International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 53 *Corresponding author - e-mail: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 53–70 ABSTRACT Power-to-gas (P2G) technology is an emerging disruptive solution for renewable electricity integration and energy storage. Two significant challenges of its commercialization are the perceived risks associated to its scalability and the cost-benefit ratio of P2G versus other innovative energy storage technologies. Its emerging regulatory and business environment significantly limit the accuracy of the financial models, as well. The authors have examined how strategic and innovation management could contribute to the commercialization of the technology despite the above-mentioned challenges. The authors performed action research between 2016–2019 at Hungarian technology developer startup Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft. Research results show that dyad-level open innovation led to a significant opportunity to make new steps towards the commercialization of the disruptive technology. Because of the exploitative characteristics of the market environment and emerging regulatory framework, significant needs for complementary resources were identified that would drive successful commercialization. Inter-organizational P2G innovation networks and their role in shaping further innovation and the establishment of regulatory sandbox models might be essential to overcome barriers of commercialization of this disruptive technology. 1. Introduction One of main trends of the transforming energy sector is the increasing use of renewable energy technologies [1]. Renewable energy technologies research [2, 3, 4] is significantly focusing on research areas, such as energy supplies and cost-efficiency [5, 6], regional level inte- gration and coordination [7, 8], or system modelling and data analysis [9, 10]. This paper contributes to several research areas that drive the transformation of the energy industry: challenges related to the integration of renewables into the power system [11], technology investments and implementation [12], theories and tools to overcome these challenges [13, 14], with a special focus on organizational [15] and innovation management [16] perspective. The authors analyse the development and implementation of an inno- vative energy storage technology, power-to-gas (P2G) with biological methanation. An inter-organizational model of the core technological innovation is elaborated to overcome the challenges of the renewables integration in Hungary. Nowadays, P2G technologies get increased attention from industry representatives, academia and public sector not only on national level, but on global level, as well. For The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies: the case of power-to-gas Zoltán Csedőa b, Máté Zavarkó*a b a Department of Management and Organization, Corvinus University of Budapest, Fővám tér 8., 1093 Budapest, Hungary b Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft, Baross u. 36., 5000 Szolnok, Hungary Keywords: Power-to-gas; Technology development; Inter-organizational network; Innovation management; Action research; URL: http://mate.zavarko 54 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies example, the STORE&GO project, which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova- tion programme, is focusing on three variations of power- to-gas implementation in three different countries – but still on demo sites. Since 2016, 27 European partners are collaborating in the project [17]. This fact justifies the critical role of inter-organizational innovation networks in case of power-to-gas technology development. The scientific literature of energy storage elaborates the opportunities of P2G technologies for the transform- ing energy industry [18, 19, 20, 21] and its different technological R&D aspects [22, 23, 24, 25]. Based on the overview of Blanco and Faaij [26], P2G research focuses on levelized cost of energy, process design, time series, business models, technology review, cost optimization, life-cycle assessment and projects surveys, but does not focus on the managerial challenges of the technology development and commercialization. The P2G technol- ogy has not been widely commercialized, yet [27]. The authors believe that research focusing on innovation management aspects of P2G technology development would add significant value to the commercialization of this technology on a wider scale, as well as could serve as a benchmark to other disruptive technologies for suc- cessful commercialization. Although this research has been undertaken in Hungary, focusing on local inter-organizational innovation net- works, the research concept can be extrapolated interna- tionally to countries and institutions collaborating to develop a disruptive technology and reaping similar ben- efits. Consequently, the findings of this research show how organizations could collaborate to exploit a disrup- tive technology and help decision-makers in supporting technology development according to the complementary resources on organizational, national or regional level. Quantitative research in this field highlight important operative (e.g. efficient reactor structure) or system level (e.g. impact on the energy sector) cause and effect rela- tionships between key variables. In contrast, this research enables a deep insight into the P2G technology develop- ment in a given context (Hungary) and highlights factors (opportunities, barriers, interests, perceived benefits) that lead to the formation of an inter-organizational P2G innovation network. A continuous iteration between the empirical research and management theory in this study is crucial because through this methodology the findings a) emphasize the importance of inter-organizational networks in developing disruptive technologies b) add “soft” management aspects to the P2G discourse c) show that action research of new energy technologies is possible, and most importantly, not only possible but important and effective to generate social change. Figure 1 shows the most important characteristics of this research. The combination of these managerial aspects in the power-to-gas research field is a significant research gap, and combining these methods could lead to answer the research question from the empirical research environment and lead to social change. In the following chapters, the background, methodol- ogy, and key results of a three years long action research will be presented, as follows: - Opportunities for deployment of P2G technology in Hungary - Barriers of scaling-up and commercializing this disruptive technology - Solution: formation of an inter-organizational innovation network. In line with the fundamentals of action research and grounded theory, the authors are going to discuss the findings and draw conclusions iterated with related literature. 