely to suffer occupational stress as well. keywords: analysis; bachelor; counseling; degree; difference; education; female; gender; health; international; journal; level; librarians; marital; married; master; mean; mixed; nigeria; occupational; occupational stress; oss; research; results; school; school librarians; secondary; secondary school; separated; sex; significant; single; single sex; status; stress; stress level; study; table; test; total; type; urban; urban school; urban secondary; work cache: ijrice-501.pdf plain text: ijrice-501.txt item: #76 of 111 id: ijrice-508 author: Georgoulas-Sherry, Vasiliki title: The impact of expressive flexibility and self-control on moral competence following exposure to simulated combat-like environments in 18-22-year-old U.S. Military Recruits date: 2022-04-12 words: 5830 flesch: 39 summary: The impact on moral competence following exposure to combat-like environments can be found in soldier narratives, however, limited scientific research investigates such effects. Moreover, the influence of one’s expressive flexibility and self-control on moral competence following combat-like environments is unknown. keywords: adverse; aldao; baarle; behavior; bonanno; capacity; chen; combat; competence; conflicts; constructs; contexts; control; counseling; critical; dilemmas; doi; education; effects; emotion; emotional; environments; et al; exposure; expressive; expressive flexibility; findings; flexibility; health; high; immersive; immersiveness; impact; individuals; international; journal; kim; like; like environments; mental; military; moral; moral competence; non; participants; positive; psychological; research; results; scale; self; simulated; simulation; study; table; technologies; training; van; work cache: ijrice-508.pdf plain text: ijrice-508.txt item: #77 of 111 id: ijrice-51 author: Alizamar, Alizamar; Syahputra, Yuda; Afdal, Afdal; Ardi, Zadrian; Trizeta, Leviana title: Differences in aggressive behavior of male and female students using Rasch stacking date: 2018-11-22 words: 6187 flesch: 50 summary: Whereas female, displaying aggressive behavior indirectly in the form of verbal (spreading gossip or isolating friends), this is clarified in Figure 4 which shows the tendency of female to conduct verbal aggressive behavior than male. Microsoft Word - 58-151-1-ED - Template IJRiCE BARU.docx International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education IJRiCE Differences in aggressive behavior of male and female students using Rasch stacking Alizamar1*, Yuda Syahputra1, Afdal 1Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia *Corresponding author, e-mail: alizamar Abstract Aggressive behavior that occurs among students nowadays indicates a decrease in the quality of education. keywords: adolescence; afdal; affective; aggressive; aggressive behavior; alizamar; analysis; anger; arifin; behavior; berkowitz; children; cognitive; counseling; development; differences; education; female; female students; figure; form; gender; high; international; item; journal; junior; koeswara; learning; lll; mean; men; model; open; people; person; physical; proactive; psychology; rasch; raw; reactive; reliability; research; results; sample; school; self; services; sig; social; stacking; students; studies; study; subvariable; syahputra; table; test; total; use; value; variance; verbal; violence; west; | | cache: ijrice-51.pdf plain text: ijrice-51.txt item: #78 of 111 id: ijrice-513 author: Hamdan, Amirul Hazmi; Supriatna, Mamat; Yudha, Eka Sakti title: Developing the Adolescent Career Success Instrument (ACSI): A Rasch Model analysis date: 2022-06-20 words: 4512 flesch: 60 summary: First, based on the theory, the development of concepts and indicators of career success, 60 positive items of career success instruments were produced with the Guttman scale of yes and no answer choices. Analysis of empirical test data on career success instruments using Rasch modeling with WINSTEP program version 3.73 application. keywords: acsi; adolescent; adolescent career; alpha; analysis; career; career success; category; counseling; criteria; cronbach; education; empirical; good; high; instrument; international; item; journal; mean; measure; mnsq; model; outfit; person; psychology; rasch; raw; reliability; research; respondents; results; scale; school; score; separation; statement; students; study; success; success instrument; supriatna; table; test; validity; value; variance; widhiarso; work; zstd cache: ijrice-513.pdf plain text: ijrice-513.txt item: #79 of 111 id: ijrice-514 author: Eseadi, Chiedu title: An online counseling intervention for Nigerian undergraduates with academic burnout date: 2022-05-25 words: 6702 flesch: 47 summary: Clients’ anonymity, zero transportation costs for participants and instructors, convenience and accessibility across physical locations, and disability are all advantages of online counseling interventions over face-to-face interventions (American Counseling Association, 2014; Andersson & Titov, 2014). It is noteworthy that despite the fact that evidence about the effectiveness of online counseling intervention is growing, Dowling and Rickwood (2013) observed that the quality of the existing studies on this subject remains low. keywords: .001; academic burnout; american; analysis; association; burnout; burnout inventory; burnout scores; clients; control; control group; counseling; counseling intervention; counselors; data; depression; differences; education; effect; eseadi; et al; experimental; experimental group; face; follow; group; health; hoc; holm; international; internet; intervention; inventory; journal; mean; medical; nigerian; olbi; online; online