International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 29 The Analysis of Financing and Under - Funding the International Educational System in Relation to the Idea of Educational Evaluation DANDEȘ - ALBERT Aurel Ion Nistor Technological Highschool,Vicovu de Sus, Romania Received 27.06.2014; Accepted 29.07. 2014 Abstract: Disturbances and dislocations at the subsystems mean the major effect of the imbalances systems at the level of education, as a result of this topic in the past few years in comparison with other European indicators. One of the most powerful effects for the crisis on education systems has been given by the decrease in financing education (primary, secondary, tertiary and university education). Therefore, Romania has recorded a drop in sequence of GDP ( Gross Domestic Products), by default low budget and, therefore, the funds intended for Ministry of Education and Research on the financing, as well as investment and on projects. The impact has been one of the most powerful upon the labor wages teaching, investment funds, purchasing etc.Furthermore, related to universities, three-quarters of the universities income comes from the state budget. In this respect, it loosens conclusion that, such negative consequences had a negative impact on the educational teaching quality. Keywords: educational system, financing, under – funding, educational/didactic evaluation 1. Introduction The educational assessment means together with the process of teaching and learning a fundamental component of the educational process. Its importance is due to a large extent that makes possible the differentiation of the students depending on their achieved performances, talents and skills that they hold, and last but not least on accumulated knowledge. The learning process is such that it requires certification of the knowledge acquired at the end of each stage. This applies not only in pupils case , but everywhere, every time when a learning process ends and knowledge should be assessed in order to make possible the classification on the basis of merits. Starting from the assessment it should be determined each time to what extent we can make educational situation in a reality convenient, adequated to extension objectives in school. Educational assessment is a comprehensive form of verification and shall be provided in a phased way, over a period of several school activities, at whose end, the teaching staff can assess the level of training which the pupil has at that time. The assessment, understood as a component of the educational process, has a two- stage dimension, in the sense that, on one hand, it represents a means by which the student is appreciated, and, on the other hand, constitutes for the teaching staff International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 30 an algorithm of teaching assessment. Therefore, school evaluation is the process by which we measure and we appreciate the teaching product. 2.Education and economic crisis On the other hand, when we think about the concept of didactic/educational assessmen, our analysis focuses particularly on a series of educational policies. In other words, in our opinion, you can't realise a fair educational/didactic assessment if you don't take into consideration what is happening in other countries. So, related to external situation, for example Latvia was the country in which a reduction of 48% educational expenditure was operated, followed by a further reduction of 18 %, in accordance with the recommendations of International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank (reducing budget costs). Also, in other countries there has been a reduction of the expenditure for higher education between 5 and 10% such as Estonia 10 %, Italy 10 %, Ireland 9, 4 %, Romania 10 %, the United Kingdom 6, 6 %, less than 5% occurred in countries such as Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia. Once the economic crisis started, some countries have made major investments in higher and secondary education, such as Germany, investment of 800 million euros as a result of a program implementation The pact for German education. In France the investment in education have increased up to 30 billion euros, in key areas in higher education, secondary education and scientific research. 11 Billion of this amount has been allocated to improve the quality of education, 8 billion for scientific research, and the rest of the amount has been used as an investment in fixed capital (university and pre-university campus). These two countries (France and Germany) can be considered an example of good practices in the field of the governing policies of educational ideals compared with international system. We should note that these states faced with the same economic crisis. And they have not hesitated to invest in both fixed and human capital, with the aim of of having the progress of a modern society of the Third Millennium. A consequence of the economic crisis on education system has been and is the reduction of the participation rate by young people in education as compared to the years before 1989. In fact, with the emergence of economic crisis there was a danger that parents didn`t want to send their children to schools, due to the fact that the application of employment was limited, and they could no longer see investment utility in education for their own children. In the days before economic crisis, the rate of participation in secondary and tertiary education has been on the rise in all countries of the European Union. However, according to a UNESCO (2008) report it is specified that education of good quality stimulates economic growth, the improvement of the living standard, the quality of life and reduces poverty in the next few years. Poverty is a factor which affected the quality of the education because of the low standard of living of the children who come from families with low income.All these are to be found at the level of a vicious circle, the increase in poverty having a powerful impact on the quality of education (recess put on perception regarding the education utility reported to the parents` behaviour). The restriction on the right of education has a negative impact on growth and economic development in the long term, a situation that causes job losses ( professional training International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 31 inferior to market requirements or even non-existent) what makes the maintenance in a