2. Background In this section, the authors highlight those important characteristics of power-to-gas technology, the concrete research background, theoretical considerations and pre- vious empirical results which had an impact on formu- lating the research question and framed the research. Methodology: Action research supported by grounded theory Research topic: Power-to-gas This research Theoretical background: Management, Networks, Innovation Figure 1: Characteristics of the research: research topic, theoretical background and methodology International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 55 Zoltán Csedő, Máté Zavarkó 2.1. Introduction of the power-to-gas technology Energy storage is crucial to reach an increasing renewable energy supply [28]. The P2G technology is an emerging disruptive solution for renewable integration and energy storage by converting surplus electricity to biomethane which can be injected into the gas grid to store and trans- port it efficiently [26]. P2G also decreases the operating risks of TSOs by providing flexible balancing services. It contributes significantly to decarbonization efforts by using carbon dioxide in the methanation process [29]. According to Blanco and Faaij, P2G technology means “power conversion to hydrogen through electrolysis with the possibility of further combining it with CO2 to pro- duce methane” [26, p. 1049]. There are other definitions in the literature [29, 30, 31, 27], as well, however, this approach is best suited for this research, because it differ- entiates the two main market segments of the P2G indus- try: power-to-hydrogen (P2H) and power-to- methane (P2M). This approach also fits the areas of use of pro- duced hydrogen [31]: direct utilization (e.g. as fuel), injection into the gas grid by its safety limits [32, 33], combining with carbon dioxide to produce methane. This research focuses on the P2M segment, that is char- acterized by two dominant approaches: the catalytic (or Sabatier) and the biological methanation technologies [30]. The Sabatier process utilizes nickel- and ruthenium- based catalysts [31], while the biological methanation happens by methanogen microorganisms as biocatalysts [30]. The efficiency of biological methanation is higher (more than 95%) than in the case of the Sabatier process (70–85%) [26]. The product gas with high methane con- tent can be directly injected into the gas grid, can be used for heating, fuelling or industrial processes [27]. Based on Baleira et al. [29], catalytic methanation has been known since the 1970s [30] and more projects have been running with catalytic methanation, than with bio- logical methanation. Considering the higher efficiency of biological methanation, as well, one could argue that its innovativeness (which can be associated with new- ness, development, change, learning, improvement, value creation [34, 35, 36] ) is higher than the innova- tiveness of catalytic methanation. 2.2. Research background The authors conducted action research with the involve- ment of P2G technology developer Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft. The company plans to build industrial-scale P2G facilities with biological methanation (up to 10 MW). Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft. has been founded in 2016 and developed an innovative lab scale P2G prototype in cooperation with Electrochaea GmbH, the developer of the largest P2G facility in the world with biomethana- tion, located in Avedøre, Denmark (1 MW) [37]. In both cases, the P2G reactor contains a proprietary biocatalyst, which is an optimized strain of Archaea (Methano- thermobacter thermautotrophicus). The robust, highly selective and efficient strain was developed at the University of Chicago [38, 39]. The conversion is car- ried out by basic reactions and mediated by the biocata- lyst employing a unique set of enzymes [40, 41]: - Power-to-hydrogen: 4H2O→4H2+2O2+Heat (electrolyzer) - Hydrogen-to-methane: CO2+4H2→CH4+2H2O (biocatalyst) The stoichiometry of the second reaction requires four moles of hydrogen and one mole of carbon dioxide to yield one mole of methane. Using its innovative lab-scale prototype, Power- to-Gas Hungary Kft conducted R&D activities from April 2018 to July 2019. Based on the values of the product gas of almost 10 000 measurements within this period, Power- to-Gas Hungary Kft demonstrated the applicability of the technology in Hungary, collected and analysed empirical data for further development. 2.3. Research question Both academics and industry experts agree that P2G tech- nologies could play crucial role in the future of the energy sector. There are, however, two significant challenges of commercialization of P2G technologies: perceived risks associated to its scalability and the cost-benefit ratio of P2G versus other innovative energy storage technologies [30, 31, 27, 29]. The authors would like to contribute to addressing these challenges with this research. On the other hand, the research is built on an inter- organizational network perspective, since several schol- ars argue that collaborations and networks among industry representatives could significantly increase innovation performance through combining comple- mentary capabilities [42, 43, 44]. By following action research supported by grounded theory, not only the theory and the data were iterated and continuously forming, but the research question as well. While the initial question was rather a holistic strategic management question (“How to develop and commer- cialize P2G technology in Hungary?”), the final, nar- rowed research question was: 56 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies How could inter-organizational networks and innova- tion management contribute to commercial development ambitions and scale-up of an innovative P2G technol- ogy, as well as to increase its efficiency? Based on action research, the authors aimed to build a bridge between technological, commercial and mana- gerial aspects, as well as between theory and practice of P2G technology development and commercialization. 