counseling; p<.001; participants; posttest; pretest; psychological; research; result; review; school; school burnout; scores; sd=; significant; standard; students; study; systematic; table; therapy; time; undergraduate; undergraduate students; university cache: ijrice-514.pdf plain text: ijrice-514.txt item: #80 of 111 id: ijrice-520 author: Muji, Anggarda Paramita; Falma, Fris Okta; Rusdinal, Rusdinal; Ananda, Azwar; Gistituati, Nurhizrah; Hidayat, Hendra title: Comparison of the impact of the learning system during the COVID-19 Pandemic in several countries and Indonesia date: 2022-06-13 words: 6927 flesch: 43 summary: International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, 6(2). The results identified using the keyword Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education system in several countries and Indonesia International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, Vol 6 No 2 2022 124 (Comparison of the impact of the learning system during the COVID-19 Pandemic in…) which resulted in a Google Scholar search: 9 international journals and 43 national journals. keywords: 2020; access; activities; analysis; anggarda; articles; childhood; children; comparison; conditions; corona; counseling; countries; covid-19 pandemic; covid-19 virus; culture; descriptive; development; distance; distance learning; distribution; doi; early; education; educators; elementary; engineering; face; falma; figure; fris; ganefri; google; health; hidayat; home;; impact; implementation; indonesia; information; international; international journal; islamic; journal; learning; learning activities; learning learning; learning process; learning system; literature; media; meta; method; muji; number; okta; online; online learning; open; paramita; parents; period; policy; problems; process; qualitative; research; results; review; scholar; school; scientific; social; spread; students; study; systematic; teachers; teaching; technology; use; virus; vol; world cache: ijrice-520.pdf plain text: ijrice-520.txt item: #81 of 111 id: ijrice-522 author: Moses Edeh title: ijrice-522 date: 2022-05-26 words: 56 flesch: 10 summary: Sociodemographic predictors of occupational stress and workplace psychosocial hazards in a sample of Nigerian teachers: Implication for career counsellors Moses Onyemaechi Ede1 and Chinedu Ifedi Okeke1 1Department of Educational Foundations, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa Correspondence: Moses Onyemaechi Ede, Department of Educational Foundations, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. Email: or keywords: free; state cache: ijrice-522.docx plain text: ijrice-522.txt item: #82 of 111 id: ijrice-54 author: Kurniawan, Budi; Neviyarni, Neviyarni; Solfema, Solfema title: The relationship between self-esteem and resilience of adolescents who living in orphanages date: 2018-04-20 words: 4965 flesch: 48 summary: The relationship between self -esteem and resilience of adolescents who living in orphanages , Neviyarni S1, Solfema1 Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia mail: Resilience is an important aspect for the psychososial development of adolescents who living in esteem is suspected to affect resilience of adolescents who living in The purpose of this research is: (1) describes self-esteem and resilience adolescents who living in orphanages, and to know (2) the relationship between self-esteem and resilience of adolescents who living in orphanages. esteem and resilience adolescents who living in esteem and resilience of adolescents who elational method. keywords: able; addition; adolescents; adversity; analysis; category; changes; children; counseling; data; development; education; esteem; esteem adolescents; experience; face; help; high; individuals; international; irshad; journal; life; lives; living; majority; need; negative; neviyarni; orphanages; orphans; parents; positive; problems; relationship; research; resilience; resilience adolescents; results; scale; self; separation; social; stage; stress; study; test; value cache: ijrice-54.pdf plain text: ijrice-54.txt item: #83 of 111 id: ijrice-545 author: Ugwuanyi, Samson; Ugwuanyi, Christian S. title: The effect of marital status and qualifications on the dangers of psychological work of plant science and science education lecturers date: 2022-07-15 words: 3809 flesch: 50 summary: In Nigeria, psychosocial work hazards are frequent, but no research has been done to see how lecturers' demographics affect their psychosocial work hazards. As a result, it was recommended that university authorities be equitable in their handling of psychosocial work hazards of lectures, taking into account their marital status and qualification. keywords: age; analysis; counseling; dangers; data; education; et al; experience; factors; gender; hazards; health; influence; international; job; journal; lecturers; marital; marital status; mean; psychological; psychosocial; psychosocial work; public; qualification; research; researchers; result; risk; science; significant; status; stress; study; table; teachers; ugwuanyi; university; work; work hazards; workers; workplace cache: ijrice-545.pdf plain text: ijrice-545.txt item: #84 of 111 id: ijrice-546 author: Suranata, Kadek; Ifdil, Ifdil; Bolo Rangka, Itsar; Abu Bakar, Abu Yazid; Subramaniam, Tamil Selvan title: Strength-based counseling as self-help method to overcome Nomophobia and FoMo among students date: 2022-08-03 words: 5219 flesch: 51 summary: Recent findings show online psychoeducation and counseling methods have been widely used and have shown good effectiveness (Ifdil et al., 2020; Suranata et al., 2020; Suranata & Prakoso, 2020). Study by Maysitoh et al., (2020) which examined the prevalence of FoMo in Indonesian students reported that as many as 23.46% of respondents experienced a fairly high FoMo tendency. keywords: abu; access; adolescents; anxiety; control; counseling; covid-19; data; disorders; education; effect; effective; et al; experimental; fear; fomo; gains; group; guidance; health; help; high; ifdil; indonesian; international; intervention; journal; learning; list; lms; media; mental; method; model; module; nomophobia; online; pandemic; paper; participants; post; procedure; psychological; rangka; research; resilience; results; sbc; school; score; self; services; significant; social; strength; students; study; suranata; test; use; waiting cache: ijrice-546.pdf plain text: ijrice-546.txt item: #85 of 111 id: ijrice-556 author: Hafni, Merri; Sianturi, Bona title: Investigating Fear of Missing Out: A comparative study of gender, employment status, and social media accounts date: 2022-08-17 words: 4065 flesch: 58 summary: This is of course related to the number of social media accounts and free time (respondents who do not work or students have a lot of free time) to access the internet, because smart phones cannot work optimally when there is no internet access. Investigating Fear of Missing Out: A comparative study of gender, employment status, and social media accounts. keywords: access; accounts; addiction; anxiety; comparative; condition; counseling; data; education; employment; et al; fear; female; figure; fomo; gender; hours; instrument; international; internet; job; journal; media; media accounts; number; phones; przybylski; research; respondents; results; significant; smart; social; social media; status; students; study; table; test; time; use; value; work cache: ijrice-556.pdf plain text: ijrice-556.txt item: #86 of 111 id: ijrice-558 author: Afiati, Evi; Faturohman, Nandang; Saripudin, Mohamad title: The development of Adolescent Career Resilience Scale (ACRS): A Rasch model analysis date: 2022-07-30 words: 5180 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Career resilience, Career resilience instruments, Career development, Rasch model How to Cite: Afiati, E., Faturohman, N., & Saripudin, M. (2022). Individuals who have high career resilience have a more significant opportunity to achieve their career goals because with career resilience, individuals will be able to face difficulties and be able to adapt to changes and also arise from career adversity so that individuals have high career resilience (Hirschi, 2012; Lengelle et al., 2017; London & Mone, 1987; Mishra & McDonald, 2017). keywords: acrs; adaptability; adolescent; adolescent career; analysis; career; career development; career resilience; category; corr; counseling; development; difficulty; education; employability; good; groups; guidance; high; ideas; indicators; individuals; instrument; international; items; journal; logit; london; measure; mnsq; model; need; new; outfit; people; rasch; raw; reliability; research; resilience; resilience scale; respondents; results; risks; saripudin; scale; school; students; study; table; test; value; variance; work cache: ijrice-558.pdf plain text: ijrice-558.txt item: #87 of 111 id: ijrice-56 author: Zulmiyetri, Zulmiyetri; Kasiyati, Kasiyati; Kusumastuti, Grahita title: Improving Reading Fluency Through Videoscribe For Student with Learning Disability date: 2019-01-21 words: 4109 flesch: 55 summary: Data showed that the duration of speed reading fluency reduced from the first day until the sixth day. If children in school age has low level in reading ability, then they class. keywords: ability; able; analysis; baseline; children; condition; counseling; data; difficulties; difficulty; disabilities; disability; duration; education; fluency; international; intervention; journal; learning; minutes; reading; research; results; session; speed; students; study; subject; tendency; text; videoscribe; word cache: ijrice-56.pdf plain text: ijrice-56.txt item: #88 of 111 id: ijrice-564 author: Eseadi, Chiedu title: Influence of career mentoring on career orientation and career engagement of rural secondary school librarians date: 2022-09-04 words: 4484 flesch: 40 summary: IJRiCE Influence of career mentoring on career orientation and career engagement of rural secondary school librarians Chiedu Eseadi1 1Department of Educational Psychology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa *Corresponding author, e-mail: Abstract As a career development tool, career mentoring is an important way to gain new skills, knowledge, competence, and other resources from an experienced colleague who is in the same profession. A positive relationship was observed between career mentoring experience and career orientation and engagement as well as job skills among librarians. keywords: .05; career; career engagement; career mentoring; career orientation; character; counseling; data; development; educational; engagement; experience; games; gender; influence; information; international; items; job; journal; librarians; library; mentoring; mentorship; nigeria; personal; phase; professional; program; relationship; research; retrieved; rural; scale; schaufeli; school; school librarians; secondary; significant; skills; staff; status; studies; study; time; tool; type; university; values; work; years cache: ijrice-564.pdf plain text: ijrice-564.txt item: #89 of 111 id: ijrice-568 author: Pandang, Abdullah; Rivai, Mantasiah; Umar, Nur Fadhilah; Arifyadi, Azzam title: The need analysis for developing peer mentors as