International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 61 *Corresponding author - e-mail: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 61–74 ABSTRACT Photovoltaic (PV) experiences significant growth and has been installed in many locations worldwide over the past decades. However, selecting the best alternative of PV system remains a problem in developing countries, often involving both stakeholders’ interests and multiple objectives. This research proposes a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) taking into account best-worst method (BWM) and VIKOR method for suitable PV alternatives. The combination provides high accuracy, faster data collection, and reliable performance compared to other methods. A case study in Tomia Island in Indonesia is used to evaluate the effectiveness of these approaches. The result shows that the best scenario is a full PV installation by combining two villages into one system. It offers the highest power and can be used not only for daily access to electricity but also to support economic activities such as tourism and aquaculture. Despite offering some economic benefits, hybrid alternatives that incorporate non-renewable energy as the main source of energy are less preferred by decision-makers due to low power generation and insignificant carbon reduction. Multi-criteria decision making for photovoltaic alternatives: a case study in hot climate country Perdana Miraj.1,3,*, Mohammed Ali Berawi2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Pancasila University, Jakarta 12640, Indonesia; 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia; 3 Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia Keywords Best-worst method; Multi-criteria decision making; Photovoltaic; Renewable energy; VIKOR method; URL: 1. Introduction The world projected an increase in energy demand of 28% by 2040 [1]. From this figure, renewable energy consumption shows a progressive increase but is still far from catching up with petroleum and similar liquids as the highest energy consumption. As non-renewable energy is predicted to deteriorate soon, countries in Asia and Africa that are heavily dependent on fossil fuel need to seek alternative resources to accommodate growing energy demand. Indonesia has abundant resources of renewable energy such as micro-hydro, geothermal, biomass, wind, and solar. The country’s location in the equatorial area allows for a high intensity of daily solar energy production. It reaches approximately 4.8 kWh per square meter in the western part of the state and 5.1 kWh per square meter in the opposite area with a monthly variance of 9% [2]. Based on this condition, solar-based power plants are potentially installed in many isolated islands scattered across the country where some people are unable to access the electricity network grid pro- vided by the government. One of the potential locations for photovoltaic (PV) installation is Tomia island in the province of Southeast Sulawesi. It is part of the Wakatobi National Park listed in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserve 62 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 Multi-criteria decision making for photovoltaic alternatives: a case study in hot climate country (WNBR) for coral and sea faunas [3] and the UNESCO World Heritage tentative list [4]. Currently, the electricity in the area is supported by independent small diesel gen- erators that have been purchased and maintained by local people. The generators can only supply electric- ity for approximately 5 hours per day, which is insuffi- cient to accommodate daily activities. Considering the significance of the area and the urgency of electricity supply, PV installation may become one solution to the power shortage problem. In the longer term, PV devel- opment is expected not only to improve social welfare but also to support the area as a world-class research center and a laboratory for sustainability and marine life. Prior to installation, a feasibility study is required, taking into account technical, financial, economic, and social considerations, to propose the best alternative to PV development. The process of decision-making should involve different stakeholders to address various issues including local regulation, technology adoption, social impact, and environmental issues [5] Collaboration between the parties aims to minimize conflicting objectives [6] and to provide an acceptable solution and a compromised framework for successful project deliv- ery. There are decision-making models that specifically adopt multi-criteria operations in different fields from engineering, mathematics, environment, and many others. Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) aims to cope with a set of problems by generating the best pos- sible alternative through structuring operations and trade-offs. This research evaluates the ideal PV model by combining two MCDM models, the best-worst method (BWM) and VIKOR technique. The objective of BWM is to produce a relative weight of the criteria, while VIKOR technique ranks the criteria for generating the best alternative. The aim of integrating these meth- ods is to improve the weighting score, reduce the set of pairwise comparisons that result in fewer questionnaires, and improve ranking accuracy [7]. This multi-criteria optimization, through a combination of BWM and VIKOR technique, proposes novelty in decision making and fills the gap in the body of knowledge that remains uncovered in previous studies. This combination can be adopted in similar context studies or across fields due to its general characteristics and straightforward imple- mentation. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 will discuss MCDM and its relationship to the selec- tion of renewable energy models, section 3 will further examine the condition of the case study in Tomia island, section 4 will show the operation of the method in this research, and section 5 will elaborate on the operation of the BWM and VIKOR technique in detail. Last, a con- clusion and a recommendation will be provided for fur- ther research development. 2. Multi-criteria decision making MCDM is a technique used to decide multiple alterna- tives by considering qualitative and/or quantitative crite- ria. Some researchers have categorized MCDM into two Abbreviations AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process ANP Analytic Network Process BWM Best-Worst Method DEMATEL Decision Making Evaluation And Laboratory ELECTRE ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité Grey Rational Analysis (GRA) MADM Multi-attribute Decision Making MCDM Multi-criteria Decision Making MODM Multi-objective Decision Making PROMETHEE Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment of Evaluations PV Photovoltaic SAW Simple Additive Weighting Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) TOPSIS Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution VIKOR Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija i kompromisno Resenje WPM Weighted Product Model International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 63 Perdana Miraj, Mohammed Ali Berawi types, including Multi-Objective Decision Making (MODM) or Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM). The definition of alternatives distinguished the two approaches [8]. Nowadays, many academics and researchers are trying to combine both MCDM categories in order to find the optimum method for a specific case study context. This research adopts a categorization that has been published in previous literature [9,10]. The details of this MCDM are shown in Table 1. MADM processes predetermined alternatives by comparing each alternative attribute. Literature shows the classification of MADM methods which considers pairwise comparison, scoring, and outranking [11,12]. MADM is highly dependent on the judgment of experts or decision-makers in presenting their prefer- ences against criteria and gain a fair perspective plays a significant role in achieving the minimum reliability score for further processing [13]. MODM suggests that a set of unbiased functions must be optimized prior to the identification of alternatives [8]. Methods in MODM use extensive mathematical modeling for optimization and involve a wide range of alternatives. MODM offers the best continuous alternative, close to decision-maker aspiration [14]. Some academics have attempted to combine MADM and MODM methods to generate a comprehensive decision-mak- ing result [15]. The MADM approaches discussed in this paper have been successfully adopted in various sectors and research fields, including the energy sector, as one of the most suitable methods for problem-solving. Saaty [16] firstly introduced the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which proposes a hierarchical structure and a pairwise comparison to evaluate the project and the complex decision making, taking into account multiple criteria. Mastrocinque et al. [21] has adopted AHP to develop a sustainable supply chain in the renewable energy sector, particularly related to PV installations. Many publications also use this method in various fields, including technology selection in renewable energy [22], renewable energy alternatives [24], and energy policy [23]. Recently, AHP combined with Geographical information systems (GIS) was used to determine off- shore wind farms’ location in Turkey [25]. