International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 107 *Corresponding author - e-mail: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 107–120 ABSTRACT Demand Side Management Strategies (DSMSs) can play a significant role in reducing installation and operational costs, Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), and enhance renewable energy utilization in Stand-Alone Microgrids (SAMGs). Despite this, there is a paucity in literature exploring how DSMSs affects the planning of SAMGs. This paper presents a methodology to design an incentive-based DSMS and evaluate its impact on the planning phase of a SAMG. The DSMS offers two kinds of incentives, a discount in the flat tariff to increase the electrical energy consumption of the users, and an extra payment added to the fare to penalize it. The design of the methodology integrates the optimal energy dispatch of the energy sources, the tariff design, and its sizing. In this regard, the main contribution of this paper is the design of an incentive-based DSMS using a Disciplined Convex approach, and the evaluation of its potential impacts over the planning of SAMGs. The methodology also computes how the profits of the investors are modified when the economic incentives vary. A study case shows that the designed DSMS effectively reduces the size of the energy sources, the LCOE, and the payments of the customers for the purchased energy. 1. Introduction The access to affordable and high-quality electricity service is considered as one of the barriers to overcome in order to achieve sustainable economic and social development in rural areas [1]. The installation of stand- alone microgrids (SAMGs), when the extension of the utility grid is not feasible, is the most common alterna- tive for rural electrification [2]–[6]. SAMG projects are generally considered as a good solution to provide electric energy services to isolated communities [7]. However, SAMGs face technical and financial chal- lenges that need to be addressed in their planning. The technical aspects of the planning of SAMGs refer to the sizing and the design of an appropriate Energy Management Strategy (EMS). The EMS must consider the uncertainties introduced by the Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) [8, 9]. One of the ways to deal with the uncertainties is the addition of Demand Side Management Strategies (DSMSs) to the EMS. Sending a signal to the customers to increase or decrease the consumption can reduce the risk of excess and lack of energy introduced by the RERs. Additionally, DSMSs can reduce opera- tional costs, harmful environmental emissions, and increase the reliability of the microgrid [10]–[12]. Design of an Incentive-based Demand Side Management Strategy for Stand-Alone Microgrids Planning JCO Cepedaa*, Arash Khalatbarisoltanib, Loïc Boulonb, German Osma-Pintoa, Cesar Duartea and Javier Solanoa a Escuela de Ingenierías Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Calle 9 - Carrera 27, 680002, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. b Department of Electrical Engineering, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boulevard des Forges, G8Z 4M3, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada. Keywords: Stand-Alone Microgrids; Planning; Sizing; Energy Management; Demand-Side Management; URL: 108 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 Design of an Incentive-based Demand Side Management Strategy for Stand-Alone Microgrids Planning Table I: Variable declaration SAMG modeling πflat Original price of the tariff without DSMS USD/kWh t Hour of optimization Hours πf Flat price of the tariff USD/kWh T Total number of hours to optimize Hours πi,t Price of the incentive at t hour USD/kWh n Specific customer in the microgrid Unitless ψL Diesel price per liter USD/liter m Specific generator or storage system of the microgrid Unitless Гninc Payments of the n customer under the designed tariff USD M Total number of generators and storage systems of the microgrid Unitless Do,t Initial Electrical demand of the community kWh Dt Final Electrical demand of the community kWh Dno,t Initial Electrical demand of the n customer kWh Dnt Final Electrical demand of the n customer kWh ent Self-elasticity of the n customer Unitless Im Unitary initial investment of the m device USD/kW Cm Installed capacity of the m device kW, kWh Em Quantity of energy delivered with the m device kWh EB,t Stored energy in the Battery at time t kWh λm Unitary costs of generation of the m device USD/kWh ξm Unitary maintenance costs of the m device USD/kWh LPSP Loss of Power Supply Probability Unitless EPSP Excess of Power Supply Probability Unitless CAPEX Capital Expenditures USD OPEX Operational Expenditures USD Financial analysis ζ Total capital expenditures USD ϑ Total operational