International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 6 Considerations of Public Management Functions - the Example of the College of Art "Ciprian Porumbescu" Suceava HRETCANU Ciprian Ionel “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania E-mail: Received 12.09.2014; Accepted 12.10. 2014 Abstract This study presents the basic functions of public management and summarizes the main duties of a school principal, as determined by the rules of organization and operation of schools approved by Order No. 4925 / 08.09.2005 of the Ministry of Education. Also, we try capturing the managerial problems of the beginning of the school year and presented a list of documents to be made by the director. Our case study contains an example of a management plan for the College of Art "CiprianPorumbescu" Suceava. Keywords: school management, functions of public management 1. Introduction Public management is a complex of actions taken in order to ensure normal operation, effectively organized communities (businesses, public institutions, political organizations, schools) as a whole as well as each component separately. The issue of public management functions can be understood from the fact that the public administration is dependent on the organization and operation of state and local (including school), without which you can not conceive of a modern society. 2.Functions of public management The function of management is activity directed towards a specific purpose specified in terms of his character and interaction with other activities, is objectively necessary for effective management of the organization. a) Prediction. Managerial activity needs perspective; it concerns the future, meaning time. The function prediction consists of a set of processes through which public institutions are determined objectives, formulating courses of action to achieve them and allocate resources. From a theoretical perspective, headmaster duties forecast reduces to the project preparation, and he final decision belongs to the school inspectorate or local public administration. In practice, however, can be observed depending on the political system and form of government, a rather large influence on local public administration development programs that establish long-term, medium or short. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 7 b) Organization. Organizing is the act ensures that the resources needed to implement the plan will be available at the right time and the activities contained in the plan will contribute to the achievement of public institutions. The organization may consist of any activity by the action routine that takes a few minutes to a complicated structure, which implies a long period of time. The function of the organization consists of all work processes through which the institutional framework ensure effective achievement of targets predicted by the rational allocation of resources. c) Coordination. The coordination function consists of all processes through harmonizing the decisions and actions of public servants in the forecast and organizations previously established regarding routing resources so that they are available at the right time, in the quantity and quality of the established order achieving the objectives of the public administration. Coordination depends largely on potential managers to know and master the human resource, its effects are closely related to the content and how to consider and apply the results to other functions. Without effective action is not feasible coordination of the various elements of the administrative mechanism, which would have repercussions on the entire social system. d) Motivation. The goal of motivation is as deep and effective involvement of civil servants in their respective objectives, goals derived from administrative organizational structures. Proper performance of the functions requires understanding of the role of public managers and subordinate features of the human factor, human motivations, practice management and leadership style accordingly by establishing extensive communication. The motivation includes all processes which determine the work of public institutions staff to help identify and meet the public interest, based on consideration of the factors motivating to achieve the objectives. e) Control. The control is also an important administrative activities, the process which ensures that public officials behave and act in accordance with the plans, the structure and rules set. The control function is a set of processes that compares the performance of public institutions with objectives, ensure compliance of their activities with legal regulations in force, in order to eliminate the shortcomings. The effectiveness of public managers is determined by managerial qualities displayed by them and realized how combining the five functions listed. 3. School management School management is ensured in accordance with the National Education Law No. 1/2011, published in Official Gazette No. 18 of 10 January 2011. In individual schools in Romania, must create a joint commission for evaluation and quality assurance education, according to legal provisions. Director ensure the executive leadership to the school in accordance with the powers conferred by law, the decisions of the Council of Administration of the school, and other legal regulations; it is subordinated to the school inspectorate, represented by the inspector general. The job of the director and evaluation form are developed by the school inspectorate, based on benchmarks established and communicated to the ground by the Ministry of National Education. The school principalrepresenting the school in dealing with third persons and legal entities within the powers provided by law; also, should show loyalty to the school, credibility and accountability in its decisions, confidence in the ability of employees to encourage and support colleagues to motivate for training and for creating a climate unit optimal educational process. The school International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 8 principalwith legal personality, financial accounting operating compartment through which the synthetic and analytical accounting and budget execution, coordinates the department directly. Financial-accounting staff reports to the head of school and works in accordance with the powers set forth in the job description. The school principal has the right to guidance and control over the work of all staff employee of the school; He works with medical and dental staff. Visit the school and assisting in classes or school activities / extracurricular, made by people outside the school, will be made only with the approval of the school principal, with the legal provisions in force. An exception to this provision as representatives of institutions of control over schools. In achieving leadership position in accordance with Article 97 of Law No. 1/2011, the school principal shall: a) it is the legal representative of the school and ensure its executives; b) is the authorizing officer of the school; c) assumes, with the Council of Administration, the public accountability for the performance of the school he leads; d) proposed the Rules of organization and operation of the school; e) proposed draft budget and budget execution report; f) responsible for selecting, hiring, periodic evaluation, training, motivation and termination of employment of staff of the school; g) performs other duties determined by the Council of Administration, according to law; h) submit an annual report on the quality of education in the establishment or the institution he leads. i) coordinate the collection of statistical data and transmits these data to the school inspectorate for complement the national system of education indicators. 