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) was further developed by Saaty [37] to cope with the mutual dependence of attributes. Similar to AHP, this method works well when combined with other MCDM approaches such as Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Model (DEMATEL), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions (TOPSIS), and VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR). For instance, both ANP and DEMATEL combined to select renewable energy resources in Turkey from the investor perspec- tive [17]. While fuzzy ANP and fuzzy VIKOR adopted to select the optimal location of the PV system in China [38]. Nowadays, the BWM becomes the latest MCDM approach, capable in minimizing the inconsistency of previous techniques and reducing the number of pair- Table 1: Adoption of MCDM in energy research project Type of MCDM Category Method References Multi-Attribute Decision Making Pairwise comparison-based method AHP, ANP, DEMATEL, BWM [17–25] Outranking-based method PROMETHEE, ELECTRE [26–30] Scoring-based method TOPSIS, VIKOR, SAW, WPM [31,32] Multi-Objective Decision Making e-constraint, goal programming, weighting method [33,34] Combination of MADM and MODM Goal programming-TOPSIS [15] AHP-Goal programming [35] VIKOR-Linear Programming [36] 64 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 Multi-criteria decision making for photovoltaic alternatives: a case study in hot climate country wise comparisons [7]. By performing this method, par- ticipants will complete the survey in a shorter time. This method also allows for easier data processing to gener- ate a weighting score for research team members. Previous research conducted by Kheybari et al. [19] has attempted to locate the best site for bioethanol produc- tion facilities in Iran using this technique. The outranking model in MADM may include elimi- nation and choice expressing reality (ELECTRE), and preference ranking organization method for enrichment of evaluations (PROMETHEE). Both methods propose a broad perception for decision-makers by processing cases involving multiple alternatives but limited criteria. These concepts have been widely used to evaluate options in the energy sector. Wu et al. [27] has adopted PROMETHEE to determine the optimal selection of the parabolic trough concentrating solar power (PT-CSPP) in China. The author suggested a sensitivity analysis and a comparative analysis ensure the feasibility of the pro- posed framework. On the other hand, ELECTRE was used in the selection of site for renewable energy sources in Turkey considering geographical conditions and energy production [29], the selection of offshore wind power stations [26], investment analysis for energy resources [28], and policy assessment of renewable energy [30]. In the scoring-based method of MCDM, VIKOR and TOPSIS are two approaches extensively used in the energy sector as alternatives for decision making. These methods adopt aggregating functions but use different ranking and normalization techniques to delete units of criteria [39]. VIKOR adopts linear scaling, and the nor- malized values do not correlate with the evaluation unit of criteria, while TOPSIS utilizes vector scaling and the normalized values may differ from the assessment unit on the investigated criterion [40]. Some scholars used the VIKOR method for hydro energy storage plants [40]. Some scholars have used the VIKOR method for hydro energy storage plants [41], or the selection of renewable energy sources. Academics have used the TOPSIS method to rank renewable energy supply systems [31] and to prioritize low-carbon energy sources[42]. Some researchers have even proposed a combination of TOPSIS and VIKOR or Taguchi [32,43]. Despite extensive methods of MCDM applied in the energy sector, some limited scholars combine BWM and VIKOR method to evaluate the best alternative for PV installations. In this paper, the author will show how to assign the weighting of the criteria using BWM and perform scoring with VIKOR method in order to gain the ranking of alternatives for the PV installation in the case study. Many other disciplines can adopt this combi- nation to provide an alternative solution during the ini- tial and planning stages. 3. The case study Tomia is located in the center of Wakatobi National Park, part of the Wakatobi Regency. It is located approx- imately 100 km southeast of the Sulawesi mainland (see Table 2). Wakatobi area is one of the centers of marine biodiversity in the world, comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and stretching until the Solomon Islands. More than 70% of the world’s coral species, six spe- cies of marine turtle, and over 2,000 species of reef fish are found in this area. This location is one of the ideal places for renewable energy installations, not only to improve people’s well-being by increasing access to electricity, but also to lower the risks of transporting and storing liquid fuel that could harm the environment. According to the SolarGIS database, the location shows a high level of solar irradiation reaching 2,016 kWh/m² of annual global in-plane irradiation. The PV installation focuses on five villages in Tomiaisland (see Figure 1). Four villages consist of Kahianga, Wawotimu, Kulati, and Dete are in Tomia Timur district, while the village of Lamanggau is in Tomia Induk district. A primary daylight survey showed that most of the villages have minimum access