2.4. Research framework There are significant changes in several energy market segments driven by global trends [45], especially sus- tainability efforts [1], decentralized and smart solutions [46, 47], energy efficiency and energy security [48]. Sustainability even appeared at many organizations as an additional goal besides profit-maximizing and growth [49]. Significant infrastructural challenges have also emerged in case of TSOs and DSOs, as decentralized energy production and consumption are not fully com- patible with current physical and IT systems [50, 46]. Meeting these challenges are limited by general man- agement related factors and by industry-specific factors. From managerial aspect, realizing strategic ambidexter- ity is difficult because exploitation (efficient operation on current business areas) and exploration (searching for new opportunities, innovation) are competing for the same resources and are contradictory from several aspects [51]. Organizations tend to follow their exploit- ative routines because of their path dependency [50, 51]. From the industrial aspect, Nisar et al [52] found that the strict regulation and the rigid institutional background in the national energy markets result in less open, less col- laborative, less innovative structures at large energy companies. Costa-Campi et al [48] argued that large company size means slow, and long decision procedures related to R&D&I activities. This problem is widely spread in the energy sector, where market concentration and company size is usually high. Moreover, several studies concluded that the dominance of current technol- ogies obstructs the development and implementation of new, renewable energy technologies [53, 54, 55]. Consequently, the development and implementation of new technologies (e.g. P2G technologies) could be lim- ited by exploitative routines and path dependency of large energy companies. According to management literature, collaboration with external partners [56] could add, however, signifi- cant value in such cases. Complementary resources can be essential for profiting from technological innovations, which can be ensured by collaboration partners, as well [42]. As a consequence, a network-based innovation approach could significantly contribute to competitive- ness and efficiency [57]. Change aspects also emerge concerning innovation [58, 59, 60], as the dynamic reconfiguration of organiza- tional capabilities could result in strategic actions and innovations which could shape the business environment [61, 62, 63]. Internal organizational capabilities can be combined with the capabilities of external partners, that could result in even disruptive innovations that are able to generate change in the industry [64]. Figure 2 summarizes the theoretical framework of the research: 1. The changing environment (here: higher share of renewables in the energy sector) means an adaptation challenge [65, 66, 67, 42] for energy companies. 2. Energy companies should facilitate exploration for renewal [68, 69], for example searching for new opportunities and technologies (here: P2G). Facilitating exploration and innovation generate internal (organizational) change [60], which is needed because of path dependency and exploitative routines [51, 51, 56]. 3. Energy companies need to build inter- organizational collaborations (e.g. with start-ups or research centres) and to combine complemen- tary resources [42] (e.g. core power-to-gas technology, scientific knowledge and extended energy infrastructure) [56, 44], and they should perform innovation management practices [70] (e.g. technology development) together. 4. Combining capabilities can shape the business environment [61, 62, 63], and disruptive innovation can be achieved which highly impacts the environment [64] (e.g. efficient, implemented, grid-scale P2G technologies contribute to the higher integration of renewables because of the long-term energy storage function). In sum, inter-organizational networks contribute to the environmental adaptation of organizations, and they have the potential to generate change within the compet- itive environment. The two main elements of this framework are the stra- tegic approach (the resource-based view) and the innova- tion approach (network-based, or open innovation). The alternative model of the applied strategic approach could be Porter’s framework, according to which the strategy International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 57 Zoltán Csedő, Máté Zavarkó should be formulated based on the industry structure and the competitive positioning in the industry. In this case, the organization should focus on low-costs or differenti- ation [71]. In contrast, the resource-based view is based on the consideration that the pace of the change in the external environment is so high that sustainable compet- itive advantage can be only built on the organizational resources and capabilities [62]. In this case, the strategy should focus on developing and utilizing unique, rare, valuable and embedded capabilities [61]. The resource- based view is more appropriate in this research than Porter’s framework which is more about positioning and competing than developing and utilizing something unique. In the researched case, the core P2G technology is given, it cannot be discarded, and at the time of the research, no competitors have been identified in Hungary in the P2G segment. Moreover, scholars have demon- strated in different technology-related cases that focus- ing on the development of capabilities can facilitate adaptation and innovation [72, 73]. Regarding the innovation approach, the alternative model of the open innovation is the closed innovation, where companies perform their innovation activities strictly inside, without involving external actors. Chesbrough [44] pointed out that innovation processes could result, however, in higher innovation performance (especially in case of technology development) if they would not stop at organizational or even industry bound- aries, involving other organizations or groups such as suppliers or customers [44]. Open innovation paradigm is not only a trending practice but a viewpoint of analy- sis, as well. The authors take Vanhaverbeke’s [74] cate- gorisation as a starting point, which identifies dyad-level open innovation and inter-organizational networks as levels of analysis of open innovation. 