peer counseling program among Gen Z date: 2022-12-06 words: 7961 flesch: 48 summary: A taxonomy of the characteristics of student peer mentors in higher education: Findings from a literature review. The factor causing students' lack of student communication skills is their parents 2.314 0.646 High The factor that causes students to lack student communication skills is social media 3.017 0.730 keywords: addition; analysis; aspects; assessment; average; behavior; category; communication; communication skills; counseling; data; development; easier; education; et al; friends; gen z; general; generation; help; high; high students; international; interpersonal; journal; language; learning; lecturers; low; mantasiah; media; mentoring; mentors; model; need; pandang; patterns; peer; peer counseling; peer mentors; people; personality; phubbing; polite; polite behavior; politeness; positive; positive communication; potential; practice; problems; program; research; results; right; sample; skills; social; students; study; sulawesi; table; theory; umar; understanding; work cache: ijrice-568.pdf plain text: ijrice-568.txt item: #90 of 111 id: ijrice-58 author: Hastiani, Hastiani; Hariko, Rezki title: Identification of saprahan values as formers of gifted students empathy in high school students in pontianak date: 2018-11-20 words: 5664 flesch: 38 summary: The tendency of gifted students who spend their time in class during break time, doing assignments and playing with other gifted students, and comfortably playing only with gifted groups of students will certainly International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, Vol 3 Gifted students are expected to show openness which is characterized by having the ability to get along, can accept differences with regular or being openness students to individuals who are not considered gifted students. keywords: abilities; ability; able; accordance; article; aspects; caring; characteristics; children; class; conditions; counseling; cultural; culture; development; different; education; emotional; empathy; environment; formers; friends; gifted; gifted students; guidance; help; high; implementation; indigenous; individuals; indonesia; intellectual; intelligence; international; journal; law; learning; life; local; malay; openness; people; personal; pontianak; potential; process; programs; related; research; saprahan; school; self; sense; services; skills; social; society; special; special education; students; students empathy; time; togetherness; values; wider; wisdom cache: ijrice-58.pdf plain text: ijrice-58.txt item: #91 of 111 id: ijrice-583 author: Purna, Rozi Sastra; Sari, Liliyana; Angraini, Fitri; Armalita, Rani; Oktari, Siska title: Achievement goal orientation and cohesivity reduce social loafing tendency among undergraduate students date: 2022-12-27 words: 6537 flesch: 46 summary: Students who have higher achievement goal orientation were less likely to perform social loafing. The current study aims to examine the influence of achievement goal orientation and cohesivity on social loafing among undergraduate students. keywords: achievement; achievement goal; addition; analysis; approach; assignments; avoidance; better; coefficient; cohesion; cohesivity; correlation; counseling; education; fit; goal; goal orientation; good; group; high; higher; hypothesis; individual; influence; international; journal; learning; loafing; mastery; members; model; modeling; motivation; negative; orientation; participants; path; performance; positive; psikologi; psychology; relationship; research; results; scale; significant; social; social loafing; structural; students; studies; study; table; task; tendency; type; undergraduate; university; value; variables cache: ijrice-583.pdf plain text: ijrice-583.txt item: #92 of 111 id: ijrice-584 author: Kedinga, Marvin Ebot; Ugwuanyi, Christian Sunday title: Impacts of gender and location on the psychological wellbeing of Agricultural Science and Education Academic Staff date: 2022-11-29 words: 3523 flesch: 44 summary: According to studies, workers live healthier and longer lives are those with a higher level of psychological wellbeing (Kubzansky et al., 2018). Emotional control and psychological wellbeing of British and Iranian teachers were found to be significant predictors of work engagement, with psychological wellbeing appearing to be a superior predictor of work engagement (Greenier et al., 2021). keywords: academic; academic staff; agricultural; analysis; counseling; data; education; emotional; et al; female; gender; health; impact; international; job; journal; location; mean; mental; occupational; okeke; positive; psychological; psychological wellbeing; psychology; psychosocial; research; researchers; science; significant; staff; stress; studies; study; teachers; test; ugwuanyi; university; wellbeing; work; workers; working cache: ijrice-584.pdf plain text: ijrice-584.txt item: #93 of 111 id: ijrice-585 author: Sulu, Eirene Ericha; Purba, Debora Eflina title: The role of grit on entrepreneurial commitment to young entrepreneurs with social support as a moderating variable date: 2022-12-30 words: 5258 flesch: 45 summary: Starting from family history and how families can encourage or support entrepreneurial businesses. Data were collected through an online survey of young entrepreneurs (N = 72), defined as entrepreneurs under 30 years old who established their businesses in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) regions and elsewhere. keywords: age; analysis; business; coefficient; commitment; correlation; counseling; dan; data; duckworth; education; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial commitment; entrepreneurship; factors; failure; family; friends; goals; grit; growth; high; hypothesis; individual; indonesia; influence; interest; internal; international; journal; level; marketing; moderation; number; pada; participants; perseverance; process; psikologi; purba; relationship; reliability; research; researchers; results; role; scale; significant; social; social support; study; subject; success; support; test; time; variable; years; young; young entrepreneurs cache: ijrice-585.pdf plain text: ijrice-585.txt item: #94 of 111 id: ijrice-586 author: Halvireski, Arif; Salendu, Alice title: The role of environmental career resources as a mediator on the influence of optimism and self-esteem on subjective career success of millennial employees date: 2022-12-30 words: 5603 flesch: 42 summary: However, environmental career resources only significant as a mediator in the effect of optimism on subjective career success. The role of environmental career resources as a mediator on the influence of optimism and self-esteem on subjective career success of millennial employees. keywords: analysis; behavior; career; career resources; career success; correlation; counseling; data; development; ecr; education; effect; employees; environmental; environmental career; esteem; form; generation; haenggli; high; hirschi; individuals; influence; internal; international; job; journal; level; life; management; mediator; millennial; millennial employees; model; new; optimism; optimistic; organizational; orth; positive; psychological; psychology; research; resources; respondents; role; satisfaction; self; significant; size; social; spurk; study; subjective career; support; table; variables; work; years cache: ijrice-586.pdf plain text: ijrice-586.txt item: #95 of 111 id: ijrice-6 author: Gustina, Ermila; Hendayana, Sumar; Supriatna, Asep title: Sharing and Jumping Based Didactical Design In Collaborative Learning on the topic of Covalent Bonding date: 2018-05-17 words: 4562 flesch: 42 summary: Vikstrom, A, et al (2013) can identify important aspects in teaching chemistry that is using varied learning, which can significantly improve student learning. Interviews with teachers were conducted to obtain student learning obstacle on the topic covalent bonding. keywords: ability; analysis; anticipation; bonding; class; collaboration; collaborative learning; covalent; design; development; didactical; didactical design; education; high; implementation; international; journal; jumping; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; material; process; research; responses; sato; school; shared; sharing; situation; skills; students; tasks; teacher; topic cache: ijrice-6.pdf plain text: ijrice-6.txt item: #96 of 111 id: ijrice-611 author: Anonymous title: ijrice-611 date: 2023-05-12 words: 151 flesch: 24 summary: Reviewer suggestions: Ahmet Altinok, Ph.D Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Habibe Bilgil, Ph.D Department of Counselling Psychology, Kilis 7 Aralik University, Turkey; Address correspondence to: Hatice Yetiş, MSc Department of Psychology, Istanbul Aydin University, Inonu Street, No: 38, Kucukcekmece/Istanbul, Turkey Email: Telephone: + 97466344390 Thank you for your concern. In this paper, we tested the mediating role of defence mechanisms and relationship satisfaction in the relationship between object relations and the infidelity tendency. keywords: department; psychology; relationship; university cache: ijrice-611.docx plain text: ijrice-611.txt item: #97 of 111 id: ijrice-612 author: Indreswari, Henny; Apriani, Rizka; Utami, Nugraheni Warih; Atmoko, Adi; Pamintarso, Kheren Carollina title: Enhancing ideal personal qualities of counselor candidates: Empowering through digital module and peer modelling date: 2022-12-31 words: 4609 flesch: 43 summary: Enhancing ideal personal qualities of counselor candidates: Empowering through digital module and peer modelling. Empowering through digital module and peer modelling Henny Indreswari1, Rizka Apriani1*, Nugraheni Warih Utami1, Adi Atmoko1, Kheren Carollina Pamintarso1 1Universitas Negeri Malang. keywords: accuracy; addie; akbar; analysis; appropriate; aspect; attractiveness; berbasis; bimbingan; candidates; characteristics; counselees; counseling; counselor; course; covid-19; criteria; dalam; dan; design; development; digital; digital module; doi; ease; easy; education; effectiveness; evaluation; experts; form; guidance; health; ideal; indonesia; instructional; international; internet; jurnal; konselor; kurniawan; learning; mahasiswa; material; media; modelling; module; needs; pada; pandemic; peer; peer modelling; pembelajaran; pendidikan; personality; personality development; potential; practicum; prospective; qualities; quality; research; results; score; sebaya; singh; siswa; skills; social; stage; students; study; subjects; table; technology; test; total; understanding; untuk; use; usefulness; users; validation; validity; videos; vol cache: ijrice-612.pdf plain text: ijrice-612.txt item: #98 of 111 id: ijrice-64 author: Misdeni, Misdeni; Syahniar, Syahniar; Marjohan, Marjohan title: The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach Using a Group Setting to Overcome Anxiety of Students Facing Examinations date: 2019-03-01 words: 5387 flesch: 50 summary: 2. Descriptions of anxiety students face examinations in SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Alung after treatment (post-test) Furthermore, the process of implementing the group REBT activities revealed various causes of students having anxiety facing exams. keywords: activities; analysis; anxiety; anxious; approach; average; behaviour; cognitive; counselling; data; education; effectiveness; emotive; exam; examinations; experimental; factors; fear; feeling; form; group; high; individual; international; journal; learning; low; moderate; negeri; post; pretest; rational; rational emotive; rebt; rebt approach; research; results; school; scores; self; setting; state; students; study; test; therapy; therapy approach; treatment; value; wilcoxon cache: ijrice-64.pdf plain text: ijrice-64.txt item: #99 of 111 id: ijrice-69 author: Ningsih, Septia; Marjohan, Marjohan; Nirwana, Herman title: Contribution of the Implementation of High-Touch Teachers and the Academic Self Concept of Student Learning Motivation In Mathematics Subject date: 2018-12-20 words: 6195 flesch: 48 summary: The instruments used were questionnaires for th concept, and student learning motivation in mathematics subjects using a model Similarly, teacher relationship can lead to a decrease in student learning motivation, if, not well handled. keywords: 0,05; academic; academic self; achievement; activities; analysis; application; authority; belajar; category; concept; contribution; counseling; dan; data; education; factors; frequency; goals; good; high; high category; high touch; implementation; international; journal; learning; learning motivation; line; low; man; mathematics; mathematics subjects; mathematics teachers; motivation; overall; pekanbaru; percentage; positive; process; regression; research; results; self; self concept; significance; siswa; student learning; student motivation; students; study; subjects; teachers; test; total; touch; touch teachers; value; variable; vol cache: ijrice-69.pdf plain text: ijrice-69.txt item: #100 of 111 id: ijrice-7 author: Octaviyana, Indah; Firman, Firman; Daharnis, Daharnis title: The Contribution of Social Conflict with Peers toward Self-Confidence date: 2018-03-29 words: 3711 flesch: 54 summary: Social conflicts with peers that are in the low category would still need to reduce and eliminate social conflicts that occur in schools, given the ever-expanding social relationships by adolescents, the more teens are dealing with the patterns are different, their individual differences, perspectives , behavior, interests, and so forth can cause conflicts with peers (Pohan, 2015; Wartini, S., 2016; Santosa, E., & Budiati, L., 2014; Royani, A., 2016). That is, if social conflicts with peers who experienced high student, the student's confidence will be low, or vice versa when social conflicts with peers experienced by students is low, then the student's confidence will be higher. keywords: ability; activities; analysis; category; confidence; conflicts; contribution; counseling; daharnis; dalam; dan; data; diri; dissertation; doctoral; education; firman; friends; groups; high; indicator; international; journal; konflik; life; low; means; negeri; number; objectives; pada; padang; peers; percentage; research; results; school; self; self confidence; siswa; social; social conflicts; students; teenagers; test; universitas cache: ijrice-7.pdf plain text: ijrice-7.txt item: #101 of 111 id: ijrice-70 author: Hidayat, Ade; Kartadinata, Sunaryo; Supriatna, Mamat; Ramanda, Peni title: Rampes: counselor characteristics in Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian manuscript date: 2018-11-26 words: 6064 flesch: 51 summary: Thus, the study examining the personal qualities of the counselor in Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian SSK as one of local wisdom gains its significance and relevance for the future development of guidance and counseling scholarship. The study of personal characteristics of a counselor in Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian SSK conforms to the local values (locas genius). keywords: activities; approach; aspect; attitudes; awareness; batara; capacity; capital; certain; characteristics; codex; competence; counselees; counseling; counselor; cultural; dalam; danasasmita; data; development; education; god; good; guidance; hermeneutics; hidayat; human; important; individuals; indonesia; intellectual; international; interpretation; janma; journal; karesian; kartadinata; knowledge; kropak; life; local; manuscript; meaning; method; mutual; ning; niskala; order; original; pangimbuh; pendidikan; personal; process; professional; qualities; quality; rampes; relationship; religion; religious; research; results; sanghyang; sanghyang siksakandang; seda; siksakandang; siwong; skills; society; ssk; ssk manuscript; students; studies; study; success; sunda; sundanese; system; table; text; translation; twah; understanding; values; wastu; wisdom; work cache: ijrice-70.pdf plain text: ijrice-70.txt item: #102 of 111 id: ijrice-72 author: Milfayetty, Sri title: Multidimentional model in counseling to improve students’ self confidence date: 2018-11-26 words: 6809 flesch: 45 summary: The purpose of this study was to innovate the qua through multidimentional model in improving students self confidence. The model was developed based on students self confidence. keywords: able; accordance; activities; aspect; awareness; beliefs; better; category; characteristics; client; confidence; consciousness; counseling; counselor; data; development; directive; education; effective; emotional; experience; family; help; high; image; individual; international; involvement; journal; level; low; manuscript; metaphor; model; multidimentional; multidimentional model; need; new; non; open; person; physical; play; playing; positive; posttest; pretest; process; realistic; relational; relationships; research; response; results; self; self