to electric- ity ranging from four to twelve hours per day and are supplied by either self-owned diesel generators, a com- munal diesel generator, or private resort nearby the vil- lage. Self-owned diesel generators and a communal diesel are in decent condition, but lack maintenance due to lim- ited equipment and technical knowledge. People are required to pay a subscription fee for accessing electricity Table 2: A general description of the case study Regency Wakatobi Province Southeast Sulawesi Size 47.10 km² Population ± 15.789 inhabitants Social condition Low-income households Main activities Fishing Topography Low-slope and some hills Average rainfall 0,4–288,2 mm International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 65 Perdana Miraj, Mohammed Ali Berawi at US$4.5 per cycle. Some of the cycles are thirteen days, while others may be up to one month per cycle. Based on the primary survey by the research team members, three villages (Wawotimu, Kulati, and Lamanggau) out of five villages, have a sufficient elec- tricity supply for each house. In contrast, less than 97% can only access electricity in the other two villages due to limited generator capacity. The average daily energy consumption for each village is estimated at 87.6 kWh for Kahianga (available for 6 hours), 65.92 kWh for Wawotimu (available for 4 hours), 49 kWh for Kulati (available for 4 hours), 52.36 kWh for Dete (available for 4 hours), and 350 kWh for Lamanggau (available for 12 hours). However, the primary survey found complex troubleshooting with the existing transmission network in Kahianga that could disrupt future PV installation and interconnection. Therefore, an alternative installation by taking into account the integration of the distribution network between Kahianga and Wawotimu as a nearby village considered as one of the PV scenarios. 4. Research methodology This research follows three-stage approaches, taking into account the BWM and VIKOR approach to achieve the research objectives. First, alternative PV installation is generated before identifying the criteria for evalua- tion. The research carried out a decision matrix to pro- vide a weighting score for each criterion based on expert judgment. VIKOR technique will then test the criteria and rank the best alternative PV installation in the case study. The research framework is illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 1: location of the case study Source: Stacey [44] Alternative PV installation Criteria evaluation using BW Method Weighting score of each criterion Performed VIKOR Method Rank PV alternatives Figure 2: research framework 66 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 Multi-criteria decision making for photovoltaic alternatives: a case study in hot climate country 4.1. Best-worst method This method aims to reduce some issues from the previ- ous pair-wise comparison method including AHP, ANP, and other approaches related to inconsistency, data com- parison, and timely completion. Researchers and aca- demics have adopted this method in various contexts and sectors, such as energy efficiency building [45], airport evaluation [46], port performance [47], and residential grid storage technology [48]. Based on Rezaei [7] formulation, the BWMis per- formed by carrying out the following steps. Step 1. Establish a set of criteria for evaluation as (C1, C2, C3 ... Cn) Step 2. Determine the best and worst criteria by taking into account expert judgments without conduct- ing a comparison. Step 3. Best-to-Others vector which is generated based on a number from one to nine determining which one is the best criterion among any other criteria. where aBj denotes the preference of the best criterion B over criterion j and aBB = 1. Step 4. Others-to-Worst vector is regulated based on similar treatment on Step 3 using a number from one to nine to produce the other criteria over the worst criteria: where ajW denotes the preference of the criterion j over the worst criterion W and clearly that aWW = 1. Step 5. Optimal weights will be obtained (w1 *,w2 *,…, wn *) by calculating the following optimization problem. It aims to find the weights such that the maximum devi- ation for all j is minimized. The min-max model from the previous equation pro- ceeds into the following formula: Using the model (4), the optimal weights ((w1 *,w2 *,…, wn *) and optimal objective function value from minξL* are generated. Based on Rezaei [49], the value of minξL* can be used to show the consistency level of pairwise comparisons, if it is far from zero, then it denotes a low level of consistency. 