3. Research methodology The authors performed action research between 2016– 2019 at Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft. Action research is a useful tool in management and organization research [75, 76, 77, 78] and has been used in the energy industry, as well [79, 80, 81]. Action research is a participatory and empirical process, meaning a constant iteration between social actions and the research of the actions undertaken, connecting theory and practice, and acquir- ing new knowledge to solve complex problems by gen- erating change [82, 83, 84]. The conducted action research is close to the collabo- rative inquiry concept [85], as authors of this paper have External change Innovation Strategy Internal change Changing environment Facilatiting exploration Building openness and inter-organizational collaborations Networked innovation, combining complementary resources (Disruptive) innovation with impact on the environment Adaptation challenge and strategic decisions Figure 2: Network-based innovation as internal and external change driver (theoretical framework) 58 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies been fully involved in the process as co-researchers aiming to improve their propositional knowledge ( introduced in the second chapter) through practice and experience. Following McNiff’s [84] guidelines, the authors must define that - (1: What we do?) they develop and implement the P2G technology on grid-scale in Hungary - (2: How we do this?) by analysing the role of inter-organizational networks and pro-actively engaging in inter-organizational networks in relation with P2G technology development and commercialization - (3: Why we do this?) to contribute to the sustainability and energy security efforts on the national and global level. As the research approach to this topic is managerial and involves change aspects, as well, the authors built the three years research process on the three phases model of Lüsher and Lewis applied in their similar man- agerial research topic [75]: 1. In the groundwork phase, building on findings of a literature review about innovation management challenges in the global energy sector, the authors aimed to create an overall understanding of the changing energy sector in Hungary. 15 semi- structured interviews were conducted in this first phase with local industry experts. As secondary data, corporate documents were analysed, as well. 2. In the interventions phase, three main milestones were undertaken, as follows: ◦ an innovative P2G prototype has been developed in Hungary in collaboration with Electrochaea GmbH and started intense R&D activity; ◦ new partnerships, inter-organizational networks have been built with potential stakeholders of the large-scale implementation of P2G technology; ◦ an own digital, P2G R&D platform has been developed facilitating open innovation. These activities can be considered as social actions through the lens of action research. All these actions were continuously combined ◦ with semi-structured interviews of the potential partners and stakeholders (more than 30 interviews in this second phase); ◦ with the analysis of publicly reachable and confidential documents (more than 500 pages), as the triangulation of the primary interview-data; ◦ iteration between the data and the theoretical framework. The authors followed qualitative methodology and iterated the empirical experiences in line with grounded theory fundamentals (e.g. making theoretical memos besides field notes, reaching theoretical saturation) [86, 87] to prepare the third phase. 3. In the theory-building phase, the authors synthesized the empirical findings with previous theories. To improve validity, the findings were presented to other scholars from different disciplines (engineering, biotechnology, management, legal) and industry partners (as potential collaboration partners in innovation). According to their feedback, findings and conclusions were finalized. In-line with qualitative research methodology, in order to improve - validity, the authors explored the research area deeply – that is why the research lasted three years and it was enough to reach the theoretical saturation - reliability, the authors fine-tuned the conclusions after consulting with other scholars and stakeholders - generalizability, the authors iterated the data with theory to create a substantive theory which is only valid in a given context and might be applied in similar cases. 4. Results In line with the iteration between action and research, empirics and literature, the authors are going to sum- marise the findings while highlighting the relations and contributions to the current literature. The following results show what happened (happens) on the field (in Hungary with power-to-gas) and/or how it appears in the literature, while conclusions will connect these results with the theoretical framework to create a substantive theory. 4.1. The opportunity: Importance of P2G technologies in Hungary The development of P2G technologies are in line with local industry trends and existing infrastructure. According to the new National Energy Strategy 2030, the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 59 Zoltán Csedő, Máté Zavarkó installed capacity of electricity generating units from photovoltaic sources will exceed 6 000 MW by 2030 from ~1 000 MW of 2018 [88, 89]. Considering the volatility of the dominant ratio of the photovoltaic panels in this 6 000 MW (around 85%), and the planned increase of nuclear capacities, the development of large-scale energy storage technologies is a high priority [88, 89]. Even if the storage capacity of the accumulators could reach 100 MW [90], it is an extremely small volume compared to the 6,33 billion m3 storage capacity of the Hungarian national gas grid [88, 89]. In terms of CO2 sources, the theoretical P2G potential in Hungary is around 1 GWel, based on the CO2 output of anaerobic digestion plants (CO2 in raw biogas) and bioethanol plants (CO2 as a by-product) [91]. If one takes into account that “Hungary imports 80% of its natural gas” [89, p. 16], P2G technologies might have great importance in Hungary for large scale energy stor- age, and also for reducing the dependence on natural gas import. 