state of poverty of the population in a period of transition to a market economy of the Third Millennium. The Teaching Staff requirements in didactic assessment process forces children`s thinking and parents` also to withdraw from courses without being beyond the educational institution's gate another institution to take over. The result of the decisions offer the chance to these scholar failures, combined with institutional managers and professors, .with precarious education of parents and with road wanderings by pupils, leading them and supporting them using state institutions, by sending them at the same time in the process of re-socialization with economic costs tens of times higher than the costs offered by of government policies for education.Applied in the context of training, the assessment is the process of assessing the quality of educational system is but also of a part of the system. Evaluation mainly affects the educational process efficiency from the point of view of the relation between the designed aims and the results achieved by students in the learning process. The assessment is done by the teacher through appropriate teaching strategies designed for peering the review of the internal functioning of educational action. With a view to appropriate design and implementation of assessment activities in school, it should be taken into account a few important transformations that have occurred lately and which have resulted in a sizing and a negative trend of evaluative strategies: (1) Extending the assessment action as the check and in evaluating the results - the traditional aim - to the process assessment of the strategy which has led to some results; evaluation not only of pupils, but also of content, methods, objectives, the learning situation, of valuation itself; (2) TAKING into account the other indicators, other than cognitive acquisitions , as well as behaviour, students' personality, attitudes, the degree of incorporation of certain values etc; (3) the diversity of assessment techniques and increasing the degree of adequacy them to concrete didactic situations (extending the use of test, the works in the form of synthesis, the development of methods for the evaluation of practical procurement); (4) The opening of assessment toward several perspectives of space school (relational skills, teacher-student communication , availabilities in social integration); (5) Student's transformation into the teacher`s authentic partner in assessment through self-check, inter- assessment and controlled assessment. 3.Policies of the European Union in the field of education and training The Rome Treaty of 1957, specifies that the economic size will represent the principle economic engine of European construction while education was considered to be an exclusive field - the responsibility of the Member States and of the governing policies. This perception of Community education has laster for 22 decades, and in 1976 has caused the first change in Community thinking on education at the level of the Member States. Then it has been adopted the Resolution on the program of action in the field of education and cooperation at the level of the States members on exchange of information on national education system with a wide range depending on the country. The Maastricht Treaty brought new skills European Union in the field of education, recognizing the role of education in the future development of Europe. The Lisbon Treaty has been carried out for the first time, a distinction is made between the European Union and the Member States or the States acceding Government (the accession treaties). The Education and Training Treaty falls into International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 32 the category of the coordination of the Member States. The Article 165 of Treaty of Lisbon has shown the role of the European Union in the field of education. European Union contributes to the development of quality education on relations of Member States by supporting and supplementing the actions fully respecting Member States' responsibility for the content of education, the system of organization as well as educational and cultural diversity and transnational language. Educational objectives of European Union policies in accordance with Article 165 shall relate to: (a) Development of the European dimension in education into the language of Member States; (b) Favoring of mobility of students and university teachers through recognition of diplomas; (c) Promotion of two-way relations cooperation between educational institutions; (d) Developing the exchange of information and experience of education systems in the Member States; (e) Encouraging exchange of young people and educational instructors for supporting young people in European democratic life (principles democratic European); (f) Encouraging and supporting education at distance with all forms of modern assessment. In fact, in the Lisbon strategy has been drawn up the program Education and Training 2010 within the framework of which it has been proposed a package of reforms that turn Europe into the most dynamic and more competent economy in the world based on knowledge capable of sustainable development (International Conference from Rio de Janeiro), providing more and better jobs and a greater social cohesion. In this context, European Union policies are to be found in the Romanian education system. So, we consider the concept of "assessment". Problematic teaching assessment (school) is an important consideration in advisory process. Special notes on joint actions in education shows performances in (non) evaluative differentiations. This situation leads to a recovery of teaching potential. In this way, teaching evaluation process should be included within the limits objectivity and educational responsibility. Therefore, the understanding criteria underlying specific appreciations, requires (Auto)assessment skills, designed to justify itself validity of the appreciations and educational performances. In the teaching staff, educational assessment (understood as process and assessing the measurement (Radu, 2008)) provides useful information regarding teaching and learning. In the context of the new educational paradigms, in the literature and in practice itself we put more and more emphasis on interactive educational assessment, which in a modern education an absolutely obligation and who knows at the same time "conscious training and policers". Such an