item: #1 of 41 id: ijsei-133 author: Pshenychna, Olena; Didenko, Oleksandr; Oliynyk, Maria title: Content, methodology and results of the study on the formation of readiness to future border guard officers to apply risk analysis methods date: 2019-10-12 words: 3424 flesch: 41 summary: For this purpose, a special course was developed and conducted to train cadets for risk analysis – “Application of risk analysis methods in the operational performance of the SBGSU”, 100 hours. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 6 / Issue 12 / 2019 7 Content, methodology and results of the study on the formation of readiness to future border guard officers to apply risk analysis methods Оlena Pshenychna Bohdan Khmelnytsky National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Ukraine E-mail: keywords: activities; activity; analysis methods; analytical; application; border; border guard; cadets; conditions; control; creative; educational; experiment; formation; future; future border; group; guard officers; guard service; methods; officers; operational; pedagogical; problem; professional; protection; readiness; results; risk analysis; risks; scientific; service; service activities; skills; special; state; state border; study; training; ukraine; use cache: ijsei-133.pdf plain text: ijsei-133.txt item: #2 of 41 id: ijsei-134 author: Hapenciuc, Aura title: The influence of the Russian psychological pedagogy (by L.S. Lev Vygotsky) upon the model of education curricular design in the American cultural space date: 2019-10-12 words: 2755 flesch: 35 summary: Keywords: psychological pedagogy, sociocultural constructivism, scaffolding, area of the proximal development, normativity 1. Within the paradigm of psychological pedagogy, L.S.Vygotsky calls for the model of the socio-cultural structures of training, which capitalize the cultural socio-genesis of training, using the instrumental method which studies the child not only as a developed being, but also as an educable being. keywords: adult; area; bruner; child; cognitive; constructivism; context; cultural; developed; development; education; educator; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; l.s.vygotsky; learning; level; method; normativity; notions; pedagogical; pedagogy; process; psychological; research; russian; school; social; socio; specific; stage; theory; training; vîgotski cache: ijsei-134.pdf plain text: ijsei-134.txt item: #3 of 41 id: ijsei-135 author: Bujorean, Elena title: Students’ Involvement in Cyberbullying date: 2019-10-12 words: 2311 flesch: 41 summary: Also, high school students admit they have involved themselves as instigators/ aggressors (MD=1.67) in cybernetic violence more readily than middle school students (MD=1.28). Using test T for the independent samples, we were able to identify significant statistical differences up to a p<0.05 threshold, between the averages obtained by middle school students and those of high school students, from the perspective of victim and aggressor in acts of online violence. keywords: aggressor; certain; children; cyberbullying; educational; environment; forms; frequency; high; ijseiro; innovation; international; internet; issue; journal; means; messages; middle; new; online; people; perspective; research; school; social; students; study; suceava; victim; violence; virtual; volume cache: ijsei-135.pdf plain text: ijsei-135.txt item: #4 of 41 id: ijsei-136 author: Posteuca Esi, Narcisa Loredana title: Social and psychological benefits of self-disclosure date: 2019-10-12 words: 1945 flesch: 42 summary: An example in this sense can be given by the important role that relational self-disclosure has – different from the personal self-disclosure – at the level of communication. Self-disclosure reciprocity, liking, and the deviant. keywords: affective; attitude; benefits; communication; dimension; disclosure; educational; eşi; ijseiro; innovation; international; interpersonal; issue; jourard; journal; level; means; perspective; process; psychological; psychology; reciprocity; relational; relationship; self; social; subjective; time; volume cache: ijsei-136.pdf plain text: ijsei-136.txt item: #5 of 41 id: ijsei-137 author: Marusynets, Marianna; Vakolia, Zoriana; Perepeliuk, Inna title: The Moral Education Of Children And Youth From A Pedagogical Retrospective date: 2019-10-12 words: 4399 flesch: 37 summary: Keywords:moral education;, spiritual education; moral ideal; moral and educational values; historical and educational experience. In a historical context moral education is determined by certain optimal characteristics that allow for the most flexible formation of a personality and their value system in accordance with social priorities. keywords: approach; behavior; bekh; child; children; communication; demand; development; education; educators; family; formation; general; higher; historical; ideal; ijseiro; important; individual; innovation; interaction; international; issue; journal; kyiv; life; main; model; moral; moral education; morality; national; norms; paradigm; particular; pedagogical; pedagogy; periodicals; personality; principles; problem; process; pupils; requirements; research; respect; role; school; scientific; self; skills; social; society; spiritual; style; subject; system; teacher; theoretical; ukraine; ukrainian; values; volume; works cache: ijsei-137.pdf plain text: ijsei-137.txt item: #6 of 41 id: ijsei-138 author: JEDER, Daniela title: PROMOTING ETHICAL VALUES IN THE UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT date: 2020-06-09 words: 4340 flesch: 45 summary: Abstract: The mission of the universities is to build the infrastructure of the social mind, and to provide directions for the evolution of the society, and the promotion and realization of the process of internalizing ethical values are priorities in this particularly complex and important endeavor. Keywords: ethics; ethical values; university environment; ethical education; Understood as a center of culture, of knowledge, of research(Magna Charta Universitatum, 1988), the university cannot fulfill its mission - that of serving humanity - outside the ethical framework. keywords: academic; bucurești; care; codes; community; cozma; culture; development; editura; education; environment; equity; ethical; ethics; evolution; fairness; freedom; fundamental; human; iași; idea; ijseiro; important; innovation; integrity; international; issue; javascript; jeder; journal; justice; knowledge; level; love; mission; moral; needs; process; research; respect; responsibility; responsible; results; romanian; românia; sciences; self; social; society; space; spirit; students; studies; support; teachers; tolerance; understanding; universities; university; universității; values; void(0; volume; work cache: ijsei-138.pdf plain text: ijsei-138.txt item: #7 of 41 id: ijsei-139 author: ȘTEFĂNIU, Elena title: HUMAN TRENDS, ESSENTIAL FACTOR IN EDUCATION date: 2020-07-09 words: 3353 flesch: 56 summary: They allow children to adapt to any society, because they are nothing but human tendencies, as called by specialists, who act regardless of the conditions in which children live. Children need their own experiences to better understand and value what surrounds them, the environment. keywords: adaptation; child; children; conditions; development; educational; environment; experiences; fundamental; human; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; life; love; maria; montessori; nature; needs; order; people; plan; rational; role; social; society; spirit; tendencies; tendency; thanks; volume; world cache: ijsei-139.pdf plain text: ijsei-139.txt item: #8 of 41 id: ijsei-140 author: ȘESTAC, Elena title: FACULTY CHOICE: ASPECTS THAT INFLUENCE YOUNG PEOPLE date: 2020-07-09 words: 4793 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: education; faculty choice; students; Introduction When it comes to choices, we cannot stop talking about a process or a task that people routinely carry out and in which various processes are involved, such as being able to think, question, decide, among others. România Abstract Every year, thousands of young people are forced to choose a faculty, which is expected to develop professionally, intellectually and personally. keywords: abilities; aspects; career; certain; choice; college; country; decision; economic; education; expenses; eşi; factors; faculty; family; good; help; ijseiro; important; information; innovation; international; issue; journal; level; money; necessary; parents; people; results; school; skills; social; studies; study; support; things; time; volume; work; young; young people cache: ijsei-140.pdf plain text: ijsei-140.txt item: #9 of 41 id: ijsei-141 author: VECHIU, Adina-Petronela title: THE NEED FOR LEADER CREATION AMONGST ROMANIAN SCHOOL PRINCIPALS – EDUCATIONAL POLICY ANALYSIS date: 2020-07-09 words: 6839 flesch: 27 summary: Jackson’s (2000) evaluation of attempts to develop transformational leadership in a number of English schoolswithin a bigger project, shows that a set of principles regarding a more dispersed, flexible and receptive leadership model, adapted to the specific context of the school, rather than an inflexible and hierarchic model, based strict norms, is a model that better encourages the emergence of a supportive organisational climate, which seems to be a new paradigm in educational leadership (apud Marks șiPrinty, 2003). Conversely, transformational leadership refers to certain assumed responsibilities and moral principles. keywords: administration; aim; analysis; behaviour; certain; climate; consideration; correlation; council; creation; data; development; differences; different; directive; educational; educational innovation; educational leadership; experience; factors; following; greater; high; hypothesis; ijseiro; independent; innovation; international; involvement; issue; journal; leadership; leadership styles; level; local; management; managerial; members; model; need; objectives; organisational; organisational climate; perception; personal; policy; positive; principals; professional; quality; questionnaire; questions; regression; research; results; school; school climate; significant; social; staff; statistical; studies; study; styles; supportive; supportive climate; supportive organisational; teachers; teaching; training; transactional; transformational; transformational leadership; variable; volume; years cache: ijsei-141.pdf plain text: ijsei-141.txt item: #10 of 41 id: ijsei-142 author: ESI, Marius Costel title: THE DIDACTIC DIMENSION OF THE TEACHING- LEARNING PROCESS WITHIN THE LESSONS AIMED AT ORGANIZING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES date: 2020-07-09 words: 4373 flesch: 41 summary: The extrapolation of this term in the area of didactic activities made it possible for it to receive from various authors a multitude of definitions, meanings that converge, however, almost all of them, towards a common denominator, namely that of programming and design. Volume 7 / Issue 13 / 2020 57 types of learning experiences (methods , didactic procedures, teaching aids, forms of learning organization), on the use and combination of specific learning aids (the blackboard as a reference to tradition and the computer as a modern means, with its advantages and limitations (Istrate, 1982); certain authors identify in terms of theorizing as an action strategy the work which using a book and the work using a computer).On the other hand, the idea of didactic strategy itself refers to an organizational management, reflecting some conceptual synonyms with the idea of method or procedure. keywords: account; activities; activity; approach; aspects; assumed; bucureşti; class; classroom; commercial; conceptual; contents; context; design; didactic; dimension; economic; editura; educational; example; fact; function; hand; iaşi; idea; ijseiro; innovation; interdisciplinary; international; issue; jeder; journal; learning; lessons; level; main; market; method; nature; objectives; organization; paper; pedagogie; possible; process; relation; research; retail; school; social; specialized; specific; strategies; strategy; students; study; teacher; teaching; theoretical; topic; unit; volume; way cache: ijsei-142.pdf plain text: ijsei-142.txt item: #11 of 41 id: ijsei-143 author: Vovciuc, Ionel title: THE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT BETWEEN CLASSES IN THE SECONDARY EDUCATION date: 2019-07-27 words: 5136 flesch: 54 summary:  according to the disorganization perspective of the high school, the solutions to the problems raised generally refer to those actions that bring the characteristics of the high school education back to the state of equilibrium;  the solutions proposed by this perspective to resolve the conflict of values are consensus, negotiation and sheer force;  the methods of counteracting the deviant behavior refer in particular to