4.2. Barriers of scaling-up and commercializing this disruptive technology The authors found industry-specific and technology- specific barriers in Hungary which hampers the scal- ing-up and commercialization of the P2G technology. 4.2.1. Industry-specific barriers of innovation Despite the opportunity created by an innovative techno- logy for large-scale energy storage, there are several factors which limit further technology development. In line with Teece [42], innovative developers would need complementary resources (such as capital, infrastruc- ture, knowledge and experience related to the grid oper- ations) to scale-up the technology. Even though these resources could be granted by other industry partners (e.g. traditional large energy companies), which could also profit from accessing new technologies [92], there are industry- specific factors associated with systems, culture and knowledge, both inside and outside energy companies, which impede the development of any dis- ruptive technology. Table 1 shows those impeding factors which were identified by the 15 semi-structured interviews with industry experts who are/were working for power or gas companies (e.g. DSOs, TSOs) and are/were participat- ing in innovation-focused initiatives. “Industry” in this case covers only the gas and the power industry segments (and does not cover the oil companies). These two seg- ments are the most relevant from the aspect of the P2G, as these technologies can connect the power and the gas systems. The listed elements in Table 1 are common impeding factors in the power and the gas industry segments. Based on the interviews, many of these impeding factors derive from the rigid institutional background of the industry. In a market environment with such a high need for stability on short-term, large industry players are not incited to invest their resources for exploration and disruptive innovations. 4.2.2. P2G technologies-specific barriers of further development Synthesizing the literature with empirical data, not only industry-level challenges limit the development of P2G technologies, but P2G technologies-specific factors as well: a) Despite the biomethanation technologies are highly efficient (the rate of carbon dioxide conversion can be above 99% under optimal circumstances based on the data of the prototype), there are two efficiency challenges in different levels. 1) On sector-level, the problem with efficiency is the higher electricity input upstream, higher pace of RES deployment (on top of what is already needed for electricity demand growth) and possibly reaching the maximum potential in some areas. High pace of RES deployment Table 1: Impeding factors of innovation in the power and gas industry segments External factors Internal factors (in case of traditional energy companies) Systems Rigid institutional background and strict regulations Strong hierarchy and control Incentives for stability and good short-term performance Culture Low motivations for entrepreneurship Risk aversion Low willingness to collaborate Knowledge Decreased access to innovative ideas on expert level Missing knowledge about managing highly innovative projects 60 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies also increases maintenance costs of TSOs, which could be solved by deliberate sizing and location of more P2G facilities. 2) On technology-level, the efficiency of overall energy conversion could be increased. For example, the utilization of waste heat for power generation could be another source for biomethane production. The produced waste heat at 70 Co, however, is currently too low for efficient electricity production which indicates the development of new technology solutions [93]. Moreover, there are other uncovered research areas in case of new biomethanation solutions: other types of reactors, stirring or nutrition of biocatalysts could also affect the overall efficiency of energy conversion. b) Regarding scalability, also two key points should be discussed: 1) Financing: Assuring a reasonable return of investment is an important challenge because of the high costs of new technologies involved. The return of investment (mainly because of the high prices of electrolysers [94]), can be realized only over 10 years. Industrial-scale P2G facilities need low cost electricity [94], the electricity costs being the highest amount (43%) of the full production costs/kg methane. This meant 0,83 €/kg methane for electricity [94]. 2) CO2 availability: Finding ideal sites for P2G facilities might also be challenging because of large volumes of carbon dioxide are needed: For example, a 2 MW P2G facility would need ca. 105 Nm3 carbon dioxide per hour. The access for proper carbon dioxide sources (gathered, efficiently useable, without harmful contaminants for biocatalysts) might be also difficult. This amount could be sourced only at larger wastewater treatment plants, agricultural biogas plants or bioethanol plants since current costs of carbon capture and storage technologies are rather high. Further- more, a P2G facility would need a nearby connection for the natural gas grid for efficient storage and transport. If there is no connection for the natural gas grid on the site, compressing the biomethane to CNG fuel would require new investments, meaning higher operation costs, as well. [30, 26] c) P2G technology could contribute to reaching national and regional energy policy objectives and could solve significant challenges of grid balancing [31]. There are, however, significant legal and regulatory barriers. 1) Hydrogen production, storage and injection into the natural gas grid are challenged by safety and administrative requirements in some countries (e.g. Spain), but there are also incentives for production or usage in other countries (e.g. Belgium) [95]. Regarding the biomethane production, feed-in tariffs were introduced in many EU member states as incentive (e.g. France, Germany). There are several legal and regulatory details which should be answered to support P2G technologies: e.g. clarification of the aim of the technology (energy storage and/or gas production), harmonisation of quality standards, shaping a system for network tariffs for energy storage [96]. 