confidence; session; ssk; students; study; subjects; therapy; unconscious cache: ijrice-72.pdf plain text: ijrice-72.txt item: #103 of 111 id: ijrice-74 author: Hadiwinarto, Hadiwinarto; Nirwana, Herman title: Analysis of the needs of problem children towards the quality of life that is moral and characterized date: 2019-01-21 words: 6890 flesch: 50 summary: Microsoft Word - HN - Template IJRiCE BARU.docx IJRICE Analysis of the needs of problem children towards the quality of life that is moral and characterized Hadiwinarto1*, Herman Nirwana 1Universitas Bengkulu, 2Universitas Negeri Padang *Corresponding author, e-mail: Abstract This study aims to describe problem children, with a sample of 52 child convicts. keywords: able; adolescents; age; analysis; approaches; basic; behavior; bengkulu; case; character; character education; characterized; children; community; conditions; convicts; counseling; criminal; cultural; culture; data; day; decline; development; education; emotions; environment; esteem; facilities; families; family; fathers; future; good; government; high; human; information; international; journal; law; lead; level; life; low; model; moral; mother; murder; needs; negative; parents; pendidikan; policy; problem; problem children; problematic; psychological; quality; rape; remaja; research; results; rights; role; school; self; services; sexual; social; social needs; society; students; study; support; techniques; theft; thinking; time; types; values; work; years cache: ijrice-74.pdf plain text: ijrice-74.txt item: #104 of 111 id: ijrice-75 author: Juniyarti, Metha Eka; Prayitno, Prayitno; Marjohan, Marjohan title: Content Mastery Service : A Help In Related Consulting Problems Student Learning Activities date: 2018-12-11 words: 2729 flesch: 46 summary: The results of the study show the discussion on the important role of Content Mastery Service on the quality of student learning activities in schools. services can be use by counselor to strengthen student learning activities to achieve the optimal learning outcomes. keywords: activities; activity; assistance; components; consulting; content; content mastery; counseling; counselors; education; environment; help; international; journal; learning; learning activities; life; mastery; mastery service; outcomes; prayitno; problems; process; quality; related; research; role; school; service; student; student learning; use; world cache: ijrice-75.pdf plain text: ijrice-75.txt item: #105 of 111 id: ijrice-77 author: Fikriyanda, Fikriyanda; Daharnis, Daharnis; Yuca, Verlanda title: The Profile of Students Activities; Before, During and After Learning date: 2018-12-26 words: 4001 flesch: 51 summary: The results expected to be a reference and effort from various parties to cope with low learning outcomes by not only focusing on the upgrading of teachers; development of media, materials, and learning strategies; improvement of facilities; development of evaluation tools and strategies; and disciplinary enforcement but also to student learning activities are at the core of the broader education (“Gambaran Kegiatan Belajar Siswa Sumatera Barat,” 2014). It divides category of student learning activities into in the three categories of high, medium and low. keywords: activities; activity; ardi; aspects; bandung; behavioral; belajar; category; changes; class; core; counseling; counselor; daharnis; dan; data; development; education; examination; good; government; high; ideals; ifdil; indonesia; international; jakarta; journal; junior; learning; learning activities; learning process; low; matter; medium; outcomes; pendidikan; physical; process; profile; research; results; school; siswa; student learning; students; study; subject; table; teacher; value; year cache: ijrice-77.pdf plain text: ijrice-77.txt item: #106 of 111 id: ijrice-8 author: Daulay, Musnar Indra title: Developing Social Science-History’s Comics- Based Learning Media for the Fifth Grade of Primary School In Pekanbaru City date: 2018-03-29 words: 5365 flesch: 54 summary: The quality of learning media is reviewed from several aspects, namely material suitability, media visualization, conformity with the principles of media development, feasibility and presentation of competencies. In conclusion, the research findings indicated based learning media were stated valid and can be used in the intended context for History’s keywords: analysis; aspect; assessment; category; city; class; comic; comic media; conformity; counseling; dan; data; design; development; education; event; experts; fifth; good; grade; history; ideals; indicators; instructional; international; ips; jakarta; journal; learning; learning media; level; material; media; medium; national; pekanbaru; pembelajaran; percentage; primary; process; product; questionnaire; research; response; results; school; science; score; social; society; students; subjects; table; teachers; understanding; use; validation; way cache: ijrice-8.pdf plain text: ijrice-8.txt item: #107 of 111 id: ijrice-87 author: Solin, Ridwan; Firman, Firman; Syahniar, Syahniar title: Designing Guidelines for Improving Emotional Regulations of Students in Prevention of Pornographic Trends Through Information Services date: 2019-11-26 words: 3535 flesch: 43 summary: Results of the Questionnaire Regulations for Student Emotions in Prevention of Pornographic Trends Assessment Criteria Range Score F % Very High ≥ 104 12 13,043 Height 84 - 103 11 11,957 Medium 64 - 83 36 39,130 Low 44 - 63 28 30,435 Very Low ≤ 43 5 5,435 Overall Total 92 100 Topics which were obtained to guide the material for the implementation of information services to