resocialization, increasing the level of socialization in high school through the school classes, redistributing the access to opportunities, reducing opportunities for contact with deviant role models;  the question of social labeling for solving high school conflict problems refers to the revision of the definition of a situation / school class as being deviating (greater tolerance and understanding of particular / special situations) as well as the elimination of potential gains from the labeling and self-labeling process;  the solutions considered in the critical perspective for solving social problems are activism, reform or revolution. As a consequence, such school disturbances lead to an increase in the cost of maintaining a social order of law, which at some point may collapse, leading to the dehumanization of the entire classes of high school pupils. keywords: 12th; 12th grade; 2/0; approach; behavior; classes; conditions; conflict; defeat; deviant; disorganization; educational; effects; environment; form; goals; grade; high; high school; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; labeling; management; masters; order; particular; parties; perspective; possible; problems; pupils; results; school; school classes; situation; social; social problems; solutions; state; students; support; time; values; victory; volume; votes; votes group; votes total cache: ijsei-143.pdf plain text: ijsei-143.txt item: #12 of 41 id: ijsei-15 author: LEPCALIUC, Anamaria title: 04 Theory of Knowledge by Experts date: 2014-07-27 words: 1665 flesch: 45 summary: International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 26 John Dewey is considered by specialist reviewers as one of the most important representatives of modern American pragmatism, Dr. Dewey's scientific perspective and his arguments are largely derived from a review of the scientific method. Abstract Few thinkers have failed to score with such force of ideas, both education and policy universe during the first decades of the twentieth century, as did John Dewey. keywords: american; dewey; educational; experience; future; human; investigation; john; journal; judgments; knowledge; philosophy; pragmatism; problem; problematic; process; reality; situation; social; theory; truth cache: ijsei-15.pdf plain text: ijsei-15.txt item: #13 of 41 id: ijsei-156 author: Pamparău, Cristian title: AUGMENTED REALITY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES date: 2020-09-01 words: 2012 flesch: 37 summary: Abstract The present paper reviews the field of Augmented Reality, starting from the current research and publications of this specialization, starting from the premise that augmenting reality implies an extension of virtual reality. If we were to compare, initially this concept with that of Virtual Reality, which introduces the user to another reality where, for his functioning in the physical world, his senses are no longer useful (virtual reality is replaced by the physical one), the augmentation of reality is only a supplement to the physical one (Kesim and Osarzlam, 2012). keywords: application; augmented; concept; content; current; desktop; device; display; educational; gestures; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; learning; new; objects; physical; reality; science; social; students; technology; time; user; virtual; volume cache: ijsei-156.pdf plain text: ijsei-156.txt item: #14 of 41 id: ijsei-16 author: DANDES, Aurel - Albert title: 0The Analysis of Financing and Under - Funding the International Educational System in Relation to the Idea of Educational Evaluation date: 2014-07-29 words: 4102 flesch: 38 summary: Educational assessment is a comprehensive form of verification and shall be provided in a phased way, over a period of several school activities, at whose end, the teaching staff can assess the level of training which the pupil has at that time. In the teaching staff, educational assessment (understood as process and assessing the measurement (Radu, 2008)) provides useful information regarding teaching and learning. keywords: account; action; activities; activity; assessment; countries; crisis; development; didactic; economic; educational; educational assessment; educational process; etc; european; evaluation; field; group; information; innovation; international; investment; journal; knowledge; learning; level; means; member; methods; modern; new; no.1/; objectives; paradox; policies; process; quality; results; school; situation; social; staff; states; strategy; students; system; teaching; teaching process; time; training; union; way cache: ijsei-16.pdf plain text: ijsei-16.txt item: #15 of 41 id: ijsei-17 author: BARSZCZAK, Stanislaw title: 06 An Adequate Conception of the Human Good, a Preface to Alisdair MacIntyre date: 2014-08-22 words: 7144 flesch: 58 summary: In his work A. MacIntyre discusses repression, determinism, transference, and practical rationality, and offers a rare comparison of Aristotle and Lacan on the concept of desire.(A. MacIntyre, The Unconscious: A Conceptual Analysis) International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 41 Note the explanation of human action: whether we can find reasons for actions in the modern world that would not only enable us to act effectively but also move us to act in a manner that who we are and what we do are of a piece.(see also A. MacIntyre, Against the Self-Images of the Age, 1971, also, in After Virtue, “Fact, Explanation, and Expertise” and the “Character of Generalization in the Social Sciences.”) The current morality portrayed in history already it is not satisfied for him, A. MacIntyre sees the inadequacies of Marxism. keywords: account; act; action; alisdair; alisdair macintyre; aristotle; behavior; best; book; certain; character; community; conception; dame; development; different; educational; ethical; ethics; excellence; god; good; happy; history; human; important; innovation; international; journal; justice; life; lives; macintyre; meaning; modern; moral; morality; narrative; necessary; need; no.1/; notre; particular; people; person; philosophical; philosophy; political; politics; practical; practices; press; rationality; reason; respect; self; social; society; task; theory; thinker; thomas; thought; time; tradition; truth; understanding; university; vacuum; virtue; virtue ethics; way; work cache: ijsei-17.pdf plain text: ijsei-17.txt item: #16 of 41 id: ijsei-19 author: SAUCIUC, Cristina