2) The regulation of the mentioned feed-in tariffs and energy storage tariffs as revenue streams could be critical because of price disparity between the electricity and the biomethane. This could lead to very small incentives for such energy conversion. Financial sustainability also depends on the price of the sourced CO2 as well [97], regarding which a favourable trend could help the spread of the P2G technology. If “carbon tax” [95] and similar additional costs of CO2 emissions increase, large CO2 producers will be interested to find alternative solutions which increases the bargaining power of the P2G operators on the CO2 price. Based on the iteration of the perceptions, experiences of the stakeholders in the power-to-gas segment of Hungary and the power-to-gas literature, Table 2 sum- marizes the complex challenges and the required actions, which should be realized to exploit the potential of the technology. 4.3. Solution: Overcoming barriers of innovation with an inter-organizational innovation network According to Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft’s business model, the primary value propositions [98] are pro- viding innovative energy storage solutions and pro- ducing biomethane, as the environment-friendly International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 61 Zoltán Csedő, Máté Zavarkó alternative of natural gas. The key resources of value creation are knowledge capital that is achieved from R&D and prototype operations, as well as financial and technical resources for plant establishments. As Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft. is a technology start-up founded in 2016 focusing on its core business (tech- nology development and related project management), these resources could all be assured with the involve- ment of key partners. The need for key partners is not unique in the P2G industry. According to the analysis of Baleira et al [29] of more than 40 P2G projects, 3–4 partners have collab- orated on average. Considering the newer and more efficient biomethanation technology [26] the need for partners might be even higher. For example, Electrochaea, strategic partner of Power-to-Gas Hungary Kft., or MicrobEnergy, subsidiary of Viessmann Group estab- lished their biomethanation facilities with the participa- tion of seven other organizations: strategic and financial investors, professional service providers, state adminis- tration institutions, traditional energy companies, research centres [29]. To make a step forward in the research of P2G, the authors identified those motives and conditions that frame the collaboration of potential partners. a) P2G technology developer companies do not own all financial and infrastructural resources to scale up the technology but have disruptive core solutions, based on that profitable business models could be built. If complementary resources (broad industry-specific knowledge, infrastructural equipment, and related investment) are granted by strategic and financial investors, innovation and business opportunities could be realized: a. profits for P2G developer companies; b. synergies with core business for strategic investors; c. high returns for financial investors; d. high impact on local energy system manage- ment and sustainability targets. b) There are many uncovered, or not fully covered topics related to the technology for further research and development (e.g. utilization of by-products, nutrition of biocatalyst, modified reactor structures), which could increase the efficiency of the technology. These areas cannot be individually researched by a start-up with limited resources and clear strategic focus, but research centres, other start-ups or consulting companies could participate in developing further such improvements of the technology. The local energy sector is strongly regulated, the rigid institutional background and stability-focused short-term incentives do not support the utilization of disruptive innovations. That is why governments are always key stakeholders regarding the commercializa- tion of P2G technology in grid-scale. It is found that two actions could lead to favourable changes of the legal environment: a) Collaboration partners need to demonstrate the viability of local business models and future development opportunities of P2G technology with the involvement of local research and development, and local commercialization of the technology in small-scale. Table 2: P2G technology-specific challenges in Hungary and required actions Level of challenges Topics Examples of subtopics Required actions Micro-level Technology: The efficiency of overall energy conversion Reuse of waste heat Reactor structure Nutrition of biocatalyst Further R&D Meso-level Efficiency on sector-level High pace of RES-deployment Maximum potential Scenario analyses, deliberate location and sizing Scalability Financing: Investment volume Raising capital CO2 availability: Sourcing carbon dioxide Finding distribution channel Involving experts from other energy market segments Macro-level Legal and regulatory environment Clear definitions and regulations Financial incentives for renewable energy storage Financial incentives to produce green gas Change of legal environment 62 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies b) A regulatory sandbox model would be a great first step to test the viability of local business models in a real business environment. A regulatory sandbox model means a unique legal framework for disruptive technologies in which certain laws and obligations could be applied in a modified version for the test period of the technology. The concept originates from the UK where FinTech solutions needed special conditions to prove their value. In 2019, there were more than 50 operating or planned regulatory sandboxes in different sectors, such as telecommunication, data or environment protection, globally [99]. There are examples in the energy sector as well: the Energy Market Authority in Singapore has introduced a regulatory sandbox for new energy products and services to leverage new technologies [100, 101]; the Netherlands also created a local experimental environment for innovative energy services [102]. Even though the regulatory sandbox model is relatively new, the volume of available data is limited, so measuring its impacts is difficult, it is expected that open and active dialogue between regulators and innovators can result in better regulatory assessment for innovations, and can decrease uncertainty for investors [99]. Although the current Hungarian legal and regulatory environment does not contain incentives for the develop- ment and operations of innovative energy storage tech- nologies yet, the new National Energy Strategy 2030 of Hungary (introduced in January 2020) aims to develop a regulatory environment which supports the commercial- ization and utilization of the P2G technology. Furthermore, other actions are assigned which can be financially supported as well: a) Installing a pilot P2G facility which is capable to inject biomethane into the natural gas grid b) Building a 2,5 MWel P2G facility c) Developing a mandatory national purchasing system for biomethane to incite biomethane production [89]. The appearance of the P2G technology in the new national energy strategy can be considered as a signifi- cant achievement and recognition of the work of the Hungarian P2G technology-oriented inter-organizational networks. 