expenditures USD φci Percentage of the CAPEX paid by investor Unitless φcg Percentage of the CAPEX paid by government Unitless φoi Percentage of the OPEX paid by the investor Unitless φog Percentage of the OPEX paid by the government Unitless φpr Percentage of the profits to pay the incentives Unitless R Internal Rate of Return for the investors Unitless FC Electric energy conservation factor Unitless Incentive-based DSMS design πt Vector of prices of the incentive-based tariff USD/kWh πmin Minimum value of the incentive USD/kWh πmax Maximum value of the incentive USD/kWh Study case CDG Installed capacity of diesel generator kW CPV Installed capacity of photovoltaic generation kW CB Installed capacity of Battery kWh IDG Unitary investment costs of diesel generator USD/kW IPV Unitary investment costs of photovoltaic generation USD/kW IB Unitary investment costs of Battery USD/kWh ξDG Unitary maintenance costs of the diesel generator USD/kWh ξPV Unitary maintenance costs of the photovoltaic system USD/kW ξB Unitary maintenance costs of the battery USD/kW EDG,t Amount of energy delivered with the diesel generator kWh FDG,t Fuel consumption of the diesel generator kWh EPV,t Amount of energy delivered with the photovoltaic generation kWh EEE,t Amount of energy in excess kWh ELE,t Lack of energy to fulfill the demand kWh NPV Number of photovoltaic panels Unitless ρPV Derating factor of the photovoltaic system Unitless α, β, γ Parameters to compute fuel consumption Unitless PSTC Output power of one PV module under standard conditions kW GA,t Global solar radiation on the surface of the PV array W/m2 GSTC Global solar radiation at standard conditions W/m 2 CT Temperature coefficient of the PV modules %/˚C TC,t Working temperature of the PV cells ˚C TA,t Ambient temperature near to the PV cells ˚C TSTC Temperature of the PV cells at standard conditions ˚C GNOCT solar radiation at NOCT conditions W/m 2 TNOCT Working temperature of the PV cells at NOCT conditions ˚C Ta,t,NOCT Ambient temperature at NOCT conditions ˚C International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 109 Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda , Arash Khalatbarisoltani, Loïc Boulon, German Alfonso Osma-Pinto, Cesar Antonio Duarte Gualdron and Javier Enrique Solano Martinez The DSMS can affect the patterns of consumption of the customers using direct or indirect strategies [13]. One of the advantages of indirect DSMSs is the possibil- ity of the customers to choose either to participate or not in the program [14]. Indirect DSMSs include pricing programs, incentive programs, rebates, subsidies, and education programs. Incentive programs offer economic incentives to the customers either to reduce or to increase the electrical energy consumption [15, 16]. Adequately designed incentives can reflect electricity production costs, which can motivate the customers to shift their demand when it is more convenient to produce electric- ity [17]. Additionally, adequately designed incentives can lead to energy conservation, and therefore, are desired when the energy generation is limited [18]. Palma-Behnke et al. introduce a DSMS for the op- eration of a microgrid based on sending information to the customers about the availability of electric energy [19]. Lighting red, yellow, or green LEDs, they inform the customers to make a significant reduction, medium reduction or keep the current electrical consumption, respectively. The signals are communicated several hours in advance. The authors did not design any eco- nomic incentive or punishment to incentivize consumers to participate. Mazidi et al. introduce a DSMS to improve the reserve capacity of a microgrid and minimize opera- tional costs [20]. Using responsive loads and distributed generation units, they create the reserve requirement for compensating renewable forecast errors. Residential, commercial, and industrial customers can participate in the program either to reduce energy consumption or to schedule reserve capacity. Agbayani et al. propose a stochastic programming model to minimize operating costs and emissions in a smart microgrid with renewable sources [21]. The authors formulate a DSMS to reduce the uncertainties introduced by RERs using incentive- based payments. Residential, commercial, and industrial customers can participate in the DSMS. Chenye et al. use dynamic potential game theory to tackle the intermittent nature of wind power generation on a SAMG [22]. The authors formulate a decentralized DSMS to reduce operational costs. Additionally, a characterization of the self-interests of the end-users helps to build the best strategies of the formulated game model. Simulation results with field data show a reduc- tion of 38% of the operational costs compared to a benchmark where any DSMS was applied. References [19]–[22] show the benefits of using DSMSs in the operational phase of a microgrid. How- ever, they do not consider the potential effect of applying a DSMS in the planning phase of a microgrid project. The Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) framework measures the benefits of implementing DSMSs in the planning phase of microgrids [23, 24]. Zhu et al. use a similar approach to evaluate the impact of load control, interruptible loads, and shiftable loads over the design of a microgrid in Shanghai, China [25, 26]. The study shows that using DSMSs, it is possible to reduce the size of the facilities of the microgrid, decrease investments, and reduce social costs. Kahrobaee et al. consider dynamic tariffs in the sizing of Wind-turbine/Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for a house [27]. The authors combine a rule-based controller, a Monte Carlo approach, and a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to perform the sizing of the components. However, the combination of multiple steps of different types and the lack of an optimization formulation for energy manage- ment can lead to sub-optimal results. Erdinc et al. aim to improve these drawbacks by providing a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation to design the optimal energy management strategy [28]. The work considers a Real-Time Pricing tariff scheme. However, this work did not consider how to design the DSMS itself and how different DSMSs will impact the sizing of the energy sources. Nojavan et al. propose a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) formulation for the sizing of a microgrid considering a tariff-based DSMSs [29]. However, the authors assume that 20% of the load reacts to a Time of Use (ToU) tariff ignoring the effects of the self- elasticity of the demand. Majidi et al. use Monte Carlo to determine the size of a BESS in a microgrid [30]. However, similarly to [29], the authors did not con- sider how the customers react to the DSMS; they assume that 20% of the load will react to a ToU tariff. Mehra et al. propose a work to measure the economic value of applying DSMSs in the sizing of a nanogrid [31, 32]. Nevertheless, the work considers the effects of only one kind of DSMSs and over a small size grid. Kumar et al. Analyze the techno-economic viability of a rural grid connected microgrid considering a demand response strategy using Homer software [33]. The study shows the feasibility of applying the demand response strategy reducing the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). However, the study does not use an optimal energy dispatch 110 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 Design of an Incentive-based Demand Side Management Strategy for Stand-Alone Microgrids Planning strategy, neither an optimal tariff for the demand response strategy, which can lead to sub-optimal solutions. Despite that literature has shown that applying DSMSs in microgrids planning reduces the total costs of the project, the studies found by the authors present some drawbacks that can be improved. The first draw- back is that some works combine different methods to implement the EMS, DSMS, and sizing, which can lead to sub-optimal results. The second drawback is the ten- dency of the works to ignore the effect of the self- elas- ticity of the customers when the planner applies a tariff-based DSMS. A third drawback is that the authors do not focus on the design of the DSMS itself. In this regard, the present work aims to fulfill the gaps found in the literature by providing a methodology that uses one single formulation for the planning of SAMGs consider- ing the application of an incentive-based DSMS. The proposed methodology considers the self-elasticity of the customers to compute their responses to the tariffs. Additionally, the methodology designs the DSMS itself and evaluate its impact on SAMGs planning. A sum- mary of the contributions of the methodology to the state of art proceed as follows: • Design a methodology to obtain the optimal sizing, the optimal energy dispatch strategy, and the optimal economic incentives to guarantee the financial viability of a SAMG project using a Disciplined Convex formulation. • Evaluate the impact of the economic incentives for the customers over the sizing, energy management, and fuel consumption of a SAMG project. • Compare the results of the proposed method against a scenario without DSMS under a sensitive analysis that considers variations in the solar radiation, the fuel price, and the price of the storage system. The description of the rest of the article proceeds as follows: Section 2 presents the definition of the problem and the proposed solution. Section 3 presents a study case as an example of the application of the method- ology. Section 4 presents the results of the simulations. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions and future direction. 2. Problem formulation and proposed solution The considered problem is the design of an economic incentive-based DSMS and the evaluation of their potential impact over the sizing of a SAMG. In this matter, solving two problems is required: sizing and energy management. On one side, the sizing must define the capacity of each of the energy sources of the SAMG. In this process, it is highly desirable to increase reliability while minimizing investment costs, output energy costs, or fuel consumption, among others [34, 35]. On the other side, the DSMS is in charge of doing the economic dispatch for the microgrid. The DSMS includes the monetary incentives or punishments for the customers to increase or reduce the consumption, respectively. The methodology uses a Disciplined Convex formu- lation that integrates economic incentives as indirect demand response mechanisms. The methodology assumes that the planner knows historic weather vari- ables and electrical demand data over the optimization horizon. Moreover, the methodology assumes that the planner can know the price elasticity of the demand of the customers and that the customers will change their patterns of consumption to minimize their payments. The formulation uses the initial demand Do and final demand Df notations to make a difference between the demand without economic incentives and the demand with economic incentives. Figure 1 shows the inputs and outputs of the proposed methodology. 2.1. Proposed solution The proposed solution considers the possibility of having public funding for the SAMG. The following equations use φcg, φci, φog and φoi to measure the impact of the subsidies offered by the government for the Capital Expenditures and Operational Expenditures of the SAMG project according to Eqs. (1) and (2). The aim of the methodology is to minimize the Capital Expenditures (CAPEX=ζ) and the Operational 1 1 ci cg oi og ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ + = + = (1) (2) Global Horizontal Radia�on , Temperature , Electrical demand Sizing formula�on Installed capaci�es C F , , , , , , , , , , , , Dispatch of the energy sources E , Hourly incen�ves of the tariff , Figure 1: Flowchart for the methodology International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 111 Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda , Arash Khalatbarisoltani, Loïc Boulon, German Alfonso Osma-Pinto, Cesar Antonio Duarte Gualdron and Javier Enrique Solano Martinez Expenditures (OPEX=ϑ) that the government need to pay for the SAMG project. Where ζ and ϑ are shown by Eqs. (4) and (5) respectively. The proposed formulation considers the energy prices as the only revenue stream for the investors. In this regard, they must be enough to guarantee the recovery of their investments and the expected Internal Rate of Return (R Є (0, 1)). Eq. (6) guarantees that the investors recover their investment and the value of R for the worstcase scenario. Eq. (7) introduces an energy conservation factor Fc Є (0, ∞). Fc defines how the electric energy consumption will be modified after the implementation of the incentive-based tariff πt. If Fc = 1, the sum of the final demand is the same as the sum of the original demand. The designed DSMS encourages energy consumption offering a discount to the flat tariff. To discourage energy consumption, the DSMS charges an extra price to the flat tariff. To define the economic value of the incentive, the investors need to estimate how much money they can offer and how much money they can charge to the customers as an extra fare. If the incentives are paid by the investors to increase the electric energy consumption, the profit of the investors reduces. On the other side, if the incentives are paid to the investors to reduce electric energy consumption, the profit of the investors will increase. Figure 2 illustrates the two scenarios. The design of the incentives requires two different prices πf and πt. πf is a decision variable of one dimen- sion, πt is a decision variable of dimension T. The final tariff πt charges the customers with the sum of πf and πt as described by Eq. (8). In Eq. (9) Dnt represents the electric energy consumption of the customer n and time t. Eq. (9) multiply the electric energy consumption with the price of the energy πt, to obtain the payments of the n customer using the incentive-based tariff. Eq. (10) set a limit to the values that the planner offers as incentives. The planners can also define the amount of money that they want to use to pay the economic incentives. Eq. (11) defines a restriction to guarantee that the total payments of incentives do not overpass a predefined percentage (φpr) of the profits. The planners will need not only to know