Eva title: 08 Aspects of the Neologism in the Literary Romanian Language date: 2014-07-18 words: 5133 flesch: 46 summary: Theodor Hristea comes and argues about the fact that the linguistic units entered more than 200years in Romanian language are neologisms for the following reasons: a) Latin-Romanic origin (direct or indirect through Greek and Russian languages); b) the quality of terms of culture and civilization; c) membership in the international linguistic background; d) In contrast to these elements, “the lexical borrowings of Latin Romanic origin don’t lose the quality of neologisms in Romanian language only if they cease to be used”. keywords: adaptation; adapting; aspect; author; bucharest; cabré; century; character; criterion; cultural; culture; degree; deroy; dictionaries; dictionary; editura; educational; elements; fact; factors; foreign; form; frequency; hristea; ibidem; innovation; international; iordan; issue; journal; language; latin; lexical; limba; limbii; linguistic; literary; loans; meaning; morphological; neological; neologisms; neologistic; new; no.1/; opinion; original; parameter; phonetic; problem; process; quality; respective; romanian; romanian language; romanic; română; semantic; social; status; system; term; theodor; time; vocabulary; way; words cache: ijsei-19.pdf plain text: ijsei-19.txt item: #17 of 41 id: ijsei-22 author: GJINALI, Aida title: 10 Positive Climate and Motivation, Achilles’ Heel in Classes and Schools date: 2014-07-29 words: 4308 flesch: 53 summary: It happens often that teachers concentrate more in the fulfilment of the scholastic programme and neglect or consider it as a loss of time the issue of a positive climate and motivation of students. Students are very sensitive to the teacher’s model and presented teaching method, therefore, in order to achieve the target of a more efficient class, it is needed a thorough internal and external renovation, both theoretical and practical. keywords: affective; brain; class; classes; classroom; climate; different; difficulties; educational; efficient; environment; factors; filter; forms; group; hemisphere; hull; human; important; individual; influence; information; innovation; international; issues; journal; lack; learning; left; motivation; needs; new; no.1/; objectives; order; personal; positive; positive climate; process; psychological; results; right; school; scuola; social; strategies; student; subject; teacher; teaching; techniques; total; way cache: ijsei-22.pdf plain text: ijsei-22.txt item: #18 of 41 id: ijsei-246 author: TURTUREAN, Monica title: DIGITAL ADDICTION ON TEENAGERS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THEIR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT date: 2021-09-23 words: 2266 flesch: 49 summary: In this context, we intend to conduct a comparative study between parents and children to find out: The study is based on the data yielded following a sampling survey which investigates the opinion of students and parents about the electronically devices The investigative technique used was the auto-questionnaire survey consisting in 6 questions administered in group. keywords: addiction; answers; check; children; day; devices; digital; educational; electronical; figure; hours; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; life; parents; phone; social; students; study; time; volume cache: ijsei-246.pdf plain text: ijsei-246.txt item: #19 of 41 id: ijsei-25 author: TORII - CACIUC , Viorica title: 01 Reflections on the Ecologic Ethics in Online Games date: 2014-07-18 words: 3844 flesch: 44 summary: The interdisciplinarity between ethics and ecologic education is based on the fact that the ecologic ethics is the one which can provide the structure and the background for the philosophic system from the perspective of sustainability, and the ecologic education is the one which can implement it at the level of each individual because by means of education one might change one‟s mentality and behaviour. We are referring here to the internet and the computer games which according to their content or better yet, according to their task ahead, can on the one side have positive effects which is desirable in order to help the ecologic ethics of the formal type, and on the other, some negative effects which creates contradictions on what concerns the values and norms that are taught during the classes of ecologic education. keywords: aesthetic; animals; behaviour; beings; children; computer; different; ecologic; ecologic education; ecologic ethics; education; effects; elliot; environment; ethics; fact; feelings; games; human; ijse; innovation; interests; international; intrinsic; journal; level; life; means; moral; natural; nature; negative; new; no.1/; ones; online; order; penguins; relationship; series; social; system; time; value; way cache: ijsei-25.pdf plain text: ijsei-25.txt item: #20 of 41 id: ijsei-257 author: DIAC, Georgeta title: PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF THE TRANSITION FROM ADOLESCENCE TO ADULTHOOD AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN PREVENTING COLLEGE DROPOUT date: 2023-03-02 words: 5423 flesch: 41 summary: In order to understand this situation, we will bring to your attention some statistical indicators as they are presented in a report of the Romanian Ministry of Education: the number of enrolments in undergraduate International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 10/ Issue 19/ 2023 8 university programs, the average duration of attendance at higher education, the age structure of the students included in university education, the university dropout rate. Another important indicator in the analysis of this phenomenon is the average duration of attending higher education, which expresses the (average) number of years of higher education attended by a person of the age corresponding to this level of education (19-23 years). keywords: adolescence; adulthood; adults; age; arnett; aspects; average; change; college; countries; cultural; demographic; development; economic; education; esteem; fact; group; higher; higher education; home; identity; ijseiro; important; independence; innovation; international; issue; journal; knežević; leaving; level; life; maturation; maturity; ministry; nature; new; number; parents; people; period; personal; population; process; psychological; psychology; psychosocial; rate; role; school; self; social; socio; specific; stage; status; stress; students; studies; system; transition; university; volume; women; years; young