5. Discussion: Understanding the role of inter- organizational innovation networks in the P2G technology development Taking a step back, one could see that the research and development results achieved with a special Archea strain created economic and environmental opportunity [103]. This opportunity led to a dyad-level open innovation, devel- oping a P2G prototype with a proprietary biocatalyst and demonstrating the viability of the business model. The exploitation of P2G technology innovations, however, requires more than that: an inter-organizational innovation network. Its commercialization requires significant com- plementary resources, further development of the technol- ogy on related fields, and changes in the local legal environment. Results imply that dyadic collaborations and inter-or- ganizational innovation networks can have different characteristics of open innovation. Dyadic collaboration is rather temporary to solve a clear problem or create a new solution, while inter-organizational innovation net- works could mean a long-term commitment or continu- ous collaboration for further incremental development on complex areas related to the previously created core solutions, driving the commercialization of the technol- ogy, and might also be able to have significant impact on legal and institutional environmental changes. Table 3 illustrates the characteristics of open innova- tion based on P2G technologies development and com- mercialization, the needed inputs from partners for a scaled-up and efficient P2G technologies, and potential outputs which would add value to them. The table is built on empirical data from the interviews, it does not contain every possible combination of actors or inputs/ outputs, but it highlights the clear need for collaboration. It means that this is not a prescriptive but a descriptive table, as it shows that what was needed to have an impact on the institutional environment. Table 3 shows that exploiting the technological inno- vation requires complementary resources which can be granted by several stakeholders. If one or more stake- holder is missing from the network, it can (1) increase investment costs (e.g. if there is no strategic investor who is interested to share its infrastructure expecting future synergies), (2) lead to lost opportunity (e.g. if there is no scientific research, which could increase effi- ciency), (3) make the project impossible (e.g. there is no core technology, financial resources or supporting legal and regulatory environment). http://environment.Table International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 63 Zoltán Csedő, Máté Zavarkó T ab le 3 : C ol la b or at io n s le ad in g to s ca le d -u p a n d e ff ic ie n t p ow er -t o- ga s te ch n ol og ie s in H u n ga ry D ya d ic c ol la b or at io n In te r- or ga n iz at io n al i n n ov at io n n et w or k Theoretical aspects N u m b er o f co ll ab or at or s 2 M or e th an 2 T em p or al it y T em po ra ry /S ho rt -t er m C on ti nu ou s/ L on g- te rm D ev el op m en t p ro b le m s to so lv e C le ar , fo cu se d U nc le ar , di ff us ed N u m b er o f d ev el op m en t p ro b le m s to so lv e F ew M an y G oa l of d ev el op m en t in g en er al T o cr ea te s om et hi ng n ew , di sr up ti ve s ol ut io n T o ut il iz e an d de ve lo p a di sr up ti ve s ol ut io n in cr em en ta ll y Empirical data L oc at io n O ut si de H un ga ry In si de H un ga ry C ol la b or at or s U ni ve rs it y/ R es ea rc h ce nt re B io te ch no lo gy — P 2G de ve lo pe r co m pa ny P 2G t ec hn ol og y de ve lo pe r co m pa ny S tr at eg ic i nv es to r (e .g . T S O o r D S O ) F in an ci al in ve st or U ni ve rs it y/ R es ea rc h ce nt re O th er s ta rt -u ps , M an ag em en t co ns ul ti ng co m pa ni es G ov er nm en t, S ta te ad m in is tr at io n G oa l of d ev el op m en t in t h e ca se o f P 2G te ch n ol og y d ev el op m en t 1) D is co ve ry o f th e pr op ri et ar y bi oc at al ys t 2) D ev el op m en t of a pr ot ot yp e 3) S ca li ng -u p an d co m m er ci al iz at io n of t he t ec hn ol og y In cr ea si ng t he e ff ic ie nc y of t he t ec hn ol og y A ch ie vi ng f av ou ra bl e le ga l an d in st it ut io na l en vi ro nm en ta l ch an ge s In p u t R & D k no w le dg e an d ca pa ci ti es C or e te ch no lo gy L oc al e xp er t kn ow le dg e, bu si ne ss de ve lo pm en t In no va ti ve te ch no lo gy an d pr oj ec t m an ag em en t E xt en si ve in fr as tr uc tu ra l re so ur ce s, s ec to r- sp ec if ic k no w le dg e F in an ci al re so ur ce s R & D kn ow le dg e an d ca pa ci ti es E xp er t kn ow le dg e, in no va ti ve se rv ic es , so ci al ca pi ta l S up po rt in g le ga l en vi ro nm en t O u tp u t of t h e si n gl e or ga n iz at io n P ub li sh ab le re se ar ch re su lt s, p at en t M ar ke t- ab le pa te nt In te r- na ti on al bu si ne ss In no va ti ve te ch no lo gy In no va ti on an d pr of it S yn er gi es w it h co re bu si ne ss P ro fi t (e xi t) P ub li sh ab le re se ar ch re su lt s N ew p ro je ct s an d bu si ne ss op po rt un it ie s R ea ch ed en er gy p ol ic y ob je ct iv es O u tp u t in b ro ad er s en se E co no m ic a nd e nv ir on m en ta l op po rt un it y E xp lo it ed t ec hn ol og ic al i nn ov at io n (e xp lo it ed o pp or tu ni ty ) w it h im pa ct o n th e en er gy s ec to r 64 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 The role of inter-organizational innovation networks as change drivers in commercialization of disruptive technologies 6. Conclusion and contribution This paper analysed the role of inter-organizational networks and innovation management related to P2G technology development and commercialization. Based on a three years long action