how much money to pay or charge, but also they will need to know how much the customers will modify their patterns of consumption in the presence of the stimulus. Different approaches are being considered by researchers to solve this problem. Considering the customers’ response to the price signal and the profit of the system operator (SO), the authors maximize customers and SO utility in [36]. The research presented in [37] formulates a methodology to estimate the optimal real-time price signal, considering how the customers will respond to it. On another side, [38] proposes to use self-elasticity and cross elasticity of each user to estimate how customers will react to an Emergency Demand Response Program and a Time of Use tariff. Here, the proposed methodology uses a con- cept from microeconomics that relates the price of the min +cg ogϕ ζ ϕ ϑ (3) 1 M m m m C Iζ = = ∑ (4) 1 1 ( ) ξ = = ϑ = λ +∑∑ T M m ,t m ,t m ,t t m E (5) 1 ( ) (1+ ) + 0 T ci t oi t tR Dϕ ζ ϕ ϑ π = − + ≥∑ (6) 1 1 0 T T t c o ,t t t D F D = = − =∑ ∑ (7) i ,tt fπ π π= + (8) 1 T n n inc t t t min t max D π π π π = Γ = ≤ ≤ ∑ (9) (10) 1 1 ( ) T T t pr t t t t D ci oiπ ϕ π ϕ ζ ϕ ϑ = =   ≤ − +    ∑ ∑ (11) Electrical demand Available genera�on Incen�ve kW t kW t Lack of energy , < Excess of energy , > , > , < Figure 2: Possible scenarios for the economic incentive of the DSMS 112 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 Design of an Incentive-based Demand Side Management Strategy for Stand-Alone Microgrids Planning goods with its consumption [39]. This concept allows predicting how customers will react to different price incentives [38, 40]. 3. Study case The study case aims to illustrate the capabilities and performance of the proposed methodology. To do so, the sizing and the design of an incentive-based DSMS oper- ate over a hypothetical SAMG located at longi tude 77'16'8'' West and latitude 5'41'36'' North (Nuqui, Colombia). The microgrid is composed of Photovoltaic panels (PV), a BESS, a Diesel Generator (DG) and a Demand Response (DR) system. Table II summarizes the unitary costs obtained from the local providers and used for the simulations. Table II describes the mainte- nance as the yearly costs of the installed capacities of the energy sources per kW or kWh. Due to the lack of a historical electrical demand of the community, we propose here to generate a typical com- munity profile using the synthetic load profile gener ator of the Homer Pro software. The standard community profile is scaled up to make it coincide with the reported average peak in Nuqui [41]. Meteonorm database of PvSyst software provides the Global Horizontal Radiation (GHI) and temperature. Figure 3 show the daily average load profile, Figure 4 shows the daily average GHI, and Figure 5 shows daily average the temperature. 3.1. Application of the proposed methodology This section aims to show how to use the proposed methodology. For all the following equations t rep- resents the hour of simulation over an optimization hori- zon of one year. 3.2. Objective function Eqs. (13), (14) and (15) are the application of Eqs. (3), (4) and (5), respectively. Eq. (14) presents the capital expenditures. CDG, CPV and CB are variables of one dimension. These values, multiplied by the unitary investment costs provide the total capital expenditures. Eq. (15) presents the operational expenditures. To sim- plify the application of the methodology, Eq. (15) only considers the operational costs of the DG. ΨL represents TABLE II: Unitary system costs for simulations. System Initial Investment Maintenance (year) Operation PV 1,300 USD/kW 0.02 USD/kW 0 USD BESS 420 USD/kWh 0.01 USD/kWh 0 USD DG 550 USD/kW 0.75 USD/kWh Eq. 27 Figure 3: Daily average electrical demand Figure 4: Daily average Global Horizontal Radiation Figure 5: Daily average temperature ( ) e ( ) π − = π − π n n t t o,tn t n o,t flat t D D D (12) International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 113 Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda , Arash Khalatbarisoltani, Loïc Boulon, German Alfonso Osma-Pinto, Cesar Antonio Duarte Gualdron and Javier Enrique Solano Martinez the diesel price per liter, and α, β and γ are the parame- ters of the diesel generator. EDG,t is a variable of dimen- sion T and represents the dispatch of the DG. 3.3. Constraints Additionally to constraints (6), (7), (10) and (11), it is needed to define the physical constraints of the load balance, generators and storage systems. Eqs. (16) to (27) introduces the energy sources models and their respective restrictions. It is important to notice that Eqs. (21) to (27) introduce EPV,t , EB,t and EDG,t to mea- sure the amount of energy produced by the energy source during the time t, where the energy produced is the integral of the output power of the source over