cache: ijsei-257.pdf plain text: ijsei-257.txt item: #21 of 41 id: ijsei-258 author: GJINALI, Aida ; PIRI, Sonila title: LEARNERS INDEPENDENCE MATCHING INDIVIDUAL STRATEGIES AND LEARNING STYLES THROUGH LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES ON THE INTERNET date: 2023-03-09 words: 3627 flesch: 32 summary: Introduction Glotodidactic language research has increasingly focused on the development of learner- centered approaches, starting from the first definitions of student needs analysis to identify, according to specific needs: the contents, materials, and teaching techniques of a curriculum of second or foreign language. In order to work in the Italian language classroom with activities that contain elements of the culture and civilization of this language and at the same time developing students' awareness of their learning strategies and features, a didactic internet address International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 10/ Issue 19/ 2023 24 https:/ / was created by two teachers for students with an advanced level of knowledge of the Italian language and it aims to promote the ability to independently manage learning through: - reflecting about individual cognitive styles and learning strategies to gain awareness, to improve and verify their effectiveness; - exploring alternative strategies for acquiring awareness about their potential and to optimize all possible resources; - building personalized learning journeys centered on the student. keywords: active; activities; analytical; approach; appropriate; cognitive; del; development; different; educational; features; foreign; global; greater; ijseiro; independence; individual; information; innovation; international; internet; intuitive; issue; italian; journal; knowledge; language; learning; mariani; metacognitive; needs; network; new; objectives; planning; process; processes; project; reflection; rome; skills; social; solutions; strategies; structure; student; style; systematic; task; teacher; texts; use; volume cache: ijsei-258.pdf plain text: ijsei-258.txt item: #22 of 41 id: ijsei-26 author: HRETCANU, Ciprian Ionel title: 01 Considerations of Public Management Functions - the Example of the College of Art "Ciprian Porumbescu" Suceava date: 2019-10-12 words: 3138 flesch: 30 summary: Order MECTS 1407/2007 approval Strategy curbing violence in schools education  Order 5106 / 01.09.2011. Keywords: school management, functions of public management 1. keywords: activities; administration; art; college; context; council; county; cultural; development; director; documents; economic; educational; educational innovation; factors; functions; funding; ijseiro; innovation; institutions; international; journal; law; legal; local; management; managerial; objectives; operation; order; organization; performance; plan; political; principal; process; processes; programs; public; public management; quality; resources; school; school year; social; staff; state; students; suceava; teaching; training; work; year cache: ijsei-26.pdf plain text: ijsei-26.txt item: #23 of 41 id: ijsei-260 author: COSTIN , Alina title: EXPLORING BEYOND SOCIAL SERVICES ADDRESSED TO ROMANIAN CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND date: 2023-03-02 words: 4109 flesch: 54 summary: Key words: children left behind, social workers, institutional mechanism. 1. Introduction Bryant (2007) catalos the children left behind, along with migrant children and interracial children, as children affected by migration. keywords: abandonment; assistance; case; children; clb; community; country; departure; discussions; educational; environment; fact; families; family; focus; group; health; ijseiro; impact; information; innovation; institutional; international; intervention; issue; journal; law; level; mechanism; mental; migration; needs; parents; participants; problems; psas; public; qualitative; research; rural; school; services; situation; social; study; volume; workers cache: ijsei-260.pdf plain text: ijsei-260.txt item: #24 of 41 id: ijsei-262 author: RUNCAN, Remus; RUNCAN, Patricia ; RAD, Dana; MARICI, Marius title: ALEXITHYMIA AND MENTAL HEALTH IN ADOLESCENTS: A SCOPING REVIEW date: 2023-03-11 words: 8970 flesch: 55 summary: Sayar, K., Kose, S., Grabe, H. J. & Topbas, M. Alexithymia and Dissociative Tendencies in An Adolescent Sample from Eastern Turkey. Sunay, D., Baykir, M., Ateş, G. & Ekşioğlu, M. Alexithymia and Acne Vulgaris: A Case Control Study. keywords: aars; ability; absent; addiction; adolescents; age; aggression; aim; alexithymia; analysis; anxiety; articles; association; attachment; children; clinical; cognitive; covid-19; cyberbullying; data; depression; development; disorder; distress; doi; educational; effects; emotional; emotions; environ; environmental; et al; events; factors; family; figure; findings; functioning; group; health; ijseiro; individuals; innovation; int; interest; international; international journal; internet; intervention; inventory; investigate; issue; italy; j. environ; journal; key; late; levels; literature; low; main; mental; meta; method; microsoft; number; old; pain; parents; patients; people; peritraumatic; personality; post; present; psoriasis; psychiatry; psychological; psychology; public; public health; quantitative; questionnaire; related; relationship; research; researchers; review; risk; role; romania; sample; scale; school; self; september; sexual; significant; social; source; students; studies; study; substance; symptoms; systematic; table; tas-20; traumatic; use; volume; word; years cache: ijsei-262.pdf plain text: ijsei-262.txt item: #25 of 41 id: ijsei-263 author: ESI, Marius Costel title: AN EDUCATIONAL PROPOSAL FOR A GROUP COUNSELING PROJECT FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL PUPILS date: 2023-03-10 words: 3546 flesch: 36 summary: Starting from the counselor's role in group counseling, such as the facilitation of a safe environment, we can present the following behavioral measures of the counselor, reproduced by us through the stage “objectives related to the counselor”. The training pupils in the participation of various counseling activities at group level in accordance with the fields of intervention associated thereof; O4. keywords: action; activities; activity; aggressive; aggressive behavior; assessment; behaviors; clients; communication; context; counseling; counseling