4.2. VIKOR technique VIKOR was developed in 1998 to optimize complex decision-making by taking into account a multi-criteria analysis [50]. This technique evaluates alternatives according to the available criteria and also provides a compromise ranking based on the measure of “ closeness” to the “ideal” solution. The research expands the compromise ranking of multi-criteria measurement using aggregate funct- ions [39]: Where L1j (as Sj in Eq. (6)) and L∞j (as Rj in Eq. (7)) are used to formulate ranking measures. VIKOR technique uses the following steps [50,51]. Step 1. Determine the best fi * and the worst fi – values of all criterion functions, i = 1,2, ..., n. If, the ith function rep- resents a benefit then * and i ij i ijj jf max f f min f −= = . On the other hand, when ith function represents cost then * and i ij i ijj jf min f f max f −= = . This study selects attributes of benefits and cost based on stakeholders’ input. Benefit attri- butes consist of Power, Economic rate of return, and CO2 Reduction, with the higher value is more desirable. On the other hand, Cost of Energy and Operation and maintenance as cost attributes expected to have lower values. Step 2. Compute the values Sj and Rj, j = 1,2,...,J by the relations Where wi denotes the weight of each criterion and fij is the score of alternative i based on criterion j. Step 3. When the value Sj and Rj have been obtained, the values Qj, j=1,2,3,...,J will be evaluated based on the following formula: (1)( )B B1 B2 B3 BnA = a , a , a ,…, a (2)( TW 1W 2W 3W nWA = a , a , a ,…, a ) (3) { } j , s.t. 1 w 0; for all j B Bj j j jW Wj j j min max w a w w a W w ≥ − − =∑ (4) L j j j minî , for all , for all w =1 w 0; for all L B Bj j L j jW W w a w j w a W j j ξ ξ ≥ − ≤ − ≤ ∑ (5) ( ) ( ) 1 * * 1 / 1 , 1, 2, , n pp pj i i ij i i i L w f f f f p j J − =    = − −    ≤ ≤ ∞ = … ∑ (6) ( ) ( ) * * 1 n i ij j i i i i f f S w f f −= − = − ∑ (7) ( ) ( ) * * i ij j ii i i f f R max w f f −  −  = −   (8) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) * * * * 1j jj S S R R Q v v S S R R− − − − = + − − − International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 67 Perdana Miraj, Mohammed Ali Berawi Where, * *, , ,j j j jj j j jS min S S max S R min R R max R − −= = = = and v is proposed as the majority of criteria. The value of is ranging from 0 to 1, but 0.5 is taken in this study. Step 4. Alternatives will be ranked based on the values of S, R, and Q which are structured in decreasing order. The best rank (alternative A(1)) is selected based on the measure of Q when two conditions are met: a. Acceptable advantage. Q (A(2)) - (A(1)) ≥ DQ, where alternative A(2) is placed second by Q; DQ = 1/ (J – 1); J is the available alternatives in the project. b. Acceptable stability. Alternative A(1) placed first by S or/and R. This strategy provides a stable outcome when voting occurred by majority rule (when v > 0.5 is needed), or by consensus (v ≈ 0.5), or by veto (v < 0.5). When the process fails to fulfill satisfying conditions, a set of compromise solution will be proposed as follows. c. Alternative A(1) and A(2) when condition number (b) is failed, or d. Alternative A(1), A(2),..., A(M) when condition number (a) is failed. A(M) is measured through the relation Q (A(M)) – Q(A(1)) < DQ for maximum M. 5. Result and discussion In this section, each alternative scenario is evaluated based on BWM and VIKOR methods to determine the optimum alternative for installation. Subsequently, sen- sitivity analysis will be used to evaluate certain parame- ters that could contribute to the research output. Research findings will then be compared with previous literature studies and suggested recommendations for future research direction. 5.1. Alternative scenario for PV installation The PV scenario in this research was developed by con- sidering the electricity demand of the current households and the future energy usage of approximately 400 kW for all villages. This research generates four alternative scenarios including full PV installation on every five villages, hybrid installation, full PV installation with two integrated villages, and hybrid installation with two integrated villages. In the first scenario, the research will install PV system in each village. This scenario proposes low emission because of unused diesel fuel, offers clean energy usage, and suggests the lowest operation and maintenance cost compared to other scenarios. However, this scenario requires a large area, leading to higher initial costs and cost of energy. In the second scenario, the PV system will only be installed in Kulati and Dete villages, while the rest of the villages will combine both PV and diesel generators. This scenario offers the lowest cost of energy but compromises the operation and maintenance by more than 100% of the previous one due to the enormous consumption of diesel generators. However, this alternative provides the lowest reduction in CO2 among other scenarios. The third scenario suggests that PV is only installed in four villages (Kahianga, Dete, Kulati, and Lamanggau). Unlike the first scenario, Wawotimu electricity will be supported by PV in Kahianga due to their proximity, to reduce investment costs. This scenario offers the highest power and potentially be used beyond daily activities including but not limited to tourism and aquaculture. Last, the fourth scenario suggests PV in Kulati and Dete villages while electricity from the remaining villages supplied by the hybrid system. This system generates adequate power for daily activities with minimum cost of energy and offers a high economic rate of return. However, this alternative consumes the highest opera- tion and maintenance costs. The details of the PV alter- natives and the attributes are shown in Table 3. 