the time t. 3.3.1. Load Balance: Where ELE,t and EEE,t are variables introduced to control the lack or the excess of energy during the optimization horizon. The desired reliability for the SAMG is guaran- teed using ELE,t and EEE,t [42]. According to [43], the loss of power supply probability (LPSP) is: Similarly, the excess of power supply probability (EPSP) is: LPSP and EPSP are introduced in the restrictions of the problem using ELE,t and EEE,t in Eqs. (19) and (20): 3.3.2. Photovoltaic system: References [44]–[46] describe the output power EPV,t of a NPV number of photovoltaic panels as: Where TC,t is the working temperature of the PV cell at hour t. Reference [47] describes TC as a function of the ambient temperature and incident solar radiation over the PV module. Where GNOCT, TNOCT and Ta,t,NOCT are the solar radiation, working temperature and ambient temperature at Nominal Operational Cell Temperature (NOCT) condi- tions [48, 49]. 3.3.3. Battery energy storage system: Eq. (23) describes the initial residual energy of the BESS [50]. The simulations assume that the battery starts discharged (30% of its nominal capacity). Additionally, the simulation assumes that the minimum level of discharge of the battery is 30%, and that the maximum level of charge is 90% of its nominal capacity. Eq. (24) describes these limits. Moreover, the simula- tions consider the maximum rate of charge and dis- charge of the battery. The simulation assumes that the maximum rate of charge and discharge in each time slot is 30% of its nominal capacity. For all the simulations the slot of time is one hour. Eq. (25) and (26) describes the limits of charge and discharge of the battery for each time slot respectively. 3.3.4. Diesel generator: The fuel consumption of a diesel generator is a function of its capacity and output power. This function uses linear or quadratic formulations [51, 52]. Reference [53] makes a quadratic fit to estimate α, β, and γ parameters as a function of the capacity of the generator using min cg ogϕ ζ ϕ ϑ+ (13) ( + ) ( + )DG DG PV PV PV B B BC I C I C Iζ ξ ξ= (14) 2( + ( + ) + )t DG ,t DG ,t DG ,tL Eϑ ψ αΕ β ξ= ∗ γ (15) 1B ,t B ,t PV ,t DG ,t LE ,t EE ,t tE E E E E E D+ = + + + + − (16) 1 1 T LE ,tt T tt E LPSP D = = = ∑ ∑ (17) 1 1 T EE ,tt T tt E EPSP D = = = ∑ ∑ (18) 1 1 0 T T LE .t t t t E LPSP D* = = ≤ ≤∑ ∑ (19) 1 1 0 T T t EE ,t t t EPSP D E = = ∗ ≤ ≤∑ ∑ (20) (1+ ( ))A,tPV ,t PV PV STC T C ,t STC STC G E N P C T T G ρ= − (21) ( )A,tC ,t A,t NOCT a ,t ,NOCT NOCT G T T T T G = + − (22) 0 1 1 0 3 0 3 0 9 0 3 0 3 B , B B B ,t B B ,t B ,t B B ,t B ,t B E . C . C E . C E E . C E E . C + + = ≤ ≤ ≥ − ≤ + (23) (24) (25) (26) 114 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 Design of an Incentive-based Demand Side Management Strategy for Stand-Alone Microgrids Planning manufacturer-provided fuel consumption data. Using the same method, we make a linear fit to diesel generators ranging from 20 kW to 200 kW, considering 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of output power. The resulting formula- tion expresses the diesel consumption as a function of the output power, as shown in Eq. (27). The maximum output power for the Diesel generator is considered to be 80% of its nominal capacity. 4. Simulations and results analysis The simulation take as inputs the values of Fc, e, φcg , φci, φog , φoi, R, GA,t, TA,t, λm,t, ξm,t, and Im. The planners can define these values or perform sensitivity analysis over each one of them to know how the results vary when one of these parameters varies. Table III shows the values used for the simulations in this work. 4.1. Financial analysis The percentage of public funding for the development of the SAMG modifies the profit of the private investors. Additionally, the implementation of the incentive-based DSMS modifies the profits of the investors compared to the base case. Figure 6 shows the profits of the private investors for the two tariffs, four different percentages of private investment (φci) and three different elasticities of the customers. Figure 6a shows the profits of the private investors using a flat tariff and Figure 6b shows the profits of the private investors using the proposed incentive-based DSMS. The negative values represent that the private investors are loosing money to run the project. Due to this, the figure only considers values of φci until 0.4. The incentive-based DSMS introduces variations in the final price of the energy. Figure 7 shows the daily prices offered to the customers. The continuous line rep- resents the daily average and the shaded area represents the standard deviation computed over the 365 days of the optimization horizon. The variation in the final price of the energy modify the total payments of the customers. It is interesting to notice in Figure 7 that the