improve student emotion regulation in preventing pornographic tendencies include (1) Emotional Control efforts in Preventing pornographic trends, (2) Lust Control in Preventing Pornographic Trends, and (3) Self Control in Preventing Pornographic Trends. The variation suggests differences in the judgments given by the Counselor on testing the use of information service implementation guidelines to improve student emotion regulation in preventing pornographic tendencies. keywords: assessment; behavior; category; chi; counseling; counselors; development; education; emotional; emotional regulation; emotions; experts; firman; guidance; guidelines; high; implementation; information; information services; journal; low; media; padang; people; pornographic; pornographic tendencies; prevention; regulation; research; results; school; services; sexual; square; state; students; study; table; tendencies; tendency; trends; vocational cache: ijrice-87.pdf plain text: ijrice-87.txt item: #108 of 111 id: ijrice-89 author: Sari, Siti Wulan; Firman, Firman; Ahmad, Riska title: Relationship of Senior Perceptions of the Familiarization to the School Environment and Peer Social Support with Bullying of Juniors date: 2019-03-01 words: 5277 flesch: 42 summary: Senior students bullying juniors is one of the problems related to senior perceptionsof the familiarization to the school environment and peer social support, and the purpose to reveal relationship between these variables. The fights began with senior students taunting familiarization of the school environment, and seniors also showed their power by telling juniors implemented a program to familiarization the school environment using After interviews with several students on 27 September 2016, it was revealed that students thought the events that took place were a tradition by SMA Negeri 1 Kisaran students, and were passed generation to generation. keywords: average; behavior; bullying; category; counseling; data; education; environment; familiarization; fights; firman; friends; group; high; international; items; jakarta; journal; juniors; kisaran; negative; negeri; peer; peer social; percentage; perceptions; positive; problems; process; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school environment; score; senior; senior perceptions; significant; sma; social; social support; students; study; support; valid; violence cache: ijrice-89.pdf plain text: ijrice-89.txt item: #109 of 111 id: ijrice-9 author: Kurnia, Ramona; Arief, Darnies; Irdamurni, Irdamurni title: Development of Teaching Material for Narrative Writing Using Graphic Organizer Story Map in Elementary School date: 2018-03-29 words: 3318 flesch: 45 summary: One of the graphic organizers that is suitable to use in teaching narrative writing materials is graphic organizer story map. Indah Octaviyana, Firman, Daharnis 24 International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, Open Access Journal: We prove that narrative writing materials using Graphic Organizer Story Map not only effectively used in rural areas, but also in urban areas. keywords: 5th; activity; assessment; development; education; effectiveness; elementary; grade; graphic; graphic organizer; implementation; journal; language; learning; map; materials; narrative; narrative writing; organizer; organizer story; practicality; process; research; result; school; simple; skills; story; story map; students; teachers; teaching; validity; writing cache: ijrice-9.pdf plain text: ijrice-9.txt item: #110 of 111 id: ijrice-90 author: Wulandari, Siti; Marhojan, Marjohan; Ahmad, Riska title: Relationship Perception of Parenting and Peer Social Support with Prosocial Behavior date: 2018-11-01 words: 5874 flesch: 43 summary: Researchers found that the relationship between perceptions of parenting and prosocial behavior was in the high category (i.e. positive perception of parenting was associated with higher prosocial behavior). Researchers found that the relationship between peer social support and prosocial behavior was in the high category (i.e. positive peer social support and positive perceptions of parenting were associated with higher prosocial behavior). keywords: 2007; adolescents; ahmad; category; children; coefficient; counseling; data; development; education; factors; family; friends; help; high; higher; important; influence; international; items; journal; kisaran; low; low prosocial; marjohan; method; overall; parenting; parents; peer; peer social; perceptions; positive; prosocial behavior; regression; relationship; research; results; role; sample; scale; school; significant; sma; social support; students; study; support; techniques; use; valid; variables cache: ijrice-90.pdf plain text: ijrice-90.txt item: #111 of 111 id: ijrice-94 author: Asfarina, Amrina; Marjohan, Marjohan; Ahmad, Riska title: The Effectiveness of Content Mastery Services with Internet-Based Problem Based Learning Models in Enhancing Student Critical Thinking Skills date: 2019-03-05 words: 3320 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Content Mastery Services, Internet Learning nternational Journal of Research in Counseling and Educati Critical Thinking Skills, Content Mastery Services, Internet Asfarina, A., Marjohan, M., & Ahmad, R. (2018). keywords: ahmad; average; category; content; content mastery; control; critical; critical thinking; development; effectiveness; experimental; group; high; increase; information; internet; journal; learning; mastery; mastery services; model; problem; research; results; services; skills; students; test; thinking; thinking skills cache: ijrice-94.pdf plain text: ijrice-94.txt