5.2. Criteria weighting based on best-worst method This research proposes five criteria to evaluate the best alternative for PV installations in the case study. These criteria (See Table 2) were generated on the basis of a similar case study conducted by [40] and adopts Indonesian experts’ judgment. It comprises power (P), cost of energy (CoE), operation and maintenance cost (O&M), eco- nomic rate of return (ERR), and CO2 reduction (CR). The study developed a questionnaire survey in a struc- tured manner by taking into account pairwise comparison and deploy through an online survey system. Nine responses returned to weight the score for each of the available criteria. Respondents have a variety of occupa- tions, such as academics, private contractors, government institutions, and professionals. They have been involved in energy projects in Indonesia for 2 to 16 years. Each respondent pointed out their preference for the best criterion to other criteria and other criteria over the worst criterion. Each participant has chosen a different preference as the best and the worst criteria. Most of them argued that the cost of energy and CO2 reduction are the best criteria that should be considered when 68 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 Multi-criteria decision making for photovoltaic alternatives: a case study in hot climate country selecting an alternative. This result shows a different perspective between the participants. Those involved in investment and project planning will select “cost of energy” due to their ability to change the course of the project. On the contrary, those who work closely with the environmental sector and regulation have preferred “CO2 reduction” as the best criteria. Clearly, these participants expected the energy project to reduce a sig- nificant amount of greenhouse gas emissions rather than address the investment issue. Institutions of the Indonesian government, such as the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and other related ministries, also prefer to support a project with environmental issues and global emissions as the main concern. Table 4 shows the preference for best-to-other criteria. Most of the respondents suggested that operation and maintenance as the worst criteria in the energy project, followed by CO2 reduction. Renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, biomass, bio-fuel, wave, and tidal have been expected to have low opera- tion and maintenance costs. For instance, the PV system, as part of renewable energy, only required 2% of the initial budget for incidental expenditure [52]. Sen and Bhattacharyya [53] suggested PV maintenance cost of approximately US$10/year. Other types of renewable energy projects have similar costs for operation and maintenance. The findings suggest that the respondent preference from other criteria over the worst one is shown in Table 5. Based on previous evaluation of best-to-others (see Table 4) and others-to-worst (see Table 5), each criterion was processed by taking into account equation (4) to generate the value of ξ L* for each respondent. However, limited literature found to be related to acceptable value in the BWM, therefore this research uses the value often adopted in the comparison matrix realm. As suggested by Rezaei et al. [54], the consistency ratio adopts the value of pairwise comparison matrix from 0.1. Based on this output shown in Table 6, the value of from three respondents (R1, R2, and R3) was used for further analysis out of nine respondents. These findings confirmed the work of Mi et al. [55], which components argued to be low credibility when found above 0.1, thus excluded from the decision-making process. Table 3: PV alternatives and attributes for installation in Tomia Island Code Alternatives P CoE O&M ERR CR kW US$/kWh US$/year % Ton CO2 /year A1 Full PV installation 710 0.83 14,520 20.69 491.405 A2 Hybrid Installation (PV+diesel generators) 642 0.67 92,904 31.04 178.175 A3 Full PV Installation (two integrated villages) 740 0.82 19,227 22.7 491.405 A4 Hybrid Installation (PV+diesel generators with two integrated villages) 488 0.68 113,094 33.31 287.738 Table 4: Respondent preference from best criterion to other criterion Respondent Best Criterion C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 R1 Power 1 2 3 5 3 R2 Cost of Energy 2 1 5 3 4 R3 Cost of energy 3 1 5 2 4 R4 Cost of energy 1 5 3 4 2 R5 Economic rate of return 1 4 3 5 2 R6 CO2 reduction 4 2 1 3 5 R7 Economic rate of return 4 3 2 1 5 R8 CO2 reduction 3 1 2 4 5 R9 CO2 reduction 4 3 2 1 5 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 69 Perdana Miraj, Mohammed Ali Berawi Although inconsistency may appear in the initial judgment matrix provided by decision-makers when using comparative methods, this research will not per- form another round of evaluation to re-assign the weighting and ranking scenario due to time constraints and decision-makers’ availability. As a result, the weight- ing value for power, cost of energy, operation and main- tenance, economic rate of return, and CO2 reduction (see Table 5) were generated based on the mean score of three respondents which denotes by 0.2707, 0.3509, 0.0943, 0.1507, and 0.1334, respectively. 