incentive- based DSMS allow to the investors to offer a negative final price for the energy to the customers. A negative final price means that the investor are paying to the cus- tomers to consume energy at certain hours of the day. Despite this, the formulation guarantee the reliability of the business model to the investors. Additionally, nega- tive payments can be easily avoided by modifying the limits of the constraint presented in Equation (10). An interesting analysis as well is how the payments of the customers change when the planner applies the incentive-based DSMS. The variations in the payments of the customers depend on different aspects. Two of the 2(0.00203 + 0.2248 + 4.2272)DG ,t DG ,t DG ,tF E E= (27) TABLE III: Values of the input parameters for the simulations Input Value Input Value Fc 1 R 15% e 0.3 GA,t Figure 4 φcg 0.9 TA,t Figure 5 φci 0.1 λm,t See Table II φog 0.9 ξm,t See Table II φoi 0.1 Im See Table II (a) Profits using flat tariff (b) Profits using a DSMS with economic incentives Figure 6: Profit of the private investors for different values of elasticity and different percentages of private investments for the CAPEX Figure 7: Final prices for the energy offered to the customers International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 115 Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda , Arash Khalatbarisoltani, Loïc Boulon, German Alfonso Osma-Pinto, Cesar Antonio Duarte Gualdron and Javier Enrique Solano Martinez aspects are the amount of private investment in the proj- ect, and the elasticity of the customers. Figure 8 shows a comparison of the customer payments for the flat and the incentive-based tariffs. Figure 8a shows the total payments of the customers when the planner applies a flat tariff. Figure 8b shows the payments of the custom- ers when the planner applies an incentive-based tariff. However, to facilitate the comprehension of the results, Figure 8b shows the percentage variation of the pay- ments that Eq. 28 computes. By using the results of Figure 8b is possible to compute the average reduction in the payments of the customers. The average reduction of the payments after the intro- duction of the DSMS is 10.8%. 4.2. Sizing and energy dispatch analysis The variation in the price shown in Figure 7 incen tivizes the customers to modify their patterns of consumption. Figure 9 shows the variations in the demand after the application of the DSMS for an elasticity of −0.3. To make a clear visualization of the results, only the daily average and the daily standard deviation are shown in the figure. The blue and red continuous lines represent the daily average. The blue and red shaded area repre- sent the standard deviation. The average and the stan- dard deviation are computed over the 8760 hours of simulation. The proposed methodology uses the tariffs of energy as a DSMS. The tariffs modify the patterns of con- sumption of the customers, which in the end, modify the installed capacities of the energy sources. However, tar- iffs have superior and inferior limits. The limits in the tariffs and the elasticity of the customers limit the response of the demand. In this regard, the BESS acquires relative importance in the energy dispatch of the SAMG. The BESS can store energy in periods where it is cheaper to generate electricity. The stored energy can supply the demand of the customers when it is more expensive to generate electric energy. This behavior allows the reduction of the installed capacity of the DG when the planner chooses to apply the DSMS. Figure 10 shows the daily average dispatch of the EMS with and without the application of the incentive-based DSMS. 4.3. Solar radiation sensitive analysis Figure 11 shows the impacts of varying the GHI on facility size and LCOE. Figure 11 reveals the correlation between the GHI and the LCOE. When the GHI increases, the LCOE decreases. This inverse relationship is valid even when the installed photovoltaic capacity remains almost constant. Besides, Figure 11 reveals that 1 1 1 N Nn n inc flatn n var N n flatn % = = = Γ − Γ = Γ ∑ ∑ ∑ (28) (a) Payments of the customers using flat tariff (base- line case) (b) Percentage change in payments of the customers using a DSMS with economic incentives Figure 8: Payments of the customers before and after of the introduction of the DSMS Figure 9: Comparison of the electrical demand before and after the application of the DSMS 116 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 Design of an Incentive-based Demand Side Management Strategy for Stand-Alone Microgrids Planning for reductions in GHI higher than 24%, the fixed sizes of all power sources decrease considerably. Despite this, the LCOE continues to increase. 