activity; counselor; editura; educational; educational innovation; emotions; evaluation; exercises; group; group counseling; group level; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; level; manifestation; members; objectives; pupils; resources; role; self; session; social; specific; stage; strategies; volume cache: ijsei-263.pdf plain text: ijsei-263.txt item: #26 of 41 id: ijsei-265 author: BUJOREAN, Elena title: STUDY ON THE SOCIAL DISTANCING TOWARDS PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISORDERS date: 2023-03-17 words: 2993 flesch: 50 summary: Thus, the objectives aimed to: - Assess the willingness to engage in befriending people with MD; - Assess the perception of the level of intelligence, trust and credibility given to people with MD in society and, in particular, in professional and couple relationships; - Identify perceptions on the causes of mental health problems, in particular, the extent to which there is individual responsibility for their occurrence; - Identify the extent to which people with MD are discriminated against in society. People with mental health problems, their family members, as well as psychosocial professionals, are confronted on a daily basis with stereotypes and fears of people in the general population concerning mental health issues. keywords: causes; children; different; disorders; distance; educational; emotional; extent; general; health; health problems; ijseiro; illness; information; innovation; institution; international; issue; journal; link; mental; mental health; mental illness; negative; objectives; particular; past; people; person; primary; problems; public; relationships; social; social distance; society; stigma; students; study; volume cache: ijsei-265.pdf plain text: ijsei-265.txt item: #27 of 41 id: ijsei-266 author: ESI, Marius Costel; POSTEUCĂ EȘI, Narcisa Loredana title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENGAGEMENT AND ACADEMIC BURNOUT date: 2023-03-20 words: 3073 flesch: 39 summary: H0: There is no significant correlation between the students' level of academic engagement and their level of academic burnout. Keywords: academic commitment; academic burnout; educational performance; burnout; academic quality. keywords: academic; academic burnout; academic engagement; activities; analysis; approach; burnout; context; correlation; educational; emotional; engagement; idea; ijseiro; innovation; international; involvement; issue; journal; learning; level; motivation; negative; participants; performance; potential; process; psychology; quality; relationship; research; results; scale; self; significant; social; students; study; table; variables; volume; work cache: ijsei-266.pdf plain text: ijsei-266.txt item: #28 of 41 id: ijsei-267 author: HAPENCIUC, Aura title: THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF E. D. DNEPROV AT THE LEVEL OF THE EDUCATIONAL POLICY date: 2023-03-01 words: 3809 flesch: 30 summary: The academician E. D. Dneprov, the theoretician of education reform and minister of education, is representative for the contributions at the level of the educational policy. The specific study object of the education policy (as a field of pedagogical sciences) Designing and implementing education reforms in socially and historically determined pedagogical contexts 3. keywords: analysis; basic; character; content; curriculum; development; dneprov; economic; education; education policy; education process; education reform; education system; educational innovation; federal; federation; fourth; general; general education; goals; historical; ideal; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; journal; law; level; objectives; pedagogical; pedagogy; period; personality; political; postmodern; process; programs; reform; russian; russian education; school; self; social; society; specific; strategic; training; values; volume; днепров; э.д cache: ijsei-267.pdf plain text: ijsei-267.txt item: #29 of 41 id: ijsei-269 author: DIAC, Georgeta; CURELARU, Versavia title: IMPROVING THE TEACHERS' SKILLS FOR THE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT date: 2023-04-07 words: 7086 flesch: 40 summary: The content analysis of the teachers' answers highlighted as the most common categories of challenges in classroom management the following: the discipline problems, the teacher’s poor collaboration with pupil’s families, the management of the social and emotional environment of the class, the lack of material resource or the insufficient space in classroom. Keywords: Teachers' professional development, classroom management, teachers' knowledge and skills, teachers' training needs. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; answers; approach; attention; behavior; challenges; children; classmates; classroom; classroom management; collaboration; common; communication; conflicts; continuous; data; development; didactic; discipline; educational; educational innovation; emotional; environment; family; frequency; group; ijseiro; innovation; international; international journal; involvement; issue; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; level; management; material; methods; needs; non; number; order; parents; performance; positive; pre; primary; problems; process; professional; programs; pupils; research; resources; school; sen; situations; skills; social; specific; staff; strategies; study; sub; system; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; themes; total; training; university; volume; years cache: ijsei-269.pdf plain text: ijsei-269.txt item: #30 of 41 id: ijsei-274 author: RUNCAN , Remus; MARICI, Marius title: EATING DISORDERS IN ADOLESCENTS date: 2023-04-10 words: 5832 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords: adolescents, anorexia, binge eating, bulimia, eating disorder; 1. Eating Disorders There are three typical eating disorders or polysymptomatic syndromes – anorexia, binge eating disorder, and bulimia. keywords: adolescents; aetiology; alexithymia; anorexia; anorexia nervosa; anxiety; atypical; behaviors; binge; binge eating; biological; body; bulimia; chichester; childhood; consequences; control; depressive; development; diabetes; dieting; disease; disorders; doi; eating; eating