5.3. Alternative ranking based on VIKOR method Ranking of PV for the case study consider alternatives (See Table 7), benefits and cost attributes, and weighting score (See Table 5). The analysis firstly adopted a nor- malized decision matrix before producing utility mea- sure (Sj), regret measure (Rj), and rank measure (Qi). A balanced weighting value expressed in v = 0.5 was used to calculate the ranking of available scenarios. The result (See Table 7) shows three rankings of S, R, and Q. The best alternative should meet “acceptable advantage” and “acceptable stability in decision making” conditions. An “acceptable advantage” takes into account the second-lowest score of Q minus the lowest one, and the result should be greater than DQ = 1/(4-1) = 0.33. Although A3 ranked first by S and R, the first condition is not met as 0.191 is less than 0.33 of DQ. Therefore, a compromise solution is proposed where Q (A2) – Q(A3) < DQ. This sequence suggests A3 or full PV installation (two integrated villages) as the best solution for PV installation in the case study. Table 5: Respondent preference from other criterion to worst criterion Respondent Worst Criterion C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 R1 CO2 reduction 5 5 2 1 3 R2 Operation and maintenance 4 5 1 2 3 R3 Operation and maintenance 4 5 1 2 3 R4 Operation and maintenance 4 5 1 3 2 R5 Power 1 4 2 3 5 R6 Operation and maintenance 4 2 1 3 5 R7 CO2 reduction 3 1 5 4 2 R8 Cost of energy 1 2 3 4 5 R9 Economic rate of return 3 4 2 1 5 Table 6: Criteria weights from participant responses Respondent C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 R1* 0.4000 0.2276 0.1517 0.0690 0.1517 0.0551 R2* 0.2426 0.4081 0.0661 0.1618 0.1213 0.0772 R3* 0.1693 0.4169 0.0652 0.2215 0.1270 0.0912 R4 0.3848 0.1163 0.0626 0.1454 0.2908 0.1969 R5 0.1630 0.1630 0.2174 0.1304 0.3260 0.4891 R6 0.1685 0.3371 0.1348 0.2247 0.1348 0.5393 R7 0.1362 0.0839 0.2725 0.3983 0.1090 0.1468 R8 0.0693 0.3663 0.2970 0.1485 0.1188 0.2277 R9 0.1685 0.2247 0.3371 0.1348 0.1348 0.5393 Mean weights 0.2707 0.3509 0.0943 0.1507 0.1334 Notes: Value of criterion from * is used to generate mean weights 70 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 Multi-criteria decision making for photovoltaic alternatives: a case study in hot climate country 5.4. Sensitivity analysis In each decision-making process, decision-makers may have different opinions and lead to different orders of alternative priority. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the findings by taking into account the sensitivity analysis to present the validity of the results. In the VIKOR method, parameter v can be used to provide research validity. Normally, a 0.5 value is used to produce a significant result, but it can range from 0 to 1. This value may gener- ate different results depending on the parameters of each research and the data used in the research evaluation. Based on the v value assessment (see Table 8), the result showed that the ranking remains the same from v value between 0.4-1.0. In the range of 0 and 0.3, this research found that there were slight changes between the second and third spots, while the best and the worst alternatives have not been altered. These findings show that A2 will be superior than A1 when decision-makers vote by veto, but not with consensus or majority rule scenario. From this analysis, A3 becomes the most potential alternative, followed by A1, A2, and A4 respectively. Despite the high economic returns that could be achieved from hybrid installation, the findings have shown that the installation of PV without taking into account non-re- newable energy is still the best alternative for develop- ment. Sensitivity analysis supported this argument, where A3 and A1 (through consensus or majority rule scenario) became the top priority for implementation. 