4.4. Diesel’ price sensitive analysis Figure 12 shows the variations in the sizing of the energy sources when different diesel prices are consid- ered. On the one hand, the flexibility of the DSMS allows the size of the energy sources to be kept almost constant, even when the price of diesel increases 40%. This fact highlights the relevance of the DSMS to face variations in the price of diesel without having to increase the capacities of energy sources. On the other hand, the reduction in the price of diesel allows reducing the installed capacities of PV and BESS. This occurs because the sizing methodology chooses to increase the installed capacities of the DG. By increasing DG capacity, it is possible to supply more demand with diesel generation, taking advantage of low fuel prices. 4.5. BESS costs sensitive analysis Figure 13 shows the impact of the BESS price on the sizing of the energy sources of the SAMG. Figure 13 shows that the installed capacities of the BESS decrease as the purchase price increases. The LCOE maintains a direct relationship with the acquisition price of BESS. Even when the BESS installed capacity decreases, the LCOE keeps to increase. Furthermore, the sizing Figure 10: Daily average dispatch before and after the application of the DSMS Figure 11: Comparison of the variations of the size of the energy sources before and after of the application of the DSMS when percentage variation in the GHIs are considered Figure 12: Comparison of the variations of the size of the energy sources before and after of the application of the DSMS when variations in the diesel price are considered Figure 13: Comparison of the variations of the size of the energy sources before and after of the application of the DSMS when variations in the BESS price are considered International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 28 2020 117 Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda , Arash Khalatbarisoltani, Loïc Boulon, German Alfonso Osma-Pinto, Cesar Antonio Duarte Gualdron and Javier Enrique Solano Martinez methodology chooses to increase the DG’s installed capacity when the acquisition price of BESS increases. Another aspect worth mentioning is that the reduction in LCOE due to the introduction of DSMS remains almost constant. The average reduction in the LCOE when the GHI varies is 15.18%. The average reduction in the LCOE when the price of diesel varies is 15.45%. The average reduction in the LCOE when the BESS price varies is 15.07%. These results highlight the fact that the DSMS can keep the reduction in the LCOE stable despite the variations in GHI, the price of diesel per liter, and the acquisition price of BESS. 5. Conclusions The present study shows the design of a Demand Side Management Strategy using a Disciplined Convex approach for the planning of stand-alone microgrids. The application of the methodology help SAMG plan- ners to compute the sizing of the facilities consid ering different sources of energy and apply an optimal energy dispatch strategy for the microgrid. Moreover, the meth- odology allows the planners to compute the expected expenses and revenues of any SAMG project. Additionally, the methodology allows computing the required amount of subsidies from the government to make financially feasible SAMG projects. The application of sensitivity analysis in a study case shows a reduction in the total costs of the project and the Levelized Cost of the Energy. The study case shows that the profit of the investors decreases when the elasticity of the customers’ increases. In the same way, the payments of the customers reduce when the elasticity of the customers’ increases. This means that the methodology is able to redistribute the excessive profits of the private investors to the customers. However, clear policies are required for SAMG projects to guarantee that the customers benefit from the application of DSMSs in the planning of SAMGs. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Telecommunications Engineering (Escuela de Ingenierías Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Telecomunicaciones); the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Extension (Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión) from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Project 8593); and the Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación)- COLCIENCIAS (Contract No. 80740-191-2019, Funding source). The authors also wish to thank to the Emerging Leaders for the Americas Program (ELAP), offered by the government of Canada, to the Latino- American and Caribbean community. References [1] W. S. Ebhota, “Power accessibility, fossil fuel and the exploitation of small hydropower technology in sub-saharan africa,” International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, vol. 19, pp. 13–28, 2019. [Online]. Available: [2] B. 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