assessment is distinguished from the traditional one in that it is based on interactive methods specific to new education. However, this point of view, although shows an emphasis on the new element must not lead to a complete surrender of traditional assessment. According to C. Cucos, the meaning of the word "assessment", offers different meanings, in the functions of the educational realities which shall take into account: assessment of system learning, the assessment of the educational institution, teachers' assessment, evaluation of the programs, the students` assessment etc. The contemporary society brings problems of a great complexity, which causes the emphasis on ways in which must be carried out educational action, in order to help the man from our days to answer questions that he encounters. However, there are enough arguments forsupporting the idea of progress, evolution, adaptation, more recently - the management of International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 33 change, etc. , getting started to be taken not only to understand, but also to act on educational activity itself. (Lisievici, 2002: 34). The assessment represents a moment of the learning process and is just as important as teaching. Assessment should be applied to students and teachers. In the future we need more teachers who are able to realize self- check, and then they apply to students assessment optimal methods for every moment of assessment and each disciplines. Furthermore, the evaluation is A self tuning activity for both students, as well as for teachers, with a view to obtaining superior performances. Whatever its immediate objectives of evaluation should be, the assessment must support and promote the work of teaching and learning. It makes it easy to adjust professional activities, as it provides information about quality of teaching, about the way in which it has been carried out the content of training, about its accessibility, about the value of teaching technologies. To establish a strategy for the assessment in education is equivalent to fix when you're evaluating, in whatever form, with what methods and means, and how you take advantage of the information obtained etc. Of course, in the end, on the basis of the conclusions reached, the student will change the strategy of learning, professor his teaching strategy h and the director his managerial strategy. Evaluation means, together with teaching and learning, a fundamental operational component of the educational process. It constitutes the adjustment and self- adjustment element, with reverse connection, through the education system, regarded as cyber warfare system. In the light of the prospective systemic correlations between teaching and learning assessment, the assessment informs us about the efficiency strategies and methods, teaching and learning but at the same time on the accuracy of establishing operational objectives and the extent to which they are to be found in school results. (Panţuru S.; Păcurar D.C., 1987: 33). Educational curricula considers the assessment of teaching process the educational process as an activity for the collection, interpretation of the monitoring data on the effects of direct relationship teacher-student with a view to streamline educational system operation. Educational assessment is a comprehensive form of verification and shall be provided in a phased way, over a period of several school activities, at whose end, the teaching staff can assess the level of training which the pupil has at that time. The assessment, understood as a component of the educational process, has a two- stage dimension, in the sense that, on one hand, it represents a means by which the student is appreciated, and, on the other hand, constitutes for the teaching staff an algorithm of teaching assessment. Therefore, school evaluation is the process by which we measure and we appreciate the teaching product. A relevant aspect in the process of assessment is one which takes into account the relationship between assessing a person (individual appreciation) and assessing the group. Here comes an educational paradox which relates to its purpose of the carried out activities. This paradox lies in the fact that, sometimes in school system, in grades located in the last year of education or before changing a school cycle, is used in the so-called modern methods of teaching - learning those covering educational activities which shall be conducted at the level of group. Furthermore, in the case in which these activities fall within the scope subjects which are relevant and finality in a final exam (high school graduation exam, capacity, etc. ), then the paradox is more International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 34 than obvious in what concerns the teaching process. Of course, you don't have to minimize the importance of modern methods of teaching - learning, but you don't even need to overreact with regard to their application in such an approach. “An evaluation of the group must take into account the assessment of all the appreciated members separately, assessment which should be located at the level of educational responsibility”. (Jeder, 2011: 420-422). In other words, an accurate feedback effectively involves a structured review at the level of each member of the group in question. “In evaluating the operation of the group , it shall discussed any action of a State which should be improved in order to maximize learning” (Popa, 2005: 195). Therefore, a relevant and effective assessment should also consider the situation of a foundation for learning. The operation of the evaluation is not a superimposed step in the learning process, but it is an integrated act of teaching activity. Assessment should be designed not only as a check of knowledge or as a means of objective measurement, but as a way of processing which involves a global strategy on training. It is a way to validate the justice educational sequences, components teaching process and a means of distinguishing, mounting, and working on educational objectives and contents. Pedagogical evaluation shall include in its scope the results and their psychological sublayers. This is done by the teacher through appropriate teaching strategies designed for peering the review of the internal functioning of educational action. Having an important role in the optimization of the activities by any type, the assessment is permanent in any business area. Education is a centered field of