research, two dyadic collabo- rations led to the development of an innovative P2G prototype, representing a significant opportunity for industry-scale local energy storage, grid-balancing and higher integration of renewables. It has been shown that industry-specific and P2G technology-specific challenges might limit the exploitation of the innovation potential of this disruptive technology. To overcome innovation barri- ers, the dyad-level open innovation seems not enough. The research results demonstrated that inter- organizational innovation networks might be essential to achieve break- through results in increasing the efficiency of P2G tech- nologies, scaling them up and prove their value for local decision-makers in small-scale. These actions are also needed to initiate legal environmental changes locally. The rigid regulatory environment and incentives for short- term performance are the most significant limiting factors of further innovation and commercialization. Figure 3 summarizes these findings. In case of these networks, a rather cyclic than linear model could be drawn. The appearance of the P2G tech- nology in the national energy strategy could be inter- preted as a new opportunity. This means that the inter-organizational innovation network had an impact External change Innovation Involvement of research centres and start-ups — Dyad-level open innovation (P2G technologies) Strategy Internal change Changing environment Higher integration of renewables P2G in grid-scale Government support (Legal environment change supporting P2G) Inter-organizational innovation networks (Increasing efficiency and scaling-up P2G) Need for transformation in th energy sector (Disruptive) innovation with impact on the environment Adaptation challenge and strategic decisions Networked innovation, combining complementary resources Facilatiting exploration and explorative learning Opportunities related to innovative P2G technologies Strict hierarchy, closed culture, missing knowledge limiting innovation inside (in large power and gas companies) Rigid institutional background limiting innovation outside (in the power and gas industry segments) Building openness and inter-organizational collaborations Figure 3: Innovation and change opportunities in the energy sector through P2G technology development and commercialization (Empirical findings aligned with the theoretical framework of the research) International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 65 Zoltán Csedő, Máté Zavarkó on the institutional environment, and the new environ- ment will mean new opportunities for the actors of the energy sector (and maybe challenges to others). These findings emphasize the importance of inter- organizational innovation networks in facilitating the development of a more favourable socio-economic envi- ronment that would incite P2G technology development and commercialization. This study shows that action research, iterating theory and practice is important to generate social change in the energy sector. For example, the micro social actions which have been undertaken (e.g. prototype develop- ment, business development, IT development, searching for partners, forming alliances) assured a solid local basis for the Hungarian P2G know-how and competen- cies, and had an impact on the institutional environment. 7. Limitations and future research Building on the theory of action research, as well as grounded theory, the conclusions can be considered as a substantive theory [86], which is valid in a given research context. Nonetheless, there are many other complementary areas which could be researched with different methodologies or in different research con- texts. The findings of this paper could serve as oppor- tunities for further research in other countries about the role of inter-organizational networks in the improve- ment and exploitation of P2G or other innovative technologies. The research was based on general management the- ories and iteration of empirical data with international sector-specific literature. The country-specific factors (e.g. current energy policies, infrastructural resources) could modify, however, the role and the structure of inter-organizational innovation networks in the develop- ment of P2G technology. The authors focused only on the innovation manage- ment side of P2G technology, but its effect on the future of the local energy sector could also be researched with quantitative methods. There are limits and future research opportunities which derive from the followed methodology. This qual- itative study gave an insight to key factors that lead to the formation of an inter-organizational P2G innovation network. A future quantitative analysis could be applied to examine the power-to-methane segment for example with the technological innovation system (TIS) model [104]. Similarly, as action research was focusing on gen- erating new research results and social change parallelly, some interesting points have not been covered, such as evaluating the performance of the network and its impact on the environment [105], identifying its critical success factors with statistical methods [106] or explor- ing how inter-organizational governance could or should work in this segment [107]. Finally, the ‘ideal’ framework of a local regulatory sandbox model could also be analysed much deeper, which would certainly require a detailed overview of the local regulatory environment. Despite these issues for further exploration, the authors believe that their findings would contribute to the commercial implementation of P2G technologies by the establishment and pro-active management of well- focused inter-organizational networks. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Hiventures Zrt./State Fund for Research and Development and Innovation for their investment that enabled this research. References [1] Bollino CA, Madlener R. Foreword to the Special Issue on “High Shares of Renewable Energy Sources and Electricity Market Reform”. Energy Journal, 2016 Special Issue, 37 (2016) pages 1–4. [2] Johannsen MR, Østergaard PA, Duic N. Editorial — International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Volume 25. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 25 (2020) pages 1–2. [3] Østergaard PA, Maestosi CP. Tools, technologies and systems integration for the Smart and Sustainable Cities to come. 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