5.5. Comparison with other methods This research combines BWM and VIKOR methods to select the best alternative for PV installations in devel- oping countries located in equatorial area. Despite the alternative proposed by this combination, comparisons with other outranking methods, such as TOPSIS, PROMETHEE II, and ELECTRE III, are required to indicate the validity and reliability of the research find- ings. The comparison of each method is summarized in Table 9. Based on a comparison of the other three outranking methods, the result showed that alternative A3 is the closest to the ideal solution, produces the maximum flow, and generates the highest net superior, which is similar to the findings of the VIKOR method. TOPSIS method indicates the same sequence as the VIKOR method. While Promethee II and Electre III offer Table 7: Ranking by VIKOR method A1 A2 A3 A4 Sj 0.278 0.340 0.220 0.488 Rank by S 2 3 1 4 Rj 0.151 0.133 0.127 0.271 Rank by R 3 2 1 4 Qi 0.191 0.249 0.000 1.000 Rank by Q 2 3 1 4 Table 8: Sensitivity analysis v 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 A1 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.22 A2 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.41 0.45 A3 – – – – – – – – – – – A4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Table 9: Result comparison with other methods A1 A2 A3 A4 Ranking VIKOR Qi A3>A1>A2>A4 0.191 0.249 0.000 1.000 TOPSIS Pi A3>A1>A2>A4 0.884 0.528 0.986 0.020 Promethee II Φ A3>A2>A1>A4 0.015 0.051 0.071 –0.137 Electre III Ci A3>A1>A4>A2 0.855 –1.478 1.184 –0.561 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 30 2021 71 Perdana Miraj, Mohammed Ali Berawi different rankings. The first swaps alternative in between the best and the worst alternatives, while the latter changes the third and the last alternative. The difference between the two methods is that Promethee II involves maximum group utility, but excludes individual regret. While Electre III considers individual regret but does not take into account group utility. Therefore, it is understandable that these methods provide a slightly different recommendation of alterna- tives compared to VIKOR and TOPSIS. Based on these findings, the result of VIKOR method is valid and feasible for the decision making process. The results of this research also confirmed previous lit- erature suggesting the benefit of VIKOR method and its ability to calculate close to ideal solution, taking into account thebalance between maximum group utility and minimum individual regret [38,40,51]. 6. Conclusion Decision-making in an energy project, particularly a renewable one, requires complex decision-making due to different interests of stakeholders, social-economic impact on the community, and environmental issues. Several researchers attempt to adopt MCDM in the energy sector in order to have accurate options for deci- sion-makers. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is limited research that takes into account the BWM and VIKOR methods for the selection of PV proj- ects in developing countries. As a result, this research output is expected to fill the gap of knowledge both in the energy sector and decision-making model. The BWM combined with the VIKOR method, argued as one solution to integrate quantitative data between alternatives and expert judgment concurrently. This method also significantly reduces the exhaustive ques- tionnaires and complex computational models. However, some limitations of this research should be addressed for future work. First, this research only involved Indonesian experts to gain a similar understanding and knowledge about the case study. This study suggests involving inter- national participants to produce alternative perspectives and more insight into the broader research context. Second, national experts are still not familiar with this questionnaire, which affects low reliability of the returned questionnaire. An in-depth interview or focus group discussion was suggested as one of the data col- lections to increase the context of the study and offer adequate time for socialization. As this research focuses on technical, economic, and environmental aspects as the main consideration to determine PV selection, future research development encourages to involve other aspects, such as social, political, and policy and regulatory issues. Subsequently, there are other methods in both multi-attribute and multi-objective decision making such as grey rational analysis (GRA), DEMATEL, ANP, stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA), and entropy-based approach. Fuzzy programming can also be used when decision-making is under some uncertainty, and the sub- jectivity of decision-makers should be articulated into a quantitative manner to generate objective output. This research encourages integrating those methods into a similar context of study that includes additional aspects for considerations, generates comparisons, and proposes a comprehensive decision-making model. References [1] Energy Information Administration. EIA projects 28% increase in world energy use by 2040 2017. todayinenergy/detail.php?id=32912#:~:text=The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s,28%25 between 2015 and 2040.&text=Renewables are expected to be,year between 2015 and 2040. [2] Winanti N, Purwadi A. 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