the company, in which the activity of the evaluation manifests in particular and whose approach is deeply justified. Thus, the assessment in the field of education aims to appreciate objectively and with scientific ways the training effects of a pedagogical action. We can appreciate that in the past decades, the concept of “assessment” has undergone profound and significant transformations in an ambience of education and learning process, the meaning of evaluative process being changed with the intention to adapt to new educational and social requirements. Evolving from traditional design as a fall in the end of life-long learning, today, the assessment is more than just a final or parallel process with life-long learning. It is an act which organically integrates in the same process of learning, creating interactive and circular relationships. While learning, the student performs repeated processes of professionalism and critical appraisal, which serve as a basis for decision-making guidance for his own training and development. Furthermore, the concept of "assessment" changes over time, while gaining multiple potential and various meanings. Thus, the level of teaching is interested in not only the progress assessment of teaching, but also in training and developing the students` capacities of self – check.The Educational requirements include a new register of powers, unlike traditional powers centered on transmission of information and learning assessment of the transmitted information. Because of the diversified contents which must be assimilated by students and verified by the teaching staff, methods and techniques of evaluation have never known a rich-quick. The new methods which have arisen are successfully used along with the traditional ones and offers an overview picture , of the one being assessed. Therefore, in each normal and healthy child may be formed and International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 35 developed capacities necessary for carrying out scholar tasks. It all depends on the organization and carrying out of their work correctly. Both the amount and the quality of knowledge, as well as general intellectual development will depend on the student's motivation for teaching, moral and volitional attributes whose knowledge is essential for carrying out an effective activity with its respective students. Knowledge of each student, his general intelligence , training level and the evolution of him in different stages of education requires systematic observation of activities, applying the tests for the evaluation, the examination of pupils lessons, discussions with parents and individual discussions with the students, with the reference to the system requirements of school history syllabus. 4. Conclusions and proposals A relevant aspect in the process of assessment is one which takes into account the relationship between assessing a person (individual appreciation) and assessing the group. Here comes an educational paradox which relates to its purpose of the carried out activities . This paradox lies in the fact that, sometimes in school system, in grades located in the last year of education or before changing a school cycle, is used in the so-called modern methods of teaching - learning those covering educational activities which shall be conducted at the level of group. . Furthermore, in the case in which these activities fall within the scope subjects which are relevant and finality in a final exam (high school graduation exam, capacity, etc. ), then the paradox is more than obvious in what concerns the teaching process. Of course, you don't have to minimize the importance of modern methods of teaching - learning, but you don't even need to overreact with regard to their application in such an approach.The evaluation is an action of knowledge ( especially) for some phenomena, under their extent of accomplishments report,of condition and functionality of a system, of the results of an activity. Therefore, the object can be a phenomenon, a person (student, teacher), an activity, or its results, an institution, or the school system as a whole, etc. The Evaluative act aims at improving phenomena assessed, being carried out with a view to take decisions in this respect. We notice that, the modernization of the Roumanian teaching process, centering on its quality, especially on the education` s quality, gave rise to the the polemics among the practitioners, Especially among with those who are divided into camps pro and against reform. In most cases, This discrimination is made on the basis of the age, the convictions of each and by the perception that they have on the new. All these things prove that evaluation is a very important component of teaching process and that it deserves to be investigated in depth, in order to achieve its goals, with which is invested, and in order to be designed, implemented and evaluated properly. Conclusively , it can be said that the main functions of the evaluation shall consist of efficiency measurement and of the auto-adjustment of the teaching process, teachers being able to control the scholar acquisitions, students being aware of their achievements and progresses, and the community to be informed on the course of progress in which school evolves and on the orientation of the young generation. In this respect, it is being spoken about the assessment of the education` effectiveness.But is equally necessary that the effective evaluation to be assured. This latter aspect International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI) No.1/ 2014 36 is a matter of importance, Since it can be the most eloquently confirmed by passing the control/assessment to self-check. (auto – assessment), what claims in a larger plan the transition from determination and patronage to a reasoned self standing. References [1] Daniela, Jeder. (2011). “Education and structures of responsibility for life and environment”, in 2010 International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (IPCBEE), vol.1, IACSIT Press, Singapore, 2011, pp. 420-422. [2] Lisievici, Petru. (2002). Evaluarea în învăţământ, Bucureşti: Publishing House Aramis.. [3] Radu, Ion T.. (2008). Evaluarea în procesul didactic, Bucureşti: Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., Bucureşti. [4] Voiculescu, E.. (2001). Factorii subiectivi ai evaluarii şcolare, Bucureşti: Editura Aramis. [5] Panţuru, S., Păcurar. D.C.. (1997). 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