disorders; eds; educational; emotional; factors; fear; fedoroff; food; functioning; furth; gender; group; guthrie; handbook; health; ijseiro; image; individuals; innovation; international; issue; john; journal; life; loss; ltd; medical; nervosa; obesity; onset; psychiatric; psychological; psychology; purging; review; risk; role; rolls; schmidt; self; significant; social; sons; specific; study; symptoms; treasure; treatment; type; van; volume; vomiting; weight; wiley cache: ijsei-274.pdf plain text: ijsei-274.txt item: #31 of 41 id: ijsei-275 author: NIKITINA, T.R. title: CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTION MODEL date: 2023-04-12 words: 2507 flesch: 53 summary: Summary and conclusions This study proposes a novel model for advertising campaigns that incorporates randomness, which may be more suitable for today's context where breaking news can have swift and substantial effects on audiences via television and the Internet. Therefore, building such a model and analyzing its behavior based on varying parameters (such as advertising intensity and a person's propensity to change their mindset due to advertising) can undoubtedly prove useful for both a theoretical understanding and practical application. keywords: advertising; analysis; approximation; asymptotic; channel; community; consumers; distribution; educational; equations; ijseiro; individuals; information; innovation; intensity; international; issue; journal; model; new; nikitin; number; probability; process; product; recruitment; social; stochastic; study; systems; time; volume cache: ijsei-275.pdf plain text: ijsei-275.txt item: #32 of 41 id: ijsei-277 author: LAZRI, Karmen; NDREU, Irena title: EUPHEMISMS IN LATIN AND ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE date: 2023-04-22 words: 4473 flesch: 58 summary: Also, it should be noted that Latin maxims and sayings turn into euphemisms, especially when they are used in other languages, the word comes, in today's modern languages, because their meaning does not come out directly, but softened, as it is also the definition or definition of the euphemisms we gave above. In popular languages, we learn from Çabej, that words and euphemistic terms are generated from diseases, from figures of popular beliefs, customs and customs. keywords: albanian; animals; author; cases; culture; dictionary; educational; end; euphemisms; euphemistic; example; expression; field; foreign; fox; good; great; greek; high; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; italian; journal; language; latin; latin language; lecture; linguist; love; maxims; meaning; means; mind; names; old; peace; people; phenomenon; point; popular; rhetorical; roman; saying; social; society; spoken; state; summa; terms; things; time; tirana; today; tribes; use; volume; war; way; wolf; word; work; writes; çabej cache: ijsei-277.pdf plain text: ijsei-277.txt item: #33 of 41 id: ijsei-28 author: KLARIĆ , Iva; VUJĈIĆ, Jasna title: 04 Literature in English for Specific Purposes Classroom date: 2014-10-12 words: 2914 flesch: 55 summary: In more recent years using literature in English language classrooms became a topic often discussed in teaching circles. Therefore, in this paper I will try to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using literature in language classrooms with special emphasis on its potential usage in ESP classrooms. keywords: authentic; classroom; communicative; competence; efl; english; enrichment; esp; foreign; innovation; involvement; journal; language; learner; learning; literary; literature; material; needs; process; purposes; reason; specific; students; teachers; teaching; texts; time; use; vocabulary cache: ijsei-28.pdf plain text: ijsei-28.txt item: #34 of 41 id: ijsei-296 author: ARDELEAN, Ramona title: THE INTRAPSYCHIC SPLITTING OF THE I AS A PATTERN OF SPLITTING, CONFLICT AND INTERPSYCHIC WAR WITH OTHERS date: 2023-06-09 words: 4868 flesch: 39 summary: The mirror stage, which reveals the imaginary structure of the I, represents the most important psychoanalytic contribution to the deconstruction of the I. And the constituent elements of this International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 10/ Issue 19 /2023 185 structure: the primary/intrapsychic identification with one's own image from the outside, as the origin of the secondary/interpsychic identifications with other images from the outside, through which the I splits and becomes the Other, instituting narcissism, as aggression, cleavage and rivalry with self2, highlights from a psychoanalytic point of view the internal splitting of the I at the primary, intrapsychic or psychological level. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 10/ Issue 19 /2023 179 THE INTRAPSYCHIC SPLITTING OF THE I AS A PATTERN OF SPLITTING, CONFLICT AND INTERPSYCHIC WAR WITH OTHERS Ramona ARDELEAN Politehnica University of Bucharest Abstract In this article, I tried to argue the fact that the internal splitting, respectively the intrapsychic conflict of our I represents the psychological pattern of the external splitting, respectively the interpsychic or social conflict, being therefore about the splitting/conflict of the I first with oneself, and then with others. keywords: /2023; aggression; ardelean; body; competition; conflict; devil; division; educational; external; fall; god; heart; human; identification; ijseiro; image; imaginary; innovation; internal; international; intrapsychic; issue; journal; krishnamurti; lacan; level; mental; mind; mirror; movement; narcissism; narcissistic; outside; pattern; people; primary; psychological; reality; reason; rivalry; social; soul; splitting; stage; subject; unity; volume; war cache: ijsei-296.pdf plain text: ijsei-296.txt item: #35 of 41 id: ijsei-30 author: LEPCALIUC, Anamaria title: 05 The Oldest Object that Proves the Existence of a Method of Calculation date: 2014-11-24 words: 3898 flesch: 58 summary: More than a numbers game, bone Ishango seems to present itself as an encrypted document using arithmetic and based on prime numbers and duplication. Keywords: Ishango bone, arabic numeric, mathematicians Ishango region, knowledge, science 1. keywords: africa; archaeological; arithmetic; base; belgian; bone; braucourt; brussels; calculation; calendar; column; computer; concepts; congo; count; counting; development; discovery; educational; evolution; greek; groups; heinzelin; history; human; ijseiro; innovation; international; ishango; jean; journal; knowledge; lunar; mathematicians; mathematics; method; modern; notches; numbers; object; oldest; prime; science; social; study; sum; system; time; today; world; writing; years cache: ijsei-30.pdf plain text: ijsei-30.txt item: #36 of 41 id: ijsei-43 author: EȘI, Marius Costel title: 01 Adapting and integrating alternative didactics in the teaching-learning-assessment system in relation to the concept of “disciplinary field” date: 2015-05-15 words: 2085 flesch: 25 summary: Of course, there may be disciplinary fields formed from fewer such unifications and intersections, with powerful intension. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 2 / Issue 3/ 2015 7 Adapting and integrating alternative didactics in the teaching-learning-assessment system in relation to the concept of “disciplinary field” EŞI Marius-Costel “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania E-mail: keywords: alternative; alternative didactics; approaches; concept; contents; didactics; dimension; disciplinary; disciplinary field; educational; field; form; idea; ijseiro; innovation; international; issue; knowledge; learning; methodological; process; relation; scientific; social; specific; system; teaching; volume cache: ijsei-43.pdf plain text: ijsei-43.txt item: #37 of 41 id: ijsei-64 author: LEOW, Chee Seng; ZAHARI, Husin title: 04 Product and price influence on cars purchase intention in Malaysia date: 2015-09-13 words: 5166 flesch: 54 summary: β = 8.412 p< .05 Accepted AH4 Alternative Hypothesis: There is relationship between product performance and product survival in-terms of intention to purchase. Product quality, product price, and share dynamics in the German compact car market. keywords: .05; affordability; alternative; analysis; automotive; brands; car; competitive; costs; customers; data; design; development; educational; elements; features; finding; group; hypothesis; ijseiro; important; industry; innovation; intention; international; introduction; issue; journal; malaysia; management; market; marketing; new; ownership; percent; performance; price; product; product introduction; product survival; purchase; questions; ray; relationship; research; samples; social; specifications; study; success; survival; target; terms; variables; volume cache: ijsei-64.pdf plain text: ijsei-64.txt item: #38 of 41 id: ijsei-68 author: BRATKO, Maria Vaselivna title: 08 Methodology of the environmental approach in higher education date: 2015-09-19 words: 3617 flesch: 22 summary: International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) Volume 2 / Issue 4/ 2015 72 Basic concepts of the environmental approach in higher education are concepts of environment, educational environment, educational environment of higher educational institutions. The analysis of the basic concepts of the approach — environment, learning environment, educational environment of higher education — is done. keywords: academic; activity; approach; background; basis; certain; conceptual; conditions; development; education institution; educational; educational environment; educational innovation; educational process; environment; environmental approach; formation; functions; higher; higher education; ijseiro; innovation; institution; international; issue; journal; life; methodological; methods; pedagogical; personal; phenomenon; possibilities; principles; process; professional; quality; research; resources; russian; scientific; set; social; structure; subject; system; theoretical; ukraine; volume cache: ijsei-68.pdf plain text: ijsei-68.txt item: #39 of 41 id: ijsei-7 author: AZAMAT, Akbarov title: 02 A Cognitive Process in Second Language Acquisition through Speech Errors Analyses date: 2014-10-16 words: 2462 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords : Cognitive process, speech errors analyses, extroversion, introversion 1.Introduction The process of conveying thoughts through articulated speech is a very complex intact. Therefore, there have always occurred speech errors in the history of humankind. keywords: boomer; cognitive; communication; errors; example; factors; fromkin; innovation; international; journal; language; laver; learners; linguistic; nooteboom; performance; process; psychological; rules; second; slips; social; sounds; speaker; speech; state; stress; studies; target; tongue; words cache: ijsei-7.pdf plain text: ijsei-7.txt item: #40 of 41 id: ijsei-83 author: GHEORGHIU, Corina title: 11 The European Dimension of Education – axiological component of the European educational policies date: 2016-02-28 words: 2338 flesch: 33 summary: Keywords: values and attitudes, European dimension of education, European citizenship In the last decades of the 20 th century, by changing the priorities in the classical triad of the educational goals (knowledge, abilities, skills, habits, attitudes) advanced by the teacher G. Văideanu during his activity under the UNESCO aegis, there has been put an emphasis on the importance of the final component values and attitudes, in the compulsory structure of the curriculum, in the European context. It has to be mentioned that beginning with the year 2000, the European Commission adopted a series of recommendations concerning the promotion within each European state of an education which encourages, through goals, contents and methodological approaches, common European values. keywords: attitudes; citizenship; common; compulsory; contents; context; council; countries; cultural; curriculum; different; dimension; education; european; european dimension; european educational; european values; human; identity; ijseiro; important; innovation; international; issue; journal; openness; policies; rights; secondary; social; structure; union; values; volume cache: ijsei-83.pdf plain text: ijsei-83.txt item: #41 of 41 id: ijsei-84 author: SERDENCIUC, Nadia Laura title: 01 A Reflection on Organizational Culture in Higher Education date: 2019-12-03 words: 2922 flesch: 31 summary: Keywords: organizational culture, academic organization, higher education, organizational culture‘s dynamic, shared organizational values 1. We can find an interesting perspective on organizational culture in B. Schneider, A. Brief, R. Guzzo (1996). keywords: actions; approaches; beliefs; change; contemporary; context; coordinates; culture; education; external; functioning; goals; higher; higher education; ijseiro; important; innovation; internal; international; issue; journal; level; life; members; organizational; organizational culture; process; role; social; structure; system; university; values; volume cache: ijsei-84.pdf plain text: ijsei-84.txt