4. Managerial problems of the beginning of the school year The beginning of each school year is a profound act of creation management, focused on major goals, their annexes and other documents from the different levels of decision; for one year they will guide the whole educational process of the school. In the face of educational change, the manager is facing challenges on necessary documents, as and when you need to draw. For this he should inform, to study literature, to access the Internet, to participate in local, regional, national or international events management. Only then can effective management practice and the only way it can be properly coordinated and coherent educational activities of the institution. At the beginning of the school year, the school principal must have on the office work management the following documents: - directory folder; -provisions dossier; -managerial documents of the curricular area; -managerial documents of the departments; -duties of the head of department; -functioning authorization; -professional self-assessment sheet. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 9 Directory folder is one of the essential documents of the educational process, the accuracy of the effectiveness depends on its entire business in the school unit. In this folder are the following documents: -structure of the school year; -annual management program; -management program on semesters, with operational objectives; -the members of the Council of Administration and management responsibilities; -topics of the Council of Administration meetings; -topics of the Teaching Council meetings; -composition of the Council for Curriculum and managerial responsibilities; -teachers masters; -teams curricular areas and departments; -Working committees unit approved by the school administration; -school course schedule; Another important managerial task of the director is the preparation and drafting the provision, under which documents management are implemented by councils and committees. Any school unit at the beginning of the school year, under hygienic - sanitary appropriate authorization must obtain and sanitary operation and this requires another set of documents. 5.Management plan for the College of Art "CiprianPorumbescu" Suceava – example This managerial plan is planning all activities of the College of Arts "Porumbescu" Suceava for the school year 2013-2014 and is based on legislation in force, the diagnosis of internal and external environment (SWOT) analysis of educational needs in the political, social and economic (PEST analysis) and the policies and strategies established by the Ministry of Education for the next period. 5.1. About the school The College of Art "CiprianPorumbescu" Suceava is a state school, vocational branch, with a specific organizational structure determined by the four artistic profile: music; plastic and decorative arts; architecture, environmental art and design; conservation and restoration of cultural property, plus philological profile. In the school year 2013-2014, the college works with 125 posts of teaching staff, including a director and a ssistant director, 11 posts of auxiliary teaching and 13 non teaching posts. In the present context, the main functions of our school are:  Organizing the entire teaching and learning specific events (knowledge and application of curriculum by each teacher, provided skills training in the curriculum by completing full of matter and undertaking practical steps local school Olympics organizing / participating in competitions profile, according to the schedule county or national);  Guiding teachers through training activities organized in school or out;  Making their own programs or national / governmental (social grants for students, financial aid for transport, etc.) International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 10 5.2. Normative acts  National Education Law no. 1/2011;  Order 5220/2011 on the organization of admission to the state high school for the school year 2013-2014;  Order no. 3818 / 06.03.2013 on the structure of the school year 2013-2014;  Order no. 4595 / 22.07.2009 on approval of performance criteria for evaluating teachers in pre- university education;  Order no. 4925 / 29.08.2013 on the organization of admission to state high school for school year 2014-2015;  Government Decision of 02.21.2013 on the methodology for determining the standard cost per student / preschool and funding of schools based on state education, local budgets based on standard costs per student / preschool / year;  Order no. 4924 / 29.08.2013 on the organization of national assessment eighth grade graduates in the academic year 2013-2014;  Order nr.4923 / 08.29.2013 on the organization of the baccalaureate examination – 2014;  Law 49/2013 174/2013 approving OUG 49/2013;  Order nr.1563 / 2008;  Law 29/2010 amending and supplementing Law no. 35/2007 on improving safety in schools;  Law no. 87 of 13 April 2006 approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 75/2005 on quality assurance in education;  Instruction no. 2 of 17 February 2011;  Government Ordinance no. 29/2013 regarding certain fiscal measures;  Order M.E.C.T.S. nr.5569 / 2011 on the organization and functioning art school education;  Order nr.4925 / 08.09.2005 on the approval of the organization and operation of schools education;  Order nr.5132 / 10.09.2009 on the specific activities of project office;  Order nr.3263 / 15.02.2006 on minimal norm of equipment for primary;  Order no. 5561 / 31.10. 2011 Methodology for teacher training in secondary education;  Order nr.3337 / 08.03.2002 on the work of project and program advisor for formal education in pre-schools;  Order nr.5565 / 07.10.2011 approving the Regulation on study documents and document management school in secondary education;  Order 4140 / 14.06.2011 amending Regulation on the granting of honors and awards teachers of pre-university education;  Order nr.4847 bis / 01.10.2004;  Order no. 4247 / 21.06.2011 - Regulation of organization and functioning of the National Council of Students;  Order MECTS 1407/2007 approval Strategy curbing violence in schools education  Order 5106 / 01.09.2011. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 11 5.3. The analysis of educational needs in the political, economic, social and technological (PEST Analysis) a. The political context Educational policy and general policy in the municipal, county and national vocational education fosters development. In the school year 2013-2014 our school received from City Hall Suceavaa sum of money allocated to rehabilitate educational facilities (painting workshops, gym, restrooms, classrooms, band room). Community programs improve the quality, efficiency and equity of public education by increasing the autonomy and capacity of development and project management at our college. b) The economic context There is concern of policy makers from Suceava to diversify cultural life by creating a professional theater, cinema Modern redevelopment, creating a show rooms and offices spaces for cultural institutions. In this context, the work of schools funding involves funding per capita, and complementary and compensatory funding. Favorable factors Unfavorable factors -Domestic and international political context of education; -Progress educational policies at the local, county and national level regarding education reform; -Starting decentralization by strengthening the role of each school in the selection and allocation of resources. -Insufficient use of the opportunities offered by municipal and county community programs; -Measures to reduce government spending by reducing the number of jobs, especially in the administrative sector and reduce wages. Favorable factors Unfavorable factors -Establish partnerships with cultural institutions, schools and economic agents for the benefit of the College; -Creation and development in the city and county cultural institutions; -The possibility of obtaining financial resources from extrabudgetary funding programs conducted by carrying out projects in partnership. -The average household income below the EU average income; -The high price of teaching materials and supplies required school activities (books, manuals; -Weak industrial structure and low level of foreign investment; -Insufficient development of cultural and economic partnership projects; -Keeping the differences in level of economic development in different areas of the county; -Labour migration to the risks of abandonment / failure of school children without parental supervision. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 12 c) The social context Socially, we are dealing with the influence of habit, and consider parents to influence their children to follow the theoretical profiles or information, regardless of skills and the performance of graduates. Theoretical specialties are still requested, to the detriment of specialization, even though demand for jobs in the area exceeds the current supply. Mass Media is, for most partners in the county school, the principal intermediary in communicating information about the educational system, sometimes substituting factors should provide correct information to the beneficiaries of education. 5.4. The mission of school The College of Art “CiprianPorumbescu” has the role to train skills in the arts and develop artistic performances. Our school provides education and training to all those in need, regardless of ethnicity, religion, social affiliation, without any discrimination. 5.5. Directions of action  Increase access of all children to a quality education and increase school success rate;  Implementation and attending school curriculum based on EU competence;  Motivating students and teachers for performance;  Providing advice and guidance, training and pedagogical support;  Providing additional education (health education, civic education, entrepreneurship and technology, education through sport);  Human resource development and create conditions introducing mentoring activities;  Community partnerships and international development. 5.6. Priorities  Increasing the efficiency of educational approaches to the students: application school curriculum focused on acquiring key competences of the European Union, increasing the efficiency of educational activities, providing counseling and psycho- pedagogical assistance, further training programs to students for performance;  Making schooling plan with the social partners on the basis of the educational needs of students and their parents interests, labor market assessment;  Using funding opportunities through structural funds to carry out programs in the College;  Extension of institutional educational partnerships at local, national and international expansion to diversify the supply of complementary and alternative programs and learning activities;  Promoting intreculturalităţii values, supporting programs / projects focused on knowledge, respect and valuing cultural diversity of children and young people from minorities existing in the county;  Providing specific equipment necessary to conduct the optimum conditions of the educational process. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) No.2/ 2014 13 5.7. General objectives for the school year 2013-2014 1. Optimizing management at all levels (unit school, the Teachers Council, of the Administration Board, committees methodical, the coordinating teacher); 2. Adapting the teaching-learning-assessment, educational services (curricular and extracurricular), educational and vocational guidance, due to structural changes caused by the implementation of the National Education Law and its secondary legislation; 3. Adapting human resources to the new requirements; 4. Ensure adequate school infrastructure and teaching-material base for the educational process; 5. Increasing the participation of the municipal educational partners in solving the school; 6. Accessing EU funds for initiating and carrying out projects. 6. Conclusions Currently, a school director has faced several challenges: the many administrative duties, decline of the population, merging small units, final departure abroad students and parents, the poor state of school buildings old, questionable quality of communication (unpaved roads, long distances between cities), mutations in the hierarchy spectacular value systems, frequent changes of legislation, methodologies and regulations, the rapid change of ministers of education, inspectors general, inevitably associated with the change of leadership style and the perception of educational priorities, etc. The outlook depends on management education and state education policy coherence benefit party / parties out / in office. Romanian educational reform, which began over 20 years ago, it was not always consistent, had gaps and significant gaps. And we know that it takes two vectors essential to ensure the quality of the education system: competence and continuity. Only healthy fiber of our education has resisted slips they knew in those years. It is asking too many managers: to organize the work, coordinate, provide, responsible for everything that moves in the school, and their wages to mention? Perhaps one solution would be to employ skilled managers to handle only administrative matters of the school. And of course be rewarded accordingly. References [1] Oroveanu M.. (1994), Introducere în ştiinţa administraţiei, Bucureşti: Editura Ştiintifică şi Enciclopedică. [2] Legea nr.1/2011 [3] [accesed 03.06.2014] [4] [accesed 13.08.2014]